#flame pandora
elreed · 1 year
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How have I not seen anyone shipping the only two main female Burst bladers (because they didn’t even share a scene, that’s why)
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thingswedontunbox · 27 days
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island-in-the-shadows · 4 months
Truly, my sympathies to people watching IWTV and are getting tired/bored of different perspectives. I'm not bored or even remotely tired.
Interviews by their very nature are perspective based. The story has this specific framing. As did the first book. They added to it with Armand now being an active participant and Daniel being more seasoned at interviewing. I understand how Armand's very edited and hyperbolic take on events that Book Lestat describes in The Vampire Lestat rubs people the wrong way. I do think that one could argue the way Lestat writes his own autobiography is the objective truth (note Armand in his book does not contradict Lestat). However, sorry to say, there is never an objective truth. The truth is always subjective.
I was raised by a whole family of lawyers and if I learned anything is that you can spin things in any way, but an objective truth will never exist. Not in crime, not in person to person storytelling, not in fictional storytelling. Hell, viewers seeing the SAME show CANNOT come to a consensus. Why? Because we all put our thoughts, experiences, and feelings to it. That's all perspective.
We see Louis give Armand a kiss in bed. Some think aw domestic and cute. Some think Louis is deliberately withholding and rewarding Armand for good behaviour. Some saw the act they put on in E2 as some version of truth and domesticity and some think it's only an act. Some think Dreamstat is actual Lestat out there somewhere and some think it's Louis' conscience.
Yes, the narrative will confirm one thought or another on some things but not all of them. They're deliberately left up to interpretation. Something btw, Lestat urges the reader to do in TVL when he does not go into details about his time with Louis and Claudia. And part of that has to do with perspective.
We could have a straightforward narrative with no corrections and no perspectives. But would that be as interesting as seeing how minds that far exceed our own twist and bend and interpret events? Would it be as interesting as seeing a vampire who tells himself a story so that he can carry on living despite being miserable? Would it be as interesting as this vampire who tells himself a story get pushback on what he's saying by someone who notices errors and inconsistencies? Would it be an interview at all? Or would it be, as Daniel put it in the very first episode, "a fever dream told to an idiot."
If you want a straightforward non-challenging version of the story, the 1994 movie exists. It's not perfect and a lot of details are missing, but there's only one, unchallenged perspective to it. And even then...how many people didn't (want to) see the queerness in it?
TL;DR I get being frustrated or tired or bored by the way the show is trying to tell the story, but at least it's doing something a little different and not word for word.
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sutxdreamwalker · 9 months
A Flickered Flame of Sarentu
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Something Dear
Summary: Ah’so gets something taken from her, Nor and the other comfort her, now a chance to get it back comes up and Nor try’s to do the impossible
A/n: angst, comfort, Mercer being a bitch, fluff moments, red dividers not mine
Bold - Speaking in na’vi
Word index:
Sa’nok - Mother
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Years ago na’vi children in the western frontier were taken from there clan by humans, they soon began there training in TAP.
The children were raised and trained like they were humans, but that unfortunately made them start to forget their na’vi heritage, but they still hold the things they barely remember dearly.
A na’vi girl named Ah’so keeps a tiny wooden angtsìk that was carved with the help of her mother, the only thing she has left.
She takes it everywhere but try’s not to let it be seen by the humans especially John Mercer, the man that is the cause of the children being there. He just wants them to be formed to soldiers to fight against there own people if necessary.
Currently the children are in the cafeteria eating there dinner after a long day of learning again.
Ah’so is looking down at the table playing with her little wooden toy completely in her own world of thought.
She thought how the creature that her wooden toy was supposed to be would be like up close, she was fascinated with creature even though she hardly knew anything about it, only how it looked.
She also thought about the dreams, that were more like nightmares, that had her mother in it. Ah’so hardly remembers her family but she often has dreams about some kind of memory. A memory about her watching her toy being carved and the sweet, comforting voice of her mother.
The memory dose not show her face, only her hands. Hands that use to hold her and make her feel safe, and carved the small toy creature made of wood.
Mercer says that her mother abandoned her like everyone else’s family’s but she doesn’t believe that, she refuses to believe that. How could a kind, comforting, caring mother abandon her child?
Ah’so continued to play quietly with a small smile on her face as Mercer and two soldiers walked in and the children stopped whatever they were doing and faced them for a moment before looking at another direction, not wanting to look at the man they did not like.
Mercer walked over but not as close to the tables they were sitting at, he would do this to make sure that everyone wasn’t doing anything he didn’t allow.
Ah’so immediately stoped playing with her toy and tried to hide it by covering it with her hand but unfortunately Mercer saw it and walked over to her.
“Ah’so, your not allowed to have that piece of wood outside your bunk” he said as Ah’so held the carving tightly not saying a word.
“You know the rules, yet you disobey them” he sighed then held out his hand unfortunately of her “give it to me, now” he said in a stern tone.
Aho’so looked down at his hand, she didn’t want to give up the only thing she has. She held her toy even tighter, Mercer didn’t like that.
“Listen Ah’so, give it now, I am not asking” he definitely did not have the time for this. The other children just watched, they couldn’t do anything cause they knew it would only make things worse.
Aha’ri tho wanted to lash out but her younger sibling wouldn’t allow it so she just stayed put glaring at Mercer.
Nor definitely wanted to lash out at Mercer as much as Aha’ri did, he like everyone else knows that Ah’so’s carved toy was dear to her, he had a strong bond with her so he always felt the need to help, protect, and comfort her.
At a time like this he wanted to defend her but the glances he got from the other kids basically told him not to, it would only make things worse.
Mercer was getting frustrated with this “Ah’so, do as I say, now!” He yelled and that made her flinch. Ah’so didn’t want to suffer Mercer’s wrath but also didn’t want to listen and give her most beloved thing.
She slowly and shakily loosened her hold on the carving and extended her arm a little in hesitation, it seemed that she was gonna surrender the craving but it also seemed like she wasn’t.
Mercer grabbed her hand and tried to forcefully take the craving but she tried to pull her arm away from him and hold onto it as best as she could but Mercer unfortunately managed to rip it out of her hand.
Ah’so gasped slightly and reached out a little to her toy but knew that there’s not way she was gonna get it back. “You try and disobey me again, I will not hesitate to do something you won’t like” Mercer threatened. Aho’so had a sad and scared look on her face, on the verge of tears.
Mercer gave the children one finally glare before he and the shoulders left. When they did Ah’so started to sniffle and soon sob, Nor immediately put a hand on her shoulder then caressed her back.
“It’s ok, it’s ok Ah’so” he said softly as Aha’ri and Ri’nela went over and tried to comfort her too. Ah’so kept on crying and tried to wipe as many tears from her eyes “I..I want it back” she sobbed. Nor held her hand gently “I’m sorry, I don’t know if there’s a chance”. Nor wanted to say yes, that they could get it back but when he thought about it there was no way they could.
“Look, even if there’s no way we can get it back now, that doesn’t mean that you won’t see it again” Aha’ri said trying to make her have hope “I’m sure you’ll see it again and maybe that’s when we can try and get it back”.
Ah’so looked at her friend and sniffled some more before wiping some tears on her face “ok, I can wait for that day” she said with a small smile but hints of sadness in her voice. Aha’ri smiled “good, just have hope, that’s one thing Mercer can’t take away from us”.
It was night and everyone was in there bunks laying down ready for bed. Ah’so wasn’t sure if she was gonna sleep well tonight without her angtsìk toy but she had to try. “Sleep well, Ah’so” Nor said from on top of his bunk “you too” Ah’so replied.
She took a breath and closed her eyes to let the calm feeling of sleep take over. Ah’so eventually fell asleep at some point.
During the quiet tie of sleep Ah’so had the dream again, her mothers arms, her sweet voice, her wooden angtsìk toy.
Her mother was singing some kind of lullaby, she could only make out it tune and some of the words. Everything seemed peaceful in the dream until it twisted like it has so many times before.
She could hear her mothers screams and could only see fire, and the angtsìk carving broke and burned in the flames, that part was not in her nightmares before, but something else being added in her nightmares was common.
“Sa’nok!” Ah’so screamed out and sat up when she awoke, tears flooded her eyes and went down her cheeks. Her scream woke up the other children, Nor climbed down from his bunk and went beside her.
He took her hand to let her know that he’s there “I’m here Ah’so, I’m here” he spoke in na’vi. Nor brushed his thumb over her hand and wiped her tears using his other hand.
She continued crying as some of the others were near to comfort her “did you have that nightmare again?” Nor asked.
Ah’so turned to face him slight and nodded “yeah” she sniffled “and I saw my carving broken, and burning”.
“Your craving is ok, I’m sure Mercer hasn’t done anything to it” Nor gently squeezed to her hand to give her reassurance. “But what if he has?” Teylan asked, not wanting to seem negative but the question did make Ah’so worry.
“Teylan!” Nor hissed at him “don’t make her worry!” he glared at him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry her” Teylan frowned. “We know you didn’t mean it” Aha’ri said trying to ease the tension.
Nor sighed “Ah’so, I promise you, if there’s a chance, I will get your carving back” Ah’so looked at him with a tint of hope in her eyes “thank you, Nor” she gave him a nod with a small smile.
“Now get back to sleep, I’m sure you won’t have another nightmare” Nor moved from her bunk but still holding her hand. Aho’so laid down, she and Nor slowly let go of the other’s hand. Nor gave her a soft smile and climbed back into his bunk and the other got back onto there bunks. “Good night” Nor said before laying down and everyone started to fall asleep.
Ah’so didn’t have another nightmare that night and slept peacefully. Everything was quiet and peaceful until it was morning and everyone had to wake up for another day of learning.
The children were in the classroom continuing the same lesson they had yesterday which was about how the kids were gonna do there ambassador job for good and how they were gonna do it, the usual.
Ah’so was looking down at her hands with a sad look on her face, she wasn’t paying attention at all.
Alma noticed and weak led over to her “Ah’so, what’s wrong?” She asked. The question made her look up at the avatar “Mercer took my carving” she mumbled looking down a again.
“Oh, why did he?” Alma kneeled down to be face to face with her. “I had it in the cafeteria” she replied still looking down.
Alma sighed “I’m sorry that happened” then Nor spoke up “isn’t there something you can Alma?”. Alma turned to him and shook her head “I can’t, there’s nothing I can do”.
Nor frowned and balled up his fists of course Alma couldn’t do anything, she never helps them from Mercer’s abusive actions.
Ah’so sighed in disappointment “I’m sure everything’s gonna be ok” Alma said patting her on the shoulder gently with a small smile.
Ah’so wasn’t really so sure about it tho.
After a pretty long day everyone was heading back to there bunks.
While walking back Nor noticed Mercer talking to Harding but something caught his eye, it was Ah’so’s carving on a table behind them.
Nor saw this as some kind of chance, he could get into the room and just sneak behind the two humans when they weren’t looking.
But he exactly didn’t have experience so there’s a chance he might fail and get caught, then he would have to go face a horrible punishment.
Nor was willing to try anyway, for Ah’so. He was gonna need some help too, he tapped Aha’ri’s shoulder and she turned to face him “what’s wrong?” She asked.
Nor pointed to the table where the carving was, Aha’ri looked over and looked back at Nor “Ah’so’s carving” she whispered. “We can get it back” Nor whispered “I just need to sneak in quietly, I need you to keep an eye on Mercer and Harding to make sure they don’t see me”.
“You sure you don’t need me to come in with you?” Aha’ri asked “I’m sure, if I get seen you make a run for it, I don’t want you to get punished” Nor replied. “I’m not gonna let you get punished, whether you get seen or not” Aha’ri said and Nor sighed “ok, come on, and let’s hurry”.
The two quickly made there way near the entrance of the room, it was on the side so Mercer and Harding wouldn’t see them. Nor peaked a little and saw the two humans still talking. “I’m going in” he whispered and Aha’ri nodded.
Nor crouched down and slowly walked in the room, he glanced at Mercer and Harding for a moment before moving towards the table. He gotten closer and closer until finally he went underneath it.
He looked over at Aha’ri looking at him from the entrance. Aha’ri glanced at Mercer and Harding, they were still talking and didn’t see them.
She gave him a slight nod to let him know everything was fine and he could make his move. Nor gave a slight nod back and slowly moved from under the table to get up slowly.
He was still crouching but was tall enough to reach the top of the table to grab the carving. Nor started to reach his arm over, but he did it slowly while glancing up a little make sure the two humans didn’t turn around or didn’t hear him.
He was so close to taking the carving but his ears twitched as he heard one of the humans move
He looked with worry in his eyes, it was Mercer, thankfully he didn’t turn around but it seemed that he might. Nor just stared frozen in place, Aha’ri watched anxiously ready to move in if needed.
A slight moment went by and Mercer and Harding went back to talking, none of them turned around or noticed the presence of the young na’vi boy in the room.
Nor silently sighed in relived and moved his arm again, this time a little faster. I’m a swift move he grabbed the wooden carving. He immediately went underneath the table again holding the carving he had in his hand tightly. Aha’ri felt relived and smiled slightly.
He know had to get out of there, he looked at Mercer and Harding one final time until he silently made his way back to the entrance.
Aha’ri put a hand on his shoulder “you made it” she whispers with a smile. “I did it” Nor smiled too “now let’s get back to the others” he said and the two stood up and quickly made there way to the bunks.
No one was in the halls at the moment which was good, which meant they wouldn’t get in trouble and no one will know what they just did.
Meanwhile the others at the bunks worried and wondered where Nor and Aha’ri were when they noticed they weren’t with them by the time they got to the bunks.
“What do you think happened?” Ah’so asked pacing around the room in worry “how did we not notice them gone earlier?” Teylan frowned. “Do you think Mercer found them?” Aha’ri’s younger sibling asked “he might be doing something to them by now”.
“I’m sure there fine, they’ll be back” Ri’nela said trying to calm everyone down. Ah’so leaned back on wall “what if something happened to them? Are they ok? Are they hurt?” She mumbled to herself.
Everyone else was thinking the worse and some mumbled to themselves a little.
This silence of worry continued on until the door opened revealing Nor and Aha’ri. The kiss looked in surprised “Nor! Aha’ri!” Teylan exclaimed.
“Your ok!” Ah’so gasped in relief “of course we are” Aha’ri smiled “where did you two go?” Aha’ri’s sibling asked walking up to her “we went to get something” Aha’ri replied giving her sibling a calm smile to put them at ease.
“Get what?” Teylan asked tilting his head, Nor turned to Ah’so and revealed the wooden carving. Ah’so gasped along with the other children “my carving!” She went up to him “how did you get it?” She asked.
“Mercer and Harding were talking and your carving was on a table, they were distracted so I snuck in while Aha’ri kept watch, I got it without either of them turning around or glancing over” Nor explained with a smile. Ah’so looked at him with thankful eyes, looking like she was about to cry from joy.
The na’vi girl gently took her wooden toy from the boys hands and examined it, beginning to smile a little.
“There was a close call but nothing that serious, but thank eywa I-” Nor was cut off but Ah’so hugging him tightly “thank you” she said in a hushed tone “thank you, thank you, thank, thank you!” some tears of joy started to develop and Nor hugged back “your welcome”.
Ah’so gave him one final squeeze before letting go slowly, giving him a smile, some tear stains on her face. Nor smiled back.
Ah’so looked over at Aha’ri and walked over to her to give her a tight hug that she was grateful to return.
Ah’so gave her one final squeeze just like with Nor and let go slowly. “Thank you, Aha’ri” she smiled “your welcome Ah’so” Aha’ri patted her arm smiling back.
Ah’so looked back at Nor, the two smiled at each other warmly.
The warmth feeling of the smile felt like the fond embrace of a flickered flame.
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visionsofpandora · 4 months
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My OC Ateya
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Anyway demon slayer was very enjoyable even if it isnt the deepest manga ever but i do think nezuko could have been handled better. She gets more agency towards the end of the story and i know the reason she was so animalistic was because of how demon-ism works. But for someone whos the deuteragonist of the story whose condition the entire story revolves around she really. Doesnt have many opinions of her own.
Shes a part of tanjiros friend group but aside from zenitsu we dont see her interact with tanjiros friends much. Were supposed to believe that nezuko doesnt want to be a demon like tanjiro doesnt want her to and that makes sense. But it would be good to at least hear her say it. She doesnt do any reflection on the demons like her brother does. Or if she does we dont get to hear any of it. But it would have been meaningful if she could do that, since shes even closer to the whole demon world than tanjiro. And while tanjiro and nezuko both are motivated by grief for their family, we dont see nezukos grief as prominently as tanjiros. She was the one that saw her family die. She should be feeling the survivors guilt as strongly as tanjiro if not more but after she first turned into a demon, she immediately got into antics that were meant to look cute for comic relief.
I think an easy fix would have been to just make nezuko 7 or 8 years younger than tanjiro instead of just one. I know gender roles in the early 20th century were Like That but tanjiro really. Coddles his sister way too much for someone whos only one year younger than him. Outside of fights nezuko is basically never asked to help with anything. She barely even provides emotional support for tanjiro or even just hang out with him, like siblings close in age would do. Tanjiros view of nezuko feels more like he helped raise her rather than like he grew up with her. And nezuko being like 7 would fit this dynamic better than her being like 14.
Being a young child would make nezuko feel like she has more agency too. Bc a 7 year old may not be old enough to understand all the nuances of the demons or talk with tanjiro about their grief. But if she shows up in a battle and kicks a demons head off with her funky demon powers just to protect her brother, i think that would be more profound if she were a young child than if she were a teenager.
Or idk let her gesture to the others more to communicate despite the bamboo gag. Or like. Rewrite the first part of the story so she isnt in a 2 year coma while tanjiro gets all the character development. Just let her have a personality sheesh.
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alexinafan · 1 year
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blackstarregulus79 · 1 year
This is a few chapters down the line but here is a bit of a chapter of my fic (to let it all go down in flames).
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euphorial-docx · 2 years
she is pandora in my b&a au, just so we’re all on the same page
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myvinylplaylist · 7 months
California Road Trip
Some items I found while checking out the resale shops and antique stores in Joshua Tree & Yucca Valley, CA
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krosiefics · 2 months
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send nudes • bang chan
M D N I 18+
Summary: You accidentally send a nude to Chan and well…he takes it as a chance to act on his hidden feelings
WC: 2.4k
Tags: smut, afab!reader, dom/tease!chan, porn with little plot, piv, unprotected sex (just don't), fingering, oral (f & m receiving), creampie, mutual pinning(?), handjob, chan is a tease, reader calls chan; chris, chan, christopher, channie), use of pet names (baby, sweetheart, good girl, etc), not proofread, im prob forgetting some- sorry (brb gonna touch some grass)
“Shit shit shit!” You quickly pulled your shorts back up as panic spread throughout your body. You quickly look at the open messages to see if the picture has been seen yet. Ugh this is why you don’t send nudes! You screamed at yourself. About twenty minutes ago you were flirting over text with this random guy from tinder when it started escalating into pictures being sent, you took a picture and was going to send it to him but you unknowingly sent it to your best friend.
You hadn’t noticed until about five minutes ago when the tinder guy hadn’t replied yet, you noticed the notification of the image sent was under Chan’s contact and well now you’re trying to figure out how to delete the picture.
You already tried deleting it from your messages but that only deletes it on one end not both.
Suddenly the ringing of your phone fuels the flames of your anxiousness. You dwell on whether you should check the caller ID, peeking at the screen your heart drops, it’s Chan. “Oh fuck.” You snatch your phone, not answering it, before running out of your dorm, down the hall towards Chan’s dorm. His dorm isn’t far from yours so by the time you get there your phone is still ringing. As it’s about to hang up you finally answer it, banging on the front door.
The wood door swings open revealing a confused Chan. God you couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Hi,” Chan chuckles, not acting like he’s seen something that he wasn’t supposed to, you sigh in relief, “I was about to text you-”
“Don’t do that!” You cut him off, pushing past him to grab his phone. “Hey?!” He exclaims after you snatch his phone, Chan makes a move to grab but you quickly dodge him, opening his messages app.
“Don’t delete it!” Chan huffs out annoyed. You stop, dead in your tracks, Chan takes the chance to take his phone back, shoving it into his pocket. “What do you mean don’t delete it.” You burst, heat spreading throughout your face like a wildfire. When did he see it?! You thought to yourself as you took out your phone and looked back on your messages, it displayed ‘read 1 minute ago’.
“Chan…” You push, when he doesn’t reply simply wearing a smirk on his face you start getting even more flustered, “Christopher! What do you mean don’t delete it?!” Your face is as red as a tomato at this point, your heart pounding so fast you can feel it in your ear.
Chan lets out a bubbly chuckle, you only ever use his real name when you’re either pissed or are in a teasing mood- you are not in a teasing mood, “I’ve got blackmail. And besides, it's fun seeing you flustered.” The smirk he wore was just straight up menacing. “This kind of situation is weird and makes me flustered- Did you just save it?!” You shriek as you watch him take out his phone and scroll through your texts. Chan smirks at you as he shows his phone’s screen, the save button clearly pressed. “Why would even- Chris!” You cry out his name, he finally puts his phone down on the desk by his bed with a shrug.
“You forget I’m a man.” You stand crossed armed as you stare at your best friend, “Yeah okay, but keeping a nude of your best friend is kinda weird.”
“Would you rather me send you one too?” Chan asks calmly as if it weren’t the most absurd thing he’s ever said. You scoff, eyes blown out by his question, sure Chan’s a flirt and likes teasing you, but it's never actually gone this far between the two of you. Just a simple mistake opened this pandora box.
“Who was that meant for anyways?” The Australian asks, sudden curiosity leading him on. “That’s none of your business-“
“Well you sent me the photo, I should at least get an explanation, no?” Chan raises his brows. “The guy from my date the other day.” You admit embarrassingly, Chan lets out a laugh while shaking his head, “The one that you complained about for the next three hours after your date.”
“I was bored okay!” You throw your arms up in defeat, plopping down on his bed.
A few moments of awkward silence washed over the two of you- well more awkward for you- before your phone interrupted the silence. You checked the notification, rolling your eyes as you opened the message from Chan. Holy shit. The grasp you had on your phone loosened as the electronic tumbles onto your face, smacking you right on the forehead. “You that shocked by the picture?” Chan hums in amusement. You gape at him after massaging your sore forehead, “Well no shit, you just sent me a dick pic!” You shove your phone in his face.
On the screen was a picture of Chan’s crotch area. His gray sweats not hiding the boner he obviously sports, his veiny hands holding onto his intimate area. A sudden realization dawned on you, “Did you just take that?” You stared between him and the same colored sweatpants that he wore. Now it’s his turn to be flustered, sure he had fun teasing you but now thinking about it, it wasn’t exactly appropriate to take a dick pic in front of his best friend even if she wasn’t aware of his actions. Brushing it off, Chan shrugged with a smug face.
“God you’re infuriating sometimes.” You shake your head. “Oh c’mon, you can say it’s hot, your’s was. It’s the reason I’ve got a bone-“
“Chan!” You squeak, your hands covering your face. Chan was too blunt for you sometimes. “You still need help with this?” Chan says, gently guiding your hands down from your face to show you the picture that you had sent him earlier. You pout, thoughts in your head weren’t lining up to how your body was reacting, “Help?” You shake your head in confusion trying to understand what his words meant. Chan hesitantly trailed his hands to your inner thighs, instinctively you spread them apart which he takes as a go-ahead.
“Wait, wait, wait!” You stutter, realizing where this could be going, “We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t wanna.” Chan said, retrieving his hands from your legs. The warmth of his hands still burning your skin despite them not being there anymore. “No, I wanna-” Your mouth moved quicker than you could process, you slapped a hand over it. Chan raised a brow at you in his regular teasing manner, you simply shook your head at him, “Chan…you’re my best friend, I don’t wanna change that.” That was a lie, you did want to change that, you really want to change that, but losing Chan was something that always prevented you from ever telling him how you felt.
“Who says it has to change?” The curly haired boy leans over your body, dipping his bed at the weight. Your hands come up to his shoulders, not knowing whether to push him away or bring him closer. “Chris.” You sigh, eyes closing in thought. “Keep your eyes close, if you want me to stop just tell me…okay?” His words fanned across your cheeks as he spoke softly into your ear. You squirmed at his words but nonetheless kept your eyes shut.
A sudden touch to your thighs made you flinch, the hand hesitantly tapped your knee for your consent, nodding in response. Chan let out a shaky breath as his hands nudged your thighs apart, revealing the wet patch that stained the lining of your shorts. Did you get turned on by the tinder guy? No, it was by Chan and his insufferable teasing, he’s what got your arousal pooling. Chan hums, his breath breezing over your hot skin, sending shivers down your spine. “This okay? D’you trust me?” He asked as his fingered trailed along your throbbing cunt, you bit your lip in pleasure, nodding frantically, yearning for more friction.
Chan begins rubbing his thumb in circles on your clothed clit while his other fingers slip between your slick folds that stick to your panty. Moving your loose shorts to the side, you feel him dip his head down, licking a stripe up your cunt. “Channie.” You whine, hands flying to his curls, entangling them with your fingers. The sudden rush of pleasure has you opening your eyes, the sight of your best friend’s face between your legs, lickking at your most intimate area sends another wave of arousal straight to your core. Your thighs instinctively tense around his face, Chan gaze lifts to you at the action, locking your eyes and you're done. Chan’s eyes stared into you longingly, the smirk that made his way to his face when he sneakily maneuvered your underwear to the side had you writhing under his hold.
Chan continued his assault on your cunt with his mouth, sucking at your clit, swirling iit around your fold. His fingers brought you even closer to the edge as they ever-so-often sunk inside, never past his fingertips as if he was teasing you. That familiar knot formed in your stomach as your thighs began to shake, the movement not going unnoticed by Chan. “S-Stop!” You say closing your legs in an attempt to get him off, he sticks to his previous words and obliges to your command. “You okay?” Chan looks at you, a pang of worry flashing in his eyes, his mouth and chin was wet with what you’d assume is your arousal and his saliva mixed, he subconsciously licks his lips as you stare at them.
You nod in response before climbing onto your knees pushing him back onto the bed, “What are you- Y/N?!” Now it was Chan’s turn to turn pink, his heart pounded in his chest as he watched you pull the waistband of his sweatpants down revealing his hardened cock. “This okay?” You ask innocently, contradicting your actions. “Fuck yeah, this’s okay.” He sighed.
You stared at his dick, the very same one he had sent a few minutes ago, you never thought you’d ever be in this position with Chan. The tip was leaking with precum and the veins on the side evident from the lack of friction, he wasn't too big like the ones you’ve seen in those exaggerated pornos but he’s definitely above average. Your hand wraps around the base of his cock, pumping it a few times, precum coating it making it easier to slide up and down. “Jesus, fuck, you’re so pretty, such a good girl, baby.” Chan rambles as you lean down, placing a small kiss on the tip. Tongue trailing down along the veins before coming back to the tip and taking it into your mouth.
Rolling his head back in pleasure, Chan gently takes a fistful of your hair so that it doesn't get in your way. You hum in appreciation. Chan almost cums, the vibration of your hum going through his shaft towards that knot forming in his abdomen. Hollowing your cheeks, you attempt to take more of him but Chan stops you, pulling you off of him with a pop. “Why’d you- mmph.” The feeling of his soft, plump lips cuts you off. His lips were gentle yet rough against yours, lust and desire making the kiss messier. Without your lips coming apart, Chan guides you to the bed again, laying you down under him. Lips dancing with one another, he adjusts your shorts and underwear to the side again, prompting a gasp from you, he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue alongside yours.
You moan into the kiss as he presses the tip of his cock to your entrance. Your eyes meet once more, he has that same worry in his eyes, asking if he can continue. “Fuck me Channie…please.” Before your words could fully come out he’s already snapped his hips into you, bottoming out and letting you adjust to his size. “You okay, sweetheart?” The pet name draws out an erotic moan from your lips, you nod frantically as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. Chan places your knees atop his shoulders, leaning into you as his hips smack against the back of your thighs. The echo of wet noises bouncing off the dorm room’s wall, Chan has never been more grateful that his roommate, Minho, wasn't in town. “S’close, Channie.” You moan into his neck, your nails clawing at his clothed back. It barely occurred to you that you were both technically fully clothed. “God I like you so much, you know that baby?” Chan mumbled as he drilled into your cunt. “Channie, I like you too- oh my fucking God.” You curse as he reaches your g-spot, hitting it dead on. “Actually?”
“Mhm, shit, liked you for a long time.” You say between moans and whimpers, your climax nearing as your legs begin to shake. “Fuck, gonna make you cum. S’fucking pretty.” Chan slurred as his hand made his way to your clit, rubbing circles onto it. Your orgasm hit you like a truck, you don’t think you’ve ever orgasmed like that before.
“Almost there, where d’you want it?” Chan pants over your whines of overstimulation, “Inside, I’m on the- holy fuck- on the pill!” The sensitivity of your cunt begins to be uncomfortable. Your words send Chan over the edge, spilling his hot cum inside of you.
Chan slowly pulls out before plopping onto the mattress next to you. “You really mean it?” He pants, chest heaving. You look at him confused, your mind too hazy for anything at this point. “You like me?”
“Heh, yeah…I do.” Chan leans over and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips. Rolling out of the bed, Chan comes back to you with a towel and some water. “Thanks.” You smile, taking the bottle of water. “Lemme get you some clothes from the closet.” As he makes his way to the closet an idea pops into his head. Chan snatches his phone before walking into his shared walk-in closet.
The ding of your phone grasps your attention, you reach for it and read the most recent message. It’s from Chan.
Send nudes ;)
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thingswedontunbox · 18 days
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xylianasblog · 4 months
Upon your skin.
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Pairings: Agedup! Neteyam x FemNabi reader
Summary: who knew the chiefs son liked you, but who knew he was really big on marking his territory.
Warnings: MDNI, biting kink, rough sex, jealous Neteyam, marking.
A/n: Day 7 of pandoras glow! I really enjoy this event by @luvv4j4ybe11 and these prompts are just eeeeee 🥺
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦ ❀✿❀꒦꒷❀꒷꒦MDNI ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦❀✿❀ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
Your stare down with Neteyam was one of surprise, he had been angry and you were unsure of why. What could have possibly pissed the golden boy off so bad. His glare was unnerving, it felt like he was staring into your soul, his normally calm eyes looked like pools of lava. Amber flames ready to explode the longer he held back his rage.
“What is your problem?”
For Neteyam that was a loaded question, so many things were a problem but his biggest one was you. And the worst part is you weren’t even aware of it. The growing frustrations of the incident played over and over in his mind, who was that male to touch you in a way that was only reserved for himself? Everyone in the clan knew you belong to him, everyone but you.
He stayed silent eyes trailing down your body, there wasn’t a word said. Nothing, just silence, a deafening silence. Not a sound. You huffed as you threw your bow and arrow down, you were about to start yelling at him. Whatever frustrations you felt were getting ready to overflow. “Neteyam!”
Two seconds, that’s all it took for him to reach you, his hands cupping your face in his larger hands. His thumb brushing against your lips as he stares down at you. “You are my problem tanhi. You are the reason I am so angry.” He growled out. A small whimper was all you could muster as you stared up at him, this was too much for you at the moment. His lips pressed against yours ever so soflty. “You are mine.” He whispered.
The kiss was bruising, rough, possessive. Everything you had imagined kissing to neteyam to be. His hands touched your body, grabbing roughly on your skin, rough touches, bruising grips every bit of his touches in your skin left a dull ache in their wake. He deepened the kiss as his hands grabbed at your thighs, lifting your body up.
You broke the kiss to let out a small grunt as you felt him press your back against a tree, his lips attached to your neck were rough bruising nips and bites were left. Each one had you moaning and wincing from the mix of pain and pleasure that coursed through your veins. His bare length pressed flushed against your cunt, rocking slowly against you. He made sure you felt every inch of his length as he rubbed himself along your folds, coating himself in your juices. “You are mine, txe’lan.”
The moment inevitable, his teeth sinking into your skin just as he thrusted his cock deep inside. Your cries of pleasure only filled his resolve to show you just who you belonged too. His teeth suck deeper into your skin just as he bottomed out completely. You groaned as he pulled his fangs free from your red, very raw neck. He pulled out till only the tip was left, his thrust inside was rough yet deep. His words and thrust had your body buzzing.
“You are mine to touch, mine to fuck, mine to mark.” He groaned against your lips, his hips rocking harder and deeper into your sopping cunt. Your walls clung to him, tightening like a vice. “Mine y/n.”
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦༻❀✿❀༺꒦꒷❀꒷꒦༻❀✿❀༺ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @neteyamsoare @criticallybella @sunfyresrider @neteyamsyawntu @tiredmamaissy @headsincloud9 @etherialblackrose @blue-slxt @justcaptiannoodles @neteyamyawne @oakbuggy @eywaite @luvv4j4ybe11 @quicktosimp @cardi-bre91 @torukmaktoskxawng @rivatar @thepeonysbackup @tallulah477 @anemonelovesfiction
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sutxdreamwalker · 6 months
A Flickered Flame of Sarentu
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Awaking Freedom
Summary: 8 years after the death of Aha’ri everyone is older now and still in the confines of TAP. All the while an Avatar named Jake Sully tune against the RDA and leads a great battle in the Hallelujah Mountains. This causes TAP to have an immediate evacuation and Mercer orders the Na’vi to be killed but Alma saves them and puts them in crio. Nearly 16 years pass and they all wake up, now having to comprehend on what has happened.
A/n: Mentions of killing, fluff, game spoilers, my Sarentu character finally being named
Bold - Speaking in Na’vi
Word index:
Oel ngati kameie - I see you
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Eight years.
Eight years since then. That night when Aha’ri died.
It had an impact on everyone, her sibling, Suränu, had it the hardest. Nor also had it as hard, to this day he still misses her. Teylan was also sad, he along with Ri’nela comforted Suränu for many weeks which turned to months. Ri’nela tried to make sure everyone was ok even thought she was also hurting inside. Ah’so couldn’t get the scene out of her head for a long while, she still remembers it but doesn’t like to.
They all continued to hurt during the next eight years, and now their older and a little different from how they use to be when they were younger, still in the TAP, but what they didn’t know is that hope was rising up somewhere far from where they we’re.
_________________________________________ Today was a day like any other, Alma was about to teach the lesson for the day.
“So today, we’ll be continuing our talk about Earth economics and the laws of supply and demand-” Alma said as Nor raised his hand and asked a question.
“Why do we have to use human weapons?” He asked. “Nor, we’ve been over this. Pandora is a very dangerous place” Alma said.
“But we’ve hardly seen Pandora, how do we know what we’re protecting ourselves against?” Nor said then Mercer and two soldiers walked in and Suränu stood up from her seat in a cautious way.
“Cortez, I need to talk to you over here. Now” Mercer said as Alma walked over to him. “Look, order have come dow from Hell’s Gate, We are being evacuated from Pandora, I need you to grab your stuff before-” suddenly the alarm went off and everyone got out of their seats.
“Before the panic starts” Mercer said “what?!” Alma exclaimed. “Look, we have lost Pandora, some avatar driver named Jake Sully went full native, turned the Na’i on us, that’s why you can’t trust any of them”.
“I need you to get your stuff together, and get back in your own damn body. Now, puppet show is over” Mercer said sternly.
“Okay everyone collect your things” Alma turned to everyone “hey Cortez! I’ll handle this, you need to go” Mercer said. Alma looked back at everyone and walked out of the classroom.
Mercer looked at students then at the soldiers “you know what to do” was all he said was he walked out and the two soldiers got onto the platform and aimed there guns at the small group.
Ah’so and Ri’nela with fearful looks in their eyes got beside Nor as he got into a defensive position and hissed, and Suränu and Teylan backed up, looking scared too. Was this going to be the end?
Just then Alma burst in with a gun and shot the two soldiers, once they were dead she dropped the gun “follow me. Quickly”. Nor and Ah’so ran to the door as Ri’nela and Teylan followed after taking each other’s hand.
“We got this one chance! Come on!” Alma exclaimed, Suränu running to the door last.
_________________________________________ The group was lead to a cryovault, where in case of anything happened and needed to go into cryo, they would be brought here.
Alma had a panicked look on her face as she looked at the group of Sarentu, trying to make them all stay calm “get in”.
“Wha…What are you doing?” Suränu asked I’m with a confused and panicked tone “you’ll be safe here” Alma assured.
“Is Mercer leaving us?” Teylan asked worriedly “we are no longer of use to him” Nor responded “no! I won’t believe it” Teylan shouted.
“Hurry, you need to hide” Alma spoke “let us go! We can take them! We can escape, to Pandora!” Nor said, seeming pretty confident.
“There are soldiers everywhere you won’t make a single step” Alma warned and Nor walked up to her “this is our chance to be free”.
Alma spoke “This is your only chance to survive”, Teylan held Nor’s upper arm, basically telling him to trust Alma on this.
Nor looked down, seeming to comply now, then Teylan let go of his upper arm and Nor walked to a cryo capsule.
“What about you?” Suränu asked looking at Alma “you’re just gonna go to sleep, for a little while”. The cryo capsules opened and Suränu got in “it won’t be long ok?” Alma shakily tried to reassure as Suränu laid down as the capsule closed.
Ah’so looked at the empty cryo capsules, she wasn’t sure about this and looked over at Nor who was next to her “I’m not so sure about this” she said with a worried look “me neither, but we have to” Nor responded. “When we wake up, we’ll stick together for whatever come next, ok? Promise?” Ah’so asked.
Nor gave a slight nod “promise”, Ah’so then pulled him into a tight embrace, like as if this will be there last hug. The larger male hugged back and rubbed her back “we’ll see each other soon, it won’t be long” the female separated herself from the hug.
Nor took one final look at her as she went to an empty cryo capsule and sat down in it, she looked over at Nor one final time as he got in his cryo capsule, then it started to close and Ah’so laid down as it closed, she held onto her angtsìk carving which was still in her hand as sleep swept threw her, and everything went dark.
It was dark, it felt like only for a moment until light, eyes opening again, it was blurry, then the cryo capsule could be heard opening and sight started to get clearer and voices were heard.
“Oh thank goodness your alright” the voice was Alma was heard and Ah’so sat up and turned to look at her as the others looked like they were waking up too.
Ah’so looked around as her sight was still developing from the sleep, “take it easy, all of you” Alma said walking to another cryo capsule and Ah’so started to get up. “Man, how long were we asleep?” She mumbled to herself.
Then she finally noticed how Nor was also awake “Nor!” She gasped with a smile and walked to him but her legs her kinda shaky. Nor walked over to her and held her shoulders “Ah’so” he smiled in relief.
“Your ok” she smiled and Nor gently hugged her and she hugged back then pulled away slowly and saw how the others were also up.
“I thought I lost you, all of you” Alma said helping Suränu sit up “what…”.
“What’s going on? What happened?” Suränu mumbled “you’ve been asleep for a while, a long, long while” Alma replied.
“Oel ngati kameie” a na’vi warrior spoke “why must you prod at them like this? If they can walk, they can walk, the rest we have to leave”.
“But the RDA left, didn’t they? And you left us here” Suränu said “the sky people have returned Sarentu” the na’vi warrior spoke.
“Sarentu…no one has ever called me that” Suränu said “that is your clan, a mighty one at that” the warrior looked at the group “we thought you were lost to the world, but this dreamwalker thought to lock you up in a box instead” he gestured to Alma.
“I’ll explain when we get back” Alma said “but for now, you take it easy your body is still waking up”.
“Did we…did everyone make it?” Suränu asked while now standing up “I’m here, Nor and Teylan, and Ah’so too” Ri’nela replied “we’re safe”.
“We’re getting out at last! It’s really happening” Nor smiled as he was being fixed up by a human “We’re all together, getting out together”. “Why does it look so different in here?” Teylan asked them one of the humans spoke up “can we hurry things up? RDA are en route, you can have your reunion later”.
“Come, eat, you will need your strength” the warrior spoke “we found rations in he canteen, there’s probably more…” Teylan said as he ate some of the rations they found “I think there’s more”.
Ri’nela Lohan a confused look on her face “where’s Yefti? And Telisi?”, “maybe Alma sent them to a different cryovault” Teylan insisted.
Suränu started to head to the canteen to search for some food. “Don’t touch me with that” Nor glared at the human treating him “I’m sorry, I…treating na’vi wasn’t really part of my training”. Ah’so chuckled a bit at Nor’s attitude.
“Come on, come on, we gotta go!” A human exclaimed. “Who are these people? Mercer’s people?” Nor asked “is Mercer here too?” Teylan asked. “No, no, these are friends, we’re finding to get you out of here alright?” Alma reassured.
“So we are truly free now?” Ah’so smiled “maybe not till we get out of here” Ri’nela replied. It was a few more moments of clam before the chaos was brought down.
“RDA squad closing in. We should move” the human who spoke earlier alerted. Soon a sound was heard and it didn’t sound good “everyone out!” Alma exclaimed.
Everyone was rushed out quickly, without Suränu, as they ran away from where the sound was a large explosion was heard from the cryovault.
Looks like the chaos is here.
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rivatar · 6 months
His Stress Relief
MDNI!🔞 based off this request!
Pairing: Aged!Up!Neteyam x fem!human!reader
W/c: 1.9k
Warnings/content: SMUT, Dub-con, p in v, cream pie, dom Neteyam, sub reader, dirty talk, cussing
A/n: I hope the anon who requested this enjoys, I didn’t know how you wanted it to go so I hope it’s okay and you like it!😩 And I hope the rest of you lovelies can enjoy too. Keep sending me requests & I love you all 💖
“Don’t go too far out, y/n!” Max shouted as you were already out the door.
It had been a stressful day for you in the lab. You had arrived on Pandora not even a full month ago. Everything was new to you, including a lot of the science they had here. You had just gotten your PhD not long before leaving for this mission and it was all you dreamed of was to work here, but now that you’re here, you found that the work was quite challenging and you didn’t like feeling stupid or behind everyone else.
After getting yelled at by another coworker for doing something wrong again, you decided you needed a break to calm your mind. You told Max you were going to take a walk right outside the facility, it wasn’t really a question for him but more so telling him where you’d be. He was a bit concerned for you as you were still new here but he knew he couldn’t stop you, nor had the time to babysit you.
The door slammed behind you. You spotted a slightly beaten path that led into the forest and decided to walk along it so that you could find your way back later on. You weren’t planning to go far of course but your racing thoughts occupied you so much it had you completely distracted.
Unbeknownst to you, a particular Na’vi had already spotted you and was following you quietly while staying tucked behind the various trees and plants of the forest.
Neteyam was out clearing his mind as well, he was also stressed like you, but his stress was due to his endless duties preparing to be Olo’eyktan soon. He noticed you and instantly became intrigued with you and decided to follow you and see what you were up to. It was something to take his mind off of his responsibilities for once.
You noticed a particularly amazing plant and crouched down to it, smiling gently. Next thing you knew a huge arm wrapped around your front and brought you back into them, nearly knocking the air out of your lungs in the process.
“What the fuck?!” You yelled in terror. You looked down and realized the arm was blue and your soul almost left your body.
“Hi, tawtute,” the creature bent down to speak in your ear.
“Please let me go!! I’m sorry for being out here! Please I’ll go back!” You pleaded and played nice while struggling against his steady hold.
“Nah. I think I’d rather keep you,” he spoke lowly and unbothered.
Fear rushed through your body like a flaming hot fire and consumed all your senses. You wanted to cry at your predicament but you had to keep your wits about you if you were gonna make it out alive.
“P-please! I’ll do anything just please let me go, I won’t tell a soul!” You pleaded some more.
He chuckled and was amused with you. “Anything?”
Confusion etched across your face. “What?”
“You said you’d do anything”
He sounded… suggestive. Or were you just going insane??
“I think I’ve got something in mind for your payment. And a way to relieve my stress”
To say your heart was beating out of your chest was an understatement.
“What do you want from me?” You cried.
“You’re not stupid, girl. You know what I want” he spoke sensually as he ran his other hand down the front of your body to cup your pussy. You gasped at the sudden sensation.
He pressed his hard bulge against your butt. “You understand now?”
You weakly nodded, fear still evident in your eyes but you were not wanting to upset him in any way by disagreeing.
Without anymore time to process this, he yanked your pants down and pushed your back forward, making you abruptly fall to your knees with your ass in the air.
You were flushed and felt exposed and vulnerable but before you could think about those feelings anymore, he suddenly ran his tongue up through your slit. You gasped at the pleasure.
“Mmm I love how your little human pussy tastes,” he groaned “much sweeter than the omatikaya girls”
He continued lapping up your juices like a starved man and you had no choice but to take it. It felt extremely good though, your hole clenched, wanting and needing attention too.
“Fucking slut. You act like you don’t want this too but your body says otherwise,” he said while prodding his thumb around your entrance. You tried to push yourself back to get the penetration you craved.
He laughed at your pathetic action. “Awww the little human needs some action? You should be thanking me” he spanked your ass hard.
You whimpered out loud and knew you were indeed being pathetic. But dammit, you were stressed and pent up too.
“Pleaseeee” you begged him shamelessly.
“Oh yeah?” He chuckled mockingly.
You backed up more, wordlessly begging him to stop torturing you. So he granted your request and plunged an entire finger in, already brushing your cervix with his long digits.
“Mmm!! More!” You moaned for him.
He groaned at the feeling of your tight, gummy walls sucking him in perfectly.
“So warm and tight… fuck” he purred.
He then plunged another digit in, marveling at how you stretched for him. He roughly sped up, deciding he wanted to watch your pussy cum on his hand.
“Cum for me” he urged you while his other hand groped your ass.
You were whimpering and moaning on the ground, feeling the pleasure wash through your body as your incoming orgasm threatened to burst.
“Can feel you squeezing. Let it go, tawtute”
And just like that, as if his sultry tone and words were all you needed to reach your peak, you came all over his working fingers with your eyes rolling back in your head. It had to be the best orgasm you’ve ever had.
“Mmm, good job sevin” he praised your shaking form, still recovering from the after shocks.
He rolled your limp body over to where you could finally see his face. He was so handsome. Your fucked out face scanned over his toned, muscular body. Every curve and edge of him was perfectly carved by Eywa herself. His body was amazing but you couldn’t believe how stunning his face was. His bright yellow eyes held so much emotion and passion in them and you held his gaze, unable to look away.
He took this opportunity to untie his loincloth rather slowly. The skimpy item of clothing fell down to the ground and just when you thought he couldn’t get anymore visually stunning, he did. His cock was huge to you but fit his body proportions perfectly. It stood up loud and proud, the tip glistening with his shimmery precum.
“I take it you like it, huh?” He asked teasingly but also meant it.
You snapped your eyes back up to him and nodded slowly. Your brain was telling you to be scared but the rest of your body was screaming at you to indulge and enjoy.
He bent back down to your recovering body. His hands reached the bottom of your shirt and tugged up on it. To your own surprise, you submitted and lifted your arms to let him take off your shirt. You did the rest by then unclipping your bra.
He leaned back on his heels and his chest quickly rose and fell at the sight of you being completely naked. His face didn’t change though, he seemed to be trained to show no emotion, though his breath quickening and precum gathering at his tip gave away his arousal to you.
He got closer to you and leaned in for a brutal kiss. His large mouth completely engulfed yours and you tried to keep up with him.
He pulled back to look into your eyes and said, “I’m gonna fuck you. I’m gonna fuck you so good you’re gonna be coming back and begging for more after this”
He left you no time to object this and continued the kiss. Although at this point you were sure you wouldn’t argue with him. Your body was aching for attention and relief.
He effortlessly picked you up and set your back against the grass. “Spread open for me,” he tapped your thigh.
You did as you were told and gave him complete access. He couldn’t wait to feel your tight, wet pussy around him.
He held his dick and coated it in your juices, before angling to start pushing in.
“You are soaked, little human” he said admiringly.
You were also amazed at how aroused you were, you had to admit it had been a while but also none of your previous experiences have been this erotic. Nonetheless you blushed at him stating the obvious about your neediness.
He sunk deeper and deeper, you were both making little noises of discomfort and pleasure at the tight stretch.
“Never had a Na’vi cock huh? You’re in for a treat” he smiled a bit menacingly.
You chuckled nervously, still focusing on breathing and getting through the extreme stretch.
He bottomed out and you moaned as he brushed your cervix. “Is that the spot?”
“Mhmm” you whined.
“I know, I know. Hold on tight, my little tawtute slut”
He removed himself all the way out and slammed back in, his huge balls slapping your skin.
“Fuck” he grunted.
He continued his assault on your cunt, ruthlessly pounding into you like a feral animal, giving you no time to adjust fully.
His mouth was open and relaxed in an ‘o’ as he watched your pretty face screw up in pleasure, both of you taking in the feeling.
You held onto his bulky arms that were settled on either side of you as he hovered over you.
You eyes started welling up with tears from the overwhelming sensation. You were being stuffed to your fullest capacity.
He then bent down to latch his mouth onto one of your nipples, while his other hand pulled your other one. You screamed and arched your back off the ground.
“I can’t! It’s too much!!” You squealed and he only let up so he could speak to you.
“Thought you were begging for more earlier? You’ve gotta take it now, cmon just take it like the good slut I know you are”
He then started rubbing your clit, edging you on more. “You gonna cum again? Well I’m gonna cum deep in your pussy, I got a lot and it’ll be leaking out of you for days”
He sped up his thrusts. “Maybe when it leaks out of you, it can remind you of me and you can use it to touch yourself”
His lewd words made your coil snap yet again, and your pussy convulsed around his length.
“Good lil cockslut. Take my cum now” he grunted as his thrusts got irregular and his body locked up. His cum shot deep into you and you felt it get crowded in there with his dick still inside too.
He was panting and sweating above you, his eyes half lidded and looking delirious and spent.
You both suddenly heard a distant cry, like a Na’vi calling out as communication.
His ears went up and he pulled out quickly, both of you hissing at the loss. He scrambled to tie his loincloth back on. He leaned down to your face after you sat up.
“Next time you need some na’vi cock again, come to this spot and I will answer your calling” he winked and ran off with his bow in hand, leaving you naked and vulnerable. But… also satisfied.
Taglist: @bambithewriter @neteyamssyulang @professional-yapper @teyamshuman @nonamevenus
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 263
Once More, we return to Tiamat prompts. 
It was a wonderful idea, really! If one of them couldn’t break the barrier, then surely their combined might would do it! And it had! It had worked, even if their remaining humanity was sacrificed. They’d done it, they’d made it where everyone could escape, could leave!
… Except for them. Someone had to close the portal. And it all would have been fine, if not for the remnants of the GIW. One last hail mary from the imbeciles, they all supposed. Trapping them here within the Zone. 
Separated from their families, from the pair of children they had agreed to raise. At least their siblings would watch over Ellie and Jordan. Kyle could hide them, make sure they were safe. Jazz… Jazz was gone, the final straw in this plan. 
They screamed, they raged, they destroyed in grief for those that didn’t make it, and for those who had but had nowhere to go. No portals opened, even as they tore at the green around them. They fought, any that thought they were weak, that they were merely a beast, an abomination trapped in chains of science and gold. 
There was nothing that could be done, Frostbite had said, sympathy in his voice. No way to turn back the clock with how entwined they had become, Clockwork had explained. The only thing they could do was wait, Pandora had tried to sooth, despite it doing nothing. 
They wrenched open the coffin in a hazy fury, tearing apart armies like it was blades of grass. Their maws devoured dead who had lost themselves and become mere husks and thralls, lashing tails ripping through armour like it was nothing. 
And then as titans, they clashed with the one who had once stolen the city here. There was no desperation from them this time, no armor besides scales unbreakable as flames and storms and ice and thorns ripped islands apart. There was no desperation besides that of their opponent’s. 
There was a pleasure in their victory, before it was wrenched away. What use was a crown when their family wasn’t there? When their daughter, their son, their children were not there by their side? 
Paulina laughed, hysterical as ectoplasm dripped from her maw as Kwan howled. Their body was covered in it, their rampage that had no use, no reason leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Is this what they wanted? 
Danny raised his head from the dissolving corpses to look towards the obliterated roof of the Keep, once so terrifying now turning to dust like the crown. The crown reforming above their heads, heavy and almost choking. 
They would carry this weight together. Would restructure things, would do what they had wanted to do for Amity before the Barriers. They’d work together to rebuild the Realms, make it safer, make it safe for those newly dead. 
No matter how long it took, no matter how hard it would be to fix the destruction they had wrought in this meaningless battle. (“Danny, you’re the spokesperson,” Sam spoke up, thorn-like scales ruffling. “You’re most familiar with the realms thanks to the Infinimap.” Fair. “We’ll need allies, we’re only nine people.”)
(“Let me talk to the egyptian afterlife,” Tucker sounded exhausted, hood folding back. “I’m most familiar with them… Star, Paulina, you’re both Princess Dora’s favorites-”)
(“We can do it. Just give us time.” “Maybe a to-do list.” “Clockwork. We need to talk to Clockwork, he’d be most familiar with this.” “Rest first, nerds. We’re all… exhausted.”)
(Valerie laughed tiredly, blades melting to heal a broken horn. “Time isn’t linear here Dash. You know that. I know that. For once we’re the ones with time to spare.” It would take years to get things up to snuff. Make things Safe for when they could bring their families here.)
Their eyes opened as the now flimsy chains shattered, a smile stretching across the shared face of their humanoid form. Soon. They could return to the mortal realm soon. Just a little more, and they could see their little ones.  They'd waited a thousand years, they could wait a few days more.
(also have sketch)
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@fairy-lights-and-blobs @radiance1 You both seem to enjoy my Tiamat prompts/Aus lol
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