#even though I knew that Mari wouldn’t be there when I was in the real world
Audio: By Your Side from Omori
This part of the OST demolished me when I heard it the first time so I HAD to draw something from it
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Hi!! How do you think potential meet cutes with Jason would go? Do you think he’d be instantly smitten? He strikes me as the type to get a crush on you since the first meeting but maybe I’m just delusional 🥰
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My honest opinion but I don’t think Jason likes smut books. He doesn’t mind a little bit of smut but would much prefer if it was nonexistent or didn’t take up a ridiculous amount of pages/chapters in the book in general.
I’m also a delusional twat anon who believes Jason would feel something upon first meetings, but firstly I have to heavily disclose that most of your run ins with one another would be in a book store/cafe, at least more so then anywhere else. (Book reader Jason supremacy!)
So to say that your interest was peaked upon first spotted a six foot something, beast of a man standing in front of the romance section, holding two different books -which were both written by the Jane Austen- in each hand was an understatement.
Normally you wouldn’t expect a man like Jason in the romance section of a small, quite but quaint bookstore/cafe, withholding an internal conflict over some books in his head as though his life depended on it. However the fact still stands that you deeply appreciate a man with good taste in his personal readings, and wasn’t afraid to indulge in the romance genre.
It probably also didn’t help that he was a conventionally attractive man with short dark hair with a tuft of white embedded in his fringe and wearing a simple read hoodie and jeans, a simple attire that anyone could wear, but on him he made it seem as though it were a main staple of his wardrobe.
Jason, knowing when he’s being watched, as quick to look over his shoulder but what he wasn’t expecting was to see someone as cute and stunning as you standing there. He’s a little tongue tied but that was mainly from surprise, and for all of Jason’s hard attempts of trying to act natural, it only made for a spectacle that you couldn’t help but view as endearing and kinda cute.
‘You alright there?’ You’d ask with a smile.
‘Yeah. I’m good, fine even.’ Jason replied, internally cursing himself for being caught off guard because he was too involved in debating which book to take home to read.
‘So…You like Jane Austen?’ You asked, trying to make room for a conversation to occur between the two of you.
‘Wha-‘ Jason looks down at the books in either of his hands and chuckles. ‘Yeah, she’s one of my favourite alongside the likes of Mary Shelley and Louisa May Alcott.’ He answers and he could tell that he had gotten your approval with the little hum of acknowledgment.
‘Do you come here often?’ You then said before adding with an awkward laugh of your own, ‘I mean I come here quite frequently as it’s the only bookstore in town that has proper books that aren’t smut books, and i have never seen you before until well…today.’ Jason smiles, finding himself growing to like you with every passing moment as he felt himself grow relaxed within your presence, especially now that he had long deducted that you weren’t a real threat.
‘I’m with you on that pretence, it’s seems that nowadays all the bookshelves in most stores are prominently smut books of lacklustre quality and story structure.’ Jason agreed, noting being a fan of those types of books himself, Jason had found it becoming increasingly difficult to find decent books that weren’t smut, badly written girl boss self inserts, or just poorly written in general. So when he stumbled across this little book store on his way home and took a chance by entering the store, only to find himself spending way longer than he had initially thought.
And that was just in the romance section alone. That’s how Jason knew this bookstore was unlike all the rest in Gotham.
‘But as to answer your question, I come here on the off chance when I’m looking for a new book to read, seeing as I have read and re-read the books in my personal possession multiple times over.’ Jason admitted and feeling a little bashful but reading had proven to be a form of escapism for him- especially after everything he has been through recently- he felt as though this escape from reality was severely overdue.
‘You’ve got your own collection of books? Am I allowed to assume that they’re mainly Jane Austen’s body of work or?’ You trailed off, feeling yourself growing more confident with talking to Jason as though it was as easy as breathing. Finally you had someone to indulge in this sort of conversation with without it feeling forced and fall to the wayside, leaving you both to soak in the awkward and stifling aftermath.
Jason smiled genuinely as he bowed his head and raised his hands. ‘You got me down to a science…’ he trailed off once realising that he didn’t know your name and cursed himself for his lack of even the basic of etiquette.
‘Y/n.’ You told him with a smile.
‘Y/n.’ He tested out your name, letting it linger for a little bit and quickly came to the conclusion that he liked it. He liked it a lot. And you liked it also, especially when he was the one saying it the way he did just now.
‘Well it’s nice to meet you y/n. My names Jason.’ Jason then said and he knew that he’d come to like the way you said his name as though it were a mythical word;
‘Jason.’ You uttered, saying every word with care and respect that it left a weird feeling within Jason’s chest that only seems to grow and spread throughout his body the more you talked.
You two would talk for literal hours about your favourite book genres, characters and so on to the point that the owner of the bookstore would have to remove you both from the premises himself. He’d then proceed to go on about how you both were just taking the piss at this point and muttering about having to stay an while longer to properly close up shop, count the cash float, and so on before then making the journey home.
He honestly didn’t care about the books in Jason’s hand, just lets him have them for free on the pretence that both he and you get the fuck out before shutting and locking the door behind you both.
‘Well…’ Jason trailed off, tucking the books under his arm. ‘Will I see you again? Preferably here?’ He asks and you smiled sheepishly.
‘Depends, will you?’ You countered and Jason could feel the smile on his lips grow at it’s own accord. ‘Yeah, I’m definitely coming back if I get free books for every time I stay until closing hours.’ He jokes and you lightly smack his bicep, keeping your hand there for an unreasonably long time but it’s not like either you or Jason cared in that moment.
‘Then I guess I’m obligated to come back here to help you piss off the bookstore owner.’ You replied with a smile of your own as you both kept looking into the other’s eyes. You both knew something had blossomed here today at this run down bookstore, and you both hoped that it could continue like that for a long while, but neither of you were willing to admit your embarrassingly rapidly growing attraction to one another. That could wait for another time.
‘Great.’ Jason said.
‘Great.’ You echoed. ‘See you soon I guess.’
‘Soon can’t come fast enough.’ Jason replied ask you both went your separate ways with eager anticipation of your next interaction.
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Hi! You know that inexperienced smut prompts that you reblogged? Could I request you a smut based on them pls? It would be a Kit Walker x fem reader smut based off prompts 14, 16 and 32 if possible... thanks! :)
of course!! i worked on this all day so i hope you enjoy :)) let me know what you think!
14. “You’ve never even touched yourself?”
16. “What do you like?” “I don’t know.” “Then how about we find out together?”
32. “Is it going to hurt?”
Love in the Darkness
Kit Walker x f!reader
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warnings: smut, soft dom kit, oral female receiving, slight fingering, unprotected sex (p in v), slight mentions of murder / stalking, loss of virginity, slight innocence kink if you squint hard enough, very minor drinking, i think that’s it but as always lmk if i forgot any!!!
summary: you never thought in a million years you’d fall in love with a murderer, but here we are.
word count: 3.6k
You were remanded to Briarcliff for what the doctors called “female hysteria”. But you weren’t hysterical, not even close. All you had done to get thrown in was get into a few fights with men who wouldn’t leave you alone. Stalkers, potential rapists, followed you around, not accepting your constant rejection. It wasn’t fair that you were punished for simply not wanting to be sexually harassed, but it was never fair for women. You’d known since you were a child that being a woman in this world catered to men would be difficult, but you never imagined it would be this difficult.
After being admitted to the asylum, you lost hope in all men, and most women. All the nuns besides Sister Mary Euinice treated you awful. They constantly berated you, telling you every day that you should be a more respectful young woman, that you should be flattered by the attention you get from men. It made you sick. But what made you angrier than anything though is how they called you “unclean” as if the whole situation was your fault. In the beginning you tried to explain to them that those dirty men were the unclean ones, but all that did was make them punish you more. So, you decided not to fight them anymore and take what they dished out.
When you were admitted you knew about Bloody Face. You knew you were going to be in the same place as him. You were scared at first. You knew the rumors, heard the news of what he did to those poor women. It gave you flashbacks to when those men stalked you. You considered yourself lucky that Bloody Face had already been caught, because if it were him following you, you’d be dead.
You were certainly surprised when you saw him for the first time. It was in the common room. You were sitting on one of the couches, trying your best to read a magazine while your fellow inmates did whatever it was, they do. Bloody Face walked in and immediately your eyes were drawn to him. He was tall, with dark hair and dark eyes. You were surprised at how handsome he was. You always imagined him as a large scary looking man, but he was quite the opposite. His real name was Kit Walker. He claimed to be innocent of all charges. You avoided him as best as you could.
One day though, you were placed on kitchen duty with him. You were frightened by him at first, worried he was going to bash your head against the metal tables until your brains oozed out. But all he did was silently separate the bread dough. His stance wasn’t threatening, but to be safe you stood on the opposite side of the table, the side closer to the door.
“I know you’re afraid of me,” he said out of the blue. His accent was thick, his voice soft.
You avoided his eye contact. “I’m not afraid of anything.”
“If you aren’t afraid why are your hands shaking?” He asked. “Why are you standing all the way on the other side of the table?”
“Personal space,” you mumbled your answer.
Kit chuckled quietly, and it made you finally tear your eyes away from the dough that was in your hands. Your eyes met for the first time, and your heart beat began to quicken. What if this is his tactic? You thought. What if his charm and beauty is how he captures women?
“Perhaps I am wrong, I’ve heard you were locked up for attempting to kill a few upstanding guys.”
You shook your head. “That’s not true.”
“Really? Then what’s your side of the story?” He continued. By this point both of you had stopped working on the chore and instead stared at each other. It was far more interesting than working, you had to admit.
“They were trying to… force me to do things I didn’t want to do. I barely caused any harm, but they had more money than me so here I am,” you explained vaguely. “It wasn’t my fault.”
He chuckled; it made your eyebrows raise. “See, me and you aren’t too much different. Both of us were wrongly put in here.”
“You murdered and raped three women,” you said, looking back down at your hands.
“And you brutally tried to kill those men,” he replied.
You were about to reply, but the nuns entered and started to escort the two of you back to your rooms. That was the first time that you started to believe the innocence of Kit Walker.
As time began to pass and you and Kit were paired together more for chores you were convinced little by little of his innocence. It was the small things. Like how he would hold the door open for you, apologize if while the two of you spoke anything made you uncomfortable, and most importantly how he never questioned whether you were guilty or not.
Eventually, you found yourself becoming excited whenever the two of you spent time together. Kit was sweet, he was nothing at all like the horrible newspapers and radio reports made him out to be. He wasn’t crazy. In fact, he seemed to be the sanest person in Briarcliff besides yourself. You thought it was impossible, but you began to harbor feelings for “Bloody Face” and you found out one night he felt the same way for you.
It was movie night, the two of you snuck away to talk. You made it down to the kitchen without being caught, you were glad. For some reason you knew in your soul something different was going to happen on that night, and you were right. The two of you casually talked about what was happening with your plans to escape, but you noticed as you spoke Kit inched toward you, so slow that if you hadn’t been paying attention you wouldn’t have noticed.
“What are your plans if we succeed?” He asked.
You smile and lean back on one of the tables. “I want to go to the beach. Feel the sun on my skin again. It’s far too gloomy here, I’ve almost forgotten how it feels to be outside. What are your plans?”
“I suppose I’ll be going to the beach, since that’s where you will be,” he answered.
You feel your cheeks begin to burn. You look away and chuckle, you're nervous like the first time you ever spoke to him. But for a whole different reason. When you looked up at him again, he was barely a foot away from you. Your heart skipped a beat.
“You’d stay with me even after we get outta here?” You asked, your voice softer than before.
“I’d stay with you forever if you let me,” he replied. He reached forward and touched his knuckles to your cheek, brushing them so gently across your skin you can barely even feel it. You swore you couldn’t breathe. “I’ve never met anyone in my life that has as much of an effect on me as you do y/n. I can’t stay away from you.”
“You don’t have to say anything, I understand if this is too much for you. I understand if I’m not enough for you, you are one special woman y/n. I just-”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence. You cut him off with your lips meeting his. He kissed you back as quick as he could, his hand now cupping your cheek. It was soft and sweet, everything you’d expected Kit would be like. After a few seconds he pulled back and looked down into your eyes, your knees felt weak at the look in his dark eyes.
“I think I’m in love with you,” you whispered. “No matter how odd that sounds it’s true. You’re the most caring man I’ve ever laid eyes on, I can’t help but want you.”
“I’ve wanted to hear that for so long. I am in love with you, and once we get outta here I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Kit declared.
Before you could reply, he leaned down and connected his lips to yours once again. You felt as though you had died and were already in heaven. Being with Kit made you have hope, he was light in that everlasting darkness of Briarcliff. You loved him, you really did. And as the two of you kissed you knew you’d do anything to one day get out and marry him.
The kiss moved fast and before you knew it Kit was starting to put his hands on you. Your body felt as though it were on fire. Every inch of skin that Kit touched became lit with the flame. He moved his hands along your waist, your arms, your back… you couldn’t get enough. But as he started to reach for your breasts you pulled away. He looked down at you, concern on his face.
“Sorry did I do something wrong?”
You shook your head. “No, of course not. It’s just that well… I’ve never done anything like this before. That was my first kiss, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for. We’ll take things slow all right? We’re gonna have all the time in the world,” he spoke. He was so sincere; it made your heart melt.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you replied with a smile.
Kit returned the smile. “But would you mind it if I kissed you again?”
“I’d like that too.”
In the weeks that followed, you and Kit spent as much time as you could together, along with Lana planning your escape. You and Kit were set on getting out. He promised the second the two of you were free he’d marry you. You loved the fantasy. You’d be married in secret and run off together, forgetting all about the terrible parts of your past. He’d buy you a house in a calm neighborhood and you’d raise his kids. It was all you wanted.
One night the two off you had managed to get a few minutes alone in one of the bathrooms. You were against the wall, Kit’s lips on yours. He cupped one of your breasts, while his other hand was dragging its way up your thigh. You try your hardest to keep quiet, but as he begins to trail his lips down your neck you can’t help yourself. You’ve never felt such pleasure in your life.
“Can I touch you baby?” He whispered against your skin. “But you gotta stay quiet.”
“I don’t know if I can, I’ve never been touched down there,” you admitted, your cheeks turning red.
Kit moved back and looked you in the eye. “Well, you know what it feels like from yourself, it’ll be just like that.”
“Well, that’s the thing I’ve never really done that.”
“You’ve never even touched yourself?”
You shook your head and Kit exhaled deeply. You began to feel ashamed; he must’ve thought you were a prude. You figured he knew what you were thinking though, because he touched your face softly and gave you a smile.
“You’re purer than any of the nuns in here,” he joked, earning a small laugh from you. “You’re perfect. I just wanna ask, what do you like? You know, in those ways.”
“I don’t know. I’ve never felt these feelings for another person, hell I don’t even really know how all of it works. The only thing I was taught as a girl was that sex is when a man puts his… in a woman,” you explained.
“Then how about we find out together? There are some other things I wanna do to you than that,” he replied. He looked out the window and back to you before speaking again. “We don’t have too much time left, but let me try something before we go. Do you trust me?”
“With my life,” you answered, and you meant it.
“I’m going to make you feel so good,” he mumbled.
You thought he was going to kiss you again, but instead he dropped to his knees. You were confused for a second. What was he doing? You then remembered the time you walked in on Shelley doing something to one of the guards. She was on her knees and his pants were down… she was using her mouth on him. That’s when it hit you. Kit was going to use his mouth on you.
He stuck his head under your gown and began to leave small kisses up your thigh. You covered your mouth with your hand and gasped. You’d never felt anything like it. He was quick with his motions, so quick you didn’t even have time to think. In a matter of seconds, he had pulled your panties down and spread your legs. You held in a breath and you felt his hitting your most sensitive spot.
Once his tongue made contact with your clit, that was it. You hit your head against the wall as you threw it back. His tongue was so warm, so soft. With every lick you felt electric shocks pulse throughout your body. You moaned into your hand, your legs becoming wobbly with each passing second. You’d never imagined that much pleasure was held between your legs. It was unearthly.
A wetness started to drip down your leg, but neither of you paid attention to it. You were too engulfed by the building sensation inside you, and Kit was too busy making it happen. You used your free hand to bunch up your gown, you wanted to see him. You didn’t expect him to already be looking up at you. The sight was one you never could have thought of. Kit’s dark eyes were locked on your own, you watched as he licked and kissed your clit. You were speechless.
“Kit, stop. I feel like I might pee,” you suddenly whispered. It was true, you did feel as though you were going to.
“You’re not going to pee, you’re going to cum,” he murmured. “Just let it happen.”
You were going to object, but that’s when you felt it. Your legs started to shake and you couldn’t stop the loud moan that left your lips. That was it, what you’d heard of through whispers. Your first orgasm. Kit didn’t stop for one second, in fact he sucked on your clit even harder. You felt your insides pulsating with pleasure, and by the time it was over you could barely stand.
Kit pulled your panties back up once you were finished and stood. You could see the glistening of your juices on his chin. He smiled and rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth.
“I want to do that every day,” he said. “You’re delicious.”
“Oh Kit,” you mumbled before pulling him in for a kiss.
The day you and Kit were freed from Briarcliff was the second-best day of your life. The best day of your life came only a week after being free. It was your wedding day. You and Kit traveled a few towns to get to the quickest courthouse. Even though it wasn’t a real wedding, and even though it only lasted an hour, you would never trade it for anything else.
After the ceremony was over and you were officially Mrs. Walker, Kit took you to a motel. You were nervous, but more so excited for what was to come. Like you were straight out of a movie Kit picked you up bridal style and carried you inside your room, the both of you full of joy and laughter.
Once inside, you realized Kit had made preparations. Rose petals were on the floor trailing up to the bed. Candles were lit all around the room. You looked at the dresser and saw two glass cups accompanied by a bottle of champagne. Your heart melted at the gesture.
“Would you like some champagne Mrs. Walker?” He asked after placing you on the bed.
“Champagne, so fancy. Of course, I would Mr. Walker,” you answered with a laugh.
He grabbed the bottle and popped the top off, pouring both of your glasses and bringing it to you. He sat next to you on the bed and took a sip, you did the same. After he finished his glass, he got up and turned on the radio. The soft melody eased your tension a bit.
“Are you happy?” Kit’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
He was standing in front of you by this point, you looked up at him and smiled again. “I’m happier than ever my love.”
“So why am I getting the feeling you’re anxious?”
“I dunno,” you spoke, you placed your cup on the bedside table. “Is it going to hurt?”
“Oh, that’s what this is about.” He sits beside you and takes one of your hands in his. “Don’t be nervous, it’s gonna be good. It might hurt a little, but don’t worry I’ll take good care of you.”
You sigh in relief. “Thank you, for being so patient with me. Not many guys like to wait nowadays.”
“I’d wait forever if that’s what you wanted y/n, don’t feel pressured to do this just cause it’s our wedding night. We don’t have to.”
“No, I want to do this I’m just a bit nervous that’s all. I trust you’ll be gentle with me and make it as good as it can be,” you said. You kick off your heels and slip the little headband with your veil of your head. “I promise I’m ready.”
“I’ll be very gentle,” Kit spoke before closing the gap between your lips.
He keeps that promise throughout the entire night, going only at your pace. First, he laid you back on the bed, undressing you slowly. You couldn’t hold in your laughter as he struggled to drag your garter down with his teeth and you couldn’t stop blushing when he starred at your nude body and called you the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
Watching him undress himself made you clench your thighs together in anticipation. His body was perfect, his abdomen full of muscles clear as day. Up until this point neither of you had seen each other fully naked, and you were both glad you waited. After he was undressed, he crawled back on top of you and resumed his previous kisses. He kissed down your jaw, your neck, until he took one of your breasts in his mouth. You moaned, your hands weaving through his hair as he sucked your nipple. It was a sensation you’d never even thought of being so good.
When he was done with that he moved down between your thighs and didn’t wait a moment to begin his careful licks on your clit. Your back arched, your thighs clenched around his head, especially after he slowly started to thrust a finger inside you. It was the first time anything had been inside you, and it didn’t feel half bad. In fact, after a few minutes you began to enjoy the feeling. That’s when he added a second finger.
You came fast, and Kit didn’t stop until you were almost asking him too from the overstimulation. Your chest was heaving as he moved on top of you. He kissed you hard, you could taste yourself on his lips. You knew it was time, and you weren’t nervous.
“Are you ready?” He asked.
“Just say the word and I’ll stop, okay?”
All you did was nod. Kit placed a short kiss on your lips before spitting on his hand and lowering it to his hard dick. You felt him place it at your entrance, it was big. He placed his hands by either side of your head, lacing your hand in his on one side. Without wasting anymore time he began to push himself inside you. You gasped, grabbing his shoulder with your free hand.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he whispered.
You didn’t reply. You bit down on your lip until he was fully in. It hurt, but it wasn’t the worst pain you’d endured over the years. You could handle it. Kit waited until you gave him another nod to continue. Once you did, he started to slowly move in and out of you, each thrust hurting a little less than the previous one. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his soft noises only making the experience better.
“You can- you can go faster,” you said shakily after maybe ten minutes.
“You sure?” he mumbled.
He did as you said and began to truly fuck you. You loved how much he loved it. His hand traveled down your body to grip your thigh. He lifted it up, his thrusts going deeper inside you than before. You moaned and pulled his lips to yours. He was insatiable. Biting your lip, sucking your tongue, it was nothing like what the two of you had done in Briarcliff. You loved it.
Kit didn’t last much longer after that. When he came, he moaned your name in a tone that made your stomach fill with butterflies. He collapsed on top of you, his breathing heavy, his heart rate erratic, and his dick pulsing inside you. You moved your fingers through his sweaty hair and held him tight as he rode out his high.
“I love you,” you whispered softly. “And maybe it’s not the time to say this, but I’m grateful to have been put in that terrible place because it gave me you.”
He lifted his head from your chest and starred into your eyes as he spoke his next words. “I love you more and if I could go back in time, I would never change a thing. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
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goldhoekin · 10 months
Angel || Sam Riordan Smut
Angel || Yandere!Sam Riordan x Fem Reader
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summary: After Marie becomes #2 and Brink is killed by Luke Jordan slips in the rankings. They begin to obsess over the rankings neglecting their girlfriend who lets their frustration slips and Jordan takes their frustrations out on their girlfriend.
cw: fem!reader, porn with some plot, creampie, unprotected sex, dubious consent, oral sex ( f! receiving), overstimulation, biting/marking, dacryphilia, obsessive behaviors, and nonconsensual use of aphrodisiacs .
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He sees you every single time Luke is brought down for his infusions, each time you look at him with such kindness and sadness as you plead for his freedom. It makes him happy to see someone actually fight for him. One time you’d even held his hand in exchange for him to stop struggling.
“Hi Sam. My name’s Y/N, I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Would you like it if I held your hand to help? I know its not much but maybe that’ll make this a tiny bit more bearable?” You say, a genuine look in your eye, that’s how he knows you’re real and not a puppet, you’re a real angel. 
You’re his personal angel…and he has to have you. You were so nice to him, you must like him right? For weeks he spends his time sketching you on pieces of paper, hiding them each time you visit him, and spend time with him.
One day after lunch he asks to speak to Shetty, telling her he has a deal for her. He’d dreamt of you sitting down in his room, reading comics with him, holding his hand as he saw the puppets all with those sparkly eyes of yours.
“You let me have Y/N for a few hours a day and I won’t fight you anymore..” Sam says, eyes sparkling with hope, voice steady…well as steady as he can make it.
The woman’s brows raised in surprise, you were a simple supe who made pretty little light shows. Harmless enough, you were one of the few supes she actually had no issue with, you were an angel truly. Though as much as she didn't like bargaining you off to a highly dangerous supe…she wasn’t left with much choice Sam was integral to Luke’s success and if giving you up to him for an hour, after doping him to high hell so he didn’t kill you, then so be it. Vought didn’t need to know what they did for the Woods project to go smoothly and if she had to get her hands dirtier than so be it, keep them distracted on what she was really doing.
“You can have her for one hour a day and that’s only if you take your medications without fuss, Y/N’s a sweet girl. We don’t want her hurt, do we Sam?” Indira says, a false smile on her face.
“O-one hour? No cameras right? I won’t her I promise!” Sam hastily replies.
Shetty simply nods her head in confirmation and turns towards the exit, “She’ll be here for you tomorrow, don’t screw this up Sam.”
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You were called to Dean Shetty’s office, she texted you and said it was urgent. She told you to dress up, wear white and tell no one. So when Andre asked you where you were going looking like a sexy Virgin Mary with your pure white sundress, matching shoes, garters and underwear included. You hated not looking put together, a habit you’ve had due to your belief that keeping up a certain image will help your brand, which for all intent and purposes it did. 
You simply said, “Some of us don’t get dressed in the dark while spending my daddy’s money on tacky clothes Andre.”
A cackle leaves Luke’s lips as Andre’s face turns into one of shock, Jordan silently crying into a throw pillow, Cate struggling to breathe through her laughs. Without another word you make your way to Dean Shetty’s office, the woman already waiting outside her door, two cups of a hot beverage in hand.
She walks towards you and guides you in the familiar direction to the Woods, handing you a warm cup that you take without hesitation. You unfortunately knew about it, finding out by accident. Dean Shetty knew of your record of caring for those who need it, this should be right up your alley. Though she knew you wouldn’t be the most susceptive to Sam’s advances without help so she slipped a high dose aphrodisiac into your cinnamon creme drink that you love so much.
“Y/N love, I have a special mission for you.” Shetty says as they move downwards towards the prison facility, “Sam needs someone to spend time with, he said he’d love to talk and spend time with you! Would you be willing to spend an hour a day with him, just help him adjust and stay settled? I know you’ll be great at it love!”
You think its actually sweet that Sam felt safe enough with you to ask to spend time with you.  The poor boy needed help that Vought could give him, maybe you can as well. Maybe you can even work with him to get him a little tv or something or more books for him to read.You fall into your thoughts as you absentmindedly sip your drink, noting how good it tasted. 
“Sure we can read some comics, maybe even have some snacks,I think it’ll be really fun!” You say with that lovely smile on your face, the same one Sam loves and Dean Shetty fears will never grace your face again after today as she takes the now empty cup from your hand.
Making your way down to Sam’s room you wait for him to enter, promptly security and Shetty leave and the door is securely closed behind you.
Sam stares at you in awe, mouth agape at your appearance.
She dressed up for me, my angel put on this pretty outfit for me. Y/N really does love me!
“Y-you look really pretty. I can’t believe you did all this for me!” Sam beams, moving forward to grip your hand. You notice he has a band-aid on his wrist, noting that he’s been injected with something.
At that moment you feel your body growing hot, prompting you to immediately take off your tell tailored white coat. Your breasts now on display as you chest heaves as you try and fail to gather air in your lungs, you hardly noticed Sam’s face so close to yours, his eyes staring at your lips. Without hesitation he slams onto yours, his hands gripping your waist in a bruising grip.
They must’ve given a strength dampener, because he could’ve fucking crushed me…
You think to yourself as you feel his lips clumsily move onto yours, you move yours against his, feeling the weight on your chest lessen slightly. You feel your pussy grow wetter and wetter as his hands roam your body, making his way under your dress to grip your ass.
You move him in the general direction of his bed, the young man breathless. 
“I–i can’t believe you like me back!” Sam whispers, his knee grazing against your dripping wet cunt.
“What-I like you, just as a friend Sam.” You say as you feel his neck brush against your neck, which promptly stops at your words.
“If you don’t like me then why are we in my bed? Why are you kissing me and letting me touch you?” Sam asks, his voice hurt, you couldn’t help but sigh.
“I…I can’t stop for some reason. I’m so horny it hurts, if I could do this with someone else trust me I would Sam. I’m so sorry!” You whimper, unconsciously grinding your weeping pussy against his knee, desperate for friction of any kind. At this he tosses you back, so roughly you land on his bean bag, legs spread wide. A large gray spot showing how wet you are, your face hot and your breasts threatening to spill out from your dress.
“You’re mine!” Sam growls, eyes darkened as he crawls in between your legs, he takes his time pulling down your panties and exposing your pussy to the open air. He keeps your legs open with his strength as he dives into your wetness, your hand immediately goes into his hair gripping it harshly. A moan leaves his lips as you pull him as close to you as possible, your moans pouring from your lips as he licks at you with inexperienced vigor. 
“Use your finger Sam! Take two, move them in and out of me, keep your mouth on my clit. Y-you’re so good baby, fuck you’re doing so fucking good!” You moan, thankfully Sam listens to you his deliciously thick fingers plunge into your cunt and sucks at your cunt harshly, the knot that was forming in your stomach tightening more and more. You wrap your now free legs around Sam’s head grinding your cunt against his face as you feel yourself about to cum.
“Oh fuck! Sam, I’m gonna cum!” You scream as you feel yourself gush, your legs shaking violently as you come down from your high. Sam’s tongue lapping up your juices eagerly, licking and sucking you damn near clean. After you stopped shaking he pulls back, swiftly pulling his cock out, the tip violently red. His tip is leaking large amounts of precum, he runs his hand up and down his shaft.
“Don’t worry I’ll be good, so good that you won’t want anyone else! It’ll be perfect and maybe you can stay down here with me longer!” Sam says settling between your legs, he begins to rub himself up and down your still twitching cunt, your pussy gripping on nothing. Without warning he plunged himself into you, his body leaning over you as he pushed himself into you to the hilt, his face buried in your neck. He begins to push himself in and out of your pussy, the feeling becoming overwhelming fast as you feel him pick up the pace, albeit not the smoothest rhythm was set. 
“Y-you feel so good! You really were made for me my angel, I can’t believe I get to go do this with you! Tell me what you want me to do, I’ll do it! I’ll do anything for you, just ask!” Sam says breathlessly, his hands find their way to the top of your dress, roughly pulling down the bodice to watch your breasts spill out. Sam latches his lips around your pebbled nipple, nipping and biting down harshly on your chest, a gasp leaving your lips. You begin to feel another orgasm building, causing you to wrap your arms around Sam’s neck and your legs capture his midsection. 
“I’m gonna cum again! Fuck!” You moan as you feel Sam’s thrusts grow sloppy, hopefully he’s smart enough to pull out.
You feel yourself cumming again, thick cream coating Sam’s dick as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm, the overstimulation causing you to cry from the overwhelming sensation. 
Sam looks up at your face as he feels your tears, he couldn’t help but think about how good you looked like this. All fucked out, those beautiful eyes shinging with tears from how good he’s making you feel. Sam decides that he wants to see you like this more often, him fucking you till you cry and him filling you up, his various bite marks and hickies littering your decolletage and those wide angel eyes filled with tears. This pushes him to prop himself up on his hands and piston in and out of you, your breasts bouncing wildly and your hands trying to push him away as the sensation is too much for you and the fear of him cumming inside of you. He buries his face into your neck, biting down harshly as he cums deep within you, filling you to the brim.
‘Don’t worry Angel, we’ll be so happy. It’ll be great just watch, I made you mine and I’m never letting you go.” Sam whispered into your neck, by now the drug that was slipped into your drink was wearing off and your face began to contort into one of horror, thoughts of you being stuck down here with him. You possibly ruining your a career by having a child too early while you yourself were a child became too much and those lovely eyes of yours went dark, the spark dying instantly. 
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Hello! I hope you are doing great! But I was just wondering if I may request head-cannons for Bo Sinclair with a fem s/o who is like the cliche innocent good girl (loves wearing bows and ribbons, frilly cute dresses, Mary janes…) I feel like this would be an interesting dynamic with Bo (that he would absolutely EAT UP because that man is insane and you can’t tell he wouldn’t love the idea of “corrupting” someone or even like protecting the reader and shielding her from the world…) If not, that’s fine! But thank you and have a great day!
Bo Sinclair with innocent girly-girl (fem) S/O
When you strolled into town one day, Bo did not think you were real
I mean, pink… frilly dresses… ribbons!
Bo doesn’t leave town much so he can’t say for sure, but he didn’t think there were girls who actually dressed like that
He also didn’t think you’d be his type
And yet…
Bo and Vincent had killed all your friends, as per usual, but you hadn’t been there to witness it
You were such a sweetheart when Bo found you and you asked where your friends were
He couldn’t tell you
Instead, he told you they left without you
You were devastated, but Bo thought he’d done good(ish) by protecting you from a worse evil
He kept you around for while under the pretence that your friends might come back looking for you
Eventually the truth came out about Bo, his brothers, and the town
But by this point you’d already fallen hard and fast for Bo
You were everything Bo never knew he needed, and just about the cutest thing he’d ever seen
“Aww doll that’s damn sweet of ya! But there’s no need to bring beers to the garage, i’s all dirty in ‘ere and your dress is all pretty!”
He thought you deserved better than a ruthless killer like himself, but wants to keep you for himself nonetheless
He was shocked when you agreed to stay but did not complain
Would never admit it but loves playing with your hair, especially after you teach him how to plait it and tie the ribbons all pretty
Never lets you around new victims visitors
Doesn’t want you getting attached or upset, and doesn’t want you near all the gory happenings
(Won’t admit it, but he also doesn’t want to see you disappointed in him because he still thinks he doesn’t deserve you - doesn’t want you thinking that leaving him is a better option, either)
Kind of treats you like glass sometimes - never wants to distress you or be harsh with you and gets apologetic real quick if he’s snappy
“God, ‘m sorry baby I didn’t mean t’ snap at ya!”
“Lester better not’ve told you about the trouble last night! I swear to God I’ll kill him!” - “Bo! It’s fine! We were just chatting!” - “Doesn’t matter! You don’t need to hear all that nonsense!”
It’s nice, but you know he’s holding back
After he gets more comfortable with the relationship he’s a little less gentle
Still an absolute sweetheart and never intentionally upsets you, but he enjoys teasing you and lets you see the real him a little more
“Be careful there doll.. I don’t know anyone else who would describe me as a sweetheart. Wouldn’t want ya to see their point of view now would we?”
He’s testing your boundaries a little to see if opening up is going to scare you off
You can see the playful and often hopeful glint in his eyes though and know he would never hurt you
(P.s. sex with Bo started out so gentle and loving, but you knew he wanted to ruin you - corruption kink in full force once you finally let him)
(Wouldn’t do anything you don’t like though, any sign you’re not enjoying yourself and he’s stopping and making it up to you)
Eventually comes to face the fact that you’ve made him a better person - he’s still a psycho and a killer, but he never thought he could love and care for another person like he loves you
A/N: thanks for the request! So so sorry it took so long! Lmk if there’s anything else you’d like added, and feel free to request!
194 notes · View notes
nevernonline · 3 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #22 end it all.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 5.7k (some texts in between writing as well)
masterlist ▸ 021 we're so back.  ▸ 023 signing off for now. (coming soon)
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Y/N sat waiting for this moment for the past 24 hours, sitting around on Mingaho’s couch, his carpet in the living room, the floor of the shower, literally any spot you can name when he wasn’t at work or out with their friends. Which was a luxury she couldn't afford as of yet. 
Mimi hurt her deep and it wasn’t just her she was hurting anymore. It was everyone around her. Somehow y/n didn’t even care enough about her own wellbeing to do anything prior to the incidents with Minnie and her further threats towards her male counterparts. It hurt her to see the people she loved despite some bumps in the road hurting more than she was. 
Even though Mimi had single handedly been the issue in her life for many years she still couldn't figure out a way to hurt her back. Of course she could publicly embarrass her, call her family, fall in love with a boy that Mimi once wanted for herself, but it wouldn’t be enough, nothing would ever feel enough to get rid of her. Well, other than murder and y/n wasn’t ready to give up one weird fucked up version of prison to get the real one. Some part of her even wanted to just say fuck it and give Mimi friendship in hopes of all of this fading away even though she knew it none of it would be enough. 
Laying her forehead on the clean glass of Minghao’s coffee table, she took in a big ass sigh just waiting for the clock to hit 5:00pm when she’d finally be in her confrontational mode. Nipping (hopefully) all of this shit in the bud. 
Mingaho walked through the arched threshold of his house, the secret house apparently nobody had been too other than her. Standing in front of her staining his coffee table momentarily with her makeup, just looking at her with his concerned eyes, somehow still as statuesque as ever. 
All she could come up with was a simple response, wiping her stain not so secretly with the sleeve of her gray sweatshirt. 
“I got you some food, come on.” 
“Does this food happen to start with a “W” and end with a ‘INE?’ Or anything involving a content higher than zero?” 
“Do the letters THC sound okay?” 
“Wow, yes three of my favorites.” 
Minghao led her into the kitchen, still holding a grip on her arm from his helping her off the floor. Sitting her down at his overly modern kitchen table, where he set her lunch complete with a napkin that had a knife, fork, and rolled up joint sitting on it like it was meant to be used for her to shovel the various dishes into her mouth. 
“A real Ramsay.” 
“I do take pride in my plating and table setting.” 
“Did you roll it yourself?” 
Minghao waved his fingers to her, catching a slight smile from the girl as she beamed at the hello kitty themed rolling paper he had ordered online. 
“Feeling okay?” 
“Despite everything, yeah. I’m just ready to get rid of her at least for a while.” 
“Still not going to tell me what you planned or?” 
“No, sir. Out of the question.” 
“Ah, come on, I can keep a secret.” 
“I used to think that, but you’re friends with Jun now, he’d still find out.” 
“No way.” 
“How do you think I knew you had a garden in the back of your place, he stalked you. He’s impressive.” 
“And not scary at all.” 
“He’s harmless.” 
The pair ate the rest of their meal in silence not knowing how to continue the conversations they had been having recently, both in the same frame of mind and their end goal in sight. Minghao couldn’t lie that Y/n keeping him in the dark about what her plan was wasn’t making him nervous, he had built up a protectiveness to her, something he’d never experienced with any of his other friends. He knew that she could handle herself, but it still didn’t ease his anxiety further. 
“Hey, what time is it?” 
Mingaho just looked up at her, unaware she had been trying to ask him a question as he was in his own head. 
“Oh, uh. 4:30.” 
“Alright. Hand me your lighter and let me get a hit in before I have to dress for revenge.” 
Mingaho just laughed, handing over the black electric lighter to her across the table, being careful to not touch her fingers and go back into his trance. 
He had been doing good the past few days, not intruding on her space with his feelings to much, keeping it just how she wanted it, just friends. Hopefully, for him that just meant until she got the whole Mimi thing handled. 
Y/n took a deep exhale and blew the smoke behind her to not get it into Minghao’s space. The pair's phones  lit up at the same time, letting them know it was time to meet up for hopefully the finale. 
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Minnie and Y/n stepped outside of Mingyu’s black car, weirdly the perfect car for their bondess actions, not quite matching their casual outfits to their gut feelings. Minnie linked arms with y/n as they walked up to Mimi’s apartment, waiting for their meeting of the devil they both know. 
“Honestly, I’m surprised she lives here? I thought she had a good job?” 
“Last I heard she did? Some sort of social management or something?” 
“Perfect for her huh? Managing other people's lives.” 
“Yeah, but this.. Don't tell that truth.” 
“Maybe she was lying?” 
“Or y/n, maybe it’s a set up?” 
“No. I don’t think so. Her name is on the call box.” 
“This is becoming even more bizarre than I would’ve thought in the first place, ring the buzzer.” 
“Minnie, you ring the buzzer.” 
“Why would I ring the buzzer? You have longer fingers than me, less chance of being electrocuted or something, plus you have long sleeves you can wrap your hand in. They must protect you from that stuff too, right?”
“I don’t know? I’m scared to ring the buzzer. What if she puts some sort of magic powder on it and it turns me into a frog or something, I hate frogs.” 
“Why don’t we both ring the buzzer at the same time and then if there's a chance that she is some weird witch then we both turn into preferably not frogs but maybe cats or something?” 
“Well the witch thing is true. Okay, together.. Uh, ready?” 
Minnie and Y/n reached their pointer fingers together closer to the buzzer of apartment 4C that apparently belonged to their mutual enemy. When they made contact with the sticky silver knob they both jumped as the door unlocked, Mimi must have been waiting for their arrival right next to her intercom. 
“Okay.. Call me a snob or whatever y/n but this place is, uh-” 
“Not what you were expecting?” 
“Me either.” 
The girls walked through the courtyard following the signs on the side of the bricks that would lead them to the staircase up to the fourth floor to find Mimi standing outside with her door cracked, watching them timidly walk towards her. 
“I see you guys have no respect for other people's time still, you’re ten minutes late.” 
Y/n looked down at her watch. 
“Actually, we’re right on time, see?” 
She shoved her electronic apple watch screen with the exact time running across. 
“My mistake, I guess. Want to come in or are we just going to talk out here? Maybe the best idea considering you guys probably have some insane plan to tie me up and poison me or something.” 
“Why would we waste prison time on you exactly?” 
“Touche, Minnie. Come on, let’s get this over with.” 
Minnie and Y/n gave each other a look of disbelief as they walked into her apartment, clothes strung around everywhere, a board with thumbtacks of documents, pictures of her dog, some weird excerpts from fashion magazines.  Her laptop plugged into a wall socket paused on a scene from 13 going on 30, dirty coffee mugs staining on her side table. Definitely not the place she assumed Mimi was living, especially since Y/n knew her parents were unbelievably well off. 
“You guys can just sit on the couch or at the desk, it doesn't matter. Just throw the clothes on the floor. They should be clean, but I’m not sure.” 
“Is this your apartment? Like, full time or?” 
“Yes, y/n. Laugh all you want, but this is my apartment.” 
“What happened to-” 
“To the luxury one? Well after my parents found out about some of the things I’ve done, they cut me off. Luckily my job had a way for me to find vacant places I could actually afford considering I spent all my money on clothes the entire time I was working for my dad, so I had no savings. That’s how.” 
“Sorry? That’s all you guys can say is sorry? After you basically ruined my life? You’re both part of the reason I’m here right now.” 
“What the fuck? How are we responsible for this exactly?” 
“Well, Minnie. Since you so kindly asked. You know exactly why. Your parents told mine that I am a quote bully unquote to poor sad Y/n who gets everything she wants, so I blame you for that.” 
“You blame us for the way you obsessively have been trying to ruin y/n’s life for years?” 
“Ruin her life? Please, what life?” 
“What life? Are you like.. Doing well? On drugs? Hitting your vape pen a little too much and losing all your brain cells or?” 
“Come on, Minnie. Don’t tell me you actually think her leeching off other people and making them feel sorry for her to get them to hangout with her is actually having a life? Half of you guys are just her barking dogs because she’s too much of a pussy to call people out herself. Even now, you’re here with her fighting with me over a comment I made about y/n. Barking little dog. Seokmin too, just absolutely blind to the fact that she’s a shitty friend to him while he’s picking up all her broken pieces over and over again. She can’t even get a fucking boyfriend, all the boys she’s ever loved have fallen for her best friends over her, Me and Joshua, now you and Mingyu, I wonder who’s going to come and scoop Minghao up from under her considering she’s never going to give him wha-” 
“God can you stop being a fucking cunt for one second? What the fuck have I EVER done to you to make you say this shit about me? What? Tell your parents that you were recklessly drunk driving? You almost killed my father? You paralyzed a woman from the waist down? But, you left completely unscathed, no injuries aside from a little vomit and a paper cut sized gash on your hand because your vodka bottle shattered into the steering wheel as you drove into oncoming traffic? Tried for years to get Joshua to see that the type of person you are isn’t who he sees, that you were brainwashing him? Fuck. I even left and signed your stupid fucking note claiming I was doing all of this for attention, left my life, my friends, took time off of work, just because I needed you to stop trying to take it over and just wanted to give it to you so I never had to see you ever again. You think I actually want to sit here and look at how you’re living just so I can feel good about myself? No, it doesn’t make me feel good, Mimi. I don’t think this would make anyone feel good. But, unfortunately it’s karma. Karma for all those goddamn years of you poking and prodding and sticking daggers in my back until I finally bleed out completely and give you what you want. Well it’s fucking done, it’s over.” 
“What’s over, y/n? Huh. You think you’re actually going to win? Over me?” 
“Hah. I don’t care. Don’t you see that? I don’t fucking care anymore. I want you to get the fuck and stay the fuck away from me for a good long time. If you ever pull any of this shit again, you won’t just have a shitty apartment, you’ll have a shitty jail cell.” 
Y/n stood up now itching in closer to where Mimi was standing, leaving Minnie sitting with a shocked look on her face, almost proud. 
“What? Coming close to me so you can punch me or something?” 
“No. But, thanks for the idea.” 
Y/n took one last look into Mimi’s face before taking a deep breath in. 
“Stay the fuck out of my life. Leave my friends alone. Get a different hobby or you’ll get a very unfriendly visit from me accompanied by a few police officers coming to search your apartment and I’m sure you’ll love the new pretty set of silver jewelry they put on your wrists, matching cuffs are super in right now.” 
Y/n then pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her purse, walking away from standing in Mimi’s face, placing it under a thumbtack on her board. 
“Should get you a couple more trips to the laundry room, you could use it. Let’s go Minnie. Thanks for having us, Mimi. Your place is delightful.” 
Minnie got off the couch turning to follow y/n out, but turning back around just as quickly to look at Mimi feeling her rage build in her stomach. 
“Wait, I think I forgot something.” 
“What’s that?” 
Minnie lifted her right hand and laid a slap that could’ve been heard across town on Mimi’s cheek, making her gasp in pain. 
“Have a nice life, bitch.” 
Y/n and Minnie stayed nearly silent, running down the staircase from Mimi’s apartment and all through the courtyard back through the front doors and into Mingyu’s car. 
He wasn’t sure what they were thinking or even what they did, he just drove away without a word until the two girls made eye contact and started hysterically laughing, talking so loud in between their laughing breaths he couldn’t even make out a coherent sentence. 
“I cannot believe you did that, the delivery was SO good.” 
“What about you y/n? That speech, I mean that was cinema worthy, what the hell. I feel so proud of you after I finish laughing I might just cry? Also you tacking down the twenty dollars on the cork board was such a slap in the face.” 
“Oh my god, nothing like your actual slap in the face? I have so much adrenaline right now I feel like I could run a fucking marathon.” 
“Ew, no don’t do that. Let’s go get a drink at my place. Come on.” 
“Mingyu? Drink?” 
“Yes, of course. And I’ll need a full run down once the two of you stop laughing like two little girls, please.” 
“Shut up, you love us.” 
Mingyu smiled at the pair just laughing and giggling in the rearview mirror. Pulling his car into the parking lot of Minnie’s apartment, very different scenery than the one they just were at. 
“Wow, you know I just realized I’ve never seen your new place yet?” 
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that, it's really cute. I’m trying to convince this tall bitch to move in with me.” 
“And what’s holding you back, Gyu?” 
“Nothing actually, I was going to tell her yes, might as well do it now while you guys are still on your high.” 
Y/n stopped in her tracks and held Minnie's arm, prompting them to jump up and down and scream slightly. 
“Wow, who would’ve thought THE Minnie Pinnie would have a MAN living with her. And her boyfriend at that, so adult.” 
“Hate to break it to you y/n, but we are adults.” 
“Psh, I know. “ 
“Okay, so let’s go up to my apartment first, I can lend you some clothes especially since you literally just sat on Mimi’s dirty laundry and weirdly stained couch, and we can wash yours.” 
“Sounds good to me, thank you my princess.” 
“Anytime, King Y/n.” 
“King? Excuse.” 
“It just came to me. Mingyu, do you mind grabbing the ice bucket and some wine and bringing it up to the roof? We’ll come in a few minutes.” 
“On it.” 
Minnie dragged y/n through her apartment, room by room, showing her all the new things she acquired to decorate, even though some of them are partially out of boxes waiting for their time to be hung up on the newly painted white walls. 
“Here, this was actually meant to be your birthday gift, but obviously we got distracted. Open it, open it, open it.” 
“You didn’t have to get me anything?” 
“Are you kidding me? Of course I did, I haven’t missed an y/n gift giving experience in a decade, come on.” 
“If anything I should be the one buying you a gift.” 
“My gift was slapping that bitch, hard, hurry please, I have to pee.” 
“Okay, okay.” 
Y/n tore through the tissue paper inside the pink bag, grabbing a hold of a garment inside and pulling it out, a silk black mid length dress with a matching black knit shawl on top. Something she remembers pointing out to Minnie through a car window months ago. Months before Mimi had entered their life again. 
“Oh my god, you didn’t.” 
“Hello? Of course I did, have you met me? Try it on while I pee, be right back.” 
Y/n took this silk fabric between her fingers and placed it carefully on the back of Minnies desk chair, sliding out of her jeans and t shirt and into the soft buttery fabric of her new dress, pulling the shrug over her arms and shoulders twirling a little, already wishing for somewhere to wear it. 
“Oh wow, y/n” 
Y/n walked over to Minnie with outstretched arms, hugging her tightly as another thank you and confirmation that she loved her gift. 
“I’m sorry we fought, I’m really sorry for everything, especially that you got hurt. I love you, Min.” 
“I’m sorry too, but it's over now, we’re perfect. Can I do your hair just so we can see how it’ll look with the dress?” 
“Yeah, sure. What about, Gyu?” 
“Ah, he’s fine, he has beer and a phone he can entertain himself well for ten more minutes, sit down.” 
Y/n obliged and sat down at the desk once again, letting Minnie brush her hair into a ponytail, slipping bobby pins in it, she was totally blind to what had been happening to the back of her head, Minnie came to her side brushing her bangs back and pinning them too into a perfect slicked back bun, topped off with a large black scrunchie as a hair accessory. 
“Okay, go look.” 
Y/n stood in the mirror, taking a long look at herself, some sort of light came back into her eyes, she looked almost happy. 
“You made me look good, now please sweatpants.” 
“No, you’re wearing this, I just put in all that work.” 
“But, you’re in sweats?” 
“I’ll change too, like a cute cheers to us killing a vampire.” 
Y/n smiled as Minnie very pixie floated around her room and grabbed a cute outfit to toss on very quickly all the while handing Y/n a few lip glosses and eyeshadow pallets touch her makeup up, and in five minutes she came out looking like an angel. 
“Drink time?” 
Minnie and Y/n walked back out the front door and up the single flight of stairs to the rooftop, little did y/n know lying behind the door to the sunset were the rest of her friends, here to makeup for her birthday one last time. 
“Can we be up here? Sounds like someone is having a party?” 
“Yes, y/n. You are.” 
“I am? I am what?” 
“Having a party stupid.” 
“You didn’t” 
“Like I said before, of course I did. Let’s celebrate, come on.” 
The two of them pushed open the door to a cheer of people, Mingyu smiling holding his glass of beer next to Wonwoo and Vernon who clapped as Y/n and Minnie ran through the door, Minghao sitting next to Jun, trying to push off his affectionate hug, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Seokmin huddling around each other next to the snacks cheersing the two girls who came outside. A few of y/n’s other various friends are smiling and taking sips of their cocktails.
“I must be really dense? You had this all planned?” 
“Duh. I can’t believe you didn’t catch on. Now go, my beautiful friend. Have some drinks, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” 
Y/n was waved off as Minnie made her way over to Mingyu, jumping into his arms, waving to the boys he was sitting with. Y/n couldn’t help but smile seeing her friends so happy, she walked on her own looking over the city to the bar on the corner of the roof and grabbed the first clear cocktail she could get a hold of before turning around to find Seokmin smiling at her like a lost puppy. 
“Hello, lovely lady. How did it go with Mimi?” 
“Noo, no Seokmin, it’s over now I get to know what happened, that's the rule.” 
“Then can we make a deal? Let me finish at least three cocktails and THEN we can talk about Mimi, but a hint that it went perfectly.” 
“Good, come sit with us.” 
Seokmin picked up two more drinks and led Y/n over to a spot to sit in between himself and Jeonghan, she gladly nuzzled in between them, Joshua sitting across from her just smiling shyly, clearly not knowing how to insert himself again into a conversation after the one they had at her house, the tension was obvious but hopefully with the help of her friends he would get comfortable around her again while she made up her mind. 
“Happy Late Birthday, y/n. I missed you.” 
“Thank you, Hannie. I missed you too.” 
y/n wrapped her arm around him tightly after their hug letting it still rest around his shoulders, drinking away as he and Seokmin explained their crazy night out that somehow involved jumping off the pier after losing a bet with some girls at a bar. 
Y/n couldn’t help herself looking between Joshua and Minghao all night, almost like she was trying to force her eyes into making the decision for her. She knew in her gut what she actually wanted, but also wasn’t ready to hurt someone in the process. 
But, something about standing up for herself today made her realize a part of what Mimi was saying was true, maybe she did use people to make choices for her, maybe she was always too scared to admit how she felt because she was scared of the rejection that came with it, that’s why she chose to hide it away with pen and paper, obviously never thinking those things would come out. 
Her feelings for Joshua were nearly life long, she remembered when he didn’t feel like her friend anymore and moved himself into the painful crush category. Ever since fifth grade she couldn’t stop having feelings for him, all through high school, his stint with Mimi, even after he said and did terrible things to her, she did  them back so it was an even playing field. When she first lost her virginity, when she was seeing Mingyu, and even now. Joshua was so evident in her DNA from her childhood, it wasn’t really easy to shake him from her mind. 
Only one person had done it, Minghao. She didn’t always trust him or his intentions, which turned out to make sense once he had come clean, but she knew from the night he spent at her apartment, when he asked about her life, her photos. Even the simple things about him made her like him more, the way he’s always so engaged in her stories, never looking away from her eyes or her lips as she spoke, never using his phone when he’s with her only to take photos or show her a song that reminded him of her, writing down the movies she suggests just so he can understand her weird references she makes. He was a caretaker, someone who never questioned her, never made her feel less than, he always knew how to make her happy when she didn’t want to be. He fought for her, the same way she did for her friends. 
After her two drinks dried up and much of her conversations were lost on her picking her brain of how to make a choice between two worthy candidates, she got up to use the restroom, heading back down to Minnie’s place, on the way back out she ran into Minghao coming into the front door to pick up another case of beer to bring upstairs, he put it down and let her pass by, giving her hand a small squeeze and a smile without saying anything. Subtle but effective, he let her know he’d be right behind her on the way up. 
“Those are all for you I assume?” 
“No, you know I don’t drink beer. Mingyu is a little drunk so I offered to come down and grab it for him, I didn’t want him to get hurt.” 
“How very chivalrous of you.” 
Minghao put the case down and pulled a few out to pop into the cooler, grabbing a bottle of wine and an opener, waving y/n along to the otherside of the roof where only a few people were sitting and smoking. 
“Let’s share that birthday drink I owed you last time.” 
“Sounds perfect. I’m going to steal this blanket, hold on.” 
Y/n walked over to a couple sitting at a small table smoking a joint, holding hands lovingly watching the sunset. Minghao noticed her bright smile as she talked and waved to them while stealing the stray gray blanket from the open chair and skipping back over to Minghao covering them both up as she saw on the plush floor cushion. 
“That’s Mark, the guy I work for. I think I told you about him before. He’s super nice, he’s planning on proposing to her tonight. Maybe we’ll see it happen.” 
“That would be cute.” 
Minghao smiled at y/n’s eyes, lighting up talking about their proposal. He noticed they did that alot when she would talk about people being happy. It was one of the things he liked the most about her. 
“So, Swan.” 
“Yes, Mungbean?” 
“How was she?” 
“Ah, the subtle approach, I love it.” 
“Well, the place she's living in was sort of alarming at first. It’s totally fine, but not what I had expected, especially since last time I saw her she said she was living in some highrise just a few blocks over from here, actually. I guess it’s all she can afford because her parents cut her off for what she’s doing, she tried to blame me and Minnie, but we didn’t even say anything to them this time? Obviously, someone did.. Maybe Joshua or his mom? Not sure.” 
“Well, that’d be kind of silly for you guys to tattle on her like she's a child.” 
“Right. That’s exactly what I thought. Even if she does act like a child sometimes.” 
“What else happened? You guys just talked?” 
“I wouldn’t say it was talking, it was more of a shouting match at first. But it felt good to finally stick up for myself and not let someone else do it for me.” 
“So, she’s fine with it? Going to leave you alone?” 
“I threatened her with handcuffs.” 
“No, the police kind. I said if she ever tried any shit ever again I would come over and her small world would become a small jail cell, something like that.” 
Minghao laughed, picturing y/n upset, yelling at the girl who made her life hell as he poured them both another glass of wine, halfway through their bottle and moment alone already. 
“Surprised she didn’t try to rip your hair out or something. So you guys really just went over to talk?” 
“ No, not exactly, we did have more of an elaborate plan, but we got side tracked. Oh! And I tacked a twenty dollar bill to her board and said she needs to use it to do laundry which turned her face so red I thought she was about to, but Minnie slapped her instead and we ran off.” 
“The last part again?” 
“I know, I was so shocked I knew Minnie was a feisty bitch but I did NOT expect the slap it was so perfect. We laughed the entire way back here about it.” 
Minghao laughed, picturing the two girls running away childlike after Minnie finally let their bully have it. It seemed like the type of thing he wished they had gotten on camera. 
“But, yeah, nothing more than that. Just a bunch of girls fighting and slapping each other, something weird people on the internet would pay a lot of money for I think.” 
“Too bad you wasted your twenty on her.” 
“I can spare it, I think. Plus, she did have a lot of dirty laundry.” 
“Do you feel better now? I mean, less stressed about it? Because I was worried about you today, you looked like you were going to scream at any second.” 
“Yes, so much better. Thank you for this and for dinner and for letting me stay at your place, it was so nice seeing where you actually live, I was beginning to think you were some type of woodland creature at night or something.” 
“A woodland creature?” 
“Yeah, just you never showed anyone where you lived before. I don’t know? It’s really beautiful though, you should have people over more often, it's so cozy.” 
“You could move in.” 
“No, I just mean. I know you were afraid in your apartment alone after a while and I have the space, I mean you could have an office and a bedroom all to yourself, I don’t mean like-” 
“Are you ever going to ask me out?” 
“What? I-” 
“No. I mean. I’d like to go out with you, I’d say yes. We’ve moved faster in all the other steps and we’ve never really been on an actual date, so.” 
“I didn’t think you wanted me to ask you out?” 
“I thought I was the oblivious one.” 
“Oh, I-” 
“I mean at my parents house when we went outside, I thought you almost did. But, you never actually said anything. And I like spending time with you, just alone. It doesn’t have to be anything amazing or special, just us hanging out, unless you want to do something fancy? You’re kind of fancy. I like that. We kind of were getting to the maybe dating part before your art show, but that went to shit and I was dumb and went on a date with Joshua, which I’m sorry about by the way, that's complicated, but I don’t have feelings for him anymore like that, I have feelings for you. So? I’m talking too much, right?” 
“You’re not no.” 
“So? Yes? Unless you don’t have feelings for me which then makes this incredibly weird and we can just be friends. At least think about it. I-” 
“No, really just give it a few days. I’ve never asked anyone out before so this is weird, plus someone who’s my friends and friends with my friends, so.” 
Minghao took his hand and covered y/n’s mouth for a second just to get her attention back to him and stop her rambling so he can finally get a word in through her rant. 
“Y/n, I do like you. I thought that was obvious. I thought you just wanted to be friends.” 
“I thought you just wanted to be friends.” 
“I mean I like being your friend, but I’d like to go out with you. Thinking about staying your friend while I’ve liked you all this time and then watching you date someone else would probably kill me a little. So, yes I’d love to go on a date with you.” 
“Yes, please.” 
MInghao took y/n's hand, holding it tightly while he set their glasses of wine down in front of them and pulled her in for a small kiss on her stained lips. 
“The music started, should we go dancing?” 
“Shouldn’t we plan our date?” 
“That’s up to you, Mr. Minghao. I expect it to be nothing less than fabulous.” 
“Wait, but you asked me out, shouldn't you be planning it?” 
“Is that how it works?” 
“Okay, I will.” 
“Really, y/n. No, I can plan it.” 
“No. I’m planning. Now come on, let’s dance please.” 
Y/n pulled Minghao up from the ground, running with him to find the rest of their friends on the dance floor, never letting his hand fall from hers almost like a claim. 
Y/n and her friends spent the rest of the night, talking and laughing. Minnie told the story about the slap heard around the world to every separate group of people she talked to. 
When it was finally time to leave, y/n and Minghao hopped in a cab to his place. A place that someday, if things go right could be theirs together. 
When they finally shut the outside world away and got ready for bed, y/n glanced at the various mentions online from her friends, pictures, tweets, instagram posts, and some texts. But, one of them stuck out the most, a text from someone, an anonymous number she never had contacted before something that made her hair stand up on the nape of her neck. 
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note: hi! hope u enjoy this final written chapter, the next (two?) lil insert(s) will just to be finishing up this story and then we will be onto the next which I hope you'll all enjoy just as much!! have a good weekend my angel bb's :')
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taglist:@sun-daddy-yoriichi@hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo@minhui896@wonwooz1@porridgesblog@jasssy051@soonyoungblr@saucegirlreads@musingsofananxiouspotato@young-adult-summer@punkhazardlaw@bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo@k-drama-adict@90s-belladonna@blaycke@dnylwoo@to-mi-yo, @nonononranghaee@bee-the-loser@mxnhoeuwu
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gravitycavity · 4 days
[Preview] Sunshine (Pomni x Ragatha) Chapter 8
Faintly, Ragatha lifted her head. The will to fight faded in her eyes, as though she knew that the frigid despair pumping from her ruptured heart was unstoppable; only a scant few places — the bottoms of her flat Mary Janes, the stitched tips of her simplified hands, and half of her cherubic face — remained un-abstracted.
Still, she spoke through the pain. “I…love you so much, my Sunshine,” she croaked, leaning her head against Pomni’s chest. The weakened grimace upon her face shied away from two tearful eyes. “I’m so, so sorry our story had to end this way…”
“H-Hey! Don’t talk like that!” scolded Pomni between haggard breaths, “It’s not over yet! Everything’s gonna be okay!”
“Maybe,” Ragatha choked out, her worn-out voice shattered to pieces. “Whatever happens, Pomni, I want you to know — you are everything. Just everything. My whole wide world. And you always will be,” she said. Pearly tears glistened down the soft curves of her cheeks. “No matter what comes next, I’ll never forget the time we spent together. I just wish I could have learned your real name. Or brushed my thumbs across your real cheeks, or rested my head on your real shoulders…”
“You will! I promise you will!” Pomni said, a frog in her throat. Her fierce gaze, wet with tears, fixed on the crooked elevator doors down the hall. She was nearly there. A stone’s throw away. Nearly to the end of this horrendous nightmare. “We’re going to get out of this stupid game together, no matter how long it takes us! We’ll find each other in the real world, no matter how far we have to travel, because…” Pomni shakily swallowed, “Because I love you! I love you, Ragatha, more than anything else in this stupid world!”
Ragatha smiled, despite everything. “Sunshine…?” she breathed. The creaking of floorboards beneath Pomni’s feet — and a distant, monstrous groan down the hall — filled in the pregnant pause before the dolly found the strength to speak again, “Humor me?”
Pomni’s brows squinched together. Humor her? What was Ragatha talking about? “H-Huh?”
“Do you…do you still remember the color of your eyes…?”
“Uh—” Pomni’s head flinched slightly. Ragatha’s question wasn’t unusual — but decidedly out-of-the-blue. Her eyes. What color were her eyes? The gut response of ‘ I don’t know’ or ‘why do you ask’ waited impatiently on the tip of her tongue, and yet, Pomni knew in her heart that that wouldn’t do.
“I, um—” Pomni glanced down. Ragatha stared back, black abstraction spreading across a patient, yet expectant look. “That’s a good question…”
It had been ages since Pomni had given herself more than a passing glance in her toothpaste-flecked bathroom mirror, let alone looked away from her big, ugly blemishes long enough to notice such a trivial detail. She could barely even recall the last time anyone had brought up the color of her eyes. Sometime back in the ‘00s, she figured — when life was simple, and she was old enough to count her age on just two hands.
In truth, she was only half-sure, but she couldn’t leave Ragatha hanging. Pomni chewed on the answer a little while longer before finally spitting it out: “Uh. J-Just brown. I think,” she huffed, squinting at her destination. She was close enough now to make out the distinct “C&A” etched above the elevator door, “Nothing too special.”
“Brown…” Ragatha swooned, “...such a charming color. Copper pans, Autumn leaves, fancy leather couches…” she cooed, wearing a peaceful smile even as strands of abstraction stretched across her mouth, “...I can almost see them now. Goodness gracious, how beautiful they are…”
- - -
New chapter soon! Promise!
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seireitonin · 10 months
Toby has nightmares, so why does he go to Jane’s room every time this happens?
(Toby angst ft Jane)
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It happened again. The memories breaking loose from Slendermans hold and invading Toby’s mind as he slept. The hold on his memories weakened after 12 years of them being kept from his mind. They’ve been coming back randomly for four years now, randomly filling Toby’s head with his past of suffering. Not only his but his mothers and sisters. He remembered everything. The bruising of Lyras skin. The begging of his mother. The fists of his father. Toby having to use his body as his sister and mother’s shield and the scars he still has from it all over his body till this day. He remembers. Everything.
He was begging in his sleep as if he was the scared 17 year old boy again. Making noises of fear and sadness. “Lyra, get behind me, please! I can’t feel it! You can! Let me protect you!” If Toby could wake up in a cold sweat he would. CIPA won’t allow him to do that. He put his head in his hands and breathed heavily. Usually Nina would be there to calm him down, but she wasn’t here tonight. Something about a rave. Toby assured her he’d be fine so she wouldn’t feel bad about being away from him all night. Part of it was pride. He didn’t want to depend on her. Didn’t want Nina to know he did need her. Didn’t want her to know the he wanted her here. He’d rather suffer alone than be so vulnerable. Part of it was his self centered and obnoxious confident nature. He’s strong he doesn’t need anyone to help him. But tonight that just wasn’t true.
He put on a shirt and made his way to Jane’s room. He knows she’s awake. She rarely sleeps. He can see her light on through the cracks of the door. He opens it and enters without knocking and closes it behind him softly, not wanting anyone else to know he’s here.
Jane had been reading, her all black eyes scanning the pages as she was under the covers of her bed. She looked up at the 29 year old man with dark brown hair, pale skin and scars all over his arms with a look of knowing. She could see the fear in his eyes and the neediness. Although Toby would never admit to it or show it, his face still blank as he looked at her. But Jane knew. She had that same look in her eyes as Mary had to comfort her through the nightmare filled sleepless nights as Jane saw Jeff taking her parents away in her head over and over. Jane knew.
“I need it Jane.” Toby said blankly and almost demanding as he stared at her.
“Need it? Toby you know this isn’t healthy. You sound like an addict. You know this makes your hallucinations worse.”
“Since when do I care about health? I need it.” He dismissed her, as he walked toward the bed she was sitting on.
Jane shut the book she was reading. “And why should I do this for you, hm? You’ve been rude since you got in here.”
Toby furrows his brows, balls his fists and squeezes his eyes shut. “Jane…..I need her. Need to see her.”
Jane looks at him, narrowing her eyes as if waiting for the magic word.
“Please.” Toby opens his eyes and un balls his fists his face going blank again.
Jane sighs. Her black hair turning blonde. Her black eyes turning bluish green. Her black lips turning a lively pink. Her pale skin turning to a peachy fair tone. Her voice changing to a higher pitched one that Toby recognized and missed all too well.
“Hello, Toby” said the pseudo Lyra in front of him. She holds out her hands for Toby to take. “I missed you.”
Toby walk over and falls to his knees in front of her, taking her hands. “Lyra. I missed you. I missed you so much.” He couldn’t help it. He will always have a soft spot for his sister. Even though in the back of his mind he knew this wasn’t real.
Lyra softly cups Toby’s face. Her hands are warm and soft like he remembered her. He looks up at her, as she looks down at him softly. Lyra was the one person Toby didn’t mind being beneath. When she looked at him like that, he’ll stay beneath her forever.
“You had a nightmare about dad huh?” the pseudo Lyra said to him softly, still cupping his face.
Toby nods. “Your skin was so bruised. I couldn’t handle seeing you that way.”
“I’m okay Toby. See? I’m okay because of you.”
“I’d do anything to protect you. You…know that right?”
“Of course I do, Toby. All you’ve ever done was protect me.”
Toby put his head in her lap.
“But I couldn’t save you from the accident.”
“No one could. It’s not your fault.”
The disguised Jane, runs her fingers through his hair.
She had replicated everything about Lyra perfectly. Down to her fingernails. Toby loved every second of it. He missed his sister so badly. This was as close as he was going to get to her ever again.
“Lyra. I love you. I love you. I love you so much” Toby just lets it all out. Everything he wishes he said more to the real one.
“…….I love you too, Toby.”
That’s the last thing Jane says as Lyra before turning back to her normal self.
Toby immediately takes his head out of her lap and stands up. His face having a look of shock and anger.
“No! Jane, damnit, bring her back!”
“Toby. That’s enough for one night.”
“Bring….her back….God! Someone bring her back….” Toby sounded like he was about to cry, but quickly stops and catches himself. He’s above that. Above the grief and pain. He’s stronger than that.
Jane hugs him.
Toby tries to resist at first, but melts into it, hugging her back.
“I know what it’s like to loose the ones you love Toby. I’m sorry.”
How Toby loves women. They’re so soft and sweet. They’ve been comforting him all his life. Nothings changed.
“Thank you….Jane.”
Toby pulls away and leaves her room. Not wanting to be any more vulnerable than he has to be. Getting back into his bed and waiting to Nina to come home and join him in it. Maybe he’ll tell her he loves her more often. Maybe not. He’ll see how he feels in a few hours.
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(Once again this isn’t proof read, sorry! I think Jane canonically being able to shape shift is so cool. Also happy Monday :3)
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engie-ivy · 2 years
(Break-Up and Make-Up, Feelings with a Happy Ending. Happy new year everyone!🎊)
Once, Remus and Sirius were together and very much in love. Or at least Remus had been. For Sirius, it hadn't even been worth trying long-distance for. Now, it's been years, and Remus and Sirius are still drawn to each other.
How It Glistened As It Fell
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
Sirius shrugs. “We’ll have to spend time together anyway, we should make the most of it and use it to our advantage.”
“Just to be clear,” Remus swallows. “You’re suggesting... hooking up?”
“Only for the duration of our stay.”
“Right. Of course.”
“You’re single, I’m single, we’re both here. There’s always been this physical attraction between us, I don’t think that’s changed. There’s something pulling us towards each other, and I see no reason to keep fighting it.”
Remus hesitates for a moment before replying. “Yeah, why not?”
Why not? Why not?
Right now, waking up in the bed in the lodge next to Sirius, with Sirius’ arms wrapped tightly around him, Sirius’ head resting on his chest, the feel of Sirius’ soft hair against his cheek, Sirius’ still familiar scent surrounding him, competed by the golden sunlight falling through the bedroom window beautifully illuminating Sirius’ sleeping face, Remus can think of a hundred reasons why not.
Because I was quite enjoying not wanting to rip my heart out every time something reminds me of you.
Because I prefer my mental health intact, thank you very much.
Because it was a hell of a lot of work to get over you, and it would be quite a waste if a few days made it all for nothing.
Because you never looking at me like that again is still better than you looking at me like that, but knowing it isn’t real, perhaps it never was.
Because it cannot be casual, not for me, not when it’s you.
But it’s too late. Remus allowed himself to fall into Sirius’ embrace and wake up in his arms the next morning, and now he’s utterly screwed. Keeping his mental health intact is a ship that’s sailed.
Sirius and Remus used to be together, once upon a time. It had been good, and Remus had been very in love.
Technically, it ended because Remus was offered a great internship position oversees. He simply couldn’t refuse, didn’t want to refuse, Sirius hadn’t wanted him to refuse. So he left, and that had been the end of it. In reality, though, it ended because Remus, in a moment of weakness, had asked Sirius to do long-distance, and Sirius had refused. Remus had expected it, really. After all, Sirius had always been too good for him, he always knew he wouldn’t be able to keep him. Of course Sirius wouldn’t be waiting for a boyfriend far away he could hardly ever see when men were lining up for him.
Remus had done his internship, got offered a job, and ended up staying in America for several years. He has only recently returned. He stayed in contact with his friends from England, especially James and Lily, and even Sirius, albeit superficially. They had been friends before anything else, after all.
Now, Remus had moved back to England only a couple weeks ago, and of course he couldn’t escape spending the Holidays with his friends. Well, he wanted to see them, of course, just... Sirius. That’s still sensitive.
Christmas and New Year’s alone would’ve made him nervous enough, but now Frank and Alice are getting married in the days between. They’ve booked rooms in a beautiful lodge surrounded by tall pine trees and snowy mountains for three days for all their friends to stay. And if that wasn’t intense enough, it was Frank and Alice, James and Lily, Dorcas and Marlene, Peter and Mary, Gideon and Emmeline, Fabian and Benjy. In short, all couples plus Remus and Sirius. Which means they have to share a room as well.
From the moment they saw each other, it was clear there was still attraction between them, and they were drawn to each other like moths to a flame. The whole room could sense how the air between them was charged. Sirius was quick acknowledge this tension between them, and said it shouldn’t be a surprise he’s still physically attracted to Remus.
“Because why would it be? You look amazing, Remus.”
And of course, Sirius has always been, and still is, one of the most handsome man Remus has ever seen. Denying that Sirius is handsome would be like denying the grass is green. Remus had admitted it was the same for him, so it was quickly established they were both attracted to each other, not involved with anyone else, and about to share a room for the upcoming days. Hence Sirius’ suggestion to just let what almost seemed inevitable happen.
So Remus finds himself waking up in the arms of the person he now realises he never quite got over. He closes his eyes and takes a few steadying breaths, before he carefully trying to unwrap himself from Sirius’ arms.
Sirius hums, tightens his grip and nuzzles his face in Remus’ neck. “Just a few more minutes, love.”
Remus breath hitches and he freezes.
Sirius blinks his eyes open, and it slowly comes back to him where he is and why, and he seems to realise what he just said. He pushes himself up, stares at Remus wide-eyed and opens his mouth to apologize.
Remus can’t take it.
He jumps out of bed, quickly slips into his sneakers and dashes out if the room.
Remus sits outside on the edge of the front porch, his head resting against the railing, his knees tucked against his chest, shivering in his pyjamas, just as a light snow starts falling.
He hears the door open and close behind him. A blanket is placed over his shoulders.
Remus glances over at him. He must’ve thrown on the first thing he saw, which is Remus’ jumper. Remus’ heart tugs painfully at the observation. Sirius is still shivering, though, in his pyjama bottoms and socked feet. Remus wants to wrap his arms around him to keep him warm and never let him go, and simultaneously wants him to leave and not come back.
“I’m sorry,” Sirius says. “I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean to say that.”
Remus involuntarily flinches. He wishes Sirius would understand that it gives no comfort to hear he didn’t mean it, it’s what makes it so damn painful in the first place.
“Look,” Sirius says, running a hand through his hair as Remus doesn’t reply. “If you feel guilty because you think you’ve been leading me on, and now I’ve fallen back in love with you or something, that’s not the case.”
It hurts. So much. Remus inwardly prays for Sirius to Just. Stop. Talking.
“You don’t have to worry that my feelings for you have returned due to these days together.”
Every word he says feels like a dagger to Remus’ heart.
“They haven’t returned,” Sirius continues, merciless. “They never left, and I knew that when I suggested to cross that line while staying here. I chose to do that knowing I wasn’t over you.”
Remus jerks his head up in shock and turns to Sirius. “You... you can’t still have feelings for me! You can’t!”
Sirius just looks at him.
Remus shakes his head. “You didn’t want to do long-distance! If you truly felt so strong about me, then it wouldn’t have been such a problem! Then you wouldn’t have minded so much to stay committed, not date other people!”
“I wouldn’t have,” Sirius says, looking at Remus calmly. “But would you have believed me?”
Remus opens his mouth to reply, but then he pauses, for the first time in a long time truly thinking about his relationship with Sirius, and what it was really like.
It was great. When Remus and Sirius were together, it was great. When they were apart, however... Remus just couldn’t shake the thought that Sirius was too good for him, and that one day, Sirius will realise that too. The thought that when he’s not with Remus, he can meet someone more handsome, more fun, more bold than Remus at any moment. Remus would be filled with dread and anxiety every time Sirius was away, thinking that each time was going to be the time Sirius would not return to him. He would get in his own head and drive himself crazy with worry. What made it worse was that, while Remus has always hated clubbing and dancing, Sirius, being the social person he is, loved it. And when Sirius was out, Remus would check his phone every five minutes, wouldn’t sleep and would restlessly pace his apartment all night.
Not wanting Sirius to think he didn’t trust him, because really, it hadn’t been him, Sirius was thoughtful and considerate, Remus had pretended everything was alright when Sirius came back and hidden his anxiety from Sirius, or so he thought. Looking at the sad expression in Sirius’ eyes now, though, makes him realise that Sirius knew.
“It already was so hard on you when we were living in the same city,” Sirius says, sitting down next to Remus, looking at the snow-covered landscape under the grey sky. “If we would be living in different continents, the toll on your mental health simply would’ve been too high.”
“I knew that,” Remus says, his voice sounding hoarse. “I knew that when I asked you, but I decided to ask anyway. That was my decision.”
Sirius smiles at him sadly. “And it meant so much to me. When you asked, when you decided that the constant stress and anxiety would be worth it if you got to have me, that meant the world to me, Remus. I was tempted, so very tempted.” He shakes his head. “But I couldn’t. I couldn’t be selfish, I couldn’t let you do that to yourself. I had to let you go.”
Slowly, Remus starts to realise. “It was never going to work,” he whispers as he stares at the tall pine trees ahead. “I just wanted you to want long-distance, but deep down, I think I always knew it was never going to work.” He turns his gaze back to Sirius. “It needed to be done, and I suppose one of us needed to be strong enough to do it.”
“It needed to be done,” Sirius agrees, and Remus thinks the tears in his eyes aren’t from the sharp wind. “But damn it if it wasn’t the hardest thing I ever had to do.”
Remus moves closer until their legs are touching, and he takes one corner of his blanket and places it around Sirius’ shoulder. He leans against Sirius and rests his head on his shoulder. “Thank you,” he whispers.
Sirius takes his hand and links their fingers together and like that, they watch the snow fall.
“You know,” a smile tugs at the corner of Sirius’ mouth. “We’ll have to spend time together anyway, we should make the most of it and use it to our advantage.”
“Just to be clear,” Remus replies, unable to keep the laughter from his voice. “You’re suggesting... getting back together?”
“Only for the rest of our lives.”
“Right. Of course.”
“You’re single, I’m single, we’re both here. We’ve always been madly in love with each other, I don’t think that’s changed. There’s something pulling us towards each other, and I see no reason to keep fighting it.”
Remus looks at Sirius for a moment, eyes filled with warmth and love, before replying. “Yeah, why not?”
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kieraelieson · 19 days
Differences in Support
A weird kind of informal essay I’m writing at 2 am and not editing.
This will involve details of my childhood, which may be triggering to people with similar experiences. Open the read-more with this knowledge.
I’ve been thinking more about that post where someone’s being queerphobic at Thomas Sanders. And it had me thinking of experiences I’ve had where people were queerphobic towards me.
When I was a younger teen, I was intensely affectionate. I wanted to hold hands and link arms with people I was close to, I wanted to lean on them and feel their affection towards me. Two specific situations come to mind, one with a friend and one with my sister.
My friend Mary* had been getting ‘too close’ to her female friends, according to her parents. One time I was walking with her and held out my hand.
She awkwardly moved her arm away rather than taking it, saying with great disappointment and embarrassment, “My Mom says I can’t hold your hand anymore. Cause when we do it looks too… like that… If anyone from my family sees us holding hands I’ll get in trouble.”
It wasn’t with all of her friends that she was banned from holding hands. Just me and one other. Cause we ‘looked too gay’.
The other situation I remember was with my sister, Elsa*. We were going shopping for groceries together. I enjoyed it because without any other members of our family around, we could behave more like ourselves, and the experience would be better. I linked my arm with hers, laughing and enjoying the shopping trip.
I noticed that she grew stiffer, colder as the trip continued. I chalked it up to protectiveness, and anxiety from the harsh lights and loud sounds of the store. But when we reached the car she turned on me.
“You’re really oblivious, aren’t you? Didn’t you see all those looks we were getting?”
“What looks?”
“Like they thought we were gay or something. You clearly didn’t see them, but we were getting glared at the whole time.”
I laughed. “But we’re sisters? Wouldn’t they feel silly if they knew.”
She frowned, her nose wrinkling in disgust. “It’s cause of you, hanging off me the whole time. You give off a… like an aura that you’re gay.”
At the time, I was so far in the closet I was still in denial, and tried to dismiss this.
She turned away. “You should really find a way to stop looking like it then. People notice, and it’s going to get you in trouble.”
Even just the appearance, the hint or suspicion of queerness cost me so much in those relationships. These times hurt me badly. It felt like my affection, my love, was turned into the knife to stab me with.
Now, though, things are different.
I kiss my husband, who is nonbinary. Our boyfriend looks on, and says with fondness, “Gaaaaaaay~”
“Yeah, we are,” either me or my husband will say, smiling.
Now I walk into a new location and I hold a partner’s hand tight, knowing that if anyone levels a dirty look at us my partner will glare right back, and if we’re uncomfortable we will leave.
Now I wear my keys on a rainbow colored lanyard, and have a rainbow heart on the door of my house.
Now the flags that represent us are hanging on the wall over mine and my husband’s bed.
Now my husband holds hands with me and their other partner as we walk through the park.
Life is better now. I have real, genuine support.
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prodigal-explorer · 8 months
every time i see a post about how “poor basil was bullied by aubrey” it makes me so mad.
like, aubrey is the real victim here.
i don’t agree with everything she did but she’s not a bully whatsoever.
aubrey isn’t thoughtlessly mean, she doesn’t enjoy hurting people!
she just wants to be left alone and basil won’t accept that even though he ruined her life and abandoned her when she needed a friend most.
and she literally SAW mari’s face crossed out with black. i know basil didn’t do it but in aubrey’s situation and state of mind it made perfect sense to assume. it looked like basil was trying to erase the memory of the only person in the world who GOT her and loved her in a girlhood way.
if y’all seriously think aubrey is a cruel bully then you don’t get her.
either that or youre a hypocrite and you hate women.
aubrey is so much more than the caricature that the town made her out to be, she’s a little girl in pain
she lost the only person in the whole world who truly and fully understood her
and while everybody else had a support system like parents or caregivers or even just friends, aubrey was ALL. ALONE.
of course she turned to people who she knew wouldn’t abandon her! of course she did whatever she could to keep herself safe and sane! she’s learned by now that nobody on earth is gonna do it for her, not even the people she considered friends.
and she literally GROVELS to basil after the fact. she feels SO GUILTY. y’all constantly love to rant and rave about how “oh basil did bad things but it’s okay because he was just a kid and he feels really guilty about it.” AUBREY IS JUST A KID. SHE FEELS GUILTY ABOUT IT. where’s that energy, motherfuckers? oh wait. she’s a girl. so she won’t get any sympathy from you fucking nasties.
tl;dr: aubrey didn’t do anymore wrong than basil did (in fact she did WAY less wrong) so i don’t get why she gets scrutinized so much while basil gets off scott free. oh wait i do know. cuz basil is a fucking boy and aubrey is a girl. stupid ass fandom.
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bluebeewings · 1 year
I started Our Flag Means Death FURIOUS and bitter. I was still high on the Always Sunny train and feeling that no other type of humor would ever compare to sunny’s humor and as I watched the pilot I was seething with anger cause I was already feeling the show wouldn’t live up to what I thought it could be. Nobody was talking about it and there were a few episodes to come out, so I hadn’t even heard of it before (my friend told me it was a Taika pirate show and we should see what was it about). My first impression of Stede was that he was gay, but that the show wouldn’t possibly go there and that I’d eventually be disappointed when it’s not the case. Secondly, Jim. The moment I saw them I thought trans, but then again, how often it is that the trope of “dressing as a guy to blend in” leads to actual trans rep? I saw all the queer allegories, the queer undertones but honestly thought the show wouldn’t deliver. It’s a silly show about pirates, a workplace comedy with a new gimmick. I thought it was fine when I finished the last episode. Maybe a week later (if I recall correctly) I went back to it, giving it another chance. With each subsequent episode, I understood the series more and more. I saw that Jim’s actor was non binary and that gave me hope that the queer undertones was actually intended and thought of.
Then of course, Blackbeard. Episode four was an eye opener. Firstly I thought “people are gonna ship the hell out of these two” (me included) but I was still skeptical. But then… The parallels with Mary and Blackbeard? I thought I was loosing my mind. But it just got gayer and gayer (Taika’s heart eyes like, they’re impossible not to notice). But it was still in my mind that it couldn’t be the case, how can a show be this unapologetically queer without being marketed as such??? I’m always on the lookout for queer stuff so I’d certainly know. Episode 5 went on and we saw Lucious and Black Pete as an item and I took that as confirmation that nothing would happen between Stede and Ed (like, come on, we got a non binary character and a gay couple, if there’s more than it’s officially for the gays) but then!!! The moonlight scene! I legit thought I was going insane thinking to myself this is the most romantic shit I’ve seen I can’t believe this is happening is it really real or am I this delusional??? I was in it now and couldn’t stop my binging the show. With each subsequent episode I got more and more sure it was really a romantic comedy and let me tell you the rush and the serotonin I felt knowing more and more that for the first time I was getting what I hoped for? Scratch that, something better than what I had hoped for.
There were only 8 episodes available and when I got to Calico Jack everything happened again. I looked at him and though “lol ed’s ex” but thought I wouldn’t be so lucky… Well think again! I was still wondering if it was all some sort of next level queerbaiting but Jack went there and said “nope, we used to fuck” (and for that I’ll be forever grateful of Will Arnett). Then obviously the feet touch aka the most romantic thing to have ever happened in fiction. The first thing I did was to look up people here on tumblr to see if everyone was consuming it with the same eyes as I and let me tell you, watching the fandom start was so cool and I’ll remember those simpler times fondly. We were all wondering what would happen, if there would be a kiss (and people still debating if it was bait or not).
The last two episodes released like a week later and I waited as patiently as I could. The kiss and subsequent break up oh I was in heaven. If there’s something I like is drama and it peaked as Mary realized Stede had come back. Ohh and episode ten hm! Delicious. Anyways after the kiss everyone and their mom knew that it was not only canonically queer but an inherently queer show, the fandom grew in unprecedented ways. I lasted like four months before I quietly got away cause big fandoms intimidate me. Too much content for me to process and way too much discourse… But I’ll be here for this season because the brainrot is real and I’m exited to see the show being even more unapologetically queer and more explicitly than ever as a love story.
I’m just really happy to have stumbled upon this show without knowing a thing and finding out in real time that it’s one of the queerest shows in existence.
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marauderundercover · 2 years
A Robin in the Making: The Aftermath
Dick laughs as Wally stuffs another cookie into his mouth. Finally, after almost a month off planet, they were home. There was nothing he wanted to do more than go back to his apartment in Bludhaven and take a long nap. But the incessant vibrating of his phone as he turns it back on lets him know that a nap is unlikely to be in his future. Going back to the first message, he presses play as he switches out of his uniform and into sweats. 
“Hey, uh, Dick. I know you’re um, off planet? But you said that I could call you if I ever needed you and- sorry, this is stupid. I’m just gonna-“ Jason’s first message cuts off and Dick frowns. Weird. Hitting play on the next one, Dick’s frown deepens. 
“Look, I’m not sure if B is gonna check my room or not but I left a note. I uh, I found out that Catherine wasn’t my real mom. I’m headed out to find her, but I promise I’ll be home. I can’t-” “Jay?” “Go back upstairs, M.” 
“Dickie! Jay and I are going on a super secret mission. I tried to text you the secret code, but you didn’t answer. Jay says you’re in space so it was dumb of me to even text, but I knew you wouldn’t want to miss my first mission. I have a mask and everything! But I’m not supposed to put it on unless there’s danger. Jay’s mom just showed up with the car, gotta go!” Skipping over the texts, he selects play on Bruce’s voicemail. 
“Please, come to the Manor.” Short and to the point, but it immediately fills Dick with anxiety. Why was it so short? Why did Bruce need him to come to the Manor? What happened with Jason and Mari? 
“You’ll never believe what Kori- Dick? What’s wrong?” Wally walks into the room, immediately freezing when he sees Dick’s face. 
“I’m not sure, but I uh, I’ve gotta go home.” He says. Wally frowns. 
“To Bludhaven?” Dick shakes his head. 
“To Gotham.” 
Stepping in through the front door, Dick is taken aback by how quiet it is. He had never known the Manor to be quiet. Even when he first moved in and Marinette didn’t really do a lot of talking, there was noise. Whether it was toys, or the radio, or the babbles of a little baby- there was noise. And as Marinette got older and Jason joined the family, the noise just increased. It was something that Dick missed, especially living by himself in Bludhaven. But now, walking into the Manor with nothing but an eerie silence surrounding him, Dick had to try not to panic. 
“Hello?” He calls out. His voice practically echoed throughout the hallway. 
“Master Dick? Is that you?” Alfred asks, stepping into the hall. Dick smiles awkwardly at him, though inside, a wave of relief washes over him. Alfred was okay. 
“Hey, Alfred. B said I needed to come home?” He says, hands stuffed into his pants pockets. Alfred presses his lips into a thin line. 
“Master Bruce is downstairs. If you’d follow me.” He says. Dick’s stomach rolls.
“Alfred, is everyone-”
“I do believe your father should be the one to talk to you about this situation, young sir.” Alfred says gently, but firmly. Dick’s mouth clicks closed as he silently follows Alfred to the cave, his heart pounding in his chest. Surely if someone was hurt or- had died- surely Bruce would have come to space to get home. Surely he wouldn’t have let Dick stay in space for two whole weeks after that voicemail if something horrible happened. Right? Stepping into the cave, Dick hesitantly calls out. 
“B?” There’s some shuffling noises, before Bruce comes into view. Dick inhales sharply. The man looked awful. His face was covered in scruff and the dark circles under his eyes were worse than Dick had ever seen before. 
“Dick.” Bruce nods at him. Dick’s eyes narrow. 
“What the hell happened, Bruce? You can’t just be ominous as hell in your message and then not say anything when you walk out of the med bay looking like-” Dick freezes, eyes slowly trailing over to the med bay. “Who’s in there?” He asks. Bruce winces. 
“Dick, I’m telling you, if there was anything that you could have done to help, I would have sent Clark to get you. As it was, it was touch and go for awhile-” tired of being unable to focus on the words, Dick pushes past Bruce and shoves his way into the med bay, immediately freezing at the sight in front of him. Jason, bruised all to hell, had gauze wrapped around his chest and one leg elevated with a huge cast on it. Marinette, on the other hand, was asleep, with an oxygen mask over her face and cuts and bruises littering every visible part of her. Dick stumbles back, barely catching himself on the door frame. 
“What happened?” He breathes out, barely able to get words out. Bruce frowns. 
“Jason wanted to go look for his birth mother. Marinette-”
“I know that. Their messages were the first I listened to. I mean who the fuck hurt my little brother and sister?” Dick asks, his voice dripping with venom. Bruce grinds his teeth together. 
“The Joker.” Dick stalks out of the med bay, heading straight for his spare uniform. “Dick, stop. Dick- Richard!” Dick whirls around on him, eyes blazing. 
“What, Bruce? You want me to just sit around and let the man that tried to kill my siblings walk free? You want me to let him continue breathing in the same goddamn city as them, cause I sure as hell don’t.” 
“He isn’t in the country, right now. And he has diplomatic immunity.” Bruce spits out, his left eye twitching. Dick’s eyes narrow. 
“That won’t protect him for forever.” He points out. Bruce nods. 
“Oh, I know.” He says, before walking away back into the main room of the med bay. It was true, what everyone always said. Batman doesn’t kill. But Dick was no Batman. 
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sunnynoki · 6 months
We don’t talk a lot - We haven’t talked in probably about a year or so now, since I left the fandom space we met in. I’ve changed usernames since then - I went by Wheat on discord. Sorry I’ve been so distant. I never knew how to talk to you since it’s been a while.
Even still, I want to tell you that you were important to me, and still are. I wish we could talk more. I want to talk about your new interests. What are you into these days? I’ve been getting into some older games these days, but I’ve been missing pokemon a bit. I want to get back into it. Do you still draw Sky? I never asked you about them with as much detail as I wanted to. I was always worried about being too intrusive, but I regret that now. Your OCs are really imaginative. I know you’re into tensura now, right? Season 3 is coming out soon. I’m excited for that.
I want to get to know you again. I don’t know what happened with whatever you left behind, and I don’t know if this is a weird message to send, but you’re important to me and I want to let you know that you are. I wouldn’t be who I am if you weren’t there in the beginning. Thank you for being you.
i dont know how to talk either. every sentence i say either feels fake or self centered, selfish. and dont worry about being distant; it happens, especially when interests change. i dont blame you.
youre important to me too. i wish we could talk more. im not into much right now. i just feel empty. i gave up su/bmas, after everything. it was too much, not knowing who i could trust not to fucking ship them, or think its ok in any circumstance. yet sometimes i still crawl back to the tag, despite blocking it a while ago. i dont touch anything though, just look. it doesnt bring me joy anymore. i think im finally letting it go. i dont know how i feel about po/kemon yet. its kinda just. there. maybe im just feeling particularly apathetic right now.
i don't really draw anything right now. i dont know if i can go back. it was my only hobby, yet my therapist said that it wasnt enough, even when i was at my lowest. well, at the time. ive set a new low score at this point. i dont want to draw. i don't know what id draw. i dont think i can. my computer is kinda a no mans land at this point. i don't really touch it anymore. im glad you liked sky though. i never understood why she garnered so much attention. i could never write a good enough character for her. she was a mary sue in that way, with no real character flaws, let alone the... everything else. either way, like i said, im glad you liked her regardless. it means a lot. the attention i got because of her made me really happy.
like i said, im not really into anything right now, but i guess tensura would be regarded as an "interest." im... looking forward to season 3. i read one of the light novels thats going to be adapted a month or two back though, so i guess its gonna be a moment before i get to "new" content.
i dont know if theres anyone to get to know anymore. i was already in a depressive episode before this disaster, now i dont know if theres any going back, if theres any way to recover. it isnt a weird message to send, and its appreciated that you care for me but. im not sure if i can trust anyone again. im not sure if i can even trust myself. even in the aftermath, the people i thought i could trust either no longer talk to me or still interact with those who hurt me. i guess its selfish to ask them to cut off those friends too. but ive always been selfish. self centered. egotistical.
regardless, im glad i had some positive impact despite my mess of a personality. thank you for your words
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ellascreams · 1 year
Dannymay Day 22+28: Cryptid au+Campfire
Oh, well hello there traveler! You’re out awfully late. There are lots of nocturnal creatures in the forest you know. Would you like to stay at my inn? The cabin is just a little ways away. Excellent! Well you shouldn’t look for it alone. I was just enjoying this here fire. If you want to go now I’ll put it out, but if you want to join me for a bit I certainly wouldn’t mind the company.
Really? I guess you would want to take a break from walking. Take a seat on that log over there. Marshmallows are right over there if you wanna roast one. Kinda chilly tonight huh? A new moon too. Perfect night for a scary story. You know any? Well that’s ok, I know plenty, let’s see… you’ve heard about Bigfoot? Bloody Mary? Danny Phantom? No? Well then, we have our story.
Not to far from here, in Amity Park, lived a family of ghost hunters. Their friends called them the Fentons. Everyone else just called them crazy. They were a mom and a dad with two kids, a 16 year old girl and a 14 year old boy. Odd as they were the parents were geniuses, making all sorts of effective ghost catching tech. Well one day they built a portal to the Ghost Zone. It was flawlessly made, with just one small issue. They forgot how to turn it on. They decided it was a failure and left it unattended.
Only a week later their 14 year old, Daniel, or Danny as he preferred to be called, was hanging out with two of his friends. Maybe he was dared, maybe he was just curious, but for one reason or another Danny decided to look at the portal his parents abandoned. He put on the suit his parents gave him and walked around inside. When he didn’t find anything he leaned against the wall. He discovered the fatal design flaw. The on switch was inside the portal.
FLASH! The portal turned on. Did something weird to his insides. Real weird. Rewrote the code of his very being. He woke up on the floor. His eyes were glowing green and his hair was whiter than snow itself. He was a ghost! Things only got stranger when he realized he wasn’t just a ghost. With a bit of willpower he could go back to being a human kid. Well, sorta.
Using his occult powers he protected the town from ghosts, over and over again. Not only that but he protected ghosts from the town. That’s when Danny Phantom was born. Some people, including his parents, thought he was a fraud. Pretending to be heroic just to betray the everyone at the last moment! For the most part he was thought of as a hero. That’s how things stayed for a while. Everyone was fine with their new normal. Took them some time to realize that normal was anything but.
Ever since the beginning one kid, I think his name was Wes? He noticed something had been off about Fenton. His eyes looked like taxidermy, perfectly real, but somehow lifeless. All the pink of blood flow had been drained from his face leaving a sickly pale. Overtime he stopped tanning and his skin burned easily. Then there was the way he moved. Fast, jolty, like someone moving a puppet for the first time.
Wes knew he was Phantom right off the bat. Everyone else? Well, I think deep down they knew it too. But they were all still in denial. No one wanted to think Danny was dead, or worse, not quite dead. They called Wes crazy and tried to ignore his words. Until the day came when they couldn’t anymore.
Even after only a few months it was clear to see Danny wasn’t aging. His appearance didn’t change at all. His hair and nails didn’t grow, his eye bags didn’t leave, he never got bruised, at most he would get a cut but he wouldn’t bleed. Then the wound would stitch itself back together in seconds. Even though they wanted to they couldn’t deny that something was wrong.
After that things only seemed to get worse for the town’s folk. They noticed just how terrifying Danny Phantom was. He looked more human than the other ghosts but all it did was make him uncanny. And he was more powerful than anyone they had ever seen. Using his powers and cunning he could defeat any ghost, even the ghost king. Suddenly they realized just how hopeless humans would be up against that kid.
After that they worshipped him like a god. They left offerings of Nasty Burger fries, NASA posters, video games, all the things they knew he liked. Anything to avoid making him an enemy. In return he continued to protect the town from others like him. It’s been 50 years since then, and still nothing has changed. You can go and see it for yourself if you’d like.
That’s my story. You like it? Well I certainly think it’s real. I’ll tell you I’ve seen some things that I can’t deny being odd in these parts. To tell you the truth I think what the town did was stupid. Without his friends or family, treating him like a god, not letting anyone talk to him, they’re just making him lose his humanity. I feel bad for the kid. Plus I don’t want it to backfire on the town.
Well, thanks for listening to my ramblings. Put out the fire and let’s head to the inn. My name? Just call me… Weston. Hurry now, there are mosquitoes out and something tells me you didn’t pack bug spray.
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evan4ever · 2 years
Let Her Go
Kit Walker
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Warnings: just a short little sad fic, read with caution
a/n: not proofread! I hope it makes sense as it’s more of an overview of the entire situation, but it was so sad to write. Also never see Kit at the asylum fics that end with a happy-ish ending for reader, usually reader dies or something 😭 so enjoy!!!
Love comes slow and it goes so fast
If that wasn’t the truth.
You and Kit had been together since the day he was put into Briarcliff, where you met him. You’d been there for years. Maybe even a decade. You were sure. It felt like a lifetime and eventually you stopped keeping track, believing in a whole that you were never getting out and that it was pointless to have any hope. Your life felt drug on, you didnt see any reason to want to continue living, you didn’t think there was a point. You had everything you needed to end it all, finally relieve yourself of this hell you were living in. You would do it quick. You managed to steal some thick rope you’d found in the kitchen. You had a noose made and you planned to hang yourself in your cell and you could only hope to the highest God above that he would allow sister Jude to find you, letting it be a punishment of hers just as she’d punish all of you. You were ready.
And then you met Kit Walker. He had brought a new light to your life. He became your reason to live, he clung to you for his reason to fight. Together you became inseparable and not one person could pull you apart from the other. You were a support system in this place you called Hell on earth.
You helped Kit adjust. You showed him the ways of the asylum, the ins and outs and everything in between. You helped him learn how to survive.
You only need the light when it’s burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow.
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low, only hate the road when you’re missing home
Though of course, like everyone that ended up there, Kit slowly lost his own hope. He struggled missing the sun on his skin, he struggled with the darkness within the asylum, he struggled with the longing of his own home. He began to feel the hopelessness you’d felt for all those years. And it scared you, because without Kit, you knew you wouldn’t last. Kit made you feel alive, he made you want to stay alive — to keep breathing this air and keep hoping that one day, you’d both get out and make it in this world that you’ve been missing out on for so long.
You’re dependance on Kit slowly turned into a burning love, though you weren’t sure he felt the same. Your questions were answered when he told you that you were the reason he was still alive. That if it weren’t for you, he’d see no reason to keep going. It was then that you poured your heart out to Kit, telling him your story, how you ended up there, how long you’d been stuck in this place, and how the day before he arrived you’d had your suicide planned and ready; how if it weren’t for meeting him the mere hours before you were meant to step off a chair, you wouldn’t be here. You explained to him that he was your sole purpose to make it out of this place alive.
And it was like a love story began, a real one, a beautiful one. Despite the setting and the barriers that were in place, it was true love.
And then one day, you received the news. The best news one in the asylum could hear. The news that everyone waited to hear one day. But it wasn’t the news you wanted, because it didn’t include Kit. You were informed by sister Mary Eunice that you were to go free, to leave this place and never have to look back or return. You waited years upon years to hear this news and now, it was the same feeling you had when you were informed all those years ago that you were being sent to Briarcliff. Because now it was a home with the person you loved. You only wanted to escape one day if it was with Kit. Without him, the outside world seemed like the prison, not Briarcliff. You couldn’t leave without him, you wouldn’t.
You told him of the news. How you’d been instructed to collect your belongings and someone would escort you out. Your reaction was one that Kit hadn’t expected. It was full of sorrow, grief, denial, refusal.
Did he want to be without you? Not at all. It pained him to think about what helped hold him together may not be there anymore and it scared him to think of being alone, but you had to go. You couldn’t stay when your freedom was right at your fingertips. It would be selfish of him to make you stay or be the reason you stayed. He wasn’t going to let you for anything, not even for him.
Only know you love her when you let her go, and you let her go.
He had to let you go.
“You can’t stay here y/n. I don’t want you to.” Kits words cut you like a knife. You could only stare at him in disbelief. He had all your items packed into the suitcase they had given you, sitting in the doorway of your cell while he stood there, his arms crossed and his eyes unable to meet yours.
“Why are you saying these things? Kit I don’t want to be free of this place if it’s not with you!” You pleaded with him, begging for him to let you stay where he was.
He shook his head, looking at the blank wall in your cell. You could only stare at him, waiting for him to change his mind, waiting for him to tell you he couldn’t live without you. But he never did.
“I can’t be without you, Kit..” your words came out in a whisper, tears dripping down your red cheeks. He was holding back his own tears, knowing they would only encourage you to fight against your freedom harder. He had to make you believe he didn’t want you here, and it pained him to lie and hurt you.
“You have to.” He said, swallowing hard before finally meeting your eyes. The sight of you so broken nearly made him fall to your feet and beg for forgiveness. He didn’t want you to hate him, but it was the only way. “Your presence here only upsets me more. I will be happy when you go. So just go.”
You felt the wind be knocked from you, unable to take a breath or to see straight anymore. He wanted you to go? Then what was all of this time? What was all of those late nights of sneaking around? What we’re all those “I love you’s” you both shared? Did he only use you to make his time here easier? We’re you nothing more than a bridge for him?
“You’re breaking my heart” you whispered, begging eyes staring at him once more in hopes that he would break character and run into your arms. But he didn’t, and your heart shattered into pieces when you realized he didn’t want you there, and he meant it.
You wiped the tears from your cheeks, feeling your chest now fill with anger. You wasted your time on him and he didn’t care. You loved him and he didn’t care. How could you be so stupid, you thought. How could he be so cruel?
You bent and picked up your belongings and clutched them to your chest, turning from your cell and stepping out of it. You stopped in your tracks and waited another moment in hopes that he would intervene and that this was all just a big misunderstanding. Hearing nothing, your eyes squeezed shut as you let out a long sigh, then you forced yourself to go. You forced yourself away from him, all the way to the front doors where a few people were waiting for you. A man grabbed your bag and you stood at the stairs and watched him walk to the taxi sticking the bag in the trunk before getting into the drivers seat.
The outside air felt different. You were expecting it to feel good, having not felt it in so long. But now it only felt like shards of glass against your skin as you took each step down to the sidewalk. Each step filled with a memory flashing through your head of you and Kit. If only you could run back into his arms and he would hold you tightly and never let you go. But that wasn’t the case.
You looked out the window as soon as you entered the backseat of the taxi, hoping maybe you’d see Kit one more time, thinking maybe he would watch you as you go and smile ti let you know he was only joking. But he wasn’t there, only sister Mary Eunice who was smiling and waving goodbye to you, and sister Jude who stood with her arms crossed and a frown on her face. No Kit. He was gone. That was your goodbye. And you weren’t sure if you’d ever see him again.
Staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in your heart.
Kit laid in his bed in the darkness of his cell. He couldn’t close his eyes, he couldn’t let his mind think, because every time he did he could only see you. He had broken your heart and it killed him, but you were free. One day you would be grateful that he made you go, even though he had to be without you in order for it to be that way. He felt so empty, so broken, so lost. He didn’t know what his life could possibly be like in this place without you there to hold it for him, to keep it whole and pure and safe. You were everything to him. And you were gone.
He knew the consequences he would face within himself for making you go, the pure darkness that took over him. But there was nothing more important that you getting out of Briarcliff, so he knew he made the right choice. He only wished he didn’t love you so much, because then he wouldn’t feel so low. Because then it wouldn’t be so hard to go on without you.
You see her when you fall asleep, but never to touch and never to keep because you loved her too much and you dived too deep.
Why must love hurt like this? He had two loves ripped from him. He was damned if he’d ever let himself love again. He silently cursed himself when he realized how hard he falls when he falls, and that surely was going to be the death of him.
Kit spent the next months seeing you every time he slept, every time he closed his eyes you were there. He eventually took peace in it, being able to see you somehow? It was a blessing, surely. It had to be, because it was the only thing in the world that kept him going, kept him fighting the every day battle that came with being inside of Briarcliff. He hoped one day, maybe, he’d see you again. That he’s be able to run to you, pick you up and hold you to him, that he’d be able to apologize for the lies and terrible things he said. Then he could explain to you why he did, that he was only making sure you got out.
One of you had to get out alive, and he made sure it would be you. And now you were free. He wasn’t sure where you were in the world, the months passing by and each night becoming colder in Kit’s heart. He hoped you were well, that you were happy and that you weren’t dwelling on him like he was you. He was completely broken in this place, but he held onto the memory of you and he clung to it to keep a small light within him.
Though letting you go was the complete and utter most pain he had ever experienced, he knew he did the right thing.
Only know you love her when you let her go.
And you let her go.
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