#explore : video fics
screwsfall0ut · 5 days
Tim Drake Befriends a Bee Minific
When Tim was young and very lonely, he befriended a bumblebee. 
Back then, he was curious in a way that teased wonder on every rusted fire escape. At 9 years old, even Gotham’s grimiest streets sparkled under the right light and perfect Summer days were for adventure, not dread. 
It had been one of those perfect days - balmy, sunny, fresh, and crisp - when Tim almost stepped on a bee. He paused, one leg raised, light up sneakers still flashing, and hopped to the side. 
He carefully picked it up. The poor thing didn't have wings. It was so delicate. Its tiny legs tickled Tim's palms.
Tim was stricken with fear that it would die on the hot pavement, alone and scared. It needed to be protected. It needed a chance.
An eyedropper of sugar water and 30 minutes later, the bee was moving - crawling all over the table and, eventually, over Tim's hands. He brought the bee out into the garden, letting it examine the roses, the lavender, the yarrow.
Tim couldn’t leave it out there, defenseless, with no one to watch over it, to make sure it wasn't eaten or crushed or lonely. 
He named the bee Sisko, after his favorite Star Trek character, and because it was an onomatopoeia of the strange buzzing sound Sisko would make while traveling up and down Tim’s arms.
Day after day, Sisko and Tim would make new sugar water, then go explore every flower and bush and stone on the Drake property. Sisko’s favorites were the yellow roses, which had bloomed brighter and taller than anything else that season. Sisko would always crawl back to Tim’s hands in the end, or his arms, sometimes even up Tim's neck and into his bushy hair to keep Tim company while heating up chicken nuggets or peeling open protein bars or chowing down cold pizza. 
At night, Sisko slept in the ratty, soft stomach of Tim’s favorite stuffed animal, a bunny his Mom had given him when he was too young to remember. Tim moved the stuffy from his bed to his dresser (he was nervous about rolling onto Sisko in his sleep) and every night checked that Sisko was safe and sound before turning out the lights. 
They were friends - best friends. 
With Sisko, Tim lost the urge to wander off in Gotham proper for batwatching. Instead, he’d re-learned every step of Drake property, fell in love again with the flowers and trails, the old, old trees, and the pond out near the property line. 
Tim knew Sisko was on borrowed time (of course he did) but against all logic, Tim was certain that Sisko wasn’t any normal bumblebee. How could he be? Not when he’d chosen Tim, not when they'd made a home together. Anyway, why should it be so ridiculous to think that Sisko might be a witch's familiar or a companion like Jiminy Cricket. Magic was real, and there were stranger things on Gotham's streets every day.
Tim started to believe, actually believe, that one day he and Sisko might slip into Narnia or Wonderland or Middle Earth. Every day was an adventure.
Eventually the cold began to creep back, hardening the ground, taking the flowers, and turning the leaves. It was a chilly Sunday afternoon when Sisko crawled into Tim’s palm, fell asleep, and never woke up again. No matter how much Tim begged and begged and begged.  
He'd died so quietly. So unceremoniously. Tim wasn't ready. It wasn't fair.
Sisko was just a bee, and Tim was just a boy, and there were no magic wardrobes waiting for them.
Tim buried Sisko under the yellow rose bush, long gone spindly and brown. He cried so much that he'd thrown up in the dirt. 
Later that week, Scarecrow broke out of Arkham. For the first time since June, Tim pulled out his black clothes and his camera bag to watch Batman and Robin save the day. 
The click click of his camera shutter, the smoggy sky, the sweet rot smell of the dumpsters: that was familiar. Tim was a shadow again. He could lose himself: in the dark, in the night. 
Tim tucked his bunny stuffy into the back of his closet. He stopped waiting for magic to find him, at least, not the kind you'd read about in storybooks. Magic may have been real, but it was for people like Robin, people who swung from rooftops and laughed loud and made the world brighter. It was never meant for someone like Tim.
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eywaseclipse · 7 months
My exact thoughts.
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scoffingatgravity · 9 days
As a person who’s never clicked on a pop-up advertising meeting hot singles or anything of the like, I wouldn’t have been able to resist clicking on one of Betelgeuse’s pop-ups. The audio of him from the first film saying, “I’ve got demons runnin’ all through me” was the cherry on top.
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irenespring · 2 months
Why when I'm trying to work on an "A Clearly Discernible Line" chapter do I suddenly get a Research series fic idea. Why. Why does this happen. I don't like it.
The Research fic idea is basically a Wilson version of "Data" where he has a difficult talk with his therapist and then has an important therapy assignment that ends in fluff. The fic would likely center on parentification, emotional neglect, and why Wilson compulsively shoves down his own needs and doesn't let anyone past his "everybody's favorite nice person" mask.
I'd want to dig into parallels between House and Wilson (House creates an aggressively unpleasant facade to distract from vulnerability and empathy, Wilson creates an aggressively pleasant facade to distract from the things about himself that he things are bad but which are often understandable and morally neutral [depression, queerness, basic human needs]).
Also I want to explore Wilson's childhood, including how he was parentified and made his brother's caretaker (because the situation of Wilson being solely responsible for his brother's needs even after Wilson left home did not spawn when his brother was diagnosed [which would have probably been when Wilson was already in college in another country], Wilson's parents must have expected it of him because of a pattern that existed for a long time), and then often emotionally neglected and ignored ("James isn't any trouble he just does fine on his own, he doesn't need anything") when he wasn't caring for his brother (the only way he could get real praise). Basically all this resulted in Wilson having little concept of his own needs and wants and being wired to think the only way to get people to care about you/want you around is to take care of them. Add the trauma from "Hypothesis" and now he thinks pleasing people is also the only way to be physically safe...and wow, yikes.
Anyway, it would probably be the standard Research hurt/comfort with a fluffy ending deal. I want to write House actually realizing that Wilson's "eating neediness" is actually indicative of something that could cause Wilson real pain.
No promises at all that this will be written (in the near future all energy is still on the fic that I am currently publishing), but I needed to write the idea down and really think about it so tomorrow I can get some "A Clearly Discernible Line" writing done.
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wienersmosh · 7 months
.... a tommy x anthony fanfic is in the works hehe
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dr3comebackera · 9 months
Daniel describing how he broke his arm as a kid, from the Red Bull 2018 On the Sofa video
After Max answers “What’s the stupidest way you ever hurt yourself?” with a story of him drunkenly walking into a door: MV: “You?” DR: “I broke my arm as a kid. Uh, February the 13th, 2003. Basically, how did I- so I broke my humerus,” MV: “Okay” DR: “Like serious bone. And I broke it by throwing a tennis ball.” MV: *in disbelief* “How?! How can you-” DR: “I threw a ball, and my arm snapped.” MV: *grimaces* “Awhh. So how is that possible? DR: “In the end, I- so we found out I had a bone cyst. So something that, I guess some people get, it’s just, I don’t know how, I guess you’re just maybe born with it and over time, I guess it’s some form of like little, disease in a way. Anyway, so it, it’s this thing that eats away your bone over time, and eventually the bone becomes so thin that it-” MV: “It snaps?” DR: “eventually is gonna break. Basically.” DR: “Um, so it could’ve happened like, the doc- the hospital said it could have happened like, getting out of bed, like one morning I could’ve just gotten out of bed and it would’ve just snapped.” MV: *huge grimace and groan* DR: “So I was walking with my friends, erm, it was at lunchtime at school, and people were playing cricket. So the ball came over, so I like just picked it up, threw it, and that’s when it snapped. And I just fell to the floor, and all my friends were laughing at me, like ‘You’re being an idiot. Get up.’ And I was like, obviously crying. And yeah. And the guy that hit the ball, true story, the guy that hit the ball, was, I wanna say, I don’t wanna exaggerate, I wanna say at least 50 meters away, at the very least 50 meters away. And he heard the snap, when it- it was that loud. I’ll never forget it, unfortunately. I wish I could.” DR: “But anyway. So if you like touch my arm now, you can feel like the bone where it grew over, it’s kind of weird. Anyway, broke my arm throwing a tennis ball.” MV: “Impressive,” DR: “Yeah.” MV: “Impressive.” DR: “Yeah.” DR: “One weird thing with that, I’ll just quickly- so I was sitting there at school, like waiting for my mom to pick me up. Cause I didn’t know what I had done, I didn’t know it was broken, I just knew something was up. And I went to move my arm, I was supporting it.” MV: *can tell where this is going, softly* “Oh.” DR: “And I went to move it, and I literally, I could feel things inside, like move, but my arm stayed still.” MV: *mouth drops, loudly* “Oh no, ohhhh” DR: “So like all like the, whatever nerves or whatever, like I could feel them move but my arm didn’t move. I was like, ah. That was the scariest thing I’ve ever felt in my life.” MV: *looks in shock during this whole story, continues to grimace* “Ah” DR: “Yeah. And I’m not good with that stuff, I get-” MV: “So you have like a scar here *points to upper right arm* now?” DR: “Ah, no, so they couldn’t operate on it. So they needed just to, erm, I mean they like, I don’t know what they did in the end. But they couldn’t operate. I stayed in the cast for a crazy amount of time, and then it just, like, grew over. So I got no scar, but you can just feel- I’ll let you touch it later, off camera.” MV: *sharp inhale before smiling* “Ha hah” DR: “I’ll let you touch my arm.”
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heartman · 2 years
Me: *playing God of War Ragnarok*
My dad: hey so the head is immortal right?
Me: Mimir? To an extent I think so why
My dad: Do you know if the head would drown or not? If Kratos decided to throw him in the lake like would he still be alive
Me,: He's a head he can't swim
My dad: yeah but he's immortal maybe the fish would eat him and you couldn't hear him screaming for Kratos to come get him if he's at the bottom of the ocean
Me: *continues to do the mining rig side quest and tries hard not to think about it*
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
seth looks at a photo of the brothers and sees it with their mangled bodies instead of the actual photo b4 he blinks and it's normal again
Doesn’t look at the picture for a few days after that-
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minakoainosupremacy · 2 years
I’m sad, I’ve had a bunch of fun cool ideas sitting in the back of my head since like new years which I wanted to use for rare pair week, but like life has been kicking my ass so I didn’t have time to even start anything and now it’s over :( guess they will just keep living in my head until next year
#this is if I’m also not dying next year… which is unlikely#don’t do what I do. don’t work full time and do school full time. especially when you’re doing a dual graduate degree program. I’m in hell#brain screams#it especially makes me sad cause when I started writing fics in the summer it made me SO happy to be writing again!!!#especially about sailor moon!!! one of my special intrests and fav shows of all time!! it makes my brain SO HAPPY!!!#as I keep telling myself - just cause I don’t make these things now doesn’t mean I can do them in the future. my ideas will still be there#I can write the fics I want and finish the YouRube videos I’ve started. I can make silly little doodles and comics and short animations#I can take my Venus plus on hikes and exploring and to wonderful places!! we can go to museums and cafes and concerts!!#we can go to the ocean and climb mountains and get lost in the forest and get muddy and wet and cold and sit by campfires and climb on logs#I can take my not fully fleshed out idea of using her and my other plushes to make a sort of live action stop motion skit video!!#I want to be creative and free and have fun and live my life and pursue my passions!!#but rn… all i do is work. work and homework and class and homework. until I’m so fatigued I can’t walk and I can’t sleep and I can’t think#to be real watching the anime and having the codename: sailor v and stars arc of the manga is like one of the few things getting me through#when I’m so tired I can’t think I have those as comforts so I’m not sitting on the couch wanting to die#I find so much comfort in existing in the space of this fictional universe and I draw strength from the characters#like sailor moon helping me get through some of the hardest fucking shit I’ve ever done in my life. and helping me remember to love myself#also lowkey helping me fight off my depression and ed and substance abuse issues#I just both get so much joy and comfort from this space but also I feel I owe it so much gratitude for kinda helping me from crumbling#I want to also contribute to this space cause it gives me joy to do so and cause i want to give back and contribute to others joy as well#like it’s a combo of I love this and want to and also as a form of gratitude i want to and also to help others experience joy I want to#but… I don’t have the time or energy now. and if my life keeps going on like this. will I ever? I’ve never let myself slow down.#idk if I ever will :( oh well
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lohstandfound · 1 year
Thinking of having a one shot centred around Michael and Jenna in the richjake bare au
Just for fun
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
i tend to focus on regis making angouleme a little less insane. but the underrated dynamic in my head is angouleme making regis a little more insane. this mentorship goes both ways.
#and not in an annoying him way. that's completely separate. and he doesn't get annoyed and aggravated in the same ways that others do#if regis is really upset or offended he will be cold and distant. he doesn't have violent outbursts of frustration. he just freezes#and it's impossible for angouleme to sincerely annoy him anyways because he just doesnt find her that annoying.#of course he'd never tell her that. but he isn't truly annoyed by her because her trying to annoy him is something like amusing to him#so it develops into this running in-joke they have i think. woe unto those who do not understand the complexities of this friendship#im really split between making a video for halloween or finally writing my saovine fic (or trying to do either of these things and failing)#but i kind of want to write my fic more because it's personal and deeper. it's more meaningful and unique#i want to explore this flipside of the dynamic because i think it would be interesting to showcase that regis can honestly be really silly#everyone forgets he is also a comic relief character in the comic relief group in the comic relief plot#sometimes being juvenile and impulsive is good or at the very least entertaining to watch#angouleme: 'just give into your violent impulses. its what i do and everyone turns out ok'#regis: 'those guys over there didnt turn out ok. those guys over there turned out dead'#and as godforsakenly cliche as it is angouleme reminds him of his youth but in a GOOD way.#by spending time with her he probably remembered the good parts of youth that he buried in memory very deeply#and can begin to forgive himself for some of his stupidity#f: i'm not your uncle dear child#in short to live a dream#the elbow-high diaries
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eywaseclipse · 5 months
This hasn’t been put into ae yet, but I’m proud of my sound mixing lol. (I had to edit the audio after since sza is gonna be muted)
So here is before. It’s heavenly. Thank TT… anyway. Tsireya is so Saturn coded🌊🐋🪼🩵✨🪐🐚
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there is this straight anti-destiel person coming into the comments of all my spn-related tiktok videos and like while i’m not a fan of many hellers myself, this person is being really antagonistic towards even just the most benign shippers of deancas and even just queer headcanons i’m just like 😭 can you stop being lowkey homophobic and leave me alone pls?? i may not like a lot of hellers but that doesn’t mean i like you either bruh
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earthleave · 7 hours
Top Travel EXPERT Reveals Marvelous Destinations!
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xavieremix · 22 days
okay so the tags on that last post got me feeling those melon collies so i'm just gonna. tagdump in here. slightly sensitive topics? so uh. scroll down (or press J to jump to next post). or read my thoughts like the morning paper. sorry. cheers.
#edit: oh cool the mature content warning doesn't actually hide the tags? that's fucked.#i'll drag these to the top hopefully it'll push some lines back#one last space-filler tag for the road - weird brain thoughts afterwards#i dunno i'm just. i do not have a sense of self. i do not have a sense of identity.#essentially anything i can ascribe to myself is worn in the same vein that it fits close enough.#like clothes picked out after hours of unsuccessful shopping and im just tired and want to go home#am i a writer? sure. i write decently. i have a decent grasp of sentence structure. puts me leagues above plenty of other writing i see.#but then when i actually decide that i should write something i'm just filled with dread.#i can't respond to rp's i enjoy with partners i enjoy. i can't write fics about prompts and premises that i like.#am i a gamer? sure. i got multiple consoles; multiple game sources for each console; a backlog of games ive had to catalog.#but when i try to pick one out to play i just. don't want to. nothing appeals. nothing looks fun. i ask for suggestions and i take none.#anything singleplayer i have to stream or it's not fun. anything multiplayer i have to coordinate with others until we get bored.#what do i *do?* what do i *enjoy?*#i can keep myself occupied if needed but at the end of the day im not fulfilled#am i a programmer? that's the closest thing to enjoyment i've gotten in a long time#but do i actually enjoy the act of programming or do i enjoy the result#where at the end of the day i can show off what i made and get lauded with praise#i get a similar sense of satisfaction when im doing tech support and pull something out my ass and everybody goes “whoa how'd you do that”#the analogy that i've used a lot is how in some games at the start it's fine and fun#you're getting progression you're making progress you're learning and earning#but eventually it just. stops. there's more - not just in theory; it's right there! you can see it! - but it's just. so far away.#you can get there EVENTUALLY but it's just a grind. just a slogfest. there's more to unlock. more to explore. just sign in today. tomorrow.#keep coming back. you'll get there. eventually. it'll take forever.#now if this was an ACTUAL video game people would recommend that you stop and step away. does it spark joy? no? stop playing.#but ah. i can't quite stop playing this one.#and don't worry! i don't plan on putting down the controller! even though i mope and grump and weirdtalk my way down this hill#there is ZERO chance of me doing that.#but i ah. don't have a desire to keep playing.#it's a weird middle state to be in. don't wanna put down the controller. don't want to keep playing. i am just sitting here.#ive been attributing my more frequent thoughts on the matter to the whole roommate situation
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dr3comebackera · 9 months
Daniel describing how he broke his arm as a kid, from the Red Bull 2018 On the Sofa video
After Max answers “What’s the stupidest way you ever hurt yourself?” with a story of him drunkenly walking into a door: MV: “You?” DR: “I broke my arm as a kid. Uh, February the 13th, 2003. Basically, how did I- so I broke my humerus,” MV: “Okay” DR: “Like serious bone. And I broke it by throwing a tennis ball.” MV: *in disbelief* “How?! How can you-” DR: “I threw a ball, and my arm snapped.” MV: *grimaces* “Awhh. So how is that possible? DR: “In the end, I- so we found out I had a bone cyst. So something that, I guess some people get, it’s just, I don’t know how, I guess you’re just maybe born with it and over time, I guess it’s some form of like little, disease in a way. Anyway, so it, it’s this thing that eats away your bone over time, and eventually the bone becomes so thin that it-” MV: “It snaps?” DR: “eventually is gonna break. Basically.” DR: “Um, so it could’ve happened like, the doc- the hospital said it could have happened like, getting out of bed, like one morning I could’ve just gotten out of bed and it would’ve just snapped.” MV: *huge grimace and groan* DR: “So I was walking with my friends, erm, it was at lunchtime at school, and people were playing cricket. So the ball came over, so I like just picked it up, threw it, and that’s when it snapped. And I just fell to the floor, and all my friends were laughing at me, like ‘You’re being an idiot. Get up.’ And I was like, obviously crying. And yeah. And the guy that hit the ball, true story, the guy that hit the ball, was, I wanna say, I don’t wanna exaggerate, I wanna say at least 50 meters away, at the very least 50 meters away. And he heard the snap, when it- it was that loud. I’ll never forget it, unfortunately. I wish I could.” DR: “But anyway. So if you like touch my arm now, you can feel like the bone where it grew over, it’s kind of weird. Anyway, broke my arm throwing a tennis ball.” MV: “Impressive,” DR: “Yeah.” MV: “Impressive.” DR: “Yeah.” DR: “One weird thing with that, I’ll just quickly- so I was sitting there at school, like waiting for my mom to pick me up. Cause I didn’t know what I had done, I didn’t know it was broken, I just knew something was up. And I went to move my arm, I was supporting it.” MV: *can tell where this is going, softly* “Oh.” DR: “And I went to move it, and I literally, I could feel things inside, like move, but my arm stayed still.” MV: *mouth drops, loudly* “Oh no, ohhhh” DR: “So like all like the, whatever nerves or whatever, like I could feel them move but my arm didn’t move. I was like, ah. That was the scariest thing I’ve ever felt in my life.” MV: *looks in shock during this whole story, continues to grimace* “Ah” DR: “Yeah. And I’m not good with that stuff, I get-” MV: “So you have like a scar here *points to upper right arm* now?” DR: “Ah, no, so they couldn’t operate on it. So they needed just to, erm, I mean they like, I don’t know what they did in the end. But they couldn’t operate. I stayed in the cast for a crazy amount of time, and then it just, like, grew over. So I got no scar, but you can just feel- I’ll let you touch it later, off camera.” MV: *sharp inhale before smiling* “Ha hah” DR: “I’ll let you touch my arm.”
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