#einsteins riddle
harleycao · 1 year
I Solved Einstein's Riddle! (Technically)
I had heard of Einstein's Riddle while listening to Rogues! The Podcast (this was my second time listening). I have been spending time with my grandfather lately, and he's an engineer (retired) and basically lives on logic. So, I thought it would be fun to attempt to solve the riddle with him.
For whatever reason, instead of the usual table, my grandfather wanted to solve it by drawing the five "houses" and listing the traits underneath them. At this point, we were working together. We got a number of things put down that we knew for sure...and that's when it got complicated. Kinda.
He wanted to put guesses (seperate from the definite answers), changing them as contradictions arose until we figured it out. I was against the idea, at first, but eventually acquiesced. But we kept having different ideas of what to put where and things like that.
So, he write down the fifteen clues so we'd have separate copies (the other was on my phone). And I got my own piece of paper and sat next to him, each of us doing it our own way.
And I solved it first! He actually is still working on it. I made sure I was right by looking it up, both the answer and the entire table.
So, I solved the riddle, but I technically got most of it by guessing.
Here's my work:
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artistbloomyk · 2 years
Let us assume that there are five houses of different colors next to each other on the same road. In each house lives a man of a different nationality. Every man has his favorite drink, his favorite brand of cigarettes, and keeps pets of a particular kind.
- The Englishman lives in the red house.
- The Swede keeps dogs.
-The Dane drinks tea.
-The green house is just to the left of the white one.
-The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
-The Pall Mall smoker keeps birds.
-The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhills.
-The man in the center house drinks milk.The Norwegian lives in the first house.
-The Blend smoker has a neighbor who keeps cats.
-The man who smokes Blue Masters drinks bier.
-The man who keeps horses lives next to the Dunhill smoker.
-The German smokes Prince.
-The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
-The Blend smoker has a neighbor who drinks water.
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businessoutsider · 7 months
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temiizpalace · 10 months
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SUMMARY: you forgot to do the homework before your next class.. excellent job prefect. no problem. you can just copy off your classmate! what’s his response to “can I copy your homework?”
CHARACTERS: all dorms (+ grim)
GENRE: crackfic, but could be considered fluff
WARNINGS: cursing
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is yuu
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“i’ll help you with it!”
i mean, you COULD copy.. but how will you understand the material? if you copy then you might not understand it later! that’s not good at all! instead of letting you copy it all together, he helps you and walks you through it like the angel he is. he’s explaining everything in detail but in a way you could comprehend it. totally should be your teacher. even if you already understood the subject, he still wants to lock it in and make sure you truly do get it. (after that you felt like albert einstein)
riddle, trey, jack, ortho, rook (he already knew you weren’t paying attention so he got ya covered), silver
“yeah, sure”
you wanna copy his homework? yeah, sure. why not? you’re the overworked prefect of ramshackle dorm, or some may say “crowleys assistant.” you deserve a break every once in awhile right? maybe they do care about your wellbeing and want you to rest as much as possible. you already work your ass off every day. you study, care for grim, do crowleys work, and deal with some random dorms shit almost 24/7. hell, why not let him write it for you?
it’s that or he just doesn’t give a shit. 🤷🤷
epel, lilia, malleus
“bold of you to assume i did the homework”
you’re both in the same boat. well sort of anyway. he’s a busy guy, he doesn’t have time for that. life is short, and he should be doing things he wants. not sit in a classroom all day and write, just to sit down in his dorm room and write for the rest of it. oh no. he probably has like 10 missing assignments right now. long story short: his ass did not do the homework cause he didn’t wanna.
ace, leona, floyd
“lol nope”
damn you didn’t do the homework? well good luck with that. listen, he did the homework. he’s on top of it. you on the other hand chose not to do it. what’s that? oh you were busy? that sounds rough. he wishes you the best and hopes that you’ll listen next time. alright? bye 🫶🫶
idia, jamil
“wait, we had homework????”
there was homework? THERE WAS HOMEWORK? oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. he messed up. now he’s scrambling to get it done before his next period, panicking and triple checking his answers. poor baby was so caught up in his life he forgot all about class assignments. now you both are sitting at the cafeteria with pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. those sitting around you both were losing their appetites because for some reason their meal tastes like led or graphite. best of luck to you both 💔💔
grim, deuce, cater, kalim
“sure you can copy it! for a price of course.”
yeah he’ll let you copy it. one teensy weensy detail though, what’ll he get in return? well it was your fault for not working on it during your free time. it’s only fair right? he worked so hard to get these answers, why should he give them away for free? haha. that’s just how the world works, prefect. it’s nothing personal really, he just wants to benefit.
azul would definitely try to upsell you into getting one of his study guides. capitalist.
ruggie, azul, jade
he scolds you.
you didn’t do the homework? *sigh* perfect, oh, prefect. that’s a horrible habit to develop, really. why didn’t you do it? now you must scramble to finish it. you see not doing the homework once is alright, but if this happens again he will know about it. he’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again third time. now he’s giving you a long ass essay on why doing your homework ON TIME is the right thing to do, and why copying others homework is the road unsuccessful students go down.
but his lecture went on for hours. im sorry it won’t happen again just please let me copy it 🙏🙏
riddle (scolds then lets you copy), vil, sebek
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A/N: I do all my homework stay safe guys 🙏
my second writing tada! lately I’ve just been going off of alignment charts and how I see them fit. hopefully this is good enough.
date written: 11/24/23
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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piaduarte · 5 months
Q & A
persisting, the 4D and letting go
Not so long ago I became stuck in a loop of wanting and waiting. Weeks passed by like minutes, and I was desperate to "get" what I "wanted"-- real desperate, I tell you. But one way or another, loops end. They do. Even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment, they always pass, and your higher self shines through. These are a couple of questions I had while at my lowest, and my answer to them now. Hope this post may be useful to someone!!
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"How do I persist even if I don't see anything?"
"You just persist" is what I've been told time and time again. "Yeah, but how?" is what I shot back. And silence followed. Paraphrasing, there's this quote by Einstein I've seen around here saying that, it's when you sit with yourself in the silence you're so desperate to fill up, when you stop looking for answers, that's when you get them. It doesn't matter how many times people here tell you to persist (to decide, to know it's yours) if, when you close the app, you forget everything and go right back to the old story. Why keep entretaining a story that you don't like? It's like if you're watching a really bad movie -- you can just turn it off.
You are able to persist. It's not something supernatural that only a handful of people can do. Everyone persists in something. You are persisting in the old story, for example. "B-But... Why??? Why is my subconscious doing this to me? I want to change!! I do!". This is so silly. Why are you mad at your subconscious? There's no 'good' or 'bad' (or 'ugly') story, that's just something you add the meaning to later. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference.
In the end, it all comes down to choosing. Just one final choice (do I even need to tell you that you're the creator of all? You must know by now). When you choose -- when you accept that you have it in the 4D once you imagine it, that's who you are. And once you've chosen, you cannot just give it up. You don't need proof in the 3D when the 4D is the only reality that should matter right now. Accept that you have it and move on. Creation is finished.
"And how do I convince myself it's set in stone?"
Close your eyes right now and imagine whatever it is that you "want". You can see it. You've just experienced it within, you can't deny that. That being said, you now know creation is finished. It's done. Done. Done. Done.
The 4D is the only true reality. It's the blueprint, nothing would exist in your 3D if it wasn't for it, your old assumptions, thoughts and ideas. For you. All you need and want already exists within you. Your desires are not separate from you, so you can experience them within; your mind is not separate from you, so you can change your old patterns; your 3D is not separate from you, so you can control it! You are the 3D and the 4D, just -- different, in another form.
The 3D is not real; it is a reflection of your mind! It may feel real, look real... But just because you see from it, not beyond it; the body is experiencing the 3D, but it's when you start to look at it from the 4D that you can understand that and take it in. All you need is the 4D. And, within, you've already experienced your desire, and you don't need anything else in order to experience materialization. It is set in stone if you decide it is -- so choose.
"I want to experience 'x' now. What do I do everyday in order to get it?"
No. There's no "getting". There's no "in order to". There's no "want". From the moment you get involved in the imaginal act, creation is finished, and 'x' is already experienced. Therefore, it's done. If you're not focusing on the end, but rather on the "I want", you're in a state of lack. Shift your state. Why not? It's not hard; you're in a state now. But I get it. You want the -- 'real' experience in the 3D? You want everyone on here to stop talking in riddles and tell you what to do, because random people on the internet have more power over you than... you? Aren't you tired of chasing? Of trying? Maybe not -- enough.
But seriously, if you "want" "it" "now", persist in the knowing and go to sleep. Tell yourself it's done and it's done. Persist in the old story and that's what you "get". Persisit in the new one, and your reality shifts. After all, "nothing changes if nothing changes". Don't allow any other thought to distract you from the end. Just -- don't. Thoughts come and go, and doubts will come as well; observe them and let them go. The end will materialize in the 3D because it has already materialized in the 4D. The inner man is your true you, so be him. Be unbothered by the neutral 3D and focus on living as the inner man.
"Is this fail-proof? How do I know I'm not just wishing my life away?"
It's real if you assume it is! Now get off this app and do something! Because, who's going to do it for you? Be the inner man and continue being! It will happen! Trust yourself. Trust. Why not?
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loveinhawkins · 5 months
Part 1
“Shit,” Eddie hisses, “shit, shit, shit.” He grabs Dustin, pulls him up, shakes him by the shoulders, “Dustin, can you hear me? Dustin, wake—”
His voice dies. He feels himself freeze, useless; for a second too long, he’s thrown right back to his living room, to the lights flickering, to Chrissy—
“M’fine,” Dustin mumbles, lifting his head and wincing like it’s too bright. “Ugh, don’t need to shout. Just… dizzy.”
“Dizzy,” Eddie parrots, frantic. “Okay, okay, so—water, right? Right, water, water.”
He scrambles for a glass, pushes the bedroom door wide open so he can keep looking back. Dustin stays put right on the mattress as if in an attempt to reassure Eddie, but seeing him so still is just—it’s wrong.
“Here,” Eddie says. Water spills on his knuckles as he passes the glass over.
Dustin drains the whole thing, but it looks like it hurts to swallow. Like it sticks on the way down.
In his panic, opening and shutting cupboards as if he was a stranger in his own home, Eddie had found a scrap of a bandage in an old first aid kit.
He tightens it around the back of Dustin’s hand, but it’s not even bleeding anymore, just dried blood around the bite—can’t stop thinking that he hasn’t helped at all.
Dustin clearly takes pity on him; he nods at the bandage, says, “Good idea,” like Eddie’s a fucking genius—when Dustin’s the one who cracked a riddle in, like, the first session of Hellfire he attended when it should’ve taken the whole campaign; who reads out Eddie’s homework assignments in the cafeteria, says offhand, “Have you tried…?” and nine times out of ten, he’s right, or pushes Eddie down the right track, at the very least; who Robin calls “Einstein” and “genius child” with a teasing smirk, but she means it; who led Eddie out of utter terror in the boathouse, introduced a world of monsters like it was nothing, like a fucking duck to water…
Eddie picks up the walkie. “Hey, uh, I know we said no deviations, Wheeler—shit, like, we haven’t, but—just, we’ve got a problem, just please say you’re there, please, please.”
Silence. Nothing but static.
“Of course,” Eddie gets out through a shuddering breath; he has to laugh otherwise he’s going to—“Of fucking course. Uh, gonna need to help me out here, Henderson. I’m, like, so far out of my depth it’s not even—”
Dustin snorts. “Blind leading the blind here, dude,”—English essay due next week, Eddie thinks reflexively, stupidly—“hey, maybe you should be taking notes, like, this is a scientific discovery—”
“That’s not funny,” Eddie snaps, “that’s not even fucking remotely funny.”
Dustin falls silent.
Immediately, Eddie feels a cold wave of guilt; Dustin needs someone well-versed in all this shit, not an amateur—needs one of the others, someone who can be flippant and cool-headed. Needs Steve.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie says. “Fuck, just ignore me.”
Dustin nods, lips twitching into a dry smile, yeah, that’s what I usually do. There’s still an air of himself there, a spark in his fever bright eyes that reassures Eddie only slightly. Because there’s fear on his face too, of course there is—like the poorly received joke he’d made had really been for Eddie’s benefit. Like Dustin was trying to calm him down instead.
Jesus Christ, get it together, Munson.
“Hey,” Eddie manages after several deep breaths. “We’ll work it out, okay?”
He lifts his hand up and Dustin, after a pause, high fives him, the gesture not nearly as enthusiastic as before. His palm feels cold, tacky with sweat.
“Yeah,” Dustin says quietly. “Yeah, we’ll…”
He wobbles slightly, like the high five’s knocked him off balance. But that can’t—Eddie was so careful, he’d barely—
“We can just look at the stars,” Dustin says nonsensically.
Ice forms in Eddie’s gut.
“What?” he says loudly, swallows back bile—tries to sound like they’re just at Hellfire, and Dustin’s said something particularly off the wall. “That doesn’t—woah, no, stay sitting up, you hear me? Hello, earth to Dustin?” He clamps down hard on Dustin’s shoulders. “How about, uh, more water,” he babbles inadequately, “yeah, you just—no, no, don’t move—”
Dustin’s frowning, squirming beneath Eddie’s hands. “Can’t you see them?” he says, so unsure, Eddie’s never heard him sound so… “They’re right…”
All at once, he freezes.
Eddie instinctively looks up, half convinced that another nightmare’s come crawling through the Gate, but—
“Steve?” Dustin says. His voice cracks. “Steve.”
“He’s coming back,” Eddie says quickly, “I swear. I—I just couldn’t reach them on the walkie, but—”
“Steve,” Dustin repeats, louder now. Builds into a scream, fighting against Eddie’s hold, “Steve!”
His eyes, too wide, too bright, slide away into the distance, like he’s watching something Eddie can’t see.
And Eddie’s right; he’s so far out of his depth, he’s practically drowning. But somehow he knows that—
“It’s not real,” he says, wraps an arm tight around Dustin; he can’t let him—“Dustin, I promise, it’s not—”
As Dustin wails incomprehensibly, he grabs the walkie. It’s just static again, but he’s desperate. Lost.
“Help,” Eddie whispers.
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stryshttu · 1 year
the scriddler nation doesn't appreciate Riddler 2022 as I do so I'm here to make you love him
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He's one of the best interpretations of Riddler and here is WHY.
“he's a desyassified version,” “he doesn't wear expensive suits full of question marks,” “that suit was boring” NO!!!!! IT WAS THE PERFECT SUIT FOR HIM TO START!!! He literally comes from the lowest point, and he talks about how the men in power and corruption keep the low income/poor people at the bottom. Ofc he can't afford those shiny beautiful suits because he doesn't have money for it. Also the military suit was GREAT. He paint it and designed his own symbol which is amazing, a gun sight with a "?" in the center.
Also, he fights againts corruption and classism? 😭 Why would ppl hate that? He fights for the people that were forgotten like him.
“it's not the same story of his father and blah blah blah” ok, they changed his origin story A LOT, and I can get why you get mad at it. I also get mad when I am used to the southern granny Scarecrow story and ppl change it to the story of his father experimenting of him- BUT regarding the Riddler's origin story, it is so so great. Eddie HATES LIES AS WELL, HATES CHEATING, because ppl used to tell him that he could have a better future, and gave him fake hopes. He just wanted an opportunity to be better and when that promise of renewal broke, he broke, too.
He grew wanting to please everyone, be a good boy for the nuns and the other children at the orphanage, even if he didnt agree in somethings or if it was difficult for him to act "normal" (masking his autism- we will talk about that soon), but NOBODY thanked or pleased him. As he got older, he still followed orders from his corrupt boss and the goverment. But what did they do for him? NOTHING. And when he does something for himself ppl tag him as self-centered.
He became the Riddler for the others that also needed help, not only because of him, and ppl still think he's selfish.
He's implied to be autistic (you can notice this more in the comics of Riddler: Year One by Paul Dano), he is non-verbal since kid (canon), as an adult ppl say he doesn't talk and call him weird. He doesn't know how to interact with people in a "normal" way. He also seems to vocally stim with riddles and weird silly noises that you can hear in the movie.
The catholic guilt content? PLEASEEEE. We need to take advantage of that. He even did a catholic reference riddle!!! (That one of the sins of the father)
We can also see that topic of him dont knowing if he's insane or not, (or denying being it). He knows his situation is not good, and HE TRIES to be better, listening to podcast about mindfulness and stay positive- but at the end, everything gets worse to him. He's very smart and is afraid that his biggest and greatest thing about himself (his mind) is also the worst thing and can turn againts himself because of a mental illness. We saw it in the movie when Batman calls him "sick and twisted, etc etc," and he has a mental breakdown. Yes, that scene is DEEPER than you think. His mother died in Arkham when he was in the orphanage as a kid, now imagine that the guy you always admired says to you, “you're gonna die alone at Arkham” just like his mother did and no one cared. He doesn't want that, he wants to be remembered. He doesn't want to end up like his mother- alone and mentally ill.
He makes funny jokes in the movie! He's so goofy!!!!
And please he has the same bad habits as Arkhamverse Riddler, you cannot hate this version of him if you love Arkham Knight Riddler. He doesn't sleep well because he plays the DETECTIVE role (YES! HE ALSO GOES THERE AND INVESTIGATES- or else how tf would he have evidence of all the corruption and know all that information?) and claims that Einstein only took naps. He doesnt eat well. His lastname is Nashton (a reminder that is canon that Arkhamverse Riddler had the same lastname before changing it to Nygma). And in this page called "nigma. org" is well known and ppl call him a genius, which suggests that we will soon see how he calls himself E. Nygma.
And yes, he is also a little bastard insufferable, and if you dont think so, then I guess we didnt watch the same movie.
THERE'S SO MUCH MORE OF HIM BEING ONE OF THE BEST ONES!!! but i'll end it up here, thank you for your attention.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Lucien Victor Alexis (1887-1981)
Not very much is known of Lucien Alexis’ early childhood in New Orleans, but what is known are the achievements he would make in later years to come. Born on July 8, 1887 to Louis Victor and Alice Saucier Alexis, he was educated in the local schools where he excelled academically. Alexis was determined to attend Harvard University. Not having the finances to do so, he began working in 1907(at the age of twenty) as a railway mail clerk, saving for the education he so desperately desired.
By the time he reached twenty-seven, he had set aside enough money for four years of college. He applied and was accepted at Harvard but was asked to attend (for one year) Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, a prestigious preparatory high school. While at Exeter, he lived in the home of Mr. H.F. Quimby and soon developed a keen interest in foreign languages and the sciences. By now he had only enough money for three years upon entering Harvard, so he managed by graduating “cum laude” a year early (1917). It was there, at Harvard, that he earned the nickname: “The Negro Einstein.”
That same year, Alexis entered Officers’ Training School in Des Moines, Iowa and was commissioned as a 1st lieutenant and assigned to the 367th Infantry on October 15, 1917. World War I was raging in Europe and Alexis sailed for service in France on June, 1918. Two months before departing, Alexis married Rita Holt in Gulfport, Mississippi and together they would have one son, Lucien Victor Alexis Jr.
Upon returning to New Orleans, Alexis took up the profession of teaching. He was assigned to McCarthy Elementary in 1921 and appointed Assistant Principal in 1923 at Willow Elementary. But his greatest reward came in 1926 when he became principal of McDonogh #35, the only public high school opened for the education of colored students in the city of New Orleans. For the next nearly 30 years, he would leave an indelible mark on this institution which is still being echoed by many of his formal students up to the present day.
“It was not unusual to spot our principal walking up and down the corridors of the Rampart Street School reading scientific works printed in German. Noted for his mastery of Latin, he often found time to instruct advanced classes in the subject.” (Class of 1936)
Other graduates affectionately tell stories of his successful administration but also his dreadful “army”. Being a former military man, Lucien was said to be strict but fair as well as famous for his method of disciplining students. Students who violated his dress or discipline code were forced to join Alexis’ “army” and ordered to march up and down the second floor of the school building.
Respect for Mr. Alexis soon extended beyond the school grounds and into the community. Since McDonogh #35 was located on South Rampart and Girod Streets, the students had to pass through a neighborhood of sleazy bars, houses of prostitution and various other vices. Often the girls were meddled by men on the way going and coming from school. Fortunately, once it was known that you were an “Alexis” girl, you were never meddled again. They respected Mr. Alexis and knew to show respect to his students.
The “Negro Einstein” did not give up his interest and love for science once he became principal. For five years he engaged in serious scientific study and soon published a 40 page brochure outlining his principles of a new theory which he termed his “ethonic” theory.
From 1929 to 1937, he published the following scientific articles: Fundamentals in Physics & in Chemistry, The Thermo-Electric Formula, The Riddle of the Magnetic Field, An Empirical Disclosure of the Fallacies of Relativity, A Counter-Deduction from Bent Alpha Tracks, Radiations-Their Loci of Travel and Their Loci of Origin, The Co-Origin of Gravity&Cosmic Rays, Simple Formulae for Measuring Atoms, Their Speed, and the Speed of Light.
Upon retirement, the brilliant educator and published author opened Straight Business School on North Claiborne near Esplanade Avenue and Mrs. Alexis basically ran it. Lucien Alexis also was president of the Supreme Industrial Life Insurance Company, founder and executive director of the School of Post-Modern Science in New Orleans, and a charter member of Sigma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Alexis also spent a great deal of time on his favorite hobbies at home. On the 25th Anniversary of his graduation from Harvard, he told the Harvard press of these hobbies:
“Don’t interfere with my physics and chemistry, which I have raised from the ignoble position of a hobby into the dignified status of a science. Don’t interfere with my Italian which I have picked up since leaving you fellows. Don’t interfere with my German, my French, or my Spanish which I have kept plugging at. These are my near hobbies. You may interfere with my gardening and my frequent efforts at directing operettas, especially the Gilbert and Sullivan ones, for there you are in the field of real hobbies of mine.”
Lucien Alexis passed away December 18, 1981. He is buried in the family’s tomb in St. Louis Cemetery No.3.
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ornii · 1 year
My Better Bitter Half, Part 9
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Part 9: Pilgrimage
“Let's assess, shall we? Bag over my head for optimal disorientation, wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation, and no idea if I'm going to live or die. It's definitely my kind of party.”
(Y/n) and Wednesday, twins were bagged and dragged into a dark decrepit hole unbeknownst of their location.
“Who dares breach our inner sanctum?” A haunting voice comes out, their masks were suddenly taken off as they look around, and realize they’re still in the library.
“You can take the mask off, Bianca.” Wednesday says.
“And just like that, my hopes were dashed against the rocks of bitter disappointment. My foe was no psychotic killer. More like a bunch of high school clowns.” Wednesday thinks as they remove their masks
“Wait, I preferred you with it on.” Wednesday said.
“How did you get down here?” One asks
“Rowan” (Y/n) chimes in. “She tracked the watermark to the Poe statue. Then I solved the riddle.”
“Wait, there's a riddle?” One asks, “I thought we just snapped twice.”
“Wow, absolute Einstein here” (y/n) says with his burning sarcasm.
“The Nightshades are an elite social club.
Emphasis on elite.” Bianca said.
“We have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny-dip. And Yoko's an amateur mixologist. She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild.” One girl adds in.
“Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?” Wednesday said with her cold sarcasm
“Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded.” (Y/n) said.
“Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died.” Xavier says
“But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves.”
“Someone like Rowan?” Wednesday adds in.
“We booted that loser last semester. Question is, what are we gonna do with them? Only members are allowed in this library.” Bianca says, and Xavier comes up with an idea.
“I say we invite them to pledge. They’re Addams, both legacy.” He explains.
“After the crap they pulled in the Poe Cup, there's no way in hell.”
“Are you mad we beat you at your own game? Let me save you the trouble glow fish.” He stands up and reveals his undone bindings.
“I'm not interested in joining, and I’m sure my sister isn’t.”
“You're seriously turning us down?” One says.
“Yes Because your little social club is so inviting.” He walks to the door, but is stopped by Kent, the mermaid and the twin of Divina.
“If you think the little burns you had at the Cup were bad, I’ll fillet you alive, get out of my way.” (Y/n) says with such unnerving calmness, Kent awkwardly side stepped and (Y/n) turned to Wednesday.
“When you’re done toying with them, let me know.” He heads up the flight of stairs to leave his more than capable sister there.
Minutes later he’s awaiting at the gate of the school, and his sister arrives.
“Good, you’re done playing with them, we can figure out our next move.” (Y/n) says.
“It seems the Nightshades were a dead end. They’re not capable of murdering Rowan, they’re barely capable of kidnapping two people.”
“Well your Standards are unnaturally high.” He says and nudges his sister, she stares at him and he walks back to his dorm, Wednesday watches her leave.
“There were so many threads to my investigation, I could weave a burial shroud. I still have no idea how Rowan mysteriously rose from the dead. Or why that monster is prowling the woods. But right now, nothing intrigues me more than this book. If I'm going to be responsible for Nevermore's demise, the question is, why am I sharing this apocalypse with a pilgrim?”
The next morning, The Students Are forced to stand at the Quad as Weems gives them the rundown for their Jobs.
“All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00. As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students. As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward.” She says, and hands out slips of paper for the Postions they’ll play. The Addams twins and Enid get theirs.
“Yes! I got Pilgrim World!” Enid says and (Y/n) checks it.
“Me too.” He ways, “I have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice.” Enid says, and grabs (Y/n)‘s arm.
“We can wear matching clothes!” Enid says smiling, which quickly changes the sullen demeanor of (Y/n). Who smiles.
“ I suppose I don’t hate that…” he says softly, and Enid turns to Wednesday.
“What'd you get?”
“Uriah's Heap, whatever that is.” She said, the students convey to Jericho to assist at Pilgrim world
“Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store.” Enid says. “You'll love it though. I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together.” Enid says, which (Y/n)‘s smile quickly Fades.
“Fantastic.” He walks off, and Weems has reached the front and begins.
“Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy.
Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so, so pleased to have you all here today. Your generosity and hard work are truly... outreachous! Okay, everyone. We'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy!” Weems says, (Y/n) adjusts his tie, ready to Woo Enid and make her forget about Ajax, as Enid prepares, Wednesday approaches her.
“Enid. Switch volunteer assignments.”
“What? No. Uriah's Heap is definitely not my bag.”
“It's an emergency. I need to check out Pilgrim World.”
“But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade. Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?”
“Because Ajax is volunteering there. Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment. But if you're not interested...” Wednesday begins to retract, but Enid grabs it.
“No! Oh my God, thank you. You're the best!” Enid skips away, (Y/n) stands with the ground, he turns left as he senses the approach of a woman, he turns with a smile to face enid but he unfortunately sees Wednesday.
“Wednesday? Where’s enid? You didn’t hurt you did you?”
“No, she swapped assignments with me.”
“Uh, why?” He asks, “She hates all things creepy.”
“Ajax is working at the Heap. That convinced her.” Wednesday says, (Y/n) was at a loss for words, the anger and disappointment was at a maximum as he lost his chance to possibly sweep Enid off her feet.
“I would have preferred Enid.” He says.
“I still cannot comprehend what you see in Her.”
“You don’t understand the Human emotional spectrum? I’m so shocked.” He says with sarcasm. “I’d like to spend time with women who aren’t related to me, unless you just don’t want Enid to snatch me away from you~”
“You are absurdly full of yourself, She’s After Ajax, do yourself a favor and accept cold reality. Wednesday says, He opens his mouth to say something less than appealing to his sister, but Eugene intervenes.
“Hey, Wednesday, want to grab a Hummers group photo?” He says, standing in the frame and the twins turn to face him, now both of them with the same stone face.
“Guess not.” Eugene says sheepishly as he walks away, suddenly, a woman approached, dressed as a Pilgrim.
“Good morrow, my young Nevermore kin. I am Mistress Arlene. A real OC. Original colonist. Now prithee, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our Lord 1625, to Jericho's first pilgrim settlement. Yonder. Behold, the meeting house. Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho's most beloved and pious founder, Joseph Crackstone. And beyond is our privy, America's first gender-neutral restroom.” She says, “Does anyone have a question about the bathrooms?” (Y/n) begins to raise his hand but Wednesday puts it back down.
“I haveth a query.” Wednesday said.
“Pray, be quick, child.”
“In the meeting house, which of Joseph Crackstone's artifacts are on display?”
“It is truly a treasure trove, including original farm tools, tableware, even the Crackstone family chamber pot.”
“Sounds fascinating. My Brother and I volunteer to work in there.”
“Pray, no. That exhibit is being renovated.
Today, thou will all be working at the beating heart of Pilgrim World. Ye olde fudgery!” She says, and shows the children a Fugde production shop
"Ye Olde Fudgery?" (Y/n) says, raising an eyebrow.
“More like ye olde diabetes in a box.” His sister retorts.
“Volunteers, prick up thine ears. Fudge is the lifeblood of our humble community. And samples equal sales, so grab a uniform and a box and make our forefathers proud.” She says. And adults hand out pieces of the uniforms.
“Are these for muzzling tourists?” Wednesday says.
“No, perhaps we can use them for muzzling troublesome siblings.” (Y/n) thinks.
The twins unfortunately put on a perfect facade of creepy pilgrims as (Y/n) stands there with a plate of Fudge, and Wednesday next to him.
“Enjoy your "authentic" pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans procured by the oppressed indigenous people of the Amazon. All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashing of American history.” She says in fluent German.
(In French) “Also, fudge wasn't invented for another 258 years. But please, continue to fuel this soulless corporation with your money so your children can still call Native Americans “Indians” (Y/n) says in perfect French.
“Any takers?” They say in Union, which creeps out the tourists and they leave. He calmly tosses the plate over his shoulder.
“This is getting ridiculous.” He says, Wednesday looks around and eyes the door she wishes to enter and walks off, (Y/n) follows, eventually the duo reach the door and Wednesday, using her oddly knowledgeable skill of breaking and entering unlocks the door and heads inside, he follows closely and the duo see the house, it was obviously turned into a museum, displaying multiple items
“My grandmother once told me secrets are like zombies... they never truly die. I'm not sure what secret Crackstone is hiding, but I have a strange feeling the answers to my future lie in the past. The Old Meeting House, 1625.”
“(Y/n), this is the girl from my vision. She's even holding the same book. That black one she had outside Crackstone's crypt.” Wednesday says, and (Y/n) turns to see a book on display.
“Codex Umbrarum. Book of Shadows." He opens it, and sees it all Empty. “Great. It's a fake.” He checks the back of it as his sister peers over his shoulder.
“I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an outcast settler.”
“No, she wasn’t.” He says, their investigation was suddenly sidelined as Arlene sees them.
“Just what the fudge are you two doing in here?” She says,
“Mistress Arlene.“ (y.n) said, “I proclaimed the meeting house is under repair.” She says “I know thoust heard me.”
“We don’t have firm for this. What happened to the original?” (Y/n) says, and Arlene frowns
“A child unknowing to respect thine elders, The original was stolen last month during the two o'clock witch trial.”
“It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here, yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?” Wednesday says.
“Hold thy tongue. I'm reassigning you both.
To fudge-churning duty.”
“The original meeting house, the one in that painting, where is it?”
“How the hell should I know?
I only moved here from Scottsdale in April.” She says dropping the attitude.
“Fantastic, we’ll have to find it ourselves, I’ll ask around.” (Y/n) says.
“Ask who? No one living knows—“
“Exactly, no one living. Now If you’ll excuse me sister.” He says to Arlene, she frowns and walks off.
Back at Nevermore, (Y/n) sits cross legged in an Ally, with Wednesday watching guard, she turns to face him.
“Have you found the information yet?” She asks, his head suddenly jerks back and then forth and he opens his eyes, Gasping for air.
“I, think I do…” he says, and walks off into the forest, almost zombie like, they reach a burned down building, they search but, find nothing.
“Can you touch a leaf or something and get a vision?” (Y/n) asks.
“No, I can't just touch something. My visions seem to happen spontaneously.”
“Mother could help you learn some of the power”
“I would rather dye my hair pink than ask mother for advice.”
“Why am I not surprised, Maybe You’re Just afraid to see a vision.” He says sarcastically.
“Oh, you want me to prove it to you?” She says and grabs random items
“No. Nothing. Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight.” She says holding a Taco Bell bag..
“My visions are about as predictable as shark attacks.” Wednesday touched the gate and immediately stiffens up and convulses. (Y/n) rushes to her side and grabs her.
“Wednesday? Wednesday?!” He yells, she seems to be lost in a vision, and (Y/n) takes her away.
Minutes pass inside his room, he had a circle drawn around Wednesday, using his otherworldly skills to try and assist his sister, but her body suddenly awakens and she sits up.
“(Y/n), I saw her! The girl from my visions.
Her name is Goody Addams, and I believe she's our ancestor from 400 years ago.”
“Okay, but what does that have to do with Crackstone?
“I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I'm seeing you now. He gathered all the outcasts in the meeting house and burned them alive.”
“I see, I see.. so that’s why they’re connected, Joseph killed Goody. Then Crackstone has to do with what’s going on… well, we have to think about this later, we have the concert to perform at? I assume Weems told you.
“Unfortunately so.”
“I thought nothing scared me, but that was before I stared into the eyes of Joseph Crackstone. I don't believe in heaven or hell. But I do believe in revenge. I usually serve it warm with a side of pain, but I've never faced an adversary cast in bronze.”
The Addams Twins are with other students in Jericho, preparing for the Band, but (Y/n)’s guitar skills were unmatched. But his sisters cello ability was unmatched. Weems approaches the podium.
“Thank you. It is my honor to celebrate our town's history and Jericho's noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone. Now, he believed that with a happy heart and an open ear, there was nothing our town couldn't achieve. So together as one, our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy, we've built a monument to celebrate his memory. Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone be memorialized for eternity.” She says as they reveal the Statue of Crackstone, which begins to flow water.
The band begins playing of "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac and the crowd cheers, but (Y/n) was still miffed by his loss of possibly wooing Enid.
The crowd cheers, but their cheers quickly turn to horror as an explosion bellows from the statue, it seems someone swapped the water with gasoline, and all it took was a single match. Screams, terror, fear rang though the center, but what truly took the eye of most was the hellish screeches of an electric guitar, and a cello, as the twins play a harrowing version of Vivaldi's "Winter" as the guitars strings bellow though the area, the cellos haunting dreary tone perfectly compliments the guitar, but Weems wasn’t enjoying it.
“That was a disaster. The mayor is furious!
I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni and parents. They want answers and so do I.” Weems says with such vitriolic rage at the twins sitting at the office.
“I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home.” Wednesday said.
“Miss Addams... you're already on thin ice.
Wafer-thin ice.”
“I swear Principal, our hands are clean.”
“What happened to you Mister Addams? You weren’t like this until your sister darkens our dorms.” She says, which changes his mood, maybe he was going back to his old ways. Weems turns to Wednesday.
“I may not have hard evidence, but I see you.
You're a trouble magnet.”
“If trouble means standing up to lies, decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-class citizens or worse...”
“What are you talking about?”
“Jericho.” (Y/n) cuts Weems off
“Why does this town even have an Outreach Day? Don't you know its real history with outcasts? The actual story of Joseph Crackstone and his hatred for Us?”
“I do…To an extent.” Weems says.
“Then why be complicit in its cover up? Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” Wednesday chimes in.
“That's where you and I differ. Where you see doom, I see opportunity. Maybe this is a chance to rewrite the wrongs, to start a new chapter in the normie-outcast relations.”
“Nothing has changed since Crackstone. They still hate us. Only now they sugarcoat it with platitudes and smiles. If you're unwilling to fight for truth...”
“You don't think I want the truth? Of course I do. But the world isn't always black and white.
There are shades of gray.”
“Maybe for you. But it's either they write our story or we do, history isn’t written by those who are right, it’s by those who survive.” He says, weems Just sighs.
“You two are exhausting.”
“We know.”
“Goodnight, Minster and Miss Addams. But know, I don’t tire easily.” She says with the last foreboding warning, the twins leave the office and head back to their dorm. A but silent between each other, Wednesday was typing upon her typewriter, and Enid shows off a few outfits.
“Too much?”
“I feel like you just napalmed me, Enid.” Wednesday says.
“So glad I have my date with Ajax tonight.
Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon. I literally think I have PTSD. I didn't even get to do my dance routine.” Enid says.
“What a tragedy— wait Date?” Wednesday asks.
“What kind of twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?” Enid says, Wednesday ponders for a moment, and looks a bit saddened. He brother truly does care for her.
“…You're going to be late.”
“Wish me luck.” Enid says with a giggle and leaves. Meanwhile (Y/n) stands at the window, staring out into the moon, sighing solemnly as his eyes reflect the full moon.
“I don't believe in mandatory volunteer work, sugar-coated history, or happy endings, but most of all... I don't believe in coincidences. To paraphrase Agatha Christie, one coincidence is just a coincidence, two are a clue...and three are proof. Rowan's drawing of me and Crackstone happens sometime in the future. Goody Addams' warnings about Crackstone were in the past. And the monster is here in the present. Three coincidences that I know are connected. That monster could be anyone. The sheriff thinks they only exist behind the walls of this school. The truth is, there are monsters everywhere. And sometimes the monsters we least suspect are the most dangerous. They don't need teeth and claws to terrify. They hide in the shadows until no one is looking. And then they strike. But I'm looking now. And I won't stop until I find the truth.
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puffyducks · 2 months
DCRC Week #9 (Part 2)
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Oh shit!! Is these ducks on the road??? YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS THEY ARE!!! Anyways we're reading Ducks on the Road now which I'm super excited for because it features not one but THREE characters we've barely seen in the book club so far!!
This comic is LONG (I guess it's technically like 5 comics but we're reading them all in one go) so I'll probably end up having to extend this post with a few reblogs! So look out for those.
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They're in.... VIRGINIA???? NOOOOOOOOOOO (person with irrational hatred of Virginia cause my whole extended family lives there so I have to travel there every holiday and it just kinda sucks there idk what to tell you. Also if Virginia is for lovers why is it called VIRGINia hm?? riddle me that BATMAN)
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SCROOGE PAY YOUR FUCKING WORKERS also I love this outfit and haircut for Daisy she looks so cute here
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Does this imply that Donald was living in Virginia beforehand because the implication that I'm only 1 state away from Donald is kind of frightening ngl. also Virginia sucks.
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Did they hire Tuskerninni's cousin what's going on here. Actually this is the 70s it could probably BE Tuskerninni in an earlier life
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I'm so used to talking about DT17 Gyro within my circles that I see Regular Gyro and it's like oh right!! He actually has joy and whimsy in his heart!! He's actually just a funny invention man who has totally not accidentally committed any atrocities in Tokyolk before!!!! He's also changed his hair color like four times
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can somebody please help him he looks like an anxious chihuahua
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How do you even leave piles of money on the floor to be blown away like that HELP I'm so stressed. Dickie get it together girl.
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shoutout to these two and their cool accompanying text
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She kissed him then IMMEDIATELY friendzoned him it was like a speedrun holy shit
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Did he just headcanon Dickie and Daisy as lesbians? Because me too.
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Ah yes my favorite sign on the highway. The big one that just says "WEST"
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DAISY YOU CAN'T SAY THAT WORD. also i want these two guys dead they were mean to her >:(
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dork ass nerd and his dork ass math pajamas. and what I assume is a plush of Albert Einstein or something. NERD.
Oh ok so we're just not gonna acknowledge what they do about their tires being gone. Ok. No it's fine I guess that's like irrelevant information they probably just like... found some new tires on the side of the road or something..... yeah....
Anyways this is the part where I briefly end the post so I can attach more reactions with a reblog!
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Did it, though? To recap, this was said riddle:
There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet,
And those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet.
At times I seem to favor the clever and the fair,
But I bless all those who are brave enough to dare.
By large, my ministrations are soft-handed and sweet,
But scorned, I become a difficult beast to defeat.
For though each of my strikes lands a powerful blow,
When I kill, I do it slow...
When I first read acotar, my immediate thought was love, which not only makes sense in the context, but is also the most obvious answer to all the questions combined.
Feyre thought hard with that brain of hers and didn't find an answer to it. Not until she literally died, a point in time where it was too late. Granted, she solved it in the end, but the way she acts up there makes it seem like she did it left handed and with a forty degree fever. It took all three tasks and then some for her to get the solution. Not shaming you for that, maybe you don't work well under pressure Feyfey, but don't act as if you're the next Einstein, please. You're only gonna get humbled.
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beoneofus · 1 year
quotes I think would look good in a lost boys fan fiction part two
“ why should I believe you? ”
- “ if I really had the intention to kill you, I would've done so already. ” (dwayne)
“ yeah right, as if I'll believe you're a vampire. ”
- “ does my incredible looks not give it away? ” (marko)
“ don't call me babe. ”
- “ why not? It's not like you're not into me. ”
“ is that what your inflated ego told you? ”
- “ no. I told myself that. ” (paul)
“ why do you feed on human blood? why not animal blood? ”
- “ that's disgusting. ” (marko)
- “ do you want us to get food poisoning? ” (paul)
“ you're so... beautiful. ”
- “ thanks, baby. but you should look in a mirror. you're the only gem worth buying. ” (paul)
“ I wouldn't call you a genius... ”
- “ I've met einstein. I think that should give me some pointers. ” (marko)
“ no brownie points for you. ”
- “ what about muffin points? ” (paul)
“ riddle me this. why should I trust you? ”
- “ well, I did just save your life. ” (david, dwayne)
“ so, you're not into the whole... limbo, thing? ”
- “ my reflection is transparent. Imagine explaining that to someone who can see it in the window of the flower shop. ”
“ that happened? ”
- “ yes, actually. ” (michael)
“ please don't make me beg... ”
- “ have you met me, sweetheart? I love that shit. ” (any of the boys)
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rae-raewrites · 1 year
Hi! I goshed over how cute the dog ask was!.and it gave me an idea for a part 2 how would the riddlers react if they or another member of the rouges gallery lost their little buddy's only to see A Dog found poster with there dog on it and has been found by Bruce Wayne!?
The sequel I didn’t realize we needed but now I know we do lol
The riddlers with dogs part 2: lost and found
Or it’s secondary title,dog dad’s panicking
Immediately knows somethings up when there’s no sign of Einstein for hours.
He knows the pooch doesn’t exactly have a schedule but this certainly wasn’t normal.
Panic finally sets in when he doesn’t show up the next morning
He’s checking everything from security cameras to every traffic light around the block.
It’s one of his informants that makes him aware of the lost dog poster out of wayne manor.
He is one pissed super criminal
That rich boy is going to suck the intelligence out of the poor pooch!
5 people get kidnapped and a ransom letter is sent to GCPD
Batman and Gordon are trying to figure if the dog is apart of some elaborate scheme
Upon time for the trade off Einstein is wagging his tail,while well pampered at Wayne manor he missed his genius dad.
“Animals aren’t normally something you’re interested in,I hope you’re not intending to hurt him.” “Oh please dark knight this sweet simpleton is apart of a much larger scheme! With lasers! Something even you won’t see coming!” (Eddie literally has a line of dialogue about it in Arkham city)
He’s almost about to sob when they get home. Almost.
Of course he’s not happy Einstein escaped.
They have a long talk about responsibility in his office
Jervis calls him practically sobbing. Mumbles something about the door being open when he went to go check on Francine
Quite literally leaves a meeting with Harvey point blank
He’s a whole mess when he finds an empty apartment
She’s a smart girl! Surly she remembers how to-
Oh god somebody took her didn’t they!?
He is stressed out,like he’s barely able to solve a puzzle right now
It’s jervis who finds the poster.
The two of them immediately decide holding up Wayne enterprises is a great idea
I mean they’ve done worse for less.
Bruce is a little taken aback at first but the green detailing in the poodles hair immediately clicks with both him and alfred
“I must admit you certainly take good care of her.” “Royalty deserves the best Mr Wayne and Francine is royalty.”
Francine is just unbothered by this entire thing,girl gets taken care of wherever she is
They spend a long time cuddling afterwards.
When lupa is nowhere to be found in the riddle lair she’s had BOTH Eddie and Tuesday panicked
“What do you mean she’s gone!?!” “I mean she’s gone Eddie! As in i can’t find her!”
Tuesday sends out what is essentially a dog amber alert via social media
They have a good half of Gotham not doing well
Edward nigma has having a short out,no riddles are being carefully handcrafted by this time
Tim is the one who finds out where the pooch currently sleeping on the couch came from.
“Aahh so that explains the purple tie…”
While both the caped crusaders heads go immediately to trap they both realize it’s probably not best to do this while Eddie is most likely not doing well
They’re not wrong of course
It becomes a whole affair with GCPD especially considering Tuesday didn’t expect to get a DM from the GCPD account.
The dog goes home but if they try arresting the two the riddler is about to make the park a wasteland
You better believe he is creating the most ambitious gps collar ever made
This isn’t happening. EVER AGAIN
Zero year
He went to bed……and now his dog roommate is gone and the door is open
Just great.
He’s more pissed off than anything let’s be honest here.
I mean they get into disagreements all the time the Shiba Inu just decided to be even more petty
So you can only imagine the shock on his face when he sees Helios on the news with Bruce Wayne by his side.
Oh dear he’s gonna have to go see Bruce isn’t he?
He straight up drives to Wayne manor with every intention of dragging Helios home
“Edward…..how pleasant it is to see you again..” “ya ya great to see you too brucie,Helios get your ass over here!”
Helios is smiling like he hasn’t just made him panic
Doesn’t even wait to get home and starts reprimanding him in the car.
“Really? And you ended up with him?!”
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Upside Down Feelings III
Chapter 4: The Sauna Test
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“-That keycard opens the door,” Dustin continued explaining to the three sleepy teenagers sitting in front of him. You lazily plopped your head on your palm as Steve played with his sailor hat and Robin clicked away at the ice cream scooper. The sleepiness didn’t stop you from listening intently. “But unfortunately the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever’s in this room, whatever’s in those boxes, they really don’t want anybody finding it.”
“But there’s gotta be a way in,” You shook your head in thought. Steve blew into his hat, putting it down as he leaned forward in a serious manner.
“I can just take him out,” He said.
“Take who out?” You raised your brows.
“The Russian guard.”
You snorted.
“What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It’s easy.”
“Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?” You deadpanned.
“Yes, Y/N, I did. And that’s why I would be sneaking,” He rolled his eyes as if you were the one misunderstanding the situation. You felt the familiar feeling of anger bubble in your chest at his tone.
“Well, riddle me this, Einstein: what gives you the idea that you can win a fight against a trained soldier when you couldn’t even take Jonathan down?” You leaned forward with a smirk, leaving only mere inches between your faces.
“That was one time,” He scoffed.
“Twice. Billy beat the living shit out of you in November,” You corrected.
“That? That doesn’t count-“
“Oh, that doesn’t count?” You chuckled. He narrowed his eyes at your arrogance. “And pray tell, why doesn’t it count, Steve?”
“Because, Y/N-“
“Here they go again,” Dustin muttered. Robin rolled her eyes before her face dropped in thought.
“No, no, no! If I remember correctly, and I do-“ You continued.
“That’s debatable! You slammed your head pretty hard-“ Steve interrupted.
“What are you thinking?” Dustin asked the freckled girl gone silent, allowing you and Steve to hash it out as he listened to her response.
“If we want to find a safe way into that room, we’ll need a map,” Robin responded, watching as you and Steve continued with your daily argument. “They’ll be at it for a while. Wanna come with?”
“Where to?” Dustin perked up.
“County Recorder’s Office. Grab the money from the tip jar. I’ll meet you outside,” She stood up and walked toward your purse, digging around for your keys. Dustin nodded, taking off.
“Woah, hey, what are you doing?” You turned around, hearing the familiar jingle from your keys.
“I’m borrowing the Bronco. We’ll be back in jiffy,” She was already walking out of the door. You both followed after her.
“You don’t even have your license!”
“It’s just around the corner! Live a little!” She smirked.
“Hey, dipshit! Where are you going with our tips?” Steve called after Dustin.
“We need it! Trust us! We’ll be back!”
And just like that, the two disappeared into the crowd of people outside of the parlor.
“That sounds like a bad idea,” Steve muttered. “You should probably go with them.”
“Why me?” You frowned. “You go with them.”
“Oh, my God! Would it kill you to agree with me for once in your life?” He sighed, walking into the back again. “You are so unreasonable sometimes.”
“Says the man that wants to take down an armed guard by sneaking up to him,” You rolled your eyes, following close behind and leaning on the counter as you watched him pace.
“We’ve taken down far scarier things than armed guards, Y/N,” He lowered his voice, taking a step closer to you to continue. “Surely, we could-“
“We?” You laughed. “Oh, no. No, no, no-“
“Just hear me out,” Another step.
“No, you hear me out, Harrington,” You drove your pointer finger into his chest, tired of hearing his naive plan. He looked down at you with wide eyes. “You think everything is so simple! You know why we took down those things?”
“Strategy and tactic!” He shouted.
“No, Steve! Luck. Sheer luck. We were only mere seconds away from meeting a different fate!” You shouted back. “Had we not had El in our corner- Had she not shown up when she did, we would’ve been dead. Hell, we should be dead. But we aren’t.”
“Well, we will be dead eventually if we let those fucking Russians go on with whatever they’re doing!”
“No. It’s too dangerous,” You shook your head.
“Then let me do it alone-“
“And let you die?! Do you have any idea what that would do to me?!”
Silence. Ear piercing silence ensued as those final words processed in his mind.
“I..” You took a deep breath, realizing exactly what just spilled out of your mouth. His eyes danced across your face in a way they haven’t since that night you’d shared a dance at the Winter Ball. “I meant Dustin. Do you have any idea what that.. would do to Dustin..”
The ends of his lips curled up ever so slightly with amusement as he placed his hands on either side of you, resting his weight on the counter behind you. His smug smile not even a foot away from your own lips. “You’re a shit liar, you know that?”
“I’m not.. I’m not lying,” You breathed, cursing yourself for stuttering. But you couldn’t help to feel nervous with those half-lidded eyes staring deeply into your own. He didn’t even bother to hide it anymore. It was written plainly on his face.
He wanted you.
“Then look me in my eyes and tell me you didn’t mean what you said,” He tested the waters by getting closer. He licked his lips, making you realize they were only six inches away from your own.
“I didn’t mean it,” You said without hesitation. It didn’t matter how firmly you said it, it was your own eyes that you away this time as flickered down to those soft lips. You couldn’t resist to take a glimpse. You tried to hide it. But it was clear as day.
You wanted him, too.
He let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head slowly. His brown eyes danced around your face, taking you in with enough focus to memorize every feature.
He lifted his left hand, setting it on your jaw as his thumb brushed against your lower lip before dragging it down to your chin.
“This is a bad idea, isn’t it?” He whispered, inching closer until his nose tickled your own.
“A really bad idea,” You agreed softly, feeling his mouth graze ever so gently against your own. Your eyes shut as you breathed each other in for a moment before he gave you a small nod and forced himself to take a step back stepped back.
You both blinked, taking in what almost just happened. He cleared his throat as you shifted uncomfortably at the tension. Another deafening silence shot through your chest, greeting the violent butterflies that fluttered away beneath the surface.
“I, uh..” He scratched at the back of his neck, searching for something- anything to say. “I should get back up there.”
You only nodded, watching as he took long strides to the door and disappeared behind it. You turned around, letting out the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding as you leaned against the counter; your palms on the cold metal was your only source of stability. You allowed yourself to let out a few deep breaths, brushing your lips with your fingers and remembering the way his warm breath danced on them only a few moments before.
The door burst open, making you jump as you looked up to see Steve making a beeline towards you. “Fuck it.”
You didn’t know who kissed the other first, but before you knew it, his lips collided onto your own, hands pressed firmly against your waist and cheek as your own clawed at his shirt, pulling him in even closer. Your fingers found his hair and gently pulled at the brunette locks, earning a groan that rumbled into your core.
He backed you into the same counter you were just leaning on, helping you onto it as you jumped. Your legs wrapped around him, pulling him into you.
He kissed you with fervor. You kissed him back just as hungrily. It was as if all of the tension that had built up in the previous months exploded into this.
He chuckled against your lips.
“You have no idea.. how long I’ve been.. wanting to do this,” He mumbled between kisses before pulling away. “You’re way better at this than I remember.”
“You are, too,” You smiled, following his lips. “Now shut up and kiss me.”
He hummed in response into the kiss, allowing his mouth to fall back into the same, hungry rhythm from the moment before.
Your hands played with the hem of his work shirt before your cold fingers left a trail of goosebumps on the tops of his hips, refusing to trail up until he did the same.
You have no idea how long you’d been making out for or how many times you’d both ignored the front bell ring. It wasn’t until you heard the familiar boyish giggle followed by the words “Turns out kissing is actually better without teeth!” that you both jumped away from one another, hastily adjusting your uniforms and finger combing through your hair just in time to look semi-presentable for your best friend and brother.
“Check this out,” Dustin grinned, pointing at the map Robin was now unfolding into the table. Both of them were too preoccupied looking at the map to catch your flushed faces and swollen lips.
“Starcourt Mall,” Robin smiled proudly. “The complete blueprints.”
“So, this is us, Scoops,” Dustin dragged his finger around the map. “And this is where we want to get.”
“I mean,” Steve cleared his throat, trying to keep his cool. He looked over at you to see that your wide eyes looked intently at the map presented to you. You were avoiding his gaze. “I, uh.. I don’t really see a way in.”
“There’s not,” Robin peeled off the top layer of papers. “If you’re talking exclusively about doors.”
“Air ducts..” You muttered, feeling your heart pound away nervously, but thankful for a topic you could throw yourself into. “That’s fucking brilliant.”
“I know,” She shrugged, walking to the wall on the opposite side of the room to grab a marker. “Turns out, this secret room needs air just like any old room. And these air ducts lead all the way..” She began to draw. “Here.”
The Russians’ secret room.
“I’ll grab the ladder.”
“Flashlight,” Steve ordered with the screwdriver in his mouth. “Y/N?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Sorry,” You blinked, realizing you’d been staring blankly at his thighs. You handed him the flashlight.
“Thank you,” He chuckled, exchanging the wet screwdriver for the light before looking into the air vent. “Yeah, I don’t know, Dustin. I don’t know if you can fit in here. It’s, like… super tight.”
Did he have to say it like that?
“He’ll fit,” You patted your brother’s back. “You wanted to be an American hero, right? Well, here’s your chance, Mr. No-Collarbones.”
Dustin took the flashlight from Steve and climbed up the ladder.
“Uh, excuse me?” Robin asked as Steve climbed down.
“He’s got some disease. Chry, uh.. Chrydo, um.. something,” Steve looked at you for help.
“Cleidocranial Dysplasia,” You grunted as you tried to push your brother into the vent.
“Right. Cleidocran.. I don’t know. He’s missing bones and stuff. He can bend like gumbo.”
“You mean Gumby?” Robin offered
“I’m pretty sure it’s Gumbo.”
“Yeah?” He quickly turned to you at the sound of your voice calling his name.
“A little help?”
“Oh, right, yeah.”
You both grabbed his feet again.
“Not my feet, dumbasses. Push my ass.”
“I’m out,” You dropped his foot. “I’m not touching your ass.”
“I DO!” You shouted back. “I’ve washed your laundry, Dustin. I’ve seen those occasional skid marks-“
“All I’m saying is that wet wipes go a long way-“
“Well, I don’t wanna push your ass if there are skid marks-“
“OKAY, I’M PUSHING! .. Jesus..”
Robin looked over at you slowly, annoyed at the sight in front of her. You stared with wide eyes at the boy in front of you, following every order your brother gave him and using his entire body to try to push the boy in.
“Oh, my god,” She smiled. “You enjoying the view over there?”
You tilted your head at Steve readjusting his feet on the ladder, subtle muscles rippling through his calves and thighs. “Oddly enough? Kinda.”
“Come on! Harder! Push harder!” Dustin shouted.
“I am!!” Steve grunted.
“You’re playing with my legs!”
“I’m not playing! I have terrible footing-“
“I’m gonna just shove you! Ready?!”
“SHOVE ME?!” Dustin screamed.
“Ahoy, sailors! All hands on deck! Ahoy?!” An annoying voice shouted from behind you.
You and Robin turned around, a smile creeping on both of your faces as you watched the small girl continuously ring the bell on the counter.
“Get over here and serve me some samples!”
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” You looked at your best friend.
“Hey, kid!” Robin shouted. “How would you like a chance to earn free ice cream?”
“Erica, do you copy?” You’d all taken your positions on the top of the roof looking down at the Russian’s secret door.
“Mm-hmm. I copy,” The walkie in Robin’s hand responded. “You nerds in position or what?”
“Yeah, we’re in position,” You responded. “It’s all quiet here, so you’ve got the green light.”
“Green light, roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment.”
“Can we maybe not call it that?” You felt Steve lean up against you, scoffing at the girl’s words.
“See you on the other side, nerds.”
“This is such a bad idea,” Dustin muttered.
“What?” You and Steve both blinked, wondering if the duo had caught you earlier.
“… Bringing a child into our schemes,” He said slowly.
“You are a child, dingus,” Robin frowned. “But yeah, not the best plan we’ve had.”
“Hey! It was my plan,” You laughed.
“Explains why it’s such a bad one,” Steve teased, leaning further into you. “Then again, some bad ideas only seem bad until you do them. Then they turn out to be really good ideas. Like, really good ideas.”
You smiled softly up at him, feeling those same molten hot butterflies that have haunted your chest for the past few month. You’d barely been allowed to let the words register before your brother snorted.
“How profound, Steve,” Dustin muttered sarcastically before handing you his binoculars. “Truly beautiful. Have you ever looked into writing poems? You’d really give Edgar Allen Poe a run for his money.”
You let out a genuine chuckle before handing off the walkie and looking at the door.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve let out a scoff. “You have one toothless kiss and all of the sudden you’re a dick? Not cool, man.”
The boys continued with their annoyed conversation, only interrupted by the occasionally check in on Project Child Endangerment.
“All I’m saying is that you need to get your ego in check,” Steve continued.
“Oh, my ego needs to be checked?” Dustin snorted before the walkie went off.
“I’m in.”
“Hand me the box cutter,” Steve held out his hand before you gently placed it in his hand. He whipped out the knife before skillfully sliding it down the taped entrances of the cart board box, only to reveal a metal container within it.
He looked up briefly before he turned the notch at the top and lifted the lid. Four other knobs decorated the top of the box, smoke leaking out of the circular cracks.
“That’s definitely not Chinese food,” Steve muttered, setting down the titanium lid. “Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back.”
“No,” You and Dustin both shook your heads.
“Just step back, okay?” Steve gently pushed at Dustin’s chest.
“No,” He protested. You simply stood your ground.
“Step back, Henderson. Seriously,” He looked up at both of you.
“No! No!” Dustin shouted. “If you die, I die.”
He stared blankly at the boy before looking up at you. “What’s your excuse?”
“What? You think you’re the only one around here who wants to be an American hero?” You smirked, earning a chuckle. You pressed into him, moving him aside as you twisted the knob and pulled it out of the metal box yourself. Compressed air wheezed out as you pulled out a container filled with neon green liquid.
He knew he shouldn’t be shocked at your bravery at this point, already having seen you put your own life in danger without so much as a second thought various times, but he couldn’t help but look at you in awe as you examined the liquid.
This was same the girl who only closed her eyes, preparing for death as a Demogorgon hovered above her.
The same girl who wandered out of the bus to lure in the Demo-Dogs, and later fight them off alongside Steve.
The same one that led the group straight into the heart of those monsters’ layer in hopes of sparing the lives of the town, not even hesitating to lift all of the kids out of the dangerous tunnels before you even thought about getting out yourself.
“What the hell is this?” You whispered, deep in thought.
Both of your thoughts were interrupted by the floor under you rumbling.
“Was that just me, or did the room move?” Dustin looked up.
“Booby traps..” Erica whispered.
The ground shook once more, erupting through the silence with a mechanical whirring.
“You know what? Let’s just grab that and go,” Robin took the container from your hands. Dustin ran over to the same buttons Erica had used to open the door.
“Which one do I press, Erica?” He called anxiously.
“Just press the damn button, nerd.”
“Which one? I’m pressing the button, okay? I-“
“Press ‘Open Door’!”
“I’m pressing ‘Open Door’!”
“Just open the- Press the other button!” Steve shouted, pushing him out of the way.
“Wait! Wait! I don’t think-“ You began. “Stop! It’s gotta be like a password or something!”
“Out of the way so she can push the button!” Robin tried to speak over the shouting. All five of you began shouting, offering suggestions and trying to make your way to the buttons before the door clanged firmly shut.
You all froze before the lights went out and the room began moving violently, sending your stomachs into your throats with a familiar falling sensation. Screams erupted through all of you before you felt Steve wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into him, stabilizing you both with his other arm.
“Look!” You shouted, pointing at the top of the room. He followed your gaze to see that the open space revealed that the falling feeling you’d all felt wasn’t feigned, the room was in fact moving downwards.
“Oh, shit.”
Chapter 5 ->
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viacursecasting · 2 years
Sonadow Scenario #72
The New Black.
It didn't take long to find the kidnapped lifeform thanks to his personal locator beacon. As Sonic approached the cell, his heart stung at the sight of the agent, riddled with cuts and bruises, bound to a chair via energy-draining chains. "Shadow?"
The agent lifted his heavy head, his sunken eyes trying to adjust in the dim light. Suddenly they shot wide open upon perceiving the hero. With muffled cries through the duct tape over his muzzle, Shadow fervently shook his head, desperately trying to back away in vain.
"Relax!" Sonic urged. "I'll get you out of there in no time." After taking a few steps back, he swiftly executed a spindash into the bars, breaking them effortlessly.
It was almost too easy...
When Sonic reached for the agent's lips, he struggled to grab ahold of the tape with all the squirming, but finally he lashed out and yanked it.
Ignoring the stinging pain, Shadow yelled, "Look out!"
Sonic whirled around, crying out as a violet energy beam struck his leg. He fell to one knee, instinctively putting pressure on his wound.
Shadow cursed, desperately trying to break his bonds but failing miserably.
Their ears shot upright as a maniacal laugh reverberated throughout the desolate prison, sending a chill down their spines. A suffocating smoke filled the air, twisting and turning until it formed—
"Mephiles," Sonic sneered.
"Long time no see, hedgehog." Though the crystalline foe lacked lips, the smirk in his tone was prevalent. "Using a loved one to bait you—" Mephiles sighed with pleasure. "Sometimes I marvel at my own genius."
"You got me, Einstein," Sonic grunted, trying to ignore his blood-stained gloves. "Now let him go."
Mephiles chuckled lowly. "You really thought it would be that easy?" As he glided toward the agent, he continued to address the hero. "No, no, simply killing you would not suffice. It would be much more entertaining to break you, to watch you suffer," he hissed. He then brushed a clawed finger under Shadow's chin, making him tremble. "Wouldn't you agree, my pet?"
Sonic growled, attempting to dash forward but faltering as he became lightheaded. He forced himself to breathe, the threat of passing out looming.
Suddenly Mephiles straddled the lifeform, making him redden furiously.
Mephiles purred, "Let me guess. Only Sonic has ever touched you like this?"
Shadow glowered. "Bite me," he snapped.
Mephiles let out an amused huff. "Gladly."
His muzzle then tore open to reveal harsh fangs, which then sunk into the lifeform's neck. Shadow cried out in pain.
A fire burned in Sonic's eyes. "Get off him, you bastard!"
But Mephiles only clutched him closer, listening to his victim moan weakly as he drained more of his Chaos energy. The crystals riddled throughout his body grew in size, looking more jagged, more menacing.
Mephiles finally relinquished him, leaving trails of saliva on the agent's shoulder. Shadow slumped forward, barely hanging onto his consciousness.
Mephiles then ambled toward the fallen hero. He manifested a long jagged crystal for an arm, dragging it across the concrete, creating sparks. He pointed it at the hero's neck.
When Sonic gulped, he felt the tip nick his throat.
Mephiles cooed, "Any last words, hedgehog?"
Mephiles and Sonic turned toward the low threat, which surprisingly came from Shadow, whose head was still down.
Mephiles hummed curiously. "What makes you foolish enough to think you can stop me?"
At that moment, a dark wispy aura coated Shadow's body. His fur transformed so black it absorbed all traces of light. The vantablack hue bled like ink throughout his limbs, consuming his ruby streaks and tan fur. He slowly lifted his head as if possessed. When he opened his eyelids, all that could be seen was his sclera, white as bone.
Sonic froze. Shadow has... a dark form!?
With one swift motion, Shadow broke his bonds, standing unimpeded. When he spoke, it was with his void of a muzzle. "You may have siphoned my powers, but you unknowingly transferred some of your essence to me. And now..." He unlocked his ring inhibitors, tossing them aside as his umbral aura fervently burned:
"We'll see what I'm really capable of."
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dykeishheart · 24 days
Intellectualism is such a fraught subject because we live in a zeitgeist of anti-intellectualism being pushed from major political bodies onto constituencies via religious and economic propaganda (defunding schools, creationist leaders defrauding sciences, anti-medical conspiracy riddled through middle class and even some legislators, etc), while at the same time certain vectors of social power and legitimacy are undeniably rooted in at least the appearance of intellect. See Musk, Zuckerberg, and Gates fanboys praising their genius, the entire social movement that I like to call 'r/atheism debate me era' being beholden to talking heads they idolize like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, and just the general millieu of Smart Man captivating the social media feed every few minutes with Smart quotes. Society loves an Einstein, to the point that that is a recognizable name every person on earth knows how to correlate to a specific kind of person: a smart person idolized for intelligence.
Actual education is the least accessible it's ever been in terms of the kinds that offer prestige (university) while raw knowledge and data is the most accessible it's ever been for people willing to comb through digital archives. Being too smart is to invite insult and dismissal if it's coupled with any personality flaws but it's almost universally stated that people want intelligence in a partner. The smartest people aren't given acclaim or status for being smart, but the highest wages are by and large earned by people with the most education. Legislators want less actual education happening but more educating happening, because they want more people in schools to generate revenue and fill the school-to-industry training pipeline, but they don't want those people learning the kinds of things that would teach them that pipeline exists.
There's also an incredibly annoying phenomenon where every two or three years a new pseudoscience pops up trying to explain what intelligence is and what personalities are and why we need to have more societal divisions over it, and it's been like this since The Bell Curve came out in 1994, and it's basically been eugenics every time with the license plates changed. The political benefit of being able to categorize people for division and domination dovetails perfectly with the bizarre hook that factoids have on the collective brainspace; everyone loves feeling like they know a special secret about the world, and a good many people like the feeling of that secret so much that they turn off their critical thinking for just long enough to accept any old bullshit or bigotry or conspiracy or ancient form of racism if it's packaged to look like the underside of a Snapple cap. Needless to say, you can find the absolute most esoteric, bizarre, niche, and useless info only two digital footprints away from the most baseline of common knowledge, and both will be wrong in different but equal measure, each spawned by a different abberant strain of social psychosis with a different degree of popularity determined by god drawing sticks blind out of a cup. The layers of disinformation, misinformation, lies, half remembered factoids, hallucinations, misconceptions, willful obtusenesses, deliberate obfuscations, and general fuckeries that exist within the All Encompassing Brain Soup that is the digital age could make one decide epistemology is overrated if the day of encounter was sufficiently exhausting.
And at the end of the day it largely doesn't matter. Intelligence is fake anyway. Truth is authored and knowledge unwrites it each and every minute to rewrite to the shape of power. What does it mean to be smart? God help you I don't fucking know. Will I be able to afford rent six months from now? That's a real question. Tell me when you figure that one out.
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