#even if they themselves did not realize it
j4desblurbs · 3 days
logan howlett x fem! reader
it’s about time we wrote more than smut for this man!!
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summary: logan accidentally hurts you.
warnings: angst, mentions of blood and injury
word count: 642
when you fell asleep in logan’s bed, you hadn’t expected to be woken up like this.
a sharp, fiery pain lances across your arm, snapping you out of your slumber. you glance down, just as logan’s adamantium claws retract.
he’s having another nightmare.
of course, you knew he had them frequently. often times half the mansion would be woken up by his screaming. but you didn’t really think they’d be like this.
logan hasn’t started screaming yet, but he’s shifting, murmuring under his breath about william stryker. suddenly he’s shooting up in bed in a cold sweat, looking around frantically before he sees you and relaxes.
his eyes spot the line of red that mars your skin, and in an instant he’s moving, gently lifting your forearm to look closer.
“did i..” he cuts himself off, unable to continue. he had hurt you.
“logan, it’s okay…” you start, but you don’t get very far into your sentence before he cuts you off.
“okay? bub, i hurt you. that’s not okay.” the distraught look in logan’s eyes makes your heart ache. didn’t he realize it wasn’t his fault?
you slide closer to him, but he moves back, tense. trying again, you slowly reach out, resting a hand on his shoulder, waiting for him to react. when he doesn’t, you pull yourself close to him, wrapping your arms around his muscular frame and resting your head on his shoulder. reluctantly, his body relaxes and he rests his chin on the top of your head.
“logan.” you say, voice soft. “it’s just a scratch, okay? i’m alright. promise.”
“lucky it’s just a scratch.” he responds, gruff voice slightly muffled by your hair. then his strong hands are on your shoulders, pulling you up from his body and forcing you to look at him.
“what would you have done if i’d stabbed you, huh? what then?” logan’s voice is strained, full of pain.
“but you didn’t.” you urge, cupping his cheek with one hand. “you didn’t, logan. and i know you won’t.”
he looks up at you, his eyes full of confusion. you were so trusting, so patient. he couldn’t even begin to understand it. his claws had touched you, and the way you shrugged it off, said it was okay? it drove him crazy.
some part of him wanted you to push him away. to get out of his room and never come back. he was used to that, would know how to deal with that.
he didn’t know how to deal with this.
“you don’t know that. hell, even i don’t know that.” he mutters that last part to himself. you can feel the self hatred that emanates off his frame, making your heart sink. did he really think so little of himself and his ability?
“i know that you’re the most caring person i’ve ever known” you start, softly running your fingers down his forearm. “i know that you’d do whatever you could to protect the people you love.” with every passing second, logan becomes less tense. “i know that you hate those claws a lot of the time. but i love them.”
“you love them?” he repeats, confused on how you could find beauty in such an ugly twisted thing. you hum in response. “i love them because they’re a part of you, and i love you. they’re not all bad, logan.”
with that, he relents, allowing himself to sink into your touch, arms gingerly wrapping themselves around you, tucking your head under his chin.
“i love you.” he murmurs, lips pressing against your hair.
“i love you too.” you whisper into his neck, pressing a gentle kiss on his pulse point. you melt into him, silently urging him to lay back onto the mattress.
when logan falls asleep with you in his arms. his dreams are filled with nothing but peace.
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luna-azzurra · 3 days
Questions about your character’s perspective on love and relationships
What’s their vibe on romantic love? Does your character buy into the whole “true love” thing, or are they more of a realist? Maybe they’ve been hurt before and think love’s just temporary, or maybe they’re the type who believes in the magic of it, like something out of a movie. Whatever their perspective, it’s shaped by their experiences and personality, so dive deep into why they feel the way they do.
First heartbreak, what happened and what changed? The first real heartbreak is a big deal. How did it go down for your character, and what kind of impact did it leave? Maybe they were completely crushed and it made them put up walls, or maybe they learned a valuable lesson about what they don’t want in future relationships. First heartbreaks can set the tone for how they approach love going forward, are they more cautious now, or did it make them tougher?
Do they believe in soulmates, or nah? Does your character believe there’s just one perfect person out there for everyone? Or do they think you can have many different kinds of love throughout life? Their answer says a lot about their outlook—are they hopeless romantics or more logical about relationships? And why do they believe that? Is it because of something personal, like their parents being soulmates (or the opposite)?
What traits are they attracted to? What qualities does your character find most attractive in someone else? Is it all about looks for them, or do they care more about deeper stuff, like a sense of humor, intelligence, or kindness? Maybe they’re into people who share their passions, or maybe they like someone totally different from themselves because it adds balance. Attraction is super personal, so think about what makes someone stand out to them.
What freaks them out the most in a relationship? Everyone has fears in relationships, right? For your character, what’s the scariest part? Is it being vulnerable, getting cheated on, or maybe just losing themselves in the relationship? Maybe they’re scared of being abandoned, or they worry that they’ll never be enough for their partner. Fear can drive a lot of their actions in love, so knowing what freaks them out gives insight into why they behave the way they do.
How do they handle jealousy or insecurity? Does your character get jealous easily, or are they super confident? Maybe they try to hide their jealousy, but it shows up in small ways. Or maybe they’re really insecure and that causes problems. Do they lash out, try to keep it cool, or straight-up talk it out with their partner? How they handle these feelings says a lot about how mature they are in relationships.
Is there a past relationship that still affects them? Even if a relationship ended, that doesn’t mean it’s completely over in their mind. Is there an ex or someone from their past that still messes with their head? Maybe they never got closure, or maybe they’re still hung up on someone who’s moved on. This can have a huge influence on how they act in current relationships, whether they’re afraid to commit or always comparing new people to the old flame.
How do they show love? What’s their love language? Are they the type to shower someone with gifts, constantly tell them how much they mean to them, or do they show love through actions, like doing little things for their partner? Maybe they’re super affectionate physically, or maybe they’re more reserved but express love in quieter, thoughtful ways. It’s important to know how they give and receive love because not everyone does it the same way.
How has their understanding of love changed? People grow and learn over time, and so should your character. Maybe they started out thinking love was all about passion and drama, but now they realize it’s more about trust and commitment. Or maybe they used to think love wasn’t for them, but now they’re open to it. Whatever the case, their experiences should shape how they see love now compared to when they were younger or less experienced.
What sacrifices have they made for love, and do they regret it? Love often comes with compromises and sacrifices. What has your character given up for someone they love? Maybe it’s something small, like time or hobbies, or maybe it’s something huge, like a dream job or even a piece of their identity. Do they think it was worth it, or do they regret it? How they handle these sacrifices shows what love means to them, are they willing to give up everything for it, or is there a line they won’t cross?
How do their culture or family views influence their ideas about relationships? Culture and family play a big role in shaping someone’s views on relationships. Does your character come from a background where marriage is super important? Are they under pressure to settle down, or maybe they’re expected to stay single until a certain age? Do they rebel against those expectations or follow them? Their family’s influence could either push them toward certain relationships or drive them in the opposite direction.
Do they have a misunderstood relationship? Maybe your character has a connection with someone that other people don’t understand. It could be a deep friendship that looks romantic from the outside, or maybe they’re in a relationship that people think is toxic, but it makes sense to them. How do they deal with people not getting it? Do they explain themselves, or do they keep it private?
How do they deal with rejection or unrequited love? No one likes being rejected, but how does your character handle it? Do they get super down about it, or are they able to move on quickly? Maybe they obsess over it and can’t let go, or maybe they act like it doesn’t bother them even though it really does. Their reaction to rejection shows how resilient they are and how they handle emotional pain.
What lesson about love are they still trying to figure out? Love is complicated, and your character doesn’t have to have it all figured out. What’s one thing they still don’t get about love? Maybe they don’t know how to fully trust someone, or they struggle with letting people in. It could be that they’re always searching for the “perfect” relationship, not realizing that perfection doesn’t exist.
How does their job or career affect their love life? Balancing work and love can be tricky. Is your character too focused on their career to make time for relationships? Or maybe their job causes tension because they’re dating someone they work with, or it takes them away from their partner for long stretches of time. Their career can be a huge factor in their romantic life, so think about how it impacts their ability to maintain relationships.
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Clubbing Much to Logan's Distaste:
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Pairings: (DP3 Vers.) Logan Howlett x Reader
Summary: Vanessa convinced you to go clubbing with her, claiming that there's 'too much testosterone in that damned apartment.' Logan hadn't realized you two were clubbing until Wade, laughing, shows him a photo of you. Well, Logan greatly dislikes that photo and hunts you down. Vanessa takes advantage of how jealous Logan can get.
Warnings: Heavy drinking, body shots mentioned, age g4p, younger reader (like 21), slight woman on woman (vanessa making logan jealous), angry logan, argument, grinding, drunk reader, sexual themes. 18+, minors don't interact.
Genre: Angst, Slight smut.
Word Count: 1,798
A/N: I've really been wanting to explore various themes, and it's about time I branched into thirsty Logan turf! Feel free to leave feedback, I love knowing what could be improved!
Vanessa and you swayed on the dance floor, moving to the song 'Nasty Dog' by Sir-Mix-Alot. The club was packed with various sorts of people, all of which you found yourself dancing against as the night progressed. Shot after shot, you found yourself regretting the dress you wore. It was a black off the shoulder, long sleeve dress with a short skirt. As you swayed and danced, grinding your back up against a man you hadn't met before he bought you a shot, you glanced towards Vanessa who was taking a selfie.
"Say cheese!" She announced to you, moving to catch you in the frame. You and the man you moved against.
Wade and Logan found themselves alone in the apartment. It was odd to Logan, he had grown used to you and Wade dancing to suggestive music like 'Goodies' by Ciara in the living room. Tonight was different. You and Vanessa weren't here, and he was alone with Wade who didn't even try to be subtle with his flirts.
"She's out clubbing with Vanessa." Wade interrupted like a damned mind reader. How had he known Logan was going to ask about you? Logan scowled at Wade, eyes narrowing. And why in hell were you clubbing? Didn't you know how dangerous it was? The ding of Wade's phone interrupted his thoughts. "Holy fuck!" Wade laughed out. "She's getting it on out there!"
"What?" Logan's voice was rougher than usual, strained too. He grabbed Wade's wrist before he could hide his phone. Yanking at the man's wrist, Logan stared at the phone. At the photo of you and Vanessa. Of you...grinding...on another man. "The fuck does she think she's doing?" He erupted with a growl, standing up immediately. The photo still burned in his retinas. The way your skintight dress showed off every inch and curve of your body. That short skirt that was practically nonexistent. The sight of your bare shoulders through the neckline. Logan swore your breasts looked as if they would fall out of it at any given moment.
"Woah there, honey badger." Wade was quick to dive infront of the front door, preventing Logan from leaving.
Vanessa's words echoed in his brain, "Keep Logan here. Make sure he doesn't ruin my girl's night, or I'll-" Wade didn't entirely remember the rest of the threat because God damn did Vanessa look hot when she scolded him.
"Move, lip." Logan growled at him.
"I can't do that." Wade retorted, stretching his body to take up as much of the doorway as possible. "I'd like to keep my dick, and I can't exactly do that if you interrupt their girl's night."
"I don't give a fuck about your dick." Logan huffed, his scowl deepening. Wade was only wasting time by blocking him in. He was going to get you out of that club- even if it meant killing his friend along the way. Or, at least, trying to.
Vanessa and you move against one another, the previous partners you two danced with long forgotten. She knew she had Wade, and that Logan practically claimed you without actually claiming you...but it was still a fun game to play. To flirt with you, to tease you, whether it was friendly or more. It was once only friendly, but after seeing Logan's reaction to when she straddled you and did your make up as you stroked her thighs- well, how could she not amp it up? Vanessa was just as bad as Wade, truth be told. She loved watching Logan's nostrils flare in angered jealousy, in possessiveness. However, he would never interrupt the situation with you present. If he did, then you'd learn how much he wanted you. And that was outright unacceptable. You were too young, too innocent. He felt guilt for even thinking about you. There were plenty of other men your age- but God did he wish you never looked at them.
With your back facing the door as you did a body shot off of Vanessa, Logan's form bursting through the club door went unnoticed by you. His eyes immediately landed on your mouth moving to the shot glass resting in between Vanessa's chest. She had noticed him first and, with a smug smirk. her hand moved to your hair, tugging at it as you downed the shot. Her tongue ran up your face along where a small drip of tequila escaped your mouth. Her eyes remained on his the entire time. Anger coursed through him as he watched you drunkenly melt into her seductions. With clenched teeth, Logan stormed forward to where you and Vanessa were at the bar. Her legs moving to wrap around your hips as she lifted your chin, murmuring a quick apology in your ear.
"Sorry, Hun'" Was all she could get out before you suddenly felt your arm being yanked. Your eyes widened in surprise when you were brought face to face with Logan, who's nose was scrunched in a furious scowl at you.
"Oh-hey, Lo." You smiled brightly at him. His nose scrunched more in distaste. You reeked of alcohol; he could barely even smell the normal scent of you that he adored.
"The hell do you think you're doing?" He spoke through clenched teeth, the vein in his neck popping slightly.
"Um...having fun?" You replied sassily, flashing your own drunk scowl at him.
"That was having fun?" He scoffs, posture straightening as he began to yank your arm.
"Hey, now wait a damn minute!" You huffed, grabbing at a nearby railing that isolated the bar from the dance floor of the club. "I aint going anywhere!"
"The hell you are!" Logan was in your face before you could react, using the only thing he knew- intimidation. He expected you to back down, or at least murmur a smart-ass comment as you surrendered like you always did.
However, you didn't budge. Not this time. You weren't going to be bullied out of having fun. He watched as your cheeks puffed out, a red flush to them from the drinking you had done, your eyes narrowed at him. Your eyebrows furrowed together to in a deadly glare.
"Princess, now is not the time." Logan started, moving to pull your arm once more. You stood your ground firmly, unmoving.
"Don't you princess me, mister. I'm staying." You huffed out, snatching your arm from his grasp as you crossed them over your chest. His eyes flicked to your breasts for a second, he could feel a groan in the back of his throat just at the sight of them. They looked like they'd spill out of your dress's neckline at any minute. He both loved and hated it.
"No, you arnt." He battled.
"You can either stay and party with Vanessa and I or you can leave."
"I aint staying."
"Then you can leave."
"You aint staying either."
"Yes. I. Am."
"Face it, Lo. I'm not leaving. Now you can either man up and dance with me or leave me the fuck alone." Logan watched as you jutted your chin out, directing your face from his. He sighed over dramatically. You were too damn stubborn for your own good. His hand found your hip.
A grin broke onto your lips as you registered his words. Leaping up, you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Oh! This will be so much fun!" Logn instinctively caught you, gently guiding you back to standing on the floor as you leaned against him, staring into his eyes adamantly. He knew it was wrong to relish the way you pressed against him. It was wrong to enjoy it. You were too young for him, he knew it. Too sweet, too innocent. He didn't deserve you, or your attention. But the way you stared at him now, eyes lidded from a sense of...hell, was that affection he saw in your eyes? It was directed at him? Why? Logan made no move to resist as you pulled him to the dance floor of the club, soon grinding your ass against him.
He watched your hands fly above your head, into your hair, and into the air. He forced his ears to focus on your drunk singing instead of the music the club blasted. He couldn't help but find himself entranced by you. Logan's cock twitched as you grinded your rear against him, his hands instinctively found your hips, guiding you how he wanted you to move as he swayed against you. His mouth soon nipping at the revealed skin of your neck and shoulders.
A groan escaped his throat when your hands moved behind you and into his hair. His hand slid off your hip and towards your thigh, slipping under your dress as his fingertips trailed your inner thigh. Logan buried his face into your neck, sniffing deeply to inhale your scent. The disgusting scent of liquor wafted into his nose. You still smelled too much like cheap gin and shots for his liking. He always considered himself a connoisseur for the smell of alcohol, but he found himself hating it on you. He wanted to smell you, not gin or tequila.
His hand slid out from under your skirt, grasping your hips to stop your movements against him.
"Stop." He grunted out, ignoring the way his body ached to have you against him.
"But..." You pouted softly as you looked back at him, however, upon seeing the seriousness of his expression, you stopped. Pulling away, you turned to face him. "What's wrong?" You asked.
"I can't." He decided with a shake of his head.
"Lo, I'm 21, I'm legal and-" You began, you hated the way he distanced himself from you just because of your age.
"I know you are, Princess." Logan interrupted. "Thats not why I'm stopping." He forced his voice to be softer as he spoke to you, knowing the wrong tone could send you into a drunk crying mess.
"Then why...?" Was all you could get out before his lips pressed against yours, silencing you.
"Because I want you to be fully there when I show you why I'm better than all the shitty men you've taken home." Logan murmured; tone filled with venom when he mentioned your previous flings. A hint of possessiveness clear. You found yourself nodding, silently appreciating the fact that he wasn't going to take advantage of you- even if you were the one throwing yourself at him. "Now come on, let me take you home." His voice was demanding but you were confident it was a request.
"Okay." You nodded, moving to interlock your hands. "Let's get Vanessa."
When Wade saw Vanessa storming his way an hour later, and Logan carrying you over towards his room, drunk and asleep, he was glad he had hidden the knives.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 3 days
any juice for baby boy shinichiro?
when ppl put him with a partner who is taller, extremely attractive and just generally insanely out of his league...ive seen some ppl write this exact trope for both male and female readers and omg its so satisfying for the soul. + his friends reacting to how the fuck did shin pull a big dick supermodel. godtier trope
nsfw but genuinely do what you prefer either way!! love to read everything you put out, regardless of the contents or characters haha
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Author's Note: I made the reader a literal model because I really like that idea, hehe. HCs + scenarios filled with plenty of sub Shin getting his entire world rocked, just for you, anon! 😜
Pairings: Shinichiro x male reader
Warnings: Male model!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Shinichiro, risky sex, sixty-nine, size kink, mild hand fetish
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• Who would ever think that Mr. Handsome who visits the local mechanic shop was actually dating the shop's owner?! No one, clearly
• Customers whisper amongst themselves after you and Shinichiro step into the office in the back, and, if they're lucky, they might catch a glimpse of you two locking lips
• Or a glimpse of your strong arms bending Shin over his own desk. They try to avert their gaze once they realize that you're about to pound the store owner's brains out right then and there
• On many occasions, he's had to take off work the next day because his legs have become jelly… and if you really feel bad for him, you'll give in when he sniffles “You'll need to take care of me while I recover :(”
• It's not any different when your lovely partner comes to visit you at work. Photographers can be impossibly picky some days, and when you pose for hours in little to no clothing for, yet another, underwear ad, it is nice to see your lover's smiling face walk through the door
• Shinichiro brings you lunch—made by his own hands, of course—complete with a note or doodle. And when he doesn't cook, you'll jump at the opportunity to leave the studio for a lunch break together
• The crew at the studio are always annoyed at how long you're gone, but what they don't realize is that more than half of your "lunch break" is just you and Shinichiro banging in the public bathroom
• Shinichiro isn't short, though when he stands next to you, he sure feels like it… you're nearly a foot taller than him (or more) and quite muscular to boot. And yes, you will use these facts to tease him
His arm stretches as far as it can, but it's just not enough to reach the item he needs on the tippity top shelf. He calls out to you for assistance, and you stroll into the room, grinning mischievously as the gears turn in your head.
“Aw, shorty can't reach it all by himself?”
Shinichiro pouts, “I'm not short, you're just too tall! …But I do need help getting that down please…” he relents.
“Of course.” to his surprise, he's suddenly lifted up by his waist, now at the correct height to reach what he needs. With embarrassment quickly setting in, Shinichiro snatches the item then stammers for you to "put him down, now!"
He thinks himself safe when his feet touch the floor again, but it's only for a second. As quickly as you let go of his waist, you spin him around and plop him on top of the counter. The blush dusting his cheeks begins to show as you still tower over him, even now. His eyes slowly close as you kiss him—eagerly pushing your tongue past his lips and pulling a few moans out of him.
…aaaand just like that, you pull away and leave. Leaving behind a lightheaded mechanic with a newfound throbbing sensation between his thighs.
• If it's not obvious yet, I do think Shin would have a bit of a size kink. Maybe he doesn't realize it until he's actually with you, but it's definitely there
• Someone larger than him, laying their weight on his back while a massive cock fills him so much that it creates a stomach bulge? Yeah, that's the good shit 🥴
• I just had an image of 69'ing with Shinichiro pop into my head… ugh
Wrapping your lips around his pretty dick while he struggles to take half of yours. His tip is leaking already, and you gladly accept everything that drips out and onto your tongue.
Shin arches his back, enjoying all of these sensations; your hot mouth around his cock. Your cock pushing further and further into his mouth. Your hands spreading his cheeks apart and–
“Mmgh~ babe, please…”
“Please what?” you ask, popping off his dick long enough to ask a question that you already know the answer to.
A groan echoes within his throat, garbling the words attempting to escape through his lips. “D-do it… I can take it.”
With a serious fire lit within you, you suck his cock deeper into your mouth. Gently, at first, a finger eases its way into Shin's hole, making him arch deeper and dig his nails into the skin of your thighs. Soon after that, a surge of cum surprises you, shooting down your throat as you're forced to swallow it. Poor baby is apologizing when he hears your choked moaning… he didn't mean to cum yet, you just made him feel so fucking good 🥺
• He looooves having your hands on him~
-> Hands holding his waist while you slide into him. Breath heavy and right in his ear, whispered words of praise and how fucking tight he is
-> Hands connecting with his as you pin him down and steal (yet another) kiss
-> Hands working their magic on his erection. Both hands wrapping around his cock, milking more out of him like a relentless living fleshlight
-> Hands combing through his messy hair after a ride in the town. Detangling the knots as best as you can before he takes a shower
-> Hands on his lips, sliding into his mouth while you coo “Good boy~”
-> Hands scissoring his hole open. Making his knees wobble as you take it nice and slow, rhythmically pumping in and out with your thick fingers
-> Hands wiping tears from his eyes on your wedding day ❤️
• Uh um, yeah… moving on 😵‍💫
• Now, since you're a model, Shinichiro has gotten some unwanted attention from random strangers and paparazzi. It's mostly when you're seen together, but some fans have even shown up at his shop just to ask if you were there 🤐
• You're very quick to tell anyone off though. Polite, if possible, yet stern all the same. Because gods help any person who's dumb enough to lay a hand on your man, or even make him uncomfortable in the slightest. All of your muscles aren't just for show
• And, as a model, you have been known to pull a few strings. Only a few times. But you were able to have Shin as a guest for a few magazine covers or spreads
It's hard to act professional when his beloved is basically nude—nothing except the brand's boxers to cover that thang that makes Shinichiro squirmy and wet.
The photographer wants some rather intimate shots of Shinichiro sitting on your lap, facing you. The makeup on his face does help hide the growing blush, but to you, as you sit merely inches apart—it's quite obvious.
You also notice the semi-boner underneath his own set of boxers… you have to remind him that this is a professional setting, and he needs to calm down or you'll both get in trouble. But honestly, how can he? Even staring into your gorgeous eyes would be enough to turn him on!
Gently, you rub his back and whisper to him “Keep it together here, and I'll give you a private show later tonight, ok?” To which Shinichiro enthusiastically shakes his head, nearly making himself dizzy.
Oh, the things you do to him later~
• Now, about his friends and family……… yeah they have no idea how the hell Shin is dating you
• They don't mean it in a rude way either. It's just, you're literally actually a model… you're insanely attractive, handsome, breathtaking, kinda fuckin rich?, and so on and so forth. So, what made you choose to stay in Shinichiro's hometown (save for business trips and vacations) as opposed to, oh I don't know, living in some mansion or beach house surrounded by other models?????
• Every single time, your answer is the same: “Because I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him”
• Yes, your career is important to you, but you can travel when need be for that. Shinichiro Sano lives here, and you're not willing to give him up
• As siblings do, Shinichiro's younger ones definitely make fun of him for being with someone way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy out of his league. But it's all in good fun. Besides, they're also protective of him, and make sure you know that, if you ever break Shin's heart, they'll break a leg or two :) (especially Izana… that guy kind of scares you… except he's also a sweetheart once he realizes that you also care about his brother)
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you are love itself (君は愛そのものだ)
cw. fem!reader, childhood friend au, established relationship, love as worship, love as a choice, reader has a defined devil fruit ability
pairing. portgas d. ace x reader
synopsis. his skin is dotted in stardust.
notes. a 1.3k look into those short moments of privacy you have with ace on the moby. i got the title from 'therefore you and me' after rewatching this amazing asl brothers animatic for the billionth time. cover comes klimt's the kiss (1908).
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Everything is made of stardust; the stars that made Ace are simply visible to the eye.
They couldn't be contained in the depths of his body like the rest of the world's inhabitants. It's scattered all across his skin in a beautiful display, matching the skies they fell from. Isn't that something? You brush a hand against warm skin in awe. It's all right there. The stars themselves rest upon his skin, how beautiful is that? How could anyone want someone like that dead?
When you were children, Ace told you he would bring you the moon.
What do you need the moon for when you've been touching the stars since you were 10?
Straddling his lap, you can't help laughing as you think you'd been fighting a losing battle from the start. From the beginning, you'd been drawn to Ace and his stars and you wanted to follow where they'd go for the rest of your life.
"What's so funny?" Ace murmurs into your shoulder.
"I think I was born to love you." It is the only plausible conclusion for you to reach after 10 years of loving the same person. For the half of your life you've known him, you've chosen Ace from day one. You will continue to choose him for the rest of the life you have. You chose to chase him all around Mt. Corvo, you chose to be his friend, you chose to join his crew and your heart chose him even if your head had been slow to realize. "We don't need to find the One Piece," you murmur as you lead a trail of kisses from his shoulder to Ace's cheek. "I already have everything the world has to offer right here."
You feel Ace stiffen beneath you before he laughs sheepishly, "I think you need to have your eyes checked if you think that."
"Hey," you lean back so you can see his face. Your brows are furrowed sternly but your eyes sparkle with mischief and your lips stretch into a challenging grin. "I have better eyes than you, I can see the soul."
Ace snorts but his voice is light and as warm as the smile painting his face, "souls of the dead, yeah." Smiles suit Ace more than the frowns that were once commonplace when you were younger.
"That still counts," you protest with a chuckle. He doesn't have to believe he's worthy of it, you'll tell Ace all the same. You cup his face in your hands and enjoy the vibration of his mellifluous laughter under your fingers tips as you squeeze his cheeks. "There's a lot you can learn about this sort of stuff when you can see the dead." How the soul carries its wounds even after death. How the soul carries the essence of everything that makes something itself. How love can carry on beyond the grave.
You've seen it countless times by now in your truthfully short time of being a power holder.
The spirit of a man who wanted a few berries to leave as a surprise his husband could stumble upon to brighten his day.
An elderly woman dancing in the town square, seemingly alone following the steps she took with her lost love long ago. Unbeknownst to her, however, her love danced with all the same as they did once a long time ago.
Pods of orcas full of members past and present, refusing to part from their birth pod even in death.
How beautiful it is, a love like that.
Even while deceased, they choose to remain by their beloved all the same.
Whenever it is Ace's time, he'll take his stars with him and they will rest on his skin just as they did when he was alive. But I'll make sure you're so happy you won't want to stay, you vowed when you partook of the sea's cursed fruit. You carry this vow even now. Ace will die a happy death but more importantly, he will live a long and mirthful life.
(You can tell for as sure as your eyes are dry; the urge to cry and scream in mourning and warning nonexistent. Still it's your heart's desire that you go first so you don't ever have to risk the day you know death will come for Portgas D. Ace.)
"You know what I think," you cease your pinching, letting your lax thumbs stroke his face. Dark eyes look up at you like you're a dream and gold like sunlight rests in your chest. It's light yet heavy and even if your heart is calm, its rhythmic beating tells you something precious. And he's so, so precious. "I think that when people move on, they're reborn as someone else. Then they get to live life all over again. And one day, that's gonna happen to us."
Then you'll cease to be the 'you' you have been and so will he.
Maybe that time, you'll be raised in separate seas and there will be no trio of brothers you'll latch onto. Maybe he'll be born somewhere in Paradise but I'll be from the West Blue. Or maybe he'll be a fishman. Or a giant!
Maybe next time, Ace will be a short girl with firey auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes with the disposition to match. Or he'll be a scarred and gruff dragon moray eel fishman who is an overt romantic.
Maybe next time his stars will follow him as the marker that ties him to his previous life. Then you'll recognize him the moment you see him. But even if I don't, I'll love you then too. You don't need reminders of who he was to make you want him again.
Whatever the outcome may be, you will embrace it wholly.
"Whenever that happens, I'm gonna find you and I'm going to love you all over again. You can be a girl or a giant or a fishman." Or maybe he'll be the tiny human and you'll be the giant. It will be nice being taller than Ace for once, you tell him as much with a laugh. There's a spot of wetness at the corner of his eyes that you wipe away instinctively. "Or… maybe this world runs in one big loop and we get to be us again but that time we get to make different choices. Do the stuff we didn't do last time. But regardless of all the different things I might end up doing, the one thing that is gonna stay the same is that I'll choose you all over again."
There's a pause before Ace ducks from your gaze with a wet laugh, forehead pressed against your shoulder again. The unmistakeable feel of warm droplets subsequently follow. "Thatch must be cutting onions," he chuckles weakly. "Sorry."
"Dummy," you wrap your arms around his shoulders and inhale his scent. There's a natural sweetness to it you can't explain; it's sweet but there is a peppery kick. It's been that way since the first day you met him. I love him, I love him, I love him. The sentiment echoes throughout your entire being. "it's okay to cry."
"Would you really want me again?" His voice is soft and unsure like a young bird who doesn't know if it can trust its wings.
Who else would I want?
Why would I want anyone else?
I've known you for 10 years, Ace. There's nothing about you I don't want.
"Over and over again," you kiss his temple once, twice and then a third time before you lift his head and kiss the corners of his eyes. "It's you and no one else."
A noise of surprise escapes you when Ace's lips press against your own but you relax a beat later, humming tenderly. You relish every sensation, how his arms wrap around you tight and how his fingers gently dig into your back. The taste of salt on your lips is akin to the ocean and your heartbeat reverberates throughout your chest.
Yes, it's telling you something precious.
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Imagine helping Crocodile discover a new way to use his devil fruit, part 2
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I've decided that I'm going to do a fic for this, instead of an imagine. I don't know about this one, but I'm posting it anyway.
Also, this an afab reader fic, sorry.
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It was late when you left Buggy's party to head home. So late, in fact, that the city had turned off most of the streetlamps. With only every third lamp lit on the main streets, one of Crocodile's brilliant budget cuts left you blindly scurrying between lamps to stay where you could see, cursing as you went. When you finally reached your street you encountered an expanse of broken streetlights leaving you with little choice, but to fumble blindly down the road, with only starlight to guide you. You paused, to give your eyes a moment to adjust and to put on your shoes, before heading off into the darkness.
Only a few steps in, you heard what sounded like sand moving. Without thinking, you called out, "hello?" Your jaw snapped shut when you realized you had just given away your position.
A deep chuckle broke the tense air, it was familiar, "It's quite late for little deers to be out, all by themselves." Suddenly, a bright ember lit up in your periphery, giving you a glance at the man in the dark. A dark cigar with a predatory grin at the other end of the ember, there was no mistaking it.
Crocodile murmured, "I've been looking for you all night."
"Why me?" You asked, taking a step back, even though you knew there was no escaping from him if he really wanted you
"I want to know what else that fucked up little head of yours can come up with." He purred. You flinch as his hand engulfed your neck. The feeling of his sand skittering along your skin made you instinctively go up on your tippy-toes to get away. Sensing your discomfort, his thumb gently caresses your cheek to soothe you. "Easy there, I'm not going to hurt you, yet." Crocodile takes a slow drag off his cigar, the ember glittering in his eyes. He was clearly enjoying the power trip he was getting off on your fear.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and started to ramble off anything you could use sand for. "Water filtration."
"Water is a no-go."
"You could use the technique I previously suggested to make glass. It would be useful for barriers against biochemical attacks, or for stopping up hinges. "
Crocodile hummed, "That would be useful, I'll have to try that later... But ultimately not the thing I'm looking for. "
"What sort of things are you implying?"
"Telling you would deprive me of the pleasure of watching you squirm, so keep trying." He said, tightening his hand around your neck, just enough to make your head spin.
You gasped, "Sand has silica in it, which is bad to breathe in. Uh... I can be used for skin!"
His grip loosened, as he echoed, "for skin?"
"It's used as an exfoliant." You stammered, trying to remain balanced.
"I recall having skinned my knee falling on the beach before I ate my devil fruit." He grumbled.
"You're supposed to add it to lotion or oil. "
"I can use lotion and oil," he chuckled, "I finally have the inspiration I needed. Thank you, little deer, why don't we go try it out." Crocodile released your neck, slid his arm around your shoulders, and guided you down the street.
"What are you doing." You asked, "Where are you taking me?"
The large man pulled you into his side, bemused by your size difference, as he asked, "did I misinterpret the way you look at me when you think I can see you?"
Your eyes flicked up to his, suddenly feeling very embarrassed because you've always taken every opportunity to ogle him in that slutty lil waistcoat of his.
He gave you a feline grin and mused, "I have not misinterpreted anything, have it. I know a hungry look when I see one. So where I'm taking you is to feast at my residence."
Sir Crocodile wasted no time bringing you to his estate, you crossed the threshold, and his grip on you slid from your shoulder to your waist. His hand groped the fat of your hip through the thin material of your shirt, as he led you to his room.
As soon as his bedroom door shut behind him, he removed his coat and gently pushed you face down on the large, plush sheets of his bed. He ordered you not to move a muscle, and you waited patiently, happily taking in the heavy scent of his sheets. You remained there for two minutes, listening to him remove his coat and shoes, he moved to another room for a minute, before coming back and setting several bottles and a large box on the nightstand.
"Up, sit up." He asserted, sliding onto the bed behind you. When you sat up on your knees, one of his large hands pulled you back into his lap. With another hoist and a gasp from you, he had you perched upon the rather prominent bulge in his pants. He had evidently removed his belt and vest well, he sat there in only a crisp button-up shirt and starched slacks.
"Now, why don't we get started with the foreplay?" He chuckled, swapping out his hook for some sort of mobility attachment that allowed him to unbutton his shirt. You leaned against his chest, and looked up at him. The black haired man grinned at the submissive look on your face, and used his now free hand to remove his hook. You watched as his nub and his hand turned into lumps of sand.
"I think the lotion would work quite nicely, don't you?" Crocodile rumbled, depositing several pumps of lotion onto the sand and rubbing them together until it was mixed evenly. The anticipation had caused an ache to grow between your legs. An ache that only grew larger when he shoved his hands under your shirt. You gasped when his fingers pushed up your breasts. The sand was cool at first, but it warmed up the rotation picked up speed.
You reached back and locked hands around the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the strands of hair there, as you arched into his touch. Crocodile let you bask in his touch for only a brief moment, before nudging your head in his direction and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. His scent, taste, and touch filled your senses. He smelled like whiskey, smoke, honey, and a natural musk, which left you dizzy. A high-pitched sigh left you, reveling in the moment, completely missing that the noise that had left you a moment ago had made the man under you feel absolutely feral. He let you distract yourself by grinding down on him, and nipping at his lips and tongue, while he gathered more sand. He opened the lotion bottle and mixed its contents with his sand before forming several new arms.
Three large hands pried apart your legs, as two hands of swirling sand massaged the meat of your thighs and calves. Two hands gripped your hips, rocking your clothes slit over his bulge, as two more hands groped at your chest. You cried out, only for Crocodile to use a column of sand to pull you back into a kiss. While his hand, of flesh and bone, made its way between your legs.
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devil-in-hiding · 2 days
Ooo, ghosy!tf141 who haunt their isolated cabin in the woods. They had originally retired there.
From constantly having to be by each others sides and just getting so close together, they eventually, gradually, start dating. If you can call it that.
They made no grand gesture to ask each other to be together, it just kinda happened. Something that feels so natural that by the time they do realize, they can't really bring themselves to care.
But then, maybe a storm happened. A blizzard, days on end, never stopping. It isn't until someone is sent out to check on the four mysterious men that visit the closest small town that they're discovered huddled on a bed. Froze to death, they discover.
A tragic, somewhat heartbreakingly romantic end for these former soldiers.
Cut to you. Tired of working for a job that does nothing but takes and takes from you. Maybe you've built up the money. To finally quit and move away from the city. It's starting to feel too good to be true when you find a cabin in the woods that's practically for sale.
It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but the online job and people of the town make it all worth finally having a place of your own.
It isn't until you start making changes and fixes around the place that weird things begin to happen. At first, you brush it off, after all, you're the only person working on it for the time being, and trying to fix a house, something you've never done before, can get quite hectic for one person.
It starts with your brand new tools. You're so sure you left your hammer on the kitchen counter, but maybe you did leave it in the living room. The panties in your drawer start to end up a mess. As if someone went through them without a care of tidyness.
It accumulates until you're starting to truly question what's happening. A stalker? Someone hiding in the nearby woods, maybe?
It isn't until you start to head voices and have strange dreams. Always of four men, with distinct voices and stature.
Of whispered sweet nothings and loving promises. To each other at first until they start naming you. Until they start addressing you.
Until one night, you feel them. As if they were right there, alive. Along your thighs, your arms, across your chest, one even cupping your face.
Maybe it's time for you to finally learn their names.
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urdreamydoodles · 3 days
Remy LeBeau "Gambit" x Fem!Reader
Laughing at every jokes he make
You find yourself on a romantic stroll with Remy LeBeau, where his playful jokes and charming demeanor lead to a deeper connection. As your laughter draws you closer, you both realize there's more than just flirtation between you, culminating in a tender and passionate moment.
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The warm glow of the late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the streets of New Orleans, the air thick with the scent of jasmine and the lively hum of jazz music in the distance. You found yourself walking alongside Remy LeBeau, your hand barely brushing against his as the two of you meandered through the quiet backstreets. The gentle breeze carried with it the rich smells of the city and a sense of anticipation you could feel in your bones, a feeling heightened whenever you were in his presence.
Remy had insisted on taking you out for a stroll, away from the chaos of your usual lives as X-Men, and you didn’t hesitate to agree. It was impossible to say no to that roguish smile of his, the one that made you feel like you were the only person in the world who could see through his devil-may-care attitude to the heart beneath. Today, though, Remy was especially playful, cracking jokes at every turn.
“Y’know,” he began, his deep Cajun accent weaving through his words like music, “if de X-Men ever decide t’fire me, I got a back-up career as a stand-up comedian.”
You chuckled softly, the sound light and airy, though the joke itself was far from laugh-out-loud funny. “You sure about that? You might want to keep practicing.”
His grin widened, eyes flashing with a spark of mischief. “Practice? Chère, I’m already a master. Ain’t nobody got charm like Remy LeBeau.”
You couldn’t help but laugh again, a little louder this time. There was something about the way he said things, like he didn’t care whether they were funny or not—he was confident you’d laugh anyway. And, of course, you did. It wasn’t just the jokes themselves, though. It was the way he carried himself, with a swagger that spoke volumes, and the way he’d glance at you, his red-and-black eyes lingering just a little too long, sending a shiver down your spine.
Remy raised an eyebrow as he leaned in closer. “Now you laughin’, but I know y’thinkin’ I got potential.”
“Potential to get booed off the stage, maybe,” you teased, nudging his arm with your shoulder, your eyes crinkling at the corners from how hard you were smiling.
“Ah, chère, you wound me!” Remy dramatically placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt, though his smirk gave him away. “Lucky for me, I got a beautiful girl like you t’keep me company. Long as you laughin’, dat’s all dat matters.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the casual compliment, even though you were used to his flirtations by now. Being called “beautiful” by Remy was like being told the sky was blue—he said it so often, you’d think it would lose its effect. But it never did. It always felt like a small flame igniting inside you every time the word passed his lips.
Your laughter faded into a quiet smile as you glanced up at him, watching the way the evening light softened his sharp features. Remy had a way of making everything feel light, like the weight of the world could fall away when you were with him. He was always making jokes, always teasing, and you always laughed, even when they weren’t all that funny. It wasn’t that his jokes were bad—they just didn’t always hit the mark. But the way he looked at you when he delivered them, with that lazy, confident grin, you couldn’t help but laugh. Because he was trying, and because, for reasons you couldn’t quite explain, his laughter became contagious, drawing your own out of you like a melody that was meant to be sung.
As the two of you continued walking, you noticed Remy glance at you out of the corner of his eye, the smile on his lips softening. There was something different in his expression now, something quieter and more thoughtful. He stopped suddenly, taking your hand in his without a word, guiding you toward a small, secluded park nestled between two rows of charming old houses.
“C’mere,” he said softly, pulling you toward a bench shaded by a large oak tree. The branches above rustled gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows on the ground beneath your feet. Remy sat down, his hand still holding yours, and patted the spot next to him.
You sat, feeling the warmth of his body close to yours, your hand still tingling from his touch. The playful banter had died down now, replaced by a silence that felt… deeper, more intimate.
“Y’know,” Remy began after a moment, his voice quieter than before, “I been thinkin’ ‘bout somethin’.”
Your heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t often that Remy got serious, and when he did, you knew it was important. “What’s on your mind?”
He looked at you, his red-on-black eyes meeting yours in a way that made your breath catch. “I been thinkin’ ‘bout you. ‘Bout us.”
There was a pause, the words hanging in the air between you like the last note of a song waiting to fade. You weren’t sure what to say, so you waited, letting him find the words.
“You always laugh at my jokes,” he said, a small, almost shy smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Even when they ain’t so funny. Why’s dat, chère?”
You blinked, surprised by the question. It seemed so simple, but the way he asked it—like it meant more than just the surface—made your heart stutter in your chest. You glanced away for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts, before looking back at him with a smile of your own.
“I guess… I just like hearing you talk,” you said, feeling the truth of it even as you spoke the words. “Doesn’t matter if the joke is funny or not. I like being around you, Remy. You make me feel… lighter. Happier.”
His expression softened at that, his smile turning more genuine, more tender. “Dat so?” he murmured, leaning just a little closer, his voice low and smooth, like the soft rumble of thunder in the distance.
You nodded, your heart thudding in your chest. “Yeah, it is. I don’t think I could stop laughing around you even if I tried.”
For a moment, Remy said nothing, just watched you with an intensity that made your skin tingle. Then, without warning, he reached out and gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering against your skin longer than necessary. His touch sent a thrill down your spine, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat.
“Y’know,” he said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper, “I been doin’ a lot of thinkin’ ‘bout how lucky I am.”
“Lucky?” you echoed, your voice quieter now, the world around you seeming to fade as the space between you and Remy grew smaller.
“Yeah,” he murmured, his hand still resting lightly against your cheek, his thumb brushing against your skin. “Lucky dat someone like you’d wanna spend time wit’ someone like me. Wit’ all my bad jokes an’ all.”
You laughed, the sound soft and breathless, and Remy’s smile widened at the sound. “I think I’m the lucky one,” you whispered, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
Remy’s eyes darkened slightly at that, and you could feel the air between you shift, becoming charged with something unspoken. For a long moment, neither of you moved, the world narrowing to just the two of you, your breaths mingling in the small space between you. Then, slowly, ever so slowly, Remy leaned in closer, his gaze never leaving yours.
“Can I kiss you, chère?” he asked softly, his breath warm against your skin.
Your heart raced, your pulse pounding in your ears as you nodded, unable to form words. The moment you did, Remy’s lips met yours, soft and warm, sending a surge of electricity through your entire body. The kiss was gentle at first, tentative, but it quickly deepened as Remy wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer.
You melted into him, your hands tangling in his hair as you kissed him back, every thought in your mind dissolving into the sensation of being this close to him. His lips were firm yet soft, his touch tender but possessive, as though he’d been waiting for this moment as long as you had.
When you finally pulled back, breathless and flushed, Remy rested his forehead against yours, his breath coming in soft, shallow pants. He smiled, a real smile, the kind that reached his eyes, and your heart swelled in your chest.
“Now dat’s a punchline I can get behind,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
And just like that, you laughed again, not because the joke was funny, but because you were happy—truly, completely happy.
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romaritimeharbor · 10 hours
HEARTH FLAME. — In which the Knave's heir decides their fate.
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— trigger & content warnings. depictions of injury (& the recovery following it), pain medications and slightly implied impairment of judgment because of them. it isn't really outright though and could honestly be ignored.
— pairings & notes. ambiguous genre; may be considered hurt/comfort. arlecchino & heir!reader. reader is gender neutral (they/them pronouns used). reader is a member of the house of the hearth and is arlecchino's chosen heir. occurs after the events of arlecchino's story quest. 2.1k words.
— author's thoughts. i would say "i swear i'm very normal about arlecchino" but i feel as if we all know that is not true. anyways for those that care about the lore behind this series of fics, i perceive this as the "turning point" in arle & [name]'s relationship in which the latter begins to realize how serious being the knave's heir is. but rn they are delirious on pain meds and do not realize the fate that they have condemned themselves to. yeag
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       Lightning struck their body at even the slightest of muscle twitches.
       The bruises on their skin hidden underneath gauze and bandages throbbed with agonizing heat, their insides twisted and churned as their body attempted to repair whatever manner of internal injuries that they had oh-so lovingly been gifted, and their mind begged for restful sleep.
       (No matter how tired they were, ever since they had awoken after being asleep for about a day, they had not been able to fall back asleep again... at least, not in a way that mattered. Their sleep was plagued by nightmares and worries that they could not shake, all concerning the very person who had put them in this condition in the first place. She hadn't come to see them yet. They were certain she would have, but she hadn't.
       Was father... upset? Did they upset her?)
       A soft sigh left their lips as they stared upwards at the ceiling from their bed—even the simple task turning over was nigh impossible, so they dared not attempt anything other than sleep. At least the admittedly rather laborious task of trying to fall asleep did not wrack their body with searing hurt.
       In their spar, Father was neither kind nor easy on them, and they had a sneaking suspicion that she was especially hard on them. Lyney was already standing again and on the move, meanwhile Lynette and Freminet ended up slipping by with relatively minimal injuries, but them? Bedridden, without the slightest hope of being able to stand in the coming hours... or even days, probably. Their legs pulsed at the thought alone.
       ...But they did take the brunt of Father's attacks, so they supposed that was their own fault.
             — flower of the universe !! 🌸
       "I will not sit idly by and watch you bring unfathomable harm to my siblings."
       Standing immovably in front of Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet with their weapon pointedly raised at the very woman who raised them was certainly not how they had anticipated their day going. Nevertheless, they were in that exact situation, and backing down was the last thing on their mind. Lyney seemed to want to say something—to tell them, to warn them, not to be stupid, maybe.
       ...But really, Lyney knew better, and as much as he worried for his sibling's safety, he also knew extremely well how Father was and how they were.
       She would want to see their display of strength, no matter how miniscule in comparison to hers.
       And them—they would not dare let Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet face this alone, even if it meant risking their safety and wellbeing.
       (He also happened to know that his sibling could be a tad too eager to show Father the display of strength she desired, but that was just his own opinion, muddled by his biases and his own desire to protect and care for his siblings. He knew and recognized how his desires played tricks on him, but it did not make him any less bothered by what he liked to think of as his sibling's 'recklessness.')
       Arlecchino's stare threatened to pry apart their soul at its very seams, but they failed to waver. Instead, they firmly returned her stare, albeit with less intensity. Their grip on their weapon tightened.
       The Knave was going to absolutely destroy them, though hopefully not beyond repair.
       They knew that, and they were fine with that. It was an inevitable truth; so be it.
       In the defense of their siblings, they would be more than happy to shed blood—someone else's, or theirs.
       "...I hope you can forgive me, Father."
       In this case, theirs.
             — flower of the universe !! 🌸
       Destroy them, she most certainly did. It wasn't an unexpected outcome. They knew better than to think that they could actually beat her; at least their showing of strength (combined with that of their siblings' and the Traveler's) was enough to compel her to give a kinder execution.
       'Execution.' Hm.
       The word bounced around in their mind for some time as they pondered.
       They weren't quite sure if they saw it that way or not—on one hand, the mind was killed and reborn, but on the other, the body remained alive and unharmed.
       What kind of execution could be so... gentle? So forgiving? None that they had ever heard of. No executions were so tender and compassionate as to preserve the gift of life.
       ...Perhaps that was simply a different kind of execution than what they were used to.
       As their mind wandered, they absentmindedly mused about what their freed siblings were doing.
       'Filliol and Nanteuil... where are you two now?'
       Were they enjoying the sun?
       The soft click of a door opening and closing caught their attention, and for a moment they felt extreme relief—finally, someone had come to administer their pain medications... the ache sinking into their bones was about to finish what Arlecchino had begun at this point—but the click of heels that followed made their chest tighten nervously.
       They turned their head slightly to the side. At their bedside stood none other than the Knave herself, an unreadable expression crossing her face when she saw the state they were in.
       Speak of the devil and she shall appear.
       "My child."
       Arlecchino was quick to drag the stool at the foot of their bed to the side and sit.
       "Father, I—"
       They tried to sit up, grimacing through the pain that clawed across the entirety of their body as they did. The Fourth did not allow them to get far, however, and placed a firm hand on their chest. They had no choice but to settle back down, as the strength she was exerting against them was far too great for them to combat.
       "Do not get up. You will only hurt yourself—"
       "—And spare yourself the chore of speaking."
       Their mouth closed without another word. All they could do was stare up at her, eyes wide and bewildered and perfectly displaying all the questions they wished to ask (and a bit glazed over due to the combined factors of their exhaustion and the strength of the medication they had been on), though one in particular stood out the most:
       'Why are you here?'
       Maybe the Knave could read their mind.
       (She had no such ability. To know her children and what they were thinking was simply part of her responsibility as Father.)
       "My child," she mused again, this time not in greeting, though she did not continue. Perhaps she was looking for the words. Her fingers gingerly brushed the hair from their face, briefly brushing over the scratch across their forehead.
       One among the many wounds she bestowed upon them a day prior. One of the most mild of her gifts, actually.
       It wasn't regret that washed upon her upon realizing the severity of their wounds in particular—no, they made the choice to join the fight knowing well that she would not be gentle on them or their siblings, and she would argue that regret was a useless emotion only capable of holding one back. What's done was done. It was as simple as that. Regret, much like sorrow, does naught but hold a person back.
       ...Yet, she still felt something, though she struggled identifying what it was.
       Maybe, now that the Fourth had seen them and the extent of the wounds she delivered, she felt that she had neglected her obligation as Father to visit their bedside in the midst of their healing.
       "I'm sorry."
       Their voice cut through her thoughts. Though they tried their very best to mask it, it wavered almost imperceptibly, the tremble only audible to trained ears—ears like hers. The Fourth Harbinger was not known for being obtruse. She noticed, and they could tell. Nothing ever slipped by her.
       "And what is it that you are apologizing for, exactly?"
       "I... I don't know. I just feel like you're disappointed in me somehow, and I don't know how else to remedy it at the moment."
       'At the moment,' she assumed, meant their current bedridden state.
       "I know not what has given you such an impression. I am not disappointed."
       "...You're not?"
       "Certainly not. If you are referring to your interception of our spar," she began, "defending your family is the most kingly action you could have taken in that moment. In fact, I expected no less of you."
       "I'm not kingly," they replied, offering a weak chuckle as they continued: "At least, I don't feel kingly right now..."
       "Then how is it that you feel?"
       "Pathetic, maybe." They turned their head fully to the side so that they were able to meet her gaze. "I know I can't and probably will never be able to triumph over you in a spar, but—"
       "Perish the thought," Arlecchino dismissed. "Immediately."
       Her eyes bore into theirs. This time, much unlike the time they stared at her in battle, they did not feel fear or nervous anticipation of what was to come.
       "You did not win the war," she affirmed, "but I would certainly say you won the battle."
       She leaned closer. With one hand, she brushed the framing hair that normally fell over her cheeks to the side.
       There, a long cut was scabbed over with dry crimson, and suddenly, their heart leapt—whether it was from an odd pride in having been able to actually hit her, or shame and embarrassment that they actually caused harm to Father of all people, they did not know.
       The Knave allowed her hair to fall back into place.
       "Though the odds were stacked against you and yours, you ultimately managed to wound me. This was something that not even your siblings managed to achieve."
       "I could argue that it's only because there were so many of us."
       "Perhaps, but it was still you who caused this wound. I lost track of you for only a moment and you took the opportunity. Progress does not happen overnight, child, and your strength is still growing. One day, you will be the king of this house. You will deliver these kinds of wounds to others, as I have delivered to you." Her gaze shifted to their bedside table. "...That is, if you so desire that life."
       The bottled flame swirled and flared in the vial under her gaze, as if it sought to melt through the glass and lunge, consuming everything in its wake and leaving nothing but ash behind.
       Ah. Right.
       They had almost forgotten that she had also allocated the resources needed to complete her 'execution' to them.
       Silence, heavy with the weight of implication, endured for what seemed to be an eternity.
       Then, they broke it:
       "I do not wish to leave the house."
       Arlecchino would have been perfectly content with letting them free—with snipping away at the webs they were so deeply entangled in, letting the flames cleanse the darkness from their veins, and thereby permitting them to step into the sun.
       And yet... that was not what they wanted.
       Perhaps it was a blend of bewilderment, pride, and annoyance that stirred in her chest.
       What a foolish child they were, refusing freedom when it was so readily within their grasp. They had earned it, and yet they chose to reject it? How foolish, indeed.
       The Fourth's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she gazed down at them.
       "Hm. Is that so?"
       ...But that foolish child was hers—her child and her successor. Hers, and hers for a reason, for better or worse.
       If all of the Knaves who came before Peruere were not stubborn, then there would be no Knave to begin with. It was, therefore, only right that her heir be as much of a stubborn fool as she.
       Her eyes seemed to soften, if only by a miniscule amount. Arlecchino placed a warm hand over their own, resting idly across their torso, and they hummed, daring to shift and intertwine her fingers with theirs.
       Brief tender moments, always flickering like a dying flame, were rare in the House of the Hearth, especially when permitted or even initiated by Father.
       Thus, they had no problem taking advantage of the situation that they were in, eyes fluttering shut as her warmth oozed into their hand and slowly crawled up their arm. It would soon consume their entire being, but rather than being scorched by it, they were certain that they would be lulled to sleep by it.
       "So be it, then," she murmured, thumb absentmindedly running across their knuckle. "You are a fool."
       A smile. The first that Arlecchino had seen from them in days, in fact, and it seemed to soothe something within her. "I know."
       "Do not disappoint me."
       Her tone cut as sharply as a knife, but they did not appear to mind a single bit; all they could do was smile at her.
       Even when she was threatening them, all they could do was smile.
       "I won't."
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toiletclown · 1 day
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spencer agnew x gn!reader
mostly fluff, a little angst.
part one of four or five, depending how much more i add.
summary: you've had feelings for your best friend, spencer, almost as long as you have known him. it isn't getting any easier, and you need to tell him soon, whether he feels the same or not. your friends are pushing you, the fans already ship you, and after courtney and shayne's success, you just couldn’t bare to keep lying anymore. to yourself, or to him.
word count: 2028 for part one.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
It’s been two years since you graduated from Smosh crew member to Smosh cast member. You weren’t the first, and are unlikely to be the last, but it’s still a bit nerve-wracking. You were moved to cast not long after Spencer made his switch to cast, but that was exactly your problem, wasn’t it? When you were both on crew, it was easier. Small smiles, hidden glances, a blush forming under your mask. Once or twice, Brennan had swiveled his camera to the crew to get their reactions and you couldn’t duck fast enough to dodge the shot. 
You both shared moments without fear of judgment, knowing everyone at Smosh knew how close you were. Some more than others. But once you were both on camera more often, those moments dwindled to near nothingness. You couldn’t make eyes at him, he couldn’t flirt with you. Plenty of the cast flirted with each other on and off camera, of course, but it was different somehow. The office flirting became private hangout flirting, which then became no flirting at all. 
He didn’t get jealous anymore when Amanda or Angela flirted with you, and you did your best not to get jealous when he flirted with Tommy or Shayne. It was like your friendship was entirely platonic again. And while that was all it had ever been – platonic – it hurt a little. It was like something happened overnight, and the flirting wasn’t cool anymore.
The last time something happened before your promotion to cast, Spencer, Angela, and Chanse were doing Who Meme’d It with Shayne, and someone had sent in a meme about you always looking at Spencer. As soon as it popped up, everyone was laughing, and Brennan promptly turned his camera to get your face. You were smart enough to expect it, and you managed to push out a laugh and shrug to the camera. All in good fun, it seemed. But really, it was a little bit upsetting to realize you were so obvious about your affection for Spencer. You thought that you were fairly secretive and weren’t too over the top, but apparently not so much.
“Okay, ‘Y/N pretending they weren’t just staring at Spencer’! Spencer, any thoughts?” Shayne said through giggles. 
Spencer made eye contact with you, and you did your best to hold it. “Gotta be honest, Shayne, I wasn’t even aware they stared at me. Guess they’re sneakier than I thought!” Everyone was laughing again, and you joined in. Instead of making a joke about him staring at you, or a joke about you two flirting in your pod, he went with a PR answer. You could barely admit to yourself how bad it had stung. And sure, most people got roasted in Who Meme’d It, especially with the lack of funeral roasts, but it didn’t really feel good to have your private crush on Spencer blasted to not only cast and crew, but whoever ends up watching this video. And his comment was making it seem more one-sided than you liked.
After the laughter settled down, Shayne got back to hosting. “Alright, who meme’d it! Was it Erin Dougal? Courtney? Or Y/N themselves?” You made a silly face when Brennan panned to you, channeling your best mad scientist look. Your face dropped immediately after. No one saw it.
The cast members debated for a second before writing down their answers. It was Courtney across the board. “Alright, so we all think Courtney made this meme. Angela, what makes you think it was Courtney?” 
“Shayne, that’s a great question, thank you so much for being here with me today. I said Court because I have seen them having little whisper sessions with Y/N and I simply don’t trust like that!” Angela laughed, a bright smile on her face. She winked at you once the camera had moved away from her face. She was actually your go-to confidant, and you were sure she knew that. She was your best friend, behind Spencer, after all.
After a dramatic pause, it was revealed that Erin Dougal was the one who made the meme. You could have called that from a mile away, but that was because Erin was constantly telling you to ask Spencer out. You shot her down every time, knowing it was safer and easier to suffer in silence with your feelings rather than to possibly fuck everything up with your best friend. Besides, suffering in silence was what you were best at.
And now, a few months later, you were the one in front of the camera for a Who Meme’d It. It was your first time actually competing, although you’ve sent your fair share of memes in. Spencer and Angela were the only two people to continuously guess you correctly, which in the grand scheme of things made the most sense as they were your closest friends at Smosh. However, you were now competing against both of them, and your competitive side didn’t have a concept of “friendship”, unfortunately. 
“Okay! Welcome back to Who Meme’d It! Today we have Angela, Y/N, and Spencer competing. And Y/N is quite competitive so let’s hope they still have their best friends after this!” Shayne introduced you all, smiling at you to ease your anxiety. 
“Lest we forget what happened when they were on Don’t Win Mario Party and nearly killed me,” Spencer said, turning towards you with his hands folded on the table. His eyes were smiling, but he was trying his best to keep a serious face.
You turned to face him, mirroring his expression and hands. “Lest we forget you deserved that attack because you fucked with my controller mid-lap so that you could get seventh.”
“Okay, are we doing Who Meme’d It or the Newlywed Game?” Angela joked, and you and Spencer returned to your normal positions, excited to play.
After the shoot, Spencer caught up with you in the kitchen. “You got your first Who Meme’d It win, how’s it feel?” You had indeed won, but only by two points. Spencer was right behind you and Angela frankly tanked it this episode. Usually she wasn’t too bad, but perhaps she knew how competitive you were going to be and decided to focus more on having fun instead of winning. Especially considering there was content being made that needed to be entertaining.
“Eh, I feel like my competitiveness isn’t very fun on camera. I’m hoping we don’t have to scrap the ep simply because I was too locked in.” You grabbed some fruit from the fridge and prepared to make your way to a table so you could sit and destress before your next shoot. You weren’t needed on set for over an hour so you were ready to mindlessly doomscroll while you snacked on your peaches.
Spencer chuckled at your comment, which made your heart flutter a bit. Suddenly, you had the urge to touch him. You put your hand on his shoulder, mostly unconsciously, not actively making the decision but simply just doing it. His giggling stopped instantly, and he looked at your hand cryptically, his expression unreadable. All too suddenly, it felt too serious, too personal, so you instantly pivoted. “But at least you didn’t win, right?” You smiled, patting his shoulder and turning to head to your seat. 
You were hoping, for the first time ever if you were being honest, that he wouldn’t follow you. Things had been weird between you two for a few weeks now, and you almost wanted some space to deal with the pain of your best friend seeming to lose interest in your friendship. And once again, Erin had submitted a meme that made you a little upset. You knew it was unreasonable to be upset with her, as it was all in good fun and she wasn’t actually trying to hurt your feelings. You should probably try to talk to her about that, since you knew she wouldn’t take your upset personally.
This one was arguably worse than the first one though, because instead of it being at your expense, it was technically at Spencer’s. The meme wasn’t mean in any regard, but it was making fun of Spencer for consistently getting “lost in his thoughts” whenever you were on a shoot together. Of course, Erin alluded to those thoughts being romantic in nature, which earned a few oohs and aahs from the crew and cast alike. You had felt your face get warm and tried to remind yourself you were on camera and it was all in good fun. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by Courtney approaching you. “Y/N, Spence! Just the two people I wanted to see. I have a question for you guys.” 
Clearly, Spencer had intended on following you, since Courtney had greeted you both. You sighed as quietly as possible, before asking Court if you could sit down before you all got to talking. Your castmates followed you to a table, and you popped a piece of fruit in your mouth. “Okay, what's up?” 
“Well, we wanted to do a Guitar Hero stream next week. I know you haven't been on any of the livestreams, so I figured I’d ask if you wanted to be in this one. You don't have to play but if you sit and make commentary I’m sure that'll be enough! But of course you can play if you want to.” Courtney was always so thoughtful, and you made a mental note to thank her for always being so considerate. 
“Oh hell yeah, I finally get to show off my guitar skills. It’s been a minute since I’ve played, but if Y/N’s down, I’m down!” Spencer’s eyes lit up. He had been trying to figure out a way to impress you and gauge your reaction before he finally took the leap and asked you on a date.
Everyone had been encouraging him to do so for months at this point, but he still wasn’t so sure about it. Yeah, you blushed whenever he mentioned you on camera and you blushed a lot during the shoot today when Erin’s meme came up. But some part of him felt like that had less to do with reciprocating a crush and more to do with embarrassment. 
You thought for a minute, munching on your peach slice. “Sure, that sounds fun. Spencer, maybe you could teach me how to play?”
Spencer broke out in a grin, “Of course I can. Although I’m surprised you’ve never played it before, it’s an iconic franchise.”
Courtney worked out a few more details with the two of you before making their way back to their pod. When she had left, Spencer turned his attention back to you. “Have you seriously never played Guitar Hero before?” He genuinely was having trouble believing that.
Truthfully, you had played before. Many times. And you were actually quite skilled at it. But it’s been quite some time since you picked up and played it, and you knew you would be rusty. Plus, you were mentally hatching a plan. Have Spence “teach” you the game, play extremely badly the whole time, then on stream you can kick his ass on Expert mode. Perfect plan.
“I have not. I might have played once or twice as a kid but I don’t really remember the controls or, like, speed, since I know some of the songs are really fast.”
“Okay, do you wanna come by my place tonight after work? I have a bunch of the Guitar Hero games but I also have Clone Hero which will probably be what we use on the stream anyway.”
Oh, right. Not-so-perfect plan. If you were to be taught, you needed to be taught before the livestream. Which means you had to hang out with Spencer outside of work. You can survive one night alone with him, right? You’ve done it so many times before. Sure, it’s been a few weeks since you guys hung out, and with your increasing feelings for him you were sure to be awkward. But it was Spencer! Your best friend in the whole world! It would be just fine. Right?
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the sun + the sand - pt. one - origins
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↳PAIRING: bff!rafe cameron x fem!reader
↳SUMMARY:you have a stalker, but your best friend rafe won't let anything happen to you, even if he has to come clean about how he really feels.
↳WARNINGS: mentions of stalking, blackmail, inappropriate behavior (not from rafe), protective!rafe, etc.
↳A/N: this is a repost from my old blog @illicitfixations + @lovelornanonymity. all of my works are being reposted to this one + the previous blog has been deactivated.
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Rafe sat in the cab of his midnight blue ford, he felt the engine rumble through the leather of the seat he sat in. His fingers tapped in annoyance against the steering wheel as he waited for you. Your phone call was nothing short of the usual as you begged him sweetly to come scoop you up from your latest sexual escapade – John B Routledge. The first time, he had thought it was a fling, with you, it always was. He knew deep down, once you had your fair share of what a pogue could offer you; nothing, you’d settle down with Topper and spend your days the way you were meant to. He held out hope that this was a phase and nothing more. But, the more times you had asked him to pick you from the cut in the middle of the night, the more worried he got. The more times he did this with you, the more worried he was that you were falling in love. The thought destroyed him; he couldn’t blame John B, really; you were the most beautiful thing the island had ever seen with a personality to match. You spent your time chasing baby turtles through the sand for crying out loud and as much as he loved you, he knew that if he didn’t deserve the goodness of your heart, neither did John B. Rafe was brought out of his thoughts as his passenger door swung open and your ruby red lips were the first thing he took in as they wrapped themselves around a solo cup. 
“You cause enough trouble, today?” 
He said, giggling as he took you in, the glimmer of your eyes sending shivers down his spine, as it always had. You climbed into the truck with a giggle as you placed your back against the warmth of the heated leather. He knew you’d be cold as the October wind brushed against your tan legs. 
“Enough for the both of us.” 
You replied, giving him the bright smile he was so desperate to see all day. He grabbed your hand, pulling the cup from your hands, sniffing it and grimacing. 
“What the fuck are you drinking?” 
He asked incredulously. 
“I don’t know, one of John’s friend’s made it for me. It tastes like jungle juice.” 
You replied, giggling. 
“What did I tell you about taking drinks from strangers, huh?” 
 He growled. 
“Okay, grump pants. I thought I was fine. John was there. I was handling it.” 
You replied, shrugging your shoulders. 
“How many times do I have to tell you that John B doesn’t have your best interest at heart, sweetheart? You don’t know him well enough to be drinking around him. Not every guy will be as good to you as me, Topper, and Kelce.”
You rolled your eyes as Rafe finished his sentence and he threw the drink out the window, watching as the recycled plastic rolled against the grass. 
“Rafe! I’m thirsty, dammit!” 
He threw the truck in reverse, one hand on the back of your seat. You admired him, as you always did; the yellow t-shirt that hugged his muscles and the backwards cap that sat against his perfectly sculpted face. Rafe was something out of a magazine and you were no stranger to that, but he was also your best friend and it would have to stay that way. 
“I know you are.” 
He replied simply. You continued to watch him as he drove, the muscles of his forearm contracting every time he moved his arms. By the time he pulled into the gas station, you realized you were in a trance, a common occurrence when you were in his presence. There was a reason you called him instead of your other two stooges late at night. Maybe he knew or maybe he didn’t. Rafe stepped down from the truck, moving toward the gas pump and inserting his debit card before inserting the pump into his truck and waiting until it stopped. He made his way around the car only moments later and opened your door. 
“What are you doing?” 
You questioned him with furrowed eyebrows as he grabbed your hand and eased you down from the height of his truck. 
“I’m buying my favorite girl a slushie, what are you doing?” 
He replied, playfully and you smiled as you walked beside him. Once you finished the journey across the parking lot, Rafe stepped ahead of you and you wanted to punch him for it at first. That is, until he held the door open and you walked through the door of the gas station. He was kind with you and you never tell anyone the version of him that you go to see. You’d never tell anyone that the big, bad, Rafe Cameron had a heart of gold. You’d never tell anyone he was a big ol’ teddy bear deep down. You followed him to the slushie machine, where he lifted the knob, pouring the red liquid into your cup and the blue into his. You thought the color variations were interesting and a tell of how different the two of you really were – fire and ice, warmth and hostility, all wrapped in one blanket to mend together two people who couldn’t live without the other. 
The two of you exited the store together, retreating back to his truck before you spoke again. He handed you his iced beverage, the polar bear on the outside of it reminding of your childhood. Rafe knew this and he knew that’s why you loved slushies, yet it perplexed him why you only shared them with him. He placed the keys in the ignition, turning them over as the engine roared to life. You compared a lot of things to Rafe, almost every boy, every scenario, every situation. Yet, none of those things made you feel as alive as five minutes alone with him. You wondered if he knew. You wondered if he was capable of understanding that he held the key to the diary of you. You handed him his slushie and he gave you a smile as he watched you put your seatbelt on, knowing he had no intentions of going anywhere any time soon. 
“What are you smiling at?” 
You questioned him, returning the sentiment. 
“Just how crazy you are.” 
He replied, chuckling and watched as your eyes lit up as you sucked the cold bits of your beverage through the straw. 
“You always rescue me from my crazy antics, though, so I'd say it's worth it.” 
You said, struggling your shoulders and continuing to slurp down the cold goodness. 
“Who was there tonight?” 
He questioned, his tone turning serious, though doing his best to keep it light enough to avoid your suspicious gaze. 
“Me and John b and some of the other pogues.” 
You replied. 
“What other pogues?” 
He asked with more edge in his voice. 
“Uh, I don't know. That JJ kid I think and pope.”
You answered him, wondering why he had that scared look in his eye. 
“Who made you the drink?” 
He questioned. 
“Why, Rafe? Why does it matter?” 
He rolled his eyes at your question. You couldn’t be this naive, he thought. You couldn’t be this careless. 
“Because it just does! How the hell am I supposed to protect you if I don’t know who you’re hanging around when you call me at three in the morning?” 
He grunted out, throwing his head back in exasperation. 
“Oh, uhm. JJ. He made the drink. Listen —, I’m uh, I’m sorry for calling a lot. I won’t call anymore, I didn’t mean to make you upset.” 
You swallowed thickly after the words spilled out of your mouth in a sense of urgency. You only called because you wanted to see him and you knew he’d come. But, you didn’t think about how selfish that was until right now. You fiddled with the hem of your shirt. 
“Sweetheart, no. I always want you to call. I just — I need to know you’re safe and JJ Maybank is not safe, okay?” 
You nodded in response. 
“What do you mean he isn’t safe, Rafe?” 
You never questioned Rafe; not when it came to things of importance. But, you felt the need to now and you weren’t sure why. 
“He has a reputation with girls, okay? All you need to know is that he’s not safe and I’m not gonna tell you not to spend time with John B, I know you wouldn’t listen. So, from now on, I don’t care what’s going on, if you’re uncomfortable, you fucking call me, yeah?” 
His tone was laced with venom. 
You responded, swallowing thickly before laying your head on his shoulder. You knew no matter what that Rafe would always take care of you and you’d do the same for him. 
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ninjatrashpanda · 3 days
I'm Falling Apart (You Hold Me Together)
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek Round 2. Today's prompt is "Supportive Boyfriends!"
Read on AO3 here!
Tommy blinked at his phone. He was aware of Evan’s voice, but it sounded dull to his ears, as if he was underwater. The screen had gone dark by now, but his mother’s words still ran through his mind, making his chest feel tight, as if he was wearing a corset that was two numbers too small.
“Tommy,” Evan’s voice rang up again, clearer now, definitely closer, but still muffled. Tommy could hear his blood rushing through his ears, sounding like a waterfall crashing down into the depths. A sharp pain started in his chest, almost as if he’d been stabbed right through the heart, and spread out into every inch of his body, from the tips of his toes to the top of his temples.
“Tommy, please talk to me.”
Why did this-? He hadn’t even-! He shouldn’t-!
Tommy’s head snapped over to look at Evan, who had knelt down next to him. Blinking, Tommy looked around himself. He hadn’t realized that he had dropped down to the floor, where he sat hugging his legs, the cold, hard wall of his living room at his back. His breath hitched as he took in his surroundings, but his vision blurred, turning everything around him into a bizarre mosaic. The soft hum of the refrigerator from the next room over, the faint ticking of the clock on the wall, everything felt too loud, too close. He tried to focus on Evan’s face, but that proved difficult when it seemed to melt away a bit more every time Tommy blinked.
Tommy could feel Evan’s hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it. He could feel the weight of that touch, solid and real, but it did nothing to anchor him. He was falling, deeper and faster, only waiting to finally hit the ground and shatter. He swallowed hard, his throat dry and scratchy like sandpaper.
"Tommy, what happened?" Evan’s voice started to cut through the fog in his head, slowly clearing it away, bit by bit. "You're scaring me."
Tommy tried to speak, but his mouth felt like it was full of cotton. He swallowed again, forcing himself to breathe slowly, methodically, like he’d learned to do whenever his anxiety threatened to swallow him whole. One breath in. Hold. One breath out. But it wasn’t working this time. The panic clung to him, refusing to let go.
“I… It’s…” he managed to choke out before a strangled sob broke through out of his throat, making his entire body shake. His eyes practically erupted in tears Tommy didn’t understand, but couldn’t hold back either. “My Dad. My Dad died.”
Evan’s face immediately shifted, his expression falling. Without hesitation, he pulled Tommy into a tight embrace, holding him as if Tommy would actually fall apart if he didn’t. Tommy’s sobs grew louder, raw and ragged, and he turned to bury his face in Evan’s shoulder. His body trembled violently, each shudder sending a fresh wave of pain he couldn’t make sense of through him.
“I haven’t talked to him in…in ten years,” he managed to grit out through his teeth. “He was awful! I hate him! Why am I…?”
Evan held Tommy even tighter, his grip firm but gentle, almost as if he was holding a baby. He stroked Tommy’s back in slow, soothing circles, murmuring soft words that Tommy couldn’t quite catch, but it didn’t really matter. Just knowing that Evan was here, that he was with him, made Tommy’s heart lighter, even with his everything being turmoil.
His thoughts were a whirlwind, a tangled mess of resentment, past wounds opening up again, and a strange sense of grief that Tommy didn’t want to feel. His father’s face flashed in his mind, sharp and clear, then faded into the vague, blurry images of his youth he’d thought he had worked past, but apparently hadn’t. Harsh words and cold stares pushed themselves into his head, while his skin started to ache from the punches and belt strikes he’d received decades ago. Tommy had spoken to his therapist about all of it countless times, had untangled the whole mess as best as he could. He had been under the impression that his father didn’t have any power over him anymore. But now, all of it came rushing back, Dad was just as powerful as he’d always been, and Tommy felt like he was ten years old again.
Evan’s voice broke through the cacophony, soft but insistent. “It’s okay, babe. It’s okay to feel this way. Even if he hurt you. Even if you think you shouldn’t care. He was still your father, and it’s okay.”
Tommy knew that Evan was right, but he didn’t want to hear it. He hated his father. He had vowed years ago to never talk, never think about him again. He shouldn’t care that the son of a bitch was dead. But he couldn’t deny the small, painful ache that was rocking his body to the core.
“I hate him,” Tommy whispered again, his voice cracking slightly. “I hate him so much, Evan. He never…he never apologized, never cared, never said he regrets what he did. I should be happy he’s finally gone; I don’t want to cry for him.”
Evan pulled back slightly, just enough to look Tommy in the eyes. His gaze was steady, understanding in a way Tommy still wasn’t really used to. “You’re crying because it hurts,” Evan said softly. “And it’s okay to hurt, even for someone who doesn’t deserve it. It’s okay to grieve the things you never got to have with him. It’s okay to still love him, no matter how little sense it might make. That doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human. And it's okay.”
Tommy nodded, though he wasn’t sure if he fully understood or even believed Evan’s words. But there was something in Evan’s eyes, a silent promise to never leave him alone, that made Tommy feel just a little less lost. He let out a shaky breath, trying to mimic the steady rhythm of Evan’s breathing, trying to calm down whatever storm was raging inside his chest.
“I just… I thought I was done with him,” Tommy admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I thought I moved on, you know? But now it’s like… everything’s back. All the shit he said, all the times he hit me. Fucking asshole let me join the military when I was seventeen, what fucking parent does that?! And now he’s gone, and I never got to ask him ‘Why?’”
Evan’s expression softened even more, and he let out a gentle hum, one of his hands wandering up to card his fingers through Tommy’s hair. “That’s the hardest part,” he said quietly. “Not getting the closure you need. Not getting the answers. And maybe… maybe you never will. But you don’t have to do this alone, Tommy. You’ve got me, and we’ll get through this together.”
Tommy nodded again, his grip on Evan tightening. The tears kept coming, but they weren’t a rousing waterfall anymore. He didn’t know how to make peace with his father’s death, didn’t know how to reconcile the decades-long hatred and hurt with the explosion of grief in his chest. But as he sat there, cocooned in Evan’s embrace, he allowed himself to just feel it all, every messy, conflicting emotion.
For a while, they stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, letting the silence fill the space between them. Evan’s hand never stopped its soothing motion through Tommy’s hair, a gentle reminder that he was here, and that he would never leave. Eventually, Tommy’s sobs subsided into soft, uneven breaths, and he pulled back slightly, wiping at his tear-streaked face with the back of his hand.
“Sorry,” Tommy mumbled, his voice hoarse from crying. “I didn’t mean to…to fall apart like that.”
Evan shook his head, a small, reassuring smile on his lips. “You don’t have to apologize, not to me. You can fall apart all you need to. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Tommy’s chest tightened again, but this time it wasn’t from the pain. He didn’t deserve Evan. Evan was so unapologetically kind, and gentle, and good, and with everything Tommy had done in the past…Evan could do better. But he had chosen Tommy, something that Tommy had vowed to never take for granted.
“Thank you,” Tommy whispered, his voice barely audible. “I don’t… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Evan squeezed back, his thumb gently rubbing over Tommy’s knuckles. “You’ll never have to find out,” he said softly. “We’ll figure this out together, one step at a time.”
Tommy nodded, a small, fragile smile finally tugging at the corners of his mouth. It wasn’t much, but it was a start, a tiny spark of hope in the midst of the overwhelming darkness. And as he sat there, holding onto Evan’s hand like a lifeline, Tommy allowed himself to believe, just for a moment, that maybe, somehow, he’d be okay.
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shadowkoo · 3 days
I just needed to come here and vent for a moment. As a writer, I put a lot of time and thought into curating my ideas and outlining fics before I even begin writing. So, you can imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to a tumblr notification that someone had tagged me in a post titled “[My Fic Title] Part 2.”
Naturally, I was a bit shocked. After scrolling through it, I realized that this user had written a second part to one of my fanfics, and they tagged me to credit me for the original story.
While I won’t name the specific fic or the user (they did remove it per my request), I feel the need to address this publicly with a quick PSA.
My characters, storylines, cliffhangers, and everything in between are my intellectual property. Yes, the characters are inspired by real idols, and yes, some of my plots exist within established TV/film/book universes. But the ideas, twists, and execution are mine, and I’m the one who will decide how they unfold. (For clarity, the fic in question isn’t set in another media universe, but I wanted include this line since it is relevant for a couple of my other works).
I appreciate that this person enjoyed my fic enough to be inspired to write something themselves, but to be completely honest, I don’t think what they did was okay. I have some serious issues with this, and I want to share them to hopefully prevent this from happening to me—or anyone else—again.
First off, I find it incredibly rude that they didn’t reach out to ask my permission beforehand. Had they done so, I would’ve immediately told them not to go forward with it. Instead, I found out through a tag after the fic had already been posted, which felt like a slap in the face. To make matters worse, because of time zone differences, the post was live for hours while I was asleep, gaining traction.
I know that in the fanfic community, it’s somewhat common to write alternate endings or continuations for larger works from big-name authors or shows, but that’s not what’s happening here. I’m a hobby kpop fanfic writer. Writing a fanfic of my fanfic just feels out of line.
To be blunt, it felt like they were piggybacking off the success of my story, trying to steal some of the excitement I’d built for an upcoming second part. It also seemed like an attempt to siphon engagement, followers, and interactions from my readers—people who were already invested in the original work.
What bothers me even more is that I’ve publicly mentioned I’m already working on a second part. It left me with a bad taste, like this person was trying to rush out their version before I could post mine. That kind of move creates confusion for readers and, from where I stand, feels calculated and disrespectful.
So let me make this crystal clear: No one has my consent to rewrite my work, create additional parts to my fics whether they’re complete, on hiatus, or in-progress, whether or not i have mentioned that i'm writing another part, or to publish alternate endings, etc.
Thank you for understanding. - Raven
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lazyjellyfish300 · 18 hours
If you’re willing, for a dash of angst-tober
Miguel meets you, for obvious reasons you can’t resist him. He’s sexy, smart, charmingly catty and unfunny in a cute way. No shit you’re in love, you two go on a couple dates but he’s oddly distant and you don’t know why.
He clearly feels the same but he’s holding back. Soon when you get tired of waiting for him. So you start seeing other guys, but they aren’t him. You’re consumed by longing, no other man can compare (how could they).
Miguel finally calls you back after a week. He says he’s sorry for blowing you off, and he’s ready to commit. Saying,
“I love you Gwen Stacey”
…..and years later that decision will come to haunt him hahahahahha hahah HAHAHAHAHAH
Only if you’re a willing and not a coward
Never back down never whaaaat!!! 😈 Lol anyways here ya go moot, this one's for you. 🖤🖤 All hail your amazing brain for this idea! So beautifully angsty. Happy Angstober! 🎃 @miguel-ohara-wifey
would've been you 🍂
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@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
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Crimson. Not red. Not scarlet. Not cherry, but crimson. Crimson in particular. 
Crimson. Beautiful, deep crimson. Alluring, so calmly bewitching. Like the pleasant feeling that attacked every nerve in your body that rendered you with the consistency of a cloud after downing a glass of wine. Getting lost in the eyes of the lover who smiled from across the rim. The softest moan leaving your lips as you sat at the edge of his bed and felt the chill of the tension of the heated room spring goosebumps all over your naked body he was slowly undressing, laying you backwards on those silk sheets, thighs opening as his hands trailed fire and scored themselves to undying memory on the shadow of your skin.  
His eyes...
You stare at Miguel from across you at a restaurant, your lingering gaze he senses without even needing to meet it with his own. He simply brings his hand above the table, giving yours a tender squeeze as you peruse the menu. 
You realized then you might have been in love with him.
Your story was simple, transpiring like most any other couples who meet and wind up luckily in love. The outward beauty he possessed was increasingly obvious, but his deadpan demeanor and unserious quips were what endeared himself even more to you.
And he could only stand there in shocked disbelief. Almost like you were a stray cat that clung to an owner you selected by chance who originally thought himself incapable of returning such warmness. 
The hell you saw in a sad old man like him? He didn't understand it, but he couldn't help but welcome it. Your cheesy grin, the playful banter you met with his sarcastic remarks. 
"What are you making us for dinner?" You'd ask. 
"God, I don't know babe..." Miguel's fingers comb through his tousled locks of dark brown as he looked at the pitiful items in your sparce pantry. 
"Tomato reduction with melted mozzarella and cured meat, warmed in a flaky pastry?" You ask from the open freezer. 
"The shock?" He looks at you, quickly overshadowed by unamusement, however he still holds back a chuckle. "Hot Pockets?" 
"The highest level of cuisine!" You toss the box back onto the shelf,  "The way they come out of the microwave like Satan's taint around the edges yet Antarctica in the middle reallyyy sets them apart." 
"How else?" He smirks. 
"Just the way I like it." You hum as you dial the number for your favorite takeout place, not noticing the ache in his chest as he looked back at you. 
Even Miguel O'Hara wasn't immune to the temptation that came with breaking his own rules. 
The daughter of a police chief. 
Why, oh why, did it have to be you? 
Rules he watched bitterly as his own colleagues suffered countless times before, seemingly unfazed by their agony, almost a little sadistic as they cried for their dead loved ones. It was all a part of the plan. The unpleasant truth. 
You don't become Spider-Man by just putting on a suit. 
Feelings must take a backseat when the security of the multiverse, the entire foundation of the very fabric of millions of innocent lives were at stake. 
And how that foreign pain never quite made itself so painfully understood to him until it just so devastatingly involved the soul he fell so deeply and hopelessly in love with. 
And so, like with many of his dealings before, he left you high and dry. Protective measures he took like muscle memory. 
He would hurt you first before you could ever think about hurting him. 
Even if the heartbreak was by grand design. The fabric of the multiverse knitted permanently with the inevitable tragedy of your demise that could not be undone. 
"We can't.....we can't do this." He said simply before he left you like a ghost in the rain, turning away before you could see the tears that threatened to escape. Cursing his name. 
Run away, numb himself, just bottle it up like he always does when he's confronted with matters of the heart that even toyed with the idea of showing his belly. His vulnerability. His weak spot. Calls unanswered. A number out of service. 
He was never here and you never awakened the latent stirrings in his heart that just so ached for warm connection that you fulfilled at last. 
You cried. You cried a lot. Sobbed for his presence that left you with a hole in your chest. Who would you gripe about work to? Who would hear your ugly laugh besides him and find every part of you that you thought wasn't worth writing home about, to be the endless rumination that haunted his mind?
Nobody but him. Nobody like him anywhere. And so you trudged forward with your weary and flayed heart, trying to act like the gaping hole he left in it didn't make your lungs feel like they were full of water every time you breathed. 
Selfishly, spitefully trying to find a replacement in the arms of strangers. Hell, even some of them you knew. Ben Reilly. Peter B. Parker. His coworkers, his friends, even. 
He ruined your life and trampled your heart so you'd smite him back where it really hurts. That's right. You'd go so low as fucking Ben Reilly and Peter Parker. 
"Fuck, baby...did he ever fuck you like this?" 
"No..." You moan loudly, knowing damn well every time you closed your eyes you only saw the persistent layer of the damned red of his eyes.
Peter's cock wasn't as girthy as Miguel's,  but the length was close enough that if he fucked you deeply at just the right angle, it could spur vivid memories of all those nights, all those times Miguel O'Hara made love to you, fucked you senseless. 
You moan and sigh, touching yourself, loving the way this new man below you was putty in your hands while you put on a show. His lustful gaze for a moment you mistake for the feeling of being desired, being loved. For now, you figure, it's enough. 
But Peter couldn't fix it. Neither could Ben. 
Fucking Ben. 
That one really stabbed Miguel in the heart. Sinking so low that you'd give your body to a man who was nothing like him. Somebody he thought was below him. Somebody you knew damn well he disliked, and well, you gave over the most intimate parts of you he so foolishly thought you reserved for himself. 
He felt sick when he overheard him talking about it. How you moaned his name, whined so sweetly for him. How he ate you out. How he bent you over in the very bed you and him shared just weeks prior. 
A dull knife in his heart when he found out you even fell asleep together. 
Did he make your toes curl like he could? Did he make you cum? Did gracing the peaks of ecstasy with Ben feel anything like how it felt when you were with Miguel? 
Did those 7 goddamn months even fucking matter to you at all? 
Miguel calls you black out drunk, 
"Ben....fucking Ben...how COULD you?!" 
The shade of bleeding red he saw put the intensity of the natural crimson of his eyes to shame. 
You stayed silent. You got exactly what you wanted. The deadly blow had its intended effect. But it didn't feel as gratifying as you thought it would. It made you feel worse. Even as he was yelling over the phone. 
"How was he then? Is he as good as me? Did you think about me while he was fucking you? Did you even have the heart to take down our pictures together before you invited his slimy ass over?" 
Your chin trembles and Miguel stops when he finally hears you cry. 
And despite everything, he would take you back in a heartbeat. 
"Who's gonna be there to listen to me complain about work every day, huh?" Miguel sobs. "Who... who's gonna remind me to take out my contacts? H-How am I supposed to finish that fucking show we were watching together....?" He pauses, the anger tightening in his belly like a fist, 
"What do you see in him?" 
"Answer my fucking question. What do you see in him?!"
"Why do you keep talking about Ben?"
"Because Ben doesn't fucking love you the way I do!" He breaks down and your vision is completely clouded over in tears, hand shaking on the receiver as he finally admits what you so desperately wanted to hear. 
"I love you. Do you still love me?" 
"I n-never stopped loving you, Miggy..." You cry. 
"You still think of me?" 
"All the fucking time. I can't get you out of my head." 
"You want me?" He whispers.
"More than I've ever wanted anyone." 
"I'm coming over. Right now." 
And, just for a moment. Simply loving you made him forget about the inevitable dread of losing you. 
It was a day just like any other day in the fall. When the dead leaves mixed with the rain and the ground was a soaked grey, reprieving the gloomy city from the consistent smog that covered the clouds. A remarkable chill in the air laced with nostalgia and petrichor that could be cured with a sweater, making the hot temperature of a warm beverage so inviting. 
It was wonderful day, and all because you stayed in bed together five minutes longer than you should have. Your coffee mug next to his, eggs on buttered toast, nudging his hip as you ate by the stove. Quiet domesticity with the intimate element of routine that  caused him to distinctly remember thinking:
"I can see this happening every day for the rest of my life." 
And he left. Had he known, had he guessed. He wouldn't have let you leave at all, just stay there safely snuggled with you against his chest. 
Crimson. Haunting, beautiful crimson. 
The sea that left your battered body covering the street while Miguel shook with grief. The blood loss was such that it exceeded the time it would take for your spirit to depart your body. The disturbing fact that you were barely holding on was even more painful. 
The devasting fact that you were probably suffering in your final moments and couldn't even see him or speak. He told you all of the things he was sorry for  in final confession, but it only came out as the distant echoings of his fading voice as the slow, delayed compassion of death quietly led you by the hand. 
"I love you....I'm not sorry for that..."He whispers, but the light in your eyes had already gone out.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 day
Humans are weird: Not one step back
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
“Sire, the entire front is collapsing.”
“Do you think me an imbecile?”
General Mi’v swatted the report out of his subordinate’s hands drawing the attention of senior staff as it clattered to the floor. Mi’v waved a hand across the holographic table while glaring down the current target of his discord.
“Do you think I am incapable of reading a map?!”
The hologram projected was of the planet’s surface below and it was not painting a pretty picture. The entire frontline was being pushed back across several dozen kilometers. In some places entire coalition regiments had been encircled and wiped out before they even knew what hit them.
“Why did intelligence not-“, one of his aides began to voice before Mi’v held up a hand to forestall them.
“This is not the time for such questions,” He spoke softly as he eyed the nervous looking intelligence officers, “but I assure you that there will be a reckoning once this is over.”
While the intelligence corp began to make themselves busy the general got to work salvaging what was the verge of a complete rout.
“Have the 33rd and 42nd corps redeploy to the 16th artillery core and begin reinforcing the positions. Order the 16th to begin bombarding their positions once they have confirmed to evacuated them to buy us some time.”
He directed his attention to the northern front. “Send in the armored 10th to cover the retreat of the 89th. They won’t be able to deal much damage but the enemy may think it’s a coordinated counterattack and divert forces to meet them.”
Several aides nodded and began relaying the orders with great haste as the general continued to issue a rapid succession of orders. Slowly but surely the chaotic retreat reformed itself into a coordinated withdrawal.
It was while he took in the southern front that something perplexed him.
“What is that?”
The general pointed to an isolated blob of green friendly territory in an ever growing sea of red hostile advances. It was still where the frontline had been several hours earlier, but unlike the other positions the enemy had not overrun them. Instead they had opted instead to bypass the emplacement entirely without any apparent attempts to remove them.
One of his aides scrolled down on their data pad and pulled up the relevant information. “That sector is under the command of the human contingent; a one Colonel Finn Rosek of the 199th.”
“Do we still have communication with them?” Mi’v asked. One of the radio operators leaned in over their headset, fiddling with the controls, before looking back and nodding at the general.
“I have the colonel for you now sire.”
“This is General Mi’v, what is your status?” the general spoke with authority.
“What’s your authorization code?”
The response was crisp and somewhat startling as several aides and officers watched the general’s face turn a shade of purple from embarrassment.
“I am the commanding general of the Coalition war effort!” Mi’v stated forcefully, barely containing his anger. “I do not need authorization codes.”
“You say that,” the human replied crisply once more, “but how do I know you’re not some Glek’n saying they’re the general?”
The shade of purple turned to a deep black as the general’s anger now was on full display.
“Do you have any idea who you speak so flippantly to!?!”
There was a long pause as the room thought the human had finally realized the serious of the situation. Their next reply showed they had clearly not.
“Someone claiming to be a general at the moment.”
“I AM THE GENERAL!” Mi’v roared into the transmitter.
“Then provide us with the proper codes or get off this frequency.” The human replied dryly. “This line is reserved for military communications only and if you continue to clog it I will need to file a report with your superior officer.”
Mi’v threw up his hands in frustration as all he could muster from his mouth were half swears and curses upon fools.  He snapped his fingers at the nearest radio operator who had been listening with well hidden amusement. They swiftly entered a series of keys on their keyboard which then lit up green.
“Transmitting codes.” Mi’v spoke through clenched teeth.
The console chirped several times as the codes were transmitted as the general paced back and forth along the edge of the projection.
“Codes received.” The human replied dryly. “What can I do for you general?”
“Get me Colonel Finn Rosek at once; then give me your name and rank.”
Another long pause as they gathered officers heard what sounded like the human speaking to someone else before returning to the transmission.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that general.” The human continued unenthusiastic. “The Colonel is not here at the moment.”
“Where are they!?” Mi’v shouted; his temper finally long since crossed.
“He went to speak with you at your headquarters over recent failed deliveries of rations; by last account he should still be at your headquarters.”
Mi’v’s head shot up and he took a look around the headquarters. From the corner of his eye he did indeed see a human Colonel step forward and offer a crisp salute.
“If you need anything else please feel free to reach us at 1-800-IDNT-C—“
The link went dead as Mi’v turned his attention to the Colonel who had just inadvertently made a mockery of him in front of his own command staff.
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 15 hours
Cursed Warlords AU - Boat Ride
With you passed out, Spirit has no choice but to carry you along the trail to get to the village you all were heading to. Too bad there was something in the way.
Wukong had to admit, the woman who had so carelessly claimed him and his mate as if they were mere animals was quite… relaxing when she was asleep. Her presence was peaceful and calm, her body was warm to the touch. It was coming from her, he was sure of that. It wasn’t from the monkey demoness that was so rude to him and his mate.
Turning he looked over at his mate who was sitting on her other shoulder, tail wrapped slightly around her neck for support and his chin on top of her head. They would have both sat on one of her shoulders but their forms even this small were much to big for that. Looking at his mate so tiny was weird, with everything that was happening he hadn’t had time to just look at his mate.
‘What are you staring at?’ Macaque chirped curiously.
‘You look better normally,’ Wukong chirped back receiving a rather offended chirp in response.
The two chirped back and forth for a while, they were both rather surprised when Spirit didn’t really react to the chirps they were giving. She silently walked through the forest, expertly weaving her way through the trees and bushes. Her gaze steadfast towards whatever village she had mentioned before.
‘This is slower than I thought it would be,’ Wukong chirped in irritation after a while.
Macaque looked at him, snuggling his head into your hair as he did, ‘still faster than the curse would let us go.’
Wukong hated that he was right. The very thought of the curse that was set upon them sends an absolute fury straight through his very body. Once he finds out who is responsible for this mess, he will be sure to rip them limb from limb. His tail tightened around your shoulder where he secured it to keep himself steady.
“Monkeys,” Spirit spoke up causing both of the monkeys to look at her, as best they could from behind her. They both chirped to let her know that they were listening. Wukong didn’t like this one, not one bit but until he had his full power back there wasn’t much either him or Macaque could do about her.
“We are going to get to a village by sundown. You will both be on YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR, if not I don’t care if Reader likes you two. I will throw you out of our group,” She explains calmly, her voice dead serious as she explains her plan.
Wukong had to stop himself from snapping at her or clawing at her hair. She didn’t want them around that was clear enough but for her to be so heartless to cubs!? He felt his mate’s tail curl around his arm that was closest to him. He glanced to his violet eyes and chirped in reluctant acceptance. When he got free, this demoness was going to regret crossing him.
Maybe it would be better if they left, maybe they could get home by themselves without needing this mortal’s help. If anyone found out a human helped him… actually nothing would happen if he already has his true form back by then. After all who would be stupid enough to cross him and his mate?
His attention was soon drawn to the mortal, her breathing was becoming ragged and her face was getting rather red. Was it normal for human’s to become like this? Meh, it didn’t bother him any what happened to this kind woman meant nothing to him. She was just another human that he would one day kill. The thought of killing her didn’t sit well in his stomach as he thought about it. Maybe they’d let her live as a reward for her helping them, let her live as a slave on Flower Fruit Mountain for them. She had given them food, a kitchen slave would work. Yes that would work perfectly.
There were no other humans on their island. The fear that she would have for them once she realized who they were the whole time would be damn near addicting. His thoughts wandered to the fear he constantly set into all mortals alike. He wandered how his mate would think of his plan, after all he was a very selfish and territorial mate. Not that he was much different.
His thoughts were broken when Spirit stopped, in front of a large river. Her tail slowly swung behind her rather angrily as she growled at the obstacle. Looking around she scanned for some sort of bridge or rock path that she could use to get across. Eventually her eyes caught sight of a boat with a single man sitting in it.
“Great, I have to glamour myself,” She grumbled, closing her eyes she allowed a glamour to build around her.
Her fur vanished, peachy skin replacing the fur rather quickly. Her tail vanished and her ears shrunk until she looked like a regular human. Her light grey white eyes slowly turning a light blue as she made her way over to the boat.
Wukong growled as they approached, purely hating the fact that they were heading straight towards a human. He hated how he wasn’t able to simply fly across the river on his cloud, he hated how he was so small and so fucking weak! Feeling his mate’s tail tighten slightly he grumbled again.
“Oh my, is your friend okay!?” The man on the boat practically yelled causing Macaque to wince at the sound before hiding his head close to your neck, his ears would be a dead give a way who he was. That thought brought another with it, how had neither you or Spirit recognized them. Surely you should have noticed his six ears, after all of this.
“I don’t know, she passed out just a little ways ago,” Spirit explained with a worried look across her now human face.
"Let me look at the girl," the man replied walking up, but jumped back at the sight of the two furry monkeys on your shoulders.
"Please do. I don't know what to do. And don't mind the cubs. They're harmless," Spirit assured the man calmly as she closed the distance so he could actually look at you.
The man winced at her words. Especially when Peaches growled just following her words. He did surprisingly avoid them while also taking a good look at your face, you had dark circles under your eyes which was the first thing he took note of.
"If I may ask, when was the last time that she slept?" he asked.
The only response he got was a dumbfounded look and silence. Spirit looked at him like what he said blew her mind, it clearly appeared that she truly didn’t know when she had slept. Glancing to the side she finally muttered.
Her words were kind of quite as she spoke, “Does it matter?”
The man’s eyes widened before blinking in surprise. He stared at her for a long moment as a look of realization crossed his face. Wukong and Macaque knew that kind of look, the fear that crossed over his face. He knew she wasn’t human, well that was one of the poorest disguises that they have ever heard of.
Noticing how he backed away in fear Spirit let out a loud sigh. Wukong wanted to laugh at her frustration, serves her right for being so rude.
“I mean no harm. I just need to help my friend, now what do I need to do if she didn’t sleep?” She asked, her teeth gritting together as she stood there trying not to scare the man. Damn, how many demons passed through her for him to recognize that she wasn’t human so fast?
“D-Don’t hurt me,” He responded quickly, damn, he wasn’t listening like at all.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” She replied only to realize that he wasn’t at all convinced. Releasing another heavy sigh she added, “If you help me. Now tell me what I need to do to make sure this human woman doesn’t die on me.”
The man’s eyes widened at her words. He looked absolutely petrified but slowly and shakily began to reply. “She needs to sleep, drink water and eat food. It would also be wise to get her some shelter, without protection from the weather she can get sick.”
“Great, now where is there somewhere I can let her sleep?” Spirit asked hoping to not scare him.
“T-There’s an inn in the town at the other side of the river,” He pointed to the village but as soon as he did seemed to realize that he would have to help her across the river.
Wukong let out a low growl, he hated water. He hated water due to his stone body, he sunk every single time. Macaque sensing or rather hearing his growl tightened his tail around his arm trying to calm him down. He didn’t want to go across the water.
“Hush Peaches,” Spirit muttered before walking towards the boat. “Sir if you can help me across the river we will not have any more interactions.”
“A-Alright…” The man stuttered out quickly rushing over to the boat hoping to get this over with as soon as possible.
Wukong scoffed at the sight, he looked like a helpless little human. He would be easily crushed beneath his heel if he had his body back, the fear in his eyes would have been the last sight he would see if he had chosen to kill him. But now… now with this damned body! He tensed at the very thought of how truly defenseless he was.
A groan next to him cut his thoughts off. He along with Macaque turned to you who slightly shifted, scrunching your eyes as if you were about to wake. However you didn’t wake up as you panted softly as if it was harder to breath. Wukong wanted to growl at that, maybe he and Macaque should just leave and save them from the headache of this woman. They were going to stay in an inn for who knows how long because you passed out.
‘We should just leave these two as soon as we cross the river,’ Wukong chirped. He patiently waited for his mate’s reply though it was hard when all he wanted was his answer.
Macaque remained silent for a few minutes. He didn’t speak as Spirit adjusted herself forcing both monkeys to move so she could settle you onto her lap instead of her back. He stared at you for a minute, then at Spirit, and then looked back at his mate.
‘Yeah, we should leave after we get passed the river. It’s doubtful that they will be of any more use to us,’ he finally chirped back as he sat down slightly behind Spirit’s arm, mostly to hide himself as he didn’t want to get thrown overboard if someone were to suspect him.
Wukong grinned when he got that response. He wouldn’t have to deal with this annoying demoness anymore. He and Macaque could get back home on their own, they didn’t need anyone’s help at all. Swishing his tail he hopped over next to his mate and curled up knowing he had to wait for this ride to be over with before they could do anything else.
I hope to hear everyone’s thoughts on the newest post! Admittedly it took longer than I had planned to finish it but hey that’s fine. I love to read comments and asks about this AU! If you have questions shoot them my way! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed!
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