#fae konig
writingfromasgard · 5 months
Can't get fae!König out of my head. He's found a little nook and refuses to leave. I blame Ghouljams entirely. Their fae!König is amazing and wonderful.
I dug around and found somethings/fae I think would be good matches for König for my personal tastes.
Waldschrate [Austrian Forests] - Shaggy humanoids that can have tree-like limbs. They're protectors of the forest and punish those who harm them.
I like this one because I'm picturing him protecting the tree that he was born from and watching its seedling grow makes him happy. The day someone wonders into his area, its the first time he's seen a human. He's cautious.. then grows angry when they're chopping down his sisters and brothers. It takes a few tries to muster up enough power to scare them off. Then you come by after he's lost so many, he's angry already until you stoop down where one of his fallen siblings are. Your little basket is full of saplings you grew and you start planting them beside every fallen tree. He watches from the shadows as you kiss each plant, like it'll make them grow that much faster. He approaches you when you return a third time, wanting to thank you. You're scared by his appearance - you scramble away from him until he crouches down, pointing to the sapling you've just planted. He thanks you by offering to give you more seeds to grow more saplings. Recognition strikes your eyes and you take them, smiling now. How could he ever forget such a sweet smile?
Nix/Nixe [Germanic] - Beautiful water spirits that inhabit lakes, rivers, or streams. Some can give blessings while others chose to enchant travellers so they drown.
I picture him being in a lake with murky water. There's plenty of lillies, pond weed, and bulrush to hide in. He likes watching who does what to the lake. Fishers, kids, boaters -- he doesn't like that they're crowding his lake but the ones that take care of the lake are less annoying than the ones who throw shit in it. You spend your time cleaning up the bottles, nets, fish lines, even feeding the fish. You're his favorite person to watch! Cleaning up his lake when he can't.. then you get struck by a boat that isn't paying attention, the driver too drunk. He has to save you. You're too valuable. Who else spends their days cleaning up a crowded lake? He dives for your unconscious body, pulling you into his cavern. He bundles plants to make a pillow for your head to rest on. He's looking at your headwound when you come to, your eyes cracking open. You mumble incoherently, something about angels. He continues cleaning your wound, letting you babble. It's a shallow cut. You were lucky it wasn't more serious.. those boaters? Not so much.
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hoodiedidnotdie · 10 months
this turned into a 9 days fixation,,,, ty @ghouljams for the nasty boii content :'')
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possibly-inhuman · 10 months
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Well, Fae!AU by @ghouljams got me out of my months long art block. Idk man I don’t make the rules, I see awful terrible nasty man obsessed with his love and I’m ✨invested✨
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reyesbignaturals · 1 year
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doodle based off of @ghouljams fae au that i am absolutely obsessed with (as a monster fucker)
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magicislikelove · 5 months
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Been thinking abt fae!König. This is specifically inspired by a fic that I THINK (could be terribly wrong, but Ik this author has done fae! Fics) @ghouljams (if this isn't you, my bad! I'll try to find the proper inspiration later 😭) did where he goes hiking in the woods with his girl and just scares the living shit outta her so she starts running and then they fuck..... Anyways I just like picturing him as this giant creature!!! I'll be finishing this with color later on :))).
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Detail ish shots.
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maelstrom007 · 1 year
I've got the @ghouljams Fae!au brainrot, and I needed to write more about my OC Mal. This time, featuring ghoul's OC Love, and Fae!Ghost. Thank you so much for letting me borrow them! I hope I do them justice, and they're not too out of character. While it's implied that Mal already knows Witch (I think their friendship started well before this) I thought this was an interesting way to bring Mal into the darlings and 141's sphere of influence.
I hope you enjoy!
Mal stood at the far wall of their crafting space, studying their old leather bound notebook. It was an account of every project they’d ever undertaken here at the shop, filled to the brim with notes. Currently, it was open to the last commission on their list for this quarter, someone wanting a garment that would fill them with confidence after a particularly difficult time in their life. Before them stood several cones of yellow and orange cotton that they had dyed with this intention in mind. Now to decide what it would become. Mal closed their eyes, imagining the customer in their head, how their shoulders had hunched and neck sunk involuntarily. They needed something to straighten up, bring some height back into their frame. A jacket would do them nice. 
Mal took the cones to their warping board, a square frame with pegs hanging on the wall, and readied the yarn. Before they began Mal closed their eyes once again, taking deep breaths and pressing their bare feet firmly into the floor as they grounded themselves. Once they were settled, they imagined in their mind what their customer would look like in this new jacket. How their face would be full of warmth and joy, how much taller they would stand, the swagger and spring in their step as they walked. Mal let the feeling wash over them, filling themselves up with the giddy confidence. Full of energy, Mal began the warping process, tying an orange yarn to one peg and wrapping it around sequential pegs until it was as long as their fabric needed to be, then doubling back and following that same path back. 
Maintaining this confident headspace Mal continued on, occasionally switching between colors to create a shimmering ombre across the warp. This warp will act as the vertical threads when they weave the fabric later on tonight. Already they could see the gentle halo radiating off of the threads as the intent gets buried deeper and deeper. By the end it’ll be radiant like the sun. 
The slight jostle of someone attempting to open the front door made Mal accidentally skip a peg, breaking them out of their concentration. Immediately the halo of the current length they were working on dimmed, forcing them to backtrack and do their best to bring themselves back into the confident headspace. They didn’t really care if someone was at the door, there was no reason for anyone to be there and thus no reason to give them the time of day. Pick up was always reserved for the last week of the month, and they hadn’t pulled aside the heavy curtains hanging from the gutters that prevented humans from seeing the shop, and warned Fae from entering without an invitation. No, those get pulled when Mal’s commission list was empty and ready for new customers. Which it wasn’t. 
The jostle returns again and only a well timed breath keeps the bubbling anger from making its way into the warp. They tied it off and stepped away with a sigh. They couldn’t afford to keep having their concentration disrupted by the mystery person at the door. 
Opening the door reveals a girl, smiling brightly, “Hey, I think your doors locked.”
“It’s not,” Mal replies. Not in the physical sense anyway. Witch’s wards are strong and clever like that. Although they will have to check up on the curtains outside. Nobody should have been able to find their shop with them pulled shut, although now there was a clear section that was pulled to the side where the girl seemingly forced her way through. Those damn Moth’s were probably nibbling on it again. 
The girl stares at them for a moment, as if expecting them to say more. Evidently the silence becomes too long as she presses on, “Aren’t you going to let me in?” 
“Why would you want in?”
“Because you’re a business? And I’d like to do business here?” The exasperated look on the girl's face is enough to set Mal’s teeth on edge. 
“Pushy aren’t you?”
“Yes. Now come on, I want to get something nice for my boyfriend and he’s going to pick me up any minute now.”
Something about the girl’s big, insistent eyes made Mal’s resolve crack, “Fine. You’ve caught me in an indulgent mood.” Mal turned around, walking back towards the counter, “What are you thinking of?”
When the girl didn’t immediately follow they turned around again, only to see her seemingly stuck mid stride, foot unable or unwilling to touch the hardwood floor of the storefront. Curious. The girl seemed perfectly human to them, but looks could be deceiving. 
“You’re welcome in, for this transaction,” her foot fell with a solid thump, and she continued walking in as if nothing had happened.
“So I’d like to get something for my boyfriend.”
Mal settled in and flipped their notebook to a new page, “So you’ve said.”
“Yeah, well I know that he likes to cover up a lot, but recently his gloves have been falling apart and what with Winter coming up I don’t want his hands to be cold-”
As the girl talked, Mal kept a close eye on her chest, watching for any tethers that shone brighter than the others. Humans, and sometimes Fae, had a hard time deciding what their real intent was for a gift, and sifting through their tethers was always easier than getting it out of them through words. Except that the more this girl talked, the more her chest started to light up like a god damn christmas tree. She was tangled and pierced and snared on so many hooks it was almost distressing, and one in particular burned so bright it almost hurt Mal’s eyes to look at.
“Excuse me,” Mal interrupted her, “but may I?” they said, pointing towards the brightly glowing tether at the center of her chest. 
“Uh, sure,” she said, slightly confused but trusting all the same. 
Reaching out they gently snagged the tether with the tip of their pinky finger. Even with that small amount of contact all they could think of was LOVE LOVE LOVE. So much love, and passion, and desperation, and protectiveness. 
Within the next second, Mal’s ears popped as air that used to be in the space behind the girl forcibly vacated in favor of someone apparating there in its place. Mal stumbled back, eyebrows raised in shock as the absolutely massive fucker came into focus. Piercing brown eyes peered out through a pale white skull mask, with one hand wrapping protectively around the girl's chest and the other landing solidly on the table creating an effective barrier between them and Mal. 
“What’s wrong, Love?” The man's voice was deep, and although he was addressing the girl, (the capital L was obvious in his tone) his eyes never left Mal’s. 
“Well I was going to get you a surprise gift, but I guess that’s not happening anymore.”
“Why were they touching you.”
Mal straightened, “I received permission, if that is your concern. I was only attempting to see what her true intent was for this gift.” Despite the way he was glaring, Mal could tell this man didn’t think they were a threat, at least not physically.
On closer inspection the guys gloves did look as if they were threadbare, ready to fall apart if a stiff breeze came through. He was fae, no doubt about it, and even his human form commanded respect. Mal could see the shimmery effect of the fae’s obscura, hinting at a much larger and much more. . .sinister silhouette. They could do better, break up the outline of his body like camo on a soldier's fatigues, but something told them that he wouldn’t appreciate being upsold at the moment.
“And what was my intention?” Love looked almost giddy to know, leaning over the counter top with a manic grin on her face. 
Mal quickly looked between Love and the man, trying to gauge the pro’s and con’s of this whole interaction. 
“Go on,” he said. 
“Well, it seemed like Love here wanted to stake a claim on you. To possess and protect you as much as you do her.” 
Like a seesaw, Love rocked backwards into the man's embrace, wrapping her arms up around his neck and giggling, “Yeah, I guess I am a little obsessed with you.”
For once he looked a little bit out of his depth, and once again Mal almost had to shield their eyes from the sun that seemed to light up between the two. Jesus these two were co dependent as all hell. 
“So,” Mal said, desperate to get this conversation over with, “any design you want in particular?”
“Oh, right, I think his gloves should be dark black, with white details that look like finger and hand bones. And can you make them really warm and soft? Am I asking for too much? You’ll tell me if it’s too much right? Also-”
Mal dutifully took notes, not even attempting to get a word in edgewise as Love rambled on. Briefly looking up, Mal saw the masked man curled contentedly around and over top Love’s much smaller form like a mountain sized cat. It was hard to find him intimidating now that his eyes were full of love and adoration. 
What a strange pair indeed.
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fae(?) bunny shifter reader x konig
I love it when konig calls reader haschen (and forgive me for not using accents on letters--I don't know how to add them on my computer). Hence why I love the idea of reader being a literal bunny (and yes--this is inspired by that one manwha I forgot the name of, but disregard that!)
There's really no sane explanation as to how Konig ended up with you in his bed. And I don't mean in a sexual way though it is hard to keep his eyes off you considering the fact that you're stark naked. As far as he knows, Konig hadn't drunk that night. Definitely didn't take any drugs. All he did was scoop up that rabbit that's been begging for food on his back porch, after he'd made friends through edible offerings. (Otherwise, the tiny rascal would be digging up his garden again.) Let it--her?--snuggle close into his side on a particularly cold night, when the first snow began to fall.
Then he blinks, and the girl is gone--replaced once again by that fluffy little thing.
Konig panics for a half second, wrenches the blankets from his bed. As if a whole human being could hide under already-flattened sheets. Once he realizes you're not there, though, he once again takes the bunny in his ginormous hands and continues to stare. Because what the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.
Over the next few days, he doesn't dare keep the rabbit in a cage, or kick it out again. He just observes it intently like one would waiting for water to boil. But nothing ever happens when he's ready for it--the girl appears only when his back is turned, when he's exhausted. When he's blinking away sleep in the morning light. There in a flash, and gone again. He genuinely thinks he's going crazy, especially when food starts piling up in random places. The closet. Between the couch cushions. Food too big and too much for a mere bunny to move. But surely that's impossible. He's never taken to folklore or spells or--
Then he installs a camera.
"She is magic!" he once yelled, shoving the bunny in a visiting soldier's face. Meanwhile the rabbit's nose just twitches, innocent and seemingly oblivious. All he gets is a weird stare.
"Sir, I think you need to see a doctor--"
Bonus Thoughts:
You're not even a stray. Not even wild. You have a cottage a little further into the woods, but your human neighbor's been awfully generous despite having caught you stealing a few times. Whatever. Free food is great. Free anything is great. Not to mention the TV and microwave, and other gadgets you've never seen before. Hence not realizing what the hell a camera does, and why he's now extra manic after he installed one in his room.
Speaking of benefits, you also no longer have to get your steps in. He carries you around in his pocket wherever he goes. So now you get to see the world, too--the farmer's market, the gas station, etc. And when you seem particularly interested in something, he buys it right away. Now you've got a little corner of trinkets from your mini-travels, all for you.
Oh, and lots of chin scratches. Pat pats. Naps in his lap because you fit there so perfectly.
Will he ever see you--live--in your human form for more than .5 seconds? Maybe. Maybe it happens in the middle of the night, when he wakes up to a weight on his chest, and your hair sprawled across his shirt. Maybe it happens, and you just give him a slow, sleepy blink, and nuzzle into the crook of his neck. Maybe he's yours now, and he hasn't realized it.
His bunny. Your man.
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dracobrooklyn · 9 months
Call of Duty Recommending Writing.
These are my recommendations on these amazing COD x Reader or Oc x Cannon Writing. These are the best of the best :D Light on by @peachesofteal
Simon has a new neighbor. His new neighbor has a baby.
|| MDNI|| 18+
This anthology is just so damn beautiful, when I jumped into the COD x reader train this one was the first one, and I LOVE IT! the writing is so in character of Mister Simon Riley and by god, he still his grumpy self but still minds his manners towards the single mom reader with her baby <3. The relationship between Simon and the neighbor is a slow burn romance and by god it's so good, the way he is soft towards her. Fighting his feelings but letting them go. How he treats the little baby, as if he was father the whole time, god damn it, it's so sweet. There is very much Smut in this, the kinks are just fabulous. I will not spoil much but please read read!! Worth the love and the time spent onto this!!
FATUM NOS IUNGEBIT by @kneelingshadowsalome || MDNI || 18+
{Historical AU. Roman Auxilia soldier!König with his spoils of war gf. Slow burn, romance, violence, fluff, eventual smut, 18+}
König x F!Reader | The soldiers behind him shift with lust – their gear clinks as they devour you with unbridled hunger. The Titan is the only one who looks at you like you’re simply a cute little squirrel who happened to fall from a tree right there at his feet. Then his eyes drop to your breasts, and the familiar hunger that lives in men gives the ocean of his eyes a clouded look. When his stare finds yours again, he's a different man: the treacherous beast of your dreams.
Man on Man... where do I start with this. This is a four Part Story so there is more slow burn romance to eat. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert. The writing in this is so good! It's the right amount of character development, the way they use the language barrier in this is so creative and fun! Konig in this is just a treat, brash but loving, he's a man, course he's not gonna be a total prince charming. His interactions with the reader is very spicy and also sweet. The detail into the interactions *chef kiss*. Give me more! The Kinks are real good in this, reading this while curled up in my burrito blanket oof. Please do give this a chance, well worth it!
mafia!John Price x fem!wife!Reader by @cordeliawhohung || MDNI || 18+
All you wanted was to be able to see your husband after a long week at work, but when he stands you up at dinner, that's the last straw. You hunt him down and find him at a club that he owns, where you very quickly learn why he told you to stay very far away from the place. - Or, mafia!Price defends his wife's honor then fucks her in the VIP room <3
you want a fun horny but sweet/steamy Price x Reader one shot. Here have this wonderful snack, it's a big one :3. Just the way the reader was concerned for good ol Mr. Price with being a mafia boss. But then then smut goes in, yis :3. It's dirty but a good dirty! you want a man like John to treat you like a gentleman, this is it! <3
Price x Young Reader by @luvit || MDNI || 18+
This is short but sweet! Just a fun headcannon that the reader who is in their mid/late 20's so this is an age gap headcannon. It's not off portions with the age gap. The description talking about the reader having more energy than him onto their second or third round and he is milked dry oof, and then the reader becomes bratty and he takes the reigns despite his low energy <3 it's good :D.
Fae!Price x Witch!reader by @ghouljams || MDNI || 18+
Hear me out hear me out... fae!price... cool? Cool! The writing in this is so good! Price teasing the reader when the fae try to give you a gift and you know better to. Not giving out their name, or even your name. The Fae know how to be tricksters. And the smut in this, oh it's so spicy! I love it! I'm a slut for magic based writing. especially AU's like these!! Please give them a shot! I know I LOVED.
WICKER PYRE | Dragon!Price x Reader by @yeyinde || MDNI || 18+
All things considered, you should have expected it. You know better than to make deals with dragons.
Ah Ha, you see if you know me (or don't) I LOVE dragons!! Dragons are my favorite creature! I love them, and what's better when you can romance a dragon! I mean come on! Good shit my guy! And I love and accept the headcannon that Price would be a dragon 100% not because of the smoking of a cigar that's the 5%, it's the personality, the vibe, and the voice fits so perfectly. The writing in this is so damn spicy!! How rough and hot it is (no pun intended). The way he teases the reader, ah. Very nice~ please give his a read!
woe to the deer who is courted by the wolf . . . by @toshidou Vampire!Konig x reader || MDNI || 18+
You want Vampire!Konig in your pallet, say no more. Here have this damn meal! The beginning is very silly in a good way! But when you finally come across the man himself, it get's good. I love it when Writers use his German language in the writing, it's adds the mystery where I have to look it up and I go "OH!?". It's so good! I love it! It got that size difference and the a little blood play cause of the vampire thing but please read this! indulge thyself!!
Faint Jingling Brass by @cowyolks || MDNI || 18+
Prompt: There was something about you, something that urged the beast to enter your cottage. It was intrigued, sniffing the anguish of your very soul- and it wanted you.
Krampus!Konig... yeah uh give me the eggnog with the cookies please, this was a joy to read. Totally wouldn't bang Krampus, I don't know what you are talking about. The fact that the reader was totally willing to get punished, you know it's good. Spanking? Predator/Prey dynamic? Yes Yes!! Please read this!!
Your Grace by @cowyolks Prompt: As a loyal soldier to your King, you follow orders without question. So when the King asks you to kneel— you do as told. || MDNI || 18+
Fun fact, if I am correct Konig means king in German. Why not have an AU where Knoig is the king and you are def his favorite. The writing is so damn hot oof! It is in two parts though! And the reading is so worth it. Made me blush and curl up in my blanket as well! Please please read!!
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lavenderskye29 · 1 year
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We would like to take a moment from our usual monkey business to introduce Fae!Konig.
We will now get back to it.
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konigsblog · 6 months
Demon Konig x follower reader x pastor ghost—
That OR Fae!Konig x Reader x Fae!Ghost
I have a thing for poly and multiple people, leave me alone😭
(😈anon? if not🦦)
i do have a couple posts for demon!könig, religious reader, and pastor!simon already !! :P (which you can find searching ‘tw: religious themes’ in my featured tags)
i'm accepting any requests for them, since i wanna start writing about religious themed concepts (demon!könig + angel!reader, stepfather-priest!könig, succubus!reader + older-pervy!könig, etc) :)
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writingfromasgard · 4 months
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All Masterlists
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Fae!Konig Fat Baby Fat Baby II Fat Baby III Fat Baby IV Ask: Why Sonnenschein
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Cosplayer: Konig MudRun - photoshoot pictures In-game Bio
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𝔽𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝔽𝕚𝕔𝕤
Manspreading - Small couch, Big man NSFW Schwechater - Drunken Office antics, NSFW Waldeinsamkeit Part 1 - Forest Creature/Fae! König Part 2
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channel-2-am · 7 months
the “Thorns and All” chapter of fae!konig’s story is living in my head rent free.
i think about it a lot like i can just be having a day and then i remember this chapter exists and i reminisce on it for a moment. like what do i do to have this? it’s really not a want, it’s a need.
this fae au is by immaculate @ghouljams pssst hi it’s me your fae au admirer
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dutiful-wildcraft · 7 months
Welcome! I’m Dani (She/her) and I mostly lurk, but occasionally write! I primarily write monster AU’s and/or poly relationships in addition to plus size ocs/readers.
MDNI. this is an 18+ account.
This is a sideblog so asks don’t come from here
Masterlist under the cut
Character x OC
OC: Darren Martin
Secondhand News (Price/Fat F!OC)
Honey Sweet (Gaz/M!OC)
Lies and Alibis (Nikolai/ plus size F!OC) - Ongoing!
Strange Candy (Swagger/Krueger/Nikto x plus size F!OC) - Ongoing!
Soap's family (Soap/Ghost)
Metal Band
The 141's Music Tastes
Pack 141 (Monster AU)
Sphinx!Gaz , Part 2
Pack Kortac (Monster AU)
Strange Candy (Ongoing)
Outlast AU
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squiddy-god · 3 months
𓆩♱Tome of the Dark⊱♱𓆪
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Hi hi hi~ the masterlist for my fics! Previously I was @/squid-god-supreme. Please make Shure to check the pined post for navigation! It has convenient links to everything!
❥-potential content warning/dark fic.
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Genshin impact-
♥︎-Secret Menu (diluc x reader)
♡- happy birthday diluc
♡-dilf albedo hcs (albedo x reader)
♡-Xiao and his "friends" (Xiao x reader)
♡-love on the breeze (venti x reader)
♡-happy birthday tartaglia
❥a lonely night (osial x reader pt1)
❥a stormy night (osial x reader pt2
♥︎- neuvillette smut hcs
♡-"crashing winds" venti x soulmate reader!
♡- "antique hearts" zhongli x reader
♡❥-"festering feelings " Dragon!albedo x reader
♥︎-The Hydro Dragon? A closet freak!? (Neuvillette x reader)
♡-types of affection (xiao, childe, albedo, zhongli)
Twst (twisted wonderland) -
❥groom of the deep sea(Azul x reader)
♡-Pomfriore as vampires
♡-a kiss to wake (malleus x reader)
♡-intertwined (jade, Floyd x reader)
♡-Dorm leaders happy S/o
♡-Dorm leaders S/O bad period
❥captured (king! Malleus x reader)
♡-Confession to a fae (Lilia x reader)
♡-Ode to a prideful knight
♡-Lilia vanrouge fluffy confession
♡-random imagines (dorm leaders x reader)
♡-dorm leader crush on same person
♡-octo trio plushie
♡-dorm leader general hcs
♡-Malleus, Leona, vil, Floyd S/O who rides horses
♡-dorm leader crush hcs
♥︎-idia shroud phone sex
♡-malleus, Leona shy but crack S/O
♡-meeting deuces mom
♥︎-malleus and his long ass tongue
♡-like a mother to a flame (Moth! Idia x reader)
♡-cuteness aggression (Floyd x reader)
♡-Malleus, Azul, lilia, jack, idia S/O bad at self care
♡-riddle, Azul jealousy hcs
♡- S/O rest head in lap (ace, deuce)
♡-pirates treasure (jack x reader)
♡-Harpy epel
♥︎- Rook NSFW CEJX
♡-Rook wedding BDGHMT
♡-Silver Wedding Alfebet C,D,E,H,K,M,N,O,Q,T,U,V,X,Y.
♡-Twst cowboy Au! (The town of night Raven)
♡-dorm leaders w/ chubby S/O
♡-Vil with an overworked, tomboy s/o
♡-3rd years with a s/o who crochets
♡❥-Dorm leaders x neglected reader
♡-savanaclaw x golden retriever (beastman) m!Reader
♡-gojo, nanami, geto, noya cuddle hcs
♡-Jjk men as dads (gojo, nanami, geto, choso)
♡♥︎- Kevin honkai impact, sfw and nsfw hcs
Moriarty the patriot
♡-William fluff hcs
Bungo stray dogs
✤-Tell tale heart (poe x reader)
♡-soft akutagawa hcs
♥︎-riding akutagawa
♡-valentines day chuuya
♡-"You hand in mine" akutagawa x reader
Demon slayer
♡-Main trio Reckless s/o
♥︎-praise obanai
♥︎-blindfold (giyuu x reader)
Obey me!
♥︎-shower sex (levi x reader)
♥︎-chokeing (belphegor x reader)
♡belphies fashion show pt1
♥︎belphies fashion show pt2
♡-NRVWX Satan wedding alphabet
♥︎- reader in heat (belphie x reader)
♡- you propose (brothers x reader)
♥︎- wedding night (brothers x reader)
♡♥︎-making out with belphegor
♡-tummy kisses from the brothers+dia
♡-beel cuddleing his +sized s/o
♡-Levi x reader who is a VA
Black butler
♥︎-body worship (snake x reader)
✤♡- traumatised s/o (Sebastian, Undertaker)
♡- snake hcs (snake x reader)
♡-grell jumpy touch-starved s/o
♡- jumpy touch-starved s/o (Sebastian, Undertaker, snake, triplets)
♥︎-snake NSFW alphabet a-z
♡-snake wedding aplphabet CDEHKMNOQTUVXY
Death note
♥︎- food play (L x reader)
♡♥︎- valentines day L
My Hero Academia
♥︎-overstim (shigaraki x reader)
Call of duty
♡✤- his ugly Orange hair (konig x ftm reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Ghost x trans! Reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Gaz x trans! Reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Soap x Trans! Reader)
♡- ghost valentines day
Dr. Stone
♡✤- comfort fic (ryusei x reader)
♥︎- blunt confessions (senku ryusei tsukasa)
♡-Senku, gen, ukyo shy S/o
Honkai : Star rail
♥︎-HSR men and manhandling (argenti, Boothill, ratio, king Yuan)
♡-"makes you look stupid" (ratio x reader)
♡-ratio x cheeky m!professor
Chainsaw man
♡-Denjis bi panic (Denji x male reader)
Boulders gate 3
♡-Wyll, Astarion, karlach, Gale x plus sized/chubby reader
Wuthering waves
♥︎-Wuwa manhandling (geshu Lin, jiyan, calcharo)
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spookykittenwrites · 2 years
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
not technically tagged but @ithinkthiswasabadidea said anyone who saw it could do it and I felt like it. Also see their post here!
List (nearly all COD bc I'm only including things I have plans to finish): (yes these are the actual file titles lmao, I've included all open/unfinished files)
(fuck me) Ghostsoap Locked Tomb shit
D&D au planning
early modern au arranged marriage
Ghosthunters au Ghostsoap
Ghostsoap plot bunnies (Im Mad About This Fae)
Lyktors TLT AU Ghostsoap
Pagan Ghost AU
Rideau Redeux
Smoke and Mirrors (Long Game, Longer Revenge)
Something to Prove sequel
the big polycule and preg one (ghostsoap main)
To Feel Your Heat and Know You Live
Turn Your Haunted House into a Haunted Home With This One Fucked Up Trick
wow au
gazprice cabin fever
t4t GS and Konig idea
yes I don't title most of my shit until I post it but in my defense I have a million bajillion documents and if I didn't give them clear and descriptive titles I would fucking forget what is what lmao. Just bc it's on here does not necessarily mean I will finish it ever but I promise I'm trying to do them eventually lol.
Uhhh feel free to ask about them if you want??
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maelstrom007 · 1 year
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hewwo i would like to thankyou for asking and giving ideas and theories about fae!ghost and fae!könig those give me life
You are so welcome!!!! Theorizing and bugging @ghouljams about new fae!au ideas has been such a blast it's now my new favorite pastime.
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