#factory hub online
alienskart · 7 months
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May Lord Krishna brings an abundance of health and wealth at this Govardhan
Alienskart Web wishes you and your family a very happy and auspicious Govardhan Pooja. May this festival brings a lot of happiness and joy in your life. Alienskart hope this festival of Govardhan brings good fortune, wealth and prosperity to your life. May lord krishna always be in your heart and help you remain happy and healthy. Wishing you all the good things in life. Praying that the festival fills your life with unlimited happiness, peace and success.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Guys, Z-library is back up, but it desperately needs our help.
Z-Library is one of the largest online libraries in the world. We aim to make literature accessible to everyone. Today, Z-Library contains over 12,140,413 books and 84,837,000 articles Z-Library has many servers all over the world. Our stored data now totals more than 220 TB! Every month, millions of people use Z-Library for their purposes — and that means we are on the right track. But it will be difficult to achieve our goals without your help.
As you may know, almost all public domains of the library were blocked in November 2022 by order of the US Secret Service. The inner infrastructure of the project suffered some substantial damage too. Today, we are still under unprecedented pressure. At the moment, Z-Library is going through the hardest times in all the 14 years of its existence. The library might work with interruptions, and we ask you to be patient. Be sure – we are doing everything possible to provide free access to knowledge for millions of people across the globe, and we expect you to help us with that and to support us.
But despite all the difficulties, the library continues to function and develop. We have recently introduced several important features: the new recommendations section, comments to booklists, the new web-site menu, personal domains and Telegram Bot, and more.
Your active support gives strength to our Team and inspires to work. Each donated dollar is not only money for us, but it is also the confidence that you really need our project!
On 15 March 2023, as in March and September of each year, we launched additional fundraising to project maintenance and development. We will be extremely thankful for every dollar that will be donated. Furthermore, UNLIMITED downloads (for 1 month) are available for ALL contributors who will donate during the fundraising period. The fundraising will run until 1 April 2023
Millions of people use Z-Library every month for their purposes — this shows us that we are on the correct track. But it will be difficult to achieve our goals without your help.
Please consider making a donation.
I know there's a lot of discourse around book piracy right now, but you know who absolutely cannot afford to buy your books in dollars, afford the shipping fees, or don't have access/ travelling distance to the kind of fully stocked libraries you have in the West? The Global South. Our factories make your Kindles, your phones, your textbooks, and then we can't afford to buy them from your corps that sell them at around 300% grate price, and half the books are not even available for our region. Our universities don't get your funding or recognition, and when we do sell our personal possessions to get the money and work our asses off to get admittance to Western universities, y'all use us as grunts, exploit us and pass our work off as your own. Worse still, you buy out our local publishing houses and shut them down.
You cannot imagine the extent of global apartheid and colonial economic order that capitalism runs on. Amazon cheats you out of royalties? We can't even afford to buy your books. A dollar can buy someone a full dinner here. These sites – Z-lib, Internet Archive, Libgen, Open Library, Sci-Hub, PDF Drive, LibriVox – they are essential to granting the global majority our human right to knowledge, education and access. Z-Lib is by far the best one of them all.
You will first need to sign up to Z-Lib and access it through the private domain link they send you. It's a simple process, and every little bit counts. You're a leftist that believes in equal access for all? Then literally, put your money where your mouth is.
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mariacallous · 3 months
In February of last year, Donggang Jinhui Foodstuff, a seafood-processing company in Dandong, China, threw a party. It had been a successful year: a new plant had opened, and the company had doubled the amount of squid that it exported to the United States. The party, according to videos posted on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, featured singers, instrumentalists, dancers, fireworks, and strobe lights. One aspect of the company’s success seems to have been its use of North Korean workers, who are sent by their government to work in Chinese factories, in conditions of captivity, to earn money for the state. A seafood trader who does business with Jinhui recently estimated that it employed between fifty and seventy North Koreans. Videos posted by a company representative show machines labelled in Korean, and workers with North Korean accents explaining how to clean squid. At the party, the company played songs that are popular in Pyongyang, including “People Bring Glory to Our Party” (written by North Korea’s 1989 poet laureate) and “We Will Go to Mt. Paektu” (a reference to the widely mythologized birthplace of Kim Jong Il). Performers wore North Korean colors, and the country’s flag billowed behind them; in the audience, dozens of workers held miniature flags.
Drone footage played at the event showed off Jinhui’s twenty-one-acre, fenced-in compound, which has processing and cold-storage facilities and what appears to be a seven-floor dormitory for workers. The company touted a wide array of Western certifications from organizations that claim to check workplaces for labor violations, including the use of North Korean workers. When videos of the party were posted online, a commenter—presumably befuddled, because using these workers violates U.N. sanctions—asked, “Aren’t you prohibited from filming this?”
Like Jinhui, many companies in China rely on a vast program of forced labor from North Korea. (Jinhui did not respond to requests for comment.) The program is run by various entities in the North Korean government, including a secretive agency called Room 39, which oversees activities such as money laundering and cyberattacks, and which funds the country’s nuclear- and ballistic-missile programs. (The agency is so named, according to some defectors, because it is based in the ninth room on the third floor of the Korean Workers’ Party headquarters.) Such labor transfers are not new. In 2012, North Korea sent some forty thousand workers to China. A portion of their salaries was taken by the state, providing a vital source of foreign currency for Party officials: at the time, a Seoul-based think tank estimated that the country made as much as $2.3 billion a year through the program. Since then, North Koreans have been sent to Russia, Poland, Qatar, Uruguay, and Mali.
In 2017, after North Korea tested a series of nuclear and ballistic weapons, the United Nations imposed sanctions that prohibit foreign companies from using North Korean workers. The U.S. passed a law that established a “rebuttable presumption” categorizing work by North Koreans as forced labor unless proven otherwise, and levying fines on companies that import goods tied to these workers. China is supposed to enforce the sanctions in a similar manner. Nevertheless, according to State Department estimates, there are currently as many as a hundred thousand North Koreans working in the country. Many work at construction companies, textile factories, and software firms. Some also process seafood. In 2022, according to Chinese officials running pandemic quarantines, there were some eighty thousand North Koreans just in Dandong, a hub of the seafood industry.
Last year, I set out with a team of researchers to document this phenomenon. We reviewed leaked government documents, promotional materials, satellite imagery, online forums, and local news reports. We watched hundreds of cell-phone videos published on social-media sites. In some, the presence of North Koreans was explicit. Others were examined by experts to detect North Korean accents, language usage, and other cultural markers. Reporting in China is tightly restricted for Western reporters. But we hired Chinese investigators to visit factories and record footage of production lines. I also secretly sent interview questions, through another group of investigators and their contacts, to two dozen North Koreans—twenty workers and four managers—who had recently spent time in Chinese factories. Their anonymous responses were transcribed and sent back to me.
The workers, all of whom are women, described conditions of confinement and violence at the plants. Workers are held in compounds, sometimes behind barbed wire, under the watch of security agents. Many work gruelling shifts and get at most one day off a month. Several described being beaten by the managers sent by North Korea to watch them. “It was like prison for me,” one woman said. “At first, I almost vomited at how bad it was, and, just when I got used to it, the supervisors would tell us to shut up, and curse if we talked.” Many described enduring sexual assault at the hands of their managers. “They would say I’m fuckable and then suddenly grab my body and grope my breasts and put their dirty mouth on mine and be disgusting,” a woman who did product transport at a plant in the city of Dalian said. Another, who worked at Jinhui, said, “The worst and saddest moment was when I was forced to have sexual relations when we were brought to a party with alcohol.” The workers described being kept at the factories against their will, and being threatened with severe punishment if they tried to escape. A woman who was at a factory called Dalian Haiqing Food for more than four years said, “It’s often emphasized that, if you are caught running away, you will be killed without a trace.”
In all, I identified fifteen seafood-processing plants that together seem to have used more than a thousand North Korean workers since 2017. China officially denies that North Korean laborers are in the country. But their presence is an open secret. “They are easy to distinguish,” a Dandong native wrote in a comment on Bilibili, a video-sharing site. “They all wear uniform clothes, have a leader, and follow orders.” Often, footage of the workers ends up online. In a video from a plant called Dandong Yuanyi Refined Seafoods, a dozen women perform a synchronized dance in front of a mural commemorating Youth Day, a North Korean holiday. The video features a North Korean flag emoji and the caption “Beautiful little women from North Korea in Donggang’s cold-storage facility.” (The company did not respond to requests for comment.) Remco Breuker, a North Korea specialist at Leiden University, in the Netherlands, told me, “Hundreds of thousands of North Korean workers have for decades slaved away in China and elsewhere, enriching their leader and his party while facing unconscionable abuse.”
In late 2023, an investigator hired by my team visited a Chinese plant called Donggang Xinxin Foodstuff. He found hundreds of North Korean women working under a red banner that read, in Korean, “Let’s carry out the resolution of the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party.” (The company did not respond to requests for comment.) Soon afterward, the investigator visited a nearby plant called Donggang Haimeng Foodstuff, and found a North Korean manager sitting at a wooden desk with two miniature flags, one Chinese and one North Korean. The walls around the desk were mostly bare except for two portraits of the past North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. The manager took our investigator to the workers’ cafeteria to eat a North Korean cold-noodle dish called naengmyeon, and then gave him a tour of the processing floor. Several hundred North Korean women dressed in red uniforms, plastic aprons, and white rubber boots stood shoulder to shoulder at long metal tables under harsh lights, hunched over plastic baskets of seafood, slicing and sorting products by hand. “They work hard,” the manager said. The factory has exported thousands of tons of fish to companies that supply major U.S. retailers, including Walmart and ShopRite. (A spokesperson for Donggang Haimeng said that it does not hire North Korean workers.)
At times, China aggressively conceals the existence of the program. Alexander Dukalskis, a political-science professor at University College Dublin, said that workers have a hard time making their conditions known. “They’re in a country where they may not speak the language, are under surveillance, usually living collectively, and have no experience in contacting journalists,” he said. In late November, after my team’s investigators visited several plants, authorities distributed pamphlets on the country’s anti-espionage laws. Local officials announced that people who try “to contact North Korean workers, or to approach the workplaces of North Korean workers, will be treated as engaging in espionage activities that endanger national security, and will be punished severely.” They also warned that people who were found to be working in connection with foreign media outlets would face consequences under the Anti-Espionage Act.
Dandong, a city of more than two million people, sits on the Yalu River, just over the border from North Korea. The Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge links Dandong to the North Korean city of Sinuiju. A second bridge, bombed during the Korean War, still extends partway across the river, and serves as a platform from which Chinese residents can view the North Koreans living six hundred yards away. The Friendship Bridge is one of the Hermit Kingdom’s few gateways to the world. Some trade with North Korea is allowed under U.N. sanctions, and nearly seventy per cent of the goods exchanged between that country and China travel across this bridge. At least one department store in Dandong keeps a list of products preferred by North Korean customers. Shops sell North Korean ginseng, beer, and “7.27” cigarettes, named for the date on which the armistice ending the Korean War was signed. The city is home to a museum about the conflict, officially called the Memorial Hall of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. On boat tours, Chinese tourists purchase bags of biscuits to toss to children on the North Korean side of the river.
Government officials carefully select workers to send to China, screening them for their political loyalties to reduce the risk of defections. To qualify, a person must generally have a job at a North Korean company and a positive evaluation from a local Party official. “These checks start at the neighborhood,” Breuker said. Candidates who have family in China, or a relative who has already defected, can be disqualified. For some positions, applicants under twenty-seven years of age who are unmarried must have living parents, who can be punished if they try to defect, according to a report from the South Korean government; applicants over twenty-seven must be married. North Korean authorities even select for height: the country’s population is chronically malnourished, and the state prefers candidates who are taller than five feet one, to avoid the official embarrassment of being represented abroad by short people. Once selected, applicants go through pre-departure training, which can last a year and often includes government-run classes covering everything from Chinese customs and etiquette to “enemy operations” and the activities of other countries’ intelligence agencies. (The North Korean government did not respond to requests for comment.)
The governments of both countries coördinate to place workers, most of whom are women, with seafood companies. The logistics are often handled by local Chinese recruitment agencies, and advertisements can be found online. A video posted on Douyin this past September announced the availability of twenty-five hundred North Koreans, and a commenter asked if they could be sent to seafood factories. A post on a forum advertised five thousand workers; a commenter asked if any spoke Mandarin, and the poster replied, “There is a team leader, management, and an interpreter.” A company called Jinuo Human Resources posted, “I am a human-resources company coöperating with the embassy, and currently have a large number of regular North Korean workers.” Several people expressed interest. (The company did not respond to requests for comment.)
Jobs in China are coveted in North Korea, because they often come with contracts promising salaries of around two hundred and seventy dollars a month. (Similar work in North Korea pays just three dollars a month.) But the jobs come with hidden costs. Workers usually sign two- or three-year contracts. When they arrive in China, managers confiscate their passports. Inside the factories, North Korean workers wear different uniforms than Chinese workers. “Without this, we couldn’t tell if one disappeared,” a manager said. Shifts run as long as sixteen hours. If workers attempt to escape, or complain to people outside the plants, their families at home can face reprisals. One seafood worker described how managers cursed at her and flicked cigarette butts. “I felt bad, and I wanted to fight them, but I had to endure,” she said. “That was when I was sad.”
Workers get few, if any, holidays or sick days. At seafood plants, the women sleep in bunk beds in locked dormitories, sometimes thirty to a room. One worker, who spent four years processing clams in Dandong, estimated that more than sixty per cent of her co-workers suffered from depression. “We regretted coming to China but couldn’t go back empty-handed,” she said. Workers are forbidden to tune in to local TV or radio. They are sometimes allowed to leave factory grounds—say, to go shopping—but generally in groups of no more than three, and accompanied by a minder. Mail is scrutinized by North Korean security agents who also “surveil the daily life and report back with official reports,” one manager said. Sometimes the women are allowed to socialize. In a video titled “North Korean beauties working in China play volleyball,” posted in 2022, women in blue-and-white uniforms exercise on the grounds of the Dandong Omeca Food seafood plant. (The company that owns the plant did not respond to requests for comment.) A commenter wrote, “The joy of poverty. That’s just how it is.”
Factories typically give the women’s money to their managers, who take cuts for themselves and the government, and hold on to the rest until the workers’ terms in China end. Kim Jieun, a North Korean defector who now works for Radio Free Asia, said that companies tell workers their money is safer this way, because it could be stolen in the dormitories. But, in the end, workers often see less than ten per cent of their promised salary. One contract that I reviewed stipulated that around forty dollars would be deducted each month by the state to pay for food. More is sometimes deducted for electricity, housing, heat, water, insurance, and “loyalty” payments to the state. Managers also hold on to wages to discourage defections. The women have been warned, Kim added, that if they try to defect “they will be immediately caught by Chinese CCTV cameras installed everywhere.” This past October, Chinese authorities repatriated around six hundred North Korean defectors. “China does not recognize North Korean defectors as refugees,” Edward Howell, who teaches politics at Oxford University, told me. “If they are caught by Chinese authorities, they will be forcibly returned to the D.P.R.K., where they face harsh punishment in labor camps.”
Chinese companies have significant incentives to use North Korean workers. They’re typically paid only a quarter of what local employees earn. And they are generally excluded from mandatory social-welfare programs (regarding retirement, medical treatment, work-related injury, and maternity), which further reduces costs. In 2017, Dandong’s Commerce Bureau announced a plan to create a cluster of garment factories that would use North Korean labor. The bureau’s Web site noted that all such workers undergo political screenings to make sure they are “rooted, red, and upright.” “The discipline among the workers is extremely strong,” it added. “There are no instances of absenteeism or insubordination toward leadership, and there are no occurrences of feigning illness or delaying work.” China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to questions for this piece, but last year the Chinese Ambassador to the U.N. wrote that China has abided by sanctions even though it has sustained “great losses” as a result. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently said that China and North Korea have “enjoyed long-standing friendly ties,” adding, “The United States needs to draw lessons, correct course, step up to its responsibility, stop heightening the pressure and sanctions, stop military deterrence, and take effective steps to resume meaningful dialogue.”
North Koreans face difficult circumstances across industries. In January of this year, more than two thousand workers rioted in Jilin Province, breaking sewing machines and kitchen utensils, when they learned that their wages would be withheld. Many North Koreans—perhaps thousands—work in Russian logging, in brutal winter weather without proper clothing. Hundreds have been found working in the Russian construction industry; some lived in shipping containers or in the basements of buildings under construction, because better accommodations were not provided. One recounted working shifts that lasted from 7:30 A.M. to 3 A.M. In preparation for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, held in Russia and Qatar, thousands of North Koreans were sent to build stadiums and luxury apartments. A subcontractor who worked alongside the North Koreans in Russia told the Guardian that they lived in cramped spaces, with as many as eight people packed into a trailer, in an atmosphere of fear and abuse like “prisoners of war.”
Although it’s illegal in the U.S. to import goods made with North Korean labor, the law can be difficult to enforce. Some eighty per cent of seafood consumed in America, for example, is imported, and much of it comes from China through opaque supply chains. To trace the importation of seafood from factories that appear to be using North Korean labor, my team reviewed trade data, shipping contracts, and the codes that are stamped on seafood packages to monitor food safety. We found that, since 2017, ten of these plants have together shipped more than a hundred and twenty thousand tons of seafood to more than seventy American importers, which supplied grocery stores including Walmart, Giant, ShopRite, and the online grocer Weee! The seafood from these importers also ended up at major restaurant chains, like McDonald’s, and with Sysco, the largest food distributor in the world, which supplies almost half a million restaurants, as well as the cafeterias on American military bases, in public schools, and for the U.S. Congress. (Walmart, Weee!, and McDonald’s did not respond to requests for comment. Giant’s parent company, Ahold Delhaize, and ShopRite’s parent company, Wakefern, said their suppliers claimed that they currently do not source from the Chinese plant in question, and added that audit reports showed no evidence of forced labor.)
Two of the plants that investigators from my team visited—Dandong Galicia Seafood and Dalian Haiqing Food—had an estimated fifty to seventy North Korean workers apiece. One worker who has been employed at Galicia said that the managers are “so stingy with money that they don’t allow us to get proper medical treatment even when we are sick.” Galicia and Haiqing have shipped roughly a hundred thousand tons of seafood to American importers since 2017, and Haiqing also shipped to an importer that supplies the cafeterias of the European Parliament. (Dalian Haiqing Food said that it “does not employ overseas North Korean workers.” Dandong Galicia Seafood did not respond to requests for comment. One of the U.S. importers tied to Haiqing, Trident Seafoods, said that audits “found no evidence or even suspicion” of North Korean labor at the plant. Several companies, including Trident, High Liner, and Sysco, said that they would sever ties with the plant while they conducted their own investigations. A spokesperson for the European Parliament said that its food contractor did not supply seafood from the plant.) Breuker, from Leiden University, told me that American customers quietly benefit from this arrangement. “This labor-transfer system is for North Korea and China as economically successful as it is morally reprehensible,” he said. “It’s also a boon for the West because of the cheap goods we get as a result.”
North Korea doesn’t just export seafood workers; it also exports fish—another means by which the government secures foreign currency. Importing North Korean seafood is forbidden by U.N. sanctions, but it also tends to be inexpensive, which encourages companies to skirt the rules. Sometimes Chinese fishing companies pay the North Korean government for illegal licenses to fish in North Korea’s waters. Sometimes they buy fish from other boats at sea: a letter from a North Korean, leaked in 2022, proposed selling ten thousand tons of squid to a Chinese company in return for more than eighteen million dollars and five hundred tons of diesel fuel. Sometimes the seafood is trucked over the border. This trade is poorly hidden. In October, a Chinese man who said his last name was Cui posted a video on Douyin advertising crabs from North Korea. When someone commented, “The goods can’t be shipped,” Cui responded with laughing emojis. In other videos, he explained that he operated a processing plant in North Korea, and gave information on the timing of shipments that he planned to send across the border. When I contacted Cui, he said that he had stopped importing North Korean seafood in 2016 (though the videos were actually from last year), and added, “It’s none of your business, and I don’t care who you are.” My team found that seafood from North Korea was imported by several American distributors, including HF Foods, which supplies more than fifteen thousand Asian restaurants in the U.S. (HF Foods did not respond to requests for comment.)
Chinese companies often claim that they are in compliance with labor laws because they have passed “social audits,” which are conducted by firms that inspect worksites for abuses. But half the Chinese plants that we found using North Korean workers have certifications from the Marine Stewardship Council, which is based in the U.K. and sets standards for granting sustainability certifications, but only to companies that have also passed social audits or other labor assessments. (Jackie Marks, an M.S.C. spokesperson, told me that these social audits are conducted by a third party, and that “We make no claims about setting standards on labor.”) Last year, one of my team’s investigators visited a seafood-processing plant in northeastern China called Dandong Taifeng Foodstuff. The company has been designated a “national brand,” a status reserved for the country’s most successful companies, and supplies thousands of tons of seafood to grocery stores in the U.S. and elsewhere. At the plant, our investigator was given a tour by a North Korean manager. On the factory floor, which was lit by bright fluorescent bulbs, more than a hundred and fifty North Korean women, most of them under thirty-five years old, wore head-to-toe white protective clothing, plastic aprons, white rubber boots, and red gloves that went up to their elbows. They stood with their heads down, moving red, yellow, and blue plastic bins of seafood. Water puddled at their feet. “Quick, quick,” one woman said to the other members of her small group. (Taifeng did not respond to requests for comment.) Just weeks after that visit, the plant was recertified by the Marine Stewardship Council.
Marcus Noland, who works at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said, of social audits within the seafood industry, “The basic stance appears to be ‘See no evil.’ ” Skepticism of such audits is growing. In 2021, the U.S. State Department said that social audits in China are generally inadequate for identifying forced labor, in part because auditors rely on government translators and rarely speak directly to workers. Auditors can be reluctant to anger the companies that have hired them, and workers face reprisals for reporting abuses. This past November, U.S. Customs and Border Protection advised American companies that a credible assessment would require an “unannounced independent, third-party audit” and “interviews completed in native language.” Liana Foxvog, who works at a nonprofit called the Worker Rights Consortium, argues that assessments should involve other checks too, including off-site worker interviews. But she noted that most audits in China fall short even of C.B.P.’s standards.
Joshua Stanton, an attorney based in Washington, D.C., who helped draft the American law that banned goods produced with North Korean labor, argues that the government is not doing enough to enforce it. “The U.S. government will need to put more pressure on American companies, and those companies need to be more diligent about their suppliers and their supply chains, or face stricter sanctions,” he said. Chris Smith, a Republican congressman from New Jersey and a specialist on China, noted that social audits “create a Potemkin village.” He added, “The consequence is that millions of dollars, even federal dollars, are going to Chinese plants using North Korean workers, and that money then goes right into the hands of Kim Jong Un’s regime, which uses the money to arm our adversaries and repress its own people.”
Late last year, when I set out to contact North Koreans who had been sent to China, I ran into significant obstacles. Western journalists are barred from entering North Korea, and citizens of the country are strictly prohibited from talking freely to reporters. I hired a team of investigators in South Korea who employ contacts in North Korea to get information out of the country for local and Western news outlets—for example, about food shortages, power outages, or the rise of anti-government graffiti. The investigators compiled a list of two dozen North Koreans who had been dispatched to a half-dozen different Chinese factories, most of whom had since returned home. The investigators’ contacts then met with these workers in secret, one-on-one, so that the workers wouldn’t know one another’s identity. The meetings usually occurred in open fields, or on the street, where it’s harder for security agents to conduct surveillance.
The workers were told that their responses would be shared publicly by an American journalism outlet. They faced considerable risk speaking out; experts told me that, if they were caught, they could be executed, and their families put in prison camps. But they agreed to talk because they believe that it is important for the rest of the world to know what happens to workers who are sent to China. The North Korean contacts transcribed their answers by hand, and then took photos of the completed questionnaires and sent them, using encrypted phones, to the investigators, who sent them to me. North Koreans who are still in China were interviewed in a similar fashion. Because of these layers of protection, it is, of course, impossible to fully verify the content of the interviews. But the responses were reviewed by experts to make sure that they are consistent with what is broadly known about the work-transfer program, and in line with interviews given by North Korean defectors. (Recently, the investigators checked in on the interviewers and interviewees, and everyone was safe.)
In their answers, the workers described crushing loneliness. The work was arduous, the factories smelled, and violence was common. “They kicked us and treated us as subhuman,” the worker who processed clams in Dandong said. Asked if they could recount any happy moments, most said that there had been none. A few said that they felt relieved when they returned home and got some of their pay. “I was happy when the money wasn’t all taken out,” the woman who did product transport in Dalian said. One woman said that her experience at a Chinese plant made her feel like she “wanted to die.” Another said that she often felt tired and upset while she was working, but kept those thoughts to herself to avoid reprisals. “It was lonely,” she said. “I hated the military-like communal life.”
The most striking pattern was the women’s description of sexual abuse. Of twenty workers, seventeen said that they had been sexually assaulted by their North Korean managers. They described a range of tactics used to coerce them into having sex. Some managers pretended to wipe something from their uniforms, only to grope them. Some called them into their offices as if there were an emergency, then demanded sex. Others asked them to serve alcohol at a weekend party, then assaulted them there. “When they drank, they touched my body everywhere like playing with toys,” a woman said. The woman who did product transport in Dalian said, “When they suddenly put their mouths to mine, I wanted to throw up.” If the women didn’t comply, the managers could become violent. The worker who was at Haiqing for more than four years said, of her manager, “When he doesn’t get his way sexually, he gets angry and kicks me. . . . He calls me a ‘fucking bitch.’ ” Three of the women said that their managers had forced workers into prostitution. “Whenever they can, they flirt with us to the point of nausea and force us to have sex for money, and it’s even worse if you’re pretty,” another worker at Haiqing said. The worker from Jinhui noted, “Even when there was no work during the pandemic, the state demanded foreign-currency funds out of loyalty, so managers forced workers to sell their bodies.” The worker who spent more than four years at Haiqing said, of the managers, “They forced virgin workers into prostitution, claiming that they had to meet state-set quotas.”
The pandemic made life more difficult for many of the women. When China closed its borders, some found themselves trapped far from home. Often, their workplaces shut down, and they lost their incomes. North Korean workers sometimes pay bribes to government officials to secure posts in China, and, during the pandemic, many borrowed these funds from loan sharks. The loans, typically between two and three thousand dollars, came with high interest rates. Because of work stoppages in China, North Korean workers were unable to pay back their loans, and loan sharks sent thugs to their relatives’ homes to intimidate them. Some of their families had to sell their houses to settle the debts. In 2023, according to Radio Free Asia, two North Korean women at textile plants killed themselves. The worker who told me that she wanted to die said that such deaths are often kept hidden. “If someone dies from suicide, then the manager is responsible, so they keep it under wraps to keep it from being leaked to other workers or Chinese people,” she said.
This past year, pandemic restrictions were lifted, and the border between China and North Korea reopened. In August, some three hundred North Korean workers boarded ten buses in Dandong to go back home. Police officers lined up around the buses to prevent defections. In photos and a video of the event, some of the women can be seen hurriedly preparing to load large suitcases onto a neon-green bus, then riding away across the Friendship Bridge. In September, another three hundred boarded a passenger train to Sinuiju, and two hundred were repatriated by plane. Workers who return face intense questioning by officials. “They asked about every single thing that happened every day from morning to evening in China, about other workers, supervisors, and agents,” the worker who processed clams in Dandong explained. As 2023 ended, the North Korean government began planning to dispatch its next wave of workers. In the past couple of years, according to reporting by Hyemin Son, a North Korean defector who works for Radio Free Asia, labor brokers have requested that Chinese companies pay a large advance; they were being asked to pay ahead of time, one broker told her, because “Chinese companies cannot operate without North Korean manpower.”
Some North Korean workers have yet to go home. One woman said that she has spent the past several years gutting fish at a processing plant in Dalian. She described working late into the night and getting sores in her mouth from stress and exhaustion. In the questionnaire, I had asked about the worst part of her job, and she said, “When I am forced to have sex.” She also described a sense of imprisonment that felt suffocating. “If you show even the slightest attitude, they will treat you like an insect,” she said. “Living a life where we can’t see the outside world as we please is so difficult that it’s killing us.” ♦
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guckies · 6 months
Ok guess it’s my time to speak up on tubbo and sunny stealing shit from Leo and Foolish… because I guess my /neg posts are a daily occurrence now… (This isn’t really heavy neg more just criticism, so beware.)
With them reading the lore book for foolish, I can’t say anything because it was out in the open and the admins should know better by now lol. They were lucky it was vague but from now I’ll will talk about everything else.
I can give a lot of slack to Sunny because Sunny doesn’t know what stuff is Leo’s and such. However the whole “they are so poor” act has got to drop, some of the eggs have tried that before and it just does not read well at all.
Encouraging/being okay with sunny possibly stealing Foolish’s first gift to Leo is crazy. Like they don’t know that but man, it’s name tagged and everything. So obviously you shouldn’t steal it because the context clues obviously point to it being either Leo’s or Foolish’s pet. Like just leave it alone or better yet go get your own pet and make it an adventure.
But Tubbo, I’m just so disappointed man. For being so smart he did not pick up on any of the context clue at Foolish’s house. Like the egg bed is right there you can clearly tell this is Leo’s room despite Foolish also making it his main hub. Yeah it’s Foolish’s main hub but also it’s Leo’s room first and foremost so you shouldn’t touch it. I don’t blame him for not knowing what chests are Leo’s but the fact he was stealing and encouraging sunny to steal was just so exhausting.
About Foolish knowing about the stealing, he’s probaby mentioned it like once ages ago and Foolish does not remember it at all, which is just almost as bad as stealing good items without telling. Which tubbo did when he stole 3 of Foolish’s mending books. Can he not just ask someone online or go grind for it himself?? Sure no one minds when people take the surplus of stuff they have but since he takes valuable stuff and he doesn’t know which chests are Leo’s, it just reads bad to the viewers…
Again part of minecraft is to grind your gear out, the fact that Tubbo has just been stealing valuable or hard to get items from people is so boring... Please just go get your own villager and do dungeons as a part of your stream content, because if you’re not playing with the long term goal in mind then why are you even playing?? Also yes his factory can be a long term goal but with how quickly he does it, it’s becoming a more medium length goal.
Seriously though by having moments in stream where you grind for the things you need is essential, otherwise content can become very repetitive and somewhat episode like. Please I beg, can’t you just go do an adventuring and resource gathering stream? Please! Like you stream almost 6-9 hours on qsmp and just steal resources? Just use up one of those hours to go and gather the resources.
Tl;dr - Tubbo really just needs to start adventuring and grinding gear by doing dungeons and getting villagers, he doesn’t even have to do it alone everyone knows morning crew would gladly tag along. The stealing bit is okay when the person has a surplus of that material but it’s getting boring…
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audioaujom · 7 months
(10) Why Do Living Things Need Feelings?
LTWF Hub, < prev, next >
Hello hello! I’ve nothing to say to go along with this update except: enjoy. Perhaps things will look up. We’re getting close to the end, afterall. ((:
Word Count: 1230
Meanwhile, Virgil was attempting a very, very risky plan.
Well it wasn’t risky necessarily, but it wasn’t a very good idea. He was fresh out of good ideas, though. They ran out with his patience approximately two minutes after waking up several days ago, kidnapped in a basement.
For now, he resigned himself to sawing at the tape binding his hands with the cap of a plastic water bottle Janus had left him with, finally splitting the wrapped tape enough that he could yank it apart with just his strength—or what was left of it.
It had taken him far too long and far too much energy to do, praying he wouldn’t be too late to stop Janus from fucking around with Logan any further.
Even the basement of the Engineering Building was familiar from all the days he'd spent trekking through it, legs shaking but supporting him on adrenaline alone as he passed maintenance door after maintenance door, forcing himself up two flights of steps to the floor with his lab on it.
Even if the professor was out, maybe he could put something together with his tools.
Or find his phone and call… the police?
None of his plans were finishing themselves, unhinged ideas swirling into an incoherent mess as he half-walked/half-dragged himself down the hall to finally reach the door to the lab—which had all of the lights off. The lab itself was nearly deserted when Virgil finally got the door open and stumbled inside, the suspicion in his gut settling into a hard stone of dread as he saw Logan idling beside Professor Villarehal’s desk.
“Oh, hello.” Logan turned to glance at him as he came in, smile empty. “Do you work here?”
Grabbing several tools off his work station and limping up to the front desk, Virgil bit back his sarcasm. “Yup.”
Janus must've done a factory reset, Virgil decided, grimace morphing into a grin. But that's nothing I can't fix.
Logan, to be entirely honest, had no idea what was going on. 
After the strange student had stuck the tools into his neck the metal casing of his head started squeezing in a strange way—and it wasn’t supposed to do that. He knew he was online the way he was supposed to be, but everything felt… off. He couldn’t actually see anything and all he could hear was a high-pitched ringing as he tried to force himself to the surface of whatever weird fog had invaded his programming.
What… happened?
Parsing through his memory didn't yield anything at first, until he managed to pull up something seemingly from before. His memory only started from this morning, but this one was dated as the night before.
He was standing in Professor Sanders’ classroom, surrounded by several kids. Their names were hazy, but he felt a distinct change in his attitude as he recognized one of the faces in front of him.
“Oh, please. Stop struggling, this won’t hurt.” Janus had commented with a proud sneer, pausing a little before correcting, “Maybe. I wouldn’t know.”
Logan was being held down by the students, unable to stop Janus as he stepped around behind him and pried the panel on his neck open.
Everything went white.
The fog still wasn't clearing, but some things were starting to make sense. The student—Virgil. His name is Virgil, he's one of Patton’s friends—must've found a way to redownload everything that Janus had tried to destroy from the reset.
Oh, but Patton…
Something in his memory of the boy’s bright smile and auburn bangs had his head squeezing again, synthetic oil rushing through the pump placed perfectly center in his chest in oddly rhythmic stuttering contractions.
He blinked once, watching the darkness cross his vision before disappearing—not taking any of the static in his vision with it. He tried blinking again, once again only getting a brief wash of darkness. 
Why can’t I see anything?
As old memories continually resurfaced—in no particular order—he tried to use one of his hands to see if something was obstructing his eyes, only for his hand to barely twitch. For some odd reason, he couldn’t seem to move or see except for whatever weird glitching continued to spaz in his body.
What was going on?
His attitude shifted again, memory full of images of sitting alone with Patton in the classroom. He couldn’t seem to stop thinking about their conversation about the stars, the pump in his chest stuttering again.
Was he… nervous?
As soon as the word appeared in his head everything started making sense, the nervousness jittering in his body shifting to panic. He didn’t need to breathe but he felt his chest stop and his memories turn to fuzz, his twitching hands falling back to his sides, still. Heat rushed over his cheeks, his mechanical joints aching like the bones they replicated as the colors in front of him began slowly merging into actual shapes in front of his eyes.
“Logan? Are you with me? Logan!” Virgil’s voice finally pulled him through the last of the haze, blinking rapidly to focus in on the concerned brown eyes in front of him. Virgil snapped again in front of his face, Logan reaching up a heavy hand to push it back down.
“Virgil… I—” He mumbled, the familiar classroom sending both a wash of relief and fear through him. His head hurt. That was what was wrong, and it didn’t seem to be going away.
“I know. Janus reset you, but he's a dumbass.” Virgil shook his head, Logan’s eyes catching the movement in a way he’d never really before. He noticed the way his face was sunken in, dark bags under bloodshot eyes and above a dry and cracked smile. 
All in all, Virgil looked beat to hell and exhausted. 
“Are you… back?” 
“Yes, but… if he really reset me, then did I…?” Logan trailed off at the telling look on the engineering student’s battered face, shoulders slumping. “Oh no.” 
“It’ll be okay as long as you find Patton now.” Virgil’s adrenaline appeared to be waning, him leaning heavily against the desk behind him. “Janus probably wanted to catch him after resetting you. I'm not sure how long ago that was.”
“I understand. But in the meantime, you should seriously consider a hospital.” Logan advised, a little unnerved by the wave of concern inside him.
Were emotions supposed to move this quickly? This strongly?
Virgil waved a dismissive hand, cracking a small smile at the easily-readable expression on the android’s face. “You go, I'll handle me.” 
“Understood. Thank you, Virgil.” Logan said sincerely, turning and jogging out of the lab and back towards Professor Sanders’ classroom.
He still didn’t understand what was going on with him. He knew he was feeling, but none of that made any sense. When did this start to happen? How did his default become so… emotional?
He let the questions in his mind go unanswered as he frantically searched the hallway of students for any glimpse of Patton, spurred on by a squeezing anxiety that had him hearing a fast, artificial heartbeat in his ears.
He could worry about what all that meant later. For now, he needed to find Patton.
Finally slumping down to the floor as his weakened legs gave out, Virgil laughed to himself in the empty classroom. “Yeah… Roman’s going to kill me.” 
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zerosecurity · 9 days
LockBit Ransomware Gang Claims Responsibility for Wichita, KS Cyberattack
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The notorious LockBit ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for a devastating cyberattack on the City of Wichita, Kansas, the largest city in the state with a population of nearly 400,000. This ransomware attack has forced the City's authorities to shut down crucial IT systems used for online bill payment, including court fines, water bills, and public transportation. Wichita, a major cultural, economic, and transportation hub in the region, and home to several aircraft factories, announced the disruptive ransomware attack last Sunday, May 5, 2024. In response, the City's IT specialists promptly shut down computers used in online services to contain the damage and stop the spread of the attack, as stated in their announcement: "This decision was not made lightly but was necessary to ensure that systems are securely vetted before returning to service." LockBit Ransomware Gang Threatens Data Leak Earlier today, the LockBit ransomware group added Wichita to its extortion portal, threatening to publish all stolen files on the site by May 15, 2024, unless the City pays the ransom. This unusually quick listing of a ransomware victim, merely three days after the attack, is believed to be in retaliation for the recent international law enforcement operation that named and sanctioned the leader of the LockBit ransomware operation, a 31-year-old Russian national named Dmitry Yuryevich Khoroshev, who uses the online alias "LockBitSupp."
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Lockbit Lists the City of Wichita as one of its victims.
Widespread Service Disruptions in Wichita
Meanwhile, Wichita continues to face significant disruptions, with the latest status update indicating that the following services remain unavailable: - Auto payments for water bills are suspended. - Public Wi-Fi at certain locations (Airport terminal, Advanced Learning Library, Evergreen, and Walters branches of the Library). - The online catalog, databases, and some digital services of the Library. - Email communications through the city network for Library staff. - Self-service print release stations and self-check stations at the Library. - Automated materials handler at the Advanced Learning Library. - Most incoming phone call capability for the Library. - Wi-Fi and phone services at neighborhood resource centers. - Public services, including golf courses, parks, courts, and the water district, require residents to pay in cash or by check while online payment platforms are shut down. Additionally, any Request for Bid, Proposal, or Qualifications with a due date of May 10, 2024, has been deferred until May 17, 2024, and the 'Bid Opening' scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2024, has been canceled. Public safety services like the Wichita Fire Department (WFD) and Wichita Police Department (WPD) have resorted to using "pen and paper" reports, and the Wichita Transit buses and landfill services can only accept cash payments. Data Theft and Potential Leak While the City is still investigating whether data was stolen in the attack, the LockBit ransomware gang is known for stealing data before deploying their encryptors. Therefore, if a ransom is not paid, data will likely be leaked in the future on the ransomware gang's data leak site, exacerbating the already severe impact of this cyberattack on the City of Wichita. Read the full article
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rahilatach · 10 days
Raspberry Pi Board: Revolutionizing Computing and Education
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The Raspberry Pi board is a series of small, affordable single-board computers developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK-based charity focused on promoting computer science education and digital literacy. Since its launch in 2012, the Raspberry Pi has transformed from a niche educational tool into a versatile platform used in a wide range of applications, from DIY electronics projects to industrial automation.
A Brief History
The first Raspberry Pi, the Model B, was released in February 2012. Designed to promote basic computer science in schools and developing countries, it featured a 700 MHz ARM11 processor, 256 MB of RAM, and basic connectivity options. The success of the Model B led to a rapid expansion of the Raspberry Pi lineup, with various models offering improved performance, more memory, and enhanced connectivity.
Key Features and Models
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B (2012):
Processor: 700 MHz ARM11
Memory: 256 MB RAM
Ports: 2 USB 2.0 ports, HDMI, Composite video, 3.5mm audio jack, Ethernet
Storage: SD card slot
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (2015):
Processor: 900 MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Ports: 4 USB 2.0 ports, HDMI, Composite video, 3.5mm audio jack, Ethernet
Storage: MicroSD card slot
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (2016):
Processor: 1.2 GHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A53
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Ports: 4 USB 2.0 ports, HDMI, Composite video, 3.5mm audio jack, Ethernet
Wireless: Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (2019):
Processor: 1.5 GHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A72
Memory: Options of 2 GB, 4 GB, and 8 GB RAM
Ports: 2 USB 3.0 ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports, 2 Micro HDMI ports, Ethernet, USB-C for power
Wireless: Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Raspberry Pi Zero (2015) and Zero W (2017):
Processor: 1 GHz single-core ARM11
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Ports: Mini HDMI, Micro USB OTG, Micro USB for power, GPIO pins
Wireless (Zero W): Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Applications and Uses
The versatility of the Raspberry Pi has led to its adoption in numerous fields:
Coding and Programming: Used in schools and educational programs to teach students programming languages such as Python, Scratch, and Java.
Computer Science Concepts: Introduces concepts like hardware, software, and networking.
DIY Projects and Maker Community:
Home Automation: Controls smart home devices, including lights, thermostats, and security systems.
Media Centers: Powers home media centers using software like Kodi.
Retro Gaming: Emulates classic gaming consoles using software like RetroPie.
Industrial and Commercial Applications:
IoT Devices: Serves as a hub for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, enabling data collection and remote control.
Automation and Control Systems: Used in factories and labs for monitoring and controlling equipment.
Research and Development:
Prototyping: Facilitates rapid prototyping of electronic devices and systems.
Data Collection: Gathers data from various sensors in environmental and scientific research.
Community and Ecosystem
The Raspberry Pi has cultivated a vibrant global community of developers, hobbyists, educators, and students. Online forums, tutorials, and community projects provide extensive support and resources for users at all skill levels. The Raspberry Pi Foundation also offers official accessories, including cases, cameras, and expansion boards, further enhancing the functionality of the Raspberry Pi.
The Raspberry Pi board has revolutionized the way people learn about and interact with technology. Its affordability, versatility, and extensive support network have made it an indispensable tool in education, DIY projects, and professional applications. As technology continues to evolve, the Raspberry Pi Foundation remains committed to expanding the capabilities and accessibility of this remarkable platform, ensuring that computing remains within reach for everyone.
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shadensp · 9 months
Basic Gen 1 pet hexing Tutorial - Dogz
Hello! I thought it might be fun to do a basic hexing tutorial for tumblr. I'm sure there are others out there but, there's always the need for a refresher corse and a new post won't hurt.
This tutuorial is far from the most advanced and I do my best to assume no hexing experiance. There are many more tutorials on Whisker Wick and RKC. At the time of this tutorial they are the central hubs for the online petz community and are always filled with people who can help answer questions too.
First is the tools needed to hex for the Petz games(note I will be hexing in Petz 4 but the ideas are transferable to at least Petz 5 and I believe Petz 3).
NOTE all the tools I list are FREE to get from the sites I link to.
You can in theory use any hex editor, but if you're like me and they intimidate you a bit I highly recomend getting LNZ pro from Sherlock Software. It is the program most of the community uses too so if there are problems it is easy to find help. If you happen to be in the babyz community as well this program works for them as well. You will also need the petz editing manual. Through the tutorial I will refer to this as LNZ.
Also from Sherlock Software I highly recomend Petz Workshop, I will be useing it in the tutorial and it's great if you're more of a visual person. It has some limits but overall works nicely. Through the tutorial I will refer to this program as PW.
While on Sherlock Software, if you don't have it already I suggest getting Petz A for enhanced game play, and petz pic factory is a life savor to help organizations. Tinker is if you want to get into toy/clothing hexing.
The other program I cannot recomend enough is Brynn's anchor utility. It can be found on Flea Bagz along with the auto spotter.
NOTE! This method of hexing, hexing on the breedfile itself, causes hexed liniage if you breed them. This can be useful and even fun, but is something to keep in mind.
It changes the base coding of the dog/cat and alters there genetics a bit so they can have offspring with colors that would not normally occure.
For exampe great dane masks should only come in brown and black -
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(Special appearacne by Coke and Townie, two of our Danes)
However, with hexed linage they can come in other colors such as orange, red, blue, tan, cream, white,
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(Denzel, Pitch, Twice, Tallis, Siddie, Sim)
This is only for ball areas not paintballz. Paintballz do not mutate colors unless there's extra hexing in so those are not affected.
ALSO NOTE! BACK UP YOUR FILES! ANY FILE YOU OPEN WITH THE INTENT OF HEXING! BACK IT UP! I keep a zip file of all my OBs stashed away in a dark corner as well as one with the fixed files I use. Things can go wrong. You don't want to loose a file and not be able to get it back.
Also do frequent saves while working. These are older programs. Things crash with no reason.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= We've got the programs now to select what to hex.
A golden retreiver.
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There are minor differences between different breed files but for the most part they are the same. The bigg thing to think about is the pug nose - and it's none existance, the chihuahua(and I belive papillon too) have different nose numbers than the other dog breeds because they have a single ball instead of the 2.
DOG NOSES(not cat noses, catz can be done like any other ball)
The first thing I'm going to do is change the golden's nose color. There are two ways to do this:
The first is done completely in PW(you can use LNZ too but as I said, I prefer visuals when I can so I only do it in PW on the rare times I use this method). I rarely use this method, I've spent years hexing for the petz kennel club and this particular method violtates the rules about changing a file.
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In PW, once the file you need is open(in this case the Golden Retriver.dog) you'll see some buttons across the top with circles on them. the second from the end has a circle with half the line thicker than the other.
Click it.
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Down in the bottom above the text box that tells you you've opened the file and all that are two other boxes. The top one says "outline style:" and is a drop down,
Yep click it.
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You'll get a selection of No outlines, both sides(this is the one it auto selects), left side only, right side only, and draw as a nose(this is what the dog nose is already!). When I do this method I do "no outline" but feel free to play with the others and the thickness of the lines. I know some people have done some awesome things with them.
Once your line is selcted thengo up to the modle of the dog and click on their nose!
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And the nose is gone! Now back to your top menu!
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The second button, the one that has a gradiant from red to blue/purple?
Click it.
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Your bottum menue has changed again, click on the "color to paint" square
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A color picker popup will appear! please note that the last few rows(especially the last two) are very unreliable for being the color that shows up in the game(And that from one persons computer to anothers they're known to just not match.).
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Once you've picked your color click on the two nostril ballz that we clicked for the outlines thing as well as the third little black ball beneath them. Note that some colors do not let textures work despite what PW may show.
And that's it, that's method 1 for dogz nose color changing.
You can add the nose shine with paintballz(we will cover paintballz in general later).
Method 2 is in LNZ pro. This is the method I prefer useing.
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Once you have the file open down the side of the inner window is a list of smaller menus. You want the one that sayz "LNZ"
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Depending on your breed, the letterz on the inner menu from LNZ may be different. You want to open which ever one does not say "PUP"
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There are sections labled with brackets you will want to scroll or use the "tools" menu and the "find feature" until you get to [Paint Ballz]
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Depending on your file there may or may not be more than the paw pads. Note the lines following the semi collons. These lines are ignored by the program! It's a great way to make notes. Also note that the three lines after ";jowl color" all have an extra number at the end, that "0" anchors the paint ballz. A general rule(rules are made to be broken so you do you!) paw pads are the only ballz that are not anchored. Another note, the texture(last number in a row before the anchoring "0") in the paw pads is "-1" this means that there is no texture there, this will apply to any ball or paint ball you want to have no texture!
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Now adding paintballz to the nostril ballz to cover up the "draw as a nose" line. You'll other than the first two paint ballz(which are the nose shine, which you can 100% use on the previous method) they're massive(200% the diameter of the ball) this is simply to cover as much area as possible. They're also anchored but have a -1 texture. The 5th number in each row is the color, you can change it to whatever number you want(remember the pop up window from PW? SAME numbers!) If you would like the code to save for quick coppy paste -
;nose 41, 40, 0, 0, -1, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 0 17, 40, 0, 0, -1, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 0 41, 200, -0.05094715, 0.1532611, -0.9868715,183, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 41, 200, -0.994278, 0.09509034, 0.0486745,183, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 41, 200, -0.02459138, 0.1358954, 0.990418,183, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 41, 200, 0.9602911, 0.09167686, 0.2635078,183, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 41, 200, 0.01550517, -0.988771, 0.1486324,183, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 41, 200, 0.01009679, 0.993927, 0.109577,183, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 17, 200, -0.01085464, 0.1983058, -0.9800801,59, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 17, 200, 0.98462, 0.1341251, 0.1119551,59, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 17, 200, -0.08383274, 0.1538555, 0.9845306,59, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 17, 200, -0.9783014, 0.1952212, -0.06939042,59, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 17, 200, -0.01415273, -0.9899525, 0.1406904,59, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 17, 200, -0.001355877, 0.9942293, 0.1072673,59, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0
I use the same one every time, just changing the color number.
At this point I like to erase the other painballz if I'm not going to use them. However, I know the jowl color is the paint ballz are the cute mustashes that Labs and goldens sometimes get that I absolutly love and I want to keept them. However, i don't like any paint ballz bellow my paw pads so I moved them above the nose and renamed it.
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Something to note - your notes in breed files will not transfer to the pet file. Also, PW will unanchor paint ballz so always save that for last.
COLORING! WEEE! I do this in PW.
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OH NO THE NOSE! It's totally fine, we'll take care of it in a bit.
At this point it is best if you have an idea for what you want to hex, but if not you can wing it, that's always a fun time.
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Hit your gradiant ball color circle in your top menu bar on PW
Select your color in the bottom just like the nose in method one.
And start coloring ballz!
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Each ball can be selected indivicually(also look at the mustash!).
OR On the left side of PW,
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There are tab menus, select the one that says "Balls".
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Select multiple with ctrl+right mouse or shift+right mouse(remember that to pay attention to things like R Eye and L iris. If you don't want to cololor the whites of the eye(R or L eye) or the pupil (R or L iris) you don't want to select these.
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At the bottom of the selecting box is a button that says "apply to all ballz"(when it's not squished like my window does). hit that and...
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it's like a bucket fill! Now you can do multi colors of course, just select a different color like you selected the first and start coloring ballz.
And stick around for part 2 since I hit the limit of photos I can post in one post. HERE IS THE LINK FOR PART 2
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seabassapologist · 9 months
how hard is it to set up a pi hole? whats price range for the necessary hardware? I've been getting more and more curious about it..
Depends. If you have experience using Linux then pretty easy. If not, less easy but if you can follow step by step instructions you’ll be fine!
Pi-hole can run on almost anything you throw it on, but a Raspberry Pi is the easiest way. The hardest part is getting hold of a Raspberry Pi because they’ve been in a constant shortage since Covid started, however a some online stores are slowly getting them back in stock lately
For a Pi, a case, a micro SD card, and a power adapter (if you don’t have a spare usb charger laying around) you’ll be spending less than $100 USD most likely
You can use this page to find sites that sell raspberry pi’s in your region
(note that this is for the Raspberry Pi 4 which is the most recent revision, but any model you can find will be good enough for pi-hole)
As for the installation process, pi-hole’s site has a perfectly good guide, but I’m sure there are plenty of YouTube video guides if you prefer those. I don’t have any personal suggestions because I just used their site
Good luck!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
BEIJING — Cities across China further unwound COVID restrictions Friday, loosening testing and quarantine rules in the wake of nationwide protests calling for an end to lockdowns and greater political freedoms.
Anger and frustration with China's hardline pandemic response spilled out onto the streets last weekend in widespread demonstrations not seen in decades.
In the wake of the unrest across China, a number of cities have begun loosening COVID-19 restrictions, such as moving away from daily mass testing requirements, a tedious mainstay of life under Beijing's stringent zero-COVID policy.
At the same time, authorities are continuing to seek to contain protests with heavy security on the streets, online censorship in full force, and surveillance of the population heightened.
As of Friday, the southwestern metropolis of Chengdu will no longer require a recent negative test result to enter public places or ride the metro, instead only requiring a green health code confirming they have not travelled to a "high risk" area.
In Beijing, health authorities called Thursday on hospitals not to deny treatment to people without a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours.
In January, a pregnant woman in the city of Xi'an miscarried after being refused hospital entry for not having a PCR test result.
China has seen a string of deaths after treatment was delayed by COVID restrictions, including the recent death of a 4-month-old baby who was stuck in quarantine with her father.
Those cases became a rallying cry during the protests, with a viral post listing the names of those who died because of alleged negligence linked to the pandemic response.
Many other cities with virus outbreaks are allowing restaurants, shopping malls and even schools to reopen, in a clear departure from previous tough lockdown rules.
In northwestern Urumqi, where a fire that killed 10 people was the spark for the anti-lockdown protests, authorities announced Friday that supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and ski resorts would gradually be opened.
The city of over 4 million residents endured one of China's longest lockdowns, with some areas shut in early August.
Home quarantine
An analysis by state-run newspaper People's Daily on Friday quoted a number of health experts supporting local government moves to allow positive cases to quarantine at home.
The shift would be a marked departure from current rules, which require that they be held in government facilities.
The southern factory hub of Dongguan on Thursday said that those who meet "specific conditions" should be allowed to quarantine at home. It did not specify what those conditions would be.
The southern tech hub Shenzhen rolled out a similar policy Wednesday.
Central government officials have also signaled that a broader relaxation of zero-COVID policy could be in the works.
Speaking at the National Health Commission Wednesday, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan said the omicron variant was weakening and vaccination rates were improving, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.
A central figure behind Beijing's pandemic response, Sun said this "new situation" required "new tasks.”
She made no mention of zero-COVID in those remarks or in another meeting Thursday, suggesting the approach, which has disrupted the economy and daily life, might soon be relaxed.
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alienskart · 6 months
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Enrich your shopping list wisely.
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chennaitop10 · 15 days
The Rise and Allure of Vegetarian Restaurants: A Culinary Revolution
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The culinary landscape is undergoing a significant transformation as vegetarianism gains traction worldwide. Vegetarian restaurants, once considered niche, are now mainstream, catering to a diverse clientele that includes not only vegetarians but also health enthusiasts and food connoisseurs seeking fresh, innovative flavors. This article delves into the evolution, significance, and varied offerings of vegetarian restaurants, exploring their impact on the food industry and society.
The Evolution of Vegetarian Restaurants
Historical Context
Vegetarianism has ancient roots, with historical records indicating its practice in various cultures for religious, ethical, and health reasons. In India, vegetarianism is closely linked with religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, promoting non-violence and respect for all living beings. In the West, vegetarianism gained momentum during the 19th century, influenced by philosophical and health movements.
Modern Era
The modern vegetarian restaurant movement began gaining prominence in the 20th century, particularly during the counterculture era of the 1960s and 70s. During this time, an increasing awareness of health, animal rights, and environmental sustainability led to the establishment of vegetarian eateries. These early establishments laid the groundwork for the expansive and diverse vegetarian dining scene we see today. Explore the best pure veg restaurants in Chennai for delicious and wholesome vegetarian cuisine
Vegetarian Restaurants as Hubs of Innovation
Culinary Creativity
Vegetarian restaurants are at the forefront of culinary creativity, continually pushing the boundaries of what plant-based cuisine can offer. Chefs experiment with novel ingredients like jackfruit, which mimics the texture of pulled pork, and aquafaba, a chickpea byproduct used as an egg substitute in baking.
Sustainable Practices
Many vegetarian restaurants are committed to sustainability, sourcing their ingredients from local, organic farms and minimizing waste. These practices not only appeal to environmentally conscious consumers but also support local economies and promote biodiversity.
Tech-Driven Solutions
The rise of technology has also influenced vegetarian restaurants. Many establishments use apps and online platforms to streamline ordering and delivery processes, making plant-based meals more accessible. Additionally, tech-driven farming solutions, such as hydroponics and vertical farming, are being integrated into restaurant supply chains.
The Significance of Vegetarian Restaurants
Health Benefits
One of the primary drivers behind the rise of vegetarian restaurants is the growing awareness of the health benefits associated with plant-based diets. Numerous studies have highlighted that vegetarian diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Vegetarian restaurants often emphasize fresh, organic ingredients, offering nutritionally balanced meals that cater to health-conscious consumers. Discover the top 10 veg restaurants in Chennai for an exceptional vegetarian dining experience
Environmental Impact
The environmental benefits of vegetarianism are also significant. Livestock farming is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water usage. By choosing plant-based meals, consumers can significantly reduce their environmental footprint. Vegetarian restaurants play a crucial role in promoting sustainable eating habits and raising awareness about the ecological impact of dietary choices.
Ethical Considerations
Ethical concerns regarding animal welfare have also fueled the popularity of vegetarianism. Many individuals choose vegetarian diets to avoid contributing to the suffering of animals in factory farms. Vegetarian restaurants align with these ethical values, offering cruelty-free dining options that appeal to ethically-minded consumers.
Varied Offerings in Vegetarian Restaurants
Global Cuisine
Vegetarian restaurants today offer an astounding variety of global cuisines. From Indian thalis and Mediterranean mezze platters to Japanese sushi and Mexican tacos, these establishments showcase the versatility of plant-based ingredients. This diversity not only caters to different cultural tastes but also introduces diners to new and exciting culinary experiences.
Gourmet and Fine Dining
The perception of vegetarian food has shifted from being bland and limited to being sophisticated and gourmet. Many vegetarian restaurants now offer fine dining experiences, complete with creatively crafted dishes that rival their non-vegetarian counterparts. Renowned chefs are increasingly experimenting with plant-based ingredients, elevating vegetarian cuisine to new heights.
Fast Casual and Street Food
On the other end of the spectrum, vegetarian fast-casual restaurants and street food vendors are making plant-based eating accessible and convenient. These establishments serve up quick, affordable, and delicious vegetarian meals, from hearty veggie burgers and wraps to flavorful falafel and smoothie bowls. This trend caters to busy urban lifestyles while promoting healthy eating habits.
The Role of Vegetarian Restaurants in Social Change
Community Building
Vegetarian restaurants often serve as community hubs, bringing together like-minded individuals who share an interest in healthy and ethical eating. These spaces foster a sense of community and support, providing a platform for people to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on initiatives promoting sustainability and wellness.
Education and Advocacy
Many vegetarian restaurants go beyond serving food; they actively engage in education and advocacy. Through cooking classes, workshops, and events, they educate the public about the benefits of plant-based diets and sustainable living. This proactive approach helps demystify vegetarianism and encourages more people to incorporate plant-based meals into their diets.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The rise of vegetarianism has spurred innovation and entrepreneurship in the food industry. New vegetarian restaurants continue to emerge, offering unique dining experiences and pushing the boundaries of plant-based cuisine. This wave of entrepreneurship has also led to the development of plant-based products and alternatives, further expanding the vegetarian food market.
Challenges and Opportunities
Overcoming Prejudices
Despite the growing popularity of vegetarianism, some prejudices and misconceptions persist. Critics often argue that vegetarian diets are nutritionally inadequate or that vegetarian food lacks flavor and variety. Vegetarian restaurants must continue to innovate and educate to dispel these myths and showcase the richness and diversity of plant-based cuisine.
Catering to Diverse Diets
Vegetarian restaurants must also cater to diverse dietary preferences and restrictions. This includes offering options for vegans, gluten-free individuals, and those with specific allergies. By accommodating various dietary needs, these establishments can attract a broader customer base and promote inclusivity.
Market Competition
As the vegetarian restaurant market grows, competition intensifies. To stand out, restaurants must differentiate themselves through unique offerings, exceptional service, and a strong commitment to sustainability and ethics. Successful vegetarian restaurants often build loyal customer bases by creating memorable dining experiences and fostering a strong brand identity.
The Future of Vegetarian Restaurants
Market Growth and Expansion
The market for vegetarian restaurants continues to grow, driven by increasing consumer demand for healthy, sustainable, and ethical food options. This growth is expected to continue, with more restaurants opening and existing establishments expanding their offerings. Find the finest veg restaurants in Chennai for a delightful vegetarian meal
Innovation in Plant-Based Foods
The future of vegetarian restaurants will likely see further innovation in plant-based foods. Advances in food science are leading to the development of new meat and dairy alternatives that closely mimic the taste and texture of animal products. These innovations will broaden the appeal of vegetarian diets and attract a wider audience.
Integration with Technology
Technology will play an increasingly important role in the evolution of vegetarian restaurants. From AI-driven menu customization to blockchain-based supply chain transparency, technological advancements will enhance the dining experience and promote sustainability.
The rise of vegetarian restaurants represents a significant shift in the culinary world, reflecting broader societal trends towards health, sustainability, and ethical eating. These establishments have evolved from niche venues to mainstream dining options, offering diverse and innovative plant-based cuisines. By promoting the benefits of vegetarianism and creating inclusive, community-focused spaces, vegetarian restaurants play a crucial role in driving positive social and environmental change. As they continue to grow and innovate, these restaurants are poised to remain a vital and influential part of the global food landscape.
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devoqdesignagency · 18 days
UI/UX Design Agency In USA, UI/UX Design Agency Florida
Introduction to UI/UX Design Agencies
In the digital age, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design have become critical components of any successful digital product or service. UI/UX Design Agency in Florida specialize in creating intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience. These agencies employ a team of designers, researchers, and developers who collaborate to deliver engaging and effective designs.
Importance of UI/UX Design
 UI/UX design agencies in the USA plays a crucial role in the success of digital products and services. A well-designed interface can enhance user satisfaction, increase user engagement, and improve conversion rates. Additionally, good UI/UX design can help to differentiate a brand from its competitors and build customer loyalty.
Characteristics of a Good UI/UX Design Agency
A good UI/UX design agency should have a strong portfolio of work, demonstrating their ability to deliver high-quality designs. They should also have a deep understanding of user behavior and psychology, enabling them to create designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, a good UI/UX design agency should be able to collaborate effectively with clients, taking their input and feedback into account throughout the design process.
Key Services Offered by UI/UX Design Agencies
UI/UX design agencies offer a range of services to help clients create user-friendly interfaces. These services may include user research, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing. Additionally, UI/UX design agencies may also offer branding and visual design services to ensure that the interface aligns with the client's brand identity.
How to Choose the Right UI/UX Design Agency
When choosing a UI/UX design agency, it is important to consider their experience, expertise, and reputation. Clients should also look for agencies that have a proven track record of delivering successful designs for similar projects. Additionally, it can be helpful to speak with past clients or read reviews to get a sense of the agency's working style and customer satisfaction.
UI/UX Design Agency in the USA
The USA is home to a thriving tech industry, making it a hub for UI/UX design agencies. These agencies cater to a wide range of industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, and finance.
Top Agencies in the USA
Some of the top UI/UX design agencies in the USA include Big Drop Inc, Fantasy, and RNO1. These agencies have a strong reputation for delivering innovative and user-centric designs.
UI/UX Design Agency in Florida
Florida is home to a vibrant tech community, with many UI/UX design agencies offering their services to local businesses and startups. These agencies leverage the state's diverse talent pool to deliver cutting-edge designs.
Top Agencies in Florida
Some of the top UI/UX design agencies in Florida include Noble Studios, The Skins Factory, and Vervology. These agencies have a strong track record of delivering high-quality designs for clients across various industries.
Trends in UI/UX Design
UI/UX design is constantly evolving, with new trends and technologies shaping the way designers create interfaces. Some current trends in UI/UX design include dark mode, voice user interfaces, and motion design.
Future of UI/UX Design Agencies
As technology continues to advance, the role of UI/UX design agencies will become even more crucial. These agencies will need to stay at the forefront of design trends and technologies to deliver innovative and effective designs for their clients.
UI/UX design agencies play a vital role in creating engaging and user-friendly interfaces for digital products and services. By understanding the importance of UI/UX design and choosing the right agency, businesses can enhance their online presence and drive user engagement.
What is UI/UX design?UI/UX design refers to the process of creating user interfaces and experiences for digital products and services.
Why is UI/UX design important?UI/UX design is important because it helps to enhance user satisfaction, increase user engagement, and improve conversion rates.
How do I choose the right UI/UX design agency?When choosing a UI/UX design agency, it is important to consider their experience, expertise, and reputation.
What are some current trends in UI/UX design?Some current trends in UI/UX design include dark mode, voice user interfaces, and motion design.
What is the future of UI/UX design agencies?The future of UI/UX design agencies lies in staying at the forefront of design trends and technologies to deliver innovative and effective designs for clients.
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musclecarwheels12 · 29 days
Discovering the Charm of Waterford, Queensland
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Nestled in the heart of the Logan City region in Queensland, Australia, lies the picturesque suburb of Waterford. Known for its tranquil atmosphere, family-friendly amenities, and rich community spirit, Waterford offers a unique blend of suburban living and natural beauty. From its historic landmarks to its vibrant local culture, there is much to explore and appreciate in this charming part of Queensland.
One of the standout features of Waterford is its lush green spaces and recreational facilities. The suburb is home to several parks and reserves, including Tygum Park and Alexander Clark Park, where residents and visitors can enjoy picnics, barbecues, and leisurely walks surrounded by nature. The Logan River runs through the area, offering opportunities for fishing, kayaking, and enjoying waterfront views.
Waterford is also known for its strong sense of community and local pride. The suburb hosts a variety of events and activities throughout the year, such as markets, festivals, and community gatherings, that bring residents together and foster a sense of belonging. The Waterford Plaza shopping centre is a hub of activity, with a range of shops, cafes, and services that cater to the needs of the community.
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History enthusiasts will appreciate Waterford's heritage sites, such as the historic Waterford Railway Station, which dates back to the early 20th century. The station is a reminder of the suburb's past as a hub for the railway industry and serves as a link to Waterford's history and development over the years. Visitors can also explore the nearby Kingston Butter Factory, a heritage-listed building that now houses a cultural and arts centre.
For those seeking educational opportunities, Waterford is home to several schools and childcare centres, making it an ideal location for families with children. The suburb is well-connected to surrounding areas via major roads and public transport, providing easy access to amenities, services, and employment opportunities in nearby urban centres.
Purnell Tyres, a cherished family-owned enterprise, stands as the premier destination for car enthusiasts across Australia, boasting an unparalleled collection of rims and wheels. Nestled in Queensland, our workshop and online platform serve as havens for those seeking the perfect fit for their beloved vehicles. With a distinct focus on Muscle Car Wheels Australia and vintage aesthetics, our offerings cater to discerning tastes, promising not just products, but experiences. Whether it's the classic five-spoke design of the '60s or the modern alloys with intricate patterns, muscle car wheels not only enhance the vehicle's aesthetics but also contribute to its overall performance and handling, ensuring a thrilling driving experience on both the street and the track. Embracing a commitment to excellence, we provide a steadfast fitment guarantee, ensuring every purchase meets the highest standards. Additionally, our flexible finance options pave the way for seamless transactions, making dreams of customization a reality for all who journey with us.
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foxnangelseo · 1 month
How India is Toiling Harder to Harvest Apple on its Soil
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The shift away from China as the primary manufacturing hub for Western companies began in 2013 when concerns over rising production costs and reliance on a single nation for sourcing and manufacturing operations started to arise. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the risks of depending solely on China, leading companies to explore alternative options.
India was initially propped up as a potential alternative to China, but long-standing issues such as inconsistent policies and red-tapism posed challenges for foreign companies looking to set up operations in the country. However, the Narendra Modi-led government has been making efforts to improve the ease of doing business in India, with a focus on attracting foreign investment. Apple, for instance, has been betting big on India since it began iPhone assembly in the country in 2017, in line with the Indian government's push for local manufacturing.
Setting up shop in India has not been an easy route for foreign companies, even after 2014. In 2016, Apple reportedly had no intentions to open its stores in India unless the government exempted it from the mandatory 30% local sourcing norm for single-brand retail. The request for waiver based on "cutting-edge" tech was denied. However, in August 2019, India amended the rules to allow exports and contract manufacturing to be counted towards the local sourcing norm over a period of five years, which paved the way for Apple's increased presence in the country.
Apple signaled its intention to sell iPhones directly to Indian consumers through its own online store after the government allowed foreign single-brand companies to sell directly via webstores, irrespective of a brick-and-mortar presence. Plans for physical stores in Mumbai and Delhi were also announced, with the doors set to open in April 2023. Mall executives are expecting around 2,000 customers to camp out overnight in anticipation of the opening of the Apple store at BKC, Mumbai, and footfalls at the store are expected to nearly double the average footfalls at the luxury mall on a weekday.
Apple's increased investment in India is seen as a result of the government's efforts to attract foreign companies through initiatives like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, which has also attracted other companies such as Samsung. As of March 2023, Apple manufactures almost 7% of its iPhones in India, up from 1% in 2021. Bloomberg has reported that Apple may manufacture the next iPhones in India concurrently with China, which would be a first for iPhone assembly. Apple's goal is to assemble a quarter of all its iPhones in India by 2025.
However, despite the success stories, there have been challenges for foreign companies in India. Some companies, such as General Motors, Ford, and Harley-Davidson, have quit India due to long-running challenges including dealing with bureaucracy. Past decisions on retrospective taxes have also impacted India's image as an investment destination, as seen in the legal disputes between the Indian government and companies like Vodafone. Renowned global companies, like Tesla, have also been hesitant to shift their bases to India due to issues related to supply chain, infrastructure, and labor.
The road to becoming the world's factory is not without hurdles, but the Indian government's efforts to create a conducive environment for business, at least until 2024, may lead to brighter prospects. If India can address challenges related to bureaucracy, logistics, tariffs, and infrastructure, it could emerge as a credible alternative to China for manufacturing operations. Companies like Apple's increased investment in India are indicative of the growing interest in the country as a manufacturing destination, and with continued efforts to improve the ease of doing business, India may become a significant player in the global manufacturing landscape.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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adityaguptablogs · 1 month
Roofing Sheets in Karnataka
In the sprawling landscape of Karnataka, where tradition meets modernity, the need for sturdy roofing solutions is paramount. As the state witnesses rapid urbanization and infrastructural developments, the demand for roofing sheets in Karnataka has surged. Homeowners, builders, and architects alike are increasingly turning to roofing sheets for their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. In this blog post, we delve into the world of roofing sheets in Karnataka, exploring the diverse options available and highlighting their significance in the state's construction industry.
Roofing sheets in Karnataka cater to a wide array of needs, from residential to commercial projects. These sheets, crafted from various materials including metal, polycarbonate, and fiberglass, offer distinct advantages suited to different environments and preferences. Whether it's the monsoon-heavy regions of coastal Karnataka or the arid landscapes of the interior districts, roofing sheets provide reliable protection against the elements. Moreover, with sustainability becoming a growing concern, many roofing sheets in Karnataka are engineered to be eco-friendly, promoting energy efficiency and recyclability.
Metal roofing sheets in Karnataka stand out for their durability and strength. Constructed from materials such as steel, aluminum, or zinc, these sheets offer exceptional resistance to corrosion, fire, and extreme weather conditions. In urban centers like Bangalore, where rapid development and industrialization pose challenges to traditional roofing materials, metal roofing sheets have gained popularity for their longevity and low maintenance. The versatility of metal roofing sheets in Karnataka extends to their architectural flexibility, allowing for innovative designs and efficient installation methods.
For those seeking a balance between durability and translucency, polycarbonate roofing sheets in Karnataka present an ideal solution. These sheets, known for their lightweight nature and high impact resistance, are favored in spaces where natural light penetration is desired, such as warehouses, greenhouses, and residential skylights. In Karnataka's garden city of Bengaluru, polycarbonate roofing sheets find application in both residential and commercial buildings, contributing to sustainable architecture by reducing the reliance on artificial lighting during the day.
Fiberglass roofing sheets in Karnataka offer a blend of affordability and performance. Composed of glass fibers embedded in resin, these sheets boast excellent thermal insulation properties, making them suitable for regions with extreme temperatures like northern Karnataka. Whether it's for agricultural structures in the rural hinterlands or industrial sheds in the manufacturing hubs of Hubballi and Belagavi, fiberglass roofing sheets provide reliable shelter while minimizing heat transfer, thus enhancing comfort and energy efficiency.
Beyond their functional attributes, roofing sheets in Karnataka play a pivotal role in defining the aesthetic appeal of structures. With advancements in manufacturing techniques and design innovation, modern roofing sheets offer a myriad of colors, textures, and profiles to suit diverse architectural styles. From sleek metallic finishes to translucent panels that diffuse sunlight, roofing sheets contribute to the visual identity of buildings across Karnataka's urban and rural landscapes. This fusion of functionality and aesthetics underscores the importance of roofing sheets as a design element in the state's construction industry.
The procurement of roofing sheets in Karnataka is facilitated by a robust network of manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors. Major industrial clusters like Tumakuru, Bidar, and Dharwad are home to numerous roofing sheet factories, ensuring easy access to quality products for construction projects statewide. Additionally, with the advent of online marketplaces and e-commerce platforms, sourcing roofing sheets in Karnataka has become more convenient than ever before, enabling customers to compare prices, specifications, and reviews with just a few clicks.
In line with the government's initiatives towards sustainable development, roofing sheets in Karnataka are increasingly being manufactured using eco-friendly materials and production processes. Recycling initiatives for metal roofing sheets reduce the environmental footprint of construction activities while promoting circular economy principles. Similarly, investments in research and development have led to the emergence of bio-based polymers for roofing sheets, further aligning with Karnataka's vision of becoming a leader in green technology and innovation.
As Karnataka marches towards a future characterized by rapid urbanization and infrastructural growth, the role of roofing sheets in shaping the built environment cannot be overstated. From providing shelter to enhancing energy efficiency and aesthetics, roofing sheets play a multifaceted role in meeting the evolving needs of the state's populace. Whether it's for residential dwellings in Mysuru, commercial complexes in Mangaluru, or industrial facilities in Kalaburagi, roofing sheets in Karnataka serve as the protective canopy under which the state's aspirations take flight. In every corner of Karnataka's skyline, roofing sheets stand tall as a testament to innovation, resilience, and the enduring spirit of progress.
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