#ellie is obsessive
mxlktxa · 1 year
shes the one pt. lll
part ll part lll (bonus)
(๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡
pairing; obsessive!ellie williams x f!reader
c/w; language, obsessive behavior,
part l
part ll
(๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡
Why the fuck was she so touchy-feely with Jesse? Why is he so close to her? Doesn’t he know that she’s already my girl? What’s wrong with him? What’s wrong with her? He was with Dina, after all. So why go after my prized posession?
The urge to charge over there and pull the two apart so unbearable. But for the sake of embarrassing myself and losing the love of my life, I refrained.
It had been maybe four days since Maria had given me the ok to work just not on my own. Thankfully, I wasn’t set up for anything important and could attend the little get together Maria had set up. Just wished Jesse wasn’t with her.
She danced so happily with him it made me sick to my stomach. Her gorgeous smile seen by Jesse, his hands on her hips, her eyes taking him in and not me. What kind of bullshit?
Fortunately, the song had finally come to an end, her and Jesse walking over to me. On the other hand, an unwanted figure entered my peripheral. Shit.
Fuck. Please, don’t talk to me, don’t ask me to dance. Just fuck off. I’ve someone else to give myself to.
“Hello? Earth to Ellie.”
Fuck off, Dina.
“What?” I’m fucking busy.
“Everything okay?” Dina questioned, seeming worried about me. But I could obviously give less of a fuck.
“Ellie! My angel! Hi, gorgeous!” that beautiful, soft girl was now a bit of a wreck, walking over to me, using Jesse for support.
Perfect timing. Thank you.
“Jesse?” I questioned, keeping this slight mess that attached herself me to on her feet.
“She only had like two drinks, Ellie. She’s just tipsy.” Jesse chuckled, “also a little dizzy but she’s good.”
“Ellie. Take me home. I’m tired,” her little pout brought a smile to my face, my hands meeting her waist as hers met my hips, “You’ll carry me right, babe?”
Babe? What? Was this her talking or was this her ‘tipsy’ side talking? Whatever it was, I was eating it up and ready to demand so many more servings.
“Jesse, can’t you take her home? I was just gonna ask Ellie to-.”
“Not anymore! Ellie’s mine now,” a small smirk stretched her face as she happily cut Dina off, eyes glued to mine, teeth sinking into her bottom lip, and her delicate hands taking their place on either side of my face, forcing me to keep eye contact with her.
Fuck, I want you so bad. But I’m not gonna take advantage of you while you’re like this. I’ll have more chances, I can feel it.
“Uhh, yeah. It’s not far. I don’t want you walkimg yourself home either.”
“Thank you, Ellie,” she face planted into my chest, giggling and running her hands down my body, “goodnight, Jesse. Bye, Dina. Mmm, tell Joel I love him and I’m off to bed.”
“Alright, get going, Ellie. She’s gonna need to sleep this off,” Jesse laughed, pushing us to the exit doors.
On the way over, she seemed to truly be a little more than just tipsy. She waved and tried to leave my side to either speak to some other friends or pet the dogs or cats around. She did not only have two drinks.
Sooner or later, we made it to her home. The first thing on my list was to get her upstairs and get her some water but she wandered off to the living room couch. I followed kneeling in front of her as she covered her face from me.
“Ellie,” she hummed, sounding as though she was crying, “Ellie, I’m tired. I don’t feel good. Stay with me. Please? I need you. Just for tonight.”
Anything. Anything for you, I mean it, “Of course. But do me a favor and keep it all down until we get upstairs. Can we do that?”
“Okay,” she sobbed, holding onto me like her life depended on it, “I’m sorry, Ellie. And Jesse lied. I thought I could handle more than two drinks. I had five. They were so good.”
“It’s okay, baby. Just hang in there,” I soothed her, carefully throwing her arm around my shoulder so she could put all her weight on me, helping her to the staircase.
She was an emotional drunk. As well as a lightweight. Good and bad to know.
Wait, I called her baby. Fuck! Fuck, shit, fuck! Maybe she won’t remember it. Right? Right!? She’s too far gone to even function anyways. I’m safe. I had to be.
From there, I managed to get her upstairs and to the bathroom in impeccable timing. Thereafter, she begged for me to help her into some pj’s and into bed where she continued to cry for me to stay with her for the night. She didn’t even have to. I was more than ready to hop in with her.
“Ellie? Can I tell you something?”
“What’s that, princess?”
Her body was pressed to mine, face hidden in my neck. I calmly wrapped my arms around her, kissing her head as she had groaned softly.
“I wish you weren’t with Dina.”
I’m sorry. What the fuck did she just say? “What?”
“Yeah. Her and Jesse broke up a week ago and I’ve noticed she’s been real close with you since then. I’ve always liked you. I’d never tell you that though. You always made me so happy.”
Fucking what? Did she just confess her feelings for me in her drunken state? She admitted she’d never tell me this. But she clearly meant while sober. Would she remember in the morning? This had to be a game. This was all a prank. A joke. But if it wasnt then this benefited me. Gave me a much more confidence than-
“You don’t feel the same way. Do you?”
Shit, I left her hanging. I needed to have this conversation with her when she was in the right place, “Let’s talk about this in the morning. If you remember.”
“If I don’t will you still bring it up?”
“Of course, beautiful.”
“Promise?” her voice was so fragile and sweet. How could I say no to her? My sweet, babygirl.
“I swear to you.”
Fuck. I had some thinking to do. Lots of thinking. But, fuck, was I ready for this.
“Ellie, I gotta puke again.”
“Okay, c’mon.”
(๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡
a/n; idk if i should keep this going but im kinda willing to do so… help 😭
a/n; pssst theres a pt 3 bonus available rn
taglist 🤎; @lazyotakuofficial
(๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡
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bluerosefox · 10 months
Test Tube Babies, Spleens, and Fruitloop Father?! NOPE. No thanks.
Danny and Ellie take a small, reincarnation, vacation from their duties in the Infinite Realms (King Danny and his most trusted Knight/Princess Ellie). Don't worry, they leave the Realms in good hands (Jazz, Pandora, Frostbite, CW, etc, basically Danny's main council takes over for a few years)
They both weren't expecting to wake up in an assassin cult though.... Nor to find out they're five year old twins now... Twin, somewhat clones of the leader and this guy Red Robin their 'father' is kinda obsessed with....
Great their 'father' is an insane assassin leader fruitloop and their 'dad' is named after a fast food joint... whose barely out of his teens btw.
Danny al Ghul Danyal, cast a glance as his full blooded and twin sister this time around Helen Ellie al Ghul who rolled her eyes as they listened to their 'father' ramble on and on about their 'dad' and how they were created to be his heir (Danny mostly, though he had plans on Ellie going to be trained to be his body guard by someone named Lady Shiva soon)
Yeah, no. Ellie dealt with one evil fruitloop father who cloned her once before, she's not dealing that again or falling for the 'I created thus I love you but not really' bs. They need to leave, like yesterday.
Hopefully their 'dad' is... okay he doesn't need to be okay with it at first but hopefully comes around to it, okay with the two of them showing up on his doorstep soon.
And you know what, they're gonna bring him a gift.
His spleen. Yeah it'll be good to give that back to him.
Since you know that was how they got clones to begin with... Maybe don't leave your DNA with people that can make clones next time.
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eyesfullofsttars · 3 months
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kizzer55555 · 6 months
DPxDC: Jarro Adopts an Alien
Ok, so Danny has a space obsession and a protection obsession (I headcanon that as a halfa, Danny has two obsessions like all Halfas do which makes them unique to other ghosts.) and so while he can get his fill protecting people in Amity, he struggles with his space obsession. Sure, he can look up everything he can about space and the stars on the internet. He can stay up until 2 am looking at the stars (who needs sleep? He’s a ghost, he can go days, or even weeks without sleep if he wants, same with a lack of air or food.) but it’s just not enough. He craves to learn more, see more. Just as Dani gets that itch to travel, Danny wonders. What would it be like to see the stars up close? Are they really as hot as a dragons fire breath? Hotter!? Or maybe they are so hot they are cold. What does it look like to see plasma dancing across the surface, or touch the gasses of Jupiter? Does Pluto have ice caves like the far frozen? How many planets are actually out there? What about Mars. There’s a whole species living there with a language and culture Danny can’t even fathom! Oh what he wouldn’t give to talk with martian manhunter or Superman. 
And what’s stopping him from exploring this? He can fly. He doesn’t need air. He can go intangible if it gets too hot and he’s practically immune to the cold. He wants to touch a space rock! See if they are smooth because there is no wind or earth to rub against them and erode the surface. He wants to see what planets they come from. What minerals they might have. He wants to know if there are currents in space. All of these things are right there just above the atmosphere. Surely it couldn’t hurt to take a quick peek. So he does. During a particularly bad day Danny flies as fast as he can until the earth’s gravity looses its effects. Until his hair is floating as of it’s in water even more than normal. Until he can feel when breathing no longer became a choice (still not necessary though). And it…was beautiful. To be surrounded by space. To see the earth like this. Pictures just didn’t do it Justice. He flew across the solar system and as he passed planets, he longed to fly through them. To search every crevice and learn their secrets. But he had a bigger prize in mind at the moment. The crown jewel of their universe. The closest star he could find. The sun. 
Danny was mesmerized. The plasma really did dance across the surface. Like a never ending performance of science and beauty. There were sparks that few in arcs. Danny flew down and played in them, making a game to see how many he could fly under. His ghost core purred in delight. His obsession had never been more satisfied. He spent hours out there. Just exploring what his solar system had to offer. So when he returned? He couldn’t just forget. Pictures and online science theories had nothing on the real thing. He wanted to explore some more. So he did. Every night he would go out and explore the cosmos. Flying from planet to planet. (Either the Martians were still around and Danny made friends with them, even learning their language, or he just looks at their ruins to learn as much as he can). And with both obsessions now being filled, Danny is more settled. More confident. And he can focus better. Everyone notices the change, even his teachers. They just think that he’s paying more attention to his education now. He’s even better during his ghost fights. 
But Danny can fly awfully fast. And he soaks up information even faster. Soon his trips take longer and longer as he flies further out. Sometimes he can barely make it back in time for school. And he can't go every night. Sometimes the ghosts won’t wait for daytime so he has to make sure the town will be safe in his absence. Although he’s been able to take more trips ever since Valerie joined the vigilante ranks. But still, he’s getting farther and farther from earth each night. Until one day he’s visited every planet, every star, every comet or debris in their solar system. Which would be fine. He could deal with that if that was all there was. But it wasn’t. Danny saw the stars just out of reach. He saw places the Milky Way was leaning towards. He saw just the barest hints of new solar systems with new planets and stars. And he knew of legends from lanterns that they had posted online. Heard tales from some scientists that have made better telescopes. And his core itches. It aches to know more. See more. Yet he can't go further. And this puts him in a sort of depression. Suddenly he’s back to his old self. Lagging behind. Distracted. Zoning out. Crashing into a few more buildings during ghost attacks. Yet he tries so hard to be satisfied with what he has. He can still fulfill his obsession…it’s just more like chewing on a granola bar rather than eating a decent meal. He’s almost becoming lethargic. 
So one day he goes to Frostbite to see if there’s anything he can do to lessen the effects. But the yeti just takes one look at him and gives him the infimap. And suddenly Danny is in a whole new universe in seconds. The planets are purple. The stars are blue. He’s pretty sure there are furry blob-like creatures living on one of those planets. And suddenly he gets that itch, but holding the infimap, he knows he had time, so he lets himself go. 
And for a while it’s good. great even. Since he can’t keep asking the yetis for the infimap, he goes over to Wulf to see if he’s up for an adventure. Most of the time he is and they go exploring the galaxies together. And then Wulf had the genius idea of teaching Danny how to make portals. It took a long time but soon, he could concentrate the surrounding ectoplasm enough to weaken it and pull. It took a while since Danny didn’t have ecto claws and would have to use his pure will. But this would allow him to follow his obsession anytime, anywhere. So it was only a matter of time. And once he figured it out? It was like something was unlocked. Danny had never before understood how Ellie could travel so much. But now he did. That feeling when you discover something new. When you add to your reservoir of knowledge. When the patterns in the universe just click. There is nothing Danny could compare it to. And to explore that whenever he wanted? It was so freeing. While Wulf sometimes still joined Danny’s adventures, Danny did most of his explorations by himself. 
He meets various planets and aliens. So many different cultures. He learns thousands of languages. Tries all kinds of foods (and it’s a good thing his ghost self has an iron stomach and he’s basically poison resistant.) even found a whole comet where blood blossoms grew. (Which he most definitely avoided). And wasn’t that fascinating? To find out they were from space. 
And then during his travels one day he met a space alien starfish. 
It was actually a funny story. A meteor shower was about to attack a planet of talking blue monkey creatures with 4 arms. Danny immediately started diverting them and was soon joined by some lantern corps (which his inner fanboy wanted to talk to so bad.). And a tiny starfish in a…Robin uniform? Oh and the starfish could apparently do martial arts which was interesting to watch him karate chop a meteor. He could also talk directly into Danny’s head which the halfa found more interesting. So they got to talking and apparently his name was Jarro. He seemed to be helping the lantern corps as a ‘proxy from earth’ to make better use of his skills. 
Danny would run into Jarro a few more times. Sometimes he was with Lanterns and sometimes he would just be exploring the galaxies. They started forming a pretty strong friendship and Danny would start seeking out the starfish alien to travel with him. He knew all kinds of space facts. Apparently he had an eidetic memory. When they explored, sometimes Jarro would just stick to part of Danny. Wrapped around his arm, his waist, sometimes just sticking to his back like a strange backpack. But they always had fun.
So Danny was happy. He could fulfill both obsessions and got a space pal. Everything was great!
Until the GIW caught him. 
It would probably be the worst day of his life.  There was an explosion in the lab. Something set up by them after they realized Danny frequented that place often. So they set a trap and blew it up. Thankfully, Jazz was at college during this but both his parents were home. When the explosion went off, Danny had tried putting a Barrier around them all. It took everything he had to maintain it. That’s how they found out he was phantom. Danny had a few moments where his parents said they accepted him but he couldn’t hold the barrier for long. His parents said that they loved him and then everything went green. He woke up in a lab, tired and injured. His only saving grace being that he remained in phantom form. And he was determined to remain so. 
Danny’s time at the GIW was a haze but eventually, he managed to escape. Bleeding, and tired, and still recovering from the burns in the explosion, Danny made a portal straight to Amity. Only when he got there, it was a ghost town. Streets were empty, buildings were boarded up. Even the Nasty Burger was deserted. As for his house, there was nothing but a crater left and some scattered debris. Danny looked everywhere but there was no one. No Jazz. No Sam. No Tucker. No one. and he was tired. And everything hurt, and he needed a friend. Someone he could trust. So in a daze he made a portal and tried to just project safe. Safe safe safe. Somewhere he knew he would be protected. And so Jarro got a surprise when his space buddy suddenly popped out of a green portal, bleeding green and clearly passed out. He didn't know what to do. He didn’t know how to help him. But Jarro knew someone who would. 
So with a speed never before seen from a tiny starfish, he flew to earth. Bringing his friend straight to his father. Because surely batman could help!
And with his appearance, the green blood, the knowledge of space facts. The lack of wanting to talk about where he came from (and the nightmares crying out for his parents). This is how the bats became convinced that Jarro brought them an injured alien. 
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narislvr · 5 months
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one-last-stop au ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ | e.williams x fem!reader
cws? reader wears glasses and is on the bigger side (not mentioned yet but we need more love for chubby readers!!) reader is a college student working at a diner, ellie is a blip in time but reader doesn't know that yet, love at first sight trope but you're both awkward 🧍‍♂️, no use of y/n for reader, this blurb is moreso an intro to the world so not much ellie yet (might be a series if it dies well!!) Spoilers for the book, and will have some direct quotes.
m.list [๋࣭🪻] part 2 [ 🌆 ] palestine-resources & daily click
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"Her eyes are bright and teasing and warm, warm forever-and-ever brown, and august doesn’t know how she could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says." pg 20
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You weren't going to cry.
you weren't going to cry over the shitty smell of pancake batter and honey that wouldn't wash off despite your half hour shower ── the smell bonding to you after working too many late hour shifts at the diner ── and you definitely weren't going to cry over the scorching feeling of the coffee cup leaking small droplets of what you were considering your only energy source onto your hand.
you were already running late for your first morning class of the semester, but if you found your right train on time ── which you've already memorized out of fear of this exact situation ── then you'd still make it before it became too noticeable you were late.
sure, things were already going far worse than you'd hoped for, from having to pick up a late shift the night before at the 24/7 diner you work at, leaving you with four hours to sleep before having to get up and get ready for class, to dealing with a rude barista in the coffee shop above the metro station who couldn't even bother to tighten the lid of your cup.
things were not going great, but you were determined to make things better.
to your dismay however, determination alone wouldn't be enough to turn your luck.
amidst your attempt of carefully closing the lid of your coffee cup, you don't notice the group of teenage kids running your direction until one of them bumped into you with a grunt. the coffee, which had been one source of your annoyance this morning, spills across your top staining the once white fabric of your long-sleeveed shirt an opaque shade of brown, and to add to your already shitty morning, you hear the sound of your phone hit the pavement with a loud crack.
The teenager gives you a quick look up and down, their expression contorting into one of horror as they look at the stain on your top and the state of your phone on the floor behind you. ──if that's the way they look at you, then maybe you shouldn't even try looking at yourself── deciding that you wouldn't fight a fourteen year old, not that you would've anyways, you bend down to pick your phone off the ground, your lips forming a tight frown as you look over at all the various cracks on the screen of the phone you had worked so hard to afford.
despite the feeling of a knot tightening further in the back of your throat, you stayed true to your promise.
You weren't going to cry.
Your train pulls up only a few moments later, and you quickly blink back the tears before stepping aboard. to your luck ──if you even want to risk calling it that── the car wasn't as full as you though it'd be. usually it would be a great thing, not being crowded by people, but right now as you stood holding the handlebar, it really hit you just how disheveled you must look to others. Your hair was frizzy, your eyes were teary, coffee soaked your shirt, and now you smelled like a mixture of coffee, pancakes, and faintly of vanilla body spray.
You were a wreck.
you feel someone move to your side and you cringe slightly, your shoulders stiffening as you kept your gaze on the floor. you hear the unzip of a bag, presumably the person beside you getting something out, and you shift your gaze to sneak a glance at the stranger at your side expecting, but hoping it wasn't, a creep ──it's a subway, you never know what could happen in a 15 minute ride── but to your surprise, you're met with sun bleached black converse and baggy jeans next to your own white converse. Slowly your gaze moves upward, noting the way the person's foot tapped rythmicly the floor beneath it before you get a better look at them.
And fuck do you get a good look at them.
The person who you expected to be some lanky guy, perhaps some skater boy, perhaps a creep ──again, can never be too cautious── was actually... a girl. Round cheeks, with a softly scrunched and freckled nose, a girl so pretty you thought you were hallucinating. Her hair was a dark shade of auburn, half her hair up in a small ponytail while the rest fell a little over her nape. On her head were a pair of old looking headphones connected to a Walkman that stuck out the front pocket of her messenger bag as she searched for something down at the bottom with a small smirk. Did she know you were looking? What was she looking for that had her looking like that?
don't be a creep, you thought to yourself, trying to tear your gaze from her right arm. The sleeves of her faded blue flannel were rolled up just above her elbow, exposing the intricate design of ferns and a ──still in the works── moth on her forearm. don't be a creep, you repeated to yourself in your mind as you look away from the beautiful stranger at your side. Why'd she have to appear exactly when you looked your worst?
"Yikes," She finally says, her smirk still ever present on her face as she looks up to face you now.
The hottest girl you've ever seen just took a look at you and said "Yikes." What the fuck.
You were dumbfounded ──inwardly horrified── and she can't help but chuckle as she finally finds what she was looking for in her bag. It wasn't a mocking chuckle. no. it wasn't something lighthearted, curious, and you swear the temperature had risen in the subway car.
"Here," the girl says, pulling out a burgundy colored scarf and holding it out to you. "You look like you're going somewhere important, so," She gestures vaguely at her neck, "keep it."
You blink once, processing her offer before coming out of your trance and shaking your head, "You─ oh my God, I can't take your scarf."
The girl shrugs. "I'll get another one."
"But it's cold."
"Yeah," She says and her smirk shifts into something unreadable for a split second before your attention is caught by the dimples that had formed on her freckled cheeks. "But I don't go outside much."
You stare for a moment and she does as well.
"Look," She starts, her hands fidgeting slightly with the ends of the scarf, "You can take it, or i can leave it in the seat next to you, and it can get absorbed into the subway ecosystem forever."
She drags out the end of her sentence with a playful lilt, her smirk softening into a grin and in that moment her eyes are bright and teasing and warm. warm forever-and-ever a hazey green, and you don't know how you could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says.
A moment later you give in to her offer and reluctantly take the scarf from her hands. The wool is soft and light in your touch, and when your fingertips brush against the ends where the girl had been fidgeting with it earlier, you feel a pop of electricity. The girl, who had been watching you carefully, laughs under her breath, the sound airy as she reaches out to help you wrap it around your neck in a tender motion. She steps back after a moment, and gives you a look, the same teasing smile as before as she raises a brow at you.
"Anyone ever tell you you smell like pancakes?"
Before you can respond, the train plunges into a tunnel. The car shudders on the tracks, and the girl lets out a small yelp as she almost loses her balance and reaches for the hand rail over your head. It all happened suddenly but the last thing you see of her is an unreadable purse of her lips and the beginning of another tattoo on her left arm as she lifts it before the fluorescent lights flicker out.
The darkness lasted a second, two at most, but when the lights came back on, the girl was gone.
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filmbropilled · 5 months
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instead of brain in my head there's Leigh Whannell
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 300
Danny squirms and hisses, trying to dig his claws into dark scales as the clouds whistle by. “Wait- Ancients dammit- STOP!” he shrieked, cursing how tiny his own ghost form was compared to his other not-quite-future-self. Wings that could easily dwarf the entire Ops center beat through the air, fast enough to cause his eyes to sting. 
“Dan- bring me back- stop-” he wailed, despite the grip on his scruff not even loosening. Yet the larger dragon didn’t so much as twitch back towards Amity, the city disappearing into the distance like a speck. “We have to go back-” 
The GIW were- were- They had to go back! The portal was gone (exploded, broken and all of Fentonworks a smoldering mess, oh Ancients he’s gonna be sick-), no one could return to the Realms, they were all sitting ducks- 
“Jordan please-” he begged, even though he already knew that between the city, between every other ghost and them, Dan would always choose to keep them safe. But Jazz was hurt, she wasn’t waking up from where she lay limply cradled in Dan’s claws. 
There was so much blood, and he only knew she was still alive from the weak fluttering of her core, growing stronger as her heartbeat faded. She needed help, she needed doctors- he doesn’t know if she would be able to come back, not with how they were leaving the ecto-rich city behind and he didn’t want to lose her- Dan’s blank panic was swamping his own, drowning both of them in the emotion as the dragon tore through the sky. Some part of him knew they couldn’t stay in Amity anymore, but- But Jazz needed help- Danny couldn’t help the tears that dripped from his yes, pretending it was merely the clouds as they flew to places unknown to him.
If you are interested in their designs, here is a link: HERE
Heey mutual @radiance1 Dragon buddy o' mine & @hdgnj u might enjoy
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meliorn · 1 year
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If I’m so annoying, why did you come back? Oh, don’t start. 
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mxlktxa · 1 year
shes the one pt. lll (bonus)
part lll part IV
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
pairing; obsessive!ellie williams x f!reader
c/w; obsessive behavior, mentions of alcohol use, language
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I stared at her little pouty face as she slept, admiring the little huffs and whines she occasionally put out. She was so precious to me. I hoped that no harm would come her way. But if it ever did, I hoped that I would be there to protect her at all costs. Even if it would end up costing me my life.
Fuck, I love you. I'll take care of you for the rest of our lives the second you ask. I swear it.
My hand snaked up to her cheek, thumb tenderly caressing her it. This action had seemed to calm her down, her pout becoming less prominent and her heaves much softer now, too. I wonder what she was dreaming about. Maybe nothing too bad. She just wanted some comfort was all.
After a few minutes of me stroking her face and smiling at her facial expressions she stirred awake, groaning as she pushed her face into my chest like she was trying to become one with me. If only it would work that way.
"Good morning," my hand met the back of her head, chuckling as she grumbled into me, "you feel like absolute shit, don't you?"
"I hate it here and I hate Jesse for letting me drink that much."
"I'll take that as a yes."
Those sweet puppy eyes met mine, pout returning as she searched my face. I examined her as well, shaking my head while she rolled to the other side of the bed, sitting up while she rubbed her eyes.
'If I don't, will you still bring it up?'
Fuck me.
This conversation didn't need to be had right now. Or at all even. What if she's embarrassed to even go through with it? Should I keep the promise or break it? I love her but... I think I might break this-.
"Ellie?" she yawned, now sitting up straight and stretching her back, the view of it all sending my mind in a bit of a frenzy.
"You called me princess last night. Right?"
"You want me to lie to you?"
Her head whipped around with a cute, little smile, shaking her head, "I'll take that as a yes," she got on her hands and knees, crawling over to me just so she could hover on top of me, "I may have drunk enough to fuck myself over but I'm good at remembering some details."
Good god, I tried my best to not look down at her breasts as she was above me. She’s totally torturing me right now and I couldn’t handle it. I couldn't help myself and took a brief glance and thank God I did so.
Anyways… she probably remembers the promise I kept then. Somebody fucking shoot me right now.
"So do you remember what else you told me last night?"
Okay, maybe don't shoot me.
"Wait, you mean when I told you that Jesse lied to you about how much I drank?"
Okay. Okay, don't shoot me.
"Oh. Maybe you do have a good memory,” thank fuck.
A giggle emitted from her, now straddling me, grabbing my hands and nodding, “you’re the best Ellie.”
Not when I’m lying to you but you’ll never know that, “and you’re a lightweight.”
“Oh, shut up and eat me.”
“Lay down then. You don't have to ask me twice.”
“Ellie!” her face had shown shock but also showed some interest. Little did she know, I was quite serious, “you dirty dog.”
“You offered,” after playfully pushing her off of me, I stood and rolled onto my side laughing at her, “Let’s get you to Joel. He knows what to do.”
“He’s gonna kill me.”
“You’ll be fine. He'll understand."
“He's going to scold me. I can hear it now.”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
a/n; just wanted to get this off my chest i thought it was needed
taglist ✨; @lazyotakuofficial @kyootsies
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
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nijuukoo · 2 years
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Forget 2023, let's just party like it's 2009
Happy new year! Hope y'all have your own safehouse shenanigans ♥
Memes used: 1 2
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tanglepelt · 6 months
Dp x dc
Danny has long since solved the GIW and the meta protection acts does now apply to ghost.
They are now not his problem.
The portal is shutdown. He is a legal adult. No more amity for him. The minute he could he was out in an out of state college. No ghost fights meant he was doing great in college! He may yet be an astronaut after all.
While Danny hung up his hero hat Ellie had not.
It was great. Last he heard she was in some hero team. Something about titans? maybe? She respected how he wanted no involvement.
That was until she was in trouble. He had to act.
But listen. How was he supposed to know not using his powers would cause lack of control. So he might of froze the threat and maybe some league members.
But. It was fine.
His sister and her friends were bruised and definitely had some broken bones maybe some concussions but nothing major. And he didn’t freeze a single one of them So really he’s content.
The whole frozen hero popsicles….. Well. It would be fine. They’d melt on their own as long as his didn’t keep them frozen. Probably.
He just waved at Ellie took a look around. Went through the portal he made back to his dorm and transformed into a human. He had a class in 20 minutes to get to.
Danny is sure nothing will come of the little stunt.
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eyesfullofsttars · 27 days
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photo by abby photo by ellie
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⋆˚࿔ oh just girlfriends climbing walls together on dates... (ellie’s doing her best!!!) 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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l4deeznuts · 3 months
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left 4 dead survivors if they were in stardew valley :3
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travelerpoetry · 5 months
Of Atlantean descent Maddie Fenton
I've been thinking about a few things specifically Maddie being of Atlantean descent the line she comes from was minor royalty that specialises specifically in protection (Family, People, Land etc.)
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Her great-great-great-grandfather was estranged from his family due to falling in love with a human woman who showed such passion in wanting to help get rid of pollution and help sea and on-land wildlife that were seriously hurt by man-made machines recover and be released into the wild once more and after a whirlwind romance with adventure and soft touches years later they had a child and they couldn't be happier.
But due to a complicated family matter her great- great-great-grandfather's Father called him back home to Atlantis, her great-great-great-grandfather did not expand on the issue any further. He claimed in one of the old letters Maddie found that he'd be back soon and not to worry about him
But in his absence, her great-great-great-grandmother fell sick with a deathly Illness that killed her before her great-great-great-grandfather could return and it was in fact her Great-great-great-grandmother's neighbour who found her dead and her child (Maddie's great-great-grandfather) in the crib next to her bed crying for his dead mother's attention.
The neighbour of course called the police who in return came with child protective services that placed her great-great-grandfather in a foster Family due to not finding her great-great-grandfather's Father.
Her great-great-great-grandfather came back only to find everything he knew gone his Wife? Nowhere to be found, his Son? Can't be found. Maddie's great-great-great-grandfather stricken with grief over the Family he lost soon died from Heartbreak.
But her great-great-grandfather had kept photos of himself as a baby with his Mother and a Ring.. a Ring that was as he was told placed next to him in the crib he was lying in as he was found that fateful night by his Mother's neighbour.
The Ring became an Heirloom passed from generation to generation. until Maddie finally got her curious little hands on it on her tenth Birthday and Maddie knew.. she knew that there was something special about that Ring that was so beautiful with shells and fish-shaped crystals that were littered across the ring in a pattern and little ten-year-old Maddie was right the artefact as she had realised it wasn't just a ring had helped her breath underwater she had gills! And scales! But sadly no tail... but little Maddie was ecstatic!
and Maddie kept the ring well into her adulthood and as she finally started a Family with the man she loved Jack and furthered her research into the ecto-entities she grew happier, happier than she had ever been happier than when she was in the water free to explore and relax.
Her oldest Jasmine showed no signs of being as drawn to the ocean as she was as a child but Jazz still could hold her breath at a minimum of 17 minutes! Jazz also seemed to not particularly care for the ring though commenting multiple times that she finds the ring to be beautiful .
Her second oldest Danny had been drawn to the Ring, he constantly begged to have it when he was younger until Maddie had given him the ring permanently. Danny loved the ocean and went to visit it a few times a month and after her Son had revealed the fact he had died due to the machine that Maddie and Jack built and that the ocean was the only place he was truly at peace? Well, she and Jack made sure to tell him how much they loved him how he would always be their son no matter what and that they promised to go to the beach more often with the family if he truly felt that much better there.
After She and Jack found out about Dan and Eliie? Well, they welcomed both with a big bear hug courtesy of Jack and his Joy of finally being able to pamper younger children again. Both were apparently de-aged due to them not being very stable in this timeline but Maddie and Jack couldn't careless they were just so happy that there were no more secrets between all of them and that they could finally be a truly Happy family but ofcourse before that She and Jack had forced Vlad into therapy and he's slowly redeeming himself.
Now nothing could surprise the Fenton Family anymore!
That was what they thought before an Atlantean King came knocking on their door claiming that Maddie was related to him.. oh well what is a new Family member to this already chaotic but loving Family?
Sender : The Traveler
Addressed to: You my dear reader
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nahuyul · 7 days
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Ellie’s muscle memory
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starry-bi-sky · 23 days
welcome back to another game of 'starry gets Emotions about her aus that SHE Made as if she were a viewer' aka im analyzing my own characters again. today im having spontaneous feelings over Danny's facial scar in Things in Threes and his perspective of it vs everyone else
danny got his facial scar when he was five, protecting damian's cribside from a spontaneous attack by a pair of intruders. It narrowly missed blinding him and cuts down diagonally across his face. At five, it was jarring and incredibly noticeable, stretching from his hairline to his jaw. At 15 its still painfully noticeable, but scars do not grow with age, they shrink as your body grows around it. Now it only goes from the middle of his brow to below the center of his eye.
Danny's facial scar is a point of pride for him. Despite horribly traumatizing him he refused treatment to get rid of it because it was a physical reminder that it was him who got hurt and not Damian, that he was able to protect his family. Not once does he ever feel shame or disgust towards his scar, because to feel that is to feel ashamed of protecting Damian, and he is not.
To him, his scar is a trophy. A physical reminder of his capabilities and a reminder to keep honing his skills so that he can never be hurt like that again, nor allow anyone to get close enough to him or Damian to be able to hurt him like that again.
To everyone else it is a point of tragedy. To Sam and Tucker, it is just one more physical reminder of their best friend's sad, terrible background that he refuses to share with them. All they know is that it came from him protecting his brother when he was five, something that deeply horrifies them.
To Bruce and the rest of the family, it is a reminder of what Danyal has gone through. The leeching horrors of the league that resulted in a five year old boy killing two grown men and being permanently scarred as a result, and seeing that scar as something to be proud of.
There is so much to think about about Danyal's scar.
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