#elliot alderson x reader
ahkmybeloved · 1 year
y’all will call elliot alderson your comfort character as if he’s ever had a day of comfort in his life
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yns-world · 2 years
uninvited guest - yan! elliot alderson x reader
title: uninvited guest
pairing: yan! elliot alderson x reader
tags: racially ambiguous, gender neutral reader, any size reader
summary: elliot breaks in but something else happens 😏
warnings: break in, stalker behavior, slight nsfw
a/n: @westernbaby here is your request for topping yan! elliot <3 ALSO I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS GIF I NEED TO USE IT ALL THE TIME NOW
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Elliot didn’t mean any of this-- truly, he never did. In a way, he was astonished himself to see his perfect plan unravel in front of his eyes. He never predicted for you to be awake; he never intended to scare you; he never prepared for you to react so violently.
I mean, really, what did you expect Elliot to do when he saw your open window? Elliot’s been on the edge of his seat for weeks ever since he met you and fell into an endless well of love for you. Your window was just an open invitation. 
But what puzzled Elliot was how did this go wrong? He was always so careful, so attentive to every detail, so how did he mess up so badly for this to be happening? Elliot’s been watching you for weeks, so he knew all of your habits by heart. You should be asleep right now, you have such a long day tomorrow. It’s not like you had any important show that you needed to catch up on or work you needed to finish, so why were you up?
That’s no longer important-- what is important is how well you can fight back. Your reaction speed completely took Elliot off-guard, he didn’t expect you to throw your iron flask directly at his head-- but then again, tonight was an unexpected night for you both.
The night seemed to get worse as you were close enough to throw punches, one of which landed straight in his jaw. This pissed him off. Why were you putting up a fight? You were the one that practically beckoned him into your home.
After the first punch, Elliot switched tactics. Clearly, playing defense wasn’t getting anywhere, so it was time to shift into offense.
You attempted to swing a second time but Elliot caught both of your wrists, his teeth clenching and a look of fury blazing in his eyes. In any other situation, that silent rage would’ve been terrifying. The worst part was that when you stared into his hateful eyes, you saw nothing but your own reflection. 
But your own curiosity was your downfall. In the single moment where you took a glance into his eyes, Elliot was able to catch you off-guard and pushed you onto the floor so he was straddling you. Luckily, your self-defense lessons finally kicked in and you remembered a maneuver that flipped the table on Elliot so now you were straddling his hips and pinning his arms down. 
The grunting and squirming from both of you came to a freeze when you felt a certain prick in your groin. A hush fell in the dark apartment, but even in the darkness you could feel the heat radiating off Elliot. He was thankful that you couldn’t see the blush creeping up his face. 
Such a sick, pathetic creature. To be turned on in a situation like this? But Elliot couldn’t help it. His subconscious fantasies were finally coming to life and he was too scared to wake up. He didn’t want this to end.
The small voice of reason in your head was drowned out by the instincts that pulsed through your blood. All it took was a single roll of your hips on his groin, and you earned a soft whimper in response. 
The moonlight from the open window spilled into the room, illuminating the scene-- Elliot’s fists unballed themselves so they rested on the hardwood floor, palms open. His mouth opened ever-so-slightly, and his cheeks a bright red as he stared at you with half-lidded eyes swirling with a pool of devotion and need. All previous traces of anger gone as he lay beneath you, squirming for more. 
“Please,” he breathed, his voice coming out in a whiny tone, “do that again.”  
With a single look at his needy state, you couldn’t help but do as he wanted. After another roll of your hips, you could feel a wet spot form underneath Elliot’s pants. 
“So soon?” You mockingly asked, looking at him with a pitiful look, “we’ve only just begun.”
a/n: i hope you enjoyed! if you did, please consider reblogging since it helps my account more than likes :)
as always, check out my pinned post for request rules and i'll see y'all in the next post ;)
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i-smoke-chapstick · 9 months
i cannot get out of my mind a crossover for joe goldberg x reader x elliot alderson. Its just so perfect?
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
Where Is My Mind?
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Description: Elliot has a dilemma: he has been distracted by you and he doesn't know what that do about it. Surely talking it out with himself inside his head will help, right? Warnings: Swearing, Mr. Robot Goes On A Bit Of A Rant But That's It. 😅 Word Count: 587 MasterList: 🖤 TagList: @lorebite, @mornandil. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Hello, friend.
Today I've been struggling to do everything. All I can think about is you—well—not you. You're just my imagination. I mean the girl who inspired your existence; You're merely just a version of her that exists inside my head. That's it.
I need to remember that.
But it's hard.
I just can't seem get you out of my head today. I could barely get any work done. Well—to be honest—it's becoming like that every day and Gideon is beginning to notice. Even Krista is noticing a difference in my behavior. And it's pissing Mr. Robot off because thoughts of you are getting in the way of things—
Fuck. Speak of the devil. I'm sorry if his words upset you. Don't listen to him.
I wish what he said wasn't true but—It is. This is important. But there's another little voice in the back of my mind that is telling me that you're more important. This is weird for me; I've never been like this over a girl.
Where is my mind?
I seen you again today—at the coffee shop not far from my apartment—ordering at the counter. You weren't there long. You gave me a quick nod and a smile as a greeting when I bumped into you before leaving with a single black coffee and a chocolate donut—as you usually order.
I know you struggle with social anxiety. I seen texts between you and your best friend when I hacked you. I understand how that shit feels so I won't approach. I'll wait for you to approach me instead.
Talking to you inside my head makes it hurt less—the feeling of being without you. Ever since the day I copied you from the real world and pasted you inside my mind, I feel less alone. But—as I said before—it's distracting me.
I remember the time we first met. I was out walking Flipper around my neighborhood. She had been shitting around the apartment a lot so I figured that it was a sign that she needed to be outside more. And I'm glad I did because that's when I ran into you. You were taking a walk as well and Flipper almost tripped you. You weren't mad though. You gave her a quick pet and I muttered a quick apology. You shook your head and said it was ok before continuing on your walk.
I noticed right away that you looked stressed as all fuck. I later found out it was due to your boyfriend being a dick to you because I hacked you for the first time an hour after I got home. A week later I decided to send you the proof I found of him cheating on you—through an anonymous account on Facebook.
I'm glad you left him after that… He didn't deserve you…
Maybe I'll take Flipper out for a walk again? You usually always go out for walks on Tuesdays around five. Actually—That means you'll be out for a walk right now…
I should go get Flipper's leash…
Goodbye, friend…
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westernbaby · 2 years
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧
[woman reader] [poc friendly] [The events that take place in this piece of writing are before a romantic relationship develops.]
A/n: I am only on season two episode five, so, this may be inaccurate considering how Elliot may develop in later seasons
Inspired by the talented *⁠.⁠✧@yns-world*⁠.⁠✧
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You'd probably have to meet through a mutual friend [Ex: Angela], and he took an unexpected interest to you. Ollie was quite obviously never Elliot's cup of tea, so, you could imagine Angela's surprise when he seems to be positively interested in you.
You were waiting outside of Allsafe for Angela since you were her ride when she suddenly walks out with a man in a black hoodie. He seems shy is what you tell yourself. He seems skittish and doesn't hold much eye contact but neither do you. Considering the fact that you want to make him feel welcomed and not shunned out, you greet him and he answers with a "hi."
Angela inevitably ends up teasing him for how intrigued he seems by you. When he rejects Ollie's offer to dinner, Ollie says, "maybe we'd have a greater chance if y/n came along." Angela nudges him with her elbow since he just now exposed the fact that she tells him about Elliot's untold feelings.
Inevitably, his feelings lead to him hacking you which opens up a whole different door to him. He figures out your music taste, how emotional that one episode of a specific tv show made you, those closest to you, your pets, celebrity crushes, etc. I have no need to go on.
He ends up talking to the special one in his head about you. How he can't believe that one specific friend treated you the way they did (even if it was only once).
"They treat her as less than the shit underneath their shoe, I know you may be getting tired of me talking about her but you may as well get used to it. You lied to me after all, this is the least you could do."
But don't you worry your pretty little head about it, he doesn't let your unneeded friend go unharmed, even if not physically. Elliot releases every single thing that a person wouldn't want anyone to have their eyes on. He sends the shameful findings to you and those around your grimy little "friend".
"I know this may seem over the top but it's something I have to do."
The ghost of his father eventually finds out because, Mr Robot is basically embedded inside of Elliot's existence. Edward criticizes him about how protective he is of you and how he wastes no time in defending your honor, even through hacking someone.
"There are people out there that need our help and you're here doing this for someone that knows nothing about this little habit of yours." Elliot pays no mind to his words since his father can't even be seen those around them and feels overly entitled to things, specifically, Elliot's attention.
He talks to his friend about how difficult it will be for him to move away from home and it's that of his mother's, because he's just moving away from you. There's no way for him to even look through your webcam. Though, you're smart. He only got to look through it once before he looked again a week later and the camera was covered.
Aside from that, moving in with mommy dearest still means he won't be able to see you, no matter how he goes about it. Elliot would still make an effort to go when he's invited by Angela somewhere if he hears that you're going to make an appearance. The two of you would make great conversation and he would even bring up the media he's interested in.
Coincidentally, youre also interested in the topics, but, that's why he said it. He knows his way inside of your mind already.
Elliot isn't really the type to make conversation but he is that way with you. You even get him to get that three-pointed smile on his face. That's just your affect.
Anyway, back to his mother's house.
Remember the time Leon gave him the whole:
"Do you ever dream, Elliot?" Speech (?)
When he went back to his mother's house that night, he saw you in his futuristic dream. A future filled with long lost friends, family, those he never imagined getting close to and seeing the ones he loves ending up happy.
Just before Elliot awakes, his dream has one last thing that it wants him to see. There you are, in all of your glory, sat in the seat right infront of him. Despite the long distance between you and him, he's still as happy as ever.
You're in his ideal future.
He'll make sure you stay, there's a wound inside of Elliot that'll only heal with your stitches.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Who Have You Been Talking To? - Elliot Alderson Imagine (Mr. Robot)
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Title: Who Have You Been Talking To?
Pairing: Elliot Alderson X Reader
Word Count: 1,581 words
Warning(s): READ WITH CAUTION, mental illness (canonical), hallucinations
Summary: (Season 1) Elliot reconnects with a childhood friend. He finally feels like he has someone he can lean on without them pushing him to do anything. He had someone to care about and support him.
Author's Note: Wow. Apparently, this is my time to go back and write for fandoms that I haven't written for in ages.
**Written in third person
(Y/n) carried this softness to them.
This softness that Elliot couldn't properly explain.
All Elliot knew was that he wanted to hold onto it for as long as he could.
(Y/n) was an old friend of Elliot's. The two had met when they were kids, but life had done what it tended to do and pulled the pair in separate directions.
The two reconnected years later. (Y/n) had taken the desk just across from Elliot's. He barely noticed them, but they had caught sight of his name somewhere and made themself known.
The pair continued becoming incredibly close over time.
Elliot let himself become comfortable with someone for the first time in a while.
(Y/n) had accepted him completely.
They were always there.
There were times when (Y/n)'s hand would hold onto Elliot's. It was usually when he was becoming anxious or overwhelmed. It was like he didn't even need to say anything. (Y/n) would just know.
When they were on their own, (Y/n) hug him, muttering that he was going to be okay. That he didn't have to be okay right that second, but he would get better.
(Y/n) would go with Elliot to his meetings with fsociety. They seemed more capable of keeping Mr. Robot in check than anyone else. Mr. Robot would sometimes just listen to them, give them a condescending smile, and then, walk away from them without another word.
And then, there were nights spent on Elliot's couch or mattress where (Y/n) would sit and listen. Elliot's head resting on their lap as their fingers ran through his hair. No solutions or arguments, just listening to whatever Elliot wanted to talk about.
There were nights like that that were completely silent. (Y/n) would just let him lie there for hours without a word being spoken.
He wanted to express how much (Y/n) meant to him. He never felt like he could find the right words.
He never felt the need to hack them. Which was a strange feeling, but Elliot accepted it. Maybe he just felt like the pair knew each other well enough for that to be unnecessary.
And then, (Y/n) disappeared.
One night, (Y/n) had fallen asleep on Elliot's couch. The next morning, they were gone.
He didn't have a way to get a hold of them, which he had never thought about before. (Y/n) had just left with no trace. It confused Elliot more than it worried him.
That seemed to be the start of a slippery slope.
It's when everything that Elliot knew started crumbling around him. He had learned the truth about Mr. Robot, who had promised to tell him the truth.
Elliot thought that if (Y/n) was there, they would've forced Mr. Robot to tell the truth then. In Elliot's apartment.
But here he was, dragging a limping Mr. Robot wherever the man told him to go after Elliot had pushed him out of a window in his childhood home.
The pair had ended up in a cemetery.
Elliot immediately felt a wave of relief when he saw (Y/n) walking over to them. He didn't know how (Y/n) knew where to look for them, but he was just happy to see them after everything that had happened.
(Y/n) made it over to the pair far faster than Elliot thought they would. "Are you okay? I've been looking for you everywhere."
Elliot slowly nodded. "Where were you-"
"What happened to you," they asked, turning their attention to Mr. Robot and ignoring Elliot's question.
"Rough fall," Mr. Robot grumbled back.
(Y/n) reached up to touch the cut on his forehead, hoping to wipe off some of the blood. He waved them off.
All of them looked over to see Angela and Darlene running over to them. Mr. Robot and (Y/n) shared a worried look for a moment.
"Shit," Mr. Robot muttered
"What the hell are they doing here," Elliot asked.
"Same thing as me," (Y/n) shrugged. "Taking care of you."
"Won't be long now," Mr. Robot turned to Elliot. "I tried to protect you, son, but they caught up to us."
"What are you talking about," Elliot pointed at the figures making their way over. "That's Darlene and Angela."
"I'm so sorry," Mr. Robot continued. "I wanted to tell you sooner. Things got too accelerated at the end there. You have to believe that."
He moved to hold onto Elliot's upper arms.
"No matter what anyone tries to do, I will never leave you. I will always be right here. You understand that? They're not gonna break us apart again."
"What going on," Elliot asked. Mr. Robot tried to speak, but Elliot cut him off. "Tell me right now."
"Listen to me because we don't have much time," Mr. Robot snapped. "They're going to try and get rid of me again. I need you to not let them."
"Why would they get rid of you," Elliot looked from Mr. Robot to (Y/n). He wasn't sure why. What answer would (Y/n) have? They knew less about this than Elliot did.
"Elliot, listen to me," Mr. Robot shook Elliot's shoulders. "I will never leave you. I will never leave you alone again. I love you, son."
(Y/n) stepped forward as Mr. Robot went to sit down at the grave. They held his arm so he wouldn't simply fall. They knelt next to him, checking on him.
"Are you okay," they asked quietly. Mr. Robot nodded.
"What's he talking about?"
(Y/n) looked back at Elliot when he spoke up. Angela and Darlene were standing in front of him now.
"What's he talking about," he asked. "I wanna know. I wanna know. I wanna know!"
(Y/n) closed their eyes for a moment, looking back to Mr. Robot for a moment before pushing themself off the ground.
"Elliot... who are you talking to," Darlene looked heartbroken. Like something in her heart knew the answer, but she didn't want to accept it.
"What do you mean," Elliot furrowed his eyebrows a bit. "I'm talking about-"
His words stopped when he looked over to see Mr. Robot gone. All that was there was a grave reading 'Edward Alderson'. (Y/n) stood off to the side. They almost looked guilty.
Elliot jumped back when Darlene went to touch his arm. He kept muttering for them to stay back.
"Elliot, you're bleeding," Darlene said.
Elliot furrowed his eyebrows as he reached up to find a cut on his forehead. His leg started hurting.
"Elliot... what are you doing here?"
"You didn't see him," Elliot asked, taking a few steps back.
"Who," Darlene countered.
It felt like the world was beginning to crumble around him. "That... No... you had to see him. (Y/n) was just talking to him."
"(Y/n)," Angela repeated the name like she had never heard it before. But that couldn't be true. (Y/n) and Angela worked together. She had to know who they were.
"Like (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?"
Elliot nodded at Darlene's question. Of course. Who else would he be talking about?
Elliot looked over at where (Y/n) was standing. They never once looked at Darlene and Angela. Just at him.
"Elliot... (Y/n) went missing a long time ago," Darlene continued. "Remember? We were kids."
It was another weight added to Elliot's mind. He shook his head, ready to deny it. That couldn't be true. It simply couldn't.
"You thought that you could find them on your own," Darlene said. "You were collecting 'clues' and stuff, remember?"
Elliot looked over at the grave again. (Y/n) was gone. They disappeared just like Mr. Robot had.
Everything felt like a mess after that.
Every event leading to that point was up for questioning now. All down to the smallest details.
The trip home was nothing less than awful and confusing.
Elliot was sitting in the corner of his apartment, head in his hands. His thoughts had become a tangled mess of wires. Nothing made sense anymore. Everything had taken a shift. He couldn't make sense of it.
He knew (Y/n) was there.
They were hard to ignore.
Even now that he had been told the truth, he still longed for them. This version of them that didn't exist. This version that his mind invented in the hopes of what? Relieving some guilt from his childhood? It didn't work.
(Y/n) sat next to Elliot, watching the man work through everything.
"Why won't you just leave me alone?"
The question was sudden, but not unexpected. (Y/n) simply sighed when it was asked.
"You never stopped caring for me," they said simply. "Why do you believe I would so easily stop caring for you?"
Elliot didn't respond.
"Mr. Robot was there for all the big moments," they continued. "For the plan. He forgot about those moments in between. That's when I take care of you."
Elliot lifted his head to look at them.
He wondered where he had gotten this image of them. In reality, he hadn't seen (Y/n) since they were a child. He should have no concept of a grown-up version of them.
Maybe he had seen some photo that was meant to be an aged-up version of them. Or maybe he had just stolen the image of some stranger he had randomly seen.
His eyes closed when (Y/n) reached out and touched the side of his face. He hated how real it felt.
"I'm not going to abandon you, Elliot," they promised.
His hand reached up to touch theirs. It was all too real.
"You're never going to be alone again."
Author's Note: I had to put so much extra thought into this. Holy shit. Anyway, hello to the Mr. Robot fandom, I've missed you. It's been a while.
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Elliot Alderson X Reader Angsty Prompt with a brief fluffy and cute moment
!TW: Pills/Drugs (Aspirin), implied suffering from depression!
Elliot groaned as he woke up to you walking into the room with a mug and a small pill bottle, and he wondered what had happened the night before. “I made you coffee,” you stated, “did you want some Aspirin, too? In case you’re having as bad a headache as me.” Elliot nodded; his head was pranging. You passed the small bottle of Aspirin to him, and he smiled his thanks to you weakly. You laid back down beside him, surprising him as he looked over at you. “So,” you began again, smirking playfully, “how much for last night?”
“W-What?” Elliot murmured, shocked. He then realised that you both must have become intimate with each other the night before. “Y/n-..” Elliot looked away from you, a pained expression on his face.
You frowned when you noticed, and assumed that he wanted you to leave, so you slid out of his bed again. “Yeah, yeah, I know how this goes,” you mumbled, “I’ll grab the rest of my clothes and get out of here.”
“Wait!” Elliot called; he didn’t want you to leave, he was just shocked. You reluctantly turned to face him, your eyes glinting. “Are you sneaking out on me?” Elliot inquired, deciding to play your game.
“I might be,” you answered, grinning.
“I don’t want you to,” he claimed, “come back here.” You shyly approached his bed again, and he smiled faintly up at you. “Are you wearing my shirt, by the way?” Elliot questioned, just noticing it.
You winced, and he couldn’t help, but chuckle, amused. “C-Can we start over?” You requested, whining, and he nodded. “Okay,” you murmured, mentally preparing yourself to walk over to the door to start the conversation again. “Good morning,” you chimed, and Elliot tried not to laugh, “hope you don’t mind me borrowing your shirt.”
“Of course I don’t,” he responded, sitting up partially.
You expressed relief, before you sat down on the edge of the bed beside him. “I’m guessing this was a one-time thing,” you mused, and Elliot looked away, nodding gravely.
You tried not to appear too disappointed, hiding your face from him briefly. “Definitely - a one time thing,” Elliot replied, “congratulations, you actually convinced me to sleep with you.” Despite you trying to hide it from him, Elliot could see that you were upset. “Hey,” he spoke gently, intertwining the fingers of his right hand with the fingers of your left hand, “it’s better for the both of us to forget that this ever happened, and for it to stay between us, okay?” You forced a faint smile back at him, and he sat up to wrap his arms around you; he wanted to comfort you because he hated to see you upset. You returned the hug, trying to feel happy, but you found that you couldn’t.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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safin-supremacy · 1 year
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Elliot Alderson X Reader Cute prompt
“I hope you know I would literally die for you,” you stated, breaking the silence as you and Elliot walked slowly through the park.
Elliot glanced at you, shaking his head slightly. “I hope you don’t,” he responded; he didn’t want you to risk your life for his. Elliot noticed that you seemed down as you sank on the next bench, and he expressed concern for you, sitting beside you. “Are you okay?” Elliot inquired, and you nodded, smiling weakly up at him.
“I just don’t want tonight to end,” you answered, and he agreed, smiling sympathetically as he looked away from you.
You wanted attention, and Elliot was in the other room playing a video game like he occasionally did, so you decided to try to get it from him as you barged into his room. “I need attention,” you whined, and Elliot winced, pausing the game, before he turned to face you.
“Fine - C��mere,” he responded, and you sat on his lap, feeling better as you wrapped your arms around him.
You shyly smiled up at him, and he smiled back at you faintly. “Does this mean we’re dating?” You asked, curious, but felt stupid when you noticed the look on his face. “K-Kidding,” you whispered, burying your face against his shoulder. You smiled softly when you remembered when Elliot suggested that you could move in with him into his apartment; he could see how much you were struggling after you were kicked out of your family’s house.
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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hes-the-muse · 1 year
Muse - Rami Malek
We welcome Rami Malek/Elliot to HE’S-THE-MUSE!
🤍 Elliot Alderson 🤍
Ripped out Ethernet cables, secret plans, scattered hard drives, late nights, rolling papers, Rubber Duckies, texts from Darlene, lost time, headaches, anxiety, CTFs, neon signs, dark rooms, inaccessible warehouses, black gloves, social engineering, anti-social days, unanswered messages, lonely nights...
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Sleep No More
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stararctic · 2 years
Updated my masterlist again :)
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cyberpunk-spectre · 2 years
Untitled - Elliot Alderson × GN! Reader
Angst, mentions of trauma and abuse.
“Do you think they’re mad at me?”
Mr. Robot paused, turning to meet Elliot’s figure. The young man in question was sitting upright on his mattress, keeping as still as possible as to not disturb the sleeping figure next to him.
“What…?” Mr. Robot voiced, confused. He and Elliot had been talking about their plan to take down the Deus Group when Elliot suddenly brought up such a weird question.
“[Y/N],” Elliot said softer, “do you think [Y/N]’s mad at me?”
Mr. Robot glanced over at the sleeping figure. [Y/N] [L/N]—a unique individual, a lot like Elliot in some ways, and yet completely different in others. The two fit together like USB and port. No wonder they had such a steady relationship despite, well, everything.
You stirred lightly, your brows scrunching up. You were having some sort of nightmare, although Mr. Robot couldn’t say what it was about.
The being that was Mr. Robot turned back to Elliot, who had also been glancing at your sleeping form. “Why would you think that?”
“Because I’ve been ignoring them. Hiding away while you take control…” his voice slowly turned shaky as the horroundus memories that Vera forced Elliot to dig up with his therapist began invading his mind.
“Kid,” Mr. Robot sighed out, not entirely sure how to phrase what he wanted to say. “No. No, they aren’t mad. They wouldn’t be, not after everything you’ve been through.”
Elliot glanced up to meet Mr. Robot’s gaze. Mr. Robot could see the pain in his eyes, wishing he could just take it all away, making things go back to how they were when Elliot didn’t know the truth.
“I don’t like hiding away like this. Not from them.” Elliot’s voice was quiet, his grey eyes looking down. He was shaking, although he seemed to be trying to fight it off.
“Elliot, you can’t beat yourself about this—this was something you were never supposed to know. It was my job to keep it from you, and I failed.” Mr. Robot protested, hating the fact that Elliot was hurting so bad.
Elliot sniffled, a silent sign that he had been crying. “I know, it’s why I created you. But I hate not being able to look into his eyes. It hurts, because I… because I…” he stopped himself.
Mr. Robot had the ghost of a smile on his lips. “It’s because you love them, I know.”
Elliot just nodded.
Mr. Robot sighed again, contemplating on whether or not he should tell Elliot. He had every right to know, no matter what you thought.
The man grumbled to himself, deciding to say ‘fuck it’ to whatever you would say to him later. He walked over to Elliot, kneeling down to meet his eyes.
“I have something to tell you, Kiddo. Even though [Y/N] told me not to tell you.” Mr. Robot began. His words caused Elliot to perk right up, unintentionally showing his puffy red eyes to his protector.
Mr. Robot didn’t say anything about them as he continued. “It was a few days after we met. Well, after they met me. I won’t ever forget what they told me that day.”
Elliot tilted his head, wiping his eye with the sleeve of his trusted hoodie. “What… did they say?”
Mr. Robot glanced at you again. You had kicked the comforter off, being too hot beneath it. Your torso was exposed to the world, showing off your well-shaped, yet battered body.
There were scars everywhere, vastly ranging in sizes. There were a few tattoos here and there—nothing too frivolous. Mostly used to cover up the biggest and nastiest scars of your collection.
“They said they knew why I existed. Told me they knew why you created me. Of course, they didn’t know the exact reasoning behind it, but they said that they had dealt with severe trauma cases before in others. Although, we were unique, they said that we were special.” Mr. Robot explained.
Now it was Elliot’s turn to look back at you, not really understanding.
Mr. Robot shrugged. “Hey, your guess is as good as mine. But that’s not why I’m telling you this. I’m telling you because they understand why you haven’t been the one driving. They understand why you need to just hide away. They aren’t mad at you, Kid. They would never be mad at you. They love you too much.”
Mr. Robot’s words made Elliot’s heart skip a beat. He was still so new to this whole dating game, but he couldn’t deny the connection you shared.
Elliot was still having a hard time getting used to the idea that there was someone out there who was there for him. Who cared for him. Who loved him.
He was so thankful that you stayed by his side, even after everything you had been through since you first met.
Elliot turned to look back at Mr. Robot, however the man was nowhere to be seen. Elliot was about to jump to his feet and call out to him when he felt the mattress beneath him move.
“Elliot…?” The half-asleep voice of [Y/N] [L/N] spoke up, catching Elliot’s attention. Elliot looked over, seeing you sit up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
Once your eyes adjusted to the darkness of Elliot’s apartment, you slumped into a more comfortable position, staring at Elliot’s figure.
“Or…” you began softly, your voice sending shivers down Elliot’s spine. “Is it you?”
“It’s me.” Elliot replied, almost inaudibly. You perked right up at that.
Elliot nodded.
You smiled warmly. “Did you sleep at all, Babe?”
Elliot didn’t say anything, simply shaking his head. He could feel his heart running a marathon in his chest as he was starting to break down. He didn’t mean to, but he was still just so overwhelmed, and the sudden disappearance of Mr. Robot didn’t help at all.
“Babe? Is everything okay? Elliot…?” Your voice was full of concern. You moved across the mattress, scooting closer to Elliot.
You then reached out, placing your hand on Elliot’s shoulder.
That’s what set him off.
He knew you would never hurt him, but he was in such a fragile state that he had no control over the fear that took over every fibre of his being.
Elliot jumped back, reacting on pure instinct. “DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!”
You immediately pulled back, startled by Elliot’s outburst. You instantly realised what caused the reaction, mentally kicking yourself.
“Fuck, Babe, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean too…” you trailed off once you heard Elliot whimpering.
“I’m sorry,” Elliot whimpered, his body curling into a ball, trembling. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m fucking sorry…!”
He continued to repeat that phrase over and over, rocking back and forth. He was having a full on breakdown, which broke your heart, as you knew exactly how that sort of panic felt.
You scooted even closer to Elliot, attempting to reach out again to comfort your boyfriend out of reflex. You then stopped yourself, remembering what triggered the panic attack in the first place.
However, before you fully pulled away, Elliot’s body moved entirely on its own, falling into your arms as Elliot cried into their chest. You went still, taking a second to process what was happening. Then, Elliot felt you embrace him, holding him close.
“Elliot,” you began softly, resting your chin on the top of Elliot’s head as he let Elliot cry it all out. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.”
“But I’ve been ignoring you—pushing you away when all you’ve ever done was try to help me.” Elliot sniffled.
Elliot felt your grip tighten. “What you’re going through, Elliot… fuck, man. Nobody should ever have to go through that shit. It’s why Mr. Robot exists in the first place, to keep you safe from things you were never meant to know. What Vera did—well, I’m fucking glad he’s dead and I’ll leave it at that.”
Elliot chuckled at the tone of your words. He then sniffled, resting his head on your chest, your embrace making Elliot feel safe, protected.
“So… you’re not mad at me?”
Elliot felt you go still, completely shocked. “Mad? Babe, how could I possibly be mad at you?”
“I’ve been ignoring you,” Elliot repeated, “hiding away, leaving Mr. Robot in control, it isn’t fair to you and I’m—”
You cut Elliot off before he fell into another rant. “Elliot, I don’t blame you for anything. You need time to cope with this, to find out some way to keep going. And if letting Mr. Robot do everything helps you with that, then I’ll put up with his bitching for as long as I need to.”
“Hey!” A familiar voice piped up. Elliot perked up at the sound, peeling away from your chest. He looked over your shoulder to where Mr. Robot himself stood—in the corner of Elliot’s apartment, right by his computer.
There was a fond smile on his face. He meant what he said as a joke. He wasn’t pissed off by your comment at all.
Realising what Elliot was looking at, you followed his gaze in the general direction of where you believed Mr. Robot was standing. You had to make a guess due to the fact you couldn’t exactly see Mr. Robot. Only Elliot could.
“I fucking mean it too, man.” You said.
Mr. Robot looked at you, chuckling. He then looked back at Elliot with that same smile, however it felt more genuine that time.
Oh… Elliot now figured out why Mr. Robot had disappeared.
That was… quite nice of him, actually.
“He’s smiling…” Elliot said softly, wanting you to know that Mr. Robot understood the joke you made.
You turned back to Elliot with a smile of your own. “Good.”
You then cupped Elliot’s face in your hands, the two of you locking eyes. “You’re going through a lot, but I want you to know that I will always be here for you, Elliot. Always.”
Elliot’s lips curled into a small, yet entirely genuine, smile. He grabbed your wrists, keeping your eyes locked. “Okay.” Was all he said.
You smiled as you kissed Elliot’s lips. Elliot didn’t flinch, or pull back—instead he kissed back. Quite unusual for him, but he was learning. Patience truly was the price of your relationship.
So it was a damn good thing that you were also one very patient individual when you wanted to be.
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yns-world · 2 years
Do you think yandere! Elliot has any kinks?
Yandere Elliot Alderson Kinks
gender neutral, poc friendly, size not mentioned
TW: somnophilia
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First on the list: voyeurism. No question about it. All he does is watch. Observe. Listen. It's not his fault that he caught you during your private moments. 
Elliot would have fantasies here and there about you being the one that watches him, but it's only for a fleeting moment.
Next on the list, praise kink-- giving and receiving. He needs all the praise in the world. Poor boy has been pushed around and neglected for his whole life, all he wants is to be enough in someone’s eyes. This also leads to the next kink--
Body worship, as part of the praise kink and as its own thing by itself. Elliot worships you like you created this entire universe in a blink of an eye. He quite literally kisses the ground you walk on, he whispers your name like a prayer. He just wants his god to give him the validation he so desperately thirsts for.
But some days, it’s not validation Elliot craves. Some days, Elliot wishes to be treated like the absolute shit that he thinks he is. I’m talking stepping on his throat, spanking, tying him up in ropes, gags, the works.
Yandere Elliot would also have somnophilia. It all dates back to the first time he broke into your house. 
This was a few months after Elliot laid eyes on you and has been watching you since. He doesn’t remember how or why, but he just had the clawing need to be close to you as you slept. That’s what pushed him to crack open your window and be able to smell your perfume up close. That’s what really drove him over the edge. 
He couldn’t stop himself, he just had to have you. He was finished within a couple strokes-- pathetic, he knows-- but he was too excited. He made sure to pull out into his hand just before he came and he cleaned up the mess. The next morning, you felt….off…but you just shook them off as the Monday blues.
Another thing that yandere Elliot would be into is roleplay-- stalking roleplay (ironic), serial killer chasing his prey, robber (breaking and entering, plus some somnophilia involved 😏)
All in all, he's a freak <3 he's MY freak 🫶🫶🫶
a/n: don't be a ghost reader! comment and interact with me, i promise i won't bite <333
this was so much fun to write! this is what i mean when i write suggestive content so thank you for this request <3
as always, check my pinned post for request rules!
i hope y'all have a great day! i'll see y'all in the next post ;)
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
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Description: While waiting for a meeting with Fsocitey to start, you and Elliot take a ride on the ferris wheel so you can have some alone time to talk... Warnings: Mention Of Anxiety And Poor Mental Health (But Nothing Very Detailed.), Friends To Lovers, Low-Key Pining. Word Count: 1.5k A/N: So, since the pole ended and I got more votes for writing for Elliot, I decided to finally post this fic that I've been sitting on for a month. I've reread and rewritten this thing over and over because I just can't tell if I'm getting it right. I guess I have the "writing for a new fandom" jitters right now. 😅 If I got something wrong, feel free to let me know in the comments so I can learn from it in the future. I haven't watched the full series yet so I made (Y/N) oblivious to what the meeting with Fsocitey was about, because I honestly didn't really know myself. 😂 And to those people who didn't want me to start writing for Elliot, your votes only made me want to write for him more. 😉 MasterList: 🖤 TagList: @lorebite, @mornandil. (I'm only tagging people from my original taglist, who I know want to read this. So, if you want to be added to the taglist as well, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Pov: You
I arrived at the old Fun Society building around noon today. I walked quickly towards the building that was now taken over by Fsocitey, who I was joining for a meeting today. When Mr. Robot told me about it, he didn't give me any details on what we would be discussing. I wasn't nearly as skilled with hacking as the others were, so I was pretty much useless to the group, but Mr. Robot had requested that I be there because he seen my potential and wanted me to learn from the others. I approached the door to see Elliot leaned up against the wall, almost as if he was waiting for me - or somebody.
"Hello." I greeted him kindly. I was never one for social interactions but I felt pretty comfortable around Elliot. I felt as if he understood me which made it easier to interact with him.
"Hey." He muttered monotonously as his eyes glanced at me for a moment from under his hood, watching me step closer to the door while taking another drag of his cigarette and tossing it to the ground.
I reached for the door handle and to my surprise, Elliot grabbed my arm, stopping me and making me jump subconsciously. Elliot was never one for physical contact, this I knew. So, I was curious to know what caused this action.
"I-I'm sorry…" He muttered as he let his hand fall to his side, his eyes shifting away from me quickly.
"Oh, no. Don't be. It's ok." I assured him. "What's up?"
"Darlene is late. So, we are waiting to start the meeting until she gets here. I was wondering if you would want to take a walk with me?" He suggested and I smiled before nodding my head. After glancing over at me one last time, Elliot turned and began to walk in the other direction so I followed him away from the building.
The next couple of minutes were pretty quiet as we walked, which I didn't mind. Me and Elliot could just sit in silence for hours and be completely fine just enjoying each other's presence. I began to feel a chill and zipped up my hoodie which Elliot immediately took notice to.
"You cold?" He asked and I nodded shyly. He stayed silent for a moment, chewing on the inside of his cheek as if he was thinking of a solution before looking up at the big ferris wheel a few feet before us. "You wanna go on the ferris wheel to take your mind off of it?"
I looked into his light blue eyes that were now darkened due to the shadow that his hood was casting over them and thought for a moment. It was an odd suggestion to fix the current situation but I noticed the small smirk tugging slightly at his reluctant lips and I couldn't refuse. So, I nodded and followed him to the ride.
Pov: Elliot
Hello, friend.
Today took an unexpected turn. Though I don't have to tell you that. I bet you didn't expect me to take off with (Y/N) Instead of going inside? To be honest, neither did I. Darlene was late for our meeting so I decided to take this opportunity to be alone with (Y/N). Sure, Mr. Robot would prefer me to me inside, discussing the same shit over and over until Darlene arrives and we get to the important stuff, but I didn't feel like doing that today.
We sit in silence as we begin to approach the top of the ride and I notice that (Y/N) is now shaking slightly.
Shit. She's afraid of heights.
Yes, I know what you're thinking. It was weird of me to suggest it but I want to have her alone. I don't know why, but I just do. And the ferris wheel is the only place I know people won't interrupt us unless Mr. Robot wants to interfere.
"It's ok. The others have rode this thing hundreds of times and have been fine." I assure her and a smile tugs at the corners of her soft lips.
Wait… Shit, I'm staring at her lips again. I hope she didn't notice.
I have to stop doing that…
"So, how have you been?" I attempt to make small talk to break the silence that has once again fallen over us.
Yes, that's a good question. Keep it casual.
"Oh, pretty good. I've been practicing my programming and hacking skills like Mr. Robot asked me to and I think I'm getting better." She responds as her smile grows bigger with a bit of pride.
Good. She deserves to be proud of herself.
"Hey, if you ever need my help with anything-"
"I know. Thank you, Elliot." She says as her expression softens with appreciation. "How have you been?"
"I've been ok. I've been struggling a bit more than usual, but… I'm ok…" I confess as I look down to my shoes.
"I'm sorry to hear that." I look back up to see a look of genuine remorse on her face and I feel my heart stammer slightly.
I need to fucking chill. Shit. Maybe this was a bad idea. Can you help me out of this situation?
"It's ok. Hey, Flipper and Qwerty are doing good though." I chuckle softly to lighten the mood. Her eyes light up at the mention of Flipper and Qwerty and I almost don't notice that I'm smiling again.
I always seem to do that more when she is around.
"That's good! I miss them." She smiles at me and I feel a rush of heat in my cheeks. I remember the first time she came over to my apartment and met them. Her computer had shut down unexpectedly and she panicked and came straight to me. She spent the whole time, sitting on my couch while petting Flipper nervously and watching Qwerty as she nervously chewed on her lip. She thought I didn't notice. But I did. I notice everything about her.
How she taps her nails on any hard surface when she's anxious.
How she does anything to avoid eye contact when she's feeling shy.
How her eyes twinkle when she's happy.
How she blushes when she receives compliments and instantly decides to not believe them. Mr. Robot noticed that when he told her that she has potential to be a good hacker.
Yes. We talk about her. Quite a lot, actually.
Mr. Robot sees her as a distraction… But I think he's wrong…
Hm… She has only been back to my apartment a couple times since the day her computer broke down. And surprisingly, I don't mind having her around there. I swallow thickly as I advert my gaze from her, worried that she would notice the shift in my demeanor.
Things go quiet again and I'm beginning to think about things more. I can't even talk to Krista about most of the things I tell her with no problem. It's like she is the bug in the system that is my self sabotaging mind. Whenever I am around her, she is fixing me, slowly, I can feel it. Hell, now that I really think about it, I've never felt as comfortable talking to anybody like I do with her. Well, her and you.
Oh, fuck! Shit! She's you! All this time, I thought I was talking to an imaginary person but I was really talking to her - Well… I guess I mean you now.
I guess I should accept these new feelings and do something about this then…
"(Y/N)…" I stuttered slightly, nervous to speak the words I'm about to speak.
If I'm being honest, friend, I am terrified to make this confession to you. But if I don't, I might regret it.
No. I will regret it. I have to do this.
"I have never felt so comfortable with anybody but you before and I-I think I want to be more than friends." I finally confess and if it wasn't for the ferris wheel cart still swaying just a tiny bit from the ride's most recent movement, I would have thought that time had stood still.
You freeze in your spot and your eyes widen while your mouth falls agape. Even in a state of shock, you still look so beautiful. But I have messed things up. I have ruined what we had between us and scared you away by my confession. I feel my heart thud violently against my ribcage as if it's punishing me for being so stupid. But to my surprise, your shocked expression softens and your mouth shapes into a toothy grin. You're always the prettiest when you're so happy. You stand up, carefully cross our cart and sits down beside me before carefully taking my hand in your own, moving slowly as if you're trying not to startle a wild animal while watching my face for any signs of discomfort.
"C-Can I kiss you?" You ask shyly. My heart melts at the fact that you are so mindful of my hate for physical contact and are considerate enough to ask me before making the first move. I nod and you lean forward before connecting your lips to mine.
You're amazing, friend…
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Writing prompt: Elliot feels unwell and dizzy at E Corp and one of the co-worker notices that his shirt is bleeding, making Elliot realise is gsw to the abdomen stitches were open as is sent home early for the reader to stich.
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Elliot Alderson X Reader Requested prompt
!TW: Blood, nausea, faintness (not detailed), stitches, gsw (gun shot wound - not particularly detailed), implied swearing (‘cursed’), actual swearing, pain, needle, wound (not particularly detailed either)!
Elliot went into work at E-Corp feeling fine, so he never thought that he’d be staggering and desperately limping to your house with blood staining his hand. His day began relatively normally, as he walked from his CEO, Gideon Goddard’s office to his desk, but as he was making the short journey, he suddenly began to feel slightly disorientated, and when he thought about it with great effort, he realised that he hadn’t been feeling a hundred percent from the moment he got up from his desk.
Elliot leaned heavily against the wall, giving himself a moment, but he had to turn around when he heard one of his coworkers calling his name behind him. He regretted moving as he began to feel worse, and he even felt as if he were going to be sick. His coworker who he hadn’t really bothered talking to noted his behaviour, and they expressed concern for him, even more so when they noticed a small red stain forming on his light blue shirt. “What do you want?” Elliot asked, his voice quiet; he began to feel quite faint, and felt as if he could pass out at any moment.
“You’re bleeding,” his coworker informed, and Elliot looked down when his coworker gesticulated to the stain.
Elliot cursed - the stain was in the area where he’d had to have stitches for the gun shot wound to his abdomen. “Shit!” Elliot exclaimed when he began to panic, and his colleague, too, was panicking as they weren’t sure of how they could help Elliot immediately.
“What’s going on out here!?” Gideon exclaimed, disappointed that he had been disturbed during his lunch break.
Elliot covered the wound, before he looked up at his coworker. “Don’t,” he uttered, and his coworker watched as he slowly walked toward Gideon, the excruciating pain more noticeable to him now that he knew where it was coming from.
Gideon, like his coworker, immediately noticed that he seemed off, making it easier for him. “What’s going on, Elliot? Are you ill?” Gideon questioned, and Elliot nodded. “You look like you’re going through the wars right now,” he remarked, placing his hand on Elliot’s shoulder, making him wince and subconsciously step back. Gideon felt awkward, withdrawing his hand as if it hadn’t had happened. “You should get yourself home,” he suggested, and Elliot acted as if he didn’t want to, at first.
“Are you sure?” Elliot responded, and Gideon nodded quickly.
“Of course I’m sure, look at you!” Gideon responded, even beginning to usher Elliot toward the door which led out of their department. “Get well soon,” Gideon called, before he closed the door when Elliot dragged himself through it.
Elliot looked down at the stain - it was growing; he was losing more blood. “Shit, shit,” he whispered, rushing to the nearest toilet to get some toilet paper he could use temporarily to stall the bleeding. Whilst he was tearing the pieces off of the roll, he thought about where he should go; he didn’t feel comfortable going to the hospital, though he knew he should, preferably, so he decided he should seek help from you, remembering that you’d briefly worked as a nurse, and told him about the treatments you’d had to give which did involve stitching though it was only twice you’d had to do it.
Once he’d finished with the toilet paper, he stumbled out of the cubicle, cursing again. Elliot groaned, beginning to feel as if he wouldn’t be able to make it to your house, at all, but he forced himself to keep walking, rushing the lift once it had arrived, before he rushed himself out of the building, turning right, doing all of this whilst he tried to stay calm. People on the street looked at him as he passed them, but he wouldn’t let himself get distracted by them, focussing on you and the pain he was feeling in his abdomen.
Elliot half-heartedly chuckled with relief when he reached the small black gate which, once opened, led down to the door of your house. Elliot received a small spurt of new-found energy, limping quickly down the path, before he desperately rapped on your door. “Come on,” Eliot whispered, hearing murmurs of ‘I’m coming, hang on’.
You would be surprised when you noticed Elliot at the door, and you would feel your blood run cold when you noticed the stain on his shirt, and the blood seeping through the gaps between his fingers. “W-What happened?” You asked, rushing him into your house and into the living room.
“My damn stitches broke,” he uttered, and you nodded quickly, trying to think fast, before you ran into the bathroom to grab the medical kit you kept in there.
“Lie down,” you commanded as you rushed back into the living room, and Elliot did as you said, wincing as he moved. You pulled up a chair beside him, threading the spare thread you had left through the needle, before you began to undo the buttons of his shirt to see the now open wound. “Try and stay still, okay?” You instructed, and Elliot nodded, closing his eyes as he didn’t want to watch what you were doing. You set down the needle and thread for when you needed it, and took up a pair of scissors, sliding them under the broken thread, close to where the knot was, before you cut the thread that was broken away. You replaced the scissors with tweezers so you could gently pull the thread away. “The first part is done,” you informed, “I just need to stitch it together again.” Elliot nodded, taking deep breaths to relax himself, though it was difficult when he still felt nauseous. Elliot whimpered when he felt that you were beginning to stitch his wound up again, but he managed to stop himself from moving. “It’s okay,” you spoke quietly, trying to console him, “I’m almost done.” Once you’d finished, you tied the thread off, and he hesitantly opened his eyes again, glancing at the new stitches you’d put in. “All done!” You declared, and Elliot breathed a sigh of relief, smiling weakly at you. You returned the smile, but quickly looked away; you knew that you’d start blushing if you held his gaze for too long. “You should rest for a few hours,” you advised, “try and get some sleep. I’m just going to go and clean the needle-”
“Wait!” Elliot interrupted as you began to get up from your chair, and you looked back down at him. Elliot hesitated for a moment, but decided against telling you. “Thank you,” he stated, “for helping me.” You smiled warmly at him, nodding slightly, before you left the room to go and clean the needle you’d used to stitch his wound together again. Elliot decided he should tell you another time; he wasn’t feeling confident enough to yet.
Hope you enjoyed it! ❤️
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ponyosmom35 · 9 months
I remember you (Elliot x OC)
Elliot Alderson x Original Character
Synopsis: The reader was dating Elliot before he forgot who he was, she never left his side. and months later he remembers.
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He clutches his head as memories flash through his eyes. 
There she was, standing in a dress, her hair was curled and she had a smile on her face as she opened the door to see who’d knocked. This woman, the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen in his life. All of the air is stolen from his lungs as he meets her eyes. Her aqua-colored eyes. After seeing the note she posted in the mail room about needing help with her computer, Elliot was curious. He surprised himself by responding to the ad and emailing her. Two days later he stood in front of her door, his heart beating out of his chest. His palms sweating. He’d never felt this way before.
“Hi, Elliot I assume?” she asks  
“Uh yeah” he responds awkwardly 
“I’m Willow, and I cannot thank you enough for answering! I tried taking it to a shop but they wanted to charge me $200, this was kinda my last resort” she explains 
“I’m happy to help”
“I hope you’re good, because I don’t know the first thing about computers” she says “come on in” 
Elliot follows her into her apartment, the layout the exact same as his. She’d decorated the place well, it looked like a home. She had tons of plants brightening up the space, as well as wall art covering every inch of space. A lot of color. He noticed her large bookshelf, a gorgeous color-coded collection. Her windows had sheer multicolored curtains which kept her entire apartment incredibly visible from onlookers. She had no tv and a large cat lying in the center of her bed. Her desk sat in front of the window just like his own, giving her a view of the apartments across the street. He wondered if they could see into her space just as well. The thought made him sick to his stomach. 
“Here it is” she says leading him over to the desk, her MacBook sits in the middle of the desk, perfectly aligned with the planner next to it. As soon as he laid eyes on it, he could tell that it was a simple fix. Five minutes max. A part of him felt disappointed that it wasn’t a large project to keep him in her apartment for hours. 
“I see what’s going on, its no problem” he says as he begins typing in a code
“Oh my gosh you are literally a lifesaver, I need this for work like seriously my entire life is on this dumb computer” 
“Fuck me” he curses 
“Elliot what’s wrong?” she asks 
“No I told you, dinner is on me as a thank you” she smiles as she sits across from him in the diner. “What sounds good?” she asks 
“I’m not sure” 
“Well I can recommend their garden burger, it’s one of the best I’ve ever had” 
“Garden burger?” he asks 
“Oh I’m a vegetarian by choice. I watched an animal cruelty doc in high school and now I’m scared for life”
“Okay, I’ll try it” he nods 
“Really? Nobody has ever actually listened to my recommendations before” she laughs 
“If I hate it then that means you’ll just have to take me out again” he says, smiling at her
“Deal” she smirks 
“you’re scaring me”
“How did you get into coding? It seems like such a niche skill” she asks as they walk down the street side by side. His jacket slid over her shoulders. 
“My dad taught me my first code, I taught myself the rest” he shrugs 
“I always found it to be interesting, the power of hacking into something and being able to see all of the secrets someone’s hiding. You can see exactly who someone is, no sugar coating no lies. You can always trust a code” he admits, shocked that he felt comfortable enough to actually say any of this out loud. 
“Have you ever hacked me?” she asks quietly 
“Why not?”
“You’re different, not like the rest. You don’t rely on technology to survive. I wanted to know you” he says 
“I’m glad you responded to my ad Elliot” she smiles 
“Me too”
“Do you want me to call Darlene?” she asks 
Elliot stands to his feet and scrambles to his door to see who would be knocking at 9 pm. He looks through the peephole and there she was. He rips the door open and stares at her in concern. Before he could say a word she drops her head as her lips tremble. Tears fall down her cheeks and Elliot panics. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks
“My boss, he asked me to dinner tonight to discuss our big meeting on Friday. But he never even brought it up,  he told me that If I didn’t sleep with him then I would lose my job. I can’t afford to lose my job, Elliot! I love what I do, fuck I don’t know what I’m gonna do” she responds. His body is filled with rage as he takes in her words. 
“What did you say?” he asks 
“I told him I had to go and I ran straight here” she sniffles 
Elliot pulls her into his arms, holding her body close to his as he lets her cry. He clutches onto her hair, smoothing it gently. He’d never been comfortable with touch before, yet at the moment he’d met this girl he wanted to touch her skin, feel how soft it would be. He craved her like nothing before. 
“I’m gonna fix this, don’t worry” he promises as he places a kiss on her head. 
“Please say something!” she pleads 
Elliot had just gotten off of work. He hated his new job. A simple programmer, protecting Allsafe from any potential hacks. The simplicity of it was nice, yet he craved more. He was capable of so much more. He sets his bag down and sits on his couch. He was tired, after he’d spent the night talking to Willow’s boss, he hacked him and exposed him to the police for money laundering. He’d stolen millions. He closes his eyes to attempt to get some rest when a hand slams on the door, pounding angrily. He gets up and opens it to see WIllow. 
She pushes past him and walks into the center of his apartment and crosses her arms. “Did you hack my boss?” 
“Yes” he shrugs 
“He got arrested at work today, they said he was stealing money” she snaps, he does not respond and stares at her blankly. “You can’t just do things like this Elliot!”
“I was protecting you” he says, causing her to stare at him with an unknown emotion in her eyes. 
“Its not your job to protect me, you put yourself at risk” 
“I don’t make mistakes, and I don’t leave evidence behind” he says moving closer to her
“I can take care of myself” she says in a small voice as he stands mere inches from her. 
“I know you can”
“So why do this?”
“He made you upset, he tried to hurt you. He doesn’t t get to go free after that” 
“Why does that matter to you?” she asks
“Because you - you’re everything to me Will” 
“I - what?” she asks 
“I refuse to let anyone hurt you ever again” 
Elliot places a hand on her cheek and kisses her gently. She gasps in shock and melts into his hold. The touch of her skin against his makes him feel alive. This is what he’d been searching for his entire life. Peace washes over his anxious brain. All of the loneliness that consumed his nights melted away. This was it, this was everything. 
His eyes finally focus on her own, noticing the panic in her eyes as her tears threaten to spill. Two years’ worth of memories flooded him. All of the unconditional love and support she’d given him. The hours she held him while his body fought his anxiety. The way she would curl into his chest at night, tucking herself into him. Her loud laugh bounced off the walls of the apartment as she forced him to dance. He was happy, he was loved. And he’d forgotten her. Treated her horribly. She’d never said a word about who she was to him. Despite all of his words she stayed by his side. 
“I remember” he says simply 
“I remember us” 
“Don’t fuck with me like that Elliot” she warns, stepping back. He reaches out and grips her arm out of instinct. 
“Your real name is Margaret, after your grandmother, but you go by your middle name” he says, watching as her tears fall. “You’re a Taurus and your favorite flowers are roses even though you’re allergic. You are my girlfriend, the woman I love. You are real”
“El?” she asks  
Elliot pulls her into a hug, holding her as though she may disappear any second. Willow breaks down into tears and cries into his shoulder. Her entire body shakes as she sobs. 
“Fuck I’m so sorry - I can’t even begin to apologize for what I’ve done” 
“It’s not your fault” 
“I left you”
“I knew something was wrong, it wasn’t you. I’ve been waiting for you to come back to me” she says as he wipes her tears 
“You knew?” 
“I wasn’t sure, but I knew that he wasn’t you. I’m just so glad that your back” she smiles
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safin-supremacy · 1 year
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Elliot Alderson X Reader (Requested prompt)
You were walking through the car park, nervous as you fidgeted with your hands; you’d noticed that you’d been followed and watched all day at work, and you were beginning to wonder if you were crazy. You would be dragged out of your thoughts when you heard hurried footsteps behind you, and you risked trying to look over your shoulder, but you quickly turned your head again when you saw the hooded figure. You decided to test them, turning left, and you could hear that they were still behind you. You began to walk faster, until you couldn’t stop yourself from beginning to run, frightened; you knew you had to make it to your car, and quick, until you came across a dead end; you then remembered, by testing your pursuer, that you’d made the wrong turn, and your car was on the other side. You would be forced to stop, turning around as you began to feel paralysed with fear - the man was holding up a gun to you.
Elliot was looking around for you in the car park, you’d agreed to talk to him about the whole Dark Army situation after work, but you’d forgotten after everything that had occurred during the day. Elliot stopped dead for a moment when he noticed you running, and a man chasing after you. As soon as the man began to pull the gun on you, he began to run towards the both of you, before he threw himself in front of you, getting shot instead of you.
You would be shocked, watching as Elliot collided with the concrete floor, pain written all over his face. “Elliot!” You cried, before you rushed to his side, crouching down beside him as you stared at the bullet hole in his black t-shirt; he had been shot in the abdomen. You looked up at the figure, who appeared to be just as shocked as you were. The man wore a look of fear on his face, one that told you that he would get into trouble for this. The man then turned, running away as fast as he could. You returned your attention to Elliot, your eyes glistening. “Elliot, please, say something!” You pleaded; he seemed disorientated for a few moments. You got an idea, feeling for your phone in your pocket, before you shakily pulled it out. “I’m going to call for an ambulance, okay?” You stated, your voice trembling. You were desperate as you spoke to the emergency services, and when they told you they’d send an ambulance your way, you ended the call, noticing Elliot looking up at you. “They’re coming to help you-”
“Stop talking,” Elliot whispered, his voice weak, “just listen to me. I know what to do now. I’m going to reverse the Dark Army’s malware-”
“Elliot, no-”
“And I’m going to send a document to their command and control centre, that way I’ll be able to take over one of their clients, and we’ll then know if-”
“Elliot!” You interrupted, and he fell quiet, groaning barely audibly as he felt himself beginning to lose consciousness; his vision was starting to go blurry. You knew something was wrong, and you felt yourself panicking again. “Elliot,” you whined, “Elliot, please!” When he didn’t respond, you began to gently shake him, your eyes full of tears. “No, no,” you murmured, lowering your head to connect your forehead to his as his eyelids began to flutter shut. “Please just hold on a little longer,” you begged, and would lift your head when you heard the ambulance sirens approaching. “They’re here,” you mused, looking down at Elliot, “you - you’re going to be okay, Elliot.”
Hope you all enjoy! ❤️ I’ve been trying to experiment whilst writing for Elliot, but am slightly getting used to his character, or at least I think I am.
This prompt was requested by @nannoselliot
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