#fluff fanficiton
thatnewweeb · 2 months
Bakugo insisting you start wearing matching heart lockets.
This idea, of course, threw you off. Sure, he’s romantic to you, but that’s in private. He isn’t the type to wear a couple’s item in public.
Despite your suspicions, you obviously agreed. How could you possibly say no when he’d already bought the lockets, holding one out to you with a huge cute smile on his face.
And so you wear the locket for months. He’d already put pictures inside, and you were happy with his choice for yours. It was a picture that you’d taken of him when he was completely unaware, picking daisies to make a daisy chain for you on one of your dates.
When you asked what was in his, he just grinned and told you it was a secret, but it was one of his favourite pictures of you.
Eventually, after months of wondering and asking him to finally show you, he gives in, handing you his locket with the same grin he had when he originally refused.
Upon opening the locket, you blush in embarrassment and give your boyfriend a slap on the shoulder while he laughs.
You could barely believe he’d been walking around for months with a picture of your cum streaked, fucked out face in his sweet looking locket.
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astarion-approves · 9 months
Astarion & Tav taking a bath together? Something gentle and intimate but non-sexual? ♥️
Astarion x Gender Neutral Reader (Tav)
Tag: 1.6k+ words, SFW, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Confessions, Bathing/Washing, bathhouse, No Smut, Drabble, Short & Sweet
“I had no idea that there even was a bathhouse in Baldur’s Gate.” Tav mumbles as they followed behind Astarion, leaving their camp behind in search of a place for a fresh bath. They both carried their own bags, Tav carrying a change of clothes and a bar of soap. Looking at Astarion’s bag, it looked much heavier.
Astarion glanced back to Tav with a boyish grin. “There’s more than one, of course. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of the free ones though. No, for us, we’re going to take a bath in luxury.”
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“I had no idea that there even was a bathhouse in Baldur’s Gate.” Tav mumbles as they followed behind Astarion, leaving their camp behind in search of a place for a fresh bath. They both carried their own bags, Tav carrying a change of clothes and a bar of soap. Looking at Astarion’s bag, it looked much heavier. 
Astarion glanced back to Tav with a boyish grin. “There’s more than one, of course. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of the free ones though. No, for us, we’re going to take a bath in luxury.” 
“Luxury…,” Tav said with a wince. “How much is this going to cost me?” 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head. It’s on me.” 
“Wow, Astarion, it’s almost like a date.” 
“Hah!” Astarion barked a laugh. “You wish.” 
The bathhouse was huge, the outside painted a bright, flawless white with an emerald trim accenting the pillars and fencing that surrounded it. Two large gold doors signified the entrance, the level of elegance screamed ‘high class.’ 
Once inside, Astarion strode ahead, already reaching for his coin bag and requesting a private room for himself and Tav to share. Tav watched as the woman working the front desk counted the coin, a ridiculous total of 75 coins for a single bath. 
With a room key in hand, Astarion clicked his tongue for Tav to follow, apparently not even phased by the amount of coin he willingly spent for the night. This is the same man who haggled over the cost a black dye with a child two months ago. 
Tav supposed it was fine to splurge every once in a while, but they couldn’t justify this. “I could have split the cost with you,” Tav said. 
Astarion fiddled with the key, inserting it into their room and twisting his wrist to open it. “Nonsense. Besides, part of the reason I brought you here is to protect me while my head's under water.” 
“Right…” Tav nodded. Something that Astarion had admitted months ago.. nearly a year now. During a night of passion, their lips locked together in a heated embrace. But it didn’t feel right. The shock in Astarion’s eyes when they pulled away still pains them. Instead of moving forward and having one another… they talked. They’ve been close friends ever since, giving Astarion the freedom to be open with his fears, to admit why he attempted to seduce Tav in the first place. 
And even now, as Astarion stripped down to nothing, Tav smiled knowing that he felt safe with them. 
The room wasn’t massive, but still larger than any shower room Tav had ever seen. The walls were painted into a beautiful scene, one to trick your mind into thinking you were bathing in nature, surrounded by trees and a waterfall nearby. Tav swore they even saw the leaves move as a subtle breeze rolled through them and through the room.
There was a single shower and a very very large bath. Steam filled the room, the bath already filled to the brim with hot water, which flowed over the sides and into the drains on the floor beside it. 
Tav sighed happily as they undressed along with Astarion and stepped up to where the shower waited for them. The floor was hot beneath their feet. The air, although steamy, felt as refreshing as standing at the top of a mountain. 
Astarion began unpacking his bag, removing item after item and placing it beside the shower. 
After six different items were removed Tav just had to ask, “Wait, just how many products do you use for your hair?” 
“Products?” Astarion put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Tav, these are just shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, oil, and a hydrating leave in gloss… do you not take these steps with your hair?” 
Tav runs their hand through their hair, shrugging. “No?” 
“What? Gods, you’re an absolute savage. Come here.” Astarion grabbed a large bucket that was resting off on the side, turning it upside down and making a temporary chair. “Sit.” 
“I can wash my own hair—“
“Sit, Tav. I won’t say it again.” 
Tav knew better than to argue and, with a sigh, they plopped down onto the bucket. Soon after, Astarion was turning on the water. It was hot and relaxing, pouring down the top of their head and running down their body. 
“Okay,” Tav whispered. “I understand the luxury bath now.” 
“Oh, darling. We’re just getting started.” 
Astarion poured shampoo into his hands, rubbing his palms together before sliding them into Tav’s hair. 
“Oh—“ Tav gasped, their head falling back and into Astarion’s chest. 
He chuckled, his finger’s massaging and scratching at their scalp as they worked the shampoo into their hair. “Do I dare ask how you’ve been washing your hair all this time?” 
“Cold water and a bar of soap.” 
“Like I said, an absolute savage. What ever would you do without me?” 
“Uh… Continue bathing with cold water and a bar of soap?”
Astarion tugged on their hair, laughing. “Smart ass.” 
Soon he was pushing their head back under the flow of water, rinsing out the shampoo and then continuing with the conditioner. 
Tav breathed in deeply, their eyes closing as they allowed Astarion to take care of them. And Astarion held them so gently, his finger’s threading through their hair, his nails pressing against their scalp and moving to the back of their neck. Each stroke sending shivers down Tav’s body as Astarion massaged the conditioner deep into their roots. 
“Feel good?” 
“Mh.” Tav hummed, shifting their head and resting the side of their face into his chest. 
“Ah, no falling asleep. Not yet. Rinse this out and jump in the bath.” Astarion pushed Tav forward, back into the water and let the conditioner wash out. 
“What about the other stuff?” Tav asked. They looked to the pile of other products, not wanting Astarion to stop yet. 
“Cute,” Astarion said with a small smile. “That comes after the bath. Now hurry up.”
Tav pouted as they stood, giving Astarion the space to sit down. “Do you want me to wash your hair—“
“Bahah! Absolutely not.” Astarion laughed and reached for his shampoo, one of many. “I have a very strict regiment.” 
Astarion sighed and looked back to Tav. “Maybe next time.” 
“There’s going to be a next time?” 
“By the Hells, Tav, just get in the damn bath.” 
Turning away from Astarion, Tav did as they were told. Hissing as their toe touched the water, it was even hotter than the shower. Soon they were sinking into it completely, moving to one edge of the bath where there was a bench under the water to sit and rest. They let their head lean back on the edge, their eyes closing as they allowed themselves to relax. 
They don’t know how much time passed before Astarion joined them in the water. The vampire sitting next to them and joking about how it looked like he was the one doing the protecting here. Tav simply reached for Astarion and pulled him into their arms, snuggling against him and pressing a single kiss to his shoulder. 
“Sleepy, are you?” Astarion slouched in the water, allowing Tav to cuddle him however he wanted, but he still felt a little stiff. “Looking for a cuddle?” 
Which they’ve never done before. Not since that night. 
Tav cracked open one eye, looking up and into Astarion’s deep blood red eyes that gazed back at them. “What are we?” 
Suddenly the tension in the room grew thick, Astarion saying nothing and only continuing to look back at Tav. 
Then he hummed, finally ripping his gaze from Tav. “Two friends, sitting in a bathtub, and they’re not in love.” 
“We’re not?” 
“Well..” Astrarion cleared his throat and continued, “I can’t speak for your lovely little self but—“ He paused, lifting a single hand from the water to cup Tav’s cheek. “Maybe I am? Honestly, Tav, I have no idea.
“We’ve been friends for so long… but I know that I would die for you. I wouldn’t die for the others. I would fight for them, but I wouldn’t die for them. And I miss you when you’re not around me. When you leave camp to go to Gods knows what— washing your hair with fucking sewer water—“
“—I use water from a lake.” 
“Or buying me avocados because I ask you too—“
“—What do you even use them for?” 
“My hair.” 
“Really? Avocados?” 
“Yes, it’s very good for your hair, Tav. Can I continue?” 
Tav laughed. “Sorry, yes.” 
“I don’t know what love is… For so many years, sex, lust.. any sprinkling of romance all ended in disaster… What I feel with you is different. It’s so much more than anything I’ve ever experienced, and we’ve never even fucked! It’s all so strange to me.” 
“You don’t have to have sex to be in love with someone, Astarion.” 
“Yes, I know that now, but… for the longest time— I didn’t. I want to explore this with you.” Astarion sat up, pulling Tav along with him. “Whatever this is.” He placed his hand against Tav’s chest, breathing in deeply and closing his eyes. “I want your heart to beat like this, only for me. I want to finally know what falling in love is truly like…With you.” 
Tav took Astation’s hand, gently pulling it away from their chest and bringing it to their lips, pressing a small kiss on the back of his knuckles. “I love you, exactly as you are, and I’ll never need anything else from you. We’ll take this as slow as you need to.” 
Astarion smiled, lowering his head and resting his forehead against Tav’s. “Thank you..” 
“Of course,” Tav replied and sank back into the hot water, taking Astarion into their arms once more. This time, Astarion let himself mold into their arms, closing his eyes, relaxing, and enjoying the protection and understanding that Tav offered. 
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
GalexYou Pep-Talk
Summary: Pre-relationship yearn alert! This is a BIG yearn. Thank you @orangekittyenergy for the idea! Gale goes to seek you out (gender neutral) after a long day. Mutual pining, angst, fluff. Word Ct. 1.4 k
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After the merriment and bustle of the night wore away and gave into the doldrums of sleep, Gale flicked his gaze around camp searching for you. You slipped away and although he expected you to return, the emptiness in your absence haunted him. 
He sat outside of his tent, then stood, pacing with book in hand. He wasn’t worried. Not necessarily. You had been traveling for a few weeks together now and you had a certain levels of tenacity it seemed even gods and devils refused to trifle with. 
It was just that he had grown accustomed to your company post-dinner and campfire camaraderie and felt a pang of remorse in your absence. The night air too quiet without the soft hum of your laughter. Sometimes, he would read aloud to you, other times you would both get lost in conversation, and sometimes would sit in utter silence. It intrigued and terrified him, that you sought out his private company despite the others being starved for your attention. 
It was quite flattering and made him want to rip out the persistent thrum in his heart. He couldn’t indulge in such frivolities and would cause far less suffering to not humor the feelings at all. The orb’s ever looming threat didn’t allow Gale to succumb to whatever emotions festered in his gullet. At least, not consciously. 
His mind began down the treacherous path of ‘what ifs.’ It was a game, like lance board, Gale was excellent at. As the moon greeted the stars, Gale’s anxiety intensified, his mind whirling with options. It had to have been a least an hour you’d been gone, longer than you’d take for bathing - not that he knew exactly how long that was! It was just something he happened to notice. Coincidentally. 
The foreign thrum of desire stirred and the thick hair on his arms stood straight up as he wondered if you were bathing. If you allowed the water to kiss your supple skin, to know your secrets. Gale shook his head, embarrassed and felt his face redden. Keep it together. They could be dead and you’re fantasizing over their wet body? You should be ashamed of yourself. 
Gale expected you to traverse through the trees any moment, prepared to feel ridiculous at his worrying. Why did he care? It’s not as if there was anything more than friendship between you two, at least from your end. He had to repeat this to himself to be convinced. 
When he overheard Astarion ask Shadowheart if she’d seen you, Gale felt the whispers of envy touch his heart and decided he spent enough time wasted, musing over your whereabouts when you could be lost, or worse besides. 
He couldn’t tolerate the sudden pain that gripped him with that ‘what if,’ and he walked into the brushes to find you. 
Relief roiled through him at the sight of you, despite your disheveled appearance. Gale’s breath caught in his throat and he stopped, gripped when he looked upon you in the pale moonlight. Your eyes were red and swollen, it seemed like you’d been crying. He felt his knees buckle and he cleared his throat, so not to startle you. 
You whipped your head around and Gale’s lips parted when he saw crimson blossom across your cheeks as you wiped away the streaks with the back of your hand. “Oh, I um.. how long have you been standing there?” 
“Not long, I assure you,” Gale’s voice was tender, quiet. He held up both of his hands at waist level, palms facing up and smiled at you. “May I join you?” 
You hesitated for a moment and Gale panicked that he’d made the wrong move, said the wrong thing and of course he had already messed up any chance he might have because he was so pathetically out of practice. You’d think a man who bedded a goddess would have a bit more self confidence in his seductive prowess, but being shunned and cast out by your former omnipotent lover does a number on one’s self esteem. 
When you nodded, he tumbled off the cliff and the orb revolted as it mingled with the rush of adrenaline and rapture he felt from the simple gesture. One nod. To Gale, it was everything. He felt welcomed into your world, elated you’d allow him to offer support. You didn’t have to, and yet you did. 
Gale joined you on the boulder that was nestled in the thicket, the soft buzz of nighttime harmonizing with his unsteady breath. “Hm… I know that look,” Gale said, gazing at how your lips curved. “And a clear mind does not eviscerate flowers quite like this.” He fingered a petal and gestured at the flowers and stems, all petals plucked intentionally from their root. “A nervous habit, no doubt.” 
You sighed and his heart swelled, “I just don’t know what I’m doing. Every lead ends up in either more unanswered questions or unhelpful ends.” You groan and grip your chest, your breath coming in unevenly. “I’m exhausted,” as your head fell into your hands Gale, without thinking, rested a hand on your upper back and stroked your hair behind your shoulder.  
“Ah, heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Gale felt warmth pulse through him as you laughed, whether genuinely or out of pity he wasn’t to know. He wasn’t sure he cared. “For the record, you have pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes most skillfully. You’ve shown remarkable courage and determination and, I’m confident the others would agree, many of us would not be so fortunate to still be alive if not for you. You must know that.” He rubbed his fingers in small circles along your upper back. When he became conscious of what he was doing he pulled back, ashamed and nervous by the electricity that seemed to flow between his skin and yours although barred by cloth. You whined a little and Gale cocked his brows, “What?” 
You turned and as your gaze locked with Gale he drowned. Oh. He was jolted by the flash of profound need and emotion that coiled through him. Every part of him felt aflame and he worried that it was his end, that the orb was at last collapsing in on itself. Yet, as he remained next to you in the thickening silence, he realized it wasn’t the orb at all. When you spoke, Gale thought surely this was the moment he was becoming a mindflayer, a wicked dream to lull one as they succumbed to the parasite. “I.. .can you do that again?” 
“Gladly.” Gale shyly returned his fingers to your back and as you leaned into his touch, Gale knew it was not longer a matter of if, but when. As you leaned farther, you almost rested in his shoulder and his throat closed. He swallowed hard and tried to steady his body and mind, every cell quaking with anticipation and overstimulation. 
He inhaled. Temptation. You smelled like rain or fresh cut grass. You smelled like home. It was when you leaned into him, he was certain he forgot how to formulate a thought. Your head nestled against his neck and your side pressed into his. He wondered if the quaking was from your body or his. He dared not move, frozen as if Tara had fallen asleep on his lap. 
The pain that coursed from Gale’s chest through his veins was almost enough to send Gale back to camp. The undue excitement made the orb restless. Agitated. He was both grateful and nostalgic when you pulled away and sat up. “Thank you, for that. Let’s get back to camp. I don’t want the others to worry.” You smiled at Gale and it seared into the crevices of his mind, a look he would capture a thousand more times and it would never sate him. You gave his hand a squeeze and then stood, offering your hand to Gale’s with a cheeky grin. “Here, I’d hate for you too put too much strain on those creaky knees of yours.” 
Gale’s hearty laugh took him by surprise and he took your hand and stood with a grunt. “A wizard is useless without his knees, shame on you for poking fun at their fragility.” Gale chased the feeling of you, of this closeness and realized that, even before his isolation he had never met a person quite like you. Gale would have stood there in stunned desire forever had you not taken his hand to guide him forward, the movement breaking the trance and he pulled his sweaty palm from yours, embarrassed. He wiped them on his shirt and followed you back, his heart and head swimming with the idea of kissing you. 
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anoncelebz · 2 months
Snapchats from bf ! Matt Sturniolo
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lola-bunn1 · 1 year
can u do one where neteyam is expected to find a mate and you get distant and all bc yk its not gonna be you and another guy makes a move on u and he gets mad n confession n stuff? i love ur writing
❥ genre: angsty ish to fluff
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10 years, you've been best friends with neteyam for 10 years. you both saw each other grow up, and now it's over. you know it is
neteyam has finally matured, he was ready to get an ikran, ready to go hunting with the others, and most of all, he was now expected to mate.
you know whoever he's gonna mate with is not gonna like you being friends with him, you admit it yourself, you wouldn't like your partner spending time with another girl. so you understood why it would happen
so you began distancing yourself, as a preparation. but also to ease the pain for when you finally see him with someone that isn't you. it was bound to happen. you were stupid enough to fall for him, and now it was going to be harder than it should be
you cried, you cried at night just thinking about the way life would be, you were sure he didn't feel the same, besides, he was going to be the next olo'eyktan, he needed to have someone proper, someone actually important
who were you to be mating with someone like him? he would probably pick elmirìey, she was a proper girl, a gorgeous one. or maybe he'd pick awia, she was a great warrior, from a great family
not only did you distance yourself from him, but his family too. you were so close to them, hell even neytiri liked you. but now, you acted like you didn't even know them
you sat at a special spot you found in the forest, you and neteyam used to come here but he's too busy now. so its just you
"hey!" you heard a voice behind you
"oh, neteyam" you said
"what a way to greet me, do you not want me around that much?"
"what?" you furrowed your eyebrows
"don't be like that. you know exactly what I'm talking about." he said
"I heard you're looking for a mate now that you've had your ceremony"
he sighed, knowing you're trying to change the subject, "yeah. but to be honest, I've already found one. Just gotta figure out a way to tell her"
your heart shattered.
"oh, that's nice. I um, I have to go" you said
"y/n wait-"
and with that, you ran off somewhere, your tears sliding down your cheeks, how could he find one so fast? does he love her that much? has he been loving her, just waiting for his ceremony so he can finally pick her?
"oh" you heard a voice and sighed
"I'm sorry I ran--" you said, turning around to see that it was not neteyam speaking
"are-are you okay? you look like you've been crying" the man said
"i'm fine, thanks tenio" you said, wiping your tears
tenio was a fine young man, he was actually really nice, but you've never really talked to him
"i was just looking for some fruits to pick for my mother, but ill leave you alone-"
"no no, you can stay uh, i know where you can get the ripe ones, follow me" you said, walking along the forest with him next to you, you two talked for a bit as he was picking the fruit
"i heard you had your ceremony the other day" you said
"yeah, it sucks though." he said
"wait what? why so?" you asked
"well everyone is waiting for me to mate with someone, but there isn't anyone in my life, ill have to mate with some random stranger" he sighed
"oh...im so sorry"
"it's fine-"
"there you are!" neteyam's voice filled your ears, he turned to see tenio there, and his face faltered
"let's go" he said, grabbing your hand and walking away, an angry look on his face, you definitely did not want to do anything to upset him more
"uh, tell your mother i said hi! enjoy the fruits!" you said and he just nodded
once he was out of sight you pulled away
"why were you with him?!" he said
"i was just helping him pick fruits!"
"everybody knows that trick! you help him and he subtly mentions that he has nobody to mate with so you can feel bad"
"you're being insane right now. nobody has ever done that" you rolled your eyes
"they have, you just never realize it" he yelled
"what if i do realize it, hm? what if i want them to do it? why don't you go tell your stupid girl how much you want her to be your mate and leave me alone!"
"i can't go"
"why not!" you yelled
"because she's standing right in front of me"
"it's you, y/n. i don't want anyone else why don't you understand that? you think I don't notice how you've been avoiding me and my family too?"
"i-i avoided you because i couldn't stand seeing you with another girl."
"wait-you thought i was gonna mate with someone else?" he asked
you looked down and avoided looking at him, he lifted your chin up with his finger
"i've been waiting for years to finally make you mine, y/n. it hurts me to see you with anyone else too."
"really?" you asked
"i see you, y/n."
"i see you, ma nete" you smiled, and the two of you shared a kiss
how were you so oblivious?
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thesecretwriter · 11 months
home is where you are (part 3) - miguel o’hara.
pairing: miguel o’hara x wife!female reader
warnings: angst - health scare for the twins, fluff - moments into your pregnancy & smut - mdom, fsub, oral seggs - male receiving, seggs on a rooftop, fingering, clit rubbing, overstimulation - i think. (ALSO: spanish is not my first language, pls excuse if my translations are wrong.)
summary: in which a health scare results in miguel having to make important decisions as well as seeking forgiveness from y/n. Glimpses into your pregnancy alongside Miguel showcase the ways in which he makes it up to you. 
word count: 5.6k 
a/n: part 3, as promised. i hope it has met your expectations. the feedback received from this mini-series has been overwhelmingly positive. thank you all so much <3 (ALSO: please feel free to make requests, my requests are always open). 
minors/ageless blogs dni.
part 1, part 2, part 3
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You stood in the doorway of the front door with folded arms, staring daggers into those eyes you love.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask him with a frown.
Miguel took in your attire. You were wearing one of his shirts, which was obviously too big for you. Before leaving 3 weeks ago, you made sure to pack a few of his shirts since they were not only comfortable, but also had his scent on them.
“I came to see you… and talk, mi corazón,” he explained not moving his gaze away from your pregnant 5-month belly.
“What is there to talk about?” you question him, your hand automatically going to your belly.
Miguel’s eyes move up to yours. It was taking everything within him to not hold you in his arms, but he knows from your body language that was the opposite of what you wanted.
You hold his gaze for a few seconds, maintaining your glare, making it known that this would not be an easy ‘talk’.
You swiftly turn around and walk into the cabin, indicating for Miguel to follow you. He does so and closes the door.
He follows you into the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly baked cookies gets stronger.
Miguel leaned against the kitchen counter as you began to pack away the cookies.
“Well… go ahead, talk,” your tone didn’t go unnoticed by Miguel. You were angry, as you should be.
“I’m sorry… for not being myself the last few weeks. I got caught up with work at HQ,” he apologizes while holding eye contact with you.
Maybe it was the fact that your pregnancy hormones were raging or maybe it was because his apology just didn’t seem right to you.
He made a promise to do better, and he didn’t keep it. Yet, if it were something to do with the spider-society, that promise would have been kept.
The anger boiling inside you doubled thanks to the emotions that were running through you. Having him disregard you like nothing really hurt your feelings, and it took you being away from him to realise how serious you were.
“I… I don’t accept your apology,” you set down the tray of cookies and look at him.
“You made a promise and almost threw a fit when I wanted to leave – for good reason and now because I left, you realise that I actually keep to my word. Unlike you.” You waddle walk toward him angrily and shove a finger in his chest as you finish your words.
Before anything else could be said, you felt an extreme pain in your tummy and clutched it as you bent over in agony.
Miguel, acting on instinct, stepped forward and took you in his arms to make sure you don’t fall.
“What’s wrong? Baby, wha-…”
“Hospital. NOW,”
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Miguel sits next to you anxiously as his one hand rests on your belly and the other holds your hand.
You both remained silent as you waited for the doctor to tell you what caused your sudden pain. She had already come in to check on you prior.
Your concern regarding the babies were amplified at the fact that their DNA was basically 25% percent spider as Miguel’s was 50%. You knew at the start of your pregnancy that you needed to be careful as you didn’t know what to expect.
The doctor walks in and you both tense. You take in a deep breath to prepare yourself.
“Your pain was caused by your ligament muscles stretching to accommodate your expanding belly. Which is normal to experience in your second trimester,”
You feel relief flood your body.
“The babies are okay?” you ask just to be sure.
“Completely okay,” she assures you.
Miguel feels the weight of the world lift off his shoulder. The moment you two left the cabin to come to the hospital, he had been blaming himself. He thought that making you angry caused stress for the babies and knew it was because of your ‘talk’.
“They’re okay,” you take his hand in yours and squeeze it as tears gather in your eyes.
The doctor smiles and shortly excuses herself to give you some privacy.
Watching the tears gather in your eyes caused Miguel to develop his own.
“I’m so sorry. I am so, so sorry,” he put his arms around you and hugged you tightly. Tucking your head into his neck as he placed a kiss to your forehead.
You saw the fear in him when you clutched your belly. He thought he was responsible for something happening to the twins.
“It’s okay. Shh, it’s okay, baby,” you rub his back soothingly as he holds you close to him.
He had already lost one family before, and he didn’t want that to happen again.
“I’m going to be better, try harder and be there when you need me, mi luz. I am not just saying this because of wanting to have you back. I actually mean it, and I know the only way to prove this to you is to stick by my word,” he promised as he pulled away to look at you.
“We have to a lot to talk about, okay?” you ask him as you wipe away his tears.
He nodded his head and closed his eyes for a brief moment.
“Are you going to come home? I miss you…” he admitted.
“I miss you too, but we need to have that talk first. A nice calm talk,” you assure him.
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After leaving the hospital, you told Miguel to take you back to the cabin. Now, you’re sitting opposite him having takeout, that you bought on your way to the cabin, for dinner.
“I hope you’ve been eating proper meals while I’ve been gone,” you make small conversation as you eat.
“If you mean empanadas and the occasional takeout meal, then yes,” he jokes.
You shake your head with a small smile.
As you finish eating, you notice Miguel is already done is just watching you with love and admiration in his eyes.
That is your Miguel. The one who showered you with love. The one who put on a cold exterior in front of everyone but in the comfort of your own home was the softest person towards you, exclusively.
“So, about that talk?” you ask meeting his eyes as you take a tissue to wipe your mouth.
He nodded his head and gave you all his attention.
“First, I cannot fully forgive you... not yet. Not until you show me that I can. We need to establish priorities,” you affirm your words by taking his hands in yours and making sure he understood where you stand.
“I cannot have you disregarding this family when work becomes too stressful, which is why I think its time you share your responsibilities at HQ. You aren’t the only adult there,” you state with a pointed brow.
Miguel knew you were right. If he wasn’t out helping on missions or going on solo missions. He was found in his floating workstation looking at several screens waiting to detect any anomalies.
“I can do that. You’re right, the others have proved that they can be responsible,” he agrees with his own words the more he thinks about it.
“No technology once you get home. No fancy watch, no phones. Nothing,”
“Can I at least watch TV?” he jokes.
You roll your eyes at his words and smile at him.
“You can still work in your study, but I need you to listen to me when I call you to eat or take a break, okay?” you ask him, knowing that he has a habit of neglecting his own health just to get a few more hours of work in.
He nods in agreement and rubs circles into your palm.
“Is there anything that you would like to make a priority?” you ask knowing that this discussion would need to be equal from both sides.
Miguel thinks for a moment before speaking.
“I should not take out my stress on you and if I’m feeling stressed, we talk about it and find a way for me to let it out. Does that sound okay?”
You’re appreciative of Miguel words, him even suggesting such a thing, is a big step towards fixing things.
Deciding that you had enough of a long day, you gather the dishes to clean them, but Miguel takes them from you and washes them himself. As you wait for him, a yawn leaves your lips which Miguel notices and once he’s done with the dishes. He gets his stuff ready to leave.
“You’re not staying?” you ask surprised.
“I didn’t think you would want me to,” he said honestly.
“Its okay for you to stay. I’m thinking of coming home tomorrow. I’ve been away for long and miss home,” you explain to him.
“We can leave first thing in the morning then, mi corazón,” he gives you a tender kiss on the forehead.
You lead him to the bedroom you were staying in and look for a pair of grey sweatpants, which belonged to Miguel, that you packed.
“I was wondering where this was,” he said looking at the grey sweatpants as you hand to him.
“They’re very comfortable to sleep in,” you say as a matter of fact.
He smiled at your words and walks over to you.
“Bath with me, mi luz” he said standing behind you and trailing kisses down your neck as his hands settle on your hips.
You subconsciously lean into his kisses, missing having him this close to you.
“No funny business though. Just a bath,” you tell him.
“We’ll see about that,” he smirked and bent down to pick you up bridal style. You squealed at his movement and gripped his shoulders tightly.
You felt the vibration of his chuckle as he walked into the adjoining bathroom.
He sat you down on the counter before turning around to fill the tub with water.
As the tub was filling up, a thought occurred to him. Which resulted in him turning around and kissing you on the lips.
You melted into the kiss but pulled away.
“What was that for?” you questioned.
“I realized I haven’t kissed you in a long time, mi luz,” he shrugged his shoulders.
“I love you,” you tell him and cup his face with both your hands.
“I love you too,” he responds, turning his head to the side and kissing your palm.
He moved away momentarily to stop the water from running and began to take off his shirt. Your eyes trailed down his body and you noticed the faint bruises that looked to be a few days old. There were many times when Miguel would come home with bruises, but these seemed to be the worst ones yet. You gently hopped of the counter and walked toward him as he filled the tub with bubbles.
“What happened?” your hands roamed his back, skimming over the bruises and cuts. He glanced at you from over his shoulder and his brows furrowed at the concerned expression on your face.
“I uh… got these from the last mission I was on. Same thing that caused me to be only see you now. There was this kid who was an anomaly, but it’s all sorted now,“ he explained turning to face you.
“Shh. All that’s important is that you’re okay. Did you clean them properly and listen to the medics at HQ?” you kissed his cheek.
He nodded his head in acknowledgement. Jessica had been the one to tell him to get them treated, even if his spidey abilities would fasten the process of healing.
You were still wearing his shirt from before, which made it easy for him to undress you. He held his hand out for you to hold as you climbed into the tub. Then after, he got in behind you carefully and wrapped an arm around you to pull you toward him to lay back on his chest.
Miguel takes the bath sponge and uses the body wash to make it soapy before he gently rubs it on your chest, slowly making his way down your torso.
You hummed in satisfaction at the feeling and leaned into it.
“You like that, mi corazón?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Hmm,” you closed your eyes and focused on his hand movements.
Miguel took that as his chance to help you relax. It’s what you needed after the evening you had.
After he washed you with the sponge, he disregarded it and resorted to massaging your breasts as they were slick and soapy. He knew he was being risky, but he knew this was one way to make you relax.
You visibly calmed and let out a little moan, which you knew Miguel heard since you felt his cock harden against you.
Due to the pregnancy, your breasts had begun to be sore and the intimate massage from Miguel was helping to ease the pain.
“You want me to keep going?” his voice was husky as he asked.
“Please,” was all you could get out.
Miguel kneaded your nipples between his fingertips, resulting in your pelvis unconsciously moving forward for any movement. He palmed your breasts and whispered sweet nothing into your ear.
Due to the lack of pleasure in the most needed place, you take Miguel’s free hand in yours and moved it below the water, where your clit was throbbing for him.
“Are you sure, mi corazón?”
Miguel didn’t want to move too fast, he wanted to move at a pace you were comfortable with.
“Yes,” you whine to him.  
That was all he needed to hear to continue.
He lightly rubbed circle into your clit as he teased your nipple with the other hand. You bucked your hips forward to add more pressure, which Miguel seemed to understand and kissed the side of your head.
“Missed you so much, mi vida. A quién perteneces?” he asked, needing to hear you. (who do you belong to?)
“Quien?” he said teasingly. (who?)
“You, Miguel,” you said growing frustrated.
He chuckled at your whining but continued his little game of pleasure.
“I missed this pussy so much, missed having it clench around me and make a mess. Did you miss me, mi corazón?”
The dirty words leaving his mouth urged you on. Bringing you closer to your pleasure.
“Missed you so much,” you moan out, knowing Miguel always expected an answer from you, especially during intimate times.
“Y’know how many times I had to fuck my hand by thinking of you, mi luz? How many times I dreamed of your body beneath mine when you weren’t there? Hmm?”
His accent had thickened as each word reached your ears. Knowing that you were the thoughts that ran through his mind when he wanted pleasure.
Miguel’s fingers on your clit moved more frantically, producing more friction and your writhing movements against Miguel had been causing his cock to rub against you.
Your quickened breathing and eye closing in pleasure told Miguel what he needed to know.  
“Cum,” he demanded in your ear, and you did as he said. Cumming with his name leaving your lips and hips bucking against his hand as he stimulated your clit.
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6 months pregnant…
It was the middle of the night and Miguel was sound asleep next to you. A month had passed since you returned home from the cabin. Things with Miguel had been smooth sailing.
He was home on time, made minimal contact with HQ when at home and worked reasonable hours from his study. He was even the one to suggest going on walks every Sunday – which gave you a chance to talk about mundane things, making life have a sense of normalcy, even when your husband is spiderman 2099. He knew since you worked from home, you would enjoy a little bit of the outdoors and incorporated some plants into your apartment.
You turn slightly in his gentle hold to face him to face him. The moonlight shining just enough to where you can see his features. You lightly trailed your fingers from his hair to his cheek, stroking it softly.
He leaned into your touch as his eyes slowly fluttered open and released a sigh. He smiled at the sight of you, but quickly noticed that it was still dark outside.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked sleepily, his deep voice filling the quiet room.
You nodded your head.
“Sorry if I woke you,” you apologize.
“Its okay, mi corazón,” he said kissing your hand that still cupped his face.
Just as you were about to reply, you felt movement and placed your hand on your belly as your eyes slightly widened along with your smile. Miguel noticed and hastily sat up and turned on the night lamp.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as his hands made their way around you.
You shushed him and spread your hand on your now exposed belly, you took his hand in yours and settled in on your belly.
He was about to question you, but then he felt it.
A small kick.
You observed as recognition overtook his face. Immediately a smile made its way to his lips and his eyes found yours.
“Did you feel that?” you asked with a chuckle.
“Sí,” he replied and trailing his gaze down to your belly.
“That’s baby A,” you tell him.
“I have a feeling that’s our baby A – our active one, and then there’s baby B – our quiet one,” you explain to him gazing down and holding his hand that’s settled on your belly.
“Is that so?” he questioned with an amused expression.
“Call it maternal instinct,” you chuckle.
He leaned forward and kissed your lips, letting his hand make their way to your face to move your hair out of the way.
For the rest of the night, the two of you cuddled till you eventfully found sleep.
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7 months pregnant…
Miguel frantically made his way into the living room when he heard your cries from his study. He was already in defensive mode.
“W-what happened?” he asked confused when he saw you sitting on the couch with a bowl in front of you.
“They’re so cute. I don’t want to eat them, but I have to,” you sobbed, tears rolling down your cheeks.
He sat down beside you, ready to comfort you when he saw what was in the bowl.
Baby carrots and mayonnaise. That’s when it struck him.
“Are you talking about the carrots?” he asked with a raised brow.
“Don’t look at me like that, they’re so cute, but I want to eat them,” you explained as your hands moved around exaggeratively.
“Okay, its fine. You can eat them. Our babies are craving them. You can eat them for our babies, mi luz. We can always get more from the store,” he tried to calm you down by explaining it to you gently.
You nodded in understanding.
“Would you like some?” you offered to him as you took a bite out of the carrot.
He shook his head and continued to hold you as you finished your… snack.
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9 months pregnant…
“I…Miguel, I can’t put on my shoes properly,”
You’re trying to tie your shoelace as you were getting ready for your Sunday walk.
Miguel walked into your room, wearing a red Henley with lose jeans.
He walked towards you and bent over to tie your lace. Your gaze fell on his face, admiring his features.
“You’re so handsome,” you blurt out.
Miguel’s eyebrows raised in question before he smirked.
“Thank you, baby,” he said and leaned forward to kiss you.
It was meant to be a small kiss, but you pulled him towards you. Deepening the kiss.
He moaned and pulled away momentarily to move you around so that he was now sat on the bed, and you were straddling him.
Your now big belly preventing him from being close to you. Just as your hands made their way around his shoulders, you felt a wetness between your legs. However, this was not a wetness of arousal.
You broke the kiss and looked at him with wide eyes.
He looked to you with the same wide eyes.
“It’s happening,” he said more to himself than to you as he gently sat you on the bed.
You sat there, breathing in laboured breaths while holding your belly.
Miguel moved to your closet and got the prepacked bag with all the supplies you would need at the hospital.
“Miguel, your jeans,” there was evidence of your water breaking as well as an obvious boner.
“It’s okay, I’ll carry a spare pair of pants,” he said going to his own closet and shoving it into the bag.
Before you knew it, you were in the delivery room with Miguel beside you.
“Lo estás haciendo tan bien, mi corazón,,” (you’re doing so well/good, my heart).
“Miguel��� shut up. I am the one pushing out TWO babies with heads the size of a basketballs. I think I know when I am doing well,” you say through gritted teeth.
He nodded in understanding, knowing you were only saying this because of the pain you were in.
“I’m going to need you to push, okay?” your doctor said peering up at you from between your legs.
“Miguel,” you glance at him for support, needing him now more than ever.
“I’m here, mi corazón,” he stroked your head comfortingly.
“1, 2, 3… push!” your doctor said loudly.
You did as she said and pushed with all your might.
A loud groan of pain leaving you.
“Deep breaths,” Miguel said beside you.
“The head is almost out; I need you to push one more time. A big push, okay?” the doctor asked.
“Okay,” you answered.
You clasped Miguel’s hand tightly. He kissed your forehead, whispering encouragement to you.
“Push!,” the doctor said and you pushed again, the room soon filling with the cries of a baby.
Miguel could see the doctor handing your baby to a nurse who took the baby away to clean up.
“Miguel, go. I can manage,” you tell him, knowing that he wanted to be with the baby as his gaze never faltered.
“Are you sure?” he asked, and you nodded immediately.
He made his way to the baby. Peering over the nurse’s shoulder.
“It’s a boy,” the nurse tells him.
Tears prick his eyes.
“A boy,” he calls over his shoulder, glancing at you.
You give him the biggest smile, but the doctor soon tells you it’s time to push again.
You take another deep breath to prepare yourself and push with all your might.
“Do you want to cut his umbilical cord?” the nurse asked, gaining Miguel’s attention. He nodded but made sure to keep his hearing on you. Once the umbilical cord was cut, he began to count the baby’s toes and fingers.
“10 toes and 10 fingers,” he tells you happily.
“I’m going to take him to get dressed and bring him right back. That nurse over there is going to bring your other baby in a moment,” the nurse pointed to the other nurse waiting for baby B to arrive.
“One more push,” the doctor said, and Miguel was back at your side.
“He’s okay,” Miguel tells you and kisses your head. A fresh set of tears brimming your eyes.
The doctor lets you know to push again, and you do so, this time nearly passing out from the pain.
“A baby girl,” the nurse said, taking her away to clean her up just as the other nurse did.
You watched as Miguel did the same as before and cut the umbilical cord as well as counted her fingers and toes.
“She’s so tiny,” Miguel said gazing at you.
The doctor completed the process of taking care of you, after both babies were delivered. She explained to you to be careful and get rest, before excusing herself.
The nurse brought in your baby boy, bundled with a blanket. She handed him to you.
“He’s so beautiful,” you said looking at Miguel, whose eyes were already on you with adoration and love.
He was sleeping soundly in your arms. You often imagined what it would be like to have your babies in your arms, and none of them could compare to the reality of this.  
Soon the nurse walks in with your baby girl and hands her to Miguel, who more than happily brings her to you.
“Look at them,” you said staring at Miguel with pure happiness.
Both your babies are healthy and now finally with you.
At that moment, Miguel had everything he needed. You, his loving wife, and his babies.
“What’re we going to name them?” you ask him.
“Mira,” he said cooing down at his baby girl as he rocks her back and forth.
You smile at him and nod in understanding.
“I want to name him… Gabriel,” you tell him, watching to see if you made the right choice.
You knew that Miguel’s brother was important to him, you knew him almost as much as you knew Miguel. When Gabriel passed away, it nearly broke Miguel, so you knew if one of you babies were a boy, you would name him after his uncle.
“It’s perfect,” he whispers.
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2 months later…
You were in your room getting ready at your vanity, Miguel waiting for you in the living room.
It’s the 2-year anniversary of yours and Miguel’s marriage. You planned a cute dinner at the rooftop of your apartment, where you first met Miguel.
Mira and Gabriel were being taken care of by your friend – who was more than happy to look after her godchildren.
“Mi corazón, are you ready?” Miguel asked from the other side of the door.
With one last look in the mirror, you grab your bag and open the room door. Miguel dressed casually and comfortably. His eyes take in your form, appreciating the low-cut top you chose to wear. One of the things that Miguel was thankful for from the pregnancy, was the view of your full breasts.
“Te ves hermosa, mi luz,” (you look beautiful).
The way he was looking at you definitely made you feel beautiful. You flustered at his words, still feeling like the shy girl you once were to him.
“Thank you, handsome,” you got onto your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
Once Miguel locked your apartment door, you took your hand in his, with a picnic basket in the other and walked up the stairs to the rooftop. 
Miguel took the curtesy of stringing up lights around the rooftop, lighting it up for the two of you to enjoy.
“Let’s eat, I’m starving,” you nod to him and walk to the picnic table that stood toward the end of the building, it had already been decorated with a white tablecloth.
You made quick work of laying out the food, making sure that Miguel saw the empanadas that you brought along.
“Thank you for making all this food, mi luz,” he sat opposite you and helped to set the table. You dished out food for Miguel and then yourself.
“It was a pleasure, my love. You know one of the other ways to express my love is to make you some good food,” you playfully wink at him and start to eat.
As the two of you eat, you enjoy the view of the city and talk about moments from your relationship that your both loved and cherished. The food was soon finished, and you had quickly sent a text to your friend, checking on the babies - to which she sent you a picture of both them sound asleep. Miguel had already made his way to eating the empanadas.
“Hey, leave some for me too,” you scold him.
It was silent for a moment, and this gave you time to think about how for the last few months Miguel had increasingly improved in dealing with his stress and managing the spider-society. In that moment, you realized that you hadn’t said what you meant to tell him.
“I don’t think I told you this, but I forgive you. I’ve seen the way you’ve been keeping to your word and taking care of us and yourself as well as this city,” you take his hand in yours and maintain eye contact.
You see Miguel’s eyes change to gratitude. He didn’t need to hear you say those words to know you had forgiven him. Your loving treatment to him had shown him what he needed to know.
“Thank you,” he said in appreciation.
He stood up to come and sit beside you.
That was one thing you loved about Miguel, he always had to have you near him or holding onto you. Whether it was holding your hand or sitting beside you. You knew it had basically been killing him to not be intimate with you. The doctor had advised you to wait 6 weeks before doing activities.
Which is why you got up from beside him and got onto your knees. Putting your hands on either one of his knees to help you balance.
“Baby…” he said gazing down at you.
You shushed him and continued to let your hands trail up to his now growing erection.
“Can I?” you ask permission, but Miguel beats you to it and undoes his jeans button and undid his zipper.
“Do you think I would say no, mi corazón?” he lets out a chuckle and wraps his hand around his cock – moving up and down.
“Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out for me,” he whispers.
As you stick your tongue out, he lightly taps the tip of his cock on your tongue, you can already taste the precum. Wanting to have a little control of the situation, you move your hand to pump his cock and put the whole tip in your mouth. Hearing a strained groan leave Miguel’s lips.
You trail butterfly kisses from the tip of his cock to the base. You look at him through your lashes and take his whole cock into your mouth without warning. The grip that Miguel has on your hair tightens.
“That’s it, mi corazón. Just like that,” he praises you through gritted teeth.
“Fuck my mouth,” you down right demand him.
Not wasting a moment, Miguel pushes your head down his cock – making you gag which adds more pleasure for him.
“You know to tap my thigh if it gets too much,” he reminds you.
You continue to take as much of him in your mouth as you can, your hand strokes the rest of it. You draw back for a bit of air, a string of saliva trailing down your chin.
“Hermosa,” he compliments you.
He goes back to fucking your mouth, groaning in pleasure each time he the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat. Just as he feels himself about to cum, he stops and indicates for you to stand.
Feeling dizzy from the fact you gave your man pleasure; you gaze at him through hooded eyes. Needing to feel him inside you, filling you up.
You thankfully wore a dress for the night, making it easier to sit on Miguel’s lap. You straddled over him by putting your weight on your knees as he stroked his cock against your pussy.
“Didn’t even need to prepare you, mi luz, you’re already so wet,” Miguel smirks at you.
He pats your thigh for you to lower yourself onto him. You close your eyes at the pleasure of him filling you up. His hands settle underneath your dress on your waist, using that as leverage to bounce you up and down on him.
The sound of your thighs hitting his filling the air of the bustling city surrounding you. This was possibly the most spontaneous place you’ve had sex in. The rooftop of the same building that Miguel first saw you on.
He would watch you from the building across, hiding in the darkness as you read on the rooftop, taking in the city life.
Your hands make their way to shoulders and you start to move along with the movement of his hands bouncing you.
“So deep,” you moan.
“Mmm,” Miguel moans in agreeance.
He takes a moment to compose himself to not cum quickly, but you have other plans as you rock your hips back and forth, not moving off him.
“Mi corazón, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” he said making you look down at him.
“That’s the idea,” you chuckle.
He takes the little control you gained back, as his hands firmly hold your waist – which you’re sure will leave bruises, not that you mind. He’s fucking you onto him like a toy, both for your pleasure and kiss.
Lewd moans leave your lips, which Miguel silences with a kiss.
“I’m gonna make us cum, okay?” he asks looking down between the two of you.
You follow his gaze and moan at the sight of where the two of you are fucking.
“Please,” you whine, giving him consent to move his hand to your clit and rub circles to stimulate you further, and within moments you cum. Hard. Your hips moving on their own accord.
Miguel fucks you through your orgasm and as you tighten around him, he follows suit, claiming your lips with his as he groaned in pleasure.
You’re both breathless and feel hazy, coming down from your highs.
“Happy anniversary, mi corazón,” he chuckles and kisses your forehead.
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@deputy-videogamer​ @dhdn-jdnxj​ @allysunny​ @honeybeezgobzzzzz​ @kxszy​ @isis0801 @notlaurinka @allmighttttt @fandoms-run-my-life​ @hamaguris @maladaptivedaydreamingbum​ @mihohatesspit @am-3-thyst​ @greenclues​ @sirens-sanctuary​ @kitheartt @lostandfound @taleiak​ @siriusdumblittlepuppy​ @madi-be-buggin​ @bluebumbleberry @littleshadow17​ @blkmystery​ 
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inkdrinkerworld · 5 months
dealer remus x shy reader ? pls tyy
“Do you think Finn will ever end up with Princess Bubblegum?” You’re sitting beside Remus, hand in a bowl of crunch snacks.
Remus has been coming over everyday this week, sleeping and waking up in your bed.
Being able to look across to him has been the best thing in a while, but when he turns back to look at you, you can’t take his gaze.
“Nah, she doesn’t like him a bit.” Remus’ cheek is tucked to his shoulder, eyes hazy like yours as the evidence of your last smoke billows out your open windows.
It’s hard to keep looking at him when his lashes are so long you want to count them, or when the scar between his lip pulls up just a little because he’s smirking at you.
Remus is gorgeous and you’re still not one hundred percent sure how you got lucky and met him when you did.
He licks his lips and his hand snakes around your wrist, breaking the trance you’d just been in.
“Hey!” You whine at being pulled out of position to be readjusted with one of your legs over his hip.
“Hi, dovey,” he says coolly, hand stroking your thigh. “How’re you feeling?” There’s amusement in his tone as you look anywhere but his eyes.
“Fine,” you mutter, ducking your head down so Remus can’t look at you.
It only holds up for so long though, because Remus’ other hand comes under your chin and tilts your face upwards.
“Sure?” He makes it so that you can’t look away from him and sure it’s a little cruel, but he likes the way you pout so sometimes he just has to fluster you.
“You’re mean, Remmy.” You grumble and he laughs, placing a strawberry scented kiss to your forehead.
“You love it,” he teases and when you pull your face away to hide in his chest he laughs even more. “Poor girl.” He coos, rubbing your back as you grumble into his chest about how mean he is.
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ynverse · 1 year
dating inumaki toge
INUMAKI x gn! reader | smau + headcanons
a/n: sobbing head in hands… toge ilysm!! he’s just a insane silly sorcerer <3 i also was gonna gatekeep this for an extra day but i miss toge too much
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dating him is so chaotic but so much fun
he’s so annoying when it comes to you. his curse speech is powerful and he will make sure you know that
“kiss me” “hold my hand” “confess your feelings for me” he’s so smug about it too despite the blood that will trickle down the side of his lips (please carry cough drops for him because he will never stop)
always says you’re so needy for him after he uses his cursed speech to make you hold his hands !! you try to act annoyed but you both know you think it’s cute
he loves having you close to him when he’s gaming !! you sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped around you >>
yuuji always asks you to keep him company when gaming because toge will just sigh and kiss you instead of accidentally saying “shit” (yuuji learned it the hard way)
dates with him are either so romantic or joke dates !!! he’s either going to take you to the best underground locations (esp if they have street food) or you’ll be hanging out in one of your dorms, begging him to stop saying “kiss me” so you can go to shoko and get him help
face masks & painting each others nails IS A MUST !!! he loves the domestic aspect esp because of how uncertain the future is for sorcerers
speaking of his face ! he will melt if you place a kiss on his marks. he tends to dislike showing them but he never hides them from you. sometimes he overuses his speech (not enough for long term damage but just to where he can’t talk) so you place kisses on them
always says i love you verbally ! he feels bad he can’t offer words of affirmation directly to you so he spent a lot of time finding safe words he can say. you do have to gamble whenever he sends a voice message though… will it be a cute i love you or will it be him trying to get you to come back to him ? either way it’s <3
literally no one knew you guys were together for a while because you both were naturally close (and he’s really good at hiding it if he wants to) but after you told everyone? prepare to be sick of him
clingy in a cute way so you guys spend almost all your free time together (even if it’s just sitting in the same room)
if you ever fight, he will apologize until his throat bleeds. he won’t use any commands unless you try to dismiss your feelings and he’ll go “please tell me how you really feel” because he wants you to be genuinely okay
he’s also so attentive to you !! he knows if anything is wrong and he will make you feel better
has told you to “run away” during a battle with curses and has never done so again because you wore headphones around him and would not speak to him unless it was text (he wanted to protect you but he knows you want to protect him as well)
gets kinda jealous but will have no shame and be affectionate in front of that person while looking at them directly in the eyes. 100% denies being jealous though
overall he is the love of your life your honor !
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cheollipop · 1 year
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navi | taglist
pairing: choi san x fem!reader
w.c.: 2.6k
tags: smut, fluff, san is in LOVE
back-to-back schedules meant san barely had any time to eat, let alone see you. after feeling your skin against his for the first time in weeks, he couldn't hold himself back anymore.
warnings: a smidge of plot, softest dom!san, high stamina!san (like crazy high), praise, dry humping, cunnilingus, face sitting, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), multiple orgasms, creampie, breeding/impregnation kink, overstimulation, nicknames (sannie; baby, pretty, love, darling...), dirty talk, aftercare
A/N: this is dedicated to @toxicccred <33 I have not been able to stop thinking about lovesick sannie since we last talked about it, so I really hope you enjoy this! ^^ no but seriously, this had me feeling some typa way. the delulu came out for this one oof...
nsfw under the cut - minors dni!! 🔞
I'll be home soon.
11:38pm, read the timestamp.
You eyed the clock on the wall across from you, the small arrow pointing to three. San was late at practice, and you struggled to keep your eyes open to greet him when he eventually walked through the front door. You hadn't seen him in over two weeks, his schedule packed with his new comeback coming up.
Lying down on the couch, your body succumbed to its exhaustion.
You startled awake, unaware that you had fallen asleep in the first place, when they front door clicked shut, making out a blurry San toeing off his shoes. He noticed your figure – half-sitting down on the soft cushions, eyes squinting to make him out in the dark room – and gave you an apologetic smile, a whispered sorry breaking through the silence. You got up, walking towards him and wrapping your arms around his figure without saying a word. He quickly reciprocated, engulfing you in his warmth and eagerly fisting his hands in your shirt, drawing you closer to him. You inhaled the scent of an unfamiliar body wash, his wet strands an indicator of the shower he took before coming to you.
"I've missed you, Sannie," you mumbled against the warm skin of his neck while he peppered the side of your face with soft kisses.
"Me too," he muttered between presses of his lips against every patch of skin available to him. "So much." He cupped your cheeks, moving your face back to admire it with fond eyes. "But I'm here now."
San pressed his lips to yours, your head jerking backwards at the momentum. He pulled away just as quickly, bringing you closer to his body again, nuzzling his nose into your hair. Your chests were flush together, rising and falling at the same rate. You placed a line of kisses over his exposed collarbone, your palms rubbing comforting circles over San's back, scratching at the skin and eliciting pleasant hums from the man.
You felt something begin to poke at your hip and you pulled away slightly to look down. Your cheeks flushed at the sight of the forming tent in San's sweatpants making a bridge between your bodies. You looked up at him, eyes still bleary with sleep.
His cheeks were coated with a bright red, eyes looking anywhere and everywhere but you, nervously fiddling his fingers at his waist.
"I just- I missed you s-so much," his pout muffled his words, his gaze flitting over to you before stepping closer and burying his face into the crook of your neck. "I-I couldn't help it, I'm sorry."
His hips slowly rolled against your hipbone – perhaps involuntarily – and you could feel the familiar tingle of arousal rushing through your body. You grabbed onto his shoulders, trying to pull him away to look at his face, but he didn't budge, the rate at which his hips were moving now relentless while he panted against your ear.
"San, let me-"
"Please, (Y/n). I couldn't stop thinking about you all day, I had to rub one out in the bathroom between schedules – a-ahh – b-because I was so excited to finally see you," he turned his head to rest against your shoulder, looking up at you from the corner of his vision. His hands grabbed at your hips, moving them to match his continuous ruts against you. "We don't need to do anything, just – ah – I'll finish s-soon. Please, can I just-"
San's lips parted, breathing out airy, needy moans onto the side of your neck before attaching his lips to the skin and nipping at it. You leaned down, cupping San's cheek and bringing your mouth to his, lazily moving your lips together while he desperately rutted against your hip like a bitch in heat.
"Sannie, I want you too," you whispered against his lips, watching his eyes glaze over as they took in the redness of your cheeks.
One of your hands reached down to his ass, grabbing at the clothed skin and urging him to thrust harder against you. He groaned into your neck as he came, his hips stuttering while his body shuddered against you, his release soaking through his clothes and darkening the material around his crotch.
Breathing heavily while he recovered from his orgasm, San's hands gently wrapped around the sides of your neck, his thumbs caressing the skin under your ears. He placed a few fleeting kisses to your lips, pushing his hips back into your palm as you squeezed at the flesh of his ass.
"Your turn."
San's fingers dug into your hips, bringing you further down on his face. Your hand stumbled to grab onto the armrest above San's head where he laid horizontally on the couch, your thighs shaking around his face as he pulled orgasm after orgasm out of you with his tongue.
"San, wait-"
He pulled at your hips again, his tongue placing kitten licks against your swollen clit. "Sit down properly."
"I don't want to hurt you," your knees dug into the cushions, your body curling in on itself as San brought you to the edge of yet another high.
"I can take it." His eyes fluttered open to look at you, his hands bringing you down fully over his face, your thighs squeezing against his temples. "There you go," he whispered against your dripping folds, his tongue licking up from your pulsing hole to your clit, before running his teeth over it and watching you whimper as a shiver ran through your body.
San flattened his tongue against your clit and your hips began to move on their own to ride his face, chasing your second orgasm of the night.
"Ah, Sannie. Fuck," your thighs tensed around his head, his tongue lapping at your pussy like it was his first meal of the day, humming pleasantly as he swallowed up your sweet arousal.
"Taste so good… I could eat your pretty pussy all day," he muttered against your clit, your body jolting every time his lips pressed against it. "Can you give me one more, sweetheart?"
You shook your head, lifting your hips off San's face. He reluctantly let you go, watching as you slid down his chest to straddle his hips, his bottom lip jutting out to form a pout.
"Want your cock," you breathed out, still recovering from your orgasm.
San's eyebrows shot up, nodding his head like a madman, his eyes rolling to the back of his head when you ran your dripping folds over his cock, standing red and angry against his belly. You shuddered when he brushed against your clit, moaning against his skin before taking one of his nipples into your mouth, running circles around it with your tongue while tweaking the other between two fingers.
"Fuck, (Y/n), please just- please fuck me already," he moaned, his eyes teary and pleading as you continued to roll your hips against him. "Please don't tease me, baby, your teasing is like torture. Please. I want you so bad, I feel like I'm losing my mind."
He withstood two more glides of your pussy against his throbbing length before wrapping an arm around your waist and flipping you over, hovering over you while his other hand lined him up with your entrance. "Can I? Please, please, please-"
"Yeah, fuck me good, baby," you answered hastily, grabbing at his biceps for support when he finally breached your fluttering hole.
"Fuuuck, my pretty baby, so tight for me," his hand grabbed the underside of your thigh, opening you up for him to shove his entire length into you in one go, his pelvis flush with yours. "A-ahh, taking me s-so well," he stuttered when your walls clenched around him, adjusting to the stretch.
You brought one hand down to San's ass, grabbing a handful of the flesh and urging his hips to move. San groaned into your neck, licking a stripe from your collarbone to your jaw before sucking on the skin under your ear.
His hips began to move, starting with shallow thrusts before drawing more of his length out and stuffing it back into you with a firm thrust, rolling his hips into yours when your pelvises met.
"All I could do these past two weeks was think about you," San brought his lips up to yours, his cock pumping into you and pressing directly against your favourite spot, your head thrown back as bolts of pleasure ran down your spine. "Hongjoong even scolded me yesterday because I kept getting the choreography wrong. Do you know why?" His voice was breathy and jagged as pleasure soared through him with every thrust, your pussy squeezing him so deliciously he was struggling not to fill you up already.
"Uh-uhh," you shook your head, your voice melting into a high-pitched moan when San's hips slowed down to a measured grind, feeling his cock throb inside you where it pressed on the ragged spot along your walls.
"Because I couldn't stop thinking about how badly I wanted to fuck this tight pussy full of my cum," he growled, his hips picked up their pace again, pounding himself into your sopping cunt.
"W-want Sannie's cum," you moaned into his ear, your nails scratching at his back.
San brought his fingers down to your clit, rubbing harsh circles around it. Your back arched, nipples brushing over San's as your orgasm washed over you. Your lips were parted while a drawn-out moan escaped you, your knees shaking and your hips jolting every time San brushed his fingers over your sensitive clit.
He didn't give you time to recover, swiftly flipping you over to lay you flat on your stomach before sheathing himself inside you again.
"I'm not done with you yet," he pressed his lips against the back of your neck as he pistoned his hips into you, propped up on his forearms by your head.
Your fingers grabbed at the cushion under you, your whole body convulsing as San's cock pounded mercilessly against your g-spot.
"Wait- i-it's too much – hnnnngh," tears flowed freely from your eyes to form a dark spot on the couch under you as pain mixed with pleasure every time he thrusted back into you.
"Give me one more," he took the shell of your ear into his mouth, his body stretching over yours while the sound of skin on skin echoed in the room. "You can do that, can't you? Can my darling cum for me once more?"
He knew he got you when your pussy squeezed around him, a smirk stretching the corner of his mouth before his teeth bit down on your shoulder, his tongue licking over the bite mark he'd left.
"Wanna see you," you slurred, too fucked out to focus on anything but the glide of San's thick cock between your overstimulated walls.
San was quick to change positions, pulling your limp body over his to sit you down on his lap before sliding his length back into you. He set his feet down on the floor, thrusting up into your abused cunt. You threw your head back at the new angle before leaning in to slot your lips against his, wrapping your arms around the width of his shoulders. The kiss was mostly teeth and spit, but neither of you minded, the pleasure shooting through you too intense for either of you to care.
"Gonna fill you up," San muttered against your lips, his fingers gripping your hips so tight he was bound to leave bruises. "Have you full of my cum for days."
You nodded fervently, eyes rolling back when San took your nipple between his lips, giving it a harsh suck. "Want it, w-want it. Please!"
"Yeah?" He smirked, his fringe stuck to his slick forehead, one of his hands coming up to your mouth and shoving two fingers inside. He watched as your lips closed around them, sucking the digits into your mouth and circling your tongue around them. "My baby wants my cum? Want me to make you a mommy? Hm?"
You nodded, letting out muffled moans around his fingers and a series of yes, please, give it to me's as you felt the tingle of your impending orgasm. "W-want to carry Sannie's children," you breathed out, sliding a hand between your bodies to press your palm into your lower belly, feeling the swift glide of San's cock inside you.
San pulled his fingers out of your mouth, bringing them down to your sopping cunt and circling your clit eagerly. His lips parted while throaty moans escaped him freely at the feeling of you rubbing his cock from the outside.
"H-hah- a-ahh, San, I'm so- I'm going to-"
"Go ahead, my love," San rubbed calming circles over your back, bringing you closer to his chest as waves of mind-numbing pleasure rushed through you – your legs shook around him, loud moans spilling out of your swollen lips, your eyes blown wide. "That's it, cum for me."
The tight squeeze of your walls around his throbbing cock was enough to send him over the edge with you, throwing his head back as he spilled rope after rope of cum into your cunt. "Fuuuuuck- take my cum, baby, take all of it," he shuddered as he came. San stilled his thrusts, allowing you to rock your hips over his cock, riding out your highs together with soft moans and grunts into the other's skin.
Your hips ceased their movement, your pussy warming his cock while he continued to spurt his seed into you. It was so much. You felt so full – you actually believed you would get pregnant.
San wrapped you up in his arms, bringing you closer while he peppered your face with kisses before tucking you into his chest.
"I love you," you whispered, placing a tender kiss on his collarbone.
San smiled, his eyes forming nearly-perfect crescents. "I love you so, so much, my darling. My pretty (Y/n)."
San squeezed his arms around you once before releasing you. He secured his hands under your thighs before getting up, giggling at your surprised yelp while he carried you with him to the bathroom. Setting you down next to the sink, your legs continued to twitch where they dangled off the counter while San adjusted the water in the shower. He smirked at the trail of cum you left on the counter before guiding you under the warm water, washing off the sweat and grime from your previous activities. San scratched at your scalp, rubbing the shampoo into your hair, hearing you hum pleasantly into his chest. He kissed you under the warm stream, reveling in the soft touches you left all over his body – your palms rubbing against his back, nails scratching at the skin every now and then, your lips trailing down his chest before going back up to leave gentle pecks all over his face. San didn't think he was insane, but the more time he spent with you, the more he thought he was about to be.
Wrapping you up in the fluffiest towel he could find, San penguin-walked with you to your bedroom, his arms wrapped firmly around your middle while his chest pressed against your back.
Sliding into bed, the early birds already awake and singing outside your window, you inhaled the soft scent of San's body wash. He hummed faintly into your ear, your eyes beginning to droop before finally falling shut. Your hand – rubbing small circles against San's back – ceased its movements, falling limp over his waist.
Lulled to sleep in San's tender embrace, you realized that missing him was worth every second when he finally came home to you, tucking you into his arms while he showered you with all his love and kisses.
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bbanghiitomi · 3 months
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pairing: kim minji x fem reader
trope: fish out of water! childhood friends! first love! little bit of angst! fluff!
waking up feels weird for y/n again, inside the body of a first year college student, her little young soul is stuck somewhere she doesn't want to be. peeking on the window of her colorless room, it's an ordinary sunday, clear skies with no clouds and her view is blocked by buildings. it's so boring sitting here inside her room, a bed with no presence of a certain person she longs for. there's almost no time for her, the world is too fast and there's always something to look forward for.
but lately, her days have become more boring, it feels like she's starting to lose the meaning of a secret world she used to have as a child. consumed by sadness and boredom, y/n doesn't really know what to do, she's stuck inside her dorm maybe for a few more years?
"no, i shouldn't sulk like this..." y/n mentally sighs as she stands up from her bed and walks towards her study table. she hasn't changed one bit, at least that's what she thinks, she's the same old kid who hates sitting around looking sad, someone who persists through every conflict and is spontaneous.
if minji were to see her again, would she think the same?
y/n have always wondered about that, when she thinks of minji, she starts to miss the tall girl again, like always since she left to study far from her home. y/n at first liked to believe it hasn't been that long, until maybe a few more years passed because she hopes when she comes back, minji would remember her again.
but in reality, it's been more than 2 years, 5 years to be exact... in that amount of time, how many memories did minji make without y/n? how many people did she meet?
how long did she ever think about y/n? when every hour felt like another day without warmth for y/n.
does she care for y/n anymore? the thought is extremely scary, thinking about being forgotten is scary...
y/n sits on her chair, grabbing her laptop as she opens it and looks at an email from her school, after her test, the school announces a break for the students and it's 4 weeks.
enough time to go back to gangwon province and maybe see minji again.
"no!" y/n shakes her head as she buries her face on her palms, the warmth of embarrassment spreads around her face. will she even remember me? y/n thinks to herself as she sighs, stretching her arms to her table and leaning over to it, her fingers touching the small and fuzzy bear figurine that minji have gifted her before, there's a smaller version of it, the baby bear.
back then, there really wasn't a lot to worry about, just when y/n's piano practice starts or when minji needs to go back home. back then, these feelings she had for minji were all just something to laugh about and forget tomorrow, but it turned into something bigger the longer she looks for minji.
times used to be more simple and minji used to be enough for her to reach, maybe she have wished for too much and that dream she had since she was little came true, but now y/n feels lonely.
the girl also comes across her last messages to minji, before everything went radio silent.
"sorry!" as if she have caused minji some trouble again.
"it's okay. message me again when you're free." minji sent her.
"okay!" y/n's reply and she hasn't gotten any free time ever since.
should she really come back? is the biggest question she wants to know right now, before she spends her break rotting on her bed all day long.
luckily, y/n's parents came to the rescue, they've been planning on building a small house in a small town in the province and they wanted to hear her thoughts. that means y/n can have an actual reason to go back...
on her way home in the car, y/n sits behind and listens as her parents converse. "what have our daughter been doing? we missed you so much." y/n's mother pipes in, the girl gives her mother a smile before leaning towards her mother's seat. "a lot actually, i didn't know there's a lot to do in college."
her father's laughs, shaking her head. "you'll get used to it kid, we've been living in the city for 5 years... things will get more rocky in the future." he says, y/n nods and smiles at her father. "i understand." she mutters.
her mother smiles endearingly at the interaction before looking behind her daughter who immediately meets her gaze, "don't you want to see minji?" she asks, y/n raises her brows and purses her lips before leaning back to the backseat and shrugging.
"i actually don't know if i want to..." she admits, sighing before laughing and shaking her head. "it's just that, it's been 5 years." she adds, y/n's father takes a peek at his daughter and looks at his wife before back at the road.
"didn't we talk to her family last week?" he asks, y/n's mother perks up and nods, looking at their daughter, who then gives them both a confused look.
"oh right! we missed the town so much, we decided to build a home again in the same neighborhood." y/n looks at her parents and squints her eyes at them before speaking. "okay? and what did you guys talk about?" the parents look at each other before laughing.
"a lot, about the house, the town, the city, university and you! minji said she misses you." y/n's father say and y/n cannot help the way her eyes widens. "o-oh... really?" she mutters.
her mother nods with a bright smile. "she said, you seem very busy and she was wondering why you weren't with us." y/n fixes her hair and the way she sits, before raising her index finger. "so, what do you guys plan to do there?" she asks.
her father looks straight to the road, occasionally peeking at his daughter from time to time. "well, minji's family owns a small inn, right? we can stay there for a while, talk about what we want our house to look like." he shrugs, y/n nods and gives her parents a small smile.
"i won't mind that. i wish it would look like our old house though." the girl receives nods from her parents and it didn't take them any longer until they finally arrived their old town.
standing in the middle of the street, y/n looks rather... lost? or maybe she is, the day is about to end and y/n starts to hear crickets all over the place. it's as if she's never been in this town, there's so many turns, left and right and it's making her head dizzy.
there weren't that much people too, it's like she's in a ghost town! it's not like this in the city, so bustling and loud, full of life.
and y/n starts to wonder whether she was really from this place, did she really grow up here? why does this place look so unfamiliar? just a few moments ago, y/n walked away from the inn before she could even see minji, wanting to gain enough courage to talk to the tall girl again.
and now here she is, lost in the town, not sure where to go. this moment made y/n realize she's changed, a lot... that maybe she really wasn't the same person she was before. the small y/n would never be lost like this...
still, y/n wants to find her way back home, even if she doesn't know where.
"do you still know this way?" y/n hears someone behind her and she immediately turns her body around to look at the familiar face of her childhood friend.
"m-minji..." she can only mutter, minji laughs and walks towards the girl. "why did you leave? when i went to welcome your family to the inn, you were nowhere." y/n shakes her head and puts a hand on her face and she sighs.
"i just wanted to walk around..." though, it was clearly a lie. minji nods and raises her hand as if to gesture y/n to follow. "let's go back to the inn." minji tells the girl, a very endearing and totally not charming smile on her face.
the girl nods and tucking in lost strands of her hair behind her ear before watching minji walk past her and the girl follows immediately.
minji doesn't look back but she's smiling, it's nerve-wracking, y/n doesn't know what to really say as if the words are stuck in her throat. no motivation to fight for her feelings.
"so, how's the city? i heard many great things come from there." minji starts, looking behind. the girl looks at minji and sees the smile on minji's face, her round eyes and very recognizable lips. y/n looks down with a blush on her cheeks and then back up at minji again as she laughs. "oh it's fine, i grew kind of tired of the noise and how boring the city could be." y/n answers, minji blinks twice before turning to the road again.
as they walk, they see kids frolic around the area, to the park and around some corners of the village. seeing that makes y/n reminisce about the past again, how fun and simple it was, what did change? she wonders.
"wasn't it your dream? you told me before." minji remembers that, but remembering it reminded you that you wanted that dream for your parents, because it's a big thing.
"my parents' actually, but then again, their dreams are mine." y/n sees minji nod, her back turned to y/n again as they walk and finally reach the inn. surprisingly, your parents weren't that upset, very understanding too. "thank god minji was there earlier, we knew she'd pick you up right away." y/n's father walks over to minji and pats her shoulder.
"so happy to see you again kid! i'm sure my daughter is too." minji smiles at y/n's father, nodding her head before looking at y/n, who cannot find a way to avoid the other girl. "that's great to know. have you brought your things up inside your inn already, sir?" she asks, and y/n's parents nod.
"we did! don't worry, by the way we should get going for now. we haven't gotten dinner." y/n's mother waves her hand towards minji and leaves with her husband, y/n stops walking in front of minji and looks at her parents before back at minji.
"thanks... i hope i didn't bother you." she smiles apologetically and fixes her hair, minji feels her heart beating as she looks at the girl. minji shrugs and shakes her palms that are starting to get wet. "nope, it's okay. you should get some rest now."
"okay, see you tomorrow." they stare at each other for a good 3 minutes before y/n looks away and starts walking unusually faster to their inn.
"you left the construction site?" minji asks the girl, who looks up from where she was sitting and stands up, fixing her skirt. minji's eyes went to look at y/n's skirt and immediately, like nothing happened up at y/n's eyes.
"uh huh." she says, nodding her head before laughing sheepishly. "i got bored and yeah, i want to do something else." y/n says, minji nods and puts her hands on the pocket of her pants.
"you haven't changed a bit." minji says, letting out a small chuckle. y/n look up back at her, raising an eyebrow at the tall girl. "what?" she whispers, minji walks behind a bit. "i mean, i don't think you changed at all. you're still the same girl from before." y/n feels her cheeks blaze as she nods, humming.
the playground is empty in the middle of the day, when kids are at school, just like it was before. it's almost as if it was the same place, and yes it was but... it also feels like the same time, y/n doesn't feel like she's grown any older.
yes, minji looked more mature, looked prettier, taller and her hair grew longer and more silky.
"really? i always thought i've changed a lot." y/n tells minji, she receives a smile from the other girl. "well, you looked prettier now. but other than that, you wear the same type of clothes." y/n blinks when minji says that she turned prettier... y/n blinks again and laughs sheepishly, looking down on her skirt.
"ah yeah, i feel more like myself in these." truth to be told, it's more on projection. thinking about how much she's changed mentally is tiring, it's like the life in city left her caged with nothing to do but the same thing. the only way she can relived her past self is by wearing the same clothes she used to wear.
minji looks at y/n's clothes and back the the girl's face. "it's nice. living in the city, i'm surprised you're still hesitant about your looks." minji chuckles and scratches the back of her head, y/n blinks her eyes twice and then away. "i just feel like sometimes i don't feel right in my own clothes."
"you look right, amazing even." minji shrugs before offering her hand to y/n. "it's been so long since i last saw you." minji adds, y/n stretches her arm and opens her hand to hold minji's, the texture of minji's palm never changes, despite all the work she does in their house it's still soft.
"i'm sorry if i couldn't even message you..." y/n says, recalling the times she couldn't make any time to reply or even hit minji up. minji shrugs and caress y/n's hand. "i understand, it's not easy being in college. i hope you're fine though..." y/n smiles at minji and puts another hand on their hands.
"i'm so glad to see you again, it feels so weird..." y/n purses her lips before sighing and speaking again. "it's like i'm going around chasing a bunny, then again i'm lost." minji nods, tilting her head to get a better look of your face.
"some people really don't understand the secret this world has." there's so much to do, so much to eat, so much to say, so many to love and care for. there's not enough time to do everything but the most. y/n looks up at minji as the tall girl speaks. "you told me before right? that happiness are those small things."
at the end of the day, y/n is just a crybaby.
in this bright world full of fantastic things, there's no time to feel bored.
"yeah... and we used to eat cookies, and almost i don't know what i was doing before." y/n laughs, minji looks away. there's a blooming, ticklish, funny feeling inside minji when she's here holding your hands, it's the same giddy feeling while playing stupid games before, the same feeling looking at your face but this feeling was never there for anyone else.
"you used to never think twice, no matter how crucial it is. you also used to get lost a lot too, then i'd look for you." minji says, y/n giggles and brings their hands closer to her chest. "thinking about those stuff, feels like looking at a picture book right?" y/n says, minji nods.
the skies are turning orange, and kids are running towards the playground. maybe the reason the little kid y/n was before didn't get lost because she had minji.
"you used to always get in trouble..." minji laughs and y/n shakes her head, whining. "i was just really annoying!"
it's such a ridiculous story, feels like no one will believe. seeing minji's face again, the patch of mud on the sidewalk and the kids frolicking around in their own world.
"i missed you a lot." minji speaks again, this time her voice sounded more delicate as if she meant every one of her word. it's been so long, days, weeks, months and years have passed but minji still remembers y/n.
the girl looks at minji as if she's about to cry, because those words mean a lot to her. y/n nods, letting go of minji's hand before she steps and wraps her arms around minji. "i missed you too!" y/n sobs, causing minji to laugh.
"come on, are you really just gonna weep like that?" minji teases, y/n buries her head on minji's shoulder, wiping her tears on the taller girl's shirt. "seriously..." y/n whispers.
minji pats y/n's back, an arm around the girl's waist. "ah, it's getting darker." minji mutters, y/n ignores her and sobs again. "i really think of you a lot, when i look at my last message to you... i wish i can do something about it." y/n whispers, her voice cracking every syllable.
"you know i'm not going anywhere, right?" minji whispers back, putting her hand on top of y/n's head. y/n nods, it's not about that. the girl hates the idea of being away from minji again, she's hated that idea but seeing minji again, like this... makes her hate it even more.
minji isn't leaving but minji is also not going to be there always, it's not about whether she's going to leave or not... after all those years, her little silly feelings for minji, turned into something bigger and more serious, when she yearns for minji's warmth that space inside her heart turns more shallow.
maybe, y/n is scared minji might find someone else...
"don't look for anyone else other than me..." y/n whispers, minji widens her eyes as she hears what was said. minji turns her head to take a peek of y/n's face, but all the girl did was bury her face deeper on minji's neck.
"what do you mean?" this is it. this must be really it.
y/n may feel guilty for sounding selfish admitting that she hates the idea that minji will find someone who'll love her too.
"i... i want to be honest, ever since i left i started to miss you more everyday, it feels like it was never gonna end." y/n takes a sharp breath. feeling the way her heart squeezes as if pouring out all the feelings she's harbored for minji on those years they were away from each other.
it feels like she's inside a woods, lost inside the forest with nowhere to go except the only path she can see.
"it was so long... everything feels like it's the same everyday. people around me moved on, went past and never looked back. i couldn't because i feel it too deeply, and i love too much..." y/n pulls away from minji, letting go of the tall girl... that also forced minji to let her hands off of y/n.
"i didn't want to be left alone, i didn't want to think of you with someone else!" y/n sees the way minji looks at her, the tall girl looks at the playground, the kids are all going home.
y/n puts her hand on her face, wiping her stupid tears away.
"i never looked for anyone else but you... i see you on and off on your account, it gives me hope that you're still there. we're stuck on the same memory, i think of you too a lot." minji shrugs as she speaks and reaches for y/n's hand, minji hears y/n trying to suppress her tears.
"y/n? are you serious?" minji chuckles and holds y/n's hand tighter. the girl looked confused, she tucks in strands of stray hair behind her ear. minji sighs. "i take my time to let you know i'm just here for you to lean on to, stupid messages, so short but it's alright because i know you're okay." minji continues, her other hand reaches for y/n's shoulder.
y/n was silent, she looks like she's hesitating but in reality, there's nothing but minji inside her head.
"it's because i like you!" y/n opens her mouth and stares at minji, surprised about what she had said. minji leans her head closer, seeing y/n blink her eyes and lifting her hands to cover her face.
minji hears y/n whine and she holds the girl's shoulders. "hey..."
"i don't why? we only talk through messages and they're not even that long! i've tried to hard to get rid of these feelings but it's not working! you're really the only one i want..." y/n grumbles, her voice is muffled but still audible that it makes minji smile to see how intense the girl's feelings are for her.
"i understand." minji states as she moves her hand to hold y/n's nape, pulling her closer and making the girl take her hands off of her face until their foreheads touch. minji holds y/n's waist with her other hand. "don't ever change, okay? you and your feelings, don't change." minji whispers.
y/n hears the crickets and then maybe her own heartbeat, distracted by the way minji looks at her eyes... it could be the street lamps but minji's eyes looks like she has the whole milky way galaxy in them.
minji laughs as she feels how warm y/n has gotten.
out of nowhere, the tall girl leans to kiss y/n on the lips, not that long but enough for y/n to feel it linger all over her.
the wind blows, but suddenly it's not so cold here anymore.
minji doesn't give y/n any time to react and immediately pulls her in a hug. "dummy. i love you too, okay? you're not alone." minji mutters.
y/n lowers her head, leaning on minji's shoulder and she finds herself diving in deeper in their hug. "gosh, this feels like it's not real..." y/n mutters, minji laughs again and places a kiss on y/n's cheek.
"but it is real, wanna go back to the inn?" minji asks, gently lifting y/n from the ground, causing the girl to shriek and laugh.
and it's fun like that, exploring new feelings and diving in it without thinking much. it's fun basking on its wonderful effects, how amazing love can be or just how unpredictable circumstances are sometimes.
it's another day, y/n feels like she dreams a lot now. she doesn't want to forget her dreams.
when the girl sits up, she opens her eyes and sees how blurry her vision was. the girl rubs her eyes for a few seconds, before opening them again.
she was greeted by the pink walls of her room, exactly the same copy of her childhood room but without the stains of time.
was she dreaming? y/n peeks on her window, a very sunny day with bright skies and clouds all over the blue horizon.
just an ordinary day.
y/n looks on the floor of her room, her shoes with a patch of mud on it.
thankfully, she wasn't dreaming at all.
the door of her room opens, from the shoes, y/n looks up to see minji smiling at her. "hey, it's 11am already." the girl says, y/n smiles and jumps off of her bed, running towards minji and embracing the tall girl in a hug.
"ah! thank you!" y/n rubs her cheek on minji's shoulder, humming. the tall girl looks at her girlfriend, confused. "what happened?" she asks.
y/n shakes her head and laughs. thinking that what if everything was a dream? y/n was scared that once she opens her eyes, minji will be out of reach again. but she's wrong, minji is here.
"nothing, i'm so happy you're here again! and that you wake me up before it gets late." y/n says, minji nods and pats y/n's head, sighing. "ah yeah, come on we have somewhere to go." minji pulls y/n out of her room, their laughter is heard across the corridor as they walk to the dining room.
y/n might have been lost on her way home, maybe it took her too long to find her way back... but she's back! that's all that matters, minji is with her to guide her wherever she goes, just like when they were younger.
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tetragonia · 2 months
Midnight Repair Shop
John "Bucky" Egan x Female!Mechanic!Reader
Blurb: In the middle of the night, accompanied with the choruses of men from the Officer’s pub afar, Bucky saw the hangar light was on. He peeked and found Jerry to his Tom—(Y/N), one of the mechanics whose side job apparently was to annoy him. It was that one time when Bucky and (Y/N) repaired not only the plane, but somehow their whole dynamics all these months.
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warning: inaccuracies especially with the mechanical terms because I'm not used to them and just looked em up from the internet. also, maybe weird phrasing or grammatical incorrect since English is not my first language. pls let me know what I could do better <3
note: pure fluff and giggles, some arguments but all is good with our Bucky. this is my first mota fic out there and why shouldn't i choose our antic Bucky as the main character? ;) also, this is based on the portrayal of the actors from Masters of the Air. all respect to the veterans and family
words: 3160 (sorry!)
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It was a sunny day as the sun was casting a golden hue over Thorpe Abbotts, the distant hum of aircraft engines signaled the approach of returning fighter planes. Among them was Major John Egan–”it’s just me, Bucky’s fine”–his B-17 streaking through the sky and leading the squadron. It was not an easy mission, but it was nothing they couldn’t handle. The route was clear and the enemy’s cover was minimum.
With steady hands, Bucky guided his aircraft toward the runway as his eyes scanned the horizon for any signs of trouble. The roar of the engine filled the cockpit as he made minute adjustments to his altitude and speed, preparing for the critical moment of touchdown.
As the wheels of his B-17 made contact with the tarmac, Bucky maneuvered and smoothly brought it to a stop with. The plane rolled to a halt, its engine purring contentedly as Bucky taxied toward the waiting ground crew.
You were one of the ground crews, a skilled mechanic around the base. People knew your work ethic and they damn respected you out of it. And that clearly gave some benefits around here.
“Back from another joyride, Major?”
You emphasized the rank as Bucky made his way out from the cockpit. His flight suit was slightly disheveled, his hair was a bit scruffy but his smile was as bright as the summer sun. Brady jumped out, his eyes scanned you and Bucky.
“Hey, (Y/N).”
“Capt,” you tilted your chin and raised your eyebrows slightly to acknowledge his presence.
“Joyride?” Bucky pulled your attention back at him. “More like a death-defying adventure, (Y/N). You know, I like to keep things exciting.”
“That ain’t exciting, bud,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “Let’s see what kind of mess you’ve gotten yourself into this time.”
You wasted no time inspecting the plane, your expert eye quickly picking up on any signs of damage. Still locking your eyes to the plane, you said, “I swear, Bucky, if next time you come back with another dent in your plane, I’m going to start charging you for the repairs. And trust me, it ain’t cheap.”
“Did you just threaten me?” he let out a dramatic gasp, putting his hand in front of his chest. “You know, I think I’m starting to rub off on you. After all, it truly takes a special kind of person to keep up with a pilot like me.”
Your hands ran through the plane’s body, bullet holes were scattered and some flak damages were tattooed to the metal skin. You suspected there were some engine reduction from the enemy’s fire, as well as control surface damage.
“You’re not the only one keeping me busy. I have plenty of other pilots crashing their planes too, creating these cute little bends and missing some rivets,” you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes again.
“You know, (Y/N), I’m starting to think you have a thing for me crashing. How else do you explain always being there to fix up my messes?” still in his dramatic tone, he raised an eyebrow at you.
You turned your head to him, trying to mimic his dramatic gasp earlied, “Oh my God! Weird thing is, I can’t imagine having this thing called a job! Have you ever heard of that?”
You lost count on rolling your eyes at him. He laughed faintly and started to walk away from you. 
“Hey, (Y/N), if I had a penny for every time you gave me that look of disapproval, I’d have enough to buy myself a damn new plane. One that doesn’t need fixing every time I fly it.”
“Spare your voice for the interrogation, Bucky, you’re just talking shit right now,” you said dismissively. You could hear his ragged breath from your place, that man clearly needed to at least have a good hot chow.
“Ouch, that stings.”
Despite your dismissive tone, you couldn’t help but to let a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
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As the darkness draped itself over Thorpe Abbotts like a heavy cloak, the Officer's pub emerged as a sanctuary of warmth and light. The air was buzzing with the low hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses, faint laughters could be heard from afar. Bucky Egan was bathed in a warm, golden light from the row of lanterns that lined the walls. Wooden beams crisscrossed the ceiling above him, their darkened surfaces reflecting the soft glow of the fire roaring in the hearth.
Around the room, Bucky found himself gathered at wooden tables with other airmen as the air was thick with the scent of pipe tobacco and the familiar aroma of alcohol, mingling with the lively strains of a piano being played in the corner.
“I don’t know, man. You seem pretty tipsy already,” Buck Cleven shook his head with a chuckle when Bucky offered to buy them another round of drinks. “I don’t want you stumbling into any trouble, you know.”
Hearing what his buddy said, Bucky laughed. “Me? Trouble? Com on, Buck, you know me better than that. I can handle myself just fine! Look at this.”
Bucky tried to jump from his seat to buy another round, but then he stumbled and let the men laugh as he landed in a weird position.
“Alright, alright,” he said, laughing with them too. He was just too damn charming to be ashamed, it’s alarming.
“No more drinks,” Bucky said, God knows to Buck or to himself.
“No more drinks,” Buck hummed the same chorus. Bucky laughed, shook his head faintly.
“I’m gonna head back,” he eventually reached a decision. “And I don’t want any of you to take me, feel like flying solo tonight. ‘Kay?”
“Sure, Bucky, whatever you want,” Brady laughed as he sipped his glass. With that, Bucky stumbled out into the cool night air, leaving the sounds of laughter and conversation that faded behind him. He took a deep breath, the crisp night air helped him clearing his muddled mind as he made his unsteady steps back to his barrack.
Humming sporadic notes from Bing Crosby, he noticed a faint flickering light shined through the windows from a hangar nearby with its door ajar. Curious, and perhaps a little tipsy, he decided to investigate.
Who the hell works at this hour, he thought to himself. With a curious tilt of his head, he veered off course, his feet guiding him toward the source of lights. Peeking a bit, he was greeted by the sight of your back, working on his plane.
Bucky sauntered in, his flight jacket slung over one shoulder, a cocky grin plastered across his face. He squinted against the sudden brightness, his eyes struggling to adjust to the harsh contrast after the darkness outside. Blinking rapidly, he stumbled forward, laughing at his own stupidity. And he might or might not realize that he always felt way more stupid around you, throwing all those flirts and banters like a loony.
“Hey there, (Y/N)! Patching up the old birds, are we?” Bucky slurred slightly. 
You turned your head at him, still on your workbench raising an eyebrow at Bucky’s disheveled appearance.
“Looks like someone had a bit too much to drink tonight,” you made a remark as you continued working gunning the rivets. “Too much liquid courage at the pub?”
Bucky chuckled, he leaned against a nearby box for support. “Liquid courage? More like liquid genius! But hey, I couldn’t resist the chance to see your pretty face before I hit the hay.”
Bucky grinned stupidly at your back as he heard you replied monotonously, “Oh lucky me. The pleasure is all mine, I’m sure.”
He laughed at your dry response, stepped in. “Nah, just needed a little pick-me-up after a long day of saving the world. You know how it is.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t suppress a smile at Bucky’s antics. You’ve gotten used to all that now, working side by side for a couple months.
“Yeah, yeah, the brave pilot routine. I’ve heard it all before. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got work to do.”
As Bucky watched you expertly finish tinkering the body, you couldn’t help but admire your skill and determination. God knows since when you had worked on his plane today!
He leaned against the nearby workbench, his grin widening. “It’s your touch that keeps her purring, (Y/N). Without you, she’d be just another hunk of metal gathering dust.”
You rolled your eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere, flyboy. You’re not fooling anyone with your smooth talk.”
“Hey, I’m just stating facts!”
“Yeah, and Hitler’s a good man. Now do me a favor, hand me the rivet gun over there,” you asked, tilting your head to the tool box.
Your hand brushed with his as he handed you the rivet gun. The wind suddenly swirled around the hangar and you shuddered at the chills down your spine. You took the gun swiftly and placed it over the exposed end of the rivet shaft. You securely fastened patches of those new aluminum sheets metal onto the wing, covering the bullet holes.
You’d been fixing the engine with Ken all day, finished just before the curfew. To clear your mind, you decided to fix the panels tonight as you asked Ken to get a hot chow. After some good arguments thrown from you, Ken gave up and walked away.
And here you were, in the hangar with the famous Bucky Egan. You’d been working with him for months, yet you didn’t know if he made all those compliments and flattery to other women as well. There weren’t any female mechanics around here and you knew he had his own way with women.
Flattery didn’t get him anywhere, but it got you somewhere. 
You decided to break the silence, “You know, Bucky, I’m starting to think you pilots have a secret competition to see who can wreck their plane the most. Am I right?”
To hide whatever feelings that tried to surface, you put your familiar mask–strict, to the point, and sometimes a bit offensive. That way, you could protect yourself.
“Am clearly the best,” from the corner of your eyes, you could see him nodded and smiling. Suddenly it was so infuriating, how smiley he always was, how cheerful and friendly he was to you. How easy he was to throw compliments, and how easy he was to look at her with such adoration.
“Yeah, I've always thought you were a great pilot. Shame you're not quite as good at keeping your plane in one piece.”
You were unable to keep your feelings now. It was bottled up all this time. You were tired, hungry, and thirsty. You were vulnerable.
“Hey, hey, now,” Bucky might be a bit drunk but he wasn’t stupid. Something in the air shifted, your tone was harsh. Too harsh for his liking and your own good. Your tone was aggressive and he felt like you tried to hurt him with your remarks. Usually, they were all harmless, he even found you funny. But what was with the sudden change of tone?
“Come on, now. Why do you always pick on me?” Bucky tried to remain calm.
Forgot being calm! You were raging all of sudden. “Why would I pick on you, stop being so full of yourself.”
That’s it. That was the last straw.
“Hey, that stings!” Bucky was flustered, he walked closer to you, gaze piercing your back.
You sighed. You’re tired. You’ve been working all day and haven’t eaten since 8 am. It’s somewhere over 12 am now.
Fuck, you muttered to yourself. You need to shape the replacement panels to match the contours of the wing’s surface before riveting them. You got up and walked to the sheet metal bender, but Bucky stopped you.
With the faint hangar light on top of you both, now Bucky could fully take a look at your current state. You knew you looked terrible.
“Okay, you need to stop,” Bucky sighed. “Go to your barrack. You need to sleep.”
“I need to work.”
“She can wait. I’ll ask Lemmons to patch her up early in the morning,” Bucky said, his voice was authoritative. “Now, let’s get you some sleep.”
“No,” you tried to walk to the metal bender but his grip was strong.
“Come on, or I’m gonna abduct you.”
You almost rolled your eyes at that, but he quickly swept you off the ground. “Hey! Put me down!”
Despite the serious and cold air surrounding you both earlier, you could see how Bucky giggled. You always acted all tough, but you were just a girl for him. Your strength couldn’t even match him.
She’s cute, you didn’t know Bucky thought that right now.
He thought this was all just a joke, your mind stated.
“Nah, I’ll put you on your bed myself.”
You huffed in frustration, your attempts to free yourself only serving to make Bucky hold on tighter. "This isn't funny, Bucky! Put me down right now!"
But before Bucky could respond, his foot caught on a stray toolbox lying on the floor, sending you both tumbling to the ground in a tangled heap of limbs. With a yelp of surprise, you landed on top of him, your bodies pressed together in an awkward and unexpected embrace.
For a moment, you lay there in stunned silence, the only sound filling the air was the pounding of your hearts. 
With a stupid grin on his face, Bucky smiled surprisingly sweetly, “Hello.”
As the realization of your predicament sunk in, your cheeks flushed crimson, maybe with anger or maybe with something else.
"Are you kidding me, Bucky?" you exclaimed, pushing yourself off him with a scowl. "I told you to put me down!"
Bucky winced while grinning sheepishly, rubbing his head where it had collided with the floor. He was fully sober now, thanks for the thud. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't mean for us to fall."
You crossed your arms over your chest, your expression still stormy. "Well, it's not funny. You could have seriously injured yourself. You’re one of the best pilots we’ve got, what would happen if you got hurt?!"
Bucky sighed, his earlier amusement fading as he met your angry gaze. He got up, walked a step closer to you. 
"You need to be worried about yourself. What is it, (Y/N)? You’re not usually this… tensed. Is something bothering you?”
Bucky put his hand on your shoulder. You stiffened at his touch, jerking away as if scalded. 
"I'm fine," you snapped, your tone once again sharp and defensive.
Bucky's brow furrowed in confusion, hurt flickering in his eyes. "Hey, I was just asking. You don't have to bite my head off."
You didn’t want to meet his gaze. Your eyes wandered to the floor that suddenly became so interesting.
But you knew that Bucky wasn't about to let you off the hook that easily. "I don't buy it, (Y/N). You've been acting strange lately, and I want to know why."
You scoffed, rubbed your eyes slowly, “It’s nothing.”
“Hey, tell me,” Bucky now grabbed your arms and once again you stiffened at his gesture. You looked up as your gaze fell to his, eyes blinked rapidly. Your cheeks flushed as you once again broke eye contact and looked at the new interesting thing: the metal bender.
And a realization hit Bucky like a lightning. The way you laughed or rolled your eyes at his jokes despite being known as a serious fella, the way you looked at him before he took off, the way you always kept some distance…
“Hey,” Bucky’s voice softened. “I’ve never been this straightforward, but we don’t have much time… Do you like me?”
He could feel your muscles tensed under his touch. You still refused to look at him.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. Where did the tough, no-nonsense (Y/N) go?
“Hey, (Y/N), look at me,” Bucky asked you gently. He knew for sure that you held a feeling for him and he was too damn stupid to realize. He tried so hard to suppress his smile.
You looked up, his expression was soft and his eyes fixed on you with a gleam that made the butterflies crazy inside your stomach.  You thought about every possible reaction: rejections, lots of yelling, a broken respect and trust, no more jokes and friendships… But you didn’t expect when he leaned closer and brought you in, when his lips touched yours with a gentleness you could only imagine.
Bucky’s lips tasted like a good amount of mint and alcohol mixture. You were intoxicated. He put his hand on your hip, the other caressed your cheek. His touch was a gentle yet firm anchor, drawing you closer to him in a silent declaration of desire. Your fingers traced the curves of your hips with a tender reverence, his touch sending shivers down your spine as you melted into his embrace.
He’d never imagine touching you, grabbing your crinkled jumpsuit as he kissed you deeper, his hands wandered. You felt a rush of warmth spreading through your body, igniting a fire within you that you couldn’t ignore. His hands, strong and sure from years of training, held you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. His touch was both possessive and protective all at once.
When you both pulled away, trying to catch a breath, you saw Bucky smiling. His hands were still on your hips, now the right one stroke your cheek and your lips.
"You know, (Y/N), I've always admired you. The way you always know your way around an engine, your work ethic, your remarks, your replies to my jokes… I've always thought you were pretty amazing,” he whispered. “The way you handle those machines... it's something else. That’s why I always send my plane to you."
Your cheeks flushed slightly at the unexpected compliments, and you cleared your throat awkwardly. You were anything but flushed and fluttered.
"Well, I guess someone has to keep you flyboys in the air. Can't have you crashing and burning without us, right? You better treat her right up there or I'll make sure your next landing isn't so smooth."
Bucky grinned, feeling a surge of confidence after a heavy cloud towering you both  earlier.
"Hey, what do you say we had a drink tomorrow? I’d like to discuss tonight's matter, after you had a good rest of course.”
Your heart raced at the thought of spending more time with Bucky outside of work. You were exhausted, but after what happened tonight, you knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep.
"I suppose one drink couldn't hurt. But don't think this means I'm going easy on you, Bucky. I've got a reputation to uphold, after all."
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thatnewweeb · 1 month
Bakugo somehow gets even more touchy when you’re pregnant with his baby.
Honestly, you didn't think that was even possible, he's already so touchy with you, but it apparently is.
His inability to keep his hands off of you increases the longer you're pregnant. It's honestly almost impressive.
The second he gets home after a long day of work, even though his work is so so exhausting, he feels rejuvenated when he sees you, so cute, beaming up at him sweetly, round with his baby. It really makes him want to just touch you.
When you're cuddling on the couch, he has both his arms around you, and without fail he'll pull you into his lap, even if you worry about being too heavy right now to sit in his lap. He finds it hilarious that you think you could ever be too heavy to sit in his lap.
While you're pregnant, he will not let you cook, but if he gets home and you are cooking, he'll wrap his arms around you from behind, doing that thing he saw on the Internet a few times, placing his arms under your belly and lifting up a little to hold the weight of your bump and relieve some pain. He finds the sigh you let out absolutely adorable.
He'll do that for you literally whenever he can, no matter how tired he is, or how sore his muscles are from work. His discomfort is way less important to him than yours all the time, but especially while you're pregnant with his baby.
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astarion-approves · 9 months
drabble req? :) would love to see some astarion working on comforting or patching up tav/reader — there’s a lot of hurt/comfort in the other direction out there but soft!astarion is so cute :’) love your work btw! <3
Astarion x GN! Reader drabble (695 words)
SFW, Astarion POV, third person POV, Fluff, shitty pep talks (which I am also not great at,) no patching up but it's kinda cute anyway. A touch of jealous Gale
“Astarion,” Gale began, the human always tiptoeing around him since the beginning. “Could you…” He shook his head, the man looking unsure with his next words. “Could you check in on Tav?”
Astarion sighed and closed his book, his eyes flicking to the fireplace where Tav sat alone and poked at the fire. “And just why would I do that?”
“Look,” Gale clenched his teeth together, looking over his shoulder to where Tav sat before looking to Astarion once more. “They obviously have feeling for you—“
“Hah! Well that's no surprise. After all, no one can deny my charms—“
“And you obviously have feelings for them.” Gale’s tone was firm, his eyes harsh as he glared back at the vampire, a tint of jealousy swimming beneath it.
Astarion tossed his book into his tent, his arms coming to cross over his chest as he glared right back at Gale. “And so what if I do?!” Now he swung his hands in front of himself, gesturing past Gale and to where Tav still sat. “What the hell do you expect me to do!? Go over there and tell them everything is going to be okay?! That all of the evil in the world will never get to them because I’ll protect them from it?! That these fucking tadpoles in our brains mean no harm and that we’ll all live happily ever after?!”
“Yes,” Gale replied. “That is exactly what I expect you to do.”
Astarion dropped his arms to his sides, pouting at Gale’s answer. He sighed. “Fine!”
Shoving past Gale he made his way to Tav, rubbing his now injured shoulder. He may have overreacted just a tiny bit, but the way Gale stumbled from his shoulder check was worth it.
“Hello, Tav,” Astarion sat down beside them without an invitation.
“Hey.” They gave Astarion a small smile but turned their attention back to the fire.
“I think it’s best if we’re just honest with one another here,” Astarion said with a shrug. “Being friends and all.”
Tav only hummed in reply.
For a moment Astarion let his facade drop. Usually Tav would be eager to chat with him, truly, about anything and everything. To see them pay more attention to the fire than his gorgeous self— something really was wrong.
“What’s wrong, Tav? Tadpole hosting a private party in your skull?”
Tav snorted, another smile gracing Astarion and giving his heart a little flutter knowing that he managed to earn a real smile from them. “Everything?” Tav answered. “Just… everything.”
“And you don’t have to tell me that we’ll live happily ever after.”
“Look at you! Eavesdropping on a private conversation? I’m so proud.”
They didn’t reply this time, just focusing on the flames as they danced in front of them, burning down the pile of wood and sparking as Tav added another log.
“No, things won’t end happily ever after,” Astarion broke the silence as he spoke, his voice soft. “I think that much was obvious the moment we were abducted by fucking mind flayers.”
“Some pep talk—“
“Give me a moment, I’m not accustomed to cheering a person up!”
Tav laughed, but gestured for Astation to continue. “Okay, sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” Astarion bumped their arm into Tav’s. “Now, where was I—“
“Happily ever after, or lack thereof.”
“Right, our eventual demise.”
“Look, I’m not good at this, clearly. We’re all bound to die some day, but it’s how we spend our days before the end that matters. You can’t give into these feelings of darkness that haunt you, the urge to give up when things get tough. I’m here for you, everyone in this strange camp of weirdos is here for you— and if you’re hurting all you have to do is say something and we’ll do what we can. Shitty pep talks included.”
Tav nodded and tossed their stick into the fire, no longer playing with the flames that beckoned them. “I’m hurting.”
“I know, darling,” Astarion said and put his arm over their shoulder, pulling them closer. “I can’t change the world, all I can do is be here for you… and I hope it’s enough.”
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
GalexYou Hiding at the Goblin Camp
This was inspired by @orangekittyenergy's list of ideas for pre-relationship and pining Gale and I am just putting their idea to paper. I plan to write more of these based off of them, we all deserve a little more pining and fluff! I gave myself butterflies with this one sheesh
Summary: Gale and You (Gender Neutral) are forced to hide in the Goblin camp in close quarters and Gale is unable to stop thinking about your proximity and the blossoming feelings he has for you. Straight up pining and fluff.
Master List
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“Shit!” You ducked down abruptly and pulled Gale down by the sleeve eliciting a quiet grunt of protest. A pair of drunken Goblins hum into the room, blissfully unaware of Priestess Gut’s eviscerated body as they sing in merriment. Gale’s throat closed and his knees cramped as you pressed back into his thighs, turned into him. He swallowed hard as he feels your hand against his lower back for purchase, to make sure you both fit in the secluded hiding spot. It was hardly big enough for one grown person, let alone two. 
Gale tried to focus on the dank, disgusting smell instead of you nearly in his lap. The warmth of your body pressed against his and as your breath mingled, he thought surely the orb had taken him. Your cheeks were flushed and a light sheen of sweat covered you. Gale desperately wanted to lean forward and kiss you, delicately against where your ear met your neck and taste the salt of battle. Sinful yearning thrummed in his core, his stomached knotted and goosebumps enveloped him. Despite the fear of imminent death, Gale’s mind was elsewhere. Perhaps it was the brush with danger that evoked such a strong arousal. He’d read about it, countless times. His heart thudded erratically and heat licked up his spine. Your legs were warm against his and the closeness made him flush with embarrassment. 
As your gaze was on the Goblins, Gale inhaled and adrenaline rushed through his veins when your scent wrapped him in bliss. He had forgotten the sweet musk of mortals, having spent so long isolated or with Mystra. The day’s sweat lingered on your skin and as you tussled your hair he was hit by a wave of pine mingled with dirt. It drove him mad and he felt electricity pierce his DNA. He felt like he was suffocating and wanted to rip off his skin. He knew so little about you and yet felt he had known you for a lifetime. He felt pathetic, so starved for attention he was enamored with the first empathetic person he saw. The moment you pulled him from the portal, Gale knew he was ruined. It was your eyes, the curiosity in them and the kindness you extended without knowing who or what you were helping. And then, when he revealed his sordid past to you instead of disdain and judgment you offered compassion and kindness without knowing more than he had a cat, a library, and enjoyed wine from time to time. Gale wondered how, despite the horror and looming threat of becoming a mindflayer, he had gotten so lucky to have met you. 
Gale couldn’t remember a time where he experienced such visceral longing for another. Although he had plenty of mortal conquests before his time with Mystra, he didn’t remember them feeling quite so profound. Don’t be ridiculous, he thought. With his condition as it was, he tried to avoid any unnecessary stimulation and you were exactly that. He tried to keep away and was (obviously) unsuccessful. You felt like breathing for the first time or learning a new incantation. 
It was all too much. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and he cleared his throat. He almost groaned when you, without turning to look at him, placed your fingers against his lips to hush him. Your fingers lingered for a moment and Gale felt unholy warmth pool in his core, a shudder rolled through him. When you dropped your fingers, they grazed across Gale’s chest and he stopped breathing. 
Get a grip, he scolded himself, this is just the first contact you’ve had in over a year, you hardly know this person. It’s their biology, nothing more. Unless it isn’t, which is not likely. 
Although he could not yet admit it to himself, it was not just biology. 
He had successfully, up until this point, avoided being in such close proximity to you for this very reason. Even though you had only been traveling together for a few weeks, the chemistry that sparked between you and Gale was intoxicating and he chased the rush like a love-sick puppy. Despite his best efforts, once he understood the fluttering of guttural feeling was in fact not the orb, but you he found it almost impossible to keep far. Gale loved sharing information with you, adoring how your eyes gleamed whenever he was deep in monologue. You were one of the first who allowed him to provide his talents and intelligence without mockery or malice, especially in such a short time. Even though Astarion would groan every time he spoke, you would hush him and encourage Gale to continue. It was how you bit your lip when deep in thought and how he wished he could taste you, to share a tender and slow kiss… Gale tried to ground himself and recenter his thoughts, but it was too late. As you huddled for safety, his body pressing tightly to you. At first, Gale ignored the sensation and attributed it to the orb. The feeling wasn’t dissimilar, though the orb’s persistent ache was more of a gnawing hunger where food does not quite sate you. 
This hunger was all together different. Gale tried earnestly to maintain his composure, wondering what you were thinking about. 
Once the Goblins stumbled out of the room, somehow oblivious to their murdered healer, neither you nor Gale moved. You turned to look at Gale and he fell into your emotive pools, neither of you moving. Your breath and his echoed between the wall and crate, the air between you thick with words unsaid. 
That was until Karlach peaked her head over, raising her eyebrows. “So… are you both ready to join us again or what?” 
Gale and you laughed awkwardly in unison, still holding each other’s gaze and stood, your bodies synched now. They know each other and cannot wait until they can have more. 
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hugmekenobi · 4 months
Next Steps
A Bad Batch Post S2 Oneshot
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Gif by @im-no-jedi
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Summary: Although your return to the Batch has made things better, there are still elements of your past you have to face...
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, made-up timeline and what I imagine what Echo will be doing, limited use of y/n, swearing, my views on mindsets, referenced 'dead' characters and nightmares, mentions/descriptions of torture, detailed scar descriptions, angst, light fluff, nickname 'sweetheart', some emotional hurt/comfort, body and general worship, Hunter being dominant but a consent king, hint of a praise kink, Smut (non-explicit descriptions of making out/kissing, grinding, edging, fingering, oral (f) receiving, overstimulation, handjob, unprotected p in v- not in reality please), reader described as strong and powerful, smart and beautiful, Force-communication and more of my general interpretation of how the Force feels/works
Masterlist for S1 and S2
Word Count: 12.8K
Rating: 18+
Author's note: Once again, a massive thank you to @burningfieldof-clover for helping me when I got stuck and who I am very grateful to have as a friend! Dropping this before S3 graces our screens and I hope you all enjoy!
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Echo waited in the forest clearing as the Marauder touched down. “I got your message. It sounded urgent, is everything alright?” Echo asked as soon as the door to the Marauder opened revealing his two brothers.
“Everything is fine, Echo.” Hunter said.
“More than fine.” Wrecker emphasised.
“But we agreed we weren’t to meet until (Y/N) was back with us so unless you’ve found her…” He trailed off as he saw the smile tugging at Wrecker’s mouth and Hunter in particular seemed more at ease than he’d been in the recent months. “Wait a second, you mean-”
“Hey stranger.” You said with a grin as you came into view and stood between Hunter and Wrecker. You laughed as Echo’s expression changed from stunned to happy then to relief in quick succession. You jogged down the steps and embraced him tightly. “Long time no see.”
“I’ll say.” Echo replied with a smile as he mirrored your actions. “You had me worried.”
“Worried?” You queried. It sounded like he had a specific worry in mind rather than the general worries that had plagued the rest of you for months.
“Last news of you I’d heard had me getting ready to tell the boys to launch a rescue mission.” Echo said as he parted from you. “But lucky for us, they found you before I needed to share that.”
If you weren’t so happy to see him, you could’ve punched him. You weren’t far away enough from the other two and you knew Echo’s words wouldn’t go unheard, especially by the clone with enhanced senses. You hadn’t gotten around to sharing that part of your time alone and you weren’t sure that you wanted to either.
Hunter hadn’t forgotten that there was something about your past that you weren’t telling him. He’d noticed small shifts and changes in your behaviour since you’d been back. It was things like you made sure to keep your top layer on at all times and if you had to take it off, you would always go to the refresher regardless of it you were alone or not which was something you never used to do. You hadn’t communicated with either him or Wrecker in the silent way you were able to do where they’d hear your voice in their head which was something you did regularly in the past. You were also more emotionally and physically distant, the latter happening at night in particular and ordinarily it wouldn’t bother him, but he knew the cause was rooted in something you’d gone through. But every time he tried to broach the issue, you refused to talk about whatever it was that was causing it, and it pained him that he could do nothing but watch the negative impact it continued to have on you.
“What’s going on with, Omega? Any new leads?” You asked Echo instead, ignoring Hunter’s hand that now rested on your upper arm.
“Not now, Hunter. Please.”
Hunter released a quiet and resigned sigh. He wanted to help you if he could, but he also knew he had to wait until you were ready. It was just getting harder to do that.
Echo glanced between the two of you. “I said something I shouldn’t have, didn’t I?”
You shook your head. “Don’t worry about it. Just fill us in.”
Echo’s eyes darted to Hunter who only nodded. He took a breath and waited for Wrecker to join the three of you. “Nothing new. Imperial security on Hemlock is tight and any breakthrough just results in more cryptic information.”
“Yeah, we’ve had much of the same.” You agreed irritably.
Echo nodded before he faced Hunter. “I know we said that we’d come together once we had (Y/N) back with us, but I think it’s better if I stay doing what I’m doing. Rex and I are going to meet and try to pool together what we’ve gathered. We can tell you what we find and send you to follow up on other sources since we can’t cover everything ourselves and you can also keep searching on your own.”
Before Hunter could form a reply, the sound of branches snapping grabbed his attention.
The blaster bolt that immediately followed the noise, skimmed the armour on your upper arm.
You all reacted quickly and took cover behind the trees.
The onslaught of fire was being directed towards you and would only occasionally be aimed to your fellow clones as a way to keep them from advancing towards the source. Evidently you were the main target here.
“Hunter!” You shouted over the sound of blaster fire. When he pressed his back against the tree trunk and his helmet looked over to you, you called on the Force and dragged the assailant out from their spot, and a well-aimed shot from Hunter saw to it that the blaster was rendered useless. You kept that link with your ally to Force-push them into another tree, and they crumbled to the floor.
All of you lowered your blaster for the moment. You needed to find out why they were here, killing them immediately wouldn’t get you very far.
You stepped out from behind your tree and observed the bounty hunter carefully. Throughout the firefight, you’d felt yourself being pulled towards them, but you couldn’t work out why and that urge hadn’t gone away.
Stiff and unsteady movements had you readying your blaster again but as the hunter got to their feet and caught your eye, you understood why that feeling was there.
Your heart stopped and you stayed rooted to the spot as you saw the blade ignite from the hilt they were holding. The ground around them illuminated in a pale blue haze and you understood what was calling you to the hunter now. Your feet suddenly began moving of their own accord.
The other three all shared a collective bewildered look at what was unfolding in front of them.
Hunter collected his shock quickly and raised his hand to order the others to halt their fire as you fully stepped out to into the clearing.
The bounty hunter charged for you, but the attack posed little threat to you. Whoever this was had no idea how to use an elegant weapon like this and their grip was heavy and clumsy. It wouldn’t take much for you to disarm them.
You ducked under their reckless and uncoordinated swing, grabbed their wrist, and bent it back until the weapon fell from their grasp. You landed a hard kick to their chest, and they stumbled back. The hood fell loose- now exposing a feminine face- but she wasn’t a bounty hunter you recognised. You didn’t have much time to dwell on that since she grabbed a small knife from her boot and jabbed it towards your stomach. You parried away her strikes before you grew tired of dragging this altercation out. Landing a strong punch to her jaw, you used her dazed disposition to Force-pull her face down to the forest floor and waved the others forward.
Hunter and Wrecker pressed their knees into her back and brought her arms around to firmly hold them behind her.
You paid little attention to what they were doing. You hesitantly walked over to the weapon left discarded on the ground.
“Who hired you?” Hunter demanded as he held her down.
“Fuck off.” She snarled as she fought against their grip, but they were too strong, and she was in a much weaker position than she’d been in ten minutes ago.
Echo merely bent down to reach into her jacket pocket and pulled out the tracking fob and bounty puck. Your holographic image confirming what they’d all suspected.
Upon seeing that, Hunter found himself pushing his knee deeper into her spine, paying little attention to her groans of protest.
“Where did you get this?” You questioned softly, more to yourself than anything. You kept your back turned to her as you knelt down and studied the familiar design on the hilt. You couldn’t pick it up, not yet. You knew what you would feel if you did, and you weren’t sure if you were ready for that.
“What?” The bounty hunter snapped as she went for another attempt to wriggle free, but the two clones kept her tight to the forest floor.
You stiffened your posture as you turned on your heels and strode over to her. You lowered your mask, found your voice, and crouched down to her eye level. “Where did you get the lightsaber?” You pointed back to where the weapon still lay abandoned.
“I’m not telling you a thing, Jedi brat.” She spat.
At her words, Hunter twisted her arm harder, ignoring her pained cry.
You signalled to Hunter to ease up and you stood tall once more and indicated to them both to get her on her feet.
Once they did so, you pressed your blaster against her stomach and brought your lips close to her ear- your voice a quiet but lethal whisper. “You know who I am and what I’ve done to people to get what I want. Do you want to be next?” At her harsh gulp, you kept pushing. “I can’t imagine what that’ll do for your reputation in your community... then again, maybe I can… shall we find out?” You knew you’d done enough as you sensed her flicker of fear. You took a step back and looked at her with a firm glare.
“It was the client I did the job for.” She muttered begrudgingly. She wasn’t about to be maimed or die for a job that wasn’t paying all that much in the first place. She’d worked too hard to be seen as a contender, she couldn’t lose that now.
“And who was that?” Hunter asked again, his voice steely.
“Some shop owner.” She replied irritably.
“A name.” You insisted.
“I can’t remember.”
You puffed out an exasperated sigh and took a half step forward.
“Kedrin! His name was Kedrin!” She revealed fretfully.
You saw the shared look between Hunter and Wrecker. “That name mean something to you?”
Wrecker nodded. “He was the one that told us to go to Christophsis to find you.”
The name meant nothing to you upon initially hearing it but evidently you were involved somehow. You ran the information over in your head. Shop owner… Kedrin… Christophsis… it was starting to make sense in your head and that would mean… Your breath caught in your throat as it hit you. You hadn’t even known his name and you’d taken his only family away from him.
“Why set the bounty on her?” Echo asked coolly, keeping his blaster focused on her.
“Not really supposed to ask.” She grunted. “He just mentioned a dead brother.” She saw the flash of something in your eyes… it looked like regret. “Oh… you killed him.”
You glared at her. You hadn’t had time to fill Echo in yet and this was not how you wanted to go about it.
Echo’s eyes darted from her to you. “What is she talking about?”
“Echo…” You started but a cruel laugh from the bounty hunter interrupted you.
“Oh, she’s achieved quite the reputation. Can’t go far in the Outer Rim without coming across someone who had dealings with her.”
Echo angled his head to face you, but you wouldn’t meet his gaze. As hard as you were trying to hide it, you looked… ashamed?
“Back off.” Wrecker growled at the hunter as he saw your mask of composure slip for a moment.
“What’s the matter, Jedi? Suddenly the killing and torture got too much for you? If they were all as weak as you, no wonder they’re all gone.” She taunted mercilessly.
“Shut up.” Hunter snarled as he saw the way your fists clenched as you worked on keeping your distress at bay.
But you knew it was a pointless venture. Despite her current predicament, that bounty hunter arrogance was in full flow now that she’d discovered your weakness, and she wasn’t about to stop. Her stare was filled with malice, but you wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of turning away. Your shoulders heaved as you worked on keeping your breathing even and controlled.  
The bounty hunter addressed the clones now. "I didn’t get much guidance from my client aside from ‘kill her’ so ever since I picked up that bounty, I've been trying to think of the most chaotic way to take her out. She's obviously felt enough emotional turmoil that an easy death would be a mercy. Jedi don't deserve the luxury. I like to play with my food before I kill it."
“And how’s that worked out for you?” You retorted though your conviction was weak as her words found their mark and her sneer told you she was completely unbothered about her current situation now. Your only plan involved letting her overconfidence be her own undoing.
“Nice try.” She mocked. “For a moment I believed your threats but now that I’m really looking at you, I know you don’t have it in you to kill me anymore. You’ve gone soft and you’re pathetic I can see it in your eyes- you’re haunted by what you’ve done, Jedi.”
Your jaw clenched and you could feel those emotions you’d worked so hard to control start to rise to the surface.
“I’m getting outta here and I fully intend to finish what the Empire started-”
Hunter’s fatal shot to her chest silenced her and she flopped to the ground.
“Looks like you have something you need to deal with first.” Echo advised Hunter as he destroyed the puck and tracking fob for good measure before he holstered his blaster. He faced you. “I still don’t know what happened whilst you were on your own, but your past is your own, I won’t hold anything against you, we’re still okay.” He reassured you.
You barely managed a nod of acknowledgement as her words were still replaying in your mind, but you wouldn’t let it show. Instead, you took out your vibroblade and cut a section of her clothing. You stayed silent as you took the piece of fabric and wrapped the lightsaber in it. You knew it was a lame gesture- especially since you immediately felt that rush of connection as you lifted it- but it provided you with a false sense of security that you would rather have because the second you made unrestrained contact with it, you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist or turn your back on it again. You held the hilt tightly before you waved farewell to Echo and made for the ship.
Hunter nodded absentmindedly at Echo’s words whilst his gaze was fixed on you. He knew seeing that lightsaber might bring back some memories, but the intensity of your reaction told him there was more to it than simply remembering that period of your life. He pulled himself out of his thoughts and reached his hand out to Echo. “Be safe, Echo. We’ll be in touch once we’ve dealt with this.”
“You too.” Echo replied, meeting Hunter’s hand in a firm handshake before they parted, and he watched Hunter head back to the Marauder.
“See you later, Echo.” Wrecker said warmly as he lightly slapped his brother’s shoulder before he followed Hunter to the ship.
“What’s so special about this lightsaber?” Wrecker asked as the ship entered hyperspace.
Hunter leaned against the entrance to the cockpit, arms crossed as he studied you. Your eyes hadn’t left the weapon sitting in your lap.
“It’s mine.” You said quietly.
Hunter immediately straightened up. “It’s yours?” He repeated.
“Yup.” You cleared your throat and brought your eyes up to face the two clones. “I figured it would’ve been destroyed in Order 66. Guess not.” You said with a resigned sigh.
“Woah! Talk about lucky!” Wrecker said excitedly but you didn’t seem to match his enthusiasm. “This is good news, isn’t it?” He asked, tilting his head at you.
“I don’t know what kind of news it is, Wrecker.” You said honestly.
“What’s your hold up?” Hunter asked curiously.
“Yeah, it’s a pretty handy weapon to have and if it belongs to you, isn’t it better that it’s back with you?” Wrecker followed up.
“It’s difficult to explain.” You deflected.
“Try us.” Hunter encouraged gently.
You shot him a look, hoping he would drop it but the look in his eyes told you that he was not for dissuading. You released a short breath. “It would be like taking back a section of my life I was ready to leave behind. That I had left behind… for years.”
“And you don’t know if you’re ready to reconnect with that part of you yet?” Hunter guessed.
You shrugged in complacent agreement. “Making the choice to leave the Jedi Order was already difficult and leaving my lightsaber…. well, that was hard enough the first time and now that I have it back… I don’t know.” You ran a hand over your face. “It’s just complicated.” You got to your feet and carefully put the lightsaber on a shelf in the cockpit.
Wrecker slapped his hands against his thighs. “Well, I always think things look less complicated after a good sleep, what do ya say? We all could use some rest before we sort out this Kedrin guy.”
Sleep didn’t provide you with much respite these days, but you hummed out a quiet laugh and shared a brief smile with Hunter. “Sounds like a good idea, Wrecker.”
Hunter jolted awake, panic setting in as he reached for you only to find that you weren’t there, and he had a horrible feeling that he hadn’t woken up yet. But no, he could hear Wrecker’s faint snores, so he had to be awake, and he knew he was back with you, it wasn’t a trick. There would be a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why you weren’t lying next to him right now.
He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. You were here, you’d been here for a while now. He’d found you; you were okay. It wasn’t like before. You were probably just in the cockpit. Yes, that’s where you had to be.
When he felt himself calm down, he got to his feet and noiselessly made his way there but paused in the entryway as he saw you reading one of Tech’s old datapads, top layer still on, feet tucked up beneath you as you sat in the pilot’s seat. He thought he’d gathered them all. “Where’d you find that?” He rasped; his voice still thick with sleep.
You jumped in your chair as you heard him. You had been utterly absorbed in what you were reading, you hadn’t sensed him approach. You looked up to see Hunter standing in the doorway to the cockpit. “Tucked behind the medkit. I forgot how much Tech truly recorded.” You said in fond remembrance although there was an overall sense of sorrow in your voice. You flashed him the title of the current report you were reading. “Remember that mission on Ryloth?”
“You and Wrecker got separated from the rest of us and decided to blow up the target from the inside and escape through the garbage chute if I remember correctly?”
“Right.” You said with a soft chuckle.
“Pretty sure that was the mission that made you a fully-fledged member of our squad, Wrecker couldn’t stop raving about you after that. I was almost jealous.” Hunter managed to joke.
You gave him a small grin at that before you turned off the datapad and properly took him in. “Guess you couldn’t sleep either?” You asked in a hushed voice as Hunter stepped further into the cockpit.
Hunter merely shook his head and sat across from you.
“Nightmares?” You figured as you delicately put the datapad back and sat in your seat once more.
“I prefer calling them recaps.” Hunter muttered dully as he sat across from you.
You reached for his knee and squeezed it comfortingly. “Do you want to talk more about them?”
Hunter shook his head. “You know and lived it all too and being here with you helps anyway. What about you?”
“Just a lot weighing on my mind.” You said airily as you brought your hand back to your lap.
Hunter made a small noise of quiet understanding. He hadn’t been expecting much more by way of a response from you.
“I don’t know how he does it.” You whispered in sad envy as you jutted your chin over to where Wrecker was sleeping soundly.
Hunter followed your gaze and sighed. “It’s the only way he can switch off. Especially in the early months, he struggled with remembering everything.”
“Yeah, any form of healing from all this won’t be easy.” You said with a heavy breath.
“Wrecker might be able to sleep better than we can, but he keeps a blaster by him and has his hand on it at all times. I don’t think he ever wants to be caught off guard again.” Hunter replied solemnly. “Moving on won’t ever be simple.”
You dipped your head in agreement and leaned back in your chair.
The minutes ticked by and the two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while before Hunter cleared his throat. “I’m going to be selfish for a moment, okay?”
You tilted your head at him and adjusted your posture to give him your full attention. “Okay…”
Hunter took another breath, his throat bobbing before he spoke, “You can’t leave me to wake up alone like that.”
It hit you immediately. Fuck, you’d been an idiot, of course you couldn’t do that. If he’d done that to you, you would lose your shit. How could you have been so stupid? “Hunter-”
“I had one night too many of waking up to a cold and empty space and worrying about where you were and what was happening to you. I can’t go through it again, I won’t. Not anymore.”
You’d been so wrapped up in your own head, you hadn’t even considered what that would do to him, but you should’ve known better, especially because your reaction would be exactly like his. You quietly stood up and closed the short gap between you to straddle his lap.
He accommodated you in an instant and his eyes fluttered shut as you gently stroked your fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry.” You soothed as you placed delicate kisses to his face whilst you moved your hands to rub up and down his chest, his sleep clothes warm and soft beneath your palms.
Hunter caught your wrists and tenderly caressed the scars left there as a result of what you’d endured in Cid’s parlour. “I barely lived through it once and I won’t do it ever again. I don’t care what time it is, if you’re up and struggling with something you wake me up with you. I’d rather that than wake up without you and have that pain and panic set it again. Promise me… please.” He begged, brushing some strands of hair back behind your ear as his eyes looked deep into yours.
You nuzzled into his neck and placed a gentle kiss on his pulse point. “I promise.” Your lips traced his jaw. “And you promise too.”
“I promise.” Hunter agreed and he tucked his fingers under your chin and brought your lips to his.
You had wanted to keep it short and sweet, but you soon found yourself physically incapable. One gentle nip from him on your bottom lip and you were done for. The kiss soon turned hungry and desperate. The two of you were consumed by a passion you’d had no outlet for yet, and you were getting completely lost in the moment. Your hands threaded themselves in his hair and you pressed yourself against him as he deepened the kiss and squeezed your hips to get you to subtly grind against him which were instructions you were only too happy to follow.
It was all over though when you felt his hands start to reach the bottom of your shirt and brush against your bare skin. Instinctively, you flinched away, and you crashed back to reality. You knew what marks you were concealing, and what he would feel if he lifted your shirt, and it wasn’t something he should have to see. “I- I can’t.” You panted against his lips. Your body yearned for him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go any further, not yet. Everything was still too fresh, and you couldn’t, no matter how much you wanted to.
Even though his body burned for you, he’d never push you into this, but he wanted to share the burden of whatever it was that was tormenting you. “Are you ever going to tell me what happened to you?” Hunter murmured breathlessly as he glanced up at you.
You swallowed thickly. “I want to but-” You released a low, shaky breath. “It’s- it’s hard to talk about.”
Hunter stroked your cheek. “Well, when you’re ready, I’ll be right there.”
You pressed your lips into his palm.
“Come on, let’s try to get some rest. We’ll arrive at Nelvaan in a few hours.” He kissed your forehead before you got to your feet and the two of you made your way back to your bunk.
“Y- you’re supposed- supposed to be dead!” Kedrin exclaimed fearfully as he cowered behind the main counter upon seeing you standing in the doorway of his shop, the two clones on either side of your shoulders.
“You should’ve sprung for a better bounty hunter then.” You countered as you walked towards the store owner. “I have some questions for you.”
“No, I’m not dealing with any of you ever again!” Kedrin reached underneath the counter and pulled out a blaster and pointed it at you.
You stopped your advance and raised your hands in surrender. “Kedrin, I just need to talk to you.”
“Fuck you! You don’t get to use my name and talk to me like what you did to me was nothing!”
You internally cringed at the memory of what you’d put him through.
“Did you even know he was my brother?!” He shouted in anger. “Did you even care, you heartless bitch?!”
Hunter tensed beside you.
You lightly grazed his hand with your own to tell him it was fine but at the same time shame coiled in your gut. You lowered your mask and kept your voice low and composed. “Kedrin-”
“Stop using my fucking name, you never bothered with it before!” He then turned his rage to the clone that stood closest to you. “And you! I still have the scar from you!” He yelled at the clone on your right, the blaster in his hand still quivering as he aimed it between the three of you.
Hunter stood unwavering beside you and said nothing.
You saw how unsteady his grip on his blaster was. “You’re not a killer, Kedrin. It’s why you sent the bounty hunter after me in the first place.” You said as an attempt to talk him down but the Force around him was in complete chaos, the only emotion that had any kind of control was his anger and that was dangerous. You knew the kind of pain and wrath the loss of a loved one could unleash, and it was why you’d never wanted to put anyone through it in the first place but now you were seeing the impact of your mistake firsthand.
“You killed my brother you fucking bitch!”
You sensed him getting ready to pull the trigger. “Kedrin-” You ducked as the blaster bolt came straight for your head. You channelled the Force and took the blaster from his hand whilst Hunter and Wrecker used that distraction to advance and subdue him. They shoved his head and torso down to press against the countertop.
“Do you want one to match?” Hunter threatened as he reached for his vibroblade and held the sharp point just above Kedrin’s unmarked hand as he and Wrecker held him down.
“Hunter, it’s okay.” You said, pulling him back from that line the two of you had agreed to keep each other from as you saw the way his grip strengthened and the wince of pain Kedrin couldn’t conceal.
Kedrin kept looking for a way out of their hold but was proving futile. “She murdered my brother.” He whimpered as he continued some half-hearted attempts to free himself.
“You’re right. I did.” You approached him and crouched to meet his eyeline. “And it was a mistake that I’m plagued by to this day. All I can do is say that I’m sorry. I know you’d love nothing more than to kill me too, it would probably feel great but please, please Kedrin, don’t do this. It won’t end well for you.” You begged. When his resistance finally ceased, you turned your attention to Hunter.
“Give us a minute.” You said to Hunter, resting a hand on the top of his shoulder.
“But-” Hunter got ready to argue.
“Hunter.” You interrupted firmly and fixed him with a stern stare.
Recognising that tone and look in your eyes, Hunter released a disgruntled but compliant sigh and nodded to Wrecker to let him go. He holstered his blaster and sheathed his vibroblade before leading the way out.
As you heard the door shut, you stepped back from the counter to give Kedrin some space. “You have no reason to trust me, but I promise that I’m not going to hurt you, that’s not why I’m here.”
“You’re- you’re not here to kill me for the bounty hunter?” Kedrin asked warily.  
You shook your head. “There was a time where that’s what precisely I would do and I wouldn’t even hesitate, but you’re not the person I’m supposed to be hurting and neither was your brother. I know nothing I say will bring you comfort but I am not here to kill you. I only want to talk.” You said sincerely as you put your weapons to the ground and faced him calmly.
Kedrin massaged his right shoulder- which had been on the receiving end of a particularly harsh grip from the clone you referred to as ‘Hunter’- and narrowed his eyes at you. “What is it exactly that you want to talk about?”
“This.” You placed the lightsaber on the counter and unwrapped it. “Where’d you get it?”
Kedrin wasn’t buying that that was all you wanted to know about, you had to be here for revenge. “How do I know you won’t do some magic thing like you did last time?”
You released an irritated sigh. “Because if I was going to do that, I would’ve done it already. I won’t lie, I can’t leave here with you still intent on sending hunters after me or I will have to do some things neither of us will enjoy, particularly you. I will always regret taking yours away from you, it was never part of my plan to leave someone alone, but my family is still counting on me, and I can’t have anything messing that up. Please, leave us alone and I’ll never bother you again after this.”
Kedrin angled his head and regarded you inquisitively. His body was still filled with fear of being alone with you, but it was like there was a different person standing before him- you seemed genuinely upset and sorry; and that in of itself would be punishment enough- better you feel the guilt of what you’d done than have an easy out. “You’re the most terrifying person I’ve ever met but for some reason, I believe what you’re saying. No more bounty hunters.”
You felt into the Force around him but there was no dishonesty or deceit. “The lightsaber?” You redirected his attention to the weapon on the counter.
Kedrin shrugged. “What about it?”
“Where did you get it?” You repeated impatiently.
Kedrin flinched at your tone and- not wanting to risk upsetting you any further- started wiping down some glass cases to channel his nervous energy and spoke quickly. “I’ve had it for a while, couldn’t tell you who gave it to me. Just that they were employed to be a part of the clean-up after your lot betrayed the Chancellor and found it and wanted a souvenir of the experience.”
You coughed and bit back the flurry of insults and threats that nearly escaped your mouth.
Kedrin, now so focused on his task that he was oblivious to your discomfort, carried on in a restless ramble, “Guess they ran into tough times during the transition period and wanted rid of it for some quick cash. No one really wanted to buy it though, it just sat there which was why I gave it to that bounty hunter.”
You felt your heartbeat thundering in your ears as you realised what this could mean for you. Leaving it behind had been an active choice to cut part of yourself off from the Force and now you had a chance to feel the Force flow through you as a single entity, no more jagged or disjointed connections… but you didn’t know if you were ready for that yet, it was too much to even comprehend. If it had survived everything and found its way back to you… did that mean that you could too?
“So, um are you going to pay for it?” He dared to ask but your sharp and cold glower had him gulping nervously and wringing his hands. “Uh, never mind, you can take it.” He said hastily. “Just let us be done with each other.”
You said nothing to him, you only covered it once more, picked up your other weapons and exited the shop.
“Everything okay?” Hunter asked as you emerged from the store.
“We were going to go get some supplies if you want to join?” Wrecker added.
“I need a moment. You guys go.” You said, giving Wrecker your concealed lightsaber and avoiding eye contact with them both as you hurried back to the Marauder.
Having found a moment of relief under the warm water, you got out of the shower and started to towel off and redress but as you pulled your tank top over you, you realised you’d left your long sleeve out by your bunk. You swore under your breath and only hoped the other two would take a bit longer on the supply run. You dashed out the door of the refresher and started to rummage through the bunk for it.
“Who did that to you?”
You whipped around to see Hunter stood frozen in the entryway to the Marauder. “Dammit Hunter-”
“Who did that to you?” He repeated heatedly, his concern and rage rising each second. The sight of the deep and cruel scars that disappeared from your upper back beneath your shirt to the rest of your back was engrained in his mind and any plans of waiting for you to come to him evaporated as his anger and protectiveness overcame him.
Wrecker stepped up beside his brother, put the supplies down and your weapon on a shelf. He nervously glanced between the two of you and it didn’t take an enhanced skill for him to pick up on the way Hunter was trembling with fury. “Eh, what’d I miss?”
Hunter ignored him and kept his eyes on you. “Who was it?”
You turned back around to grab your shirt and it was then that you heard Wrecker’s sharp inhale as he too now saw what it was Hunter had seen. You fiddled with the fabric, twisting it tightly in your hands. “It wasn’t like it was solely one person. Just forget about it.” You muttered aloofly.
“No, I can’t just forget about it. Who. Hurt. You?” 
You sighed heavily and half-turned to face the two clones. “It was a two for one special.”
“Don’t.” Hunter chided sternly. He couldn’t have you make light of this, not when he’d seen what you’d gone through now. He couldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer anymore and, as awful as a part of him found it, he had to push you now.
There was no leeway in his voice, you weren’t going to be able to dodge and weave your way out of this conversation now. “Basically, it was both Imperial Stormtroopers and their higher command officers.” You swallowed harshly. “They- they worked together on this one.”
Hunter simply stormed away from you to the ship’s controls. “Wrecker, let’s get the ship in the air.”
“You’re going to go after every Imperial officer and stormtrooper in the galaxy?” You scrappily tugged your top layer over you and hustled after the two of them as they strode into the cockpit.
“If I have to!” Hunter growled.
“I’m with the Sarge on this one.” Wrecker agreed severely as he started to power up the ship.
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate the thought but that’s not logical nor practical!” You argued.
“Don’t talk to me about practicality when they did that to you!” Hunter shouted angrily.
“It was my fault, Hunter!” You yelled back.
That caused both of them to pause and Wrecker turned off the engine.
“I did it to myself.” You said, your voice scarcely above a whisper as you braced yourself for the time you were about to relive.
“What are you talking about?” Hunter asked, his voice as quiet as yours now as he studied your face carefully.
“Before I tell you, I need you both to stay calm. Especially you.” You said to Hunter. You knew he wasn’t mad at you; his reaction had been exactly as you’d expected. His fierce protectiveness was a quality you loved about him, but it could be his undoing if he wasn’t careful. “And you need to know and accept that nothing would’ve changed it, it wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I acted in poor and emotional judgement and there was nothing you could’ve done to prevent it. Please, trust me on this.” You insisted with a pleading stare at him before you looked to Wrecker who- albeit hesitantly- nodded. You glanced to Hunter again who was still looking like he could take on the Empire singlehandedly. “Hunter?”
Hunter felt a keen sense of dread at your words, and it was highly likely he wouldn’t be able to view it quite as simply as that, but he allowed himself a deep and calming breath. He’d do this for you. “Tell me.”
You exhaled nervously and fidgeted with your hands. Realistically, you’d known you wouldn’t be able to go through the rest of your life without being found out or talking about it but that didn’t make doing this any easier. “I’m sure I don’t really have to go into how hard it was to find each other, right? I’m sure you guys had your fair share of failed leads and things were pretty hopeless for a while, yes?”
Hunter and Wrecker both nodded.
You took another breath. “Right, well, it was the same for me. During our time apart, nothing I did was getting me any closer to you and I could feel it draining me every day. Lyra and I arrived on Christophsis and decided to settle there but it didn’t help. No matter how hard I searched, no matter how much of myself I gave up when it came to getting what I wanted, nothing was bringing results, and I was angry. I was angry, frustrated and just miserable. And it was in that poor state of mind that I made a choice that I shouldn’t have.”
Hunter knew those emotions all too well and he’d get incredibly impatient and unfocused when they got overwhelming, but he’d been fortunate to have Wrecker around to pick up the load when it got too much. Yes, you may have had Lyra, but he knew you and how you operated, and you would’ve put it all on you, regardless of how exhausting it would’ve been and that’s what made him nervous as he awaited further explanation.
You shuffled your feet. “I was being a bit of a nuisance to the Empire wherever I went, Christophsis was no exception, but I was getting nowhere on the information front so, in my slightly unstable state, I figured the best way to find out about you or even Hemlock was to um well, find it straight from the source.”
Hunter’s heart skipped a beat. “No, no you didn’t.”
Wrecker looked between the two of you in confusion but then it clicked with him too and he stared at you, horrified. “Why would you do that?”
You swallowed thickly. “I thought that by handing myself in, I would be able to get the information I was needing. I figured they would have some form of intel on you I could use.” You huffed irritably as you remembered how foolish you’d been. “Turns out they were a lot smarter than I gave them credit for and they sussed out my plan pretty quickly.”
You winced as Hunter threw his helmet and it crashed against the wall. You expected no less but you needed to reign him back in if you had any chance of recounting the whole story. “That’s not staying calm.”
Hunter got to his feet and paced; his distress evident. “We were on your trail! If I’d been faster and picked our sources more carefully, you wouldn’t have had to-” Hunter seethed. How could he have failed you so badly? You’d put yourself through hell for their sake and if he had gotten to you sooner, you wouldn’t have had to have gone through this.
“Hunter, no.” You shook your head to stop him from putting the blame on himself. “The whole reason I did it was because the trail was running cold, and I was desperate. It was all on me. and I’m not done explaining this yet and it doesn’t get better, but you can’t do this. I understand and appreciate where it comes from, but it won’t help now, okay? Just let me finish it.”
Hunter clenched his jaw but did as you asked. He sat back down and nodded at you to continue but he was helpless to stop the anxious shaking of his leg.
You gritted your teeth as you prepared yourself for what you had to do next and any levity that you’d previously been forcing into your voice vanished. “Since they knew what I was and some of the general history between all of us, it’s like I said, they were aware of what I wanted, and they definitely weren’t up for giving it to me. They finally had me under their control, and they were very good at making sure I wasn’t getting away any time soon. Honestly, they were pretty creative with their methods and I’m sure some of them found doing what they did to me quite therapeutic.” That dismissive attitude slipped back in at the end without you meaning to. Frankly, you probably wouldn’t have noticed it if it weren’t for the sharp and worried looks from Wrecker and Hunter. You mentally checked yourself before you proceeded.
“Where they showed their inexperience however was when they got frustrated at how little I gave them. I don’t think they realised how hard it would be to crack someone like me. Their fists, their whips, their electrostaffs… it all hurt but it wouldn’t get me to talk. So, they went for something different, and that was what got them quite close.” You stopped again and found yourself touching the small pinprick scar as you remembered the sharp sting and then the complete haziness that would follow that would render your completely susceptible to anything they would do and say. “Whatever concoction they’d inject into my neck when they got bored or too tired from physically hurting me was nearly impossible for me to resist and that was a terrifying experience... I was having to fight my own mind while they happily watched on. That interrogator droid would enter, and- and my body would go cold with fear every time.” You paused for a chance to gather yourself and squeezed your eyes tight to rid yourself of the memories of that dark, cramped room they would take you where you were helpless to their cruelty and the last thing you would clearly recall would be the whirring of that droid approaching you.
You took another breath before you continued to speak. “That was what came close to breaking me and they worked that out. Every day they would inject me with that serum to make me submit to their words and they would tell me you were right outside. They- they would tell me that I would see- see you all again if I only told them how much I knew about Omega and where I was hiding…. And every day I would have to remind myself that it was all a lie… that you weren’t there, and I couldn’t reveal anything since that would put Lyra in danger too.” You released a shaky breath. “Or they’d try to convince me that you were going through the same thing I was and- and it was my fault and to get- to get it to stop I would have to tell them everything.” You felt a lump form in the back of your throat, but you forced yourself to talk through it. “They could beat me all they wanted but that was the thing that actually left a mark… these scars merely came with the territory.”
A troubled silence fell upon the walls of the Marauder as you finished. You picked at some imaginary lint on your leggings as a way to bring your emotions under control.
Hunter felt sick to his stomach. He could’ve saved you or made it so putting yourself in that position would never have needed to seem like a viable option. You’d needed him and he hadn’t been there. He’d let you down.
You caught a glimpse of his expression changing from anger to defeated sadness and he didn’t need to vocalise those thoughts; you were perfectly aware of what would be going through his head. “It’s okay.” You mouthed silently to him.
You shouldn’t be the one comforting him. A broken and anguished sigh left his throat. Okay? How was any of this okay? You’d subjected yourself to torture for them and had carried the burden of it by yourself for so long.
“How’d you get away?” Wrecker asked in quiet upset as he imagined you experiencing that.
You coughed and blinked back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. “Truth be told, it gets a bit blurry near the end. I…” You trailed off and frowned as you worked on accurately recalling what had gone down the day you got out. You hesitantly started your explanation again. “I remember overhearing that they were going to send me off world to a high security prison and I couldn’t have that. The trooper who put the cuffs on me to take me back to my cell was a rookie, I think he figured I was unconscious, so he used the regular ones that didn’t restrict my Force-wielding abilities. Then the dizziness and blackouts set in, I remember finding the strength to take him out, but I don’t exactly know how I proceeded from there. The next thing I do remember was collapsing outside the door to where we were living and Lyra dragging me inside.”
“Hunter?” You looked to him since he hadn’t said anything yet.
Hunter’s throat had gone so dry, he couldn’t summon words immediately. All that was racking through his head was how he could’ve prevented this and how he should’ve been there to save you. You never should’ve been the one to drag yourself out of that hellhole. The protective part of him wanted to find a way for you to come up with any identifying features that could assist in hunting down those who’d inflicted that pain on you but despite all you’d relayed to them, he was calmer now and he knew that wasn’t what you wanted. He may have failed you then, but he wouldn’t now. His focus now lay in what he could do for you now but there was an element to the explanation he was missing and once he had that, everything else could fall into place. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He murmured instead.
There was no accusation in his eyes, no pointedness or blame in his tone. You knew he just wanted to understand, and it was a fair question. “I was working on compartmentalising it; it was just going badly. And-” You stopped yourself from continuing and instead just started to back away. “Nothing.”
“And what?” Hunter pressed as he got to his feet and caught your hand before you could step away any further.
You shook your head. “It’s a stupid reason, I shouldn’t care about it.”
“Nothing you’re feeling about this is stupid. I might be able to help, you only need to tell me.” Hunter prompted tenderly as he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.
You regarded him carefully, attempting to find some deception or falseness in his tone so you didn’t have to say it but, unsurprisingly, you didn’t find any. You bit your lip before speaking, “I didn’t want you to have to see them. They’re- they’re not exactly nice to look at.” You muttered as you dipped your head to stare at the floor.
The fact that that was even cause for concern felt like a punch to the gut but at least there was something he could do about it. He may not be able to go after the Imperials like he wanted but he could help you realise that was a non-issue for him and one that hadn’t even crossed his mind. “Wrecker, take a walk. I’ll be in touch when you can come back.” Hunter ordered his brother.
Wrecker wasn’t about to question him, so he did as he said. He rested a gentle hand on your shoulder in comfort. “Thank you for telling us.” He said before he left the ship.
You went to address Hunter, but he spoke first.
“Turn around.”
Your brow furrowed but you couldn’t deny the warmth that bloomed in your stomach at his words. “What?”
“Turn around.” Hunter repeated, his tone quiet but filled with dominance.
Despite your lingering questions as to what exactly it was that he wanted, you found yourself doing as he instructed. You could feel the heat in your stomach start to radiate throughout the rest of his body. Each steady thump of armour hitting the ground had goosebumps rising on your skin in anticipation and you felt him crowd your back and rest his chin in the space between your neck and shoulder.
Hunter kissed the sensitive spot behind your ear and as he felt you relax into him; he slowly grabbed the hem of your long-sleeved layer and lifted it over your head and dropped it to the floor of the ship. He didn’t let his eyes fall to the scars yet. Instead, he caressed the trail of goosebumps on your arms and continued to pay close attention to your neck, softy nibbling the areas that he knew would make you weak at the knees.
He could play your body so well; it was like the two of you hadn’t been parted for as long as you had been. You could feel yourself growing more and more compliant to his touch and desire coursed through your body. You only snapped out of it when you felt his touch go lower and he tugged the bottom of your vest top. You went stiff and immediately grabbed his hands in a panic. “Hunter, no. You-”
“Easy.” He soothed as he pressed delicate, featherlight kisses to the back and each side of your neck. “Trust me.” He rasped against your skin, but he waited for your signal.
You released a low, unsteady breath. You couldn’t live in this state of fear and shame forever. You trusted him with everything you had and that was why you felt yourself letting go of his wrists. Your breathing grew uneven, and your body trembled as you felt his bare hands graze underneath your vest top before, they held onto the hem of it.
“Relax… it’s okay. You’re okay now. Let me see.” He encouraged gently, only lifting when he saw you nod your permission.  
His gaze finally dipped to your bare back, and he had to fight to keep his breathing calm as he felt his heart shatter once he saw the full extent of what had been done to you. Your back was a map of merciless and vicious scars, and he wanted nothing more to take away the pain they’d caused you and inflict it on his own body. But that was the only effect they had. He was not repulsed, not repelled by the sight of them. They did nothing to ruin his physical perception of you. You were every bit as beautiful to him now as you had been when he first met you on Devaron all that time ago. “You’re exquisite.”
You refused to believe that. These were different to the scars you were both used to that came with the impact of battle and you were under no illusions as to how unsightly they were. You went to turn to face him so he wouldn’t have to keep looking at them and to protest his words, but he sensed that and beat you to it.
“These do not define you. They do not define my view of you. You are strong, you are capable, and you are a force to be reckoned with and that is why I love you.” He started to lightly touch each one. “No amount of scarring is going to change that. You. Are. Beautiful. I will be there to remind you of that whenever you need it.” He pressed his mouth to the space between your shoulder blades.  
Your body trembled under his touch and his sincerity threatened to overwhelm you. “Hunter-” You managed to choke out.
“I would tear the galaxy apart for you, if you wanted me to.” He hummed against your skin as he continued to trail his lips down your back, worshipping every mark that had been left on you so as to leave a new association with them now. “But I know that’s not what you need.”
A quivering breath left your lungs at his words and ministrations, and you knew you felt the same way. But it was because the two of you were aware of that line that your relationship worked so well- you could balance the sentiment with intent. You could feel him starting to make his way back up your back.
“So, what is it that you need?” He hummed into your ear before he placed his hands on your waist and sucked a mark over the tiny scar that rested on your pulse point.
You groaned and braced your hands on the wall that formed the entryway to the cockpit as you felt your knees buckle.
“Tell me, sweetheart. Tell me and it’s yours.” He asked again as his fingers started to dip beneath the waistband of your leggings whilst he pulled your earlobe between his teeth.
You knew exactly what it was, it was all you ever really needed. “You.” You gasped and you swore you felt him smile against your skin.
“You have me… always.”
You couldn’t hold out any longer, you turned around and crushed your lips against his with a groan and pushed him to the wall of the entrance to the cockpit. If he was taken aback by your abruptness, he didn’t show it as he matched your enthusiasm immediately, one hand coming to firmly grip your exposed waist whilst the other tangled itself in your damp hair, a desperate and eager noise leaving him as he got to feel your body press against his.
As you kissed him, your hands fisted his shirt and you pulled insistently but made no moves to actually step away to remove it, you were too addicted to the feeling of having him this way again… yet you needed to feel his skin against yours which is why you were thankful that he had enough willpower to separate himself from you and take it off himself.
The two of you breathed heavily and the air was thick with tension, but you were too focused on looking at what rested just past his collarbone. You hadn’t allowed yourself to check if he had held onto it for fear of what it could mean if it was gone, and your breath hitched. You touched the black leather cord and traced the small Jedi Order symbol on the end. “You- you kept it?”
“Of course, I did.” He softly uttered, if a little out of breath. He cradled your face in his palms. “What do I have to do to make you see what I see in you?”
Any answer died on your lips, and he passionately reconnected his mouth to yours, using your surprised gasp to deepen the kiss before he stepped away from the wall and started to direct you both down the narrow hallway to your bunk, muscle memory mapping the way as neither of you were content to separate to make the walk any easier.
A trail of clothes was left in your wake as you made your way to your bunk.
Hunter gently laid you down, his lips never parting yours before he patted your hip to get you to be on your front.
You still found yourself feeling reluctant. His beautiful brown eyes were laden with lust but there was also a deep and devoted sense of care behind them which was why you complied with his request. You trusted him.
Hunter went back to what he’d done earlier as he left delicate kisses to every scar that donned your back. What you endured was something no one should ever have to but what he could do now was make sure you knew that you didn’t need to hide them for the sake of other people- especially him- any longer. “You never have to worry about these. All that matters to me is that you’re here now, you got away, and you will never end up back there. More scars don’t have the power to change how I feel about you, nothing does. I love you for all that you are.” He planted a kiss to the base of your spine before he got you on your back to face him.
Hunter wiped away the salty tears that had escaped your eyes and nudged the side of your nose with his. “I love you. Always.”
“Always.” You repeated hoarsely as you were overwhelmed by the emotions that came crashing to the surface. You stroked back the smaller bits of hair that frequently slipped past his bandanna. 
Hunter kissed your cheek before leaving a trial of kisses along your jawline whilst his hand slowly made its way down your body to rest between your thighs.
Your legs parted for him on instinct and your hips bucked into his touch and a soft moan left your throat.
His voice took on a low purr as he moved his fingers. “Here’s how this is going to work: I am going to tell you everything that I love about you which you are then going to repeat and… if you don’t…” He stopped and took his hand away as he saw that familiar expression on your face, and he couldn’t help the slight smirk that tugged the edges of his mouth as that expression turned into an affronted pout. “I stop.”
Your eyes widened at the very clear implications of what he had in store for you.
“Or this doesn’t have to go any further and we stop now.” He offered sincerely.
No, you didn’t want that. It had been too long, and you needed him like your lungs needed oxygen. You could do this. You nodded your consent.
Hunter angled his head to press his lips against yours before he started to move his fingers again, hungrily swallowing your appreciative gasp. He kissed you passionately, not in any rush to stop right now. He parted from you and took a second to appreciate the throaty sighs that left your mouth at his actions, the way you bit your lip and the slight wrinkle on your brow as you grew closer to your release. He’d missed being able to see you like this, but he was relishing the opportunity to relearn and do all the things that made your body contort in pleasure. “You’re beautiful.” He exhaled in complete awe.
You were so caught up in the pleasure radiating throughout your body that you had already forgotten his plan and you were too put out by the feeling of your climax fading away to recall where your side of the bargain came into it. “Hey-” You cut yourself off as you saw the expectant expression on his face and then you remembered what you had to do to get what you craved but that doubt was still there, and you felt awkward doing it. However, the reassurance and trust that also rested on his face saw to it that you did as he said. “I- I’m beautiful.”
 Hunter bowed his head with a supportive smile before he carried on, the sound of your groan was like music to his ears. “Despite all that’s happened… all that we still have to do… you always find a way to make me smile.”
You were in a state of total euphoria and therefore failed to fully comprehend that he’d said something else. It was only when you felt him pull his hand away and the emptiness that followed that brought you back to the current situation. With a whine, you spoke again, “I- make- make you s- smile.” You ground out as you moved your hips in tandem with his touch as you chased your high.
He let you have your first climax, pausing to let you come down from it. Once your breathing evened out, he went again and kissed you before muttering against your lips, “You’re smart.”
“I’m- fuck.” You were too distracted by seeking the next release you were longing for to remember to respond, and you cried out in irritation as he stopped just before you reached it.  
“Almost.” He crooned into your ear.
As frustrated as you were, you got your bearings and whispered, “I’m smart.”
“Good girl.” He praised, a grin on his face as your breath stuttered at his words, before he continued, curling his fingers in the way he knew would send you over the edge and sure enough, your hips lifted as your release crashed over you and a gratified moan sounded from you. However, he didn’t stop, he worked you through it and said, “You’re caring.”
The process got easier and began to feel more natural. You slowly started to understand that clinging on to that part of your past had made it impossible to fully come back. Keeping yourself hidden and refusing to acknowledge what you’d experienced had made it difficult to fathom that he could still want you this way but each affirmation from his, as silly as you’d initially felt at doing what he said, was helping cement the idea that you may not be able to change or fix what you’d gone through, but it didn’t have to control you anymore. You had a partner and family that loved you and who you adored and would do anything for. You would get through this and now you were beginning to feel like you could do it. You felt yourself believing what he was telling you. A whimper left your throat, and you could already sense that you were hurtling towards the edge again, but you repeated it. “I’m c- caring.” You said through panted breaths as you coped with the overstimulation.
“You’re doing so well.” He encouraged as he kept to his word and continued to touch you. “You’re strong.” He knew he was repeating himself, but they weren’t words he minded reiterating, and he needed you to know and believe it too.
“I’m strong.” You said breathlessly as your hands curled into the blanket beneath you as that feeling overcame you again.
He saw you through your next peak and took his hand away to give you a rest from the stimulation and simply stared at you and the blissed out look on your face. He had it committed to memory, but it never ceased to take his breath away every time.
You gathered yourself enough to smile at him. “Thank you.” You whispered as you lightly followed the shape of his tattoo. You clasped the back of his neck and attempted to pull him towards you, but he worked his way out of your grip and instead kissed the hollow of your throat before kissing his way down the rest of your body. Your head fell back as you realised his intent, but you had thought it would be time for him to take what it was he needed.
He could help the groan that left him as he finally put his mouth on you. He could get drunk off the taste of you, and it had been too fucking long since he’d had the chance to do so, and he wasn’t about to stop now.
You couldn’t help the way your hands tangled in his hair and tugged him closer to you, his appreciative growl sent shivers down your spine, but you were so sensitive, and you didn’t think you could manage another one. “Hunter, I can’t. Just-”
“One more. I know you can.” He encouraged desperately as he planted a kiss to your inner thigh, sucking a bruise into the skin, before he went back to where his attention was demanded. He needed you to fall apart on his tongue, he was addicted to it, every drop of you, every whimper that sounded from you was like his own personal drug and he would never tire of it. “You’ve been such a good girl… done everything I’ve asked for… just give me one more, sweetheart.”
That did it. Your back arched and you finished with a ruined and exhausted moan. You were completely spent but it felt so good. You barely registered him to come rest beside you, his lips pressed against your temple.
“I know that wasn’t easy, but I’m so proud of you.” Hunter murmured into your hairline as he stroked up and down your side.
You regained enough feeling in your limbs to turn on your side “What about you?” You queried, still struggling to catch your breath. You knew you would be sensitive but your overwhelming longing for him swiftly outweighed any concerns.
Hunter slowly shook his head as he brushed his lips against yours, taking them away when you went to deepen the kiss. “This was always about you.”
With each passing moment, you were gaining more clarity over your faculties, and you knew what you had to do. A seductive smile pulled at the corners of your mouth and your hand snaked down between you both.
“What-” Hunter inhaled sharply as he felt your hand wrap around him, and his jaw clenched as he fought the urge to thrust his hips into your touch. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to-”
“You said this was about me and what I need, right?” You hummed as you rested your forehead against his whilst your hand kept moving. You kept your touch teasing but just enough to drive him crazy.
“R-right.” Hunter said through a strained breath as he felt his restraint leaving him with every second you continued to touch him.
“And what I need is to feel you…” You brought your lips close to his, barely any space between you now. “Inside me.” You kissed him, tugging his lip between your teeth whilst your free hand entangled itself in his hair, the actions eliciting the depraved groan you had been looking for, and before you knew it, you were back on your back again with Hunter kissing you with a newfound fervour which you matched in kind. You wrapped your legs around him and drew him closer to you, smiling against his lips at the surprised huff that escaped him.  
Hunter kept kissing you as he started to guide himself into you. He knew you would still feel tender and was careful as he slowly moved into you, both of your breaths catching at the feeling. His head fell to rest in the crook of your neck, biting down on the skin there before he soothed the sting of it with his tongue as he started to move, heavy grunts and pants leaving his lips as he got absorbed in feeling you this way after all this time.
Your nails dug into his back, and you could feel the muscles flex beneath your fingers and a sensual sigh left your lungs as you finally felt all of him.
One thought crossed your mind amidst the fog of pleasure that was spreading over your body. You’d let go of your fear now and you wanted to look for that connection again. Before, it had marked a level of certainty of your place here and overall mindset and if you couldn’t find it after all that had happened, there was a time where you would’ve been sure that it would mean there was no true way back for you. But now you understood that wasn’t and didn’t have to be the case. If it wasn’t there, you could work to get it back.
You used the Force around you to find his unique signature again and you could’ve wept with joy as you sensed it once more and it welcomed you with open arms. It had been waiting for you. You bridged the gap between you and allowed that feeling to flow through you. I love you.
Hunter paused his movements, and he stared down at you, a shocked but delighted cry left his mouth as he saw the broad and affirming smile on your face that told him he hadn’t imagined it. He’d wanted to have that back for so long and his heart soared as he realised what this meant for you. You weren’t holding back anymore; you were officially home.
You stroked a thumb along his cheekbone before clenched around him in an attempt to get him to keep going, a smug hum of laughter leaving you at the almost pained expression on his face as he got himself back under control before he started again.
“Do it again. Please.” Hunter requested frantically as he felt himself approaching his own release.
You smiled affectionately at him and continued to kiss him as you saw him through to his climax. I love you. I love you. I love you.
He finished with a strangled groan, and he collapsed on top of you. He stayed there for a few moments before he gently pulled out of you, stroking your hair as he saw you slightly wince at the action. “I’m sorry if it was too much.”
You shook your head. “It was perfect. You were perfect.” You reassured him as he laid down beside you and held you close to him. We should clean up.
Hunter made a sound of acknowledgement as he pressed his mouth to the crown of your head. “What made you do that again?”
“I let go.” You said simply before planting a chaste kiss to his lips before taking his hands in yours and guiding him to the refresher. “Come on.”
“What are you thinking?” Hunter asked as he watched you pick up the wrapped lightsaber from the shelf Wrecker had put it on. You hadn’t touched it since taking it from the bounty hunter.
“I can’t hold on to or fear the past anymore. We can only look to the future now and that future has us getting Omega back. And…” You uncovered the seemingly harmless looking weapon. “I think this will make achieving that easier.” You reached for it, hesitating for just a moment before you picked it up and it was an instant reaction. You took half a step back as the sensation of feeling that connection you hadn’t encountered for years threatened to overwhelm you. Flashes of your past as a youngling and echoes of previous battles and instructions from your master sounded in your head but it wasn’t scary this time, you were merely remembering the periods where this weapon had been your life.
Hunter placed a steadying hand on your shoulder. “You alright?”
You took one long breath. “Yeah. It’ll just take come getting used to, but it’s going to be worth it. I’m not hiding what I am these days, may as well have the whole image.” You said light-heartedly.
Hunter cupped your jaw and kissed you gently, both of you sighing contentedly into the sensation before Wrecker’s hesitant voice echoed through the comms.
“Um, Hunter… I hope I’m not interrupting eh anything now but um I was wondering if I could come back? I’ve started to wander in circles and I’m getting some suspicious looks.”
The two of you chuckled.
“Poor guy.” You said with a humorous shake of your head.
“Yeah, Wrecker, head on back and we can get outta here.” Hunter replied through his comm.
“Wrecker, how’d you fancy having an excuse to shoot at me?” You said into your comm, and the intrigued but excited cheer told you your answer.
“Shoot you?” Hunter repeated, titling his head at you inquisitively.
You grinned as you clipped your lightsaber to your waist. “Yeah, how else did you think I was going to train?”
“That’s 15 to 11!” Wrecker whooped as you came to after his stun blast hit your back.
Fuck you. You jabbed playfully as you accepted Hunter’s outstretched hand. He tugged you to your feet.
“You’re lasting longer.” Hunter commented supportively and- knowing you would want to go immediately again- walked away to take up his position.
You wiped the dirt from your clothing and removed your mask to take some deep breaths and find your centre again. Taking on jobs, following leads, mediating and lightsaber training… that was how you balanced your time; you were feeling more like the person you had been before your world had been torn apart. You’d never be able to be her again, but you could own who you are now and allow yourself to feel the emotions you’d been struggling against without suffocating in them anymore.
“But still not long enough!” Wrecker goaded. “I’ll always be in the lead!”
You didn’t take the bait. Instead, you took off your armour, gloves, and long-sleeved top.
“Hey, wait a minute, that’s not fair.” Wrecker protested.
Hunter turned inquisitively and his breath hitched. A soft sheen of sweat graced your skin and your body rippled with strength and untapped potential… and fuck did it make his heart skip a beat and his blood run hot. He was grateful his helmet was still on because the way his eyes widened would’ve given you too much material to work with right now, but he wasn’t able to hide the way his hand slightly fumbled as he unholstered his blaster. He wasn’t embarrassed by finding you attractive in this way, the frequent teasing he’d often received for it just made it harder to focus on the task at hand.
“The training stays the same and my strategy is my own. It’s not supposed to have an effect on you anyway.” You retorted with a smug grin as Hunter’s reaction went exactly as you’d anticipated.
“You better not mess this up for us, Hunter.” Wrecker warned as he shoved his brother’s shoulder to snap him out his reverie.
You laughed to yourself as you watched them. You picked up your lightsaber and ignited it, the blue blade thrumming at your side, and you felt that rush of connection and security. Having a blaster by your side was nothing compared to this.
It was a powerful sight that Hunter never got used to and quite frankly, part of him was relieved he’d never come across you as an official Jedi General during the war because if his reaction to seeing you train and work towards unlocking whatever you had been tampering down for so many years was anything to by, he would’ve gotten himself shot a long time ago- half your earlier victories came from redirecting his own stun blasts to him.
You got into your stance and faced the two clones as they readied their blasters. “Alright, let’s go again.”
<Previous Oneshot
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @fuckoffthanos, @tpwkcalli, @graciexmarvel, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @starwarsnerd111, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx, @dragonrider9905, @skellymom, @lokigirlszendaya
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lesbianpepsi · 10 months
Fuck it I love you | part III
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pairing: sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: when paired with Tara Carpenter for a project you were expecting a B or maybe even an A. Not falling in love with Tara's older sister, Sam
series masterlist
words: 1.642k
warnings: bad writing
authors note: a short one but next chap will be much longer :)
You let out a shaky sigh as you grab yet another tissue soaking in the tears rolling down your cheeks at an alarming rate.
Your heart feels as if it was cracking at the borderline cruel words that were said; the word 'why?' in your mind the entire time.
A ring from your phone distracted you from your heart momentarily, sniffling as you grabbed it and answered the phone.
"Hey Y/n, did I leave my watch on the coffee table?" Melanie asks you in a rushed voice as your eyes glanced over the coffee table to see the watch that Melanie owns.
"Yeah it's here." You croak out in a broken voice making Melanie's eyes widen dramatically.
"Y/n? What's wrong? I'll leave this party right now if you need me." She says seriously in a more hushed tone.
You shake your head as a watery chuckle escapes your lips. "No, no it's fine, stay." You insisted as your eyes glanced at the TV screen.
"Why're you crying?" Melanie asks you worriedly, fearing the absolute worst possible thing has happened to you. 
And it has. The fucking worst thing.
"I just finished Fleabag again." You inform her as more tears started swarming in instantly at the mention of the show.
Melanie groans loudly. "Fucking hell, Y/n, I thought something actually happened!" 
"Something has happened, Melanie. He told her 'it'll pass' that it'll fucking pass!" You sob again as you grab more tissues, your heart cracking even more at the still raw memory.
"You've watched that show so many times how the fuck does the ending still make you cry?" She asks you with a laugh now clearly finding your heart break hilarious.
"She said 'I love you' and he said 'it'll pass.' before saying he loves her too! How could I not cry?" You defended not finding your heartbreak over a TV show humour. 
She laughs again. "You and your shows. Chads coming over with shots, I'm off. Toodles."
"Toodles." You sniffle making her let out another laugh before hanging up the call.
You glance at your phone and roll your eyes at the low battery. Typical. 
Yeah, it's a Saturday night and here you are, alone in your apartment finishing Fleabag and experiencing the heartbreak that hurts just as much as it did the first time. 
Some might say depressing, you say it's the way to live.
With an exaggerated sigh you turn the TV off with the small remote before standing up, heading towards your bedroom to charge your phone.
You reach your desk where the plug is at but frown when you don't see that your charger isn't plugged in.
Where else can it be-
Fuck sakes you forgot it Tara's apartment.
Groaning you grab your phone which only has 3% and shoot the girl a quick message.
Me (20:47pm): hey tar, is it cool if i come over quickly? i forgot my charger there 🙄🙄
Tara🙃 (20:52pm): yeah ofc but-
Before you can see the rest of the text message your phone shuts off to a completely blank screen.
With an annoyed huff you stuff your phone into the pocket of your joggers and go to look for your shoes near the front of the apartment.
At least you saw the permission text you think as you shove your feet into your dirty, broken trainers that you refuse to throw out since shoes are so expensive. 
The walk to Carpenter's apartment is only twenty minutes and since the sun hasn't fully set outside you decide a walk won't do any harm. 
You're a bit annoyed that you can't listen to any music on the walk so you decide to do the second best thing, think about Sam.
She's just so gorgeous and so sweet with her friends and Tara, how could anyone not constantly think about her?
You've seen Sam a handful of times since the gym, all of them being at their apartment as you and Tara worked on your project. 
Tara and you have actually gotten through most of the project so unfortunately you only need to head over there around three more times till the two of you have completed the project. 
You can't help but feel relieved to be able to actually finish a project in time before the due date, but there's also a deep pit of disappointment lingering in you too. 
What if you never see Sam again after it? There'll be no excuses to come over there anymore unless Tara would invite you over. 
Wow, that quickly spiralled into just not happy Sam thoughts. 
Thankfully you stop yourself from thinking the worst case scenarios as you've arrived at the apartment complex.
Like routine you head up the stupidly long stairs since the elevator is still broken and after what feels like an eternity you reach their floor.
Knocking on the door three times you patiently wait for Tara to come open the door for you but to your joy it's Sam, looking as annoyed as ever; your heart swoons at the sight.
"What." She grumbled as her eyes travel you up and down, furrowing her brows at your shirt. "What the fuck is your shirt?" She questions before you even get a chance to answer her first question.
You look down at your shirt and giggle not remembering what shirt you're wearing. It's a yellow shirt with a pineapple in the middle wearing a pink thong, under it is the simple word 'Slut'. A shirt you got after your third re-watch of Brooklyn Nine Nine.
"It's from a show, you don't like it? It's actually really soft." You tell her with a smile instinctively feeling your waist to feel the soft texture. "Seriously, for around fifteen dollars and free packing this was a bargain." 
Sam hums as she stares at your shirt questioningly before raising her eyes to meet with yours. "And you decided to wear a shirt saying 'slut' in public?"
You nod your head proudly. "Why wouldn't I?"
"People will clearly judge you. Stare." Sam answers speedily as if she already knew what she was going to say.
You shrug your shoulders, a weak laugh escaping your lips. "People who are complete strangers? People who I'll never see again?" You say with a soft smile. "People will always judge, it's our instinct to judge whatever we come across. But you can't let that control your life and stop you from being you; stop that from letting you wear what you want or even like what you like. At the end of the day they're people who I'll never see again."
Sam doesn't say anything for a moment as if she's digesting your words, her eyes never leaving yours for a second. You don't say anything as you gaze back into Sam's cold eyes lovingly.
She leans against the doorframe as she runs a hand through her hair. "Why're you here, Y/n? Tara's not even in." 
Your eyes widen as you mentally groan, that was probably the rest of the text message she sent but you couldn't see. 
"Shit I'm sorry I didn't know. I sent Tar a message asking if I can come over to get my charger but when she texted back I only saw part of the message of her saying I can come over before my phone died." 
Sam sighs as she nods her head weakly stepping back into her apartment as she walks over to her couch, you take this as her letting you to which you do ever so gracefully, shutting the door behind you.
Your eyes avert to Sam's figure sitting on the couch as her back faces you with the TV playing on a low volume, one of your favourite movies playing on the screen.
"I love Little Miss Sunshine." You express with a smile walking towards Sam, resting your hands on top of the couch as you stare at the screen. "It absolutely changed my life, and the first movie I actually loved. Like fully loved." 
"It's okay." Sam says with a small smile on her lips as she watches the movie from below you. "I hated it in the beginning but I guess it's sorta growing on me." 
"There's a thin line between love and hate." You express your attention only focused on the movie playing on the screen.
Sam tilts her head up as she gazes at your side profile. "I wouldn't say I love it but I definitely like it."
You chuckle at her words, your eyes lighting up in the reflection of the movie that Sam couldn't help but focus on.
"It's growing, right? Give it time and you'll love it like there's no tomorrow." Sam hums very swallowing her eyes and focuses no longer on the movie.
"Did you love it right from the start?" She asks you. Finally you look away from the screen to look into her eyes, a gentle smile grazing your lips.
"Pretty much. You'll love it soon too, I bet you will." You tell her, thinking you're still talking about the movie. 
But Sam isn't, Sam isn't thinking of the movie at all.
"But I still don't like some parts of it or even understand it, how're you so sure I'll love it?" Sam tries again, blinking slowly.
You shrug your shoulders before moving around the couch to sit next to her, your thighs touching as you smile at her.
"Give it a chance, this is your first time watching it right?" Sam nods her head. "Then give it a chance, you might surprise yourself and actually really like it in the end."
"Go on a date with me." Sam abruptly asks, barely giving you time to finish your sentence. Her eyes gazed into yours as a small smile nervously appeared on her lips.
Holy fucking shit. 
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