#every day I tell myself I will make a character sheet for how I want to draw Jason and every day it's a difference Jason
redstarfish-art · 1 year
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Which Jason is best?
All drawn by me. This is what it looks like when an artist does not have an established art style. XDDD
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dsmpanalysis · 24 days
DSMP Analysis Archive: Reopened!
Flowery words aside, hello and welcome back! This is Ame @appleflavoredkitkats, one of the creators of this blog. In truth, I've been thinking about reopening the for a while, especially since the Dream SMP is officially over. One of the main issues we had when the archive was still open was that keeping up with all posts was virtually exhausting. Now that we don't have the stress of reading thousands of words a day while accommodating other things in our lives, we think we can have a smaller and calmer approach to updating this blog.
The team behind this blog will be much smaller now— think of it as a small side passion project of the original creators of the blog rather than something we want to bring back in full force. We'll do the same things as always, trying our best keeping up with all the posts we've missed since we've closed, but take note that we will be taking our time with this.
(Just a reminder for admins of this blog that do not want to be involved anymore, you are allowed to leave this blog by opening Tumblr on desktop, selecting "Members", and clicking the option to leave the blog. I cannot remove people myself. But if you want to stay, I'm definitely not against that either.)
We understand that a lot has changed within the DSMP community, and we want to assure everyone that this blog will solely focus on the DSMP alone. We do not want to comment on discourse on CC's behind the SMP (although, rest assured, we do not support those who've royally fucked up). If we reblog an analysis post you've made back in the day that you don't want to associate with anymore, you are free to tell us. We will delete reblogs asap.
For the blog itself, we have little changes:
Do not contact any of the mods listed about this blog if they are listed as inactive.
Instead of tagging all the potential trigger warnings for posts, we believe the responsibility of tagging triggers should be the OP's alone. If a trigger warning is missing, contact the OP instead of us.
Character Relationships and Character Analyses will be removed from the spreadsheet, but will remain as tags. We believe it to be redundant when the sheet has hundreds of different characters, making navigation difficult.
Speaking of, we are trying our best to add a better navigation system in the spreadsheet using the Filter View option. Additional columns have been added to reflect the characters, factions, and plotlines detailed in each post. This will take a little bit of time to complete, since we have to go through every single post.
In line with the previous bullet point, we've added a sheet purely for navigation. It also explains how to use the Filter View option. It will be the first sheet you see when you open the Master Spreadsheet.
Anyway, glad to be back, and hoping to reignite discussions about the DSMP again!
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Shooting a Movie part 4
Note: another thanks to @foxyanon for encouraging me while writing! & thanks to @legitalicat for coming up with a little nickname for a certain character ;)
reblogs & comments are very much appreciated, and make sure to read the previous chapters: part 1 - part 2 - part 3.
Warnings: 18+!! smut and a bit of angst.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f) / Modern!Masema x you (f)
summary: you continued to work with Sihtric, as well as with Masema.
wordcount: 5,4k
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Your trip with Sihtric from Durham to London had been pleasant so far. He was a good driver and his energy was always positive and warm while he also eased your mind about your upcoming photoshoot. He would be there with you, and he promised that if anyone would even do as much as look at you the wrong way, he would tell them off. You were still nervous for your shoot, but knowing someone you feel safe with would be by your side made it easier.
You shared a hotel room together during your five day stay and also slept in the same bed, but Sihtric was respectful and never tried to have any sexual activities with you during the first two nights, despite aching to be intimate with you. He didn't know you would have never turned him down if he were to initiate something, but you also held off from making a move yourself because you wanted to keep things professional. And beside that, Sihtric was a real gentleman anyway, taking you out for lunch and dinner every day and always making sure you had everything you needed during your stay.
The first evening together was a little strange. You were both quite unsure about how to behave, as you were together for the first time without having any job to do or script to discuss. You eventually decided to watch some random tv in bed and, almost naturally, you ended up cuddling under the sheets. The butterflies you felt were overwhelming when you rested comfortably against Sihtric's bare chest while he had one arm wrapped around you, and you fell asleep like that not much later.
The second day you went over your contract together for the photoshoot, as Sihtric wanted to know what exactly you had agreed to, and after that you just did some sightseeing in the capital city. You ended up roaming the streets together, hand in hand, while you both slowly began to open up about some more personal things in your lives. And later that night, after dinner, you ended up all cuddled up in bed again to watch some easy tv, while Sihtric uploaded some content to his OnlyFans which he had already made before the trip. 
Sihtric chuckled when he saw the notification pop up on his phone that you had liked the video he had just shared, which was a rather sensual video of him jerking off in his shower, and you grinned when Sihtric looked at you with a mild side-eye.
'What?' you snorted, 'you know I see that stuff when you post it.'
'Yeah, well,' Sihtric laughed a little shyly, 'it's weird to see you're watching me touch myself while I'm literally next to you.'
'You should've thought about that before,' you smiled and shrugged.
Sihtric shook his head lightly and rolled his eyes while he smiled, 'Yes, okay, just… just stop watching now.'
'Fine,' you fake huffed and locked your phone, then rolled over to your other side of the bed and switched off the lights.
'Hey,' Sihtric complained.
'What?' you shrugged, 'I have to get up early tomorrow.'
'Fine,' Sihtric sighed, not even close to being annoyed but still pretending that he was, and he also put his phone down. 
And then, once again like the night before, he almost naturally cuddled up to you from behind while you both dozed off.
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Today, the third day of your trip, was the day of the photoshoot. You arrived to set early to get your hair and make-up done, while Sihtric was present in your dressing room and just minding his own business, mainly scrolling on his phone and keeping up with what was going on in the industry. You occasionally glanced at him, without his knowledge, by looking in the mirror and seeing him sit behind you, looking so ridiculously sexy while he was just wearing some simple black sweatpants and a loose fitted black shirt, while the unshaved side of his head showed his messy curls. You felt truly blessed to have him around and cherished every second in his presence. And once you were all dressed and ready, Sihtric followed you quietly when you were called on set.
'Good luck,' he smiled and gave you a wink, to which you felt yourself blush and thanked him before you carefully walked in your enormous white latex heels to the mark on the floor.
Everything started off well, and Sihtric was glad to see you were treated decently. He was also glad to be there to witness your stunning look, as you were dressed in a tight fitting and dangerously short skirt with a matching white, stretchy crop top. And it all went fine, until the photographer, who Sihtric then realised was the Aethelred, told you to lower your top seemingly out of nowhere. Sihtric carefully monitored the situation from a distance and he watched your response before deciding if he had to interfere or not.
'My top? But…I,' you stammered, a little bewildered, 'I wasn't told…that…'
'Listen,' Aethelred sighed and threw his hands up, 'show those tits or go home, okay?'
You stared at the photographer, desperately fighting your tears and the tremble that was about to take over your lower lip. You were too ashamed to look for Sihtric in the crowded room, and your shaky hands then slowly reached for the neck of your white stretchy top, and you curled your fingers around the fabric as you swallowed hard. You came all this way and you needed the money, while Aethelred was also one of the most famous explicit photographers in the business, so you felt like you were in no position to disagree. But just before you could unwillingly expose your breasts, Sihtric jumped up from his chair and stormed over from across the room.
'Hey!' Sihtric shouted, which startled everyone on set, 'was that in the contract?'
Aethelred stared at you and then at Sihtric, not sure what to say as the man with fury in his mismatched eyes came closer, so he just laughed awkwardly while he felt his face turn red.
'Well, showing more skin will make her more popular,' Aethelred nervously argued while Sihtric got up in his face.
'But was that in the contract?' Sihtric asked again, more threatening this time as he already knew the answer to his own question.
'I… well…' Aethelred stammered.
Sihtric then looked at you and asked you the same question.
'No,' you said, barely louder than a whisper, 'this was not described as a topless shoot.'
Sihtric looked back at Aethelred, who was fuming as much as he was actually terrified.
'Well,' the photographer cleared his throat, 'if she wants to continue working in this industry, she better listens-'
'I think we both heard enough,' Sihtric cut him off and backed away, 'come,' he said as he came over to you, 'we're leaving.'
'But, Sihtric, I… I need the money,' you confessed quietly.
'You don't, let's go,' he said and held his hand out to you but he saw the clear doubt in your eyes, 'I got you, okay? You're not going to work with this guy anymore. Don't worry about the money.'
'But it's Aethelred,' you whispered, 'he… you know he's big in the industry, Sihtric, he can ruin my career if I leave now-'
'No,' Sihtric protested, 'he will not ruin your career. That is just what everyone makes you think so they can pressure you into undressing for them. But this is not how it works, sweetheart, trust me. This is not okay, and we're leaving,' he said sternly.
You needed a moment to let his words soak in, but then you took his hand. Sihtric attempted to walk you with him, past Aethelred, but the latter suddenly grabbed your arm and you gasped as he pulled you towards him and away from Sihtric.
'I will make sure you will never get hired again,' Aethelred hissed at you.
Sihtric turned and saw Aethelred's bruising grip on your arm, and he gave the photographer a harsh shove away from you to which every employee on set turned their heads and became quiet.
'If you touch her again,' Sihtric growled, 'I will fucking sue you!'
'Do you know who I am?' Aethelred scoffed, arrogantly.
'Do you know who I am?' Sihtric asked, to which Aethelred took a few steps back, 'and do you have any idea how hard I work to create a safe space for these girls in this industry? To keep them away from assholes like you? And I… I will fucking ruin you,' Sihtric nearly whispered as he got full up into Aethelred's face, 'and not ruin you in the pleasant kind of way, sweetheart. I can expose you for the creep that you are and then I will make sure you never get hired again. You got that, Aethelcunt?'
Aethelred didn't speak, he just stared at Sihtric with his jaw clenched. He knew his behaviour with girls had been awful, but no one had ever dared to confront him about it so he never cared, until now.
'I asked if you got that?' Sihtric pushed his question.
'Y-yes,' he said hoarsely.
'Good,' Sihtric said, 'now apologise to the lady.'
Everyone held their breath as they stared at Aethelred, the famous photographer who was finally being put in his place for his misogynistic behaviour over the years, and they all secretly enjoyed how embarrassed he was.
'I… I'm sorry,' Aethelred mumbled.
'What was that?' Sihtric spoke up, thickening the awkward tension.
'I said I'm sorry!'
'Good,' Sihtric smiled, satisfied at humiliating the poor excuse of a man, 'if I ever see your face again…'
Sihtric didn't have to finish his sentence for everyone to understand what would happen if they crossed paths again, and he circled his arm around your waist to help you walk back to your dressing room in those ridiculously high heels. You changed back into your own short black skirt with a comfy hoodie on top without saying a word, and after that Sihtric drove you back to the hotel, the drive being just as quiet as the dressing room had been.
There was a tension between the two of you since that moment on set, not an uncomfortable one or a threatening one, but there was something lingering and unspoken. A heavy pressure you both felt, which was building up as the drive back to the hotel continued, and with each passing second that gnawing feeling intensified. Sihtric felt his heart pounding in his chest when his eyes trailed off the road and to your bare legs, while you heard the sound of your own blood pumping in your ears as you looked at his hand clenched on the gear stick. You silently imaged his hand around your throat, while Sihtric imagined your legs thrown over his shoulders, and the quiet tension became thicker once you got out of the car and stepped into the hotel elevator. 
Sihtric stared at doors as they closed, his jaw clenched and his eyes dark, and the light shock the elevator gave when it went up seemed to be the moment you both lost control. You grabbed Sihtric's shirt while he immediately reached for your face, pulling each other closer and crashing your lips together in a passionate and heated kiss. Sihtric pushed you up against the steel wall and hooked his arms under your legs, lifting you with ease and you instinctively enveloped your legs around his waist while your lips never left his. You felt his tongue in your mouth as he kissed you with such force, it was almost painful but you were desperate to kiss him until your lips were bruised. Your tongues slid around each other's and your hand moved up in his curls, the other settled on his neck to keep the kiss as deep as possible while Sihtric moaned into your mouth and squeezed your buttocks with such force it bruised your skin.
The elevator came to a halt at the eleventh floor, and Sihtric lowered you down before the doors could open. You felt the ground beneath your feet as soon as the elevator bell sounded and you grabbed Sihtric's arm to pull him with you immediately once the doors opened. You almost tripped over your own feet because of the haste you were in, but Sihtric caught you in time and pulled you flush against him while he pushed you to walk backwards to the room.
'Eager,' Sihtric chuckled and kissed you intensely again.
Your back hit the door of your hotel room and, while Sihtric kissed you, your hands searched the pockets of his sweatpants for the keycard, but you felt something much more exciting and began to rub his hard cock instead.
'Back pocket,' he murmured and pushed his hips into yours.
You reached for his back pocket and fished out the card, then turned to swipe the key, but before you could open the door Sihtric had already shoved your skirt up and pressed his clothed arousal against your ass, while you were trapped between his body and the door. You smiled and pushed your behind back against his crotch, which earned you a low chuckle from Sihtric and then you finally pushed open the door. You both almost fell into the room and Sihtric was fast to kick the door shut behind him, then picked you up and threw you on the bed.
'I wanna fuck you so hard,' he breathed while mounted on top of you, lips lightly touching while he grinded his hips against yours, 'lovingly though,' he chuckled.
'Then fuck me hard, Sihtric,' you whispered with a smile and teasingly traced his jaw with your fingertips, 'lovingly or not.'
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The next morning you woke up in Sihtric's arms, and you both figured you needed a shower after you ended up having sex once again the night before.
'You go first,' Sihtric murmured, still half asleep.
'No, you can go,' you smiled while you tried to keep your eyes open.
'Well,' Sihtric said and paused to yawn, 'maybe we should shower together then.'
'Maybe we should,' you giggled, your hands roaming his naked body under the sheets.
'Oh, you want it to be that kind of a shower?' Sihtric smiled, then rolled over and picked you up in his arms with ease and carried you into the fancy bathroom.
'Should we… film something?' you asked almost shyly.
'Do you want to?'
'Yeah, I mean now that I won't get paid for that photoshoot, you know,' you shrugged lightly, 'I need to earn some money.'
Yesterday after dinner, and after another wild sex adventure, Sihtric had told you that you should consider making exclusive content for your OnlyFans, while also making stuff on your own terms and selling it to the studio you have a contract with. That is exactly what Sihtric did and it worked for him, being in control of his own footage and who he works with while also having a safe environment to work in. It was a new way of working for you and you needed to get the hang of it, and you figured why not make a short video with Sihtric as your first exclusive OnlyFans content, as the demand for you two together was clearly there.
Sihtric was up for it, without a doubt, and he was quick to grab his tripod and the camera he always travelled with and used to shoot his own footage whenever he felt like it. Within minutes he had it set up and rolling, starting the shoot with you from behind, completely naked and sensually leaning in to feel if the running water had a pleasurable temperature. And everything that followed after was just as hot and steamy as you hoped it would be, and only a few hours later you had the ten minute long video uploaded to you page, which quickly gained the interest of many and you saw the number of your paid subscribers increase with each passing minute.
And so you figured that maybe Sihtric was right. Maybe this would be a good way for you to work and make money while still enjoying it, as you had full control over who you decided to work with, if with anyone. Because, like Sihtric, you could also just make solo content. And with that newfound motivation and confidence, you went home the next afternoon, after having shared the bed with Sihtric a few more times though.
'Thanks for everything,' you said after he had dropped you off at your home, 'for looking after me and helping me and all that. It means a lot.'
'Anytime,' Sihtric smiled, 'you take it easy. Focus on making your own content and I promise you will be just fine. And only work with those you are comfortable with, okay?'
'Like you?' you chuckled.
'Sure, like me,' he laughed softly, 'I'm always just a text away, sweetheart,' he said and pulled you in for a hug, then kissed your cheek to say goodbye and you promised each other to stay in touch this time.
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While you and Sihtric texted on a regular basis since your trip, you found out after a few weeks that your OnlyFans content wasn't just popular amongst the porn consumers, but suddenly a lot of fellow adult movie stars wanted to work with you privately as well. And one of them being very persistent was Masema. Masema was all about making money, and he knew that right now you were one of the people who he could make a lot of money with. You knew he wanted to work with you again ever since that movie you made with him, but it seemed that after he saw your short video with Sihtric, and the success it had, he had only gotten more eager. 
He suggested shooting at least two videos, one for his page and one for your own, and maybe some explicit photos as well. You liked his idea and you couldn't lie either, you wouldn't mind shooting some footage with him, so you decided to accept his request. You met him a few weeks later at his insanely fancy house again, while dressed in one of your signature short skirts with knee high boots and a faux leather crop top.
'It's good to see you again,' Masema flirted right away with his soft spoken voice as you both had a seat on that famous loungeset near his pool.
'Good to see you too,' you smiled and couldn't hide a faint blush on your cheeks.
He looked insanely good, as always, wearing tight black jeans and a black shirt. You didn't feel the same way about Masema as you felt about Sihtric, but you weren't completely unaffected by his good looks and his smooth voice either. And Masema clearly knew the effect he had on basically every lady he met with for work, and he used it to his advantage. He thought you were hot, but he wasn't in love with you, yet he'd go out of his way to try and make you believe you were the only one for him to make you want him more and more. And so he lightly brushed his fingers against your arms and shoulders while you had some small talk, setting you on fire with each touch and making you so desperately needy for him.
'So you're good with the idea?' Masema made sure to double check.
'Two videos, right?' you recalled, 'one blowjob, which will be exclusively for my page, and one of us just fucking for your page, right?'
'Yeah,' Masema nodded, 'that should do it.'
You agreed and Masema took your hand, 'So what are you up for first, pretty girl?'
'I think we should film that sex video first because we both know you're going to ruin my make-up when you shove your cock down my throat,' you said deadpan, to which you both burst into laughter seconds after.
'Yeah, I'll apologise in advance for making you cry,' Masema said softly and took your chin as he leaned in, 'but you do look so fucking sexy all ruined by me like that,' he trailed his fingers down to your neck, 'and it makes me so fucking hard.'
'Shouldn't you save that talk for the video?' you purred.
'We better start filming then,' Masema murmured with a cheeky smile.
He took your hand and led you back inside and up the stairs. He had a large spare room set up, from where he filmed most of his videos, and it had a comfortable looking bed and a large couch against the wall. The entire room was painted a fresh white and it was cleaner than a dentist's office, which showed you how professional Masema actually was underneath his rugged and stern look.
'I'm surprised to see no chains and leather stuff,' you chuckled as Masema switched the camera on which he had set up already.
'I got another room for that, gorgeous,' Masema smiled, 'but I know you're not into that, or at least not as experienced yet, so I have no business taking you there.'
'You have another room?'
'Yeah,' he scoffed with a laugh, 'why do you think I have so many bedrooms? I have one room that's just where I sleep, and all the other bedrooms are more or less different sets for shooting at home.'
'You don't really shoot at studios then?' you frowned.
'Absolutely not,' Masema shook his head, 'I did it with you that one time, but it's not something I usually do because I want to be in full control of what I do. And as soon as I got well known and respected enough to be in control of that, I designed every room here to be a different space. This industry is nasty, sweetheart,' he sighed, 'it's better to be in control of your own footage, trust me.'
'Y-yeah,' you cleared your throat and sat down on the large bed, 'Sihtric told me the same thing. He also prefers to make his own content.'
'Sihtric,' Masema mumbled, 'yeah, he got his business well arranged too it seems. But you know all about that, don't you?' he smirked.
'What's that supposed to mean?' you chuckled.
'We all saw that livestream you did with him,' he said as he neared you, 'and that shower video you uploaded a few weeks ago. I gotta ask… are you two dating?'
'What? No,' you blushed, 'we're not dating.'
'You make a lot of footage together.'
'Yeah, but… we're not dating. He's been helping me set up a safer place too, like you did here for yourself. He's looking out for me, you know?'
'That's kind of him,' Masema said half-heartedly.
'Yeah,' you smiled, 'he really is the sweetest guy I know. No offence.'
'Well, fuck,' Masema laughed, 'you're in love with him, aren't you?'
'Oh, shut up,' you laughed and slapped his muscular chest.
'Fine,' he leaned in, smoothly taking your chin again, 'you could belong to me, you know?' he lied.
Masema was not a guy to settle down, but he enjoyed knowing he could probably steal a girl away from someone. And Sihtric was competition in the business, so if he could hurt him somehow, he'd do it.
'I don't belong to anyone, Masema,' you said quietly while your heart skipped a beat at his touch.
'I don't care if you belong to someone or don't,' he whispered and traced your lips with his thumb, 'because regardless, I'll make you forget about everyone else when I fuck you.'
Masema smiled darkly and winked, then moved away to start filming while you moved off the bed and took your position on his white couch, leaning back relaxed and seductively to welcome him over. Masema joined you by sitting next to you, and you started off easy by making out sloppily until he had you so needy, you sat in his lap and grinded his thigh desperately, to which he smiled darkly once again. He truly had corrupted you that first time, making your shy and innocent side disappear as soon as he kissed you, seeing you change into the needy girl you were for him, and he loved it.
'Good girl,' Masema smiled as he looked up at you, sitting back with his arms spread across the backrest, just watching how you tried to get off on your own.
'Please,' you whined after a few minutes, 'Masema,' you breathed, 'fuck me, please.'
'Beg for it,' he said sternly and didn't move an inch.
You then moved off him and down on the floor in front of him, looking up with pleading eyes as Masema got up and towered over you. He took your chin firmly as he leaned in.
'I said beg.'
'Please,' you mumbled with a dazed smile, 'fuck me, please.'
'Good girl,' he whispered, 'take off my belt.'
He stood back as you obeyed, taking off his belt and unbuttoning his jeans while your mouth nearly watered, but you knew you couldn't suck him off now, you had to save that for later. There was no oral pleasure planned for this video, just sex.
Masema took off his shirt and you kissed your way up his toned torso, leaving red lipstick smudges all over his skin and he picked you up before you could kiss his lips again. He threw you on his bed and tore your panties off along with your skirt. He grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards the end of the bed where he stood, and he wrapped his hand around your throat pleasantly while he pulled his cock out and spat on his hand before he gave himself a few good strokes.
'Beg,' Masema said curtly.
'Fuck me, please,' you said with your cheeky laugh as you squirmed desperately on the sheets, 'please.'
You spread your legs for him, and he teasingly slapped your wet pussy with his hard cock a few times before he entered you. You arched your back and moaned with pleasure as soon as he began to thrust into you so deeply, easing you into it at first, but before you knew it he fucked you so hard into the mattress with his hand still wrapped around your throat and the other holding your waist almost bruisingly as he had his way with you.
'Fuck,' you moaned, 'ah, god, yes, fuck me.'
'You dirty slut,' Masema growled and only went harder while you clenched the sheets in your hands, not holding back or having to fake any moans and gasps while you were ravaged in all the right ways until you could barely remember your own name.
You climaxed fast but Masema kept going, promising he'd make you cum twice while he continued to ravage you. He tossed you around the bed, taking you in different positions and spanking your ass multiple times.
'I'm going to cum again,' you whined as he fucked you hard and fast.
'I told you,' he breathed, 'that's okay, sweetheart, cum for me.'
'Fuck, fuck,' you nearly screamed and clawed at the pillows your face was pressed into, 'oh, please, fuck.'
'That's it,' Masema moaned, 'that's it, that's it, cum for me.'
You came with another loud moan and Masema pulled out shortly after, he stroked his cock almost violently while he pulled you to sit up and he grabbed your face with his free hand.
'Open,' he said with a low grunt.
You did what he asked while still half dazed and allowed him to cum on your tongue as you had stuck it out for him.
'Good fucking girl,' Masema said hoarsely as he stroked himself through his high, and he then kissed you before he switched off the camera.
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In between filming that first video and the second one, Masema took good care of you by making sure you were all cleaned up and comfortable while you both recovered. You were dressed in one of his comfortable oversized shirts while Masema wore his black jeans again. You had made your way downstairs to the kitchen together, where he made you some "dinner". You quietly looked at the salad he was preparing as you sat on one of the barstools, and you suddenly missed the pizza and tacos you had with Sihtric after you had sex with him that afternoon you had walked away from the photoshoot.
Masema was very kind and wanted you to be comfortable, but you secretly longed to be with Sihtric now. Masema was not as lighthearted and also very strict about his working out and diet, while your other co-star was just as good looking and not strict at all. With Sihtric it was always comfortable and you could truly be yourself, but Masema's personality was so different that you always felt you had to stay in work-mode around him, so you never really had any deep conversations or got to know each other better. Which was fine too, but you couldn't resist texting Sihtric to let him know Masema was making you a salad while you missed the fast food you had shared in the hotel weeks ago.
To your disappointment Sihtric didn't reply and left you on read, which was an odd thing for him to do because he usually replied within minutes. You tried to not think much about it and, luckily, Masema was nice looking company too so you just observed him while he served the food. You both ate in silence, which was almost awkward, and after that you helped him load the dishwasher which was just as awkward. And the time you spent together in his living room was just as awkward for you as the previous moments had been. You and Masema had chemistry during sexual activities, but other than that there was genuinely no vibe.
'So, ready to shoot?' Masema asked about an hour later, much to your relief.
'Ready when you are,' you smiled.
You went upstairs again and both undressed, and you shot what was probably the sloppiest blowjob you had ever given someone in your life. The result was filthy but you were proud, because you knew this would earn you some good money. You both fixed yourself up separately and got dressed again, but as you wanted to leave you both suddenly saw the weather outside had turned rather dangerous as rain and wind was gushing forcefully.
'It's not safe to drive,' Masema said as he stood in the front door with you, 'you should stay until it clears up.'
'But that's tomorrow morning,' you said and showed him the weather app on your phone.
Masema was quiet for a moment as he stared in the dark distance, mindlessly tracing his fingers across his bare chest.
'Well,' he said softly, 'I guess it's better to stay the night then.'
You agreed, not entirely reluctantly, but you'd rather sleep in your own bed. Or with Sihtric. And the difference between both men became evident again once you laid in bed together, on the opposite sides of the mattress and with your backs turned to each other after having said good night.
You grabbed your phone and saw there was still no response from Sihtric, which unsettled you. You decided to upload the video that was shot for you OnlyFans, so it could spread across the viewers while you were asleep, and you tried to go to sleep then. You tossed and turned in bed for a while as Masema was already snoring next to you, and you grabbed your phone again after a few long minutes, checking to see if Sihtric had texted you back already. But there still wasn't any reply, and with a lump in your throat you decided to text him again.
You: thinking of you, handsome xx
You saw Sihtric read your message immediately upon sending, as he was in his own bed, contemplating to text you before you reached out again. He ached, badly, knowing that you had been with Masema that night and having seen the video you shared had simply crushed him. He knew it was just work, and that's all it was, but he couldn't get over it and it frustrated him beyond words. Maybe this business wasn't for him anymore, he pondered before he finally wrote you back, and then threw his phone across the room and cried himself to sleep.
Your eyes teared up when Sihtric's message appeared, and you wept silently while you laid next to Masema in the dark and quiet room.
Sihtric: missing you deeply, angel, so much I feel it could kill me.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
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searchingforgravity · 10 months
Have You Been Good (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Elvis gives you a call while he's away because he receives a rather bold letter from you in the mail.
TW: Dirty talk, smut, mutual masturbation, phone sex, slight masochism
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1441
A/N: I was inspired to write this fic when I listened to the recording of Elvis and Anita's phone conversation. At one point, I thought I heard him be a little suggestive and wanted to explore that...enjoy!
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"Hey Baby."
Elvis' soft mumble into the phone lulls you further into your sheets. It's silent in the background, so you assume he's back in his hotel room.
"Hi honey. Are you back in your hotel room?"
There is a slight pause. Sometimes, he's not much of a talker, but you don't mind. You like tell him about your day, and he hasn't complained about hearing it yet.
"How was your day?" you ask, playing with the cuticals on your fingers.
You hear him sigh as he adjusts his position on the hotel bed.
"It was alright. I uh- I got your letter in the mail today, little" he whispers into the phone, making you blush.
This letter was a letter you had written when you were particularly needy for him. You had written brash and explicit things in that letter.
"Oh. Y-You did?" you squeak, your previous confindence now gone.
"Mhm," he mumbles on the other end, hesitating slightly.
Your cheeks are burning. You hadn't thought about what would happen after he'd seen your letter. You are about to change the subject when he speaks up again, his words making you catch your breath.
"Have you been a good little baby?"
He had never talked to you this way on the phone before, but you aren't oblivious to what he's trying to do. You blush as you try to think of a response, completely tongue tied.
"W-What?" you stutter, nerves coursing through you.
"Have you been a good little baby?" he asks again, a hint of desperation in his voice, and it's impossible for you to mistake what he's trying to do.
A surge of pleasure courses through you at his words. You can't help the nervous chuckle that slips from your mouth.
"Elvis," you breathe, not sure how to respond.
"I'm excited for you," he mumbles, almost inaudibly, making you suck in a breath.
"Elvis!" you say louder, though you're now sitting up in bed, hanging onto his every word.
"Please, I've been a good little baby," he breathes, quite desperately, making you bite your lip involuntarily.
You hesitate slightly as you try to think of a response.
"Have you been?"
He groans at your words.
"I've been so good, baby. Been touchin' myself to your letter all damn day. Have you been thinkin' of me? Been a good baby?"
You gasp at his confession, arousal pooling to your core. You don't know how to handle the turn of this conversation. He's never tried to do this with you. But then, you've never sent him a letter like that before. You're glad now that you had.
"Y-Yes," you whisper, your cheeks flushing furiously.
"Yes what? Tell me, mama," he groans, making you suck your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Yes, I've been a good little baby," you say, making your voice sound airy the way you know turns him on.
You hear him groan louder, and it's not hard for you to guess what he's doing on the other line.
"Elvis! A-Are you...?" you start, but can't finish, your cheeks flushing at the realization of what he's doing.
"I can't help it, little. Want you so bad it hurts," he mutters, his words slurring together as pleasure courses through his body.
"I-I want you to touch yourself. Can you do that for me, baby?" he mumbles, his baby voice coming back.
"Elvis.." you whisper, embarassment coursing through you, though the arousal is stronger.
"There ain't no one listenin', sweet one. I-It's just you 'n me," he groans, and you envision him touching himself the way he would sometimes while you two would be intimate.
He loves when you watch him, says it gets him all hot. It honestly gets you all hot too.
"Oh God, Elvis," you groan, embarrassment flooding through every inch of you as you look to your bedroom door at Graceland, making sure you remembered to close it firmly.
You and Elvis have almost been caught with him kissing on you more times than you'd like to count. The rumble of Elvis' moan echos through the phone as he hears your voice and recognizes resignation in it.
"W-Well slow down! Let me get comfortable," you hiss into the phone, hearing him already getting carried away with himself.
"M'Sorry, baby, just hurts so bad. I miss you, honey," he slurs together, whiny and breathless.
Your head lulls back as you hear his voice, the tone doing things to your body that you sometimes wished you weren't so privy to. Trailing your hand down your stomach, your mind goes back to all the times Elvis would press against you in pure desire, mumbling sweet nothings into your ear.
"E-Elvis, I need you so bad. I'm aching for you," you whisper, not trusting yourself to raise your voice much higher as your hand reaches your throbbing core.
The moan on the other end of your phone makes you suck your bottom lips between your teeth, a whine threatening to escape your throat.
"Oh, little, say it again."
You do as you're told, causing a slur of hushed profanities to escape his lips.
"Are you touching yourself? Oh baby, I was missin' you so much, t-then I get that damn letter. I can hardly stand it, not bein' with you. Wanna touch you so bad. I wanna make you feel good, honey. Wanna do all those things you wrote in that letter. D-Didn't know you liked some of those things."
You finally let a weak moan escape your lips as your head leans back against the pillows, your finger circling your swollen nub. Your face flushes the slightest bit from the memory of some of the things you had written in that letter. One of them being a fantasy you had for quite some time; one that you were a little worried to tell him.
"You wanna do...everything?" you whine out, your eyes closing at the pleasure your hand is giving you.
"Yes, mama, so bad. I-I'd never hurt ya', you know that right?"
"I know, Elvis. You don't think it's-"
"I think it made me painfully hard to think of. M-My hand 'round that pretty throat of yours. Fuck, little..."
The mere thought of him enjoying your fantasy causes you to groan out, your movements on your core becoming more frantic.
"God, Elvis..." you whine, your eyes now squeezed shut as you think of how good it would feel having his hand around your throat.
"You'd like that, baby? My hand squeezin' ya? Tell me, mama. Fuck, tell me how bad you want it," he groans out more urgently than before.
"I want it so bad. W-Whenever I see your hands, I think about how they'd feel around me. I think of it so much, Elvis. I-I want it to hurt...just a little."
"Baby," he whines, his breaths coming out in soft gasps.
He seems to be getting off to this fantasy just as much as you are.
"I'd never hurt ya' though. Y-You know I couldn't. Couldn't hurt my baby..." he trails, lost in pleasure.
You bite your lip harshly, your pleasure close to it's peak, the soft groans from your boyfriend only urging you on.
"Just want you to take what's yours," you whimper into the phone.
"Fuck, mama. Goddamn, I'm close. Shit, baby, the things you're doin' to me."
"I need you, Elvis. Need you so bad."
"Gonna give you everything you need, baby. Everything. Promise," he grumbles.
You feel a snap as your pleasure reaches its peak, overflowing as a soft cry leaves your lips. You hear Elvis following suit as a muffled shout rings through the phone, followed by a string of profanities. You softly ride yourself through your orgasm before removing your hand from your heat, your chest heaving and your mind buzzing from the exertion. Your mind is so fogged for a second that you don't hear Elvis calling to you on the phone.
"Little, can you hear me?"
"Yes, sorry honey, I'm just..." you trail, slightly embarrassed in the aftermath of your orgasm.
You hear a soft, tired sounding chuckle from him.
"Feeling good?" he questions, his tone a little teasing.
"Elvis," you sigh, your hand coming to pull the covers over your slightly exposed body.
"Sorry, I was sayin' I love you, honey."
You smile.
"I love you too."
"A-And, I'm really turned on now. Wish I could feel ya'. I'll do everything on that damn letter. I'll do just about anything if you tease me like this."
You smirk to yourself. That is good to know for the future.
"I can't wait for you to come home, Elvis."
Tag List:
@flowersofcement @looloolily @tantamount-treason @horrorgirl4life @peaceloveelvis @goldobsessionsworld @father-of-2cats
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bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Catch and Release
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: AU where Jason doesn't die in the explosion and he and Tim end up attending the same high school months later.
Chapters: 8/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Sebastian Ives, Jack Drake, Janet Drake
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd-centric, POV Jason Todd, POV First Person, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Jason Todd is Not Robin (Anymore), Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unlikely Friends, Injury Recovery, Emotional Baggage, Rage, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating
Chapter Eight: Pain in the Head
I hung out with Tim's friends and worked on character sheets. I spent three hours there before I told Tim I had to go. I had a great time. Don't get me wrong. But I was nauseous and didn't want to be sick at his house. Ives planned on sleeping over at Tim's place, so I didn't have to feel bad about leaving him home alone. I got a ride to the manor, and Bruce sat on the porch waiting for me as soon as I arrived. "Where have you been?" Bruce asked.
"I could ask you the same thing, Bruce... Can I go inside now?" I asked.
"You're pale," Bruce replied.
I wanted to lie down and nap, but I could tell Bruce didn't plan on letting things go. I didn't have the time or energy to explain myself, so I did what any reasonable teenager would do. I made myself throw up and burst into tears. "Jason," Bruce sighed before helping me to the family room. He couldn't accuse me of anything while I was sick. That and throwing up stopped the onset of a migraine.
"I'm so sorry, Bruce-."
"It's fine... When is the last time you took-. I swore I wouldn't ask you that," Bruce replied.
"I didn't think I needed them anymore... I thought I'd been feeling better lately," I replied. Bruce felt my forehead.
"I've been home for two days, and you-. Jason, I'm sorry for walking out on you. I wasn't trying to hurt you... I'm-. Our bond is different from the bond I have with anyone else. I'm holding on for dear life with you... And I know I'm losing you. I feel like you're slipping away when I look at you.
"I can't take the thought of knowing you suffered because I chose to leave you alone that day. Jason, you're so precious to me... And I'm terrified that if I let you talk about what happened, you'll say what I've been most afraid to hear," Bruce confessed. I wasn't in the mood for a serious conversation, but he was finally willing to speak about what happened to me.
"I don't hate you... And I don't blame you for what happened. I've been trying to tell you all this time," I paused, "I'm sure Dick told you I wanna die sometimes... But you don't realize what I have to experience every day."
Bruce exhaled through his nose. "Go ahead..."
"I wake up under debris almost every day... And then I lie about my nerve pain, which I know everyone can see. By the time I get to the mirror, I'm already so disheartened by the countless efforts I've made to appear normal that I barely notice my scars anymore. When I shower, my skin still hurts like the burns are fresh, and I want to cry, but if I do, I'd never get anything done. Then, I come down for breakfast... And sometimes the medications I'm on make me so sick I don't want to eat, but I know I'd be worse off if I didn't.
"Then I go to school, and you wouldn't believe what they say about me," I swallowed hard.
"But I endure it because I know I have to... What I can't stomach is the isolation. Don't ice me out, Bruce," I begged. Bruce sighed.
"I don't know how-. I can't pretend that almost losing you didn't change the entire way I had to look at our life. You can't be Robin anymore, Jason, and I feel awful for having to take that away from you," Bruce whispered.
"You're saying our, but you mean mine. How can you expect me to step down from being Robin when you can't even walk away from being Batman?" I asked.
"Jason, it's been over a year, and you're still healing. I can't risk putting you out in the field again. Gotham needs Batman-."
"Bullshit," I snapped.
"Language-." "Oh! Go to hell! I told you about all my issues, thinking you would finally see me, and I realized you're no better than the rest of them!" I yelled. I couldn't help but get mad. I should've seen it coming. He'd never had the guts to say it, but I knew this was his way of shutting me out for good. It pissed me off. I threw my crutches and hobbled upstairs.
"Jason! Jason, you can't-!"
"Screw you!" I yelled as I went to my room. I slammed the door and packed my bag. I almost forgot I felt sick. He saw me as weak. That was the worst thing he could've ever opened his mouth to admit. He was no better than everyone that gaped and gawked at me. I was his walking tragedy, and I'd be damned if I let him treat me like a ghost.
I started packing with tears in my eyes. I wanted to get out of there before I said something vile. "Jason, don't be like this! Please come out and talk to me-."
"Bruce, I need to get the hell away from you before I say something I regret!" I hollered. "And I guarantee that if you follow me, I will never come home! Leave my crutches and get away from me!" I sat down and texted Tim. He was the only person I could trust at that moment. I asked him to come to get me, and he texted me immediately. I waited in my room until Tim texted me, and I left my bedroom. Bruce left my crutches in front of the door and retreated like always. I slung my duffel across my body like a messenger bag, hoping it wouldn't throw me off balance.
I swung the door open and left it like that. Tim took my bag and opened his mouth to ask if I was okay, but he kept quiet. It was for the best because I was in a particularly heinous mood. I fell asleep in the car and woke up in Tim's guest room. He was on the floor with Ives, eating pizza. My head throbbed, and I felt sicker than I did earlier. Ives glanced at me and got up to turn the lights down. "Sorry, were we too loud?" Ives questioned.
"No, I-. How long have I been out?" I asked.
"Thirty minutes... Maybe an hour," Tim answered, "Do you need an aspirin?"
I pressed my palms against my eyelids. "No thanks... Tim, do you-? Who carried me in?" I asked.
"We both did. Tim got you out of the car but wasn't strong enough to get you up the stairs. It was a team effort," Ives answered, "You're heavier than you look." I let out a soft chuckle despite the pounding in my head.
"Know how I asked you to move in with me?" I questioned. "Could it still work if it were the other way around?"
"You wanna live here?" Tim asked. I nodded. "Alright." I was shocked. I thought he'd say no, but he looked thrilled.
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ratwife77 · 1 month
Headcanons for Dallas because he’s interesting
I didn’t mean for this to get so dark I swear
Warnings: drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, arson, violence, intrusive thoughts, suicide, self harm
(Yikes I didn’t realize there were so many.. please lmk if there are more)
Also give me thoughts- idk if this is in character or if I’m projecting too much lol
He hates the smell of flowers, prefers a.. deeper(?) smell, not so light (or feminine but yeah)
He stays away from drugs (minus alcohol and cigarettes technically) because they remind him of people he doesn’t want to be- he also doesn’t like the idea of losing so much control
Related to this, he usually never gets super drunk because it makes him nervous, but if he feels bad enough, he will
He doesn’t actively self harm but sometimes when he sees a lighter or switchblade he thinks about it
Just generally lots of intrusive thoughts and passive suicidal ideation
When he’s not on a low he doesn’t let himself get too happy because he knows it’ll come back
Sometimes he gives little hints or acts out, kind of a cry for help, but most of the time nobody notices except the gang and if they do they don’t know how to help, but they try
He gets sick twice a year, same time every year. One is the stomach bug, the other is the flu.
Oppositional Defiance Disorder- (I have it myself so this is my research+experience, not everyone’s) He feels like other people are against him and trying to hurt him- as a result he lashes out
Often, he feels out of control of this, hence the fear of losing control, he regrets things he says but doesn’t apologize much because it’s too hard
He goes from so angry to being calm and he hates that he’s so volatile
But sometimes he’s very aware that what he’s doing is wrong (other times he’s so emotional it’s hard to tell in the moment) and he just lets go because what’s the worst that could happen? Jail?
In jail he regrets it and gets out on good behavior if he can
Sometimes he smells smoke when there isn’t any, and he’s sort of nervous about fires starting and checks that nothing could start a fire before he goes to sleep
This is because one of the houses he was in as a kid was burnt down
His mom was already pretty sick so even then he knew she’d die eventually, but it was a gruesome way to go out
He knows it wasn’t an accident and suspects that someone did it
His nose is crooked because it’s been broken so many times
He knows how to set something that’s dislocated
In addition to being proud of his rap sheet, he’s proud of his scars
He runs his hands through his hair when nervous
He feeds this one stray dog
Hates hates hates any animal other than a dog or snake
Speaking of he just found a snake and kept it as a kid
But his dad didn’t know, he was usually not sober
He wears the same boots everyday
He doesn’t eat all day but eats a big enough dinner to cover it
Has the weirdest cravings
Likes KETCHUP!!!???!!!??!
Anyway his hair doesn’t grow fast so he doesn’t have to cut it as much, it’s been down to his shoulders for like three years
He can’t sit still ever
He never thought he’d make it to seventeen and thus has no plans for the future
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
Breathless P3
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet + Kinda Sad
Requested:  thank you so much for that, the end nearly had me in tears tho. please a part 3 I need this Part 3 ?? Please Part 3 Please
Warnings: Asthma attacks, medical issues
I woke as I often did with a wheeze and a cough, I felt Jack's hand on me. He had rested his hand on my chest, not in a sexual way. But just resting there just under my breasts so he could feel my every breath. I don't imagine he slept much but I know he wouldn't want it any other way. I looked around the room seeing the various items littered about the place, the various trails and errors of trying to find anything that even soothed the damage that grew day by day. I slowly sat up and that woke Jack too. 
"Morning-" He yawned sitting up and stretching his back, "How are you feeling?"
"The same," I sighed leaning on the headboard,
"Alright, not change at all?" He asked and I shook my head, he forced a smile and kissed my cheek, "Alright, I need to get to work. You're going to be alright by yourself?" 
"I'll be okay,"
"Good girl, I'll be back as soon as I can." 
"Okay, see you soon Jack."
"See you soon," he reassured kissing my lips gently and sweetly he caressed my cheek before he got himself out of bed adjusted his clothes a little better and blew me a kiss before he headed off to work. 
I milled around for a while trying not to do much but I wanted to wash up, I felt dirty and slimy so I got some water and began to give myself a basin bath slipping off my nightie to give my body a good clean. As I did I noticed how breathless just the mere action of washing myself was becoming but I pushed through not wanting to leave myself half-clean, but I had to stop and wheeze trying to get my breath in.
"Uhhhhhhh Hello y/n..." Jack spoke up behind me 
Well that certainly didn't help my breathlessness, I grabbed my sheet and wrapped it around me as tight as I could as I turned and tried to get my breath in "HI!"
"Hi. You uuhhh you warm?"
"I wanted a bath." I gasped
"Ohh why didn't you say I'd have got the nurses to draw a bath for you."
Ohh now he tells me! "I didn't want to be a bother."
"You okay?"
"Just a little... out of breath. from the shock."
"Sit down," he told me gently making me sit on the bed and checking me over helping me through our usual steps to try and steady my breathing getting the machine and checking my breathing "That is... very low. You were just having a bath?" he asked and for a moment I glared "You were stood naked I don't know what else you where doing." 
"Like what?"
"Anything that might have made you... breathless?" he winked,
"I was just bathing." I glared
"Alright, I only asked." he chuckled "Medicine time then."
"Noo Jack please-"
"No medicine no kisses."
I pouted but open my mouth
"That's a good girl" he cooed giving me horrifically tasting medicine, he smiled and kissed my lips once I took it, "Now are you okay? I can stay if you want me to?"
"No I'll be okay, I just have to take it a little slower. You go on back to work Jack."
"Alright, just be careful," he said getting up and kissing my head "You looked extraordinarily beautiful by the way" He smirked at the door 
"What in my sheet?"
"In the sheet, without the sheet, both are very beautiful. But I like one a little better" he winked,
"Go work Doctor Boy."
"I'm going, I'm going." he chuckled heading out back to work, 
I woke to a very strange sensation indeed, as I felt Jack's lips on mine, his body over mine, I was shocked but I kissed him back which made him pull away, so I slowly opened my eyes seeing him over me in the same state he came to bed, but his eyes red and teary, panic across his face. 
"What's wrong?"
"You- You stopped breathing- I - I thought" He gasped in panic and fear 
"And you thought to kiss a dead body?" I giggled "Weird of you, Prince Charming?"
"I was giving you mouth to mouth!" he argued, "and then when you were breathing.... yeah I got excited you were okay and started kissing you." 
"Any excuse" I smiled kissing him, "How long did I stop?"
"Not long. But longer than I was comfortable." He said, "You're getting worse... and I don't know how to fix it." he admits "I have no idea what to do, and every textbook, or case study I read... just tells me you're going to die."
"Then what do we do?"
"I am going to fight. I will do whatever it takes to keep you alive. Even if I have to breathe for you" he smiled giving me a kiss "I'm just afraid to leave you alone... I think I'm running out of time."
"Thank you, Jack, but... I don't want you to suffer because of me."
"Too late. Y/n I'm in love with you. I can't bear to see you like this. if anything happens to you I will suffer that much I know."
"Ohh jack... I love you too!" I smiled hugging his chest 
"I am so very thankful to hear that- I was worried I- I wouldn't tell you before it was too late."
"I was too, I just... I don't want to leave you a heartbroken mess like my mother left my father."
"We both know you can't stop that."
"Then please, when I am gone. Do not grieve for me forever Jack, Please. Allow yourself to love again and find a girl who you could spend forever with."
"Please do not ask this of me." he caressed my cheek
"Please Jack, it would pain me more to see you wither away in grief for me." 
"... I will move on. if it would hurt you more. but know you shall always be the light in my heart." 
"And you will always be mine." I smiled "Please, no more tests, no more trails, just hold me close and make me smile"
"You can't ask me to give up on you."
"Please, Jack."
"....Alright, if that's what you want" He nodded tears flooding down his cheeks he laid back down and pulled me close never wanting to let me go, 
"Can I, have one? Please?"
"One." He sighed "Go on, where have you been hiding them?" 
I giggled and pulled the box from under my bed
"You wouldn't check the same place twice." I giggled taking one and lighting it on the candle laying back to slowly inhale and exhale 
"That really makes you feel better?"
"It's calming." 
"Give it"
I sighed and handed it over and he tenderly tried it coughing up as he did 
"Fuck- hang on..." he said trying it again "they kinda have a bit of a relaxing function... opens up the chest Ironicly. You said these are specifically asthma cigarettes right?"
"Yeah, thorn apple leaves dried and rolled," I said taking it back 
"I mean the smoking is still bad, and I am mad at you for it you know."
"I'm still mad at you for not knocking and walking in on me naked."
"Awww don't be mad, I didn't see that much."
"Didn't you?"
"Maybe I did." He smirked "I couldn't help but look."
"Umm" I mumbled laying on his chest as I finished the cigarette
"One more test?"
"What for?"
"I wanna see if these do anything?"
"Alright" I sighed so he grabbed the device and I breathed as usual 
"....I mean, yeah you are a little bit better actually."
"I told you."
"Yeah yeah, the issue is the good of the leaves is being outweighed by the fact your smoking them..." He said, "You know what, I'm going to spend an hour downstairs running some tests I'll get the nurse to watch you as you sleep, if anything happens they'll let me know, that okay?"
"Okay Jack" I nodded giving him a kiss
"Good girl, I'll be back soon"  
I smiled laying in bed, doing my best to keep my breathing steady. And after a few hours, Jack returned.
"I am a bloody genius!"
"... I know you are,"
"Awwww thank you, sweetie." He cooed clearly not expecting me to say that, "But I may have solved it!"
"Maybe, so it appears thron apple leaves do work the issue is your smoking them which it dulling the effects that's why you feel calm and relaxed but it doesn't help your breathing all that much, and our medicine I've been making you take is doing something too but only small we have to give you in big does and even then it doesn't last long, but I think I know the answer." He explained as he revealed a ... pot. 
it was... well a vase. a white vase with painted flowers but there was a stopper in the top much like the breathing device and some kind of tube thing... 
"what is it?" I asked 
"It is... an inhaler."
"Inside is a liquid form of the medicine so you're not taking it you're breathing in the vapours, and thorn apple leaves coating the inside, all you have to do is when you feel breathless you breathe in through the bottle, out your nose. It will need changing daily but it should work."
"...I tested it. Made me feel a lot better. Will you try? for me?"
I nodded and took it close to me I was nervous but he smiled so sweetly, so I gently breathed in feeling this feeling like my chest was pulled open like I could breathe in double what I did before, my chest soothing, and I let a breath out my nose, I took in another feeling so so much better, better then I thought I ever would feel.
"So?" he asks very worried 
"Thank you so much, Jack!" I smiled hugging his chest 
He held me close and listened carefully "You're not wheezing?"
"No, I feel so much better."
He quickly made me check with the machine and my breathing was double normal if not more "I love you so much Y/n! I can't believe it... you're gonna be okay." he hugged me closely his voice teary
"well we don't know for sure but, I feel better than I ever have before! Thank you so much I love you Jack" 
"Y/n... Will you marry me?"
"Marry me? Please. weather this gives you a week, a year, or the rest of our lives I want to spend it with you" 
"Ohhh, Jack... Yes!" I smiled squeezing him tight but I felt a little breathless from the panic of it all so I grabbed the vase and breathed in feeling it fix my breathlessness "Better, I can't thank you enough Jack. And I'd be thrilled to marry you"
"I can't wait to marry you either" He smiled kissing my lips sweetly. 
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
If I could say something about the duet it makes me very uncomfortable because of an experience I had. And a trigger warning for how manipulative abusers are.
So stolas is singing about how he’s ‘maybe’ being monstrous for forcing Blitzø have sex with him all this time, he’s only now having some kind of conscience awakening. In the song it’s as if blitzø is replying to him “it’s fine, just don’t think about it!” “It’s fine” A duet is two people communicating after all.
And I’m not looking for sympathy or anything, please don’t worry about that. I only want to talk about how the emotions parallel to real life situations. It’s just too weird how many of us SA victims and child neglect victims are all like “wow stolas reminds me of my abuser”
It’s just uncomfortable the way this is being written. What exactly is Blitzø trying not to think about? The only conclusion is him back in oops talking about how stolas fetishises him as an imp, that he is feeling used. Those feelings are valid, it’s up to stolas to tell him otherwise, not for Blitzø to “wake up and see all the love” because there’s plenty of evidence supporting his worry. Like that imps in the sheets book, “is this an imp game” and the way he’s spoken to. Like “no Blitzø you’re special because I liked your circus act” even that shows the power dynamic. Stolas was a weird fan with the privilege to buy him.
And why the change from being disgusted, to saying the sex just “happens, I don’t make a fuss about it” (his words) to now looking forward to it? Or hyping himself up for it? It was the same for me as a minor with an older guy who got me to be his ‘friend with benefits’ after tutoring me in math like every week or so. My self esteem was so low I didn’t make a fuss either. He’d always talk about not being like others his age, being alone, that only I understood him etc. etc. I felt bad for him. It creeps me out that Blitzø started this because he felt bad for his guy too. That’s so fucking disgusting and weird, on stolas’ and the writers part. Why not show attraction back then? It’s way too late now. That guy one day started freaking out and asking me if he’s a bad person for what he’s doing (spoilers! Yes!) and for some reason despite my discomfort I felt the need to say it was fine cause I’m mature for my age etc it was weird, I wanted to make him think it was fine cause I didn’t want to think about it myself. I didn’t want to be a victim. And I felt weirdly rejected and sad when he stopped seeing me. But he took advantage!
Anyways blitzø is so fucking brave for finally telling him how tired he is of him and his family and friends being used by royals, just because they’re smaller. It’s the only reason stolas’ family was able to basically kidnap Blitzø. In any other show this would be a more powerful moment for the main character than 2 minutes notice. Ugh.
Thank you for all of this, Anon. This was beautiful, every word of it.
This ship and this plot are both taped together with retcon after retcon after retcon, but no amount of scribbling over all the times Blitz was allowed to be justifiably angry at Stolas's disgusting abusive treatment will ever un-write those moments, or undo how powerful it was when Blitz finally let him have it. I'm so fucking proud of him too.
(Also, I know you said you're not looking for sympathy, but just the same, fuck whoever hurt you with a fire poker.)
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topieduckk · 7 months
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It will happen even if no one wants any and I just make them for myself
A few days ago I posted how I got the sudden idea and need to design and perhaps make phone charms, I started drawing up some of the characters but in all honesty I expected the motivation to dwindle and disappear… but no…. I want EVERY characters face in a phone charm and I’ve made so many alr I’m considering making sticker sheets
J will add germania bc I love him <3
Someone tell me if this is a good idea or not bc I absolutely WILL humble myself if necessary
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honeybeefae · 2 years
To Build A Home (Nesta x Reader)
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Summary// Ever since you had met Nesta you knew she felt like an outsider. She always had her guard up, never letting anyone get too close until you had come along and slowly broke down her barriers. The two of you were more in love than ever and for Starfall, you wanted to gift her something truly special, but getting the nerve to tell her was proving to be harder than you thought.
(Day 5 of Starfall Week, I am so sorry this is late but the stomach bug has been killing me. However, I hope you guys are having as much fun with this as I am. This is probably my longest Starfall fic so far, I really wanted to write a fic just for her. I hope you guys enjoy it <;3)
Prompt: Character A swore they’d tell Character B something really important at Starfall but they’re nervous.
Nesta was lounging beside you in your bookshop, the sun hitting her in just the right light to make her seem otherworldly. You were trying to go over finances, chewing on your pencil, but kept getting distracted by your mate. 
It still felt funny to say that Nesta was your mate. You had first met in this very room, her entire demeanor one akin to an ice queen as you offered to help her find whatever it was she was looking for. She had declined but you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at her from the corner of your eye, completely enthralled from the start.
She had put all of the books on your High Lord’s account, watching you keenly as you fumbled over your words and blushed every time you made eye contact. As she walked out, you yelled out for her to come back soon, and to your surprise she did. 
It was a weekly occurrence that she would visit your shop, spending large amounts of money while barely uttering a word to you, and then leave. However, after a few weeks of it, she came to your shop on a rainy day, soaked to the bone with a fire in her eyes that would terrify anyone in her path. She marched straight over to your counter, straightened her spine, and all but demanded a job. 
“I want to work here.”
You blinked in confusion, looking her up and down while worrying she had lost her mind. “Uh…sorry?”
She huffed in frustration and repeated herself, adding, “It’s not my doing that I want this job but unfortunately I have found myself backed into a corner. If I have to work, it might as well be here.”
“Oh, um, well okay. I don’t really need that much help but I suppose you can come on the weekends-”
“Great.” She said, cutting off the end of your sentence and turning around to walk back out. You were still standing there dumbfounded before she turned at the door to look back at you. 
“Thank you, Y/N.”
And she had come every weekend, albeit begrudgingly, and helped you out in the shop. Nesta liked to sort the books and stay more in the shadows while you helped the customers and cashed them out. The two of you had short conversations that slowly grew to more friendly chats, where you learned more about her and where she was from.
It was almost a year before you had found the nerve to ask her to hang out after work at your tiny apartment above the bookshop. She said yes surprisingly quickly and it was on that night that you also shared your first kiss. The rest was a history that you kept close to your heart, the two of you inseparable and just fresh off your mating ceremony that had been attended by her family and yours. 
“You’re staring again,” Nesta smirked, glancing up at you with a quirked brow. “Am I that distracting?”
“Is it me, or is your head getting bigger again?” You tease, laughing when she hit you with the back of her book. “You know how distracting you are. I should kick you out so I can get some actual work done.”
She tucked a bookmark into her book and closed it, laying it beside her before rising up and resting her chin on your shoulder. You blushed and smiled, twirling the pencil between your fingers as she looked over your budget sheet.
“Are we doing okay?” She asked, pulling away to stretch her arms over her head. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re fine.” You smile, hiding the sheet when she started to get a little too close. “What are you doing?”
“What are you hiding? I know that tone of voice, Y/N.” Nesta argues, her lips turning downward. “Is something wrong?”
The palms of your hands became sweaty as you put on your best mask, assuring her that there was nothing to worry about and that you were just stressed from the long weekend leading up to Starfall. 
Nesta studied you very carefully before relaxing back into her earlier position. “I didn’t know Starfall was such a big deal. I mean I have heard stories, of course, from Feyre and others, but people take it so seriously. Especially the gifts.”
“You’ll just have to see it for yourself, Nes.” “I suppose, though I don’t really want to go to the party tonight.” She sighed while closing her eyes. “I would much rather stay home with you.”
“I knew you liked me.” You grin, putting your budget sheets back into the locked drawer of your desk when you saw a familiar figure standing outside the shop. Before she could take notice you motioned for her to head upstairs, kissing her sweetly. “Why don’t you go ahead and start getting ready? I’m going to close the shop early.”
She tucked her book underneath her arm and went upstairs none the wiser, her footsteps becoming softer and softer before you released all the tension you were holding in your lungs. You booked it towards the door, opening it as quietly as you could, to reveal Feyre and Elain on the other side.
“Is it finished?” You whispered, only your head visible through the doorframe. The two sisters nodded, their excitement palpable. “Thank the Mother. I was afraid I would have to push it back until her birthday.”
“Nope.” Feyre chirped, holding out a small set of keys in her hand. “Thanks to the two best sister-in-laws in Pyrthian, and the help of their mates, everything is moved and set up for the two of you.”
“Oh, I wish we could see her face when she gets there. I just know she’s going to be surprised.” Elain said, clasping her hands together. “Does she suspect anything?”
“She’s starting too.” You mumbled, taking the keys from Feyre and turning them over and over in your hands. “I’m not the best under pressure and she definitely knows it.”
The two girls smiled knowingly, watching as you suddenly grew silent. They gave each other a look before Feyre reached out and touched your hand, pulling away when you jumped like a frightened cat. 
“Are you okay, Y/N? Is something wrong?”
“I just…” You trailed off, looking back into the shop to where Nesta had just been. “Do you think she’ll like it? Will she be mad that I didn’t have her help?”
Elain stepped forward and patted your shoulder, offering you a sincere smile. “Nesta might be shocked when she first sees it, but trust me. She is going to love it, I assure you. It’s the home of her dreams, especially because she’ll be sharing it with you.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “I just get so nervous sometimes, it’s like the first time we met all over again. I find myself laying beside her at night and I question if I even deserve all this. Sometimes I’m afraid she’ll wake up and realize that.”
“I used to think the same things,” Feyre confessed, her eyes full of empathy. “I know exactly what you mean. But if you let those thoughts control you, you will always live in doubt. It’s okay to accept the love and care of another, even if sometimes we think we don’t deserve it.”
“We all deserve it, every person on this Earth.” Elain chimed in.
“It’s true. And you should hear the way she talks about you, Y/N, or how her entire life has changed for the better since meeting you.” Feyre added, looking at Elain who nodded along in confirmation. 
“We know her better than anyone and Feyre is telling the truth when she says she is a changed person. She’s happier. You’ve opened her eyes to what the world can be.” 
Tears were threatening to fall at their kind words. You had never had siblings before, or even a family. Both of your parents had passed early on in your life and so to be accepted like this by Nesta’s sisters made you feel whole. 
Footsteps sounded over your head and your eyes widened, wishing Feyre and Elain a hasty goodbye before shutting the door and locking it. The steps were getting closer and you looked around for somewhere safe to hide the key but in your panic, you ended up stuffing it inside your shirt.
Her heels landed on the hardwood of the shop floor and you looked up, your mouth dropping in awe at just how beautiful she looked. The gown was floor length and filled out her body perfectly, her hair in a half up half down hairstyle that accentuated the features of her face. She gave you a sultry smile when she stopped in front of you, closing your mouth with the tip of her finger.
“I’ll take that as a good sign.” She chuckled, her ruby lips calling your name. “Maybe we should skip the party, head back upstairs…”
Nesta’s hands started wandering up your shirt and it snapped you back into reality, her fingers dangerously close to the key. You immediately stepped back and went to go around here, mumbling that you needed to get ready before she stuck out her arm and blocked your path.
“Y/N, what is going on?” She snapped, crossing her arms with an angry look. “You’ve been acting weird, won’t let me look at what you’re doing and sneaking off early in the morning, and now you won’t even let me touch you.”
Your face was red with anxiety, unable to look her in the eyes. All you needed was time to get dressed and you could reveal to her your Starfall gift, which you were still very nervous about, and this was not helping.
“Are you even going to answer me?” She pressed, your gaze briefly rising to meet her. “Are you…are you seeing someone else?”
“What?! Nesta, no. I would never, ever do that to you.” You swore, shaking your head vehemently. “You are all I want in this life and the next.”
“Well what is going on then? I deserve to know.”
You took in a deep breath and looked out the large bay window in the front of the shop. The sun was already setting and Starfall was soon to begin. Nesta watched as you looked down at your outfit, mulling over something, before you muttered a soft, “fuck it.” and grabbed her hand.
“Where are we going?” She questioned, looking behind her as the two of you left the bookshop and went the opposite way of the House of Wind. “The party is that way, Y/N.”
“Just trust me, Nes. I’m going to show you why I’ve been acting weird.” You answered, going against the wave of people who were slowly going up the streets. “You deserve to know, no matter how nervous I am.”
Nesta was worried about where exactly you were taking her, her mind racing with one nightmare after the other. What could you have been doing that made you act like this? She couldn’t think of one good thing that would cause you to be so nervous. 
As the shops began to get farther apart and her feet started to hurt in her heels, the two of you finally arrived to a driveway of sorts. There was a small, rusty mailbox that was in desperate need of paint, and the driveway itself was made of cobblestone. However, there was a lush of trees and flowers lining it up and as Nesta’s eyes followed the path, she gasped when she finally landed on a grand house.
It was a beautiful estate with large windows, spiraling archetitcture, and a sort of eretheral look about it. You watched your mate take it in, your heart racing as you tried to read her face to see what she was thinking but finding it difficult.
After a few minutes of silence, of listening to the waves crashing against the shore and the birds in the trees, Nesta whispered, “Where are we?”
“Our home.” You smiled, squeezing her hand. “Come on, let me show you inside.”
You guided her up the drive and pulled the key out from under your shirt, unlocking the gilded doors and stepping inside. The parlor had a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling while a winding staircase was on the left, the floors made of warm hardwood. 
She listened as you gave your tour of the house, pointing her towards the kitchen and living room, the bedroom the two of you would share, a few bonus rooms for guests or for certain plans the two of you hadn’t yet discussed, until you arrived at the last door in the hallway.
The keys jingled as you opened it with a different key, grinning from ear to ear as you pushed it open for her to see. Inside was gorgeous library, with the shelves reaching all the way to the ceiling. All of Nesta’s favorite books were held within them, along with a sitting area and desk, and a warm hearth towards the back. 
A large window was the main focal point though, the view overlooking part of Velaris and bay area where the ships were docked. The moon was now rising in the sky with the stars winking in and out. You turned to watch her as she strolled around the room, her fingers ghosting over the spines of the books, until she stopped at the window.
“Do you like it?” You asked earnestly, nerves twisting your stomach into knots. This was supposed to go differently, you were both supposed to be dressed and you were even going to have dinner first, but you had to tell her.
“Why?” She whispered, turning to look at you. Your face fell immediately, thinking she hated it, until you saw the tears welling up in her eyes. “Why would you do this for me?”
You walked over to her and grabbed both of her hands, your own eyes becoming wet. “It’s your Starfall gift from me, Nesta.” You smiled softly, biting down on your lip. “This is what I’ve been working on, why I’ve been going over the budget so many times and sneaking away. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before I brought you here.”
She was speechless, absolutely stunned at the feat you had pulled off. 
“I wanted us to have a home of our own, not just some apartment above our store.” You continued, looking out the window. “And I wanted your first Starfall to be memorable.”
“You did all of this just for my Starfall gift?” She said incredulously, her lips parted in amazement. 
“Well, I mean…” You stammered, now worried it was too much. “Yes?”
Nesta was quick to pull you towards her and kiss you with the passion of a hundred poets, her love and appreciation practically soaking into your skin as you gladly followed her lead. 
The relief of her kissing you, of liking the place, lifted an enormous weight off your shoulders. You finally felt like you could breathe again and when you pulled away, you rested your head against her shoulder and let out a small laugh.
“You have no idea how nervous I was about this.” You confess, gazing up at her as she grinned and kissed the top of your head.
“And you have no idea how lucky I am to have such a wonderful, thoughtful, incredible mate you are.” She cooed, cupping your face and kissing you once more. “I love you with all my soul.”
“I love you too.” You blushed, the two of you turning to watch the beginning of Starfall in your new home. 
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attorneytrash · 4 months
I really really really love Such Terrible Tales, it's one of my favorite fanfictions of all time!! I was wondering how you write a "period piece" so well with all the terminology, dialog, and flow of the work feeling so reminiscent of 19th-20th century novels! (It still has its roots and humor in the modern era, but you get me.) Do you do a lot of research and editing before you publish a chapter or does it just flow naturally for you? Did you read a ton of Jane Austen and bodice rippers before penning the Jackdaw? Have you you plotted out Such Terrible Tales in full before writing or do you just fly by the seat of your pants (or do you do a mix of both)? Sorry if this is nosy, I'm just so curious and invested and I'm looking into writing fanfictions that captures a similar feeling myself ^q^
OH MY GOSH HIIIIIIII wait i've never gotten one of these before. this is so exciting. fair warning my advice will be terrible but you did ask
first off thank you I can't believe you think i write a good "period piece" (what is the period? we just don't know) because I feel like i'm so slapdash about it and it's all Vibes. ANYWAY I'M REALLY REALLY HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING THE FIC. TRULY
genuinely one of the reasons I started writing STT in the first place was because I was on a kick of reading stuff that takes place in that general era (again, what the actual era is remains unclear). A few people have pointed out the Jane Austen of it all, and I think when I was in the middle of reading an austen novel you can tell because of the language in those chapters. basically, I don't know if this is true of everyone, but I tend to lean into the style of whatever I'm reading at the time. I also think it helps, if you like audiobooks, to listen to audiobooks in the style you want to write in! Especially with older works, audiobook narrators are really good at getting the flow and cadence of the language across, and it helps get your mind flowing along and sort of "hooked in" to that style. or it does for me at least!
ALSO I do jot down a lot of notes, specifically little turns of phrase that I like! so for example, I wrote down to use the word "directly" meaning "right now" (as in, "I will read you the letter directly") and "presently" meaning "in a short time" (as in, "we're expecting his arrival presently"). Little things like moving words around too ("what have you there" rather than "what do you have there" etc) give it that sort of feel. if that makes sense. i just take a lot of notes
One tip I will give is that a little really goes a long way with old-timey language. I notice it less when listening to the audiobooks, but in older books the sentences are LOOOOOOOONG which is what makes them so hard to parse sometimes. And often in romance novels that take place in victorian or regency era they'll overdo the language to the point that it makes you roll your eyes (though I'm sure I've done that once or twice too)
ANYWAY I'M PRATTLING ON SORRY as for the plotting. I have a bare-bones skeleton that has all the larger plot twists in it, so I can make sure to foreshadow things. That being said, I think part of what's fun about a serial fic is coming up with things as you go while still having to stay true to what you've already written. One thing I will say is that it's EXTREMELY helpful to keep a couple cheat sheets: one is a timeline, which keeps track of all the events that happened in the past, when they happened, etc. The other is a list keeping track of what every character knows and when they find it out. It's saved me many times when I've forgotten who's aware of what secrets etc.
YOU'RE NOT NOSY AT ALL and in fact I'm seriously thrilled to get an ask like this bc i could talk about writing for days. I hope your fic goes well and that you have fun with it ^^
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teamdilf · 28 days
Writer Interview
Tagged by @kalmiaphlox - thank you!
When did you start writing?
The first story I recall writing was a story about dinosaurs when I was six or seven. We'd been told to write a couple tiny little sheets, but I filled out the entire book with my story.
I started writing fiction in earnest again at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I'm a sucker for period pieces but generally stick to fantasy and science fiction in my own writing. I did write an outline for a Solavellan regency AU that I may get brave enough to tackle one day.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Nope - I'm me and I feel no need to emulate another writer.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have a home office but since I work from home a lot of the time, I find it's not always the best space for me to write, as I'll feel like I'm in "work mode". A lot of the time I write best on my phone - whether it's sitting at a park out in nature, or lying in bed.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I try to take a walk every day during the lunch hour and daydream, which gives me fodder for future stories - or even just character development that I can use in the stories that I'm writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Realizing that I write a lot of protagonists with painful or outwrite abusive relationships with their parents ended up causing me to confront a lot of painful things that occurred in my childhood/young adult life and come to the realization that the way one of my parents treated me when I was young was not OK and ultimately one reason why I chose not to become a parent myself.
What is your reason for writing?
It's a hobby and I have always been an avid daydreamer so I finally decided to try sharing the stories I'd been telling myself in my head.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
All comments are greatly appreciated, but I've had a few lovely ones that have made me cry (tears of joy!). I love hearing what people think as they're reading my work, or an analysis of my story/characters/themes. When I get such a comment, I always sit there, dumbstruck, like, "I wrote this and you took the time to write a little essay on MY work?" and then have a nice little cry.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
One thing I've heard from a few people is that I write OCs well, so maybe as someone who writes characters well?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Dialogue and characterization.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Like everyone, I have strengths and weaknesses. I excel at writing dialogue but struggle at describing scenery or action. My biggest weakness is probably action scenes - to the point where I considered cutting a key action scene in a fic I've drafted because I felt unable to write the scene in the way I wanted. It took a couple days of internal pep talks to give it an attempt and it still needs a fair amount of work, but it turned out pretty good!
I'm a lot more confident in my comedic writing than I was the first time I published something that was a straight up comedy. My general rule is that if I'm making myself laugh as I write, I've got gold, but recognize that not everyone shares my sense of humour! If I ever took a go at writing something original with the intention of trying to publish it, the story would almost certainly be a comedy.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Mostly for myself - with the exception that if I'm bouncing ideas off on friends and there's an idea that they're super into, that's motivation to follow through and draft a story!
Tagging @daisywalletchains, @writernopal, @thetrashbagswasteland, @sparatus, @outpost51
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civilotterneer · 14 days
so you picked an otter as a sona cause you swim a lot makes sense, but why a north american river otter specifically? also why'd you become a furry/when?
(btw civilotterneer is a FIRE username. goated af for that)
Well, it's an interesting story, but one that'll make sense after some wine, I'm sure. Trying to understand the machinations of my mind is like reading a boring quantum physics textbook that'd be more entertaining if burned for s'mores.
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Short answers:
North American because I AM North American. Also freshwater swimming mammal, which is what I am IRL.
Why: basically always was a furry gamer (played animal races in every video game or DND thing), just decided to be real about it instead of hiding it internally
When: January 2024
That quantum physics textbook is written out below should you want the full deal and answers, as well as the famous Civ IKEA story.
North American, well, yes, I am
Otter=swimmer. Same page, right? Well, I initially was going for a sona that was a mammal and swam. I thought about a beaver, as they build things like damns and live in water, but didn't like the look as much. I narrowed onto the mustilid family because I like the snake cats, as Ze Frank calls them.
North American River Otter was actually because, well, I'M North American. Being from the US, I was wanting something at least from the same continent, but I was also wanting something that swam in fresh water, since that's what I swim in. The NA River Otter, was just the right amount of all of these.
When and Why
As to when and why: the why is probably because I've always been a closeted one. I always played the Khajiit Skyrim character, the Leonin or Dragonborn DND character, the most animal-like race of any game where you get to pick your character. I had a lot of furry hate for a long time cause I saw it as disgusting. Funnily enough, this was my take on being gay as well, so I guess I can blame my Christian raising for that. Turns out, the stuff I was repulsed by the most were later revealed to be aspects of myself that I likely hated because they were a part of me and I didn't actively realize it.
I can't really tell you why I was this way, just that it's always been a part of my life and its only as of recent I decided to reflect on it and live it without hiding. I also came out as bisexual (I'm currently mostly just gay, but I wouldn't mark out finding the right woman to marry still), about a year and a half before becoming a furry, so the path was kinda laid out towards getting over those old self hates.
The when is probably officially January 2024, but I started investigating around December 2023 when I decided to commission a ref sheet for what I thought would be my sona. But later, after finding @galileogb's otter model for VRChat and attending PDFC, I fell in love with this model and the idea of furry, and thus it was my sona.
The IKEA Story
There was one hiccup in that month of January, however. Just before finding Civ's model, I wasn't happy with that sona ref sheet I had gotten, and I couldn't redraw it in personal art for lack of ability. I had been questioning whether being a furry was what I wanted, so around that time, I decided to give up the idea. BUT, I was driving to Phoenix to go to IKEA and grab some furniture, and somehow I was stopped for lunch and learned that PDFC, Phoenix's early January Fur Con, was occurring. Somehow, I thought it was a good idea to just see what was going on. While I basically just sat in a corner for the whole time, a very nice, older lady sat next to me, asking how I was. She had an awesome opossum suit that was veiled, and kinda looked like a Dishonored character but with green accenting. She really made me gather up my courage to take a second look at furry stuff cause I wasn't sold by just being there alone. The next day I found the Civ base model, and the rest is history.
I think I can literally blame three things for finally giving in to becoming a furry: IKEA, that nice older lady, and @galileogb. I can't really thank yall enough. I hope to go back to PDFC this year and give that lady the real thanks she deserves if I can find her.
On the case of the Civil Otterneer name, that was just a random perfect thought I had. I knew I'd impart my civil engineering work into my sona cause if this sona was going to be as large a part of my life as my work, then there should be some reflectivity. Then, I just thought Civ was a good shortened 'name' for him to be personable after coming up with the whole thing.
Story time finally over. Anyone got another bottle?
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venerawrites · 27 days
Thank you <3
I recently hit a new followers milestone and I just wanted to tell you a big "Thank you!" for your support, despite me being super inactive for the past few months. With my current employment coming to an end, since the company is winding up, to me simultaneously doing my dissertation, I feel like I neglected this blog a bit and I haven't really done what I started this blog for - to relax, as well practice my writing. I decided to do a small “we just happen to love hate fucking each other” event. You can request any character from the Naruto or the Arcane fandom and I will write a short imagine (under 1000 words) based on any of the prompts below. To avoid writing the same thing over and over, I will cross a prompt from the list once it has been requested.
prompt list from @dumplingsjinson <3
“You definitely don’t hold someone’s hand while you’re fucking them if you hate them.” 
“Yeah, so what happened last night…” “You’d better not tell anyone else about it or it’s off with your head.”
“It’s funny how you’re such a softie in the streets but love it rough in the sheets, huh?”
“Let me just remind you — I’m not love fucking you. I’m hate fucking you.” “Okay, cool.” “So don’t go falling for me or else we’re going to have problems.” “I promise I won’t. Why the fuck would I fall for someone like you, anyway, just because you like to stick it up me every now and again?”
“Did you just let slip that you love me or am I hearing things?” “…You’re definitely hearing things. You should go get your ears checked.” 
“This is for stress relief only,” Character A grits out as they drive into Character B again, hands pinning their hips to the mattress and revelling in the way Character B whimpers at the roughness they’re exhibiting. “No other reason.” 
“F-fuck, how— how the fuck are you so good at this?” “Because I’ve familiarised myself with how you want it and how you like it.” 
“Fuck me like you mean it just this once. That’s all I’m asking for, and then we can— we can pretend this time never happened.” 
Character A and Character B are embroiled in a heated argument when Character A spits out, “How about instead of using that pretty mouth of yours to argue with me over something you’re clearly fucking wrong about, you put it to better use?” (or, alternatively: “You sounded so much better when you were moaning my name last night, so how about we get back to that instead so I don’t have to hear you barking at me about something you’re clearly wrong about?”)
“Let’s— let’s make this quick. We can’t have anyone walk in on us.” “Mm, don’t worry, you always come undone so easily by my touch so I don’t think that will be any trouble.”
“I don’t know, maybe you should hop off my dick for a second. Just a thought.” “That’s not what you said last night.”
“I told you not to leave marks on my neck! How the fuck am I supposed to explain this?” “…You were just so sensitive there, I couldn’t help myself.”
“Let me just make this clear: I like you for what you do to me, not for you.” “Mm, okay. Keep convincing yourself with that bullshit; maybe it’ll work one day.”
Character A confesses how they’ve fallen for Character B, and Character B’s like, “You’re not in love with me; you’re in love with the version of me you get to fuck. It’s not love, it’s lust.” Character A, offended that their affections are being dismissed so easily, tells them, “That’s not true. I know what I feel, and it’s not just lust. It hasn’t been just lust for a while now.”
“Do—” Character A inhales sharply, pupils dilated in absolute pleasure and arousal; voice dropping lower, almost a whisper as they continue, “Do that again and I might just fall in love with you.” (Bonus: Character B smirks. “Then fall. But just a word of warning, I won’t be there to catch you.”)
“I thought you said you hated them?” “I do!” “Then why the hell did I see you guys walking out of the bathroom together?” “Ever heard of cubicles?” “This is my house, [name], not a public fucking toilet. There are no cubicles in there. It’s a one room kind of deal you’ve got here.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you, it’s driving me up the walls; do you realise what exactly you’re doing to me?” “Oh, I know. I know what I’m doing to you and I’ll gladly have you fall to your knees for me.”
“…Why are you staying the night?” “Because it’s late and I’m feeling too tired to drive/walk home. Now scoot the fuck over, someone needs to get their sleep.” “Okay, but how about sleep on the floor instead? I don’t want you near me.” “That’s not what your body language was telling me just moments ago, love.”
“What are we doing right now?” “Fucking. What else?” “…It feels more than just fucking.”
Character B getting hella jealous when they see Character A out and about with their date and end up following them around. Character A catches them and is like, “Why are you following me?” And Character B’s like, “To tell your date how much of a dick you are so they can avoid dating someone like you.” (or, alternatively: Character B cornering Character A about it, and Character A being like, “But why do you care?” and Character B saying, “I don’t.” And then they somehow end up fucking them in a random alleyway or at a back of a bar or something. You can fill in the details on how they get to that point.)
“Careful — if you stare for longer than that then you’re going to fall in love with me and I won’t be there to catch you.” “Fuck you, like I’d fall for someone like you.”
The first time being purely on accident — the other times being on accident on purpose (because they just can’t get enough of each other but won’t admit it, and would make excuses about how they’re just doing this because there’re no other options when it’s becoming increasingly clear that that’s not the case).
“This is a mistake.” “You keep saying that but you keep coming back so is it really a mistake at this point?”
“You’re going to fucking break me one day.” “That’s my goal, sweetheart.”
“…Why’d you just kiss me?” “Huh?” “We promised everything intimate stays behind closed doors.” “…Okay, but why’d you kiss back?”
“You left your [insert clothing item] at my house.” “Why would you give it back to me out in the fucking open?!”
“Just because I like making out with you doesn’t mean I have to like you.” 
“…Do you know exactly just how gorgeous you are?” “I know. Why else would you want to fuck me if it wasn’t for that?”
“So, like… Do you want to fuck me up or do you want to fuck me?” “Can’t it be both?”
Happy requesting! <3 And again, thank you for being here!
V x
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mysteriousdragon2 · 3 months
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Howdy everyone. I know I’ve been venting a lot, but it’s all that my mind’s been focusing on.
Meaning I’ll vent again, and keep it on “keep reading”, since it covers personal feelings. In addition, up to you if you want to read it. If not, please disregard this post.
What do I even say…? The situation from my previous vent post has not changed. If not, if occasionally worsens.
“Parents” are telling me I am an idiot, that I’m useless at just about anything. Telling me that I need to seek “help” before it’s too late. And I’m not going to, because I am fine. Just not around them. They make me feel so uncomfortable and nervous, it’s beyond me.
I thought parents were supposed to be encouraging and supportive of their child’s choices and wishes, but no. Not mine. Mine despise me to the bone, much to the point of disowning me. They also shame my body. Every. Single. Day.
You have no idea how much is aches me to know that I’ve been disowned, with a chance of getting kicked out and living in the streets. I have my commission sheet ready, yet I don’t want to post it to the public. If others can’t afford my commissions, reblog this post. If someone wants to commission me, DM me and I’ll send the sheet. I just don’t feel confident and mentally well to have the sheet posted.
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During my sleep, I keep having nightmares about them. My neglecting “parents”. It’s always about them yelling at me, down talking me, making me feel insignificant. Or them trying to kill me. This screenshot of DIO/Hol Horse represents just that, how I’m feeling to terrified, that I can’t even move. Perhaps even cry. It’s tormenting. It’s haunting.
I’ve been nothing but upset. I can barely even draw, I hardly have time for myself anymore. Only because I am escaping my home, waiting until my “parents” go to bed so they can leave me alone, but it leaves me with no time for anything to do for myself.
I’ve been lost. Lost with myself. And I’ve been missing my friends so much. I fear something in regards to friends now…
…fear the abandonment. It’s all I’ve been worrying about with them. I used to never worry about abandonment, until later on in life. Why must this be so upsetting to me, I don’t even know.
Again, I’ve been clinging on for dear life everyday. Trying to hang on. It’s tough, it really is. And I’m desperate for money. And pardon that art’s been so slow on my behalf for anything I owe to anybody, or for the sake of posting for fun. I’m really trying. It’s been very difficult to do anything with the little time I have, plus my mental state.
I’m trying to keep myself mentally stable, with my friends, cats, art, and by looking at fictional characters. They all mean too much to me.
Thank you for reading everyone.
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hinamie · 3 months
hi hina! in terms of your art, what would say is your strength(s) and what is your weakness?
!!!! omg ily mariam you're always so good at asking rly thoughtful questions that make me take a step back n Ponder,, tbh im not sure if this is just a Me thing or if every artist experiences this but i feel like my main strengths/weaknesses in my art are just reflective of the strengths/weaknesses i have in all areas of my life .., i am not going to unpack that too much tho smile :)
a bitch is Persistent !!! when I decide to learn how to do something i put in 200% to learning it and learning it Well . ths how i got good at drawing a lot of the things im told i'm "good" at --i did it with hands i did it with torso anatomy i did it with clothing ,, i did it with yuuji's gd hair,, the list goes on !! also i think this is maybe related to why i love making character reference sheets ? granted they take forever and i hate it while i'm in it but at the end of the day i am a proud character sheet Advocate. if u ever want to really hammer something into ur brain .. character sheets.... angles......just sayin ! shit works.......
character design listen i dont want to sing my own praises too much but character design rly is one of my favourite kinds of art to do and i think . im maybe a bit good at it.,, idk,... :3 fr though I put so much time and effort in2 the research and ref compiling and it takes Hours on pinterest and 543254 open tabs but finally getting to put the pieces all together to make something cohesive makes all the pain worth it . whether it's for an oc or an existing character i love designing outfits or alternate forms that Tell u something abt the character i love translating personality into clothing choices and silhouettes and colours and hiding little defining Traits and !!! idk i just have so much fun :'> it reminds me why i love art
kind of the dark side of persistence, a bitch is Stubborn and Resistant to Change (not just an Artist Flaw(tm) but also a recurring Character Flaw i need to work on gsfdhjfsgd) . I find i don't know how to easily break habits or push myself outside of what's Worked for me in the past, even if i know that other, better ways exist ,,. like I joke abt working harder not smarter and complaining about it but that's not even a joke that's just what I do because I'm too afraid of being Bad at something or trying something and having it not work so I just stick to what I know :( smh if comfort zones r meant to b left why r they comfortable.......
perspective/rooms/dynamic poses,, look ik im microdosing on these rn but a lot of it is still so HARD ,, improvement jail.... :( unique poses r starting to come easier with reference but rooms i hate u . how do u make objects look like they are in a scene and not on it . how to give objects Weight ????? i dont get it...
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