#emotionally hurt dean winchester
Damage Control - 2x21 All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 1
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Bobby feels his age when he runs after the black kid in the camo fatigues. He’s losing ground quickly and his heart is hammering in his chest, but it doesn’t seem to give out on him until he hears Dean’s scream somewhere behind him.
It’s a desperate scream, raw with anguish, and it stops Bobby in his tracks, chilling him to the bone. The eerie silence that follows doesn’t make it any better. All Bobby hears are the black kid’s boots splashing through the mud, away from him, as he disappears in the foggy darkness. 
Please, God, no. 
Bobby turns back around, no air in his lungs, pulse thrumming in his ears, and, in the distance, he sees a crumpled silhouette - two entangled bodies, kneeling in the rain. 
No. Please. 
Bobby wills his legs to move. Coming closer, he hears Dean sob. Sam is in his arms, limp, his too-long arms dangling lifelessly at his sides, a dark red spot glistening on the back of his jacket. Dean is cradling him, inconsolable, rocking back and forth, face buried in the crook of his baby brother’s neck. 
“Dean?” Bobby asks, although there is no point. There’s also no point in taking Sam’s cold hand and searching his wrist for a pulse. Sam’s face is slack against Dean’s quaking shoulder, blood oozing from his open mouth, and his skin is already taking on the gray, translucent hue of death. 
Bobby, too, sinks onto one knee, the mud immediately soaking through the faded denim of his jeans, and the rain falls harder now, dripping from Bobby’s trucker cap and running down the back of his neck. Dean is still rocking Sam in his embrace, his fingers white-knuckled where he’s clutching Sam’s jacket, the brown fabric in his grip dark with rain and even darker with blood that has stopped spreading now that Sam’s heart is no longer beating.
“Goddammit, Sam…”
Tears pushing up his throat, Bobby brushes one gentle, shaking hand over Sam’s hair, wet and too long for his own good. Then he slings both arms around his boys - one dead, one broken in grief - and holds them as best as he can. 
It takes a long time to pry Sam’s body out of Dean’s arms. They’re all drenched and ice cold when Bobby can finally convince Dean that it’s time to move, to at least get Sam’s body out of the rain and into one of the vacant houses of the farm. Sam’s corpse is heavy and unwieldy with his freakishly long limbs, now boneless and threatening to drag in the mud as they carry him inside and put him on the bare mattress of a long-abandoned bed. 
Dean’s a mess. He’s sitting on the bed beside Sam, one hand on his brother’s still chest, tears silently rolling down his face as he stares at him with big, bruised eyes. The kid’s soaked and shivering so hard Bobby can hear his teeth chatter. He needs to get him out of his wet clothes and warmed up, but if Bobby has learned one thing about Dean in the last twenty years it’s that touching him in a state like this will earn him a bloody nose or a broken jaw. 
At least there’s a fireplace in the room, so Bobby uses some of the rotting furniture as firewood. The room lights up in an ominous play of orange light and pitch-black shadows as the flames start to dance, and Dean’s profile looks absolutely feral in its rippling glow, his tears a stark contrast to the set of his jaw and the gleam in his eyes.  
Bobby knows the kid. A tough shell - near impenetrable - hides a soft core in this one, vulnerable particularly to guilt and failure, and he protects it with a thick layer of anger. Dean’s shoulders broadened early in his life after John placed too much responsibility on them - the responsibility for Sam. Although Bobby tried to lift the weight off Dean whenever the boys landed in his care, it was no use. Dean never let his little brother out of his sight, like a soldier on eternal watch. 
Sam going to Stanford, Bobby had thought, would give both boys a chance to go their own way. And for a while, it had seemed that way, even if Dean had seemed to drift after their separation, copying John for lack of purpose. Sam had thrived; Dean had been a work in progress. 
The two of them banding together again had brought that process to a hold - and started a new one. With joy, Bobby had watched these two chuckleheads squabble while gradually redefining their roles and their relationship. But one thing never changed: Dean kept looking out for Sam. It was his purpose - or at least what John had made him believe -, and losing his little brother like that… 
Looking over at Dean, Bobby sees those broad shoulders slumped in failure, and he feels guilt and self-loathing roll off the boy in dark and heavy waves.
A puddle of rainwater and mud has formed around Dean’s scuffed boots. He’s still shivering but doesn’t even seem to notice. 
This has got to stop.
No reaction.
“Dean!” Bobby steps closer, probably risking life and limb as he reaches out one hand to gently put it on Dean’s shoulder. He’d expected Dean to whip around and snap at him, maybe even punch him. It’s what the kid does when he’s hurting - lash out. Not this time, though. Dean flinches under his touch, spooked, as if he’d forgotten someone else was in the room. Then he turns a gaze on Bobby that makes the hairs at the back of his neck stand on end - it’s the dead gaze of someone who is past saving.
“What,” Dean says, voice flat and empty. 
“You’re soakin’ wet,” Bobby tells him, his own voice not as steady as he’d like. “And it’s cold. I got some spare clothes in my car. I’m gonna go and get them for you.” The faded pair of jeans and worn-out flannel from his trunk will be too wide and too short for Dean, but at least they’ll keep him warm. There’s a blanket, too.
Dean eyes him, unblinking, then trains his gaze back on Sam. “I don’t care.”
In the orange glow of the fire, Sam’s body looks less ghostly and ashen. You could almost believe he was only asleep if it wasn’t for the utter stillness of his chest. Dean’s hand is still resting on his heart, as if waiting for a rekindled beat. But in Dean’s eyes, Bobby sees the horrific depths of all hope lost.
Bobby takes a shaky breath and rubs his beard. “I know you don’t care. But I do. And I’m not gonna sit here and watch your stubborn ass go into hypothermia. You stay put! I’ll be right back.” 
He doesn’t like leaving Dean alone like this. Doesn’t like the pearly glint of Dean’s gun peeking out of his waistband, or the feeling in his gut. Regardless, he turns around and steps outside again, into the pelting rain, trusting that Dean is too out of it and too paralyzed by grief to do something stupid.
As fast as his legs will take him, he treks through the mud, icy rain dripping from his hat, hoping no single gunshot will break the eerie silence of this dark, dark night.
The Damage Control Series - Masterlist
Read the whole series on AO3 here:
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samanddean76 · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Dean Winchester/John Winchester, John Winchester/Sam Winchester Characters: John Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Protective John Winchester, Emotionally Hurt Dean Winchester, Emotionally Hurt Sam Winchester, Comforting John Winchester, Enthusiastic Consent, Sam was 16 the first time, One Sentence Referencing That Moment, Neither Sam or Dean know about the other's relationship with John, John makes Love to his boys, Very Specifically Requested, all the feels, Love, Comfort, Prompt Fill Summary:
John loves his boys. And Sam and Dean love their father. John loves them in the only way that they will allow him to.
Prompt specifically requested that John make love to his boys, without benefit of him being manipulative, mean, or evil.
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Not Enough
Summary:  After Cas makes a display of kissing Meg, Dean thinks that their night of passion means nothing to Cas, that Cas isn't his completely and fully. Cas doesn't think that Dean really wants him, and that that night was nothing more than a one night stand. Cas feels Dean's grief through their bond, and must reassure Dean that nobody could ever compare.
“Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first,” Meg snarks and Dean feels himself go blank, making sure that he remains emotionless so as not to give anything away. She doesn’t know, she’s just joking. But Dean can’t help but swallow down the lump in his throat that reminds him that Cas isn’t his. Not really.
Cas had kissed Meg, made a big display of it. Cas is not his.
But Dean can still remember the feel of Cas’s hands on his wrists, pinning them to the bed as he hovered over Dean after Dean couldn’t help himself anymore. Not after the nightmares had resurfaced and he prayed to Cas without even thinking. And Cas had shown up, had hugged him, had been there for him night after night, and Dean just couldn’t help himself, couldn’t help that his lips searched for silent comfort, something more than a hug from his best friend.
When Dean had fallen asleep in Cas’s arms that night, he couldn’t help but finally feel safe, that everything would be okay. But then he had made a display of kissing someone else, of leaving an empty bed, of remaining formal instead of looking at Dean like...like he did before. Like Dean was his world. Because he’s not Dean’s. And that’s clear.
“Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first,” Meg’s words echo over and over. Your boyfriend. Yours. But he never was. Cas never really wanted Dean and he made that abundantly clear. And Dean needs to make sure that nobody ever learns of his shame. Learns of his love for his best friend, his male best friend. There’s no need anymore.
And he would have been open with Cas. Would have thrown caution to the wind because it’s Cas, and he thought that an angel wanted him, but he didn’t really. He really didn’t. Because “first” implies that Cas is now Meg’s and that has been made abundantly clear by the two love birds: the demon and the angel. Demon. A demon is better for Cas than Dean. If that says anything, and Dean knows it does.
Emotionless is better. Even though deep down he still wishes he could be enough.
Continue on AO3
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ambersock · 1 year
Best Wishes
A little heartbreak to ruin your day.
Best Wishes - AmberSock - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
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winchesterhymns · 5 months
It's pathetic, I know
A jealous fool who won't let go
If I was sorry for my actions
Would I ever stoop so low?
Got no reason to live
And I've got nothing left to give you
But my love, love, fuck it, this is love
- This is Love by Air Traffic Controller
Dare I say, Dean after Sam goes off to Stanford and he feels like he's been left behind, all he had to give was his love, but that wasn't enough to make Sam stay, and now he's jealous of everyone Sam chose over him
All Dean could give his baby brother was his own fucked up version of love, and all Sam could do was accept it, especially since neither of them had a good role model for what familial love was supposed to look like or anybody else to love them, but what happened when Sam understood that what they did was not normal? The kissing, the intimate touching, the being so close they were practically in each other's skin was NOT normal and now Sam knew that, but Dean was left all alone in the dark.
So Sam leaves, and Dean has no idea why. Yes it's because of the hunts, because of all the fighting with their dad, but as far as Dean knows, his brother hates him, so Dean can't help but to feel responsible for his baby brother's departure. Dean was the problem, not any of the ghosts or supernatural shit they fought on the daily. No, it was Dean.
Sam was Dean's whole world, the only reason he was still breathing was because he took care of Sammy, he protected him, shielded him. But now that's over, that's no more and Dean? Dean is no one now.
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theangelblood · 8 months
Rewatching spn 4x16 On The Head Of a Pin did things to me that it hadn't before and it hurt in places I wasn't aware could hurt
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marcskywalker · 1 year
yall know any fics with dean sacrificing himself/putting himself in danger for cas? and cas going deranged for him? I'll take both or either in the same fic
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msunravelled · 2 years
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Today has been a doozy…..I feel like I’m going to snap
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alessandra-14 · 1 month
Quiet sister, concerned brothers
Dean and Sam Winchester x little sister!reader
Summery: Dean and Sam Winchester have a 15 year old half sister who often feels neglected and overlooked by her brothers. Her sadness and loneliness build up until she can no longer hide her feelings.
Trigger warning: way to much use of Y/N, emotional neglect
Word count: 1.5k words
A/N: I used a different perspective this time. Please please let me know which one you prefer so I know what to continue with! Thanks.
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The creaky old bunker was silent, a rare occurrence given the nature of it's inhabitants. Y/N sat on her bed, the flickering light from a nearby lamp casting long shadows on the walls. She hugged her knees tight to her chest, feeling the weight of another day spend in the background.
Sam and Dean, her older brothers, had been on a hunt all day. She texted them but unsurprisingly received no answer from any of them. They returned the next day around noon with stories about demons and near-death experiences, hardly acknowledging her presence as they recounted their tiring adventures.
Y/N was used to this. As long as she can remember, she had been the quiet, shy girl who stayed in the shadows while her brothers were always the center of attention.
She loved them dearly, of course she did. They have raised her, they gave her a family. Something she never new before them. But the constant feeling of being forgotten gnawed at her heart. She knew they didn't mean to emotionally neglect her, it was just how things were. Sam and Dean are hunters and she is just…. there
A week later they were on the road again, driving to a small town in Nebraska where strange disappearances had been reported. Y/N joined them this time. She felt as if she is going to suffocate if she stayed in that bunker for any longer.
She sat in the back of the Impala with her head resting against the cold window. The low rumble of the engine was almost comforting, a familiar sound in her otherwise tumultuous life.
Dean glanced at her in the rear-view mirror, a frown creasing his forehead. "You okay back there kid?"
Y/N forced a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Sam turned around in his seat, giving her a concerned look. "You sure? You've been pretty quiet lately. More than usual. You barely talk to us." "Yeah I'm fine, just tired", she lied, hoping they would drop the subject. She didn't want to burden them with her feelings. They had enough to worry about.
Dean just shrugged and turned up the music, and Sam went back to his research. Both of them just believing her lie for now. None of them had the energy to deal with it at the moment.
Y/N closed her eyes, trying to push away the sadness that threatened to overwhelm her.
The hunt went relatively well. Sure it could have gone way better but it's not the worst one they've had so far. Turns out the disappearances were caused by a little groupe of vampires. Fortunately for them it was easy to track them down to an abandoned warehouse. The killing part was a bit more tricky though.
Y/N helped out a lot this time. She was quite proud of herself for that. Thought that Sam and Dean would be impressed but did they even acknowledge her hard work? absolutely not.
"You did good kid but you could definitely improve your skills with the machete and you also need to work more on your stamina you are way to slow." Those are the first words she hear from Dean as they walk back to the car. Of course it hurts. She tried so hard to make them acknowledge her skills but apparently all they see is her weakness or simply nothing at all.
Sam doesn't confirm Dean's criticism but he also doesn't defend his sister in any way. The walk back to the car is just silent and tense. A feeling Y/N is simply sick of.
It doesn't get any better in the car so all she does is put her headphones in to listen to music to drown her loud bad thoughts and her brother's voices.
The next time they went on a hunt didn't go differently. Y/N was allowed to join again. She even tried to show of her great skills against the witch they had to fight but once again it went mostly unnoticed by the two brothers. The only thing that stuck with them was how slow she moved and how much she apparently hesitated when shooting the witch.
She kept quiet for the whole ride back to the bunker. What was she supposed to say anyway.
Back at the bunker Dean is the first one to break the silence between the siblings. "Hey kiddo remind me to teach you how to use a gun properly. You suck a little at that" He said as he went to grab a beer. His words were meant in a playful way but for Y/N it's enough to set her off completely.
"Can't you just stop with that?!" Sam and Dean both turn to look at her with a confused frown. "Stop with what?" Dean asks bewildered.
"With t-this! I just can't listen to you constantly telling me that I am not good enough. Every time I do something good you find something bad to say. Both of you just completely ignored the fact that I killed the witch on the hunt today all that was important to you was to tell me I suck at shooting! And when you don't criticize everything I do, you just don't talk to me. I simply get ignored. That's not fair!"
Y/N stopped once she ran out of breath but she was not anywhere near done letting everything out
"Y/N what-" Sam immediately gets interrupted by his sister. "No! I'm done. I'm done with hunting. I am done doing anything in my power to make you acknowledge my hard work for nothing and I am done with seeking your validation and attention at all times!"
None of the brothers get a chance to say anything because the second the girl is done she storms off to her room. Not that they knew what to say anyway.
The silence that follows is a tense one. Both brothers are at loss for words. Her speech was something none of them expected to hear. "Should we go check up on her? That was pretty intense"
But Sam shakes his head at Dean's suggestion. "No, we should let her cool off for a bit. I'll check up on her later"
Dean can't help but think about every interaction he had with his sister after every hunt and he unfortunately has to admit to himself that what Y/N said was true. The guilt is more than visible on his face it seems as if he is drowning in it. Sam isn't feeling any better. He is trying his best to no stand up and rush into his sisters bedroom and apologize for everything he and his brother said to her to make her feel as if she was not good enough.
He is holding that urge back fairly well but the moment he heard loud crying from her room he decides he is done with waiting and giving her space. He just needs to see if she is alright and fix this.
He walks up towards the door of your bedroom and softly knocks on it. "Hey...do you mind if we talk for a moment? I just want to make sure you're okay" Sam waits for a couple seconds which feels like minutes to him. But he receives no answer from the girl on the other side of the door. So he tries again but yet he gets no answer this time either.
Sam knows her silence is answer enough and turns around to leave. Not even two steps later he hears the door opening and his little sister's sad sniffles. He turns towards her and the mere sight of his sibling standing there with red rimmed eyes and a tired expression, was enough to break his heart into many pieces. Especially because he knows he is at fault.
"We can talk if you want" Her voice sounds raspy and her words come out quiet. A big indicator that she has been crying for a long time.
Sam simply nods and follows her into her room. Both sit down on the bed. Y/N looks towards her hands and keeps her gaze fixated on that.
"I wanted to apologize for making you feel as if you are not good enough. That was really not alright. You are great kid. You help us out so much. Doesn't matter if it's with research, or hunting or just helping around the bunker. Dean and I appreciate it. We appreciate you"
Y/N scoffs which slightly takes her older brother by surprise. "Well none of you know how to show that said appreciation"
Sam sighs since he knows she is right. "I know we don't but I really mean it when I say that we do care and do acknowledge your help and hard work. Even when we tell you about the thing you could improve. I also know how harsh Dean's words must have sounded to you and he feels bad. He really does."
The teenaged girl stays silent for a moment before finally nodding. "I forgive you. But I still want to take a little break from hunting. I'll help with research, sure but that's all. It's just too much right now" Sam agrees with you. "Sure that's fine. I understand, kid. And so will Dean"
Y/N looks up from her fidgeting fingers and turns her head towards her brother while wiping her tears. "Thank you Sam"
"Don't thank me, sweetheart. Please" Another silence follows after Sam's words. Yet this time it's not tense or heavy. It's comforting.
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Just A Girl
Sam Winchester x little sister!reader, Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Synopsis: Y/N starts getting into interests other than hunting, but what happens when her brothers find out?
Author's Note: another Supernatural fic? Yup, my hyperfixation knows no bounds. Enjoy!
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You were a daddy’s girl through-and-through. No question. Without a doubt.
Not that you had much choice in the matter. Your mother had died before you had even gotten the chance to form good memories of her, and your father, John Winchester, had taken you in as soon as he heard the news. So, that’s how you had grown up, looking up to your father and two big brothers. Needless to say, there was very little feminine influence in your life.
For the first many years, you had been fine with that. Overjoyed, even. You took on the role of tomboy with great ease, and you devoted all your energy to making the men in your life proud. You studied with Sam, trained with Dean, and compiled monster-killing information with John. 
But things didn’t–couldn’t–remain the same. The older you got, the harder you found it to relate to your brothers. Of course, you still enjoyed your training and the occasional hunt–they only allowed you to go on the “safest” ones–but you found yourself pulling away from your family more and more mentally, although you wouldn’t allow your inner-alienation to show to your brothers. You didn’t have to worry about hiding it from your father, since he was barely around. 
When Sam left for college, things only got worse. Dean doubled-down on your training, convinced that now that Sam was gone, you needed to be able to fend for yourself. If he needed backup on a hunt, he couldn’t turn to Sam anymore. You didn’t mind the work, but the long hours of training and the few hours of anything else was beginning to wear on you, both physically and mentally. The older you got, the more you felt like you needed your own space, to explore your own interests. You couldn’t tell that to Dean, though, not after he lost Sam to his own interests. 
Your hesitance about training wasn’t the only thing that was changing for you. You were also beginning to notice how emotionally distant your family was. It hadn’t affected you as much as a little girl, because when you were little, displays of affection from the men who raised you had been more common. But now that you were older, they seemed to think that you had outgrown such things. You could tell that you were being expected to “grow up”, maybe even “man up”, something you most certainly could not do.
But it was more than that. When you were little, all you ever wanted was to be like your family. You wanted to be strong like dad, protective like Dean, and smart like Sam. But you couldn’t do that anymore. You couldn’t look up to them like heroes, because you had long outgrown that notion. Of course, you still looked up to them in some aspects, but it was different now. Dad was always gone, Dean wouldn’t know how to deal with feelings if they danced around blowing trumpets in front of him, and Sam…well, Sam had left. Not that you blamed him, of course, he had his own life that he wanted to live. But it was hard to look up to something that you never saw.
All that to say, this wasn’t exactly an ideal environment for a teenage girl. You were far too reserved to take out your feelings the way the rest of the men did–bottling them up and then letting them out by screaming at each other. You had times when you wanted to, of course–you had been disagreeing with them, especially John, more and more as you got older–but you found yourself more and more afraid of conflict as you matured. Before Sam had left, he and dad had been yelling at each other almost constantly, and it was pure torture on your anxiety. You hated raised voices, you hated hurt feelings, you hated conflict of any kind really. Your brothers and father never backed down from a fight, be it physical or familial, but you couldn’t do that. You found yourself walking on eggshells, making sure not to even say–much less yell–anything that would set off an argument.
You were stuck at a sort of impasse–your desperate desire to please your family versus your personal inclinations to just be yourself. 
The only solution you had was to try and live both worlds; you trained with Dean whenever duty called, but afterwards you would retreat to your room, letting him work on whatever hunt he was preoccupied with, and you explored your own world.
You got into books, some tv shows the men in your life wouldn’t be caught dead watching (and would certainly make fun of you for watching), you tried out makeup and let your hair grow longer (you had always cut it short to keep it out of the way during training or hunting). You found that the more “feminine” things that you would’ve scoffed at a few years ago were suddenly looking much more interesting. You used one of those scammed credit cards Dean gave you to buy some ballet shoes, which you hid in your duffel under all your other belongings unless Dean and dad were on a hunt, at which time you would pull them out and teach yourself using some books you’d found. 
It took you a long time to get over your embarrassment at wanting to try “girly” things out, but once you did you never looked back. You still played the part that dad and Dean expected, the young tomboy following in the men’s footsteps, but when you were alone, you didn’t see any harm in trying out some hobbies that felt more like you.
Like right now, for example. Dad was missing, Sam was finally back, and he and Dean were off hunting some monster. You enjoyed your isolation by first finishing off a tv show that they would’ve hated, then by reading some more of a new book you had gotten that they would’ve scoffed at. After that, it was time to pull out the ballet shoes and practice that new move that you couldn’t quite perfect. 
You were so concentrated on figuring out the move, that you hadn’t noticed that you’d been practicing for hours, or that it was getting dark outside. You were also so intent on the music that you’d downloaded to go along with your dancing, that you didn’t hear the Impala pull up to the front of the motel room. In fact, you were so engrossed, that you completed the entire move–perfect for the first time!--and you were jumping around in excitement when you finally saw them. Your brothers. Standing at the door, mouths dropped open in shock, confusion contorting their features.
You froze on the spot, unable to move. You tried to speak, but no words would make it past your dry throat. You snatched up your phone and quickly killed the music, but there was no covering up the shoes you were wearing, and certainly no erasing the boys’ memory of what they’d seen. 
The three of you stood in silence for several moments, before Sam finally got the words–or perhaps the guts–to speak.
“What was that?”
You answer was immediate.
“What are those?” Dean was staring down at your pastel-pink ballet shoes, his mouth still hanging open–which would have been comical if your heart wasn’t pounding in your ears.
“Nothing, just-” your lip started to quiver, and you were so shocked and appalled by this that you bit it so hard, blood started to dribble down your chin. Winchesters did not cry. “Just forget about it.”
“Jeez, Y/N,” Sam exclaimed, snatching up a towel and wiping the blood off of your mouth. As soon as he was done, you pulled away and sat on your bed, removing your ballet shoes as quickly as possible and depositing them back in their spot–the bottom of your duffel. 
There was silence again for several seconds, but this time it was Dean who broke it.
“So…we’re not gonna talk about that?”
“Talk about what?” you muttered, your eyes downcast as you shifted on your feet.
Both brothers scoffed in unison.
“C’mon Y/N,” Sam insisted, putting his giant hand on your shoulder, “why didn’t you tell us you were into ballet?”
“And pretty darn good at it too,” Dean chimed in, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. 
You stared at them, confused.
“You’re not…mad?”
“Mad?” Dean frowned, “I don’t know why you think we’re mad, I’m just confused. I mean you never seemed into…this kinda thing.”
“I…wasn’t,” you picked at your fingers, trying to find ways to ease the awkwardness of the conversation. “But lately…I don’t know, I just wanted to try it out.”
“Not just ballet, I guess. Just…girl stuff,” you looked up, trying to gauge your brothers’ reactions. 
Sam just shrugged, “Ok.”
You were shocked.
“Ok? Just, ok?”
Dean smirked, “You may be a bit of a tomboy, but we haven’t forgotten that you’re a girl, baby.”
"Yeah, but," you sighed, "you don't think this stuff is stupid?"
"Well, you're not exactly gonna find me in those shoes," Dean shrugged, "But you do you, kid."
A relieved smile broke out on your face.
“You’re seriously ok with this?” Dean laughed, “Tell you what. I’ll be one hundred percent ok with this, on three conditions.
Both you and Sam frowned.
“What are they?” you questioned.
“Ok, one: never ask me to watch a chick flick with you.”
You giggled, relieved, “Ok.”
“Two: never play Taylor Swift in Baby. Never. I don’t care if I'm dead, that does not happen, understand?”
You giggled harder, “Ok, ok.”
Dean was frowning now, “Hey now, no giggling, I’m serious!” he snatched you up and threw you onto his bed, leaning over you and poking your sides, “This is a very serious conversation N/N, and I-” Dean dodged your desperate attempt to kick him away, smirking as you squealed under his ticklish assault. “Hey, that wasn’t nice. I can’t have this serious conversation with you giggling like that!” He poked at your ribs, laughing as you struggled.
“Wha-hat’s number three-hee?” you squealed, still trying and failing to get away from him.
“Oh yeah!” Dean suddenly pulled his hands away, once again regaining his serious composure. “I want front row tickets when you’re on Dancing with the Stars.”
You rolled your eyes and smacked his arm, “Dean, it’s just a hobby, I’m not gonna get famous for it.” “Hey now, you don’t know that, anything is possible. Now do we have a deal or not?”
You giggled, sitting up and wrapping your arms around your big brother.
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Damage Control - 2x04 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
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Sam doesn’t know what’s worse - the pain in his broken hand or the pain he feels when he hears Dean say: “I was dead, and I should’ve stayed dead.”
It shocks him so much, he cannot move. He knows he should do something - lay a comforting hand on Dean’s shoulder, on his leg, maybe even take him into his arms, even if Dean fights it. He should at least say something. Anything. He certainly shouldn’t just lean against the Impala’s hood watching his big brother cry right next to him. 
But he can’t move, can’t talk, can barely breathe. Of course, like Dean, he’d suspected that his brother’s miraculous recovery hadn’t been natural. That, with the Colt gone and a demon involved, it’s feasible their father had struck some kind of deal. He isn’t even that shocked that Dad may have paid for Dean’s life with his own. John Winchester had been a terrible father, and he’d messed them up nine ways to Sunday. But he had loved them. Especially Dean.
But Dean thinking he’s responsible for their father’s death, that he doesn’t deserve to be alive in his stead - Sam can’t fathom the abyss that’s opened up in his brother. He can’t see through that kind of darkness. 
“Dean…” he says helplessly and fizzles out again, his face twitching, his hands not knowing what to do. 
Dean sniffs, then wipes his sleeve across his face, clears his throat and pushes off the Impala’s hood. “Come on, let’s go, get that hand of yours checked out,” he declares, car keys already in hand.
“But Dean…” Sam blinks at him, incredulous and a bit nauseous. 
He’s met with a determined stare from slightly reddened eyes, Dean’s face reassembled into a hard mask. “Come on, Sammy, get in!” he says and waves at the passenger door. “That gimp paw of yours needs fixin’. How did it happen anyway? That revenant chick beat your sorry ass?”
Yup. Dean Winchester is back, impenetrable shield of snark up and running. Secretly, Sam’s relieved. They’ll need to talk about this, later, when his hand is no longer throbbing and he’s processed Dean’s dreadful confession enough to come up with a response. Now is not the time. Now doesn’t have words.
Two hours later, hopped up on pain meds and with a tired ER doc wrapping a plaster cast around his re-aligned metacarpal fracture, Sam’s almost sure Dean didn’t say what he thought he’d heard him say. His big brother is standing in the hallway just outside the treatment room, laughing and chatting up a pretty nurse. He looks completely at ease and confident, eyes twinkling, his Casanova smile exposing his straight white teeth, and even with his opiate-muddled vision Sam can see that the nurse is completely charmed by what she sees. 
Dean makes some stupid saucy remark, and the nurse coyly brushes her hair behind one ear. Dean leans down to whisper something, and she blushes, smiling.
Cocky bastard.
There’s no trace of the broken-down, hurting brother from a few hours ago. It seems like a bad dream - Dean crying, utterly forlorn, and looking at Sam with those haunted eyes. 
Dean’s earlier warning to Neil rings in Sam’s head. “When someone's gone they should stay gone. You don't mess with that kind of stuff.” What had their father messed with? And what had his decision done to Dean and to that stupid guilt complex he carried around like a cursed trophy?
Sam’s too drugged to feel the true weight of Dean’s words right now, and he’s glad that he is. Hell, give him all the drugs if it means he’ll forget the look in his brother’s eyes and his desperate question. 
“What could you possibly say to make that all right?”
Nothing. There’s exactly nothing he can say.
“Alright, you’re all set.” The doctor releases his arm and snaps the plaster-smeared gloves off his fingers. “Let that dry for a minute and I’ll go and get your prescription and your paperwork. Then you can leave.”
Sam looks at his hand. The cast extends from below his elbow to his knuckles, his thumb splayed out and immobilized. Hunting’s going to be a bitch until he gets that thing off again. 
“Thanks, doc,” he says nevertheless.
“How long will he need the cast?” 
Dean has wandered back into the room, a scrap of paper in his hand that surely has the pretty nurse’s phone number written on it. He puts it into his pocket. The nurse has disappeared.
“Six weeks,” the doctor answers, sliding past Dean. “Then a few weeks of PT and he’s good as new.”
Dean uses two fingers for a grateful salute that the ER doc acknowledges with a nod. Sam and Dean both know that there will be no physical therapy beyond Sam massaging his own hand and practice-shooting beer cans, but there’s no need to communicate the Winchester way of recovering from an injury to the medical professional. They’ll make do, and he’ll be fine, as usual.
“You ready to go, Captain Hook?” Dean grabs Sam’s abandoned jacket from a chair and helps Sam into it, leaving the right sleeve dangling empty.
Sam scowls. “It’s a cast, Dean, not a hook.” He’s slurring his words a bit.
“Who cares. You’re a gimp.” He grins, eyes sparkling mischievously. Hard to believe he’s been crying desperately only hours ago. “In any case, no wanking for you for a while. Sorry, lil’ bro.” 
Sam scoffs. “I’ve got two hands.”
“Yeah, and with your luck, you’ll break the other one too, just tryin’.” The shit-eating grin is back as well. 
So this is how it’s gonna be, Sam thinks blurrily as the doctor returns with a prescription for pain meds and his release papers. They’re just not going to talk about it. They’ll move on. Dean will stew in his feelings of misplaced guilt and worthlessness in silence, and Sam will be too much of a coward to address them. Dean will drink more than usual, and Sam will keep an eye on him and make sure it’s not too much. Time will hopefully heal both his broken hand and Dean’s broken… whatever it is that’s broken inside him. It always eventually does. It has to.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Sam feels Dean’s steadying hand against his back as he leads him through the maze of hospital corridors back outside, to their car. Sam drops into the passenger seat, cradling his bandaged hand like a foreign object. A dull ache pulsates underneath the heavy plaster, kept at arm’s length by the morphine still coursing through his system. He feels leaden. His damn heart feels leaden. 
Sam looks over at Dean, now stoic and quiet in the driver’s seat. Did that conversation really happen? 
 “I was dead. And I should have stayed dead.”
Leaning his head against the side window, Sam closes his eyes. All he wants to do right now is sleep. And forget.
The Damage Control Series - Masterlist
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samanddean76 · 10 days
Be Good (HozierNatural 2024)
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Hozier Song: It Will Come Back
Author: SamandDean76
Beta: jdl71
Artist: i-already-know-im-going-2-hell
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12,210
Pairing/s: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Rory Gilmore
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Dean Forester, Rory Gilmore, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Barbara Forester, Lorelai Gilmore, Original Characters
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Additional Tags: Pre-Series Sam Winchester, Pre-Series Dean Winchester, Emotionally Hurt Sam Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Is Not Okay, Minor Character Death, First Time
Summary: John leaves Sam and Dean at a motel to go on a hunt. After spending a week alone, the owner calls CPS and the boys are taken into custody. The last thing Dean tells 8-year-old Sam is to ‘be good’, and once separated Sam does his best to do just that. But once Sam realizes that he won’t be going back to either John or Dean ever again, his stubborn streak kicks in and he will only answer to the name Dean. Sam gets adopted by the Foresters, who move to Chicago and then Stars Hollow. Where he meets Rory Gilmore.
Dean is left to rot in the system, after being deemed too violent, and eventually ages out. He tries to find Sam but fails as Sam Winchester no longer exists. Dean seeks out Bobby, and ends up moving in with the hunter, working as a mechanic in between searching for Sam.
A lucky break results in Dean finding a small-town newspaper that features the MVP of the Stars Hollow High School hockey team, who bears a striking resemblance to Sam. Dean heads out to Connecticut and finds Sam, safe and sound, but thoroughly humiliated by his crush. Before they leave, they seek the revenge that soothes Sam’s soul. And leaves Dean wondering what the hell happened to the innocent little boy he used to know.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
I would like to give a great big thank you to @i-already-know-im-going-2-hell for creating such amazing art for the story! It was a real treat to be able to work with them! And thanks to jdl71 for being an awesome beta! I also want to thank the mods who ran the @hoziernaturalevents bang this year! They kept everything in order and made a warm and welcoming atmosphere for everyone to enjoy!
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Can’t Get Better
Summary:  Dean reflects on the time Cas left without warning to the Empty, making him think that Cas abandoned him without explanation. It took a lot to get where they are now, safe in each other's arms.
It surely can’t get better than this, Dean thinks. Surely. His right cheek is warm, heated by the furnace that is Cas’s bare chest. Dean can’t even distinguish what Cas smells like anymore because he’s so used to, well, Cas . Dean’s left hand is resting next to his head, absentmindedly tracing shapes on Cas’s chest, sometimes brushing Cas’s nipple which produces a slight hitch in Cas’s steady ocean breath. Cas’s heart is like a medley to Dean’s ears, lulling him into the most peaceful state he’s been in in a while. He’s needed this.
After Sam decided to leave the life in order to settle with Eileen after finishing God, Dean had finally gotten the courage to go to Cas’s room after many, many sleepless nights.
Dean just crawled into Cas’s arms and no words were needed for Cas to know that Dean loves him, needs him, wants him. But Dean had felt wetness against his scalp and Cas was shaking.
“I’m sorry,” Cas had said, and that’s when Cas had disappeared, taken to the Empty in pure happiness. Which Dean didn’t know of until after Cas had returned. Dean had thought that Cas had left him in that moment, that Cas didn’t want him, that Cas didn’t need him like Dean needed Cas.
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nobodymitskigabriel · 3 months
I feel like people don't tend to comprehend where Gabriel is at mentally or emotionally in season 13. Plenty of this is rose-colored ship goggles and I've been there, fluffy hurt/comfort is fun and I have nothing against it morally. But as far as actually engaging with the source material, understand that when Ketch brings Gabriel back to the bunker it is an utterly humiliating experience for him to be seen by the Winchesters as he is, and to be helped by them, especially by Sam.
This script isn't a final draft but "can't look at them" and "can't face them" really speaks volumes.
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After he psychologically tortured Sam, blamed Sam and Dean for an apocalypse that was his own family's fault, and toyed with them just because his could. Getting help from Gabriel to stop the end of the world was like pulling teeth and even then, he did the absolute bare minimum and then left the Winchesters high and dry.
Who we are seeing in s13 is a version of Gabriel who's been broken to the point of being forced to seek protection and comfort in the very same people he hurt and left behind. 13x18 Sam is not Gabriel's shimmering beacon in the dark. Gabriel does not verbally respond to Sam or save him from Asmodeus because he secretly has feelings for him. Gabriel is deeply ashamed. And his shame is colored just as much by his past interactions with the Winchesters as it is by what Asmodeus did to him. He helps the Winchesters because he owes them and he wants them to believe he is strong. He ditches them again because he wants to believe that he's strong enough to not need their help anymore which he isn't which is why he kills himself in 13x22--
Anyway the reason this is important is because I've read too many fanfic where Gabriel finishes killing Asmodeus and immediately goes off to play seven minutes in heaven with Sam. But when you actually take the time to consider Gabriel's mental state and all the unfilled pieces when it comes to his relationship with Sam, their dynamic becomes so much more interesting actually.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 21: Cowboy!AU/Ranch
love is a cowboy | @deancaskiss Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 8,183 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Fluff, Kissing, Ranch, Cowboy Dean Winchester, Cowboy Castiel, farm, Horses, Cows, Chickens, Bees, Sunsets, Horseback Riding, Gardening, Teasing, Cowboys Boots, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, Domestic Castiel/Dean Winchester, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, Retirement, Found Family, mentions of Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy, Gentle Kissing, Boys Kissing, Rough Kissing, French Kissing, Flirting, Castiel/Dean Winchester Flirting, Romance, Rancher Dean Winchester, Rancher Castiel (Supernatural), Picnics, House Hunting, Surprises Summary: Retirement. Something Dean never expected he’d get to have, especially with Cas by his side. But here they are, and Dean knows it’s finally time. After months of searching, when Cas finds them the perfect forever home to make their own, it feels too good to be true. But it’s real. And it’s all theirs to start something new together. What was once bags packed with weapons and salt becomes cowboy boots, baskets of homegrown herbs, and feed for the animals. But Cas knows there’s one part of the hunting business that Dean still needs. Saving things. And luckily Cas knows exactly how to make that happen to turn their ranch into a home to create their own found family.
Wild Blue Iris | @Sunkenfox Rating: Explicit Word Count: 38,818 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, major character death, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Alternative Universe - Western, outlaws, eventual smut, slow burn of sorts, sheriff Sam winchester, gunslinger Dean Winchester, bartender Castiel, period typical violence, period typical racism, tuberculosis, period typical bigotry, Found family, top castiel/bottom Dean winchester, implied/referenced abuse, bandits & outlaws, cowboys, revenge, murder, friends to lovers, bisexual dean winchester, slow build, angst, bittersweet ending, stubborn dean winchester, rimming, anal sex, oral sex, emotional hurt/comfort, emotionally repressed Dean Winchester, Summary: Five years after the Winchester Gang went their separate ways, Dean Winchester retuned home to Seneca with the hopes of seeking revenge for his father’s death. Setting his sights on the vicious leader of the rival gang, the Leviathans, Dean sets off on a journey to bring his family back together for one last ride. But the handsome bartender that joins makes Dean reevaluate nope only the vengeance that fuels him but his own self. Battling his own inner demons, and the truth of what happened to his mother, love beings to grow on the trail, and a mysterious illness that is slowly beginning to plague him.
Winchester 275 | @mittensmorgul Rating: Mature Word Count: 56,666 Main Tags/Warnings: Horses, Horseback Riding, Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut, after the requisite pining, accidental almost-nudity in a hot tub, Cowboy Hats , First Kiss, First Time, Cowboy Dean Winchester, Astronomer Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: Seven years after Sam left the family's ranch to attend Stanford, Dean's completely transformed the family's failing cattle business into a growing horse ranch. Sam's only got one condition for coming back home after graduation-- let him have a shot to build something of his own, the same as Dean's done. The catch? Sam and Eileen, along with their architect friend Hannah, want to turn a tiny corner of Dean's slice of heaven into a dude ranch. The land itself might be heaven on earth, but Dean's invested his entire life into it. He'd made his peace with being alone, until he meets Hannah's brother. Castiel is a solar astronomer who is reluctantly coerced into helping his sister charm Sam's gruff and stubborn brother into saying yes to what has become her dream project. He doesn't imagine he'd have anything in common with a cowboy, but he finds that Dean's the one who ends up charming him. Cas won't do anything to jeopardize Hannah's shot at her dream, and Dean is reluctant to put Sam's homecoming at risk. If only Dean and Cas could keep their distance from one another, maybe they could set aside their attraction for the sake of their siblings’ business plans. The heavens seem to have other plans for them…
Of Dust, Gunpowder and Holy Water | @melancholictearz Rating: Mature Word Count: 104,940 Main Tags/Warnings: Temporary Major Character Death, Western!AU, Vampire!AU, Vampire Hunter Castiel, Outlaw Dean Winchester, Strangers to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Angst and Fluff Summary: Castiel is a vampire hunter tracking the creature that doomed the rest of his family to damnation. He crosses paths with Dean Winchester, a cocky outlaw wanting to escape from his mysterious past. They travel together all around the West to fulfil Castiel’s revenge, at the cost of Dean’s life… But what happens when Dean comes back wrong from the dead and has become one of the bloodthirsty creatures Castiel always swore to kill?
The Moonlight Rule | @thefandomsinhalor Rating: Explicit Word Count: 129,320 Main Tags/Warnings: Ranch AU, Marriage of Convenience, Slow Burn, Pining, Sharing a Bed, Panic Attacks, Home Invasion, Grief/Mourning, Trauma, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Bottom!Dean/Top!Castiel, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Summary: Castiel Novak loves living in Manhattan and feels like he has finally reached a more serene part of his life. After years of hard work at The Lazarus, a boutique luxury hotel, a career opportunity he’s been waiting a long time for presents itself. At last, his problems are behind him. That is until he randomly encounters Henry Winchester, the grandfather of his childhood friend, Dean. Castiel and Dean haven’t seen each other in over ten years. Not since Castiel’s parents stopped visiting the Winchester family ranch. Left somewhat contemplative by this blast from the past encounter, Castiel is then altogether shaken by it when he hears a week later of the sudden passing of Mr. Winchester, as well as the surprising repercussions that come along with it. It seems that their recent and unexpected run-in inspired the late Mr. Winchester to make last minute changes in his will: Dean will only inherit the ranch he’s been running if he marries Castiel and stays married for at least six months.
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
All patched up
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I’ve got requests- ignore them if you want, but I had to try.
If you could I’d like (all plus sized/curvy reader):
Dean- best friends to lovers type situation, she gets hurt on a hunt, self conscious about letting him take care of her and patch her up. He’s there for her both to stitch her up and emotionally.
*This is for you 😁 I hope I bring your vision to life. Thank you for trusting me with a request!!*
Characters:Dean Winchester x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Language, insecurities, mention of hunting, Fluff, SMUT, oral sex female receiving, protected sex.
A/N: This is the final request from my lovely and I’m so excited to write it. I wrote it fast so please forgive any mistakes. This does not follow The Supernatural story line.
All work is my own, don’t take it!!
Minors DNI 18+
“Shit!” You yelled in pain. You realized you had a deep gash on your side. The latest hunt with the oldest Winchester was a long one, and you were glad it was over. During the fight you were thrown through the wall and a piece of the splintered wood cut your side.
You knew you needed to get it stitched up but you didn’t want Dean to do it. You knew he could do it and he was good at stitches, but you didn’t want him to see your body.
You’d been hunting with the Winchesters for about two years now. Sam was great and like a brother to you. Dean, oh Dean was something more to you. Well, in your mind he was.
You’d been with them long enough to know Dean didn’t do relationships. He did one night stands with busty, skinny women. The complete opposite of you. You were busty, but you were curvy too. You carried more weight on your body, had a stomach and you knew he’d never see you as anything but a friend.
You tried to tie a bandage around you enough to keep the bleeding under control until you could get to Sammy. You and Dean made your way back to the hotel for the night. It was late so you two decided to just stay one more night.
Arriving at the hotel Dean told you he was going to take a shower and then head to the bar. You nodded. Your heart broke each time he went to a bar and picked up another woman. You didn’t have any claim to him, but you wanted to.
You sat on the bed and mindlessly clicked through the television. You heard the shower turn off and a few minutes later Dean walked out with just his jeans on. His hair was still damp from the shower and little drops of water ran down his chest. You bit your lip and clenched your thighs together.
“Showers ready for you sweetheart” Dean said. As you stood you got dizzy. You didn’t notice the blood on the back of your shirt. “Hey Y/N, you okay?” Dean questioned. “Yeah. Just got up too fast” you walked past him.
“Holy shit Y/N! You’re bleeding bad! Let me see” Dean shouted. “I’m fine Dean. It’s just a scratch. You go to the bar. I’ll be okay.” You tried to pull away.
“Y/N, sit down now!” Dean demanded. You looked at him and said “No, I’ll be okay. Please let it go.” Tears pricked your eyes. “Sweetheart, please let me look. I can’t let anything happen to you. You mean too much to me.” Dean said softly. “I can’t Dean. I can’t let you see my body. It’s terrible and just, well fat.” You cried.
“Oh sweetheart, your body is perfect. Please let me take care of you. I can’t lose you.” Dean said. “Dean it’s not perfect. Not for you at least.” You whispered “Y/N, please” he said cupping your face.
You relented and laid down. Dean lifted your shirt and saw the gash. When he removed the bandage you winced in pain. “Oh sweetheart, this is really bad. I need to clean it and stitch it up.” Dean said getting up to get the first aid kit. You laid on your side as Dean got to work.
Goosebumps erupted on your skin with every touch from Dean. He smirked when he saw it. Dean really cared about you he was just scared. He couldn’t stand losing you and he knew if the two of you got into a relationship and something happened to you, he would be devastated so he kept you at arms length.
Once he was done and he added the wrap he offered to help you stand. You stood up with his help. Facing him and looking into his green eyes sent heat through your body. You swallowed hard and said “thank you for patching me up. I appreciate it. I’ll be okay taking a shower if you want to head out.” You said trying to walk past him.
As you walked past he gently grabbed your arm and turned you towards him. The two of you stood there in silence looking at each other. Dean cupped your cheeks and you leaned into his touch. He moved towards you and you moved closer to him too. Your lips were inches apart and your breath was mingling with his. He closed the distance and his lips landed on yours.
The kiss was gentle at first then became more passionate. Dean’s hands went in your hair and pulled you closer. You moaned as you continued to kiss him. His hands roamed over your body and you froze.
Dean stopped kissing you and pulled back. “What’s wrong sweetheart” he asked. “You don’t want me Dean. I’m not like the women you sleep with. I’m not beautiful or skinny. I’m curvy and I’m rough around the edges.” You lowered your head. Dean lifted your chin “Y/N, you’re right. You aren’t like the women I pick up in bars. You’re so much more. You’re a badass hunter who can hold her own, an amazing woman who has a huge heart, a beautiful soul who puts family and friends first and you’ve got an amazing body. I love you, not just as a friend but I love you. Please let me show you just how amazing you are. I don’t want the women at the bar, I want you. I’ve always wanted you. I’ve just been scared. Scared of losing you and being here without you. I can’t imagine my life without you and if you’re willing to try I’d like to take our relationship to the next level.” Dean said.
You looked at Dean and smiled. You kissed him again and whispered “Show me Dean. Show me what you want.”
Dean gently laid you down on the bed and leaned over you kissing your lips. He worked his way down your jaw, to your neck and collar bone. Your breath hitched and your hands instinctively held on to his body. His calloused hands ran over your body. You leaned into his touch.
He helped you remove your clothes and you went to grab the sheet. Dean stopped you. “No, please let me look at your body. You blushed and fought every instinct to cover yourself. Dean smiled “sweetheart you are absolutely gorgeous. Look at your body. It’s a work of art.” You smiled. You knew he was being genuine. One thing you can honestly say about Dean Winchester is he never lies about how he feels. It might take him forever to admit it, but when he does it’s the truth.
“Dean, one of us is wearing too much clothes” you whispered. Dean smiled and said “yes ma’am” and started to remove his clothes. You’d seen Dean mostly naked before but never fully. When he removed his boxers you bit your lip.
You had imagined him before. All those late nights alone in your room, but nothing prepared you for the perfection that stood before you. You felt your body respond to him and slick pooled between your thighs. Dean climbed on the bed and leaned over your body kissing your lips. Your breath caught in your throat when you felt his hardness rest on your thigh.
“You ready sweetheart?” Dean asked. You nodded yes. His lips trailed down your body and his hands touched every inch. Dean Winchester was touching you, exploring you and wanted you! Your mind and heart raced. His fingers found your folds and he slid two thick fingers in and you gasped. He smirked and started pumping. You moaned and called his name.
His heart fluttered when you called his name. He had waited since the moment he laid eyes on you for you to moan his name. He was in love with you but was afraid to tell you. Dean had a reputation of going after “the hot chicks” he would meet them in bars and sleep with them then leave before morning. He chose these women because he knew he would never fall in love with them. You on the other hand, from the moment he met you he wanted you.
Dean continued to touch your body. With every moan and calling of his name he fell deeper. He loved how your body responded to him. He couldn’t wait to make you his forever. “Dean I’m close….oh god…..please don’t stop…..oh Dean” you grabbed his hair as he continued eating you like you were his last meal. “Dean!” You yelled as you came hard. You saw stars. Dean continued his assault on your pussy until your legs were shaking and you were squirming under him.
He leaned up smiling and you were flushed and breathing heavy. Dean leaned up and kissed you. You could taste your juices on his lips and it turned you on more.
Dean leaned back and grabbed a condom, ripping it open. He pumped his length a few times and slid the condom on. “You ready sweetheart. If you’re not we don’t have to go any further.” He softly said. “I’m ready Dean, more than ready.” You smiled.
He lined himself up and pushed in. As he entered you both gasped. He made eye contact with you and kissed you. “God you feel amazing Y/N. Better than I imagined.”
Dean took his time with you. Exploring every inch of you. Every thrust felt deeper and stretched you more than you imagined. You felt a second release coming quick and before you could say anything it hit. Your walls clenched around Dean. He stopped and dropped his head in the crook of your neck.
He growled “damn baby. You do that again and I’m going to cum right now.” Dean pulled out and the loss of fullness made you groan. He laid down “climb on top baby. I want to see you.” You positioned your legs on either side of him. You steadied your body with one hand on his chest and took his length in the other lining him back up to you. You pushed down taking all of him in at one time. You both moaned. Deans hands grabbed your hips and held you.
You arched your back showing off your torso and full breasts as they bounced up and down with each thrust. Dean looked up at you and bit his lip. His hands moved to your breasts. You grinded against his hips and he thrusted up. You moaned and so did he.
The sound of moans, kissing and flesh hitting flesh filled the room. This was better than you had imagined. Dean really wanted to and it showed. He wasn’t hurried and each touch was exploring. Memorizing your body.
He leaned up kissing your lips and thrusting up. You moaned loudly and sped up. He lifted his hips to help give you more leverage. You knew he was close. His eyes closed and he grunted, thrusting deeper.
“Oh fuck baby” he groaned. You felt him twitch and his legs fell. When he was ready you moved, laying beside him. Dean rolled over and kissed you gently. “I love you, Y/N”. “I love you too, Dean.”
Dean got up and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. When he came back he brought a warm washcloth and helped clean you. He tossed it to the side and climbed in bed with you. You laid on his chest and he tucked an arm under you. He pulled you close to him. “You’re mine now sweetheart. Now and forever.” He whispered. “You’re mine Dean, now and forever.” You replied.
The two of you drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. Finally saying the words you both had kept inside. Finally able to see how Dean Winchester not only patched your external wounds but your internal ones too.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92 @suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 @manicjk
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