#especially Mara and Duke.
coachbeards · 6 months
literally back to thinking how different haven would’ve been if crockers had immunity too. they were created by croatoan for the explicit purpose of collecting troubles doomed from the start so it’d make sense that they were immune to the troubles they needed to collect. it would’ve made them stronger, worse threats, heavily feared even more than before. it also adds to the weight of lucy and vince needing to murder simon, since he’s TOO strong. he, along with the rest of the crockers, are mara/lucy/sarah/audrey’s other halves. the other sides to their coins. the giver of the troubles, the takers of the troubles. it’d change the dynamics between the crockers, reverend driscoll, and the guards as well as…everyone. especially audrey and her past selves. (also of course. duke + nathan…)
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bitterrobin · 5 months
Things I hate/dislike about Fanon-Damian Wayne
AKA me just bitching about the various icks of Damian portrayals in fanon that range from weirdly racist things to a blatant misunderstanding of the core character.
Whitewashing - not only in art, but in descriptions; making Damian pale or white, an "exact copy of Bruce" and having blue eyes. He'll share features with Bruce of course, but it's rare I see anyone describe him with traits from Talia or Ras or Melisande. Y'know he's still half Arab/Chinese despite Bruce being white. He should have, at the very least, a shade of brown skin and non-blue eyes.
Describing Damian like an animal (hissing, biting, clawing), calling him feral or rabid - I already have a post about how its pretty racist to constantly describe a poc character like this, so I won't go any further here. Also, rabid, really? Anyone who calls Damian that will die by my hand because it's so genuinely ignorant that I just can't excuse it.
Overuse of terms like "Blood Son", gremlin, "Demon Spawn", "Satan" - these spawned completely in fandom and its gotten to the point that I will immediately click off something if its included. Just stop using these as shorthand to describe him or joke about him. Come up with something else, or maybe just don't include Damian in a fic if he's only there to get made fun of.
Connected to the "Blood Son" term, making Damian obsessed with his biological status as Bruce's child and making him demean his adopted siblings/other adopted characters - he's only had a couple instances of this in canon comics. Once, in his introduction in the fight with Tim written by Grant Morrison when his character was still being fleshed out. Again, in a fight with Tim in Red Robin when Damian is mostly being written as an antagonist and not a character of his own. It frustrates me to no end when this is brought up because Damian's status with being Bruce's son has nothing to do with biological connection or genetics. It has everything to do with just being a son of a father that doesn't put any effort to knowing you and seeing him have deep connections to other kids that you have been raised to see as competition, not family.
Constantly having him carry around a sword/katana - this does happen in some comics, but its really not the main weapon he uses as Robin. A good majority of his time as Robin he just used the standard stuff (batarangs, grapple etc). The really aggravating part is when fics insinuate that he'd carry one around in public or in school.
Making Bruce's half of the family his good white saviors, while also making the al Ghuls evil abusers - if you demonize Talia and then prop up Bruce as a good dad who's done nothing wrong to Damian then I'm going to assume that you don't read comics and you don't have a good understanding of Damian's relationship with his parents. If you make Dick or Jason the good protective big brothers while putting down Talia or Ras or Mara, again, I'm going to assume the worst. Dick did not like Damian when they first met. Tim spent most of their time together as Red Robin/Robin hating him. Jason shot Damian point blank in the chest the first meeting they had, and then continued to threaten his life. Damian has never had a great relationship with anyone in the batfamily when he first appeared. Yes, not even Stephanie or Cassandra or Duke. With everyone, it took time for him to be tolerated much less liked or understood. Making them the ones who understood him and babied him from the start ruins his character development and his relationships with them. Only if you're writing an au where Damian is raised by Bruce, then it's excusable but still not the least bit right when handling the al Ghuls.
Making Damian ignorant or plain stupid, especially when comes to white American concepts - Damian is insanely smart. He knows what riddles are. He knows what metaphors are. He knows that Gotham is a city in New Jersey in America, and that American concepts like school clubs and sports teams and cliques and dances exist. Sometimes it sounds you're making Damian intentionally an idiot when you imply he doesn't know what a video game or a tv show is. Just because he grew up sheltered does not mean he's fucking blind. He's a kid who grew up Middle Eastern, not in another planet.
nitpick but Damian calling Bruce "baba" at every turn or throwing in "habibi" when you write ship content - I am not Arabic, but i'd feel the same kind of annoyance if someone wrote Damian calling Bruce "papa" or "padre" all the time, or randomly listing off Spanish endearments in ship fics. In moderation, it can be cute and appreciative. But sometimes it reads like you just discovered a new funny word and you're throwing it around for no reason.
Insisting that Damian should have learned morality or been punished severely by any of the bats when he first showed up - I must stress that none of them did jack shit to teach Damian any kind of morality when he appeared. Bruce met him, yelled at him, fucked off for a mission, came back and then promptly left him behind with Talia before they were presumed dead by explosion. Then Bruce straight up died. Bruce had very little to do with Damian in the early era. Dick, also, didn't really do anything in terms of actually sitting Damian down and explaining the Bat code or just general "killing=bad". He taught Damian to be Robin, and by that process, gradually got through to him about being a hero and a good person. You cannot expect good behavior from a child from the get-go if you've done nothing to teach that child. On that matter then, implying that Damian should have been kicked out of the house or beaten up on behalf of Tim as a form of punishment or a "teaching moment" is genuinely insane. You're going to abuse the already abused ten year old because he hurt your favorite character? Really? You're truly the pinnacle of an adult figure that he should respect /s.
Being annoying about Damian's attitude towards other characters - he's sarcastic and rude on purpose. It's pretty clear from the start to Damian that no one likes him, so he chooses to not like them back. If you cry about him calling Tim names, then I honestly think you don't have a high opinion of Tim at all if you think a seventeen/eighteen year old teenager would be hurt or psychologically scarred by a ten year old calling him a mean name.
Exaggerating Damian's violence and making people terrified of him - calling his fights with Tim "attempted murder" both undermines what murder actually is and undermines Tim's skill levels. The cutting the line incident for example. Obviously the action of cutting it was dangerous, but if you genuinely believe that Tim would have died from it or that he would regard it with any PTSD-level importance is (imo) kind of stupid. We always hear about the actions Damian takes around other characters, but never the canon reaction. In the 2009-2011 era, Tim was angry and annoyed about Damian. Whenever Damian did anything to him, he fought back. He would shoot back remarks, land a blow. Tim wasn't scared of Damian. They didn't even live together long enough for Tim to feel "unsafe in his own home." The second Damian became Robin, Tim left. They never lived in the same house since then, until the reboot, and even then Tim has been pretty independent and Damian has been away from Gotham more often than in it. Same deal applies to Dick and Steph and Jason and Cass, they never took Damian's actions lying down. He's just a mild annoyance to them. In fact, Damian doesn't attack them in their sleep. He doesn't try to kill them every chance he gets. He doesn't plot their demise. Every instance of Damian fighting someone in the family has either been; protective impulse, a reaction to a fight they instigated, or a sparring-type situation where neither of them are taking things seriously.
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halloweennut · 2 years
The Erlking and the Golden Hero
(ah shit, here we go again. angst time)
Once upon a time, a man played with things he thought he understood. Once upon a time, the darkness swallowed him whole, and he wandered his former home and the forests, a dark shade only known as the Erlking.
Once upon a time, a boy was born, and he was destined to destroy the darkness. Once upon a time, he was destined to destroy the Erlking.
But things are never as neat as they are in fairytales.
The Robot had been silent for days following the events of the Nightmare. Mara had taken days to fully recover, physically in the least, but the rest of the team was still sorting out what had fully gone on. Chiro for his part...seeing his mother in agony and almost die, finding out his parentage was almost too much. It was hard to pull him from his mind and his bedroom when he wasn't needed, even with plying from Jinmay and the others. All he could really do was fiddle with circuits or try to - a dozen little projects and circuit boards were spread out on his desk, none finished. Something would come up, so flaw or block that usually he enjoyed fixing or working around. But his mind would stall out and he would just grab for the next thing. If Chiro recognized the pattern, he made no show of it or tried to stop it. Antauri wished he had more answers, a solution to help Chiro. But for his part and everyone's, they would always have Chiro's back, even if it meant giving him space. He also knew that there was a line between needing space and shutting the world out when he had a moment and that it was a deep precipice to be pulled from.
"Nothing is working, not even Jinmay can snap him from this. He won't talk to us," Sprx said, leaning against a cabinet in the medbay. Mara had been pulled from one last stint in a bacta-tank and would have been free once her vitals were cleared. "Hell, even Antauri doesn't know what to do right now and it's freaking me out."
Mara sighed. "I should have just healed the old-fashioned way."
"At least I could monitor your heart rate and brain waves from here," Gibson said. "After that attack and your power surge, I would rather make sure neither your heart nor brain failed."
"Please, it'll take more to kill me," she laughed in a weak attempt to play everything off. "Listen, am I clear?"
"Yes, but-"
But just like the first time she had come out of medbay, Mara left quickly without giving Gibson a moment to continue. Sprx laughed, but whatever quip died on his tongue when he saw a familiar frown on the blue monkey's face. "Gibson? What's wrong?"
"Mara needs to be careful, especially now. One more attack like that, psychically, from the Skeleton King may be the last one until she's fully healed. And more than likely, once her connection to the Power Primate is wholly restored," Gibson said, pinching his brow. "I'll need to confer with Antauri on that bit. He's more well-versed in it, no matter how much I study everything on the scientific level."
"Can you believe...basically anything about what we know now? About the Alchemist, the Skeleton King, Mara, any of it? It's....," Sprx grasped at the word. Gibson nodded.
"If I hadn't double-checked Chiro's DNA myself, I wouldn't have believed it. But Mara's memories were her's, and I am glad we took nearly all of the Alchemist's personal belongings from the Lab - it gave me plenty of genetic material to work with," Gibson replied. "If I could figure out a way to use that DNA to break down the Skeleton King at a molecular level-"
"The Skeleton King and Chiro have to duke everything out by themselves," Sprx sighed. "Even if we wanted to help, it's still gonna come down to it. I hate that stupid prophecy."
"Prophecy or not," Gibson said, "We will be there, even if we can't fight alongside Chiro."
Mara could remember reading about the prophecy during her time on Verron. It had been part of the standard curriculum all neophytes had to read, even if she was doing it out of boredom, and to a certain degree to be around a certain scientist. But never once did she think her child would be a key player in it - she hadn't expected to even have children at that time. But lo and behold, her son was the foretold chosen hero. It wasn't something she could protect him from. But she could at least try and protect him from the throes of his mind at a darker point.
She knocked on the door to his room a few times until she heard him give clearance to enter, as though he was too caught in his own head. Mara entered, finding her son where she knew he would be - at his desk, tinkering. She clicked her tongue against her teeth and walked closer, seeing the scattered parts of dozen things. Without saying anything, she placed a plate of cut fruit next to him before hopping up to sit on some empty desk space. "I got your favorites."
Chiro looked over at the plate and saw the smattering of starfruit and apples shining up at him. "Oh...thanks, mom."
"Of course, star sweeper," she replied, picking up two random pieces of whatever had been tinkered with. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah- yeah I'm fine. Did Gibson clear you? Do you need more time-," Chiro started. Mara stopped him by gently poking him between his eyebrows.
"You're upset and frustrated. You always crinkle your brow when you are," she said simply. "And you fiddle with spare parts. Ever since you were little."
Chiro rubbed the spot she had poked, but Mara pulled his hand away. "You know - you get that from your dad. It used to drive me crazy because he wouldn't just say what was bothering him."
"It looked perfect, though," Chiro said quietly.
"He...he only showed the best parts. That made it hurt more, honestly, the sweets over the sorrows. But we argued, we fought, I threw a few books at him...," Mara listed. "It wasn't perfect, at all. But it was ours."
"I'm not sure I want to know how similar he and I are...," Chiro murmured sourly. "Not right now."
"I know, baby," she replied. "But you're always you. Hero or not, you're Chiro."
Mara tugged him close into a hug. "Prophecy or not, you're my son."
Chiro relaxed at that, leaning onto her shoulder. "Thanks, mom."
"Of course, star sweeper," Mara held him close for another moment before letting him pull away. "You know, I think a lot of these can fit together. What would it do if we jigsawed these doodads?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but I have a power source that would possibly work with them," he replied, looking over the odds and ends before back at her. "Want to help?"
"I can think of nothing better," she smiled. "Let's see what you've made, eh?"
She took two of the pieces and managed to lock them in place with a small screw. Chiro hummed at that, finishing another end. "Here- this will fit with those I think."
"Perfect," Mara nodded. As they worked in silence, Mara watched her son, every furrow of his brow or turned sour line of his mouth. "What else is bothering you? I know the dad thing is...well, a lot."
"Yeah...it is," he replied slowly.
"And you're worried about being like him, in the bad and good ways," she continued. Another little metal bar locked into place. Chiro nodded. "Understandable. I doubt I would want to be like my parents, and I didn't know them at all."
"Well, they either died and left you with people who didn't care or were the people who didn't care," Chiro said. He removed the screw - the head was stripped from being over-tightened. Mara handed him another. "They were just gone."
"In any case, that ship sailed 37 years ago," she shrugged, then paused. "You know you wouldn't lose me again, right?"
"Mom, you almost- you could have-," Chiro slammed his fist on the table. "If you died in the dream, you wouldn't have come back. You were seriously injured when he unlocked your memories- your connection to the Power Primate."
"Hey, it's going to take more than that to kill me. I'm a cockroach at this point," Mara tried to joke. She placed a hand over his. "I'm serious Chiro. Nothing is taking me away from Shuggazoom, from you, from our family here. I promise. And even IF something happened, you know what I'd do?"
He looked at her with more exhaustion than she thought possible for a 16-year-old. "You'd fight tooth and nail to get back?"
"Exactly. And I always will. I promise," Mara said, and Chiro knew in an instant that her word was a universal law. If he could have, Chiro would have guessed that the Power Primate had more of a say in her repeated brushes with death and danger, escapes and clever turns than Mara ever knew. It brought some sort of relief to him that he couldn't place. "Here, hand me that thingamajig."
"The sonic screwdriver?"
"Yeah, the thingamajig."
"This is why Otto doesn't like sharing the garage with you."
"Well, tough. We're family, he can deal."
Antauri sat and meditated in his quarters the moment he was free. If he was owed anything, it was answers. Why, despite his unyielding devotion and prayer, had so much been hidden from him? The Alchemist, Mara, everything. Had the Verron Mystics erased their own memories as well, striking her presence and her acolyte status from the record? Had Mandarin known - did he remember the Alchemist, even while he treated them all so horribly and went mad?
No, his memory had been erased with theirs. And he still couldn't remember. Antauri paused - the original one didn't remember. He assumed his clone couldn't either, despite everything. Antauri sighed, listening to the gentle whir of his hardware. It was the closest thing he had to a heartbeat anymore. He tried to imagine how things would have or could have been had things been different if their memories had remained intact. Mandarin would have had his sharp edges in check, meaning no betrayal, no clone - Antauri would have stayed in his own body, perhaps.
No, no, this was inevitable. Becoming the Silver Monkey was the ultimate test for him, his soul, regardless of Skelemandarin. Having their memories would have presented a quandary of regret or living solely to make up for the memory of a dead man. Mara would have found out what happened sooner, they would have awoken sooner. He would still become the Silver Monkey at any point down the line. Everything would be as it would be now, and even then, the past was done.
He felt the connection to the Power Primate pulse - Antauri had some of his answers, unsatisfactory as they were. He felt another pulse, recognizing Mara quickly. Chiro was better, just needed a little more time, he sensed from her. He wanted to scold her for connecting so soon but knew she would have found some excuse. More than likely she was with her son and didn't want to leave his side. If she started going into a trance or deeply meditating he would interfere, just until he knew she'd be fine.
Antauri blinked, and let himself stretch his shoulders like he used to. Otto said it was natural to do so, and stretching would keep his cybernetics and circuits in good repair. He would linger on the past later, wish for a better future and hope for more answers soon. Despite everything, everyone he held dear was safe.
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bottomvalerius · 2 years
Random Rohan (Sam’s ex fiancé) and Sam thoughts in no particular order (that may contradict previous statements but):
Rohan is actually about 5 years older than Sam; he’s a well known political figure and works closely in Nasrin’s circle. However, he secretly provides anti-royalists with insider info (for a high price of course). He and Mara knew each other before Rohan ever met Sam; he has a very complicated relationship with her (so does everyone buddy)
Met Sam via Prakra’s underground kink scene; Rohan was much more established in the community and, with Mara, really got Sam’s footing, hence why Sam had such fondness for him
He and Sam were never public with their relationship before Sam became The Duke™️ for very obvious reasons. Sam preferred this (in hindsight); Rohan hated it.
Sam instantly latched to Rohan after Mara died; his entire world and purpose was essentially gone, and he felt out of everyone, Rohan could ground him and give him a sense of purpose again. His closeness to the other royals and that society also gave him a sense of comfort in a world he really didn’t understand at all.
Rohan may or may not have played a role in Mara’s eventual downfall; Sam still does not know this, and Rohan lives in a perpetual state of anxiety over this lmao (literally thinks he is haunted by her ghost which….. May or may not be true!)
Rohan very much views Sam as a passion project; he finds Sam’s upbringing to be fascinating and I mean that in the worst of ways lmao He pretty much wants to be the ✨prince✨ that helps this poor lost peasant rise up from his ~lowly roots~ (again, this is something Sam realizes in hindsight—this is also a reoccurring theme for Sam and why he insists on keeping his family a secret from others, especially those who come from money)
To this day Rohan doesn’t understand why Sam left him at the altar and while his once small moments of pettiness or jealousy were cute, they’ve now spiraled out of control with age. Time has not healed him at all LMAO which is why Neeja is insistent that Sam not go anywhere near him, but Sam’s motto is to fuck around and find out lmfao
Rohan did eventually remarry, but he rarely if ever appears in public with his husband. Some people think he’s just lying to get Sam jealous—it doesn’t work
Sam has very complicated feelings about Rohan; he still has a sense of respect and duty to him, but over the years has seen how toxic and draining their dynamic was for him. However, he concedes that being a runaway groom may not have been the best solution, but come on, life wouldn’t be as exciting if people didn’t day of ditch their wedding 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Bonus: Mara saw from miles away how their relationship would turn out. Multiple times she tried warning Rohan that Sam was Not Husband Material, but Rohan took this as her being possessive of Sam (and like. It was also that for sure LMAO). Sam didn’t understand Mara’s hesitancy around Rohan as Sam found his antics to be cute to be quite honest LMAO and her motto with Sam was “let him fuck around find out” so lmao.
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zorilleerrant · 7 months
people always say Dick is an eldest daughter, but like... he's just an adult child. the relationship adult children have with their younger (especially much younger siblings) just tends to be like that if they have high contact. that's not the same thing as expecting a child to raise the other children while the parents swan off.
Harper's definitely an eldest daughter. Babs you can argue is an eldest daughter, altho that depends on the age difference between her and JJ. you could convince me Cass was an eldest daughter, and she was in charge of her training group, just because that makes more sense logistically than what canon shows, but it seems more likely some of the older cadets would take care of her. Steph's got the right personality for it but you'd have to give her neighborhood children to be responsible for, so it would involve constructing a lot of side characters. Duke has a similar disposition, but the responsibility would presumably go to girls in his neighborhood instead. Jason, with less community support, could definitely be in that situation. Mara's story also suggests she's an eldest daughter, not only to Damian but to the other children in the League.
Dickie's just an adult. with responsibilities he might not choose to have, sure - altho let's not forget how fast he tried to adopt those same kids, let's not kid ourselves - but he's just acting as an adult member of a large family, not a parentized child.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
canonically, how are each member of the batfam these days? I don't keep up with the comics because it's a mess and the characterization varies so much (especially Dami)
As of 8/2/2022
(spoilers ahead)
Bruce, Dick, Tim, Steph, Cass, Duke, Babs, and Selina all appeared in Batman #126, which just came out today. So far the storyline about piecing together the Penguin's lineage, including an introduction to two new members of the Cobblepot family. This specific issue did a good job of showcasing how the batfamily works together in an intense fight against Failsafe, however, the battle takes up a large chunk of the story—I give that part a 7/10 because Failsafe wasn't exactly the most compelling antagonist and the fight was a bit out of the blue. The focus also did lean more heavily on Dick than the other batkids. However, Selina's concurrent story with piecing together the Penguin's family made up for that as we uncover a new dimension to a long-time Batman villain. The expected release date for the next issue is September 6th, so hopefully they can clean it up a little then.
Jason appeared in Task Force Z #10 on July 26th. Jason and what remains of the team after the previous 9 issues are investigating Power Industries, where in a HUGE twist, they discover that Bane was Nobody the entire time (yes, the Nobody). The artwork fits the tone of the story and Jason's characterization has been pretty good, sort of on par with Urban Legends. I thought this was gonna be a filler issue so I was pleasantly surprised when they just jumped right into the main point. Also, I love seeing Jason's dynamic with Amanda Waller and other villains because it reinforces the fact that he's not 100% good or bad (as fandom likes to polarize him as)—he's versatile and can get along with people all over the moral spectrum. The projected release date for the next issue is 8/23.
Meanwhile, Damian's latest appearance was in Robin #16, which came out on July 26th, where Lord Death Man (yes, that weirdo) puts Damian's investigation into the Lazarus Island on pause. Flatline then calls Damian and Connor Hawke to Tokyo to deal with Lord Death Man, so we get a bit of international traveling bits. Mara Al Ghul and the Batman of Japan also appear in this, if you wanna count them as batfam? I like that this balances the sharper edges of Damian's personality with the classic Robin charm and I do kind of wish the series wasn't ending (alas, DC won't allow its characters to grow up). I also like that the setting of this story influences the artwork—you can see the subtle manga influences. Next issue comes out on 8/23. Overall I give this run an 8/10 because it explores a new, slightly more mature version of Damian's character, but I'm taking two points off because Lord Death Man annoys me to no end.
We see Alfred in Batman: One Dark Knight #3, which came out on 7/26. The story is a simplistic mini-run with good art as Batman nears the end of his journey to Blackgate. I like that this story takes place over a single night rather than stretched over a few days/weeks/etc. like we normally see—it's almost like Batman's typical Tuesday night. Alfred is still alive here, so it's nice to hear his sarcastic sense of humor after missing him for so long—it's sort of like seeing a family member at the airport. This comic also establishes him as DC's best trash-talker in his classic Alfred Pennyworth style. If I recall the miniseries is done, but the hardcover comes out on 9/13.
Luke Fox makes a cameo in Harley Quinn #18. Yes, that came out today too (#19 comes out on the 9th). Apparently the JLA left some old science experiments on their moon base so Luke puts together a team of former villains to... send them to the moon and clean it up (including Harley Quinn, Solomon Grundy, Bronze Tiger, and Killer Frost). I just read it and I'm too confused to actually criticize at the moment. First, I think Task Force XX is a dumb name—it sounds like an account on an adult website. Second, I think the artwork is alright in that you have all these bright, poppy designs, but the bodies and expressions feel kinda stiff and off-putting. I think it has potential to be one of the more absurd, fun, campy storylines, so I'll hold out and see where this goes.
An alternate-universe Thomas Wayne closes in on the Clockwork Killer in Flashpoint Beyond #4, which also came out today. However, Dexter Dent gets in the way with his own mission to break his mother out of Arkham. I already had skepticism about Flashpoint Beyond because I tend to be skeptical about a lot of alternate timelines and was never the biggest fan of Thomas Wayne as Batman or Martha as the Joker. I don't know if I should be happy or not that they proved me right, because this run has been moving a bit slowly—it feels like they're dragging what could be summarized in 4 sentence out to 32 pages. Overall I'd say it's a 4/10 (since the artwork isn't too shabby). Again, I'm biased because I never liked the Thomas Wayne concept in the first place so take it with a pinch of salt. Next issue also comes out 9/6.
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atamascolily · 2 years
Star Wars: Crosscurrent, by Paul S. Kemp (Legends)
Did anyone read this? I'm guessing not, as it is a oneshot novel published in 2010 featuring side characters in the "Legacy" era, right before Legends got rebooted by Disney, featuring time travel and an unexpected, albeit tenuous, Mara connection.
Admittedly, I mostly skimmed this, but the plot followed Kyle Katarn's student Jaden Korr, who is suffering from PTSD and gets a vision of various ghosts (including Mara!!!) telling him "it all begins in a black hole on Fhost". This turns out to be the name of a bar (heh), where Jaden meets a crew of salvagers who take him out to the site of his vision, where they encounter a Jedi from 4500 years in the past and a secret Sith dreadnaught carrying macguffin ore that amplifies dark side powers, all of which got shipped through time through a bad hyperspace jump.
Just in case you thought I was making this up, here is an actual quote:
Khedryn licked his lips. “Just so I know what to tell him: you’re saying I have an old Imperial distress call coming from a moon no one’s charted before, a five-thousand-year-old Jedi aboard my ship, and a five-thousand-year-old Sith dreadnought with some evil ore aboard flying through my sky?”
Oh,yeah, and Jaden's being stalked by an Anzat assassin in the employ of (wait for it) Darth Krayt, because the Anzat are vampires who feed off life energy ("soup") and eating Jedi gets this one high. The Sith want the macguffin ore, because Sith gonna Sith. The past Sith and past Jedi duke it out, and destroy each other, as you’d expect.
Meanwhile, Jade and co. all go down to the nearby planet, which has a secret abandoned lab full of secrets--the Empire under Thrawn was making Jedi-Sith genetic recombinants, which of course ended badly for them.
“I suspect they recombined the DNA of Jedi with the DNA of Sith.”
Khedryn’s lazy eye floated in its socket, fixing on nothing, as if it did not want to see. “Why would they do that? Being a Jedi or a Sith is a choice, isn’t it? It’s not biology.”
Jaden shook his head. “We didn’t know all there is to know about how biology meshes with Force use. Perhaps they sought to create some kind of breakthrough Force-user, one unbound by the limitations of light and dark.”
“How is that possible? Light and dark sides are exclusive, aren’t they?”
Jaden turned off the computer and Dr. Gray disappeared. “The line between light and dark is not as clear as many think.”
Even if the explanation is total bullshit, the laboratory exploration is genuinely creepy, A++. The clones are worshipping the cloning tank, which they call "Mother" and fill it full of bodies. The only one we see is a clone of Kam Solusar, but the implication is there was at least one Mara clone at some point who might still be alive. Jaden kills the "Kamclone," but is distracted by the Anzat assassin, and then the rest of the clones get away, leaving the three survivors to band togther to track them down. And I guess no one thinks to tell Luke or any of the other Jedi anything??
Anyway, this is okay, I guess, but it's hard to get into it because there's such a tenuous connection to the characters I actually care about, AND it's a weird little oneshot that doesn't really make an impact in larger plot. The time travel and the clone plots are two separate storylines that feel like they have very little to do with each other and the former was just there to pad out the story, especially since it doesn’t have any real effect on Jaden’s character or his quest. I was not expecting the tenuous Mara connection, though. I'm also amused that apparently hyperspace time travel was actually canon and not just a thing that fanfic writers made up.
I'm not really sure what the point of this was, but to be fair, Legends was kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel--to be brutally honest, it was due for a reboot anyway. The real problem I have with it wasn't the reboot per se, so much as one that got rid of most of the genuinely good bits of the EU in exchange for its own brand of WTF--but that's a rant for another day.
Here are some more passages that struck me:
The deep snow clutched at their feet, as if trying to slow their advance and give them time to reconsider. Jaden looked up, eyed the slate of the sky, imagined not snow falling but reified evil.
Um...dramatic, much?
Jaden knew that at some top-secret Thrawn-era facilities the participating scientists would be forced to endure surgical alterations of their facial structure while on assignment, changing back to themselves only after their work was completed. None would be able to recognize another afterward. He wondered if that had happened in the facility, and if so, why.
The Empire is a piece of shit, full stop. 
Also, fuck this ageism so hard:
“It means he has an intuitive connection to the Force,” Jaden said. “Were he younger, it would mean he was trainable. But given your age, Marr, even with your mathematical gifts, training is probably out of the question.”
But by the end of the book, Jaden agrees to train him anyway, so I guess that was character development for him? IDK. I still hate it, though.
Also, every time someone says "Grand Master Skywalker," I want to down two shots of vodka, because WTF, Luke. Seriously.
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nostalgiabones · 3 years
Simple Sunday Afternoons // CH
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This is just a random thing I wrote one day after talking to @calumrose as always lmao. I didn’t intend to post it but I think it’s a just a nice soft Sunday so, I thought I would! I also just wanted to make the point that the little moodboards I’ve made aren’t representative of what any of the ‘characters’ look like — they just represent the concept of the blurb! Let me know what you think, and as always, reblogs and feedback is so appreciated! ❤️
Word count: 4.2k
“Good morning,”
A warm smile rises on Calum’s lips at the words as he flips a pancake in a pan, clad in only his grey joggers and a messy mop of curls upon his head, along with the glasses he’s taken to wearing more often recently. He doesn’t hear the giggles or yawns of your daughter, just some of her usual sounds in the morning, and assumes you’re entering the kitchen alone without her.
He doesn’t have a chance to turn around and check before you’re wrapping your arms around his waist — his warm skin soothing against your own. It’s not often you get little moments alone like this — not without a baby in between the two of you, either resting in his arms or your own. Not that it’s anything to complain about; the two of you love Mara more than life itself. You just miss getting to hold Calum for a little longer in the mornings.
“Yes, it is,” Calum replies, taking one of your hands in his own, lifting it to his face and brushing his lips over your knuckles. “Where’s the little one?”
You rest your cheek against him, just wanting to be close, wanting your skin on his. “I just put her down for an early nap, she was kinda fussy. I think her teeth are coming in.”
He nods, pouting at the thought of his sweet daughter being in pain.
“We’ll have to keep an eye on her,” He states, and you nod in agreement. “She’s probably going to be asleep a while, isn’t she? Do you want to go back to bed?”
You take a sip of coffee from the mug on the counter, not caring whether it was his or one he made for you. Everything he has is yours, and vice versa — even something as insignificant as coffee. He feels the same way about your heart.
“We finally have some time together, I don’t want to waste it sleeping,” You murmur, your palm sliding down his back, the gesture familiar and soothing to him. Goosebumps break out over his skin.
“Okay, well..” He turns down the heat on the stove, moving the hot pan to a cold ring in order not to burn himself when he gets distracted by you. He spins around, a hand landing on either side of your hip, his nose brushing yours as he leans in. “I could just stand here...” he interrupts himself by brushing his lips against yours. “And kiss you instead.”
You sigh against his lips and bask in the moment, one that is so rare nowadays. He notices you pout and he chuckles — his warm palms landing on the small of your back.
“What’s up with you, pouty?” He asks, keeping your face close, his eyes searching your face.
“I miss kissing you,” You whine, and he can’t help but kiss you again with the way you’re looking at him. You think back to Sunday’s before Mara — it feels like a different lifetime, but it wasn’t so long ago. Now days are filled with tears, smiles, happy baby giggles and messy meal times — but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Even if the only time you got to be close to Calum was at bedtime, once Mara had gone down.
“You can kiss me whenever you want, baby,” He replies, his pointer finger brushing up your cheek as he furrows his eyebrows at you.
“I know, but we don’t get time anymore,” You remind him, and he nods. You know you both need to make more of a conscious effort to spend quality time with each other — instead of trying to clean the whole house whilst Mara is napping. “It’s nice to be close to you like this.”
“Maybe Mara should grow some teeth more often.” He jokes, and you slap his chest playfully as he laughs.
“Don’t say that! She’s in pain,” You scold him, your hands pressed against his chest as he holds you close. “You won’t be saying that when she wakes up in a bad mood and won’t sleep tonight.”
He knows you’re right. As much as he jokes, there’s nothing he hates more than seeing his sweet girl in pain — whether it’s her teeth or anything else.
“Touché.” He smiles, kissing you once more. “Do you want to eat? I made pancakes.”
“But that means we have to stop kissing,” You sigh, and he can’t help but laugh at you once more. Calum brushes his lips against yours, his hands rubbing up and down the tops of your arms as you stand there. There’s something about seeing you in one of his t-shirts that goes straight to his heart every single time — even after being married for several years.
“Come on, pouty. Let’s have one meal uninterrupted before we have to deal with a grumpy Mara.”
“Cal, I need to get up,”
The sounds of Mara’s cries fill your ears as you gently push on Calum’s shoulders; trying to get him to move from where he’s fallen asleep on your lap so you can get up to get her. The two of you decided to watch a movie (or as much as you can get away with) whilst Mara slept, yet less than halfway through, Calum had fallen asleep with his face pressed against your chest.
“Mara is crying,” You murmur, brushing your fingers through his hair to rouse him a little more as he wakes up. “I need to go get her.”
He shifts in your lap and leans on one arm so you can get up, almost face planting the sofa once you stand up and he’s left there alone. He yawns and listens to the soothing words slipping from your lips as you approach Mara’s bedroom, already knowing you’ll be met with her sad eyes and messy hair. Her cries slow down but your voice gets louder as you head back to the lounge, and he sits up so he can take her.
“Look who it is,” You kiss Mara’s temple as you carry her through to where Calum is, her tired eyes lighting up as she spots her dad. Her skin is warm and flushed from sleep, much like Calum’s — the similarity between your husband and daughter when they’ve both woken up makes your heart melt.
“Hi, honey,” Calum greets her, reaching out for her from his spot on the sofa as he wakes up a little more. She yawns and her lips curl into a small smile as you set her down in his lap, a hand coming to hold either side of her as he gets her. You sit down next to them, unable to stop yourself from smiling at their matching puffy eyes and flushed cheeks. “How was your nap, hey? Are those naughty teeth still hurting you?”
He gets an answer through her gestures — as he speaks, she presses her lips to his shoulder, like she was trying to find some relief for her angry gums. “Oh, my poor girl. Shall we get you something that’ll help, hey? I think some yoghurt might work better than my shoulder, little one.”
Calum stands up from the sofa with a dramatic groan as he lifts her, kissing her forehead as she whines in his arms, rubbing at her heavy eyes with little fists. He opens the fridge as he hums under his breath, picking out her favourite apricot yoghurt and a spoon in the hopes of soothing her mouth.
“Why don’t we go for a walk to the park in a bit?” You ask, watching as Calum sets Mara down in her high chair. He pulls up a chair in front of her so he can feed her - knowing he’s about to get as messy as she usually does. “It’s a nice day out, and we can walk Duke at the same time.”
Calum nods, coaxing Mara to open her mouth as he feeds her. “That’s a good idea. Although I think we’re gonna need a bath after this.”
“Do you see how much yoghurt is on her hands?” He laughs, leaning forward to kiss Mara’s forehead. In the process, she reaches out for him, the sticky, dairy snack landing on his own skin. “I think there’s more on her than in her mouth.”
He’s right, she’s messy, but looks significantly less uncomfortable than she did when waking up — so it’s worth it.
“Watch her eyes whilst I wash her hair, Cal,”
Calum steps out of the stream of the shower so you can rinse Mara’s hair, after lathering a sweet smelling shampoo through her curls. Breakfast had been a messy affair, and in an effort to save both time and water, you decided to have a family shower together.
He cups his hand over her forehead as you gently rinse the shampoo away, your fingertips smoothing over her scalp as content noises slip from her lips. The smile on her face tells you how happy she is to have your joint attention; loving nothing more than being inbetween the two of you.
“What does she find so funny about showering?” Calum asks, laughing himself as he holds Mara, lips brushing her wet cheeks as she giggles. He grabs the sponge to clean under her chin, making sure all of the yoghurt is gone, the familiar smell of her lavender body wash a comforting one. She tries to reach for the sponge as he does — her eyes fixated on the purple object.
“I don’t know, actually.” You reply, watching her eyes follow you as you move to wash Calum’s hair, too, noticing how much the blonde has grown out and his roots have come through. “We need to swap places again.”
“We should let Mara shower with us everyday if it means you washing my hair,” He suggests, met with a playful eye roll from you. Showering together was something he’d do everyday if he could — it’s one of his favourite intimate moments with you, a wonderful way to start his day. It’s more difficult to find time for it with Mara now though.
“I don’t know why you’re acting like I don’t do it even when your hands are free,” You reply and he laughs, knowing you’re right. Having his hair played with whether you’re washing it or just running your fingers through it is one of his favourite things, especially now it’s longer — a way to instantly make him relax. “You’re just using Mara as an excuse today, isn’t he, honey? He’s using you to make me wash his hair.”
She giggles and gives you a sweet wide mouthed smile, one that you wish you could freeze in time and see forever. One that soon will be accompanied by the teeth that are causing her so much pain.
“She doesn’t mind,” He pouts as he looks at her, lips brushing over her forehead as she smiles. She follows your lead and reaches up to put her own little hands into his hair, tiny fingers grabbing the curls in an attempt to help you. You laugh at her action, with a “are you trying to help mum, sweetheart?”
Calum grimaces but can’t help but laugh as he feels Mara tugging at his hair, knowing she’s trying to help, but isn’t quite as gentle as you are. “I think you need some lessons in hair washing, my love, it feels more like you’re trying to rip my hair out.”
It hurts, but her smile makes him ache in a completely different way.
“Is her pushchair in the garage?”
Calum grabs a teething ring from the fridge with his free hand as he nods, Mara occupying the other as she clings to his shoulder. It’s been a few hours since her morning nap and he knows she’s getting tired again; evident through her rubbing her eyes and her little whines. He knows she’ll fall asleep on the way to the park.
“Yeah, it’s near the back, behind the car.” He replies, kissing Mara’s forehead as she leans against his chest. She yawns and he rocks her in his arms, resting his cheek ontop of her head and holds her close. “Are you tired, little moon? That shower has made you sleepy, hey?”
His voice is a soft murmur as he talks to her; the tone one that is reserved for when he speaks to her. He’s so gentle and loving whenever he speaks to her and it makes your heart melt.
“Here we go,” You open the door and push her pram into the entrance to the house, unbuckling the straps so Calum can put her in. “Do you think she’s wrapped up enough? I don’t know if it’s as warm as it looks.”
Calum lifts her in his arms and pats her back, rocking her on the spot as he judges the weather. She’s comfy in a little t-shirt, hoodie and leggings, complete with baby old skool vans that Calum got her, to match his.
“How about a hat, too? Should we get you a beanie to match dad, baby?” He asks, knowing it’ll keep her ears warm if it gets a little chilly. You smile and head to her bedroom to get one of her little hats; her collecting growing with every one that Calum buys. “Come on, sweetheart, lets get you all cosy.”
He moves her away from his body to put her down and she cries, little hands trying to hold onto the neck of his own hoodie. Calum knows she’s being fussy because she’s getting tired and her mouth hurts, yet it makes him sad all the same. “You’re okay, honey, shh.”
Calum manages to set her down in the chair without too much of a fuss; making sure she’s sat down properly, and has her little elephant in reach as well as her pacifier. He leans down in front of her and kisses her nose, making a little ‘mwah’ noise as he does to try and soothe her and make her laugh. It doesn’t though — she still tries to hold onto him so he’ll pick her up again.
“What’s with the tears, angel? What’s the matter?” He soothes, staying close to her and gently wiping her tears away with his thumb. She sniffles and his heart aches at the sight. “You can go to sleep when we get walking, okay? You’re alright, my love.”
It’s moments like these where he’s happy that her pushchair is back facing, so she can see the two of you whilst you walk. You join them near the door, Mara’s beanie in your hands, a pout forming on your lips when you spot Mara in her pushchair.
“Oh, baby, what’s wrong?” You ask, smoothing your fingers down her cheeks to soothe her. You tuck the hat over her head, making sure it covers her little ears to keep her warm. Calum hands you her soft blanket, and you tuck it around her knees so she’s snug — almost certain she’ll fall asleep as soon as you set off. “Your poor mouth is making you so sad, isn’t it? We don’t like having a sad girl.”
Calum grabs Duke’s lead and attaches it to his collar, handing it to you before he takes the handle of Mara’s pushchair. “Let’s go, my loves.”
You lock the door behind you before setting off; one hand holding Duke’s lead, and Calum takes the other — his calloused fingers slip between your own, warm and comforting. It’s such a small gesture yet it reminds you of the love between you both. Calum’s other hand pushes Mara’s pushchair at a steady pace. It’s a lovely spring afternoon — blue skies and birds singing in the trees, with just a slight breeze.
“It’s so nice to be out in the sun,” You comment, and Calum nods in agreement. His eyes land on Mara and he notices her squinting at the sun; stopping for a moment before he pulls the hood of her pushchair a little further up to shade her. “Is that better, honey? Can you see now?”
“It feels like we haven’t done this for a while.” Calum says, his thumb rubbing back and forth over the palm of your hand as you walk. He can’t help but feel a small amount of guilt nagging at his mind, knowing he’s spent a lot of time working recently. He’s always home for bedtime, but he’s always tired too — he knows you need to spend more quality time together. “It’s nice.”
“It is,” You reply, squeezing his hand in return. “When are you in the studio next week?”
Calum doesn’t answer for a moment as he thinks about the timing of you asking — like you also know that him being in the studio has meant less time together.
“I’m not going to go in,” He replies, and he knows it’s the right thing to do. “I miss you. I want to spend time with you and Mara this week, they can manage without me.”
It’s a small relief to hear the words. You never want to force Calum away from the studio, but he’s always in a different mindset when he writes. It’ll do him good to be away for a week — so you can spend more time wrapped in each other and with Mara.
You nod before speaking. “I’m so proud of you though, Cal. The songs are sounding great so far.”
A smile rises on his lips at the words, and he raises your joint hands to your lips so he can brush his lips against your knuckles.
“Thank you, honey. I know it’s a lot when we first start writing. I don’t mean to be distant, it’s just hard to get out of my head when I’ve been writing.” Calum explains, yet you don’t need him to; it’s a cycle you’ve witnessed several times throughout your relationship. You nod as he speaks.
“I know, Cal. It’s okay though.” You reassure him, leaning your head against his shoulder as you walk. “It’s all part of who you are, and I love you for you.”
Nothing else needs to be said.
It’s then that the two of you realise the gentle movement of the wheels of the pushchair against the pavement has sent Mara to sleep, and she’s tucked up under her blanket, fast asleep. Her cheeks are rosy red from the warmth and her sore gums, her little hands tucked up against her face. Calum smiles at the sight, reaching into the pram to push her curls away from her face.
“She’s so sweet.” He murmurs, his heart melting when she leans into his touch, even in her sleep.
“She’s all you,” You reply, watching as she wiggles in her sleep. From her wild curls to her full cheeks and pouty lips, every inch of her reminds you of Calum. He disagrees, though.
He shakes his head.
“No… she doesn’t get her temper and grumpy faces from me.”
Your mouth opens in shock and you playfully hit his arm as he laughs. “Hey! You know for a fact that her grumpy morning face is all from you, don’t try and put that on me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He replies, leaning to kiss you in a silent playful apology. “Whatever you say, my love.”
“Should we sit down here for a bit?”
Calum nods and puts the break on Mara’s pushchair, where she’s still sleeping soundly, in between the two of you as you sit down.
“She’s been asleep for a while, there’s no way she’s sleeping tonight.” Calum tells you, and you fear he might be right, even though she needs the sleep with her teeth coming in. “Do you think we should wake her up?”
You gently push her curls away from her face as she snoozes, your heart melting at her pouty lips all smushed up as she sleeps. You realise it has been over an hour since she went to sleep, and that she’ll feel even worse later on if she can’t sleep.
“Yeah, as much as I don’t want to,” You pout, feeling how warm her skin is under your touch. “It’ll do her good to have some fresh air and wake up a bit.”
Calum gently moves the blanket from her lap and pats her tummy, slowly trying to rouse her. Ever since she was born, Mara had been a heavy sleeper - never one to be easily woken up. Maybe she did get that from you. There’d be times where Calum would take her outside with him in the morning to watch the sun rise and she’d happily sleep in his arms, undisturbed by any movement.
“Mara…” Calum murmurs, undoing the buckles so he’d be able to pick her up once she wakes up. He didn’t want to startle her, and knows she’ll just go back to sleep if he rocks her. “Wake up, sweetheart.”
He notices Mara twitch and start sucking on her pacifier — a sign that she’s a little more awake than she was. He brushes his thumb over her cheek and she whines, screwing her eyes up when she realises that she’s outside. She stretches, reaching her arms out for a moment and closing her eyes once more when she relaxes.
“I love watching her wake up.” You comment, chuckling as she very slowly comes round. Calum decides she’s awake enough to move her — carefully slipping his hands underneath her and pulling her up to his chest. “Hi, baby.”
Calum groans dramatically as he gets her settled in his lap and a few cries slip from Mara’s lips at the disturbance; fists lifting to rub her eyes as she wakes up. She sniffles and sucks harder on her pacifier, burying her face against Calum’s chest as he holds her.
“Good afternoon, my love,” Calum murmurs, rubbing her back with his fingertips as he cradles her. “Are you back with us, hey? You’ve been asleep for a long time, honey.”
You know she has no idea what he’s saying, but she loves hearing his voice all the same. He gives her a moment to wake up, brushing his fingers through her hair and cuddling her against him.
“Look how red her cheeks are,” You mention, pouting at the sight — rosy red from how sore her gums are. “Our poor baby.”
He lifts her up so she’s basically standing on his legs, her face in front of his - her hands lifting to cover her eyes from the light. There’s a few families around, children playing and birds singing — a lot of different sights and noises for her to take in. It’s a peaceful day — a feeling of contentment overcoming both you and Calum.
“Hi, little moon,” Calum kisses her pouty lips and gets her settled in his arms, a hand underneath her to keep her sat up. She yawns and her eyes land on you, a smile on her lips as she realises you’re there. “Oh, there’s a smile! We haven’t seen one of those for a little while. Should we get you home soon and have some dinner? How does that sound?”
Calum decides to carry her on the way home for a little while, and your heart melts at the sight — the way he points out different trees and her curious eyes take in the new sights. There’s no one else you want to discover more of the world with.
When Calum said Mara wouldn’t sleep that night… he was right. After an hour of rocking her in her room to no avail, you decide to let her join your movie night; there was no point in stressing yourself and Mara out if she didn’t feel like sleeping.
“She gets her stubbornness from you too,” Calum announces, kissing Mara’s temple as he sits down on the sofa next to you with her in his arms. Duke is curled up on one side of you, a blanket thrown over your knees as you waited for Calum to bring Mara down to join you both. “She is not sleeping anytime soon.”
Her big brown eyes look at you from her spot on Calum’s lap — evident that no sleep is about to take place. You laugh at Calum’s words and roll your eyes, shaking your head as Mara reaches out for you.
“Yeah, come here, sweetheart,” You take her and settle her in your lap, brushing your fingers through her hair. “Dad is so mean, isn’t he?”
Calum joins you under your blanket and throws his arm around your shoulder, pulling you both close to him. His cheek rests against your head as he looks at Mara, seeing so much of both you and him in her. He finds the discarded teething ring and hands it to her, hoping it’ll settle her down if it soothes her a little.
“Hey, don’t tell her that,” He replies, his free hand stroking her cheek as she yawns. “You’re meant to be on my side, sweetheart.”
“Sorry, we’re ganging up on you on this occasion, babe.” You shrug your shoulders, rubbing your hand down Mara’s back as she settles in his lap.
Mara finally falls asleep a little later that night curled up in Calum’s arms on the sofa — a warm bottle of milk managing to help her drift off. At the same time, you’re fast asleep with your head in Calum’s lap, and he decides that Sunday’s are his favourite day.
And that with his little family... every day feels like Sunday.
Ask-box — feedback is always so appreciated!
Taglist: @irwinkitten @wildflowergrae @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @maluminspace @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex @flowerthug @calpops @youngblood199456 @wokeupinjapanisabop @banditocth @cashtonasfuck @5-secondsofcolor @g-l-pierce @monsteramongmgc @calmlftv @mantlereid @treatallwithkindness @another-lonely-heart @calumrose @inlovehoodx @mermaidcashton @everydayimfangirling@b-easybreezy @ilumxna @malumsmermaid @opheliaaurora23 @talkfastromance4 @zhangyixingxing1 @everyscarisahealingplace @mateisit-balsamic @saphseoul @suchalonelysunflower @findingliam-o @castaway-cashton @megz1985 @notinthesameguey @calumscalm @karajaynetoday @metalandboybands @littledrummeraussie @vxlentinecal @itjustkindahappenedreally @queenalienscherrypie @xxxstormyninixxx @chicken-ona-stick @hoodhoran @harrys-shrooms @midnightash
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Do you have any HR recs with bitchy heroines?
Unfortunately, there aren't that many out there. Romance readers (and honestly, especially HR readers) have a huge issue with misogyny, and often reject "unlikable" heroines.
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean--I don't consider Mara necessarily "bitchy", but she's definitely more mercenary and like... focused on herself? Than most HR heroines. I don't mean that she's necessarily super selfish, but she does in fact not want to be forced into marriage to an ancient man with a son older than her. So she basically fakes her death and runs off, and her would-be stepson is framed for her murder (not her intention). He doesn't get convicted but spends years being reviled by society, and Mara does nothing to stop this lmao. Anyway, she comes back into his life and he in fact her hero, and I really enjoyed the fuck out of the book. Lots of people hate it because Mara isn't this perfect angel and fucks up, and whatever man, I'm not about that life.
The Viscount and The Vixen by Lorraine Heath--This heroine (ironically a redhead named Portia lol, predates the Bridgerton adaptation) is another one who I don't think is a traditional bitch, but does have a ruthless side and will do what it takes to survive. The book actually kicks off because she answers an ad and signs a contract to marry this old marquess. The marquess's son is basically like "no fucking way, my dad is old and mentally ill, I don't fucking think so"--but to have her go without a marriage would mean giving her a huge payout, so he marries her instead. There's a lot happening in this book, it's very dramatic and I love it.
I'm Only Wicked with You by Julie Anne Long--I think Lillias falls into the category of "petulant spoiled brat" bitch. She's basically a little virgin who thinks she knows what's up until she meets the virile American~ hero and they begin this bickering, enemies to lovers thing. She's honestly kind of an asshole to him for like... no reason other than the fact that he turns her on, and I enjoy that.
The Earl I Ruined by Scarlett Peckham--I've been recommending this one a lot lately, but it really is a great book. Constance kicks off the book by spreading a false rumor about her brother's best friend, the earl who's always annoyed her for being stuck up and kind of rude. Honestly, it's a bit like what Penelope does, but much less malicious and less intentional. Also, she tries to make it up to him by proposing a fake engagement in order to save his reputation. It's a lovely, very hot book, but she is kind of an asshole in the beginning. Her OWNING her actions makes it all better.
Sweetest Scoundrel by Elizabeth Hoyt--The heroine of this book, Eve, is kind of sanctimoniously bitchy to the hero, Asa in the beginning. A lot of this comes from her being a control freak and having a lot of trauma (tw: childhood sexual abuse). It's kind of an uptight meets wild classic setup, but I think Eve is kind of over the top about it initially lol.
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starry-sky-stuff · 2 years
75, 79, 81
I couldn't narrow it down to just one (especially not for Snake/Bird given my well established love of them).
75. Favourite Lion/Lion Pairing
Evie Jenner/Sebastian St Vincent (Double Snake) [Devil in Winter]
Callie/Ralston (Snake/Lion) [Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake]
79. Favourite Snake/Snake Pairing
Michael Stirling/Francesca Bridgerton (Bird/Snake) [When He Was Wicked]
Mara Lowe/Temple (Badger/Lion) [No Good Duke Goes Unpunished]
81. Favourite Snake/Bird Pairing
Johnny Jacobis/Pawter Simms (Badger/Lion) [Killjoys]
Cross/Pippa Marbury (Bird/Bird) [One Good Earl Deserves a Lover]
Darius/Laila (Lion/Snake) [@nectargrapes wip WTSA]
Georgiana Pearson/Duncan West (Snake/Badger or Snake/Snake*) [Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover]
*I had both written down and couldn't remember which sorting he was.
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cookiedoughmeagain · 3 years
HAVEN Unanswered questions
I started thinking about the various Haven questions that there don't seem to be any answers to. Seems to me there's quite a lot of them. So here, in no particular order, is a (full of SPOILERS!) non-exhaustive list:
Why did Simon Crocker hide his box of weapons in such a very extremely convoluted fashion and how likely did he think it was that Duke would actually find them in any sensible timeframe?
Was ‘suddenly owning an iguana for one scene having never before shown any interest in pets’ really the best reason a roomful of writers could come up with to explain why Duke (smuggler, conman and owner of a bar) might own a blacklight?
How did a silver box made way-back-when have blacklight writing on it anyway? Technically how did that work? What was its purpose?
If the Barn only puts a 27 year pause on the Troubles in Haven, that means the rest of the world is consistently paranormal? And therefore kind of even more paranormal than Haven?
What was Evi doing working with the Rev? Was she genuinely simply trying to help Duke, or was she working an angle? Did she know about the Troubles? What did she think the Rev’s motivation was? What were her final words (“If you don’t tell him, I will.”) about?
On one of the commentaries there is talk of how Duke and Nathan got up to “hijinks” together as teenagers. WHAT WERE THE HIJINKS?
What was the thing about Vince and Dave owning half the town, and why didn’t they want anyone to know?
Did Charlotte really think that wiping her daughter’s memories every 27 years was a fair or sensible punishment/rehabilitation programme that was ever likely to achieve anything productive?
Did Croatoan really spend 500 years in the void on his own? If so, how is he not dramatically more insane than the admittedly already quite high levels of insane he actually is?
Where was William for all that time? Banished to the void as well? Hanging out with Croatoan? Trying to kill each other?
Why was it deemed necessary to subject Mara to this incredibly invasive personality-wiping punishment but not William? For things they did together?
What happened to William when he went home? Was he welcomed back? Or banished again?
Exactly when did Garland adopt Nathan? Was his wife Nathan’s biological mother?
What was Duke’s mother’s name?
What brought Lucy to Haven before she knew about the Troubles? Did she have a job?
Exactly when did Lucy go to visit the original Lucy Ripley and how does that fit in with the rest of the 1980s timeline? How did she find out about her? She told the original Lucy that someone had died - which someone?
On one day in 1983, the Colorado Kid was killed, everyone’s memory wiped, his body taken to the Barn, his coffin filled with bricks and a message from Lucy to her future self (Was that really the best place you could think of Lucy?), and she went into the Barn. That was a Busy day - particularly given that there also had to be time beforehand for Lucy to meet a timetravelling Nathan, overhear him telling Garland about the kill-the-one-you-love concept, go to Dave’s and persuade him to lend her a gun, and go to meet James on the beach and almost shoot him with it. I mean, I know Haven can be a dramatic town sometimes, but that is A Lot.
Exactly how and when did Simon die? Did Lucy kill him? Was she involved? Was she there at the time? Was Duke? Were Vince and Dave involved?
What happened with Max Hansen trying to kill Vince in the 1980s?
How is Lizzie alive after the Troubles end? What is she even made of?
What are Croatoan and Vince going to do together alone in an empty white room for all eternity, and what happens to the Barn if they go a bit insane and murder each other because they just can’t stand the same company any more?
Are Troubles inherited the same way genetic traits are? If so, how are they not more intermingled between families after 500 years? (Maybe there is something about a lot of the Troubles that ties them to a particular family name, but why would Mara invent something so boringly patriarchal?)
Were there ever any female Crockers? If there were, would they have had the same curse?
In Harmony Duke says something to Nathan about “does she know the things you’ve done?” - implying that when they were younger Nathan did something illegal and/or possibly immoral that Duke knows about (because he was also involved?) but most people (or at least, Audrey) don’t. WHAT THINGS?
How close is the final season to the ending Sam & Jim had in mind when they started? How different would it have been if they’d had ten seasons to play with? How different would it have been if Sam & Jim had stayed as involved throughout all the seasons as they were at the beginning? WHAT DID THE MYTHOLOGY OUTLINE THEY SENT TO STEPHEN KING SAY?
What’s Duke's side of the story about the fishing trip when Nathan's Trouble got triggered?
What's the deal with Dave's birth parents? And Jennifer's? Who are these people coming through the void to leave halfling babies in Haven?
What exactly is Vince's Trouble? Did he inherit his position as head of the Guard? Did him and Dave grow up knowing all about the Troubles or did they have to find out the hard way?
What was Julia's Trouble? Did Eleanor have the same one?
How do Landon Taylor's family survive the Troubles ending/pausing, given that they are effectively made of sand?
Given that Duke apparently knew Lucy well enough for her to give him a silver necklace with her initials on it, did he recognise Audrey when he pulled her out of the sea, and if so what did he think was going on?
Why is there a portal under a lighthouse controlled by a cheesy vampire novel? Mara wouldn't have designed a Trouble that could get her sent back home (presumably??) so did Charlotte put that there? WHYYYY? Why/how does Audrey have that novel in the first episode? 
Wouldn't Nathan have recognised Duke in The Colorado Kid photo? (Especially given that he would very probably have seen the photo when he was a kid?) And wouldn't he have told Audrey that from the beginning?
Why did Vince and Dave write an article about "The Colorado Kid" when they clearly knew exactly who he was?
I'm sure there are probably more, so what have I missed? (Any answers also gratefully received lol)
49 notes · View notes
zelenacat · 3 years
When We Were Young- An Obitine Story- Chapter 25
Master Secura was not pleased to hear about the wedding.
“It hasn’t been announced yet,” Satine stated, “and I have to talk it over with my advisors.”
“But you accepted.” Ahsoka pointed out.
“I had to, he,” Satine paused, “knows family secrets.”
Obi-Wan lowered his head.
“You have a child,” Aayla Secura realized, “and Count Dooku knows.”
The Duchess turned to Obi-Wan and placed a hand on his leg, he took it off, instead choosing to hold her hand on the table.
“We can help you protect them.”
“The Council won’t be pleased however,” Satine pointed out, “that’s why they were a secret.”
“The Duke of Sundari,” Obi-Wan counted on his fingers, “Padawan Tyra, Tristan Wren, Mara Supreis, and the two new foundlings Jinn and Lyra.”
Master Secura’s eyes went wide, “That is many transgressions.”
“Twins three times.” Satine pointed out.
“That doesn’t matter,” Aayla sighed, “come, Master Kenobi, we must update the Council. Ahsoka, keep looking.”
The Padawan nodded and continued, Satine scanned the room.
“I can’t believe you’re actually engaged to him.” Ahsoka muttered, searching corners.
“Not officially,” the Duchess defended, opening drawers, “my advisors don’t know.”
“We decided we were going to continue the courtship.” Satine confessed.
When they found nothing, Satine returned to her personal parlor where her children were waiting.
“You’re all so quiet.” Satine observed.
“Marrying Count Dooku?” Mara questioned.
“Not officially,” Ahsoka jumped in, “your mother said they agreed to an extended courtship.”
“That’s still gross.” Tyra admitted.
“And that kiss?” Korkie asked, frowning.
“I know,” Tristan nodded, “and I literally carried his laundry for him.”
Ahsoka shivered.
“I’m sorry you had to find out like that, children,” Satine sighed, sinking into a chair, “but it really happened too quickly.”
“I’m sorry, Lady Mother,” Mara smiled sadly, “I know you don’t want to marry him.”
“I don’t.” the Duchess agreed.
The room grew silent.
“Come children,” Satine stood, “it’s bedtime.”
Tyra shoved Ahsoka’s shoulder, “That includes you too.”
In the hallway, the group ran into the Jedi Masters. Satine made note of Obi-Wan’s stiffness, he was tired and embarrassed.
“We leave in the morning, Ahsoka,” Master Secura announced, “Master Kenobi and Padawan Tyra will be returning to Coruscant.”
Tyra was clearly disappointed, Obi-Wan put a hand to his head.
“Get rest, children,” Satine turned to her children, “Especially you, Ahsoka, you have a long day ahead of you.”
Mara kissed her mother’s cheek, “Goodnight, Lady Mother.”
Tyra did the same and looped her arm through Mara’s.
“Goodnight, Master Jedis.”
The girls turned.
“Tyra?” Obi-Wan spoke up.
Tyra turned, swinging Mara around as well. A mutual understanding seemed to pass between the two.
“Goodnight, Father.”
“Goodnight, Father.”
Tristan kissed the Duchess’ cheek, then gave a bow to Master Secura, winking at his father as he came up.
“Go on now,” Obi-Wan gestured, “listen to your mother.”
Ahsoka told her Momdalore to sleep well, then moved towards Master Secura.
“Peaceful sleep be upon you, Duchess.” the Jedi stated.
Satine smiled tensely, she knew the Jedi Council would not be pleased.
“Dad,” Korkie stepped forward and held out his hand, “I’m glad you’re a part of our family.”
Obi-Wan’s face melted and he placed his hands on Korkie’s shoulders.
“May I hug you?”
“Of course, Father.”
Satine nearly cried at the sight.
“Sleep well, son of mine,” Obi-Wan ruffled Korkie’s hair, “now go, I must speak with your mother.”
Korkie kissed Satine’s cheek before leaving his parents. Then it was just Satine and Obi-Wan in the hallway.
“I know you’re ashamed,” the Duchess stepped forward, “your fellow council members must not be pleased.”
Obi-Wan sighed.
“Ben,” Satine placed a hand on her Jedi’s cheek, “you can stay with me.”
“It’s not a crime, Ben,” Satine continued with a swallow, “Jedi need love too.”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan sighed, “I suppose that’s true.”
Satine took her Jedi’s hands and led him to her room.
“This is Jaym and Gorg,” the Duchess gestured, “they know.”
Obi-Wan shook both their hands, “Thank you for keeping my Satine safe.”
“Of course, Master Jedi.” Jaym responded.
“The Duchess is a gift to us all.” Gorg agreed.
Obi-Wan fixed Satine with a warm gaze, “Yes, she is.”
The Duchess pulled Obi-Wan inside and shut the door.
“Will you help me with this, Ben?” Satine asked, trying to unbutton her dress.
The Jedi clicked his tongue when he saw the girdle Satine was wearing.
“This thing is monstrous.” he frowned.
The Duchess huffed, “Try wearing it.”
Satine sighed when the pressure released from her stomach, Obi-Wan rested a hand on the large shell.
“I still can’t believe we have two more.”
“It was hard,” Satine agreed, turning to face him, “but now everything is alright.”
“Why's that?”
The Duchess grinned, “You’re here.”
Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around Satine, who yawned and placed her head on his shoulder.
“Let’s get you some sleep.” Obi-Wan decided, pulling his Duchess towards the mattress.
Satine sat down while her Jedi removed her shoes and socks.
“My shining Jedi Knight.” she muttered.
Obi-Wan smiled sadly, ”Your feet are still swollen.”
“Hera says that will end soon.”
“The nurse,” Satine smiled, “you’ll meet her tomorrow.”
“I’d like that.”
The Duchess swung her legs over and pulled up the covers.
“Your shift?” Obi-Wan asked.
“No,” Satine yawned, “tired.”
After a few seconds of rusting fabric, Obi-Wan joined Satine.
“This is all I ever wanted,” he mused, wrapping an arm around her.
“This is more than my happiest dreams.” Satine smiled, closing her eyes.
The morning was not as sweet. Obi-Wan was already up and meditating, so there was no morning cuddle time.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan paused, opening his eyes, “I’ll come back if you want.”
“Can all of you read thoughts?” Satine sighed, staring up at the ceiling.
“No, why?”
“Tyra and the Count can.”
Satine could feel Obi-Wan’s displeasure.
“Yes, he read my mind, if it wasn’t for Tyra, I would’ve kicked him out of the palace.”
Rolling over, Satine faced her Jedi.
“I don’t like you having to pretend that you’re marrying.”
Satine sighed, “He knows about the kids, and he read my mind when I was thinking of you.”
Obi-Wan frowned, “Mean.”
Satine sat up, then flinched.
The Duchess actually smiled, “Give me a minute.”
Obi-Wan didn’t question her that much when she exited the fresher, only raising an eyebrow.
“Have you ever given birth, Ben?”
“Right, sorry.”
Satine laughed.
A knock bounced off the door, “Satine?”
“Yes, Khaami?”
“I’m here to help you dress.” Khaami announced.
“Well, come in.”
Khaami entered, eyes searching for Obi-Wan. When she saw him, she raised an eyebrow at her Duchess.
“No, Khaami,” Satine shook her head, “you won’t be attending any more births.”
The Jedi snorted. The lady smiled, relieved, and marched over to Satine’s closet. 
“I guess I should go.” Obi-Wan pouted.
Satine kissed her Jedi, “Poor Ben, tell our friends I say hello.”
“I will.”
After a moment, the Duchess added, “And make sure Tyra Satine doesn’t get up to any obscene antics.” 
Mirth glowed in Obi-Wan’s eyes, “That’ll be a challenge.”
Satine watched as her knight in shining armor left, Khaami had to call her name three times to get her attention.
“Black? I hate black!”
Khaami sighed, “We want to give the council the impression that you’re sad about this engagement.”
Satine bid goodbye to the Jedi before heading into the Ruling Council Chamber, Aayla had winked at her, they’d shared a moment.
“Duchess Satine?”
She frowned, reality set back in.
Once everyone was gathered, Satine took a breath, “The Count and I have agreed we will marry eventually.” 
Silence, then outrage.
“Your Grace-”
“Please, Your Grace, reconsider-”
Satine raised her hand, the room grew quiet.
“It will be a long courtship,” the Duchess continued, “but there is more you should be aware of.”
If the Ruling Council had been dumbfounded before Satine explained the ties to the Sith the Ancient Mandalorians had, and their current plan with the Jedi, they were certainly shocked now.
“Your Grace,” Countess Bralor sighed, “This is quite the mess.”
“And are you sure your sister will assist in the capture of the Count?” asked Governor Eldar.
“Death Watch does not like the Count,” Satine assured, “and the Jedi will gladly take him.”
In the next week, Satine had met with the Jedi Council (who sometimes struggled to address her properly), made contact with Count Dooku for a second courtship visit, and informed Bo-Katan of their new situation. She was exhausted.
Count Dooku returned a month later, and after much consolation from Padme, Satine felt brave enough to face him again. The Count’s arrival was less grand, the majority of the court couldn’t make it for this visit, yet he still chose to drive through the airways of Sundari. 
“My popularity here is increasing,” he boasted to Satine on their walk, “it will be good when we announce the wedding.”
“I worry about the extremists though.” Satine admitted, setting a ploy.
“What, Death Watch?”
The Duchess nodded.
“I have friends who will deal with that.”
This was news to Satine, but she tried not to show it.
“More criminals I presume?” she asked.
The Count smirked, “Eager to know, are you?”
“They do want me dead.” Satine offered.
Dooku shook his head, “They won’t kill you.” 
The Duchess frowned, “How do you know?”
The Count placed Satine’s hand on his arm, “Because you’re under my protection.”
“That guarantees nothing.” the Duchess countered, slightly shocked.
Dooku raised an eyebrow, “We’re on our way to announce our engagement.”
“Ah, right,” Satine nodded, “they happen not to like you either.”
“I may have a spy in Death Watch.”
Despite herself, Satine grinned, “That’s useful information.”
The Duchess was still smiling when she and the Count stepped out onto the stage for their press conference. The whispers hushed as Dooku helped Satine into her seat. Soon after Satine’s ladies situated themselves behind her, and the Prime Minister took to the podium.
“The palace is happy to announce today, that the Duchess is engaged to Count Dooku, Head of the Seperatist Alliance and Speaker of the Most High Seperatist Senate.”
Silence. Then a burst of questions all at once.
“Your Grace-”
“Your Excellency-”
“Count Dooku-”
Satine raised her hand, but it still took a few seconds for the press to quiet down.
“The Count and I have made our decision with what is best for both our systems. If you have any questions, please ask them politely.”
Some of the questions were general, how they thought this would help both systems, did they have any plans for initiatives, would Mandalore officially join the war?
“Not directly or immediately,” Satine answered before Dooku could, “our peaceful way of life will require some integration of aggression before we are ready for war.”
The rest of the questions were all about wedding plans at Satine’s dress. 
“I will have to consult with my seamstresses,” Satine announced after much prodding, “but nothing shall be announced until the day of the ceremony.”
“When will the ceremony be?” a journalist shouted.
“There is still much planning that must be done,” Count Dooku jumped in, “but of course we shall be respectful of traditional holidays.”
Satine turned to the Count, she hadn’t been aware that he knew of Queen Mara’s birthday celebration coming up. Dooku gave her a small smile. A camera flashed.
“Thank you,” the Prime Minister announced, Satine blinked, “the palace press secretary will answer any other questions.”
The Count helped Satine up and led her from the room, her ladies behind her.
“We did well.”
“We did.” Satine agreed.
“I think I should take some time to tour Sundari and meet the local leaders.” Dooku suggested.
“That sounds beneficial,” the Duchess agreed, “I’ll speak with my advisors about that.”
At dinner that evening, Dooku sat on Satine’s left, Korkie on her right. They glanced att each other the entire night, but neither spoke to the other directly. It was exhausting just being around them. It had been decided that the Count would take a tour of Sundari in the morning, so he excused himself early.
“Ugh,” Korkie sighed when Dooku left the room, “I thought he’d never leave.”
“Walk with me, Lady Mother,” Korkie whispered, “after dinner, there’s news.”
So they did, sitting in the garden, the Duke showed something to Satine that made her shriek.
“What? How?”
“Lady Mother,” Korkie put a hand on Satine’s shoulder, “don't worry.”
“Fire, Korkyrach,” Satine shook, eyes wide, “you can make fire with your hands.”
“It’s called force fire,” Korkie explained, “Tyra and Mara have been helping me.”
Satine began to weep.
“It’s alright, Lady Mother,” the Duke hugged his mother, “it only happens sometimes, and I’m learning to control it.”
“Be careful around the Count,” Satine wiped her eyes on her son’s shoulder, “I worry so much for you all.”
“It’s alright,” Korkie stated, “Tyra’s with Father on Coruscant.”
“And Tristan?”
“He called me after the announcement,” Korkie admitted, “he was pissed, but I talked him down, he’s alright otherwise.”
“Left for a Seperatist world a few days ago,” the Duke informed his mother, “they’re gathering information.”
Satine sighed.
“Let’s get you upstairs, Lady Mother.” Korkie decided.
“Yes.” the Duchess agreed.
Satine was about to crawl into bed when her comm went off. She grabbed it, turned down the volume, and hid under the covers before answering.
“Hi, Ben.”
“This scares me, Satine.” Obi-Wan admitted.
“And the way you looked at him,” the Jedi spat, “what was that?
“What was what?” Satine asked.
Obi-Wan sent her a photo from the press conference.
“You look like you care about him, Satine.”
The Duchess frowned, “No, I don’t.”
“But that's what it looks like,”the Jedi stressed.
“Obi-Wan,” Satine said sternly, “don’t get any premonitions in your head that I love someone else, I love you.”
Obi-Wan’s mouth hung open for a second, then he smiled.
“Ben, it’s been what,” the Duchess counted, “about two months since our last children were born?”
“They’re doing great, Satine,” Obi-Wan grinned, “they smiled at me today.”
“Tell me about it,” tears filled the Duchess’ eyes, “I’ve missed all my children’s first smiles.”
“They were beautiful,” the Jedi’s eyes fogged, “Jinn reached up at me and Lyra giggled.”
Satine let a little sob escape her.
“I miss you,” Satine confessed, “and I miss them.”
“I know.” Obi-Wan sighed.
Satine went to bed late that night and woke up just before lunch, long after the Count had embarked on this tour.
“Why’d you let me sleep?” Satine mumbled.
“Because,” Khaami pulled up her lady, “news from the Jedi has come.”
“And Dooku can’t well know we’re in league with his enemies.” Parna added.
Satine sighed and rubbed her eyes.
“You can do this, Duchess.” Khaami assured.
After she was dressed, in her usual purple and navy ensemble, Satine went o a private conference room with her Prime Minister, who was just turning on the communication device. Soon, a collection of blue figures appeared before Satine.
“Duchess,” Master Windu frowned, clearly upset to see her, “how wonderful to see you.”
Satine smiled, “Thank you, Master Jedi, I hear there is news?”
“News, yes,” Master Yoda began, “bad news, it is.”
Satine’s eyebrows rose.
“There is a Sith Temple on Concordia,” Master Shaak Ti stated, “hidden below ground, our sources say that the Death Watch are aware of this as well.”
“The Count informed me that he has a spy in Death Watch.” Satine announced.
“Told you this, did he?” asked Master Yoda.
“And you believe him?” questioned Master Ti.
Satine opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again.
“I made a joke that I would be dead before the wedding at Death Watch’s hands, he said I didn’t worry because of his spy.”
Master Yoda nodded, “Interesting, that is.” 
“How is your sister?” Master Mundi asked.
“Angry, but her wife feeds that fire.”
“Ah yes,” Master Windu frowned, “Asajj Ventress.”
Satine glanced quickly at Obi-Wan, his face was pensive.
“I suggest, Your Grace,” Master Mundi began, “that you destroy the Sith Temple on Concordia before the Count visits it.”
Satine nodded, “Thank you, Master Jedi.”
“A plan, you have?” Master Yoda smiled.
“Wish you the best of luck, Duchess.” said Master Windu, frowning a slight smile.
“Thank you.”
When the comm ended, Prime Minister Djarin gave the Duchess the side eye.
“Your plan?”
“Recent developments have proved beneficial,” Satine grinned, “and I have some friends.”
  Satine met Tristan and Korkie for lunch that day, and as she sipped her tea and listened to her sons’ accomplishments, the plan took shape.
“Lady Mother,” Tristan sighed, “you have that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“You’re planning something,” Korkie agreed, sitting back, “and it involves us.”
Satine leaned forward.
“Tristan, what new skill have you learned?”
Her second son understood immediately, “Telekinesis, have you not noticed the floating wine bottles?”
Satine frowned, Tristan and Korkie burst out laughing.
The Duchess sighed, “Such immature pranks prove you aren’t ready for this mission.”
“A mission?” Korkie’s eyes lit up.
Satine rested her chin on her hands, “There’s an underground Sith Temple on Concordia, it needs to be destroyed.”
“I want you boys, Mara, and her Master to do the destroying.”
Tristan grinned.
“But how do we get around the Count?” Korkie asked.
“Secrecy.” Satine answered.
The boys then went back to school, knowing they’d be leaving on the weekend, and Satine returned to the palace, where the Count was waiting.
“How was lunch with your sons?” he whispered.
The Duchess hesitated.
“Teenage boys perplex me.”
Dooku actually laughed, “Perhaps a step-father is a beneficial addition to the family, then?”
Satine gave the Count a side eye, “You have quite the high opinion of yourself.”
“I most certainly do.”
“So tell me,” Satine began walking towards the gardens, “how did the public perceive you?”
“Well for the most part,” Dooku explained, “lots of stares and whispers.”
“May I suggest charity efforts?” the Duchess grinned.
“Charity,” the Count asked, “like helping the poor?”
“Yes, Dooku,” Satine grinned, “like helping the poor.”
A moment of silence leaked in and the Duchess turned to face her fiance.
“Call me Kal.”
“My name is Kal,” the Count repeated, “as we’re engaged you should know my name.”
The Duchess repeated the name, it sounded strange in her mouth.
“Surprised, Satine?”
The Duchess winced, “Don’t call me that.”
“How about Tina, then?”
Satine frowned, “Even more revolting.”
“Then what should I call you?” the Count asked.
“Your Grace.” Satine decided firmly.
The Count bowed.
“If you would please excuse me, Your Grace, I must speak with my Master.”
The Duchess went cold and she hated how her voice quivered.
“You’re excused.”
Dooku turned and began to walk away.
The Count froze, but he didn’t turn back to Satine.
“Who is your Master?”
The Duchess could hear the Count’s smile in his reply.
“You will never need to know that.”
Satine waited until Count Dooku was out of earshot, then ran to her room, bumping into Jaym and Parna on the way,
“Spy on the Count,” Satine ordered, “he’s talking to his Master.”
“Call Padme,” she whispered into her comm, “oh, please pick up.”
“Satine, I-”
“Did you know Dooku’s first name was Kal?”
A moment of silence, then the Senator excused herself from the room.
“He told me to call him by his name, and I said that he couldn’t call me by mine.”
“Satine, are you okay?”
“No,” the Duchess whined, “we might actually have to marry!”
Padme sighed.
“You should’ve been prepared for this.”
“I’m also sending my children to destroy an underground Sith Temple on Concordia that’s over a millenia old.”
“Satine,” Padme frowned, “you need to rest.”
“Dooku is calling his Master right now,” Satine pouted, “from my palace!”
The Senator’s jaw dropped.
Satine lowered her voice, “Of course, I have spies in action, Padme.”
“Dear God,” the Senator mumbled, “when did our lives get like this?”
“Master Windu did not seem pleased to know that Ben and I have children.” Satine confessed.
Padme snorted, “When he found out Anakin and I were married he just left the room.”
Satine giggled.
“Good luck with everything, call me if you need help.”
“I will, Padme, thank you.”
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As a fan of Korean dramas, I have always wondered if I were a director, who would I cast for The Royal Romance?
After much thought, I was able to make a list of Korean celebrities whom in my opinion can match the personalities of TRR characters. Similarity in looks are just a bonus though.
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Daniel Henney as Prince Liam
The “Crown Prince” of Cordonia. He fell in love at first sight with Riley during his Bachelorette Party in New York.
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Hyun Bin as Drake Walker
Prince Liam’s best friend. Son of the King’s Guard. A commoner.
His father died in the line of duty, protecting The Royal Family.
Has hidden feelings for Riley.
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Nana as Riley
The main protagonist. A waitress in New York.
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Han Hyo Joo as Hana Lee
Became best friends with Riley. They met during The Royal Masquerade Ball.
One of Prince Liam’s suitors.
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Choi Siwoon as Maxwell Beaumont
The youngest member of The House of Beaumont. 
A close friend of Prince Liam.
Sponsors Riley’s flight to Cordonia for a chance to compete for the hand of the Crown Prince.
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Song Seung-heon as Bertrand Beaumont
The Duke of Ramsford. Head of The House of Beaumont. Maxwell’s older brother. 
Has feelings for Savannah Walker (Drake Walker’s sister)
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Krystal Jung as Olivia Nevrakis
The Duchess of Lythikos
Prince Liam’s childhood friend and one of his suitors who will compete for him.
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Lee Da Hee as Madeleine
Countess Madeleine of Fydelia.
One of Prince Liam’s suitors.
Ex-fiancee of the Former Crown Prince Leo (Liam’s older brother)
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Nam Kyung-eup as King Constantine
The King of Cordonia. Prince Leo and Prince Liam’s father.
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Jung Ae-ri as Queen Regina
The Queen of Cordonia. Prince Leo and Prince Liam’s step mother.
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Kim Min-joon as Bastien
Prince Leo and Prince Liam’s bodyguard.
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Jung Woo-sung as Prince Leo
Former Crown Prince of Cordonia. Abdicated the throne to marry a woman he met in a cruise ship in Athens.
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Park Shin Hye as Kiara
Heir to Duchy Castelsarreillan.
One of Prince Liam’s suitors.
Became best friend’s with Penelope at court.
Has a crush on Drake Walker.
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Yoo In Na as Penelope
Lady Penelope of Portavira.
One of Prince Liam’s suitors.
Obsessed with dogs.
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Kim Hee-sun as Savannah Walker
Drake Walker’s sister.
Has feelings for Bertrand Beaumont.
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Park Hyung-soo as Anton Severus
Main antagonist. Disguised as a public relations officer of Riley.
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Cha Seung-won as Tariq
One of Prince Liam’s friends.
Involved in a conspiracy against Riley.
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Lee Hye Young as Lucretia Nevrakis
Aunt of Olivia Nevrakis
One of the antagonist.
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Chun Ho Jin as Godfrey
Duke of Karlington. Madeleine’s father. Husband of Adelaide. 
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Kim Sung-ryung as Adelaide
Duchess of Krona. Wife of Godfrey. Madeleine’s mother.
Cousin of Queen Regina.
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Kim Chang-wan as Xinghai Lee
A businessman. Father of Hana Lee. Husband of Lorelai.
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Na Young-hee as Lorelai Lee
A member of a Cordonian minor noble house. Wife of Xinghai Lee. Mother of Hana Lee.
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Um Hyo-sup as Landon
Duke of Portavira. Father of Penelope. Husband of Emmeline.
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Kim Mi-sook as Emmeline
Duchess of Portavira. Mother of Penelope. Wife of Landon.
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Kil Yong-woo as Hakim
Duke of Castelsarreillan. A diplomat.
Father of Kiara. Husband of Joelle.
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Choi Ji Woo as Joelle
Duchess of Castelsarreillan. An artist.
Mother of Kiara. Wife of Hakim.
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Park Sung Woong as Neville Rancour
Future Earl of Cormery Isle
One of Hana Lee’s suitors.
Bullies Drake Walker.
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Lee Jae-yoon as Rashad
Heir to Duchy Domvallier. A businessman.
A friend of Neville Rancour.
One of Hana Lee’s suitors.
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Lee EI as Ana De Luca
A Fashion Designer.
Journalist of “Trend” Magazine.
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Yoon Ji-min as Mara
Riley’s personal bodyguard.
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Oh Hyun Kyung as Queen Eleanor
Former Queen of Cordonia. Second wife of King Constantine. Prince Liam’s mother.
Died because of poisoning.
(Featured in The Royal Romance story through flashbacks)
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I’ve always been loyal to Prince Liam! But since Hyun Bin is one of my bias wreckers.. casting him as Drake Walker would really cut my heart in half!! 😂 I believe he’s the perfect oppa to act as Drake, after watching his recent kdrama “Crash Landing On You”. OMG!!!
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As for finding an actress as Riley, I did thought of having Bae Suzy..
But I prefer Nana because I find her visual more unique...
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She has more of the “western” look vibe. She reminds me of Kim Tae-hee!
Also, I prefer the potential I guess.. she isn’t known for romcom roles yet since she’s always casted for badass films.
Also the  “chemistry” among the characters especially the love team is something that I’ve also considered. 🤔Nana and Hyun Bin already worked together in a film called “The Swindlers”.. while Daniel and Hyun Bin starred in a 2005 kdrama “Lovely Kim Sam Soon”.
Here’s an old photo of Daniel Henney & Hyun Bin together!
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SWEET!!!! 😍😍😍
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coachbeards · 4 years
them: we need somebody to watch mara.......how about Duke ?
duke, who is emotionally bare after just losing Jennifer, is literally Dying, had to witness the effects of the monkey trouble on people around him especially Nathan, who was forced to accept Jennifer’s death before he was ready to or people would die, who literally is very emotionally vulnerable and arguably the most susceptible to manipulation: huh???
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nostalgiabones · 4 years
Finding Out // C.H
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So, this is the first blurb in my new ‘second baby’ series! Following on from the responses I got in this poll, I decided to do this as a series of blurbs rather than one big fic. Thank you to everyone for sharing your thoughts! I don’t have a solid plan for this series yet so there’s still plenty of time if you want to have any input. I’m basically going to do a pregnancy and baby series! As always, feedback is appreciated so please let me know what you think💕
Word count: 3.3k 
Warnings: pregnancy & sickness (nothing graphic!) 
Calum’s gentle touch on your arm rouses you from sleep, his fingertips lightly running up and down your wrist. Your eyes flutter in response, eyebrows furrowing in confusion when you take in your surroundings. You’re in bed, in the middle of the afternoon, tucked up under the duvet with Mara asleep in your arms. Calum is perched on the edge of the bed, wanting to make sure you’re feeling okay after falling asleep for a few hours with Mara.
It wasn’t often you fell asleep with Mara during her nap. Additionally, Mara didn’t usually nap in your bed; she’d be in her own bed, in her own room, down the hall. Yet today, she had wanted just one story to settle her, and with your own eyes ladened with tiredness, you decided to read to her in your bed. The plan was to move her when she fell asleep, yet it seems as though you didn’t make it that far. It was becoming less often that Mara would nap, now that she’s almost four; only sleeping during the day when she had been unsettled the night before. 
“What time is it?” You murmur, careful not to move and jostle Mara – even though it’s time she wakes up too. Mara stretches, pushing her hands against your arm as she wriggles before settling again. “I didn’t even mean to fall asleep.”
Calum chuckles at your confusion, taking your hand in his own and pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
“It’s nearly 4,” He replies, his free hand brushing Mara’s curls away from her face. She leans into his touch, a sigh slipping from her lips as she snoozes. “I thought it was about time Mara woke up. We’re in for some fun later if she sleeps any longer.”
You nod in agreement, knowing she had already slept too much. You move the arm that’s wrapped around her, rubbing your fingertips up and down her back to wake her. She yawns and rubs her eyes, realising that she’s still snug up against you, and that she slept in your bed. “Hi mama,”
You smile at her words, her voice heavy with sleep. She sits up and notices Calum is there too; holding her hands out for him so he’ll take her. He lifts her up, standing up from the bed and sitting her on his hip as she wakes up a little more. It melts Calum’s heart to see you nap together – reminiscent of the days where the two of you had no responsibilities, where you used to spend whole afternoons asleep together, sometimes waking up when the sun had gone down. It makes him realise how different things are now. “Hi, little moon. Someone had a good snooze with mum, huh? Is your tummy ready for some dinner?”
He chats to her absentmindedly as he takes her downstairs, giving you a few moments alone to come round from your unexpected nap. Sitting up, you notice how your body aches with fatigue, your lower back twinging as you stretch. Thinking nothing of it, you re-make the bed, before joining Calum and Mara in the kitchen.
The familiar scent of Mara’s favourite pasta flooded your senses; one that you’d usually enjoy too, yet it makes your stomach turn as you enter the kitchen.  Calum notices the scrunching of your nose as it hits you, wondering what caused it.
“You okay?” He murmurs, his hands resting on your hips as you stand in the cradle of his hips. You nod, taking quiet deep breaths through your nose to stop the sick feeling creeping up your throat. Mara was unsuspecting, the sight of you and Calum close in the kitchen not unfamiliar to her. “What is it?”
“I think it’s the food,” You reply, that being the only thing you can think of that’s making you feel queasy. Calum’s warm palms rub up and down your back as your hands rest on his chest. “I’m okay, though. I might just be coming down with something.”
“Mmm,” Calum replies, raising an eyebrow in suspicion of you. The fatigue and sickness are all signs that he’s seen before; specifically, four years ago. “We’ll have to keep an eye on you.”
“I finished,” Mara calls out, your attention diverted from Calum to your sweet daughter sitting in her chair at the end of the table. The plate in front of her is clear and Calum has already covered the rest, saving it so she can have it for lunch tomorrow. You’re grateful that it’s no longer in the room, not wanting to get sick in front of Mara. “Can I go play?”
You nod, helping her down from the table, accepting the sweet hug as she wraps her arms around your legs. “You have an hour until bath time, okay? I’ll come play with you soon.” 
“Okay.” She responds, running off to the lounge where most of her toys end up throughout the day. Calum’s eyes follow you as you clear up after her; you feel him watching you, like he knows something is going on.
“Stop looking at me like that,” You tell him, without even looking at him. You know the look he’s giving you. It’s a knowing one. He knows the thought has crossed your mind too. “I’m fine.”
He chuckles, taking Mara’s plate out of your hands so he can take over cleaning up. He brushes a kiss to your pouty lips, before setting the dishes down in the sink. “Go see Mara,” he murmurs, followed by another kiss. “We’ll talk about it later.” 
“Is mumma okay?”
Mara’s question takes Calum by surprise as he brushes through her unruly curls, following her bath. Her cheeks are rosy from the heat of the bath and the warmth of her pyjamas, perched on the edge of her bed as he gets her ready to go to sleep.
Calum tends to forget how old Mara is – how she’s not a baby anymore, and how she’s much more intuitive than he realises. She knows when something is different – always a curious child, much like he was, always asking questions when she thought something wasn’t right. He didn’t want her to worry though. He’s almost sure of what’s going on – that you’re not sick, and he doesn’t want Mara to lose sleep over it.
“Why do you ask, baby?” He replies, although he already thinks he knows the answer. Bath and bedtime is usually a joint effort; yet tonight Calum has sent you to relax early. He knows you won’t unless he forces you to, and he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself, especially if his suspicions are correct. Mara notices your absence though.
“She said her tummy felt funny earlier,” Mara informs him, looking down at her hands as she talks. Calum hums in acknowledgement, setting the hair brush down on the side of her bed as he gets her attention. Gently tiling her chin to look at him, he notices her big brown eyes are filled with worry, and it makes his heart ache.
“Listen to me, sweetheart,” He murmurs, settling her in his lap so he can reassure her. “No worrying, okay? She’s fine, I promise. I’m sure she’ll be in to say goodnight any moment now.”
Mara nods, trusting of him – he knows he hasn’t settled her completely, yet he hopes that once you say goodnight, she’ll feel better. He feels bad telling her that you’re fine when Mara has heard otherwise, yet he doesn’t know how else to explain why he thinks you’re sick. Not until he’s sure, anyway. “Are you ready to get into bed?”
He’s cut off by you joining them in her bedroom; the night light illuminating the room in a soft glow. She hadn’t quite overcome her fear of the dark; still needing the golden light from the lamp to reassure her that there was nothing lingering in the shadows. Mara’s eyes light up at the sight.
“There’s my sweet girl,” You greet her, kneeling next to where she’s getting into bed. “Are you ready for some sleep? Mumma is ready to go to sleep too.” 
It’s something you say to her most nights, that you’re going to bed, so she doesn’t feel as though she’s missing out on any fun with you and Calum. Yet tonight it makes her more anxious, that you’re going to bed because there’s something wrong. 
“Does your tummy still feel funny?” She asks, tucking her bottom lip between a teeth -- a sign of her nerves. Her sweetness makes you smile yet you can’t help but feel bad that she’s worried. You help to tuck her under the duvet, pulling it up around her shoulders so she’s snug in the bed. 
“No baby, I feel better now.” You reassure her, though not completely true. It’s not something you want her to worry about either. Mara seems satisfied with your answer, shuffling down in her bed so her head is on the pillow. You rub your pointer finger over her cheek, watching as her eyes grow heavier and flutter as she looks at you. “Have sweet dreams, okay? We’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Love you, mama,” She murmurs sleepily, snuggling into the bed as you kiss her cheek. Calum follows, brushing her curls out of her face and giving her a goodnight kiss.
“Love you, baby. You know where we are if you need us, okay? Duke is here too,” Calum assures her, gesturing to the sleeping dog curled up on the foot of her bed. It’s where he slept most nights, wanting to be near Mara -- sometimes ending up under the duvet next to her. “Sleep tight.” 
You leave the room and pull the door to so she can sleep, knowing you and Calum have an interesting night ahead. 
“So,” Calum begins, leading you to your bedroom, where you had previously been curled up watching Netflix. You sigh as you sit on the edge of the bed, looking down at your slippers to avoid his gaze. He knows where Mara got that habit from. “You’re thinking the same thing as me, right?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You feign seriousness, taking a deep breath before looking up at him, a knowing smirk on your lips. “But when I napped earlier, the smell of your cologne on the pillow nearly made me throw up.” 
Calum raises his eyebrows -- another occasion reminding him of this time four years ago. He’ll never forget the time he came home from the studio and wrapped you in a hug, your face buried in his neck, but only for a second before you nearly threw up all over his shoes. He’d had to use something other than his favourite Calvin Klein fragrance for the remainder of your pregnancy, and he feels as though he’s about to have to do the same thing again.
“Do you still have those spare tests in the bathroom?” 
Your mind wanders to the stash of spare pregnancy tests in the bottom drawer of the bathroom cabinet, kept there always ‘just in case.’ It turns out to be pretty handy that you have them now. You nod, but make no effort to move from the bed in order to take one, and Calum wants to know what’s on your mind.
“Talk to me, honey,” Calum prompts you, sitting down next to you, his arm around your waist. You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder, trying to avoid his cologne once more in the worry of it turning your stomach. You sit for a moment, trying to work out what you’re feeling before articulating it to Calum. “What are you thinking about?”
A second baby was something the two of you had discussed; you weren’t necessarily trying to get pregnant, but you weren’t trying not to, either. You just hadn’t expected it this fast, and your mind wanders to the sweet girl sleeping down the hall.
“I’m nervous.” You reply, wringing your hands together in anxiousness, and Calum tries to soothe you by taking one of your hands in his. He links your fingers with his, gently squeezing to keep you grounded. “What if Mara doesn’t want us to have a baby? She’s so used to it just being her.” 
Calum nods, and he’d be lying if he said the thought hadn’t crossed his mind too. You were so settled as a family of three, always focused on Mara, yet you both know you always planned to have more than one child. 
“She’ll adjust, baby. It’s going to be new for us all. She has plenty of time to get used to the idea, and we can help her with that.” Calum replies, his hand rubbing up and down your arm as he speaks. “She’ll be so excited. You’ve seen how interested she is in talking to Luke about their baby when we see them.”
He’s right -- with Luke and his wife getting closer to the arrival of their first baby, Mara had taken a great interest in everything to do with her pregnancy. She had many questions whenever they visited, each time wondering when the baby would arrive. Her concept of time was something she didn’t quite understand yet. ‘Soon’ seemed to be her least favourite word. 
“I love how we’re doing this and we don’t even know if I’m pregnant yet,” You chuckle, followed by a laugh from Calum too. He pulls you a little closer and kisses your cheek, a smile on his lips.
“I’ll be very surprised if you’re not.” He replies, and you know he’s right. There had been little signs here and there; mainly the sickness and how tired you’ve been, along with a few other symptoms similar to that of when you were pregnant with Mara. You both recognise the signs. “Should we go find out for sure?”
You nod and follow him to the bathroom, closing the door behind you, as not to wake Mara. You go into the drawer and find the tests, pulling one out so you can use it.
“You’re really gonna watch me do this?” You ask, seeing as Calum had no intention of leaving the bathroom.
“I’ve seen worse things.” Calum replies, met with you rolling your eyes. “I’ll look away.”
He chats to you to take your mind away from your worries as you take the test. “Can you believe it’s been four years since we last did this?”
It doesn’t feel like four years. It barely feels like any time at all since you brought Mara home from the hospital. 
“Well, if you don’t count that one time after Mara’s first birthday.” You retort, Calum’s eyes widening at the memory before he laughs. That time you had definitely not been trying to have a baby. The test had been false, but you went through the motions all the same. 
“Oh yeah,” He murmurs, getting distracted by playing with his hair in the mirror. The bleach blonde look was starting to grow out, the dark roots no longer concealed. He made a mental note to get a haircut, not like he had more important things to think about in the moment. His attention is diverted by the sound of you running your hands under the sink, watching as the three minute timer began on your phone. 
“And now we wait.” 
Calum takes your hands in his once more and tries to get you to look at him, even though both of you are pre-occupied by the white stick next to the sink.
“Stop worrying,” He murmurs, like he can tell how fast your mind is racing. He knows it’s a big adjustment, that it’ll change your lives forever, just like Mara did -- yet he finds himself much less terrified than he was four years ago. “Whatever happens, we can handle it. We always do, don’t we?” 
You nod, feeling much better with him by your side. You think about how Mara will react -- will she be happy or upset? She’s so caring towards Duke, so you can’t help but think about how great of a big sister she would be. The thought of introducing a new baby to her makes your heart ache a little, just hoping that she would be happy. 
Time seems to stand still as you watch the clock on your phone -- the longest three minutes of your life. You press your face against Calum’s t-shirt, knowing that if his cologne did make you sick, you were in the right place. You’re both snapped out of your thoughts when your phone buzzes against the marble counter.
“I can’t look,” You tell him, facing away from the counter. As nervous as you are, now that you’ve thought about another baby, you know you’ll be disappointed if it’s negative. 
“Do you want me to?” Calum asks, and you nod, wrapping your arms around his waist and hiding your face against his shoulder. He picks the test up off of the counter and looks at the result, your heart pounding in your chest when he lets out a deep sigh. 
Calum pauses for a moment, his gentle touch on your lower back the only thing grounding you in the moment. 
“So... which room should we make into the nursery?”
You clasp your hand over your mouth, tears instantly slipping down your cheeks. Calum pulls you towards him, setting the test back on the side and wrapping both of his arms around your waist. He rests his head on your shoulder, his lips brushing the bare skin exposed from your jumper falling out of place.
“Really? I’m really pregnant?” You ask through tears, cupping Calum’s face in your hands so he’s looking at you. You see a shine in his own eyes, unshed tears just sitting at his lash line at the thought of your family expanding. Flashes of your pregnancy with Mara flood through his mind, as well as glimpses of the past four years of being parents. He can’t wait to do it all again. 
“Yeah, baby,” He chuckles, his tone laced with disbelief too. “Mara’s gonna be a big sister.” 
There’s so much on your mind, you don’t know where to begin. “Should we tell her?”
Calum shakes his head, one hand moving to rest on your stomach, your bump non-existent. His heart skips a beat at the thought of your bump growing and your body changing again, all to accommodate another baby. He knows it’s very early days and he doesn’t want to tell Mara until you know everything is okay. “I don’t think we should yet, honey. Let's at least wait until you see a doctor? Just so we know for sure.”
He sees a flash of worry in your eyes. He’s forgotten how scary pregnancy is; how you feel like everything is out of your control, yet you want to do everything you can to protect the baby at all times. 
“Don’t,” He murmurs, knowing where your mind is going. He cups your face in his hand, his thumb gently rubbing circles over your cheek. “Everything is going to be fine. We just need to be sure, okay?”
You nod, agreeing with his words. You reach up to peck his lips, savouring the serene moment of joy with him his fingers still absentmindedly brushing over your stomach. “Well, how should we celebrate?” 
“I just don’t know,” Calum chuckles, thinking for a moment. The word celebrate has a different meaning now that you’re parents; it used to mean getting dragged to a bar with his bandmates and not returning until the early hours, and then spending the following day in bed. Now, you’re lucky if you find the time to go out for dinner. “I think we should go all out. Ice cream in bed and Netflix?”
“Sounds like a plan,” You reply, brushing your lips against his once more. “But if you get ice cream on the sheets, you’re washing them tomorrow.” 
He shrugs his shoulder, nodding as he speaks, “fair enough. I’ll get the ice cream. I’ll meet you in the bedroom in 10.”
Taglist:  @irwinkitten @wildflowergrae @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @maluminspace @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex @flowerthug @calpops @youngblood199456 @aliencal @wokeupinjapanisabop @banditocth @cashtonasfuck @5-secondsofcolor @g-l-pierce @monsteramongmgc @calmlftv @mantlereid @treatallwithkindness @another-lonely-heart @calumrose @inlovehoodx @mermaidcashton @everydayimfangirling @b-easybreezy @ilumxna @malumsmermaid @opheliaaurora23 @talkfastromance4 @zhangyixingxing1 @everyscarisahealingplace @mateisit-balsamic @saphseoul @suchalonelysunflower @findingliam-o @castaway-cashton @megz1985 @notinthesameguey @calumscalm @karajaynetoday @metalandboybands @littledrummeraussie @vxlentinecal @itjustkindahappenedreally @queenalienscherrypie @xxxstormyninixxx @chicken-ona-stick @hoodhoran @harrys-shrooms @midnightash
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
What are some unpopular opinions you have about Elizabeth Hoyt and Sarah MacLean's books? Those are my two favorites so I'm curious haha
Y'all love getting me into trouble lol
I think that with MacLean, a lot of people responded really negatively to Mara, the heroine of No Good Duke Goes Unpunished... And while she does make huge mistakes and act a bit bitchy at times, that's WHY I like her. She's a heroine (and the book in general) who just really goes for it. She doesn't always make the best decisions, but who does?
I think she mentioned that A Scot in The Dark is one of (perhaps the) lowest selling titles for her, but it's one of my favorite MacLeans. I loved that the hero had body image issues, and the art angle with the heroine posing nude.
So many can't forgive certain MacLean heroes because they go too full dark, no stars which... Is what makes me love them... But also, I weirdly don't find a lot of this reaction happening for Bourne (my favorite MacLean hero, mind you) who literally kidnaps the heroine within the first few chapters. I see a lot of people hate on Ewan (Daring and the Duke) for being an essential villain of the series until his book, but this is what made him so delicious to me. My favorite part of Wicked and the Wallflower (which is a good book, don't get me wrong) doesn't even have to do with the hero and heroine. It has to do with Ewan finding out that Grace is alive and losing his SHIT.
I also reallllly love Haven, from The Day of the Duchess. Yes, he's a cheating bastard who fucked up big time. But that's one of the few books wherein the hero and heroine come together again after cheating, and I think it was handled quite deftly.
For Elizabeth Hoyt... I think Duke of Sin is excellent. I think it's super well written, I love the dynamic between the hero and heroine, it's BANANAS INSANE. But..... it seemed to be almost universally acclaimed as the best Maiden Lane book, and I just don't agree. It's good, but I think other books of hers are just better.
A lot of people have been kind of dragging her new series, which I actually have enjoyed quite a bit, especially the second book. I keep seeing that the hero is problematic~ because he's known the heroine for years and has been longing from her from afar and knew her when she was young (and he was young too???). People are pussies, honestly. If you can't handle the Hoyt get out of the kitchen.
Nobody seems to discuss Sweetest Scoundrel, which I actually love a lot. I didn't expect to love the pleasure garden angle, but the tension between the heroine and hero (that carriage scene!) got me.
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