#environmental collapse?
aceofwhump · 4 months
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9-1-1 7x08 "Step Nine"
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nando161mando · 10 months
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These fuckers are content to watch us die.
This bullshit is going to condemn our species to extinction unless we find a way to depose these sociopaths.
#cop28 #copOut #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange
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scificrows · 10 months
The Roombabot Diaries
"Even without full scan function, I still had my dark vision filters and my own mapping data, so with the fixed point of the corridor hatch, I could retrace my steps to the ramp. It just looked awkward and stupid because for the first part I had to navigate like a floor-cleaning bot." - Martha Wells, System Collapse (Video and audio description below the cut)
An animated video of Murderbot, in a full environmental suit (featuring a little 'Perihelion' logo on its chest and an opaque helmet).
Murderbot is wandering around a dark space, the sound of its footsteps on the stone floor are audible. It walks in a straight line to the right until it hits a pillar with an audible 'thunk' noise and stops. A grumpy smiley face appears next to it.
It recalibrates, making little chirping calibrating sounds, then turns and moves towards the viewer until it seems to hit the camera (again with a 'thunk' noise and a little frowny smiley face next to it) and recalibrates again.
It turns its back to the viewer and starts walking again, this time seemingly hitting the wall in the back. It recalibrates again, then turns to the right and starts walking again. After a few seconds it stops briefly, two exclamation marks appear next to it along with a beeping noise, then it quickly walks out of frame.
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you-need-not-apply · 1 month
I want people to talk about the climate crisis like they talk about Palestine. Every single post about something mildly bad happening I want comments saying “yeah well we’re also facing an ecological collapse so”, every time anyone posts about how much they have (the 16 different iPhones people) I want people in the comments calling them to donate to climate action charities and to green energy.
When I say “talk about the climate crisis like you talk about Palestine”, I mean talk about it like it’s a thing that will effect all of us. Each and every single one of us. Because it is. Talk about it like it is.
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
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“The planet is breaking”
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ohmerricat · 1 year
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a diaristic prose-fragment-undefinable-textual-reflection on climate change, sudden awareness, naïve gratitude, dubious blessings in disguise, realisations dawning, normality coming to a close, and the dismissal of early signs of danger. title after nope (2022, dir. jordan peele)
the original title, local warning for global warming, was scrapped because it sounded more like a pithy protest slogan than something attached to a poem you’d actually want to read.
by jamie doe 9.10.23
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shes-some-other-where · 4 months
A fool, a dead man
Prompt: Stone-cold
Contains: exhaustion, pain, cold, collapse, death mention
He was barely awake, delirious with fatigue and pain and cold, when his knees slammed into the ground.
Twigs bit sharply into his skin. Gnarled tree roots pressed against his weary bones.
His relief at finally being off his feet, however, overpowered the discomfort.
Just a moment’s rest, he vowed. Mere minutes. Then he’d keep moving. He wouldn’t stop, not until he had no other choice.
As his eyes closed, his body sank.
He knew then he was a fool, a dead man. He ought never to have paused.
Now, his body, exhausted and bleeding, refused to move at all.
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All my writing is original. Feel welcome to interact/comment/reblog. Pls don’t steal or repost.
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personal-blog243 · 9 days
If there is anyone in Pennsylvania who is undecided please send this to them. Or anyone who think that renewable energy is inherently bad for “the economy”.
Would it help if I pointed out Taylor Swift was born in Pennsylvania? 🙄
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foundfamilywhump · 9 months
Whumpee who escaped but then had to trek across wilderness to get away. Caretaker came too late to rescue them and has to catch up after days of exhaustion and exposure have taken their toll
YES i love this. i always love a good rescue but a whumpee having to rescue themself and then collapsing from the strain and exhaustion and the way it made their injuries so much worse. the guilt of the caretaker feeling like they should’ve done better, got there sooner - even if there was literally no way for them to have done so. the overwhelming sense of unfairness in ‘all this happened to them and then on top of it all they had to rescue themself alone. the relief of finally being safe or having someone safe there, allowing the whumpee’s body to collapse as they realize they’re no longer in danger, that someone else is here to help, to care for them. it adds a little extra umph of whump to the post-rescue/escape collapse with safe person that is just. mwah. love it.
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wyrmsweven · 6 months
me walking into ecology class every tuesday and thursday: wow i can't wait to learn about the natural environment! I love mother earth :)
me walking out of ecology class every tuesday and thursday: we are all going to die and we deserve it
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
#my dads back in ohio again so im back on my own. i still feel terrible but at least i have a plan#i have 2 weeks of this semester left. so i have to not fail my genomics exam and work on a group project plus grade a bunch#shouldnt be too hard but everything makes me so tired rn and i just feel this barrier between myself and everything else#even when my dad was here. i just dont kno how to feel happy. just varied levels of stress#but after the semester is over ill have to find a job for the summer. which super stresses me out bc i havent really had a real job outside#academia and im worried about how stressful ill find it bc im sure its gonna suck but at least i wont have to work on my project#i just think if i had a normal job that doesnt dominate every aspect of my life id feel a little less terrible. or at least i wouldnt send#myself spiralling so much. if i stay here i might not survive it#but what if ill just make myself miserable wherever i am? i dunno. but im gonna try to find a non academic job this summer with the epa or#maybe the usgs. i mean ive gota a bachelor's and a masters in environmental topics. that's gotta count for something#just get a government job. pray for a not terrible set of coworkers. and build something from there#it just sucks bc i feel like everythings falling apart and like i kno if i gave it my all i could pull thru and get my phd but im just so#tired of struggling against something everyone else can do. i just cant read at a level appropriate for what im doing#ugh. i dont wanna study for genomics. i just wanna sleep. i just wish i wasn't in this position#and now i a baby about it. i mean my sisters r in similar positions bc the youngest is currently looking for a teaching job. and my middle#sister is looking to move to new york city in the next 6 months and she'd be quitting her job for that. so we're all sorta in flux#i just wanna not be flailing. not watch my hopes and dreams collapse. be excited about anything. im just sad bc i have to make hard choices#even if i know theyre the right ones to make if i want to continue to exist. sometimes u cant have the things u wany.#and that sucks and i hate it. theme of the year: sometimes life sucks and theres nothing u can do abt it#unrelated
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Synopsis: Shae stumbles upon a bee hive.
Author’s notes: I might have a part 2 for this in mind if anyone wants to be even meaner to the boi. 👀
Content warnings: tiny whump, faery whump, bugs, bees, bee sting, injury, exhaustion, passing out, nonhuman whumpee, human caretaker, rescue, gentle caretaking
Insects are just part of life outdoors; Shae encounters them often. A few are dangerous but most pay him no mind. Bees, though intimidating, don’t bother him. In fact, Shae likes bees because where there are bees, there are usually flowers.
But he’s never seen this many.
Shae can hardly hear his own thoughts over the buzz of what must be hundreds of bees as they zip around between the fields of wildflowers on all sides and the tall, human-made wooden structures that they have made their home. He can practically feel the air around him vibrating.
It all happens so fast. Hands over his ears, Shae whirls around to hurry away from the cacophony and stumbles right into one of the countless bees. In a flurry of movement, the angered creature defends itself the only way it knows how.
The stinger plunges into Shae’s stomach hard and fast. It knocks the breath from his lungs and the thoughts from his mind. He knows nothing but red hot agony for just a moment before his eyes roll back and he is out cold without a sound.
As the bee flies away the stinger’s barbs briefly catch, lifting Shae’s limp body slightly from the ground before he slips free and lands on his back in the dirt. It’s there he stays for hours.
The first anything is that awful hum. It grows louder and louder as Shae wakes until it feels like it’s drilling deep into his head. He whines softly, hands twitching with the desire to cover his ears, but he can’t move. Every limb is stiff and numb; even his eyelids feel impossibly heavy.
All his focus is drawn to the one place where he feels too much. His belly, free of the stinger, now bears a round, hot welt. The swollen skin prickles and, could he move even a finger, he’d be tempted to itch at it. Instead he can only tremble and twitch and try to catch his breath.
After minutes that feel like hours he manages to open his eyes. The world spins above him, a flurry of motion to accompany the sickening hum. Shae groans. His head pounds.
Several more minutes pass before he can keep his eyes open and attempt to sit up.
At the first suggestion of movement he’s hit with a sharp twinge in his side. Shae gasps and curls onto the opposite side. He holds the wound with both hands and takes deep breaths, fighting to stay conscious.
When the pain dulls he tries again. Again it hurts, but this time it’s a little more bearable. He has to lean heavily into the stem of a tall plant, but he manages to get to his feet. When a breeze sways the stem he sways with it, groaning again at the dizzying movement.
Shae yearns to lie back down, but he knows he won’t get a moment’s rest with the thrumming air and head-splitting noise. He needs quiet stillness in which to recover. If he stays here he might just go mad.
The tall grass and wildflowers are packed densely enough to always give him something to hold onto as he struggles forward one tiny step at a time.
Shae valiantly makes it almost two yards from the hives before his legs give out entirely. He lands heavily on his injured side and is out in an instant.
It’s at times like these that Shae wishes he had someone to tend to him. He fares well enough alone when he’s well, but when he’s weak, scared, and hurting, he so keenly feels the absence of comfort and companionship.
But when he wakes this time, he knows immediately that he is not alone.
Even with his eyes closed the looming presence of a human is unmistakable. Its shadow moves this way and that, moving things away from the washcloth that pillows the faerie. There’s a dull thump that startles Shae when a hand sets down a large bottle behind him.
That’s when he realizes…it’s quiet here. He aches all over but at least he has this - the incessant buzzing is gone.
One relief is followed by another. The human dabs something wet and cool onto the sting with a cotton swab; tension drains from Shae’s body as the pain eases.
“There you go. Poor thing…” the human pats on a small piece of gauze with her fingertip. “You’ll be okay. I know what I’m doing, I get stung all the time.”
“You’re not the size of a doll,” a second voice chimes in from across the room.
“Hush. He’ll be okay. Look, he’s waking up…hi, sweetie…”
Shae remains awake long enough for the beekeeper to give him water to drink and a gob of thick, sweet honey on a little piece of warm bread. That’s all his weary mind needs to convince him he’s safe. As soon as he’s licked the last bit of honey from his lips, the faerie sinks back down into the washcloth. His rescuer drapes a second one over him.
And Shae sleeps.
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nando161mando · 3 months
15,000 Scientists Warn Society Could 'Collapse' This Century In Dire Climate Report
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pr-m-t-ve · 6 days
I found instagram a bit too bland and stick to mainly posting irl photos there. I needed somewhere I could give myself more freedom to express opinions and shit post. So I’m here now and am hoping to find some posters with similar beliefs and shit. I’ll post about anti-civilization, green anarchy, environmental, etc.
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springcatalyst · 11 days
AUGH i LOVE rhyolitic volcanoes but truly i think andesite better serves what i need here so i compromise by making this a very silica-rich andesitic volcano. like its andesite but only barely
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