#even though he listens to a little bit of a lot of stuff like country and pop and broadway musicals
sluttyten · 4 months
yall I want TDS3 tickets so badly 😭 but I don't know who to even go with and I'm not going by myself.... but I'm also seriously thinking I'm just gonna go ahead and try to get tickets on friday anyway
#last year i went with my mom and she enjoyed it#but im not entirely sure she wants to go again#and then my best friend doesn't like kpop at all lmao#but I don't know i might be able to get her to go w me but#i dont know how she'll feel about the traveling in chicago by ourselves thing#bc when we last went there together for a concert we were with her ex and he did the driving#so my last option is my brother lol because i asked the other day if he wants to go to chicago#and he did say yes so i told him attendance at the concert is mandatory#kpop is also absolutely not his genre of music#even though he listens to a little bit of a lot of stuff like country and pop and broadway musicals#like dude you'd love the theatrics of kpop and the gaybaiting they do? thats something he might like#and then one of my choices was my moms best friend bc she said after she saw my moms videos of tds2#that she wanted to go see a kpop concert because she loves showmanship so she saw the eras tour and#fell in love so i think she would like kpop. she loved the wrist light things TS did so lightsticks are definitely#something she'd enjoy and the choreography#i really think it's just the language barrier that's preventing my brother and best friend from wanting to go#and the language barrier that keeps my mom and her best friend from probably enjoying the music as much#because my mom loved one direction so a kpop boyband isn't too far off from that#oh also i think my friend will tell me no because i've already turned her down for plans like a week or two before that#because i won't have PTO to use at work because i'll have just gotten back from a vacay that uses i all#and then i'm gonna turn around and take 2 days off for a concert (travel time sucks)
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Emergency Contact (1/2) (Ghost x GN!Reader)
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>> emergency contact concept here << PART TWO HERE!!
Summary: Simon is your roommate, and you haven’t seen each other in months, considering Simon’s job. An unfamiliar number pops up on Simon’s phone, and answering it makes his world turn upside down.
A/N: How you two moved in together is very vaguely inspired this ghost fic right here. please give it a read! If you finish the song above, I highly recommend listening to the entire album while reading. i’m not the happiest with this, but i’m happy enough to post!
[WARNINGS: Blood and injury, traumatic events/trauma brought up, gore, little comfort, medical inaccuracies, tbh ooc simon but it’s ok.]
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Eight months, thirteen days, and nine hours. That’s how long it’s been since he’s been home, since he’s seen you. That’s how long he’s been stuck on base, or thrown into a foreign country to complete some mission, or to gather some intel, or to kill someone, just somewhere, anywhere but with you.
Eight months, thirteen days, and nine hours. That’s how long it’s been since you softly asked him to stay as safe as he can, and to come back alive, and to come back with at least eight fingers. It was a running joke between you two, a way to relieve the terrifying reality of his job; as long as Simon came home alive and with majority of his fingers, he could consider it a job well done. You didn’t know much of his job, of course—only that he’s military, and he’s gone a lot. You already guessed it was a lot of classified stuff, probably down top secret government type of things. That did make you scared, though. You didn’t want the day to come, the day where people in fancy uniforms show up at your doorstep like you’re some widow. The thought of someone informing you of Simon’s death makes your stomach twist.
Eight months is admittedly a long time. Simon.. he missed you, but he’s rather die that verbally admit it, but he sure as hell felt it. He missed the way he could hear you walk through the house, the weight of the floorboards creaking up your feet. Simon missed walking by the bathroom and the air vaguely smelled your shampoo and body wash, a clear indicator you had just taken a shower. Simon missed the way you carelessly have your shoes next to the shoe rack, not even on it, and despite his annoyance of your laziness? He misses it every single time he’s away. He never really realizes the difference of living on base versus being home with you, and he’s comfortable in both environments for completely different reasons. Simon is comfortable with you because you’re safe, you aren’t associated with anyone he has to deal with on a near daily basis. You don’t scan the kitchen to see which household items could be potential bombs in the vicinity like he does. On base, Simon finds comfort in the familiarity of being constantly on alert, the need for a gun to be against his hip—it’s not the best, considering he’s in fight mode majority of the time, but it’s comforting. It’s familiar. It’s.. home, in a way.
You and Simon call at least once every three weeks—it’s not more because you’re both busy, you have your life to tend to while he has to do something like protecting an American Embassy, or sneaking into a compound to retrieve some vital information. You two talk about all kinds of things; you complain about the neighbors for the nth time, or you talk about your job, just something that he hasn’t heard about in a while. Simon.. he’s limited on what he can talk about—what he wants to talk about. It’s a bit difficult, keeping details of his job hidden away from you. He also keeps you hidden away from them; his team. Price vaguely is aware of your existence, but all he knows is your name and your phone number—someone to alert when he eventually would pass away.
It surprised Price when he requested access to his own file to make a change. Simon went for years without anyone in that section, leaving it blank—and then suddenly ‘[Name] [Last Name]’ is written down, along with your phone number. Simon doesn’t want to die somewhere and then you sit at home, dreading the fact that you haven’t received a call from him for over six months. Other than that, no one is aware of your existence and he wants to keep it that way. It keeps you safe, and he doesn’t want the one thing he has going in his life to be taken away from him—not like everything else has been.
No, you and Simon aren’t together. You just are the one constant he cannot allow to die. How you and Simon became close was rather funny, really—before you were roommates, you bumped into each other at the local stores, the bank, even several public spaces like parks and such. You didn’t see him too often and you weren’t aware on why, but you didn’t really wonder why either. By this point, you knew each other for a couple of months. He introduced himself as SR—not Ghost or Simon, but as SR. You didn’t bother to question it because this tall, bulky man seemed like he was trying keep himself as anonymous as possible. Without fail, you always saw him wear dark colored clothing that hid any identifiable markings—tattoos and scars, that kind of thing. He usually has his hood up with a black face mask covering his nose down, but you do know one thing—he has to have bright blonde hair. Why else would his beautiful eyelashes and eyebrows be that bright? It would catch your eye every time you’d see them. Sometimes you would see him with a beanie on and the mask, with his hood down. This wasn’t too often, as it exposed some scarring he has on the back of his neck, as well as his forehead. This also silently lead you to believe he has a tough past of some sort, which is confirmed when you run into him somewhere you never expected to—your therapist’s building. You bumped into him right outside, and you apologized profusely before looking and going silent as you made eye contact.
A silent agreement was made between you two that day, one that you could never put into words. Something in that moment that dragged you two closer together. You had been through some shit in your life, shit that had permanent effect on you, shit that you wanted to work through. It was horribly tiring, but you knew you needed to work through it—so you could live a life you felt was worth living. Simon, was on the other side of the spectrum. He didn’t want this. He never wanted to tell anyone about anything, but Price, Price fucking made him. Simon spends his days and nights plagued with nightmares and memories—he’s woken up in the middle of the night enough times to know that he needs help, but he was so adamant about not talking to anyone about it. But seeing you there? Someone who he hasn’t known for long, someone who had always greeted him with a smile on your face, laughter spilling from your beautiful vocal cords, and someone who doesn’t touch him without permission? It made him so angry and hopeless about this world. Not even you, a stranger who he sees as the best human being he’s known in a while—despite not knowing you for long—could escape from the cruel and sharp jaws of the world. You found out you two accidentally scheduled the same days, so it became an unspoken agreement to wait for the other outside of the building so you can both go in. Even when you weren’t sure when his next appointment would be, you’d be right outside of that building, waiting for him. You would always be right there, and that’s something he quickly learned.
You lost your house to a fire, everything went with the burning embers that raged inside of the 4 walls of your previous home, the structure collapsing in on itself. You had gotten out in time, and you numbly watched the fire roar, the crackling burning it’s memory in your ears. The piercing sound of different sirens were approaching, but all you could do is stand there with your phone in your hand, watching the home you worked so hard for burn to the foundation built years ago. You felt a hand on your shoulder, but you didn’t bother to turn to see who it was. Everything was going so slow, almost like a movie scene in the worst way possible. Your nostrils burned from the smell of burning wood, drywall, and installation. The hand squeezed your shoulder and you slowly looked at who it was—and was him. Simon. His eyebrows were furrowed, eyes ever so slightly panicked and it was obvious he was asking you something, but you didn’t hear him. All you could focus on was that he was here. You blinked rapidly as your eyes began to burn from the smoke and from that choked feeling going from your chest to your throat. “I..” You croak ever so slightly. You couldn’t hold it back—you quickly grabbed onto Simon desperately, letting out a heart-wrenching sob because you just lost everything you owned, every memory, every piece of furniture, everything.. but he was here. He was the only thing was wasn’t crumbling away from your grasp, the only constant. Once you clung to him, Simon’s senses were flooded with you. Fuck, your touch burned, just like everyone’s else’s but he liked—no, loved how it felt. Despite the image of a burning house in his wake making dread bubble in his gut, your sobs and touch were the only thing he could focus on. Simon hesitates for only a second before pulling you into his personal space, his arms wrapping around you and weighing heavily on your body. Neither of you spoke, he just let you scream into his chest and sob, your fists gently banging against his chest—the anger, the sadness, everything was too much. Simon knew exactly how you were feeling, so he didn’t mind the twinges of pain your hands produced. Simon was the one who helped you while you chatted with the paramedics and the police. He was the one who helped you find your words when you had none left to share, the smell of the smoke imprinted on your clothes.
Without question, Simon took you to his house. He did not have another bed set up, so he had you sleep in his room while he slept on his couch. He hated the hollow look your eyes held, the way you were delayed with your answers, the ways your hands shook. Your everlasting smile had dissipated into a wobbly frown and he.. Simon couldn’t handle it. He grabbed you some of his clothes and helped you into his bathroom, quietly telling you to take a shower. He’ll take care of your clothes. Simon left you alone, and you showered for a long time. He didn’t count, but it was over an hour and a half. Simon didn’t say anything about you possibly racking up his bill, how could he when you had just lost everything? He wanted to.. to help you, and he wasn’t sure why. Even when he found himself scrubbing your smoke and tar covered clothes in his kitchen sink, he couldn’t find an exact reason why he wanted to help you. Maybe it’s because you made him feel human when he needed to be, maybe you were the one thing that kept him coming back to this town, the one thing that kept him from completely pulling away from the civilian world. You had found him in a corner like a dog, lips curled back and snarling—sharp teeth clashing together, and without a word, you gave him reasons to trust you. Although they may not be.. normal reasons to the regular eye, but they were enough for Simon.
You’re enough for Simon. He scrubbed your clothes until his arms burned, and then some.
That’s when he found out that you too, were also someone who could not stay asleep for long. When Simon awoke with his adrenaline pumping from the muffled sound of vomiting, he had to calm himself down because he’s safe, and you’re safe, most of all. Simon isn’t sure when he began to think that way, but it’s one of the many things he’s decided to not question—which also new for him. Simon is man who demands answers, yet with you? it’s like everything naturally falls into place, which is why he doesn’t complain when your stay at his house—which you swore would only be until you gathered enough money for an apartment—turned from a two week stay, to Simon carrying in an IKEA bed frame to put and assemble in one of his empty rooms. Many sleepless nights came and went, and each and every one you spent them with each other, sitting by a windowsill together, other times spending it in the backyard and looking at the sky. Sometimes you would wake up first, sometimes it would be him. You somehow always knew when he had woken up from a nightmare, his heart pounding in his ears—until your hands grab his and squeeze, to ground him. You burn him, and he welcomes the tickle of your ever-glowing flame. A year into this arrangement, Simon finally shows you his face and he appreciates that you don’t look at him any different. He usually hates the searching eyes, trying to memorize every inch of his face—but he’s greedy when you do it. When your eyes roam over every scar and acne scar, when you point out his messily cut hair and half-assed shaven stubble, he doesnt get angry. Simon doesn’t feel suffocated by your glances. He doesn’t wear his mask at home anymore, not when you’re there.
Then Simon gets the notice about his three month leave ending soon; and he knows that you need to know about his job. Or at least, the bare minimum you need to know. In reality, it’s how much he wants you to know, but he doesn’t want to admit that. He sits you down one morning, a cup of tea in his hand and he had a mug of your favorite morning drink on the other side of the table he had bought a few weeks you started staying here. Simon explains that he has a job in the military, that he can’t tell you much, but it means he’s going to be gone for weeks, even months at a time. You’re at a loss at first, because who is going to have an extremely positive reaction to “by the way, I work an extremely dangerous job and I can’t tell you anything and I’ll be gone for a while.. Oh yeah, you likely won’t know if I die!”? Despite your initial reaction, you grow to be okay with this situation. Or, we’ll, as okay as you can be with it. You also find out that he was here for way longer than he originally is, due to his boss demanding him to take a break—AKA, “go to therapy you dafty”.
For a little over two years, you two fell into a good rhythm. A call every three weeks, him coming home and you becoming the safest space he’s ever had in his life.
Which is why when his personal cell phone begins to vibrate in his pocket during some fuck-all meeting, his eyebrows furrow. The number is unfamiliar, but the area code is not. Simon quietly excuses himself from the extended round table, taking his call outside of the meeting room. Price’s eyes follow his figure as he exits, noticing it’s his personal cell phone in his hand. Simon answers the call and presses his phone against his masked ear, muttering a low, “Hello?”
A high-pitched, soft yet serious voice filters through the speaker, a woman. “Hi, is this Mr. Riley?”
Simon pauses, and so does his heart. “Who’s asking?”
He honestly regrets asking that in the moment—one part of him genuinely wishes he never answered this call, and the other part of him is glad he did. “I’m a nurse from Northern Manchester Community Hospital, you’re written down as [Name]’s emergency contact. They’ve been a victim of a hit and run situation, sir. They’re alive, but they’re in the ICU.” The nausea that suddenly bubbles inside of his guys, the stomach acid mixed with whatever he had eaten previously, threatening to travel up his esophagus, burn every inch and then exit with a horrific sound. Simon’s head began to spin—he’s your emergency contact? A hit and run, you were fucking hit?? By what, a car? A pick-up? A semi? God, Simon has seen the most horrible, gruesome, fucked up shit you would ever see in his entire life, yet he isn’t sure if he can handle the image of you spread out in a hospital bed, with one too many tubes circulating around you. His mind plagues him with intrusive images, ones he never wants to actually see played out. Fuck, his head hurts. It feels like someone is physically shoving a knife into his chest and twisting it, like God is laughing at him and playing with Simon’s pain for his own gain. How could he not think that, especially with everything that has happened to him? His friends, his family? His old CO? The fucking abuse he endured??
It’s like Simon lost his hearing for a moment, because he cannot bare fucking losing you, too. There’s a vague ringing in his ears, almost like there was an explosion and he stood too close. And then suddenly every sound comes rushing back to his eardrums, and everything suddenly everything is so fucking overwhelming. “Mr. Riley?” The nurse calls over the phone, her tone laced with worry. He clears his throat and when he speaks, he sounds wrecked, which he fucking hates. “I.. I’ll come as soon as I can.” Simon hangs up, not giving the nurse a moment to speak. He drops his phone and if he doesn’t sit down, he’s going to fall over like a tree that’s been cut down. Simon lets out a shaky breath, trying to ignore the way his stomach is screaming and twisting as he puts a hand on the wall, and he crouches down. It’s the first time he doesn’t look around to see if anyone is watching his sudden display of emotion. When he’s suddenly rocked with the feeling of home at work, especially with the news that you’re fucking injured—he’s overwhelmed and twisted all over the place. Simon finds himself stumbling back to his barracks.
Price finds his way to him after Simon never returns to the meeting. He knocks on the door, but his knuckles pause before they can knock against the door for the third time as he discovers the door is open—which is very, very, odd. He slowly opens the door while calling for Ghost, and is met with the sight of Simon shoving some of his clothes and belongings into a duffle bag, as well as his military travel documents. “Ghost?” Price questions, who stopped in his doorway to watch Simon lose his mind while packing. Simon doesn’t respond as he practically rips his phone charger out of the wall and stuffs it into the bag, zipping it up. He slings it over his shoulder and he turns around, pausing when he sees Price. Simon’s eyes tell everything he’s feeling—that something’s happened, something bad, and he needs to leave. Price bites his lip and quietly exhales, his fingers rubbing at his chin. “I’ll approve your leave. Just shoot me a text of how long it needs to be, yeah?”
Simon makes sure to note to send Price a thank you of some sort, because within the next two hours, Simon is boarding a plane, heading for Manchester, wearing some black clothing, a jacket, a black face mask, gloves, and his beanie. The entire time, he could not stop thinking about you—and how you could possibly die before he got there to send off his final goodbyes. Is that something he would actually want to do, though? See you in the hospital, knowing it’ll be the last place you’d ever be alive in? Go home, see how you left the house exactly as you left it? A house, but without his home in it? Simon stares out the airplane window blankly, his hands curled into fists, and his nails would be digging into his palms if he didn’t have gloves on.
He couldn’t lose you. Not like this.
The next part for Simon, it’s a blur again. Got off the plane, got his luggage, provided documentation, blah blah blah—he didn’t give a fuck about any of it. His focus was you. He didn’t bother to stop home to drop his stuff off, he took an Uber straight to the hospital from the airport. It was a fairly expensive Uber too, but he could worry about the costs of everything later. It took another half hour to get there.
His heart began to hammer in his chest as the sight of the hospital’s signs began to pop up on the road, the anxiety taking hold in his stomach and his head begins to hurt again. Simon quietly thanks the driver, tips them, and exits the car with a swiftness once they pull up. Simon walks through the main entrance’s sliding doors, going up to the desk. A woman behind the counter hangs up the phone, murmuring a goodbye, and then she looks at Simon with her pretty blue eyes. “How can I help you, sir?” She murmurs sweetly, noting how anxious he is. She can see the sweat on his brow line. Simon clears his throat, his voice rumbling in his chest when he speaks. It takes everything in him to not yell at this innocent woman and get thrown out. “My.. My name is Mr. Riley, I was called ‘cause my friend is here,” Simon manages to push out. “[Name] [Last Name].” The woman turns to her computer and clicks the couple of buttons and types a couple of words and holy fuck, Simon just wants to go to your wing already—“Ah, yes, I see you’re listed as their emergency contact,” The woman grabs a sticky note and writes with a pink pen your room number and elevator floor, handing it to Simon. He barely gets a “thank you” out before he nearly jogs to the nearby elevator. Fourth floor, room 283. Fourth floor, room 283. Fourth floor, room 283—it’s the longest minute long elevator ride in his entire fucking life.
Simon changes face masks whilst facing the wall, and then he finds your room number—and his heart is beating out of his chest. There’s cops standing outside of your room who stop him from entering. Simon’s anger flares up so quickly, he nearly makes a scene until a doctor exits your room. She’s wearing her usual blue scrubs, her coat, and she’s dawning a N95 and some sterile gloves. She’s holding a clipboard. “Mr. Riley?” She questions, holding the clipboard close to her chest. Simon nods without hesitation, and she responds, “I’m sorry, but due to the nature of this case, you’ll have to provide some identification for me and these officers.”
Usually, Simon would hesitate—he gives anyone outside of his team the bare minimum, hell, he only introduced himself as SR until he knew you for a while. This time, he takes out his military ID and shows it to the officers. He ignores their looks of surprise, and ignores the murmurs that come from them. Simon puts his ID away and he holds back the urge to shove them out of the way as he glares down at the doctor on accident. “Come in,” The doctor opens the sliding door and steps into the hospital ICU room with him. Simon follows behind her and he immediately smells the sickening smell only the ICU gives off. There’s a small wall blocking his view from you that he hasn’t past, and he can already hear the machines working. A heart monitor, a ventilator, combined with other machines he doesn’t know too well. The doctor flips through the papers pinned to her clipboard. “They were hit by a vehicle of some sort, the scene suggested they were walking home from the local corner store. [Name] has multiple broken bones and fractures, a punctured lung, a fractured jaw and internal bleeding. They lost a lot of blood at the scene.” Simon doesn’t respond as he slowly walks forward, and he finally lays his eyes on you. It’s.. traumatizing, to say the least. You were never supposed to be in a hospital bed like this, hooked up to machines he can’t even name. He slowly walks over to you, dropping his duffel bag somewhere on the floor. He doesn’t care to look where. Simon barely pays attention to what the doctor is saying—his hands tremble as he stands by your side, his heart thumping harshly in his chest. Fuck.
He drags over one of the chairs next to your bed. Simon takes off one of his gloves slowly, and then he tears the other one off in a frenzy. He feels so unlike himself, so.. different.. human. He reaches over to your hand and his fingers grab your wrist, so gentle as if you’re glass. Simon presses his fingers against your pulse point, counting your heartbeats despite the monitor. The thumping under your skin makes it more.. real. Feeling you, your heartbeat, your warmth and your skin—it’s comforting. Simon clears his throat and fights the urge to vomit once a gain, watching your chest rise and fall, produced by the ventilator.
He moves his hand to intertwine with your fingers and he uses his other hand to feel your pulse. Simon closes his eyes, muttering the beats per minute under his breath.
At least you’re alive—you’re here, you’re alive, and you’re with him. And that’s all he asks for.
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tags;; @alwaystired--neversleeping @handsomeunderwear-art @indefenseofkara @kaysav608 @1-is-loneliest-number @rosee-sensuelle @kitty-satan1 @k4marina @rahmown @royalty-purple @bowtruckleninja — if you are not tagged, it’s not allowing me :-)
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Baker Steve/Rock Star Eddie wrong number AU
Part One
Part Two
"It's like a TV show, but on YouTube."
"Right," Steve answers, half listening to Dustin's explanation, "so it, like what, has an air time, or whatever?"
"Yeah, like a series."
"And it's just, what, famous people playing dipshits and dickheads?"
"Steeeeeeeeeeeevvvvveeeeeeeeeeee why are you like this?"
"Dunno," Steve shrugs, trying to read a recipe online. Unfortunately that's resulted in his having to scroll past someones entire fucking life story and he's ready to give up and try and work out the dumb Oreo cake recipe himself, "just lucky, I guess."
Dustin drops his head on the kitchen counter like Steve is the greatest difficulty he's ever going to face.
"So why do you need to be here to watch this?"
"Because we all want to watch it together, the guests are Corroded Coffin, they all like, play, the whole band, it's so cool-"
"Corroded Coffin? Playing your nerd game?" Steve's interest leaks through before he can stop it, "I mean, like, I think I've heard of them?" The last thing he needs is the kids finding out he's been kind of friends kind of flirting kind of maybe wants to date the actual Eddie Munson.
Dustin looks at him skeptically, "yeah...so you-"
"You can all watch it here, it's fine...I'll make cookies."
Dustin's completely distracted by his own success, instantly whipping out his phone to inform the other kids. Steve's pretty sure their group chat is called 'No Steve's allowed' but he hasn't actually found out for sure yet.
Steve does bake cookies. All the kids are gathered around his smart TV, absolutely demolishing them while they wait for this thing to start. It's like, an actual channel, with intros and graphics and stuff, a logo that reads 'Final Roll.'
And there's Eddie and the band, sitting around a table with two dudes who must run the channel. They all have the bits of paper and dice and little figures that Steve's used to seeing when the kids commandeer his dining room table.
There's preemptive ramble, and Steve leans forward a little every time Eddie's in shot. He's relieved all the kids are all sitting in front of him and all glued to the TV, so he can ogle in peace. They do introductions, and then everyone introduces their characters.
"May I introduce Sir Steven, the half elf paladin," behind Eddie Gareth rolls his eyes so hard his whole fucking body moves. Steve can see him and Geoff mouthing something to each other. Steve can only assume it's because Eddie has named his character, presumably, after him, "he has a sworn oath to always protect those weaker than himself."
Steve's heart fucking melts.
Steve's phone is buzzing. He's prepared. He knows Eddie's back in the country, they've been talking for months. Steve's kind of done waiting, and he's ready to press his advantage. He's had this set up for a little while, just waiting for the right moment. He presses play, and then answers the phone.
"Hey Stevie how-...are you listening to Corroded Coffin?"
"Yeah, yeah," Steve turns it down, bomb dropped, trap sprung, advantage played, "the kids absolutely love them, they're trying to get me into them even though they're not exactly my thing."
"Right, ah, right, what do you, uhm, think?"
"Yeah. Still not my thing-"
"But I really like it when the lead guy sings."
"Yeah, not the like, shouty growly singing, I can't understand a fucking thing he's saying-" Eddie chuckles, "but like, the parts where he properly sings. I think he has a beautiful voice."
"I ah, well, I mean, I bet the, uhm, shouty bits are hard work, you know. I expect that takes a lot of, you know, practice. Hell on the throat. I imagine, I would guess anyway, I don't actually, like know-"
"No no, yeah, well, maybe he should just sing more then, save those vocal chords, or whatever. I'd like that a lot."
"Yeah?" Steve can practically hear Eddie blushing down the phone. Eddie's so cute when he goes shy.
"Yeah." There's a long beat of silence before Steve goes in for the kill, "the kids are trying to get me to go see them. They're in the states now, apparently. Will be playing a gig in Indie."
"Yeah they are- I mean, I assume they are, most bands, uhm, yeah-" And Steve is hardly holding it together, Eddie is such a bad liar, and he's trying so hard not to lie at all. Steve doesn't know how he;s keeping his tone normal and not letting the whole ass cat out of the bag.
"And the kids are absolutely itching to go, you know? But tickets man, they're all doing every chore they can find to get some extra cash, but tickets are pricey, and for eight of us? Because I'll need someone else to help me chaperone and, you know..."
"I. I might...know a guy. Maybe. Like, because of the band I might...know someone who can get you tickets."
"Seriously? Eddie that would be incredible, the kids will absolutely loose their shit."
"Yeah, ah, is your work email cool?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course of course, man, the kids are going to love you for like, forever."
And maybe I will too, Steve just about manages to keep the words inside.
@steves-yellow-cardigin @melodymeddler @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao
@superduckmilkshake @she-collects-smut @paintsplatteredandimperfect @resident-gay-bitch
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nishikiace · 1 year
in honour of the s1 OPLA success
sub! strawhats
[romance dawn crew, spoiler free]
Warnings: dom!reader, gn!reader, allusions to amab anatomy (can be read as strap)
p1 [p2]
(inexperience, overstimulation, grinding, thigh-humping, sloppy blowjobs)
this man is not experienced at all. you will absolutely have to take over and teach him how to use his body
he's so curious to learn though.. maybe a bit too much. his hands are everywhere on you - you have to guide him to wrap around you and press him down to stop him from wriggling
not shy at all. luffy will happily initiate and call you out even in public. he's not patient either
he's a man of instinct. he will instinctively grind down on your thigh while sucking on your tongue until he's shaking and whining and cumming all over your leg
doesn't really have a sense of when to stop and constantly overstimulates himself. always ends up with his face buried in your neck and eyes tearing up before you can even start fucking
hold him down and be real stern. he's a brat but only unintentionally because he's just so energetic and desperate to try more with you. set the pace slow when you fuck and he will sob into a pillow and writhe against you and demand more
SO loud. he cannot hold back his moans and squeaks at all - he's so new to these sensations you're wringing out of his body
avid eater. avid dick sucker. king of pirates but also king of sloppy blowjobs. he will absolutely moan as he gets his face fucked, spit running down his chin and smearing all over his cheeks. he WILL swallow
(handjobs, nipple play, titfucking, breeding)
he's a bit shy in canon about this kind of stuff and you will have to initiate in private for him to agree. he gets too flushed and heated to have other people see him in that way
probably also quite inexperienced - his training and motivations don't leave much of his attention for sex. maybe experimented a little as a teen before joining the crew
give him a handjob or even just stroke his skin and he will turn away because he's too shy. blushes so easily
he's embarrassed by his body's reactions - his training is all about self discipline and stoicism, so sex with zoro is more about pushing him to let loose and give in to you
he hates being vocal and the only sign that he's turned on is deep panting and hitched breaths. but the more you touch him and suck his nipples and tease his cock, the more he will groan and whimper
listen we have all seen that 110cm breast measurement. please just shove him down and fuck his tits. they jiggle with every thrust and he is incredibly embarrassed and turned on to be used as a toy like this. he wants to be needed
and talking of being needed, there is something about the idea of breeding zoro and utterly claiming him that satisfies some feral possessive urge he has. lift up his hips and fuck him deep and slow and fill him up
he won't look you in the eye for a few days after some of this
(solo masturbation, handjobs, begging, teasing, bathtub sex)
like zoro and luffy, I don't think usopp had many chances to experience other people in his village. he definitely experimented on himself though (country girls make do)
very nervous about sex with you and will babble and hype himself up until you shut him up with your tongue in his mouth. he will melt and shiver in your arms
lots of whimpers and nervous rambling, he is an overthinker and needs his thinking function fucked out
loves receiving handjobs and giving oral. he loves when you feel him up and make him fuck your fist - it's so much better than when he does it himself. he wants to please you so bad he will get down on his knees as thanks
please don't tease him, he might actually cry if its too much. or maybe do tease him just to hear his talking skills turn into begging you to just let him cum and stop because its too much and he feels like he's gonna die
I think fucking him slowly in the bathtub when he's too stressed and hearing him sob and choke in pleasure would be therapeutic for everyone involved
(body worship, marking, rough sex)
as much as I wanna call this pathetic blonde man bitchless, where there's a will there's a way
he has definitely experienced some rough fondling on the baratie with passing customers in a hidden storage closet
so what he wants from you is trust and patience - take your time with him. he's a bit of a romantic; the pervert in him will only be brave enough later
body worship sanji like he deserves. lick and kiss down his collarbone and stomach and feel the muscles jerk under his skin as he tries to hold back his whimpers. suck and bite his powerful thighs and leave hickeys everywhere. mark this boy up, he's so sensitive and twitchy
sex with him really depends on his mood and how he perceives you. he wants to be slowly taken apart and ruined by you but he also wants his body bruised and your cock imprinted into his hole, hard. he wants you to consume him, mind and body, and he just really wants to be wanted 😔
flip him onto his stomach, shove his face into a pillow and fuck into him hard and fast. the stimulation of his cock rubbing into the bedsheets and his prostate being abused makes him go crazy, he will wail and moan like a whore
probably won't fuck in the kitchen because food and hygiene is sacred to him, but he'll let you fuck his mouth as compensation, if you can convince him
(making out, fingering, edging, cunnilingus, exhibitionism)
she is self aware and knows how to use her body to get what she wants. she will tease you with soft touches and a rising skirt and rile you up when she has an agenda
loves making out. the intimacy and build up of licking into your mouth and feeling her breath speed up and throbbing between her legs is addictive. she loves the chase and she loves getting what she wants
she's a little selfish when it comes to pleasure and doesn't have qualms about using you to get herself off. and everytime you deny her rubbing against you, she'll get more frustrated. bring that to the bedroom as well, by edging her for hours with your fingers, make her cry for you because fingers alone aren't enough
eat her out and when she comes, don't stop. fuck your tongue into her and suck her clit until she's bucking into your face and her thighs are spasming against your ears. if you can chain her orgasms, she will wail and grind into your face to ride it out longer
she can be loud but she's not ashamed. put one hand down her panties in a public alley and muffle her moans with the other. she gets so wet it will drip down her thighs. if she's wearing a skirt, you might have to clean it up so she can stumble back onto the ship
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To Have & To Hold: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel - Moon Knight (Mafia AU)
Pairing: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader, Jake Lockley x F!Reader
Summary: To ensure you’re always safe even after his passing, your father, a mob boss, makes you marry his right hand, Marc Spector. You don’t necessarily hate Marc, but you don’t get along either. Therefore, this marriage of convenience may be a bit difficult for you.
Series Masterlist
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You and Marc sit across from each other at a restaurant. Your father had made a reservation for the two of you in a private room. You slump back, arms crossed over your chest, glaring at the bubbles in your champagne.
Marc sits up, back straight. He's alert but his eyes are on you, watching you. It's been fairly silent between the two of you since you both arrived to the restaurant.
He finally speaks up, "You gonna speak or somethin'?"
"Why would you agree to this?" you look at him in disbelief, "I mean, besides being my dad's successor in the business, what could you possibly gain marrying me?"
"Is it hard to believe that I care about you?" he responds with his own question which makes you snort.
"Marc, yes, you've worked for my father for a long time. We see each other a lot, but I wouldn't necessarily count us as friends."
A server comes and refills your glass, even though you've barely had a sip, and refills Marc's whiskey. Marc gives him a nod of thanks and when they're gone, he looks back to you. He leans forward, resting his arms on the table, "Listen, I owe your father a lot. He's done a lot for me. You wanna know why I'm marrying you? Because I owe him and, despite your belief, I care about you."
You scoff, you seem to be doing that a lot since earlier today, "Right, sure. Whatever. If we're actually going through with this, I get to plan ninety percent of this wedding. Got it?"
Marc holds his hands up and leans back in his chair, "Whatever you want, sunshine." He proceeds to open the menu and take a look, "I don't know about you, but I'm starving and I'm tired of waiting for you to get out with this mood," he waves his hand in your direction.
You roll your own eyes and take a look at the menu. This is going to be a long dinner.
Plates empty, stomachs full, and three glasses of champagne later, the dinner was finally over. You and Marc made, surprisingly, good conversation. He asked you about your charity organization. Throughout the entire time, Marc kept his focus on you, nodding and occasionally pushing for you to share more.
You asked about him, however, he wasn't very keen to talk about his past. You understood. You remember when he started working for you dad. All your father told you was that he's had a troubled past, but he gets stuff done. So your father took him under his wing. From what Marc told you, he was a former Marine and mercenary.
"I wanted to serve my country but...in the process, I hurt a lot of people." You could see the regret in his eyes.
"No offense, Marc, but if you don't like hurting people, getting into the mafia business isn't necessarily a way to-I don't know-cleanse your soul?"
He shrugged, "I learned to turn that all off. I don't always rough people up, like you may think. I do reconnaissance sometimes or, ya know, trail after Miss Sunshine," he nodded towards you and you stuck your tongue at him. He smirked and his eyes darkened. You suddenly felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze and began to down more of your champagne.
Now, the dinner is over and you're sleepy.
You stand up and collect your things. Neither of you had to pay because the server told you that your father handled it. As the two of you exited the restaurant, Marc's hand went to your lower back as he guided you to the sidewalk.
"Did you drive here?"
You shake your head, "Nope. I took an uber. They should be here soon."
"Cancel it." Marc doesn't ask but demands.
You wave away his demand, "I'll be fine."
"Y/N," he gives you a warning tone, "Cancel. It."
You glare at him and say with as much ferocity, "Make. Me."
He swiftly pulls your phone from your grasp and you're immediately trying to get it back.
"Wah-hey! Marc! Give it back!" your pleads are deaf on his ears as he manages to unlock your phone, go to the Uber app, and cancels your ride. As soon as he does so, he pockets your phone.
On cue, the valet drives up with Marc's car, "Get in." He opens the passenger door for you and waits.
You sigh in defeat as you climb into his Rolls Royce Cullinan. He closes the door behind you and hands the valet some cash before thanking him and getting in.
He snorts when he sees you checking out his car, "What's wrong?"
"Didn't expect you to have a car like this."
"Seatbelt on," he reminds you. After he sees you buckle up, he explains, "I never had anything super nice. Figured since your dad paid me so well, I'd buy a nice car."
"You seemed like a Tesla guy to me."
"Fuck Tesla," Marc says and that makes you laugh for some reason. His own smile makes a way on his face and he quickly glances your way before focusing back on the road.
A part of you wants to compliment his smile but...is that weird? Is it weird to tell your future fiance that you're being forced to marry that his smile is nice? Maybe?
Too many mental gymnastics made you eventually decide not to say thing. The rest of the ride is silent, but not an awkward or tense silence like before dinner started.
He doesn't say anything until the car rolls up to your apartment building. He quickly rushes out and helps you out, guiding you to the door, where your doorman, Stan, opens it for you.
Before you enter, you turn to Marc, "Um, tonight was...nice?"
He nods, "I know this is gonna be hard for you. But I would like to be friends if we're marrying each other."
"Right. Yeah, that-that makes sense."
"You'll probably be seeing more of me too."
"Of course," you're suddenly unsure of what else to say Marc and he could probably sense this.
"Good night, sunshine. Sweet dreams."
"Yeah, thanks. You too." you give him a small wave before walking into your building. Through the window, you watch him drive away.
When you're finally in your apartment, you get into your jammies and launch yourself into bed. You recall how tonight and...wait...why do you feel all fluttery inside???
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fics-n-stuff · 1 year
Steve walked into the Munson trailer one day to find Eddie in the kitchen singing, lightly headbanging along to the accompanying instrumental that was playing in his head while he washed the dishes. This was not unusual. What was unusual was that Eddie was not singing in English.
Steve shut the trailer door slowly and quietly so as not to catch Eddie's attention, and slowly moved forward while listening to Eddie sing. He didn't want to interrupt yet.
A couple of minutes passed before Eddie turned and noticed Steve. He jumped, letting out a small yelp, which made Steve chuckle.
"Jesus, Harrington! How long have you been there?"
"A couple minutes."
"And you didn't think of saying anything?"
"I was trying to figure out what language you were singing in."
"Oh." Eddie grabbed a tea towel to wipe his hands on. "It was Danish."
"You speak Danish?" Steve asked in disbelief. Eddie nodded casually.
"Yeah, my mom was Danish." He shrugged. He dropped the towel and sauntered over to Steve, draping his arms over his shoulders before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Did I never tell you that?"
"No, you never told me that. You're Danish?"
"Yeah." Eddie laughed. "I know I don't really look it. You know, dark hair and dark eyes aren't really the expected viking features. Unfortunately I look more like my dad. But my hair was lighter when I was a kid."
"You speak Danish?" Steve's brain was still catching up with all this new information.
"En lille smule." Eddie grinned. "Min mor talte dansk tilt mig."¹
"I don't know what you said but that was really hot." Steve muttered. Eddie laughed. "So what was that song you were singing?"
"Me and my cousin in Denmark write letters to each other. He sent me a tape with some music he thought I'd like and one of the songs got stuck in my head."
"Will you teach me some Danish?"
"Selvfølgelig!"² Eddie's face lit up. "Nobody's ever cared that I was Danish before. A lot of people literally didn't even know that Denmark is a country."
"I think it's really cool. I wish my mom had taught me Italian, I only know the things my nonna always said, which is mostly swears and insults."
"Hey, that's useful stuff. That means you can shit talk people without them knowing what you said."
"Yeah but it would be nice to have a functioning knowledge of the language too." Steve shrugged.
"Det er ikke så fantastisk."³ Eddie said with a shake of his head, though his lips were quirked up in a smile. "There isn't really much point when nobody else understands."
"Except that being bilingual is hot." Steve smiled.
"Er det rigtigt?"⁴ Eddie exclaimed amusedly, grinning again. He leaned in to press another kiss to Steve's lips, longer and more tender. He pulled back and rested his forehead against Steve's, letting out a tiny contented sigh. "Jeg elsker dig."⁵
I just came back from visiting family in Denmark and I had the idea of Scandinavian Eddie so here's a teensy tiny ficlet. I was gonna make him Norwegian because Norway is more known for their metal music than Denmark, but I don't speak Norwegian so I felt uncomfortable writing any Nowegian sentences. I don't really speak Danish either but I could at least kinda know what I was writing, and I kept it pretty simple so almost all of it is stuff I know anyway. 💕
¹"A little bit." "My mum spoke Danish to me."
²"Of course!"
³"It's not that great."
⁴"Is that right?"
⁵"I love you."
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ceilidho · 9 months
Do you have any advice on doing a character study for a character before writing them? Stuff like how they’d act/respond 👁👄👁
haha it's quite tricky, I won't lie! it's definitely one of the things I struggle with the most (writing really well-rounded and defined characters). Here are a couple things that I do, but keep in mind that I'm reeaaalllyyyy not an expert on this. I'm still learning so much about characterization every day.
If you're writing fanfiction, watch or read the source material as much as possible, until you can almost hear the way the character sounds in your head. Take time to understand things like their accent and how they speak (do they talk a lot or very little? do they use slang or enunciate everything? do they speak quickly or slowly?). Here, you just want to concentrate on the cadence of their speech / their speech patterns. If they speak plainly or use lots of proverbs or turns of phrases, that sort of thing. If you have that down, you've honestly done half the work. Even I often reread my work and go "fuck, all of these people SOUND the same even though they're saying different things".
This is harder if you're not writing fanfiction and have to create your own universe, but regardless of whether you're writing for an existing IP or your own 'verse, I think understanding your character's cultural and religious background is so crucial to developing them. It's a big part of the lens through which they see the world, whether consciously (if they're a very religious character for example, or raised in a specific country) or subconsciously (for example, I grew up catholic so I relate to the world through that lens, even though I'm not a religious person - it just heavily informed me in my childhood years). For this Bear story, I had to do a bit of research around Baptist theology because I knew Bear would be a religious character (whether or not he's struggling with that religion) and it would heavily inform how he sees the world around him. I listened to some sermons, talked to someone with a Baptist background, and also thought about how that background with tie into his desire to have a family).
Pick like 3-5 words that you think best describe your character and just write them down somewhere. I've never been very successful when I make huge character sheets for my characters or try to write a super detailed background for them, so I try to give myself a bit of grace and be brief about it. You can always expand on it going forward. Like for someone like Bear, I might pick: family-oriented, religious (Christian), gruff, and scrupulous. You can also do this in the reverse way and try to think of what they're not (same example with Bear, I might go: conniving, hedonistic, flighty, and optimistic LMAO). This is a nice way to put like, boundaries around your character.
In the framework of your story, try to pick a trajectory for your character, or a goal. At least have one, but you could have a couple. If they're directionless, that works too! But they should want something or aspire to be something. This counts even if they think that thing they want is beyond them or unattainable - it's still a want/goal pushing them forward. This can also be an unconscious goal by the way -> like a very hedonistic character that likes to party who's slowly getting worn down from that life and doesn't even realize they want to settle down, or vice versa! Someone who feels trapped in their mundane life but thinks that's what's expected of them. The character doesn't have to know they want this goal.
Fatal flaws. This is a big one. What is something that might get in the way of them achieving their goal or might influence how they get it? Easiest way to think of this is just looking at the 7 deadly sins (soooo corny, but it's a good place to start). Characters are never perfect, so give them a reason to struggle.
And honestly lastly? Trial and error, baby. Take your vaguely defined character and figure out what you want them to achieve (whether or not they get it is beside the point), and then work out how they might go about achieving that. If they'd run full throttle towards it because they think they deserve it or whether they'd fight it every step of the way because they either don't think they want it or don't think they deserve it.
I'm sorry if this is very messy!! It also totally depends on you as a writer. When I try to make "character background sheets", it gives me anxiety and I end up not following through with my writing versus when I try to keep it brief and just dive into the writing and slowly change things and edit as I write. But maybe a sheet works best for you!
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thesunhatesme · 7 months
The ghouls music taste - HC
I think Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss, Lana Del Rey and David Bowie is pack favorites, like that’s what they’re gonna play on full volume in the car
Rain is definitely an alternative rock girlie, he loves Muse and you can’t change my mind on that. His favorite Muse song is definitely micro cuts or spiral static. He just loves all their guitar sounding vocals, those old emo vibes songs and basically everything about them. His favorite album is probably Origin of symmetry and Showbiz. And he likes MCR and Suizid, cus like, he’s emo
He’s a Mike’s dead fan by heart, he knows every single word of every single song, like hell blast Bite down on full volume and scream the lyrics, it just makes him feel better. And he’s Aether’s Rob zombie friend (every Alice cooper fan needs a rob zombie fan and the other way around) And he’s a sabaton fan cus he’s a little nerdy about history.
Swiss’s motto is: “the older, the better” and: “anything after 1999 sucks” He likes the old country rock like, Eagles. He also likes Santana, like c’mon, Santana is a guitar genius. There’s always some chill music coming from his room. Oh, and he listens to Paleface Swiss unironically (even though they are a new band)
He’s a bit like Swiss but he’s not against new music (most of the time) but the song James Dean by Eagles always hits hard. He listens to the strokes and thin lizzy in the green house, but if he’s not with his plants he likes to listen to techno metal, or any type if metal, really, his favorite song is Undead by Hypnosaur.
Dad music. Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, and his alltime favorite Meatloaf. He vibes with almost everything tho, hell vibe with Rains high pitched emo screaming, Dews angsty rap/rock but especially Rob zombie, Swiss’s old country rock, Mountains techno metal and chill oldies, and on like so. He doesn’t listen to music that much but if the others are playing music he won’t ask them to turn it down, he’ll vibe with them
Phantom’s favorite song will always be Bat out of hell by Meatloaf. He also likes Muse, but not like Rain, he likes their new stuff better like Simulation theory and the 2:nd law, he’s emo but not that emo. He definitely likes Nickleback, Yungblud, Bring me the horizon and Bad religion. His favorite songs are Anesthesia by Bad religion and Fire escape by Call me karizma. He has a kinda love/hate relationship with Map of the problematique by Muse because he listened to it religiously when he was summoned and now he can’t help but cry when he hears it.
Elton John, Dire states and Greta van fleet. She loves crocodile rock by Elton John and it always makes her laugh when she watches him perform it on The muppet show. But like Aether she’ll vibe with pretty much anything
Cirrus likes the vibe of kinda dark doom metal/rock. She loves bands like The ocean and Soen and their song Hollowed. She’s a sabaton fan because they are super cool too and she’ll occasionally enjoy some good old Rammstein or The cure
She likes a lot of different music, and if you put her playlist on shuffle, someone will end up with a whiplash injury. She’s a Louis Tomlinson fan, her favorite song is Angels fly and she loves five finger death punch. She’s Phantom’s Machine Gun Kelly friend (every Yungblud fan needs to have a MGK friend) chances are high that you’ll find her with Phantom jaming out to bodybag or acting like that by MGK and Yungblud
He is definitely a måneskin fan and his rats are named after them. I think he likes old bands like whitesnake and Lynyrd Skynyrd but his altime favorite song will forever be Brother Louie by Modern talking
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canonicallysoulmates · 9 months
J2 Main Panel Nashcon 2023
We're gonna jump right into it, there were a lot of questions...
If Sam and Dean got hit by the Djinn again what do they think their Djinn dream would be now?
Jared thinks probably the same and Jensen concurs that it's probably the go-to thing for both; they always dreamed of this slice of normalcy and even though they know that’s something that would never work for them they still hold that in their idea of what they missed.
Jared asks the fan what they think, and they reply that at least from their interpretation they think it might be different after the boys met their mom since Dean saw her in such high regard then when he met her he got more realistic expectations. Jensen says that may have shed some light into that relationship and what the history was behind that but he still thinks Dean would have this wishful idea of what life could have been, and he would have held it as a bit of a dream even though he knows it would never really be like that.
Real quickly before we continue, if you decide to watch this panel or just this question there is a moment of microphone feedback so to my fellow headphone users lower your volume.  x
In regards to their acting process, if someone was put in front of them and they were told this person was a demon, could they jump right into character or does it take them some time?
Jared asks if he has to marry them as well…..it's been a while since he's pulled the my wife is a demon bit and that's all I'm gonna say about that....
Jensen says that he thinks when they’re on set it’s much easier to flip that switch. 
Jared says when it comes to the acting process there's a lot of prep that goes into it. So, if somebody was just there like 'hey I'm a demon, action' he'd be wondering what he's supposed to be doing, does he like them, is he using them, are they using him so there's so much thought that goes into it before it that if there was a script- if that was the first scene they filmed in that script then he's already done a couple dozen reads of it and thought about how Sam would feel and where this is in the episode and if it's climactic so there's a lot of prep.
Jensen says he and Jared are similar in the fact that they know a scene going into it, they know the way, the points they have to hit but the in-between is the stuff that they kind of allowed to be discovered. They had ideas about how they wanted to get from point A to point B but the great thing about getting to work with Jared is that it was never overly rehearsed, they were reacting to what each other did so they were available for the happy accidents that happened within scenes. That being said they knew where they needed to go, and what point to hit so he thinks snapping into that with the knowledge of kind of a roadmap made it much easier to get into character and also made it easier to riff while you’re in that character to come up with maybe some improv but just sitting there on stage and being like 'hey, be Dean'- Jared’s right there’s a little bit more prep that goes into it in order for them to step into those shoes. x
Favorite bands or artists growing up or in general?
Jared answers Pearl Jam.
Jensen says he grew up with a lot of different music in his house, his dad would listen to a lot of Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennet but he'd also listen to more modern classic rock and his mom listened to country music so he doesn’t know he could pick and choose dozens of bands. He’ll say a band that has never gotten old to him, cause some music you listen to it so long that you might tire of it a little bit, but there are obvious choices like Zeppelin and the Stones even the Beatles but he’ll say the Allman Brothers. He still feels he’s discovering their music even though he’s been listening to it most of his life. x
What are Sam and Dean's biggest regrets?
Jared, once again, answers that one of Sam’s bigger regrets is Amelia. He thinks Sam would have felt bad about the time that he didn’t go after his brother although he thinks the last time he understood that his brother was saying goodbye and he had to give him that farewell.
Jensen says that for Dean he doesn’t know but he’ll choose one: that he couldn’t save C. x
What was it like filming that scene in Mystery Spot where they say the same lines at the same time?
Jared says Jensen kept messing it up. It was hectic trying to say it, and it was a rough episode to film. 
Jensen agrees and comments it was probably more difficult for Jared. He does remember getting frustrated cause there was a word that kept being added and he couldn’t- it was stuck in his head but there’s probably a good amount of outtakes from that moment.
Also, the fan who asked this question was sad because they had missed their photo op with Jensen but he took a minute to go and take some pics with them with Jared as the photographer. x
What actress besides their wives would they pick to act with and would they do it in a show or movie?
Jared says some of the actresses on Ozark are so raw and real that he’d love to work with them like Julia Garner. 
Jensen is always interested in working with people he can learn from because neither he nor Jared are formally trained, what they know they've learned on the job from watching those who were successful that they got to work with, and as long as their careers have been there's always more you can learn and there's always people that you can learn from so he’d want to work with somebody he thinks it’s a crazy talent like Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet these incredibly talented artists that he thinks would hopefully elevate his game. x
What is their favorite acting role from their early days, and which did they get the most grief for when they did it?
Jensen answers Alec from Dark Angel is probably one he wishes he could have spent a little more time with, and the one he probably wouldn’t mind erasing is Devour. That he could have done without it although to be fair that movie was being re-written as they were filming it so he didn’t even know how that story would end while they were shooting.
For Jared, he will say one of his favorite roles was Gilmore Girls but he wishes he knew then what he knows now. He was a nervous kid, he was 17 when they shot the first two episodes and he was used to doing plays in school so he thinks he came in a little theatrical and didn't really know the technique of it; he grew along the way but it was a lot of fun and a great learning experience over the 5yrs that he worked on it. Everybody starts somewhere and he kind of started there, and there are some scenes that he went and watched to re-learn what Dean Forester was like for the Year in the Life Netflix special and he was like 'oh, this is a good show. oh, I suck' but that it was a fun time. x
In French Mistake where were they while Sam and Dean were in our universe? 
Jared passes the questions off to Jensen saying he really wants to answer it 😂
Jensen replies that he would imagine that if the writers had been asked this question they might have had an answer that sounded like when Sam and Dean entered into that universe at the same time the Jensen and Jared that were supposed to be there were sent somewhere else to make space for these two new ones so they wouldn’t destroy the space-time continuum. x
Did Jared get his knee surgery?
He did not but he did a lot of physical therapy. It’s still kind of wonky but he’s feeling good and he was ready to shoot on Thursday. x
Do they think Sam and Dean’s relationship is more influenced by being brothers or by being born in a different generation and growing up differently?
Jared answers brothers. He thinks the fact that they were brothers is really what made them behave the way they did with each other and with others. That there’s something great about SPN the relationship between Sam and Dean nothing was off limits, there were times when they would keep secrets from each other and found out later but otherwise, it was one of those you know you hear stuff like you always hurt the ones you love it’s like you can be yourself with somebody who knows you and understands when you're going through a tough time so he thinks the fact that Sam and Dean could ultimately bounce anything off of each other is what really helped them develop their relationship.
Jensen agrees, that it’s the fact that they’re brothers but he’ll also say that it’s not a generation or time thing because he thinks you could take those two brothers in any generation or time and there would be a similar story. It might look a little different but he thinks it would still be very, very similar and he thinks that’s one of the things we all like about the show that it is kind of timeless. That story of two brothers not just fighting the good fight but fighting for each other is a universal story and could be told in any time you could take it to medieval times or you could take it into the future and he thinks it would ring the same. x
If they could do a whole new show together completely on their own what would it be?
Jared says for sure he can’t wait for them to get their heads together and talk about seeing Sam and Dean again. And he also thinks it would be fun to do a comedy.
Jensen says doing something like The Nice Guys would be fun; he thinks the dynamic they got to establish over the past 15 years could be put in a lot of different scenarios. So, as long as they have that they can do whatever. x
Favorite moment with their family this year?
Jared says going to Australia for the holidays. They got to see the Sydney fireworks from the balcony of the house they rented and it was a fun moment to see how happy the kids were; most of the time seeing the kids play and kind of forget about their worries is a lot of fun. So watching the fireworks with them in Sydney was really special.
Jensen says there’s a lot, and they were given the gift of time off this year for an unfortunate reason because of the strikes but that gave them a lot of time to spend with family. He’ll say they took trips and all of them were very memorable but one thing he sees when he closes his eyes is when the kids come home from school, when he gets to pick them up and ask them about their day and that little drive home, and watching them sprint out to play on their playset and the trampoline and the dog chasing them he just sits on the back porch and watches them play, that’s what he sees when he closes his eyes. x
Does Jensen plan on doing another live Radio Company show soon?
He was just talking about this with somebody backstage, there are no hard plans, but it is definitely being discussed. x
What was their favorite episode of SPN to film?
Jared asks if in hindsight or at the time because he looks back and he says French Mistake looking back now he loves it but he was so anxious the entire time, he was so nervous that he didn’t have a great time filming it but in hindsight, he loves the memory of having filmed it. It was nerve-wracking because he had to be funny and the things he had to do and this is when he realized he was talking about Changing Channels 😂 But in hindsight it was amazing but while filming it he was thinking it might be the worst thing that's happened to him in his life. Sacrifice is another that was awful to film but he loves that he got to experience it. It was three days in an abandoned church with Mark Sheppard but it was stressful during it. Same with Swan Song, it's amazing in his head now but during it he hated it.
Jensen mentions that with The End, he thinks it's a similar thing because it was such a challenge to shoot those particular episodes, and when it comes to The End it was very taxing shooting that particular episode for him cause he was playing two versions of Dean but it's one he looks back on it with great pride because of how challenging it was. He will say one of his favorite episodes to film was the very last ep because they had gotten to a point where he and Jared could truly appreciate and reflect on the magnitude of the moment that was happening in front of them; when he got into that car and drove it in as Dean in Heaven he knew that was going to be the final drive for this run of the show which he thinks he has video of, he set his phone up on the seat and recorded that final drive. And the moment on the bridge, there were moments he and Jared took - multiple moments - that they took for themselves without the cameras rolling, and so he thinks that was precious for him and meant so much because of the journey they had gone on and where they had ended up together. But if you ask him what was fun Yellow Fever was fun.
Jared agrees 100% and says he thinks the only episode that he really feels he just had fun during was Baby because it wasn’t the Sam and Dean show it was the Baby show.
Jensen says it was also the most unique process of filming for an episode cause they just mounted cameras to the car and sent them out into the wild fingers crossed hoping the boys would get the scenes. 
Jared says it was the first time in a decade and a half they weren’t going to the set for a show about Sam and Dean this episode was about Baby so it felt like less pressure. And Jensen comments that it's one of his favorite episodes too. x
What do they think happened to the Richesters in Rio?
Jared replies wait for season 16 to find out. He says he does have the purple blazer there was no reason for it to get used again and when a piece of clothing gets made for him it'll never fit anybody else so they gave it to him, and Jensen says he has the suede jacket because they bought it and it was so expensive they couldn't get a double so it never got used, it was just sitting in a closet and they gave it to him to wear cause he didn’t have to do any stunts and then it went home with him.
Jared says the Richesters are having a good time at Carnival in Rio. x
Is there a family tradition during Christmas they are looking forward to doing?
Jensen says because D is from Louisiana and his in-laws usually spend the holidays with them, they do a Holiday Gumbo party. D and her mom spend all day making the gumbo, that’s a little piece of Cajun culture they celebrate at Christmas and it’s a favorite among family and friends- he mentions Jared has been a part of a couple of them.
Jared says they have tamales on Christmas day and smokies (aka cocktail sausages). It’s more the food and the midday nap - these days as parents his Christmas is consisting of him getting all the wrapping paper and boxes from the presents and trying to get rid of it and put it outside cause it’s everywhere but then they always have a late breakfast, watch tv, the movies like Home Alone, Die Hard, Love Actually. He shares the story about how when he did Flight of the Phoenix in Africa there was a "movie theater" there - it was someone's garage - and they had three movies one was in German, one was in Afrikaans, and one was Love Actually so he watched Love Actually like 12 times. He goes from Africa to Australia to shoot House of Wax and he was sitting with the cast talking and asked if they had seen Love Actually they all say yes, and he tells them he loves it then notices Elisha (Cuthbert) giving him a funny look and he tells her he means it, that the movie is awesome, that she has to see it he's seen it a dozen times, she keeps looking at him weird and he thought that she didn't think he'd like a romcom or something so he keeps insisting she has to watch it, that he's not kidding he can't wait to watch it again, and that's when she tells him she was in it.
Jensen asks if the elf comes to his house, Jared answers that it does he's moving around. Then Jensen says it’s stressful that elf can ruin a morning for him. x
What color lightsaber would they wield and why?
Jensen automatically answers green because everybody would envy it. Jared wants a double-bladed one like Darth Maul but one side green and one red. Jensen says "you mean Christmas?" and Jared laughs and says yes, cause he loves Christmas he’d be Darth Christmas. x
Besides friends and family, what’s something that they missed while they were filming?
Jensen says a life. 
Jared says during shooting it's not even like you miss things yet, you know you're missing things you're missing birthday parties and weddings and graduations but during it, it’s a different mode you go into. If a friend calls to hang out the answer is no, and you kind of find out who you’re real friends are because they get it, they know you love them but they understand you're busy for the next 8 months. And when you can wade above water and catch your breath that's when you get together with them.
But they wouldn't trade it. 
Jensen says he's missed annual golf trips his friends have done, he's only been able to go to like 2 out of the dozens they've done because he's not available but they understand, and he wouldn’t change it cause he took pride in what he was doing in order to miss it. x
In SPN were there any storylines or parallels that they wish had been expanded upon or explored?
Jared wishes we saw more of Michael!Dean, and more Eileen.
Jensen wishes there had been more Benny. He thought Purgatory could have lasted a little longer than it did, he thought it was a really cool concept and stuff but he gets that they writers had to put the brothers back together, and he probably, had it gone on for a few more eps, been like "can we wrap this up?"
Jared mentions Purgatory was filmed at a place that’s probably the reality equivalent of Purgatory called Panther Paintball it was like an hour's drive from the apartment and it's mud and muck and there's no service, it's shitty, cold, wet, and dark. It was perfect for Purgatory but probably not fun to go film there but in hindsight it's like 'wish I had been able to film there more'. x
What is the best prank that they remember from each other behind the scenes?
Jared says more than a specific prank, early on they realized things would continue to escalate if they started but Jensen is hard to break between action and cut and there was one time during one of the Gadreel episodes when they were at the Bunker, and his line of dialogue was a bit of a tongue twister and he messed up it actually made it to the gag reel and he loves it cause he purposefully basically spoke gibberish to make Jensen break. So it's more within a scene just trying to cut the tension, the slog of working 14-15 hours with a laugh.
Jensen says it was largely impromptu messing with each other, it wasn't anything drawn out or carefully planned. If the opportunity presented itself to mess with each other they would generally do it but it was also trying to make each other laugh. But, as Jared said, they very quickly realized they were much more effective joining forces. So, the pranks weren't really pranks it was really more messing with each other and having a good time, making each other laugh. And there were countless guest stars who went on set and told them it was the most unprofessional, fun set they'd ever been part off and that was one thing that was important to them they always got the work done but they also sure as hell had a fun time getting it done. x
What would they recommend to someone who has never been to Austin to see or visit, other than Family Business?
Jared says Family Business for sure and then depending on what time of year you are there if you're there between March and November he would recommend staying in a hotel room with AC on but honestly if you can make it for one of the festivals like ACL or South by Southwest- just being out and about that part of the reason he loves Austin is the feeling that people have it just feels like a group of friends so he would recommend trying to find a sporting event or a concert.
Jensen says what you wanna do is take a nice, maybe fall evening, and late in the afternoon take a walk in Town Lake, also known as Ladybird Lake, and then end yourself up on the Congress Street bridge and watch the bats come out from underneath, there are two million bats that live under the bridge and fly out every night and it's like a black cloud of bats, it's pretty amazing. Then maybe keep walking over to Barton Springs, walk down and take a seat at Terry Blacks get some BBQ then maybe that evening go to a show at the Moody theater. This man has provided a whole itinerary.
Jared says if there’s time left he has Jensen’s address so DM him, and Jensen replies to come on by he'll probably have some gumbo 😂 x
And before we wrap up the last panel of 2023, I have to point out something I didn't notice until the end which is that the flannel Jared is wearing, one of the colors matches the shirt Jensen is wearing! I love it 💕
With that finale note, we wrap up one more year of panels!
J2 Main Panel Nashcon '23
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
Character Q&A - Mallory & Wil - June '24
Hey peoples!
Over on Patreon, members can submit questions for poll-winning characters to answer in-character. The current hotseat belongs to Mal and Wil simultaneously. Since the answers are public, I figured why not post them here too. Enjoy!
For Mal:
Q: Mal, is there a look you feel the most comfortable in?
A: Sorta? It's more like, there's a range I prefer staying inside. I don't like being too tall or too short, I like keeping the toned bod. I'd have glasses a lot more if they weren't a pain in the ass with a mask. Usually prefer not being too masc or fem, but that depends. It's a comfort thing. Oh, and I don't like changing ethnicity. I dunno how to explain it but it feels, like... yeah I dunno. Lying isn't usually a problem for me but that kinda deceit makes me feel not okay.
Q: When did you first discover you could do what you do?
A: I was like nine or ten and I was screwing around in the kitchen. I think I was trying to microwave dirt or something? I was a little shit when I was a kid. Anyway I picked up my toasty dirt and my hand kind of just melted and I'm freaking out and thinking I invented acid dirt. Luckily mom was there and ran in and she kinda knew what to do, so I put my hand back together and started changing skin colours. Red, blue, orange, all kinds. Then I got grounded for microwaving dirt.
Q: What's your idea of a good date?
A: Hm, good question. I like to switch things up, but I'd rather be doing like, an activity. I get kinda restless with sitdown stuff like dinner or going to the movies. Would rather curl up at home if we're gonna watch something. But yeah, like, going to the club, dancing, just doing things in each other's company, and if we can go home and cuddle or uh, more, afterward, then even better. I mean that's not essential, touch is just a thing for me.
Q: What do you think of the new members?
A: Teddie needs to lighten up. I know his power is a shitty hand, but the grouchy act gets kinda old when you're trying to work as a team. Kay's fun, though if she sticks with this career she's either gonna wise up or she's gonna get burned hard. Still, it's nice having someone around who gets gender stuff. I like Wil but I don't think he's cut out for this line of work. Just a feeling. Guilty conscious, you know?
[MC] is interesting. 'lil bit of a wildcard. Definitely holding a lot back, but who isn't? There are deep wounds there, and I mean deep. I dunno. People with nothing to lose are dangerous, and I doubt [MC] has much.
Q: What kind of movies / TV shows do you like?
A: I'm an unrepentant lover of trash. Give me shitty reality TV and direct to DVD movies. Musicals, too. Just, uh, hope you don't mind hearing all the songs over and over the next few days cause I'll be singing them nonstop.
Q: Did you ever think of being an actor?
A: Nah, not for me. Only two things I ever wanted to be. Still working on those.
For Wil:
Q: Wil, what's your idea of a good date?
A: A good date's one where everyone enjoyed themselves. The actual activity could be almost anything. I love taking people to concerts, though. Not big ones, I'm talking the kind that you get at a bar or maybe a smallish performance centre. There's just something special about it.
Q: What do you think of the group?
A: I don't like that Dion kept things quiet until we'd already committed ourselves. I'm all for giving the government a big fuck you, but Dion held it back on purpose. Makes it harder to trust him. The group as a whole is alright, I guess. Get along okay with everyone. Little surreal to have coworkers and friends as a villain. Hanging out with buddies in downtime isn't something I ever pictured villains doing, you know?
[MC] worries me a bit. There's this... haunted air, and that doesn't happen out of nowhere. I kind of hope there's something I can do to help.
Q: What music do you listen to?
A: K-pop and country.
*cracks up*
Okay, that was a lie. Yeah, I'm absolutely predictable. I like punk and metal, bit of alt rock. I have a pipe organ album, too.
Q: How did you meet Teddie and Kay?
A: We were all younger. Their powers were both already a thing, mine weren't. They used to hang out a lot in this one neighourhood next to the Parks which is basically the Parks minus one percent, and I happened to work at a coffee place there. They came in now and then, got the impression they couldn't really afford it very often. Exchanged a few words here and there, hadn't really met them until they staggered in one day all bloody and bruised. I guess I was the nearest person they vaguely thought they could trust?
Anyway that's how I wound up getting introductions while fixing Teddie's broken nose.
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Very genuinely important question
So, in a modern AU, I feel like all the Newsies would have drastically different music tastes from each other, and I have almost all of them figured out, but I need y'all to tell me if I'm right
Spot: Mother Mother, specifically both Haylofts and Burning Pile since he thinks it makes him look badass, but also he relates to a lot of the lyrics and likes to scream them. On the other side of things, he likes listening to egotistical songs (mostly from Bradways and shit) because they make him feel better about himself. (I give you as an example, What The World Needs from Ride The Cyclone. He loves RTC, Ocean is his favorite character. He hates her character arc tho.)
Race: Half Cavetown/Alex G/Will Wood, and other music artists that just make music for a living, half surprisingly upbeat songs, mostly from shows, games and movies, that for the most part aren't made to be listened to as much as he does. For example, No Girl's Toy from the Raggedy Ann/Andy movie had him in a chokehold for a little bit, same with the Cab Calloway version of St. James Infirmary Blues from Betty Boop's Snow White (Specifically JUST that version- he refuses to listen to the other ones). He is not allowed to have his playlist of shuffle in the lodging house because it'll skip right from the most depressing song you've ever heard to some random ass thing from the Cuphead soundtrack.
David: Doesn't listen to actual music with lyrics most of the time. No, he puts on that one 10 hour lo-fi compilation from Youtube. If he does want actual music though it's shit like MARINA and Melanie Martinez. Also, he LIVED AND BREATHED the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack at one point. There's also a few songs he likes but he doesn't listen to anything else from the artist/source material, most notably Soldier, Poet, King and It's Not A Game/It's Just A Ride (After Spot forced everyone to watch RTC with him and Race).
Jack: COUNTRY MUSIC. But also, not actual country music. He likes the aethstetic (because cowboy) but can't stand the music, so he gets away with saying it's country music by listening to shit like I Love You Like An Alcoholic. He's gotten caught once listening to Hug All Ur Friends after Race recommended it, but he always used headphones after that. Also, being the tenor icon he is, he would be in choir and all his choir pieces (specifically the concerning sounding ones) are on his spotify playlist. (I raise you: A Silence Haunts Me. Look it up. Also, yes, as a Tenor who sang that piece with the choir I'm in, it's still in my playlist.)
Crutchie/Les: Grouped together because these two have the same music taste and share headphones a lot. It consists of AJR (They like the vibe of the music and both giggle quietly when it swears) The entire lion guard soundtrack, a bunch of Yaelokre songs and other fantasy-sounding stuff, and a bunch of My Little Pony (g4) songs.
Albert: Doesn't listen to as much music as the others, but he notably blasts the entire Hazbin Hotel soundtrack whenever he's watching the younger kids, very loudly yelling all the swears. He doesn't even watch Hazbin Hotel, he just does it to piss everyone off for fun. Jack hates this but can't really do anything about it.
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theamityelf · 2 months
God after seeing you talk about danganronpa and prince of egypt song stuff, your making me crave heavy religious Komaegi. You already got a religious tone for some of your stuff but like priest Nagito believing in a very black and white, biased, messed up hope religion. And old friend/lover run-away Makoto with his little HopePunk crew coming back to town to screw everything up and show everyone what Hopes really about. That probably only work in like a kingdom setting or religious state City/country though. Course you need influential family Junko tainting hope religion with her own despair agenda. And maybe a “second coming” or “gifted” Kamakura to spice things up a bit.
god im cringe. erm. IGNORE ME
Not cringe at all! When I made that post, I was trying to think of the best ways to make the lyrics work for them, and this seems a lot like that, lol!
Honestly, it could work in a post-THH scenario where Nagito has been serving under Sonia the whole time. He's been influencing her, Wormtongue-style, to let his hope religion grow in the seams of her despair dystopia. On her end, it's for the sake of watching Nagito's extremist disrupt any sense of stability her subjects try to find for themselves within her regime. On his end, as always, it's very specifically a hope-despair thing.
Makoto and co escape the school and, as the tide turns hopeways, Sonia's regime falls (and presumably the Future Foundation assumes some prime minister or something has been pulling the strings and she was just a helpless figurehead the whole time, so she's brought into their protective custody before her subjects can execute her). This means Nagito's cult fills the power vacuum, and now all of a sudden it's spreading everywhere, this weird ideology about hope that maybe feels more cathartic than what Makoto actually believes and values, but Nagito certainly centers Makoto in all of it.
And let's say they were very close friends or even dating, in school, before the Tragedy.
This means we have a Nagito who both personally loves and impersonally worships Makoto, a Makoto who personally loves and is ideologically repulsed by Nagito, and a quickly-growing cult that listens to Nagito's compelling narrative where it makes sense to do terrible and terrifying things in the name of hope, because he reached his conclusions as an answer to his trauma, so of course they sound really compelling to a world that has now been similarly traumatized.
And Nagito really loves and values what he's built. But Makoto has to stop him.
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ghastlyvampire · 3 months
Large 1 am thought dump about the ghovie under the cut (contains spoilers) (it really is large and pretty disorganized and a bit random)
(I rewrote this at 8 am ☝️)
The theater was PACKED!! The session I went to was almost fully sold out. There were cosplayers where I went too, it was great. No merch available unfortunately, but hey I didn't even expect it to show in my country so I'm very pleased.
(downside: no popcorn because if we tried to get popcorn we would have been late. The popcorn line basically took over the cinema's entry hall. The ghovie coincided with a bunch of parents taking their kids to see inside out which made for a funny mix at the waiting line).
I basically didn't know anything about what to expect but it was so cool. I'M JUST SAD I COULDN'T GET THE LAST QR CODE IN TIME SIGH BUT IT'S OKAY!!
I went with my dad and he loved it. This is the first movie we watched in a theater that he somehow didn't fall asleep in the middle of LOL.
The downside: as usual, sexual innuendos were a bit awkward to witness when your father is sitting right next to you. That didn't stop me from enjoying anything though dkkskfkdk
I kind of wish the people in my session had been more... Idk I mean it was basically a concert right!! I was expecting more singing and stuff. I normally hate loudness but in these contexts I really like it, but judging by the wait line we were all nerds so it makes sense why no one was extroverted enough for that.
(We did all laugh sometimes and also everyone groaned at the cliffhanger which was funny) (twice, once when the screen turned black and then when the lights of the theater turned back on) (everyone waited)
I did unfortunately also conclude that there's like a 90% chance that I could not ever actually go to a Ghost concert (or most big concerts) because of the lights* 🥹 (autism). I just looked away whenever it got too much but I was also kind of transfixed but regardless I had fun.
*well, really thinking about it I would probably already be overwhelmed just by being in that big of a crowd. Then having to listen to it scream the whole time would have probably kill me so there's that
I got so scared that Copia was going to die at the end. My heart was beating so fast nearing the end and when the balloon thing start I was like It's Over. Then it wasn't!
(In my heart I kind of knew Tobias wasn't going to do that because we are all very attached to him at this point and I would imagine he is too)
The Mary On a Cross animation made me very happy
The costume changes were so cool to witness and I really liked Papa's (or Fráter's now, I guess hehe) little boxer outfit.
Someone brought their baby AND THE BABY DIDN'T CRY OR SCREAM ONCE! Idk how their mom did it since I'm sure they couldn't have been sleeping but maybe they were raised with Ghost so they were just as hooked into the movie as the rest of us.
Oughhh ouch now I'm craving cinema popcorn so bad I wish I could have seen the movie while eating popcorn.
It was nice to get the confirmation that Copia really is Nihil and Sister's son (even though we all knew).
When they were in that box thing I thought that Nihil was going to possess him. I was expecting for him to possess him when he did the pose too for some reason.
I was like wow I will be completely normal about this I'm not even autistic about Ghost anymore. Then I sat down on the chair and immediately was fighting back tears. Apparently I can never be Normal About Things (specifically Things That I Like a Lot).
The new song is great
I was sad that Sister died but she's a ghost so really it's okay.
I might edit this later with more thoughts but I'm too sleepy to think right now. If you somehow read everything then hiiii thank you for reading my messy thoughts
Edit #2: The ghovie had no ads before it. Like at all. I was pleasantly surprised but also feel bad for the people that went into it a bit late thinking they wouldn't miss anything because the ads usually take minutes.
Edit #3: Another reason that makes me think that I'd die at a real Ghost concert is that the music is probably very loud as well, and while my brain dislikes loud music that I like less than the other loud things, it's still not immune to it. Thinking about it, it's crazy that somehow I didn't feel overwhelmed by the sounds in the ghovie once, considering that usually that happens at least once in every movie I see on the theater. Idk if it's just me or they just made it like that, but I'm VERY pleased about that too.
If you want more specific spoilers then dm me I love rambling about things I like
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disregardcanon · 1 year
semi-realistic thoughts about where the yellowjackets and co might be in 2021 if the plane HAD crashed but they got rescued before laura lee died because misty never found the black box
tai- in exactly the same place, but with better coping mechanisms and a stable and realistic relationship with simone. sammy still has some issues because tai represses stuff and is still a politician who’s keeping secrets about the wilderness, but tai actually does let him get the therapy he needs. she’s still close to shauna and akilah, and she wishes that she could be close with van, but things are weird there. she always knew van wanted different things out of life than she did, but it was a lot harder to break things off after they lived through a plane crash and a few months in the wilderness together.
van- jack of all trades, master of none. she’s been a summer camp counselor all over the country, done bit parts in lots of movies, was on jeopardy once, managed a spirit halloween, got involved in cutco knives before she realized it was an mlm, worked at an amusement park, taught english to kids in different countries (never with the US military though because that sucks), worked at a ski resort. she’s had a lot of girlfriends that never really stuck, but she’s glad for all of them. she still talks to quite a few of the yellowjackets, but it’s... hard. when she talks to tai. taissa the accomplished lawyer and now state senator thinks that she should settle down, and that’s a little hard to hear from the high school girlfriend who dropped van when she went off to college.
coach ben- after his experience in the wilderness with the girls and losing his leg, there is absolutely NO way he’s going back to teaching. he tries to make things right with paul and after some work, he ends up moving in with paul in the city. paul’s a writer already, so ben gives it a try and does some comedy columns and sports columns.
nat- had a couple of years right after high school where she was drifting and on just about every drug in the book until she accidentally runs into ben and paul at a party and ben’s like oh my god NATALIE!??! and makes her sleep on their couch for a while. eventually she ends up making weird art and coaching a kids’ soccer team. she has some short term romantic relationships with both men and women but none of them ever really stick.
misty and crystal- coach very gently told her when they were in the hospital that he was gay and not interested. and she was like “oh you figured it out because i was so wonderful and you weren’t attracted to me, so you knew you couldn’t like girls?” and he sighed and went. yes misty. that’s how. and she put a hand on his shoulder and said “how brave. how inspiring” and then misty started telling this story to any teammate who would listen. crystal was the only one who didn’t roll her eyes and she was like “omg, a gay teacher? like in the children’s hour????” and then they become best friends going into the next year of school. misty doesn’t HAVE a secret that’s big enough to break them up so they just. stay together.
misty stays on as the equipment manager but mainly just to cheer on her bestie and they join theater together. they don’t do very well but they LOVE it, and they decide to go to the same college to be roommates. crystal becomes a quirky high school theater teacher and misty still becomes a concerning RN who dates and intimidates weird little guys, but they live together and are like, what, gay? *pft* no, we’re besties! and they are, but god are they weird about it
laura lee and lottie- lottie’s parents made her go to the same ivy that her dad went to, and she really hates it, even though she does her best and gets her degree. (i’m thinking some kind of counseling/leadership) laura lee goes to a bible college that skews too conservative for her and she hates it too, so much that she decides to drop out until she can figure out where she DOES want to go. a lot of soulsearching and mishaps later, and lottie is taking on a youth minister position at a nondenominational hippie dippie queer loving church and inviting laura lee to check it out, and laura lee falls in LOVE WITH IT and then goes straight into the seminary she can find that best lines up with her own values. they become a power couple and get married in 2004 as soon as it’s legal. they end up with a congregation that isn’t very large but is dedicated and does a lot of good in their area.
travis and javi- coach martinez still died, so things are hard, but not nearly as hard as in canon. they work through his death as best as they can with their mom, and travis stays at home the next year to go to community college before leaving home. javi makes him join a dungeons and dragons campaign and it actually helps him a lot with the Big Feelings Time. travis goes into something that his dad thought was nerdy and not masculine enough but that he likes and is good at, and javi becomes an artist. he and shauna collaborate sometimes on projects <3. also travis and jackie become weird friends at community college
mari- she’s an mlm girlie but one that is Proud! Of! It! she’s got a big enough downline that she actually supports herself this way, even though it.... still sucks and is soulsucking. but it lets her be a little bitchy, do tasks, and be kind of in charge and kind of not in charge and mari DOES like that.
melissa and gen- let them play soccer together in college because they were on the fabled yellowjackets team that never got to go to nationals as well as the one that WON! let melissa get butcher. let gen have a sexuality crisis as she gets jealous about girls falling all over her best friend. let them be soccer lesbians who eventually move to denver and buy a subaru
akilah- they find out that shauna’s pregnant before they’re rescued and right before laura lee’s able to make her incredible journey. akilah the girl scout finds herself worrying about what might have happened if they had to deliver a baby out there, even though they DIDN’T. then she does a lot of research into the subject on top of studying for her SAT and finds out about maternal mortality rates in the united states, especially among black women like her and her sister. she decides to become an OBGYN to try to fight the problem, and despite the hardships, she makes it happen. she also gets to upset her sister with terrible pregnancy fun facts, which is what siblings are for
jackie- has a blowout fight with shauna about the jeff thing after they get back, straining her relationships with every member of the team. she still tries at college, but she rushes and doesn’t get a bid for a single sorority (she’s going through a crisis where she’s realized she’s a lesbian and doesn’t know what to do with that and also. is very depressed and angry), her potluck roommate doesn’t like her, and her classes are so hard now without shauna to help. she doesn’t know how to ask for help and things spiral for the two semesters it takes for her to get kicked out of college. she’s home the summer afterward, with her parents desperately trying to get her to figure out a different college or go out with jeff again (we understand what he did, but you aren’t exactly... rolling in prospects right now) and she’s just going crazy in her room.
shauna and jackie- shauna gets an abortion and does go to brown! she’s really upset with where things ended with jackie, but she’s still close to tai and some of the other girls and she’s exploring her bisexuality at college, so she’s doing okay javi sends her drawings sometimes, and that’s nice. when she comes home over her first summer and sees jackie absolutely rotting... she feels awful enough to try to mend the bridge. it doesn’t totally work, but by the end of the season they’re on speaking terms again, and over the next few holiday breaks they become tentative friends again, then good friends, then homoerotic girls who are dancing around each other.
jackie tries out the community college thing and tries hanging out with jeff again, who’s working at his parents’ furniture store. her parents are convinced they’re dating and jeff kind of is too and jackie... tries to see if she can fix herself. she forces herself to let it be dating and then they have sex and it feels wrong and weird and bad... but she does it. and jeff’s magical sperm does its thing.
timeline-wise the pregnancy becomes clear about 3 months before shauna’s graduation from brown/jackie’s graduation from the community college. (she and travis are weird friends there. no i’m not elaborating but it happened) and her parents are freaking out and trying to get her and jeff to get married right now immediately to save face, and jackie just. cries. and calls shauna. and cries some more. and they have a heart to heart and confess some feelings and decide that they’ll try dating and kinda. raise the baby together. (it’s callie yay!)
jackie isn’t going to be able to move in with shauna until after she finishes this semester and gets a bigger place, and her parents are livid that she refused jeff’s offer and is still keeping the baby! (they don’t even know she’s a lesbian yet) so she has to move in temporarily with the martinezes javi shows her lots of art pieces and is like “would shauna like this?” and the answer is always yes.
eventually, shauna becomes an editor for the local paper and a fiction writer. jackie stays home with bby callie for a bit and then cycles between different odd jobs for a while as she tries to find a good fit. she eventually ends up as middle management at a small company where she does a whole lot of team-building exercises that everyone pretends to hate until she pulls out the prizes
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eepyuii · 8 months
frostbite — pt. 8
pairing ; childe x gender neutral! reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; none
notes ; listen guys. i can explain. rly tho, i’ve been horribly busy with school stuff and for a long time i wasn’t rly inspired to write but i got SOME free time now and managed to finish this bad boy up!
sadly, kind of a boring chapter imo, just a LOT of continuing childe’s story quest. i’ve mentioned a bunch of times before how i hate writing by the quest dialogue and how tedious it is and i believe that’s partially why i couldn’t continue writing for a bit. anyway, i promise i’ll try to get the next chapter out sooner as next chapter WILL have some things i’m looking forward to writing LOL
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the bright high noon sun shines against the blades of grass in the hills of qingxu pool, making the greenery seem like shards of vibrant emerald. the very same sun, unfortunately, nearly causes you to melt right then and there- with impossible steep peaks to cross and a whole child in your arms to carry. teucer had fallen asleep in your arms somewhere along the trip and he still snores soundly as you round up to the location childe had referred to earlier and where you immediately spot him, as well as some other men.
“found him! there’s childe!” paimon exclaims as she floats on ahead, effectively waking up teucer at the mention. he tries to move around and gather in his surroundings within your hold, sleepy eyes adjusting to the light once more.
as you get closer to the group, you find that the men childe is speaking to are… treasure hoarders. and it certainly didn’t look like the friendliest of exchanges, some kind debt collecting that lunatic does. you hear half of a taunt coming from childe when you approach earshot.
“…i suppose i should forgive you country bumpkins for your ignorance, for i am-“
“brother!” teucer yells excitedly and the harbinger freezes in his tracks the next second.
“you’re selling them toys, aren’t you, brother? that’s so cool, i’ve always wanted to watch you work!”
childe stammers. “w-why yes, of course! for i am, uh…
…the greatest toy salesman in snezhnaya!”
oh, for the tsaritsa’s sake. this time, you truly cannot fight the involuntary reaction within your muscles to facepalm at his half-assed save, if you can even call it that. though, what makes it worse is when he raises his fists triumphantly, clapping as if there was nothing wrong with what he said.
“so cool!”
“…huh?” says one of the treasure hoarders.
“you playin’ games, pretty boy?” goes another and you snort at the nickname.
“so, will you buy, or not? the toys that snezhnaya produced three months ago will run you.. yes, six hundred thousand mora- to be paid in full.”
another treasure hoarder chokes on his breath. “t-toys..? a-and how much mora…?”
“wow, is that what it’s gonna cost to fix that head of yours?”
the three hoarders bark out in mocking laughter. childe doesn’t seem to be dissuaded in the slightest, in fact his eyes drop into a lethally serious glare.
“i’ll say it again- toys from snezhnaya. three months prior. six hundred thousand mora. paid in full.”
“yeah… no, sorry, salesboy. the same joke isn’t funny twice. or were you always cruisin’ for a bruisin’?”
the harbinger sighs. “alright then, i’ll make things a little easier for you- i’ll join the treasure hoarders. perhaps you’ll be more willing to pay when we’re brothers-in-arms?”
you frown, slightly skeptical of childe’s methods of negotiation. however, you know better than anyone that childe, for all that he seems, is not an idiot. he’s just as aware of the means as he is of the ends and he wouldn’t be making statements like those with such certainty for nothing.
“hah- would you listen t’yourself?! you think we just let any old person into the treasure hoarders? i’m not so sure you could hack it…”
“heh, well then, why don’t you put me to the test, dear seniors? i like to think of myself as quite talented in the field of treasure hunting.”
“hmm.. looks like you’re not gonna pack it up until someone packs you in. alright then, show us what you got.”
the leading treasure hoarder proceeds with the proposition of a challenge where childe would have to collect some loot on a nearby hill within a time limit set by them. while you could see the hill from where you were, it was impossibly far to reach on foot in such a short amount of time. a tinge of worry creeps into the back of your neck and you shoot childe a concerned look, which he receives like he’s perfectly understood your silent doubts.
in return, he only cheekily winks to you and takes off.
he expertly uses the powerful gusts of wind shooting nearby to cut the path toward the hill in short and before you can even think of keeping track of his movements, he’s back with a small chest in hand- nonchalantly brushing dust off his uniform.
“well, i have the goods, here you go. so how’d i do? pretty well, i’d say.” childe smirks.
one of the other treasure hoarders starts sweating and whispers worryingly over to his fellow bandit. the leader turns back to childe, somewhat containing his shock.
“please… hold on a moment, sir. we need to discuss something amongst ourselves.”
the three turn to a small circle, where they mutter back and forth to each other, unintelligibly to you. periodically, one of the hoarders throws childe a quick, fearful look to ensure that he’s not becoming impatient- lest something freakier than his show of inhuman speed happens. finally, the leader turns back.
“so, mister.. salesman. my apologies but we can’t have you joining us.”
“oh? i didn’t pass? i must say i never imagined that the treasure hoarders would have such strict entry requirements…” childe replies unimpressed.
“no, i-it’s not that- ..what we mean is you’re too big a fish for our little pond. but we fully understand the situation with the uh… toys, sir. we’ll fetch that six hundred thousand mora for you right away.”
you scoff, shaking your head incredulously at how… somehow childe managed to get his way with such a ridiculous front to impress his brother. teucer, on the other hand, could not be happier with the outcome.
“that’s my brother for you! toy sellers are so cool!”
some rustling of grass from behind you grabs your attention and you instinctively tense your shoulders, hand ready and reaching out towards teucer if you had to protect him from an unexpected ambush by the sour treasure hoarders. fortunately, the arriving individual turns out to be a familiar fatui employee, felix. he recognizes your presence with a curt bow-like gesture before directing himself towards the harbinger.
“ah, master childe, you’re here. a new batch of fresh recruits have just-“
“hey now, keep your voice down. can’t you see i’m entertaining some clients over here?”
“clients? well uh… the motherland has dispatched a new batch of recruits to liyue. they’ve just arrived and i’m afraid we must ask you to speak to them.”
“ugh, do i have to? now is hardly the best time…”
you decide to interject with a suggestion. “couldn’t signora give them the initiation? she’s also an acting superior here in liyue.”
felix shakes his head. “i’m afraid the fair lady has already returned to the palace to attend to other affairs.”
dammit, you really couldn’t keep track of that woman. both you and childe seem to simultaneously deflate slightly at the news, as if you’d both imagined at the same time how hard it’d be to keep teucer satisfied and ignorant towards the truth with so many predicaments.
“i truly must apologize for troubling you, master childe, but they are already waiting for you south of lingju pass. every new batch of recruits must be baptized by the tsaritsa’s will through the words of her harbingers. this has always been our rule.”
childe groans and rolls his eyes petulantly.
“well, alright then, i’ll go. just give me a moment to catch up with my brother and i’ll be right with you.”
“do you have to keep working?” teucer finally speaks up, with his saddened tone from earlier returning.
“yes teucer, we have a group of new toy sellers fresh from the motherland and i need to go teach them the ropes.”
“that’s great! when i grow up, i wanna be a toy seller too. can i go listen?”
you stammer to answer quickly. “ah- maybe not now, teuce’. you’re still a little too young for that, bud.”
childe nods in agreement. “besides, most of it is rather boring. why don’t you go play with y/n and the traveler instead? sound good?”
teucer shoots out the most impossibly heart wrenching combo of big eyes and a pout towards his brother. “b-but.. but…”
“i really do have to go, teucer. a lot of people are waiting to see me. i’ll see you around, alright?”
the boy sighs melancholically and for a moment you do understand his side of the situation, but again you’re reminded of the harsh reality of the fatui and how hard it must be, no- how hard it has been to keep such a young, adventurous kid oblivious to all of it. it truly has not been easy for childe for his little brother to show up so absurdly unannounced.
the traveler and paimon are a few feet away, whispering to each other while teucer still sulks, and you catch a bit of their conversation.
“to think he’d go this far just to prevent his family from seeing his… dark side.”
“i wonder how much longer he can hide it from teucer…” the traveler responds.
“paimon wonders too. but hey, let’s at least help him
out while we’re out in liyue…
wait- where’s teucer?”
panic shoots up your spine chillingly and you turn around to where he just was, to find nothing. the few seconds you’d kept your eye off him he disappears. you scan the grasslands for teucer almost involuntarily, but no sign of him at all.
“ugh.. we were too busy chatting! where’d he go?”
you sigh frustratedly and stomp down the hill, eyes still vigilant. “dammit, i shouldn’t have taken my eyes off of him while he was still upset. not even for one second… of course he’s going after childe.”
“…from this day forward, you will honor the oaths you have made to her majesty the tsaritsa and you will stop at nothing to bring snezhnaya victory.”
you can still taste the very same oath you swore years ago on your tongue. you still remember how tense your shoulders stayed and shaky the fist held to your heart was, how harsh and vile the words of the fatui initiation sounded coming out of dottore’s mouth. and now, they sound just as sharp coming from childe- you find that it gives you an unpleasant feeling in your chest.
teucer and childe, and consequently the new recruits, were not at all hard to find. you approach the gathering to see teucer propped up on a nearby rock, head held in his hands as he attentively watched the ceremony. you truly wish you’d kept your eye on teucer before and stopped him from coming here. it’s hard to be reminded of childe’s cold and devoted demeanor when it came to the tsaritsa- though, cold and devoted is what you could call any of her followers.
for some reason, the occasion causes you to pause and watch a bit of the procedure yourself, but you don’t focus on how intense the harbinger’s words are, nor on how the recruits react to it. no, instead you focus on childe’s scars.
they’re so evenly distributed throughout his body, or at least what you can see of it, that it almost seems intentional. at any other time, you would’ve thought them to be artistic and beautif- but err, uhm… but now they only look like glaring reminders of childe’s nature as the tsaritsa’s weapon of war. you’ve always thought that was a baffling title to have.
you notice teucer stand up to wave to his brother in the distance.
“…for the trials that we face are harsh, and the enemies are like- ..ehm,”
childe also looks over to where you were at that very second, catching onto teucer’s excited movements. his eyes asses your group, then they trail over to you and the seconds where your eyes meet seems to last longer than it should- there’s a shocked shift in his gaze and it’s then that you realize you’d been frowning this whole time. the harbinger then regards his brother’s presence and he stutters on his sentence.
“a-ahem, like… kites a-and rattle drums.. who shall become redoubtable foes of mr. cyclops in the marketplaces of liyue..!”
you hear teucer approve of his message right next to you, although the recruits don’t seem entirely sold.
“this is, of course, an analogy. as they say, ‘the marketplace, too, is a battlefield.’”
nobody says that.
“so, as your… sales manager here in liyue, i demand that you obey my every order! a refusal shall be considered a betrayal, and the price for betrayal is to be dishonorably discharged from.. a-ahem, the institute of toy research.”
this time, he can’t stupidly get away with this, as both teucer and the recruits seem queasy about the statement- much to childe’s dismay. he looks down for a moment as if to consider his options and shoots up again.
“eh.. uh… forget it! perhaps a round of hands-on training will suit us better!”
just how in teyvat is this guy your superior?
as if everything could not become any more absurd, childe’s proposal seemed to utterly please the new recruits- they whisper and rave to each other about the huge honor that it would be to fight with the eleventh harbinger. you could see the duels’ ends before they even began, with all of these poor newbies licking the dirt as they’re kicked into ground by childe with minimal effort.
just as expected, it’s over rather quickly- though the recruits do hold up their own for longer than you anticipated against someone like childe.
“well then, do you all understand what i said earlier?” childe interrogates with nonchalant confidence, as if he wasn’t slipping up and stumbling on his own words earlier.
“yes, sir!” the recruits heave out exhaustedly.
“excellent, and you all almost managed to get me limbered up. in other words, you’ve done well- for new recruits.”
“thank you, lord harbinger!”
childe gives the recruits some more encouragement before dismissing them as soon as possible. once they take off, teucer takes the opportunity to run up and tell his brother how amazing he was just then.
“teucer- what in the world are you doing here? there i was thinking that these three had taken you to play at wangshu inn, aha!” childe says, the latter sentence is pointed, much like his subtle glare up at the three of you.
“you really did get stronger.” the traveler admits with dignity and childe’s ego, as if it hadn’t been inflated enough by the drooling recruits just now, seems to swell.
“hah, i told you, didn’t it? i never pass on an opportunity to improve my strength. i’m not the
man i was when we first met.”
“you didn’t go all out, though.” she teases.
“by that, i assume you mean i didn’t use foul legacy transformation, yes?”
“it puts a great strain on my body, so it’s best saved for crucial moments.”
your eyes lower into a warning glare, thought playful one. “as if i’d ever let you use it in a situation like this.”
childe laughs with his full chest, amused at your quip.
“ahaha! yes, that much is true. if it hadn’t been for y/n’s medical prowess, i’d still be ways in recovery from the injuries i sustained back at the golden house. and they wouldn’t be a very good medic if they just let me slow down my own healing process, now, would they?”
you two share a knowing look and you give him an approving nod- and as everyone follows suit to look over to you, you fold your arms and pose out proudly, fully drinking up the praise towards your skill.
“anyway, i’m no signora. i don’t use lethal force against recruits, come on now…”
teucer scratches his chin in confusion. “the foul legacy transformation? does it make you stronger than mr. cyclops?”
“ahah… you could say that.” paimon laughs awkwardly.
“i wanna learn how to fight too! i wanna be cool like you!”
“now teucer, fighting isn’t about looking cool. you can only continue to get stronger if you know the reason why you’re fighting.” childe gestures to his younger brother in a lecturing manner.
“i can teach you. but think carefully first- why do you want to fight?”
“..i want to protect sister tonia.”
the breath is taken from your chest for a moment. you don’t know what exactly you were expecting teucer’s answer to be but it was certainly not that. it’s so noble and honest and so… ajax, in a sense. you can’t describe what it is, but it sends you back to the times where you and ajax would have late-night deep talks inside pillow forts, whenever he slept over at your house. you’d deliberate about your lives and ambitions and you’d hear ajax express how much he aspired to become like the heroes in his father’s tales. courageous and selfless, so he could brace his fears and protect his loved ones. it’s uncertain if childe recalls the same memory as you, but he’s just as visibly pleased with teucer’s answer.
he pats the younger boy on the top of his head tenderly. “that’s a good answer teucer. when i return to snezhnaya, i will start teaching you fighting techniques.
then, you’ll have to protect tonia for me- how does that sound?”
“hehe, leave it to me!”
“you’ve had a nice long time here in liyue, haven’t you? isn’t it about time you took the boat back home?”
teucer pouts. “but, but… but you’ve been so busy, and we didn’t get any time to play together yet..”
“teucer, you know i’m very busy at work.. and hasn’t it been fun traveling all over the place with y/n and two proper travelers?”
you can tell childe feels like he hasn’t spent enough time with his brother either, but his worry about keeping up the toy seller appearance to protect teucer overcomes him. today has been nothing but close calls for him.
“w-well, how ‘bout this? if you just do one little thing for me, i’ll be a good boy and go back home!”
“oh dear, who taught this little devil to bargain.. alright, what’ll it be?” childe chuckles.
“take me to visit the institute of toy research!”
what? surely he doesn’t mean the research lab… once again, childe seems to have the same thought as you and you take the opportunity to throw him an incredulous, threatening look- as if to tell him ‘this might be your most gods awful idea yet if you take him there..’, but seemingly to no avail.
“done deal. after all, you’ve come all this way for me, teucer…”
childe persuades the traveler and paimon into taking teucer back to the facility at lingju pass and they take off soon after. you decide to stay behind and hopefully steer the harbinger away from the idea and he only faces you in waiting, like he already expects you to reprimand him. you cross your arms disappointedly and sigh.
“you know what i’m about to say to you, right?”
“hm, i might have an idea or two but just-“
“childe, that’s not just some abandoned facility for tourists to frolic inside- it’s dottore’s research lab and it’s active! if the machines inside that place don’t crush us all the second we walk inside, then surely my boss will do worse to us if we put anything out of place. i mean, this whole ordeal started because i had to go regulate the lab, then we found teucer and had to take him elsewhere so nothing bad would happen, who in their right mind-“
two strong, gloved hands come up to hold either side of your face.
the touch is somehow firm enough to effectively shut you up and hold up your head as to fully face childe, but still gentle enough as to not hurt or startle you. the committer of the act stares you right in the eyes, a doting look is apparent on his own azure gaze.
“y/n. answer this simply, do you trust me?”
there’s a pause as you process the development of the literal last 3 seconds and think of an answer- though the distracting, fluttering sensation in your chest also factors in the time you take to actually speak.
“w-well, it’s- it’s not about trusting you or-“
“do. you. trust. me?”
another pause. you look into his eyes as deep as you can and search for anything that says that maybe there’s an off-chance you shouldn’t trust him, but there’s nothing. he’s shown himself more than capable of steering situations back in his control today and it doesn’t need to be spoken how serious he is about protecting his family, even a scratch on teucer’s cheek would be a last case scenario to him. you sigh.
“i trust you, ajax.”
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap @koichirana
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pomefioredove · 4 months
Heyyyy if you are still open to some more matchups can I request a romantic one? You can pick anyone Students, Staff, or RSA/Noble Bell college people, i don't care either way. I really just want to know who you think fits me personality-wise best lol. 
Ok, so I guess I’ll tell you my appearance first, I’m 169cm so like 5’6, I’ve got very very curly reddish brown hair, and blue eyes that look purple to gray depending on the light. I have a lot of tattoos. Started with a stick and poke piece when I was 13 and have kept getting them even years later. I joke that instead of a sleeve I have a pair of pants, both my legs are covered in tattoos, one side black and the other color. People always tell me I'm incredibly easy to spot in a crowd. Pronouns are She/Her and my voice is kind of low and monotone maybe a bit husky.
As for hobbies... I love Boxing and MMA, I’ve been doing it competitively for a few years so I can comfortably say I can kick most people's ass. food is a bit of a love language for me so I cook pretty often and try a lot of different cuisines (current fav is Georgian, you have to try Khachapuri it's soooo good). I used to sing and play the drums though it's been a while so I'm probably not too great anymore. You know how some people listen to music for the lyrics while other people listen for the beat? I definitely listen more for the sound, I don't care what the song is about just how the sounds flow together... which is why I mostly listen to music in foreign languages, don't need to understand to lyrics to enjoy the beat.
My interests are mostly low key I like to study languages but I don't really try to become fluent just conversational i guess. I'm more inclined to learn about the aspects of a language than the grammar and stuff. Reading horror and what I like to call weird fiction. I love finding books that are a little odd the best example of this that I can think of is "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewsk. I really like weird things, normal things that have been a little twisted and made up in new ways if you get what I mean.
As for my personality... ugh I think I'm probably an acquired taste... it sounds bad but like I'm a really difficult person to get close to. I just don't trust easily and I'm not someone who entertains too much small talk without reason. An example is the fact I've known people for five+ years and still don't really consider them friends. Sure we hang out but like they don't know me and I don't know them. I'm just kind of prickly, with a major resting bitch face too. Though to make up for this I'm incredibly loyal. Once we've actually become friends there's nothing I wouldn't do for them. If they need help hiding a body I'm not gonna ask questions just gonna bring a shovel, take out for two, and tickets out of the country.
Oh and a current project of mine is to reverse-engineer a printer so that i can stick it to shitty corporations who think its reasonable to make you pay a subscription to use a printer that I ALREADY PAID FOR!! That last bit was mostly because i need to print out an essay of mine and I had to dust of the printer i haven't used in forever only to be met with a error message saying i had to pay my subscription to use the thing ugghh. So now i need to actually learn how to a soldering gun.
Sorry if my ramblings don't make much sense, I really don't think about myself too much so trying to describe myself was like insanely hard. Thank you!!!!!!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I match you with 𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
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The First Impression:
Okay. His honest, true, first thought? You smell good. You smell like spices and warmth, so much so that he forgets what he's doing to turn in your direction.
Why He Fell:
"Prickly" and "hard to get close to" aren't terms in Ruggie's dictionary. He would crawl into a sewer if he thought he'd get something worthwhile out of it, and, hey- to him, you're pretty worthwhile!
He may or may not trail behind you like a lost puppy for a little while, at least until you take pity on him and give the poor thing a good meal. But, like with most stray animals, feeding him only brings him back.
Over time (and a few meals), Ruggie starts to bond with you on a more personal level. He'll ask about each of your tattoos, let you ramble to him about whatever it is you're working on, and take little notes on how sharp and crafty you are in the meantime.
The Relationship:
Ruggie has absolutely no shame. Will gladly eat every single thing you make him without even asking what it is, all while dousing you with compliments about it. If making people food is your love language, then eating food is his.
You're just really nice to have around, right? And hey, your beat-em-up skills definitely don't hurt! He's a scrawny guy, he can appreciate standing behind some muscle. He also finds the way you understand sound, in both music and language, to be fascinating, especially considering how sensitive most beastmen's ears are. He can relate to how you describe it.
He's never one to judge, either, so take your time getting comfortable around him! He'd never admit it, but he's pretty much the same way- it takes a lot to actually get his walls down. You can do it together, huh?
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