#featuring another Danny design
avloki-pal · 1 year
Tumblr please take this post from my hands before I get distracted and/or forget about posting it again
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DannyMay Day 9: Ghost Zone
Was originally going to shade it as I normally do but the idea of the GZ having a constant luminous effect that makes most things/places not have shades (heh) felt like a fun and interesting concept, likely to use it again in later art
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madds-is-ace-trash · 1 year
Nightwing why are you warring a cape? Well for the baby of course! Dcxdp
This takes place in the same universe as my fic Mother of the storm and her star child.
A few years have passed and Danny is completely settled in and moved to bulhaven with dick. Eventually around the time he’s Turing 9 he insists that he wants to go out at night with dick. Dick is hesitant but Danny insist, pointing out how his abilities would make him the perfect recon detective. Dick can no longer argue when Danny beats both Damian and Cass the first day of training and he is out out in the field.
Danny hose out in his ghost form and picks the name phantom because it feels right and now nightwing patrols with a bird if his very own for the first time in a while. Danny is very good on patrols, he sticks close to dick often clinging to him and hiding behind him when dick is interacting with people. He’ll often turn invisible but it still doesn’t fell like enough to dick. He quickly released that he missed the cape and the layer of securing it added when Damien was his Robin.
So nightwing starts wearing a cape, and the people of his city starts coming up with all sorts of theories for the sudden change. The range from him practicing because he’s taking over the cowl to him hiding new gadgets. Very few have seen Danny and those who have are often not believed because, “nightwing had glowing eyes under his cape!” Is not very believable.
He doesn’t wear the cape all the time just when he has Danny, the cape is long the outside is black but the inside has a blue and black feather design so it looks like wings when he glides. It has a feature where it retracts in to a role on his back when he need more freedom of movement. And I’m addition to the cape he now has an extra loop hanging form his belt for Danny to grab on to as the hop rooftops. (Danny can will him self to weigh nothing so dick tends to pull him along as he floats any way)
As the news of dicks sudden costume adjustment is circulating he has to come to the watchtower with B for a mission. Danny tags along hiding in his cape like all the Robin had before him with Bruce. Meanwhile Bruce is totally not going all mushy over his grandson he is totally normal about this. All of the Leagers keep giving dick looks.
Until flash finally ask
Wally: so um nightwing what’s with the cape? I thought you hated them?
Dick*with a bright smile across his face*: it’s for my shadow!
Wally: your shadow? How is a cape ganna hide your shadow.
Dick: no not my actual shadow it’s to hide my bird.
Diana: your bird?
*Dick flares one side of the cape revealing the feathered pattern underneath but nothing else is visible hidden under the cape*
Wally: I don’t se-
Dick: whistles like a bird call
Danny slowly fading in to view giving the league a small wave as he scrambles to hide behind dicks legs: Hello
Hal: really Bruce another one!?
Dick Smiling at the small boy in his cape before closing it : nope this one’s all mine!
Meanwhile John Constantine who is present for this mission is freaked the fuck out. Because that kid with the flowing white hair and glowing freckles is definitely not human. And worse than that from what he can sense it’s pretty darn powerful to. He watches as all of his coworkers are working to get the boy out from hiding cooing over him.
Clark: he’s looking a lot better nightwing
Wally: Waite you already new about him?
Clark: yes the boy is nightwings child I’m guessing he only is just now joining the team
Diana: what’s your name little one?
Danny poking his head out of the cape: phantom my name is phantom
Fuck why was that name familiar? Oh shit that’s right John had heard rumors of the new ghost king and a prince milling around the infinite realms this must be the little ghost prince. How the fuck did dick end up with him? Waite sups said that was dicks kid, hold did dick?
John: ha Oh my god! You crazy fucker you fucked the ghosts king!
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formulawolff · 9 days
night changes - d.r.
pairing: fem!reader x daniel ricciardo
word count: 1k
warnings: some cursing here and there, alcohol consumption, danny bein' a little shit, mostly cutesyyyyy shit hehehe, yadayadayada
a.n. -> yes, this fic is based off the song night changes by one direction. (and a request that was sent in!)
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⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺
clink, clink, clink!
lightly, you tap your spoon against the champagne flute, clearing your throat. as hundreds of eyes fall on you, there's a beat of silence. anxiety courses through your veins, yet you know you have to persevere.
after all, this wasn't about you.
it was about danny.
"good evening, everyone," sucking in a breath, you shift uneasily, the nerves overtaking the buzz for just a moment, "first of all, i would like to thank everyone for joining us in celebrating our love. i cannot express how grateful i am to be surrounded by all of our dearest friends and family members."
daniel is beside you, perched in his chair at the head table. the golden hue of the lights create a warm ambiance, softening his features. yet, when you glance over at him, you can't help but notice the stars that glisten in his gaze.
he nods, encouraging you to continue. taking your hand, fingers intertwine with yours. he gives you a gentle squeeze, dimples forming as he bears a quaint grin.
"before we begin the real party, i wanted to present daniel with a gift. i was going to give it to him during our rehearsal dinner, but i decided to wait. i figured it would be best if you all were here to watch it as well."
your hand trembles, yet you continue, the words thready as you fight the lump forming in your throat. tears begin to well up, blurring your vision as you look back down at love of your life.
"d-daniel, i know this gift is extremely corny, but i think it best represents our love story. you are the man of my dreams, and i cannot wait to love you and show you off for the rest of our lives. i hope that by the time this is finished, everyone will know how much i fucking adore and cherish you. max, could you please roll the gift in?"
max verstappen, the best man, gives you a salute, promptly disappearing behind an array of flower garlands. to your far left, a white sheet rolls down from a wooden setup, a specially crafted rig from your father for the big day. max wheels in a cart, your laptop resting on the top shelf.
he plugs a cable into the designated port, giving you a thumbs up. as you sit back down, daniel places a hand on your thigh, leaning over.
"what is this?"
"just be patient," a giggle bubbles up in your throat, "you'll see in just a few seconds."
the lights of the outdoor venue dim as an image projects onto the sheet, the crowd maintaining their silence. there are a few whispers, but you ignore them, honing in on the display before you.
"hey guys," a clip of you begins to roll, "you will not fucking believe what just happened! daniel just won in monaco!"
"holy shit," daniel's voice is barely a whisper, almost breathless, "baby, where did you-"
"shhh," you place a finger on his lips, "just watch!"
a new clip flashes on the makeshift screen, the moments following his 2018 monaco win. he's at the edge of the pool, surrounded by the red bull crew. you're there as well, lingering in the background. yet, daniel is persistent to have you front and center, grasping your arm gently. he manages to pull you into the pool with him, the two of you erupting into laughter as you come to the surface.
there's a second where you see him cup your cheek, his thumb brushing a soaked strand away before he pulls you in for a kiss. members of the crew dive in, filled to the brim with euphoria.
there are a few photos that flash across the screen. one from daniel's debut as a formula one driver, where the two of you swore you were "just friends." then there was one of the two of you as children, bearing wide, toothy grins as you played outside. another is your prom, where daniel flew in from australia to attend the dance with you.
flash forward to his time with red bull as their third driver. the two of you are filming a tik tok, more than likely for a sponsorship on your end. the video shows daniel playfully slapping your ass before you hiss at him, reminding him that the camera was on. he just shrugs before making eye contact with the lens, smacking your buttcheek once again.
another video rolls, a tender moment of the two of you dancing at a wedding a few years back. he's holding you close, your head resting against his chest, your lashes fluttering as you sway along to the music. his head lowers, the australian whispering a strand of words that weren't quite picked up by the audio.
the audience coos as there is a plethora of baby photos that appear, as the two of you practically grew up together. since your father was stationed in australia till you were thirteen, you shared many fond memories with daniel.
truly, you had no idea how intertwined your paths were until it all unfolded on screen before you.
he was your soul mate. the only man you had ever loved. and the only man you were going to continue to love.
until the end of time.
"that was the moment i knew i was going to marry you," his voice shakes, and you can't help but notice the glimmer of a tear as it rolls down, "fuck, how did you even find these?"
heat floods your cheeks, "i've been saving them here and there."
he takes your hand, bringing it to his lips, "that was a beautiful gift, my love. i couldn't imagine anything more perfect than that."
"it wasn't corny?"
"far from it," shaking his head, a hand reaches up, cupping the back of your skull. he brings you in, eyes still misty from tears.
"that is going to be something we show to our future children. and their grandchildren. and you know what they'll all say?"
"what?" your lower lip trembles, your own tears pooling up.
"they're all going to say, 'they were so in love. i hope that we find someone who we can love like that.'"
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
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More Fem Danyal! Featuring: her annoying little brothers whomst she loves to death, and then another Phantom design that I might actually finally like. Ali and Damian might activate each other’s Cain Instinct but there is one thing they agree on: Danny being their sister; everyone else can fuck off.
Pov that first one: you’re at a crosswalk in Amity Park and the youngest Fenton girl is there with her two brothers that. might have actually appeared out of thin air. You never know with that family
[the boys noticed you] [they’re judging your sketchers] [pov you are dash baxter]
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danni-gurrl · 6 months
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The Pledge
Danny crept through the window of the old house. It used to be a sorority house ages ago. Nobody remembers, or will say, what happened there, but it closed and was boarded up. Everyone said it was haunted. There were rumours of people going inside and never returning. Danny was determined. Being small and shy he mostly kept to himself. He wanted to get into one of the fraternities at his college, in the hopes that it would help with his self esteem, maybe even make him popular. The task was simple. Go inside, and return with something to prove he had been inside.
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As he began his exploration the window slammed shut, trapping him inside.
As he wandered through the house, he thought he heard voices. Whispers. Some were unintelligible, but others were clear.
“This is the one”, “Finally the curse will be lifted”, “We will be complete again”
As he crept through the darkened house he found a door. As he entered he found a room full of the fullest, silkiest dresses he’d ever seen.
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The voices continued. “She’s here. She’s finally here” “our sisterhood is complete” Danny tried to make sense of it but he just ended up more confused. Walking through the house, he found many rooms filled with dresses. As he entered one, suddenly he felt very strange. His clothing started to change, the denim and cotton turning to satin.
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He ran to another room. Another room full of dresses. “How many rooms are in this house” he thought. The changes continued. His pants shortened into satin shorts with lace and bows. “What is happening” he cried out. He didn’t expect a response and was shocked when he got one. “You’re finally here, we are complete”
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“I have to get out of here” he thought. Running to yet another room, the changes continued. His clothes changed again, growing more full as his hair grew longer. His features started changing too. His face softening his hips and chest swelling. “You’re finally home Danni, welcome!”
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Danni ran out of the room into a hallway and froze as he saw his reflection in the large mirror at the end of the hall. “Im a… is that me? Shocked at his reflection he turned and ran into another hallway.
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She encountered a group of women. All dressed as she was. In beautiful satin dresses with lots of bows and crinolines. The women spoke to her. “Welcome Danni. You are now part of the sorority. We are complete” we will have so much fun together.”
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Complete. One of us. Welcome. Danni felt calmed by their words. Happy even. She was accepted. She smiled as she realized that this was where she was meant to be.
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“The curse has finally been lifted” said the other women. Danni soon felt at home in her new sorority. Everything changed on campus. Nobody remembered Danny or the supposedly haunted sorority house. All they knew was the sorority with the pretty girls who always wore super pretty dresses and they all knew Danni. The new girl who became so popular around the college. Always smiling on her way to cosmetology , art or fashion design classes, which she excelled at. She was finally who she needed to be.
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obetrolncocktails · 1 year
Deception | Josh Kiszka X Reader | Part 1
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Warnings: This fic will include angst and smut. If those aren't your thing, don't read! Minors DNI!
Word Count: 2.1K
Authors Note: I had a hurtful, but oh so deliciously angsty idea for a fic involving Josh and a reader who was a fan, and led josh on to believe that they met naturally in a grocery store.
Summary: Be careful what you wish for. Wishes answered always come with consequences.
His sheets smelled of fresh linen, like fresh clothes pulled from a clothesline, crisp with the scent of sunshine. You’d burrowed yourself into them like a cocoon of welcome warmth, wrapping yourself in the swaths of fabric. 
“For someone who claims to be so hot all the time, you sure look like you’re ready to hibernate,” Josh mused, strolling into the bedroom as he sipped from the lip of a large mug. He was prepared, having made you one as well. You offered him a gentle smile. 
“I’m comfy,” you replied, satisfied with the simplicity of your response. 
“Sit up, silly,” He said, lowering himself onto the bed, carefully handing you your piping-hot cup of coffee. Wisps of steam billowed over the top of the mug and you sipped tentatively at the liquid, feeling it instantly liven your body from head to toe. 
“How does it feel to be twenty-six years and three hundred and sixty-four days old?” you asked him, eyeing him from over the lip of the cup. 
“Geez, when you say it like that, you make me sound ancient,” he chuckled. You loved the way his lips curled upward when he grinned, revealing his brilliant, white teeth. The slight gap between his front two teeth always sent flutters through your body. You caught yourself admiring his delicate, but masculine features. “But I’m excited! I never thought I’d end up planning my own birthday party.” He looked at you with amusement. 
“Come on. You mean to tell me you didn’t enjoy designing your own birthday cake?” You said, taking another long swig of your coffee before lowering it to your lap as you crossed your legs. “Only you would choose that symbol.”
His widening grin told you all you needed to know. “Yeah, that was pretty cool.” His eyes glimmered with child-like amusement, which sent a pang through your chest. “I’m just glad that everyone can make it, you know? It’s hard these days to get everyone in one place at the same time.” 
You nodded, reaching to place the cup on the bedside table. “Sam, Danny and I made sure that everyone could make it.” You ruffled your messy hair with your fingertips, watching him finish off his coffee. “We threatened physical violence if they didn’t.” 
“Okay, but who’s the one throwing the punches?” Josh asked, his eyebrows raised with amusement. 
“Who do you think?” You answered, lifting your fists playfully in front of you. “They don’t want it, I promise you.”
“Put your guns away,” He chuckled. “I bet you Jake is gonna be so jealous,” He continued, setting his cup on the side table before moving back to lay on the bed and prop up his head on his hand. His eyes brightened, his cheeks filling with color.
“Of what?” You asked, taking another sip of your coffee. 
“My party.” He said lightly.
“I mean,  you are the more performative of the two, so…” You admitted. He turned to you, scoffing incredulously. 
“Now what is that supposed to mean?” He asked, gawking. He couldn’t hide, though, that his features were fighting the urge to twist into a ridiculous smirk. His eyes seemed to glitter as he questioned you.
“Nothing!” You said, rolling out of bed with your empty coffee cup. 
“No, no! You don’t get off that easy,” Josh said, pulling at the thin fabric of your sleep shorts, pulling you back closer to him. 
“Oh , you want me to say sorry?” You asked him, biting your bottom lip as your eyes glimmered with mischief. 
“I thought maybe you could show me you’re sorry instead,” he said. “Come here.” 
You obeyed him, leaning closer to him. “Yes sir.”
The intensity in his eyes deepened as his fingertips pulled upward to gently caress your chin and jaw, drawing your face forward to meet with his lips. The feeling of his touch ignited the heat between your thighs. Josh’s boyish features could easily morph in the matter of seconds into something almost siren-like—He naturally honed the ability to unconsciously will you to do anything for him with just a look. He harnessed the power to peer straight through your soul like glass, like he could somehow see all of you at once, including your every thought, worry, and desire. At the beginning of the relationship, it had made you feel extremely vulnerable and unguarded, but now? Now, you found comfort in him knowing everything about you. Well, almost everything. There were certain things that you weren’t ready to tell him yet. You’d wait for the right time to come clean. 
You gave in to the gentle caress of his velvet lips and folded your body into an innate dance, moving in an exact mirror to him as he explored you. “You want me to show you just how sorry I am?” You whispered against his parted lips, your voice barely more than a huff of breath as your instincts began to take over. His hands slid to your hips, pulling you against him. You took that as his answer. 
“Go right ahead,” he purred softly. It was moments like these when you’d often felt most vulnerable in front of a man. In most of your previous relationships, you’d been so reluctant to let your partners in, to see the most vulnerable, insecure, and sensitive parts of yourself. You’d built your walls with an impenetrable defense, constructed by so many years of hating your own body more than anyone else could. Recently, it was becoming clearer to you that there was one thing that you knew for sure about Josh. He silently set himself apart from everyone else. Not once had he ever judged you for your appearance; for the extra curves, the extra pounds, the imperfect folds and creases that were so ugly to you, but so perfect to him. Even so, he didn’t feel pity for you, either. He treated you like a person, not the fragile pane of glass you had let yourself become in the hands of so many past partners’ hands. Not a single interaction was laced with unspoken judgment, because the truth was simple. Being fat meant nothing to Josh. 
You remembered those first days when Josh all but begged you to stop apologizing for the things that you couldn’t and shouldn’t change, constantly reminding you that you were a beautiful woman. “You are allowed to take up space in this world. Stop apologizing for abiding in it, Y/n. You have nothing to worry about when you’re with me,” he had said to you after a few dates, when you’d make it a point to apologize or somehow discount your appearance or importance. You couldn’t help it. It had become the safest defense mechanism that you could create; you’d insult yourself before anyone else could beat you to it. 
You let yourself fall after those first few weeks, and unsurprisingly, it was one of the easiest decisions you had ever made. The loop of his fingers around yours began to feel so natural and reassuring. You could count on him to encourage you to try new things, to leave you in stitches from laughing, and at the end of the night, you could rest assured that he’d leave you thinking about him for every moment he wasn’t with you. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, the corners of his lips twitching upward in a curious smile. 
“You,” you answered honestly, reaching forward to tuck some of his curls behind his ear. 
“Oh no,” he answered, his cheeks flushing. “Should I be running for cover?” He asked, pretending to get up. 
“No, no, come back here,” you said, pulling at his arm. You let the moment settle into contented silence as you both let your gaze linger between each other. “Can I tell you something?” 
“Always. What’s up?” Josh asked, moving to caress your arm softly as you prepared to speak. You pulled yourself upward to sit straight on the bed, and he did the same, sitting in front of you.
“You are–” you paused for a moment, figuring out the next words before speaking again. “You are the closest thing I’ve had to a home in a very, very long time, and I think I’m ready.” You both had agreed that sex wasn’t expected in the relationship until you had told him so, and even then, with Josh, you knew that you wanted it to be special when it was time. 
“Ready for?” He asked, his eyes widening slightly. You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. 
“I am ready to be with you. I am ready to have sex, if and when you are.” You pulled your gaze upward to look him in the eye. “I want to be yours completely, Josh. You make me feel beautiful, and I think I am beginning to believe it, too.” The words spilled out of you easily, because for the first time, you believed them. 
“You are truly marvelous,” he spoke, straightening to sit cross legged again on the bed. “I am a lucky man, and I gotta say. Thank God we love the same pasta sauce.” You couldn’t help but chuckle as he recounted your first meeting at Kroger. You had been choosing between pasta sauces, and couldn’t decide whether to stay with your tried-and-true selection or try something new. 
“You want this one,” he had said, pointing to the one in your right hand–the one that was your favorite. You looked up, and were automatically struck by his natural beauty–the mixture of feminine and masculine features which were combined in an almost artistic product. You couldn’t look him in the eye, and you certainly couldn’t talk straight. 
“What?” You said after a long moment, yanking yourself out of your daze. “Oh. Yeah, this one? You said, raising the jar in the air. “It’s my favorite. Don’t break it if it isn’t fixed–right?” You decided to keep your mouth shut rather than fix the saying that you had just butchered so badly. Josh laughed, reaching for a jar of his own off of the shelf. 
“Something like that, yeah.” His dimples were huge, and his teeth were so white they almost seemed to sparkle. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. For a moment, you forgot how to swallow, how to talk, how to breathe. How are you real? You remembered thinking to yourself. 
“Sorry, I’m just a little–frazzled. I’m Y/n.” you said, stupidly extending your hand to him. 
“Don’t worry, Y/n. Grocery shopping can really take it out of us,” he said, taking your hand. You were grateful for his skillful segue. “I’m Josh.” 
You nodded. “Nice name,” you told him before mentally kicking yourself in the head. You’d wished you’d worn steel toes, and also that you had crazy flexibility so you could kick yourself across the pasta aisle. God I’m so fucking dumb. 
“I’d say yours is far more lovely,” he said, saving you again, and you couldn’t save the heat from filling your face. You were becoming intensely aware of your insecurities as you felt his eyes float over your body and back up to your face. 
“Thank you,” you said quietly, feeling anxiety exploding through your system like a disturbed hornet’s nest. 
“Well, I hope your pasta turns out delicious,” he said. “I can tell you’ve got great taste,” he said, putting the jar in his small hand basket. 
“You too,” you said with a gentle smile. “Only losers eat Prego,” you said with a grin. 
“That’s a bold statement, Y/n. We need to make sure that Campbell’s Soup Company isn’t listening to our every word.” You couldn’t help but snicker, accidentally snorting at the stupid joke. 
“Stupid joke?” he asked, reading your mind. 
“Yeah, I gotta admit. It was a terrible joke,” you said, your cheeks aching painfully from grinning. 
“Ah well, I’m known for them, so,” he shrugged, adjusting his basket in the crook of his elbow. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around, Y/n. If I see  you next time, maybe we’ll compare ingredients again.” 
“I’m ready for you,” Josh said. “I’ve known it’s you for a while now,” he admitted, reaching forward to take your hands in his. “I want to make it special,” He continued. “Let me make you dinner. You already know what’s on the menu, besides you, of course,” he said with a soft grin. 
“Josh Kiszka’s world famous Spaghetti?” You said, eyeing him with a smirk. 
“You know it!” He said excitedly. “Come here, let me kiss you.” 
You obeyed him instantly, leaning forward into his awaiting embrace, letting yourself be truly loved for the first time. 
You heard a buzz from your phone on the side table, but ignored it. 
You’re a whore for going after the celebrities you write such filthy smut about. I’ve found you, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone finds out about your little secret. Could be fun, don’t you think?
End of part 1.
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sangfielle · 7 months
favorite songs last week
#1 - i had this list a little different before sunday night, but then i saw jhariah live again (i saw them for the first time during their i believe first tour in '21), and this song live is really special - to them, i presume, given the fanfare they give it, but also to me. it's not quite the same as when it was performed for a group of people so small it couldn't be reasonably called a crowd, but it still means a lot to me. i didn't want to put two songs from the same concert on here, so this beat out reverse (also fantastic to hear live) because of the personal significance. these are both some of his older works, and he expresses that he thinks he could do way better with them if they made them today instead of when they were in high school, but i don't know, i think they're really good as is. i acknowledge that i have nostalgia goggles on. i've just been into them since before any of their newer shit that they like better came out, and s/r in particular helped get me through a really rough patch in late '21 after the show.
#2 - g-d, danny brown is such a good artist. he had, apparently, been adjacent to my music taste for years and has featured on a number of songs that i loved in high school and really early adulthood without realizing it, but i didn't really start listening to him until i saw him live during the scaring the hoes tour last year (i'd liked him on that album a lot, but i'd listened to it for peggy). i now... have my issues with peggy, but the two of them put on what was almost certainly the best show i've ever been to. he's a captivating performer, and i always love live music more, but even without that, he's got a fantastic backlog of music & is basically always putting out cool and creative shit. i love the sound of this song. it's much softer in sound than a lot of music i tend to seek out these days, but i do need a break from all the shit i put in my ears that's designed to be abrasive now and then. i think it's great, the production is great, q-tip is obviously a powerhouse, and danny's always fantastic. this one is mostly my track of his of the week because i hadn't paid attention to it before. i'm so put out that he's not coming back to my area for the quaranta tour.
#3 - i'm a huge clipping.head. everyone knows this. i'll like to love anything they put out. this is no exception. it's probably my most played track of the week (and the week before last). i played it enough in the first day after i heard it that i immediately forgot what the original sounds like. i've relistened to it, and i prefer this version. the b-side midnight is also a pretty cool little project. though not as earwormy as the first part, lol.
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#4 - this one's another cover. i like covers, okay? i like when they sound different than the original. i'm very taken with this one. spotify recommended black alley to me recently. i don't remember why and i don't know what the context of it was, but this was the first song of theirs i heard and i really enjoy it. i'll be going through their original music shortly.
#5 - paramore is good. i like paramore.
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speccyfilmnerd · 9 months
Richard Elfman’s ‘Forbidden Zone’...
An Unknown, Absurdist, Avant-Garde Cult-Classic.
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Forbidden Zone is what I, and many others, would consider a true hidden gem. Born from the underground alternative film scene of late 70s LA, the viewer is taken on a visual rollercoaster through the un-methodological madness of creator, director and producer Richard Elfman's mind, creating an experience unlike any other.
I highly recommend that you, if you haven't already, watch this movie. And you do it in a way that would support the people behind it. This is especially important to do for Forbidden Zone and films like it, for reasons I'll get into later… I'm aware that in the current and extremely annoying space of streaming it's tempting to delve into piracy but I'd advise against it. trust me it's worth it.
The Film Itself
The movie follows a french girl named ‘Frenchy’ (played by Marie-Pascale Elfman, the director's wife at the time) falling through a door in her basement into the sixth dimension. A place that is, for a lack of a better term, very horny. The hedonistic landscape consumes her and through a series of musical numbers she finds love and evil is conquered.
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(Susan Tyrrell as Queen Doris)
This ‘evil’ is the scene stealing (reason I'm gay) Queen Doris, portrayed by the incredible Susan Tyrrell. Susan's performance is, in my opinion, the reason this film has had such an impact on me. Forbidden Zone is the reason I started taking film making seriously, not just as a hobby but as a career, and Queen Doris is the reason I love this movie. Her main musical number ‘witches egg’ is a charming and memorable scene (and I'm still upset it got taken off Spotify.) Her eye-catching appearance embodies the word camp. She's truly an incredible actress playing a delightful character that is a joy to see on the screen. I could turn this whole essay into a fan-girl spiel just about her, I adore her.
It would be impossible to brush over Hervé Villechaize’s Character, King Fausto. Although Fausto doesn't sing or dance, he does do something no other character does… he's the most annoying not-an-antagonist the entire realm has to offer. I mean, maybe I feel this way cuz I've got a massive crush on Doris and he doesn't realize how lucky he is- actually it is that. it's totally that. THE CHEATING SCUM!!!
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(Danny Elfman as Satan with the Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo)
Something I've mentioned already is the music. Forbidden Zone features music written and performed by the Mystic Knight of the Oingo Boingo, more specifically it's leader Danny Elfman, the directors brother, and his right hand man Steve Bartek. The Knights also have an appearance in the film, Danny plays a Cab Calloway style interpretation of Satan while Steve and the other Knights dance behind him, dressed in long black cloaks and painted head to toe in gray makeup. And yes I see you, reader at the back scratching his head, it's that Danny Elfman.
Frenchy herself is another joy to watch, her sweet voice and ditsy personality are just another layer of charm for the viewer to lap up. Along with playing the lead, Marie was also the production designer. The film had a low budget (less than $90,000) and she did an exceptional job using what she had to create the stylised world of the sixth dimension. The overall visual look of the film is that of a live-action cartoon. Along with animated segments by John Muto which tie a lovely bow over the whole thing.
It's no surprise that a film with such a low budget and small cast and crew would go through a lot before release. Richard Elfman himself recalls losing his house often in interviews, along with the finished film entirely. After several decades it was rightfully returned to him. Most of the cast and crew were paid very little or nothing at all, surprisingly I found a video of DEVO’s Gerald Casale saying he and his bandmates originally approached to do the film's music, but they refused after finding out how little money was in it.
Along with the film's actual composer, Danny and his band with Marie being actors, writer Mathew Bright and other crew members played characters on screen, even Richard has a small scene. This leads me to say how the film has a passion running through it. Unlike many other movies we see more and more of, Forbidden Zone was truly a creative adventure for all involved with no intention of making the most money possible. 
Richard, in 2019 said: "Doing anything original is taking a chance. Financially it bankrupted me and we lost our house. But I'm still glad I did it. 
Forbidden Zone is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I've seen a lot of movies. Once again, I recommend taking a look for yourself and supporting the artists behind it.
Interviews referenced/sources used:
Richard Elfman talking about the film in 2019:
rolling stone:
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fearsmagazine · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS: “A year after saving her town from a psychotic killer on Christmas Eve, Winnie Carruthers’ life is less than wonderful — but when she wishes she’d never been born, she finds herself in a nightmare parallel universe and discovers that without her, things could be much, much worse. Now the killer is back, and she must team up with the town misfit to identify the killer and get back to her own reality.” -Press Notes
REVIEW: Michael Kennedy’s screenplay for IT’S A WONDERFUL KNIFE does for “It’s A Wonderful Life” what his script for “Freaky” did for “Freaky Friday.” Director Tyler MacIntyre does a solid job of balancing the satire and horror to create another yuletide terror ride.
The narrative does a nice job of setting up the tale with many elements that deconstructs Winnie’s world once she is transported to the alternate universe. I appreciate that it is a linear mystery that Winnie has to solve unlike a film like “Happy Death Day” where the main character has to keep going back until they get it right. The story capitalizes on a bunch of the concepts George Bailey experiences once he enters Clarence’s alternate world, but by way of a “Scream” film. Clearly Henry Waters is the contemporary Mr. Potter. I thought it was amusing how Winnie’s relationship issues are also resolved by her encounters in this alternate universe. The satire is delightful and much of the tone present in Kennedy’s “Freaky” is here. I appreciate his sense of humor, as he includes such Easter eggs as a character named Gale Prescott.
I enjoyed the production designs and locations. The killer's costume design, the Angel, is a nice homage to Ghostface from “Scream” and the angel reference from “It’s a Wonderful Life.” They found the perfect town in Canada for their location and there was an element to it that was reminiscent of George Bailey’s and Marty McFly’s hometown. MacIntyre does a solid job of balancing character development with action sequences to sustain the film’s energy level. The visual effects are effective, but nothing groundbreaking. The special effects and blood are solid, but not as bloody as in “Scream.” Russ Howard III’s score strikes a nice balance between satire and terror with often a playfulness of a Danny Elfman score. The rest of the costumes are okay and could have used something, maybe a few more ugly sweaters or something.
The film features some veteran genre actors such as Katharine Isabelle from “Ginger Snaps” who plays Aunt Gale and William B. Davis, the ‘Smoking Man’ from “The X-Files” as Roger Evans. Jane Widdop, who plays Winnie, and is Laura Lee on Showtime’s “Yellowjackets,” brings a lot of charm and charisma to the role. She brings a lot of energy to her performance. Justin Long often creates likable characters you want to hate. Here he gives his character this peculiar, annoying accent that just makes him so memorable and unlikable, truly. There are some other nice casting choices that will appeal to a variety of fans. It’s a solid cast that gels together and makes for an entertaining view.
It seems every holiday season another film comes along that adds to the holiday horror cannon. In 2022 it was Adult Swim’s Yule Log. For 2023 writer Michael Kennedy and director Tyler MacIntyre turn their sick and twisted sights on “It’s A Wonderful Life,” as they turn it into demented roller coaster ride for genre fans with IT’S A WONDERFUL KNIFE. Presenting another darkside of the holiday season, once again proving capitalism is a dangerous thing. A solid serial killer satire that is worthy of a place in your Christmas horror film rotation with “Black Christmas,” (good god the original!), “Silent Night,” and anything else that helps you put the red in your holiday season.
CAST: Jane Widdop, Jess McLeod, Joel McHale, Katharine Isabelle, William B. Davis & Justin Long. CREW: Director - Tyler MacIntyre; Screenplay/Producer - Michael Kennedy; Producers - Seth Caplan & Daniel Bekerman; Cinematographer - Nicholas Piatnik; Score - Russ Howard III; Editor - Arndt-Wulf Peemöller; Production Designer - Tiana P. Gordon; Costume Designer - Matea Pasarić; Angel Concept Artist - Francis Lafleche; SPFX Makeup - Nikki Delong; Visual Effects - SUPERCHILL. OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/n1fvBRAPhEM RELEASE DATE: In Theaters November 10th, 2023
Listen to Our Interview with Director Tyler MacIntyre - HERE
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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artificialqueens · 1 year
[WIP] Rock Hudson's Parties (Jadore / Biadore) - Imafuckinglibra
Full disclosure this is potentially some niche stuff here folks. I’m working on a story, inspired by 1950 romantic pulp magazines. Featuring Jadore & Biadore up the freaking wazoo. All the wazoos in fact.
Summary: A fresh faced young man gets off a bus in New York to move in with an estranged college friend, now a broadway star. Old flames flare up again but are potentially derailed when an older man’s temptations threatens to comes between them.
‘What they put in the water here?’ He panicked.
“Unspeakable things huh?” Jinkx cooed against his lips, crashing their bodies together for a manic make out session. Maybe on another night Danny would’ve discouraged this behavior, no he wouldn’t.
Who’s he kidding, this is great.
He feverishly returned the kissing, their lips parting just enough for inhaling fresh air between desperate moans. If he had the right sense he’d probably rip that gorgeous dress off her right then and there but he couldn’t, too many layers and too many people on the other side of that door persuaded the rational part of his mind better.
Jinkx ignored this simple line of thinking and reached for his hand, guiding it slowly to her undercoat, up her thighs and between her legs.
“Oh god.” Danny whispered feeling unable to tear himself away from the heavy petting. Logic and rationale leaving his body momentarily as he fought to stay calm and more importantly, discreet.
His mind rushed with previous images of Courtney stuck between her lovers, her breasts heaving into the tight vested chest of the blonde boy holding her up.
His muscle toned forearm pulling her up into himself with force - strong, masculine force.
“No. When we get home.” He pulled himself off and away when his fantasies had drifted too far. “Later.”
Jinkx moaned one last time as he bit onto her smudged swollen lip. Agreeing to contain herself for one more dance number before they’d call it a night.
Danny quickly helped her fix her make up with a wet piece of toilet paper in the small cracked mirror hanging near them. Ready to resume their drunken partying as if absolutely nothing had changed except the confirmation about their intentions.
“Heeeey. You get your drink?” Roy inquired grabbing Danny by the arm when he tried walking out the bathroom.
“Uh…no, sir.”
Thinking on his feet he managed to maneuver them both using an equally tipsy Roy’s body weight against himself, redirecting them away from the slightly less than disheveled Jinkx, who was still hiding in the bathroom waiting for the coast to clear. 
“Well let’s fix that.”
“They’re gonna start cleaning soon so this is more a last call deal, got it?” Roy grumbled as he struggled to pull the cork off a bottle of cheap looking whiskey. Sighing defeatedly when he remembered the bottle was in fact a twist cap, an authoritative wave of his index finger shushing the snickering younger man.
Danny pretended to zip his lips, mulling it over while Roy poured the drinks. His lips kept shut, pinched between his thumb and index finger before he caved, letting his thoughts out aloud. “Lemme ask you a question, Mr Designer.”
Roy looked the boy up and down, examining him with an imaginary magnifying glass before he stood taller, ready for the kill. Slugging one of the whiskey shots back before he answered. “Those pants are horrible. They don’t fit yah and the jacket is even worse, ugh. Stop by my place next week I’ll tailor the shit out of it for you.”
“Why you - I ought - you know, you’re an asshole.” Danny huffed.
Did he take the insult a little too personally, perhaps. Maybe it was just thanks to the liquid courage still flowing through him. Or the stress. Or the travel fatigue. Who knows. Who cares. He'd gotten under his skin.
“Careful.” Roy grinned. “Language like that can get your arrested.”
“Wha-huh?” The younger’s face dropped like a school boy who’d just been scolded.
“I’m kidding!” He laughed. “Say whatever the FUCK, you want around here. Nobody cares, they’re all degenerates.”
“Now seriously. What was so pressing?” Roy assured him handing his glass of whiskey over to him. Their fingertips barely touching as if Danny imagined it. It could’ve been just his watch strap, he told himself, probably was but he couldn’t tell.
Shaking off this feeling of butterflies in his stomach Danny blurted out. “Is it true what they say about men who wear matching ties and pocket squares.“
“Let’s say it is.” Roy answered hushed, his voice low, barely an echo. Suspicion in his eyes he casually tucked the green fabric in his breast pocket away and out of sight.
“Oh I wasn’t going to say nothing, I just meant. You see a lot of those in, in Hollywood you know.”
“That so?”
“Yeah. I knew a friend who said their cousin worked for one of the guests’ at Rock Hudson’s parties. He saw everything.”
“And how did you feel about what your friend’s cousin’s employer saw?”
It felt by his tone as if they were both testing the water, slowly leaning down into each other’s gaze like a predator and his prey observing one another across a pond. Taking a slow drink from the rim of his glass as if it could be the last before disaster might strike. The air disappearing, evaporating into thick tension.
“I felt,” He gulped. “like, maybe, New York might not be all that different.”
“It’s not.”
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Movie Review | Alien: Covenant (Scott, 2017)
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I've been repeating myself as I've been rewatching some of these movies as they've been so consistent in the things I love about them. This one lacks the industrial analog qualities of the first four movies, and for totally superficial reasons, I don't find the digital displays here as charming as the CRT screens you get in the earlier movies. But at the same time, I still liked the aesthetic here quite a bit, as it reminded me more than anything of mid-2000s sci fi shooters with their clean yet bulky designs. Given that those games would have been influenced by the first two movies, I guess we're just in one big ouroboros of art direction, but this is directed by Ridley Scott, who more than anything knows how to shoot the hell out of this stuff. It's not like we're dealing with, I dunno, Andrzej Bartkowiak's Doom adaptation. There's an actual artist at work here.
And like pretty much all but the latest one of these, this has a great cast of character actors. Katherine Waterston makes for a fine lead, and enough has been said about the duelling Michael Fassbenders playing a flute together, but there are a lot of strong supporting performances here too. Like Billy Crudup, who brings a good amount of texture to his man of religion, or Amy Seimetz, who has less screentime but bracingly evokes her character's distress, and most of all Danny McBride, who I guess I'm used to as comic relief but has some surprisingly emotional scenes and also kicks ass. I always like in these movies when you get someone who kicks ass, and along with Waterston, McBride fills the ass kicking quota in this one pretty ably.
I think with my last viewing I appreciated the gothic horror elements in this more than the Alien movie elements (I think this would make a great double feature with my recent viewing of The Black Hole), but with this rewatch I'm wondering what the hell I was thinking, because the Alien scenes here are visceral in their impact. You have that super tense, slapsticky but in a scary way scene where the characters first encounter the threat. And you get the dual climaxes, one where McBride swerves and dips and flips around the shuttle while Waterston tries surfing with the alien, and another where they try to eject it out the pod bay doors or what have you, both rendered with a good amount of sound and fury, even if technically in space no one can hear you scream.
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spoilertv · 3 months
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 31 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Julian Hart
"My grandfather?"
"More like his grandfather. I went down to the town archives to poke around. I was hoping to find some original building plans but instead I found this. Hang on..."
I wait and a moment later my phone pings as it receives a texted image.
I open it and find a picture of an old photograph.
It's an old-timey portrait of a man seated in a chair.
He has handsome features, slicked-down hair and a somewhat severe expression and he stares directly at the camera with an intensity I feel across the span of time.
He also looks vaguely familiar.
My phone pings again as a second image comes through.
This one appears to be of the photograph's back, on which two words are written in an antique script I can barely decipher.
Freya squints at it over my shoulder.
"Julius Hart?"
"Yeah," Grace confirms.
"And you would not believe the number of dusty boxes of un- cataloged crap I had to sort through before I found even a crumb of information on the guy. Even that is barely a mention but... hang on."
There's another pause as a third image comes through.
This one is a picture of a microfilm screen showing a page from an old newspaper.
I enlarge the image and read aloud.
Mayor Josiah Inglewood of Spring Lakes has announced the construction of a new town center, to be designed by architect Julius Hart. After a harsh winter marked by bitter losses for the small mountain community, Mayor Inglewood asserts that the modernized buildings will bring new life and prosperity to the region. Lingering anger and resentment following the mysterious disappearances of seven children over the past year has plagued Inglewood's campaign and his choice of Hart to lead the project has not escaped scrutiny. Hailing from Ireland via New York, Hart is well known among Spiritualist circles as a man to call when a problem defies rational solutions. His presence in Spring Lakes has aroused curiosity and suspicion, as well as hope. Since his arrival, no further disappearances have occurred and some... including this reporter... have wondered if there might not be some connection between the two. Construction of the new buildings is slated to begin within the month.
I look up at Freya and see my shock mirrored on her face.
"I did some digging, too," Chloe says, chiming in over the line.
"I found some mentions of a 'Hart' family in my uncle's journals. They were some sort of 'Shifter hunters' but they were all killed off or died out over time. Julian, I think you're the last of their line."
I grimace.
"Great. So, if you're right, I've got wolf-slayers on one side and Shifter hunters on the other. Dane will love that."
"Dane won't give a shit," Freya says.
"The important thing is that whatever happened with the portal back then, your great-great-great-grand-pappy was a part of it. Didn't you say Stephanie saw children in the Shadowlands?"
"Yeah but no children have been reported missing, that I'm aware," I say.
"This is amazing work, anyway, Grace... you, too, Chloe. Obviously the portal and maybe the skin-changers and Fae, have caused trouble before. I just... don't know how it's connected to what's happening now."
Freya sighs.
"Too bad the one person who could probably tell us everything can't speak."
Even as she says this, it hits me.
"Rhiannon," I gasp.
"The rune in Stephanie's shop said 'Hart.' I thought it was about me or my grandpa but what if she was trying to tell us something else? Something about this Julius guy and whatever happened back then?"
"If only there was some way we could ask her," Freya says dryly.
"Maybe there is," I say, my excitement... somewhat feverish from lack of sleep and compounded emotions... growing with every word.
"The spell-kit Danni gave me worked, in its own way and I think Danni has a real Gift... whether they know it or not. Maybe they know something about breaking curses. You said yourself you've seen something similar, right?"
"Similar in effect. That was human magic. This is probably Fae and I have no idea if what works for one would work for the other."
"I say it's worth a try. Chloe, Grace... thank you both. This is the biggest break we've had yet. Maybe you two should be the detectives from now on."
"I'll stick to research, thanks," Grace says.
"I'm not the one who enjoys running headlong into danger. That said, be careful, Julian and call us if you need anything."
I promise that I will and hang up before grabbing my wallet and keys.
"Whoa, where you going?" Freya asks.
"To see Danni. You stay here and wait for Dane."
"No, no, no. That's not how this works, Juju. We stick together, you hear me?"
"Tell that to Dane. We're supposed to be equals, Mates, a team but the second he thinks there's something real to do, he 'goes solo.' Well, he's not the only one who can. So you can either stop me, come with me or let me go because I'm not waiting for him this time."
Freya stares at me as if seeing me for the first time, and then shakes her head.
"Okay, fine... I'll come with you. Just leave him a note or something, okay? Don't let him come back, in whatever state he's in and find the house empty and you gone. He looks tough on the outside but... well, you know how he is."
I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding, and cover my eyes with my hand.
As angry as I am, I understand my mate well enough.
"Okay. Give me a minute."
Grabbing a pen and a pad of sticky notes, I scribble a message, then crumple it up and try again.
On the fifth attempt, I think I have it right.
Dane, gone to Danni's for supplies love you. Julian
Dane will know what it means, while to any other eyes it appears innocuous.
I stick it to the outside of the front door at eye level, the bright yellow paper unmissable against the dark wood, before walking to my car.
As Freya follows me, I pause beside the vehicle and turn in a slow circle, sweeping the land with my gaze.
By this time the sun is up, and the meadow glitters with dew beneath its first golden rays.
The forest beyond is quiet and still, except for the usual busyness of birds. There's no sign of Dane.
Casting Freya a glance, I find her watching me with a worried frown.
I shake my head, open the car door and get behind the wheel.
She circles around and gets in the passenger side, folding her long limbs into the small space.
We share a look and I feel a sort of understanding pass between us.
Then I start the engine, put the car in gear and turn towards town.
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card-manor · 1 year
Monster Mc May: Danny
Danny as Frankenstein!
(Specifically Frankenstein and not a shapeshifter or mimic because she has no control and it’s mostly against her will.)
TW for: body dysmorphia, bad family relationships, implications of self harm and skin picking
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Her own worst nightmare, personified on her skin- the “truth” that she is nothing more than a poorly pieced together conglomeration of those around her.
“What the hell was that!?”
Lord Diavolo pulls back, stunned to hear Danny screaming at him in his own voice. Danny’s hands fly up to her mouth- going from grossed out over the unidentified liquid, to horrified at the sounds that came out of her mouth. She gave a shocked little gasp, shuddering when it came out sounding exactly like Asmo’s.
“It was meant for Lucifer, a potion-“ Lord Diavolo stumbles through his explanation as Lucifer examines Danny. She blinks back tears and with those 3 quick blinks, Lucifer watches her eyes turn from green to grey to blue, before stopping on a dark red that looked eerily similar to his own.
“What does the potion do?”
“Not this, it was designed to react to magic-!”
For undisclosed safety reasons, Danny is whisked away to the castle and locked into a plush room while Diavolo gathers Solomon and Barbatos, Lucifer going off to fetch his brothers.
“Just in case- to be safe.” A precaution for her, or for the kingdom?
They wouldn’t know until much later that day that they had worried for nothing- the only danger Danny posed was to herself (and the furniture).
The itching of her skin as it stretched and pulled to fit her new features is unbearable. Even with her nails chewed down to nubs, Danny scratched her skin raw and pink within minutes. She feels beastly, rubbing her skin raw on any textured surface she can find, desperate to get the feeling to go away.
Danny pulls out her phone, ignoring the worried texts and missed calls. She goes into her camera folders and skims through all of the photos of herself. She focuses on individual features in each picture: her nose, the upturn of her eyes, her cupids bow and desperately tries to will them back on to her face.Sweat from the exertion has her bangs sticking to her forehead, and tshirt clinging to her skin, but after about an hour she’s relieved to see her own face.
But as she finally steps back from the mirror, time stops as she realizes she’s not looking at herself, but her mother.
Hair- unmistakably longer, straighter and shades lighter than her own- fell down to her waist in way that she hadn’t felt since she was a child. And much in the same way back then, her fist went through the glass and even the wooden backing and into the drywall behind the mirror. She grabbed the first glass shard she touched, but no amount of sawing or yanking could cut through the hair.
The shard slipped out of her bloody grip, and in a haze she made quick work of destroying every other mirror in the room and adjoining bathroom. No reflective surface was spared, most tossed against the wall or smeared with blood.
A glimpse of Roxanne’s lips here. Carmafe’s eyes staring back in horror. Alice’s hands caked with blood. Satan’s nails, Mammon’s horns. Even without the mirrors as a reminder, Danny was acutely aware that she was fading from existence. What if it couldn’t be cured, and she couldn’t control it? Even if she could, would she be able to identify her own face? She doesn’t remember what her voice sounds like, can’t seem to breathe.
This is how Barbatos finds her later- bruised, bloody, and passed out in glass.
Although it’s not good for the human brain, she’s moved to a much smaller and darker room. With no light, no glass, and no view to the outside. It would drive most people mad, but for her, the feeling of her strange new limbs and scarring where one skin type met another was more than enough madness. At least when she sang, trying to soothe herself, she could pretend she was listening to an acapella album and not “her” voice.
Solomon, Satan, and Barbatos work quickly to find a cute but a potion designed for demons is a hundred times more potent on humans. They had one shot to make it right or risk making it permanent.
If someone wants to visit her, they need to enter when she’s asleep and leave while her eyes are closed. Danny even pulls away from candle light these days, terrified of what she’s become now that she’s been festering in the dark. What will reach out to the light? The hands that cradled her when she was sick, the ones that strangled her, or a set of claws? If she stands, will she hit her head against the cieling again today, or will she feel like she’s missing an entire 3 feet of height?
As long as she lays perfectly still she wont have to find out.
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fairyposhmom · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Danni Crossbody – Taupe.
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