#even MORE fun with my talented bestie ;)
badboysupr · 6 months
"I'm sorry that you had to see that, Leo-kun."
What appeared to be a genuinely apologetic frown would form on Geto's features at that. But it was almost as if he was apologizing over accidentally eating the boy's lunch, instead of accidentally exposing the young one to... well, the gruesome death of a monkey who was no longer of any use to him.
And he would move quickly, to shield the boy's gaze away from the bloody scene behind them. With a gentle but firm hand to his shoulder, he would turn them both away and head off in the opposite end of the hall. One of his curses already doing quick work of devouring the corpse and cleaning up the mess itself... the noises made by it however, anything but pleasant or discreet.
"I did tell you to wait with the others, hadn't I? Were you that excited about going to Tokyo with us today~?" He would somehow manage to lightly tease, redirect the subject then...
@idyllicserendipity || it starts (ꉺ౪ꉺ)
Leo was pretty sure he didn't have a weak constitution.
Was he totally unflappable and wholly capable of shrugging off every drip (well, no, it was more like “flood” most of the time) of misfortune that came his way...? Okay, not exactly. But he liked thinking he was pretty dang good at pretending, if nothing else. (“Fake it 'til you make it,” right? How else did the world go round?)
In the aftermath of... whatever the hell that was, he began questioning many things beyond just his own resilience: piles upon piles of worries—even regrets—he desperately hoped weren't made obvious by the look on his face when Geto's shadow passed over him, blocked the nauseating sight from view.
(Which wasn't exactly helpful, by the way; I've already seen it. My brain has nightmare fodder now, thank you.)
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Letting out one of those classic breaths-he-didn't-know-he-was-holding, Leo came close to quietly cursing the detectable quaver in his chest. His attention slowly lifted to meet the apologetic (Really? After that?) warmth in the man's gaze, and he forced a smile. An unsteady, sporadically twitching smile, but at least he managed it.
“See what?” Leo asked in his worst attempt of obliviousness to date. He minutely flinched when a hand found his shoulder, but didn't resist the grip ushering him away. (Wasn't as if he wanted to keep standing there staring, in any case.) Swallowing a lump in his throat, he let out a breezy, nervous laugh. “Uhh, yeah. Yeah, no; super stoked for Tokyo. You know me! Love, um... sightseeing and food and things—”
Food. Food? How could he even consider food right now?
His attention went sidelong as they walked, passing over Geto's profile like he expected a monster to be standing there instead. “You, uh... You've got a little—” One hand gestured to his own cheek: surprisingly clean in comparison to the splotch of red he'd noticed on the other's. “Y'know, unless you want that to stay there, which is totally fine.”
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cryptidghostgirl · 4 months
so sorry for this (very) specific request hope it's not ocish
anyways alastor x wife reader who's a virologist / kinda a mad scientist??(girl just wants to start a apocalypse without anyone to bother her)
Like they got married for mutual benefits (whatever benefits he would gain and her having access to money for her wildest dreams) when they were humans (whether he actually loves her or not is up to you lmao)
They both die (I assume that she would die around when he died from her own negligence caused by her 'freedom' to do her work more often without actually worrying about him finding out) and she avoids him like the plague (not that hard to realize this so called radio demon is your 'husband' when you find his secret stash of 'local cuisine' in the fridge)
Then he goes missing and she finally kinda goes out of makeshift hiding, just chilling doing her evil deeds before finding about the Hazbin Hotel from some gossip
Deciding that, while redemption is most likely not gonna happen mostly for the fact she does not care, she joins Charlie's little program. For her own little project (just wants to have a angel test subject, gotta see if they can be a good carrier for her little virus)
The reader doesn't know that Alastor's back (you think she's gonna use vox tech? Or listen to the radio? Girl uses a non vox tech phone and maybe a computer and does her work) so she goes and knocks on the door to the hotel
Thinking that this shit is gonna be easy, after all her husband is gone so she won't be bothered by him. She can focus on her beautiful creations and maybe destory hell and heaven with a apocalypse for some laughs. While also getting access to heaven through Charlie somehow (maybe even Lucifer, girl doesn't know nor care)
Anyways you can just IMAGINE her surprise that right after Charlie greets her (Vaggie ofc suspicious af cause she knows damn well no sinner wants to be redeemed for the most part) then here comes the strawberry pimp coming to say hello
Would he recognize his lovely wife? Maybe
Ofc reader had a plan, and by plan I mean she just says they were married and now acts like their divorced (death do us part and we fuckin dead)
(Just for example, do what you want <3)
Anyways I'm sorry again (can you tell that I've been watching a lot of mlp infection aus :') )
A/N bestie,, i love an overly detailed request. no apologies. i hope i did it justice <3 <3 I have literally been obsessing over the whole 'we're dead. we've been parted.' reader idea. It's so fun. Also I am very sorry it took me so long to get to this. Also, I am not a woman nor am I in STEM (I'm an enby in history) so apologies if science stuff in this is bad. I'm basing the character off of Entrapta (my love) from Nate Stevenson's She-Ra remake.
Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Gore. Murder. Bodies. Animal cruelty (not detailed at all just like test subjects and burning ants as a kid). Viruses/plague talk. Just capital d Death all around in this one folks. Suicide and starvation briefly mentioned.
Word Count: 2,584
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Y/n hadn't been sad when Alastor died. It didn't really even register on her radar that he was gone until the police showed up at her door. Their marriage was more of an agreement than anything else, a division of labor. Y/n was a talented virologist who came from a rather wealthy family. He got access to her money, using it to start his own radio studio, and Y/n? Well Y/n got a clean up crew.
She had always been fascinated by death. It was a morbid curiosity that had followed her since childhood. The typical 'burning ants with a magnifying glass to mass murderer' pipeline only, murder was not exactly her objective. Since learning of the Black Death in school, she had been fascinated by biological warfare and weaponry. The stories of soldiers throwing infected bodies over the walls of city's to break down their defenses? It was magnificent, masterful, absolutely awe inspiring. Living through the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918, watching how it tore through her city of New Orleans, only furthered her determination.
As soon as she had had the knowledge base to do so, she began working on bio-weapons on her own. She wanted to create a disease, to devastate the world. She wanted to watch the things around her crumble into ruin and know it was by her hand.
She'd found out about Alastor's hobby by accident. They were friends, of a sort, in that Y/n would show up randomly where ever he was and quiz him about radio waves. He worked at a radio station and she knew that. She had followed him, tracked him down. There was no reasoning behind it save he was the first person she'd really found out about that was involved in the business in New Orleans. She would pick his mind about getting the word out about things, marketing, advertising. She was prepping for the main event, for the day she finally created her magnum opus.
One day, when she had shown up unannounced at his door and broken in when he didn't respond to her knocking, Y/n had discovered him dismembering one of his victims. Alastor had stared at her, wide eyed in shock, fear and adrenaline mixing into an intoxicating combination in his veins. Y/n had just smiled.
She had been wondering about human experimentation for a while now. Animals were easy to cover up, easy to bury in the back yard but people? It had always been too risky, up until now anyways.
So it went like this: Y/n funded Alastor's dreams and he hid the side effects of hers. When he died, Y/n didn't really feel anything too strongly about it at all. Yes, it made life harder in that if she wanted to keep using human guinea pigs she'd have to figure out a way to dispose of them on her own but it also made it easier. Alastor had always been so obsessed with image, dragging her to office parties and forcing her to sit down to meals with him. Now that he was gone, she could work on her projects in peace once again. The body thing was something she would figure out along the way. She was smart and she wasn't going to let something like that stop her, not when she was this close to cracking it.
As it turns out, Alastor had been more of a help than Y/n believed. So used to his nattering and persistence, she had stopped eating. It wasn't long before she joined her husband in death. The papers of course had a field day with it. Heiress and Virologist Y/n L/n Withers Away Due to Heartbreak. Y/n L/n Starved Herself to Death and Joins her Murderer of a Husband. Virologist Commits Suicide After Revelation of Dead Husband's Criminal Deeds.
When Y/n had woken up in Hell, her whole world had been turned upside down. If there was life after death, what was the point of killing everyone on earth? She was back at square one.
Rumors were already buzzing through the streets of Hell about some new overlord, some Radio Demon, who had a strikingly similar MO to her husband. Not wanting any distractions this time around, Y/n secluded herself in the outskirts of the pride ring to reformulate her plans.
For decades she worked, trying to create a poison to wipe out the dual planes of the underworld. Work was easier here. No one questioned why she bought the things she bought, no one got upset when people went missing. Hell, no one even blinked twice if they saw her burying a body. It was a veritable paradise for Y/n.
Eventually, news reached her of the Radio Demon's disappearance. Y/n had never been the biggest fan of technology that wasn't involved in her work. In the world of the living, she had barley read the papers. All the machines in her laboratory were ones she had built herself through trial and error. But still, somehow, the news reached her and she felt elated. The last thing weighing her down, the last road block had officially been lifted.
Within seven years, she had perfected the disease. Having run tests on lower rings of Hell, she prided herself on her ability to make it so infections, so deadly. The survival was on par with that of unvaccinated human's infected by rabies. But her plan wasn't complete, no. Taking out everyone in Hell wasn't good enough, she had to figure out how to get it into Heaven as well.
That was when the perfect opportunity fell in her lap. Y/n nearly cried when she caught sight of the interview through the window of a shop selling Vox branded TVs. Charlie Morningstar, Lucifer's little brat, was creating a hotel for sinners, where they could be rehabilitated and sent to Heaven. It was perfect, almost too perfect. Y/n didn't question it, her own excitement blinding her. She barley even took the time to come up with a plan that consisted of more than get into the hotel and get her hands on an angel. She figured that was something that could be dealt with later on.
After a few days of research and snooping, she finally made her move. Having packed her bags and woven her way through the streets of Pentagram City, she found herself before the brightly lit marquee of the Hazbin Hotel. Placing her bag on the ground beside her, the test tubes and various paraphernalia inside clinked gently against one another. Raising her hand, she knocked on the door.
It was Charlie herself who answered, with wide eyes and an earnest smile. A smaller moth demon beside her crossed her arms, eyeing Y/n with doubt. It barley registered with the excitable demon, she was used to the strange looks. The new form Hell had granted her with when she died was odd, after all. She was still the same height, still held a roughly human shape, but her hair had become its own beast. It moved like secondary limbs, falling nearly to the floor from the pigtails she had tied it up into. It shot up into the air around her in joy at the sight of yet another open door in her path, this one literal rather than figurative.
"Hello!" Charlie exclaimed, "Are you here to check in?"
"Yes, check in." Y/n nodded, using her hair to pick her bag back up.
She took a step forward, trying to enter the hotel, but found her path blocked by the smaller grey demon. Her arms were uncrossed now, one of them pointing a spear right at Y/n's neck. Y/n didn't flinch, she simply looked down at it in curiosity, reaching a finger up to touch the end.
"Ow." she said flatly as the spear's tip pressed into the pad of her finger.
Raising it to her eyes, she rubbed the droplet of blood that had pooled on her pointer finger with her thumb before turning back to the spear.
"Is this..." Y/n leaned forward, grabbing the spear's shaft.
"Hey!" Vaggie yelled threateningly as Y/n crouched down, examining the weapon carefully.
"Oh my stars, this is an angelic blade, isn't it?" she exclaimed, her eyes still fixed on the spear.
Vaggie was more confused now than anything and she took the slightest step away from the excited demon. Y/n followed her and soon, they were in the entry way to the hotel. Charlie watched the scene play out with mild amusement, finding her girlfriends bewildered state rather charming. She let the door fall shut.
"It is, isn't it?" Y/n asked again, "But how did you get it? Did you make it? What do you do with it? Is it more effective than normal weapons? Why a spear? I-"
"What's this, we have a new guest?" a crackling voice cut Y/n off.
"Uh, yes!" Charlie stepped in, turning to face the newcomer.
Y/n, still preoccupied with the spear, was now engaged in trying to get Vaggie to let her hold it.
"I think..." Charlie doubtfully added, her brow furrowing at the site.
"Well well well, a little devil." Alastor hummed, turning to watch the show as well, "Honestly, reminds me of someone I knew back when I was alive and kicking. Ah well, what's her name?"
"I don't... actually know that yet." Charlie admitted, fiddling with her hands a bit as she spoke, "But she seems really enthusiastic about being here!"
"It seems she more interested in that spear of Vaggie's than the idea of redemption." Alastor noted in response.
"Are either of you going to help me or are you just gonna sit and watch?" Vaggie exclaimed, trying her best to pry the spear out of Y/n's grip.
Alastor sighed and with a twirl of his microphone, a shadow arose, pulling Y/n off Vaggie. There was a split second where the smile on the girl's face fell. It quickly returned as she caught sight of what exactly had interrupted her escapades. Placing her bag on the floor with her hair, she wormed around in the shadow's arms, turning to face it. Tentatively, she poked it.
"Would you stop that?" Alastor asked, his voice thick with irritation.
Y/n poked the shadow again.
"What is this? How are you doing this?"
When no response came from the demon in question, she at last turned to face him.
She stilled in her movements and Alastor allowed the shadow to disappear.
"No reason to be scared." Charlie quickly stepped in, "I know Alastor here has a bit of a... reputation, but he is actually helping us at the hotel. He's really a great once you get to know him."
Alastor's smile widened as he bowed his head slightly in recognition of the praise.
"If you're going to be staying her-"
"You can't seriously be thinking of letting her stay here, Charlie." Vaggie cut in, "She's been here what, five minutes? And all thats come of it is chaos."
"Vaggie, come on, don't be like that." Charlie turned to her girlfriend, "Everyone deserves a second chance, that's the whole reason we built this place."
"But does she even want to be redeemed? I mean, what if she's... I don't know, trying to take us down from the inside out? What if she's a journalist or some shit trying to write us bad reviews?"
"You flatter me." Y/n smiled and Vaggie scoffed.
"Isn't that all the more reason to let her in? Vaggie, if she is undercover as a journalist or something, we just have to prove to her how amazing what we're doing here is."
"I don't know... I've never seen her before, what if she's another one Vox sent?"
Y/n shook her head, sticking her tongue out slightly in disgust at this notion and Alastor chuckled. There really was something so familiar about this demon and her antics. Even if she was a tad irritating, it was a comfortable familiarity.
"Then we will figure it out, same way we did with Sir. Pentious. Okay?"
"Fine." Vaggie relented at last with a sigh.
Smiling brightly, Charlie turned back to Y/n.
"So, hi. I'm Charlie, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! What's your name?"
Y/n's eyes flicked back and forth between Alastor and Charlie for a moment before settling on Charlie.
"Y/n L/n."
Alastor let out a little laugh of disbelief, a sound he had meant to keep in. He couldn't help it. Of course this little mess of a demon was his favorite crazy wife. Alastor had looked for Y/n on occasion, always keeping an eye on news involving anything scientific but, he had never found a trace. Not that he'd admit it but, in their time together, he had grown rather fond of the girl. Not love, never love, but a sort of familial feel. Everyone turned to face him.
"Are you alright, Alastor?" Charlie asked, walking over to him and placing a hand on his arm which he quickly brushed off.
"Yeah, do you know her or something?" Vaggie added, "Is she dangerous?"
"No..." he paused, his brow slightly furrowed, "She's my wife."
The room fell silent.
"You... you didn't recognize your own wife?" Vaggie asked in disbeleif.
"Ex-wife." Y/n corrected with a little sigh.
This was all becoming so tedious. She hadn't come here to sit and talk with people. While the spear and the shadow had been fun, they had both run their courses and she just wanted to get to work.
"I..." Alastor turned back to Y/n, "Ex-wife?"
Y/n shrugged.
"So you didn't recognize your wife and you didn't know you were divorced?" Vaggie asked, rubbing her temples, "Jesus fuck, man."
"I..." Alastor cleared his throat, "We were married when we were alive. I didn't even know she was dead yet."
"Yeah." Y/n shrugged, "Turns out all your nattering was what was keeping me alive. I forgot to eat, starved to death."
Alastor's eyes softened slightly for a moment at the notion. She had needed his care so badly that she had died with out it. It felt good, in a strange way. Satisfying. They darkened again as he recalled her earlier statement.
"Ex-wife?" he asked again, taking a step towards Y/n.
She looked up at him, her expression blank.
"When did we get a divorce!" Alastor exclaimed once he realized she would say nothing else on the matter without his prompting.
"Oh! We didn't." Y/n nodded, smiling slightly, "Now, can I go to my room?"
"No, Y/n. Why are you calling yourself my ex-wife? We are still married."
Y/n looked around at Charlie and Vaggie, seeing if they were going to back up her claim. Sighing, she turned back to Alastor.
"Do I really have to lay it out for you?" she paused and Alastor just stared at her, eyebrows raised, "Jesus. Uh, Al, we died."
"Till death do us part? That was the agreement."
"I... Well..." he was at a complete and total loss for how to respond.
She wasn't wrong, he just didn't like her answer very much.
"So... the agreement is done... yeah?"
"I mean," Alastor shook his head slightly, "I guess?"
"Great! Can someone please show me to my room now."
Next Part -> Till Death Do Us Part pt. 2
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calicoheartz · 1 month
So ready to be fed tonight 💛
I was wondering if you could do a jealous!Caitlin x reader that's maybe slightly suggestive? It's okay if not !!
Green Eyed Passion ; Caitlin Clark ⟢﹒
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summary : jealous! caitlin x reader 🫣
wc ; 773
warnings : very suggestive , read at your own risk.
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : anon , you have just been served a full course meal. This was sooo fun to write!!! enjoy besties ◡̈
Caitlin is used to being confident in herself. As an extremely talented and successful basketball star, she had no trouble attracting and dealing with unwanted attention. However, when she started dating you, a young and attractive individual who had a captivating personality, she found herself facing a new emotion: jealousy.
It all began innocently enough. You had been dating for a few months, and everything seemed perfect. You rarely argued, had little disagreements, and most importantly you shared the same interests. Never failing to make eachother laugh even in the worst of situations, it was obvious that you were each other’s person.
But one evening, as you both were attending a team event, Caitlin couldn’t shake the feeling of this rather unfamiliar emotion.
You however, were in your element. A dimly lit bar filled with different characters from all walks of life, it fascinated you, you absolutely adored engaging in conversation with others. Your charisma drawing in people like moths to a flame, your eyes sparkling in every animated conversation you found yourself in. Caitlin however, watched from the sidelines; simply smiling politely as she watched admirers approach you to strike up simple exchange.
Her mood, however, quickly soured when she noticed you talking to a fairly tall, and attractive figure. A little bit too close for Caitlin’s pleasure.
She continued to watch you from across the room, how your laugh echoed, how close you two were, stirred up feelings she didn’t even know she had. Trying to shake off this feeling, she joined a group of her other teammates, trying to take her mind off of you and your seemingly interesting conversation. But she couldn’t help but keep stealing glances at you and this mysterious stranger, immediately being stung by a wave of jealousy.
As the evening went on, Caitlin found herself being more and more isolated. She tried to engage in conversation with you, but to no avail. You seemed distracted, with your attention constantly drifting back to the figure.
Finally, unable to contain her jealousy, she approached the both of. Simply grabbing your wrist and muttering a “Sorry, please excuse us”, as she quickly dragged you away to a secluded area inside the bar
“What's going on?” she asked harshly, clearly trying to mask her jealousy. You took a step back, clearly confused on what she meant, “huh? What do you mean?”. She furrowed her brows at your response, clearly unsatisfied with your answer. “You know what I mean y/n. What is going on?”. She glared at you, her 6’0 frame overpowering yours as she simply corned you against the wall.
You smirked, now realizing why the brunette was acting so strange. She was jealous. It was very rare for Caitlin to act like this, and the outcome would only lead to one possible scenario. You were about to get your shit rocked.
You bit your lip, simply batting your eyelashes at her, sweetly saying, “i don't know what you mean, baby”.
Ohhhhhh shit. That did it. If she wasn't turned on before she definitely was now. And to be fair she wasn't the only one, you could feel a slight stickiness in between your thighs.
As if it was second nature, she captured your wrist, not even saying a word, and dragged you out of the bar and into the passenger seat of the car.
Even on your way back home, not even a slight glance was given to you, her knuckles as white as your bed sheets as she aggressively gripped the steering wheel. You knew you were fucked. She knew you were fucked, now what is going to be done about it?
As soon as you arrived at your shared apartment she immediately pinned you against the wall, her hands immediately finding their way into your locks, intertwining them in between her fingers. With one free hand, she caressed your face, as she slowly started to place wet kisses on your chest, leaving soft love bites in the process. You let out a small, but audible moan at her actions, letting her know to keep going. She slowly kept going down until she reached your collarbones until she abruptly stopped. You pouted, cool air quickly hitting your flesh where her lips had once been seconds earlier.
She gave you a sly smile, lowly muttering
Why would you start something you wont be able to finish?
omg okay woah that was intense !! definitely will write more content like this in the future.. 😏 tysm for reading lovelies !
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avatar-anna · 10 months
so...i've had this concept rattling around in my brain, but i had no idea how to write it, so i used pictures instead. i definitely want to do more, but tumnlr only allows 10 pictures a post, so here's to hoping i remember to come back to this in the future!
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liked by taylorswift and 67,530 others
yourinstagram: had a very cool dude over today to make even cooler music
yoursistersinstagram: you let someone in the bat cave?!
y/nfan5: possible collab on the new album?
yourinstagram: more like i was helping someone with theirs ;))
harrystyles: Thank you for having me. X.
harryfan3: HARRY???
harryfan7: omgomgomgomgomg
y/nfan1: pls god let us have a harry and y/n collab on his next album i NEED it
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liked by gemmastyles, yourinstagram and 2,233,781 others
harrystyles: HS3. Coming soon.
harryfan8: NEW ALBUM ALERT
harryfan4: this has to be what he was working on with y/n right?
y/nfan3: i need them both on a song together
yourinstagram: had fun late night talking with you xx
y/nfan9: i'm sorry wHAT
harryfan5: is this flirting this sounds like flirting
harryfan13: honestly...here for it
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liked by harryfan7 and 4,320 others
y/nupdates: Y/n in a video for Vogue recently!
"A lot of people ask me how Harry Styles ended up recording at my house when we'd virtually never crossed paths before. It was actually Taylor (Swift) who kind of set the whole thing up. They spoke at the Grammys last year and she apparently gave him my number so we could work together...He called and asked if I was available to help with his album at all. At the time I was on the road, then working on stuff for the band, and it just kind of went back and forth for a few months while we tried to line up our schedules. Then I was done touring, but I was kind of in a weird state in life where I didn't want to leave the house or hang out with anyone. And I remember making up excuses because I wasn't really up to making myself presentable to a whole team of people I'd never met before and having our first meeting be this huge thing. I'd basically built it all up in my head about how our ideas would clash and we wouldn't get along and I just kept telling him maybe some other time. Long story short, Harry showed up at my place a week later by himself with just a guitar, a notebook, and my favorite takeout order. We spent the whole day together working on a bunch of different stuff from themes to genres of music to sampling and mixing. And writing. Lots and lots of writing. And now he's a dear friend. He's so sweet and so talented. I wish him all the best with the new album."
y/nfan8: ok i'm glad it worked out and everything but imagine a virtual stranger showing up to your HOUSE?? like she said no and he basically forced her to write his album for her
y/nfan4: that's so real of her tbh to not want to leave her house
y/nfan2: y/n is notoriously introverted it makes sense
harryfan13: girl...
y/nfan7: i don't think it was that serious. and if she really didn't want him there she could've said no
harryfan13: and y/n literally called him a friend?? stop trying to start shit that doesn't exist
y/nfan7: of COURSE mother brought them together
harryfan17: i can't believe that's what harry and taylor were talking about in the video!
harryfan2: chill harry doesn't need to be in a relationship with every woman he's associated with
harryfan4: wait but wasn't y/n at that grammys too?
harryfan9: it was still covid it's possible their paths didn't cross
y/nfan19: wait what if he was too shy to go up to her??😭
harryfan4: i love that they're writing besties now but i think they'd be so cute together 🥹
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liked by harryfan4 and 10,343 others
hsupdates: Harry about Y/n L/n for Rolling Stone:
"I've always admired (Y/n's) work. She and her band are incredibly talented, and are just so passionate about creating music. I wanted that same energy for my third album, the freedom to make whatever I want without any reservations, and I knew Y/n was the perfect addition to the team. It took some convincing, but once we kind of got started, we couldn't stop. As we've gotten to know each other these past few months, I not only respect her as a musician, but for the person she is as well. Her soul is one of a kind, and I feel like my album would be so different without her on it. So now not only do I have an album that I'm proud of and love, but I got an extraordinary friend out of it too."
harryfan9: so this is what people mean when they say platonic soulmates
y/nfan12: all we've gotten is crumbs and i'm already in love with their friendship. and the album of course
y/nfan2: i'm so interested to hear this album now. if y/n is on it it has to be good
harryfan3: "her soul is one of a kind?" if that's harry as a friend i don't think i can handle boyfriendrry😭
y/nfan7: i'm holding out hope for them honestly🤞🏼🤞🏼
liked by harrystyles and 23,724 others
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yourinstagram: you've fallen from the sky down to me, i see it in your face, i'm relief, i'm your summer girl
y/nfan17: shut up are those song lyrics??
yourbandinstagram: the tears behind your dark sunglasses, the fears inside your heart as deep as gashes🎶🎶
y/nfan17: HOLY SHIT those ARE lyrics!
y/nfan6: haven't even heard the song and i know the girls have done it again
harryfan4: could it...could it be about harry?
y/nfan8: you're grasping at straws
harryfan12: are they? they've been spotted together all over LA
harrystyles: ☀️☀️
y/nfan8: as friends. friends can hang out can't they?
harryfan3: new music from harry AND y/n? we're about to be fed y'all
y/nfan2: i bet they collaborated on this song together
Interviewer (I): What's one memory or experience you can share from making this album? Any trips to Japan or Jamaica?
Harry (H): We stayed in Los Angeles mostly for this one. But erm...in terms of a specific memory...I would say that while I was working with Y/n, one of the tracks was actually inspired by her cat.
I: Really?
H: Yeah. Whenever it did something to annoy Y/n, which was quite often, she'd call her a little freak. The song's obviously not about the cat, but the phrase was in my head and yeah. Things just kind of...snowballed from there.
I: The sound that Y/n's band has is more rock centric, a similar sound to your first album. Is that what we can expect for your third studio album?
I: You've become quite close to Y/n L/n it seems like.
H: Not necessarily. Y/n and I collaborated, but she also let me take the reins in terms of sound. She had opinions of course and we would bounce ideas off of each other...but she really just followed my lead and supported the vision I had. She is playing a majority of the instruments on the album, though.
H: It's hard not to.
I: How so?
I: It sounds like you could go on for quite some time about her.
H: She's just cool, you know? I was kind of intimidated when we met for the first time. She's quiet, but you never forget that she's in the room, you just want to go over and talk to her. Of course once you meet her she's incredibly kind and not at all intimidating, but still like chill and stuff. The first time we met we sat for an hour just talking about music we enjoyed and live shows we wanted to attend and things we learned while in lockdown. She's just effortlessly cool. An old soul, I guess. And somehow she translates that into her music. Her sisters, too. They're all just first-rate musicians.
H: Sorry. I kind of gushed for a minute there.
H: And the band. They're just so talented, you know?
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liked by jeffazoff and 4,211,323 others
harrystyles: From start to finish, making this album has been such an incredible journey. It was so fun to try new things sonically while also making something that I'm one hundred percent proud of. I've never felt more myself while making music than I did while creating this album for all of you, and I have so many people to thank for that. Hopefully you know who you are. I love, love, love you.
harryfan16: 😭😭😭😭😭
harris_reed: little angel👼
harryfan3: WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU
yourinstagram: congratulations h. you deserve it.💐💐💐
harrystyles: I couldn't have done it without you💐
liked by yourbandinstagram and 53,089 others
yourinstagram: for one night and one night only...but in all seriousness shout out to my friend and his incredible album. happy to have been a part of the magic :)))
harryfan13: HAPPY HARRY DAY!!!
harryfan4: is she in ny??
y/nfan7: yes! she was spotted with harry before the show today
harryfan9: they're literally so cute i love their friendship
harrystyles: You made the magic happen. Thank you for everything. X.
harryfan3: they're so...
y/nfan2: i genuinely think they like fucking with us bc i legitimately can't tell if they're dating or not
y/nfan7: at this point i don't even care i love whatever they're doing they both just seem so happy to be besties/lovers/collaborators and i love that for them
harryfan5: ^^
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liked by harryfan10 and 3,742 others
y/nupdates: Y/n performing Keep Driving onstage with Harry in NYC tonight at ONO!
y/nupdates: When he introduced her, he said: "Tonight is special in a lot of ways. I'm sharing my album with you for the first time, my family's here, my friends are here, and...a very good friend of mine is here to play a song with me tonight. This album wouldn't have been possible without her, so please give her as much love as you've given me. Y/n L/n, everybody!"
harryfan4: stop they're so close it hurts😭
y/nfan7: i was there they were staring at each other and smiling the whole time!
harryfan12: that's the one where he says choke her with a sea view!?
harryfan3: i'm choosing to believe they're in love idc what anyone else says
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hs/ynupdates: Harry, Y/n, and her sisters in New York after ONO tonight! Apparently Harry and Y/n were standing and walking very close to each other. Like arms wrapped around each other close.
harryfan2: that could literally mean anything tho. they're good friends why wouldn't they walk next to each other?
y/nfan14: i feel like they don't know if they're dating or not at this point😅
y/nfan8: her sisters are so unserious i love it
y/nfan5: i love that they all showed up for harry🥹
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liked by taylorswift, harrystyles and 710,225 others
yourbandinstagram: Thanks for having us, London!
y/nfan1: i can't believe i got to see harry and y/n perform in ONE NIGHT
harryfan3: sending my love and my tears to everyone who got to experience this historic night
harrystyles: Thank you for taking the time to share the stage with me. X.
yourbandfan2: how do y'all always look so good 😭
I: So you opened for Harry Styles a few weeks ago and performed a song with him in New York.
Y/n: My sisters and I did, yeah.
I: How did that come about? Did your team call his team? Or was it more casual than that?
Y/n: Oh, definitely more casual. I think we were just hanging out together one morning and he kind of just suggested it. No bells and whistles or anything like that.
I: So can we expect (Your band) to join Harry on his upcoming tour, then?
Y/n: I don't think so. We're working on putting out a record of our own at the moment, but we do want to get back out on the road soon, but I will definitely be attending more of his shows in the future.
I: And what can we expect from this upcoming record? Did Harry help you the way you helped him out?
Y/n: I've sent him a couple things to listen to, and I value his opinion a lot, both as a friend and as an artist. He also showed me a couple records recently which kind of influenced how I approached some of the songs sonically. He's got a huge vinyl collection at his house. I'm honestly kind of jealous.
I: There's been some rumors running around that you and Harry are in a romantic relationship. Would you like to put any of those rumors to rest?
Y/n: I could see where people might think that. Harry's very affectionate by nature, and over the last couple of months we've become very close. He's not just someone I admire in the music industry, but as a person in general. I feel incredibly lucky to call him a friend. And a close one, at that.
I: So just a friend then?
Y/n: Yeah. Yeah, just a friend.
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harrysgal · 3 days
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
I know I’m just starting and don’t actually have much experience with this, but I’m actually having a lot of fun doing it and already can’t wait to post more.
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, yourmom, mollyjane_x and 22,108 others 
view all 3,045 comments
user1 soooo… a new full time job that took you to las vegas? 👀 yourbrother Please behave  bestfriend don’t get (too) drunk without me pls harryfan STOP FIRST LOT SHOW IT’S IN VEGAS 
↳ harryfan2 She’s going to the show right???? I mean it can’t be just a coincidence anymore IT JUST CAN’T ↳ harryfan NO I KNOW THIS IS IT I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES
Aug 26, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, cuteguy, mollyjane_x and 22,451 others 
yourinstagram you’d think a lady in vegas would be out there getting wild but this one actually has been locked in her hotel room for the last 27 hours overthinking her ideas and freaking out about this new job lol if any of you could send me a pizza or something id appreciate it. thanks. 
view all 3,111 comments
user1 nooooo you’re so talented whatever it is i know you can do it!! bestfriend yn ✋🏻  cuteguy Should I give you a call? 😊 harryfan17 I would too be freaking out if I had to work for THE harry styles lol
↳ harryfan16 we still don’t know if she is tho  ↳ harryfan17 C’mon she’s in vegas and molly and jeff are following her ↳ harryfan16 still 🤷🏻‍♀️ tour doesn’t start for another few days so this could be just about something else  ↳ harryfan16 also maybe she’s there because she wants to be and not bc she’s “working” for him. she’s done videos about several artists and she isn’t working for any of them is she?  ↳ harryfan17 Well yes but she literally just said she was starting a new job so 🤷‍♀️ ↳ harryfan16 so everyone just assumed HARRY, out of all people, hired her? c’mon guys lol she could be working for just anyone and STILL go to a show. one doesn’t have to be related to the other.
Aug 28, 2021 •
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liked by anthonypham, bestfriend, lookitsnyoh and 25,103 others 
yourinstagram fun fact: if you post something on the internet people around you might see it 🫠
guess im lucky this lovely group who still don’t know me at all cared enough to drag me out of my room and show me around the city. sometimes i get so caught up inside my mind that i forget how important human connection is — which is funny if you think most of my videos are exactly about that lol. so plssssss make sure to surround yourself with (nice) people. also get some sleep, drink water and feed yourself. it’ll do wonderful things for you!!!
anyway my mom was worried about my “not leaving the room post” so this is just me saying everythings good!! (i also already called her of course <3)
view all 3,557 comments
bestfriend LOVE YOU harryfan the new followers the new likes 😭 it’s happening i knew it  user1 so true bestie!! this reminded me of your 2nd video i think
↳ yourinstagram omg yesssss!!  ↳ user1 ahh i missed your interactions <3  ↳ yourinstagram i knowww! promise i’ll try my best to keep interacting even if it’s not as much as before 💗
lookitsnyoh my belly still hurts from all the laughing 
↳ yourinstagram and my mind is still rushing from all the talking ↳ anthonypham go to sleep you two 
Aug 29, 2021 •
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liked by anthonypham, mollyjane_x, bestfriend and 27,257 others 
yourinstagram sightseeing left me speechless. but here’s a picture from tonight. 
view all 4,107 comments
user1 omg you’re feeding us this week! i’m so happy you’re being active again <3 harryfan78 POST A PICTURE OF YOURSELF I WANT TO MEET YOU AT THE SHOW BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE 
↳ user4 calm down pls? we like to behave as respectful human beings on this profile
bestfriend ❤️❤️❤️ bestfriend i’m losing my mind but i’m also so excited and proud! user7 I miss your videos :( lookitsnyoh when was this? where was I? bummed that I missed it!
↳ yourinstagram sorryyy just a last minute decision after dinner :( ↳ lookitsnyoh ohhhh makes sense now! Glad it left you speechless ↳ yourinstagram i mean the city is beautiful  ↳ lookitsnyoh sure thing it is 👽
Sep 1, 2021 •
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liked by harryfan, harryfan2 and 15,157 others 
view all 2,107 comments
harryfan64 omg where did you meet him??
↳ fanwhometharry AT THE BELLAGIO  ↳ harryfan64 is he staying there???  ↳ fanwhometharry NO!! I MEAN IDK?? I DONT RHINK SO I JUST MET HIM OUTSIDE AT THE FOUNTAINS  ↳ harryfan74 hmm not tryin to be rude or something but that sounds like a weird place for him to be tbh ↳ fanwhometharry I FUCKKNG KNOW THAT?? I MEAN MY PARENTS WANTED TO SEE THE WATER SHOW SO I TAGGED ALONG BUT NEVER EVER THOUGHT ID BUMP INTO HIM THERE
harryfan62 you’re so lucky!! was he alone???
harryfan15 Hi hun! Don’t listen to people, they're just jealous. It was really sweet of him to sign that for you! Hope you have a great time at the show 💕
Sep 1, 2021 •
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liked by gemmastyles, anthonypham, jefezoff and 35,109 others 
yourinstagram having to keep this secret from the world was the most cruelest thing that anyone has ever done to me. but whatever… it’s fine… i’m okay… i’m just gonna pretend this wasn’t a big deal and i didn’t just watch one of my favorite artists perform my favorite songs… and then i’ll just casually say: pls stay tuned for next wednesday when my new video will be up 😇
(i’ll be back and share more details once my serotonin levels have normalized again)
view all 7,125 comments
bestfriend i love you so much thank you for representing us so well  harryfan I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT OMFG I CANT WAIT I KNEW IT harryfan2 YN KASDHUHHD PLS OMFG YOU CAN’T JUST SAY THIS AND LEAVE user1 😲 i can’t wait for this one! harrystyles soz 
↳ harryfan OMFG HARRY ↳ harryfan5 ?????????????????????????? ↳ harryfan3 AUIDHIAUSHDBAJH WTF ↳ harryfan9 ARE YOU F KIDDING ME WHATS HE DOING HERE
cuteguy Nice! Glad you’re having a good time darling. 
Sep 4, 2021 •
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If you happen to read and enjoy this, pls let me know? 🙏 thanks!! it would be nice to know if this is working, or what else would people would like to see.
179 notes · View notes
landograndprix · 1 year
paddock princess ✾ p.g
summary: you're trying to keep your relationship with pierre for yourself but that doesn't proof to be easy when you get forced into 'fake' relationships all the time.
requested: no.
a/n: idk what this is but it seems like I'm entering my Pierre era and I'm not even sorry.
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liked by landonorris, y/nusername and 103,652 others
mercedesamgf1 y/n gave it her all this weekend, going from p13 after technical issues during qualifying to p3, an impressive performance if we do say so ourselves!
onwards to the next race and let's keep this positive momentum! 💪
tagged: y/nusername
view all 333 comments
marcusklein we have to keep an eye out for this one, the way she kept pushing herself an the car this weekend really shows the talent!
mercedesamgf1 👏
y/nmybeloved that's my girl!! 😍
landonorris bit disappointed she didn't wave back
norrizz4 she was going too fast to even acknowledge the tractor your driving 😭
y/nusername 👋
landonorris 👋
norrizz4 stop being so cute you 2
zhoueey incredible performance, can't wait to see what more y/n is going to bring to the grid
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liked by pierregasly, yourbestfrienduser and 120,745 others
y/nusername oui oui paris ✨️
tagged: pierregasly
view all 461 comments
y/nupdates before anyone freaks out, there's a fashion event going on in Paris and a lot of drivers are there
carlandooo okay but why are they hanging out with each other and not the others? 💀
hannaaahhh because ocon and gasly aren't exactly friends Pierre and Y/n are.
sharl16 y/n & pierre..this is my endgame by the way
chilisainz same
sainzz55c bestie who you having breakfast with? 👀
denisee99 probably her manager..she was there too
pierregasly 🤍
charlosss pierre what does this mean!? Stop feeding these people 😭
y/nusername posted on their story
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfrienduser and 100,421 others
y/nusername ⛳
tagged: landonorris, yourbestfrienduser, maxfewtrell
view all 621 comments
alex_albon did you win?
y/nusername sure did, had the most points!
landonorris that's not how it works..
lestappen_161 aw I missed them hanging out together :((
teamy/nlando 👀 👀 👀
byelando 👀 👀 👀
teamy/nlando double date? 👀
Zara3245 oooh no 2 ex teammates who became good friends are hanging out again, it can't be..it must be true..they're dating 🤪 y'all sound insane
maxfewtrell was my picture necessary, is it worth it?
y/nusername you've never looked prettier ❤️
carl55s queen of embarrassing max 😇
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55 and 119,788 others
y/nusername spain dump 🇪🇸
tagged: yourfriend1, yourfriend2, carlossainz55, yourfriend3, yourfriend4, yourfriend5
view all 389 comments
norrypoastri interesting indeed
y/nnnnn mutual friends and ones getting married, nothing that interesting.
csainz5555 second to last picture looks like they're having a date
lunaaaa it's insane how y/n will post pictures about all her friends but when there's a man, shit needs to go down like? Y'all okay?
Bott_ass for real for people who are so obsessed with her life seem to forget that carlos and y/n basically grew up together
lunaaaa she also grew up with some other drivers, they raced each other in karting so they've all known each other for years but yeah..people like to reach I guess
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liked by yourfriendsuser, pierregasly and 199,241 others
y/nusername greecing 🇬🇷
view all 401 comments
maxmaxmax have fun! 🥰
yukierree so I went to Greece a week too early 😔
alexalabono you're stronger than me I would've taken the cats with me
y/nusername I was this 🤏 close to taking them
stellaaar2000 shit you not I bumped into y/n and some dude by was too scared to ask for a picture 😭
gasmannn some dude?
stellaaar2000 yeah idk never seen him before but they looked happy!
y/nfan201 do some research and you'll find out that she's in Greece with her family 🙄
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likes by y/nusername, charles_leclerc and 271,987 others
pierregasly Greece with mon chéri 🤍
tagged: y/nusername
view all 584 comments
dannyriccc me crying? Yes, yes I am 😭
y/nusername beau 🤍
stop it omg why y'all too cute :(
sharl16 MY ENDGAME?! 😭
Charles_leclerc happy for you both ❤️
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55 and 199,876 others
y/nusername greecing pt2 ft the lover 🤍
tagged: pierregasly
view all 499 comments
yourbestfrienduser my babies 🥰
landoscar fucking called it!!
pierregasly je t'aime 🤍
y/nusername moi aussi, je t'aime 🤍
gaassllyy mom and dad 😍
y/nupdates can we leave y/n's love life alone now? thank you :')
1K notes · View notes
bangaveragewhitewine · 8 months
such a flirt!
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Eddie Munson x Reader (bouncer x bartender, established relationship)
May 1992
Flirting with Eddie Munson was in your top five favourite things to do. To flirt and be flirted with was written through him like a stick of rock candy. Feeling secure in your relationship, you don't let it bother you too much - you know that no matter how many women (and men) gave him doe eyes and fluttered their lashes, Eddie would be going home with you. 
That being said, you saw red when Crystal showed up. 
A follow-up to crazy-mad for you & I'm yours, all yours. (part of the Happy Hours series)
Word count: 7.9k
Content / Warnings: Jealous!Reader, feeling insecure & spiralling, comparing yourself to another person, mention of being cheated on in the past. A tiny fight (kinda). Female OC. Flirting, turned all the way up to eleven. Bi-panic 😈. This is 18+ if you are not 18 please read something else; semi-public sex, fingering, a hefty helping of dirty talk, slight perv!Eddie and mention of bruises left after sex. Eddie ‘Motormouth’ Munson, a certified menace.
This one is quite introspective, a look into Bartender-reader’s self-doubt and insecurities. 
Author’s note: Well girls, we’re back. I really can’t get these two out of my head. Thank you to bestie @specialagentmonkey for proofreading ♥️ 
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Flirting with Eddie Munson was in your top five favourite things to do.
To flirt and be flirted with was written through him like a stick of rock candy. Perfected and fine-tuned over time, Eddie was smooth-talking, honey-tongued and could undress you with a simple glance - all things that had drawn you to your co-worker-turned-boyfriend. To bear witness to his talent (one of many, to be fair) had helped you to up your own flirt-game; figuring out how he liked to be flirted with, what made his pupils blow wide, or his tongue dart out to wet his lip. Flirtation was part of the very foundation of your relationship with the curly-haired rocker. 
Working together made your flirtation extra fun, a tool for extended foreplay while you poured shots and beers, while Eddie checked IDs and did his rounds to make sure no one was bumping coke in the bathroom (again). 
It also meant that you both had seen your other half be flirted with by strangers more times than you could even quantify. It was part of the job, a grin-and-bear-it part that sent Eddie home with more than one feather boa or a smeared lipstick mark on his cheek from a bachelorette party (bachelorettes loved your boyfriend, and you understood why). It also often meant you could make a few extra dollars on tips if and when you allowed it, extra dollars to buy a book or new tape you wanted or pay for takeout on your next night off together. 
You felt secure enough in your relationship to not let it bother you too much, knowing that no matter how many women (and men) gave him doe eyes and fluttered their lashes, Eddie would be going home with you. 
That being said, you saw red when Crystal showed up. 
It had started off as a usual shift; a Friday night in early May; the weather was warming up and the new cocktail menu you had put together was already proving popular. You and Eddie arrive together after an afternoon of lazy sex, reading together in bed and taking turns to make coffee before hauling yourselves up for a shared shower and a pre-shift diner dinner. 
By now you had all but officially moved into Eddie’s little apartment. You spent the odd night apart if you were meeting friends, or if Eddie had a gig, but oftentimes he would come crash at your place instead of going two more blocks home. His little one-bed apartment had begun to feel very much like home. You felt the question might be coming soon after he was a little too interested in your lease agreement and when it was up for renewal. If you had paid a little more attention, you might have noticed the dogeared YellowPages bookmarked with a scrap of paper on a page of addresses of key-cutting places on your side of the city.
You walked in the back door of Jackie’s, Eddie hot on your heels with his fingers dipping into the back pocket of your denim skirt to poke the mouth-shaped bruise he had bestowed upon your asscheek. It was in the tender purple-black stage, and he loved to rile you up by pawing at it.
“Quit it!” you hiss at him, scowling over your shoulder. “You’re a fuckin’ menace, Munson.” 
Eddie’s clever comeback is cut off by a roar of laughter from the bar. The bar doesn’t open for another hour so it’s only the other staff in before you.  
“Weird.” Eddie double-checks his watch to make sure he didn’t keep you late making out in the car or lose an hour somewhere. 
“Definitely weird,” you agree. “Is it someone’s birthday? Shit…” You think through the calendar in your head. Frank’s birthday isn’t for another two weeks… 
Eddie shrugs and cranes his neck as you turn the handle of the staff room door. “Go ahead out, nosy. Be there soon.”
Eddie pauses, makes sure you’re alone, and takes advantage of the distraction in the bar to press you against the doorframe. With an almost predatory grin, he leans in for a slow filthy kiss. Taking your surprised little gasp for an opportunity to slide his tongue against yours, he pulls that little gasping moan that he loves right from your throat. 
“Love you,” he murmurs before grazing your lip with his teeth. “Don’t miss me too much.”
He smacks a final kiss to your warm cheek and gives your achy butt one more squeeze before hot-footing it to the bar to see what’s going on. 
You hear his throaty laugh as he leaves you close to panting against the wall. “Asshole.” 
The staff room door muffles the noise as you scowl to yourself, left throbbing between your legs in more ways than one. As you swipe on some lipstick and tie your apron with a bow, you contemplate just how to get Eddie back for kissing you like something straight out of a smutty romance novel. After a final once-over in the mirror, you head out to join in on whatever is going on. 
Sitting on the bar, holding court, is the most stunning woman you have ever seen. She’s got these shiny green siren-eyes that command attention with hypnotic power. She reminds you of a copper-haired Kelly Bundy with deep red lips and the perkiest tits you have ever seen. 
She’s hot. 
She’s also got her hand on Eddie’s shoulder, toying with the freshly trimmed ends of his hair and twisting the coils around her long manicured nails. 
It makes something acidic unfurl and burn in your chest. 
He doesn’t even look over when you step out from the back, too busy nodding along to whatever the reincarnated Birth of Venus is saying. 
Through the sheer black of her blouse, you can spy ink that will have taken hours to press into creamy blemish-free skin, black and sharp and perfect. She carries an air of ‘your friend's cool older sister’, something utterly unattainable that makes you feel like an awkward teen again. 
Michelle beckons you over, flashing a smile when she sees you. “Hi sweetie,” she squeezes your hand with a little whisper. 
“Who’s -?” you mouth silently, not wanting to interrupt when this siren-woman has everyone hanging on every word. 
Before she can even answer, the goddess has everyone laughing again and she turns her attention on the late-comer to her one-woman show. You. 
“Oh hi! You’re new!” Her voice is sultry and smoky-smooth. “I’m Crystal, used to work here way back. You’re…?”
New? In a couple of months, it will be two whole years since you first stepped foot inside Jackie’s and scored a job the same night. 
You plaster on a smile, feeling tiny as you gaze up at the goddess on her plinth. You tell her your name, eyes darting to Eddie briefly but Frank has his ear while Crystal questions you. 
Michelle wraps her arm around your shoulders. “She’s a superstar. Our cocktail queen! Designed the new menu and everything,” she squeezes you against her and leans her blonde head against yours. 
“Oh, cute! You have to make me something later, okay?” Crystal insists, glancing at the board behind the bar where your carefully curated creations have been colourfully chalked up by Eddie’s artistic hand, complete with little illustrations of cocktail glasses - you had teared up when they surprised you with it. 
Crystal taps Eddie’s shoulder. “Ed, what’s good on the menu? Is there anything better than my Long Islands? You know, I used to make him drinks after every shift.” 
You watch your boyfriend smirk before he catches your eye. “Those were lethal, Crys. There’s not one bad drink on the menu. She worked super hard on it, best sellers all round.” Eddie winks at you, smiling proudly. It should settle then twisting discomfort in your chest but it barely touches the sides. 
“You’re such a flirt, Ed. My god.” Crystal laughs and shoves his shoulder gently before hopping down with her graceful long legs. “You got a cigarette? We better let them get the bar prepped. Friday nights are always so crazy here.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
Crystal flashes a smile your way, something playful. “See ya later for that drink.”
Warm-cheeked and grey-matter scrambled, you watch Eddie pat down his pockets as Frank and the other bar staff tell Crystal how good it is to see her again. Jeff is already walking ahead toward the door, playing it smooth and cool though his eyes are hearts on stalks like a cartoon character. 
“Inside left, Ed,” you say, pointing out where his battered pack of smokes were hidden. You had slipped them in there after all. 
Eddie breathes a sigh of relief, a grin on his face - he plans on quitting or at least cutting down but right now, a shift without smokes doesn’t bear thinking about. He’s about to say thanks but you have already turned your back to hide your pink cheeks, ashamed of the jealousy coursing through you. 
It pisses you off more when he doesn’t come over anyway for one more kiss. Your lips still buzz from the swoon-worthy smooch he had laid on you but it turns to a sting as he turns and follows Crystal instead. 
You distract yourself with your to-do list before the bar opens and ponder over the history your boyfriend may or may not have with Jessica fucking Rabbit. 
You’re lucky not to lose a finger with how furiously you chop wedges and slices of lemons and limes, feeling totally on edge when you think about Crystal and Eddie laughing and smoking together. The last time you had seen another girl touch his hair he had very kindly moved her hand and directed her to the bar to buy a drink from you, ‘the hottie bartender, she’s my girlfriend - tell her Eddie says hi’.
Michelle lets you stew a bit as she checks the taps and restocks the straws and napkins. She catches you swearing at an unopenable jar of maraschinos, fearing you may smash the jar and slice your hand if you don’t quit knocking it on the counter. 
“Okay, what’s going on? Did those cherries kill your grandma?” she asks, taking the jar from your lime-juice-sticky hands. 
“Nothing's going on. I’m fine.” 
Liar. You’re actively thinking about how good Eddie and Crystal looked side-by-side and you hate it. Red and black, his favourite colours.
“Do you have cramps? Are you and Eddie fighting or somethin’?” she asks, hand on her hips. 
“No, and no. Just… Ugh.” You know Michelle doesn’t give up until she gets an answer. You love and hate her for it, she’s definitely one of your best friends for life now - especially when she opens the cherries without breaking a sweat. 
“Spill, babe.” She spears four cherries with two toothpicks; one for you and one for her. 
You accept it with a little smile that fades quickly and use the distraction to figure out how to say what you want to ask without sounding like a crazy person. 
“Crystal… Did she and Eddie…?” You brace for impact. 
Michelle raises one thin brow as she chews the sticky red fruit. “Go out? Fuck? Nuh-uh, don’t think so. You’d have to ask him though, babe. She’s just… super flirty. They were friendly, and I think she had a little crush on him.” She shrugs, “He left for tour before she quit, she moved out west.”
You nod, chewing the second cherry without really tasting it. “Yeah,” you sigh. “I guess… I just thought he might’ve told her I was his girlfriend or something.” 
Michelle watches your shoulder slump and pulls you in for a one-armed hug. “Maybe he should’ve. He did hype up your cocktails - he does that when he’s checking IDs y’know, gives out recommendations and everything. Totally whipped, huh?” 
She kisses your head and squeezes you to her side. “Don’t let it get to you. Crys will get bored soon, especially if he’s not flirting back. She’s a Vegas gal now, I doubt we’re to her standards anymore.”
You lean your head against your friend and fold yourself into a hug. “Thank you. You’re the best.” After a few moments, you speak again. “She’s so pretty.” 
“Ugh, I know. Makes my piss boil, she’s so hot.” 
You both break into giggles as you squeeze each other extra tight, pinky-swearing to have a girls’ night the next time you both have the same night off. 
With a little boost from Michelle, you finish setting up the bar and write up the night’s drink specials on the menu boards. You turn the music up to cover the sound of Eddie’s throaty laugh as it carries from inside the door, trying to ignore the twisting feeling in your gut. 
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It’s busy from the off tonight and though you had plenty to distract you as you poured and mixed drinks, tendrils of jealousy crept in and coiled around you like boa constrictors. You half-watched Crystal flit and flirt around, distracting the other bartenders when she wasn’t lingering far too close to the door for your liking. 
Why hadn’t he ever mentioned her before? Had he flirted with her like had with you before you got together? Was she going to take her job back and take your boyfriend too? 
If she didn’t seem so fond of your boyfriend, you might just be in awe of her and want to be her best friend. Alas, your hang-ups don’t extend such kindness and instead make you bitterly territorial as you shrink into yourself, feeling like a toe in comparison to her. 
You want to take your overloaded brain out and shake the stupid thoughts out in a chilled silver shaker, strain them away before screwing your head back on so you could be normal about the woman who might have no ulterior motive for hanging around your boyfriend. 
Around nine thirty you step away from the bar to take your turn collecting empties from tables; the crowd is cheerful and you move around them with ease. Crystal isn’t anywhere and you see Eddie chatting to Frank by the door before the big boss heads home for the night. Your shoulders relax a little, hoping that Michelle is right and the redhead had decided to find somewhere a bit more salubrious for the rest of her night. 
It’s almost time for your first break; you need a stone-cold Diet Coke and ideally a joint - but that’s a post-shift treat, so fresh air will have to do. 
The catchy part of En Vogue’s My Lovin’ plays on a loop in your head as you drag yourself to the back door with your fizzing pint glass of Coke and lime. The ice clinks out of tune with your hum-singing. 
You’re almost at the door when you realise there’s someone else out there before you. The rest of the staff is behind the bar and Eddie doesn’t take his five minutes this early (not when the door is peak-busy). You try to spy through the gap in the door where it’s propped open with a crate and see a flash of shiny copper, perched on your stool. 
The click of ice against glass gives you away and Crystal turns her head, spotting you peeking. She’s not even supposed to be out here, but at least she’s not haunting Eddie - small mercies, you guess. You give her a tight smile and step outside.
“Oh, hi. Is it your break?” 
“Yeah. Just my five.” You shrug and sip your drink, leaning against the cool bricks as Crystal eyes you from behind the smoke of her menthol cigarette. 
“Want one?” she asks, offering the packet out. 
You do. You miss the menthol burn from high school parties. “Sure. Thanks.” 
She gives you a little smile and passes you the packet, a new Bic lighter under her thumb to light you up. 
“Is it nice to be back?” you ask, filling the silence after your thank you as Crystal looks at her nails. Up close you can see a few of her tattoos beneath her sheer blouse; a rose on her shoulder, a fierce trad style leopard on her inner arm.
“Oh yeah. Missed the guys, they’re such sweethearts.” She smiles and watches you sip your drink. You feel like a lamb next to her, an elegant lioness. “You like working here?” 
“I really do. They’re kinda like family now.” It’s no word of a lie. 
“Cute. It was one of the best places I worked.” She stubs her smoke under the block of her heel. “You work with Eddie much?” 
And there it is. 
You take a long minty drag. “Yeah, pretty often. We’re usually scheduled on the same shifts.”
Crystal nods her head. “Super hot right? Somethin’ nice to look at to make the night go faster huh?” You watch her lips curve into a coy grin.
Your own smile is a little at her expense. 
“Oh for sure.” You double-fist your drink and cigarette, tapping the ash off carefully. “That’s why we don’t let him behind the bar, leave him by the door to draw in the girls.” You echo Frank and Michelle’s teasing of your boyfriend; his heavy pours and clumsiness with glasses are the main reasons he stays stationed on security, but it’s fun to tease him. 
Crystal laughs at that, head thrown back. “Right?! And such a flirt!”
It’s the second time she mentioned that tonight. It wasn’t a lie - you’re simply used to being the only subject of Eddie’s well-practised flirtation after seven months of being his girlfriend. 
It rattles around your head, clanging like a bell. Such a flirt! There are a few beats of silence before she speaks again.
“Hey, do you know if he’s seeing anyone?” Crystal asks. “I’m flying back out on Sunday. The rockstar thing really does it for me.”
You feel a stone - nay, a boulder - sink in your belly and take another drink as she continues. God, you wish you had spiked this for yourself, smoky-sweet rum or clean sharp vodka. The chill of the ice and menthol can’t dampen the burn in your chest, a heady mix of jealousy and rage. 
“I was going to try and link up with him when he was on tour, I was in L.A. for a bit before the move to Las Vegas. I thought he might stick around out there a while,” Crystal digs around in her purse for her compact and lipstick as she speaks, prettying her already stunning self up for your boyfriend. “Maybe tonight’s my night,” she says, touching up her powder before looking at you for an answer.
You blink a few times, bathing your sticky tongue with cold Coke before you can speak. 
“Sorry, Crystal.” Your voice is surprisingly steady for how all over the place you feel. “Yeah, he’s definitely got a girlfriend. Together almost a year.” You blow menthol smoke into the air, feeling it turn your mouth acrid in a way that can’t be balanced by your sweet drink. You crush the half-smoked cig under your boot and push off the wall to head back inside.
“Guess tonight’s not your night,” you say, shrugging.
It’s a little bitchy and mean when you could just put her out of her misery. Instead, you just turn and head back inside, cutting your short break even shorter. You shut the door behind you, slamming it just hard enough to make a point.
You should have just told her, acted like a grown-up instead of a jealous teenager with a chip on your shoulder. The anxious little worm in your brain had decided for you, calling out ‘don’t tell her, she won’t believe that Eddie would want a girl like you when goddess-women like her walk the earth!’
As you rest your back to the door, you squeeze your eyes shut and take a deep breath. 
In for four, hold for four, out for four. 
Eddie isn’t like Connor. He’s not like Eric either. 
Years of hurt and heartbreak, being someone’s number one until someone better, prettier, funnier came along, had made you wary of dating when you boxed up your life and moved to Chicago. You had gone on a few really crappy dates last summer before getting together with Eddie, before he showed you the real him (unexpectedly sweet-hearted, willing to get a bloody nose in a fight for you). 
His flirty nature had made you wary of having your heart broken by a charming ladies' man all over again. But that’s not your Eddie. He had promised you that wasn’t him, showered you with love and promised you were it for him. He never seemed frustrated with affirming his feelings for you, promising you it was the real deal. He loved the heartbroken girl inside you just as much as he adored the woman you are now.
Having a borderline existential crisis on your five-minute break wasn’t the respite you had planned from the busy bar. As you splash cool water on your wrists and spritz your warm cheeks with rose water, you just hope that Crystal isn’t one of the girls who sees a man with a girlfriend as a fun challenge rather than off-limits. 
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When you feel a little less shaky - or steady enough to not drop every glass you pick up - you tag one of the other barmen to go on his five and slot back into your pit of self-loathing, hidden behind a smile and the beer taps. By the time you shake up six Appletinis and a tray of Blowjob shots for a table of girls celebrating a birthday, you have convinced yourself that Eddie would probably be better off with Crystal instead of your petty jealous ass. 
You’re so deep in your wallowing that you miss Eddie darting from the door to your side of the bar. His hand is tapping the drink-slick bar top to get your attention before you even see him. 
“Psst. Hey, c’mere. Need to talk to you.”
Are you in trouble? Had Crystal told him about your less-than-friendly behaviour? You plaster a smile on, one that he sees right through. 
“Ed, I’m working. What’s wrong?” you ask, stepping away from your station to hear him better over the music. 
“M’working too, it’ll just take a sec.” Eddie leans forward, smiling cheekily. “You’re my girlfriend, right?” 
Your cheeks heat up. Shit. He knows. 
You nod. “Yeah…”
“Lemme hear you say it?” he tilts his head, batting his lashes a little playfully.
You sigh and roll your eyes, pretending that your heart isn’t beating out of your chest, even though it feels a little bruised. “I’m your girlfriend.”
He looks triumphant and amused and pulls your hand in between his own, holding it like a treasure. “Okay, good. Why didn’t you just tell Crys that?”
The rolling boil of hurt that had been bubbling in your chest all evening and into the night doesn’t evaporate with Eddie’s loving little touch. 
“Why didn’t you tell her, Ed? You could’ve told her fuckin’ hours ago that I was your girl.”
Your heads are close together as Eddie leans in to hear you over Alannah Myles crooning Black Velvet.
Expecting you to be a little more playful, matching his energy, he sobers and frowns, studying the hurt marring your pretty face. “Oh shit. Honey…” 
“It hurt, Ed. You had like two chances right off the bat... How many more did you miss, huh?” 
Eddie’s brows disappear under his bangs. “Fuck, it’s not like that. I didn’t realise… Didn’t even think. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah? Good.” You squeeze his hand anyway, proud of yourself for not minimising your feelings to just go back to normal. 
“Baby…” “Eddie…”
His Bambi eyes aren’t enough this time. But you know he’s going to feel like shit because he hurt you, which makes you feel crappy for ever doubting him. 
“Can I kiss it better?” Eddie’s pouted lower lip is obscenely kissable. 
A mid-shift kiss is usually Eddie’s reason for waylaying you at the bar, though he can usually hold off until your break together. He leaves Jeff to man the door when it’s quiet so he can claim his sugar tax or borrow your lip balm (he really has an impressive collection of euphemisms for begging a kiss from you). 
You’re usually very forthcoming, and right now you would love a kiss but the opportunity to fuck with him and get a little payback for his romance novella bullshit earlier (getting you worked up before the longest shift of your life) feels too good to miss. Your scheming lifts your mood from the doom spiral, just a little.
Yeah, flirting with Eddie was core to the foundation of your relationship, but so was fucking around with him. 
You meet his baby cow eyes with your own gaze, looking through your black-coated lashes. 
“You love me?”  “To the death.” “Then you can wait.”
Eddie’s jaw drops. One hand clutches his heart as the other holds your hand even tighter. “Baby… You’re really withholding a kiss right now? I said sorry! And I meant it!” 
You roll your eyes, classic drama queen Munson. You fucking love him. 
“I am.” “You’re killing me.”
You smile and lift his hand to kiss the back of it. “Then suffer. I’ve got customers to serve, Ed. See you at twelve - maybe you’ll get a kiss then.” 
You pat his cheek and turn away, hearing the thud of skull versus countertop as he groans like a wounded man. 
He’s going to be insufferably lovely for the rest of the weekend to make it up to you.
Your re-found spring in your step has you back in your usual flow as you pour beers side by side with Michelle. Eddie has dragged himself back to the door to sulk, but not before tossing scowling puppy eyes over his shoulder at you. 
“I should be pissed you’re slacking off to talk to your boyfriend but whatever that was made you actually smile, so I’m here for it.” She grins and bumps your hip with her own, your signature move together as you work in tandem. 
“Just a wee bit of payback. I’ll tell you on girls’ night,” you promise, hearing her laugh as you ring up your customer. 
Spirits lifted, albeit at your boyfriend’s expense, you make it through the peak of the night without spiralling any further. In fact, your distraction is all Eddie Eddie Eddie.
At least until the scent of freshly spritzed Dior Poison wafts over the bar as you catch sight of copper and red next in line for you. Crystal. 
She looks just as gorgeous when she’s a little bashful, giving you a warm smile - a promise that she comes in peace. 
You’re cringing, wishing you could duck behind the bar, but you definitely owe her an apology. 
“Hey, Crystal. I think I owe you a cocktail…”
She smiles, her creamy cheeks blushing in the dim light of the bar. “What do you recommend? I’ve heard you’re like, the queen of mixology and know exactly what drink people will like.” 
You can hear Eddie’s praise of you in her words; his little alchemist, his sexy potion-mistress. He took his role of taste-tester in chief with the utmost seriousness. 
“Mm, I do my best. You like cherries?” you ask, tilting your head. 
“I do.” 
She lifts her arm to show you a stick and poke cherry tattoo on her wrist. 
“Girl… Are you in my brain right now?” 
You grin and shake up a mix of cherry liquor, ginger syrup, tequila and lime juice with ice - adding a little extra cherry syrup just because. You pour the mixed margarita into a chilled glass with salt and sugar rim and a cherry garnish. 
“Don’t even think of getting your purse out,” you say as you slide it across the bar. “I’m sorry for being weird.”
Crystal accepts the proffered straw and slides it into her drink, taking a slow sip. Her eyes blow wide as the flavours of cherry and earthy tequila bathe her tongue, zinging sharp with bright lime. “This is amazing.”
You smile and shrug. “It’s my personal favourite, and… Well, you strike me as a woman with excellent taste too.” 
The thick tension and coiling vines of envy from before are totally gone now as you both share a knowing smile. 
“Sorry for flirting with your boyfriend. I definitely wouldn’t have if I knew…” Crystal squeezes your forearm where it rests on the bar. “Nothing ever happened between us, just friends when I worked here. We flirted back and forth, just for fun. That’s all.” 
You nod, feeling more at peace now. “He’s fun to flirt with, I don’t blame you. We started off just flirting too. And bitching at each other. Just for fun.” 
Crystal smiles and sips her drink again. “He’s crazy about you. You know that right? Only has eyes for you. He’s got it bad.” 
Feeling your cheeks and chest heat up, you nod again. “I do, I’m kinda crazy about him too. Literally crazy tonight, apparently. I’m really sorry I was a total weirdo with you earlier.” 
Crystal extends one hand, long red nails pointed at you, and you take it to shake. “Water under the bridge, babe.”
You wish you hadn’t wasted your time spiralling when you could have been making a friend.
She squeezes your hand, making sure you’re looking at her. “Y’know, I was gonna ask earlier if you were single even if Eddie wasn’t… The hot bartender thing also does it for me.”
Oh, she was good. 
So good that your brain goes static for a few moments. 
The hot girl thinks you’re hot. She’s totally flirting right now. It feels…good?
Crystal fixes you with that siren stare, black lashes sweeping her cheeks when she blinks slowly. Your face and chest flame hot as you become the focus of her flirtation.
“Uh… I… Wow. Really? Sorry… We kinda ruined your night, huh?” Your voice is shakier than you would like, your tongue thick in your mouth, but she finds it endearingly sweet.
“Nah, you made me this yummy drink. And hey, if you two are ever planning a trip, Vegas can be lots of fun. Come find me maybe?” 
Crystal drops you a wink before disappearing into the crowd like a breath of cherry smoke, a napkin with her number left on the bar for you - for you and Eddie. You fold it into your back pocket, another little thing to tease Eddie with when you get on your break with him.
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Being flirted with and propositioned while you were working had never been quite so fun or exhilarating. Usually, it made you feel icky, but now you feel like you’re zinging with electricity that helps you power through the thirsty queuing customers cleaning spills and collecting glasses until you’re tagged to go on break again.
You uncap a beer for yourself, shoving lime in the tall neck, and take one for Eddie with you when you head out back to meet him. You pause to swipe more rosy lipstick on before shouldering past the heavy exit door. 
Your brain hurts from the tornado of different emotions you have experienced on your shift so far, but the chill of brick against the back of your head and the cool beer on your tongue helps. 
As always, you hear your boyfriend before you see him. Tonight is heavy boots pounding on stone as he rushes back to you, unable to stand another second of being un-kissed. 
“Medic? We have an emergency!”
For a moment you think he might not be fucking around, but the way his eyes glint when he sees you proves otherwise. 
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit outta me,” you tut. 
“Thank god you’re here! It’s life or death.” His breath comes quick as he stops in front of you, holding your face in his hands. “There’s a dying man, he needs urgent mouth-to-mouth.”
Your brow rises as you fight the urge to grin. “Oh yeah? Poor guy. Sounds fatal.” 
“It is. He was a total idiot and now he’s not got long left.” 
Those baby cow eyes shine with genuine regret, sparkling with a sprinkle of mischief that is so innate to Eddie Munson. 
“Well, maybe I can help. But I don’t think he’s totally in the wrong.” Your hand slips over his shoulder, touching butter-soft leather. “There’s also a crazy woman on the loose - you might have seen her… I think it might be all my fault.”
“Nah. Only saw this crazy-beautiful woman. She looked kinda sad though… Broke my heart a little.” 
You look up into Eddie’s eyes, feeling more than in love as you close the gap between you. Pillow-soft lips press against your rose-tinted mouth, kissing away any remnants of worry and sadness as he wraps you up in his arms. 
“I fuckin’ love you, baby,” he murmurs, barely breaking away to remind you of what is true. “M’sorry.”
“I love you.” Your palm curves, moulding against his neck and you can feel his pulse hammering beneath. You move back slightly, so you can tell him what was bugging you without being waylaid by the need to kiss him. “I got so in my head. It just…”
Eddie’s head rests against yours as he listens. 
“I got really jealous.” It’s barely a whisper when you speak it out loud. “It was stupid because it was all in my head.” 
Eddie runs his nose against yours, lips tracing its path until they press your forehead. 
“S’not stupid if it’s real to you, princess.” Eddie holds you against him, pressing kiss after kiss to your busy head. “I wish I could’ve made it better sooner. It’s not nice to hear that I made you doubt me. I’m not going to hold it against you, I promise.” 
You direct him back to your lips, kissing him when words fail you. 
“M’sorry,” you whisper against his mouth. “I never doubted you, Eddie. I just.. it was me. I didn’t get why you’d want me when Crystal was right there. She’s the hottest woman ever.” 
Eddie scoffs. “Are you jokin’ with me? Baby, you are the hottest woman ever.” 
“Eddie, it’s fine. We both have eyes - she’s hot,” you admit, smiling a little. “Wanna hear something funny?” 
He nods and presses one more kiss to your mouth. 
“She was trying to flirt with me too. I was just too up in my head to realise…” 
Eddie grins, shaking his head. “As she should, you’re smokin’.” 
Your arms wrap around him, hugging tight. “We’re all good now. I made her a drink, she prepositioned me…” you say, totally offhand. 
You brace for Eddie’s reaction. 
A ten thousand-watt grin almost blinds you when Eddie peels himself back. “Oh yeah? That is kinda hot…” 
“Shut up.” Your voice wobbles with laughter. “Don’t worry, babe. She said you’re invited too. If we’re ever in Vegas, that is…” 
Brown eyes blow wide - Eddie doesn’t know what to do with himself. “H-whaa?”
Pressing your face against the soft black cotton of his t-shirt, you giggle against his chest. “You heard me. She was crushing on both of us tonight.” 
“That… I… My brain has stopped working…” “Stop imagining it, Edward.” “I’m not.” “You are! I can feel your dick on my leg, dude!”
Eddie takes two steps back, hands on his head as he spins in a circle. “I’m in some parallel realm. Did I die? Oh, I did die… See? This is why you should’ve kissed me earlier! I’m flatlining here! Medic!”
His dramatic ass has you cackling, cheeks hurting as the no-game nerd inside him fails to comprehend what you just told him. You were both interested in exploring with each other in the bedroom and had already broadened your tastes with him, but neither of you had anticipated stumbling across this unopened door…
“So I’ll throw her number in the trash?” you ask, sipping your beer with a pointed raise of your brow. 
The nonsensical goblin-yelp that comes from Eddie’s mouth makes the bubbles fizz up the back of your throat, making you cough and splutter. He’s an absolute dork and you adore him.
He presses pause on the dramatics to check on you, making sure you’re not going to choke on lime-spiked beer.
“Hot.” Eddie laughs as he wipes the fizz from your lip, then pats you hard on the back. He pouts as you pinch your brows at the sting of beer in your nose. “Poor baby.”
“Yeah, your dick.” His cheeky grin softens. “You’re the only woman for me,” Eddie says, cupping your face again. “I mean it. It’s hot as fuck that we were kinda prepositioned like that, but you’re it. I only want you.” 
You pull him in for a kiss again, deeper this time as his tongue licks against yours. The zing of electricity that runs the length of your spine pushes you closer to Eddie.
“Yeah? Even if Elvira rocks up?”  “She’s my hall pass, baby. Just like you and Keanu.” “Mmmm...okay.” 
Eddie drags you in for another smiling kiss. You feel small in comparison to the breadth of his shoulders, the subtle bulk he carries - you love it. His hand rests on your neck as he presses up close to you, thigh slotted between yours where your skirt pulls tight across the plush part of your legs. The well-loved denim bunches and slips higher as Eddie crowds you against the brickwork - he’s amped up and wound tight too many kiss-less hours and the revelations of the last few minutes. It’s easy to match him, mirror the needy grasp of hands on denim to pull him close.
His kisses soothe any whisper of doubt or fear that haunted you since your shift started.
“You’re so fuckin’ sexy, princess. S’hot that you’re crazy for me,” he murmurs against the side of your mouth before diving in again for another filthier kiss. 
Your nails graze the back of his head, fingers twisting and tugging in dark brown curls to draw that pleasured little noise from the back of Eddie’s throat and swallow it all for yourself. Hips shift against the meat of his thigh; silky lace on denim dark enough to mask the damp mark you’re bound to leave there. 
Eddie’s mouth moves down to your neck, seeking out that spot that makes your jaw drop open and your lashes flutter. One big ringed hand dips lower to encourage your hips to roll and rock against him, propped against the wall with his lean strength holding you up. “That’s it, baby. I gotcha.”
It’s easy to forget you’re at work, where any one of your co-workers could come looking for you or Eddie, but when he’s touching you like this and making you burn for him you can’t spare the space in your brain to care. You’re sure that you should both be on some sort of formal warning by now after how many times you have been caught making out and groping each other on your breaks. You had given him a hand (and head) more than once on the clock; some nights were slow and called for a distraction. 
And nights like this? When you need each other so desperately, they were something else entirely. 
“Ed..” Your voice sounds whiny and pathetic in your own ears as you clutch at his shoulders. 
“That’s me, doll,” he murmurs, “M’gonna make it up to you okay? Say sorry for making you jealous’n’sad.” His fingers slip up beneath the bunched hem of your skirt, touching the warm spot on the front of your underwear as his forehead presses against yours. “Can I? Just a little somethin’? Promise I’ll make your head all empty when we get home. Yeah?”   
You’re a weak woman, rendered boneless and speechless as Eddie’s fingertips press there. With a lazy nod, dragging him back for a kiss, you roll your pelvis against his hand. 
“That’s it.”
You feel his smile against your mouth as he pushes your underwear to the side, enough to feel how wet you are as his fingers press and dip and stroke. Eddie drags your slick gloss up, easing the friction as he circles his thumb.
“Oh Jesus,” you gasp, a shuddering breath as he pushes two fingers inside with ease. You hold him to you, clutching the back of his neck.
Eddie spares you a cocky comment in favour of kissing you again, stroking up inside you before beginning to fuck into you. He doesn’t stop his kisses when your jaw slackens, tongue meeting his with lazy strokes as blood rushes in your ears. 
“That’s it, just let me take care of my girl.”
My girl. It gets you every time. 
He feels the pulse and gush, a Pavlovian reaction, and presses deeper. 
A slow pleasured smile spreads on your face as his fingers fill you. Eddie watches, eyes heavy-lidded, before moving back to kiss your neck. 
Motormouth Munson keeps his title as he murmurs filth against your neck, punctuating praise and promises with sucking kisses and scrapes of teeth, soothed by his slick tongue. 
“That’s my girl, I know what she likes. Need it so bad, don’t you?”
“Oh, you’re so fuckin’ soaked for me. Can feel you pullin’ me in, princess.”
“You been so worked up all night, huh? I’m gonna take such good care of you. Not leavin’ our bed tomorrow until you forget your own name. Gonna show you just how much I love you, baby.”
You choke down your moans, quietening yourself to breathy gasps and pleas in Eddie’s name. The fear of interruption, of getting caught, gets you both going. 
Eddie hoists your thigh up to his hip, widening you more more more as his fingers find, then curl and press on your spongy spot. 
Your moan is muffled against his shoulder, still too loud to be decent and louder still in Eddie’s ears. 
“Fuck, there we go. Oh, you’re so fuckin’ close already, huh? Gonna come for me right here?” His voice is low and rough, words ground out as you feel him hard against your leg.
“Yeah,” you whimper, already shaking. “G-uh.. Oh god.” Your back arches away from the brick as his fingers speed up, thumb pressing hard circles in tandem. “Eddie… Fuck, fuckkk!” 
He nods, speeding up just enough, just like he knows you need. Eddie squares his jaw as he listens to the sloppy wet sound of his fingers between your legs. Your jaw drops, brow creases; blissful agony. Eddie steals another kiss, soaking up the little noises you make when you’re close, the noises that make him throb in his jeans. 
“Come on, sweetheart. Come for me.” 
You leave the marks of your teeth on his leather-clad shoulder, biting back your moan as you obey. Eddie makes you come hard, making you drip over his silver rings. Eddie has to hold you up, keep you steady as your body convulses with absolute bliss. You hold on like he’s your life raft; he is your life raft - steady and sure when you falter or fall.
Eddie keeps you close, basking in your glow as you catch your breath. The hand on your thigh moves, cups and cradles the back of your head so you don’t bust it too hard against the wall. 
“Fuck, baby. That was a big one.” He smiles when you smile, pliant and lazy, brushing kisses and praise against your hot cheek. He reaches to prop the stool beneath you to take your leaden weight. 
“There she is, my pretty princess.” When you open your eyes, you can see the flush on his cheeks and the pulse of the vein in his neck. 
You’re so utterly spoiled by this man. You kiss his lips, softer now as you come back to life, to earth. You’re shaky, breathless but you feel alive. You feel loved. 
“That was… Full marks, no notes.” 
Eddie raises a fist, triumphant like John Bender. “I know what my baby needs.”
He makes you giggle and bite your lip as he licks the taste of you from his fingers. “Sweet.”
You pass him your open beer to down as his prize, as you put yourself back together, sliding your ruined underwear off over your boots to use in lieu of a rag. 
Eddie snatches them just as you consider trashing them (not that you were going to, they weren’t cheap). “Mine.” He’s breathless from sucking down the fizzy beer as tucks them into his pocket.
Your laugh is shaky but you don’t even fight him on it. It’s not the first pair he has pocketed mid-shift, nor will it be the last. 
He shoves them against his nose for good measure, living up to the accusation. “Oh yeah. That’s the good shit.” He winks before shoving them back inside his leather jacket, right by his heart. A romantic pervert at least. 
“That keep you going for the rest of the night? Until I get you home?” Eddie asks, before starting on the second beer; he shares a few sips with you.
“Mm, just about. You have promises to keep, rockstar,” you say, pulling him in with fingers hooked in his belt loops. “I wanna return the favour but ‘Chelle will kill both of us if we disappear again…”
“I’ll survive. Be strong.” He musters up faux courage as you press kisses to his face. 
“My brave boy.”
Your arms wind around each other, hugging and holding your other half close. 
“Y’feeling a bit better than earlier?” Eddie runs his hands up and down your back; his voice is sincere and sober.
“Mmhm. Much better. Not just ‘coz you made me come. But that did help.” You smile and tuck your head under his chin. 
He hums a happy noise and presses his lips to your head. “Glad to be of cervix. I mean, service.” 
“Ugh. Really?” You can feel him laughing, shaking with it. 
“It’s a good one!”  “Eddie, my love - what’s a cervix?” “It’s like…womb-adjacent.” You can hear his smugness. “Hmm, don’t need to know how you know that.” “Did biology three times.” “Oh. Okay.” 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting. You tilt your head to look up at him and smile when he kisses you again. 
“If I help you clean up later we can get fries on the way home. You’re going to need your strength, baby.” 
His eyes glint with that look that makes your tummy flutter. 
Eddie cups your face and kisses you with a soft sweetness, something like a peach, that contrasts with his filthy promises of taking you apart and putting you back together later. 
He helps you up from the stool, making sure your knees don’t buckle and your skirt is pulled down properly to cover up your lack of underwear. 
Eddie makes you spin for him, admiring you with his kiss-bitten lip between his teeth. “Mm, one more time for me?” 
You roll your eyes at him before tucking yourself under his arm.
“Love you.” Eddie pulls you in for one more peck before opening the back door for you. 
“Love you more, rockstar.” You feel like a girl being walked to homeroom as he smooches one more kiss against your cheek. 
As he backs away, not wanting to be the first to turn, Eddie points a finger at you, “Love you most.” 
You roll your eyes, grinning anyway as he backs around the corner with the Bender-fist raised in the air again. 
Eddie Munson might be a flirt, such a flirt, but he is all yours.
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Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs and comments are absolutely adored and cherished ❤️ 
Tags: @oneforthemunny @munsonmecrazy @parmawiolets
481 notes · View notes
bluewxrld07 · 4 months
She's All I Wanna Be (Trevor Zegras)
Trevor Zegras x Reader - Instagram AU
Warning(s): Angst
Summary: Based off Tate McRae's song She's All I Wanna Be :)
dixiedamelio just posted a photo!!
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liked by charlidamelio, mileycyrus, trevorzegras, and 1,250,542 others
dixiedamelio Inner Miley Cyrus Bangerz era.... oh and pc to Z
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user1 ok but her suit slays
user2 anybody else notice she didn't tag Trevor? Little sis if you ask me
user3 We all know they're together at this point. They just don't want to rip the bandaid off
user2 Right? We all know he dumped yourusername to be with Dixie. He's just trying to avoid confirmation
charlidamelio 🦆
addisonrae Bod goals af
trevorzegras 😳
trevorzegras sorry still in awe of u
user4 He doesn't even try to hide it
yourusername just posted a photo!
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liked by jackhughes, yourbff, jamiedrysdale, colecaufield and 1,475,998 others
yourusername you want the girl with the small waist, and the perfect smile
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user1 She's always been so gorgeous I am obsessed w/her
user2 Glad to see a model who has the same body type as me owning it 🥰
user3 Yeeesshhhh Trevor's loss
user4 Why would she post something like this when her body looks like that? It's actually horrendous 🤢
user1 This is what healthy looks like first off? Second off she's a gym influencer who heavy lifts? What's your talent? Tell me her confidence levels are annoying you without actually telling me fr user4
yourbff Currrrves for daysss
yourbff Hottie w/ a body??!
jackhughes Bestie looking fine as always
yourbff um jackhughes bye she's my bff get your own bff since your last one has a trashy looking type jackhughes Shhhh don't expose me like that we don't claim it
trevorzegras just posted a photo!
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liked by charlidamelio, dixiedamelio, alexturcotte, and 1,045,609 others
trevorzegras Obsessed w/ u
tagged: dixiedamelio
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user1 well this wasn't on my bingo card
user2 omg isn't that Charli's sister? I forgot her name. What does she do???
user1 I'm dead, you really clowning her lmfao user2
user3 So much prettier than what's her face
user4 I miss yourusername
user5 It's the fact that she's back to her darker hair? Anyone finding that a little weird?
dixiedamelio All heart eyes for you 😘
yourusername just posted a photo!
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liked by yourbff, jackhughes, tatemcrae, gigihadid, and 2,649,913 others
yourusername if you say she's nothing to worry about, then why'd close your eyes when I said it out loud?
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jackhughes Bring me my matcha latte
yourusername I'd already be there if someone didn't drop it, so we're getting you a new one jackhughes yourbff It wasn't my fault the door didn't announce its presence..... jackhughes only you'd blame the door yourbff
user1 Literally love this girl
user2 Kinda crazy Trevor posts Dixie right after yourusername posted. He also never posted her, so what makes Dixie so different lmao
user3 what’s crazier is that Dixie literally just dyed her hair blonde and cut it so short, to now having dark hair and extensions 🤔
yourbff You look sooo good
yourbff IM obsessed w/ YOU
user4 The shade lmfao crazy
dixiedamelio posted a photo!
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liked by noahbeck, charlidamelio, tanamongeau, trevorzegras and 3,146,098 others
dixiedamelio thanks vanity fair for the fun day 💅🏼
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user1 ohhhh boy…
user2 Yeah it’s scary how much she’s tryna look like yourusername
tanamongeau Wow Dix ballsy as fuck lmao
yourbff interesting.
user3 SO glad yourbff sees it too
user4 Dixie can try to look like her, but she won’t ever be able to lift like her. Bet she can’t lift anything over ten pounds
jackhughes just posted a photo!
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liked by yourbff, colecaufield, l_hughes03, yourusername and 5,973,899 others
jackhughes We can lay on her and she still doesn’t feel a thing. Probably could lift us both with her eyes closed
tagged: yourusername, colecaufield
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user1 I’m living for Jack being on her side during this lmfao
user3 Let’s see Dixie try to remake this photo bahahah
yourbff Pretty sure you all fell asleep like that too
yourusername we did lmfao
colecaufield comfiest I’ve ever slept
jackhughes 10/10 recommend
yourbff Writing out the yelp review rn
l_hughes03 I call top next time
yourbff just posted a photo!
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liked by tatemcrae, yourusername, colecaufield and 1,347,856 others
yourbff I was just as amazed as Tate was when y/n lifted me onto her back. Carrying me on her back as well as she did with her last relationship. Stupid boy making her so sad
tagged: tatemcrae, yourusername
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tatemcrae That last line in your caption sounding a little familiar 🤔🤔
tatemcrae But also me next, me next!!
jackhughes I walked in on this
l_hughes03 I walked out on this
colecaufield I wanna be in on this
yourusername you’re all a pain in my ass on this
yourbff We just love you ok
*liked by yourusername, jackhughes, l_hughes03, colecaufield and tatemcrae*
user1 This friendgroup is what I strive to have in life
user2 Dixie kicking and punching air rn
*liked by yourbff*
dixiedamelio posted a photo!
Tumblr media
liked by charlidamelio, trevorzegras, jamiedrysdale, alexturcotte and 4,137,980 others
dixiedamelio all mine plus bff
tagged : trevorzegras, alexturcotte
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user1 Girl keep him lmfao nobody gonna steal him like you did to yourusername
*liked by yourbff*
user2 Nah man not Alex bro rip 🥲🥲
trevorzegras all yours ❤️
charlidamelio He wanted someone he could show off whenever you go out
dixiedamelio I’ll wear a tight mini black dress with all my friends around 💅🏼
user3 ohhhh she PETTY petty
user4 Her and her sister wanna be besties with Tate and yourusername so bad omfg it’s a headache
*liked by yourbff and tatemcrae*
tanamongeau I think I’ve seen similar posts like these somewhere….🤔
yourusername posted a photo!
Tumblr media
liked by jackhughes, tatemcrae, yourbff, trevorzegras and 7,247,113 others
yourusername I’m all she wanna be so bad
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user2 Not her turning the lyrics around to call out Dixie oop
tatemcrae lyric change approved 😚❤️
yourusername 🥰💅🏼
yourbff kind of like this version better
tatemcrae Glad I’m not the only one
jackhughes Permission to call you mommy after seeing this post?
yourusername denied
yourbff denied
tatemcrae denied
l_hughes03 Wow you got rejected more than me my Freshman year at Umich jackhughes
colecaufield The better looking ex
user3 It’s the fact Trevor liked the post too I’m dead
*liked by yourbff and yourusername*
399 notes · View notes
ryker-writes · 1 year
Hi.. ok let me just be straight about this because I'm bad at talking tbh but hi, i love your azul and vil angst siblings thing a lot since i love angst and you write angst so beautifully, so i wish to request sibling angst for leona, riddle or idia (preferably leona but you can choose btw) thanks for reading this and if you don't want to do it thats fine bestie<33
(a new one if someone hasn't taken 🃏 Anon yet)
Thank you so much 🃏 anon! It really warms my heart to hear that. I'll happily write more! This one is going to be for Leona since I already wrote one for Riddle and Idia's will be written soon
I can't decide if I like this one as much as some of my other ones...let me know what you guys think
Request rules and Masterlists
Broken Sibling relationships
Leona as a sibling (Broken relationship)
the third child of the Kingscholar family
that's what you are
that's what you're known as
the third, and least important child of the Kingscholar family
ever since you were a child, that became clear
your two big brothers carried much more importance
mostly the oldest, Falena
anytime gifts were given to the three of you, there would be a clear order of things
Falena always got the biggest and best gifts
Leona got the second best every time
and you got whatever was left
that is, if there was anything left
there have been many times where there would only be enough for your brothers
that or one of them took extra and you were left with nothing
since you were born last, you had to be the one left with their scraps
that word alone pretty much describes your life
it was a constant theme that you were reminded of day after day
playing games with your older brothers was always fun
as long as the game didn't involve the players being first, second, or third
those games would always end the same
Falena was very talented, so wins and first place was almost always handed to him naturally
Leona would always try as hard as he could to beat Falena, but always had to settle for second
and you never had any chance trying to catch up to their abilities
they were much older, and much better at games
so you would always be deemed last place or the loser of every game
and after each game, the servants would talk
"Did you see? Prince Leona got second place again. He's no match for Prince Falena. He never wins against him."
"Yeah, well at least Leona can keep up with Falena and put up a bit of a fight."
"That's true. Last place is where the weakest belong."
they were right
in beastman culture, last place is for the weakest
and in a lions pride, weaker children can be left behind to fend for themselves
that's the last thing you want
so you tried not to let what they said get to you, and continued playing games with your brothers
as long as you were with your brothers, they wouldn't leave you behind
Falena was always super happy to involve you in whatever he was doing
Leona...was less enthusiastic
most of the time it didn't seem like he cared
if you wanted to spend time with Leona, you had to ask him and set everything up yourself just for him to put in minimal effort or fall asleep halfway through
it was hard to feel like he didn't consider it a waste of his time
you'd keep trying, but it never made much of a difference with him
eventually, Falena was crowned king and even got married and had a kid
so he had other, more important things to do than spend time with you
it was heartbreaking, but it's not like you could spend much time with him anyway since you were going to Night Raven College
but at least Leona was still at the school with you
you two were even in Savanaclaw together
you had hoped that you could still spend a little bit of time with Leona since you no longer had Falena to hang out with
but he no longer had time for you
whenever you asked about hanging out with him or playing a game of chess (which you know he loves), he would always say he was busy
and most of the time that was a complete lie
everyone in the dorm knows he spends most of his time sleeping
the only times he wasn't sleeping was when he was practicing spelldrive
you were starting to get tired of asking and getting turned down each time
so, you decided to ask one last time
it was later in the day when you found him by Savanaclaw's pool
a nice relaxing environment meant he would be in a better mood
but you knew better than to get your hopes up
you asked if he was up for a game of chess and even offered to set it up
and all you got in response was a no
of course he would turn you away again
that's all he did
you just had to ask
"Why? Why do you always say no?"
he let out a deep sigh
"Because I don't want to waste my time on weaklings."
there it was
he only sees you as a weakling, and not worth his time
somewhere along the way, he had already left you behind
and you never realized it
Leona was the only one that had time for you anymore, but he doesn't even want to spend it with you
the weakest one has been left behind to fend for themselves
you stopped trying with Leona after that
if you were being honest, the only reason you kept trying for so long was because he was the only one you had left
but that's over now and you're on your own
occasionally you would see him around Savanaclaw and pass by him, but he never even glanced your way
it was almost like you didn't even exist to him
you might as well not have been a Kingscholar anymore
but then you started seeing him around less
the spelldrive tournament was around the corner, he was most likely practicing
you used to go watch him as he played and cheer him on
...but he probably doesn't want you there anymore
actually, you could probably go to watch the other teams
Leona probably wouldn't notice if you were there anyway
Diasomnia has been playing very well these past few years, so it might be fun to watch them
so on the day of the tournament, you went to watch the games
since Diasomnia won last year, they would be up for the first game
but as the announcer started to introduce Diasomnia onto the field, the crowd around you started acting up and rushing towards the team
it was mass panic and everyone was screaming and stampeding towards the entrance of the coliseum
you got up and started to move with them, against your own will
no matter how much you tried to fight it, your body seemed to move on it's own
but you've been in Savanaclaw long enough to know who's magic this is
how Ruggie was able to control and entire stadium of people, you had no idea
but you turned to try and get back into the coliseum as soon as the spell wore off
the crowd was thick and it was hard to push through, but you had to
if the people were all being herded like sheep, something bad is happening
as you pushed through, a heavy aura of magic flooded the air
someone was certainly using a lot of magic in there
you finally made it to the entrance of the coliseum
standing in the field was Leona covering in blot and fighting many Heartslabyul students
even now, he was looking down upon everyone in front of him with such hatred and anger
not even Ruggie was spared from his attacks
but you got there just as the battle was ending, and Leona was defeated
the blot left his system and he collapsed to the ground
he was fine
for a brief moment, Ruggie saw you and stared
but Leona wouldn't want you here, even now
so you left without a word
you didn't end up going back to the tournament after that, but it went well from what you heard
Savanaclaw even made it pretty far considering everything that happened
Cheka ended up finding you after it all and you got to play with the little cub
to be honest it was a lot of fun, probably the most you've had in a while
sadly, he left you after a while to go find Leona
the days followed after that were pretty normal
...except for the fact that Ruggie was following you around more
he watched whatever you did throughout the day, and then left
but the one day he didn't follow you, you found Leona waiting for you in Savanaclaw with a chess game set up, and waiting for another player
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
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Vampire!Eris x reader
Summary: Eris Vanserra, King of vampires in Prythian, and his bride-to-be celebrate her decision to truly spend forever together. @erisweek2023
A/n: I give you king vampire Eris and his very devoted queen! Eris week has been so much fun, I’ve loved reading everyone’s fics/hc/posts/blurbs, edits, and art! This fandom is so freakin talented and I’m so happy to be on here with you guys❤️ I decided to add links to pictures from Pinterest that I pictured while writing this so don’t forget to click on those besties
Warnings: blood, drinking blood, murder, and I wanna say suggestive
Walking through the garden the skirts of my night black gown dragged over the gravel, my hand outstretched to graze over the soft leaves of the maze of rose bushes I'm following. Reaching the center of the garden I take in the vivid colors of the flowers in the sun.
Closing my eyes I lift my head to take in the comforting embrace of the sun one last time. Tonight is my Turning Ceremony. When Eris proposed last month he gave me the choice of joining him for true eternity as a Vampire, or staying as just Fae until I faded into the After World.
I didn’t think Eris would be able to handle my passing after only a thousand years together. And I couldn’t let my love be heartbroken forever.
Deciding to take a reprieve from the sun I head further into the garden where the roses reside. The white roses are my favorite. Along with the white marble and stone gazebo Eris had built for me when I first moved to the castle.
He took me in when my village kicked me out after accusing me of my fathers murder. I wanted to go somewhere that no one would follow. There had been rumors about the castle on the edge of the dark wood. People were terrified of the place, not even looking in its direction if they could help it. But not me. I had come up with my own stories about the dark castle as a girl. So that’s where I went.
Mine and Eris’s relationship took time. But it was well worth the wait. The King shows me nothing but love and kindness.
I stop and smell the roses. They look so lovely, reflecting the sun's bright rays. I suppose the next time I see them they will look more gray. I have no problem giving up the day time. I was always more of a night owl anyways. My parents constantly struggled to get me to go to sleep at a proper time.
Sitting, I close my eyes again and listen to the creatures of the day. I smile to myself at the buzz of the bees, the rabbits rushing through the brush, and the birds calling to each other. Letting my unbound hair rest behind my shoulders, letting the warm breeze wash over me. Days feel busy but peaceful. It’ll be nice to sit out here at night with Eris. In a quieter peace.
A male behind me clears his throat, one of the Fae day servants. I turn to look at the male over my shoulder with a small smile, “Francis, how are you?” He returns your smile, “Well my lady. And you? Your big evening is coming up.”
“Excited. I just want it to go well. For Eris’s sake.” Francis nods in agreement. “Speaking of the King, he requests your presence in his study.” I stand and let Francis lead me back through the garden and through the iron gate back to the castle grounds.
When we reach the doors to Eris’s study Francis stands to the side, letting me take it from here. Knocking on the door I hear Eris’s gruff voice tell me to come in. He must be concentrating on something.
I gently swing the door open and close it quickly. The grand chandelier and candles are the only light source in the room. I notice Eris has the heavy, dark velvet curtains pulled tight against the windows, not wanting to let a sliver of daylight in.
Eris’s study is one of my favorite rooms in the whole castle. It just feels so…him. He has items from things he is interested in scattered amongst the shelves, maps from ages ago, books that look like they would turn to dust if you held them.
The sofas were quite comfortable as well. When I first started getting to know Eris, and was comfortable being around him alone, we spent many nights here just talking. Enjoying a drink or two until one of us would call it a night. Or a day in his case. Mine soon.
I step up the raised platform where his desk sits and stand next to him, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. Eris perks up and smiles at me. He takes my hand from its resting place and places soft kisses all over the back of it. “My sweet, how are you feeling today?”
“Happy, my love.” Eris’s smile widens at my words. He was overjoyed when I told him I would turn for him. I don’t think I had seen that much emotion from him. Eris hadn’t stopped showing me that joy.
Eris pushed his chair back, patting one of his muscular thighs for me to sit on. I drape my arms around his shoulders and sit, resting my head on his chest. “Are you nervous at all?” I adjust my neck to look up at him and start to play with the ends of his long auburn hair that’s tied back today. “A little. I just want everything to be perfect is all.”
Eris hums. “It will be my sweet. I will be there with you every step of the way.” Eris brings his hand to cup the back of my neck. His thumb brushed over the small puncture scars from his fangs when he marked me as his. I shiver at the touch.
“Thank you, Eris.” He kisses the top of my head and stands, placing me on the ground as well.
Cupping my face with both hands he stares deeply into my eyes. “I love you so much, y/n. I don’t say this enough, but you have made me the happiest male in the whole world. And I’m so happy it is you who will be by my side forever.”
I feel tears prick at my eyes as Eris rests his forehead against mine. “Oh Eris, you make me so happy too.” I rise up on my toes and connect my lips to his in a short but passionate kiss. It pained me to pull apart from him but I must get ready for tonight. The party will start immediately after sundown and the other lords are already on their way.
“I have to go, my love. I’ll see you later.” Eris gives me one last parting kiss after walking me to the doors. As I walk down the hall towards my chambers I wring my hands to get out my nerves. Tonight would be perfect. And everything will be fine.
Ophelia finished pinning my hair up in a soft, romantic bun with a few strands of hair left loose in my face. When she moved away I turned to check my dress one last time. Staring straight at my reflection I smooth down my red silky dress.
“It’s time my lady.” Ophelia said in a sing-song voice. She holds my door open for me and I float out into the hall.
As I get closer to the ballroom the chattering of our guests gets louder and louder. I stop behind the closed double doors and wait to announced.
I take one last deep breath before putting a stoic look on my face. To show that I’m ready and willing to take this next step.
Eris’s lead advisor announces my arrival and the doors open. Revealing the crowd parted down the middle of the room. Eris’s throne has been moved in here for the occasion. He sits at the end of the makeshift aisle. A long blood-red carpet separating us.
He looks otherworldly in his white suit. The gold embellishments glinting in the candle light that surrounds him. Eris smiles at me, beckoning me forward. Giving me a look that says, you don’t need to worry my sweet it’s just you and me.
I take a step, then another and another. Remembering to pace myself. To not look too eager or too hesitant.
I finally reach Eris with a stupid grin plastered on my face. All stoicism melting away. Before I could kneel at his feet and expose my neck to him he stood.
There were scattered murmurs among the crowd. I couldn’t be bothered to worry about what anyone was saying. Not when Eris is holding my chin between his fingers and looking at me like I’m the only person in the room. “Remember,” he whispers, “I’m here every step of the way.”
I give him a small smile and nod. “Ready?” “Ready.”
Eris turns me to the crowd. As he gives his speech about this being the first Turning Ceremony in two hundred years and he’s glad to give the lords and his subjects to celebrate, I look around the room. I take in the vampire lords for the first time. They’re all so different. I’ll have to ask Eris more about the different courts if I’m to be his queen soon.
As Eris finishes his speech and my attention is brought back to him. He leans down to whisper in my ear. “You smell divine, my sweet. Sinking my fangs into you this evening will be even better than before.” Eris noses down my neck, taking in my scent.
He stops right at my puncture scar and licks. I start getting impatient and push my neck subtly at his mouth. He lets out a breathy chuckle that tickles my skin. “Someone’s eager.” You tsk at him. “Close your eyes and breathe.”
I do as he says in anticipation of the feeling of his fangs sinking into me. After a few more seconds that euphoric pain spreads through me. The intimate scene taking place in front of everyone causing my cheeks to have a pink tint. I bite my lip to hold my moans back.
Eris sucks and sucks and I feel something else. This pain is different than when Eris usually feeds on me. This was the venom Eris prepared me for. It was excruciating. My skin feels tight and clammy. My brain going fuzzy. I feel my canines expand and become sharper.
Eris releases me, wiping at the blood still trickling from my neck.
I can already feel the venom affecting me. Changing my needs and instincts. My mouth feels dry and my tongue heavy. Like a lump of sand I can’t swallow in the middle of my mouth. The mingling of different scents overwhelms me.
Before I know it Eris is sitting me on his throne and snapping at two guards off to the side of the room.
They bring in a Fae female dressed in simple dark robes and force her to her knees at my feet. She looks up at me, closes her eyes, and tilts her neck for me. She must be one of the many Children of the Blessed who sacrifice themselves for these rare rituals.
“For you, my sweet.” Eris says, his voice echoing around the still silent room. I can practically hear everyone holding their breath in anticipation. “Drain her and complete your Turning.” Eris backs away to stand with the court Lords.
I don’t need to be told twice. I grab the female on both sides of her face. I yank her towards me with my new found strength and lean down to sniff her neck. Just like Eris did to me. Her blood is the best thing I’ve smelt in my whole life. Better than any dessert or meal. Better than my favorite white roses.
Without a second thought I bite down into her supple skin and drink like I’m new to the world. The nameless female I drink from occasionally screams from the pain I’m inflicting on her. In the haze of my feeding I’m sure I tried to tell her to be quiet.
Once I feel her go limp I don’t stop. I can’t stop. Not until she’s dry. Not until I’m satisfied.
I can taste the last of her blood coming up. It reminds me of the last of the liquid left in a teapot. I detach myself from her, letting her body fall to the floor. Blood dribbles down my chin and onto my exposed chest. Looking up I search for Eris.
Eris was staring at me with piercing, wild eyes. The corners of his pale lips upturned in a wicked grin. He was looking at me like he had never seen something so beautiful. The sight of me covered in blood, committing myself even further to him brought him joy.
I started to wipe the female's blood from my chin, smearing it on my hands. Eris was before me in an instant. His pale slender hand wrapped around my wrist bringing my hand to his mouth to lick. To taste what my first drink tasted like.
A low growl came from his chest as his eyes closed. I fell forward, still a little weak from the venom and feeding for the first time. My bloody hands leave marks on his crisp white jacket.
Cheers erupt around us. Our guests ecstatic to have a new vampire in their midst. I smile up at my stunning fiancé. The love of my life. My King. I feel like I’m seeing him in a whole new light. Like he’s brighter, more clear.
My smile shows off my fangs and the blood coating my teeth. “Hi.” I whisper at him. The party was in full swing now. Our guests back to chatting and enjoying the music.
“Hello, my sweet.” Eris thumbs at the sharpness of one of my fangs. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” His voice smooth and deep.
“Shall we join the party?” He shakes his head a little, “Not yet. I want to admire you like this for a bit longer.”
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gunilslaugh · 7 months
The One I Like
Hello! Hello! I'm actually really excited about this post because it is a collab with @odesonnets!!! (They're my blog bestie here on Tumblr 💕) part 2 here
Han Hyeongjun
Summary: Seungmin is your longtime best friend and his members are convinced that you two are secretly dating. Little did they know it was one of them who was actually in your heart.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Over the course of yours and Seungmin’s friendship the two of you have been mistaken as a couple numerous times. At one point your own parents even questioned you about the true nature of the relationship between you and Seungmin. The truth was that you and Seungmin were best friends. That was it. There has never been any romantic feelings between you two.
Alas no matter how much you both tried to set the record straight it seemed like there was always someone(s) who insisted that you guys were a couple. Right now those someones being Seungmin’s members, Xdinary Heroes.
“Anytime I tell the members that I’m hanging out with you they tell me to have fun on my date and it’s starting to get so annoying,” Seungmin stated as he entered your room and flopped down onto your bed. He grabbed a pillow to rest his head on and let out a huff. 
“Haven’t you told them that we’re just friends?” you checked as you climbed onto the bed, sitting criss crossed and bringing a pillow to hold on your lap. 
“I correct them everytime, but they just don’t seem to believe me. They’re convinced that we’re dating, but don’t want to admit for whatever reason,” Seungmin explained. You let out an annoyed sigh of your own. 
“Hyeongjun thinks that we’re dating too?” you asked in a disappointed voice. Seungmin props himself up on his elbows to send you a sympathetic look. He knows all about your hopeless pining over his bandmate, because he can’t escape it. He always has to hear you go on and on about how much you like him. To which he always teases you for being down bad for him.
“You’re so lucky.” You randomly told Seungmin. He quirks up an eyebrow in confusion. 
“What?” he asked. 
“You get to see Hyeongjun everyday,” you say. 
“Here we go again,” Seungmin muttered under his breath. Getting ready to listen to you rant about Hyeongjun, yet again.
“You know how lucky that is right? You get to be with a cute, talented, amazing, handsome, cool, heart fluttering.” Seungmin stopped listening by this point, but you kept listing Hyeongjun’s qualities. 
“Y/n if you really think that he’s so great tell him yourself!” Seungmin raised his voice slightly.
“I can’t. I don’t know how to talk to him,” you whined. 
“You’ve hung out with him before,” Seungmin stated. 
“That was a group thing with you and the rest of the members. Plus my heart was beating so fast when I was standing beside him I could barely form coherent sentences.”
“You are truly pathetic,” he told you. 
“I know leave me alone,” you grumbled. 
Seungmin was currently walking you back home after you had game night with them at their dorm. You were walking with a dopey smile on your face, occasionally giggling as you kept your fingers pressed to a spot on your forehead. 
“Have you actually lost your mind?” Seungmin looked at you with a very judgemental look.
“He flicked me so gently.” You smiled like an idiot. You had lost a game and the other players getting to flick your forehead was the penalty. While some members showed you no mercy, cough Jiseok, other members were much nicer i.e Hyeongjun. It only made you more lovesick for him.
“Ok, yes, you’ve gone completely delusional,” Seungmin declared. You dropped your hand from your forehead and swatted Seungmin in the arm. 
“I have not!” you refuted. “I just really like him,” you claimed as you awkwardly kicked a stone from the pavement. 
“I know you do.” Seungmin patted your head.
Looking back Seungmin really doesn’t know how his members think that he is the one you like. Obviously he knows that they are oblivious to all of your helpless pining. They’re never around you to witness your heart eyes when Hyeongjun posts a new selca or hear you talk about how great he is and how much you like him, but how did they fail to notice your pink cheeks wherever you are around Hyeongjun. How you stand just a bit closer to him compared to the other members. The way your eyes seemingly always find their way to look at him. To Seungmin it was obvious that you liked Hyeongjun, but was it not so obvious to someone with an outside perspective?
“I don’t know for sure.” Seungmin tried to give you some bit of hope. “I mean he plays along with the others when they tell me to have fun on my date with you and stuff, but that’s it. He never instigates that we’re dating. He has never asked me if we’re actually dating or not either, so I don’t know,” he explained. You nodded your head. However you’re not really sure what to make out of that information. Was it good or bad that Hyeongjun never asked if you and Seungmin were actually dating? Does he not ask cause he thinks it’s true or does he not ask because he thinks it isn’t true? Does he simply not care if you and Seungmin are dating or not? 
Suddenly a pillow is thrown at you snapping you from your thoughts. 
“I could see the wheels turning in your head. Was probably about to see smoke coming out of your ears any second.” Seungmin teased you. In retaliation you hit Seungmin back with the pillow you had on your lap. Seungmin laughs.
“It’s not funny. It’s bad if Hyeongjun believes that we’re dating,” you pouted. 
“Then how about you just tell him that you like him and end our dating rumors,” Seumgmin tells you.
“I can’t do that. There’s no way that he likes me back, especially if he thinks that we’re dating.” 
“What if I found out what he thinks then? I’ll ask him if he thinks that we’re dating or not?” Seungmin suggested. 
“What if he does think that we’re dating?” you expressed your concern. 
“I’ll very vehemently tell him that we’re not. That you are very much single…..and hopelessly in love with him,” he teased you at the end. 
“You better not tell him the last part!” you yelled, hitting him with your pillow once more. Seungmin laughs menacingly and hits you back with his pillow, turning it into a pillow fight. 
Seungmin returned back to the dorm after spending a few hours with you. 
“Back from your date?” Jooyeon played as soon as he saw Seungmin come in through the door. 
“It wasn’t a date. How many times must I tell you guys that y/n and I are just friends?”
“Seungmin, it's ok. You can tell us the truth.” Jiseok now joined in on the fun. 
“The truth is that we’re best friends,” Seungmin emphasized the last two words.
“Maybe it’s y/n who doesn’t want to say that they’re dating. Maybe they’re scared about Seungmin receiving backlash from it, so they're the one insisting that they are just ‘best friends’” Gunil spoke as he entered the room. Seungmin let out a sigh, bringing his hands up to rub his face.
“No, we say that we are best friends because that’s what we are,” Seungmin spoke sternly. 
“Ok,” Jooyeon said. 
“Sure,” Jiseok chimed. 
“If you say so,” Gunil added. It was clear that none of them believed him. Seungmin was becoming very annoyed with them, but right now what they thought didn’t matter. What Hyeongjun thought is what mattered.
Seungmin went to find Hyeongjun and found him in his room, sitting on the bed strumming on his guitar. 
“Hey Hyeongjun can I talk to you?” Seungmin asked.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Hyeongjun responded, setting his guitar aside. 
“Do you think that y/n and I are actually dating?” he prompted. Confusion came over Hyeongjun’s face. 
“Why?” Hyeongjun asked perplexed. 
“I need you to know that we’re not dating. We are just friends,” Seungmin told. 
“..Ok?” Hyeongjun thought that Seungmin was acting strange. 
“Don’t fall for it, Hyeongjun. They’re definitely dating,” Jungsu said as he entered the room. Seungmin face palms. Why? Jungsu why? He thinks. 
“Ah, is Seungmin trying to convince Hyeongjun that him and y/n are just friends?” Gunil enters the room right behind Jungsu. 
“We really are just friends.” Seungmin feels like he’s snapping. 
“Why does it matter if they’re friends or dating though?” Hyeongjun put to question. 
“Because y/n is hopelessly in love with you,” Seungmin slipped. 
“What!” Gunil, Jungsu and Hyeongjun yelled in unison. Seungmin smacked his hand over his mouth. You were so going to kill him.
…to be continued.
part 2
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Yuuma propaganda:
“he can be yuor everything <3
im not even kidding like he has taken on so many different roles he can be your dream man (horse?) whatever your type is
he has
-won a race for you
-gone skiing with you
-gone to the beach with you (he can surf)
-offered you his scarf when it was cold
-rescued you from trouble (multiple occasions)
-fought his rival for you (another horse with a handsome human face)
-fed you asparagus (homemade)
-gotten a job in construction
-become a rockstar (dedicated a song to you and let you live your wattpad fanfic life)
all this i listed off the top of my head. theres probably more he has done but i just cant remember
hes very talented and treats you right ✓ experience rapturous love today”
Maxwell propaganda:
“First of all he’s a silly goofy guy AND he’s extremely loyal and will always have your back. Within hours of meeting you, he decides his family will sponsor you in the competition to become the crown prince’s bride. He falls in love with you along the way, never expecting you’d choose him, the younger brother of a bankrupted duke, over the prince himself. Maxwell supports you through scandals and assassination attempts, eventually facing down his own father Barthelemy to protect you and your child from the former duke’s scheming. All this on top of the years he spent providing for his brother’s ex and her secret son, keeping them both safe and out of harm’s way simply because he cared. He’s always thinking of his friends, making them laugh and eagerly joining their crazy plans without ever expecting anything in return. His smile hides a sensitive side, a man who lost his mother at a young age and overcame body-image issues, yet still holds insecurities about his value to others. Maxwell is a sweetheart who always tries to do the right thing, and I still think about him years after playing The Royal Romance series.
Okay so it's a mobile gacha game, let's get that out of the way. BUT LISTEN. 
The premise of the story is that the MC is a regular waitress in New York, when a foreign prince and his friends come to her table as a way to have a bachelor party for the prince who will soon have to choose a woman to marry in a The Bachelor -type of contest. MC and the prince hit it off pretty well and one of his friends, Maxwell, decides to throw in his lot with the MC, since the house the future queen is from gets a lot of perks and his family is Broke. MC goes along bc her job sucks ass and she figures why not.
BUT THEN! As the competition progresses, the MC spends a lot of time with the prince and other nobles, yes, but also with Maxwell. And Maxwell is a clown-type comic relief character for most of the time, but also genuinely sweet and considerate, and very much on the same wavelength with the equal goofball MC. What for me personally changed the game was when MC and Maxwell dance at a ball together, and the MC can say that there's no one they'd rather dance with than Maxwell. I myself chose that in a completely platonic bestie way. But he gets a bit panicky and says to be careful not to let anyone hear things like that when MC is in the running for the hand of the prince so that no one gets any wrong ideas! And I went "....ideas? 👀"
“Unlike other romancable characters, Maxwell isn't romancable until book 2 (the previous scene is in book 1, each book ~20 chapters), and unlike other romance options, you really have to have your eyes set on him in order to unlock his route, and ohhh it's so worth it! The set-up of falling for the person who brought you there to marry someone else, to choose the jester when you were meant to have the king.... exquisite. 
The dynamic between MC and Maxwell is so fun and full of genuine affection, and while other characters can dismiss Maxwell as an unserious clown, MC is very much characterised by the dialogue as Getting him and loving to express joy in life the same way he does. When MC and Maxwell can finally marry, it feels like they're really choosing their best friend to spend their lives with and are so excited about it.
I know this wrestles in a league multiple times smaller than many of the other combatants, but the Maxwell romance in genuinely one of my favourites in any video game. Give him a chance!”
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taeriilight · 2 years
taerii back at it again brrr
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⭒ִׄ☆﹝ manifesting an SP
sp stands for 'specific person'. it can be a partner, a friend, a neighbour, girlfriend/boyfriend etc.
- you may have checked out several posts about this topic but imma break all that info down and share how I manifested lots of people 🤭 ( new students/classmates/a k-pop band )
𖤐 creating an SP //
- have a clear picture in your mind about what you want your sp to be like; their appearance, status, age, personality, background story, how you meet them, when do you meet them, where do you meet them, your relationship with them etc.
basically mentally prepare a whole wattpad scenario of how, where and when everything takes place etc. !!
try to visualize about them whenever you're free, don't worry and KNOW that they're on their way to you <3
𖤐 self concept xx //
- I highly recommend working on your self concept because often people that manifest their sps become insecure and start questioning if their sp will like them or not !!
so you need to work on your self concept about love, accept yourself the way you are, love yourself and know you are deserving of love <3
- try to change the way you *THINK* the world views you, flip those negative thoughts around
if you're worried that your sp might not feel the same way towards you then remember that everyone is you pushed out. your sp will think of you the way you think they will, so a good self concept helps a lot !!
- if you think you're unattractive then affirm "I'm attractive and pretty in my own way and everybody loves me the way I am"
- if you think you're not good enough then affirm "I am perfect the way I am, they will change their standards to love me and I don't have to change myself because I'm amazing"
basically know that you deserve love the way you are ^^
𖤐 know that your sp is yours //
think, assume, decide and persist.
decide that your sp will appear in your life the way you want, know that it's not impossible to manifest an sp.
you can listen to subliminals, affirm, visualize etc. but know that it's not needed once you know exactly what you want <3
let the law do it's thing and ry not to stress over it, trust the process ;)
𖤐 personal success stories //
͟͞=🦷 ˚⁎⁺˳ if you think manifesting an SP is impossible, then I'm here to share how I manifested 2 SP's and a wholeass k-pop band 💀
- a few years back when I DIDN'T even know about the law of assumption, I always wondered what it would be like to have a new boy in our class; and finally have a boy bestie !! I even made up a whole backstory of where he's from, when he meets me etc.
and guess what. guess TF WHAT.
that *exact* imaginary person took admission into our school in the exact year I had imagined-
I didn't notice at first but when I found out that HE WAS LITERALLY FROM THE EXACT PLACE I IMAGINED MY SP TO BE FROM
I WAS *SHOOK* ( beyond shook 💀 )
rn we're really good friends exactly the way I had imagined 😭
time taken: around two years ( *only because I had imagined him meeting me after two years from that time* )
method: visualising ( more like daydreaming because I didn't know loa was a thing back then )
- I remember when I was a 9 year old I always imagined a band of 4 really pretty and talented girls from *another* universe and basically they could travel between different universes and shi + they had their own animated avatars/show thingy too
and after a couple of years aespa debuted 💀👍
like the members are exactly how I imagined they'd be bye
time taken: 4/5 years ( I wasn't manifesting this I just liked to make up random scenarios lmao )
- here's a *really* quick one,
one morning I got on the bus and on my way to school, I randomly thought "it would be so fun if a cute new boy took admission in our class lmao" ( I swear the thought only lasted for like 5 seconds and then I completely forgot about it ) AND DUDE WHEN I REACHED MY SCHOOL THAT VERY DAY I FOUND OUT A NEW BOY TOOK ADMISSION IN OUR CLASS-
this was very surprising because we rarely get like 1 or 2 admissions in years 💀
time taken: 30 minutes
methods: just thought of it once, listened to a subliminal the night before ( my god mode sub 😭 )
goodluck manifesting
taerii 💋
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absolutebl · 7 months
This Week in BL - It's weird where I am right now, Okay?
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top. However, I've put quite a few on hold for travel reasons.
Oct 2023 Wk 4
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Only a few screen shots for you this week, my hotel wifi is actually THAT bad.
Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 8 - Classic unlucky in love failed crush on straight bestie = both v queer and v emo yaoi. I gotta say I like these actors way better in this than their previous series, and maybe that’s because Tew is more like Tul and I just like Meen better when he’s… erm… mean. All of which is to say, this is off to a wonderful start and I am about to lose my very sleep deprived little mind... ready for a ABL ecstasy rant?
"I play support because that way everyone is happy to see me show up," might be the single best moment of characterization BL has EVER seen.
Look here, in the grand cornucopia of BL universes this is my metaverse. It's pulp... but relatively high production. It has an established pair that I know I like... but who were given crap before. It's a tidy little script, it's not gonna run too long, and it's ALL the archetypes and tropes I love but rarely see. It's Japan's style otaku plus Korea's style gangster, Thailand's style friendship group, and it arrived out of NOWHERE. It's Korea's IP & money, Thailand's talent, and China's streaming service.
Do we know what the hell is going on?
No we do not.
Do we care when it's this much fun?
No we do not.
(In this I speak for everyone... no, EVERYONE.)
This show I why I got into BL.
Don't bother me with trifles. Me and My Dear Gangster Oppa are sailing off into the infinite pixilated sunset together, thank you very much.
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 11 of 12 - I managed to watch most of it on low rez before YT "discovered" I was in Asia and therefore could not be allowed to watch Asian shows. (AKA my VPN failed me.) But it seemed like a good ep.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Lucky Love ep 10 of 24 - I enjoyed this 2 part installment, it’s a bit of a sad sack recovery SAGA, but the acting is genuine, the couple believable, and the story felt particularly queer to me. 7/10 but close to an 8. It was really quite charming.
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However: Next week looks not good on many levels - it's horror and I spotted guitar. Which is even more horrific. 
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 - do temporal paradoxes exist in Thailand? That is the question. I gotta say Tor (Ongsa) is carrying this show and is doing a really great job, it's just the story itself doesn't resonate with me. Ugh it's so sad.
Is it, indeed, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
We only on ep 5 and had a full story arc already, there is A LOT more to go.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 9 of 10 eps - the fact that in losing Sky Venus also lost his surrogate family explains his resulting bitterness a little bit more. I wish we had gotten this back story much earlier. Still stupid pulp made me cry, which of course means it's back in my good books. This story is slow as fuck, but I'm going on a rollercoaster with it.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 11 of 13(?) - I love them, okay? All of them. This is a great sappy classic Taiwanese BL and it is my baby and you can’t take it away from me. MINE. 
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 8 of 10 - oh noes it got sad, I thought they would at least would have had drunken sex before the drama. Sigh. Still the kissing was good, as it should be from Taiwan.
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 4 of 5 - Amane is so brave. About being gay. Being out. Confessing. Its admirable if scary. Otherwise this ep was pretty slow. 
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Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga) 3-4 of 8 - how do I feel about this show? Conflicted. Are OnlyOneOf doing a great job? Yes, actually. Am I enjoying it? No, not really. Is this anyone's fault? I don't think so.
The little linguistic negotiation was cute tho. And we seem to have gotten idols kissing in a BL both in the same group, so that glass ceiling dildo has finally been broken.
NineMill are unexpectedly good, also KB plays a great evil ex. Of the 3, I think only Nine is good enough to go into acting permanently (but he's not tall enough). Still, all hail OnlyOneOf... kings of the "gay concept." You boys make me v nervous but as couple-branding goes, you just out branded Thailand. Mad props baibies. Legit never thought I'd see the day.
Trust Korea to be in it to win it.
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 6 of ? - i pretty much just forgot to watch this.
It's Airing But...
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 8 of 12 - I will try to watch and do a series review in November but... not sure I will be able to. Fingers crossed.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 8fin - completed but I couldn't catch the last ep, my final thoughts in Nov.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 12 fin - completed, but see afore mentioned YT issues. I'll review it in Nov. I anticipate better internet soon.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. 
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) - adaptation of Harada’s manga of the same name (which I did not like) about a convenience store clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Upcoming October BL
10/31 SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 1 of 14 - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
Upcoming November BL
11/3 Twins the series (Thailand ????) 1 of 10
11/17 Pit Babe (Thai) - Pavel my love!
11/19 Bake Me Please (OhmFluke but not, Thailand)
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Thailand) - horroresk
11/25 The Sign (Thailand) - horroresk
11/30 For Him the series (Thailand) - high heat
VIP Only (Taiwan) - may be delayed/canceled
Cooking Crush (OffGun, Thailand) - may be delayed, there some kinda gossip/rumor/shade happening at GMMTV
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (Korea) - this one may be DOA
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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My Universe - I just enjoyed the angle of this kiss shot.
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Uh huh. Sure, honey. (Bump Up Buisness)
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(Last week)
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crescencestudio · 3 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #38 | 2.27.24 ๋࣭⭑
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How is it already almost March omfg.
Anyways Happy Valentine's Day month!!! This year, I was swamped with work, so I didn't get a chance to make Valentine's Day art. I did make a Valentine's piece last year though.
BUT we did have beloved @magunalafay make these Valentine's Day cards this year for the community!!! <3 If you missed it, well Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!
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She made these as a gift, and I love her very much. Maguna u r so talented
This month was pretty busy for me, but I'm super happy with the progress made this month ^^ I feel like I've started the year off in a pretty good groove after it being all over the place for a hot second, yay!!!
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This past month, Etza and Druk's routes. With the revamped demo finishing its revisions, it left a lot more time for me to focus writing on full route development.
If you missed the announcement, I FINISHED Etza's first draft!!! YAAAYYY!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!
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That means 4/6 routes are finished in terms of the base writing, which is so exciting to MEEEEE. I've always seen Etza's draft as The Milestone because with their route finished, it would mean the four Central routes are done writing. And to me, while there's a good chuck of writing left, we are nearing the end of it.
There's only two routes left and that means it's about ~100k words which is CRAZY compared to when I had ~300k to write (:cries:). Even if that sounds like a lot, once I start chipping away at those routes, that 100k goes into the "double digits" aka 90k...80k... etc. and that makes me want to pee my pants
We also finished editing Druk's route, yay!!! So we reached a lot of milestones this month ^^
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We are nearing the end of the Vui background commissions. It's very bittersweet; I'm so used to mentioning him in my devlogs now </3 There's only like 3(?) more BGs left for him to make, and then all of the BGs for the game will be finished. Very Wild! I think Alaris will have 25ish BGs, and they are all Stunning.
It's been a while since I showed you all a BG, so I'll give you all a preview of one I just got in!
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Isn't it cozy? Guess whose house hehe
I personally have been doing a lot of sprite work this month to finish the final art assets for the demo. I added some expressions to Druk and Aisa that I'd been procrastinating (I don't even know why I was procrastinating them). And I finally finished Mom and Kimura's updated sprites! Patreon already saw them, but I'll show the new versions here too ^^
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Preview of Mom (left) and Kimura (right) updated sprites. Now everyone's sprite styles are cohesive YAY!!
Aside from sprite work, much of my "art" time has been on finishing up/putting together the last of the screens for the GUI. Specifically, I got THIS BABY up and running. She is my crowning glory.
Memory Screen to Replay Unlocked Free Time Dates
Oh my god.... You all have NO IDEA how much of a pain this was to code. There is a transparency gradient going on in the left and right B&W previews (courtesy of community programming angel feniks/shawna).
And then the effort to have the Titles and Descriptions of the Previewed Date change tilted me on Multiple Occasions. But we finally got it to work thanks to bestie @siyo-koy pointing out I just coded one stupid "if" statement wrong LJAFSLIEFJIEJ. But the effort was WORTH IT because I'm so proud of her!!! I hope you all like it too as a way to relive Free Time Dates. I had a lot of fun with the Titles and descriptions.
I also put together the Stats and Affection Screens
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Preview of Personality Stats & Affection Screens
So I coded both of them a bit differently from each other. The Personality Screen shows you a breakdown of your traits so far. Think of it like a pie graph! So in the preview picture, your choices indicate you are 33% Brave, 16% Charismatic, etc. I felt like this was a more natural way to portray personality rather than how many bravery points you've collected so far!
And then for Affection, it works in a more traditional way, where it counts it based on how many you've gotten out of the total amount you can get. This way, as the story progresses, how close you are to the person reflects how much your relationship as developed!
I've also added little descriptions underneath each that change depending on the percentage. So for example, if you have gotten 82% of the affection points for Kuna'a, the description of your relationship might change as well hehe
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Other than that, I've mainly focused on getting the demo together. We released the beta demo earlier this month (? LOL). And the feedback has been so kind!!
A lot of this month was spent polishing so that the demo can be ready for early access and eventually public release. I updated sprites, made sure music crossfades with each other so that transitions between soundtracks feel smoother, I added/polished all of the screens I needed to (e.g., Memory Room, Full Credits, Cleaning Music Room, Adding Stats Screens), and I FINALLY as of yesterday added the Voiced Lines!!
One thing I added in the Extended Demo that I'm really happy with is the use of Extended Pronouns (courtesy of Angel Feniks). Below is a preview of how it works now!
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Preview of Extended Pronouns Function. Credit to Feniks
Basically, you can choose multiple pronouns for yourself, including custom pronouns (e.g., xe/xem, fae/faer, etc.). On top of that, you can choose how often you'd like the pronouns to alternate (e.g., every line versus every scene) and what kind of terms you'd like to be used for you (e.g., neutral vs. masculine vs. feminine)!
Overall, the demo is getting closer and closer to release!!! Early Access will hopefully be ready by the end of this week or next, so if you all would like access to it, please feel free to subscribe to my Patreon for this upcoming month! Available to Wyvern tier ($5) and up.
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I didn't have any time to really play any games this month because I was drowning in work LMFAOSLJIEF. I did play the Threads of Bay demo by @lavendeerstudios and it was GORGEOUS! Very cute game with lovable characters and charming visuals. Andrew, I will have your number
Every other section was really long, so I'm going to throw it here even though it's not market research. But Intertwine recently hit 600 ratings, which is crazy. Thank you for still enjoying that game even if it's not one that is my main focus anymore. I'm really happy people still like it :on the verge of tears:
Anyways, this has been a long devlog. Here's to continuing to Ball in March. Hope you all have a great rest of your month, and I'll talk to you soon! <3
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baby-alien11 · 11 months
Y/N Ulrich and Jack Champion instagram interactions pt.2
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver @wenvierismycomfort @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo
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yn.ulrich, romeosanga, devyn_nekoda, and 231,195 more
jackchampion beach trip
tagged yn.ulrich
yn.ulrich it took us almost an hour to dig that hole in the shape of a heart, but we did it
› romeosanga it was fun to watch how both of you struggle to achieve it
› jackchampion and why you didn't help us?!
› romeosanga because I was having fun watching the scene
user1043 i love them so much
misstrinitybliss can I go with you the next time?
› yn.ulrich anytime you want my sweet child
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jackchampion, julrich21, melton, _xochitl.gomez and 102, 374 more
yn.ulrich he got a sunburnt and a smiley face
tagged jackchampion
jackchampion I'll go through thousand of sunburnts just to keep your sunscreen smiles on me
› yn.ulrich you're killing me of love
masonthegooding that is the ugliest smiley face I've ever seen
› yn.ulrich shut up and enjoy Paris or the anime expo
› yn.ulrich or I'll go with Amenah and tell her you are bullying us
user154 mom and dad are so cute
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yn.ulrich, tylergillett, camimendes, and 128, 025 more
jackchampion i'm sorry, i found this on the internet and i had to share it
yn.ulrich HAHAHAHAHAHA 💀
yn.ulrich i'm going to print this and hung it in the living room
user158 jack sharing memes of his girlfriend's dad is giving me life
romeo YOU DID NOT 💀💀
user0704 skeet is not going to be too happy about this
naiia this is pure gold
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jackchampion, julrich21, bucuaron and 100, 925 more
yn.ulrich i found another jackchampion
jackchampion THIS IS EVEN BETTER 💀💀💀
user819 are they having a meme war?
› user735 if they do, it's fun for everyone
melissabarreram lol
skeetulrich tornado, where did you find this? 😂
› yn.ulrich on the deep ends of the internet, dear father
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yn.ulrich, masonthegooding, julrich21 and 107, 491 more
jackchampion Tatum, I love you, but can you please stop biting my laptop and keep sleeping with Butters
yn.ulrich look at my baby, there's nothing behind those eyes
› jackchampion just pure chaos
user838 jack in his malewife era taking care of the cats
baileybass she's absolutely cute, but a menance to society
› user920 the perfect way to describe an orange cat
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jackchampion, _hayleyamber, tylergillett, and 113, 960 more
yn.ulrich I had the honnor to have a private class from the awesome Tristan Lucas who worked on one of my favorite movies this year which is Evil Dead Rise, so when dad told me he organized me a class with him I was literaly jumping in excitement
Thank you for teaching me techniques on doing VFX make up and advices on how to work on this part of the industry, and telling me stories about all the projects you've worked on, it was an honor meeting you and learning from you
tagged moments_in_oblivion
moments_in_oblivion it was a pleasure to teach you, Y/N, you have a great future ahead of you and I hope we can work togheter in the future
user395 this is disgusting and fascinating at the same time
sarah_woods bestie, can you do something like that on me so I can hava an excuse to miss classes
› yn.ulrich just tell me when bestie
jasminsavoy slay little one
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yn.ulrich, jackchampion, naiia and 6, 301 more
julrich21 things are bussy at the house, so they sent us to get lunch
tagged jackchampion
skeetulrich boys, that food better be complete by the time both of you arrive
› jackchampion *slowly stops eating fries*
› julrich21 *does the same*
user092 what is going on??
user187 i love how they included Jack and his mom into their family
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jackchampion, laurenvalera, jennaortega and 110, 351 more
yn.ulrich here comes a story time: since everyone knows, I spend part of my summers in the Riverdale set, often spending time in the girls trailers and the make up and hair stations, so when the Southside Serpents started to have more weight in the trama and with all the fake snake tattoos involved, I got obsessed and asked dad if I could get one real done, his answer was: when you're older and if you're still sure of getting it, you can
So now I'm nineteen, and still wanting it, so I got it done
thanks to _dr_woo_ who brought this tattoo to life and put up with my cries when the needle made contact with my skin
tagged _dr_woo_
jackchampion that is the most beautiful tattoo I've ever seen
› yn.ulrich I love you everyday, but today more for holding my other hand during the whole process
_dr_woo_ thank you for choosing me to do your first tattoo
willashaw that is the coolest tattoo
› yn.ulrich dude, it looks better on person
drewraytanner from honnorary serpent to oficial serpent
user1272 please tell me her next tattoo will be a little spider or something related to scream
› yn.ulrich 👀
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