#environment management system
marshmellowtea · 1 year
i think one of my favorite dumbass ways people talk about nope is when they treat jupe not being healed from the gordy incident as a plot hole or something like lmao. what kind of support system as a child actor in the notably exploitative hollywood system in the 90’s do you think he had exactly
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ladychandraofthemoone · 10 months
Finished drawing some driver & fireman for some of the narrow guage in my au
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whatudottu · 1 year
Given how Random’s faceplate is unlike any Transformers’ we’ve seen in the TFA universe (which is in stark contrast to Icy and Hothead, who both have faces typically of their species), I have a feeling that Random might not see himself as a Cybertronian, or at the very least, not a full Cybertronian, especially given how non-human alters aren’t unheard of for people with DID or OSDD.
Seeing as how Transformers in the Animated Continuity are shown to believe in an afterlife, which implies that they have some form of religion, my personal headcanon is that he views himself as the Cybertronian equivalent of what humans might consider a demon (‘spawn of Unicron’, perhaps? There was a planned time travel episode taking place after the Unicron Wars, after all, meaning he would’ve been canon to the TFA continuity) confined within a Transformer’s body and as such can’t utilize the “full extent” of his power. 
Maybe in headspace, he uses the form of a Transformer as his “default” since it’s the most convenient and the one everyone else is used to but he's capable of taking on a wide variety of forms whenever he chooses (as a fun little reference to the original concept of Blitzwing’s character being a ‘super-Transformer’ who could shape-shift into the form of anything mechanical but couldn’t hold any form other than his vehicle mode for very long).
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Demon/Unicron spawn Random is just a fascinating idea I am beaming this idea directly to my brain- probably took all that Autobot functionism and became what 'warframes are supposed to be' and is just having a fun time with it.
Whether Random is serious about eating bots or is acting on his no filter self by spurting what 'warframe predisposed' ideas so heavily propagandised by the elite, being this Unicron spawn (as opposed to Primus like the others) Random is 'what the Autobot's asked for', not being all that much discouraged with that whole war thing happening lmao. I like to think that Random's 'default' appearance is the Blitzwing body mostly because no one else is using it (as representation of themselves rather than as a tool to host), but Mr Jack O'Lanturn here is just as transformer as the other bots in their headspace and transform he does into whatever the fuck he feels like-
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b0bthebuilder35 · 7 months
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
Hi there! Quick question, how much dog aggression would be normal for malamutes? At what point does it become something other than a breed trait? Is this comparable to other breeds with SSA?
Well I don't really know how to compare it with other breeds with SSA, just because I don't have experience with them.
Speaking generally, MOST adult dogs of any breed are dog selective to some degree, often preferring several compatible companions or friends over large groups of strange dogs.
A temperamentally sound malamute should generally be able to be walked on a leash past other dogs (no contact or greeting) and not be reactive. This is not a dog that should, in temperamentally sound cases, be straining to reach other dogs far off with single focus. Where the issue lies is in close contact, greeting, and interactions with strange dogs and/or dogs of the same sex.
Malamutes are very much oriented towards their pack and much like other sled dogs do very well when raised in a family structure. It is difficult to integrate a new adult dog into an existing pack of malamutes versus a puppy. Part of this is because malamutes do have their own form of communication, like many breeds do, and dogs raised outside of that communication can be deemed as "rude" or in need of telling off from the existing dogs, which creates conflict and an overall lack of harmony. Overall in this behavior an existing dog is much less tolerable of dogs of the same sex. And generally, Malamutes thrive and enjoy fighting when it occurs (see: trends towards running into conflicts not having to do with them in dog parks).
Same Sex Aggression behaviors can be on a sliding scale, much as other dog aggression, and I'd say all forms are present in the Malamute breed. For me personally I prefer if the dog can work in harness/team with other dogs as this is part of their purpose, however there are many in the breed that are both temperamentally stable, and absolutely cannot tolerate other dogs of the same sex in any regard. Now I personally wouldn't breed those individuals, but the dog would probably do well paired with an opposite sex dog as its only other non-human companion.
For me, indiscriminate dog aggression not related to "rude" behaviors or same sex interactions is not okay in the breed. Malamutes, although often same sex aggressive, should also never be human aggressive.
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x-i-l-verify · 2 years
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「 Dream SMP Daemon AU 」 
Allard’s anemonefish, also called the two-banded clown, are a hardy, bold species of clownfish, which tends to roam further from their anemone than many clownfish do. They often attack other fish that get close to their anemone, fiercely defending their home and eggs from predators. They will also lure fish to their anemone in order to feed the anemone, as these fish are not immune to the anemone’s stings like the anemonefish. 
While the Allard’s anemonefish may roam further from their anemone than most species of clownfish, they still crave familiarity and their comfort zone at the end of the day, as they stay with the same anemone for life and depend on it entirely for their survival. If a smaller, weaker, more passive fish joins their anemone after them, they may bully them, though they will deign to coexist with other semi-aggressive fish. 
All clownfish are hierarchical, territorial, and competitive to some degree, and have strict dominance hierarchies in their anemones. They usually live with a partner or small group in their anemones, but they can be quite aggressive towards anemonefish of different species. The non-breeding clownfish in an anemone do not help the breeding pair tend to their eggs, as they are always looking for opportunities to oust the main breeding pair and take over the anemone themselves. The main breeding pair, however, works tirelessly to tend to their eggs until they hatch, fanning them to make sure they get the right amount of oxygen and eating bad eggs to make sure they don’t infect other healthy eggs. These clownfish are also monogamous, pairing for life.
Sam is dependable, diligent, and protective. Ami is ambitious, obsessive, and possessive.
NAME MEANING ”Amina” is the feminine form of Arabic Amin, meaning "honest, trustworthy," and it's also a Hebrew name meaning "faithful, trusted."
SOURCES https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23748 https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23411
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compassionmattersmost · 2 months
Optimizing Sleep for ME/CFS: Strategies for Restorative Rest and Well-being
Improving Sleep Quality for Individuals with ME/CFS Living with ME/CFS presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to achieving restorative sleep. Good sleep hygiene is essential for managing symptoms and enhancing overall well-being. Here, we explore various strategies to improve sleep quality for those with ME/CFS, including maintaining proper sleep hygiene, maximizing deep sleep,…
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Redefining the CFO: Navigating the AI Revolution in Finance
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/redefining-the-cfo-navigating-the-ai-revolution-in-finance/
Redefining the CFO: Navigating the AI Revolution in Finance
A 2024 survey by Gartner indicates a striking trend: 71 percent of CFOs plan to increase their investments in AI by 10 percent or more compared to 2023. The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ushering in a new era for CFOs, presenting them with unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency. This signifies a pivotal shift, demanding a blend of novel skills and a transformative mindset from today’s CFOs.
AI’s Impact on Finance
Integrating AI into financial processes has led to significant advancements in automation. Automation now accounts for 70 to 80 percent of the accounting or transaction operations previously managed by financial controllers and CFOs. The effort and bandwidth required for monitoring and governing these areas will also be reduced dramatically. For example, an entity that used to run 2,000 to 3,000 journals a month will soon find that around 90 percent of this work is done by machines.
Reconciliations are experiencing a similar transformation due to AI’s prowess in predictive modeling and its proficiency in pattern recognition. This allows for the accurate alignment of transactions that are not an exact match, a task beyond the reach of traditional computing power.
Rethinking the CFO’s Role in an AI-driven World
“AI is prompting CFOs to reimagine not only their day-to-day working practices, but the possibilities for the operational and strategic financial analysis and decisions.” says Ian Young, CEO Canada & MD – US North East, The CFO Centre Group. “As organizations develop their AI strategies they’ll need to decide on their ultimate ambition for the technology.”
The shift toward AI allows CFOs to pivot from traditional financial oversight to assuming even more pivotal role in enterprise-level decision-making. By adopting a more forward-looking and strategic stance, CFOs can better influence decisions on capital restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, business divestments and planning. This transition enables them to contribute much more to shaping these decisions proactively rather than managing the financial implications post-factum.
In the context of today’s geopolitical and economic uncertainties, such a comprehensive and strategic perspective from CFOs is needed even more to help their companies manage risks, such as supply chain shocks, consumer price fluctuations, inflation effects and even state bankruptcy in real-time.
Shifting Skill Sets for Tomorrow’s CFO
To embrace this more forward-looking, strategic role and harness the full potential of AI, CFOs must undergo significant changes in their work practices and skill sets. Currently, managing financial risks dominates the CFO’s time. According to a 2023 McKinsey survey, 38 percent of CFOs have dedicated most of their efforts in this area over the last 12 months compared to 29 percent who have devoted most of their time to identifying growth opportunities. While technologies such as predictive analytics offer a path forward, transitioning from a guardian of financial health to becoming a catalyst for growth demands a broadened skill set.
To achieve this, CFOs must shift their self-perception from accountants to data scientists. However, only 20 percent of 150 global CFOs surveyed by management consultancy Horváth have “developed a solid data culture,” despite 85 percent recognizing that it would enhance decision-making quality. Furthermore, 71 percent believe it would accelerate decision support, and 67 percent see it improving financial planning and forecasting.
Adopting the mindset and skills of data scientists involves not only acquiring new capabilities but also adjusting to the work approach. The utility of Generative AI (Gen AI) across various professions is undeniable, yet it introduces new risks. Consider the case last year of the US law firm which was fined after it used ChatGPT for research – only to find that the cases cited by the app didn’t exist because it had made them up.
To effectively manage these risks and the possibility of errors in reporting and decision-making, CFOs must ensure the transparency, data privacy, explainability and traceability of AI-driven processes. Understanding the workings of Gen AI is imperative to avoid decisions based on inaccurate information. Hence, comprehensive training is crucial for CFOs to maintain control over decision-making processes, improve usage of available tools and justify the rationale behind AI-influenced decisions.
Change Management and Cultural Transformation
The advent of AI also heralds a crucial need for enhanced change management and cultural transformation skills among CFOs. Despite significant investment in AI systems for data generation and report creation, many business leaders remain reluctant to use them. Instances where finance teams rely on Excel sheets for analyses, even after implementing S/4HANA, underscore the issue. This resistance signals a need for a cultural shift, one that CFOs are uniquely positioned to lead, necessitating strong change management and team leadership skills.
This new mindset and culture means that CFOs and their colleagues are more willing to use insights provided by new tools and find ways to adopt instead of resist them. They should also be ready to defend the accuracy and relevance of the insights provided by AI if the board and others challenge them. Moreover, the ability to adapt AI-generated data to align with the company narrative or strategy, considering various factors in the business environment, is essential.
Future Directions and Opportunities for CFOs
 As AI and automation help shoulder the burden of manual and repetitive tasks, CFOs must reimagine their roles and how they allocate their newfound time. This reevaluation transcends what they do within the organization on a day-to-day business. For some, this technological liberation might translate into a better work/life balance, possibly through transitioning to part-time work. However, for others, it could open up avenues to approach their work with renewed creativity and strategic foresight.
Consider, for instance, the scenario of a burgeoning start-up with lofty aspirations. A small enterprise with a turnover of a few million dollars today might harbor a vision of expanding into a half-billion-dollar organization within the next few years. To achieve this goal, it will need an experienced strategic finance leader, someone with a big-picture, big-company vision who thinks like the CFO of a USD 1 Billion business. However, can the start-up afford such a senior person? Probably not full-time, but they could employ them on a part-time or consultancy basis. This is where the concept of a portfolio career becomes relevant and attractive for today’s CFOs.
From CFO to COO and CEO: Expanding Leadership Horizons
 The evolving role of CFOs reflects a broader trend in the corporate leadership landscape, with many crossing into the realms of COO or even stepping up as joint CEOs. Their deep insights into the financial and operational underpinnings of a company position them to align core functions with strategic goals.
This trend is also preparing CFOs to take the top job – 8.4 percent of CEO positions were filled by CFOs at Fortune 500 and S&P 500 companies in 2023, the highest percentage since 2013. Meanwhile, according to recent research, 30 percent of FTSE 100 chief executives were previously finance chiefs, up from 21 percent in 2019. Recent examples of this move from CFO to CEO include Margherita Della Valle at Vodafone and Murray Auchincloss of BP.
The increasing reliance on AI within finance functions is a key driver enabling CFOs to broaden their influence and contribute more significantly to their businesses. However, capitalizing on these opportunities demands continuous learning and adaptation. CFOs must actively update their skills and adjust their perspectives to maximize the opportunities.
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protonshubtechno · 9 months
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apluswisdom · 9 months
Basic Concepts of Distance Learning and How to Introduce It to Your Educational Organization
In recent years, the landscape of education has undergone a significant transformation, with distance learning emerging as a pivotal concept. As educational organizations adapt to the changing times, it becomes imperative to comprehend the basic concepts of distance learning and explore how to seamlessly integrate it into their systems.
What is Distance Learning?
Distance learning, often referred to as online learning or e-learning, is an educational approach that utilizes digital technology to deliver instruction to students who are not physically present in a traditional classroom setting. This mode of learning opens up a world of possibilities, allowing students to access educational resources, interact with instructors, and collaborate with peers from anywhere in the world.
Benefits of Distance Learning
Flexibility: One of the primary advantages of distance learning is flexibility. Students can access course materials at their convenience, enabling them to balance education with other commitments such as work or family responsibilities.
Global Reach: Distance learning breaks down geographical barriers, providing educational opportunities to individuals worldwide. It fosters a diverse learning environment where students can interact with peers from different cultures and backgrounds.
Cost-Effectiveness: Implementing distance learning programs can be cost-effective for both students and educational institutions. Reduced travel expenses and the ability to reach a broader audience contribute to cost savings.
Personalized Learning: Distance learning platforms often incorporate adaptive technologies that tailor content to individual learning styles. This personalized approach enhances the learning experience for each student.
Heading: Introducing Distance Learning to Your Educational Organization
Now that we've established the foundational concepts of distance learning, the next step is understanding how to introduce this innovative approach to your educational organization.
1. Assess Technological Infrastructure:
Before diving into distance learning, assess your organization's technological infrastructure. Ensure that you have the necessary hardware, software, and internet connectivity to support a seamless online learning experience. APlus Wisdom, located at 4554 North Broadway, Chicago, Illinois 60640, offers cutting-edge solutions to facilitate this transition. Explore their website here for comprehensive tools and resources.
2. Professional Development for Educators:
Effective implementation of distance learning requires educators to be well-versed in online teaching methodologies. Provide ongoing professional development opportunities to help instructors adapt to the digital learning environment. APlus Wisdom's School Management Software includes features for training and development, contributing to a culture of continuous learning within your organization.
3. Create Engaging Online Content:
Developing engaging and interactive online content is crucial for the success of distance learning programs. Leverage multimedia elements, discussion forums, and collaborative tools to enhance the learning experience. APlus Wisdom's software integrates seamlessly with various content creation tools, offering a comprehensive solution for designing captivating online courses.
4. Establish Clear Communication Channels:
Communication is key in distance learning. Establish clear channels for communication between students, instructors, and support staff. Utilize APlus Wisdom's communication features to ensure that important announcements, feedback, and queries are addressed promptly.
5. Implement Robust Assessment Strategies:
Designing effective assessment strategies is essential in gauging student progress in a virtual setting. Explore APlus Wisdom's assessment tools, which facilitate a variety of evaluation methods, including quizzes, assignments, and exams. These features contribute to a comprehensive and fair evaluation process.
6. Prioritize Student Support Services:
Recognize the importance of providing robust student support services in a distance learning environment. APlus Wisdom's School Management Software includes features for tracking student progress, identifying areas of difficulty, and offering timely support to ensure student success.
7. Monitor and Evaluate:
Continuous monitoring and evaluation are essential components of successful distance learning programs. Utilize analytics and reporting features provided by APlus Wisdom to track student engagement, assess the effectiveness of courses, and make data-driven decisions for improvement.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Education with Distance Learning
Distance learning represents the future of education, offering unprecedented opportunities for flexibility, accessibility, and innovation. By understanding the basics of distance learning and strategically introducing it to your educational organization, you pave the way for a dynamic and inclusive learning environment. APlus Wisdom, with its state-of-the-art solutions, is your partner in navigating this educational evolution. Contact them at (312) 823-5564 or visit their website here to embark on a transformative journey towards embracing distance learning in your institution.
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Implementing Zero Trust Security in an AWS Environment
Explore the comprehensive guide on implementing Zero Trust Security in your AWS environment, enhancing cybersecurity with IAM, encryption, and best practices. #ZeroTrust #AWSSecurity #Cybersecurity
Zero Trust Security has become a crucial paradigm in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. With the increasing complexity of IT infrastructures and the growing sophistication of cyber threats, organizations are adopting a Zero Trust approach to enhance their security posture. This article explores the implementation of Zero Trust Security in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment,…
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deep-space-netwerk · 7 months
What do you mean by Venus floating cities?
I'm hoping to write a science fiction story about visiting Venus as part of the space race and I would love your input
Alright so the thing with Venus is that we're all very familiar with her horrible hell-death clouds and 900°F surface temperatures. We all understand the surface of Venus is not a fun place for humans to be.
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But, nobody ever talks about the fact that ABOVE the hell-death clouds, Venus is a paradise. The most Earth-like environment we know of in the solar system, beyond Earth itself, is actually in the skies of Venus.
About 30 miles above the surface, the pressure is ~1 atmosphere, and the temperature ranges from 30 - 100°F, which is Happy Human™ standard pressure and temperature.
What's more, a breathable mix of oxygen and nitrogen provides over 60% the lifting power on Venus that helium does on Earth. In other words, a balloon full of human-breathable air would float to the habitable range of Venus's atmosphere. We could float a ship with the very air we breathe.
The other great thing about this is that it avoids one of the big problems with Mars colonization. On Mars, any habitat on the surface full of breathable air is vulnerable to leaks and explosive decompression, a la the Martian.
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Floating on Venus, a balloon full of breathable air doesn't have a significant pressure difference between the inside and the outside. Which means, any leaks or tears would be very slow and manageable. You could fix that shit with duct tape!
Similarly, because the environment outside the balloon is so Earth-like, humans living there wouldn't need any big fancy pressurized suits for extravehicular work. We'd need air to breathe, maybe some heat protection, and protection against the acid rain. That's it. 
Venus also provides the tools to keep us fed! It's atmosphere is made primarily of carbon dioxide, even above the dense horrible clouds. What likes carbon dioxide? Plants from Earth!! Lets grow FOOD on FLOATING PLATFORMS in the SKIES of VENUS.
This whole idea actually came out of a NASA effort exploring potential Venus colonization. The program was called HAVOC - the High Altitude Venus Operational Concept.
It hasn't really gone anywhere, and as far as I know there are no real plans to revisit it. Unfortunately, from a practicality standpoint, Mars is a much more viable target for human colonization. Not only is it better poised for outer solar system exploration, being farther away from the sun, but living on Venus would come with too many complicated contingencies. In the event of a major failure on Venus, you'd need to fly to another base, or fuck off all the way to orbit. I understand why people aren't really in a hurry to live somewhere where landing on the surface means certain death.
But that doesn't mean I won't be forever and always enamored by the skies of Venus. Here's one of the artist concepts to come out of HAVOC.
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I want to be there.
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nobsvibe · 11 months
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dsiddhant · 1 year
Chicago, Aug. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global Energy Management Systems Market is projected to grow from USD 40.7 billion in 2023 to USD 75.6 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 13.2% according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.
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sreehari28 · 1 year
Managing an HR software implementation phase requires careful planning, coordination, and attention to key areas to ensure a smooth and successful transition. Firstly, clear communication is paramount. As the project leader, focus on ensuring that all stakeholders, including HR personnel, IT team, and end-users, are well-informed about the objectives, timeline, and expected outcomes. Engaging with vendors or consultants is crucial to understand the software's capabilities and address any customization needs. Another vital aspect is establishing a robust project management framework, defining roles, and setting realistic milestones. Keeping a close eye on the budget and resource allocation is essential to prevent unexpected roadblocks. Prioritize thorough testing to identify and rectify potential issues before full deployment. Moreover, comprehensive training for HR staff and end-users should be organized to promote software adoption and proficiency. By emphasizing these key areas, you can navigate the HR software implementation phase successfully and set the stage for efficient HR operations in the future.
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