#even if i got distracted along the way i still stuck to this and finished it so im very proud of myself ^^
sorrowgrove · 1 year
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hellodarling1357 · 7 months
Tiny Toes: Part 6.4 - Cassian x Reader
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This went in a completely different direction to what I had planned and basically wrote itself so buckle up for a whole heap of tooth-rotting fluff 🥰
Summary: Birthday Parties + Forgotten Conversations + Family Time
Word Count: 2.6k
You can read the previous part here
It was the day after Ottie’s 3rd birthday party and the three of you were currently sprawled across the living room floor eating left over birthday cake as Ottie lined up all of her presents and did a show-and-tell for you and Cassian.
“This one is from Auntie Elain,” she picked up the beginners gardening set, making sure you both got a good look before putting it down and turning to the next present. “And this is from Uncle Az,” next was a tiny set of Illyrian leathers and a wooden toy sword that was almost an exact replica of Truth Teller, it had left Ottie squealing in excitement upon opening it.
“You are one spoiled little girl, Otts.” Cassian says as he takes in the massive pile of gifts beside her once she had finished going through all of them for the second time that morning, “where are we even going to put all of this?” Ottie just grins at him and nods, yes, she definitely knows how loved she is; Hells, you had even woken up the morning of her birthday to a small bundle of gifts by the front gate that citizens of Velaris had left out for her.
With a sigh you sat up, placing a hand on Cassian’s stretched out leg as you took in the pile of presents and plates littered with cake crumbs.
“How about some actual food?”
Ottie let out a groan, “but there’s still cake that needs to be eaten, it’ll get sad if it’s not in our tummies.”
With a deep chuckle, Cassian pulled himself up to sit beside you, absentmindedly wrapping an arm around your waist as he nudged your foot with his own. “How about we make something really yummy while you play with your new toys, then once we’ve finished eating, we can have more cake?”
With a sceptical look between the two of you, Ottie agreed and was then preoccupied once more as she made her way over to her new paint set that Feyre had gifted her. After a loud groan followed by a stretch as he got to his feet, Cassian stuck out a hand to help pull you off the ground and was then coming up behind you, arms wrapping around your front as you walked into the kitchen together.
“Hi,” he murmured against your ear, keeping his body pressed against your back as you looked around the pantry in search of some food that consisted of some form of nutrients. You hummed in response, turning around and leaning up on your toes to pull him in closer for a kiss.
“Hi,” you repeated against his lips, smiling as his arms wrapped tightly around you.
“I’ve missed you…” he whispered, leaning down to trail kisses along your jaw then down your neck.
“I’ve missed you too, which is crazy because we’ve been together constantly the past few days.”
“Not quite the same though, is it? Not with the house being overrun by overbearing family members and small children everywhere. This is the first we’ve been alone since before Ottie’s birthday, seeing that she managed to convince us into letting her sleep in our bed to make her birthday even more special.” Cassian said with a roll of his eyes, fully aware of the manipulation tactics his daughter was prepared to use against him in order to get her way.
“Not really,” you mused purely to tease him, “we were alone last night.”
A nip to your ear told you he wasn’t impressed. “Doesn’t count. We both passed out straight away, didn’t even have the energy to get a cuddle in before we fell asleep.”
“What a travesty.” You said distractedly as you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and pulled his lips back down to slant over yours, letting out a small moan as Cassian backed you into the counter.
“You know,” he whispered against your lips, breath fanning out across your skin, “she’s currently distracted by her ridiculous mountain of presents, we could sneak upstairs for a few moments…”
You grinned in response, letting out a small shriek when he lifted you up, tapping your thighs to prompt you into wrapping your legs around his waist as he reattached his lips to your neck. With near-silent giggles, you clung to Cassian as he quietly made his way towards the stairs, getting three steps up before…
“Daddy?” Ottie’s voice called out from the living room, causing Cassian to let out a frustrated sigh as you dropped your head to his shoulder. “What’s your favourite colour?”
You stifled a laugh as Cassian looked at you, eyes laced with longing despite the perplexed expression on his face. “Umm, green?” he answered, not quite processing his words as the touch of your lips traced along his jaw and your fingers tugged through the hair at the back of his neck.
“Thank you.” Cassian waited a few seconds to see if Ottie would say anything else before raising his eyebrows at you and continuing up the flight of stairs. You managed to get up all of four steps when her voice rang out again.
You felt your eyes widen as you let out a shocked splutter, looking to Cassian who seemed to be holding in a laugh at your reaction.
“Mummy?” Ottie called out again, this time in a more demanding tone.
At Cassian’s shrug of indifference, you took in a deep breath before calling back down the stairs to her, patting Cassian’s arm for him to put you back down on the ground.
“Yes, Ottie?” you hesitantly replied, eyes not leaving Cassian’s as he stared back at you, a soft expression crossing his features.
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“Thank you. Don’t come back until I say you can, it’s a surprise.” She demanded, followed by the sound of the living room door slamming shut.
“What…?” You quietly ask Cassian as he took your hand and led you up the stairs and into your bedroom. After shutting the door behind him, Cassian joined you on the bed and leant against the headboard, the comforting and familiar weight of his arm wrapping around your shoulders had you snuggling in closer to his side. “Mummy? She called my mummy.”
“She did.”
“You don’t seem surprised by it.”
“I was going to mention something the other day but…” he trailed off, glancing at you with a guilt-ridden expression.
“But what?” you deadpanned, sitting up and eyeing Cassian as he averted his gaze.
“I forgot?”
“You forgot? How did you forget? This is huge. Okay, what happened?” you asked excitedly. The two of you had discussed Ottie calling you mum a couple of months ago after an elderly couple had stopped you in the street to talk about what a good parent you were to the little Illyrian. Ultimately, you had both decided to let Ottie steer the situation; when she decided to start calling you mum, if she even wanted to, would be entirely up to her.
“She mentioned something about it the other night when I was putting her to bed,” was the vague answer Cassian gave you, seemingly deciding it wasn’t important enough as taking advantage of a distracted child and an empty bedroom.
“Cassian!” You exclaimed, pulling his head up and away from your neck as you shrugged out of his embrace and fixed him with a look that said nothing would be happening until he talked.
“Ugh, alright. The other night – look, do you really want to talk about this now when she’s distracted, and we’ve got–”
“Cassian…” you repeated, holding back a smile as he threw his head back with a groan.
“Okay, okay. The other night I was tucking her in, and she was all quiet so I asked if something was wrong and she said she wasn’t sure, so I asked again and she said she had been thinking a lot lately but got all hesitant,” Cassian looked at you, a soft smile on his face, “then she asked if it really mattered that you didn’t have her in your tummy before she was born.”
“Oh,” was all you could bring yourself to say, mind going blank as you processed what Cassian had told you and what had been running through Ottie’s mind.
Cassian pressed a kiss to your temple as he took both of your hands in his. “And then,” he continued, giving your hands a squeeze, “when I asked her if it mattered to her, she said, and I quote, no I don’t think it does because I want her to be my mummy and I love her and I know she loves me, or something like that anyway. We chatted a bit more then when I was about to leave she asked me if I thought you would mind if she started calling you mummy.”
You looked at Cassian through tears. “And?” you promoted when he remained silent.
“And,” he gave you a nudge at your impatience, “I told her that you would love it if she started calling you mummy. Y/N, you should have seen the way her face lit up…”
“Yeah. She was even more ecstatic to hear that than when she unwrapped Az’s birthday present.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me any of this when it happened?”
“Like I said, I forgot.”
“You’re hopeless, you’re also a terrible storyteller…”
“Yeah, yeah. Can we get back to us now? Please?”
With a content sigh you wrap your arms back around Cassian’s neck and climb into his lap, slanting your lips over his as you try to fight back your tears. He pulls you down with him as he leans back against the pillows, arms coming up to wrap around your waist.
“You alright?” he breaks the kiss, letting out a laugh when you nod your response with a small sniff. “You sure? Because you’re currently crying while I kiss you and that’s not the greatest thing for my confidence…”
You laugh as you softly whack him, face lighting up when you see the look in his eyes and the love-filled smile on his face as he watched you from against the pillow. The emotion in that look sent you even further over the edge, a fresh wave of tears welling in your eyes that had Cassian sitting back up with you in concern.
“No, I’m fine,” you laugh despite the tears running down your face. “Really, I am. I promise. It’s just Ottie and you and… oh gods.”
Cassian lifts up a hand to wipe away your tears, fixing you with a look of concerned bemusement as you laugh and cry. “Sorry,” you sniff, taking in a deep breath and smiling when Cassian shakes his head to dismiss your pointless apology. “Sorry. Okay, I’m good. It’s just the two of you make me so happy and, you know, a few years ago I never thought I would have something like this and now… Did I ever tell you I almost said no when Elain asked if I would babysit her niece? I don’t even want to think where I would be right now if I hadn’t agreed to.”
Cassian remained silent as he gently cupped your face, thumbs swiping across your cheeks to wipe away the last of your tears before he pulled you into a soft kiss that had you melting against him.
“We would have found each other.”
“Hmm?” You murmured, pouting when Cassian pulled away from you.
With a smile he let his thumb trace over your lips. “We would have found each other,” he repeated, kissing you once more. “If you had told Elain no, I truly believe that eventually our paths would have crossed. Either way we were going to end up here one day.”
You blinked at him, letting the words sink in as your heart filled with such an overwhelming feeling of love. If you let yourself speak, to reply to his words with your own, you knew you would turn into a blubbering mess again. So, instead you pressed your lips to his once more, hoping to convey everything you were currently feeling as you let Cassian lay you down against the mattress, limbs intertwining as he crawled over you, not once removing his lips from yours.
You and Cassian managed to steal an entire hour for yourselves, filling it with soft moans and breathless whispers against sweaty skin as you allowed the overwhelming emotions surging through you to be expressed in the most physical and intimate of ways.
A comfortable silence settled throughout your bedroom as you slowly got dressed, no words were needed in the wake of what you had just shared. Still, the need to be close, to be touching in some way, persevered through the silence as Cassian laced his fingers through yours, bringing your hand up to his lips as you made your way back downstairs. The living room door was still closed, the sound of Ottie contentedly humming to herself had you both leaving her to her own devices.
“We should probably put something together for dinner.” you said, voice barely above a whisper as though not wanting to break the trance you still found yourself in.
“Probably,” was all Cassian said in response as he leant down to kiss you again before leading you into the kitchen.
You sat at the kitchen bench, watching as Cassian looked through the pantry and cupboards, pulling out ingredients as he quietly hummed to himself; you noted, with a smile, that it was the same tune Ottie had been humming.
Pulling yourself out of the seat, you walked around the bench and picked out a bottle of wine, pressing a kiss to Cassian’s cheek as you stood next to him and poured out two glasses while he chopped up the vegetables, bumping his hip into yours as he worked.
“What do you need me to do?”
Cassian looked at you then leant down to steal a quick kiss before saying with a wink, “just sit there and look pretty for me, sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes but sat back in your seat, content in watching him cook as he told you about his and Azriel’s plans for the new intake of Valkyries.
The shuffle of small footsteps across the floorboards had you both looking up to find Ottie walking through the doorway, a piece of paper clasped tightly in her hands.
“Hi, daddy.”
“Hi, princess,” Cassian greeted. Ottie smiled at him then turned to you, lifting her arms for you to pick her up and place her on your lap.
“Hi…” she trailed off, her expression momentarily turning into one of uncertainty as she intensely studied your face. Offering her a smile, you watched as Ottie visibly relaxed against you before saying, almost shyly, “hi, mummy.”
“Hi, sweetheart,” your heart was pounding in your chest as you kissed her cheek, watching with utter delight as her face lit up at your response. “What have you got there?” you asked with a nod towards the piece of paper she was holding.
“Oh!” she exclaims as she shifts in your lap, “I’ve been painting.”
You glance up to where Cassian is standing, only to find him already watching the two of you with a look of complete adoration.
“I love you,” he silently mouths the words to you with a wink when he catches you watching him.
“I love you too” you mouth back before shifting your attention to Ottie and the painting she set atop the kitchen bench of three figures labelled ‘mummy, daddy and Ottie’.
Read Part 7 now!
Tag List: @mis-lil-red @sarawritestories @beardburnsupersoldiers @eve175 @blushingfawnsposts @turtleshavesoulmates @slytherinindisguise @sleepylunarwolf @starryhiraeth @tele86 @azrielsmate3 @anuttellaa @purple-haired-faerie @lilac-witch @cassianstannn32 @littlelunatica @nighttimemoonlover @azrielsmate3 @fxckmiup @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @talesofadragon @natashachelsea
Let me know if you want to be added! 🥰
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unlimitedlust · 2 months
Just Pretend - Noah Sebastian x Reader (+18)
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Author’s Note:
Hey everyone, this is a halloween themed one shot, I know there’s still a couple of months left to halloween, but "Just Pretend" + the cold weather over here got me inspired on that theme, so there you go 🎃
Warnings: 18+ (as always), old love, fingering, unprotected p in v, creampie. As always: English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
W/C: 2.8K
I’m quite insecure about this one in particular because I think my head’s been frozen by the cold these days, but anyway I hope you enjoy it!
Please, let me know your thoughts on this one on the comments and feel free to like and/or reblog it, your feedback means the world to me ❤️
Now have fun!
Halloween night was one of your favorite nights of every year. You loved the decorations in the neighborhood, the autumn color leaves covering the streets, the costume parties, the smell of pumpkin spices, anyway, you loved everything around this season.
But this year you had a halloween date. Your neighbor’s son, Bill, whom you’d been talking online for a while now, was in town and had invited you to a halloween fair.
Even though Bill was exactly your type of guy and seemed to be a very decent man, you weren’t ready to get involved with someone new, deep down you knew Noah was still under your skin.
Your relationship with him was short but as intense as it could get in every aspect, but at the same time you two were like magnets to each other, you were in different moments of your lives, so it tore you apart.
But almost a year had gone by since you last saw him and you needed to move on, and what better way to do that other than going on a date with a very hot and attractive man and maybe - hopefully - get lucky at the end of the night?
Today you were feeling bold and confident, so you wore your Akatsuki cloak zipped up to your neck with nothing but a black lingerie set underneath it, black boots and Itachi’s headband around your forehead. You applied some makeup in shades of red and black, with a blood red lipstick on your plump lips and finished it all up by letting your hair fall loose on your back.
Just as you finished getting ready you heard your doorbell ringing and your date was there, dressed as very hot Fred Kruger. You were definitely getting some tonight.
It was a cloudy and chilly night, but the cozy atmosphere of the fair kept you warm along with your date’s company. 
You walked hand in hand under the yellow light strings hovering over the fair, laughing about a silly joke Bill had just told you when for a split second you thought you’d seen a familiar face in the crowd, Noah’s face. You tried to look back at the direction you thought you saw him, but he wasn’t there.
“Are you okay?” Bill’s light squeeze in your hand took your attention as you’d stopped walking out of sudden.
“Yeah sure” You reassured him with a smile, although still startled by the thought of seeing him there.
You shook it off and kept on walking with Bill to a caramel apple tent. He bought one and drove it to your lips, offering you the first bite as you dug your teeth on the hard caramel shell, successfully taking a piece of the apple and Bill ran his thumb on the right corner of your lip to clean a small piece of caramel stuck there.
You thanked him and suddenly felt a pair of eyes lingering heavily on you coming from your right, and that’s when you knew you weren’t seeing things. Noah was there. The Crow’s makeup all over his face and short hair now, but definitely Noah.
Your eyes connected for a split second but you averted yours quickly, locking them on your date again so he wouldn’t see that you got distracted from him once more, after all you were flustered and your heart was hammering in your chest, but you didn’t want to ruin your date.
Bill took your hand again and led you to the big corn maze by the end of the fair and you thanked him internally for taking you away from Noah’s sight.
You giggled nervously at the scarecrows by the entrance of the maze as you yourself were avoiding a very specific “crow”.
“Come on, let’s split up, if I make it to the end first I win another date with you, what do you say?” Bill suggested as you got inside the maze.
“Then I might just lose on purpose” You winked at him and parted ways inside the maze.
You were glad your date had the idea of splitting up inside the maze because seeing Noah unexpectedly after such a long time had you on edge and you really needed some alone time to process everything.
So you wandered aimlessly through the maze, not bothering to actually find its way out or even marking the places you’d passed by already.
“Y/N” A deep voice behind you made you stop on your tracks as you immediately recognized its owner.
You turned to meet him and his gaze and you couldn’t help but to revel on how terribly captivating he looked as The Crow, the white skin contrasting heavily with the dark makeup, the smeared eyeliner around his eyes and running down his cheeks and the black lipstick to finish it all up as Eric Draven.
“Hey Noah” Uncertainty laced your voice as he took a couple of steps in your direction, standing only a couple of feet away from you.
“Nice costume choice” He raked his eyes over you dressed as one of his favorite characters, which also happened to be one of your favorite.
“Thanks, you look good too… What are you doing here?” You spit out faster than you intended.
“Just wanted to check on you… Is that your new boyfriend?”
“No, not yet at least” You shrugged, unsuccessfully trying to look unphased.
“I hope he treats you right” He took another step closer, towering over you “It’s a shame that by this time a year ago we were proudly matching our costumes out there”
The weight of his words and the memories they brought caught you off guard as a knot of longing formed on your throat.
He sighed “It hurts to see you with someone new”
You widened your eyes in bewilderment at his confession followed by a lightning bolt lighting up the sky, announcing the rain as isolated but heavy raindrops started to slowly pour.
“It took you seeing me move on to reach out to me?” You asked in a hurt tone. The countless nights you spent crying over your break up only to hear it after such a long time “That’s not fair, Noah”
The pouring got heavier and you and your clothes started to soak in its cold droplets.
“I really wish I could come back in time to fix things… I’m sorry”
“I…” Your head was all over the place, you weren’t able to think things straight at that point. Having him in front of you brought back the butterflies in your stomach and at that very moment, despite the hurt that still lingered, you didn’t wanna discuss things long overdue “We both know it was my fault too, there’s no need for you to apologize for the past now” 
You both smiled gently at each other and he took your hand in his.
“Come on, we can continue this someplace else, it’s cold and the rain is getting heavier”
You followed him through the maze and only now you realized how big and puzzling it really was, because you wouldn’t know your way out of there on your own, especially with the rain and the thunders rumbling in the sky.
Sensing your apprehension, Noah brought you closer to his body wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“We’re far from the way out yet, but there’s a shed around the next corner, we’ll stay there until it stops raining, okay?”
You nodded and seconds later, just as he’d promised, there was a small wooden shed amongst the corn maze.
He closed the door behind you and although it wasn’t the most comfortable place in the world, it was better than staying under that cold rain. You were shivering as you took off the soaking wet boots from your feet, bothered by the slushy feeling of your wet socks inside them.
“You should take off that cloak too, it’s too wet, you’ll get sick if you don’t” Having him protective over you after all this time got you feeling warm inside.
But there was a problem, if you took it off you’d be practically naked in front of him, so you just hoped he’d let that go as Noah rummaged through a cabinet trying to find something to warm you.
“I found you a blanket” He turned to hand it to you, but stopped on his tracks when he saw you trembling, with your cloak still on “Are you okay?”
He placed the blanket on a chair and came closer, both of his hands cupping your cheeks as he gently tilted your face so his gaze could meet yours. The warmth of his hands spread down your body as you melted with the way he caressed your cheeks affectionately and you lost yourself in his perfect features, the way the wet strands of his hair dangled over your face hypnotizing you with how hot he looked with his new haircut.
“I am. It’s just the cold” You answered lightly as you unwittingly leaned into his palm, earning a kiss on your forehead.
“Then come on, let’s take that cloak off, I really don’t want you getting sick on me”
His fingers went to the zipper right above your chin, but your hands held his wrist in place as he was about to pull the zipper down.
“I can’t” Noah had a puzzled look on his face as he waited for a believable explanation “I… I’m…”
“I’m waiting”
“I’m not wearing anything but bra and panties”
The air inside the shed got suddenly thick as he processed that information. At the same time it thrilled him knowing that basically only a cloak had him away from your body, he was mad about the idea you’d wore like that for another man.
“For him?” The anger in his tone sent another wave of shivers down your spine as he cornered you, his face and his body only inches away from yours as his gaze burned holes into you.
And like a flipped switch, you weren’t feeling cold anymore and the rain wasn’t the only thing that had you wet.
“He’s not the one in front of me now, is he?” You teased him and dropped your hands from his wrist, his hand still on your zipper.
Taking it as a signal, Noah pulled the zipper down slowly, your chest heaving in anticipation as his gaze fell on your body, drinking you in after so long. With your bra now fully exposed, he bit his bottom lip as he watched your hardened nipples perched up against the transparent layer of black lace covering them.
Once he’d finished unzipping the cloak, you slipped it off your shoulders and let it fall on the floor, Noah’s eyes were predatory over you.
Breaking the distance between your bodies, Noah hooked his finger in the waistband of your panties and pulled you towards him at the same time he finally connected your lips in a fierce kiss.
Your tongues rolled against each other as you both drowned in the intensity of the moment, devouring each other after so long, your fingers entangling in his wet hair pulling him impossibly closer as he ground his hips against you, allowing you to feel how hard he was for you.
He let go of you for short seconds to take off his wet coat and black t-shirt, his once black lips were now stained by your red lipstick and you only wondered what you were looking like, hair wet from the rain and red and black lipstick stained all over your lips just like his.
“I fucking missed you” He groaned before latching his lips on yours again passionately.
One of his hands kept you glued against him as the other made its way on your spine, finding and undoing your bra clasp swiftly, making it slide off your shoulders right after.
Both his hands cupped your now exposed breasts and fondled them, kneading them as he played and pinched your nipples between his fingers while his lips now left yours and trailed down your neck, leaving angry marks on his way because he had full intention of marking you as his.
Your hands traveled down his chest and abs to his belt, fumbling it open as his tongue and teeth abused the most sensitive spots on your neck, making you whine softly on his ear at each sting followed by his soothing tongue.
After unbuckling his belt, one of your hands found its way inside his pants, palming his hard restrained length, making him grunt and buck his hips forward against you as you started to pump him slowly just to entice him.
One of his hands left your chest and went straight down between your legs, wasting no time in pulling your panties aside and pushing two of his fingers inside you, the sudden stretch making you gasp and clench around him, as he immediately started to work on the special place inside you he knew got you seeing stars.
You hooked a leg around his waist allowing him to go deeper with his fingers as you now took support on his shoulders, your body under such a pleasure you didn’t thrust your own balance.
“Noah…” The way his name came from your lips as he finger fucked you felt like music to his ears because since the last time you’d been together he dreamt about hearing it again.
“I fucking missed this…”
Along with his fingers, Noah started working on your clit with his thumb, applying pressure on it as he drew tight circles on it, making you bite the crook of his neck to keep a scream out of you as you were seconds away from your orgasm. Until he pulled away, making you whine in frustration.
“I wanna feel you cumming on my cock”
He licked the fingers that were inside you and the look on his face while he did that, like he was just having a taste of heaven, got you throbbing in need.
You took off your panties as Noah pulled his pants and underwear down just enough to free his hard erection, then pulled you up against the wall, your legs hooking around his hips as he held you by your ass cheeks, lining his tip to your entrance.
Your eyes were connected as he pressed against you, both of you moaning on each other’s lips as his entire length sinked at once inside you due to how wet you were, stretching you in a way only he did.
Your head fell back on the wall behind you as he slowly slid in and out of you, bottoming you out at every thrust, your manicured nails clawed down his back as he started to pick up the pace and the intensity of his rhythm.
You trailed love bites on his neck right below his ear, where you knew he was sensitive, earning a low grunt out of him as he focused on fucking the shit out of you against that wall, the position allowing you to feel every inch of him inside you, pushing all of your right buttons.
One of his hands found its way between your bodies and he instantly connected his fingers on your clit, moving them in sync with his hips slamming against you, and the feeling of him throbbing inside you along with his fingers on your clit got you closer to your high once again.
“Noah, I’m so close, don’t stop” You begged in his ear and you felt his skin shiver under your touch with your words.
The angle and the depth of his thrusts, along with a very specific flick of his fingers on your clit made your eyes roll to the back of your head as your body shuddered and your walls clenched around him, a deep moan erupting from your lungs as he kept fucking you, painfully riding your high as he too was close to his own.
Just as he felt your body going limp in his arms, he was about to pull out when you kept him inside by locking your legs around his waist and begging on his ear: “Cum inside me please”
Your plea got him cumming hard as his fingers dug into your hips keeping you in place as he stilled, spilling deep inside you as he bit the crook of your neck, still high from his release.
He leaned his forehead against yours and kissed you gently as he pulled out of you, his cum running down your thighs as he did so, and you missed him inside you already. You missed him.
“I missed you so much” You wrapped your arms around his neck, afraid of having to let him go again and it was now your turn to confess “Heaven knows I’m never getting over you”
“Wanna try again?”
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
Hiiii can I get a request for Lando basically a sunshine x grumpy where the reader is a new driver that wants 0 distractions and ruled out dating any drivers and so she gets along with everyone but is more distant with Lando because she knows if they get close she’ll fall in love with him but she can’t afford any distractions but he still puts in effort to get to know her and making her smile etc despite her pushing him away and they have this moment and idk you can finish it however you like plsss and thanks!
𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
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Lissie note… Hey there! This is a really cute idea, I love the thought of Lando pining!! Thank you for the creative freedom to finish it off however I feel!
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Things to note:
This is set in the 2022 season, but not in the same timeline(?) you'll see
Reader isn’t completely new to Formula One, but it’s her first time on the grid as a driver (she’s been a reserve driver)
Reader is a few months/a year younger than Lando
Reader is a Red Bull driver
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Pairing: Sunshine!Pining!Lando x Grumpy!Serious!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some cursing, Pretty angsty, J*s Verstappen
Word Count: 6.5k+
Recommended playlists: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭💔, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟💗, 𝐋𝐍𝟒
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Formula One. A bloodsport, really. Vicious and dangerous. Somehow you’d managed to rise through the ranks and get there. Even earning a place next to Max Verstappen, the second-youngest world champion. Christian Horner, your team boss, was the kind of person who nursed his drivers as if they were his own children. You yearned for the proud look on his face. Not just for him, but for yourself. 
Growing up in a middle-class family, you weren’t as privileged as other kids in karting. Your mother worked tirelessly to support you, whilst your father took you to each race. Now that you’d finally made it to Formula One, you wanted to do everything you could to pay them back. They had given the better part of their lives up so that you could live yours the way you desired.
Winning a championship in Formula One had always been a childhood dream of yours.
… and you were not about to give up on that dream anytime soon.
You, Max, and Horner had come to an agreement: Max would help you win as much as possible. Nobody and absolutely nobody was to get in your way. Max promised to make sure of that. Since you were younger than him, he treated you like a younger sister, whilst still treating you as an equal. Given the fact that he had a sister, he was great at it.
You were in your car. It was the first qualifying of the season, and you felt all of your nerves tense up. It was your first ever feel for Formula One besides sim racing. You’d been stuck as a reserve driver for nearly 2 years— safe to say, you were relieved to finally get a seat. Max and Lewis had just been dominating too much. However, this year was yours and yours alone. You were determined to shine, and you would take down anyone who so much as breathed a hint of threat your way.
You were released and you started your out lap. The tyres felt smooth and the car was completely in sync with you. It was nothing like sim racing, and nothing like Formula 2 either. You’d done practice runs several times before, but there was something about the real deal that elevated the experience that much more. You knew there was a lot of pressure on you for qualifying. Mainly due to the fact that Max had no way of helping you. It was every man for himself, and there was no way you were going to get kicked in Q1. 
“You doing alright?” You heard your engineer say. It made you get distracted, and you accidentally exceeded track limits.
“Well, now I’m not! Shut it, please.” Well, shit. You knew that blunder would be noted immediately. It was surely a deletion of your time. Therefore, you decided to push. Hard.
The next lap was a go, and you worked your way meticulously around every corner, hitting every apex just right. You were determined to make it into Q3. No matter what it took.
You got one final time in, and it was announced by your radio that you made it into Q2, placing P5. You weren’t the type to scream out with joy, so you merely thanked them for the notice.
Q2 began, and you barely made it through to Q3, placing P10.
What nobody expected was your spirit. If you wanted something, you were going to get it.
“Okay, we’ve notified Max that he should try to slow down a bit, to possibly get you a pole position. This way, we can also help you from behind in the race.” 
“Copy.” Your chest felt ticklish with adrenaline, and you pushed harder than before. You did everything you could. Your body felt as if it had been fused to the car. You were getting the fastest sector time left and right. It was exhilarating.
“That’s a pole! Great job! We did it!” Your engineer screamed into your ear with excitement. It was deafening, but that didn’t matter. It felt so good.
“Thanks for the help, guys.”
The front row consisted of you, Max, and Lando Norris; a driver from McLaren. You hadn’t really conversed with him much before. Except one time. Max had invited you to attend the end-of-year party a year back. Lando barely managed to introduce himself before he was interrupted by the Dutchman.
After Lando finished his interview, he moved back to where you were waiting patiently for your turn.
“I hear you’re into brunettes?” You were, but you hadn’t told anyone. Which could only have meant that it was his go-to pick-up line. Lame, if anything. 
“Did you also hear I’m into guys who don’t bother me?” It wasn’t a matter of teasing him or playing hard to get. You simply had no time for something as frivolous as dating on the grid. It was pointless and would only serve as a distraction when you had to stay focused.
“Cute.” It almost felt repulsive to hear him say that. You’d never really been in a relationship other than the many situation-ships you’d allowed yourself to fall victim to in your Formula 2 days.
When your turn finally came, you shook David’s hand with a smile. Adrenaline was still making its rounds throughout your system.
“You did an amazing job today, surely you must be excited!” David was such a gentle and warm soul, so you decided to lay off the colder side for a little.
“I feel amazing, really, I’m over the moon!” You grinned. He asked you some generic questions and you gave him appropriate responses for each.
“You’re the first woman in a long time to have raced in Formula One, you should be proud,” he finished off, before letting you go.
Max slung his arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked back to the Red Bull motorhome. Christian greeted you at the door on his way out, pulling you into a big bear hug and thanking Max for the sacrifice. The two of you made yourselves comfortable on the leather couches in front of the small flatscreen that was inside.
“Max, I really hope it’s okay for you to do all of this for me…” You looked over at Max who was scrolling through the channels.
“Of course, I’ll do it for you. We’re teammates. Besides, it would’ve been wrong if you weren’t talented and couldn’t actually take me on… but you can… so…” He started trailing off as he got a phone call. It seemed to be his father, so he immediately answered it. Of all feelings, you were definitely not surprised by the angry bickering coming from his father through the phone. The look on Max’s face was all but whipped with joy.
When the call ended, you tried to find the right words to comfort him. It was rather hard though, as you’d never really experienced his situation before.
“… I’m here if you want to talk about it?” That was really all you could offer. But your support meant everything to Max, who had made quite the impression on track. Fans saw him as a hot-headed brute, with nothing on his mind but winning.
“It’s okay. It wasn’t anything. Don’t worry about it.” His demeanour had completed a full 360°.
“Well, in any case, if you ever happen to need someone… you know I’ll always be right here.” Without warning, you pulled your brother figure into a warm hug, rubbing his back gently. You’d only ever met his dad a couple of times, but both times were horrible. The man was stone cold. He was intimidating to you.
To celebrate your pole in qualifying, Max had invited you out for dinner with a couple of friends. He said you knew who they were, but still, you felt off about it.
Your hair cascaded down upon your shoulders, masking your exposed collarbone from your little black dress. It was a simple dinner dress you’d brought along for the trip. Your makeup was light but accentuated your features to the fullest extent. Your shoes were designer and matched your padded Prada mini-bag. You threw on a black blazer to complete the look. Flawless.
Max had texted you the address of the restaurant along with the time. You jumped in a cab and gave the driver the information. The cab driver was chatty. He talked about his family, mentioning the fact that he had twin daughters who had just started middle school. You zoned out on the rest of his chatter though. The thoughts of dining with Max’s friends felt daunting somehow.
When you finally arrived, you were already late. You’d been too busy zoning out to notify your teammate. Upon walking in, you saw a fancy vined wall with several pictures of celebrities who’d visited the establishment. Amongst them was a picture of Max and the Brit who’d tried to hit on you. Lando Norris. A waiter approached you with a polite smile and a guest list.
“Oh, um… Max Verstappen?” You also made sure to mention your name so as to not stir any confusion or suspicions. You could’ve easily been mistaken for a fan.
“Right this way, miss.” He led you to a quiet room in the back. It was likely reserved for the restaurant’s VIPs. There you laid eyes on Max and Daniel Ricciardo… but Lando Norris too?! A wave of relief washed over you, as you realized you knew them somewhat.
“Max, you didn’t tell me she would be here?” Lando took the view in with delight, smirking as you noticed it. You rolled your eyes and took a seat beside Max. Unfortunately, that seat was across from curly-haired Brit. 
“It was a surprise. We’re actually celebrating her first pole today.”  You felt slightly embarrassed, almost like people singing you birthday songs.
“Max, isn’t this just rubbing another Red Bull win in our faces?” Asked Daniel. He was obviously joking, so you shot him a playful glare, chuckling shortly after.
After a while, Daniel and Max had gotten deep into their conversation, which left you to deal with Lando. He’d stolen several glances of you throughout the dinner and it didn’t seem like he was planning to stop. You took it as your opportunity to strike up some small talk. All in hopes to get him to stop staring.
“You should stop staring, my image might get burned into your retina.” He didn’t even bother blinking. His eyes moved from your figure to your eyes.
“I think that’d be a blessing, no?” You scoffed at his reply. You saw it as nothing but a foolish attempt at flirtation— which you didn’t appreciate. Sure, you were off-track, but that didn’t mean you had time for meaningless distractions. Lando gave off a clear vibe that he was nothing but a hindrance to your ultimate goal of becoming a champion.
“You’re playing hard to get. I like that,” he smirked and slightly leaned back in his seat.
“Could you be any more obnoxious?”
“If that’s what you want me to be.” He was truly impossible to communicate with. Every sentence was a pick-up line to some degree. 
“I’m not interested in you, Norris.” He seemed to completely disregard the message you sent, as a smile grew on his face the moment you uttered his last name.
“Glad to know you know my name, Miss Red Bull.” Admittedly, he was pretty easy on the eyes, and his small chuckles were cuter than you wanted to acknowledge.
“You should let me take you home after this.”
“You don’t even know me.” Contrary to your belief, that wasn’t true at all. He knew exactly who you were. He and Max were close friends after all. But the real kicker was; he’d been into you for much longer than he led on.
His infatuation first started in the early stages of the 2021 season, when he’d see you wandering around the tracks on weekdays. He’d seen you in the Red Bull garages, usually deep in conversation with one of the engineers. He’d asked about you from multiple people. That included the big man himself; Christian Horner. Though, Christian encouraged him to stop asking around and just strike up a conversation with you. However, Lando never actually found the time to approach you. You were always surrounded by mechanics and the media. It was simply impossible to get to you. It was almost like you were a national treasure. Pretty to look at, but that was all he could do.
“Trust me, I know you.” For a moment, you got lost in those dashing eyes of his. He returned your gaze, only looking into what would be considered the windows to your soul. Could he read you? Could he understand that you didn’t want him? Did you want him?
“You’re incredible up close.” 
“Excuse me?” You snapped out of whatever trance you’d been stuck in as soon as those words left his pouty lips. That statement was creepy if anything, and not flattering in the slightest… or was it?
“That’s a pretty off-putting thing to say, you know?” This luckily caught the attention of Max who’d finished off with Daniel. The two of them turned their heads your way to join in.
“What’s off-putting?”
“Oh, we were just talking about how obsessed Lando is with me.” You said it in a joking manner, but everyone’s faces went semi-pale. Especially Lando’s.
“So he finally talked to you? I’m glad I don’t have to answer any more of his idiotic questions.” Your mouth went dry at his words, and Lando’s face turned a rose colour. As if all air conditioning had been turned off on a hot summer’s day.
“Excuse me?” You’d lost your appetite, making your curiosity the only reason you had to stay. That and your appreciation for Max having paid for the dinner that was supposed to serve as a celebration.
“I- um…” Lando was reasonably hesitant to say anything.
“Well… I was just referring to his constant flirting. I didn’t believe it was deep or anything but… um… you know what? This was nice, Max. Truly. I think I’d like to get home. I’m absolutely drained.” You sighed with a screwed smile on your lip. You gathered your things and pushed your chair in. Despite your friend’s heavy protests, you left and got a cab for yourself. 
Leaving on an empty stomach hadn’t been the plan, so you had no choice but to stop by a grocery store. Many in the area had salads ready to go. It was no five-star meal, but it had to suffice.
Of course, you felt awful for leaving early, but you knew you couldn’t let yourself stray away from your goal. Lando was attractive, you couldn’t stand there and lie to yourself, but that was all the more reason to stay away. Well, besides the point that you barely knew the guy. The flirtatious comments and borderline creepy behaviour were nothing to you. It wasn’t anything you wouldn’t be able to ignore. As long as he stayed out of your way.
Except he didn’t.
The following morning, you had a couple of missed messages from Max. He’d been worried after you took off. You were too frazzled and in a hurry to respond. There was no time left before the briefing back at the motorhome. Being punctual meant that you showed an interest. It meant that you showed passion. You were not going to let some silly McLaren driver ruin it for you. That was simply not your style and would never be.
When you got there, everyone was already gathered. They’d been waiting for you to arrive. Honest, but embarrassing mistake. You wanted to let out a slew of self-insulting jabs. Lucky for you, it didn’t last too long, and you were on to start prepping for the race.
“Hey, are you okay?” A certain Dutchman tapped your shoulder and spun you around when you weren’t responsive. The look he saw in your eyes spoke volumes. Notes that you wish weren’t easily revealed. The eyes didn’t lie. They never did.
“I’m fine, I just really want to focus on winning. I don’t have time for whatever Lando is trying to drag me into.” You sighed as the two of you walked to the motorhome.
“Look, I know you haven’t known him for long, but maybe try to get along with him? You don’t have to accept his shitty flirting. He’s my best friend and so are you… it’s really awkward that you can’t even be around him.” True. You had acted somewhat irresponsibly, but you certainly weren’t the only guilty party in that. 
“Fine, but under one condition. You tell him to stop being so flirtatious with me. I hate it.”
The race ended with a lucky pole position. Somehow, you’d gotten away with defending yourself from none other than your little McLaren fan. As much as you enjoyed your national anthem being played and spraying champagne— you felt so empty. It felt like a worthless celebration. All because you knew you’d been underperforming. You hadn’t given it your all, yet Lando still kept behind you. Of course, with Max behind him, there was nothing for you to worry about. Both drivers were amazing when it came to defending their place, but you just couldn’t understand how he hadn’t gone for the win. It was right there. Right within reach. It was so close, his beautiful curved lips could touch it. It didn’t make sense to you, nobody would be stupid enough to sacrifice coming out on top. You didn’t believe it. You simply didn’t even want to.
Lando became unavoidable. As more races were won by you and some by Max, it was finally time for the summer break. 3 weeks of much-needed rest.
… what you thought would be a relaxing 3 weeks, turned out to be the most stressful weeks of your life.
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Max had texted you on short notice to come over for dinner, as Kelly had made too big of a batch of gnocchi. Since you lived walking distance from him, you didn’t see any harm in coming over. Kelly wasn’t exactly your favourite person in the world, but it wasn’t like she was insufferable. She was still a nice person… somewhat.
Max greeted you at the door, having Penelope run up behind him to say hi. You might’ve not been the biggest fan of her mother, but she was such a cute little thing. You took her up into your arms and smiled,
“Hi there ‘P’!”
Your smile quickly faded though. The Brit from McLaren came into view from behind Max, and it was almost as if all of your spirits had been sucked out of you like the marrow of a bone. It was something of a consolation, however, that he stayed silent. He just stood there and watched as you played around with Penelope. The toddler was full of energy.
“Come come, the gnocchi is ready.” You put the girl down and followed them into the dining room. Kelly had plated everything and had taken the liberty to sit across from Max. You had no choice but to sit next to her. It wouldn’t exactly make sense for her to be sitting next to Lando.
“Kelly, I must say you are an amazing cook, this looks fantastic!” Fake it until you make it. In all honesty, though, she was a great cook.
“Thank you. I’ve been practicing lately.” It felt like deja vu when the couple got into talking. There was just you, Lando, and Penelope.
“I think I should apologize for… everything?” Lando suddenly spoke. You scanned his face, his hair, his outfit. Were you in trouble? Perhaps.
“You know what, Kelly? I think I’ll help tuck Penelope in!” You got up from your seat and politely put down your cutlery.
“Oh, sure. Thank you. It’s way past her bedtime.” She smiled at you and signalled for Penelope to come with you before she turned back to Max.
Lando had the guts to follow you into Penelope’s bedroom. He watched as you lifted the little girl up into your arms and placed her carefully on the duvets that covered her bed. She was already in her pyjamas, which made your job all the more easy. He took the chance to sit next to you on the bed, as you stroked the toddler’s cheek.
“Are you really going to avoid me forever?” He said in a quiet whisper, not wanting to disturb the girl from dozing off into the gentle night.
“You’re a fool if you let relationships taint your path to victory… in my opinion.” You turned your head to look at him. The moonlight shining from the gaps in the blinds complimented his dancing eyes. They looked at you. Your figure. Your facial features. They admired you as if you were a priceless piece of art at a gallery.
“You must’ve led a pretty sad life up until now.” He wasn’t right. You’d been around love and laughter for the better part of your life. You weren’t that lonely… were you?
“Lando… we don’t even—”
“Don’t tell me we don’t know each other. You know me and I know you. This isn’t like all those months ago. We’ve been in social settings together more than I can count on my fingers. You and I know each other.” He was obviously desperate. It made sense when thinking of the massive crush he’d had on you thus far. You did feel a tinge of guilt knowing you had to turn him down no matter what.
“Lando, please don’t do this.”
“I apologize for being so forward, okay? How about we begin with a friendship, huh? That’s what Max would want anyway.” He wasn’t wrong. That’s what Max had asked of you several months ago, but you’d only been distant.
You got along with everyone pretty well. Mick was someone you would chat with every time you saw him on race weekends. Sebastian was like an older brother. Lewis, although your biggest competition, was a good buddy too. You were always hanging around Pierre and Kika too. There were no hard feelings between you and pretty much all of the other drivers. Except for Lando.
As much as you hated admitting it, Lando’s charms had taken a massive effect on you. His flirtatious little comments were nothing short of annoying, but you loved the banter. You loved his energy, his radiant laugh whenever Max would hurl jokes his way. You loved his smirk whenever you rejected his advances.
Over just a couple of months, you found yourself needing to avoid him. So you did. As more time passed, Lando must’ve started to notice, because he dialled his game up by the tenths. Avoiding him became an impossible mission. He seemed to be everywhere. If you went to the Red Bull motorhome, he was there with Max. If you went to the garage, he was there with Max. Even on-track he was right behind you in your slipstream. He was always chasing you. You only had one other option left— to act completely apathetic and aloof. Which brought you right to the confrontation in front of a little toddler trying to fall asleep.
“Just leave me alone. I don’t want you here. Just go, okay?” Your heart clenched as he gave you a disappointed smile.
“If that’s what you want.”
That night you couldn’t fall asleep. It was impossible. Whilst you didn’t harbour any real feelings for Lando, you knew you’d fall hard if you spent any more time with him. Your mind was supposed to be focused on winning, but instead of that— you were stuck on him. You didn’t want to fall for him. You didn’t have time for that. There was only one person that mattered, and that was you. Only you.
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“Is he really that bad?” Kika asked as she took a sip of her coffee, placing it on the plastic coaster on the wooden table. You’d invited her over for a sleepover of sorts. Mainly what became an accidental therapy session,
“You know, I came here to Monaco to explore. Why are we sitting here and sulking? Lando isn’t all that bad.”
“Yes, Kika, he is! He keeps trying to get close to me, and when I reject him he makes me feel so guilty for doing so.” Your face was squished against the table, signalling your utter defeat in the matter. You were at a complete loss. You didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Sounds to me like you have a thing for him, no?” Kika was a voice of reason in many situations, but this was not acceptable to you. Denial and delusion was the only solution.
“Never. I want to win a championship, not go fool around with some British guy from a midfield team.” Harsh, but you had to say it. Saying it didn’t exactly have an effect on the situation, but it made you feel better.
“I don’t see any quick fix to this, honestly.” You groaned at her words, wanting your misery to end.
“Come on, relationships take time. I should know, I’m with Pierre.” Pierre wasn’t Lando though. She and he were meant to be. It was as if they were put on the planet to be with each other. You, on the other hand, were put on the planet to win. Lando was nothing but a meaningless distraction.
“Fine, I’ll help you out,” she finally said and sighed. You sprung up and looked at her with wide eyes,
“Really. Now listen. I’ll set up a double date thing, okay?”
“Wait what? No! Kika, no. That’s only going to make it worse. Why would you do that?” Your head dropped again.
“Look, do you want my help or not?”
“I do…”
“Then let me do my thing, and sit tight.” It was her win. You just wanted to get Lando out of the way. Any lengths were necessary if it meant being able to blow right past the Brit.
A week passed before the supposed ‘double date’, and you were not feeling it one bit. Lando wasn’t even all that close with Kika and Pierre. Not as close as you were. You’d end up being the only reason he’d have to stay.
Sadly you realized that fact too late. You were sat with Kika and Pierre at a fancy seafood place down by the harbour. Lando had noted that he’d be late, which gave the three of you some time to discuss some last-minute details. It was imperative that he’d be completely out of the equation by the end of the date.
It wasn’t so much the question of whether or not you’d fallen for him. No, it was whether you could ignore it altogether. Completely shut out any little squeak from your heart when it tugs at the sight of him. Which is just did.
You saw him walking through the door with a casual, but not too casual outfit. His curls were slightly slicked back and his smile was as radiant as ever. You couldn’t stand the sight of him. It was repulsive. Was it not? It made you sick. Did it not?
When he took a seat next to Pierre, across from you, it was hard to not look at him. Oh, but how badly you wanted to. Then again— you didn’t. You hated the fact that Kika had some diabolical plan in mind. One that probably went against everything you stood for.
“Well! Now that Lando’s here, we should order appetizers!” She pulled out the menu and casually looked through the variety of foods.
Whilst she ordered for the four of you, Pierre gave you a nervous look and slightly peered over at Lando, who luckily had his nose buried in his phone. Likely some business stuff. You could only mouth ‘What do I do?’ to which the Frenchman replied with a shrug and a miserable look on his face. He knew just as much as you, that this date would end up in a knot of awkward silences and unfinished sentences.
“Lando, I didn’t think you’d actually show up. You know, given this girl’s obvious distaste for you.” You nearly snapped your neck, as she pointed at you. Oh, how you wanted someone to interrupt your date. Anyone. Lando put his phone away, sighed, and looked at you with a small smile, before giving her a reply,
“I don’t care if I’m being completely honest. I’ve done it for months. I can go for years if I have to.” Kika had seriously misinterpreted Lando’s intentions and how badly he actually wanted you. Your version of the situation had him painted in an entirely different light after all. You made him out to be some meaningless player. Which, by the sound of things, wasn’t his style at all.
“I was under the impression he was trying to play you! That’s why this date would’ve worked out to get him off your back. What is this?!” Kika whisper-yelled. Everything was messed up. Way off course. The plan had gone to shit within less than an hour.
“Well… I really don’t like him, so isn’t there something you can do?” You whispered back. The two of you both realized that the guys were able to see you whispering back and forth, so she hauled you into the ladies’ room. It was quiet and nobody would disturb you.
“Do you want the truth or a sugar-coated lie?” She asked, resting a hand on her hip.
“The truth?” You were conflicted though. Did you actually want the truth? Did you already know it? Did you perhaps just bury it deep within the darkest chambers of your pitiful little lonely soul? Were you so obsessed with rising to the top, that relationships truly didn’t matter?
“You like him. No, it’s more than just an infatuation. You’re head over heels for him. The way you looked at him when he walked in? I saw it. Pierre saw it. The waiters saw it! Open your eyes.” Hearing it from another person really put things into perspective, and it didn’t sit right with you. All your life you were used to pushing people away. Silly little childhood crushes would stay exactly that; crushes. You never let anything go beyond the first stage.
“Kika… I don’t know,” you groaned and turned on the faucet, splashing some water on your face.
“Come on, let’s get back to them. They’re waiting for us.”
After sitting back down, Lando tried to give you a curt smile. It was awkward and the pressure was rising. It was hard to stay within 10 feet of the guy.
“I remember when I first started falling for Pierre. It was really something… how about you, Lando? When did you start having a thing for her?” Oh please, Kika seemed too determined to let it go. A part of you liked that, but the other part felt its gut screaming in agony.
“It’s been more than a year or so now, actually… it’s a little hard to explain.” With that, you couldn’t handle it anymore. You apologized and left the setting abruptly. It was far too much for you, and you just knew your heart would give out.
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As you walked out of the restaurant and started looking for a cab, you heard footsteps running after you, with the calling of your name soon following right behind. You knew exactly who it was, but you didn’t know if you were ready for that conversation.
“Please don’t. Don’t leave again.” You turned around to see a very desperate-looking Lando. 
“Lando, do you know how embarrassing that was for me?” You sighed and rolled your eyes as if you were a bratty teenager being denied the latest fashion statement dress.
“Even I didn’t know it had been a whole year and more than that! You were seriously going to tell them all about your weird little obsession with me! Don’t you see how embarrassing that is for me?” The curly-haired brunette looked reasonably upset by your words. They cut deep like a dagger to the chest.
“I’m sorry, okay? I was just being honest. It felt like an interrogation. I was uncomfortable and just had to say something… well… the truth. It was really as if Kika wanted to know my intentions, though.” How was the guy so spot on?
“Lando, just leave me be and go back to the others. We can live our separate lives. I don’t want to be near you right now.” You didn’t want your face to reveal any underlying feelings, so you buried your gaze in the asphalt.
“Why don’t you go ahead and look into my eyes whilst you say that.” Your heart stopped. Lando was simply impossible.
“Lando, just let me go. I don’t want you and if you can’t accept that— I don’t think there’s any space for a friendship either.” This time, he went to hell with it and cupped your face with both hands. You could feel the warmth pulsating in each palm, sending jolts down your spine.
“There’s no reason to treat me like this if you can’t even say it straight to my face.” He held you too tightly for you to look away from him. All you could see was the genuine despair in his eyes. The little hope he had left was slowly slipping the more you denied and denied and denied.
“Lando if you don’t let go of me right now…”
“What are you going to do? Distance yourself from me? Isn’t that what you've been doing this whole season? Do you think you’re invisible? I’ve seen you. I saw you on the podium. I saw you on the screens. I saw you in the magazines. Just because you run away, doesn’t mean you get to go the easy way out. No, you’ll know that I—“ Fuck. Your brain was struggling to scramble everything together. All you could think about was those sweet eyes of his. Those curly locks. That desperate look on his face.
“Just let me go… please.” The overload of sensory input sent a single tear streaming down your face. Lando, seeing this, immediately let go of you, making sure he hadn’t hurt you in some way.
“I’m so sorry. I really am.”
“I know…” You quickly wiped the salty drop of truth away and put on yet another jester’s face.
“Please, can you tell me why you hate me so much? I just need closure. I just can’t find it in myself to believe that it’s because of my flirtation.” He’d given you space to breathe and space to think.
“I don’t hate you…”
“Then why do you keep leaving? Why are you avoiding me?”
“Because I’ll fall in love with you if I don’t… and that’s not what I want to do.” It was hard to read his face, but it was certainly portraying some kind of relief. You confirmed it when he pulled you into his chest. The sound of his heartbeat matched the pace of yours. Fast and relenting.
“Please, could you give it a chance? Give us a chance?” He pulled away, grabbed you by the hips and looked deeply into your eyes. The window to your soul.
“I just told you… that’s not what I want, Lando…” You were just about to give the ground another look at your face when Lando grabbed you by the chin,
“I know you’re obsessed with winning. I heard from Max. I won’t compromise that. I promise. It’s just… I need you in my life, and now that I know you feel the same way… I can’t just sit back and watch you slip away.” He was making it harder than you wanted him to. He had a point and you chewed on it.
“Fine… but you better let me win. At least for the remaining races of this season.”
“Sounds like you’ve got yourself a deal.” He smiled. It was as if time stood still, as you’d eyes closed with his— your lips touched his with a certain birding falling off your back along with it. His lips were like a cure. They were soft and delicate. Not something you expected, but the feeling was certainly welcome.
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The season had ended with you as the champion. The party that was held was unlike the others. It was your party. Not Max’s. Not Lewis’. It was yours and yours alone. People cheered your name and toasted in your honour. You felt like you were on top of the world. More than anything though, Lando held you in his arms that same night. He showered you with congratulations and compliments. Even going as far as buying you a bouquet of roses. The club smelled of alcohol and cheap perfume, but all you could smell was the woodsy and warm scent of Lando’s cologne. You were practically engulfed in it throughout the entire night.
He took you on an official date a week later, waiting for the season to fully conclude. Mostly due to the stress of packing and making it back home.
 It was a picnic in one of the many British marshes. Everything was home cooked. Well, you’d cooked everything and he had bought the wine. It was a win-win. You’d done everything overnight, as you wanted to arrive early into the morning.
You’d spread out the checkered tablecloth for you to sit on, opened the basket, and prepped everything. Lando opened the aged wine and poured you a glass before he poured his own— a true gentleman. You swirled your wine around, watching it hit the rim of your glass before you took a sip.
“For once, you aren’t running off before we eat. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dine, even with all the dinners we’ve had together,” your boyfriend chuckled and handed you a chocolate-covered strawberry. You took a bite of it to show off that you, in fact, were able to stay and eat. It stirred a little chuckle from him. He then mimicked the exact way you ate it and gave you another one after you finished yours.
You leaned against your lover’s shoulder, feeling his arm wrapped around your waist. The two of you watched the yellows, the oranges, and the reds in the sky as the sun started its ascension far into the horizon. It was mesmerizing. Truly. You admired the view, taking in all of life’s pleasures, and listened as the mourning doves cooed the same old nostalgic tune from your adolescent years. There was no place you’d rather be, and nobody you’d rather be there with, than with Lando Norris. The one, who through one too many races, was right in your slipstream.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
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he always promised to take you on more dates when he got out of jail, and jj was a man of his word.
a gross, seedy dive bar on the outskirts of town wasn’t exactly what you had in mind — but jj was all over it. he was said to have been locked up with a couple of the guys that work there now, and would be able to score the two of you a couple of free drinks, and that was enough to convince you. plus, you didn’t really care where you went with jj — you were just happy to be able to spend time with him again.
“look, if my probation officer has no problem with me bein’ here, it’s clearly safe. you got nothin’ to worry about — i know these guys.” jj grins reassuringly, noticing your unsure expression as he opens the door to his truck for you. “now would i bring you somewhere if i wasn’t one thousand percent sure you’d be alright? no. that would be like, neglecting my duty of care for my girlfriend. just wasn’t raised that way, mama.” you raise an eyebrow as he loops an arm around your waist, walking you towards the door — internally questioning what he meant considering he practically wasn’t raised by anyone.
there’s a chorus of his name when he walks in and you shy to his side, clinging to his arm. he meets and greets, before the attention is turned to you, smiling bashfully through the ‘and this must be the famous girlfriend. you know we thought maybank was lyin’ about you.’ along with all the usual banter.
the real fun doesn’t start for a few hours. the place has cleared out a little, and you’re a couple of drinks in, feeling a lot more loose and comfortable. your boyfriend nurses the same beer he’s had for a while now, making a conscious effort not to go over the legal driving limit because he could not afford to get sent back into the slammer over something so dumb. for entertainment, the two of you are stationed at a pool table in some dimly lit corner, feeling your body get hotter just at the blonde explaining the rules of the game.
“you wanna hit this ball with this ball, n’get it into this hole. i already know you’re gonna be a pro at this, okay — i have full faith in you.” he chuckles, because you both know it’s likely not to be true. he passes you the cue stick, giving your ass a little pat in gesture to position yourself. “bend over the table a lil’ f’me.” he instructs, eyeing the table before smirking at his own double entendre. “i know y’know how to do that, atleast.”
you bite your lip, containing your growing excitement — but can’t help yourself from making a real show of it, lining up your stick with the ball and really laying your body on the table to have your ass practically stuck in the air. whilst you’ve been tugging your mini skirt down all night, you finally just let it ride up to the bottom crescent of your ass cheeks. the cherry on top was the way you glance over your shoulder, pouting your glossy lips.
“like this, jayj?”
he’s glancing around the room for any watchers before cementing his vision to the sight of your panties peeking from beneath your skirt. “yeah, yeah just like that actually.” he’s distracted, and shakes himself out of it to lean over you and adjust your hand placement on the stick. “there y’go, atta girl. like i said, total pro.” he praises and to retaliate, you press your ass into his crotch making him clear his throat. “dont start sumn’ you can’t finish, lil girl.” he chides teasingly, as he backs up a little, eyeing you — but you can tell he’s getting wound up.
“not doin’ anything.” you smile impishly, practically waving your lace panties at him as your skirt rides up even more. he steps closer protectively, looking around as he scratches beneath his nose — making sure no one else can get a peek.
“nah? well in that case, don’t mind if i do…” his eyes are flitting round still cautiously as a hand slips between you, skilfully forcing your panties aside and sliding his fingers through your glossy folds. he smirks, brows jumping up and his tongue poking out to fiddle with the corner of his mouth. “oh? wha’s got you so excited mama? i dunno you must really like playin’ pool. you’re soaked.” he teases, licking his lips and leaning down to speak to you a little quieter. you pretend to continue lining up your shot, but your hands get shaky and you can’t keep the cue stick still.
“just happy to have my man back.” you admit sweetly which is the final straw for him. he pulls your skirt back down and steps away, making a real show of licking the residue of his fingers.
“right, right — y’know i hear the bathrooms here are like, super spacious. we should pro’lly go check it out, right? see what all the hype’s about.” he nods casually, helping you stand up straight.
“but jj, what about our game of pool?” you pout theatrically knowing you don’t really care. he turns to you, cornering you against the table.
“well i mean, i’m suggesting the bathroom out of respect. trust me, i got no issue gettin’ all in those guts right here on the table infront’a everyone. s’your call, babydoll.” he thumbs at your chin and your lashes flutter as an immediate response, feeling your mind go to mush.
“uhm… bathroom.” you agree shyly and he nods with a simple smile, patting your cheek.
“tha’s the spirit cupcake. that pool table ain’t goin’ anywhere.” jj commends, leading you by the lower back to the glowing bathroom sign on the wall.
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luvlystarr · 3 months
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
Prompt: Minho x Reader, he doesnt want you to be a Runner
Content: Fluff
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
You and Minho never got along quite easily. Ever since you arrived at the Glade he paid little attention to you. You two always get into disagreements and arguments because of his sarcastic comments getting on your nerves all the time.
You tried your best to be polite knowing he is the Keeper of the Runners and that he’s the only way you could become a Runner. Yet no matter how much you prove your worth Minho always refuses you.
You’ve told him your reasons as to why you wanted to become one. All you wanted was to help everyone find a way out of this place in hopes to find a better life. But even after your heartfelt speech he replied with a harsh no.
So now you were stuck as a gardener, which wasn’t bad at all. Although it did get boring having to constantly dig up and plant things all the time.
The sun was glaring down at everybody outside, causing the air to be humid and warm. Luckily you were under a shelter, unbothered by the hot weather. Since there wasn’t much gardening to do left you decided to help Fry with cooking. You were chopping up some vegetables while he was stirring something in a pot. The two of you were cooking stew for everybody’s lunch.
You look outside to where the maze is, watching as Minho and Ben running back. You quickly look away before anybody catches you staring at Minho. But of course Fry noticed.
“(Y/N), stop staring or you’ll chop a finger off,” he teased.
You roll your eyes in response and continue the task at hand. Everyone in the Glade noticed your tough relationship with Minho, they would always tease you two about acting like an old married couple.
You didn’t want to admit it but you did look up to Minho. He was strong, smart and always looked after the other Gladers. You just couldn’t understand why he’s always so harsh to you.
You avert your thoughts back onto the chopping board in front of you and focus on cutting the vegetables properly. From a distance you could hear somebody’s footsteps approaching, you didn’t need to turn to see who it was.
“Hey, Minho,” Fry greeted him.
“Hey,” Minho huffed before pouring himself a cup of water.
His eyes landed on you, you could feel him staring intently. You felt pressured under his stare, distracting you from what you’re doing. It must’ve slipped your mind that you were literally holding a sharp object and it only occurred when you felt a sting on your finger.
You let out a hiss of pain as you immediately dropped the knife. A small but deep cut was on your finger with a small portion of blood seeping out.
Before Fry could ask if you’re okay Minho stepped in.
“(Y/N), you alright?” Minho asks while quickly rushing towards you.
You nodded your head but your face was grimacing at the sight. “Yeah..” You muttered.
“C’mon, I’ll take you to the Med-hut.” He gently laid a hand on your shoulder before leading you out of the kitchen.
“Minho, I can handle myself perfectly fine—“
“Just go with me,” he sighs.
“I’m pretty sure Fry has a band-aid.” You try your best to protest since you know Minho just came back from the maze and you didn’t want to burden him. But he kept moving you forward.
You look back to Fry with a look of help in your face. Instead you were greeted with him grinning at the two of you.
Not long after both you reach the Med-hut. Minho quickly asked for a band-aid from Jeff and began patching you up.
“I can do it myself,” you say while trying to push his hands away.
Minho’s grip stayed firm but still gentle around your wrist. It didn’t take long for him to finish.
Now you were getting mixed signals. At first, you were a hundred percent sure that Minho hated your guts, but now he’s here tenderly caressing your hand.
“Why are you acting like you care all of a sudden?” You blurted out without thinking.
Minho was taken aback by your words. “What are you talking about?”
You quickly turn your head the other way, hiding the way your face flushed from embarrassment.
“You always ignore me and argue with me. Just like when I asked to become a Runner. Why are you suddenly looking after me now?” You ask.
Minho sighed deeply, still keeping your wrist in his hand.
“You don’t understand,” he spoke under his breath.
“There’s a reason why I don’t want you to be a Runner,” he says with a stern expression.
You pry your hand away from Minho’s grip and glare back at him. “Is it because you think I’m not capable?” You spoke with bitterness in your voice.
Minho crossed his arms, avoiding your gaze. “No, I know you are.”
“Then why won’t you let me? You and the others need all the help you can get and you won’t even accept my help—”
“I refused because it was the only way to protect you.”
You stare at Minho, speechless and dumbfounded.
He finally looks back at you. His eyes were filled with worry. A genuine look you’ve never seen on him before.
“It’s dangerous in the maze. What if you get chased by a Griever and get stung, huh?” His voice rose a little, leaving you stunned.
Minho quickly noticed how you reacted to his response. He took a moment to recollect his composure.
“If I lose you I won’t be able to forgive myself,” he spoke in a softer voice.
He slowly wraps his arms around your body. His strong arms held you close to his body as delicate as possible, almost like you were fragile.
“I really care for you, (Y/N), I really do,” he muttered. “I did what I know is right.”
You felt your heart flutter at his words. Hesitantly, you wrap your arms around him as well.
Although you still want to be a Runner, you understand Minho’s side of the argument.
“I understand now,” you replied.
The two of you bask in each other’s comforting presence. After a moment you could’ve sworn you felt Minho press his lips against your temple. His small gesture caused your heart to skip a beat.
As it turns out, there’s more to Minho than his harsh, sarcastic demeanour.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
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jenchan-writingmultis · 4 months
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Riddle Part two) ─────❅─────
Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Riddle (Suggestive Themes), Leona (Cussing, Blood mention), Azul (Obsession, Manipulation, Potential Cannibalism? (He eats merpeople who are turned into Polyps). The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personality of our beloved boys
Due to the Tumblr Limit, Each one will be divided unfortunately, hopefully it's an easy navigation for all of you!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Riddle = Queen of Hearts
Leona = Scar
Azul = Ursula Riddle Part one
─────❅───── Riddle:
He didn't even notice that his knights kept a close eye on every exchange between you two, although short, there lingers a feeling of longing, especially on your part, the way you looked at their queen definitely wasn’t normal; but Riddle wasn’t normal either, he was too lenient on you. You spilled his favorite tea accidentally, he didn’t get mad, instead, he sighed and had another one made while you apologized profusely to him while patting his shirt with a napkin, the knights were sure they saw their majesty blush!
“I’m telling you man! He’s acting weird!” Ace complained, hugging his pillow while his whole body ached, Riddle went way too harsh on their training, and it got him to run another 20 laps after their usual 10 laps just because he saw him idly chatting with Deuce!
“You’re not wrong, whenever they’re around he seems to be more chill than usual” Deuce said, crossing his arms while he flopped on his bed, his body screamed to slumber but his mind was awake. “Do you think your highness might be…” his thought wandered, snapping out when Ace laughed, “you think he’s smitten?” he finished the sentence, silence filled the room with Deuce’s head working overtime, he placed his hands on the back of his head while he looked at the ceiling, “I think he is”
Unfortunately, during those moments, Riddle was walking around doing rounds on each dorm room, usually this was Cater’s job, but he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering to you; thinking about you is distracting and he despised it. So, he decided to have Cater rest early, while he does the rounds himself. The moment he reached Deuce and Ace’s room, he was going to open the door till he heard the murmurs behind it, opening it up, the two still continued, Deuce stopping first stiffening up while Ace babbled his life away, not noticing that the guy that they were gossiping about was behind him.
“You should’ve seen how he stared at them when they were eating Trey’s pastries! It’s like he wanted to smoochy smooch the life out of them!”  Ace laughed, creating smooching noises, not realizing that Deuce was trying his best to signal Ace to stop”
“Oh?” the moment Riddle spoke; a chill ran through Ace’s spine. “Deuce should have seen how I stared at them when they were eating Trey’s pasties as if I wanted to smoochy smooch them?” he questioned, a vein popping on his head as fire burnt on his hand, lighting up the crooked bedroom.
“Sir- “
During that night, Ace was fortunate that he didn’t die, and only was forced to run another 50 laps and do 100 pushups till morning.
Now the reason why Riddle didn’t have Ace killed was the fact that what he said made sense; he was indeed smitten by you, drawn by a unknown force that attracted him to you, he didn’t know what it is, but it felt as if he knew you and he loved you In another world, maybe in your world he did loved you. That’s just a theory though.
While eating with him, the queen put his tea down, the sweet taste of chamomile tea lingered in his tongue, you were getting used to the comfort of the kingdom, although you still want to go back, you were still around your friends, and your boyfriend, who started treating you much better than before, even if you didn’t make any effort to tear down his walls once again.
“I have a question for you” he glanced at you, your etiquette felt familiar as well, the way you hold your tea, the way you carry yourself, it was similar to how he does it, 
“Ask away” You resumed eating your fill.
“is it possible that you might have known me in your world?”
Freezing up, you accidentally choked on some of your food, causing you to go on a coughing fit, Riddle gave you his napkin as you unconsciously took it, tapping your lips as your coughing subsided.
“Yeah…” you said, glancing down, the tablecloth looked pretty right now. “What’s my relationship with you?” he pushed, causing you to get flustered more, you didn’t answer which got him pissed, standing up he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, it wasn’t a rough touch, but it did get you to finally look at him once again. “I won’t let you go till you answer me” he threatened, it sounded bad, but you only loved the attention he was giving you.
“Why do you ask?” pushing his buttons huh? You certainly were bold trying that on the queen of hearts, however, instead of getting mad he chuckled.
He answered though, pressing his fingers on your cheeks “Being around you has caused me to be distracted,” he noticed you looking away from him again, almost pinching your cheeks, he got your eyes back into his. “I always end up thinking about you, feeling a sense of familiarity, do you think I wouldn’t find a solution on this?”
Seriously, when he’s rough like this, it makes your heart flutter; giving up you grabbed his wrist, pushing it away from your cheeks. “You were my spouse” you confessed, placing your hands on your cheeks, rubbing them to ease up the sudden soreness; realizing that the word “Boyfriend” might not exist in this time.
Riddle’s face went beet red, just like how he is when he is angry but this time, it was all over his face all the way to his arms, he looked adorable like that.
“Spouse?! You’re my spouse?!” he asked rather forcibly, trying to confirm it for the second time as you nodded.
When he calmed down, he sat down on his chair, pushing his hair back while he slumped on his chair “Why didn’t you tell me this in the first place?” you fixed your position on your chair while playing with your fingers. “I don’t think you would have believed me, Your Highness” he raised his hand, effectively cutting you off as he sat up straight as well.
“From now on, you will call me Riddle, or whatever nickname you think of” a privilege that only you have, how lucky you are.
“You accept it?” you asked, surprised how fast he took in the information, you were thinking of a few more resistances and doubts on your part, but Riddle only stared at you, face unreadable. “It explained everything I felt clearly, I am smitten for you”
The way he worded it caused you to snort, making him jolt in surprise, glaring at you as he felt his cheeks heat up again, “Why are you laughing! Am I wrong?” he asked, wanting to shut you up. “I’m sorry, it's just” you continued to stifle a laugh. “It’s funny when you say smitten, like some old man” Honestly, he should have put his unique magic around your neck, but it was useless on a quirkless person like you.
Although he should have minded the fact you just insulted him; seeing you smile like that, he guessed sacrificing his dignity was fine just so he gets to see you smile, it made him lose all the embarrassment and anger towards you.
Leona's Part
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writerofsorts · 6 months
Back to Rosewood
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(image creds: to the owner)
pairing: jason dilaurentis x female reader.
summary: 2x02 "the goodbye look" episode imagine/rewrite.
warnings: mentions of murder.
*read previous part here!
Night had fallen upon the town of Rosewood and [Y/N] found herself in the safety of her bedroom in her home. She was seated at her desk, trying to finish up her homework. However, the work laid open in front of her, unfinished as she found herself constantly getting distracted by the events of the past few months. 
She had never once imagined that Ian’s death would bring up so much trouble for her friends and herself. The entire town seemed to believe the girls were liars, not believing their words of Ian being Alison’s killer. On top of that, she and her friends were still dealing with A along with therapy. 
[Y/N] groaned and buried her face in her hands, thinking about the meeting with the therapist, Dr. Sullivan, earlier that day. She and the girls were close to telling the doctor about their cyber bully, and [Y/N] had to admit that it felt good. 
But, as always, A was one step ahead and was successful in keeping the girls quiet. [Y/N] knew Dr. Sullivan must think she and her friends were crazy indeed by the way they had acted. 
A knock on her door made her look up at the doorway and her parents along with her brother stood there with small smiles on their faces.
“You busy, kiddo?” her father, James, spoke first. 
“Uh, no, not really,” [Y/N] shook her head, closing her books and pushing them away. “Come on in.”
Her parents entered the room first and sat on her bed while she turned in her chair so that she sat facing them. Her brother, Sid, came to stand next to her and perched at the edge of her desk, playfully messing up her hair. She gave him a playful glare before laughing when he stuck his tongue out at her. 
The parents took a moment to admire their kids and the beautiful bond they shared. Reality hit them the next moment and they looked at each other sadly, knowing what they were about to ask next was going to take their daughter’s smile away, even if it would be temporary. 
“So, sweetheart,” Leslie began, clearing her throat. “Your father and I just got off the phone with your therapist a few minutes ago.”
Just as they had expected, the playfulness in [Y/N] faded as her expression turned serious.
“Oh,” she replied softly after a few moments. “Uh, yes, today was not a good day.” 
“She didn’t tell us exactly what happened,” James spoke next. “However, she did tell us that she doesn’t think it would be helpful to continue seeing you girls as a group.” 
“So, she wants us to come in for individual sessions?” asked [Y/N], thinking that shouldn’t be too terrible. 
“Well, yes,” her father continued after sharing a glance with her mother. “Also, based on your sessions, she’s making a recommendation.” 
“Which I’m not a fan of,” her brother added to the conversation for the first time. 
“W-what recommendation?” [Y/N] asked. Her worry grew with her brother’s words and she looked at him once before turning towards her parents again.
“Dr. Sullivan doesn’t think you girls are capable of maintaining a healthy friendship at the moment,” Leslie explained with sympathy lacing her voice. “So, she’s recommending that you girls spend some time apart.”
“Are you saying that I can’t see or talk to my friends?” [Y/N] asked in disbelief.
“This is not forever, honey,” James replied quickly. 
“I don’t understand what the shrink is trying to do here by splitting up [y/n/n] and the girls,” Sid commented. “They’ve been through so much. And, now with everything that’s happened with Ian, separating them is a terrible idea!” 
“I know, son,” sighed James. “The other parents and we talked. We all mutually agreed that Dr. Sullivan’s suggestion might be for the best.” 
“Unbelievable,” Sid muttered with a shake of his head. 
“[Y/N], sweetheart, say something,” Leslie said softly. 
“I- I don’t know what to say,” [Y/N] replied with a shrug. “It looks like you guys have already decided.” 
“It’s just temporary, we promise,” her mother answered apologetically. 
[Y/N] dropped her gaze to the floor. She wanted to be upset and throw a tantrum, but that was not her. At the same time, she knew without a doubt that she and her friends would not just stop hanging out.
Even with this new restriction from their parents, [Y/N] was sure that she and the girls would find a way to connect and deal with the fallout from Ian’s death as well as the threat of A. They had to. 
“I understand,” she said, looking back up at her parents with a light smile. 
Her parents gave her a hug and thanked her for being understanding before leaving her room. Her brother, however, hung back with a suspicious look in his eyes. 
“What?” [Y/N] asked, crossing her arms across her chest. 
Her brother didn’t reply and waited until he was sure their parents were downstairs and out of earshot. 
“You and your friends are not gonna listen, are you?” he asked quietly, his lips curled in a smirk, and [Y/N] sighed. 
“Look, I feel bad, but we can’t just not hang out,” she answered softly. “There’s a lot going on and we need each other.” 
“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” Sid's playfulness disappeared and he moved to hug her, not liking the fact that his little sister was under a lot of stress. “I’m on your side in all of this. If you need anything, I’m right here.” 
“I know,” she said, hugging him back. “Thank you.” 
“Just be smart in sneaking around, though,” he teased, pulling back from the hug and ruffling her hair. 
“For sure,” [Y/N] chuckled, nodding in agreement. 
Later that night, [Y/N] was woken up by the vibration of her cellphone on the nightstand. She grabbed the phone to see a text message from Spencer: ‘S.O.S.’ 
[Y/N] quietly made her way down the stairs to grab her coat and sneakers. Just as she finished wearing her coat, her phone vibrated yet again and she checked it to see a text from Hanna this time: ‘I’m waiting in your backyard.’ 
[Y/N] loved that she and Hanna were not only the best friends but neighbors as well. That was how they became close, anyway. Still when it came to sneaking out at night to meet up with her friends, she wasn’t a big fan as she didn’t like the dark. But with Hanna, it was easier and she didn’t feel as scared. 
She hurriedly wore her shoes and slipped out of her house through the backdoor to see Hanna waving at her while her other hand was buried in her coat pocket. 
“Can’t believe Dr. Sullivan thought she could keep us apart from each other,” Hanna scoffed when [Y/N] reached her. “You can’t tell a lot about a person by their shoes, after all.” 
“We’ll talk about it later,” [Y/N] said, half amused as she dragged Hanna with her. “Now, let’s go.”
The night was dark and chilly as the two friends made their way towards the greenhouse where Spencer had told the girls that she would be waiting. 
When [Y/N] and Hanna reached the greenhouse, Aria and Emily were already there with Spencer. The five girls huddled closer together and Spencer began to explain about why she had messaged them all so late. 
“Anyone could’ve sent that, Spence,” Aria was the first to speak after Spencer showed the girls a text that Melissa had received from an unknown number. 
“Yeah, it could be some jerk trying to mess with Melissa,” Hanna added. 
“Maybe, but it doesn’t seem random,” Spencer sighed, looking down at the message again and reading it. “It’s not safe. I can’t tell you.” 
“I can’t tell you what?” Emily asked, her brows furrowed in thought. 
“Wherever he is,” Spencer said, sounding confident. 
“Spence, Ian is dead,” [Y/N] spoke, wrapping her arms around herself. The thought of Ian being alive made her feel uneasy. “I mean, we all saw him, didn’t we?” 
“True,” Hanna said, touching [Y/N]’s forearm over her coat. “But, there’s only one way to know if its Ian texting Melissa or not.” 
The other girls looked at Hanna curiously as she looked at Spencer with determined eyes. 
“Answer him, Spence. Ask him something that only Ian would know.” 
Spencer nodded before typing, ‘how do I know this is you?’ 
‘Ask me anything,’ came the reply almost immediately from the unknown number. 
“I know,” Spencer whispered to herself before her fingers flew over the phone’s keyboard. “What are we naming our baby?” 
“What’s the baby’s name?” [Y/N] asked once Spencer finished typing. 
“Taylor,” Spencer replied just as the phone in her hand buzzed. She took in a deep breath before looking at the phone only to gasp out loud the next second. With wide eyes, she showed the phone screen to her friends who all showed similar expressions. 
‘Taylor,’ the text read.
“It is him,” Hanna whispered in disbelief. 
“Oh my god,” Emily said just as [Y/N] spoke, “Ian is alive.” 
As if the girls weren’t already terrified, the wind outside suddenly picked up and the greenhouse’s doors started to slam over and over again. 
“Did things just get incredibly worse?” Aria asked, trying to speak louder over the sound of the wind. 
“I don’t believe this,” Emily said, shaking her head. “Ian’s dead.” 
“Zombies don’t text, Emily,” Hanna said sarcastically. “He is alive somewhere.” 
“Spence?” [Y/N] called when the girl in question remained silent for a long time. 
“I have to get this phone home before Melissa notices that it’s gone,” Spencer said, her lips almost trembling. 
“Okay and then what?” Hanna questioned as the wind continued to blow rather wildly outside. “What do we do about this information?” 
“Do we tell the cops?” Aria asked, shivering a little. 
“That’s not a good idea,” [Y/N] answered. “Telling the cops never works out well for us.” 
“True,” Emily sighed in defeat. 
“Why is Ian texting Melissa anyway?” Aria asked but before Spencer could answer, Hanna added, “And, why is Melissa answering him?” 
“Is she?” asked Emily, skeptic. “I mean, we don’t know how long this has been going on.”
“Spence, you’ve got to find out what Ian told Melissa,” Aria said to the stressed-out girl. “You are the only one who can find out what he wants.” 
“And, where he is,” Hanna commented. 
The slamming of the door got louder than before and suddenly rocks started to fall off the roof, causing the girls to panic further. 
“Let’s get out of here,” [Y/N] spoke, grabbing Hanna and Aria’s hands, who were standing next to her, and dragging them towards the exit. Emily and Spencer weren’t far behind. 
Once they got to a safe distance from the greenhouse, things were strangely quiet except for the soft chirping of crickets. They walked down to Spencer’s house which was closer. 
“Let’s just finish this at school,” Hanna spoke first. “I’m cold, damp, and scared. We could talk at school.” 
“We can’t talk at school, remember?” [Y/N] asked once they stopped near Spencer’s house.
“Yeah, the five of us are supposed to have separate time,” Aria said in disappointment. 
“Doctor’s orders,” Emily said with a roll of her eyes. 
“So, what are we supposed to do?” scoffed Hanna. “Not talk to each other when we’re all literally in the same classes?” 
“We just have to play it cool,” Spencer said calmly even though she was anything but after everything that happened. 
Before the girls could talk further, a loud noise interrupted them. They turned in the direction of the noise and were surprised to see a familiar face outside the DiLaurentis house. 
“It’s Jason,” Spencer whispered, surprised. 
[Y/N], meanwhile, froze in her spot. The last time she had seen Jason was several months ago when he visited her at the hospital after A hit her with their car. 
Even though it was dark, she could still make out his appearance and she was taken aback a little by what she saw. The last time he was in Rosewood, he seemed… put-together, for the lack of a better word. He wore suits and had his hair done nicely, not one strand out of place. 
Seeing him now, however, reminded her of the old Jason. His hair had grown a little and fell over his forehead as he bent down. He was wearing a fitted Henley shirt that hugged his muscles with denim jeans. He definitely looked good and she had to try her best to not blush at her own thoughts, especially in front of her friends. 
Hanna slowly slipped her arm around [Y/N]’s, pulling the latter out of her thoughts. 
‘Did you know he was back?’ Hanna mouthed and [Y/N] shook her head in denial. 
“Did he move back in?” Hanna asked, clearing her throat lightly. 
“Looks like it?” Aria said, sounding unsure just like the rest of them. 
“What is all that?” Spencer asked in confusion as she and her friends watched Jason throw away a bunch of things into the dumpster. 
“That looks like all the stuff people left on their curb when Ali went missing,” Aria said. 
“Maya said her family kept those things when they moved in,” Emily added. “They didn’t have the heart to throw them out.”
“Apparently, Jason’s moved on,” Spencer said with sarcasm and [Y/N] frowned at the brunette’s tone. 
“What is he doing in that house anyway?” asked Aria. 
“You know what? We’ve already got a lot on our plates,” Hanna said, trying to shift the conversation away from Jason. “Let’s just go home.” 
“Han’s right,” [Y/N] said, grateful for Hanna’s interference. “See you guys at school tomorrow.” 
The other girls agreed and said their goodbyes before splitting up. 
“[y/n/n], did you know Jason was coming back?” Hanna asked again when it was just herself and [Y/N]. 
“No, I didn’t,” [Y/N] replied. “The last time I saw him was at the hospital. I remember he said he would be coming back but he didn’t exactly keep me updated. I mean, he didn’t have to.” 
The girls soon reached [Y/N]’s backyard and paused in front of the door. 
“Do you think he’s moved back for good?” Hanna asked softly. 
“I don’t know,” [Y/N] shook her head. “But, why would he, though? It’s not like there’s anything here for him, is there?” 
“You never know,” Hanna replied softly. 
[Y/N] smiled a little at her best friend; the fact that Hanna was so hopeful regarding her and Jason touched her. 
“Go get some sleep, Han,” [Y/N] said, playfully pushing the blonde in the direction of her house. 
“You’re no fun,” Hanna pouted, walking backwards. 
“Good night, Hanna banana,” [Y/N] laughed, opening the backdoor quietly. 
“Good night, [y/n/n],” Hanna said back before the two girls entered their homes at the same time to get some sleep. 
“Wait, so Jason doesn’t believe that Ian killed Ali?” [Y/N] asked in a whisper, glancing at the closed door of her bedroom once. 
The next evening, [Y/N] was in her bedroom, scrolling through her twitter feed when she received a call from Spencer. The younger Hastings had gone to welcome Jason back to town – in other words, she had gone to spy on him – and it hadn’t gone so well. After returning home, [Y/N] was the first person Spencer had called to share how her conversation with Jason went. 
“I mean, I think so?” Spencer replied in a whisper as well and [Y/N] could feel the frustration in her friend’s voice. “He asked me if Ian said the words I killed Ali and I told him he didn’t, but that’s what it seemed like and he got all snippy about it!”
Spencer huffed out a breath and [Y/N] bit her lip in thought. 
“Do you think he’s in denial?” Spencer asked, continuing their chat quietly. “He and Ian were besties. He probably doesn’t want to accept that his best friend killed his little sister?” 
“I’m not sure, Spence,” replied [Y/N]. “Even if they were best friends, Jason can’t just look past the fact that Ian killed Ali.” 
“That’s what I’m saying!” Spencer agreed. “Hey, do you remember that one day Ali and Jason were fighting?” 
“You have to be a bit more specific because all they did was fight around us,” [Y/N] said, mild amusement lacing her voice and Spencer scoffed out a laugh. 
“I’m talking about the time Jason was mad at Ali for going to his room and messing with his stuff?” Spencer recalled and [Y/N] found herself nodding at the memory. 
“I do,” she said. “That’s when Ali made that comment about things being hidden until she wants them found, right?” 
“Yes!” Spencer exclaimed, trying her hardest to keep her voice quiet. 
“But, why are we suddenly talking about the past?” [Y/N] asked, confused. 
“I- I had a thought,” Spencer said, her words coming out slowly which worried [Y/N].��
“What is it?” 
“Jason used to be so aggressive, [y/n/n]. Do you think he-” 
“Spence, don’t go there,” [Y/N] interrupted quickly. 
“You didn’t let me finish!” argued Spencer. 
“You were going to suggest Jason had something to do with Ali’s murder,” [Y/N] said, not liking the words that left her mouth. Spencer’s brief silence on the other end was all the answer [Y/N] needed to know that she was right. “Where’d you get the idea that Jason could be an accomplice in Ali’s murder?” 
“I don’t know what else to think,” Spencer admitted quietly. “He’s suddenly back in town and doesn’t believe Ian killed his sister.” 
“Don’t do this, Spence,” [Y/N] advised softly. “We’ve already got zombie Ian and A on our hands. Let’s not add Jason into the mix.” 
“I guess so,” sighed Spencer. “I’m sorry.” 
“No, don’t be,” [Y/N] replied. “I understand we’re all kind of on the edge right now. But, let’s not overthink. For now, at least.”
“I’ll try,” Spencer sighed again, dramatically this time, causing [Y/N] to chuckle. 
“Hey, I should go now,” said [Y/N]. “I’ve been in my room for a while now. I should make an attendance downstairs for dinner.”
“Yeah, of course,” Spencer laughed. “See you in school tomorrow?” 
“Definitely,” [Y/N] responded. “Good night, Spence.”
“Good night, [y/n/n],” Spencer replied before hanging up.
The girls were sneaking out yet again in the middle of the night. [Y/N] was starting to dislike Dr. Sullivan because she hated that greenhouse with a passion. It was creepy, to say the least, but she and her friends had no other choice. 
“It was in the pocket of her coat,” Spencer said, showing her friends pictures of Melissa’s ultrasound. “Her coat was wet and so were her boots.” 
“She lied to you about going out?” [Y/N] asked. 
“I don’t think she went far,” replied Spencer. “I checked the driveway and it was dry under her car so I don’t think she drove anywhere.” 
“Who would she want to show these to?” Aria asked, handing the ultrasound pictures back to Spencer. 
“I can only think of one person,” Hanna said with a roll of her eyes. 
“Ian,” Emily said, letting out a deep breath. “Spencer, if you’re saying she didn’t drive anywhere to see him, then that means he must be close.”
“Han, you were right,” Spencer said. “This is the worst time to be splitting up. We have to stick together.” 
“Exactly, no matter how much lying it takes,” Hanna nodded. 
“If only all of our parents were like my brother,” [Y/N] sighed. 
“Can we switch siblings?” Spencer pouted at [Y/N], who instantly shook her head. 
“Absolutely not,” [Y/N]’s instant reply was met with light laughter from her friends and they all cherished it. It had been a while since they’ve had the chance to be normal teenagers and to just have fun. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Aria said after a while and the girls agreed before walking out of the greenhouse. 
They were passing by the DiLaurentis house again when Emily suddenly stopped in her steps, causing the other girls to do the same.
“What is that?” she asked, looking at what appeared to be garden supplies laying on the front yard of the house. 
Before they could inspect further, a bright flashlight shone in their faces and they held their hands in front of their eyes. 
“Jason?” Spencer asked first, squinting at the taller man and he finally lowered the flashlight. 
“Oh, it’s you,” he said after he noticed the familiar girls in front of him. 
“Yeah, it’s only us,” Aria answered with an awkward smile. 
He turned off the flashlight and when he looked up, his gaze fell on [Y/N].
“Hey, are you better now?” he asked her, his voice softening. “I haven’t seen you since the accident.” 
“Oh, uh, yes, I’m better now. Thank you,” [Y/N] replied, smiling lightly at him. She felt nervous with his attention on her. It also didn’t help that she could feel the curious eyes of Aria, Emily, and Spencer on her as well. Except for Hanna, the other girls didn't know about Jason visiting her at the hospital. 
“So, what have you been up to?” Hanna asked Jason casually, shifting the attention away from [Y/N] for which the latter was grateful for. 
“I’ve been replanting all day,” Jason replied. “I’m putting up a fence as well.” 
“A fence? Why?” Spencer asked – her eyes and voice were obvious of her suspicion of Jason. 
“Privacy, security,” Jason answered, his voice turning a little rough. “There’s a lot of curious creeps in the world and one way or another, people are gonna mind their own business.”
The girls looked at each other subtly, feeling a little uneasy with Jason’s piercing eyes shifting between them. 
“You girls better go home,” he said before turning to walk back into his house. 
The girls walked a little further away and stopped by the side of the road again when they heard the sound of Jason shutting the door. 
“[y/n/n], you didn’t tell us Jason visited you,” Spencer shot instantly.
“I didn’t think it was important,” [Y/N] replied, shrugging a little. 
“But, why did he visit you?” Aria asked, frowning in confusion. 
“He was probably being nice, Aria,” Hanna answered before [Y/N] could. “And, yes, I know that he visited [y/n/n], because I ran into him there.” 
[Y/N] looked at Hanna at the blonde’s easy lie. Hanna didn’t meet Jason at the hospital; [Y/N] had told Hanna about Jason visiting her with some get well soon gifts. Since Hanna was already aware of her feelings towards Jason, she was the only person [Y/N] felt comfortable sharing about his unexpected visit with. 
“Look, he probably visited me, because he felt obligated to since he worked on Ali’s memorial with us,” [Y/N] said, hoping to move past this topic. 
“That makes sense,” Emily said calmly after a few moments, which caused Aria and Spencer to loosen up a little as well. “And, am I the only one thinking who is Jason trying to keep out with that fence?” 
“Keep out or keep in?” Spencer asked back, and [Y/N] could tell the former still believed that Jason was helping Ian hide and had some part in killing Ali. 
“Look, it’s too late to be doing this,” Hanna said. Similar to [Y/N], Hanna had an idea of where Spencer might be going with this and she was exhausted to be working on any more mysteries for the night. “Let’s just do this at school tomorrow or whatever.” 
[Y/N] internally sighed in relief when the other girls agreed with Hanna and parted ways, making their ways towards their houses. 
“Thanks for the rescue back there,” [Y/N] told Hanna once it was just the two of them. 
“Anytime, [y/n/n],” Hanna grinned, looping her arm around [Y/N]’s, making the latter chuckle. 
The two made their ways towards their homes in comfortable silence, hoping to get some rest before facing the stressful days ahead.
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Series Masterlist
©celtic-crossbow 2024. I do not allow for my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or placed on any other platform without my consent.
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Chapter 20
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore; gunshot wound; injuries; blood; allusions to child abuse; allusions to SA; poorly written smut; oral (fem rec); fingering; p in v; panic attacks
A/N: Dear gods, this one is long and full of a million feels! This will be the last chapter for a long while. It will be on hold in favor of finishing Blood Ties but then, it will be finished before any other endeavors. The song I chose for the later part of this chapter is one I recommend listening to while reading it. The lyrics and soft music helped shape this and I hope you like the end result.
Daryl was dizzy. Beyond relieved to have you latched to him like a koala but mostly just physically dizzy. Still, he couldn’t seem to summon the desire to let go. You were whimpering against his good shoulder, trembling something fierce. “We gotta go. S’not safe here.” It took another moment for your legs to begin their descent, your body sliding against his in a way that forced a grunt out of him while his face flushed. Not the time for that particular part of his anatomy to wake up. Clearing his throat, he loosened his hold and shifted his hips away from you. “Place’ll be full’a the dead soon. Gotta go while ev’ryone’s distracted.”
You nodded, nearly glancing back to where Todd had fallen, just for one more fragment of affirmation that he was gone, truly gone. 
“He ain’t gonna hurtcha no more.” Daryl pressed a palm against the small of your back, and you responded, moving with him toward the door. He stuck his head out first, internally mapping a way to safety before he even thought of letting you follow. Offering his hand, you took it without a single ounce of hesitation.
You could hardly believe you were really outside. With Daryl. There was no time to revel in the victory, however. It was instant walker-dodging, trying to make it into the forest and out of sight before the living threats realized you had escaped. There would be hell to pay once they had gathered their bearings. You could only hope that you were all back behind the prison gates before that happened. 
Daryl weaved through the forest with a skillful ease that you envied, though you noticed he was beginning to flag after only a few moments. His focus seemed to dwindle, nearly leading you headlong into a cluster of walkers before you tugged him to a stop behind a tree. 
Pressed tightly together, chest to chest, you got your first good look at the archer. He was gasping and slick with sweat, perhaps from the run but you were hardly even winded. There was a pallor to his skin that had worry slithering around in your gut like a constrictor, weaving its way into your chest the more you scrutinized his state. 
“Y’okay?” He lifted his chin toward you and gestured toward his own face. You hadn’t really thought of how horrible you must look, beaten bloody in a revealing set of lingerie. Hopefully he couldn’t see your blush around the bruising. 
It wouldn’t have bothered you before his introduction into your life. Hell, it didn’t bother you. It had been your job, your sole purpose. You were molded to believe that you only existed for men to touch and ogle and use. Your time at the prison with kind people you had thought extinct had shown you otherwise,
“Where are we meeting up with everyone?” You leaned around the tree, the shuffling of leaves and snapping of twigs growing further away along with the symphony of groans and snarls. Three stragglers were still too close for the two of you to safely move without alerting the majority. While Daryl could traipse the landscape like a ghost, you may as well set off fireworks with each step. The hunter remained quiet. You only assumed he saw something you didn’t and tucked yourself back against the tree. He was gnawing on the side of his thumb, seemingly avoiding your quizzical stare. “Daryl?”
“Need to find a place for the night.” He was deflecting. 
“Where’s Rick? Carol?” Your eyes narrowed, suspicious. He leaned out much as you had moments before and gave you a nod. 
“Let’s go this way.” He took a step to pass you, but you caught him around his middle. The archer heaved a sigh and dropped his head. “They ain’t with me.” You blanched. 
“You came alone?” It came out higher than you’d intended, prompting a stern shushing from Daryl. Lowering your voice to an aggressive whisper, you continued. “Why would you do that? You were—oh god, Daryl, you were hurt!”
“M’fine. Let’s get—”
“You shouldn’t be here. Not alone. I’m not worth it. I’m not worth your life. I thought I made that clear.”
“Stop that shit! Ya are worth it!” Daryl clapped back, stepping back into your space. You flinched. He wasn’t trying to intimidate you, so he held up his hands and put some space between the two of you. “You’re worth it, Y/N. Anyone that tells ya diff’rent can come talk to me.” He added softly, shifting his gaze with a nervous tapping of fingers against his hip. 
You swallowed hard around the sudden lump in your throat. Without the ability to speak at that moment, he would need to accept the jerky movement of your head as agreement. 
“Let’s go. Need to put some distance between us an’ them ‘fore nightfall.”
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You were crouched behind the bush, not moving a single muscle. If you could possibly stop breathing, you would have. Daryl was in his element, crossbow leveled, eyes laser focused. You never got the chance to hunt with him. You were certain that, after this, you would never let him go without you again. 
There was so much to learn. The way he followed trails, the slightest disturbances on the forest floor you weren’t able to see. He knew what he was following, knew that it had an injury. All from something on the ground that looked like nothing more than a thin layer of leaves and sticks to you. 
The click swoosh of the crossbow still startled you but was easily brushed off. Shouldering his crossbow gingerly, Daryl retrieved the rabbit by the ears and returned to you, holding it up slightly as if seeking your approval. 
“Ain’t the turkey I was trackin’ but it’ll feed us.”
You beamed at him. “Bird or bunny, I don’t care. I’m just hungry.” You had eaten a little with the Governor but hardly enough to satiate the hunger that caused your stomach to cramp. Daryl hummed with a nod and looked around somewhat aimlessly. 
“Need to find someplace to hole up for the night. Gonna hafta go outta the way a lil’. They’ll be searchin’ the routes back to the prison.” 
“Do we even know the way back?” You asked without thinking. The look he shot you was almost comical. “Right. Stupid question.”
The two of you walked for what felt like hours, your feet scratched and aching, the stockings catching and tearing on almost everything. The irony wasn’t lost on you, the first time he’d rescued you and where you were at that moment. Both times found you in skimpy attire and ending up without shoes. At least now, you weren’t afraid that he was set on raping or beating you. 
“Hang on.” You couldn’t take the discomfort for another second.  Daryl stopped immediately and looked back with concern that was quick to shift into something else, his cheeks reddening. You were shimmying off the garter belt entirely and discarding it along with the stockings, leaving only the bustier and thong. “Much better.”
“Didn’t, uh—didn’t grab anythin’ extra this time. Sorry.”
“You could always give me your underwear again.” You teased, watching the blush deepen and spread to his neck and ears. 
“Stop.” He grumbled. Turning on his heel, he took a step and paused, without looking back. “Do ya—if ya really need—”
“No.” You laughed, not at him but the situation. “Keep your drawers. I’m good.” The man grunted and continued on in front of you. If someone had told you all those weeks ago that you’d be goading a handsome man about his underwear, you would have laughed at them. Well, you probably wouldn’t have since at that point, you’d forgotten how to laugh. You would have been shocked to say the least. 
Everything was so vastly different now. New challenges and emotions to navigate your way through. The more profound of each of those being Daryl. Your feelings for him were strong and mostly unfamiliar. Desire, you’d felt that before, once upon a time. You could recall it from your life before. But you wanted him. In every way. 
Every way. 
Not just physically. And oh, did you want that part of him. This was heavier than that, so much deeper. A vast ocean that’s depths were terrifying but held beauty that called to you. Daryl was complex but beautiful. He was the first breath of spring as winter melted away, the scent of reawakenings and new life. He was that moment when the ominous darkness of a storm parted just enough for the blue sky to peer through. Dangerous, lethal but offering tenderness and safety behind his minaciousness. 
You wanted to know his heart, hold it and keep it safe. You wanted to see his soul, wanted him to bare it to you willingly and tell you his secrets, his inner wars that he had battled alone. You wanted to fight them for him and let him rest. You wanted to touch his scars, show him gentleness where someone had marked him with cruelty. 
But you would want forever. 
You weren’t what Daryl deserved. He was worthy of the world and you could only offer him a chasm, dark and damaged and unrepairable. 
You could want until the end of time. 
You were dismally prepared to do just that.  
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God, he was exhausted. If walking for hours wasn’t enough reason, carrying himself as if he wasn’t suffering was wearing him down quickly. Hunger and thirst were turning his stomach inside out, but he couldn’t stop. He had to get you somewhere safe. Then he would rest. Actually rest. He still had water from the river and preparing the rabbit would be easy enough, allowing him to sit and give his tired, aching body a break. 
He loved how his name rolled off your tongue. Focus, Dixon! “Hmm?”
“You, uh—are you okay? Really?” 
He hesitated. He didn’t want you to worry. Causing you more stress after what you’d been through would be selfish. He just needed to find shelter. Anything would do at this point as long he could barricade it and there could be a fire, either inside or out. The weather was mild, the changing of seasons from summer to autumn. He would only need the fire to cook the rabbit. 
Oh. You had asked him a question. “M’fine. Just tired.” You made a noncommittal sound, making it obvious that you knew something was off. Damnit. “Shoulder’s buggin’ me. Ain’t no big deal.”
“Maybe we should stop for a while.”
He had to admit, it was tempting. The problem was that if he stopped, he wasn’t sure he could get back up. “Nah, m’good.” As Dixon luck would have it, his body chose that moment to betray him. Daryl stumbled, the dizziness overwhelming him. He tried to lower to a knee, but as the ground shifted and drew closer, he tilted and his injured shoulder took the brunt of the fall. The desperate noise he heard was dampened beneath the onslaught of pain, the only indication that it was coming from him being the burn in his throat. 
“Daryl! Goddamnit, you’re bleeding.” 
Your face hovered over him, blurring in and out of focus like a camera steadying for the perfect shot. The canopy above you served as a stunning background for an image he would try his damndest to commit to memory. The trees acted as umbrellas, issuing the perfect amount of the bluest sky and filtering the light to a flawless dapple. It presented an ethereal halo to your already faultless beauty. 
“Daryl. I need you to get up.” 
There was an urgency to your tone that he couldn’t seem to react to, his brow knitting. When he tried to question, he wasn’t sure his mouth was even moving. Then you were gone. There was an overwhelming impulse to panic with your sudden absence. Daryl grabbed at that feeling and held on tight, using its influence to force his body to cooperate. He rolled onto his uninjured side, back protesting. A rucksack and crossbow do not perform adequately as a pillow. With a grunt, he lifted his head. 
You were fending off four walkers on your own with his knife. No, you were driving them back. Daryl kept his eyes on you as he endeavored to make it to at least a sitting position. You kicked one back, unable to take it down before you cut off another that was getting too close to him. They could smell the blood, thick and coppery in the air. Jesus, how badly had he torn the wound? 
He couldn’t fire the gun, even if it would be more effective. It would alert both the living and more of the dead. Maneuvering the crossbow from his back was painstakingly complicated, but soon enough, he was using his legs to hold it in place while he pulled the string back. He was only briefly ashamed of the whines and whimpers he couldn’t manage to stifle, his shoulder throbbing something awful. With the string captured by the latch, he was quick to load a bolt, trusting his ability enough to lift and fire with minimal aim. 
The walker you were grappling dropped in a heap, your wide eyes seeking out Daryl. Before he could blink, you had thrown yourself at the next closest corpse, leaving the two that brought up the rear. By the time he had managed to load another bolt, you had pulled the knife from one skull and were stabbing the next. You were angling yourself towards the last one when a bolt zipped past your face and impaled itself through the walker’s eye. 
With the immediate threat neutralized, Daryl let the crossbow fall from his grasp and fell onto his back, grimacing when the lumpy rucksack reminded him of its presence. A jolt of pain in his shoulder brought on a gasp, his hand instinctively going to rest on the throbbing area and coming away red. 
“Are you okay?” You appeared over him again with those big, worried eyes. For reasons he couldn’t explain, he felt annoyed. Angry, even. 
“M’peachy.” He answered flatly. Against every instinct, he sat up again, swatting away your hands when you silently offered to help. He avoided looking at you. The naked concern in your expression would only serve to bring on guilt that he couldn’t process on top of physical pain. 
Finally on his feet, he shouldered his crossbow and scooped up the rabbit with a grunt, walking without speaking. You followed behind but at a distance, your untrained footfalls loud. 
He wasn’t truly angry, not at you. It was his own selfishness behind his irritability. How badly he wanted to let you fuss over him and touch him. The way he wanted to touch you. He knew very little about your life before Jazz and the club. Hell, you didn’t know much, couldn’t recall many things before the trauma that had taken so much of who you were. Would you ever reclaim anything from your past, despite the hell you had lived through? How many pieces were missing? Could he help you find those parts of yourself? 
The answer was no. 
He couldn’t even piece himself back together. 
Still, he knew what he wanted. And that scared him. He wanted you, broken or whole mattered little if at all. The unfamiliar territory he was treading drove him into retreat, battling to keep the bricks from reassembling into the walls you had torn down with such a small amount of effort. 
Love wasn’t a word he tossed around carelessly. It had taken months to admit he felt any sort of affection toward the group he had allied himself with, despite what he had been willing to endure for them. What he felt toward you was so much different, reaching significantly farther than the responsibility he had claimed to be the justification. He knew what his useless, battered heart was trying to tell him but he had never followed it before, relying on experience and self preservation to guide him through a life he felt was sometimes meaningless. 
You deserved so much more than what he could ever offer you. You, with your damnable kindness that should have been, by every right, snuffed out by the unspeakable cruelty you had endured. All things considered, you still worked tirelessly to find yourself or some semblance of who you were meant to be. It was admirable and only made him want you more. 
That just wasn’t him. It was so far away from what he knew of himself, or thought he knew. But being around you brought out a sense of comfort and acceptance he was too scared to embrace or appreciate. Getting comfortable, feeling safe, would only lead to disappointment. He had learned that with his mother and even more so with his father. Just when he thought Will Dixon could change and be the parent he had needed, Daryl would only receive another wound, another scar, another reason to never trust anyone. 
Then you challenged all of that. 
You were a breath of fresh air amidst the decay he was accustomed to even before the turn. The calm of the forest after a hard rain, when things were still and he could immerse himself in the tranquility before the life that dwelled there ventured out to return to normal. You radiated the warmth the sun gifted during the bite of winter’s cold. You were everything that gave him solace when he had run scared as a child, convinced that there was no goodness in the world. 
You were everything he was not. 
And because of that, he couldn’t reach out to you in the way he wanted. He would only break you down when you deserved to be lifted onto the highest pedestal. 
You had been broken enough. 
And you could shine without him. 
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You watched Daryl wear himself down to the point you thought his stubbornness would have him crawling rather than accepting your help. He hadn’t spoken a word to you since the walkers, even when the two of you needed to hide from another group of the dead. He refused to meet your eyes, pressing himself so hard against the tree that shielded you both that he would hiss in discomfort just to keep from touching you. 
What had changed so drastically since you had left with Jazz? Why did he even come find you if he didn’t want you near him?
You were just about to attempt to talk to him when the small shack came into view. It wasn’t exactly a cabin but someone had lived there. A garden, long dead, was surrounded by short, broken fencing. An old generator was on the rickety porch-like structure with parts and rusted tools scattered around it. It was a dilapidated building but would serve the purpose. 
Some of the visible tension melted out of Daryl’s shoulders. He was quite clearly exhausted and in pain. Before he could even begin to engage in anything strenuous, you jogged to catch up, holding up his knife  where he could see that you still had it. 
“I’ll check out the inside while you start a fire and take care of the rabbit.” You were trying for authoritative but it, of course, came out as a question. The hunter stopped halfway to the rotted wooden steps and angled his head toward you. Tired, blue eyes narrowed, studying as if solving a puzzle. 
“Fine.” He huffed, dropping his bag but keeping his crossbow. He carried at his side, a silent reassurance that he was ready should you need him. Careful to avoid the weak spots, you were slow to make your way to the door. It was barely shut, hanging at an angle but maybe there would be something inside to push against it. With your hand flat on the wood, you started to open it. “Tap on it.” Daryl called quietly but loud enough for you to hear. 
“Tap on the door. The window. Just make a lil’ noise ‘fore ya go in.” He sounded exasperated but continued with his task. He probably thought you didn’t notice him watching you from the corner of his eye, finger hovering beside the trigger of his weapon. 
“I doubt there’s anyone home.” You mumbled. He still likely heard you. Inwardly sighing, you tapped the blade of the knife against the doorframe.  At first nothing happened. Just as you rolled your eyes and pushed against the door, something fell into it from the other side, the snarls and scratching making it obvious. When you looked back at Daryl, eyes wide, he was smirking at the circle of rocks he’d be using as a firepit. 
When you sighed this time, it was one of determination. You could hear only one walker. That didn’t necessarily mean it was the only one, but if things went the way you planned, it would be simple to take out however many were inside. You were mindful of how you held the knife when you threw yourself against the door. It took two times to push the door open enough for the walker to come around it. 
“The hell ya doin’?!” 
“I got it.” Careful once again, you backed down the steps. “Come on.” The walker fell over the top step and tumbled, giving you an opportunity to glance at Daryl. He was aiming the crossbow, but the fact that he hadn’t fired when you both knew he could easily take it down meant that he was giving you a chance to do what you were attempting. 
On its feet again, the dead woman followed you clumsily. You led her away from the structure, past the old garden, and then stopped to allow her closer. 
“Y/N.” A clear warning. 
“I got it, Daryl.” He should know. It was he and Carol who taught you. He had also told you that everyone fucks up sometimes. For you, this would not be one of those times. You lunged for it just before it could reach you and too quickly for it to grab you, plunging the knife into the walker’s eye. You pulled as the body fell, making the retrieval of the weapon a piece of cake. “Told you I had it.”
Daryl tried for a scowl but the twitch of his lips was evident even from a distance. So you grinned at him, prideful of what you had done. It probably wouldn’t have been a big deal to Carol or Michonne, but you were new to it all. You’d take a win where you could. 
“You couldn’t drag it and neither could I.” You said in passing on your way back to the door. He grumbled something close to yeah, I could’a but you ignored him. The left shoulder of his shirt was saturated. You needed to sit him down and take a look. You weren’t very knowledgeable but you could at least put pressure on it until it clotted. Maybe? Did it work like that?
The little shack was clear of the dead now, the woman apparently living alone. You gave no thought to how she had died or how long she had been there. Inside was a simple set up. One room, a bed in one corner. Full size with some sort of furs as blankets. It was large enough for you both to sleep as you had before but given his change in demeanor, he was likely to want the floor. 
There were iron kettles and pots stacked on a corner, along with an open med kit. Crossing to investigate, you glanced out to see Daryl crouched down and skinning the rabbit. The kit had a few bandaids, some Tylenol, and an opened square of gauze. Never knowing when you would need even the smallest of things, you removed the gauze and kept the rest, placing the small box on the bed. 
A dresser sat in the other corner, two of the drawers broken and partly open. The woman had been just about your size. Maybe there was something you could use so parading around in front of Daryl with your ass out was no longer an issue. 
“Bingo.” You smiled. The sweats were at least clean. They were a little baggy. Maybe she had looted them from somewhere else. It didn’t matter, really. A long sleeved flannel with most of the buttons missing was in the same drawer. There weren’t any other shirts, to your dismay. Pursing your lips, you decided to see how you could make it work. 
The bustier had left red indents in your skin. You nearly moaned with relief while removing it. The flannel was actually missing all the buttons but you could work with it. You rolled up the bottom and tied the two ends together beneath your breasts. It was an odd crop top that made some of your lesser scars visible but nothing was hanging out, so winner winner chicken dinner. You grabbed the most comfortable looking of all the mismatched socks and walked toward the door. 
You could smell the fire, your mouth watering at the thought of rabbit. No seasoning but beggars could not be choosers. First, however, you wanted to check the walker for shoes. The clothes somewhat fit so maybe shoes would too. “I’m gonna check to see if the—” 
The socks fell to the porch, forgotten. Daryl’s forearm was red and blistered, the skin practically melted away from being too close to the fire. You grabbed his uninjured shoulder, thankful that was the side closest to the flames so you could simply roll him away. He had landed face down, unmoving when you spotted him. 
Now lying on his back, you could clearly see his chest rising and falling. He was alive. “Daryl? Can you hear me?” Your hands cupped his face, the skin cool and clammy. That was good in one sense: no fever. It could, however, mean he’d lost too much blood. His shirt was sticky with it. You carefully peeled the fabric away from the wound, finding it open and still bleeding sluggishly. There were loose butterfly sutures with most of Hershel’s stitching popped or missing. “Idiot.” You sniffled. 
Lifting his shoulder as high off the ground as you could manage, you let him come back to balance on your thigh and leaned to see the exit wound on his back. It was mostly fine, just one end where the skin was torn and puckered. You could work with that. 
The medical kit inside was useless. You could only pray he had the sense to bring something with him. You dumped the contents of his bag in the ground, nearly sobbing at the sight of a kit from back home. You could at least pack the wound and dress it. Grabbing the small red bag and the canteen, you scurried back to his side. You’d have to fetch more water from somewhere after cooling the burn and cleaning his shoulder but you’d cross that bridge later. 
At that moment, Daryl was priority one. 
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The first thing he heard was the cracking and popping of a fire, the smell of smoke and meat wafting into his nostrils. It  simultaneously made his mouth water and his stomach turn. There was a groan, deep and drawn out. A walker? No. That was coming from him. Where the hell was he? His damn brain was foggy, clouded over from pain. Exhaustion threatened to pull him back under but the shuffle of leaves gave him just enough adrenaline to flinch away when someone touched his face. 
“Easy. It’s just me.”
“Y/N.” He croaked, curling his lip at the sound of his voice. His mind began to fill in the blanks, memories sliding into place to form a timeline that ended where he was now, by the fire with right arm and left shoulder bandaged. The sky was a watercolor painting of purples and oranges, the sun long out of sight. “How long I been out?” 
“Here.” You pressed the canteen to his lips and while he drank, he used his right hand to take over holding it. “A few hours.” He watched, head tilted, as you reached behind you to turn the rabbit on a spit. “I had to, uh—I had to leave you once to get water. I’m sorry.”
“Still here, ain’t I? Don’t gotta apologize.” 
You took the canteen and replaced the lid. “I’m sorry that I covered you with leaves and put a dead walker on top of you.” You weren’t meeting his eyes. Shit. Had he been such an ass that you were afraid of him again? “I didn’t know what else to do. When you fell, you burned your arm. Between that and your shoulder, I used it all. I had—”
“I ain’t mad, Y/N. Jesus. Calm down.”
Your shoulders dropped. “If you’re not mad, then why are you acting different around me?” 
“Let’s talk—let’s talk inside. After.” He gestured to the fire. “You’re gonna burn that.” He was glad he had at least finished prepping the rabbit before face-planting, made things a little easier for you while you were stuck watching over his dumb ass. You drew your bottom lip in between your teeth. You wanted to say something but swallowed it down with a tight-lipped smile and went back to the fire. 
To be honest, he had pushed back the conversation because he wasn’t sure what he was going to say to you. He could blame his physical state, the blood loss and exhaustion. Then he’d be lying to you more than he already had. To tell you the truth would be to admit that he was no better than the men who had tortured you. Sure, there were feelings involved, something you appeared to have as little experience with as he did. 
Nothing good could come from this. Maybe he needed to come clean just so you could understand why he needed to distance himself, if only until it all passed. Feelings were fleeting, nothing was forever. 
“Here.” You were offering him a skewered portion of meat. “Try to eat. If we need more water, I know where to go.” 
Daryl nodded his thanks and lifted the food to his mouth, stopping short to watch you seat yourself near the fire, drawing up your knees. The soft glow of firelight burned warm against your skin, flickering flames casting shadows that made the bruises and lacerations appear that much darker. You had cleaned yourself up while he was unconscious, changed into fresh clothes and shoes that had likely been inside the home. Even riddled with injuries and in oversized clothes, you were fucking beautiful. 
Finally forcing himself to tear his eyes away from you, food was eaten in silence, the fire extinguished shortly afterwards to avoid drawing any unwanted attention. The hunter was impressed with how you were handling yourself with such minimal instruction from him. 
“Nothin’.” He cleared his throat, continuing as you went about gathering everything to move inside with only the moonlight guiding you. “Just—holdin’ your own out here. Don’t need me ‘round no more.” The statement was both fond and bitter, just another confirmation that he’d be doing the right thing by stepping away once you were safe. 
You had stilled, but then carried on, leaving him for a heartbeat to deposit everything inside. Then you were crouching in front of him, reaching out, ready to help him inside. Your hand lifted at the last second, warm palm coming to rest gently against his cheek. He was leaning into the touch before he could stop himself, allowing that brief comfort even if it was entirely self-serving. 
“I think I’ll always need you.” You smiled, gentle and sad, like you were reading his mind. “I’m okay with that.” Maybe you were, but he wasn’t. 
His entire commitment to you from the beginning was to make you self reliant, let Carol help you figure out how to be a person again, and while training you hadn’t gone exactly how he’d planned,—he was never supposed to be involved—he was proud to say that you stood more of a chance now than when he had met you. He could step back and let Carol take over. Daryl never had a problem disappearing, he’d been doing it all his life. Hiding from his father, jumping from town to town with Merle. He could do it again. Even if it meant he’d have to leave the prison, the people he cared about, to keep you safe and give you a chance, he was willing. 
You reached for him again and he swatted at your hands, using his right arm to balance while he got his feet beneath him. The burn ached beneath the bandage and Carol was likely to throttle him the moment they got back for how messed up his shoulder was, but it had been worth it. They would likely see the smoke from the factory, investigate from a distance, and return to the prison, either convinced that you and he were among the dead or they would keep a sharp eye out for your return. 
He was ready to be back, if he was honest with himself. Take a few days to heal properly and then head out for a while on an extended hunt. Maybe he wouldn’t need to leave permanently. Maybe this would all fade as he hoped. 
When he felt your hand between his shoulder blades and caught your eye, the myriad of emotions visible there even in the dim light reminded him that hope in that world was futile. 
You indicated the weak points in the steps and followed him inside, closing the sad little door before shooing him away from the dresser. 
“No way. You’re not pushing this with your bad shoulder. Go lie down.” When he remained there with a incredulous expression of you’re kiddin’, you squared your shoulders and looked every bit as scary as a wet kitten. “Go on, get.”
He exhaled a laugh through his nose and pressed his good hand to the top of the dresser only for it to be popped like a kid reaching for the cookies before supper. He found he was a cross between offended and impressed. “Listen, pipsqueak, I—”
“No, you listen, you stubborn mule.” Daryl’s mouth snapped shut, eyebrows shooting upward. Impressed, indeed. “You damn near killed yourself to get me out of there. I fixed it all up the best I could but I bet Hershel and Carol are gonna lock you in a cell regardless when we get back. So the more you rest, the less time you spend in solitary confinement, capiche?” You leaned your weight against the piece of furniture but stood up again with an angry pout. “And don’t call me pipsqueak!” He filed away that nickname for later. Would there be a later? No, he couldn’t think about that right now.
“Fine.” He huffed and let his hand fall away. He didn’t move just then though, quite frankly enjoying watching you struggle with the task on your own while he unlaced and removed his boots. You grumbled and cursed but finally succeeded, turning to him with a victorious, high-pitched hmmph. Daryl shook his head and turned toward the bed in the corner, a small half-smile gracing his features. 
The mattress had two blackbear furs on it. No pillows but it was unlikely that you gave any more fucks about it than he did. Utilizing his good arm, he snatched the edge of one fur and dragged it off onto the floor, toeing at it to spread it out. 
“Hmm?” When you didn’t say anything, he turned, finding you in the middle of the room, wringing your hands with one of the saddest expressions of trepidation he’d ever seen you wear. Fuck. He knew what was coming. 
“Why are things different now?” You were staring at the bear skin as if it were still a living creature that was driving a wedge between the two of you. “Are you mad at me for leaving? I just wanted to protect you like you protect me. I couldn’t stand the thought of—”
“Told ya I ain’t mad.” Daryl interjected when the words just kept tumbling out. “Weren’t happy ‘bout it, but I get why ya did it.” I would’a done the same. The hunter kicked at the edge of the fur even though it was already laying flat. You sniffled and his head snapped up. “Nah, Y/N, don’t cry.”
“We slept in the same bed before. Why can’t we now?” 
He inwardly groaned. Why was this a big deal? Did you just need comfort? Stupid. Of course you did. You’d been through the wringer. He was so emotionally ignorant. Selfish. “Ain’t a big deal. I’ll sleep on the bed.” He bent to retrieve the fur. 
“Why don’t you want to? Are you—I know you know what they did to me. I’m—disgusting.”
Oh, fuck no. “Don’t say that. Ain’t your fault what they did.” He was crossing the distance before he realized his feet were moving, stumbling to a halt in front of you, just barely restraining from dragging you into him. “Things are—just diff’rent.” Your big eyes were shining, wet and full of questions. 
“Different how then?” You reached for him. He wanted to retreat but he couldn’t seem to get his legs to cooperate. “How can I fix it?”
His face twisted into a grimace, turning away from you and then back in the same movement. “Ya can’t cause ya didn’t do nothin’ wrong.” You were hugging him around his torso before he could stop you, your warmth seeping through his shirt for his chilled skin to soak up. “Y/N, I can’t.” 
“You can’t what?” Goddamnit. Why was this so hard?
“Ain’t it obvious? I need to let ya go.” And his damn voice cracked. He still hadn’t made a move to hold you. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to do what needed to be done. He felt you shift, now looking up at him again with your arms still firmly wrapped around his sides. And though he scrambled to grasp a single sliver, the anguish in your gaze shattered the last of his resolve. 
The back of his knuckles stroked your cheek before he hooked a finger beneath your chin to hold you as you were. 
He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the effort. “Wanna—can I kiss ya?” Your face crumbled, the tears you had been controlling finally wetting your cheeks. His hand fell away. “M’sorry. That was stupid. Don’t know what I was thinkin’.” He tried to step back and give you space but your hold kept him immobile, your head shaking back and forth.
“It isn’t that. It’s just—” Your breaths were shallow spasms, chin wobbling. “No one’s ever asked me before.” 
His heart didn’t just ache, it broke. The idea of doing anything you hadn’t consented to was nauseating. For all the hell he’d been through and cruelty he’d seen, he still couldn’t fathom hurting someone like you purposefully. No one had asked before kissing you? Did you mean before the turn? God, the urge to just hold you was dizzying, to protect you without ever letting you leave his arms. 
You worked hard to get yourself under control, straightening to look at him as steadily as you probably could manage. “Ask me again. Please.”
His heart was hammering. He knew you could hear it. Tongue sliding across his bottom lip, he leaned down until your noses were almost touching. “Can I kiss ya?”
“Yes.” Your eyes flitted to his lips and back to his eyes. 
This was what he wanted but now he couldn’t seem to remember how. Still, he’d rather it be a clumsy disaster than leave you questioning. He leaned in closer, parting his lips slightly to make his intentions clear even though you had consented. His lips pressed into yours, mirroring the way you opened in invitation. There was a tentative sweep of his tongue, grazing your own. You relaxed with a contented sigh that traveled down his throat, rattled his spine, and cradled his heart. He wasn’t just taking what you were willingly giving, he was learning. 
You wanted this. 
He had never been so wrong but he wasn’t exactly built for picking up any cues you had given him, intentionally or not. He felt himself begin to tremble, suddenly void of any semblance of confidence. 
When your fingertips brushed over the nape of his neck, pressing gently to pull him closer and deepen the kiss, he shivered involuntarily. It was a slow dance of pent up emotion, gradually charging the air around where the pair of you stood. His own hand lifted to the side of your neck where his thumb brushed back and forth over your jaw. It was only when his lungs began to burn that he pulled away, his forehead resting against yours while you both panted. 
“Is this what you want too?” You shrank into yourself timidly and awaited his answer. He chuckled breathily and ignored the pain so his other hand could cradle your face as well, using both of his thumbs to sweep away your tears that still fell uninhibitedly. 
“Yeah, pipsqueak. S’what I want.” 
“Don’t call me pipsqueak.” Your tone was breathless, eyes hooded, your arms winding around his neck. 
He kissed you again. Hands moving to your waist and then around to your back, bending you slightly to curve over you. Your hands slid to his chest and curled into his shirt as best they could while being wedged between your bodies. The second kiss was no less gentle but held no reluctance. He’d laid all the cards on the table, against his better judgment, never expecting to be rewarded. 
The fear of hurting you in some way was still very much present, a lingering warning in the back of his mind that he chose to ignore in favor of licking into your mouth, stealing another taste. And then another. And another. You were intoxicating, one indulgence would never be enough. 
There were no objections from you when he maneuvered your bodies to turn, never parting during the journey to the bed. He didn’t allow the back of your knees to meet the mattress, but instead used the hold he maintained around your middle to lift you up and lay you back. He was leaning over you, mouths still moving together only to part for you to crawl backward and further onto the soft surface. 
There was the smallest flicker of panic that he had taken it too far, that you were trying to escape, but then you were reaching for him. Your fingers pressed gently into his ribs as soon as he was within reach and allowed you to guide him over you, opening your legs to allow room for him. Daryl hesitated, noticing the fine tremors in your hands. 
He leaned in for a chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth and then sat back on his knees to grant you a bit of space. “Ain’t gotta do anythin’ ya ain’t ready for.” His pants were already tight, the strain on his groin nearing an unbearable yet delicious pressure that might have been just enough to both give him relief and cause him embarrassment. 
He was far past the point of no return, prepared to give you everything or nothing at all. Whatever you needed or didn’t. His hand was resting just above your hip, thumb brushing back and forth in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. 
“Just tell me what ya need.”
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You were scared to the point of panic, waiting for the inevitable pain that would accompany his baser instincts to take what he wanted. But this was Daryl. Training aside, he’d only ever shown you gentle touches that were fleeting and reluctant, to just as much appease his own anxiety as well as yours. 
The reasonable part of you knew he’d never intentionally hurt you. The part of you that had been traumatized so purposefully had been conditioned to submit and bear the burden of agony to ensure he was satisfied. It was almost enough to send you spiraling into that dark place where you could hide. Maybe it already was. Your chest felt tight, breathing was becoming difficult. You felt like you would shake into pieces, each fragment bearing witness to the disappointment he’d certainly let show. 
“Hey.” His raspy voice was just as gentle as the whisper of his fingertips that were now caressing your jaw. “Ain’t gonna hurt ya. Nothin’s gotta happen. We can just lay here.”
You swallowed hard enough to hurt. “But you want this.”
A deep red began to rise on his cheeks, spreading down his chest and up to his ears. “Yeah, I do. Don’t mean m’gonna take it from ya.” His voice was strained, uncertainty working its way in even as he tried to maintain control. His tender touches carried on, fingers carving a soft path down your neck and over your collarbone but skipping your breasts entirely. Then he was rubbing his palm up and down your bare side, below where you had secured the flannel. His skin was still chilled from blood loss. “Can I—will ya let me try somethin’?”
What could he possibly want to try? The act itself was simple for him: undress you, enter you, chase his pleasure. He’d be gentle, you knew that, even if you needed to constantly remind yourself. You found that even suffocating under the weight of your fear, you ached to feel him inside of you, wanted to make him feel good. He deserved to feel good. So if there was something he wanted to try, you’d allow it. Chewing on your bottom lip, you nodded. 
He returned the gesture and slid his palm over your abdomen, bringing it to rest on the front of your sweatpants. “Just say the word an’ I’ll stop.” The need to fight back the dampness in your eyes presented itself once more. Your exhale shook but you nodded again. 
Bringing his injured arm into the movement, he dipped his fingers below the elastic waistband and paused, glancing at you for what you assumed was an opportunity to stop him. You said nothing, curiosity intertwined with apprehension while you watched him. 
Daryl was slow to drag the article of clothing down your legs, taking the time to delicately pull each foot from the ribbed cuffs before dropping them to the floor just beside the bed. Easy to grab in case you changed your mind maybe? The cool air against your skin—your scars—was more than a little jarring but you forced yourself to keep still. 
He was careful when he finally touched you, just above your right knee where a faint, raised imperfection resided. The permanent reminder of James, a regular client with a malicious enjoyment of knife play. There was no pity in the way he looked at your skin, just a reverent understanding. You had seen his scars. He was comprehensive of the callousness that one human could show another. 
Now that he was touching you so intimately while you were spread open before him, you remembered that neither of you had anything to make penetration any less uncomfortable. You were used to it, you supposed. Some men just used your blood and some used lubricant provided by the club. Others just drove in dry. There was also the lack of condoms, dental dams. 
Daryl’s other hand came to rest on the inside of the opposite thigh, his rough palms kneading the flesh of each, while he looked back and forth between them. Ever so slowly, he slid his hands below to rest centimeters away from where your ass curved into your leg. He simply left them there and bowed over you, pressing his mouth just above the waistband of your panties. 
You gasped. His lips were chapped but soft and warm, in direct contrast to the coolness gripping the backs of your thighs. Regardless, it wasn’t the feeling of his touches that surprised you, it was the result of those touches. 
There was a rush of heat at your center that seemed to whittle its way back and forth to your stomach, the muscles of your abdomen twitching against Daryl’s mouth. Your clit was beginning to pulse. You were no stranger to arousal, or so you had thought. Maybe that was another part of you that had been chipped away because nothing that you could remember felt like this. 
“This okay?” 
With a sharp inhale, you looked at him, only then realizing your breathing had picked up. Daryl was completely still, waiting with a patience you had only seen a few times since you’d known him. 
Eyes on you, he lowered his head and pressed an open mouthed kiss to a scar parallel to your navel, his fingers squeezing the soft flesh of your thighs. Looking at him, watching him watch you felt too intimate. The back of your head pressed into the pillow, your own hands coming to rest on either side of your head. 
Daryl was already doing more for you than any man while you were at the club. What he seemed to be doing was comforting you, showing reposeful attention to each mar littered across your skin. Once he had completed that particular endeavor, he switched to doing the same to the smooth areas in between. 
You bit back a whine when he relinquished his hold on your thighs and slid his hands to your hips, slipping a finger beneath each strip of fabric across your hips. Before he could ask permission, you shot upright, forcing him back. 
“Yeah, okay!” His hands came up next to his head, palms out. “M’sorry, was gonna ask.”
“No, I know. It’s not—it’s just—” you had started shaking your head as you sat up and hugged yourself tightly, a whimper escaping unchecked. “Todd, he would cut me if I didn’t behave or didn’t perform. He was so angry over his brother but Jazz wouldn’t—he wouldn’t let Todd kill me. So, he cut me instead.”
Daryl muttered a quiet Jesus and raked his fingers through his hair. You knew he was working it out, flaming fury burning in his blue eyes when it all clicked. 
“I’m sorry.” You ducked your head away from his anger. Nothing was directed toward you, but the actual heaviness of his rage was frightening. 
“Nah, ya don’t say sorry for that. Ever. Ya hear me?” His left hand was squeezing the bandage-covered burn on his right forearm, using pain to ground himself. You knew the method well. “Wanna bring his ass back so I can kill ‘im again. Slower.”
You weren’t sure there was anything you could say. It was done, the moment was over. You gave him a nod and began to draw up your knees but his hands were quick to stop you. With a quizzical stare, you said his name. 
“Got scars too. Sure ya saw ‘em when ya patched up my shoulder.” His hands remained on your partially bent knees, grip firm but trembling. Maybe it was a terrible time, probably the worst, but you felt compelled to be truthful. 
“I saw—I, uh, saw them before that, Daryl.” 
“Shower. I know.” 
Saucer-sized eyes snapped over to him, your body going rigid, cheeks burning with shame. “You—knew?” Daryl hummed an affirmation. “Do you wanna talk about them? Your scars.” 
He shook his head slowly, no. “Not yet. This ain’t ‘bout me.” The archer sat back on his heels. “Just, ya know, wanted ya to know that I get it. We got scars. Seein’ ‘em ain’t gonna change anythin’.” Maybe bringing up what else you had seen that night wasn’t such a great idea. “Ya good?” You gave a quick nod. “Get some sleep. I’ll keep watch.” Not where you thought things were headed. You weren’t ready to stop just yet. Shaken, but not beaten. 
You moved quickly, pulling your legs beneath you to rise up on your knees where he still sat on his. Your hands bracketed his neck and your mouth was slotted over his, relieved he didn’t freeze. Quite the opposite, he pulled you flush against him with an arm around your waist and the opposite hand on the back of your head. Your chest was heaving when you angled your chin to pull away your mouth, leaving your face close, your nose nuzzling his. His eyes were still closed. 
“Please don’t stop.” If he wanted to—really wanted to— end things there, you wouldn’t try to persuade him otherwise. You held onto hope that the hard bulge pressed against your stomach meant you wouldn’t even need to try. When his eyes opened, the blue that was always giving a glimpse of the kindness he tried to hide was a mere thin line around lust-blown pupils. 
Maybe he wouldn’t notice your deep, steadying breath but even if he did, he was possibly just too enamored with watching you lie back, your nimble fingers untying the front of the flannel. With one last glance at Daryl, unmoving and patient with his hands balled into fists on his thighs, you spread open the shirt. More scars adorned your breasts, but while Jazz’s clients would curl their lips and scoff, the archer's eyes raked over your flesh with what you could only be described as unabashed wonder and appreciation. 
Clinging dramatically to your sudden burst of bravery, you straightened your legs on either side of his hips and hooked your fingers into the straps of the thong to drag the fabric down, keeping your thighs pressed as tightly together as you could manage while lifting one leg and then the other. The white material hung from your left ankle, your knees bent and closed just above where Daryl remained sitting on his own. 
“Please don’t try to talk me out of this.” Hands resting on your thighs, you dug in your nails, the slight burn providing an anchor against your fear. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to maintain composure, but that didn’t matter. Whether that night or a year into the future, you would need to battle these demons. “I just want to feel something—real.” 
His eyes flashed up to yours, an understanding there that needn’t be spoken. Your wounds and his had been inflicted so differently but your scars were the same; a map of your lifetime, of bravery and endurance among such suffering. 
“Alright.” He rasped after another moment of silence. His hands lifted from his lap to hover just above your knees. There was a twitch in his clenched jaw, a spasm of pain from his shoulder but nothing more. The pressure he applied to urge your legs flat was barely there, a slight encouragement that lacked any demand. It was awkward but you somehow succeeded in keeping your thighs together. 
Daryl’s fingertips began easing into the space just above your knees to urge your legs to part, not making it far before he stopped. His jaw worked back and forth, teeth gnawing on the inside of his bottom lip. While you wanted to spread yourself open, you couldn’t seem to find the nerve. 
Not until his next move. 
His gaze remained on your thighs while he worked slowly to pop open the buttons of his shirt, one by one. There was a shadow of a moment where you considered stopping him; telling him it wasn’t necessary. He seemed to think it was. Quid pro quo, maybe; ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.’
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you feel more at ease. 
The archer shrugged the shirt from his right shoulder, then gingerly slid it off the left. You avoided staring after the initial glance. It wouldn’t do to make him feel more exposed than he was. You couldn’t, however, erase the image of his naked torso. His skin was dirty, caked with dried blood from the wound, but he was beautiful, ruggedly handsome with tanned skin pulled over whipcord lean muscle. You had always found jealousy in the ogling stares of the prison women but you understood. To be the one he was sharing this much of himself with was dizzying. 
He didn’t make a move for his belt, crawling toward you instead, the press of his knee where your legs were sealed together was gentle in its attempt at prying you open. You parted them, a little more confident without him staring down at your mutilated flesh. 
Daryl held his weight above you on his right arm with the slightest tremble of exertion. He must have seen you glance over, worry etched in your eyes, because then he was shaking his head with a quiet s’fine. 
You tried to recall when you had lost your virginity, but couldn't seem to pull up a face or name or even a clear memory, but you wondered if it’d been something like that. Two hesitant individuals with the knowledge of the other’s desire for them but completely clueless when it came to implementing that into some sort of action. Like horny, inexperienced teenagers. You would have chuckled if the dark reality of justification wasn’t hovering over your bodies like a dense, suffocating fog. 
You flinched minutely when Daryl dipped his head, hot breath wafting over your exposed nipple. He made no further attempt, looking up at you from beneath his lashes, seeking consent and it made your eyes sting. Your fingertips grazed over a scar on his temple with the slightest curiosity of where it came from, but dismissed it in order to splay open your fingers against the back of his head and pull him toward your chest. 
You gasped at the first flick of his tongue, the touch so foreign that your body didn’t seem to understand how to react. Gooseflesh prickled across your chest and down your arms, your other hand jolting upward to join the first, unintentionally holding Daryl in place, silently pleading for an encore. 
He didn’t disappoint. Shifting over, he briefly pressed his lips to your sternum before his tongue circled your other nipple, drawing the pebbled nub into his mouth. The slow, tenderly executed motions had your lower belly burning with a feeling your traitorous body had experienced while a stranger fucked into you despite your unwillingness. 
The archer didn’t remain where he was for long, moving to drag his tongue down your torso and dip it into your navel. There was a full bodied shiver, your legs instinctively spreading wider. You didn’t even realize it until his open mouth was against the skin just above the tuft of hair at the apex of your thighs. 
You felt the familiar stirring of panic and you tilted your chin toward your chest to look at him, finding him staring right back. His lips remained stagnant against that spot, his dark gaze searching your face for permission. It took two deep, calming breaths, both worryingly difficult to achieve before you nodded. His mouth was against the beginning of the scars that he would soon find on the ruins of your cunt. But then he did something unexpected. 
He closed his eyes. 
At first you thought he was avoiding a disgust that would dampen his desire for you. Then he was touching you, mapping out each jagged line with the tips of his fingers, neglecting not a single one. 
He was allowing you to acclimate to the new experience. 
You couldn’t remember ever being touched so tenderly, or a man ever willingly exploring your most sensitive area beyond driving their dick into your dry entrance. Daryl had yet to even delve between your folds, his attention solely on conveying acceptance of your imperfections. The fear of rejection and anticipation gave way in a rush of wetness you hadn’t realized your body was capable of, a physical indication that you appreciated what he was doing. 
Your hands were still loose on the back of his head, making it possible to speak your consent and insistence without words. Your nails scraped lightly over his scalp for your fingers to tangle in his hair, urging him onward and asking him to open his eyes and see you. Despite his valiant actions to bring you comfort, you needed to witness his reaction. 
He was slow to peel open those pretty eyes, still dark with desire. You laughed around tears when there was the flash of arousal in the pools of blue. He was seeing the whole of you and not just the desolate ruins. He was appreciating what you were offering him. There wasn’t a single scrap of hesitation or disinterest. His tongue was parting your folds to taste you, but then his eyes widened and he reeled back just enough to put a couple of inches between your hot, slick slit and his mouth. 
“M’sorry.” He was apologizing for his naked desire that had propelled him to touch you without seeking permission. But you weren’t even remotely upset, hadn’t even considered anything beyond the scorching trail his tongue had left in its wake. You could do nothing but whimper and card your fingers through his hair, canting your hips upward in silent pleading for him to continue. 
And continue he did. 
Daryl dove in like a man starved and you were the finest meal he’d ever had, his tongue lapping at you while his large hands pressed against your inner thighs to spread you wider. He had only just begun and there was pleasure like you had never before felt, that you didn’t even know was possible. 
When he gave a satisfied hum against you and latched his mouth over your clit, the wanton noise that left you was positively pornographic. Your hips jerked and your grip on his hair tightened. No wonder the clientele had never made this a priority. What would they get from this beyond perhaps the enjoyment of the mewls and breathy moans that you couldn’t seem to stifle? None of them wanted that. 
But Daryl was drinking it up, his tongue working your sensitive bud harder and faster with each sound you offered him. 
When you felt the tip of his index finger circle your opening, there was a jolt of fear; an anticipation of pain but he wasn’t moving. Once again he waited patiently for your approval, but all the while, his tongue continued its assault. Your mind warred with the desire to be filled by him in any and every way and the terrifying inevitability of the pain you had been led to believe was the norm. 
In the end, your undeniable hunger for him prevailed. “Please.” You panted, grinding your hips against his face. The feel of stretching around his thick digit wasn’t anything like you were accustomed to, the gentlest of burning, molding until he was fully inside. Your inner walls fluttered around the intrusion with a stuttering of your hips. It felt so good that you began to question if it was really happening at all. 
When Daryl moved his finger, pulling it back to drag over your insides, you watched his eyes roll with a deep groan against your clit. There was a tightening within your belly that held a promise of something delicious but Daryl seemed to be enjoying what he was doing just as much—if not more— than you were. 
He kept the action slow and deliberate, allowing you to adjust not only physically but mentally as well. You had been denied pleasure, something you were sure he deduced from your tears over his request to kiss you. It wasn’t until you moaned his name and rolled your hips against his hand that he doubled down in his efforts to bring you to your high. 
He worked at your clit with wanton abandon, sucking and licking and grazing his teeth over the swollen, stiff bundle of nerves, all the while pumping his finger in and out of you with a gentle, deep push and pull that directly contradicted his vigorous onslaught with his mouth.
God, you had never felt so good. 
“Daryl.” You whined, writhing and tugging on his hair. He chuckled against your slick cunt. Goddamn him, he actually chuckled. “I don’t—it feels—hhhnnngg—”
“Easy, pipsqueak.” 
“Don’t call me th—oh.” He had slowed down, languidly brushing his nose over your clit while thrusting his finger deep and curling it against a spot inside you that made your toes curl. You couldn’t remember the last time you came or if you had at all. Daryl pulled almost all the way out of you before pressing his middle finger against your drenched hole, requesting to join the other but not advancing it further. 
God, you appreciated his need for consent but at the same time you wanted to shake him and demand he keep going. 
Instead of responding verbally, you angled your hips and pushed down against him, taking both fingers inside you, your velvety walls pulling at his digits to suck them in deeper. You weren’t cognizant of anything anymore, only the rush of urgent need to feel that knot in your belly twist tighter. 
“Fuck.” Daryl whispered before circling his tongue around where his fingers disappeared inside of you. When he began thrusting into you after your desperate whining, it was still at an agonizingly slow pace. You understood why he was being so gentle. 
Because no one ever had. 
And, though your body begged for the alternative, you needed to feel it that way, feel valued and cherished and worth pleasing. 
Daryl made you feel that. He ignored his own needs. You had definitely noticed the way he continued to shift his hips, holding himself carefully away from the mattress. Was he truly that aroused by pleasuring you? 
The train of thought derailed when he sucked hard on your clit, flicking the end of his tongue over it while it was drawn from beneath the thin hood of flesh by the suction of his mouth. His left hand shot up to your hip with a pained grunt to keep you immobile for the moment, your whines and whimpers morphing into shouts and moans. Daryl released the small bud and pressed his tongue against it, and when you looked down, you found his gaze on you with an intensity that drew that coiled knot inside you even tighter, threatening to snap it loose. 
“Please, Daryl—I don’t—I need—”
“S’okay, pip. Just let go.” His tongue pressed against you again, a firm stimulation that when combined with the twist and curl of his fingers inside you brought a sudden heat from deep in your lower abdomen. It engulfed you, centering on the now vehement circling of Daryl’s tongue on your clit. Your body vibrated, your hips rolling now that he had removed his hand in favor of keeping one shaking thigh pressed down while the other sought it out to squeeze and hold him in place. 
You were mumbling, then shouting, random words in incoherent sentences. His name and a plea and a call to a god you didn’t believe in, desperate and overwhelmed. You had never felt pleasure like this, never been allowed to drown in an ecstasy that another person could draw from you. 
You had definitely never orgasmed before; regardless of your trauma, that feeling would be something you would surely remember.
You were clueless as to how long you were under the spell of complete and total bliss, falling limp with your bare chest heaving. You didn’t even feel the tears until Daryl was hovering over you, his thumb catching the moisture before it could run across your temple. 
“Y’alright?” You hummed, still weightless and floating in the space between reality and wherever it was the archer had sent you. He smirked, his hand still against your neck with his thumb sweeping back and forth over your cheekbone. “Think ya need to sleep some now.” Just like that, you were completely lucid, sitting up to pull him into a feverish kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, a profound sense of intimacy but you felt another pulse run through your cunt, centering at your clit.
“Please.” You whispered against his mouth, feeling how his breath trembled. As you met his eyes, they were rising away from your lips and looking back at you. He studied you, seemed to be peering into your very soul. He urged you back down when next his mouth slotted over yours. Your hands slid from his shoulders and down to his hips, pulling and guiding him until he was nestled between your thighs. He still wore his pants but his erection was undeniable and likely painful by that point. He wanted you and not in the same way all the men before him did. Daryl wanted you as more than just a hole to be fucked. He wanted you and all your splintered parts and defects. He wanted you but was willing to wait to have you. It only made your desire for him increase tenfold. 
“You’re sure ya want this?”
“Yes.” You replied without thought or hesitation. “I want this and I want it with you.” Deft fingers were already sliding from his hips to his belt buckle, working it open while he peppered sloppy kisses over your neck and shoulder. 
“Won’t last long.” He mumbled against your collarbone. There was a sadness to his tone. Did he really think he could disappoint you?
“You just made me feel so good, Daryl, and you did it without hurting me. You made me feel—” Loved. The word never made it off your tongue, but you shifted his focus with a nibble against his throat. “I’ll take whatever you’ll give me.” Button open and zipper down, you caressed your way around him and pushed the denim, along with his boxer briefs, down over his ass. Kneading your fingers across each buttock, the muscles twitching. With the combined use of your hands and feet, you managed to get his pants down to his ankles, leaving him to kick them off.
You didn’t look, but you could feel. His cock slid back and forth in your nectar with his hips lazily rocking, his mouth on your breasts. You couldn’t suppress the whine that climbed up to press against your teeth. You needed him inside you. It was never like this before. You were terrified of any man being near you in such a way, but there was little more than residual fear there. Nothing of Dary’s doing. You struggled to slide your hand between your bodies but the archer caught your wrist and brought it toward his mouth to kiss your palm before he guided you to rest it beside your head. He did the same with the other hand. 
Sex like this was different to say the least. He wasn’t rushing to penetrate you, or rutting into you like you were a bitch in heat. Even with the heated weight of him nestled against your labia, he didn’t go into a frenzy. It went against everything you had been taught was normal. But that was just Daryl, wasn’t it?
Always showing you that the truth had never fit into Jazz’s narrative. 
“Hey.” The archer brushed his nose against yours. “Thinkin’ so loud, you’re makin’ my head hurt.” When you had taken too long to articulate a response, his lips descended onto yours once again, moving with such care while you followed his lead. His tongue swept into your mouth, tangling with yours. If you weren’t careful, you’d get drunk on the taste of him. Maybe it was too late and you already were. 
He balanced on his right forearm to ease his hand to your breast, cupping and weighing it, rolling your hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger with a firm squeeze. You arched into him as far as you could beneath his weight, mewling his name with a whisper of more, please into his mouth. You wanted so badly to touch him, to spur him onward. Each time you lifted a hand, he was catching it and lowering it back down. 
By the time he decided to reach down, line himself up, you were a panting, squirming mess, caught somewhere between anxious anticipation and lingering doubt. A whimper shook just behind your lips as his tip nudged your slick entrance. He was hesitating, staring at what he could see of you and himself from where he balanced atop you. 
“It’s okay.” You soothed, hand trembling while he allowed the comfort of your fingers gliding through his hair. “I want this.”
“Don’t, uh—” he began, his throat working to swallow around the words that were trapped there. “Don’t want ya to do anythin’ ya might regret.”
“Who in their right mind could ever regret the chance to be with you?”
The look he fixed on you was nearly devastating, wide, shining eyes that were radiating disbelief. Carol and the others had worked so hard to help you realize your worth. You wondered, dimly, why they hadn’t spent as much time convincing him of his own. There was sudden disappointment that you didn’t know him from before, that the two of you didn’t find one another before things went to shit. You would have gladly spent every single minute of every single day showing him how amazing he was.
Daryl had dropped his head, any view of his face hidden behind his fringe. Was there anything you could do for him? You wanted this—needed it, craved it—but that all consuming desire was easily pushed aside and replaced with the want to show him gentleness. You’d pull him down to rest with his head over your heart. Maybe you could even find the words to explain why he’d hear it galloping behind your ribs, how it was more than a baser need, how it wasn’t sexual in the least. It was simply the effect of having him that close to you, offering you a part of him that none of the women at the prison had ever even been considered to receive.
You gasped, nails biting into his bicep as he began to breach you. It burned, and with that sensation came the shock of knowing that a stranger had been fucking you only hours before, but this was still pushing your body to its limit to accept Daryl. He stopped once the tip rested inside, for both your benefit as well as his own. He was already twitching, possibly not physically able to go further without spilling inside of you. Would he? You could almost feel the cum leaking around him to spill out of your cunt, wanted to experience how it would make your body soar. However, there were very valid concerns that would make that unlikely.
“Y’okay?” His voice was strained, gravelly, and unfortunately for Daryl, your body reacted by involuntary squeezing him. He keened, a low noise in the back of his throat. In lieu of a reply, you dragged up your legs and pressed your heels against the curve of his ass, pushing him deeper. His head fell onto your shoulder with a grunt. “Goddamn—” 
Your cunt wrapped around him in a perfect mold, so tightly that you could feel the vein that ran underneath his cock. Gasping and moaning, you let your knees fall outward and pushed against him with your heels until he was fully sheathed within your warm, fluttering walls. And then you were lost in him. The first thrust was more a roll of his hips, driving so deeply inside of you that you could feel him nudging your limit yet still carving his way further. It was amazing to immerse yourself in the chasm between pain and pleasure, without a sense of foreboding weighing heavily to suffocate you. Daryl was your safe place, and now that you couldn’t seem to tell where you ended and he began, you could draw upon that ardor and submit to him completely.
Submission was something you knew well, but this was different. It was a conscious choice made out of desire and not fear. You were ready to willingly drown in him and let him decide when to pull you up for air. Another roll of his hips saw you breathing his name, your hands roaming over the broad expanse of his back, over the raised and uneven skin. The archer growled next to your ear, sucking on the lobe before progressing with intentionally wet kisses and nibbles over your jaw before claiming your lips.
He was so gentle in his movements, allowing both of you what you needed while still reminding you that sex could be enjoyable. No one had ever made love to you that you could remember. Maybe before the end of the world, but that no longer mattered. The memories could stay buried for all you cared. You wanted this, there in that moment. With Daryl.
“Need ya to tell me you’re okay.” He murmured with his lips brushing over yours. His sporadic presses into your body became a rhythm, continuous and deep, but just as slow and steady. The heat in your belly was already simmering just from the drag of him inside of you, feeling him twitch and swell.
“I’m okay, yeah. I’m okay.” You managed, encouraging him to bare his neck to you with a gentle nudge of your cheek against his jaw. His moan cut off, hips stuttering when you bit down on skin over his pulse. There was the slight taste of copper on your tongue. He groaned and grabbed at your hands, one at a time, to push them back down on either side of your head, lacing his fingers through yours. His grip tightened with every languid thrust, only to loosen when he pulled back his hips. His face was buried against your shoulder again, choking off moans and failing in the attempts to hold back the whimpers, he was throwing gasoline onto the fire inside of you. “I’m—I think I’m—” Your chest arched and pressed against him, his left hand releasing yours to move down and cradle your lower back, angling your hips to allow him to carve his way impossibly deeper. You could feel him moving in your lower belly, each push back into you prodding a spot that had your toes curling.
You began to orgasm before you could even warn him, so lost in the colors and shapes of a different reality while your cunt clenched around him so forcefully that he grunted your name and squeezed your hand. You knew you were shouting but could do nothing to stop it. It just felt so sublime, so right. Dary was still at your ear, panting and grunting through clenched teeth. He was hanging on by a thread.
“Y/N, m’gonna—fuck, m’gonna cum.”
He slipped out of you so suddenly that you whined, twisting your other hand free to encircle both arms beneath his, holding him close and steady as he spilled onto your throbbing pussy. His chest was heaving, the frequent puffs of air so warm against your skin. His muscles were taut beneath your palms, rippling while he rode out his high with lazy thrusts, his cock brushing against your groin. Then he was still, collapsing on top of you but cognizant enough to shift his weight so as to not crush you.
The room was quiet then, save for the heavy breaths. It was damn near eerie but entirely forgotten when the archer pushed himself up on his elbows, his eyes tired and glazed over. 
“Did I hurtcha?” It was almost a whisper, as if he was trying to avoid someone overhearing and catching you both naked and sweating.
“No.” You smiled and pulled him back against your shoulder. “Not at all.” It took several more minutes before your own breaths had slowed to an even cadence. Daryl had all but melted into you, sated and sleepy and vulnerable. It felt like an honor to hold him in such a way, coaxing out the stress and despair so that his muscles relaxed and he felt safe enough to close his eyes. One hand rubbed across his back, pausing with each twitch or sharp inhale. Your other hand was busy cradling the back of his head and combing your fingers through his hair. 
“Hmm?’’ When you angled your head to look down at him, you found yourself smiling. His eyes were losing the battle to stave off the call of sleep. 
“Thank you.” 
But he was already out, the exhaustion from the last few days pulling him under with relative ease. As you held him close, you felt your own eyes grow heavy. One of you should really have stayed awake and kept watch, but sleep was relentlessly dragging you down. 
With one last kiss into Daryl’s hair, you closed your eyes, feeling the tears sting but you were too tired to fight them off.
“Thank you.” 
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petsdenonne · 1 year
hi!! may i request some arkham knight jason smut with a lot of oral? 👀
Should’ve listened
Pairing: ArkhamKnight!Jason x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT 18+, Gun against jaw (for a second in a non-sexual scene), Oral, brief mention of church, semi-public sex.
Word Count: 1,426
Summary: After zoning out at a bad time, you come to learn that maybe it isn’t bad after all.
Authors note: oh my god, I forgot how feral I am for AK!Jason, like ugh, I went down a little rabbit hole of research to refresh my brain after writing so much RH!Jason and I’m sure glad I did. Thank you, Anon 💕 Gonna have to play Batman: Arkham knight again even though I’ve already finished it.
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Your breathing faltered as the air got caught in your throat at the sight of him, your heartbeat ringing loudly in your ears. You had heard others talking about him, and you’d seen photos and videos in the media, but none of them had quite done him any sort of justice.
You couldn’t even see his face, it being covered by a full helmet with bat ears and an LED panel front, yet you were still intrigued. 
The way he walked and carried himself, the way his body language demanded respect, and how his voice came out all husky and modified through the modulator had a dampness forming in your underwear. 
You shook your head a little to try to clear the thoughts swarming your mind, thoughts you definitely should not in any circumstances be thinking about the Arkham Knight- 
“Did you just shake your head no?” His voice abruptly cut in.
Oh, shit. 
Your head shake had been a lot stronger than you had intended for it to be, causing him to think that you were disagreeing with what he had been saying to the group of mercenaries present tonight, which you had zoned out of to focus on what his hands might feel like on your body, so you had no idea what you had even accidentally said no to. 
“No? Are you sure?” 
Scoffing he pushed past a couple of people to get to where you were standing in the back row, looming over you as he closed the gap between you intimidatingly. 
“I said that I am going to hand-pick people present here for my personal squad tonight, and you thinking that you have a say of your own makes you target number one, you shaking your head no, thinking you have freewill means you’re stuck to my side tonight… Say no to me again, and I’m going to make you wish you don’t even have a head to shake next time. Am I clear?”
“Yes” You said under your breath, distracted by how close he was to you. If you were brave enough you could reach out and touch him, run your hands along the armoured plating on his chest. 
“Excuse me? Speak up” You only registered what he had said as you felt the cold barrel of his gun press into the underside of your jaw, the metal digging into your skin a little bit.
“Yes” You repeated, this time a lot louder “Yes, you are clear.”
Oh, of course, the one day you mess up and get forced to stick to Arkham Knight’s side is the one where he decides he is going to stand on a random Gotham rooftop and overlook the city. 
You’d never really been that fond of heights, not since you’d fallen off that wall at school and broken your left arm in three places. This must have been God’s way of punishing you for not going to church since you’d flown the nest. 
To your right, you could see him in your peripheral setting up some sort of equipment quickly and gracefully like he had done it a thousand times before, which you realised he probably had when you turned to look at what it was and saw that it was a sniper tripod. His fingers worked smoothly to set up the rifle and attach it to the joint. As a bone-biting breeze blew through you, you began to rub your arms a little to try to generate some sort of warmth, walking over to where he was working as you began to feel a little dizzy from how close you were to the edge, you really didn’t need to be fainting and going over. 
The thought made you dry heave a little which caused him to stop working momentarily. His hands paused as if he was listening to see if you were going to throw up. 
“Sit” He instructed bluntly as his hands again began to move, a small tut under his breath as one of the parts didn’t quite click in as it should. 
Blinking a couple of times you stayed standing for a few seconds before you immediately began to move so your arse was on the asphalt as he turned to look at you, even though you weren’t able to see his eyes you could feel them burning into you. 
“Good” a small huff sounded through his modulator “Now stay there. I don’t have time to scrape you off of the pavement” 
You don’t know why you did it, but you scoffed at that statement. As soon as it left your mouth you could feel the air around you tense up, oh shit. 
“Excuse me?” Standing up, he walked over so that he was towering over you. Making you feel like an ant against him, the flickering LED display of his helmet causing a sense of unease to burrow deep into your gut “Up. Now. Get over there.” 
You knew the Arkham Knight liked to punish those who went against him, liked to torture them until they were so out of it that even prayers and begging wouldn’t pass their lips anymore, because they knew they were already in hell. 
When he told you to get up and move you were convinced you were about to go over the edge of the roof, he said he didn’t want to scrape you off of the pavement, but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t cause the mess himself. You hadn’t ever pictured his punishments as…this.
The cold night’s air that had been cutting at your face earlier on was now cutting at your bare arse and pussy, soothing the aching handprint now present on your behind, the firm smack noise and burning sting making you aware that the handprint was now a pair. His fingers lightly rubbed against the growing welt to soothe it a little before tracing down the back of your thigh as he knelt down behind you, making you bend further over the air conditioning unit that was currently supporting your body weight. 
“Keep your head forward” He demanded, not wanting to piss him off more you obeyed, keeping your eyes locked on the city view as you heard his helmet release and slide off of his head, there was a slight heavy noise as he placed it down- fuck. 
Holy shit.
Your focus was interrupted by the feeling of his tongue gliding through your folds, teasingly skipping over your clit as he went. You could feel him gripping onto your thighs as he repeated the path a couple of times before he finally focused in on the bundle of nerves. Closing his lips around it he began to suck, gently at first but quickly growing in force. A whimper-like moan left your lips, causing him to spank you again “Shut up.” 
Without his helmet on you could hear his voice for what it actually was. Liquid gold. 
A thick Gotham accent with a husky tone to it, you didn’t really care for the specifics of his voice too much, you just know it added to the growing pressure in your stomach. 
Whilst you had been distracted by what he sounded like he had decided that he was done being soft, and was now going to eat you like a starved man.
His tongue lapped at your wetness before pushing deep into you, his calloused thumb moving to circle your clit to help you reach your peak faster. Hard breathy moans vibrated into your pussy as he went, causing you to moan louder than before, but this time he didn’t silence you. Because this time he would be a hypocrite. 
As you tilted your head down slightly to try to not lose yourself you could see that he had unbuckled his trousers and the tact straps that usually kept his pistols on his thighs so he could pull his trousers and boxers down to his knees, his hard cock currently trapped in his tight fist as he pumped in time with his tongue moving in and out of you. 
The sight made you hit your high, releasing over his mouth and chin as you let out a strangled groan, after a few short moments you’d hear a similar noise but deeper, more masculine, before the asphalt where he was kneeling was glazed in his own spend. 
“I think you should be a brat more often, Doll” He said as he kissed your inner thighs.
His boyish cocky grin would be ingrained in your brain until you died.
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buckysgrace · 3 months
2. Two Can Keep A Secret
Closer to My Heart Masterlist
Single dad!Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader (if you wanna be added to a taglist for this let me know!! I will try to keep up with it <3)
You run into a familiar face at your second job
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You’d taken up working two jobs. Seemingly a good thing since you wouldn’t be able to fix your car until the end of the week. Apparently it had been a blessing in disguise, even though you hated it majority of the time. 
It had been like that for a while. The daycare paid enough to cover your little apartment, but not much for the groceries or the things that you liked to supply to your students. And now, you’d be using the extra money to fix your car up. Lovely. 
You loved working in the daycare, being around sweet kids and watching them develop into their own little personalities. Despite issues with the parents, it was rewarding. It was nice. Even if you did face the occasional asshole, such as Billy. 
Your second job was the complete opposite of your first. It was filled with all types of Billy’s, men that were far worse than him. But you had to stand there and take it, smile so you didn’t miss out on any tips. 
You wore tight clothes, far too revealing and had to grin so brightly that you swore your face was stuck into a permanent grin by the end of the night. You reminded yourself that it was just until you got caught up, until you finished off those hospital bills. 
You supposed your coworkers made up for it in some sense. They weren’t as judgy and seemed to be a lot nicer despite all things. They were all about your age and complained about the same thing, everyone just needing to make a living. At least you could suffer together.
You collected up the tips from your last table, swiping away the paper that held a list of numbers on it before you walked away. You breathed in and out, calming yourself as you headed towards your next table. Another group of men. 
“Welcome to Bombshells,” You greeted with a smile, not quite fully facing the table yet as a sound from behind them distracted you, “How can I-,” You trailed off, your smile plastering to your face in a stiff manner as you took in the table in front of you.
On one side there was a handsome man with floppy brown hair and big brown eyes. Next to him sat a man with shorter brown hair, his face covered in brown freckles. Across from them sat someone you knew too well. And it would just be your luck for him to be here tonight.
He was still mid laugh about something, the corner of his eyes crinkled and eyes twinkling with amusement. So far out of the element you were used to. He wore a blue buttoned up shirt, something that you were sure brought out his eyes but you refused to look at him that closely. Just how you refused to note that nearly all of the buttons on his shirt were undone, revealing his tone chest. You were not looking. 
“What can I get for you?” You asked as you directed your attention towards the two brunettes, praying and hoping that Billy didn’t take notice of you. You were dressed much differently, your hair even styled in a new way, along with your makeup. There was no way, but you didn’t look at him anyways.
“Hey, hi, uh,” The brunet with thicker hair spoke up first, tossing down his menu as he turned towards you, “I think we’re doing wings. But nothing too spicy, what do you suggest?” He asked, warm eyes sinking into you as you began to list off your suggestions.
You could feel Billy’s intense stare, could feel him piercing into your skin even though you refused to look at him. You could write down his order and deliver it without saying a word to him in a nice manner. You were sure he’d mock you relentlessly if he knew.
You left as quickly as you could once their orders were taken, doing your best to keep from being rude. But you did not want to be there. You could feel the anger simmering in your veins just by feeling his gaze, by hearing his laughter. He knew. He knew and he was probably parading it around to his dumb friends. You were sure you’d go into work tomorrow and hear all about it from your supervisor.
“You alright?” Sabrina questioned you, meeting you at the bar as you gathered up the bottles of beer for your trio. You stared down at the brand Billy ordered, wondering if you could get away with spitting in it. Probably not.
“Yeah,” You nodded your head stiffly, reaching for the shot that Nick had set out for you. You took it quickly, discreetly as you tried to keep your heart from beating too roughly. You would be fine. They just wanted their discounted wings and then they would be long, “Just another night.” You added cheerily, shrugging your shoulders as sweetly as possible before you gathered your tray and walked away.
Each step felt torture, like pure agony until you reached them. You began to unload the drinks, begging your hand to stay steady as you did so. The last thing you needed was to spill it on him and have him scold you for that too.
“There you go,” You spoke directly to the other two men, keeping your smile light and breezy, “Have you gentlemen decided?” You asked, just barely grazing your eyes in Billy’s direction so you could at least pretend that you were acknowledging him.
“Any specials?” Billy spoke up, making you exhale deeply and silently as you glanced towards him. You kept your pen against the paper, staring at it instead of him. 
“Not tonight.”
“Huh,” He said as he pressed his lips together, like he was thinking thoughtfully, “Usually there’s always specials.” He drew out, like he was in deep thought. He sounded like he was saddened, but you knew the truth. He was just toying with you, trying to irritate you. 
“Usually that’s on a weekend.” You informed him as softly and casually as you could. He would not make you lose your cool today. You needed your car fixed. Your car was far more important than the smug asshole with wickedly good hair. 
“Is it now?” He asked as he continued to look at the menu slowly, “I swear it was different.” He hummed as he tapped his fingers against the back of the menu, showing off his rings that he bore on his thick fingers. No wedding ring. 
“If you need another minute, I can come ba-,” You began to tell them, gesturing towards the table around the corner that was trying to wave you down. They clearly wanted a refill. You could do that, preferably before they started whistling. 
“No need,” He hummed as he looked up at you mischievously, “I’ll just be a minute.” He told you as he shook his head, like your suggestion was unnecessary. He skimmed for another second. 
“Take your time, sir,” You drew out slowly, “Not like anyone else is waiting for service either.” You said with a laugh, ignoring how his two friends awkwardly chuckled around. Billy clearly didn’t care. Not even when he restated the order of wings that his friend had suggested earlier. You were going to scream.
You dropped the menus off at the bar, hiding them behind the counter as you tapped your fingers across the wood. Why, why did Billy have to come here out of all places? There were so many other similar bars he could visit. He should be home with Theo, not here. 
“Look at you,” The familiar warm, thick voice came from behind you as you sat down your tray on the bar table. You felt your eye twitch as you dug your fingertips into the plastic tray. Shit, “You look good in your little get up. The daycare not cutting it anymore?”
“Did you need me to add something to your order, sir?” You kept your tone sweet, sickeningly sweet. You hoped he drowned in it. 
“I like you saying that.” He leaned against the counter, elbow on his table as a smug smirk on his lips. You felt your eye twitch, stunned at his flirtatious tone as you turned to face him fully. God, did you hate his tanned skin and cool blue eyes. It should be illegal for men to have eyelashes that thick and long. 
“You’re an ass,” You seethed at last, unable to help the anger that was brewing inside of your chest, “I need both jobs and you’re not going to tell anyone about this.” You told him sternly, warning him. You didn’t want to lose out on your day job. You loved working with your students. 
“I’m not?” He replied in a mocking way, lifting his dark eyebrows before he laughed playfully, “Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m just fucking with you. I didn’t think you of all people would dare be in a place like this.” He laughed as he reached around, pulling an olive free from behind the bar and plopping it into his mouth. You stared. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked him seriously as you straightened your shoulders, trying to get at what he was suggesting. He didn’t even know you, but he sure did like to pick on you. You felt like you were in high school half the time. 
“It has to do with the stick that’s always up your ass.” He said as he glanced towards you, dark eyebrows raised on his forehead as he gave you a pointed look. Your lips parted in surprise. You were the one with the stick up your ass? 
“I do not have a stick-,” You stopped yourself, sighing deeply as you touched your face gently before you freaked out on him, “Again. Was there something you needed?” You asked him again, tone clipped this time as you stared him down. He shook his head, chuckling before he walked back to his table. 
You stared at him in anger, observing how broad his shoulders were and how his hips moved. He had a certain swagger to him, his jeans just a little too tight. Not that you were really complaining, because he did have a nice body. But you quickly shook that away. He was still an ass. 
“Who was that?” Sabrina asked as she bumped against your hip, wiggling her eyebrows before she refilled the drinks onto her tray. You supposed you should do the same, but what you really wanted right now was a cigarette. Even though you hadn’t had one in a long time. 
“The world's biggest asshole,” You mumbled, “I watch his son during the day.” You explained as you stared down at the refill list for your next table, gathering up the drinks that had been left for you. 
“You guys have something going on?” She asked as she popped her bubble gum, raising her perfectly styled brows high onto her forehead. You nearly toppled your tray over, staring at her in disbelief. 
“Ew no,” You spit out quickly, “Never. Never ever. Not even if he was the last person on Earth.” You scoffed, pretending to gag at the thought. She laughed at your childish behavior. 
“Really? Because it seemed like you had some sort of tension,” She smirked, “Sexual.” You rolled your eyes, you pretended to dry heave this time. Truly feeling like her suggestion was leaving you sick. 
When you returned to the table next, Billy was gone. You secretly hoped that he had had enough and actually left, but his friends insisted that he would be back soon. Much to your displeasure.
You caught his eye on the way back to the bar, noticing that he was sitting with some pretty girl who had been nursing drink after drink since you had arrived. You cocked an eyebrow but said nothing, wondering if this was really where he went to pick up girls.
He didn’t seem to get the hint as he approached a second later, feigning interest in the desserts as you dryly passed the menu back to him. 
“Was that your girlfriend?” The question slipped from your tongue before you could stop yourself, taking you by surprise as he drifted his eyes away from the menu and towards you. 
“No,” He responded, furrowing his eyebrows together at the way you snorted, “Are you suggesting something?” He asked, his tone laced with attitude as his icy eyes met yours. 
No, as much as you liked to think he was a manwhore you knew that he wasn’t. He was always polite to your coworkers, respectful. He was a flirt for sure, but it seemed more playful than anything. And you were no stranger to why Theo always missed his birthdays. They had somewhere else to be on those days.
“I don’t care why you’re here.” You said at last, shrugging your shoulders as he waited for you to tell you what he wanted for dessert. He shook his head as he snorted this time, like he didn’t believe you. 
“My friends think I need to get laid.” He said at last, shrugging as he leaned lazily against the counter. You watched the way his blonde hair curled against his shoulders. You drifted your eyes across his soft nose, then over the light freckles on his cheeks. 
“Well it’s not going to be me.” You said in surprise, unsure if he was trying to hint at something or not. You would never. Not with a customer and certainly not with a parent of one of your students. Especially him. 
“I would never ask you,” He said as he looked at you with disdain, “Even if you did try to impress me with the outfit.” He replied smugly, making you simmer all over again. Fuck him and his dessert. You didn’t need some lousy tip from him. 
“I didn’t-, I would never-,” You sputtered out all at once, your body erupting into flames at his suggestion, “You’re the one who showed up to my work place.” You reminded him, your voice only becoming more shrill and higher pitched as you defended yourself. 
“Right,” He dragged his tongue along his teeth as he grinned cockily at you, obviously enjoying the reactions he got from you, “I guess I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.” He said as he passed the menu back to you, leaving you gripping it so tightly that you thought it might snap from underneath your grip. 
“Yeah,” You muttered hotly under your breath, “I guess you will.”
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You woke up late the next morning. Your alarm clock laughing in your face as you stumbled out of bed late, tossing on the closest outfit you could reach and neglecting breakfast and your morning drink of choice before you were out the door.
“Late night?” Billy asked with a smirk on his lips. He was the opposite in the mornings, always the first parent to arrive rather than the last.
“No,” You mumbled underneath your breath, fearful that someone would hear him as you unlocked your door and pushed it open. You hit the lights next, sighing as he followed you inside, “You can pull his cot out if you want.” You added a second later, noticing how Theo was still curled up against Billy.
“Mhm,” He hummed as he slowly removed Theo’s backpack from his shoulders. The little boy curled right back up against him, clinging to him like a Koala, “You work there every night?”
“No,” You said as you dropped your bag, “Just Monday through Thursday. It gives me the weekends off.” You missed out on the best days to actually work, but at least you got your weekends to yourself.
“That’s a lot,” He responded, making you narrow your eyes for whatever snarky reply would come next. You were sure he would insinuate that you were a whore, the same way your previous dates had, “Doesn’t it get tiring?” 
“Nobody cares how tired I am, I still have to get my bills paid,” You reminded him, watching the way Theo nuzzled his little nose against Billy’s neck. He looked content as he laced his fingers through Billy’s shirt, “And it doesn’t affect my performance here at all.”
“Never said it would,” He replied shortly, “Can you take him?” He asked as he shifted Theo once again, making the toddler squeak in his sleep.
“You don’t want to say goodbye?” You asked him curiously, feeling like Theo would be upset when he woke up and noticed that his father was missing. He always got upset when Billy had to leave.
“If he’s sleeping it’ll keep him from crying,” He mumbled as he passed Theo off to you, “Thanks.” He bent low, close enough that you could smell the cologne off of him as he pressed his lips against Theo’s forehead repeatedly. 
You couldn’t say anything, couldn’t move other than to adjust Theo in your arms as the overwhelming scent of Billy filled your nostrils. He smelt good. Far too good. 
Theo rested his head against your shoulder, sighing deeply through his nose as Billy ruffled his hair one last time before he left. He said nothing to you, not that you minded. This was the most you had spoken to him in months. Years.
Still, an odd sensation filled you as you watched Billy leave. You were curious, doubtful about what his true intentions were. He was the last person you wanted to trust, especially with a secret that would ruin your job here. You knew how your boss was, they wouldn’t like what you did on the side.
“Oh and-,” He paused in the doorway, glancing back at you as a smug smirk formed on his lips, “I think you’re doing a damn good job trying to impress me in this outfit too.” He said smugly, sending you a wink before he was out the door. You swallowed the lump in the back of your throat, swearing it was anger as you felt every muscle in your body twist and curl into a big ball. Warmth raced through your veins as you sighed angrily, hating how easily he crawled underneath your skin. 
What an ass.
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Summary : You need help during a race weekend and after asking everyone you could, Liam suggests you ask Max an old friend
Pairing/s: Max Fewtrell x Engineer!Single Mum!Reader, Paul Aron x Engineer!Reader (Platonic)
Appearances : Bryan Bozzi, Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris, Oliver Oakes
Warning/s : Mention of death
Word Count : 5.3k
Max Fewtrell Masterlist
Tag List
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Being a race engineer was hard enough as it is, but being a race engineer with a little baby was even harder. Normally, you were able to find someone within Hitech to watch your baby girl -Aurora- but this week everyone was a little bit more busy than normal 
“You know if I wasn’t racing I’d watch Rory” Paul smiled, waving his hands at the baby in your arms 
“I know you would, Paul, but we’re on pole today, and we’re going to convert it to a win” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder 
“I want to top the championship again” You nodded with a proud smile 
“We’re going to get you there” You nodded, placing Rory down on the office floor. Going over the data from last year and the last race with Paul was not as easy as it looked because he was always getting distracted by the smallest things, including Rory, who was playing with her toys. 
It was an hour later when you were walking through the F1 paddock to meet up with Bryan, who you were helping slightly with his new role within Ferrari. Sat in the Ferrari meeting room with Rory in a sling as you talked Bryan through some basic information he’d need to know for this race about the race engineering side of things. 
“You don’t fancy babysitting, do you?” You asked Bryan as you walked out of the Ferrari garage 
“Sorry I’ve still got my performance coach jobs to do” You nodded 
“Was worth a shot anyway” You sighed 
“Hey Y/N” Liam smiled instantly, going to play with Rory like the biggest child he was. 
“Hey there, sweets. Hey, what are you saying today, hmm?” Liam asked Aurora 
“She’s asking if her favourite non-biological uncle wants to babysit her?” You asked with a smile
“Sorry Y/N/N VCARBS got me on standby cause Yuki isn’t feeling the best after his crash yesterday” You sighed with a nod 
“Well good luck if that happens” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Liam was your first driver when you joined Hitech, but at that point, you were still on probation and starting to learn everything. 
“Max is in the Mclaren garage though” He shrugged, and you smiled 
“Liam Lawson, you are the best. I really hope you get that seat, but I’ll keep the rest of my opinions to myself” You hugged him as he said bye to Aurora. Walking back to the F2 paddock, you searched out the old phone number you hadn’t used in a very long time. 
You and Max used to be close because he was good friends with Liam and used to hang around the Hitech garage and being the same age it was easy to get along with him. 
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You sat Aurora down on a play mat in the meeting room as you sat to work on quick information before qualifying for the day. Paul walked in a couple of minutes later, sitting down opposite you with his elbows on the table and head resting on his hands 
“Hello there, Mr Aron” You looked at him, and he smiled 
“There’s a guy here to see you” He smirked, and you frowned 
“A guy? Does this guy have a name?” You asked, glancing at Aurora to make sure she’s okay. 
“Max. That’s all he said, but it’s Norris’ friend Max. I can’t remember his last name” He shrugged, getting up and walking out
“Paul” you called, and he stuck his head in through the door 
“Tell him where I am? He knows his way about” You asked with a polite smile 
“Only cause I’ve got to listen to you” You chuckled, turning back to the data finishing up the report you were writing for Paul. There was a knock on the door, and you turned to look at it. A smile grew on your face as you spotted Max waving him in as Aurora waved her hands at the new figure. 
“Hey stranger” He smiled, and you chuckled a little 
“I’m not the stranger. You’re the one that doesn’t visit” 
“Touche” Max nodded, and you motioned him to sit down, to which he sat down next to you 
“Still focused on data, I see” You nodded
“You know I’m a sucker for some good data” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“So how are you doing?” He asked 
“Stressed but happy, I guess” You shrugged 
“How about you? Saw you’ve gained quite a few followers on twitch” You smiled, and he nodded 
“Yeah. Taking a break from racing was really the thing that I needed, and I’m glad I did it” You smiled 
“I’m glad to hear you’re doing better” You nodded as Aurora clapped her hands. You looked down at her, picking her up 
“This little cutie, why you’re stressed?” He asked as Rory grabbed his finger 
“Yeah she’s also the massive favour I need” You bit your lip, and he nodded 
“Need a babysitter?” He asked, and you nodded 
“You’re totally free to say no. I know you’ve never actually met her in person and just seen pictures on instagram, but if you could, I would be so grateful and would pay you back however you wanted” You sighed 
“Can I?” He asked, holding his arms out, and you nodded, handing her over 
“She likes attention, so as long as she’s got that she’s the happiest baby ever” you explained, and he nodded 
“I’m sorry about your boyfriend. I just know he would have been the greatest dad” You nodded with a sigh 
“She looks so much like him sometimes it hurts” Max placed a hand on your knee, gently caressing it 
“Sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up” You placed your hand on top of his gently, holding his hand 
“Do you need a babysitter all weekend?” You nodded 
“Unfortunately. I can normally find someone within the team or someone that I know, but unfortunately I’m not able to this weekend” Max nodded 
“Then I’ll watch her all weekend if you need” He smiled, and you hugged him 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you” You smiled, letting out a breath 
“But I’m taking her to the Mclaren garage tomorrow” You chuckled 
“Forget about your own past then and go to your future” You joked, and he jokingly shoved you away 
“But honestly, whatever you want in return I’ll do it” You sat back, rubbing your face in relief 
“Go on a date with me” He whispered, and you looked at him
“What?” You asked 
“I’ve been wanting to ask you for years and now that you’re due me something in return I feel like now is the perfect time to ask” He hummed with a slight smirk hidden underneath a smile 
“Fine. On Sunday as payment” You nodded, and he smiled, looking at the wall 
“You need to get ready for qualifying. I’ll wait in here with this cutie” He smiled 
“Aurora or Rory. I think you probably already knew that though” Max nodded 
“I did. I follow you on instagram and check up on you every so often” You chuckled, getting up kissing Rory’s head 
“Thank you again, Max. If she needs her diaper changed there’s diapers in my office. Same place that it used to be. She’s been fed, so she’ll be fine until after qualifying. Any other worries, please just text me. Don’t even think about crossing the pit lane” Max nodded 
“Please don’t worry about her. I promise she’ll be okay in my care. Are you okay if I call LN over, though?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Yeah it’s fine” You smiled, grabbing your pass and walking out of the meeting room. You let out a breath, knowing that you could do your job without worrying about Rory. 
And that’s what you did. Paul had a good qualifying session for both the sprint and feature race. Once that was over, you quickly rushed back to the meeting room. Max was sitting on the floor with Rory, who was giggling at him as she pulled on his beard. You chuckled, sitting down at the desk as Max looked up at you 
“She’s a little cutie, but she’s also a trouble child” You nodded with a laugh 
“Did I forget to mention that part?” You joked 
“Do you need me to stay until after the debrief?” Max asked 
“That would be really helpful, but I’m not sure that’s allowed” you replied, and he nodded 
“What if I take her for a walk? Is she due a nap?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Actually that would be really helpful. If I put her in the pram, would you be okay with taking her for a walk?” You asked 
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t okay. I can walk her over to the F1 paddock, and you can get her from there when you’re done for the day” He suggested 
“Thank you again, Max. I really appreciate this just being sprung on you after us not talking for ages”
“For this little troublesome cutie I’d do it more often if you needed” You chuckled 
“Trust me, you won’t be saying that by Sunday night” You smiled, grabbing her pram from the side of the room before building it and putting her in it. You gave her her binkie before turning to Max. 
“Okay she should be good until I’m finished for the day” You smiled, and he nodded, walking with her just as everyone started filling the room. After debriefing, you packed up Rory’s toys and your own stuff before walking over to the F1 paddock and over to the Mclaren garage. 
“Hey Y/N” Oscar smiled, standing at his car 
“Hey Oscar. Have you seen Max?” You asked, and he pointed towards Lando’s side of the garage
“Thanks” You walked over and into the garage, smiling at the mechanics that you knew 
“There she is” Max smiled gently, rocking the pram 
“Hey babysitting, looking good on you” you joked, looking into the pram
“She makes it easy” You laughed as he let you take the pram 
“Thank you again. I’ll text you later with my meeting times and all that kind of thing” Max nodded 
“See you tomorrow” You walked out of the Mclaren garage, ready for the best sleep of your week. 
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When the next day rolled around and you were walking into the F2 paddock, you knew that Rory was going to be in safe hands and that you just had to be ready for the race ahead. 
Max was standing outside the Hitech garage leaning against one of the walls, talking to one of the mechanics he knew as Rory played with our hands strapped to your chest 
“Hey Y/N” Max smiled as you walked over 
“Hey there, Mr Babysitter” you joked
“Is the nugget ready for her big day with lots of affection?” Max asked, and you nodded 
“She sure is, but I’m gonna keep her for the morning if that’s okay” Max nodded 
“Of course it is. Want me there?” He asked 
“If you don’t mind sitting on the floor with her again” Max shook his head 
“Would be my pleasure” You smiled, leading him inside and to the meeting room that was going to be used for the day. Setting up Rory’s stuff on the floor before setting her on the floor beside Max 
“Thank you again Max” You smiled, and he nodded. Sitting down to do morning brief, Paul walked in, instantly going over to Aurora
“Hey maiustus (sweets)” Paul smiled, squishing her cheeks
“Paul please sit down, the whole team is just waiting on you” You complained and he sat down going over yesterday’s data and things that had to be done today to get a good finish in the sprint. 
Once all the other members of the team had finally left, you turned around to Rory. Paul was still sitting next to you as he scrolled through his phone, definitely avoiding his trainer but not wanting to admit it. Rory reached her arms up with a giggle as you picked her up 
“Hey little troublemaker” You kissed her head as you got up from the seat, Max, stretching his back as you chuckled at him 
“I know I said she needs attention to be happy, but you don’t have to sit on the floor with her” You smiled as he got up 
“Easier to get down to her level rather than bring her up to mine” He shrugged 
“She likes sitting on the table” you shrugged, closing the meeting room door and pulling the blinds down so that no one could see in as you heard Paul whine 
“Thought you were hiding me, but I just saw the time” You laughed, ruffling his hair as you sat down again 
“You really need to go start your warm up and do media though Paul” You sighed, feeding Rory as Paul groaned, getting up 
“Only cause I wanna win” You laughed as Max stood awkwardly 
“You can sit Fewtrell” You chuckled at his face. Poor guy was uncomfortable even being in the same room as you fed Aurora. 
“I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable” He frowned, and you shrugged 
“I’ve been doing this for the past four months with strangers. We’re not strangers. Therefore, I don’t care” you replied, looking up at him as he sat down. 
A little while later, Aurora was finished feeding, burped, and had her diaper changed before you handed her over to Max for the day who was taking her over to the Mclaren motorhome. You explained where everything in her bag was kept along with how to warm some milk up in case she needed it. Max assured you multiple times that she would be okay and that you could just come to the Mclaren garage to get her at the end of the day. 
Throughout the day, Max was subject to some teasing from Lando about his babysitting as Lando knew about his crush on you and had for many years. 
Once the race and debrief were done, you were finally able to leave the F2 paddock with Paul trailing behind you because he didn’t want to be alone again. In reality, he was hiding from the ice bath he was meant to be in, but he’d never admit that to anyone. 
“Hey Y/L/N” Andrea Stella smiled as you walked over to the Mclaren garage 
“Hey. I’m looking for Lando. Well I’m assuming he’s with Lando” You shrugged 
“Oh he’s in the hospitality with Max and a random child?” He frowned, and you nodded 
“Perfect. That’s my second born” you joked, nudging your head in Paul’s direction. Andrea laughed 
“I’m on three or so now” He joked, and you laughed 
“They learn to listen any better any time?” You asked, and he shook his head with a laugh 
“No. Never” You laughed, shaking your head 
“Damn it. Well I’m gonna find my baby and her newest babysitters” You walked off to the Mclaren hospitality with Paul trailing behind you, scrolling through his phone. You walked inside, looking about as Paul instantly walked over to Rory, picking her up off the table. You followed him over, rolling your eyes as Paul picked up his role with Rory. 
At this point, Paul was like Rory’s big brother, and there was nothing you could do to stop how much he actually loved your little girl. You took another picture as you leaned against the chair Max was sitting in, smiling at Lando, and Oscar was sitting opposite him. 
“Hey. Looked like a good race” Max smiled up at you as you nodded 
“Hey. It was a very good race considering the pit stop errors” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“How was Aurora?” You asked him, looking over at Paul and Aurora
“Think I’ve got a bald spot in my beard now. However, apart from that, she was an angel” Max shrugged, showing you a picture of Rory sitting in Lando’s car. You chuckled 
“If she looked tiny in the F2 cars, she looked even smaller in that F1 car” You chuckled, and he laughed 
“You in a rush out of here?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Nope. I do need to stop by and see Liam, though. Wish him luck for tomorrow” You shrugged, and Max pulled out the seat next to him, and you sat down
“Still wouldn’t move up to F1?” Oscar asked, and you looked over at Rory and Paul, who were sat on the floor 
“I think if Paul was to move up, then I would, but only with Paul, he actually listens to me” You glared at Max, who shrugged 
“I wasn’t your driver. I was just there to annoy you” Max shrugged, and you rolled your eyes. Over the next half an hour, you spoke with Lando, Max, and Oscar, but Lando and Oscar soon had to go get ready for qualifying, so it was just you and Max. Paul was rocking Aurora to sleep as you watched him with a tilt of your head. 
“I keep losing my daughter to my driver” You chuckled, getting up
“Same time tomorrow?” Max asked, and you nodded
“Only if you’re still okay with looking after her for another day” You rested a hand on the back of his seat. Max was doing you a favour, and you didn’t want to push him to do something he wasn’t completely comfortable with. 
“Yeah, of course I’m okay with it. Actually I’m more than okay with it because I get something out of this as well” He smiled looking up at you to the outside world it looked like he was deadly in love but to yourself it just looked like Max was happy.
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Sunday was always a busy day. However, this weekend just felt like it was an even busier day. Sat in your office, Aurora sat in her pram asleep as you sat with your headphones in going over some basic work you didn’t hear Max come in. 
He stood next to you, gently pushing a piece of hair out of your face as you sat back in your seat, looking up at him when you felt his presence standing next to you. You smiled up to him, taking your headphones off 
“Morning” He smiled, taking the pen out of your hand and placing it down on the table 
“Hey. Didn’t hear you come in” You hummed, looking up at him after following his actions with the pen 
“That’s because you were so caught up in your work that you didn’t hear anything, including Paul” You frowned, looking at the time. You hadn’t missed any meetings or events that you were due to be at. 
“It’s fine he just wanted to see if you wanted anything to eat” You nodded slightly 
“I had breakfast before coming here” You looked at the time again as Max sat down next to you 
“I’m gonna take Aurora a walk around the paddock then into Mclaren, and I was thinking that you could always come watch the F1 race with me from there?” He offered, and you nodded 
“I quite like the sound of that” You smiled, tilting your head slightly 
“And I was thinking about our date” He started, and you quickly interrupted him 
“Can we do it back home? My flight out of here is tonight, and I can’t get it changed unless I pay for it and after” You paused, glancing over at Rory 
“Let me worry about that. I’m the one that asked you out on the date, so I’ll worry about that” He smiled, gently resting his hand on top of yours. 
“So how’s the little darling today?” He asked, looking over at Aurora’s pram. 
“She’s quite sleepy today, so bonus for you, I guess. However, it's just because she’s starting to teeth, so she might get a little fussy or bite you” You shrugged, and he nodded, getting up just as Paul and his trainer walked in Paul was clearly in a mood about something as you raised your eyebrows. 
Max played with your hair as he stood behind you, and you couldn’t help but smile a little. He used to do that when Liam was your driver a few years ago. It’s like to this day even after limited contact, he still knew when you were hiding your stress 
“He won’t let me have a chocolate bagel” Paul huffed, throwing himself down on the chair Max was previously in as you looked at his trainer who shrugged 
“Too many carbs before a race. Especially when it’s half an hour away. I suggested alternatives, but that wasn’t good enough” The man just shrugged before turning and walking out the room, clearly not wanting to have this fight again
“Paul, we've been over this. You can’t come expecting me to solve your carb problem. I’ve already snuck you enough this weekend as it is. Why don’t you have a smoothie? I know you’re just bored, which is why you’re eating” Paul gave you a look as if you’d just suggested murdering his whole family. 
“You can get me and Max one while you’re there” you suggested, knowing that Paul would do anything for anyone else if offered the opportunity, so Paul got up and left the room again. You looked up at Max the top of your head resting against his stomach 
“I know I asked you on a date and agreed to babysit your child, but have I ever told you how good you look doing your job?” He asked, and you raised a brow thinking about it 
“I believe you may have back when I was a taken woman” You shrugged with a slight smirk 
“You’re trouble, you know that?” He asked as you tilted your head to the side a little, turning around to fully face him 
“Me? Never? That’s all Aurora, and she doesn’t even get it from me” you joked, and he laughed, looking down at you. You couldn’t help but smile up at him. 
“How long does it take for Paul to get some smoothies?” Max asked, and you shrugged
“No idea? In a rush to go somewhere?” You questioned, and he shook his head 
“No. Was just wondering” You nodded, turning back to the data, and he sighed, sitting down 
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” He questioned 
“Nope. I am not. I need to get this finished before the race starts” You sighed as he moved your hands away from the laptop and shut the lid, forcing you to look at him 
“If I was to kiss you right now, would it stop stressing out about the data?” He asked as your eyes widened
“What did you just ask?” You questioned 
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that out loud. I didn’t mean to say that out loud” He panicked as you turned to fully face him, leaning forward in your seat 
You looked into his eyes, trying to see any kind of emotion behind them to make sure what he was saying was actually true. You got up out of your seat, taking his hand and giving him a slight pull-up as you did. Max stood up, standing in front of you 
“Sorry. I really didn’t mean to say that” You leaned up, pressing your lips against his with a slight smile. Max froze for a second before kissing you back. One hand resting on the small of your back as the other stayed in your own. 
“Ew” Paul groaned loudly before there were a couple of thuds and the door slamming. You pulled back, looking over Max’s shoulder to see Paul covering his eyes outside. You couldn’t help but laugh a little 
“I get a life for the moment, and that’s how he reacts” Max laughed as you rested your head on his shoulder as he rested his own on your head. You waved Paul in through the window as Max rubbed your back. You couldn’t help but laugh a little again as Paul walked back in carefully 
“Warning next time, come on. With Rora in here as well?!” He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes as he picked Aurora, shielding her face from who knows what. Only he’ll ever know because it’s not a question that you were planning on asking him anytime soon. 
“I got your normal and for Max, I just guessed” Paul pointed towards the smoothies on the table 
“Thank you. Now, will you please put Rory back down and go warm up. I promise you can cuddle her after the race. Promise” You smiled, and he nodded, placing her down and walking out as you sat back down, turning to look at Max 
“Well if Paul’s away getting ready, I guess I have to let you get ready” He smiled, looking into the pram at Aurora. 
“Same as yesterday, but I’ve left a bottle in her bag. You just need to warm it up a little bit” you explained, and he nodded slightly 
“How do I do that?” He asked, and you chuckled, walking over 
“So take the plastic cover off ,obviously, then just put it in the microwave for like thirty seconds but make sure that it’s lukewarm on the inside of your wrist” Max’s head quickly turned around at that and you rolled your eyes with a laugh 
“It’s just formula, Max. Don’t worry, I just pre-made it for you” Max nodded, picking up her blanket and placing it over the handle of the pram. 
“Okay. We should be okay. If need be, I can text you, yeah?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Of course you can. Oh, and in the diaper bag next to her bottle there’s a little something for you” You smiled, leaning into the pram and pressing a kiss to Aurora’s head. 
“We’ll be good,” Max nodded with some kind of fake courage. You smiled 
“Be good for Maxie hmm” You kissed the babies head before standing up again and taking the few steps over to Max, who smiled down at you as you rested your chin on his chest 
“Don’t worry. Go do your job. We’ll be watching, or I will. The little muffin will probably be sleeping” You grinned, standing up on your tiptoes just a little to kiss him. You grabbed your computer before walking out of your office and out to the garage. 
“Did you get my email?” Oliver asked, and you nodded 
“I did. Congratulations. You’ll do good in F1” You smiled, shaking his hand as a congratulations 
“Thank you. There will be an email coming your way soon, no doubt” You couldn’t help but frown at that as Oliver walked away. Getting everything set up for Paul’s race both in the garage and the pit wall before the pre race mechanical stuff happened while you just sat there waiting.
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Max did keep sending you pictures throughout the race that you couldn’t help but smile at when the notification kept coming through. Paul’s race went brilliantly as good as it could possibly get as Paul won. After the podium, you got yourself changed out of the wet Hitech uniform as Paul decided to pour the last of the champagne over your head during the pictures.
 You packed up everything after the debrief and headed over to the Mclaren hospitality again. It currently felt like you were never away from that place. As you walked through the paddock, you couldn’t help but still wonder what Oliver meant by there will be an email for you soon. It really did worry you a bit. 
You smiled at the woman standing outside the hospitality before walking in and spotting Max sitting in the corner with Aurora asleep in his arms all cuddled up. You couldn’t help but smile as you sat down on the couch next to him 
“Oh how I wish I could fall asleep like that” You sighed, and he chuckled 
“She’s been out for about twenty minutes. I gave her her bottle and she just fell asleep” You nodded 
“Sounds about right” You smiled, looking down at her. Her cheek pressed against Max’s chest as her tiny hand held onto one of his fingers. You couldn’t help but take a picture as you watched them. 
“Race went really well” Max grinned as you looked at him 
“It went really well. I’m so proud” you beamed. Eyes flicking down to Aurora 
“Do you want me to take her? She’s okay if you want to put her down in the pram” You frowned, knowing how easy it is to get a dead arm while holding her 
“She’s okay. I’m actually enjoying the cuddles rather than her pulling my beard out” You chuckled, caressing her cheek. 
“You still want to stay to watch the race?” He asked, tilting his head so he could see you better
“Yeah that would be nice” You grinned, getting more comfortable on the couch, knowing that Max wasn’t planning on moving to watch the race by the way he was sitting. Max smiled down at you, looking at your emails 
“Oliver said there’d be an email coming my way soon. Now I can’t stop looking at my emails” You sighed 
“Oliver Oakes?” Max questioned, and you nodded 
“Any idea what it was about?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Honestly, I have no idea. As long as I’m not being fired” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“I’d comfort you, but your daughter has stolen both my hands” You laughed 
“There’s worse ways for you to have your hands stolen” you replied 
“Guess that’s true” He smiled 
You sat for the next two hours with Max in the Mclaren hospitality watching the Formula One race. It was an experience you’d never actually forget. Not even just because you were sitting in the F1 paddock but because Max’s reactions to something so tiny were so large. 
As you were walking out the paddock with Aurora in her pram, Max walked next to you while Lando and Oscar trailed behind Max, turned his head to look at you
“I sent you an email during the race with the details for our date and for after it” You frowned 
“After it?” You asked, and he nodded 
“Got you on the flight with Lando and I so you could spend another night here” He explained 
“You didn’t have to do that” you replied 
“I know I didn’t have to, but I saw the perfect place for a date here. Couldn’t let it go to waste” He smiled
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Coming Soon
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lindsey-laufeyson · 11 months
Saying Goodbye
Tom Hiddleston x wife!reader oneshot
Your husband just finished filming season 2 of Loki, thus concluding his long journey as the God of Mischief, but as a stunt double for The Marvels, you’re stuck doing a reshoot on the night of the wrap party when all you want to do is be there for him.
Warnings: angst, fluff
A/N: After watching the Loki finale, as well as Tom’s interview on Jimmy Fallon, I guess I wrote this to process my own grief (and be a little self indulgent)…
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When you walked into the wrap party, you spotted your husband immediately, talking to Ke Huy Quan across the room by the bar. Tom’s dyed black curls were slightly disheveled and he was gesturing wildly with his hands, clearly very passionate about whatever the topic of conversation was. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you watched him, until you were pulled from your thoughts by a familiar voice.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Owen Wilson greeted you, pulling you in for a hug. “Glad you could make it!”
“And just in time, evidently,” you added as you pulled out of the hug. “Is he doing any better?”
Owen shook his head and sighed. “He’s not doing any worse, I can say that much.”
The two of you walked over to Tom and Ke, and you slid your arm around Tom’s slender waist. “Sorry to interrupt,” you told them both.
Tom’s eyes lit up when he saw you. “Darling! You made it!” he said excitedly, standing up from his seat at the bar and quickly giving you a hug and kiss before addressing the entire room. “Y/n Hiddleston, everybody!” he shouted, pointing at you as if you were the big surprise guest for the night. Everyone played along and cheered while you waved bashfully at them all before turning back to Tom.
“How are you doing, my love?” you asked him, concerned, as you cupped his face in your hand.
“I’m wonderful,” he assured you. “Why?”
You glanced at Owen apprehensively. “Owen said you were sort of… spiraling.”
“What?” Tom looked at Owen confused. “You said I was spiraling?”
“You’ve been spiraling a little,” Owen said quietly from behind you. You and Ke proceeded to watch the two men bicker back and forth.
“I think I’d know if I was spiraling.”
“I mean, it’s a subtle spiral, but a spiral all the same.”
“Is there even such a thing as a subtle spiral?
“So you’re admitting that it’s not subtle. Good!”
“No, I’m saying there was no spiral to begin with.”
“Oh my god! If either of you say the word spiral one more time, I’m going to start spiraling,” you shouted abruptly.
“I promise you, darling, I’m fine. Really.” Tom attempted to reassure you as he pulled you close to him. You looked over your shoulder at Owen briefly who held up his hands in defeat.
“Alright,” you conceded, before turning to Ke. “I’m so sorry, Ke! I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.”
“It’s okay,” Ke said cheerfully. “Tom was just telling me about how I shouldn’t get too attached to anything because everything ends eventually.” You and Owen both gave Tom a look.
Tom chuckled nervously and then clapped his hands together. “Shots anyone?” he asked, as he turned to the bartender. “Another round of Loki shots, please! And add one more for my beautiful wife!”
“No need,” Owen called after the bartender. “She can just have mine!”
“Oh no, I’m good. I’m driving,” you chimed in, shooting a glare at Owen.
“That’s fine. I’ll just have both of theirs,” Tom said nonchalantly.
You quickly stepped between Tom and the bar. “Hey, maybe we should forget the shots and have a little fun of our own at home.” You gave him a playful wink, hoping to distract him.
“But you just got here,” he protested. “Please, let’s stay for a while and celebrate the end!”
The way he said ‘celebrate the end’ sounded excited and happy, but you could tell it was forced. Still, it was his night tonight (though he would never accept it if you told him that), and you didn’t want to be the one to spoil it, so you obliged.
You, Tom, Owen, and the rest of the ‘Loki’ cast and crew spent the next couple of hours laughing, dancing, and sharing stories (most of which ended up being about Tom), and it seemed like maybe Tom was handling things better than you had originally thought. There was a moment when he reprised his rendition of ‘Very Full’ from the first season of the show, and you thought for a moment, during the slower part of the song, that he was finally letting his feelings to the surface, but as the song picked up again, so did his demeanor. It wasn’t until people started to say their goodbyes for the night, that you really began to see his happy exterior fade.
“I think it’s time to call it, boss,” Owen said to Tom as the last few cast members departed, leaving only the three of you along with a couple of closing staff in the venue rented out for the night’s festivities.
“I suppose so,” Tom agreed with a sad smile.
“We’re still on for lunch before your flight leaves tomorrow, right?” you asked Owen as he hugged you and Tom goodbye.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” he replied. And with that he left.
You then turned to your husband and held out your hand. “Come on, love. Let’s get you home.”
The two of you spent the car ride reliving the fun of the party, and were laughing as you walked in the front door of the house. As you set your purse down on the buffet in the foyer, Tom wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and nuzzled into your neck.
“Thank you for coming,” he said softly.
You placed your hands over his and swayed back and forth. “Of course, baby. But I want to ask you one more time…” You turned around to face him, putting one hand on his shoulder and the other gently cupped his face. “Are you alright? Because it’s perfectly okay to not be okay right now. You just closed a huge chapter of your life and no one expects you to just take it on the chin.”
As you said this, Tom’s eyes slowly welled up with tears as he finally let go of the mask he’d so tirelessly upheld all night. “I’ve said goodbye to Loki before, and I thought I could do it again” he began, his voice cracking slightly. “But it’s only that much harder now. He changed my life. He’s become such a deeply rooted part of me over the last 13 years. How am I expected to just move on from that?”
A tear fell down his cheek and you brushed it away with your thumb. “No one expects you to, sweetheart,” you replied in a soft, comforting tone. “You’re allowed to grieve.”
Tom squeezed his eyes shut, causing more tears to fall as he hugged you tight, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You held him there for a moment, stroking his hair while he quietly cried.
“But, Tom,” you continued, taking his face in both hands, lifting his head, and looking deep in his eyes. “Even if Loki’s on-screen journey is over, it doesn’t mean he’s gone. You said it yourself that he’s a part of you. Even if Kevin Feige never calls you up again— which, let’s be honest, is never out of the question at this point—” He let out a small chuckle. “As long as you’re around, so is he, and that’s because you put your heart and soul into that character, much like everything else that you do. It’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with you.”
Tom smiled at you through his tears before leaning down to kiss you tenderly. When your lips finally parted he leaned his forehead against yours and sighed. “Thank you, love,” he whispered.
“No, thank you Tom,” you replied, tears forming in your own eyes now. “Thank you for giving us Loki.”
One year later:
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tmntxthings · 10 months
Ok so, hi! I hope you're doing well! I really really like your blog and was wondering if you're still taking requests? If your not thats completely fine.
but If you are could you please please do a the rise boys with a reader who's like their little sister? i cannot for the lofe of me find very many of these, and I adore them.
Your writting is AMAZING btw! Make sure to eat food, drink water, and get some sleep! <3
Big Brothers
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author’s notes: :D am i doing requests still? …yes?! it may not seem like it but I look over them all… just lacking in the motivation department rn, esp with this semester, but booyakasha we ball xD thanks for requesting <3 author's note 2.0: I wrote Raph's part in JANUARY and i finally finally finally had the will power to finish Mikey's tonight, the semester is over yayyyyyyy!! Hopefully my motivation will rejuvenate and I'll be writing way more consistently... hopefully lollll hope you enjoy~~
warnings: none to note, unedited, mayhaps a curse word ?
Where do I begin? He’s always the type to protect those around him. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a regular citizen or someone he knows and loves, this turtle will protect all! He’s got a big heart.
Much like April you stumbled into the boys life at an early age. Yet unlike her, you were younger than the entire group. As a tot, Raph made sure you were never left behind, hiking you up on his shoulders along with Mikey.
Both of you giggling about the height and saying “look look I’m flyingggg!!” making superhero poses, just the works. Standard oldest brother material. He was still a kid too so there were some accidents, of course you fell off once or twice.
But he was quick to distract you from any boo-boo’s, swooping you back into his arms and snuggling his head close profusely apologizing for getting a little too rowdy. “Don’t cry!! Look Raph’s gotcha! All safe and sound!”
“Does it hurt bad? Let’s go get patched up by Lee hmmm? Raph bet’s he has the prettiest bandaids for you!”
If the group is playing a competitive game, like tag or hide & seek, Raph’s making sure you’re having a fun time. Not feeling left out or being picked on too much. In tag he may run a little slower so you are able to catch him, he would happily be ‘it’ a thousand times if it meant you beamed that mischievous smile. “Tag Raphie!!! Hehehe”
In hide & seek he’ll hide with you or better yet find you the best spots to hide. “Okay Raph’s going hide now too, goodluck and don’t make any noise!!”
As the group grows from tots to teens and the world isn’t as sparkly, and dangers lurk every corner Raph becomes more concerned with your safety. Though there’s not much he can do while your at school, any time you hang out with the bros other than the lab he’s always got a watchful eye.
“Ohhhhh guys look at this!!” Window shopping being one of your favorite past times as they walk the streets of NYC. Raph can’t help but call out for you to “Wait!” or “Watch out!” Something about those sidewalks cracks that always trip you up. And don’t even get Raph started on how many times you’ve bounded ahead of the group only to get lost.
“C’mere you!” Raph’s pulling you close and giving you a noogie. Definitely not caring as you screech about your hair. “What’d I tell ya about running off??” He continues messing with you until you either slip out of his grip or call out mercy. “You had me worried!” He breathed out with a stern look. “Awww Raphie I’m not little anymore!” You teased, but to him you’d always be his little sister. Just like Mikey would never escape being the little brother.
Oh my lord the trouble you two get into. Pranks? Yeah. Lots of them. The two of you are menaces together, and unlike Leo, you get off the hook with batting your sweet innocent eyelashes. “Whaaaaa Leo told me to!!” And he’d scoff, yelling out traitor as you stuck your tongue when Raph’s back was turned.
Despite always slipping away from punishment, Leo didn’t mind you throwing him under the bus. In fact he was quite impressed with your tactics. One of these days he’d catch you on video being a brat behind Raph’s back! So count your days because they were numbered.
While Leo is down for throwing caution and safety in the wind, if things get serious.. let’s say someone threatening you? Whoever’s spouting such nonsense better run for the hills. He doesn’t deal kindly with those who hurt his family. Especially his little prankster of a sister. “Run that by me again? You said what about my sister??” Fun, silly, charismatic Leo is gone! He’d have a glint in his eyes that scream ‘you’ll pay for that.’
What else?! Though he claims he’s nothing like Raph in regards to being wrapped around your pinky finger, he totally is. “Hey Lee can you portal me to school?? I don’t feel like walking!” He’d complain saying how you’re using his rad powers for such a lazy reason (even though he’s guilty of such a thing) but after he gives you an earful of complaints he’s opening up a portal.
Don’t think he won’t waltz in right after you. Much like those older siblings who love to embarrass their little siblings. Calling after you to “Have a greaaaaaaat day!! Big brother wuvs youuuuuuu!!” And it’s similar if he’s picking you up from school. He’ll portal in with a speaker and blare music, mostly Nicki Minaj.
Those little puppy dog eyes you can pull off with Raph have no influence when it comes to Donnie, he has footage of your two-faced nature, having big crocodile tears at one moment and an evil grin at the next, unlike Leo who has never been able to successfully capture you in the act, Donnie has and he lords it over you as blackmail for most things, like a big brother usually does
He only brings it out when absolutely necessary, mainly whenever the two of you are in a back and forth banter that has gone too far, "Oh yeah? I seem to recall a certain purple turtle reading some very interesting fanfiction with Atomic Lass last night!" You puff up satisfied when Donnie gasps at such a true accusation, the utter betrayal! "C'mon guys don't start fighting" Raph will speak up as Donnie whips out his phone going for his passcoded camera roll.
"Oh Raphala I have something to show you!" Donnie will sing as he turns the phone over to reveal the beginning of a video of you and its one that has you immediately screeching. Jumping up from your spot to run and try and tackle Donnie to the floor, but he expects this as his battleshell takes off into the air, putting himself and his phone out of reach. "Turn it off!!! Stop it Dee!!! I never said what exactly you were reading!!" You plead as he swoops and dodges the pillows and really anything you can get your hands on to throw.
So yes, he has the dirt that you would hate Leo to get his hands on so Donnie and you have a bit of an understanding of one another. Other than that though you can find solace in his lab anytime. He doesn't mind your entry because unlike his brothers you don't start touching or breaking things. You treat his inventions carefully and he has fun explaining to you their potentials.
As tots Donnie was definitely quizzing and spitting out random facts to your malleable brain, a lot of it ended up sticking so you understood him to some degree on an academic level, but most of all he had prepared you for school to which you were forever grateful
Now you may not say so in words but with each passing grade you would go down to the lair and find Donnie specifically to show off your assignments, beaming proudly as he would smile and singing his praises about how well he had taught you. He realized that maybe he had taught you too well since you were a master manipulator when it came to tear ducts but he couldn't help but smile at that, proud to have another evil genius in their midst
He knew what it was like to be treated like a baby despite being only a few years younger, so it came as no surprise that he would agree with you whenever you wanted to do something adventurous, something on your own, "Guys, she's old enough to go out to the movies with her friends!" Even if he sort of knew your crush would be going as well, Mikey was not going to be the brother to hold you back from falling in love!
Now heaven forbid that little heart of yours gets stomped on. The person who did so will obviously be on some sort of shit-list by all the turtles, but I think Mikey would be the one who has to be watched out for the most, he destroys people who hurts what he loves, that pizza place episode with the rock band is a prime example! He'll turn savage, lunging for violence, striking to enact karma on those who deserve it the most
Of course he will be the best brother to go to if you want to have some deep emotional talks, Dr. Feelings to the rescue, and though it hurts him to know you've been stabbed in the heart, he will be there through the whole break-up process! Cry session with tubs of ice cream or whatever sweets you desire, Mikey's a great cook so baking isn't that hard for him. He will listen to all the rants and raging that you need to get off your chest, adding in quips when necessary. Then when its time to detox fully, delete pictures, unfollow on all social medias, block their number, get rid of the gifts and physical reminders, he's there with a box, repeating how strong you are and that you don't need them nor these things!
Unlike Leo, if you and Mikey wanted something, a pair of puppy-dog eyes was better than one, even Donnie could not hold out for long if the begging was done by both of you at once, "Donnie c'mon pleaseeee set up the switch! We wanna play Mario Party!" "I thought we were gonna be playing Minecraft-" "You guys its easy you don't need me to set it up." "PLEASEEEEE"
And no doubt Mikey is whipping up your favorites in the kitchen. He loves to hear your heartfelt "thank yous!!!" and "Angieeee it's so tasty! 10 out of 10!!" You know exactly how to curry his favor when you go topside and grab him new ingredients to use. That and shooting compliment after compliment his way. Sometimes he will trust you to stir or cut up veggies when he has too many things going on at once in the kitchen. The vibes are immaculate when you get the aux cord to the speaker in the kitchen, the both of you singing out all kinds of music and going into little dance breaks when a song is just too good to not groove to!
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
Arrows and Rags
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Daryl Dixon x reader
You help a wounded creature who leads you to its hideout, where you find the one person you thought you had lost in the walker attack.
🐺 🐺 🐺
With that last horde catching your camping group off guard you were eventually all split up in the still unfamiliar woods.
You were told to grab a pack and run, so you ran until your legs gave out and you hid in a tree.
The light of the full moon illuminated parts of the ground far beneath you where walkers still stumbled by every once in a while as you laid on a thick branch and worried about your group and hoped the others had the same plan of navigating back to the campsite where you all dispersed at first.
You sang a song in your head to try and keep track of how often walkers passed by underneath you and by the time you finished your song for a third time in a row without seeing any passing near you it was time to hop back down and go backtrack.
What you quickly realized was the fact that you were in no way a tracker. You cooked for your group and patched up wounds.
You wished you had gotten away with Daryl but he had been gone for a full day by now, tracking a larger animal that would feed the group for a long while. With your mind so distracted you didn't realize you had been walking without direction and recognized even less of your surroundings now.
Panic started setting in and you franticly looked around you, begging someone familiar would walk into view and not be dead.
Standing still you grounded yourself, taking deep breaths and re-evaluated your plan.
Except you had no plan. You were alone in the woods after running in god knows what direction because your camp with all your new found family got attacked by the undead. All you could do was stand around until a sound caught your attention and you jumped up, grabbing your hunting knife and holding it out in front of you in the direction the noise came from.
The rustling of leaves and heavy breathing got closer and all you could think about was how this large walker with the heavy footsteps was gonna take you out in no time.
What caught your eye wasn't a walker.
Its head was about level with yours with bright blue eyes that held nothing but hurt in them. It limped towards you on three legs, dragging its fourth along. The way it circled you and stepped fully into view had you wondering what exactly the creature was. Stopping at an angle that showed you the arrow sticking out of its hip and looking between it and you it let out a soft, pained whine.
Your heartbeat rung in your ears and your knife shook in your hand as the creature stepped closer to you, keeping its head low. A garbled howl left its maw as it dropped to the ground, yelping in agony as its hindleg slipped on some leaves and moved the arrow around in its hip. A paw reached out in the leaves like it tried to get you to come closer.
"Am I really gonna help the crazy big demon dog thing? No way, I'm gonna walk.." Talking out loud to yourself felt like the only that was gonna keep you sane, but unexpectedly the thing seemed to reply in its own monstrous way.
You sighed in disbelieve of yourself and huffed as you gave it a look. "Help?" You stated, waiting for an answer like a crazy person and to your surprise it nodded in agreement, motioning its head toward the arrow.
You took a quick breath to ground yourself and stepped towards its side, giving the bleeding leg a good look and noticing a piece of fabric stuck to its tail. You diverted your attention to it for a second and recognized it as Daryl's red cloth he always carried in his back pocket. Besides, the rag wasn't stuck in its fur. It was tied around the base.
"Where did you get this?" You asked no one in particular as you untied the rag and went back to the arrow.
With one hand pressed to the fur around the wound you wrapped your other around the arrow and apologized over and over again before breathing in and pulling at the arrow on exhale and yanking it out in one smooth motion. This earned you a loud growl, all clenched teeth and tensed muscles before the creature seemed to deflate with a deep huff.
"You good?" Why you were still talking to the creature was a mystery to you, but you got a nod as response again, this time along with a large paw on your leg.
The sudden touch had you jumping away from the creature and accidentally pressing onto its hurt leg by accident, earning you a loud pained yelp.
"Ah fuck I'm sorry." You kneeled back down to rub at its furred torso, taking a good look at the wound by softly brushing aside the fur to inspect it. Before your eyes the flesh in the wound seemed to move and stitch itself together for the closed up skin to regrow fur and entirely disappear in a matter of minutes.
You sat frozen staring at the hind leg that just healed on its own, not realizing the creature's front had moved and its face was inches away from yours until a warm breath fanned across your cheek and a thick, wet tongue dragged over your cheek.
The lick startled you so bad you grabbed at your cheek and stumbled sideways onto the forest floor.
You wiped the drool off your face with Daryl's rag, giving it a sad look remembering you had no idea where he was.
With its leg healed again the creature sat up, hind legs folded in front of its body and front legs-- arms? reaching for the rag and pointing at its tail. Its movements resembled that of a human, and its proportions as well but everything else was wolflike. Now that it was moving around properly and seemingly not attacking you, you really got a good look at it under the bright moonlight.
"I'm not giving you this." You pulled back the rag close to your body. "It's my boyfriend's and I don't know where he is." The initial sadness of having to run away from your group and not knowing if your boyfriend was even alive.
You looked back up at the creature. "How did you get this anyways? You didn't hurt him, did you?" Like you'd get an answer, this animal didn't understand you.
Except you got a surprised look and a quick shake of its head, paws raising, mimicking the human gesture of defense.
It moved around its paws, pointing at the rag and then holding them out like a bowl in front of you before curling the fingers inward and bringing its closed paws back to its chest, pointing at itself lastly.
"You want this. I know. You're not getting it."
An annoyed grumble left the animal before its maw opened and a garbled noise came out like it tried to speak but forgot how to and huffed in defeat.
“What even are you? I mean, you understand me but you’re an animal.” It gave you a look that screamed ‘do I look like I can talk?’ and just pointed up at the bright moon.
You thought for a second before a dumb suggestion made its way out. “Werewolf?”
An excited nod made it clear you were right, but somehow it still hadn’t clicked all the way because you still hadn’t recognized him and given him the rag back.
As he thought how to get his point across he grumbled until he decided to take you to his hiding place where he kept his stash of clothes and weapons. He got up and motioned for you to follow him, hoping you trusted him enough to do so and to his luck you did. You two walked through the forest, taking out the occasional walker with either knives or claws until you reached a steep ditch.
The beast slid down into it and held out its paws for you to jump into. He squeezed his paws twice to indicate he would catch you, and even though you called yourself insane you hopped in his direction. You were caught and placed onto the dirt gently, suddenly seeing the ditch was partially covered by fallen trees and created a sort of hideout.
As he led you underneath the fallen trees you spotted a pile of items, haphazardly thrown together but easily recognized as Daryl's full attire. Boots, winged vest and even those Calvin Kleins you had snagged on one of your inner city runs.
"What is all this? Where is he?" Panic rose in your chest and tears started flowing freely as your mind went through every single worst case scenario it could come up with.
An apologetic whine left the beast as it took you by the shoulders and pulled you into a hug that enveloped your entire body in soft fur and warmth.
With the side of your face shoved into his chest you had the inside of his upper arm right in your eyesight. There was a weirdly shaped dark spot in his lighter brown fur there and without thinking you had put your hand on it, tracing the shape with your fingertips.
A realization hit the creature as you were touching the mark in his fur.
Large paws took your upper arms as he moved you to face him, one finger pointing at the spot you just touched before letting go and turning around. A hand came over his shoulder to point at the darker spots on his shoulder blade in his shaggy fur. You inspected those as well, fingers tracing the edges and looking over the full expanse of furred muscle, seeing all the familiar scars your boyfriend carried as well. You sniffled and wiped away your tears. “..Daryl?” Your palms laid flat against his back when he turned around and nodded slowly. He couldn’t tell if you were afraid or not, the overwhelming amount of emotions coming off you made his senses useless.
Your eyes scanned over his entire body, grabbing and squeezing at any area your could get your hands on to make any sense of it.
“Is this why you left camp?” Another nod answered your question and another thousand filled your mind but one shoved all the others aside and came barreling to the front in bold letters. “Wait,” with eyes wide and mouth in an open smile you slap him against his chest. “Is this why you’re so growly during sex?” A surprised noise left his lips as he ..laughed? Yeah, that really sounded like a laugh. A grumbly Daryl laugh.
“I thought you were dead..” A relieved sigh left you as you let your body sink into his, all fur and warmth and genuine love for the one you thought you had lost earlier tonight. The rumbling of his chest as he let out a content noise made you feel like the world hadn’t decided to chase you up a tree. With careful touches you were led further into the hiding space and took you down to the ground with him, pulling you down to lay on top of him. He settled into a comfortable position and held you close, making sure you wouldn’t fall off as you slept.
“You’ll keep me safe, right?” Your question was half muffled by how you were speaking into his large chest, but the answer that sounded oddly like a ‘yes’ gave you all the comfort you needed to really sleep for the first time this night.
A/N: This was one of the suggestions I got for ways to make reader find out her boyfriend is a werewolf! Very enjoyable to write ♡
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kirimoochi · 5 months
roller skating with him.
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₊˚ ᗢ kazuha x gn!reader, modern au.
⤷ what is it like roller skating with him?
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When Childe came up to the two of you after classes, saying that he rented out an entire rink for a party, you didn’t think that the blond-haired man would so eagerly agree. He’s never roller skated before but was more than willing to try it out. Besides, when he grabbed your waist, pulling you close to him, he said that it might be fun to hang out with your friends. You couldn’t say no to him at that point.
Showing up at a local skating rink, you weren’t entirely surprised to see that the rink was empty aside from a large number of your friends. Lumine and Aether were the first to arrive and had already skated around, the two of them sitting at a nearby table chatting with others. Kazuha led you to get your skates and the two of you put yours on together. He even crouched down to help you tie your laces. How sweet. 
You had almost fallen forward if it wasn’t for Kazuha standing in front of you, holding you still. He pressed a light kiss to your forehead, telling you not to be nervous. He takes your hand and leads you to the skating rink. He was gracefully weaving through the crowd while you struggled not bumping into someone. Graceful as the wind, you thought to yourself. 
Holding hands with someone while skating is possibly the worst idea. When Venti bumps into Kazuha he ends up falling over, taking you down with him as the musician laughed and stuck his tongue out, saying “ehe.” Nevertheless, Kazuha would help you stand up and continue pulling you along for the ride. 
You had to admit though that while he has never skated before, he seemed a natural at it. It made you wonder if he was just as good with ice skating as he is rollerblading. He would sway side to side to the music, looking over his shoulder to see if you were alright at the pace he was going at. He wasn’t the type of person to skate slowly, nor was he extremely fast like Xiao. He just liked to stay by your side. 
If you were to tell him that you wanted to see him skate a little faster, he wouldn’t mind it. He also wouldn’t mind it if he ended up joining a race with the other boys to see who was faster. When Venti, Heizou, Xiao, and Aether lined up at the end of the rink, with you on the sidelines cheering for Kazuha, there was no way he could lose to the likes of them. For someone depicted as soft and calm, he could be competitive at times. It’s a bit dorky, but you’ve always liked that side of him. 
He finished right after Xiao despite never having roller skated in his life. The shorter boy scoffed and rolled his eyes as they both shook hands. Venti showed up right after Aether and crashed into all of them. They let out a small grown at the childish antics, yet despite the bruises forming on his tailbone, Kazuha got up and skated to you, giving you a soft kiss. 
“Did you see that, dove?” He whispered, “I was very close to beating Xiao but I was a little distracted by the sight of you. Your cheers did me a great favor.”
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