#everyone starting their own life but still maintaining their friendship
aprilblossomgirl · 2 years
i know. i know my school president is about a high-school life. but, for ourskyy2, i really really wish the show would go into their first-year campus life. transitioning from high school to university on different schools or faculties or departments. but, always, always, still manage to find time once a week, or every two weeks, or even a month, to meet and play music together and having bbq pork, or any other dish, afterward. or just simply having a day out together. of course, the dating life too, of tinn and gun, and sound and win. and, please, please, also a bit, no, a lot of tiw and por on their talking stage, or maybe already unknowingly dating. and finally, one (or two) performance of chinzhilla needs to be there. 
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notsogeniusgirls · 2 years
Just gonna vent in the tags don't mind me
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clarencethemouse · 2 months
Bleeding Light (pt. 1)
Nightcrawler x reader
because I'm feral and no one can stop me :)
This has been festering rotting in my brain for a week. This reads like a whole story (and a long one, because I have a lot of thoughts), but my brain spouts better as bullets. So it's bullets. But as a story. Enjoy :))
(also I totally may write out a proper story later. But you get the lore right now)
the Pining.
let it be known that it was mutual. And it was mutual for a Long Time
You were already with someone else when you two met. With his never-ending charm, wit, and kindness, it didn't take long for you to hit it off as good friends.
this soon became a close friendship, often closer emotionally than you were with your partner. You were a mutant, unbeknownst to your partner (out of shame). You trusted them, and they respected mutants, but by the time you gained the courage to tell them, you felt it was too late to risk losing their trust over such a crucial lie. So you maintained this front, masterfully, for over a year
with Kurt, you didn't feel the need to hide. He understood. With him, you could bond and relate life stories in ways you could never with your long-term partner.
it was soon that you began to realize your feelings for Kurt were stretching farther than any other friendship before. And that you liked Kurt more than you ever loved your partner
this tore you up, and you became wracked with guilt. You didn't know how to end it with your partner, though you knew it had to be done. You still loved and cherished the person you spent the last year with, but it wasn't fair to them
over the last several months you two had planned a future together. It was a critical time of your life to gain independence, move out of home, and start your own journeys of life. For so long, you wanted to start this new life with them. It wasn't so simple as breaking up. Their, and your, near future was built upon the assumption that you would marry, as you did love them.
but not as much as you liked Kurt.
Your choice was made when you finally sat down with them and revealed your mutation. One thin cut was made on your hand. Light poured from the skin, igniting both of your faces in shock and fear. As the white blood trickled down your palm, your partner demanded why. Why could you keep this from them? Why did you withhold such an important part of you for so long?
when you could provide no answer they deserved, they walked out.
with your future with them obliterated, you had nowhere to turn. Nowhere to go to escape the psychological torture (and emotional abuse) of your parents' failed marriage. When you turned to Kurt for a deep shoulder to cry on, he provided an answer. An answer he knew would be best for you, and cursed himself that he was more excited about what it could mean for him. The X-Mansion
it only took mere days before you packed everything of value and were stationed at the mansion. It didn't take long for Kurt to convince the professor to let you stay, at least for as long as it took you to get on your feet on your own (and he wanted you to stay because... reasons).
you were more than happy to suggest doing your part as a teacher for the school
settling into the flow of the school, and life so close to people just like you, was a struggle eased by Kurt. He was the new kid before, and just as he had Rogue, you had him.
soon you built your own social circle and support group of friends, fitting perfectly into the puzzle that is the X-Men family. Soon, you were able to grieve your lost love and move on with the world you were always meant for.
...it did not take long for everyone to notice the brighter smiles you offered Kurt. The glances you sent him after making your witty, slightly dirty comments. How he was the first person you sat with during movie night, resting your head on his shoulder as you both grew tired. How you distracted yourself during end-of-the-day classes, searching for him in the hall through the window in your classroom door. How he was the only one you didn't hide the blinding paper cuts and golden scraped knees from.
and it did not take long for everyone to notice the way his tail whipped more excitedly the instant you entered the room. The way he recalled you explaining your day so enthusiastically as if you were the brightest, most wise creature to grace the planet. The way he was always the first to appear by your side after a more gruesome training session, examining every inch of your visible body more thoroughly than Beast. The way when he would let you down after a piggyback ride, his smile faltered ever so slightly to stop touching you.
so Rogue and Gambit formed a plan. Because that's what good friends do
she worked on whittling you down to admit it to yourself. He was happy to encourage Kurt to take more forward action with you. Jubilee soon joined in the plan, and soon there was a whole network of friends conspiring to get you two together because GOD WE ALL SEE IT. THE STUDENTS SEE IT. THE PIGEONS SEE IT. CHARLES AND JEAN HAVE TO SEE IT IN YOUR MINDS EVERY DAMN DAY. GET A ROOM.
and it works
Rogue got it out of you quickly. She was able to help you sort out your feelings and stop feeling so guilty about the past. You did what had to be done, and you never would have been truly happy with your old partner living a life of lies. But you can't lie to Kurt. He knew you deeper than anyone without even trying, and you wished to God he could know you a little better.
it took a month before Gambit was finally able to convince Kurt that you were struggling just the same. Because as much as the man flirted, teased, and worked himself into our attention by any means possible, he could not shake the dreaded pit feeling that you were still someone else's. You were still just out of his reach, and he would never know the feeling of your beautiful lips; your hands beyond high fives and thumb wrestling matches. Never have the honor to show the world everything he wished he could have with you
Kurt met you on the mansion roof. You were minding your business; reading a book and playing with light over the shadows. You didn't want to come inside. And if you were on the roof, that's where Kurt was gonna make himself comfortable. He would hang by the cell tower by just his tail if it meant you would talk to him. Anything if it meant he could tell you the truth.
it started with you looking over at him in a moment of silence, when you truly had no inclination to think he was there with any ulterior motive. Just one thought on the tip of your tongue
"You're so beautiful."
kurt.exe has stopped working
neither of you left the roof. The night wrapped with your head on his chest and his hand in your hair, him wondering where the absolute Hell it all went wrong.
you did wake up around 2 a.m. Sitting up abruptly at the surprise of your position, you were met with Kurt's golden eyes already awake and on you. No one beyond you two knows what happened on the roof that night, but your relationship changed. No more hiding.
when you returned to your lives the next morning, the others didn't need to be told that the mission was successful. Your smiles and bright eyes shared the whole story
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heavenlyhischier · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
Tumblr media
word count: 5.9k
warnings: idk some angst, misunderstanding, swearing, drinking, kissing
note: im not like super happy with this but oh well! this is my first time writing for the nhl so dont judge toooooo harshly lol. request more if you'd like!
The sun filtered through the cracks in the curtains, gently stirring you from your peaceful dream, eliciting a quiet groan as you were quite enjoying said dream. You dragged the blanket over your head in an attempt to go back to sleep, but that proved worthless as you heard Jack shout your name from down the hall. You could hear his footsteps nearing your room, and you tightened the grip you had on the blanket so that he wasn’t able to rip it off as easily. You just wanted to stay in bed a little longer and then maybe you would get up.
“C’mon, sunshine. Time to get up,” He laughed as he managed to pull the blanket off your body. The way you were curled up in a ball as you tried to shield yourself from the sunlight made his heart swell, but it was a sensation he was used to when it came to you.
For the last six years of his life, you had been present for anything major in his life. Sometimes it was over facetime, but you had still always made time for him and he made time for you. When you had finished college a year early and worked yourself into multiple panic attacks a day because you were scared about what you were going to do from there, it was Jack who suggested you move to Jersey with him. It was Jack who helped you get on your feet and start your career.
In turn, he got to have you there with him. You were there at every home game, smile wide and eyes bright as you cheered him and his team on. You were there to comfort him when he felt like he had let everyone down because had an off game. Nails scratching his scalp as you let him rant about how he felt like he was under too much pressure. He was there for you, too. He was there when you felt like a failure and nothing was going in the right direction. More importantly, you were both there for each other when everything did go right, and that was when Jack felt himself start to fall in love with his best friend.
“Go away,” You whined, “It’s too early to be awake.”
Jack gently grabbed your arms that were covering your face and pulled them down so he could see you. Your eyes were squeezed shut and your nose was scrunched, refusing to welcome the daylight without a fight. “It’s nearly 11:30. Luke and I are already back from morning skate,” He teased, thumbs softly tracing circles on your arms.
You peeked at him through your barely open eyes, meeting his own as he waited for you to get out of bed. You were never able to resist his pleading eyes and childlike pout, and it was quite pathetic just how easy you caved when it came to the boy in front of you. All he needed to do was breathe around you and you would do whatever he asked, but of course he didn’t know that. That was a secret you intended to keep in order to maintain the best friendship you’ve ever had. 
“I hate you,” You grumbled, ignoring the way his touch lit your skin on fire. The action wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but it made you silently yearn for more all the same.
“No you don’t. Now let’s go or I’ll go get Trevor and we’ll drag you out of bed.”
You let Jack pull you out of your very comfortable bed, and followed him down the hall to the kitchen where Trevor and Luke were bickering over Lord knows what. You sleepily sulked behind your best friend, wanting nothing more than to turn around and go back to bed. The boys had kept you up until nearly four in the morning catching up, and arguing about whose hockey team was the better of the two.
“Y/N,” Trevor’s smile beamed once he took notice of your presence. He left his dispute with Luke and wrapped his arms around you in a hug that nearly crushed you. 
“Trevor, you literally saw me last night,” You feigned annoyance as you wrapped your arms around his neck to return his affection.
Luke watched as his brother’s body tensed; jaw clenching, fists briefly balling into fists, and eyes narrowing in on his two best friends. The nineteen year old rolled his eyes at his brother's obvious, and unearned, jealousy. He lightly slapped Jack on the shoulder, breaking his attention away from the two of you, and raised his eyebrows as he silently asked what was up. Jack rolled his eyes at his younger brother before turning to find something to eat for you.
Trevor knew what he was doing, but he wasn’t doing it because he was trying to be mean. He was trying to motivate Jack to get his head out of his ass and finally admit that he had feelings for you. Making him jealous probably wasn’t the best idea, but none of his other ideas had worked. His encouraging talks had only frustrated Jack, so he was taking a different approach for his short visit in New Jersey. 
“Thank you, J,” You smiled up at Jack as he placed the bowl of cereal on the dining room table you had to beg the boys to get. Jack knew that, even though it was nearing lunch time, you had just woken up and you were going to want breakfast.
“You guys are too cute,” Trevor couldn’t help but tease, falling into the chair on the opposite side of the table, “You need to put us all out of your misery and just date each other.”
“Seriously, Trev? How many times do I need to tell you that we’re just friends and that’s all we will be,” Jack clipped, giving his friend a warning glare as he walked back into the kitchen.
Despite knowing that Jack only ever thought of you as his best friend, the way he said that made your face fall and your chest tighten. You kept your eyes trained on the table in front of you as you blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over. Trevor glanced between Jack and you, eyes filled with worry and guilt once he noticed the way you refused to look up and how red your cheeks were.
“So,” Luke started, trying to diffuse the obvious tension, “You coming to the game, Trev? I know Y/N is because she wants to see Barzal.” Luke also knew what he was doing, and he was doing it to be mean.
Trevor let out a laugh as you defended, “Excuse me, I go to all of your home games! Being able to see Mat Barzal is just a bonus.”
The sound of a cabinet aggressively slamming shut made all three of your heads turn to the kitchen where Jack stood with his back turned to everyone. He mumbled an irritated apology before he finally decided to take the seat next to you. Luckily, Luke’s change in topic was enough to stop yourself from crying, but Jack mistook your reddened cheeks for a blush that was elicited by the mention of the Isles center.
“As long as you’re wearing a Devil’s jersey, look at whoever you want.”
“Why wouldn’t she wear a Devils jersey,” Jack spoke, voice laced with a hint of panic at the thought of you wearing the other team's jersey.
“Because she’s in love with Barzal. C’mon Jack, keep up.”
“Okay, first of all, she is right here and she is not in love with Mat Barzal, he’s just very nice to look at,” You gave the two boys across from you a pointed look before passing a soft glance at Jack, “And I’m wearing a Devils jersey like I do every game.”
The conversation fell back to a less awkward strained topic and the uneasiness between you and Jack faded until it was normal again. The boys still have a few hours left before they have to head back to The Rock for the game, so you all opted to hang out and watch TV before then so they could relax. You were pressed into Jack’s side, his arm slung around the back of the couch as they talked.
It was the small moments like this that made you feel like Jack liking you back was possible. The way that he would pull you back close to him if you scooted even an inch away from him. The way that he would subconsciously trace patterns on your skin because he had to keep himself occupied in some sort of way. It made you feel hopeful, but you were quick to bring yourself back to the heart shattering reality that it meant nothing to him.
To Jack, though, these moments were everything.
“Y/N,” Jack’s voice was soft as he knocked on your door, “Can I come in?”
“Of course,” You called out, filtering through your clothes to find something to wear tonight.
Jack was anxious; his heart beating out of his chest and hands slightly shaking as he walked into your room with a piece of fabric in his grasp. He had a jersey with his own name and number on the back , and he was going to ask you if you would wear it tonight. He wanted something that labeled you as his even if you weren’t. Yet.
“What’s up,” You turned to face him, eyes briefly darting down to the jersey in his hand.
“I know you wear just a plain jersey to the games because you don’t want me or Luke to feel left out, but do you maybe want to wear my jersey tonight? It’s totally okay if you don’t want to! Actually, you know what- forget I asked. It was stupid,” Jack rushed out, panic clearly written everywhere on his body as he started to rush away.
“Jack,” You grabbed his hand before he could run away, “I would love to wear your jersey.” You’re not quite sure what exactly possessed Jack to give you one of his jerseys, but you were absolutely not going to say no. To you, the gesture meant everything. A step in the right direction.
Jack searched your face for any sort of doubt, but all he saw was the same small smile and sparkling eyes he saw every time he looked at you. Every part of him wanted nothing more than to kiss you and tell you that he was yours and you were his. Not Mat Barzal’s.
Painfully aware of how close the two of you were, butterflies swarmed your stomach. The way he was looking at you made your heart soar into the clouds and hope filled your veins as you let yourself drift to the possibility that maybe he did feel the same way you had for the last few years. 
“You better get going. Don’t want you to be late,” You whispered, suddenly feeling sheepish because you swear you saw his eyes glance at your lips for a few seconds.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll see you at the game.” With a chaste kiss on the cheek, he was out the door, leaving you there to overthink the entire interaction.
You and Trevor had found your seats, and it was just the two of you since Ellen and Jim were at Quinn’s game. You watch as the team warms up, and, no matter how hard you tried not to, you found yourself mainly focusing on Jack. The way he glides across the ice never fails to amaze you. He belongs out there.
“Nice jersey,” Trevor commented, eyes staying trained on the ice with a sly smirk on his face.
“Shut up,” You rolled your eyes, “He asked me if I wanted to wear it so I said yes, but I’m not sure why- Oh my god, look! It’s Mat!” You gripped Trevor’s bicep as you squealed and subtly pointed at the man who just stepped out onto the ice. 
“That’s why,” He shook his head, “Your comment about how sexy Barzy is made him all jealous and moody.”
“Oh, whatever. He doesn’t care about that,” You dismissed as you broke away from the teams to look at Trevor.
“Is that why he’s looking at him like he wants to slam him into the boards before the game even starts,” He nodded his head towards Jack.
Jack had looked in your direction as soon as he heard the Isles come out, and he wished that he hadn’t. The way your face lit up as you pointed at Barzal made his skin crawl and his chest burn with jealousy. He was standing off to the side with Nico as he tried to go over some of their game plans, but his eyes were now focused on number 13 on the opposing team. He tried to not let his personal life interfere with what he did on the ice, but he’s not so sure that was possible tonight.
The first period was aggressive, to say the least. The Devils were down by one and Jack spent his fair share of time in the sin bin for boarding a certain Isles player. Luckily, all of his penalties were minors so he was still able to play in the game, but you’re not so sure the refs would keep letting him off if he continued the stunts he was pulling.
“Trevor,” Your voice was laced with anxiety as Luke pulled Jack away before he initiated an actual fight and got another penalty. You know hockey is an aggressive sport, but you’ve never seen Jack play like this.
“It’s okay. It’s not all his fault,” He tried to comfort you as your grip on his hand tightened, “They’re starting to play just as dirty. Hopefully intermission will calm everyone down.”
You nervously bit at your nails and lip throughout the rest of the game. Both teams were still being unnecessarily hostile, but it wasn’t as bad as the first period. In the end, Jack managed to get the winning shot, and the cheers that erupted shook The Rock. You threw your arms around Trevor's neck as you let out a breath of relief; thankful that the agonizingly long game ended in their favor.
You and Trevor waited for both Hughes boys, talking about what exactly the plan was going to be tonight. He, of course, wanted to go out and celebrate their win, but you weren’t entirely sure if the boys would still be up for it after the game that they had. Players startled to slowly trickle out of the locker room; most of them stopping to talk to Trevor before they went on their way.
You were engrossed in a conversation with Dawson and Trevor when Luke finally came out of the locker room. He makes a playful glance at your jersey, wiggling his eyebrows as you ignore him and ask him about how he feels like the game went. He goes on about how he wasn’t super proud of their performance due to the obvious, but he was happy that they came out on top despite that. You beamed about how proud you are of him, and then you saw Jack coming out of the locker room.
His damp hair stuck to his forehead and you could see the faint start of a nasty bruise on his left cheek. He looked defeated and annoyed, and that was enough to tell you that he got an earful from Lindy and the media asked the wrong questions. He hated talking to them in general, and he especially hated it when he played like he did. You wanted nothing more than to pull him in and comfort him like you used to often, before Luke moved in.
With an encouraging shove from Luke, you met Jack in the middle and immediately pulled him into your chest. He was quick to wrap his arms around your waist, drawing you in closer than you already were. He buried his head in the crook of your neck, wanting the moment to last forever if it was possible. You didn’t mind the wetness on your skin, but the way Jack was hugging you was not making anything easy for you. He held you like you were the only thing grounding him to Earth.
“You played like shit,” You quietly teased as you forced yourself to pull away from him before you read too much into it.
“Maybe, but we still beat ‘em. Guess Barzal isn’t that great after all,” He slightly puffed his chest out before wrapping an arm around your shoulder and walking to the others.
You furrowed your eyebrows at his last comment, and it made you wonder if you saying that you found Mat Barzal attractive really did upset him. After the way he played towards him, it would make perfect sense. Still, you can’t piece together just why that would bother him enough to make him let it out on the ice like that. You weren’t naive enough to believe that it meant that Jack was jealous because he had feelings for you. You’re positive that it was something else. It had to be.
After everyone had agreed on a bar to meet up at, they all went separate ways to go back home and quickly change. You and the boys knew you were going to go out already, so you were all dressed and ready to go. Once you were in the car, you peeled the Devil’s jersey off you to reveal the red tank top underneath.
“Damn girl,” Trevor whistled, eyes shamelessly darting down to your exposed cleavage.
You playfully smacked him in the chest and rolled your eyes, neatly folding the jersey and placing it in the middle seat of the car. Jack cast a stormy glare back at Trevor, who shrugged and gave his best friend an innocent smile.
“Bye, Lukey,” You leaned over the center console to kiss his cheek, “Next year you can join us and not have to be the driver.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He rolled his eyes, “Give’s me time to sleep without you all bothering me. Have fun and call me if you need me to come get you.”
The three of you pushed your way into the loud and crowded bar. Jack quickly announced that he was going to hit the bathroom and he would meet the two of you at the bar. You gently held the back of Trevor’s shirt as he led you through the horde of people. You got the bartender's attention and ordered a round of shots for the three of you, but when you had turned back to Trevor, he was already engaged in a flirty conversation with a pretty blonde girl. 
Letting out a quiet chuckle, you moved your attention back to the bar. You waited a few more minutes for Jack to come back, but he had yet to make his reappearance. Deciding you were going to see if you could spot him, you placed your hands on the sticky counter, feet planting themselves on the footrest of the barstool to stand and look around the bar. Your eyes bounced across the sea of people in search of Jack, but when your eyes landed on him you felt the entire floor come out from underneath you.
There he was; leaning against a wall with his stupid bright, perfect smile plastered on his face as a girl animatedly talked to him. Every breath you took as you watched them felt like razor blades slicing into every inch of your body and your heart ached like it never had before. Blinking back a wave of tears, you downed the three shots in front of you. They were slightly warm, but the burning sensation they brought to you was a feeling you welcomed with open arms.
“Woah there, Y/N,” Nico’s deep, slightly accented voice cut through the loud music.
“Nico,” You cheered, pulling him into your side for a hug, “You did so good tonight.”
“Thank you,” He lightly laughed, hand staying on your back to steady you as you teetered on the stool, “Your boy was playing a little dirty tonight.”
Nico didn’t miss the way you stiffened at the mention of Jack, and he pulled his brows together in confusion. He had seen the two of you in an intimate hug right before he had left, so he assumed that things had developed between the two of you. While you ordered another two shots, the captain looked around for his teammate. He let out an understanding breath once he found him, still in deep conversation with the girl you had seen.
“Y/N,” Nico tried, “Are you o-”
“I’m going to dance,” You interrupted before he could ask the one question that was certainly going to bring you to tears.
Nico sighed, but he had been around you enough to know that you were not the type of person to push. That was a recipe for disaster. Instead, he opted to keep a close eye on you in case something were to happen. 
You lost count of how many drinks you had at about five drinks, but you’re certain that you were past your limit. Sweat covered bodies bumped into your own as you danced to the loud music, ignoring the bleeding pain in your chest. You refused to look in Jack’s direction for the rest of the night, fearful that what you saw was going to further break you. 
Eventually, you got tired of everyone bumping into you as you danced, so you climbed up onto a table that was littered with half full glasses and empty beer cans. You closed your eyes and let the music guide your body, hips swaying and hands salaciously running the curves of your body.
“Y/N,” A familiar voice yelled over the music, their hand coming to grasp your calf, “Get your drunk ass down!”
You looked down and met Trevor’s worried gaze, though he was quite a bit blurry courtesy of the copious amounts of alcohol you had consumed. Shaking your head at him, you continued dancing and ignored his continuous calls for you to come down from the table. It wasn’t until you heard the one person you were trying to forget that you stopped your movements.
The way Jack was looking up at you with anxiety swirling in his eyes made you want to scream. He had no right to be concerned about when he was the cause of it. Though, he had no idea that he was.
“Y/N,” Jack repeated, taking note of the drunken glare you gave him, “Please come down.”
You tore your glossy eyes away from him, and held your hand out to Trevor so he could help you down from the table. Jack felt his heart crack at your blatant dismissal of him, but he tried to not let it get to him because he knew you were drunk. Still, he hated how you latched onto Trevors side, leaning your head on his chest as he steadied you. He was always the one you clung too, and he doesn’t like the way it feels to be on the outside of that.
“We should call Luke, yeah,” Trevor suggested as he soothingly rubbed your arm, “You need to get home.”
“I can call him and we can go back together,” Jack was quick to offer himself up. 
“No,” You moaned out, shaking your head against Trevor’s chest, “I don’t wanna be around you.”
Jack’s already cracked heart completely shattered inside his chest, the sting from it bleeding into his veins. The despondent look that was slapped on his face would have been enough to send you to your knees had you been looking at him, but you knew better than that. You knew that you would cave in to Jack like you always did, but that’s not what you needed. It was clear that you were never going to have him the way you wanted, and you needed to forget him. Even if it was just for a night. 
“Jack,” Trevor sighed, his own chest burning for his best friend, “I texted Luke before I came to get her and he should be here soon. I’ll make sure she gets to him, okay?”
Swallowing the lump in his throat, all Jack could manage was a nod and move out of the way so Trevor could guide you out of the bar. His entire heart left with you, and he was left staring at the floor wondering what had happened for you to not want to be around him. In order to keep himself from crying in front of his teammates, he made a beeline for the bar to get drinks of his own.
The first thing you felt the following morning was the deadly pounding in your head, and you prayed to any God that would listen that you could just go back to sleep for the rest of your life. Your head was shoved underneath your pillow as you attempted to push back the consistent waves of nausea, but the feeling grew. Before you could truly comprehend what was going on, you were on your feet and darting to the bathroom.
“Y/N,” Trevor called from the other side of the bathroom door, “I’m coming in.”
You tossed him a bleary look as he walked in with a cup of water in hand. The pitiful smile he gave you in return surely would have made you vomit again had you not already emptied all the contents of your stomach. You could see the apprehension clearly arranged on his face.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” You mumbled against your arm that was acting as a barrier between your face and the toilet.
“I didn’t even say anything,” He let out an airy laugh as he searched through the cabinets for some Advil, “Since you brought it up, though...”
“Trevor,” You warned, trying to give him a mean glare, but it hurt your head too much to strain that hard.
Despite how much you drank last night, you were still excruciatingly aware of what had caused you to get that way. The feeling that consumed your entire being when you saw Jack with that girl was still something that was eating away at your heart. You knew that your emotions were going to get the better of you one day, but nothing could have prepared you for when it did.
“Take these,” He ordered, “What happened last night? I’ve never seen you like that, especially not towards Jack. I don’t care that you don’t want to talk about it. If you don’t, you’ll let it take over and you’ll fall into the same hole you did when Trent broke up with you.”
You knew that he was right, but it still annoyed you that Trevor Zegras, of all people, was right. You also knew that he was going to see through any lie you told him. In spite of his reputation, he was a very observant and caring person, especially when it cameto the ones he loved.
 “I saw Jack with some girl last night. That’s all there is to say, really. You know how I feel about him, so it just really sucked. And I guess I let myself read too much into certain situations,” You admitted, taking the pills in hopes that they would help the headache subside.
He sharply sucked in a breath, understanding washing over his body like a wave. He knew the girl you were talking about; Jack had mentioned something about him being ambushed by the bathrooms. She was going on about how her girlfriend was one of his biggest fans, and then Jack had somehow, yet unsurprisingly, managed to bring you up in the conversation. He had told Trevor that the girl made fun of Jack for being a little bitch and not telling you how he feels, which Trevor happily agreed with.
“Y/N,” He sighed, squatting so he was eye level with you, “You need to go talk to him, and don’t say no. It will be better, for both of you, if you talk to each other. Watching the both of you pine over each other is really grinding my gears.”
After a not so lengthy argument with Trevor, partly because he just kept repeating himself and partly because you were too tired to argue, your feet were gently padding down the hall to Jack’s room. Your breathing was quick and uneven as you anxiously squeezed your hands together, moreso the closer you got to him. Taking a deep breath, you gently rapped your knuckles on his door.
“Go away, Trevor,” His voice was muffled, quiet, and defeated.
“Jack,” You softly called as you opened your door and peeked your head in.
“Y/N,” You watched as he jumped up in his bed, pillow falling off the bed and blanket pooling around his waist, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I just- Can I come in?”
He eagerly nodded his head, scooting back so he was leaning against the headboard. Trying to keep your eyes from wandering his naked chest was proving difficult the closer you got to him. It felt highly inappropriate given the circumstances. The air was awkward and sticky as you took a seat on the edge of his bed, and you hated that. Things should never be like this with Jack.
Jack knew you so well and he had spent so much time memorizing everything about you that it wasn’t hard to tell that you were nervous, and exhausted. Your lip was red from chewing on it and the skin below your hand was irritated from you pinching yourself, both nervous habits you’ve had as long as he’s known you. However, you also had dark, stormy clouds of exhaustion hanging over you. He wanted nothing more than to pull you into his bed and hold you until you fell asleep. 
“How are you feeling,” He asked, eyes flitting from your face to his lap.
“Honestly, I feel like I got hit by a bus,” You laughed, feeling some of the nerves dissipate, “But, I wanted to talk about something. Well, Trevor’s forcing me to do it, but I also think we should talk about it.”
Jack’s already high anxiety skyrocketed. He has no idea what you were going to say, and that terrified him. His mind wandered to the worst possibilities, all of which involved you telling him that you were leaving and never wanted to see him again. He’s not sure he would be able to survive that blow.
“What’s up,” He played it cool as if his heart wasn’t beating so hard and fast that he thought it was going to burst out of his chest.
“I want you to listen to me entirely before you say anything okay,” You started, tucking a leg underneath your thigh as you turned to fully face him. You continued after he gave you a shy nod, “I’m really sorry about last night. About telling you I didn’t want to be around you. I was upset, and hurt. I was waiting for you at the bar and you were taking a while, so I tried to look for you.
“And I saw you talking to a girl by the bathrooms, and I guess I got a little jealous. I got jealous because I- I don’t know, it’s kind of obvious why, Jack. I let my emotions get to me and I reacted terribly, I’m sorry. And it’s okay that you don’t feel the same way that I feel. Just promise me it won’t change our friendship?”
His heart, still beating erratically, was doing flips inside his chest as he let your words fully soak in. Jack knew he wasn’t a Harvard scholar, but it didn’t take much to figure out you were saying you had feelings for him without actually saying it. All those hours of Trevor trying to convince Jack that you liked him back flooded his memory, and he felt stupid for not believing him. Now Trevor was kind of an airhead, but if something was that obvious to him, Jack should have known it was true. 
The silence that hung in the air was daunting, but you were giving him time to think about what you had said to him. Springing a half-assed love confession on someone who looked just as hungover as you were probably wasn’t the best idea, but it was Trevor’s so it made sense. You refused to make eye contact with Jack as he, presumably, found a way to gently let you down. You decided to focus on picking at your fingers while you waited, a habit you thought you had broken
“I was jealous too, you know,” He started, moving his body so he was sitting in the same position as you. He delicately took your hands in his own before you picked so hard you drew blood.
“Of what,” You frowned.
“The whole Barzal thing. You said you thought he was hot, and I guess I got a little insecure because he is an attractive guy,” He explained, his voice laced with apprehension, “Trevor and Luke kept talking about how you’re in love with him or whatever, and then I saw how excited you got when he got on the ice and I don’t know. It really bothered me.
“And the girl at the bar? We were only talking because she said her girlfriend was a big fan, and then I started talking about you, like I always do. She basically told me I was a pussy for not telling you how I felt, and she’s right.”
You snapped your gaze to meet his own, and you knew you were royally screwed. He was looking at you like you hung the stars and the moon, and it was in that moment you realize that he’s looked at you like that for a while. You were just too naive, and scared, to let yourself believe it was anything other than friendship.
“I love you, Y/N, and not in just a friend way but an “I-want-you-to-be-my-girlfriend” way. And I really want to kiss you.”
“So do it.”
In an instant, he was pulling you into him, his soft lips meeting your own in a messy kiss. You moved your hands to the nape of his neck, fingers carding into his hair as he pulled you onto his lap. His hands found place on your lower back, scared to wander any further out of fear of making you uncomfortable, but you had waited far too long for this moment for him to not explore whatever he wanted. However, the sound of Jack’s door opening caused the two of you to separate your mouths.
“Are you two going to come ea- Oh my god! They’re having sex,” Trevor screamed, quickly turning around and slamming the door shut, “Luke! Don’t go in there!”
Jack’s forehead fell to your shoulder as he let out an amused, “Fucking Trevor.” (iykyk lmao)
“You know, I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but we actually owe him,” You let out a breathy laugh.
“Yes you do!”
“Go away!”
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lokilaufeysonslove · 2 months
𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
// Summary // after a past traumatic experience, you struggle to trust anyone, but Steve's patient and understanding nature helps you open up.
// Warnings // cheating (not Steve)
// Author’s Note // divider by the amazing @saradika-graphics / gif by @tastingmellow
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You were always a strong and independent person. Nothing could rattle you, or so you thought. But that all changed when something happened that left you questioning everything and everyone around you.
That something being betrayal. Yes, you were betrayed by your best friend and your own boyfriend, ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend. He cheated on you with her, and just like that, you lost two closest people in your life.
Your trust in others was shattered and you found it difficult to open up to anyone. You distanced yourself from your friends and family, not wanting to burden them with your pain and fear. You thought you were better off alone.
But then you met Steve. He was patient and understanding, never pushing you to open up or share your story. He was just there, a steady presence in your life, always ready to listen if and when you were ready to talk.
At first, you were hesitant to open up to him. You were afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt again. But then you started to let your guard down around him. You felt safe with him, and that was a feeling you hadn't experienced in a long time.
As time went on, you found yourself wanting to be around Steve more and more. Your friendship with Steve grew stronger, you found yourself wanting to spend more and more time with him. He made you laugh, he challenged you, and he always seemed to know when you needed a shoulder to cry on. It wasn't long before you realized that you had developed feelings for him.
But you were still scared. Scared of getting hurt, scared of losing the only person you had truly let in.
But Steve was patient, and he never gave up on you. He showed you time and time again that he was trustworthy and that he cared for you deeply.
And eventually, you found the courage to let go of your fears and allow yourself to fall for Steve. It wasn't an easy journey, but with Steve by your side, you were able to overcome your past trauma and learn to trust again.
One day, as you were sitting on the couch with Steve, watching a movie. Suddenly, he turned to look at you and said, "You know, you don't have to be afraid with me. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
You smiled and snuggled closer into him, "I know," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
A comfortable silence took over the two of you, neither wanting to break it. Steve was staring at you, smiling. He found you very cute and beautiful. He loved everything about you. Your pretty hair that always seemed to glow, your beautiful eyes, your shiny smile that always seemed to light up the whole room.
You felt his burning gaze on your skin and turned around, “What?” You asked.
He looked deep into your eyes, maintaining an eye contact. “I really wanna kiss you.”
You were shocked by his words, but before you could respond, Steve's lips were on yours, his kiss gentle but full of purpose. You were taken aback at first, but then you found yourself melting into the kiss, feeling all of your walls crumbling down. Instantly, you wrapped your arms around his neck, his wrapped around your waist, going up and down your back.
You pulled away to catch a breath. You looked into Steve's eyes, he smiled and hugged you close to his chest, gently stroking your head.
In that moment, you knew that he was different from anyone else you had ever met. He was patient, kind, and truly cared about you. And for the first time in a long time, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, you could find love and trust again.
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jenniekrj · 3 months
Surprise {GP!Bada x Fem!Reader}
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Warnings:Oral sex,gp Bada,penis,penis,penis,penis,penis, penis,penis,penis,penis,penis, penis,penis,penis,penis,penis, penis,penis,penis,penis,penis.
A/N: Just enjoy 💗✨
The whole week you had been extremely stressed,not just from work,but from family issues,your friendships slowly falling apart and most importantly -to you- your relationship with your girlfriend,Bada.
You’d never meant for all of this to happen,but lately you’ve been very busy with work and it was all because of the new boss at the company you work at.
He was such a pain in the ass and all he did was be an asshole to everyone,especially you.You could tell he didn’t like it let alone enjoy your company around him,so that’s the reason to why he gave you such additional work every week.Ever since this new boss came around,your life started to fall apart and it was killing you.
You shoved the keys into the door and once you unlocked it you took a deep breath in and let it out.You loved Bada and would do absolutely anything for her,but with all the tension and arguments between you two,this past week had been extremely awkward.
Your bond and love wasn’t like before and although Bada always fought back hard in the nonstop arguments,you knew she still loved you deep down and would do anything for you.
You walked through the door and into your shared apartment as you stopped in your tracks just to zone out into a manspreaded Bada,her eyes fixated on the movie playing before her.The expression on her face was just full on anger,dangerous like.
Her head then turned to your small figure that was still stood on the doorway.
“Come here.” Bada said as she patted the empty space next to her.You walked almost slowly and hesitantly after you locked the door behind you.You sat down slowly beside her as she looked you up and down with light smirk painted on her face.
“Look baby,I know this whole week you’ve been extremely stressed and I know how your boss in being such a dick to you,so I want to make this night a relaxing and stress free one.” Bada said with sincerity in her eyes as her hand ran up and down you thigh,her fingers occasionally glazing over your clit.
She then moved closer to your ear and whispered, “Plus,I’ve got a situation of my own down here,so if you don’t mind I think we’ll have fun tonight.” You looked down and right there was a big bulge sticking out of her sweatpants staring right back at you.Right after her words flowed out of her mouth,her lips suddenly attached to yours,your lips moved in sync as you both were very aroused.
Her lips moved down to your neck,sucking every spot there was possible,making you moan at the sudden action.
“Bada…please.” You didn’t know exactly why those words got out,but you knew you wanted so from her. “Yes baby,want something?” Bada stopped her movements to look up at you,only to see your red and flushed face staring back down at her. “I want to…ride.” You said,you would be embarrassed if your shame and self respect wasn’t thrown out the window as soon as you both started that heated make out.Bada let out a little laugh and said, “Don’t worry my love,you’ll get to in a moment,just let me take care of you right now,you good with that?” You nodded as a response and she continued with her action.
Bada was now on her knees as she gave you a reassuring look before she took off your pants and underwear in one go.She kissed up your thighs and once she got to your pussy,a devious smirk was painted on her face.She licked up your clit before giving it a kiss and working her tongue lower.
You almost screamed as Bada’s tongue thrusted in and out of your hole at a fast speed,and the whole time she maintained eye contact with you.She sucked onto your clit and you said, “I-I’m cumming,Bada….please.” Bada mumbled into your drenched pussy, “Go ahead baby,don’t hold yourself back.” And with those words,cum rushed out of your cunt as Bada stayed sucking and working on you just to catch your high.
“Fuck,I missed how you tasted.” Bada said as she sat back next to you. “I missed how you ate me.” You said with your head still rolled back,unexpectedly making the both of you laugh.
You’ve missed this,the moments where you were focused on just loving your partner,your significant other,your one and only,the person who has always been by your side and for all of those wonderful memories you wanted to repay her,so why not ride her?
You straddled the other,making her give out a surprised yet shocked expression on her face. “You said I’d ride you,isn’t that right?” You said looking straight into her eyes as you pulled down her pants. “Who said I was stopping you? Go on.” Bada replied as she bit her lip.Her cock sprung out as soon as you removed her clothing,making you need her more.
You positioned yourself above her dick and lowered yourself onto it.You eyes rolled back at the satisfaction,finally you have her thick cock inside of you.You then began to bounce up and down on her and her hands almost immediately clung onto your hips to control your movements.
“You like that? You like how my dick destroys your tight little pussy?” Bada said,almost out of breath because of how much action there was going on.All you could do was nod and of course she took that as a yes. “I know you do,baby.” She cooed and her thrusts became sloppier by the minute.Soon after,both of you came at the same time,and you both came hard.
Your head fell onto her chest that was rising up and down.You looked up at her only for her to already be looking down at you. “Thank you Bada,I really needed this.” You said,and it was true,you needed this so bad you didn’t know if you could live without it. “No problem princess,I hope you liked the surprise.”
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circeyoru · 6 months
Gone Too Young _ Part 3 = Collab
[Human & Demon!Alastor x Male BFF!Reader] - Platonic
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 (here) — Part 4
My collaborator: @blubugg13
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To Alastor, a friend was something like a dream. A companion that everyone will have but him. But he was content with it, he only needs his mother since his father was anything less than what was expected of the role
Even in school, he didn’t seek out others to have company, he thinks he didn’t need them. He’ll study hard and be quiet with an expressionless face that hidden his unconscious longing for support other than what his mother provides
That’s why he didn’t tell anyone when there were bullies that said and done mean things to him. He didn’t want to bother the teachers, he didn’t want a repeat of what his father would do to him. If even his own father would beat and scold him, what would teachers, whom are strangers to him, do? His world was so dull when his mother was absent from his side, everything was dull that he didn’t care
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing to him!?”
It was that shout that started it all, bring colour into his dull life. His eyes peeked through his bangs with curiosity, he wondered who it was. There you were, sticking your neck into things that didn’t concern you. He knew you, the popular boy that caught everyone’s attention with your charm, something he’d never be
With just a sceond of eye contact, at least he thinks he made eye contact, you turned away. His eyes downcasted as he prepared for another insult or hit when your figure left. But they never stayed long when you returned. He was pulled up gently and pushed behind you while you told everything to the teacher you brought
Then you dragged him to the familiar nurse’s office, he could only stare as you fixed him up. He flinched from your touches and your gentleness. It was something he wasn’t used it, yet now he’s craving more. When you spoke to him, he only listened to your voice, such care in them, like his mother’s. It was only when you said his name did he nod to show you got it right
His heart raced when your group of friends came in, pulling your attention away from him. But he couldn’t reach out for you, you were like the sun and he the moon, he can only observe from afar. Still, when he got a taste of colour, he really didn’t want to let go
“This is Alastor, let’s hang out together!” You words were his light and life. Merely those words did his life changed for the better
It felt like he emerged from his shell, his mother pointing it out after a few weeks. That’s when he told his mother of you, he remembered his mother smiling fondly and patted his head. “That’s a wonderful friend you’ve made, you should treasure it, it’s a rare connection.”
And treasure it he did. Even after he was popular, he didn’t leave your side and maintained a close bond with you. To him, you were the only friend he needed but it wasn’t the case with you, so he managed. You were someone that seek affection from others, like you needed to return something that was given to you. You don’t take things for granted
As time passed, so too did he and you grew. While he found himself unable to share your likes and hobbies, he was relieved to see that this friendship and bond he shared with you did not weaken or break
“Aww, man, now we’re all drenched…” You lamented as you two got out of the river. It was a simple handwashing by the base, but you did a playful push and got Alastor into the waters. As revenge, he dragged you down into the water as well. Then it ended up as a splashing battling. “I’m gonna get yelled at for wasting water…”
“Why not come to my place? We can clean up there and get you some spare clothes.” Alastor offered. Normally, he wouldn’t let you anywhere near his home due to his father, but this time was different because his father was out of town and his mother has been wanting to meet you for sometime
“Really?! Great! Let’s go.” You brightened up like the sun with that smile of yours. Alastor returned with a smile of his own, even when you didn’t have a family of your own and you were always working, you could smile like that. “But I’m blaming you for this mess.”
“No way, you started this!”
“Who pushed who into the river?”
“Come on! I didn’t mean to, you lost balance!”
Without anything to fear, the meeting went by smoothly. His mother even commenting on how charming you were and that you should visit more often. He said he’ll only bring you over when father wasn’t home, to which his mother nodded in understanding
It’s funny. His family background was no secret in town, nor was the abuse. Yet you never pry into his life or asked anything. You waited for him and gave him support whenever needed. He truly didn’t deserve you or your friendship with him
He snapped when his father mentioned seeing you around the house. When his father knew you were an orphan, he forbid Alastor from being friends with you. Threatening to chase you away with whatever he needed to do to separate the two of you. Alastor backed out from rage, but he was positive he finally put an end to this torment, because when he came to, his father was dead and in his hand was a shotgun
As quickly as it happened, he staged everything. Pull the body into the forest, leave it for the animals to feast upon it and phone the police of his missing father that was gone too long. His mother didn’t know, not that he would tell anyone of what happened. It was all perfect
But he can’t face you after what he has done. So he locked himself in his room, he saw from his room window that you came to visit and ask for him, his mother would turn you away everytime, saying that he was sick with grief. It’s sick, but not of grief. He really wanted to continue playing with you like the old days, however, he didn’t think himself worthy after that act
When he came back, he was expecting so many questions from you. Yet none came, you merely welcomed him back and he was grateful. With your birthday near, he and his mother prepared gifts for you, he even learned from his mother how to make it. The results were more than perfect, though it was silly to see you wearing them no matter the day
“You know, we could just make you more! You don’t have to wear the same thing over and over again.” Alastor gave you a look.
You hugged yourself, turning your back to him. “Hey! I treasure these! What’s good with more?! I’ll die before I let you replace these!”
Alastor laughed, “Let’s make a promise.”
You blinked, turning back to him, “What promise? And why so sudden?”
“Just cause!” Alastor smiled, he raised his hands and undid his bowtie, offering it to you, “We’ll both get to be what we want. Me the famous and charming radio host, and you and you whatever choice of career that you still haven’t picked yet.”
You jerked, faking offense, “Hey now! That anyway to treat your best friend in the entire world?! Plus I just think I’m good with a lot of stuff, I can’t just pick one!”
Alastor shrugged, “So that a promise?”
Your eyes narrowed, glaring at the bowtie Alastor took off, “You just want me to wear something else, right?”
Alastor blinked and his smile widened, “Maybe.”
With a sigh, you gently took off your bowtie and took Alastor’s before placing yours in his hand. “You better take good care of it. I’ll definitely kill you if you dirty it.”
“So it’s a promise then!”
“Yeah yeah…”
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Note: Ta da~ This is the first part to Alastor's perspective, there's another one coming!! Let me know if you like this!
Circe Y.
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youarejustintime · 1 year
Before playing Before the Storm, I honestly didn’t think I would have so many feelings about Rachel Amber but oh boy, here we are.
I just want to start off by saying that I am a Rachel defender through and through. I will die on this hill. Call me Chloe Price because I am president of the Rachel Amber fan club. 
The belief that Rachel had no care or compassion for Chloe and was only using her is insane to me. We are talking about a 15 year old girl who feels like she has to be everything for everyone all the time while still maintaining perfect grades and a perfect reputation. She has a broken family with a father who is a master manipulator so of COURSE Rachel knows how to manipulate, it’s all she’s ever learned and she thinks that’s how you have to move through life. Chloe is the first person she’s ever met that she could maybe be real with and she doesn’t know how to handle that emotionally. She does love Chloe, she just doesn’t know how to show it very well because it’s never been demonstrated to her.
When talking about Rachel, I think we need to remember that she is a victim, right up until she was buried, and even during her burial, she was victimized. Even her body could not get the peace it deserved. 
Firstly, she was 100% a victim of her family. The mother who was sick and couldn’t recover for her until it was too late, the mother who lived a lie Rachel’s entire life and didn’t have the heart to say anything, the father who demonized a hurt woman and refused to get her help, who kept a part of his daughter away from herself, and who would rather hire a hitman to kill her real mother than actually allow them to meet. Say what you want about him doing what he believed was best, he was still wrong.
She was a victim of Frank. I have a lot of mixed feelings regarding Frank in general, however I do believe that this is another case of Rachel being victimized. I’ve seen a lot of “Why would she cheat on Chloe with Frank?” online and it’s baffling. Are we forgetting that Frank is a fully grown adult who is 13 years her senior? Regardless if they started dating after she turned 18 (which we do not know for sure is the case), he still met AND liked her when she was 15 years old (considering in BtS, if you tell Frank over the phone that you’re helping a friend, he asks if it was your friend from the other night at the mill, and agrees to help only because of her). In the diner during the storm, he does acknowledge that she was too young for him, but that he did genuinely care about her, which I don’t doubt, but the relationship is inappropriate regardless. The relationship also likely started because she was a user and running drugs for him as a means to make money to leave town with Chloe, who he believed was “trying to take her away from him,” a sentiment that is common within grooming.
She was a victim of Jefferson, having been coerced into whatever their relationship was, her feelings for him being self-described as “obsessed”. She never truly loved him, only being manipulated into it because she was young and desperately needed a father figure-esque man to make her feel worth something. All he really was was an adult who wanted to do disgusting things to a child.
And lastly, she was a victim of Nathan, who she gave years of friendship to, but he was so broken and so blinded by pleasing his so-called mentor that he allowed her to die and left her in a junkyard like she was garbage.
Rachel was a just baby who was crying for help ever since she moved to Arcadia Bay, and the only one who could hear her was Chloe. Unfortunately, despite doing everything she could, Chloe was also a child who was dealing with her own trauma. She couldn’t always be at Rachel’s side to protect her, and Rachel was scared to tell her the truth in fear of losing her. No one was able to step in to give Rachel what she needed, and she continued to escalate, lash out, and put herself in more and more danger until it led to her death.
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ushsblog · 21 days
Sofia the First Alternate Universe
Hi everyone! A few days ago I was thinking about an AU where the dynamics of Sofia and Cedric's friendship changes a bit. I have finally decided to share it, what better time than this week that celebrates their friendship.
Royal Pariahs
"Bad" Sofia and "Good" Cedric
In this alternate universe, when Sofia arrives at the palace, she starts having behavioral issues due to her inability to fit into royal life and the constant rejection from Amber and other royals. In contrast, Cedric, although still the same grumpy character with a past marked by the incident and lifelong bullying, has found a way to cope in this universe. As a result, he has given up on the idea of taking over the kingdom.
Since Cedric doesn’t attempt to steal the amulet, the events of "Once Upon a Princess" don't unfold as they should. Because no one at the party freezes, Sofia never connects with Amber, who continues to torment her, resentful that the castle staff seems to prefer Sofia.
This rejection fuels Sofia's resentment towards her new family; she refuses to call Amber "sister" and rejects referring to Roland as "dad." The only member of the royal family with whom she has a decent relationship is James, who has tried to support her in adapting to Royal Prep.
Despite everything, Sofia remains a sweet and kind person to everyone who isn’t royalty—a group she has come to despise due to the endless rules and expectations they imposed on her.
The Amulet of Avalor hasn’t been able to help her in this universe because, as a result of her bad behavior, it frequently punished her and eventually, she decided to take it off. After all, Sofia sees no problem in breaking the promise she made to King Roland, who has done little to stop Amber's teasing.
After all the teasing she has received since arriving, Sofia refuses to adhere to the protocols and rules as a form of rebellion to show her discontent. She refuses to wear her tiara or any other kind of jewelry, deliberately messes up her hair, and doesn’t care about maintaining her dress. She believes this is a way to annoy King Roland and Amber, breaking with the perfection that she believes is expected of her.
The friendship of Sofia and Cedric
Sofia is still interested in magic, which leads her to meet Cedric and become his apprentice, as in the original storyline. However, this Sofia soon realizes how King Roland and others treat Cedric. Since she is also rejected by the Royals, she identifies with him.
Cedric, on the other hand, sees part of his own story reflected in the young princess, leading him to care for her and try to advise her so she doesn’t end up like him.
Their friendship works somewhat in reverse.
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1. Sofia tries to steer Cedric toward villainy:
After a year in the palace with no improvement in her situation, Sofia is determined to ruin the King and Amber. After learning a bit about Cedric’s past through Baileywick, she comes up with the idea that they could both seek revenge.
Sofia wants revenge for how Amber and other Royals have treated her because of her commoner origins and believes Cedric should do the same for the years of mockery and humiliation he has endured.
However, Cedric isn’t interested, having left villainy behind after a failed attempt in his youth. Though Sofia constantly tempts him with childish ideas to annoy the King, Cedric realizes this wouldn’t get them anywhere, especially Sofia.
2. Cedric tries to help Sofia with her family situation:
Cedric enjoys helping Sofia annoy Amber and other princesses at Royal Prep with spells and poorly enchanted objects, thinking it helps her cope with her tough life. However, one night he overhears a conversation between Queen Miranda and Sofia he realizes that these "revenge" schemes are only hurting Sofia more than anyone else.
Cedric reflects on where this path is leading her, imagining a future where Sofia is rejected and excluded like him. Determined to prevent that outcome, Cedric starts helping Sofia adapt to palace life as best he can.
With Baileywick’s help, Cedric teaches Sofia some of the etiquette she had previously refused to learn, while Sofia helps him overcome his fear of performing spells in front of others. This process is healing for both of them; they support each other in improving their relationships with others in the palace.
Together, they face setbacks and celebrate small victories, working side by side to change their lives. Essentially, they both try to improve their lives together.
And that's basically it. I just wanted an excuse for Sofia to act a little more like a mischievous child and Cedric as a concerned adult. Although Cedric joins in on her antics sometimes.
In the same way, I have written a little fic where Cedric teaches the Sofia of this universe to dance:
That's all! Have a nice AntiC*dfia week everyone!
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
Forever Together~ Kaeya
featuring:- Kaeya tags:-fluff, a teeny bit of angst if you squint, semi-modern au(?), soulmate au where you get a golden band on your 18th birthday which changes into a silver bracelet like thingy when you properly meet your soulmate, kaeya calls you princess once a/n:- this is my entry for the summer santa event by @solarisfortuneia , thanks for letting me take part and sorry for being so late! this one is dedicated to @satoruxx i hope both you and mika like this :)
word count:- 1.3k
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You grow more excited as the clock nears midnight. “Only five more minutes, Kaeya!” You exclaim, tugging his hand and pointing at the clock. Your childhood best friend shakes his head, amused at your unusual excitement. “You’re really that excited just for your soulmate band? How funny. I mean, you’ve always been a soft romantic, so I’m not really surprised.” He chuckled, the sound filling your room. Both of you glance towards the golden band already present on Kaeya’s wrist, showing that he hadn’t met his soulmate yet. It had appeared, as it always does for everyone, on his 18th birthday. 
None of you said it, none of you knew the other was thinking the same thing. But both of you wondered, if… If you two could possibly be each other’s soulmates.
Both of you had harboured feelings for each other since you were children. It was cute at first. But then as time passed, as you two started to notice each other more, grow up side by side, saw all sides of each other, that harmless puppy love started growing into ‘small’ crushes, even as you two were content to remain best friends. Best friends who were practically attached at the hip, frequently did sleepovers and study sessions, hung out a lot, and always took advantage of the couples discount system. Deep down, both of you wondered if you could ever be more.
The chance of Kaeya being your soulmate was a one in a thousand. So, what harm did it do to imagine the what-ifs of a nearly impossible situation, you both thought, allowing your minds to wander.
The thought of being Kaeya’s soulmate excited you. But it scared Kaeya. 
It wouldn’t be easy to love you officially. It’s not because he couldn’t or didn’t want to. He had no idea what the future would bring, but for now, he really did love you, the way you did. But he was terrified what a relationship would bring, not just to you, but to any possible partner of his, which is why he wanted to avoid meeting his soulmate. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to maintain a relationship with his ways. And he was scared of his past.
Kaeya and his dad had fled from their home nation, Khaenriah, when it was on the brink of utter ruin because of the wars that had ravaged the world. Fled to Mondstadt, a stable country with abundant beauty, one that had already risen up after the war. There, his father had disappeared, leaving him with a caring adoptive family. 
It had been hard for him to adjust and adapt to this new life, especially since he had just been a mere child when all this happened. And he wouldn’t have been able to, if not for you.
You were his neighbour- still are, in fact. He remembered when he’d timidly ventured out into the gardens of his new house a few days after his life had been uprooted. You had noticed him wandering alone very quickly from your own garden, tugging at your mom’s hand to point at him. He’d been scared then, but then you ran ever to him, eyes sparkling, asking him if he was new here, and if he wanted to play with them, adding that their family were very good friends with his new family.
That was the beginning of their friendship, the one that had led them here, staring at the clock at night, waiting for it to strike twelve. And Kaeya was scared, scared because he’d heard many rumours of whatever remained of the Khaenri’ans searching. Searching for what, he didn’t know. Maybe it wasn’t even real. 
But he was still afraid of the possibilities.
And yet, a part of him wished to love you freely, without fear, be with you, be your soulmate. 
The internal conflict was tearing him apart.
The clock struck twelve, signifying the start of your birthday.
You grinned excitedly, holding up your hand, on which a golden band had materialised. But then both your eyes widened, as it turned silver, before reshaping into a swirling silver pattern, almost like a bracelet, with a half heart in the middle. 
The same happened to Kaeya’s band, the formerly gold band having changed into a silver bracelet, same as yours, with the other half of the heart.
It was confirmed- you two were soulmates.
You two stared at each other, eyes wide and confused. It was silent in the room for a while, as you two let the fact sink in.
I suppose it was to be expected, after all, you two had stuck with each other from the moment you met.
A part of you was incredibly happy, now that you didn’t have to hide your feelings any more. However, another part of you was worried for Kaeya and how he’d take this. I mean, what sort of best friends- soulmates- would you two be, if you didn’t know each others’ deepest fears? You knew what he was afraid of. And you didn’t blame him for it in any way whatsoever.
You were the first to speak up, gently taking both his hands in yours. Something you had done a thousand times before, and yet, it felt different this time. “You alright, Kaeya?”
He slowly nodded, eyes staring off. You understood his internal turmoil and the fact that he’d need time, and didn’t press him. “Do you need space?” you asked softly. “To process this? I don’t mind if you do.” Finally he looked at you. There were a multitude of emotions swirling in those beautiful periwinkle eyes of his- confusion, surprise, shock, fear, and more, as they met yours. “You won’t be upset?” He asked quietly. You shook your head almost immediately. “No, Kae, I won’t. I understand why.” You said reassuringly, squeezing his hands with yours to reaffirm your statement. 
“I’ll see you later then..?Once I’ve sorted everything out?” “Sure, take as much time as you want, don’t rush, I’m always here for you, ‘kay? Now let me drop you off home.” You smiled at him.
The next evening, Kaeya texts you to meet him in your regular meeting spot- the swings in the park next to your houses. On text, he sounded like he’d made up his mind, causing you to be a bit nervous as you headed over, albeit a bit early.
You were just swinging gently, lost in your thoughts, when Kaeya walks up to you. He seems to be holding something behind his back, as you look at him curiously. “You alright now?” You question. “Yup.” he grinned back, that easygoing, charming smile that was reserved specifically for you back on his pretty face. “Got everything figured out now, and I have something for you too.” He smiles, bringing out the gift-wrapped package he had been holding behind his back. You chuckle, relieved, as you quickly open it. You stop short when you see what it is that he has given you.
“Forgot to say this, but happy birthday, [Y/N].” He said softly, bending down a bit to take the beautiful silver necklace that had your engraved to put it around your neck. “There.” he said, leaning back to admire you. “Now it matched with our bracelets.” He added, his words meaningful.
This was his way of giving you confirmation. “Let’s give this thing a try, huh? After all, if anything ever happens, I’ll be here to protect my beloved princess, won’t I?” He smirked at his successful attempt to make you flustered as he pulled you up from the swing, holding one of your hands gently in his.
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verdantglow · 6 months
Hiiii, hellooooo, I saw your Homestuck au and I love it. Love your art !!! I wanna eat everysingle one of them they are so-
Ok so, I had a few questions if you don't mind like, how did Scar and Grian met? Like- how they become moirals? Aaaand what would be the quadrants between Mumbo, Scar and Grian
Aaah hi! & thank you so much! (I’ve never had someone say they wanted to eat my art, that’s such a high compliment, omg…)
So Scar & Griann. They met while playing the VR version of Flarp around mid adolescence!
Actually, the VR edition of Flarp is how all the various groups of characters know each other. When they were around 7-8 sweeps old, they all signed up for & played a VR Flarp called Third Life. After the campaign ended, they stayed in touch & over the years they’ve played four more campaigns over VR, occasionally adding in more players. (This is very odd for Flarpers & really just for trolls in general. Maintaining relationships outside of your quadrants once you’re an adult & off planet is exceedingly rare, but this group is now around 12-14 sweeps & just finished playing the Secret Life module together.) (…There might be something to be said about the complex shipping chart that has developed holding them together in some ways.) (But mostly they’re just all friends, for whatever shade & value of friendship is possible as an adult troll.)
Anyway! Back to Scar & Griann! Griann ‘accidentally’ (no one is sure how accurate that word is) led to Scar’s first death in the Third Life campaign. We can guess that either Griann really thought Scar wouldn’t die or he just is piss poor at thinking things through, ‘cause killing a sea dweller, even in a game, when you were not supposed to… Well let’s just say that Griann vowed his first life to Scar & Scar, whether by dint of being the friendliest sea dweller you’ve ever met or because he was genuinely placated by the vow, didn’t pursue revenge IRL as he was entitled to by troll custom.
(It’s important to remember here that 1. Griann is a mutant candy red blood & 2. everyone was around the age where blood colour starts showing in your eyes, making it harder to hide your hemostatus. Given Griann wasn’t a full adult, so there was just a tint of red to his irises, during the Third Life campaign most of them assumed Griann was a rustblood. & a such a low blood killing fucking royalty out of turn, frankly most of them were pretty damn shocked that Scar accepted the vow instead of killing Griann on the spot, at least in game. It was very much a defining moment for everyone’s thoughts of Scar.)
So Griann & Scar teamed up & feelings… happened. Most of the rest of the crew saw their relationship as a somewhat forced moiraillegence, Griann placating Scar for his own safety as well as that of others while voicing his desire to leave the partnership to almost anyone who’d listen. By the end of the campaign, the forced part fell off people’s estimations, as Grian obviously became closer & closer to Scar. But it still seemed like a pretty cut & dry moiraillegence, albeit a kinda dysfunctional one, given how much death & destruction Scar still enacted on everyone.
When they were asked about their fresh moiraillegence after the campaign, they both just kinda smiled & nodded, trying not to think about all the confusing vacillating make outs that happened on Monopoly Mountain. & they’ve been living in ??? ever since.
Now, Mummbo Jummbo. My favorite jade blood. (My only jade blood lol.) He & Griann have known each other since they were grubs & have always been pretty much inseparable, despite Mummbo not picking up VR Flarp until the group’s second campaign.
No one knows what the heck is going on between Griann & Mummbo. They are utterly, helplessly devoted to each other in a way that everyone speculates whether they flushed or maybe ashen or ??? Like. Scar & Griann, while they keep up the image of them being moirails, anyone who really knows them can see quadrant vacillation clear as day. That’s not too out of the ordinary. But Mummbo & Griann? Extremely odd by troll standards, particularly adult troll standards. They seem to swing between pity friends & hate friends, as many troll friends do; they just do it at an intensity & velocity that most trolls find baffling outside of quadrants.
(The truth is Mummbo’s quadrants are completely empty & he prefers it that way. Aroace king right here. If you ask if, he’ll just say that quadrants are too much fuss & confusion for him. Though it is worth noting that Mummbo’s main point of reference for what quadrants look like for a long time was whatever the fuck Griann & Scar have going on, which, is, uh, not particularly stable & frequently somewhat unhealthy. Love them though.)
Mummbo & Scar become good pity friends after being introduced by Griann post-Third Life campaign, though they also have their hate friend days. Heck there have even been a few times that others have suspected Mummbo was pitch flirting with Scar (like during the Secret Life campaign when Mummbo said, rather loudly, in public, something to the effect of ‘get good.’). But really it’s a case of the hate friendship aspect of their relationship flaring & Mummbo being utterly clueless to flirting of any kind, even when he seemingly is the one doing it.
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teruthecreator · 1 month
Sexuality Headcanon:
i dont really think about this too much but she has a bit of bisexual slay i think
Gender Headcanon:
cis woman for sure tho she could have a bit of agender slay if she wanted
A ship I have with said character:
now this is gonna seem like a big surprise to everyone, I Know, but i REALLY like normingus. i think about these two CONSTANTLY like something well and truly sinister has taken over my brain and reduced me down to a child slamming two barbies together like “theyre kissing theyre kissing” like its bad for me. god just like. the flavors of normingus you can have. the bitter rivals/enemies to reluctant friends to lovers pipeline is real and it lives in my heart. truly and honestly i think they are an untapped well of potential EVEN OUTSIDE OF JUST STRAIGHT UP SHIPPING THEM. i think their dynamics of being like two sides of the same coin when it comes to callum is super interesting, and theorizing on how they both could grow and change as people post ch3 is super fun to do bc like. they both have been given a second chance at life, how will they use it? also there’s the fact that mingus hires norm on and finally has a reliant employee other than tango. the kind of bond these two could forge even outside of a romantic sense is really cool and i wish more people touched on it!!!! tho of course i Do still rlly like them in a romantic context im ngl, and i Also wish people explored this dynamic more. but In General i think norm and mingus are an untapped well of potential!!!!!!!!!!! and i have literally TOO MANY fic ideas revolving them it’s actual insanity
A BROTP I have with said character:
mingus and tango have a dynamic that im EXTREMELY fond of, partially by my own doing. i think the like begrudging (on mingus’ end) friendship they have is so special. like tango is just an employee but he’s also been at mingus’ side for the longest time and is probably the one person she can trust to back her up if shit goes awry. but GOD FORBID if you ever told tango that he would start giggling and kicking his feet like fucking spongebob and you’d never hear the end of it. so mingus has to keep him at arms length even though i think she genuinely sees some parts of herself in him and wants to encourage him to thrive. in a suuuuuuper post canon world, when mingus eventually steps down as mayor, i think she fully endorses and encourages tango to run in her stead. a passing of the torch, in a way, and tango takes the endorsement VERY personally like i think he’d start bawling and hug her so tight and mingus would reluctantly return the embrace. god they’re just so silly you guys
A NOTP I have with said character:
i have yet to see a ship with mingus that has genuinely made me scratch my head so uh. nothing for here!
A random headcanon:
this is kind of random and i touch on it in tryt, but i think she collects knickknacks (specifically novelty snowglobes but also other things). i think her office in town hall is very deliberately kept very sterile and like. devoid of personal affectations because she is trying to maintain an Image there. but her house is a different fuckin story. i think callum probably started collecting novelty snowglobes and mingus just noticed how her house growing up was full of them, and eventually when her dad died and she was given the house back she just. continued callums collection. started bidding for super expensive ones on ebay and going out of her way to find antique stores with little knickknacks from her pawpaws time. i think it would be a kind of private joy for her, to have this ongoing collection of Things some of which connect her with her pawpaw, and something she would NEVER dare show another soul. that is, until she starts making friends and having people over and everyone can realize how much of an oddball she truly is <3
General Opinion over said character:
guys i really fucking like mingus. mingus is FASCINATING as a character like she takes herself so seriously and yet is So Ridiculous it’s really funny. and just her whole motivations and her perspective on life and her grandfather it all just makes me wanna tear at the walls and scream and cry. genuinely the first time i played through chapter 3, mingus’ monologue at the end brought tears to my eyes bc i resonated with her longing on such a level it like. it really put her into perspective for me. and since then i’ve just become more and more fond of her like ohhhhhhhhhhh i love her guys. i really do. mingus kingus forevar and evar
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eego0 · 1 year
My Aarmau rant as promised! (This is kind of the part 1 of a big LOOONG rant)
A huge part of why I love Aphmau and Aaron’s relationship is how hush-hush they kept it. Secretive just like Shad and Irene’s relationship. It fell perfectly under the radar but poked up more as it progressed. We the viewers see when their friendship/relationship gets more serious (though, a lot of people in the fandom choose to ignore it because they’re still holding on hope for Laurmau or Garmau).
There are details that highligh the progression of their relationship that I think are BRILLIANT, even without them explicitly saying anything! There are little things right up to the night before Aaron leaves on a suicide mission to get Garroth out of the Irene Dimension unbeknownst to Aphmau. One example of a small detail to look back on later is how their beds are pushed together when they were clearly apart an episode or 2 prior. From the dialogue, we could infer that they were already together by that point, but a staple in the minecraft community is pushing yours and your SO’s beds together! Cute! They’d begun truly building a life together.
There’s something so beautiful about how we don’t see every romantic action in their relationship because their relationship is more focused on learning about themselves and growing as people together. They were both placed in some TERRIBLE situations but found comfort in each other so they could remain proficient in building their new island of peace rather than bottling everything up until they exploded on their unsuspecting friends. Unlike Aphmau’s relationship with Laurance and Garroth where it’s very upfront in the episodes (ex: she’s forced to pick between the two of them while still figuring out who she is), Aphmau and Aaron prioritized the settings/people around them but still maintain a healthy relationship where they talk about everything and love each other regardless of what they say in their deep conversations. Their love isn’t about showing each other off to the rest of the world and claiming eachother! Aaron never fights with Laurance and Garroth to prove how he loves Aphmau, he just DOES.
They also have a playful, friendly front to their relationship which kept people wondering about them for so long. Yes, Laurance and Aphmau also had this friendly aspect to their relationship but a lot of it (from my best recollection) was Laurance’s failed attempts at picking up Aphmau </3 Aphmau teases Aaron about his quiet/mysterious nature and he teases her right back because of her overly friendly/to stubborn to let people help her attitude. This shows as Aaron starts joining the group on long journeys (ex: The journey to find Lucinda; they were at Isabella’s campsite and Aaron let Aphmau know that there were some strange figures lurking about in the camp. She retorted playfully that they’d probably say the same thing about him and he flusteredly shuffled away)(Another example I love is one the Alliance Island when Laurance, Aaron, and Aphmau are exploring, Laurance falls down the hole to the wyvern cave, and Aphmau and Aaron are deciding how they’re going to get down to him. Aaron offers to jump down first and catch her but stops himself, saying “Though knowing you—“ referring to how she’d rather get down by herself and show everyone that she’s capable of doing anything everyone else can do).
Laurance and Garroth’s relationship with Aphmau was highly based on them protecting her, which is only natural because they were her faithful guards. It was attractive but on that same hand, they couldn’t relate to Aphmau’s issues on the personal level that Aaron could, given that he was a lord himself, and one who faced incredible emotional turmoil no less.
Their plot obviously thickens once Lilith is added into the mix because now Aaron has promised to take care of her and Aphmau. They named Lilith Garnet after people they cared for and lost while still making her her own person. If they weren’t close before, they were DEFINITELY closer when they began co-parenting. They just wanted to give their daughter the best life, building an empire around her, going on family picnics, etc.
There are so many other reasons I love Aarmau and I LOVE rewatching MCD and catching the little pieces of dialogue that help set up for the big reveal. It’s so upsetting how they never got their happy ending in any universe (except maybe Mermaid Tales)
Thank u for reading <33
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Best Underrated Anime Group F Round 4: A Place Further than the Universe vs Megalo Box
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#F1: A Place Further than the Universe (Sora yori mo Tooi Basho)
High school girls go to Antarctica
#F4: Megalo Box
Young boxer in futuristic Japan fights in tournament
Details and poll under the cut!
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#F1: A Place Further than the Universe (Sora yori mo Tooi Basho)
Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder for the world around her, Mari Tamaki has always dreamt of what lies beyond the reaches of the universe. However, despite harboring such large aspirations on the inside, her fear of the unknown and anxiety over her own possible limitations have always held her back from chasing them. But now, in her second year of high school, Mari is more determined than ever to not let any more of her youth go to waste. Still, her fear continues to prevent her from taking that ambitious step forward—that is, until she has a chance encounter with a girl who has grand dreams of her own.
Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. Inspired by Shirase's resolve, Mari jumps at the chance to join her. Soon, their efforts attract the attention of the bubbly Hinata Miyake, who is eager to stand out, and Yuzuki Shiraishi, a polite girl from a high class background. Together, they set sail toward the frozen south.
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho follows the captivating journey of four spirited girls, all in search of something great.
Propaganda 1:
This show literally changed my life I’m not even kidding. It’s messages about living your life to the fullest and finding, creating, and maintaining important friendships in your life literally got me to pick myself up and actually start living my life. All of its main characters are all incredibly memorable, and they all bounce off of each other very well. It’s fun and cute as hell, but also a really powerful story about dealing with grief and moving on. The final three episodes of the show are an emotional gut-punch, but they leave you with a sense of bittersweet fulfillment and a drive to get out in the world and have your own adventure.
Propaganda 2:
Let’s start with the fact that this is Madhouse doing a (relatively) grounded coming of age story about high school girls - the show looks gorgeous, of course. The music’s solid as well. (I still regularly listen to the ending.) But what really shines is the writing and characterization.
The pacing on this is perfect. For a show that spends half its runtime getting to Antarctica, you never feel like the time should be allotted differently or that you’re missing out on hijinks. Episode 12 is a particular standout, with tension building up until it explodes, and then goes still for the true emotional climax of the show. The four main girls all feel like believable teens, and seeing their relationship develop over the course of the series and watching them come into their own is well-done. The way it handles Shirase and her emotions, and how this complicates her relationships with them all is a particular standout. This may not be eligible in that it’s one of those anime people who watch A LOT of anime will recommend highly—it was on Crunchyroll and IGN’s best anime of the 2010s lists and on several “best of” lists for 2018. But it never quite took off the way it truly deserves, so I’m submitting it. It’s getting an English dub soon, though, and I really hope that gives it a resurgence of popularity. The girls are alright.
(Admin: Propaganda has been edited slightly to remove spoilers)
Trigger Warnings: Death via freezing
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#F4: Megalo Box
Follows the story of a young man that only goes by his ring name “Junk Dog”, set in the late 21st century. People live in a large metropolis, those without citizenship forced in slums called the Restricted Area. Junk Dog fights in fixed matches in the Restricted Area in a sport called Megalo Box, which is boxing augmented by metal exoskeletons.
One day, Junk Dog almost crashes into the CEO of the Shirato Company on his motorcycle, and he tries to pick a fight with her guard, Yuri. Yuri ends up fighting Junk Dog in a match, beating him and challenging him to fight him in a tournament called Megalonia. Forging an ID and taking the name Joe with help from his coach, the young fighter only has 3 months to win enough matches to rank high enough to get into the tournament and face Yuri. Not just for his pride, but also because of threats from the mafia, who wants money from Joe and his coach that they don’t have.
Megalo Box is a series that got some recognition during the Crunchyroll Awards. It even aired on Adult swim’s late night anime block, even gaining a second season. But it seems like after the initial season, all interest of the show evaporated. It’s rarely talked about in fandom spaces or in anime video essays.
Which is a shame! It's a solid watch. The music is stellar. The characters are enjoyable, even if the plot of the main character Joe being a massive underdog that claws his way through a boxing tournament is a little predictable. But to be fair, this show was created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the boxing manga Ashita no Joe.
Still, the anime keeps things fresh. It has added political commentary about class and race dynamics. Joe is brown-skinned, looks mixed, and is an undocumented citizen in the city he lives in. He has to fight in illegal fixed Megalo Box matches in the slums in order to make ends meet. Even that provides little protection, as he and his coach Ganbu get threatened by the mob for more money that they can’t produce. It also touches upon how children are abandoned and abused by the system with Sachio.
Joe is the ultimate underdog story. He ends up going by “Gearless Joe” because he fights his matches without wearing any Gear—aka the metal exoskeletons use in Megalo Box. He’s essentially boxing old-school style against others an unfair advantage with tools that augment their punches and movements. Joe did this in the first place because he was too poor to buy a new Gear, his old one falling apart, so he felt he was better off training and using his natural body in matches.
The second season also explores Joe's struggles with depression and drug addiction as he trains another Megalo Boxer, which is interesting and adds another layer to him.
Plus, the show also has racial diversity in the side characters. The English dub cast voice actors of the same ethnicities for Pepe, Chief, and Maria. Also, Kaiji Tang voices Joe, the lead.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore.
The anime is about boxing, so characters get beaten up quite a bit (even in fantastical ways). However, there’s also some other violence threats (like Joe’s coach Nanbu getting his eye cut and threatened to earn money by the mafia). Also, a kid named Sachio joins the group to help Joe and gets beaten by thugs and threatened a few times through the series.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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minawritesfanfic · 1 year
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Backyard Boy Part 1
Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Word Count: 4,196
Summary: Moving to the most boring town in one of the smallest states was supposed to be uneventful, but after meeting the boy in the house behind yours you come to realize maybe Plainview isn’t so bad.
Part 1
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
I let out a soft yawn as I flipped to the next page of my book. Reading was one of my only solace in the unfortunate, and very unfair, situation I found myself in. I'd been forced by my parents to go outside to get some fresh air and sunlight! Which was hard given the fact it was a cloudy and dry Tuesday afternoon. I could sort of see where they were coming from, it's true since school ended three and half weeks ago I hadn’t left the house. Like at all, this was my first time even being in the backyard since we moved in. So obviously my parents were starting to get worried, but I don’t know what they truly expected from me when they moved the entire family to another state a little over a week before summer vacation. Everyone at school already had their long-since-established cliques, not to mention most were too preoccupied with the finals they had to take. So consequently when a student transfers in at the last minute nobody really cares, not to mention those who were envious of my being able to skip out on finals. Though I still had to take them the week prior at my old school and was forced to sit in classes during a test I’d taken ages ago. Regardless, that situation wasn’t a breeding ground for blossoming friendships.
I closed my book with an annoyed huff, just thinking about it again was working my nerves. I was hurt and annoyed with my parents for uprooting my entire life with little to no warning, they did apologize for it though. They let me go all out in decorating my room and revamping my wardrobe, which made the move a bit easier. I just wish they didn’t expect me to do something other than be a shut in? I had no friends and I was stuck in a new town and state with a killer wardrobe. It killed me inside having nowhere to wear all the cute new clothes I had, I started wearing them to do the most absurd things. Laundry, the dishes, feeding our pets, and reading outside on the hammock.
I continued to ramble on in my head fuming but also gushing over how much I loved my new clothes. I was abruptly shaking from my thoughts when I was lightly drenched in a wave of water, it felt like some sick sign from the universe for me to calm down.
Screw the universe’s sign, I was pissed off. Not only was I now wet, but the water may have damaged my book and ipod. I quickly assessed the damage to both and I was relieved to see they were both mostly unharmed. I climbed out of the hammock and slid my headphones down to hang around my neck. I kind of just stood there in the backyard trying to figure out where the water came from, maybe we had sprinklers installed and I just hadn’t realized? I was given a hint when another wave came over the fence and this time drenched my hair, I could feel my blood pressure rising as water trickled down my forehead all over my face. I spit the water away that pooled over my lips and wiped my now damp face, and stomped my way over to the fence. I couldn’t see over nor through it but I could hear someone on the other side, thankfully there was a cute wooden bench on this side of the fence. I climbed on top of it, a bit skeptical about whether or not it would be able to support my weight. I know that it was something that the previous owners had put in and they owned this house for nearly three decades. Who knows how old this thing is and when the last time it was maintained?
I stood at the fence peering over the edge, I found the water assaultant on the other side. It was a greasy-looking boy who looked about my age, as he was turned around I couldn’t see what else he looked like nor what he was doing. Just his dishevelled black hair and black shirt. After a moment he turned around and appeared to be jamming out as he used his hose as an instrument, his eyes were shut tightly as he made little noises as he put on a performance. It was evident from his actions and appearance that he was some sort of alternative or emo kid, from the skrunkly bangs and darkly coloured outfit. The headbanding and mini concert he was doing only confirmed that assumption for me.
Though the fact he was using the hose as an instrument explained why I kept getting sprayed with water though, I just leaned against the fence watching him with an amused grin. I was honestly in awe of how he could be so far in his own world and not notice my presence. I laughed out loud as his performance came to an end and started to clap, when he let out a startled yelp jumping back and swinging the hose wildly, leading to him spraying me and himself.
“Wonderful performance but twenty points off for the water show, I didn’t know I bought tickets to an aquarium.” I joked as he looked up at me with wide eyes and a flustered face.
“Oh shit! I’m sorry, I didn't know anybody lived there anymore.” He said quickly
apologizing before picking up the hose he dropped.
“Really? I find that hard to believe, we moved in like a month ago. How did you not notice someone moving into the house behind you?”
“I have much better things to do than worry about who’s coming or going in the neighborhood.” He said walking back towards his house to turn off the hose and put it away.
“Oh really, like what? I can hardly believe there’s anything cool to do in this boring little town.”
“Yeah really, and there’s plenty of things to do here you just don’t know where to look. Lucky for you I know all the great spots in town like the skate park, this really good ice cream parlor, smoke spots if you're into that, plus there’s even a cool band that performs in town.” He said with a smug smirk as he ran a hand through his hair, it gave me a clearer view of his face which if I was being honest wasn’t half bad.
“Okay maybe there is something to do here, you definitely have to show me to that skate park though. But there’s no way in hell any cool band is playing in this tiny ass town.”
“Ouch! You don’t think my band’s cool? Great things come from humble beginnings, you’ll change your mind once you actually hear us play.” He feigned hurt, though his confident and boastful demeanor softened a bit.
“I guess we will have to see, what’s the name of this ‘cool’ your band anyways?”
“Löded Diper and I’m Rodrick the founder, drummer, and occasionally lead vocalist.” He said, flashing me a toothy smile.
I introduced myself in return, “Nice to meet you, Rodrick. Though I wish it was under more dry circumstances.” I said with a dry laugh as I shook out the moisture from my hair.
“Yeahhh, again I’m sorry about that. I could take you to the skate park and get you a spot at our next gig if it’ll make up for it.” He said looking away with a reddening face.
“Sure, but only if we get ice cream too, then I’ll forgive you.”
“Oh, wow okay! Well uhm, our gig is this Friday, so we’d have to do the skatepark and ice cream after that. Let me go get you a ticket and flyer, I’ll be right back!” He said and quickly sprinted back into the house.
I laughed at his eagerness and jumped off the bench, and walked back over to the hammock. I’d left my book to dry out in the dried sun and seemed to be fine, I also made sure to check my ipod again which was also fine. So beyond the discomfort of damp clothes sticking to my skin and the water trickling down from my hair, everything was fine. I heard Rodrick come back, his breathing was heavy and he wasn’t exactly a quiet runner. I climbed back up the bench and leaned over the fence again.
“Here's your ticket and this is the flyer that has the address and time. I also wrote my uhh numbers on the back for whenever you wanted to skate.” He said as he passed them over to me, I skimmed its content before nodding.
“Okay cool, I guess I’ll see you sometime Friday. I’m gonna go inside and dry off now, so later skater.” I just smiled awkwardly as the air between us had kind of grown stiff, I waved with the flyer in hand and retreated into my house.
★ ✮ ★
Before I knew it Friday evening had crept up on me suddenly. For my parents Friday couldn’t have come fast enough, they were ecstatic to hear that I was going out to do something in town unprompted. You’d think I’d won the lottery with how they were acting, which I wanted to take offense from. But it really was quite the event for me to leave, I’d originally been the type of person to rarely be at home. My parents usually had to chase me down just to be sure I’d be home for dinner.
I was also honestly excited to get out the house again, this wasn’t like where we used to live and there was a major city just a thirty minute commute away anymore. So being invited out to do something was a welcomed change, I definitely didn’t like shutting myself inside all month.
As my mom drove me to the venue I pulled down the vanity mirror and double checked my appearance. This will be my first time out in a while, and I’d hate to not look good doing it. I put on my favourite shirt and bottom duo, despite the different styles they fit together seamlessly and I couldn’t just not wear them. After I was happy with my looks I flipped the mirror up and continued to stare out the window. Fiddling idly with my seatbelt as I always did, buildings and houses flying past as my mom practically sped through the town.
“Are you excited sweetpea?” My mom asked, glancing over at me.
“Yeah, I missed going out like this. I can’t wait to be out there enjoying the town again, although I don’t know how I feel about being crammed inside a venue with a bunch of strangers by myself. It’s a lot easier to get lost in a place like this.”
“Aw well do you want me to come with you? I’m quite interested in this summer festival too, which means that I can finally get my groove on.” She said with a laugh dancing a little in her seat.
I laughed but cringed slightly when she did the Dougie, “Not if you dance like that! I can already feel myself dying of embarrassment...”
“Oh hush, back when I was your age I was a dancing machine. You kids nowadays are too sensitive and hate having fun, such a shame.” My mother teased with a sigh as she pulled into a parking spot.
“I’m sure you were Mom, but I think I’ve got this on my own. Wish me luck?” I said as I got out of the car with my bag.
“Okay sweetpea good luck, just call if you need me. I’ll be right down the street, okay?” I just nodded and waved as she pulled off.
And there I was alone in the parking lot, as I made my way to the venue's gates I could hear music already. Rodrick’s band wasn’t supposed to play until late into the event, so I decided to show up a bit later. The festival was in full swing, despite the size of the town it seemed like there were thousands of people here.
As I passed through security I just stared in awe at the liveliness of the event. The air smelt delicious from all the food stalls, and people were dancing, sitting, and running around. I squeezed through the sea of people and found a cozy spot on the grass off to the side, its view of the stage wasn’t the best it would work for now.
I was starting to regret not having my mom come with me. Sitting alone in the grass surrounded by families and large groups of friends laughing made me feel out of place. I don’t even know why I came to this in the first place, it's not like Rodrick would even know if I came or not. Not to mention based on the lineup for the festival none of these bands played music I was really a fan of, so even if it wasn’t bad it’s likely not going to be something I’ll enjoy.I could feel even more negative emotions bubbling inside of me, I took a deep breath and stood. Then I made my way towards the food stalls in the hopes that a nice snack would calm my nerves.
There were a plethora of things to choose from, but once I saw the funnel cake stand I knew exactly what I wanted and made a beeline for it. I hopped into the short line and waited my turn, I practically drooled at the smell and felt all the negative emotions and thoughts drifting away. Which once again confirmed that food makes basically everything better or at least more tolerable.
“Oh my gosh, I love love love your shirt. Can I have it?” A stranger said placing a hand on my shoulder and pointing to my shirt, I was caught off guard by this then again when a hand pulled them away by the face.
“Reese that’s borderline assault stop it, sorry what they meant to say was where can they get one? That is a really cute shirt though, might I add” A boy said, stepping in front of ‘Reese’ with a smile.
“Thank you, I got it from a concert I went to. It was a small one though but I think their name was ‘The taxpayers’?”
“Oh, sick! I love that band, I listen to them all the time. That’s it we’re officially best friends now, I’m Reese!” Reese’s eyes lit up as they clasped my hands in theirs, shaking our hands violently up and down that I couldn’t help but laugh.
I introduced myself in return with a smile, “You’re quite the character aren’t you Reese? I love to be best friends with you.” Albeit the fact I was a bit thrown off by the abrupt friendliness, but I welcome having the idea of having a friend considering I had none here.
“That’s such a lovely name, I’m Alejandro by the way. If you’re up for it you should totally come and sit with us. I'm sure our other friends would love to meet you.” Alejandro said with a smile and Reese just nodded practically jumping up and down.
“Oh yeah sure! I’d actually really like that since I’m kinda here all on my own,” I said shyly as I quickly ordered my funnel cake, then stepped off to the side to wait for it to be done.
“Yes, yes, yes!!! This is gonna be so awesome, but is this your first time at the festival? I haven't seen you around town before?”
“A friend of mine is supposed to be playing here tonight, but it is my first time. I moved here pretty recently.”
“That makes sense, where did you move here from?” Alejandro asked as he joined us on the other side of the stall.
“New York, not from the city though but I did live pretty close.”
“Oh wow, that’s so cool. I’ve always wanted to go to New York City, there are so many places to visit and shops to see.”
“Yeah, it's a beautiful place but the rats there are as crazy as you think. I saw one this one time that was almost as big as my head!” I said as I moved my hands to my face to demonstrate how large the rat was, but then quickly turned around to grab my funnel cake as the man called my name.
“Gross, I can’t stand rats and shit. I think I’d absolutely die if I saw one of those. Anyways, is there anything you need to grab before we head over to our group?” I laughed and nodded as I ate a piece of my funnel cake.
“Uh yeah, I left my blanket over there.” I pointed to the left where I spied the floral blanket I’d brought with me.
“Perfect, our group is kind of over that way too, come on.” Reese grabbed my hand again and dragged me with them.
I quickly picked up my blanket and tossed it over my shoulder as I stumbled along with Reese and Alejandro. Eventually, we stopped at a collection of blankets near the front of the stage, there sat two girls and a boy. I made eye contact with the boy, he was pale and wore a navy blue sweater and light blue jeans, he smiled at us and waved. This led to the two girls turning around to look at us, one was a dark-skinned girl with long brown braids wearing a white crop top and long pink skirt. The other girl who was larger had pale skin and bright pink hair, wore a plaid yellow romper with a white undershirt.
“Well, who’s this cutie pie?” The girl in pink said, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“My new best friend! Meet the gang!” Reese introduced me to everyone as we sat down on the blankets with them.
I learned that the girl in pink was Renatta, the pink-haired girl was Cecily, and the boy was Nolan. It was quickly evident how vastly different they all were, it was honestly the most unlikely group of friends. Renatta was definitely someone you’d see walking along with the popular girls at school, Cecily was an artsy bookworm, Nolan was harder to read but it was clear he ran in similar cliques that Renatta did, Reese was the big goofball of the group and artsy like Cecily, and Alejandro was on the quieter side but he definitely the fashionista amongst the group.
“Anyways, you said you had a friend playing in the show. Who’s your friend, I’m absolutely dying to know?” Renatta said turning to me as she waved off whatever Nolan was going off about.
“Oh yeah, his name is Rodrick and he’s here with his band. They should be playing soon.” Alejandro spit out their drink into the grass beside them and Cecily laughed.
“I can’t believe they let him perform after the last time,” Renatta said, shaking her head as she tutted, the whole group seemed to have similar reactions.
“What happened the last time..?”
“Oh, right you’re new here. He performed at this one girl Heather’s sweet sixteen a while ago and knocked a bunch of shit, and caused her to trip into the chocolate fountain. Renatta was there and said it was awful!” I cringed at the thought as Cecily explained.
“Yeah, Heather’s practically had it out for him since. Though don’t tell her I said this I think she deserved it, she’s way too self-centered for her own good.” Renatta interjected, rolling her eyes.
“Jeez, well let’s hope nobody gets turned into dippable food this time,” I said with a laugh.
As if on cue, I saw Rodrick and his band walk up on stage. I waved at him though I doubt he saw me as he introduced his band, once he was done they quickly went to play. It was interesting hearing them play the punk rock version of a pop song but it honestly wasn’t bad. Rodrick moved wildly as he played and it was clear he was in his element and having the time of his life. His band only played three songs and were off the stage relatively fast but they played well regardless. Plus no one was turned into a chocolate treat this time around.
★ ✮ ★
I waved goodbye to the new friends I made as they all headed home, as I looked down at their freshly saved contacts in my phone I received a text from my mom. She was going to be a bit late as she’d gone a bit further than just down the street to run some errands. I just responded with a simple okay and leaned against one of the brick pillars outside the venue. I couldn’t help but yawn, I’d had a blast dancing with Reese and them. It was fun but exhausting, not to mention it was already nearing ten pm. The sun had long since set and the only light coming through the cloud sky was from the street lamps. Thankfully there were still people slowly trickling out of the venue, so I didn’t feel too bad about being alone in the dark of an unfamiliar place.
“Heya neighbor, how’d you like the show?” A familiar voice called from my left, I turned and found Rodrick walking towards me.
“It was pretty good, I saw you guys play and I’ll admit you were right. Your band is kinda cool, never thought I’d hear a pop cover of Gwen Stefani’s Sweet Escape,” I laughed as I stood straight and walked over to him.
“I can’t see how you could ever doubt me,” he shook his head with a prideful smirk.
“Well, when you crash a sweet sixteen party it's a bit hard to put my complete faith in you.” His face flushed red and he groaned as he brought his hands up to cover his face.
“You heard about that already?! Ugh I’m never going to live that down…” He groaned into his hands as he dragged them down his face, I just laughed and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah I did in immense detail, I heard your rendition of Justin Beirber’s Baby was the performance of the century!”
“Please don’t remind me, I just barely got people to stop talking about it at school. I don’t think I could handle any more reminders of that embarrassing night.” He shuddered as he exaggeratedly shivered at the thought.
“Okay okay, I’m sorry. But still you did really well out there, plus I could tell from down here how much of a good time you were having.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.” He quickly cleared his throat, “Anyways are you free tomorrow? I still owe you that visit to the skatepark and ice cream.”
“Yeah I am, I almost forgot about that. Which reminds me too, I forgot to ask, do you skate Rodrick?”
He shook his head, “No not really. I only go there because I have a friend who does, he’s actually in the band too.”
“Aw that’s a shame but fair enough. This is my first time meeting a drummer that’s not a skater though, usually, it’s the other way around or some other instrument.”
“That’s odd, I just never really found the time to skate. I’m usually practicing with my band or dealing with my brother, so not a whole lot of free time.”
“Well if you’re up for it you can borrow an old board of mine and try skating with me, heads up though I suck at teaching.” We both laughed
“Maybe I’ll try it out.”
“Yeah, come on, don't maybe me. It’s tons of fun, plus I need a skate buddy.” I said as I spied my mom pulling into the parking lot.
“Fine, but only if you help me learn to ride before going to the park. I can’t fall in my ass around a bunch of my friends, I think I’d quite literally die.”
“Oh come on you’ll be fine, but still we can do that. My place at noon tomorrow then? We could practice first, go get ice cream, and then head down to the park. How’s that sound?”
“Ugh that’s so early but fine that works I guess.”
“Okay great, I’ll see you tomorrow then Rodrick. Bye!” I said giving him a quick hug before jogging off towards my mom's car, but quickly stopped and turned to him. “Oh yeah, do you need a ride home?”
“No, I drove here with my bandmates. Thanks though.” He said with a wave as he walked off toward the far end of the parking lot.
I just continued to my mom's car as she gave me a curious look. She didn’t say anything during the car ride home but I knew she'd have a million questions for me once we got home. And despite the fluttery feeling in my chest, I was dreading answering the bajillion questions she likely had.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
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gburph · 11 months
Lokius writing prompts
Usually I only reblog stuff, but I'm so starved for Lokius content that I've decided to create some Lokius writing prompts. Second part is here and third part here. If anyone uses them, please let me know. I want to read it.
1 - At the end of Thor Ragnarok there is no Thanos. The Asgardians arrive safely in Midgard and, with the help of the Norse government, establish their colony, New Asgard. The American government demands the surrender of Loki. They want to punish him for the attack on New York in 2012. Everyone is convinced of Loki's guilt, from Thor to Loki's lawyer. Only Thor and Jane Foster's testimony about Loki's help before the battle in Greenwich with the Dark Elves improves Loki's situation a little. With this, there is a hope of saving Loki from the death penalty but this is still not certain. Suddenly Thor is contacted by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. - Mobius M. Mobius, who has been fascinated by the events of 2012 for years and is convinced of Loki's innocence and claims he can prove it. The most difficult task the agent faces, however, is convincing Loki to testify in his own defence.
2 - After the end of season 2, Loki and Mobius continue to work together at the TVA. They pursue dangerous variants that threaten the Multiverse. During one mission, they pursue a dangerous variant that murders all other variants of themselves. In the course of the battle, Mobius is injured. Loki saves his life. After these events, Loki realises that his feelings towards Mobius are more than friendship. However, he is convinced that Mobius only has platonic feelings towards him and there is no chance of them ever being together. What if he is wrong?
3 - Don works in a shop that sells jet skis. He went through a difficult divorce a few years ago. He tries to maintain a positive relationship with his ex wife but it is not always easy. Don's children consider him a loser and constantly compare him to their stepfather, who is a serious businessman. Despite the harder times, Don tries to think positively and not give up in life. He loves his job, jet skis and sweets. For some time now, a mysterious customer has been coming into the shop on a regular basis. He looks well off but never buys anything. He loves spending time with Don and talking about everything and nothing. As time goes by, Don starts to notice behaviour in this customer that makes him think that maybe the customer is romantically interested in him. Eventually, after comments from colleagues, Don begins to consider giving the customer a chance. He lets him know that if he wants to date then all he has to do is ask. The client seems surprised at first by this turn of events, but asks Don out. (It is up to the author to choose whether it is AU or canon compliant. If AU then Mobius is called Mobius, not Don. If canon complaint, Mobius' memory returns. Customer is of course Loki)
4 - After the destruction of the TVA, Loki wakes up right where he started - in New York in 2012, right after the beating he took from the Hulk. This time there is no Endgame Tony falling over with the Tesseract. How will this Loki deal with the following events? Will he find Mobius in this timeline? Will Mobius remember him? Will he go to the prison on Asgard or stay on Midgard? Will he tell everyone about Thanos, the Other and the mind control they put him under? Is anyone going to believe him? What Thor will think looking at this new Loki who is gentler, more mature and confident in his powers?
Bonus points if in post season 2 canon complaint stories every member of TVA hates spaghetti with burning passion.
More bonus points for Loki's interactions with various members of the Avengers.
Even more bonus points for Lokius slow burn.
Tell me what you think of my ideas!
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