#f2m surgery
jovkjack · 1 year
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concertbflat · 2 years
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☀️☀️☀️☀️ 🏳️‍⚧️
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transgender-in-need · 2 years
Please help me get top surgery!
Hi, my name is Sam and I am transgender but i can’t have proper top surgery due to my family situation. On top of the disphoria, the weight of my chest is causing problems with my spine and posture. I‘m in near constant pain every day.
I can‘t get gender reafirming surgery because of my parents, but because of the pain I’m in and the physical impact it’s having on my day to day life, they’ve agreed to breast reduction surgery. It’s not the same, but it’s something that will have a huge positive impact in my life.
I’m so sorry to ask, I feel terrible, but we just can’t afford it. We’re paying what we can ourselves but the cost is enormous all in. If i can’t raise the money, nothing is going to change and I desperately need the situation to improve.
I’ve tried binding but it’s deeply uncomfortable and not especially effective due to the size of my chest. And even if I can mask it a little, I still know they’re there, I can still feel them, and I can’t put into words how difficult it is to live with. I’ve tried to knuckle under and live with my lot, but I can’t do it anymore.
This means everything to me, so please, please anything at all you’d be willing to give would mean the absolute world to me. I can’t express in words how grateful I would be for any help. Even pennies makes a difference.
And if you can’t spare anything, please, please consider reblogging to help spread this around so people who can and might be willing to help could see it.
Thank you so, so much.
I know it’s a lot to ask for, but the surgery is incredibly expensive.
You can donate here (gofundme) or here (justgiving)
EDIT: Thank you so so much for donating, it means more than I can possibly explain.
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euphoria-kingdom · 1 year
Another Update
Hi all, long time, no type.
I'm now 3 years 2 months post top surgery! Not much has changed besides the scars continuing to fade. Still a little redness in one place, but mostly now the scars just appear a little darker than the rest of my skin.
After 2+ years of nightmare world with Dr. Meltzer's clinic, the conclusion is that I am now getting surgery with Dr. Esmonde, who was trained by Meltzer, and is located in Portland. I was handed over to him, unbeknownst to both of us (I thought my surgery was completely cancelled and he and I both found out only about a month ago that I was given to him), and I was able to keep my previously rescheduled date of July 20th! So I'm having surgery in 1 month and 15 days! I had given up and had accepted that I would have had to start the process all over again, but it's been a really nice surprise to have the surgery back on, and coming up so soon. I'm honestly really excited about it. I can't wait to get the v-nectomy, as that's my main source of dysphoria. I can't wait to have a perineum. I can't wait to stp. I can't wait to be totally comfortable having sex and not having to worry about people taking advantage of me. I just can't wait.
If anyone has any questions or wants current top surgery pics or pre-op dick pics to see what I'm working with, feel free to ask!
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oath-knight · 2 years
Hope it's not rude but could someone explain why so many people draw double incision top surgery scars also with vertical, often diamond-like-shaped scars in addition to the horizontal (or like horizontally curved, in a pec shape) scars? Not talking about a scar going vertically between the middle of the horizontal line up to the nipple (fishmouth?), but like, 3 or so vertical lines along the DI scar.
Are they supposed to be stretch marks, but just use the same color as the scar?
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ya-boy-polaris · 9 months
That's completely reasonable for no nsfw for arven (notmeforgetingthatpplccanddateandnotbensfw)
But I do have a request
Reader (f2m) and arven post top surgery care?
Arven x FTM Reader Post Op care!
Expect this boy to be so so worried about you.
He takes you to your appointment and waits anxiously for hours until you come back out. He cries happy tears when he sees you groggily waking back up from surgery and giving him the dopiest smile you can muster.
The hospital wants you to stay the night. The nurses tell Arven everything he needs to know on how to properly take care of you.
The next day, Arven treats you like royalty. He has the bed set up at an angle so you can rest easy.
Arven has decided to make your every meal, with the exception when you give him the puppy eyes for some take out.
For the first couple of days where you do nothing but sleep, Arven sleeps on a recliner nearby, not wanting to accidentally hurt you if he slept in the same bed for now.
When the bandages are removed and you two finally see your new form, he can't help but to just smile and cry.
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aethyrx · 6 months
“Despite a number of anatomical, hormonal, fertility, and obstetric considerations that require consideration, there is no overwhelming clinical argument against performing UTx [(uterine transplantation)] as part of GRS [(gender reassignment surgery)]. However, the increased radicality associated with the retrieval operation… potentially necessitates the use of deceased donors. Alternatively, F2M transgender men may offer an alternative donor pool should they accept the increased risk compared with standard hysterectomy.”
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bxlldog · 1 year
im joining the perv circle. Im a masc-ish dyke into other butches and if i dont get a butch woman to knock me around this year i might actually go insane. Also the thing u said about piercings is hard same i wanna get my nipples done this yr cos my eyebrow just properly healed up and. Yanno
cannot wait to get rings in my brows.... i would do my nipples but the surgery didnt leave much that is piercable.... actually im curious f2ms with chest tats did it hurt more because that areas kind of sensitive post surgery? (at least it is for me and it's been like 3 years)
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gabelish · 2 years
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No! More! Tiddy!
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selfmadeislandboy · 3 years
Comparison photo. I know I look unhappy in the bottom photo but I am very happy, I was just exhausted.
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sensible-tips · 3 months
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Transition Tuesday
Helpful tips for selecting your gender affirming surgery surgeon.
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jovkjack · 2 years
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Shots shots shots (of T)
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concertbflat · 2 years
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Chest day is best day 💋 🏳️‍⚧️
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559poetree · 3 years
Until recently I’ve been thinking of phalloplasty surgery before I didn’t think I would but honestly I don’t like the use of prosthetics and I’m tired of dreaming of myself without it so any info about it would be appreciated thank u
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euphoria-kingdom · 2 years
Hey all who still follow my account lol. My last update was around January earlier this year, at one year ten months post-op. I'm now two years six months post-op, but at this point I don't really pay attention to the time that has passed in that way, which is a luxury. I have moved to Portland with my family, still getting settled. As for bottom surgery, I was able to get a consultation with Dr. Meltzer himself last month, so I finally got to meet him. The current plan/schedule is to have surgery in the beginning of March next year. We'll see how well that holds up, based on the clinic's track record 🙄 anyway, I was also recommended by Meltzer to pump to increase my size before the surgery to get the best results, so I have been doing that every day, with random off days when I either forget or am too tired to do so.
I just took this picture of myself tonight, and I'm actually pretty happy with it, considering where I came from. I have a beard, although not filling in on the cheeks yet, haha. Working on the mustache lol. Peep the shoulder vein, who knows where that came from cuz I haven't been working out, haha. But anyway. I feel like I've come a long way, and I'm pretty proud of it. Thanks for tagging along on my journey, no matter when you arrived :)
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transtalk · 4 years
“Why do you have scars on your chest?”
I’ll be near family who have never seen me shirtless soon (even though I had top surgery 7 years ago).  Among them are kids aged 7-12 who do not know I am trans, while the rest of my family does.  In preparation for the inevitable questions about my scars, I asked a group of siblings and an internet forum for suggestions.
Here are my favorites:
“Two people were fishing next to me and both hooks got caught on my shirt but they still cast and that’s why you have to be careful when fishing.”
“I’m actually 184 and have to have all my organs replaced every 20 years through these quick access holes to stay youthful!”
“Thanks, it has pockets!”
“Oh, these are my gills.  For swimming.”
“I thought it would look cool.”
“I ate some watermelon seeds and had to get the watermelons surgically removed.”
“I fought off a shark in this very lake many years ago.”
“I was born with extra ribs and had to get some removed.” (An added suggestion of getting some rib bones from a local butcher shop.)
“Don’t knit and skateboard.”
Some more serious ones:
“I had some unhealthy tissue removed.”
“I had surgery, but I don’t really like to talk about it.”
*The reason I don’t want to tell the kids I am trans is because I live fully stealth.  It’s not that I don’t think they can handle it, it’s that I only disclose that information for legal and medical reasons.  There is absolutely zero benefit to me to tell them I am trans, so I have no interest in doing that.
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