#stop arguing over the yes/no questions and can we please start discussing the how and why
Anyway demon slayer was very enjoyable even if it isnt the deepest manga ever but i do think nezuko could have been handled better. She gets more agency towards the end of the story and i know the reason she was so animalistic was because of how demon-ism works. But for someone whos the deuteragonist of the story whose condition the entire story revolves around she really. Doesnt have many opinions of her own.
Shes a part of tanjiros friend group but aside from zenitsu we dont see her interact with tanjiros friends much. Were supposed to believe that nezuko doesnt want to be a demon like tanjiro doesnt want her to and that makes sense. But it would be good to at least hear her say it. She doesnt do any reflection on the demons like her brother does. Or if she does we dont get to hear any of it. But it would have been meaningful if she could do that, since shes even closer to the whole demon world than tanjiro. And while tanjiro and nezuko both are motivated by grief for their family, we dont see nezukos grief as prominently as tanjiros. She was the one that saw her family die. She should be feeling the survivors guilt as strongly as tanjiro if not more but after she first turned into a demon, she immediately got into antics that were meant to look cute for comic relief.
I think an easy fix would have been to just make nezuko 7 or 8 years younger than tanjiro instead of just one. I know gender roles in the early 20th century were Like That but tanjiro really. Coddles his sister way too much for someone whos only one year younger than him. Outside of fights nezuko is basically never asked to help with anything. She barely even provides emotional support for tanjiro or even just hang out with him, like siblings close in age would do. Tanjiros view of nezuko feels more like he helped raise her rather than like he grew up with her. And nezuko being like 7 would fit this dynamic better than her being like 14.
Being a young child would make nezuko feel like she has more agency too. Bc a 7 year old may not be old enough to understand all the nuances of the demons or talk with tanjiro about their grief. But if she shows up in a battle and kicks a demons head off with her funky demon powers just to protect her brother, i think that would be more profound if she were a young child than if she were a teenager.
Or idk let her gesture to the others more to communicate despite the bamboo gag. Or like. Rewrite the first part of the story so she isnt in a 2 year coma while tanjiro gets all the character development. Just let her have a personality sheesh.
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chososchalupa · 3 months
wish that it was me
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The last person you wanted to see at this meeting was your older brother. The same brother who left you in the hands of Chuuya Nakahara and the Port Mafia years ago, but all you can see now are the pleading eyes of Osamu Dazai begging for forgiveness.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chapter one - Deep breath
warning,, slight mention of anxiety attack
wc - 1.1k
Chapter two
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You blink slowly as you process the words coming out of Chuuyas mouth. 
Chuuya lets out a loud sigh as he looks between you and Akutagawa, “I said, it would be good for both of you to come with me to the meeting. We’re going to be working with the ADA a lot more often now. You need to get familiar with them” 
“I’m all set, Chu. Thanks for thinking of me though” You spoke with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. 
“Listen, if it’s because of Daz-”
Chuuya was cut off by the sound of your phone ringing, you glanced down to see Mori’s caller ID flashing on the screen. “Boss calls. You two have fun at that meeting though” 
You turned quickly to walk towards Mori’s office before Chuuya could argue the issue anymore. You knew where he was heading with it, ever since the Mafia and ADA joined forces, you’ve been quick to avoid any interaction with them. Always coming up with an excuse to avoid joint missions and meetings but Chuuya could see right through you. He had been there for you the night Dazai vanished without a goodbye, not bothering to text or even write a note to you about where he was going. Chuuya took over the role of older brother and trained you to be one of the strongest alongside Akutagawa. The three of you growing closer together using the hurt your brother had caused to give you all something to relate to. 
Unfortunately for you, Chuuya forgave Dazai. It was soon after the two organizations had joined together, Chuuya had texted you to come over to his apartment and once you were there, he tried explaining why Dazai did what he did, why he left without a word but you weren't hearing any of it. You hadn’t spoken about your brother in over a year, his name alone made your stomach drop and eyes water. “Please stop” was all you managed to say back to Chuuya that night before breaking down. You had barely heard what Chuuya said besides a couple words, “Detective” “Happier” and “He had to”, knowing Dazai was happier with the ADA than he was with the Mafia made sense, but what you couldn’t understand was why he was so much happier without you. 
You shook your head trying to erase the memories swarming your mind as you reached Moris door. 
“Hellloooo” You announced, walking into his office. Most people would think you’re out of your mind for walking in without permission but you had been alongside Mori for eight years, he was used to this behavior by now. 
Mori raised his eyes from his desk as you made yourself comfortable in the chair across from him. 
“Hello to you too” He smiled, “I needed to talk to you about tomorrow”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Tomorrow?”
“Yes, tomorrow. Chuuya had requested you and Akutagawa join him for a meeting with the Detective Agency and-”
“And I knew you’d give him a hard time about it so this is now an order. You will be attending this meeting.”
“Mori-” You started
“I know. But you will have to see Dazai at some point. We might as well get it over with, right?”
You took a deep breath as your eyes began to water, “I can’t”.
“This isn’t a question, you are going. That is all I needed to discuss. You’re free to go”
You nodded, standing up from your chair. 
“Chuuya is waiting outside,” Mori spoke, not bothering to glance up from the paper he was reading. 
As soon as you stepped into the hallway, Chuuya was by your side rambling about how he didn’t want to go to Mori but you left him no other choice. You tried to focus on his words but your heartbeat was pumping loudly in your ears.
“Hey, you okay?” was all it took for the tears to finally fall down your face. Your chest growing tighter and tighter with every gasp you take. 
“I don’t want to see him, Chuuya. Why couldn’t you respect that?” You spoke through your tears.
“I’m sorry. Look, you can spend the night at my house tonight. We can watch a movie or something to calm you down. If Dazai tries anything tomorrow, I’ll be the first to knock him down, you know that”
You nodded, following Chuuya towards the exit of the building. “I hope he just keeps his mouth shut”
“I think everyone hopes for that,” Chuuya laughed.
The night went by fast, Chuuya and you watched movies until you fell asleep on the couch. You had forgotten all about seeing Dazai until Chuuya was shaking you awake at seven in the morning. 
“Come on. We have an hour until the meeting” You could hear the slight irritation in his voice as he shook you
“Five more minutes”
Chuuya ripped the blanket off of you, “No. You said that five minutes ago. Get up”
You grabbed the blanket back from his hands with a glare, “I’m sick. ‘m not going” 
“Bullshit. If you’re not ready in 15 minutes, I’ll carry you there in your pajamas. We still have to go get Akutagawa.”
So now, here you are. Standing in front of the ADA building alongside Chuuya and Akutagawa. 
“Yeah, I can’t do this” You spoke, turning to walk towards the car.
“Akutagawa, you know what to do,” Chuuya spoke with a sigh.
“Wha- Akutagawa! Let go!” You shouted, as Rashomon wrapped around your waist, keeping you from walking any further. 
“No.” Akutagawa replied, staring at you with a straight face.
You huffed as you tried pulling yourself out of the strong grip.
“Not going to work. Stop being a child, we’re going to be late” Chuuya spoke, glaring from his watch to you. 
You rolled your eyes, mumbling a ‘fine’ as Akutagawa released you, allowing you to follow them into the building. 
You stood outside the meeting door, glaring daggers into the back of Chuuyas head as he spoke to, who you now know as, Kunikida. 
“Ready?” He asked, turning towards you.
“Do I have a choice?” You asked, side eyeing Akutagawa who gave you a small smile in return.
“Just take a deep breath. You’ll be fine.”
You closed your eyes, breathing in deeply as Chuuya opened the door. You opened your eyes and scanned the room, no sign of Dazai. ‘Maybe this anxiety was all for nothing’ you thought as you sat beside Akutagawa and a younger blonde boy. 
Kunikida stood, scanning over the seats as he spoke. 
“Where is Dazai?” He asked
The boy beside you began to answer before the door swung open revealing the last person you wanted to see. 
“Sorry, Kunikida~” Dazai sang as he strolled into the room, “I was-” He stopped mid-sentence as his eyes locked onto yours. 
“What are you doing here?”
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supernovafeather · 2 years
Ok, I’m back now lol.
So, may I please request a sequel to Sour Reality, in which either even during the pregnancy, Leto still favours Lady Jessica over the reader and then the reader escapes to be with her lover who is willing to take care of the baby and her
The reader and Leto have a slow burn start to their relationship in which at first, they see it as a duty to remain together and then they slowly, but surely fall in love, idk how Lady Jessica will feel about that one though lol
Whatever you can do with it! I’m just very interested in a sequel because your writing is so good
Sorry for the wait, here it is ! 😊
Sour Reality (Part 2)
Leto Atreides x F!Reader
Content : pregnant!reader, mention of past cheating (both), hurt/comfort, nudity, mention of sexual elements.
Thank you for reading please comment and reblog if you liked it ! 😊
Link to PART 1
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It has been strange to see the gazes following you only due to this belly swelling under the fabrics of your clothes. Is their joy at the announcement of your pregnancy directed to you, or to themselves ? After all you getting a child with your husband is reassuring. They have felt the tension raging in your couple, gazes more similar to swords clashing than to love letters.
Leto. From what you know he has turned into a reliable partner. Jessica never came too close to your couple and he didn't tend to disappear anymore to slip in her sheets. Marital duty is possible, at the price of accepting it to be more a display of will to fight than anything else. The best way to start it is by arguing loudly before your mutual inflated egos stop playing with words to to play with each other's bodies.
You. Without pretending to be perfect you see yourself as superior. You are carrying a future child, cheated only once on your husband that betrayed you five times with his former concubine from what he had told you. In bed, you let him take you, staring at the ceiling as you listen to his sighs and your hand in his curls. Yes you love the way he glares at you with a hateful gaze during his thrusts. It changes from the puppy eyes he sends you when you abuse him verbally.
"There is nothing healthy."
Stating the obvious became a habit of his when you lay next to each other in your bed. Leto is not a man that likes to waste his time with that kind of thing but if it can help his House, then he does it. But really, what is it going to change ?
"I know," you answer annoyed in the dark, "I won't fix it. It's impossible."
"I think it is," he whispers, "we are already doing better."
"Yeah listen to us. Wonderful."
He sighs and you take a deep breath as you feel his hand violating your personal space to caress your belly gently.
"I want it to work better before the baby's arrival. Not necessarily full of love between us. But at least for him or her."
"I've promised you I wouldn't use our baby as a weapon against you. I'm not that kind of person misguided with pettiness." You snarl.
Leto retrieves his hand without a word but you can feel him not moving on the mattress. His body must still be turned towards yours. To be honest you miss this peaceful intimacy between you but it's just too much.
"Have you thought of a name ?" He asks.
You open your eyes in the dark, narrowing them as you think of his question.
"No ? Not yet no."
"I've been thinking of a few ones. What about combining some from both of our families ?"
That is not the right moment to discuss about it. Your back hurts, you are exhausted, the food served for dinner was tasteless after hours of craving these precise ingredients. Everything is disappointing, people tend to alternate between admiration for your condition and disdain because they think you can't move at all. And yet, you take another deep breath. Leto is willing to make things work. Try.
"What do you mean by combining names ?"
As you turn your head to his side of the bed you feel the faint breeze of his breath caressing your lips. He must be closer than expected, or leaning towards you.
"First name from one of our ancestors. Middle name from the other's ancestor. So our child can actually identify to both branches and know that despite everything we love him or her."
A lump forms in your throat. Everyday you wonder how beautiful his genuine care and love for his future child would have been in a happy couple. You don't think it comes from any hormonal changes. You are just so tired of constant fights.
"Yes. Sounds great."
"What kind of education would..."
"It's late. I'm not in the mood to talk about education or plan the next two decades." You scoff.
"Sorry. I get it. It's just that I want it to go as smoothly as possible."
He dares to get closer, his warm body embracing yours as you welcome him with your hands caressing his skin blindly. As much as you wish to keep on despising him, this hateful flame got severely weakened at the sight of his multiple attempts to establish a peaceful relationship between you. Of course you have tried too but less.
"No." You say firmly as you rest your hands on his chest. "Stop it."
He freezes and rolls to the side, leaving you alone for now with a silence lasting for a dozen of seconds.
"I'm sorry."
He's weak. He has turned so week now, why couldn't you get married to a stupid egoistic caricatural man, a greedy one that would leave you alone instead of trying to make you feel like you are still a part of his House ? Better know you are here to be used and not to be loved instead of stagnating in this equation that can't be answered.
"Do you love me ?"
Your question gets all his attention. When he sits up the sheets move, and the sound of his palm rubbing his face up and down several times makes you miss those simpler days.
"I do." He says.
"Say the truth."
"Despite what I've done I am not a liar on this kind of things. I love you, I do. I don't know how to show it but it doesn't stop me from trying to express it. And you ? Do you love me ?"
"I do."
A groan escapes your lips as the lights get turned on, your eyes blinking in an irritated reflex as you sit up. It takes you time to acclimate to the sudden brightness. His greying hair is as messy as the way you let it earlier, his plump lips pouting in the middle of his beard. The brown eyes you love so much to drown into are staring. Your nudity doesn't entice him. After so many years spent at focusing on his priorities he is not easily distracted.
"You don't ask me much if I'm ready or not to get touched." You mumble.
"Once you say you love it when I touch your belly without asking, then another time I should not do that, then it's right again, then you complain when I don't do it. Same when I try to take your hand in public. Sometimes you just look at me like you are going to murder me for no reason. I'm lost when it comes to you."
"Betrayal is not something easy to erase from one's memory you know."
"I know how that feels." He says between his clenched teeth.
You look away, ready to argue back before jolting in surprise at the sudden kick coming from the inside of your belly. After ignoring his question you look down at the small bump appearing next to your fingers. This time you cry for good. You can't handle all of that plus your child making his presence known for the first time without involving a medical visit.
"It hurts." You sob as you wait for the next punch. "It's so beautiful he's there."
"What ? You're going to give birth," he asks with a worried voice, "do you feel it already ?"
"No I feel him or her whatever, he punches me like I needed that."
Maybe you like Leto's presence after all as he sits by your side and touches the spots moving under the baby's gestures. If his smile is genuine so are your tears melting joy and mental breakdown.
"I want to sleep tonight I'm so tired." You whine before pressing against Leto's chest. "I love him but I don't want to get kicked from the inside all night I don't like it."
"Is it that horrible ?"
He shuts his mouth at the death glare you send him, and rather than making things worse you tolerate the way he has to "play" with the areas kicked. Is it a foot or a hand that just showed ? You don't know and you don't really care to know. Now your sobs are getting worse, and mostly because you are getting emotional.
"I thought I had lost everything but here you are responding to our child," you sob loudly as Leto tries to embrace you, "why can't I even react normally ?"
"You're normal honey don't worry. You are getting tired, it must hurt. Do you want me to call the doctor ?"
"I need to take a shower and dress first." You mumble.
You got told that having the baby kicking was a matter of days but you never imagined something like this. At least maybe this will be enough to make your relationship easier.
- - -
Thank you for reading please comment and reblog if you liked it ! 😊
@salome-c @stevenngrant @lavenderluna10 @one-hell-of-a-disappointment @dailyreverie @thecursivej @lady-targaryen @general-latino @harrys-tittie @laura-naruto-fan1998 @later-gators12
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valleyrunearchives · 2 years
Weightless (The Leap of a Jade Rabbit)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Chapter 39/?
Midoriya Izuku stopped believing in heroes when a tragedy occurred in his life. When at the tender age of 11, he lost everything that was everything dear to him, everything that was worth living for. Yet he doesn’t give up. He can’t give up. He decides to make a choice instead. No longer will he stand around and wait for the heroes to arrive while a crime goes down. He’ll be his own hero and a hero to those who are just like him. Those waiting for help that will never arrive. In order to do that, though, he’ll have to fight to survive and lie through his teeth. It won’t be so bad!
After all, it’s not like they can bring him in for vigilantism and Illegal Quirk Usage when he doesn’t even have a quirk, right?
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Click here to Read on AO3!
Shouta crosses his arms over his chest and levels an even stare at Nedzu who’s sitting at his desk across from him and Hizashi. The chimera sits calmly while stirring the tea he made for himself. He’s humming like this is a civil chat but Shouta knows better. He has a solid guess as to why their boss called them to his office. He also guesses that it’s making Hizashi sweat through his shirt, which Nedzu is probably enjoying. He does love to make people uncomfortable. Too bad Shouta’s been a part of his game since his high school days so it doesn’t work on him anymore. 
Shouta starts to drum his fingers on his arm semi-impatiently. Honestly, he couldn’t care less if this took all day. But he knows that Nedzu will respond better to the visual of him being impatient. The faster they can convince Nedzu to tell them, the faster they can leave. Which he knows will soothe Hizashi’s nerves. “Alright, spit it out,” He says as if he’s bored.
“Patience is a virtue, Shouta-san,” Nedzu replies, still stirring his tea.
“Patience doesn’t have a child waiting at home, rat.” 
“Oh so now we’ve resorted to rude and childish name calling, have we?” 
“Just like we’ve resorted to you making us wait just so you can get your kicks in?” he snarks back with an evil smirk. This was familiar. A common game they played of back and forth banter and insults. It doesn’t mean anything. Not really. Shouta knows that if Nedzu was truly trying to insult him, he would take a far different approach. 
“Okay, I know you guys are playing your freaky mind game thing or whatever, but can we PLEASE get to the point?! Us normally emotioned people are freaking out here!” Hizashi cries. 
Shouta turns to look at his husband, placing a hand on his shoulder to attempt to calm him down. Them freaking out is exactly what Nedzu wants. Nedzu, predictably, laughs at the outburst. He sets his teacup down and folds his paws with a grin, “My apologies Hizashi-kun. I’m sure you’re both eager to know why you’re both here.”
“Obviously,” Shouta says with an eye roll. 
“Yes, well, I just wanted to call you both here to get your opinion on how to proceed. I’ve gotten the results back of Midoriya-kun’s aptitude test,” Nedzu holds up the stack of papers in question. 
“You did?!” Hizashi asks in shock just as Shouta says, “Knew it.”
Hizashi turns to him sharply, face set in a stern expression. Shouta gets the impression he may have just said the wrong thing. “What,” Hizashi’s voice is firm, “Do you mean ‘knew it?’”
Shouta shrugs, “What? It was kind of obvious. Why else would he have called us both here?”
“Oh was it? Aside from maybe calling us here about our jobs? You know, the one that we both have with him as our boss?” Hizashi argues back. 
“What are you talking about?” Shouta is genuinely confused, “Nedzu never pulls both of us when he wants to discuss anything about our classes or the school. He either does it one on one or as a group in a staff meeting. So logically, the thing he needs to talk to both of us about is our foster child and the only reason he would need to do that is to give us the results of his aptitude test.”
“Oh there you go with your ‘logicals’ again! Y’know some people don’t think that way about everyone they meet and weren’t trained by a super genius to read all the ‘logical possibilities’ of a situation! Some of us actually have anxieties about things like when their boss calls them and says that they need to have an ‘important discussion’ with them!” 
“Zashi,” Shouta sighs, rubbing at his consistently dry eyes, “Please, let’s not have this argument. Especially not right now.” 
“Oh? Why not now?” Hizashi asks testily. 
Shouta makes a quick motion towards said boss who’s watching them amusedly. “Please, don’t let me interrupt! This is so much fun to watch!” Nedzu says with a happily swaying tail.
Hizashi flushes with embarrassment before glaring at Shouta, “We’re talking about this later.”
“Yeah, I think we need to,” Shouta agrees before addressing Nedzu again, “So what do you need to talk to us about with Izuku’s aptitude test?”
“Well it’s actually quite astounding,” He passes the packet of papers to Hizashi to let him read them first as he explains, “I had thought there would be at least a small amount of things that Midoriya-kun would be behind about. Something like a science where hands-on learning would’ve been a must. Surprisingly, I was completely incorrect. Not only is Midoriya-kun caught up in his current grade level, he is actually far ahead of said grade level.”
“Really?” Shouta can only blink in shock. He knew the kid was smart. Every one of the teachers in UA did. But he didn’t think he would be at that level. 
“Indeed. With his level of intellect, he could be ready to go into high school with just a few remedial classes.”
That catches Hizashi’s attention, causing him to lower the papers to stare wide-eyed at his boss, “What? High school? Already?” 
“Yes. He could be high school ready in half a year’s time. That’s what I wanted your opinion on how to proceed about. Do we go ahead and get him the remedial classes then let him go into high school early? Or do we wait so he’ll be with his same grade level when he gets to high school age? He could take that time to recuperate after his time being homeless and a vigilante while also using the free time to meet more heroes with Fat Gum. But I fear he may reach a point of boredom. Going into high school early may fix that problem. It’s entirely up to you two as his foster parents though.”
He and Hizashi share a look and he can tell they’re thinking the same thing. He crosses his arms over his chest again, “It’s not up to us. Not entirely. We’ll need to take the time to talk to Izuku about what he wants.”
“We can’t, in good conscience, make a decision for him about this if the risk is his unhappiness. We’ll speak with him about it tonight and get back to you as soon as he tells us what he wants to do,” Hizashi adds. 
“Understandable,” Nedzu nods, “You two are shaping up to be truly fantastic parents. I’m pleased Midoriya-kun has you both after the hard life he’s led so far. Discuss it with him and let me know. But please let him know that he doesn’t have to rush to make a decision if he needs time to think about it. I’m not going anywhere and we have time before one has to be made.” 
Oddly generous of him but Shouta’s not going to look a gift rat in the mouth. He knows Izuku will appreciate the extra time to think about it. Kid runs through every scenario his apparently genius mind can come up with to make the best decision for himself and those around him. He has a hard time making his mind up about things that make him happy, however. A side effect of going so long with very few people caring about his overall happiness. He and Hizashi are slowly breaking him of it. He actually asked them to pay for a train ticket for his friend he met to come down and see him. They were so proud of him for doing so! 
Shouta and Hizashi both give Nedzu a farewell. He sends them on their way with a returned one and the aptitude test for them to take home to Izuku. He tells them it’s just a copy of the actual test and results anyway. Shouta suggests as they head out of the office that they make some of Izuku’s favorites for dinner and broach the topic after. Hizashi agrees and also makes a comment that after that conversation is done, they’re talking about their little argument from earlier. Shouta agrees but secretly hopes it won’t end up with him sleeping on the couch tonight. Hizashi wouldn’t be that cruel… would he? 
It hits him that yes he probably would. Hizashi was dramatic and petty enough for it. Shouta should really watch what he says during that conversation. Maybe he can sneak and get some chocolates delivered while Hizashi is cooking dinner. Hopefully, that will appease him enough to at least save him his spot in the bed. Hopefully…
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vquacki · 3 years
It's My Fatherly Duties!
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It's My Fatherly Duties!
Short DAD Scenarios 
Characters: BONTEN - Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo
~ Inui Seishu, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, 
~ Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Warning ⚠︎︎ : Mature content, cussing, MINORS DNI
Note : requested, I added some characters. Hope ya don’t mind! These are pretty short, just little things I put together. Word barf kinda..? Anyways- I hope you enjoy :))
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R I N D O U 
His lashes fluttered open when he heard a loud crash coming from the hallway, along with a string of cuss words sounding like his daughter's voice. 
“What the hell was that?” You groaned, not a single word was uttered from your husband when he sprung out of bed, bolting to the bedroom down the corridor.
“Tohru?!” Rindou yelled, flinging open the door. Revealing your teenage daughter fully dressed, half way through her second story window. A facade of pillows under her blanket seeminging meant to be her ‘sleeping body’.
“Oh dad, I-”
“What the hell are you doing” The man was fuming by the ears, pajamas ruffled when he jolted out of his slumber. 
“Is Tohru okay?” You peeked from behind the broad shouldered man. 
“I was just going to get fresh air!” Your daughter lied, making up a somewhat excuse to appease her angered father. 
“Hey Tohru! Hurry up and get down here!” You heard a boy's voice call out, looking over at Rindou’s face to see the man's darkened expression.
“Who the fuck is down there? Is that a boy?!” He growled, stomping his feet over to the glass. Pushing past his daughter to take a look. 
“Oh shit- her dads here. Let’s book it!” The kids whispered, but loud enough for Rindou to make out, hastily running down the dark street. 
“You little shits! Don't you dare come back here!” Rindou growled, slamming the window shut in the process. 
“What! Dad!” Tohru whined, 
“You're so grounded young lady!” Rindou shouted, not caring for the sleeping neighbors beside his shared condo at three in the morning. 
“Rin, she was just having some fun!” You defended, you were also like her when you were her age, trouble makers run in your blood. Actually Rindou couldn't even talk- he was running roppongi at her age.  
“No! She's just too young to be hanging out with boys!” Rindou’s brows joined together as he withered in front of you. 
“But we dated when we were her age-” You deadpanned at him, 
“Grounded! My final answer!” 
R A N  
Ran was coming home from a late night bonten meeting, mouth agape when he saw his daughter’s feet dangling out from her window. 
Fearing the worst he sprinted to the ground below his child, hands outstretched to catch her if she were to misstep. 
“Mitsuri!” His voice boomed,
“Eh? Dad?!” His daughter stuttered, slowly slid out the window, climbing down like she had done this many times prior to this awkward occurrence. 
Toes easily touching the grass with ease, not a scratch upon the females porcelain skin. 
“Ran?” You yawned, cracking the door ajar. It was late, you waking up to your husband's screams outside your house. 
“Mitsuri, what are you doing climbing out your window like a maniac?!” Ran scowled, hands running through his messed up hair. Sweat dripping down his temple from the not so pleasant adrenaline rush. 
“I was just gonna hang out with some friends..” your daughter answered, fingers gripping the edge of her shirt, scarily waiting for her dad’s reaction. 
“At this time of night? .. out your window?”
“Phone privileges. Give me it.” Ran demanded, palm stretched out. 
“But-” no question she was a tad bit spoiled by her father. You being the bad cop, while your husband played the good cop for his beloved daughter. 
“If you want to go anywhere all you got to do is ask!” Ran plucked the phone from his daughter's hand, a wave of relief washing over him. Secretly thanking whatever being watching over him that it wasn't some sort of gang related subject. 
“This is what you get for spoiling her!” You laughed from the sidelines, hand clutching your stomach.
“This is your fault too ya know!” Ran argued. 
“I’m the one who tries to discipline her! But someone always lets it go!” You emphasized the special somebody. 
“Whatever” Ran sighed, This was a lesson for the usual carefree man, a special lesson he wouldn't forget in the many years to come with his unborn future children. 
S A N Z U 
It was Sanzu’s best day of his life when his daughters were born, the two only being about one year apart. They were spoiled to the core, anything they wanted their money liberl father blessed them with. He thought they were the sweetest things ever, them both being a daddy's girl after all. 
He never would have expected to see both of his daughters outside his humble abode, standing beside two boys, most likely a double date. 
He stared in shock, hands pressed firmly against the glass, teeth gritting. 
“Huh? I tucked them into bed an hour ago” You rubbed your eyes, riding yourself of the sleepiness threatening to drown you. The pink haired only tutted his teeth, swifty twisting the door knob to confront the four children outside. 
“Oh you better run” your oldest daughter whispered, gesturing for the boys to make haste from her deadly father. 
“You better not come back here, unless you want trouble you fuckers!” Sanzu yelled, red in the eyes from anger. Not bothering to chase after the two scoundrels. 
“Dad, mom! What are you guys doing awake?” Your youngest asked, sheer panic in her eyes, watching her insane fathers unpleasant smile. 
“I swear you two will be the death of me” Sanzu uttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A irked gleen in his orbs as he stared them down. 
“They were just friends dad, stop overreacting” the older daughter said, 
“I- You little shi-” He bit his lip to suppress his anger fueled words, knowing well it would definitely hurt his precious children's feelings. Having regretted it later if he were to say those sinful words. 
“Now now Sanzu, let's head to bed” You wrapped your arms around your lover, dragging him inside the house. 
“You can sort out their punishment tomorrow, after a good night's sleep” , coating him with reassuring words. That day he learned how misjudged he was of his children, even so he still loved them with all his heart.
I Z A N A 
Izana had his feet kicked up, relaxing in his office while he watched the moon. He had a clear view, the street lamps positioned next to the sidewalk, the side of his beautiful house facing his office window. He was enjoying his free time, mind taking over his body while he thought about his life choices. He was in ease until he saw his son's window light up, a long string of rope being tossed out the opening. 
Sitting up from his chair, he rushed over to his clear casement. Throwing his window open, a boy and girl standing beneath his son's window. The two holding the rope still as your child tried to slid down. 
“My my Yuki, where are you off to?” Izana laughed, nerves finally relaxing when he figured out what was going on. Calmly settling into the frame, head leaning on his chin. It wasn't like he had the right to be upset, he did much worse when he was his son's age. Robbing, fighting, killing. You name it, Izana’s done it. 
Sneaking out was nothing compared to what he did, but he wasn't gonna just let his son go. He was more wise now, he knew for a fact he didn't want his son to end up anything like him. Sure, he wanted the boy to have fun, but in a normal kid way. 
“Dad! Um- I”
“You better get your arse back up that window before I drag you around with that rope” Izana smiled, Totally different from the sentence he was portraying. Not forgetting his manners, giving a nonchalant wave to the other two kids. 
“Zana? Who are you talking to?” You asked, placing a cup of tea you had prepared for Izana on his desk. 
“Oh no one doll” Izana answered, closing the window before walking over to you. 
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He proposed, trailing his hands around your shoulders, guiding you to the door.
“But the tea I made”
“Im tired~” 
Overall the male wouldn't want to talk further about the situation, nor would he discuss it with you. Trivial matters held no place between you both, as long as the child did not dare do it again. 
I N U I 
Inui wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, the AC wasnt working at the motor shop. Him, draken and yourself were sweating bullets, the hot material around you not helping. You had decided to help the pair around the shop, cleaning what you could. Or helping with cashing every customer out, it would've been an easy task if it wasn't blazing hot. 
Leaving your daughter home alone, obviously thinking she’d stay and do her teenage things. You couldn't be more mistaken, astounded as you watched her fiddle around with a boy across the street at the ice cream parlor. 
“Y/N please don't tell me that Kagura..” Inui’s jaw dropped, the wrench that was once in his clasp dropping to the ground. Startling the concentrating Draken that was crouched over a motorbike. 
“What's wrong Inui? Y/N” Draken twisted his body around, raising a brow when you two just started muttering to each other like two creeps. 
“Is that... a boy” Inui held his chin between his fingers, squinting to get a better view of his kid. 
“You trying to catch flies with your mouth Inui? Close your yap” You whispered, 
“Y/N! She's too young, I feel like I just held her in my arms not too long ago. She can't get married just yet!” Inui argued, he would've been on the verge of tears if he didn't have a reputation to uphold. 
“What? The fuck are you on Inui? She's probably just with a friend!” You patted his back, reassuring the man. 
“Boys and girls can be friends ya’know” you added.
Cueing the two children across the road from you, feeding scoops of ice cream to each other.
“I don't think friends do that..” Inui looked over at you, eyes widening when you swung the motor shop’s door open. Hands coming around your mouth to amplify your words,
“Kagura, is that your boyfriend?” 
“WHAT?” Inui almost fainted, the ledge behind him holding his wobbly frame up right. 
“I didn't know you guys would be here!” Your daughter jogged across the street, leaving the boy sitting by himself. 
“And no! Just a friend” She answered your embarrassing, blushing as she stared down at the ground.,
“I sense some lies” you wiggled playfully at the flustered girl. 
“What! Anyways, Sorry I left the house without telling you” Kagura apologized, 
“Just don't do it again, without my permission..” Inui stated, 
“Especially not with a boy.”
Bribing people is his forte, and if they did not obliged? Threatening always did the trick. 
And that's exactly what he did when he saw his descendant out with a male. All was dandy until the boy came running back, babbling about how his girl was the so called ‘love of his life’.
“Hey brat, you got a death wish?” Kokonoi asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“Koko go easy on him, he’s just a kid” You nudged the man, a mischievous grin plastered on the males face. 
“And I kinda think it's cute” You said, a small smile erupting from your daughter that was not so far behind her parents. 
“I approve, kid! I like your romantic drive!” You clapped, 
“Y/N!” Kokonoi pouted, 
“You better not try to bribe him with money again” You threatened, waving a finger at the whiny man. 
“Yeah! I like him too, dad!” Your daughter agreed. 
“You're like twelve, go play chess or something” Kokonoi barked, crossing his arms in disapproval. 
“Dad, I'm sixteen!” 
“That's what I said” 
S O U Y A 
He almost had a panic attack at the sight, having to shield the man from the scene playing out. Your twin daughter saying their goodbyes to their dates, followed by a kiss. You removed your hand when the boys were no longer in view, riding off in their motorcycles. 
“Shira, Nihra” You held Souya up by the shoulder, the light headed male limping towards the worried kids.
“What's wrong with dad?” Nihra questioned, eyeing her ghostly pale father. 
“He's out of it” You giggled, 
“I'm not crazy am i?” He stood tall, letting go of the arm you had draped around him. 
“There was boys-” His voice cracked. 
“You saw that dad?” Shira sweat dropped, watching as her fathers should leave his body. 
“Next time ask before you go out” You smiled, you weren't too strict on the two. They were Souya’s children, earning most of their adorable traits from him. Even his fighting skills. 
“This better not happen again, i'm trusting you” Souya grumbled.
“Sorry pops” The two girls remorsefully sollied the man, both hooking onto one of Souya’s arms as they helped his shell into the house. 
N A H O Y A 
Nahoya was beyond pissed, infamous smile widening. Taking fast steps towards your daughter and her significant other. 
“Look boy, I don't know who you are. But my daughters not up for grabs” Nahoya grinned, cracking his fingers. 
“O-okay sir” the boy was jittering, body trembling from the males intense arua. 
“If I catch ya here again” he used his finger to slash his neck, motioning to the death that would happily greet the boy if they were to ever meet again.
“Yer dead meat kiddo”  Nahoya laughed, watching as the boy ran for his life. 
“Dad, that was really extra!” Your daughter sneered, a pout on her lips. 
“Shut up!, you're grounded rat!” Nahoya shouted. 
“Yeah Nahoya, there was no need to threaten the poor kid. He looked like he was gonna piss himself.” 
“Exactly the effect i wanted”
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End Note : as I said this was a word barf T-T, so it’s quite short.
Reblogs & Notes are always appreciated! Take care! ♡︎♡︎
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Loves the story about being Amelia younger sister. Can this came to my mind could you pretty please make this a reality lol. So the reader is Amelia and dereks younger sister ( obviously lol) and she gets sick. But she doesn’t want them to know because they will overreact. So without her telling them that she is sick she ends up getting worse and ends up in the hospital, just for Amelia and Derek to find out . Does that make sense. This came to me late at night lol. Thank you:)
For a few days your well being in your body had been lost. From an initial exhaustion and fatigue, for which you had perceived stress as the main cause to slightly stinging in the chest and body aches that you only stamped as tiredness of the last week, there was a lot going at university; lectures until late in the evening, answering 80 quiz questions daily on top of your homework so that you don't forget what you have learned and the tests you had to write in what felt like every subject you could possibly have.
It was almost midnight when you started to finish up your work. You were the only one in this house, at least you thought so, who was still awake to do things that had no time to be postponed.
"You look pale," did you hear your sisters voice and startled for a second out of shock before you looked at the clock for the 10th time this minute and slowly began to collect the papers and pens from the brown coffee table."Is everything okay?"
You just nodded a 'yes', not even bothering to talk out of feeling sick, and got up from your chair to pile up the papers in the back of the table when a wave of dizziness caught up with you and you used your hands to support yourself. "Just totally stressed." you mumbled as you felt a worrying glance and a hand on your back.
Slowly your vision returned to normal, you picked up your things into your arms and turned to Amelia who was standing right behind you. With an attempted smile, you squeezed past her and walked up the stairs. "I'm good."
Before you went to bed, you stole a pill from the bathroom cabinet and disappeared. -It is just a little cold- you thought.
"Y/N Shepard, 22 years young." the paramedic called as soon as the doors were opened from the ambulance and he pulled out the stretcher and got out himself. "According to first responders, she passed out while she was about to order a coffee.. Mild sinus tachycardia, blood pressure is low. Temperature is 102,38°F"
You became conscious before the ambulance arrived, but the people around you didn't agree to let you go and wanted to have you examined and now you were here, the attempt to escape from the mess was unsuccessful.
A little confused, you looked around and saw the faces of Owen and Meredith. Almost immediately, before the blonde could even say something, you cut her out. "Don't tell Amy and Derek."
She stroked your hair and looked at you confused and worried. She didn't understood why you wanted to keep your ambulance arrival a secret from your siblings. Even if she had a medical confidentiality obligation towards her patients, she had to tell her sister in law and husband. They were your family.
She nodded to Owen and he understood immediately that he should beep both of them on their pagers. As soon as he disappeared, Meredith pushed you into one of the examination rooms and started to look you up and down.
"Why don't you want the two of them to know?" she asked cautiously while placing some adhesive stickers on your chest and hanging you on a machine. "You know exactly how they are as soon as I am sick. Overprotective - and that is annoying. I am not a little kid anymore."
She stopped moving and looked at you. Her hands found their way onto your shoulder and squeezed them once just before she sat down in front of you and looked deep into your eyes. "They are your siblings, Y/N. Be glad that you have someone who cares about you."
She stopped for a short time and looked at your heart rate on the monitor before turning to you a little worried, adapting a blood pressure cuff on your arm, waiting for the results to show up on her chart. "You have cardiac arrhythmia. Have you had a cold lately?"
"No, I've just been pretty tired and exhausted. I also had a slight sting in my chest once in a while but thought it came from my stomach; I haven't been eating particularly well lately."
"What were you thinking by not telling us that you are not feeling well? You don't have three doctors at your home around the clock for nothing!" said Derek a little louder, his face flashed red like a tomato.
When he got the news, he immediately ran down to the emergency room, fearing the worst. He was pissed of when he saw you lying there and he was even angrier when he had to hear every information from Meredith that she had found out and what she suspected. "And that's exactly why I didn't want you to know. You always overdo it!"
"Y/N, heart muscle inflammation is not a joke! If you had carried off the crap and hadn't passed out in the cafe, it could all have been worse than just a few needle sticks and a comfortable hospital bed!" he shouted in disbelief as his hands clenched into a fist and the knuckles were already turning white at the strength of his nervousness which he underpinned by pacing back and forth in front of your bed.
He didn't understand how you wanted to become a doctor but couldn't listen to your own body. It was impossible for him to understand how you could let it get this far. Derek asked for an answer, but you didn't feel like arguing with him anymore so you just stood silent; you were too tired and exhausted to continue this discussion.
You knew it was a fatal mistake, but you couldn't change and jump back in time either.
Just before Derek wanted to let his anger run free again, Amelia, who had previously been quiet, had stood in front of him and gave him an urgent look and some slight knocks on his now crossed arms. "You go now and calm down. The shouting doesn't help anyone here and I don't think the whole hospital has to know our family issues." he bit his lip and looked between you and your sister before he disappeared, but not without slamming the door behind him.
Startled, you let yourself fall back on the pillow, put your arm over your forehead and closed your eyes. You knew you messed up big time. "I'm sorry, Amelia."
"You should have told us, then you might not be here and have to stay for observation." she said calmly, unlike your brother and started moving towards the side of your bed where Amelia sat down on the chair that was already standing next to it and gently stroked the back of your head.
Amelia understood why you hadn't said anything, she had gone through the same with him too. But on the other hand, she could understand Derek. It also hurt her that you hadn't mentioned anything and that you didn't let her help you. "From now on, no more secrets, understand? I don't want to have this horrible feeling in my stomach when I get a message like that ever again. When you are in pain then let one of us know, regardless of whether you think it is a cramped muscle or not."
"You are so over caring." you said annoyed and rolled your eyes.
You knew it was in their nature to react like that, but as a young adult you couldn't understand that exactly this small gesture showed how important you were to a person. You just found it annoying.
"At some point in your life, you will think back to that moment and judge it completely different. Maybe we are far too caring now, later you will perhaps be grateful to us for it and understand why we do this." she sighed.
"We do this because we love you and we don't ever want to lose you."
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a-simple-imagine · 3 years
Missing Pieces
synopsis: Ajak tells you the truth about who she is and what’s about to happen when an unexpected guest makes an appearance
pairing: ajak (Marvel’s Eternals) x reader
words: 4.7k
WARNING - minor violence, blood, self harm, angst and arguing and talks of the end of the world. Eternals spoilers obviously
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the clock reads three when the mattress dips beside you, pulling you from a light slumber. your body seems to know it's too early as it refuses to let your eyes stay open. you don't put up much of a fight to try and stay conscious. however, you just can't seem to drift back off knowing she was just perched on the edge of the bed. something must be weighing heavy on her mind. it felt almost rude to ask like you'd be invading her privacy. but what kind of partner would you be if you didn't? you were supposed to be there for her when she needed you. however, if she had wanted to discuss the matter surely she would have brought it up. as of late, ajak had frequently disappeared in the dead of night. Where she goes? you had no clue. There were odd nights, where you caught her through the bedroom window going for late-night rides. you could never bring yourself to mention it, instead, you just let it happen. Returning to bed like it never even happened. Whenever the question of her feelings was brought up, she had always insisted she was fine. but how fine could she truly be?
Rolling onto your side, you gaze upon the silhouette of your lover bathed in what little moonlight peaked in through the blinds that hung on by a string. for weeks you had mentioned getting them fixed and yet, they remained. each day a step closer to demise.
"are you okay?" voice sp quiet, you're not even convinced she can hear you. maybe some part of you hoped she wouldn't so you could just go back to bed. Ajak would eventually just lay down too. She always did. "it's late,"
"Did I wake you?" She had and so you nod against the silk of the pillow despite her being unable to see.
"it's okay though," Pulling to duvet closer to your chest, you snuggle against the pillow. Your eyes flutter closed once more willing yourself to return to the ignorant bliss of slumber. "why don't you come back to bed, ajak? you need to rest."
"We need to talk," Eyes slowly open once more.
"Right now?"
"Yes. Now."
"Ajak, it's late..." Falling to your back, your stretch your limbs far and wide in search of relief. a satisfying groan tumbles from your lips. it was hard to understand her motivation here? so many nights sent wandering over the hills only to return as if nothing had happened? why the sudden desire to discuss it now? "can't this wait 'til mornin'?"
"Please?" An unexpected amount of softness behind such a demand forced you to take notice. Throwing off the duvet, you crawl the length of the bed and approach the woman from behind. Two arms slip around her waist as you lay your head upon her bony shoulder.
"what's up?" whispered in her ear and your eyelids fall once more. The two of you soak in the comfort of each other's embrace awaiting some kind of intrusion. Ajak seemed reluctant to start while you were too tired to pressure her. The steady rhythm to her breathing was like a lullaby luring you back to sleep so you decide against waiting around. "I'm going back to sleep," a peck on the cheek, you begin to unravel only for ajak to stop you; taking hold of your right hand, she raises it to her lips.
"you are precious to me." Murmured against your skin. It tickled a little.  
"I love you too ajak," a huff of a laugh, obstructed by a long-overdue yawn. There was not a moment in your relationship that you had come to doubt, Ajak's affection towards you. She was rather a poetic individual who was rather fond of sharing her feelings... most of the time. The woman never missed an opportunity to express her love. Nevertheless, was that really a good enough reason to have wake you up at near four in the morning? Surely, she wasn't drifting through the night thinking about her love for you. "can we... go back to bed, now?"
"I've been lying to you." Such an abrupt confession sliced through the serene ambience that had settled over the two of you. There were many things that Ajak could be referring to here. You could try and guess but that felt insensitive. Unravelling yourself from her, you settle back against your knees. It did not seem like she was going to continue without some kind of prompt. "okay?"
"I've been lying to everyone." Ajak manoeuvres herself so that she can look to you but only half a turn so she does not have to face you head-on. An indication of guilt that she had already admitted to it. "The world is coming to an end."
The world is coming to an ending? Oddly, that was not the first time you had heard such a declaration. You are certain everyone has heard it at one point or another. Whether that be through crazy conspiracies that lay deep in the depths of the internet or kids running around on the playground counting down the days. The world was a dangerous place. You vividly remember watching the news as aliens attacked new york. There was evil spread far and wide. Thanos had perhaps come the closest, however, he had never sought the destruction of the planet. The blip was not an event you liked to relieve. It occasionally haunted your dreams; a memory you longed to forget. The avengers brought everyone back but the emotional toll was heavy. Even coming from Ajak, a woman you deeply trusted, it sounded like a lie. The casual nature of the confession felt more like she had fallen down the conspiracy theory pipeline to which you lacked the energy to explain the dangers. "Uh.." where to begin? "I'm gonna need more of an explanation than that?"
"You're aware of Doctor Strange? Spider-man? Thor?" Everyone was aware of the existence of superheroes. It was kind of hard not to be when their faces were plastered everywhere. News shows. Memorials for fallen heroes. A musical in their honour.
"Sure, I'm aware," A quick shrug of your shoulders, you reach for the bedside table to switch on the lamp. Wishing to see her expression in a clear light. "are you trying to tell me you're a superhero? because that would be awesome- can you fly? or control things with your mind?" You do not mean to sound like you're making fun of her. You are not. Rather the idea was exciting putting all the dangerous stuff aside, dating an avenger would be quite cool.
"I'm what's known as an Eternal."
"An Eternal," Were you supposed to be familiar with Eternals? Were they common on earth? Sounded cool but not a superhero you were familiar with "What's an Eternal?"
"They're immortal beings sent across galaxies to protect its inhabitants from Deviants." Eternals. Deviants. Was Ajak simply making this up as she went along? It should be easier to believe her when there are living gods walking the earth but it was not. She sounded insane. Plus what even was a deviant? This was all feeling like too much for your tired brain to process right now.
"and... what's a deviant exactly?"
"Creatures that feed on intelligent life forms," She turns to look at you, her expression hard to read. "we came here seven thousand years ago to protect humanity."
"Seven thousand years ago," You repeat as if it'd make more sense coming from your own lips than hers. it didn't. "how old does that make you?"
"I've existed for millions of years,"
"millions?" You sounded surprised, which admittedly you were but thinking on it, that may come across as rude. "sorry, I just- I've never met anyone that old. That's like ancient" that didn't come out how you wanted at all.
"Ancient?" A quirk of a brow, her lip curled just slightly into an amused smile.
"My god no, I didn't mean it like that- I mean... you don't look a day over a million." an awkward chuckle forces its way up your throat. An attempt to mediate the situation seemed to work as Ajak's smile grew. In what world had calling your partner old been a good idea? And not just old but ancient. You called her ancient.
"Amazing what a little moisturiser can do," Was that a joke? she must really be going through it. You watch as her smile fades alongside the warmth behind her eyes. Her gaze cast downward as she fiddled with her hands. It would take time to process such a confession; you were not entirely sure you believed her. However, this was not the grande reveal you thought it was going to be. You had been expecting some sinister reveal. Sure, the world was ending or whatever but you were still somewhat convinced that was a lie.
"Is that what you were so scared to tell me?" You inquire in search of any kind of confirmation that you could go back to bed now. "you're some immortal being that fights big monsters?"
"yes and no."
For someone who was normally so straightforward, Ajak was being painfully obtuse. Never telling the full story, instead, she was giving you bits and pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle. And who wanted to solve a puzzle at what was now four in the morning. "why tell me this now?"
"because the end is fast approaching." You cannot help but roll your eyes a little. Not this nonsense again.
"Ajak. I love you- I really do but you sound crazy," With a heavy sigh, you pull back the covers once more to shuffle back in. "this could have waited. the world has been ending every year since I was a kid."
"you don't believe me," More of a statement than a question but you take it as a question regardless.
"It's just hard to believe when you're making so many grand reveals. It all sounds a little made up," The covers rest against your hips. Your head falls back to rest against the wall all while keeping your heavy eyes fixed on Ajak. "would you just believe me if I said I was spider-man and the world was gonna end tomorrow? No. Because it's ridiculous and made up so can we please sleep now?"
You had never imagined your night would be spent pleading with Ajak to let you sleep. A soft sigh feels the air. Is she upset by your disbelief? You were unwilling to reassure her. You couldn't. As much as you loved her, you were not willing to just accept whatever crazy nonsense she spouts. If she wanted to believe it, that was completely fine. You could discuss it at a later date; tomorrow perhaps but right now, sleeping seemed like the best option. And your drowsiness was wearing off. The creak of the beside drawer has you life your head, Ajak reaches inside. In the dim light, you struggle to see what she's holding but you quickly realise it's a pen. a black fountain pen that lives in the draw; it is hardly ever used. Without hesitation, she pulls off the cap and forces it through the palm of her hand and doesn't even flinch. It doesn't even seem to phase her. "What the fuck?" With wide eyes, you shoot up off the wall. That certainly woke you up. "What the fuck?" Then she pulls it out like it's nothing. She makes a show of holding up her hand before your very eyes. It's a small slash right in the middle with a single drop of blood trickling down to her wrist in an uneven line. The room brightens in an unearthly warm glow that you come to find is emitting from her hand as she waves it over the other and the cut just... disappears. "...ajak."
"I have the ability to heal," How very fitting of such a caring individual. "I was not lying about being an Eternal and I'm not lying about the end of the world."
"I... don't know what to say."
Ajak moves onto the bed, sitting across from you. You believe her now but her solemn expression doesn't change as she meets your gaze just briefly. After a minute, you break eye contact looking at your feet that were hidden below the duvet. You wiggle them but you can't see any movement. "there's more to the story, do you wish for me to continue?"
Part of you wants to say no. If it really was the end of the world then did you want to know the details? would it not have been better to have been left in the dark? To not spend the last of your days worrying about what was to come while knowing there is nothing you can do. You're no superhero after all. No Eternal either. Just a boring old human. "How long do we have left?"
"One week."
so little time left, it seemed pointless that she was sharing the news now. You didn't know whether to be sad that the world was ending or mad that she's been sitting on this secret? lying to you the entire time. "why are you telling me this, ajak?"
"It's complicated," because that was a good explanation. "why have you worried when there is nothing you can do?"
Your brow furrows. "then why bother now?"
"It felt only right to tell you the truth,"
"Why not tell the avengers? they stopped Thanos, maybe they could have helped here- prevented this." How impressive it was to have a group of people come together and bring millions of people back into existence. That was a massive feat. This seemed like the kind of news they would benefit from more than you possibly could.
"They couldn't," Her head shakes every so slowly from side to side. "The  birth of a celestial does not compare."
Yet another thing you were unfamiliar with. A celestial? Your back falls back against the wall, your head following in suit. So many new revelations, you may as well let her continue at this point. It couldn't possibly get worse. "continue your story, ajak. may as well hear the rest, not sure I could sleep now anyway."
"Eternals came to earth seven thousand years ago to protect humanity from deviants but that wasn't the true goal," Eyes fall on Ajak once more. Say so plainly at the end of the bed. Looking to you like she just murdered your puppy and she was now delivering the news. Every move of her brow. The twitch of her lips. It was most noticeable when she couldn't bear to look at you anymore. "for millions of years we have helped in bring celestials into this world at the detriment of entire planets. it's what we were created to do."
her words swirl in your head like a fresh fog gracing a new morning. A struggle to see where this continued confession fit into the puzzle. Ajak had been the one to express her feelings towards you first but she had been living with the knowledge that the world would come to a premature end. Even if she couldn't have predicted when she still knew. "so you came here to ensure its destruction..." you weren't exactly questioning her motive. It simply seemed outlandish. If her goal was to bring the world to an end then where did you fit into that? Dare to spend time with you knowing the end would come sooner rather than later. Were you just a pass time for her? Something to satisfy her time while she helped deliver the end? Nothing more than entertainment. "to end it all." Ajak doesn't respond but you don't need her to. She had already admitted to it. It was just hard to comprehend that your relationship meant nothing. "really giving Thanos a run for his money."
"To birth a new celestial" she corrects.
"by destroying the earth and killing billions of people." You fire back. It didn't matter if it was to create a new celestial or whatever, she was still helping in destroying a planet full of people. humans could be annoying but that didn't mean they all deserved to die. You didn't deserve to just die.
"Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it," ajak says after a moment, a hand coming to rest on the duvet above your leg. It draws your attention quite easily as you can feel ajak watching you.
"What about us?" your voice but a whisper into the night
"What about us?" You snap this time. Hadn't meant to but it seemed you were a little angrier than expected. Pent up feelings rearing their ugly head.
"us?" She appears almost confused.
"Yes Ajak, us," the anger was hard to hide as much as you were trying. "You knew this was gonna happen the entire time you've been on earth- the entire time we've been together." Were you telling her or explaining the situation to yourself? "I'm a human- I'll die too."
"just let me fin-"
"no," You growl. "it's pretty shitty to live this life with me when you knew- you knew what was coming. Was this all just some joke to you?"
"Of course not,"
Piercing eyes lock on hers. A visible frown. "then what?"
Such a heavy sigh, it was like she was unloading years of guilt all at once. "I have followed Arishem word for many lifetimes but this planet... I've witnessed countless wars yet, this is the first planet to surprise me. Truly surprise me. There is so much anger and hatred here but you also create freely and love deeply. The people of this planet managed to bring half the population back, which is... extraordinary. Humanity is remarkable." It was weird to hear her talk about humanity like she wasn't part of it. You now knew she wasn't human but still. "and then there's you. never part of the plan but something I wanted for myself. someone who wasn't here to follow orders but because they wanted to be. It changed... so much for me." Ajak wears a sad smile that's soothing in a way. You're not as angry hearing her talk about how much she appreciates being among people. "And If I speak with the others, maybe we can figure out a way to stop this."
"Stop what?"
"Stop the birth," Ajak continues. "give humanity longer to live. And to thrive."
"Wouldn't that go against everything you've been working on for thousands of years?"
"yes," she nods just once. "but maybe it's worth it. You're worth it."
"i... you can't be serious?" the concept of the end was a lot but the thought of Ajak trying to stop it just for you? That was another story entirely. you didn't want to be responsible for that. The fate of the universe shouldn't lay on ajak proving herself to you.
"You don't think we should stop it?"
"Not just for me, no. I'm not gonna live forever like you, it'd be a waste."
"That is not true."
"It is though," You nod quickly. "I don't think it's fair of you to put that on me,"
"i think you misunderstand," Ajak shuffles closer to you. It's not like you can back away even if you want to. "it is not your decision to make but mine and the rest of the Eternals. You're not the sole reason for my decision but rather the most selfish."
"...where are the others?"
"different places across the globe."
"so you're gonna go find them?"
The other woman shrugs. "We can at least try to prevent this."
"For what it's worth, I'm glad you changed your mind." There wasn't much else you could think of to say. It was just a lot of information at once adding to the foggy feeling in your head. so many pieces all laid out for you but you had no clue where to start. A low groan slipped out and you slid down the wall. Settling in beneath the duvet once more, laying back down against the pillow. "can we go back to sleep or is there still more?"
"You can sleep," Minutes fly by before Ajak finally switches off the light and lays down beside you. The silence feels extra lonely this evening. So close and yet so far apart. Perhaps it was best to just forget what was shared? Pretend that everything was normal. At least then you wouldn't feel like the world was collapsing around you. "I'd understand if you hate me now."
Her voice is uncharacteristically meek. Tossing over, you meet the brown locks of her head. So many emotions were washing over you but hatred certainly wasn't one of them. "I could never hate you," you answer inaudibly, encircling her in your arms once again. "you are... everything to me." A tender kiss upon the back of her head. "I think I just need some time to process." Nothing left to say, you lay together until you drift off once again.
a delayed start to the day after such a delayed night's rest. Ajak was gone when you wake up but she had just been downstairs at the kitchen table. A coffee cup in hand. Breakfast spread out. Was this her attempt at making it up to you or could she just not handle the guilt of being next to you? The feelings hung deep in your chest but you push them aside in favour of a smile. Warm and bright, if not a little too tired. Thankful for the food she had so graciously cooked. Should you bring up last night is all that's on your mind as you join her. You do, eventually, bring it up. Just as you're finishing up. Ajak sits and listens but has nothing to say. And so you go for a ride like nothing had happened.
Being out on the horses is enough to clear your head. It makes you less angry. Less hostile. It opened up a dialogue and in all honesty, you had so many questions.
"So if I broke my arm right now, could you fix it?"
she nods a little.
"what if somebody chopped off my leg?"
"Why would somebody chop off your leg?"
a quick shrug. "I don't know- hypothetically."
"Then sure. Should you lose a limb, I can heal you."
"wait, you remember that time we were riding and I got thrown off?" You reminisce, glancing briefly at the other woman.
"i broke my foot. you could have healed me."
"what the hell, ajak. you just let me suffer."
"i didn't want to freak you out."
"I'd rather have a not broken foot." you declare. "so how many others are there and what can they do?"
"on earth, there are ten, including me-"
"who's that?" you interrupt, pointing towards the house. a lone figure stands in the clearing. weird considering you hardly ever had visitors out here. ajak turns to look.
"i don't know," with a flick of the reins, her horse speeds off ahead. You follow promptly behind. Even as you get closer you're unfamiliar but it's a man. One you've never seen. Pulling back on the rein, the horse comes to a stop. Careful, as you slide down, a few firm pats on the animal's side as you approach the stranger. He was tall, muscular and had a unique strip of greyish-white in his otherwise brown hair.
"can we help you?" you order, intuitively moving before ajak. Although, if what she explained about Eternals was true, she was greatly stronger. A hand drops to your shoulder.
"it's okay," She assures you, almost holding you back. "This is Ikaris, a friend from... college." Strange. Ajak never had friends over. You never even knew she went to college. Suppose over many years, she must have attended once or twice. "Why don't you take the horses?"
She was trying to get rid of you. if she wanted to talk privately that was fine. "Sure. I'll make some tea, would you like anything in particular... ikaris?"
"No thanks," a brief flash of a smile. Spinning, you take the rein of a horse in each hand and guide them to the humble stables out back. Unloading their gear, you use the side door to the house. Careful not to disturb the two on the front porch. Poping on the kettle, you stare through the gap in the blinds. What could they possibly be talking about? Just a random quick catch up? The whistle of the metal kettle brings you back on task. You pour the hot water into a ceramic teapot, add a little jug of milk, a cup of sugar and balance it all on a tray. Bracing the uninviting aura of conversation taking place on the porch swing.
"I hope I'm not interrupting." They both fall silent, glancing at you. obviously, you were interrupting. "uh... I didn't know how you take your tea so I thought it best to let you make your own" That was directed at ikaris. You knew how Ajak liked her tea.
"Thanks, my love," ajak gently brushes your arm softly as you place the try on the small garden table.
"I'm just inside if you need anything else,"
"we're fine." Ikaris beams. You smile back. Someone didn't appreciate your presence right now. "thanks."
"...okay then." Turning on your heel, you head back inside. How to spend your time without eavesdropping? you pick up a book. any book. and wait.
they seem like they are out there forever. Glancing up when you detect the door opening, it's just Ajak. "Where's your friend?"
"he's outside," She smiles affectionately on approach. "I need to go."
"Go?" you look up from your book. "Go where?"
Ajak apprehends the work from your hand delicately, closing it over and placing it down beside where you sit. "I'm just going out."
Something was wrong here. You could tell. She was only vague when she hid something. "Where though? You're on stable duty, remember. They need feeding and brushing."
With a faint giggle, she holds her hand out in offering. Taking hold, she draws you to your feet. "I shan't be long."
all you could say was "okay"
"Okay." she echoes. Thumbs brush tenderly over the back of your hands. "Why don't you start dinner? I'll tend to the horses when I get back."
"what do you want?"
A melodious hum, her lips press to your forehead. "Surprise me."
a faint sigh leaves your lips. There was nothing you could say to change her mind, you knew that much that's why you don't bother trying. "I can do that- don't take forever."
"I won't" she travels for the door, hand gradually slipping from yours.
as her hand lands on the handle, you take a step towards her. "ajak." she looks back at you. "You're coming back... right?"
"I promise I will return," she reassures you. "don't worry."
And then she just leaves. Sitting down on the couch for a moment, you pick the book back up. flipping briefly through the pages before tossing it aside. You no longer desired that kind of distraction. May as well get a start on dinner, right? She said she wouldn't be long. Ajak must have discovered all kinds of food from around the world considering how much she travelled. You hadn't been to too many places personally. How must your skills compare to that of thousands of years ago? You were not the best cook. Ajak was much better; she had years to practice. Sat at the table, it's weird being alone. So much of your time is spent around her that it's strange. You're not always joined at the hip obviously but still. You feel kind of lost without her. you end up eating without her. leaving a plate in the oven for when she returned. as the sun goes down, you realise you'll have to go feed the animals. they could survive without a brush until tomorrow. still, ajak doesn't return. you wait up; it's difficult after staying up so late after last night too. eventually, you just retire for the night, no use in waiting up. you'd see her in the morning. she was probably fine anyway.
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Fools Rush In: Chapter 10
Jungkook x Reader
Genre/Rate: 18+, Strangers-to-lovers, age gap!AU (reader is 30, Jungkook is 23), Angst, smut, fluff
Summary: You make a decision regarding your return to tennis after having the baby and you and Jungkook make amends.
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, nipple play, fingering, dirty talk, and creampie.
WC: 3.2K
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A few days later, neither you or Jungkook had made any moves to talk to each other. Admittedly, you did feel like the entire argument was kind of stupid but it was also important stuff that you had been arguing about and you were still upset about it.
“Are you more so upset that he wants the baby to be born in Korea or at the fact that he’s just not going along with what you want?” Yumi questioned through the phone after you had told her about your and Jungkook’s argument. You sighed heavily, kicking your feet against the ground as you sat on the sidelines of the tennis court that you were at.
“Both,” you replied. “Because he never said anything about wanting the baby to be born here until his parents did.”
“To be fair, you never said anything to him about not having the baby there until that lunch either,” Yumi pointed out with a chuckle. “So you can’t be upset at him for that. He probably didn’t think it was something that really needed to be discussed and clearly, neither did you.”
“But Yume, I’m the one having the baby,” you whined, pretty childishly but you chose to ignore that. “Shouldn’t I get to chose where I’m the most comfortable?”
“Yes but you are also in a relationship with the baby’s father,” Yumi said. “It’s not just you anymore, and you have to take Jungkook into consideration when you make decisions like that. That goes double for things that have to do with the baby.”
“I guess,” you muttered.
“You’re just too used to calling all of the shots yourself, control freak,” Yumi joked, making you scoff into the phone. 
“Please. You’ve broken up with men for less,” you shot back. 
“This isn’t about me though,” Yumi laughed. “So, are you gonna stop being a raging bitch and talk it out with Jungkook?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged to yourself. “I have a training session that’s about to start so I might call him later. I’m still a little annoyed though, if I’m being honest.”
“That’s probably just the pregnancy hormones,” Yumi told you. “And a training session? I thought you were taking the rest of your pregnancy off.”
“You know how my parents went back to the States the day before yesterday?” You asked and Yumi hummed in confirmation. “My dad mentioned that maybe I should keep working out for as long as I can in hopes that when I come back after having the baby, it won’t be as difficult so I called Namjoon and asked if he could meet me for a session.”
“Is that safe?”
“I called Dr. Na and she said that it should be fine, as long as I listen to my body.”
“Oh hell, we all know that’s not gonna happen,” Yumi tsked, making you roll your eyes at her dramatics. “And what happened to you training with Hobi?”
“He was so amazing during the rehabilitation for my injury, I decided to give him an extended vacation,” you explained. “Plus, it’s not as if I’m training for competition. It’s just conditioning so it doesn’t have to be super intensive.”
“That’s true,” Yumi agreed. “Well, be careful alright? I don’t want you doing any harm to my god child out there.”
“I will be,” you promised. “When’s your next competition?”
“Saturday, in Belize,” she replied and you groaned loudly.
“Ugh, I’m jealous,” you huffed.
“Just think about how I’ll be burning my ass off out there while you’re in nice air conditioning and that’ll help you feel better,” she joked, and you laughed loudly at her. 
“Will do,” you giggled. “Baby and I will be watching. Kick their asses.”
“Of course,” Yumi grinned. “I’ll call you later, ok? Make sure you talk to Jungkook too.”
“Yes Mom,” you snorted. “Bye Yume.”
“Bye,” she responded and you hung up the phone, looking up just in time to see Namjoon walking over to you. Namjoon was kind of like your secondary trainer, who would come in whenever Hobi couldn’t or even when you just wanted a change of pace. Though you only saw him occasionally, you did know that he was somewhat of a bookworm, super nice, and easily the smartest person that you had ever met.
“Y/N-ah!” Namjoon called out and you stood up from your chair, easily allowing him to gather you up into a gentle hug.
“Namjoon, how are you?” You asked with a smile as you both pulled away from the hug.
“I’ve been good, really good,” he nodded as he looked down at your baby bump. “I guess I don’t have to ask you how you’ve been. You’ve grown.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “I’m halfway through my pregnancy now.”
“That’s insane,” he huffed with a grin. “Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thank you,” you replied, watching as he set his gym bag down on the ground next to the chair that you had been sitting in before he started to take his warm up sweats off.
“So, what are your goals for this session?” Namjoon questioned. “Is this just for fun, or do you plan on using this as conditioning?”
“Definitely conditioning,” you confirmed. “Once the baby’s born, I plan on going back to tennis as soon as I’m safely able to and my father suggested that I lessen the learning curve and keep conditioning.”
“Ah, the great Michael L/N,” Namjoon chuckled. “How is he?”
“He’s good, pissed that I’m pregnant but good,” you shrugged.
“Not surprised to hear that,” Namjoon admitted. “Tell him that I said hello?”
“Will do,” you agreed. 
“Ok so, if we’re gonna do this conditioning, you’re gonna have to be as dedicated to it as you were to training,” Namjoon explained. “As you already know, there’s no point in doing all that work and not keeping up with it. Of course, we’ll adjust as you get further into your pregnancy and we’ll stop as soon as you feel you need to. Once the baby is born and you get cleared, we’ll have to work extra hard just to retrain your body and even if you’ll only be able to workout once a week, that’ll be better than nothing. Sound good?”
“Sounds great,” you smiled. 
“Alright, from this point on, we’re in this together and I’m gonna work as hard as you do,” Namjoon promised, holding his hand up and smiling when you gave him a high five. “Let’s go.”
After your two hour session with Namjoon, you slowly trudged your way into the elevator that would take you up to your apartment. Being as though you hadn’t actively trained or played in two months prior to today, your body was aching even as you stood still while the elevator moved upwards. You relished in it though, because you missed the feeling and you knew that it just meant you worked out correctly. 
When you stepped off of the elevator, you immediately reached into your bag and grabbed your keys before looking back up again, your eyes widening when you saw Jungkook standing next to your front door. 
“Jungkook?” You called out, making him look up from his phone and at you as you paced over to him. “What are you doing here? How long have you been standing out here?”
“Like an hour,” Jungkook shrugged. “And I wanted to talk to you.”
“Why didn’t you just call me?” You wondered with a huff as you moved towards the front door, unlocking it with your key before opening the door and stepping inside. Jungkook was right behind you, walking in and slipping his shoes off as you shut and locked the door before doing the same thing. 
“I was worried you wouldn’t answer the phone,” He admitted and you just sighed as you let your gym bag fall onto the ground.
“Come on, let’s go in the living room and talk,” you told him, leading the way and settling onto the couch, watching as Jungkook flopped down next to you. 
“First off, I just want to say that I’m sorry,” He apologized. “I shouldn’t have picked a fight with you that night after lunch with our parents. I was just upset that you hadn’t even bothered to tell me what your plans were, as if I don’t matter in all of this.”
“Jungkook, that was never my intention,” you swore. “It really did just slip my mind. It wasn’t ever something that I was purposely keeping from you.”
“If we’re going to be in a relationship and raise this baby together, then we need to talk to each other,” Jungkook continued on. “I understand where you were coming from but if we’re in this together, we have to make decisions together. I don’t like the feeling that I’m being left out of things. Ok?”
“Ok,” you nodded in agreement. “And I’m sorry for not telling you and not talking it out with you. It wasn’t fair for me to just boldly announce that I was going back to the States like that, especially in front of your parents. That was shitty of me.”
“I accept your apology,” he smiled. “So, should we try to discuss this whole residence thing, or is that too much for today?”
“I think it’s too much for today and too varied of a discussion,” you told him. “I’m only 20 weeks, so we have time to figure it out and I promise, I’ll be honest with you and lay everything out so that you can know the full picture.”
“I will too,” Jungkook agreed. “Did we just survive out first argument as a couple?”
“We did,” you giggled. “I think we did ok. What about you?”
“I think so too, but I did miss you more than I expected to,” he admitted and you couldn’t help but to smile at that. 
“I did too even though I was pissed at you,” you confessed.
“How about if you take your frustrations out on my body?” Jungkook smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
“Mmm, I don’t know,” you hummed noncommittally. “I’m not really in the mood.”
“I can fix that,” Jungkook chuckled. “Come here.” You leaned over, letting Jungkook cup your face in his hands as he kissed you passionately. You didn’t hesitate to return the kiss, letting your mouth drop open as his tongue tangled with yours. The two of you made out for at least a few minutes, getting lost in the feeling of each other’s mouths and reacquainting yourselves with each other.
“Fuck, I missed you so fucking much,” Jungkook muttered deeply, pulling away from your mouth and moving downwards, pressing open mouthed kisses along your jaw line and down your neck. 
“I missed you too,” you replied, your breath hitching when he began to suck on the pulse point on your neck. “Jungkook, please.”
“Begging already, baby?” He murmured, moving away from your neck and down to your chest. He pulled on the tank top that you had on, not letting it go until the neckline had stretched out and caused your breasts to plop out. As soon as the neckline was resting against your sternum, he bent down and took your right nipple into his mouth.
“Ha, fuck,” you moaned, reaching up and resting your hands on the back of Jungkook’s head, tangling your fingers into the hair at the back of his neck as you held him to your chest. Once your nipple had pebbled into a nub, Jungkook pulled off of it and moved over to your left nipple, giving it the same intense treatment. You began to squirm underneath him, the feeling of him sucking on your nipples shooting right down to your pussy.
“Stay still baby,” Jungkook whispered against you and you whined.
“Touch me,” you demanded, pouting when you heard him just chuckle in response. Luckily, you weren’t upset for too long because Jungkook trailed one of his hands down your abdomen, his fingertips running over your growing stomach before he got down to the waistband of your leggings. His fingers dipped underneath, easily finding your slit and teasing it over your panties. 
“Oh, look at that,” He murmured as he let your nipple fall out of his mouth before sitting up again and looking at you. “You’re so wet already, and I barely did anything baby.”
“Told you I missed you,” you joked, and he laughed as he moved his fingers so that they were underneath your panties and touching your bare clit. You keened when he began to rub you firmly, your hips bucking as you chased the feeling. 
“Think you can take my fingers inside of you?” He wondered quietly and you nodded your head as you reached down to hold onto his wrist, your eyes fluttering shut as he slowly pushed two digits into you. 
“Fuck yes,” you whimpered. Jungkook began to fuck you earnestly then, making sure to push his fingers as deep as he could while steadily pumping them into you. You grabbed Jungkook’s chin with your free hand, forcing him to look at you before you kissed him passionately. The two of you made out messily while Jungkook fucked you, your moans flowing into his mouth as your orgasm built up in the pit of your stomach. 
“I feel you clenching around my fingers baby,” he whispered against your lips. “You gonna come?”
“So fucking hard,” you confirmed. 
“Give it to me,” he commanded you, hooking his fingers upwards and fucking you harder. You yelped, clutching onto his arm as your orgasm crested over. 
“Right there Jungkook, fuck,” you moaned, your head falling back against the couch and your body going limp. Once you had finished coming, Jungkook pulled his fingers out of your leggings and marveled at how your cum clung to his skin. 
“Fuck, look at that,” He muttered, bringing his fingers up so that you could see how much you had come. He placed them in front of your mouth and leaned in, and you got the message, leaning forward as well and licking your cum off of his fingers. Your tongue slid against his as you both worked to clean his fingers and as soon as you were both done, Jungkook kissed you again. 
“Fuck me,” you requested.
“Guess that worked huh?” Jungkook chuckled, making you roll your eyes. “Alright, alright, take your leggings off.” You did as he said, reaching down and pushing the waistband of the leggings as well as your panties down and off your legs. Jungkook stood up as you did this, quickly shucking off his t-shirts and joggers as well as his underwear. Once you were done, you looked up to see Jungkook huffed heavily. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked him. 
“I don’t have a condom on me,” he told you. “Do you?”
“No, we used the last of mine the other week, remember?” You said. “You don’t have to use one though.”
“Really?” He questioned and you nodded sheepishly. 
“I mean, you’re clean right?” You wondered and he hummed in affirmation. “And we’ve only been having sex with each other for the past two months so I don’t mind going without.”
“Me either,” He smiled. “Alright, scoot back so that your back is against the back of the couch.” You did as instructed, lifting yourself up so that you could rest comfortably against the couch as Jungkook bent his knees and rested on the edge of the couch. Watching in rapt interest, you sighed blissfully as Jungkook grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed the head against your clit. 
“Don’t tease me please,” you pleaded. “Put it in.”
“Ok baby, ok,” Jungkook whispered, pulling his hips back and slowly pushing the head of his cock inside of you. Your head fell back against the couch, your jaw dropping at how good his cock inside of you, skin to skin.
“God damn it,” Jungkook grumbled, placing his hands firmly on the back of the couch as he began to fuck into you gently. 
“Fuck Kook,” you whimpered as you reached up and placed your hands on his chest. He looked down at you with a smile then, and you couldn’t help but to be confused. “What?”
“You called me Kook,” he said and you nodded, not even having realized that you did it.
“Is that not what people call you?” You teased. 
“You know what I mean,” Jungkook huffed, making sure his knees were stable on the edge of the couch before he began to fuck you a little more forcefully. 
No matter how many times you and Jungkook had sex, it seemed as if every time was better than the last. You loved how Jungkook always made you feel like the only woman on Earth and it showed in how attentive he was anytime the two of you were intimate.
“Shit, you feel so good Y/N-ah,” Jungkook groaned. “The wettest fucking pussy.”
“Y-you made me w-wet,” you stammered and he smirked, using one of his hands to rub at your cit. 
“That’s right baby,” he nodded, angling his hips so that the head of his cock nudged against your g-spot. “Gonna let me fuck you raw from now on? Gonna let me feel how tight you are wrapped around my cock?”
“Yes Kook, fuck me,” you moaned. 
“Tell me how you want it baby, you know I’ll give it to you,” he told you. 
“Want it harder and faster,” you requested and Jungkook nodded, wordlessly giving you exactly what you wanted. His hand didn’t stop rubbing at your clit as he fucked you and your back arched up into the air as you felt your orgasm winding to it’s end. 
“Right there, right there, right there,” you chanted, moving your hands away from his chest and placing them on the sides of his body, your nails digging into his skin. “I-I’m gonna fucking come.”
“Come on baby, come on me,” Jungkook encouraged you, fucking into you faster. “Come with me.” The living room filled with your moans, Jungkook’s grunts, and the sounds of skin slapping as you both prepared to fall head first into your orgasms. 
“Where do you want me to come baby?” He asked you. 
“Inside of me,” you mumbled and he nodded in confirmation. With a few more thrusts, you were coming on his length, loud moans escaping your throat as he began to come inside of you. 
“Fuck!” He grumbled deeply, his hips stuttering against yours as he pumped his cum into you. Once your own orgasm had subsided, you fell back against the couch and watched with hooded eyes as he slowly pulled out of you.
“God, I missed that,” Jungkook huffed as he flopped down on the couch next to you, and you immediately snuggled into his side. 
“Me too,” you replied, leaning over and kissing him firmly. After a few seconds, Jungkook pulled away to look at you.
“Wanna know something?” Jungkook asked and you nodded your head. “When I was sucking your tits a little bit ago, a little liquid came out of your nipple.”
“Ugh, that’s my colostrum,” you whined in embarrassment. “The doctor said that it could come in at any time.” 
“Is that like breast milk?”
“It’s kind of like an early stage of it, before it actually becomes breast milk,” you explained. “Why did you have to tell me? I would’ve preferred to live in ignorant bliss.”
“It’s all a part of what comes along with baby,” Jungkook hummed as he reached over and rubbed his hand over your baby bump. “And as for the cestrum thing,-”
“Colostrum,” you corrected him. 
“How about a warm bath?” He offered and you instantly nodded your head. 
“Carry me?” You requested and he stood up, bending down to scoop you up into his arms. 
“Hold onto me baby,” Jungkook whispered and you did as he said, laying your head against his shoulder as you allowed him to carry you out of the living room and into your bedroom.
Tag List:  @mwitsmejk @hey-youre-appreciated @bettyschwallocksyee @jaiuneamesolitaiire @knowlestaehyung @missseoulite @afangirllikeme-blog​ @fan-ati--c @d-noona @bang-bang-bangtxn @claricedelune @daydreambrliever @dunixxd @unicornbabylover @paperpurple @addictedtohobi @bbtsficrecs @bts-junseagull @eltrain80 @karlykim92 @thekookiecorner
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tealeafgrimm · 3 years
First Love
Harry Potter x Fem!Reader Summary: Harry recalls the first time, he knew he was starting to have feelings for Y/N. Words: 1.5k Prompt: You cancelled plans for me?
“Harry? When did you know you had feelings for me?” Y/N did not know why this question was on her mind at this particular moment. It was just one of those things that were suddenly on one’s mind, without needing to have a reason. Looking over at her boyfriend who was sitting on the couch of the shared flat, reading the Daily Prophet, she waited for his responds. “What? Where did that come from?”, he chuckled and set the newspaper aside, gesturing her to join him. Shrugging her shoulders, Y/N smiled and flopped herself down beside him. Harry kissed her forehead as to make sure, she knew that the feelings he had for her were indeed there. Y/N of course never doubted this.
“Just a thought. I mean I know when I started to have feelings. Remember your first task in the Triwizard Tournament? That was the first time I knew I was in love with you. I had never been that worried about anything in my life before.” Y/N looked up at Harry, both chuckling at the memory of said day in their fourth year. Yes, Y/N was sure that at this moment she had realized that Harry James Potter was surely meant more to her than just a friend. “Well, I’m pretty sure I knew in third year. Do you remember the first Hogsmead trip?”
“Please hand your permission forms to Mr. Filch and step over there, so we can all go down to the village together!”, shouted Professor McGonagall to make herself heard over the talking herd of third year students. It was the first Hogsmead trip of the school year and Y/N, Ron and Hermione were amongst those students who would make the short walk down to the little Wizarding Village.
While Ron hoped to buy as many sweets as he possibly could and Hermione looked forward to spend a good amount of time in one of the book stores, Y/N’s main purpose of the days trip was to meet up with her brother at the Three Broomsticks. He had been working abroad for quite some time now and Y/N had last seen him a couple of months prior. Therefore, it didn’t come as a surprise that she was beyond excited, when she found out that her brother would be in Hogsmead, the same day that the students would be allowed to leave the grounds.
As soon as she had found out, she asked her brother to meet up with her. Despite their age gap, the siblings still were incredibly close. After finding out however, that Harry was not allowed to attend the Hogsmead trip, Y/N was plagued with guilt. Obviously, she wasn’t to blame for the missing permission, but still she felt bad for talking about their plans, whenever Harry was around. “I feel really bad knowing everybody except for Harry is leaving the castle”, Y/N whispered to Hermione as the two girls lined up with the rest of their year. Glancing towards Harry, Y/N tried to give him a sympathetic smile. Harrys however only responded with a little nod and a tight-lipped expression.
“He’ll be alright. With everything going on it’s probably better for him to stay at the castle anyway”, Hermione answered and nudged her friend in the side, indicating that the little mob of students was beginning to move. Y/N nodded absentmindedly. Of course, Hermione had a point, but still she had stich ache in her heart thinking about how Harry must be feeling. Trying to refocus her thoughts, she mentally made a plan on what she needed to tell her brother. Before turning around the corner of the archeway, that separated the castles courtyard and the stonewalk leading to the village, Y/N met Harrys eyes one last time.
The walk to Hogsmead took longer than Y/N thought it would. Other students around her talked and laughed, discussing and arguing on where they would head first. As the first houses came into few, Y/N started to slow down, letting others surpass her, until she finally came to a complete stop. “Y/N?”, Ron asked her, stopping a few steps ahead of her, after realizing she wasn’t following. Hermione too looked back at her friend, raising an eyebrow in question. “I think I will head back up the castle”, Y/N stated, looking between Hermione and Ron. “What? Why? You just walked down here to go straight back up? What about the meeting with your brother?” “I just feel really awful, knowing Harry is up there alone. I’ll write to my brother explaining everything. Maybe you could tell him that I’m not coming? Hermione, you still know what he looks like, right?” Hermione slowly nodded her head. She had spent two weeks at Y/N’s house during their summer break, resulting in her meeting her friend’s older brother. “I’ll see you back tonight then.” And without waiting for a response, Y/N turned around and started running up the same way, they just had come down from.
Reaching the entrance of the castle Y/N tried to think of the places Harry could be. She doubted that he would be in the library. She had seen Hagrid on her way back, so she knew for certain that Harry wasn’t with him. Would he be in the common room or the dormitory? She couldn’t see why Harry would stay up in the Gryffindor tower all by himself since he certainly was not doing any homework. Deep in thoughts she wandered the corridors, looking into each room she passed in hopes of finding the raven-haired boy. She found a couple of first years sitting in the Great Hall playing chess, some older students making out in an empty classroom, but no Harry.
Sighing Y/N turned into the next corridor, not thinking it would be the place to find him, but she didn’t know where else to search. But to her surprise she heard Harry’s voice from one of the rooms. Y/N realized that he must be with Professor Lupin, since no other classroom in this corridor was one that the third years usually occupied. Slowly, as she did not want to interrupt the conversation Harry and Professor Lupin were having, Y/N approached the open door. Peeking inside she saw the back of Harry’s head. He was sitting in front of Lupin’s desk, a mug of steaming tea in his hand. Before she could make her presence known, Lupin had already spotted her. “Ah, Y/N, come in, come in. I was under the impression, that you had left for Hogsmead, had you not?”, he asked her, while she stepped inside the room, her cheeks burning up. “Oh uhmm, yes, I went down with Ron and Hermione, but I thought that Harry maybe would like some company up here. But I didn’t mean to interrupt anything”, she quickly answered, looking between her professor and her friend. “Well, I’m sure Harry won’t mind the company and I should actually get back to grading some of the fifth-year student’s essays.”
After saying a quick goodbye to Professor Lupin, the two teenagers left for the Gryffindor common room. They walked in silence for a little while, before Harry turned to Y/N. “Why did you come back? I thought you were going to meet up with your brother? It was all you were talking about the past couple of days.” Harry had been wanting to ask her that question the moment he saw her in Lupin’s office. He didn’t mind her spending the time with him, on the contrary, he would be caught dead admitting it to anyone, but being honest with himself, Harry definitely had a crush on his friend. Y/N shrugged her shoulders, smiling shyly at him from her spot next to him. “I wanted to spend time with you instead.” Harry did not know what to say to that. He knew how happy Y/N had been when she found out she would be seeing her brother. Yet, she chose to come back to him? “You cancelled plans for ME?” At his expression of shock Y/N just laughed and nodded her head. “I’m going to see my brother for Christmas and I’ll write to him, explaining why I couldn’t meet up with him. He will understand.” The two of them came to a halt in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady. Giving her the password, Y/N climbed through the opening first, leaving Harry at the entrance staring after her.
Harry smiled, remembering that moment. Knowing that Y/N had come back, just to spend time with him, instead of doing something that he KNEW she had been looking forwards too, had meant the world to him. From that moment on he tried his hardest to show her how much he appreciated her. A year later, after the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, they had shared their first kiss and started dating. “Good thing I came back for you then, huh?”, Y/N asked smugly, kissing him on the cheek, before going about her usual daily routine. Yes, Harry was indeed very grateful for her decision that day and he would make sure that he would show her just how much she meant to him for the rest for his life.
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
Can I ask for the dorm leaders reacting to their S / O asking them to join them in the shower for the first time???
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, oooookkkk, I can see what you did there dear anon.
In my great humble imagination, I'd like to take a dip in the huge bathtub that Kalim surely has in Scarabia. Let me dream, I like to relax in big bathtubs with foam, bubbles, music and incense. Before we begin, I warn you that all characters are +18.
Let’s goooooooooooooo
Oh dear, you don't know what you just did.
It was a decent proposal to be honest, you just wanted to spend a quality moment with our Queen, but I think the smoke got into his head.
"Riddle, I'm going to take a shower, would you like to join me?"
Puff red as a tomato and about to explode.
You stared at him in disbelief, until you realized your words. Maybe Riddle wasn't ready for that big step.
You entered the bathroom alone, but not before asking for forgiveness.
Now you left Riddle alone with his thoughts, that's much worse.
Your intention was to take a short shower, but with the event that had just occurred, you were eating your head as the water ran down your body.
The longer it took you to get out, the more your anxiety ate you up inside. You would have panicked if you hadn't heard the door open and close almost inaudibly.
Riddle stepped into the shower, standing behind you and circling your waist.
"Please don't turn around, it's still too embarrassing for me, but I can't help but feel calm right now"
Neither of you spoke or moved the rest of the time you stayed in the shower, even forgetting to wash properly. But that 'mistake' was the beginning of multiple long shared showers.
The lazy lion here wasn’t in his plans to get into the water, much less shower. If you had asked getting into the lounge’s pool, maybe he would have considered it.
He just lay on his bed, about to fall asleep, not caring about your figure in the middle of the room. He didn't care that you were getting irritated every second.
"I don't have the need to bathe, go alone"
He heard you leave and thought he was going to sleep peacefully before you get out of the shower… until an impact on his head dislodged him.
You had thrown dirt all over his hair, spreading over his chest and the bed.
“Now you have a reason to shower. You're dirty"
I recommend you to run to the shower, because the look Leona gave you… I highly doubt that you will make it out alive.
Arriving at the threshold, Leona grabbed you by the legs, placing you on his shoulder and getting under the faucet.
This fucker turned on the shower without letting you remove your clothes first, ending up drenched.
"Ah, my mistake, I think you're a little wet. Let me take off your clothes"
The malicious smirk on his face didn’t give you confidence, and didn’t disappear even when you were both naked under the water.
“You have courage to fill me and my bed with dirt, did you want to take a shower? Now you are going to clean me"
Ah… worth it?
Did he hear you well? Do you want to take a shower with him?
Oh dear sea witch, help him, he is about to have a neurism.
Azul wasn’t against your proposal itself, he was very concerned about his physique.
And what if you don't like what you see? would you are disappointed? And if it disgusts you to look at him naked or semi naked?
Thousands of questions ran through his head, making it impossible for him to give you an answer. If you looked closely, you might even see smoke coming out of his ears from the gears in his head moving; even tears were threatening to leak out of his eyes.
You placed your hands on both sides of his face, "Come with me"
You guided him into the bathroom, placing him under the shower head. You let go of your octopus and turned on the hot water before he could say anything.
Both were burned by the touch of the hot water, even Azul wanted to get out of there, but you stopped him by wrapping your arms around him.
The warmth of your arms on his torso made his heart skip a beat. He never thought he was going to be able to have this kind of intimacy with you, and I'm not talking about nudity.
It was literally like being in the rain in the middle of the courtyard, but in solitude inside Azul's room ... rather in his bathroom ... with clothes that were beginning to cling to the body.
"Do you feel better? Do you think you're ready to take off your clothes and really give us a hot shower?"
Azul never said a yes so fast in his life.
A shower? A simple shower? What is that? Kalim only knows how to take big baths in tubs that could be the size of a house.
Either way he said yes, don’t be alarmed.
Wasting no time, he led you to the bathroom in his room, which you could swear was the same dimensions as the bedroom, apart from being very resplendent.
Kalim was very respectful at all times, he gave you your time to undress, he wasn’t invasive and he turned around when you asked him and thus enter the water.
Our sun here took the trouble to decorate the bathtub when you weren't looking, now the whole place was decorated with incense and scented candles from the Land of Hot Sands.
Even if you walked carefully, you might come across a few gold coins on the marble floor of the tub.
All very beautiful, but I think I would be very overwhelmed with such extravagance. And that is also your case, it’s better to tell Kalim directly.
Like before, don't worry, Kalim would understand your feelings a 1000% and if closing your eyes for the entire bath time makes you feel better, then Kalim would be willing to snuggle you on his chest and wash your head himself.
He ’s a gentleman, what can I say.
But, if you feel comfortable with all that, then I advise you to start a bubble war. Who said bathing with your partner has to be serious?
"Take care of your bubble ammunition, you wouldn't want to be left with nothing and for me to tickle you"
You made a mess in the whole bathroom, be careful when you leave, there is soap and water everywhere.
Oh no no no, dear, no dear.
One does not shower with Vil, one BATHES with Vil.
Like Kalim, Vil takes his bath quite seriously. He needs to follow his skin routine very meticulously and for that he needs oils, essences and… other things that my poor ass couldn't buy all the time, even if I wanted to.
His bathtub is not as gigantic as Kalim's, but it is much larger than average.
If for any reason you are embarrassed to bathe naked, don't panic. Vil has exclusively for you a bathrobe that you can use in the water, and one for him too obviously.
Prepare for a full-body massage session. The oils are not for decoration, they are to soften the skin and Vil would give the best massages of your life, you cannot argue with me
By the way, you also wash your hair with an equally expensive shampoo. There is no middle ground here: either you take a simple shower in your bedroom, or you go big with Vil.
That reminds me, the moment you take the first bath with this Queen of beauty, you have just signed a contract (not one of Azul's) in which it stipulates that from now on, every day you will bathe with it, end of discussion.
Vil may at first have been a bit ecstatic to the idea of ​​you giving him massages with his special oil and washing his hair; he has a very meticulous routine that he adheres to to the letter and your inexperienced fingers would not do enough magic.
Buuut, nothing like a good class in the middle of the bathtub to give good results.
In summary, taking a bath with Vil is like having a full day at the Spa, completely free ... well, almost free 😉
Idia.exe stopped working.
Jokes aside, Idia stopped reacting for a few seconds, he didn't even remember to breathe.
I can't tell if Idia is one of that kind of weeb that doesn't bathe, I want to believe that he does, please make me believe that he does, I implore you
Taking a shower with Idia can be a bit… embarrassing, mostly on his part. He isn’t used to so much human contact and that you ask him for such a proposal, is to get out of his comfort zone.
Nor could I tell if, when in contact with water, Idia's hair would evaporate, like the scene in Hercules blowing Hades’s head XD.
If so, it would be a lot of fun to watch, but you would have to reassure him because he would surely be much more embarrassed.
If that's not the case, maybe he would be around as long as the intimacy last with red hair, someone at some point mentioned Idia with red hair and now I can't help but imagine it
Many caresses from your part, hugging his torso from behind. Like Riddle, he would surely not be prepared to look at you for the first time or for you to see him.
Trie to calm the waters by asking him about his new inventions.
Also avoids telling Ortho all this bamboleo. He is too pure for this type of situation, let's not fill his head with indecent images of his brother.
What a peculiar proposal, but it will be honored without a doubt.
He may have asked Lilia for instructions to abide by your proposal as well as possible… and Big Bear Mama Lilia may have asked him thousands of questions about it, perhaps embarrassing him a bit, but we will never know.
I have a slight suspicion that Malleus has a very rococo-style bathroom, in dark colors, but not necessarily black and green, do you understand?
Did you know those old tubs, from the Marie Antoinette years? Well, Malleus has one. He also has a shower, but to be honest, I see Malleus as a passionate lover, so the shower wouldn’t be in the game.
But, if you feel uncomfortable with the bathtub because it seems too much or you can’t step in (because, let's face it, hardly a person enters in that marble piece of furniture) then Malleus has no problem using the shower.
Whatever your decision is, the moment will be magical, and I mean it very seriously.
Our dragon daddy here would invoke any kind of magic to make the evening more enjoyable, like the little lights that fly around when Malleus is about to appear or disappear.
I recommend you don’t go around telling your intentions of take a shower with Malleus, we know that a certain lemon green hair is hanging around the corridors and he wouldn’t hesitate to listen to a conversation that has his young master as it’s center.
An uncomfortable moment if Sebek enter the bathroom screaming as always, demanding an explanation as to why a simple human is bathing with his young master.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n, tommy, wilbur and phil
requested: yes/no
an: part 7 of the great adventures series - a rollercoaster of emotions
warnings: cursing, jokes about death (like the vlog) , didn’t proof read as its 6am sorry for any mistakes
it had been around a week since you last spoke to tubbo, the pair of you got into a heated argument and honestly you didn’t want to be anywhere near the boy. no one heard from you since you and tubbo blocked each other, ranboo would talk to you about how you need to forgive and forget and Tommy would do the same to tubbo eventually you unblocked each other however apart from that it was pretty much useless neither of you were willing to talk to the other person, it was just one of those things that needed time, soon enough you’d be friends again. at least you hoped that would be the case. later that day Wilbur sent you a message asking what time he should pick you up tomorrow not wanting to argue you let him know a time and went off to get ready for the night.
The car ride to Alton towers was pretty quiet the majority of the ride was spent playing random car games like eye spy or singing along to the radio as there was no traffic you got there rather quickly giving you longer in the park. you loved theme parks and Tommy knew this so he took the opportunity to invite you and get you out of the house, he also knew he would need the support. Phil began recording as you all made your way through the park the sky car was first so you could get to the other half of the park Tommy made it pretty clear he wasn’t the biggest fan of this and you and Wilbur didn’t help his cause by discussing the recent crash in Italy that killed a group of people, you pointed out all the rides you passed teasing Tommy whilst Wilbur interviewed him on why he wanted to hit 10 million subs, as soon as Tommy mentioned the girl from college your eyes widened and you sat trying not to laugh as Wilbur and Phil sat telling him to call her. Tommy looked at you trying to get back up but you responded by telling him you want to speak to her.
once off the sky car you stood with an arm around Tommy's shoulders as Wilbur spoke to the girl who you’re hoping is in on it and that they’re not calling up the poor girl unexpectedly. as soon as you were informed that her favourite ride was the smiler Tommy pulled you into a hug hiding his face in the crook of your neck
“Are you serious”
“you’ll be fine it’s the safest ride here...if you ignore the crash”
the four of you walked around the park looking for an easy rollercoaster as you make your way up to the smiler, the blade caught Wilbur's eye so the three of you made your way whilst Phil decided to stay back to record, you sat next to Tommy reassuring him that he’s going to be fine and how it can’t be that bad as a family with a young child got on the ride after you.
“if I pee myself will you laugh at me”
“yes..actually that’ll make it easier for me”
“Please don’t do that Wilbur”
“only for you y/n”
the ride started slowly however the speed soon picked up you sat laughing as Tommy went on to make references about technoblade and how he’s never going to die. soon enough the three of you began ‘singing’ the lyrics to road trip in an attempt to calm down a little bit. was it working? no. a few minutes later the ride came to an end as you made your way off of the ride you heard a child screaming about how fun it was
“how is that six-year-old shouting I loved it”
“are we cowards”
“yes, yes you are”
you made it to Phil first and rambled on about how fun it was before Wilbur and Tommy made it to you both wanting to go home
on your journey to the next ride, Tommy pointed out claw machines and dragged you to them, Phil had a go first and didn’t win the dog Tommy wanted, you had a go determined to win however like Phil you didn’t win
“This is bullshit ill buy you a toy dog”
“Why are you never satisfied”
“Good question”
you walked away from the machines with the others Tommy complained that he was being forced to go on the rides, you pointed at the smiler and Wilbur announced you could all go on that now, the rest of the walk was pretty quiet after that. soon enough you were in the queue to go on duel, you were walking with Phil not realising that Wilbur was currently telling your best friend that he was going to die, the only reason you found out was because Tommy ran up to you asking if he was going to die
“Tommy, no who told you that... Wilbur stop laughing it’s not- it’s not funny”
“y/n you’re quite literally laughing”
you put your finger on your lips and walked off. you sat with Phil so you could have a break from Tommy screaming in your ear as soon as Tommy yelled there were guns the ride began, you weren’t the best at this ride you missed the target a few too many times than you’d like to admit, once the ride was over Tommy made the mistake of laughing about how low your score was you made eye contact with Tommy and placed your hand on his shoulder
“Tommy... you screamed at everything the entire way around. if that ride was any longer i’m afraid I’d lose my hearing”
“didn’t you also do shit Tommy”
“fuck off”
and with that you left the ride walking through the gift shop, you and Tommy were like little children picking up anything that was covered in bright colours, you and Tommy found a squishy monster and named it Clarence you ended up getting attached and Wilbur stayed with you as you paid for it whilst Phil and Tommy were leaving the shop
“Phil we lost y/n and Wilbur”
“sorry y/n got distracted”
you all continued walking to the next ride Tommy instantly got distracted by the dryer outside of the river rapids ride and spent a good few minutes asking to go into the dryer. at this point, you noticed another toy shop and ran off to that one whilst they argued with Tommy about the dryer a few minutes later you met up with them again as you began making your way to the next ride
“what I hate the most about Phil is his kindness”
“wasn’t kind enough to let me win on duel”
“I pray on his downfall”
Phil turned to you only to be met with you nodding as Tommy goes on to talk about hating his generosity
“Phil I've been thinking about you... it’s ruined my day”
“mine was ruined by Tommy screaming at stupid o clock in the morning”
“y/n it’s 12 pm”
“okay and I usually wake up at 3 pm this is early for me”
you stood in the queue for river rapids, as much as you wanted to make Tommy calm down you hated this ride and Wilbur saying there was a chance of drowning made you hate it even more
“y/n will we be fine”
“no this is horrifying I remember the incident where someone was dragged under a ride like this”
“what are you two thinking about then”
“I’m thinking about the beyond”
“I’m thinking about the sweet release of death”
“you might be going there”
“no, we won’t”
you and Tommy began to panic as you got closer to the ride, Tommy announced the floor was moving which tricked your brain into believing that the floor was moving, Wilbur was still talking about you all dying in a few minutes whilst laughing at Phil trying to make him stop despite the fact he was clearly laughing. Tommy got on first as you were making your way to a seat Tommy pulled you over to him so you were sat together. a worker came over and told you all to keep your seat during the ride
“can I get off”
as soon as you finished your sentence the ride began to move making the others laugh
“ill take that as a no”
a few minutes later you forgot you were scared as you were too busy laughing about the fact that so far out of the four of you the only person getting drenched in water was Phil. this newfound confidence didn't last long the ride began going faster and you and Tommy got drenched in water
“We made it through the second most dangerous part”
you looked at Phil tilting your head waiting for him to confirm that Wilbur was just trying to scare you again. your thoughts were interrupted by Wilbur beginning to speak to the camera
“Alton towers is a very safe and risk-free theme park fun for all the family”
he flipped the camera so the three of you could be seen Phil was laughing Tommy had his head in his hands and you were sat with your hood over your head hiding your face so you couldn’t see what was going to happen. Phil told you to hold on but he was interrupted by Wilbur using the camera to record the four of you together again it was clear you and Tommy were not having the most fun on the ride compared to the others. the ride crashed into the small wall next to the ride causing it to jerk forward making the four of you hit your leg
“my fucking thigh”
“y/n there are children nearby”
“y/n, Tommy you two are lucky to be alive”
you and Tommy turned to face each other then looked back at Wilbur who was continuing to chant that you’re lucky to be alive clearly ignoring Phil who was telling him to stop. eventually, the ride came to an end and you all got off, Phil helped you walk around for a minute as your legs felt extremely weak after that ride
“you okay now y/n”
“yeah yeah thank you, Phil. I'm never going on that ride again”
you all made your way to the centre of the park Wilbur disappeared as you and Tommy stood begging Phil for cotton candy, your only argument being that you really wanted it
“please Phil”
“We can have a little”
“we’re growing Phil we need more than a little”
“it’s diabetes in a box”
“it’s pure joy”
“yeah it’s fun in a box let us get some”
“stop being a dick”
Wilbur came running out of a shop carrying as much cotton candy as he could shouting for you and Tommy to take some and run which you gladly did. the pair of you sat on the grass eating as much cotton candy as you could
“that is so sugary”
you and Tommy both grabbed a fistful of cotton candy waving it at the two adults in front of you both, resulting in Phil calling you both goblins, they both walked away leaving you two to enjoy each other’s company for a little while whilst they had a break from the pair of you screaming.
“that’s..that's Tommy and y/n”
it was almost time to face the smiler but before that, you had to conquer oblivion again this was another ride that terrified you but Tommy's reaction to the ride made you laugh for a good few minutes until you realised you were in the queue
“oh fuck. we are going to die”
“you’ll impress the girl and y/n you’ll impress tubbo”
“ill buy her flowers”
“This is a death trap” you went on first and sat a few seats away from the middle Tommy not far behind you
“if we die ill never forgive you”
“you’ll be fine”
“will we though”
“I mean”
“Tommy she was hesitant to answer that get me off this ride”
just like last time the ride started just as you finished trying to get off the ride
“y/n you really need to stop asking to get off the rides it makes them start earlier”
the way to the top of the ride was mainly just you and Tommy yelling curse words trying to stay calm
“Phil do we have to”
“Why could I not stay with Wilbur”
“awe look at the view”
“can we just stay up here- oh shit don’t look down”
“any last words”
“lovely knowing you all”
just before the ride was about to go down the drop Tommy grabbed your hand only letting go for a minute whilst you got off of the ride, as soon as you were making your way to Wilbur so you could all go on the spinball wizard ride he held your hand again keeping you close. your way to the ride was a range of Wilbur telling you all about the smiler or Tommy telling you all he was worried he was going to piss
“what the fuck is yours and Wilburs obsession with announcing you might piss on the ride”
you sat with Wilbur for this ride as he was the only person you hadn’t sat with yet and Tommy sat behind you both, you and Wilbur spent the ride screaming, yelling song lyrics or saying your goodbyes
“for lmanburg”
“Should I be worried.. you did you know create an explosion”
you spent the rest of the ride laughing before it came to an end. you all made your way to the smiler making jokes about how it’s all the girl from college wants to see him on.
“you ready Tommy”
“let’s go home”
“y/n you’re supposed to be on my team”
the four of you made your way through the gates ignoring Tommy who was yelling about it being a prison simulator, you sat at the end next to Tommy
“so this is safe”
“apart from the crashes yeah”
“y/n? is it safe?”
“it’s safe Tommy I can see you’re genuinely scared I wouldn’t lie in a time like this..maybe”
you and Wilbur agreed to become his wingmen and a few seconds later the ride began, you spent the ride laughing quietly as Tommy began confessing his love
as soon as the ride ended you stood as a group again and called the girl from college, Wilbur practically yelled about how Tommy went on the smiler only for the girl to ask who Tommy was and how she wasn’t friends with him
“it’s okay mate”
“you okay Tommy”
you and Wilbur pulled Tommy into a hug.
a few minutes later you all made your way back to the car park as it was getting late. once in the car you handed Tommy the squishy monster you both named Clarence, Tommy screamed whilst pulling you into a hug before asking you how and when you were able to buy it. when you were halfway home you began to get a migraine Tommy pulled you into a side hug so you could rest your head on his shoulder and have a nap for the rest of the journey back home.
a few days late you received a message
tubbo: I miss you
y/n: I suppose I miss you too
tubbo: that’s good because I’m outside please let me inside
y/n: on it!!
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @c1loudee
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vaspider · 3 years
I'm getting married Saturday! Any words of wisdom to impart for someone starting that new chapter (if you're comfortable with it)? Thanks for being a parent figure to so many of us on here. Goodness knows lots of us need someone like that.
In any case, Shana Tovah, and many blessings to you and yours!
First of all, mazel tov! So much joy and happiness to you both. 💓
I had to think about this for a bit. @dadhoc and I have been together for 17 years and married for 12, and we've been with @apocalycious for 2.5 years, so I think we're doing something right. In no particular order:
Know when you need to be Right and when you'd rather be Happy. If your spouse wants to build a house with a Jell-O foundation, keep arguing/discussing/etc. bc you need to be right - it could hurt you both if you don't! If you're arguing over which one of you said what when you clearly had an unfortunate misunderstanding and accidentally hurt each other's feelings... wouldn't you rather be happy than right? Take a deep breath, apologize for your part in the misunderstanding, and figure out how to not have it happen again.
Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Don't go to bed angry with each other or actively arguing. That kind of stuff calcifies.
Figure out how the other person expresses love and says they're sorry, and honor that. Communicate how you need to be loved and apologized to. @dadhoc doesn't always say "I love you" out loud, but they make the leftover challah into French toast on the weekend, and they work really hard on NerdyKeppie stuff. I write poems and make art for people and get silly little presents, like an enamel pin with a red panda or a penguin on it for my boos. If you mention something you might like to do someday offhandedly, or a question you wonder about, Evie will remember that and research it for you! Steve also often doesn't say "I'm sorry" out loud - they will go wash the bedding and clean the bedroom so we can all spend time watching TV and snuggling together when the argument is resolved... but I need to hear "I'm sorry" out loud. So I acknowledge and appreciate the things they did, and they say the words out loud.
Respond to what your partners say, not to your baggage or to what you expect them to say. This becomes more of a Thing the longer you're together: you have so many conversations and talks and arguments that you fall into a comfortable groove with each other. That's great! But. Make sure when they're talking that you're not responding to something your dad said that hurt you 20 years ago, or to your ex who was hypercritical of you, or to who your partner USED to be, 6 years and a bunch of discussions ago.
Celebrate each other's successes, even the little ones. Get ice cream together when you finish a project at work. Take each other out for self-care time. You're together because you're each other's biggest fans, after all, but also...
You don't have to be each other's everything. I'm fact, you shouldn't. Make time for yourself. Spend time with your friends. Cultivate your friends, not just our friends. (Evie is friends with people I can't stand, and I'm happy they get along!) Have your Own Things that you do and are.
Spoil each other just a little. If you won't do it, who will?
Laugh with each other but never at each other. Human beings are ridiculous!
Go to therapy. It's preventative maintenance for your brain.
Find something you enjoy doing together that has a finished product at the end. Build a model, bake a cake. Evie and I really like cooking together. Even cleaning is nice if I'm doing it with my partners.
Don't stop going on dates, even if a date means eating dinner outside instead of in your kitchen.
Speaking of which: try to make Family Dinner a thing. Sit at an actual table presuming you have one, trade off making food, put your phone somewhere else while you're eating, and talk to each other without distraction for at least that long every day. I know I sound like a mom in a Pixar movie, but I'm serious, this works! When I was sick, we stopped having a dining room table really bc of how our house got rearranged, and we didn't eat together at a table for years. Now our Family Dinnertime is sacrosanct. Even if we're all eating leftovers, we eat at the table right around the same time every day. It makes a difference in our ability to connect with each other. Eating together is an important human bonding activity.
You're going to change. So is your spouse. That's not just okay - that's great! Life means growth. I'm not who I was in 2004, thank G-d, and neither is Steve. I'm not who I was in 2019, for that matter. That change and growth is who you're becoming together, so honor and celebrate that. You can't grow old together if you don't grow old, after all.
If you're so inclined generally speaking, never stop looking at your sexy-ass spouse with the same wide-eyed delight you do now. Just... enjoy it when they're getting changed in the room with you. If I ever stop saying "... butt... " dreamily when one of my partners is changing, or informing one that they're missing out on seeing the other's butt, just bury me, I'm dead. Appreciate them out loud. They're cute!
Smooch daily.
Take care of yourself. You can't be a good spouse if you're not eating food food, getting enough sleep, etc.
Even in the shitty parts, which will happen, remind yourself that you've got backup. From now on, you've always got backup, and it's much easier to go through crises with your biggest fan by your side. It'll be a great story on the other side, right? I'll forever tell the one about how when Steve was in the hospital for afib, and the docs had to knock Steve out to shock their heart into behaving, they woke up and started immediately asking "where's my [husbutch]?" They got so insistent about it - still loopy on the anesthesia - that the nurse came to get me. I called from the doorway and Steve calmed down... for 5 seconds, and then their short-term memory cycled, and they started asking for me again. This happened half a dozen times until I asked "do you want me to just ... squeeze in?" bc Steve's insistence was slowing the doctors down, the docs said yes, so I worked my way up to the head of their hospital bed and said "here I am, please calm down so the doctors can work." Steve said, "oh! My [husbutch]. Hello, [husbutch]!" and took my hand and calmed down. It was a TERRIBLE day but I LOVE that story in retrospect.
Smooch lots.
Mazel tov! Love each other. Building a marriage is work, but anything worth building takes effort. It sounds cheesy but it's so true. 💗
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Hancuffed together Chapter 3: ‘Free’
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Summary: Loki and you were hancuffed together, because the team was sick of the two fo you not getting along. Today they come finally back from a mission, setting you ‘free’ from Loki.  Word count: 2.579 words
Warnings: Smut, dubious consent, knifeplay, praise  A/N: I wrote another chapter, hope you like it. If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments, please let me know :)!
Click here for chatper 1 Click here for chapter 2
To say you were physically tired would be an understatement. Loki had you in a tight grip, still asleep. He had woken you two times that night to ‘play with you’ as he liked to put it. He was breaking you down. Each time you put up less of a fight and he was starting to push your boundaries. The truth is, you kind of loved what he was doing to your body. It was intense, even painful sometimes, but the pleasure was well worth it. His personality sadly hadn’t changed. He was still as arrogant, egotistic, moody, and snarky as he had always been.
You shook Loki awake, who just grumbled grumpily at you. ‘I’m hungry’ you said. He turned around to lay on his back, eyes still closed. ‘Sounds like a you-problem’ he replied. You sat up straight and tugged a few times at the cuffs. Loki sighed but got up with you. The two of you were eating breakfast in silence. Even tough you were fixing your eyes on your eggs, you felt Loki’s gaze boring into you. You were startled when the rest of the team loudly made their entrance. ‘Tony, you owe me 10 bucks’ Steve said. ‘Ho, ho, there is still time’ Tony replied. ‘So, how has the lovely couple been doing for the past two days?’ he mused. You both glared at Tony who put his hands up in defence ‘Let me rephrase, how are the two of you doing?’ he quickly said.
‘Fine’ you said irritated at Tony and Loki just nodded. ‘How was the mission?’ Loki asked. Natasha quickly explained that they were staking out and tracking some people of Hydra, but hadn’t had much luck. You were waiting impatiently until she was done. ‘So, can we take these off now?’ you asked holding up the cuffs. ‘Sure’ Steve said, motioning for Tony to take them off. ‘How do we know it worked?’ Thor asked them. Everyone looked at the two of you. ‘We’ve come to an understanding’ Loki replied for the both of you. A big smile appeared on Thor’s face ‘I say we keep them together for this day. To be sure they truly improved their behaviour’. If you could murder people by glaring at them, you had just murdered Thor. Before you could protest Loki had already agreed. If you disagreed know, they surely wouldn’t believe the two of you. ‘Can we just take them off for half an hour? So, I can take a shower?’ you asked. After the group had a quick discussion they agreed. But only if you and Loki would willingly put the cuffs back on after half an hour. If not, the two of you were on house arrest together for the rest of the month.
After you were free, even if it was for a short amount of time, you quickly walked to your room and locked the door. You got rid of your clothes and jumped into the shower. It felt good to have some alone time. After a while there was a knock on the door ‘You have 10 minutes left’ Tony said. ‘Just one more day, you can do this’ you whispered to yourself. You got out of the shower and dried yourself off. You walked back to the bedroom to get some clothes out of your closet. That’s when you saw a dark green bustier on the bed with a matching thong. There was a note next to it which elegantly spelled your name. You opened the note: See you in 10 minutes, kitten – L. There was no way you were wearing that. He could be such an asshole sometimes. You were wondering how he even got in here. You checked the door, but it was still locked. It donned on you that the both of you had your powers back. And this must be Loki’s passive aggressive way of telling you that he could go and come as he pleases.
You were absolutely furious at Loki. But two could play it this game. You got dressed and instead of the green lingerie you chose your red bra and thong. If things did get out of hand, and you had a feeling they will, he will be pissed at you for wearing his brother’s colours. After you got dressed you walked back to the living room, where Tony was already waiting with the cuffs. He had an amused smile on his face. Loki entered shortly after you, having a blank expression on his face. Tony cuffed the two of you back together and the rest of the team went about there day. You had to be honest, cuffed together with Loki was awkward at first, but now that the team was here it was a whole lot more uncomfortable.
The two of you settled down on the couch. You both were reading a book, but this time you both had different books and you were wearing more clothes than the last time Loki ‘wanted to read’. After a while Steve wanted to play a boardgame. At first you didn’t want to play, but Loki convinced you that it would be good to show the rest of the team you indeed got along. Thor and Clint joined you and you had to admit you had fun. Loki was friendly, relaxed and funny. You wondered why he wasn’t like that all the time or why you were the only person he didn’t treat like that. After dinner the whole team decided to watch a movie. You really wanted to go to bed, but would only do that once you were free.
You felt someone shaking your shoulder. You woke up and realized that you had fallen asleep during the movie. You blamed Loki for keeping you up all night. The most embarrassing thing is that you fell asleep on his shoulder. The rest of the team, except Tony, were already gone. Tony handed Loki the key and walked out of the living room. Loki grinned at you ‘Don’t for a second that when we’re not cuffed together that you’re free off me’. You sighed ‘Can’t we just leave these days for what they were?’ Loki seemed to ponder over the question, and while you were waiting for him to respond you realized, you didn’t know what response you wanted. You were holding your breath, waiting for him to answer you, which he took a long time doing. He uncuffed the two of you. You rubbed your wrist, it felt good to be free. Loki shot you a wicked grin ‘No, you are mine’
Your breath hitched and you got up, making your way back to your bedroom. To your surprise Loki wasn’t following you. You closed the door behind you, but knew he would be able to enter when he wanted to. You were startled when you heard a low voice right next to your ear ‘Going somewhere, kitten?’. You weren’t proud of it but shrieked a little. You were spun around and now facing Loki, who was towering over you with his dominant figure. ‘Or did you just forget what you agreed to yesterday?’ he purred. His eyes were sparkling full of mischief. ‘I- I said those things because you made me, I didn’t mean that’ you began to argue. ‘I think you did, you’re just too ashamed to admit it’ Loki said while smiling wickedly. You opened your mouth to tell him to get lost, but he grabbed you and slid his tongue inside of your mouth. You were getting lost in the kiss, the fight almost left you.
Then you realized you had your powers. You pushed him off you and immediately raised a shield around yourself. You thought Loki would be angry, but he seemed to be amused. A green fire bolt appeared in his hand and that’s when you realized, he also had his powers back. He shot the green bolt at you, making your shield crumble. ‘This isn’t fair’ you half yelled at him. He smile only widened, he knew it wasn’t. Your magical nature was healing, while his was that of a warrior. He was trained to fight, you were trained to help and aid. He grabbed you by your waist. You tried to form a magic bolt of your own, but when Loki bit down your neck, you lost your concentration and the bolt disappeared from your hands. He threw you down the bed. You tried to scramble away from him, but an invisible force tied your hands to the headboard. You were struggling against the invisible bonds, but they only tightened around you. ‘Stop struggling, kitten. You know you want this’ Loki sighed. ‘I don’t. Stop!’ you said to him. One of his eyebrows shot up ‘Really? You didn’t put up much of a fight’ he said. ‘I literally put a shield around me’ you argued. He just smirked at you ‘One of your weakest types of shields and you haven’t tried to paralyze me or anything. So, like I said you didn’t really fight me. We both know you want this’
With a wave of his hand Loki made all your regular clothes disappear, leaving you in nothing but your lingerie. Your red lingerie. You hadn’t seen anyone going from amused to furious so fast. The bonds on your hands tightened. Loki wasn’t saying anything to you, but his face made you absolutely terrified. You wanted to make him angry, but now that he was you felt like you made a dangerous mistake. In an instant Loki conjured up a knife and held it to your throat. ‘Looks like someone has been a very bad girl’ he growled in your ear. You started to panic, not daring to move an inch. ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry’ you whispered while fighting back tears. Loki was sliding the knife against the length of your throat. ‘If you’re so sorry, why do it in the first place?’ he asked you. You really wished Loki wasn’t the God of Lies right now. But since he was, you decided to just be honest. ‘I wanted to make you mad’ you said meekly. Loki laughed darkly ‘Well, you have succeeded’
‘I’m s- sorry’ you began to sob. ‘Since you’re new at this and you seem to understand the gravity of your mistake, I will let you off easy’ he purred. His hand grabbed your hair and he pulled hard, making you bare your throat to him. ‘But let me be clear, don’t let it happen again’ he said. ‘Yes’ you replied. He let go of your hair and you relaxed a bit. You felt the tip of the dagger against your throat, which made you tense up again. ‘Now, stay very still or this is going to be a very painful experience’ he commanded you. His blade travelled downwards over your chest, between your breasts. It slid effortlessly through your bra and your breast sprung free. You tried to keep your breathing even, but were startled at how sharp the knife actually was. Loki smirked when he saw your breasts and started to slide the knife around to play with them. Still extremely scared you couldn’t help that tears were running over your cheeks. When Loki looked up at you his expression changed, and you would almost say he was looking concerned.
With his other hand he strokes the tears from your face. ‘Sssh, there’s no need for that darling. You’re doing great so far. Just relax and trust me’ he told you with a soothing voice. Like it was the easiest thing to do right now. You did notice that the pressure of the knife slightly decreased. Loki was sliding the knife up and down your stomach, right above your panties. You took a deep breath and relaxed as much as you could. ‘That’s it, just submit to me’ he purred. Loki slowly cut through the sides of your panties. The sight was somehow quite erotic. The fabric fell from you and Loki withdrew the knife. ‘You did really well, kitten’ he praised you. Loki spread your legs further and placed himself in between them. The invisible bonds faltered, and you laid your hands on his chest. He gave you a smile, which you thought looked quite genuine.
He bent down to kiss you. It started out slow, but he got hungrier and started to kiss you faster. You enjoyed the way his lips felt on yours and how he tasted. You felt his hardened cock nudge at your entrance. You involuntarily bucked your hips, trying to get him inside of you. Loki chuckled darkly against your lips ‘I knew it’ he said in between his kisses. You felt him slowly pushing inside of you, making you moan very loud. Loki had left your mouth and was kissing you up and down your neck. You felt him smile against your skin when you moaned. He started to thrust in and out of you. He stopped kissing you and sat up straight. He was quick to put one of his legs over his shoulder, giving him a better angle. With every moan you made he thrusted faster inside of you. You heard him starting to mutter things under his breath, but you were too far gone to register what he was saying. His hand sought out your clit and you cried from pleasure when he started to stroke it lightly. ‘Please, Loki please make me cum’ you begged him. A little bit surprised that the words left your mouth before you could think about it. Loki seemed to be very pleased with your reaction and puts more pressure on your clit. He himself started to moan and you knew he was as close as you are. After a few more thrusts you walls clenched around his cock and you came hard. It triggered Loki’s own orgasm and you felt his seed spilled inside of you.
Loki pulled out of you and cleaned the both of you up with a hand gesture. That was an upside of Loki having his magic back you thought. He shimmered himself a pair of pyjama pants and laid down in your bed. You just stared at him ‘You’re staying?’ you asked him. He laid on his back, a hand behind his head, looking up at you. ‘Of course, I am’ he said, like you were stupid to even think otherwise. ‘I do suggest you wear something tonight, or you won’t be getting any sleep’ he purred. Not really sure how to get him out of your bed, you decided to let him sleep in your bed for this one time. You grabbed your own pyjama from underneath your pillow. It existed of a pair of black shorts and a red top. You were staring at the top and back at Loki. He was having an amused look on his face, wondering what you were going to do. After you put on the shorts you still were holding the red top. Loki cocked an eyebrow, giving you a ‘really?’-look. When you saw it you quickly threw the top on the ground and got under the blankets with him. He pulled you close so your head was on his chest. ‘Good girl’ he whispered. You snuggled closer to him when he said that, hearing him chuckle. He started to stroke your back and play with your hair, making you fall asleep fast.  
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Part Five. "You guys gossip about boys without me?"
warnings: swearing, mentions of emotional abusive/manipulation word count: 3.2k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
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Y/n dropped her phone on the bed and slowly rolled off and onto the ground with a soft THUD. She grunted, falling harder than she expected but the dull pain now present in her right shoulder felt deserved somehow. Why did she think she deserved it? Maybe because she was an unconfrontational worm even when the person needed to be confronted because he hurt her more than anyone ever had.
She closed her eyes and wiggled to get comfortable on the thin carpet in her room. Laying on the ground was relaxing to her, forcing her gamer back to straighten to how it was intended. It helped her think, being on the floor. She didn't know why but she didn't question it. Just laid on the floor in acceptance with the dirt and forgotten candy wrappers.
Why didn't she want to respond to Peter? Well, years of being with him and even the months of not being with him had taught her that her ex liked to get his way and liked to take his anger out in her verbally when he didn't.
You could say she's heard some terrible things over very simple inconveniences.
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Y/n slowly pattered to her desk and slid on her headphones, finding the discord server Dream said he and George were on. It was a server that a lot of their friends were in, one that Y/n hardly went in since she still hadn't met a lot of them and wasn't super comfortable with talking in it yet.
She scrolled through the various text chats, one for boredom, one for stream questions, one for memes, one for pictures of pets, one for.... discussing the inevitable takeover of rats...? Y/n wasn't sure what that was about but she knew she didn't want to find out. The list went on. She was pretty sure they had made a channel for every possible message someone could ever send.
There were equally as many voice channels, most of them titled with the names of different games for when they only played with each other and didn't stream. Some of them were just random names and she noticed there was one to match the rat takeover text channel. Okay, who was responsible for that?
After what felt like an entire scavenger hunt and with many new questions in her mind, Y/n finally found the voice channel Dream and George were in and clicked on it. It was called memerz-only.
"I'm not a memer, am I allowed in here?" she asked. She hadn't realized how messed up her voice was since she hadn't talked all day.
"Holy shit, Bug, you sound awful."
She scoffed a laugh. "Thanks, Dream. Really means a lot." She did sound pretty scuffed. Her voice was a little scratchy from not talking literally all day.
"You doing okay, Bugsy?" George asked kindly, to which she hummed.
“I just have one quick question...”
“This is simple, please don’t elaborate further. There’s a channel on this server... did you guys mean rat as in BadBoyHalo’s dog or rats as in rats?”
Neither of them spoke for a minute before George understood what she was referring to. “Oh! Rats as in rats.”
“Okay, thank you.” 
“Yeah, Quackity—“
“No!” she interupted. “No! I said I don’t wanna know. I really don’t. I’m too afraid to understand.”
“Wha- HA, okay.”
“Good choice, Bugsy. I wish I didn’t know what it’s about. It’s a lot weirder than you’d think.”
“Now that that’s settled,” Dream said with a laugh. “How are you doing, Bug?”
"Neither of you are streaming, right?" she asked, doubling checking the twitch app on her phone to be sure.
"So I don't have to pretend to be happy and bubbly?"
"No, you can be as mundane as you'd like," Dream said. "We don't mind."
"Yeah, honestly, most of the time when Dream and I are on calls alone it's just us being super boring and hardly talking."
"That's..." she paused to find the right words and decided with, "actually really cute. You guys just enjoy each other's presence."
George scoffed and Dream giggled. "See, even Bug says we're cute, Georgie! Why can you tell me you love me?"
"I'll leave right now if you don't stop," George threatened. "Can we go back to how Bugsy's miserable?"
"I'm not miserable, I just..." she hesitated. She had already told George about why she was having a bad day, but Dream?
She didn't want to tell Karl because she knew he would yell at her. She didn't want to tell Sapnap because she didn't trust him not to tell everyone (on accident, of course). For some reason, it was a different kind of hesitation than with the others that made her not want to tell Dream. She didn't want to tell him because she didn't want to be... embarrassed? Maybe that was it. She thought it would be embarrassing to tell Dream about how her ex-boyfriend treated her like shit and how now he wants to get back together with her. Plus, she knew how everyone else individually would react but Dream was a complete mystery. Maybe he'd yell at her too and say she's stupid for being affected by an ex. Maybe he'd break down crying for some reason? Who knows?
"You don't have to tell us," Dream stated. "Seriously."
"It's embarrassing," she said, tucking her feet beneath her on her seat. As she said the words, she decided they felt right. She was embarrassed. "But George already knows."
Above everyone else, Y/n was okay with telling George about her situation because he and her tended to talk about their troublesome relationships quite often. He always came to her for advice and she to him. They were very similar in their ways of thinking and seemed to have lots of similar dating stories, even if neither of them knew what the hell they were doing. She knew he'd never judge her for thinking unclearly since he tended to do the same.
George hummed, not knowing what to say since she hadn't said much. She could tell he didn't wanna say something that might make Dream more nosey and start hounding her about telling him.
"What hap—never mind. Not my business," Dream said quickly.
"No, I mean, I kinda wanted to talk to George about it again anyway so I guess you can join in on the gossip." Guess my mouth decided for me on this one, she thought.
"Wait, what? You guys gossip about boys without me?"
"Oh my gosh, don't say it like that, Dream," George groaned. "Bugsy and I talk about relationship problems a lot, yes. Not just boys."
"How did I not know this?"
"Because you don't know a lot of things?"
"It's normally George sending screenshots of text conversations with girls and asking me how to let them down gently," Y/n explained with a giggle.
"Or Y/n talking about her asshole ex."
"George! What do you and Karl not get about not calling him names?"
"I'm so lost," Dream mumbled.
Y/n sighed. "Okay, well," she cut herself off with a groan. "It's so embarrassing. Basically, my ex asked me to 'chat' this morning which is code for he wants to get back together—"
"Do you know that for sure?" Dream asked.
"Yeah, we already decided that," George snapped. "Let her finish."
"So he wants to get back together and I feel stupid for wanting to listen to what he has to say."
"How is that embarrassing?"
"Because he hurt me and I feel like an idiot because him even suggesting that means he doesn't realize how badly he hurt me. It makes me feel like, I don't know, like all the time I spent being upset was for nothing," Y/n explained in a soft voice. "And because his simple, like, five word text made me freak out all day to the point of exhaustion."
"I don't think you should be embarrassed, Bugsy," George offered.
"Have either of you, uh, have you ever considered dating an ex?"
"Didn't you just say he hurt you badly?" Dream asked. "You aren't thinking of getting back with him, are you?"
"No... but I want to stay friends so maybe I should hear him out?"
"Well, I've never gotten back with an ex," he said bluntly. "But to be fair, all my relationships have ended badly or for bad reasons so I've never wanted to see any of them again. Staying friends depends on why you and he broke up, I guess, but..."
"Um, how do I put this..." she trailed off. "He was mean to me."
"Then no? Simple."
"But I've forgiven him and I think he's changed."
"People don't change that easily. Didn't you break up like, a few months ago?" George asked.
"Yeah, but—"
"Honestly I think if a guy was ever mean to you he doesn't deserve any more of your attention," Dream decided. "So, no. Don't even be his friend. Don't listen to a single thing he has to say."
"That's what I told her," George agreed.
"If that were the case, you guys shouldn't be friends," she argued. "You're mean to each other all the time."
"But we know it's a joke," George defended.
"So you're saying if someone is ever purposefully mean to you just once, you drop them forever?"
"Well, no," Dream said. "Not exactly. But it sounds like he was super mean to you since it's why you broke up."
She took a deep breath. She didn't want to go into detail. She was already uncomfortable enough talking about her personal life so much, but she trusted both of them and needed to get it off her chest and they were there and willing to listen. They had already established wanting to listen to her if she wanted to speak and right now, she wanted to speak. Maybe not the full story, but at least some. "He, um, well, the mean things he said, he said because he was trying to get me to see what he thought was the truth about myself."
Both of them were silent for a few moments. "I'm still confused," George admitted.
"Me too... But you don't have to tell us." Dream explained again. She thought it was sweet that they kept reassuring her that.
"I know, but I want to. If it's not too much for you guys..."
"No, go ahead, if you want."
"Uh, he lowkey emotionally manipulated me by telling me I wasn't good enough for anyone and stuff and how he was the only one who could ever love me. The second part he said truly believing that he was being romantic. There are a lot worse and specific things engraved in my brain but that's the gist of what he would tell me. He made me believe that I could never leave him because I could never be loved by anyone else. But he said it all in a way that... he thought he was just... letting me in on something no one else had the guts to tell me."
George gasped. "What?! Bugsy, I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was like that."
"Woah, what the hell? No. Absolutely not. Don't give this guy a second thought. Cut him off for good," Dream said sternly, angry that anyone would say that to anyone, especially to someone like Y/n. "Wait, so, you broke up with him?"
"Yeah. After Karl yelled at me a lot and explained his outside point of view, I finally realized Peter was gaslighting me and emotionally abusing me and stuff so I dumped him. I guess right now I'm just upset by it because I thought we were past this and I was healing and him reaching out affected me again. I'm just emotionally exhausted. Like I said, it hurts to know that he doesn't realize what he did to me."
"I'm really sorry, Bug," Dream said softly. "Gimme his address and I'll punch him for you."
She laughed through her nose. "That's okay. Thanks."
"Yeah, she can go set his house on fire if she wants. She's proven that already."
"Shut up, George," she said with a small laugh.
"Wh......at?" Dream stuttered and George briefly explained.
"Well, Bug, just so you know, in case you weren't aware, you're really cool and sweet and funny and we really like having you around–" Dream started.
"Oh, ugh, no don't do this," she tried to joke but he ignored her as he continued his speech.
"–and you're way too good to be hanging out with either of us, and whatever that asshole was showing you wasn't love. 'No one could love you like he did' because what he was doing was not love, it was abuse." Dream's voice had a certain gentleness to it as he spoke that comforted Y/n and made her believe him. He was blunt but it didn't stab her in the heart like it should have.
If Y/n ever cried, she might have just then from how sweet they were both being. But she didn't because that wasn't something she did. She never cried over anything Peter said, never cried during movies, and didn't cry then. But she did smile very fondly at the Discord screen in front of her.
"Thank you, Dream."
"You know I'm not good with words, but, yeah, what Dream said," George said. "I'm sorry you had to go through that thinking it was normal. Please, please, do not get back together with him and please don't be friends with him."
"He's fine as a friend though."
"Bug. Whether he's fine as a friend doesn't matter, he doesn't deserve to have you as a friend. He treated you like shit, it's okay to be a little cold to him."
She sighed. They were right. "Okay." There was a long pause before, "thanks, guys. Sorry for coming in here and dumping my problems on you—"
"Don't be sorry," George said. "We're the ones that asked you to come in and share. We knew what we signed up for and don't regret it."
"Seriously, Bug, we care about you. You're allowed to, you know, talk about yourself." How did he know that's what she meant by that sentence? The way he could read her mind was heart-warming.
"Also, George knows this but Dream, there's a strict no-telling policy about this kinda thing. Please don't tell anyone."
"I wouldn't even think of it," he promised. "My lips are sealed."
A soft animal noise came from one of their mics and Y/n strained her ears to listen. "Was that a cat?"
"Patches has entered the chat," George joked.
Dream chuckled. "Yeah, my cat just jumped on my lap."
"Aw, you have a cat? Lemme see lemme see lemme see!" Y/n begged. "Partly because I would love if we could stop talking about my ex-boyfriend and the other part because I love cats."
"There's pictures of her in the pets channel on Discord—"
"No, no I want a picture of her on your lap. Is she all snuggled up?"
"Yeah, she is."
"PleASE, Dream. I need to see the snuggly cat."
"Fine, fine, if you insist. Give me a second."
A few moments later, she got a DM from Dream and smiled at the picture. His room was dark but the computer screen cast a cold glow over a ball of fur on a lap clad in sweatpants. "Awww, she's so cute."
"Dream, I wanna see it too," George whined. "Send it to the pets channel."
"I'm literally making this my lock screen," Y/n informed, making Dream laugh.
"No, George, it's only for Bug. She's had a bad day so she gets exclusive Patches content."
"What? That is so messed up."
"You know what's messed up, George?" Dream asked. "You never come to me with advice on how to reject girls. We're on the phone for 12 hours a day but you can't talk to me about girls? Do you know how that makes me feel?"
"You'll just make fun of me."
"Why would I? What makes you think that?"
"Because Sapnap and I make fun of you? So obviously you and him would make fun of me?" George said with a laugh.
"....that's fair."
Y/n locked her phone and clicked the home button to admire her new lock screen. "I love her," she whispered.
Dream and George both laughed. "I'm regretting sending you that. You're gonna, like, make a shrine or something."
"What would be wrong with that? She's precious. She deserves a shrine."
"Yeah, Dream, you're the one that feeds her gormet cooked food," George teased with a laugh. "You probably have a shrine."
"That's normal! That's what people feed their cats! That's completely normal!"
"I don't," George countered.
"Then what do you feed your cat?" Dream asked.
"I dunno, normal cat food?"
"Wait! You have a cat too??" Y/n asked. "I feel like we're missing a huge detail and it's that George never told me he had a cat."
"And a dog."
"WHAT? GEORGE! Send me pictures!!!!!"
"I can't right now, it's like three am. They're sleeping. Look in the pets channel."
"You're the worst," she grumbled, clicking and scrolling to find his pets. She saw a lot of cute pictures of other peoples pets along the way but couldn't find George's.
"Hey, do your animals have English accents?" Dream asked, making Y/n laugh.
"What?" George scoffed. "You're so stupid."
"How would that even sound?" Y/n asked.
"Like..." Dream thought, preparing to test out how it would hypothetically sound. "Meow," Dream meowed in his best accent, failing miserable.
"Oh gosh, never do that again," Y/n begged.
Dream laughed into his mic. "That was disgusting. George, I really hope your pets don't have accents."
"They're animals, so probably not. And if they did, it definitely wouldn't sound like whatever that was."
"Oh come on–"
"OH I FOUND THEM." Y/n announced as she found a message from George in the pets channel with the message 'heard we're sharing our pets'. "GEORGE. THEY'RE SO CUTE."
"Are you gonna make them your background picture now?" George asked.
"What, no way! It's Patches!" Dream scoffed.
"Yeah, I'll make George's pets my home screen. Oh, what a good day." As soon as she said it, a metal bowling ball fell to her stomach, reminding her of all the reasons it was, in fact, not a good day.
She got off after a while, feeling the weight of a particular idiot man's stupid simple text catch up with her again. She thanked Dream and George for letting her join, they invited her to always hang out with them, and she went on her way.
Y/n fell on her bed and curled up under the covers as her mind started to wander from Peter to Dream. She was really glad she met him. He was a really good person and he was always so incredibly kind to her. George and Sapnap and Karl were all great friends, so caring and understanding and always looking out for her, but Dream was different and she didn't know why.
Maybe it was because he seemed untouchable still, like he had no reason to hang out around someone like her. But he wasn't untouchable in the celebrity was since he had a large following, because all of her friends did and they didn't seem untouchable. Then what was it? What set him apart from, say, Karl? She trusted Karl with her life and had known him for quite a while. She knew Dream for maybe a few weeks and almost trusted him the same amount.
She picked her phone up off the bed and pulled up Twitter, deciding to DM Dream since he was already existing in her mind rent-free. Might as well make him pay his rent by bothering him.
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A/N: EEEEEEEE I hope that all made sense lmaaoooo basically yn ex = gaarrbbaaagggeeeee and ruined her self-worth a lot!! not poggers!!!!!!  THANK U GUYS FOR BEING SO SWEET ALL THE TIME ALL FOR ALL THE POSITIVE FEEDBACK ON ALL THE  CHAPTERS!!! I love seeing you guys make predictions and tell me how aljkDFB chapters make you feel bc same :/
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @jabby16 @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk 
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Hiya~ Can I request quote 9) "Are you jealous?" for Lucifer in Obey Me! pretty please😊
This was so much fun to write! Luci know that he gets jealous but never wants to admit (his jealousy is worse than Mammon but you didn’t hear it from me 🤭) and sorry this got kinda long! Reader is gender neutral!
TW: suggestive/spicy themes, but nothing extremely graphic is mentioned
Prompt: “Are you jealous?” with Lucifer!
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Lucifer is pissed.
He’s tapping his foot, and constantly checking his phone, waiting in his study for you to either walk in or call him. It’s late, and you’re still not home yet. He asked his brothers where exactly you are, and when Asmo told him that you’re out with the same “friend” you seem to blow all of them off for some time now, it just makes his mood turn even more sour, the scowl on his face deepening.
Now, Lucifer is not opposed to you making friends, as long as they aren’t a threat to you, his family, Lord Diavolo and the other exchange students. He understands that it’s very easy for you to connect with others, intentional or not, and he encourages it to a certain extent. However, this same “friend” that you’ve been increasingly been hanging out with for the past couple of weeks is starting to rub him the wrong way. Of course he’s met this “friend”, a classmate from your Seductive Speechcraft class (which just made him feel more unease with you being with them), and they seemed harmless enough (for a demon at least). Annoying, but harmless, at first.
Then began the constant need for your attention.
It started with the messages and calls under the guise of studying, the “innocent” demon begging you for help so that they can pass the class, and you being the naive nice human that you are of course obliged their request. Then it escalated from once a week, to three times a week, to almost staying after school every day just to “help”. He didn’t like that, as it’s him or his brothers that always walk you home every time, and this demon (who he found is Yuki, a demon who feeds off of sexual energy nonetheless), is messing with the routine, but he kept his cool and forced his brothers to do the same. He- They weren’t happy about this, but at the end of the day, you’re still coming home to him- them, and nothing is changing that. Not to mention how he made sure that someone had their eyes on you, whether it’s Mammon, Beel, or even himself (which he preferred).
Until Yuki decided that you need to hang out more, without him or his brothers.
That’s when he made it known of his dislike towards them, and dislike is putting it lightly.
You started to come home right at dinner, right before Beel devoured your plate. Mammon obviously voiced his displeasure aloud, with the others silently agreeing or making passing comments, but Lucifer would just shut the conversation down before anyone gets too upset, mainly for himself. He doesn’t want to lose control over something trivial like this, he can’t, he won’t- he’s well above some minuscule pest like them, and it would be a waste of time and energy to be worried about someone who is clearly below him!
He’s already irritated with Yuki integrating themselves into your everyday life, but he’s also trying to fight the increasing sinking feeling in his stomach the more you both bond.
The more you two become more than acquainted with one another, the more Lucifer tries to fight and hide this feeling. He buries himself in more paperwork, practically locks himself in his study, avoids anyone’s questions or concerns, and has become overall snappier than usual. He’s even snapped on Lord Diavolo, Lord Diavolo of all people!
(Granted Diavolo just thought it was overall stress, so he just simply laughed it off, but it didn’t go unnoticed by everyone, including you).
Now Lucifer is not stupid, he’s a very intelligent and powerful demon, and he doesn’t have to say it to be known. He made sure to do some research himself on Yuki, and didn’t put anything past them. You’re still surrounded by demons who wouldn’t hesitate to swallow you whole if allowed, and some are still desperate enough to try anything, so he’s very cautious with others being around you.
Which leads to now, you being out again with that demon at The Fall. Ever since, Lucifer retired to his study, constantly checking his phone for any updates. He refused to look distressed in front of everyone, and he knows that you’re smart and not so gullible, you’ll be okay, you had to be.
It’s well going on 1 in the morning, and you still haven’t answered any of his calls and texts? You swore that you would always answer him, so something had to happen. What exactly were you doing? What exactly were you two doing? We’re you okay? Are you safe? Has that Yuki tried anything with you?
Were you two doing anything now?
All of these questions swirling around in his head, his worry only adding on to his frustrations and building tension going through his body.
He already marched down to the door, coat forgotten and tie undone, flinging it open and scowl so deep that his fangs were bared. That Yuki better hope that you come home in one piece and spotless, or else he will make sure that they regret being alive-
He couldn’t wipe the surprised look on his face when he made eye contact with you, who was matching his own expression, hand frozen in the air mid knock.
“Lucifer? What are you still doing up? Are you about to go somewhere?” His expression quickly morphed to one of high distaste, the irritation displaying clearly on his face and his grip tightening on the door.
“I was still awake waiting for you. Have you forgotten how to use a phone, or are you too good for one now that you’re with your ‘friend’. And I remember specifically telling you to let me know when you leave, did I not?”
“Oh. Well...my phone kinda died, but I was already on the way home and-”
“By yourself?! Do you know how irresponsible that is? Do you forget that you’re a mere human?”
His irritation is rising to pure anger at this revelation. So that demon didn’t even have the decency to walk you home? To make sure that you arrive safe? And yet you still have the nerve to spend time with them and practically ignore him?!-
“Well- um, Lucifer? Lucifer!”
He snapped out of his murderous thoughts, and stepped aside to let you in.
“Come inside now, it’s late, and we have much to discuss.”
Your face scrunched up, showing confusion in how he’s acting. You know that’s he mad about your phone being dead, but he’s mad enough to leave the door barely hanging on its hinges? But you knew that arguing or pointing it out would just make things escalate, so you just stepped past and began to make your way up the stairs.
You can feel his eyes bore into the back of your head, but you just didn’t understand why. It’s about more than just your phone, it seemed like he’s been on edge for awhile now. You want to approach him, to ask him what’s wrong, to have him open up, but of course Lucifer being Lucifer, it was to no avail.
You racked your brain as he lead you to his room and began the “conversation” about how irresponsible you were being (really it’s just him getting whatever he needed off his chest and not you giving any input). Was it because of you going out so late? No, you didn’t drink, you and Yuki stayed together the whole night, and you let him know hours before. Was it Yuki? Now that you’re think about it, he has been frowning more it seemed like every time you brought up their name-
The pieces are starting to fit together now.
Oh my Diavolo.
You couldn’t stop the words escaping from your mouth before you could realize it.
“Lucifer, are you jealous?”
He choked in the middle of his sentence, and the room went quiet. You’re pretty sure that you can’t even hear him breathing, and his face just went entirely blank, no expression whatsoever.
Oh no, you broke him-
A gust of wind erupted, so strong that you had to shield your eyes for a second, and when you removed your arm, you were met with massive black wings and a very enraged demon.
“Excuse me?”
You stepped back until you stumbled onto the bed, as he stalks closer and closer to you.
“Care to repeat yourself?”
You knew better than to respond, and you felt frozen on the bed. You also know that Lucifer won’t attack or try to kill you, but it didn’t take away from the fact that he has moments where he’s very intimidating, one of those moments being now.
He’s looking down at you like a predator would to its captured prey, his ruby eyes glowing deviously in the dim room. He didn’t stop moving until he was on top of you, caging you in.
“Me? Jealous?” He scoffed. “I am the Avatar of Pride, the most powerful being in this house, yet you assume that I’m jealous of a demon that’s beneath me? You insult me, MC.”
He took hold of your chin, “Do you not remember what I said when we made the pact? You are mine and mine alone. Not anyone else’s, but mine.”
You felt like your nerves were getting the best of you, but you couldn’t force yourself to tear away as he leaned closer. He sealed his lips against yours in a heated kiss, one that you gladly accepted, not before uttering the words that made your heart race even faster.
“Maybe I should remind you of who you belong to, hm?”
“Had a fun night, MC?”
“Yeah, it was”, you coughed in your hand. “Very nice, very fun. We had a great time.”
“Hmmmmm...you and Yuki or you and Lucifer?”
He giggled, “I’m just saying dear. I don’t sense the pent-up sexual frustration from Lucifer anymore, and he seems back to normal and even relaxed. Though I must say MC, I wish that you had spent the night in my bed instead.”
“Of course you do Asmo.”
“Besides, I would have covered your hickeys much better-”
“MC, are you ready?”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear has never been more true than now, as Lucifer appeared behind you both, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Huh? Oh, yes, sorry.”
“Eh? Where are you two going?”
“And without me?!”
“Yes. Now, leave us be”. Lucifer moved his hand from your shoulder to your own hand, leading you both out the door. You two had plans for the day after the...eye-opening talk from last night, and he didn’t want to waste anymore time than he already had.
Asmo waited until he heard the door click, and then quickly whipped out his D.D.D. to text Yuki. He knew that the plan was going to be a success! A tense Lucifer made things more difficult for everyone, and he has too much pride to open his mouth so he decided to step in and team up with Yuki, who already knew about the whole ordeal.
Lucifer was already on the edge of snapping and letting his primal instincts take over anyway, so Asmo just gave him a little push in the right direction.
Thank Diavolo the plan worked, or else it would be hell for them both. He did owe Yuki some exposure on his socials in exchange for this and backing off of you now, but it was well worth the trouble.
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godlygreta · 3 years
i never stopped loving you | j. kiszka
title | i never stopped loving you
summary | jake and y/n have known each other since grade school, they’ve been neighbors forever. a bit of romance ensues, but ends fairly quickly when complications arise while the boys are touring. a trip home from college ends in a slightly drunk confession.
warnings | some mature themes (bit of sex, but not explicitly), swearing, slight angst
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hi! this is the first thing i’ve written for any of the boys, so i hope you enjoy. i’ve written for other bands before, so writing isn’t new to me, but writing for greta is.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
High school was rough for Y/N with hormones mixed in with academics, horny teenage boys at every turn. Y/N wasn’t even interested in dating, not due to the fact that nobody was necessarily interested in her, but because she was too focused on her studies to even give a damn. School dances were a nice break from academics. There was a shift, though, when one boy in particular would start to really pay attention to her.
Jake Kiszka was charismatic in every sense of the word. Him and his twin brother, Josh, were always the two sweetest, yet most famous troublemakers in all of Frankenmuth High School. It got even worse when their younger brother, Sam, ended up in high school with them as a freshman. Jake had girls wrapped around his finger from the moment he had gotten a haircut. His hair was a lot shorter than before and barely even touched his forehead. Y/N didn’t really give a damn. To her, he was still Jake Kiszka, neighbor.
Their parents were friends and always hungout on the weekends. Y/N’s family had a cabin on the lake which they always vacationed at and occasionally would bring Jake’s family with. One particular summer, they stayed there for a week between the summer of sophomore and junior year. The summer’s were always hot, but this week in particular was hotter than the other summer’s before. “It feels like the Devil’s asshole out here.”
“I know, Mary, but that’s the exact reason we chose to come here this week. The kids can swim in the lake, it’s a lot cooler in the water than on the grass.” Y/N’s dad spoke, returning the conversation from her mother. He gave her a quick kiss on the side of the head and returned to unpacking the car. Y/N and the boys had already gone into the house and picked their rooms. The boys shared one, and Y/N got one of the spare bedrooms. 
Dinner was made as soon as everyone was settled in. Everyone sat around the dining table, laughing and eating as they did almost every weekend. “You excited for Junior year, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m sort of nervous about taking the SAT and ACT. I’ve been studying when I’m not working at the shop.” She picked at some asparagus on her plate as she answered Mrs. Kiszka’s  question. Jake and Josh weren’t entirely ecstatic about it, it didn’t really matter to either of them. Music was their passion and that was never going to change.
Smores after dinner was a tradition that started when they were all really little, barely old enough to eat them. The fire was lit by Mr. Kiszka and Mr. Y/L/N. Jake, Sam and Josh had always played music while the rest of them made their smores. Y/N always made extras for the boys for when they were done playing music. Whenever they had no idea what to play, Y/N always knew the answer. Running out of songs to play, though, was a rarity in itself. The Kiszka’s knew so much about their sound, nothing was in their way of playing songs that fit it. However, every once in a blue moon they would ask their friend what she would like to hear. “C’mon now. You should know I’m a sucker for The Beatles.”
Y/N could recognize the sound of Blackbird the second it started playing. She had only listened to it eight million times that summer. She hummed lightly along as they played. Everyone clapped as soon as their song was over, the boys immediately delving into their smores. Y/N had finally taken a seat next to Josh when she was finished making their smores for them. Once their parents had gone inside, though, Y/N and the twins dipped into their parents' cooler of beer.
Neither of the sets of parents cared, they knew their kids would be safe and unharmed if they drank at the cabin. Jokes were told and stories of the past school year were discussed, as well as the future. A topic so vast for high schoolers. “I still can’t decide between a lawyer and an art teacher.”
“You’ve always been great at arguing,” Josh joked, “Practically got fuckin’ Lindsey McNeil out of that suspension.”
“It wasn’t fair. All she did was stand up for herself and what she believed in, plus that teacher is fucking creepy and everyone knows it.” Everybody laughed, the beer in everyone’s hands was getting a little warmer with every minute that passed by. Everyone filtered out one by one. Sam went in first, followed by Ronnie (she was slightly upset about coming, having made other plans with friends for the hot weather), and then Josh followed, leaving behind Jake and Y/N.
“Did you want to go inside yet or stay out here for a bit longer?” The silence beforehand hadn’t been awkward for the pair. “Cause I was thinking of going swimming for a bit.”
“I’ll join you, we haven’t swam yet today.”
The sand leading into the lake was met with a bit of rocks. It was picturesque under the moonlight. The pair discarded their clothing, leaving their underwear and got into the water. The coolness of the water sent goosebumps along her skin, leaving no piece without some. Jake followed in behind her, coming up next to her before completely dipping under the water. He popped back up and shook his head.
“You know,” Y/N started, “I think you’d look really good with longer hair.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. You should grow it out.” She swiped his hair out of the way and giggled a bit. “You’ll still never be prettier than I am.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
The rest of the summer followed with light flirting and spending lots of time together. Junior year came around and nothing changed a bit. Prom was spent with the Kiszka family, Josh driving the three of you, as well as Josh’s date. The dance was lame, the songs were overplayed pop music, which Y/N secretly had a bit of a soft spot for. She would never tell that to Jake, though.
The pair ended up back at Y/N’s house, giggling all the way up to her room. He went into the bathroom to take his suit off, using one of Y/N’s hangers to make sure it wouldn’t wrinkle. However, Y/N was still having issues. She couldn’t manage to undo the zipper by herself, waiting for Jake to come back into the room to do it for her. He came back in, saw her still in her dress. “Need my help?”
“My zipper -- I can’t reach it.”
“I can do it,” he whispered, knowing Y/N’s parents were asleep. His hands were warm against her back, undoing her zipper slowly. The moonlight coming in from the window felt like that hot summer night at the cabin. He slid the straps down her shoulders, his mouth slightly agape. How could someone look so beautiful and delicate at the same time?
She turned around, her body facing Jake’s. He stuttered, telling her he could leave and he was honestly about to. Until he felt her hand grab his wrist. “Don’t go.”
He nodded his head, helping her get the rest of the way out of her dress. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. She could feel how fast his heart was beating. She had a hard time meeting his gaze, nervous of him not feeling the same way she had been. “You looked really good tonight.”
“Me? Everybody was staring at you the whole time, Y/N,” he spoke, one hand finding their way to her waist, the other pulling on her chin to force eye contact. “You looked absolutely breathtaking.”
There was a split second where both of them second guessed themselves. But it was over when Y/N pressed her lips lightly against Jake’s. It was such a feathery light touch, it almost felt like she wasn’t even kissing him. She pulled away slowly, her eyes closed, not really knowing what to do next. She didn’t have to figure it out though, Jake’s lips returned to hers with more pressure.
His hands had found their rightful place on her back, bringing her closer to him. Hers found their way into his hair. It felt so natural - the need for each other grew stronger with each passing minute. His mouth never wanted to leave hers, it felt as though her lips were coated in fucking drugs the way they were so addicting. He couldn’t get enough. “Do you want to..?”
“Yes, please.” It came out so needy - desperate. Y/N didn’t even care about how that presented itself to Jake. She just wanted to be even closer to him than she already was. And she got to be right where she wanted to be.
Her bed was more comfy than Jake had previously remembered. Or maybe that was because they were here under different circumstances, not just studying algebra because Jake wasn’t quite getting it. All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to forget it. He wanted this moment to replay forever and ever. Not because he was just some horny teenager, but because holy fuck, this had just been some random thought - a daydream, almost. But this was real. This was happening.
A tangled mess they were when climaxing. “I love you,” came out as barely above a whisper. It took Y/N a half of a second to register what he was really saying before it finally hit her. She didn’t feel as if she had to say it back, if anything, he should realize that she loved him too.
“I could honestly stay here forever and stare at you until the end of time.”
“So do it. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
They didn’t though. And it wasn’t that simple. Complications arose after that night. Everything got messy and trying to tie in a relationship while the band was traveling and on the road became increasingly difficult, especially when Y/N went to college.
She came home to Frankenmuth while she was off for the summer. Her mother and father missed her a great deal and the first weekend home was spent in the Kiszka’s backyard, the boys excluded. It was weird to be at their house and not see them littered around anywhere. Ronnie was full of stories though, telling Y/N about previous times the boys have come home from touring and the memories they brought back with him.
It was painful to hear, but she was so incredibly proud of everything they had accomplished and done. Every once in a while, Y/N had checked up on their band's Instagram account. When she was really nervous — having a hard time not worrying about them — she texted Josh or Danny. Neither of them were ever going to say anything to Jake or mention it to Sam.
The two families decided to get together and have dinner at a local bar. The boys were still away, they weren’t scheduled to come back to Michigan for at least another month and a half. Ronnie and Y/N spent most of their time talking about future plans for the upcoming weeks while their parents discuss their weekend plans — what to have for dinner and who’s house to have dinner at. Time had passed quickly and before they knew it, it was 10pm.
The parents had left, leaving Ronnie and Y/N at the bar by themselves. At least, that was until the boys walked in.
Ronnie smiled widely, hugging her brothers but then proceeding to punch them for surprising her and not just telling her. Josh and Danny hugged Y/N first, Sam leading after. Jake didn’t hug Y/N. It stung a bit. It made sense though. The last time they talked — it ended in an argument which was the resulting cause of their breakup.
A few drinks were downed, a couple shots thrown in there as well. Y/N figured it was time to throw the towel in. She couldn’t handle the awkward glances and forced conversation on their part. She grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and put it on as she said goodbye to everyone. “Boys, lovely to see you again. I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”
She wasn’t going to. She was gonna avoid them at all costs. Come up with a lie — say she had the flu or something. Her mother would believe her either way, as well as understand where she was coming from with her avoidance. Her mother was there for her while she cried her eyes out.
She didn’t notice when Jake had followed her out. She didn’t notice him calling her name. The only thing she could notice was the tears falling down her cheeks, wiping them as soon as she felt them.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
“When we broke up,” he started. “I was a wreck. I was immature. It could’ve worked out - it would’ve worked out if I wasn’t such a child about everything.”
“Jake —“
“No, Y/N, I need to say this now. I’m a little drunk so I actually have the balls to say everything I want to. It was stupid to break up over something as menial as distance. The things I feel for you are so intense it scares the fuck out of me. I was so afraid of being gone all the time. You deserved someone who could be there to help you study for midterms. I was always in another state and sometimes another country. I wasn’t… there to be able to help you through anything. Everything’s different now, though.”
She sighed, not entirely sure on what to do with the information that was thrown at her. She was sober enough to remember the conversation tomorrow, but not nearly drunk enough to be able to deal with it tonight. “Do you wanna just come home with me? Talk about this tomorrow morning when we’re both sober.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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