#fan fiction friday
fellshish · 11 months
for fanfiction friday i’m nominating too wise to woo peacefully (sorry can’t hyperlink on anon: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49373326/chapters/124593409) fairly popular but for good reason. nearly made me cry. lots of chapters but really well paced to make up for it, it goes quick
Thanks for the rec! (Clickable link)
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okayohay · 2 years
Fan Fiction Friday on a Saturday
There are more flashback scenes in TOLBINY that come up every few chapters. Some of these predate the band’s breakup. There’s a little more info on the dynamic between Van and Bondy and when things turned south between them, and Larry is brought into it briefly as well.
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tom-whore-dleston · 8 months
Side Effects of Soldier Boy
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x f. reader
Word Count: 391
This fic contains: smut, literally PWP, drug use, unprotected sex, dirty talk, swearing, degradation, Soldier Boy doesn't pull out
Summary: Soldier Boy tries to keep you quiet during sex.
Notes: Wake up babes, Jordan discovered a new hottie to write about lmaoo Anyways, I know Soldier Boy is a walking red flag but unfortunately, I see the world through rose colored glasses hadshghsdl This is another submission for @flashfictionfridayofficial's prompt no. 239: Seal it Tight. Lowkey, I've been on a role with these quick fics, I don't want it to stop.
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Sex with Soldier Boy was addicting. You would say it was more addicting than the cocaine that coursed your system. The blow was essentially the gateway drug to Ben.
The side effects: uncontrolled moans and orgasms that made your soul leave your body.
The two of you found yourselves in a rundown motel room, where Ben plowed you into the mattress at superhuman speed. His strong hand clasped over your mouth, in hopes to seal your cries of pleasure from the outside world. Considering how cocky of a bastard he is, it was bold of him to assume that simply covering your mouth would keep you quiet.
“Mmm, baby, those moans are so pretty, but so loud.” The supe grunted through clenched teeth. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Ben’s pulsing cock stretched your walls. You gushed around him, causing each thrust to echo through the dainty room.
“God damn, even this pussy is loud,” Soldier Boy chuckled, making you throb. “Think you want the neighbors to hear me fuck the shit out of you, huh?” 
His dirty talk was no help to hushing your moans. Yet, it did push you closer to that sweet release you craved. With Ben being the instigator he is, he knew damn well what he was doing. 
The pit in your stomach was growing and it was only a matter of time before it exploded. You pumped your hips up to meet his and he took this as a signal to deepen his strokes until his balls slapped your ass. You were one step away from the edge when Ben removed his hand from your mouth to throw both of your legs over his shoulders.
“Fuck it, let the neighbors hear you. Let ‘em know how much of a slut you are for me.”
That euphoric bliss finally washed over you like a crisp ocean wave. You could have drowned under the wave but a kiss from Ben brought you back to shore. The handsome supe slammed into you one last time before filling you with his seed. He crashed onto the empty side of the bed, fingers lazily tangling between yours. The two of you laid there, staring at the cracked ceiling while catching your breaths. Just as you were coming down your high, you already itched for another hit.
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Navigation | Fanfic Masterlist | Soldier Boy Masterlist
header credit: @saradika | divider credit: @firefly-in-darkness
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spirited-splashes · 1 month
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“That’s mathematically feasible! I reckon” *southern spit*
Alright uh: I traced the gravity falls screenshot but colored it in my style (and ofcourse, I didn’t draw the eyes) to see how’d it look together and it came out pretty good (screenshot below)
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“Villains wiki”
What a horrifying man he’s going to invent a robot that plays the banjo 24/7 but makes sure it’s just slightly off key but nobody can complain because it’s still cool so I’ll just be mildly annoyed all the time
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romanreignsbae · 2 months
Forbidden Desires - Chapter 1
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Y/n was always what everyone considered blessed. Now, being the assistant for the tribal chief had it’s perks. For starters, you rode around in his luxurious bus, that only few people were allowed on.
You also, were granted with being able to fly on private jets to get from place to place, as well as exquisite hotel rooms booked and paid for.
Especially your schedule. Roman Reigns wasn't showing up to every pay per view. Not even every Friday night SmackDown. He made appearances when he felt like it. So you were usually home, that didn't mean you were off work, you had other things to handle.
Many people wanted to be you, or at least wanted your job. While these people we’re wanting your job and status, you were wanting the man you worked for, your boss, none other then Roman Reigns.
You’d been working for him for almost 4 years now. Ever since he pursued his heel character, you’d been hired as his assistant. Being his assistant wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought. You thought he’d order you around to do his dirty work, but working for him was nicer then excepted.
All you really did was keep track of his hectic schedule, pack his luggage for him, and follow him around during meetings and travels...even taking care of something he claimed to be more important then work. And not to mention the money was a plus. He paid you better then you deserved, you swore it was favouritism, for obvious reasons.
Over the years you worked for him, you two created a special bond. Yes, he was your boss. But, he was also your friend. You two would often spend time together even during non work related times. You could find the both of you at a bar together. Or having movie nights in each other’s hotel rooms. You loved it. And maybe loved him..
The only problem in your way was the age gap you two shared. You were in your early twenties whereas Roman was on the verge of 40. The age gap wasn’t even a big deal to you. But, if others found out you’d grown feelings for your boss. All hell would break loose. See, Roman, is extraordinarily popular with females.
Like seriously, he has some die hard female fans. Most around your age. If anyone found out about this little crush you’d developed..well..you’d for starters be fired, and your reputation would be completely destroyed.
So here you are, sitting in the tribal chief’s private jet, waiting to land in Las Vegas. “Alright, only about a hour to go” a familiar deep voice spoke. You looked up to see Roman sitting comfortably in his seat, staring intently at you. “Yeah..” you mumbled.
“Whats up with you? You been like this all flight, completely out of it. What’s wrong are you sick? Do you have a fever? The flu? Is- nevermind..” Roman spoke worried. “No no, im good” you spoke as reassuringly as you could. He looked at you skeptically before closing his Macbook and making his way to sit beside you.
He sat beside you and looked at you for a few seconds before speaking up. “What’s planned for today?” he asked you. You quickly opened your Ipad before checking his schedule. “Well..today your free, tomorrow you have a meeting in the afternoon, its a long one” you told him.
“Damn, I hate the long meetings” he spoke with a smile. “They are the worst” you agreed grinning. “Anyways, since i’m free today, why don’t you and I head out, go do something fun together, away from work..you know after we get settled in..” he spoke almost nervously.
You were surprised to say the least. You didn’t think he would wanna spend his free day with you. “Yeah sure. What do you wanna do?” you asked him while trying to hide your growing smile. “Anything you want. Actually you know what? Lemme take you shopping, Las Vegas is known for their malls” he requested with a wink. Your cheeks started heating up.
“Sure” you spoke softly. He smiled at you before striking up new conversation about some investors looking to partner with WWE. It kept yourself distracted from the mess in your mind. Before you knew it, you landed in Las Vegas, and your uber was here to take you and Roman to the hotel.
Once you arrived to your hotel, you and Roman headed to the front desk to get the keys to your rooms.
“I’m sorry sir but, only one room has been booked-” the hotel worker spoke.
“That cant be! You don’t understand, I called yesterday booking two rooms!” Roman spoke roughly at the worker. Your feelings were hurt to say the least. You didn’t think he’d be this avoidant at sharing a room with you, especially after the favor you did him. You instantly felt your heart swelling and tears coming to your eyes.
You refused to cry over this so you grabbed Roman’s arm. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom, i’ll be right back” you spoke softly. Roman slightly nodded his head before going back to barking at the hotel employee.
You took as long as you could trying to get yourself together in the bathroom. You had just arrived is Les Vegas and he was already making you feel like shit. You didn’t even understand what the problem was. Well, deep down you did...you knew he didn't wanna make the same mistake.
You made your way back to the lobby to see a more calm and quiet Roman standing by the elevators.
“So Y/n..they are all booked and it looks like me and you are roommates for the next few nights” he told me. “I’m really sorry..” he added ashamed.
Your eyes widened. Why was he sorry? He didn’t even do anything. Well apart side from almost making you cry, but thats besides the point.
“Roman..why are you sorry? It’s just a room..no biggie” you spoke, plus it's not like you haven't shared one before.
“Because well, I don’t want you to feel like i’m taking advantage of you..and I don’t wanna make things awkward and weird between us..” he went on nervously.
You both knew he was lying straight through his teeth. That wasn't the real reason.
You took his words in before responding. You reached out and touched his arm reassuringly. “Ro, that’s okay, seriously I don’t mind.” you let him know. You'd be careful this time. He smiled at you almost gratefully knowing you understood.
The hotel room the two of you would be sharing was nothing less then absolutely luxurious. But you weren't surprised, the tribal chief always needed the best.
After the two of you settled into your hotel room, Roman called for an Uber to take you two to the mall. Inside the uber Roman and you made small talk back and forth but no one could deny the elephant in the room.
A little secret the two of you shared was up in the air. Something no one could know about...otherwise everything would be ruined. He warned you, if anyone found out what the two of you shared, it was over.
Everything was.
That was the first chapter of forbidden desires that I've been putting off. I have a lot more sitting in my drafts for you guys that'll be out soon. Also what do you think the little secret is? Let me know what you think of this chapter.
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purplelupins · 6 months
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|Midnight Mass|
Father John Pruitt/Father Paul Hill x Fem!
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
Word count: 13.5K
Summery: An entire life of being a good girl was a difficult cross to carry...especially in a tiny town with 127 residents on a good day. You kept the town fed and spirits as high as you could, but when a new face steps off the afternoon Breeze, things around you start to change; you don't even know you're in the eye of the storm.
Warnings: nsfw, reader is religious, religious symbolism, ideology, explanations and general conversations of religion, age gap (like this man is 80 technically and he watched reader grow up, and can remember reader as a little girl so if that’s creepy to you then go no further), stalking, manipulation, murder (hello have you seen the show?), drinking of blood, hunting of a person, grief, description of animal death, reader is described as blushing, character death, non consensual help showering, guilt and god maybe more but I think that’s it…this is not really a fix it fic
I invite you to listen to the playlist I made that goes along with the story.
Notes: **please read** This story is told partially from John Pruitt's pov and partially from readers, as such, when it's John's (Paul) it will refer to him as John, seeing as he had no need for the alias when it's from his pov. But when it's from readers, she will be referring to him as Paul Hill. Thank you!
Crude oil is destructive to say the least. It is thick, and cloying; dense and dark and it holds no mercy for anything it touches. It kills and pollutes and fuses itself to anything it touches like some dependant parasitic bond. Not that it knows any better.
At one time, Crockett Island was a home off the Eastern coast to close to 500 residences. There was a harmony and calmness to that time; back when the island had summer visitors, and talks of an airport, and no one had to worry about how to pay for their groceries or if they could afford to pay for house repairs after a bad storm. Back when people were alive and helped eachother and laughed.
As the Breeze approached the marina of Crockett Island, there was a passenger who stood outside, leaning against the railing as he remembered Crockett when it was a secret haven. Then that horrible accident…Now, it was more akin to a shelter to the last 127 souls who remained. The brisk maritime wind tousled his black curled hair and flickered into his eyes.
Not that he minded too terribly- he didn't mind much of anything.
John Pruitt sucked in a full breath of the sea air- something he hadnt been able to do in decades when his old self's lungs had began to weaken. It nearly brought tears to his eyes to have been blessed with this second chance as he took in the mass of land before him. His home. His duty. John knew what he had to do. A needle of anxiety poked at him as he hoped his large cargo was still safe in the hold of the small ferry. Of course it was, but he couldnt help but worry until it was safely tucked away in the rectory.
His gift.
“I’m here to help…just here to help…” He repeated in his head.
The ferry lurched as it docked, though his sturdy frame barely flinched. John blinked, and adjusted his satchel one last time before coming to the off-boarding ramp. He slowly and shyly looked at the other passengers, and had to press his tongue to his teeth to keep from acknowledging a familiar face that stood only a few feet from him.
Riley Flynn.
It had been years since he had seen that face, and he felt a swell of happiness at the prospect of having another addition to his flock to receive this gift he so eagerly wished to bestow upon them. He could hardly wait to see each face and see them properly with his rejuvinated sight. See how they’ve grown and aged. He couldn’t wait to help them.
John stood off to the side after exiting the boat as he waited for his trunk.
"Whatcha waitin' for?" Came a gruff voice that John knew well.
He turned to see the island handyman, Sturge, and a small smile pulled at his cupids bow, "My trunk…should be the largest thing on there I’m afraid." John said.
Sturge huffed a little, but nodded, "Yeah its comin', you need a hand gettin' it to where your goin' we got a..." The man droned on about helping the man transport his precious cargo, but unfortunately John had inadvertently tuned him out after something had caught his eye; someone to be precise.
It was the shrill chime of a bicycle bell that had initially drawn his attention, though now he was entranced by the young woman riding the very bike that had made it.
The same wind that had combed through his own hair was now blowing yours back as you came to a stop by the small marine building for the fishermen; a large parcel was fastened to the back of your bike. In fact you were so engrossed in calling to the fishermen on the dock, while unfastening the goods from your bike that you didn’t notice the supposed stranger with his brown eyes glued to you. Staring at how the men approached you and tried to sneak a look at what you brought for them; of course he also was not blind to the evident leers you recieved from the same men. Men he knew were married and had children who he had baptised over the years.
Yet here he was practially on their same level as he watched you; transfixed by the way your hair would get caught in the breeze, and how your cheeks were a lovely pink from the cold. how you had a certain incandescence to you that brought up the spirits of the worn down fishermen.
In John's old age, he hadn't been able to see you properly since you were born; cataracts and dementia coupled with a few other ailments made you into a foggy memory for him, even now. But he knew you. He knew you had been a lovely little girl, and had decided to remain on the island and open a small bakery; John could recall Bev mentioning it a few times that you made food for the Crockpot luck each year. He remembered thanking you...not that he could properly appreciate your gift. You were a familiar face to St. Patrick’s, too.
It was only now that he could recall baptising you some twenty years ago when he had just broached 60 years...and he could see what a stellar young woman you had grown into.
John had mumbled something to Sturge about only needing help to get out of the marina, and his hand gripped the top of his bag absentmindedly as his eyes flickered over you handing out pastries and sweet treats to the men.
You smiled so brightly that it truly must have been one of the many gifts you were given in life from God. Your calling to brighten up the cloudy days of Crockett island.
A patch of sunlight.
As John pulled the crate up the stairs to the rectory and pushed it across the floor, the solitude finally let him start to think. He knocked on the trunk twice, and slumped against the side as his mind began to wander. John Pruitt had been a priest for well over 60 years; he had seen and heard and dealt with just about every scandal, thought, sin, doubt and joy you could think of. Which was why he knew that there was a divine reason behind your delivery to the fishermen coinciding with his arrival.
It was no random coincidence that your face was among the first he saw upon returning. God’s plan was at work, and John felt anticipation fill him at the thought.
You were a good girl, just like your parents raised you to be, and it wasn’t as if you had a reason not to be. You had made a comfortable life after your family had either left or passed. Moving was expensive and you liked the quiet. It was a simple life and an easy one. Habitual and concise.
You went to church on Sundays and attended daily mass with Leeza. She loved your cinnamon rolls, and you liked to sneak a few into her bag. John remembered noticing that after daily mass one day. It made his chest swell with what he told himself was pride and admiration; not pining and adoration. It excited him to see someone so full of life, even if it was quietly. But that excitement was a double edged sword, after all it too made the Father dread it when he felt it in him. That excitement would settle low in his stomach and make him lose his train of thought.
A test. It was all a test.
The first time you saw the man was when you were leaving the dock that morning. It was strange to see a new face on Crockett, let alone a handsome one at that. You had wished you were heading in his direction so as to give him a welcome; he had such a large trunk with him that you wished you could have given him a hand too. But alas you were needed in the opposite way back down Main Street.
You petalled down the road, and dropped off a few more deliveries down the island to the elders who couldn’t venture too far. Your routine every other day from 10:30 in the morning for an hour.
John knew that too. He remembered feeling someone cycle past him with a soft greeting everytime he visited town after mass. Everything was starting to click back into place as his memory was replenished.
You finished your route, and hopped off your bike as you came to the little bundle of shops in town.
You knew Monsignor Pruitt was returning the next day, and you found yourself hopeful that he hadnt exhausted himself…you were also excited for Bev to calm down after weeks of her relentless, poor moods…and that was saying something for a woman who already lacked a pleasant temperament. The Monsignor always seemed to calm her…perhaps it was that she was able to abuse his position for herself-
You took a deep breath to calm yourself as your temper flared at the thought.
The following day, Saturday, was your day to yourself. Your little shop remained closed until Sunday afternoon, and your appreciation for the downtime was great. You took extra time for yourself, and sat down to read that book that you had promised to read last year; tried a new recipe for dinner and baked yourself a fresh batch of cookies. It wasn’t terribly interesting, but it was easy, and you liked that.
As you brushed your hair out for sleep, your thoughts wandered to that strange face you had seen exit the Breeze the day previous. You wondered if he was visiting someone or if he was some kind of inspector for the island…so little happened on Crockett that new faces were so obvious. You were surprised no one had mentioned him during your day at the shop.
You shrugged it off.
It wasn’t your business.
The rosary you clutched as you prayed beside your bed dug into your skin as you squeezed it unconsciously. Some nights your worship came with difficulty…you mind wandered and you wondered if you were doing the right thing…praying to the right god. Not that you would tell anyone that.
You didn’t sleep well that night. Somehow you repeatedly awoke every few hours to a deep sinking in your gut and prickle up your neck that kept you from returning to sleep. The restlessness had you surrendering just before dawn, and you wrapped a thick blanket around yourself as you sat in front of your window that just peaked over the water. Your bleary gaze was heavy, though you felt yourself sober when you swore you saw a dark figure move into the thick bushes. You jumped, and felt your blood freeze, but when you leaned a little closer to look out, there was nothing but the gentle sway of the trees in the wind. It was so easy to dismiss what you had seen as simply your tired mind playing tricks on you.
You rubbed the heels on your hands into your eyes, and sighed as you stood.
Coffee. A coffee was needed.
The dirt road was muddy with the approaching storm that would be on the horizon in a few days. You hoped this one wouldn’t be too damaging.
You followed behind Leeza with Dolly, and told them what you had baked that morning for your shop, while Erin and Wade listened; enjoying how the air smelled of petrichor and pine. There was a comfortable chatter amongst everyone as they grew happy to welcome their Monsignor back to Crockett.
You sat yourself in the middle, in the same seat you always took. After months of Father Pruitt being gone, you routine was beginning to settle again.
The small organ began playing, and you stood to start singing with everyone else, but then as the alter boys passed you and you watched them, there was an unfamiliar voice behind them. You slowed your singing as you were once again distracted; sure enough, there was a much younger man who passed down the aisle in a gold chasuble and his hands held in prayer.
That same man from the dock.
You felt confusion fill you, and evidently you weren’t the only one as the churchgoers exchanged confused glances with eachother. You looked over at Wade, hoping he might look a little less confused as the mayor, but he mirrored every other face.
Knowing you weren’t getting any answers from your peers, you directed your attention to the pulpit as the stranger walked up to it.
“Good morning,” the man began, “I know I’m not who you expected to see this morning. I’m Father Paul Hill, and I was sent by the diocese to fill in for Monsignor Pruitt. Just know that I’m only here to help, and I look forward to meeting you all.”
You blinked in surprise at his explanation, thought you supposed it wasn’t entirely strange- just unexpected. Had something happened? You remembered how so many islanders had advised the Father not to make the journey, and now you were wondering if you all should have insisted harder.
The man looked a little nervous, but hopeful as he looked around to his new flock. But as his gaze passed over yours, you noted it paused for a moment. You smiled a little a him in hopes that it might make him feel a little welcome, and you briefly wondered if he recognized you from the marina.
There was a lilt to his strong, low voice that made you listen. He was compelling and direct; certainly not what you were used to with Monsignor Pruitt. He had always been a wonderful preacher, but for the last decade, he had grown slow and drawling.
You remembered your mother saying something about “It’s not about the sermon or who’s giving it, it’s just about being reminded of god and our mortality in this life.” And while you had always agreed with the sentiment, there was something about being invigorated while at church that was making your fingertips tingle.
You could already tell that Father Hill was appreciated amongst the churchgoers. There was a softness in their weathered faces as he spoke, like he was indeed connecting them to God.
As everyone filed in for the sacrament, you fell in line and felt your palms start to sweat. A part of you was thankful that Bev was there to provide the wine and your…replacement; you didn’t want to have to stop the church proceedings just to explain why you couldn’t drink the wine.
The discovery of your ethanol allergy had come as a distressful lesson when you had first drank the sacrament as a child. You still remembered what a fuss everyone made and how you had been rushed to Dr.Gunning who had only graduated from medical school recently. From then on your Monsignor had been very understanding and blessed your separate cup of grape juice every mass from then on.
When you accepted the wafer, and accepted the smaller cup from Bev, you noted in the back of your mind that the priest before you looked a little shaken as you drank. You paid it no mind- he was new and he likely had his quirks.
But it was no quirk. The Father felt his shoulders sink, and blood drain from his face as he watched Bev hand you that cup. He felt his idiocy fill him, then the subsequent dread and horror that followed his realisation.
You couldn’t drink the communion wine.
You never had.
A flash of the first day you tried it made his head hurt as he recalled how distraught your mother was upon learning what had happened. He tried to push the worried expression on his young face away but he was sure it was now more of a grimace.
You couldn’t accept the gift.
Panic clouded Johns mind as he continued to give the sacrament to each of the islanders. The devil on his shoulder proposed that it simply wasn’t your fate to be given the gift. But John had learned to ignore that horned heathen well, and he knew he must do something to guide you with the rest of his flock.
No lamb left behind.
As you filed out to leave, you walked behind Annie Flynn and her son Riley.
He had left years ago when you were still in your mid teens, and he didn’t exactly leave a lasting impression on a teenager. They stopped for a moment to speak with the new father, and while you wanted to say hello to the pastor, you hated to linger and get in people’s way; you knew you would see the Father again, and so you went to skirt around Annie, but as fate would have it, their conversation ended quickly, and the older woman took you by the arm as her son left.
“This is the beating heart of Crockett herself!” She beamed at you while you stood there suddenly locked in conversation with the young priest.
Annie had always appreciated your positive attitude and good nature. You found yourself always trying to cheer her up on her worst days while she worried herself sick about her husband and her son on the mainland. She was a mother through and through, and you often held her as a place-holder for your own flesh and blood since you saw your family only a couple times a year since they moved away.
And Annie seemed content with that. She had always wanted a daughter. The way she gushed about you then to the Father and introduced you had you trying to brush off the praise with a few failed “Oh no I-“ and “I’m not-“ and so forth. Your flushed cheeks had another agenda entirely however when you finally looked up at the Fathers gaze.
It was those soft brown eyes of his that struck you first. So focused and yet so…sad. Like he might cry at any moment. You wondered if his eyes stung.
He was handsome in a weathered, timid sort of way; couldn’t have been more than mid forties. He looked as if he had seen years of life beyond his age. Perhaps years of absolving sins had taken a toll.
“She is our baker here on Crockett…helps liven up the plain variety of food we have.” She half joked, thought it was mostly truth. Crockett was a place of bread and butter- basics. So a treat of some kind was greatly appreciated, and you were happy to deliver just that.
“Ah yes…the Monsignor mentioned his love for your pastries.” He smiled genuinely and nodded as if recalling being told, “I’ll be sure to stop by.”
There was a boyishness to him that endearing enough to settle your nerves.
Your eyes widened in surprise, “He did?” You asked.
You were certain Pruitt wouldn’t be able to recall something so insignificant in his declining health and old age. It had only been a few years that you had been running the shop, and you knew he hadn’t been fully coherent long before that. A poetic connection between him and Crockett Island you supposed.
Father Paul seemed delighted by your shock though, and the crows feet around his eyes deepened, “Yes he was quite adamant I assure you. I believe you’re also a regular face I will be seeing and that it may just be you and Leeza at times.” He added.
You clasped your hands in front of you to keep from fidgeting.
“I- well I try to be.” You looked away timidly, and shuffled your feet as Annie smiled at you. You weren’t used to someone being so passionate about small things- let alone a man.
“Oh she’s just modest.” The older woman said.
Father Paul chuckled, “Modesty is a virtue. Now, I noticed you weren’t able to drink the sacramental wine, is there something I should know?” He seemed so curious and invested.
You nodded, “I’m afraid I’m allergic to something in wine- ethanol. I’ve always been given plain grape juice instead…the Monsignor was always kind enough to have it ready. I hope that won’t be a problem-“
Father Paul shook his head as he rushed to put your mind at ease.
“-no no not- not in the least I assure you. Your presence and dedication is more than enough…you still receive the lords blessing even if it is from a sweeter drink.” He mused.
“Thank you, Father.” You replied and looked down again so as to hide the warming of your cheeks again.
Annie smiled and hugged you, “Well then, not to cut this short, Father but I’m starting my shift in a half hour. I’ll see you then?” She asked you.
You nodded, “Sure will. I’ll make us some coffee. I’m sure the sheriff could use some too.” You called after her as she walked away and bid the father farewell. Leaving the two of you to stand together. You turned back to Father Hill as he towered over you, and fought to find something to say as your nerves kicked in. You were usually good at finding conversation but you felt like you were a kid being forced to talk to some family member your mom insisted you knew.
You took a deep breath. “It was-“
“I hope-“
You both spoke over each other, and both looked at one another apologetically. You shook your head and smiled a little to ease his embarrassment, “Please you first, Father Hill.”
He looked at you for a moment for confirmation to ensure that he wasn’t being rude then he began again, “I was only going to say that I hope to see you here again…it’s enlightening to see a youthful face in a church.” He grinned- a curl of his dark hair falling over his forehead as he looked down at you.
You returned his grin, though yours was a little forced in comparison.
Attending church was a routine ingrained in you since childhood, and now it was just something expected of you. You knew the day you didn’t attend would make the talk of the town and you were never in the mood for Beverly to come knocking on your door to berate you.
You could still remember a couple years ago when you were sick and she brought you a batch of soup for you to help…the offer had been kind enough, but the soup itself had made you want to curl into a ball and chew on a dead seagull.
“I assure you.” You echoed his words from earlier, and he smiled. “I’ll see you soon. Enjoy the rest of your day, Father.” You said, and slowly stepped past him.
He turned his body to follow you. John told himself it was manners to speak to someone with your whole attention, and while that was true, he simply needed one last proper look at you before you left.
“Likewise, y/n.” He called to you as you walked down the steps. Out of your peripheral, you could see Bev still bending by the ear of one of the community members, and you made quick work of sending her a tight smile then hurrying along the path to the road. She returned the forced expression; not that she knew you forced it. Practice makes perfect.
The hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end as you descended the hill from St. Patrick’s. There was something in the back of your mind that told you not to look behind you, but against your better judgement, you did just that. A pair of soft brown eyes were trained on you as you walked.
The Father’s stare startled you and made your stride stutter.
He was intense and direct. He wasn’t like most of the islanders, and he made you uneasy somehow, but regardless, you cast him a friendly wave, and continued on your way- but that same prickle on the back of your neck simply wouldn’t let go.
John watched you go until your head disappeared down onto the main road and out of sight. He felt his nerves pick up as he said his last goodbyes and returned inside the church. He sat amongst the pews and stared up at the four walls around him. The weight of the gift he was tasked to reveal was growing heavy. He wished so badly to bestow this marvel to every dedicated church goer, and he would.
To every single one except you.
Why you?
Certainly you were in some way special; that had been revealed to him when it had been your face for him to first see upon returning.
But if that were the case then surely your way to salvation should be easier…yet here you were unable to accept it; all because of an allergy.
John sighed as he made up his mind to proceed as he did with the rest of his flock. He hoped you wouldn’t taste the blood in your juice tomorrow- if you did he would simply have to find another way for you to accept it.
No lamb left behind.
The walk into town that usually brought you so much peace now came with an impending sense of foreboding. You knew that nasty storm was nearly at your doors, but storms had never bothered you too much. No, there was something in the air that made you all too aware of your heartbeat, and your breath and how your skin felt. You barely paid attention to anything around you as your leisurely pace unconsciously changed into one of hurry.
It wasn’t until you had just passed by the general store, and didn’t respond to Hassan’s greeting that you snapped out of your trance.
“Y/n? Y/n you alright?” He called to you as you strode right past him.
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
“Sh-sheriff, I’m so sorry…” you stopped in your tracks and furrowed your brow as you fought to find an answer for your odd attitude, “I’m…I think I’m just a little out of it today.” You laughed.
The Sheriff glanced you over for a moment, then nodded slowly. “There’s a fresh pot inside.” He tipped his cup filled with black coffee to you. He was a nice man. Exhausted…mistreated, but caring.
You smiled and nodded, “I’ll come by in a few minutes. Thank you.” You hoped your smile would reassure him. You didn’t need to worry an already stressed father and someone you would consider a friend. An awkward older friend who needed a break but a friend nonetheless. “Want an eclair? Got a few extra that I made this morning.” You asked.
He shook his head gently, “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to give me my own form of insulation for winter.”
You gasped in faux shock, and shook your head, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
The pebbles and dirt crunched under your boots as you stepped up to the little entrance of your bakery beside the general store. As soon as you stepped inside, you suddenly felt a little safer…at ease. As if you had anything to be afraid of.
You suddenly felt very silly.
There had only been one change that day, and that was the charismatic Father Paul Hill.
Had you become so sheltered on that little island that you were afraid of a stranger coming into your community? Surely not.
No. You hadn’t felt fear in the man’s presence so who would you feel it now?
Stop it.
You closed your eyes and did your best to clear your mind of any ominous thought and any thought about the new Father.
Out of sight. Out of mind. Not your business.
You strode to the back of the shop and prepared your morning deliveries; it was always the same. It was easy. And you knew it was appreciated. Feeling important was a virtue in a small community that was run into the ground.
Making people feel cared for made you happy.
The day came and went just as it always did, but you couldn’t help but feel like the island had turned a little off its axis. Like something had just nudged it into a slight other direction. Your suspicions were only enforced and justified when almost every one of your regulars mentioned the new pastor to you as they selected their desired sweet or savoury treat from your display case.
“Such a striking young man.”
“Too modern.”
“Nothing like our dear Monsignor…but I can’t say I’ve stayed so engaged during a homily in years.”
“How long do you think he’ll stay?”
“Where do you think he came from?”
And so on.
You had hoped any mention of the man would remain in your own thoughts, but it was as if he had swept through the town like a stiff winter breeze.
By the time you sold your last cheese bun and lemon tart, and closed up shop, there was a very real wind that surged right down Main Street. The cool air pricked right through your thick tights under your skirt and made you made a mental note to dig out some warmer ones.
That storm was due that evening. It had been the talk of the town all day, right after the endless conversations of the invigorating preacher. Once you had gotten home, you felt it start to push up against your boarded windows. The wind howled, and the lights flickered as the sky darkened outside; you took that as a sure sign to light a few candles.
There was something ethereal in the light from a candle. So beautiful. If you caught the flames out of the corner of your eyes, sometimes it looked like they had little halos.
You smiled softly at the thought.
You never stayed up late on storm nights. In fact you slept earlier than usual. You knelt beside your bed and clasped your hands in prayer.
“Father, as I lie down for sleep tonight, wash over me with the warmth of Your love. In Your mercy, soothe my pain, whether in my body-“ you paused your recitation when that familiar prickle began its way up the back of your neck like it had for the past two days. You listened intently, but there was nothing but the wind.
“-mind or soul. Grant me a restful night of sleep so that when I awake, I'm strengthened to do Your will. Amen.” You decided against thinking too much of the unease, and settled under your blankets and closed your eyes.
You didn’t dream that night. In fact it felt as if you had merely shut your eyes for a moment before you were opening them again at the sound of your alarm.
The storm had blown itself out by the time you took your wooden shutters off your windows. There was a sliver of light coming over the horizon as you peered out at the water. You stared at it intently, and clenched your hand into an absentminded fist.
You tried the lightswitch in your kitchen, and praised the lord that it worked. You wondered if Sturge had been up even earlier than you to fix the power lines.
The outside of your house was a mess complete with a crab trap hanging off your fence. Nets, ropes, bushes, clothes, coolers, toys riddled the streets as you walked in the dim light to your shop. But then after only a few minutes, your nose picked up a smell. You were used to the strong smell of the ocean, especially after the storms, but this was different. You started towards the beach, and nearly gagged when you got closer. You had to cover your mouth once you stood on the sand.
From left to right, the beach was littered with the corpses of cats. You knew there were quite a lot on the island, and had seen the odd dead feline, but this was as if something had wiped out every cat and dumped them by the shore.
Anxiety filled you as you stared.
“Oh my-…”
You spun around to see Hassan standing beside you; uniform half buttoned and a bag over his shoulder that you knew had his lunch. The two of you exchanged looks of distress, and you visibly started to shake the longer you looked.
“What…what would…Hassan what-…” you looked up at the man, and he only shook his head. At a loss for words.
“Cmon. I’ll walk you in. Gotta…gotta call the mayor.” He wrapped an arm around your back to direct you away from the mess, “We’ll take care of it.”
You nodded and followed his lead away from the beach and into town, but you found yourself remembering that prickle up the back of your neck that night, and wondered if it had had anything to do with the slaughter. Was there some predator that had somehow made it onto the island without anyone knowing? Was someone going around killing cats? Had the solitude of Crockett Island finally made someone snap and rip every feline to shreds?
The call of your name cut through your thoughts.
You looked up and saw that you were ex standing outside your shop, and the poor man who had walked you there looked even more distressed at your quietness.
“Thank you…thanks Hassan…I’ll…let- let me know if you find anything out.” You said quietly but gave him a small smile of reassurance.
“I will. Take care okay?” He said, and you nodded, but he was already disappearing up the steps into the general store.
You nodded to yourself, and unlocked your shop and stood inside.
Then you took a deep breath.
And got to work.
By the time 8:30 came around, your nerves had calmed, and your nose was filled with a far more pleasant smell of muffins, and tarts and sourdough.
You brushed off your hands, and bundled up the deliveries for that day, then quickly locked the shop up and left for mass. As you walked, you found yourself ever so slightly reluctant. Nervous like your first day of school.
It wasn’t until you heard the sound of Leeza and Annie behind you that you snapped out of a daze that had settled over you.
“Good morning, dear!” Annie called to you as you stopped and waited for them.
“Morning. You all survived the storm just fine?” You asked politely and began walking with them.
“Oh we were fine. Just a breeze.” Annie said good-naturedly, “Sure was strange what with all those cats this morning though hey? Heard Dolly saying they’re still trying to work out what happened.” She said a little hushed.
You nodded, “I know…the Sheriff and I found them this morning…scared me half to death…”
“They’ll figure it out I’m sure.” Annie dismissed the conversation; you could tell she was worried. She always worried.
Not wanting that to be the last conversational subject between your little group, you changed the subject.
“Anything exciting happening at school today?” You asked Leeza.
She shook her head, “Nah…but I think we’re starting on this project that I’m excited about…” the girl began on a tangent regarding her science project. It was nice to listen to someone prattle on about something that would be insignificant in a few years…it was somehow refreshing. Somehow you felt like an older sister to Leeza, and having her confide in you so honestly about mundane things made your heart swell.
The three of you entered the church, and just as always, you sat in your usual spot in the middle, across from Leeza and Annie. And you waited.
“Our processional hymn this morning is number 400 in the red hymnal. “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Please rise. “ came the voice of Father Hill from the door of the church.
A shiver made you twitch, and you blamed a draft in the church. You stood just as you always did; not needing the hymnbook but still holding it out of habit.
You sang, and kept your eyes trained on the text as the Father passed, his hands pressed in prayer as he walked up to the pulpit and continued his routine. You could feel the heavy presence of Bev Keene permeating the air, and you subconsciously ground your teeth. You knew if she had her heart in the right place, she could be a magnetic, beloved member of any community.
But sadly she didn’t have a heart to have it in the right place to begin with. Soot and malice was what sat beneath that gold cross she wore.
“Before he was given up to death, a death he freely accepted, he took bread and gave you thanks…”
Your eyes glazed over at you listened to that voice of his. Not that you weren’t hearing his words, or the message behind them; you were paying attention. But just like being read a story by your mother at bedtime versus a babysitter you had only just met, there was a certain comfort to be found in the former. Yet somehow, where Father Hill ought to have been less comforting, he brought great solace to his homily. It felt as if he was the one you were so used to listening to. Somehow he had eased himself into the Monsignor’s shoes seamlessly and had begun to preach his own gospel that melded with the tone you had become accustomed to since childhood and lulled you into a safe haven of worship.
“…He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said…”
There was an effortlessness in his sermon. You wondered if he had started preaching very young.
With only 4 islanders in the church to worship, Father Hill stepped down from the pulpit and began offering the Body and blood of Christ to each. He saved you for last, you noticed, and for good reason as he retrieved your smaller cup and returned to you. You cupped your hands in front of you, and waited dutifully.
“Body of Christ, y/n.” Came that gentle voice of his like he cared deeply that you accept the blessing.
His long fingers graced the pads of yours so slightly as he placed the wafer on your fingers, and you failed to hide the hitch of your breath as you murmured “Amen.”
Then as he held your small cup for you to drink from, you failed to see how his gaze caught the sight of your pink tongue peaking out just over your teeth as you went to drink. John didn’t know why he noticed that; he supposed he noticed many small details now. Seeing your tongue now must have reminded him of any smaller animal with its mouth open- a small rabbit, a mouse, a cat, a-
A lamb.
The juice tasted strange that morning and somehow thicker than usual. You wondered if it was just in your head after being so shaken from the cats…
Annie took it upon herself to walk Leeza to school that morning, which left you to exit the church alone. On a day like that with the sun shining, you found coming out of the house of God almost ethereal. The light poured in through the single-paned windows and illuminated the dust particles that drifted so gently.
Once you stepped outside, the fresh air filled your lungs and you let yourself smile easily up at Father Paul as he stood patiently.
“Good morning, Father Hill.” You said, craning your neck to look up at the man.
“The beating heart herself!” He smiled, reiterating Annie’s analogy of you.
A good memory.
And a good sense of humour.
The warming of your cheeks was obvious , and John felt a little tug in his chest at the sight of it. Little flower pedals colouring your cheeks.
“She- I’m…”you tried to find a way to humble the dramatic compliment, but failed, “I hope you made it through the storm alright, Father. One hell of a welcome.” You said, trying to redirect the conversation, and to your mercy, Father Hill went along with it.
He nodded.
“It was quite nice actually. Being plunged into darkness almost feels like a renewal of some kind.” He said thoughtfully as his mouth seemed to threaten to tug into a smile.
“Quite sobering.” You agreed, “I’m glad it didn’t chase you off. Don’t know how many times I’ve seen someone buy a summer home here then flee the moment they have to endure a storm.” It was true. A little funny too.
The Father chuckled and nodded, “A fearsome thing to behold, but still a reminder of our creator…the power or lord holds, whipping storms against our rocks and shores just to knock on our doors and say hello. Almost reassuring.” He rambled a little.
You tilted your head, “That’s a very thoughtful way to look at it. Certainly more poetic than what you’ll hear from most of the locals.”
“And what would they say?” He shot back playfully.
You breathed out a laugh.
“One too many curse words for my liking, Father. And a couple confusing analogies.” You said.
Father Hill chuckled and somehow you half expected him to pat your head and tell you to run along. The Monsignor used to when you were a child so it wouldn’t be entirely foreign.
“Well we all have our ways of dealing with hardship-“
“Ah you’re still here, y/n!”
During your conversation you hadn’t noticed how the two of you had come to shift closer to one another; but when that cutting voice of Bev Keen startled you, you took an instinctive step away from the man with whom you had been speaking.
You forced a polite smile, “I am. Just asking how Father Paul made it through the storm-“
“The rectory has always been just fine.” She shot at you with a tight smile as if trying to end your time there quickly.
John could see your lips pull down so slightly into a tiny frown when Bev cut you off; he felt a flicker of irritation. Odd.
You recovered, acting like she didn’t mean any harm. “I’m sure it has. But just because a place is safe doesn’t remove fear. The Father here seemed to have handled it just fine though like you said… “In the storms, winds and waves, He whispers “fearnot” for I am with you.”.” You smiled up at the Father, and he returned it gently.
“Psalm 107:29…truer words could not exist for Crockett Island.” Father Paul said fondly to you; he had a way of speaking to those around him like there was a bubble around the two of you as you conversed. Like nothing else could take his attention from you.
You took in a breath and clasped your hands in front of you when you could feel the gaze of Bev scorching you, “Well thank you for a lovely service today Father, Bev…always a pleasure.” You said to both, but only made it several steps before Father Paul called after you.
“You’re always welcome here.” He said you name so gently. You noticed too that his tone was almost pleading…perhaps encouraging. Did he think you would stop your routine one day?
“I appreciate that Father Hill!” You smiled and waved as you turned to continue on your way; Paul’s lingering stare and Bevs look of distain following you as you went.
Your ear ached as a pull in you almost forced you to turn around and look back at St. Patrick’s again…but you didn’t. Somehow you felt it was in poor taste to do so. You had been startled by being watched once, and you were certain your nerves would not benefit from it again.
Instead, you hurried along, and made it down to the bakery quickly. You waved at a few locals who entered the general store and unlocked your door to grab your deliveries for that day. You always felt a pang of sadness when you looked at your list of houses and saw old customers crossed off; having passed or moved, but you supposed you ought to feel joyous for those who remained.
One by one you completed your deliveries. There were only 15 houses to visit, give or take a few from day to day. You treasured those houses.
You peddled up to one of the houses you frequented, and grabbed the order you needed. You almost bounced up the steps and knocked. It didn’t take long before the door was opening after the voice inside called that they were coming.
You were then met with a familiar face.
“Good to see you. Morning going alright?” Sarah Gunning was always a little direct, but kind. You supposed a good doctor ought to be both.
You nodded as you handed her the two loaves of bread and bundle of fruit cakes. “Not too bad…was a little shaken by the…uh…the cats this morning but nothing a sunny day like today can’t fix!” You assured her. “How’s your mother?”
Sarah nodded, “I heard…smelled it too. She’s alright, thank you y/n.” She took the package from you and gave you a tight smile.
“Good…see you soon.” You chirped, and began backing down the steps.
You turned around and strode out the front yard, but sighed when you noticed one of the straps that kept your goods in place at the back of your bike was loose. You knelt down and retied it. You supposed everything on this island was falling apart just a little.
When you straightened, however, you gasped and nearly toppled over. “F-Father Hill! I’m so sorry-“
The man stepped back a little.
“Im sorry I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” He put his hand up to show he meant no harm, face apologetic.
“No…no that was on me, I’ve been a little in my head lately.” You said, having a hard time meeting his gaze.
“We all can be a little distracted.” He said. A slightly awkward silence fell between you, but it was he who broke it. “You know the Gunnings well?” He asked, and nodded to the house behind you.
You followed his gaze and nodded, “Not terribly, but I remember seeing Mrs. Gunning in church when I was a kid…I just deliver to them now. Mrs.Gunning’s health hasn’t been the best for years and her daughter Sarah cares for her…I just try to help out where I can.” You smiled.
There was something nagging at you though. Something odd. Of course you hadn’t fully realized that this stranger already knew who lived there; you were so used to everyone knowing everyone.
You did notice how the man before you shifted when you mentioned Sarah’s mother. He seemed almost a little more compelled to listen.
“That- that’s kind of you.” He stumbled a little over his words, “Giving to those in need that’s very selfless…a trait that can be hard to come by though we all possess it.” Father Hill forced a smile that crinkled the sides of his eyes.
“We all have traits in us that we can chose to embrace or not. Good and bad, Father.”
His smile turned a little more genuine then. “Ah yes, the never ending duality of man.”
“ “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” John 3:20.” You quoted a little absentmindedly as you saw Beverly pass by on the main road. The distraction kept you from seeing how the man towering over you had his eyes go wide, and looked away for a moment.
You both stood there for a moment, then you ducked your head a little and pulled your bike towards yourself. “Well Father, I’ll leave you to it.”
Father Hill nodded, and pursed his lips ever so slightly, “Good to see you…”
You slowly walked past him and back to the road, but stopped when he muttered something that you wondered if he meant for you to hear.
“Thank you.” He said.
You looked back at him, brows pitched in confusion.
“For…taking- taking care of everyone.” He ended his sentence a little weakly, and you tilted your head a little to the side. An odd man.
“It’s my pleasure.” You decided on. It seemed to be what Father Hill wanted or needed to hear, and you both parted ways.
You paused at Main Street, and turned to look up at the Father as he ascended the stairs to the Gunning house. This time, it was his turn to glance back at you as you watched him. You waved and smiled, and didn’t wait for his response before you were pedalling away.
John had been standing just out of view of Sarah when he had said goodbye to Leeza, and saw you knock on Mildred’s front door. He stayed there, enjoying how much life you held inside you. Youthful and magnetic. Of course the ease in staring at you had nothing to do with the fact that your dress swayed around your legs and picked up so slightly in the wind.
He watched how startled you were by him when he approached you…so cautious yet so trusting. A lamb weary of wolves just looking for her Shepard.
I will be your Shepard sweet lamb…let me. Bend for me…for God.
Then that quote…oh you were no mere lost soul. No you were thoughtful. John felt excitement fill him at the thought of how you would benefit from his gift. He would be lying if he said you saying his true name didn’t startle him. A coincidence, of course.
Then when he turned back and saw you already watching him. Then that peak of your thigh when you hopped onto your bike…John was…
John was distracted.
An ideal lamb to guide yet so concerning. Not a blind lamb…no you were good. You were caring, and strong. Hopeful…hopeful like a man overboard who knew he had to weather swell after swell of water but kept treading water because he knew he was strong enough despite his muscles wanting to give out.
Instead of staying afloat like that man, John lost his breath.
Then he gasped in the salty sea water and breathed you in. Gulped you down his throat like a greedy boy to nourish his body and fill his lungs.
The next morning was thankfully an uneventful one.
Hassan and Wade had managed to get the dead cats cleaned up by the evening of the day before, and you weren’t sure when the last time was that you were so happy to have nothing happen.
Until that evening.
You were fairly proud of your abilities to make delicious confectioneries for Crockett island, and as you stared down your journal of recipes that sat in your lap, you pondered which to chose for the approaching Crock-potluck. You knew there would be a great deal of food already there, but you also knew that something freshly made for desert changed an atmosphere fast.
You were just looking through your various cookie and sweet bread recipes when a knock on your door made you jump. It was rare that you had visitors, especially at this hour. Certainly Erin had come by numerous times for slow walks around the island in the evening from time to time, and then Annie sometimes ran down to your house if she needed an ingredient…but somehow you felt that the person knocking was neither.
It was soft and timid.
You uncurled yourself from your nest of blankets on the couch, and strode to your door, then opened it with a pleasant smile on your face. It faltered only a little once you saw who was standing there.
“I- I uh…I’m sorry for this intrusion so late but I have a favour to ask of you if I may.” Came that low rumble of the man’s voice as he stood in the dim light of your porch.
You blinked, “What can I do for you Father?”
Father Hill shifted a little- an awkward smile on his face as he looked to the side as he stalled.
“This is my first uh- Crockett Po- crock-“ he stumbled a little and you smiled.
“Crock-potluck.” You corrected him.
He laughed a little, “Yes. And I wanted to have something to bring. Something my mother ingrained in me as a boy and well I was hoping if…if you could lend a helping hand so to speak.”
You bit at your cheek to keep from smiling too wide at his request. Here was this man likely twice your age, taller than most trees, fumbling with his words when he preached for a living. He was endearing.
“Well Father…it is getting late.” You started, and his face instantly turned to that of a kicked puppy.
His eyes softened, and the corners of his mouth tugged down so slightly.
“Oh- of- of course how silly-“
“-and I was going to make something for the potluck anyways…so having an extra pair of hands would be a godsend.” You finished.
John chuckled and stared you in the eye when your nose scrunched up so slightly at your tease.
Funny girl.
“Come in, please…make yourself at home.” You ushered him in. You were thankful that Bev didn’t live near you lest she see her dear Father Hill enter the home of a young woman alone.
Of course, John knew that you were indeed preparing to make something. Just like most islanders, you kept your drapes open even at night, and while he had just meant to take an evening stroll and check in on you- his dear lamb- John had found himself standing just outside your window watching you for well past a half hour. You flicked through that book of yours that John remembered seeing on your counter just two days ago when you had tested a recipe from it. You hadn’t seen him that night either. So domestic and sweet in your own space…
It was only when he snapped out of his trance-like state that he felt a little perverse in his current situation and told himself that he must have a reason for being there so long.
Thus the need to make something for the potluck.
John Pruitt had never made something for the potluck.
But he would not just leave your house that night after watching you through your window.
No. No he had a purpose for being there.
Of course he did. Why else would God have guided him there on his walk?
It wasn’t as if he was subconsciously drawn to your little home.
A moth to a flame.
You watched the older man remove his boots, and unzip his grey hoodie, and remove it to fold it neatly onto your couch. He looked so domestic and human.
“We’re going to make a cult classic, Father…I hope that’s alright. Safer for large numbers.” You explained as you flipped to your browned butter chocolate chip recipe. You slowly walked into your kitchen as you reviewed what you needed, and Father Hill trailed after you.
“This might take a couple hour- oh!” You started to say, but jumped when you turned around and bumped right into his chest.
He chuckled, “I think I might need a bell on me…I’m afraid I have a talent for startling people lately.”
You waved it off, “It’s just me…I’m just- I…” you sighed and looked up at the man as he waited patiently for your explanation, “Can I…can I be completely honest with you, Father Hill?” You asked a little timidly.
He nodded- open and calm, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You sucked in a breath, “You’re…well you’re a new presence here on the island…a welcomed one! But because you’re new…you startle a lot of us because we’re simply not…used to you. We’ll get there but in the time being…I think that’s why. I’m- we…we’re glad you’re here.” You stumbled and then when he smiled softly at you you suddenly worried that you had offended him, “I’m…I’m sorry I don’t think that came out right…”
“No no please…it makes perfect sense given how isolated the island is…I take no offence.” He said good-naturedly and waved his hand.
You sighed, and looked down, “Alright well…let’s get started. You might want to roll your sleeves up though it can get messy, Father.” You perked up as you changed the subject, and began to walk to your counter where you had already taken out a mixing bowl and, whisk and measuring cup.
“I am at your disposal, young lady.” Father Paul came to brace himself against the counter edge beside you, looking down at you thoughtfully.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks, but kept your head down enough for him to not see, “Can you get me the butter from the fridge? Should be on the door.” You asked, and pulled out a small saucepan.
He nodded, and retrieved the butter for you. As he looked for it, you glanced over at him, and found your eyes drawn to his exposed forearms from him rolling up his sleeves. You looked away almost instantly, embarrassed for having been looking at your priest like that.
“You know this is the first time I’ve done this. Gotta admit it’s a bit exciting.” He said as he popped the butter beside you on the counter proudly.
“Baking is always fun…especially when things turn out yummy.” You smiled and put two large cups of butter in the heated pan. It started to sizzle. “We brown the butter to give the cookies a sort of nutty flavour…makes it a little tastier even if they’re just chocolate chip cookies.” You explained. He watched over your shoulder, enrapt.
“Did you always want to do this?” He asked you.
You blinked, “The- the cookies-?”
“No.” He laughed, “No, being a baker.”
“Oh. Well…not exactly. I grew up here and when you grow up in Crockett you have a lot of time to think…sometimes too much. I guess I knew I would end up doing something here and when I got older I got into baking and in my spare time I got really good at it…took years but before I knew it I was graduating and had a pretty fortuitous hobby. It was actually Dr. Gunning who suggested it.”
“Sarah?” Came his voice behind you.
“Yeah, Sarah was in the general store when I was there to get some milk and we got to talking…I had made her mom a few loaves of bread that she used to like and Sarah said I should make something out of my skill. And here I am!” You laughed, and stirred the butter as it browned and thinned.
“Wonderful…” he said softly.
You nodded, “She’s a nice lady. You’ll get used to her- just a little direct. Think it comes with being a doctor.” There was a moment of silence between you; only filled with the bubbling of the butter, “Alright, can you go into the freezer and pull out the flour, and measure out 3 cups of it into the bowl there?” You asked the man behind you.
“I certainly can.” He confirmed.
“Oh! Can you get 4 eggs as well?” You asked quickly.
He hummed and looked through your fridge for what he needed, and placed everything by the bowl. The counter was so much lower for him that he almost had to hunker over with his height to work.
He looked so…normal. It was sweet. A little odd to see your pastor baking with you but it was nice. Somehow it made him feel more human than just a man who absolved your sins and blessed you every morning.
The two of you worked together, and you came to find that Father Hill was eager to learn. He was methodical and took his time to do things right. Listened. Before you knew it there was a massive bowl of cookie dough on the counter and your oven was full of baking sheets.
“Each sheet should only take about 15 minutes so this shouldn’t take more than another hour.” You said, “If- if you need to take off I can finish-“
“A good man does not abandon his task, not to worry.” His tone was stern but he was smiling. You returned it.
“Well…” you breathed as you looked around for something to do, “I can put some music on if you like? You’re welcome to look around.”
He nodded, and you went to find something to listen to, “This used to be my family’s house. I’m afraid I only have their old records…Hope that’s okay?”
“More than.” He called out to you as you went into the living room.
You flipped through a few envelopes, and settled on one from Jeff Buckley. It was mostly slow, and you could still talk if you wanted to. You set it up, and as the needle sat atop the vinyl, a calm song began.
“Who’s this little ray of sunshine?”
You turned and followed Father Paul’s voice. He was standing in front of a few picture frames hung on the wall that you kept from when your family lived there.
“That was me.” You laughed, “That was right before Easter I think…I was 5.” You said thoughtfully.
“You looked happy.” He smiled.
I was. You thought.
“I loved Easter. Mostly for the chocolate…” you both chuckled a little, “But…now it’s just the time of year that I like. Spring. Revival…blossoming of plants, birds chirping…everything just seems so much more alive. The world starts to hum with God’s greatness during Easter, I think.” You thought aloud, then looked up at Father Hill once you ended your musings.
He was already watching you; hanging onto every word.
He remembered how much you enjoyed Easter. “One more chocolate, Monsignor? Pleeease?” He could still hear that little voice.
“What do you think, Father?” You asked him.
“I have to agree.” He hummed. You noticed that his eyes were almost glassy-that same teary look you had noticed when you first met him. Like he may weep.
“I think Monsignor Pruitt was partial t-
You both jumped apart and looked behind you at the sound of your timer sounding.
Had it been 15 minutes already?
You both returned to the kitchen and you began removing the sheets of golden treats. “If you can put them on the cooling rack while I take them out that’ll help a lot, Father.” You smiled.
“They turned out so nicely.” He mused as he followed your orders, “I supposed I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you.”
You laughed a little, “It’s just trial and error until you figure out your best method.”
Modest girl.
John grinned at you from the corner of his eye while you placed the last hot sheet on the counter.
The two of you continued the routine until the last round was in the oven, and you were starting to feel more at ease with the man. Almost playful. He certainly was a young priest, and every bit a red blooded man; his humour was dry, and he smiled easily. His laugh was infectious, though you could tell he didn’t do it often. You supposed the church wasn’t exactly a place rich with humour.
The record had nearly finished after almost an hour of listening, and the two of you were leaning against the kitchen counter listening. You swayed gently to the music, but then perked up when a favourite of yours began to play.
“I love this song…” you muttered under your breath and turned your head in the direction of the living room.
John looked down at you in recognition of what you had said, but in the low light of your kitchen, and the softness in your face, he couldn’t help but be reminded of being young. Not just himself but the island. Back when the people who were not partners used to be children he had baptized. Back when there were dances in the old town hall that had since burned down decades ago.
You reminded him of…a better time.
An easier time.
You were so occupied in your little bubble, that it took you a moment to notice Father Paul coming in front of you with his hands out.
You looked down at his palms, then up at him, and he waited patiently. You slowly placed your hands in his, and he pulled you away from the counter and began to sway with you. So gentle, then he tentatively brought your hand up to his shoulder and he brought his other hand to your waist; guiding you through a little dance.
Neither of you said a word.
Not there was anything to say really.
Somehow the two of you just felt very…human.
Your neck hurt from looking up at his dark eyes, but you didn’t stop. He watched you just as closely as you moved slowly through the room in small circles.
“…You know I used to be alone before I knew you…and I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch, and love is not some victory march. It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah…”
The smell of baked cookies surrounded you, and you almost laughed at the absurdity of it all.
But in that moment, it didn’t feel absurd.
It felt like two kindred souls enjoying some shared time. Any obligations or expectations melted away as you felt the warmth from his hands meld into your tendons and heat your sinew. His fingers holding yours felt more akin to a cradle and his breath between you was like smelling your childhood.
Your heart ached.
Perhaps it was that no one had held you in years. Let alone danced with you.
Hugs and pats on the back were about the extent.
“…and it’s not a cry that you hear at night, it’s not someone whose seen the light, it’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah…”
The two of you slowed until you came to a standstill in the kitchen, simply standing less than a foot from eachother. When the timer dinged this time, neither of you jumped away. The sound certainly brought you down to Earth, but somehow you only found yourself staring up at the man. You weren’t altogether confused, though you were curious and a little nervous.
Why had he done that?
Why did you do that?
You had felt so comfortable…like this was an old friend of yours who you had just seen again after years apart.
John gazed down at you…his mind rich with turmoil and deep contemplation. When he had taken your hands in his, it had been as if God had moved through him.
Like God had told him to embrace the good of the past, and remember what he was working towards. To restore exactly that.
After a few breaths, Father Hill released your hand, and you both quietly walked to the oven.
The last batch now sat on the cooling racks, and you sighed.
“I’ll pack these up and bring them by the rectory before service tomorrow, Father.” You broke the silence.
Father hill nodded, “Thank you my girl.” He said softly.
You nodded and looked down at your hands, “Thank you for your company.” Then looked back up at the man before you.
He tilted his head to you as if to tell you that you were welcome or that it was his pleasure.
He slowly unrolled his sleeves, and you picked his sweater up for him from the living room.
You almost felt bad to watch him go. It might have been nice to talk to him for a few hours more.
He finished tying his boots and graciously took the sweater from you, and slipped it on over his collared shirt.
“Goodnight, y/n.” He murmured as he opened your door.
“Goodnight, Father.” You whispered back.
He stayed a moment longer, and smiled gently at you, then he was gone.
You stood in your doorway, watching him go, and as he left your sight, you found yourself returning to your senses. A wave of embarrassment chilled you when you realised what you had just done. Yet somehow you didn’t feel entirely guilty. It had felt as if some kind of blanket had enveloped the two of you just like when he conversed with his flock after mass- a bubble around you.
You packed the treats away after cooling, and silently went to sleep. You didn’t let yourself dwell.
“It’s great to see so many of you here today. But I do have to ask, why not every Sunday? Christmas, Easter, I get that. But there’s also always an uptick around the start of Lent. Why is that? What’s so special about today? Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent. It’s hardly a crowd-pleaser.The beginning of repentance, making amends for our sins. Sin. This darkness, this blackness that spilled into us. That darkness, we wear it on our forehead today. Just a smudge of it. Uh…A smudge of death, of ash, of sin for repentance. Because of where this is all actually heading, which is Easter. Rebirth, resurrection, eternal life. Life that rises again…” Father Paul stood before you at the pulpit, presence commanding as ever.
“Even out of blackness, love rises again. Even out of sin. And this island, it will rise again. Even out of disaster, rebirth, restoration, eternal life. Jesus sees you. Sees you, best of all, and he sees you true. Because, don’t forget, who did he seek out? Who did he turn to, to build his church?His apostles. Jesus’ first disciples, they were fishermen. One of his first miracles, right? The nets are empty, fishermen desperate. Jesus says, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch,” and when they pulled up those nets, a bounty of fish.” You could practically feel the worshipers buzz around you as their heart rates picked up, just like yours.
“He sees you. Oh, yes, he sees you, brothers and sisters, and he will resurrect this island, and he will again fill your nets. It’s great you’re here today, but please keep coming back. Those doors, they’re always open, as the gates are always open. You just bring yourself. God will do the rest. As Psalm 60 tells us, “God, You have rejected us, You have broken us down, You have been angry. Restore us again.” Do you know what psalms are? They’re songs.The word psalm from the Greek psalmoi. It means “music.” Songs of prayer. Songs of praise. That’s who we are. That’s who we must be. That’s what it means to have faith, that in the darkness, in the worst of it, in the absence of light and hope, we sing. “Restore us,” we sing to the sky. And He will, my friends. He will. That same hand that dealt you your hardship, that same hand will make you whole.”
A single tear fell from your eye. God works in mysterious ways, and you could almost feel God working through Father Hill that day. As if God truly was trying to tell you that he was there with you. And Father Hill spoke as if he knew something good was to come- as if God had shown him.
And you believed him.
As you stood, you could hear Annie trying to urge her son to accept the cross of ash, and you gave her a small reassuring smile when she filed in behind you.
“Y/n remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The preacher murmured to you. Your face was bright that day, happy. John suppressed a smile.
“Amen.” You said quietly, flicking your eyes up to his. He stared down at you steadily, calm as ever.
“Bless you my child.” His was was low and serene.
It was a peaceful stroll down to potluck. You watched as birds started to flit in the trees and chirp; bees starting to buzz, the gentle sound of the shore. Rebirth.
You checked behind you every so often as you walked in case you saw Father Hill; you had brought the cookies to the rectory that morning before service, and when you had offered to help carry the three large containers after, the Father had declined.
You had insisted.
But he insisted harder.
It was wonderful to see the islanders enjoy the little festival. Sharing with each other and laughing. It didn’t happen often. It was as if everyone pushed off their exhaustion just to enjoy that day. Problems could wait until the next day.
You made your way through the locals that you knew well, and stopped a little longer with some. Annie stood with Ed, and you noticed them smiling; perhaps it might seem like a strange thing to notice, but you knew all about Ed’s troubled back, and how their marriage was a little exhausted…it made your heart glow a little to see them happy. Most everyone seemed happier if you were honest, and it wasn’t just that day.
Your legs began to ache after a half hour, and you took to the edge of the festival to sit. You liked this. Watching everyone around you.
“Mind if I join you?” You looked up to see Father Hill walking over to you, a cup of juice in hand.
“Please do.” You scooted over to give him a little more room.
He sat with a soft grunt.
“You did your hair different.”
You turned to him. And your lips parted in surprise, “Wha-“
“I’m sorry- I noticed during communion. Just came to mind.” He said a little awkwardly though no less sweet.
Your mouth fell open a little, “I did. First day of lent…I like to do a little extra for it.” You rambled.
John smiled at you.
You looked pretty.
Not that he could say that.
But you did.
“The crockpot luck…I hear it’s a yearly staple for the island.” Father Hill said to you as you both looked out over the festival.
You nodded, “Sure is…”
John turned to you then; your tone was a little more reserved. Like you weren’t saying all you wished to.
“You’re not a fan of it?” He asked curiously.
You thought for a moment. “Can I be-“
“Honest?” He cut you off. Echoing your words from the night before.
You smiled, “Yes.”
“Please do.”
“I-… Lent is supposed to be a time of fasting and repentance and prayer…I just…it seems strange to have a festival on Ash Wednesday.” You said quietly.
He nodded, “Perhaps a little unorthodox.”
“I think I’ve always found it just…a little odd. Our Monsignor was the one who came up with it, you know? Coined the name. I just…I can’t help but wonder if his theology was a little…uh…off.” You mused, looking down at your hands.
Father Hill regarded you for a moment, and nodded, but didn’t say anything.
“I know you didn’t know him…he was a nice man…but…he was- is just a man. Man has his faults.” You shrugged, then turned to the man beside you, “No offence, Father.”
He chuckled and sipped at his cup, “None taken. I appreciate your candour.”
You pursed your lips.
You weren’t usually so unguarded.
You shouldn’t have said that.
Why did you say that?
This was the second time you had inadvertently said something to insult him within 24 hours. You felt shame start to rise in the back of your throat.
“I don’t want you to worry about offending me, y/n. I’m a friend and an ear to listen…if ever you want to talk.” He said, staring out at the sea of people, then back at you.
You sighed and nodded, “Thank you, Father. You’re very kind.”
He smiled.
Then you remembered something, “Father?”
You shifted a little awkwardly, “I want to first thank you for maintaining my uh…specialized sacrament, but I just wanted to ask- have you changed the juice?” You asked him.
He thought for a moment, “I don’t believe so. We just got a new shipment…I can check if it’s any different…why?”
“It…it’s just…it tastes very strange. Almost metallic. I don’t know how else to describe it.” You thought back to how the taste stayed in your mouth after only a sip.
John shifted in his seat. You knew. He would have to find another way of give you the gift.
“I’ll find another one to give you. Not to worry.” He said, and patted your hand.
“Thank you, Father.” You chose not to dwell on him touching you.
“Well, I should return to my flock…trying to get to know everyone.” He said, then pushed himself up off the bench.
You nodded. You knew he was only temporary, but it was kind of him to try and get to know the members of the community while he was there.
He was charming and approachable, it wouldn’t be hard for him.
“Of course, enjoy!” You called after him. He waved back at you, and you scrunched your face up as the sun hit your eyes.
You sighed to yourself and after an hour, you began to make another round of the park. The town had truly lucked out with such a beautiful day for such a special day. After such a nasty storm just a few days ago, it was surprising.
You watched at the sun started to lower in the sky. Things were starting to wind down, and some had began to return home-
You whipped your head around in the direction of the scream. On the other end of the park, you could see a crowd forming. You knew Pike was Joe Collie’s dog, and by the sounds of it, there was nothing good happening. You knew he was old, and loud, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly. You hoped he hadn’t bitten someone.
You crossed the field in just a couple minutes, and when you came to stand in the crowd, you felt yourself grow lightheaded. Pike was laying in a puddle of foamy bile and blood- the light leaving his eyes. You could hear Joe accusing Bev, and saw Sarah knelt over the dog…it was horrible.
“Alright everyone…back up.” Hassan waved his arms to try and disperse the crowd. Everyone began to walk away, and you could feel a solemnness come over the islanders. Like somehow they had all been snapped out of a trance and remembered their troubles.
You pursed your lips, but ultimately backed up as well. You wanted to help, but you knew there was virtually nothing to do. Pike was dead.
You kept to yourself for another hour, the as the afternoon dragged on, you started to collect the now-empty containers that had once held the cookies.
“Thanks for that, y/n.”
You looked over at Wade who was taking one last helping of…something brownish. A casserole of some kind.
You smiled, “Oh it was no problem. It was actually a group effort between the Father and I!”
His brows shot up, “Really?”
“Yeah he wanted to bring something. Wasn’t that nice of him?” You picked the empty containers up.
“Yeah…he- he seems like a real nice fella.” He mused, moustache twitching.
You nodded, “This was great, Mr. Mayor. See you Friday?”
He chuckled- you knew he was just fine with Wade, but you also knew he liked when people used his title- made him feel important. And you did your best to remind each person of their importance when you could.
“See you Friday, sweetheart.” He conceded.
You waved him off, then began your way back home.
John stood on the edge of the park watching you go. He had initially taken the spot to gaze at Sarah, but his gaze had been drawn when you were speaking with the mayor.
They really did love you.
And he understood why.
He watched you disappear down the road, dress fluttering in the wind.
@littleredwritingcat @zaunite-leo @f4er1e-g1rl @purplemotif @vampyre-kin @professional-sinner @hamishlinklaters @spacechupss @pansexualpamandabear @ebiemidnightlibrarian
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mamirhodessxox · 4 months
request for single dilf cody and babysitter where he’s home early from work. the baby’s already down for the night so it’s just the two of them with nothing else to do on a saturday night. maybe they have drinks and put on a movie and one thing leads to another? idk, please take whatever liberties you want!
I Adore You <3
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Single Dad!Cody Rhodes x Babysitter Fem!Reader
Desc: It all started when Cody asked for help on a babysitter site so someone could help his 3 little kiddies when he was at work & that’s when Y/N applied! 3 years go by and after a lot of emotional tension the two finally talk to each other privately!
Contents: Fluff!! Cody weak in the knees for lil miss Y/N, Drinking, Cussing, Body touching, Making out, Fluff!!!, Smut, Crying, Overstimulation, Aftercare.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @bones-rhodes @claymoresofinfamy23 @edtomh @cococodysleevlesshoodie
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Usually babysitting 3 kids wouldn't be easy for the average baby sitter but luckily that wasn't the case..Y/N had been babysitting 3 kids for over 3 years after her employer took to a babysitting blog asking for assistance since he would be going on the road sometimes or needed someone willing to travel with him when the kids were able to go on the road. His name was Cody, Y/N knew who Cody was before even taking the application she just wasn't a die hard fan, that was her parents. She only took the application simply because she likes kid's and she actually handles them pretty well.
3 kids. 2 twin boys now hitting 10 & 1 girl who just turned 3 years old, Braden, Chase & Harper Rhodes. Cody had went through a nasty divorce in 2022 after Harper was born, His then wife was unhappy but also a terrible mother who ignored the boys & kept starting arguments with Cody in front of them. After his divorce he got full custody over the kids but also needed assistance when they traveled with him when he was scheduled for shows.
Y/N had gotten verry close with him & the kids over the years, Cody & the kids had considered Y/N apart of the family, she was invited to every event and holiday party you could think of, she was even at the house almost everyday just to hang out and now that it was summer time she was spending a lot more time with them, chalk activities in the drive way, water balloons in the back, grilling later at sunset, movie nights etc, besides the kids Y/N & Cody themselves had a good bond between each other, Corny inside jokes that he would find himself snickering at if he was doing something in the kitchen, For self defense when she would be out alone he went out of his way to teach her how to fight for just incase purposes especially when she was with the kids.
As of this week Cody was in and out of town doing plenty of promos & Y/N had been watching over the kids & during her free time she & Cody would FaceTime for a fee minutes before finishing up the kids’ screen time, “How’s my babygirl Harper?” Y/N shrugged at the question and turned her head to see the little girl playing in the corner with her dolls while her brothers watched TV for a little bit, Harper had bad separation anxiety when it came to her dad and it was not easy for him or her when he had to go on the road for a few days, She would spend most of her time if her signature corner with her toys down in the dumps waiting for her main best friend to come back home “She’s still a little bit sad, It’s not as difficult putting her to bed as usual but it’s definitely not any easier.” Cody listened to Y/N’s words thoroughly “She’s a Daddy’s girl, Paul had some scheduling problem’s so I’m on the bus on my way back, I should be home by later tonight how’s that sound?” Y/N smiled brightly at his words while balancing her phone against something while she made the kids their lunch.
“Sounds like a plan, They’re gonna be super excited, especially Harper” Cody nodded as he stared at Y/N through his phone screen watching her intently and paying attention to every single detail while she was talking, is that a new shirt? It has to be. He never seen her wear that top before, Her make up with light, casual, nothing about it was heavy or Caked up, “I’m gonna hang up now alright? Lunch time, I’ll see you later yeah?” Cody sighed a bit as his jaw clenched a bit & his heart ached with the fact it was time for her to set the phone down “Yeah, do whatever you need to do Doll, talk to you later.” Y/N smiled to herself at his words and set her phone down as the call was over “Lunch!!”
For most of the day Y/N had spent time with the kids, Harper had a few fits but overall she stayed patient with the kids as usual, The boys were upstairs playing while Harper sat beside the couch this time away from her signature hangout corner, Y/N had been cleaning up the kitchen after dinner for a little bit before giving the little girl most of her attention “Hey honey-girl, how you feeling?” The 3 year old shrugged her shoulders while her lips pouted before setting down her barbies “I just miss my daddy” Y/N frowned before crouching down to her level “I know sweetheart but he’s coming home very soon I promise!” Harper huffed and crossed her arms before Y/N had checked the time & noticed it was pushing bed time, "C'mon harp let's get you and the boys to bed alright?" The little girl nodded her head and got up independently and waddled her way up the stairs while Y/N went into the twins' shared bedroom "Chase, Braden c'mon time for bed" the boys frowned and set down their action figures "a few more minutes?? Pleaaaaase Y/N!” She smiled and ruffled Chases hair “Sorry hun but you know your dad’s rules” the boy huffed and nodded his head smiling before he & his brother got ready to go to bed, Y/N went into Harpers room and smiled softly as the little girl sat on her bed ready to be tucked in.
“When’s daddy coming home?” The little girl chirped before leaning back into her bed comfortably while Y/N hummed as she pulled the blanket over Harper “Tomorrow sweetheart, when you wake up he’ll be home I promise!” She quickly smiled and hugged Y/N before finally calming down while Y/N adjusted her pillows before finally letting her get rest and leaving the room.
The house was silent, the only thing to be heard was her light steps on the cold wooden floors. Y/N sat on the couch and quietly scrolled through tiktok on her phone before hearing the front door close and quietly as possible followed by a sigh, Cody took off his shoes before walking into the living room and seeing Y/N sitting comfortably looking in his direction “Hey.” She smiled at his greeting and jotted her head up “Hi, how was work?” He scratched the back of his neck before sitting next to her “It was alright, just a lot of public speaking y’know?” She nodded while setting her phone down “I just put the kids to bed, they played with chalk, had lunch watched tv and ate dinner, a pretty relaxed day” He listened to her words & had a small smile creep up from his smile before getting comfortable completely on the couch “Why don’t we have some drinks and watch a movie? Been awhile since we last hung out and had together time.” Y/N marveled at the idea & rolled her bracelets around her wrist as she thought before finally giving in and scooting closer “As long as I get to pick the movie that’s quite alright with me.”
Cody let out an airy chuckle before leaning comfortably into the couch while passing her over the remote so she could choose a movie she assumed was simple, easy going and maybe a little funny, they poured a few glasses of wine & paid attention to the screen letting out a few laughs here and there, Cody couldn’t quite remember what the name of this movie was but it seemed like a subtle hint of something since it was some cheesy rom-com, Y/N was drifting off asleep 15 minutes in making Cody do a double take from the screen to her before he decided to shut off the movie before getting up with a light groan & nudging her “hm..?” Y/N hummed out before stirring awake while he sat her up and grab ahold of her hands gently “let’s get you in bed alright? Your falling asleep” he spoke to her in a quiet tone while she groggily stood up and went up the stairs with him, Cody guided her to the guest bedroom she often slept in sometimes & help lie her down on the bed, he was just about to pull the covers over her but she frowned shaking her head in protest “Stay? At least until I fall asleep maybe?” Her lips were curled into a small pout while her hand laid against his wrist while she made room for him in the bed, how could he say no to a sweet thing like her? Cody gave in to her offer & almost immediately climbed in the bed & laid next to her.
The two were face to face with each other, his arm wrapped around her body comfortably while her hand was lying against his shoulder before nudging the tip of her nose against his “Your warm” she whispered while he smiled and rubbed his thumb against her shirt “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders and scooted a little closer “I think it’s a good thing” a small smile crept up his lips before he did what seemed to feel natural and press his lips up against Y/N’s and let out a short moan slip past his mouth while their hands explored each others bodies and grabbed at their clothes, Y/N bit at his lip & tugged his hair while he whined into her mouth before tugging on her sun dress hard enough to rip it apart and snatching off her panties “Co-!!” He tilted his head and planted his hand over her lips “what like I won’t buy you another pair tomorrow?” He teased before yanking his arm away and undressing himself before lying back next to her with her back up against his chest while he left scattered kisses against the nape of her neck. Y/N was busy becoming a hot whiney mess that pressed her ass against his dick more that enough to make him hard & desperate “knock it off.”
Cody warned Y/N when she whimpered from him smacking her ass as a warning , the tip of his dick slipping between her wet folds with ease and caressing up her clit again. She felt his chest rumble with his own moaning, too, however, his precum slipping from him and mixing with her wetness. And while he kept teasing her clit by thrusting in and out of her folds his dick eventually slipped into her pussy causing Y/N too let out a moan while he held her legs open as he fucked her from behind & his fingers dipped down her stomach into the depths of her thighs just too tease and toy with her swollen little bud. “F-Fuck it feels s-so goddamn good!” Y/N cried out while Cody grabbed a fistful of her hair and continued fucking himself into her at a rapid pace leaving the room filled with only noises that sounded like smacking, whimpering & heavy breathing
“What a pretty girl taking my cock so fucking good f’me” Cody moaned in her ear before he continued focusing on driving himself deeper into her, Y/N’s legs were shaking & she was overall overwhelmed from the amount of pleasure she was receiving, her spine shivered every time Cody teased at her clit & fucked her at the same time, he ran his free hand down his face to wipe off any tears from her face before his hips sputtered against her ass and came deep inside of her just as her climax hit “f-ffuck..” he moaned in the shell of her ear as Y/N let out short cries with her head leaned back as she kept convulsing and throbbing around his cock as her legs shook.
He had her roll over on her stomach after pulling out while he got behind her and lifted her hips up and pressed her ass back against them before fucking himself back into her while she cried into a pillow the more his thrusts became faster & harsher while he was leaning forward pressing himself against her back and kissing up on her neck “my good girl” he chanted in her ear like some sick love spell, the air in the room was thick, intimate, intense & overwhelming, Y/N panting and whining into the pillow whenever Cody slammed back into her pussy just to see her pretty face contort into an expression of pleasure while tears ran down her already red cheeks, he laid his hand against her lower back while letting out his own whimpers here and there when he felt the need to cum again, He would bury himself all the way inside of Y/N making her roll her eyes back and clutch ob the blankets, sheets, his wrist, everywhere.
“Yeah? Does that feel good pretty girl? You like it when I do that?” He taunted at her with his words while leaning back over her and kissing her shoulder while she nodded profusely before moaning out once he smacked her clit “f-fuck Cody! ‘m gonna cum again!” He smiled and fucked her at an even faster pace “c’mon angel cum for me, be a good girl for me and cum” he groaned out while she cried and flung her arm back to hold onto his hand for some support, both of them came together causing Cody to topple over her and hug her tightly against his body “love you so so much gorgeous” not a sense of nervousness or anxiety came out with those words, he said it almost naturally as if the two were already together, Y/N teared up and ended up breaking down at the sentence as overstimulation & emotion took over which alarmed him.
Cody was about to pull out to check on her but she protested immediately against his actions and pressed her ass further against him causing his cock to sink further inside of her making her moan into the pillow that was right next to her face “Sweetheart I gotta-“ she turned her head quickly and frowned at his unfinished sentence “n-no! I need you to stay, please?” This is exactly how he got into this predicament, her little pleads & the pout on her lips got him right here in this exact moment “Let me get you cleaned up first and then we’ll get back to..this, alright princess?” She sniffled a bit and nodded as he finally pulled out making her wince at the empty feeling, she rolled over on her back and watched as Cody went into the bath connected to the room & run warm water over a wash cloth & come back in the room to gently clean her up from the mess he made in-between her legs “you feeling okay?” He mumbled before pressing soft kisses against her ankle & tummy before throwing the wash cloth into the laundry basket & crawled back in bed with her & got ahold of the hair tie around her wrist and pulling her hair into a small pony tail “did you mean it?” She muttered nervously while he smiled tiredly and kissed her temple “Of course I did love, I’ve adored you for 3 whole years and I don’t think that will be changing anytime soon in the near future.” He mumbled against her hair while his hands massaged at her side “I love you too Codes.”
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Mamirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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punishereditz · 8 months
Teacher's Pet
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Pairing: La Knight x f!reader
Warnings: 18 plus only! Minors DNI! DO NOT COPY. One use of Y/N. Teacher's pet trope. Age gap. Daddy issues. Fighting. Mentions of violence. Little bit of angst. Smut. Smut with plot. Oral. (F receiving.)
AN: I'm gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure.
Word count: 3.1k
Summary: La Knight is your trainer, and one day, the two of you take things too far.
You took a deep breath as you got up again. You were exhausted. Not just physically but mentally too. For the past four weeks, La Knight has been training you. Trying to get you ready for your debut on smackdown in two weeks. The closer it got to the date, the harder he was on you. The more he pushed you. The two of you working together to build more muscle for you. Focusing on the harsh and heavy moves that you struggled with.
"Come on." He said in frustration. Sighing and rubbing his hand on his chin. Standing in the corner, leaning against the turnbuckle as he watched you struggle. You shot him glare, then looked back to your opponent. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and you went for the suplex, but you couldn't do it. You thought you had it down expect for the part where you had to fall back. That's what you couldn't do. You let the guy go and you got down on one knee. Trying to catch your breath and thinking over the move. "What was that? What are you doing?" He was getting more frustrated. You've been at this for hours. Training all day. The both of you were over this. "I can't do it." You panted and you stood up. Resting your hands on your hips and looking at him. You were starting to get frustrated yourself.
"You have to get this down. Do it again." There was irritation in his tone, and he gestured his hand for you to go again. You rolled your eyes and turned back to the gym trainer. Getting ready to do it again. "And don't roll your eyes at me." He spoke. His tone a little harsher. Making you more annoyed. You took a deep breath, trying to focus. You went for the suplex, but you failed again. Your arms and legs getting weaker and weaker. Not allowing you to do this. "Damn it." He cussed under his breath, and he walked over to you and the other trainer. "Look." He grabbed the guy. Trying to show you what you needed to do. "You need to ground your feet. You're not grounding your feet. Look at how I'm standing." You looked at how he was standing, and his stare was heavy on you.
"And your grip. You need to tighten it. You're to lose." He told you and his eyes lingered on you for a second too long. "Watch." He spoke in a low and dominant tone. Then he suplex the guy. Throwing him back. He stood and he walked over to you. Towering over you. "Again." He simply said and you glanced over to the trainer, then you looked up at him. You were going to say something to him, but you decided against it, and you tried again. And you failed. When you once again couldn't do it, that was the breaking point for both you and him. "Look." He stood behind you. Pressing his body to yours. His arms wrapped around you. Putting you in the hold. Your breath hitching as he was suddenly so close to you. "You feel this? This is how it is supposed to be. This is how your stance and hold need to be. Once you have them in this, you simply lean back." He said and he held onto you for a second longer before he moved back.
"Leave." He told the trainer, and he did that. Now it was just the two of you in the gym because it was so late. "Come on. Try it on me." He moved his hand in a beckoning way. Motioning for you to come over to him. You glanced around the room before you looked at him. Looking at his arms in that tank top. You walked over to him. Standing behind him. You put your arms around him, and he immediately shook his head. "Tighten your hold." He grabbed your hands and made you hold your hands tighter. He then kicked your feet. "Spread your legs a little more. Bend your knees." You did so and he watched you closely. Looking at your body. Feeling your hold. He slowly nodded and he looked over his shoulder to you. "Better. It still needs a lot of work though."
When you heard him say that, you scoffed and shook your head as you let go of him. He furrowed his eyebrows and he turned and looked at you. "Is there a problem?" He took a step forward. Getting closer to you. "Yeah. Yeah, there is actually." You turned toward him so you could look up at him. The both of you had your hands on your hips. Standing tall and staring at each other. Trying to intimate the other. "I can't do the move and you know it. It's not my style. It's not how I wrestle. It doesn't work with my character. It's not what I'm built for." The irritation grew as you went on.
"You're right. You have the character, you can work a mic, you can put up a hell of a fight, you can't do the power moves... but I'm trying to change that. That's the whole damn reason I'm training you. To make it so you can do it in your sleep." He raised his voice a little bit and inched closer to you. The both of you were boiling.
"I can win matches with acrobatic attacks and fast combinations."
"You really think your little cartwheels and flips are gonna win you every match? I can tell you, it won't. You need the power moves. You need that strength."
The two of you kept getting closer and closer. Getting in each other's faces. The heat between the two of you starting to burn. He looked down at you, narrowing his eyes at you. He then grabbed you by your waist. Pulling you towards him until your small frame was pressed up against his big frame. Your hands going to his toned arms. His breath hitting your neck. "Let me tell you something...; this isn't gymnastics. You're not in college anymore. You're in professional wrestling and you need to start acting like it."
His grip was tight, and his words stung. He talked down to you as he mentioned your past of being a gymnast in college. He was slowly taking it to far and he knew it. But yet he said the words. He kept pushing you. "There are other ways things be done." You whispered and you tilted your head up so you could look at him better. You were getting more frustrated the longer this went on. But... you were also getting turned on. And that made you even more mad. The fact that that sharp stare and tight grip was getting to you. He was so close to you, and he was simmering with anger. Which only made him hotter.
And, the same goes for you. He could see the rage in your eyes. He could feel your curves. The sweat dripping down your body and your heavy breathing wasn't helping. He wanted to pin you down right now. He wanted to teach you lesson. He wanted to kiss every inch of your body and bury his face between your legs. But you were his student. He was training you. He knew it would be inappropriate. As badly as he just wanted to take you right here and now, he fought against it. He looked at you for long moment, then he nodded, and he stepped back. Holding his hands up in a defeated way.
"Fine. Be mediocre. Half ass it just like your Daddy did and never live up to anything." And that was it. That was when he took it too far. He just stepped over the line, and he immediately regretted his words the second he said them. He could see the hurt in your eyes.
"So, that's it. That's the game you're going to play. All that chitchat, that, that night we spent talking for hours, opening up to each other, you're going to use it against me." You paused for a moment. "I can't believe I was stupid enough to think you were being genuine. You, you know..., you really are a coward." You looked at him for a moment, then you got out of the ring. Grabbing your bag. You started to get ready to leave. You weren't going to give him the satisfaction of reacting. But what you didn't know was that this was worse than you just reacting and lashing out. "Y/n wait." He got out of the ring, and he came over to your side.
"I think we've had a full day. I need some rest." You spoke and you didn't look at him. This worried him and he tilted his head. Trying to look into your eyes. He knew he messed up. "Let me take you home." He offered, but you shook your head. "I'll walk." You put your bag over your shoulder, and you walked away without another word. He watched as you left and once you walked out the door, he cussed and kicked the closest thing to him. He knew he made a mistake. He knew he pushed you too far today. He did what he thought was best. Trying to help you. He sees the potential you have. Your already an incredible wrestler and he knows you could be even better. He knows you can be the best female wrestler on the roster. With the character you came up with and your abilities, he has no doubt that you can be the greatest there is. That you will quickly rise to fame and the crowd love you. He can see that, so he pushes you. He can't help but think about that as he drives and once he gets home, he gets in shower. His mind continuing to go wild as the hot water runs down his body. With a frustrated sigh. He shut the water off and he wasn't out of the shower long when he heard a knock at his door.
Furrowing his eyebrows confused. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and he went to answer the door. When he did, he was surprised to see you. You were still in the clothes you had on earlier. You were also just as sweaty, and you were panting. Your breath heavy. Your chest rising and falling with each breath. Before he could say a word, before he could ask you why you were here, you leaned up and kissed him. Standing on your tip toes and your fingers lacing through his hair as you deeply kissed him. Your action completely caught him off guard. He was in shock. His body tense and his eyes wide, but then he started to relax. His body melting, his eyes closing. Wrapping his hands around your waist. Pulling you to him so that your bodies were pressed together. His lips moving with yours. Kissing you deeply. You finally pulled away and you looked at him. The both of you breathing heavy after the long passionate kiss.
The two of just looked into each other's eyes. Knowing that what you just did was something that the both of you has wanted and something that has building between the two of you for so long. Then, your eyes traveled down and you softly gasped. Seeing water dripping down his abs. His toned body glistening. You noticed the towel around his waist. His v line. Fuck, his v line. Your thoughts were interrupted though when you felt his lips on yours again. Kissing you deeply. His hands traveled down your body until they were at the back of your thighs. He lifted you up. Your legs wrapping around his waist and your arms going around his broad shoulders. He kicked the door with his foot, closing it. Doing all of this while kissing you. Carrying you to his bedroom. Once he entered the room, he put you down. Kissing your lips one last time before he pulled away. Quickly pulling your tank top off of you and throwing it. Then he peeled your sprots bra off of your sweaty body.
He let out a low moan as he saw your chest. His hands slowly moving up your waist until he held your beast. Gently massaging them. He picked you up again and he laid you down on his bed. His lips going to your neck. Kissing and biting at your skin. He slowly made his way further down. Kissing your collar bones. Then he started kissing your chest. Licking your nipple. Making a chill run down your spin and a soft moan leave your lips. He played with your breast as he gently sucked at them. Looking up at you. At your face that was scrunched in pleasure. At your body that was arching and your nails digging into the sheets of his bed. He let go of your breast with a pop from his mouth. Then he suddenly grabbed your legs and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Standing over you, looking down at you with lush filled eyes. He grabbed your pants and he started to pull them down. Pulling your underwear off with them. He rubbed his hands up and down your legs for a moment before he dropped down to his knees on the floor. "Spread your legs for me sweetheart." He ordered you and did as you were told. Spreading your legs for him.
"Good girl." His voice was soothing and you softly gasped. Looking down at him as he started to kiss your thighs. Letting his lips drag against your skin. His arms came up and he wrapped them around your thighs. Holding you in place. He licked up your lips once. Making your body shiver. He chuckled and without any more teasing, he dived into you. His tongue rubbing circles on your clit. Making your stomach twist and your eyes roll to the back of your head. But that overwhelming pleasure you were feeling got worse when he started to gently suck on your clit. Making your legs shake and your body tingle with pleasure. It was so overwhelming but in the best way possible. He was sucking your clit just right, making you feel amazing. Doing everything just right. Touching and licking in the most perfect way. His tongue starting to quicken as he rubbed fast circles with his tongue on your clit. Then, he slowed it down a little bit and moved down.
His tongue starting to lick your entrance. Doing fast up and down motions. A loud moan leaving your lips. Moaning his name and trying to grind your hips but his hold on you keeps you in place as he eats you out like you're his last meal. His mouth working and working until your panting and your body won't stop shaking. When he knows your close, he slows his movements down. Then he comes to stop. When he raises up, he licks his lips. Looking down at you with seductive eyes. You raised up. Kissing his stomach. You grabbed the towel on his waist, and you pulled it off of him. Tossing it to the ground. You looked up at him as you started to stroke his cock with your hand. Licking up his long cock with your tongue. Kissing the tip. Just as you were about to take him in your mouth, he tilted your head up. Stopping you. "I want to come inside you." His words were almost a whisper and before you could react, he stood you up. Giving you a kiss. Y'all's tongues clashing for a moment. Being able to taste yourself on his lips. He pulled away and he opened the drawer to the bedside table. Grabbing a condom.
He teared it open with his teeth. His lips meeting yours again for a deep passionate kiss as he pushed the condom down on his cock. Then he turned the two of you. Laying down on the bed and pulling you down on top of him. Putting you on his lap. With one hand on your hip, he used his other hand to push his cock into you. The both of you letting out a moan as he rested his hands on your hips and guided you down until he bottomed out in you. Completely filling you up. Your walls clenching around him. You started to slowly grind your hips against him. Moaning and letting your head fall back in pleasure. Keeping your movements slow but steady. Riding his cock. His and your breath getting heavier. Your stomach whirling with pleasure and his cock twitching.
His hands traveled up your body. Letting you ride him how you want. His hands going up to your chest. Toying with your breast for a moment before his hands traveled back down your body. His hands finding a home on your ass. Giving it a light slap before he gently gripped it. Looking down at your hips moving in a forward and backwards motion. His climax building and yours too. You looked down at him. The two of you looking into each other eyes. As you looked at him, you decided to change up your game. Lifting up your hips and starting to bounce on his cock. He let out a strained groan as he gripped your ass harder. Your action making him more flustered. Your walls clenching around him again. His cock throbbing inside of you. Seeing your breast bounce each time you dropped down on his cock. Your moans filling the room. It was starting to get to him. He was getting dangerously close to his climax.
And you were to. His actions from earlier starting to catch up with you. Your climax building again. Your walls clenching around him even more and you started to bounce on him even faster. "Come with me sweetheart." He spoke and after a few more moments, the both of you were coming. Him filling the condom full and you soaking his cock. Your cum running down him. The both of you were breathless now and you laid by his side. The both of you taking a moment to catch your breath. Sitting in silence. But it wasn't awkward. It was nice. And you sat in this moment for a while until he turned his head to look at you. A shine of mischief in his eyes.
"Again?" He said with a big cocky grin, and you smiled. Once he saw that smile, he hoisted you up in his arms and he went into the bathroom with you.
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tennessoui · 3 months
chapter 4 of ? (it's probably 6 i just lost confidence in myself)
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mermaidinn · 2 months
fanfic friday!? ofmd innkeeper era recs part 2:
Hi all! I posted a list of brilliant innkeeper stories back in march, here’s a part 2 with some of my favorites that have come out since then! 💖
innkeeper era recs p1 ~~~ season 2 missing scene fic recs
bread and roses (7k)- oddishly
Lovers of Beauty (4k)- Jodalyn 
Down in the Ol' Gravy Basket (3k)- pirate_captains_captain_pirates
One Last Job (10k)- Shermanic
Talking About Things (2k)- Chocolatepot 
Just a Little Fall of Rain (3k)- pirate_captains_captain_pirates
Swan (3k)- YellowMustard 
like your heart’s a pomegranate (20k)- ingydar
Connecting the Dots (20k)- YellowMustard
read me like a book (10k)- xoxoemynn
bigger than the whole sky (1k)- gentleblahaj
the poor groom's bride is a… (5k)- ingydar
An Uncharted Level of Waves (5k)- Living_City
the taste of marmalade (2K)- ghostalservice (plantainleaf)
Fortunate (4k)- Jellybeanium124
No More Running (2k)- eperonae
gonna build you up, gonna help you believe (8k)- Jodalyn 
Flowers In Your Hair (7k)- Followsthebees
True to Life (28k)- ipomoea_batatas
don’t worry about it, kitten (7k)- Adamarks
Nudist Shark Freak (4k)- the_hitcher_is_my_dad
Still Here in the Morning (5k)- pirate_captains_captain_pirates
Caution: Spider on Board (3k)- YergiiDzov (Yergink)
soft like silk chiffon (12k)- mediocrepirate
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okayohay · 2 years
Today’s fan-fiction Friday fact. ⬇️
There’s a flashback scene coming up involving the aftermath of the band’s final show - and what led Van to completely disappear. It was nearly as heartbreaking to write as the scenes that come later involving Bondy.
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tom-whore-dleston · 7 months
Denial and Devotion
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x f. reader
Word Count: 880
This fic contains: preludes to smut, implied smut, amnesia, mentions of squirting and fingering, reader was a Soldier Boy fangirl (like me fr xD), toxic celebrity culture?
Summary: You are in denial that you slept with the Supe you used to crush on.
Notes: I'm just a girl that writes Soldier Boy fanfic at 2am knowing damn well I have work at 9am flksdghk this gif replays in my brain every waking moment of the day I literally hate how hot he is >:( This is my weekly contribution to @flashfictionfridayofficial’s prompt no. 241: Hour of Denial
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The moment you rose from your slumber, you knew something was wrong. First off, you woke up in a room that you did not recognize. Then, you realized the cotton sheets of the unfamiliar bed clung close to your bare skin as if you had slept in it before. 
You attempted to lift yourself out the bed, but your muscles were weak, soreness more prominent in your hips and thighs. As you winced in discomfort, your eyes widened upon the discolored love bites scattered over your body. Your eyes finally glanced to the opposite side of the bed, only to discover the person occupying it was none other than Soldier Boy.
When you were younger, Soldier Boy was your first crush. At the time, he was presumed dead, but your father would tell you stories about how he was one of the greatest superheroes to ever live. Your childhood room was covered in Soldier Boy posters and you had a doll of him that never left the box. As you got older, you conducted more research on the man you worshiped, but eventually learned that he was a monster in a superhero costume. As a result, you ripped the posters to shreds and finessed some cash off the doll in hopes to erase any trace of your Soldier Boy phase. 
You stared in disbelief at the same man that lay peacefully asleep. Your mind raced with questions. The only logical answer to all of them was that you were dreaming. To test the theory, you pinched your forearm as hard as you could. After cursing from the pain, you tried another method by poking Soldier Boy in his meaty bicep. Without fluttering his eyes open, he grunted in annoyance and rolled over. 
If your head wasn’t already spinning, it definitely was at this very moment. You slithered out of the bed, making sure not to disturb the sleeping man, and frantically searched for your clothes. In a hurried attempt, you shimmied back into your little black dress from the night before. Regardless of whether this was all a dream or not, you silently vowed that you are remaining sober for the rest of the month. 
“Where you going so fast, sweetheart?” You turned toward the groggy voice that belonged to Soldier Boy, who was propped up against the bed frame with his muscular torso in view. It felt as if no time had passed since the beginning stages of your devotion to Soldier Boy. Your eyes scanned over his physique with a hunger that only he could satisfy. Heat radiated your body and you stood paralyzed in your unzipped dress, leaving enough uncovered for his imagination to run wild.
As Soldier Boy hopped out of bed, you swiftly turned away as his thick cock unveiled from the thin sheets. He began walking towards you, but you ignored him by fiddling with the zipper on your back. You grew frustrated with the zipper’s defiance the closer the beefy supe inched towards you. His intense stare begged for your attention until he took matters into his own hands by lifting your chin up to his gaze. Your heart pounded against your chest as his green eyes studied your face. Except there was no studying necessary.
“I’m a little embarrassed by this,” you laughed nervously, “but I don’t remember anything from last night.”
Soldier Boy smirked. “Want me to give you a reminder?”
“Oh, that won’t be necessary.” You paused. You may not have been as infatuated with the supe as much as you once were, but you didn’t want to come off as rude. “I mean…I’m sure last night was great but I shouldn’t impose-“
“Great? Well if you define squirting on my fingers and cock until you begged me to stop as great then maybe I gotta fuck you harder.” 
You were about to let out a moan, but quickly masked it with a sigh. Every part of you wanted to hate him but the ache in between your legs betrayed your voice of reason.
“You can play the ex-fangirl game all you want, but you and I know you never truly get over your first crush.” There wasn’t a more pathetic feeling than regressing back into that naive girl who treated a flawed superhero like a god. 
Suddenly, your back hit the wall and Soldier Boy towered over you, his arm the only thing keeping him from pressing you against the wall to grind into your core. His free hand hooked under the strap of your dress, slowly pulling it off your shoulder. As the dress pooled around your feet, he lightly kissed the crook of your neck, electricity coursing your blood as his beard pricked your skin.
His hot breath fanned over your ear. “There’s no need to deny me anymore, sweetheart. I’m here for you to worship and fulfill all your pretty little fantasies.”
Fuck it.
All your common sense flew out the window as you desperately smashed your lips against his. Gripping your wrists, he pinned you against the wall before grinding his semi hard cock against your wet pussy. 
Soldier Boy may have been the biggest pain in your ass, literally and figuratively, but he was right about you never fully recovering from your first crush.
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header credit: @saradika | divider credit: @firefly-in-darkness
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jksprincess10 · 2 months
Are we out of the woods 7. I think he wants to be gentle with me
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Summary : Your father is a dangerous man who has a lot of enemies. One day, you’re taken from your home by force to go to a safe cabin in the woods to be protected from an unknown danger by three of his men: Ironhead, Pope and Catfish. You’re not really a nature enjoyer, but in your boredom, you discover a new love for nature. You also get to know the men working for your dad and interest sparks between you and the mysterious and silent Francisco.
CW: canon-like violence, explicit smut, reader is kind of a princess at first, talks of divorce, drugs & alcohol, talks of addiction, slight age gap (reader in her mid 20s, frankie in his late 30s), jealousy, tension, frankie is a mess.
Fic masterlist
Notification blog
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The deafening noise of a helicopter tears nature’s calmness as you’re all chilling by the water, just enjoying the view and the fresh air. You look up, recognizing your dad’s flying machine. Your whole body chills as you realize that you don’t want to go home yet. Frankie gives you a worried look, and you try to smile to reassure him.
You hear the helicopter landing not too far, and the boys are already back in a soldier-like state, their body stiff and their expression, serious.
Minutes later, your father joins you outside, followed by two of his men. He shakes the hands of Will, Santi and Frankie, before giving you a long hug. You try to reciprocate as much as you can, but you’re too worried about going home.
“How’s my sweet girl?”
“Good!” You say, maybe a bit too fast. “This place is really nice; I like it here.”
“Isn’t it? I’m glad you changed your mind.”
“Are we receiving new orders, sir? You got our report?”
“Yes and yes.” His face is somber as he looks at the men. “What happened… worried me. I’m glad you took care of the situation, but I need backup to deal with the repercussions. I’m leaving with two of you today.”
Frankie lifts his cap, and his hand goes through his hair, as he does when he’s nervous.
“Ironhead and I can go, sir.” Pope says. “Fish can take care of things here.”
You watch as your father’s eyes thin in a fine line, perplexed. “It shall be done, then. Ironhead and Pope, start packing. We’re leaving once you’re ready.”
Once the men are inside, with Frankie to help, you make small talk with your dad, although making small talk with a possible murderer isn’t really easy. You assure him that you don’t miss home and you’re happy to be here, in hopes that he lets you stay for as long as you want.
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You watch as the helicopter flies away, your body close to Frankie’s.
“Did you tell Santi anything?” You ask suspiciously.
“No, I guess he’s just trying to play the wingman.” He chuckles.
“He doesn’t have to.”
Once you’re sure your father is high in the sky, you turn to him and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “How much time do we have?”
“Few days, maybe. A week, tops.” Frankie responds, cheeks getting red at the thought of having you all to himself.
“Hmmm, let’s make the most of it, then.”
You smile teasingly and steal a kiss from him.
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Your day is mostly spent cuddling by the fire with Francisco. You like how physical he is, how much he needs you. How warm he is once you get past his harsh façade. But eventually, you realize that you have to start thinking about having dinner. So, you pull away from him unwillingly.
“We have leftovers for dinner, you okay with that?” You ask from the kitchen. You hear him respond positively.  “And I kinda want to bake a cake. Do you like cake?”
“Who doesn’t like cake?”
“My dad.”
“Not surprised.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “What’s the occasion for cake?”
You go through the cupboards to make sure you have all the ingredients. “We are adults, do we need a special occasion for cake?” You snort as you set everything on the counter.
Francisco eventually gets up to help you out, measuring ingredients and mixing with his strong arms when you get tired. You pop the mixture in the oven, hoping it will turn out okay. While you wait for it to cook, you eat leftovers at the wooden table filling the dining room.
“You like reading and writing, hm? What do you like to read and write?”
You like that he remembered that detail about you, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to share your perverse hobbies. He notices how embarrassed you get, how you start playing with your fork.
“You can tell me, cariño. I won’t laugh.”
“Knowing you Francisco, you will laugh.”
“Try me.”
“Fine…” Your grasp on your fork gets stronger, as if you’re ready to stab Frankie with the utensil if he laughs. “I like romance and… smut.”
Frankie’s brows shoot up and his mouth forms an inviting “O” shape.
“Can I read?”
You shake your head, some stray hairs flying over your eyes with the violence of your movement. “No way. It’s more intimate than sex for me.”
Heat fills the air as you both remember how you didn’t get what you wanted last night after your little escapade. You want Frankie, you really do. He ticks all the physical boxes, but you’re just waiting for… the right time, as cheesy as it sounds.
You’re saved by the timer alarm. You get up to check on the cake, and you pull it out of the oven to let it cool. While you wait for the dessert, you prepare frosting with what you have on hand. Frankie gets up and takes care of the dishes while you taste your last creation, his eyes fixated on the creamy white frosting crossing the sweet line of your lips.
“Want a taste?” You ask as you give him your spatula.
“Sure.” But instead of taking the spatula, his big hand embraces your lower back as he pulls you closer to taste your lips sugared with your sweet creation. It tastes heavenly, especially mixed with your essence.
You giggle against his lips, and you put your hands against his strong chest, pushing him away slightly. “I’m afraid I’m not on the menu.”
Big brown doe eyes melt all your resolve, and he looked so adorable you’d let him do whatever he wants to you. He can see the internal dilemma on your face.
“Let me have a taste. I’m sure you’re better than cake.”
You try to look offended, but your false expression melts away as you feel him directing you slowly towards the wooden table where you shared your supper.
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His desire tore him apart. And it did since he first laid eyes on you. How unprofessional was it for him to lust on the girl he’s supposed to protect. He knows your father would shred him to pieces if he could only listen to the thoughts crossing his mind. But he wanted you. And he didn’t want a woman that bad in years.
He helps you settle on the table, your back laid against the wooden table, your legs closed in a shy manner. “Please.” He begs softly.
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And how could you say no to him when you want him that bad. You didn’t really know how to proceed, though. You probably look puzzled because he says:
“I just want to please you cariño, we don’t have to do anything else if you’re not ready.”
You nod softly and help him get rid of your warm leggings and wool socks. You’re only in your cotton panties and your sweater, but you already feel so exposed. Frankie looks at you like you’re a work of art, though, and you feel warmth taking over your body. You clumsily get rid of your sweater and put your arms on your chest. Frankie towers over you, palms on each side of your body, resting on the table.
“You’re pretty, don’t hide from me, baby.” He’s gentle when he pushes away your arms, admiring your chest. He leaves kisses on your neck, on the top of your breasts, going lower and lower until he kisses your stomach. You giggle slightly.
“Have you ever had anyone eat you out?” Frankie asks, his thumbs hooking on the sides of your cotton panties as he waits for permission.
“Y-Yes… but not well… every guy I’ve been with hated doing it.”
“That’s a shame.” He tuts. “I love doing it.” He slides your panties down, and you guess you’re probably soaking wet for him. His calloused hands rest on your thighs to open them up slightly, before he pulls you to the end of the table, so he can get on his knees in front of the table, his face to your core’s level.
“You’re pretty all over.” Frankie says, a finger tentatively going through your folds. You shudder slightly. “Relax for me, baby.” He says softly, before leaving a few kisses to your open thighs.
You let yourself breathe as you let your head down against the table, trusting your body entirely to Frankie’s mercy. You feel the warm flat of his tongue lick through your slit, and it already feels too good. Better than anything you could ever read or write.
He’s testing the waters, licking you in wide strokes, before using the tip of his tongue to find your clit. His fingers open you up for him, leaving you all wet and exposed. When he finds it, you feel pleasure building in your stomach unexpectedly and you let out a long moan. You hear him chuckle slightly against your core. Irritated, you push away his stupid cap, so you can finger his curls. You even try to straighten up a little, resting on your elbows as you watch him. It seems like he looks directly through your soul, his brown eyes all you can see from above your core.
He keeps looking at you in the eye as he licks intently at your clit, tracing abstract shapes and letters, before closing your lips around it to suck. Your fingers tighten around his curls, and you let out a low curse.
“F-Fuck Frankie, that feels amazing.”
You can almost see the hint of a smile on his face. And like he hasn’t even started making you feel good, he sneaks a finger between your walls, letting your body suck it in, as he keeps giving attention to your throbbing clit.  The pleasure building in your stomach snaps, but he still keeps going. You let your back fall against the wooden table as you feel another of his thick fingers entering you.
“Still okay?” He checks in, his warm breath dying against your wet core.
You swear you hear him chuckle, before he dives back in; more messily this time. He’s eating you out like you’re an all you can eat desert buffet, as his fingers start thrusting in and out of you. When he reaches that sweet part- of you, you let out an unexpected scream.
“F-Frankie, I feel like I’m-”
It didn’t feel like any of your past orgasms. You try to warn him, but he doesn’t stop sucking, licking and thrusting until he feels you shake. You feel like you’re peeing, but it’s not exactly that. It’s an orgasm; blinding and intense unlike anything you ever had. You’re vaguely aware of your body becoming a fountain, wetting everything in its way. When there’s not a single drop left, Frankie moves away from your core and wipes his glistening face with his grey shirt.
“It’s alright, baby.” He reassures you as he sees how petrified you look. “You’ve never squirted before?” He asks as he gets up, admiring the mess you made on the table and on the floor.
“N-No. Fuck, I’m sorry.”
But he looks extremely proud and cocky as he bends down to kiss you deeply, letting you taste your essence on his lips. You can vaguely feel the hard shape of his cock against your thigh.
“That means it was good. Did it feel good?”
“Yes. Yes it did.” You breathe against his lips.  “Don’t get cocky on me, Francisco. Or I’ll keep the cake to myself.” You laugh as you see the proud expression on his face.
“Hmmm never. Let me have this victory and the cake.”
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roamingtigress · 1 month
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Hosea and Dutch's wedding anniversary is approaching, and Dutch wants to impress Hosea with a little more accessorizing (because, as you know, he doesn't have enough jewelry).
Chain Reaction
by Roaming Tigress
Dutch is many things.
He is a con man, a leader of a notorious gang with a novel-length list of crimes he is wanted for. He is a frustrating bastard that makes you want to whack him across the head with a pillow, and yet, you might also take pity on him. He may also be charming; many have fallen for his silver tongue, his mightiest weapon.
And a man with a taste for finer things.
Among those finer things is his wardrobe.
Adorning that waist jacket is a Double Albert pocket fitted with a red ruby fob adornment. Sure, its intended use is for wax stamps, but let's face it, mostly, it's to draw the eye to that slutty, slutty waist.
And while many know of Dutch as a conman, a bastard who needs a good whack upside the head with a pillowcase full of bricks (maybe followed by a hug), what many might not know is that Dutch is, well, to put it bluntly, adventurous. And his (mostly) patient husband, Hosea, is always up for something different.
Dutch had a plan for that Double Albert, that red ruby fob.
That plan would also surprise Hosea; their wedding anniversary was just a month away. Dutch thought, why not impress him a little?
Like all Dutch's plans, though, it did not go according to the plan.
On the first piercing, his left nipple, Dutch nearly, literally, hit the roof in that shop behind the gun store in Annesburg. Now, another little-known fact about Dutch, for better or for worse: he's touch-sensitive.
Very touch-sensitive.
The right piercing, another week later, went just as smoothly. Judging from the horrific scream, a passerby might think a man in that shop was getting a tooth extracted without anesthetic, a bikini wax, or maybe even castrated. And that passerby would be forgiven for making such a mistake.
"I didn't rip it off!" Cried the man halfway out the door as Dutch took off, clasping a hand over his right chest.
Dutch is known to be a little dramatic.
Another fact about Dutch? He's occasionally a little dramatic.
Now came the time for the navel piercing.
That also went swimmingly.
Well, it kicked off.
Another fun fact: Dutch is ticklish! It's one of the ways Hosea can control him; when he's in a foul or otherwise difficult mood (which is rarely, of course), a poke to the ribs—particularly in public—can get him to crumble.
And he's exceptionally touchy in the region from his ribs to his midsection -- as the other poor man would come to find out.
The piercer got a full boot to the forehead when the piercing needle slipped through the top rim of that tender target.
"GODDAMNIT!" Had he spent a little more time readying Dutch, the piercer might not have had to play dodge-the-spurs, but this was Dutch's third visit. Knowing how the other appointments went, he wasn't in the mood to scratch the cowboy's belly any more than he had to.
The man, a particularly short but stout Scot with a full head of red hair named Cameron Carruthers, would live to tell the tale of receiving a cowboy boot to the face by one of the most notorious outlaws. A particularly sensitive outlaw; being wimpy over it all would be an understatement.
In all the years of his back-room business, in which he used the stock storage cabinets from Mr. Shultz, Cameron never saw someone kick up such a fuss. Now, the navel and the nipples are sensitive areas of the body, but surely, a man of Dutch's reputation could have retained some of that stoic character over it all. Maybe they just don't make cowboys the way they used to.
Cameron knew well of who his client was: a man with a novel-length list of crimes ranging from robbery to murder and everything in between. Still, he scoffed at his wanted poster stapled to a post before he sauntered off for a pint at the Mitternachtsbierhalle Restaurant and Bar. He even had to scoff again at the description of him. A 'dangerous man', indeed! If the law enforcement captured that miscreant and needed him to confess to even more crimes, perhaps bringing out the piercing needly and the confessions would fly out of his silver-tongued mouth.
From that moment on, as soon as the boot hit him square in the head, Cameron implemented a new customer policy: cowboy boots were not allowed on the piercing table.
Thanks, Dutch.
Another Dutch trade secret: when giving gifts to his loved ones, with a few exceptions, he prefers going the legit route versus just stealing the damn thing. Books for Jack are always bought (almost), along with fine gifts for Hosea ranging from clothing to his stallion, Silver Dollar (whom he may have tricked Hosea into believing was a long-extinct breed). Dutch and Hosea bought the odd thing for John and Arthur.
Wedding anniversaries are bought legitimately without fail.
Well, that's a stretch.
There was that time when Dutch stole a carriage and took Hosea out on a joyride, lawmen in tow; that was last year.
The gold chains that Dutch would connect to the rings were handmade in Italy, and the rings themselves, adorned with tiny diamonds and rubies, of course, were from France, where the fob the chains would connect to came from. Fancy, fancy.
Now you might be wondering, during the weeks when Dutch got his piercings and during his healing, how did Dutch keep it all a secret from Hosea?
A little (stolen) stage makeup was used. It took a little experimenting to ensure it was thick enough not to be rubbed (or kissed off) easily but not to look unnatural. Dutch also depended on little tricks of the lighting and, even more so, a little luck.
During those weeks of healing, lovemaking happened only at night; Dutch had concocted a theory that a man's sensations are higher at night. Hosea played along. With the sensitivity towards those areas heightened by the pain, it was, in a word, sensational.
Dutch played it coy during the day, flirting and testing the waters, but he was able to keep those areas hidden. Hosea had always been fond of kissing that belly each morning, as Dutch was fond of doing to him; whoever woke up first blew zerberts on the other. Once in a while, the makeup would slip off during the night, and Hosea would be concerned about those red marks appearing on his usually pristine belly button and nipples, a concern which Dutch brushed off as mosquito bites. It was a particularly insect-ridden summer, and Dutch thought it was a plausible pass; Hosea, though, was suspicious.
"Mosquito bites?" Hosea raised an eyebrow, trying to pull down the bedsheet covering his chest. Dutch stubbornly covered himself up.
"Who was it?"
"Who was what?" Dutch felt his cheeks flush, and at once, Hosea narrowed his eyebrows.
"It wasn't Josiah, was it?" Hosea almost growled. "I told him not to bite you! You know I'm the one to leave marks on you."
Now and then, Hosea would 'loan' out Dutch to close friends to have a little fun with him. At other times, he'd go to the highest bidder; on one occasion, a prince from Sweden had an afternoon with him. Josiah Trelawny (and sometimes his wife when she had someone to mind Tarquin and Cornelius) were among those. There were a few rules: he had to return at the end of the day, Fridays were off limits to any but Hosea, and the aforementioned non-biting rule: Hosea wanted to mark Dutch as HIS harlot.
"Nope, nope, he was gentler last time."
Hosea scoffed, crossing his arms as he looked at his idiot with a mustache, his head tilted. He wore a smug smile, but a twinkle in his dark eyes told Hosea he would tease a little. "Gentle last time? You couldn't walk right for a week. Hosea Fucks Friday almost became Hosea Misses Out on Friday."
"Is that any different than usual?" Dutch laughed, at first arching his back off the mattress in a not-so-subtle 'please give me scritches' gesture, but then stopped, realizing. "Last I checked -- "
Hosea scoffed, slipping into bed next to him. He felt right into the marrow of his old bones that Dutch was up to something; he always knew but decided to play along. "You know, it's amazing it hasn't fallen off!"
He looked at his husband curiously, and Dutch answered his question.
"Wasn't anyone but you," Dutch murmured, pressing a kiss to Hosea's nose as he turned to hand Hosea a book; it was their sweet, nightly routine to read a chapter of a book to each other.
"You were rough, I'm still recovering!"
A week had passed since that close call, and the chains and rings were soon in Dutch's well-manicured hands. Oh, he couldn't wait to show them to Hosea!
Dutch stood before the mirror, in all his shirtless glory, as he carefully inserted the first ring into his right nipple.
He shivered at the sensation of the cool gold sliding through his nipple; it was cold and tingling but not unpleasant. Not unpleasant in the least.
The second nipple was even more sensitive; he'd be lying if he said his toes weren't curling by now. And the fool wants to attach chains!
Last but not least, the navel ring. Dutch squirmed and let out a sound that one wouldn't likely expect from him as that damn fancy ring was inserted. And then, with the biggest smile he could possibly smile, he kissed his reflection.
"Oh, baby girl, he will love it!" He was sure this would send Hosea into another galaxy.
Dutch stepped back and took a good look at himself. He was positively flirting with his reflection; one hip slightly swung out, and his chest puffed out. He was an absolute picture of pride. The rings shone so pretty in the limited lighting, but that ensemble would look even prettier on that chain.
He took hold of one of the chains arranged neatly on the counter, clipped a clasp on the chain to the right nipple ring, and then repeated with the left. He attached a third and final chain, a shorter one, to his red gem fob, to the chain clasps from the nipple rings, to his navel ring.
Effectively, the chains created a "V" with a pattern; "V" for "van der Linde," "V" for "vivacious," "V" for "very sexy," or if you think the whole matter is silly if you think the situation is indeed a bit silly.
The sensation of the gold chain against Dutch's tender skin was giving him goosebumps -- and that was before the fob was even given a tug.
He had to give it a little tug—just a little teasing one. Of course, he'd save a proper tug for Hosea, but he had to try it.
Dutch gave the fob a sight tug. He let out a sharp breath as he felt a shiver running throughout his body, and that was just from the lightest pull. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, envisioning Hosea dragging him around camp by that fob. He slipped his hands down his torso as the picture in his head became more vivid. Hosea might be angry at him over something and feel taking him down a peg was necessary.
"How long are you going to be in there?" Hosea asked from behind the bathroom door with particular urgency to his voice, startling Dutch from his daydreaming just as his hands reached his meticulously trimmed pubic hair.
It was the eve of their wedding anniversary, ten minutes to go.
"Just five more minutes!" Dutch answered with a slight shake of his voice, grabbing his clothes from the counter, minus the union suit, which he placed in a basket for laundry. He had to reclothe himself carefully lest he snag the chains, and well, there'd go the sexy anniversary gift reveal. The fob chain was threaded through an opening in his shirt, and he squirmed his hips as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Old Girl will go mad."
Sure enough, Dutch made good on his promise. Hosea stepped into the bathroom while casting a suspicious eye on his husband. He had been in there for a while, after all.
"Stomach's not acting up again, is it?"
Dutch's eyes had a certain glint in them. Playful, even. "It's been a week since that's been acting up. You rearranged my guts!"
"I wasn't that rough!" Hosea scoffed, giving him a swat that Dutch dodged as he swerved into the bedroom.
Dutch sat on the edge of the hotel bed, his foot fidgeting as he practically squirmed in anticipation. He pushed himself further up onto the mattress and unbuttoned his striped shirt, revealing a bit more of his chest. Feeling a little saucy, maybe even a bit slutty, he assumed the pose he often took after sex: his lower torso pointed towards the bathroom door, legs spread open, chin tilted to his chest, and eyes coyly cast downward. It was a submissive pose of trust and love, one that Hosea could never resist; to him, it meant Dutch was so trusting of him that he could do as he wished to him.
"Oh, there's my little minx, waiting for me . . . " Hosea spoke lowly, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom.
Dutch's hand moved to the fob of his black waistcoat, and he almost shyly toyed with it, subtly trying to draw Hosea's attention to it. "Five minutes until our anniversary . . . " He cast a playful glance at Hosea.
"You forgot the anniversary gift, didn't you?" Hosea was always onto Dutch when he acted cute. Usually, Dutch was hiding something from him and would try to to worm his way out of the situation. More often than not, Dutch indeed managed to squirm out of trouble; Hosea had a bit of a soft spot for him, after all.
"What would you say if I said I was wearing it?" Dutch murmured, his baritone voice coming out as smooth as silk.
Hosea watched Dutch curiously as he played with the fob, twirling it between his fingers. After a moment, their eyes locked; Hosea's eyes were filled with questions as he wondered what was in store for him, and Dutch's with warm excitement, almost giddy anticipation.
"Give it a tug, Old Girl . . . " Dutch laid back further, casting him that playful gaze again as he carefully held the fob out to him.
Hosea's face lit up with a smile as he took the fob in one hand and cupped Dutch's jaw with the other, 'bopping' his nose with his thumb, which he moved down to lightly scratch his soul patch.
"You've been a little funny the last few weeks. I figured you were hiding something. You're so full of yourself, thinking you could get something past me."
Dutch looked at him with a defiant smirk, shifting slightly, his back arching up in a not-so-subtle 'tug it already' gesture. He was being a pushy little shit, and he knew it. "Oh, you know damn well I was in the clear -- "
"Not so." Hosea returned the smirk and tugged the chain firmly.
He might as well have struck Dutch with a jolt of electricity from an experiment testing the full impact of electricity at its highest possible strength and capabilities.
Dutch let out a sharp yelp, throwing his head back as he slammed onto the mattress, his back arching up off it as he dug his fingers into the bedspread. His whole body shuddered as his chest rose and fell rapidly.
His reaction was so intense that it initially startled Hosea, but he gathered himself quickly and gave it another tug. He got a similar reaction out of him again.
"You think you could be sneaky with me, huh?"
"N-no -- "
Hosea tugged it a third time.
Dutch was a quivering mess, whimpering, finding himself unable to talk. The sight drove a certain hunger within Hosea; having such control over Dutch made him feel like he had all the power in the world.
"You got this attached to your cock and balls, or what?" Hosea had the chain threaded through his fingers but didn't pull back; he didn't want to tug too often, too soon, lest he desensitize him. And besides, he was giving him the puppy dog look. Wherever this fob was connected, it was attached to something sensitive; he knew Dutch's most tender spots intimately and what kind of touch brought out what reaction.
Dutch laid on his back, panting. He felt his cock swelling under his pants; his arousal grew so fast that it was damn near painful.
"Fuck, Hosea . . . " He spoke between breaths, his heart nearly pounding out of his ribcage as he pushed his head back into the pillow.
Hosea ran his thumb over the fob as he slipped next to him, maybe subtly reminding Dutch that he controlled this situation. His hazel eyes were sparkling; he had to see this arrangement! Dutch had always gone over the top with their anniversary gifts, but this had to be the most . . . Sensational one.
"May I see my wedding gift?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Dutch winked, crow's feet taking flight in the corners of his eyes. Hosea loved seeing him smile, how his eyes crinkled up, even the wrinkles on his nose!
He sat up on his knees, not breaking soft eye contact with Hosea as he unbuttoned his jacket, taking care not to snag the fob chain underneath. To Hosea's amusement, he slipped out his waistcoat with an exaggeratedly serpentine movement.
"Enjoying the show?" Dutch teased, teasingly shrugging his shoulders as his fingers nimbly worked over his shirt.
"I've seen worse!" Hosea laughed, though transfixed by watching his husband's fingers deftly undo the buttons; he always loved watching Dutch use his hands, whatever they were doing.
Almost absently, Hosea slid his hand down to his groin, digging his fingers across the fabric of his pyjama bottoms as he watched intently. While for Dutch, Hosea's hands are
When his chest became exposed, Dutch almost coyly blocked the view of his nipple rings. He gave Hosea a crooked smile as he rested his head on his shoulder and watched; Dutch took pride in how he still affected Hosea in such a manner.
"Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe this be too much for you." He was still playing coy and being cute, and his beloved enjoyed it.
Hosea scoffed, his fingers clutching through the fabric of his pyjamas. His voice was hitched, breathly as he ran the palm of his hand over his groin. "Too much for me? I think I struck lighting with you."
"I seem to be creating the makings of another electric storm myself," Dutch almost purred, a certain playful twinkle in them as he slipped his left hand covering a ringed nipple and then revealed the other.
"Happy anniversary, Old Girl."
Hosea sat up in a kneeling position, a bit awkwardly, given that oh-so-familiar sensation growing within his groin. "It's beautiful . . ." He almost growled, tracing a finger over the ring and then tracing a fingertip down the length of the exposed chain.
"That's not all . . ." Dutch murmured teasingly, deftly undoing the rest of the buttons, revealing the chains which popped out oh so temptingly. He worked his way down to his navel piercing, and with all of them undone, he arched his back towards Hosea, pushing his belly towards him invitingly.
Hosea glanced up and down Dutch's form, licking his lips as if he was presented with a delicious meal, and he was—prime Dutch. He wanted to make a feast out of that choice cut that lay before him and maybe have the odd bite; after all, he had to ensure Dutch was cooked just right.
Hosea leaned in and, securing Dutch by the waist, took a nipple ring into his mouth and rolled it slowly with his tongue, sending Dutch writhing. Leaving him wanting more, though, Hosea abandoned that nipple and kissed and nipped his way over to his other, easing him down as he did so. Leaving him whining -- a sound Hosea knew was begging -- and squirming -- Hosea alternated kisses and soft bites down his torso.
"Oh, you taste as delicious as you look," Hosea murmured against him.
"Hungry, now are we?" Dutch grinned, his eyes now little slits as he squirmed up against Hosea, encouraging him. "I guess I wouldn't be the worst choice for an anniversary dinner -- "
"Shut up and let me eat you!" Hosea feigned frustration but flashed a grin, giving him a nip between that tender region of the breastbone and midriff.
Hosea enjoyed this as much as Dutch did; he felt young again. The world outside, everything, stopped. It was just them having this moment.
Dutch squirmed with stifled laughter and whimpers as he tried to suck his belly in, in a hopeless attempt to evade Hosea's brutal onslaught. He suspected that his navel would be next, and he was right. He was already sensitive there, and the ring just amplified it. Hosea couldn't help it -- the damn fools jewelry setup was
Dutch's toes curled nearly into the souls of his feet in arousal as Hosea reached up to sneak a bite into a nipple -- as did Hosea's as his hunger increased.
"One of your better anniversary gifts, my Dutchess," Hosea cooed against his skin. Then, deciding to leave Dutch wanting more, he pushed himself into a kneeling position. He threaded a length of the chain around a finger and cupped his chin with his other hand.
"Thank you."
And then they kissed.
Slowly, Hosea pushed Dutch back onto the mattress, his hold not breaking from the chain. For a moment, Dutch challenged him, wrapping his leg behind him and rolling him over. He did so slowly as if thinking amid that kiss that Hosea would overlook. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.
Hosea wasn't having any of it, though.
Oh no, he wasn't.
Hosea growled into the kiss and rolled Dutch aside, pinning him down with his knees around his waist -- all the while still holding onto that strand of gold chain as he sat upwards again. Dutch looked up at him with a crooked, playful smile as if testing to see what he'd do next.
"Thought you'd distract me with the shiny, huh?" He slowly wound more of that chain around his finger, threatening to yank.
"Well, I did!" Dutch grinned, his expression alone saying, 'Pull it.'
Hosea smirked. He considered tugging it, but then he thought. . .
"Maybe I could be distracted by a little bit more . . . Shiny."
Dutch tilted his head curiously, an expression beyond adorable that earned a tickle on the cleft of his chin. Hosea had a soft spot for that chin; where others found 'ugly,' he found adorable, much like that nose. What he even found to be cuter than those features was how he reacted when they were scritched, kissed, 'booped.' Sometimes, he'd tuck his head in and blush; sometimes, he'd wrinkle his nose and pretend to be annoyed. On other times -- such as this time -- he'd crinkle his eyes up and tip his head back for more with a big ear-to-ear smile.
"You're adorable."
Hosea leaned over and kissed Dutch's nose, and he chuckled when that made him wrinkle it with a feigned snarl. He knew Dutch often pretends to hate those nose kisses, but Hosea knows better. He slipped off the bed to retrieve said gift from the dresser, and his voice took on a certain excitement.
"You didn't think there'd just be one anniversary gift between us now, did you?"
Dutch remained where Hosea placed, on his back, his legs spread to accommodate his erection. He tipped his head back to watch Hoea, almost purring at the combined sensation of the gold settling on his skin, the cloth of his black pants roughly shifting against his groin without that union suit getting in the way. And then, he couldn't bear it.
Off with the pants! His eyes didn't leave Hosea as he slipped, almost wiggling out of those pants, gasping when the cool air settled on his exposed, erect penis.
And then, Hosea turned to reveal the wedding anniversary gift in his hands. His expression was amused; he knew Dutch too well and how quick he'd be about taking those pants off.
It was a cock ring.
Custom made, of course.
"Specially made, just for you!" Hosea spoke animatedly, still eyeballing his husband as if he were a high-priced meal at a restaurant.
The cock ring was made of gold with a black band engraved with a smattering of tiny gold Ds, the very same font that formed the D pattern on his jacket. D for Dutch. D for dashing. D for dick. There were tiny red rubies along the band; it matched with his other rings and even his wardrobe perfectly.
And it could be hooked up with another gold chain, which it game with.
Dutch almost purred, his legs spreading in submission, in desire. He held his cock in his hands as Hosea returned to the bed, eager to feel the ring being eased on.
"Oh, Hosea, you spoil me rotten."
Hosea laughed as he came around the foot end of the bed and propped a knee on the mattress, all with a smoothness that Dutch was still taken in by. They both walked with a hitch in their get-along for some time now, but when it came to affection and intimacy, it was as if all their joints, their tendons, were as they were when they first met. Dutch could be able to withhold weight on his knees without feeling as if they'd be crunching underneath him, and Hosea could thrust deep within him without his hips troubling him. Maybe some invisible connection between them -- they are soulmates, after all -- healed all that was sore, at least for a time.
"If you got any more rotten, the vultures wouldn't have you!" Hosea grinned, giving Dutch a poke to his belly as he leaned in, delighting in how that always made him squeak.
Dutch let out a hearty laugh and squirmed his whole body in anticipation. "Oh, you flatter me, Old Girl . . ." He grinned, slipping a leg onto Hosea's shoulder, his foot teasing behind his ear. He teasingly started to rub it over Hosea; wherever he could reach, he touched.
"Trying to turn me on before I could get this on, are you? What a whore!" Hosea teased, playfully taking hold of his leg with his free hand and holding it firmly against his waist. "It's not even Friday!"
Dutch looked over at Hosea with a coy, playful expression. "Mhm . . . But I think rules can be set aside for anniversaries, and it'd be cruel to follow them with my new accessories. I did spend a lot of time putting it on, you know." He purred but slipped his hand away, tipping his head back when he felt Hosea's hand replace his.
The ring was eased down onto Dutch cock, giving him a cool and yet not cold sensation -- helped by the warmth of Hosea's hand -- that coursed through him.
"This came from London . . . " Hosea murmured, sending Dutch's head tipping back as he slid the ring up and down his length in a slow, rhythmic pace and used this other hand to support his ass. He may have even slipped a finger inside him to add to his pleasure; the purring moan from Dutch told him it was a good decision.
"I measured you that one night. You wouldn't have known I was measuring you, of course. You were on another planet!"
Dutch arched his back off the bed, grit his teeth and gripped the bed cover. He remembered that night. He almost felt that night again; nobody touches Dutch like Hosea. He strokes with the perfect pressure, almost elegantly, and yet keeps it unpredictable. There are reminders of who Dutch belongs to and who loves him.
For Hosea and Dutch, mutual masturbation is as enjoyable and just as meaningful as intercourse. For Dutch, it keeps him centred, keeping his mind from going to dark places.
"Send me to the moon, Hosea -- "
Hosea happily obliged.
He leaned in, took that fob between his teeth, and tipped his head back.
Dutch went to another planet.
He wasn't sure if it was the moon, but it was a planet, far, far away.
"Are you seeing the galaxy, my Duchess?" Hosea's voice was deep and breathy; if he said he wasn't being affected by watching his husband undulatingly writhe and moan as he gave that fob tugs -- no, yanks -- of alternating strengths, his finger moving into him deeper, he'd be lying.
Dutch gasped, his head thrown back so far and hard repeatedly that he'd be surprised if he hadn't gotten whiplash. "N-nearly there!"
Hosea could feel the orgasm building up within Dutch. It was such an intimately organic sensation, one that, to him, was more than just sex; it was knowing that he had sent him to that level. Truthfully, they really do only have sex once a week, and yes, on Fridays, it extends the drive, the desire, the hunger.
"I'll help get you there!" Hosea panted, his breath shaking as he eased Dutch's ass back down on the bed, leaving him writhing as he rummaged through his jacket pocket in search of gun oil. He was whining about something incoherent. It's hard to imagine, but Dutch will survive the ordeal of a short wait until Hosea sends him to another level.
"No need to be dramatic; I'll send you to the stars."
"Mmrhsea . . . !"
"You don't like me going in raw, Dutch."
At last, Hosea had found the gun oil.
Pants were dropped. All necessary equipment was lubed up to specifications.
Gun lube wasn't their preferred lubricant; Hosea was fond of hair pomade, while Dutch preferred Potent Miracle Tonic. Gun oil was a go-to in a hurry, though, and they were in a hurry.
Hosea grabbed a fistful of those chains, and with Dutch's legs submissively, sluttily spread out, he thrust deep inside him with a strength of a man twenty years younger. He took ahold of that waist with his other hand, steading him, digging his fingers into a love handle. He loved that Dutch had them now; they were something to grab, to poke to keep him in line.
Dutch was self-conscious about those love handles, but over time, Hosea's touches of them, the gentle pokes, and those soft kneadings created a positive association; acceptance happened henceforth.
Hosea yanked the chain.
Dutch's knuckles nearly went white as he gripped the bed. He snapped his head back, biting his tongue so hard that he tasted blood as he was sent into an orgasmic, organically electrified, babbling, whimpering mess. He seemed to even short-circuit as he came and cried, actually, literally cried when he felt Hosea's release that came following one more hard thrust. Hosea and Dutch were so synch with one another that even their bodies almost became one organism during sex; rarely, one lasts longer than the other.
Sex heightens Dutch's emotions. Tears happen.
He went to the stars, the moon, and beyond, an emotional journey.
Hosea collapsed onto Dutch and couldn't even catch his breath before he hugged tight. It was almost as if the fear was there that he would disappear into thin air, that he was an apparition all along, an apparition that he was forbidding to fade away. He had to smile, though, as Dutch pressed on the top of his head.
Aftercare would have to wait; Dutch *needed* to hold him. He was enjoying the sound of his heart beating against his, both of which were trying to slow down and that musky after-sex smell that he still has after all these years.
"Happy anniversary, 'sea."
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fridaycomments · 23 days
Friday Comments !!!
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The most beautiful raven
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Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial with the prompt #FFF256 Muted colours
Fandom: Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master
Characters: Wakamiya/Nazukihiko, Yukiya
Word count: 912
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NAZUKIHIKO always hired all the girls in Hanamachi. He had a penchant for the pretty ones, whose faces were so made up one could not discern their true identity underneath the heavy cosmetics hiding their eyes and what lay beneath the skin. How much it would cost him to ask for these courtesans to entertain him didn’t make any difference at all, which boggled the teenager.
He never saw him kiss them. They were next to him laughing, making a jest. At least, he never invited them to his room in front of him. They talked, sang, drank wine, dined, and often there would be dancers among those beautiful women.
He wondered greatly what kind of woman Wakamiya would be interested in ever since Lord Kiei had asked his nephew about the Crown Prince and his preferences for a spouse.
Yukiya could count on his fingers how many trips to Hanamachi, the central pleasure quarter, they made after he insisted that he never liked it. It wasn’t as if he had an aversion for the opposite sex. When Wakamiya left him as a collateral at the Ravine, he didn’t know how many times the men over there told him to indulge with the courtesans on his free time. He knew that he would turn 14 and boys like him were encouraged to make their first experience with the prostitutes as early as possible as the beginning of their rite of passage to adulthood.
His young master was so confusing that the other night he thought of Taruhi and the face of Yukichi on his mind caught him by surprise. Suddenly he was missing his family that he decided to lounge at the terrace and stay there the whole night. It must be that the lunar festival was upon them. His mother sent a letter if he could take a few days off to celebrate at their Taruhi mansion. Of course, that was only a suggestion as his year of serving Wakamiya wasn’t over yet. She wanted to know if she could see him on his 14th birthday.
“Cannot sleep?” A voice so soft he knew to whom it belonged to.
“Your Highness!” Yukiya’s tone went up a step higher.
“Did I startle you, Yukiya?”
“You did and I was prepared to run away.” The boy said jokingly.
He snickered. The Crown Prince with his demure face let out that impish sound Yukiya did not expect in a thousand of years.
“I am thinking of Taruhi. The house is quite a riot during the Lunar Festival where we invite the townspeople to join us for a moon-viewing,” Yukiya reminisced, leaving a faint smile on his face. His mother would hold a tanka poetry reading and then the children would feast on dango and sweet potatoes. One time when the servants decorated the house with pampas grass, Yukichi fell asleep on them that when he woke up his face was swollen. He was allergic to them, the family found out. But Yukiya learned to love them.
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( x )
“Here everything is in muted colours,” the teenager continued. “I am still not used to palace intrigues.”
“If you don’t love someone,
Or you don’t
Have a heart.
Also the pathos
Is understand by that.”
Yukiya was mesmerised the first time he heard this tanka, his mother was standing on the makeshift stage, the moon was afire, while the faces were focused on the lady of the house. The voice was loud and clear, commanding yet determined, and her eyes were looking at someone, who was seated in the farthest corner of the veranda. It was his father whose muffled cries were not heard. The Taruhi chief shed tears silently as he listened to his mother say the words.
Heady for the remembrances, he did not hear Wakamiya at first.
“You will also turn 14, quite a feat it I may say.” Nazukihiko watched him looking at the horizon, four hours from now it would be dawn.
“I remember turning 14 and I was somewhere else, running away from this place, my head was on everyone’s chopping block,” the Crown Prince ruminated. “Amusing that it still is. The difference is that I am older, and I came back to take my rightful place in this country.”
Yukiya finally looked at his young master, whose life was tinged of sadness, despair, and betrayal when he only had a few people around him. How could he leave him alone?
“You need me,” Yukiya said matter of factly. Nazukihiko was silent then he walked up to Yukiya a few steps closer. Their kimonos touching each other.
“I do,” Nazukihiko assented. Yukiya knew that his master was a beautiful young man but then he never paid attention to the details. He found himself staring at Nazukihiko’s long eyelashes that overwhelmed him suddenly. Scrunching his eyes, he then bent his head on his arms leaning on the handrail feeling embarrassed.
Better stop whatever this feeling creeping into me.
“Yukiya,” the Prince called his attention. “Why don’t you go to your room and call it a night, hmm?”
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The boy nodded and straightened up his back and forced a yawn that threatened to become real as he walked away from his young master.
“Good night, Your Highness, or rather, good morning,” his head made a light bow.
“Yukiya, I’ll see you around lunchtime,” Nazukihiko said.
“Yes…” For one last time before being taken away by dreams, Yukiya looked at his Prince, beautiful and majestic at the same time.
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