#even with the song being lowered in pitch
myname-isnia · 1 year
For once the fact that I, aged 11 through 15, spent most of my free time locking myself in the bathroom to mouth along to songs while practising expressions in the mirror was actually useful
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theostrophywife · 8 months
darling, you look divine.
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pairing: regulus black x reader.
song inspiration: eyes don't lie by isabel larosa.
author's note: screaming, crying, throwing up. if regulus looked at me like that, i'd be wetter than the black lake. please enjoy my darlings 🤎
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The first symptom reared its ugly head early Monday morning. 
You were in the Great Hall eating breakfast with James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter when your skin suddenly felt like you were being engulfed by fiendfyre. The burning heat spread through your entire body, making you feel flushed and flustered. Your fork clattered against the table while you wiped the sweat off of your brow with clammy hands. 
“Are you feeling alright, love?” asked Sirius. 
You shook your head, fanning yourself. “Does anyone else feel hot all of a sudden? It feels like I’m getting burned alive.”
The boys shook their heads. Remus laid the back of his hand against your forehead. “You’re burning up, Y/N. I think you might be pitching a fever.” 
James pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and squinted. “Moony’s right. You’re sweating profusely and you look a bit peaked.” 
Peter nodded in agreement. “It might be that new dragon flu that’s going around. Maybe you should head back to the dorms, Y/N.” 
“I can’t miss class. There’s an assignment due in Transfiguration.” 
Just then, a violent cramp seized your lower abdomen. You gripped the edge of the dining table so hard that you felt the wood splinter underneath your palm. Padfoot’s eyes widened at the appearance of your claws. It had only been a month since Sirius helped you summon your Animagus form and while you still had much to learn, you’ve never lost control like this before. 
You needed to get out of there. Transforming into a giant snow leopard in the middle of the Great Hall would be very, very bad. 
“Don’t worry about McGonagall,” Sirius said in a stern voice. “We’ll cover for you. Now come on, I’ll walk you back to your room.” 
Fortunately, you managed to reach Gryffindor tower with no other incidents. After Sirius escorted you back to your dorm, he barred the door with magic and promised to check up on you after class. 
The cramps only worsened. It felt like someone had buried a dagger into your stomach and was now twisting and turning it as they pleased. You doubled over in pain and clutched the poster of your canopy bed before curling up into a ball in the middle of your mattress. Not even your period cramps compared to this torment. 
When you thought it couldn’t get any worse, an overwhelming ache blossomed between your thighs and made you groan with need. You twisted in your sheets and pressed your legs together to counteract the wave of lust coursing through your veins, but it only made it worse. You felt empty and hollow and the overwhelming desire to be filled was the only thing you could think about.
This was different from the surge of adolescent hormones that you had grown so familiar with. The desire was a living thing, sinking its claws into your very being. You felt feral, animalistic. 
You burrowed into your pillows, your breaths growing ragged as you tried to regain control. A demanding knock against your door broke your concentration. You sniffed the air, whining softly as the intoxicating scent of eucalyptus, bergamot, and sandalwood overpowered your heightened senses. A part of you recalled the warning Sirius left you with. You were not, under any circumstances, supposed to open the door unless it was him or one of the boys on the other side, but the temptation was too strong. 
As the knocks grew more insistent, the scent shifted into something sharper. You felt yourself drawn to it and before long, you were opening the door to satiate your curiosity. The person standing on the other side made your stomach lurch. 
“Regulus,” you said through gritted teeth. The very presence of the younger Black brother made your entire body shake as you contended against the urge to transform. It was a losing battle. You could feel your canines elongating, making your gums feel sore and achy. “Now is not a good time.” 
In fact, it was the worst bloody fucking time. On a normal day, you could barely tolerate Regulus. His surly attitude and cutting glare certainly left little to be desired. Then there was the matter of his falling out with Sirius, which only served to heighten the tension between you. When Professor McGonagall chose to make you partners, you at least attempted to keep things civil. Whatever was going on between your best friend and his younger brother was none of your business, but Regulus had practically made it impossible to stay impartial. 
You had never met a broodier, haughtier, snootier arsehole than Regulus Arcturus Black. The pureblood prick acted like he was a prince amongst peasants just because he happened to be born into the right bloodline. Yet a muggleborn like yourself had managed to take the top spot in every class. A spot that previously belonged to him. 
To be expected, Regulus wasn’t the least bit pleased about this. He was even less thrilled when McGonagall tasked him to drop off the latest lecture notes so that you wouldn’t fall behind in class. If she hadn’t threatened to deduct points from his house for refusing, Regulus would’ve never set foot in the godforsaken lion’s den.
He pushed his way inside, not bothering to wait for a proper invitation. “Here are the notes from class,” Regulus stated stiffly. “We’re required to transform a thimble into a thestral. I suggest you read up. I’ll not have you dragging me down just because you fancied playing hooky for the day.” 
“I’m not skipping for the bloody hell of it,” you snapped. “If I had a choice, I would be in class not doubled over in pain—” 
Regulus caught you just before you hit the ground. The dizzy spell had come out of nowhere, nearly knocking you to the floor from the sheer force of its effects. As Regulus snaked his arm around your waist, you almost wished it had. His scent hit you all at once. You whimpered as he tucked you against his side, feeling the heat of his touch even under all your layers of clothing. 
The ringing in your ears subsided enough for you to hear the panic in Regulus’ voice. “Y/N, can you hear me? Are you alright?” 
You pushed him off with what little strength remained in your body. “Thank you for the notes, but I’d appreciate it if you left.”
“No,” Regulus said. 
“What do you mean, no?
“I mean, no. Do you want to hear it in French? Non.” 
You frowned, clutching your stomach. The cramps were starting again, but it was different this time. The ache in your lower abdomen was excruciating and your current proximity to Regulus only seemed to make it worse. The slickness between your thighs certainly didn’t help the matter. It was humiliating, plain and simple. 
“Get the fuck out, Regulus!” 
Regulus caught your wrist. His fingers felt like ice against your overheated skin. “You don’t want that, darling. Not when I’m the only person who can help.”
“You know what’s wrong with me?” 
He sighed. “Of course my brother would convince you to turn without thinking about the side effects. Classic Sirius, honestly.” You glared at him to get on with it. “You’re in heat, Y/N.” 
You grimaced. There was no way in Godric’s green earth. “Like…a cat?” 
Regulus smirked. “Is that what you transform into, little kitten?” You pursed your lips, which caused him to roll his eyes. “Please, I know your merry band of misfits have all conjured an animagus form. There’s no use hiding it. So what are you? A fuzzy little Persian cat?” 
“No,” you said rather haughtily. Did he have to be so irritating? “My form is a snow leopard.” 
“Still a kitten,” he responded with a shit eating grin. “The same rules apply. You’ll be in heat for at least a week, mon chaton.” 
“You mean I have to suffer for seven whole days? This is hell. It feels like my uterus is being ripped apart. How am I supposed to endure this pain for an entire week?”
“Well, there are ways to find relief.” 
“What kind of ways?” 
Regulus gave you a knowing look. “You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you can figure it out. What’s the purpose of heat?” 
“Reproduction,” you answered almost instantly. The realization left your mouth before your brain could even process it. Oh, you have got to be kidding. This was some sort of cruel joke. For Merlin’s fucking sake! This was horrifying. Downright humiliating. “You can’t possibly mean…” 
The grin on the stupid twat’s face was growing wider by the second. “You don’t necessarily have to have sex,” he said in an amused tone. “An orgasm will do. I’m sure you can manage that with your fingers, can’t you princess?”
You swallowed thickly. “I—I’ve never—“ 
Was it possible to die from embarrassment? Discussing the details of your sex life would’ve been humiliating under any circumstance, but this? Standing here, telling Regulus fucking Black what you were about to tell him, this was truly rock bottom.
“Don’t tell me you’re a virgin.” 
“No!” you snapped. You’ve had your fair share of experience in that department, no matter how awkward they might’ve been. “I’ve had sex, I just haven’t…”
“You’ve never had an orgasm?” Regulus said, entirely perplexed. “Not even once?” 
You crossed your arms defensively, which turned out to be a big mistake. On top of everything else that you were already suffering through, your breasts now felt sore and sensitive. 
“No,” you conceded with a sigh. “I don’t need you judging me for it either, so if you’re quite done then please get the bloody hell out of my dorm.” 
It may have been your imagination, but you could’ve sworn that Regulus softened just a little bit. He at least loosened his grip on your wrist, rubbing up your arm in a gesture that might’ve been soothing if it weren’t coming from him. 
“I’m not judging you. If anything, I’m judging whoever it is that failed to make you finish. It’s quite rude to leave a lady unsatisfied.” 
“What would you even know about satisfying a woman, Regulus?”
“Trust me, darling. I know plenty.” Your cheeks heated as he traced circles on your forearm. “Tell me, kitten. Have you ever touched yourself?” 
The conversation should have ended there. You should’ve put a stop to it. But this bloody fucking heat was doing strange things to your body. Your hormones were out of control and Regulus was standing way too close for comfort. So close that you could see the little golden flecks in his emerald eyes. So close that one of his curls was tickling your cheek. So close that those full, pillowy lips were mere inches away from your own. 
He smirked when your gaze dipped down to his mouth. “My eyes are up here, Y/N and I asked you a question. The polite thing to do is answer.” 
“Since when have you ever cared about being polite?” 
“I don’t, but I think you and I are playing a very dangerous game here and I quite enjoy sparring with you, ma cherie.” Regulus tilted your chin up and cradled your jaw. “So, have you or have you not touched yourself?” 
You glared up at him defiantly; a last ditch effort to keep your dignity intact. “No,” you said with your head held high. “I’ve never touched myself and I’ve never had an orgasm. Are you happy now, Regulus?” 
“Quite the opposite,” he murmured. Regulus caressed your bottom lip with his thumb and tilted his head back to study you. His eyes were almost black when they flickered back up to meet yours. “I could teach you.” 
“You want to teach me how to…” 
“Masturbate. Wank. Get yourself off?” Regulus listed matter-of-factly. “Yes. Yes, I do, ma chérie.”
It should’ve been a no-brainer. This was a terrible, horrible fucking idea. An absolute hot mess that would yield calamitous results, but the ache in your core was too painful to ignore and you were willing to try just about anything to find relief. Including trusting someone you absolutely loathed. 
“Fine. You can teach me, but that’s it. None of this goes any further than that.” 
Regulus smirked. “I won’t touch you, princess. Not until you beg me to.” 
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. “So?” 
He nodded behind you. “Get on the bed.” 
That was easy enough. You crawled into your mattress and sat cross legged on top of your sheets. “Not like that. Lie down on your back and take those ghastly pajamas off.” 
Arsehole. You happened to like your red and gold striped bottoms, but to be fair, they were in the way. The mattress dipped beneath him as Regulus positioned himself at the very edge of the bed. He leaned against the wooden poster, his gaze transfixed on the sight before him. 
“I wouldn’t have taken you as a red lace lingerie type of girl, mon chaton.” You frowned in response, which only made him chuckle. “As pretty as those panties are, you’ll need to take them off as well.” 
You hesitated, hooking your thumb over the waistband of your knickers. Regulus raised a brow as if he were challenging you to back out. Like he half-expected you to be too scared to continue. He seriously underestimated that infamous brashness that Gryffindors were so well known for. 
He inhaled sharply as you slipped out of your panties and tossed the discarded lace next to him. “Spread your legs, sweetheart.” 
For once, you kept silent and did what you were told. Regulus nodded tightly. “Wider. Yeah, just like that.” 
“What now?” you asked, trying to keep yourself from blushing at this totally undignified position. You were way past embarrassment now. 
“Run a finger through your folds,” Regulus said, his voice sounding huskier than it did a second ago. He watched with dark eyes as you stroked your core. “Fuck, you’re soaked. I can see it on your fingers.” 
You took a deep breath, feeling that tension coil in your lower abdomen. Every fiber of your being buzzed with lust. “Stroke yourself, kitten. Imagine that it’s someone else touching you.” 
With your eyes closed, you let his voice guide you through the steps. You hated to admit it, but he was good at this. “Use your own slick to make it easier, darling. Gather it before rubbing your clit. That’s it, just like that. There’s a good girl.” 
The words spurred you on, your fingers working that sensitive bundle of nerves to find release. You could feel the budding orgasm. It was spreading through you, setting your teeth on edge. You were close, so close. 
When the momentum dropped, you nearly cried out of frustration. If you thought you were in pain before, this was ten-fold of that. For some reason, there was some sort of mental block that you couldn’t get past. 
You looked up, your lower lip trembling. “I can’t do it. There’s this block and I freeze up and I just can’t do it on my own.” 
Regulus looked unhinged. Like he was going to jump out of his skin any second. You’ve never seen him like this. Anything other than calm and collected was out of character for the youngest Black. 
“Will you help me?” you whispered. To be honest, you weren’t above begging at this point. 
He looked utterly conflicted. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Y/N. You’re in heat. I don’t want to take advantage when you’re in such a vulnerable state.” 
You shook your head. “You wouldn’t be taking advantage. I know I’m hormonal, but oddly enough, I trust you. You know how to keep a secret. Just please, Regulus. I’m in so much pain.” 
Regulus was silent for a moment. He seemed to be in deep contemplation. “Are you absolutely sure?” 
“And you’re aware of what you’re asking for and who you’re asking it from?” 
“I am perfectly aware, thank you very much. Is this the most brilliant idea I’ve ever had? Fuck no. Do I still want to do it anyways? Fuck yes.” 
The two of you stared at one another. Regulus clenched his jaw and then unclenched it. Finally, he sighed in resignation. 
“C’mere then.” 
He positioned himself against the headboard, his back pressed up on the wood. Regulus bent his long legs and pulled you against him, your back resting against the solid plane of his chest. You sighed as he rubbed soothing circles upon your skin, his rings kissing your hips with their cold bite. He shuffled behind you, adjusting himself just as you caught a glimpse of the two of you in your vanity mirror. 
Regulus stuck his middle and pointer finger into his mouth, making sure they were nice and wet before he moved them lower. You whimpered as he caressed the inside of your thigh and clutched the sheets as he teased along your crease. When he stroked along your wetness, a choked moan escaped from your lips. 
“Gods, you’re fucking dripping.” His cold breath fanned over your neck just as he plunged his fingers deep within you. “Salazar fucking save me, you’re even tighter than I imagined.” 
His strokes were languid, small ministrations as he buried his fingers inside of you. The cold metal rings that adorned his slender fingers hit your pubic bone every time he thrusted inside of you, but it wasn’t painful. In fact, seeing the Black heirloom ring soaked in your wetness might’ve been the most erotic sight you’ve ever witnessed.
You whimpered as his other hand disappeared underneath your shirt. “Can I touch you here, princess?” 
The sound that came out of you barely sounded human. It was a purr more than anything. Regulus caressed your ribs with his knuckles. “I need words, kitten.” 
“You can touch me, Regulus.” 
Fire skittered along your skin as his hand traveled further up. He palmed you through your bra before he slipped under the fabric and squeezed your breast. Regulus paid equal attention to both of your breasts, admiring the curve and swell of them as he picked up the pace of his fingers. You moaned as he pinched your nipples, which only made you wetter still. 
You fisted his curls in one hand as he curved them inside of you. Regulus chuckled darkly, pleased by your reaction. “Right there? Does that feel good, princess?” 
“Yes,” you breathed. “Yes, gods that’s perfect.” 
“You’re doing so well, ma cherie. That’s it. Ride my fingers just like that. Feels good, yeah?” 
You nodded, blinking at the image in the mirror. Regulus had his hands all over you, his lips pressed lightly against your neck as he watched his fingers slide in and out of your tight cunt. His eyes caught yours in the reflection, the green completely swallowed by dark pools of lust. 
“Look at you, all spread out for me. You’re fucking exquisite. The little moans you make are enough to drive me mad.” 
“Regulus, please,” you keened. He smirked against your neck and picked up the pace. Your head fell against his shoulder as that familiar tense built. “Oh gods. Oh fuck. Reggie—“
You felt him grip your chin, tilting it towards the mirror. “Don’t close your eyes,” Regulus growled into your ear. “Watch, kitten. Watch as I make you cum.”
When you dragged your gaze upwards, you almost didn’t recognize yourself. You were in a state of disarray, cheeks flushed, hair matted, and lips parted as Regulus pushed you over the edge. His fingers were magic and every stroke unraveled you, hips bucking, back arching, begging for more and more and more. The orgasm rippled through you like a monsoon, completely swallowing you whole. 
“That’s it, princess,” Regulus cooed. “Gods, you’re so fucking pretty when you cum. Darling, you look divine. Je suis raide dingue de toi.”
The comedown had you seeing stars. Behind your eyes was a whole galaxy, a cluster of constellations that you never would’ve reached without him. Regulus had made you cum so hard that your body felt like it was floating through outer space. 
When you finally regained awareness, you were surprised to find Regulus gently brushing your hair back. “How was that, kitten?” 
“That was—you were—fuck.”
“Well said, love. Shakespeare himself would envy your silver tongue.”
He slid his fingers out of you slowly and you tried and failed to suppress the little whine that escaped from the back of your throat. 
Regulus smirked, feeling the way you clenched around his digits in an attempt to keep him in place. He stared at his hand, mesmerized by the arousal dripping off his fingers. You stirred, having every intention to find something that he could clean himself off with. 
“Let me grab you a towel.” 
He gripped your hips in place and looked you straight in the eyes as he brought his fingers to his lips. “No need, princess.” 
Then he sucked, hard. The filthy image was enough to leave you gasping in shock. He lapped up every drop like you were the sweetest delicacy on this earth. Regulus groaned, his eyes rolling back as he savored the taste. The moan that rippled through him would forever be branded into your mind.
For Godric’s fucking sake, the man was downright obscene.
“That should hold you off for the rest of the day,” Regulus said. “You’ll still feel the effects of your heat, but it won’t be as bad. You might even be able to drag yourself down to dinner. If you can manage to walk on such shaky legs.” 
You rolled your eyes, but softened a bit. If it weren’t for him, you would still be in excruciating pain. “Would it be strange to say thank you?” 
Regulus shrugged nonchalantly as though you were merely discussing the weather. “Not strange at all. You’re very welcome, princess.” 
“You’re…” you took a deep breath, like your body was rejecting whatever compliment was forming in your mind. “You’re really good at that.” 
“Yeah? You think so?” 
You quirked a brow. “Fishing for compliments, are we?” 
“The only compliment I need is the sound of you moaning my name,” he said with a smile as he hooked your bra back in place and pulled your shirt back down. “I assure you that I intend to hear plenty of that in the near future. This is just the start.” 
Regulus straightened, trailing his fingers along the sheets before snatching up the red lace underwear you’d thrown at him earlier. He pocketed the lingerie and smirked. 
"You said something earlier," you recalled. "Before I..."
"Before I made you come so hard you saw stars?"
Heat flooded your cheeks at his vulgar choice of words. "Yes. Something in French. That's your native tongue, isn't it?"
"Thinking a lot about my tongue, are you love?"
You ignored the salacious comment. "What did you say?"
A devious smirk tugged at his lips. Regulus pierced you with his gaze, those emerald eyes burning with so much lust that you felt choked with desire.
"It's a secret," he whispered, his voice a deep and rough caress. "If you're good, then maybe you'll find out what my tongue and I have to say."
You rolled your eyes. "You're a pain in the arse, Regulus."
"Find me when you want to play again, princess," Regulus said with a dark chuckle. "I'll be waiting for those claws to come out. See you soon, mon chaton.” 
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milfjuulpod · 6 months
Taken For A Ride
Downtown celebrating and socializing with your Abbott friends, Melissa seems to be more affectionate towards you than usual, and enjoying every second of it.
warnings: consumption of alcohol, smut, 18+
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A/N: hey pookies long time no see, after taking a long break from writing i finally finished something i enjoyed. i hope u all enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it :)
After the stressful few days that was the smoking fiasco, it was needless to say everyone at Abbott Elementary was relieved when Janine was able to help out the troubled student, even if that meant it included the “no smoking” sign somehow being attached to the brick wall. Mr. Johnson never failed to amaze the rest of the crew.
“You know what would be an ironic way to congratulate Janine and celebrate today working out? Going out for drinks and dancing downtown this Friday,” Jacob pitched to the usual suspects on their way out the door for the afternoon.
“Please, you’ll come up with any reason to get us all out and do something. You’re almost as bad as Janine.” Ava retorted. “But…I do know of some PR event happening that night, I could get us all in after a few shots.”
Unsure of your own decision on Jacob’s idea, you just listened to a few of your friends go back and forth between places to go, before settling on somewhat of a decent plan for the weekend. Looking between faces, a pair of jade eyes met yours. Melissa was already looking at you, realizing that caused a light pink spread across your cheeks. Luckily everyone else was busy caught up in the details of it all. Shifting your eyes away from hers, you walked closer to Ava.
“I’ll be at both this event Ava speaks of and whatever bar you all decide beforehand, but I gotta run. Text me the details?” You asked, picking up your pace once you were met with agreement from everyone.
Truthfully, you didn’t have anywhere special to be, but here in the car was better than being a flustered mess in front of the redhead. Melissa had clearly taken a liking towards you. At first it was innocent, her walls slowly coming down in an effort of friendship. Slowly but surely, her favoritism towards you became more and more clear. She always made sure you were close to her when the two of you were in the same room, she would let her touches linger while she watched your face for any sort of reaction. If you didn’t know any better, you’d assume it wasn’t just curiosity, Melissa liked getting such a reaction from you.
You shook your head to clear your thoughts before beginning the drive home. The evening was filled with mundane tasks, grading, cleaning, planning, nothing too out of the ordinary. The rest of the week was similar, mundane, but easy. That was, until Friday. Shortly after you had gotten home from work and started getting ready to meet everyone out, you got a call from Melissa. “Hey you,” came from your end as soon as you picked up.
“Hey sweetheart, can you do me a favor?” Melissa asked over the speaker. You couldn’t see, but you knew she was twirling the end of her hair and lowering her voice on purpose, she always did when she wanted something.
“What is it now, Schemmenti?” You teased her.
“I need you to get ready as quickly as you can and come to my house.” She answered rather quickly.
“And why is that?”
“Because…I don’t know what to wear,” She admitted.
You couldn’t contain the laugh as soon as you heard her answer. She couldn’t be serious, right? “Mel, why do you need me to come all the way to your house for an opinion on an outfit? Can’t you just tell me what you’re wearing or send me pictures? Or, oh! Just FaceTime me.”
“C’mon hon, it can’t possibly take you long to get ready, you look incredible without even trying. Plus, we can carpool. Save the planet.”
You knew it wouldn’t take long for her to convince you. “Fine, I’ll text you when I’m on my way.”
After a few songs and quick outfit adjustments, you were out the door and on your way to Melissa’s. As far as you knew, the clubs Ava tended to go to were more on the luxurious side, so you hoped your bodycon skirt and baby tee were cute enough to get past security. The drive was nice, but not long enough for your nerves to calm down. You had only been to Melissa’s house a few times, you wondered what exactly you had gotten yourself into just as you pulled into the driveway and went up to her front door.
“Hey, did you at least pick out a couple options? Or am I going in completely blind?” You asked, taking a step into her house. Melissa didn’t answer you, though. Instead she quietly shut the door behind you two and very obviously looked you up and down. “This…This what you’re wearin’?” She asked before giving you a once over (again). 
“I was going to, why? Do I not look good?” You began looking at yourself in the mirror in the hallway of her home, trying to fix any imperfections you could have missed. So focused on fixing yourself up, you missed Melissa sneaking up and getting in your space. That is until you could see her dark eyes in the mirror, her lips so close to your ear as she said, “No baby, you look good. Follow me,” She said, and walked away like she didn’t just turn you into the darkest shade of red. 
Upstairs in her room, she motioned for you to sit on the bed while she went into her bathroom. You took a short amount of time to compose yourself and take in your surroundings. It wasn’t messy, but it was lived in, well loved. It was very Melissa, and you wouldn’t expect anything less of the woman. When she emerged, you realized she had color coordinated the two of you. Her white top underneath her jacket matched yours, and her black leather pants matched your skirt. 
“Looks okay?” She asked, fluffing up her hair in the mirror once more before walking over to you. The redhead seemed to sway her hips more as she came closer, drawing more attention to the pants that hugged her tightly. 
            “Y-Yeah Mel, you look good.” You took the opportunity to stand back up and change the subject. “Are you ready to go? Who’s driving?” 
              Melissa gathered the rest of her things and motioned for you to continue ahead of her. “Barb is coming to pick us up, figured we could plan the rest out later since both our cars are at mine anyways,” she said, closing her door and following you down the stairs. You hadn’t considered that at the end of the night, you would be coming back to Melissa’s. Interesting. 
             The ride to the restaurant was nice, a bit of time to catch up for the work wives before meeting everyone else. You, on the other hand, zoned out for most of the ride. It wasn’t until Melissa turned around that you came back to life. “Hon, you in there?” Both her and Barbara were now looking at you, Barbara just stopping the car. 
       “Yeah, sorry. Just taking some me time before giving all my energy to the kids,” You replied, earning a scoff from both Melissa and Barbara. 
       “Those ‘kids’ are the same age as you sweetheart,” Barbara said, turning off the car and getting ready to go in. 
        “Doesn’t mean they don’t tire me out just like actual kids do,” You said, and shut the door behind you. You joined the two older women in stride, Melissa sneaking her hand on your lower back as you three entered the restaurant. It was easy to find your group of friends, all gathered at the high top closest to the bar. “So glad to see you could all make it!” Jacob enthusiastically said as you all sat down. “I have to say Jacob, I’m not mad at the place, so far.” Melissa teased her friend across the table. She reached for a menu in front of her, and turned to you. “Have you been here before?” She asked. 
        “I have, actually. It’s nice, the bar food is surprisingly decent and the bartenders know what they’re doing, which is a nice change of pace,” You answered honestly. The redhead laughed at your response, but it was clear she was genuinely listening to what you had to say. 
       After a few minutes, everyone had ordered a few appetizers and the first round of drinks, courtesy of Ava. “What? Yall think I don’t have principal money?” She laughed. “But you better make this first round worth it, all of yall. Drink up people!” The first round was quick to arrive, and the second round was close behind. “I’ll get this one, just in case I get too drunk and forget to pay for drinks later,” You said, half to your server and half to your friends. 
       Melissa’s hand snaked its way onto your thigh, squeezing it gently. “Don’t get too drunk now, I don’t want you puking in my bed later,” She said quietly to you. You laughed off her teasing, but couldn’t ignore her lingering touch on your thigh. The combination of the alcohol and Melissa’s touch made warmth spread throughout your entire body. 
        She didn’t stop there either. It seemed with each sip she took of her own drink, she was letting go of those walls and showing you more and more affection. As much as you loved the attention, it was driving you crazy. Every time she laughed she would lean into you, followed by meeting your eyes to see if you were laughing as hard as her. Whenever the redhead had a snarky comment to make, she would nuzzle into your hair and whisper it into your ear. Those times were the hardest to get through. 
        Luckily after the third round, everyone decided to change locations. Barbara was the only one who stopped after her first drink, leaving that version of Barbara for another time—someone had to wrangle in the kids. 
        “Alright everyone, whoever is coming to Ava’s club needs to follow me to my car, I’ll be dropping you hooligans off.” She laughed, but everyone knew she cared and would never hesitate to give any one of you a ride. Ava, Janine, Jacob, Melissa, and yourself followed Barbara’s trail in the parking lot. Gregory, despite many pleads from everyone, decided to head home. Something about getting up early for the perfect gardening weather, your memory was foggy since Melissa was drawing patterns on your back at the time. 
       “Wait, we have one too many…Someone has to sit lap. Couldn’t be me though, I get shotgun since I’m giving Barb the directions,” Ava told the group and quickly took her spot in the front. 
       “You’ll be fine, right hon? Besides, I’m a good seatbelt,” Melissa said to you, walking with you to the car and taking her spot without leaving you much choice. You took your seat, and silently prayed the club wasn’t too far away. As soon as Barbara started driving, Melissa had her hands on you. One splayed across your stomach and the other wrapped around your thigh. Luckily Ava was already in party mode and took over the music on the drive, leaving no room for conversation. If you tried talking, you fear it would be full of stutters and gasps. 
        Once everyone got comfortable in the car, Melissa took advantage of the position the two of you were in. She lowered her hand a bit on your stomach and tightened her grip on your thigh. You could feel her nails through your skirt and you attempted to close your legs more to get her to ease up, but of course it didn’t work. You felt her lips against the shell of your ear for a split second before you heard her voice. 
        “Stop squirming so much baby, or I’ll really have to hold you down.”
        Although the music was loud, you knew Melissa was close enough to hear the whine that escaped you. And if she didn’t, she certainly felt your body’s reaction to her. Just a minute later you were thanking your lucky stars as Barbara pulled up to the club and lowered the music. You knew you were blushing, way too warm, just an absolute mess thanks to the woman underneath you. 
        “Alright kiddos, have fun and be safe! Everyone please get home safely, and make good decisions!” Barbara said her goodbye, and everyone thanked her as they made their exit. Ava led the way to the bouncer, and though you took the opportunity in the cold air to calm down, Melissa stayed close by. Even when Jacob started talking about the famous drinks they had here, she pretended to listen all while keeping her beautiful green eyes focused on you. She was driving you insane. 
       As soon as Ava got everyone to their VIP spot and drink orders were placed, you took off to the bathroom. Cold water and alone time was exactly what you needed. You stood in front of the bathroom mirror obsessively looking yourself over, worried that the whole club would somehow be able to tell Melissa had you wrapped around her finger and was tugging on the string like a play toy. Focused on the cool water on your hands as you began to turn on the sink, you missed the sound of the door opening. 
        “Everything okay, hon? You left pretty quickly. Don’t tell me Jacob’s list of ingredients scared you from the drink you ordered,” Melissa’s voice was heard from behind you. Quickly you turned off the faucet and faced her, your body betraying your mind in an instant. “Please, not much could scare me off from a drink at a place with a bar like this one,” you joked. She took a few steps closer, inching you against the back of the counter. 
        “Then what’s going on, amore?” She asked, but there was a tone in her voice you couldn’t pinpoint. The nickname didn’t help your state either, it never did. “N-Nothing Mel, everything’s okay.” You would’ve walked away at this point if you didn’t feel cornered by such a beautiful woman. 
        As if a switch flipped in her, Melissa put her hands by your sides on the counter and pressed herself against you gently. “Don’t lie to me, I could sit here all night,” she said lowly. 
       “Melissa…” was all you were able to get out. She pushed herself against you harder, her breasts flush with yours at this point. “I’ll ask you one more time. What’s going on?”
       “I…You’ve been teasing me all night,” You felt Melissa put her hands over yours on the counter and squeeze them gently. “Mmm, I haven’t been that mean, have I? I figured most of my attitude tonight was directed towards Janine, not you dolcezza mia,” She tightened her grip on your hands with her last two words. If she wasn’t making your body feel on fire, you would’ve rolled your eyes just then. 
       “You know that’s not what I mean Melissa,” You said sharply, growing tired of this game with her. “Oh, this teasing then?” She asked, and a second later had her thigh pressed against your core, bodies closer than they ever have been. You groaned at the feeling and had to fight every urge to not grind against her in that moment. All you could do was nod, which drove Melissa crazy. You didn’t know it yet, but she loved teasing you until you couldn’t take it anymore, making you beg and plead for what you want. 
         “Aww, you poor thing, let me help you then.” Melissa slowly began rubbing her thigh back and forth against you, and captured your lips in hers to keep you quiet. She let go of your hands and let you touch her, and you wasted no time pulling her closer. The older woman moaned at how tightly and desperately you pulled at her. She broke apart the kiss to continue her way down your jaw and throat, and you felt her use her leg to open yours even more. 
       “Melissa…S-Someone could walk in,” you said between gasps. “No they won’t, I locked the door behind me,” She stopped kissing you for a moment to smile up at you, and you realized Melissa had planned this, and you went right along with it. In your moment of distraction, Melissa had pulled your skirt up, and it wasn’t until you felt her nails on your thighs again you realized it. “God, Melissa, you’ve been teasing me all night…please,” You muttered. 
        “Please what, my love?” You rolled your eyes at her response, to which Melissa dug her nails harder into your skin. 
        “Please touch me, fuck me, I need to feel you. I need you.” At your words Melissa brought her lips back up to yours, ever so slightly brushing them together. “Good girl.”
        Melissa tugged your underwear to the side and slowly drew a finger up and down your center. The bathroom was filled with your moans and Melissa’s gentle shushes and kisses across your body. She didn’t hesitate giving you exactly what you wanted, the feeling of her fingers inside you bringing you closer and closer to the edge every passing second. Her lips felt so soft as they left red and purple marks along your neck, her perfume surrounded you entirely, all you could feel was her. Opening your eyes, you looked at her. Her red hair falling across the two of you, the way her pants looked so good on her tonight, her fingers pumping in and out of you. 
        “Baby I’m s-so close…please Melissa,” You moaned. She kissed her way back up, stopped right by your ear again and said, “Let go sweetheart, let it all go for me.” After a few more touches, you rode your orgasm out against Melissa, overstimulated from the senses. She let you catch your breath, every once in a while planting a gentle kiss somewhere she left a mark earlier. Once you opened your eyes and met her green ones again, she spoke up. “Hi beautiful.”
        “Hi,” you giggled out. You felt higher than ever, post alcohol and orgasm. Melissa took your hands again and helped you stand up straight, adjusting your skirt in the process. It was sweet seeing her like this, so caring without having to say a word. You pulled her back up to you, kissing her again. This time it was less rushed, and you hoped she could feel your admiration and gratefulness in it all. 
         “I guess we should go back out there before our drinks get watered down,” Melissa said once the two of you finally pulled apart. “Yeah, I guess. But only if you let me hear what your moans sound like when we get home,” You replied. 
      Melissa giggled and led the two of you to the door, “Deal.”
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novulen · 7 months
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ : They walk in on you pleasuring yourself, but as payback for being consumed in their work all week and not having time for you, you ignore them. But who’s really getting punished here? 
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ/ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ : 18+ (mdni), fingering, mentions of erections, slight nipple play, slight clit play, (love, sweetheart, baby) used to adress reader, fem!reader.
ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ : Nanami, gojo, toji
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𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆.
“Idiot.” you mumbled to yourself, tossing your phone to the side with a pout on your face. Satoru was sure to get a piece of your mind once he came back, but for the time being, you had other things to worry about. 
Gazing down at your shorts, you frowned. The dull ache from before had now grown into a pulse, a warmth in your lower stomach that bloomed into hot desire. But that was Satoru’s job, and it was his fault. If he hadn’t facetimed you, simply to show off the tent formed in his sweats from his erection, maybe you wouldn’t have been in this position. 
 And what made it worse was the fact that he couldn’t even pick up the phone after turning you on in such a way. He even had the audacity to leave you on read! 
Though such things didn’t worry you at the moment, and you figured you’d deal with it later. Your main concern was yourself, and how you’d manage the throbbing of your pussy.
However, soon enough, with two fingers stuffed inside you, all that faded into oblivion. Delicious moans poured from your mouth, hung agape with pleasure as each thrust of your digits left you gasping wildly for air. Though, you’d admit, it only felt a fraction of what Satoru’s fingers, let alone cock felt. 
Why were you thinking about that idiot?
“Princesss, I got you pastries,” you heard a sing-song voice come from the front door, eyes opening and before you knew it, he was right before you. Satoru stood there, pastry bag dramatically falling to the floor as he gazed at you. 
But you stared back, and continued, still annoyed with him, even as embarrassment flushed your cheeks. 
“Baby, what’s all this…” he grinned, taking a long stride towards you and leaning down, piercing blue eyes gazing without a care. He snaked an arm around your waist as he sat down near you on the couch, and pulled your back flush to his toned chest. “This’s what I do to you?” 
“S-shut up.” you grumbled, thumb circling around the hood of your clit, causing you to let out a particularly high pitched moan. “If you weren’t gone for a week on that stupid trip, then maybe–” 
But Satoru cut you off as his fingers pinched your nipple through your top. “Then what? Can’t even go a week without having my cock in you, hm?” 
You scoffed, “Well then, why’d you call me just to show me that?” 
And he chuckled deeply in your ear. “Isn’t it simple, baby?  So, I can get you nice and wet for when I come back."
𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐍.
“Hah–fuck, mhm..” you moaned, plunging your digits deeper within your velvety walls, clenching around your own fingers. You spread your legs further apart, hissing at the slight pain, though you eased it away by bringing a thumb to your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub of nerves in lazy figure eight’s.  
Your face burned, both with passion and annoyance. Perhaps you wouldn’t have been in such a lewd position if Nanami weren’t always so absorbed in his work. You can’t recall a day of this week where you’ve had more than 5 hours together, and you were starting to crave your husband. Not only his presence, but his body. 
And, thus, not being able to ignore your desires, you were forced to pleasure yourself. It felt oddly foreign, in a way, doing such a thing when you had a husband. But he was away–or so you thought. 
Unbeknownst to you, Nanami had just arrived home, fatigued yet relieved to finally be within your reach. Although, as he walked through the front door, you were nowhere there to greet him, but that in itself wasn’t much out of the ordinary. What wasn’t a normal  occurrence, though,  was the faint sound of moans emitting from the master bedroom. 
Each step he took towards the room had his heart racing. The noises sounded exactly like you, and peeking through the crack in the door, he confirmed it. There you were, sitting on the bed, legs spread apart as your fingers repeatedly filled you, and Nanami could tell it was not enough. 
Your eyes were stained with tears as you cried out, the pleasure feeling so close yet frustratingly far away at the same time. And as if answering your prayers, what you needed most stepped right before you. But you weren’t about to give in, no matter how much you craved it. 
“Love?” he called out, soft and tired eyes meeting your watery ones, a hand coming to rest on your shoulders. Nanami then sat at the foot of the bed, within arms reach. 
No response came from you. You didn’t even cease the movements of your arm, blatantly gazing straight at him. 
This was not only torture for him, but for you also. 
But with the look you gave him, he could tell where your annoyance came from. How could he not? He felt disappointed in himself for driving you this far. 
“Sweetheart…” he hummed, slowly easing your legs open with a hand as he neared closer to you, then he halted the movements of your arm. “I'm sorry, I mean it.” 
Nanami gazed into your eyes, ever serious, as he placed himself between your legs, stuffing his face within the crook of your neck. He then took away your hand, spreading your legs even further apart to fit his large frame, then whispered. “I can tell this isn’t enough, how about I make it up to you, yeah? Promise we’ll go as many rounds as you want.” 
𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅. 
“Calm your tits, I'll only be gone for two days.” Toji mumbles from his position standing before the bathroom counter, mouth full of suds as he brushes his teeth. He looks at you through the mirror, grinning to himself at the visible pout and annoyance evident on your face. Afterall, this was his second business trip of the month, how could you not be? 
“Two days, Toji? That and your other trip makes up a week combined.” you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. You don’t know for how long you’ll be able to keep this up. 
For starters, you suppose this was expected when you got into a relationship with an assassin, though you didn’t know it would be to this degree. Perhaps it’s your attachment issues that are speaking, but two more days without him might turn you into a madwoman–considering that also means two days more without dick. 
“Mhm? Whatd’ya say?” he asks as he turns to you, but you wave him off. 
Once Toji’s in the shower, you’re left by yourself. With your thoughts. 
And suddenly, then, you realize just how long it’s been since… anything, really. There’s that ache deep in your womb, then the throb of your cunt begging for attention. But with Toji not around, you’ve only one thing to do. 
Your hands tremble as they snake down your torso, dipping under the hem of your pajamas as you find your panties. Undoubtedly, there’s a damp spot, right where your core aches. Nimble fingers run over your folds, bringing about a delightful sensation that you only want more of. 
Soon, as you enter yourself, your back arches from the bed, and your legs slightly begin to quiver. “Hn–oh, fuck..” you moan, eyes rolling back, not from annoyance this time, but pleasure. You create a pace, thrusting in and out at a rhythm that’s not too fast but not too slow, something simple that’ll bring you to your orgasm quickly enough. 
Lost in bliss, you begin to get consumed by it–carried away. Your eyes close and your hands seem to move on their own, sopping digits soaked in slick. 
“Fuck..go a lil’ slower, yeah? That’s my pace.” 
As you open your eyes, there Toji stands; arms crossed and a towel loosely hung about his hips, presenting his defined v-line to your hungry and prying eyes. It’s like a competition of who’s stare can compel the other the most. 
Toji’s stare is telling you to stop, silently telling you off on touching what’s his,  but yours on the other hand, is refuting that. 
To your dismay, though, he doesn’t move an inch. “Guess I'll stay here. But don’t think I'll help you, ‘kay? ‘M just gonna enjoy the show.”
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hanglimi · 3 months
take a break - minji
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sometimes, it's just better to take a break.
TAGS - idol! minji x idol! reader, angst and fluff with comfort, [requested]
WARNINGS - mentions of overworking,
A/N - the writers block hit hard on this one. (i'm so so so sorry that this is like 3 months late), anyways i kind of don't like it that much but i still hope you enjoy.
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the bunnies were starting to get worried.
it wasn’t really that concerning at first–the usual comments of someone looking particularly tired that live, or not interacting with the other members as much. you had always thought it was cute, though– the fans looking out for idols, even if it did become tedious at some points, constantly replying and reassuring them.
you knew it was bad when it was enough to get on your instagram feed. multiple videos would appear as you scrolled in the morning, clips and clips edited together, with different texts along the lines of,
“am i the only that thinks minji’s been looking tired recently?”
“doesn’t minji look so tired in this live?”
“minji ignoring her members in this live.”
so on and so forth. and the comments underneath weren’t any better. the fans had definitely noticed it–you had noticed it too, and you weren’t the only member either.
“unnie,” the younger member started as you dragged your feet towards the fridge, wiping away at your eyes as they adjusted to the brightness of the living space. you grunted in reply, seemingly too tired to enunciate your response.
“i’m worried about minji,” danielle said, the usual cheeriness in her voice dipping lower at her words. “she really has been looking extra tired recently. tired to the point of like, fainting,” her voice became higher pitched at the end of the sentence, and her eyes widened at the realisation.
“i know, dani,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair, turning around to face her, still having barely woken up. “but sometimes, you just have to trust that she knows what she’s doing.” you said.
you continued to prepare your breakfast in silence, occasionally humming and nodding your head to one of the songs of your group’s new comeback. dani sat silently behind you, seemingly caught up in her own thoughts. the quiet of the room was interrupted by the other members slowly entering, all rousing to the smell of food.
“y/n!” hanni yelled as she approached your form. “you better not be making breakfast for just yourself again.”
you gave her a smile as she pushed you aside to view empty pans, and she slowly gazed back at you, your plate being full of food.
“you. are. so. annoying.” each word was followed by a hit on the shoulder, and you giggled while screaming for help as she beat you, the look on her face being exasperated.
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today was the six of you guys’ rest days, so you planned to watch a movie together, all bundled up on the couch cuddling for warmth. the movie was interesting, to say the least. hyein had picked it, mentioning something along the lines of ‘comedy’ and ‘cute’ while she snatched the remote from haerin, but the comedy was unfortunately nowhere to be seen.
out of the corner of your eye, you noticed minji slightly nodding off to the movie, occasionally opening her eyes to rapidly blink the tiredness away. you raised your eyebrow at the sight, noting that it was only 7 at night, and she would usually sleep much later.
you nudged her side, turning to whisper into her ear, “do you want to go to bed?”
she turned to you–a somewhat annoyed expression covering her face, and mouthed the word ‘no’.
you shrugged in response. if she wanted to pass out mid movie you’d let her.
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you yawned while stretching your body, continuing to look into the fridge. the sun from the window was hitting you directly, and while it slightly helped wake you up, you still felt like someone had dragged you through the mud throughout your sleep. fortunately, the majority of the members had schedules today, so it was simply you and dani in the apartment for most of the day. meaning it wouldn't be unnecessarily loud.
“no,” her voice broke you out of your stupor, and you glanced at her in confusion, waiting for a continuation before turning your head back to the appliance when you heard none.
“no, you’re completely wrong.”
“dani,” your voice came out more strained than you would have liked, “what are you saying right now?”
“‘but sometimes, you just have to trust that she knows what she’s doing’, that’s what you said last night,” dani mimicked.
“i don't trust her anymore. have you seen how tired she’s been looking these days? i know you saw her falling asleep while we were watching the movie yesterday, and she’s always holding onto people while she stands, and-"
you cut her off, reaching your hand out to grip one of hers. her forehead was scrunched, and you could tell her eyes were slightly watering as she kept her gaze glued on the countertop.
“danielle, i understand why your worried–i’m worried too, but what am i supposed to do?” you asked incredulously, still holding onto her hands tight, scared the younger girl might float away.
“tell her we're worried or something–ugh, i don't know! just anything to make her realise that whatever she’s doing isn't sustainable.”
“why me though? hanni’s older than me and has known her for much longer, if we were to take that into account-”
“you’re good at delivering bad news.” her bold statement shocked you, and you let go of her hands, placing them by your sides instead.
“do you all think that?” your voice came out small, as if trying to sway her.
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the remaining four other members slowly came into the apartment at their own different times, each of them greeting you before venturing off to do their own things for the night. minji came in last, nearer to midnight, like she had been doing the last couple of nights, and you knew she would, so you stayed up to talk to her.
“minji,” you said as you followed her into her room, watching as she grasped mindlessly for the light switch.
“yes, hanni?”
“it's y/n.”
her eyes widened in shock at the revelation and she quickly turned around to apologise, spewing random words and making vague expressions with her hands. you noted the deep eye bags under her eyes, and how she was wearing a thick hoodie, even though it was quite warm in the apartment. her voice–usually cheery, was cold and had a slight wave to it, consistently cracking while she talked.
“so i’m fine. you can go to sleep now, don’t worry about me.” minji finished the end of her rant and you stood there like an idiot, blinking into her eyes.
she stood between the doorway of your room, seemingly blocking you from entering. you took a deep inhale, repeating what danielle had said to you earlier in your mind, and pushed her aside, stepping your way into the place. it wasn’t like her at all. clothes were strewn across the floor, and the bright glare of her laptop was on her desk, showing at least 40 tabs open in the same window. her room was oddly cold, even in the heat of spring, and her bed wasn’t made, a showcase of the state of distress her mind was in.
“minji, i’m gonna be honest,” you started, lowering yourself down to sit on the edge of her messy bed, gesturing towards her to sit next to you. she stood rooted to her spot, and you observed the sway in her body, even as she only stood still.
“you’re not fine. you’re clearly not fine. and you don’t have to keep saying you are.” her gaze softened at the words for a split second, before she hardened it again.
“y/n, you don’t understand. just let me do my thing, i'm fine. i don’t need you, or any one of the members to take care of me. i can take care of myself just fine, so just leave me alone.” minji’s chest was moving up and down after the outburst, and her eyes betrayed her strong words as they darted around the room, trying to look anywhere but at your face.
“no, minji, you can’t,” you groaned as you held your head in your hands, “that’s what you’re not understanding! you can lie to yourself all you want but everyone has noticed it. even our fans, unnie. and I won’t sit here quietly as you tell me these lies when you can’t even look at me in the face.”
the words broke her, and she hugged herself tightly, swinging her body back and forth as tears streamed down her face. your eyes relaxed, and you got up from the bed to approach her, opening your arms to wrap them around her. she felt brittle, and you were scared to grip her too tight, otherwise she might fall apart in your hold.
“please stay, y/n”
“i’ll stay for as long as you need.”
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peachdues · 1 year
Your Beauty Never, Ever Scared Me
A/N: oh boy, I just couldn't leave this storyline alone, could I?
Inspired by a post from @aagod who pointed out how amazing the trope is of touching/kissing/caressing one's scars, and I was a WHORE for it. This is inspired by that one line from this song.
But because I have never been brief about anything in my entire life (that's why I'm about to be an attorney), I had to write out a full-length fic set in the Wind & Moon universe.
I also had fun with expanding upon the concept of the Lunar Hashira, including a new breathing form, as well as a special weapon for Y/N! See the end for a link to a visual of a naginata (pole) blade.
Word count: 6.3k
CW: angst, fluff, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, fucking in a hot spring. Pining Sanemi, soft Sanemi; shoulder injury, improper setting of a dislocated joint; scar worship (?).
Bon appetite!
It was supposed to have been a one-time thing.
Even though he had asked her to return to his estate for nightly training sessions, she had told him “no.”
It isn’t that Y/N doesn’t want him — she does very much so, to the point it pains her — but agreeing to continue this thing that had grown between them was a door she would not open.
She couldn’t.
Not when a career with the Demon Slayer Corps was akin to putting one foot across the line to the afterlife. Not when opening her heart up meant losing everything again.
And Y/N knows she already cares for the Wind Pillar far too much.
It pained her to establish distance between them over the last two weeks, even more so whenever she saw Sanemi Shinazugawa’s eyes linger on her for a second too long at their Pillar meetings, the hurt and longing in his eyes undeniable. He does not act any differently towards her, but she casn see the question torturing him every time she met that lilac gaze.
Because she wanted to. Because he had kissed her first, so really, it was his fault. Because she had melted the second his lips crashed against hers, and she had been so tired of wanting but never being allowed to have, and she wanted for once to be selfish.
But she had been selfish, and every day since she has been the direct cause of Sanemi Shinazugawa’s pain, and the thought is slowly wearing down the remains of her tattered heart into nothing.
But she loves him too much to want to lose him, so she does nothing.
They are sent on a mission together the next day.
The target is a suspected Lower Moon, located in some dense forest on the other side of the mountainous range surrounding the Demon Slayer Corp’s safe haven.
Rationally, Y/N knows why they’ve been paired together. She knows that his offensive Wind Breathing coupled with her more defensive style of Lunar breathing complement each other well in battle, each breathing style able to make up for the pitfalls of the other.
Still, Y/N thinks the universe is playing a damn cruel joke in making their fighting styles so compatible. It almost feels like a taunt.
They make small talk as they travel towards the demon’s location, every step fraying what’s left of Y/N’s delicate nerves. Her hand closes and releases the smooth shaft of her niichirin naginata blade — a specially forged weapon uniquely suited to her command over Lunar Breathing — as they near their target, her anxiety palpable.
She is not necessarily anxious over the fight — she is more anxious about whom she is fighting beside.
Nervous, because she told Shinazugawa that they could only ever be friends, yet she knows the second she thinks he might be in danger, she won’t hesitate to pitch herself in front of him. A hypocrite.
As she mulls over the thought, Y/N sourly thinks that the Master was probably right about relationships amongst the Hashira. She could not be trusted because she wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice the world to keep her Wind Pillar safe, even though he wasn’t hers at all.
The pair come upon the ruins of a small village, most of the buildings in great disrepair and in various stages of decay. Both slayers, however, pick up on the foul odor emanating from one of the more stable buildings to their left.
Y/N looks to Shinazugawa, who nods in confirmation. That is where their target is most likely lurking.
“I’ll go through the front. Can you find your way in from the back or from above?” Shinazugawa asks, drawing his blade.
Y/N nods. “I’ll cover you.” She brings her naginata to her front, swiping the blade in a long, graceful arc up as she summons her first form, Night of the New Moon, to act as a temporary cloak for the Wind Pillar.
“See ya inside,” Shinazugawa takes off into the crescent-shaped void, not wanting to lose the temporary advantage her technique provides them.
Y/N darts around the side of the crumbling hut and finds a hole large enough to slip through in its rotting roof, joining the battle already raging within.
The fight against the Lower Moon had been relatively easy — it had almost seemed a waste to send two Hashira to complete the job, given how quickly they had managed to incapacitate the demon. But the tricky part had been in the demon’s blood art, with it capable of creating full, flesh and blood clones of itself that were just as strong as its main body. Though Sanemi ultimately manages to lob off the head of the main body while Y/N held off four — four — of the accursed demon’s equally powered clones at once, the Lower Moon is able to hurtle one last attack towards the Wind Pillar, who is still airborne as he comes down from wielding the final blow.
Sanemi is just barely able to brace himself for impact as the flash of red light sluices towards him, and he feels a slight twinge of dread because he knows he is unable to twist out of the way as he falls through the air. But just before the posthumous attack can land on its target, a flurry of silver and black materializes before him, naginata spinning rapidly in her hand as she summons her eighth form to shield him for the second time since they had started fighting together.
Y/N’s Lunar Eclipse technique absorbs the full force of the demon’s attack, but because she launched herself from the upper balcony of the rotting house where she had been battling the demon’s clones to guard him mid-air, she is unable to get into the requisite defensive stance Sanemi knows she needs for the proper execution of the technique.
So he is helpless to watch as the recoil from the clash of the demon’s attack with Y/N’s defensive maneuver sends her flying backward through a crumbling wood wall, helpless to do anything but yell her name, his free hand grasping uselessly at the air as she sails away from him.
Sanemi feels a sick sense of deja vu as he tears through the rubble into the adjacent room where she has been thrown, thinking back to the first time she had used that breathing form to save him, when she had nearly lost all of her internal organs. Hot panic roils in his stomach as he clamps down the roar building in his chest, moving to yank a large, broken piece of wood out of his way, uncovering the scowling Lunar Pillar.
Sanemi wastes no time grabbing Y/N by the waist and hauling her up to inspect her, eyes wild and frantic as he looked over her for injury.
Y/N groans, sending a fresh wave of anxiety sludging through him as he waits for the coppery tang of blood to hit his nose, to confirm his worst fears that she is seriously wounded, too much so to be able to wait for the Kakushi, and-.
“Shinazugawa,” Y/N’s voice breaks through the roaring in his head. “Shinazugawa. Sanemi.” She grits out, left hand rising to grasp his forearm, nails digging into his skin to command his attention. “I am unharmed.” Sanemi finally meets her eyes, breath still coming fast and hard in his panic, though his erratic heart begins to slow at her words.
Y/N winces, the hand around him flying to the shoulder of her sword arm as she hisses through clenched teeth.
Sanemi sees then the odd slump of her shoulder, as though the joint were sitting lower, an odd gap forming in the fabric of her haori.
Sanemi recognizes the injury, his jaw clenching as anger chases away the panic that had been bubbling within him. “Your shoulder. You dislocated it.”
Y/N shimmies from his grasp, head falling forward slightly to avoid his gaze.  And for some reason, her refusal to meet his eyes makes him furious. Furious because how could she look him in the eyes and tell him that what happened during their sparring session could not happen again, because they couldn’t afford to have emotional attachments as demon slayers, yet not two weeks later, she risks her own neck for him again?
Sanemi opens his mouth, ready to rip into her, to curse her for her stupidity and her hypocrisy, because how dare she tell him not to care for her but rush to give her life for his.
Before the words can form, however, Y/N looks up at him, her eyes so soft and yet so full of an emotion he instantly recognizes as self-loathing that the words died on his tongue.
At that moment, Sanemi knows only one thing: there is no insult, no mockery, no barb he can throw at her that she isn’t already screaming at herself.
No point in beating a dead horse, really.
Sanemi doesn’t want to think about why she looks so guilty because to think about the why meant giving himself hope that she was hurting just as much as he was, even though he knows why she rejected him; understands it with every fiber of his being.
So, he says nothing as she stands, makes no sound as she stomps past him and out through the decaying wood doorway, towards a dying tree in the middle of the courtyard. He watches dumbly as she lines her arm up on one side of the dry bark, inhaling once, twice through her nose before she jerks herself with all her might in the opposite direction, a pained shriek tearing from her lips.
Sanemi has spent many years with the Demon Slayer Corp. He has seen countless injuries, far worse than a dislocated shoulder, and heard far worse screams from the dying as they succumbed to demons.
Yet, as he listens to Y/N’s scream of pain, his blood runs cold.
No, Sanemi thinks, he never wants to hear that sound ever again. Thinks it would drive him mad if he were ever forced to.
But he doesn’t tell her this, because she made it abundantly fucking clear that they cannot be more than mere colleagues, so he tucks the knowledge away that his limit is apparently her pain deep into the recesses of his mind.
Sanemi tries not to think about what that means for his heart.
They arrive at the Wisteria House just after the stars in the sky had winked out, dawn not too far away. The mistress of the house promises that there is a large hot spring just behind the small estate, up a winding path and that they are both welcome to use it. Y/N was so enthralled at the promise of hot water on her aching muscles that she hadn’t thought to ask the Wind Hashira if he too planned to bathe.
Which was how she found herself in her current predicament.
It was stupid.
It was so stupid.
They had seen each other naked for crying out loud, had shared their bodies with each other. But now, here they were, stuck in opposite corners of the hot spring, resolutely turned away from one another as though neither of them had anything to hide from the other at all.
As though he hadn’t spent an entire evening inside of her, making her call out his name until her voice went hoarse.
His first name, at that.
Y/N hopes to conceal her flushed face from the Wind Pillar for as long as possible, so she hugs her good arm across her chest tighter, wincing slightly as her poorly re-set shoulder throbbed. Y/N predicts a visit to the Insect Pillar’s infirmary was in her near future, and the thought of her aching shoulder having to be poked and prodded anymore made her want to vomit.
If Y/N had been alone, she would have groaned, loudly, until she felt the weight slowly crushing her begin to lighten. But she is not alone, because she so stupidly failed to ask Shinazugawa who should bathe first, and now he is here and so is she, and they are both naked.
Still, the Lunar Hashira cannot deny the pang of longing in her heart as she furtively glances over to where the Wind Pillar stands, magnificently muscled back facing her, as he cups water between his hands to bring over his head, dampening it from white to a darker silver color.
His hair is shorter than it had been two weeks ago, she realizes, and she bites down on her lip as she realizes she likes it – a lot. Her eyes then fixate on the silvery jagged lines of the scars which crisscross his back, tracing her gaze down to where the top of his hips disappears into the glowing turquoise of the spring water. He has more scars on his back than he has on his front, she notes, evidence of his years of brutal training.
Evidence of his loss; great, unimaginable loss.
Because even the most skilled soldiers cannot save everyone, a truism she knew tore Sanemi apart. As memories of their past conversations came flooding back to her, memories of Sanemi telling her exactly what had happened to his family, his partner in the Corps, Y/N feels the oily slick of guilt seep into her gut.
It is ironic, that Sanemi Shinazugawa of all people, had felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with her, — both physically and emotionally — but she had run at the first opportunity for her to return that vulnerability.
She, who had prided herself on being someone that others could depend on, could turn to in moments of need.
But she had run.
Because she is a coward.
He is beautiful and good and selfless and she is a damn coward.
Y/N’s shoulder throbs so violently it feels as if it has its own heartbeat, but Y/N doesn’t pay it any mind. She does not sink deeper into the beckoning warmth of the spring water to try and relieve the ache that is so deep it makes tears sting her eyes.
Such comfort is the least she deserves for the pain she has caused him.
He hadn’t meant to look. He swears he hadn’t.
But Sanemi accidentally turns when he hears her hiss, an instinctive urge to respond to a threat, to protect her forcing his head around, only to see no threat existed at all. Rather, the sound seemed to have been made in response to her shoulder wound.
She is not turned away from him completely — he has a perfect view of her side profile, the side of her injured shoulder facing him directly. Though her body is mostly concealed by the thick curtain of dark hair that spills down to her waist, he can see that Y/N still has her good arm locked snugly around her chest, in some futile attempt to conceal her ample breasts from sight.
Sanemi bites his lip to keep from snorting. Did it seem stupid, considering he had seen her in a far more intimate setting just a couple of weeks prior? Obviously. But Y/N’s discomfort with the situation had been obvious the moment she had stumbled across him in the hot springs, and Sanemi isn’t about to push her any further.
Especially after the stunt she just pulled on their mission.
He means to turn around once he confirmed that she was safe, that there was no threat looming in the woods surrounding the rocky hot spring. But his eyes snag on her face, on the grimace that twists at her mouth and the furrow of her eyebrows as she massages the tender skin around her swollen shoulder joint.
He hates to see her in pain. Hates it so much, it makes him want to rip the world apart with his bare hands.
And maybe it was because it tore at him to see her in such pain that he feels compelled to speak up, even though he knew he was opening himself up for more rejection, even rejection as her friend.
“You need heat,” Sanemi says, turning fully towards her.
Y/N startles slightly at the sound of Sanemi’s voice cleaving through the silent tension that had been steadily building between them. She turns her head slightly to face him, good arm tightening its hold over her chest.
He is standing in the water, body turned fully towards her. The blue-green spring water laps gently at the toned muscles of his lower abdominals, but Y/N can still make out the start of the impressive “v” of his hips. Her cheeks warm at the sight of the small trail of silvery hair that began just beneath his navel winding down and disappearing beneath the surface of the water to the crop of neatly trimmed hair that she knows frames his thick, proud length.
Y/N’s mouth runs dry as the memory of what Sanemi did to her with that length on the training grounds of his estate flashes through her mind.
So lost in thought is she that she almost forgets to respond to what Sanemi has said, flushing a deeper shade of crimson when she realizes that he had been talking about her wound.
“O-oh, I know. It’s just hard to do when I’m — well, you know.” Y/N laughs shakily, wiggling her good shoulder and the position of her arm across her chest.
Sanemi stares at her for a moment, eyebrows raised incredulously, though Y/N drops her gaze from him before she can see the smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“I can help — if you’re comfortable with it, that is.” Sanemi offers.
Y/N feels her heart lurch at the silver-haired man’s proposition, guilt sliding back into her veins. She does not deserve his kindness, does not deserve his help after how she has treated him, and yet he offered nonetheless.
Y/N cannot deny him again, not when he seems so earnest in wanting to help ease her pain, so she nods. Something like relief flits across Sanemi’s face as he begins to make his way through the water towards her, keeping his eyes fixed behind her out of respect.
When Sanemi is close enough to reach out and touch her, he stops, the water having risen slightly up his waist now that he is in a deeper portion of the spring.
“You can — you can turn away. Put your back to me.” Sanemi says, awkwardly shifting his weight between his legs.
Y/N nods and turns to face away from him. Sanemi’s proximity sends chills across her skin, and Y/N’s belly dips in anticipation as she waits. The thick, damp air of the spring combines with the hot water licking at her upper waist makes her feel dizzy. Wordlessly, Sanemi cups a handful of hot water and brings it up over Y/N’s bruising shoulder, opening his palms to let it pour over her skin.
Though her arm remains firmly placed over her cleavage, for the first time in a long while, the Lunar Pillar feels her body begin to relax under the exquisite heat of the spring water Sanemi delicately pours over her tender shoulder.
So relaxed is she that she does not realize she is drifting backwards, not until her head thuds lightly against something hard and warm. Jolted by the sudden contact, the Lunar Hashira’s silvery eyes fly open and collide with the lilac irises above her, the surprise in his gaze a mirror of her own. 
He is now much closer to her than he had been, and it is with no small amount of embarrassment that the Lunar Pillar realizes that in her haze, she has sunken back against the taut, warm body of Sanemi Shinazugawa.
There is a hint of red that begins to spread across the girl’s cheeks as she looks up at him that makes Sanemi’s ears burn, and he quickly moves his own gaze to somewhere — anywhere — that isn’t the ethereal creature now peering up at him with those haunting eyes.
He wills his other head to not react to the feeling of the girl’s head against his sternum; to not react to the silkiness of her hair or the thick haze of jasmine and honeysuckle soap which now enveloped him.
God, has she always smelt this good?
There is no making sense of what happened next. the Lunar Pillar lifts her head from Sanemi’s chest and turns to face him completely, her left arm still failing to totally obscure the luscious swell of her breasts from view. She peers up at him, as he continues to try and glare at a nearby rock in a futile attempt to not show that he has been watching her every bit as much as she is watching him.
Slowly, the Lunar Hashira lifts her free hand to lightly graze a thick scar that slants Sanemi’s left pectoral. She marvels at how it is both jagged and thick but surprisingly smooth and soft beneath the gentle press of her fingers.
Her touch is feather-light but Sanemi feels the skin beneath her soft caress erupt into flames, his cock beginning to stir at the slight contact.
She begins to trace her fingers to the start of another scar lacing his chest — slightly lower than the first — when Sanemi’s hand snatches up to grab her own, stilling its movements.
“Don’t-“he hisses through clenched teeth, his eyes screwed shut as though in pain. His grip on her is firm, but not harsh. “Don’t touch me like that.”
The Lunar Pillar feels the guilt and shame, hot and relentless, course through her blood. Of course he doesn’t want her to touch him — she rejected him after all. Though she had realized there was no point in trying to run from the blossoming warmth she felt her in her chest every time she looked at the stone-faced Hashira, that did not mean he wanted her, too.
Swallowing the lump that was forming in her throat, she moves to quickly pull her hand away, an apology already falling from her lips at her complete lack of professionalism, at her idiocy—
Sanemi’s grip on her hand tightens before she can remove it, pressing her hand harder against his chest. “Don’t touch me like that,” he repeats, opening his eyes to look down at her startled, red face, “because I won’t-.” He winces, trying but failing to cut himself off before he could make the admission that would surely damn them both.
“Because I won’t be able to stop myself if you do.”
Y/N’s eyes fly up to meet Sanemi’s burning stare, her breath catching in her throat. She curls her fingers against his chest, her arm falling from its position across her breasts so that she is fully exposed to him, and Sanemi thinks his heart might fly out of his chest. She steps closer to him until the soft plush of her chest lays flush against his upper abdomen, the heavenly feeling causing Sanemi’s cock to throb as she leans in close.
Sanemi’s free hand itches to touch her, to rise to rest on the dip of her waist and tug her close, but he holds back, insistent that he gives her an out, a window to walk away if that was what she still wanted.
Instead, Y/N stares up at him through a thick cluster of dark lashes, her gaze setting his skin on fire as she further presses herself against him.
“Then don’t.” She whispers.
Sanemi’s heart skips several beats, and his fingers tentatively rise to brush the skin of her waist, Y/N’s eyes fluttering softly at the contact. He lifts his hand, however, to cup her jaw, forcing her to look back at him, needing to see her eyes to confirm that she truly wanted this — wanted him.
“If we keep going, that’s it. No more running from one another.” He warns, voice hoarse with desire and emotion. “There will be no one else.”
Y/N leans her face into his touch, and Sanemi thinks his knees might buckle right then. “There never was anyone else,” she says earnestly, raising her good arm to parrot the hold he has on her face. “It’s only you, Sanemi. It has only ever been you.”
Whatever resolve Sanemi had kept tethered within himself snaps, as he crashes his mouth down against Y/N’s, her mouth opening easily to allow his tongue entrance. He crushes her face against his, desperate to give everything he has and to take whatever it is she can offer him.
Y/N moans deeply into his mouth, her fingers threading themselves through his damp hair. Sanemi’s kiss is so deep that she feels as though he will consume her whole, but she cannot find it in herself to care because, for him, she would let herself burn.
His lips are still locked on hers as he drops his hands from her face, reaching down to grip under her thighs and lifting her up, Y/N’s legs locking around his waist with ease. Sanemi makes his way towards a small, rocky island that separated the hot spring into two, connected pools, wading seamlessly through the water. 
Y/N breaks from the impassioned kiss with a gasp as the cold, rough edge of the rocky bank scrapes against her back. Sanemi uses the opportunity to readjust his hold on her, lifting her slightly up to press her against the island so that he has better access to her neck and below, though he does not drop the iron grip he holds on her hips.
Sanemi dances his lips down the elegant length of Y/N’s neck, pausing to suck on her sensitive pulse point and eliciting a high, keening moan from her. He moves one hand from its bruising grip from its position on one of her thighs, wrapped tightly around his waist, trailing it teasingly under her to knead the soft flesh of her backside. Y/N moans again, grinding her hips against him, desperate for the tiniest bit of friction against her core which was now aching with her need.
Sanemi growls as Y/N’s core brushes against his throbbing length, his teeth sinking into the juncture between her good shoulder and neck as he nipped her in warning. As much as he wants to bury himself in her intoxicating heat, he will not do so until he knows she is good and ready to receive him.
He pulls away from her neck to look at her, his eyes dark with need and with something deeper, something tender that Y/N won’t name right now, even though she cannot deny that she feels it, too. His cheeks are dusted pink, and his lips are reddened by her kiss. His hair, though still damp, is perfectly tousled from her fingers, and his chest heaves as he tries to control his breathing.
Sanemi is beautiful and Y/N knows in her heart that she is doomed. Doomed because there will never be anything as good as this — as good as him.
He doesn’t hesitate to pounce back on her, hand dragging down the front of her torso to fondle her breast, his lips following down the same path. Before Y/N can draw another breath, her breast is sucked into Sanemi’s deliciously hot mouth just as a rough, callused finger runs over the slit at her core, dipping below slightly to brush against the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. Y/N cries out then, her fingers moving to clutch onto Sanemi’s shoulders, and she finds that it is easy to ignore the throb in her injured shoulder when he is working to relieve the pulsing ache between her legs.
Sanemi begins murmuring against Y/N’s breast as he slides one thick finger into her, causing Y/N’s hands to fly up to grip his hair, pulling harshly at the strands as she is overwhelmed by the sensation. He tells her she is beautiful, how perfect she feels clenching around him, and how he cannot wait to be inside her and make her sing. He slips in another finger, his thumb pressing against her clit as his teeth graze her nipple, and Y/N shatters in his arms.
“Mnnnh, Sanemi,” she pants, thighs tightening around his waist as she grinds herself relentlessly against his hand. “Oh!”
Y/N comes with the prettiest moan Sanemi has ever heard, and it takes everything in him not to follow suit just by the look of blissful pleasure on her face. Sanemi cuts off her cries with another kiss, fingers curling inside her as he brushes against the sensitive spongy patch on her inner wall, causing Y/N to fall apart all over again, a gush of fluid coating his hand for a second before the water washes it away.
Y/N feels delirious from pleasure, but a cold sting rushes through her, cutting through the hazy fog in her mind as Sanemi removes his fingers from her needy core, her walls still clenching in the aftershock of her successive orgasms. The sting does not last, however, as Sanemi readjusts her thighs around his hips, unhooking one of her legs to bring it up to her side against the rock island, bending it at the knee. He hikes her other leg higher up his waist so that her core is now pressed flush against his demanding length, its weight heavy and hot as it rests against her sensitive flesh.
He rubs his cock against her dripping folds, the friction causing Y/N’s head to fall back against the rocky bank with a thud, uncaring as a wanton moan rips from her throat. Sanemi has one hand supporting the leg pinned against the rock at her thigh, and the other grips her waist tightly, using the rest of his body weight to keep her slightly upright and pressed against the stone.
The grip on her waist tightens as he calls her attention back to him. Through half-lidded eyes, she sees him staring intently at her, eyebrows raised in question, and she realizes that he is waiting for her signal.
The thought that he would still wait for her consent, that he is still offering her an out if she wanted it, is enough to make her want to cry. But she can’t stop now, can’t stop ever, because Sanemi makes her blood sing and she is so tired of denying herself the happiness she feels whenever he is near.
“Oh Sanemi, please. Please.” She begs, rolling her hips towards him, desperate for him to claim her all over again, to make her his and his alone.
Sanemi does not waste any more time as he carefully sinks into her, a strangled groan falling from his lips as he no doubt was overly sensitive from having waited so long. Y/N’s head falls back against the stone embankment and she cries out, finally feeling whole as he seats himself fully inside her.
Sanemi does not wait long to start moving and for that, Y/N is grateful. But unlike their first pairing at his estate, Sanemi takes his time, rocking his hips into hers, cock hitting her so deep that she cannot tell where she ends and he begins. Their first time had been the product of repressed sexual tension that had been steadily building between them, hard and fast and needy, but this?
This was different.
This was passion. This was both the end and the beginning, a sacred covenant between them that bound their hearts together, entwined their souls for infinity.
As Sanemi’s hips pick up the pace against her, the water stirring and sloshing and breaking around them with the force of his thrusts, Y/N realizes that until now, she has been on fire.
She had been from the moment their lips had met during training at his estate. She had been engulfed in an inferno that had only grown hotter, had only consumed her more, when she had tried to run, tried to deny the love that had bloomed in her heart well before she had ever offered herself to him for pleasure. For the last two weeks, she has burned and burned because she had known deep in her soul that she loved Sanemi Shinazugawa and had put herself in hell trying to deny it — to deny him.
Yet he had come and saved her, again, had pulled her out of that pit of fire and brimstone and smothered the flames with his tender heart and tender kiss, and now she was no longer burning; she was just warm.
Warm and safe and in love.
“Y/N,” Sanemi rasps, his forehead pressed against hers as his eyes bore into her, his mouth falling open. His hands clutch her tighter against him, the possessive drag of his cock making Y/N see stars as she clings to him, moaning and whimpering as she feels her release building inside her belly.
And though she is unable to stop the words that fall from her lips, she means them with every ounce of her heart.
“I love you,” she whimpers, fingers digging into Sanemi’s back as his hips stutter slightly against her at her words, the movement resulting in a delicious spike of pleasure against her clit. “I love you, Sanemi.”
Sanemi’s forehead pulls away from her own, his eyes wide and so full of hope it breaks her heart. He does not say anything, but the way he then kisses her makes her taste his response.
I love you, too.
Y/N breaks the kiss, her moans growing louder as her end nears, and from the way Sanemi’s movements quicken, becoming slightly uneven, she knows he is near as well. So Y/N presses her hands against the sides of his face, thumb running over the jagged scar cutting across his cheek as she tilts his head up to look at her.
Lavender eyes meet hers and Sanemi tumbles headfirst over the edge.
He comes with a shout, the tendons in his neck straining as his hips press hard against her. Y/N feels the warm rush his seed start to fill her and she follows after him, clenching so hard on his cock that Sanemi moans again, his release prolonged by Y/N’s pulsating walls around him.
They are both finally spent but Sanemi cannot yet bring himself to pull out, instead burying his face in Y/N’s neck as he tries to catch his breath.
“Did you mean it?” He pants against her sweaty skin, his breath causing goosebumps to ripple across her. “Did you mean what you said?”
Y/N moves to cup his face, pulling him away from her neck so he can meet her eyes. Though he is inside her, he blushes as she peers up at him, her expression serious.
“I love you, Sanemi. I have for a while,” She pauses, considering. “Longer than I was willing to admit two weeks ago.”
And her words are so honest, spoken with such conviction, that Sanemi cannot stop the grin that spreads across his face, and Y/N thinks she has never seen a more beautiful sight than a smiling Sanemi Shinazugawa, as he leans to kiss her slowly and languid.
It’s hours later, and the two have not left the hot spring, even though they’ve long stopped feeling the heat of the water.
They had not stopped themselves from having one another again and again. Sanemi had still been buried inside of her when she had felt him harden as she professed her love for him again, and so she had had no choice but to move him under her and ride him until he shouted her name, filling her back up with his essence.
Y/N now rests her head on Sanemi’s chest, fingers tracing the outline of the scars dancing across his pectorals.
God, he was beautiful.
His scars told a story — a story of a warrior who gave every part of himself to the dream they shared of ridding the world of demons.
A story of strength; of survival. A warning that he had won every encounter with every demon who crossed his path.
It was a beautiful story. He was a beautiful story.
“Ugly, aren’t they?”
Sanemi’s derisive tone startles Y/N from where she lay, and she looks up at him in alarm. Though the expression on his face was soft — contented, even — there is an unmistakable hardness in his eyes as he glances down to where her fingers rested.
“What on earth do you mean?” Y/N demands, fanning her hand out protectively across his chest.
Sanemi does not respond, merely choosing to smile ruefully at her.
But Y/N shakes her head. “No. No, they’re not ugly; not in the slightest.” She moves so she’s sitting on his lap and bends over him, brushing her lips along the outline of each scar that crosses his skin.
“You’re beautiful.” Y/N insists between the press of her lips to him.
Sanemi reddens but shakes his head at her.  “They scare kids, ya know. And girls. And most people, for that matter.”
Y/N looks up from the scar she is currently lavishing and sees Sanemi watching her intently. She sits up, reaching a hand to cup under his chin so that he won’t try and hide from her, won’t try to avoid what she is about to say.
“Your beauty has never scared me, Sanemi. Ever.” She swears, voice firm and steady.
Sanemi’s heart feels like it is going to punch through his chest and dance across Y/N’s lap. At that moment, Sanemi realizes that nothing else matters to him, nothing at all, except for the woman with the kindest heart he’s ever known and the moon in her eyes.
So he sits up, and cradles her face while he kisses her softly, breaking away from her only to respond to her earlier declaration.
“I love you, too.”
I hope you all enjoyed it!
Here is the reference for the Lunar Pillar's naginata blade -- fun fact, naginatas were historically used by Japanese noblewomen for protection!
@stuckinthewrongworld @ladytamayolover @sweetblueworm @kazehayaaa @horror4themasses @catzpawn @lollypoporabullet @fuckimgenderfluid @sobbing-bunny @otaku-reblogs @umekohiganbana @mydreamissleeping @finnydraws
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amourtoken · 2 months
I will be the brave soldier that tackles this concept that others may be too afraid to tackle 🫡
I was gonna do one big post for the whole group but the Noah part took over so I'll split it into individual parts for you. Here's some stepbro Noah for you 💀
Anyway let's get into it I feel like im virtually stalling lol. Apologies if this is insanely long it may or may not be the longest thing I've ever written so forgive me if it's rambley or not that great.
CW: stepcest, mean/annoying ass Noah, oral (M receiving), dacryphilia, choking, spit, belly bulge, raw sex, facials, squirting, fingering, nipple play, mentions of breeding, Dom Noah ftw always, oral fixation, slapping (just in general, face and pussy yk), and if I missed any others pls let me know
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
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♡ The day Noah moved in to your dad's house was the worst day of your life unbeknownst to you at the time. He seemed tolerable at first but it took zero time for him to become a raging asshole that lived to torment you it seemed. He always blasts music late at night, is constantly yelling while playing video games with those obnoxious ass friends of his that like to come over and somehow act even more unbearable and he has the audacity to walk around YOUR house like he owns the place when he's only been here for a few months. What a cunt.
♡ Noah loves teasing you as well. He's got a couple years on you and is SUBSTANTIALLY larger than you so somewhere in the back of his mind he feels like you're easy to manipulate and manhandle the shit out of cause he's older, bigger, stronger, ect. He likes the way your voice pitches up in a yelp when he walks by and smacks your ass hard enough to bruise, he couldn't resist, not while you had those little shorts on. He also doesn't think twice abt it being "weird" or anything, he really doesn't even see you as a relative at this point, you're both grown and you've known eachother for like 6 months at the most. The fact his mom wanted to bang your dad has no effect on his life aside from the fact he had to up and move to your city.
♡ every time your parents give you two the house alone, it usually goes one of two ways. Either Noah invites those previously mentioned friends over and you get to listen to them practicing new songs in your living room until your head throbs from the volume or Noah invites some random tinder girl over to fuck half to death while you get the pleasure of listening to it through the thin wall that seperates your rooms. You've done everything to muffle the noise, but the incessant rhythmic slamming of his headboard right against the wall is similar to water torture. If you didn't care about privacy (unlike him, he frequently throws your bedroom door open while you're changing or walks in on you fresh out of the shower) you'd storm into his room and tell him to shut the fuck up but unfortunately you're a nicer person than he is so you suffer for a while longer.
♡ you end up confronting him the next night while he's on a game with his friends (again being eye twitching levels of loud and annoying). You had the decency to knock but when he opens the door he's got his hair tied up halfway, shirtless, and shorts sitting so fucking low on his hips you can see the light trail of hair that runs up his lower stomach to his navel. You hate that he's your type because shouldn't that be weird? He's your step brother, that has to be weird right?
"Yknow if you take a picture it'll last longer, right? My eyes are up here."
♡ Noah apparently clocked your staring and he has this stupid smug grin on his face that you hate. Ultimately how can he be upset for you staring at him when his eyes are always glued to your tits or ass whenever he has the chance?? He has no shame. It's not that he's upset at you, but he knows deep down you're fighting something he gave into ages ago, and he's got you wrapped around his finger whether you like it or not. You can't stand him, or is it that you want to hate him so you don't have to admit your other feelings?
"Can I help you or are you just gonna keep staring at my cock? I'm kinda fucking busy."
♡ he's always been this brash and it still somehow shocks you every time. You hate he's not really wrong, you wouldn't have been looking if his dick didn't leave a scarily large print in those shorts he was wearing. No wonder all those girls he brings over are so fucking loud. You didn't realize you still hadn't said what you came over to say, it felt like your voice was trapped in your throat especially when you looked up at him and those pretty brown eyes of his. God you fucking hate him, you hate that you're jealous of everyone that gets to spend time with him and all of those girls he's brought over to fuck and never say a word to again. He's an asshole but fuck if he isn't a pretty one. You feel like this is wrong but everything about him is wrong so what's new.
"If you want a taste you can just ask."
"Come on baby don't act like you don't think about me how I think about you. I've heard you playing with that little pussy and whining my name before, so you can't really fake hating me now, huh?"
♡ you're literally standing in his doorway dumbfounded at this point. He knew? Oh.
"Bet I could fuck that uptight attitude out of you. Maybe that's all you need, some good dick."
He shifts from where he's leaning against the doorframe to palm himself through his shorts and your heart feels like it's actually trying to escape your ribcage. Is this even real??? You came over here to bitch at him for being a loud inconsiderate asshole and he's trying to fuck you? Why doesn't he feel like this is wrong, why don't you feel like this is wrong? Why do you have this childish crush on your literal stepbrother? You feel dizzy. Noah has you right where he wants you though, he's been onto you the whole time and he could've just been nicer to you but who doesn't love a good hatefuck? He figured if he broke you down enough he could build you back up into the perfect little in home cock sleeve he knew you really wanted to be. He's fucking gross I need him but he's not wrong, is he?
♡ your eyes flit down from his eyes to his hand that's wrapped around his clothed cock again and you thought your knees would give out. How does that even fit inside anyone?? No wonder his dates sound like they're in a slasher film, they probably feel like they're getting split down the middle. You don't have much more time to think cause he's pulling you into his room and forcing you onto your knees in front of him.
"You're so much nicer when you're not bitching at me for fucking everything. Always wanted to fuck that pretty mouth of yours anyway, can't talk with your mouth full can you?"
Noah laces a large tattooed hand through the hair at the back of your head and you wince at the sting. You feel like your brain is just empty now, honestly this whole thing feels so much like a dream you're not fully convinced it's real, that you're actually letting your stepbrother smear precum on your lips with the tip of his big cock. It's even more threatening when it's not straining against his shorts, the tip is a pretty pink and there's a big thick vein running up the underside. You can't even fit your hand around it entirely, and you're so wet over it you're sure you can see through your pajama pants.
♡ you do as you're told and Noah tugs your hair a little more to angle your head back. He's clouded up your brain so much you barely react when he spits directly onto your tongue, reaching to smear the mess around with 2 of his long fingers. You're looking up at him with big puppy eyes that water pathetically when he slides those two fingers down your throat, thrusting them in and out deeper each time to see how well you take him. He laughs when you gag and your eyes water as he sinks his fingers as deep as he can get them, you're such a fucking mess it's pathetic but that's exactly what's making his cock twitch. You're exactly how he needs you.
"gonna be a good girl for me? Let me fuck your throat and maybe I'll make you cum after if you're good."
you squeeze your thighs together to try and get some friction when he slaps his cock on your tongue, he's so fucking heavy and thick you really don't know how he expects to fit anywhere in your body let alone your mouth. Regardless, you try. You reach up to brace your hands on his tattooed thighs and focus on kissing and licking all over the tip, looking up at him when you wrap your lips around it to see his head fall back in a deep sigh. Sure he's gotten head before but something about this situation just makes him so much harder. The hand in your hair tightens and he slowly starts thrusting into your mouth, shallow at first but as you start taking more of him and it gets messy, he starts going much harder.
♡ Noah's fucking your throat so hard you have fat tears spilling down your cheeks, you're trying so hard to take him well but when he sinks in to the hilt and holds you there until you're clawing at this thighs and whimpering around his cock cause you can't breathe you can't help but pull away to catch it.
"God you're such a fucking slut."
He punctuates the phrase by landing a slap on your cheek. Not hard enough to really hurt you but definitely enough to sting. Normally you'd be upset but right now? Fuck you're almost begging him to do it again.
Once you catch your breath you open your mouth expectantly and he's right back to it. This time he has both hands tangled up in your hair while he's fucking your throat. Thank God no one's home cause he's not even trying to be a little quiet, deep moans and growls freely flowing from his mouth. You can't help but feel a little proud of yourself, normally you don't hear him make much noise when he's fucking whoever he's brought over but he's being pretty damn vocal right now. You can tell he's close by the way his thrusts falter and right before he cums he pulls out to paint your face. Whatever doesn't land on your tongue he gathers with his fingers and makes you suck them clean.
♡ you'd think he'd need a while to get hard again but no, he honestly didn't ever stop in the first place. Noah's dragging you up off the floor and nearly ripping your shorts down your legs and shirt off your torso immediately, he's seen you naked on "accident" but now that he really gets to look at you and feel you, fuck it's so much nicer. He steps back to admire your bare form but he can't go 3 seconds without teasing you. He runs his hands up your body to massage your tits and tease your nipples, pinching and playing with them until you're whimpering and teary eyed again.
He "apologizes" by leaning down and laving his tongue over the sensitive skin, making you arch against him and you can literally feel him smiling against your skin. He doesn't pull away before leaving a few dark hickeys on the underside of your tits, admiring his work after.
You don't get much of a break for long before he's picking you up and tossing you onto his bed. You can't help but notice it's neatly made (or was) before he drags your attention back to him by slapping his tip right against your clit, making you yelp. Apparently he liked your reaction cause he did it again, this time with his hand instead and with a little more force. Your voice broke into a whimper as he started rubbing circles on your clit with his fingers to ease the sting from the slap. He's mean but he still wants you to feel good.
"Can you say please? I wanna hear you beg for my cock before I give it to you, gotta know you really want it."
that smug look returns when his name and various pleads spill from your lips while he's sliding his fingers through the slick mess at your entrance, spreading the wetness around and dipping into you just enough to feel how tight you are around his fingers. He's reeling over the thought of how tight you'll be around his cock.
♡ like I said he's mean but he still wants you to feel good, he knows you need some kind of prep before he gets to fuck you. His free hand is slowly stroking his cock while the other is teasing your entrance, gauging your reaction. He starts with just one finger but quickly ends up fucking 3 into you, watching your back arch pathetically off the bed while he curls his fingers right up against that spot inside you that makes black spots flood your vision. You're squeezing his fingers so tight he knows you're close. The hand on his cock comes up to play with your clit and you feel like there's a literal fire lit in your belly.
"Gonna cum for me baby? It's okay, you can. Just let me make you feel good, need you see you fall apart for me."
Your legs are shaking, you're panting and squirming. It really feels like too much and right before you cum you're begging and pleading Noah to slow down cause it's just too much but he doesn't, if anything he's picking up the pace. The sound of your wetness is almost as loud as your moans for him and it only gets worse when that coil in your belly snaps and you nearly scream. You're arching off the bed and clawing at anything you can grab, you've cum before on your own but you've never felt anything this intense and sure as hell never made yourself squirt so this is a first. Noah is elated, his forearm and sheets are fucking drenched but he couldn't care less about the mess he's achingly hard at the fact he got you to squirt at all.
Noah reaches up and makes you clean your mess off his fingers, sliding them down your throat again just to feel you gag around them.
You're so sensitive and your brain is so fuzzy you can barely hold your head up, your chest rising and falling quickly while Noah sizes his length up against your tummy and groans at your size difference. His tip lands right below your navel, fuck, he's gonna demolish you. He's practically dripping like a faucet at this point and can't wait to be inside you, he's wanted this since you two fucking met. Noah leans over you to spit directly on your pussy before spreading it around with his tip and prodding at your slit, he's not even inside and you're whimpering about the stretch just from him resting against you.
"Can I hear you say please one more time, baby?"
♡ you enthusiastically answer, pleading for him to just fuck you and he takes the chance gladly. You knew the stretch was gonna be a lot but fuck when he actually sank balls deep your whole body ached. You were so fucking full it was unreal. You thought he couldn't get deeper but he crawled over you to push your knees up next to your ears and the moan you produced was pornographic. His tip was pressed right against your cervix and every time he thrust into you he knocked against it, it was painful at first but once the initial sting of the stretch wore off you've never felt better.
You swore you could feel him in your stomach he was so deep, and the sound of his hips smacking against yours was filthy. There was that familiar sound of his headboard hitting your shared wall but thankfully this time you weren't annoyed by it, if anything it drove you further.
Noah's moans started out deep in his chest but as he got closer they pitched up almost into whines, he was bucking his hips into yours like an animal in heat and his nails were sinking into your hips hard enough to bruise. He only leaned back a bit to wrap a hand around your throat and squeeze, cutting your moans and whimpers into pathetic strangled sounds.
"F-fuck- fuck fuck- 'm gonna cum- so fucking hard- tell me you want it- fuck, tell me you want me to fill this pretty pussy up-"
Youd never seen or heard him so disheveled but fuck if it wasn't hot. You didn't hesitate to beg for him to cum inside you, it made his head spin at the thought. God this was wrong but he couldn't help but imagine how pretty you'd look carrying his kid either. Noah pulled back just enough to have you in normal missionary, you wondered why but when he pressed his hand on your lower stomach you figured it out pretty quick. He could feel exactly where he was inside you and was rutting against his hand through you like you were nothing more than a toy. He only stopped so he could grab your hand and have you feel as well. His dick made a noticeable bulge in your belly every time he thrust into you, and it only made you ache at the thought. He really was ruining you for anyone else.
♡ Noah slid a hand between your bodies to tease your clit while he picked up the pace of his own sloppy thrusts. He was gonna cum but he needed you to cum with him. The hand on your throat absentmindedly tightened and you were seeing black spots flood your vision already but when he sank as deep as he could possibly get and whimpered as he came you couldn't stop yourself from toppling over the same edge. You thought you'd never cum so hard in your life earlier but now? This was really it. You sank your nails into his arm hard enough to draw blood while you convulsed under him, breaking into sobs of his name while he ground his hips into yours.
Noah pulling out left you with a horrible emptiness and you almost begged him to stay for just a bit longer. He was considering it himself but his thoughts were cut short when you both heard the front door downstairs open.
Noah nearly threw you out of bed, scrambling to pull his shorts back on. Your clothes were strewn everywhere and you didn't have time to hunt for them so you picked up the first shirt you could find off his floor and put it on before racing back to your own room. Thank God you made it quick cause Noah's cum was still dripping down your thighs.
*also just saw the rb but tagging @somebodyllelse cause I almost forgot 😭
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bodhrancomedy · 2 months
The Bard Who Returned to Fairyland in Search of a Name by Bodhrán M.
It was the ferryman who met the bard first, a beardless lad in a ragged cloak, broadbrimmed hat, and carrying nothing save an iron knife and one small pack across his shoulders. He watched with mild interest as the bard picked his way down the grassy knoll and onto the black-wood of the small dock, coming to a halt directly before the little boat.
Neither of them moved for a long while. Somewhere in the distance, an eagle screamed. 
Finally, the bard spoke.
“I wish to cross the river,” he said.
The ferryman leant on his oar and regarded him with rheumy eyes, pushing a lank hunk of wire-grey hair from his face. “Is that so?” he replied. “Do you have payment, my boy?”
“Yes, I do.” The bard withdrew a coin purse from beneath the green cloak.
“Coin won’t do, boy. Not what I dabble in.”
“I know,” the bard said quietly. He had an odd voice, the ferryman noted, with no hint of fear or trepidation or awe. “I bring seashells from the coasts of Ireland,” he continued, “filled with the songs of the selkies. I bring spices from the borders of India and China with many healing powers beyond that which we can understand, and a trollish crystal gifted by the giantess-queen of Iceland. I deal as little in money as you do.”
The ferryman was impressed, even if he didn’t show it. He dug a filthy black pipe from a salt-encrusted pocket and stuck it between his teeth. He waited, but the bard made no move to light it for him. Finally, he took a tinderbox from another pouch (this one being an oilskin gifted many years ago by a Swedish princess) and struck a spark.
“So,” the ferryman said, his words curled about the billowing black smoke, “you know what is across this river?”
“I know.”
“And yet you wish to cross it.”
The bard shrugged, almost as if to say that the statement was obvious enough that it did not need to be said. “Have I brought enough to pay for passage?” he asked.
“Of course,” the ferryman said as he stepped aside to allow the man to board.
But the bard did not. Instead, he gripped the brim of his hat and pulled it further down over his eyes. His voice was as steady as before, but lower and intertwined with steel. “Both ways?”
The ferryman’s eyes narrowed.
The bard stood there, waiting for an answer, one small hand on his knife.
Hemming and hawing, the ferryman felt a sting of disappointment and suspicion in his gut. He had ferried more hopefuls across this river than he had ferried back and there was almost nothing which he liked more than the faces of those who had returned to his boat having not taken the first precaution. They had thought ahead enough – many of these wanderers and seekers of mysteries and gold – to have gotten his word not to throw them into the cold water or have their treasures taken before they reached human land again, but they had not thought about payment for the return journey.
But seashells and spices were twice the payment for a crossing – and he had never owned a troll-crystal before. He’d heard that they could outshine the sunrises even in the frozen northern plains, that they were rainbow stars from deep within the ground. It would be something to treasure in the dark.
It was through gritted teeth, therefore, which he gave his answer. “Yes,” the ferryman said.
The hat bobbed as the bard nodded. “And I will reach each shore in the same condition as I board your boat, sir? Each way.”
“Yes,” the ferryman agreed sullenly. Then he thought and tried to not brighten in anticipation.
The bard either did not notice or did not care, but he stepped aboard with the ease of one used to the pitch and swell of river boats. He sat in the prow, half-turned so he could look across the water and still see the ferryman.
Clever, that.
Carefully, the ferryman untied the mooring rope and then pushed off the knoll with his oar. He began to pull through the water with broad, powerful strokes and so it was a matter of minutes before they reached halfway.
It was then that the ferryman felt safe in speaking again. Too soon and sometimes the young fools would see the error of their ways and pitch themselves into the water. Once you reached halfway, you were falling into enchantments rather simple cold. It did make him laugh, sometimes, to see them flail and splash their way back to safety. He liked to wave at the ones who lived, standing sopping wet and humiliated on the dock, and sing mocking laments at those who did not.
But he did not think that this young man would do so. Still, he waited.
“You off to fairyland, boy?” he asked cheerfully, “Here to see for yourselves the wonders your bardic forefathers taught you? To see if they’re as real as they say?”
The bard tilted his head and the ferryman saw a flash of white teeth from beneath the hat brim, bared in a savage grin.
“No, sir,” the bard said, “I am not merely going to fairyland, sir ferryman. I am going back.”
“Well, that’s a thing!” the ferryman exclaimed. He rubbed his chin with his free hand and added, “Not many people wish to test their luck twice.”
The bard shrugged again.
“And why have you returned?”
The hat tilted back and suddenly the ferryman saw the bard’s face clearly for the first time. It was even younger-looking than he’d expected, suntanned and heavily freckled, but harsh and set in furious determination. “That is my business and my business alone, sir ferryman,” the bard replied in cold tones. “For I know what you are as we have met before, and you told me in the mistaken belief that we would never cross paths again. And I know that changelings would do what they can to gain favour in the eyes of fairyland’s mistress. I would not give up my slightest advantage to satisfy your curiosity.”
Knocked back a little by the intensity of this speech and suddenly slightly afraid of why he would not remember this young man, the ferryman opened and shut his mouth a few times and said nothing in reply. He rowed on in silence, feeling sweat prickling on his brow. Either this passenger was a grand sorcerer of some great power, or he was an overconfident boy with a head full of stories. But he could not place a finger on either option without some unease. Neither felt right.
“It was curiosity, nothing more,” the ferryman mumbled. “I meant no harm in asking.”
“But you did mean harm in knowing,” the bard replied lightly. “And you could make harm in telling. I am no child, sir ferryman, and I understand how this all works.”
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wileys-russo · 1 year
going off the one where less teases reader about her biceps, maybe a fic where reader gets back at lessi by teasing her the next day?? yk, reader showing off her toned quads by rolling up her shorts reallyyyyy high and even moaning whilst in the gym for weights during leg day. j a small idea i thought you'd like😁
mhm mhm im here for this energy
big flexer 2.0 II a.russo
"-so now if i asked you what your favourite taylor swift song is you would say..." viv trailed off hopefully, having spent the last 48 hours filling you in on everything and anything swift lore you made sure to take your time thinking carefully about your answer.
having made the mistake of saying you only knew we are never getting back together when asked the same question for the team tiktok, this had started vivs entire journey to educate you.
"cardigan." you finally answered, viv sighing in relief and patting your shoulder. "this is much better. and why is that your favourite song?" the dutch woman asked as you glanced over her shoulder toward alessia who was deep in conversation with viccy and lotte at another table.
"no reason." you answered with a small smile, your tender gaze not missed by your friends sat around you at breakfast. "disgusting. like a lovesick puppy!" leah mockingly gagged before she shoveled a spoonful of fruit into her mouth.
"pipe down karate kid." you shot back quickly in reference to the black headband she'd chosen to sport today, causing laura to snort in laughter from beside you, leah narrowing her eyes. "you best watch your back today." the blonde warned lightheartedly before she was pulled into conversation with lia.
"does anyone know what we're doing today?" you asked curiously as you finished your plate, pushing it away from you with a satisfied sigh, sneaking a strawberry off laura's plate as she batted your hand away with her fork.
"i know the focus is lower body later in the gym, i heard them talking about it earlier." steph revealed as half the table groaned in annoyance but you pumped your fist up happily, grabbing your plate and standing to your feet.
you grabbed kim and jens empty plates as well, leaving your friends to finish up eating as you made your way inside, handing the dishes back to the chefs with a glowing review.
"good morning gorgeous." arms circled your waist as you smiled at the familiar accent, turning your head to peck your girlfriends lips softly in greeting before the two of you shared a tight hug. "sleep well?" alessia asked with a cocky smile and you smacked her shoulder knowing what she was insinuating.
"just fine thanks." you rolled your eyes as the two of you separated, a ten minute call being given the two of you decided to head to the pitch for your first training session of the day.
"gonna be a hot one today ladies, hope we're all ready to sweat!" beth beamed as she wedged herself inbetween you and your girlfriend, slinging her arms over your shoulders as the three of you fell into conversation.
and a couple of hours later you knew beth wasn't lying it was boiling today, and as you all raced around on the grass you were positively melting.
so as most footballers did when running around desperate for some sort of reprive you'd rolled your shorts up in an attempt to try and ease some of the heat waves rocking your body.
the seemingly innocent move not gone unnoticed by your girlfriend who incredibly similar to you yesterday found herself distracted by the longing to admire your toned thighs.
same as she had put an emphasis on working on her upper body strength this season you never missed a leg day, and christ alessia really hadn't taken enough time to appreciate the results.
"russo heads up!" the blonde dragged her eyes away from you just a millisecond too late as a ball smacked her in the back of the head, katie racing over with an apologetic wince.
"sorry, i called heads up!" the irishwoman grabbed the ball back and with another apologetic smile went running off back to her group, lotte ripping into the blonde about the small accident as alessia shoved her away with a playful roll of her eyes, rubbing the back of her head with a wince.
but another person who hadn't missed the small accident was you, having caught the italian clearly checking you out just moments before tragedy struck, and with gears turning in your head you formulated a fool proof way to get back at her for the teasing yesterday.
you rolled your shorts up even further as jonas started to split everyone into teams for a final 11 on 11, tossing you a pink bib as alessia caught a blue one, you sending the taller girl a wink as her eyes flickered down toward your tanned legs out on display.
alessia tugged on the bib and wasted no time clearing the distance between you, the sight of her boots in your eyeline as you knelt down to re-tie your own making you smile. "hi baby!" you greeted with a happy smile, a frown etched into the taller girls face.
"less!" you laughed as she reached forward and unrolled your shorts, pulling them down firmly as you shoved her away. "leave them." the blonde pecked your lips quickly before running off back to her own team, unknowingly only have given you more ammunition to rile her up.
with a shake of your head you made your way to your team, huddling inbetween stina and frida as katie lead the tactics talk and you all cheered as the whistle blew to start. getting into position you caught alessia's eye, rolling up your shorts as high as they could go and winking in her direction.
squatting down a little you watched on victoriously as her blue eyes widened somewhat at the obvious way your quads flexed, missing kick off as the whistle was blown and she hurried off to catch up with the ball.
it only got worse for alessia once you finished up lunch and headed for the gym, the blonde having spent the entire break teased relentlessly by lotte and gio for the obvious way she was so distracted by you during training.
you'd managed to escape, ducking off for a meeting with the physio about an old shoulder injury that twinged a little today, assuring your blonde lover that you were okay with a soft kiss and grabbing your lunch to go you'd not been seen since.
so alessia sighed quietly in relief seeing you already waiting in the gym, chatting away to the trainers as everyone was paired off and assigned different sections of the circuit to begin with.
much to both alessia's joy and dismay you and steph were assigned hip flexors as your warm up stretch, and with your shorts once again rolled up alessia's body burned with desire watching you repeatedly thrust and stretch, causing all the different muscles in your lips to tense, flex and ripple.
"oh fuck!" alessia swore as you caught her eye mid stretch and winked, causing the striker to lose her grip on the medicine ball she was squatting with, dropping it on her left foot with a groan of pain.
the italian was hurried off by the medical staff for a quick check up, shooting a murderous glare toward a snickering gio who knew exactly why she'd slipped up, her porcelin cheeks flushed red scarlett with embarrassment.
you watched on with concern as your girlfriend was assessed, gently pushed back into your exercises by an understanding but firm steph that you weren't helping anyone by standing around watching.
alessia was ordered to ice and elevate her foot and dismissed early from the session, limping out of the gym with an assuring glance sent your way that she was okay.
warned firmly but with care by kim that you were still expected to finish your workout you weren't happy but followed your captains instructions, trying your best to distract yourself with flickering from conversation to conversation with your teammates, shoulders heaving in relief when the session was finally called to an end.
you wasted no time in rushing off toward alessia's room, ignoring the trainers shouts after you about recovery options, only stopping when you were outside the strikers door.
having borrowed lotte's key you let yourself in, not wanting your girlfriend to use her foot anymore than entirely neccessary before it could be assessed again by the trainers and physio's tomorrow.
"only me less." you smiled as you stepped into the room, face softening at the pouty frown sent your way by the blonde laying in bed with her arms crossed, foot iced up and resting on a pillow.
"this is your fault!" alessia accused right away. "you and your stupid toned thighs." the striker continued bitterly with a glance at your still rolled up shorts which had only ridden up higher after you'd practically sprinted here.
"that is so not fair! you had no issues teasing me yesterday with your stupidly big biceps." you rolled your eyes playfully before kicking off your trainers and taking a seat beside your girlfriend on her bed.
"i didn't cause you bodily harm!" alessia gestured toward her foot which you gently adjusted noticing the ice pack had slipped off, smiling apologetically as the taller girl hissed quietly in pain.
"neither did i, it's not my fault you haven't realised how long your legs are clumsy." you teased, your girlfriend pinching your thigh for the comment making you grin. "actually so much for those big biceps too, couldn't even hold up a tiny little medicine ball." you pouted mockingly as your girlfriend scoffed.
"you're lucky i'm injured or else i'd be slamming you around like a medicine ball with these big biceps." the girl rolled up her sleeves, flexing her arms teasingly as you yanked them back down with a roll of your eyes.
"god please no, not another gun show."
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onboardsorasora · 12 days
I woke up this morning with a song in my heart and that song was reversed age gap maxiel with a lil scumbag Max in the bridge. I've had an ask in my inbox for months now about reversed aged gap maxiel and I thought this was the same vibe but sadly it isn't. Oh wells, this is what I wrote this morning. thank you @chaosinstigator for being an amazing cheerleader <3
1172 wrds. There is a part 2 apparently lol
Something something four-time world champion Max Verstappen looks across the garage at his new teammate, the 18yr old they dragged up from VCarb to replace Checo. 
Daniel Ricciardo was a fast driver, he'd only spent a fraction of the year in F2 before he was called up. And even though the car wasn't good, he was. Which is what mattered.
Helmut had been puffing chest out in pride ever since Daniel proved him right. 
Now the kid– because that's what he was, a kid– was talking to the old man, nodding periodically while Helmut spoke. Like a good boy.
They'd already met, had time to break the ice as teammates and Max could hardly ignore how his light brown eyes had shone with worship and awe. Or how Daniel’s voice had cracked when he promised to be a good challenge for Max this year. His lips pulled into an almost-but-not-quite-there cocky smirk over the brackets of his braces, and Max idly wondered what other ‘challenges’ Daniel would pose this year.
In the weeks since that, Max couldn’t help but notice Daniel. How could he not? He was cute, in a dorky way. He listened to loud music, loudly. Unlike Checo who kept his tunes to a reasonable volume for someone sharing a wall. Daniel was always giggling and joking around, trying to rile people up to play. 
Max was already riled up in a different way.
What with Daniel’s continued teasing and jokes, walking around in tiny shorts and showing his new thigh tattoo to anyone with eyes. He was flexible too, contorting his scrawny body into yoga poses while they waited for engineering to start, doing handstands in the hallway. He was loud when he got massaged. Max could hear him talking through the thin wall and then his voice would hitch and he would groan when Jon apparently hit a particularly deep knot. It drove Max up the wall.
Max knocked twice before opening the door– his usual standard– then froze in the doorway. Daniel looked at him wide eyed, dressed only in his underwear and clearly about to get dressed in his tight white fireproofs. Max hadn’t ever seen him so underdressed, even with all of the random activities they’d been doing for marketing. He was scrawny yes, but still lithe with corded muscles. Dotted with freckles and sunspots. Max gripped the handle of the door when Daniel’s big eyes lost their surprise and settled into upturned curiosity. His heart shaped lips dropped open a little, enough for Max to see his tongue pressing against his braces. Max wanted to smear his come in the brackets.
“Max?” Daniel’s voice pitched upwards.
Max mentally stepped away from the visuals of him debauching this kid. “Your music.” He got out.
“Oh jeepers, my bad. Sorry!” Daniel rushed to the table to lower the volume on his speakers. Max watched his ass in his tight briefs. How his thighs bunched as he moved, thick with dark wiry hair.
“Lovely, thank you Daniel.” Max smiled and Daniel’s face darkened with a pleased flush and he bit his lip. Max forced himself to close the door and go back to his own room.
— - —
They were changing after a gokart race for marketing, Daniel sat shirtless on the bench. Max looked over to see him already watching him. After spending the last twenty minutes with Daniel practically sat in his lap while Max gripped his tiny waist, Max would appreciate it if he got dressed already.
“I can hear your brain from here.” Max teased and Daniel’s lips pulled into an unconscious smile even as he looked away. 
“Sorry I just– you don’t like me, do you?” Daniel blurted and Max froze.
“It’s just– you didn’t–I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have like said that.” Daniel shook his head and stood. Max watched him tuck his long sweaty curls behind his ear. 
“Why would you think that?” Max was confused as to why Daniel would assume that he hated him, and wondered what made him think that way. As far as Max was concerned, he hadn’t treated him any differently than anyone else. Unless Daniel was expecting special treatment? If anything, Daniel was getting special treatment. Max wasn’t going out of his way to be a dick to him, he wouldn’t do that to his young teammate.
“Uhm, I– everyone says you were nicer to Checo, warmer. I-I don’t think you’ve been bad– you’ve been great. But I’m not Checo and I dunno if you like resent me for replacing him.”
“Checo was my teammate for five years, I am not going to, of course, automatically treat you like him.” Max pointed out, “and you shouldn’t listen to the media, they are talking out of their asses most of the time.”
Daniel blushed and ducked his head, chastised. 
“Was that it?” Max asked kindly. He would rather get this all out in the open now.
“I'm sorry.” Daniel apologized, his upturned eyes looked glassy as if he was holding back tears. “I just want us to be friends I guess.” He shrugged.
“You don’t have to be friends with your teammate.”
“I know but.. You were friends with all of yours. Like Carlos.”
Max scoffed, he hadn’t been friends with Carlos when they were teammates– they fucked out their frustrations.
Daniel’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in a small o. Max shrugged and tugged his shirt over his head. He repacked his bag and tugged on a cap, turning to see Daniel squirming where he stood, a deep blush on his cheeks. And oh. Well this was interesting. 
Max crossed the room and stood over him, using the few centimeters he had on Daniel to his advantage. Daniel’s head tipped up trustingly and Max cupped his smooth chin in his big hand. Daniel let out a breathy exhale that had Max’s blood surging. 
Max leaned in closely, so close their noses touched. Daniel’s breath hitched. It would be so easy to take. To give in and do what he wanted to Daniel, clearly what Daniel wanted him to do to him. It would be so easy to ruin him entirely. Too easy. 
“You have no idea what you’re asking.” Max whispered against pink lips. Daniel whined in response.
“I– please. I can take it”
“Have you ever?” Max wanted to know, needed to know just how corrupt his little jailbait was. Daniel’s eyes widened and Max bit back his groan. Fuck.
“W-with girls.” Daniel admitted in a whisper, he grabbed at Max’s arm as if he were afraid that his admission would make him less desirable. As if Max hadn’t already been fantasising about fucking him seven ways to Sunday every fucking weekend. His cock stirred at the thought of being the first in the undoubtable tight clench of Daniel’s untried hole. Of being the first to have him writhing and screaming at the discovery of his prostate. 
Would he beg? Max quirked a smirk at the thought, Daniel was already begging right now. 
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ireadwithmyears · 5 months
you gonna swoon on me, meshla?
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Pairing: Kix/GN Reader
Word count: 3.4 K
Tags/warnings: mostly fluff/humour, injections, mentioned fear of needles, fainting, awkward/embarrassing love confessions, first kiss
Summary: when you quite literally swoon into the arms of the medic you’ve had a crush on for months, you aren’t planning on confessing your feelings for him. When the truth embarrassingly slips out anyways, you’re surprised to find that those feelings maybe don’t go as unreciprocated as you had thought.
Note: look, I did it. I finally titled something without referencing a Taylor Swift song. Are you proud of me? I didn’t know I could do that. 
Please, don’t let it be him. 
This is the only thought that runs through your mind as you anxiously wait in a line of troopers, officers, and Jedi generals and commanders, all neatly filed into the medbay of the Negotiator to get updated vaccinations, a precaution, you were told by your CO, in preparation for a planet you were about to be deployed to, that was currently dealing with an outbreak of some disease or other.
If it’s him, you think, you’ll simply crumple to the floor in embarrassment. 
Your name is called, and at first, you don’t react, instinctively turning to find the owner of the voice, searching through a sea of very identical faces until your eyes lock on him.
“Over here,” Kix calls to you. “I’ll take you now.”
Absolutely fanfuckingtastic. 
As your eyes are drawn to the prettiest face that you’ve ever seen in the GAR, instinctively, the butterflies in your stomach take flight, insistent as they flutter. 
This makes for a rather poor combination with your already frayed nerves, anxious about what you’re about to do. What he is going to do to you, you correct yourself, feeling your stomach lurch. It takes all of your willpower not to wilt on the spot.
Move, you silently order yourself. Move so that he doesn’t piece together that anything is wrong. 
Reluctantly, you do, feet awkwardly shuffling forward through the crowd as you try not to be sick. This is, quite possibly, the worst scenario. This is exactly what you didn’t want to happen. Being afraid of needles as a grown ass adult is embarrassing enough. But being afraid of needles and having the handsome, kind medic with the beautiful brown eyes and impeccable bedside manner who you, you have to admit it, have had a crush on for a long time being the one to administer your vaccination is just on a whole other level of mortification.
This is humiliating, you think to yourself, and not at all what you signed up for when you became an aid to one of the admirals who is stationed primarily on the bridge of the Negotiator. You work and interact with the clones often, and yet, it’s him whose set apart from the others for you, who’s gentle smiles and kind words, paired with that handsome face always sends your heart racing. So of course, of course, it had to be him who was about to see this embarrassing, completely irrational side of you. 
You try not to let any of this discomfort flicker across your face as he leads you into a curtained off cubicle, gesturing for you to sit. 
You hesitate and slowly, with the trepidation of a loth-cat wandering out into the rain, you lower, tentatively sitting on the edge of the seat.
“You’re shaking,” Kix murmurs, gently taking your wrist in his hand to feel your pulse. “And your heart rates a bit jumpy,” he adds after a moment.
His voice is soft, non-judgmental, slightly honeyed with a hint of what you think might be concern.
Still, you rush to answer, eyes widening in false surprise even though, his alluring proximity combined with your looming anxiety easily explains his observations.
“I is it?” You ask, voice pitching upward in a nervous squeak that makes you internally cringe.
His lips pull into a kind smile as he inclines his head, crease forming between his eyebrows as he looks at you with a flicker of curiosity.
“It’s not anything to be alarmed about. But it is usually a sign of anxiety or nerves, in this case,” he remarks, leaning forward and propping his elbows against his knees as he gazes at you. “Are you feeling nervous right now, cyar?” He queries, voice understanding and gentle.
In spite of the fact that the word is unfamiliar to your ears, something about it, and the tone of his voice, makes you blush.
Regardless of  that, you’re quickly shaking your head in denial, defensive.
“No,” you respond, forcing your voice to remain even. “I’m not nervous.” 
There’s a beat, a slight hesitation where he deliberates. Then, by some mercy, he nods, straightening and rising to his feet. 
“Alright, then,” he acquiesces, moving to retrieve something as your eyes warily track him. “If you could just roll up your sleeve, which ever arm you prefer, we’ll have you out of here quickly.”
You nod mutely, throat going dry as you do, trembling hand slowly pushing up the sleeve of your T-shirt. 
He moves around you, stepping up and beginning to wipe a disinfectant over the exposed skin of your arm, just below your shoulder. It’s cold, and you instinctively flinch, unable to hide the jolt as the unexpected sensation sends you spiralling into overdrive.
“Okay, okay, I lied,” you admit frantically, raising your hands to cover your face, cheeks burning. “I am nervous,” you confess, voice muffled against your hands.
“Hey, hey that’s okay,” his response is immediate, voice filled with warmth and reassurance. “You don’t have to hide, meshla, I understand.” 
To his credit, he does sound genuine, kind, not a hint of judgement or condescension in his voice.
Hesitating for a moment, you look up at him through your eyelashes, lips pulled downward into a frown. “I didn’t want you to know,” you mumble, cheeks still flushed. “It’s embarrassing, and I know I can handle it.”
He gives you a nod of encouragement. “I know you can handle it, too,” he responds immediately. “But I don’t find your apprehension embarrassing at all. These are unpleasant, and overall not a fun experience. Even if it is finished quickly, it is understandable to dread it.”
You find that you have nothing to say to his sound logic, and you’re still floundering to come up with a response when his fingers lightly brush against your arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. It’s funny, because you’d expect, what with your nerves already running so high at this moment, that you wouldn’t have the energy to blush at the simple touch, the light, barely there brush of his gloved fingers against your bare skin.
You’d be wrong, especially when he appears to notice, and his eyes linger on your face, pausing for just a moment too long with something, warm and soft in them. 
“And no offense, but you’re a shit liar,” he teases, giving you a slight grin.
“Am not,” you defend, voice indignantly jumping an octave higher which makes him chuckle.
“Right,” he drawls, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I’m absolutely convinced.”
He sits back, face becoming serious once more as he looks at you. “Is there anything I can do to help make this easier?” He asks, voice soft.
You shake your head, biting your lip uncertainly. “I I’m not sure,” you admit, looking down at your feet.
“That’s okay,” he says, looking thoughtful as he pauses for a moment before he sits forward. “I’d like to try something, and we can see if it is helpful, if you’re game for it?” He asks, raising one eyebrow as he looks at you.
You let out a slow breath, giving him a half shrug. “Honestly? At this point I’m game for anything.” 
He gives you a smile and nod, wheeling his chair up next to you. Almost absently, he reaches up a hand, carefully tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
In the back of your mind, you know that it’s probably just so that it’s not in the way of the injection site. But still, your heart flutters at the simple gesture, momentarily distracting you from your fear.
It doesn’t last. 
The minute he moves to the tray of tools beside him, your breath catches in your throat and your eyes jump to stare at him, alarmed.
He looks at you, brown eyes searching, and you’re struck by the deep level of compassion you find in them. 
“You might find this easier if you look away,” he says gently. “Nothing is going to happen without warning. I will tell you what I’m doing, and I won’t proceed until you tell me that you’re ready.”
You give him a slow nod, reluctantly pulling your eyes away and forcing yourself to look forward. Despite your pounding heart And your racing mind, you implicitly trust him, knowing that he’ll keep his word. Satisfied, he speaks again. 
Now, this might sound counterintuitive, but I’d like you to clench your fist as tightly as you can. Keep it nice and tense, and ignore everything that’s going on up here,” he says, fingers gently trailing over your upper arm. “I’m just going to disinfect this again, just to be safe. It’ll feel a bit cold,” he warns, and you hear the sound of a plastic wrapper being torn open as he prepares a new swab.
You give him a small jerk of your head, forcing your fingers to close into a fist and holding it tightly as he moves, quickly swiping over the area a few times.
“Good, now, I’m coming in with the injection. I want you to take a nice, deep breath in for me,” he encourages, and it takes all of your strength not to look at what he’s doing beside you.
You nod again, forcing yourself to pull air through your lungs in a long, controlled breath. “Keep that fist tight,” he reminds you quietly. “You tell me when.” 
You take one, two, three seconds to hold your breath, and force the muscles of your fist to contract tighter, and prepare yourself. Kix waits, his presence unobtrusive, patient and calming. Finally, you give him the go ahead.
“Do it,” you say simply, bracing yourself as you do.
It comes without delay, quick and immediate, and a sting that makes you wince. But, by the time your body is reacting to it, it’s already gone.
Your breath exits your lungs in a slow, relieved stream of air as Kix speaks, switching out the syringe for a cotton swab, holding it against the site for a moment. 
“Perfect. All done,” he praises, and you don’t have to look at him to know that there’s a smile on his face, matching the warm inflection of his voice. 
You feel him carefully apply a small Band-Aid to the site, smoothing it down with his fingers before he turns to you, grinning.
“You’re all set. Now, I’m just going to take you to the waiting area, and just wait there for five, ten minutes to make sure you’re good to go,” he continues, discarding the no longer needed supplies.
You not in understanding, and he moves to get the door for you as you rise to your feet when suddenly, something makes you pause as you move to step past him.
Huh, that’s weird.
Distantly, you register that your ears are ringing, and strangely, the world has gone out of focus around you, blurring around the edges as your head spins, suddenly dizzy.
Kix’s eyes are alert and observant, carefully watching as your movements become unsteady, taking note of how the colour has quickly drained from your face. He moves, easily intercepting your path by stepping in front of you, holding out an arm, stalling your movements with a hand on your shoulder. You don’t even have the energy to blush at the touch, and that’s when you should clue into the fact that something is wrong. But you don’t, because everything feels so out of focus and detached from reality. You remain blissfully unconcerned.
“Wo, easy. You gonna swoon on me, meshla?” He asks, carefully keeping his tone casual, as not to startle you further.
He sounds far away, disjointed, and your mind is hazy, scrambling in spite of the dozen possible retorts you have to his teasing. 
What you should say is no. 
What you should say is that you’re completely fine, thanks for asking.
What you should say is actually, now that you mention it I do feel a little bit funny. 
What ends up coming out of your mouth in a slurred, unsteady voice is “well, I’ve actually been swooning for you since the day we met, Kix...”
Then, possibly because of the injection, or more likely because of your far away, detached mortification at what you just said, your body decides that it’s time to piece out.
Without warning, you collapse, and before you have time to worry about how much it’s going to hurt when you hit the ground, you fall, directly into his arms, outstretched and waiting to catch you.
The last thing you see is wide, amber eyes filled with concern before your vision goes dark, and the ringing in your ears crescendos to an almost painful, fever inducing pitch before everything falls silent and still.
When you come to, the complete embarrassment and stupidity of what you had said before you fainted doesn’t hit you immediately. 
You’re lying on a bed, and he’s there, warm and steady, but giving no outward indication that you had just confessed your feelings for him before collapsing into his arms. So, your brain doesn’t immediately feel the need to sound the alarm and start panicking.
“You’re safe, meshla, everything‘s alright, just keep those eyes open for me and breathe. This happens all the time,” he says reassuringly, eyes only glancing away from you momentarily to study a readout as another medic tightens a blood pressure cuff around your arm.
“Wha what happened?” You ask, concerned but still dazed. At the seemingly loud sound of the cuff being undone, your head jerks to the side, flinching.
“Shh, nothing for you to worry about, cyar,” Kix soothes.
There’s that word again, you think distantly. It’s comforting, and did he just smooth his hand over your hair, or are you just hallucinating all of this?
“Your blood pressure dropped when you got up. It’s still a bit low, so I’m going to get you a juicebox. That’ll help bring it back up. You’ll feel better once you’ve got some sugar in you,” he says, voice calm and unfazed as he passes you the juice. “Just drink that up for me, and I’ll be back in a few minutes to check your blood pressure again and make sure you’re clear to go, alright?”
You can only nod slowly, allowing him to adjust your pillows and help you into a sitting position before he rushes off, the other medic trailing behind.
It’s only when you’re halfway through the Juicebox when your eyes comically widen, and you nearly choke on the juice as you suddenly remember.
You had confessed your feelings for your medic, not only that, but in the most embarrassing way possible, and then you fainted in his arms.
It all comes rushing back to you, and you have to set your juice down as it does, letting out a long, mortified breath as your head falls into your hands.
You need to leave. 
You need to leave right now. You need to get out of here and save you both the awkwardness of having to talk about your embarrassing blunder. The door isn’t that far, you could make it. You could just slip out, and you both could go on and never talk about it again. 
Now, if you were thinking clearly, you would know that trying to make a mad dash out of the medbay without being cleared to do so is impossible. It just is. Medics of the 501st are like hawks, having a bit of a reputation for troopers who try to bolt, and will swoop down on anyone who tries to sneak out before they even make it to the medbay’s double doors. 
Yet somehow, in your delusional state of mind, you actually believe that you can do the impossible. You are different and you will be the one to succeed where all others have failed.
You don’t. 
You manage to slip out of bed, only feeling slightly unsteady on your feet, and you make it five, ten steps before there’s warm hands settling on your shoulders from behind and a deliberate clearing of a throat as you’re turned to face Kix, jaw tight, and face stern, a look that you’re more than certain is well practiced, and very effective at instantly causing you to break out in a nervous sweat.
“What are you doing out of bed, little one?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I, uh, n nothing?” You squeak, knowing even before you speak that it’s not going to convince him in the slightest. 
“Hmph,” he huffs disapprovingly, gently steering you back to your bed and nudging you to sit down on the edge. “Like I said earlier, you’re a horrible liar.” 
He picks up the Juicebox, from where you had abandoned it on the nightstand, and frowns. “You didn’t even finish this,” he scolds, before setting it back down with a sigh. 
There is disappointment in his voice, and it instantly makes you swallow, looking down at the ground. You feel the need to say something, anything, so that he stops looking at you like you’ve kicked a tooka right in front of him. 
“I was trying to save you embarrassment,” you blurt out, not knowing how else to explain.
“Embarrassment,” he says, sounding genuinely baffled, which, in turn, makes you feel confused. He frowns, tilting his head to observe you for a moment before slowly giving it a bewildered shake. Carefully, he quietly goes to close the curtains around you both, offering you at least a little bit of privacy.
You’re still trying to figure out what in the galaxy you’re supposed to say to explain yourself to him when he turns back to face you, beating you to it.
“What you said, before you fainted, did, did you mean it?” He asks, straightforward and to  the point, but voice losing its usual sureness. 
When you fail to respond, he takes a step forward, eyes meeting yours squarely. There’s something there, something that glimmers within his warm irises that you dare to believe, for one moment, might just be hope, that your answer just, slips out, small and honest and simple.
“Yes,” you breathe, voice barely above a whisper. “I did.” 
It’s Kix’s turn to falter, breath audibly stuttering as his eyes widen briefly, before he takes another step towards you.
“A and what if,” he says, voice a low murmur. “What if I told you I felt the same way?” He asks, eyes intent as he gazes at you.
You blink, staring up at him for a moment before speaking, voice not as confident as you’d like. “I’d say I don’t believe you,” you admit, slightly sheepish as your eyes dart away. When they come back to meet his, though, there’s a sparkle, a slight challenge in them.
“I’d say, prove it.” 
Wordlessly, he nods, unable to hide the breath that audibly catches at your words, quickly closing the distance between you two and moving a hand to tilt up your chin, holding it gently as he stares down at you, expression almost reverent. Then his eyes fall to your expectant lips, and it’s your turn to tremble, watching as they seam to darken slightly. 
He leans forward, breath ghosting over your lips before his, warm and soft and so, so gentle, brush against yours.
It’s a chaste, quick thing, that leaves you wanting and is over far too soon. A displeased noise leaves your throat as he steps back, suddenly tentative and unsure. You surge to feet and quickly step into his space because force, now that he’s here, now that you know he wants you just as much as you want him, you need more, and you’re determined to get it.
Luckily for you, he understands, meeting you half way as your hands scramble for perch’s on his armour plating, trying to pull him towards you. He happily obliges, hand cupping your chin and tilting your head back as his lips meet yours again.
A low hum escapes him as his body presses against yours, lips pressing much more insistently this time as they meet with yours. It’s hot and feverish and already leaving you breathless when his hand drops from your chin, experimentally dipping down to run his fingers along your hip, before he urges you closer to him, holding your waist to pull you closer, eliciting a small, surprised gasp to escape your parted lips. You feel his lips tug into a self-satisfied smirk against you before he pulls back. 
Unwilling to let you go just yet, he lets his forehead rest against yours, unable to pull his eyes away from your still parted, slightly kiss swollen lips. Maker, he thinks to himself silently. That might just be the most beautiful site he’s ever laid his eyes upon. Paired only with what he finds when his eyes trail lower, your chest, rising and falling heavily as your heartbeat doubtlessly flutters rapidly at the effect he has on you
“Do you believe me now, meshla?” He asks lowly, unable to resist grazing his thumb along your lips, causing you to shutter.
“Yes,” you manage to say breathlessly. “I I believe you.”
“Mm, good,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your temple before pulling away, with obvious reluctance.
“You’ll have more of those, then,” he promises, turning to leave before looking back at you with a wicked grin on his face.
“But you have to finish your Juicebox first,” he reminds you with a teasing glare before exiting, letting the curtain drop behind him, leaving you alone with your still racing, scattered thoughts and your wildly fluttering heart, and, of course, a half empty juice box that is now destined to be finished in record time. I
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yunarim · 1 year
. . . INTRODUCING | AN ULTIMATE GUIDE TO making not so easily flustered boys blush a little— or maybe not so little ?! ⊹ ׅ ⋆
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CATER diamond, LEONA kingscholar, JADE leech, JAMIL viper, VIL schoenheit, ROOK hunt, LILIA vanrouge
— TAGS : gender neutral reader, fluff, crack a little, you end up embarassing yourself in a funny way almost in every chapter but it's okay (i would do the same tbh), a silly reference to matchmaking tv show in rook's part just for fun
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You realize you’ve never seen Cater blushing. You also didn’t want him to try those extremely artificial filters which apply some blush effect on selfies, so there was only one option left for you — which is making him flustered.
So one sleepless night you decided to think over all the variants you could possibly try, and appeared before Cater the next day, looking not all your best, but you already was sure to give it a go, so you took a deep breath.
And decided to pull your cringiest aegyo which could be ever possible (or maybe even wasn’t) and started singing in a very high-pitched voice, embarrassing yourself but not really caring. “I like you so much ottoke ottoke” was heard along all NRC and became trendy thing later on, BUT AS FOR NOW… now you were flustered instead when Cater patted your head and just begged for you to teach him that so he won’t be falling behind the trends. After a few explanations, he already mastered the song and— NOOO, it wasn’t how you expected it to be!!
Next days went the same way: you would come up with a sudden idea, try to get Cater flustered and end up with being flustered yourself. You also noticed how Cater’s followers were cheering on you in the comments section and decided that you’ve had enough. 
You came to him right in a full swing of an unbirthday party, other students were already guessing what funny thing you would perform today, but you just took the seat right in front of Cater, an enormously long table aparting you two. An unusually serious look in your eyes made your boyfriend get concerned for a second before you slammed your palms on the table and stood up. 
“Argh!” You screamed, annoyed a little. “It isn’t fair! And I’ve had enough of this shi—” You noticed Riddle glancing your way and sighed, lowering down your gaze and pouting. “Why am I even doing this when all that matters is you being happy, which is my top priority… I’m sorry for being so stupidly eager… But if you had fun watching me doing all those silly things, then I’m more than glad to make you smile. So instead of me trying to make you blush, I’ll keep on making you smile genuinely. Got it?”
You looked right in his eyes, flashing a victory smile and dropping it instantly when you spotted him averting his gaze, a little pinkish flash flickering on his cheeks. 
“Don’t tell me…”
“Cater-senpai blushed!!”
“Hey Prefect, mission accomplished!!”
“HUH?!” You run to him. “But why so suddenly?!”
“Aww, please don’t make me explain~” He giggled, that little cute blush already disappeared. “It’s just the way you were so genuine… Please never change, alright? And now I need to get you flustered too!”
“Won’t be that hard. But don’t try to embarrass me with an aegyo song, I’ve mastered it by now.”
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Listen herbivore, whatever you’re planning, drop it. There’s no point in whatever you’re trying to achieve with those funny grimaces of yours (Leona won’t say they’re adorable tho—). You can’t also make him blush by embarrassing him because he already has a bunch of dormmates who embarrass him enough by their behavior, he doesn’t really care. 
Pfft, who does he think he is? As if you could be swayed off so easily! Well you do struggle a lot, trying to figure out is it even possible to witness Leona flustered. Some first years witnessed you going back and forth in the back of the kitchen one day and ended up agreeing you’ll be the new part of ‘Seven miracles of NRC’—or whatever it was, you didn’t even know the thing existed all this time—not to mention even Savanaclaw residents periodically glance at you as if you’re some sort of a ghost. Is there a ghostification procedure to endure before getting sorted into Ramshackle or what?
Hello, you’re dating Savanaclaw dorm head. Whatever you’re trying to prove, it’s already crazy, but not crazy enough than the very fact of you two being romantically tied together. 
“You’re dating THAT Leona Kingscholar?!”
“Yeah, he’s being a pain in the ass for not blushing at all.”
… Is what gets Leona smirking proudly lying under the tree in the botanical garden— THAT’S NOT IT. You always punch him slightly for behaving that way and enjoying you struggling.
“Give me Farena’s phone number NOW. I need consultation.”
“You don’t have a phone, herbivore.”
“I’m in the mood for kicking Crowley’s office doors down with my foot and demanding a phone.”
“Didn’t know you’ve got a hobby of embarrassing yourself.”
Hell yeah you did. There’s no turning back at this point, not after trying all those stupid faces you’ve demonstrated in Savanaclaw lounge full of other residents who got flustered by your antics instead, Leona remained unbelievably stupidly insanely solid.
Another day, another embarrassment. The evening was looming before you, Grim demanding you, his dearest henchman, to get yourself together and come back home (aka Ramshackle) and forget about trying to get Leona flustered. The idea is dumb anyway, do you really want to see HIM blushing out of all people? Damn…
“I think I might just punch you in your stupid pretty face to get a hint of blush on your cheeks. Damn I’m such a mastermind,” you complained, poking your finger on his chin while lying next to him. 
“Go try,” Leona yawned. “I doubt your success though. What can you even do with those little hands of yours?”
You sigh, closing your eyes for a second. Leona opens his on the contrary, glancing at the crown of your head.
“Doesn’t matter how strong other people’s hands are, they can’t hug the best person in the world with them. But I can.”
You turn to Leona, ready to demonstrate what you’ve just said but end up stopping in the middle, staring at his bewilderment face, a little hint of red hue blossoming on his cheeks. 
“No way…” You whisper and turn to him completely, ignoring his ‘tsk’ and throwing yourself on him. “Don’t tell me!!”
“I’m not telling.”
“You’re such a cutie!!”
“Don’t even know how come you’re so spoiled.”
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It’s always Jade and his never ending “Fu fu, you’re so fascinating, dear Prefect” plays. One day when having dinner at the Mostro Lounge you somehow ended up flustering Azul and Floyd. And that was also the moment you knew you fuc— ahem, failed something. 
“A~ah, what for are you being so caring,” you mumbled to Jade sitting beside you and pouring the drink into your glass. “I love you so much.”
“Ehem, Prefect, that’s a little…”
“Ew,” Floyd commented. “Koebi-chan, you’re greasy.”
You blinked at them, switching your gaze to Jade who seemed to be having fun and taking all this as some sort of entertainment. You furrowed your brows, noticing Jade’s unwavering smile and tried once more.
“Should I write a serenade? We could hold a karaoke night or something, I’m quite confident in my singing.”
“Koebi-chan~ Stop being gross, what’s gotten into you? Jade, you tell!”
“I’m exceedingly flattered,” Jade ignored his twin, getting a bit closer to you. “Should I write a poem to you as well as a way of showing my gratitude?”
By now you know there’s a pattern hidden in his behavior. Whenever you try to pull ‘I’m so stupidly in love with you it’s painful so I’ll cause a mess trying to get you flastered’ card, Jade reflects it, saying things even more exaggerated and far-fetched to the point it hurts other people. 
Somehow your little antics turns into competition between you and Jade — the one who’ll get more flustered students wins. Azul is ready to place a bet but then you abruptly cut him off by saying an extremely embarrassing nonsense and he shuts up immediately, followed by Floyd’s laughter. You don’t stop, making Jade brother’s cheeks covered in pinkish hue. 
Polite Leech twin who? Jade loses his status thanks to you, mimicking into ‘A scary part of Embarrassing duo’ instead. In all this little play you perform you want to find undercovered Jade’s flustered persona. 
Jade likes fascinating, interesting things. That includes your behavior and what made him fall in love with you in the first place—you’re quite an unique individual, dear Prefect. But acting oh so mysteriously and entertaining Jade’s interest isn’t enough. He loves you for that, but what makes him flustered?
“The ground is sure slippery today,” you notice during the Mountain Lover Club activities, ascending the mountain. 
“Yes, I trust you’re rather careful, aren’t you, dear?” Jade smiles and stretches out his hand to you so you could grab it just in case.
“Of course I am! Who do you take me for—”
Hello?? Maybe climbing on the wet dirty cliff isn’t a good idea?? 
You back off, feeling the ground slipping away from under your feet, and stare at Jade, who seems just as frightened as you.
“I’m sorry!” You shout out when he catches you, drawing you closer. “Though I would fit Embarrassing duo aesthetic with a twisted ankle. I already can imagine which jokes based on it would fluster Azul and… Jade?”
“Haah,” Jade sighs. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Scare?.. What do you mean? I’m okay!”
“What would I do if it was more than a twisted ankle and… nevermind, forgive me for raising a voice at you and… Hm?”
“Huh,” you stare at him in awe. “You’re blushing?!”
“Yes?” Jade blinks away all the blush he had just now. “It seems you’re imagining things.”
“Don’t tell me, I can get you flustered by putting myself in danger? Jade, you’re so…”
“I suggest you not repeat such an experience ever again, thank you very much,” he smiles at you intimidatingly but you giggle, leaning closer to him.
“Yep, I promise~”
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“Try being nice to him!” Kalim says to you (as if you’re not being nice but ok) when Jamil taste-tests his meal right before your backs, sighing at Kalim’s silly statement. 
“That’s your prerogative, Kalim-senpai,” you say, not noticing Kalim’s slight crimson hue on the cheeks. 
You’re being so effortlessly sweet to everyone—your boyfriend included—but hello? Is Jamil actually protected from being able to blush or what? 
You’ve tried so many things it’s almost painful to witness. Saying something nice? Ok he’s in Scarabia, literally go try something else, do you really expect him to fall into your sugary sweet words or what. Helping him out in the kitchen with chores? Yeah you did a good job now go rest. Praising him out of blue for his only existence? Erghh who are you trying to fool, really… 
It’s not like Jamil doesn’t appreciate your attention aimed at him, but what are you really trying to do? Isn’t it fairly enough to enjoy the time you two get to spend together so rarely? But in any case your shenanigans end up being an everyday held discussion with bet placings. It’s not average ‘will you manage to get your boyfriend flustered’—not that, but ‘will you try doing some funny shit so that Jamil would get not flustered but embarrassed instead or will you just show PDA’. Now that’s the real entertainment.
Ok so you come up with a plan. Good old kabedon would be so real, right? Even if he won’t fall into your charm, then at least will blush because of embarrassment… Ugh.
And so you think, walking out into the school hall, seeing Jamil from the distance, ‘Almost pa~radise’ playing from somewhere (what kind of romcom is that—) cornering him and trying to look as cool as possible, your gaze aimed right at his steel dark eyes, eyelashes fluttering enchantingly, ‘Shalalala~’ sounds all over the place when you try to grin proudly. Jamil parts his lips slightly and—
“I’ll let others know that their bet failed miserably,” he sighs, meeting your bemused eyes. “They thought you would dance for me today while singing a serenade.”
You pout, averting your gaze and quickly trying to come up with something while you still—kinda—corner him. 
“I didn’t expect the music though,”  Jamil notices. “Maybe one day something will catch me off gua— MHM?!”
Ah hell with it, you think, grabbing the cloth of his dorm uniform and pulling him closer and pressing your lips to his, it’s now or never! Go get that blush while you’re still at it, right?
“What are—”
You never give him time to think, catching his lips again and again. You open your eyes, looking straight at his cheeks but notice no blush. Alright, then it’s time to give it all the 100% of your devotion!
“You!” You exclaim, kissing him once again. “I love you,” you continue with another brief kiss. “An amazing dancer, an unbelievably talented cook, a wise strategist, an amazing singer, you’re… you…! You jerk!”
You can’t really define by now if he’s blushing or not, because it’s you who is flustered instead. But oh be sure he is blushing hard.
“Hey, the last thing you’ve said,” he stops you, trying to catch his breath. “You fool, what are you saying?”
But before you manage to retort, he kisses you back, not caring at your crazy antics anymore, the tips of his ears flaming with crimson.
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Well… first congrats on managing to get the boyfriend who got ranked number one at the top of ‘The most unflustered celebrities ever’. But you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t like a real challenge.
Flattery will get you nowhere and you know it by heart. Genuinely praising his work ethic? You should know it’s the axioma, not the compliment which could lead you to witness him blushing. You decide to play a strategist and wait for the right moment to come.
“Yeah yeah, just admit you have no fuc— eeehm freaking idea of what to do rn,” Epel says, stealing your juice when you two discuss your masterplan. 
“Dude I have a plan, believe me.”
“Uh-huh, that’s a great plan, Prefect. That’s fuckin’ ingenious, if I understand it correctly. It’s a Swiss fuckin’ watch.”
“What did I say about wording?” Vil appears right behind Epel’s back, and your classmate gets red instead of your boyfriend instantly. 
You: wanting to make Vil blush because you’re curious and also he would look fantastic, cute, gorgeous, angelic, divine and—
Epel: helps you for lulz.
And then the opportunity arrives: there’s an upcoming Filming Research Club project you intend to join. You manage to get the role and DAMN how lucky you are — the main task is to make Vil’s character flustered!
That’s where the real challenge starts because you know that Vil’s a genius actor and one little blush needed for the play is nothing but what you don’t know is how to make him blush for real.
“You came,” he says according to the script. “You in my arms is like a fever dream to me.”
You gently touch his cheek.
“Ah,” Vil fixes a lock of your hair, and you allow it, staring into his eyes radiating nothing but a feigned tender. “Your Grace, I believe I have no authority to meet you like this. Scarcely thought I would present such a pathetic side of me to you…”
“You have so much power,” he denies. “You will never be pathetic. To me or to anyone else.”
It’s just a rehearsal but it’s the right time for you to not act and perform wonder for real.
“And you, my dear,” you deviate from the script, Vil remains steady at your improvisation, until… “I love you with all your flaws and all the things you disrelish in yourself.”
You see Vil’s cheeks growing a bit reddish when his eyes widen a little at your sudden genuine words and a lovely smile. He can’t afford losing composure so easily, so the next second he already pulls you closer boldly. 
“I loathe to realize I’m the only one whose cheeks are painted crimson. Would you allow me to fix it?”
“Of course.”
— And cut. 
And while others are in bewilderment at your improvisation which turned extremely good, Epel freaks out in the background.
“Stop being greasy already,” he says, covering his mouth in disgust. “It’s just as gross as stumbling across parents when they kiss, bleh.”
“Didn’t know you see me as your parental figure,” Vil nods.
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“Have you ever seen Rook blushing?”
“What are you saying?” Vil replies. 
“Sounds impossible,” Epel agrees. “Keep on trying tho.”
Keep on trying to get your boyfriend, the Rook Hunt, to get flustered? HUH, NEVER IN YOUR LIFE, nuh-uh, what are you, insane? You brush off the mere thought of trying to get him to blush at the very first second it even appears in your mind.
You’re not crazy, why would you try that?! It’s impossible!
But somehow your question you accidentally dropped during the meal you were having with Vil and Epel gets popular in the NRC newspaper. You don’t care if there wasn’t a newspaper before — it was created just for ‘Have you ever seen Rook blushing?’ caption to spread throughout the college.
Sure many students just frown at it because why would they even be interested in this, who in their right mind would approach Rook willingly in the first place— ah right you would, you did, you love him. 
Then it’s time for you to take responsibility and solve the mystery! 
Uh-huh, if it was that easy to accomplish! Your first guess is to impress him with French but you literally can say some nonsense because of mispronouncing words and he would be in awe, heart-shaped sparkles in his eyes all over the place. 
You are willing to take archery classes? Fantastique, étonnant! He will gladly help you with that, do you know it’s important to have enough strength in your arms? Here, he will show you the right position and— wait, it's you who blush.
You write a love poem to him in French? Ah, à vous couper le souffle! Just how talented you are, your love knows no bounds, he’s exceedingly lucky to have you as his lover!
Cool ok so… What to do?! 
“This whole ‘get Rook flustered’ thing drives me insane,” you say to Epel with a heavy sigh, holding a flower bouquet you’ve prepared.
“You’ve brought this all yourself,” he replies. “Idk do something ergh… Genuine? I feel like a matchmaker.”
“We’re already dating tho.”
“I don’t care, go get that blush already.”
Alright, it’s time to solve all this mysterious ‘Have you ever seen Rook blushing?’ thing already. You find Rook in the school yard and decide to play it another way. You’ve already tried being romantic, why don’t try something stupid at least once, right?
You get down on one knee and give Rook the bouquet you’ve prepared.
“Ahem… It’s Larisochka Guzeeva and this is the program ‘Let’s get married!’... Or not. Actually, I’m not trying to suggest that we get married. Not yet! Maybe in the near future… God what am I saying argh!! ANYWAY! Rook, listen, I love you to the point I don’t care if I act odd and weird to other people. I’m okay with doing all these when I’m with you…”
“He… Heheh~ Oh dear Trickster, what a lovely person you are,” Rook chuckles at your performance and you think you’ve failed miserably but then you notice how sweet the pinkish hue on the tips of his ears is and raise up instantly.
“I did it!!”
“Ah, right, I think I should do it more often.”
“Spreading the mystery about no one seeing me blush, of course~”
─ ⊹ It’s Larisochka Guzeeva and this is the program ‘Let’s get married!’ — a popular russian TV talk show and the saying, it doesn't really mean anything, it's just for lulz ahsdjkh
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Ok so how do you make an aeon old bat fae flustered.
Lilia knows you want to impress him before you even know it yourself, and when the whole Diasomnia holds a parley about how to prevent you from getting a majestic glorious undoubtedly wise and stoic Lilia-sama— ok Sebek we got you, in any case Lilia just chuckles and smirks.
It’s a game! And if it is, then you should laugh, not blush, the formula is easy. He will make you flustered instead before you even can think of something. 
A petard exploding with sparkling particles early in the morning with ‘Greeting to the most important person in all the dimensions existing’ forming right under the ceiling of your room in Ramshackle? Easy, wanna see it again tomorrow? 
If the petard was too scary for you to comprehend or wasn’t so romantic, then how about fixing the collar of your uniform before pressing a gentle kiss on your cheek?
Still not convinced Lilia’s a master of making you flustered? Ho~ You silly, how about the ring changing its engravings every hour, going from ‘I love you’ to ‘I’m forever yours’? 
Look, dear Prefect, he's absolutely invincible! You’ve got such a brainy boyfriend and—
Ho, have you finally realized you want to see him flustered? Bring it on!
… Or so he thought.
Suddenly you don’t react at all. He bought flowers? Ok cool you have an enormously large garden in Ramshackle by now, what’s the big deal? He composed a song for you? Yeah nice why not. 
Lilia quickly realizes you’re playing another game. Why not, you’re being so amusing while trying to outsmart him by pulling the ‘I actually don’t care at all’ card, but he knows how your little smiles blossom when you turn around, so there’s no need to worry.
“Stop being so unnecessarily cold to Lilia-sama!!” Sebek demands when you visit Diasomnia and blink at him.
“Calm down, Sebek. Prefect and Father play a game. A strange one, there’s no denying, but still…”
The two of them start bickering and you chuckle, trying to reassure them everything’s okay. 
Lilia joins you not that instantly, watching you for some time and then decides to have some fun again, hugging you from behind and floating midair at the same time.
“Ho~ I see you’re not repulsing me today, hm?” 
“I was in the middle of creating another tactic but got distracted by the kids.”
“Kids?” Lilia leans closer to you with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Yes, Silver and Sebek are like kids to me. Is it what having children feels like? Maybe we could start our own family one day… Oh, I got carried away. What are you going to demonstrate to me to… day…?”
You turn to Lilia, his face extremely close to yours when you see a foreign pink dusting his cheeks while his eyes widen in shock.
You are willing to start a family with him?.. That…
“HUH?! DID I SUCCEED? I literally did nothing!!”
“Hu-hu~” Lilia recovers quickly and presses a little kiss on your cheek. “Who knows~”
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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itsbeeble · 11 months
She's Kinda Hot
Summary: Sometimes Mingi hates you, but it's a bit of a perk that you're kinda hot
Genre: smut
Pairing: Song Mingi x afab!reader
Fic Warnings: Smut, porn with literally no plot
WC: 1917
Warnings: pervy loser mingi, bratty reader, face/throat fucking, mingi gets a little bit too into it, forced cum swallowing oopsies, degradation kinda, kinda dom-sub themes, dubcon kinda?
Heavily based on She's Kinda Hot by 5SOS (im back on my 5sos shit what can i say)
A/N: isn't it so crazy how every time i wanna go on hiatus, somehow inspiration strikes. EVERY TIME. Anyway thank you all for being patient ilysm. Also this was meant to be longer but i cut it short so if you want a part 2 lmk
A/N pt 2: Thank you to @juyeonszn and @leejihoonownsmyheart for beta-ing this absolute monstrosity ily both
Mingi thinks that he hates you. 
Not, like, hates you, but sometimes he can’t stand your bitching. Sometimes he can’t stand the way you yell at him for talking too loud when he’s gaming and you’re trying to sleep, and then scream on the phone with your friends during your weekly video call (which you spend half the time complaining about him). He hates that you constantly scream at him about not cleaning up his messes, for leaving the toilet seat up, for not reminding you that you had a meeting, for reminding you that you had to get to a meeting.
What Mingi loves about you? Well…that’s a whole other story.
Mingi loves how, despite how irritating he may be, you always support him. He loves the way you play with his hair, watching over his shoulder while he games. The way you chime in with little comments, your grip on his dark locks tightening whenever he gets close to dying. 
He also loves how pink your cheeks get when you run out of air from yelling at him. He loves how your eyebrows crease, how your lower lip juts out when you pout. He loves how your voice pitches up into a whine that has him nearly drooling, with nasty thoughts entering his mind. He loves how easy it is to rile you up, how embarrassed you get when he cups that sweet cunt of yours while you’re trying to scold him. How you crumble over the lightest touch from him.
That, and you’re also kinda hot. He loves your tits, how they bounce with every step, and how you allow him to shove his face under your shirt and between them when the two of you go to sleep. He loves how meaty your thighs are, how he *drowns* in them every time he eats you out. Loves how your tummy is so soft, the perfect pillow for him. You’re perfect to Mingi.
Currently, however unfortunate it may be, he’s doing none of those things. He’s sitting in front of the TV in your shared apartment with his headset snug on his, in your opinion, disgustingly greasy head and a gaming controller dangling loosely in his hands while you yell at him. It’s hard, however, for him to focus with your tits bouncing every time you throw your hands dramatically into the air. It’s hard when every time you raise your voice, your lips twitching into that adorable little pout of yours, his dick twitches in his pants and he knows you can see it. Every time he blinks, it’s like you shift closer and closer to him until you’re standing right between his legs.
“Are you even fucking listening to me?” Your voice is shrill and Mingi just hums in response, eyes locked on the valley of your breasts as you lean toward him. 
“Absolutely, babe,” he sniffs and leans back on the couch, spreading his legs and placing his arms on the back of the couch. You scoff, leaning back and running a hand through your hair. Mingi’s tongue runs over his lip, his eyebrows knotting together. 
“You fucking liar,” you sneer. “All you’re fucking doing is staring at my tits, isn’t that right, babe?” 
Boom, caught red-handed
A smirk grows on Mingi’s lips. 
“So what if I was?” One of his legs hooks around the back of yours, yanking you down. A gasp leaves you, your hands flying out and finding purchase on his shoulders. He can see your skirt lift just enough for him to get a glimpse of your lacy panties, and, to Mingi’s pleasure, your tits end up right in his face. Soft, plump, and just waiting for him to get his mouth on them. His hands slide up your waist, itching to latch onto the soft mounds on your chest. You slap his hands away, and he hisses at the sting of your nails digging into his wrists.
“You’re a fuckin pervert, you know that?” Your fingertips dig into the fabric of his sweatshirt, and he scoffs and raises his head from staring down your shirt.
“Says the one grinding on my dick right now. Thought you were mad at me, princess.” He’s right, you know he is. You can’t help it, not when he feels so good against you. Not when you’ve been so stressed with work. Mingi leans toward you, stopping a mere inch from your lips. Your eyes are shut, and he almost groans when your hips stop moving as well. “Or did you just want some attention from me? Hm?” 
You whine, and Mingi coos. 
“Mingi,” your voice is airy and he hums, lowering his head back down to lick at the skin your shirt reveals to him. Your hands curl into the strands of hair at the base of his neck, scratching gently. “Mingi please.” His hands slide up again, tugging your shirt down as much as he can, exposing your chest to the warm air of the apartment. 
“Please what, princess?” Your breathing is shaky, your arm holding your boyfriend to your chest as he sucks dark marks into your skin. 
“Please fuck me.”
If anyone were to ask you how you ended up sitting on Mingi’s face with his tongue shoving its way inside of you, you would tell them you truly had no idea, but you weren’t going to complain. 
Your hips roll harshly over him, pathetic whines and moans escaping your lips every time your boyfriend sucks at your clit. He’s drowning in you, his nails (or the nubs that could have been nails since he bites them just to spite you) digging into the meat of your thighs and holding you as close to his lips as you can get. Mingi can feel the way your body shakes over him. Every swipe of his tongue through your folds, every time he sucks at your clit. You clench every time he touches you, your hands tightening around the dark strands of hair attached to his head. 
“Is this the best you can do?” Your breathing is heavy, causing you to stumble through the sentence while trying to appear unaffected. Mingi’s eyes flick open, peering at you through your thighs, catching your gaze and trying desperately to not look at the way your breasts seem to glow, how your whole body seems to glow at this moment. 
He pulls his tongue away from you, smirking when you catch yourself halfway through a whine. 
“You’re so much of a loser that you can’t even please your girlfriend?” You sneer, your lip curling and your eyes narrowing. Mingi scoffs, practically shoving you off of him, onto the other end of the couch. You yelp, and Mingi watches the way your body recoils from the landing. Watches your tits bounce, your thighs squeezing together from the pleasure ripped away from you. The way you look at him is pathetic. Big, bulging eyes and your jaw dropped open. 
“You think you’re so great?” He shoots right back at you, shoving his pants down his legs. “Hm?”
You can’t respond, not when he’s manhandling you into the position he wants you in seemingly uncaring that you hadn’t finished.
On the ground kneeling before him as if he’s your god, ready to take his leaking cock down your throat. 
You stare up at him with your unbuttoned blouse hanging off one shoulder. Your little cunt is practically weeping, your arousal dripping down your legs from being brought so close to the edge and having your orgasm ripped away from you because of your own brattiness. You sit there waiting for him to make a move but he just stares at you. There’s a curious look in his eyes and it makes you nervous. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You ask. 
“Jus’ thinkin’.” He shrugs and kneels down to your level. 
“About?” You like this moment. The calm before the storm. His hand comes to rest on your cheek, stroking it lovingly. You let your eyes flutter shut, leaning into him and sighing.
It’s another moment before he speaks again.
“You’re lucky you’re hot,” His tone is harsh again, and suddenly your torso is being shoved toward the ground. You gag when his cock enters your mouth, choking when he shoves your head as far down as he can get it without hurting you. 
“Lucky that I love these tits,” with the hand that isn’t forcing you up and down on his cock, he reaches to grip one harshly in his large palm. 
“Lucky that this sweet little cunt of yours is always so tight for me.” This time, when he forces you back down on him, he holds you there and lets his hand leave a harsh slap against your sopping-wet heat. The force he puts behind it forces your body forward, and a loud groan leaves Mingi. “Shit, feels so good, baby.” 
Pathetic is how you feel. Mascara streams down your cheeks, leaving dark lines on your skin. Your face is becoming red from both the lack of air and the words he hisses into the warm air of your apartment. You can feel his tip punching the back of your throat every time you take him, your freshly done nails dig into his thighs and leave red marks that begin to bleed when you scrape them down his leg.
It isn’t exactly odd to see this side of your boyfriend. Every argument turns into some sort of sexual act. Forcing you to grind on his thigh for hours until you squirt all over him, bending you over his lap and spanking you until your skin is raw and it hurts to sit the next day, pinning you to your bed and ramming his cock into you from behind. 
Your vision blurs and you try to pull yourself off of him, gagging as you do so. You can feel him twitching in your mouth and can hear his groans become louder and higher in pitch. You can feel your mind growing fuzzy, willing yourself to hold on for just a little longer—
Mingi pushes you down on him one last time, holding you there while he empties into your throat and forcing you to swallow every last drop so you don’t choke. His cum is warm and bitter and you squeeze your eyes shut as it just keeps pumping out. His body shudders beneath you, his hand tightening in your hair as the last drops hit the back of your tongue. 
When he releases you, you don’t have the energy to pull away from him. You let your head rest on his thigh, his softening member resting just inches away from your swollen lips. Mingi leans his body back, one hand supporting him and the other gently brushing your hair out of your face. Your throat is sore, your breaths coming out raspy, and you feel Mingi’s hand trace its way down to brush against your carotid. 
“Can you turn over for me?” His voice is hushed now, but you can hear the amusement. You can feel it in the way his breathing picks up when you whine. “My poor princess, can’t handle her loser boyfriend’s cock? Can’t let him return the favor?” 
Your head tilts up at an awkward angle to look at him, and his heart stutters a little bit in his chest.
Yes, Mingi hates you a little bit. But fuck does it help that you’re kinda hot.
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yangfleurs · 2 years
skz reaction: you getting scared during a thunderstorm
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you shot up out of bed as a loud crack of thunder vibrated through your bedroom. you groaned, dizzy from the sudden noise. another loud clap tore through your home, making your heart thump rapidly against your chest. it was 3 am and you turned to look for chan next to you even though you knew he wouldn’t be there, not with a deadline creeping up on him in a matter of days. again, thunder filled your ears, this time making you yelp. you got under the covers in a hurry, covering your head with your blanket as you nervously anticipated another lightning strike.
but before that, you heard the soft and quick pattering of feet coming to your door. the door opened slowly, and as you peek out from underneath the covers, you see chan shuffling over to you, abandoning his slippers halfway as he quickly rolled under the covers. you immediately inched closer to him and wrapped your arms and legs around him. he did the same, tucking your head into his chest and swiftly covering your ears as the thunder rumbled even louder. as it passed, he looked down at you.
"you alright, baby? must've been so scared." he mumbled, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
even if being pushed up right against him was suffocating you a little, you didn't mind it. not at all, actually---you were so thankful for chan in that moment as his palm laid flat against your ear every time lightning struck turned those strikes of lightning into muffled background noise. you sighed in relief, your body loosening up against chan's.
"thank you, I know you're busy." you mumbled, looking up at him with an apologetic glance.
he shook his head, pushing a few stray hairs away from your face, "you come first. I'll just work a little harder tomorrow." he smiled warmly.
you craned your neck upwards, leaning into him to press a kiss onto his lips. he giggled as you moved away from his lips and peppered his entire face with light pecks.
"what did I do to deserve you?" you sighed, looking at him with a dazed look in your eyes.
"I could ask the same for you." he replied, kissing the top of your head. always a sweetheart, that he was.
just as the sweet moment ended, the lights began to flicker. you both gasped, and you fell back into your initial position, pressed firmly against chan's chest with your head under the covers. the flickering soon turned into a darkness that consumed you and your surroundings.
"I think this is our sign to call it a night," chan laughed breathlessly, "hey, at least the thunder's passed."
"mhmmm." you mumbled, letting out a loud yawn.
"come on, let's sleep." he lowered your pillow to where your head was and played with your hair to help you sleep easier.
"mmm love you, night." you managed to mutter out, hearing chan's "love you, too baby, goodnight." before sleep finally overtook you.
lee know
you were in the kitchen, stirring the food atop your stove and humming along to the song playing on the stereo when a loud strike of lightning followed by immediate darkness filled your apartment. you shrieked at the sudden pitch black surrounding you as you blindly felt around in an attempt to find your phone. you failed to find it, realizing you'd left it in the bedroom in a rush to start working on dinner before your boyfriend came home. you took a deep breath as you adjusted to the darkness before finally managing to turn off the stove.
another bolt of thunder ripped through your home, making it feel like the ground beneath your feet was shaking. you yelped again, falling to your knees as it unsteadied you. you covered your ears as you heard the next lightning strike brewing when you heard the beeping of the front door's passcode being typed in followed by a panicked lee know bursting through the door. he slammed the door shut and threw his shoes off.
"y/n? where are you? tell me, I'll find you!" he yelled.
"kitchen! hurry!" you squeaked, hoping your voice was loud enough to hear over the thunderstorm.
you hear him walking through the apartment quickly, arriving to the kitchen and finding you sitting on the ground. he sighed in relief before sitting down next to you. you uncovered your ears and turned to face him.
"hey, I'm here now. it's okay, you're okay, alright?" he looked you in the eyes, nodding his head to reassure you that he wouldn't leave your side.
you nodded back, reaching out for his hand. he wrapped his hand tightly around yours, giving it a little squeeze as you scooted closer to him. you rested your head on his shoulder and he reached over his hand to shield your uncovered ear from the thunder. you stayed like that for a long time, sitting in a comfortable silence as the storm passed. after what seemed like forever, the lights finally flickered back on. you sighed in relief, pulling away from lee know and groaning as you stretched.
"now why did you make me sit on the cold kitchen floor for so long?" he moaned, getting up along with you.
you rolled your eyes at him. "well, if you're actually curious, I was making dinner, but..." you looked down at the raw chunks of meat sitting in your pan, "this won't be done any time soon." you sighed loudly.
lee know thought for a moment before he moved past you and placed the pan in the fridge. he reached for the electric kettle, filling it with water and turning it on. then, he walked past you again and opened the cupboard.
"do you wanna eat ramen with me?" he winked, pulling two cup ramens out.
you smacked his arm, snorting at his dumb joke. "sure," you chuckled, "god, you're such an idiot." you mumbled, making him playfully scoff.
(in korea, "do you want to eat ramen with me?" is a pg-13 euphemism, search it up kids <3)
you were looking forward to your first date night with changbin since tour ended. you knew he'd want to do something relaxing after spending months away from home so you had planned a movie night at home, with your favorite movies lined up in a queue and the coffee table covered in snacks. you heard a storm brewing outside of your windows, but you ignored the uneasiness settling in the pit of your stomach because you knew changbin would be home any minute now anyway.
and you were right, because just moments after you'd sat down on the couch, you heard the front door unlock and your boyfriend walk in, breathless and soaked to the bone in rain.
"the storm's definitely not going to settle down any time soon." he groaned, shaking the water out of his hair.
" you must be freezing! go change and take a hot shower." you said as you walked towards him, ushering him towards the bathroom.
"my baby doesn't want a hug first?" he pouted, trying to trap you in his arms.
"seo changbin, you get my clothes wet and it'll be the last thing you ever do," you warned him, quickly avoiding his outstretched arms. "shower quickly, I'll be waiting." you pecked him on the cheek, running back to your place on the sofa and waiting for him.
you scrolled through your phone, growing more stressed out as the thunder began to get louder and louder. you began hoping for changbin to get out of the bathroom and to join you more and more as the storm picked up. the sound of the shower raining down soon stopped and you heard changbin come out humming a song, answering your prayers. but just as you began to relax, you heard the windows rattle and in a matter of seconds, your lights and the tv flickered off. you squealed in shock, matching changbin's loud yelling from the bedroom.
"hold on, baby, I'm coming!" he shouted out to reassure you. he rushed out with just his sweatpants on, walking around blindly and hitting his limbs multiple times and hissing in pain as he made his way to you.
you sat quietly, holding your breath and flinching at the roaring weather outside. changbin sat down next you and pulled you into his lap. you relaxed into his touch, his warm skin against your cheek comforting you. he rubbed your back gently, softly shushing you every time the thunder got louder.
"this is nice, isn't it?" he whispered, stroking the side of your face.
"I'm sorry about our date." you mumbled, sighing against his shoulder.
"why are you sorry?" he chuckled, "you didn't make the power go out, baby." he kissed the top of your head.
"still, I wish we could've done something." you pouted.
"I like this more, let's stay like this a little longer." he insisted, making you give in and rest your head against his shoulder.
"I love you." you hummed.
"I love you more." he kissed you sweetly.
it was a brutally rainy day, thunder grumbling like an empty stomach every once in a while to remind you of how miserable it was outside. the only good thing about this kind of weather was that it brought the artist out of hyunjin.
you were sat on the floor of hyunjin's art studio, watching him silently as he painted his newest piece. it was an honor for you, honestly; hyunjin usually hated the pressure that came with having people watch him paint, but he had decided to make an exception for you this once after months of pleading from your end. you beamed up at him, being especially careful to not make any noise that could distract him.
he was beautiful when he was doing something he loved. it was the same with when he was dancing; he would scrunch up his face in concentration right before he took action, whether that be moving his body or his paintbrush with fluidity, and as soon as he really began, it flowed. you were mesmerized by how freely his hands moved despite all of the control you knew he had in his brush strokes.
"you're staring." he whined, not looking away from the canvas.
"I can't help it, you're so amazing." you said breathlessly, eyes glued onto the way hyunjin's hand moved across the canvas. your concentration on him was soon disrupted, however, by a particularly loud strike of lightning. you gasped a little, but hid it by clearing your throat a little.
"hmmm," he hummed, "wanna help, baby?" he asked, turning towards you.
"hyunjin, I can't paint to save my life." you chuckled nervously, still uneasy from the thunder.
"come here, I'll guide your hand," he beckoned for you. you sat in between his legs, leaning your back into his chest and letting him wrap his hand around yours after you held his paintbrush. "gently, just like that. the harder you press, the richer the color." he told you next to your ear. you blushed a little at the proximity between you two, focusing back on the way he dragged your hand across the canvas.
just as you began to enjoy yourself, the lights flickered as another bolt of lightning disrupted the moment, making you flinch violently.
"shhh, I've got you. you're doing so well," he whispered into your ear, rubbing a comforting hand against your thigh. "keep breathing and follow my lead, yeah?"
"okay." you replied quietly, continuing to paint with him. as the storm passed through your area, you grew less tense, feeling safe with hyunjin wrapped around you and hearing him hum against your ear.
"hyunjin?" you called him after a long while.
"thank you for making me feel better." you said sheepishly.
"you don't need to thank me, baby," he hugged you, "I don't need anything as long as I can make you feel happy and safe." he mumbled, peppering your face with kisses.
"stop, it tickles." you whined, making him giggle.
"now that I'm looking at it, I think you might be a better artist than me, baby." he hummed, pressing a firm kiss to the temple of your head.
"acting like you didn't do the whole damn thing , huh?" you rolled your eyes, making you both laugh.
it was a sunday evening, and sunday evenings meant one thing in your home---game night. you and jisung were sat on the floor in front of your tv, wearing your comfiest pajamas with your hair tied away from your faces. you both pressed away furiously at the game controllers in your hands, with your occasional yelps and sneers competing for power with the grumbling thunder outside. for once, the thunder wasn't bothering you; the need to beat jisung at mario kart was much stronger than your fear of the thunder.
"hehehe, kiss my ass!" you yelled as you zoomed past his character, earning a scoff from him.
"shut up! I'm going to win like I have literally every other time." he grumbled, already bitter about a loss he hadn't even suffered yet.
"I'm gonna win, I'm so close!" you cheered. but just as you began to get excited, a terrifying strike of lightning rung through your apartment, followed by a flicker and then pitch black. you gasped at the suddenness of it all, dropping your controller with a loud thump. you heard jisung scream a little at the same time, only scaring you more. you heard him regulating his breathing, before he spoke up.
"I'm gonna come over to you, okay baby? don't get scared, it's just me, I promise." he said as he began to shuffle towards you. another deafening bolt of thunder screeched, making you and jisung scream yet again.
"oh my god, okay, okay. y/n, it's okay." he breathed, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than he was you. you felt his hand on your arm suddenly, making you flinch a little.
"just me, baby, just me." he whispered, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you against his chest. every time thunder struck, jisung's breath hitched and he pulled you closer as he rubbed your arm up and down. you could tell he was scared too, but he was braving the terrible weather in order to take care of you. as the storm passed, your gratitude for jisung only seemed to grow stronger.
"I love you so much, you know that?" you mumbled against his chest.
"nice to know," he hummed, chuckling when you slap him on the arm. "I love you, too. so much." he kissed the top of your head.
"you know I was gonna win tonight." you sighed, pouting at him.
"but you didn't!" he sang, earning a loud whine from you, "wanna call a truce? or..." as he began, the power suddenly came back, restarting your tv.
"a rematch?" you smirked, pulling yourself out of his arms.
as soon as the thunderstorm started, felix dragged you out of the living room and into your bedroom. he tucked himself under the duvet, pulling it over his head so he was completely underneath the covers.
"y/n! come on!" his muffled voice yelled after you, making you do the same until you were face to face with your boyfriend underneath the covers. he stared at you and blinked cutely, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush against his body.
"baby?" you piped up.
"can I ask why we're under the covers like this when the sun literally just set?" you laughed.
"thunderstorms are the best cuddling weather. plus if the power goes out---" the lights flickered as if on cue, "well then, we're already next to each other so it's less scary."
"you're so thoughtful, baby." you giggled, planting a chaste kiss against his lips quickly. you wrapped your arms around him as well, playing with his hair. the thunder soon picked up, making your anxiety skyrocket. you hated the way it made it feel like your entire home was shaking underneath you and how it was the only thing you could focus on because of how it surrounded everything around you. you gasped lightly at each bolt, terrified.
"hey," felix tilted your head to look him in the eyes, "tell me about your day. what did you do in class today?" he asked, moving his hand to your hip and rubbing your side comfortingly. you took a deep breath, knowing exactly what felix was trying to do. you didn't care about his ulterior motive, though; if blabbering about your day distracted you from the storm outside, you were more than happy to comply.
you filled felix in on everything, from how you almost missed the train to school to how great your lunch was to nearly falling asleep in your dumb econ class. felix listened to you diligently, asking questions to further steer your mind away from the storm. he kept a firm grip on you the entire time, soothing you by gently rubbing his hand against your back as the storm peaked before finally moving across your area.
"I think the storm's passed." he said with a small smile as you finished talking about your day.
"mhmmm,' you nodded, "you wanna stay like this?" you questioned.
"you know I do." he grinned, smothering you as he scooted closer to you.
"okay, your turn. how was your day, lix?" you pushed the hair out of his face.
"well, I'm glad you asked." he moaned.
"oh god, here we go." you chuckled, making him smack you playfully.
seungmin was never a physical affection type of guy. he avoided it and never really initiated it, but tolerated it when it came from you. that's how you knew he loved you; him letting you hug him without seeing your life flash before your eyes was a form of seungmin's love few had the privilege of receiving.
but seungmin's avoidance of physical touch was painfully clear right now, as you sat at the dinner table in front of your half-finished food in complete darkness. the rain and thunder pounded against your window, making you flinch harshly every time.
seungmin was out of his chair as soon as the power went out---always the efficient one, he had started searching for candles and a lighter right away. you could hear him muttering to himself as he searched, mumbling about flooding and how he was going to get to work in the morning.
you, on the other hand, had no thoughts other than keeping your calm. you had hated thunderstorms since you were young, spending many nights even as you got older in your parents' bedroom or with a pillow tightly held against your ears as you slept. you regulated your breathing, trying to focus on seungmin's soft muttering from the utility closet to distract yourself. but as a fast and sharp bolt of lightning screeched outside, you couldn't help but yell out of surprise. your heart pounded against your chest as you gasped for breath. you heard seungmin's feet quickly pad through the hallway as he came up to you.
"you okay?" he asked gently, sitting in the chair next to you.
you shook your head, rubbing a hand above your heart to help you calm down. "seung?" you reached out your hand, silently asking for his comfort.
he understood right away, putting the candle down on the table and tightly lacing his fingers with yours before carefully wrapping his palm over top of your intertwined hands. he rubbed his thumb against your hand, tenderly kissing it. you stayed like that for a moment before he stood up slowly and dropped your hand so as to not alarm you. he stood closer to you immediately after so you could wrap your arms around him.
"gonna light the candle, okay? we gotta finish dinner before our food gets cold." he said sweetly, leaning into your side hug and resting his hand against your back. he lit the candle quickly, illuminating your dinner table with its warm glow.
"romantic, isn't it?" you giggled quietly, leaning against his side as you finally eased up.
"let's call it a date night, then, yeah?" he chuckled along with you, rubbing your back comfortingly.
"then we go to bed and cuddle?" you asked hopefully, pushing your luck.
he quietly deliberated before finally relenting. "okay," he groaned, "but only if you don't make a big deal about it." he grumbled.
you squealed a little out of joy, hugging him tightly, "yay, thank you!"
"you're making me regret it already." he moaned
"no takebacks." you remarked swiftly, making him laugh a little as you both continued your dinner in front of the candlelight.
there were many things to love about jeongin. whether it was his kind heart, his great sense of fashion, his dedication to following his dreams, or his wisdom that went beyond his years, it was really hard to find something to dislike about him. even after years of dating, you only managed to find one thing you found less than desirable from jeongin---his ability to sleep through anything and everything.
and that included now, as a thunderstorm roared and vibrated through your home. jeongin, always the sound sleeper, was knocked out in bed, completely unaware of the thunder pounding against your apartment walls. you, on the other hand, stared up at the wall, desperate for sleep to overtake you.
you gasped lightly at each loud lightning strike, being awoken from your sleepy state multiple times. you turned to face your sleeping boyfriend, jealous of how easy it was for him to fall asleep and stay asleep despite all of the noise surrounding him. you admired his relaxed face in the soft glow of your bedroom sleep light when all of a sudden, it flickered off.
you gulped nervously, taking a deep breath to try and keep it together. but your resolve soon went out the window as a bolt of thunder shrieked suddenly, making you yelp out loud. jeongin frowned a little instinctually before his resting face smoothed over once again. you were shaking, shifting around restlessly as your anxiety got the best of you.
"y/n?" jeongin croaked awake, "c'mere." he yawned, lazily opening his arms for you to join him.
"sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. the thunder just makes me anxious, I'm sorry." you explained apologetically as you laid down in between his arms.
"shhh, it's okay. try to sleep." he mumbled sleepily. he covered your ears before rubbing your back soothingly to help you fall asleep.
and while it didn't help you fall asleep immediately, you appreciated how much effort he put into taking care of you, even fighting the sleep he desperately needed in order to help you. as you grew sleepier and the storm passed, you whispered, "thank you, I love you."
and you couldn't tell if he really said it or you dreamt it, but you could've sworn you heard a "I definitely love you more" coming from above you as you drifted off to sleep against jeongin's chest.
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patriwoso · 1 year
happy tears
alexia putellas x child!reader
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"Smile Y/N! A picture for Mami before she gets to the stadium!" Olga grins at you as you pull a cheesy grin, you little front teeth on show.
"Chippy." You point to Olga's lunch and hope she's going to give you one of her fries.
She chuckles and puts a few fries in the side of your mac and cheese bowl.
Abuela Eli, sat beside you, reminds you to close your mouth whilst you eat. You nod and follow her instructions.
Having just turned two you were being introduced to a knife and fork, you pick up your plastic fork and use both of your little hands to hold it to stab into a piece of macaroni.
"Good girl!" Eli praises you as you begin giggling and go shy and chew on your food.
You take your time to eat your food, making Olga and Eli wait around for an extra long time.
"See Mami now!" You put your fork on the table and try to get down.
Olga is quick to stop you, a baby wipe at the ready for your sticky hands and mouth.
You make a stop at the car so she can change you into your Spain kit, Alexia 11 on your back like usual.
"See Mami! See Mami!" You skipped toward the stadium, holding on Olga's hand.
"When Mami play?" You shrugged your shoulders and sulked a little as you were still waiting for Mama to be subbed onto the pitch.
Eli keeps you distracted with your soft toy and a packet of sweets which ends up making you hyper and squirmy.
They allow you to get down and jump and clap to the chants and songs the fans sing. You go down a couple of steps to sit on the concrete floor at the bottom of the stand where the fence is.
Peering through the gap you look to see if you can spy out Mami anywhere but you can't see her.
Eli calls you back up to sit closer by them so they can keep an eye on you.
You plop yourself into Olga's lap and she explains what is happening in the game for you.
"Want Mami" You play with your bunny, beginning to get bored.
"She'll come on soon, mi querida "Eli smiles.
Eventually, Mami does get subbed onto the pitch. You jump up and down and clap your hands, waving them about in the air and giggling as everyone watches you. "MAMI MAMI!" You shout as she runs onto the pitch.
You begin to get more engaged in the game now, asking Olga questions in your toddler babble.
When Salma scores you clap again and giggle even more, looking around as everyone goes crazy. You don't quite understand why they're going as crazy as they are but you look up at Olga and flash her another big cheesy grin.
At full time you ask Olga and Eli to see Mami, they go down to the front and you look through the railings, waving at Ona and Aitana as they walk past to find their families.
You get a little confused when you see mamas teammates crying. You thought this was a happy moment?
"MAMI!" You shout when you see her walk around from the bench with Jenni and Mariona. "MAMMII" You shout even louder so she can hear you after the noise of the crowd.
When she spots you waving your hands and smiling brightly she leaves her team and rushes over. You see tears in her eyes too and want to be in her arms to give her a cuddle.
"Down Mami!" You tell her, trying to reach through the metal rails by sticking your arm through whilst crouching on the floor.
"I can't reach you, bebita." She sighs.
"Down!" You point to Alexia and stamp your feet, getting frustrated and upset as you just want to be with Mami and it doesn't seem to be happening.
Your not sure who, but someone lifts you up and lowers you over the railing so Mami can hold you to take you on the field.
"Mami no cry!" You gasp, putting your hands on her cheeks and pouting your bottom lip which begins to quiver.
"These are happy tears, mi princesa. We are in the semi final! Do you know what that means?" She sniffles, smiling as she kisses your cheek gently.
You shake your head and look at her, intrigued.
"It means we nearly win a trophy!" She grins.
You gasp a little and smile. "Trophy!"
Mami nods. "Maybe, if we keep playing really well." A few more tears drip from her eyes.
"Happy tears" You repeat what she says, using your little fingers to carefully wipe the tears from Mami's face, trying to be gentle.
"I like w- watch, I. Um." You waffle, trying to get the toddler babble out again. "Watching you play ball"
"You like watching Mami play ball?" She chuckles softly, kissing you softly. "Such a sweet girl." She rubs your back gently and cuddles you. "I love you, bebita. So much." She breathes as your head is buried into her neck.
"Mami? Um, Olg- Olgi show you my roni?" You ask, lifting your head up and running your finger down Mami's cheek.
"Sí, she sent me the photo of you eating macaroni." Mama giggled softly, happy to know that's all you care about.
You grin brightly and fall limp into her arms as she sways you side to side, whispering sweet words in your ear so you can hear her over the noise of the crowd.
She calls up to Eli and Olga that she is going to take you through to the change rooms and that she'll meet them upstairs.
You become a little meerkat, well that's always what Mapi used to say.
Moving your head side to side and peering over Mami's shoulder to look at everything and everyone.
You refuse to walk, a little bit shy in such a big place, so you stay safe in Mami's arms.
She holds your head against her as you go through the mixed zone, avoiding your face getting in pictures and videos unnecessarily as that isn’t something you should have to be doing at 2 years old. You didn’t need you face plastered all over the media.
“Mama you pretty” You look at her once your through the busy section of the stadium, looking at the way her smile brightens up and her eyes are all glossy with tears but in such a beautiful way.
“Thank you, my baby.” She smiles, rubbing your face softly and giving you more kisses.
“Look Y/N!” You follow where Mami is pointing and see Mateo running down the hall beside Irene.
You try to wriggle free, so Mama puts you on the floor and lets you run off to him as the hall is pretty empty.
“Hola Mateo!” You giggle, doing a little wave to the small boy.
You play together in the hall whilst Mama and Irene talk, cry together and laugh.
When you turn around to see Mami crying again you are quick to run back over and make sure she’s okay.
“Happy tears mami?” You ask, putting your hands up in a little shrug.
“Sí, happy tears.” She promises.
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mechaknight-98 · 10 months
Prey ft. Chuu (NSFW)
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Author’s note: this is not my normal writing but this girl has been running circles in my brain all day and I hate it. Hopefully, this relieves some of that tension.
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of your cock sliding down an eager throat, but let’s not forget foreplay.
The bar you found yourself in after work was in three words lively, hip, and sexy the colors were like the people were bright and ready to let loose for the night. You sat at the bar finishing up a soju you had been nursing for a while as you wanted to pace yourself not make any hasty decisions tonight in pursuit of a good time. You were a little tipsy so with a bit of priming and prodding you could be persuaded into something reckless, and as if by magic in that moment, she appeared. Her pink bright hair soft eyes and cute smile were charming and (most importantly) disarming.
“Hi there. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before what’s your name.” The lady said to you.
“Oh, I’m y/n Kim.” You answer
“Oooh. I like that a nice strong name.” The girl flirts by touching your arm as she speaks. Her voice is cute and high pitched but there’s something off behind that honeyed tone she speaks in.
“Thanks. What’s your name,” You responded falling further and further into the spider’s web.
“Chuu.” She says with a smile before she does a biting heart hand sign. The name sets off alarms in your head but you don’t fully remember why. You remember a regular of the bar Zarpedon saying something about her but you couldn’t remember what it was.
“So how old are you Mr Kim?” Chuu asks you with bright eyes.
“Oh I’m *2 years older than Chua's current age*” you respond
“Oh, so you’re my Oppa?” Chuu says getting closer and closer. You can smell her perfume the scent overwhelmed your alcohol-addled mind. Chuu does her final move to obtain your heart and runs one dainty finger on your chest before saying “So oppa do you want to have some fun tonight?” Before kissing you. The kiss is short enough to leave you wanting more but long enough to leave you panting. Your head is dizzy and all you can think about is Chuu. You nod at Chuu’s question and race back to your place.
Before the door can even close Chuu is all over you kissing your neck, cheek, and lips. You break from a tense kiss for air, and you meet her gaze. She glares at you hungry gone is the cutie from the bar in her place a starving lioness who found you a helpless impala. She regains some composure putting on the cute look again. Your brain continues to fire off alarms. Something’s wrong, but you can’t figure it out. Before you can process Chu begins to strip and all reason goes out of your mind her sweater is the first thing to go and you notice she’s not wearing a bra. Chuu noticed your surprised look and said “I wanted to surprise you Oppa.” In her cute sing-song voice. It’s not long after she’s fully bare in front of you. You gawk for a few minutes processing before you hear
“Oppa it’s embarrassing being the only one naked. Caution again flees your mind as you begin to strip furiously to join her in undress. When you finish Chuu smiles as she looks at you “Oh Oppa is so BIG and it’s all for me,” she says seductively her voice lowering in pitch and tone you both walk to the couch where Chuu lowers herself bringing us back to where we started
The feeling when Chuu’s pouty lips part and your cock slides in is indescribable. Her throat is wet warm and welcoming. When Chuu bottoms out on you, she groans in ecstasy. You watch as her eyes roll into the back of her head before coming up for air. Her gaze is languid but also lustful. She smiles as she starts stroking your cock while staring at you. “Oppa I want you fuck me till I can’t walk anymore. Will you do that for me Oppa? I promise I’ll be a good girl. I promise I can take it. Chuu rasps her rational mind in pursuit of her basest desires. You groan before grabbing her cheeks and lifting her face to yours where you kiss again. Growing impatient Chuu begins to grind on your cock. Her tongue forces its way into your mouth as you both devour each other. You are now completely at Chuu’s mercy. As the two of you make out you can feel Chuu's pussy drip onto you. You groan and Chuu smiles.
“Put it in Oppa. Please put it in. Fuck me oppa.” Chuu pleads, and who are you to deny her? Your cock slides in her wet tight pussy as if it was made for her.
“Oh, Oppa you’re getting so deep. You fill me so well.” Chuu groans as she begins to bite your neck trying to release some of this tension in her body from the mind-breaking pleasure she feels. You begin to thrust into her and she begins to scream. Her body molds itself to you as you thrust.
“God Chuu you are so tight.” You gasp. Chuu smiles
“Fuck me oppa fuck your good girl” Chuu wails lost in her pleasure her petite but cute tits bounce mesmerizing you as does The rest of her body. How could someone so cute be so frisky you think to yourself but before long her body tenses and you feel her walls tighten even more as she yells “Oppa I’m cumming.” You keep thrusting into her regardless as you chase your high, but before you can join her Chuu stops
“Oppa give me a second.” She pleads. So you relent. Chuu smiles and just like that the sexy vixen is replaced by the cutesy girl at the bar from earlier. “Thanks, Oppa.” She says you still don’t have your cock buried deep in her cunt. Chuu pouts happily and says in her cute voice “So where will you fuck me next Oppa?” Chuu asks going back into her sexy raspy tone. You pick her up spurred on by her words and bend her over the sink before you’re thrusting into her velvety walls again. Chuu laughs as she teases “Oh Oppa is so strong.” She says with a smug grin as you thrust into her deeper and deeper but before you can reach your peak she stops you again. You groan
“Ahh you’re not being a good girl right now you say exacerbated
“But Oppa I want you to give me the biggest load possible.” Chuu whines. Unable to control yourself you grab the Petite girl and throw her to your bed where you begin pounding her. She smiles seeing you having lost all composure and control. You watch her as she screams you grab her tits as you pound the girl her smile grows with each thrust.
Having been on the edge long enough she watches you with the look of a lioness again before saying “Are you gonna cum Oppa?” you nod which sends her further down her third orgasm of the night “Cum with me Oppa.” Chuu screams as she tightens around your cock. Unable to fight back your release you begin to shoot rope after rope into her tight cunt it lasts for so long that you think that you'll never stop cumming in her but after a few minutes your release finally ends and you collapse next to Chuu who stares at you with that cute smile. “Was I a good girl Oppa?” she asks timidly. You nod and Chu nestles into you.
At some point, you fall asleep, but you wake up to see Chu with your cock Dow. Her throat again. Her eyes back to the lioness but you are no longer prey anymore. You growl at her a grab her face. Looks like it's going to be a long weekend.
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