#exhibit a: if you give me even the slightest sign that you like me i won't shut up. ever
moodyseal · 6 months
I was talking with a middle-aged lady at the bus stop this morning and after I complained about not knowing whether I was extroverted or introverted because of some conflicting tendencies I have she looked at me for a moment and went "You're not introverted, you're probably just shy", and I thought it was absurd at first—because HOW can be a person be shy if they're extroverted? Doesn't that go against the concept of extraversion itself?—but then I thought about it some more and actually she may be right. One trait doesn't necessarily exclude the other, and if you're the type of person who jokes about being "closed-off with strangers but a chatterbox with friends" it may be worth considering whether this tendency of yours is really a sign of introvertion or whether it's just a stress response to your fear of rejection
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rosegoldscarlet · 4 months
"Sakuya." A cold and commanding voice emerges from the shadows behind Sakuya as she had been walking down the hallway. The maid turns to look behind her and sees Remilia standing behind her, where previously no one else had been in the hall with her.
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"How is my sister?" For Remilia, even asking about Flandre's condition feels like a sin. She wouldn't even be in that state if it weren't for her. Sakuya however, does not show any signs of judgement, and simply answers her question.
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"She's unconscious but still alive. Patchouli is currently looking after her for any abnormalities." Upon being delivered this information, Remilia stares into Sakuya's unflinching eyes. Any normal human would be shying away at the prospect of gazing at the devil, but Sakuya simply stands there, cold and un-moving like a machine.
"Very good. Thank you, Sakuya." The maid understands her Mistress' dismissing tone and bows.
"Of course, Mistress." With her mistress seemingly satisfied with the information, Sakuya starts making her way down the hallway towards her set destination before Remilia had interrupted her. Only a few steps in though, she hears her master's voice call out to her once more.
"Wait." And like clockwork, Sakuya immediately stops and turns back around to face her Mistress once more.
"Is that all you have to say to me?" Remilia's voice begins to exhibit the slightest hint of anger.
"I beg your pardon, Mistress? What else is there for me to say?" Sakuya's eyes begin to shift a little as Remilia walks closer to her.
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"Do you really have nothing to say about earlier? About what I did to you to keep you from telling the truth to Flan?"
"Ah, that. Well..." Sakuya reaches up to gently touch her own throat with her fingers. She silently looks at the ground for a moment as she does so, before looking back up into her Mistress' eyes with a smile on her face.
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"You were simply doing what had to be done. I am not angry, Mistress. I am your servant, after all. I am yours to use at your disposal." Her tone is genuine, and shows not even the slightest bit of resentment towards her master for taking control like she did.
When Sakuya gives this response, Remilia's eyes narrow in scorn. She silently leers at her maid as she continues to look at her with earnest eyes. After a few more moments, Remilia breaks the silence.
"That's right." She says in a flat tone.
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"I'm going to go to sleep for a while. Patchouli will be in charge of the mansion while I am gone." She turns to walk towards her quarters, but briefly stops to face Sakuya one more time.
"And don't come to check on me. I can close my coffin lid by myself." Before Sakuya has the chance to say anything, Remilia starts walking down the hall with the clicks of her red heels echoing against the walls.
With her Mistress not even facing her, Sakuya gently grabs the hem of her skirt and bows in her direction. No objections or grievances are to be had. She simply bows, obeys, and answers her Mistress' call whenever she hears it.
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wolint · 8 months
Psalm 7:9
We are all emotional beings and emotions are the core of every human being and we all exhibit differently. The expression of our emotion reflects the way we react to things, people, and circumstances. Our emotional state is in turn a reflection of our inner beliefs. Our text implies that God tests or tries the affections and motives of man, He tries our emotions until we’re purified to maturity to glorify Him.
Emotions often express themselves through pain, fear, envy, greed, despair, bitterness, anger and much more and a lot of us are slaves to impulses-we are unable to stop ourselves from expressing what we feel. Sadly, we give voice to every feeling, and emotion, whilst some can barely control their actions, because, unfortunately, not everyone has the fruit of the spirit, self-control as seen Proverbs 29:11.
Genesis 4:5-7 tells us how Cain got angry and hostile towards his brother, Abel and God, his facial expression was what God referred to in verse 6-7, God tells him, even as He tells us today to control our emotions. Anger and despondency are a dangerous combination, the combination that convinced Cain that killing his brother was the right choice.
How many lives have been destroyed because of anger? How many people are out of jobs, marriages, and homes because they could not control their emotions?
Even God our Father, passionately expresses His emotions in the pursuit of a relationship with His children; The Lord expressed grief at the rebellious life of His people, God’s states "my heart is turned within me" in Hosea 11:8, an indication of His grief.
The Lord expresses anger when we stray from His path, righteousness as He did with Israel, recorded in Jeremiah 2:11-13.
The Father exhibits delight when we return to Him, as seen in Luke 15:11-32, the case of the prodigal son.
There are others like Moses, David, Samson, and Peter, I could go on about several other characters who allowed their emotions to rule them but suffice to say the only lasting cure for emotional issues is in spiritual realignment.
Emotions are a sign that one is alive because the dead don’t feel anything. No matter who you are, there will be periods when you feel more emotional than usual. You may wake up one morning and feel like breaking down and crying for no reason. You may feel sad or depressed; you may feel that nobody cares about you, or you might feel sorry for yourself. During those times you must learn how to manage your emotions and not allow them to manage you.
At such times, our feelings will get hurt very easily. The slightest thing might make us angry. Emotions are very fickle and unreliable! They can be one way now, one day, and entirely different the next day.
Emotions when expressed in a good and positive way is meant to compel us to take godly actions to address ungodliness, unrighteousness and injustice like in 2 Timothy 1:7.
Emotions are a gift from God but as important as they are, we must never be ruled by them-us must subject our emotions to a will that is yielded to God as prescribed in Proverbs 15:18.
Emotions, for some people, is the most honest of their make-up, since, emotions come from the heart, it is as real as it gets. Emotions are to be expressed in a godly manner to avoid hurting ourselves and others and to glorify our Father.
Emotions must be controlled, or we may be the person described in Proverbs 25:28 as a broken city without walls.
Rule your emotions! Don’t let them rule you!
PRAYER: Lord, you made me and knitted my make-up, help me by you grace to control me emotions, so that they don’t get the better of me in Jesus’ name.
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sortofanobsession · 2 years
To Cry for the Moon Part 2 (Moon Knight x Female Eternal!Reader)
Author's Note: Here is part 2 for you. I do not have dissociative identity disorder (DID) This is a fictional depiction of DID & characters are based on the Marvel/Disney's Moon Knight series. I own nothing. The story idea by @jupitersmoon167 (the original post I saw is here!)
Y/N = your name. Y/N/N = Your Nickname. Reader pronouns She/Her. Story is 3rd person POV. Italics are the reflected alter talking.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Primary Pairing: Steven Grant x Eternal!Reader, Marc Spector x Eternal!Reader, Khonshu x Ma'at!Reader (It'll make sense eventually)
Word Count: 900+
WIP Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Part 2: Errors in the Design
The next time they meet Steven, and by extension, Marc, sees Y/N studying the gift shop’s poster display for the Ennead exhibit. Her expression is filled with concentration as she studies the statues of the poster on display.
“I told Donna that they missed a couple,” Steven says. The woman before him startles slightly, her head snaps up as he speaks. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Smooth,” Marc chides from his reflection on the display. “Why not just give the poor gal a heart attack?” Steven ignores him. 
She smiles and shakes her head. “No worries,” she assures him. “And yes, I see that. I’m sure they think no one will care.”
“But you do,” Steven counters. “And I do. People come to a museum to learn about history, and they can’t even represent it right.”
“True, but what are a mere docent and a gift shoppist to do?” She sighs and leans against the counter. “I am quite sure a number of supervisors signed off on this, without even the slightest clue what was missing. Or that these statues look ancient, sure, but are they really all that eye-catching? The Middle Kingdom alone was filled with beautiful carvings and vibrant colors like you wouldn’t believe,” she tells him. “Colors that may have lost their vibrancy with time, harsh sands, and the unrelenting desert sun, but they didn’t all fade. And they were all-natural, authentic, and made painstakingly by hand.” She looked closely at the central figure of the top statues. “Oh but you would love this, wouldn’t you, old man,” she mumbled as she studied Osiris’ statue. “You were the end all, be all.” She shook her head. “But you’d be nothing without my feather, you old mummy.”
“You really are passionate about all this,” Steven says gesturing to the poster, and other nearby items.   
His voice snapped her out of her reverie. She nods. “It's a bit foolish to put so much time and effort into something that has been gone for ages,” she admits. Ajak would probably scold her for speaking of their time alongside the god of the dead so openly with a human. Y/N hoped Steven would attribute her heated take on it all as just part of years of enthusiastic study. 7,000 years, and it was still so easy to forget that people didn't know she had been there. People can’t know. Ajak, and probably Osiris himself, would shake their head at her. Or trap her in her own statue. He could try, taming an Eternal was something even Osiris never tried.
“If it’s foolish, then I happily consider myself a fool,” Steven says, earning a smile from her. 
“I guess we are just a pair of fools longing for a time lost to the sands,” she says with such longing it made even Steven feel homesick for a moment. He could tell she put her heart and soul into everything she did.
“You miss it, don’t you?” He asks as he leans against the counter.
“More than you can know,” she states but smiles at him. “I miss them but being here helps. A little piece of home. And I have my friends, though they’re more like a family than just friends.” She takes a moment to study him. “I think you’d like them, Sprite tells stories that can capture the imaginations of everyone around. And Sersi, oh she’ll love you. A passion for times long gone, yeah, you’ll get along great.”
“They sound lovely,” Steven admits.
“They are,” she nods, but her phone goes off notifying her of her next tour group. “Well, duty calls.”
A few days later Steven is just leaving after a long shift of Donna micromanaging when he hears his name being called. He looks up to see Y/N on the steps of the museum with some people. Despite his exhaustion he smiles. 
“Steven!” She waves him over. “I’m glad I caught you. Come meet my friends.”  
“Oh, okay,” he says as he joins hers. 
“Steven, this is Sersi and Sprite,” she gestures to the two women with her, “Ladies, this is Steven.” 
“The guy from the gift shop?” Sprite asks, a mischievous look forming on her face. “The one you-”   
“Lovely to meet you, Steven,” Sersi loudly cuts off Sprite. “Y/N always loves showing off the little souvenirs you find her.”
“Oh well, she-” Steven starts, seeming flustered.
“Look Dane’s here,” Y/N says quickly to save everyone from this embarrassing conversation. Dane greets Sersi sweetly before Y/N introduce her friend. 
“Why don’t you join us for dinner, Steven,” Sersi offers. “Pub’s only a few blocks away.”
“He just finished a long shift, you guys can’t just-” Y/N start.
“Say yes, or I will,” Marc threatened from the reflection of a watch.
“That sounds lovely,” Steven agrees. As the small group heads towards the pub, a strong breeze kicks up and Y/N stops for a second and looks back. She does a double-take when she thought she saw a figure on a roof, but it was gone when she looked back. Something about it felt oddly familiar.
“Hurry up, Y/N!” Sprite says as she grabs her arm. 
“You alright, Y/N/N?” Sersi asks as Sprite drags her closer, but Y/N keeps looking back.
Y/N turns around to see them looking back at her. “I…yeah.” She brushes it off. “Guess that last school group tour took more out of me than I thought.”
“Do you need to go home and rest?” Steven asks. She smiles at his concern.
“No, I’m fine,” she assures him. 
“You’re sure?” He asks again.
“Yes, I promise, I’m fine, really.” She nods and begins walking again. “Yes, let’s go.”
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
hello basil!!! i’m the anon that sent the original request of reader being a big dumb dumb and accidentally mailing their love letters to childe in liyue—i personally just wanted to tell you that i absolutely LOVED what you wrote and that i’m so happy and grateful you did my request justice. keep up the good work!!!
if you wouldn’t mind, could i request for a hurt/comfort angst with kaeya and a gn reader? the reader is a fellow knight of favonius that regularly gets dunked on by their friends for their crush on the cavalry captain—but every time their friends insist they confess to him, they joke that “sure, i’ll tell him when i die.” and then they actually nearly die.
while on a mission with kaeya, something terrible happens that seemingly pushes the reader to the brink of death. they’re in his arms and convinced they’re about to die, so with their “dying” breath, they tell kaeya that they’re in love with him before the world goes black.
but then they wake up. 👁 (you know the drill—what happens next is completely up to you!!!)
featuring: kaeya x gn!reader
warnings: good ol' angst, some descriptions of blood, lots of typos lol
published: may 27, 2021
form: imagine
a/n: hi anon!! i'm glad you liked that imagine www and thank you for sending me ideas again! you know how much i love angst and kaeya lol~ also please forgive me for making it so long, i tried to challenge my writing abilities a bit more.
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You came into this mission knowing that it would be quite a bit more difficult than the ones you typically took on. You were merely a B-rank knight, working on your certification to reach A-rank status, which definitely was not an easy feat. Yet the open commission to investigate a newly-uncovered set of ruins in Dadaupa Gorge was requiring one more member of the dual-member expedition team. When you saw who had occupied the first position for the mission, you threw caution to the wind and signed your name for position two, despite the mission being ranked A-level, at the very least. The occupied position? Filled by none other than Kaeya Alberich, captain of the Knights of Favonius cavalry, S-rank soldier and swordsman, and your former mentor. Who also happened to be the man you had hopelessly fallen for. 
The mission was assigned by the headquarters of the Knights, specifically for fully-trained Knights only, as the nature of the mission would be too dangerous for your run-of-the-mill adventurer team, and the Knights did not want to be held accountable for any potential casualties or injuries as a result of a mission gone wrong. You and Kaeya had been assigned to go investigate a newly-uncovered set of ruins in the Whispering Woods, supposedly already showing signs of being an Abyss rendezvous point. Apparently, the team of archaeologists who uncovered the ancient rocks from behind a thicket of trees had had many difficulties even making it back to the city of Mondstadt alive. You were frightened, no doubt about it, but you also knew that this was your chance. Your chance to prove yourself and your capability as a knight. Back in your training days before you took the certification exam to become a knight, you were Kaeya’s favorite pupil, a star student. Also possessing a Cryo vision, like the captain himself, certainly did not hurt your reputation in his eyes. Now, having taken on and excelled at countless dangerous B-rank missions, you felt confident in your ability to take on a mere A-rank mission, especially with the captain of the cavalry at your side. 
You had almost forgotten about the icy presence at your side, lost in your own daydreams of ambition. After following the paths leading out of Mondstadt, weapons and supplies ready at hand, you and Kaeya had finally made it to the edge of the Whispering Woods. It was starting to get dark, even though the two of you had left reasonably early in the day. The woods seemed so much more vast when their shadows grew longer, waning by the last seams of daylight. Faint howling moaned through the leaves (”Wolves? In the Whispering Woods?”, you thought to yourself), and you felt yourself tremble in the slightest. You couldn’t tell if it was due to the fear or the overwhelmingly strong Cryo aura that Kaeya emitted.
The tall man seemed unaffected by the ominous surrounding, forever carrying himself with an unwavering assuredness. He looked onwards, into the woods, eyes darting back and forth, exhibiting the remarkable surveying skills of a seasoned knight. 
“Well, [y/n]”, Kaeya turned to you, with that smug yet rather comforting voice of his. “Are you ready?”
Kaeya’s unshakeable confidence was rather spiriting, you had to admit. Nothing like traipsing into a wild forest, overrun with archons-know-what, with only your own wits and a cunning, distractingly handsome knight to guide you. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose”, you replied, trying to hide the rookie anxiety from trembling your voice. Damn it, you weren’t even a rookie. You were one of the more experienced knights in the entire Knights of Favonius. You could handle this. Plus, Kaeya has your back. In all the years you had known him, Kaeya had never dropped that rogue-ish grin off of his delicate countenance--he had the face of a prince, but marred with the implications of his mysterious eyepatch (he had never told you how he had lost that eye) and the pierce of his sly smile. It made him all so painfully attractive. 
You hate to recall the very first day you met him, the two of you only teenagers, barely adults grown into their own skin, yet he stood at the front of the training yard like the prolific swordsman he was, tan skin gleaming beneath the summer sun, hair tied behind his neck, sinewy muscles stretching as he maneuvered the sword in his hand like it was an extension of his own being. That day, you swore that you would become like Kaeya, that you would learn all you possibly could from him. That was also the day you had fallen hopelessly for the charismatic boy, though you were not aware of it just yet. 
Trudging into the forest, you made sure to clutch the weapon at your side a little tighter, wary of any potential threats that could appear in front of you at any moment. You never know how much the Abyss mages could use their magic--they are always using the spirits of Teyvat for evil. Although you had only encountered Abyss mages a small handful of times in your past B-rank missions, you already knew how perilous an interaction with any of them could be. The last time you and a partner engaged with a Pyro mage, you left the site with severe magic burns to your side, which took at least three months to fully heal. Looking at Kaeya, he appeared to be as relaxed as ever, both hands loosely tucked into his pockets, his steps led by his elegant hips. The eerie silence of the woods didn’t seem to bother him at all, a comfortable void between the both of you.
“So, captain”, you begun, doing your best to break the proverbial ice a bit, trying not to let the emptiness of the whole forest get to your head. “How have you been? It’s been a while since we last took an assignment together, I believe. 3 months already, isn’t it?”
Kaeya chuckled. “Oh, drop the formalities, [y/n].” He looked at you with his singular, unobscured eye with a teasing glance. “You’ve always known me as just Kaeya, havent you?”
Blood rushed to your face, although not entirely unwelcome, due to the chilliness of the forest. You hoped that the twilight shadows could hide your red cheeks from the man beside you.
“To answer your question, I am doing exceptionally well, thank you”, he smirked. “Although, the last time I did see you was only about a month ago, at the Windblume Ball. Not sure if you remember it all though—you were rather... intoxicated, it seemed.”
Oh, archons. You didn’t know if your face could possivly get any redder from the embarassment. The Windblume Ball was a month prior, hosted by the Knights for all citizens of Mondstadt to attend, to end the Windblume Festival with a night of wine, music, and dancing. Your group of friends within the Knights convinced you to attend along with them, though they didnt quite succeed at convincing you to finally confess your attraction to the captain of the cavalry himself. You acquiesced only on the condition that you would not have to interact with Kaeya at all that night. The anxiety was simply too much and you did not want to deal with the potential situation of seeing Kaeya in formalwear and absolutely losing your mind, let alone Kaeya seeing you dancing and drinking.
“Oh, come on, [y/n]”, your friends had whined. “If you don’t tell him now, when will you ever? He most definitely finds you attractive, as well.” Chuckling, you took a sip of the wine lrovided by the Dawn Winery. You cringed at the sourness of cheap grapes. “I’ll tell him when I’m dead.” You took another sip of the wine, but over the rim of the glass, you saw the one person you were hell-bent on avoiding.
Kaeya Alberich stood across the room, talking to one of the other knights. He was dressed to the nines, in clothing you had never seen him don before. His hair was parted neatly, his long lovelock secured by a large sapphire band. His lean, upper body was covered by a three piece suit, fitted perfectly around his narrow waist, tailcoat resting neatly by his thick, carved thighs. His pants were pressed tightly, without a wrinkle, and he had brought along his usual white fur cape, giving him the sophisticated look of a king.
In awe, you spluttered in your drink as he caught your eye from across the room, clearly noticing you were staring at him. You turned the other way, seeing that your friends were making fun of your oblivious gawking, and they now excitedly pointed behind you, mouthing the words he’s coming! You tried your best to smooth down your hair and pat down your outfit, before turning back around to see that the captain was standing in front of you, face-to-face, with his hand outstretched.
He looked even more sparklingly glamorous up close, an image of old-world elegance that you never knew him capable of portraying. You suddenly felt more drunk than any cheap wine could possibly make you. Kaeya looked at you, a gleam in his eye, and asked
“May I have this dance, [y/n]?”
The rest of the night was a blur, what with your continued consumption of alcohol, convincing yourself you needed to periodically top up your liquid courage. Kaeya had asked you for a few more dances, as far as you remembered. But from what you could recall, he was just as elegant and charismatic as you had always remembered him to be. He never made you feel out of place.
It was awful that Kaeya only seemed to remember how disgustingly drunk you were, but you were thankful at least that he didn’t seem to recall the perpetual state of flusteredness you were in that night, by his mere presence beside you, and his hands guiding yours as you both danced to the upbeat music of the band.
“Archons, I assure you that I am not the unabashed drunkard I may have seemed to be that night”, you chuckled.
Kaeya let out a hearty laugh, his voice reminding you of the sounds of the bells ringing atop the Cathedral. “Of course not, my dear”, he drawled. “I’ve met many a drunkard in my day—you are far from one; I promise.”
You and Kaeya kept on your way in this manner, making pleasant small talk to fill the silence. You didn’t dare tell him for fear of seeming a coward, but hearing his voice and reminiscing with him diminished the fright you initially felt, entering the woods and taking on this assignment. Kaeya was a master conversationalist, and diplomat too, no doubt, always knowing what to say at what time. His warm remarks and playful banter took your mind off of the imminent danger of your situation, and you didn’t notice the path you were both on narrowing. The sun had already set, and the woods were doused in an eerie darkness, and as you and Kaeya approached the vicinity of the ruins, the thickets grew denser and the tree branches hung lower. Not a sound could be heard--
Until suddenly, Kaeya stepped in front of you, blocking your path with an arm outstretched. Shit. You smelled Abyss magic. How could you have possibly missed the putrid scent of sulfur before? 
Kaeya’s grin had fallen. His attention was now beyond only you, as if trying to detect something he sensed nearby. Out of nowhere, a hum grew, louder, until an earblasting pop rang out in front of you and Kaeya, and in its place were three Pyro Abyss mages. Three. You could handle one, if you had a partner with you, but three? 
Terror ran down your spine, knowing how difficult your Cryo vision could be against a Pyro mage. Your hand unsheathed the sword at your side with blinding speed, just like you were trained, but before you could even take a step forward, Kaeya was already charging at the mages, ice blasting forth from his swordtip, smashing up against the mages’ shields.
“Aren’t ya glad I caught that, [y/n]?” Kaeya teased, sword cutting through the air and the force fields surrounding the mages, as their strained groans pierced the night air. His movements were swift and effortless; at times his movements were so fast that it looked like he teleported from one spot to the next. This was the grace, the beauty of a true prodigy. “If I hadn’t stopped you, we would’ve been roast boar by now!” 
You jumped into action, assisting Kaeya with his assaults against the mages, doing your best to dodge the onslaught of fireballs. You felt the heat of the fire magic graze your extremities more than once, counting your blessings that it was nothing critical. The way the two of you moved in unison, one complementing the other, like an avalanche of piercing ice, was a testament to the years of experience you gained in under Kaeya’s expert tutelage. One sword piercing the left, the other the right, until you both had broken down two of the Pyro mages’ shields. You had never gotten through their force fields in such rapid succession before, you thought, in awe. Swinging your sword calculatedly, whilst utilizing your vision and shooting out ice crystals, you defeated the mage, dealing a killing blow, piercing its side with your sword. You watched the creature groan out gutturally, and eventually dissipate into ash, drifting away. 
Turning around, you noticed that Kaeya had already taken care of the other mage, already breaking down the final one’s shield. He dodged each blast of Pyro magic with grace and ease, not even showing any sign of fatigue. 
“Hey, good work rookie!”, Kaeya teased, activating his ultimate Cryo weapon, sending a halo of ice crystals about his body, knocking into the mage’s shield with every swing.
You huffed. “I’m not a rookie”, you called back, joining him in his siege upon the last enemy. Exhaustion was quickly catching up to you, although you tried to hide it. You couldn’t let Kaeya down. 
Over and over, the pair of you banged upon the force field with your swords, with more difficulty than any of the previous mages. This one was different, somewhat stronger. The grass surrounding the two of you was already lit up in flames, licking at your ankles. If you even so much as tripped, the heat would probably damage you more than a fireball could. 
“Watch out, rookie”, Kaeya yelled in your directions, trying to be heard above the cackling of the mage and the raging flames, already beginning to catch onto the trees nearby. The night was filled with a reddish glow--hellish and suffocating. “I think it’s about to activate it’s ultimate.”
The cackling grew louder, as you worked yourself into a frenzy, shooting more and more ice crystals, trying to break it’s force field. Three, dragon-like heads began to emerge around where the mage floated. Fuck. The fire-breathers were out. You had only ever fought a Pyro mage that could use fire-breathers once before--that also happened to be the instance that caused you to be an invalid for several months, healing from a deep flesh burn. But Kaeya was here this time. Things would be okay, right?
You could tell Kaeya was growing panicked as well, his swings becoming a bit more hurried and erratic. You didn’t know, but he was deathly worried about you. He had no idea how experienced you were with dodging the fire-breathers, and he knew he had to make quick work of the blasted mage before things could escalate, Archons forbid you get hurt. Kaeya activated his ultimate once more, and, finally, the mage’s shield broke. 
You heaved a sigh of relief, closing in on the Pyro mage. Kaeya’s strength and incredible reliability in battle did not fail to impress you, even beyond just the prowess he had demonstrated as a trainee and a mentor. You finally activated your own ultimate, summoning a boulder made of hard ice. Approaching the mage as you saw it struggle to get up off the ground, the ice in your boulder began to form, and you willed it to hurl towards the mage, intending to finish it off. Finally, you would show Kaeya your true strength, your capability. He could depend on you. Hell, you were his star student. Even if you were afraid to tell him about how he had stolen your heart, you could at least show him that the time and effort he had dedicated to you wasn’t for naught. 
The seconds slowed down, as the blinding white ice made its way through the air, aimed straight at the pathetic mage, groveling in the dirt. But beyond the ice, was something even brighter, not making its way to the mage; no, it was headed straight at you. A fireball. 
You felt an excruciating pain on your left side, right below your ribcage. A scream in the distance--the mage? No; it was Kaeya’s voice. The white-hot pain blinded you, as you felt your back make contact with the hard ground beneath you. Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit. Archons, what will Kaeya think? 
Vaguely willing your arm to press into your side to assess the damage, you felt warm, sticky liquid pooling on your waist. Lifting a hand, you saw it drenched in crimson blood, dark in the moonlight. You heard another scream again nearby, this time coming from the guttural squeaks you knew was the mage, the dying cries of a pitiful monster. At once, a pair of arms lifted you from the ground, supporting your head. What a damned disappointment you were. 
“[y/n]! [Y/N]! DAMMIT!” You had never heard Kaeya this worked up before. The pain of hearing the panic in his voice was also tinged with a selfish gladness that he cared, that Kaeya Alberich gave a damn if you died. Because, in that moment, you were certain you would die.
Straining out a chuckle, your chest racked up a wet cough, sticky blood now staining the edges of your lips. I’ll tell him when I’m dead, you once said. Well, isn’t this all quite ironic.
“Fucking hell, [y/n], I need you to keep your eyes open”, Kaeya commanded. He was using his captain voice, the one that only comes out when a new recruit wasn’t following orders. “Rookie, don’t you dare pass out on me.” His voice wavered.
Would it be worth it to tell him now? Did you want his last memory of you to be a pathetic, wishful fantasy spilling forth from your bloodstained lips, like the nonsense uttered by a mere child? Your vision spun faster, losing sight of Kaeya, hovering over you. You couldn’t make out his features too clearly in the darkness, but something about the wet drops of water landing on your cheeks told you that it wasnt more blood. You supposed that you should do yourself justice and at least keep the one promise you made that night in Mondstadt.
Straining to open your mouth, you uttered, “Kaeya, I—”
But before you could muster the strength to speak another word, your vision went dark.
The first thing you heard when you woke up was the sound of birds chirping. The second was a silent snoring sound coming from somewhere to your right.
Cracking your weary eyes open, you sensed the faint light of the early morning coming in through an nearby window. Getting your bearings, you realized you had woken up in the Knights of Favonius headquarters hospital. Your damaged adventurer’s clothes were gone, and instead you could feel bandages dressed around the wound at your side. Oh, right. You thought you had died.
Trying to sit up, you fekt an excruciating pain burn through the side of your body that had been hit, setting your nerves on fire. You hissed, and the snoring beside you abruptly stopped.
“Archons, you’re awake.”
Kaeya sat up from the chair he had apparently been sleeping in, still dressed in his captain’s armor, just as dirt-covered and singed as when you last saw him. Was that only last night? You figured Kaeya must have hurried you back to the city before your condition could get any worse.
Fuck. As all your memories of the prior night came flooding back, your eyes pooled up with salty tears. Not only had you cone closest to death than you’ve ever had, you had completely disappointed Kaeya and made a fool of yourself in front of him.
“Kaeya, I’m so sorry—”, you started.
Your words were interrupted by the man next to you leaping into your embrace, arms wrapping your shoulders where you were not injured. “Dammit, [y/n]. When won’t you just shut up.” His voice was muffled by his face buried into your neck. “You don’t have to say a word.”
It scared you, seeing him vulnerable. The ever-cocky and cunning captain of the cavalry, the man who always had a plan and was never caught off-guard. Now, a man bearing his innermost emotions to you, little old you. Had he heard what you begun to tell him last night? Or were things going to return back to the way they were, you admiring his dazzling beauty from a distance, comfortable yet agonized at the degree of separation.
You hoped to the archons for the latter. You hoped that it wouldn’t take another instance where you almost lost your life for the love you felt for him to spill forth. Archons, even if you had to die, it would still all be worth it, if it were with him at your side.
Kaeya trembled as he pressed himself deeper into you, desperately clinging on. “Don’t you dare open your mouth, rookie”, he chided. “I don’t want to hear something you’ll only tell me when you’re almost gone. Please just let me do the talking.”
Pulling back, you looked at him in confusion. His hair was disheveled, eyepatch slightly askew, yet his face was full of an almost childlike wonder, akin to the gleam he possessed when you had first met him, however many years ago.
“Do you think I did it all for nothing?” Kaeya looked at you. “Do you think all those years of training together, eating together, soarring together, was all because I thought you had potential as a soldier? The private walks through Windrise, the nights spent at the tavern, the dance, that damned dance we shared—what did you think that was?” Desperate and exhausted, Kaeya’s eye began to shimmer with tears. “Fucking hell, [y/n]. I’ve always loved you. Since the very beginning, you idiot. Why else would I dedicate all my time, all my energy to you and only you?” He grasped your shoulders tighter. “If you think that I haven’t been madly in love with you since I first laid eyes upon you that day, then you’re fucking wrong.”
You cut him off, burying your hands into his hair—pain be damned—and kissed him. It was bitter and metallic, the taste of both of your blood on your tongue. Kaeya’s neck was ice cold, but his cracked lips were thick and warm, and when you pulled away from them, you suddenly felt like you could take on the world.
“Well”, you remarked. “I’m glad that we got that out of the way.”
a/n: uhuhuhu this is pretty long but i hope you like it! i wanted to improve my writing a bit and elaborate on descriptions a bit more, so i hope i did your request justice!
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
bsd as their zodiac signs | armed detective agency
a/n: i started out this blog with a hq as their zodiac signs post so i thought i should do one for bsd too !!
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osamu dazai | gemini
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oh god i fucking knew it like dazai just screams gemini to me it's not even a surprise at this point
intelligence? check. sense of humor? check. talkative/chatty? check. dual-sidedness? check.
him being chaotic as fuck and unpredictable is just very gemini
as well as him being able to switch between being more light-hearted and cracking jokes to being all serious and kinda intimidating
geminis, like other air signs, are known for being intellectual too and quite skilled at a lot of things
aka dazai's many hidden talents (he apparently control his own heart rate like bitch wtf---)
he's not exactly the most loyal person either but more for the reasons that dazai thinks it's probably superficial. he knows very well that things can easily change with time and is adaptive because of that
very good at just,,, avoiding things in general
his legs are long because he uses them to run away from his problems
isn't the best when it comes to empathy and he definitely has a hard time connecting to people emotionally
but when he does, he treasures them quite dearly
his love language is roasting even though he is a bit of a flirt
that said, he likes being around people who just understand him in a way that even dazai doesn't
in terms of ideal partner, i think dazai wouldn't mind someone who's different from him personality-wise and he can get along with pretty much anyone
kunikida doppo | virgo
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i was guessing that this guy was either a virgo or a capricorn and he definitely fits being a virgo
him being super rigid and organized when it comes to his work and schedule is very virgo since they're especially meticulous
just like dazai's he's very much a 'what are emotions?' kind of person (jk he knows anger but that's also because of dazai)
kunikida can also get quite nitpicky but that's because he expects a certain standard when it comes to things
he's a huge fan of marie kondo and declutters his house regularly. probably has a spice rack that's arranged in alphabetical order
him hating things that are out of schedule or haphazardly-made, spur-of-the-moment plans is also very virgo
SO good at repressing sadness and negative thoughts so he needs someone to truly open up with
also very detail-oriented. he'll take notice if things are just the slightest bit different or off. it helps him a lot in missions since he's very observant
king of self-control like how does he even do it ??
doesn't smoke or drink or any of those things
heck, he doesn't even eat junk food or sleep in late
okay but i feel like when or if he does get drunk, kunikida would already buy himself some hangover cures and place a glass of water on his nightstand table for hungover!kunikida
i feel like he has an aquarius placement in mars because of his idealism
atsushi nakajima | taurus
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ngl i didn't really picture him as a taurus so i feel like his moon is in cancer because of how gentle and warm he is as a person (wow i'm really stroking my own cancer ego here)
a very loyal king and more than a little stubborn when it comes to that but he's very reliable
it actually bothers him a lot when he's unable to get something required of him done, whether its a really important mission or just something small
has an EXCELLENT memory for things. like, if you mention absentmindedly that you like orange popsicles he'll suddenly buy them for you because he knows you like them
atsushi probably really loves being in nature too and taking hikes when he's not too busy with work
just,, imagine him,,, picking wildflowers,,, and bringing them to the office,,, i'm soft i can't
he has a thing for making money but very careful about spending. the only time he really does spend is when he's giving to other people (like kyouka)
buying stuff for people = buying stuff for himself
okay but most of atsushi's money is spent on buying food (aka chazuke) and i bet he's invested some time in cooking for himself
has a stubborn streak but it's mostly fixated at how much he cares for people
he'll go out of his way to plan birthday parties or do a favor for someone even after telling him he doesn’t have to
edogawa ranpo | libra
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another smart air sign boi !!
libras are like the uwu air signs but in my experience no two libras are the same and a lot of their personality kind of depends on their other placements
kind of like dazai, ranpo isn’t one to easily empathize with people and he’s a bit dense when it comes to detecting emotional cues
has an inability to specifically choose what he wants to eat so he solves it by choosing everything
aka will clean out the convenience store with one visit and then probably call kunikida if he doesn’t have enough money
libras are also known to be very affectionate around people and also quite charming
you can see this in ranpo as he does have that skill of manipulating people. he can easily cause them to be frustrated and lose their cool (case in point: chuuya)
and in many ways, his attitude and skill demands respect from his peers
libras are also driven by a need for justice and ranpo does exhibit this is a bit
his idea of justice is quite different from kunikida since ranpo has a bit more self-preserving tendencies
but for him, the idea ‘what’s right’ is attributed to the people he knows has a strong moral compass (aka, he’d do anything to support/follow fukuzawa and kunikida ideals)
although i do think ranpo also has a basic sense of doing what’s right and he does it for the detective agency
he’s really good at arguing even though he probably hates arguing. but he DOES lowkey love watching people fight
sometimes he’ll stir the pot a bit in the office but fukuzawa already knows ranpo started it
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumusdomain​​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi @amberalisa​ @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel​​ @kac-chowsballs​​ @violentfarewll
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Interlaced Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
🦋  Also from this date: Call
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Story under the cuts~
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At the beginning of the evening, the lights were on, and the stars were looming in the clouds.
I am standing at the door of a newly opened mall. Under the floating dome, there are many stacked square buildings, which makes people suddenly think that they have come to the art museum.
MC: It should be right here.
Not long ago, I saw a shopping mall integrated with art on the Internet. It cooperated with different artists to create various themed activities.
The theme this time is "interlacing".
I am very interested in this topic, so I decided to see it for myself
Following the signs, I walked into a dark rectangular room.
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The center of the room was divided into two spaces by a matte glass. People who entered moved forward in a line, but they could not see the scene on the other side clearly.
Tourist A: The person on the other side can't see clearly, what does this room mean?
Tourist B: I can't understand, this may be art.
I followed their words and couldn't help but look across the glass...
The line of sight was full of fuzzy outlines, and I could only vaguely tell that the flow of people on the opposite side was passing in the opposite direction to us. I can't help but fall into thinking.
Is this design to highlight the "interlaced feeling"?
Until, a familiar figure on the other side suddenly pulled my thoughts back.
The vague outlines, however, stand out in a crowd of indistinct crowds.
It seems to be Lucien... why is he here?
Countless doubts poured into my heart, I couldn't help speeding up and approaching that figure.
Even though there is a crowd on the opposite side, his gestures are familiar.
He walked forward in the group methodically, but revealed a state of being free from the crowd.
It seems that only Lucien can give people this feeling.
With a faint answer in my heart, I raised my hand and waved at him.
He seemed to have noticed something too, he stopped and glanced in my direction.
Even through the glass, I can feel the indifferent gaze, as if I'm just an inconspicuous stranger.
I stopped, and my smile stiffened. Only that back figure continued to move forward, farther and farther away from me.
MC: ....Didn't he recognize me?
Tourist: Don't stop, keep going.
Some dissatisfied voices came from behind, and I nodded apologetically and walked forward.
The images that had just been interlaced kept playing repeatedly in my mind. I looked back a little unwillingly.
Even though the crowds were bustling, I found the back figure just now again.
Suddenly he stopped, turned and looked in my direction.
The glass reflected his fuzzy face, and I couldn't help but squint to see him more closely.
In the dimness, I seemed to see a soft arc rising from the indifferent face.
Is he... smiling at me?
I opened my lips slightly to say something, but was squeezed out of the room again by the person behind me.
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My sight suddenly became bright, but I was a little dumbfounded.
??: What a coincidence, I can meet you here.
A familiar voice rang behind me, making me startled.
Lucien walked up to me and smiled lightly at me.
Lucien: You look surprised.
Lucien: Do you think I will not be here?
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Looking at Lucien in front of me, I suddenly realized something was wrong.
The space just now was two reverse one-way streets, it was impossible for him to suddenly appear in front of me from the opposite exit.
MC: It's not that you won't show up. Because just now in that room, I saw a figure that looked like you.
MC: But if it is really you, it is impossible to appear here from the other exit so quickly.
Lucien looked at the exit behind me, as if lost in thought and lowered his eyes.
After a while, he raised his head with a smile in his eyes.
Lucien: I think you didn’t mistaken me as the other person.
Lucien: It is indeed me in that room, but what you see is not who I am now.
Listening to some circumstantial words, I couldn't help but frown.
MC: ... Not who you are now?
Lucien: Well, it was me fifteen minutes ago.
MC: You mean we were not in the same time and space just now. Could it be the influence of Evol?
I couldn't help straightening my back instinctively and quickly sweeping around.
The next second, a shadow was covered in the afterglow, Lucien leaned down and looked at me.
Lucien: Are you tired recently, Miss Nox?
Lucien: This is just an ordinary shopping mall, there is no work that Miss Nox has to deal with.
Seeing Lucien pretending to be serious, I smiled awkwardly.
MC: .... What does "you who were fifteen minutes ago" mean?
Lucien pointed to the stand that was less than two meters away from me at the exit.
Lucien: The room you just passed by is actually an artistic design
Lucien: The room is full of holographic projections, and the other side of the glass you see is a picture fifteen minutes ago.
Listening to Lucien's explanation, I looked at the art brief on the stand.
MC: So what we see is actually not what is actually happening right now.
MC: Let us mistakenly think that the barriers of glass cannot be overlapped, but in fact...
MC: Not only are we unable to intersect, we are not even in the same space and time.
Lucien: Probably this room wants to create a sense of interlacing time and space for us.
Lucien nodded in agreement, but different emotions flashed in his eyes.
Lucien: However, MC could recognize me through the matte glass, which made me feel very happy.
Lucien: It's a pity that I'm not so lucky, and I didn't see you on the other side of the glass.
Lucien spoke lightly, but knocked again and again in my heart.
The smile on his face inadvertently gradually overlaps with the memory of me just in the room.
When Lucien stood there, he seemed to smile like that.
What did he see fifteen minutes ago?
Doubts creeped into my heart, I couldn't help but speak.
MC: Lucien, I seemed to see you smiling in the room just now.
MC: Did you see something?
Lucien seemed to be taken aback, but soon returned to his expression.
Lucien: It's nothing.
Lucien: There are also many exhibit designs related to themes. Would you like to go to other areas with me?
Seeing that he didn't want to start the topic, I had no choice but to agree.
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Lucien and I walked side by side in the shopping mall. Except for the rooms just now, the atriums on each floor of the building have different designs.
Paintings, photographs, sculptures, and installations of different carriers all unify the interplay of time and space, emotions, and life.
I looked at Lucien, who was quiet beside me, and couldn't help approaching him.
MC: By the way, why did you come here?
Lucien: I am here to be entrusted by a person to give some non-professional advice as a viewer.
Lucien: What about you?
MC: I'm very interested in this "interlaced" theme, so I came to have a look.
Lucien nodded thoughtfully, and none of us spoke for a while, just moved forward quietly.
The crowd passed by our side, heading in the same or opposite direction as us.
Probably because of the countless designs that express "missing" just now, I can't help feeling a little about such a simple and ordinary picture.
MC: Lucien, what are you trying to convey when designing such a theme?
Lucien's gaze was mixed with a bit of unsure emotion, and after my voice fell, he cast it slightly.
Lucien: I think it is probably "missing is inevitable."
Lucien: Whether in invisible or visible places, we will miss many people and many things.
Lucien: But people's lives will not stay for this reason, it will only continue to move forward.
Lucien's voice was so calm, it gently penetrated into my ears, and the memory of me just now confided again.
The fuzzy face reflected in the glass, the stagger of strangers, and Lucien after fifteen minutes of time and space.
He is clearly in front of me, but I am not in front of him.
And when I thought he was in front of me, he was actually that far away.
MC: But no one wants to miss out with those who are important to them.
MC: Even if there is only the slightest possibility, I would like to keep overlapping with this trajectory.
Countless images flashed in my eyes, and finally they all converged on Lucien's face in front of me. He didn't seem to expect me to say something like this, he looked at me deeply.
Lucien: In the room where space-time interlaced just now, when we "miss", did you think the same way?
MC: Of course!
I spoke subconsciously. After seeing his narrow vision, I suddenly realized what I had just said, and my ears instantly burned.
MC: No, no! I didn't know the installation in this room at the time.
MC: So when you passed by and didn't recognize me, made me feel a little weird.
Immediately afterwards, Lucien's smile became full again, and he moved closer to me.
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Lucien: Oh? Is it weird because you think I won't recognize you?
Looking at the teasing smile in his eyes, I understood at once that he was secretly "teasing" again.
I lifted my chin slightly and fought back without a trace.
MC: Well, if it is just an ordinary room, and there is also a thick glass of glass between us...
MC: Will Professor Lucien recognize me like I recognize you?
Suddenly, Lucien couldn't even hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.
Lucien: I will not make judgments lightly on things that have not actually happened.
MC: ..... Professor Lucien has always been very rigorous.
We walked forward slowly, unknowingly, the two branch roads in front stopped us.
Lucien: However, this theme is relatively tender compared to others.
MC: Tender?
Lucien: "Interlacing" proves that there will be intersections, not "parallel".
Lucien: So that I can meet you here.
Lucien's faint words caused ripples in my heart.
Bits and pieces of the past between me and Lucien came to mind, indeed like what he said.
Although there have been misunderstandings or regrets between us, those moments that seem to be disappointing also represent...
We have intersections with each other.
I looked at a sign in the middle of the fork--
"It is recommended that people with more than two people walk separately and experience the interlaced theme for better experience."
After seeing the explanation on the sign, I couldn't help looking at Lucien beside me.
Lucien: It seems that "interlacing" is not over yet.
Lucien: What will you choose next, MC?
He looked calmly at the bifurcation, as if he had an idea in his mind.
MC: My answer...Professor Lucien should have known it earlier than me, right?
I looked at Lucien deeply, then we smiled at each other and walked in two directions respectively.
I did not look back, and walked firmly on the path I chose.
Because I believe that no matter which direction we go, we will meet eventually.
I can't remember how many turns or steps I took. It seems that this road is far longer than I thought.
I passed by countless strangers, but I never saw Lucien's figure.
Until I crossed a bend, my vision suddenly became clear.
Looking around, I seem to be standing in the middle of the outer courtyard of a shopping mall, and in front of me there is an open-air double escalator that looks nearly a hundred meters long.
The people standing on both sides of the escalator looked at each other, and different emotions flashed in each person's eyes.
Excitement, perseverance, indifference, and loss, all kinds of emotions bloom one after another on this long escalator.
Just as I looked down along the flow of people, a familiar figure made my heart tighten again.
Lucien stood at the bottom escalator entrance, seeming to be looking at me.
I waved my hand subconsciously, and he also raised his hand leisurely in response to me.
Looking at Lucien, who was 100 meters away from me, I suddenly understood that this escalator is also echoing the theme of "interlacing".
Once people choose a direction, they may have to watch the opposite person go against them.
But I don't want to continue staggering, I want to change.
So I immediately made a gesture to Lucien and told him not to move.
I waved my hands indiscriminately and walked quickly towards the descending escalator.
But when I just stepped up the stairs, Lucien also stepped up the elevator.
I put down my hands in a bit of astonishment, and watched us slowly approaching from a distance.
Suddenly, my phone rang--
It was Lucien's call, I quickly answered it.
MC: Didn't I tell you to stand still...
Lucien: Sorry.
Lucien: Because your gesture are really hard to guess, so I wanted to go up and find you first.
There was a soft voice on the phone, and my rushing voice gradually calmed down.
MC: Then you call...
Lucien: This elevator seems to take some time. Why don't you just chat with me for a bit?
Lucien: I don't want to miss this "blank" time with you.
The originally dull atmosphere became brisk in his slightly teasing tone.
I couldn't help laughing softly, and quickly fell into his new topic.
The billboards on both sides slowly passed behind me, and the distance between me and Lucien became closer and closer.
His face gradually became clear, and the smile in his eyes gradually bloomed.
The evening breeze gently brushed his hair, and the moonlight seemed to stay on his body and no longer walk away.
But I also realized that the moment we met each other also meant the beginning of separation.
Facing this encounter destined to be far away, I was helpless. Can only stand in place, watching us slowly arrive in front of each other.
Lucien didn't say anything, only the sound of his steady breathing was left in my ears.
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At the moment when our figures were side by side, he just looked at me with a smile, and in this second, passed me by.
Lucien: MC, do you still want to know why I smiled in that room?
I turned my head and met Lucien's gaze in surprise, his eyes glowing with a soft stream.
MC: Wait, I thought you wouldn't tell me the answer.
Lucien: I thought it wasn't something important, but now I think about it, it seems I was wrong.
Lucien suddenly paused, took a deep look at me before continuing to speak.
Lucien: In that room, I didn't see anything special, only countless strange faces.
Lucien: But... I suddenly thought of you.
As soon as the voice fell, my heart couldn't help but miss a beat.
I looked at Lucien, who was already driving behind me, and my gaze was firmly locked on his gaze.
MC: Why....
Lucien: I think of such an interesting place, you should come too.
Lucien: Maybe I can see you here next time.
His figure is getting farther and farther away from me, and it seems that he will soon be overwhelmed by the flow of people behind him.
MC: Lucien, you said that if an encounter is destined to be parting, will the encounter still make sense?
Although it was only an experiment, my heart was dull, and I opened my mouth as I watched Lucien's figure gradually distancing.
Lucien: MC, do you know what will happen to us after we are interlaced?
In the blink of an eye, Lucien's figure was completely covered by the crowd, and only the faint voice of questions stayed beside his ears.
MC: I know.
I took a deep breath and hung up the phone. After a long few minutes, I finally got off the escalator.
I wandered at the elevator entrance, worried that once I got on the elevator, Lucien would choose to get off the elevator and let us miss it again.
I don't know what the answer this world will give to the question that Lucien just asked.
But I have my own answer.
I want to take the initiative to meet him again. No matter how many times we missed, I will want to meet him next time.
This idea suddenly came to my heart, but it gradually became firm.
I strode into the crowd, shuttled back and forth among countless strange figures.
I am not worried that I will miss Lucien, because I firmly believe that I can see him in the crowd.
As time passed by, the stars in the night sky seemed to become more and more brilliant.
Suddenly, at the end of the crowd, I saw the person I wanted to see most at the moment.
And he seemed to see me too and stopped.
My heart beats like a drum, and every beat prompts me to speed up my steps.
It seems that all the passersby around have become phantoms, but he is the only one who becomes clearer in my world.
MC: Lucien!
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Lucien: MC, it seems that we have met again.
Lucien: This is my answer.
Suddenly Lucien smiled crookedly at the corner of his eyes. He looked at me and continued to speak.
Lucien: Separation will not be doomed, it is just a choice.
Lucien: I think, even after countless brushes, I will also choose to appear in front of you again.
The night wind gently blew his hair, revealing those deep eyes that reflected me alone.
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Lucien: MC.
Lucien: I have always looked forward to every encounter with you.
Notes from me:  To whoever's write Lucien’s date, I give all my respect to you. All of you. Thank you. Sincerely, Me.
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Burning Bright
AN: -
Word Count: 2436
Warnings: smut/lemon, wax play, sensation play
Description: DW Kinktober Day 2; Prompt: Sensation play The Master and you try out wax play for the first time.
Tag List: @c-s-stars @queerconfusionthings @how-masterful @truthbehindthemysteries
You couldn’t help but twitch and squirm in anticipation from your spot on the bed. Laying naked and waiting patiently was hardly a talent you possessed. The Master could attest to that with the number of times he had to tie you up to get through a punishment without squirming enough to risk a badly placed hit. Your nerves about the matter were not helping you to calm down either. The Master’s hands gently rubbed lotion into your skin, soothing you even if you didn’t see the connection between his actions and getting prepared for your dip into wax play.
He didn’t miss an inch of skin, showing equal attention to your breasts and your stomach. His affectionate and lavish attention allowed you to slowly reign in your nervous anticipation.
“Why the lotion Master?” You curiously questioned now that your mind wasn’t spiraling into a panic about what was to come.
“The lotion will help to get the cooled wax off with ease, making aftercare less stressful for the both of us. It also has the added benefit of being a precautionary measure in case you don’t like the sensation.”
Nerves returning at the mention of possibly not liking the feeling of hot wax on your body you uncomfortably shifted. Ever the attentive lover the Master noticed. His soft brown eyes gleaming with concern.
“My dear,” he hesitantly broached the subject, "perhaps we should try this again on a different day. You’re working yourself up to the point I fear you may be sick with worry.”
“No!” You almost yelled. “No, I really do want to try this. I always get like this with new kinks Master.”
You were shy in admitting this. He had never seen you like this before all full of nervous energy at the prospect of trying a new kink.
“I already knew I was into all of the other things we typically do... So this is something outside of my comfort zone, but I really do think I’ll like it.”
“Alright,” he conceded. “But you simply must calm yourself down, my dear! If you cannot relax enough to dismiss my concerns for your headspace I will stop this before it has even started.”
Finished with their task of rubbing the lotion fully into your skin the Master’s hands guided you to lay back down. Propped up by smooth silk pillows, the angle that you were laying at was chosen to ensure the wax would drip down your body and not all pool in one area.
Once you were settled down the Master lit the first candle. The dark black candle was held in place by a small ring stand, clearly stolen from his own lab for convenience. Beneath the candle was a small golden dish that you had seen on the Master’s desk. Normally it had been used to collect wax for sealing letters closed, so it was a perfect fit as an addition to your foray into wax play.
As the Master busied himself preparing the candle and ensuring it was safely burning your mind drifted off. Thinking back on what had inspired the two of you to try this new kink out. It had been an art exhibition with live models where you had watched an alien be made into an art piece with droplets of wax. The elite of high alien society often watched odd demonstrations of all sorts of things. Both you and the Master found yourselves more appreciative of the art exhibitions than the other types. The science ones were normally child’s play for the Master and the torture ones were too graphic for your tastes. 
The soft moans that the model had made as they were covered in wax and the image they made had captivated you. Your eyes unable to pull themselves away from the sight of wax slowly dripping down and then off their body onto the floor. The Master had only had eyes for your reaction. He had been the one to suggest trying it yourselves. After he extensively researched into how to make it safe for you, of course. You had eagerly agreed, the high of emotions from having seen it for the first time making any hesitations you normally would have had disappear. Now, with the moment so close to happening the nerves had appeared.
Your reminiscing was interrupted by the Master sitting down on the bed with you. You watched as he unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up his sleeves. Exposing his forearms to you. The perfect image of a man in control of the situation.  As always you loved to watch him undress even the slightest bit. Time Lord modesty your personal enemy.
Shocking you the Master lifted the candle above his own skin, letting several drops fall onto the underside of his arm. Heart swelling with a warmth at how seriously he took your safety.
“Your arm, my dear?”
Less of a request and more of a demand, you quickly gave your arm over to him. Palm facing up, he pressed a kiss to your lifeline as the hand not holding onto the burning candle cradled yours. His head slowly lifting, looking deep into your eyes.
“You will let me know if the test drops are too hot.”
His voice was firm, strict even as he told you what you would do.
“Yes, Master. I will tell you if they are too much.”
He always wanted you to demonstrate that you understood what he said. If you didn’t fully respond, the scene would stop for a check-in. You didn’t want to give yourself a chance to back out now.
Time slowed down as you watched the first drop of wax slowly drip onto your skin. The heat was a lot to process, but it quickly subsided. Goosebumps covered your skin as you shivered in pleasure. Now you were eager to feel the sensation on the rest of your skin.
“Is this alright, my dear?” You nodded with no further prompting needed. “A verbal response, my dear.”
Oh right, you had literally just been thinking about the need for that. As you found your voice the Master placed the dripping candle back into its makeshift holder.
“Yes, Master. That was wonderful, please continue.”
“Remember to stay as still as you can, we wouldn’t want to end this pleasant moment of candlelight intimacy with misplaced wax.”
The small crucible of wax was held above your skin, tipped ever so slowly so as to give you time to anticipate the sensation the wax meeting your skin would have. Gasping as your back instinctively arched with the heat of the wax. The burning sensation rapidly changed to shivers of pleasure as the wax rapidly cooled on your skin. Looking down you saw the river of black wax covering the skin between your breasts reaching down to your stomach and stopping before your belly button. Your arching back having made the wax creep towards your breasts in bursts like fireworks.
“More please Master,” you begged.
“Patience is a virtue, my dear. One you will have to learn if we continue to enjoy wax play, it does take time for the wax to melt.”
Chastised you didn’t dare utter another word, waiting in eager anticipation for the next pour of wax. The next pours were smaller amounts, focused on covering the skin of your breasts. The wax covering your breast was thinner than the first pour had been, more care being taken to ensure that the sensitive skin of your breasts was not burned. It left you with a patch of exposed skin on the underside of your breasts, where the wax hadn’t traveled to fully.
His canvas now almost fully covered in black wax, the Master started to burn the gold candle. He had asked you to pick the colors to be used on your body as soon as he had finished researching what candles could be used. He had been as eager to try this as you were. The combination of black and gold had seemed perfect to you. Black being the color he wore the most and the gold matching the subtle flecks of gold in his eyes. Not that you had told him the reason for your choices. Even without the symbolism, you had in mind the color combination was a good one.
Without waiting too long for the gold candle wax to start dripping the Master held it above your skin. Letting it start to fall onto the already present wax. Dripping down your body until it cooled as a small drop of wax, ending its journey. Some of the droplets splattered as they hit your body, too small an amount to trail down your body. Leaving small circular marks dotting your wax-covered skin like freckles. You felt like a work of art. 
You giggled as the Master picked up a glass stir rod. Was he just raiding his lab for things to use?
“What’s the glass stir rod for Master?” You teased.
He fixed you with a playful glare as he responded, “I thought that some more control over where the wax dropped would help with the masterpiece we were making of your body, but if you’d rather I freehand the drops to make sure they trail down your body to cover your very sensitive nipples...”
“Uh nope, no the stir rod is fine!” You squealed. You did not think you were ready for the feeling of hot wax poured directly on your nipples.
Carefully the Master continued to drip wax onto you, making the cooling drips of wax aesthetically pleasing. You loved it, you felt stunning. All of the Master's attention to detail hyper-focused on you and you alone. Your pleasure, your beauty, your comfort, only you.
One last drop of wax trailed down your body like a shooting star across the galaxy. Reaching your stomach before it cooled, it was the largest droplet yet. With no warning, the Master pressed his signature ring into the hot wax on your body. Holding it in place until it cooled. Moaning wildly at the action, you felt so owned being marked, branded as the Master’s. 
You kept staring at the sign of his ownership over you. Not noticing that he had put the candles away until he was lifting you into his lap. Just holding you close as the wax fully cooled and hardened.
“I feel like you’ve made me into a masterpiece, a work of art to be admired by all.”
“You’ve always been a sight that inspired awe, my dear. Forgive me, however, if I selfishly hide you away from all others."
Reverently your fingertips brushed over the indentation the Master's signature ring had made in the gold wax, feather-light almost afraid to ruin it. 
"I belong to you Master."
"For as long as you want to, my dear."
You basked in the Master's affection, his hands exploring the still uncovered skin. All too soon you could feel the Master start to chip away at the cooled wax covering your body. A blunt-edged business card covered in a laminate-like material seemed to be his tool of choice. One of his previous aliases was the name stamped on the card.  Unexpectedly, to you, the sensation of the wax being removed was pleasurable. In a very different way than it being poured or dripped onto you was. Removing it reminded you of peeling off old paint in long strips. Just, oddly satisfying. You couldn't think of another way to describe it.
"You like this part a lot, don't you Master? The soothing, repetitive motion is meditative for you."
"Your reactions to all of the sensations you experienced were all entrancing. The sight of your body coming alive as the wax hit it, exquisite. But this moment, here with you in the quiet, held close in my arms. Yes, this is my favorite moment."
The last of the wax flicked off of your body with a flourish freed you to nestle face-first into the Master's soft silk dress shirt.
"Charmer," you muttered, hiding your face in his chest.
Stroking your hair, the Master began to gently start interrogating you. 
“Would you want to give this another try, my dear? Was it what you hoped it would be?”
Humming you tried to think of how to verbalize your feelings.
“I liked it, a lot. Over time I could feel the wax less, just due to the thickness of the layers already on me. Maybe next time we take that into account?”
Kissing the crown of your head the Master considered your words, “a simple enough request, my dear.”
You hesitated to bring up your next ideas, but it couldn’t hurt to ask. He could always just say no.
“Next time could we, maybe add some impact play, or use some ice as well?”
“We can certainly try and incorporate a spanking, my dear. A tried and true experience that we both enjoy thoroughly. As for the addition of ice, I hope you won’t mind my hesitation to include that in our play. At least in conjunction with wax,” he paused to shift you into a more comfortable position in his lap as he reached for something on the floor. “I don’t want to risk any shock to your nerves from the extreme temperature change.”
A warm and wet washcloth was being carefully rubbed over your still flushed skin. Eyes fluttering closed at the comfortable repetitive passed he was making up and down your skin. Twitching just a bit as he brushed over your nipples. They were very sensitive compared to the rest of your skin.
“Fair enough, Master,” you gave your delayed reply to his concerns. “Thank you.”
He chuckled before inquiring, “whatever could you be thanking me for, my darling?”
“Taking care of me like this.”
Something smooth and silky was maneuvered onto your body. Eyes opening just enough for a quick peek, it appeared to be some sort of silk slip. Mhm, it felt heavenly against your skin.
“My dear, there is no need to thank me for what is a privilege and pleasure to do.”
His hand slipped underneath the short hem of the dress he had put you in. Lifting you by your thighs and shifting you to lay next to him as he moved to lay down fully on the bed. Fixated on the feeling of the cold metal of his ring against your skin you let yourself drift back into a blissful afterglow. This was definitely worth enduring through the nerves, you couldn’t wait to do it again.
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dreamcure · 4 years
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note: this has been uploaded a number of times to my accounts in the past. i am the original author, vinny, and this is not plagiarized work.
cw: pwp (smut), drug use (weed), no established relationship, fucking in front of a friend, female reader.
word count: 2.8k
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“Is he all right?” You tilt your head from your spot on the couch, sights fixed on Tadashi at the other end of the couch.
The boy had his body turned away from you, presumably cuddling the couch pillow. You were so occupied in your ridiculously deep conversation about dinosaurs with Tsukishima that the two of you had forgotten to pass the joint to Tadashi these last couple of rounds. While it bounced back and forth between just you two, Yams must have drifted off into dreamland. He was always a lightweight, so neither of you were necessarily surprised when he was done after just three small takes.
To cover your asses and make sure he was still breathing, Tsukki raised his hand and put a finger under Yam’s nose to feel for air. Once he exhaled hard enough, the blonde brought his arm back and gave a nod of approval. You each sat on your sofa cushion in your living room, Tsukki in the middle, you on his right, and yams on his left. Since Tsukki was the one to bring the joint this time, he lit it and got to hold onto it longer than anyone else. He was currently holding it close to his face and inspecting the little red embers of weed slowly going up in smoke. Then his beautiful eyes turned to you and his eyebrows turned up as he held the stick out to you in offering.
“I’m okay,” you say, almost giggling. Your head tipped to the side and landed on the back cushion of your sofa. “I’m really feeling it.”
Tsukki tch’ed and brought the joint back to his lips to take another, much longer hit now that it was all his.
“What was that for?” You frowned at his little tch noise. How dare he be upset that he didn’t have to share anymore.
You had to wait until he exhaled all the smoke before you got your answer. It came out his nose as if he were a dragon. He hasn’t even coughed yet - what a champ.
“We come over to smoke and you both are done before we’ve even gotten to the next joint,” He said dismissively.
“You brought a second joint?” You look at him, incredulous.
He just smirks and pulls the candy mint tin out of his pocket. Anyone who knows your friend group knows that there were no mints in that tin. Tsukki opened the little container and put out the lit joint, now a stub, on the lid, then laid it to rest beside the other perfectly rolled stick. You could just kiss him - he was so considerate when it came to smoking with the group, even if you didn’t get to the second one this time. Plus, and this goes without saying, Tsukki was the best at rolling perfect every time.
Instead of putting the tin back into his pocket, he leaned forward and put it on the coffee table where it would stay until he left, or until he decided to light again. He leaned back and got comfortable after that. Arms crossed, knees spread apart, and back slouching. His face was turned to Yamaguchi, though, admiring how high he could get with just a little bit.
“So, the cutie is asleep. We can’t play cards against humanity now,” You say reluctantly. “What do we do now?”
You didn’t hear a thing from Tsukki, as if he hadn’t heard you at all. His attention was still trained on Yams, asleep on his end of the couch. You did see he was smirking, though, maybe even a bit absent-mindedly.
“Earth to moon god,” You wave your hand in front of his face to finally get him to turn back to you.
“Don’t call me that,” He mutters. To which you call him moon god again and shake his shoulder playfully.
“I asked you what you wanted to do now that we can’t play cards against humanity.”
There was that smirk again. “We can figure something out,” He says as he tips his head back once again.
It’s hard not to stare at him while he’s like this. Tsukki is completely relaxed. Your eyes take a trip down his body while you think he’s not actually paying attention. His eyes are a little irritated from the smoke, but his lips look so soft and are still tugging upward at one side. Lower, you look over his neck and where his adam’s apple protrudes while his head is back at that angle. What you would give to press your lips to it right now, and leave a few marks while you were at it. The fact that your mind was going wild right now didn’t stun you in the least. It had to be the weed. Nonetheless, your eyes kept going down, down, down, until you finally had to close your eyes and bow your head to get your attention back on track.
If you didn’t stop with your wandering eyes soon, you’d have a second heartbeat to deal with while two of your closest friends are high as kites on your sofa. Though, you spoke too soon because the thought of lifting Tsukki’s shirt to see his toned stomach - and him letting you - invading your mind had the familiar throbbing show up between your legs.
When you thought that he hadn’t been paying attention to your fixed stares, he surprised you by putting his palm over your knee. Your chest fills with warmth like you had just drunk hot cider on a freezing day. You raise your gaze again, only this time your eyes are stuck on his lips. The next thing you know, he puts an arm around your shoulders and he’s leaning in to give you exactly what you want, which is a gentle kiss to your lips. His hand grips firmly on your knee once your mouths meet. He leaned into you with so much eager force that he had you leaning back into the arm of the sofa. What else would those stares be meant for if it wasn’t your thirst for him?
This had not happened before, but your mind was bringing back memories of one night when you had confessed to Tadashi. You had admitted that when you get high with the group that you often think about kissing Tsukki silly. It was something that made your lips tingle just thinking about it - both above and below the belt. Who knew that your first kiss would be thc induced. Apparently your wishes were answered because he was kissing you right now, and your buffering mind was struggling to keep up. Either Tadashi outed you to your best friend, or your best friend was smart enough to pick up on all the times you’ve looked at him vacantly a little too long.
Sensing a bit of unease coming from you, Tsukki pulled away. You look at him, and he looks back a bit confused. You assume that maybe he was thinking, ‘you were just sizing up my crotch but now you’re not going to kiss me?’. But to your surprise, he didn’t say anything like that. He whispered, “Is this okay?”
Tsukishima was asking for your consent to kiss you. What you didn’t have the mental capacity to tell him was that your failure to kiss him back wasn’t because you didn’t want to - you did! - but rather you were stupefied and suddenly thinking that somehow he could read your mind. As if your very obvious ogling wasn’t proof enough that you wanted him badly.
“It’s perfect,” You murmur. Your eyes were trained on his glistening bottom lip.
That’s when he closed the gap between you again, pulling his arm snug around your neck and connected your lips again. This time, you seized the opportunity that was given to you a second time and returned the kiss immediately. Seemingly without effort, your lips melded together like puzzle pieces. This kiss was not like the first. While the first was innocent, this one already had your tongue begging to taste his. It could very well be your high talking and how you didn’t often get this amazing quality of physical contact, or it could be how you’ve always been at least a little attracted to him all of this time you’ve been part of the group with him and Tadashi.
Oh, god, Tadashi was asleep at the other end of the couch still. As much as you wanted to care, your mind was clouded when Tsukki tilted his head and enriched the already beautiful kiss. You could tell that the last drag he took really did him in, because the longer this went on, the sloppier he got. It couldn’t possibly help that your own lips felt like numb static against his. Completely disregarding your previous thoughts about how you should be more respectful to your sleeping friend, you parted your lips at the first sign of any tongue.
Tsukki slipped his tongue into your mouth once you invited him in. His lithe fingers moved up into your hair before you could realize they had ever left your knee. You match his efforts and feel your fingertips run smoothly over his jawline as he sucks lightly on your tongue. You hope and pray that it will never end, because he’s so good at this… Or you were too high to notice how awful this was.
The only sounds in the room were the TV playing some reality show, the sound of Yams’ soft inhales and exhales as he sleeps, and the lewd noises you were making with Tsukki. The kissing progressed so deep that occasionally your teeth would gnash with the carelessness you both exhibited. The fingers in your hair tugged the strands at the roots as he got a little more into it. You were the one to cave and moan first. Those fingers in your hair, plus his tongue running over yours was the perfect formula to make your pussy start to run like a waterfall.
Your quiet little mewl had broken his focus on the kiss. His swollen lips curled into a dopey little grin, and his first instinct was to tease you for your slip up.
“Don’t you dare,” You mumble to him and attempt to spark the kiss again in order to silence whatever fun he was about to make of you. It’s no use, though, because Tsukki lips were thinner due to the sudden grin on his face. God, he’s so beautiful when he smiles.
It was a cocky grin, and if you cared to look you’d see the slightest indentations of dimples in his cheeks. Oh, boy, you were in for it. You braced yourself for teasing. He was the one to kiss you first, but he was surely going to ridicule you for moaning like you did.
To your surprise, he eventually comes down from his giddy giggles and his smile drops just enough to lock lips with you again. Thank heavens for your already feverish cheeks - if he was kissing you, he couldn’t see that you were as ripe as a strawberry ready for picking. This kiss was different. It had all the elements of the ones before, but with something added… desperation.
Tsukki’s hand that was once in your hair had moved back to your knee, yet it didn’t bother to stay there for long. The moment he decided to slip his tongue back into your mouth, his fingers began to travel north up your thigh. The static you once felt in your lips as you kissed was now left in the wake of his fingers as they proceeded closer to the source of all your excitement. You wouldn’t stop him. In fact, you egged him on with another little moan - a soft gasp while he sucked your tongue like candy. This time you got a response from him. In spite of the fact that he laughed at your first noise, he himself had groaned just before trapping your bottom lip in between his teeth and tugging.
That was the end of your kiss, because Tsukishima had moved on to new grounds below your jawline. It gave you space to breathe in deeply and try to get some oxygen through to your hazy mind. At his own pace, he kissed over the exposed side of your neck. Your downcast eyes saw that his knees were spread apart, practically inviting you to do something about it. Just as his hand reached under your skirt, your fingers rubbed over the slight mound leading off to his right thigh. Neither of you had an issue with some mutual touching, evidently, since neither of you made attempts to stop the other. In fact, it was the complete opposite.
While your nimble fingers rubbed his growing cock in his trousers, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to touch your breasts or your pussy. Soon, his kisses over your neck were abandoned in favour of pressing his face into your chest. If your face got any more heated you were afraid you’d feint. Even so, you push your boobs together as much as you can with your biceps in order to give him more to push his face against. The pad of his middle finger did a quick swipe up the length of your panties. The yelp you held in your throat didn’t go unnoticed by him, either.
Once again, your mind went back to your friend asleep on the same couch that you were getting intimate with Tsukki on. Tadashi was in a green coma, and probably wouldn’t wake up for at least another hour. Yet, still, you glimpse at his sleeping form, as he was the biggest threat to you getting caught in this hard-to-explain situation. Nonetheless, your fingers continue to play with Tsukishima’s cock outline.
Tsukki was just a little too far gone to remember his best friend right next to him. His face was occupied in between your bust, glasses pressed snug to his face, and soft grunts slipped from him every now and then since you started massaging his hard-on. Part of the excitement, you decided, was the chance of getting caught. Although unlikely, it was still possible.
His finger runs up and down your panties experimentally, gently pushing the fabric in between your folds where it sticks to your slick. He settles to circle around your clit once he finds it. It’s such a low hum of pleasure that you feel guilty moaning over it. Like clockwork, Tsukki lifted his face and sported a smirk.
“You’re wet, y/n, when did this happen?” He teases, as is his nature.
“I get horny when I’m high. I’m not sorry,” You defend yourself, and attempt to flip the tables. You wrap your fingers around his cock, now pretty hard in his pants, and give it a firm squeeze. You’re understood straight away, because he’s bucking against your hand with need.
“What are you going to do about the mess you made?”
“I made it? You kissed me first.”
“You moaned first.”
“I’m going to smack you,” You grumbled. Here you were, his hand up your uniform skirt making small circles around your clothed clit, your hand grasping his dick through his pants. You were equally desperate, yet you still found the time to bicker.
“Don’t you think that will kill the mood?”
You erupt in a whimper when he replaces his delicate finger with his thumb, pushing the pad bluntly against your sensitive clit. This would feel so much better if you weren’t wearing your panties at all. Maybe Tsukki would even want to keep them since he was the one to make them sopping wet. Just as you were leaning to meet him halfway for a kiss, movement traveled across the couch in the form of vibration. Before your lips could ever meet again, Tsukki’s head spun around just in time to see Tadashi push himself up into a sitting position.
The weight of his arm that was once around your shoulder disappeared. Your bodies separated in a half second - you pushed your skirt down and fixed your collar, he pulled a pillow over his lap and acted as if he’d been holding this the whole time. What you couldn’t fix so easily were the swollen lips and arousals in your bottoms. Your heart was racing and it was easy to tell by the way you were breathing shakily.
To separate yourself from the situation, you stand and leave for the bathroom to calm down from the anxiety of being caught fondling your best friend. It felt like being caught by a parent and you were scared of being grounded, or worse.
“What’s wrong with y/n?” Tadashi asks after you slam the bathroom door shut, all yawns and euphoric smiles after his green nap.
“Nothing. She’s got her panties twisted,” Tsukki lied through his teeth and did what he could to make his boner go away. “Sleep well?”
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
The One With The Soulmate
~Notes: Hiya loves! This is a one shot from my The One With The Marauders series and I’m just moving it here to Tumblr<3 
Send ME A Friends Episode/Storyline  |  A Reblog Means The World!!
“You are seriously insatiable tonight,” Remus rebukes, swatting Sirius’s hand away from where he was eagerly grabbing at his arse for another round of fun, positively delicious, bloody remarkable, mind-blowing fun. God Sirius thanks every deity above that he fell in love with such a secretive, little wildcat.
“Oi, wasn’t the whole purpose of this getting married shtick so we could do that whenever we please?” Sirius harrumphs, flopping back on their bed, starfished out as he watches his ridiculously beautiful husband dropping his towel to the floor and digging through their shared drawer for a new pair of pants. He really tries his damndest to not focus on how the dying evening light filters through their room’s open window, bathing Remus in this resplendent, almost heavenly glow, turning the tips of his eyelashes as golden as his hair and caressing the dips and valleys of his lithe muscles, accentuating the smattering of freckles on his thighs and the dimples he’s got on the small of his back. God Sirius can’t take his eyes off of him for even a moment. “Because if not I reckon I can sue for false advertising.”
Remus only sniffs at him, affecting a lofty air as he pulls on the green, turtle net sweater that Sirius especially likes on him for how it brings out the amber flecks in Remus’s emerald eyes and how it hugs his physique in the exact right breath to show off how bloody good looking he is. “We did that right when you came home from the firm, and then again in the shower less than five minutes ago. Don’t tell me it was that forgettable?” He asks with a pointed hiking of the brow.
“Never my lovely little croissant,” Sirius contends hurriedly, popping up from his lounging position to snatch for Remus’s boney wrists, and dragging the shorter man down to sit in his still very naked lap. “You are the best shag and handsomest fellow and—“ Remus claps his hand over Sirius’s mouth, probably trying to come off stern, but Sirius could totally catch the way the corner of his lips begin to flinch upwards— he’s endeared and Sirius knows it.
“Enough of that bollocks, else I’ll get a cavity.”
“But my beautiful crumpet, I want to sing your praises,” Sirius pouts mockingly, kisses the tip of his nose, while one of his well built arms slings around Remus’s slender waste, with his free hand slowly crawling up his inner thigh, thwarted nearly immediately by Remus standing up in a huff. 
“Like a bloody mutt.” He scolds.
“Only for you my delightfully delectable cabbage,” Sirius leers, finally standing up and taking the proffered slacks so to get ready for this little soiree Lily’s law firm is holding for their fiftieth anniversary.
“When do you reckon these awful nicknames will drop off?”
“You’re the one who said you like it when I speak French at you,” Sirius goads, smacking Remus’s pert arse as he struts into their master-bath.
“Oi, when it’s spoken in the ruddy language, and not some awful accent you’ve conjured up.” Remus counters moodily before he grabs for one of the colognes on their vanity, and Sirius only smiles privately to himself, so beyond besotted with him that it’s getting detrimental for his health, exhibit A being how he very nearly squirts his aftershave right into his eyes.
But God Remus is so worth it.
 The ballroom of the swanky, Mayfair hotel is dressed up in all the opulence that should be expected for a soiree made up of the throng of stuffy, stuck up solicitors that are present. Sirius is not impressed in the slightest, even if he can work the room for one of these parties as effortlessly as breathing thanks to his upbringing as the son of a Lorde and Countess; though he still hates the ambiance of it all, so much so that it makes his skin crawl to this day, but he promised to be here and at least Remus is right besides him, with Sirius’s hand in his back pocket and hazel eyes flickering to him every few minutes or so, as if attuned to Sirius and all his mercurial moods.
God he loves him.
“Alice and I have been shagging non stop,” Frank says, which works well enough to bring Sirius’s attention away from wanting to drag Remus behind the champaign fountain so to have his wicked way with him, and back to the conversation they’re all having; even if that means that instead of looking passive, Sirius is sneering over at Frank.
“Dacorum man.”
Frank apologizes, beyond glum. “We just don’t know what to do. The doctors say that we shouldn’t have this much difficulty with it, but we just checked before coming and still, nothing.”
“I’m sorry mate, that’s awful.” Remus tells him, and Dorcas nods along, but Sirius just rolls his eyes.
“We’re not even thirty yet for fuck’s sake,” he tells him. “Maybe ’s a sign for you both to stop trying to ruin your lives with a baby.”
“Shut it Sirius,” Dorcas hisses, kicking at his ankle hard enough to make him wince.
“Ouch, hey! I’m just saying, a kid’s a lot of responsibility, and commitment.”
“I’ve been with Alice since we were seventeen Black,” Frank tells him hotly . “I think I’m already properly committed.”
“Then what’s the point of the kid!”
Frank raises his brows, floundering with no words as if he just could not comprehend Sirius and all his Sirius-ness, which is fair, the only two people who’s been able to do as much turned out being his brother, (James), and his lover, (Remus)… Speaking of which…
“I’m sorry he’s acting like such an arse Frank, he doesn’t mean it.” the sandy blonde says cooly, giving Sirius one of his looks that he usually keeps designated for his more rowdy students. “Do you.”
Sirius glares at him before looking back at Frank and nodding stiffly. “Sorry mate, you and Flores would be marvelous parents, I’m just being prickish.”
“Nothing knew then,” Frank says, but it’s coupled with an amiable grin so Sirius knows he’s off the hook.
“Right, well why don’t I make it up to you by grabbing you a drink? Yeah?”
“See if they’ve got an iced white?”
“Me too Black,” Dorcas scoffs, doesn’t even bother to look at him to make the command.
“Righto,” Sirius claps Frank’s shoulder with a friendly squeeze, winking at Dorcas and glancing over at Remus before he goes. “Vodka tonic?”
“With lemon please.”
Sirius nods, still pecks him on the lips even if they’re sorta in a fight, as if Sirius could ever stay away for too long.
By the grace of God, the open bar is mostly vacant, except for a familiar head of messy hair he’s considered family for over half his life.
“All right Prongs?”
James pivots around, drinks already in hand and grinning at the sight of him. “Wow, didn’t even recognize you for a tick there Pads, you don’t even have your hand plastered to Moony’s bum!.”
Sirius smirks, tossing him a covert two finger salute as he saddles up besides him and orders the round of drinks. “What can I say Prongsy, the cheeky bugger made me vow to have it there constantly, can’t just jilt my bloke like that, can I?”
James grimaces with a roll of the eyes, and Sirius’s far accustomed to that look of exasperation from him by now. “You’re a mutt.”
“Would you believe you aren’t the first person to say that to me within the last hour?”
“God save our poor Moony.”
“Oh God doesn’t have to worry, I’m taking care of him just fine.”
“Are you being gross about my best friend,” Lily asks as she struts up towards them, looking like an absolute diamond, even if her nose is wrinkled indelicately.
“Aren’t I always in your opinion?” Sirius asks cheekily, trying to balance the four drinks in his grasp before she just rolls her eyes and grabs the flutes of wine for Frank and Dorcas.
“Your impossible prat-ness aside, I actually think you being all grossly territorial over Remus tonight is actually a good thing.”
“THat’s a first,” James says, but Sirius can only glare, suspicious.
“Why’s that? Oi! Don’t tell me that absolute plonker Dearborn is here!”
“Oh God no,” Lily startles, shaking her head as if the thought was too insane to even fathom. “’S just the firm’s just hired this new bloke and I’m really quite positive that he’s Rem’s soulmate.”
“Lily! Don’t say that!” James balks, glancing over at Sirius worriedly, but he in turn only laughs at the magnitude of the statement.
“Jesus, Evans, didn’t think you believed in that ridiculous shite?”
“’S not ridiculous Sirius! And yeah, ‘course I do, like James and I are definitely soulmates.” She twists slightly so to kiss the curve of James’s jaw, making him go a bit blotchy. Poor git’s wrapped around her littlest finger.
“And what? You reckon Remus and I are just here to kill some time?”
“No, don’t be a pillock,” Lily reproves. “’s just he’s his soulmate is all.”
Okay, Sirius’s amusement has officially given way to irritation, and he twists his head so to scowl down at her as they make their way to the others. “Alright Evans, explain yourself then, yeah? Tell me how he’s Moony’s supposed soulmate.
“Well he’s French.”
“I speak French.”
“He’s got amazing, blonde hair.”
“I’ve got amazing, black hair.”
“He majored in literature just like Remus.” Lily says airily, knowing that Sirius can’t match that being an architect himself.
“Well— I read all that snotty shite Remus asks me too.” He huffs, and Lily answers with a shrug to her delicate shoulders.
“Fine then, I’m wrong. You’ve got nothing to worry bout.”
She struts off to their little lump of friends as if to cut the conversation off completely, and Sirius is perfectly find with that. She’s acting off her bloody rocker. But, if Sirius stands closer to Remus than usual for the rest of the night, or if he ends up kissing his temple whenever he feels like someone is watching them, or if he glares at one of the blokes working catering after deigning to offer Remus an empanada— Well that’s Sirius’s business and his alone. He’s not intimidated by this soulmate shite, for fuck’s sake. It’s not like he’s trying to stave off the bastard or something. He does all of that simply because Remus is his husband now, and he loves getting to show that off to all onlookers, even the ones who may or may not be Remus’s soulmate.
 “We’ve got dinner with Reggie and his latest girlfriend tonight,” Remus tells Sirius the following Tuesday, tossing the scarf his mother had gifted him last Christmas— with a matching one for Sirius— over his shoulder as they stroll around to the front of the Three Broomsticks for their morning coffees, hands linked and the early winter snow catching in both sets of their lashes. 
And God does Sirius love the sound of that, of their schedules overlapping, becoming one almost. Loves the idea that where ever one goes the other follows. Sirius knows that they’ve both have their demons, from Sirius’s neglect and emotional abuse as a child— occasionally sprinkled with a good smack or two if his mother was particularly fuming. To Remus’s complex of never feeling like he can ever be enough, and the way Lyall had acted for years after Remus had come out to his parents as gay, coupled with his multiple hospital visits as a lad until they finally figured out his lupus diagnosis. But they’re better, so much fucking better now. Plenty of the credit going to the remarkable group of friends whom they’ve picked up along the way, but another huge chunk was finding one another, and Sirius knows it in his bones. Knows that there couldn’t be anyone else for him, and sure he knows Remus sometimes deserves more, deserves better— But he’s chosen him, he’s chosen Sirius. He loves Sirius. And it’s remarkable and unbelievable and amazing, and Sirius holds onto the sensation of it with hungry piety.
“Love? Did you hear that?”
Sirius jolts back to the moment, and smiles softly down at him, kissing the corner of Remus’s mouth in penance. “Yes, of course gorgeous. I didn’t forget, I’ll be home early and maybe we can have a lie down before leaving if you’ve finished grading those papers?”
Remus’s laugh right then is like the most splendid instrument Sirius has ever heard, light and magical and warm as a bonfire. “Try to be good and maybe.” He tells him with a cold fingered tapping of his nose before he flounces off to the main counter to order for them.
Sirius doesn’t know how long he stares after him instead of grabbing the gang’s typical seats up front, but is startled when he hear’s a choked out noise coming from behind him and sees Lily, panic faced and eyes wandering frantically.
“Oi, what’s squirming up your arse Evans.” He asks her suspiciously, thick brows furrowed.
“I didn’t know you guys would be here,” she explains so quickly that her words begin to crash into one another. “Oh bloody hell, the one time I have a late start!”
She stomps her foot and Sirius shoots her a fully fledged glower. “What is making you so damn barmy for Christ’s sake.”
Lily parts her lips, but no noise comes out, because right then someone follows her indoors, a very familiar someone if only based off of descriptions. A very tall, very blonde, very smiley looking someone.
Sirius hates him right on sight.
“I’m sorry I took so long at that shop Lily, my mother loves these, how do you say, snow globes?” The stranger says, shaking one for emphasis with Big Ben set in the center.
“Ridiculous tourist trinkets is more like it,” Sirius practically snarls, which earns him a confused look by the blonde and a tired one by Lily.
“Right then, well Sirius this’s Thomas Martin, Thomas this is Sirius Black.”
“Lupin-Black now, ta Lils.”
“Oh,” Thomas says, blue eyes blinking wearily. “Nice to meet you, ah, Sirius.” He extends his hand, and when Sirius shakes it he makes sure to feel the bloke’s bones crushing together, just so he understands who exactly he’s speaking with.
The French arse eventually pulls away, pinning Sirius with a one eyed squint as he curls and stretches his fingers.
“Oh God,” Lily groans, leading them to their spot and depositing herself onto the sofa with absolute exasperation, and Sirius only continues to glare at Thomas as he sits besides her, growing stiffer once Remus returns.
“Oh, hiya Lils,” he smiles, handing Sirius his drink before flickering his gaze to the fucking Frenchman.
“‘lo love, this’s the newest hire at the firm, Thomas. Thomas, this’s my best mate, Remus.” She introduces quickly, the fucking trader.
“Remus?” Thomas asks, dimpling down at Sirius’s fucking husband with bright eyes. And Sirius has to curl his fists so not to punch him right in the sodding face, only growing angrier when Remus chuckles and ducks his head, like he was nervous by him! Like he thought he was in fact very good looking and very charming and his damn soulmate.
“Yeah, blame that on my mum, she was big into the classics.”
Thomas’s grin widens even more and Sirius feels the pulse on his neck beginning to throb. “No, it’s very charming. My Grandfather was very, erm, focussed on those studies as well? Begged my parents to name me Enkidu. They thankfully refused.”
Remus laughs fully now, and Sirius wants to a punch a wall. It took him literal months to make Remus laugh like that— genuine and glimmering and gorgeous. “Lucky bloke. Though I do have to admit that Gilgamesh is a favorite of mine, I think I’ve read the epic twenty times over.”
“Oh mine too,” the fucking Frenchman says, stepping closer to Remus and now in front of Sirius fully, gambling bravely that Sirius wouldn’t try to cap him right here. “If you ask me however, I do believe that he and Enkidu are more than just, friends.” His eyes flicker down to Remus’s lips for a split second and when he looks back up his face is positively leering.
Sirius sees red.
“God, so nice to finally talk to someone who gets it, the professors I work under are usually so painfully heteronormative that it’s crippling.” Remus tells him, smiling kindly.
“Oh, I’m the furthest away from that, I assure you.”
He winks! He fucking winks! Sirius swears to God! He sees the bastard winking at his husband! His fucking husband! What the bloody hell does he think that platinum band on Remus’s finger matching Sirius’s own is suppose to represent! Holy shit!
“I’d love to read anything you have on the subject, most things translated to French are a bit clunky.”
He’s trying to ask him out! Right here! Right in front of Sirius! Sirius is going to strangle his snail swallowing neck! Thankfully, Lily must sense his inner turmoil because she interjects their conversation right then, asking Thomas to grab her a jasmine tea.
“Oh yes of course,” he nods congenially, rounding back on Remus before he leaves. “Would you like a pastry? On me.”
Is he trying to ask Remus to eat it off of him? What the hell! It took nearly a year of them fucking for Sirius to get Remus to bring food in the bedroom, to get to watch Remus lick the chocolate syrup off his cock. And what? Does he think he’s even got a chance so quickly!
“Oh, that’s sweet,” Remus grins and a part of Sirius dies on the inside. “But I’ll come tag along, yeah? I love talking about this stuff and Sirius absolutely hates this ancient rubbish.”
“I do not! I think these dead blokes are very interesting,” he harrumphs, heated, with pouting lips and crossed arms. But Remus only tosses back his head with uninhibited laughter in response, which makes the fucking Frenchman beam that bit brighter.
“After you,” he says with a swish of the hand.
Sirius is going to be tried for murder, and he’s not even sorry about it.
“’s okay love,” Lily reassures him, patting his head dotingly. “We’ll find you someone new.”
“I hate you Evans!”
“Don’t blame the messenger!”
Sirius is about to tell her just how much he does exactly that, but then he catches on the fucking Frenchman putting his hand over Remus’s to prevent him from sliding over his card and all the fight leaves him in an instant.
 Sirius ended up not even going to the on sight location for the latest project he’s heading at the firm. He instead spent the bulk of the morning and part of the afternoon grinding his teeth as Remus spoke and barbed and giggled with the fucking Frenchman, like he was enjoying himself. And it was torture, watching the way they naturally clicked and got on— Literal fucking torture.
Sirius is still fuming as they sit in front of his younger brother and his newest bird, a pretty girl named Amal, who’s just graduated from a posh, fashion institute in the north of France. And Christ it’s like he’s being bombarded with the idea of that country all day.
“God that must’ve been such a wonderful experience,” Remus says, smiling as she leans forwards with a grin, speaking louder over the chatter of the busy sushi joint they had all agreed upon.
“Oh yes, the cuisine was simply unmatched, even if I did end up missing London, being home and all. Though I’m afraid my French is seriously dwindling compared to my English and Arabic now.”
“You should ask Reggie to practice with you, I know I love it when Sirius speaks the language.” He winks right then, making Amal crow with laughter and Regulus roll his eyes fondly. But Sirius stays peeved off with his hinged jaw, absolutely seething.
“Bet my hopeless brother recites poetry to you and everything, rose in his mouth and all.”
Remus laughs and Sirius suddenly has the horrid image of the fucking Frenchman doing as much outside the window to their bedroom, and is furious all over again.
“Well Reggie, Remus here does fancy all things French, foods and wines and blokes and just the whole lot.”
“Well good, we have something in common,” Amal snickers, lacing her hand through Regulus’s own over the tabletop. Sirius and Remus haven’t held hands since the waitress brought out their drinks, and remembering as much makes Sirius take a swig of his ail, hating everything.
“Yes well, you can say it’s Remus’s soulmate, France I mean.” He says, words beginning to slur. “He’s meant for French food and wines and blokes, innit true love? You’d prefer a French bloke?”
Amal frowns and Regulus pins him with a one eyed squint, befuddled. But Sirius only gathers his wits about him when Remus clammers noisily out his chair and tugs on his arm to follow suit.
“Reg order us the specials yeah? And a round of spring rolls,” he instructs, words clipped, and a small dent peeking out between his brows, like it does when he’s especially annoyed. “C’mon Sirius we need to talk.”
“But that’d be awfully rude,” Sirius retorts, already hates the flat, fuming tone Remus is speaking with, and feels good and properly nervous for the impending argument.
“They have one another, ’s fine. Now let’s go.”
Sirius concedes and pretends it doesn’t feel like he’s being lead to the gallows.
“All right prick,” Remus huffs, rounding on Sirius right after he locks the door to the single user loo. “What has gotten you in such a bloody awful mood.”
Sirius sniffs, arms crossed against his chest and his head tilted imperiously. “I’m peachy.”
“You’ve been acting like an arse ever since we had coffee with Lily,” Remus counters, reproving.
“Actually love, if you didn’t notice, Lily left about halfway through you and the blonde’s little clucking session.”
Remus furrows his brows now, pillowy lips pinched and looking lost as hell. “You’re angry because Lily left for work?”
“Oh for bloody hell Remus!” Sirius erupts, tossing his arms in the air. “I’m angry because you met your ruddy soulmate and now you’re going to ride off into the sunset with’m and read French poetry together while eating cheese and bread and talking about highbrow shit like Aeneid!”
Remus startles backwards, long lashes flapping and mouth gaped open. “Oh Christ, you’ve gone absolutely barmy. You’re mad.”
“You’re not helping.”
“I feel like I should call someone about my husband going bloody mental.”
“I repeat. Not. Helping.”
“What in hell has convinced you that this random bloke is my soulmate?” Remus asks, back to being patient as ever.
“Lily!” Sirius shouts. “She told me that you and the fucking Frenchman are soulmates! And she’s right okay! She’s bloody spot on.”
Remus rolls back his entire head now, groaning out, “You are such an idiot.”
“Real nice Moons,” Sirius frowns, doesn’t even know how to feel now, the anger seeping out of him the longer he’s standing besides Remus, leaving an awful, clawing abandonment in its wake.
“Did you ever once think to ask me what I think of the damn concept of soulmates? Hmm?” He asks, single brow hiked with pure condescension.
And oh.
Sirius is stuck for a minute there, doesn’t see an out to the question. “Well…. Erm—“
“Well if you had asked, like a normal sodding bloke! I wold’ve told you that I married you because I know your my soulmate you arse! And it isn’t because of some ridiculous notion of stardust or providence or whatever else. It’s because we grew together, and we fight for one another, and even when you’re being a complete prick or we’re arguing like mad you’re the only one I want. Only person I can ever see myself with, the only person I want to try this hard for. The only fucking person I ever want to call my husband! My partner! lover!”
“Oh.” Sirius breathes out, all his fears being strangled by the conviction embedded into Remus’s words. 
And it’s like all of Sirius’s insides melt, like all the adoration and love and reverence he holds for Remus is pooling in his stomach and threatening to pour out his every orifice. And God he can’t even inhale, only scrambles to lock his hands around Remus’s cheeks and press his head against Remus’s own.
“Yeah? You really think that.”
“Hell, I thought the wedding and all would’ve made that clear.”
Sirius chuckles, only lightly, his thumb dragging beneath Remus’s eye tenderly. “God I love you, so endlessly. Please forgive me for being an idiot?”
“Yeah, I suppose I’ll keep you around,” Remus teases, bouncing on the balls of his feet to kiss Sirius’s nose and lock his arms around his neck, and the sensation of it— them knotted into one another— could never be replicated in a thousand years, not like this, not like them. 
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lyrebirdswrites · 4 years
not me drawing and interpreting proper astrological birth charts for the jjk main trio now that the official fan book finally gave us their birthplace in addition to their birthday 👀
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Explanation under the cut! (edited to be more beginner friendly)
Quick disclaimer ig: this is just my personal interpretation of these placements. If you read the way I describe something and you think to yourself “hang on, I have this placement and this doesn’t sound like me at all” that would be because a) I am an amateur astrologer and I do this for fun, I don’t know everything about every sign/planet, and b) no placement exists in isolation - it’s influenced by the house it’s in as well as any other planets aspecting it - so it’s possible that the placement manifests in a less conventional/standard way due you because of such factors.
EDIT: my first draft of this post was not super beginner friendly so here’s a quick astrology 101 to help people understand wtf I’m talking about. Skip to the next photo if you don’t need a primer.
Everyone has ten main planets in their birth chart, each of those planets will fall under a different sign depending on when and where you were born. The planet governs an area of your personality, the sign shows what that area of your personality is like. Some quick definitions of the relevant planets for this post:
Sun: the one everyone thinks of when asked ‘what’s your star sign’. Your basic personality, your core, your ego.
Moon: symbolises emotion, intuition, your private internal world, and how feelings are expressed.
Mercury: symbolises communication, intellectual reasoning, and how you learn.
Venus: symbolises romance, aesthetics, how you socialize, and pleasure-seeking behaviours like shopping or sightseeing.
Mars: the source of your passion/drive/motivation. Symbolises where and how you expend your energy.
Retrograde: not a planet, just something the planets do sometimes. At some points in the year the planets look like they’re moving ‘backwards’ through the sky, and this alters their influence on the birth chart.
I think that’s probably enough but shoot me an ask if you’re curious/confused! I’m always happy to talk astrology (clearly lol)
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Megumi... I always suspected he had scorpio influence somewhere in his chart and turns out I was right!! Not only scorpio venus but scorpio mars too?? I’m obsessed with this. Scorpio is a water sign (read: big on emotions), the embodiment of the phrase ‘still waters run deep’, and though scorpio placements are not always loud about their affection they tend to bond in a pretty intense way with their chosen people. Those venus and mars placements together really do speak of ride or die devotion - no wonder he’s Like That when it comes to Yuuji people he cares about.
His jupiter and saturn are both in retrograde; I would not have predicted it because I don’t think about natal retrograde all that much, but it actually makes a lot of sense imo. Retrograde jupiter usually indicates someone who is internally very philosophical in the sense that the person will define their own firm moral/ethical code instead of following a familial or societal belief system, which is pretty much megumi ‘I save people according to my own conscience’ fushiguro in a nutshell. While retrograde saturn is basically like. On the outside you’re stoic but on the inside you’re a worrywart, and you take responsibility Super Seriously but you also don’t like people with authority pushing you around needlessly. Which is also megumi in a nutshell lol.
His leo moon was a surprise but I honestly think it works for him because this is definitely where Unhinged Feral Megumi comes from: when he decides to go all out he gets such a flair for the dramatic. capricorn sun and capricorn mercury are pretty intuitive tbh, he really gives off capricorn vibes - practical, reserved, loyal, ambitious and tenacious, possessing a dry wit, capable of putting in steady hard work to get to where he wants to be.
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I was already aware of Nobara’s leo sun because we’ve had their birth dates for a while now (birthplace is the new info which lets me draw the whole chart). But her cancer moon is such a lovely placement under that hard outer shell of hers. Nobara seems like she does not have a nurturing bone in her body, but it’s wrong to stereotype cancers as exclusively homebody motherly types - they have deep loyalty for their chosen family/home and they’ll go to the ends of the earth for those people in their own way whatever that may be... she really is a softie deep down 🥰 she really does care 🥰 thinkin about the end of her ch 125 flashback in this context
Nobara’s virgo mercury is actually kind of funny to me because while it indicates a natural gift for intellect and a talent for sorting out the fine details, it also has the potential to make someone a harsh critic who can nitpick and be quite blunt in stating their opinions... this is very Nobara, she does Not spare the feelings of anyone she is talking to lol.
Libra venus!! She has libra venus that’s so perfect!!! this placement is sophisticated and charming and always classy, these people adore that classic chocolates-and-roses romance but they turn love of all kinds into an art form. Traditionally the placement is also associated with people who care about beauty and harmony, who will go out of their way to look good for their companions. Also her leo mars... I love that. It’s really amplifying her bold outspoken flashy self-loving take-charge nature. Queen energy right here.
She has a bunch of natal retrogrades but the one I want to talk about is retrograde uranus... this one is Very fitting and again almost funny in the context of her character. You know how she’s always convinced she’s the only sane person in the room when actually she’s the unhinged one 24/7 and not self aware about that in the slightest? Yeah. That’s big retrograde uranus vibes.
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Oh Yuuji... I could talk about your pisces sun all day 🥺 I could get Very technical and meta about the pisces association with the twelfth house and the fact that it’s ruled by neptune and what that says about his character, but I don’t have the room or the time so I’ll save that for another post. For now I’ll just say that the fact that he cares so deeply for others regardless of how well he knows them, the way he feels his feelings so intensely and is very intuituve/sensitive to others needs, him being interested in the occult before he ever found Sukuna’s fist finger, it all just seems more pisces to me than any other sign. And him having pisces mercury + pisces uranus in addition to his sun is also very sweet... our boy really thinks with his heart at all hours of the day doesn’t he?
His libra moon is such a fitting placement, too, because this moon is all about relationships - not just romance but bonds of all kinds, friends and family and companions of any sort. Yuuji as a character is so motivated by the bonds he shares with others and his desire to not be alone, especially on his deathbed. Libra moons are charming and personable and find it very easy to connect with others, they are deeply concerned with justice and will be accepting of everyone except for people who are cruel (exhibit a: just look how he responded to mahito). I think it’s a very apt moon for him to have.
Tbh if I were picking and choosing I might have loaded him up with yet more pisces energy and given him my favourite placement in the whole world, venus in pisces. But he actually has an aquarius venus and I think that’s so interesting! The part of this placement that speaks to his character for me is the way that aquarius venus love is defined by radical acceptance - there is never any judgement (I won’t judge you, Junpei!), because this venus seeks not only to see and understand but to be seen and understood in turn. Some say aquarius venus is an emotionally detached placement. I think that’s a mischaracterisation, but it is true that aquarius placements can be low key scared of intimacy and vulnerability even when they crave it lmao. An aquarius venus will sort through turmoil in their heart by retreating to think it over in isolation, rather than by submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known and reaching out. Manga readers if u know u know
All I can say about his capricorn mars is that it definitely embodies that determined protagonist vibe. Thoughts like ‘I want to get stronger, I want to be the best, I’ll put in the work to come out on top’ are very capricorn thoughts to have, and the drive and forward momentum associated with mars really push them to the front of his character. But also, again; an underdeveloped capricorn mars under stress will shut out possibilities for connection with loved ones by dedicating themselves to their job or cause. Yuuji learn healthy coping mechanisms challenge 2k21.
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krisrix · 4 years
Saw a post about the "lack” of trauma in Wayward Son, especially in comparison to the representations of trauma in Carry On. Which seemed like a gross oversimplification of the many ways trauma can manifest and therefore came across to me as dismissive and gate-keeping, whether or not that was the intent.
There is no one correct way of experiencing, exhibiting, or depicting mental health/trauma. And these things shift within everyone all the time. The way a person’s trauma manifests at one point will not be how it always manifests. That’s part of the problem.
So, I thought I would offer some of my own thoughts about the ways we see Simon and Baz’s mental health issues and trauma played out in WS, especially in comparison to how we see it in CO.
This is NOT exhaustive. I am likely going to forget many things. But it’s something.
Simon shows signs of PTSD, depression, anxiety, and rejection sensitivity dysphoria
These were all things he had in CO, but they were well-hidden thanks to his compartmentalization abilities and the fact that he was held together by pure stress and adrenaline at all times
Pretty much every single thing shown to us in CO is also shown to us in WS, though sometimes in more subtle ways - name it, it’s probably there
Now that he has his own space, his own rules, and no reason to fear for his life on a constant basis (no care homes, no attacks, no Big Bad, no roommate out to get him), he actually has SAFETY and COMFORT for the first time in his life - and he has no fucking clue what to do with it!
He crumples under the complete LACK of pressure - it was the only thing holding him together
He’s developed a drinking problem, neglected his hygiene, dropped out of school, and gained weight due to lack of maintaining his usual levels of self-care - this is not someone being “listless” - this is someone with mental health concerns on a level where intervention is needed
But rather than tackle this, Simon forces his brain to continue its attempts at compartmentalization, and he stops going to therapy
Except he can’t do that anymore, because Pandora’s box has been opened - AND, again, he has no external pressures keeping him going
He feels hopeless about his future and views himself as completely useless
His self-esteem is awful to the point where he is sabotaging his own health and relationship
He thinks he’s showing Baz “who is really is”, but he’s actually just discrediting himself entirely, showing us his self-destructive hero complex in a different way than in CO
He’s still reactive and loses control - he screams at Penny when she uses her magic on him, he’s itching for a fight, and he’s also channelled a lot of this into possessiveness
He still shows his black-and-white morality continuously throughout the book - not trusting the vampires, throwing his life on the line to save Agatha even though he knows it’s a trap, still quoting the Mage, etc
He only comes to life when he finally has a reason to be useful again
He kills vampires and possibly kills Terry - this is not surprising - he spent his entire childhood as a soldier, slashing things, blowing things up, etc - WS is showing us this side to him explicitly, whereas it was more glossed over in CO - but it was always there (he killed an excitable dog in CO, remember?)
He is disfigured - he cannot go out in public without depending on someone’s magic (which we already know from CO that he hates!) or covering up oddly in a trenchcoat
Even with those things, he can’t go confined places - like the Tube - or a public toilet!!!
Prior to Penny’s new spell, he had not been able to sit up straight properly for over a year - OVER A YEAR - he probably has chronic pain on top of the trauma of this
Simon tells us he’s “blossoming” - that does not mean it’s necessarily true
Baz has thrown himself completely into his studies, and whenever he is not on campus, he is babysitting Simon
He is still coping with self-destructive martyrdom - he devotes all his time to Simon and does whatever he can to make Simon comfortable
One remnant of their history as enemies manifests in how Baz is terrified to set his boundaries in the relationship - he’s always on eggshells, he’s always counting himself lucky to be in Simon’s good graces at all, after everything
He watches everything he says around Simon - he’s terrified of giving Simon a reason to officially end things - the teaching-Simon-to-drive scene is a perfect example - it’s sweet and flirty and sexy, but also, Baz is SO careful about making sure Simon doesn’t get frustrated with him or the process
He still sees himself as unworthy of love - which is why he would rather have what little shreds of a relationship they still have left, than nothing at all
He is MISERABLE in America - he is starving and being burned alive and gets shot multiple times!! And he never once complains - that’s not admirable - that’s sad - that’s really fucking sad
He continues to put all of his dignity and pride into his external self, both visually and through his academic achievements, rather than into his mental and emotional well-being - perhaps even MORE than ever before, given how much he’s “blossomed” despite not going to therapy
These are high-functioning mental health issues - not a lack of them
He still hides his vulnerability and affections - he still never feels safe being himself - both as a vampire and as Simon’s boyfriend - coincidence? I think the fuck not
He likens Simon kissing him after the Ren Faire fight to when they shared magic, taking down the dragon - he thinks about how this time, he doesn’t need to pretend he’s not soaring inside - and then a few hours pass, and Simon pulls away from his kiss, and Baz has to go right back to hiding
He spent his entire childhood playing the villain, and now that he doesn’t have to anymore, we get to see that this is not who he was in the slightest
He’s the one appalled when Penny is doing illegal things - he’s the one always trying to talk them out of an altercation - he WANTS to be good but wasn’t allowed to before
He IS loyal - very loyal - and Simon uses this against him in subtle ways
He has no idea who he is - but we do get to see him try to find out, thankfully - it’s a matter of how much of this he is willing to accept and use as a catalyst for his own self-actualization - this is a journey he has only just begun - which should be celebrated, not seen as a dismissal of his struggles which came before
“You live in fear! In denial!” - pretty sure that says it all
There is so much more than this, but I am just so fucking tired.
Feel free to reblog, add your own thoughts, counter-points, etc. I love a good discussion. Just be respectful, ok? It’s not hard.
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lumau · 3 years
Here is another puzzle piece of the Froststorm vintage arc. Some day soon I will come up with a title, I promise.
mild warning for mentioned transphobia
“Lord Li Ming, I am sorry to disturb you. His majesty the king would like you to receive this, please.” The bow with which the servant handed him the small black box could not quite hide the curiosity with which she eyed him. A curt and polite, but clearly dismissive “Thank you” from Li Ming discouraged any further interest though and she quickly left.
After the first few days in Marseille Li Ming was convinced that, regardless of what he said his intentions were, this was a holiday home to Ao Shun, a space where he could deviate somewhat from courtly customs and protocols, allowing himself more freedom and extending that leeway to his servants as well. And the business he was building up for himself gave a good cover - so far Li Ming had spent most of his time here accompanying Ao Shun to exhibitions, galleries and museums, so they could gather information on the local culture and art scene. The ship tours around the old harbour and to the Île d'If were necessary as well, so that they could give knowledgeable recommendations to potential visiting business partners. As were the dinners at the city’s most renowned restaurants of which Ao Shun insisted on trying a new one every evening. It did make sense. And yet…
Li Ming had never had any interest in joining the other courtiers and staff in their seemingly endless discussions of interpersonal relationships. He rather focussed on his work than on how many people of which status had been sharing minister Zhong’s bedroom of late. Still, he was an intent observer and knew how these situations usually played out. Li Ming was also not oblivious to the more or less subtle cues in the king’s behavior. He knew how it had to look, and why it would be food for gossip, something he generally did his best to avoid providing.
He opened the presentation box, and found a pair of matte black cufflinks on a white silk cushion. They were simple and exquisite. He toyed with them for a moment, absorbed in his thoughts. Then he found it was probably a signal for him to get ready for dinner.
His wardrobe had proven to be put together according to his preferences, just like his rooms. Li Ming was particular about his clothing, but every piece fitted perfectly. While the cut was that of the latest local fashion, he could recognise the work of the royal tailor, who, of course, was well accustomed with his needs and style.
The splendid three piece dinner suit, light grey with the slightest natural shimmer to its fabric, had seemed a little over the top for all his appointments so far. Li Ming considered it for a moment, then, with another look at the new cufflinks and the twitch of a smile on his lips, he took it out and began to dress.
Tonight the location for their dinner was one of the most exclusive gentlemen's clubs, members only - a dinner table had been reserved for them by recommendation from another art collector Ao Shun had met at an event some days ago. Their waiter had shown them to their table in a discreet corner. Li Ming wondered what assumptions he might make about them, but didn’t bother giving it too much thought. He had brought his notebook, and informed his lord about dates for upcoming auctions with some potentially interesting items, when the wine and hors d'oeuvre were served.
After sampling and approving the wine, Ao Shun raised his glass, and Li Ming mirrored his gesture. 
“Ah”, Ao Shun set his glass down again after a sip, and smiled, “Let me see them properly again.”
When Li Ming inclined his head in incomprehension, Ao Shun reached across the small table and took hold of his hand, pulling it slightly towards him to expose his cuffs under the hem of his suit jacket. ‘Alright… apparently touching hands is a thing that keeps happening now.’ Li Ming thought slightly giddily.
“Yes, I knew they would be perfect for you.” Ao Shun said, clearly pleased, and continued to drink his wine. 
The thoughts began racing in Li Ming’s head. For some reason, Ao Shun was still holding his hand. What did he expect him to do now? His grip was not demanding, it was simply casual and warm. Could he move his fingers to return the gesture, and acknowledge the touch? But what if there was no intention behind it? It would seem quite inappropriate. Yet, if this actually was Ao Shun making soft advances to him, and he simply remained completely impassive, he might interpret it as a rejection. And while he could not say what was going on or what he wanted, he knew that he did not want to reject him. 
The waiter made the decision for him, when he approached the table to politely inquire whether everything was satisfactory. Ao Shun’s hand smoothly moved over to his glass of wine instead, and Li Ming quickly pulled his back, aware that his cheeks must have turned deep crimson.
After the interruption, Ao Shun changed the subject back to the upcoming auctions, and no more hand holding entailed. Food was served, glasses refilled and the evening unfolded rather pleasantly. 
When the king wished to leave, the driver was notified and their waiter accompanied them to the door. As a professional, he had clearly picked up on the hierarchy between them, and addressed Ao Shun exclusively.
“Monsieur Ryu, we appreciate your visit, and hope that we will be able to welcome you as one of our esteemed members in the future.” The slightest change went through his expression, as he leaned almost unnoticeably closer. “I am aware that you only just arrived in Marseille, so please allow me this small advice. Next time, Monsieur should want to consider the company of a different associate.” Ao Shun stared blankly at him with the attention that a great tiger might give to a mildly distracting fly that had just landed on his piece of meat. When he did not get any reaction, the waiter added emphatically, “This is a gentlemen’s club, Monsieur.” Li Ming felt the air grow cold around him. He knew where this was leading, and he hoped against hope that Ao Shun either didn’t, or let the matter drop and leave. A small frown appeared on the king’s forehead. “Li Ming is from a noble family,” he said with an air of growing annoyance.
“Ah, excusez-moi, Monsieur. There is no doubt about that, of course.” The waiter bowed, and Li Ming almost breathed a sigh of relief, as Ao Shun gave a dismissive nod and turned to leave, when he continued, “Monsieur, you must see though that there are limits. We had complaints from our members this evening. You will understand, I’m sure, that this is an exclusive establishment.”
As he grew even colder, Li Ming saw the flare of red in Ao Shun’s eyes and felt the tingle of static in the air. He had gotten used to running into more or less irksome issues in public human locations, but it was always unpleasant. Whenever possible, he generally just avoided them. It would be best to simply leave now, and not get drawn into an uncomfortable discussion. Raising a storm on the building would not make things any better either. He unobtrusively took a step forwards into Ao Shun’s field of vision.
“Mr Ryu, the car is outside now.” he politely addressed him with the agreed upon alias.
He avoided looking at the waiter, just like he had ignored him in turn throughout the evening, and did his best to keep his face impassive. Ao Shun’s heavy gaze shifted to him, and a roll of thunder sounded from outside. Li Ming  did not want to show any sign of weakness, which was much more difficult when it felt as if the king was looking right into his core. ‘Don’t cause a scene. Please, just leave already,’ he mentally tried to urge him. After a long, awkward silence, Ao Shun turned swiftly towards the door and with a single, angry snort left the room. Li Ming followed right after him, not dignifying the bowing waiter with any sign of attention.
Outside he took a deep breath and with a sigh of relief he quickly entered the car, before the already lashing rain could get to him.
Li Ming fell heavier than usual into his seat opposite Ao Shun. The air in the small room was thick with pressure and ozone, and he felt the king’s piercing gaze on him.
“I will level this place to the ground,” Ao Shun snarled, and the thunder echoed in his words. In the privacy of the limousine his scale patterns were gleaming on his skin now, and his elongated claws were balled into fists. “Those wretched minions! How dare they question you? The audacity!”
“Please, your majesty, you should not need to be bothered by this matter. It has no significance,” Li Ming said appeasingly, “Those humans don’t matter.” 
“No significance?” 
The fury rang in Ao Shun’s voice and made Li Ming avert his eyes. He felt suddenly exhausted, and lacked the focus to deal with the raging king. He simply wanted to forget about the incident and not waste any more energy on it. “They don’t matter. But you do.”
Li Ming looked up in surprise, and met Ao Shun’s gleaming eyes. Beyond his grim frown lay a deep concern that Li Ming found difficult to bear. He bit the side of his mouth hard, struggling to maintain his calm composure. He felt exposed and weak under Ao Shun’s intense scrutiny. And while it made him uncomfortable and he had to keep his hands from trembling, a part of him wanted more of that care he felt directed at him. He had spent so much time in Ao Shun’s company. He trusted him probably more than anyone. But it was quite different to feel so vulnerable around him.
For a long moment, only the motor and the heavy drumming of the rain against the outside of the car was to be heard. Li Ming’s throat was dry, even if he had known what to say, he probably wouldn’t have brought out a word.
Then Ao Shun blinked, and with a somewhat resigned sigh he sat back in his seat again. Li Ming felt both relief and pity at the break of their connection. They sat in silence for the rest of the ride, and while Ao Shun stared broodingly out into the rain, Li Ming tried to divert his thoughts by recalling the warm feeling of his hand on his own.
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katsens-writing · 4 years
A/N: I’m back! Well sort of anyway. I have like three different wips and a million ideas for other stories that I’ve had for awhile but I did this instead. I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile though because I had a anonymous request for it forever ago so here ya go anon! (Sorry it took so long anon, I hope you still lurk somewhere in the vicinity of my blog so you can see this!) Check out my masterlist here! If you want to be added to any of my taglists let me know!
Anon’s Request: Ensign! Admiral Stabby wants to know how extraterrestrials might view social distancing when the Handbooks all say that Humans require contact with other beings to maintain peak efficiency.
Content: Mentions of disease, isolation. (Basically what’s happening now but in a sci-fi setting.) Please let me know if I need to add anything!
Word Count: About 1k
     En’thaar lowered the chart and clipboard grasped tightly in his pinchers and looked up at the airlock of the ship docked before him, bracing himself for whatever he may find behind the door. In spite of Human-Anastasia’s reassurance, he was on edge, for he had no idea what to expect. The ship they were about to board had just returned from the outer rings of Kolstaj. When the ship’s last exploratory mission returned, a few of the mission members exhibited symptoms of Spirlux. It was a disease common enough to many species, with treatments and preventative measures available to nearly all of them. All, except, humans.
     The disease had all but disappeared before humans had first been discovered, so hardly anything was known about the disease in humans until now. By time the human assigned to the exploratory mission showed symptoms, it was too late to isolate them. The disease spread to the rest of the humans on the ship. To prevent it from spreading further, all the humans on the ship were put on lockdown, quarantined within their own quarters or at their work posts, depending on their position.
     After two weeks of this, En’thaar was understandably anxious. He knew that humans were a social species, needing interaction and companionship. He couldn’t imagine how great that need would be under such uncertain and frankly frightening times. He had never encountered a human that had been isolated before. Not many had, for that matter, which was one of the reasons why he had been sent on this mission with Human-Anastasia; to gather more information.
     Ana watched En’thaar out of the corner of her eye as she put on her containment suit. The large, nervous alien may as well have been giving off distress pheromones with how he was behaving.
     “Relax, En’thaar,” she smiled in half amusement, half comforting. “We’re just checking up on the crew and giving them an update on the treatment research.”
     “And record the fatalities,” En’thaar nodded in an attempt to hide his nervousness and steady his voice.
     “Fatalities?” Ana quickly turned to him, eyebrows arching in alarm. “En’thaar... the scientists discovered Spirlux isn’t fatal to humans. You do know that, right?”
     En’thaar shifted his weight from one long leg to the other, the plates of his red crustaceous shell-like exoskeleton rubbing together at his joints. “I know,” he answered the human’s question.
     Ana frowned, her face scrunching in confusion as she tied her sleek, dark brown hair back with a band from her wrist. “Then why do you think we’re going to find some dead?”
     “Well... it’s been two weeks...” the alien began slowly and uncomfortably, as if he was explaining a delicate matter to a child and he wasn’t sure how to. “Two weeks that the humans have been kept away from each other, unable to have contact with each other. Sure, The Veylin allows your species to have ‘pets’ but... two weeks. That’s a long time.”
     Ana’s frowned relaxed into a look of bewilderment. “En’thaar, wait- are you- did you- did you think humans would die without being able to see each other?”
     Now En’thaar looked confused, or as confused as he could with a curved, squid-like beak. “Are humans not a social species? Do they not rely on each other in times of trial?”
     Ana nodded thoughtfully. “Well, yeah, we do, but we can still communicate, you know? Just like we always do when we can’t see each other in person. And not all humans are like that, some would rather be alone. Some humans don’t like working with other humans or even being in the same place as other humans.”
     En’thaar nodded slowly as he remembered when he first read over Human-Max and Human-Ben’s personnel files. Based on how frequently the individuals and teams they worked with changed, he came to the conclusion that the two did not get along well with others, however upon meeting them he soon realized it was quite often the others who could not manage working with the twins.
     “Yes, but do humans not need physical contact with other humans as well?” “En’thaar questioned. After all, even the brothers still had each other, no matter how many ships or posts they were assigned to.
     “Sort of?” I mean we do, sure, but not constantly or anything. In fact some humans don’t really like physical contact, especially during a pandemic like this.”
     En’thaar blinked his large, black eyes, his muscles relaxing as the anxious tension left him. “So the humans should be ok then?”
     Ana smiled as she turned away from the alien to face the door. “Yeah, they should be.” There was something in Ana’s demeanor, the slightest twitch of her eyebrow, the tiniest hesitation in her voice that caused some of En’thaar’s nerves to return.
     “Human-Anastasia,” he spoke firmly, yet cautiously. “Is there something else I need to know?”
     Ana winced at the alien’s full name for her. He knew by now to call her Ana, or maybe Anastasia in more formal work situations, but definitely not Human-Anastasia. Hearing his full name for her now was like being scolded with her middle name. She turned to look at him with a wide grimace that sent vibrations through En’thaar’s exoskeleton, much like humans’ smiles used to before he learned that they weren’t signs of aggression. He knew better than to mistake this for a smile though.
     “Do you remember how Cassie, the boys and I played Truth or Dare that one time?” she asked a little too carefully.
     En’thaar shut his eyes as the memory of the twins’ nauseous drink concoction caused his scent receptors to shrink in self-preservation. He opened his eyes and held the human’s gaze steadily as images from the aftermath of the havoc wrecked in Shar’lan’s quarters came to mind. “Yes, I do,” he replied slowly.
     Ana lowered her gaze, rubbing her neck awkwardly. “Yeah... humans can get bored easily, and sometimes rather quickly, and well...” she lifted her eyes to meet the alien’s, sheepishly wincing. “The boys had flooded Shar’lan’s room within an hour.”
     “An... an hour,” En’thaar stammered. “An hour. And the humans have been isolated for...” En’thaar’s eyes shot open wide as all the fear and anxiety that had vanished came flooding back at once to overtake him again. “Oh, dear Starmaker,” he whispered.
Taglist: @myworstdays @parkerspicedlatte @xmarveled
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alienisticxo · 3 years
X Angel - Chapter 3
Elon Musk x Reader
{Authors Note} I am considering taking requests, so if you have anything Elon-y that you’d like me to write, feel free to send them in my asks <3
I hope you continue to enjoy! You can also find this on AO3 and Wattpad. xo
Warnings: None
My security team immediately took one step closer to me as though this were some sort of communicated threat. But a strikingly cool grin crossed Elon’s lips— one that told he clearly didn’t care what anyone else thought about the matter.
“You can’t try the merchandise before you buy, sorry,” Jett retorted with no actual indication of being sorry.
“That’s not it,” he assured with a light laugh. “I’d like to see her without being under so much pressure.”
I eyed Elon then, a metallic eyebrow arched. While I was very much everyone’s golden child, cash cow, etc., no one had ever made an attempt at considering my own feelings in any situation. I was only to do as I was told. My thoughts or emotions were the least of everyone and anyone’s concerns, even though I had very much capitalized off of their fear of my denying their requests. At the end of the day, I was just another toy to play with, and that had all become very clear, very quickly. Coming to terms with the fact that they seemed to have fooled me more than I thought I was fooling them was going to be another story altogether. Still, to hear Elon say something like that surprised me-- almost making me as skeptical as everyone else suddenly was. What would the real reason be? On another hand, I was in disbelief that he might also be as kind as I hoped he would be on top of it all.
“Mr. Musk,” began one of the men who remained at the table nervously, “Please don’t make this difficult.”
They were clearly afraid of saying the wrong thing to him, walking on eggshells so to speak. To keep from risking the successful purchase of myself, however, they must’ve felt they had to confront him regardless of their fear.
“I’m not making anything difficult,” he said plainly, beginning to approach me then. “These beings are far more intelligent than we are, clearly capable of mimicking human emotion. You’re all poking and prodding her and she’s programmed quite authentically. She looks…” he paused, his hand lightly motioning toward me as he kept a polite distance. “Well, she looks nervous.”
I immediately checked my facial expression and posture, loosening up the best I could without giving away that he was correct. He had been watching me the entire time without saying a word, studying me to a tee without catching anyone’s attention. So much so, even I hadn’t noticed him standing in the corner until he made his presence known. I should’ve expected he'd been doing so the moment my eyes landed on him, but I had been so preoccupied in my own thoughts about the entire ordeal. Now I still couldn’t shake the shock of his way of treating me… like a person.
The man sighed through his nostrils, clearly exasperated at the request. But the other men paused and exchanged thoughtful glances, seeming to begin to understand where Elon was coming from.
“Hm… I suppose you’re right,” one said, causing the original man to clench his jaw.
“No dice,” said Jett flatly.
The man who’d examined me’s eyes seemed to light up then, and he turned to Jett, suddenly yearning to oblige Elon. I decided it was because of Jett’s insistence on not allowing it, so he himself wouldn’t appear to be the ‘bad guy.’ However, the others seemed genuinely curious themselves once he’d mentioned the notion.
“Perhaps if not alone with one of us, we can put her behind a glass of some sort,” one spoke up convincingly. “See how she acts without any outside influence whatsoever. Either way, it’s very important. We can’t expect someone to be with her twenty-four-seven on Earth to make sure she's still the bright and shining star we all know and love. It would be impossible.”
Elon breathed a laugh then, shaking his head as he reached a hand into his jacket, revealing a holographic card only seconds later.
Jett’s eyes shone like crystals in the sun the moment they set on the translucent object, his attention quickly caught and his interest extremely piqued. He pretended to mull over Elon’s offer with a hum.
“I guess we could cut a deal, Musk,” he said, feigning contemplation. “How much we talkin’?”
How fast his voice grew gravely and intrigued again. I wondered how much he was making off of my purchase as I stood like a statue, only able to watch what was happening from what felt like miles away. I wasn’t sure of his intentions, but I felt compelled to allow him the request. I hoped it was for something important. Maybe even something that could help me get out of the situation I now found myself in. At the very least, I just wanted the opportunity that so many dreamt of- to have time with him, no matter what it was about.
“However much you’d like,” was all he said. “But I’d like to see her for myself in a more natural situation— a one on one setting.”
I bit my tongue before gathering enough courage to speak confidently in a room full of intimidating people, unsure of whether or not my tactics would still work.
Here goes.
“There’s no need for that. Let Mr. Musk do as he wants, Jett,” I demanded, holding my hand out in a gesture to push the card Elon held down. “Or I walk from Astra before you have a chance to sign me away at all.”
I didn’t mean to backhandedly mention their signing me away, but I couldn’t help it. It must’ve worked in my favor, as Jett’s nostrils flared, and if looks could kill, I wouldn’t have needed to walk. I would’ve dropped dead right there. Cybernetic stars didn’t demand much of anything, ever. But I certainly had a tendency to threaten to cut all functions when I didn’t get what I was after, and Astra needed me far too much.
Or at least, they did.
Who were they going to replace me with?
But I digress…
My human requests and reactions were a major part of what made me so lifelike to everyone I deal with. It was unheard of among the others and they just weren’t sure if I was bluffing or not. That was what made me the only one like me. The special one, the star I was. It was what purchased my penthouse with the idyllic view and each one of my Tesla’s; what kept me living in the lap of luxury and able to help those I needed to help. Though of course, I always had to play my cards right, using my demands only in opportune moments. That was what kept me afloat with Astra as well.
A.I. was just tricky that way, and while no one knew for sure, Jett knew better with me. I was tempted to use this strategy in the situation I was dealing with now. But I knew better, too. No one would want me if I opposed it altogether, and I’d be left to the crime ridden outskirts like a few before me had been, too. It was obvious I was no longer an asset to the label.
Jett pushed past Elon then, clearly fuming over my interference with his under-the-table payment.
“Five minutes,” was all Jett said as he approached the doors to leave the room, not turning back to look at anyone.  
There was a brief smirk on Elon’s lips before he nodded for the other men to follow Jett, who quite willingly did so, and before too long, I was alone with the only man I’d ever admired.
I knew I was supposed to be more at ease with the sudden lack of eyes prying into my entirety, but my nerves continued to get the better of me. How could they not when standing next to someone as awe inspiring as Elon Musk? Maybe to any other person who didn’t care, it would’ve been easy, a relief. But I found myself trying my best to keep my composure even though I’d pushed for the request.
Not sure what I was expecting, I remained silent, my metallic fingernails clicking against each other in front of me. I felt like a child who was waiting for punishment. But the silence wasn’t as awkward as I was waiting for it to become. That was clearly his doing and not mine, as he was cool as ever. I waited for him to speak first, my voice too caught in my throat, anyway.
He turned towards the beautiful view before us, looking out over it into the night sky. The bright lights cast the same glow they had when he stood beside the window, but slightly dimmer, adding a sultry shadow to his features that I damned myself for noticing. He exhaled audibly, but not dramatically, eyes scanning over the skyline.
“It’s nice here, isn’t it?” He asked.
Small talk. Odd.
“Yeah,” I responded quietly. “One of the reasons I wa-“
I caught myself, noticing his green eyes glance in my direction without facing towards me completely. Pausing a moment to feign an error, I started speaking again, facing out over the view myself, then. “One of the reasons I love it here so much.”
He either suspected it was an error, or wasn’t concerned as he continued the conversation with no reservations.
“Earth isn’t so terrible,” he said. “Sure, we’ve fucked it up pretty badly, but it could be worse.”
I smiled. He was absolutely correct.
“Aren’t you headed for Mars, anyway?” I piped up next, unable to conceal my admiration.
“You’ve heard about that, huh?” He asked, turning to face me then.
I discreetly stiffened up again as he studied my features, the slightest furrow in his brow. I could tell he was trying to figure me out; figure out who could’ve pieced me together. What kind of rival company he might be up against without even knowing it. A.I. lifeforms were lifelike, damn near realistic, but it hadn’t advanced to the point I exhibited yet. Most people didn’t think twice, just saw how phenomenal I was— the walking, talking, cybernetic pop star that everyone wanted to be just like.
Elon was far, far more intelligent than that.
“You’re synonymous with space travel,” I responded a bit flatly, as though I was simply pulling the information from a database in my mind instead of revealing I just knew about him. “Mars was your first target. NASA pushed for X, and here you are now.”
He lifted a brow, an almost amused expression on his features as he let me speak.
“Why are you here? Buying a pop star hardly seems like your forte,” I continued, not wanting to sound as confused and even a little hurt at the notion as I was.
His response was a chuckle. He was certainly amused now.
“You’ve got a point there. I’m here to figure you out, Miss {Y/L/N},” he said, wobbling his head to one side a bit. “You’ve been all the talk back on Earth. The latest and greatest A.I. creation. You’re scaring people, to be quite frank, and I’m interested in.. picking your brain, so to speak.”
My face fell. Something about that gave me an uneasy feeling. I hadn’t exactly put together that I was feared while everyone I encountered adored me for all that I was. Or.. All they thought I was. The last thing I wanted was to scare people-- It wasn’t even the last thing, it wasn’t a thing I wanted at all. I knew I was something of a puppet to pertain to the masses in order to get messages across, but being completely frightening wasn’t on my to-do list.
“Scaring people?” was all I could manage, the slightest twinge of hurt in my voice.
“You move, speak, act and react as though you are a human being. No company, and certainly no one, has been able to package all of this kind of complex engineering into a real, walking, talking cybernetic human form. At least, not without it looking completely fake. Other cybernetic celebrities, while convincing enough to the untrained eye, haven’t been able to hold a candle to your authenticity,” his expression was serious as he held my gaze. “You must realize the kind of trouble that could put humanity into.”
He paused, thinking for a moment.
“More trouble than we’re already in,” he finished then.
All at once, I was lost for words. What I had expected to be making an impact in a monetary way was only frightening people in other places. I wondered if Xian’s felt the same way, or if they just turned a blind eye to the fact that I was the way I was. Perhaps they felt as though Planet X had simply had it all under control with the advanced technology they were known for. I had questions, of course. Who wouldn’t? But I had to keep my own front up. I responded the only way I knew how.
“I’m sorry to break it to you, but I’m just here to be a star,” I forced a smile.
He breathed another quiet laugh then, his eyes dropping before looking back out at the view for a moment. He picked up on my programming side holding my guard up at the question. “Of course you are,” he said quietly.
I suddenly felt crushed. I didn’t want him to dislike me, or feel as though I was a threat to mankind or anyone who may have crossed my path. I also didn’t want him to feel as though I were nothing more than another dumb pop star that was so well-known around celebrity culture. A million things ran through my mind at once, but I couldn’t voice any of them. I was caught between what I should say and what would happen if I did. While I didn’t know him from anyone, I felt quite obligated to be honest with him. It seemed as though so far, while only a few sentences in, he had been nothing but honest with me. There was something about him that I couldn’t put my finger on; something I couldn’t get past. The desire to let him in was overwhelming, but I pushed it away, chalking it up to the grave admiration I felt for him and nothing more. I didn’t know him, after all.
His hands were in his pockets, but after a few more seconds of silence hanging between us, his eyes met mine again before averting to my neck. Looking as though he wanted to say something, I studied him with a fervent curiosity. He lifted a finger quickly then with an inhale, softly gesturing towards my hair.
“May I?” He asked gently.
I knew then what he was after. He wanted to check for an indication of a company himself, knowing where they usually hide their numbers and letters in etching rather than stamping it on in ink. I wondered if that was the only reason he wanted to get me alone in the first place, and tried not to feel the faint pang of hurt in my chest.
While the idea was clever, he wouldn’t find what he was looking for, and I knew this all too well. Still, playing ball as I knew I had to, I obliged.
“Of course,” I nodded once, tilting my head a bit to allow him more access to the area he was to begin searching.
With careful hands, he moved my hair, his fingers gliding under my ear and to the nape of my neck, delicately feeling for any indication of an etching. I could hear his hand brush against the cold metal of my body, and instead of the previous hurt, a sudden, surprising pang of longing struck me as I deeply wished I could feel the warmth of his fingers.
My brow furrowed just slightly while I sat with the unforgivable thought as he continued his hunt. His cologne seemed to emanate around me, and the scent alone relaxed me without my noticing at first. There was something kind about his hesitance, his desire to treat me as not something that simply made people made money, but someone, with feelings and opinions. The notion was something I’d have to get used to, but not unwelcome in the least. I couldn’t help but notice he was certainly attractive, even more so up close than I’d casually noticed in photos, and his consideration for me alone spoke volumes— asking my permission, the gentle touch he used when I allowed it; it was admirable in and of itself. Cybernetic beings were seldom cared for in such a way. He seemed to treat me as an equal.
“Hm,” he finally contemplated, taking me back out of my thoughts once more. “I don’t feel anything,” he thought aloud.
“Sometimes I wonder if I didn’t just create myself,” I joked, my voice airy as I tried to keep the mood light.
But he wasn’t laughing as he carefully removed his hand and let my {H/C} hair fall back into place. I’m fact, his countenance read quite grave as our eyes met once more.
“It’s troubling,” was all he said as the doors swung back open, slightly startling us both.
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ichorizaki · 4 years
part of your world—s.d.
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꒰ ❛ genre ❜ ꒱  — fluff. just, pure fluff
꒰ ❛ pairing ❜ ꒱ — timeskip!sawamura daichi x f!reader
꒰ ❛ warnings ❜ ꒱ — uhhh some curse words and teeth-rotting fluff, asahi’s terrible fashion taste
꒰ ❛ word count ❜ ꒱ — 2.7k
˚ ༘ˀˀ  ꒰‧⁺ a text from sol —  ✎ˀ !!! my first req!!! ily ily hehe i had so much fun with this; i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it! thank you so much for being patient, @ceo-of-daichi​ huhu
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-`,✎ synopsis!  ; ♡ disneyland is just as magical as anyone dreamed for it to be and more.
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One of the things that you love about Sawamura Daichi was how he calculated different factors to make sure that his intended outcome was accurate and to his satisfaction. Maybe it was the way his dark brows furrowed in concentration as he mapped out the plans, or perhaps it was in the way he had that small grin that boasted pride when he was done. You didn't know why he was planning so intently for a quick weekend trip to Disneyland Tokyo, but you didn’t quite care because it made for the perfect setting for you to pop the million-dollar question. While you would love to have the trip be just the two of you, you required an audience and moral support, which was why you had Sugawara Kōshi happily laying down in the backseat of the rented car and Azumane Asahi waiting for your arrival at his condominium complex at Ginza, Tokyo.
“Dai, how much further from Tokyo are we? I wanna ride the rollercoasters!” Kōshi complained from the backseat, propping himself up on his elbows. It was a miracle that both you and your boyfriend had heard him over the booming stereo that blasted the Disney playlist curated specially for the trip. He noticed that Daichi had his hand gripping your thigh where it was exposed by your denim shorts and made a gagging noise. “I thought I wasn’t gonna third-wheel.”
“We’re not even making out, you drama queen,” Daichi snorts. His eyes drifted from the rearview mirror to the GPS he was following on his phone next to the steering wheel. “We’re about fifteen minutes from the checkpoint.”
“Finally. Fifteen minutes more and I won’t be the only third-wheel.” You laughed at his comment as he went back to laying down in the backseat, scrolling through his phone and singing along to the songs. In his impatience, you knew it was excitement. Partially for Disneyland, but you knew the real reason behind it: the small velvet box sitting in your Kanken bag that sat by your feet.
Kōshi has been your partner in crime ever since your Karasuno days. You knew he had your back when it came to anything that consisted of the element of surprise, as you had his. You’ve said it a thousand times and you’ll say it again: the Karasuno VBC should be glad that you weren’t one of the managers. Otherwise, you were sure that their productivity would fall drastically.
Feeling your boyfriend’s calloused hand give your thigh a slight squeeze dragged your eyes from your phone screen to his beautiful face. You raised your eyes in question before he nudged his chin towards what lay beyond the glass windows, eyes fixated on the road. You followed his gaze and a small gasp of surprise left your lips.
It was by no means your first time in Tokyo but it never fails to take your breath away every time you near the border. Silver buildings line the landscape, blindingly glinting as they reflected the meridian sun. Billboard signs were but a blur of colours as Daichi drove past. You could practically smell the metallic scent of the metropolitan metal forest.
“Kōshi! Look!” You cried out, the palms of your hands flat against the glass along with your cheek as you tried to get closer to the scenery in the confines of the car. The second you passed the checkpoint and were cleared, the excitement was blatantly obvious in the way it seemed to send jitters down your spine. “Ah, I can’t wait to see ‘Sahi. I’m so glad he agreed to come out of his shell and spend time with us.”
“Right?” Kōshi got up from his position to squeeze his torso in between your seat and Daichi’s. “Man, I can’t wait to go feral at Disneyland and sleep for free in a downgraded hotel.” Daichi couldn’t help but laugh at the statement that his friend had made in reference to Asahi’s place. He had offered his condominium as accommodation for the night. You guessed that he was tired of being so lonely in such a spacious living space. The last time you checked, you were sure that he had two guest rooms which was perfect for the three of you.
Daichi continued driving into the city, easily finding his way to Asahi’s condominium complex. He was waiting there, scrolling through his phone in what could easily be the most tourist-y getup. He didn’t notice the vehicle pull up before him, which prompted you to wind your window down to call for him. Kōshi mirrored your actions, calling for him by his favourite nickname since high school.
“Oi, Negative Beardy!” He giggled as the bigger man looked up from his phone. His hair was cropped short, his previous peach fuzz now a well-groomed beard. He got up from his seat and you couldn’t help but notice the neon green fanny pack standing out exceptionally from his ensemble. You didn’t hold back the laughter and neither did your boyfriend as the clumsy man slid into the backseat next to Kōshi, the apples of his tanned cheeks a bright pink.
“Five months and the first thing you do is tease me . . .” Asahi sighed.
“How can we not when you look like a tourist?” Daichi countered as he began to drive out of the complex. “For a fashion designer, you sure do have a terrible sense.”
“Yeah, ‘Sahi,” you chimed in. “Isn’t the neon green fanny pack a little overkill?”
“Huh? Then where am I gonna put my wallet and phone on rides?” The three of you laughed it off, leaving a resigned Asahi shaking his head. Years may have passed and there may have been distance among the four of you but the chemistry was still there.
The drive from Ginza to Urayasu was about twenty minutes, but time seemed to fly by when you’re having fun because the next thing you know, the four of you were climbing out of the car with entry tickets in hand and standing in line. It was late into the season of spring and you could smell it distinctly in the air. The breeze was nice and chilly against where your skin was exposed as the sun cast a mighty glow upon the citizens of Tokyo, excitement buzzing in your veins like static electricity as you bounced back and forth on the balls of your feet.
Kōshi was the only other person who was being loud about his excitement, running as soon as he was granted entry into the magical grounds of Disneyland. You bounded after him, your voice disappearing into the large expanse of space as you screamed out loud.
“Y/N! People are staring, you idiot,” Daichi called out after you, taking your hand in his as soon as he caught up. You gave him a cheeky grin and wink along with a finger gun with your free hand. Now that you were finally at Disneyland, all you had to do was wait for the opportunity to make this fine man yours for the rest of your life. Kōshi gasped when he saw your linked hands and immediately turned to look at Asahi who tucked his hands behind his back in response.
The four of you started off at World Bazaar, taking a tour on the omnibus around the plaza before deciding to go in hard and strong at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Adventureland. Needless to say, Asahi was the only one who emerged trembling like a leaf. You felt like a high school student once again, spending time with your best friends and your crush in what appeared to be a fantasy-like wonderland. Your laughter filled the air as screams and children’s excitement harmonised along.
Regardless of where you ventured in the theme park, you were smiling and laughing and running around like a child with Kōshi as Asahi and Daichi both looked on. The former was visibly embarrassed by the commotion that the both of you were causing while the latter simply bemused by how happy you were. Hell, simply ‘happy’ didn’t cut it. You were in absolute childlike ecstasy as you pulled him along to the different rides and exhibitions, asking him to take your picture with Daisy Duck or Peter Pan or some character whose name he had forgotten. He was completely enthralled by you and knowing that you were his simply sent his mind reeling and his heart thumping against his ribcage as he fondled with the navy blue box nestled in the pocket of his bermuda shorts.
To say that you were nervous was an understatement. You were about to ask the man you love if he wanted to spend the rest of his natural life with you. You kept telling yourself that you had no reason to be nervous, that no matter what his answer was, you’d respect it. It was only natural that you were restless, right? The adrenaline that flowed through your veins was keeping you on your toes at every exhibit, show, ride, and parade that the four of you spectated with bright, eager smiles.
It was only when the stunning blue of the sky began to mix with swirls of salmon pink and golden melting through fluffy whites were the four of you sitting on one of the benches outside Cinderella’s castle. Families of both locals and tourists had ice cream crêpes in hand as they strolled languigly. You had an ice pop in hand, sharing it with Daichi as he sat next to you whilst cooling himself with the electric handheld fan that you had brought along.
Kōshi was staring dead into your eyes, his silver eyebrows furrowing just the slightest bit as he nudged his chin not-so-subtly to an inattentive Daichi. You scowled silently back at him, wordlessly telling him that it probably wasn’t the right time. Probably. But then he went ahead and gave you a smug look that called you a coward for chickening out whenever the opportunity presented itself by neatly dropping into your laps.
He wasn’t wrong. You had the perfect opportunity to propose just about an hour ago during one of the parades at Fantasyland. Mickey had pulled you in for a dance on the road, and after your little grooving session, you had dragged your boyfriend who was reticent but never tried to hide the fond smile on his face. Poor Kōshi had wasted a good percentage of his battery filming several almost-proposals only for you to chicken out at the last second. You were sure that you weren’t going to hear the end of it if you didn’t get down on one knee to propose in the next hour.
“Do you still want the ice pop?” Daichi asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. You turned to him, shaking your head. Now’s the time, you told yourself. No more backing out. You were going to ask this man to be your partner in life and that was final. How could you not? You’ve known this man close to two decades. He had been by your side the whole time, through the ups and downs, never once letting go of you even when you told him to. To you, he looked no different than he did when you first met him at the shy blossoming age of 15. He bulked a little and sure, there were smile lines and some wrinkles, but that was it. He’s still the same Sawamura Daichi that you fell in love with. “My love, is everything okay? Is there something on my face?”
“Huh?” You blinked. Crap, were you staring at him too obviously? You quickly told him that no, there wasn’t anything on his face other than absolute beauty, to which his cheeks flushed red. Kōshi was staring at you—you knew it from the glaring burning on the side of your face—and you finally reached your arm behind you where your bag was, nervously trying to take the violet box from the confines of the small pocket. You heard Kōshi whisper-yell a not-so-subtle “Yes!” as he fumbled around to fish his phone out.
Daichi’s ochre brown eyes never left your face as he watched you get up from the bench to sink down onto one knee before him. You felt your heart stammering in a jittery, shaking, quaking panic as your cheeks burned beet red. He was patient, waiting and watching you slowly rest your hands over your propped knee. Only then did you realise that the words that you had painstakingly memorised were beginning to disappear from your mind like a drawing in the sand erased up by waves.
“Daichi,” you began. There’s no going back now. “I never thought I’d ever find someone who’s my best friend and lover. I wouldn’t say that you’re my saviour or some shit cause that’s really cringey.” You briefly paused, swallowing the lump in your throat as you tried your best to fight back the tears. Why did you have to get emotional now? You cleared your throat, “Um. Listen. I’m in love with you. I had a script and I forgot what were the specific words on it, but I know this for sure: I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to watch you grow old and have kids who are gonna have kids, who are then gonna have kids, and then we’ll be sitting on rocking chairs at the patio of our house in the countryside, watching the sunset.
“I– fuck, this is embarrassing. But, yeah. I love you, and I’m just here to complete the final objective. I’ve taken your jackets, your firsts, and your heart, and I think it’s time I take your last name.” From the corner of your eyes, you noticed there were a few people standing by to watch. Some of them were obviously tourists and the fact alone made your entire face flush pink. Your eyes were trained on Daichi’s handsome face as he let a lone tear escape before quickly wiping it away and sniffling. He had that smile on his face—the very one that made your heart throb and sing hallelujah—and you couldn’t help but smile too as you revealed the golden ring seated intricately in a sea of white silk of the velvet box that you were holding. “So whaddya say, Dai?”
The second he got down on one knee and took out an identical velvet box from the pocket of his shorts, you let out a loud groan, throwing your head back to stop the tears from flowing freely down your face. You heard the spectators cheer and laugh, and also Kōshi screaming right behind you. Your teeth abused your bottom lip when you returned your tear-filled gaze to him, arms going limp by your sides. You refused to believe this was happening. It was the last thing that you had expected from Daichi, but life was full of surprises, wasn’t it?
“I don’t know, Y/N,” he mused. The corner of his lip curled upward into a sly smirk but the amount of love brimming in his eyes told a different story entirely. “What do you think?” By then, you had tears raining as you folded your feet underneath you so you could sit down and process everything. Even then, you were bawling your eyes out, holding his calloused hands in yours as he heartily laughed, kissing your tears away and pushing your hair out of your face.
“I think I wanna marry the fuck out of you, Dai.” Your shoulders trembled as your heart sang a euphoric tune that you never thought you’d be able to achieve. His bare, warm arms wrapped around you to guide you to sit down on the bench. He took his time wiping your tears and putting the ring on your finger before he did the same for himself.
“Tsk, babe, there are children here.” His teasing chides fell on deaf ears as Asahi and Kōshi joined the both of you, congratulations and teasing filling the atmosphere. You didn’t care that there were children there. Disneyland is one hell of a magical place, and you were just beyond thankful it turned all of your dreams into a reality.
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