#twister pandora
elreed · 1 year
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How have I not seen anyone shipping the only two main female Burst bladers (because they didn’t even share a scene, that’s why)
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f4m0u5m0n573rzz · 1 month
1. Art of my chemical romance from kerrang! Pandora comics by Ray Zell
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“G & P!”
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“Sexy is a drag”
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Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
part two
pairing: (future) james potter x black sister!reader, regulus black x sister!reader
genre: angst with like maybe a little fluff?
el's thoughts: this is part two! hope yall enjoy! part three is in the works, i promise!!
main masterlist | regulus masterlist
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“What do you mean you just spoke.”
Y/N groaned and threw her head down into her hands. She and Pandora sat under a large tree by the Black Lake. “What more can I say to simplify it?”
“Sorry, sorry. I just-” The blonde girl shook her head with a dazed smile. “I’m happy for you.”
“It was nothing to get happy about.” Y/N snapped, earning a barely scolding look from her approaching brother, causing her to mutter an apology. “It was just strange, that’s all.” 
Pandora sighed and laid back against the soft grass. “Hi, Regulus.”
“Pandora,” He hummed in greeting as he lowered himself beside Y/N, giving her a gentle yet tired smile. 
“How was your day?” Y/N asked.
“Far too long for my preference, if I were to be honest.”
Y/N chuckled, “I agree.”
The silence fell among the trio as they stared into the Black Lake for a few long moments before their peace was disrupted. The Marauders crashed through their little haven like a twister. James and Sirius raced to the water’s edge while Peter attempted to keep up and Remus strolled behind the group, reading his book. 
Both Black siblings rolled their eyes at the sight of the boisterous boys. 
“For Salzar’s sake.” Y/N cursed under her breath. “I think I’ll head back now.”
Pandora sat up with a frown molding her lips. “Oh, don’t let them spoil your evening, Y/N/N.”
She shook her head stiffly as she knotted her hair up with her wand. “It’s almost dinner anyway, I’ll save you both seats.”
Y/N started her trek up the small hill back to the castle, passing Remus where he sat with his nose buried in his book. He looked up causing the two to share a courteous nod with no words exchanged other than the polite mumble of the other’s name. 
“Oh c’mon! We’re brothers! Don’t do it!”
Her attention was yanked back to her eldest brother and his friend as they playfully fought, still by the water’s edge. James seemed to have been able to pick Sirius up, but he threatened to throw him into the lake. The sight caused tears to sting the back of her eyes as she never got to see her brothers jest around like the pair in front of her. 
‘What a cruel and unfair world.’ She thought to herself as she continued her walk up to the castle. 
The following morning went as normal. Y/N sat with the others at the Slytherin table, picking at the breakfast foods in front of her. Owls soon flooded the Great Hall and dropped letters and packages off to different students. First years students got care packages from their parents and long letters from their worried mothers and carrying fathers. Regulus and Y/N got a shared letter from their mother, and the pair shared a drained look. 
“Just what I needed.” Y/N rolled her eyes while she fed her owl some treats. 
Pandora looked between the two Black siblings with pitiful eyes. 
Barty placed a hand on Y/N’s shoulder and shook her around a bit. “Don’t stress it too much, Little Black. Just finish your dinner before you open it.” 
She only responded with a subtle nod as she made eye contact with a certain messy-haired Gryffindor. James watched her from across the dining hall with a creeping concern when he noticed the two letters drop in front of her and her brother. 
“Who’re you lookin’ at?” Sirius asked as he leaned over to see what James was staring at and quickly side-eyed him sharply. “What do you want with them?”
“Nothing, sod off.” James shoved him gently. “Eat your food.”
Across the hall, Y/N had opened her letter and read it quickly. She looked up to see Regulus’ eyes already on her, she shook her head and fought back tears. Her mother had done it again. She pushed herself up from the bench and rushed out of the dining hall.
In the meantime, Remus eyed James and looked back to Y/N as she left the hall but he didn’t express his thoughts. He had no reason to hate the Black twins but knew better than to get friendly with them for Sirius’ sake, but that never stopped him from carrying a cordial conversation with either of them. It wasn’t a secret that the twins had it rough back home—if you could even call it that. He was truly amazed by the talent each Black sibling performed with ease. They had perfected their masks. Unless you knew more than their family name, you would never know the terrors they have seen, except for now.
Within recent months, Y/N’s long-since-perfected mask had begun to slip. Shaking hands and stiff posture were only among the smaller signs. Her sudden bursts of anger would catch any passerby off guard as her friends and brother tried to do some damage control. Everyone at school can see the difference in her, but no one would know the cause of it. But one thing for sure is that she wasn’t Slytherin’s little princess anymore.
Y/N paced barefoot in front of Regulus’ room in the Black Manor. The winter holidays came upon the students of Hogwarts faster than expected this year much to Y/N’s demise. Her mother’s voice could be heard from downstairs as it echoed through the cold house despite the late hours of the night. 
Grimuald place had seemed magical to Y/N when she was a child. Running around with her brothers and always finding new hiding places. Only when they all got older did the squeals of children playing turn into screams of agony. Now the rooms they used to play hide and seek were haunted by memories of Sirius curled up on the floor begging his mother to stop.
The nearly silent creek of a door opening startled Y/N from her thoughts as she turned around to face her brother.
Regulus eyed her carefully in suspicion. “What are you doing up?”
“I-I came to come see you. Why are you up?”
“I was going to the loo. Are you okay, Y/N/N?”
Y/N’s eyes teared up at the question and she instantly avoided eye contact. Regulus sighed in pity for his sister knew what had kept her up till now. He took her into his arms and walked her to his bed, guiding her to lie down as he tucked her in under his sheets. 
“I’ll be back.”
She didn’t respond, only gave him a nod as she pulled the comforter up closer to her chin. A few minutes passed before Regulus returned to the room and shut the door behind him. He climbed onto the other side of the bed and pulled the sheets over him.
“You better not steal all the blankets again. If you do I’m putting you back in your room.”
Y/N giggled and turned to face him, holding an extra pillow to her chest. “That’d be more work for you than me.”
She could feel him roll his eyes at her before a comfortable silence settled over them. 
Just before Regulus was about to fall back to sleep, he felt Y/N shift under the bedding. He tried to ignore it for a moment until it was too much. He sighed aloud, “What’s wrong.”
“We should run away.” Y/N didn’t skip a beat, catching him off guard. 
Y/N reached over him causing him to groan when her elbow dug into his stomach. 
“We should run away. It worked for Sirius, why wouldn’t it work for us?”
“It worked for Sirius because we were still here. We are still here. Plus, where would we run to that mother and father wouldn’t find us?”
She paused for a moment, thinking through just how wise it would be to voice her thoughts. “I have a small idea… But I’m not sure you’ll approve. I’m not even sure I approve.”
Regulus eyed her skeptically, “Y/N?”
“The Potters.”
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hotdamnitsmoony · 6 months
what each of the marauders think of their birthday & traditions they have
james: definitely loves his birthday and enjoys the attention. the group throw him a surprise birthday party every year, obviously now he expects it, but he really enjoys being celebrated and other people showing him the love he endlessly gives them. his main tradition growing up was effie making him birthday pancakes with sprinkles, syrup and squirty cream and once regulus finds out he asks for the recipe and does it for james at hogwarts.
regulus: absolutely hates his birthday, and refuses to tell people when it is but sirius ends up telling the group so they can have little celebration. the only tradition he has is he and sirius sharing a cake together (that they often had to sneak behind their parents backs when they were children).
remus: doesn’t really care for it, but enjoys spending time with his people. the night usually ends in drunken bowie karaoke and being very cuddly with sirius. his birthday tradition is being woken up by the marauders screaming happy birthday at him (unless the full moon is near).
sirius: used to hate his birthday, but now absolutely LOVES it! will throw a massive party, dance on tables and be with the people he loves. he usually sets a theme for his parties too, like fancy dress or superhero, and they’re usually very talked about around school. his favourite birthday tradition is when he, james and remus sneak down to the great hall in the middle of the night and have a photoshoot (specifically with sirius in dumbledore’s throne) and they do it every year they’re at hogwarts.
lily: likes a low key birthday with her friends, and enjoys having the attention more than she lets on. she, mary, pandora, marlene and dorcas usually go and have a little picnic by the black lake and gossip and play silly games til their hearts content. the only tradition she has is that she wears her mother’s earrings on her birthday so that it feels as though she’s at home. she will also cry at least once.
mary: loves her birthday and the attention that comes with it. she absolutely milks it around her birthday by saying things like “oh, but what day is it tomorrow?” and “you have to be nice to me it’s my birthday this week.” she would definitely also have a party thrown for her - which not many people remember the day after. her tradition is having a girls night with her dorm mates where they paint each others nails, do hair and face masks etc!
pandora: has a love hate relationship with her birthday, considering she shares with evan. she likes the spending time with her people part but isn’t the biggest fan of the loud parties. she would spend her day in a field making flower crowns and daisy chains with her friends and always brings evan a bouquet back. pandora and evan share a tradition where they meet at the time they were born and sing a song they made up as kids about how they won’t leave each other’s side.
barty: absolutely loves his birthday! he usually finds any old excuse to throw a party but this means he can get away with it easier! he wears the most revealing outfit in his closet, sending evan into a gay panic, and the sharpest eyeliner. he’ll dance on tables, swing from chandeliers, play truth or dare and spin the bottle. his tradition is standing on top of the astronomy tower with evan and regulus and they scream into the night about whatever’s on their mind and then have a group hug (which they’d deny to anyone who asks).
evan: also has a love hate relationship with his birthday, but finds himself smiling as he goes to sleep after the day is done (and not just because he’s probably drunk). he loves each bouquet pandora makes for him and presses them so he can preserve them. he has a small-ish party with the group where they play games like twister. the tradition he has is that he gets ready for whatever party they’re having with pandora and she does his makeup.
marlene: loves her birthday more than any other holiday and will remind everyone when it is constantly. she will throw an absolute rager and have the time of her life (until she gets a hangover the next morning). she pre plans her outfit and makeup weeks in advance, but will end up getting changed at least three times during the party! she doesn’t have any traditions other than getting trashed. although she is rather sentimental about reading the cards she’s given.
dorcas: is usually quite cryptic about her birthday, and until people find out when she’s drunk at marlene’s birthday party. she doesn’t really like the attention too much but will spend the time with her friend and enjoy it. deep down she loves reading the sappy cards that everyone writes for her but she slightly mocks them for it instead. the tradition she has is buying herself a outfit every year, and she takes the girls with her and tries the clothes on fashion show style!
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originemesis · 1 month
[continued - xxx] @avispatr , @mages-pandoras-box , @a-hell-of-a-time
Something practical to say huh? Well, he's not wrong because Adam is currently mid-jam session on that axe shaped guitar of his, and the most practical thing that follows his mutilation of a melody is the obnoxious battle cry of a guitar solo without pesky lyrics to distract from the "-nyAHNANA NA NA BANANANUUUUUAHHHHH!!!" 'Practical. Progressive. Pussy Peril. Adam.' T-shirt sales guaranteed.
Though it would take some kind of feat to distract him from his duties in drumming up more vibrations via high-strung strings and swirling them into the whirlwind of a pillar busy picking and assembling small pieces of the Goetian manor like peeling skin off a sunburnt back, a display of growing multiple beast heads certainly fit the minimum requirement to turn his own, half cocked and banging in place along with the beat. Oh yeah...just imagining how hard an act of headbanging would fuck with four thrashing points, the angel dips a golden wing tip into the swirl of his churning twister of sound and window glass and rides the pillar up higher escalator style for a better gander of those drooling maws from above. Aw! The bottom one on the left...was that a cleft lip? Adorbs.
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"Funny you're so ON about ~dignity~ when you're over here giving all this HEAD. Lemme guess- this is your circumcision 'trauma' story talking~?" A tsk is interrupted by the blast of magic from below. He might as well have settled over an air vent with how it inflates his robe into a parachute and shoots him upwards with a jerk of jarring turbulence, leaving him momentarily as fucked as Mary Poppins. Annoyed gaze flicking down at the source, he flings the neck of his guitar downwards once he takes up the task of royally fucking the environment again with his thunderous set of strumming to fling more sound waves at the staggered beast, its snowy feathered companion, and the fuckwad that thought it cute to blow him off course like a dandelion seed. That just left-...someone unimportant, he's sure!
Considering there's literally OWL DRAGON heads to pspspsps at, which he does by flinging the beast's round of testy sound waves at, a particularly screechy one to mimic the four sides of its snarling. "Or are you just trying to get AHEAD of me here~!?" Practically preening his strings with each forward flick of wrist, he chuckles as the weight of the axe suddenly drops his forearms just a tad with the added weight of its swelling. Though the party just getting started gets postponed with the swoop of black feathers bursting up by his blindside.
It's with a startled shove of his shoulder that he interrupts the neck-bound slash, catching it at the crook between collarbone and shoulder cap in a spurt of golden blood that splashes Caim's obsidian feathers a shade of iridescence. It's a quick shock and an inconvenience that he issues a shrieking hiss and a fierce beat of golden wings against his attacker to both slap the other away with the edges of his primaries and issue a backwards gust, and to gain altitude near the newly formed, thrashing heads that made up Paimon's four sided murder boner. "You fucking...BITCH." He snarls down at Caim, making sure the next few sonic booms from his renewed playing finds their way towards her. Birds were birds...if he could flip them over their own ass in the air long enough, then they'd get to taste exactly what he was cooking with the unrelenting symphony at his talon tips. "Giving head sloppy as that, girlie? Well your form's shit! Here ~ " He clucks, nodding horns towards the thrashing necks of the beast before them all. "Let me show you HOW IT'S..." Another burst of growth in his axe plumps it further as he waits in the twisting winds of the pillar before beating his wings to shoot out towards a different pillar to climb...the neck of one of Paimon's heads. The 'unassuming but quirky' one. Robes brush the feathery fury of whipping shadows as he spirals up the base midway, he pauses in his plucking to grasp the very end of his axe's neck and swing the momentum of his full body weight into a vicious spiral of his own.
Action surge. "-DOooOOOoOOoNE !! CAW CAWWWWWWW...!"
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hit counter - [2/20] , phase - [1]
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kazumahashimoto · 1 year
yknow all things considered twister pandora isn't actually that impressive. ranjiro had wind powers back in s5
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sanhangre · 2 years
Đồ chơi Con quay Beyblade Burst QuadStrike Twister Pandora ...
Đồ chơi Con quay Beyblade Burst QuadStrike Twister Pandora …
Đồ chơi Con quay Beyblade Burst QuadStrike Twister Pandora Evasive P8 Chủ đề: BEYBLADE Burst Quad Strike Thương hiệu: Hasbro Xuất xứ thương hiệu: USA Xuất xứ    : Việt Nam Chất liệu : Nhựa cao cấp, an toàn khi sử dụng Màu sắc : Con quay màu cam chủ đạo, chân quay màu trắng Model: F7778/ F7760 AST Code: 195166237923 Tên nhân vật: Twister Pandora Evasive P8 Tuổi: 8+ tuổi trở lên Chất liệu: Nhựa và…
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pocketgalaxies · 5 years
So youre telling me they’re gonna play twister in lingerie???????
ALSKDHGALS IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE i don’t understand any part of anything that is happening rn
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Dream SMP Recap (December 25/2020)
Merry Christmas! Today was a day of gifts and fun! No big plot developments, just some nice hanging out!
- Tommy comes up with a list of things he wants to do, including rebuilding his old Tommyinnit Enterprises house (not to live there, just for the sake of it), speaking to Tubbo, and reflecting on what he thinks of Dream
- He visits Logstedshire
- HBomb gives Tommy his Christmas gift! A Pigstep disc.
Tommy now has the most powerful weapon on the server: DMCA claims.
- Numerous technical issues happen
- Badboyhalo gives Tommy his Christmas gift! A Pigstep disc
Tommy enthusiastically pretends to be happy about receiving it
- He then goes to recreate the OG OG house from his first days on the server.
- Sapnap comes to bicker with Tommy. George logs on as well.
- George and Sapnap bully Tommy together. Tommy hits 4mil! What a festive time.
- Tommy and Tubbo go mining together! :D Non-canon chill stream!
- Ranboo fills in Fundy on what he talked about yesterday while Fundy lights up the border of the Mooshroom Land. 
- Badboyhalo decides to give Fundy and Ranboo a “language freebie” for Christmas. 
Fundy says “big ol’ titty twister” and Bad doesn’t say “language” after it. A truly historic moment.
- Fundy makes an extremely cursed bear statue. It’s a wither-bear but also part lizard. A Bitchizard.
- Badboyhalo and Quackity mess around on the SMP for a bit. Quackity shows Bad Boner, his prized skeleton horse.
Upcoming events remain the same, though it should be mentioned that Pandora’s Vault is scheduled to be completed soon...
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Srry but i noticed in one of ur dream posts u Referred to tommy's cat as hope. I must correct u, that cat was born pussbou and died pussboi. /lh Also tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile btw just wanna say Also for ur posts about dreams trauma or wilbur manipulating him can u provide links to vods or other proof? Srry if i seem rude i mean that in a "genuinely curious way"
Aaa sorry if my ask came off as rude im just genuinely curious :(((
hi! dw, you don't seem rude at all, and i'm extremely happy someone with a different perspective has found my blog! i really appreciate that sort of attitude and am happy to answer :]
/dsmp /rp
the cat was called pussboy by tommy, but dream only called it "the cat" and then said that "it was hope", which is why it sort of became a symbol (his hope is dead, basically) - that's why i kind of made its name capitalized, because it was more of a metaphor than anything.
most c!dream fans call the cat hope because it's just really nice and really symbolic, and also really sad when you think about it. that's why the name was used in the essay, just to clear up the confusion!
tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile
i don't really think so? mooshroom henry was entertainment more than anything, and even if it was bad, when watching the stream i don't remember seeing him mourn that much - on the other hand, dream was very quickly and very obviously attached to the cat, with it being his only companion in months of isolation, along with the hope that even when tommy left it would keep him company.
keep in mind c!dream has been deprived of stimuli and human contact for so long it's officially classified as psychological torture at that point.
i don't mean to compare trauma or even compare deaths - because honestly, what c!dream and c!tommy have gone through individually is incomparable and i think neither should be diminished in favor of the other since they're both terrible situations.
that's why i disagree that it "was nothing compared to" - it had an obvious effect on c!dream, and was still c!tommy killing an animal specifically to hurt him, no matter what reasons he had.
when i'm talking about effects people's actions have had on c!dream, i'm not talking about those people. i'm talking about him. :) /lh
as for the trauma, a lot of people agree that a lot of the things he says or does are trauma responses, and hence it's very possible that he's had trauma before he went into prison!
this includes being repeatedly called a tyrant via propaganda by about half of your friends who decided to betray you, trying to keep peace and being pushed deeper into villainy instead, repeatedly being put in between a rock and a hard place in order to make sure the people you care about don't start killing each other, then being betrayed by your closest friends after merely trying to keep peace (sapnap & george) and just in general having no control over your life or image and grasping at straws to gain it back.
i know a lot of people with trauma who heavily relate to certain trauma responses, which aren't always just shaky breaths and flashbacks, but trauma often also manifests itself in extremely ugly and destructive ways, both inwardly and outwardly.
trying to control the people around you is also very often a response to going through trauma, as well as emotional repression which is... rather evident on c!dream during season two. it only seems to get worse with repeated abandonment.
in the end, during the vault scene, the way he acts really just isn't at all the way a healthy person would act, and a lot of his really bad mindsets come from the way he was taught by the world around him.
the character is very reserved however, and since we don't have his pov we can't really say for certain - a lot of people claim it in good faith because they have a lot of evidence for it, and i think they're certainly valid in that.
that is just before the prison, however. from what happened during the prison arc? there is no denying he's traumatized at this point.
he's been emotionally and physically abused by c!sam since the very beginning of being imprisoned, and being in solitary confinement for over two weeks is generally considered psychological (and maybe also physical?) torture. that alone shows up in a lot of symptoms of his mental deterioration while in pandora's during people's visits, and quackity's "sessions" just absolutely drove the point home.
what he's gone through during this arc is absolutely incomparable to anything others charactes have faced before, and it's just plain suffering being endured by someone who is, despite everything, still a human being.
as for the wilbur manipulation thing!! it's talking about the whole vassal scene (though even beforehand a lot of their interactions are pretty iffy), and here's a post about that :]
I also have a small question about the analysis u last reblogged cus it says "why dream needed lmanburg gone rightfully" and like. The house analogy is poor because for one cus the land is infinite. And 2 cus punz's yard was literally larger then lmanburg. And also stuff about dream being a mediator? Can u provide examples?
i wouldn't say it was poor. dream's said a lot of times that he didn't care in the slightest about the land - a lot of his problems with l'manberg arose with the fact that wilbur basically built it on lies and tried to disallow half of the server to come there. c!dream was mad about the division and the fact that wilbur wanted "freedom" to have authority in his lands - over others, as can be seen in this post also.
the table analogy was fitting not because dream was some overlord, but because these were literally friends he invited to hang out and live in a place he wanted to call home. claiming a part of it for yourself and saying people of a certain nationality can't come in is directly opposing those goals.
in the early days of the smp, dream's always been a mediator between his friends - sapnap and george, who would often get into fights and go around killing each other! he would always do his best to stop the conflict, which continued after tommy joined when he took him to court and then later tried to mediate conflicts he was a part of, which resulted in tommy killing him unprovoked, stealing his gear, and starting the disc wars when dream was trying to get his stuff back. later, during pogtopia, he is also most concerned with peace over everything, and this seems to continue indefinitely after.
Today i was thinking about how messed up the final control room was. Like. Dream arranged the betrayal and punz and sapnap killed tommy and tubbo who like. Were literal children and their pals (because the author, wilbur soot, is dead/j but srsly if u take the streamers words tommy said he was 9 during the revolution sooo)
Sorry im gonna ramble about how dumb canon ages are for a second cus like. Streamers can say the characters are one way or another (wilbur saying he is mentally 30-something, etc.) But in the end the characters act like they(or at least their streaming personas) do.
i... honestly don't find it that bad? they were in a war, and the final control room was basically just supposed to end it quicker. the l'manbergians made it clear they were going to fight to the death, so they really left c!dream no other choice. and it's not like he didn't give them chances to give up.
also yeah the 9 year old thing was retconned, because in that case c!dream would've been 14 and i don't think that's true.
c!tommy and c!dream were both young and once again, in a war. the final control room was an attempt to assure victory, which both sides would've taken if possible, but only c!dream saw he had the option.
i do agree the whole child soldier thing was bad but... complain about that to c!wilbur, methinks. he talked naive kids into fighting for his personal power. however, the age argument isn't really valid either way. they had enough agency to sign up for it, and whether or not c!wilbur pushing the intense nationalism onto them had something to do with that is another debate entirely.
Bacl to final control room cus like??? Also fun fact punz took 2 of wilbur's canon lives. And like that probably is what started wilbur's paranoia which later lead to his spiral and i. Many thoughts full of lmanburg today.
i'm pretty sure cc!wilbur said what lead to c!wilbur's spiral was a "dark, twister view of possessions" and "disregard for his fellow citizen whom he claimed to love so much", but i really wouldn't say it was the control room; if anything the sudden loss of power after the elections seems to me like the trigger for his spiral.
I watched the exile arc live and. I feel dirty almost for feeling little to no sympathy for c!dream (srry ive been forgetting to add that aa) because of his actions toward c!tommy and like. The whole probation was so humiliating and unfair and c!dream was planning to frame him for the crimes he and puffy did under the the guise of "pranks" and c!quackity was planning to seize the vice president role.
i mean... to be fair, if you didn't watch the prison arc much yet or only watch tommy's perspective i understand not feeling that sympathetic - however, i encourage you to maybe watch a few prison visits, since they could help you see the whole picture better!
i also watched it live, and i also thought it was terrible, but i share very much the same sentiment for the prison arc because. absolutely no one should have to go through either of those things, you know?
i don't think probation was that humiliating? he was just. being asked to not start conflict with the other factions for two weeks. of course, what happened as a result is in no way justified, but i don't think probation itself would've been bad at all. either way yeah the framing and c!quackity's behaviour was. very yikes, i agree.
Also c!tommy antis are dumb because they say "he deserved exile angry emoji" i dont see u saying that about ranboo. Just say you hate cc!tommy and go. Also people say c!tommy was just as toxic to c!dream and i??? No. One is the victim and one is the abuser and like. :/// man. This part is rambly srry
i wouldn't say they hate cc!tommy? cc!tommy has a persona who people think is annoying at first ( but then they subscribe because he is super entertaining big man! ) but a lot of c!tommy's actions are straight up toxic to certain characters, such as c!funndy and c!jack. he has a very dismissive attitude towards others and their trauma and it does affect the people around them very negatively.
examples; his repeated bullying and behavior towards fundy:
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
( credit for transcript: @/findingjoynweirdstuff )
he's also responsible for a big chunk of c!jack's trauma, both with actions and words, and that's why i think certain people might dislike the character, and i don't think that's wrong of them. anyone can dislike any character they want if they don't attack people for liking them, in my opinion.
also c!tommy was most definitely toxic against c!dream in the cell. it's of course understandable but that doesn't change the fact he was constantly hitting and insulting him (without dream doing anything back for a long while until he snapped) which is toxic behaviour.
i wouldn't say he was "just as" though, so i agree with you on that. they're different and they behave differently.
i made a dream blob keychain today. Is it possible to send images if u wanna see? Idk cus i havent used tumblr before. I think that's all for now. Thx for letting me talk :D peepoShy -curious anon (but fr a connoreatspants c!dream redemption arc would be cool)
yooo that's cool! i don't really,,, know if it's possible to send images? try it out and if it isn't i'll try find a way to turn it on.
also, no problem! just please remember this is a c!dream sympathetic blog, and me as well as my followers are uhh,, oftentimes emotionally attached / personally relate to the character, so if you could avoid sending hate on the character (not that you have or that i expect you to, just a friendly reminder) in the asks that would be great! we already see a lot of it unwillingly so, i'd rather not see more, but as long as the discussion is civil i'm absolutely ok with you asking more and with me answering more questions if you'd want to! :)
if anyone else would like to reblog this and add some things i might've missed with my answers, feel free to, just go easy on her (she uses she/her pronouns!) and keep it factual.
i hope u had a good or at least ok time at school today :D
thanks! i gtg now because exam tomorrow but i'm going to try write the redemption essay tomorrow as well because ohhh boy i have a lot of ideas about what all i could write around the concept.
also sorry this was long, i can't keep my tongue on the leash :[
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uncloseted · 3 years
do u think effy would really play twister with panda or teach her how to do a blowjob?
I do.  Effy is Pandora’s best friend, and I think she would do a lot for Pandora.
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hellishvu · 5 years
Imagine BTS (maknae line): when they are inexperienced with luv
— this SHIT IS SO CUTE, TELL ME WHY IM CRYING but while i have a massive breakdown i also wanted to kinda experiment with texts/media in my imagines because they are rlly rlly fun to make!! also there is one sex joke in this, obviously it’s not meant to be taken serious just for a giggle.
Park Jimin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jimin had a mission, he bought the empty scrapbook and the obnoxious amount of crafting paper full of floral prints and poke a dots. The amount of glue on his hands when you two had a first, it was... uh annoying but the final product was always worth it.
Like that one time you two went on a date, for the first time. He pulled out his old dusty Polaroid camera that he bought on instinct. You squeezed his hand walking down the streets of his hometown. Pointing out things you’ve never knew were there, while Jimin took photos of you pointing them out seeing your bright smile. That page was filled of purple themes and the receipts of the snacks you two bought together.
Or like that one time when you kissed him on the side of the beach that you drove hours just to get to. Jimin dropped his camera when you pulled him close to you pressing your lips against his, slowly closing his eyes before wrapping his arms around you letting just one tear spill from his eyes. The page was filled of sea shells he got from the beach, the photos of the ocean waves and you posing with him as you took the photo.
There was a time when you made him a playlist of songs that reminded you of him, and dear god he cherished that playlist like it was the only playlist that existed in the world. The small giggles and the flustered Jimin as he heard lyrics. Since there wasn’t room on the page to fit in all the songs, he picked his favorite songs and the lyric that made his stomach fill with butterflies.
This scrapbook was a one time thing, he simply can’t imagine doing it for anyone else. You were his first and maybe this was creepy he thought. Just recording all of the memories together, maybe you thought he couldn’t live in the moment that he always had to record but that ended quickly when you sent him a video edit of you recording him. Jimin tears up when he recognized the song instantly, the one being on the playlist.
The videos were filled of kisses, whining from Jimin, him kissing your cheek, full of mukbang moments of him shoving his mouth before blushing when he saw you recording, and when you caught Jimin looking around vulnerable was the word to describe what he looked like. It was almost a month since you two started dating but there was already so many first’s.
Of course there were first’s that were a bit scary, like going to his concert for the first time. Holy shit the amount of people and you got special tickets to the front of the stage. Seeing so many people cheer on your boyfriend and the members, I mean he told you he was famous but not worldwide! The adventure of just buying a lightstick that Jimin said was important to get, so waiting in line for 3 hours to get a lightstick was just the beginning.
Of course Jimin said he would pay for everything you just needed to say the special word to the cashier and they will bill it to him. Of course you bought... all the available Jimin merch possible just to show your support to him.
After the concert you waited till you got escorted to the back of the stage seeing Jimin sweating, you gave him your water bottle seeing he needed it way more than you did. You pulled him into a hug being the most proud boyfriend in the entire universe. All of the members could see just by the little interactions that you two were made for each other. 
“Scrap booking will have to wait for tomorrow or the next few days till I can feel my legs again.” Jimin chuckled seeing your little Jimin fan and Jimin poster peeking out of your clear bag. Jimin widen his eyes seeing the legendary scrapbook in your bag, disguising it with a blanket.
“Thought you might want to take this with you while on tour.” You smiled giving it to him seeing him frown already missing you even though he hasn’t left.
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Kim Taehyung: ˚✧₊⁎
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Taehyung got the courage from many of his members to ask you out. He pulled you away for a second while you were on a break at work. You questioned what he was doing here because he hadn’t talked to you since forever.
The reason for the distance was because one night while you two were out, drinks were being shared and intoxication was a main part of the event. Next thing Taehyung knows he woke up next to you in shock. Taehyung did like you like... a lot but this wasn’t the way he wanted to confess to you while he vomited his guts out on the toilet seat. So he left and he thought you two ever being a couple was history now. Distancing himself even though all of his members told him to just talk to you but he ignored their advice till he saw you with another guy. In reality you two were just friends but Taehyung’s head was like a ping pong machines with the possibility of you and that guy.
“Taehyung what are you doing here?” You asked still having your cheesy work uniform. You could see the nervousness on his entire face and body posture. “Here we can go in the back if you want.” You pulling him behind your workplace to get some privacy. Taehyung paced around you making you dizzy trying to keep up with him.
“Okay, uh- You’re gorgeous. No. Wait I mean you are but that’s not what i’m trying to say.” Taehyung sighs covering his eyes feeling the heat rise up.
“I like you! I want to do all those couple things, I want to kiss you, I want to hug you all the time, and I want you to be my boyfriend.” Taehyung quickly releases all his built up feelings.
“Yeah I want that too.”
“And I know that like I left you on seen in life when we hooked u- Wait you feel the same?” Taehyung jumped up his poor heart bouncing all around.
“Yes, I’ve liked you since you brought me to your concert. I want to be your boyfriend.” Taehyung gasps out, remembering how long ago that was. You two were like jumping through hurdles, trying to see who would confess first.
“I can get someone to cover my shift if you want to go out and get some ramen.” You smiled. Taehyung nodding, you left to tell your boss while Taehyung was spamming the group chat of how he has a boyfriend finally.
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“Well I got an okay! Let’s go even though I smell like smoothies and organic fruits.” You chuckled queuing for Taehyung to walk with you to your car.
You two walked in but before that you had to adjust your outfit and your hair wanting to look nicer for Taehyung since this is the first date. You and Taehyung sat a booth looking at each other. To strangers you two already looked like a couple for years rather than minutes. The waiter came around snapping both of you two out of luv world.
“Yes, I would like to order pho and for my boyfriend he would like ramen.” Taehyung said eyeing you, seeing your massive grin. You could get used to being showed off, maybe Taehyung already was the one, it felt like it in your soul.
Jeon Jungkook: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jungkook finally got time in his schedule to have a sleepover at your house, Jungkook would love if you could meet the members but he felt that it was too early for you to meet them. He didn’t want to overwhelm you with meeting so many important people in his life. You were excited to have your very first sleepover with him, to be able to see him in a more vulnerable state was all you could think about.
The way you thought about him sleeping next to you, feeling his heartbeat when you pull him closer just so you can feel his body next to yours. You were his first boyfriend, just asking him out was an adventure itself because Jungkook spent much of his time conflicting with himself when he said yes then no... then back to yes. It was scary for Jungkook as dating anyone in general of gender he always questioned what would happen? I think he thought his sweaty hands, stuttering sentences, and blushing moments were just because he thought he wasn’t comfortable with you but that theory was shut down quickly because he knew he that was wrong.
Jungkook knocked on the door but you knew that someday Jungkook would just enter as he pleases being completely comfortable with you. You walked to the peephole to see Jungkook with his pajamas already on, but he hide himself with a black hoodie that was probably two size larger than regular. Seeing a massive army bag behind him that was the size of him.
You unlocked the door opening it to see Jungkook looking around before he noticed that you opened the door. Jungkook smiles widely walking in, giving you a hug. You had trouble hugging him back due to his bag that looked like he filled it with his entire house.
“What do you have in there Kook?” You asked making Jungkook look at the bag before setting it down on the ground, sitting on one of your armchairs basically opening the pandora’s box which would be his backpack.
“So I brought many things such as movies, clothes, snacks, and board games.” Jungkook pulling out each item showing it off before setting it down on the coffee table.
You had netflix but you didn’t tell him since he brought such a wide collection of anime love movies to horror movies. You smiled seeing the many changes of clothes wondering if he was going to spend more than one night with you.
“Wait board games?”
“Yeah! Like Jenga, Twister, and Life! I also brought pillows, blankets, and condoms-” You choked on the glass of water that you were drinking when Jungkook had mentioned the last part. Jungkook looked up in concern seeing you in a coughing fit.
“Condoms- Jungkook we- We’ve been dating for 2 weeks-” You said in between the coughs. Jungkook looking up wondering if this a thing couples do. Maybe you were his first romantic interest ever. I mean he told you, you are his first boyfriend but you never thought his first first romantic relationship.
“Yeah but I didn’t know when that comes to play.” Jungkook explained pulling out more boxes of condoms making your face heat up, trying to cover them. You felt exposed even though no one was in the room besides you two.
“Okay Kook, we aren’t going to do that tonight. You will know when the time is right, but just because we both are guys doesn’t mean we are going to go at like rabbits every second.” You explained to him holding his hand, you saw that he also heated up realizing that maybe he was jumping the gun with that. I mean he wasn’t forcing the intimate moment onto you he was just purely confused and you could tell just by his face. Jungkook learned that he was fine with kissing and holding hands, that is all he needed in his life. 
“Also why is there 6 boxes of them?!”
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watcherscrowns · 5 years
1-5 for Pandora? :0
1 (how many dead parents do they have?) - honestly it's schrödingers dead parents in that he's never actually met his parents and was raised entirely by like. servants from the unseen servant spell. i haven't actually decided on anything about his parents
2 (how good are they at tongue twisters?) - oh he fucking SUCKS at them
3 (biggest regret?) - ohh he has a lot but i'm gonna say rushing in to fight (guy whose name i haven't decided) without thinking of the consequences or even like. Planning
4 (are they formally trained or have they gone through a more organic learning experience for their skillset?) - all he knows about magic is from the books he's studied from his home's library
5 (if they could hang out with one famous person in 18th century american history, who would they want to hang out with?) - gonna be real i don't Know history well but probably any noted scholars
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geekbroll · 5 years
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Wacky Races S01E23 Sister, Twister - Boomerang Dec. 21 2017 Pandora switches places with her twin sister Penny in order to steal a prize for good sportsmanship and fair play. MAIN CAST RACERS: Penelope Pitstop, Peter Perfect, I.Q. Ickly, Dick Dastardly, Muttley, Tiny, Bella OTHER CAST: Brick Crashman, Pandora Pitstop RACE/CONTEST: Charity Street Race Hanna Barbera Cameos: Penelope Pitstop’s 60′s face #wackyraces #wackyraces2017 #sistertwister #hannabarbera #spaceghost #rosietherobot #jetsons #thejetsons #lurker #cartoonresearch #cartoons #cartooncharacters #boomerangapp #boomerangstreamingservice #penelopepitstop #dickdastardly #muttley #gruesometwosome #peterperfect #brickcrashman #pandorapitstop (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6eN7FhSZO/?igshid=1qtxd6p0dk4px
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krungji · 6 years
#100 days of languages : Day #4 Try 2 tongue twisters
Yes! My favourite! Tongue twisters! The first one I heard it in the anime Pandora hearts.
Red lips, blue lips, lips.
But, I heard a version of this in it.
Red little Gil, blue little Gil, little Gil.
And, both of them are funny to me, especially because in Japanese a tongue twister is supposed to be said two times. The second is a little bit hard.
There are two chickens in the backyard and two chickens in the front yard.
Have fun!
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
What if pandora pitstop never got found out that she was wearing a disguise in sister twister and she won the trophy in the episode "sister twister" in wackyraces 2017?
Aah you only watched the clips instead of the full episodes I see lol. Because before being unmasked she does win, but everyone is mad at her or rather "Penelope" and she has been so awful they take the prize away from her saying she doesn't deserve it, meanwhile since on the contrary Dick got overwhelmed my his bet with Peter to be nice and starts acting and thinking ACTUALLY nice to his own horror had rather have lost by braking and letting Pandora win instead of running over babies and bunnies (she was pushing him against the wall, his war was too close to their seats), so the prize is given to him by default because for once he deserved it more. Pandora is frustrated and enraged just before Penelope returns, and Dick doesn't know if he has to be happy for finally having a prize or being desperate because even the bet done he can't return to his evil self and keeps acting nice so he panics
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