#esp after working a physical job
void-thegod · 2 years
When you crack your lower back and:
1. It feels amazing
2. It makes an ungodly sound
3. It hurts a little
4. All these things in combination concern you make you want more.
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wp100 · 2 years
man im still so tired
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bouquetface · 3 months
Future Spouse Based on Nakshatra - Pt. Two
Please read the following for accuracy:
Check for which nakshatra of your dakarkaka.
You may want to check the nakshatra of your Venus (for wife) and Jupiter (for husband) as well.
You may want to read for your moon & AatmaKaaraka nakshatra to see if the traits apply to you.
DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind accuracy is influenced by the ENTIRE natal chart.
General Neutral traits:
Big lips esp lower. Long face - Oval or Oblong. Doe eyes. Larger facial features generally.
Friendly - easily connect with others.
Nurturing. Patient. Quiet. Kind. Considerate.
Likely religious. Stick to their morals over money. Sometimes have traditional values & dreams for the future.
Good communicators.
Negative traits:
Modern society may harshly judge one’s disinterest in materialism. If the disinterest is extreme, this person can have periods of life where they seriously struggle financially.
Some may feel they are so caring that they become suffocating to loved ones.
General Neutral traits:
Bold eye colour. Pointy chin. Often, fit due to their job requiring physical activity (ex: lots of walking)
They can prefer physically working - they may have physical hobbies.
Good memory. Curious person - open to learning/exploring more.
Generally, an honest person.
Negative Traits:
They can be impolite. Or anti-social to a point where they sometimes appear rude.
Like to indulge - must watch for overspending/overindulging in bad foods or bad habits.
Spend early life only looking out for themselves. Later in life, they undergo transformation to change for the better. Become more compassionate and religious/spiritual after a traumatic event.
General Neutral traits:
Often the most conventionally attractive in their family. Full lips. Small almond shaped eyes.
Clever. Good communicators.
Gain a good amount of wealth. Live comfortable.
Adventurous yet cautious.
Determined to reach their goals.
Negative traits:
Can be too focused on their goals. Neglect themselves and others until they see success. Others work and help is not always appreciated.
Self-destructive habits need to be broken. A few EXAMPLES: Stubborn to the point of being arrogant. Some have issues with lust & greed. Some have issues with anger.
Full lips. Dramatic eyes - can have dark circles, bold eye colour or big eyes. May appear tired. Innocent looking.
Often well liked. Likes attention. Entertaining person. Funny, witty, good at conversation.
Optimistic. Generally, stays true to their word - reliable.
Generally, gains moderate to high levels of wealth.
Negative traits:
Hot temper. Prone to feeling jealous.
Ego can be a problem.
Subconscious superiority complex when born into wealthy family. When wealth is gained themselves, they feel still feel superior but not as arrogant.
General Neutral traits:
Large eyes. Innocent looking. Youthful appearance. Close set eyes are likely. Prominent chin.
Independent. Good morals. Honest. Disciplined
Friendly. Optimistic. Persuasive communication.
Negative traits:
Disinterested in their family origins. This can change later in life when they have their own family.
Must learn to not over indulge - over spend/overdo.
Prone to isolate themselves due to being focused on their own personal goals/desires.
General Neutral traits:
Attractive. Commonly, have dimples. Prominent front teeth. Well groomed. Good style. Conventionally attractive.
Charismatic. Social. Independent.
Well educated. May not be formally. They may seek out good literature & art. They can enjoy philosophical ways of thinking.
Usually are a younger sibling or an only child.
Negative traits:
Vain. Can be overly worried about body and style. Can overthink in general.
Observant nature makes them very critical of everyone. Ego can be a problem.
Well known. But very few true friends. Many friends turn into enemies throughout their life.
Sometimes there can be issues related to fertility in these people’s lives.
General Neutral traits:
Prominent eyebrows. Medium to wide set eyes. Generally attractive. Unique looking.
Generally, likeable. Polite. Prone to over-talking, not listening. Intuitive. Intelligent. Helpful.
Generous & Compassionate. Stands up for people. Stands up for what they believe in.
Negative traits:
Sensitive. Often view themselves as a victim. Making it difficult to accept criticism & move forward in life.
Insecurities make them doubt their self worth.
General Neutral traits:
Strong jawline. Often hooded eyes. Long nose.
Disciplined. Hardworking. High goals. Optimistic. Generally, appear modest.
Good communicator. Popular. Often gain respect&influence at a later age.
Confident. Independent.
Good in leadership roles. & interest in helping others - social causes.
Negative traits:
Over indulgent.
Prone to overthink/anxious.
Will experience relationship struggles - often many relationships before finding the correct person for them.
General traits:
Attractive. Ethereal look. Innocent look. Wide to medium set eyes. Sharp jawline. Thin to medium lip. Strong bone structure.
Deeply empathetic but may not express it.
Strong & silent type. Have the ability to control their emotions - will do what is best for the family. As a result, often benefit from other people's money & resources - ex: inheritance or gifts.
Disciplined & hardworking. As a result, make a good level of wealth.
Rational. Good at giving advice. Stays neutral.
Generous person - often have good karma, it said they will defeat any haters/enemies.
Negative traits:
Struggle to express oneself can leave one feeling lonely & isolated. Repressed emotions can lead to emotional outburst later in life.
May unintentionally create many enemies throughout their life.
General traits:
Bunny teeth. Tall & muscular. Innocent looking. Generally attractive.
Independent & Confident. Often feel a strong sense of purpose. Determined & hardworking.
Passionate & protective. May be married to their achieving their “purpose” though.
Often desire a partner that is similarly hardworking & passionate about their work/goals.
Negative traits:
Requires to learn balance in their life. Can be overindulgent - potential examples: can enjoy gambling or unhealthy foods.
May have a slight controlling & possessive nature.
Worry a lot. Could experience periods of having difficulty managing anxiety throughout their lives.
General traits:
Full cheeks - often have a baby face through their 20s. Cute. Bold eye colour. Youthful.
Idealistic. Independent.
Adventurous. Youthful energy. Humorous. Often joyful.
Nurturing nature. Deep love for family.
Does well financially. Action orientated.
Negative traits:
Vengeful. Doesn’t forget or truly ever forgive. Many relationships turn sour throughout their life.
Impulsive. Short tempered.
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r1pp4r · 1 year
hi lovelies!! work has been busy <333 i’m working on requests but in the mean time have some simon “ghost” riley headcannons :))
- i also bought a ps4 and have been playing cod so… more content hehe 🫶🫶
anyway!! here’s the headcannons :)) slight NSFW warning!!!
- 🫣
• simon isn't a physical touch man unless youre in private but it takes a little bit. he won't be all over you when the two of you are out in public, especially on mission. but he'll do discreet little touches here and there (i.e put his hand on your upper arm, brush your shoulder, your knee, thigh) he'll even grab your pinky (he LOVES finger holding you cant change my mind)
• while simon would be absolutely infatuated with you, he'd also be terrified of you. he loves the thought of having you wrapped in his arms at night but the thought of him crushing or possibly hurting you shuts the idea out almost completely.
• this one is sad but he's hurt you before sleeping. he was definitely having a night terror, he's pushed you out of bed sometimes or woken up screaming. you didn't get to see that until farther along in the relationship though, he probably wouldn't physically sleep with you for maybe the first 6months to a year. it depends on ur dynamic :))
• as much as i know everyone thinks he'd be some mean, aggressive brute in bed... bro. he'd literally be so sweet. he'd take his time and make sure you felt loved. he likes to use his hands and mouth more than his yk, it just makes him feel like he's violating you less? idk how to explain it but he doesn't like receiving TOO much, like he won't ask for it every time but if you ever wanna really get him goin.. 🫣🫣🫣
• simon loves to take care of you, and the thing is you'll argue over it. (at least imc) but he'd definitely try and be the main caretaker of everything and i mean EVERYTHINGGGG, but he also likes ur independence :)) so u have your own job n your own money, he just likes to take care of the big things you pay for groceries n shit (when he's not looking)
• this man LOOOOOVES ur thighs. he loves just feeling his head squished in between the warmth. he loved feeling the skin squish between his fingers as he grabs your legs... esp when it jiggles after he spanks u. ANYWAYYYYYYYYY
• he loves cuddling whenever youre the little spoon in any shape or form. simon is ALWAYS holding you. his arms are wrapped around your form like a cocoon and he makes sure you're all cozied up against him. he also likes to make sure you're protected and one of the only ways he can do that is with his arms around you. he feels the safest with his arms wrapped around you, as do you.
• playing off that.. this man will literally murk a motherfucker if they LOOK at you wrong. (obviously not he'd just stare.. at them. very intensely) but if anyone ever put their hands on you in any sense of malice... i don't think for a second simon would hesitate.
• also... playing off sense. simon 100% knows when someone's bullshitting, or he can call anyone out within a minute. he's VERY good at reading people and truly can figure out their intentions quickly (obvs they can change or he can be wrong but like.. he's not 85% of the time.)
• once simon is comfortable enough with you, he'll come to you whenever he's having a moment and will allow you to basically cradle him until he doesn't need it anymore. he doesn't like to be squeezed tho (besides during ... but we knew that 😸) he just wants you to hold him and run ur fingers through his hair
• he talks a LITTLE bit more with you and his tone is a lot different and his voice is softer but he still doesn't talk a LOT. you do most of the talking but he prefers it that way because he loves listening to your voice. (he 100% calls you on missions whenever he can rather than text, he HATES texting)
• simon has cried to soap and roach about how he wants to love you but feels like he can’t. 100%.
• he only likes to be called simon when they’re at home, or in the bedroom. sometimes you’ve slipped up and he doesn’t mind :)
•bonus simon loves ur hands :~)
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sparklingcid3r · 24 days
wut did the convo between darry and child services go like? obvi was complicated but like genuinely how did he convince them he could b the guardian of 2 teenage boys? he genuinely must have nerves of steel.
also like must have been the worse adjustment if he always confided in paul or his dad when stressed, but now has no one. like his just isolation from any close relationship is soooo noticeable, esp compared to his brothers who actively lean on their best friends
just ignore that this might end up horribly inaccurate🙏 i’m here for a good time alr leave me alone😭 but fr darry was going through the traumas of odysseus on his voyage back to ithaca when he should have been getting lit at the club😔
Darry’s shell shock looks a whole lot like numbness. That’s how he feels, too, so when the same officers who just told him they’re very sorry, but his parents have been killed in an accident, he just stares and hears them iterate for him what exactly he needs to get done immediately. He forces himself to actually listen, because this isn’t about him, it’s about Pony and Soda and keeping a roof above their heads.
He needs to locate his ma and dad’s birth certificates and legal documents to have their wills probated and assets distributed, schedule an appointment with the funeral director, schedule a date for the funeral itself, meet with the court to be appointed Pony and Soda’s legal guardian, but that’s only after they deem him fit to be the sole caretaker of two teenagers. They’ll assign them a case manager. They’ll ask him what his salary is, they’ll call his old coaches to ask about his time management and self-discipline—what if he comes up short in some way? What if he makes a mistake and gets his brothers thrown in a home?
Fuck, then there’s the personal arrangements. He needs to call the college dean and tell him extraordinary circumstances have forced him to drop out, probably he’ll still have to pay for the rest of the semester he didn’t get to finish. When the case manager comes over for their meeting—the house is a mess from Darry’s birthday party, they’ll think Darry is okay with raising his brothers in filth. Something about bank statements too, he’s sure he’ll have to go over it, see what his parents have been paying for, what he’ll need to pay for and what he has to cut now that money’s about to be tighter. Bills, taxes, he needs to draw up a system to distribute those payments overdue or not. Groceries, do they need to go shopping soon? With what money? With Darry’s money, he needs to get a job now.
Darry gets to work.
Identifying the bodies is the first thing he does. He lets Steve and Johnny stay over to keep Pony and Soda company. Two-Bit offers to come with Darry to the hospital, but he refuses. When he gets to the hospital, he sees Dally standing at the entrance, cross-armed and stone-faced. He doesn’t even look at Darry when he arrives. Just pushes himself off the pillar and shrugs. “Your call.”
Darry says nothing, so Dally follows him in. The police lead him to the morgue. The sheets are carefully folded back to reveal their faces, and Darry’s stomach heaves and his eyes blur. His parents are shredded. They’re just bodies, sliced, crushed bodies. He doesn’t even realize he stumbling until a steeled hand grabs him and keeps him upright, and Dally’s saying “Easy, easy, man. Breathe, Darrel. That them?”
Darry nods. All he’s think is that it’s going to be a closed casket funeral.
The wills are the next thing he deals with. Once those are probated and the surrogate has deemed them official, Darry is free to pay the fees and obtain his inheritance, as well as transfer his parents’ money to his name in the bank.
Next, Darry searches for a job. Something physical, or something to do with numbers. He was going to be an accountant after all, might as well make some use of the few months he spent studying. After busting his ass hunting and applying, he lands a job at Fitzmorris Roofing and starts as soon as he can. The pay is decent, but not enough, so he keeps looking. Eventually he finds out about a firm at the edge of town looking for a bookkeeper, so Darry goes in for an interview and walks out with his second job.
Then are the bank statements. Darry gets issued a copy of his parents’ bank statements from the previous month and spends entire nights going through them. After crunching the numbers twice, he finds out that in two months from now, they’ll have to go without paying the electricity bill for a few weeks while Darry’s paychecks catch up with expenses. Better than going hungry. They’ll just have to deal with the dark.
So far, they’ve been feeding off the numerous donations from families around town. Lasagnas and casseroles and meatloafs, that’s what they’ve been pushing around their plates for the past two weeks. Darry surmises they have about one more week to make those last, then he’ll need to crack open a cookbook or two.
He meets with the funeral director. He advises Darry on what graveyard to pick, what kinds of caskets to hold the bodies in, how much of the burial will be covered by insurance. All Darry understands is that this is money he’ll need to cut from their budget. It eats at him.
Darry blinks and a week has gone by.
He doesn’t really remembering seeing Pony and Soda during it. Everything’s a blur. But he looks at a calendar and realizes with a seize of his heart that their case manager is supposed to meet them for the first time in—an hour and a half.
Shit, he hasn’t even gotten to cleaning the house yet. There’s laundry on the fucking couch, for Christ’s sake. Darry snatches it up and bangs down Soda and Pony’s door, dumping it on the bed. He sees a lump under the blanket and a jolt rocks him—that’s your brother, that’s Ponyboy, he’s grieving, he’s in pain, he needs help—but all he can do is kick the mattress and tell him, “On your feet, Ponyboy, Mrs. Mulligan’ll be here for dinner.” Pony doesn’t move, but there’s nothing else Darry can do, so he rips the blanket off Pony and leaves, slamming the door behind him because his own strength has become unfamiliar to him.
Soda’s in the backyard doing whatever the hell Soda’s been doing while Darry was out, and he’s called in but he comes trailing in like a wet dog. Darry doesn’t know what he’ll do if this meeting doesn’t go well, if Mulligan says Darry is not suited to provide for his brothers, how he’ll possible be able to live by himself knowing his brothers have been separated, so he snaps for Soda to stand up straight and fix his hair. Soda looks at him blankly, and again there’s a voice in Darry’s head—Sodapop’s not alright, he’s not talking, he’s not smiling, he’s not laughing, you have to fix this—but all he can say is “Now, dammit” and hits the countertop, spooking Soda enough to get him to flee, and Darry’s alone again, cleaning the table of the bills and documents, pushing them on top of the icebox and out of sight.
Darry’s prepped one of their last donated meals, macaroni salad, and set the table as nice as he can.
Fifteen minutes before Mrs. Mulligan arrives, he checks in on Pony and Soda. He stands outside their door, hand raised to knock, but he can hear them talking.
Talking about him.
“He’s gone crazy, Soda, I swear. When’s the last time you saw him stand still for two seconds? If you’ve seen him at all.”
“Dunno, Ponykid.”
“I miss Ma. I miss her and Dad. It’s like Darry hasn’t even noticed they’re gone.”
“Naw, baby, don’t say that. He’s trying, I think. He’s trying awful hard. We just don’t see it.”
“You don’t even know that. What if he’s making plans to shove us in a boys’ home?”
Darry can’t take it. His breath is lodged in his throat, but he can’t go falling apart right now, not when he’s come this far and still has a long way to go. He just knocks and calls them out to the living room.
Darry can’t meet their eyes when they sit in the living room. Pony’s lean on Soda’s shoulder but Darry can’t think about that, he’s got to put the macaroni salad in a bowl and clean off the utensils and “Pony, I told you to wash the dishes this morning.” With his back turned to his brothers, Darry winces. Anger never used to seep out this easily. But everything was enough of a threat to push him over the edge. Everything everyone said to him pierced him like a hook, made his tongue feel heavy and his blood feel hot. He needed to put a lid over it tonight.
Mrs. Mulligan’s eyes don’t rise to Darry’s when he opens the door for her. She looks behind him at their living room, at Soda and Pony on the couch, makes a funny noise in the back of her throat, then extends her hand out to Darry. Immediately Darry knows he’s going to be on the defensive the entire night. This woman does not approve of where Soda and Pony are being raised. Whether that means she doesn’t approve of the East side as a location or Darry as a guardian, he isn’t sure.
She drills him, but it’s disguised as gentle. Darry does everything slowly. Serving the food, making small talk, discussing Pony and Soda’s grades. Mulligan switches to speaking directly to the boys, and Darry’s not hungry, but he pretends to enjoy chewing the rubbery macaroni and keeps his head down.
Despite their reservations about life without their parents, Soda and Pony defend Darry to the case manager. It goes smoothly enough that she leaves Darry with a smile and a promise to stay in touch.
When the door clicks shut, Pony is gone in the blink of an eye back to his room. Soda just stalks into the kitchen and starts wrapping up leftovers, cleaning off the dishes. Darry tries to get Soda to sleep, but Soda turns to him.
“I’ll do the dishes, Darry. Just don’t get mad at Pony.”
“No, Soda, I’ll do it—“
“You’re tired, Darry. Let me be useful?”
Soda always knew how to spin the conversation in his favor. He was right. Darry was tired. He was just… tired.
But there’s a reason Darry hasn’t given himself a restful night yet. He doesn’t trust himself yet.
“Give me the sponge, Sodapop. Pony needs you.”
Darry’s had sixteen years to learn how to outmaneuver his kid brother. He’s not in the mood to fight fair.
Soda concedes and draws away from the sink, but he lingers in the doorway. “We need you, too, Darry.”
“I know. I’ll be here in the morning.”
He wouldn’t be. He’d be gone by the time they woke up, on top of a roof with bundles of roofing slung over his shoulder, but it wasn’t his physical presence that mattered. He was going to keep their heads above water, no matter what it took.
“When’s the funeral?” asks Soda.
Two days. Two days until it was official and their parents were covered in dirt. Darry just needed to keep it together until then.
“G’night, Darry.”
When the funeral comes, Darry’s quiet. Pony and Soda are weeping, unashamed by it, so Darry’s the one people feel comfortable giving their condolences to. He shakes a lot of hands, feels disgusted by it, like he’s collecting germs and other people’s bad luck. The gang is there, even Dally, but they hang in the back of the crowd, discounting Two-Bit, who’s up front with his ma and sister.
After Darry gives the eulogy he doesn’t remember writing, he watches twin caskets get sunk into the ground, dirt spilling on top of them, and Darry is officially alone. He leaves the ceremony, goes and sits down on a bench outside the fencing.
Not yet. Don’t break yet.
A shadow falls across his own. Dally’s taking drags from a cigarette at his side. He’s just as quiet as Darry, but offers the cancer stick. Darry accepts it, taking a few puffs. He’s out of practice and coughs the first time. Dally just pats his back and waits for him to try again. It feels good, but not the kind of good Darry knows he can depend on. He’s still got to stay healthy if he’s going to be trudging around in the sun for half his day and sitting around doing math for the other half.
“Do what you gotta do, as long as it’s nothing permanent,” Dally says.
“Couldn’t if I wanted to,” Darry replies, handing back the cigarette. His eyes sting.
It’s like the world’s stopped rotating after his parents are put to rest. Not when Darry actually expected it to. He closes the door to his parents’ bedroom, the room he’s been sleeping in for the past… however long it’s been.
He doesn’t even make it to the bed. The moment the door’s locked behind him, Darry’s loosening his dad’s tie from his neck, yanking at his dad’s collar to untighten his airways, but it doesn’t work. He slumps against the door and slides down, messing up his hair and crying into his arms, only as hard as his silence will allow. Pony and Soda are in the next room over, still teary, consoling each other. Darry won’t steal their reprieve.
He falls apart alone, wondering how he’s meant to wake up tomorrow in a world he doesn’t want to live in. And when he picks himself up and puts himself back together, he’ll do that alone too. He doesn’t have a choice.
istg sometimes yall just gotta LET ME COOK 👩‍🍳 can u tell i got super into it the longer i went on for lmao
oh btw this doesn’t scratch the surface of everything darry prob needed to do. he would have had to choose what his parents wore in their caskets, dealt with the scrapping of the car, assumed responsibility of the real estate deed (the house), communicated with pony and soda’s high school, communicated with his parents’ former employers, etc etc. the break was uncatchable i fear
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
for nsfw alphabet for Terry Silver can you do L, o, r, u, w <3
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Terry loves having his mouth on you, giving you pleasure is his favourite thing. He honestly did not think he would find love, esp this late in life and now that he’s found it, he will do anything to ensure it doesn’t disappear. This includes ruining you for absolutely any other person that crosses your path.
He finds it incredible sexy when you queen with him. He always maintains some aspect of control, hands gripping your thighs, holding you against his mouth so he gets that perfect angle as you fuck his tongue. You were shy about it at first and he found that incredibly endearing.
“Trust me you’ll like it.” He’d told you before guiding you right where he wants you. You come so hard that night you see stars.
Loves how deep he can get when he tongue fucks you from behind. Holding you open, seeing how wet you are before he licks it all up is a huge turn on for him.
After the first orgasm, he gently uses his palms on your inner thighs to keep your legs spread so he can lick up the mess he’s made.
You usually give him a blow job when you feel he needs to relax. He doesn’t give you much of an opportunity to otherwise because he’s all about your pleasure, he prefers to come inside you because he craves the intimacy of sex. However if he’s working too hard or distracted, that’s when you get the chance, it usually starts with your palms coming to rest on his knees while you lean in for a kiss, you part his legs as you kiss your way down his throat before you get down on your knees.
For him a blowjob feels like a gift, because you the way you treat him. This isn’t a fuck your throat kind of thing. You take your time, teasing the shaft, circling the head, licking the pre-cum off the end before you take him entirely into your mouth. You set your own pace and Terry adheres to it. He’s never come as hard as he’s come with you in those moments.
Everyone else before that has always made it quick, a means to an end. You make him feel cherished with the way you take care of him. You always curl in his lap afterwards and he cradles you close. He likes to feel that tenderness in the aftermath, it reminds him of how loved he is.
Every session with Terry is intense for the both of you, it’s always very physical and very emotional. The aftermath always involves the two of you tangled up in each other, you fall asleep completely but Terry usually wakes up after an hour or two to set the house alarm and make sure the doors are locked. You’re safety is paramount to him and he refuses to have it compromised.
You get off on it when Terry brings out the silk restraints, you know it’s going to be a very fun night. He binds your wrists above your head, but never your legs because he likes to feel your thighs gripping him when he’s inside you.
Terry can’t have physical restraints used on him. It takes him back to Vietnam and that feeling of helplessness when he was captured. He found this out the hard way during the a sex game. When you do restrain him, it’s with your hands, fingers entwining with his as you pin him to the bed, there’s an intimacy in that he enjoys immensely.
You both have in the past with other partners, Terry as part of the sex club scene, you with other boyfriends/girlfriends but you don’t do it with each other.  Terry loves being with you, he doesn’t need any other version of you and it’s never really been you’re fantasy.
Terry has got off on it a little, during his sex club days but with you, it’s private. He takes pleasure in the knowledge that he’s the only one that gets to see you in that state, that gets to give you pleasure. However sometimes the two of you get a little heated in public spaces.
There is one time you did get caught but you don’t know it. You were at an art showing and ran into your ex-boyfriend JP, who is filling in last minute for one of the other artists who had to had to pull out. Terry sees your demeanour falter and he remembers the story associated with this guy. He undermined your art, cheated on you, made you feel worthless. He’s the reason the two of you met in in Paris, you couldn’t stand to be in LA so you took the residency in France when it was offered. It’s clear that he still feels some entitlement, Terry watches from a distance as the two of you interact, the way JP lingers in your personal space because even after all this time he still wants you, the way you withdraw into yourself when he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. You disappear for a while after that and he finds you sitting in the alone in one of the galleries off to the side.
“I’m sorry.” You say as he kneels down in front of you. “He just makes me feel…”
You don’t say the word but he knows it. Inadequate. Terry fucking hates it.
“You, my love, are spectacular.” He tells you, his thumb chasing along the line of your jaw as he looks into your eyes. “Beautiful, talented, fierce.”
“I need you to show me that.” You tell him, your nose tracing along the  length of his until your lips are barely apart. “I need you to remind me of who I am.”
So he does, he fucks you in that gallery, your dress hiked up your hips as he whispers the sweetest damn words into the hollow of your throat.
“Fuck, you are the only man who does this to me.” You murmur when he has you on the cusp. “The only one that’s ever made me feel this damn good.”
Your eyes are closed but Terry’s, their wide open and fixed on the man whose watching the two of you in the doorway. Your ex JP. He looks stricken. It’s clear that he expected to find you here alone, that he expected to fuck you again. His cheeks colour as Terrys tugs your hair just a little and you fall apart all over his cock, his name on your lips.
“That’s it sweetheart.” He says, his eyes meeting JP’s with a ferociously he feels deep down in his bones. “You deserve far more than that boy could ever give you.”
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httpserb · 20 hours
okay so while i work on chapter 2 (I'm so sorry its late I'm a highschool senior with 4 ap classes, 2 gifted classes, and insomnia. I'm trying my best i swear) I'm going to give out some content and stuff like things to expect in the fic this is friendships/relationships that will kage will experience with small explanations :D (these are out of order)
lev & kage - ok so I plan on having miwa and alisa get together so i find it funny if they were awkward but lev immediately attaches to kage and they're like brothers
akaashi & kage & kenma - ok so they're all introverted and i know kenma and akaashi are cool but like i can see akaashi realize kage is mean or angry just really awkward and weird at times so he recommends him to join his and kenma's game nights and one Minecraft world later they're all attached at the hip
atsumu & osamu & kage - originally i think atsu and kage have a rivalry and mutual respect for each other until atsu realizes samu and kage are good friends (bc kage is always eating samu's curry rice balls, he has become samu unofficial food tester lol) and atsu is obvi trying to be the better twin so they end up getting closer at setters like a more equal standing unlike oikawa & kage or suag & kage who were mentors (in a way looking at you sideways oikawa bc your teaching methods were ... interesting [don't misintterupt this i love oikawa])
ushijima & kage - ok so they're both autistic, you'd have to rip that headcannon out my dead cold hands, and i can see ushijima watching kage and realizing 'oh he is like me' and they just connect like bluetooth
kyotani & kage - i actually love them bc they're both similar to me (i also find oikawa and kyotani's relationship interesting as he is in personality and raw talent and skill similar to kage and ik oikawa felt threatened cb kage was a setter but him moving along with you after the kitagawa incident is very interesting tbh) anyways i imagine they'd accidently connect like at the same gym and bond by shitting on oikawa (i imagine he'd want to hit some of kage's kingly tosses too)
yachi & kage - wlw & mlm solidarity, i love them sm, yachi realizing after seeing kage awkwardly attempt to pet a cat that he is really cute but in a sibling or little kid way so she can no longer find him scary but gets protective and explains social situations for him when he doesn't understand
coach ukai & kage - i imagine while coach takeda was hinata's coach, coach ukai was kage's bc he was blunt in a way kage understood and no extra words for needed, plus i like to think they were both very honest which each other so if ukai said kage was messing up he'd be upset but believe him and take a break
kage & tsuki - so i stand by the fact kage is smart but in odd strangely specific ways like physics but not general science and math and tsuki finds out and loses his shit bc kage is lowkey better than him but doesn't do anything with this, this kinda begins their actual friendship tho bc kage gets to talk about physics (esp astrophysic his favorite bc his dad's job [a personal headcannon])
kogane & kage - kogane worshipping the ground kage walks on bc he is such a good setter and kage trying to help teach kogane but he isn't good with words but despite this kogane understands him somehow!?
kuroo & kage - i think kuroo would recognize kage as someone similar to kenma but not only that but as hinata's best friend and as kenma's best friend who is friends with hinata he'd do some mental math to become kage's friend. plus i think he'd (like tsuki) recognize kage is dumb, but smart in different ways and try to draw it out of him (he also finds it funny to adopt/befriend all the karasuno first years [he has plans for yachi & yama])
tendou & kage - took one look and thought him and ushijima are of the same breed so he could befriend him (probably) but other than that i think tendou being seen as scary or freakish, even being referred to as a monster could relate to kage and his king od the court incident so maybe they'd bond through that ok that is all i can think of rn and if a friendship isn't on here it's because it probably something I'm already going to do. this list was mostly headcannon or me taking a small relationship, blowing it up, then putting it under a microscope for personal enjoyment
(here is some food: @youwerethedefeated @infinitemilk @ushouldwatchhaikyuu @kagehiner @cosmorom @greynoceur)
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commajade · 1 year
thinking about jinki......
he was so excited for the shinee cb and mentioned it constantly during his solo promotions. and he worked so hard and rly put his soul into picking the songs for the album and recording them, he sounds amazing on the whole album... and he did the fanmeet and learned all the choreo for the comeback and the concert and was fully intending on finishing every schedule they had lined up for the promotional cycle... and he even filmed half of the mv but he just physically couldn't keep going because of his health poor guy :( i believe him when he said that he's stepping out of this promotional cycle so he can be with shinee for longer i hope he's feeling good and healthy and strong rn.
being a performer is like being an athlete and having been in the running for 15 straight years with only military enlistment as their break means taking care of themselves physically is of the utmost importance, esp since they're all in their 30s now. if u think about it all the older 2nd and 3rd gen groups that are still together and have comebacks are not in the running like shinee is. being an idol isn't their main job the way it is for shinee and they're not in actual competition with the newer groups like shinee still is. that's a lot of physical strain and emotional discomfort because they're in such a strange position and they're having to pull things off that have never been done before, like being together after a member passed away and then coming back strong. and then military enlistment hiatuses almost in a row and managing to stay relevant. and now an entire highly competitive promotional cycle with only 3 out of 5 members. and they were successful! wildly successful! people love their music and think their music is still relevant and fun and trendy and on a solo level they're as popular as they have ever been including jinki!
i hope jinki's gonna be back with shinee soon, this whole cb without him was so painful even tho it was also fun and good and successful etc etc. i think with all 4 of them it's easy to see them as ot5 shinee because of jonghyun's very obvious place in their art and their hearts but jinki was his actual soulmate esp vocally-artistically and having both of the main vocalists absent is so sad... the other 3 still have enough talent experience and shinee vibe to carry this cb and their individual talents and expression shined even more than usual to fill the space but it was rly sad that they couldn't all be together.
164 notes · View notes
WIBTA if I withheld a job from my ex?
cw: maybe abuse?
My ex (28f) and I (24f) broke up two years ago. we're on decent terms, but I moved cross-continent and we don't talk often but are on good terms. every few months we chat and catch up. I don't think she's a bad person and have no ill-will towards her.
we got together when I was 19 and she was 24, which makes me feel weird now as a 24 year old, esp considering I was homeless and recently exiting a sex trafficking situation. I'm physically disabled- she had a physical government career (think military, first responder, etc) and had a good amount of muscle on me as a result. our relationship centered around substance abuse a Lot, and she did shove me, push me, etc. the worst thing she did was break my arm when I was trying to get her to eat when she was really drunk because I was worried about alcohol poisoning. I'm an addict tbf, but I didn't put my hands on her- I was awful, I'd leave for days after we fought and scare her, and that's not okay. I want to clarify that I'm also shitty in this scenario- I'd leave, I'd call her mean names, and not pick up the phone. overall, it was a toxic relationship on both our ends.
she left her government job, and I have gotten her a job since our breakup in the nonprofit work I do. The company I recommended her to operates hundreds of miles away from me, and so I wasn't worried about running into her, despite it being the same niche area of nonprofits. People there were uncomfortable once they found out she was my ex, because they were concerned about me when we were together, but she did well and genuinely helped out a really hard-up charity.
Recently, we've caught up- I never plan to get back with her, because someone breaking your arm is bad and I recognize that. My friends rightfully disapprove of us talking, but I needed some copies of vet records for my cat she had, and she asked if I knew anyone hiring. I am successful in my career and hold sway in the field I work in. I have worked at this one company I absolutely love working for, like I'm at my dream job, and I don't think it'd be appropriate to recommend her to apply. I am higher up now, and they would let me refuse to supervise her due to conflict of interest, but I just don't want her at the company. She's great at her job and would be a massive asset, esp bc it's a nonprofit and we struggle to find decent staff, but it'd freak out my work friends, she'd come into a similar environment as the last recommendation I gave, and I honestly just want to focus on my career without dealing with the stress of having her around, even though we're friends now, she still scares me a little.
So I told her to apply at companies I have a good reputation with but do not plan to work with again. It's basically the same job, same pay, as she would get if I offered her a job where I'm at, but my company has better policy and is more understanding. we're so understaffed in my field that people recommending friends, family, exes, whatever, to apply is normal and, frankly, appreciated, as long as they aren't working with them directly. I would be able to put her in an office on the other side of the country and never have to talk to her w work, but I just. Don't want her at this company, even though she'd help a ton and it's slightly better than the other jobs I've set her up with. She doesn't know I'm holding out, but AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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hopefulnightlady · 6 months
141 Nsfw Headcannons four, smut galore
(gender neutral)
Part one(Price): here
Part two(Soap): here
part three(Gaz): here
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So yeah here is the last part. As always, have fun if u disagree well. Tell me so i can tell you how wrong you are ^-^. Remember i made these out of sheer frustration at the prevalent characterisations. If you like super duper dark evil murder monster Simon 9000, you will not like this. Respectfully, go back to booktok🥰
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Spoicy stuff under the cut, folks!
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Same as price with the issues of separating his job and the sort of violence kinky sex brings
I mean he literally has a murder fursona (ghost) to cope with existing and to separate it from himself
(going to give you a sec here to digest murder fursona)
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probably suuuper quiet (internalized toxic masculinity says he's not allowed to enjoy things)
he would not be good at communicating in general
If you manage to get into his heart, and you must've if you're in his bed, he's probably trying very very hard for you about everywhere else
but this stuff? emotional intimacy, especially when mixed with physical intimacy? nope, not even on his list
you'd have your work cut out for you
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To not only shit on Ghost, here is a non-exhaustive list of stuff that he's good at/with
following direction (if you say 'just like that' he does. just. that.) not in a ‘sub’ way, just in a ‘good at following orders’ sort of way
actually, maybe a little bit in a sub way (hehe subway), not super kinky just.... wants to make Sure you're happy?
nice dick, big but not wayyy to big, and he doesn't think it makes him magically amazing at sex
loves giving head👍 doesn't matter your bits, if you like it, he will
the murder stare is pretty hot in the bedroom (especially when being given head)
he actually gets better at the genuine vulnerability stuff with time.
and oh, he tries. sooo. hard. and it's obvious
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Bonus, because it's not talked about nearly enough:
-He’d have ED (erectile dysfunction) issues. It's very likely at least one of them would, and mr skullmask flavor ptsd is my prime candidate
-it wouldn't be constant, and not anything like a medical issue, mostly just stress, abd performance anxiety, and well, the trauma
-He would hate himself PROFOUNDLY for it. I wish he didn't, but he would.
-Esp with his issues about talking about his feelings, i think you'd not even know until like. Wayyyy into the relationship
Totally the type of guy ro manage to hide it for yearsss
-perhaps you finding out (and better NOT CARING!!!) helps with the anxiety surrounding the topic for him, which in turn might soothe the symptoms are little
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he didn't even know such a thing existed until he randomly read on google about it (only AFTER the conversation about emotional intimacy and communication during sex was had)
And now he helps you clean up, and brings you a snack and water, and generally does everything he thinks might help you feel safe and happy
Still doesn't do much actual... talking. But the actions speak for themselves, and he's really trying
once the cleanup/snack is concluded, he will Cuddle you. Because he quickly learned skin to skin is important after Sex
For precisely 15 minutes, that is, after that he starts to get antsy, needing some time with No one Perceiving him.
(yes, it's pretty precisely 15 minutes. But!!! he already did 1 whole Sex with you, plus the cuddling? that's rough, bud)
would probably shower, or smoke, some small excuse for time alone and then come back, sit with you, or go to bed with you, or generally be close without too excessive touching
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Bye bye folks, that's it!
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castielslostwings · 2 years
Please help me tell people about my book!
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Hi! I'm publishing a book! It's HERE, just in time for Christmas!! It's GAY!! It's romantic!!! It's HOT! It has firefighters and background sapphic romance, and is exciting AF!!!
I'm very excited, too!
Both U.S. domestic and international friends can order shipped Paperbacks from me directly via my Ko-Fi shop (retailers take less of a cut): https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings/shop Or you can order on amazon directly, this is the only way to get the KINDLE ebook option: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945687126
Standard EPUB format is available to download directly from me for $1 cheaper than Amazon: https://ko-fi.com/s/2a82c64d56
And WILL be available at other retailers soon!
Here's the thing: I had a pretty solid platform on Twitter, but since Elon took over, a lot of my followers left, the algorithm crashed, and the whole thing might go under. I don't have the same reach on other platforms, so I need some help! Please share this post if you like GAY SHIT and BOOKS and helping indie content creators be successful!!! Please follow me or check out my ko-fi for updates! Thanks!!! Here's my pitch, hope you like it:
"Fire & Ice": The flaming hot queer romance novel where a foray into BDSM helps two best friends find themselves, each other, and what it really means to burn. Summary: "Firefighter Tripp Truett has somehow tumbled into a whole new kind of relationship with his quirky paramedic best friend, Lee, but mutual relief from their high-stress jobs quickly develops into something more. With all the missed signals and crossed wires, can these two ever figure out that they're so much closer to being on the same page than they think?"
**************************************** About the author (info dump ahoy!!!!) :
I'm Robin, sometimes known as Wings! I'm a 36-year-old, queer, autistic, disabled mom of 2 humans and 5 senior rescue dogs, former R.N. & paramedic. I'm a hardcore fangirl and a proud fanfic writer (and reader), and while I know some people will judge me for that, I am not ashamed! I started writing as a hobby after becoming physically disabled and unable to work as an RN. Fanfic gave me an audience and an outlet, gifted me purpose and hope again. Transformative fiction is FUN! It fosters creativity and passion, heals wounds, and makes people happy. If someone wants to discredit me for that, then perhaps they aren't the audience I'm seeking.
Ultimately, I know I'm taking a risk, but since people seem to enjoy my fics, this book is my attempt to try and make ends meet through original fiction! I know some people WILL discredit me. But I'm always about being myself and speaking on what I feel matters: Fanfic should be legitimized as a creative medium. I assure you, friends—the thousands of hours I've spent on my fanworks are as REAL as it gets. The intersection of disparaging fanfic + sexism/misogyny can't be overstated—women (esp queer women)'s unpaid work is often treated as a "hobby," not worthy of uplifting. I'm here to uplift! The risk is worth it—I would have nothing without fanfic & I'm proud. Younger creators shouldn't feel shame about writing/reading fanfic. We should ALL approach it as a legitimate medium. In fact, MOST new media these days is transformative "fanwork" of SOME kind, whether it's inspired by, based on, or outright rebooting existing worlds.
Plus, we queer folk simply deserve to see our stories in the mainstream media and to see the characters we fall in love, identify with, and root for to get their happily ever afters.
TL;DR: I'm keeping my name and history. Hopefully, I'll be successful in original fiction, but if not, I'll still be a fangirl. Please consider supporting me + other creators attempting to dip into original works. Follow or subscribe to my ko-fi for previews, updates, access to my discord community where I share exclusive content, and more: https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings FIRE & ICE IS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH MULTIPLE PLATFORMS! Ko-Fi subscribers will have the option to buy signed copies & merch bundles! The link to purchase will also be posted there first.
A MAJOR thank you to my friends, editors, and to everyone who in my server for supporting and encouraging me to put myself out there and try something new. Love you guys so much. <3 Thank you to @chaoticdean for the beautiful cover. Many more thank yous to come. P.S. If you are reading this and know anyone with a platform who might be interested in receiving a free copy in exchange for promo (only if they enjoy, ofc), please holler at me, I can use all the help I can get!
<3 Wings
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strawberry-spectre · 5 months
Kieran Valentine Analysis
I love Valentine so damn much because although everything we know abt him is so limited he's still such an interesting character with so much depth. (buckle in cuz this a long one-) ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭
The way he kept stealing love because he thought that's what he was suppose to do caused by his struggle between his sense of morality and what he felt compelled to do is always so interesting to me. Even more so since the reasons for this type of struggle could be caused by a feeling of dissatisfaction with his own life. It makes sense because in his diary, esp May 3rd, it implies that the only reason he was stealing love was to fit in and his lack of identity as an emotional vampire. I find it interesting however, that he wrote 'I thought that's what emotional vampires were supposed to do', does that mean he came to that conclusion himself or was he influenced by other, more expeirenced vampires? Maybe he saw how some of the blood drinking vampires took as much blood from their victims as they wished without feeling guilty about it and applied that to his situation? Maybe he wasn't shown any better way so he took what he could and ran with it? Another thing is how he wrote 'But I was just a real pain in the fang to everyone and made a fool of myself'. While it obviously is talking about the Drac 1600th event I wonder if he has also felt this way before that? Like 400, 600, even 1000 years ago? Also, if he knows internally, all along that what he was doing was wrong, how did he feel when he saw that shelf of broken heart trophy collection? In the movie he was pretty smug about it but what if it's another facade?
This is a pretty far fetched theory but what if those 3 gigachad clouds are the physical embodiments of Valentine's thoughts and expectations he has for himself? I mean some of the symbolisms that clouds carry are:
secrets (like an invisible message)
emotions (how fitting-)
difficult times
Of course clouds also have positive symbolisms like transition, which is kinda funny because once he started to realise what he was doing, and chose to change his ways, those clouds also disappeared. And if those clouds are the embodiments of his expectations then it makes sense why they always follow Valentine around, always says something that compliments what Val says, and why Val always seems to be putting on a performance when they're around (its a subtle difference but it's there).
And now Valentine is healing from all of that, I really love how he runs into trouble along the way but manages to fix it because it's so realistic and I love it sm. I also love how even after he realises what love really is, makes atrempts to better himself, make it up to the people he's hurt and meet a new friend (Spelldon), he still has those days where he's depressed (I was tempted to stay in my room today and treat myself to a monstrous blue funk), but he still chooses to make the decision of walking aimlessly instead of staying in his room. Like bros better than I could ever be and it shows how the path to healing isnt just 'boom I'm happy I'm fine' but rocky and filled with ups and downs.
When he met Whisp, he tried to use his wishes to solve his problems for him but it didn't work. Because you can't just fix all your problems and pretend like it never happened, you have to accept it and try to be better. Just a little analysis on this one sentence ''I've never had a friend like her, and once my last wish is granted, the lantern will move on, and I will probably never see her again''. It feels strangely depressing in a way that I can't explain, esp the 'the lantern will move on, and I will probably never see her again'. Is this implying that Valentine was afraid that Whisp would forget him? Or maybe that he sees Whisp as better than him and will succeed in becoming a better monster while he sees his attempts as futile? I think that Valentine was afraid that Whisp was simply doing her job and didn't see him as a friend (even tho thats not true), so could this be a sign that he's still struggling with insecurity with his self-worth? I mean it's only been like 3 months but still-
Like I think the reason why I love him sm is because he's such a deep character with the 5 bits of info we got on him and I see so much of myself in him :,)) I honestly don't think any of this was planned by the MH team and it was a 'oh haha it fits' thing but still (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) And I love how Valentine ends his diary with "Yes, Mother, I'm talking to myself down here." like bro canonically talks to himself he's so me (✿◕‿◕✿)
watch this flop lmao
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horizon-verizon · 25 days
Yes, it's a little sad the way George is being called out because he wants to say the things he didn't like about HotD, specifically season 2. He was more than satisfied with the first one, although the changes were more or less criticized, but he didn't say anything bad and now that he wants to give his opinion as a writer/creator of the Song of Ice and Fire universe, they call him unprofessional (because they name him as a producer) and that he owes us more books, I even saw someone saying how he should have written the dance.
below or contrary to the standards expected in a particular profession
not having or showing the experience, skill, etc., that is expected or appropriate in a person who is trained to do a job well
not exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, or generally businesslike manner in the workplace
I agree completely. I'm not sure what "professional" means in this context, I listened to a TikTok creator who argued that GRRM leaving a quick, strongly-worded, strongly-toned paragraph at the end of a long post abt problems with S2 was unprofessional bc it was vague enough to open up
The thing is, does it really matter when, if we're talking exclusively about any sort of material prospects that GRRM could have to have more of his work adapted into TV/streaming OR the show's viability/popularity in streaming:
HBO owns any and all ASoIaF adaption now and in the future
HBO will continue to make adaptations even after he's gone most likely no matter how "unprofessional" he acts, bc they are getting rich from it and that's all they care about anyway
and GRRM is an old man who's now richer than he needs to be
yes, he is focused on ASoIaF, and this is his more famous as well as the only (I think) adapted part of his oeuvre
if he really has signed away his own work to be HBO's material forever and ever (as I heard) and has not assured that he could be the final authority for stuff NOT having to do with costs and those practical things AND if people really feel as if nothing he could say abt the show could deprive them of loving the show...why the claims of "unprofessionalism" if you're just going to watch the next season and keep HBo's pay up?
a) some of the actors don't even watch the show OR they avoided knowing too much abt the orig story so they wouldn't compare and be disappointed or stay focused on Ryan's vision (out of the mouth of Steve-Corlys' actor); b) some don't watch bc it's just a thing among actors to not watch what they are a part of, therefore how are their feelings really hurt, esp when the running line among fans who criticize the show is that the only or one of the few things abt it that were nonnegotiably good were the actors? When people ride and die even when some say Emma is not that good looking or BR-ugly or they say Matt is ugly and the responses are ranging from "no" to "no one else can play Daemon, I just can't see it"? The critiques are never abt the actors; c) GRRM has ALWAYS praised the actors, esp Paddy and Phia; d) the critiques were ALWAYS abt the writing or choices in STORYTELLING, not the fucking actors and non-writing crew! I swear to god, things get fed into the "Machine of Fandom Disengnuity" every other week: most recently it was why people disliked how HotD did B&C and some said "oh you wanted it to be bloodier, you just want to se a kid die a gory death" (as if what was presented on screen, even just by audio, wasn't "gory" by itself since hearing a literal child's head get sawed off instead of quickly cut off still presents an "image", one with even more physical suffering--again, gore).
I really wanna know, WHAT is at real, deep stake here? HBO/HotD's reputation (S2 was mediocre, and I didn't like S1 but it certainly was just of shoddier quality than the last and people still loved it apparently) that they never really cared abt in the first place bc they know people will keep coming back for more? Or the justification for why they love ASoIaF?
Bc, again, if you really go by books =/= show, you'd be able to just enjoy the show for all of its flaws when they are presented to you as flaws OF when the AUTHOR OF THE ORG STORIES shares their opinion abt the work regardless! Why do you feel the need the label his actions as "unprofessional"
Why do you really care enough to try to argue the man--who said similar abt the separation of bk vs show atp--shouldn't give his two cents on the adaptation of his life's work? And esp if you argue that he doesn't have the obligation to give you more books/complete the series? So he's obligated to let us/you keep our blinders on abt the lore of his books, but not obligated to give us more books? Mayeb I'm missing something here.
Another thing, yes, he has been in the TV industry for long before ASoIaF; there have been some changes and he seems to stay back in ComicCons and writer's meetings. Still, if being "professional" means you need to shut up abt what you don't like abt an adaptation, point blank period, bc outstanding actors or non-responsible people will feel bad about it or the show will suffer or be your work is no longer yours to determine the meaning and themes of once you "sold" it...we're in serious trouble from self justifying capitalist interest.
Oh, and don't forget, when RYAN CONDAL decided to say that:
Daemon was the internet's "boyfriend" when he shouldn't be despite having to know he'd be a fan fav bc he already was one for years bc he's seemingly upset he hasn't been able to ubiquitously convince the female portion that he's a feminist...when such a statement is beyond condescending
the fans of the show/bks don't know the story as well as he does [pic below], when we all know GRRM is not often in the writer's room or has much authority on how they will write the series AND has gone on record to say he actually wanted to write the Dance when Aemon and Baelon were alive!
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Basically saying/dismissing fans' critiques for "I know what I'm doing" and "trust me, bro". How is this not "unprofessional" and actually, "Ryan is right? to tell bk readers to shove it"?!
GRRM's July inflammatory post mentioned Maelor [below] and how he'd talk abt that...Ryan's post above hasn't aged well.
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And you can see that he already hinted at his writing a blog post abt his issues with B&C; how would he not add other stuff he felt strongly about?! This was a long time coming and some were genuinely surprised not at the strength of his language and his being so direct (that is actually surprising, considering how he said nothing abt how HBO did Dany, Catelyn, Jaime even, Tyrion, the Three Eyed Crow, magic in general, etc. dirty that I've seen) but that he dislikes or could dislike the show or aspects of it when they are so used to using his praises or exec seat as way to say the show is valid for MONTHS and now can't always feel comfortable using it.
And no, I don' think that many TikTok creators are being paid to say they loved the show. I watched and listened to many, and they genuinely love the show or certain aspects of it when they say so. Let's take them at their word. All the power to them, sometimes--as many current HotD fans of S2 have said--people just want to either see their favs onscreen and realized or they are there for messy-boots drama and "comedic", "unserious" entertainment (which is funny, bc HotD has served genuinely interesting and non-superficial tidbits here and there but what's aggravating is how they almost immediately tend to not develop or some fans refuse to get into really acknowledging the problems HotD creates with is storytelling decisions both out and in the universe [race, gender like how they wrote Rhaenyra's sons and the Velaryons or the women's....passiveness and dragging an inevitable war post-Lucerys or trying to maintain Rhaenicent]).
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I really REALLY don't want to believe it. like I think bloberta is getting more and more disillusioned with trad wife life, we slowly see her detaching from her physical reality. i mean, mentally she's stronger than clay, so it's not impossible for her to just quit one day, esp. after the show finale. she remains constricted in these walks bc she decided to just not let herself to be something else, when in reality she can. it would be hard, yes, but she got the grasp and a certain realism to her judgements when she needs to. so in personal characteristics she is doing relatively fine so she's capable of handling this, with some help, but without a need to re-marry.
i also doubt that she has any faith in men of town left in her. in Numb she literally goes to several and tries to get them to appreciate her for her. none does, so from her perspective where's the guarantee that this one is going to be any different. i think she still have self-respect to not just beg for love in the most extreme sense.
but realistically, i do believe that re-marrying would be the easiest way out for her. even if she's not that desperate for love, her economic and social situations would be really shitty. she proper don't have any money of her own, everything is a family account, a 12 y.o. gap in her resume, no job experience, one illegitimate child and one odd (I don't even think that Block is a foster kid, there's literally no paperwork done, he's just hanging out there), neither of whom are entitled to child support from Clay, Orel, who is either goes with her, so Clay pays child support and she has at least some money, but also three children to feed; they share parent duty, neither is paying child support, but she would still have to pay for him in her time of care; Orel stays with Clay and she has to pay child support. apart from that, a social stigma, like the one florence and dotty have. I dont think she wants that kind of struggle, so even if it's not like a desperation for love, it still a dire situations for her. Roger Papermouth is just a figurehead for a provider first and a lover second. it's the same as it was with Clay – practicality first, and live will eventually come day.
the only way for her to leave the screen relatively unbothered by her new position in the society as a divorced middle-aged mother is to leave everything and everyone being and find a friend or a family member to help her for the first period of time. it means she drops her old life, her children, everything and leaves. this scenario though requires at least one friend or a family member who's ready to help her out. and from the show it's unclear if she still stays in touch with her siblings or old girl friends. Like it could possibly work with the help of Modella or Milly, but again, how available are they actually.
i thought about it a lot, it makes me really sad and depressed actually. she can do it, but does she wans to go through all of that? i do think that she's not that desperate, and Roger is just a safer option. but i wish she ran away. she needs to get out of this mindset all together to actually be happy.
hopey shit i did not mean to cause analysis to happen today but here y'all go!!
have fun!!
i genuinely mean this
im actually happy that there's still people actually talking about this silly little puppet show
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elithilanor · 2 years
Haldir o Lórien NSFW Alphabet
I can’t believe I basically wrote a book on this, but Haldir deserves the love! And smut! I’m also definitely planning one for Rúmil as well but I’ve got something else in the works at the moment. Anyway, hope you enjoy and feel free to ask any questions, asks, etc! ❤️🥰 Happy Haldir-days everyone 😏
I’m sorry in advance for how filthy this is.
Also, yes, he’s one of my faves
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Very soft and gentle. Lots of stroking, soft touching, and gentle kisses to bring you back down. Loves to cuddle and hold you and make sure you get plenty of fluids. He bakes the best fucking bread and he’ll make sure there’s some to snack on. Massages if you have a tendency to tense up.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His own: his upper body, particularly his shoulders. He’s an extremely adept swordsman and archer and if fucking shows. He loves it when his partner clings to him.
Yours: hips. Everything around the hips: the hips themselves, love handles, the lower back before the ass, lower stomach. He loves handling and kissing you senseless there.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cum volume is a little more than the average. He can come a couple times in a row if you go slow and steady enough and he absolutely loves long sessions.
His favorite place to cum is either as deep inside of you as he can, on your chest/breasts where he’ll massage it in after, or right on your genitals (if you’re afab, he’ll press it right back into you, which can often lead to another round). He doesn’t like leaving physical marks, but marking you with his come is different.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Haldir has a Thing for worshipping others (esp orally) on his knees and he has more than once gotten himself off to the idea of Galadriel asking him to do so with Celeborn guiding him. He’s on his knees for hours with his hands behind his back. Any errors he makes are quickly corrected by Celeborn’s hand or a strap across his back.
Also, the thought of being tied up and fucked by Elrond and Glorfindel tag-teaming him and being publicly humiliated or taken.
He’s super embarrassed by it and desperately hopes Galadriel has never had an inkling of it when they communicate via óswanë.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He doesn’t have a lot of long-term relationship experience, but he’s had a couple of short-term, exploratory feminine partners. He’s had a lot of hand-jobs and frottage in the woods out on patrol with his guardsmen.
In the former case, it’s been a lot of fairly vanilla sex and in the latter, it’s usually hand jobs after a long day or dry humping against each other and making out. He doesn’t have penetrative sex with his guardsmen because he’s careful of the power imbalance he holds. Which is unfortunate for both him and the guardsmen because he would be very well received. Also, this elf gets stressed and is often incredibly strict. There are definitely a couple of wardens who just wish they could help him out-carnally, that is.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
All variations of lotus, prone bone, spooning, and missionary - but like cradling you to him or holding your arms above your head missionary
Anything where he gets to hold you tight, basically
Reverse cowboy if he’s with someone else with a penis so he can jerk you off while fucking you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s not super goofy, but it’s always very warm and light-hearted. Kisses in laughter sort of a thing.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s got a very light dusting of blonde across his arms and legs and a well-groomed thick, thatch of hair at his pubes a couple shades darker than his silver-blonde. He has a happy trail and keeps it neatly pointing directly down.
Will shave if asked or if he knows there might be some oral occurring. He’s very considerate.
Does not give a flying fuck about his partner’s hair. Whatever is most comfortable works.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very sweet and gentle and kind. Super romantic. Everything is about holding you closely and tightly to him and fusing the two of you together so you’re basically one moving body. He loves watching you and sharing eye contact.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s not super horny or anything, but if he gets the urge and he knows he won’t see you, he’ll go head and take care of himself.
Likes mutual masturbation and really likes being watched while masturbating while praising you/being praised.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I would call it a breeding kink, but he doesn’t want kids nor the idea of them so I guess it’s a cream pie kink? He just really loves filling his partner up with his come and seeing how they react and if they want more
Loves holding his partner down, but rarely ties them up
Hair: he loves having hands pulling at his hair and vice versa
Service topping, especially kneeling. He isn’t into Being a Dom, but he’ll dom someone if they ask and he’s a natural top. He just loves worshipping his partner in any way and his breath is always taken away when his partner wants to submit. He’s amazed and very appreciative of that type of trust.
85 no/15 yes on spanking if his partner really really wants it or needs it to get out of their head or feel better. He hates hurting you but if you make him angry or frustrated enough with your lack of care towards yourself (like running off into the woods after an argument and almost being caught by a pack of orcs or something), he’ll take you to task. It almost always leads to sex once he’s calmed and you’re done apologizing. Anytime he hurts you, he needs serious aftercare and reassurance.
One day he will be pegged or be the receptive anal partner and he will turn into a wreck of a mess. Get Haldir Pegged 2022
Overstimulation>denial for you; overstimulation>/=denial for him
He’ll go feral if you mark him up while he’s taking you. Claw marks, smacking, etc. He likes knowing what he does to you and he can take it. One day, he’ll get spanked and roughed up on purpose in a scene and he’ll learn something new about himself. It just hasn’t happened yet.
Loss of control/power imbalance for himself in specific fantasies
He’s preferred honorifics if you use them are Marchwarden or sir; Ada (daddy) is situationally acceptable
“Good girl/boy/pet”
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In bed because he can spend hours there with you and you’re both safe and comfortable
In front of the fire on a rug or a couch
In the bath
Holding you up against walls or pressing you into them for foreplay, kisses, and hand jobs
He’s got a serious exhibitionist streak so if you’re outside, he holds you in such a way that you’re completely on display so others can see how beautiful you are for him if they happen to walk by. Watch him touch himself, he'll come apart at the seams.
His one exception to not leaving marks on you is leaving finger print bruises around your hips and on your ass from holding onto you while eating you out. He often worries he’ll hurt you but gets turned on when he sees them and he’ll leave them before he leaves on patrol. If he’ll be gone a long time, he may give some lasting bite marks on your chest where they could be covered.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Loyalty, trust, kindness, intimacy, kissing, love
His partner in revealing dresses or skirts, regardless of gender
His partner taking care of themselves
His partner opening themselves up to him and being vulnerable - emotionally or like just letting him watch while you masturbate
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s actually fairly mild on a day-to-day basis when it comes to his sex and hates harming his partners in anyway. Very protective. Anything that would hurt you (hitting, slapping, etc), makes you cry, leaves lasting marks is a no. No age play. Deeply uncomfortable if you ask him for consensual non-consent. No degradation.
Only exception to a hard no on actually hurting you is the previously mentioned very infrequent punishment spankings.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Ham feral. He loves giving oral, but isn’t super fond of receiving. He’s got good control on holding himself back from orgasming, but that pretty much goes out the window when he’s receiving oral. He’d love to allow his partner to cockwarm him, but he genuinely wouldn’t be able to. One of the only things that can overwhelm/overstimulate him so it’s all just a bit too much and a bit too fast for him. It’s good once in a while, but he’s spent afterward and over- sensitive. The slower the better if you want to do something afterwards with him. He’d be open to experimenting more with his overstimulation with the right partner though.
He could probably have the gold medal in Lóthlorien for giving oral. He will bury his head between your legs and and stay there for hours with his arms around your waist, holding you to him. Has a mental tally of how many times you’ve cummed on his tongue since you started seeing each other and he kind of always if trying to get you to squirt or cum dry. He has a basket of towels by the bed and the couch so he can lay one down whenever he needs. He also loves just slowly and steadily pussy-warming you. If he’s in a submissive mood, that’s probably where he’ll live. He’s got stamina in everything he does.
He only has experience with female/afab partners, but would be more than willing to learn with a male/amab partner and he would also love it. He would very much enjoy cockwarming someone, especially with their hands in his hair keeping him grounded and fucking his face if he’s being particularly good.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow, steady, strong, and sensual. Every thrust is deep, filling, and hard. The quality of thrust over the quantity. He’ll speed up a bit at the end though. And if you get him close, he snaps his hips and gets a bit jerky in his movements.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not a huge fan of it. Again, he prefers long and drawn-out sessions for both the benefit of his partner and himself.
If he engages, it’ll be just to get his partner off with his hands.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not really. He’s open to some things, but nothing that hurts his partner. He’s okay with experimenting more with additional partners or location.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Averages 2, but he’s more than fine with 1 and has definitely gotten up to 3 if it’s a gradual and continued session. Only 1 so far if it’s from oral. He lasts a long time and he’s got good control. He can get a good two or three orgasms while actively fucking you before he even comes once.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’s got whatever the fantasy elven version of a flesh light is and he’ll use it but his preference is always you. Watch him while he uses it, though...
You’ve also got a couple of vibrators and maybe a dildo or two for his use on you. He loves holding you down by your stomach while holding a toy on you and watching you squirm while digging your nails into his arms.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not really and never in public. The most teasing he does is when you’re already engaged in an activity like oral, but he very quickly follows through.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a bit more on the quiet side. A lot of gasping, breathy and lower register moans and grunts and praising you when you’re close. A lot of quiet fuck, fuck baby
When he’s in a more submissive role, he’s definitely louder and begs more and will even whine if you deny him or he’s close to coming. Mildly embarrassed about it after he comes.
Shouts sometimes when he comes, but usually just moans louder.
Has a horrible tendency of burying his face in your neck or elsewhere to muffle his reactions.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s actually fairly neutral most of the time. Not vanilla sex, but the very typical hold you down and slow fucking sex.
But depending on what’s going on personally, work, etc, he’ll go through phases of being very dom toppy instead of just a top or very submissive and needing to just let his head go quiet in your lap.
I don’t see Haldir as someone who wants kids. He’s seen the worst of the world, he’s very dedicated to his work and his community, and he just doesn’t have the time to be a good father. Plus, I hc some family loss and trauma which doesn’t add to his decision.
I typically see him with afab/feminine people, but often hc him in a triad with another more dominant amab/masculine elf.
He can get incredibly jealous, but he has a handle on it usually.
Struggles with communication, but is willing to work on it because you’re important to him.
Learned a lot of concepts and safety from his younger brother Rúmil, who I hc as very into bdsm and as a Dom who grills whomever Haldir ends up with because he’s sometimes submissive. Protective middle brother.
I often hc Haldir as non gender binary compliant and that he would love and maybe even prefer a partner who wasn’t cishet.
I hc fem!Haldir as much more dominant and into bdsm. Just vibes.
He’s just a big, thick wall of safety and love under our snarky King. He can be both!
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His fucking hands and shoulders. Ugh so toned and muscly.
His dick is uncut and curved upwards towards the tip, which flushes a very pretty dark pink (like the rest of him) when he’s aroused. He’s a bit longer than avg, but he’s pretty heavy. Makes for a very filled partner.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
  It would be higher if he had the time to pay attention to it and take care of it instead of constantly working. You can easily get him in the mood, but it's not his default.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Drifts off slowly with you in his arms; no immediate crash.
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prismportrait · 9 months
PLEASE help! A Go Fund Me campaign for an amazing nonbinary coworker & friend!
My nonbinary coworker named Femur is in a household where they are threatened physically, emotionally, and mentally by their parents near daily. It's not just them either, it is all of their siblings, some of whom I also personally know to be good, hard-working people. They are scraping every penny together to get a place so they can move their siblings, and their partner (who is in a different shitty situation) OUT and into a place they can thrive together.
Femur works multiple jobs, they're an amazing artist and roleplayer, but they are incapable to getting this message out for themselves because their abusive parents stalk all of their socials. They would be threatened to signal boost on social media and they would be caught if they softblocked their parents.
After the latest incident which left their youngest (13 yo) sibling running away from home for their safety, without a cell phone or a place to stay for safety, on top of usual January retail hours getting cut short, the siblings are getting even more desperate for their safe space. Saving them is achievable! There is an old 70s house on the market they just need a bit more to get the offer in on! They've finally made this Go Fund Me in a ditch effort hope that myself and a few of their trusted friends can get the word out that they can't push for themselves.
Their mother set their 12-year-old Christmas Tree on fire last month. Time is running out faster than they can save for. Anything you can donate is appreciated.
I also intend to open inexpensive sketch commissions soon in exchange for donations to this GoFundMe / their Ko-Fi account! Checked my pinned post here for current updates on that if you are interested.
Please reblog/ signal boost this!! Esp. if you cannot donate! 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you...!
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