#especially ones (not 1 as in me but kins in similar situations) like me
anonymouscain · 2 years
for every time someone calls 8 my son I will inch my hand closer to the blend button on a blender while my head is in it
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winterlogysblog · 7 months
Overanalyzing King's POV cause Imma defend my KING
part 1 cause this is a long one
I'm not saying King didn't mess up cause he did. Mistakes are made and there are severe consequences because of it. I'm here to defend him in some capacity cause I think some people (mostly people on reddit) are not really understanding him.
Let's start to where it all began. Kiane losing Nasiens, for them to lose their first born must have been heartbreaking and to top it all off it is caused by King's own kin.
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Based on what Tioreh said here, there are only rumors going around that Kiane's first child is a changeling, which means that maybe the fairy that took Nasiens may not be from their forest and the changeling is done by secret and the reason why this rumor started spreading in the first place is because of Mertyl and how everyone questions his relation to Kiane.
Which leads me to one of my conspiracy theories
I made this post a while back discussing the possibility that Nasiens was intentionally taken from them and hidden as far away as possible.
But, regardless of who had the balls to steal away the first born of Kiane, Nasiens is still taken away from them and Mertyl is in the crib. Now, Kiane never found Nasiens which means there's no way for them to know whose Mertyl's real parents are so they decided to just take him as their own.
That decision takes a lot out of a person. Because adopting is one thing, a lot of good hearted people would do that in a heartbeat but this is different. Mertyl is a child that is switched with their real one, for a parent Mertyl's entire existence is a constant reminder of that. For Kiane to raise him, care for him and love him as their own, god I have no words to describe it.
Also, I noticed one odd detail. So far through this entire arc, characters clocked the similarities between Nasiens and Kiane and said that he looks like them. However, throughout the Percy Platoons entire journey no one of close association with Kiane has said anything about this especially because they should know that they have a missing child. Heck Lancelot, not once did he mentioned that he looked similar to someone he knows.
But we have this panel.
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Chapter 83. The moment the squad first met Elizabeth and Meliodas for the first time and the group was knighted. Notice how both Anne and Donny's face is shown but when it comes to Nasiens it's just a simple shot of both him and Meliodas. It's a rather important moment for everyone that I find it weird that Nasiens face isn't shown unless Nakaba is trying to hide something. At this moment, Meliodas is face to face with Nasiens there's no way he couldn't tell. He should recognize that face and I think he did and that is why he sent them to the Fairy Kings Forest. It's his way of telling King that his kid is found even if at the time it's probably just an assumption.
Next time I'll be diving into the who Mertyl is adopted situation and Kiane keeping it a secret this entire time
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ask-plurals · 3 months
hi. recently discovered by a therapist / still heavily self doubting OSDD (median?) sys . have questions about fictives.
1) how can you tell someone is a fictive
2) what makes a fictive form (specifically asking in relation to CDD systems since thats what i am)
3) how soon can a fictive form after discovering the source media
4) is it possible for an alter who was previously not a fictive of a specific media to become one
…or are we just kinning? (which we also dont know anything about or understand)
context for our situation:
there are five known members two of whom may be fictives or kinnies. both have slightly different experiences from one another. one might be madoka kaname from PMMM and another might be rei ayanami from NGE. they have their own names but ill just call them rei and madoka for clarity here.
neither have source memories, but when watching NGE rei does feel its analogous to actual memories from our life. they both have personalities nearly identical to their respective characters.
madoka does not feel like their appearance is that of fictional madoka, and identifies more with a version of our bodys appearance. rei feels like they look like fictional rei. neither are the same gender as their characters.
most of our alters struggle to understand what it means to be an alter that is a different age from the body, but madoka might be slightly younger than the body (which is still older than fictional madoka) and rei is an exception and feels strongly that they are the same age as rei (14).
madoka has existed for a long time as far as we are aware, but no recollection of if they existed b4 we watched PMMM which was also a long time ago. we only watched NGE for the first time like two weeks ago, cant figure out if rei existed before that. we know we had someone with a similar personality that appeared briefly months ago, but we ended up attributing that to a different alter who frequently fronts.
no idea what to make of this. i really cannot understand at all what the difference is between being a fictive and being a kinnie when ur a system. help 😭
this maybe all over the place but bare with me!
1) fictivehood can be complicated. theres obvious ones like Looking like the character, Identifying as the character, having source memories, etc. especially all of these in one.
2) fictives can form for things like relating to them (maybe they went through simialr trauma as you/the body), maybe they are simailr to an abuser, maybe your brain feels they fit in a role (we tend to get a lot of fictives who are "big angry men" and are typically protectors of some kind). comfort is also a big one. if a media comforts you and brings you joy, sometimes that can be a reason to form fictives.
3) we've gotten fictives from media we've never even seen. so, no time frame!
4) yes! theres a term for it called pre-fictive actually (link)
i ofc cant say weather or not they are kinning the characters or fictives, i also do not have Much experience with kins vs alters, as they just feel very different for us. kins feel more like a layer and Fictives just Are that character.
but hopefully this helps!
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comkin · 6 months
Everything is under the cut! (There's a lot to scroll past)
This is a source calling blog! It is directed for kins, fictives and IRLs alike who may have problematic memories or sources.
This blog provides:
Source calling ; Searching for source mates. - Template will be added at the end of this post. This MUST be followed.
Confessions ; Source/Memory confessions. - These can be used to just get something off your chest, however if you want to rant/vent put TWs/CWs and a vent warning.
Stimboards ; 3 by 3 GIF post based on one theme. - Please be specific! It can be character, source or ship based! Feel free to request something I haven't mentioned, it may be denied though.
Playlists ; you want some bangers with a theme? — State what you're looking for, vibes, theme, genre, and what you may not want! If you do not specify you do not want smooth jazz you are at the mercy of smooth jazz for example!
Classpecting ; Class + Aspect in a Homestuck sense — ever wondered what yours would be? Give us some details on how you handle situations, who you are as a person ( fictive / kin / etc. ), etc. etc. !
Pendulum Readings ; yes or no? — Ask your yes or no question and we will ask one of the pendulums!
Aesthetic Boards ; 3 by 3 GIF/still image post based on one or more themes. - You can be specific or give a loose idea and trust the process. Can be characters, ships, aesthetics, sources.
Web Graphics Boards ; 3 by 3 (sometimes) GIF/still image post based on the prompt given. - Again, you can be specific or give a loose idea. Preferably no characters, but sources are okay. Aesthetics, colors, themes, all good.
Shitty Doodles ; a silly, silly drawing — send in your request for a drawing. 1 subject preferred, 2 max. You can specify your prompt but we do not guarantee good quality ! 5 requests at a time allowed, check the notification below to see if slots are currently open!
#1 ;; Be nice! Don’t harass anyone for any reason. If you DO NOT LIKE THIS CONTENT BLOCK US. This blog is a safe space for those who identify with problematic sources and or views, antis or those who just do not agree have plenty of safe spaces and we request you DNI.
#2 ;; We accept any form of call even if it may be considered problematic. But please keep yourself safe, do not use this blog to put yourself in danger. Anonymous is RECOMMENDED but not necessary. - Not all requests on this blog have to be considered "problematic"
#3 ;; Source/fictional age gaps are A-Okay but IRL ones are NOT. Minors should only be interacting with minors and majors only with majors for safety. (Example; Body age: 19 Looking for: anyone over 18.) If ages are not in calls I will ask for resubmission or it will be deleted.
#4 ;; There is no limit on how many entries you send and you may send them one after the other (they just won't be posted at the same time). Even if you have multiple kins/etc from one source, only one will be tagged. (On the note of tagging, all problematic calls will be tagged as such so they will not meet a super wide audience - this is for the comfort of others and safety of you)
#5 ;; All questions, requests, and calls may be asked in the ask box! Because other people may have similar questions.
Calls should be sent in Asks using the following template.
Full name:
Age: (Required)
Who you're looking for:
Extra info:
Your @ if you want it included (this may be your main or your alt!)
Please include types of GIFs you do and don't want! Eg. Slime, calligraphy, or specific objects/animals etc.
Be as specific as you can! Such as what emotions you want to convey.
Current Mods:
Angel - 🍮
Prince - ⚔️
knight - 🛡️
Banner ;; Avatar by me
Intro post written with help from 🌬️. :)
(Also feel free to DM about helping moderate! Especially if you don't mind us begging for you to do stimboard requests /hj)
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milquetoast27 · 1 year
Hamlet liveposting >:3
I'm relatively new to Shakespeare, but I'm very excited to get more invested in his works! I've studied Romeo and Juliet in full, and know the plot of Macbeth. I'm currently going through Hamlet and I actually know nothing of the plot- although I have suspicions (considering the play is a tragedy).
Act 1, Scene 1 already goes CRAZY. My biggest passion when studying texts is considering the context of the time it was written in- and this is something EXTREMELY pertinent for Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet especially mirror the instability and tension of the 1590s. (Threats to the monarchy, invasion of the Spanish, persecution of Catholics, Irish rebellion, etc.) The very first line is "Who's there?", immediately setting the tone of distrust. There are more obvious indications of this, such as the appearance of Old Hamlet's ghost, as well as the reference to Julius Caesar by Horatio, but it's amazing seeing how many allusions there are to this strain throughout only the first scene.
and HAMLET. Listen, I've literally only gotten to the first soliloquy (no spoilers please, by the way!! 😆) but I have to express my excitement. I look forward to exploring his character in more depth, and his relation to/possible representation of Elizabethan Britons' feelings. As a Sherlock Holmes fan, I look very much to exploring a potentially complex and multifaceted character- with a mix of interpretations surrounding him. After all, his first line, "A little more than kin, and less than kind" was described by John Dover Wilson as "a riddle, just like his character", which makes me hopeful.
To be honest, my main reason for attaching myself to Hamlet was simply how much of myself I immediately saw in him. But that's what Shakespeare is good at, isn't he? Despite his plays taking place in an already distant past, their actual feeling and explorations are timeless. Upon the subject of Hamlet's first soliloquy, I have been in a painfully similar situation myself- and that frustration and lack of understanding is something I have felt exactly. I hope for him to develop and gain peace on this but, alas... This play is a tragedy, centering around themes of betrayal and mistrust. I have a strong feeling Hamlet's not making it out of this in one piece 😔 Bro just goes OFF on his first rant, though!! To me it's just... real!! So incredibly real, even if in a very outtdated manner of speaking, I totally get what that guy's getting at! That's what excites me!
And because I have Sherlock Holmes fans following me, allow me to bless you with some Jeremy Brett Hamlet pics ♥
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Thanks for reading actual word garbage ❤
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wooflesnoot · 28 days
Making a massive post about my experiences with being mentally fictionkin, since id love to ramble about it even though itll probably not be seen. itd just be nice to get my yapping about it out since ive not told anyone about it.
What is fictionkin to me? My personal experience is shifting into the mindset of a certain character, usually involuntarily. I can usually feel a shift coming on, but it still throws me off, especially when im in public. Sometimes i can force it down and revert to my main 'form', but other times it can be hard.
I have different shift stages im pretty sure, here's how id label them;
Stage 1. Feeling like im chatting with another version with myself, or one of the characters i shift into. Sometimes i have conversations with myself in my head for like making descisions n stuff, and it can take the form of characters i shift into. Ive actually had this since i was super young, it started with a wolf plush i had named Whitefang. Id already had a good bond with him, but one time he told me not to eat eggs we were served and i didn't; long story short my family got food poisoning but i didn't because of the eggs.
Stage 2. I get into the mindset of the character. My personality is more like them, and i have certain quirks that only happen when i go into that mindset. For example i hand stim lots when im Cyn, or when I'm my true form (spirit guider. past life etc) i think alot about religion and my past life of guiding spirits.
Stage 3. I fully feel like im that character. Not usually physically, but i literally just view myself as that specific character.
Why do i do this?
I genuinely don't know. I feel like it might be a trauma response from dealing with very harsh bullying for years. I actually remember myself doing this same thing YEARS ago with other characters, around the time when the bullying was really bad. Like i remember it happening around my friends, id fully get into that mindset that im that character. It was really odd and it still feels really odd. Its something ive never truely gotten used to.
On the trauma response theory, i mindset into certain characters during certain situations. If i feel like i need to defend myself or snap, ill end up shifting into one of my more aggressive-in-nature kins like petra or v. If im in a stressful situation and need to calm myself down, i usually shift into Cyn because my brain tends to take in less during that time. Also i feel alot less embarrassed when stimming.
Why do i specifically mention that im NOT a DID system? Im 17. According to doctors you won't know until you're in youre late 20s, so i don't want to start going oh yeah im a system when its such a serious disorder that i can't just claim without knowing much about it. If you're a system and think my experience sounds similar to DID do let me know though, im genuinely curious.
Thanks for reading :3
Also i might start tagging posts as i definitely write differently when im shifted.
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Do you know if there are different kinds of shifts? I think I found a list once, but the explanations weren't that clear for me
There are! Let's see what I can remember.
The most common of these: phantom shifts, mental shifts, astral shifts, dream shifts, cameo shifts. The rest are rarely talked about, but do happen often enough we have words for them. (A note: all of these say "kintype"; they can apply to linktypes, hearttypes, etc. as well, this is purely for the sake of having a word to use.)
I'll try to get a short, one-line definition and, below the cut, a longer, more detailed explanation for each of these, as best I understand them.
Astral shift: One's astral body changing to closer resemble that of one's kintype.
Aura shift/Aural shift: One's aura changing in either shape or composition to closer resemble that of one's kintype.
Berserker shift: An overpowering mental shift (see Mental Shift) that causes the individual to lose control of their actions, partially or wholly, or even black out completely and "wake up" later. Rare and sometimes dangerous, usually to the individual who shifts rather than to people around them.
Bi-location shift: The experience of existing in two locations at once as a type of out-of-body experience, with at least one of those "selves" having the body of one's kintype.
Cameo shift: Any type of shift that is not of a kintype/linktype/hearttype/other consistent piece of one's identity, but is instead a temporary shift of another creature/character.
Dream shift: One's body in a dream changing to that of their kintype.
Envisage shift/Self-image shift: One's mental image/awareness of oneself changing to closer reflect that of their kintype, similar to a phantom shift but lacking actual phantom sensation.
Mental shift: One's mental state/thought process changing to closer reflect that of their kintype.
Phantom shift/Supernumerary phantom limbs: The sensation of having body parts that do not and never have physically existed, typically matching the body of one's kintype in the context of the 'kin and therian communities.
Physical shift/P-shift: One's physical body changing to become that of their kintype. P-shifting is not real, and those who claim to p-shift are generally shunned in the otherkin and therian communities, due largely to a long history of manipulation and cult-like behavior from p-shifters with young therians especially, dangling the impossible carrot of p-shifting to manipulate them into dangerous situations.
If you're in the audience reading this and are protesting that you are, in fact, a p-shifter - please feel free to send me clear video proof of this, and I will happily change my stance and celebrate that you're able to do what no one else has been able to figure out. If you're in the audience and have friends or "friends" that insist they are p-shifters, make the same request of them. They will almost certainly come up with endless excuses why they can't provide actual proof of what they claim to be able to do.
Shadow shift: One's shadow changing to match the body of their kintype instead of their physical body.
Sensory shift: One's senses/perception of their senses changing to closer match that of their kintype.
Hopefully that's not an overload of information ^^; Longer explanations below the cut for anything that's unclear.
Astral shift: One's astral body changing to closer resemble that of one's kintype.
Prerequisite: belief in astral bodies/the astral plane in general. Astral shifts can occur while astral traveling (an out-of-body experience practiced by many witches and other magic practitioners), or while in one's physical body (where the astral body is believed to "overlay" the physical body).
Disclaimer: "astral shift" has been suggested at various times as a replacement for "phantom shift/phantom limbs" due to concern for "appropriating" language from amputees. This is not an appropriate usage, as 1) an astral shift requires belief in an astral body in the first place, 2) someone can experience astral and phantom shifts separately, as they are different phenomena, and 3) "phantom shift"/"phantom limbs" as short for "supernumerary phantom limbs" is an appropriate usage of medical terminology in the first place, as SPLs are a known (if understudied) phenomenon.
Aura shift/Aural shift: One's aura changing in either shape or composition to closer resemble that of one's kintype.
This type of shift may be "visible" to those who practice perceiving auras, sometimes including those who don't know that the shift is happening or that the individual they're looking at is nonhuman until they "see" the shift.
Berserker shift: An overpowering mental shift (see Mental Shift) that causes the individual to lose control of their actions, partially or wholly, or even black out completely and "wake up" later. Rare and sometimes dangerous, usually to the individual who shifts rather than to people around them.
While not necessarily violent, berserker shifts can often result in the individual "waking up" to find some amount of havoc wreaked by their animal-minded self, purely by dint of an often-wild animal not mixing well with a human world. Several methods exist to discourage berserker shifts from happening, or to lessen their impact to something closer to a "normal" mental shift.
Bi-location shift: The experience of existing in two locations at once as a type of out-of-body experience, with at least one of those "selves" having the body of one's kintype.
Bi-location shifts, sometimes spelled bilocation, can be believed to be on the physical plane, or on the astral plane or similar. Different accounts report the "double" being able or unable to interact with the physical world. (I honestly don't understand bi-location very well, with or without shift, so I'll leave any further research on the subject to you.)
Cameo shift: Any type of shift that is not of a kintype/linktype/hearttype/other consistent piece of one's identity, but is instead a temporary shift of another creature/character.
Cameo shifts typically occur upon exposure to the creature/character in question, but can be triggered by other things - for instance, my brain spent so long misinterpreting movements of my phantom crest as ears (because child me was obsessed with cats and horses, and the feelings are similar when my crest is weak enough) that it often manifests as phantom canine/feline ears regardless in the right contexts, even though my dragon form doesn't have such ears as far as I know. See also: fictionflicker.
Dream shift: One's body in a dream changing to that of their kintype.
Pretty self-explanatory.
Envisage shift/Self-image shift: One's mental image/awareness of oneself changing to closer reflect that of their kintype, similar to a phantom shift but lacking actual phantom sensation.
Similar to a phantom shift, but the individual "doesn’t feel the “physical” sensation of phantom limbs. Instead one has a mental imagery and/or a mental awareness of non-existant body parts. Or, having unintentional or unusual mental images doing things AS their theriotype/kintype. Like a phantom body shift but within the mind’s eye." (Source)
Mental shift: One's mental state/thought process changing to closer reflect that of their kintype.
Mental shifts may manifest in a variety of ways, from nonhuman instincts/urges becoming stronger, to partial or total loss of language capability, to alteration of worldview/morality/perception of events, to demeanor/personality/behavioral changes.
Phantom shift/Supernumerary phantom limbs: The sensation of having body parts that do not and never have physically existed, typically matching the body of one's kintype in the context of the 'kin and therian communities.
Phantom shifts, or SPLs as they are referred to in the medical community, are probably the most common shift we see talked about. They may include the brain mimicking tactile sensation when the limb "touches" physical objects (ie discomfort when something passes through the phantom limb), or the phantom limb may simply "phase through" physical objects and be purely proprioceptive sense.
A note: Unlike phantom limb syndrome amputees experience, phantom shifts are rarely painful, and pain "caused" by a phantom limb should always be checked by a medical professional for a potential physical cause.
Physical shift/P-shift: One's physical body changing to become that of their kintype. P-shifting is not real, and those who claim to p-shift are generally shunned in the otherkin and therian communities, due largely to a long history of manipulation and cult-like behavior from p-shifters with young therians especially, dangling the impossible carrot of p-shifting to manipulate them into dangerous situations.
If you're in the audience reading this and are protesting that you are, in fact, a p-shifter - please feel free to send me clear video proof of this, and I will happily change my stance and celebrate that you're able to do what no one else has been able to figure out. If you're in the audience and have friends or "friends" that insist they are p-shifters, make the same request of them. They will almost certainly come up with endless excuses why they can't provide actual proof of what they claim to be able to do.
Shadow shift: One's shadow changing to match the body of their kintype instead of their physical body.
Has only been reported a few times that I'm aware of, always in poor lighting, and is most likely a psychological phenomenon rather than a physical one.
Sensory shift: One's senses/perception of their senses changing to closer match that of their kintype.
Generally considered to be a perception thing, rather than an actual physical change - becoming more aware of one's sense of smell than a human typically is, for instance, and noticing things that they normally wouldn't.
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annonmaly · 3 years
Spoilers Ahead!
Hi, fellow bored humans! Today is another day to set aside our real-life problems and overthink matters about fictional situations. Because why not? Mochijun-Sensei can make us do that. So, last time I made a post questioning Misha's knowledge of Vani's self-hypnotism. So before anything else, I want to thank you guys who took the time to read, liked, and replied to that post. It is fun to read ideas that even I can not think about.
Grab a cup of coffee and be prepared for a long-ass non-sense.
I am calling human Vanitas = Vani, and Luna = Luna. The pronoun I use is "she" because I would not confuse myself. I know Luna said she is an enby so, do not fight me.
Today, I want to talk about Luna and her death. I know that we have too little information in our hands right now, but my brain cells can still assume something based on what we have. This thought came about with the premise that Luna is an Archiviste.
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I can't think of anything that happened to them "that day", but I have a theory of why Vani killed Luna. To make things clear, I will summarize my assumptions and list them down. I made an explanation of each point. Supposedly, those would come first but I didn't expect it to be so long, that's why I decided to just put it at the end. You could ignore it if you want. Check it out if you are curious.
Luna is an Archiviste
Vani is protecting memory from his early childhood
Vani casts the hypnotism while/after he was training to be a chasseur but before Luna's death
Luna bit Vani the day she died
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Here is the idea: I think Vani killed Luna because she forced herself to drink Vani's blood for whatever reason and the self-hypnotism activated. Sound farfetched? Because it is, but I'll show you why I thought it this way.
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This is my one and only proof. The eyes are almost the same, right? See, I told you I could make a long-ass post just from two panels. The left one is from the Bal-Masque arc before Vani made a scene. The right one is before Vani and Noe's death fight. I believe that Vani's hypnotism is triggered in both pictures. I actually hesitated if I should do this since Mochijun-Sensei really loves including similarities in the story. You see, Astolfo and Misha made the same eye. But all three of them have the same eyes the moment they thought about why they would kill a vampire.
Vani - to not allow anyone to steal his memory
Astolfo - because vampires shouldn't even exist
Misha - Noe didn't drink Vani's blood.
So yeah, whatever, I'll go ahead and write this one. Vani would be the main focus of this thing.
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1. The way Vani's hallucination phrased this is interesting. We know Vani's father died protecting him. What about Luna? If Vani killed Luna intentionally or because of hate, she did not die "because" of Vani. Vani killed her. There's a difference between the two. Behind all that facade that Vani is showing, he's kind. He's not someone who could just kill anyone without any reason when he's in the right mind. Especially if that someone is the one who became his guardian and is helping him to find a cure to make his body normal. Initially, I thought that Luna had gone wild and reach the point of no return. That's why Vani had no other choice. Though if this is the reason, Luna still did not die because of Vani. Now, this phrase would only be right if Luna died protecting Vani or if something happened to Vani. How could this happen if she was killed by the one she's protecting. So, what if, instead of Luna going wild, Vani is the one breaking down. Thus, Luna had really no choice but to make Vani her kin. If she's an archiviste and Vani already casted the hypnotism. It would be triggered and so he had no choice but to kill Luna.
"You give yourself someone to protect that's why you're weak." -Vani to Jeanne
If Luna didn't save Vani and Misha, she might still be alive. If she chose to abandon or kill Vani (when Vani loses his mind), she might still be alive. But Luna chose to save him by making him her kin. She handicapped herself by choosing to protect Vani and she died by doing so.
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2. Maybe Luna doesn't want to use this method because it involves blood drinking to leave her mark. If she's an Archiviste, perhaps her reason is the same as Noe does not drink blood "She doesn't want to look at anyone's memory without permission".
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3.Vani was never an honest and straightforward guy. If there is someone/thing he wants to protect he wouldn't say it outright. Sometimes we would go full on beast mode, just to hide his real agenda. It already happened a lot (reread the manga for examples). So maybe the reason he strongly disagrees is that he knows that once Luna tries to bit her he would lose his mind and try to kill her.
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4. This is just so heartbreaking. Look at how he cried. I think this is not a cry of relief. Vani is crying out of frustration. It's not because he wanted to kill Noe. For me, it's like Vani is saying "I killed Luna, why can't I kill now." I mean, he realized that this ordeal could be solved without killing the other party. But why didn't it happened before?
This is just a half baked theory so of course there are still things that could negate these panels:
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If Luna is talking with Vani here, she makes him her kin even before dying. Since everything is so calm. Though I would ignore reality and think that Luna is talking with Misha here. I think that Misha became her kin first since he is breaking down first.
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The flashback of Misha shouting at Vani, maybe this is just hallucinations. But if this is true, it means that they spent some time together after Luna's death. And yeah, all of this would be meaningless.
Explanation of each point
1. Luna is an Archiviste. The theory is already out there, so I wouldn't explain it anymore.
2. Vani is protecting memory from his early childhood & 3. Vani casts the hypnotism while/after he was training to be a chasseur but before Luna's death. Going back to my previous post, I mentioned that it is strange for Misha to know that Vani hypnotized himself if Luna is the one who begged Vani to not let anyone take his memory on her deathbed because:
a. The timeline doesn't coincide. The chance that Misha and Vani separated "that day" which is I believe the same day as Luna's death is high. So, there's no way Misha could know.
b. Misha forgot what happened "that day". However, it's not like Vani doesn't want Misha to remember. I don't know but I feel like everything would be civil if Misha didn't mention that he wants to revive Luna. That is the moment everything went a wrong turn.
It is likely that Luna already asked Vani days before "that day" and her death. The problem is if the three are together "why did she only ask Vani and not Misha?". Maybe, Luna and Vani have a shady secret that they don't share with Misha as he's too young. However, if the secret has something to do with Luna, Vani won't even mention something relating to it to Misha, I mean the kid knows exactly the trigger of self-hypnotism. Maybe Luna is not the one who asked Vani. I believe that someone already asked Vani before he entered the church to train as a chasseur. But "who" asked Vani is not my problem today it is "when".
So in short, I suppose that the memory Vani is protecting is something that only he knows at the moment, and it did not happen recently but goes way back in his early childhood. As retracexcviii pointed out, it looks like that the self-hypnotism technique Vani used is the same as what the chasseurs. So, Vani knows this technique way back before he became a lab rat.
Continuing on...
Don't judge but I wasted a considerable amount of time digging information about Vani's childhood (yup, I don't have a life outside). And I found nothing concrete that could help, however, as I said, I could make something out of what we have. So here we go.
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In Vani's delirium due to high fever he finally opens up and we had a peak of his life before everything. There's nothing much here, just a simple story, but let's overanalyze this:
a. In the era they’re living in, vampires are not allowed to attack humans. People are even treating them as folklore or old people's tall tales. Thus, random vampire attacks are seldom. The attacks that we heard are from the cursed ones (e.g., Amelia and Thomas) or harboring resentment (I think this is why the vampires attacked Astolfo’s family). Well, the attack on Vani and co. may be a special case. Vani mentioned that chasseurs are hunting "dangerous" types of vampires that are rampaging in the human world. So, there may be a miscreant group of vampires somewhere that hates peace or being suppressed by humans. Right, Misha's mother was also killed by a vampire.
b. When Misha asked what's a band of traveling players then Luna answered that it's a bit like a circus. Vani answered that "It was nothing like...that formal". He hesitated for a moment, meaning, he wanted to say something different first, but he changed his mind. Or maybe he just can't find the right word. I know that someone already mentioned this, but did you know that according to Wikipedia "Charlatan is a seller of medicines who might advertise his presence with music and an outdoor stage show." Now that's another thing to add to Vani and Naenia's parallel.
c. Vani thinks that his father doesn't like it there very much. So, why stay even if his wife is dead? Even if Vani's father could not go back to his family, he could still opt to cut ties with the band and settle down somewhere. He's a doctor, it's not like they would be helpless if they leave. Travelling is not a safe choice if you think about it. Perhaps, he stayed in the memory of his wife? Or are there other reasons?
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d. This guy didn't just come to Altus ones before. "No matter when I visit" he already visited during different periods. The times he possibly could go in Altus is before his father's death and after Luna's death. Maybe Luna's going in secretly for whatever reason. I just want to drop it here because it's interesting to take note of.
e. I'm not sure if I should include this since it may be Luna's influence, but Vani knows way too much about vampires and also the babel incident. Also, Ruthven's statement just gives me a weird feeling. Does it mean "You an average human are running around doing ridiculous things, so tell me about 'yourself', kin of the blue moon vampire"? Or "without the context of being the kin of the blue moon vampire, tell about yourself?" I think it is the latter meaning.
There's nothing important here that proves Vani's childhood should be kept as a secret. But this will do for now, I just want to establish that Vani is more than just kin to the Blue Moon Vampire. His childhood, his father, family, and that traveling players are also suspicious. (Why the hell do I find everyone in this series suspicious?!? oh, except Amelia and Riche).
4. Luna bit Vani the day she died. I can't come up with anything that happened "that day". Did Luna has gone wild? Did someone attack them? Did Vani and Misha lose their mind as an effect of that weird doctor's experiment? There's really nothing but I think that whatever happened "that day" led to Luna's leaving no choice but to drink Vani's blood, or to make Vani her kin. There has no explicit explanation of how you make one your kin, but I'm sure drinking blood is included in the process. They would only gain a mark if they were bitten.
I'm actually not done yet. I still have plenty to say, but this should end here now. This is already too long for me to handle. Does this make sense? Or is it confusing? Don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong or tell me whatever you want to say.
So, if what Vani is saying is true, why do you think he killed Luna?
See ya' later folks!
Note: I wrote this to indulge my over-thinking self. This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Next of Kin (Part 2)
Birds of Prey x Sionis-Zsasz!reader
a/n: HDTVTVRBEHS IM SO SORRY I COMPLETELY ABANDONED THAT STORY OH MY GOD im gonna be honest with you guys. its not good. i forgot the original ending i wanted.
prologue part 1
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“Boss?” You heard a henchman wake you from your slumber in your own room. Opening your eyes to complete darkness, you tried not to lose your temper.
“What the hell do you want?” You asked with a huff.
“Right, uh, you told us to tell you when we had a location on those ‘Birds of Prey’ or whatever...we do.” You ripped your sleeping mask off of your eyes and bolted out from under the satin covers.
“You do?! Where? Tell me now!” You shouted while scrambling across the room to get yourself ready for this spur of the moment fight. The blue robe you wore dropped to the ground just before you pulled on a pair of pants and continued. You had to look good for this special occasion.
“A old factory, I guess. ACE or some shit.” He shrugged, looking away respectfully as you got your clothes on.
“ACE Chemicals?” You pulled the shoulder holster over your arms and covered it with a jacket, waiting for the oaf to confirm.
“Uh, I think so.” He was basically useless, an alarm clock at best. You swiped your weapons from your nightstand and pushed past him, ready to end a few lives. It was an eye for two eyes kind of situation.
“Should I call for backup?” He followed behind you as weapons were shoved into all sorts of pockets on your person, so you did what any reasonable person would do and shot him in the foot, the sweet sound of a yelp calmed your shaky nerves.
“Did I say we should call for backup? No, so don’t ask.” He dropped to the floor as he clutched onto his injured appendage, but you just kept on walking. This was personal, you were the only one who could avenge Dad and Papa Vic.
Now you were jogging to the car and stepping on the gas the moment you sat in the driver’s seat. There was no time to lose, no time at all. It was a bit relaxing to hear Britney Spears on the radio as you cut off traffic over and over again. There was a moment of contemplation when someone honked their horn at you, and I mean contemplation of murder. You were going to murder the person honking at you.
But you didn’t have time to stop. Who knows how long those little Birds would be at the factory and how long it’d be until you caught them again. So upon arrival, you ran to the trunk and pulled out the Thompson, your lovely little submachine gun.
With that rested over your shoulder, you left the car running and walked straight into the factory. There was no telling what they were doing here, but damn all the dangers of walking into a severely damaged chemical plant. You wanted your revenge, even if you didn’t make it out of here alive. Ideally, yes, you’d live the rest of your days sleeping peacefully knowing that you put your parent’s killers down, but as long as they were gone, you’d be fine with whatever may happen.
“This is officially the final step to my breakup! This is where I became ‘Harley Quinn.’” You heard a familiar annoying voice echo through the abandoned building.
“This place is starting to creep me out...” Another voice muttered, the voice of a singer. Someone who you and your family trusted until she stabbed you each in the back. God, your blood was boiling just thinking about having relations to these cruel women. But luckily for you, you were about to return a favor.
There’s one little detail I left out, you have been carrying a single hand grenade on your person since you learned about your Dad’s cause of death. It was the perfect revenge. In your head, at least. You yanked the ring with your teeth, you just had to give it a try! But grenades don’t work like that, that’s just a trope in media to made it look badass, as if a giant explosion isn’t badass enough. So you pulled the ring with all your might, this time with your fingers, and popped the pin out. The girls had yet to notice your presence, but that was about to change.
Timing was everything here: you had to give yourself time to escape, but you couldn’t give them time to escape. Maybe ypu should have thought this through before pulling the pin.
Fuck it, toss! The Birds were standing on the grates of the second floor, so there was an alerting clink when the bomb landed.
“Oh, shit!” Harley screamed and bolted. “Run for it!” As they scattered in all different directions, you spectated in excitement. The one that killed Papa Vic, the Crossbow Killer, hopped off the platform and landed on the concrete rubble below, then the sudden force of the explosion pushed them every which way. You, too, actually.
“What the hell? Who’s here?!” Canary cried as she checked her face for cuts, finding blood on her hands. Each of you was covered in dirt and grime, blood and bruises.
“Everyone okay?” The cop asked her company and heard a bundle of groans from the pack, could be worse?
Oh, it could be worse...especially once you revealed yourself to the little ragtags.
“Hi there!” You introduced. “A few of you remember me, huh? Hey, Harley, Miss Lance.” You waved with a pistol in your hand and Papa Vic’s sharp gift in the other.
“‘Course you’re here for revenge.” Harley blew a raspberry as she crossed her arms, but the rest of the group just stared at you. “You’re dads started it.”
“Wait, they were together?” Cass asked the wrong question at the wrong time.
“Shut up, kid. Love you.” Harley pushed the child out of the way and stepped forward. “So ya wanna get back at us, huh? Got it all planned out? Ya don’t have the discipline, sweetie. That’s what did your dads in.”
“Quiet!” You shouted with a haunting similarity to Roman. “Listen, I don’t need to kill all of you. I’d really love to, but I won’t.” You explained as you paced around shifting bricks. “Harley and the crossbow girl are who I really want. I thought about offing the songbird for being a narc, but if she flies away now, maybe I’ll let her go.”
“My name is Huntress.” The girl in distasteful purple makeup growled, you just had to laugh.
“I don’t give a shit what your name is, I just care how you die.” You held the blade out for her to see. “Stab my Papa through the neck, I do the same. It’s only fitting I use the knife he gave me to do it. Poetic, huh?”
“I wasn’t even the one that killed him! Technically it was the kid, tell ‘em!” Said the Joker’s ex-lady.
“Wow, thanks for throwing me under the bus!” Cassandra threw her hands up and you pointed your bedazzled gun at Harley’s chest. “Shit, look out!”
“It might not be a grenade, but it still goes ‘boom.’” You slowly tightened your finger around the trigger, but ducked and missed when a brick came flying towards you, courtesy of Little Miss Trouble.
“Fuck’s sake!” You screamed and came running towards the other target, who flipped you over her back, causing you to land on yours. I can’t even describe the noise you made.
“I had been planning to kill Victor Zsasz for years, alright? I had every right to do so.” She went off for the team to witness. “He murdered my entire family in front of me when I was a child! Do you know what it’s like to be an orphan?!” Huntress’s voice was sharp and rough, there was a slim chance that she’d be taking any more shit today.
“Yes, you idiot.” You glared up at her while she planted a foot on either side of your torso, aiming an arrow at your head. “I was adopted by Roman and Vic after they found me on the street.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that they took everything from me.” The others simply watched the show, how could they not? Helena’s stone-cold voice was chilling.
“And what do you think you did to me?” You asked with and unsteady tone. “I’m a goddamn orphan again!” You caught the back of her knee and escaped her reach for just a moment as you leveled the field by drawing your weapon once more. “I had it good before you came in and ruined it all.”
“Your fathers were the scum of the Earth, the world’s better without them.” It was a wonder how none of her team had hopped in yet, but it worked out for you. “If you thought they deserved to live, you would’ve shot me by now.”
“She’s got a point, y/n/n.” Harley chimed in, throwing you right off your rhythm. Leaving it to the psychiatrist to evaluate you during something like this. “Remember our nights at the club? I saw how controlling Romy was over ya. An’ how Vicky kept secrets. An’ how they put ya into some really uncomfortable situations an’ whatnot. I dunno what when on behind closed doors, but...admit it, y/n, it wasn’t as perfect as ya make it out ta be.”
“They did their best.” You watched each face turn to pity you, it broke you all over again. “Fuck! Fuck you guys!” You dropped your guard and pouted at how easily manipulated you could be.
“That’s more like it.” Renee chuckled as Dinah walked past her. Dinah had seen just as much as Harley, that’s why she went right up to you and took you in her arms.
“You should stick with us for a while. I promise we aren’t that bad.”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove //
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esor-ogramira · 3 years
Digital Requests are OPEN! [2/2 slots available]
I've decided to try opening two slots for digital requests, and start opening digital requests on a rolling basis! Which means that traditional requests will now be open once a month starting after I finish the two traditional requests I have, so that I don't end up overwhelming myself. And next time I open traditional requests, I'll be sticking to one slot at a time for the same reason.
What I can/will draw
Humans/humanoids OC’s Copyright characters (as long as they are human/humanoid) Characters that are used as one’s persona (even fandom-based if they are human/humanoid) Simple backgrounds Nature-based backgrounds Limited blood (bloody nose, scrapes, cuts) Basic poses Dynamic poses
What I can’t/won’t draw
🛑 Hate art (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Fetish art of any kin, including inflation (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Any kind of NSFW (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Anthro/Furry/Fursonas (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Macro/Micro (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Vore (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Loli/shota (Anime/manga involving older women and men who visibly look like little children or teens. These animes/mangas can sometimes involve sexual situations with those particular characters. This term of mine is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Drawing any copyright female character who is not typically drawn with large breasts and a large butt as “thicc” (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 Drawing any copyright female character who is explicitly stated as being under the age of eighteen and is not depicted with large breasts and a large butt as “thicc” (This is non-negotiable.) 🛑 “Aging up” any underage character to make it “okay” to draw them in a seemingly sexual manner (This is non-negotiable.) Kissing and/or hugging (subject to change w/ art skills) Heavy blood and gore Fan characters (fandom-based, non-canon characters who are not explicitly stated as fandom-based personas) Buildings (subject to change w/ art skills) Complex backgrounds (subject to change w/ art skills) Animals
Not first come, first serve. I have the right to decline a request for any reason, especially if it fits in with the non-negotiable terms of what I won’t/can’t draw. With copyright characters, I will attempt to mimic the art style the character is drawn in. One character per request (subject to change w/ art skills). Please be patient with me! I am autistic, and I have the inattentive version of ADHD. The artwork is yours to keep and use, just be sure to give me credit for the drawing when sharing it! You can use my handle on whichever social media account you contacted me on for the request, along with my handle on the social media site you are sharing it to:   If you got the request from me on DeviantArt, my handle is @/MagmaAquariusWolf   If you got the request from me on Twitter, my handle is @/artist_margo   If you got the request from me on Tumblr, my handle is @/margo-rose-urbanfantasy   If you got the request from me on Instagram, my handle is @/margotherealartist Unless you tell me not to post your artwork publicly, I will save the artwork that I make for you for my portfolio. I am only doing this so that when I do decide that I am ready to take commissions, potential customers will be able to see examples of my work. No matter what kind of artwork you want, I will always send you a screenshot of the sketch when it is completed, so that you may see what it looks like and what may need to be changed. If you don't want me to publicly post your artwork for any reason (which you don’t need to disclose to me if you don’t feel comfortable doing so), please make it clear that you don’t want me posting it publicly before I accept your request! I will respect your decision, and I will refrain from posting it publicly. But I need to know before I accept the request. I will be accepting requests on a rolling basis, meaning that once I finish the requests in the queue, I will open two (2) more slots. Give me at least a day to respond to your comment, at most three (3) days.
Options for requested drawings
Option 1: Digital bust-shot painted portrait
Painted in Krita. Transparent, solid, or simple background. Examples:
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Character in this painting (Jerecy) belongs to JuliaMersmann on DeviantArt
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Character (Rowan) belongs to me
Option 2: Digital bust-shot illustration (cell-shaded)
Done in FireAlpaca. Transparent, solid, or simple background. Examples:
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Character (Clara) belongs to me.
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Option 3: Digital illustration, shot from the knees up (cell-shaded)
Done in FireAlpaca. Transparent, solid, or simple background. Examples:
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Character (Morgan) belongs to JamesTDG on DeviantArt.
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Character (Delros) belongs to me.
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Option 4: Digital headshot painted portrait
Painted in Krita. Transparent, solid, or simple background. Examples:
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Character (Delros) belongs to me.
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Older example w/ an outdated concept design for Rowan, but similar shading style to what I use these days.
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Much older example w/ Rowan’s first concept design, but again, similar shading style to what I use these days.
To ask me for a request, you can use one of two methods. You can reblog this post with the four or five things below, along with the hashtag # Artist Margo Rose Requests, or you can reply to let me know that you want to message me with your request, then message me with the four or five things listed below.
1.) If you've read the terms and conditions and understand them after you've (carefully) looked up whatever words I've used that you might not understand, say "I accept the terms and conditions! :)" before you give me the below details for your request in your comment/note. 2.) A reference sheet of the character/a picture of the character 3.) Which option you want for the artwork (Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, or Option 4) 4.) What expression the character should have 5.) A description of the pose the character should be in, or a picture of a character/person in a similar pose to the one the character should be in (This only applies to Option 1, Option 2, and Option 3.)
I’ll reblog this post with the comment that requests are closed once those two slots are filled!
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writingpaperghost · 3 years
There is a Me Who Can Become Strong (Chapter 6)
Chapter 6: A Hollow Beating in the Heart!
Saki's not acting herself today, but there's a Bugster to deal with so... They start hearing a bit more of this black Para-DX.
Emu stands outside of Masamune’s office in Gemn Corp, clutching the Gekitotsu Robots Gashat in his hand. He wants to return it, he does, but something about going in there and actually giving it to Masamune didn’t feel right. He’d thought about asking Saki or Asuna to do it, but he figured that it wouldn’t do him any good going out of his way to avoid Masamune. He was doing a lot to help the CR, right? So he shouldn’t feel so distrustful of a man he only met yesterday.
Standing outside, especially since anyone could walk by and see him, wasn’t going to do him much good. But somehow he still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Still, he finally steeled himself and entered.
“Um, Mr. Dan?” He called, trying to his best to be polite. After yesterday, he was already hoping that Masamune didn’t have too negative of an opinion on him. Masamune was at his desk, typing away at his computer.
“Hojo,” There’s something in the way that Masamune says his name that feels wrong, “What brings you here?”
Holding out the Gashat, Emu answers, “I’ve come to return the Gekitotsu Robots Gashat that we retrieved yesterday.”
At that, Masamune looks up, “Oh, that’s not necessary.”
“Keep it, so you can better fight the Bugsters,” He insists, “That’s a part of what they’re for, anyway.”
Looking at the Gashat in his hand, Emu doesn’t feel quite sure at taking Masamune at his word, “Are you sure?”
“Quite, it will do you more good than it will sitting around here.”
Mu and Graphite sit on the couch, Kuroto over at his desk across from them. It’s not clear what Kuroto was working on, but Mu was certain it would be fun and make people smile, like all of Kuroto’s games. Assuming he was working on a game and not a Gashat, of course. He thought that it was always really amazing watching Kuroto work on things, but he couldn’t see what Kuroto was working on from here. Normally, he’d get up and look, or ask, but he couldn’t move much right now.
Mostly because Graphite was situated in a manner that had him curled up on Mu’s legs, arms around him. For some reason, Graphite was oddly more clingy than normal, which was strange in and of itself, because Graphite wasn’t ordinarily what Mu would call clingy. Normally, Graphite only ever acted any way similar to this when… Mu was a little more out of it. But he wasn’t, he hadn’t been forced through… those things, that would make him out of it, since around the time he was started to be allowed to go out. So he wasn’t sure what had Graphite acting like this.
Of course, the most direct way would be to ask, and Mu was comfortable enough with him to do just that. “Graphite,” He began, “Is everything alright?”
“Why?” Graphite asks, raising his head up from its place on Mu’s shoulder, “Why do you ask?”
“Because you’re clinging,” Kuroto notes, sounding terribly unimpressed. He glances up from his computer, “Did seeing Brave really shake you up that much?”
“It did not!” Graphite hissed back, gripping Mu tighter.
Mu was confused, though, “What do you mean by that?” He looks at Graphite, “Hey, what was up with Brave?”
After a moment of looking at Mu, Graphite buries his face in Mu’s shoulder again and mumbles, “She was my host’s fiancée.”
“Oh!” Mu cried, “That’s terrible! But was that really enough to make you… upset? Or did you get more of your host memories…?”
Graphite grumbles something.
Dryly, Kuroto says, “I don’t think even Mu can hear you,”
Repeating his words, but lifting his head so Mu can make them out, Graphite says, “It’s also seeing you fight Para-DX. You could have gotten hurt, especially when Para-DX reached Level 3.”
“Oh…” Mu said, “Well, I was fine. He’s pretty strong like that, but it turned out okay.” He reaches his arms out and wraps them around Graphite in a hug, “Besides, if something did seem like it would have happened, then you would have come to help, right?”
“Of course,” Graphite huffed, “As if I would let any of those Riders harm you.”
“So it’s all okay!” Mu chirps, then looks over at Kuroto, “Which reminds me, I’m going to keep using those Gashats.”
The look that Kuroto gives him is enough to know that he’s not happy about that statement, “No.” He says, “It’s dangerous.”
“You’re still recovering from using the Proto Gashat,” Mu counters, “It’s too dangerous for you to keep using it. I’ll be fine, at least until you can find a good solution.”
Kuroto stares at him, then sighs, “Fine, fine, you have a point.”
Mu smiles at him, doing his best to be reassuring, prompting Graphite to snort, “Don’t force it, Kin,” He finally loosens his grasp on Mu, “You look too uncomfortable like that.”
Dropping the attempt at a smile, Mu frowns slightly, “Right,” He sighs, “So are you going to let go of me anytime soon?”
“Silly dragon,” Mu sighs, “You’ll have to let go eventually.”
“But not yet.”
Alongside Asuna, Emu searches for the person that the Bugster with the Gekitotsu Robots Gashat had been looking for the day before. They’d return to the college of music, hoping to find him.
After a while, Emu abruptly asks, “Why do you think Kiriya lied about that Bugster, uh, Graphite, being the black Para-DX?” Because they all knew that was a lie. He’d said he’d seen Graphite become the black Para-DX. Emu might have considered asking Kiriya himself, but he was still in the hospital and unconscious. Nico carried him back the day before, much to everyone’s surprise. She said she’d had help, but no one saw whoever it was.
Asuna replied, “I don’t know. I doubt he knew that Graphite was a Bugster but…” She shrugged, “I can’t say why he’d lies like that. I guess he just does that sometimes.” That felt far too simple for Emu’s liking, but he didn’t think he’d get a better answer. At least, not from Asuna.
They’re attention is drawn to a pair, “Ah, Yoko, I won’t be so busy soon enough!” The man cried.
The woman, Yoko, just looked at him sadly, “No, no, Seiichi, I think we just…” She trails off and takes a deep breath, “Need some time apart.”
“I see,” The man, Seiichi sighs, “If you say so…” Then, sadly, he walks off.
Watching him leave, Yoko falls to her knees. Some part of Emu thinks that it’s a bit melodramatic, but then he sees her keep falling. Then glitching. Grabbing the Gamer Scope from his neck, Emu rushes over to her. The screen told him what he already knew.
“Game Disease,” He said, though he didn’t imagine Asuna needed telling. The only strange thing was that it was showing two strains. The Gekitotsu Robots strain, and the DoReMiFa Beat strain.
It was about then that Saki arrived. She seemed a bit… out of it, but based on what he’d been told yesterday, it wasn’t too surprising. “I see we have a patient,” She says. She seems a bit distant.
“Saki,” Asuna says, looking at her with concern, “I didn’t think you’d work today.”
“Bugsters,” She says the word with far more venom than normal, “Don’t stop for anyone.”
There was a lot to unpack there. Unfortunately, like many times of important or possibly important information, Emu was forced to file it away for later review. Right now, they had a patient to focus on.
“Miss,” He called, “Can you hear me,”
“It… doesn’t matter,” She says, “It doesn’t matter.”
“Miss-“ Before he can say anything else, a Bugster appears from her. This one has two arms connected to some kind of tail. Given how Saki’s been, both yesterday and now today, Emu was hesitant to ask Saki to deal with it, at least on her own… But he didn’t have access to Level 1 and Nico was nowhere to be seen. Kiriya as still unconscious in the hospital, so he couldn’t help even if Saki would accept it, which he imagines she wouldn’t.
So he had no choice but to trust that Saki would be fine on her own. Unfortunately, he didn’t think that would be the case.
Taddle Quest!
“Let’s hurry this along,” Saki says, sounding none to happy to be there. Emu winces.
Let’s game! Metcha game! Mucha game! What’s your name? I’m a Kamen Rider!
Standing in Level 1, staring down the Bugster, Saki takes her sword in hand. She switches it to fire, only for the fire to cover her entirely. Emu startles, but holds himself still. Clearly she meant to do that. Obviously. Then Saki begins to the attack the Bugster, repeatedly hitting the Bugster. Finally, it’s destroyed, Saki catching Yoko as the Bugster fully separated from her. With the Bugster, it was another Bugster like the one from yesterday, again with a Gashat in its forehead.
“We Bugsters,” A voice begins and everyone turns their attention to Graphite, who’s appeared in his human form, “Have our own goals. My goals, though, are not the same as theirs.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Emu asked, “You’ve managed not to tell us anyone’s goals.”
Graphite shakes his head, “Don’t worry about that, just know,” He points at Yoko, “I’ve infected her with both of the strains for those purposes.”
Saki sets Yoko down and turns her attention between Graphite and the Bugster. She seems conflicted. Emu decides that he’ll let her figure that out, instead taking out his Gashat.
Mighty Action X!
Level Up! Mighty Jump! Mighty Kick! Mighty-Mighty Action X!
He was going to focus on the Bugster. Whatever exactly was between Saki and Graphite wasn’t his business. He needed to make sure their patient would be okay.
After a moment of deliberation, Saki finally lands her attention on the Bugster. Emu’s thankful, not that he says anything. Before they can do much the Bugster throws an attack at them.
“DoReMiFa Beat is a dancing game,” Asuna reminds them.
That alone was enough prompt, as the music notes came towards them. Emu’s able to hit each note perfectly, though Saki’s another story. She truly seems like she’s trying to hit the notes, but every time she’s just the slightest bit off. This results in her taking a bunch of damage, while Emu took none.
Emu hoped that Graphite wouldn’t choose to intervene at any point…
“Hey, dragon dude!” Nico appears, already in Level 2, aiming her gun at Graphite, “Don’t think I’m not still annoyed about yesterday!”
Graphite scoffs, but assumes his Bugster form either way.
Annoyed at the damage from the Bugster, if nothing else, Saki is nearly trembling as she flips the lever on her Gamer Driver.
Level Up! Taddle meguru! Taddle meguru! Taddle Quest!
Emu decides that he’ll need to step it up too, taking out the Gekitotsu Robots Gashat.
Gekitotsu Robots!
Buttobase! Totsugeki! Gekitotsu punch! Gekitotsu Robots!
Graphite turns his attention to Saki, “I have a few feelings to sort out, Brave,” He says, giving his weapon a few experimental swings, “I hope you can help with that.”
Leveling her sword at him, Saki harshly responds, “Gladly.”
The other Bugster focuses on Emu and Nico, much to Nico’s annoyance. “Why is the dragon so focused on her?” She wonders, dodging the Bugster.
“I think it’s personal,” Emu answers.
None of their fighting does much. The Bugster lands a hard hit on Nico, knocking her transformation out. Saki doesn’t fair much better against Graphite. Whether it’s that he’s just that strong or whatever is really between him and Saki, he’s easily able to knock her transformation out too.
Emu was half ready to try to take on both Bugsters at once, but then the black Para-DX appears. There’s definitely something off about him that Emu can’t place, but he also doesn’t have time to focus on that.
“Graphite,” The black Para-DX said, same voice as before, “You get the Bugster and get going.”
Oddly, Graphite seems hesitant, “Are you certain…?”
The smile when the black Rider responds is almost visible, “Well, I think I can handle Para-DX… After all, his friends aren’t in any position to fight.” There’s a threat there and Emu isn’t entirely sure whether or not the black Para-DX will follow through.
“Then we’re gone,” Graphite grabs the Bugster and the two disappear.
Tension rises as Emu watched the black Rider. He’s not really sure what he’s going to do, but Emu knew he had to be careful, with Nico and Saki around. He couldn’t trust the black Para-DX not to attack them.
The black Para-DX shrugs, “I don’t know about you, Para-DX… but I- I don’t really want to fight,” He gestures to Nico and Saki, “So why don’t you get your friends somewhere safer?”
Unfortunately, Emu thinks he’s going to have to take the black Rider up on that offer.
“Seriously,” Emu says, staring at Saki, who’s sitting at the table in the CR, a slice of cake in front of her, “What is up with you? You’re acting really off.”
Taking another bite of cake, Saki takes her time answering, “I am not acting ‘off’.”
Emu blinks, “Yes, you are. You’re not normally so aggressive. Is it Graphite? Or something else?” He casually leans against one of the chairs, “Poppy wouldn’t tell me much, last night. But if it’s going to effect how you deal with Bugsters, than I think I, as your teammate, have a right to know.”
It looked for a moment like Saki was going to protest, but finally she sighed and set her fork down, “Six years ago, my fiancé died,” She said and Emu hadn’t exactly expected that as what she’d open with, “He’d been infected with Graphite’s strain of Game Disease. Taiga was his doctor, and…” She shakes her head. He thinks that she means the man who was supposed to be Snipe when she says Taiga. “He’d been working to help people injured when he was somehow infected. He hadn’t wanted to tell me, because he knew I would worry and he hadn’t thought he was deserving of that worry. He’d been very distant, he always had been. Hiro was… reserved and it had frustrated me. But when I’d found out what happened, when I finally got Haima to tell me…”
Saki takes a deep breath, “I guess being faced with death was enough for him to really feel the need to get his feelings out. He expressed so much to me that day, I knew for certain afterwards that I truly loved him and he truly loved me, even if he hadn’t been the best at expressing it. But he knew he wouldn’t survive and I knew the chances were slim. I’d fallen asleep at his bedside that night. When I woke up… he was gone. Almost like he was never there at all, no body, just an empty bed. Taiga and Haima came in after they heard me scream, apparently. They didn’t need me to explain what had happened. Haima… was his father. He looked so devastated.” She’s not looking at him anymore. She’s looking down, at her lap, “That day, I swore to become the best surgeon I could, for Hiro. So that no one had to lose their loved ones. So no one would have to go through what Haima and I had gone through that morning.”
“Now,” Emu realized, “You’re faced not just with someone with his face, but also the one who was responsible for his death.”
“And on the anniversary of it, to boot,” Saki shakes slightly. Emu’s not sure he’s ever seen her quite so emotional. Not like this. “So… pardon me if I’m not myself. It’s… hard, even six years later.”
“Of… course,” He assured, “I’m not going to… hold it against you.” How could he? He understood the feeling far too well. Just around four months ago, on the anniversary of it, he shut himself away and broke down crying, realizing just how close he was to achieving Emu’s dream.
He realizes, belatedly, that she’s crying, now. It’s quiet, that’s why it took him so long to notice, but it’s there. He’s not really sure what to say. He wants to try to say something reassuring, but he’s not really sure what. He’d dealt with his grief alone. He supposes Saki probably at least shared it with the director.
“I’ll…” He began, “I’m going to go talk to the patient.” He just needed to get out of there, before he said or did something stupid. He felt bad about just leaving Saki like that, but he honestly wasn’t sure what he should do. He wanted to help, but…
Ugh, he hated feeling helpless like that.
Well he might as well go and actually talk to Yoko, like he said he would. He recalls Asuna’s conversation with her earlier, when Yoko had first arrived at the CR. According to Asuna, Yoko hadn’t wanted her now former boyfriend to know that she was sick. Which might have made sense, if they hadn’t literally just broken up that day. Obviously he cared and would want to know about it, so why hadn’t she wanted him to know?
Not to mention how her Game Disease only flared up while she was watching him leave. Even though she was the one to say they needed to be apart, she was getting stressed by it. Which, while Emu certainly wasn’t an expert on relationships – as in he knew very little – he didn’t think would be normal.
Entering the patient’s room, he hesitates for a moment. He’s not entirely sure he’s the best suited for this… Then he shakes his head, no, he had to do what he could. Saki certainly wasn’t in the position to, and Asuna had already tried as much as she probably could.
“Ms. Horiuchi?” Emu called, catching her attention. He begins to walk over, “There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
“Oh, what is it?” She asks, “Is something wrong?”
He smiles, “No, nothing really. I was just wondering…” He pauses, taking a deep breath. This is definitely not his strong suit, but he’d just have to treat it a bit like with Alhambra. Engaged couple breaking up is sort of like a couple just. Breaking up normally. Close enough. “Nurse Asuna mentioned that you specifically didn’t want us to inform your boyfriend – or is it former boyfriend? – well him, that you were sick. Is there a reason why?”
She hesitates, before answering, “Oh, no real reason…” Emu hopes the look his gives her is enough to show that he doesn’t really believe that. “Well, if he knew I was sick, Seiichi would drop everything to come be with me. But he’s working so hard to try to get into the orchestra, I don’t want to distract him from that.”
Somehow, that sounded a bit familiar. Not exact, but he wondered if Graphite chose Yoko on purpose, or if it was just coincidence. He really didn’t know what the Bugsters were after, and Graphite had declared his goals were not the same as other Bugsters. Still, it seemed that he’d found the source of her stress.
“If he’s worried about you,” Emu begins, “Then shouldn’t he know?”
“He’ll worry more,” She sighs, “He’s so dedicated and I’m just trying to keep him from getting distracted.”
Emu wasn’t sure how well that would work, but he also wasn’t really sure what else to say. Matters of the heart were a complicated thing for someone who’s had no romantic relationships and limited skills with people in general. Children were easy, adults were not.
“And if you die?” Emu’s startled to hear Saki, standing in the doorway. She seems to have recovered from earlier rather well, but Emu wasn’t really sure what people usually looked like after those sort of things anyway. Regardless, she did not look like someone who’d just been crying less than ten minutes ago. “He’d be heartbroken to find out you were sick and he never even knew.”
Yoko looked down at her lap. “I just don’t want him to get hurt,”
Then, Emu came to a realization, “If the Bugster attacked Seiichi, it would stress you.” He stands up and looks at Saki, “Saki, we need to find him.”
Saki purses her lips before responded, “Yes, we do.”
It didn’t take long to find Seiichi, and predictably, the Bugster was there too. And alongside the Bugster was Graphite, watching from afar. Emu can see Saki tense when she sees him.
Pulling out the Mighty Action X and Gekitotsu Robots Gashat, Emu tells her, “Focus on the Bugster,” When it looks like Saki’s about to protest, he adds, “I’ll keep Graphite from interfering.”
“No, Saki,” He insists, “Focus on getting the Gashat so you’ll be stronger. As it is you don’t stand a chance. I might be able to at least hold him off.”
She still looks like she wants to protest, but at last pulls out the Taddle Quest Gashat and her Gamer Driver, “Fine, but only because you bring up a valid point.”
Both transforming, they set their sights on the Bugsters they’re ready to fight. Hopefully Emu’s Level 3 might be enough to stand against Graphite, at least for a bit. Immediately swinging at Graphite, he gets blocked by the Bugster’s weapon. Then thrown back a bit. Okay, this might be a bit harder than he thought it would be. Or rather, he could understand why Graphite was able to shove away Saki and Nico so easily.
Saki changes the stage that they are on to a forest and begins to fight the Bugster. Because the Bugster attack rhythmically, it quickly became easy enough for her to dodge the attacks. She’s able to counter with a few of her own before her opening arrives. With her sword in ice mode, she inserts her Gashat.
Taddle Critical Finish!
Slashing at the Bugster, it’s quickly destroyed and Saki now has the DoReMiFa Beat Gashat in hand.
Game Clear!
As Emu attempts to block one of Graphite’s attacks, only for it to knock him back and out of his transformation, Saki activates the Gashat.
DoReMiFa Beat!
Do-Do-DoReMiFa-So-La-Ti-Do! Ok! DoReMiFa Beat!
She dodges out of the way of Graphite’s attacks, countering with her own, each in the beat that the Gashat had begun to play. Though it clearly wasn’t doing much more damage than Emu had been, if more at all, it was still enough to push Graphite back. Finally, Saki takes the Gashat and inserts it into her sword, now in fire mode.
DoReMiFa Critical Finish!
The attack, despite landing clear on Graphite, doesn’t seem to do much. Still, he staggers back a bit. “Brave,” He says, “I doubt this will be the last we see of each other. Don’t think you’ve beat me yet!” And then, Graphite’s gone, just like before.
Watching through the window in the CR into the observation room, Emu and Asuna see that Yoko and Seiichi are reconnecting. Yoko seemed to have explained her thought process while Seiichi simply seemed relieved.
“Well that went pretty well,” Emu says, wondering if the two had sorted out everything. They couldn’t really hear the pair. He looks around, noticing that only he and Asuna were in the room, “Where’s Saki?”
“Oh,” Asuna responds, “She had somethings she wanted to do. Don’t worry, I think she’ll be fine.”
Shoving his hands in his pockets, Emu decides to take her at her word, “If you say so,”
“Haima?” Saki calls, entering Haima’s office. He’s at his desk, the only place he is when he’s at the hospital and not out and about or at the CR. She knew she’d find him here. In her hands, she holds a box with a cake inside.
“Oh, Saki,” Haima looks up from his work. He smiles at her, “How have you been?”
She laughs a little, like he doesn’t see her daily, “I’ve been okay. You know how today always is.”
His smile falls a bit, “Yes, it doesn’t seem to get much easier,” He regards her for a moment, “You had a Bugster today, too.”
Choosing not to respond to the last part, she holds up the box, “I brought cake,” She said, “This is the one that Hiro always liked.”
“Of course, I guess you haven’t been here the past few years,” Haima moves aside some papers, “I always make sure to put a piece out for him,”
“Yes…” Saki says sadly, “But now we’re able to save people. So no one else has to leave out a piece of cake for their loved one.”
“And you’re all doing a great job,”
“I wonder what mo – Kujo, said to that black Para-DX to get him so beat up, yesterday,” Nico wonders from her perch on a hospital bed in Taiga’s clinic. “I mean, that was pretty bad.”
Taiga sighs, “I don’t know, Kujo’s always been sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong,” He shuffles some papers then takes a moment, looking at the room that Nico had commandeered. “I’m really not getting you out of here, am I?”
“You want my help?” Nico stretches, wincing slightly, “Then you let me stay here. It’s cheaper than a hotel.”
“You have plenty of money,”
“That’s not the point, old man.”
“I’m not old,”
“Graphite?” Mu asks, looking up from the game he’s playing. Previously, one could hear the sounds of DoReMiFa Beat and some cheerful pop song playing. “Why does Brave want to fight you so badly. Your host was her fiancée, yeah, but…”
Over in the corner, Graphite is adjusting some pillows and blankets on a mattress, forming what Kuroto has more than once referred to as a nest. Mu watches warily, hoping not to get dragged in, because then Graphite would make him sleep again. “Because she’s hurt,” Graphite answers, “And she blames me for his death. It’s easier for her to blame me and for her to take it out on me, in hope that it might do something to lessen her pain.”
Mu frowns, “Does she really think that’ll work?”
“Do you?”
He doesn’t answer.
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deerixiie · 4 years
Hi! Could I request a matchup? I love your blog btw! Any gender is fine! she/they, pisces, isfj, & i'm a mom friend. I'm shy when I meet ppl, but once I get to know them, I show a lot of affection! My love languages are acts of service/physical touch :) I love to sing, draw, & cook/bake! I was a theatre kid in hs! I have a huge fear of bugs, especially bees :( i kin asahi and jiro! my ideal s/o is a good listener, reliable, but can also make me laugh! i'd be friends w/ suga! thank you!!
hii!! ty for requesting! (matchup requests are open, btw)
i match you up with sugawara!
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the more i read your req the more i could see it!! the thing you said about being friends with him just tied it all together <33
basically you and suga are really similar and i see you working really well together in a relationship
you and suga are in a type of friends to lovers relationship! the more you hung out around each other the more you fell for each other
suga loved seeing you gradually open up and be more affectionate to him as time went on,, it makes him so soft
suga is a baker. idc what you say, it's canon. so you have stay-at-home dates where you try out new recipes and such 🥺
imagine that you are cooking dinner and suga comes up and gently wraps his arm around your waist, nestling his head into your neck and saying you smell good
he loves hearing you laugh! he'll do stupid things just to hear your laugh <33 grr im so soft
tickle fights. he especially loves tickle fights. sometimes if you're sitting down and doing hw he'll just tackle you and start tickling you,,, just to hear your laugh
he occasionally calls to check up on you, asking if everything is okay and if you need to talk to him about anything
he's always one step ahead of you. forgot your umbrella? he has an extra one on him. didn't do your homework? he has all the answers for you. didn't have time to make lunch? has a bento all packed and ready for you.
it's to the point where he knows when you get your period before you do sddskdakds
also suga doesn't expect to be spoiled!! whenever you do things for him he gets all fumbly and shy. "a-ah! you did this for me?? 🥺💗 angel..."
he'd probably attack you with a kiss after that hehe
also!!! the mom friends!!!
#1 Mom Friend duo grr bark
each of you are always taking care of your friends and you'd totally bond over that (more on that below hehe)
you’re so soft and affectionate together that everyone is jealous
scenarios <3
how he fell in love?
as i said before, it was a friends to lovers type of thing! i imagine you befriended him in hs and you gradually started hanging out with him, daichi and asahi (and kiyoko!!)
he immediately picked up on how you both played the role of the mom friend in a lot of situations and immediately took a liking to you <3
as i said before, i feel like he'd fall in love with your laugh. your laugh is everything to him. every time he makes you laugh or he hears you laugh, a small little spark is just set off in his heart
BUTTT he'd also love how affectionate you are. the way you treated your friends and how kind you were to people around you just made him so soft djkdskjjskdfk
every little act of service you did just made him fall harder and harder
and boom before he knew it he'd fallen for you
how you first started dating?
he was SOOO nervous to ask you out. he asked daichi, asahi, and kiyoko for advice like thousands of times over.
usually you, him, and daichi would walk home together, but daichi made up some lame excuse and so it was just the two of you
you were talking about some things from theatre and i swear he was listening but he was literally so nervous that he interrupted you
you: "so the cast is all ready, we're starting rehearsals next-"
him: will you go out with me?
DSJKJKDSK it's so bad because he had this whole speech planned
but it all worked out in the end, you said yes and he gave you chocolates at school the next day xx
first date?
he asked you if you wanted to go on a little walk around town with him!
he was a little worried that it would be underwhelming, but he saw how much you were smiling and laughing and he knew you loved it
you guys stopped for ice cream! some of it fell onto your arm and when you licked it up sugawara went 😳😳
he took you to this hill to watch the sunset,,, he was trying to pay attention to the sky but he kept on looking over at you and wondering if it would be dumb to kiss you
spoiler alert: he kisses you anyway
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ahh i hope that was enough! thank you for requesting! (this is making me want to write something for suga grr)
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smile-files · 4 years
melon’s comprehensive kinlist!
including name of character, source, image, short personality description, mbti, and then why i kin them! take your time to read, or don’t. i get it if you don’t want to scroll through an entire page just to psychoanalyze me lmao, have a good time
1. wirt (over the garden wall)
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an angsty, socially awkward dweebus who nerds out over interior design and plays the clarinet. fears death. infp.
my first kin! for a month after rewatching otgw i desperately wanted to be him. to be like him. anything!! it eventually wore away but i still feel that urge sometimes - the urge to write r/im14andthisisdeep poetry and to distance one’s self from their siblings... and heck - his tape for sara is indeed just as awkward as he is but let me assure you that his poetry and clarinet are actually pretty cool. 9/10 i need to see him more. give me more otgw comics. ok thanks.
2. snufkin (moomins)
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a philosophical vagabond of vague age. acts stoic all the time but can and will leave every social situation whether or not it’s humanly possible. infp.
after watching some 90s moomin (and later on moominvalley) i realized how much i liked him and how much i was like him; i soon daydreamed of myself, as snufkin, venting to someone. it made me very happy. i vibe with his general demeanor and ideals (minus his gripes about rules, i follow those by the book) and i love psychoanalyzing him. so fun. so fun.
3. arnold perlstein (the magic school bus)
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overly-anxious jewish kid and certified expert on rocks and panicking. owns a pair of fire-proof pyjamas in a lovely shade of green. isfj.
you all saw this one coming. my early childhood lives in my mind rent free and such i can’t help but revisit arn and his character. i’ve always loved him (even in, and quite possibly especially in, the reboot) and i’ve always loved psychoanalyzing every single little thing he does (remember that one time he said he was traumatized? me too). i soon realized a lot of it was me projecting! so sue me. actually, sue miss frizzle. either one of them. i mean, if arnold really didn’t like the field trips he could’ve just filed a restraining order! ...just saying.
4. fluttershy (my little pony)
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anxious pastel butterfly baby child. probably loves animals more than she loves herself. cries upon impact. isfj.
the pony i’d mentally point to and think “me”. i had like 10 fluttershy-related things growing up, like plushies or funko pops or that sdcc guardians of harmony thing. while not shy in the same manner, it was nice having a character i could relate to about so much! i cosplayed as her equestria girls form for my first comic con as well, so that’s pretty cool. in addition, me being a little lepidopterist means i was bound to love her. it was destiny~
5. lammy lamb (um jammer lammy)
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socially anxious and generally anxious rock star who thinks literally everything is a guitar. has an emotional support girlfriend. infp.
man!! she embodies the feeling when you have to go to the eye doctor by yourself to get your glasses fixed or when you have to call someone over the phone... that sheer tension. the panic. the feeling of ‘i want to throw my entire being into the trash can’. but lammy has a bunch of friends to support her, so she’s cool. died by slipping on a banana peel! same, sister. and man would i like to shred on my ukulele now...
6. loser (bfb)
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humble (screw bfb 21), supportive, well-loved cube dude who’s voice is like that of an angel. has an entire fanclub in his honor. enfj.
okay, no, i was never a cool kid or ‘popular’, really, but in school i was never bullied for whatever reason and was generally well-liked; i hung out with a squad of weirdos and yet the cool kids would often talk to me? and try to engage me?? despite my very apparent self-deprecation and awkwardness??? either way i feel like it’s such a blessing to me, that i have so many friends! i often feel like i don’t deserve it, but hey. it’s nice! and heck, back when i was on scratch i had a little fanclub myself :0
7. fan (inanimate insanity)
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nerdy, friendly aspie boyo who subliminally vents via blogging. longs for stability in his life; was best friends with an egg. entp.
ever since i noted his aspergers-like behavior i became super attached to him - whether or not it was intentional, i found it nice having a character i can relate those feelings with. he’s really sweet and dorky and i love how he gets along with test tube, paintbrush, and lightbulb! it makes me really happy to see him whenever i do. it made me really sad when he was eliminated. what the heck. yeah i dunno i don’t kin him super strongly but i love him to bits.
8. spinel (steven universe the movie)
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emotionally unstable clown girl who stood in a garden for thousands of years. patience of a saint. edge like an 11-year-old me. esfp.
uhh um uh totally wasn’t completely disturbed by how much i related to spinel after watching steven universe the movie... totally wasn’t reminded about how and why i hated middle school... totally didn’t rethink my life that day... that’s it. this is all i’m saying.
9. molly blyndeff (epithet erased)
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innocent child who has a terrible father and a wonderful demeanor. teddy bear who needs a hug and a criminal as her new dad. infp.
epithet erased is adorable okay?? i knew molly was infp in the first few minutes... more precisely, i knew she was me. man!! i don’t relate directly to her angst but i still feel it. i can replicate her voice so accurately it’s scary. also, i coined a new thing -  ‘molly cake’! you have a chocolate cake, preferably with chocolate chips inside. use chocolate frosting and add little pastel star sprinkles! on top! my mom would make this cake for us anyway but then i realized it was literally just molly in cake form. and it’s just as sweet!
10. tommy coolatta (hlvrai)
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a 30-something-year-old child who rocks a propeller hat. chose his last name off of a dunkin donuts menu despite the fact that he has a father. infp.
everyone loves tommy. he’s so sweet? and funny and loveable?? often times when i say something funny but bizarre, i just remember that tommy has said ‘soda helps you see faster’ and it makes me happy. if i’m going to be a weirdo i want to be the wholesome weirdo who loves soda and has a .png for a dog! also i legally have to kin tommy. i took a test for it (and i’m not complaining! i find it quite flattering).
11. twyla (monster high)
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the daughter of the boogeyman; would very much like to boogey out of here, if you know what i mean. avoids people like the plague. infj.
seeing her role in the show and in the movies, i really love twyla? first of all, her voice is my new favorite thing. it’s like... gravelly? and soft? she’s the type of person who would very much like to disappear when in a crowd; thankfully, she literally can. i am drawn to any sarcastic, self-deprecating introvert who takes care of their bonkers extrovert friend (in this case howleen), as i often act as such myself. also the phrase ‘boogey sand’ will never leave my mind now :)
12. lapis lazuli (steven universe)
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water gem who wants you to leave. cynical as all heck, sensitive as all hell. is there such thing as a gem therapist? just asking. infp.
in a similar way to twyla, i vibe with lapis’ sarcasm and wit as well as her emotional side. it can be kind of addicting, isolating one’s self. anywho, me and my sister used to do this routine of yelling up to each other this certain dialogue between lapis and peridot when peri was leaving for something (in which lapis replied to everything she said with dry ‘yeah’s); i would always do lapis’ part. i do reply a lot with ‘okay’ or ‘yeah’ or ‘cool’ to things people tell me, as i never really know what to say.
13. brad meltzer (xavier riddle and the secret museum)
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shy jewish butterfly kid who absolutely hates time travel. attracted to people who know how to socialize like a normal human being. infp(?).
okay okay so... combine everything from arnold and everything from fluttershy and that’s basically what brad is to me. a jewish socially anxious nerd who loves butterflies and drawing. badabing badaboom, there i am. that’s it.
and boom! all of the kins i can think of, of course not including comfort characters like will byers from stranger things or isabelle from animal crossing. if you have any kins to suggest to me, i would love it! thank you for taking your time to read this, friend! have a fantastic day :)
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spyoikawa · 4 years
Hihi! I'm alive! Battling this history competition, but I'll make it!
So let's jump back into these requests starting with, @wakatoshiswife
(sorry I lost the request so I'll copy/paste below the line break!)
(and I am once again on a different electronic, so sorry if this looks different, I will format it to look correct later)
Request: Hello! I saw that you’re doing matchups for valentines! I’d like to request for one too if that is okay :) I’d like to matched up with a guy please...I’m a 160cm girl, ISTJ/ESTJ (I’m an ambivert), my enneagram is type 8. My zodiac sign is cancer. I have black curly hair (type 3B hair) and my eye colour is brown. At first glance, people often think I’m mean bcs I have really think eyebrows and I have a resting b face. However once you get to know me, I’m pretty fun. My hobbies are gaming, baking and editing. The characters I kin are Sakurajima Mai, Light Yagami & Osamu Miya. I enjoy working out as well! Especially jogging on a cold morning/evening. I love watching formula 1 and I would watch football if it means getting to bond with my partner/friends. I play any sports but I like volleyball and badminton the most. I also enjoy cooking Asian cuisine as I am asian, I’m a mixed Persian-Indian. My favourite weather is Autumn as it matches my aesthetic and overall aura and vibe. My favourite colour is red as if I were to be a colour based off my personality, I’d be red. Although I look best in nudes, black, white and purple...I also have the best music taste ever. I’m the chill friend in the whole group. I am very very laidback, in fact I can be a little too laidback at times but it’s nothing bad, I know when too loosen up and when to get serious, hence this is why I’m often (almost every time) a leader. I’m quite the procrastinator and the last minute person but I always know what I’m doing so its all good. I’m confident in what I do and I stand strong for what I believe in. Words, will not hurt me unless it’s said by directed to an insecurity of mine. I hate losing. I’m that one competitive friend that hates losing but I never go too much yk. I’m pretty chill when it comes to competition, that meaning, I don’t show how competitive I am. I have a blank face as I’m competing with others. I always strive to win even if it means winning in a ridiculous way, however I won’t drag it too much as I hate when a small problem gets really really big bcs people keep making it big although it’s just a minor problem (I’m so sorry if you don’t understand T^T). I’m kind, polite and pretty mature but not too mature as I don’t want my adolescent to go to waste. Therefore I try my best to loosen and up and relax! If I were to go on an outing with my friends and they’re being noisy and loud in public, instead of telling them to quiet down, I’ll leave them there so I don’t get embarrassed 🗿. I hate creating a scene in public. I’m not a fan of popularity unless it’s for a good cause. Therefore, I’m a private person with around 15 people in my circle and I enjoy it this way :) I’m also very passionate in what I do. I’m very ambitious and my hogwarts house is syltherin. I know what I’m doing as for now and I love to plan ahead so it won’t be chaotic. I’m 100% a leader and my personality is very dominant. However when it comes to relationships, I’m 100% the submissive (or switch? I’m not sure) one bcs I am very shy to actually initiate anything. My preference in a partner is someone who’s dominant and he wouldn’t mind losing for me. If I were to be an animal, I’d be a wolf or a tiger but as for my partner, I’d like him to be a wolf or a lion but deep down he’s just a bear 🥰. I also prefer guys who aren’t loud, like quiet guys but not too quiet. Ones who talk when they need to, as I’m not rly fond of people who talk a lot a lot. It can be quite annoying and I’ll probably end up accidentally hurting them. I’m so sorry if this is too long bcs I think I went overboard. Thank you so much and have a nice day :D
Alright, thank you so much for this request, and thank you for being patient with me! I'm glad I got a nice long request to get back into the jist of things! And I never like to assume, but I feel like I've been bugging you, so I'm gonna assume you were requesting tulips-
anyhoo, without further ado (lol that rhymes)
Rion's Flower Shop! Today we have Tulips! I match you up with
Kuroo Tetsuro
relationship dynamic
- its actually quite nice! A perfect balance of similarities and opposites!
- and those said opposites are harmonious!
- you guys are both admirable leaders in your own way, and can often cooperate together, and despite different approaches, reach the same goal
- both of you are really confident in your talents and areas and you use that a lot to your advantages
- he's lowkey scared of your poker face but will never admit it
- despite this, the little perks and habits the two of you have are quite amusing
- he still struggles to see how tf you get work done when you procrastinate so much, but is honestly amazed by it
- and the competitiveness you share drive the 2 of you to keep moving forward
- it's always nice to have someone supportive of you (and you 2 are, don't get me wrong) but it's also nice to have some friendly banter and competition, whether it be over music, which teams are better, opinions, which food type is best, etc.
- it keeps you two on your toes
- and (as I mentioned earlier), although the two of you can keep going back and forth, you can also lean on each other, and trust one another for support.
- he can count on you to show up to some of his games and you can count on him to have your back you want to try something new or show him your hobbies
- you guys are also there emotionally, he will always be there watching your back, and cheering you up or proving people wrong after particularly harsh, uncalled for comments, because he knows how you really are and that those people are talking bs :)
- and you do the same for him, to cheer him up, let him know he's a good captain and friend. And although he doesn't show it as much when he's older, he still gets nervous in social situations and he can count on you to be a constant in new areas
What you guys do together/ What's it like with them
- this can either be the most fun relationship or the most comforting, laid back one ever!
- and honestly both are good choices
- neither of you really want to lose your childhood, cause you only get it once
- so it's not uncommon to try out new hobbies or experience new things together to make the most of this time you have
- there are a lot of firsts with him because of that
- he doesn't mind having fun out in public, like that's the point of going out to him, but he also agrees with not wanting to cause trouble, one) that shit's embarrassing 2) he knows it'll make you, himself, and others uncomfortable, so there's really no need to do something uncalled for
- however, despite all the fun of childhood, it's also good to have calm, quiet moments in certain relationships, such as this one
- he doesn't mind, and actually quite enjoys indoor dates, like studying together or watching your favorite movies/shows
- that gives him a chance to be and focus on you only, and maybe get to know you better
- no matter what you do, you two have a silent understanding of what you enjoy, don't enjoy, and what each others needs and wants are
- and he also understands how you might not like to initiate things, he can understand to a degree
- for a while it's a matter of who will make the first move, but once he gets comfortable, he won't mind initiating it for you :D
What they like about you
- he likes your overall personality tbh
- how you can be so laid back yet confident at the same time
- yet also sweet and nice to others
- it's a nice mixture where he doesn't need to force his personality out and express everything that comes his way, but he also doesn't need to shrink to avoid overwhelming you
- and although he likes to take the charge, he likes that you can be dominant at times too, sometimes he'd rather just leave things to you, because he knows he'll like what you like
- it also feels easy for him to talk to you
- he doesn't know why but he finds himself expressing his opinions and sharing things he'd usually keep guarded with you, because he trusts you enough to understand and not share with others
- overall, its the understanding for him :)
- and he's taking this to the grave, but he's also a firm believer that slytherins should stick together
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alrighty, to be completely honest, idk how I did on this one, so please, if you did not like the style of writing or the character I matched you up with, please let me know! I will gladly rewrite it for you!
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tales-unique · 4 years
—Question from Ellie: I just came across your drabbles here and this chapter had me thinking... What if they all got sick at the same time??? I'm imagining them all stuffed into a big bed together so their Human can keep an eye on them like my mom used to do with my brother and I when we were sick. Like would they bicker and fight with each other cause they all feel bad and want their humans attention? I can imagine War and Strife doing something like trying to fight or arm wrestle over their human's attention to the point where Fury tries to kill them both for keeping her up and Death tries to pretend they don't exist until he finally snaps. Poor human would be exhausted trying to reign them in but it sounds hilarious!
Chapter 1
Impossible; it’s the only word that comes to mind when you step into your living room and survey the scene before your eyes. Never before have you had the company of all four of the Riders at once, especially when they are all showing the telltale symptoms of illness.
You’re somewhat thankful that you’ve cashed in your leave days with work because no doubt you will also be sharing in their suffering before long, even though you had been planning to use the time to travel. With a soft huff you dispel your own negativity and return to Strife’s side, where he sits morosely on the floor with his back propped up against the back of your couch. It seems Fury’s outed him from his earlier place on it, content to lounge there like a house cat. You snort at the notion, finding it rather fitting in its irony, before passing Strife yet another blanket to try and calm his chills. “Thanks,” he talks weakly and it still startles you that he sounds so nasally and frail. If anyone had told you that the Horsemen were susceptible to illness you would have straight up called them a liar, but now? Now, not so much. With a small smile you gentle pat his covered arm, glad that you’re able to help at least one of them. Strife is the most Human out of all of them, it would seem, at least when it came to being ill. He whined and struggled, fought against the symptoms, while his brethren simply endured. “Oh, cease your whimpering, Strife! It’s infuriating!” Fury hisses from her spot, coiling up like a snake about to strike. You frown, moving around to the front of the couch so that you can see her properly. She has her fingertips pressed against her temples and her eyes are closed, face taut with pain and annoyance. A headache? No, more a migraine you surmise with a thoughtful hum. “Did you take those tablets I gave you, Fury?” You try to be as quiet, soft, as you can, but she still grimaces when you talk, muttering a small ‘no’ and it’s then you notice the two little white capsules on the side table next to the glass of water you set there a good while ago. Huffing in frustration you turn to the only source of help you’ve had during this whole escapade; Death. The eldest of the Riders sits in the corner of the room on an old recliner chair, silent as the grave as he too battles his own illness. Surprisingly he’s still very resilient and has helped you with the task of caring for his kin. Though, when he speaks there’s a hoarseness to his voice that betrays his own illness and you frown when he utters a small cough when he catches your gaze. Raising a hand dismissively towards Fury, he forces a small chuckle. “Leave her, she cares little for human medicines,” he states, causing you to nod slowly; you’d known this, of course, but she seemed so in pain that you had to try at least. “I gave her a tincture while you were tending to Strife,” he continues, voice tired and irritable, as though merely talking aggravates him, “give it time to work and she’ll be more tolerable.” “I don’t want her tolerable, I want her better,” you frown again, sparing a glance at the others before looking back to him, “I want you all to get better, it sucks seeing you all so... miserable.” It was the truth; seeing them all so low had brought your own mood down considerably, but you were making the best of the situation by helping as much as your mortality could allow. You had let War sequester himself in your spare room with your classic book collection, you gave into Strife’s every whim despite yourself, and for Fury you had turned on that awful incense plug-in she seemed so fascinated with, the one an old friend brought for you and insisted that you use, forcing the room to smell like an old church. The only one you were unable to find something to help for was Death. He had no mortal trinket that he enjoyed that you knew of and, unlike his middle brother, didn’t actively strive for your attention; he simply required your company, in passing, and watching you tend to his siblings seemed to soothe him in its own way. “We’ll be fine, now stop your worrying and go about your business,” Death reprimanded lowly, though his voice didn’t seem to hold the same conviction as it normally would have. You’re unsure whether it’s because he’s sick or if it’s his small fondness for you showing through. Either way you offer him a small smile and nod, noticing briefly as his gaze seems to soften a fraction and the corners of his eyes crinkle in what you assume is a smile. It wasn’t so difficult to go about as your normally would as it was to do so with the company you kept there. Strife is, by far, the worst for it. He tugs at the hem of your dressing gown to get you to look at him and clamps his hands around your ankle so you stumble and he can catch you, all so he can hold you close to his feverish form. Once you’re caught he makes a show of keeping you there in his lap, even as you pout and try to wiggle free. “Strife,” you try scold him but you can’t help the laugh that spills forth as he holds you as if you were a cat nestled in his lap, “I have things to do, you heard Death, let me go about my business!” “Can’t do that, little one,” he hums lowly, sniffling despite his best intentions. He still has that damn helmet on even though you’ve told him dozens of times to take it off, but you know that there’s a fond look on his concealed face from the way his voice dips and his hands clutch at you a little tighter. “Come on, Strife,” you try to be softer, hoping you can appeal to some higher nature in him, “I need to go check on War, too, y’know.” For a second you think he’s actually considering letting you go but such hopes are dashed by his stubbornness to share; a trait he seems to only show so openly when ill. His grip tightens and you let out a frustrated growl. “Strife!” You whine in frustration, but your own annoyance is cut short when a shadow is cast over the two of you, and you both quickly look up to see the angered self of Fury looming over you from the couch. It’s clear your shenanigans have disturbed her and you feel somewhat better knowing that you’re still in Strife’s grasp, aiming to use it as a means to protect yourself from her wrath. “Strife,” she hisses lowly, fingers digging into the fabric of the couch so tightly that you distantly fear she’ll rip it, “let her go, this instant!” The Horseman’s eyes glare vibrantly at her sibling and after a momentary glare-off between the pair he reluctantly loosens his hold on you, grumbling under his breath as he does so. You quickly scramble to your feet, straightening your pajamas and dressing gown accordingly. While he sulks you use the time to check on War, carefully treading to your spare room where the behemoth currently dwelled. Peeking your head inside you spot War easily, his large back facing you from where he sits on the bed in relative peace, save for the occasional sniffle. He’s the only one apart from Death that is manageable and actually allows you to help, though he seems perplexed when you offer him a steaming cup of tea or something similar. The thought makes you giggle; human remedies have little effect on the Horseman, but it’s the thought that counts and he seems more than happy to let you be happy while you help. The sound of your laughter catches his attention and he turns slightly to acknowledge you, you face softening as you notice the slight redness to his cheeks. Unlike Strife he has shed his obstructive armour without much fuss and was dressed in simple underclothes, and yet he still smouldered to the touch. Your smiles melts into a troubled frown when you come to touch a gentle hand to his forehead, watching his brow crease once more at your actions. “You’re so warm,” you whine, feeling defeated. Nothing you were doing was helping, not that he seemed particularly bothered by the troublesome cold he had. “It’s nothing to be so concerned with,” he breathes out, simply watching you as you scowl. Even now he’s the least talkative of them all and this saddens you because he’s ( secretly ) your favourite. Despite being the youngest, and having a temper, you find him the easiest to open up to and the least judgmental, at least in your opinion. Humming lowly you settle at his side on the bed, pulling your legs up to your chest to wrap your arms around them as you take a moment to simply breathe, and he's more than willing to allow you the peace and quiet. Of course, after barely five minutes has passed you hear movement and, realizing you had dozed off with your head awkwardly leaning on your knees, look up to spot Strife pushing the door open ungraciously, his helmet now removed so his golden eyes can narrow suspiciously upon you and his younger brother. "Strife—" Before you can even begin your protest the Horseman steps forward, reaching out to scoop you up into his arms, and takes you away with him to your living room. Shocked by his clear disregard for the situation you simply blink owlishly up at him, grunting at the force in which he then flops down upon your sofa, blatantly ignoring Fury's hiss, which sounds like a tired, angry cat, as he disturbs her from yet another restless snooze. Even Death's attention is caught as he watches his younger brother lie back, his legs dangerously dangling over Fury's curled up form, holding you to him like a child would clutch at their favourite stuffed toy. When you're finally free of the fabric of his scarf and have maneuvered into a more comfortable position you let out a huffing breath, realizing that there is no escape and that this is where you'll likely spend the rest of your day, at the very least. "Strife?" You sigh, now laying with your back against his chest, head resting back into the crook of his neck. It's not that comfortable, but it's better than being scrunched up in his grasp. "Mhm?" He hums, as innocent as the cat that ate the Canary. "You're a brat," you huff, rolling your eyes when he simply chuckles at you. Feeling his arms tighten around your waist as he lays there with you, absent-mindedly playing with the ties of your dressing gown, almost distracts you from the feeling of hands touching your legs. At the sudden realization you jump, legs twitching, while your head shoots up to look at what had you in its grasp. Fury. She looks oddly enchanting with her floating hair looking bigger, messier, than usual and her eyes are somewhat drowsy and unfocused. You calm despite the wicked snarl on her lips, knowing that she would have already unleashed her wrath if there was any to be had, but it seems that Death's tonic is working and she's much more tolerant of the intrusion. In fact, she seems to almost welcome it as she uses her grip on your legs as a means to pull herself up the lengths of your body until she's practically on top of you. Her body weight forces a whine to come from your lips and it prompts her to ease off to the side, slapping Strife's hands away so that she can hold you close instead, busying herself with taking in the scent of your hair; she enjoys the scent of your bed head almost as much as that plug-in you loathe. You blink owlishly between the pair, feeling yourself begin to burn up from the heat that resonates from them both as they clamor at each side, subconsciously fighting for your attention even as the lull of sleep tugs at them. Awkwardly you try to shimmy out of your dressing gown , but only succeed in getting your arms free before Fury has you trapped again, enjoying the feel of your skin against her own. Like War, Fury has also traded in her armour for something less restrictive. However she decided to steal one of your oversized t-shirts and an old pair of shorts that barely fit her rather than simply dress down. It’s a better choice, at least. A low grumble soon catches your attention as you, again, attempt to wrangle free from your own clothes, causing you to pause and look up, directly into the almost glowing gaze of War. It’s clear from his face that he’s irritated from Strife’s behaviour and at being disturbed, and you offer him a sympathetic smile from where you lay. The youngest Horseman spares a glance to his eldest sibling, who has been watching the commotion from his seat with a smirk upon his face, hidden behind the impassive expression of his bone mask, before he circles around the couch. His intention is clear, he wants in on the cuddle-the-human pile, but there’s barely any room since your couch is small and is already overcrowded between Strife and Fury already, nevermind you being there too. No, this will not stand. With a determined expression you wriggle free, or at least as much as the grumbling Horsemen would allow, so that you can try and make room for War. It takes effort to convince Fury to tuck in her legs and even more to convince Strife to move about so that the behemoth can join you all, and by the time you’re done your cheeks are flushed and you heave a sigh of relief for now you all fit, sort of, on the couch and you are pleasantly nestled, finally free of your dressing gown altogether, in the middle of it all. “Finally,” you groan, feeling tired from the dizzying heat that now encased you. As your eyelids grow heavy you spread out much like a cat, briefly looking over the three contented Horsemen and realizing that this is the closest you’ve ever seen them all together. Save for Death, that is. “Death,” you call softly, tilting your head to look at the eldest Horseman, who is still settled in the same place he had been since arriving at your home that day, your slender hand reaching out to him, “come over here.” You wiggle your fingers, motioning for him to come over. He always seems on the outside, or at least to you he does, so you want this time to be different. He raises an eyebrow from behind his mask and eyes you curiously, flicking his amber gaze between the soft yet wistful expression on your face and your outstretched arm before sighing deeply in defeat. Your smile falters at the weariness in his pace as he comes over to you but it’s reignited anew when your feel the cool digits of his fingers cover your own, enjoying the warmth that spreads from them as he settles down onto the floor. He sits there with his back pressed against the base of the couch, one leg stretched out before him while he uses the other to lean his arm upon, head leaning back to rest against the well placed cushion you gave him, a low rumble escaping him at the feeling of your fingers drifting through his hair. For once his hair is soft and clean, no doubt he used your shower while you were out getting medicines for them all, and it makes you feel at peace as your stroke through the locks. You breath a gentle sigh of contentment and your ministrations slow, no longer as deliberate, as you too finally succumb to the tendrils of sleep, joining the Four Horsemen for a well earned rest.
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lavenderfawnmind · 4 years
Meet my kins! (+moodboard aesthetics)
Note: All my kins exist solely for coping purposes. Some are new additions to who I am, while some have been around for as long as I can remember. All my kins are feminine in nature, and I always go by she/her or they/them while kinning. 
 1.) Unnamed
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I usually only begin to kin her when I’m getting extremely irritated, angry, experiencing too much annoying stimulation at once (example: hearing someone eating and being unable to focus on anything else), or if a traumatic and unfair either occurs or I’ve been reminded of a previous one. When I’m de-stressing as Unnamed, I unwind by listening to DOOM (2016) OST, or the DOOM: Eternal OST. I’ve never been able to really know her name because I believe this kin is an unhealthy way of venting anger. I would count her as a half-fictionkin since there’s a LOT of overlap with Doomslayer and her; although she is not Doomslayer the character, but a Doomslayer as a concept. She is silent, and a pure characterization of my anger, trauma, and my need to let it out. I do not condone ever venting my anger physically as Unnamed, she is just there when I vent in my extensive daydreaming with music, and is always gone when I’m done daydreaming roughly 1-3 hours later.
2.) lavender
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lavender has been around for almost as long as I can remember, though i do have 2 parts to myself that are similar but different enough to give lavender 2 separate paragraphs. I usually slip into being lavender when I’m listening to celtic/fantasy/cottagecore music. I also become lavender when watching cottagecore tiktoks, thrifting videos, room redecoration videos, writing or roleplaying a character who either A. has a child or is pregnant, or is B. a character who is very mature and parental+kind. I also become lavender mostly when thinking about my future, and i associate her very strongly with interior decoration, DIYs, neutral and de-saturated earthy tones paired with gentle colors, blouses, long skirts, white hair, grey eyes, maturity, and home activities such as baking, cooking, cleaning, painting, playing music. I prefer to keep lavender lowercase as it suits me more and feels more genuine to who i am. lavender is one of my most developed kins, and is an OCkin. ive been creating her as a daydream character for a while and she is so personal to me that i realized i kinned her a few months ago.
3.) Philomena
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Philomena is the “second half” or “second version” of lavender. She is basically everything lavender is, except for the fact she is much much more mixed with my wiccan/pagan side. I associate Philomena with witchcore, dark cottagecore, vulture culture, dark academia, corvidcore, crystals, plants, trinkets, non-sexual nudity, intersex and trans-inclusive ideas of femininity, storms/lightning/thunder, hot mist/warm rain, bare feet, mud+dirt, voluntary isolation, heights, stone buildings, echoey acoustics, cloaks, dark earthy tones and cool colors, corsets, nighttime, the moon, tarot, intelligence/wittiness/cleverness, strangely colored lipstick, and raw power. Philomena counts both as OCkin and probably counts as magickin/sorcererkin as I oftentimes imagine her with inherent magical (not magickal) sorcerer-like abilities.
4.) [Deadname]/Childhood
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This is one of the strangest, saddest, and hardest to describe kin that I have. If anyone has any way to describe or label this kin, please send me a suggestion in my asks. I have only ever switched to [Deadname] in situations of serious trauma caused by my family (witnessing arguments, witnessing destruction of physical objects during moments of anger, moments of extreme guilt, etc.) During or sometimes after those moments, I will become [Deadname]. I will usually change into more childlike clothes like onesies or fluffy pajamas, my brain will shut down and I become unable or unwilling to speak, and I will desperately try to do anything to cope. Things include blowing bubbles, hiding with stuffed animals in my closet, building a blanket/pillow nest on my bed and curling up, drinking juice, cuddling stuffed animals, and sometimes just curling up in my bed and completely shutting down. Most of the time when I become [Deadname], it will be to distract myself from my environment, but sometimes during the aftermath, I will continue to stay as [Deadname] and be in that child-like state. I am no longer myself when I am [Deadname], I feel like I am a physical representation of a silent version of my childhood (hence the other name). I heavily heavily associate this kin with trauma. I usually don’t ever switch back to something else until I have woken up the next day. I am currently unsure if this is a kin, as i do identify not as myself but something else, or if it’s just part of an underlying mental illness. I associate [Deadname] with crying/tears, trauma, childhood, silence, coping mechanisms, shaking, pajamas, juice, my bedroom, curling up, sleeping, and blankets/pillows. Whenever I curl up really tightly and snuggle up in my blankets, especially if I’m about to go to sleep, I feel myself shift slightly into being [Deadname].
So yeah! Those are my kins. If anyone has any questions, suggestions, or corrections, feel free to send them to my asks! Excuse the tag spam as well, just wanna make sure I try and get as many in there as possible because I don’t want anyone to get accidentally triggered by my post. 
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