#film: lilo and stitch
scurviesdisneyblog · 1 year
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𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚝Iᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ-ʀᴇɴᴀɪꜱꜱᴀɴᴄᴇ [ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ] ᴇʀᴀ (2000 - 2008)
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charitydingle · 3 months
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Lilo & Stitch 2002, dir. Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois
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goryfluff · 1 year
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Lilo & Stitch (2002) dir. Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois
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60sgroove · 11 months
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cute stitch gifs for @liliesforedith
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imhereboo · 1 year
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tuapaz · 9 months
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Lilo And Stitch #01 (2023)
Art by David Nakayama
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pedacinhosdavida · 5 months
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weirdgirl92 · 1 month
Is it just me, or are Megamind, Lilo & Stitch, Invader Zim, and Steven Universe all part of some niche subgenre of alien media that mostly appeals to autistic people? (Not that I’m complaining.)
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punster-2319 · 1 year
*Even though Spirited Away had its initial release in Japan the previous year, it had its wide-release in 2002 and was nominated for Best Animated Film (and won) for that year so that’s why I didn’t include it in the 2001 poll in case anyone was wondering.
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skebbles · 1 year
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C.Tim can often be found 1: in the walls 2: in the vents 3: in Haters ribcage
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callmefirefly · 6 months
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stumbling-penguin · 1 month
Whenever I hear someone mention the whole ‘Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve’ thing, I think about how there’s a ‘Lilo and Stitch’ movie called ‘Leroy and Stitch’ and I can’t take it seriously at all
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thedivineerotic · 1 year
The 4th House Experience Pt. 1:
(The Ugly Duckling)
Case Study: Lilo Pelekai
“Home is where the heart is.” - Anonymous
“Home is not where you live, it is where you belong.” - African Proverb
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Out of all the water houses (4th, 8th and 12th), the 4th house is given the least amount of attention in online astrology circles, ironic considering that is the only one of the three houses to also serve as an angular house. It doesn’t share the dark, esoteric reputation that makes the 8th and 12th houses such popular houses, but just because it deals with relatively “lighter” topics such as family, the home, ancestry, roots and history doesn’t mean that it isn’t deep. As a matter of fact, one could argue that it is the deepest of the water houses seeing that it is the only one below the horizon. When I first delved into astrology, admittedly the 4th house was not one that garnered much of my attention and for a while I actually considered it one of the more boring of the astrology houses but upon further growth, study and reflection the depths of it became very apparent.
And they were presented perhaps no better than the little girl whose character won me over more than any Disney princess both as a kid and now. 
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The movie lilo and stitch ironically starts with Lilo swimming in the depths of the ocean. She rushes from the beach to make it to her hula dancing lesson. Upon getting there she is immediately singled out for being late, being wet and the seemingly strange explanation of why she had to feed the fish Pudge a peanut butter sandwich as he has control of the weather. Her instructor nor the other girls in the class understand the reasoning behind why her routine with Pudge the fish is so important and ostracize her, with the defacto leader of the small girls’ group Myrtle going as far as to call her “crazy.”
And immediately getting her ass beat because of it.
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Unfortunately Lilo is ostracized by her peers, robbed of a sense of belonging from a very young age. Aside from her sister, her sole sense of belonging comes from her doll “Scrump” whose appearance scares the other girls and further causes her to feel like a misfit. 
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Later in the story we get the explanations to her seemingly strange behavior, we see that her Tuesday routine with Pudge and the importance of him controlling the weather comes because her parents died while driving in the rain. Her being nostalgic and an old soul sets her apart, her favorite artist being Elvis Presley. She latches onto “Scrump” because she is lonely and has no friends. She makes a wish on what she thinks is a shooting star and prays for a friend (wishes being an 11th house theme) and she is sent Stitch, an alien posing as a pet dog, fitting considering pets are a 6th house theme and the 4th house being 6 spaces from the 11th house. Although he too is different, something that uneases her older sister Nani almost immediately, and does not seem like a normal dog, Lilo embraces him from the very beginning, again speaking to Lilo’s nature to offer other misfits a sense of belonging like she herself doesn’t have.
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The two misfits go on a series of adventures around the island, but even in that we can still see Lilo’s desperation to belong as she apologizes and still attempts to befriend the girls who have bullied her and treated both herself and Stitch as pariahs. 
Later in their adventures we see them eating at Nani’s job. The 4th house is representative of the sign of Cancer, opposite of the 10th house which is representative of the sign of Capricorn. Nani displays many themes of the 10th house, tirelessly bouncing from job to job to provide for Lilo and although she initially wanted to fulfill Lilo’s wish and give her a companion, Stitch threatens her job search and the already flimsy structure of their house so much that she can’t afford the sympathy in gifting him a sense of belonging like Lilo can. She is just about to throw Stitch out of the house when Lilo brings up a quote from her deceased parents, Ohana. 
“Ohana means family…”
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Despite being a young girl, Lilo is very attached to the memory of her parents, keeping a picture of them underneath her pillow. She also keeps a physical book copy of the “The Ugly Duckling”. In it she explains the story of a baby duckling that is sad because “he’s been left behind by his family and nobody wants him. But they hear him crying and they find him and now he is happy because he knows where he belongs.”
The night when Stitch threatens to run away, he takes her copy of the Ugly Duckling with him. Lilo tries her best to convince him to stay, fearing losing the only friend other than Nani that she has ever had. When he still leaves, though disappointed she says that she will still never forget him as she “never forget anyone who leaves” before looking at the family picture with her parents again and tucking it back underneath her pillow. 
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The next morning Stitch comes back, trying to escape capture. Naturally she misses her friend and helps him to evade from Jumba and Pleakly trying to arrest him, even going so far as to sacrifice her doll “Scrump” to blow up in the latter’s face. Things unfortunately go too far when their literal house ends up being blown up. When Stitch finally reveals himself to be an alien, she feels betrayed, as if Stitch took advantage of her need for belonging with his need to escape (the 4th house and 9th house themes again being at odds as the 9th house is 8 spaces from the 4th house, the 8th house signifying deception and destruction). When she is taken instead of Stitch she feels defeated, fearing losing her older sister and her home of Hawaii, she officially belongs to nothing.
Someone that gave her a sense of belonging has left her behind once again.
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Finally at the end, upon being rescued and securing Stitch as her pet and best friend for good, Lilo has finally found her sense of belonging. Despite being robbed of a life with her parents, her natural family, she is able to find a family, a tribe, one made up of her older sister along with fellow misfits and aliens just like her.
No one got left behind and no one got forgotten.
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As a 4th Houser, depending on the conditions of the house, your sense of belonging has likely fluctuated throughout your life. No one knows to highs a sense of belonging brings and the low a sense of not belonging brings like you. 
You may some severe abandonment issues and may have fought to be included, to feel you belong in circles where others were seemingly accepted easily. And if you have it, you fought hard not to loose it.
But in the end, you stop fighting to belong and another alien, or group of aliens, find you.
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So even if people have left you in some circles, even if people have pushed you out of others, here's to finding and holding tight to your own “Ohana”.
And keeping onto those memories along the way!
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Signed, The Divine Erotic (4th House Moon)
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disney-is-mylife · 1 year
I only included the films from the Walt Disney Animation Studios line-up.
Well, after making polls of each era of the 20th century, it's time to tackle the 21st century so far! Happy voting! ❤
Disney Film Era Poll Results: Renaissance (1989-1999) | Bronze Age (1970-1988) | Silver Age (1950-1967) | Package/Wartime Era (1943-1949) | Golden Age (1937-1942)
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