#fandom music asks
findmeinthefallair · 2 years
for Fandom Music Ask: 2 ~ Voltron, 3 ~ The Owl House, 4 ~ Eda, 5 ~ Voltron, 10 ~ Hunter, 11 ~ Keith and/or Keith x fave ship, 12
A song you always create Voltron music videos for in your head. Deep Recon (We Are Not Alone) by The Intangible & Dreamstate Logic.
A song you wish was in The Owl House. Some homage to AC/DC's Highway to Hell would've been brilliant.
A song you associate with a headcanon you have about Eda. Happy Idiot by TV on the Radio, for the headcanon that she never got over missing Raine like hell after they left her in their youth.
A song that you associate with Voltron because of exactly one (1) applicable lyric. Share the lyric! Neon Brother by Nothing But Thieves. Lyric: "From the beginning we were in rhythm".
A song that makes you feel angsty about Hunter. (Which is also the song that has been looping the most in my head, in fact it's playing right now) A Dream In Static by Earthside ft. Daniel Tompkins. Some of the lyrics are heart-wrenchingly fitting for where he is now, such as "Disheartened, from fighting for no reward", "All my ambitions, painted in the distance, but something's in the way of my becoming" and "My fate, I fray these ends undone, torn away from all we're tied to". Yet the song has an overall hopeful ring.
A song that makes you feel happy about Keith and/or Keith x fave ship. Chasing Yesterday by FM-84 makes me envision his future wedding (I multiship when it comes to him) and makes my heart cry.
A song you associate with your favorite character. For variety's sake, plus how it's insanely hard to rank my faves, I'm gonna pick Jessica Jones for this one. Song: Demons by Sleigh Bells, which played during the S1 finale's climactic fight scene.
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crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
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i like to tuck my sun and moon into bed when i get out of it, but after seeing your chibi sun and moon, i think of them every time i do now hehe!!
ohhhhh this is precious! thank you for sharing with me! blowing them kisses!! sleep well, little plushies ❤️❤️❤️
the minute i saw your photo i dropped everything to draw this:
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they eepy
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Okay, I have taken the constructive criticism and made an OG hyperfixation poll 2.0 . Please reblog with the same ferocity. I am dying to see the results.
I really tried to include everything that multiple people brought up
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nabwastaken · 2 days
Spin this wheel of Starkid characters and tell me if you want to fuck, marry, or kill them!
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paintedwingz · 1 month
mischas dating both noel and talia
talia and noel are not dating (because noel is gay, not mspec.)
but they do have mutual respect for eachother. for putting up with mischa.
mischa just loves his boyfriend who he occasionally finds in a dress and heels dancing around to his own song. and his fiancee who he occasionally finds crying to the song he wrote about her.
anyways ^_^
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locusfandomtime · 7 months
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i hope you guys understand my vision
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marsipain · 11 months
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Heres some Lovejoy (a band I like) fanart I made a while ago that I forgot to post!
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aeolianblues · 2 months
The weirdly life affirming thing about fandom and some of the adoration that comes with it, particularly as pertains to real people, is that fans will love all the parts of you. That what is deemed ‘marketable’ by the press release and everything else they left out. If you come from something, fans will keep it alive. A Sam Fender fan away in Nebraska, USA will learn the Geordie dialect to accurately write Sam Fender x reader fanfic. They will keep alive a dialect declining even in Newcastle. As long as someone knows it, it lives on. The more people into it, the more beloved it becomes; it has a resurgence, it carries on. A Kneecap fan in Indonesia whose third language is English decides Irish Gaeilge can be their fourth. The Eurovision fans decided they can learn all of Finnish after being drawn to one song about piña coladas (and the super endearing Käärijä!)
Fandom is so much more than some base lowly shit to be embarrassed about that people like to reduce it to. It’s a powerful mode of culture. It’s so much more than about writing ‘your silly little stories about your pathetic men’; fandom is the reason American Blur fans flew thousands of miles overseas to be at Wembley last summer. Fandom is checking your IG stories after that gig and seeing that other well-loved musicians also have the same story as you because they were at that gig too. It is months later hearing Grian Chatten from Fontaines D.C. say that part of their new song was inspired by going to that Wembley show, and knowing exactly what he meant by that.
It is about shared cultural moments, it’s about the realisation that nothing is ever strictly in the past, and that we are sharing and creating culture in the now. I don’t know where I’m going with this, I was just struck by the connection between culture and pop culture. Don’t let people tell you they’re different worlds, I suppose
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mysticalcats · 3 months
May I request Tour 5 Pouncival?
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what a funky design! he was fun to draw (i hope i drew the right design for you. fandom wiki is hell)
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hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
Elvis' Sword Cane ⚔️
Elvis On Tour (1972)
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Watching the doc for the millionth time and I've only noticed this now. I wondered if EP's cane was actually a weapon... and it looks like I was right. Apparently, all of Elvis' canes were also swords... and he was making it clear onscreen. LOL.
Subtle message: "Don't f*** with me".
Source video: Reddit
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Elvis and Vernon Presley in Buffalo, New York. April 5, 1972.
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glambots · 4 months
Okay but what if: Music Man trying to flirt with a painfully oblivious reader. Bonus for DCA too
🎧DJ Music Man + Oblivious!Reader:🎧
It's very frustrating, but lucky for you, DJ is a robot of...well, not "infinite" patience, but a pretty good amount of it. But just how many romantic songs does he have to play before you finally understand that he's not just playing them for the heck of it? He's starting to run out of Fazbear Entertainment sanctioned songs to play! (Careless Whisper, take the wheel!)
☀️Sunnydrop + Oblivious!Reader:☀️
The man is This Close to just grabbing you by the shoulders and trying to actually shake some sense into you. Please! For the love of Fazbear! He's almost out of pick-up lines, and teetering on the border of just giving up on the whole thing altogether. What's the point of trying if you're just...never going to get it? Heck, he's starting to wonder if you're brushing him off on-purpose...
🌙Moondrop + Oblivious!Reader:🌙
While Sun is very passive-aggressive when he's annoyed, Moon is a lot more "in your face." As in, he'll straight-up grab your face and force you to stare him in the eyes for an...uncomfortably long time. Really, every time you nonchalantly respond to one of his (very poor) attempts to flirt, he just stares at you. For much longer than necessary. A lot of quiet seething is involved.
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psstchairsblog · 3 days
Jane and Ocean cuddling please I love them so much (and your art <3)
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Thank you for the compliments and your request!
It was an honor to meet some of my fellow RTC friends to enjoy this wonderful ship!
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averlym · 10 months
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smth smth red queen ?
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
Hey, if you don’t mind the question. What’s your opinion on Undertale Yellow?
8/10 game. pretty good at being a game, not so much at being an undertale story. the gameplay itself was fun, the area/puzzle designs too, the soundtrack was untouchable it literally gave me the same rush i felt hearing sburb initiation for the first time. minor NPCs designs were fun but the primary cast was too monotonous, tbh. (all the main characters have tall gangly very detailed designs save for like, axis). its attempts at landing Undertale's humor were quite often successful, but it held back on exaggeration and caricaturing its original characters which took away that oomph from the canon game. the character writing was... lacking. which is a pity.
i love fucked up women so i was really disappointed that every single one of ceroba's actions/ideas/influences on the story were nothing but an extension of her dead husband. when you take chujin away she's just... A Good Wife and Mother. or starlo's past love interest ig. i mean both dalv and martlet's backstory were tied to her family and we never see them interact at all. but they do have an established dynamic.... with the dead husband. again. UGH. she's just really wasted as a character (she and chujin should've BOTH been scientists and she should've continued the project AGAINST his wishes after he died. she's the main cast character, she should be the driving force in the narrative, not him—even if chujin sets the plot in montion by inventing the serum first).
I'm not a huge asgore fan—not that i dislike him, he's just not a character i care about all that much—so congrats to this game for making me say "he would NOT fucking say that". the "fuck the royals" subplot thing was really unnecessary. actually, that was a bit of a recurring thing in the game. suddenly introducing these Huge Social Dilemmas like labor exploitation, anti-monarchic sentiments, misogyny (bro who on earth "needs to take a wife" this is Undertale) everyone realizing that clover is a child, over exaggerating the violence at stake... while also attempting to maintain Undertale's careless, bouncy treatment of the situation. that's... not how things work. undertale is able to maintain its light tone BECAUSE it doesn't let you take those topics seriously, they're not meant to be. the fairytale-like king, the battles, the child protagonist, they're all set dressings for the REAL story and REAL power imbalance it wants to highlight: that between player and game characters. everything is in function of that. you take that layer of separation and make everyone aware that theyre violently attacking and killing a literal child... that's not. a good thing dude. if it's not gonna impact the tone of the story, why acknowledge it in the first place? it's just unnecessary
anyway flowey neutral run was really, really fun. his dialogue writing all throughout the game was very solid and i had a blast having him around. however, they shouldn't have tried to anticipate his character development. this game is a prequel, you can't do that without undermining his arc in the canon events. pacifist should've had him doubling down on his frustration from the neutral ending. i do all this work for you keeping you alive and you make the same mistake i did sacrifice yourself for them??? are you BRAINDEAD???? what I'm saying is he basically should've thrown the biggest tantrum of his LIFE. oh and in the NM run he should've been terrified when he lost control of the SAVE file. this is the first time it's ever happened to him and now he's gonna die for good. he wouldn't have gloated like he did.
if you want to hear more criticism along the lines of what i said then this post by the fantastic @andreabandrea covers a lot of what i also felt during the game. i know this might sound like a lot of negativity, but the fact remains that UTY was an absolutely phenomenal work of fan creativity the likes of which we have never seen before in the fandom. considering the quality and polish, i thought it only fair to approach it as the piece of art it is and give it my genuine thoughts on the matter.
overall, still a really fun way to spend the afternoon with a pal. so. thumbs up
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
*caassssuuuaallly slides into your inbox* hey. hi hello 😎
im here for those sweet ol song asks, wanna share any you have for Starstruck and J??
do i have any, well i-- *drops a half dozen mean girlboss tracks all over the place* oh uhhh--
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something in the way you're looking through my eyes don't know if i'm gonna make it out alive teeth - five seconds of summer
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junixxoxo · 9 months
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HELLO TMF TUMBLR????????????????
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