#flash thompson icons
wiccantwav · 2 years
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Agent Venom (Flash Thompson) - Icons
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classydior · 11 months
ະ⠀⠀❥⠀⠀ʻFelicia Hardy & Flash Thompson
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spideymichelle · 2 years
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Spiderman Prompts #1
You’ve heard of time travel fix-its but now there’s time-travel break-its. Peter Parker, down on his luck and severely injured after a fight, goes to bed and wakes up with a healed body and blurry vision. Aunt May is in the kitchen and Uncle Ben is at the table reading a paper. Uncle Ben is at the table. Alive. Shenanigans ensue and Peter realizes that he’s gone back in time to before he got the bite, and this time he plans to stop everything bad from happening. Only, the fated trip to Oscorp goes a little sideways and now Flash has superpowers and Peter is his same, boring, pre-powered self. Maybe had Peter never known what it was like to have powers, he could have stayed away from his own good... but people are still getting hurt and Ben is still at risk and Peter knows the weakness of almost every big bad. And hey, there are plenty of successful heroes without powers.
Kinda just wanted an excuse to write a fic without superpowers and yet keep the characters’ values the same. Then there’s also the angst potential of Spiderman still being unable to save Uncle Ben after a second chance.
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yuttikkele · 24 days
starring the lovely... the iconic... COFFEE BEAN GANG!!!
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These are my go-to designs for the Spider-Man characters, but I also have my own AU just for them!
When I was redesigning the Coffee Bean Gang (again), I ended up conjuring a whole new plot. So, I present to you: the Spider-Delinquents AU! I have also dubbed this universe Earth-3974.
Synopsis: The government is overly corrupt and controlling. Peter finds himself wrapped up in legal troubles and gets sent to New York’s Holly Springs Institution of Correction, or just Holly Springs Reform School, after an accident involving Oscorp, Harry Osborn, and a fist fight. There, he sees how unjust the system is, and he and his newfound friends (Harry, Gwen, MJ, and Flash) work to put a stop to it.
Under the cut I have a little backstory for each of the characters leading up to how they got sent to Holly Springs Reform School!
Peter: After a trip to Oscorp, Peter starts to feel woozy. As he’s stumbling around trying to get home, he runs into Harry Osborn, literally. Harry pushes back, and the two get into a brawl that completely destroys the location they’re at. Unable to pay his debts and marked as a troublemaker by the government, Peter is sent to Holly Springs Reform School.
Peter starts out at Midtown High, where he is, of course, bullied by Flash Thompson. He doesn't have any friends while at Midtown, not because he's a nerd, but because he has a superiority complex and thinks he's too good for the kids who have the same interests as him, and nobody likes him because of it. Actually the closest thing he has to a friend at Midtown IS Flash, yeesh. Once he gets humbled, schooled by Uncle Ben, and surrounded by the people he thought he was above, Peter learns to be a better person and actually make friends. He will now die for those friends. Also Peter has heterochromia for no reason other than it looks cool. He says he's a skater boy but homeboy has no clue how to skate.
MJ: MJ grew up with an abusive dad and an unstable mother. By the age of 5, both of her parents lost custody of her. Instead of an orphanage, the government enrolled MJ in a reform school to “prevent her from turning out like her parents.” She is the kid who has been there the longest despite doing nothing to get sent there. Since she grew up there, Holly Springs is the only place MJ knows as home.
I always see complaints about MJ adaptations and how they're so distant from how she is in the comics. WELL, sorry to all the MJ purgers, but in my AU, MJ acts the most unlike her comic book counterpart. Instead of an extroverted, smooth, cool gal who slays the day away and can get any man she wants, this MJ is a shy, clumsy weirdo with little to no social skills. Since she wasn't around her parents for too long, MJ does not fear romantic relationships; however, being raised in a reform school, MJ has problems connecting with anyone in general. She can be described as the neighbor's kid who no one wants to play with because she's weird, but she's actually really nice. She has an undying optimism and hope that even the worst people can become good. Her personality is similar to Marina lida from Splatoon if that helps get the point across. While MJ and Peter become good friends, they do not ever feel romantic attraction towards each other in this AU. MJ is, however, a chronic piner and has a huge crush, you'll never guess who.
Harry: Harry was minding his own business (actually, tending to his FATHER’S business that he was assigned to do) when all of a sudden, he’s shoved to the ground. Looking around, he finds the culprit. Surely, this guy does not know that Harry is an Osborn, and Osborns do NOT get pushed around. Harry lunges back at him, and a fight ensues. After destroying the entire location, Harry is sentenced to reform school, and while his dad could easily pay off the judge, Norman thinks this experience will make Harry into a man.
Harry is an entitled rich kid who doesn't really know how to make friends. He hasn't really had to try since he's been able to entertain himself just fine with the money he has. Harry loves his dad and tries to do everything he says, but he usually falls short of Norman Osborn's extremely high expectations. Plus, he's starting to question if everything his dad says really has any merit. Regardless, he doesn't want to let his dad down and tarnish their family name, so he'll keep trying to become the man his father always wanted him to be.
Gwen: After not getting enough attention from her dad, Gwen starts to feel a defiance toward law authorities. This defiance only grows upon learning what work keeps her dad from coming home at night. Using her intellect, Gwen commits petty crimes in abstruse ways just to mess with the cops. She becomes particularly skilled with mechanics, metalwork, and chemicals. But, even the most careful artists make mistakes, and Gwen gets caught. Her dad, who surprisingly looks sad, has no choice but to turn her in.
Gwen and Harry do NOT get along. At all. It's probably because Gwen is a goth and Harry is the textbook definition of a prep. They're forced to get along but ooooh they do not like each other. They still become great friends, but the goth vs prep hostility is always there. Gwen dates Peter in this universe, but she breaks up with him before she can die. People know not to mess with her because she is very capable (another reason why she does not die), and she WILL haunt your nightmares. Everyone finds her creepy and scary besides MJ.
Flash: Actually, Flash doesn’t attend Holly Springs Reform School. Flash goes to Midtown High, Peter’s previous school. Though Flash bullies Peter, he doesn’t actually mean him any harm. So, when Flash hears Peter is being sent to H. Springs, he’s worried he tipped Pete over the edge. This scares Flash, worried he’s become like his father, and leads to him bettering himself. Little does Flash know he’s not done with Peter just yet.
Flash won't tell anyone this, lest it tarnish his bad boy persona, but he worked hard and bought his car with his own money. Since his no-good father is out of his life, Flash realizes there is no reason for him to be like his dad and pick on others to make himself seem better, so he starts his journey of improvement. Basically, Flash is in his healing arc while everyone else is in their "going thru it" arc. Flash's healing arc is interrupted by being dragged into whatever mess the rest of the gang's got themselves into.
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Danny Phantom and Miraculous are the same show. Want proof? Okay!
Main character is just Spider-Man with a magical girl transformation
Will they won't they hell
Worst finale known to man
Interesting concept that was ultimately failed by the creators
Character who's just Flash Thompson without the nuance
A child becomes the mayor for some fucking reason
Goth girl with a wacky eye color
Iconic rogues gallery
Main villain is just Norman Osborn with a magical girl transformation
Time travel episode where one of the main characters turns evil and destroys the world
Main characters are somehow everybody's first childhood crush
Fanon >>>>> Canon
Secondary love interest(s) that get mistreated by the narrative
Villain what blasts you with a guitar
Villain what has a flying pirate ship and some kind of connection to the guitar one
Villain what blows kisses at you
Villains all have simple and obvious motivations
Fandom is obsessed with DC crossovers
Main character gets late game power upgrades for seemingly no reason other then the creator thinks it's cool
Main character has a green and black color scheme
Main characters parents are constantly trying to kill him and the fandom/official material are split on wether an identity reveal would make them stop or not
Video game episode
And this one's a reach but most of the supporting cast gets powers at some point
I rest my case :)
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symbiotic-slime · 2 years
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@/clacefall on twitter for flash thompson icon
@wiccantwav for spiderman icon
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dailygotg · 11 months
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Guardians of the Galaxy | Icons Masterpack
Contains over 29k icons & over 2k headers for both individuals & relationships/friendships
All icons are 400x400
All headers are 1500x500
Requests are currently open
Don't edit/claim as own
Please like/reblog if saving
Open image before saving for higher quality
Exact icon count & character list below the cut
Adam Magus: 681
Adam Warlock: 1251
Angela: 679
Ben Grimm: 280
Beta Ray Bill: 138
Billy Kaplan: 421
Carol Danvers: 906
Charlie-27: 196
Cosmo: 239
Drax: 1909
Flash Thompson: 238
Gamora: 3340
Geena Drake: 330
Groot: 1352
Heather Douglas: 583
Hercules: 285
J'son of Spartax: 254
Kitty Pryde: 1092
Mantis: 1035
Martinex: 114
Nebula: 1052
Noh-Varr: 311
Peter Quill: 3248
Phyla-Vell (616): 1092
Phyla-Vell (18897): 165
Rael Rider: 161
Richard Rider: 667
Rocket Raccoon: 2082
Scott Lang: 309
Starhawk: 138
Teddy Altman: 367
Thanos: 763
Tony Stark: 1029
The Matriarch: 123
Vance Astro: 437
Victor Von Doom: 175
Victoria of Spartax: 227
Wendell Vaughn: 161
Yondu Udonta (691): 176
Misc: 853
Total: 28862
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sparklefiists · 2 years
Click the source link for 46 gifs (245x145) of Tessa Thompson as King Valkyrie in Thor Love and Thunder (2022) (all taken from trailers, tv spots, clips and bts officially released by Marvel.) All gifs were made from scratch by me so please don’t claim as yours, include in other gif packs/hunts or make edits with them (if you want to turn them into gif icons, ask me first and give credit.) Reblog & like if you find them helpful.
Tessa was born in the US; her ethnicity is 50% African-Panamanian, 25% Mexican and 25% mix of English, German, Scottish, and Irish.
Triggers: flashing lights, blood, violence, swords.
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kitausuret · 1 year
hang, Flash is actually a Star Trek fan?
He sure is! In Amazing Spider-Man #203, boys' night out included going to see possibly the gayest of the Star Trek films (the first one!) and it's heavily implied it was Flash's idea. It was a big premiere, but it's very funny that Flash seemingly schmoozed up to an ex of his to make sure they would be able to get in.
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(ASM #203, Wolfman & Pollard)
Unfortunately, this happy affair was interrupted by a fight between Dazzler and Lightmaster destroying the theatre, so it's unlikely Flash even got to see the handholding scene between Kirk and Spock. Which is a shame, because it's very moving. I think we deserved Flash pretending not to be emotionally moved by it and Harry awkwardly trying to comfort him. (Peter fell asleep during the long scene where they pan around the Extra Gorgeous Model of the Enterprise NCC-1701 for ten minutes.)
Even funnier though, is that yeeeeeeeears later during Venom: Space Knight, when Flash and his motley crew "acquire" a ship, guess what he names it?
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(Venom: Space Knight #7, R. Thompson & Olivetti)
Like, okay, yes, the Enterprise is one of the most famous ships in sci-fi media, but the fact that he took the effort to make sure it was spray-painted on, not to mention the symbol below it does largely resemble the pattern of the windows on the saucer section of the iconic starship.
Throughout Space Knight, though, he makes a lot of funny references to a lot of different sci-fi/fantasy properties. It's kind of incredible. Here are some of my favorites:
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(Venom: Space Knight #1, 2, 3, 7, all by Thompson & Olivetti)
The first 6 issues of Space Knight really are "Flash Thompson living his space opera dreams with Venom" and then #7-13 are "okay fun's over let's get serious now". It's an absolutely phenomenal series for Flash content though and I love how peak nerd he is.
My personal HC is that he liked Voyager a lot. His favorite films are probably the II-III-IV trilogy, though, because who doesn't love those?
It is probably some kind of Hot Take™ to say that Flash might be a bigger sci-fi media/fandom nerd than Peter is but. Here we are.
Aaaaand as a special bonus, let's not forget Flash playing some kind of TTRPG with the Guardians in Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha (W: Sam Humphries, A: Ed McGuinness). I wonder how much he argued with the symbiote over their character's class? Anyways, it seems like this might have been a regular thing on the C.I.T.T. At least in my heart it was!
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rattyshipss · 11 months
~Better than Spiderman~ Flash Thompson x gn!reader
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"Look Fla-" "Zip it Penis Parker!"
Flash waved off Peter who was currently in the process of trying to get Flash to admit his feelings for you. Peter rolled his eyes and walked away, Ned following behind after giving one last knowing look to Flash.
"You know he's actually right" Brad said before instantly regretting it with the look Flash gave him. "What do you mean he- he's right what?!" "Bro you're seriously gonna agree with Penis Parker, THEE Penis Parker, dude's out of it I'm surprised he hasn't been kicked out of the decathlon yet" Flash scoffed.
The bell rang and Flash's friends went on their way to class leaving Flash standing there with his thoughts and Mj coming up behind him patting his back like a coach consoling their player. "Poor Flash, pathetic Flash-" "What do you want?!" Mj smirked at Flash before stepping infront of him.
"Pushing people away isn't going to change your little *cough cough* huge crush"
"Don't flatter yourself" Flash said blankly. "Not me idiot, (y/n)" "I don't know what you're talking about, and since when did you care anyway?!"
"I don't, what I do care about though is having to sit there and listen to (y/n) talk about you for hours" Mj started walking to class leaving Flash's mind running like the Flash.
Now you were the one getting interrogated in gym class. "(Y/n) it's obvious you like him" "Yeah I like HIM, that doesn't mean HE likes ME" Peter rolled his eyes. "Peter there's no way Flash likes me, I'm no Spiderman" Peter nearly stared at you for a second trying not to feel sick. "First off, eww, second off there's no way Flash DOESN'T like you, ok y-you're awesome!, Look I don't like Flash, I mean who would, n-no offence, but I like you, everybody likes you!" "(Y/n) Flash would be crazy not to take you up on the chance to be with you and trust me when I say this, to Flash you're better than Spiderman!"
Peter ended up mimicking your shocked face "Oh yeah yeah I said it!" You laughed with Peter for a moment before hearing one of the loudest thuds of your life and turning around to see Flash laying upside down off of the bleachers.
"Jesus Flash are you ok?!" Flash looked up- up? down? up at you trying to quickly bring his facade again, flustered from a mix of embarrassment and having the person he has the biggest crush on standing right infront of him. "Y-yeah totally why wouldn't I be? Just passing gym over here no biggie"
Rolling your eyes you leaned down to check on his dumb ass, as much of an asshole as he is you want him to be your asshole. Flash's eyes practically staring into your soul, it's a wonder how you don't know how in love with you he is. "Ahem!" Flash looked over seeing Mj, Peter, and Ned eying him down, as much as he disdained having to do this infront of Peter of all people he knew he had to or he'd take forever to, you're the only person who could make him this nervous and he hated and loved it at the same time.
"Heyyy how about we hang out after school today, just the two of us, it'll be fun I promise, you think I could ever be boring on a date?"
"A date?" Flash looked at you terrified he shouldn't have brought up the offer. "I mean i-if you want it to be" staring down at Flash laying there upside down smiling hopefully you watched his face get red whether that's from nervousness or the blood rushing to his head thats for you to decide, he waited for your reply, which felt like hours but was in reality seconds.
You leaned down and gave Flash a short kiss unintentionally mimicking the iconic Spiderman kiss (I KNOW IT'S THE WRONG SPIDERMAN BUT I HAD TO) before stepping back and watching Flash almost slide the rest of the way down the bleachers.
"It's a date"
@lxsm2 I really hope this doesn't suck I'm so sorry if it does!😭💖
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wiccantwav · 2 years
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Agent Venom (Flash Thompson) - Icons
Don't repost, that's not cool.
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nerds-yearbook · 10 months
Stan Lee had an idea for a new hero that was rejected for two reasons... the hero was a kid and nerd. It was well established that kids were only sidekicks. Stan Lee and Steve Ditko were finally able to being their creation to life in the anthology comic Amazing Fantasy 15#, cover date August, 1962. The reason they were granted permission was Amazing Fantasy was being cancelled so it didn't matter what was published in the last issue. To the publisher's surprise, Spider-Man was a massive hit. Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four launched the Marvel Age of comics. The issue introduced many characters including Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Flash Thompson, Liz Allen, the burglar, and Raymond Warren. The issue had the iconic moments of Peter Parker being stung by the radioactive spider, Uncle Ben being killed by a robber, and the famous with great power comes great responsiblity quote. ("Spider-Man!", "The Bell Ringer", "The Man in the Mummy Case", "The Martians Are Amung Us", Amazing Fantasy 15#, Marvel Comic Event)
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Every Spider-Man multiverse event is like “HMMMM... wouldn’t it be interesting if a character OTHER than Peter Parker had spider-powers?” Then they introduce a character who is female or a racial minority
(gay, if there’ve been a lot of these events and we’ve already done characters like Spider-Man With A Motorcycle or Spider-Man As A Cowboy)
-Lives in New York City.
-Is a teenager/young adult.
-Endearingly awkward/’adorkable’ personality.
-Nerdy science whiz.
-Motivated by the preventable loss of a loved one.
-Makes comedic quips while going into battle.
-Artistic hobby/civilian job.
-Has supporting cast of Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, Flash Thompson, J. Jonah Jameson, the Daily Bugle staff, et al.
-Fights iconic rogue’s gallery of Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, et al.
Like... when does the part where this character ISN’T Peter Parker come in???
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daylightcommand3 · 11 months
Sinister Six + Venom
This world better be prepared to get laced
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Venom is tough.
They are both an iconic and major part of the Spider-Man mythos, as well as being big enough to stand on their own. Venom just has a lot of baggage. They are a lot to introduce at once.
Before things get crazy, just know I'm certain that there will be Venom content in Beyond the Spider-verse. These movies have proven a pension for foreshadowing (which I go into detail on the Doc Ock post).
Venom Foreshadowing:
Mrs. Chen's cameo
One of the canon events showcased by Miguel is of the symbiote taking over Spider-Man.
Peni looks depressed (more on that later)
Now, let’s go over how we could see Venom:
The most obvious and most likely way Venom appears is as a cameo by the Tom Hardy Venom. Live action has already been put into Spider-verse, so the CGI symbiote and Tom Hardy could easily show up. I don’t know how the cameo would work, but I’m sure Sony will find a way to put it in.
It’s in her brain
Due to her comic accurate mech and tired disposition, there’s a very likely chance that Peni Parker has encountered Ven#m. I would not be surprised if Addy Brock got mentioned. I doubt it will go any farther than that, as there is already so much going on.
We are Venom
There could be references/cameos to other Venoms. This one is kinda a given. Take your pick.
Because they’re gonna taste
They could introduce an entirely new Venom. However, as stated before, there’s already a lot going on. I’m not sure if there’s enough time to introduce a new Venom. Venom is such a complex and baggage filled character. Due to their tendency to team up with Spider-Man, Venom isn’t someone you can easily throw in to fight Spider-Man. Venom is an event character. When they show up, you kinda have to focus on them and the effect they have on Spider-Man. Not to mention you have to go into who is wearing the suit. Is it Eddy Brock? Someone with no relation to Miles. Is it Flash Thompson? Someone with no relation to Miles. Is it Harry Osborn? Someone with no relation to Miles. Is it Scorpion? If so, who cares. It’s just Scorpion wearing black. It’s not a real Venom. The bottom line is that introducing Venom requires a lot of context.
New Suit, New Me
The final way Venom can be introduced is by just having the symbiote. Miles can encounter a symbiote that will latch onto him. Insert joke about the symbiote not really changing his costume much. The problem is that the symbiote is supposed to bring out the wearer’s worst impulses. But the main impulse Miles is fighting against, doubt in his place in the world, is already kinda conquered internally. Granted, the symbiote can bring back these feelings worse. But there’s already a character introduced that can do this much much better. Miles!Prowler. Or as I like to call him: Tails. Tails could easily serve as a constant reminder that maybe Miles wasn’t destined to be Spider-Man. Much more than a suit telling Miles mean things.
Overall. Venom is inevitable. But the forms they take can easily vary.
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webheadedhero · 2 years
Which spidey blogs do you visit the most/love the most?
You're so amazing!!!
oh man fjaklsdjf well lets see. I don't interact with too many spider-man blogs but there's quite a few that I've seen around that are all really good! and i'd love to write with some of them sometime! there's a few other blogs who write marvel characters and/or characters that show up in spider-man comics though! I'm sure that I'm going to forget someone and I'm worried about that but! thank you!
@dangerstxrlet is definitely one! they love mj and give her the love and attention that she deserves and is worthy of. I legit can't say enough good things about them. follow them, you won't regret it. the amount of knowledge they have on both peter and mj is just phenomenal
@redhead-reporter is super sweet and outgoing and is a wonderful mj too! I haven't done as much as I've wanted to but I love seeing them on my dash and I am all for any and all mj love and appreciate
@symbiotesoldier is another, they're wonderful and do flash thompson the justice he deserves. @emmatriarchy has many muses but also some spider ones. both are wonderful people who I've followed for years and you cannot go wrong at all with them
@modelscience writes a beautiful gwen and gives her a wonderful attention to detail. gwen is often kind of glossed over (maybe not so much anymore with the webb movies) but still, she's so, so important to peter!!
@purrvoke is so freaking great and they love felicia hardy with all of their soul. they also have a pun for their url, i mean. come on. how can you go wrong with that?? I love tossing ideas around with, scratch and the fact that we both are obsessed with ben (clone) and felicia is proof that we're correct.
@athicf loves felicia and does her the justice she deserves also. and rightly hates all of a certain writer's work on her. she gets her motivation and characterization down better than a lot of comic writers.
@murdcck is the daredevil and I adore nemo. and peter loves matt murdock. seriously, I love them so much and writing these two is ALWAYS a joy. because, they're just so much fun.
@revenantinflames is the johnny storm that I write with. I love jess so freaking much and I am SO happy to have them back and active on here. peter and johnny are one of the most iconic friendships in all of marvel.
@ircnwrought also writes gwen and she does such a great job too!! I love writing with them and that actually reminds me that I owe them stuff jfklasjdf oop. but they have a lot of other great muses too!
@spiderwcman writes mayday SO well and she’s a character that gets overlooked by so many. she’s got so many cool verses for her and so many great interactions and dynamics, I love seeing them all unfold.
I know none of these are spidey blogs but they're all characters that are super important to peter so <3 I hope that helps
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