#fic fancast
myth-blossom · 1 year
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🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Thank you for the ask, @teatotally! 
While I think a mission fic would be fun to see (something like Leverage or Kiss the Messenger), I would LOVE if my Hitman space/sci-fi AU Five Minutes was made into a film/show. The fic has so much potential for incredible acting and cinematography that I think would come across beautifully if it had the right creative team making it.
As for casting: there’s an amazing fancast project for a Netflix series called Burnwood that @apricotbones and @cicaklah created, which stars Rosamund Pike as Diana Burnwood and Mark Strong as Agent 47. I think they would be absolutely fantastic at portraying the hope and melancholy of the fic.
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But also I like the idea of the characters’ voice actors playing the parts, with Jane Perry as Diana Burnwood and David Bateson as Agent 47.
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Either way, it’s a win-win!
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 months
His Princess
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fancast!bloody ben x targ!fem!reader
Summary: During Rhaenyras absence Jace and Baela deploy you out to deal with the Blackwoods and the Brackens, atop Silverwing. You treat with Lord Benjicot and prepare for a battle with the Brackens. You both can’t help the feelings that arise from working closely together.
Warnings: 18+ swearing, drinking, blood, blades, death(not mc), burning, foul language, political plotting, oral (f receiving), p in v
Authors Note: no bc i got caught up in the plot for a sec 😵‍💫, the rider dragon bond is diff than show, I would say I proofread this like 90%
Word Count: 6.2k
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“I’m done fucking waiting.” Jace paces around the painted table cursing under his breath. Baela goes to Jaces side and offers him hushed words of support.
The council stares at Jace in anticipation to finally make an appearance in this war. Rhaenyra has been gone for days without so much as a word while Jace and Beala are getting eaten alive by the men surrounding this table. Daemon is doing Gods know what in Harrenhal while we’re on the brink of battle.
“The Riverlands grow restless, my Prince. The Blackwoods and Brackens are at each other’s throats. There’s been no word from Daemon so we must assume no one is there to rally them together.” Lord Massey states with a clipped tone.
“We must send a dragon to amass them to our cause. Or to help the Blackwoods defeat the Brackens. Regardless something needs to be done and soon.” Lord Celtigar nods his head and looks around at his fellow vultures.
“Y/N take Silverwing.” Jace turns to me. “Go to Raventree Hall. Speak with Bejicot Blackwood and do whatever it takes to get him and his men to join our other army. If you can get the Brackens to bend the knee: Great. If not: Burn them. We are done sitting aside in this war.” Jace says with a boisterous voice.
“I heartedly agree with this decision.” Lord Emmon nods his head along with the other Lords.
“Then I shall see you when I return victorious, brother.” I smile to Jace. “Sister.” I smile and nod to Baela before exiting the war room.
Once in my chambers I hastily pack a couple of bags. I change into my riding armor and place my sword in its sheath down my back. I dart down the stairs to greet Silverwing before anyone changes their mind on sending us out. My dragon and I have been itching to take to the skies and begin bending knees.
“Hello, my beautiful girl.” I coo as I approach her and offer her pats. “We’ve finally been given leave.” I say with a playful tone as she chuffs and turns to me.
I quickly mount her and she brings us to the lip of the cave. As she steps over the ledge she lets us free fall which always makes my heart drop. Her wings catch the breeze and we shoot forward as I wildly laugh while clinging to her.
During the flight to the Riverlands I keep my eyes peeled for any armys. I have yet to see anything concerning, but keep a vigilant watch nonetheless. We fly a couple miles away from Harrenhal, but we still faintly hear Caraxes high pitched song.
We thankfully hear no other dragons and have no vision on any army’s as we begin our approach on Raventree Hall. Silverwing circles the castle and gives out a fearsome cry before landing on the outskirts of the city walls. I leave my bags attached to the saddle incase I don’t receive the welcome I’m expecting. Once I make it to solid ground guards start to approach, but keep their distance as they take in my dragon hovering behind of me.
“I come as an extension of the Crown. I must speak with your Lord at once.” I look to the guards expectantly.
“And which Crown might that be?” one guard is brave enough to question me.
“The only rightful Crown. That sits atop my mother’s head. Queen Rhaenyra.” my tone clipped as I start to approach and then men back up.
“I’m sorry, Princess.” they all bow their heads deeply as they bend the knee to my mothers cause. “These are strange times.”
“Indeed.” I hum as I look down at them.
“I’ll go get Lord Benjicot.” one guard raises his head and rushes through the gate behind him.
I turn back to Silverwing and she seems to roll her eyes at the men behind of us. I climb back to retrieve my bags and offer her words of praise and thanks for a smooth flight. As I turn to dismount once more there is a handsome man looking up at me with a slack jaw. I look down at him with low lids and wicked smile.
“Who might you be?” I call down to him as I toss my bags next to him.
“Lord Benjicot Blackwood, Ben if you wish.” he calls up to me as he falls to his knees. I smirk as I slide down the side of Silverwing and stand in front of him as he continues to look at my boots.
“Rise, Ben.” I say hushed as his eyes travel up my body until they lock with mine.
“Is it too forward to say that I much like this position?” Ben offers me a wink and devilish smirk.
“Is that so?” I hum as I bring my hand to the side of his cheek. He grabs my hand with his own and brings it to his mouth to place a kiss on the back. He rises and towers above me never breaking our eye contact.
“What can I do for you, Princess?” he asks, smirk still plastered on his face.
“I wish to have an audience with you and your advisors in the council chambers.” I remove my hand from his and get to the more pressing matters. “I should also like live feed brought for my dragon. She’s hungry and I wouldn’t want her to pick through your men.” I looks to him expectantly waiting to be invited inside.
“Yes,” he clears his throat. “I’ll have some of my guards bring some cattle. Will she harm them?” he whispers the last part to me.
“Not unless they deserve it.” I chuckle as I grab my bags.
“Perfect.” Ben claps his hands together. “Then let’s have a meeting.” he takes my bags from my hands and leads me into the gate.
He hands my bags to servants and tells them to have them brought to the guest chambers. He leads me straight to the council chambers and offers me the seat next to him. Slowly members begin to filter into the room and once everyone takes their seat Ben rises.
“Gentlemen, this is Y/n Targaryen. Queen Rhaenyras first daughter. Rider of Silverwing.” he tells them, his words sounding like adoration.
“As I’m sure you’re all aware war is on the horizon, if not already here. After the battle of the burning mill it’s clear tensions have been high. I want to thank you for fighting in the name of my mother. I am here to ask you to pick up your swords for her again.” I look to all of them to read their expressions.
“What do you propose we do?” one of his advisors asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Call your banners and follow me and Silverwing to the Brackens. I shall ask them to bend the knee to the rightful Queen. If they refuse I shall burn them at your sides and we will continue on to meet the rest of our army to continue to battle and glory.” I say hoping they accept my more than generous offer.
“And what if the Brackens bend the knee? You expect us to fight alongside them?” another advisor speaks up, disgust heavy in his voice.
“I expect you to fight for your Queen.” my voice rises as I stand looking to him.
“We will fight for you. I’m just not sure if the Brackens share the same sentiment, Princess.” Ben adds, eyes shooting daggers to the advisor who spoke to me in such a manner.
“Then they’ll die.” I say flatly as I reclaim my seat.
“Then it’s settled.” Ben announces as no one else has any other grievances. “I’ll be able to have my men ready in two days time.” he nods his head to me.
“Excellent. I have nothing further to discuss at this moment.” I say waving my hand.
Ben dismisses his advisors and servants flood in and offer me beverages and food. I accept a cup of wine and sigh as I lean back into my chair. This went smoother than I anticipated, but I still think there will be work to do to prepare the Blackwoods before I ask the Brackens to bend the knee.
“I must send a raven to Dragonstone.” my eyes glide to Ben who has been staring at me.
“Yes, of course.” he rises from his chair quickly causing the legs to groan against the stone. “I’ll fetch you some parchment and ink.” he rushes out the door and leaves me blinking after him.
I scribble out a note to Jace and tell him of what’s happened and how I expect the meeting with the two hosts to go. I tell him I’ve secured the Blackwoods and intend to try my best with the Brackens but make no explicit promises. I seal it with red ink and hand it off directly to the maester.
“Allow me to show you to your chambers.” Ben says offering me his arm.
I look him over and decide it’s not terrible if I hang off of his arm like a simpering fool for a couple of days. There’s something alluring about him. I can feel the violence bubbling under the surface which excites me to no end. He begins to parade us down the halls with a ridiculous smile on his face as he looks down to every man we pass.
“Here we are, Princess.” he hums as we stop in front of a large set of double doors.
He opens the doors and escorts me in. I spot my bags on a chair near the freshly lit hearth. I peer into the bathing chambers and hum in appreciation at the small pool I have for a bath. Candles are lit throughout the chambers making them feel warm and inviting beside the dark stone and wood.
“I’ll admit I’m surprised you brought me to my own chambers and not yours.” I turn to Ben smiling as I see his cheeks redden.
“Is that disappointment I hear?” Ben cocks his head, matching my smile.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” I playfully roll my eyes.
“Change and I’ll show you around Raventree Hall.” Ben’s smile lingers on his face. “If you want.” he backtracks slightly nervous.
“Come collect me in an hour.” I smile as his eyes alight with excitement as he slips out of my chambers.
Why couldn’t Jace send me to a house without such a handsome flirt of a Lord. I sigh out as I fall back into my bed. I rise and begin to remove my armor. I place my sword on the bed unsure if I’m ready to not have it on my person, armor or gown. I slip into a black form fitting gown and settle for a hidden dagger on my thigh. The sheath can only be seen if one is looking for it or if their hands found themselves traveling somewhere they shouldn’t. I braid my silver hair out of my face and leave the rest flowing down my back. I go to the couch and watch out the window until Ben comes to get me.
“Princess?” Ben’s voice carries through the door followed by a couple knocks.
“Come.” I call as I begin to rise off of the couch. Ben stands in the doorway staring at me with wide eyes. “Is this not appropriate for a tour? I can change.” I look down smoothing my dress slightly embarrassed and confused.
“No,” he breathes out. “No, you look perfect Princess.” his eyes meet mine and I can feel my cheeks flush at his compliment.
“Thank you.” I look up to his eyes and smile softly.
“A true Targaryen beauty.” he hums as he places a kiss on my hand lowering his head.
“You honor me, Lord Benjicot.” I say flustered at his words and actions.
“Ben,” he corrects me, smirking.
“Ben.” his name falls off of my tongue breathlessly.
“Come, let me show you my home.” Ben offers me his arm, which I accept as he leads me out of my chambers.
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Ben and I shamelessly flirt over the next two days as we ready our host. We plan strategies with his advisors on the best way to go about speaking with the Brackens. I’ve flown Silverwing near the border and seen the host they’re amassing for themselves. I’ll admit I hope to turn them to my mother’s cause but I can only do so much. This feud between these two house has lasted many generations and I’m not sure that the presence of a dragon will make much of a difference.
Jace has sent back word confirming and allowing me leave to do what must be done to secure a host from the Riverlands. There has been no word on Rhaenyra much to my concern and frustration. Hopefully the next time I see her I’ll have an army raised in her name. I send another raven back stating I plan to meet the Bracken host on the morrow and will send him word of the outcome.
“Are you scared?” Ben asks me, looking over his cup of wine as we dine alone.
“I think Silverwing and I can handle this.” I shrug, biting my lip.
“I know you both can. Doesn’t mean you can’t be scared.” he offers me a soft smile.
“Is it bad to admit that I am?” I asked hushed looking to him.
“No, it makes you smart. I haven’t seen you fight or duel. But from looking at the armor and sword you wore the first time I laid eyes on you, I would say you’re no stranger to what may come.” he surmises looking to me intently.
“I do well with a blade, better with fire.” I smile deviously. “How do you fare? Are you scared, Ben?” my smile widens as I suck in my bottom lip.
“Why should I be scared? I have a Targaryen Princess and her dragon flying above me. I think I can manage with a blade from below.” his eyes filled with shameless admiration as he looks to me.
“Don’t be so humble. I’ve heard your nickname and stories throughout your host.” I raise my eyebrow to him across the table.
“What nickname is that? I’m afraid there’s a few floating around.” he chuckles lowly.
“All I’ve heard is the whispers of Bloody Ben leading them to victory. How you come out of battle covered in blood with a wicked smile painted through it.” I look to him as his smile widens.
“Does that scare you?” he tilts his head studying me.
“Not in the slightest.” I gently shake my head.
“We shall see if that’s true on the morrow.” he hums, still looking over my face. “Allow me to escort you to your chambers.” he rises and walks over to help me rise from my chair.
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I rise early in the morning before the sun has started to rise. I begin fastening my hair into two long braids that flow down my back. I begin to stretch out some before covering myself in my armor. Once everything is secured I slide my blade down my back and check to make sure I have everything I should need. I quickly exit my chambers and as I’m turning the corner I clash into a man.
“Good morning.” I look up at Ben’s voice as his arms steady mine as I sway. “I was just coming to wake you.” he smiles still holding on to me.
“I always break fast with Silverwing before we do something strenuous. Would you like to join us?” I offer with a soft smile.
“I’d be honored, Princess.” he bows his head lowly as I playfully push him back.
“I thought we were done with the formalities, Lord Benjicot.” I chuckle as he regains his composure.
“Oh no, you will always be my Princess.” he licks his lips as I feel my cheeks start to heat.
“Mm, your Princess?” I raise my eyebrows trying to pretend my cheeks aren’t the color of dragon fire.
“Yes, mine.” he says lowly as he pinches one of my cheeks. “Come, let’s go get some cattle for Silverwing. I want to make sure she’s well fed for today, along with you, my Princess.” he whispers my title into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
I follow after him as he takes us to the dining hall. He tells a servant to have a couple plates made for us and brought out near Silverwing for us to eat. He leads us out of his castle and over to the rows of stables and barns. He offers men more than enough coin and soon we have five cattle trailing behind us as we make our way to Silverwing.
As we approach we see our breakfast laid on a blanket near my sleeping dragon who is now starting to wake at my approach. Ben lingers by our breakfast with the string of cows as I approach her. I rub her snout and walk down the length of her body to her tail, trailing my hand all the way. She begins to stir and offers small chuffs. As I walk back to her head she nudges her snout into me and huffs out.
“Oh come on, it’s not that early.” I chuckle as I scratch under her jaw. “That handsome man over there has brought you some gifts.” I hum as she rises her head and looks to Ben.
I nod my head encouragingly to Ben to bring over the cows. He walks over with a stiff spine but is sure to show no fear. Silverwing stares down at him as I walk to his side. She looks at both of us and comes to eye level. I look to Silverwing like a mother warning her child to be nice.
“He’s not your treat, he’s mine. He brought these cattle for you to indulge yourself on.” Silverwing chuffs at us and turns to the cows waiting for us to back away.
“Come.” I say, pulling Ben away.
Once we’re a safe distance away Silverwing dowses the cattle in fire until they’re burnt to a crisp. She lays back down with a thud and leisurely begins to eat her meal. Ben looks on at the scene as I leave his side to return to our breakfast. He claims a seat next to me, still looking to Silverwing.
“So how does that work? She can understand you?” Ben asks taking a sip of juice.
“She can understand me, yes. We have this sort of bond. It’s like a mutual respect of each other’s feelings and boundaries. Kind of as if our souls are molded together as one.” I look to my beautiful dragon as I speak with admiration.
“I can’t even begin to imagine the strength it takes to do that. To command the skies with her. You both are just so other-worldly.” Ben looks to me with reverence.
Silverwing chirps a soft song at Ben’s words and she continues to feast upon her cattle. I smile at her acceptance and happily eat the meal prepared for me. We eat in a comfortable silence as the men begin to rise for the upcoming day.
After we finish our breakfast Ben goes to speak with his fellow commanders and finalize the plan. I lounge with Silverwing watching the men run around camp. She grumbles when some walk a little to closer for her liking and I chuckle as they’re quick to run back. Once everyone seems scarce I rise and see that they have begun to fall into lines ready to march.
“It’s almost time for us to fly. I know not what today holds for us, but I know we will be victorious.” I talk to Silverwing patting her as I start to mount.
“A moment, my Princess.” Ben calls from afar and I turn to see him running to me.
“Yes?” I return to the ground and await for him to come to me.
“I seek your favor.” he pants, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “For luck, on our endeavors.” his cheeks become red from more than just his short run.
“I-“ I pat my armor knowing I have nothing on me to offer him. “I have nothing on me to-“ Silverwing chuffs and snaps a cattle bone, looking to us expectantly.
“Thank you, my beautiful Silverwing.” Ben smiles widely at my dragon as he bends down to claim the now bone knife from her claws.
“It seems she’s taken a liking to you.” I gasp as Silverwing nudges my back pushing me into Ben.
“And what of you?” he hums holding me.
“I suppose I have.” I try to look anywhere but in his eyes as my face heats.
“You have what?” he asks with a smirk, tilting my chin with his fingers so I have to look at him.
“Taken a liking to you.” I reply breathlessly looking at him through my lashes.
“May I have your favor?” Ben looks to my lips and then to my eyes in a silent question to which I nod my head vigorously.
His lips crash down into mine and his teeth are quick to bite down on my lower lip. I gasp out and his tongue slips into my mouth to dance with mine. One of his hands finds its way to the back of my neck molding me to him. He pulls back from my mouth as our breath mingles. I kiss him quickly one more time and a smile splits across his face. He kisses my forehead softly and steps back from me.
“Our host awaits your command, my Princess.” he looks at me with heavy lids.
“Begin marching, we should make it to Stone Hedge a little after midday. If you don’t see me, we’re in the clouds, but I’ll always be above you. I will see you for negotiations.” I nod to him.
“Understood. I will see you in a couple of hours.” he returns my nod, his cheeks still slightly flushed.
“Do not die today.” I call out as he begins to walk away.
“Your wish is my command.” he turns to me and bows deeply before continuing back to his men.
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I fly ahead of the Blackwood host to see if there are any traps waiting for us. We have a clear path directly to Stone Hedge. I hear no other dragons in our vicinity and sigh in relief. As we approach the outskirts we fly in closer to see if there are any scorpions that I should take out before even thinking of landing in an open field. I mark no weapons of note that make me unsure of my landing.
I circle back to our host and coast on the breeze as they make their way closer. They stop on the other side of the Brackens wooden barricade and await for my arrival. I fly over the approaching Bracken host taking in their numbers. We have about couple hundred more swords than they do and a dragon so I have no worry. Silverwing gives out a high pitched screech and the Blackwood hosts recedes allowing us land in front of them.
As we approach I can see the Brackens pushing back to their gates and chuckle. I slide out of my saddle and make my way to solid ground. The Blackwood host looks at me as if I’m a goddess stepping onto their battle field to bless them.
“How was the flight? What did you gather from up there?” Ben peppers me with questions on approach.
“We have more swords than they do. There were no weapons of note that I was worried about or we wouldn’t have landed here. On approach they pulled back. I’m going to have to lure the Lord out.” I list off what I’ve observed from the skies.
“Noted.” Ben nods his head. “And how was the flight?” his face softens as he smiles.
“Absolutely delightful.” my smile matches his as I look back to Silverwing.
“I’m glad to hear.” he looks down at me tenderly.
“Let’s go see if there’s a way to talk this through.” I sigh and begin leading us to the barricade.
As we begin walking to the middle I see small group of men approaching from the Bracken side. We wait at the edge expectancy and they stop a couple hundred feet away. I groan out in annoyance as I climb over the wooden fence. Ben is right behind of me as we cross the line.
“Thank you for meeting us away from your beast.” one of them says foolishly.
“My beast?” I bark out a laugh at his audacity. “She’s had quite the large breakfast, but surely she could always eat more?” I tilt my head, squinting my eyes at him.
“What is it that you’re here for?” Lord Bracken steps out from behind his men.
“Bend the knee to my mother, the rightful Queen of the realm. Join your host with hers and ride with her into battle and glory.” I hold my chin high as I study them as they take in my words.
“Alongside Blackwoods?” Lord Bracken scoffs looking to Ben.
“Alongside fellow Queensmen.” I correct through my teeth trying to cool my temper at his tone and disrespect. I’m trying to avoid what I know is coming and soon I won’t have patience for words anymore.
“What do I get in return? Her brazen daughter who stands to inherit nothing? Does she truly think your cunt is worth my army?” Lord Bracken looks at me with a smile as his words slam into me.
“As if you would’ve ever deserved her.” Ben breathes out in a chuckle and he lunges at Lord Bracken and slams the cow bone knife into the side of his throat. “You don’t speak to her like that.” he grits out twisting the bone.
The world slows as the next seconds play out in front of me. He pulls the bone out as blood splatters across his face he quickly slams it into the leg of the man next to him. I quickly grab my blade from my back and slice open the man who began to run towards Ben. The last man grabs me harshly and I grab the dagger from my ribs and slam it up into his jaw. I pull the dagger out of the man’s jaw causing blood to spray across my face. Time resumes normally and I’m quick to hear shouts from either side of the army.
“Get to Silverwing.” Ben shouts to me as he turns to face the army pulling out his long sword.
As I run back to the barricade men begin pouring over and running past me. They keep a clear path away from my dragon and I’m able to get to her quickly. I clip into the saddle and she shoots us into the air. We fly low as I look on at the brazen violence. We fly near the back of their lines so they’re not safe on any front.
“Dracarys Silverwing.” I cry out and the entirely of the back of their host is doused in dragon flame.
As I look down I see burning men running for their life. I fly to undefended western side of the Bracken host and Silverwing is quick to bathe them in flame. After burning as many as I could without getting too close to Blackwood men we circle our host and land at the back. I quickly dismount from Silverwing preparing to go into the thick of the battle.
A horn blows and all fighting ceases. I climb back up Silverwing to look on at the bloody mess to see what’s going on. I see my mother’s flag raised in the center of the field. I lay back into my saddle and smile that everything is done. I dismount once more and wait at Silverwings feet for Ben to come find us and tell us of his victory.
“My Princess.” Ben’s voice carries through the crowd as they part to make way for him.
“Bloody Ben indeed.” I hum as I look over him in his disheveled state.
“You’ve got a bit on you too.” he smiles wiping at my face.
“How did it go out there?” I ask pulling back to look him over, scanning for any injuries.
“Very good.” he nods and I can still feel the adrenaline pouring off of him. “You and Silverwing did so well. Amazing to be honest.” he showers me with praise causing my cheeks to redden under the blood.
“Thank you.” I reply bashfully.
“Blushing like I didn’t watch you stab a man in the jaw.” his eyes worship me as he shakes his head.
“You are such a fool for doing what you did.” my eyes narrow on him remembering the start of this.
“I was willing to listen to what he wanted until he brought you into it.” he says approaching me. “I told you that you’re mine.” he says only audible for me.
“You as a person are worth more than any army. Or any kingdom. Or any realm.” he whispers to me. “I would’ve fought alongside all of them if it meant I could stay by your side.” his eyes scan my face as it softens.
My hands reach up to bring his face down to mine. I place a soft kiss on his lips and pull back to look up at him. He captures my lips once more and pulls me tightly to him. Men begin to cheer and clap around us much to my embarrassment. I pull back giggling as he continues to pepper kisses around my face.
We separate and begin to assess the losses. We were fortunate not to take many causalities or injuries. Ben’s most trusted men take the castle at Stone Hedge and raise my mother’s banners in the usurpers stead. Once the castle is deemed safe we walk through the gates.
Upon entering the castle we have a servant lead us the council chambers and see if there was any information left about the Greens movements. Ben’s advisors join us for a debriefing and I quickly write out a note to send to Jace of our victory in the taking of Stone Hedge and raising an army.
Ben dismisses his advisors and then it’s just the two of us lingering. I take in his bloodied state and shake my head. I know I’m not in a much better state either and begin to rise to seek a servant to make me a bath.
“Where are you off to?” Ben is quick to rise at my side.
“To find a bath. I suggest you do the same.” I raise an eyebrow to him as a smile plays at my lips.
“We could bathe together.” Ben whispers against my lips.
“Mm, come find me once you’re clean, Lord Benjicot.” I smirk against his lips and then slip out of the council chambers leaving him alone.
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A moan slips from my lips as I sink into the hot water. I scrub at my skin and splash water against my face watching the water turn pink and then maroon. I pick my nails clean and once I’m satisfied I rise out of the water wrapping a towel around my body. I groan as I remember the only thing a servant could seem to find me is a sheer slip.
I throw my towel to the ground and huff out as the slip only reaches to the top of my thighs. I make my way over to the vanity and begin to take my braids out. I praise the gods that my hair was spared from the blood. I shake my hair out helping relieve some of the tension that remains. I begin to make my way to my bed as there’s a knock at my door.
“Yes?” I ask from the other side of the door not wanting to be seen in such an exposed state.
“I’m clean.” Ben chuckles from the other side of the door. I crack open the door and take in his freshly bathed state.
“Of course they’d be able to find you proper clothing.” I roll my eyes and allow him in.
“You are absolutely divine.” Ben’s eyes finally land on mine after drinking in my exposed body.
“You clean up nicely yourself.” I appreciate his clean face and body as he stalks over to me.
“My Princess.” he breathes out as he kneels before me, his breath fanning across my thighs.
“Hmm?” I hum, looking down at him as my fingers travel through his hair.
“May I taste you?” he asks softly as his hands trail up my bare legs.
“Please, Ben.” I reply breathlessly nodding my head.
As he rises from his knees, he takes my slip with him. I stand before him completely bare as his eyes dart across my body. I help him remove his clothes as we make our way to the bed. He pushes me on the bed when the back of my knees hit it. He kneels before me once more and pulls my core directly to his awaiting mouth.
“Fuck,” I cry as his tongue lashes against my clit.
With every swirl of his tongue my hips are rising off the bed. One of his hands finds its way between my thighs and he teases two fingers at my entrance. His slowly pushes his two digits in as whimpers fall from my mouth. He begins to pump in and out of me slowly as my hips grind onto his face and hand.
“Ben, please,” I whine as he begins a fast pace.
I lose myself to the pleasure as my moans travel throughout my chambers. My thighs quake at his relentless pace as his name pours from my lips. I explode around his fingers as his tongue continues to lick softly at my clit.
“Ben,” I breathless sob as my hand pulls his hair harshly away from my sensitive bud.
“You taste so good, I could eat you all night.” he places soft kisses on my thighs.
He snakes his way up my body and claims my mouth in a heated kiss. I feel his hardened length slide through my wetness causing me to whine. He chuckles against my lips as my hips continue to squirm.
“Are you ready, my Princess?” he whispers against my lips as he lines himself up at my entrance.
“Yes, please,” I arch my hips up to his begging for friction.
A moan tears through me as he slides into me. He wastes no time and fully pushes himself into me. The stretch of him causes my eyes to screw shut as I focus on the feel of him. I begin to slowly rock my hips once I’ve adjusted and he claims my lips once more as he starts to move his hips.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” he plants against my lips as his pace increases.
My legs wrap around his waist as I cling to him as he continues to pull pleasure from my body. His hips snap into mine at the new angle, stealing my breath. Our breathes become one as our hips meet in a rhythm that has us both panting. Pleasure washes over me, catching me off guard as my nails dig into Ben’s shoulder.
“Fuck, princess.” he grits through his teeth as he keeps pounding into me.
Tears begin to prick at the edges of my eyes from the pleasure he’s repeatedly wringing from my body. One of his hands slide between us and attach to my sensitive bud. I cry out and clench around him and he groans into my neck. I feel him begin to fill me as his hips falter and I explode around him once more, his name falling from my lips as if it’s the only word I know.
“You did so good for me, my Princess.” he whispers as he slowly pulls out.
He pulls me to his side and covers us with the blankets. I curl into his side and hum at his words of adoration and praise. My eyes begin to feel too heavy as I allow sleep to consume me.
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Part 2
full masterlist here
ongoing aemond fic plug tho
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loveyouprongs · 8 months
are you awake?
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prompt: "are you awake yet?" "no." "oh, okay sorry." remus lupin x reader
upcoming content: fluff! pls lmk if u think i missed anything. 1.8k words
authors note: despite any photos used in the header, it’s important that people of all races can identify with my work so please let me know if any of the descriptive language i use is exclusionary, i’m trying my best!
you had no idea what time it was, your phone abandoned on the night stand atop remus' book. he had come over in a huff, one hand holding his cellphone, keys, and book all at once, the other holding a warm cup of hot chocolate he had picked up along the way.
"rem, is that you?" you called, fumbling with wrapping a towel around your just washed hair while keeping the other towel tucked under your arms. you weren't expecting to see him today at all, he had, in his own words, a fucking shitload of reading to catch up on and planned on spending the entire weekend holed up in his room.
you understood, having just finished your own finals, so you planned on spending the evening watching movies and finally removing the old nail polish that decorated your toes and repainting them. an easy, uneventful night.
“yeah, it’s me dove,” remus said, bending down to untie his laces, “sorry for just barging in on you like thi- did you just take a shower?”
he snapped his head up and drank you in, your body still damp from the hot water and the ends of the towel wrapped around your chest fell apart against your thigh revealing more of your smooth skin. your face was free of makeup or the tendrils of hair that constantly fell between your eyes that remus always brushed away.
“y’don’t have to do that every time, remus,” you said on your fourth date when his fingertips danced against your forehead once more that evening.
“you have to be able to see, darling, i don’t mind,” he replied as if this was something he was doing as a favor to you and not because he was so desperate to touch you in any way.
you looked beautiful, he thought.
“thank you, baby,” you let out, giggling at the sigh of your boyfriend still bent half over himself, looking up at you as if you would disappear if he wasn’t.
“did i say that out loud?”
“you did.”
“well, it’s true,” he had since walked over to you, setting his phone, keys, book and cup on the table and grasped at your shoulders, stamping a kiss to your forehead. in this moment, he felt all his tension wash away and reveled in the feeling of your warm skin under his and the vanilla scent of your shampoo wafting around him. he didn’t even remember why he was in such an annoyed mood earlier until you asked him how come he came over.
“ugh, i have to move out!” he exclaimed. this is something remus said maybe four times a week, seven if it was really bad. when james left his dishes piled up in the sink for too long, “i have to move out!” remus would say while ranting to you over breakfast the next day. when they went on a trip for a few days and sirius forgot to pack any underwear so he took it upon himself to borrow remus’, you woke up to a text from your boyfriend that simply read “i have to move out.” sent at 2:18 a.m. then “good morning” at 2:19 a.m. and “you better not be awake right now, dovey” at 2:20 a.m.
“what happened this time?”
“was trying to study ‘til those idiots had the bright idea of rolling bottles down the stairs, i mean who even thinks of that?”
you had to bite your lip to keep in your laughter. you had seen that trend all down your social media so you knew exactly where they got the idea from. but your sweet remus who had no profiles whatsoever, -unless you count the facebook page he made when james told him he had to have one at least-
“what do you mean it doesn’t count? you can share photos and talk to people.”
“it’s facebook! only mums use it. i’m making you a BeReal.”
“you’re making me be real?”
“oh, nevermind.”
had no idea and believed this was just another stupid activity his roommates shared brain cell came up with.
“i don’t know, remmy, people are weird,”
“right? anyway, i sat through listening to ‘clunk, clunk, clunk, smash! again, again, again!’ for about fifteen minutes before i had to get out of there so i thought to come here.”
a warmth started growing within your chest and spreading throughout your entire body. he thought to come here, to your place. your lanky, fluffy haired, nerdy boyfriend who you loved so so much thought to come to you. the smile that had spread across your face was so wide you knew remus knew exactly how you were feeling.
“don’t go all moony eyed on me now, sweetness,” he began, “i’m here because i still have a lot of work to do.”
“of course”
“with no distractions, at least for the next few hours,” he was looking down at you with a familiar look in his eye and you couldn’t even bother to feign cluelessness. the image of remus bent over a book, concentrated look on his face and glasses slowly slipping down his nose was irresistible to you and when you two studied together, it caused a lot of assignments to go untouched.
“alright, i’ll leave you be. but i expect some form of compensation for my good behavior.”
“hence the hot chocolate, for you dove,” he handed you the tall paper cup he had brought in with him and you smiled as it was still warm enough to drink.
“oh wow, my boyfriend and a hot chocolate? it’s like my birthday!” you laughed as remus rolled his eyes and started setting himself up at your kitchen table.
“you can’t say that whenever i get you something, you need to have higher expectations for your birthday silly girl, or i really will just get you a drink and that’ll be it.” he said and the last thing he heard was you laughing down the hallway.
hours had passed and your hair was dry, toe nails now a light peachy color, and one and a half movies had been watched. you mainly kept to your room, only coming out to get a drink and set some biscuits out for remus who hadn’t even looked up. you were sure a bomb could off in the building across the street and he wouldn’t notice. he was so concentrated that all you wanted to do was press your fingers to his temples and relieve his pretty face of the wrinkles, surely his eyes were sore as well, but you knew better than to bother him.
it wasn’t until it was dark out that remus had finally slumped against your bedroom door and trudged like a zombie to your bed, face planting right into your lap. his calves were hanging over the edge so you grabbed his face and shuffled yourselves closer to the headboard. remus was laughing, the feel of his lips tickling your stomach, and with that information he only began to blow raspberries on your belly button.
“remus stop i’m serious!” you let out and lifted his head up, your hands pushing his cheeks up causing his lips to reach up into a smile. he looked so soft, and happy, but obviously tired.
“‘m finished with all m’reading, dove,” his speech was slurred, surely from exhaustion.
“i’m very proud of you baby, you’re so hard working.”
he wrapped the comforter around both of you, and flipped onto his side, pressing his back to your front. he must have been really out of it because he never let you be the big spoon.
“but don’t you like being held?”
“i like holding you. besides it just makes more sense that way, i’m much taller.”
“there’s no sense to cuddling!”
“there’s sense to everything!”
“i am hard working! and they don’t care, all they care about is smashing things and making lots of noise. i have to move out.” he grumbled.
you ran your fingers through his hair, letting him mumble on, knowing he’ll soon fall asleep.
“well, you’re always welcome here, my love.”
he sighed and pressed a kiss to your wrist, “i know,” he spoke softly, the two words so full of content he could hardly stand it. he thought every day how lucky he was to have you in his life. a love full of soft kisses and hot chocolates and intertwining under moonlight. “i love you so much.”
“i love you too, now get some sleep.”
the night had come and gone, remus sleeping away in your arms and the sun was shining through your curtains. you slowly lifted your arm off him and felt around for your phone, careful not to disturb him. the screen flashed 10:15 a.m., meaning remus had been sleeping for close to twelve hours now.
it made sense due to how tired he was yesterday, but you had done nothing but relax, so your body was ready to get up and start the day. you answered a few messages telling marlene you’d had to get back to her about if you and remus could make it to brunch in a few hours and sending a rolling eyes emoji to james who sent you a number of videos of bottles rolling down the stairs.
remus shifted, unconsciously flexing his back, and you froze. it wasn’t until he began cracking his knuckles individually that you knew he was awake, you still asked though.
“are you awake yet.”
“oh, okay, sorry.”
two minutes passed, “are you awake now.”
“are my eyes open?”
“no, but you are speaking to me, and this isn’t what you usually say when you sleep talk.”
“i don’t sleep talk!” he let out, craning his neck to look at you perplexedly.
“got you to open your eyes, didn’t i?” you said with a wry smile. his look of confusion morphed into annoyance that you both knew was fake and he fully turned so you were both facing each other now.
“i haven’t slept that good in a long time,” he said lowly, his voice still rough from sleep.
“finals are over now, rem, you can sleep for as long as you want.”
he smiled and tangled your fingers together, opening his mouth to say something back when his stomach rumbled loudly.
“that wasn’t very sexy, was it?”
you giggled and shook your head, finally throwing the covers off yourself.
“nope, but that’s okay, marlene wants us to meet her for brunch in thirty minutes, so we better get a move on, sleepy head.”
remus groaned and reached for his designated dresser from the bed and pulled out whatever shirt and bottoms were on the top of the piles. the two of you got ready in comfortable silence and while you were sitting on the floor, pulling up the zipper on your boots, remus realized that he really could see himself moving in here. always doing his course work at your kitchen table, picking up a hot drink for you at the coffee shop two streets away, not because it was on his way to you, but because it was on his way home.
“ready, baby?” you asked, now standing at full height, holding your hand out to him.
i’m ready to wake up here every morning. “ready,” he said, wrapping his hand around yours.
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charliesangel67 · 2 months
Bf!Theodore Nott Headcannons
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Bf!Theo - who would get into physical fights if he heard anyone talking bad about you
Bf!Theo - who would keep a hand around your waist or hold your hand everywhere you go, always needing physical touch
Bf!Theo - who would be the kinda guy to say ‘wear it, I can fight’ if you wanted to wear something more revealing
Bf!Theo - who would hide away at parties, always looking for a quiet place to smoke a joint while still keeping an eye on you as you dance with Pansy
Bf!Theo - who seems antisocial but only really opens up to people he knows he can trust, you being one of them
Bf!Theo - who would accidentally play your sex playlist if he were to DJ a party
Bf!Theo - who would keep eye contact with you as he eats out your pussy
Bf!Theo - who would buy you vibrating underwear for valentines day and expect you to wear it to class, controlling it with a remote he keeps on him
Bf!Theo - who would go absolutely feral seeing you in his quidditch jersey before a match and would fuck you senseless after a match all while you're wearing his Jersey. + (extra rough if they lost the game)
Bf!Theo - who would send you spicy texts in class just to see you blushing from across the room
Bf!Theo - who would finger you in class while you're answering a question, enjoying seeing you struggle to maintain an unbothered expression and keep in your moans.
Bf!Theo - who would leave cute little notes around your dorm and in your books, of things he likes about you (eg. You have a beautiful smile, You're smart and considerate.) ~ would also leave spicy notes around your room, (eg. I can't wait to rip that skirt off you tonight and fuck you senseless.)
Bf!Theo - who would have a special box containing (movies, snacks, face masks etc.)ready to take to your dorm whenever he sees you having a bad day or you're on your period.
Now this took a very long time bc I accidentally deleted the original so I had to start from scratch. Sorry y'all
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moonsbypadfoot · 6 months
interest | theodore nott x female reader.
warnings : angst, fluff, based on real live events that I am still going through! (Some parts are still made up, I've only experienced the first half, the second half are made up) 😘🙃, slytherin reader (doesn't really affect the story), usage of y/n, short, short, short fan fiction, wrote this in like 30 mins, english isn't my first language and I am convinced that I'm dyslexic, second person pov,
have fun reading!
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it was your fifth year at hogwarts, fifth year being friends with pansy, and your fifth year being hopelessly inlove with theodore.
yes, you've had 'relationships' before him, but he was still at the back of your mind. theodore was still lingering.
Theo seemed funny, moody, and so much more, but, you didn't expect him to like books.
Pansy looked down while eating her food, and simply said "you're reading little women too? Theodore loves that book" To which you hushed her immediately.
But that didn't stop you from asking her about Theo,later that day. "He likes it? " You asked, showing the book to pansy, "who likes what? " Pansy scrunched her eyebrows, and you groaned loudly.
"Theodore, pansy, Theodore! "
Pansy nodded her head, saying "oh yeah, he likes it". You gasped at how chill she is, and you said " This might be it pansy! ".
And oh you were right, it is it. You and daphne were sitting on a bench, gossiping about other people. When all of the sudden, Theodore passed you two, and said "Laurie, mhm? ".
"So you do like little women? " You and daphne's attention were shifted to him "since forever", and just like that, he left.
That became a more and more of a schedule for you to sit on that same bench everyday, on the exact same time. Daphne doesn't know that you still like him, it was well common knowledge that you used to like Theodore, but, everyone thought that you had moved on.
Daphne was so tired of Theodore, that whenever she sees him coming to you two, she'd roll her eyes sand say stuff like 'here he goes again' and make the biggest sigh ever.
Your first 'real' conversation was him coming up to you, saying "I like jo more than amy". At that point you didn't know what to say, neither Daphne or Pansy was there to make you less tense.
You scoffed "Amy is way better". You tried to keep yourself cool, and you did just that.
For days to days you two became closer. You'd have little chit chats after dinner, and your liking for him became bigger, but it shouldn't have.
"I have some little women.. Merch, I can send it to your room, later" Theodore suggested. "First of all, pansy would kill me if I had a boy in my room. Second of all, that will not happen cause if you do the stairs will turn into a literal slide and make you look stupid" You said, to which he just started at you.
You stupidly dreamt of him in your room, which is obviously forbidden.
Unsurprisingly, Daphne eventually found out about you still liking him, and she's convinced that Theo likes you back.
"Do you not remember what he said? 'I used to like little women, now I like it again because of her' and the boy pointed at you! And do you not remember quidditch? "
Oh boy, you do remember Quidditch.
His Quidditch match was last Wednesday, and two days before that, you two made a bet. If he won, you have to give him 15 galleons, and if he lose, he has to give you 15 galleons.
See, that same week, your professors had bombarded everyone with exams. So, if it wasn't for him you wouldn't have watched any of the Quidditch stuff.
That Wednesday, you kept exactly 15 galleons in your pocket. And, unsurprisingly he won. The slytherins celebrated like crazy, and, after that, you came up to him, saying "I could've bought myself candy but, I have your 15 galleons".
"No need for that," Theodore softly smiles, and went back to his friends who were cheering and waiting for him.
That day you couldve swore you spent a thousand hour telling pansy what you felt.
All of the sudden, Theodore didn't seem interested. You hadn't told Daphne about this, but pansy is so mas at him for the sudden stop of interest.
"See, boys are immature" Pansy groaned and rolled her eyes. "I wanted to know about his friend and, theodore-"
"Not so loud! " You sushed her, reminding that you two were still in the great hall. You doubt anyone heard you but, still, for safety reasons. "How about.. My 'him', we can call him uh.. "
"Toaster, cause if he doesn't act right Im gonna-"
"Hold your horses, pansy, let's call him trex"
"Fine, you're way too nice for that guy, and uhm, what should I call my 'him'? " Pansy asked, and, there was one minute of silence.
"Maybe trial number #2? "
That was the day your nicknames were born, and, things excelated from there. 'Trial #2', which is blaise, talked to pansy in the Slightest way possible, and 'trex' which is theo is talking to you, but he makes the conversation as dry as possible.
Theo is almost always the conversation starter, but when it comes to keeping the conversation going, it's you, and it is hardwork to keep Theo talking to you
That also reminded you of a conversation you had a long, long time ago with millicent. About how he's broken home and doesn't have a mother, and turns out it was true.
"So, that explains the on and off thing with you and him" Pansy shrugged "if you're really in love with him, you're in some really deep shit. Trial #2 barely talks to me"
and in deep shit you are, as the days became longer because he didn't want to talk to you. Pansy convinced you enough to just stop talking to him.
You felt better but, there is still something in you still craving him dearly.
"He's just there, pansy, like.. Like a word about to be spoken, but then vanishes out of our brains! One second he's there and the next he's gone! " You complained.
What made you more confused is that, you and him became more confusing. You felt like you're more than a friend, but you don't know what it is because of one thing he said.
It was common for you friends, lorenzo, and Mattheo, to tease you about Theo. It's as if they know.
Obviously, Theo was there too, along with Daphne next to you. "Y/n, I think you and Theodore are a good fit" Lorenzo laughed, and the others chimed with agreement. But, it was a subtle whisper from Theo that made you down for the rest of the day. "Don't say that, I like astoria"
You kept laughing, though it was obvious for those who actually knows you that your laugh was so fake.
You kept ignoring him, and you truly do feel better for once. As pansy says 'give him taste of his own medicine ' and you did what she said, and you felt better, for awhile.
Till he came up to you and forced you to confess.
"The fuck is wrong with you y/n? " Theodore said. "What do you mean? " You said, but, the pit in your stomach tells you exactly what he means.
"You're avoiding me. I thought we were friends"
"That's the problem" You said, in a confusing tone, which made him think.. Was it a question or a statement?
"I thought we couldve been more, Theo" You rolled your eyes at his oblivion, and you paused "you like astoria, don't you, mhm? You said it yourself".
Theo frowned "don't act so innocent, you and Macmillan were so close I thought you two were dating".
"I wasn't" You paused, "I moved on a long time ago, unlike you, no one moves on in the span of two weeks".
"Her friends told me she doesn't like me! "
"So what? That makes it right? I don't care if she likes you or not, I care if you like her or not. If I'm just your second choice, this won't work. Pansy told me that I'm better than any boys in Hogwarts, and I agree with her! Because boys like you suck"
"I like you, okay? Will you get that into your thick skull?" Theodore groaned and rolled his eyes.
"You're weird" You said, "what about me Is weird? " Theo asks.
"Your on and off stuff. You act interested, then when I actually wanna talk to you you get so dry, do you not think of that? Or you're actually really dumb? "
"You ignored me too"
"That's because I wanted you to feel what I felt! "
You honestly felt sad but, anger was more visible. But Theo looked emotionless. He wasn't happy, angry, sad, he was just there.
You both wanted to say something, but you didn't. Neither you nor Theo said a thing. You opened your bag and found your book, well, technically his.
"Here's a book that i borrowed" You said, giving it to him. "You can keep it" Theo pushed the book back to you, but your hand didn't budge. "No thanks, theo.. Ive written somethings in pencil. Don't worry too much because it's so thin you could barely tell what I wrote, a single swipe with your finger or eraser, it'll be gone".
A week has passed. And you knew for a fact he didn't re read the book.
On your favorite page, you wrote 'three broomsticks, next month, 9:00 AM? ' a month ago.
You knew way more than to come there, or did you?
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morwap · 5 months
ex!regulus black x fem!reader
nav | m.list | r.b m.list
dom!reg sub!reader, p in v, cunnilingus, handjob, cheating, ex!barty x reader mention, hair pulling. c/n = character name
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───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧───────
james unlocked the door, a big smile on his face as he had booked a pretty nice airbnb for the long weekend. you and dorcas carried in snacks and drinks to the kitchen as he held the door.
you could hear peter groan as sirius jumped on his back after stretching.
“hey i just wanted to see if you were okay, ya know with regulus being here and all—“
you cut dorcas off with a little laugh, “yeah d its fine, i mean we both have moved on clearly”
dorcas smiled and nodded before rubbing your arm then walking back outside.
moved on was not what you would describe it, regulus was here with a girl he had a met not to long ago, a fling, you could tell by how she acted. it was exactly how you used to act.
maybe he did this to make you jealous and to ruin your time, that was the only justification that went through your head.
you packed the fridge with the food and put things on the counters.
“y/n! where do you want me to put your stuff?” remus yelled, you already knew the sleeping arrangements, you and peter on an air mattress while remus, sirius, dorcas and marlene in a room. james and lily have their own and so does regulus and c/n.
“just put it by the couch!” you yelled as you watched sirius walk in, you grabbed a water and tossed it to him. sirius smiled then looked behind him then looked back at you, giving you an eyebrow raise. a warning sign.
“yeah its up the stairs, second room on the right” regulus mumbled. you watched as she walked up the stairs and regulus stopped to talk to sirius. you could tell he was out of breath from carrying things, you grabbed another water from the fridge and put it on the table before walking to the living room.
to say the tension was strong whenever you and regulus were in the same room was an understatement.
it was getting dark out, everyone was outside while james cleaned the grill for tomorrow and sirius and marlene tried to get a speaker to start working.
you sat next to lily, you both chatting about random topics while scrolling and showing each other different cats at a shelter. you would occasionally look to the other seats and make eye contact with regulus, it only made you wanna roll your eyes when he would at you then at her then back at you. he would get closer to her, having a stare off with you until you looked away.
music started to lighten the tension, marlene had pulled you up to dance with her while she was shit faced drunk. sirius got remus to join in. regulus watched you, thinking that maybe you just didnt care.
the fun ended with marlene throwing up on the other side of the fence and dorcas having to go put her in a bath. mary had called lily to check up on you guys, she wasn’t able to come since she had a wedding to attend.
hours passed and remus was the last to leave living room to you and peter, you sat down on the edge of the air mattress, peter already fast asleep, you had showered before coming to bed and now put on lotion.
the only thoughts you had were of regulus as you started to lay down. you couldn’t sleep a few hours passed until you heard footsteps.
regulus sat on the couch, his elbows on his knees. he cant remember what made him come down here, maybe to get a drink but now its led him here and he cant say he’s mad about it.
“are you doing this to fuck with me? to make me jealous?” you asked in a yelled whisper, sitting on the edge of the air mattress. you made sure not to move too much since peter was next to you with earplugs in.
“what? am i doing this to fuck with you? what are you talking about?” he whispered, his brows furrowed. “you started talking to barty again, what was i supposed to do while you were out flirting with your ex boyfriend?” he added.
“literally what the fuck are you talking about regulus” you scoffed, the last time you saw barty was when you gave him some of his clothes that was still in a box in your closet, it was socks and a few plain white tees but he had messaged you about it since it had his favorite belt and hadnt been able to find it for almost 6 months.
“sirius told me he saw you, how you got in his car and was all up on him, told me all about how you were all giggly and touching his arm, i thought we had something” he argued, making hand gestures.
“we do have something, we always have had something, all i did was give him a box of clothes if i was thinking about getting back together with i would've told you” you whispered, you touched his arm.
“i would never do that to you, regulus i told you everything” you added as a tear pricked your waterline, his head tilted slightly as he closed his eyes and sighed.
you missed him, god you missed him.
“i’m sorry, i should've asked you” he sighed, his hands going to yours. just touching him was like being teased, you missed his hands on you.
you swallowed, you didn’t know if it was the right time and you think he had the same idea.
regulus looked at you, you two were so close, his hair was just the slightest bit damp and he still smelled so strongly of his body wash and shampoo. He wore a plain black tee and sweatpants that was fresh out the dryer.
he leaned in closer, you didn’t want to move more than you already have in case of waking peter.
you tilted your head back as he leaned in more, his lips touching yours. god it felt so good.
your tongue intertwined with his as you two kissed, his hand came to your jaw. you tried to get closer to him. you heard peter groan and you pulled away.
peter rolled over and started to snore.
“cmere” regulus whispered and guided you up and into the kitchen.
your lower back pressed against the counter, as he locked your guys lips together roughly, his hands going up your shirt.
you tried to rub yourself against his groin. regulus groaned into your mouth as he unclipped your bra. he moved around your body until he was able to slip the bra to the ground then undid the knot on your pj pants.
regulus trembled in your grasp as you palmed him, he was getting harder and harder in your grasp. he bit your lip lightly before pulling away.
“turn the fuck around” he panted, his hands moving you roughly and pushing you to bend over the counter. regulus drops to his knees, his fingers slipping down your pj pants and panties.
you could feel his lips on your ass cheek, he bit softly which made you laugh and mumble an “ow,” regulus smile before spreading you open for him.
his tongue met your cunt, making you shiver, your clit throbbed as he sucked slightly. his hands massaged you gently, he did circles around your clit then moved his tongue up and down your vulva.
one of regulus’ hands moved to your cunt, his fingers teasing around your cunt before finally pushing in.
your hand that was gripping the counter went up to your mouth, his fingers were long and soon enough he could fit two in. your legs trembled and you were getting close. minutes passed and then you were on the brink.
regulus pulled away and slowed his fingers. you whined when his fingers left you. you soon felt his lips on the back of your neck. you could feel him press his cock against you, you reached back and slid your hand into his waistbands, he was fucking leaking.
he moaned against your skin as you stroked him, his hand gripped your hand and guided it while the other one held your hip. regulus let go of your hand and pushed his sweats down a bit.
“turn around i wanna see your face” he whispered and let go of you. you kicked off your bottoms before turning. regulus spit in his hand and stroked himself, you watched his chest as he breathed heavily.
you got onto the counter, thankfully it happened to be perfect height.
spreading your legs for him, waiting, you are beautiful.
regulus pressed his tip against your cunt, sliding in as his other hand did circles on your clit. his head tilted back slightly and he bit his lips. his stomach tightened and his eyes closed.
you watched his cock go into you. your hand gripped his forearm.
“youre amazing” he mumbled, looked at you and you leaned in, lips molding together in a fevered rush.
regulus started thrusting, noises caught in your throat, his other hand held the back of your head, guiding it how he wanted.
he started to quicken his pace, his fingers gripping your hair hard. you moaned in his mouth.
a noise from upstairs stopped him, pulling his head away from you and his hand moved to cover your mouth. he slowed his pace but didnt stop completely.
“regulus?” you heard.
he looked at you and then reached to turn the sink on then off.
“yeah?” he said. she stood at the top of the stairs. it was dark the only light being from a nightlight that was next to you.
“you okay?” she asked.
“yeah im just getting a drink and im on the phone with evan, hes having a rough night, go back to bed” he lied on the spot.
“oh alright” she yawned and walked back.
you kissed his neck, nipping at his skin. he started to pick up his pace again.
“im sorry” he whispered, his hands rubbed your sides.
“its okay” you said, you pulled on the hem of his shirt and sucked on his collarbone, leaving a dark mark.
his fingers went fast on your clit, getting you closer and closer.
“i love you” regulus said.
you kissed his cheek, “i love you too regulus” your fingers slipping into his hair.
your brows furrowed as the coil in your stomach snapped. cunt clenching down on him and pulsating. you bit your lips together.
“inside or on your stomach?” he asked hurriedly.
you ignored him.
his eyes closed tightly, “imma need an answer baby quick” he whined.
“stomach” you panted as you came down from your high.
regulus thrusted a few more times before pulling out. your hands went to his cock, jerking him off to the pace he was going before.
he cursed as he came, cock throbbing and now becoming super sensitive.
soon he had cleaned you and himself up and wiped down the counters then you two ended up cuddling on the couch. he whispered in your ear, telling you how he missed you and that you were the best thing to ever happen to him. it was nice, so nice.
you had moved once he fell asleep, getting back to your spot on the air mattress. regulus moved closer to the edge and reached his hand down to grab yours.
“goodnight” he mumbled.
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4remus · 2 years
no but really think about it james and lily died when they were 21 why were they shown in the movies as if they were 55 ??? another reason to add to the other million already existing to reject canon and embrace delusion
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rxsilabeth--er · 3 months
oooffffffffffff that reminded me of this post
"i should be tied up with a vibrator on my clit, getting soooo overstimulated from cumming over and over and just waiting for daddy (let it be mommy) to get home from work so he can finally turn off the vibe and stretch open my soaked pussy instead <3"
Like why is that such a slutty thing that Reg would definitely write in his diary and you would read it????
Only if it's okay with you, of course! I'm just a sucker for your writing!
OH MY GAH! I LOVE THIS~ You seriously ate..
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I'm just imagining you with Regulus in a submissive head-space who proudly shows off his diary and his works written in and you read them, until you say you actually want to try and he gets all shy and goes,
"No-no, no, mommy I didn't mea-mean it literally! I don-don't even think I can sta-stay like that!" he would whine but not even stop you if you pulled him in and just put a bullet vibrator to his clit and left him there as you turned on some movie, refusing to give him ANY attention as he simply cries, whining and trying to get you to do something.
Until he simply cums, but he doesn't like to cum because you're not paying attention to him, praising him, kissing him or even guiding him no matter how experienced he may be, he enjoyed it when you guided his hips..
Crying he was refusing to let his body cum, but not like he could keep it longer, his cunt gushing over your thigh as he crawled on your thigh, trying to get your attention as you simply waved him, as he came again..
You definitely did not pay attention for the entirety of his orgasms, of-course he would never dare to disobey your words and take off the vibrator, unless it was you who did it.
Until you finished your movie and even a season of your favourite show, did you finally pay attention to him, completely spent, his cunt going numb, as you softly removed the vibrator and shoved your fingers in or you cock, your choice, it's being greedy and so sopping wet. Or you'll just let him ride your thigh and finally pay attention, kissing him while he rode you or your thigh..
At this point, the sofa was soaked and his juice dripping down the leather onto the floor as he cried in your neck, his cunt was hurting but the pleasure was not stopping either..fuck he fucking loved you and loved being fucked by you..
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regulus-smith · 2 months
Help me my therapist knows I write marauders fanfiction she just immediately clocked it what do I do now
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st4rr-girrl · 11 months
Video Games
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Summary; The toxic relationship between Mattheo and (Y/n).
Warnings; unrequited love, asshole Mattheo, NSFW, slight smut, angst, swearing.
A/N; this was my first song fic— but I hope you like it! This took me like two hours to write and I’m not joking 😭😭
Based on the song — video games, by Lana Del Rey
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Swinging in the backyard.
Pull up in your fast car.
Whistling my name.
“(Y/n!)” Mattheo called out, with a wide, slap-able grin on his face. He was seated in the front seat of his fast, expensive mustang— watching your figure as you swung on the swing located in front of your house. It was summer, which meant you didn’t have to be at Hogwarts.
You excitedly hopped off the swing, your hair flowing in the wind as you rushed up to his car with a smile. “Hi Mattheo.” You cooed to your boyfriend, opening the car door and getting seated in the passenger seat. He nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes scanning up and down your body— but never landing on your face.
Without another word, he drove you to his house.
Open up a beer,
And you say, "Get over here
And play a video game.”
“(Y/n)! Check out this new video game I just got!” Mattheo called out from his bedroom. Wearing a white tank top, and underwear— as you two had just had intercourse— you kicked the fridge shut gently, and brought the two beers in your hand to his bedroom. You smiled sadly, your gaze flickering to the TV— which had his newest video game displayed on it. He was seated on his bed, biting his lip in concentration as his hands guided their way over his controller. You sat down in his bed, opening the beer and taking a swig before tossing the other beer next to him.
I'm in his favourite sundress.
Watchin' me get undressed,
Take that body downtown.
You were getting ready for a date with Mattheo, smiling to yourself in the mirror as you applied your lipgloss. You were wearing Mattheo’s favorite sundress, along with his favorite perfume— in order to please him. You ruffled your hair up, to give it more volume, before standing up as you heard a honk outside your house. You happily strolled downstairs, a small pep in your step as you opened the front door. A wide grin melting into your delicate features as you walked to his car, opening it and taking a seat in the passenger side.
“Hi baby.” You smiled, kissing his cheek affectionately. His eyes scanned up and down your body, before he bit his lip and turned his gaze back to the road and started to drive.
“You look amazing.” He complimented, making your cheeks flush and your heart pound.
You offered a cheeky grin, staring at your lap and clasping your hands together. “Thank you.”
Mattheo sat on his bed, watching as you slowly took your sundress off. His gaze was filled with lust and hunger as he stared at your body, biting his lip subconsciously. You wanted nothing more than to please him, and do whatever he asked of you.
You were laying in bed with Mattheo on top you you. “Fuck, baby. Your body is so hot.” He spoke breathlessly, pulling himself out of you before grabbing the beer on his nightstand. He stood up, putting his boxers on before walking to his TV and turning it on, before sitting back in bed and opening up his video game.
I say “You the bestest.”
Lean in for a big kiss,
Put his favorite perfume on.
Go play your video game.
“You’re the best, Mattheo.” You whispered, leaning up and kissing him passionately. He kissed back, in a half-assed manner— his eyes still glued onto his video game. You pulled away, frowning slightly as he turned his full attention to the video game. Heaving a sigh, you stood up and walked to the bathroom. You wet a rag, cleaning up what Mattheo had left behind on your skin with a small, sad frown.
It’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you.
Everything I do.
I tell you all the time,
“Heaven is a place on earth with you.” You whispered, your hand running through his hair as he laid in your lap, playing his video game. He didn’t seem to be listening, however. “Tell me all the things you wanna do.” You cooed seductively, biting your lip as he raised a brow, redirecting his attention to you with a lustful smile. If intercourse is what you had to do to get his attention, you’d do it. But instead he turned his attention back to his video game, with a shrug— insinuating he only wanted to play his video game without you getting involved.
I heard you like the bad girls, honey.
Is that true?
“What’s your type?” Theo asked Mattheo with a small smirk, assuming he’d describe you. Neither of them seemed to notice your presence lingering behind the corner of the hallway— peeking into the living-room where the two boys were smoking and drinking.
“I like bad girls.” Mattheo replied with a smirk of his own, raising a brow. Theo looked slightly surprised, and raised a brow aswell. You weren’t a bad girl. You were a good girl, who got good grades and stayed out of trouble. You frowned, backing up and walking down the hallway.
After summer, you returned to Hogwarts.
“Take it back, bitch!!” You shouted, kicking and punching the air as a Professor dragged you off of a girl. The girl had a fat lip, and forming bruises as she was also being dragged away from you.
“Never, slut!” She screeched, trying to pull away from the Professor to attack you.
Before you met Mattheo, you would’ve never done something like this. You would’ve simply kept your head down and kept walking. But after the conversation you overheard, you tried your hardest to be the one he wanted.
Mattheo smirked as he saw this, his amusement arising as he stared at you. He was turned on, but felt no sort of affection towards you. He was apathetic.
You and Mattheo were sitting in his bed in his dorm room, and per usual, he was invested in his video game. You grabbed a cigarette, lighting it and numbly staring at the screen as you took a drag. Mattheo smirked with a raised brow, turning his head towards you. “Since when do you smoke?” He snickered cruelly.
“Since now.”
It’s better than I ever even knew.
They say the world was built for two.
Only worth living is somebody is loving you.
And baby, now you do.
With your newfound personality change for Mattheo, his interest in you rose— only noticeably to you. You soaked up the attention, getting into fights, smoking, drinking, getting piercings, anything to get his attention. It was working.
Swingin’ in the old bars,
Swingin’ with the old stars,
Livin’ for the fame.
You felt famous. Not only were you collecting the sliver of attention from Mattheo, but the people at school seemed to notice the behavior from you. Mattheo found it amusing, others found it disturbing and dramatic, but teachers found it disappointing and heartbreaking.
Kissin’ in the blue dark,
Playin’ pool and wild darts,
Video games.
You were at a party, sitting down on the couch and chugging the alcohol from your bottle. You were already drunk, and on the verge of blacking out. The music was muffled, and your eyes were red and half lidded. Mattheo was speaking with his friends, before noticing you. He strolled over to you, and took a seat next to you.
He holds me in his big arms,
Drunk and I am seeing stars,
This is all I think of.
You started making out with Mattheo in the corner passionately. A red solo cup half empty with alcohol, and a burning cigarette in your opposite hand. You were drunk, and the world was spinning— but you felt safe in Mattheo’s arms.
Watchin’ all our friends fall,
In and out of old Paul’s.
This is my idea of fun.
Video games.
Your friends got drunk every other night, stealing the alcohol from the Old Paul’s bar, with fake IDS. You joined them, stumbling in and out of the bar feeling giddy and giggly from the alcohol in your veins.
It’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you.
Everything I do.
I tell you all the time,
“Heaven is a place on earth with you.” You reminded him, as he played his video games— even though you knew he wouldn’t be listening to you. “Tell me all the things you wanna do.” You tried speaking, but he was completely and utterly enamored in the video game he was playing. With a defeated sigh, you laid down and smoked a cigarette, staring at the ceiling.
I heard you like all the bad girls, honey.
Is that true?
Even as you continued being a bad influence, he slowly got used to it— which meant less attention. You felt defeated. You stayed up, wondering how he could put you through so much and not even feel a single inch of love towards you. After the things you did for him. The effort you put into your relationship. You felt lost, and unloved.
It’s better than I ever even knew.
They say the world was built for two.
Only worth living if somebody is loving you.
And baby, now you do.
After a while, you gave up on trying to grab his attention by being a troublemaker. You felt so alone. You stopped trying so hard, and your relationship only surrounded sex. You started being less of a troublemaker, and focused more on school than anything else.
It’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you.
Everything I do.
I tell you all the time,
“Heaven is a place on earth with you.”
“Tell me all the things you want to do.”
I heard you like the bad girls, honey.
Is that true?
He started to miss your voice. He started to miss how you would constantly boost his ego, and support him with whatever he was doing. How you would do small things for him, and how much affection you showered him in. How much trouble you’d get into just to be considered ‘his type.’
It’s better than I ever even knew.
They say the world was built for two.
Only worth living if somebody is loving you.
And baby, now you do.
He loved you now. But it was too late. You had broken up with him, separated yourself from your friends and focused on your schoolwork. He stared at you in the halls, during class, during dinner, breakfast, and lunch. He looked at your face. Something he failed to do when you were together. Now he was the one who had to fight for your attention. And holy fuck, it hurt him so bad.
And now you do.
Now you do.
Now you do.
Now you do.
Now you do.
Baby, now you do.
(Requested by @priyanichhabra)
Master list located on my pinned post!
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princess-weasley · 3 months
request: can you do enzo berkshire x bestfriend reader? - i hope this works 🤍
𐙚 princess speaks; to the anon who requested a mattheo fic based on cruel summer, i 100% would love to write you a fic. but i don’t really see myself connecting to taylor swift enough to write a fic using her song. im sorry love! i hope you can forgive me 🤍
lorenzo berkshire x hufflepuff bestfriend reader !
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𐙚 enzo berkshire was your first friend at hogwarts. the second you stepped foot on that train, the brunette boy waved you over. and naturally you sat with him, that big goofy smile making this new experience seem not so scary.
𐙚 enzo came to your dorm everyday during your first two years. he knew you really missed your muggle friends back home, but hogwarts was where you truly belonged. each day, he’d come in just to check on you. even when you’d told him multiple times that you were fine. but he always knew better.
𐙚 every week he would listen to you gab on and on about your new crushes, never once interrupting. in return you’d listen to him talk about the girls he was seeing. neither of you were jealous, but resentment definitely was in the air when the other got a partner. especially when you starting dating cedric.
𐙚 the two of you’d been shipped an absurd amount of times. maybe to everyone else you spent too much time together. but he was one of the only people you felt you could trust at hogwarts. 
𐙚 despite him being a slytherin, and you a hufflepuff, he was nothing but cordial to you. you dragged him to many hangouts with your friends, them simply staring at him in shock. surely a big scary slytherin shouldn’t be at your small hangout, but you assured your friends multiple times that he didn’t bite and was really just a big teddy bear. this led to all of your friends treating him as if he was one of the girls, a true member of the friend group.
𐙚 and on the other hand, you of course would hang out with his friends as well. all of them welcoming you with open arms. pansy adored your style, blaise loved to tease you, draco saw you as the sibling he never had, and mattheo and theodore constantly bickered over who should be aloud to take you out on a date. even though lorenzo would never let that happen. 
𐙚 since you’d been welcomed into the slytherin friend group, this also came with added protection. so when cedric broke your heart, he ended up in the infirmary for the rest of the weekend. you were upset at first, but your hufflepuff and slytherin friends told you it was well deserved.
𐙚 every summer you’d write notes back and forth to each other. eventually even learning to apperate to see each other more often. he really was your rock, and you couldn’t bear to be without him.  ——————————————————————————————𐙚 love, princess weasley
taglist; @littlemadamred @helendeath @the-sylver-dragon @draco-malfoys-lovergirl @spookypeacesandwich
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aemondapologistfrfr · 2 months
His Princess - pt2
Pt 2 of His Princess
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fancast!bloody ben x targ!fem!reader
Summary: Rhaenyra asks y/n to take her host to Harrenhal to speak to Daemon. Y/n rises to the challenge of Daemon and the River Lords watch on in shock and silence.
Warnings: 18+ swearing, political plotting, prob wine somewhere in a cup, bathing, thigh riding, face riding, p in v
Authors Note: soft moments w silverwing and ben, i believe this man would beg you teach him some high valyrian just so he could talk to silverwing and write it down and keep it in his pocket, idc if it’s unrealistic to pet a dragons belly it’s real to me!!, daemon needs to LEAVE harrenhal and step tf up like enough already
Word Count: 4.7k
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Over the past week I’ve been in contact with Jace about the status of our growing host in the Riverlands. Rhaenyra has finally returned home and expresses her gratitude for the swords that I’ve raised for her. She takes over the correspondence from Jace as we begin to discuss who is on our side and best ways to bring the other Lords to our cause.
She confides to me concerning her worry about Daemon. She has asked that I meet Ser Alfred Broome in Harrenhal and see if Daemon can be brought to reason. She hopes that he will start to relax and hopefully return to Dragonstone upon seeing their host. We have been on the move ever since her request while slowly adding swords along the way.
“We should reach Harrenhal on the morrow.” Ben ducks into the tent as I lounge on the makeshift bed.
“Thank the Gods. I need a fucking bath.” I slide over so he can join me.
“You still look absolutely divine to me.” as he pulls me into him.
“Oh I’m sure,” I roll my eyes. “The dirt and grime are very comely.” I sigh looking at my nails.
“At Harrenhal I’ll make sure you get the largest and hottest bath available. Even if it means displacing its current Lord.” he promises.
“I’ll hold you to that.” I hum. “I have no idea what state Daemon is in.” I sigh, wiping my face.
“He should be happy you’ve raised a host.” Ben murmurs as he finger brushes through my hair.
“We can only hope.” I moan as his fingers scratch along my scalp as I turn so he can continue his movements.
“Let’s hope they have feed to spare for Silverwing. She’s been eyeing our host for some time now.” he chuckles as he begins to loosely braid my hair.
“Mm, speaking of, I should take her out to hunt.” I sigh stretching out as he completes the plait.
“Will you let me come with you this time?” his eyes light up as he pleads.
“You’ll have to ask her yourself.” I chuckle as I begin to rise and stretch out.
I slowly put my riding armor back on as Ben quickly pulls his own armor on stumbling after me out of the tent. The host around us is now up to 5,000 swords and it’s easy to get lost in the chaos that surrounds us daily. We see the outline of Silverwing in the trees as we approach.
“Wait,” Ben pulls me to a stop. “It’s Hello my beast Silverwing?” a laugh bubbles out of my mouth as his face turns red.
“Y/n, my Princess, please.” he begs trying to hide his embarrassment.
“If you say that she will never allow you to ride with me.” I try to settle my giggles. “Hello, my beautiful Silverwing.” I look to him and nod for him to repeat.
“Hello, my beautiful Silverwing?” his Riverland accent makes the sentence sound funny but he’s got the words down at least.
“Well let’s go see if I get to keep enjoying you or if her meal has delivered itself to her.” I pull him by his arm with a smile on my face. I nod at him to go greet my sleeping dragon as I stand nearby.
“Hello,” his voice slightly stumbles as she begins to stir. “Hello, my beautiful Silverwing.” I hear the confidence in his voice as Silverwing begins to rise.
She looks over to me and then looks down at Ben and huffs. His hair is blown askew by her deep breath as she lowers her head to his height. He puts his hands up as I continue to give her a stern look. She gives a soft chirp before she pushes him with her snout.
“I didn’t learn any other words. Y/n says my accent is funny.” he speaks softly to Silverwing as he settles his hands on the side of her jaw.
She softly blinks at him and then looks to me as if I was so mean for stating the obvious to him. Ben slowly relaxes as he continues to offer her pats. She watches him intently as he begins to walk the length of her. She thuds back to the ground and rolls onto her side for him to pat her belly.
“Oh you big baby.” I chuckle lovingly as I approach them both. We continue to offer her pats and words of adoration until she grumbles and begins to turn back over. “He wants to come with us to hunt.” her eyes lock with mine and narrow. She closes her eyes and dips her wing down for us to climb up.
“Let’s see how this goes.” I breathe out as I gesture for him to start climbing.
“What do I grab on to?” he turns to me suddenly nervous.
“Whatever you can. I’ll be right behind you.” I nod reassuringly as he grabs on to her leg. Silverwing chuffs as we slowly climb on and settle into the saddle. I clip us in and his arms wrap around my waist tightly.
“It’s not too late to get down.” I turn my head and offer to him softly.
“No, it’ll be fun.” he nods as he tries to strengthen his resolve but his words come out a little breathy.
“Fly, Silverwing.” she rises to her full height and I feel Ben’s hands lock tightly together around me.
She launches us into the sky and I feel Ben press his head into my back. I chuckle wildly as she circles our host and gives them an eerie song. We coast along the breeze until we reach the river and she slowly begins to dip down. Ben slowly releases his hands and begins to look down at the land below us.
“What a fucking rush.” he chuckles with me as Silverwing dips into the river to collect fish.
She continues to collect more fish and spits them out on the nearby shore. Once she has a large pile she lands and scorches the fish in a burning pyre. She quickly chomps down on her meal as we stay firmly seated basking in her power.
“Should we get-“
Silverwing shoots us back into the clouds as Ben gasps, handing flying around my waist once more. I raise my hands from the reins and allow my fingertips to caress the clouds as we fly back to camp. With enough encouragement, Ben releases his hands from my waist and allows his fingers to dance in the clouds with us.
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We begin marching out just before dawn. The men grumble but are looking forward to making it to Harrenhal finally. Silverwing is becoming restless the closer we get to the Crownlands as she can feel the tension pulsing through us.
We mainly ride the breeze only going in front of the host when we’re about an hour out from the castle. As I approach, Caraxes high pitched song pierces my ears. Silverwing gives out a greeting as we circle back to our host. Caraxes seems to have stayed at the castle much to my relief that Daemon isn’t feeling particularly reckless today.
I land outside the gates and await the host to break through the trees. Once Ben is at my side we begin to approach the gates as they grind open. Daemon swaggers out and looks to me with his hand on his sword pommel.
“Y/n.” he looks at me and the men behind me as if he’s unimpressed.
“Daemon.” I sigh and roll my eyes.
“I’ve claimed Harrenhal.” I squint my eyes at his words.
“And I’ve raised a host.” I shake my head at him confused.
“For who?” he tilts his head to me.
“What is wrong with you? What do you mean? For Rhaenyra.” I approach him studying him.
“It seems as if his knees are bent to you the way he hovers behind you.” he raises his chin to Ben who has indeed followed close behind me on approach.
“Get over yourself. Are we welcome or no. You wanted an army and I’ve brought you one.” my voice starts to rise as I tire of his antics and want the bath I was promised.
“Did she send you?” Daemons eyes squint.
“You’re going fucking mad, Daemon. We are staying. I’m taking the largest bathtub.” I roll my eyes, shaking my head with a chuckle. “His knees are bent to me and he’s mine. He’s not to be touched by anyone.” Daemon smirks at my words as he gestures with his arm for us to enter.
“Welcome,” Lord Simon says as the gates groan the rest of the way open. “Welcome to Harrenhal.
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I almost sob looking at the massive bath made before me. I make quick work of my clothes and armor as servants whisk them away to clean them before leaving me alone. The second the seaming water engulfs me all of my muscles sigh in relief. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and I groan.
“What?” I grit out through my teeth.
“It’s me.” Ben peeks his head around the door.
“Then get in here and shut the door. I’m in the fucking bath, Ben.” I hiss at him and feel instantly bad as I know I shouldn’t take my frustrations out on him. “I’m sorry,” I sigh out. “What’s wrong?” I sink lower into the pool.
“You didn’t invite me and I felt left out.” his voice teasing. I grab his hand and begin to pull him in with me. He bats my hand away chucking as he takes his clothes off before slipping in the water next to me.
“Better?” I ask resting my head on his shoulder.
“Much.” he hums content. “What happened with Daemon earlier?” he asks softly before grabbing the soap next to us so we can begin our deep clean.
“He’s going insane. I have no idea what’s wrong with him.” I shake my head not knowing how I’m supposed to deal with this. Hopefully Ser Alfred will arrive soon and offer his support.
“What did he say?” he asks as helps me wash my hair once he’s finished his.
“He knows you’re loyal to me. I don’t think he trusts Rhaenyra. His words seemed off and paranoid. I’ll send a raven to Rhaenyra in the morning.” I know my tone is slightly clipped, I’m just done discussing pressing matters. I want to enjoy my bath while a handsome man dotes on me.
“Maybe it’s this old, haunted castle. They say it’ll turn the most sane man mad.” Ben thinks to himself as he rinses out my hair. I’m thankful we’re finally clean but I can’t handle this conversation any longer.
“Ben, I need you to be quiet and make me feel good or leave. I do not wish to discuss strategy or ghosts.” he chuckles as I turn and he takes in my scrunched brow.
“I’m sorry, my Princess. Is the war boring you?” he chuckles pulling me to straddle his thigh.
I sigh as he pulls me forward causing the most delicious friction. He continues sliding me across his thigh and my eyes shut. My hips begin to move on their own accord seeking the pleasure I’ve been needing all week. Whimpers fall from my mouth as Ben looks at me with a smirk.
“So you don’t want to discuss-“
“I will cut your fucking tongue out.” I reply breathlessly as his hands grind me down on to his thigh roughly.
“Then how will I be able to lick your-“
I crash my lips to his in hopes he’ll remain silent. He chuckles against my lips as his fingers dig into my sides. He begins to move my hips quicker as the water begins to splash around us. I begin to moan into his mouth as pleasure begins to explode through my body. His lips capture mine once more as he slowly continues to grind me against him to prolong my pleasure.
“Beautiful,” Ben whispers and my eyes snap open. “Fuck, please let me have said it right.” panic laces his words.
“You did,” my lips attach to his as my heart stumbles.
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I sit around the council table with the River Lords who look from me to Daemon. Ser Alfred has arrived this morning and hasn’t been able to form a coherent conversation with Daemon. My eyes stay planted on him as his head lulls as he grips his cup. When his eyes seem to uncloud he stares at Lord Simon’s child, Alys, I’m told.
“Pull yourself together.” I grit out to Daemon who is currently making a fool of himself.
“When did this meeting start?” his words borderline slurred as he looks to Alys who comes to his side.
I shake my head in confusion as she whispers into his ear. I look to Ben to make sure I’m not the only one seeing this and all of the Lords faces mirror mine. They turn me expectantly and I’m at a loss for what to do.
“That’s enough, Alys. Thank you.” I rise out of my chair dismissing her.
“Isn’t it strange we’re almost kin?” she whispers as she brushes past me. I turn quickly but she’s already out of the hall and I take my place again in my seat.
“Are you drunk?” I hiss to Daemon who has an amusing look on his face.
“Welcome River Lords,” Daemon rises, ignoring my question. “I’m thankful you’ve all deigned to join me in Harrenhal. I know how alluring it is to follow a Targaryen Princess.” he looks to me with a smirk.
“While you’ve been doing Gods know what, I’ve been rallying for Rhaenyra. Did she send you here to simply cut wood?” my anger very evident in my voice.
“I’ve secured the largest castle.” he looks down to me.
“Yes, the crumbling, empty castle. What a win Daemon. While you’ve been indulging yourself on wine and bastards we’ve all been doing our part to help Rhaenyra claim the throne.” I shake my head at a loss. I know we shouldn’t be speaking like this in front of the Lords but I can’t help it.
“I will not be belittled by you.” Daemon spits his words at me.
“You’ve done it yourself. Everyone at this table can see you’re going mad.” I look to him as he goes to look out the window.
Ser Alfred looks at me in warning not to push him too far. The other Lords are doing well to hide their terror as I verbally challenge Daemon in this hall. I’m hoping with the right kind of push and verbal berating he will get his head out of his ass and start to fight for Rhaenyra once more.
“Is that true?” he turns to the table of men with narrowed eyes. “Who thinks I’m going mad?” he approaches and leans his hands on the table assessing everyone.
“Go home, Daemon.” I rise from my chair to switch his focus to me and not our Lords. Ben’s hands slip to mine to try and have me sit back down but I can’t stand down from this fight, my mother needs me. “Rhaenyra needs you at her side.” I look to him with pleading eyes.
“Mm, is that what she told you?” he stalks over to me.
“If you bothered to read any of the ravens from either of us, you know it would be true. Must you always be reminded that you are The Daemon Targaryen? The Rogue Prince? You are a force to be reckoned with. Leave this crumbling castle to me and the Lords and return to Dragonstone. Clear your mind. Stand at her side so we may show a united front.” I can see my words process through his mind as he looks at me curiously.
“You want this castle for yourself.” he concludes much to my anger and frustration.
“Leave us.” I turn to the Lords who look at me slack jawed. They begin to shuffle out of the hall as Ben lingers behind. “Ben,” I warn with narrowed eyes.
“You think you can handle my daughter?” Daemon chuckles lowly as he looks to Ben. He hasn’t called me his daughter in years which is how I know something sinister is going on inside these walls. I walk to Ben and push him outside the door before I seal them.
“It’s saved you before.” Ben’s words are hushed as he places the bone knife into my palm. “Please don’t make me regret leaving this hall.” he looks down to me with pleading eyes as I shut the door separating us.
“Sit.” I nod my head to the table and slip the knife into an empty sheath at my thigh before I claim a seat across from him.
“Do you plan to kill me in this hall?” he chuckles as he takes a seat.
“I plan to make you see reason.” I study his movements which seem completely different from how this meeting started.
“Then by all means,” he raises his eyebrows gesturing with his hand for me to continue.
“You and Rhaenyra had a fight so now you sequester yourself into this ruin of a castle? To what end? Tell me your long term goal, Daemon. If I wouldn’t have arrived with a host you would still be splitting wood open, along with that bastard girls legs.” I look to him as he seems to find this amusing.
“To sit atop the Iron Throne. That is my only goal.” he hums.
“To place Rhaenyra on the throne?” I correct.
“She’s welcome to join me.” he nods his head as his thoughts seem to drift.
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I don’t know if this was his plan all along or if these halls are truly haunted. We sit in silence and study each other waiting to see who will make the next move. I come up with a plan to get him outside of the castle in hopes he can clear his head and finally see his actions for what they are.
“When was the last time you’ve ridden Caraxes?” I change the subject hoping to bring him back to the present.
“It was only…” he trails off.
“Come, let’s go for ride.” I rise and look to him in question.
Surprisingly he follows me out of the hall. Ben is waiting on the other side of the door and he walks by my side. I instruct him to send a raven to Rhaenyra and say that I’m sending Daemon home and hopefully he should arrive tonight, I will escort him if needed. I also have him tell the servants to pack a small bag for Daemon for his travels home.
“Please return to me.” Ben kisses the side of my head and nods at my instructions.
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After a long flight our two dragons land in the abandoned countryside. I press my luck and dismount and turn to see that Daemon is doing the same. We meet between our two dragons as they sing a bone chilling song.
“I will go home.” he nods to me with a scrunched brow.
“You will?” I raise my eyebrow in surprise.
“Do not let that heinous woman inside your head. Don’t accept her tea.” he shakes his head as a shutter travels through him.
“Understood. Please send me a raven when you get to Dragonstone.” I reply curtly still not caring for him much at the moment.
“You’ve already sent her word of my return?” he asks over his shoulder as he begins to mount Caraxes.
“I have,” I nod my head up to him. “If you cause her trouble, I will come for you and show you why this growing host has bent its knees.” the threat is laced through my voice like a promise.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else, daughter.” he says before him and his blood worm launch into the skies.
I mount Silverwing and sigh in relief that somehow everything worked out. I hug Sliverwings neck and offer her words of love and praise before she brings us up to the clouds.
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Ben rushes to me once I dismount Silverwing and assesses me head to toe. Once he’s satisfied I’m in one piece he turns to Silverwing and walks around her and makes sure she’s taken no damage as well. He offers her soft pats before he returns to me.
“I’ll be right back,” he whispers before running back through the gates.
I lay down at Silverwings feet and curl into her. She wraps her head around me protectively as she sprawls on the ground. We hear motion from beyond the gates and we both raise our heads curiously. Ben walks through the gates trailing a couple cattle behind him.
“Thank you for keeping my Princess safe, my beautiful Silverwing.” he hums as he approaches her. I rise and come to his side as she begins to chirp him a song.
He leaves the cattle with her and he guides me back through the gates and into the castle. The Lords look at me expectantly as I call a short meeting in the council chambers. I tell them of Daemons hopeful return to Dragonstone and give Ser Alfred leave to follow after him and return to my mother. The Lords look to me in awe that I was able to rein Daemon in and send him back to Dragonstone. I end the meeting with promises of a more in depth discussion on the morrow.
“Let’s go to bed,” Ben hums softly as he offers me his hand.
We quickly make it back to our chambers and he seals the doors behind us. He cups my face and pulls me into a passionate kiss. He pulls apart resting his forehead on mine as we pant as I look up to him with low lids.
“I’m perfectly fine, you didn’t have to worry so much.” I breathlessly chuckle.
“I was worried for the King Consort, the look in your eyes in the council chamber was downright murderous.” he chuckles lowly before placing a quick kiss on my lips before he starts to remove my armor.
“Good he was being daft. Someone had to stand to him.” I roll my shoulders once he removes the plates there.
“Sometimes you fucking terrify me.” he whispers though his voice is full of devotion as he removes my last pieces.
“Mm, I’m honored.” I hum as I begin to remove my layers of clothing.
“Allow me, my Princess.” he whispers as he lifts my shirt above my head.
He slowly peels the rest of my clothes off. He removes his clothes with haste while pulling me over to the bed. He falls onto his back pulling me with on top of him. He kisses me softly and pulls back with a smirk.
“I think you should sit on my face.” he says lowly.
“What do you mean?” I shake my head chuckling.
“Put this,” his fingers reach down and slide through my wetness. “on my mouth.” his eyes are dark as they look to me.
I shiver as his fingers continue to ghost over my core. He begins to slowly pull me up his body until I finally rise and kneel on the bed to look down at him. He pats the side of my thigh trying to coax me to straddle his face. I let out a shaky breath and kneel above his face and look down at his eyes under me.
“Thank you, my Princess.” he says placing a soft kiss on each of my thighs.
His hands grab my waist and pull me flush against his mouth. His tongue begins to attack my clit and my head falls back. His name falls off my lips as he continues to swirl against my clit. I grind against his face and immediately stop. He grunts at my stillness and begins to move my hips himself as moans seep out of my mouth.
“Ben,” his name is the only thing I’m capable of saying.
This spurs him on and his tongue moves even more ferociously. My hips begin jerking on their own accord and he moans against me. The vibrations send me over the edge as I come against his face as he keeps lapping at me.
“Ben,” I whimper as he still holds me against his face.
His torturous tongue continues to circle my sensitive bud sending shock waves through my body. I’m a babbling mess above him as he starts to grind my hips against him again. A sob tears through me as I come against him once more. He lifts me off and I collapse face down on the bed next to him as he chuckles.
“You did so good for me.” he hums as I feel the bed dip behind me. “Aren’t you thankful you didn’t cut my tongue out.” his hands raise my hips until I’m resting on my knees. I turn my head and scowl at him until he starts swirling his tip around my wetness.
“Ben, please,” I whine breathlessly as he leans back.
“Hm?” his tone taunting. I try to push my hips back to find him once more but his hands on my hips keep me firmly in place.
“If you don’t fuck me surely I can find someone else who-“
He slams into me and a moan tears through me. He sets a brutal pace that has my face sliding against the sheets. All I can do is arch my back more as his hips repeatedly snap into mine. His trusts become slow and deep as his hands fall to the sides of my waist as he hovers above me.
“Who do you think can replace me?” he grunts in my ear while grinding his hips into mine.
“No one,” my words barely coherent as my hips chase the pleasure he’s offering.
“That’s what I thought.” he says arrogantly as he pulls me upright with him.
One of his hands stays at my waist to help steady me as he begins to hammer up into me. The other travels around my front teasing and pinching my nipples until it finds its way to my throat. His long fingers wrap around me while his hand from my waist sneaks down to my sensitive bud.
“I- Ben,” I whine as I come, clenching around him.
“Fuck Princess,” his hips slightly falter but he regains his composure quickly.
He pushes me forward back onto the bed while staying inside of me. His pace is crazed as his fingers dig deeply into my hips. I’m pushing back into him chasing all of the pleasure he wants to give me. My hands are fisted into the sheets while all I can do is whimper and breathe his name.
“One more time for me.” he growls while bringing his torturous hand between my thighs once more.
When his fingers reach my clit I see stars. I feel like pleasure is being torn from me in waves as I bury my head in the pillow. His hips shutter and warmth spreads throughout me before he slowly pulls out. He collapses on the bed next to me as we’re both panting and trying to catch our breath.
“I know I’m safe in Harrenhal because the only thing that could make me go mad is you.” he says breathily smoothing my hair.
“Back to your ghost stories already?” I huff as I turn to him and see him smiling down at me.
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ps: i literally will write more of this if ppl want 🫣
Part 3
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plush4bunny · 2 months
had a breakdown, started making "The Sex Face Meme" inspired by @chrism02's version of Alfred Molina fancasted as Oswald Cobblepot, bon appétit 🥴
(but not all of the prompts would be filled in so you'll get a charming BTAS!Oswald in its place and an apology 🙈)
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we'll be starting off with "Desire" 👀 which is heavily inspired by some scenes from @chrism02's fanfics for the beloved rogue. these would be: 'Under Your Wing,' 'Spur of the moment,' 'Overshoot the mark,' 'Botch Up,' and 'Glimmer of Hope.'
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teaforthotxxx · 10 months
Thinking of Wolfstar and how I sound like a freak trying to explain how
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Became this
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Like I would love to explain how around 2014, there was a sudden rise and resurrection second coming of christ our lord saviour Wolfstar. And, we fancasted so hard that almost 10 years later, we’re still stuck on this. And how most of the hp queer fandom started to latch onto these characters cause there was no other representation and these two started it all.
In the wake of she-who-shall-not-be-named spitting in our trans brothers and sisters’ faces, more of the hp fandom has retreated to the Marauders Era (a completely fanon lore with POCs and Queer people). That somehow this fanon non-profit lore had a better understanding of the world than canon and redeemed Slytherins by showing how inter-generational trauma affected them. By showing us that Bellatrix Lestrange was only a pawn in the Black family’s game. That Narcissa and Regulus were only doing what they had to do to survive. Sirius’ madness was not just for eccentric reasons.
This fandom highlighted the treatment of house elves. Talked about slavery. Talked about Queen Dame Lily EVANS’ childhood!! She wasn’t just a plot device to redeem Severus Snape. She was the muggle voice in the group. She was the witch that was outcasted by her muggle sister because she believed in magic. She was minority in two worlds. She was the Marauders’ friend. She wasn’t a prude or a damsel to be saved. She wasn’t just Harry’s mother. She was one of the brightest witches of her time. Harry inherited her WIT, her perseverance, her defiance, her pride, unrelenting nature. Harry Potter inherited more than her eyes. He inherited her ability to thrive in the face of trauma.
Joanne could have never given this to us. I don’t think any one person could give us this. This was a collection of rewritten lore from people who loved the universe it created but wished to be seen. And, I love my sometimes problematic and inconsistent little fandom.
How do I not sound insane doing this?
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loomis-maxima · 6 months
it's crazy that a game developer made him and now we're all whipped for some pixels 🤧 he is literally art 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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(photo edits not mine, credit to all the people who got these amazing photos from the game mod, i'm so jealous that i can't get mods on my PS)
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godofstory · 3 months
Hotd: so there's this photo of a Blackwood and B..
Fans: Omg omg Benji is here😍
Hotd: no actually he's not Bloo..
Fans: SHUT UP! THE COUNSEL HAS DECIDED! there better be 325 fics about Benjicot WITH THAT FACE on my desk by tomorrow!
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