#eh I'll still do it. have a good day everyone and apologies to everyone who sees this
srovtl · 2 months
(Catching Falling Stars) Heathcliff SR Card Story Translation
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The most popular person in any era is - Episode 1
Heathcliff: Haah…
Figaro: Hi, Heathcliff.
Heathcliff: Oh, Doctor Figaro.
Figaro: You sure were very popular with the ladies. Are you okay?
Heathcliff: Yes, somehow… My apologies for worrying you.
Figaro: No need to apologize. The ladies in the Central are very sociable, so it would be a bit disruptive to someone from the East.
Heathcliff: Haha... I can't give witty replies like the guys from the Center and the West, So I don't think I'm a fun conversation partner.
Figaro: I wonder. They might think your cute, East-like attitude is rather heartwarming.
Figaro: Now that the party has calmed down, why don't you use magic to make yourself invisible and hide for a while?
Heathcliff: Um, I'd love to do just that but...
Figaro: Ah, I see. I guess that's not an easy thing to do when surrounded by the passionate gazes of so many ladies.
Figaro: Alright then. Let me help you a little.
Heathcliff: Eh……?
Figaro: Hello, ladies.
Lady of the Central: Oh my... look here. He looks quite the smart gentleman.
Madam of the Central: Good day. And, you are...
Figaro: Oh, my apologies. I'm Figaro, a Southern Wizard.
Figaro: You've been looking at here for a while, haven't you?
Figaro: I came here because I thought you beautiful ladies might need something from us. Sorry, was that rude?
Lady of the Central: Oh, hehe, beautiful ladies, he said.
Madam of the Central: Oh my, rude? Nonsense. Please sit down and chat with us for a bit.
Figaro: Is that okay? I'd be honored.
Heathcliff: (Doctor Figaro is giving me a wink…)
The most popular person in any era is - Episode 2
Heathcliff: (Doctor Figaro... oh he's taking the attention of the Ladies away)
Heathcliff: Thank you.
Heathcliff: 《Repsev Aivulp Sunos》
Figaro: —Yes, haha... Oh, by the way, where can I get some snacks and wine?
Figaro: I'm from the countryside you see, so I'm not really familiar with these kinds of parties.
Madam of the Central: Oh! In that case, we'll show you around. Let us go, everyone.
Heathcliff: (Thank goodness. they've gone the other way...)
Heathcliff: Huh? That handkerchief over there...
Heathcliff: .............!
Heathcliff: —I'm sorry, Doctor Figaro. I've wasted your kind consideration...
Figaro: Haha, don't worry about it.
Figaro: Even so, you went out of your way to break the spell just to return the handkerchief the lady had dropped. I understand why you're so popular.
Figaro: In any era, kind people are the most popular.
Heathcliff: No, not at all...
Lady of the Central: Lord Heathcliff! Thank you for earlier.
Lady of the Central: I can't believe you picked up the handkerchief with your own hands...
Other ladies: It was her favorite handkerchief. I'm so glad Lord Heathcliff noticed.
Other ladies: Yes, indeed...
Figaro: Oh my.
Heathcliff: Well... it wasn't much, but...
Heathcliff: I'm glad I was of any help.
A convincing kindness - Card Episode
Heathcliff: Sage. You dropped your handkerchief.
Akira: Oh! I'm sorry, thank you.
Akira: ...Come to think of it, something similar happened at the party the other day right?.
Akira: Figaro told me that Heath purposely removed the spell that made him disappear for the lady who dropped her handkerchief.
Heathcliff: Ah...Yes. I couldn't think of a way to return it naturally while still disappearing.
Heathcliff: I do feel sorry for Doctor Figaro for wasting his kindness but ...
Akira: It's probably fine. It was Figaro who told me this story after all...
Akira: He said that Heath was a kind and good kid.
Akira: Also, my handkerchief was actually something that Chloe had embroidered on it, so it was very important to me. I would have been very upset if I had lost it.
Akira: I'm really grateful that you picked it up!
Heathcliff: So it was something important to the Sage and Chloe... then I'm glad I picked it up.
Heathcliff: If you two were sad, I'll be sad too.
Akira: (...I'm pretty sure Figaro said that Heath became even more popular after the handkerchief incident.)
Akira: (Looking at it like that, it makes a lot of sense. Kind people really are popular…)
Homescreen Voice Line
The venue, the formality, what to wear, the people to invite, etc. are often decided upon for a wedding, but the more you think about it, the better memories you'll have. Thinking together to make each other, and of course the people who come, happy... I think that's a wonderful time.
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thotsforvillainrights · 3 months
Can you do Muscular’s s/o catches him watching “dirty” videos and thinks she’s not enough for him?
(Anon has the perfect recipe and I'm standing in the kitchen ready to cook👀)
~Goto's S/O Catches Him~
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-So maybe you do or maybe you don't? Have a healthy relationship with porn or avoid it like the plague. Maybe you watch it yourself and maybe you do a solo dance on nights when he's not home. Maybe you don't care he watches it, or maybe you hate the idea of it. Maybe you watch with him or maybe you fire up the camera and make one with him. No matter what your stance is, we'll continue to coast on the main idea of things and the idea of catching him in that act.
-The might the first time you've actually not been able to handle what he dished out. And maybe even the first time he feels a tiny bit bad about hurting your feelings (or at least for the sake of this ask he does). But it unfolds like so:
-You've been away for about 3 days on a trip. When you find out you'll be heading home early, you decided to surprise him. You step into the house as quietly as you can and even removed your shoes on the porch so that you walk in socks only. You coast along the floor in the halls and stop abruptly when you hear sounds coming from the bathroom. The door is cracked ever so slightly so thankfully you don't have to wiggle the knob and give away your grand reveal. When you peek through the thin sliver of the open door you catch a glimpse of him phone in one hand and cock in the other. Sure it was a little hot yes but it makes you sick to your stomach when you catch him. Especially since the person in the video looks nothing like you.
-Was that what turned him on? You couldn't even accomplish that look with plastic surgery if that's what it takes. You quickly head off into the bedroom, leaving behind the thought of being silent and also leaving him in surprise at the sound of the door suddenly slamming shut. He stops in the act and quickly goes to the bedroom to find you curled up on the bed. "Babe, you're back already? Why didn't you t-" He paused when you turned to look at him, his phone in his hand, and then back to him before tearing up a bit more. He caught on pretty quickly for someone who isn't the most book smart. Lucky for him, you find all the words to say while he's at a loss for words.
-"Yeah they're hot...but you're hotter." He shrugs and you sit up on the bed next to him. "But you had video chat...you could've called me instead if you really thought I was hotter. You're just lying." He scoffed at your words and shook his head. "Nah, you were on a trip babe. Why would I call you and disturb you in front of everyone for video sex...didn't you say you had to share a hotel room?" You brush off his words and cross your arms, still clearly upset about things. Finally he softens up a bit more. "Listen Y/N, I aint mean any harm by it. Just wanted something to cum to while you were gone and didn't want to bother you. I'm learning to be more considerate of your feeling after all. But shit...I guess this counts toward that too so yknow...I'm uh...sorry..." (he mumbles the last part and you smile softly)
-"I guess if you're getting at something then I'll just have to bother you all the time then eh?" He playfully punched your shoulder and smirked when you lightened up with him. "Yeah I guess so. Like...right about now sounds good." You smirk at him. He catches your drift and doesn't waste a single minute more with mindless chatter. This time around, he lets his hands (and tongue) do the apologizing for him.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Cater Diamond Halloween Personal Story: Part 1
"What a bunch of lies"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Main Street]
Cater: Oh? I got a message on Magicam. Oh hey, it's that one follower! It's been a while~
Cater: Because of the Ramshackle ghosts, the campus is totally abuzz →
Cater: I jumped on that and made post after post on my Magicam account → Cay-kun's big plan to grow his following was a major success!
Cater: And everything was good up to that point...
Cater: My comments and DMs are a huge mix of both new followers and old acquaintances.
Cater: Not only classmates from back in my middle school days, but even elementary school, too.
Cater: "It's been so long, everybody~! You wanna come hang at my school? Sure, your boy Cay-kun'll welcome you with open arms!"
Cater: "Come hang out at the NRC Halloween event whenever you want ☆"
Cater: And then add a ton of heartfelt little emojis!
(^○^)♪ (ゝω・)☆ d(’v`*)b
Cater: Man, everyone's real casual and light~ Eh, I guess it makes it easier on me too.
???: HEY YOUUUUUUーーーー!!!!!
Cater: Whose crazy booming voice is that? I got a bad feeling about this…
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[Front Gate]
Man A: Hey, whaddya think you're doing, Mr. Slicked-Back-Hair! Don't get in the way of my Draconian Challenge.
Man B: Yeah, we're gonna upload a picture of us touching that esteemed Malleus so the whole world'll see how awesomely we risked our lives!
Man A: Huh? Wait, Malleus disappeared all of a sudden. Ughhh, it's all your fault, Slick.
Man B: Hey man, don't look so angry. You'll ruin your cool slicked-back look. You gotta put a smile on your face!
Sebek: I cannot accept that mere humans like yourselves are speaking so lightly the name of the revered Lord of Briar Valley as mere amusement…
Sebek: And the reason my hair is slicked back is so I have a clear field of vision in order to pinpoint rude people like you all!
Sebek: As retribution for this insult to the Draconia family… I shall reduce all of you to ashes by my thunder!
Cater: Alright, stooooop! Hello from the Halloween Steering Committee.
Cater: You can't be fighting, mmkay? Can you tell me what's going on?
Sebek: Don't you dare get in my way, you ridiculous-looking human. I'll turn you to ash alongside them!!!
Cater: Oh but, if you harmed these visitors with magic, won't that be a scandal for the Draconia family?
Sebek: Ur-Urgh… That may be so. Also, did you say you were from the Halloween Steering Committee just now?
Sebek: Both the young master and Lilia-sama are also executing similar duties as you…
Sebek: I was given a command to follow any instructions made by any of the other committee members. Alright, I shall speak with you.
Cater: You're standing there all cross-armed and straight-backed, but that's you trying to apologize to me, I'm sure.
Cater: Anyway, these gentlemen are important guests of this school. They're not trying to harm Malleus-kun at all.
Sebek: These weak, magic-less humans are using their toys to try to make my liege into a sideshow. I cannot accept this!
Cater: Isn't it because Malleus-kun is super famous and someone that everyone looks up to?
Cater: Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he interacted with the guests as a bit of fan service, at least for this event?
Sebek: Ridiculous. My lord is a person who should have all others kneeling before him and lowering their heads in awe.
Man A: Hey, why're the two of you arguing like that after getting in the way of our Draconia Challenge?
Sebek: Hm? Oh, were you still here, human? I told you to leave already.
Man B: Haah? What's this little student kid thinking talking back to us like that?
Cater: Hey, hey, now. C'mon guys, it's Halloween! Here, come take a picture with me!
Cater: My costume as someone from Heartslabyul is of a creature of the night that springs out from under the ground ☆
Man A: Oooh! Now that you mention it, you're rocking that outfit, and look super rad!
Cater: 'Kay, let's all turn our frowns upside down and squeeze in, everyone! Strike a pose~~~!
[shutter clicks]
Cater: (Sigh… Man, I'm so tired)
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Story Event: Wicked love blooming in the dark night (part two)
Chapter 3 Premium
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
This part is a bit screenie heavy but I had to show all the boys hanging out together. Plus Victor's facial expressions running between icy cold, serious, soft and goofy.
~~Part 1~~
There was no way I could make it in time, even if I stretched out my hand, so the tea set shattered into pieces.
Councilman with glasses: "T-that's terrible! Lord Victor's guest broke Her Majesty's tea set!"
Kate: "... just now, someone pushed me-"
I stopped myself mid sentence once I realised the gravity of what just happened.
Forget the reasons, I needed to focus on the fact that Her Majesty's precious tableware had been destroyed.
Kate: "I'm terribly sorry..."
Councilman with glasses: "This item was an important symbol. Even someone as magnanimous as Her Majesty will not forgive such carelessness."
Kate: "I-I..."
The moment I looked down helplessly, a big hand wrapped around my shoulders and hugged me.
Victor: "... Apologies for being late, Kate."
Kate: "... Victor. Victor, I'm so sorry. I-"
Councilman with glasses: "Perfect timing. Your guest caused this disaster, what are you intending to do about it?"
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Victor: "She's not at fault. If you want to hold someone accountable, I'll take the full responsibility."
Victor: "- However, only if it's necessary, am I right?"
Councilman with glasses: "... what do you mean by that?"
Victor picked up the pieces of tea ware scattered on the ground and smiled.
Victor: "As it happens, this is my tea set."
Councilman with glasses: "....huh!?"
~~Part 2~~
Victor: "Whenever I have an afternoon tea with Her Majesty, I tend to break something."
Victor: "That's why I often use my personal sets. As it happens, this was one of them."
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Victor: "Though why was it in here, I wonder. Well, it doesn't matter now."
His jewel like eyes turned ice-cold.
It was enough to instantly send shivers through the onlookers.
Victor: "She did break it. Is there any problem with that...?"
Councilman with glasses: "....!"
Victor: "Even if this was something Her Majesty treasured..."
Victor: "My guest is not going to be a target of such trivial accusations."
Victor: "Those of you who know Her Majesty should be aware of that, shouldn't you?"
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Councilman with glasses: "T-that, of course."
Victor: "Hmm- I see! Then let the party continue. As for us, we'll excuse ourselves."
Victor: "-see you later, gentlemen. Have a wonderful time!"
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Victor gently closed the office door whilst still holding my shoulder.
Victor: "Kate, I know it was scary. All is good now."
(....I wondered what would have happened)
Kate: "Thank you so much for your help, Victor. Also..."
Victor: "Don't apologize, Kate. I'm fully aware that something happened to you there."
Kate: "Oh..."
~~Part 3~~
Kate: "Thank you so much for your help, Victor. Also..."
Victor: "Don't apologize, Kate. I'm aware that something happened to you there."
Kate: "Oh..."
Victor put his hand on my head and softly narrowed his jewel-like eyes.
Victor: "Come on, I can't stand having your day ruined by such a trifle!"
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Victor: "As your lover, I'll do some palette cleansing, if you don't mind."
Victor: "So come, everyone come in! Come in, come i-in."
He snapped his fingers and a group of maids came out of nowhere.
Kate: "Eh, wait a minute, where are we going!?"
He gracefully handed me over to the maids, who grabbed my arms and led me out of the room.
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Moments later, I found myself stripped naked, then dressed up from head to toe.
I gasped seeing my reflection in the mirror.
(This dress... it's the one that caught my eye in Harrods)
There was only one person who could possibly notice that.
The maids smiled and led me to the dance hall-.
Waiting for me in the open doorway were members of the Crown.
Kate: "This is..."
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William: "It's your welcome party. Though the one who planned it all is not here."
William: "It's rare that the Crown gets together like this. Enjoy it to the fullest... You look exceptionally beautiful tonight."
(Victor, I can't believe you would go to such lengths for me)
Seeing my surprise, Liam shrugged his shoulders apologetically.
Liam: "I'm really sorry, Kate. I was there when the tea set broke, but I couldn't catch it."
Kate: "You were beside me?... I'm sorry Liam, I don't understand..."
~~Part 4~~
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Ellis: "Liam, I'm sure Victor didn't say anything to Kate. He wouldn't want to worry her."
Liam: "Ah..."
Harrison: "You said that much already. Why don't you properly explain it to her?"
Liam: "I see, that's true. OK"
Liam: "First of all, Kate. Have you felt being watched since your arrival at the Castle?"
(Being watched? Ah)
Kate: "Yes, many times. But I thought it was just my imagination..."
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Jude: "Just your imagination, horseshit. You were targeted by a member of the Privy Council."
Kate: "Could it be... related to the fact that the Council members don't approve of the Crown?"
Roger: "Why Miss, you're really quick on the uptake. Of course, you're right. Mind you, it'd be extremely difficult to drag us down."
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Elbert: "...that's why your existence could be a perfect weakness."
Alfons: "It was obvious to us that you were being targeted."
Alfons: "We decided to set a trap and catch the culprit before the trouble arose."
Kate: "Trap... Then, the tea party held today..."
Alfons: "Yes, I used my little ability to guide them. It was quite fun."
Liam: "But we didn't know who was after you, or what was their aim."
Liam: "That's why we consulted with Victor and decided to use my ability to watch over you."
Liam: "....I never thought he would do such a silly thing, so I couldn't prevent it."
Kate: "But the tea set belonged to Victor. Did he, by chance, knew ahead of time...?"
Elbert: "...oh, I'm sure he saw it coming and replaced it."
Harrison: "Well, there should be no one left to meddle with you today."
Kate: "Huh...?"
Harrison: "Victor walked with you around the Court to make sure everybody knew you were an 'important guest' of his."
Harrison: "That's all there's to it. Only a fool would risk hurting you in such circumstances."
Harrison: "There's a reason for everything he does, just like with magic tricks."
William: "That's why Victor is called the Grim Reaper."
William: "And surely by now-"
~~Part 5~~
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The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the dark hallway.
Victor: "Good evening. What a lovely night, don't you agree?"
Councilman with glasses: "Ah! L-lord Victor..."
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Victor: "No, I didn't think you'd be surprised. You're like a child who is waiting to be scolded."
Victor: "Hey, I told you, didn't I? To treat her as if she was a gentle flower."
Councilman with glasses: "That's..."
Victor: "Now then, choose..."
Victor: "Are you going to make sure such folly will never happen again, or would you rather I make it a certainty?"
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Victor: "A quick answer is preferable. I have a party to attend."
(The day we spent as a couple worked exactly as Victor intended)
Becoming my lover and getting involved with the Privy Council, everything must have gone according to his plan.
And this plan became a shield for me, residing in this place ever since.
(Victor is a person who is so extraordinary I might struggle to comprehend him)
Like the night that covered the sky, his heart was obscured to us, and no one could truly grasp his reality.
(...I don't know why, but for some reason I really want to see him)
A beautiful melody filled the space and made me realize that William was playing the piano.
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At that moment, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. When I turned around, there was a-
Victor: "Wow, Kate. Both the dress and the hair ornament look good on you. You're so beautiful."
Kate: "... Victor."
Kate: "Victor... I don't know where to event start thanking you -"
Victor: "The look on your face tells me there are many things you want to talk to me about."
Victor: "That's fine. If you want, I'll explain everything. Though before that..."
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A beautifully shaped hand was held out to me.
Victor: "Would you mind having a dance with this Grim Reaper, my lady?"
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ayumicchi14 · 1 month
Fushimi Saruhiko route
Event 05
I'm... back. Sorry for the delay. Been busy with personal project.
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Konohana Saya: "Morning."
Neko: "Ah! Gohan's here!"
Yukizome Kukuri: "Come here! Come here!"
Konohana Saya: "Everyone is gathering, what's up?"
Yatogami Kurou: "It's almost sports festival right? We're gathering to talk about what kind of event that we want to participate."
Yukizome Kukuri: "We're going to choose among these lists. I thought I want to participate in bread eating competition."
Neko: "You can't! I'm the one who going after it."
Konohana Saya: "There's so many of event here. Marathon 100 metre, obstacle race, striking out, extreme tag..."
Konohana Saya: "What is this extreme tag?"
Yukizome Kukuri: "Fufufu... it's a famous match in this school."
Yukizome Kukuri: "The special club are using their supernatural power, opening a full impact game tag that is in between dead or alive."
Yatogami Kurou: "This match is a competition rivalry between the special club. Shiro and me are going to participate as a silver club."
Isana Yashiro: "I'm very excited now. If I'm not wrong, Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are going to participate as a red club, right?"
Yata Misaki: "Of course! Well, I'm the one who participate so the red club will be the winner."
Kamamoto Rikio: "Yata-san! We have to be the winner!"
Isana Yashiro: *giggles* "Please go easy on me."
Kamamoto Rikio: "Who will going to participate from blue club?"
Konohana Saya: "I haven't hear anything about it, but maybe Fushimi-kun knows something."
Konohana Saya: (Eh? Where is Fushimi-kun...)
Konohana Saya: (There he is. He's reading a book at the edge of the classroom. Does he don't want to participate in the discussion)
Konohana Saya: "Fushimi-kun, do you know who is going to participate in extreme tag from blue club?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Some people from third year."
Konohana Saya: "I see. Fushimi-kun, have you decide what game do you want to participate? Do you want to talk it with the others?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "I'll decide it later."
Konohana Saya: (He's going out)
Isana Yashiro: "Hey, have you decide what game do you want to participate?"
Konohana Saya: "Ah, yes! I think I'll take the 100 metre marathon. Did the limit of participation is still available?"
Isana Yashiro: "Understood! I think it's available."
Konohana Saya: (So there's a competition between the club. I'm looking forward it a bit. Let's support the seniors well!)
*Sports festival*
Konohana Saya: (I guess, that's all the competition I'm in...)
Konohana Saya: (The result of 100 metre marathon is a bit regrettable that I'm in second place... it was so close)
Munakata Reishi: "Good work. You are fast at running, huh."
Konohana Saya: "Munakata-senpai, did you watch it?"
Munakata Reishi: "Of course. I'm watching all the blue club member match in the front row seat."
Konohana Saya: (...So he's watching that closely)
Konohana Saya: "I'm a bit frustrated because I was so close on getting the first place."
Munakata Reishi: "Your ambition is splendid. I have one favour to ask for you."
Konohana Saya: "Yes, what is it?"
Munakata Reishi: "Actually, two of members that should be participate on extreme tag just got injured."
Munakata Reishi: "Since it's vacant now, to make up for that, I want you and Fushimi-kun to participate in it."
Konohana Saya: "If I'm not mistaken, the extreme tag will be the next match, right."
Munakata Reishi: "Yeah. I apologize for being too sudden, please head over the appointed place with Fushimi-kun. The registration team member is done."
Konohana Saya: (I still cannot use my power properly, so I wonder if it's okay. But, if the registration is done then I can't refuse it, can I?)
Konohana Saya: "I understand. I'll be looking for Fushimi-kun now and go to the appointed place!"
Munakata Reishi: "Please do, thank you."
Konohana Saya: (Fushimi-kun... looks like he's not in the class seat...)
Konohana Saya: (Where he is... ah!)
Konohana Saya: "Fushimi-kun!"
Konohana Saya: "There's a message from Munakata-senpai that he want us to participate in the extreme tag."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Huh? Isn't the third year who will participate?"
Konohana Saya: "Looks like the people who should participate got injured in the other match."
Konohana Saya: "Because the number of people aren't enough, so he said Fushimi-kun and I should participate and the registration member is done too..."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Why me... moreover, you are participating too."
Awashima Seri: "The next is the famous match in sports festival "super" Ashinaka Academy, super club competition extreme tag."
Awashima Seri: "Because we're going to use the supernatural power, so all people who want to support, please refrain yourself from being too close."
Konohana Saya: "Ah, looks like it going to start. For now, let's go to the appointed place!"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Tch..."
Konohana Saya: (At least we've got to the appointed place right on time, but Fushimi-kun looks very unhappy)
Konohana Saya: "The extreme tag is the academy speciality, isn't it?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "That's stupid. Although they said we're using the power, in the end it's just a tag. No way I'm doing this."
Konohana Saya: "It's dangerous if you're throwing a rock at the place where there's a lot of people like here."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "There's no way an idiot who couldn't avoid the rock here."
*Throws the rock*
Totsuka Tatara: "Uumm... but I'm not that good about that one."
Kamamoto Rikio: "What are you saying! Totsuka-san should doing your best for Yata-san who got stomach ache and couldn’t participate...!"
*The rock hits Totsuka*
Totsuka Tatara: "Ugh..."
Kamamoto Rikio: "Totsuka-san!?"
Kamamoto Rikio: "Wait, are you okay Totsuka-san!? Totsuka-san! Totsuka-saaaann!"
Suou Mikoto: "Oi, are you the one who threw the rock?"
Isana Yashiro: "Eh!? W-What!?"
Suou Mikoto: "The rock was coming from there and hit Totsuka. The culprit is you, huh."
Isana Yashiro: "Y-You're misunderstanding it! It's not me!"
Yatogami Kurou: "Right. No matter how many times this guy always smiling thoughtlessly, he won't do something so dirty like that."
Yatogami Kurou: "If you're saying about the direction in which the rock is coming, then, aren't the blue club is suspicious too?"
Akiyama Himori: "It's not us. That's a false accusations."
Awashima Seri: "Well, we're going to start the special club competition extreme tag! Everyone, get ready—"
Kamamoto Rikio: "Alriiight! This is to avenge Totsuka-san! And let's going rage for Yata-san too!"
All red club member: "OOOOHH!!!"
Isana Yashiro: "I-I told you it's just misunderstanding."
Yatogami Kurou: "As I thought the only culprit is the blue club! Be honest and tell the truth!"
Munakata Reishi: "Totsuka-kun case is a false accusations, but the match is also has started..."
Munakata Reishi: "Blue club, men draw your swords!"
Suou Mikoto: "I thought this sports festival game is not a good way to kill time. But Munakata, because you're here, I think I can have a fun a little bit."
Munakata Reishi: ".......I won't give you any fun time. Because you will lose to me."
Suou Mikoto: "Isn't that right? Come on!!"
Munakata Reishi: "Munakata, ready!"
Suou Mikoto: "Haaa!!"
Konohana Saya: "....Somewhat, it ends up in a extreme state."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Because there's no opponent to compete with. It's bothersome."
Konohana Saya: "Whoa...! Something flew on this way...!"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Tch... Fushimi, ready."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Don't daze off."
Konohana Saya: "S-Sorry. Thanks."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Come here. We retreat for once."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "If we come this far it should be alright."
Konohana Saya: "Is it like that every year? It looks like a fighting... are they playing the tag properly?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "....Extreme tag is started with no one knows which club is the demon."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "That's why all member from the other club are enemies."
Konohana Saya: "Ah, I see. That's why it's that crumpling."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Tch... did the captain make you join without explaining anything."
Konohana Saya: "Fushimi-kun... is it okay for us to sneak away as we pleases."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Who knows."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "With that condition, if we go back to the right place and pretending to have won and survived, no one will notice."
Konohana Saya: "That's, not good right...? I think I'm going back."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "You're inexperienced. Even if you go back to that place alone, you're going to lose and get hurt."
Konohana Saya: (Maybe, we're supposed to sneak away because of me)
Konohana Saya: "I'm sorry for causing a trouble."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "It still better than the weeding."
Konohana Saya: "I am, truly sorry about that case..."
Fushimi Saruhiko: "...The fighting is going over any time soon. Let's go back while pretending that we're running away from the demon."
Konohana Saya: "Okay, I understand."
*sport festival field*
Yatogami Kurou: "....So, this is all that's left after all."
Konohana Saya: (I wonder if I'm safe in here... somehow we can go back without noticed by the others)
Suou Mikoto: "Hmmph, that's too easy."
Munakata Reishi: "No. Please wait a moment."
Munakata Reishi: "Fushimi-kun, Konohana-san. Both of you are sneaking away during the competition, aren't you?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "....Yeah."
Munakata Reishi: "Sneaking away in the middle of competition is considered as a withdrawal."
Konohana Saya: "Umm, but Fushimi-kun did it because I can't use my power—"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "It's unrelated. Stay out of it."
Munakata Reishi: "Do you want to give any explanation?"
Fushimi Saruhiko: "Nothing. I'm sorry."
Konohana Saya: "I'm sorry."
Munakata Reishi: "I will give you two a punishment in another day. In the meantime, please introspect yourself on what happened."
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justsoohi · 2 years
Black Carol/ Episode 3
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Ibara: oh my we're saved, I'm just glad that the common room in the Cospro office was available!
I didn't expect all the meeting rooms to be occupied.... I apologize for being inexperienced and for my lack of skill!
Yuzuru: That's right. It seems that the only room available was the common room in the Cospro office.
The timing is so bad that I'm almost under the illusion that this schedule was chosen on purpose, Ibara.
Ibara: Ahaha, No way. I don't know about you, but I'm not that dexterous.
Tomoya: Hiyy, it looks like I'm already broken! Hinata~!
Ibara: Hinata? What's wrong with our hinata?
Tomoya: Ah. No, no! I'm just talking to myself, so don't worry about it! I've felt a little bit of a cushy, sticky vibe, and it's made me a little more cautious.
That's an atmosphere us "Ra*bits" doesn't have......
Ah. I'm sorry for speaking cheekily to you senpai!
Yuzuru: A~hh. Ibara always creates such an atmosphere. It's pathetic to frighten your juniors you know
Ibara: I don't want you of all people to say that, why are you acting like a true proper good man after all this time now, 'Instructor-dono'?
Rinne: O~i, you've been going off on a tangent for a while now? Just get on with it.
My favorite shop had a new machine in stock, and I shook it off and came here. But If this lasts too long, there will be no good seats.
Yuzuru: I agree. I also don't like to linger for too long. So, how shall we proceed from here?
Subaru: Hmm~. Maybe we each come up with an idea and then the majority votes? That's how we "Trickstar" usually decided.
Ibara: Yes. That's a good way to start! But first, Please see here for some preliminary information.
In order to maximize efficiency, I have taken the liberty of preparing a document that summarizes the information provided by Anzu-san.
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Everyone gathered here is busy. We can't afford to take up too much of your time!
May I ask you mashiro-shi to pass it on to everyone?
Tomoya: Oh, I understand. I'll turn this around. Um—here, Amagi-senpai.
Ibara: (Everyone is looking at the materials I've created very seriously)
(Fufufu.... This naturally put me in control of the situation)
(By the time they came to their senses, it will be wrapped around their bodies and they couldn't move— just like a snake.)
(In this project, I am prohibited from producing, but I am not prohibited from taking the initiative)
(This is just me taking the helm in an idol-driven situation)
(I'm glad they didn't bring in a stranger because of the strange lack of manpower)
(I would rather take the helm myself than work for some incompetent person who doesn't even know the ins and outs of the production business)
(Anzu-san looked apologetic, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me)
(Originally I can't participate in this "Shuffle Project", but from the point of view of producing, I can get into it♪)
Yuzuru: .........
Ibara: (Oya? Did Yuzuru realize what I was thinking? Oh my oh my, as expected of the instructor-dono)
(I wonder if it's safe to assume that the fact that he's aware of this but do not complain is a sign of his appreciation of my abilities?)
(There is no change in the fact that the situation of this "Shuffle Project" is still a cliffhanger)
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Rinne: Our vicepres is really lively and on roll♪
Tomoya: eh?
Rinne: Nothing. I'm just saying that it's easy to have a talented guy.
Tomoya: ?
Subaru: Hey, barry~ This document says "song", but does that mean it's decided we'll make a song?
Ibara: Ah. I haven't explained it yet.
The other day, I received an explanation from Anzu-san, but due to the current situation I asked around to confirm, and it seems that it is a must to put out a song with "Shuffle Unit".
I think that's fine, The other problem is that everything else is just thrown at us.
Tomoya: a song..... So, are we going to do a live show?
Rinne: It's true that live performances are the royal road, but that's not all.
Tomoya: Heh? What else is there?
Rinne: In a nutshell, there are indoor and outdoor concerts, and there are also risky but high-impact guerrilla gigs)
Let's go on a rampage by getting everyone involved, and use a big truck load bay as a stage!
Subaru: Guerrilla live!? Wow~ I love that kind of surprise☆
Rinne: Oh~. You've got it there!
Tomoya: What!? You want to ride that?
Yuzuru: I will refrain from such barbaric things due to my beliefs and position.
Ibara: Guerrilla Live is too difficult to do without the full cooperation of the ES.
Such things are done under the guise of a grilla, with close coordination with the government and other parties involved.
Rinne: Tch~, boring, and it was a great opportunity too, This is the kind of thing that should be done with a lot of flamboyance!
Subaru: That's right that's right~, Even though it looks like it's going to be a big skyrocket~!
Tomoya: It's so dangerous that I can't believe it's an idol planning meeting!?
I-I'm not a fan of that kind of thing either....
Ibara: We are not terrorists or bombers. Please stop with the wild ideas.
This "shuffle project" is a cross-firm project. In other words, we would like you to think of it as if the reputation of each office rests on your shoulders.
Tomoya: Ah, hahaha........
(Ooooaahhhh. Somebody get me out of here eeeeeeee!!!)
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machifuwa · 2 years
(8/8) Mizutama Pattern | Youth is the Color of Summer
After a While, At The Summer Festival Site
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Tetora & Hinata: ーAnd... goal!
Hinata: Haah... I was a little faster than you, wasn't I?
Tetora: I went through the torii gate at the same time to the tip of my shoe, I was watching very clearly. Fuu...
Anyways, I was supposed to come back earlier, but I came back much later.
After guiding grandma, we protected children and picked up lost items and delivered them. It was a day where... we helped people.
Hinata: That's right. It's all because of Tetsu-kun, who helped me too.
...I wonder if everyone has already left. We've been in touch a bit, but we haven't been able to explain the details of the situation, have we?
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Tetora: "Go ahead and look around," or, "I'm going to be late, so you can go home first."
I sent it quite one-sidedly, and it seems to have worried everyone.
Hinata: I hope Yuta-kun isn't angry~ Your big bro here has been helping people all day long, it's the truth~
Tetora: I'll explain it with you, so don't worry. I don't think they will get angry because everyone is so kind, though, right?
...Hmm~ It smells so good! I think I got so hungry after all that moving around!
I could have taken advantage of the kindness of grandma and her family and had something to eat at the other shrine.
But I wanted to enjoy the summer festival here, where I decided to go in the first place.
Hinata: ...Some~how, Tetsu-kun doesn't seem to mind that he's late at all.
You look rather, sort of, refreshed.
Tetora: Hmm~? I think the reason I look so refreshed is because I feel a sense of accomplishment~?
If I had not decided to go to the summer festival. I wouldn't have been able to help those in need and bring smiles to their faces.
I want the summer festival to remain as a happy memory. I think I have done my job by the time I got here♪
...But, I still have to apologize.
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Hinata: ?
Tetora: I'm still a little concerned about the fact that it's so late, I even dragged Hinata-kun with me.
Hinata: Eh~? You're still concerned about that?
Tetora: Because you wanted to enjoy the festival with Yuta-kun, right? After all, you haven't even spent a second together.
Hinata: I went to Tetsu-kun because I wanted to, and I told you I couldn't have fun unless I was with you.
It's not your fault that we came back late. On the contrary, it's because we were together that we're able to come back now, don't you think?
Tetora: Even when you say that, it's still about each other's feelings, isn't it~? So... at least let me repay you.
Hinata: Just do whatever you want. Well, shaved ice isn't enough to keep me alive, right, Tetsu-kun?
Tetora: Eek, Hinata-kun got a lot of guts too huh.
Hinata: I'm more used to "doing" things for others. But, I'm the one who "gets" a lot of help from Tetsu-kun.
Hmm~ What I want Tetsu-kun to do is...
Right! I'm kinda bad at it so... how about "that"?
Tetora: By "that", you mean the yo-yo fishing stall, right? You want a water balloon?
Hinata: Yeah, it is surprisingly difficult to catch it with a "koyori", so do your best until you catch it and show me how good you are!
Note: a koyori is a string made from twisted paper [watch this vid]
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Tetora: Osu! No problem!
...Actually, I kind of miss yo-yo fishing. The pool with colorful water balloons floating in it, every now and then.
Hinata: Even back in the day?
Tetora: When I was a child. My parents worked together and were particularly busy all of the time...
They only took me to a summer festival once.
Walking through the crowds, holding hands, being fed yakisoba from the stalls and buying masks...
As I walked through the lights of the stalls, I saw a yo-yo fishing pool and asked for those balloons.
...But at the time, I couldn't get it off by myself. I just plunged into the pool without a care in the world, so the koyori was torn to shreds right away.
I don't really remember if the guy at the stall gave me extra or if my parents took it for me. My memory is a little fuzzy...
The memory of the way home with water balloons bouncing in the air remains in my heart. I remember how much fun I had at the summer festival with my family.
Hinata: I see, so that's why, Tetsu-kun has beenー
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Tetora: Ahaha, I don't know about that. I just acted as I was supposed to.
I wanted everyone to have fun and smile...
Maybe it was born out of the memories of summer festivals that filled my heart when I was a child.
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Hinata: .....
Tetora: Now, which color should I aim for? Red, blue, green, yellow... Black is also cool!
(...I'm a little clumsy. It's hard for me to get everything I want compared to someone who's good at it.)
(But even so. I'm no longer that kid who would just plunge in with all his might and fail.)
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Tetora: ーThink carefully, one at a time.
This is how I can get my hands on it!
Look at this, Hinata-kun. The most beautiful water balloon floating in the water.
It's proof that I've grown up big enough to have my own memories of this summer festival...♪
Just listening to the sound of the water bubbling and swaying makes me feel cool~ Mogumogu~
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Hinata: The man at the stall was very kind. He thought it was very cool to see Tetsu-kun so motivated fishing for water balloons. Mogumogu~
Tetora: After cotton candy, crepes and candy apples. Hinata-kun, how do you like the taste of chocolate banana?
Hinata: It's so good. Bananas and chocolate are a great combination...♪
Maybe I should have bought the strawberry-flavoured one too. Maybe I'll have another one later.
Tetora: It's good, isn't it? Today we'll enjoy the food stalls as much as our pocket money will allow☆
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Hokuto: ーYou two, you're here?
Hinata: Hidaka-senpai? Thank you for your hard work~♪
Tetora: I haven't seen you since a while ago. I sent the grandma to her family safe and sound with Hinata-kun♪
Hokuto: With Hinata-kun... I see, so you guys did meet up outside the shrine.
By the way, did you guys meet up with Yuta-kun and the others yet?
Tetora: Yuta-kun and the others? Does that mean Midori-kun and Shinobu-kun are still at the shrine too?
Hokuto: Yeah. I found all three of them at the grounds. You were originally going to meet up with them, weren't you?
Note: "grounds" (esp. of shrines and temples)
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Hinata: Oh god! Then we have to go see them now!
Tetora: That's right! Thank you for telling us, Hidaka-senpai!
Hokuto: ...Both Nagumo-kun and Hinata-kun seem to be enjoying the summer festival safely.
Hinata: Fufu, we're just starting to enjoy it, though!
Tetora: We're going to have fun until the end of time! I'm going to make lots of great memories with everyone...♪
Story: “Mizutama Pattern” [Youth is the Color of Summer]
Story by: 梅田千歳 (Happy Elements株式会社)
Characters in this Episode: Tetora, Hinata, Hokuto
Mentioned Characters: Yuta, Shinobu, Midori
Reminder: I did not create this story, but I translated it, so please refrain from reposting my translation on other social media platforms.
I apologize if there are any mistakes as well.
Just my thoughts:
I am very happy to finally finish my 3rd translation! It's a very fun journey, I learned more about each one of them! Ibara and Nagisa (adam in general) are actually very great people!! Tori and Tsukasa are not just spoiled rich brats but very fun to be with! Yuzuru is a goat as always. Hokuto and the rest of Trickstar are really nice friends! And Hinata is a very very loyal friend! I love him so much!! And Tetora, who would have thought that I'm going to be struggling because I don't know if I should pull for him or no, I thought at first that I'm definitely going to skip this scout but my god!! Tetora is such a great character! I love him so much! Truly an Idol hero. Stan everyone.
(Prev - All) Thank you for reading Mizutama Pattern with me!
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
Totem of Undying
person: c!technoblade
word count: 1,852
warnings: blood, yelling, cursing, failed execution (art not mine, SAD-ist on youtube)
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One day, you were pacing across Techno’s floor, wearing out the carpet, wondering were he was. He was gone for 9 days, and normally he isn’t out for that long.
He specifically said before his little expedition, “I won’t be gone long, I just got to get something for Phil.” “Ok, have fun honey.” you said, not looking up at him from your book. “You’re sure you don’t need anything?” he asked, trying to find a way to spend a little more time with you before he left. “Yeah, I’m sure, just tell Phil that I said hi.”
“Ok, bye my Aphrodite.”
Ever since, you haven’t gotten any messages on the comms, no messenger birds from him, or any sign of communication between the piglin hybrid and you.
“If he was going to Phil, then I should call Phil.” you murmured under your breath. How could you forget, he said he was going to get something for Phil, so he must be with him.
You looked for you phone, and called Phil’s number. “Hello, who is this?” replied on the other side of the phone. “Phil, is this you, I need to talk to you.”
“Oh hey Y/n, how are you doing?” “Not particularly well, um I have a question, is Techno there, he isn’t answering my calls.”
"Umm, well, he isn't here right now." he states, regret lacing his words. "Well where is he, it's urg-" Phil cut you off, "Y/n, you don't know?"
"What do you mean Phil?"
"I don't wanna say this, but he got captured by the Butcher Army." "Are you fucking kidding me, when he get caught?" you questioned. "IThey came to your house a few days ago, didn't you see them?" "No, I don't think so."
Then you suddenly remembered, “I think they might have came to our house. I was on a trip to get some spider eyes, so I guess that’s when they came over and got Techno.”
“Yeah, they haven’t come back yet, they tried to interrogate me, but I said no, and then they put an ankle monitior on me.” “They decided that if I wasn’t going to tell them anything, they would confine me to my house.”
You apologized to him, “I’m sorry Phil, hopefully you get that off soon enough.” “It’s fine Y/n/n, right now, what I’m concerned about is Techno. The Butcher Army built something, it’s a little cage with an anvil, I watched them build it, but it was kinda vague to me.” "I'm coming to L'Manberg Phil, I'll be there in a hour or so." "Ok, be safe."
You arrived in L'Manberg, looking for Phil's house. "Hey Y/n." he spoke. "Right back at you Phil, how are you doing today?" "I'm doing eh, I'm just worrying about Techno." "Me too, hopefully he turns up soon."
So then you stayed with Phil for a while, drinking tea and talking about random stuff. You were trying to buy your time until Techno popped up somewhere, preferably unharmed.
“Yeah Phil, there was-” Hooves stomped on grass, triumphant talking covering every sound outside. The people that cut you off was the Butcher Army, who was boasting their victory over their fight with Technoblade.
Techno, blood all over his skin, bruises on his face, barely showing any sign of his true skin tone. Chains rapping all over his body so he wouldn't escape. You felt devastated, what had they done to him? Behind them was Quackity riding Carl, holding him hostage so Techno couldn't escape on his steed. "What did they do to you?" you whispered under your breath.
They led Techno to the stage, when he looked up at you and Phil, suprise basking his face. "PHIL, PHIL, WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU PHIL, Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he yelled from under you guys. "I'M FINE TECHNO, THEY PUT AN ANKLE MONITOR ON ME." Phil screamed back.
They dragged him away from the house, bringing him onto the stage. "LEAVE PHIL AND Y/N ALONE YOU HEAR ME, LEAVE THEM ALONE." he retaliated. They locked him in the cage, where he was waiting his impending doom.
"Technoblade, this is actually not a trial, if you look up, you can see an anvil hanging down. When we press that lever down there, what it's going to do is drop on you and it's going to fucking kill you."
After Quackity's little statement, he demanded Tubbo to explain to everyone what was happening, but what they didn't know was that there was an ally, or friend of Techno's that would help him sooner or later.
After Tubbo spoke about how Techno betrayed the country, and how he had to pay for his wrongdoings, Punz swooped in, throwing snowballs to distract the Butcher Army. With his armor clad self, he started to attack them, momentarily trying to buy time for Techno. He splashed potions all around himself and the Butcher Army.
Then he started to load up the stage with unlit TnT, sending a warning to the Butcher Army not to fuck with him. Quackity yelled in scaredness, hoping that Punz wouldn't light the TnT. "PUNZ, PUNZ, CHILL THE FUCK OUT PUNZ, CALM DOWN." Quackity begged. He didn't stop, and that lead to the whole Butcher Army attacking him with their axes.
While they were chasing Punz, they didn't realize that he slipped Techno a totem of undying. That's right, one of the only things that can prevent death if someone was to kill someone else. So when Punz left the scene, and Ghostbur came to the stage to secretly tell Techno that he named his sheep "Friend", they started to prepare for execution.
"Ok, no more, I'm pulling this fucking lever." Quackity stated. And there is was, he pulled the lever, and the anvil went crashing down on Techno's head. But Quackity didn't know that he had a totem of undying in his hand, so when the anvil came down on Techno, there was a flurry of green and yellow sparks all around him, protecting him from his death.
During the little show, Techno escaped the iron cage, and ran for his life. The Butcher Army was confused, why did Technoblade die, he was supposed to perish, right?
He ran to the little hole in the ground, and was meet by Dream, riding Carl. Dream started to block up the hole, while Techno rode Carl to victory. As he rode Carl, he reached a control room, where there was chests filled with stuff for specific people. There was Eret's, Tubbo's, his, and many others.
He looted his chest, put iron armor on, and started to prepare for his journey. He splashed potions onto his body, giving him strength for a few minutes, and swiftness. When he realized that the pathway wasn't large enough for both him and Carl, he started to break blocks so he and Carl wouldn't suffocate in the walls.
While he was doing that, Quackity sneaked up behind him, taking him by suprise. “Techno, you’re not leaving this place, how didn’t you die?”
“None of your business Quackity, how about you leave me alone.”
“You’re my business Techno, and as long as you’re alive, this server is going to go to shit.” And this the fight began, Techno only donning a pick axe for a weapons, and iron armor, and Quackity, with full netherite and all the tools you could ever need for a fight.
Their weapons clashed together into a disgusting sound. “I’M GOING TO DEFEAT YOU TODAY TECHNOBLADE.” shouted Quackity, thinking he was going to win. “NOT A CHANCE.” Techno answered.
Quackity was clearly arrogant in this matter, even though he had the good stuff, and Techno had the shitty stuff that would be easily broken, he forget something. He forgot that he didn’t have technique, and Techno was the great night Blood God. Technoblade could’ve easily, if he wanted to, take down an entire village.
But he didn’t, and that’s what Quackity didn’t realize. Yes, Techno did some shitty things in the past, but he declared that he was going to retire from the fighting, from everything that related to violence. It wasn’t necessary to try to execute him.
So when the final swing hit, Quackity with his ego to a high capacity, at almost half a heart, Techbo easily defeated and killed Quackity, taking one of his canon lives.
You paced across the wooden floor for 10 minutes. “Phil, is Techno ok, where is he, why isn’t he here right now, Phil-” you cut yourself off, “Phil, is he dead?” “No he isn’t Y/n/n, I know Techno, he’s still alive, trust me.” he assured you, trying to comfort your thoughts, but it wasn’t getting to you.
Techno had to be dead, an anvil fell on him. “But what was the green and yellow sparks, what was the reason for that?” you thought. Was that a distraction, or was it something more significant.
“Phil, are you sure he’s-” he interrupted you with a shush. “Do you hear that?” he asked, not sure what’s was happening outside of his home. “No, I don’t, what’s wrong?” “Stay here Y/n.” he ignored your question.
He sneaked toward the door, trying to quiet his footsteps. He slowly opened the door, looked around, and saw Techno standing there, covered in bloody armor. “Holy shit Techno, what are you doing here, they could come any minute.”
“I need Y/n for a second.” he calmly said, trying to ease Phil’s nerves. “Mate, what about the Butcher-”
“I killed their leader.” “Heh?” “I killed Quackity, unfortunately it isn’t permanent.” he sighed. “Ok, first of all, weirdchamp, and secondly, please come inside, you’re worrying me right now.”
Phil let Techno in, and offered him a cup of tea. “No thanks Phil, so back to what I was saying, where is Y/n?” “Oh, they’re in the back, I thought you were someone else.” “Thanks.”
He stepped towards the direction you were in, and opened the door to find a frantic, worried Y/n. He put his body on the doorframe nonchalantly, “You missed me?” You turned around from your pacing, and looked at Techno, relief coating your eyes, “TECHNO.”
“Y/n.” he replied. You hurriedly walked to Techno, and gave him a bone-crushing hug. “Oh my goodness I’ve missed you so much, why did you have to leave, I don’t want you to die, fuck Quackity and the rest of them...” You rambled on and on about how the Butcher Army should be convicted, and a whole bunch of other things, when Techno cut you off, “Calm down my Aphrodite, I’m back, and that’s all that matters.”
"Ok, well are you hurt anywhere, Phil has some healing pots as well as some bandages." "I'm fine, but are you ok, did they hurt you?" he put his hand on your shoulders. "I'm ok, they didn't acknowledge me."
"Well, I'm glad that was the case."
You severely hugged him again, "Please never leave without me, I don't want this happening again."
"Never Y/n, never."
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kiranogareru · 3 years
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WARNING: Language, but this is all fluffyyyy
A/N: I present to you, my first requested work. Dedicated to @mysticmaee I apologize for taking so long, I hope this meets your expectations. Enjoy and again I'm so so sorry it took me so long
Y/n and Bakugou -as much as he refuses to admit it- have been pretty good friends for a while and they recently started dating
Katsuki is well aware of the fact that he isn't all that good at this whole relationship thing!
He knows how a relationship is supposed to be like, he's read all those things about them in novels before and even though they appeared unrealistically perfect to him, Bakugou couldn't help but compare himself and feel inferior to those fictional men and their romancing abilities!
He has observed how well Y/N seems to be fitting the role of a girlfriend and has taken mental notes of the way she always shows him how she feels, whether that's through words or affectionate little gestures, such as simply holding his hand!
Bakugou has never really been the type for physical contact, one could even say he is quite touch starved in all honesty, which makes him a little bit timid to show her his appreciation that way, since it makes him feel uncomfortable and it gives him this weird fluttery feeling inside
The blonde thinks back to the short time they have shared as a couple and how sweet Y/n has been to him, even before, when they were just friends and he insisted on pushing her away!
Bakugou is suddenly left dumbstruck, when he comes to realize that he never even asked her out properly! She just kind of blurted out her feelings and he simply claimed her as his..and by his, he means his one weakness, but of course it goes without saying that he would never reveal that!
He then decides that he wants to try harder. He knows he can do better 'I can be the best boyfriend she's ever had, I'll be her number one!' he tells himself
'She put so much effort into approaching me and I know I made it even more difficult -I can't help it, that's just how I am- but the least I can do is put in just as much effort, it's only fair!'
He doesn't want to be a shitty boyfriend, because for 1 he knows that's not what she deserves and 2 he's the best, he's not one of those stupid extras, who would let her slip right through their fingers!
'It's time I finally lowered my defenses' he thinks, although he's still hesitant of showing his softer side and unsure of what that can possibly lead to
Katsuki walks in silence as he rakes his brain for a way to make it up to Y/n for the way he's been so far.
It's not like he's treating her bad or anything, as a matter of fact he is at his calmest when he's around her and all he does is admire the way her beautiful e/c eyes sparkle when she's focused on something she enjoys, or how her face lights up when she's happy, or he revels in the taste of her lips against his own whenever they share an unexpected kiss!
This warm feeling spreads throughout his chest and blood rushes to his cheeks, tinting them with a shade of pink, at the thought of the memories!
That's when it hits him and the perfect idea pops up in his head. If he's learnt anything from romance novels, it's the fact that every relationship starts with a date!
And that's something they haven't done yet, which gives Katsuki the opportunity to change that!
"Katsu?" Y/n stops in her tracks, making him break out of his trance and do the same
"You zoned out, is everything ok?" She asks with a soft smile, placing a hand on his cheek
"Tch, everything's fine dumbass, I'm just thinking" Bakugou returns the smile, resting his hand at the back of her neck, gently pulling her head closer and leaning in to leave a chaste kiss on her forhead
Y/n is left speechless and her cheeks burn up at the sudden action, Bakugou doesn't usually behave this way, especially not in public!
'I don't know what he's been thinking about, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this adorable change' She ponders
Y/n is quick to wrap her arms around him and bury her face in his chest, inhaling the scent of burnt caramel and cologne -something that she's grown so accustomed to, that it now brings her comfort
Bakugou's eyes widen in surprise and he lets out a breath as he relaxes, bringing one hand to her head as his other one makes it's way to her back to hold her close
They stand there in each other's embrace for a bit, before they decide to continue their walk to the dorms, hand in hand
Once they reach the dorms, they catch the attention of a few of their classmates and friends. It's only logical though, since a smiling Bakugou Katsuki is not a sight one could easily miss!
The rest of the day goes by pretty quick as usual, since everyone is studying either alone or in groups, but once that's out of the way most of the students normally spend their free time by engaging in their hobbies of choice
While Y/n is hanging out with Jirou in the purple haired girl's room, singing and having a good time, Bakugou takes that chance to go to the kitchen and set his plan in motion
He has all the time he needs to prepare a few things for later
While the ruby eyed boy is in the middle of cooking, Sero walks into the kitchen, Kaminari following close behind him
"Kacchan?!" Kaminari exclaims in surprise
"Hm?" Katsuki turns around and realizes he has an audience
"How come you're cooking today?" Sero questions in confusion
It's not uncommon for the explosive boy to cook for his classmates, but he had done so just a few days ago already, that's what didn't sit right with Sero
"All of you extras cook like shit, tonight we're having some actual food!" Bakugou's voice remains low in volume, but his usual aggression is evident in his tone
"It smells amazing, what is it?" Sero technically drooling as he walks over to check
"I bet it's something spicy!" Kaminari declares, knowing his friend's taste
"Damn right Dunce Face! Let's hope you idiots can handle it this time! Tch" Bakugou tries to mask the smile forming on his face with his signature, cocky, smirk
"Kaminari.." Sero gives the electric blonde a look
"I know right!" Kaminari laughs, returning the look
"What are you idiots on about?" Bakugou raises an eyebrow
As soon as the table is set and dinner is served, the students pick up on something unusual
"Hm? Where did Bakubro go?" Kirishima points out, while looking around the room
Kaminari and Sero stand back to back with a hand on their chin and wearing a knowing expression of confidence on their faces! The sparkles surrounding them are technically visible at this point
"What do you know? Spill the tea!" Mina interrogates with a pointed look
"Has anyone seen Y/n? I thought I saw her come downstairs earlier.." Jirou asks, seemingly popping up out of nowhere
"They are probably fu-" Sero wraps Mineta up using his tape with an unbothered face
"Shut up you nasty grape!" He scolds "They are on a date! We are sure of it!" He continues pridefully
"Who knew Bakugou could be so good with the ladies, right!" Kaminari comments, almost in disbelief
Meanwhile Y/n is comfortably sitting on a blanket behind the dorms with Bakugou. The night air feels cool on her skin, but not cold enough to give her goosebumps. It is rather refreshing if anything
They place their now empty dishes on the tray that's sitting in front of them and Bakugou pushes it aside
"That was delicious!" A look of content spreading on her features
"Hm, of course it was!" He cocky voice sounds. A winning smile playing on his lips
"Katsuki, this is so sweet..thank you" Y/n softly speaks, tilting Bakugou's head slightly with a hand on his cheek and leaving a feather-like kiss on the other
"You don't need to thank me dumbass..you deserve it!" His tone calm and loving
Bakugou lifts his hand and places it over her smaller one that is resting on his face
They lie down on the blanket, eyes staring at the wide night sky, littered with sparkling gems
"That one reminds me of you!" The excitement clear in her voice as she points at the sky
"How can a star remind you of me dumbass?" His laughs in amusement
"The way it shines looks like an explosion, it's powerful and beautiful!" Her explanation flusters the blonde momentarily, but he gathers himself and starts looking for the perfect star
"That one right there is you then!" He gestures towards it
"Is it now? How can a star remind you of me eh?" She teases
"It stands out, it's so bright and has such a stong presence!"
"Katsu..you idiot" She murmurs feeling bashful
"Huh who are you calling an idiot, idiot?"
Y/n intertwines her hand with his and Bakugou tenses up!
He still isn't used to the gentle gesture, since he has always perceived his hands as weapons, however as he eases into it he starts rubbing small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb
"This side of you is so soothing, so intoxicating~" She smiles before continuing
"I'm so lucky to be the one who gets to see you so peaceful..Dynamite" He is caught off guard by the mention of his hero name, which only she knows this far
The first reaction that comes to his mind is to kiss her and his body acts just as fast, pulling both her and himself to sit up and doing exactly that
His lips connect to hers in an uncharacteristically slow and passionate kiss! It is as if Bakugou is pouring everything that he can't put into words in this kiss!
He pulls away with his confidence restored
"Do you want to be mine?"
"I'm my own person idiot and we're already dating!" She laughs, knowing what he meant, but wanting to mess with him regardless
"I know that dumbass! You think I would date some sort of weakling?" He asks matter-of-factly
"I'm already yours and you're all mine!" She boasts
"Damn right!" Bakugou cups her face in one hand, tilting it upwards and leaning down slightly to capture her lips with his once more
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oc-factoids · 3 years
she's an Undertale oc. her name is Fate. she's 11 years old and is a human, but has a monster soul for reasons
she fell into the underground when she was 10, and her soul was still a human one, a soul of patience. she explored for a while and met Gaster, the Royal Scientist at the time. Gaster captured her and took her to the lab and ran experiments on her and her soul, eventually turning her soul into a monster one. idk how because monster souls are made of magic and human ones are made of determination but eh. Gaster can do it and it gives amgst material so I don't care lmao
anyways, so Fate had already been having nightmares LONG before this because of the experiments, but this just made that SO MUCH WORSE LMAO
eventually, Alphys, Gaster's lab assistant, found Fate and basically went "Gaster what the fuck-" Gaster wouldn't let Fate leave, so while Gaster was gone one day, Alphys helped Fate escape. Fate ran off to hide with Sans and Papyrus, who have connections to Gaster that like. nobody knows HOW they're connected to G but they are lmao
(I'm just gonna call him G now bc lazy)
so uh. eventually the monsters break the barrier, a magic forcefield to keep the monsters underground for reasons. (a war (☞ ᐛ )☞) and Fate gets let out, along with G and everyone else. Fate immediately ran off to her friends from before she fell, and G went to do his own thing etc
uh G ended up becoming a nicer person over a few months after getting to the surface, and he met a few of my other ocs, like Meadow and Skyla, who now know G as a good person. Skyla was a grey soul, (basically when your soul is really damaged and it messes with your emotions) and there wasn't anything wrong with Meadow it's just them and G's friendship is wholesome so-
anyways Gaster helped with Skyla's soul (wonder where he got the knowledge /s lmao) and he gave Meadow some extra magic.
Fate ended up crossing paths with G after hearing Meadow and Sky talking about how great G is and how nice he was
obviously Fate didn't like that
so uh
she got v e r y upsetti with G, yelling at him over the nightmares and experiments and her soul and etc. Gaster tried apologizing but Fate didn't care lmao (why would she)
I did a drawing based on it
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Fate still sleeps with stuffed animals and tries not to sleep, due to the nightmares. she's gotten used to functioning while being super tired and is severely sleep deprived. her necklace and stuffed animal are comfort items for her. her stuffed animal is a stuffed bunny she got while in the underground.
she is very easy to scare, and make upset/cry. whenever she has nightmares she likes going on walks at night through the woods, because she loves stars and nature and it comforts her. her magic is star shaped ninja star kinda thingys that glow, and a light blue shield (the color of the soul of patience) that's shaped like a flower. and she can teleport. she can only use so much magic a day though, because of how weak her magic is thanks to her soul. she can only teleport twice a day, for example. her star attacks do less damage the more magic she uses, too, and her shield gets weaker.
her hair is SUPER LONK, like down to her knees, and it's super thick and wavy/slightly curly (I wanna braid it)
she also knows how to climb trees.
her necklace is a monster soul. my other oc Rainbow made it for her when she learned about Fate's soul. she'll never tell them how she got the soul. especially not Meadow or Skyla.
I COULD GO ON but this is MUCH so I'll stop here lmao. this is the first time I've infodumped about an oc, I hope you enjoyed lmao
YOOO they all seem really cool!!!
I'm not gonna lie I have very limited knowledge about Undertale but I know enough to know that these OCs seem awesome :^D
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
A peaceful life. That is all she expected.
She didn't want to think like until now.
Fortunately, she received a recommendation from the "Ashinaka Super School" to move.
So she wouldn't make that mistake anymore. She simply disciplines herself so as not to disturb anyone, quietly and discreetly. She would keep quiet so as not to attract attention.
She was sure that she would find a place to stay. She thought she would be accepted.
After that, she would enjoy it. She would have fun. She would have a mediocre and peaceful life that would bore her.
She had already lost once what was precious to her.
"Nya! Shiro, it smells good from here!"
"Huh? Neko? What we're looking for isn't food... huh?"
"Oh! Find the transfer student! Let's do it! Wagahai-chan!"
Her heart leapt at the joyous voice that suddenly echoed from behind.
At the same time as she hurriedly looked back, a beautiful girl appeared.
"Hey! Neko!"
"It smells delicious!"
The beautiful girl rubbed her face against her chest with a fascinating expression. She was a beautiful girl that couldn't be fooled.
Stunning strange blue and gold eyes on white skin. Long straight light red hair.
A boy with silver-white hair and tender eyes with sunrise color approached her, who was surprised and hardened, and apologized, clasping his hands in front of her face.
"I'm sorry. Stop it, Neko!"
Then that girl with sincere and kind eyes, stood in front of her and smiled at her in a friendly way.
"You're here! No… I searched here and there and finally found it~"
When she tilted her head, she gave a stern look for a moment, but immediately smiled, "Oh, I'm sorry.", and pointed to her face.
"I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Kukuri Yukizome, from the same sophomore group as you."
"Call me Kukuri. My teacher asked me to guide the transfer student to the school. They told me you should be in the school principal's office, but when I went, he said you had already left. I looked for you, but couldn't find you, so I finally got help from Shiro-kun and Wagahai-chan!"
"Eh...? Oh! I'm sorry. Sorry to bother you."
"You don't have to apologize. Oh, yeah. May I ask your name?"
"Ah. Sorry. I'll introduce myself. I'm Konohana Saya."
"Uh, Saya-chan. Yes, I remember. Nice to meet you, Saya-chan!"
"Uh, yeah, nice to meet you..."
She held the outstretched hand enthusiastically.
"He is Isana Shiro-kun. And she..."
"Wagahai, I'm Neko!"
When Kukuri presented her with her hand, the beautiful girl responded happily, staying close to her.
"Shiro-kun and Wagahai-chan are the same second group as us."
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah, so you don't have to use "-kun" or "-san" for me or for Neko. It tickles. I hope you can feel free to call us "Neko" and "Shiro" and talk to us."
Shiro, a silver-white haired boy, smiled kindly.
"Oh, thank you. Nice to meet you."
In some ways it was a good self-introduction. Feeling happy that she could do that, she looked at Shiro and tilted my head away from him, saying, "Well then let's get started..."
"That... I'm really enjoying it... What?"
Neko was still glued to her.
"Eh? Ah... Stop it, Neko. She's not food."
"Nya, don't you know, Shiro? Gohan smells delicious!"
Shiro scolded Neko, but she held on even more.
(Yeah? Huh? Wait! Now Neko-chan, did you say "Gohan smells delicious"? Isn't that "Gohan smells delicious"?), she thought.
What did that mean?
"Eh? Maybe that 'Gohan' is me?"
"Yeah! Gohan smells like Gohan, I love it! That's why you're Gohan!"
Kukuri and Shiro laughed at Neko's cheerful response.
"Wagahai-chan... Gohan..."
"Ah, Konohana-san. Neko is not good at remembering people's names. She does not do it with bad intentions."
"Huh? Oh, it's fine."
Smell Gohan...? Did it mean she smelled strange?
She sorry about the situation, but she wasn't sure.
"Shiro! I'm hungry, let's go with Gohan! I want to go to the shopping department!"
Eh? Purchasing department?
"This is not good, Wagahai-chan. We have a class from now on."
Kukuri urged her to walk, Neko kept holding on.
"Then as I guide you to the classroom, first lesson. Don't forget your student ID card. Make sure you take it with you. You will need it to do anything, like walk through the front door, to borrow a book or buy juice, etc."
"Is it okay to use this PDA as a student ID card?"
Kukuri smirked when she took out the PDA with a big school emblem on it.
"Yes, it is. Don't forget it. Even outside of school. Always carry it with you."
"Out of the School?"
"Yes. I go in and out of school, in and out of the school island and I also use transportation. It is also proof of identity."
"School island..."
"Yes! Ashinaka, an integrated education school from kindergarten to university. This island centered around that school is called "Ashinaka Super School". Someday I will show you the city."
"Yes, I see. Thank you."
"But first of all, you have to remember the inside of this school. At the beginning of registration, everyone does it once."
"I get lost and I'm late for class. How many times has this happened to you, Saya-chan?"
Kukuri smiled as if she was joking.
"Uh... I'll have to. I'm not very good at that though."
"Well, it happens to me too, and I think it would be good if you were guided by the PDA at first."
Kukuri hit her on the back when she immediately fell into anxiety.
"It's late, where were they and what were they doing?"
As soon as she entered the classroom, a grumpy voice jumped at her ears. Reflectively, she leaned in and said, "Yes, I'm sorry!"
Right after that, there was a terrible voice that said, "What?"
When she raised her face, the boy in front of her with his beautiful black hair was mysteriously frowning.
"I didn't tell you. Who are you?"
"Well, I am Konohana Saya. I will be in this class from today."
"As of today... By the way, the transfer student that Shiro was talking about is you."
The boy was convinced and then bowed deeply.
"I am Kuroh Yatogami. As a classmate, thank for you continued support."
(Wow. It's very difficult... no. Kind regards!), she thought.
In haste, she bowed firmly.
"Yes, thanks."
Yatogami spoke very firmly. The atmosphere was also mature.
"It's difficult. Kuro. It's not a classmate's greeting."
"You should pay the courtesy. Did you both do your homework well?"
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Responding to Shiro's words with a serious face, Yatogami narrowed his eyes.
"I'm not going to do it. I'm going to show Kuro's homework."
"What are you saying? Try to do things yourself responsibly. I definitely won't show it to you!"
"Tsk, stingy Kuro."
"That's not the problem. If you have time to bark, does your homework."
Yatogami, who scolded him in a stifled manner, is forgiven with a "Yes, yes.", and Shiro urged Neko to gently walk towards her seat. Furthermore, his face was distorted again, and Yatogami followed them. It was kind of funny.
"Hey, Kukuri-chan. Is 'Kuro' a nickname for Yatogami-kun?"
"That's right. Shiro-kun, Kuro-kun, a black and white duo. He's a good friend with club activities. Now, Saya-chan, I'll introduce you to everyone. Here and there."
Kukuri motioned for her to come.
She headed forward, following her. No, she tries to continue.
"Kamamoto! What are you doing? Come quickly!"
Suddenly, a voice echoed with rough footsteps. Immediately after, the impact on her back.
She couldn't stop myself from the momentum, she lost her balance and fell.
"Ah, Saya-chan! Are you okay?"
Kukuri's voice was amazing. Oh, it wasn't so good... maybe. It hurt a lot.
However, the person who rushed inside was also worried, and as tears welled up from the pain in her back, hands, and knees, she managed to lift her upper body and look back.
"It hurts... hey... Who is this guy standing in the doorway?!"
There was a boy there, who seemed to have struck like her, lying on the ground.
He had the front of the black school uniform open, the shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, and the hem out. Also, a dark blue hat and the usual auburn hair that twisted in any direction.
The boy, who didn't seem to be polite, looked at her as he rubbed the area around his waist in excruciating pain and cursed.
His wild and warlike eyes stared directly at the opponent.
It was a terrible, gaudy flame, and she couldn't help but lose her words.
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The boy looked at her too and his eyes widened, astonishing for some reason.
"No, Yata-san, it's early. We still have time until class... That? Yata-san. Why are you sitting on the floor?"
A big boy who came running in with a plaintive voice, bowed his head when he saw him sitting on the ground, and looked at each other.
As the words surprised him, the boy named Yata shook himself and looked at the boy who was looking at them.
"Silly! I'm not sitting! This is... an accident!"
"Accident? Ah... I don't know, but why don't you get up for now?"
"No, you don't have to tell me! Hey, Kamamoto... do it."
A big boy named Kamamoto bowed his head and asked again at Yata's small voice. Oh, but he thought he couldn't be helped. It was a very small voice.
However, he maybe didn't like him, and when Yata suddenly stood up, he gave Kamamoto a blow to the head. She was surprised.
"Why do you hit me?"
"I cannot hear you!"
No, she didn't think he didn't hear him, did he really not hear it?
(Huh? What? This "Yata" is extremely unreasonable.), she thought.
"That's right. I couldn't hear it, so it can't be helped."
When stunned, Kamamoto made a very natural counterargument. Yes, she understood that feeling very well.
"Uh, loud. Well, that... helps the woman..."
"Woman? Ah! Is that what you mean?"
Kamamoto laughed as if he were convinced, and walked over to her, knelt on the ground, and held out his hand.
"Yata-san pushed you. Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"
"Ah... I'm fine."
She wanted to say, maybe it was worse. She was standing in front of the door. She apologized and bowed, and looked at the black sunglasses.
"Oh, you are..."
"Hmm? Oh, this is Rikio Kamamoto from the second year group. This is Misaki Yata, who is also in the same group."
Kamamoto laughed as he gently helped her.
"Ah! Hey, Kamamoto! Silly, don't introduce me without permission!"
Yata yelled at Kamamoto, who was gentle and kind regardless of his appearance. There was no reason to be angry about that presentation.
"Because you are Yata-san, it seems unlikely that you will introduce yourself."
"That's... sorry."
She was confused.
"But don't sell my name at a bargain price."
"It's the first time I've seen you, are you a girl from another class?"
Kamamoto finally ignored Yata, who was still screaming. Apparently he was fine.
When she said, "No, I'm not.", unsurprisingly, Yata yelled, "Damn, listen to me!". That was to be expected.
"Excuse me!"
"Oh! Don't look here and there!"
She hastily apologized, but this time Yata, who turned his face bright red and turned around, yelled again.
"Eh? Oh, sorry! I see..."
"No, don't apologize! Oh, you're ... wow, not bad..."
(Huh? Is that so? Not bad?), she thought.
When she looked at Kamamoto because she couldn't understand why, Kamamoto shrugged and shook his head.
"Ah, don't worry. Yata-san is not good with girls."
(Is that so?), she thought.
He was not good with girls. Still, it was the first time she had seen a person overreact.
"Ah! Konohana Saya, I'll stay in this class. Well, it's nice to meet you. May I call you Kamamoto-kun?"
"Thanks. I don't care. Call me what you want."
She was relieved to hear a friendly response.
"Yes. Yata-kun too."
"Eh? Me too?"
"Yes, I hope you get along well."
"Eh? Who is that? Who are you talking about!"
At that moment, Yata blushed again and turned to the other side. He didn't have the ability to learn, so he kept having the conversation in front of the entrance. So of course he would get in the way of people trying to enter the classroom.
The person who walked in pushed his back away, and Yata looked back with a grumpy voice, "Oh?"
"Misaki. Don't occupy the entrance of the classroom for one person, even a little."
"Saru, damn it!"
(Saru? Is this person's nickname?), she thought.
His clean eyebrows were unpleasantly distorted and his black eyes were very thoughtful.
Black hair in habit and black-rimmed glasses. A pure white school uniform with a slightly loose chest. He had a mark on his arm, she wondered what the blue bracelet meant.
And a saber with a blue scabbard at his waist.
She didn't think it was necessary for school life and widened her eyes in amazement.
(Huh? What? That... why is he wearing such a thing?), she thought.
Involuntarily he looked at her seriously, the next moment, she quickly bowed her head.
"Ah, I am Konohana Saya, a transfer student. Thank you!"
What came back was complete silence.
When she lifted her face, an icy look shot through her.
"Stop doing that, it's annoying."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
She strongly apologized and got out of the way.
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That person just tried to slide past her.
"Hey, wait, Saru. You must introduce yourself."
Yata threw a harsh voice behind him.
The man, named Saru, shook his shoulders and looked back in amazement.
"What? Did you introduce yourself?"
He frowned repeatedly as if he didn't understand why.
"Don't send nonsense things. Misaki."
"It's not meaningless. We are her new partners. It's normal to introduce himself."
Long ago, he said that he wouldn't show up either.
She really wanted to know, but she was scared, so she shut her mouth.
"Or you can't even introduce yourself. Hmm, you're a boy."
When he decided to stand idly by, it was a terrible word that came out of Yata's mouth.
(Huh?! Wait. It's not about forcing him to fight, is it?!), she thought.
Saru clicked his tongue as the story seemed to roll in an unexpected direction.
And when he sighed like a deaf person, he echoed and coughed.
"Fushimi Saruhiko."
"Hmm...! Yes. Thank you, Fushimi-san."
He left before she finished saying it. He made her feel uncomfortable.
"Geez. Monkey bastard, you can just say your name so honestly."
Yata was upset and amazed. Why would be?
"Even Yata-san was mad at me when I introduced myself, wasn't he?"
Before she said more, Kamamoto stabbed a sickle firmly. "That's it! That's it!"
"Oh, that's it... You can say it after getting permission!"
He made a painful excuse and said, "Kamamoto, let's go quickly."
After that, Kamamoto ran and followed him.
It was as if a storm had passed.
After dismissing Yata and other young men, she looked at Kukuri and took control powerlessly.
"Rice! Rice! Kurosuke's homemade rice! Shiro! Let's eat rice!"
"Yes. Let's go out because the weather is good today."
"Don't rock your lunch! The contents will fall apart!"
It was noon. Around the same time the bell rang, Neko stood up, and Shiro and Yatogami left the classroom following her. As she smiled and said goodbye, Kukuri reached over and touched her desk.
"Shall we go to the coffee shop? You didn't bring any food, did you?"
"Yeah. Oh, but it's okay to be alone. That's Kukuri-chan's lunch box, right? I think I can get to the coffee shop if I have a navigation system."
"Yes! But let me go with you. I also want to tell you the location of the shopping department. And if I get lost early on the first day, my name as a guide will be spoiled, right?"
"Okay, then, I'll be attentive to your words. Thank you."
"No! What? Then let's go together!"
Kukuri started walking with a joyous cry. She got up and followed her.
"There are several ways to get to the coffee shop, but the best is through the courtyard."
"Yes. Therefore, I would not recommend going down these stairs immediately, on a limited menu day. Because the purchase is established in several places."
(Huh? Limited menu?), she thought.
She got out a word she didn't expect, and instinctively looked at Kukuri.
"Eh? Did you buy it now?"
"Yes, it is a strategy to expel the rivals. Lunch is one of the joys for the students, so everyone is desperate."
No, that was correct. She thought it was the same in all schools, but what did it mean to expel rivals?
(She said it's natural, but that? It's weird, I don't understand. Well, that shouldn't be the case, right?), she thought.
As she twisted her neck, she went downstairs with Kukuri and pushed open the glass door that led down the hall to the courtyard.
There was a neat flowerbed with colorful flowers in every corner. The fresh green of the plantation was also nice.
Light pink petals fluttered from the beautiful and splendid cherry blossoms. The white garden table and chairs underneath were fascinating. It would be great to enjoy her lunch there.
Kukuri, who was leading the way through the large and beautiful courtyard where such garbage had not fallen, stopped and shrugged, "Oh, no. Sorry. I can't go through here."
"Eh? Why?"
Kukuri pointed to the front, saying "That.". For the first time, she realized that there were many people gathered there, since she was looking at other things before.
And, well... it didn't seem like a good atmosphere. Yes. It was extremely unsettling.
A group in black school uniforms and a group in white school uniforms staring at each other.
People wearing black school uniforms didn't seem polite. On the other hand, many people who wore white school uniforms had the impression of looking tight. They felt like honor students.
But after all, there was a blue scabbard saber at the waist. What was that?
"Kukuri-chan? They seem to be staring at each other, but what the hell are they doing?"
"It's a conflict!"
Too simple an answer that made her doubt her ears.
(Huh? Did she say a conflict?), she thought.
"Conflict... is that a fight?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"Well why are the students fighting?"
"Fufu, I haven't seen a person react this way in a long time. It's okay. You'll be surprised at first, but you'll get used to it. It's the usual thing."
(Is it okay to get used to it?), she thought.
Also, as usual, she thought conflict was something that shouldn't become a daily routine. No, nothing was becoming a daily routine, first of all, there was a conflict within the school.
She was confused by the images and words that were far from common sense.
However, when she looked around, there were people who were looking far away, but no one was surprised or made noise, so Kukuri's reaction was correct.
(Hmm. Common sense in this school is a bit strange.) she thought.
Struggling to understand, she returned to a group of gazes.
"Uh... that? Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are there too? Besides, Fushimi-kun."
"That's right. Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are in the Red club, and Fushimi-kun is in the Blue club."
"Eh? Red club and Blue club? What's that?"
Kukuri laughed and explained with good humor.
"It is a special activity of the club. It is one of the characteristics of this school."
"Special club activities?"
"That's right. There are seven special club activities at this school in addition to the regular club activities. Two of them are from the Red and Blue club. Special club activities, because when you join the club, you can use special abilities. It's very popular with students, because the word "special ability" is great, right? But only the "chosen ones" recognized by each director can join the club."
The word "special ability" surprised her.
"Only the chosen ones...?"
"Yes. Not everyone can get in. In that sense, it's "special". The Red club wears that black school uniform. Most of the Red club members are bad. However, "it's not that way" bad, so it is accepted by students in general."
Eh? Were they bad, but not evil? She didn't understand anything.
"But it's not all bad things. How to put it? I think those people are not good at keeping up with everyone. People who go their own way are the best. Maybe it's close. The director is Mikoto Suoh, a student third year. He's also the head of the Red club and he's very strong. You see, that red-haired person next to Yata-kun."
Kukuri pointed at the person in the middle of the black group with her finger.
His red eyes were eerily sharp. Tense and sad cheeks.
Did she say he was older? Charismatic? Regardless, his presence was astonishing.
"The Blue club wear a white school uniform. Excellent grades, good behavior. Most of the members are super elite groups that also serve as officers of student organizations and members of the disciplinary committee. The activities are the maintenance of discipline, the orientation of the students, it feels like they are always leading the students in a disciplined way, like leading events at school, so it seems like they are not on good terms with the Red club from one point of view."
Even though she said, "That's correct.", she frowned at the explanation.
(Good behavior... Eh? I'm sure I'm the only one who thinks that carrying a gun to kill people around your waist doesn't mean being good.), she thought.
"The director of the Azul club is Reisi Munakata, a third year student. The director of the Student Organization Within the School, the whereabouts of the Great Myojin!"
The central figure in the white group that Kukuri continued to display was, yes, like "Shinsei Seidai Myojin".
Sharp glasses with calm and cool eyes. He listened to the Red Club swearing with a sweet smile on his lips, as if he were listening to classical music.
"That's why I can't go through here. I'm just looking at it now, but it seems to be getting a little warm, and it is."
"Monkey! Bastard, say it again!"
A loud voice echoed across the courtyard as if to block Kukuri's words. It was Yata's voice.
When he breathes and look back, Fushimi, who looked away, laughed vividly.
"Oh, I'll tell you many times. Your power is below mine. Mi-Sa-Ki."
Delighted, terribly happy, growling and despising people. His smile gave her chills.
(What? That look.), she thought.
"I can't take it! I'll take you down!"
Yata jumped, dyeing his eyes with fierce fury.
"Wow. It's started. That's it for the special part. I'm hungry, can we go quickly?"
Kukuri wanted to leave in a hurry, but she couldn't answer.
She was fascinated by the flames, which had arisen from Yata's hands.
The shape was slightly different, but all the people in the Red club could easily create a flame and target the Blue club. Those of the Blue club also took out their sabers one after another to defend themselves. There was a blue light on the blade.
Involuntarily, she looks at her hands.
(That's a special ability. So my thing is...), she thought.
Her shoulders shook and she suddenly came back to herself.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Because it's dangerous here. Shall we go?"
At that moment, Kukuri urged her on and looked back quickly.
Yes, that was exactly a fight. Other students in the courtyard were screaming.
When she looked back, the first thing she saw was a knife with a red lotus flame approaching them. And that last moment, she didn't have time to think about anything.
"Kukuri-chan, it's dangerous!"
Kukuri's body moved quickly. At that moment, a flash of light enveloped her.
Light was pouring out of her limbs and she couldn't open her eyes.
At the same time, there was a tremendous destructive sound.
But that was only a moment, and soon... the light disappeared like a lie.
The knife that should have flown there was also annihilated.
"Kukuri-chan, are you hurt?"
"No. I'm fine. It's nothing, but..."
Kukuri was in her arms and responded with a confused look.
"Hey. The light is coming out of your body, Saya-chan, but..."
The words surprised her. She quickly released Kukuri and looked at her hands.
Both hands had a vague white light. Her whole body was in that state. Yes. It was as if she herself was emitting light.
A cold thing crept up her back.
(This is the same as before...!), she thought.
When she looked around her in a hurry, the stone pavement was severely broken and only around her. It was as if it had been crushed by a heavy machine.
It appeared that there was no damage to the school building. The surrounding students were also safe. Just around her and Kukuri, the stone pavement was broken, scraped, and tiled as if a circle had been drawn around her.
The blood suddenly disappeared. She shook back and hugged herself.
(What do I have to do! In this school, I decided to be careful not to be like this! I don't want to think like that again. Therefore, I controlled myself so as not to disturb anyone, only in a discreet and silent way. Quiet so as not to make waves. I thought she was calm!), she thought.
"What's that?"
Kukuri's question brought her back to herself.
"This is..."
"You are a 'Strain', aren't you?"
A sweet, low and gentle voice resonated with the usual sound of his shoes.
When she took a breath and looked around her, the person who was there was Reisi Munakata, the director of the Blue club and the director of the Student Organization within the school.
In his hand was a sword that glowed pale.
"A "Strain"...?"
"Yes. People with innate special abilities are called 'Strains'."
With that said, he placed the saber in the scabbard and pulled up his goggles.
"The power of a "Strain" sometimes hurts people."
A painful memory crossed her mind.
Munakata stared at her with a distorted face, a smile on his lips.
"It is also our role to take strong measures to prevent this from happening. The day before yesterday, there was a report that a 'Strain' had entered the island, but are you the transfer student?"
With a rattling noise, Munakata took a step closer to her. She turned and took a step back.
"The birth of a talented person off this island is infinitely equal to zero."
"Ah, that, I..."
"In other words, the exception is that you are a 'Strain'... Transfer student Konohana Saya. If you don't resist, nothing bad will happen. Shut up and give up quickly."
As usual, a soft, sweet smile on his lips.
However, there was a sharp, dignified light in his eyes behind his glasses, and she was frightened by the power of it.
Taking a step back, Munakata narrowed his eyes slightly and held out his hand.
"Come here."
"Oh, I..."
At that moment, a flame struck behind Munakata.
At the moment of shouting, Munakata drew his saber and turned around to block the flame.
"She didn't do anything wrong, that's why she shouldn't give up."
Suoh pointed his flaming hand towards Munakata.
"I reject you, I keep the woman."
"Well, it's rare that you are interested in others."
"Yes. If you think so, give it to me."
Munakata responded to Suoh's fearless smile with a graceful and gentle smile.
"No. If you're interested, I can't quit."
Then, he turned the saber, which was reflecting the sunlight, directly towards Suoh.
"She is an irregular person and I want her to be within my grasp."
"If so, can I get it by force?"
"You are still a barbarian. If so, here too. All members, get ready!"
A sharp command. The people from the Blue club, a group in white school uniforms, responded immediately.
The fight started again. Ahead of her, Munakata looked back and reached out quickly.
"This time. Come with me."
"Oh, I..."
(What do I have to do?), she thought.
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"I won't let you do that."
At that moment, she shook his throat and took another step back. It was unexpected. A voice was heard from above.
It was around the same time that she was surprised to look up at the sky and Munakata flew back quickly and brilliantly.
Immediately afterwards, someone fell to the place where Munakata was.
Black hair blowing in the wind. A Japanese sword that pierced the sky gleamed in the sunlight.
"No, Yatogami-kun!"
Yatogami stood up with her on her back. At the same time, behind the scenes, "Kukuri, are you okay?"
Looking back, she wondered when Shiro and Neko would arrive.
"This girl's security is in charge of the 'Silver Club'."
"Huh? What was that?"
"Don't get me wrong. It's temporary. I'm not trying to force you into anything. The Silver club is different from the Blue club."
Holding a Japanese sword, Yatogami looked at Suoh.
With a pon, Shiro tapped his shoulder, staring at the two people who were abruptly facing each other.
"Shiro-kun... that, I..."
"Yes. You were scared. It's okay. Leave it to me."
She wrinkled her head and was relieved by his soft hands.
"I'll give you a lot of explanations later. Let's escape for the moment. Kuro!"
Yatogami, who had great strength, put his Japanese sword in the sheath and picked them both up.
She was surprised by the sudden movement and blushed shaking her limbs. But that was not the end.
Yatogami suddenly made a gesture like throwing something at the school building. A kind of power. They then took off from the ground at tremendous speed, dragged by invisible forces.
Involuntarily clinging to Yatogami, she closed her eyes tightly.
(What the hell is going on ?!), she thought.
A terrible wind violently shook her hair.
As it was, she and Yatogami were thrown into the sky.
"Are you okay?"
When she opened her eyes slightly to his voice, in front of her was a bowl of rice and canned juice.
She was lying in her bedroom, and when she wobbled her upper body, she wrapped the juice in her hands and exhaled the air into her lungs in one go.
She had terrible eyes...
He jumps from the courtyard to the roof of the school building. From there, he jumped to another building, and then jumped from the height at which she would normally die. She didn't want to experience it again. Bungee without lifeline.
he ran further and brought her to an empty classroom in a building she had not yet entered.
That classroom was generally locked and used only for special occasions.
Yatogami, who opened the key easily, lowered her gently on the chair and went somewhere to buy that.
"The whites should be here soon. Drink it first and calm down."
"Yes, thanks."
She lifted the lid and hydrated her throat with the cold juice.
Her fingers were still trembling. Oh, but the sweetness of her made her feel relaxed. The moment she took a breath, the door opened and Shiro's cheerful voice echoed through the room.
"Kuro, thank you for your hard work! Konohana-san, are you okay?"
"Yes. Somehow... Thanks for your help."
When she thanked him, Shiro smiled and sat down on his seat next to her.
"It was nothing. It was a disaster from the first day of move-in."
"That's right. Up to that point, it's not as good as it is."
"Hmmm, not enough!"
Shiro smiled bitterly, Yatogami was serious and Neko replied cheerfully. It was no different from when they had a conversation that morning.
On the contrary, it seemed strange in her eyes and she frowned inadvertently.
"Are all three scared?"
Maybe it didn't make sense, everyone went through trouble because of it.
"What is scary? The Red club and the Blue club?"
"No, that's not it. It's about me."
"Monster," she remembers the shock when they told her that.
Her heart was anxious. Her throat screeched and she squeezed her breast with her hand.
"I have a power that ordinary people don't have. That caused a lot of trouble around me and I couldn't stay at the old school."
No. It was a nuisance. It wasn't pretty at all.
Like Munakata said, she hurts people.
"I was thinking of living like an ordinary person in this school. I decided to hide my abilities. I would never let my abilities skyrocket."
A string of light. A terrible destructive sound. A knife that disappeared like dust. The ground that had been crushed. A stone pavement that broke and turned into pieces. Remembering that, she involuntarily hugged herself.
"I didn't know I had this power. It was sudden. When I realized it, the school building was a mess."
She will never forget it, it was unforgettable. The scene at that time would be for life.
Whether in a major earthquake or bombing, a part of the school building was ruined and turned to rubble.
Students fleeing. A bloodstained towel. And…
"Then my friends became hostile and no one looked at me."
A mixed look of surprise and fear towards her. It quickly turned into disgust.
Neither her friends, her classmates nor her superiors were looking at her. They didn't try to get involved. Even the teacher looked away from her.
Even her family was scared and she started looking at her all the time. If she was in a bad mood, that house would be destroyed next. Her parents thought they might be attacked.
She lost everything that was important at the time.
That's why she was thinking that she had done it again. Also, on the first day of transfer.
Here she too had become a "monster".
"Oh... I have to find a new school again..."
"Eh? You don't have to. You'll be fine here."
"Why? I can't stay here anymore!"
"So? You run away every time you use your power? What the hell? Isn't that stupid?"
Suddenly, the classroom door opened and a grumpy voice echoed, interrupting her words.
When she looked around her, he was standing there, Fushimi, who had a distorted face that looked annoyed.
"Fuwah! What are you doing? I don't like you, Glasses!"
Neko looked threatening, and Fushimi said, "I have no business with you. My purpose is that woman.".
"Huh? I?"
His eyes without heat surprised her. At his waist, the saber made a loud noise.
"If you try to carry out the principal's order, it's a disaster. Wow. This is the collapse of the school building."
(Did the school building collapse?), she thought.
"Up to that point, even a fool like Domyoji can do it."
"What did you say?"
"He's a member of the Blue club. Of course, I can do it too. It's easy. I just don't do it because it's hard to clean."
(Is it easy...?), she thought.
"That's right."
"Believe it or not, it's up to you. If you want to do it, run away. If there is another school where people can easily tear down the school building."
(What does that mean...? Is he trying to reassure me? I don't understand the meaning and his eyes are scary.), she thought.
With a particularly gentle smile, Shiro yelled.
"Yes. As Fushimi says. Konohana-san doesn't have to run away from this school at all. Rather, it's the opposite."
"Quite the opposite?"
"Yes, I think it's right for you. Ashinaka Super School is a school where talented people gather."
"Eh…? Talented?"
"Huh? Special club activities. Didn't you ask someone? Red club, Blue club, etc."
"Well, I heard that from Kukuri-chan."
But that was a story that when you enter a special club, you will be able to use special abilities, isn't it that people with abilities will gather in this school?
When she said that, Fushimi clicked his tongue.
"Eh? That…"
"Well, it's a relationship. Is it that important if the ability is innate or acquired? It's the same in terms of ability."
"Hmm...! Same thing? With me?"
"Did you say that? It's not unusual for a talented person. Because all the guys who belong to the special club are talented people. So, in this school, no one discriminates against talented people. You'll run away from here, where will you go?"
"Ah! No one discriminates?"
"That's right. Well, it seems that Strains are rarely born outside of Gakuenjima, and I think you're different in that sense, but I don't care because all talented people are weird in the first place. Maybe everyone doesn't care either. You can live. normally here. No, I should say that here. You think so too, right Yata-kun?"
When she was surprised by Shiro's words and ran her eyes towards the door, Yata with a bitter face appeared with a smile on his cheek.
"Don't hide and listen, come out."
"It is urgent."
"Did you come worried? Or did Suoh tell you to come see what happened? Well, anyway... Konohana-san. Everyone here has special abilities."
"Eh? And Shiro-kun? Neko-chan?"
"Yes. Because we are the Silver club. Fushimi-kun is from the Blue club. Yata-kun is from the Red club. We are all a special department. And Neko is also a Strain. You know what that means, right?"
Words like dreams invaded her.
Was it serious? Wasn't it a lie? Was it really the case?
"Don't I have to run away?"
Wasn't it a dream or an illusion?
"I can stay here?"
Fushimi responded to the words, as he groaned.
"You should like it, right? You're not the only one with a skill anyway."
She was not alone.
She takes a breath and stare at Fushimi.
She wasn't the only one who had an "ability", he said, but he probably just stated objective facts, but why? She felt that she could get closer to that person. She thought that he could understand the loneliness that had been in her heart since that day.
Suddenly, the tears overflowed.
When she clasped her hands, she hid her teary eyes from him.
It was unbelievable. Because that day she changed her life completely. She had experienced it. She was hurt and suffered. She was still in her mind very clearly that vivid memory.
(Oh, but! However, I'm not alone!), she thought.
Great tears were shed. She covered her mouth with both hands and looked up. She was not alone.
The truth is that she did not want to run away. She wanted a place to stay.
(I don't want to be a "monster". I'm so scared of myself! I don't want to be left alone in the dark without anyone understanding me!), she thought.
"Huh... uh..."
She was not alone. She could stay there.
His words made her tremble. Her heart was full and she couldn't say anything else.
Like a little girl crying.
The opening bell rang on the way, but everyone was there without saying anything.
Fushimi, who should always be a member of the Blue club guiding the students in a disciplined manner, remained silent.
"Still, I wonder what Konohana-san's ability is. She disintegrates the knife."
Seeing that she had calmed down a bit, Shiro said that and looked at Yatogami.
"Konohana-san, you don't understand it too, do you?"
"Yes. When I tried to help Kukuri-chan, it turned out to be like that. Anyway, I'm scared of myself."
"Are you a Strain who does not know your own strength and cannot control it? You are an object of observation that the Blue club seems to like."
He shook his head and looked at her to explain, Yatogami really did say what he was thinking.
The disturbing sound of his words made her shiver.
"Object of observation?"
"Mmm, Kuro. Don't scare her."
"But it's true. The Blue club will not give up on this. It will take aim again."
With that said, Yatogami looked at Fushimi.
"It sounds good for the order of the school, but the Blue club does not choose the means."
"Good. I will definitely come again. But I think that will be only if she doesn't belong to any club. If Konohana-san joins the special club herself, I'm sure it will be a different story."
"It's true?"
"Yes. The director and members will protect you as companions, I'm sure they will find out what your abilities are, and I think they will teach you how to manipulate your abilities properly. No one wants you to escape. You may have been afraid of suddenly giving up, but Munakata-senpai didn't try to hurt you. The ability is really difficult to handle. Apparently, you didn't seem to be able to control your abilities, right? So Munakata-senpai and Suoh-senpai tried to protect you no matter how they did it."
"Eh? Protect me?"
"Yes. Protected by the club. Before it affects the school and the general public. Only talented people can repress talented people."
"So if you join the special club and learn to know and control your skills alongside people who understand you..."
"The Blue club will not attack you. You will no longer be a 'dangerous Strain whose abilities are out of control', do you understand? Do you want to be part of the Silver club? Me and Kuro will protect you, and we slowly elucidate your abilities."
"Join the Silver club?"
Fushimi, who had been listening to the story silently until then, clicked his tongue and looked at Shiro. Yata looked at him too. Scared by both of them, Shiro shrugged and said, "How scary."
"Well, it seems that both the Red club and the Blue club want to protect you, but, anyway, if you join the special club, your situation will improve in various ways."
"Think carefully. Konohana-san, you must decide your future school life."
"I'm smart!"
"Wow! Yes! Sorry!"
As soon as she opened the bedroom door, she was scolded and apologized.
Eh? But, wait? Why did she have to open the door to her room and apologize?
"Oh, that's right. You?"
She raised her face and sighed at the robot that was sitting there.
It was one of the robots that cleaned the entire school island, as well as the school building and dormitory. The samurai tone was quite cute. When she stepped aside, he left the room and said, "I'm tall!"
She looked at him, she closed the door and got into bed.
"Oh! I'm tired!"
After skipping class for an hour, she returned to the classroom, but she stopped in front of the door as she was scared. What would she do if they looked at you strangely?
But, in conclusion, she didn't have to worry about it at all.
Kukuri, who found her writhing in front of the door, came out to pick her up.
"Thanks for your help on the courtyard. I'm sorry I couldn't thank you right away."
Kukuri told her that and laughed.
When she asked her: "Am I not disgusting?", Kukuri responded by beating her chest: "I don't think so at all. You were like an ally of justice and it was cute. You are a life saver; you should not feel bad. Tell me if there is someone who annoys you! I'm not good with violence, but I will persuade him.". Oh, that really made her happy.
The look and attitudes of the other colleagues did not change, but made her shine, saying: "You are incredible." The exact opposite of the previous school. But it may be that she used to hurt people with her abilities, and this time she protected people with her abilities.
She finally she was relieved to hear everyone's reaction.
Then she cries again.
Kukuri hugged her, "Don't cry." She patted her head and hit her on the shoulder.
She was so happy to see everyone's comfort and she was so excited that she cried even more.
"Special club activities, huh?"
She holding the cushion she lay on her back. She looked at the ceiling and coughed.
They all accepted her as she displayed her abilities. It was soft and warm.
She was really happy. If she took it easy, she might inadvertently shed tears.
But her power could hurt others. What would she do if she lost control again? She wanted to protect everyone from herself. So she had to know her ability and how to control it.
"Shiro-kun's Silver club."
She looked at the ceiling thoughtfully as if to confirm it.
"The Red club with Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun."
She got up gently.
She watched the terrifying red sunset shining through the window and clenched her fist tightly.
"Fushimi-kun is in the Blue club."
"I am Reisi Munakata. I am the director of the Azul club and director of the Student Organization at this school."
"I am Konohana Saya. Thanks again!"
Munakata introduced himself again. She was nervous and bowed deeply.
After school, the next day. She was in front of the Blue club room building, commonly known as "Scepter 4".
A majestic building that looked like a palace. A solid and wide entrance. The thick columns were lined up on both sides and the top was a large balcony with a large sliding window. And there are perfectly symmetrical wings left and right, centered on the part of the triangular roof that it had.
Was this the Blue club building? Were they using this whole building for the club? A member of the Blue club, who was completely overwhelmed and found her wandering the oversized open space in front of the building, led her to the principal's office. He explained to her that it was a relocation of an old western style building in a foreign French Renaissance style.
She maybe thought it was good, but it was completely counterproductive. "This is not a good place to be!". She was scared, and about to turn around and run. Managed to stop herself.
The member of the Blue club knocked on the door.
She was sure that at Shiro's Silver club she could have a relaxing time. That is exactly what she originally wanted, a quiet and peaceful place.
Yesterday after school, Totsuka Tatara, who was a third year student in the Red club, came to the classroom and gave her a dessert made by Izumo Kusanagi, a manager in the Red club. She apologized. And the dessert was really delicious.
So she was sure that he could take good care of her, and she would have a good time.
But yes. That is why she decided to go to the Blue club.
While everyone was nice to her, only Munakata told her clearly.
"The power of a Strain sometimes hurts people."
"You are a Strain and I want to have you within my grasp."
About the danger of her ability. On the need for follow-up. Only that person told her.
She was scared at the time, but now she wanted to be an "object of observation" so that she could discover her abilities and learn to control them.
"Konohana Saya-san. Originally, you are a Strain, you must be monitored and protected to maintain order in this school."
In the headmaster's room, staring at her standing in front of a heavy desk, Munakata smiled and crossed his fingers.
His smile was sweet and gentle. However, his eyes were closed and there was no mercy.
So she could be safe there, she could trust him.
This person would not only protect her, he would also protect everyone from her.
"So, I'm glad you visited me. Welcome to the Blue club, Konohana Saya-san."
"Yes, thanks."
Again, she bowed deeply.
Around the same time, the sound of banging echoed through the room. Then the sound of the door opening. She turned around to see.
"You calls me?"
It was Fushimi who entered. Noticing her, he clicked his tongue in the middle of the words and opened his eyes slightly.
"Oh, Fushimi-kun. I've been waiting for you. Here's Konohana-san."
"Huh? Oh, yes!"
"You were in the same class as her, right?"
Munakata smiled as he looked at her, she quickly returned her gaze to Munakata.
"Oh, yes. That's correct."
"That's right. Then I'll order Fushimi-kun to be an educator for Konohana-san."
"Hmm, Fushimi-kun?"
It seems like it was an unexpected word not only for her but also for Fushimi, who was shocked, and a click of the tongue was heard from behind.
However, should keep calling Munakata, director? The director did not seem particularly concerned about his reaction and continued his words with a smile.
"Please support her."
"Because I?"
"We need someone who is always close to her, who educates her to be suitable for the Blue club and able to deal quickly when her power gets out of control. You are the best in the same class."
He wondered if he couldn't argue with that, and after a while, he sighed and replied, "Ok."
Looking back, he really hated having to do it.
"So Konohana-san. I'm going to talk to Fushimi-kun. Thank you for your continued support."
"Ah, yes! Thank you very much!"
She bowed firmly to the director, thanked him, and turned her back on Fushimi as he walked out of the director's office.
"Um, sorry."
It didn't seem like Fushimi would agree to that task, so she didn't look back and apologized to Fushimi, who was walking steadily.
Then he replied, "It's not your fault. Besides, I will obey the director's decision."
His voice was a little soft, but he sounded very grumpy. She thought that Fushimi was really angry. But if she said something, would he ever get mad at her again?
She walked over to Fushimi, thought for a moment and leaned in, saying, "Well, okay then."
The answer to that was his usual irony.
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outlawsworld · 4 years
Trusting Strangers - Chapter 16
Arthur Morgan x Female reader
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Summary: reader finally confronts her past and Arthur helps her blow off some steam.
Warning: SMUT, NSFTW, please do not read if you are under 18!!! Violence and swearing.
Notes: what did I just write 🙊🙊 so I've decided to carry on with this series for a while! Please keep letting me know what you think and reblog!
The darkness surrounded you quickly as you and the other men mounted your horses. There was an eerie silence over all of you as you spurred your horses to ride out of camp. The thunder from the horse's hooves as you cantered down the dirt road filled the night air. Dutch had gone over the plan three times to make sure everyone knew what to do. He had spoken to the Sheriff earlier that day and he drunkenly agreed that the Lemoyne Raiders should be dealt with. Only, Sheriff Grey probably meant arrested, not butchered.
You had repeatedly told all the men to leave the red headed man named Robert for you. Although the mere mention of his name haunted you, this was something that you had to do. Your heart was nearly as loud as the horses hooves, pounding against your ribcage. Thoughts of everything that was about to happen were racing around your brain but you tried to remain focused. Arthur rode beside you, every now and then he would ask if you were okay and you would just nod in response. Dutch and Sean took the lead while John, Javier and Charles rode behind you. You had come prepared with both your rifle, shotgun and pistol plus all the ammunition your satchel could carry. This was what it all came down to. All the ghosts from your past will be put to rest after tonight.
As you came upon a wooded area, Dutch turned The Count off the road and into the trees. Once he was far enough off the track he pulled up to a halt and turned to the group.
''Here is good, dismount and grab what you need. The hideout is just though those trees there'' Dutch spoke in a loud whisper as he gestured in the general direction. You followed his orders and dismounted. As you were grabbing your rifle from your saddle you felt a large hand gently rest on your shoulder.
''I didn't mean no offence earlier (Y/N)'' you turned to see John. He spoke softly so no one else would hear and he looked deeply into your eyes. ''I know you are more than capable of this. It's just.... I don't want to see you get hurt'' his eyes wore a sad expression and you could hear the concern in his voice.
''I know John'' you smiled weakly at him. ''I didn't mean to snap at you but I need to do this'' he nodded his head in defeated understanding before he removed his hand.
''I got your back'' he tilted his head for you both to join the group. You walked past him, patting him lightly on the arm before joining the rest of the men. They gathered round Dutch as he inspected everyone. He gave a brief nod before he lead the group through the trees towards the gangs hideout.
''Keep your heads down and remember the plan'' Dutch whispered to you all as you headed deeper into the woods. In the not so far distance you could see the light from a fire and two wooden cabins covered by the trees. There were a bunch of men surrounding the campfire, singing merrily to themselves. They had clearly had a few too many to drink. The information you had accrued came in helpful as you knew exactly where the guards were situated. Javier took out one on the left side while Charles took the right. Both were quick and quiet kills.
You all proceeded forward using the trees as cover. As you approached, you could scan the camp to see just what you were up against. It seemed as though there were only 10 men around the fire but there could be more in the cabins. The plan was to draw them out. Sean brought some dynomite that he began to attach to one of the wagons situated on the outskirts of the camp. As he began to do this you and the men got prepared for a fight. Lining yourselves up, surrounding the camps boarders so that no one would get away from you.
''(Y/N)'' Arthur whispered into your ear making you jump slightly. ''You alright?'' you turned to face him. You could barely see his face through the darkness and the shadow cast by his hat.
''I will be, when this is done'' you said rather sternly. In truth, you were finding it harder to keep your calm. You had been waiting for this for so long, to kill the bastards who hurt you and killed your family. It was finally here and you couldn't help but feel a sickening feeling in your stomach. Your hands began to tremble. Arthur must have noticed because he placed his hand on top of yours to gently steady you.
''I understand. Just keep your head alright? I'll be with ya at all times'' his voice was a calming anchor for you. Listening to his low southern raspiness allowed you to steady yourself and take a breath. Just as you were about to say something a deafening explosion went off. Sean had just blown the wagon with all of it's cargo to pieces. Arthur quickly pulled away from you to take cover behind a different tree. His sudden departure made you feel cold and unsteady but you took a deep breath and remembered that he would be looking out for you.
The men that were surrounding the campfire had all stumbled to their feet in confusion. Twelve other men stumbled out of the cabins, shouting curse words to each other and looking for an explanation. You prepared yourself, bringing you rifle up and aiming at your first target.
As soon as they all began to investigate and expose themselves, Dutch shot the first bullet. You and the rest of the men followed his lead. Picking off the men one by one. After the first bullet rang out, the Raiders were quick to try and take cover. Pulling their own guns out to the on coming fire. As you shot at the men closest to you, you began to push forward. You were now just on the outskirts of their camp behind a couple wooden crates. Charles came to cover next to you and you both picked off a couple more of the men. Arthur and John were behind another wagon not too far away from you.
Each of the Raiders men went down with a large thud as you kept proceeding forward. You jumped over the crate and entered the camp. Shouting was coming from all directions, which made it hard to hear who was calling, leaving you slightly disorientated. You decided to focus on pushing on, jumping from cover to cover. Sean and Javier had stormed the first of the two cabins as you made your way to the second. As you were between covers you heard a bullet race right past your head. You ducked to the side as you saw a tall bearded man in front of you fall to the floor, blood trickling down his forehead. Glancing behind you, you saw Arthur lower his rifle and nod at you. He truly did have your back.
There was a sudden silence as all the men outside of the cabins were now dead. You made your way around them all hoping to find Robert amongst the dead as John and Charles took the second cabin. Arthur followed you as you went from corpse to corpse. Your heart slamming against your chest as you recognised some of the faces of the men now laying dead at your feet. Robert was nowhere to be seen. Anger rose up as you felt your blood boiling. The last man you came to was a man who you had recognised. You began to kick at the body, your frustration being unleashed on his lifeless figure.
''You bastards'' you scream at the top of your lungs. You must have looked possessed as you crashed your boot into his broken ribs repeatedly. Arthur watched you for a while before he put his hand on your shoulder and turned you to face him.
''Think he's had enough there darlin'. '' he whispered. He could see the anger still burning inside of you. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Robert was who you wanted and he wasn't even here.
''Miss (Y/L/N)'' Dutch's voice cut through the night as he stood leant up against a cabins open doorframe. ''I think we've found what you are looking for'' his voice was dark and cunning as he smiled at you. You took a shaky breath and slowly paced towards the cabin. Arthur followed closely behind you, his presence enough to keep your knees from buckling as you trembled with each step. Dutch gestured for you to walk into the cabin and you nodded as you past him and stepped inside.
The cabin was dark, only lit with a couple of lanterns placed on a big table in the centre of the room. In the corner stood Sean and Javier with a man on his knees in front of them. His arms were bound behind his back and his head was facing the floor.
''Tink you owe this lovely lady an apology, eh?'' Sean grabbed the man by his hair to pull his face up and look at you. Robert looked up with his beady eyes, as they landed on you, you felt yourself freeze again. Your body betrayed you and planted your feet to the floorboards. Each breath you took was fought for as if all of the oxygen in the world disappeared. The man that had inflicted so much pain onto your life was on his knees, his face was bruised and bloodied with being beaten, and you had the power. Yet still you froze. John and Charles both came into the cabin now. All of the men that brought you here for this moment we're now watching as you crumbled. After a moment you heard a whisper from behind you.
''It's alright, he can't hurt ya now'' Arthur soothed. You glanced back at him who gave you an encouraging nod. He was right, Robert couldn't hurt you anymore. You had all these men surrounding you and keeping you safe. They had chosen to help take down the men who had wronged you and killed your family. You looked at each of the men who had come with you. It made your heart melt at the sight of them all, who you trusted with your life, wanting to protect you. After so many men had hurt you, broken you down and used you, these men were slowly putting you back together again. Your eyes lastly landed on John who nodded at you with a tug of a smile on the corner of his lips.
''Ha'' Robert scoffed. ''She can't do shit. She was a feisty one, I'll give her that but she soon gave up. She wouldn't hurt me'' he had a sly smirk on his face. You felt your fists clench as you saw red. Before Javier could scold him for his comment you stormed forwards until you were standing over the man. His eyes stared up at you as you grabbed him by his shirt collar. Pushing him back until you were on top of him and landing full blown punches into his skull. You hit as hard as you possibly could, adrenaline powering you to carry on. Blood was pouring from the mans face when you landed the last punch. You grabbed your hunting knife from your back pocket.
''You ruined me'' you screamed at him. ''I ain't ever gonna get my life back. So you owe me and the best you can do is give me yours'' as you spat out the words you slowly dug the knife deep into his chest. Roberts eyes widened and he screamed loudly before you pushed the knife as deep as it could go making his body suddenly go limp. You looked down at the lifeless man who had stolen so much for you. He was dead. It felt as though a weight on your shoulders had been lifted that you hadn't even noticed was there. The passing thought of 'would you ever run into him' was now gone. You pulled the knife from the mans chest and blood spurted across your clothes and face. A hand reached out for you to grab and you took it, still in a trance with what had just happened. You were pulled up to your feet and away from the man on the floor.
''I'm proud of you'' you turned to look at the voice, who's hand you were still clung too. Dutch pulled you into a warm embrace, uncaring of the wet blood covering your clothes. That's when the tears started to fall down your cheeks. ''Boys, lets see what's worth takin' here. Arthur, take (Y/N) to get cleaned up. I think she could do with some time to calm down'' Dutch instructed, you could feel the vibrations of his voice through his chest. He squeezed you tightly before pulling away and holding you by your shoulders. ''Take all the time you need'' he spoke softly as he looked over you. You must have looked a mess. Blood everywhere and tears streaming down your face.
Arthur approached you both as Dutch let go of you. He wrapped his arm around you and guided you out the cabin and back to the horses as the others searched the place for any valuables. The woods were deafly quiet, yours and Arthurs footsteps were the only noises to be heard.
''You alright to ride?'' Arthur asked as you found the horses in the dark.
''Yeah'' your voice cracked. It was all you could manage to say without loosing control of your emotions. You both packed up your things and mounted up before heading to a quiet spot at the lake that Arthur knew about. The spot wasn't too far away, allowing you not to be seen by any random passer by. With blood all over your clothes and face, you wouldn't be a welcomed sight. As you rode to the spot by the water, everything seemed peaceful. There was no one around, it must have been the early hours of the morning by now. The moonlight reflected it's sliver light off the water as it rippled to the shoreline. Arthur dismounted and came to help you down. His large hand gently holding your waist as he lowered you to the floor.
''Let's get ya cleaned up'' he hummed at you as he moved a strand of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek in the process. You nod and start to unbutton your shirt. Arthur's face blushed slightly and he quickly turned around to give you your privacy. His reaction made you giggle slightly, even after sleeping together he was still the gentleman. Normally, you would strip to your under garments and wash your limps and face but the water looked too tempting. After the day you have had, you needed to wash away everything. You striped down until you were fully naked. Arthur still had his back towards you as you tiptoed into the water.
The cold water sent a chill through your body. It was shock to the system that made you pause momentarily to get used to the change. Slowly, you walk further out until the water was just above your breast. Taking a deep breath you submerge fully under the water and scrub at your face. You washed away all the bad feelings from the last day and smile at the new found freedom. Knowing that that man was dead and couldn't hurt you again made your heart soar. You resurfaced taking in the cold air.
''Didn't realise you were going swimmin'?'' Arthur shouted at you from the shoreline. He was looking out at you trying to make sure he didn't loose sight of you in the darkness.
''Why don't you come join me?'' you teased. This was the most relieved you had felt in your entire life. It felt as though the water was washing away your haunting past and you could finally move forward. There was no better person to spend this moment with then Arthur. He shook his head but you could see the shy smile on his lips. ''Come on cowboy'' you shouted to him. Becconing him to join you.
He smirked before taking his hat off and disposing it with your pile of clothes. You watched as he took his gun belt off, then began to unbutton his shirt. His muscled chest exposed as he threw his shirt down to add to the pile. Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched him undress. He was a sight to behold. The light from the moon outlining each muscle perfectly. How did you become so lucky to have this perfect man in your life. Once all of his clothes were off he made his way over to you. He hissed as he came into contact with the cold water but didn't falter. With each step he took towards you the water came higher on his body, blocking your view.
He came to stand in front of you. Where the water covered your breasts, it still exposed Arthur's full chest as he towered over you. The worry on his face had faded into a smile as he looked deeply into your eyes. You looked up at him feeling your heart pumping so loudly, you swear you could hear it. The effect this man had on you was astounding. He could make you forget all your fears one moment but make you a nervous wreck the next. Gently, he caressed your cheek, moving his hand to the back of your neck whilst his other hand was placed on your waist.
''How are you feelin' after everything?'' he asked softly.
''I guess I feel relieved'' you breathed out. ''My past can finally be put to rest and if it wasn't for you....I would have just frozen again. Thank you Arthur. For everything'' looking into his eyes you felt more connected to him then you had been to anyone in your entire life.
''No need to thank me (Y/N). I'm just glad your alright. It must have been pretty hard to face but I knew you could do it'' he smiled pulling you closer to him. ''And I know you ain't exactly one to mess with but....No one will hurt ya, not while I'm around'' he smiled before leaning down and kissing you softly. You leaned into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. The only sounds surrounding you were from the water with each movement you made. You melted into him as you felt the heat rise between the two of you.
The kiss became more passionate as your tongues danced with one another perfectly.  Each kiss you had shared with Arthur made your heart flutter but this one topped them all. There were no worries lingering over you this time. Arthur moved his hand from your neck down the curves of your body and landed on your waist. You could feel a tingle run down your spine of the sensation of his touch. The heat in your groin began to grow as the world disappeared around you.
Arthur broke this kiss to look into your hungry eyes. The corner of his mouth tugged upwards as he reached down to the back of your thighs, lifting you up to rest both your legs around his waist. Your breasts were now exposed above the water as Arthur held you in place. He glanced over you before looking back into your eyes.
''(Y/N)'' he whispered quietly as he held your gaze.
''Arthur'' you responded with a shy smile.
''I love you'' he whispered softly, not dropping his gaze from you. You held back the gasp from the shock of his confession. All of a sudden your chest felt like it was on fire as you stared wide eyed into his moonlit eyes. You began to breath heavily as all the feelings you had for Arthur surfaced all at once. Slowly, you scraped your fingers through his hair until both your hands rested at the back of his neck. You took a deep breath.
''I love you too'' you smiled brightly at him. You finally admitted it, you had never loved anyone before but you couldn't deny it any longer. You loved Arthur. He couldn't help but return your wide smile before he pulled you closely and kissed you again and again. The kiss was full of passion and hunger for one another. Each kiss was more intense then the last. The heat between your legs was becoming unbearable as you felt his own arousal grow.
Still holding on to you tightly, Arthur began to make his way closer to the shoreline. You felt the water slowly leaving you more and more exposed. When you reached the sand Arthur softly lay you down on the ground, not breaking the kiss. His body was hovering over you as his hands began to wander up and down your body. When his hands found your breasts and gently kneeded them, you moaned into his mouth.
With one movement, you pushed him off you and onto his back. Leaving him breathless before you moved yourself to straddle him. You sat up, allowing yourself to look over him and him over you. His hands explored what he was able to see as you rubbed yourself over his hard shaft. The wetness between your legs increased with each movement. Your hands explored his chest, feeling through his dark hair that grew there.
You teased the head of Arthur's manhood with your entrance causing him to moan and throw his head back into the sand. Slowly, you lowered yourself on him until he filled you up. You let out a shaky breath as you began to rock your hips up and down. Both your moans becoming louder and uncontrollable with each movement. Being in control and making Arthur moan like this made this even more pleasurable for you. He moved his hand down between your bodies. Using his finger to softly rub small circles into your clit. The new sentation sent a hot wave if pleasure through you. This caused you to tense around him and quicken your pace. The feeling of him in you becoming more and more intense.
''Good girl'' Arthur moaned. His deep voice sent shivers down your spine. He was hitting just the right spot each time you lowered back onto him. You were close to your release and you could tell Arthur was too as his finger movements on your clit were becoming sloppy but still felt incredible. Driving your hips down onto him you felt the overwhelming waves of pleasure surge through your entire body. You felt Arthur release at the same time as he sat up and held you in his arms tightly. His release filling you up. You rode out both of your orgasms until you were utterly breathless.
You got off and laid beside Arthur as the both of you caught your breath. He laid back down and held out his arm for you to come closer which you did happily. You rested your head on his chest and pressed your body closely next to him. His chest moved up and down with each breath he took and heat radiated off him as you felt his seed trickle down your leg. As you regained your breath you looked up at his face to see he was already smiling down at you. You blushed before leaning up to kiss him lightly.
The pleasure that this man could make you feel was addictive. All you wanted to do was go again but you knew he would need some time. It had been a while since you had spent the night in the hotel room. Being round camp and not being able to be intimate with one another had been tense. Especially when a lot of the time you would think about how he had made you feel that night. Sleeping with him each night and sharing kisses was just adding flames to the fire. As you lay back in his arms you both stare into the night sky. Hoping that the next time won't be as long a wait. Arthur pulled you tighter into his chest and kissed your forehead lightly.
''I guess we better get cleaned up again'' Arthur chuckled. You couldn't help but giggle too as you felt the mess in-between your legs. "I meant what I said ya know" he whispered softly. You look up to meet his eyes.
"I meant it too" you whispered back to him.
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thepredatorywasp · 3 years
if you want Taylor asks I'd love track by track reviews of any of the albums you wish were talked about more!
okay one of taylor's best albums that isn't talked ab enough is my beloved speak now so here we go baby. i'm doing a relisten for this so i'll post this in three hours because every song is 5 minutes long aksjhdf
everytime i think i'm over this song i listen to it again and i. just. i love her!!! is it a bit corny, yeah, is it funny to hear taylor swift singing "and we've got bills to pay" yeah. but "you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter" is one of her best lyrics!! and my soul still ascends when she sings "she is the best thing that's ever been mine"!!!!
sparks fly
everyone stand for our first horny anthem... i hope taylor brings this energy for ts10 because as much as i love the folkmore sound i need some bangers!! "drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain / kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain" is such a taylor lyric it's almost funny. i love how dramatic she's in this album and this song slaps! next!
back to december
the og 'tis the damn season <3 love the beginning notes so much and the chorus is very good!! i don't have strong opinions on this song but i do like it a lot! the tour version tho... when she starts to sing apologize... bestie </3
speak now
a very fun song! it's not lyrically amazing or anything but it's so fun and the way her voice sounds in this one is very endearing to me. tbh!! it shows taylor's strength as a storyteller, even when the story she's telling hasn't even happened to her and it's not relatable at all. what can i say i love her when she's bitchy "she floats down the aisle like a pageant queen / but i know you wish it was me, don't you?"
dear john
one of her best written songs and she wrote it when she was 19!!! i think it's a very heavy song and the fact that she said that she didn't want to sing it anymore because it still hurt is just.... ow. "long were the nights when my days once revolved around you" is an insane lyric, and the bridge is just... ah. the girl in the dress wrote you a song!! for speak now tv taylor should be allowed to murder john mayer tbh
mean is fine i guess. i do enjoy me some banjo and the "someday i'll be living in a big old city" gets me sometimes but eh? i don't listen much to this song tbh! the bridge still gets me because she just goes for blood asjhfd
the story of us
taylor wrote this song for every single weird girl who had a weirdly obsessive friendship with another girl that had frequent and dramatic fights and that now in retrospective seems incredibly homoerotic. I'D TELL YOU I MISS YOU BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW, I'VE NEVER HEARD SILENCE QUITE THIS LOUD! what! a! banger!!!!
never grow up
skipping this one for reasons which have to do w the fact i'm gonna turn 20 and i'm gonna have to move out soon <3 the fact that i have to skip it means it's a very good song tho, but my mental state is not prepared lmao
ah! one of the best songs of the album has arrived. "please don't be in love with someone else / please don't have somebody waiting on you" would seem like an insane thing to say after meeting someone one (1) time, but i suffer from the same brain worms than miss swift. still cracks me up that that dude answered with a cover and taylor didn't say anything. queen <3. love love love this song
better than revenge
if taylor changes this song in any way shape or form in the rerecordings i will stream the old version so much it will go number one. it's so fucking GOOOD i love how mean and cunty she is!! it's a fun song and i adore it
this song is very sweet and it's very well written but it's just a bit boring to me? idk!! i do thing it's a bit too long tho
this was my favorite taylor song for a long time and i still think it slaps. i always think of twilight when i hear it which is funny. anyways nothing taylor ever does will ever does will top the performance of this song which is *chef's kiss*. the dramatism? the fact that there's a bell for no reason? spectacular!! also her vocals on this song are insane
last kiss
i think this is one of my fave taylor songs and one of her best ones. "all that i know is i don't know how to be something you miss" like!! it does feel like that when someone leaves your life!! how can i become someone you miss now that you're gone!! "i'll feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe". top ten most devastating taylor lyrics! i love the way we see little snapshots of the relationship, the dancing, the way they walked, the talks at night... i love this song </3
long live
boy does this song get me emotional!! what a good album ending!! i do think it's very sweet how this was originally written for her band but ended up being for the fans as well (parasocial relationship aside ksdjhf). "it was the end of a decade but the start of an age" and "i had the time of my life fighting dragons w you" make me cryyyyy.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 26~
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Chapter 25
-------Part 1--------
The very next day after spending the night with Kurama----
(This should do it!)
Yoshino: "All patched up. Thank you for your hard work. I'm relieved that your injuries are all minor."
Morinaga: "Thank you. But I'm also sorry Yoshino. Your deal with Tamamo was broken last night and I had to make you come all this way, even though now you don't have any business with the Shogunate."
Morinaga-san smiles apologetically as I finished treating the cut on his shoulder.
Before leaving for Hiraizumi, I had asked Yoshitsune-sama to allow me to stop at the Shogunate camp.
(Some people have been injured because of me, and I want to work as a pharmacist for them for one last time.)
Yoshino: "No at all. Is there anything else that hurts?"
Morinaga: "No no. I'm strong, so I get hurt less."
Kurama: "Then leave. You've been touched too much by Yoshino."
Yoshino: "No!! Kurama!!!"
Kurama, who was leaning against the nearby fence was waving to drive Morinaga-san away.
Morinaga-san who didn't seem to care much laughs and puts his kimono back on.
Morinaga: "He's a tough nut to crack."
(I am happy that he came all this way for me.)
Yoshino: "It's natural to touch a patient while treating them. Don't take that in a weird way, Kurama."
Kurama: "That's why I kept quiet during the whole treatment."
I was about to say something back when I heard the sound of one person's footsteps in my ear....
Shigehira: "What's an outsider doing here?"
Yoshino: "Oh, Shigehira-kun."
Shigehira: "Thank you for your hard work, Yoshino-san."
Shigehira-kun walks and stops right in front of us.
Shigehira: "Also thank you for looking after my men."
Yoshino: "No no, please..... I'm going to leave some medicines for the people who haven't been treated. Can I give it to you two?"
Shigehira: "Okay. About the ones who didn't get treatment----"
While Shigehira-kun was about to say something, we heard the voices of some soldiers behind us, talking near their tent.
Shogunate soldier 1: "By the way, did you receive treatment from Yoshino-san?"
Shogunate soldier 2: "No no, I'm...fine."
Shogunate soldier 1: "Ah...well, I can't blame you. A lot of them were scared including me. Even though she was manipulated, she was terrifying...."
Shigehira and Morinaga: "..........."
(I went around apologizing but I knew a lot of soldiers wouldn't see me the same way as before.)
The soldiers had left without noticing us.
Shigehira: "----I'll be back in a bit."
Yoshino: "No wait!"
I hurriedly grabbed Shigehira-kun's arm as he was about to chase them.
Yoshino: "It's only natural they'd react like that, so I don't mind."
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,Shigehira: "But...they're wrong. You're not a scary person."
Yoshino: "You can't force them to change their mind. And I'm sure someday, they'll understand. Even if someone was afraid of me, I didn't behave in a way that would bring shame to myself or to my friends. That's all I need."
(I think I would have paid more attention to people's reactions before, but now...)
(I know there are more important things to do...)
(And the one who taught me that was.)
Kurama: "That's right. There's no point in trying to understand a bunch of humans."
------Part 2------
Kurama: "That's right. There's no point in trying to understand a bunch of humans."
Kurama who was watching us completed my sentence.
Kurama: "They don't deserve your mercy. Instead, it's best to destroy those loudmouths like Shigehira was about to earlier...."
Shigehira: "Wait, I wasn't gonna kill them..."
Yoshino: "And I won't let you."
Morinaga: "Looks like you're already having a hard time, Yoshino."
Shigehira: "Are you sure about this....? You can still say no if you want, Yoshino-san."
Shigehira-kun pointed sullenly at Kurama.
Shigehira: "He's crazy. He's not nice at all."
Kurama: "I'm a demon and that's how demons are."
Shigehira: "That makes another reason to not date you!"
(Hmmm. I can't help but think that about Kurama from an outsider's point of view.)
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Yoshino: "Kurama is kind. He's just got a slightly peculiar way of showing it. He's just unique."
Shigehira: "Are you really sure? You weren't fooled by him, right? Because you're so friendly with everyone, you might've been mistaken about him."
Kurama: "It is only Yoshino's peculiar interpretation that I am kind. But don't you talk about her."
Kurama looks down at Shigehira-kun.
Then he walks over to me and takes my medicine box which I was holding close to my heart.
Kurama: "If you've finished your treatment here, let's go. I suppose you'll be treating the Rebels next."
Yoshino: "Ah, I'll hold that."
Kurama: "Not happening."
When I reached for my medicine box, he easily lifted up to a height I can't reach.
Kurama: "You've been working since morning. What if you die from overworking?"
Shigehira: "Die from overworking? Why are you exaggerating..."
Morinaga: "No, Shigehira. Let's hear it."
The murmuring between Shigehira-kun and Morinaga-san makes me shy.
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Kurama: "I don't have any problem with humans not getting treatment, but....I'm ready to make concessions to your lunacy. In return, I want you to not sacrifice yourself for anyone but me."
1. You don't have to do that much...
2. I'm happy but scared.
3. It's not concessions... (+4/+4)
Yoshino(blushing): "What you're doing is surveillance, not a concession!"
Kurama: "That's because you have been treating others like you're their personal maid. I don't like that."
Shigehira: "I'm getting very confused. I can't understand if he's being kind or over-possessive. What should I do? Maybe this is what Yoshino was talking about earlier? Showing kindness in a peculiar way."
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Morinaga: "Kind or not...I'm relieved to see that Kurama cares about Yoshino in his own way."
Kurama: "It's only natural, right?"
(I think he's a little possessive.)
(Am I allowed to assume I'm getting special treatment from Kurama?)
That thought made me tickle and my cheeks were also red.
After saying a final goodbye to everyone in the Shogunate and treating the Rebels soldiers.....
Finally, we left for Hiraizumi.
-----After a few days, we arrived at the Rebel mansion and I felt nostalgic.
From then on it was a busy and hectic life....
Sueharu: "Hmmm. So, after that, Kurama and Yoshitsune-sama went back to making a deal again."
------Part 3-------
Sueharu: "Hmmm. So, after that, Kurama and Yoshitsune-sama went back to making a deal again."
Kurama: "I broke it for my own reasons and now we went back like we used to be."
One day, the three of us, Kurama, Sueharu-san, and me, were having a peaceful conversation.
Yoshino: "I was worried about the plan failing, but it happened exactly how he predicted. You should have seen it too, they were really cool....."
Sueharu: "Hehe, I can imagine how crazy it was."
Yoshino: "I was also surprised how they managed to pull it out without having any meetings at all."
Sueharu: "I know. Yoshitsune-sama and Kurama are like each other in some way, aren't they?"
Kurama: "How am I similar to that vague man?"
(I think Kurama is the only one in this world who can call Yoshitsune-sama vague.)
Sueharu: "Yoshino, I hope you're not having a hard time."
Kurama: "Why are you saying the same thing as that Adachi Morinaga?"
Sueharu: "......What?"
Suddenly, Sueharu-san's smile disappeared.
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Sueharu: "Can you please not mention his name?"
Yoshino: "Do you know, Morinaga-san......?"
Sueharu: "Hm? Oh no, we don't really know each other that well."
The tension suddenly eased and Sueharu-san gave me his usual smile.
(It's alright now...but it seemed like for a moment something wasn't right.)
Sueharu: "Rather than that, Yoshino. I heard that you and Kurama are dating."
Yoshino: "Mm. That's right."
Before I could continue, he takes my hand and comes closer.
Sueharu: "What a waste of a pretty sweet girl like you. Why don't you let me have her?"
Kurama(glares): "Hey."
Yoshino: "Oh."
Kurama quickly intervened and knocked Sueharu-san's hand away.
Kurama: "What are you doing with my love toy?"
Sueharu: "Are you seriously still addressing her as a toy? You must be grateful for Yoshino's open-mindedness."
Kurama(clueless): ".......?"
(Yeah, the exact same face he makes when he says his favorite line 'I don't understand.')
Kurama: "What's wrong with calling a toy a toy?"
Yoshino: "Umm....you can call me you're 'partner'?" (She says 'Koinaka, which means lover, I think in Japanese. 'Koi' means love and 'naka' means friend.....so 'love friend'?)
Sueharu: "A goddess like you doesn't deserve Kurama's outlandish remarks, right?"
Muttering in a light tone, Sueharu-san held up his index finger.
Sueharu: "But as a preacher of love....I want to know. Kurama, have you told Yoshino that you love her, properly?
Kurama: "Of course. On the battlefield, our hearts connected."
Sueharu: "Not like that, what I'm saying is....have tried saying things like 'Good morning, you look lovely today' and when you're about to go to bed 'Good night, I love you' something like that?
Kurama: "Are you telling me to be frivolous like you?"
Sueharu: "Hey! Don't look down on me! It's only a common thing to do once you start dating someone. It can make your love last longer."
(As expected...Sueharu-san has a lot of experience.)
Sueharu: "Awww. I feel bad for Yoshino who ended up with a man who has no knowledge about love."
------Part 4------
Sueharu: "Awww. I feel bad for Yoshino who ended up with a man who has no knowledge about love."
Kurama: "......"
Sueharu: "Ouch! Stop grabbing my head!"
Kurama: "I don't know why, but it made me angry."
Yoshino: "K-Kurama. Let go of him."
When Kurama loosens his fingers as if he doesn't care, Sueharu-san quickly escapes and shrugs his shoulders.
Sueharu: "Well, I guess, the idea of love and romance is different for demons. But your life spans are also a problem. Have you thought about that? It's even serious...no matter how much you care Yoshino, she'll die long before you. Don't tell me you just overlooked that, Kurama?"
I was surprised by the serious tone of the question.
(I had thought about the same thing too.)
(No matter how I try, I can't make Kurama happy for the rest of his life.)
A feeling of sadness washed over me and I waited for Kurama's answer.
Kurama: "I don't think about the future."
Sueharu: "Wow, that's refreshingly flat."
Yoshino: "Really...?"
Kurama: "Humans die long before me. What's the point in worrying about the obvious? I would rather make her happy in every moment of her dream life than spending my time on such things. As long as she smiles till the end, my heart will be filled with the memory of it. Whether it's for hundred or thousand years..."
Yoshino(blushing): "Kurama...."
(I didn't think it that way.)
I was deeply moved and I couldn't think what to say back.
Yoshino(smiling): "Thank you."
Kurama(smiling): "Yeah."
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-----For that first time, he didn't tell not to thank him like he always does.
Sueharu: "!!!! ......Thank you very much for the food. I'm afraid I have some business. So I have to go for now."
Sueharu-san smiles and stands up.
Sueharu: "Oh, Yoshino!"
Yoshino(still blushing): "....? Yes."
Sueharu: "May you live long and prosper. But if you ever get tired of Kurama, you can always come to me, okay?"
Yoshino(blushing): "Eeeehhh!!!???"
Kurama(glares): "Get lost."
As if he ignored Kurama's words, Sueharu-san turns and winks at me before leaving.
(Maybe you were just joking, but you're a sinful man in many ways, Sueharu-san.)
After we were alone, Kurama turned to me.
Kurama: "That man is a tricky one. Don't let him get to you too much, Yoshino."
Yoshino: "I think Sueharu-san was just joking, so don't worry about it."
Kurama: "That man talks a lot of nonsense. But he's very popular with human women."
Kurama touches my cheek and stares at me.
Kurama: "Also, is it necessary to tell you regularly that I love you like he said?"
------Part 5------
Kurama: "Also, is it necessary to tell you regularly that I love you like he said?"
Yoshino(blushing): "......It is natural."
(I didn't know Kurama had the personality to say this kind of thing outright before we became romantically involved.)
My cheeks get hot from embarrassment and joy.
Kurama: "You're completely flushed."
Yoshino(blushing): ".....It's because of Kurama."
Kurama: "I'm not sure if I like that idea....but if you want to hear it, I'll give it to you."
Yoshino: "Ah!"
He holds me in his arms, and his masculine face gets closer making my heart beat faster.
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Kurama: "I love you. You are the one and only toy that can fill me up and the first and last thing I'll ever give my love to."
The words were whispered in my ear and it struck straight to my heart like an arrow.
(.....His love confession is exactly like him, ARROGANT! But....)
I also want to be bold enough to offer my feelings in words.
Yoshino(blushing):: "I feel the same for you too, Kurama.....I love you, so much."
Kurama: "-----I know."
He scooped up my chin with his fingertips and observed my flushed face.
Kurama: "It's certainly not bad to say it in words. It mysteriously fills my heart."
Yoshino(blushing): "Ah...mm....?"
Kurama: "Yes. And the look on your face is telling me how much you loved it."
(He is really teasing me now!)
Yoshino(blushing): "...Kurama is so weird sometimes.."
Kurama: "Then I suppose you like weird men like me. But it's too late to run away now."
Once again, Kurama puts his lips to my ear, this time without laughing.
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Kurama: "Yoshino. I will kill anyone who harms you. If you leave me, I will kill you."
His red eyes were clear in the sunlight and looked at me without blinking.
I could tell by the quiet expression on his face that he meant what he said.
Yoshino: "........too noisy."
Kurama: "Don't like it?"
Yoshino(blushing): "I don't mind. But I'm asking you to relax because it's impossible for me to leave Kurama as well."
(I can do my job as a pharmacist, wherever I want. So I'll live along with Kurama for the rest of my life, happily.)
Kurama(smiling): "Then, everything is okay."
Our lips meet and we kissed deeply as if we were attracted to each other.....
Yoshino: "......Mmm.."
I was pushed down, and he stole my breath.
(I'm sure our relationship is different from that of a normal man and woman in love.)
(But I'm sure this is Kurama's way of love.)
The proof of this is that I now embrace boundless happiness.
Our lips quietly separated and we gazed at each other.
Kurama: "I've decided."
Yoshino(blushing): ".....What?"
Kurama: "I'll be a better man to be worthy of your love."
Kurama was excited thinking about his new resolution.
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Kurama: "I'm going to learn how to behave in a way that's so in love that no one will tell me what to do."
(Oh my....)
I'm really curious to see Kurama's idea of 'behaving like a lover.'
Romantic END // Dramatic END
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hinatastinygiant · 3 years
Show & Tell - Fifteen
"I wonder what time it is," you ask yourself as you emptily wander across your little basement room after waking up from a nap. "Is it morning yet?"
You look through the small window in your door, checking for a real window on the outside. But you end up walking away without an answer to your question, realizing that you are in a basement after all.
Just then, you hear a door creak open from far away, accompanied by approaching footsteps. You once again peer through the door's window and see a woman with dark hair approaching you.
As she draws near, you step away from the door. Your heartbeat quickens; it's not your fault seeing as it seems nobody cares for you in Kyoto.
The woman walks in, a sympathetic look on her face as she steps towards you. You take a step back, taking in the concerning large scar under her right eye that extends across her nose.
"Good morning, Y/N. My name is Iori Utahime. I am the student supervisor at Kyoto Jujustu High."
"Morning," you say plainly, a bit skeptical even though she seems normal.
You look down at what Iori is carrying and see a tray of food. Your stomach rumbles at just the thought of food.
"Is that for me?" you ask hopefully.
"It is," she replies politely. "May I set it down for you?"
You nod and step aside as she walks past to set down the tray on your table. You walk over cautiously until the smell of food overwhelms your senses. Immediately after you sit, you can't help but stuff your mouth with the meal.
"So..." you ask between bites, noticing that Iori's almost hovering over you as you eat, "Is there something that I'm supposed to be doing while I'm here?"
"Principal Gakuganji plans to display your abilities to his colleagues, but before that, he needs to monitor you."
"Display my abilities?" you repeat, almost choking on your food. "What, like show and tell?"
"I'm sure he will go over all of that with you as the two of you go out this afternoon," she continues to tell you while remaining seeming impartial on either side.
You can't help but chuckle at her phrasing. "He's taking me on a date?"
Iori narrows her eyes. "You shouldn't joke like that. You must have been spending too much time with that idiot, Gojo."
You roll your eyes as you take another bite of your food.
At least Gojo would get the joke. It's a good thing he's not here, though, or he'd probably tease me about it and make some kind of pervy comment.
When you're done eating, you lean back and look up at Iori who's still watching you closely.
"Is there somewhere I can shower?" you ask bluntly.
"Eh?" she says with surprise in her tone. You watch as she looks around for a moment before turning back to you and bowing. "I must apologize, Y/N. I suppose that was overlooked upon your arrival."
"Kyoto's got a great welcoming committee," you scoff.
Iori looks at you darkly again. She obviously doesn't care for your sense of humor and sarcasm.
Instead of responding to your comment, she pulls out a pair of cuffs and walks towards you.
"Put these on. I'll bring you to the dorm bathroom."
So I can shower there but not sleep there?!
"Okay," you grumble as you extend your arms to her. "Thank you."
Iori then guides you to the bathroom where she uncuffs you and steps outside to give you a bit of space. After washing up, you meet her outside the bathroom wearing the same Tokyo school uniform as you had from the day prior.
"Ready?" she asks after taking in your cleaner appearance.
"Yep," you reply, sticking your arms out for her to cuff them.
"No, it's alright," she shakes her head. "I'm bringing you to the principal now so you don't need them."
I'll kick that old man's ass, he's so damn cocky.
Iori guides you to the front of the school where you meet with the same old man you'd met when you arrived at the school.
"She's ready to go," Iori bows as she hands Gakuganji your cuffs and its corresponding key.
You scoff, thinking you could have said that for yourself. Yet instead, everyone here seems to talk for you.
Iori shoots you a look as if to tell you to watch yourself. Gakuganji ignores it, but thanks her before excusing her from the group.
"Come along," he says before turning his back to you.
Now's my chance, I could just knock him in the back of his head...
"Walk next to me. I can't see you back there," his voice calls out again with greater authority now.
"Right," you squeak, running up to his side.
Gakuganji leads you to the back of the school where you find a group of students training together, not unlike your time in Tokyo. The two of you sit together on a bench at the top of a hill overlooking the students.
"So, Y/N," he says as though it takes every fragile bone in his body to say your name without puking, "what do you think of Kyoto?"
You scoff, not caring whether or not your behavior was polite or not. "All I've seen of it is the darkness of a goddamn dungeon."
Right as you stop speaking, a dark aura emits from the principal, sending chills straight down your spine.
"You shouldn't speak that way to someone who's giving you a place to say," he says coldly.
"My apologies," you grin through your teeth.
"Tell me about your fighting skill," he moves on quickly from the conversation.
Why? Does he want a beating? I'll gladly give him one, you think to yourself as you ball your hand into a fist.
"I'm good," you state plainly, not wanting to show weakness. "I had been working a lot with Gojo before I came here."
Gakuganji nods, obviously expecting that answer. He then lifts his cane and points down to the students at the bottom of the hill. You follow his direction, your eyes landing on the largest man of the group who stands at about 2 meters tall, not to mention his huge, athletic build.
"I'd like to see your skills for myself. Ask Todo to spar with you."
next chapter
Show & Tell Masterlist
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writer-dreams · 4 years
Matchmaker (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Hi everyone! So....I know that it's been a while but I've recently joined a writing challenge called Cliche Month Challenge. It was made by @wreckofawriter (thank you so much for inviting me). Expect 2 more fics for this challenge. Also, I'm so sorry about being slow with requests, I am still writing them, I'm just being a turtle. This was really fun to write and I'm excited to write the other 2.
Prompt: 5 times Pansy and Theo failed to get Draco and Y/n together, and the 1 time they succeeded.
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Underage drinking, possible swearing, slight angst
Word Count: 4,822 words
A/n: If I'm being honest, this is a little messy and the point of view changes quite randomly at times. I'll also admit that it does seem pretty repetitive (heh). The reader in this story is female / uses female pronouns.
3rd Person POV
Pansy and Theo snickered to each other in one of the hidden corners in the empty corridor. They watched as Y/n and Draco bumped into each other, waiting for the scene to unfold. For years, Pansy and Theo had to watch as the two friends fell deeper in love with each other but refused to confess their feelings because they were afraid it would ruin their friendship. Pansy was almost at the point where she almost screamed out to Draco that Y/n loved him so much and that she was sick of watching them dance around each other. Theo, on the other hand, found the two's obliviousness amusing and he wanted to see how many times he had to push them in the right direction before they confessed. So, the two teamed up to try and get their friends together to stop their useless pining. They continued to watch, listening in to the conversation between the two.
"Oh, sorry Dray, I didn't see you there." Y/n chuckled, feeling a light blush dust her cheeks.
"I didn't see you there either, (N/n)." Draco smiled back at her, blushing as well.
They stared at each other, an awkward silence now filling the room. Y/n couldn't tear her eyes away from Draco's grey eyes and his handsome face. Draco couldn't stop looking at Y/n's swirling (e/c) eyes. There was a certain warmth to them that captivated him. A few seconds passed before Y/n turned away and coughed slightly.
"Um, have you seen Pansy anywhere? I got this note from her to meet her here." Y/n asked, pulling out a small piece of paper.
"That's funny, I'm waiting here because Theo left me a note to meet him here." Draco said, confused.
"Do you think they-"
The two suddenly burst out laughing, thinking that they had both been ditched. They had no idea that Pansy and Theo had orchestrated the whole thing to let the two spend some time alone.
"Well, seeing that our friends have seemed to abandon us, how would you feel about spending the day with me instead, bestie?" Y/n smiled.
"I would love that, dear best friend." Draco answered.
From their hidden corner, Pansy and Theo watched the pair walk away. Pansy let out a frustrated sigh, turning to Theo.
"It didn't work! How can two people be so blind?" She pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
"Calm down, Pansy. We'll keep trying and eventually they'll see." Theo smirked. "I have another plan."
Classes had just ended and the hallways were filled with students quickly trying to move to their dorms or next class. Pansy and Theo waited outside of their friend's classrooms, prepared to pull off Theo's plan. Although Pansy would call said plan stupid, Theo wanted to see how far something as simple as this would go. Finally, Draco and Y/n emerged from their classroom, talking excitedly to each other. Pansy stuck her leg out in front of Y/n while Theo shoved Draco forward. The end result was Y/n falling to the floor with Draco falling on top of her.
The two teenagers stared at each other, completely forgetting about the awkward position they were in. Their faces were turned into a deep shade of red, their lips just barely an inch away from each other. Y/n's eyes flickered to Draco's lips, feeling his soft breaths hitting her face.
Pansy and Theo watched from the sidelines, the latter convinced that his plan had worked. He had a smirk on his face while Pansy raised an eyebrow at him. There was no way that Theo's stupid plan would work if her note plan failed. She turned back to her friends on the floor, seeing that all of their classmates had created a circle around them, waiting to see what would happen next. At first, it seemed as though Y/n and Draco were in their own world before Y/n took a look around and noticed the crowd. She looked back at the boy on top of her, her face growing even redder.
"Um, Dray, do you mind g-getting off of m-me?" Y/n stuttered, as if finally taking in the situation.
Draco also seemed to snap back into reality as he too looked around. "Oh yeah, sure. Sorry about that." He apologized as he stood back up and offered a hand to Y/n, who gratefully accepted it.
The students who were watching the scene, grumbled disappointedly before continuing on their way. Pansy looked up to see that Theo's smirk had faltered, a fact that she found herself smiling at.
"Not so easy, is it Nott?" She taunted.
"I got further than you." He answered bluntly.
Pansy snorted, patting Theo's back gently. "Like you said, we'll keep trying until it happens."
Theo flashed Pansy a smile, chuckling softly. "Damn right."
This time, Theo had concocted a plan based on Pansy's first idea with leaving fake notes for Draco and Y/n. It was around the time that dinner would happen and the sky outside was dark with thousands of stars littered across the black space. Like last time, Theo and Pansy hid themselves away from view, waiting for Draco and Y/n to arrive.
The two teenagers arrived at roughly the same time. Their eyes were lit up in surprise when they spotted the picnic blanket and candles placed gently on the grass.
"Did you-" Y/n started.
"What? No. Did you?" Draco asked.
Y/n shook her head before stepping in closer to the blanket. Atop of the checkered material, another note was waiting for them. Written on it, their names were printed neatly in fancy handwriting.
"Well, it looks like this whole set-up is for us." Y/n said, showing Draco the paper.
Draco raised his eyebrows before his signature smirk made its way onto his face. "Well, who are we to deny?"
Y/n's face turned red as Draco sat down on the blanket and gestured for her to sit with him. She obliged, settling next to her best friend.
"So, I'm guessing this note I got from you is also part of the set-up then?" Y/n questioned, taking out the note that Pansy left on her desk out of her pocket.
"I guess so, considering I also got a note from you." Draco chuckled, pulling out a similar note.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the utter ridiculousness of this situation. This had to be one of the stupidest pranks that anyone has pulled on her. Though deep down, she was glad that she could spend more time alone with Draco, so perhaps this 'prank' wasn't as bad as it seemed to be.
"Hey (N/n), you can really see the stars tonight." Draco pointed at the sky.
Y/n looked up and admired the stars with him. It felt nice, just being here with him and looking at stars together. She lay down on the blanket and started looking for any constellations she recognized. Out of the corner, she could see Draco closing his eyes and breathing slowly. He looked so peaceful in the quiet evening, the candle's light making him more attractive. Eventually, he opened them again before turning to her.
"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for always being there for me. For always listening, no matter how little the problem is. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't my best friend." Draco said sincerely.
Y/n smiled back, "I'm happy that you're my best friend too, Draco."
About an hour or two had passed before the two friends decided to head back inside. They blew out the candles and took the blanket inside with them, smiling and laughing before they disappeared into the castle. Pansy and Theo came out of their hiding place, with Pansy grinning at a frowning Theo.
"It was a good attempt, Nott. Though it appears that not even you can get the two oblivious idiots together." She laughed.
"I'm still not giving up." Theo grunted.
"And neither will I. We'll get them someday, I just hope it won't take years."
Theo chuckled at the thought of him and Pansy spending the rest of their years at Hogwarts trying to get their two friends together. "Yeah, let's hope."
One of the students was hosting a large party in one of the school's unused rooms. Luckily for Pansy and Theo, they managed to convince their two friends to come join them. There was a rumour that Blaise had managed to sneak some alcohol into the party to 'spice things up'. Pansy and Theo arrived at the party to see Y/n and Draco already chatting away happily in a corner. Theo leaned over to Pansy, a worried expression on his face.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked.
"Of course. Drunk words, sober thoughts, all that stuff. Just keep Draco away from Y/n and leave the rest to me."
He nodded before making his way to their friends, greeting them before taking Draco's arm and leading him away, leaving Y/n all alone. Blaise approached Pansy, two glasses of firewhiskey in his hands.
"Hey Parkinson, you want to join in on the fun?" He asked, lifting a glass to her. Pansy smiled, taking both glasses from him.
"Of course." She said, making her way over to Y/n, who looked a little nervous as she watched the rest of the party.
"Hey Y/n."
"Oh, hey Pansy."
"Great party, eh?"
"I guess so." Y/n answered uncertainly.
"What's wrong?" Pansy asked, knowing exactly why Y/n was uncomfortable.
"Pans, you know I've never been much of a party person, I don't even know why I agreed to come here."
"Because of Draco?" Pansy questioned slyly, watching Y/n's face grow red. She laughed at her friend' reaction, becoming even more amused at Y/n's attempts to shush her.
"You know what you need, Y/n? I think you need a little bit of liquid courage." Pansy held up the glass of firewhiskey to Y/n.
Y/n seemed to consider this before she cautiously took the drink from Pansy. She looked at the Slytherin girl, who nodded approvingly. Gathering her courage, Y/n lifted the glass to her lips and let the burning liquid go down her throat. She looked back to Pansy, seeing her friend offering her another drink.
"Two drinks in and you'll probably feel more comfortable." Pansy smirked, knowing fully well that Y/n was a lightweight and two drinks would be enough to get her totally drunk.
Y/n ignored any warnings ringing through her head and gulped down the second drink. Not long after, the effects of the alcohol began to take over. The next thing she knew, her brain felt fuzzy and she couldn't quite think properly.
"Pansy, have I ever told you how much I love you?" Y/n hiccupped. Pansy chuckled at the sight of her drunk friend, gently wrapping one of Y/n's arms around her back and taking her back to Draco.
"Yes, you have. Now for you to say that to Draco." She muttered.
When Pansy had finally found Theo and Draco, Y/n was a drunken, blabbering mess. Draco looked worried as he took Y/n off of Pansy's back.
"What happened to her?" Draco asked, brushing some of Y/n's hair out of her face.
"She had a bit too much firewhiskey to drink. Come on, let's take Y/n back to our common room so she can sober up." Pansy answered, watching Draco take one of Y/n's arms and Theo take the other. The group then headed down to the dungeons to the Slytherin Common Room. The whole time, Y/n loudly exclaimed whatever was on her mind, with the trio trying to keep her quiet so they weren't caught.
"You guys ever wonder why the Dark Lord has no nose? Like, if I were to be the most powerful wizard to ever exist, then surely, I'd wanna look good. Who wants to be famous for not having a nose?" Y/n shouted.
"Yes, yes, Y/n. Noses are great. Now, can you please be quiet?" Pansy sighed. She knew that Y/n was a lightweight but she didn't know how difficult she would be to handle.
Soon, Y/n fell asleep, the trio letting out a sigh of relief. Out of the corner of Theo and Pansy's eye, they noticed Draco smiling softly at Y/n's sleeping form.
As they entered the room, they noticed that it was completely empty. Everyone was still at the party, allowing the four friends to have the whole room to themselves. Draco and Theo gently put Y/n down on one of the couches, Draco sitting next to her. A few minutes had passed with idle chit chat between the three as Y/n continued to sleep. The night was still young and everyone was not likely to return from the party for a few hours. Eventually, Y/n appeared to stir a bit from her sleep, though she was still very drunk. Pansy elbowed Theo gently in the side and they both excused themselves before exiting the Common Room. In reality, they were hiding in the entrance to the boy's dormitories. Pansy gave Theo a high five as they leaned against the wall to peer into the Common Room.
"Draco...." Y/n murmured, finally starting to wake up.
"Y/n! How are you feeling, do you need anything?" Draco took Y/n's hand and squeezed it gently.
"Draco....I need to tell you something...." Y/n continued muttering.
"Yeah, of course. You can tell me anything, (N/n)."
Pansy excitedly looked over at Theo. "It's finally going to happen!" She whisper-shouted. Theo put a finger over his lips and gestured for her to continue watching.
"Come on!" Pansy was ready to scream. Her body was filled with anticipation and she could barely hold it in.
"Draco....I'm really glad that you're my best friend." Y/n smiled sleepily at him.
"Oh come on!" Pansy face palmed. Theo was shaking beside her, trying to hold in his laughter.
"Shut up, it's not that funny!" Pansy swatted Theo's arm.
"Of course it is! You were practically splitting at the seams from excitement only for it not to happen!" Theo held a hand over his mouth, still trying to stay quiet.
Pansy rolled her eyes and went back to watching Draco and Y/n, disappointment settling into her stomach. She was so sure that this would work, that drunken Y/n would be dumb enough to confess to Draco her undying love for him.
"I'm glad that you're my best friend too, Y/n." Draco grinned. "Now, let's get you to your room. You're going to need to sleep off all that alcohol." Draco lifted Y/n up bridal style and carried her off into the direction of her room.
With both of them now out of the room, Theo burst out laughing. He practically fell to the floor from the endless laughter. Pansy watched him with crossed arms, waiting for him to finally finish. As the laughter died down, Theo took a couple of deep breaths before he settled down.
"Got anymore bright ideas?" Theo joked.
"Maybe." Pansy smirked, a new plan already forming in her head.
Pansy was tired of their plans failing. She took out a small bottle of a love potion out of her bag, seeing Theo raise an eyebrow at it.
"This is your big plan?" He asked, almost unimpressed.
"Well, everything else hasn't worked so far! This is almost a guaranteed way for them to get together." Pansy reasoned, pouring the potion into a glass of orange juice. Due to being hungover from the party last night, Y/n ended up sleeping in past breakfast. Although Pansy couldn't sneak any food out of the Mess Hall, she had managed to grab some juice on her way out. She watched the potion disappear into the orange liquid, smiling to herself. Theo was doubting the plan, but she'd show him. This would work, she told herself.
Of course Theo doubted the plan. He'd heard of far too many stories where love potions only lead to trouble. He looked back to Pansy, seeing her smile at the mixture in her hands. She was so confident, so sure that this would provide the success they needed. He couldn't wait for this to fail so he could have another laughing fit. Not saying that he wanted this to fail, just that it would be hilarious if it went wrong. He chuckled, thinking of various scenarios where it could take a bad turn.
30 minutes later, Pansy found Y/n tiredly walking through the halls to get to class. Luckily for them, the four friends had Charms together in the morning, so it would be easy to give Y/n the potion and watch her reaction.
"Y/n! You doing okay? You were pretty drunk last night." Pansy greeted, "I couldn't get you any food, but I got you some juice so you have some energy."
Pansy handed her the drink, Y/n thanking her. The three then headed to Charms class, with Y/n complaining about how groggy she felt. They arrived and saw that Draco was already there, patiently waiting for his friends. Y/n sat down next to him while Pansy and Theo sat behind them. Y/n took a sip of the juice, not expecting a strangely sweet taste to fill her mouth. It was an unnatural sort of sweet, like someone poured a whole bottle of honey into the drink. She brushed it off though, thinking that it tasted weird because it was the first thing she had consumed that morning.
"It's happening!" Pansy whispered excitedly, as she elbowed Theo's arm.
"Don't get too excited, Parkinson." He reminded her.
It didn't take long before the potion had taken over the (h/c) haired girl. However, to Pansy's confusion, the girl's gaze snapped from her notes to Blaise Zabini. To her horror, Y/n got out of her seat and settled into a new one next to Blaise.
"Oh no...." Pansy cursed to herself.
"Hey Zabini. Have I ever told you how attractive you are?" Y/n asked, giving Blaise a flirty smile. The potion apparently also gave her newfound confidence.
"No, but I would like to hear more about it." Blaise returned her flirty tone as Y/n giggled.
Pansy continued spitting curse words under her breath as she looked over at Draco's heartbroken expression. Theo looked at her with crossed arms and a smug smirk.
"What did I tell you?" He said, sarcastically.
"Shut it. Now you gotta help me convince Draco that she's not in love with Zabini!"
"Fine. Just keep in mind that this was your plan." Theo rolled his eyes.
Pansy and Theo leaned over their desks to Draco, who was still looking at Y/n with sad eyes. Pansy felt horrible and was terrified that she'd driven them apart.
"Hey Draco...." She started, not sure how she should approach the situation. Draco looked up at her, hurt evident in his eyes.
"Cheer up, I'm sure that she doesn't actually like Zabini." Theo reassured. Draco nodded silently before his eyes went back to the (h/c) haired girl clinging onto Blaise's arm. He let out a sigh before turning back to his work, glancing at Y/n every now and then through the corner of his eye.
"Merlin, Theo. We need to get an antidote for this thing and we need it bloody fast." Pansy scowled.
"Well, I could make it but it'll take me the rest of the day."
"Then, you need to get started on it now. I can't watch Y/n cuddling with someone like Zabini any longer without feeling the urge to vomit."
The end of the day was nearly approaching and Pansy was anxious for Theo to be done with the potion. The whole day, Y/n flirted and complimented Blaise, which really didn't help the Slytherin boy's already overinflated ego. Poor Draco was stuck watching his best friend fawn over an arrogant arsehole. Eventually, he was so upset that he retreated to the Common Room, hoping to avoid seeing them together again.
Pansy stood by Blaise and Y/n, cringing every time she heard her friend gush about the large muscles the boy had. Where was Theo? She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take and she could only imagine how Draco felt. Finally, she spotted Theo hurriedly running towards her, holding out the antidote. He quickly handed her the bottle and she turned towards her spelled friend with full intent to end this now.
"Hey Y/n! I dare you to drink whatever is in this bottle!" Pansy taunted.
"What? No! What if it's poison?"
"What are you, chicken?" Blaise challenged as he turned to his new admirer.
Y/n's face turned red as she begrudgingly took the bottle from Pansy's hand. Pansy smiled knowingly, realizing that Y/n was only taking it to impress Blaise. Y/n removed the cork and swallowed the contents, not even hesitating or stopping to breathe. When it was empty, she nearly dropped the glass as a sudden dizziness hit her.
"Guys, I'm feeling a little woozy." Y/n trailed off, the world spinning as her eyes closed and everything turned black.
Y/n awoke to Pansy and Theo calling her name. She opened her eyes and found the two looking at her with worried eyes.
"What happened?" Y/n asked when the memories suddenly flooded her brain. She grimaced at the thought of how she acted, especially when she constantly fed Blaise's massive ego. "Wait, where's Draco?"
"He's in the Common Room. He left after seeing-" Theo started but he didn't need to finish before Y/n felt the immense guilt build up. She hated the idea that Draco thought she liked Blaise. That would never be true in a million years.
"What about me? Why don't you tell me more about how attractive you think I am." Blaise asked, pushing himself between Theo and Pansy, holding out a hand towards her. Speak of the devil. Y/n scowled before shoving his hand away and getting herself up.
"Shove off, Zabini. I'm going to get Draco." She flipped him off as she started quickly making her way to the dungeons with Pansy and Theo behind her.
When they arrived, Theo and Pansy hid in the entrance of the boy's dormitories and Y/n found Draco sitting on one of the couches, staring intently at the fires burning warmly in the fireplace. Her heart twisted at the sight of him and how his usual bright eyes seemed blank. She sat down next to him and waited for him to acknowledge her. Finally, he turned to her with a deep frown.
"Didn't know you liked guys like Blaise Zabini." He said, coldly.
"Dray, I swear that it wasn't me. I was spelled with a potion. Please, you have to believe me. I don't love Zabini, I love-" Y/n cut herself off before she could reveal her big secret. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You're my best friend, Dray. I would hate it if you saw me as that type of girl."
Draco gently took her hands in his. "You promise you're not into Zabini?"
"Yes. Merlin, I would take back all those compliments I gave him if I could. He such a pompous arse."
Draco chuckled, making Y/n's heart skip a beat. He wasn't mad at her and he believed her. Her best friend was back and she hoped that she would never come that close to losing him again. She loved Draco too much.
"And for the record, you're my best friend too, (N/n)."
"I know."
Pansy crossed her arms and sighed deeply. She royally messed this one up, didn't she? Theo smiled softly at the girl next to him, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Are we done with your extreme plans now?" He teased.
"I give up. It's your turn to come up with a plan now." Pansy said, dejectedly.
"Oh, I have one." Theo's smile grew wider.
"Are you ever going to tell Draco about your crush on him?" Pansy asked Y/n as they walked through the halls together.
"Pans, you're not supposed to be talking about this in public."
"I just want to know. You guys are best friends, you're not meant to have secrets."
"That's just it, we're best friends. If I told him, it could ruin our friendship. Or worse, if we fall apart, we could never be as close as we used to be. It's easier for me to just keep these feelings hidden because I don't want to lose him." Y/n sighed.
Pansy's face grew hard as she suddenly took hold of Y/n's arm and began dragging her somewhere.
"What are you—Pansy! Let go of me this instant!" Y/n shouted but Pansy ignored her, leading her to an empty classroom.
"I'm tired of you refusing to tell him about your feelings just because you think that you'll lose him." Pansy growled lowly as she tossed Y/n into the room. "You two are going to talk and I'm not letting you out until you confess."
Pansy closed the door and locked it, causing Y/n to panic. She began to knock furiously on the door, begging Pansy to let her out. "Pans, let me out! This isn't funny!"
"You're trapped here too, eh?" Y/n's pleading was cut short when she turned and saw Draco at the other side of the room.
"Yeah, how did you get here?"
"Theo told me to meet him in this room, then he turned and locked me in here." Draco glared at the door, knowing that Pansy and Theo were probably listening in to their conversation.
Y/n turned back to the door. "Pans, I swear to Merlin, let me out!"
"Did you two confess yet?"
"Then you don't come out." Pansy's blunt statement caused Y/n to bang her head against the wooden door.
"We don't even have feelings for each other!" Y/n shouted before she heard some sort of heavy breathing. Confused, she turned back to Draco to see him looking at the ground, his fists clenching and unclenching. She approached the blonde boy, worried about why he was suddenly acting like this.
"Dray, are you....alright?" She asked, cautiously.
"No, I'm not because, Salazar, I love you, Y/n!" He shouted.
Y/n froze in her tracks, unsure of what to say. Her heart was racing and her head was filled with a million thoughts. Draco loved her? After all this time, he loved her and she didn't even know.
"And it hurts to know that you'd only ever think of me as a best friend. Yesterday, when you were with Zabini, it was hell to watch you flirt with him because I was so incredibly jealous. I hated the thought that you liked him, and that you could never see me that way. Then you told me you were spelled and I actually thought I still had a chance. Now, we're trapped in a room together because our stupid friends think that we like each other. Under different circumstances, I would have never told you about these feelings because I was willing to let you be happy with someone else as long as I could still be with you, even as a best friend. I love you, Y/n. I love you so much and I would do anything for you. Though, it's been made clear to me that you don't feel the same." Draco finished his rant, still breathing heavily.
Y/n's brain was still trying to process this new information. Too many thoughts were running through her mind and her mouth refused to move. Those three words were at the tip of her tongue but for some reason, she couldn't say them. Her silence was all the answer Draco needed.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of have said that. This was stupid. Just forget what I said." Draco averted his gaze to the side, tears starting to form.
That's when Y/n couldn't control herself as she ran up to him and pressed her lips against his. Draco let out a surprised squeak but soon began to kiss her back. Eventually, the two parted and Y/n embraced Draco tightly.
"I love you too, Dray. Merlin, I was afraid to tell you for so long because I didn't want to lose you. I tried to push away my feelings but I never could. I wish that I had confessed sooner. Like I said before, I would never be into guys like Blaise because I love guys like you. I love you, Draco Malfoy. I truly mean it with all of my heart." Y/n whispered.
Unexpectedly, the door to the classroom burst open with Pansy whooping loudly as she walked in. Behind her, Theo smirked at the now couple as Pansy gave him a high five.
"We finally did it! Salazar, that took forever!" Pansy cried.
"Wait....all those other times....you guys were the ones setting us up?" Y/n raised an eyebrow at her friends.
Pansy froze, realizing the potential 'danger' she was in. She slowly nodded as Y/n's face twisted into a scowl. Taking this as her cue to leave, she tugged on Theo's sleeve and the two took off running down the corridor.
"Come back here, you two!!"
Thank you so much for reading! Fun Fact: A friend actually gave me a couple of ideas for this one! She helped edit it for me and she definitely ships Pansy and Theo in this one. (You don't have to ship them, I wrote it so that you could either see them as close friends or maybe growing closer and closer as the fic goes on. Let me know what you think.) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you again. Until next time.
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