#elf vs dwarf
Elves don’t see elves as humans see elves.
I really like the idea that elves, when they look at other elves, don’t see each other with the same kind of awe inspiring beauty as humans that would look upon elves do.
In an elves eyes, other elves look just as unremarkable as a human would find most other humans unremarkable.
The reason is because of an elf’s vision. They see everything in extreme detail, so while we humans might see unblemished skin, an elf would be able to see every minute scratch and dent that graced the elf’s skin just as easily as a tattoo.
A human will look at an elf and see perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect grace.
An elf will look at another elf and see a canvas of scars crisscrossing over the skin, telling the tale of the centuries they’ve lived.
A human will look at an elf’s face and find it as though it was cut from marble.
An elf will look at that same elf’s face and see a stark, angry scar dragging across the elf’s face.
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undead-potatoes · 11 months
It's been kinda interesting to see a divide in my notes over who likes/reblogs Aurora vs Jay when similar art of them is posted right next to each other
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dark-elf-writes · 11 months
Biodegradable packaging and soggy paper straw girl/ 3-D printer man that made his 20th jiggly slug today.
Will they fight? Will they fuck? The world will never know.
Having met this exact dynamic I can promise you the will fight then fuck then fight again
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roastbasilisk · 3 months
Most feminine male dwarf vs most masculine male elf
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Human Interracial offspring (Mostly Spoiler Free)
As you might know, in Dungeon Meshi "human" is a term that refers to not only "tallman" (the equivalent of our world humans) but also Half-Foots, Ogres, Dwarves and Elves.
Besides the weird bone counting classification Kabru made I think one of the defining "human" aspects might be being able to have offspring with each other (unclear if that's possible at all between human and demi-human).
That said the Adventurer's Guide has some information about it that I wanted to share.
First, Humans in dungeon meshi are divided between short and long lived races, those are:
Long Lived Human Races:
Short Lived Human Races:
As a general rule mixed offspring seems to be infertile but there's some exceptions.
Confirmed mixed race offspring that can leave descendants (Fertile offspring):
Tallman x Half-Foot
Tallman x Ogre
Dwarf x Gnome
An easy chart with the info! (It's not that complicated but its easier for me to see like this) (edit: added info what mixes have confirmed and speculated characters)
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Seems like short-lived species can only have fertile offspring with each other and the same for long lived. Although there's no information about elves being able to have them with any other races, maybe because they live so much more than the other long-lived species (400 vs 200 & 240)
There's also no information about Ogres with Half-foot but I don't imagine the logistics to produce offspring would work there 😳
Another thing is that the Adventurer's Bible describes that the tallman have had an explosive growth due to having fertile offspring with half-foot and Ogres , so I wonder if that means their offspring are tallman too? Or are they still half-half-foot (a funny name) and half-Ogre? Unclear!
some of the confirmed mixed characters:
Corpse Retriever Leader - Half-Dwarf (Dwarf x Tallman)
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Corpse Retriever Priest - Half-Gnome (Gnome x ? [Probably Tallman])
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Fionil - Half-Elf (Elf x ? [Probably Tallman])
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For the chart I added them as confirmed half-tallman due to their height/looks, I'm just being overzealous here.
Speculated mixed from the race portraits
In order: Half-Foot page: possibly half-dwarf | Elf Page: possibly half-foot or gnome mix | Dwarf page: possibly half-gnome.
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Sources and Spoilers Bellow the cut
From the page about tallman in the adventurer's bible (p134)
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From the page about dwarves in the adventurer's bible (p140)
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From the page about Ogres in the adventurer's bible (p140)
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Page about 'other characters' (p098)
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Fionil Profile (p096)
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Spoiler And ofc I did not forget Marcille! I just don't want to tag this as spoilers since that would be pretty much the only spoiler
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alonelywreck · 2 years
My friends and I are very different. They're also quite dumb. I say this because they called me an elf once (I'm 5 ft) and they didn't beleive me when I said that elves are actually tall like 6 ft and over tall. While what they could've called me is a dwarf because that would've been closer. They also call me emo. They obviously don't understand the difference between emo and punk. How did I become friends with these people.
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felassan · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard info compilation Post 2
[Link to Part 1]
Post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of information coming out right now about DA:TV from many different sources. This post is just an effort to compile as much as I can in one place, in case that helps anyone. Sources for where the information came from have been included. Where I am linking to a social media user’s post, the person is either a dev, a Dragon Age community council member or other person who has had a sneak peek at and played the game. nb, this post is more of a ‘info that came out in snippets from articles and social media posts’ collection rather than a 'regurgitating the information on the official website or writing out what happened in the trailer/gameplay reveal’ post. The post is broken down into headings on various topics. A few points are repeated under multiple headings where relevant. Where I am speculating without a source, I have clearly demarcated this.
Character Creation
It is the best CC BioWare has ever made in a game [source]
The faction we choose will determine who we as protagonist Rook were before they were recruited to put a stop to Solas [source]
Certain conversation options are only available to Rooks of certain factions. For example, Grey Wardens get conversation options that are focused on the Blight, as they know more about it from other people. It also impacts how people talk to Rook (reactivity from characters and then faction reactivity from plots relating to that faction) [source]
Faction choice affects a lot of things [source]
There aren't unique missions (I think this means like the playable Origins in DA:O), but faction choice does set the course for Rook for the rest of the game [source]
"body customization and morphing. From more muscular characters, to curvier builds, and just about any shape you want to give your character, there are all sorts of toggles to adjust so you can give them any figure you want". "There's even features that let you choose proportions, so you can alter their height, give them wider shoulders, and much more" [source]
There are makeup options [source]
There are tattoo options [source]
The hair uses a "Strand system" to "make them behave and move in a believable way for the different races" [source]. (Fel note/speculation: I think "race" here refers to irl, as opposed to like human vs qunari or something, as the language they are using for human/elf/dwarf/qunari is "Lineage")
There are 4 voices to choose from for Rook: two feminine and tow masculine (one American, one British for each) [source]
In CC, 'Lineage' is the game's parlance for race i.e. human, elf, dwarf, qunari [source]
We can pick Rook's name, but the dialogue calls them 'Rook' [source]
In CC we can "make a few key decisions that will impact how The Veilguard begins" [source]
"I really do think its our most feature-ful character creator ever." [source]
Story and lore
In the opening segment of the game (see more on the story's opening moments here), we're too late and Solas' ritual worsens, so Rook and the companions go to stop him. When travelling to the next location (Arlathan Forest) in the chase after Solas, the characters travel through an eluvian [source]. The Forest is where his ritual is taking place. Varric then asks the player if he should confront Solas, and players then work to take down the surrounding statues in order to stop the ritual. "I won’t spoil what happens next, but I’ll just say the player and Veilguard have a tall task ahead of them if they want to save Thedas." [source]
Four of the 6 faction options for Rook (Mourn Watch, Lords of Fortune, Veil Jumpers, Shadow Dragons) are "rooted in northern Thedas" [source]
Certain conversation options are only available to Rooks of certain factions. For example, Grey Wardens get conversation options that are focused on the Blight, as they know more about it from other people. It also impacts how people talk to Rook (reactivity from characters and then faction reactivity from plots relating to that faction) [source]
There aren't unique missions (I think this means like the playable Origins in DA:O), but faction choice does set the course for Rook for the rest of the game [source]
A line of dialogue Dorian had at the Winter Palace in DA:I about what Tevinter is like informed the devs' approach to bringing to life the setting of Tevinter: ""There's a line in Dragon Age Inquisition that we always like to call back to," Epler says. "Dorian goes to the Winter Palace, which, up to that point, is probably the most impressive thing you've seen [as the Inquisitor], and [he] says something like, 'Oh, this is cute.' And we had to ask, what does it look like? What is Tevinter if Dorian sees that [the Winter Palace] and thinks that?"" [source]
The fact that Minrathous used to be the land of the elves was factored into the location's design. John Epler: "You can see the architecture has changed. It's become a lot more elven focused. And something that we've kind of hinted at, but we've never really shown explicitly, is the idea that Tevinter is built on the bones of the ancient elven empire. Tevinter itself, Minrathous itself, all the magic you see, that's just a pale imitation of what the elves are capable of. So you'll start to see as you get deeper into the game, the elves, for example, worked Lyrium into their building materials. Tevinter can't quite figure out how to do that. So instead, you'll see more gold and gems, kind of imitating it, but not ever quite approaching what the elves are able to do, and really creating that continuity of the space. Obviously, Solas isn't too thrilled that this world is the way it is, because he lived in a time of miracles and magic, and even the most magical place in Thedas isn't magic like the elven people used to be able to do" [source]
At the end of the opening portion of the game there is a "jaw-dropping title card cliffhanger" [source]
On the opening sequence: ""One of the things we wanted to do with this game is make the prolog feel like the final mission of a different game," John Epler says. "We really needed to get the stakes, the spectacle, right off the bat. Obviously, players who had been waiting to confront Solas have been waiting for just this moment."" [source]
Each companion has their own storyline that runs parallel to the main story [source]
You cannot succeed without the companions. Each of them has a reason why they need to be part of your party, why they need to help you stop the end of the world [source]
All 7 companions are recruited in the game's first act [source]
The firey demon looking guys shown near the start of the Gameplay Reveal are Rage Demons. Demons in general got a revamp in this game "to more closely align their look", this can be seen with the shades and the Pride demons as well. "they’re creatures of emotion so they have a spectral nervous system look" [source]
The Pride demon the group fight at the Solas face-off in the Gameplay Reveal video "was more a direct tie to Solas than anything else, but it didn't escape us how much it echoed the beginning of DA:I". they wanted to show the stakes and the scale of Solas' power [source]
Characters, companions, romance
Harding was one of the earliest characters that the devs wanted to bring into DA4, because she was such a fan favorite. She is this game's 'traditional returning' character [source]
Each character's romance flavor or style is different. They don't want every character for the romance to feel the same. They want everyone to have their own flavor that's appropriate to them as a character [source] [two]
"We found as we were building a story, more than ever before, it's a story about the people around you; a story about building this team, and working with them." [source]
Each companion has their own storyline that runs parallel to the main story [source]
You cannot succeed without the companions. Each of them has a reason why they need to be part of your party, why they need to help you stop the end of the world [source]
All companions are pansexual (specifically pansexual, not playersexual) [source]
Their pansexuality may come through in what we learn about their backstories [source]
No companion romance is race-locked [source]
Companions reference their past experiences or partners, and they reference who they'll become romantic with. [source]
If you don't romance a character, they may find a different partner for themselves. This could be within the companion roster itself or outside of it in the broader world. [source] For example, if the player does not romance Harding, she may get together with Taash [source]
The game is rated M [source]
The game contains nudity [source]
We can start flirting with the companions pretty early [source]
All 7 companions are recruited in the game's first act [source]
It is not until later parts of the game that you really commit to romance and things get pretty spicy [source]
The nudity, spicy things etc is more towards the end of the game [source]
The devs want the companions to be relatable and fully realized. So things get spicy, but in a more relatable way for people than e.g. some of the more shocking and comical scenes of this nature in Baldur's Gate 3 [source]
How sexually explicit the scenes are varies between characters. Some are more spicy than others. They have diverse personalities like in real life. "Some of them are more physical, more aggressive, and some of them are more... we have a gentleman necromancer [Emmrich], for instance, that is more intimate and sensual." [source] "some characters may be a little more steamy while some characters maybe a little bit more innocent" [source]
The romance and relationship system is more fleshed out than in previous BioWare games. A character's romance will be better woven into their personal story arc and into their involvement in the core questline of the game [source]
"BioWare has also worked to ensure that getting to know your characters as friends feels just as satisfying - and that just because you're not banging your buddy, their (platonic) relationship with you will still continue." ""One of the things we tried to do with The Veilguard is it's not just romantic relationship building," Epler continued. "You need to get to know a person before you can really build that kind of relationship with them, and if you choose not to build a [romantic] relationship, we never want to feel like you're being cut off. There's no 'okay, well, their arc isn't progressing, I'm done'." We want to make sure the non-romantic relationships are deep as well, with friendships not just for companions and yourself, but also between companions across the party."" [source]
GDL reprises his role as Solas [source]
Gameplay, presentation, performance etc
The game has a photo mode [source]
Combat is fast-paced [source]
If you pause the game using the ability wheel you can scan enemies to learn more information about them [source]
Each of the 3 main classes is distinguished by how it generates and spends energy for abilities [source]
Each of the 3 subclasses for each 3 main class promise to offer some meaningful distinctions from each other [source]
for this, rogues have momentum. You build momentum by attacking, by dodging, by parrying, and you lose it by being hit, so there's really a focus with rogues on avoiding damage, avoiding attacks. They build momentum quickly, but they lose it quickly. Warriors have rage, which they build a little bit more slowly, but they don't lose [source]
Attacks can be cancelled [source]
Regarding enemy weaknesses, some of these are elemental. In other cases their defenses are more vulnerable to specific types of abilities [source]
Combat seems to be a matter of managing our abilities as best we can to whittle down enemy defenses and take advantage of their weaknesses [source]
Over the course of the game we get access to three abilities per companion as well as an additional two abilities we can slot, and an additional ability that coms off of items that the devs will not talk about for now [source]
Fully offline single player, no EA account linking, no micro-transactions [source]
The game uses advanced rendering tech in Frostbite, nice subsurface scattering, high quality meshes, while having a striking pseudo-painterly look [source]
There are blood spatters in the game [source]
Production values on the game have gone through the roof. It looks like a big improvement on what came before [source]
On the music: "lots of foreboding tunes mixed with epic flair" [source]
Good voice acting, great facial animations, good hair tech, busy-looking environments and worlds [source]
It's not open world. "There are open areas you can explore around in, but it's mostly structured/mission based, sort of like Mass Effect." [source]
There are difficulty options [source]
They will talk about PC spec stuff at a later time [source]
There is probably an option to see damage numbers [source]
There are many reasons why the game is M-rated [source]
There are lots of abilities, with 3 swapped in on the wheel at any one time [source]
There are a bunch of accessibility options and they will talk about these soon [source]
The ability wheel gives you flexibility to enhance your playstyle. If you don't want to use it at all, you don't have to and that's no issue as shortcuts are available [source]
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anghraine · 21 days
I know this has been noticed before, but Glorfindel delivering a prophecy about the Witch-king's destruction does not mean that Glorfindel is laying down the law about the Witch-king's vulnerability. Glorfindel in no way has that ability. He's struck by foresight about how the Witch-king will eventually fall and knows it won't be by the hand of "man." This doesn't mean any non-man/Man on the battlefield could have done it, or that Merry or Éowyn have some special "not a man" powers or abilities vs the Witch-king, but that Glorfindel prophetically knows the person/people who are going to end up doing it will not be men in any sense.
The ambiguity of Glorfindel's use of "man" here works really well for the English text, I'd say. In Tolkien's usage especially, "man" can mean "the species of humanity" or "adult male person," allowing for Glorfindel's prophecy to refer to Merry or Éowyn or both, but definitely not to Eärnur (an adult male and a human, however special).
BUT ALSO to be a pedantic nerd (when am I not?):
In-story the direct context of Glorfindel's prophecy is Glorfindel trying to convince Eärnur of Gondor not to pursue the Witch-king in Gondor's campaign against Angmar after the destruction of Arthedain. Glorfindel held him back at the time by telling him that he wasn't destined to defeat the Witch-king. But Glorfindel is a High Elf out of Valinor and Eärnur is a Númenórean prince of Gondor. Even by the end of the age, it's still very likely that a conversation between two such people would be in Sindarin or Quenya, and this interaction happens long before then.
This matters because, while the man/Man ambiguity works really well on a literary/meta level in English with what ends up happening, in the world of the story it wouldn't have been delivered in a language that actually contains that ambiguity (even Common may not, for all we know, but is unlikely to have been used here anyway). So, for instance, if Glorfindel was speaking to Eärnur in Quenya, he would have likely used either nér (adult male) or atan (human being), depending on which he actually meant.
From everything I've read of Tolkien's thoughts on the defeat of the Witch-king, I personally think it's likely that the prophecy would have referred to Éowyn rather than Merry, instrumental as he was.
But weirdly, this actually makes a lot of sense for the characters as well, IMO. Given how extremely unusual it appears to be for women of any species to be in direct combat in the regions where the Nazgûl are mainly active in the Third Age, it fits the Witch-king's overconfidence if he understood it to refer to gender and regarded himself as no more likely to be slain by a male Elf or dwarf or wizard than by Eärnur. And that would also fit with the uncertainty that strikes him when Éowyn declares that she's a woman.
So, in-story, I think the prophecy actually is about her and, more broadly, about gender.
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bastart13 · 3 months
How do you imagine hybrids work in love and legends? We've seen elf/humans.
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So there are 6 different species and aside from the mermaids, they're all compatable to have children.
I headcanon life expectancy, colouration, and the shape of facial or body features to be gradient traits, so they pretty much randomly combine between the two parents like any other child
Magical traits are probably more binary. So a fairy hybrid child could inherit the eyes, wings, and/or sparkles, or none, with no middle ground. A demon hybrid will usually inherit a faded form of the markings, but they won't always be able to transform or earn horns. Dwarf hybrids might inherit the ability to echolocate vs just having larger ears.
If two species with strong magic have a child, they're more likely to inherit magical traits (e.g. elves and fairies with strong magic vs humans and dwarves with low magic)
Considering the domains are all friendly with each other, I imagine it's fairly common to have mixed ancestry and there's no real taboo aside from the grief of lifespan differences
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Following an anon suggestion from some time ago, it's the
Best Transformation by the Changelings Tournament
This is the masterpost for the tournament. I'll pin it and update it with every new round, so you'll be able to find all polls easily.
The rules are very simple: You just vote for whichever transformation you like better, for whichever reason. The transformation with the most votes advances to the next round.
Propaganda is encouraged! Please put it in the body of the post so I can reblog it. I don't reblog propaganda from tags or replies.
Spoiler warning: This tournament contains material up to the end of the manga. If you haven't caught up yet, you may be spoiled.
Quarter finals:
Kobold Laios vs Half-foot Senshi
Dwarf Rin vs Manneken Pis Gargoyle
Dwarf Cithis vs Half-foot Fleki
Tallman Namari vs Half-foot Thistle
Previous rounds under the cut
Round 2:
Troll child vs Kobold Laios (Kobold Laios won)
Half-foot Senshi vs Half-foot Izutsumi (Half-foot Senshi won)
Dwarf Rin vs Elf Dia (Dwarf Rin won)
Orc Kuro vs Manneken Pis Gargoyle (Manneken Pis Gargoyle won)
Dumplings vs Dwarf Cithis (Dwarf Cithis won)
Half-foot Fleki vs Dwarf Otta (Half-foot Fleki won)
Tallman Namari vs Half-foot Milsiril (Tallman Namari won)
Half-foot Thistle vs Kensuke (Half-foot Thistle won)
Round 1, part 2:
Dumplings vs Hippogriff meat (Dumplings won)
Tallman Mithrun vs Dwarf Cithis (Dwarf Cithis won)
Gnome Pattadol vs Half-foot Fleki (Half-foot Fleki won)
Tallman Lycion vs Dwarf Otta (Dwarf Otta won)
Dwarf Mr. Floke vs Tallman Namari (Tallman Namari won)
Elf Toshiro vs Half-foot Milsiril (Half-foot Milsiril won)
Half-foot Thistle vs Wurm Faligon (Half-foot Thistle won)
Griffin vs Kensuke (Kensuke won)
Round 1, part 1:
Troll child vs Gazelle deer (Troll child won)
Kobold Laios vs Dwarf Falin (Kobold Laios won)
Ogre Marcille vs Half-foot Senshi (Half-foot Senshi won)
Tallman Chilchuck vs Half-foot Izutsumi (Half-foot Izutsumi won)
Half-foot Kabru vs Dwarf Rin (Dwarf Rin won)
Tallman Holm vs Elf Dia (Elf Dia won)
Dwarf Mickbell vs Orc Kuro (Orc Kuro won)
Mouth of Truth Gargoyle vs Manneken Pis Gargoyle (Manneken Pis Gargoyle won)
Preliminaries, part 4:
Mr. Tansu Floke (Dwarf Mr. Floke won)
Namari of Kahka Brud (Tallman Namari won)
Toshiro Nakamoto (Elf Toshiro won)
Milsiril of the House of Tol (Half-foot Milsiril won)
Thistle the Lunatic Magician (Half-foot Thistle won)
Chimera Falin (Wurm Faligon won)
Preliminaries, part 3:
Mithrun of the House of Kerensil (Tallman Mithrun won)
Cithis Ofri (Dwarf Cithis won)
Pattadol of the House of Vari (Gnome Pattadol won)
Fleki (Half-foot Fleki won)
Lycion (Tallman Lycion won)
Otta (Dwarf Otta won)
Preliminaries, part 2:
Kabru (Half-foot Kabru won)
Rinsha Fana (Dwarf Rin won)
Holm Kranom (Tallman Holm won)
Diamond of Sadena (Elf Dia won)
Mickbell Tomas (Dwarf Mickbell won)
Preliminaries, part 1:
Laios Touden (Kobold Laios won)
Falin Touden (Dwarf Falin won)
Marcille Donato (Ogre Marcille won)
Senshi of Izganda (Half-foot Senshi won)
Chilchuck Tims (Tallman Chilchuck won)
Izutsumi (Half-foot Izutsumi won)
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spinningalbinoturtle · 8 months
Social Media headcanons
Has an official Instagram and Facebook accounts as a head of state. He also has a private account that his friends follow him on: strideranger alternatively strangerranger or rangerdanger on tiktok. His insta consists solely of pictures of his horse, Arwen and occasionally videos of cool plants or wildlife. He captions thing like an old man. His Tiktok is tracking tutorials and again nature videos. He hates twitter and isn’t on it.
All the social medias his names include princeofmirkwood, andmybow, and legolocks. Has over a million followers in insta, tiktok and twitter. He posts lots of glammy photos of himself in the woods and tutorials of how to keep your hair and makeup intact in the battlefield. He also edits slow mows of himself shooting orcs. Doesn’t have Facebook because he claims its “for old people” despite being the second oldest member of the fellowship Posts his random thoughts in twitter and gets like thousands of retweets every time
anmyaxe, lordofglitteringcaves, gimlet, are some of his names. Posts angry rants on twitter and faceboo. Regularly gets into internet fights with trolls. Posts videos on tiktok of his various stone projects and his workout routine (the latter gets a lot of views) Everyone loses it when he and Legolas team up for a “elf braid vs dwarf braid” youtube video. Oh yes he also has a very popular youtube channel where he explains how to of various craft trades.
Has made foolofatook his name for everything and also a hashtag. Huge on twitter and twitch, he also has insta and tiktok and a youtube channel with Merry. Said Youtube is very popular and involves pranks, media reviews, and him and Merry doing stupid shit
Does a lot of work on the channel with Pippin. Also has a twitch and twitter. Insta king people think he’s really cool. He is the kind of person who shares his progress on candy crush and duolingo. Tried to make merrychristmas his username but it was taken and so went with theweedprofessor. His tiktok is more popular than Pippin’s but Pippin’s twitter is more popular
Not huge on social media mostly got it because his friends peer pressured him into it. Has facebook and always says happy birthday to people on it but gets annoyed by all the politics. His instagram is samnotsowise alternatively gardeningamgee. Its super wholesome, lots of pictures of his plants and pets and him and Frodo. Sometimes he’ll post a poem
Frodo would be on tumblr tho. Username is bagginit on insta and frodoninefingers on twitter which he never uses. His tumblr is ringringhello. He also has insta but rarely posts anything except occasionally a picture of Sam. He has a linguistics Youtube channel where he talks about elvish history and language. Actually the most political on social media this is because Frodo has a very strong moral compass and wants to get the word out about important issues.
He’s a twitch streamer I’m sorry. He also has twitter at hornofgondor. Likes everyone of Merry and Pippin’s videos and posts and reposts them with captions like “love these guys!!!” Mostly shares memes on twitter and facebook very much dad vibes
Posts weird shit that no one understands on facebook and instagram at thegreywizard
He has facebook and likes to tag his relatives in things that he knows will annoy them. Other than that he just posts memories of Frodo like the proud parent he is Like every birthday he’ll post something really sweet and sappy like “so proud of the young man he’s become”
He gets in trouble on twitter sometimes but not nearly as much as Thranduil
Insta and tiktok at stewardstew. Mostly posts pics of his cats. Reposts everything Eowyn posts. Likes to uplift his friends. Answers citizen questions on official gondor accounts very warmly. Also shares memes
She has a podcast and everyone has been a guest at some point. She highlights inequalities in middle earth. Lots of reposts of feminist events and programs. Badass pics of her with her sword on her insta and tiktok. She does lots of tiktok challenges. Her username is iamnoman on tiktok and eowinner on instagram
Like legolas is all over insta posts lots of glammy photos in the woods as well. But she also shares a lot of Eowyn’s posts. Posts lots of inspirational quotes and stuff. Is really into yoga and posts about that as well. Her name on all social medias is evenstarwen
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 2, Poll 12
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Hearthstone-Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
He's canonically deaf and also in love with Blitzen!
He's a badass deaf elf magician whose partner is a dwarf who loves fashion. What's not to like?
Yang Xiao Long-RWBY
She is canonically wlw (has been for years but specifically kissed and got together with her now girlfriend in the latest season) and uses a prosthetic arm and has been shown to struggle with PTSD due to the traumatic nature of losing it during the show.
Canonically had her right arm chopped off, uses a prosthetic. Has PTSD. Is canonically in a WLW relationship.
She has a canon girlfriend and canonically has a prosthetic arm and PTSD
She's canonically sapphic (part of a recently canonised wlw slowburn relationship) and is an amputee (due to events from the 3rd season finale) who wears a robotic prosthetic. She also suffers from PTSD which is explored in the show
I will keep on submitting Yang to relevant brackets until I die. RWBY has plenty of strengths and weaknesses with writing, especially Yang's recovery arc, but instead of forcing her to push past her trauma and enter the battlefield immediately, we see her struggle with it, take time to process, and not be pushed into repression and when she chooses to wear her prosthetic, chooses to train to ready herself, and chooses to seek out her family and save lives, she isn't perfectly healed, as no one is. The show depicts her having flashbacks due to sudden loud noise, shaking hand the first few times she has to fight for her safety instead of training with her dad, and snapping at friends when they bring up Blake, the person she lost her arm trying to save (who, near immediately after ran away due to feeling she was endangering those she loved, furthering Yang's already present abandonment issues.) It isn't done perfectly but the intentions and general message sent are extremely positive and honest. She struggles less as the show progresses, and there are opportunities to consider herself less for being disabled or "become whole again" but she explicitly refutes these ideas and says that's she's better because of her failures and losses, and isn't any less whole. Her becoming disabled is also extremely tied to her being LGBT, because, as previously mentioned, she lost her arm protecting her then friend and partner, now girlfriend, directly after the villain who cut her arm off told her love interest that he would "destroy everything [she] love[s]. (Camera pans to Yang, he looks at her.) Starting with her." LIKE. He attacked her BECAUSE Blake cared for her so much and Yang ran to her defense blindly BECAUSE she loved Blake so much. When they reunite, they struggle with communication because Yang feels Blake is seeing her as weak, and through several things, mostly a climatic battle against the man who severed Yang's arm, they affirm each other as equals. I can go on but this is already too long. YANG SWEEP!!!!!
Yang lost her arm while protecting her best friend and future girlfriend from said girlfriend's abusive ex. Had a whole arc about learning to live with that loss and dealing with PTSD. Is totally devoted to and in love with Blake Belladonna and is just the sweetest but most badass character in the show.
She's one of the main characters, and just finished a 10 year slow burn romance. Plus, she has both physical and mental disabilities, but is never treated as lesser or incomplete.
Yang Xiao Long was one of the first examples of a sapphic character I ever saw in animated media with her character journey in the show being an iconic part of my teenage years and current young adulthood. The loss of her arm after a traumatic event in the show's 3rd volume was one of the big shockers of the show that nobody saw coming. Since then the show has done an amazing job in exploring both the mental and physical effects of her losing a limb, gaining a prosthetic arm and the recovery journey. Her character also has a major arc regarding handling her PTSD from both this and her past most notably in the 5th and 6th volume. Her character also has a slow-burn romance with her teammate and fellow main character Blake Belladonna which is one of my fave romances ever (it has everything: canon soulmates, friends to lovers, sunshine x grump,battle couple etc..) that has recently became CANON BABIEE!!! There are MULTIPLE characters in RWBY with various disabilities that are handled well in the narrative but i would say Yangs definitely the top FAVE!
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eruhamster · 6 months
hours have past and i now have a full belly and my nap meter has been fulfilled and so i am no longer angry but i will still insist that people thinking thistle is a child are, in fact, bitches
There is not a single suggestion he is a child through that entire manga. the most we get is a fan translation of a piece of that adventurer's bible that says it's "ok" if he wears elf earmuffs but "just ok" if pattadol or marcille wear elf earmuffs. but the same fan-translated blurb also says "children and young people" wear them, and specifies that young women often do not - implying that the difference in "ok" and "just ok" could be that Thistle's more fine to wear it as a man, versus Pattadol and Marcille.
We do not actually know the ages of any of the people from the Golden Country. We have nothing we can go on beyond estimations from the Tall-men aging. People saying "Thistle is short he must be a child" are full of it, because elves ARE short - he is the same height as another adult elf, Otta.
We physically see Thistle age through his backstory. We know he is fully grown.
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He had to have been at least around the human equivalent of 10 when Delgal was born. We do not know a pureblood elf's equivalent to this, but it is going to be older than a dwarf's since elves live longer. To put it in perspective, Senshi, at 13, was the human equivalent to a 6yo:
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Able to do simple chores. About 6 or so. So dwarves likely age at about half the rate of humans. Elves live even longer than dwarves, and likely age even slower. So a human 10yo would be a dwarf 20yo or so, and for an elf, that is likely 40 years old since they live 400 vs dwarf 200 years - So when we're looking at Thistle at Delgal's birth, what looks like a 10yo tall-man child would be a 40yo elf. It is highly likely around there unless it's said otherwise anywhere.
At 40 at the time of Delgal's birth, we could just add how old Delgal is. We don't know his exact age, but this man looks at least 40. He already has a son.
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So going by this, Thistle is probably about 80 at the time he officially becomes Dungeon Lord. This is the elf age of maturity according to the Adventurer's Bible.
And you need to remember, while immortality exists in the Golden Country, it does not mean aging is ground to a halt.
Delgal's son continues to grow, and has a child who grows into adulthood all within the dungeon. Delgal continues to age:
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Absolutely nobody is stunted in aging since the start of the dungeon. There has never been a suggestion of that. At some point it appears he made sure to lock everyone in the age of their prime, but Thistle continued to physically age at least through Delgal seeming to be at least a 70yo man.
So Thistle is solidly an adult, in body and mind, ESPECIALLY at the time of the story but including when he became Lord of the Dungeon. At absolute best, if you shave off years, possibly initially he could have been maybe the elf equivalent to late teens, but that's really pushing it.
Not a single time in the entire series, even when the Canaries see Thistle, does anyone remark that he is a child, or even exceedingly young. He is treated like an adult by absolutely everyone.
Every single person that says he is a child is working on pure headcanon or are overly distracted about his size and cute face, which is ironic since that's an ongoing issue elves deal with with with non-elves. He is not any shorter or any less babyfaced than other adult elves we know.
EDIT: Had one person point out a single part of Thistle's first proper introduction, where Marcille thinks "a child?" - A possible misunderstanding on Marcille's part, or a later retcon by Kui by the time we see his whole backstory. Regardless, I wasn't aware of it, and now that the episode that would have it is out - it's worth noting that the anime removed that.
He is not a child.
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dalishious · 3 months
This was just released: "Incredibly deep" character creator: 5 categories including: Lineage, Appearance, Class, Faction, Playstyle
I wonder what lineage is gonna be?
My assumption is source of origin. Like, are you from Rivain vs Tevinter, are you a city elf vs Dalish elf, are you a Kal-Sharok vs surface dwarf, etc.
EDIT: Could also just be human/dwarf/elf/qunari...
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firawren · 2 months
Do you like hot monsters?
For the ease of my fellow monster fuckers, here are links to all of the polls, so far, in the Medieval and Fantasy Men hotness tourney that include a non-human character:
60: Geralt z Rivii (The Witcher 2002) — witcher*
57: Bilbo Baggins (Hobbit) — hobbit
56: Vlad III Dracula (Dracula Untold) — vampire
50: Rilk (JourneyQuest) — orc
44: Thranduil (Hobbit) — elf
25. Thorin Oakenshield (Hobbit) — dwarf
22: Bofur (Hobbit) — dwarf
21. Frodo Baggins (LOTR) — hobbit
20: Lurtz (LOTR) — orc
17. Simon Aumar (DnD 2023) — half elf
15: Darkness (Legend) — demon
10: Mr. Tumnus (Narnia) — faun
9: Old Elrond vs Young Elrond (LOTR) — elf
8: Gimli (LOTR) — dwarf
3: Arman (I Am Dragon) — dragon shifter
* Debatable whether a witcher is human or not, but I'm including him just in case
Let's not debate which of these are "monsters." The point is, they're all not human.
I'm personally not voting for all of the non-humans, but likely you'll find a few who you find hot!
I'll make another master post like this after the remaining qualifying round polls are posted.
I highly recommend following @medievalandfantasymelee! It's a fun tournament!
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dunmeshistash · 6 months
I'm Cyan (or anything you wanna call me) this blog started as just a stash for Dungeon Meshi extras and worldbuilding details but expanded as people asked questions and I did my best to answer! Hope you find it as useful as I do. I try my best to categorize my posts so they're easy to find but sometimes I forget.
If you'd like to share something you compiled yourself feel free to send it to me and I'll reblog it! You can also send a submission if you'd prefer. The main goal is to share Dungeon Meshi information :3
Consider checking the FAQ before sending an ask!
Spoilers are tagged as "Dungeon Meshi Spoilers"
Please support the author by purchasing the manga if available in your region.
TERFs and other bigots aren't welcome
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Ryoko Kui's Blog
Tag list under the cut
Types of post
For referencing - Canon things and other information you might want to go back to. Now I'm also using art reference when relevant
Compilation - Posts where I compile lots of canon art/sketches about a specific subject.
Dunmeshi thoughts - My own non canon thoughts. I also use the tag speculation when relevant
Dunmeshi complaint - Tag for more negative subjects/discourse in case you wanna block that. I usually go back and delete the ones that don't seem productive
Asks - Since I post quite a lot of asks I decided to divide them into some tags so they're easier to filter: Lore ask | Character ask | Meta ask | About Cyan
Laio's Party: Laios Touden | Marcille Donato | Chilchuck Tims | Senshi of Izganda | Izutsumi | Falin Touden
Kabru's Party: Kabru of Utaya, Diamond of Sadena, Mickbell Tomas, Kuro, Rinsha Fana, Holm Kranom
Tansu's Party: Tansu Floke, Yarn Floke, Kiki Floke, Kaka Floke, Namari of Kahka Brud
Shuro's Party: Shuro (Toshiro Nakamoto), Hien, Benichidori, Maizuro, Inutade
Canaries: Mithrun, Pattadol, Lycion, Fleki, Otta, Cithis
Demi humans
Sources (<- check this if you're confused where the extras come from):
Adventurers Bible
Daydream Hour
Monster Tidbits
Other tags:
Magic System
Post Canon (Extras about the story after the story)
Clothing (Details about character's clothes and in world fashion)
Dunmeshi Extra (extra comics that aren't in the main story)
Modern Clothing
Dunmeshi anime vs manga (comparisons or panels missing from the anime)
Red Dragon
Chimera Falin
I'll be updating as I add posts/figure out how to tag stuff
About me: Cyan - Adult - She/He - Brazilian
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