haberolacom · 1 year
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dipnotski · 2 months
Kolektif – Çemberin Dışındakiler: Azınlıklar (2024)
Türkiye’de azınlıklar konusunda belli başlı klişeler vardır. Azınlıkların Rumlar, Ermeniler, Yahudiler olduğuna inanılır; Lozan Antlaşması’nda azınlıklar konusunda mütekabiliyet olduğu iddia edilir. Azınlıklar dendiğinde hemen arkasından, hoşgörü, tolerans, imtiyaz, gibi kavram ve ifadeler eklenir, “bayramlarda karşılıklı gidip geldiğimiz,” “ne güzel günlerdi” denir. Oysa Lozan’dan sonra…
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juanarc-thethird · 5 months
Learn to lock the door!
Blake: *Enters Jaune's room* Hey Jaune, have you seen my... book?
Jaune is naked, with his cock deep inside a girl on all fours who looks just like Blake. But seconds later she transforms back into Emerald.
Jaune: We can explain.
Blake: *Horny* Fuck that, I'm in.
Moments later
Ruby: Hey Jaune have you seen... Blake?
Blake is on top of Jaune, balls deep, while Emerald is putting on her clothes so she can leave.
Jaune: Is not what it looks like!
Ruby: I don't care what it looks like, I'm in!
Moments later
Weiss: Hey Jaune, did you...
Ruby is fucked from behind by Jaune while he holds her by the neck with a bit of pressure. While Blake is fully dressed putting on her shoes.
Jaune: *red* Blake is a bad influence!!
Weiss: I'm next.
Moments later
Yang: Jaune, did you eat my…!
Jaune has Weiss in a Mating Press and hitting her little pussy hard like a piñata with his big cock. Ruby, on the other side, is dressed, recording what is happening.
Jaune: Your sister dared me to do it!!!
Yang: And I have another one for you~
Moments later
Pyrrha: Jaune, it's time for our tra- Eh?!!
Yang is on all fours while Jaune fucks her from behind while he pulls her hair. In the corner of the bed, Weiss is putting on makeup again to look presentable.
Jaune: She is came to me first!
Yang: *Giggles* Yes I did~
Pyrrha: Your form is wrong, let me help you.
Moments later
Nora: Jaune, have you seen- HOLY MOLLY!!!
Pyrrha has Jaune lying on his back and pressed against the bed without him being able to move, while she bounces on his cock like an animal in heat. On the other side Yang is sitting on a couch, watching what's happening while she touches herself.
Jaune: Help! My pelvis can't take it anymore!
Nora: Oh I give you a hand~
Moments later
Neon: What's up with the noise? Are you guys having a par-TYYYYY!!!!! *Shock*
Nora has Jaune against the wall while she fucks him using her big ass. Jaune can only hold onto her hips. Pyrrha, on the other side, is brushing her hair.
Jaune: This is not a party!!
Neon: *Takes a pic on her phone* It is now~
Moments later
Reese: Neon, are you here? What do you- HOLY SHIT!!
Jaune is sitting on the bed with his back leaning against the wall while Neon moves her hips slowly and sensually while they fuck. Nora is still naked talking to someone on her phone.
Jaune: Reese, what are you doing here?!!
Reese: *Smug* Duh, I came for the party~
Moments later
Arslan: *Ready to fight* Reese, I'm here! Why do you need... *Wide eye* Backup?
Reese is on her tiptoes leaning against the wall while Jaune fucks her intensely. Neon meanwhile is taking selfies with them two in the back.
Jaune: Wait, this is 100% completely consensual!
Arslan: In that case, I also consent.
Moments later
Velvet: Jaune? Nora told me to come see y-y-y-WHY?!! *Angry*
Arslan is hanging onto Jaune with her arms around his neck and her legs hanging in Jaune's arms, supporting her ass while he fucks her. Reese, meanwhile, is on a video call with someone showing how Arslan is getting fucked.
Jaune: Velvet?! Why are you angry?!
Velvet: I gave ya all the bloody signs 'n ya fucked her?! That Dick is mine!
Moments later
Coco: Hey Jaune, is Velvet here? She said she was going- HOLY FUCK!!!
Velvet is being bred with her legs hooked around Jaune, who is on top of her fucking her like there is no tomorrow with cum coming out of her. Arslan meanwhile is putting her bandages on her arms and hands.
Jaune: It was her idea! I swear!
Coco: Whatever her idea is, I want it too~
Moments later
May: Jaune? Nora told me to come her of- *GASP!!!* I-I-I!
Coco looks a mess, her makeup ruined, her hair messy, all thanks to Jaune. He is fucking her with her on top of him, close to his body, while his cock is hitting her insides in all the right places, giving her great pleasure. Taking this opportunity, Velvet uses her camera to take photos of all of Coco's lewd expressions.
Jaune: Wait! Please don't scream!
May: *Red* I WON'T LOSE!!
Moments later
Penny: *Smiling* Hello friend Jaune! I came here to get fuck!
May is bouncing on Jaune's lap while he sucks on the nipples of her huge tits. Coco, meanwhile, is taking some selfies, liking the new look.
Jaune: You what?!!
Penny: *She removes her clothes* I'm sex ready!!!
Moments later
Ciel: Penny, I know you are here! General Ironwood is calling- WHAT THE FUCK?!!
Penny is on all fours with her hand pressed against the bed while Jaune puts all his weight to fuck her from behind. Meanwhile, May is sleeping next to them in the bed covered with a sheet.
Jaune: Please don't tell Ironwood!
Ciel: If you convince me, maybe I won't do it~ *She licks her lips*
Moments later
Ciel is curled up with a pillow while lying on her side with her ass on the edge of the bed where Jaune is fucking her hard. Penny is currently on a video call with Ruby talking about her recent experience.
Jaune: *Panic* Prof. Goodwitch! It's not what it looks like?!
Jaune saying her name made the two girls panic as well.
Glynda: You girls get dressed and go to your rooms immediately!
The two girls do what they are told and run out of the room.
Glynda: And your Mr. Arc…
Jaune: *Worry* YES!!
*Click* Suddenly the sound of the door being locked is heard.
Jaune: Prof. Goodwitch?
Glynda: Now you're all mine~💕
Moments later
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Guardian ghost au
Movie night with jaune and his team goes crazy as F.
Weiss: *Busting out of PAYS dorm room* What are you fools chanting about!?
Jaune: Movie Night! It's our annual movie night and we've got both of the new Dune movies so we're gonna be watching them back to back!
Reese: It's gonna be sweet! Timothee Chestnut is such an amazing actor!
May: Have you heard Austin Blackthorn's voice!? He sounds amazing!
Cardin: I'm just waiting for all the fights! The choreography is amazing!
Weiss: All of this over a movie?
Jaune: It's more than a movie! The books were amazing and the movies, even the old one directed by David Lynch were amazing! The story, characters, and world-building are beyond great!
May: Yeah! Do you guys wanna join us?
Weiss: ... you're all idiots... *Closes door*
ARCZ: .....
Reese: *Shrugs* Their loss!
*In PAYS Dorms where the rest of the team are being forced to study*
Yang: *Being forced to Study* What was that about?
Weiss: ARCZ are being idiots over watching some new movies
Yang: Movies!? Can we join 'em!?
Weiss: I already told them no, since we're busy studying
The Next Day:
Jaune: *holding a fork* May thy knife, chip and shatter
Cardin: *holding a spoon* May thy knife, chip and shatter!
May: *Raises breadstick in the air* Lisan Al Gaib!!!
Reese: *pretending to ride a sandworm while blaring Dune music*
Yang: Could have been! Could have seen Dune! But no! We had to study!
Pyrrha: *sighs sadly* my brain...
Arslan: *Glaring at Weiss* We could have been doing something better than overloading our brains!
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concernedbrownbread · 9 months
Daryun did NOT have to go that hard
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ID: two panels from the Arslan Senki manga, read right to left. In the first Narsus says "You believed he had potential. Knowing is a different beast." Daryun responds, "I quite agree." In the next panel, only the top half f Daryun's face is shown as he smirks, "For example, my knowledge of a certain talent of yours is very different from your belief about that talent." In the background, Alfreed watches him with confusion, two question marks above her head. END ID
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And here we have Isfan's design sheet! His designs came surprisingly quicker and easier than the other ones, though I kept forgetting stuff and having to hastily add them before I forget again.
You'll be going on uh... either a Wolf Trip™ or an Alder Journey™, I have no clue which section is longer.
Without further ado, let's jump right in!
The first outfit is definitely the fanciest, something that doesn't let you doubt that he is indeed Shapur's heir. Maybe he'd wear it for celebrations? It's a riff on my interpretation of his manga design, with the patterned trim. I saw the manga version of his attire being black with a burnt orange sort of trim— as opposed to the blues of the anime design. We'll get to that latter one in a bit but first, we'll tackle this one.
I mentioned the concept of family colours and wearing them as the outermost layer of one's attire in Shapur's sheet and Arslan's— and here is no exception. I headcanon this shade of purple as Shapur's family's colour, and so Isfan wears it when he is to be seen by outsiders— people not part of his family or close circle.
You'll have to zoom in pretty damn far to see it, but maple leaves are included in the pattern on his clothing. It's because for some reason my brain went “ah yes autumn is suited for Isfan for sure” and it's a subtle way of linking him to Kazai; who has maple leaves on his right arm's tattoos. He learned a lot from Kazai, and regards him as family.
And of course, because it's me, there is symbolism involved (this made me realize I never explained Kazai's tattoos, oops):
“Maple is a symbol of strength and endurance.”
“Maple symbolizes balance, love, longevity and abundance. It also speaks of success, generosity and practicality.”
“Maple trees symbolize balance, offering, practical magic, promise, longevity, generosity, and intelligence.”
“Some of the symbols of this tree include balance, promise, strength, practicality, and endurance.”
“The maple tree is believed to have the strength to withstand different environmental conditions, enabling it to grow all around the world.”
Strength, endurance and practicality are traits that I associate with Isfan— especially endurance, as he survived a nigh impossible scenario as a child. He is strong and hardy, and most definitely one that would not go down easily. Under the clan's tutelage he would learn practical skills like medicine and craftsmanship as well.
“The maple tree is believed to have magical properties, and wands produced from the branches of these trees is believed to have the ability to ward off evil spirits and danger away from us.”
“The maple tree is believed to have magical properties that protects those who have it around them— its wide and tall growth casting shadows under which living beings may take their shelter.”
This protective magical properties tidbit is a reference to his role as heir to his brother who is responsible for protecting their people, and Shapur is also a marzban responsible for protecting the border region from foreign threats, but it is also a reference to the chain and armor of Isfandiyar; Isfan's namesake and a hero from the Persian epic Shahnameh:
“According to the epic Shahnameh, Esfandiyār was the Crown Prince and a Divine Warrior of ancient Iran who supported the prophet Zartosht (Zarathustra), enabling him to spread the religion of Zoroastrianism. He also fought against many apostates and enemies of Zartosht to do so. In return, Zartosht gave Esfandiyār a chain and armor from Heaven. The armor made him invincible and the chain had the power to bind anyone, even a demon or evil magician, making them unable to escape. Zartosht also gave a Divine blessing to the prince and declared that anyone who would spill the blood of Esfandiyār (killed him) shall suffer a cursed life of bad omens until the day he dies and even after death would be condemned to hell.”
And I headcanon that Isfan has a sensitivity to the supernatural, spirits and mages and magic, from the incidence where he got abandoned in the mountains and saved by wolves.
And don't you worry, we'll get to the wolves.
There's a wolf pendant hanging from his coat's clasp, and wolves... are quite the vital aspect of his character.
“According to Zoroastrian legends, Zoroaster as a child was carried by the devs (the gods) to the lair of the she-wolf, in expectation that the savage beast would kill it; but she accepted it among her own cubs, and Vahman brought an ewe to the den which suckled it. (It was impossible in the Zoroastrian legend for the wolf herself to give milk to the infant, since wolves are regarded as daevic creatures.) According to the Avesta, the sacred text of the Zoroastrians, wolves are a creation from the 'darkness' of the evil spirit Ahriman, and are ranked among the most cruel of animals, and belong to the daevas. The Bundahishn, which is a Middle Persian text on the Zoroastrian creation myth, has a chapter dedicated to the 'nature of wolves' as seen in Zoroastrian mythology and belief.”
“Wusuns, an Indo-European semi-nomadic steppe people of Iranian origin, had a legend that after their king Nandoumi was killed by Yuezhi, another Indo-European people, Nandoumi's infant son Liejiaomi was left in the wild and He was miraculously saved from hunger being suckled by a she-wolf, and fed meat by ravens.”
These stories of Zoroaster (also known as Zartosht and Zarathustra: a prominent figure and prophet in the religion Zoroastrianism, the main religion of ancient Persia before the Islamic Conquest) and Liejiaomi bear echoes of Isfan's own, being abandoned in the mountains in hopes that he (and his mother) would die, but instead being saved by wolves.
Zoroaster's story mentions an ewe and Liejiaomi's ravens— Kashi's familiar animals were wolves, and Ayunnen's, though under reconsideration for change right now, were ravens. Rams/sheep were part of the candidates I was considering, too. And... a doe? Either way, his circumstances and backstory bear resemblance to these myths.
“In the Secret History of the Mongols, the Mongol peoples are said to have descended from the mating of a doe (gua maral) and a wolf (boerte chino). In modern Mongolia, the wolf is still seen as a good luck symbol, especially for males. In Mongolian folk medicine, eating the intestines of a wolf is said to alleviate chronic indigestion, while sprinkling food with powdered wolf rectum is said to cure hemorrhoids. Mongol mythology explains the wolf's occasional habit of surplus killing by pointing to their traditional creation story. It states that when God explained to the wolf what it should and should not eat, he told it that it may eat one sheep out of 1,000. The wolf however misunderstood and thought God said kill 1,000 sheep and eat one.”
Gorgan, his homeland, is geographically quite close to Turan, who were inspired by the Mongols, so I couldn't not include this, plus the medicinal stuff were a bonus since Isfan is a trained healer.
“In the mythology of the Turkic peoples, the wolf is a revered animal. In the Turkic mythology, wolves were believed to be the ancestors of their people. The legend of Ashina is an old Turkic myth that tells of how the Turkic people were created. In Northern China a small Turkic village was raided by Chinese soldiers, but one small baby was left behind. An old she-wolf with a sky-blue mane named Ashina found the baby and nursed him, then the she-wolf gave birth to half-wolf, half-human cubs, from whom the Turkic people were born. Also in Turkic mythology it is believed that a gray wolf showed the Turks the way out of their legendary homeland Ergenekon, which allowed them to spread and conquer their neighbours.”
This as well, since Gorgan is close to Turk too. Ashina was a candidate for his mother's name among many that us from the fandom have come up with, this one was by @marchdancer I believe? This story also features a young child being saved by a wolf. And though Kashi wasn't his mother (she would have become an adoptive mother to him had Shapur not found the two-year-old boy and his mother), her association with wolf and the colour blue (though not quite sky blue, more of a midnight blue), and the superficial similarity of the names Kashi and Ashina, this links him to this woman he has never met and never will.
“In another Japanese myth, grain farmers once worshiped wolves at shrines and left food offerings near their dens, beseeching them to protect their crops from wild boars and deer. Talismans and charms adorned with images off wolves were thought to protect against fire, disease, and other calamities and brought fertility to agrarian communities and to couples hoping to have children. The Ainu people believed that they were born from the union of a wolf like creature and a goddess.”
The Marda clan comes to play a helper role of sorts in the locals' agriculture as mentioned briefly here: fertility and harvest and grain storage and even bringing rain. And though he's not part of the people who directly help with those, he is considered part of the clan, and takes an active role in protecting the livelihoods of the local folk of the lands.
The tassel hanging from the pendant, it was just a little reference to the other two-thirds of the 22-trio as I like to call them (Isfan, Farangis, Gieve) who have a close relationship in this AU— the plum purple for Gieve, a brother figure, and the light green for Farangis, a sister and a rival in the arts of healing.
Also fun fact, this outfit was a way for me to play with some uh, illusion tricks so to speak— how clothing can give off an illusion of a bodily silhouette that isn't necessarily true.
I once saw a fanart that wrote “SLENDERMAN/スレンダーマン” next to a sketch of Isfan, basically implying that he's really slender? And we in the fandom have this headcanon that Isfan is taller than his brother. And he does give the impression that he is thinner than his brother, even if he's not slenderman™ thin. In the novels it was mentioned that he has a “medium build” but then in the same sentence compared to reeds— and aren't reeds... super thin??
“Isfan had a medium build, like reeds growing next to a swamp, and amber eyes.”
To reckon with this confusion I drew his base body... not that thin, not that far off from his brother's even if it's juuust a tad slimmer, and tried to design this first outfit to build the illusion that he's really slim. Just as a fun project and challenge for myself. And I like to think I succeeded even if partially! I'm quite proud of this design.
Moving onto the second design, damn how long is this post now? It's more of a design that leans both into his brother's style (the way the coat is cut/styled) and the clan style (the short wide sleeves). He wears this kind of style often, but especially when he participates in the whole... patrolling healers group project... thing... tradition... whatever that is (referenced here). The outermost layer is a shade of green to signal that he is a healer of the clan, and though the coat doesn't have the chestnut-leaved oak leaves on it, he does wear the leaf pin/brooch to signify his status as a healer trained by the clan. The brooch was first introduced in Arslan's design sheet and I go in-depth about why I chose that tree's leaves in particular. The teal and the red and green echo his older brother, though they are more of darker or less saturated shades, because I headcanon that Isfan favors darker colours. And so while there's no purple in this design, it still draws on the colours associated with his older brother (as well as the clan healers).
Also, @innerchorus mentioned sage green in the colours they associate with Isfan and hey, he does look good in it!
Embroidered on the neckline of the coat are alder leaves and cones— and here's why:
“The common alder provides food and shelter for wildlife, with a number of insects, lichens and fungi being completely dependent on the tree. It is a pioneer species, colonising vacant land and forming mixed forests as other trees appear in its wake.”
The shelter for wildlife bit echoes the hornbeam tree Ayunnen was found under— the man who found him before Shapur did, the man who would've raised Isfan as his son; utilized here before.
“The alder tree has been used for several purposes (such as construction and medicine) due to its unique nature and strength.”
Don't worry, we'll get to both.
“The timber has been used in underwater foundations and for manufacture of paper and fibreboard, for smoking foods, for joinery, turnery and carving. Products of the tree have been used in ethnobotany, providing folk remedies for various ailments, and research has shown that extracts of the seeds are active against pathogenic bacteria.”
Alder has many uses as shown above, and of course I put emphasis on the folk medicine part, though we'll get to the underwater foundations part later :)
“The common alder is used as a pioneer species and to stabilise river banks, to assist in flood control, to purify water in waterlogged soils and to moderate the temperature and nutrient status of water bodies. On marshy ground it is important as coppice-wood, being cut near the base to encourage the production of straight poles. It is capable of enduring clipping as well as marine climatic conditions and may be cultivated as a fast-growing windbreak.”
Stabilizing riverbanks, flood control, purifying water, they all sound like they'd be useful for agriculture (see what I said about the clan's role in the locals' lives) as well as a protection of nature, a reciprocal providence and protection that the clan and nature exchange on a principle's basis. The windbreak part plays into his role as protector. And I can't help but be a little amused at the straight poles part, lol. It's the reed thing all over again. Anyways!
“The alder tree has the ability to develop well and prevent rot when in water for a long time— becoming strong as stone when done so. This makes it of great importance in the construction of bridges over bodies of water.”
Told you we'd get to the construction part! And here we have our favourite part: alders become strong as stone when in water for a long stretch of time. The strong as stone part echoes the ironwood in Shapur's design sheet, and the water part... well, Arslan is closely associated with water in this AU, and it could allude that Isfan is stronger when he is with Arslan, with his family.
Like Shapur.
Because the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.
And the bridge... well, it could be said that he (along with Arslan) was the bridge that brought Shapur and the clan together.
“The wood becomes strong as stone when dipped in water for a long time, making it an excellent source of timber for heavy use such as construction, production of long-lasting shields, and so on.”
Not much to say about the shield part except that it could play into his role as protector.
“The alder tree is believed to have the ability to protect and serve as a hiding place for people who are in need of shelter.”
The clan takes in castoffs and runaways, those vulnerable folk in need of protection, and he was one of them. When the clan settled on Shapur's family lands, they continued on with their thing and both Shapur and Isfan allowed it, sheltered the new additions to the clan without a word to anyone else.
“The alder tree's ability to grow and thrive in swampy or wet environments can be said to be due to its determination— therefore it can symbolize determination or a desire to achieve what one strives for no matter the challenges they may face in life.”
I see Isfan as a very determined young man, determined to prove himself, to make his brother proud, to protect his family and their people. I see him as a very diligent and hardworking person because of his desire and determination. And so this... yeah. And so this added to the reasons the alder trees were chosen, out of the many plants and trees that are found in the Alborz mountain range.
Also he's wearing a wolf fang as an earring.
Now at last we arrive at his third and final outfit.
Are y'all still alive?
Essentially, this outfit is what I imagine would be worn under his armor— a reference and riff off of his anime (and Senshi no Shikaku?) design, the long-sleeved dark blue shirt. It's quite simple in design, not meant to be fancy, but of course, I just couldn't help myself, lol. I had to add pomegranate seeds and flowers on the collar that I was... just planning to leave plain.
The pomegranate flower is a reference to the name I have chosen for his mother in this AU being Golnar, which means “pomegranate flower”.
I have explained in length why I have chosen that name in this post, and I highly encourage to read it if you haven't. I'm really proud of the symbolism I have managed to collect.
Here's an extra tidbit, just for fun:
“The flower of the pomegranate tree is called Gulnar. The popularity of the flower is mostly due to its medical uses (in traditional medicine). Persian Gulnar decoction is used to treat syphilis. The juice is used to treat jaundice, diarrhea, and to treat frequent nosebleeds. Dried and creamy flower buds of this flower are used as a treatment for bronchitis.”
Eyyy, more tallies on the healer!Isfan stuff! :D And he still wears the oak leaf brooch here as well. The lacing thing was just to add a little bit of interest— I didn't want to just rehash the original design from which I took the inspiration. The shoulder part was partly inspired by Kashi's design (echoed also by her son Arslan, and Ranna as well). The dark blue to reference his canon outfit, but also form a sort of... unity with his younger brother Arslan and the entire... Ashina... Kashi... thing.
Things like medicine and supply pouches and his sword would hang from the belt— which reminds me I have once again forgotten to add the belt on his second outfit! This is why I can't be trusted.
And just for fun, here's a... thing I added though I don't consider it a proper design:
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Just... Just put his normal cloak on, it's fine, I don't know what I was thinking with this one.
And so... here's the design sheet! I hope y'all like it. I haven't decided yet who'll be next, though I have a feeling it's gonna be either Farangis or Gieve.
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skboba-stars · 1 year
Bayarsai Sutekh
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Full Name : Bayarsai Sutekh of the Arslan clan
Courtesy Name : Arslan Jinglong
Title : Rèn Míng Sword
Position(s) :
Head Disciple of Qiong Ding Peak
Future Sect Leader of Cang Qiong
Sword Name : 忍明 (Rèn Míng - Enduring Light)
Title(s) :
The Golden Dragon of Qiong Ding
Khan of the Sands
Lady Beast Tamer
Weapon(s) :
Rèn Míng
Dual short scimitars
Height : 191 cm
Gender : (she/her) (f)
Race : Human [Steppes-Kemetic*]
Backstory :
Bayarsai is the firstborn of the Khatun of the Arslan tribe - one of the strongest Steppes tribes. Her younger sister and her were both potential heirs and her mother selected her sister to be her sucessor as Bayarsai took more after her father, a former royal from Kemet and current merchant and Khagan, that often took her on his travels, in which she met Jiang Wanyin in one of them.
She found herself in the regions near Tian Gong shortly after her 11th birthday and she decided to try to attempt cultivation after having seen in. She was accepted int Qiong Ding and replaced the head disciple shortly after Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe's wedding.
*Kemetic= reference to Ancient Egypt; Steppes = reference to nomadic West Asian tribes (Mongolian in this case)
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maddiethedumpling · 2 years
Hello:3, it's nice to meet you!! I'm Maddie, and I'm quite new to tumblr, I enjoy writing from time to time and thought that maybe I could give it a try here. I'll be honest with you, though, and say that I am dyslexic so sorry for any spelling mistakes on top of that English isn't my first language
Here's a few Series/Movies/Fandoms that I'd love to try and write for.^^
Arslan senki
Star Wars
Genshin impact
Lotr/the Hobbit
Fire Force
Tokyo revengers
Mw2 cod
Obey me
I'm open for any gender so if you'd like a male reader, female reader, gender nutural reader, that's, of course, okay^^
I'm open for m!xm! f!xf! f! or m!xg!.
I'm pretty much open for everything
I'm not fully ok with nsfw content though, but I am willing to write suggestive stuff.
I'll write
I want this page to be safe for everybody and thus want no subjects that could trigger somebody like rape, incest or other harmful topics.
Request are appreciated^^<3
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years
open to: m/f/nb 25+ (age gaps welcomed!)
muse: roxelana arslan, 25 - 30, mechanic, cis female
plot: based off the film knight and day, my muse managed to get tangled up with yours when y/m committed some sort of crime (on what scale is utp), and once y/m brought mine back home they thought that was the end of it. apparently not, mine gets picked up by authorities for questioning and y/m decides to break her out…now they’re both on the run.
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“so…what is exactly is the big plan here?” rox asked, attempting to keep her voice level. but with the vehicle she was currently in speeding down the road at an (unsurprisingly) illegal rate of speed, not to mention having just been pulled out of a supposed ‘fbi’ agent’s svu at g*npoint…she was hard pressed not to be slightly terrified. “because according to those, well they said they were agents, you’re the one i’m in danger from. not them.” which wouldn’t be too far of a leap given how they met the night before. “so, care to enlighten me at all?”
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polux-aka-hyakunana · 2 years
Art ask meme: 2!
2. who is your favorite character to draw?
I'm gonna expand this answer recalling different series I drew for xckvnxckno
For Destiny tragically it's not Elsie bc I mess her up very often , but she's getting there thx DF series definitely is my own Hunter OC, but the times I doodled Misraaks and Caiatl in my sketchbook also proved to be super fun to work, and Eris also comes easier than I thought to me too.
in FE3H Ignatz is the one that comes the easiest to me and I can't say the same for Sylvain rip me but tbh I remember having loads of fun working on Flayn! Always loved to draw her floof hair adfkncvocx and also F!Byleth bc of my whole Blue Lions comics.
Aaaaand some other chars form past fandoms I drew for that were my favirtes to draw are Haru, Yusuke and Captain Kidd (Persona 5), Etoile (Arslan Senki) and Therion (Octopath Traveler)
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maguro13-2 · 1 month
[Request for an Immediate Rescue by Naofumi Hataya]
Shinra : Here we go again with another collaborate. I have no idea of how we collaborated with the Mashimaverse, then delinquents, and of course the previous manga that our author used to work on. Here are we...Except the girl who crossover with the Rent-A-Get Yo Girl service. Another lame old saturday of dealing with addicted gacha games in Japan. Isn't there a fiesty way of saying I don't like having too much crossovers with everybody. Except the part that it was me who created Soul Eater, I did all of that stuff before I was turned into a Chao.
Arthur : But I guarantee you that this is the worst day ever since we got into those resurrected bodies in the real world. I was resurrected into the body of a woman they call it "Saber". Can't believe the Ohkuboverse has been one heck of a universe since the author was an assistant to the Getbackers.
Shinra : So does that stupid addictive gacha game that were on, we can't be diddly dallying on the peach front saying who is who is going to collaborate us with the other universes I'm gonna tell everyone that who is it going to be this time? who's it gonna be this time around? Since no one is collaborating with us anymore, I think we should all take a break from collaborating. I'm sick of Japan collaborating with others.
Arthur : I know someone who can collaborate with this dude. I found him on the internet.
Shinra : Really? Who did collaborate this time?
Arthur : easy, It's this guy that we are collaborating him.
*Eren's face is shown on his phone*
Shinra : Oh, Arthur. Please, you didn't collaborate with that guy. We don't who he is.
Arthur : I think so too, dude. We've seen this man all the time and he has been around in the Kodansha line since Arakawa came to the company to make manga out of a novel from the 20th century, actually, the heroic legend of Arslan is from the 1980s and he she made recreated that 80s novel of Arslan to turn into the modern art style of Fullmetal Alchemist. Please...I have business opportunity to carry on female human body, that is a stuck up servant to japanese dudes like you who wanted to have sex with. But I can't have sex to a guy, I'm straight and single! And just to proven to you that...I am not gay.
Shinra : Hey, Arthur. Is it me or is it your feet shaking the ground too much?
Arthur : Uhh, I don't think that wasn't me, dude! That's not my feet that is doing it!
Shinra : Then what's with all that....*realizing* Oh heck no.
Arthur : Oh sm
*cues The Rumbling*
Eren : Hey, guys! I just wanted to say that this is the best collaboration that I ever worked with you guys! Does this mean I can finally get my paycheck now?
Shinra : [to Arthur] You were saying?
Arthur : [to Shinra] This is why we can't have nice things in Japan.
Shinra : [to Arthur] *sighs* For the record, I really hate those guys so much.
Maki : Hey, guys. Why do we hear boss music? SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!
Sister Iris : Maki, Is there something wrong here? OH MY GOD!!!
Tamaki : Guys? Will you just keep it down already? WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?!
Lisa Isaribi : Ey, yo girl! Chill out. it's only a collaboration with--OH DEAR LORD! IT'S GOING TO SQUASH TO US ALL!!!
Hinawa : Girls! What's with all the screaming--WOAH! WHAT THE F***!?!
Vulcan : Come on guys, this isn't the time to be fooling aro--No, No, No, No,NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Obi : What is all with the darn noises!? I'm trying to break a sweat.
Hinawa : Like, captain. You gotta see this! There's some kind of thing going on with the collaboration and this dude just brought an army of giant muscle headed dudes!
Obi : Oh, for the last time, Hinawa. I told you that Muscle heads are worth the brains and brawns--*realizing* HOLY F***ING SH*T!
Maki : [To Shinra] WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!
Eren : And now...Prepare to be crushed by the rumbling!
Shinra : I knew I should've stayed back at a Chao at the garden.
Viktor Licht : WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
*A Titan about to crush Company 8*
*SPLASH+Record Scratch*
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Huh? What?
*It is only revealed to be just a dream*
Saber (Arthur) : That would make you shut up. You've been screaming in your sleep for 10 seconds.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : I can't believe that I am still stuck like this. Well, at least I'm not in the mood for an ice cream shake. Do you think that I was gonna collaborate with a guy who literally died by the hands of his hot asian GF?
Saber (Arthur) : No offense, but that Ackerman lady is kinda pretty hot.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Dude, Boyle. I was talking about his adoptive sister.
Saber (Arthur) : I'm gonna pretend that I did not hear that.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : So much for being the one hit wonder on making these gacha games pretty addictive. Yeah, I don't if that's gonna work in the future. I bet we'll just stay clear and promise that you'll never tell about it! So...Whose idea was it to live in the Chao World business. You still have my keys to my walker, right? My Chao Walker that I really need to take out?
Saber (Arthur) : Sure dude. I think your ride's in the back of the Pyramid base left by that mad scientist.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Darn. I hate this life of mine. At least, I still have my personality.
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aykutiltertr · 2 months
Kalbim Ege'de Kaldı - Nükhet Duru ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Hicaz 5/8 + 2/4 Atill...   ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/bqueNO2HrLE ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐   Kalbim Ege'de Kaldı - Nükhet Duru ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Hicaz 5/8 + 2/4 Atilla Özdemiroğlu) @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ESER ADI           : SÖZ GÜFTE       : SEZEN AKSU - YELDA KARATAŞ - ŞEHRAZAT BESTE - MÜZİK:   ATİLLA ÖZDEMİROĞLU USÜL                 :   5/8 (TÜRK AKSAĞI) + 2/4 (NİM SOFYAN) MAKAM - DİZİ :   HİCAZ - MAJÖR Söz: Sezen Aksu - Yelda Karataş - Şehrazat Beste: Attila Özdemiroğlu Düzenleme: Mustafa Haybat Davul: Arıkan Sırakaya Perdesiz Bas: Orhan Deniz Klasik Gitar: Kemal Evrim Arslan Perküsyon: Gurur Nar Kanun: Serkan Halili Ud/Buzuki/Tambur: Mustafa İpekçioğlu Klarnet: Hasan Dağlar Vokaller: Murat Çekem, Sinem Akkaya, Banu Kunt Işık, Burak Çetinkaya Mix: Arıkan Sarıkaya Stüdyolar: Keyboardist - Arı Mastering : Levent Büyük Bm              C#       D   Cigaramı sardım karşı sahile C#      D     Bm Yaktım ucuna acıları Bm           C#       D Ağları attım anılar doldu C#        D      Bm Ağlar hasretimin kıyıları C#     D        C#       D Yareme tuz diye yakamoz bastım D        F#   Bm Tek şahidim aydı Aman aman C#         D Bir elimde defne C#        D Bir elimde sevdan D       F#      Bm Kalbim egede kaldı Bm               C#      D   Kadehimi vurdum karşı yakaya C#     D       Bm     Efeler kalktı şerefe Bm           C#       D Sevgimi attım dostlar tuttu C#       D       Bm Bir ağıt yaktı kadere C#     D        C#       D Yareme tuz diye yakamoz bastım D        F#   Bm Tek şahidim aydı Aman aman C#         D Bir elimde defne C#        D Bir elimde sevdan D       F#      Bm Kalbim egede kaldı     Bm Aman efendim Bm Ayrılık ölümden beter Bm Canım efendim         D     C#    Bm Yeter bu hasretlik yeter     Bm Aman efendim Bana bir merhaba gönder     G# Canım efendim Nükhet Duru Duru 2012'de Cemiz Topuzlu Sahnesi'nde Sezen Aksu ile Genel bilgiler Doğum 19 Mayıs 1954 (70 yaşında) Tarzlar Caz, pop, Klasik Türk müziği, elektronik müzik Meslekler Oyuncu, şarkıcı Etkin yıllar 1971-günümüz Resmî site nukhetduru.com.tr Nükhet Duru (d. 19 Mayıs 1954, İstanbul[not 1]), Türk şarkıcı ve oyuncudur. 70'li ve 80'li yıllarda Türkiye'de popüler müziğin en güçlü seslerinden ve en meşhur şarkıcılarından biri oldu. Diskografi Ayrıca bakınız: Nükhet Duru şarkıları listesi 45'lik, EP ve teklileri 1975: Aklımda Sen Fikrimde Sen - Karadır Kaşların 1976: Beni Benimle Bırak - Gerisi Vız Gelir 1976: Her Şey Yolunda Şimdi - İki Damla Gözyaşı 1977: Canım Yandı - Haydi Uzatma Arkadaş 1977: Cambaz - Haydi Hayat 1977: Harp ve Sulh - Bir İnsan Doğdu 1978: Anılar - Güneş 1978: Dostluğa Davet - Takalar - (Modern Folk Üçlüsü ile birlikte) 1979: Portofino - Yıldızlar 1983: Ne Oldu Bize - Al Gönlümü Diyar Diyar Sürükle 1998: Remix-1 1998: Remix-2 1999: Nükhet Duru '99 2008: Durup Dururken 2010: İlk 2 2018: Mavi Düşler 2020: Kalbim Ege'de Kaldı 2021: Kapıldım Gitti 2021: Uzunlar 2022: Değmesin Ellerimiz 2023: Olasılık (Devrim Ekiz ile) Stüdyo albümleri 1976: Bir Nefes Gibi 1978: Melankoli 1979: Sevgili Çocuklar 1979: Nükhet Duru IV 1981: Nükhet Duru 1981 1982: Aşıksam Ne Farkeder? 1984: Her Şey Yeni 1985: Sevda 1986: Nadide 1987: Çek Halatı Gönlüm 1988: Benim Şarkılarım 1989: Benim Yolum 1991: Aç Gözünü Adamım 1992: Aman Tanrım! 1994: Nükhet Duru 1996: Gümüş 1997: Mühür 1998: Cahide - Bu Bir Efsane 2001: Bana Rağmen 2004: Muhteşem İkili - (Cenk Eren ile birlikte) 2006: ...Gece Saat On İki 2012: Tam Zamanında 2015: Aşkın N Hali 2020: Hikayesi Var Toplama ve konser albümleri 1979: En Sevilen Şarkılarıyla Nükhet Duru 1993: Nükhet Duru Klasikleri 1998: Nükhet Duru'dan Bir Nefes Gibi'ler 2006: Sevgiyle Elele - (Surp Vartanants Korosu ile birlikte, Cenk Taşkan adına) 2008: En İyileriyle Nükhet Duru 1981-1982 2014: Nükhet Duru Sahnede Filmografisi Dizi 1993: Umut Taksi 2000: Dadı 2000: Şemsi Paşa Pasajı 2001: Baş Belası 2001: Yeni Hayat 2002: Bayanlar Baylar 2002: Deliboran Destanı 2004: Avrupa Yakası 2004: Çemberimde Gül Oya 2005: Eylül 2015: Arka Sokaklar 2016: Şahane Damat 2020: Menajerimi Ara 2022: Aslında Özgürsün 2023: Tetikçinin Oğlu 2023-2024: Eyvah! Ramazan Bey Film 1971: Şerefimle Yaşarım 1973: Dağdan İnme 1973: Yemin 1975: Ayıkla Beni Hüsnü 1976: Kader Bağlayınca 1982: Düşkünüm Sana 2005: Keloğlan Kara Prens'e Karşı 2015: Düğün Dernek 2: Sünnet Televizyon programı 1995: Bir Nükhet Duru Gecesi
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hetesiya · 9 months
Dersim‘in Tarihi Süreçteki İsimleri – Düzgün Arslan | TR
Dersim‘in Tarihi Süreçteki İsimleri – Düzgün Arslan
15 Kasım 1937 de Elazığ Buğday Meydan’ında asılan Seyit Rıza, Usenê Seydi, Aliyê Mırzê Sıli, Fındıq Ağa, Usenê Seyd Rızay, Ali Ağa, Hesenê İvraimê Qızi anısına Desim tarihi ve tarihi sürecle ilgili bir sunum düşünmüştük. Ben 1937 öncesini, H. Dursun ise 1937 ve sonrasını anlatacaktı. Olaylar tersinden geliştigi için bu sunumu yapamadık.
Bu ara yapmış olduğum araştırmalarda elde etmiş olduğum bazı bilgilerin, tartışmaya açık olmak  kaydıyla,  kendime saklamakla doğru olmuyacağını düşündügüm için, almış olduğum notları, kısacada olsa sizlerle paylaşmak  istedim.
Bugünkü yazımda sizlerle Desim‘in tarihi sürecte almış olduğu isimlerini paylasacağım. Elde ettiğim veriler sonucu, bu corafyada hemem hemen tüm uygarlıklar gelmiş ve belli izler bırakmışlardır. Bu izler Sümer uygarlığına kadar uzanmaktadır. Bu süreç içinde hemen hemen her uygarlık bu bölgeye kendine uygun sekilde bir isim takmıştır. Ben bu çalışmada öğrendigim isimleri hem düsündürücü hem de ileriye yönelik daha çok araştırmak  ve okumak sorumluluğuna kapıldım. Belki tekrarlamakta yarar olacaktır: Bu yazıda yorum ve düsüncelerimi değil, sadece tarihi sürecte bu bölgede olan biteni yalın haliyle ortaya koymak istedim.
Daiaini  yörenin bilinen en eski adlarında olduğunu söyler.( F. Schrader Atlas de geographie Historique, Paris 1898)
Daranalis  yüzyıllarca kullandığı anlasılmaktadır der ( Prof. Dr. W.M Ramsay. Anadolunun Tarihi Coğrafyası)
Derxene (Derksen) Tercan ilcesinide kapsayan bir kantonnun ismi olarak karsımıza çıkmaktadır. Hatta Strabonun  (Coğrafya) sındaki bir dipnotolarak Tercanın ismi olarak vurgulanır. ( Geographi de Strabon C 2 Paris 1873)
Daranalis,  adı bazı kaynaklarda Daranisse,  olarak gecer. (Joseph Sandalgian Histojre documentair de I Armenie 1917)
Kimi yerli haritalarda göre  (Daranalis)  altına onun bir varyantı olarak (Daranalik) adıda eklenir. (Dr. Hüseyin dağtekin Genel tarih Atlası hrt. 38)
İ.Ö 400 yılına kadar Pers kralı Dara’ya karşı isyanlar sürer. Dara Dersim bölgesinide feth eder. Tuncelinin Daranalis adıyla anılması, Dara ile iliskili olabilir. (  Bilal Aksoy Tarihsel degişim sürecinde Tunceli sh.69)
Hattiler döneminde  ( M.Ö III. bin)  bu bölgeye  İsuwa (Asuwa) olarak adlandırılar
Hititler ise Zuhma derler.
Asurlar ( M.Ö II binyılında) Kısmi Elazığ bölgesini içine alan , Dersim bölgesine Sophene derler.  „Bir Asur bilimci olan Prof. Bedrich Hrozny  bu dilin Hind-Avrupa dili olduğunu…. Hititçe’den eskiye dayandığını….Hind-Avrupa kökenli başka bir dilin Luwice’nin varlığı bilinmektedir. Anadoluda başta Hititler olmak üzere bir çok kavmi etkiliyen Luwilerin İ.Ö III bin yılında bu topraklarda yasadığını…‘‘ (Bilge Umar Türkiye Halkının ilk Çağ tarihi c 1 sh 38)
Urartular( M.Ö 900-600 yy)  Dersim ve Elazığ yörelerine Supani diyorlar. Palin kalesi Urartular döneminden kalmaktadır. Bu kaleye Selcuklar Bağım derler.  Bizanslılar Bagin (Baghin) olarak değiştirirler. Urartu Kralları bu bölgeye de EN.NAM adını vererek Valiler atamıştır. (Oktay Belli Urartular A.U C 1. sh. 145. 156. 185.)
Partheniya Bu isim ise Dersim’de çok uzun yıllar yaşatıldı. Hepahisto, Hezidos, Homeros, Herodot, Strabon, Dersim’i Parteniya olarak dinlendirmişlerdir. ( Turabi Saltuk Zaman döngüsünde Dersim sh.22)
Eski çağlardan beri farklı kavin ve boyların istilalarına uğrayan Tunceli hevalisi VIII yy da adından söz ettiren Mamikon boyunun etkiligindeydi. Tuncelinin eski adlarından biri olup, halk arasında halen kullanılan ‚‘Mameki‘  adının ‚Mamikon‘ ya da  ‚‘Mamikonyan’lılar ile iliski oldukları sanılmaktadır. (Bilal Aksoy a.e sh.107)
Dersim isminin Derksen ( Der xene) isimleriyle ilişkili olduğu düşünülmektedir. Fars kültüründen etkilenerek Dersim’e dönüsüldügü düsünülmektedir.
Osmanlı verileri incelendiginde  Dirsimli, (Dirsimlü) Disim, Disimli, (Disimlü) adlandırılmasına rastlanmaktadır. (Dersiam)
Arthur Ungnad’a göre Tunceli ve cevresi İ.Ö 2200 lerde Subartu’lar Ülkesiydi. Murat Nehrin en eski adıda Subartulardan kalmadır der.
Kalan etimolojik kökeni ‚ <<kal>> farscadaki çoğul eki ‚ <<an>> eklenmektedir. Birileri bunun Moğolların çin dilinde aldıklarını söylese bile bu yinede dil birligini sağlamıyor.
Kal <<gal>>  veya <<Khal>> Sümercede Kuvetli anlamı, Dersim bölgesinde ise yaşlı İnsanlar için kulanılmaktadır.
<<Kalu>> Sümerce sözü dinlenen yaşlı insanlar için kulanılır.
Ve Tunceli herkesin bildigi bir isim << Tunc- eli>> iki kelimeden oluşur. Sizlerin üstünde her zaman Tunc elim vardır manasını tasır.
Asıl önemli olan, tarihi sürecte bütün tarihi uygarlıkların istılasına uğramış, en çokta Pers Kültür hegomanyası altında kalmış, kültürel olarak kendini halen Anadolu topraklarından,  has özeliklerini korumuş. Katliamlar, zulümler ve yenilgilere rağmen tekrardan ve tekrardan ayağa kalkıp kendi farkındalığı üzerinden yol yürümesi, kendi iç dinmiklerinden veya tutculuğundan fazla başka bir seyim olması gerekir. Burada dikkatle incelenmesi gereken konu, bu toplumum, nasıl oluyor ki,kendi öz ekseninde halen varlığını sürdürüyor olmasıdır. Bu sadece inanc eksenli ve toplumsal dinamiklerin  homojenligi üzerinden ifade edilemiyecegi nin, daha degişik etkenlerin var olması gerektiği  düşüncesindeyim.
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latinasandbcjc · 2 years
Venkat, Pavithra, Rachel Masch, Eliza Ng, Miriam Cremer, Sue Richman and Alan Arslan. 2008. "Knowledge and Beliefs about Contraception in Urban Latina Women." Journal of Community Health 33(5):357-62.
Cicerchia, Gaia, Lawrence D. Reid, and Diana N. Carvajal. 2022. “Contraceptive Decision- Making and the Importance of Side Effect Information among a Sample of Latinas.” Women's Health Reports 3(1):78–84.
Unger, Jennifer B, and Gregory B, Molina. 1998. “Contraceptive Use Among Latina Women: Social, Cultural, and Demographic Correlates.” Women’s Health Issues 8(6):359-369.
Romo, Laura F., Magali Bravo, Maria Elena Cruz, Rebeca M. Rios, and Claudia Kouyoumdjian. 2010. “‘El Sexo No Es Malo’: Maternal Values Accompanying Contraceptive Use Advice to Young Latina Adolescent Daughters.” Sexuality Research and Social Policy 7(2):118–27.
Gilliam, Melissa L., Meredith M. Warden, and Beatriz Tapia. 2004. “Young Latinas Recall Contraceptive Use before and after Pregnancy: A Focus Group Study.” Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 17(4):279–87.
Campo, Shelly, Connie Kohler, Natoshia M. Askelson, Cristina Ortiz, and Mary Losch. 2014. “It Isn’t All about Language.” Journal of Transcultural Nursing 26(5):466–72.
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West Ham certified for the sixteenth Sivasspor wins at Ballkani Silkeborg slaps Steuea Bucharest
Continuation of the 4th day of the Europa League Convention with the second wave at 9 p.m. Along with the assembly of OGC Good in opposition to Slovacko (abstract to be discovered right here), seven different conferences have been performed to already guarantee qualification for the spherical of 16 of the competitors. Among the many fundamental outcomes to notice, West Ham, relaunching within the Premier League, continues its clear spherical in C4 with a victory at residence in opposition to Anderlecht, thanks particularly to a purpose from a free kick by Algerian worldwide Stated Benrahma. In the identical group B, Silkeborg provided the large rating of the night in Bucharest, whereas Max-Alain Gradel’s Sivasspor went for some extent on Ballkani’s garden. The classification of the teams of the Europa League Convention. The complete outcomes of the multiplex Group B: West Ham 2-1 Anderlecht: Benrahma (14th), Bowen (thirtieth) / Esposito (sp, 89th) FCSB 0-5 Silkeborg : Kusk (twelfth), Klynge (sixteenth), Tengstedt (63rd), Jorgensen (68th, seventieth) Group C: H. Beer Sheva 1-1 Lech: Hemed (ninth) / Szymczak (forty fourth) Group D: OGC Good (abstract accessible right here) Slovacko Group E: FC Vaduz 1-2 Dnipro : Rastoder (thirtieth) / Hamache (twenty fifth), Dovbyk (90+1st) Group F: Shamrock Rovers 0-2 mould : Fofana (thirty third), Eriksen (69th) Group G: FC Balkani 1-2 Sivasspor : Thaqi (thirty sixth) / Arslan (72nd), English (81st) Group H: Zalgiri 2-1 Pyunik: Ourega (twenty third), Oliveira (forty second) / Ozbiliz (sp, 78th) Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
Oh man having a sort of general idea and like, I don't know how much sense this will make but like
Arslan, when he comes to Ecbatana with Shapur (probably bc he's curious, no one else in the clan will even approach it), borrows a small room in the palace or smth and has it as a small clinic/medical office? If he'd be allowed? Maybe Shapur could help with that?
And then shenanigans in the style of The Apothecary Diaries unfold, where he's not only healing ppl but also getting roped up in some mysteries... and making friends with servants and stuff and he becomes pretty well-known among the palace people... and the marzbans as well.
Which begins to irk the Crown Prince, f!Arslan. The boy isn't very popular with people, both because Andragoras systematically isolated him and because he's prone to lashing out and is generally Not Great towards servants and stuff.
And Arslan... definitely notices that. And since he doesn't want a jealous Crown Prince on his tail, and because he keeps getting roped up in investigations and mysteries, certain people might start targeting him too because they don't want their secrets exposed.
He's definitely noticed the looks the Shah has been giving him, even when he's been doing his best to avoid encountering the royal family at all costs.
So he takes down his small medical corner and moves out to work under some clinic in the city instead, outside and faraway from the palace.
Though the conversation he has with his father the night he decides to remove himself from the palace should be interesting. Shapur thought his son would do just fine, and he's seen how he's been making new friends, so to hear that his son feels... unsafe, to say the least...
Because look, see.
You being innocent doesn't mean you'll be saved from unjust punishment.
Arslan has seen and known it well.
What happened to his parents, what happened to his brother and Golnar, what happened and is still happening, how the clan is made of people who'd been forced to flee, how the clan still gains new members to this day...
If the people in power deem you a nuisance and threat, they can and will use any excuse to get rid of you. Sometimes an excuse won't even be needed if you're lowborn enough.
Just because you're right doesn't mean you can always count on it to have a right to speak out either.
And if something happens to him... what if the trail leads to his family, his clan as well?
So, he leaves the palace and goes to work outside the palace instead, just so they'd feel... less threatened, I suppose.
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