theyapper0 · 4 months
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THE VEES!!!!!!
Here's my designs for them :) i think theyre pretty fun and have the potential to be some wacky, yet pretty threatening villains
Velvette is my fav out of the 3 of them <3 i hope we see her more in the next season ^^
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weedle-testaburger · 7 months
i feel like whenever a story gets way too convoluted/edgy/otherwise determined to make itself shit to watch i think i have the right to invoke jenny nicholson's line about 'this is fiction, the writers could have simply written anything else'
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sweetlyfez · 2 years
Every additional chapter is like, someone should've arranged ahab a fat pension and a psychiatrist and never let him go to sea again.
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venomgender · 2 months
really cool how the people behind bionic reading marketed it as (from what i can tell) a free tool to help make reading with adhd easier and then as soon as it got really popular put it behind a paywall. reading the reviews for the android app it doesnt even fucking work even after you pay for it either. really cool man yeah lets have this thing be shown over and over again as a revolutionary disability aid and then force people to pay for it
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miraiq · 5 months
me, a fucking idiot: god why are the letters so blurry and a bit hard to read?
me, once again, without my glasses for an hour:
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....................................................................................... you can't be serious
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quaranmine · 2 years
i have gotten so caught up in details in firewatch au that i forgot that i'm gonna have to basically conduct a short impromptu geography lesson in the beginning notes since a lot of my readers probably wont even know where wyoming is, let alone that the setting of shoshone natl forest is contiguous with yellowstone natl park lol
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long story short on the rpf thing years ago i was good friends with someone and a person took note of that and started IRL SHIPPING me and this person and then wrote romantic fanfiction about me and that person dating and sent it to me and it was surprisingly well written😅👍
woag ok 👍 thank you 🚿🚿
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
Happy B-day!! 20-21/10
Main: Ayanokouji, Vito + OP anniv.
Ayanokouji, from Youjitsu
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Others: Tyranosaurus (OP). Also, OP's anniversary (🎉🎉🎉) + my driving test anniv. too :)
Vito, from OP
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+ Also, my Christening was today too lol.
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mayonneise · 2 months
oh i remebered what Gabriel's deal is. they can talk to the ferrymen (weird guide characters in my oc verse who you know. ferry people around in the ghost world)
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filiasaquilae · 1 year
i think i like thinking of my girls like an orca pod, mainly to be made up of females anyway and often having aunts/sisters in one big group
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yourdearestenemyluke · 5 months
We need to talk about lucerys paying attention to aemond anytime he knows he won't get caught and the implications of that 🤌 like even at the pig scene he's already looking at aemond only stops chewing because of the dish
Like is this not deliberate? He's glancing at everyone but intently looks at aemond at the prayer scenes. Glancing at everyone seems to imply he's checking if everyone is doing it but then he stares right at aemond. This to me means interest, lucerys is less threatened by aemond and more fascinated by him only then he can have the courage to laugh
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Then there's this,again the camera brings attention to them when talking about distant relations & while aemond for the first time refuses to look at lucerys, so as to not thinking about the lost relation or thoughts of reconciliation, there's obvious regret & longing on lukes face
Luke is first looking at aemond then he lowers his gaze when he's caught, but aemond instead of preening at the scared reaction from luke like he did during the petition scene, simply averts his gaze and looks sad.
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This brings me to the pig dish scene, again lucerys was already looking at aemond as he went about eating. Which is all so fascinating because while he's scared of aemond and avert his gaze, but he openly stare at him when he knows aemond won't be looking back
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While aemonds attention is vengeful interest, lucerys's seems more fascinated and longing, and now that we have script lines for the slashing scene we know he felt the horror of what he's done.
He seems to be less scared of what aemond could do to him and more what he's done to aemond.
and idk maybe wishes to reconcile, apologise, which looking at pig scene seems contradictory but again he's a teenager, who doesn't realise that prank might be hurtful or the exent of anger and obsession aemond harbours for him.
Also knowing aemonds interests beside vengeful were not hatred completely and not murderous, I want to explore his side too
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dryndelicate · 4 months
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"I'm ready to conquer the world. Maybe not to the exent that Genghis Khan did, but don't discount a strong willed Mongolian woman."
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hopefulromances · 1 year
can you do “I would die for you. I would kill for you. I would live for you.” with your and f reader please?
Hmmm I hope you don't mind If I play with the quote a little.
I believe you're asking for a Jamie insert? Lmk if this is something different.
Jamie was... dramatic. No dramatic comes off wrong. Jamie feels very deep and very hard. In some cases it made you very happy, like when he praised you with showers of words of affirmation. In others, it made you seriously concerned.
Like when he came rushing home to tell you that people on the internet were bullying him over his hair.
"I like the headband, makes me look cool."
He would need exentive reassurance and cuddles including you running your hands through his hair to make him calm down. Or other times when he got all proud and cocky after a partiuclarlly good game. Though that usually ended up being for the betterment of your sex life.
But what really concerned you was when he wasn't dramatic. When he didn't tell you all the things that were bothering him or the millions of amazing tricks he did at practice. When he came home and went right to bed with out dinner or a shower. That's what really bothered you.
Like tonight. He'd been cooped up in the you bed since he came home early muttering something about practice being cancelled and someone named 'Led Tasso' but you honestly had no idea.
You cracked open the door, peeking inside the room. "Jamie?" He moaned from his spot on the bed. "Jamie, babe, you have to tell me whats going on."
You came over and sat next to him, patting your lap. He rolled out from under the covers and crawled so his head was in your lap.
"Jus', coach was actin' all weird today," he told you, playing with his hoodie strings. "Was mean and such. Like Jekyll and Hyde." He said it with such fear in his voice that you almost laughed but you managed to contain yourself.
You cocked your head trying to imagine Ted Lasso being mean but it couldn't come to mind. You'd have to ask Beard about it later. For now, you pulled his hairband out his hair and mushed it up, letting it relax.
"How did the other boys react," you mused, moving some of the hair off of his face.
"Well, they at least thanked me for standing up for them." He nodded, looking up at you. "Except for Sam... I think I really fucked myself with Sam."
You knew how guilty he felt about Sam. His deep admiration of the footballer came out in anger and jeers when they played together last. Sam had every right to hate Jamie, and to not trust him, but it killed Jamie not to be able to remedy the situation.
"I know... I know..." You struggled to find the write words to console him with. "But whether or not, Led Tasso, or whoever the fuck, accepts you, know that you have changed. And for the better. And I am so proud of you."
He smiled and moved his hand to cup your face. "I would die for you, ya know..." He brought you closer to his face. "Or kills for you, or whatever you wanted me to do."
"Jamie, I would live for you," you replied simply. "And that's all I want from you. Just live your life. Make your mistakes, grow, cause that's all anyone can expect from you."
He smiled at you and tugged you down the rest of the way into a sweet kiss. Yeah, Jamie was dramatic, but he was your kind of dramatic.
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sunwarmed-ash · 24 days
WIP Thursday
@harrgrove helped me tear through some fucking AWFUL writers block this morning so im gonna post the next part that I have written for neverender as a treat 😘
you can read chapters 1-3 here!
Ch 4 preview
Billy stays at Steve’s as long as it takes for the bruises to heal. And then, without a word to anyone, he takes off. 
He doesn’t go far. He can’t yet. Mostly because he’s broke, but also because someone has to clean the blood off the floor before it sets for good if they want to have a prayer at selling the house. Now that Neil’s out of the picture, locked up without anyone to call and post bail, there’s nothing tying any of them to Hawkins.
It takes over three hours but finally, the wood is starting to resemble the chestnut color it began at. He’s exhausted, his hands burn and his knees ache, but it’s done. All final traces of Neil Hargrove have been scrubbed clean from the place. 
Billy could really go for a shower and an ounce of weed right now. Wash away and burn out all memories of the last two weeks. Even the good ones. Because Billy knows from personal experience, even the good ones don’t stay that way for long.  
Steve and Max will be pissed when they wake up and notice he bailed. Even more so when he finally does for good, but they will get over it. Move on. They already have once, and that was when there was still something left of Billy to miss. 
He digs into his jeans for his wallet. After all the fucking cleaning supplies, gas, and a 6 pack to make the day a little less miserable, Billy’s left with barely enough money for either lunch, or a carton of cigerettes. 
With a heavy sigh, he chooses the cigarettes and gets in his car headed north. 
-The Diner-
“Hey you! Got a table that just opened up, come on in.” 
Within seconds of his arrival, Debbie’s waving him inside with a friendly smile. Her motherly affection feels like an assault after spending so long face down over his fathers blood. He needs to do this now, before he loses his nerve. 
“Hey Debbie, I’m uh not actually here to eat.”
“Well, I know you can’t just be here to see little ol’ me,” she smiles, putting both painted hands on her chest for emphasis.
Any other day, he might play along. He doesn't have the energy today.
“I uh, I’m looking for work, actually.”
“And you wanna work here,” she asks, suspicions raised. 
The best part about Debbie's transplant status is she didn’t the full exent of Billy’s tragic backstory. Which is also why she’s realistically the only person in Hawkins who would hire him. He desperately needs the money. He’s gotta get the hell out of here. Fast. 
“I’ll take whatever you got.” 
Just then, their cook shouts as he burns himself on something for seemingly the last time. 
Debbie, Billy, and the 3 other customers watch as the line cook tosses off his apron, grabs his stuff and storms out in a huff. 
While every eye in the restaurant blew wide, Billy’s included, Debbie barely reacts. She just keeps chewing her gum, watching as the man leaves before returning her eyes to Billy.
“Know how to cook?”
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vodrae · 1 year
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Black means exented Wayne dynasty.
Deep green Al-Ghul dynasty
Yellow siblings
Light rose/beige surrogates parents figures
Red means lovers at one point (canon and headcanon) Brown is cousin at any degrees (canon and headcanon)
Links from Dick and Kori are enough explanory I think
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
I've only heard a couple good male rappers in this time, the rest of these rappers sound so low vibrational. Most of yall don't wanna hear this but also the women too, they have good flows but the message is horrible especially considering the times we're in. So many people are in their sacral chakra, working out of lust and pleasure. Which to a certain exent is good but yall only use it for pleasure, which can be bad when it's used too much, and for the wrong reasons. Don't forget that sacral energy is for creation as well, but always watch how and where your creating certain things. This ties into so many things especially when it comes to the womb, and genitals in general. Its always been an attack on those parts. Pleasure will be the end of "humanity", and a lot of MEN, and even women won't make it through certain energetic shifts that are coming.... If only people knew the TRUE power of sound. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm just a messenger, channeling from the source.
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