#extended family is gone i am now free
indecisive-dizzy · 6 months
I have more ideas because yes
Daisey still had three evil exes that consist of Holly and two other ocs of mine (Andreas and Kiko) but I think Howdy just scares the three of them
Holly is kind of a bully character at the start but she warms up to the other neighbors (mainly the girls, she hates men relatable)
Eddie and Howdy experimented with each other in high school, that’s how Howdy figured out he was bi (my hc ofc)
They didn’t work out romantically but they’re still super close
Daisey can carry Howdy. I just think that’s funny considering Howdy is almost twice their height
Howdy moved out of his parents’s house when he was barely 18 because his parents kept treating him like trash for not being as “accomplished” as his siblings. The only reason he still talks to them is for his siblings’s sake
Howdy stayed at Eddie’s place after he left home, he bunked in the guest bedroom and helped with chores around the house while he looked for a job to pay rent (it wasn’t required, but he still wanted to pay because they were super sweet to let him stay)
Howdy took care of Lizzy the most, even suggesting the nickname Lizzy to begin with. Everyone just called her Ellie before that and she hated that nickname. That’s why she stayed with him after the whole turning into a butterfly thing
Howdy drives Lizzy to school and embarrasses her like an dad plying loud music to annoy her when dropping her off at the school
Holly is an ice skater, she wins local competitions all the time. Wallace is a photographer, his portfolio is full of pictures of Holly performing. He just liked taking photos of his sister being happy
Daisey cries when wintertime comes around. They just can’t stand to see all the plants die because of the cold. They legit cry over every little flower they see dead and covered in snow on the ground. They get cuddles as a form of consolation
Frank knits in his spare time, he makes scarfs for all his neighbors
Sally and Holly are besties. Sassy besties/gfs maybe?? 💅
Wallace might or might not have a crush on Barnaby, Holly judges him immensely for it because she thinks Barnaby is stinky and weird and very annoying(she’s half true), but whatever makes her brother happy I suppose
Andreas and Howdy don’t get along. Andreas reminds Howdy of a very specific brother of his and he wants nothing to do with it
This is random but everyone does karaoke
Again, I put too many :,>
Also I’m just gonna put it here, if you have any ideas or questions or just anything you want to share with me, don’t be scared to send an ask! I like hearing other people’s ideas :D
Howdy scaring anyone is hilarious to me, with what? His insane scamming- I mean Business techniques?
Ah yes Eddie and Howdy having dated at some point is great. Howdy would rather it Not be mentioned I imagine while Eddie is just proud of himself for being Howdy's Bi Awakening pfff
And just everything about Howdy staying with Eddie's family, just,, yes. Love it
Howdy being the extremely embarrassing dad/older brother checks out lol
I feel like Holly would threaten someone with her skates,, and mean it. Sally is very impressed and encourages it haha
I also cry when my favorite tree loses it leaves/flowers so me too Daisey
Frank and Poppy get together to have tea, knit, and gossip. It's canon I was there I promise
Wallace go get your dog, don't let anyone stop you lol
hell yeah karaoke. Sally gets really into it. Frank and Julie are dueting. Wally is just reading the lyrics.
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autistichalsin · 9 months
Yes, Halsin's arc had romance and leadership and trauma and redemption for past mistakes and war and society vs nature and "pain of altruism" themes...
But his arc was just as much about a man's search for family as anything else.
Every bit of Halsin's arc was about him protecting someone he saw as family.
Act one was his family at the Grove- "the Grove became my family," he says after telling the player he lost his parents and any other family he once had long ago. If they are saved, he makes what he feels is the best choice for them and appoints a new leader of the Grove like a parent letting another parent have custody when they know they aren't the most capable caregiver. If they are sealed off by the Rite of Thorns, Halsin grieves the loss of his home and the people inside. If they are killed, he mourns too, and in either case he can't bring himself to go back and he joins the player's camp. And if they are killed by the player and he doesn't die first, he comes to kill them in retribution.
The Grove helped him through the trauma of the Shadow Curse, it helped him learn about himself as an Archdruid, it helped him realize where his heart lay- and where it didn't. Halsin loves their companionship, but hates his leadership role when it extends beyond paternalism; "it is a terrible burden," he says. He feels too comfortable in the Grove, too separate from nature, and considering how much the leadership role is tied in to his trauma over the Shadow Curse, it's no wonder he resents it. He just wants them as his family, not as his underlings.
Act two was about Thaniel. "He made me who I am today," he says. Several devnotes make it quite clear that Halsin's feelings are paternal ones, towards Thaniel and Oliver both. When he says he thinks it will be good for them to have a friend in each other when he's gone, a devnote says, "a little bittersweet: the kids are growing up." When he notes later that the two play together often in his meditations, the devnote says "proud 'father'."
It makes sense in more ways than one; not only is Halsin paternal to these two particular beings, but then, as a Druid, Halsin is a caretaker to nature itself. As the spirits of the land, of course his feelings would be doubly so, especially given their history.
But before he gets to this point, act two is about searching for family he fears losing- he is terrified for Thaniel and doesn't know if or how to save him. This is the core of his entire arc, really- his arc continues after this, but Thaniel was the most important part of his arc. He is restless and anxious before, and once they do find him, he relaxes again.
Act three is half for the player, whether a friend or a romantic partner. "The Grove became my family... and now I have you," he says as the player gets to know him. The player, who protected him, showed him kindness, saved him from the goblins and now saved his not-quite-sons from the Shadow Curse. The player who, if in a romantic relationship, lets him admit he felt lost before and helped him find himself, ease his burdens. The player who either expresses condolences for the loss of his family or (in a presumably well intentioned if slightly obsessive way) tells him he's better with them anyway, still indicating that he is wanted. The player who lets him show his playful side again, who tends to his needs just as much as the other way around (clearly an uncommon dynamic for him to be in)... He gets to find parts of himself he hasn't in a long time. And as he finds a romantic family again, he gets to start turning his thoughts to the future again. As he can tell Wyll if one plays as him, "we'll need new life when this is over." The player gives him his future back, whether a friend or romantic, along with the family bond he misses after leaving the Grove. It's an even more free, open family than at the Grove, since here he's not forced to take a leadership role and hold himself to a higher standard.
The other part of act three is Halsin seeking family in community. He sees the vulnerable in the city of Baldur's Gate and feels a connection with them- especially the children, but also the refugees. He sees how they're hurting, and he develops a dream "of a better future for those who need it," as the devnotes refer to this arc. Halsin is a person who fundamentally can't stand to see suffering, especially in the young, and the worse he hurts from seeing Baldur's Gate, the more determined he is to help them. This isn't just an act he takes out of duty as an Archdruid, though that is part of it, but it's also the act of someone who loves people and wants to help them. And he is rewarded for it- "Daddy Halsin, [the orphaned children] call me." Halsin, with his endless, deep love and empathy, finds a place where his efforts to help the defenseless allow him to find more love and connections. He gets to take on a fatherly role to nine wagon-fulls (depending on what size of wagon we're talking about, that could be dozens of children, maybe even HUNDREDS!) of children, teaching them about the traditions that are important to him, while also filling the hole left by his parents' absence- by keeping them and their beliefs alive in his interactions with what are now effectively his children.
At his core, Halsin is a lonely person throughout canon, who craves more connection; at this point in his life, it's primarily romantic love and paternal love he wants to give. Act one shows him in a situation where he has neither, and while he's not UNhappy, he's not happy either, and is all too happy to abandon his duties because it's not where he's meant to be. Act two gives him Thaniel, who he is overjoyed to finally free from the Curse, but he isn't meant to linger thanks to the battle against the Absolute. And then act three gives him the player (even if not romanced, he still feels a deep connection with them and vice versa) and, in the end, children he can finally be a father to, even if it's in a slightly different way than he imagined. And that is where he finally finds happiness and purpose.
It's a really wonderful progression for him, I think.
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crow-girl-cock · 5 months
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
click this.
now for introduction.
my name is Renée Corbeau
but you can call me ren or crow
I love crows! they feel like family to me and I hope next cycle I get to experience the life of a crow.
I have gone through alot in life and fancy myself some sort of activist by proxy of that pain, am I perfect? fuck no! I am still learning and probably operate under toxic bias still despite all the effort I have put into growth.
I'm adhd, autistic, anxious, depressive, dissociative, probably some degree of plurality.
I'm a gender non-conforming transwoman, definitely puppy coded, and severely down bad for women, especially butch women!
that being said the human body is beautiful. especially fat bodies, I'm a sucker for meat :3
all my guys, gals, and non binary pals deserve kisses (assuming that they want them)
I love gender fuckery, people who actively blur those lines are doing the lords work.
despite being very friendly and appearing slightly outgoing sometimes, I am very shy and dont have a very large social battery.
if I ever dont respond dont take it personally there are loads of reasons why this could be.
U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U
I am kind of a red mage when it comes to special interests, I know a little bit about alot.
(all lists are not ordered and not exhaustive)
some examples include;
from gaming~ pokemon, zelda, elderscrolls, darksouls, minecraft, osu!, space sims (elite dangerous, astroneer, dyson sphere project, hardspaceshipbreaker), roguelikes (noita, deadcells, gungeon, vagante, slaythespire)
from other media~ pokemon again, bluey, adventure time, atla, bee and puppycat, studio ghibli (nausicaa is goat), csm, bleach, dragonball, naruto, she-ra, dungeon meshi
from *gasps* real life~
space (and metaphysics), nature (it's peculiarities and the many funky adorable little guys born in it) I'm definitely a poser but skateboarding and rollerskating (I really want to get into rollerderby) philosophy (to the extent that any skid is);
(not as well read as I would like because there is so much of it, and so much of the truth is buried under misinformation, but I have deconstructed the whole western myth of how things went and painted myself a much clearer picture as to how things got so bad and am learning new things about the world all the time, please feel free to info dump about anything history related I'd love to hear it. anthropology and archaeology too obvs)
(this is my chosen field for better or worse >⁠.⁠< I am going to college for web and graphic design (2024-2026) I might extend that an extra 2 years to make it a bachelor of design and hope to one day make graphic novels, beautifully illustrated with deep thought provoking stories)
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Kink! (definitely subject to change)
petplay, musk, intox, bondage, impact, cnc, degradation, somno, hypno, blood, knives, size difference probably more I haven't thought of
I'm poly and very t4t
I'm a switch but this hellsite has been steadily turning me into a bottom day by day heheh
but no actually
I used to be a hypersexual dom pre-transition
but E has made me alot less uncontrollably horny and far more sensitive and inclined to seek vulnerability, all my drive to dom has dissolved
also I suck at tagging and will sometimes will reblog art/random things from tags without checking bios
if that upsets you or makes you uncomfortable please see the block button for more info ;3c
.♡. .♡. .♡.
anyways since you made it this far
here have some headpats
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spread kindness please and thank you ^v^
As above, So below.
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
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fountainpenguin · 4 months
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"You're on your own- So what? Have you gone blind? Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?" (x)
For Sale: Bird Wings (Never Worn)
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Complete! - 7/7 chapters - 37k words
💚 More Neighborhood Watch AU
I just finished a chill, T-rated found family 'fic from my "Life Series but it's a single timeline" AU project. Check it out!
Synopsis: When Grian Ties’g was 16, the last Totem of Undying in the known world swapped his soul with the Grian one universe to the left… sparing him a perma-death, but at what cost?
An overwhelmed Grian Xelqua - who did not sign up for this, thank you very much - jolts awake in a world where Red Names are no joke and stealing someone’s life is fair play.
And a very Red Tango now has a sword at his throat. ❤️
(First 1,300 words under the cut)
For Sale: Bird Wings (Never Worn)
Those Who Came Before
🖤  🖤  ❤️
The first Totem of Undying in the Four Lands passed through the wrinkled hands of many wealthy folks in Crimson City before falling into possession of a princess who went Red young and fled her home. She kept it all her life, but when the time came to breathe her last, she unwound it from its place at her bosom and clasped it around the neck of her only son.
"I've lived enough," she simply said. "I've led so long and you've been faithful. Go now and do as you see fit with your given lives."
Steve Wandering watched his mother die as he had watched his father, burying the memories of both with shovel and silence. He'd always been a silent man. He took up his sword and from then on traveled decade after decade, sharing food with the needy and braving the hissing creatures of the night. He invented many things, discovered many treasures, and died glorious in a fight against the Dragon That Ends All.
And lived.
And lost those memories like the wind.
The second Totem of Undying in the Four Lands belonged to Alex Wolftamer in the east, who claimed to care not for the treasure passed down through her ancestral line of Wolf Kings and Queens. They had no palace, but called themselves such titles in their stand against Kingdom Crimson. Rather than flaunt that totem around her own neck, she wrapped it like a collar at the throat of her dog. Across the years, far too many people of sinister desire fought sword and pick to win her hand or win the hunting hound. It's with a shout and diamond axe that she lunged at the cloaked stranger who ventured through the valley forest. With cheery, bellyaching laugh, Herobrine caught her hand and spun her dangerously near the mountain drop.
"Why should I take from your beloved she-wolf?" he asked, and dangled a totem from his own wrist where she could see. "I've already got one. I did not come to take what loved ones gave unto you, but to inquire of your wisdom… for I have no one I love as much as you care for your dear wolf. I am but a cowardly man who's worn the totem for himself for security and peace. I cannot imagine surrendering it. Tell me, warrior… How did you find such inner peace?"
"Who says I have?"
"What ails you, then?"
"I fear the encroach of the Red Army. Their farms extend ever nearer to our forests. Their high-ranking officers, bearing the Hand mark upon their chests, come demanding tribute and insist we raise their banner. So many from our village have sought the safety of their walls. I wish for nothing but food for my dogs, repairs for my roof, and safe passage through the land."
"Ah… What have you done to incite their displeasure?"
"I haven't raised hand against them unless they've come directly in conflict with me."
"How frequent are their conflicts?"
"They've claimed our cows. They flood the roads to market with lava and have taken two lives- nearly three. They harass the trades I make with my own neighbors of my own free will."
"Let us go secretly, then, and burn the walls that have reached your valley's edge."
They married two years later, and it was four after that that Alex fell from a great height, one arm wrapped around her canine companion and the other reaching for a husband who lunged and missed her hand vanishing from the cliff. Alex hit the ground a block away from the rushing river that saved her dog.
And lived.
And lost those memories like rain. Not even the dog recognized her then, growling and nipping when Alex rose to her feet, and Snowflake followed Herobrine when they parted ways. They say he never took Snowflake's totem from her collar, but that Snowflake wriggled out of it the day after Alex died, took the chain in her teeth, and presented it to him with grief in her dark eyes. It may be just a story - a personification of a ragged beast - but it's a prettier tale than the alternative way this tale could end.
That third Totem of Undying, the one that Herobrine Mapcrafter wore on his wrist for much of his life, originated from the North. It tumbled through the hands of wizards and they say Herobrine was gifted it for his proven mastery in breaching the Nether dimension- the secrets of which had only been held by the Westlands until now.
Prior his apprenticeship beneath the wizards' eyes, he'd been raised a cartographer. Following the death of Alex, he took up mapmaking again with Snowflake by his side. He entered the Nether dimension for what he knew would be his final time. They never came out again and no record survives depicting full details. People speak often that he perhaps saved a community of Netherborn folks from a hissing, snarling Wither Boss that clawed its way out of the ground. Others whisper he released that Wither himself out of grief and wished for death. Witnesses claim he leapt before the beast, taking the hit on Snowflake's behalf.
And lived.
And lost those memories like they'd been scorched alive. They say he went mad, never the same again. Some claim they've seen Snowflake's white fur dashing through the Nether even now, her howl weeping for her masters and the moon and the feel of grass beneath her paws.
The last Totem of Undying in the Four Lands (rumor claimed) lay hidden in the Southlands. For three decades since the rise of the Dragon That Ends All, the unremarkable little thing drifted and tumbled and snagged or… something of the sort. Details unknown. It passed into the sewers at some undefinable point, where it floated until it didn't. It caught and clung to the sewer's edge year after year after year.
There it stayed until a ragtag tangle of friends - a trio - sought shelter in the tunnels after their brotherhood of Bad Boys split and turned against each other. They trekked without hesitation into the grime, for they were Red of name and disgust could graze them not. The youngest, with his gray and yellow wings, sat down near the entrance to clean an open wound. The eldest began to organize their meager food supply. The middle child, aged only 16, waded deeper through the passageway, wandering with little purpose but to scout for things to have; things to take. Red Lives, as a rule, are very, very greedy.
The totem lasted exactly 4 minutes and 36 seconds in Grian Ties'g's possession. He found it tangled among the filth and wasted no time taking it for himself. To prevent his fellow Bad Boys from sniping it away, he scrambled up a dirty shaft to the surface like an eel gifted flight. His wings were soaked from sewage water, so he did not fly. He bolted across the open field, laughing like a madman.
"Yes! YESSSS!"
His foot crossed a boundary line he never could have seen. Grian charged straight into a shrieker trap laced with TNT. Set them all off. He died to the gasping cheers of a Red who'd only just finished all the set-up. The last thing he ever heard was the "OH-hoh-hoh-ohhh!" of a shrieking onlooker. He blew up instantly, scarlet feathers and blobs of purple soul energy scattered in all directions. The central core melted free from flesh and dribbled to the ground in a gooey heap.
In a word? Perma-killed. The totem vaporized before anyone ever confirmed he had it, so people seek it in the Southlands even now (It might be right here; it's been hiding right here).
This story is not about that Grian. Not anymore. It's about the one who lived… whose memories do not match this world at all.
[ Full 'fic up on AO3 ]
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geo-winchester · 8 months
Alright so I'll be requesting 3 times for both Taron, Eggsy and Jimmy lmao so I'm sorry for the spam :)
How about
35. Put your seatbelt on. With Eggsy?
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A/N: hi lovely, im so sorry for make you wait! I know I been gone for a while, I promise I’m trying to write as fast as I can but this couple of months have been a roller coster of emotions, so I’m sorry that this took me a while, I also hope that you don’t mind that I used another request for this, I hope that this is what both of you wait for and hope you have a good day/night!🩵
When you met Jimmy you never thought you’ll be with someone like him, he was the opposite of what you see on a guy, he was likes to show off everything he has, he always had that smirk on his face every time you always look at him, but somehow you end up falling for his charms, you were there the day he was arrested, you visited him every time you could. That night he asked to see you, you rushed to the place and when you finally saw his face you knew something was off, Jimmy pulled you in his arms. 
-Hey- you said -Are you ok? What’s going on? 
-I… uh Beaumont offered me a deal- you couldn’t help but chuckled
-You can’t thrust him, he offered you a deal and look where are you now- he nodded
-This time he wasn’t alone, he came with some lady from FBI- you were confused -they want me to go to a facility on Springfield and make some psycho talk and they let me walk free…- he wait for your answer but you couldn’t say something -I know I shouldn’t thrust Beaumont, but if I succeed they let me walk free, all the charges would be erased and we can start over again, we could have a nice house, have a dog or a cat, we can maybe have a kid or two…- you just look at him- babe please say something…
-Is it dangerous?- he looks away -Jimmy tell me the truth, is it dangerous?
-yes- he said -it could be dangerous- you look away -but what am I supposed to do? If I stay here and complete the sentence what are the chances that I can have a normal job? That dreamed house and family happen? and…
-And what?
-And I have to give justice to all those little girls, he killed them and they deserved some justice- he said with some tears in his eyes, you took his hands and sighed.
-Just promise me you’ll be careful- he nodded.
You like to say that you barely remember those days but he continues to work for the police, but days like this one you could swear that nothing happened, like you got a normal apple pie life for all those years. You look at Jimmy as he trains your son’s team. He offered to be the coach of the football team so that he can spend more time with his kid. You like to watch the training, every now and then you notice how Jimmy looks at you and wink at you. When they are finally done you walk to them. 
-There are my pretty ladies- Jimmy said, and he kneels to your 2 year old daughter -do you have fun with your momma?- your daughter nods. 
-momma, did you see how fast I ran- your son asked, making you smile. 
-I did, champ, you’re the best one- you said. 
-That’s because he has the best coach- Jimmy said with a smirk. 
-Oh really, you never teach me how to play football.
-You never asked me to do it- he answered -I can teach you, darling. 
-Ok let's do this- you said with a smile and your kids celebrated.
He teaches you the basics, the rules, how to catch the ball, how to throw it back, and after that you spend most of the time running away from him, he always catches you but sometimes you are faster than him, then your kids come along and play with you. It was until you threw yourself on the grass and your kids fell above you when you stopped. 
-You’re done babe?- Jimmy asked you, you nod and you extend your arms.
-I'm tired- you said, he rolled his eyes but he carried you to the car, when he put you down in your seat he made sure to put your seatbelt on and you couldn’t help but smile. 
-What? I don’t want to make sure that my lovely and tired wife is secure in the car- he said, you gave him a quick kiss, when he finally got into the driver seat you noticed that he was watching your kids in the mirror, you took his hand.
-You ok?- he nod.
-Sometimes I feel that this is just a dream and I’m going to wake up in that prison…
-Hey, look at me- you said as you took his cheek -this is real, you kept your promise all those years ago, and i hope you keep it when you got a call again- he nodded as he kissed your hand.
-God, what have I done to have you?
-Asked for my number in the most weird way- you said making him laugh -but you know I love you, right?- he nods.
-And I love you too, Mrs. Keene.
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cjrights · 2 months
songs that remind me of my dysfunctional family
this is random but i love my fam fam so much so here we go
ngl this is only alora and luce but i love my extended family and daughter as well 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Halley’s Comet (billie eilish) - one of my fav songs ever and the vibes are very alora: “ive been loved before but right now in this moment, i feel more and more like i was made for you”
intro (end of the world) (ariana grande) - song makes me feel like im taking a breath of fresh air and so does alora so! “if the moon went dark tonight, and if it all ended tomorrow, would i be the one on your mind?”
Enchanted (taylor swift) - hehehe one of my favs on speak now and lyrics just ring true! “ill spend forever wondering if you knew, i was enchanted to meet you”
Best Thing I Got (sabrina carpenter) - this song is so fye and it’s so cutie and baby wlw coded “and i don’t think it’s any kind of secret, i feel your love from a million miles away… your love is the best thing that I got, and it’s only just begun”
seven (taylor swift) - yeah iykyk the best series ever ever go read rn cause just duh “your braids like a pattern, love you to the moon and to saturn”
I’ll Kill You (summer walker) - whole song idk i don’t want to talk ab it “you know I love you like no one else could, i go to hell and back for you”
PTPOM 2.0 (mohead mike) - self explanatory i fear “put that pussy on me…”
love language (ariana grande) - whole damn song tbh (free alora) “i promise it’s the little things you do that make me want to give it all to you… teach me how to love you im not learning what ain’t right, i want you to keep speaking my love language baby talk your shit all night”
Sunsetz (cigarettes after sex) - the vibe reminds me of her “and when you go away i still see you”
lacy (olivia rodrigo) - not the parts where it’s like i fucking hate you and want to be you so bad but the sweet parts 🥰 “i see you everywhere, the sweetest torture one could bare”
cardigan (taylor swift) - because alora is my comfort person “and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, you put me on and said i was your favorite”
TOPIA TWINS (travis scott) - do i even need to explain “twin bitches, twin bitches hopping off a jetski”
I miss you, I’m sorry (gracie abrams) - this is our song whenever we fight smh 😔 “and i know you said that we’re not talking, but i miss you, im sorry”
Bags (clairo) - this is luce’s songggg and alora too!! “know you’d make fun of me” (lololol)
Nobody Gets Me (sza) - JUST CAUSE YEAH “how am i supposed to let you go? only like myself when im with you, nobody gets me you do”
everything i wanted (billie eilish) - a song literally written about a sibling bond so yk “and you say as long as i am here, no one can hurt you”
Thinkin Bout You (frank ocean) - beautiful song like my beautiful twin “cause ive been thinking about forever”
Somewhere Only We Know (keane) - a love letter to my twin “oh simple thing, where have you gone? i’m getting old and i need something to rely on”
Treacherous Twins (Drake) - also self explanatory “you my treacherous lil’ twin and you know that we locked in”
LIGHT SHOWER (melanie martinez) - not the horny parts because… but this is one of my fav songs and it reminds me of twin “you are the light ive been searching for forever”
cowboy like me (taylor swift) - CAUSE WE THE SAME PERSON FR FR “takes one to know one, you’re a cowboy like me”
Poison Poison (reneé rapp) - THIS ONE IS A JOKE BUT I HAD TO INCLUDE “you get on my nerves, you’re so fucking annoying”
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drdemonprince · 11 months
are there any medium articles or other essays you've written that you have a different perspective on now? Whether a small bullet point or the entire objective of a piece. It's interesting following your journey while catching up on the archive
Ohhhh yeah. In a big way. My thinking on nearly all matters continues to evolve, so much so that I always cringe a bit at some phrasings in my books by the time they are out.
In my work on Medium you can see a strong inconsistency in how I think about several topics -- I've gone through periods of disparaging my family, to extending them grace, to thinking I have a moral responsibility to fight with them, to regretting my rage at them, to calling my parents abusive, and on and on. On this topic, it's not so much that my feelings have changed, so much as each point of view represents one facet of the same gem I'm spinning in my mind's eye.
My thoughts on sexual assault and justice have evolved a ton. Around the time of the Weinstein and Ansari accusations, I wrote a lot about rape and coercion. Then a dear friend experienced an assault and was not believed by a huge friend group that we shared and I took on an even more hardline, believe-all-victims-and-take-action-swiftly-to-protect-them stance. I was more traumatized and dysphoric back then too.
My hardline stance eventually came into conflict with my abolitionism, and my growing respect for the importance of personal discernment that emerged more and more over the course of the pandemic. I just saw too many people who were afraid to exercise their own discernment on a wide array of topics and who amplified vague callouts of all kinds without skepticism (god, remember the Wayfair conspiracy?), and I saw how such formless accusations harmed the marginalized in particular. And all the gormless attacks on "narcissists" as the cause of abuse really chilled me. all that strongly tempered my dogmatism.
But I have also witnessed the "anti cancel culture" squad fail to live up to any value system whatsoever and I have fought with them a lot quite openly over their frequently racist, transphobic, theory-free views. All I know today is that navigating these waters is very, very hard, and that I am only in control of living by my values and being outspoken about them and that attempts to manipulate a moral response out of other people don't work and that information is only as good as my knowledge about who and where it came from. I think my evolution on all this closely tracks with the shifts in the zeitgeist -- it's rare for me to be that on pace with the average person I meet.
My perspective on how a meaningful difference in the world is made has changed. In 2016 I was calling politicians for an hour every day on livestream to protest this or that conservative bill. Now i'm an anarchist with minimal regard for electoral politics or any formal institutions. I did vote for Brandon Johnson though.
But by far the piece that least reflects my current understanding of things is one from 2020 called "Against Community." But that one was never meant to be a prescription for how people should live their lives. It was just a description of where I was at emotionally, having watched multiple friend groups disintegrate over abuse, triangulation, and bad boundaries. I'm glad I don't have to feel that way now. It was the growth after that experience that led to my revelation that communities are just relationships you build, and keep building, not static places you find.
On the whole I am less angry now, less dogmatic, less inclined to believe that electoral work matters or that posting is activism, less hellbent on making everybody agree with me, more comfortable with mourning, more radical, more patient, less grandiose and less hung up on what other people think of me. Despite all that i am still a very arrogant angry neurotic stressed out self superior insecure person.
Thanks for this great question. When I hold fake interviews with myself in the shower, it's being asked things like this that I fantasize about.
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zhonglicious · 1 year
𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬 - 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 (𝐡𝐜𝐬)
☾✧ ft. rin itoshi x reader
☾✧ warnings. please take note that this is set after blue lock! rin's a professional player now. mentions of chubby reader. emotional ineptitude, familial issues, child neglect (on rin's part). light angst (itoshi brothers angst included). fluff!
☾✧ a/n. finally writing for blue lock. like most of my works this is done bc i procrastinated on something i rlly don't want to do. god. well either way this might be a bit ooc or not as Exact to rin's character. bear with me here <///3 i may have gone a little overboard. can u tell i love rin itoshi. lowercase intentional :D
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⋆ rin itoshi... our dearest rinny... where do i even begin with him :((
⋆ to be completely honest with you, it took you quite a while to get him to even remotely warm up to you. rin thought he didn't need anything or anyone other than soccer. after all, it was the only way he could be by sae's side again, as his brother
⋆ the itoshis grew up in a very neglectful household. sure, their parents fed them, clothed them, sheltered them, educated them, but they never really took care of them. not in the way a child needed to be taken care of
⋆ so all his life, rin has never known affection, not in the way everyone else does. the closest thing he's ever had to it are walks back home, stopping by the convenience store to get ice cream. a hand ruffling his hair gently, a few comments about their last play
⋆ when you were trying to get close to him at first, rin's walls were an impenetrable fortress. his time in blue lock mellowed him out just a little, but at the same time, sharpened his sharp edges even more. rin is blunt and curt with everyone on the team, and that behavior extends to you
⋆ so for the first few weeks, rin is cold and unfeeling towards you. as the team's manager, this was an obvious problem because you needed to know at least just a little about him to be able to do your job properly
⋆ rin viewed your attempts at interacting with him to be... odd. which is the mildest way to word it. he didn't know why you were trying to be so friendly with him, always there to hand him water or a towel after practice. you did it for everyone on the team, but something about it just rubbed rin's brain the wrong way
⋆ he didn't need your help, god forbid your pity. he would rather die than be pitied, which is why your relationship started off on rocky waters
⋆ but over time, rin found himself softening. yes, rin found himself adjusting, and sometimes even looking forward to your interactions
⋆ not just you, even the team noticed how rin starts being less harsh around them. his shoulders are no longer squared, jaw no longer set, and no tension pulling his muscles taut. this, ultimately, is how you start worming your way into rin's heart
⋆ now, as i've said, rin isn't accustomed to affection. he doesn't know how to show it, and he doesn't know how to receive it. however, whether he's aware of it or not, his main love languages are quality time and physical touch
⋆ when rin isn't on an overseas game or whenever he has free time, you guys spend it cuddled up in bed. usually, it's with the curtains drawn and the lights dim or completely off, your laptop on the bed playing a horror movie
⋆ sometimes, rin gets caught off-guard by really well done jumpscares, or he's tense when the movie is particularly suspenseful and/or eerie. he's holding you close to him, your back against his chest, and you can feel how his muscles are tense, almost as if ready to grab you and make a run for the nearest exit
⋆ of course, you've also taken a liking to teasing him
⋆ "are you scared? hehe" "i am not. shut up"
⋆ his answer is a low, embarrassed mumble, and you just laugh and burrow yourself further into him, knowing you're right and that you won
⋆ while all the characters love all body types i just know ong there's a special place in rin's heart for soft, bigger people
⋆ like. look at him, it just makes sense???????
⋆ he would love cuddling you. he's all hard ridges and solid muscle, and your plush skin offsets that. hugging you makes him feel safe, like he's being given a warm embrace that he never got in his childhood
⋆ yes this is me coping and self projecting but anyways
⋆ rin isn't really a big fan of pda. the furthest he'll go is hand holding as you guys walk, or a kiss to the top of your head or your cheek. however behind close doors i know he's the type to just absolutely cling to you everywhere
⋆ cooking? clinging to your shirt or hugs you with his arms around ur abdomen. about to sleep? cuddling the everloving shit out of you, sometimes even puts a leg above yours. just. he's surprisingly very clingy when in a relationship
⋆ he also likes to randomly gives you kisses. you're gonna be doing nothing and then suddenly he's padding over to give you a kiss anywhere he can reach
⋆ now, like all relationships, your relationship with rin has... ugly sides
⋆ rin isn't very in tune with his emotions. due to him emulating sae's behavior, he didn't dwell on his emotions, pushing them aside to find a more logical reaction
⋆ so because of that, rin never really learned to process his emotions. so he has a lot of difficulty sorting out his head, where you have to help him do so
⋆ at times, he seems cold and aloof. this was a point of conflict between you two at some point, because you felt like he didn't want to spend time with you or that he didn't love you as much anymore
⋆ this is especially true when it comes to soccer. sometimes, it's as if you'll always be secondary to his love for the sport. you know that's not the case, but sometimes you can't help but think that because of how absorbed rin is with it
⋆ rin loves you with all his heart but the problem is that he doesn't know how to show it, how to tell you. so you're going to have to be patient with him. he's trying, he really is, because he really really fucking loves you. he's trying his best because you deserve to be given as much love as you give him. so while he may not be the best at communication, by god does he try
⋆ on that note, rin has severe abandonment issues. he needs to be constantly affirmed that you love him, you want to stay with him, that you won't leave him, because he's scared he'll lose the most important person to him again
⋆ rin isn't exactly the "ideal" or the "best" boyfriend, by traditional means. but that just means there's more room for him to grow, so much more room for him to engrave your touch and entwine your existence with him
⋆ rin is unfamiliar to affection, much less love. but now that you've shown him what it's like... maybe he'd be fine with accustoming himself to the feeling
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tags: @softbajis (lmk if u wanna be tagged for future works!)
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valarioncy · 1 month
Ko-Fi, Commisions, and Debt! Oh My!
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Hello Hollowers and non-Hollowers. I @ahyesthesufferingoftvteens (Cursi) am collaborating with Valarioncy on this post to deliver a message to those still following the both of us, and to those that may follow us in the future!.
We currently have a joint Ko-Fi Account and are accepting donations and commisions! access to our Ko-Fi is down below all the long-winded explanation! But first...
Who are you guys?
Cy - Heeeeeey, it's ya boi Cy. This here is my Tumblr account. I'm an artist and writer, autistic, asexual, and plural. I have interest in all kinds of media, animation in particular. Writing is my main passion in terms of what I like to do creatively, but I'm not very capable of doing writing commissions. Art commissions though, I'm able to do! Provided it doesn't involve designing; I'm not able to do that at this time, although I would like to in future. :0 (Seriously, go to Cursi for anything involving design!) I've been primarily doing artwork for the Hollow, which can be found on my Instagram, although I haven't been active there for a while. I also specialize in OCs and SFW furry art, plus animals of many kinds. My art style is very graphic-novel-esque, with a predominantly Canadian influence. (No, I am not nor have I ever been Canadian, I don't know how this happened.) Feel free to commission me; I'll specify exactly what I'm doing in one of the fine sections below! ^_^
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Cursi - I'm the Cursed Hollower you all know and love! I'm ok with any pronouns and my gender is whatever pisses you off the most (Genderqueer)! While I'm not as much of an artist as Cy, I pride myself in my creative writing and character development/design! If you want to know how my writing is, I'd suggest looking into my latest fanfiction: Come Sweet Death, in The Hollow (Cartoon) Category on A03...don't look at anything else, it's severely outdated and absolute trash.
So what's the news, Cy and Co?
Me, Cursi, and Valarioncy are two creatives/artists that primarily create content for The Hollow, as most of you may know.
We also like to make original projects. I'm trying to whip up an original series based off of my The Hollow Magical Girl AU, and Cy has mutliple different projects. One particular series we're working on: Green's Academy, is being worked on by both of us plus a third party.
Unfortunetly, there's a problem that's been holding us back. At the current moment, me and Cy are couch-surfing and trying to look for jobs to sustain our needs and wants and, potentially, get ourselves our own abode! This is predictably difficult due to our neurodivergancies, but without the second problem we have, this isn't are main woes. We have food stamps, so we're not going hungry.
The other FAR BIGGER problem is that I, Cursi...am $1,600 in credit card debt, and I recently missed my payment this month because I have only ten bucks in my bank account to keep it alive.
How the heck did you gain so much debt?
Now you're probably wondering how on earth I GOT $1,600 dollars in credit card debt. To make a long story short:
I flew to Valarioncy's state to help them with their homelessness situation with a healthy sum of about 3,000 dollars.
One of the other friends we had with us turned out to be severely abusive and held us down from escaping such a horrible situation.
Now that that friend is gone, our other friend is in a group home, and me and Cy are slightly more stabilized, the damage left behind is severe...especially on my poor credit card that had to extend our unwanted motel stays.
Needless to say I'm an absolute mess over this. I don't like being in debt, at all. Cy is trying to calm me down but I'm clinging onto my sanity for dear life.
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But yeah, because of this debt that affects both of us, considering we're basically family at this point, we need cash. And because it's hard to get a job, we aren't getting an influx of cash...you can probably see where this is going now.
I like your creative works! How can I help?
Well you're just in luck, buddy-o. Me and Cy have created a joint Ko-Fi Account! We're accepting commissions AND donations! Ain't that just great!
Hey Cy! Tell us about your commision prices! --------------------
Cy: Right now, I'm pretty much up to doing digital flat-colored/minimal shading busts and full-bodies with transparent backgrounds. I get busts done a whole lot faster than full-bodies but I'm capable of doing full-bodies so I'm gonna include them! Pretty much all I need is a good reference for the character. I can do human, animal, and furry, SFW only.
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-------------------- Thank you Cy! Go ahead and personally DM Cy for a commision if you're interested!
As for me, I'm open to ghost-writing and lore-development for the small small price of...um...$3? maybe $5? I know Cy will get on me for potentially underselling myself but they do that to themselves. Hehe. (PLEASE PAY THEM MORE THAN 3 to 5 BUCKS!!!!!!! -Cy)
We're also accepting donations. Any amount would be of great help! Even just $1 will make our day, seriously. $1 is more than we normally get nowadays!
Of course, if you can't donate, that's totally fine! Please spread the word and reblog this post and the many posts me and Cy make! You can pay us with some good classic feedback-dopamine!
One Last Link to our Ko-Fi!
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Thank you for listening! Thanks for the support!
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jtficprompt · 8 months
A Young Outlaw's Guide to Hitching a Ride Home
Prompts for a series of fics I'll likely not get around to ever writing.
Feel free to adopt and adapt, using as little or as much as you like.
Wonder Woman; Tim Drake; Ferdinand the Kithotaur (title ideas: "Tell an Adult" "Doing what needs to be done")
Batman is on a plane somewhere over the Atlantic. A slow civilian plane, that definitely isn't big enough to fit the BatPlane in the hold.
Which isn't kind of plane Batman takes when he knows Robin is being hunted by the Joker.
Superman looked half dead in the news footage. He was barely walking by the time parasite was arrested.
The Titans seem to be off world. Tim has no idea how to contact the Flash.
That means Wonder Woman. Which means Tim need to get to the Themiscarian Embassy in DC as fast as possible.
(Also featuring: Cooking lessons and discrete child neglect assessment questions with Ferdinand the Kithotaur.)
Roy Harper (title ideas: "Friends in Low Places" "The Corn Pollen Path" "First Step")
You don't stop shooting up because heroin stops feeling like heroin. You stop shooting up because you find something more important than the next score.
Roy Harper finds that in a seedy bar in eastern Kasnia, when he hears two thugs he recognizes as Joker henchmen talking about "the boss" going bird hunting in Ethopia.
He may be an addict. He may be a has-been. But he was a Titan, and he will be damned if he scrounges for his next score while another Titan falls into that clown's trap.
Even if it kills him. (He tries not to hope too hard that it does).
Veronica Vreeland; Roxy Rocket (title ideas: "Ronnie & Roxy's Rescue Service" "I'm the Cool Aunt")
"Roxie! Darling! I need a ride! I have to get to Ethopia so I can kill Harley's ex."
Roxie knew Veroinca Vreeland was crazy. She regularly encouraged Harley to kidnap her "for brunch." She dated the Penguin. Voluntarily. Before today, she just didn't know that "crazy" extended to HALO jumps from a rocket plane on a mission to kill the Joker. … Maybe Ozzie has good taste after all.
Jordan Hill; Barbara Gordon (title ideas: "Someone who's been there before")
"I'm not an idiot, Babs. I've known you and every single member of the Wayne family since we were kids. We don't have time for this. I don't care what you all get up to at night: Jeckko is hunting Jason, and I'll be damned if I let that asshole hurt another kid."
Garth of Shayaris (title ideas: "Tagging in" "The-Batman's-an-Asshole-Phone-Tree")
"You're telling me that Vic has a program running that goes through the entire internet to sort out if I'm doing 'something weird'."
"I mean, it used to track Dickie-bird. But yeah."
"Because if Dick was doing something weird, it means B was an asshole."
"Obviously. He's still an asshole, right?"
"Yes. And there is a phone tree for this. For when B is an asshole."
"Aren't you supposed to be King of Atlantis right now? Seems like you should have shit to do. Besides following my ass to Ethopia."
"Acting King. And if Arthur can be an asshole and dump all his work on me without asking, I can definitely take a personal day."
Ra's Al Ghul (title ideas: "Ra's Al Ghul is many things")
"Sir, he has the boy."
"Where is the Detective?"
"He's on his way. But, sir, he won't make it there in time."
"I should never have allied myself with that madman."
Ra's paused and gazed out the window. Talia wondered how may people besides her would recognize regret in her father's face.
"Then I must go in the Detective's stead. Have the hangars ready our fastest plane, then fetch my armor and swords." Her father did not turn from the window as Ubu rushed out to see to his orders. He simply stared out the window until he spoke again.
"Talia. Prepare the pit while I am gone. His father will not thank me for it, but if my folly comes to its worst end I will not deprive my grandson of his brother."
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1x20 · 1 year
Why are you a deanbenny hater? 👀
askfasdfljk honestly hater is kind of a strong word (i know i'm the one who said it first but it's mostly hyperbole). however i AM a deanbenny disliker.
mostly this is because i think they deleted benny's most interesting scene: right before dean kills him in 8x19, benny admits that he's drank human blood since coming back from purgatory.
now as you can see even the top comment on that video is "I'm glad they didn't put the part where Benny basically admitted he fed on humans in the show. I'd hate to have to have had Dean deal with that." which is EXACTLY why deleting that scene bothers me so much.
s8 is essentially just one big contest for dean's affection between sam, cas, and benny. cas and benny don't really like each other (see, like, all the purgatory scene), sam and benny don't like each other (sam doesn't like)
now another theme in s8 is that dean actually has... kind of impossible standards? and he WILL do awful things to/for the people he loves. when dean comes back in 8x01, he blames sam for not looking for him even though sam thought he was dead:
DEAN After you looked for me. [SAM says nothing.] Did you look for me, Sam? [SAM looks away.] Good. That's good. Now, we – we... always told each other not to look for each other. That's smart. Good for you. Of course, we always ignored that because of our deep, abiding love for each another, but not this time, right, Sammy?
and then he IMMEDIATELY starts blaming sam for not continuing to hunt (even though this is something dean has also expressed interest in doing multiple times, see 2x20's "why do we have to sacrifice everything, dad? it's [not fair]", for example)
DEAN So you just turned tail on the family business. SAM Nothing says "family" quite like the whole family being dead. DEAN I wasn't dead [He stands up and walks around SAM.] In fact, I was knee-deep in God's armpit killing monsters, which, I thought is what we actually do.
DEAN He was our responsibility. [He tosses the phone at SAM’s chest.] And you couldn't answer the damn phone.
etc etc. this actually feeds into a theme for the rest of carver era which carries over into dabb era, which is that dean expects complete and full devotion to him and his ideals. BUT we're getting ahead of ourselves.
now dean's relationship to benny is actually kind of idealized. in fact in 8x05, dean & sam have this fight:
SAM Listen, Dean, we came here on a dead body. You asked for some time, and now there's another dead body. Are we just going on trust here? DEAN Yes. SAM Okay. Because we've killed for a lot less, and you know how these things turn out for us. DEAN Yes, I do - too well. In fact, every relationship I have ever had has gone to crap at some point. But the one thing I can say about Benny - he has never let me down. SAM Huh. Well, good on you, Dean. Must feel great finally finding someone you can trust after all these years.
this IS in fact a load of crap. benny is barely even around for him & dean to have disagreements. the only extended period of time they spend around each other is in purgatory, but crucially dean enjoys purgatory because there are no consequences. purgatory is an obligation & consequence free place: he can be as violent (or gay) as he wants without it mattering. and that's why benny HAS to leave as soon as they hit the ground running in 8x01, because benny can't even stick around to have consequences.
as such, dean and benny BARELY spend any real time together anyway: dean could've said the EXACT same thing about cas in s5 to sam, but he was forced to confront that cas was a real person in s6 and that's when his relationship with cas immediately started breaking down.
so when people take "benny has never let me down" as a sort of romantic statement about benny, that kinda bothers me. to me that line indicates the total devotion dean needs to consider you a good person & the unreasonable standards he sets. PLUS it plays into sam's monsterhood as expressed in this gifset: people who are monsters are NOT monsters to dean as long as he loves them - but as soon as they do something he doesn't like or that love runs out? they become monsters again.
now benny ends up winning the battle for dean's affection because he is, in essence, the perfect dean companion. thinks he's cool, listens to whatever he says, is totally devoted to him to the point of letting dean kill him. this is INTENSELY boring to me. why bring up these issues dean's having if you're just gonna play into them and not do anything with it?
and by deleting the scene where benny admits to drinking human blood, you reframe the whole deanbenny relationship. instead of the point of deanbenny being "dean has control issues, dean expects total devotion from his friends & family, dean's relationships are all intensely dysfunctional," it turns into "sam & cas should simply do whatever dean says all the time and dean would like them more."
and even though i'm a deangirl, i REALLY hate that.
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Fiercely Independant (Oikawa Tooru)
From the moment he met you, Tooru knew he was going to fall for you.
If it wasn't your laugh, it was the way you walked so proudly without shying away from anyone, especially not him.
A lone wolf, your best friend likened you too. A menace without a care for social graces.
You were calm, but free, and gorgeous, going about your own business without a care for what everyone else was doing.
Little did he know, that independence he admired would also be part of what drove him up the wall.
'Baaaby, why didn't you ask me to go with you? I know you hate the doctor's office!' Tooru whined at you after learning that you'd gone to your appointment by yourself, the same appointment that he knew you were nervous about.
You hated going to the doctor's, especially by yourself, and yet here you are, doctor's note in hand, eyes averted. 'I just...I wanted to get it over with. And you had practise.'
'And? I could have dropped off early if you'd told me!' He pouted, cupping your cheeks in big, gentle hands, stroking the delicate skin under your eyes. 'You don't have to do the things that stress you out alone, I'm your boyfriend, I can help if you let me.'
He felt your body wanting to melt into his touch, even as you forced yourself to frown, wrapping your fingers around his wrists, thumbs resting over his pulse.
'I think that's called co-dependency.'
'It's called supporting my partner when I know they're doing something that makes them nervous.' Oikawa countered, smiling at your stubborn little furrowed brow. He knows it's just bluster at this point, you like to act prickly, thinking it spares your dignity. 'My darling, my sweetheart, I know you're strong, I know you're a fully functioning person that can handle all of these things by yourself, but that doesn't mean you have to.'
'I'm not going to turn your life upside down for the sake of some silly anxiety.' You pouted, sliding between his arms to hide your face in his chest, letting the fierce and steadfast facade fall away even as you preached its necessity. 'Not when I can muscle through shitty things like this. Going to the doctor for something like this shouldn't bother me!'
'Hey, no more of that.' His hands are firm at your back, pulling you out of your hiding spot to find your glassy eyes again. 'Anxiety, is normal, and not something you can control. So is fear, and being able to muscle through it doesn't make it healthy! Baby, I am so proud of you for doing it all alone for all these years but enough is enough. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere, so let me help, please?'
Such a genuine request, such earnest kindness in his eyes, it made your heart melt. He understood. He saw all of the little things you did, cracks in your armour that you'd never let anyone else see, parts you'd tucked away under the carpet in favour of being the picture of wild, fearless independence you had become.
No one, not family, not friends, had ever looked you in the eye and begged you to let them help, seen all the broken parts of you and said they were still beautiful.
Tooru watched you crumble, watched the wave of adoration crash over you, all directed at him, and suddenly he's almost as overwhelmed as you are.
The relationship is still so new, it's only been a few months, he's only just started leaving spare clothes in your wardrobe for extended stays, he doesn't even have his own toothbrush here yet, and yet it's with uncharacteristic, reckless, honest abandon that you tell him without a shadow of a doubt.
'I love you.'
Tooru's left gaping, slack-jawed even as you buried yourself in his chest all over again, clinging to him for dear life as you let pure feeling wash over you.
Tears rise to his eyes, and he hides them by nuzzling into your hair, crushing you to his chest as if any amount of space between you would be detrimental.
'I love you too, my little lone wolf.'
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9leaguesofmirrors · 8 months
The Dinner (a Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe fanfic)
I mentioned in one of my Random Inside No. 9 Thoughts posts that I had a concept of Viktor (Reece's character in Once Removed) and Lisgoe being cousins. Well, I decided to indulge in it a bit and write something that explores that dynamic
There were only two ideas that truly terrified Ross Gaines:
Firstly, it was the idea that, after he was gone, there would be knowledge that he wouldn't be able to obtain. That the world will continue to go through developments that he would never experience
The second, far more terrifying, thought was that, at some point, he would have to meet Lisgoe's family
So, when his partner came home saying his cousin was visiting, something decided on without Ross' knowledge, he very nearly locked him out of the house
"He asked if we were free and I said yes, he invited himself over!"
"And I was under the impression that we would make that decision together, now I have a matter of hours to prepare for-"
"Don't worry about that shite, he'll be here in half an hour."
That wasn't the assurance Lisgoe thought it was
"Joseph, I swear to god-"
"It's not a big deal, he's my cousin, not the King of fucking England. Just act like he's one of your co-workers, as long as you don't bore him with spreedsheets and shite."
Ross went to protest, but was cut off by Lisgoe pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. It didn't make things better, but he decided to drop the argument before it ended with one of them going through the window
"As long as he doesn't bring your parents."
"Not a chance, my dad's dead and my mam's busy."
"Shame, I'd quite like to meet her. I'll bet she'd have a heart attack when she finds out what her son's doing for work."
A smug smile graced Lisgoe's face and he cleared his throat, as if preparing for some kind of show
"Damn it, Joseph!" He imitated what looked like a short, very Northern woman "If you're going for the jugular, swipe up! Not across! Swiping across means more blood spatters to clear up!"
He broke the act with a bark of laughter, which Ross couldn't help but chuckle at
"She sounds like quite the woman."
"More of a cow than I am! She's a landlord."
When the door rang later that day, Ross went to answer it. He smoothed out his collared shirt before opening the door
What he was met with was a blond man in a smart felt coat. He seemed polite, but Ross couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved by him. Like there was something going on behind the scenes, so to speak
"You must be my cousin's boyfriend." His voice was gentle, yet direct. Polite but no-nonsense "I'm Viktor, I believe he mentioned me?"
"Ross. And he's my partner."
"Same thing."
Ross extended his hand, but Viktor walked right past and into the living room. As if he already lived here
Ross knew he was either going to really like him, or loathe him intensely
They ate dinner, at first, in silence. Ross had prepared the meal, despite Lisgoe's several attempts to change things
"Judging by the fact none of us have keeled over and died," Viktor said "I assume Ross made this?"
"Don't fucking start." Lisgoe pointed his fork at him as if he were planning to attack "I didn't invite you here to start a fight."
"Take a joke, Joe."
"I will throw this meatball right at your head!"
"Can we please be civil today?" Ross sighed, starting to regret sitting himself in the middle "I don't want to be playing peacekeeper all day."
Once again, nobody spoke for a few minutes. It was Ross that broke the silence
"So, what do you do?"
"I'm part of an agency, we help those in desperate need of immediate support-"
"He gets hired to kill people."
"Thank you, Joe." Viktor glared at his cousin "I was getting to that."
Ross couldn't help but wonder what the family resemblance of these two was. They seemed to be polar opposites from their looks to the way they spoke and behaved
"Ask him about house numbers."
"Piss off!"
Ah, there it was
"What's this about house numbers?"
"Joe, don't tell him."
"He once mistook a 6 for a 9 because someone unscrewed it to fuck with him." Lisgoe explained, clearly enjoyed the annoyed look on his cousin's face "Nevermind the housing order went '4, 5, 9, 7, 8, 9' because he clearly can't fucking count."
"You're such an ass." Viktor muttered under his breath
"Not my fault you failed Year 7 Maths!"
"If I recall correctly, I'm not the one that got short-changed because someone outsmarted me and managed to cheat me out of £100."
"Fuck you, that was one time! And I beat the rest of the money out of him as soon as I realised what happened!"
"Which was halfway down the road." He turned to Ross "He had to drag his sorry backside about half a mile back."
The thought of his partner making such a foolish error put a slight smile on Ross' face, which seemed to make Lisgoe's mood worse
"You've picked well," Viktor told his cousin "Ross seems like a good man. Well-mannered, nice to look at-"
"Keep your eyes and your hands to yourself."
"Am I not allowed to make observations?"
"Not about my fucking partner, no."
"I meant nothing by it. I'm very much a heterosexual."
Ross was supressing a disbelieving laugh, which Viktor hadn't yet noticed. Lisgoe was barely holding it together
"I think it's normal for a man to acknowledge another man's good traits, it doesn't make them a homosexual-"
"What about owning a collection of silk dressing gowns?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I went snooping last time I went round," Lisgoe told Ross "I open one of his drawers and there's just a load of silky nightgowns."
"Don't listen to him, Ross, my cousin's a liar and a prick."
It was at this point that Ross realised this is what having two teenage sons was like, he massaged his temples
"Well then," Ross said once he'd shut the door behind Viktor "I can't say it wasn't an eventful dinner." He made his way to the living room, where Lisgoe was sat, and leant against the doorframe "You didn't seem impressed."
"It went fine, Viktor and I just argue like brothers. Mam was always on our asses for it."
There was a moment of pause where Lisgoe looked as though he was trying to say something. Ross sat beside him and waited patiently
"Remember when that phonebook of yours only had two numbers in it? Work and your mam?"
"Well, that was me for a long time. All I had was my mam and my cousin. Dad was a bastard, Viktor's mam was a bitch and the rest of the family didn't talk to us. That's why the whole 'meeting the family' shite took a while. I didn't have much family for you to meet." Lisgoe stared at the wall "Viktor and I were always a bit of a duo, two horrible bastards against the world's bullshit. We just kinda... went seperate for a bit. Jobs and shite."
For a moment, Ross was quiet. He didn't quite know how to respond to it; not what Lisgoe had said exactly, but more the fact that he'd so willingly unlocked that part of himself. It didn't feel burdensome or painful, the air wasn't tense, it was as if he'd given a part of himself that he simply didn't need to hold onto anymore. Like taking off an extra layer when the sun came out
It was clear that Lisgoe felt like he'd said too much, because the subject was quickly changed
"I wish he wouldn't call me Joe," Lisgoe muttered, leaning back against the sofa "it's a fucking stupid name. And he knows that, but he keeps doing it."
"I think Joe suits you," Ross had a smug look on his face "it's sweet."
Lisgoe responded with a sarcastic smile and his middle finger, which cause Ross to let out a triumphant chuckle
"Didn't expect you to open up to me like that."
"Don't talk about it." Lisgoe said firmly "I feel like a right twat for spilling my guts like that."
"You're not one of those. Well, not at the moment. You were one when you made plans with your cousin without telling me, and you'll definitely be one at some point tomorrow. But, right now, you're not."
Ross watched as his partner's face contorted into a mischevious grin - and he knew exactly what was coming
"What am I not, Ross?"
I'm not saying it."
"Come on, you're quoting me. That doesn't count as swearing."
"Yes, it does."
Rolling his eyes slightly, Lisgoe leaned in to kiss him. His hand rested on his cheek and his teeth nipped Ross's lower lip gently
"He takes after you," Ross murmured between the kiss "Joe."
"Shut the fuck up." Came the response from against his neck "Don't start with that."
"Would you rather I called you by your middle name, Nigel?"
The retort that followed was Lisgoe dragging his tongue up Ross's neck, causing him to recoil in disgust and glare at his laughing partner
"Don't do that, you're not a dog."
Lisgoe, naturally, did it again. Which resulted in him getting smacked in the back of the head
"Joseph, I'm warning you."
"Come on, dickhead, what are you gonna do?"
"OK, now you're acting like a twat."
"Knew you'd say it eventually." Lisgoe kissed him again, harder this time "It's too easy."
Ross didn't feel much need to reply
A/N: Hnnnnnngh I can't write Viktor to save my goddamn life, I haven't watched Once Removed in a while but I remember snippets??? Anyway, sorry to the Viktor stans, he probably wasn't the best but I hope he didn't suck too bad
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unecoccinellenoire · 7 months
7 + 10 + 19
"Adrien-" her hand hovers uselessly in the air, fear choking her at the idea that any attempt to grasp his hand away might instead cause that cataclysm waiting to be unleashed to do the very thing she'd be attempting to stop.
It hitting her would be an acceptable outcome. It making contact with Adrien and destroying him cell by cell the way it did his father is the absolute opposite of that.
"Do you think I even can die?" his voice is so stuffed with self-loathing his words hit her like hard blow to her solar plexus, "I'm not human after all. Maybe that was the plan," he laughs, "immortal icons right?"
"Or would it free me?" He muses, that cataclysm far too close to his chest, "it breaks the link between amok and senitmonster right?"
"We don't-"
"Know?" he raises his eyebrows in a theatrical gesture, but the eyes below them are so vulnerable, brimming with hurt, "there I was I thinking that you knew everything Nathalie."
"I don't. We didn't. That's always were it's gone wrong. Please Adrien- don't do this. I- we, you should have been told. I was wrong to keep it from you but,"
"No!" He screams, his hand smahing down on the sink and causing it to crumple to pieces, "you don't get to say that now. Don't pretend because it's what you think I want to hear. Just like how you said I was like a son to you-"
"You are,"
He snorts. "Maybe I am- if we're talking about how my ," he makes quoatation marks with his fingers, "parents felt I can see you viewing me like them. As a doll for your happily ever after family. That's how Marinette sees me too. That why you're so scared of me being ruined."
"That's not why," she shakes her head, but she doesn't know what to do, how to comfort him. Gabriel had had these moods too but she''d never been able to be enough for him. Just like she can't be for Adrien.
Adrien sighs, he sounds tired, "Go away Nathalie. I don't want to hear any more lies."
"Adrien," she extends her hand and he doesn't flinch away, giving her confidence to rest it on his shoulder, "I'm sorry. That's not a lie. And- you're right. I owe you the truth. So," She swallows, "what do you want to know?"
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blamemma · 1 year
"Daniel, you must tell them, okay, if it is too tight or uncomfortable!" Max insists.
sorry to report this wasn’t as scandalous as people thought it maybe was, and was simply a small little fic about pregnant Daniel in Melbourne and the beginning is him doing his seat fitting and max worrying but i just lot momentum writing it oops!! anyway lil rest of the beginning underneath, unedited etc cause its basically an abandoned wip at this point x
mentions of mpreg under cut
“Daniel, you must tell them, okay, if it is too tight, or it is uncomfortable?” 
“I know, Maxy.” Daniel replies, pulling the zipper of his race suit up, fingers pushing the velcro around his neck together. 
“I just…worry, you know.” Max says, eyes downward, avoiding Daniel’s gaze, the way he gets when he doesn’t want to push too far, but wants his opinion to be heard. 
In the comfort of Max’s drivers’ room, everything is serene, the buzz of the paddock locked behind a door. No one knows about the baby yet, they only found out two weeks ago, Daniel waiting until Max got back from Jeddah to take the test. They’ve been living in romantic bliss since, elated about the news. They’d gone to the doctors shortly after to make sure everything was okay. Max had paid extra to get an early scan. Daniel was now 7 weeks along. They’ll tell Daniel’s family first, heading straight to Perth after the Melbourne race. Daniel knows they’ll be happy for him and Max, but he still feels nervous, letting them in on their little secret. 
Daniel moves to grab Max’s face between his hands, kissing his forehead gently, before making eye contact with him. 
“If it begins to hurt, or it feels too tight, I’ll tell them I fell off my motorbike last week and I’m all bruised up okay? I promise.” Daniel reassures him. Max nods, moving Daniel’s arms with him, before leaning in, pressing a quick kiss to Daniel’s lips. 
“Ok.” He replies, voice soft. 
“I should get going,” Daniel says, leaning down to grab his shoes. “Don’t want to be late on my first day!” 
“I will come with you!” Max responds, grabbing a cap to throw on his head. 
“Max…” Daniel draws out, not annoyed by Max’s volition, just aware of how busy a race weekend can be and how he doesn’t want Max to feel responsible for Daniel on top of all that. 
“I have a free half hour, and I need to speak to GP of course anyway, so I will come. I will just stand to the side, I will not interfere.” He insists, and Daniel can’t stop him as Max is halfway out the door, leading the way for Daniel, still convinced he doesn’t know his way around, even though the Red Bull corridors still feel the same as the day he left them. 
Daniel huffs under his breath, knowing he won’t win this battle and so follows suit behind Max, taking a few quick steps to catch up with him before grazing his pinkie against Max’s palm to let him know he’s there. 
The engineers are stood waiting for him, chatting whilst stood around the RB19. Max veers off to where GP is standing, and Daniel has to stop for a moment, glance around and settle his stomach. He doesn’t feel dread or disdain, just utter happiness, and joy, but he still feels nerves bubbling at the surface. 
He reaches forward, arm extended towards the engineers, fist closed, a confident “Alright boys,” said in his Australian accent, and lets them all fist bump him as a greeting. Some old faces, some new, but all of them are smiling at him.
“So, where do you want me then?” He asks jokingly. 
“Just hop on in mate, we’ve got a stool there for you if you need it, obviously be a bit careful, we’ll take care of the rest.” Chris tells him. 
“Sweet!” Daniel responds, stepping forward and placing his hand on the halo before he can second guess all this and get too in his head. He looks down the nose of the car, a number 1 staring back at him and an overwhelming sense of pride washes over him. It’ll never look as pretty as the 3 that used to be emblazoned across the front, he thinks to himself, letting the thought flitter away quickly before he gets ahead of himself. 
He uses the provided stool to hoist himself upwards, feet either side of the halo, his arms bent forward, clutching the halo to steady himself. 
A loud wolf whistle comes from behind him, and Daniel’s head whips round to see Max and GP leant against the side of the garage, Max grinning to himself as he stares Daniel down. Daniel blushes, all the way down his neck, as he realises his arse was bent straight towards the two of them, quickly trying to laugh it off as playful banter before the mechanics realise. His left foot goes down into the seat, right leg following shortly, so that he’s stood in the seat. He takes a moment to adjust himself, after crouches down, bringing his legs in front of himself and sliding forward. 
The seat is tight against his hips, pressing inwards, and he moves slightly, alleviating the pressure. The main thing he can feel though is the burning in his cheeks. His smile so wide and bright, a giggle almost escaping him that, his cheeks have begun to ache, saliva building in his mouth. Tommo is stood in front of the car, snapping photos, and a social media person who Daniel is yet to learn the name of is moving around the car filming him. He feels excited to see the photos, see the smile that’s cracked all over his face. 
“How does it feel?” Chris asks him. Daniel looks up to where Chris is leaning over him and nods once. 
“Feels good mate. A little tight on the sides, but nothing I can’t handle.”
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weirdfishy · 1 year
First Lines :)
tagged by the wonderful @alllthequeenshorses who has been writing The Old Guard joe/nicky fics that deserve to be read!! go check them (and other good reads) out!
i, myself, have been sitting peaceably in the phandom quicksand. more specifically, the phandom quicksand that is crossed over with DC :)
As king, Danny is beholden to the emotions of his subjects, is able to feel them in the bottled swirl of an orb, the centerpiece to his icy crown.
i had the VIVID mental image of danny dragging a dead joker thru the streets of Gotham in a color blocking sort of thing? where it's a dark grey silhouette outline of danny and joker's body on a black street lined with towering white buildings- joker is trailing red and danny's looking back, eyes glowing green. a red sky and people observing on the streets. i might do this with colored paper? tmr actually since i've got the time
Approximately 54 minutes ago, Damian set off his panic button on his civilian identity.
i do not particularly like this line; i gotta go find batman's voice later, but i haven't found a way to continue Unknown Caller ID that i am happy with. please be patient with me, and if you have anything you think might happen/could see happening, i'm always up for a chat abt my fics! drop into my ask box! (anon is on too)
They’re in a transitional period now.
timeskip just slip me on, i'll be your blanket???? is that you??? guys idk if i'll finish it since it's mostly directionless rn, but istg in my heart of hearts it's not really finished and i'll never be free until i'm satisfied
Spencer stepped out of the elevator, sipping from his to-go coffee cup.
i found out about danny phantom x criminal minds, specifically the spencer reid is a gothamite trope, and I Need More. gotta do whatcha gotta do.
Today is the day.
from the Young Justice part of dc (screw it not being continuity, and also wally is dating dick wdym) crossed over with dp, of course, where danny joins the justice league as a consult/doomsday protocol, but he lives at the hall of justice and acts as a heimdall??? basically. the extended league is awkward around him bc he reminds them that they can't save everyone; inspo'd by a fic
Damian was gone.
not a cross over, it's just dc. is more of a character study on Alfred Pennyworth, maybe? but also i'm not really pulling from observing a ton of canon, it's more of my understanding and imagination on him and his relationships (and how his family's night activities affect him) [i love him and david mccallum is MY alfred]
aaand that's abt it, in terms of new things i've worked on in the past four weeks! imma try to tag some new folks (hello there!!), but no pressure, and anyone is welcome to post their first lines (tag me, i'd love to see them!)
@shire-bard @snakeinmeboots808 @lord-of-0blivion @crazycatgirl420 @astralalmighty @spacedace
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