#everyone gets a happy ending
gojonanami · 1 month
after jjk ends, it’s time for me to rewrite it 😤😤😤
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goobtacular · 5 months
"You are covered with soot [and] you managed to ruin the clothes I made for you, which were impossible to ruin." Calypso, Heroes of Olympus Book 5, The Blood of Olympus
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hustlemeanokay · 10 months
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The Long Night | Word Count: 38,975 | 25 Chapters
What is that saying? How does one pick up the pieces of an old life? She supposed that was true. Sansa'd had plans. Plans that she thought were shared by another but it appeared that she had, yet again, trusted in the wrong man. Circumstance was the blade that cut her life to pieces this time but she was not the small, scared little girl she had once been. She was the Lady of her house and she would persevere and thrive. And though she'd always secretly thought of him as always being there... she had never thought he'd really be there, let alone be there for her. Two hearts carved by their pasts converging in Winterfell will shape the once crumbling ruin into their home. The halls will hear the laughter of a family again and both will finally find their peace.
Sandor returns to Sansa instead of dying in King's Landing, just when she needs him the most. He becomes more than just her shield.
Rating M. Chapters have warnings where applicable.
Link to AO3
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hajihiko · 2 years
You mentioned Teruteru being warned about consequences for his actions, especially with Akane and Mikan, which has me thinking. How do you think those two would be going with things like intimacy/romance post-game, considering how they were in-game. Still similar, or would there be any differences with a larger support system?
Mikan is a whole can of beans, I'd like to believe she might be?? Doing a bit better post-game?? If she gets just a little support and love, something she's been super lacking for a long time. Nowhere to go but up, I guess. I wanna believe she'd have an easier time setting THOSE boundaries at least, and maybe having more of a sense for what she wants?
Akane is kind of a hard character for me to like, put thoughts on, cuz shes so lackadaisical. I kind of imagine she might be on an aro spectrum? Like, none of this stuff is a big deal to her, so she's very whatever about both. I do hope being around people that respect her boundaries would just cement what she already kind of objectively knows (but only kind of), that no one's gonna make her do anything she doesnt wanna (as if they could). I've mentioned before that I think being around Nekomaru would be good for her, on account of; she looks up to him (kind of a coach), he's stronger than her, and he respects her personal space 100% (backs off immediately if she tells him to etc). Just kinda reinforces that even he, who is similar to someone that has hurt her in the past, absolutely will not if he can help it.
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The trick to watching black sails is to never read or know anything about treasure island so that you trick yourself into believing that everyone gets a happy ending and nothing goes wrong
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knitasha · 11 months
NaNoWriMo: The Vividorium
I'm woefully behind on my NaNoWriMo project, but still managing to write every day. I'll be happy if I can get to 7,000 tonight.
I'm still not 100% confident in my writing to post everything on here, but here's a small chunk. It definitely feels like I'm writing in a vacuum too much - writing about what is going on instead of showing what's going on, but I haven't figured out how to fix that yet.
Constructure criticism welcome!
Emelia had intended to make her way to the park where the Christmas Market was set up to get a first look of the area. Although the market opened at 12pm each day, she expected the crowds would wait until the evening to descend on the stalls when the sun had gone down and the lights would twinkle light stars across the whole park.
The travel notebook tucked into her purse had a list of the vendors she was most looking forward to seeing and she had included the broad type of item each booth was expected to sell as well as specific items she’d found on each vendor’s website that she was particularly excited about for her parents, brother, and friends.
The light was red as she came up on the next corner and she looked around appreciatively at the rows of shops lining the street as she waited for the crossing line to change when her eyes came to rest on a store tucked between a cafe and a pet supply store. A brightly colored sign hung from the wall - The Vividorium - and a beautiful, half-finished replica of Starry Night sat in an easel in the window along with an array of oil paint tubes and scattering of brushes.  
Making a split second decision, Emelia turned and jogged to crossed the street other pedestrians were already walking across, abandoning her original plans. She’d just pop in for a second and then could go on her way to the market.
The room insight was uncomfortably hot after the sharp chill she’d been walking through for the past 20 minutes and she quickly pulled off her gloves and stuffed them into her purse.
“Welcome in,” floated from the back of the store, “I’ll be out in a moment.”
“No rush,” she called back, running her fingers over the covers of the sketchbooks piled high on the table just inside. 
The narrow store was lined with tall birch bookshelves. The shelves along the right side held notebooks and canvases of various sizes. She was tempted by a lime green LEUCHTTURM dot journal, but remembered her last two failed bullet journals and left it on the shelf.
Along the left shelves were cups of pens, pencils, markers, and brushes by the window. Then came the paints - acrylics, oils, gouache, and watercolors in sets and individual tubes and pans with brightly colored wrappers formed rainbows along the wall.
Emelia had picked up a tiny travel palette of watercolors when the owner of the earlier voice emerged from the back.
“Are you looking for anything in particular?”
“Oh, no, thanks. I’m just looking.”
“That’s a nice set,” the woman gestured to the palette still in Emelia’s hands, “Good if you’ve got an eye for mixing colors since there aren’t too many in there.”
“Ah, yeah, I don’t really know much about painting. I’d love to learn, but there was never enough time. But now that I’m on vacation…”
It was all the woman, whose name turned out to be Joan, needed to hear and 20 minutes later Emelia exited the art store with a not-so-small paper bag in hand filled with a 100-color watercolor palette that was surprisingly small for containing so many colors, a set of metal travel brushes, a water reservoir, a booklet of watercolor paper to practice on, and a pad of blank postcards that Joan had insisted would be good for sending paintings to her family. Emelia wasn’t so sure anything she could create at this point would be worth sending to anyone, but Joan had been more than a little intimidating in her enthusiasm and Emelia wasn’t sure she would be allowed to leave without them.
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danceswithsporks · 2 years
On the (late) final day of Batchmas I gave to all of yoooouuuu!
Well here we are folks. The final day of the 12 days of Batchmas! This took longer then I anticipated but being sick kicked my ass. Thank you to everyone who followed along with me. Liked and Reblogged my little ficlets! If you enjoyed these or the universe they took place in please check out my full Clone Wars Fic “A Star Above the Rest” on Ao3!
Now this will take place in the universe I’ve built for my fic A Star Above the Rest! Some may be sneak peaks at future events, little glimpses into past events, or things I wanted to do but couldn’t work into the story! I hope you all enjoy them and Happy Holidays!
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“Mama! Mama! They’re here! I saw their ship!” Short brown curls bounced around emerald eyes as a young girl ran into the kitchen of her home.
“Ziva, what did I tell you about running in the kitchen when I’m cooking?” Zirena turned and knelt in front of her daughter. Hands ran against her apron as she brushed flour from them.
The child thought to herself for a moment before smiling. “Only do it when Papa is here to give him a heart attack?”
“Haha, very funny.” Rex rested against the doorframe of the kitchen, smiling at his two girls.
Smirking, Zirena stood carefully, her swollen stomach almost making her tip over. “I thought it was hilarious.”
Rex moved across the room quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Easy there, my little bantha.” He spoke with a wink as his hand rubbed against her stomach. She was in those final weeks of her pregnancy, soon their son would be there.
Zirena swatted his arm as she tried to pull away. “You know I dislike that name.” With a grin she ran her hand through his growing beard. “Besides, you have no space to talk, wild man.”
“Now here I thought you liked my new look.” Playfully he rubbed his beard shading her cheek, earning a giggle. “What about you, my pet?” His brown eyes turned to his daughter who watched them with interest. “Do you like my beard?”
Ziva had honestly never seen papa without his beard. So naturally she smiled brightly. “I love papas beard!”
“She’s four. She hasn’t seen you any other way.” Placing a kiss to Rexs cheek, she pulled away and moved back to her oven.
Caramel eyes watched as she opened the oven and the smell of bread filled the room. Rex picked up Ziva and placed her on his shoulders easily. “Well, she’ll get a crash course when she meets the boys. No doubt Cody is still perfectly clean shaven.”
“I can’t believe it’s finally happening. We’re finally setting up the village.” It had taken two years to finally get everything organized but the clone relocation act was finally passed. Now her friends, her brothers, her family were finally going to live near them. Bending down, she carefully pulled the four loaves of bread out of the oven and placed them on the stove to cool. “Let’s go and welcome them!”
Rex smirked before helping her pull off her apron. “I’m sure they’re all excited to see you.” He tried to sneak a piece of the bread but only received a hand swat in return.
“Those are for dinner tonight. No snaking.” Zirena stuck her tongue out at him before leading her family out of their villa.
“Wow, you’re absolutely glowing!” Padme moved down the ramp of her ship in beautifully elegant steps. Behind her the squeals of her twins rang out across the open field. “Like, Leia! Come say hi to your Aunt Zirena and Uncle Rex”.
Said twins made their way down the ramp quickly, each holding the other's hand. In unison they both happily said hello before smiling at Ziva.
“Already in Padawan uniforms?” The presence of the familiar Jedi braid on each child didn’t go unnoticed by Zirena. Her hand rested on the back of Ziva before she nudged her forward. “Go say hello to your cousins.”
“You know Anakin. The moment they showed the smallest sign of force ability he was training them.” Padme smiled at Ziva. “Now look how big you’ve gotten.”
Ziva looked at her boots nervously before looking up at her Aunt. “Papa says I’m almost old enough to fire his blaster.”
“He what?” Zirena looked to her husband who quickly looked away. “Think we’ll discuss that later.”
“Don’t worry. Anakin had a saber in Leia's hand at three and a half. Nearly gave me a heart attack.” Padme nudged Leia forward. “Why don’t you three go play, while the adults talk?”
Leia nodded and reached over to Ziva. “Come on, Ziva! We can chase Luke!”
Luke looked up from the green grass of Chandrila upon hearing his name. “Wait, why me?”
Leia smirked as she crossed her arms. “Because I’m older. That’s why.”
“Nu uh! Dad said I’m older!” Luke looked up at his mother, eyes pleading. “Mom! Tell Leia I’m older!”
Padme simply rolled her eyes and urged her children to go play. “I’m never going to confirm who is older.” A unison whine was released from each child before running off with Ziva.
“Ziva! You kids stay away from the forest line! You know how angry that wild Cairnmog gets!” Chewing her lip she watched her daughter wave to her before vanishing into the field.
“She’s still not showing force powers?” Padme watched as Zirena shook her head. “She has the midichlorian count, right?”
“Yeah. It’s high too. But I didn’t show any signs until I was around six.” Zirena spoke softly as her hand rubbed her stomach, feeling her little one kick in response.
“And if she never shows the signs then I’ll take care of training her. She is part clone.” Rex winked at her before looking back to Padme. “Where is General Skywalker?”
“He’s flying in with the rest of the boys. Something about wanting to make an entrance.” Knowing her husband it could be anything.
As if on cue the sound of LAATs entering the atmosphere drew their attention. The vehicles, painted in the different colors of the different squadrons of clones, made a few circles in the sky above them. Zirena chuckled at the sight of the familiar transports. The colors lit up the sky wonderfully and with a gentle wave she watched as clones dove out of the ships. Parachutes and jet packs were deployed as confetti and flowers followed the clones. Familiar faces circled Zirena as Fives and the others began to land.
“Senators!” Fives landed with a small grunt before pulling Zirena into a hug. “Wow, you’re a lot bigger than I remember! Ouch!” Fives rubbed the back of his head as he received a slap from Rex.
Zirena chuckled softly as her hand rested on top of her stomach. “Last time you saw me I wasn’t pregnant with this one.”
Fives nodded. “It’s been what? A year and a half?” When Zirena nodded, he whistled softly. “ Been too long. Where’s my Niece?”
“Off playing with Luke and Leia.” Rex motioned over his shoulder towards the field. “Your wife should be arriving sometime tomorrow, if you’re interested.”
“I spoke with her before we headed down. She’s finishing up some project for your uncle and then she’ll be heading over.” Fives couldn’t wait for his wife, Zirenas cousin, Liza to arrive. They had their own news to share.
“Good ol’ uncle Silas. Working her until the very end.” Zirena sighed softly before looking at the groups of clones exiting the transports. It was a decent amount more than she was expecting, but they’d make it work.”
Familiar faces from the 212th, 501st, 104th and the 187th all smiled towards them. The sound of a final ship entering the atmosphere made Zirena smile brightly. Clone Force 99 was joining them as well. Perfect.
“You look ready to pop, Zee.” Anakin walked over from one of the transports and placed a kiss on Padmes cheek. “Should you be out here with all this commotion?”
Zirena waved her hand in the air dismissively. “I’ve got two weeks until I’m due. Kix says he’s resting comfortably and isn’t going anywhere.”
“Speaking of our friendly neighborhood medic. Where is he?” Anakin looked around the group, trying to spot the familiar clone.
“He ran into town with BD and Cal. Something about an important shipment coming in.” Shrugging, Zirena looked around the group of clones. Some clearly older than the younger ones. The facilities had only just been shut down a year prior. There would still be a few more waves of clones.
“Thank you all for coming. We have a long road ahead as we build this community, but the people of Chandrila are already doing what we can to help get you started. Please, follow Rex and he will lead you all to the buildings we currently have waiting for you all.” Zirena stepped to the side and motioned for Rex to step forward.
Rex placed his hands on his hips as he stepped forward. “We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us men. Myself, General Skywalker and a few other captains will help direct all of you on where to start. But know that it will be a few weeks before everyone has their own place.” Around them clones nodded in agreement while some groaned. “In preparation for everyone's arrival, my very pregnant wife has planned dinner for everyone. So let’s get to work until it’s dinner time!” A roar of applause surrounded them as the clones began to work their way down the path.
With a happy hum, Zirena waved to everyone as they walked by. “May need some help with dinner.” She looked at Padme. “Think you could help?”
“Of course. I’ll try to grab a few helpful clones as well.” She walked over and placed a protective hand over Zirenas stomach. “You need to go sit down or else this one’s gonna make his appearance sooner than planned.”
“Exactly what I was going to say.” Tech smiled as he approached the woman. “At this stage in your pregnancy you should be resting.”
“When I was at the same point with Ziva I was fighting Dooku.” Zirena placed her hands on her hips. “So I think I’ll be fine.”
“Do you not remember delivering her two days later in the middle of my ship?” Crosshair crossed his arms as he took in Zirenas large size. She seemed bigger than when she was pregnant with Ziva.
Zirena waved off Crosshair's comment.“Your ship? That’s funny. Thought it was Techs.”
“It’s all of our ship.” Hunter smiled as he walked over to Zirena and hugged her carefully. “You look good.” Though the scent she was giving off was somewhat familiar, why?
“And I remember you complaining in the pilot's seat while I delivered Ziva.” Echo smiled brightly as he looked around for said child. “Where is my favorite little clone?”
“Playing with the Skywalkers.” Zirena pointed over to the field where the grass could be seen moving. “She’ll be excited to see you. All she’s been talking about is showing you her new book.”
Echo loved knowing that he was one of Zivas favorite people. “Let me help you with dinner and then I’ll go find her.”
Zirena smiled brightly as she looked around for Wrecker. “Wait, where’s Wrecker?”
“Trying to let go of Omega.” Hunter thumbed over his shoulder towards the Marauder where Wrecker was hugging Omega tightly.
“He does know she’s not going away, right? She’s just moving in with Cal and Hera?” Zirena was almost ready to step in and save the poor girl from the bear hug she was currently in.
“It’ll be the first time we’ve lived without her in over five standard years.” Tech had to admit that he was also feeling a bit sad at the thought.
Ah, well that would make her feel sad as well. “You guys will be ok.” A grumble from her stomach had her smiling softly. “Think it’s time for a snack. Let’s head back to the villa.”
“Aunt Zirena? Can we eat our lunch in the field?” Luke smiled excitedly up at Zirena who rested in one of the chairs near the kitchen. “We made a super cool fort and want to eat there!”
“Is that where the girls are?” Padme looked over from the counter, a knife in her hand as she finished making a few sandwiches.
“Yeah! Leia sent me on a recon mission for supplies!” Luke looked at the group of clones in the kitchen. “It’s top secret though! So don’t tell daddy!”
Echo chuckled as he helped pack up the kids' lunches. “I’ll help you carry your supplies back, Captain Skywalker.” He winked at the child who smiled excitedly. It would give him a chance to check on the girls as well.
“Thanks, Echo.” Watching as her friend helped out Luke, Zirena winced slightly. Everyone’s eyes turned quickly to her and she held a hand up. “Just a little kick! Calm down.”
Now Hunter recognized that scent. Walking over to Zirena he took her hand in his. “Zee, that kid is coming soon. You’re giving off that same smell as you did before Ziva came.”
“Nope. He’s hanging on until his due date. Not having another kid early.” Her and Rex had purposely avoided anything that could kick start her delivery, including sex.
“Actually, statistically your second child has a higher chance of coming early then your first. He’ll also most likely come much quicker as well.” Tech adjusted his goggles as he looked over his datapad.
“Well I haven’t had any contractions, so obviously he’s not coming now.” Waving her hand at everyone she tried to push them away. “Go. I promise to let you all know the moment I start having contractions.”
“Uncle Echo!” Ziva ran and jumped into her uncle's waiting arm. “Mama didn’t tell me you were coming!”
Echo knelt down and hugged the small child tightly. “It was a surprise.” His brown eyes looked at the structure the kids had constructed. It looked good, sturdy. It was made out of twigs and long flower stalks. Holding up the bag of treats he smirked at the three kids. “Brought you guys some supplies. May have snuck some yummy treats in there for ya.” A wink was passed to the kids as Echo stood up. He’d hang around for a bit and monitor them, if only to ease Zirenas worries.
Back at the Village, Rex and Anakin worked to organize everyone. “Cody! Can you have your group start work on clearing sector four?”
Cody nodded as he gathered his group. “That's gonna be the site for the cafe?” When Rex nodded and passed him the plans he rubbed his chin in thought. “Looks good Rex. You put a lot of thought into all of this.”
“Was all Zirena. Once she went on pregnancy leave she got to work on the plans for this place. Can’t keep her still for more than five minutes.” Much to Rexs arguments that her rest was important.
“She getting stir crazy?” Cody remembered how stir crazy Zirena had been with Ziva. The woman had tried organizing his office on Kamino, much to Cody’s dismay.
Rex sighed as he ran a hand over his graying beard. “You have no idea. Kix says she’s nesting. All I know is I woke up this morning and she was painting the baby’s room again.”
Anakin coughed as he tried to stifle a laugh. “Padme wanted to switch out the twins' entire bedding and curtains a week before she was due.”
“Think you two will have another?” Rex nudged Anakin.
“No way. We could potentially have another set of twins and I don’t think I could handle four kids plus being on the council.” He was barely surviving now. “Speaking of the council.”
Rex quickly held his hands up. “She’s dead set on staying in the senate. Says she needs some time away from the Order.”
Anakin sighed softly. No one could say he didn’t try. “ The position is there for her when she’s ready. Could use her help building this new Order.”
“Maybe after the baby’s born. But for now she’s just happy being a Senator and a mom.” And Rex was loving being a dad. His little Ziva was his everything and soon he’d have a son as well. Everything they’d ever dreamed about.
A loud scream from the field stopped their conversation and Rex quickly turned his head. “Ziva!” Blaster fire rang out as a loud roar shook the ground and he felt his stomach drop. His feet moved fast and soon he was crossing the field towards the kids.
Ziva and the twins hid behind Echo as the large Cairnmog circled them angrily. Little faces fought back tears as the scary beast roared loudly once more. They’d been minding their own business when the beast had shown up and ran through their fort, destroying everything in its path. Echo had fired warning shots in the air to try and scare the beast away, only succeeding in making it circle them instead.
“Ziva. Take Luke and Leia and make a run for the village. I’ll try to hold it off.” His robotic hand blacked the kids from moving forward. He’d most likely die in the process but at least he was protecting his best friends daughter and her friends.
She didn’t want to leave her Uncle behind. But Luke’s hand pulled her wrist and she stumbled away slightly. “Uncle Echo!” Ziva suddenly felt herself lifted into the air and looking back she noticed Anakin making his way towards them.
“Cody! Take the kids and get back to the Villa!” With a simple twitch of his hand the kids were gently flung by the force to the waiting clones behind him. Rex was already ahead of them firing at the beast.
Ziva buried her face into Cody’s shoulder and tried to block out the sound of the beast's roar and the blaster fire. Then as quickly as it started it was over. A long whine escaped Ziva as the adrenaline left her body. Warm hands patted her back gently as Cody tried to calm her down.
“There, there. You’re safe. We got ya.” Cody cooed softly trying to relax the child as Anakin looked over his own kids.
“What happened?” Anakin asked the children carefully. His hand ran over Leias bun and Luke’s long braid.
“Something set off the Cairnmog. He doesn’t usually come into the field like this.” Rex looked around at the mess that was the kids' fort. His eyes fell on Zirenas bag that had been used to transport the food. A thought crossed his mind and quickly he pulled out his comm. “Tech. Can animals sense pregnancy off of someone’s bag or clothing?”
It took a moment for Tech to reply but when he did his voice was rushed. “In some instances, yes. Especially when the animal or person is close to delivery.” A loud cry echoed through the device. “Sorry, Captain. I need to go.”
“Woah, Woah, Woah! What’s happening? Is she ok?” Rex looked around at the group and the deceased remains of the beast. It would feed everyone for the next two days. He’d need to plan a pickup.
“Is that Rex?” Zirena looked at Tech from her bed. When the clone nodded she held her hand out, demanding he pass over his comm. When he finally did she quickly spoke into it. “Your son has decided today's a good day to make an entrance! Get back here, now!”
Rex couldn’t contain the smile that spread across his face. His son was coming. “Roger, Roger.” He needed to move fast.
“Not funny!” Zirenas whined out as another contraction hit her body. She had hoped this time would be a little smoother, but of course nothing could come easy.
He thought it was funny. “Come on, Princess. Your little brother is coming.” Walking over to Cody, Rex took his daughter in his hand.
“Congrats, Captain. We’ll take care of all of this. Get back to Zirena before she kills ya.” He knew the clone had missed Ziva's birth, no way he could miss his sons.
Nodding, Rex took off to the Villa with Ziva tight against his chest. Soon he’d have a son.
“She’s been in there for seven hours. How is that kid not here yet?” Crosshair chewed the end of his toothpick harshly as he tried to remain calm. All around him the other clones had resorted to playing cards, reading or even sleeping. It seemed the entire village was holding their breath.
“Come on, Zee. One last big push.” Kix looked up at the woman from between her legs. “I’ve got his head in my hand right now. One last push and he’ll be here.” Delivering his friends child was a gift he’d never get over.
A whine came from Zirena as her head fell back against the pillow she was propped up against. “I’m so tired.” She had just started her lunch when the contractions had hit full force.
Rex ran a cool cloth over her forehead as she closed her eyes. “You can do it, I know you can.” If he could help her then he would. But this seemed to be something only she could handle.
“Zee, let me see your hand.” Kix carefully reached over the blanket with one hand, the infant's head balanced in the other. Taking Zirenas offered hand, he slid it down between her legs. “Feel that? That’s your sons head.”
Tears of happiness burned at her eyes as she felt her son. He was almost there. She could do this. The hand that was being held by Rexs squeezed him tightly. “I can feel another contraction.”
“That’s it, Zee. Use it and all of your energy to get him here.” Kix pulled a towel onto his leg and patiently waited.
Rex pressed his forehead against Zirenas sweat covered head. “I’ve seen you do amazing things, Meshla. But birthing our children is the most miraculous thing ever. Use my strength. Take anything you need, you can do this.” A kiss was pressed tk her parched lips and Rex felt her grip tighten once more.
Her scream filled the room and the rest of the villa as Zirena rode out her final contraction. It was long and painful and she felt as though she’d die. But Rex held her tightly. Whispered to her sweetly and gave her the strength he could. With a gasp she fell back against the pillows and panted as sleep pulled at her. She was officially spent.
“Amazing job. He’s here.” Kix worked quickly to wrap the child up in the towel. “Rex, come here.”
“I’ll be right back, Mesh’la.” Rex moved towards the end of the bed and smiled at the sight of his sons black hair. It seemed he got his mothers hair. “What do you need?”
Not looking away from the infant, Kix passed Rex a pair of surgical scissors. “Here, cut your child’s cord.” Kix pointed to where the cord was clamped. “Right there.”
Rex swallowed as he stared at the cord. He’d get to do this? “S-sure.” Why did he feel so nervous suddenly? With shaky hands he clipped the cord and watched as Kix finished wrapping the child up.
“Captain, meet your son.” Carefully Kix passed the child to Rex and smiled as Rex instantly melted.
“Rex?” Zirena looked through sleepy eyes towards her husband.
“Hey. Let’s meet your mommy.” Rex spoke in a hushed voice as he moved back to the head of the bed. “Look what we made, Starlight.”
Zirena smiled as their child was placed against her chest. “He’s perfect.” Her fingers gently tapped the infant's little nose. “He looks like you.”
“I thought he looked like you with this gorgeous black hair”. Rexs fingers ran carefully across the baby’s hair.
“You two have a name?” Kix looked at them from his datapad, waiting to input the information and for the afterbirth to come.
“Yeah. We have one.”
Everyone stood outside the room door with bated breath after hearing Zirena scream. The silence was painful as they all waited for news. The children had been put to bed on Padmes ship to keep them from being woken up which made the silence almost earie. But then the door finally opened and Rex stepped out with a small bundle in his arms.
“Everyone meet our newest shiny. Garen Rexalus Ka’ve.” He couldn’t take his eyes off the child, he was perfect in every way. “Gar, for short.”
Wrecker chuckled loudly at the child’s nickname. “Hey! That’s like Grand Army of the Republic!”
Rex nodded as he finally looked at everyone. “She wanted a special name that represented all the people who had an impact on our lives.”
Anakin smiled as he stepped forward and looked at the child. “He’s strong in the force. You’ll have your hands full.”
“Not surprised.” Rex chuckled softly.
“How’s Zee?” Echo stepped forward and looked at the small infant. Unbelievable that people could make such beautiful things.
“She’s doing good. Kix is helping to clean her up. Told her I’d go grab some food for her. She’s starving.” Looking around he wondered how he’d do that.
“Got ya covered.” Cody stepped forward with a bag of snacks. “Figured you’d both be starving.”
Rex took the bag with one hand and pushed it onto his shoulder. “Thanks.”
“Oh good, you’re all here.” Kix stepped out of the bedroom wiping his hands on a towel. “Zirena is resting for now. While she did that I thought I’d fill you all in on some news.”
Anakin raised an eyebrow carefully. “What news?”
Reaching into his pocket, Kix pulled out a stim. “Nala Se finished her aging antidote. With this we will no longer age at a rapid pace.”
“Impressive. They actually finished it.” Tech stepped forward and took the stim from Kix, his golden eyes looking over it carefully.
“So we’ll age normally?” Amazing. Rex looked down at his son. He’d be able to grow old with his family, with his wife. “Is there enough for everyone?”
Kix nodded. “Full shipment for our settlement will be delivered tomorrow from Hanna.”
Rex really was the luckiest clone in the galaxy. Two beautiful children, a mind blowing wife, the closeness of his brothers and now the ability to live out his life with his family.
Finally, everything was perfect.
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egophiliac · 3 months
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tsum events continue to be just the best
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abisalli · 9 months
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Have some Dadneto with the twins. No take backs! 🏃‍♀️
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stuckinapril · 2 months
guys does it not scare you that romance is actually dead like even at my age i don’t see anyone else having those whirlwind romances and just having fun w it. it all feels so trite & transactional
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hairmetal666 · 5 months
TW for internalized homophobia and related bad decisions
Steve is 12 and he thinks about finding his soulmate all the time.
You're supposed to find them through touch; your life together will flash in front of your eyes. They're rare, though, soulmates. So rare that most people never find theirs. So rare that some people say they're made up.
Steve wants to be one of the lucky few. He wants it to be a true, unbreakable bond, a love he gets to have forever.
He wonders if he'll find his soulmate at school. He's popular, he thinks. Tommy would say they were popular. But Tommy's definition of popular mostly has to do with the number of kids he can get away with being mean to, and that's not really Steve's deal. Tommy is like a prey animal, the way he can find weaknesses.
There's a new boy at school. Steve doesn't know his name, but they have English together. He's too thin, with huge brown eyes, and all his clothes are too big. His head's been inexpertly shaved and he never looks anybody in the eye. It's only a matter of time before he catches Tommy's interest, and Steve wishes he could stop it somehow, but he's never been good at going against Tommy.
The day comes, of course. They're standing in the hall, the new boy walking towards them, head down, as always. Tommy nudges Steve says, "What a loser."
And Steve shrugs, starts to ask Tommy about football, if the Colts can make the Super Bowl, but the boy is nearing and Tommy is cackling.
"Watch this." Tommy sticks his foot out.
The boy doesn't react fast enough. He falls forward with a bitten off yelp, and Steve moves without really thinking, only knows he can't stand to see him fall. He catches the new kid beneath his armpits, Steve's thumbs brushing the soft skin his arms.
The world around him falls away at the touch.
He's sitting on the floor in the band room, Eddie--the boy's name is Eddie--next to him. Eddie's hair is a little longer and Steve's in a green polo he doesn't recognize, and he's never been in the band room in his life. They're leaning into each other and laughing and Eddie's so beautiful.
They're in the woods--Skull Rock, Steve thinks. Eddie's hair is curled and frizzed around his chin, and he's laughing, his cheeks pink, his dimples prominent. He tries to pull his hair in front of his face, but it's not long enough yet to reach. Steve is overwhelmed, wants to kiss him so bad. He's never had to wait to kiss someone, or been unsure, or--
He wants to kiss Eddie.
So, he does.
It's hard, desperate, not the first kiss Steve expected, but then they've been waiting for so long.
Steve stands in the hallway of Hawkins High. He's wearing a striped, beige short-sleeved polo, and flirting with Nancy Wheeler.
He likes Nancy, she's pretty and smart and fun. And it's easy. He can hold her hand. Can introduce her to his parents. Can take her on dates and kiss her in public.
She bats her big blue eyes at him, and he can't help but kiss her.
He pulls away gently, brushing his thumb against her cheek, and when he looks down the hall, Eddie is there, frozen. His mouth is wide, his eyes glassy.
Steve thinks the way his heart stutters must be what dying feels like.
He's sitting on his diving board, facing away from the pool. He smokes a cigarette and there's a bat studded with nails at his feet, what the fuck. Music thuds, shrieks and laughter seep into the cool night air.
He should be playing the gracious host. He should be having a good time. Instead, his eyes search the woods and he taps another smoke out of the pack.
"Harrington?" The voice makes him jump, hand flexing around the bat handle. "It's freezing out. What are you doing?"
He recognizes the voice now, doesn't turn, doesn't respond, can't stand to see another person he let down; another person who could call him bullshit and be 100% correct.
"Do you not have a jacket? C'mon, man."
Something warm settles over his shoulders, and he inadvertently breathes in weed and leather and cedar. He squeezes his eyes shut, like that will make the comforting, familiar scent go away. He'll have to move to shrug off the jacket, though, which would mean acknowledging Eddie's presence.
"Can you at least say something, Harrington? You're freaking me out."
"I'm fine, Ed--Eddie." The nickname falls from his lips too easily. He doesn't miss how Eddie flinches.
His hair is long now, down to his shoulders, brittle looking in the cold. He's wearing a t-shirt and worn flannel, arms wrapped around his chest for warmth now that his jacket is draped over Steve's shoulders.
Steve is an idiot. He's such an idiot. Chasing after Nancy when Eddie is--
"I'm sorry," he says. He turns to face his soulmate, then. "I'm sorry about Nancy, I--"
Eddie jerks back like he's been hit. "Fuck you, Harrington," he snarls.
He sits in the back of an ambulance, eyes swollen shut, face throbbing. He's wearing a sailor suit for inexplicable reasons, which is almost more upsetting than the ambulance. He smells like puke and something toxically sweet.
A girl is with him, one he doesn't recognize, but he feels deeply, instinctively protective of her. He holds her shaking shoulders tight, tries to whisper comfort to her through his busted and bleeding mouth.
He's pretty sure he has a concussion.
"Steve!" Someone screams over the sounds of the EMTs and firefighters, of the building burning and collapsing behind them.
Eddie bursts through the gathered onlookers and past the ring of police cars enclosing them. He's falling into the ambulance before Steve has a chance to react.
"Sweetheart," Eddie sobs. He tries to cup Steve's face, but his fingers flutter around the damage. "Sweetheart, oh my god. I came as soon as I heard. Are you--what can I--"
Steve stares at him--his hair falling from its messy bun, his cutoff Metallica tee, concern and love leaking from those brown, brown eyes--and bursts into tears.
They sit on the roof of his house, sharing a joint back and forth. It's chilly, bordering on cold, winter just on the horizon. They're laughing, leaning into each other, and Steve is--he's happy. Elated. Could float away with it.
Robin--Robin-- is in the bathroom, or maybe in the kitchen for snacks, and it's just them for now. They're looking at each other, smiles wide, eyes bright.
They're taking it slow. Steve knows it's important, after what he did. They talked about it, his abandoning of Eddie for Nancy, chasing what his dad told him was normal and expected.
He doesn't want to cross any boundaries, wants to do this right. How Eddie deserves. But they're leaning into each other and they're smiling, and he's so in love. Intoxicated with it, lost.
In the end, he doesn't know who makes the first move, just that they're kissing and it's like coming home.
He's in a building, a shed or something. It's musty and dirty, smells like oil and gasoline and a building left closed up too long. Eddie's in his arms and he's talking through hiccuping sobs.
"I didn't save her, Steve. I didn't help. I just left her there! She was broken in pieces and I--I--"
Steve holds him close, tight, squeezes his eyes closed to stop his own tears from falling. He never wanted this for Eddie, never wanted him involved. Thought he could protect him from all of Hawkins's terrible things.
They aren't alone. Robin is there, coming up to hold Eddie too, plus a redheaded girl and curly haired boy he doesn't recognize.
"We'll figure this out, Eddie." The boy promises.
"We won't let anyone hurt you. We know you didn't murder Chrissy," the girl says.
Steve is in a world he doesn't understand, and Eddie is his arms. Eddie is in his arms, and there's blood everywhere. He's not awake, he's not--his heart beat is soft and slow, too slow, and his breathing stutters, and Steve can't--
"Baby, stay with me." He begs as he runs across the dead and rotting landscape. "Eddie, please. Wake up, okay? Wake up for me. I need to--I need to know that you're alright."
Eddie stays limp in his arms.
"Please," he begs. "You can't leave me. We promised, remember? We promised we'd be together forever. The rest of our lives. Me and You. Our six little nuggets. You promised."
The portal back to Hawkins is less than a dozen feet away, he's so close. Eddie gasps to consciousness, but his eyes are still hazy.
"Hi, sweetheart," he mumbles.
"Hey, hi, you're doing so good. We're almost out, okay? We're almost out and we'll get you to the hospital."
Eddie reaches out a weak hand, touches the edge of Steve's jaw. "Love you, Stevie," he whispers. "Glad you were mine."
He goes still in Steve's hold.
The images come faster now--
A hospital room at Hawkins General, Eddie hooked to machines. Steve holds hands with an older man. They wait in terrified silence
Eddie propped in a bed, a bunch of kids around him, Steve and Robin at his side. His eyes keep sliding to Steve, like he's making sure Steve's real, that he's still there
Their bodies tangled together in a bedroom Steve doesn't recognize
Steve down on one knee in a marble room lit only by black and red candles, Eddie standing in front of him
Hand-in-hand on a cliffside overlooking the ocean. The Chief of Police, Jim Hopper, stands in front of them with tears in his eyes and a beaming smile on his face
In a big, green yard behind a cozy little house. A little boy with Eddie's eyes and curls riding on his shoulders. Eddie sprinting around with a tiny girl giggling after him, perfect imitation of the King Steve hair-do on her tiny head
In a park, surrounded by family and friends. Steve has a little bit of a paunch and wears glasses. Eddie's hair streams around his shoulders, going grey at the temples. There's a banner strung between trees proclaiming 'Happy 20th Steve and Eddie!' They're surrounded by everyone they love and it's perfect
The images flash too fast for Steve to catalog after that, seconds-long glimpses of a shared future, and then he's back in his body in the hallway of Hawkins Middle, still holding too tight onto Eddie's arms.
Eddie rears back, face pale and terrified, and Steve is too shocked to do anything but let him go.
Tommy's yelling, but Steve only has eyes for his soulmate, who scrambles to his feet and throws himself down the hall away from them.
"What the hell, Harrington? Why'd you catch him? That was about to be funny as hell! I bet he'd have broken his nose--you ruined it!"
Steve isn't listening. He's trying to hold on to the memories of their life together, the ones that are already fading.
The last thing he remembers is that, sometime in the not-too-distant future, he'll find his way to the band room, Eddie Munson, and the rest of their lives.
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heynhay · 9 months
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merry Christmas klancers 🎅
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rozugold · 11 months
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Tommy but he’s a bit older :]
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grey-viridian · 5 months
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Future father-son hugs!
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momentomori24 · 8 months
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And the most important scene of them all (to me):
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First of all, how is Vox doing that. Second, you just know that these two douchebags are going to bang so hard with Alastor getting his ass kicked replaying in the background after this. I hate them so much.
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wispscribbles · 10 months
why are you and your drawings so cool 😭🙏
afdsasdfasg thank you !! irl ppl would laugh at me being called cool lol - Have a ghoap as thanks <33
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