#fan theory stuff too
royalarchivist · 1 month
Phil: Gee, I sure hope I'll get to go on many more adventures in the future! That would be incredible.
Phil: ...What's this like, heavy feeling in my chest, like I'm forgetting something? ...Chayanne? Tallulah?
Phil did NOT have to break out the QSMP angst in the middle of his anime-protag speech as a bit, that was foul 😭😭
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
[While the Minecraft song "Alpha" plays in the background]
Phil: Boop, there we go! [To Chat] Why are you staring at me? Why- why are you staring at me? I'm not gonna do it!
[Phil turns his camera off]
Phil: What's that, Piglin? You think I should go on an adventure? Wow! You know, I think I will! I think I will go on an adventure! I'll bring back so many treasures for you, you'll see! You'll all see! [Laughs] Here I go! Soaring through the sky! [Laughs] Gee, it reminds me of that dream I had that lasted a little while where I couldn't fly. Now I can! Oh, it was a terrible nightmare, terrible nightmare indeed. [Laughs] I sure do miss that wet cat. [Laughs and snorts] I wonder how he's doing! I'm sure he's gone on many adventures. Whee—!
Phil: [Temporarily breaking character] We gotta get some soul sand, hold on, this guy's a dumbass. [Thanks a sub]
Phil: Gee, I sure hope I'll get to go on many more adventures in the future! That would be incredible. ...What's this like, heavy feeling in my chest... like I'm forgetting something? [Quietly] ...Chayanne? Tallulah? No, it's nothing. No it's nothing, it's nothing, it's fine! Let's keep digging. I'll just keep digging and it'll be fine! [Laughs]
Phil: [Breaking character as he turns his camera back on] I can only be mean to you for so long, I can't keep a straight face saying that sht, oh my god, that– that was so foul. That was so foul, I apologize. [Cracks up again]
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tokruta · 11 months
someone who is good at psychology help me understand why i adore jegulus with all my heart but don't like drarry outside of very specific aus
please my family is dying (my ability to read jegulus lives aus is heavily compromised)
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karasbroken · 6 months
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I've been thinking about this moment a lot today. It's the scene where Aeryn offers herself to Crais, to try to convince him to help her rescue John from the shadow depository.
The way the scene is edited is intentionally ambiguous. Crais could be read as considering accepting, and there is a cutaway and then it's never exactly resolved what happened, though the rest of the episode implies that Talyn agrees to help because of Moya, not at Crais's request. Later in Green Eyed Monster, Talyn does some deceptive editing of this scene himself, and Aeryn eventually tells John that nothing happened.
So how did Crais turn her down? Gently, scornfully, reluctantly, with insults? Was he offended or titillated by her lack of genuine interest in him?
Aeryn clearly had a notion already that he was interested enough in her that she thought he might take the bribe. We never see why, though. Peacekeepers have a very pragmatic and functional view of sex, with consent being at least occasionally optional. Claudia Black mentions in audio commentary that Aeryn's relationship with Velorek began as an assigned recreational partner.
So the undertones of sex work and non-consent are a bit muddy for me. Aeryn's offer doesn't have quite the same emotional meaning as it would for a non-Peacekeeper, but it is a painful offer, you can see that in her face and her words "you can take what you want and I won't stop you".
It feels like such fertile ground for missing scene fanfiction. If anyone knows of any that address this specific dynamic, hook me up!
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apollos-boyfriend · 9 months
Maybe the channel will turn into something good, maybe the channel will completely die in 6 months.
i really do hope it turns into something good. because there’s a genuine reason why game theory was so beloved in its beginning and why so many people (myself included) have so much nostalgia towards it. and yeah, not all their old videos were great either, but they weren’t plagiarized. they weren’t directly contradicting canonical points for the sake of being “out there” and “different”. i really do hope the channel(s) can slow down and take its time to focus more on the love of theory crafting instead of the shock value of being different
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operafloozy · 2 months
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herebecritters · 1 year
Hear me out, you oc newest oc give me the idea of an ongoing death loop idol worshipping cult that consists of some of the main animals [Lammy and truffles maybe?]
Idk man cults are cool and I love you insane bad luck fellow
Oh Nergal! He’s actually not a new oc, he’s been around for a bit. He’s one of my prehistoric htf ocs.
He’s part of this trio, along with Dumuzi and Geshtu. He usually wears a small dromeosaur skull as a hat.
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I’d love to tell their story but that would be a really really long post. So I’ll save that for later.
And unfortunately there’s no cult thing going on. The current folks of The Isles don’t really know what exactly the idols are or what they do. Hell they only ever encounter one of them in person, and it protects itself fiercely. Many of them tend not to remember their encounters.
This “death loop” of the idols is an ancient matter. One that began 66 million years ago. After one of the greatest misfortunes of all of earths history. An event that kickstarted a very interesting history of the Isles that I can go into later. It’s a LOOONG story.
You see, the Isles that the htf crew we all know and love find themselves trapped on grants them immortality but at a great cost. You need Misfortune to spill Blood. You need Blood to fuel Regeneration. And Regeneration brings them back to experience Misfortune all over again. It’s a vicious but well oiled cycle.
They don’t even realize that they are their own sacrifices for their immortality. To them, this is hell, but the forces behind this curse see it as a gift.
I suppose to some, life is suffering. So is it not appropriate that the payment for eternal life is eternal suffering?
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spiderfaang · 6 months
I still think it was a massive mistake to not have windclan take in frostpaw during the book called Wind. Like you had the buildup for it to happen. Why didn't you just put frostpaw in windclan.
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Ok. I will ask: Do siblings exist? What colors are they or gods?
uuunnmm I think that you are referring to Egyxos? But so then...
There is little variety of Gods in Egyxos. Most of them are humanoid or animal-looking. Colors don't seem to be an important factor in their hierarchy or status as Gods (BUT THEY LOOK FUCKING COOL)
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But yes, siblings do exist among the Egyptian Gods that Egyxos chooses to show. Not only do we have Iside and Osiride (brothers in this version, not lovers. With Iside having Horus with an unknown character) but we also have the Pharaos who take part in the war as enemies but are also the sons of Ra.
Khufu/Kefer and Echnaton/Akhenaton/Exaton
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Kefer is the little good brother who became the ruler of the Golden City while Exaton is the older jealous brother who started a war to become the supreme Egyptian God, or at least someone that surpasses Ra.
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Shu might count as their younger brother as he was also created by Ra, but he is a robot so I will leave it open to interpretation...
Their war has been going on for a loooooooonnngggg time and Leo is like ¨I don't want to be the adult here¨
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kakyogay · 11 months
fnaf movbie best movie to ever be a movie...
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the-blackdale · 4 months
where are my hunger games girlies ? Haymitch Abernathy just got his novel !!
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sweetmoonbeam17 · 9 months
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bmblboop · 1 year
You ever come up with a fan theory so tense, emotionally resonant, and perfect for your blorbos that you just:
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A comparable difference between Tumblr clique and reddit clique, that makes Tumblr clique better, is that I have yet to see Tumblr clique treat anyone like shit for participating in Theory Making.
The TOP subreddit isn't like, horribly shitty to theory makers, but they are particularly gatekeepy and have multiple people on the sub that make fun of people who may take the theory making too seriously, or make obviously farfetched theories.
I have yet to find a single person who's made a theory and then treated it like canon. So far, most people understand their theories may be incorrect or be debunked in the future, but they still make em anyways because its fun. Clique members who shit on those theory makers don't realize how much of that behavior makes them sound entitled. You honestly have to believe your better than others to shit on someone who wants to join in on one of the most entertaining parts of the worldbuilding TOP is allowing and even encourages us to do.
It doesn't matter if someone theories is factually incorrect and/or farfetched. It doesn't matter if it doesn't really fit the lore, if that's how they view the story and music, so be it. Your not obligated to like or enjoy everyones theories. Ignore the ones you don't like and move on. It really shouldn't hurt or bother you that much if someone believes every little thing TOP does is related to the lore either. I think the only people who say too many fans take clue hunting too seriously are being dramatic.
In the end of the day, just enjoy the music.
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heart-democracy · 1 year
TDI Advice wanted!
Hi TD fans! I'm planning a rewrite of TDI, the cast will be 18 for in-universe reasons (think legal contracts, I'm not gonna be weird about them). I'm aiming to make it more realistic and in line with the 2007 aesthetic, i.e era appropriate lingo & references, mobile phones are rare, homophobia is a bigger concern etc, but I'm wondering how far I should take it?
In the end I'll write what I enjoy, but should I lean more heavily into the gritty side of reality TV both on and behind the screen, include more notable sexism, potential slurs and creepy behaviours etc? The point is for there to be believable drama in-universe and the topics planned all have some merit to be present. I have some hard lines I'll never cross (see last tags on the post for those curious) and I want people familiar with the themes to feel seen rather than exploited reading it.
At the end of the day the cast are just youngsters getting to know each other and themselves. I want to humanize them and write believable conflicts without demonizing anyone, it is intended as a character driven story after all. But I also want to know what others think would make for an enjoyable read/take on the show.
The cast will inevitably diverge from their canon counterparts, but I am unsure how to handle certain characters, an example being LeShawna. She's clearly based on a racist stereotype, but her personality, background and lingo are a huge part of her appeal and I'd rather portray her in a better light than change her from the ground up. If you have any pointers I can keep in mind for her or anyone else you think is often portrayed poorly in canon or fanon then please let me hear your takes! This goes for non-TDI castmates as well, even if they don't show up in the story I wanna know what people think does and doesn't work for them and their tropes/traits cause it might still be relevant!
#Td#Tdi#Total drama#Id love any opinions no matter how personal or miniscule. Even outside of fic writing I love hearing theories/analyses.#Also: I already have some things very strongly set in stone so I won't change this project to perfectly appease someone else's vision#Some charas will inevitably be OOC at points but I am using canon information and what we know from stuff like other seasons and their bios#-as my basis for most things. Because while I want to explore some unrelated topics I still want this to be the TD cast. Not my OCs.#That said there will be personal headcanons thrown in. But I hope they flow well with canon and don't stand out as a sore thumb.#Some HCs might replace canon traits but only if I think they were bad/random or underdeveloped.#And if you have songs you think fit the campers pls send them my way! Good character playlists really helps w getting into their headspace#While I am a huge IOTS fan I don't intend to reference it in my work. No gore or character deaths because that stuff is too impactful both-#-for the characters and for the show in-universe. It would derail everything which is what makes IOTS work but is unfitting here.#All TWs will be listed once I start writing. I'm happy to tag niche phobias/squicks/TWs as well so if you're interested in reading but-#-worry that something specific might be included then just ask! No matter how silly it might seem I've got you covered.#What I won't include: SA nor heavy sexism/racism. I might not touch racism much at all outside of beauty standards/racist tv tropes.#Any heavy topic included will be approached with a lot of care and consideration for those affected. There will be 0 shock value inclusions
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x-ladydisdain-x · 2 years
I wonder how many people converted to Christianity/Catholicism because of unholyverse
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mymp3 · 2 years
i love making content for persona bc whenever anyone interacts with my posts i feel like i understand them on such a core level
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