#epithet jinxed
samtheacesheep · 1 year
Milo Murphy’s Law Masterpost
Hi, I’m Sam! I am a massive Milo Murphy’s Law fan (and dwampyverse in general, but mml especially). I write mml fics, mostly in various aus. I really, really, really like angst, hurt/comfort and whump, but I do also write happy stuff. Sometimes. 
(I’m also so incredibly inactive forever rn I’m so sorry) On tumblr, all of my fics are tagged with: #I wrote a thing 
Any fanart is tagged #I drew a thing
I also sometimes post pictures of miniatures that I paint, tagged: #I painted a thing Masterpost list: 
Non Au: 
basically what it says on the tin. Not always canon, exactly, but not an au
Fantasy au: 
#mml fantasy au Set in a world with wizards, dragons, sorcerers, ghosts and angst. The main fic in this series is A Cursed Boy, a Wizard and an Human, which is about Zack, a human from the ordinary world, getting trapped in the fantasy world and trying to find his way home.  2nd Dimension Au: 
#mml 2nd dimension au 
Again, probably pretty self explanatory. Bucketloads of angst, Vanessa is pretty goddamn evil (sorry Nessa, I do love you), Milo is Sad.  Monsters Au: 
#mml monsters au
whoa it’s angst. In a world where monsters like vampires, oozes and flying rhinos exist, a well respected containment facility thinks that Murphys are monsters. And they do something about it. This au also has a split timeline, and a few oneshots in spinoff aus. Incredibly angsty and painful, read the tags.  Dystopia Au: 
#mml dystopia au
Milo and co are from the future, while Cavendish and Dakota are from the present. The future is dystopian, the corporation V-Tech controls everything. Melissa is a cyborg. The pnf cast are there.  Mage Au: 
#mml mage au 
Another fantasy au. This time, magic is illegal, and the punishment for being a mage is a painful death. Milo and Melissa have been raised by their mage parents, while Zack was born to humans and raised in human society to hate mages.
Technically set in ordinary Danville, but far removed enough that it counts. Cavendish and Dakota actually get a pair of counteragents from a rival time travelling organisation- which ends well for nobody.  The counteragents are my villain ocs Sally and Penelope, who are awful, terrible, evil bastards and I love them. Anything with Sally in it on tumblr will be tagged #sally, and “sally is back on her bullshit” on ao3.  https://archiveofourown.org/works/45343870/chapters/114080575 I wrote Cowboys and Counteragents with @hypersonicjd 
It’s a crossover between my Counteragents and his A New Frontier (space cowboys!!) series 
Ghost Au: 
#mml ghost au
Milo is a ghost who is haunting Zack, but he isn’t very scary.  https://archiveofourown.org/works/43696911 This fic is a spin-off oneshot, in which Milo is actually pretty scary. The Loneliest Kid Au: 
#the loneliest kid au 
Also an ongoing series. Zack joins Jefferson County Middle School, and meets Milo Murphy- who is kind and cheerful, but withdrawn, anxious when too close to people, and firmly opposed to being his friend. Zack is determined to change that. A slowburn friendship fic.  Epithet Jinxed: 
#epithet jinxed 
An Epithet Erased au! Milo, Melissa and Zack get locked in the museum after closing, during a robbery. They have to keep the Arsene Amulet out of the hands of dangerous people, and stop them from stealing Milo’s epithet - Jinx!  BoTT is Evil: 
Again, pretty self explanatory. Currently just a oneshot but I do have a multi-chapter fic in the works to explore the concept more.  Soulmates Au: 
A world where soulmates share injuries, and Milo, Melissa and Zack are platonic soulmates.  Champions Au: 
#mml champions au
Cavendish, Dakota, Savannah and Brick are ancient, powerful immortals. Milo, Zack, Melissa and Mort are their champions, mortals who save the world on their behalf. I haven’t written anything for this au yet
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caravanlurker · 2 years
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Something I whipped up while listening to Metamare’s stream earlier tonight.
oh what if its an AU where any mageborns are actually born inscribed with a word connected to their soul (like Epithet Erased!) …but Mostly just an excuse to draw champs in the EE style.
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cjinxrun · 5 months
I'm doing the dumbest thing ever for this work presentation and it's a thing that is deeply entertaining to me and only me
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diana-thyme · 2 years
The Ultimate Grimoire Guide
So! I have been seeing a ton of grimoire ideas and thought I’d stuff them all together. A lot of ideas are from @manifestationsofasort, @banebite, and @pigeonflavouredcake. Check them out! They have a ton of cool stuff there.
What Do I Use For My Grimoire?
You can use anything for a grimoire! For a physical one, journals, binders, and notebooks are good. For digital ones, Notion, Tumblr, Docs, and even just your file folder are great.
A Book Blessing
Table of Contents
About Me
Your Current Path
Your Personal Beliefs
Your Spiritual Journey
Past lives
Favorite Herbs/Crystals/Animals/Etc.
Natal Chart
Craft Name
How You Entered The Craft
Astrology Signs
Birthday Correspondences (birth tarot card, birth stone, etc.)
Fire Safety
What Not to Burn
Toxic Plants & Oils (to humans, plants, animals)
Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Put… (in sun, in water, etc.)
Things That Shouldn’t Be In Nature (glass, salt, etc.)
Potion Safety
How to Incorporate Blood in Spells
Smoke Safety
Wound Care
Core Concepts
Intention & How It Works
Directing Energy
What Makes A Spell Work
Basic Spell Structure
What Not To Do In Spells
Disposing Spell Ingredients
Revitalizing Long Term Spells
How To Cast Spells
What To Put In Spells
Spell Mediums (jars, spoken, candle, sigils)
Spell Timing
Potion Bases
Differentiating Between Magick and Mundane
Common Terms
Common Symbols
Basic Alchemy and Symbols
Ways To Break Spells
Laws and Philosophies
Herbs & Spices
Crystals & Rocks
Liquids & Drinks
Tarot Cards
Trees & Woods
Moon Phases
Essential Oils
Bone Correspondences
Different Types of Water
Common Plants
Deities You Worship
Pantheons & Deities Closed to You
Common Offerings
Worship vs Work
Prayers & Prayer Template
Deity Comms
Devotional Acts
Spirit Guides
House, Animal, Plant, Etc. Spirits
Folklore Entities
Spirit Etiquette
Graveyard Etiquette
Communication Guide & Etiquette
Spirit Work Safety Guide
How Entities Appear To You
Circle Casting
Common Offerings
Mythological Creatures (dragons, gorgons, etc.)
Utility Pages
Gazing Pages
Sigil Charging Station
Altar Pages
Intent Pages
Getaway Pages
Vision Boards
Dream Pages
Binding Page
Pendulum Board
Crystal Grid
Throwing Bones Page
Divination Pages
Mirror Gazing Page
Invocation Pages
Affirmation/Manifestation Pages
Spirit Board Page
Other Practices
Practices That Are Closed to You (Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Brujeria, Shamanism, Native Practices)
Wicca and Wiccan Paths
Satanism, Both Theistic and Non-Theistic
Deity Work
Religious Paths (Hellenism, Christianity, Kemeticism, etc.)
Types of Magic/Spells
Pop Culture Paganism/Magic
Tech Magic
Chaos Magic
Green Magic
Lunar Magic
Solar Magic
Sea Magic
Kitchen Magic
Ceremonial Magic
Hedge Magic
Death Magic
Gray Magic
Eclectic Magic
Elemental Magic
Fae Magic
Spirit Magic
Candle Magic
Crystal Magic
Weather Magic
Astral Magic
Shadow Work
Energy Work
Art Magic
Knot Magic
Music Magic
Blood Magic
Bath Magic
Tarot Cards
Oracle Cards
Playing Cards
Card Spreads
Psychic Abilities
Sacred Geometry
Angel Numbers
Crystal grid
Candle grid
Witches Ladder
Deity Specific Holidays
Religious Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Dionysia, etc.)
Celestial Events
Basics of Altars
Travel Altars
Deity Altars
Spirit Altars
Familiar Altars
Ancestor Altars
Self Altars
Working Altars
Burnout Prevention
Stress Management
Coping Mechanisms
Theories & History
Witchcraft history
New Age Spirituality
Cultural Appropriation
Conspiracy Theories
Satanic Panic
Witches in History
Cats in History
Transphobia in Witchcraft Circles
Queerness in Witchcraft Circles
How to Get Herbs
Drying Herbs and Flowers
Witches Alphabet
Runic Alphabet
Guide to Gardening
Your Witch Tips
Other Tips
List of Spells
Cryptids and Their Lore
What is a Liminal Space?
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Things to put in your book of shadows
Of course, only put in your book of shadows/grimoire what you want. If you don't want to put certain subjects in your book then that's fine. It's your book, utilize it how you want. This is just a masterlist of ideas that I've put together. Feel free to add anything else to the list that I may have missed, because there's absolutely no way I included everything.
And for the love of all the gods, if you come across a closed entity or practice, don't try to work with the entity or practice if you're not already part of that group or tradition. You can research it but don't practice it.
+ A blessing and/or protection
+ A table of contents
+ About you:
Your current path
Your personal beliefs
Your spiritual journey
Favorite crystals/herbs/animals
Natal chart
Craft name
How you got into the craft
Astrology signs
Birthday correspondences (birth tarot card, birth stone, etc)
Goals (if you have any)
Anything other relating to your personal practice
+ Safety
Fire safety
What NOT to burn
Plants and oils that can be toxic to your pets
What crystals shouldn't be in water, sunlight, etc
Things that shouldn't be put out in nature (salt, glass, etc)
Potion safety
How to incorporate blood safely
+ Core concepts:
Intention and how it works
Directing energy
Grounding and centering
+ Correspondence
Personal correspondence
Crystals and rocks
Herbs and spices
Food and drink
Tarot card
Elemental (fire, water, air, earth)
Trees and woods
Moon phases
Essential oils
Directions (north, south, east, west)
Local plants, animals, etc
Dream symbology
+ Different practices
Practices that are closed to you (some examples below)
Voodoo and Hoodoo **Closed**
Santeria and Brujeria **Closed**
Shamanism and native american practices **Closed**
Wicca and wiccan paths
Satanism, both theistic and non-theistic paths
+ Different types/practices of magick
Pop culture magick
Technology magick
Chaos magick
Green witchcraft
Lunar magick
Sea witchcraft
Kitchen magick
Ceremonial magick
Hedge witchcraft
Death witchcraft
Grey witchcraft
Eclectic witchcraft
Norse witchcraft
Hellenic witchcraft
+ Deities
The deity/deities you worship
Different pantheons (the main five are Celtic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Norse, all open)
Deities and pantheons that are closed to you
Common offerings
Their epithets
Their mythology
Their family
Deity worship vs deity work
Prayers and how to make your own
Deity communication guide
Devotional acts
Ways to get closer to them
+ Other spiritual entities
Ancestor work
Spirit guides
The fae
House spirits, animal spirits and plant spirits
Other various folklore entities
Spirit etiquette
Cemetery etiquette
Setting boundaries with the spirits
Communication guide and etiquette
Grounding, banishing, protection and cleansing, aka: "Spirit work safety guide"
How they appear to you
Common offerings
Circle casting
+ Divination
Tarot cards
Oracle cards
Tarot and oracle spreads
Palmistry/palm reading
Tasseography (Tea leaf reading)
Rune stones
Shufflemancy (Shuffling of a playlist)
Dice divination
Bibliomancy (Randomly picking a phrase from a book)
Carromancy (Melted wax)
Pyromancy (Reading flames)
Psychic abilities
Aura reading
Divination via playing cards
Sacred geometry
Angel numbers
+ Other types of magick
Candle magick
Crystal magick
Herbalism/herbal magick
Glamour magick
Weather magick
Astral work
Shadow work
Energy work
Art magick
Knot magick
Crystal grids
Color grids
Music magick
Charms, talismans and amulets
+ Spellwork
What makes a spell work
Basic spell structure
What NOT to do
Disposing of spell ingredients
Revitalizing long term spells
How to cast spells
What to put in spells (See correspondence)
Spell mediums- Jar spells, spoken spells, candle spells, sigils, etc
Spell timing
Setting up a ritual
Taglocks: What they are and how to use them
+ Holidays and Esbats
The 12 full moons (Esbats)
How to celebrate
Deity specific holidays
+ Altars and tools
What they are
The different types and their uses (travel altar, working altar, deity altar, ancestor altar, etc)
What you can put on your altar
What you use your altars for
Common tools in witchcraft
How to use the tools
Food and drink
Common herbs in recipes
Sabbat recipes
Moon water: What it is and how to use it
Potion bases
Tea magick
How to get your herbs
+ Mental health and self care
Bath magick
Burnout prevention
Stress management
Mental health coping mechanisms
+ History of witchcraft
+ Dream records
+ How to differentiate between the magickal and the mundane
+ Calendar of celestial events (Esbats, retrogrades, etc)
+ How to dry herbs and flowers
+ What chakras actually are and how they work within Hinduism
+ History and traditional uses of reiki
+ The witches' alphabet
+ The runic alphabet
+ Common witchcraft terms
+ Common symbols in witchcraft
+ Your own witch tips
+ Good witchcraft books and authors to avoid
+ Any online resources you utilize often
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded Stronk S/O Masterlist
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#1: Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
#2: Ging (HxH)
#3: Robin (One Piece)
#4: Byakuya (Bleach)
#5: Kakashi (Naruto)
#6: Sebastian (Black Butler)
#7: Jinx (Arcane)
#8: Giovanni (Epithet Erased)
#9: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
#10: Kurapika (HxH)
#11: Luffy (One Piece)
#12: Uryu (Bleach)
#13: Gaara (Naruto)
Ging Part 2 (Hxh)
Killua (HxH)
Zoro (One Piece)
Gon (HxH)
Kisuke (Bleach)
Itachi (Naruto)
Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Hiei/Kurama: How they react to someone insulting their S/O
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Songs that made it through preliminaries (minus the MLP songs)
Rogues Are We (Holy Musical B@man)
Kick It Up a Notch (Starship)
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Join Us (and Die) (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals)
No One Remembers Achmed (Twisted)
Feed Me (Little Shop of Horrors)
Dentist (Little Shop of Horrors)
Mean Green Mother From Outerspace (Little Shop of Horrors)
Old King Cole (Once Upon a Time in Space by The Mechanisms)
Favoured Son (Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanisms)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident by The Mechanisms)
There's a Platypus Controlling Me (Phineas and Ferb)
Evil for Extra Credit (Phineas and Ferb)
All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend To Be Divorced (Phineas and Ferb)
I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone) (Galavant)
No One But You (Galavant)
She'll Be Mine (Galavant)
Mother Knows Best (Tangled)
Ready As I'll Ever Be (Tangled the Series)
Nothing Left to Lose (Tangled the Series)
Pretty Women (Sweeney Todd)
Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI)
When the Chips are Down (Hadestown)
Master of Masters (Kingdom Hearts)
U.N. Owen Was Her? (Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
The Old Man of the Mountain/You Gotta Ho-De-Ho/The Scat Song Medley (Betty Boop)
Our Love is God (Heathers)
Biskit Family Business (Littlest Pet Shop)
We Both Reached For the Gun (Chicago)
Heaven on Their Minds (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Good to Be King (Journey to Bethlehem)
Jester (Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return)
Sympathy for the Devil (song by The Rolling Stones)
Dressed to Oppress (Play It By Ear - The Muck of Merkmere)
One Step Ahead (Spies Are Forever)
Let the Pun Fit the Crime (Wander Over Yonder)
Necrostar (The Vice Quadrant by Steam Powered Giraffe)
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem: Fates)
The Ring motif (Lord of the Rings)
I'm Alive (Next to Normal)
Where There's a Whip, There's a Way (Return of the King 1980)
There Ain't Nothin' But Bad Days Ahead (The Swan Princess: Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure)
Les Poissons (The Little Mermaid)
It's Our House Now (The House of Mouse - Halloween special)
Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Off Santa (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer)
Master of the House (Les Miserables)
Peaches (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
The Boys Are Back In Town (To Kill You) (The Boys)
Dark Riders (Star Stable Online)
Grand Ceremony (Pyre)
Coraline (Coraline)
Better Than You (Camp Camp)
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Peer Gynt)
Get in the Water (Epic: The Musical)
Descole's theme live version (Professor Layton)
Isabella's Lullaby (The Promised Neverland)
Get Jinxed (League of Legends)
Pieces of You/Hologram Professor Song (Puppet History)
Great at Crime (Epithet Erased)
Davy Jones' theme (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)
Herbert Style (Club Penguin)
No One's Gonna Make a Monkey Out of Me (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Diddy Drop Rap (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Attack at the Wall (Mulan)
No More Toymakers to the King (Santa Claus is Comin' to Town)
What's Up Duloc? (Shrek musical)
If I'm Gonna Eat Somebody (It Might As Well Be You) (Ferngully)
The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera)
Prowler's theme (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
How Can I Refuse? Reprise (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Friends in Low Places (Bigtop Burger)
That's Not How the Story Goes (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
The World Revolving (Deltarune)
Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie the Pooh)
Waikyou Shenshoujin (Senki Zesshou Symphogear G)
No Good Deed (Wicked)
Fabulous (High School Musical 2)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Between Two Worlds (Limbus Company)
Your Best Nightmare (Undertale)
We Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto)
Jaws theme (Jaws)
The Executioner (Umineko no naku koro ni)
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blorbologist · 11 months
Trick or Treat, Empire Siblings, Chains
Trick or treat! I'm personally unsure which this one qualifies as, but chains can be tricky to work with!
“Do you ever think about the manacles?” Beau says, just above the tower’s purring thrum. 
Caleb glances up, places his novel (Feather Leather, finally tracked down what that barkeep had been reading) on the sidetable. Jinx and Ruth will see to it’s return to the bookshelf. 
She says it casually, not looking at him, playing with the chain of a bracelet around her wrist. A recent gift from Yasha, with peculiar flowers preserved in its charms. But the words ran from her lips, an old habit never beaten from her by tutor or adventure, and Caleb would not be her friend to be flippant about it.
He does, nonetheless, have to wrack his mind for it. “The manacles? Like -”
“The manticore,” Beau says. “The - uh, fuck - something with the marrow? Could have sworn we came across them a few other times too.”
Caleb nods. “The Angel of Irons.” Now her eyes meet his, the blue of new shadows. “The Chained Oblivion.”
She hums, throwing her legs over the arms of her chair, perfecting the clumsy embrace. Keep her from kicking, nervous habit. Almost, almost touches the scar on her chest, where she was run through in that god’s name in a church. Gestures instead, to put the energy to use. “Yeah, that.
“I just… most of those were broken. Like, the things escaped, or were busted out. And now Trent…”
Beauregard, he realizes, is looking at his wrists. The thin shards of scar tissue peering from beneath his sleeves. 
At where Trent had thick iron bands splayed over weak flesh, not for the security of them but the symbolism. For him to be in shackles before trial, hands glued to forever supplicate for mercy he had never provided. 
“I dunno,” she says. “Maybe we shouldn’t have expected chains to work. Hasn’t in all the times we’ve run into them.”
Caleb hums. 
Maybe they should have burned Trent alive, so he could feel as a boy’s parents and cat had. Or fed him sweet cyanide, as Astrid’s mothers enjoyed. Or strangle him, of air and hope and life, and see Eadwulf’s face to the last. Or keep him to a chair and implant terrible things to him, or send him from his home to die against those he thought monsters when none - no dragon, no city, no god - could rival.
But he is not, and never was, the man to do that. To be as his teacher was. Besides, to many a wizard death can be but an escape. The ailing body was more a prison than any chains. 
(In the back of his mind, in the knowledge of the moon hanging low and bloodhungry, he hopes this of the Chained Oblivion.)
He lets the thought lie, plucks another from the shelf: “Well. One of your wife’s epithets is Chainbreaker, so I suppose it’s something we are to stick to, hm?”
Beau leans fack back. “I forgot about that.” 
And then her eyebrow cocks, readying for a blow: “Speaking of… hey, remember when we rocked up to the Bright Queen in full BDSM gear? And Essek was there? Remember, Caleb?”
He sighs. No, he did not forget about that.
🎃Trick or Treat! Send me an ask and you'll get a trick (angst) or treat (fluff) ficlet in return! 🎃
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Poll list part 2
Rouge the Bat(Sonic) vs Raphael Santiago(Shadowhunters)🎉
Death The Kid(Soul Eater) vs Tsubomi Takane(Mob Psycho 100)🎉
Berdly(Deltarune) vs Nausicaa(Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)🎉
Din Djarin(The Mandalorian) vs Anzu Hoshino(Romantic Killer)🎉
Amethyst(Steven Universe) vs Steven Stone(Pokemon)🎉
Talfryn(The Penumbra Podcast) vs Stanley(The Stanley Parable)🎉
Clay Terran (Ace Attorney) vs Buttercup(The Powerpuff Girls)🎉
Sei Handa(Barakamon) vs Xu Xialing(Shangchi and the legend of the ten rings)🎉
Sunny(Wings of Fire) vs Beta(Horizon Forbidden West)
Dr. Sylvester Ashling(Epithet Erased) vs Marcy Wu(Amphibia)
Perry the Platypus(Phineas and Ferb) vs Lancer(Deltarune)
Serana Volkihar(The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim) vs Charlie(It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Zhongli(Genshin Impact) vs Tatsumaki(One Punch Man).
V1(Ultrakill) vs Aziraphale and Crowley(Good Omens)
Shaggy(Scooby Doo) vs Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Reigen Arataka(Mob Psycho 100) vs Pyuko(Dannganronpa: Hope’s Chains)
Marie(Splatoon) vs Rose Cookie(Cookie Run Kingdom)
Joan D’arc(History) vs Morgana(Merlin)
Murderbot(The Murderbot Diaries) vs Royce Bracket(Transistor (game))
Ryland Grace(Project Hail Mary) vs Hollyleaf(Warrior Cats)
Wolf(Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts) vs Savathûn(Destiny video game)
Damian Wayne(DC Comics) vs Dr. Miranda Jones (Star Trek The Original Series, season 3 episode 5 Is There In Truth No Beauty?)
Keagan Máistirúin(Na Daoine Maithe (The Good People)) vs Sweetheart(Omori)
Kaitou Joker(Kaitou Joker) vs Piccolo (Dragon Ball)
Roach(Our Flag Means Death) vs Alex Fierro(Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Aradia Megido(Homestuck) vs Hestia(Greek Mythology)
Zane Julien(Ninjago) vs Agatha Wellbelove(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell)
Yelena Belova (Marvel) vs The Bear/Brent/The Pusher/The Fool/Shah Zaman(Ghost Quartet)
The Witch Queen(Old Gods of Appalachia) vs P03(Inscryption)
Lord Havelock Vetinari(Discworld Novels by Terry Pratchett) vs The Knight(Hollow Knight)
Power(Chainsaw Man) vs Jetstorm(Transformers Animated (2007 cartoon))
Athena Cykes(Ace Attorney) vs Grumbot(Hermitcraft)
Yuki Rurikawa(A3!) vs Anonymous/Someone(Our Dreams At Dusk)
James(Pokemon) vs Dipper Pines 1 Mabel Pines1(Gravity Falls)
Charles Emerson Winchester III (M*A*S*H) vs Chaerin Eun(Surviving Romance)
Yamori Kou (Yofukashi no uta) vs Zenyatta(Overwatch)
Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) vs Entrapta(She-Ra Princess of Power)
Simon Snow(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell) vs Sabo(One Piece)
Silver(Sonic) vs Gin Akutagawa(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Kankri Vantas(Homestuck) vs Madhouse Mike(Cryptid Crush)
Darius(Owl House) vs Jason Todd(DC)
Emerald Trio:Willow, Hunter,Gus (Owl House) vs Artemis(Overly Sarcastic Productions' Miscellaneous Myths)
Jo March (Little Women 2019) vs Daryl Dixon(The Walking Dead)
Bakura Ryou(YuGiOh!) vs Professor Balaam(Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun)
Granny Smith(MLP) vs Cyborg(Teen Titans)
Maki Katsuragi(Hoshiai no Sora) vs Kaladin Stormblessed(The Stormlight Archive)
Jess(Loveless) vs Asui Tsuyu(BNHA)
GIR(Invader Zim) vs Xiao(Genshin Impact)
Alexa(Xenoblade Chronicles X) vs Selah Summers(Selah and the Spades)
Felix Hugo Fradarius(Fire Emblem 3 Houses) vs Sunil Jha(Loveless)
Madeline Hatter (Ever After High) vs Maya Fey(Ace Attorney)
Kim Dokja(Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) vs Noé Archiviste(Vanitas no Carte)
Eleven(Stranger Things) vs Jinx(Arcane League of Legends)
Fitzroy Maplecourt(The Adventure Zone) vs Pidge(Voltron)
Volo(Pokemon) vs Cole Brookstone(Ninjago)
Traveler(Genshin Impact) vs Madotsuki(Yume Nikki)
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Revival Rounds - Part I
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The first batch of Revival Rounds are about to begin, all 15 polls will be going live in 1 hour! And just like the main bracket these will last a week, so there's plenty of time for discussion and propagandizing <3
A complete list of the matchups in Part I can be found under the cut:
Revival Rounds - Part I
Matchup 1: Julia (Sesame Street) 'VS' Jinx (Arcane) 'VS' Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Matchup 2: Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair) 'VS' Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) 'VS' Wolfatha Christie The Fourth (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
Matchup 3: Dendy (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) 'VS' Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape) 'VS' Hannah Foster (Hatchetfield Universe)
Matchup 4: Penny Polendina (RWBY) 'VS' Anya Jenkins (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) 'VS' Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko: When They Cry)
Matchup 5: Percival "Percy" King (Epithet Erased) 'VS' Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) 'VS' Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
Matchup 6: Steris Harms (Mistborn Era 2) 'VS' Twyla Boogeyman (Monster High G3) 'VS' Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
Matchup 7: Nico Robin (One Piece) 'VS' Robin Buckley (Stranger Things) 'VS' Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Matchup 8: Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers) 'VS' Dina Saruyama (Dumbing of Age) 'VS' Sucrose (Genshin Impact)
Matchup 9: Yor Forger (Spy X Family) 'VS' Misa Amane (Death Note) 'VS' Penny (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet)
Matchup 10: Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017) 'VS' Clara Valac (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun) 'VS' Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Matchup 11: Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) 'VS' Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Bones) 'VS' Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Matchup 12: Symmetra (Overwatch) 'VS' Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck) 'VS' Ridley Craft (Glitch Techs)
Matchup 13: Marcy Wu (Amphibia) 'VS' Juniper "June" Chen (The Ghost and Molly McGee) 'VS' Parker (Leverage)
Matchup 14: Delmin (Show by Rock!! Mashumairesh!!) 'VS' Don Quixote (Limbus Company) 'VS' Cure Custard / Himari Arisugawa (Precure: Kira Kira Precure a la Mode)
Matchup 15: Midori Asakusa (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) 'VS' Nagi Usui (The World Ends With You) 'VS' Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100)
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greenerteacups · 1 year
Has Hermione set Snape of fire in Lionheart?
so no actually! reason being that in this universe, draco doesn't steal neville's remembrall ==> harry doesn't catch it ==> mcgonagall doesn't notice and override the first-year rule ==> harry doesn't make the quidditch team until second year tryouts + quirrell never jinxes harry's broom, meaning hermione never mistakes it for snape and sets him on fire (and accidentally distracting quirrell in the process). The bluebell flames that she conjures in Chapter 48 are a nod to that episode, and an establishing moment that she does know how to conjure them, she just hasn't used them offensively. (Yet).
i actually adore the bluebell flames as a motif, because (1) hermione is the only person we see in the series to conjure them, suggesting they're either something she came up with herself or it's an obscure variant of a flame-conjuring spell that she's fond of for personal reasons. but then also, (2) they're such a potentially rich symbol: it's fire, with all the connotations of warmth and bravery and ferocity and unhinged danger, but it's blue, which is associated with coldness, clarity, beauty, water. and then there's the fact that blue flames are used as visual shorthand (not necessarily realistically, but there you are) for being hotter than normal flames. it's so cool.
and like, it's not just "blue" flames, it's "bluebells," which are a kind of hyacinth — kids, never ever use a floral color descriptor around a flower nerd — but the word "hyacinth" comes from the Greek myth of Hyacinthus, a lover of the sun God, Apollo, who kills Hyacinthus by accident. and when he can't bring Hyacinthus back, he grows these blue flowers that are shaped like Hyacinthus's hair to remind him of his lover. and for Hermione, I think there's something resonant about loving someone so powerful and strong they can't help but hurt you; about being a mortal, and therefore expendable, because you don't have the right blood, and how that subjects you to violence even by people who try to care about you and protect you. and we could set up all kinds of parallels between Apollo and Harry, or even Ron, and not to get on my bullshit about how hermione is underappreciated in the original books but she IS—
but anyway. hey. do you know what the Greek epithet "Hyacinthine" means? Curly-haired.
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samtheacesheep · 10 months
Work Description:
Ever since the incident at the museum, Milo has been working with his criminal friends to cause havoc and solve problems.
But he is struggling to balance his ordinary life and his secret life. Add in some strangely life like plants, and his big sister’s own secrets, and his life is getting much more complicated. And will the Arsene Amulet really stay safe forever?
Milo Murphy’s life will never be simple.
Chapter 1 (Just Getting Started!) Description:
Milo tries to keep his ordinary (by Murphy standards, at least) life and secret life separate. But when the police notice similarities between him and the young assistant to a pair of criminals, things get tricky.
day 17: crossover with any fandom
@cantdanceflynn ;)
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badass-bitch-polls · 2 years
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i have spent all evening on this. it's very late. i need sleep.
i'm incredibly sorry in advance for any unfair match ups! i used a random number generator to avoid bias towards my own blorbos, so if anything's op, blame the google number generator lmao
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(alphabetically by media name...)
Jessy Thorn - ADACA
Hikari Kuina - Alice in Borderland
Loba Andrade - Apex Legends
Deunan Knute - Appleseed
Jinx - Arcane
Vi - Arcane
Sevika - Arcane (i accidentally put colette in my list twice and so only had 63 candidates, so since y'all loved sevika so much in the preliminaries i decided to add her in as a wild card!)
Azula - Avatar the Last Airbender
Katara - Avatar The Last Airbender
Lollipop - Battle for Dream Island
Moriarty - BBC Sherlock
Harley Quinn - Birds of Prey and DC Batman
Grell Sutcliff - Black Butler
Sakura Ogami - Danganronpa THH
Susie - Deltarune
Connor - Detriot Become Human
River Song - Doctor Who
c!Wilbur - The Dream SMP
Zora Salazar - Epithet Erased
Evelyn Wang - Everything Everywhere All At Once
Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy 7
River Tam - Firefly
Risa Hawkeye - Full Metal Alchemist
Olivier Armstrong - Full Metal Alchemist (the vote was so close that i thought both deserved to make the cut)
Megaera - Hades
Hornet - Hollow Knight
Mantis Lords - Hollow Knight
Vriska Serket - Homestuck
Snowman - Homestuck
Jolyne Cujoh - JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean
Maki Zen'in - Jujutsu Kaisen
Vilanelle - Killing Eve
LL!ZombieCleo - Last Life SMP/Life Series
Mei - Lego Monkie Kid
Tony Stark - MCU
Vera Oberlin - Monster Prom
Lady Nagant - My Hero Academia
Nya - Ninjago
Aubrey - OMORI
Bossman Hero - OMORI
Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson
GLaDOS - Portal
Buttercup - Powerpuff Girls
Death - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Colette - Ratatouille
Albert Wesker - Resident Evil
April O'Neil - Rise of the TMNT
Cassandra Jones - Rise of the TMNT
Catra - She-Ra
Huntara - She-Ra
Garnet - Steven Universe
Morticia Addams - The Addams Family
Ellie Rose - The Henry Stickmin Collection
Gideon Nav - The Locked Tomb
The Mandalorian - The Mandalorian
Eda Clawthorne - The Owl House
Five Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Elendira the Crimsonnail - Trigun Maximum (the manga)
Mettaton - Undertale
Undyne - Undertale
Lord Dominator - Wander Over Yonder
Urbosa - Zelda BOTW
Revali - Zelda BOTW
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disabilityshowdown · 2 years
and we now have every single kid moving forward in the tournament!
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(Image description and list of character names under the cut)
I already have the full 64 character block filled out for our highest scoring nominees, they shall be revealed once we fill out the block of who they are each up against!
Stay tuned for the next polls to fill out the rest of the square
ID: The same 8x8 block of squares with question marks in them I've used before, except now the entire square has been filled out with icons of the following characters:
Red (Pokemon)
Renarin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
Long John Silver (Treasure Planet)
Brightheart (Warrior Cats)
Symmetra (Overwatch)
Nog (Star Trek: Deep Space 9) AND Spock (Star Trek: Discovery)
Darth Maul (Star Wars Rebels)
Eli Vance (Half Life)
Deadpool (Marvel)
Dr Carmilla (The Mechanisms)
Cassandra Cain (DC)
Black Raisin Cookie (Cookie Rush)
Handy (Happy Tree Friends)
Peppermint (Hi-Fi Rush)
Isabella Paretti (ValorPUNK)
Edgar Jomfru (Metalocalypse)
Helena Adams (Identity V) AND Antonio (Identity V)
Samuel Vimes (Discworld)
Dulcinea Septimus (Locked Tomb)
Nemo (Finding Nemo)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Merle Highchurch (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Sir Marc (Penumbra Podcast)
Hermann Gottlieb (Pacific Rim)
Jancy True (Drawtectives)
Cecil Palmer (WTNV)
Gary Goodspeed (Final Space)
Walter White Jr (Breaking Bad)
Jinx (Arcane)
Gazelle (Kingsman: Secret Service)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Cyborg (Teen Titans)
Maedhros (The Silmarillion)
Eugenides (Queen's Thief)
Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows) AND Linh Cinder (Lunar Chronicles)
Finn Tidestrider (Just Roll With It)
Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax (Dimension 20)
Echo/Maya Lopez (Marvel)
Sun Spider/Charlotte Webber (Marvel)
Zuko (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Mera Salamin (Epithet Erased)
Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
Vanellope Von Shweetz (Wreck-it Ralph)
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Jean Havoc (Fullmetal Alchemist)
All Might (My Hero Academia)
Custas (Witch Hat Atelier)
Ellen (The Witch's House)
Phosphophyllite (Houseki No Kuni)
Gabriella (Little Mermaid)
Splinter (TMNT)
Undyne (Undertale)
Maria Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Susie (Flight Rising)
Dagen Underthorn (Critical Role)
Kizuna Chieda (AI: The Somnium Files)
Haruka Sakurai (MILGRAM)
Floofty Fizzlebean (Bugsnax)
Demoman (Team Fortress 2)
Goro Majima (Yakuza)
Sunny (OMORI)
Dunban (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Malenia (Elden Ring)
Peter Sqloint (Just Roll With It)
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Second Round Masterlist:
Baron | The Cat Returns vs. Sylvie | Epithet Erased
Hunter | Rain World vs. Pure Vessel | Hollow Knight
Otachi | Pacific Rim vs. Zagreus | Hades (Supergiant Games)
Rika | Pokemon vs. Transformed Howl | Howl's Moving Castle
Ganon's Corpse | Breath of the Wild 2 vs. Kaworu Nagisa |Neon Genesis Evangelion
Milo Thatch | Atlantis vs. Ryo Asuka | Devilman 1972
Gomez Addams | Addams Family vs. Thanatos | Hades
Blahaj | IKEA vs. Marcy Wu | Amphibia
Calcifer | Howl's Moving Castle vs. Nausicaa | Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Toy Soldier | The Mechanisms vs. Dio Brando | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Mollymauk Tealeaf | Critical Role vs. Crona | Soul Eater
Herbert West | Reanimator vs. Magnus Chase | Magnus Chase Series
Desire | Sandman vs. Candace Flynn | Phineas and Ferb
Goblin King | Labyrinth vs. Kimiko Ross | Dresden Codak
Link | Breath of the Wind vs. Cecil | Welcome to Night Vale
Lucienne | Sandman vs. Testament | Guilty Gear
Ekko | Arcane vs. Stevonnie | Steven Universe
Newt Geisler | Pacific Rim vs. Gabrielle De Lioncourt | Vampire Chronicles
Rohan Kishibe | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Yamato | One Piece
Koki Kariya | The World Ends With You vs. Super Star Rockin' Jay | Ninjago
Legolas | Lord of the Rings vs. N | Pokemon
Goro Akechi | Persona 5 Royale vs. Garry | Ib
Bold & Brash | Spongebob Squarepants vs. Simon Petrikov | Adventure Time
Byleth | Fire Emblem 3 Houses vs. Spectile | Pokemon
Hawks | BNHA vs. Meta Knight | Kirby
Professor Venomous | OKKO vs. Double Trouble | She-ra
Johnny C. | Johnny The Homicidal Maniac vs. Lyfrassir Edda | The Mechanisms
Dr. Robotnik | Sonic Movie vs. Zuko | Avatar the Last Airbender
Blue Spirit | Avatar the Last Airbender vs. Kaname Date | Ai: Somnium Files
Will Graham | Hannibal vs. Kusuriuri | Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales
Lewis Pepper | Mystery Skulls vs. Eda Clawthorne | The Owl House
E-boy Wojak | Meme Culture vs. Spectra | Bakugan
Cure Chocolat | Kira Kira Precure a la Mode vs. Maleficient | Maleficient
Dean Winchester | Supernatural vs. Onceler | Lorax
Joker | Persona 5 Royale vs. Dr. Franken Stein | Soul Eater
Nagito Komaeda | Danganronpa vs. Donatello Hamato | ROTTMNT
Greg House | House MD vs. Carla | Dumbing of Age
Klavier Gavin | Ace Attorney vs. Marty McFly | Back to the Future
Elias | Ancient Magnus Bride vs. 4th Phase Ghouls | Ghost
John Mitchell | Being Human UK vs. Zasp | Bug Fables
Kuvira | ATLA vs. Ed Elric | FMA
Mr. Fox | Fantastic Mr. Fox vs. Fujimoto | Ponyo
Jean Descole | Professor Layton vs. Ryan Akagi | Infinity Train
Blackbeard | OFMD vs. Aragorn | LOTR
Alex Fierro | Magnus Chase vs. Juno Steel | Penumbra Podcast
Red Lizard | Rain World vs. Mae | Night in the Woods
Jinx | Arcane vs. Grusha | Pokemon
Jack Sparrow | POTC vs. Medic | TF2
Korra | Legend of Korra vs. Tim Curry Characters | Clue, Rocky Horror
Gunpowder Tim | The Mechanisms vs. Wizard | wizardisananimal
Sonic | Sonic vs. Team Rocket | Pokemon
Ilima | Pokemon vs. Grell Sutcliff | Black Butler
Espresso Cookie | Cookie Run vs. Ralsei | Deltarune
Ellie Sattler | Jurassic Park vs. Ryuko | Kill La Kill
Columbo | Columbo vs. Beast Wirt | OTGW
Jennifer Check - Jennifer's Body vs. JD - Heathers
Gerry Keay | TMA vs. Kris Dreemurr | Deltarune
Ranma Saotome | Ranma 1/2 vs. Alucard/Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes | Castlevania
ENA | ENA vs. Raine Whispers | TOH
Danny Fenton | Danny Phantom vs. Papa Emeritus III | Ghost bc
Rouxls Kaard | Deltarune vs. Arven | Pokemon
Denji | Chainsaw Man vs. Haruka Tenou | Sailor Moon
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sugarcreamsnest · 2 years
Spumoni Cookie Facts:
(* means they are most likely to change)
Spumoni ice cream is similar to Neopolitan but instead of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, it's pistachio, chocolate and cherry
She is a Magic >}> Epic Cookie
When she uses her skill, she twirls her wand to summon a comically small firetruck she enters. She drives into the enemies while fireworks come out of the car, with the first one stunning the enemy. The explosions take a lot of HP from the enemy and gives them burns that can stack up. She pops out of the truck and jump scares the enemy taking their HP and lowering their attacks. Due to how exhausted she is when she finishes, she loses a portion of her HP and her defense is lower for a few seconds*
She is a performer at her own 'circus' (it's a bit more of a haunted house with a circus theme if anything)
She comes from the Creme Republic (House Neopolitan)
She is my only underage OC and she is baby :3
Spumoni, funnily enough, doesn't contain a lot of cherry or pistachio. She is mostly made out of chocolate
Strawberry Crepe: Let's see... 50% Chocolate, 15% Pistachio, 15% Hyperactivity, 13% Cherry, 5% Comedic and 2% Anxiety.
She is an ESFP*
All she wants is to perform for others. However, her methods and performances can be rather extreme, illegal and even lethal.
Her personality (and story/design) was inspired by Lorelei from Epithet Erased, Paperstar from (Reboot) Carmen Sandiego, Jinx from Arcane:League of Legends, Neneko Aino from Prism, Spinnel from Steven Universe and Twizzly Gummy Cookie.
Due to being of high statues, she was always forced to fit the mold of being gentle and delicate. However, she was never that type of child. She loved getting dirty, collecting bugs and reptiles and making convoluted traps to capture mice and keeping them as pets. The more she showed her interests, the more she was suppressed and the more she was restricted the more creative she became, and little girls can be *very* creative. She became quieter and sneakier with her thoughts the darker they became until an accident happened that would free her from her situation. She practiced her magic and became quite powerful, powerful enough to make her thoughts a reality and eventually, other thoughts and fears.
In the present story, she tricks the CoD to join and be performer at her circus (so we get costumes y'all). She then kidnaps citizens of the republic to watch the shows but they never come back. She accidentally kidnaps a trio of citizens that turn out to not be a 'good audience' and she attempts to chase them down but they are smarter than they look*
She uses illusions and tricks to lure people into her circus
( I can't say much because I don't want to spoil her story too much)
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