#football says: 'HE says for you guys to treat HER I mean me as nice as you treated HIM'
ceaselessbasher · 11 months
I don't think I ever noticed that in the episode Football, it is explicitly stated that BMO uses he/him pronouns while Football uses she/her pronouns
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undreaming-fanfiction · 7 months
I love a good florist Steve, but what I love even more is a good but naturally bitchy florist Steve.
He'd have his own flower shop and years of dating experience behind his belt. He is not just a good boyfriend, he is THE good boyfriend. Going to his shop isn't just to buy a bouquet of flowers, oh no. It's a whole relationship coaching thing, he teaches husbands to do better, gives courage to teenagers asking their crushes out, gives advice regarding flower language to elderly ladies who just want to be slightly passive-aggressive...you know, the normal thing.
He has a catalogue with flower pictures to help people who have no idea what the flowers are called, they just know they were orange and didn't easily wilt.
He shows a local teenager the cheaper but still fancy options and throws in a bunch of free flowers that aren't really up to his standards. "Okay, you say she likes pink flowers. Does she like things to be a bit more decorated or does she prefer simplicity? You don't know? Okay, can you describe what she normally wears? No, I'm not being creepy, but you can sometimes tell the person's preferences from their clothes. Now answer or leave dateless."
He chats with the elderly ladies of Hawkins when they ask for a flower to gift to their fellow church ladies when they host their meetings. He cackles when he hears some of their orders. "Oh wow, Ethel, a yellow hyacinth? Would you like a gift card with that, something like sorry you're such a jealous hag? No? Of course I know the meaning, it's my job."
"Are you expeting her to say yes to the date with that atrocity on your face? Yes, I know it's a moustache. But it's also an atrocity. Shave it and thank me later. Now, would you like a ribbon for that bouquet?"
And most of all, he grills the unlucky conservative men in Hawkins who come to him for flowers for their wives without any idea what they like. "I see, so you want something pretty. What does your wife like? Flowers? Well, that's not specific. What kind of dresses does she wear? Expensive? Can you tell me anything about your wife's personality? ...nagging. No, I can't just mix something together, unlike you, I take pride in gift giving. Okay. I don't think this is a shop for you. Yes, that's what I'm saying, I won't play a part in your wife's disappointment. Oh sure, go take your money elsewhere, but I can give you this advice for free - you married a unique human being, so treat her like one. And if you really want a happy marriage - maybe come back when you learn something about her as a person. No need for that language, have a good day, sir."
For those that are more receptive, he goes through their partners' personalities and hobbies, suggesting date options and absolutely roasting the bad ones. "A football match. When your girlfriend hates sports. I don't care if it's your boys playing, you can try telling her that this is important to you and you'll take her out another time, but if you try to pass this as a date, you'll be single before you say "sorry". A date is for you as a pair, not for you only."
But the best thing his shop brings him is Eddie Munson, who sneaks in, absolutely ready to be roasted, and asks for a bouquet of bright colorful flowers for his best friend Chrissy. "She just got divorced from her asshole husband and I want to show her that she can have nice things. Platonically. But she deserves so much more. Uh...she really loves warm colors, so maybe yellows and oranges? What are they called...gerberas! She likes gerberas! And she likes things to be a bit messy and imperfect, so maybe some leaves there as well? A green ribbon would be nice."
And Steve just beams at him as he gets to work and says "Oh wow. Whoever your partner is, they are so lucky if you remember all of these things even for your friends. Makes a guy jealous."
Eddie just wiggles his eyebrows at Steve and mutters, "that position's sadly open. Has been for a while. Interested?" and he almost faints against the counter when Steve turns around.
Eddie is ready to run.
But Steve just fluffs his hair, reapplies his lipgloss and asks: "Where do I apply?"
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cassiesc0rner · 3 months
Impurities II
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Synopsis: You’re the new girl at East Highland High, your only goal is to get through school. Until you come across Nate Jacobs
Genre: slightly suggestive, fluff, slight angst
Pairing: Nate x fem!reader
Warnings: manipulation, lying, dark themes, let me know if I missed something
Song rec: saint - dpr ian | in my feelings- ldr
WC: +7k
Other parts: previous part, next part,
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this part as much as the last one :3 I’d love to make some other parts including smut because I kinda like where this story is going so tell me if you guys would be down to read that!! ᥫ᭡
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The next days weren’t that eventful. You went to school with Nate, you went to the mall with Nate, and you sometimes even waited for Nate until he was done with his football training.
The next week started out pretty smooth too. You got ready for school on Monday, before Nate picked you up, and you two drove to school and you went to your classes. Everything was going well.
Everything, except for lunch break.
The bell rang and you quickly stuffed your things into your bag, knowing that Nate was probably on his way to the cafeteria already.
You exited the room and walked towards the cafeteria, when someone suddenly stepped in front of you "We need to talk."
You looked up from the floor and found none other than Maddy. She had her arms crossed and looked at you with her usual confident stare.
You remembered what Nate told you about her, that you should stay away from her and that she's a liar, a cheater and simply a horrible person.
But you still couldn't be mean to her or ignore her. "About what?" You asked nervously. She rolled her eyes subtly "What do you think?" She answered.
Fair point.
"Listen, Nate and I aren't together if that's what you want to talk about. And even if we were, it’s not like we owe you any explanation." You didn't know where that surge of confidence came from. Maybe because she started getting on your nerves?
As if her constant stares weren't enough, she had to approach you now too? And she had the nerve to be annoyed when you simply asked what she wanted to talk about.
"Okay, I don't know what the fuck he told you, but it's probably not true." Maddy retorted "I just wanted to warn you, because you seem like a nice person."
You couldn't lie, you were curious about her point of view. You didn't want to betray your only friend, but it wouldn't hurt to listen to her explanation. It’s not like you'd believe her anyway.
"Warn me from what? I'm totally fine and Nate has been nothing but nice to me so far." Maddy scoffed, God, you’re so oblivious "So far, yeah that probably describes it perfectly. Did you ever do anything against his will?"
You thought for a moment Did I? "I take that as a no." Maddy answered for you "Nate only likes you because you do what he says. And," She looked you up and down "because you also wear what he wants you to wear. Seems like he didn't change at all."
You scoffed in disbelief "Nate has done so much for me, and he never forced me to wear this. He also never hurt me-." "Yet." She interrupted "It's only a matter of time until he does."
You stayed silent, not sure what to say to that "Nate loves control and he loves it even more when he has control over someone. He's fucking sick in the head, completely deranged!"
You didn't want to believe Maddy. There's no way Nate actually was like that, you knew him you spent so much time with him. Sure, he did have a short temper sometimes, but he never intentionally treated you badly.
And you knew that she treated him badly and not the other way around. How could she lie to you like that? Did she want you to drop him?
You weren't even his girlfriend and yet she went to such lengths to get back at him.
She's even worse than I thought.
"I know you probably don't want to believe me right now, because he seems like your only true friend and he did all these things for you. But all those things he does for you, are just another way for him to feel good about himself in some sick and twisted way."
What the fuck is wrong with her?
"Why would he buy all these things for you? Why would he make you change your style if he only wants to be your friend?"
She had a point, it might seem strange from the outside, but you knew that Nate only did that for you. He only gave you advice and compliments, and honestly? You felt way better about yourself compared to before.
"I appreciate your concern but it's really not like that, okay? I've known Nate for some time now, and if he would be as ‘deranged’ as you claim he is, I would've noticed by now, don't you think?" You responded as friendly as you could.
Maddy scoffed in return "Don't you think he's able to hide that? Of course he’s not violent towards you, you're like his new obsession. What would he do without you?" Maddy asked sarcastically.
"Maddy!" Nate's angry voice echoed through the hallway, making both of you flinch in surprise.
Maddy was scared, she knew what he was capable of, but she tried to keep her cool as he approached you two. "I told you to stay away from her, didn't I?" he said, his tone harsher than usual as he stared you down.
The hallway was almost empty, since most of the students were in the cafeteria already, but the ones that weren't, eyed the three of you. And it made you even more nervous.
You swallowed before nodding "I-I'm sorry-" "I talked to her first," Maddy interrupted. "someone had to warn her. Before you destroy her life as well."
That fucking bitch
She just couldn't keep her mouth shut, and it was pissing him off more and more. But Nate couldn't let his façade falter, especially not in front of you.
"You're insane... You always act like the victim, Maddy. You're so fucking desperate for attention that you involve innocent people."
You were so confused, first Maddy confronts you out of nowhere and then he appeared all of a sudden. And the other students were still staring as well.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You-" "Just like back then, when you fucked that guy in front of everyone. Did you enjoy the attention? Did you enjoy humiliating me like that?" Maddy's eyes widened as she scoffed, she couldn’t believe Nate was putting on this show in front of everyone "Don't even try to compare that to the stuff that you did, Nate."
Nate chuckled drily in response. "I love how you don't even deny it. Or how you lied about that guy taking advantage of you while you were drunk." He took a step closer to her "Don't ever talk to her again, do you hear me? If I see you fucking talking to her one more time, it's over for you."
Nate threatened as Maddy's eyes widened ever so slightly. Nate grabbed your hand and almost dragged you after him as he walked towards the cafeteria.
You stumbled along as he took big steps, you didn't dare to speak, you weren’t even sure what to say. Once you reached the table, Nate sat down pulling you along with him.
You looked straight ahead, too afraid to look into his eyes. Nate sighed "Y/n... Look at me." You slowly moved your gaze towards him. He looked worried, as if he had lost you, the anger from earlier seemingly gone.
But only on the outside.
On the inside he was fuming, wishing he had choked Maddy harder back at the carnival.
"I'm sorry for being angry back there... I just know how much shit Maddy talks, and I don't want you to worry about anything just because she needed attention again."
You nodded slowly "I'm sorry, yeah?" he repeated as he softly stroked your cheek with his large hand. You melted into his touch as you smiled and nodded once again. "I shouldn't have talked to her in the first place."
Nate smiled softly. He adored you so much, Maddy would always fight with him when he got angry, but you? You didn't, you simply accepted his apology and told him it's fine, accepting that he's the way he is.
"Yeah but it's not your fault. You're just nice to the wrong people sometimes." He reassured you once again.
Nate was still incredibly pissed at Maddy but seeing you smile and lean into his touch made him feel so much better. It was insane how good he felt when he was with you, how easily you trusted him.
Nate needed to keep you close to him, he couldn't afford to lose you and he 100% meant what he said to Maddy.
He'd destroy her if she ever tries something stupid again.
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"So, what's the special occasion?" You chuckled as you walked into the fancy restaurant Nate had picked out for the evening.
He told you to wear something pretty because you'd go out tonight. Needless to say, your mom was not impressed.
All she heard was 'Nate' and 'going out once it's dark outside' and she was immediately alarmed. Telling you to send her a text at least every hour.
She wasn't that displeased with your outfit this time though. You wore a midi dress with floral patterns and a v-neckline, combined with black flats and a necklace with a heart shaped pendant.
Nate definitely had plans for tonight.
It's been a month since you first met, and he decided that it would be the perfect day to finally ask you to be his.
This had to be the first time Nate was genuinely nervous to ask a girl out.
He was sure that you liked him too, but you never made any advances towards him. The only thing he did notice however, was your sour expression whenever some of the cheerleaders, or any girl for that matter, would talk to him.
He could tell that you got jealous, maybe even compared yourself to them, completely unaware of the fact that Nate only had eyes for you.
"Well, I'll tell you after we ate. Let's get inside first." He smiled as he took in your outfit once more while you walked inside the fancy restaurant. You didn't dare to move from Nate's side, too nervous once you saw how huge the restaurant was on the inside.
Nate greeted the receptionist and talked to him for a moment before he lead you to a beautifully decorated table for two.
Before you could even grab your chair, Nate was quick to pull it out for you to sit on. God, he's so attentive..
You smiled as you sat down "Thank you, sir." you said jokingly. Nate smiled as he responded "You're very welcome."
Once he sat down he passed you one of the two menu cards, before taking the other one himself. "By the way, I'm paying tonight so don't worry and order whatever you want alright?" he smiled warmly as he placed his hand on top of yours.
You looked up from the menu and locked eyes with Nate, ready to protest "Nate-" he shook his head immediately "Listen, it was my idea to take you here, and like I said, today is a special day and I wanna pay for it. So please let me, yeah?"
You sighed, knowing it's useless to protest anyways "Alright.." Nate chuckled, finding your pouty expression absolutely cute. You shyly looked down onto the table before you continued to speak "Can you... help me pick something out?"
He loved it so much when you gave him control, loved you so much.
"Of course, ba-" he cleared his throat, before taking the menu and looking for something nice, hoping you didn't notice that he almost called you 'baby'.
"Alright.. how about this?" He asked as he pointed onto something on the menu. You nodded, sure that you couldn't go wrong with pasta "I trust you. I bet you go here often."
Nate pretended to think for a moment. "Hmm not that often, I think I went here like twice. I really only go here on special occasions but so far I wasn't disappointed."
Another lie.
He visited the restaurant often, his parents sometimes ordered food there as well. He had plenty of chances to test out how good their quality was. And since today would be important, he had to make sure everything was perfect.
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Once the two of you finished your food, Nate was quick to call a waitress over. The waitress came over to your table, a smile on her face as she asked "Would you like to pay with cash or card?" Nate opened his wallet, before he pulled out his card "Card, please."
The waitress got her device out of her pocket and set it up before Nate quickly swiped his card over the display. It was such a simple task and yet he made it look so attractive.
Before the waitress could leave, Nate quickly pulled a fifty dollar bill out of his wallet and gave it to her. Your eyes widened as you realized that that was his tip "T-thank you, sir.." The waitress stuttered.
Nate usually doesn't tip that generously, he couldn't care less to be honest, but he wanted to impress you as much as he possibly could.
The two of you got up, and walked towards the exit of the restaurant, leaving the fancy place. "So, would you mind letting me in on your plan?" You asked as you walked towards his car.
Nate grinned sheepishly "Impatient, aren't we?" You jokingly rolled your eyes in response "Keep in mind that I have to be home in a bit." You reminded him as you walked ahead of him.
Nate suddenly grabbed your hand and spun you around, resulting in you stumbling into his chest. You looked up at him before taking a step back, your hand still in his "Don't worry your pretty little head, I already took care of that." Nate proudly announced.
You were beyond confused at this point. "Huh? What do you mean?" Nate chuckled at your confused expression. "I talked to your dad the other day when I was at yours. Told him that you'd 'be at a party' at my place today. He agreed and told me you could sleep at mine and that he'd talk to your mom about it."
You blinked up at Nate, surprised that he lied to your dad just so you could sleep at his. It had to be serious if he'd go that far "Wow... I... really?"
To be honest, it didn't go exactly like that, because he barely even listened to Nate, which obviously made him furious. He genuinely just wanted to club him with the nearest object.
He didn't understand how anyone could be so uninterested in his own family, especially you. Sure, he was happy that your dad agreed to let you sleep at his place, but he didn't even care about the reason, he just wanted to go back to doing whatever the fuck was more important, on his phone.
Your dad just came from work at that time, but Nate's pretty sure that he's always like this, simply from the stories he's heard from you.
"W-wait.. I didn't even pack things for that.. And you’re sure my dad just agreed like that?" Nate nodded "Yeah he did, and it's no problem I'll find something for you to sleep in, don't worry." Nate reasoned.
He couldn't wait for you to be in his clothes, in his bed, snuggled against him under his blanket. Fuck, he couldn't wait until he could finally wrap his arms around you and hold you close to him that you can't leave him.
Nate thought about sleeping next to you so often. He obviously also thought about sleeping with you and it felt like a dream each time.
He’d treat you like the goddess that you are.
Nate already made it his goal to make you cum as many times as possible before you pass out, and he'd do anything just to hear you moan his name. Just the thought alone had him throbbing in his pants.
Shit, he had to control himself and prevent his problem from growing. "Yeah? Sorry, I got lost in thoughts." You chuckled at his flustered response and expression. You didn't know how people could be scared of him, not when he was this cute.
"You're so cute sometimes." Nate didn't expect you to say that. He's been called many things so far but that was new. And he definitely would’ve prefered any other compliment.
In his opinion, 'cute' was something you'd say to your girlfriend, or maybe a baby or your pet but not to a guy like him.
He swallowed his pride and put on a smile "You're definitely cuter." He said as he leaned down, his face almost directly in front of yours.
You gulped before laughing nervously, your eyes wandering around in an attempt to avoid his intense gaze. Nate smirked before walking past you "C'mon let's go." He said as he opened the car door for you.
The ride was pretty quiet, mostly because you still tried to figure out what Nate could've possibly planned.
You were sure that it wasn't his birthday today, since you've talked about birthdays before.
Nate parked his car and the two of you walked towards what appeared to be a park, with a white gazebo in the middle. Now you were genuinely starting to worry.
It was starting to get dark already, the sun almost gone as the two of you were in a seemingly empty park, heading towards a gazebo.
Nate could sense your hesitation in the way you walked a bit slower and looked around, observing your environment. "We're almost done I promise." Was all he said as he entered the fancy gazebo, sitting down on the bench inside.
You followed him inside, looking at him like a lost puppy. Nate smiled warmly as he patted the free spot next to him on the bench. You sighed nervously before finally sitting down, your gaze locked onto Nate.
He was really happy that you could finally look at him without hesitation, unlike the first time he met you. You got so much more comfortable around him in general.
He cleared his throat before he started talking "Alright, so.. I bet you're wondering what's going on." You nodded eagerly "Let me ask you something," He said as he fully turned towards you "Do you know what happened one month ago, exactly on this day?"
You looked into his eyes trying to search for hints, but found none. You tried to think back, repeating the date over and over again in your head but to no avail. You shook your head in response, a small pout on your lips.
Nate chuckled "One month ago was the first time we met each other, do you remember?" He asked carefully, and your eyes lit up afterwards, remembering how kind he was from the beginning. "Of course I remember, you really saved me, I thought I was just destined to stay alone forever until I met you." You smiled as you thought of all the great memories you and Nate had so far.
Nate felt relieved that you felt that way, and not like he was the reason barely anyone dared to talk to you. Which he obviously was, with the way he glared at anyone who even dared to look at you in the hallways.
"I'm glad you think so, y/n. And I've been think about this, and about you for a long time." You tilted your head to the side as you waited for him to continue "I really really like you, y/n. Not in a way.. a friend should like another friend."
Your smile dropped as you finally understood what was going on. The fancy dinner, the fancy gazebo, him mentioning the first time you met. No, there's no way, he wouldn't- "I love you, y/n. I know this might be sudden right now, but I just had to tell you today. The date was perfect and I... I'm tired of hiding this from you."
Nate despised how vulnerable he was in front of you right now, but he also knew that he might be more successful this way, that him showing some emotions would result in you saying yes.
"I know that you haven't been in a relationship yet and I promise I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. We can take things slow."
You suddenly felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest. Nate was asking you to be his girlfriend..
He planned all of this to ask you to be his girlfriend.
You did not expect that. You weren't sure what you were expecting but this wasn't on your list. "Nate I... I don't know what to say..." Was all you managed to whisper as you averted your gaze.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel something for him, and the fact that he put so much effort into asking you out also touched you, but you were so scared of losing him, you needed him whether you wanted to admit it or not. You couldn't even imagine living without him from now on so why did you hesitate?
Nate stayed quiet as well, before reaching for your hand, in an attempt to get you to look at him "Y/n, I get it, you probably didn't expect me to say all that, but I genuinely mean it." You slowly raised your head and looked into his eyes once again.
The look he gave you was filled with sincerity and love and you wanted to hug him and tell him that everything is gonna be fine, that you're his "You know that I might not be here for long... I couldn't live with the fact that I have to leave you behind. What if you'll feel like you're wasting your time with me?"
Nate quickly shook his head "I'll never think like that, and I already told you that I'll find a solution if that should happen." Nates grip on your hand tightened before he added "Just tell me what you want right now. Without thinking of things that might or might not happen."
You sighed "I want to be with you, I just... really didn't think you'd actually want someone like me to be your girlfriend, so I never considered it.." Nate frowned.
'Someone like you’? What did you mean by that? Nate was sure that there was no one better than you, that you were the perfect choice for him.
"There's nothing wrong with you, and I'll tell you that over and over again if I have to. You're everything I want, I don't need someone else I only need you, I already told you that before." He replied, searching for your eyes once again.
You suddenly remembered that day you went over to his place and his brother showed up. When you sat on the sofa with him and he told you that you were everything he needed. So he really meant it like that.
You looked at him, a sad smile on your face "I need you too, no one has ever been able to make me feel so loved and important... Not even my parents... I can’t imagine going back to that… I mean, I was miserable before I met you." Nate tried to hide his smirk when he heard that.
He absolutely loved how dependent you were on him, he knew you'd need him eventually.
He softly placed his hand on your cheek, hoping you'd melt into his touch like you did back when he first did it in the cafeteria.
And you didn't disappoint him.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his touch in the chilly breeze. "Please.. Give me a chance to prove you I'll treat you good." Nate softly pleaded.
You opened your eyes, looking at him "I'd never doubt that, Nate.. I'm just really worried I-" Nate sighed before retrieving his hand, and you hated it, hated how cold you felt again.
"It's about what Maddy told you, isn't it?" Nate asked, his tone rougher than before. You quickly shook your head "No! Oh my god of course not. I know that she's lying." You scooted closer to Nate, your hands finding his this time.
"I trust you.. Only you."
Nate looked at you, a small frown still evident on his features. He kept quiet, hoping that it'll give you the final push to say yes.
You sighed as you thought for a moment. You liked him too, so why not give him a chance? You'll probably never be this lucky again. This is what you wanted, what you dreamed of.
You deserved some happiness for once. And you were sure he'd make you happy, just like he already did. And you'd do your best to make him happy as well.
"Nate, I'd love to be your girlfriend."
Nate almost jumped off the bench. You finally said yes, you were finally officially his. His eyes immediately lit up and he pulled you into probably the tightest hug you've ever had.
Nate sighed in relief, everything worked just like he wanted it to. No one would take you away from him now.
That was probably his biggest fear, that some guy would make a move on you and steal you from him. And it would've been so unfair too, because he was the one who turned you into his obedient pretty girl.
In his eyes, no one deserved you more than he did.
"I promise you won't regret it, yeah?" He mumbled into your neck before raising his head ever so slightly to press a kiss to your cheek.
You giggled as you tried to process the fact that Nate Jacobs was now your boyfriend. Once Nate let go of you, you noticed how cold it had gotten, and you shivered slightly.
Nate frowned "Are you cold? We can go home if you want to." He offered. "That might be a good idea. Only if you want to though."
Nate appreciated that you still let him decide, even though you were cold already.
He chuckled before standing up "C'mere." He said as he extended his arm. You stood up and walked towards him and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, before the two of you walked to his car.
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Nate knew that he had to introduce you to his parents and he absolutely hated it. He knew that if he simply told you to go upstairs, you might think he doesn't want you to meet them.
You were quick to misinterpret things negatively sometimes and he didn't want you to worry about his parents not liking you or something.
You once asked him, when you came over for the fifth time why you haven’t seen his parents yet. And he told you he only invites you over when he's alone, because they’re weird. He quickly made sure to tell you that he just simply 'dislikes' his whole family to put it nicely.
Once he parked the car, he turned towards you and placed his hand on your thigh to grab your attention. You looked up at him with your beautiful eyes and he could've kissed you right then and there but he wasn't sure if that would've been too soon for you.
"Listen, my parents are probably home right now... Just a heads up, they might want to meet you. Are you okay with that?" He asked softly.
You felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest.
You've never seen them before, except on the family picture on the wall at the staircase. You had no idea what you had to expect. "I'm kinda scared to be honest.." You replied nervously. "What if they don't like me?"
Nate scoffed before shaking his head "Don't worry, they only hated Maddy, because she was really rude and she called my mother a cunt." Your eyes widened in shock "She did what?" You asked in disbelief.
Nate nodded as he looked outside the window "I told you, she was intense..." You scoffed in response "Yeah definitely, did she even contribute anything good to the relationship?" You asked genuinely curious.
Nate thought for a moment, did she?
"Well not really, but I don't care anymore. I have you now. You could never disappoint me the way she did, so don’t worry." He responded with a smile before undoing his and your seatbelt.
Once the two of you got out of the car and Nate locked the doors, he took your hand in his and walked towards the entrance.
He was kind of nervous as well since his dad could be unpredictable. But Nate already told his mom that he might bring you home today and she was thrilled to meet you.
He sighed before unlocking the door and walking inside with you. He just hoped Aaron wasn't at home or at least not downstairs this time.
You started taking your shoes off as quietly as possible, hoping that they wouldn't hear or notice you. Nate also took his shoes off before you walked the living room together.
His mom sat on the sofa with a glass of wine. As soon as she noticed the two of you, she placed her glass down on the coffee table and walked over to the two of you with a friendly grin.
"Hello sweetie, you must be y/n." She exclaimed before hugging you subtly. She then took a small step back and looked at you.
"Yes.. It's so nice to meet you.." You said as you tried to smile at her and maintain eye contact. You knew it would've been rude to not look at her, but you were still pretty nervous.
Then she looked you up and down, which made you even more insecure "Wow... gorgeous and polite, seems like Nate finally found the right one." Nate rolled his eyes before taking your hand back in his "Alright mom, we'll be upstairs then." He announced.
"Oh already? But-" "Yeah it's been a pretty rough week, we'll talk tomorrow." He interrupted before almost dragging you along with him towards the stairs "Again, it was nice meeting you Mrs. Jacobs."
You quickly added before following him "Likewise, Honey!" You truly loved how sweet she was. Your mom barely called you Honey, or Sweetie. She only used your name when she called for you.
Just as Nate thought he finally had you to himself, he heard the front door unlock.
He debated on whether he should turn around or not, before deciding against it and simply walking upstairs in front of you. Until he heard the person speak
"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your new girlfriend Nate?" It was Cal.
Nate was surprised when he entered the living room earlier and saw that his Mom seemed to be alone. But he was glad and hoped it'd stay that way.
But sadly it didn’t.
Nate sighed as he looked at you not sure whether to tell you to go ahead to his room or actually allow his asshole dad to introduce himself.
He noticed how Cal moved towards the stairs before he looked at you "I'm Cal, pleasure to meet you." He said before extending his hand.
You shook it, trying to mimic his firm grip but failing miserably. "I'm Y/n.." You almost whispered as you avoided his piercing gaze. You then retreated your hand before adding "a-also pleased to meet you."
You couldn't tell why but you felt the atmosphere shift in a way. It was.. eerily quiet. And you knew that there was something going on between Nate and his Dad. Simply by the way they stared at each other, and the way Nate talked about him sometimes.
"Alright, we're gonna go upstairs then." Nate said drily before gesturing for you to walk ahead. You quickly walked up the stairs, happy that you'd be alone with him soon again.
You didn't mind talking to his mom, but his dad scared the shit out of you. There was just something so dark about him. You wouldn't want to be alone with him.
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Once Nate finally closed the door behind you two, you sighed out of relief. "Sorry about him, he really knows how to make people uncomfortable.." Nate grumbled when he saw the relief on your face.
"It wasn't that bad." You lied as you chuckled nervously. "You don't have to lie to me. I saw how nervous you got when you shook his hand." Nate responded before plopping down on his bed and sighing.
Why couldn’t he just move out and live with you? All alone somewhere secluded where he has you to himself, far away from his and your family.
"This is exactly why I didn't want you to meet my parents." He reasoned. You walked towards him, and lied down beside him before placing your head on his firm chest "Don't worry it.. really wasn't that bad. I think your mom is really nice."
Yeah totally
Nate closed his eyes as he enjoyed the weight of your head on his chest. He could’ve stayed like this forever.
Until your phone vibrated in your bag.
You groaned before getting up and rummaging through your bag until you found it.
It was your mom, great… You totally forgot to text her during the entire time.
6 new messages
mom: Hey, when are you gonna come home? 5:45 pm
mom: Just talked to your dad.. Are you really going to sleep at his place?? 5:58 pm
mom: Are you okay? 6:20 pm
mom: If you want me to pick you up you can call me 6:49 pm
mom: hellooo? 7:02 pm
mom: please text me back when you see this I’m worried 7:15 pm
“Holy shit…” You scoffed. “What? Is it your mom?” You nodded before walking back to bed and showing him your chat.
Nates eyes widened in both amazement and terror. “Jesus, she’s so controlling.” You nodded while you quickly texted her back.
You had to give her Nate’s address some time ago, when you went over to his place more frequently. You were sure she’d actually get in her car and come over if you wouldn’t reply to her.
you: I’m fine everything is okay! stop worrying so much 7:17 pm
Nate got up from his bed and headed towards his closet, grabbing a basic tee and some shorts before he handed them over to you “Here you can wear this, I hope it’s fine.”
You nodded and smiled at him “Of course, thank you.” He smiled back at you for a moment “I’ll go to the bathroom, yeah?” He said before heading towards his bathroom.
You decided to get dressed while he’s gone, slipping out of your dress, folding it as best as you could and placing it neatly next to his bed. Then you put on his shirt, which was in fact long enough to cover your thighs, and his shorts.
You sat back on Nate’s bed until he came back from his bathroom. Despite being in his room so many times before, you never slept at his place. Because you’re mother was against it of course.
But you had to admit it was smart of Nate to lie to your dad about having a party, and saying that many people were gonna sleep at his, and you wouldn’t be alone with him.
You wondered if Nate had to lie to his parents like that too.
His mom was way more understanding than yours was, so probably not. And she seemed so kind too, you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Maddy insulted her like that.
You wished you would’ve moved here earlier, simply because you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a lot going on that you didn’t know of.
Like the Cassie situation for example.
You knew almost nothing about her, and it kinda scared you, because Nate mentioned that she was insane and extremely obsessed with him.
You didn’t even know what she looked like, so how were you supposed to stay out of her way?
You were certain that it would just be a question of time until she’d approach you as well. And you were also pretty sure that she won’t be as nice or as rational as Maddy was.
Sure, Maddy said all these bad things out of spite and because she hated her ex boyfriend. But Cassie? What if she’s still in love with him and finds out that you two are dating?
Nate entered the room again, taking in the sight of you in his clothes as you sat leaned against his bed frame staring ahead with wide eyes.
You looked so adorable and so… distracted for some reason. Nate walked up to you, pulling you out of your thoughts. “What’s on your mind?” He asked as he stood in front of you.
The way you craned your head up to look at him, made him feel things he shouldn’t feel. Especially since your head was at eye level with his crotch.
He tried to focus on whatever you were going to tell him nonetheless “I’m just… worried. You told me about Cassie being obsessed with you and… what if she finds out I’m your girlfriend?”
Nate sighed. Because you had a point, but he really didn’t want to think of her or talk about her anymore. He was already glad that she barely went to school after their break up, and that he could keep you far away from her.
“You don’t have to worry about her, I told you I’ll protect you. Cassie is crazy but she’s harmless, except for yelling she can’t do much.” He tried to reassure you.
You looked down as you fiddled with the hem of Nate’s shirt.
You already were an anxious person, so the fact that your boyfriend only dated crazy people in the past, wasn’t exactly helpful.
“I feel safe with you… but we’re not always together at school, and I… don’t have any friends.” That’s when you realized just how alone you actually were without Nate.
You had no friends at all, now that Nate wasn’t your friend anymore but your boyfriend. It was sad, really. But what you didn’t seem to realize was that it wasn’t your fault at all.
It was Nate’s.
He was convinced you didn’t need anyone but him, even if that meant you’d have no friends. What would you need them for anyway when you had him?
Nate frowned “But you’re not alone either, you have me. Or… am I not enough?” He frowned. You immediately shook your head “No, of course you’re enough. You’re more than enough, that’s not what I meant.”
Nate smiled in response before you added “I just see all these girls walk through school with their friends and.. it makes me feel sad because I don’t have any friends I can talk to or walk through school with.. I sometimes feel like I’m getting on your nerves because I talk to you so much.”
Nate scoffed as he walked towards the TV "C'mon you could never annoy me." He assured you as he turned the TV on. Then he turned off the main light and plopped down next to you before turning on the bedside lamp.
When you didn't respond to him, he added "I understand that you want to have friends at school, but most of the girls at school are... awful. They're fake, and really mean and all they care about is boys and sex."
You really wanted to believe him but there’s just no way every single girl was like that. And Nate also couldn’t possibly know every single girl at school.
Nate looked at you and it was almost as if he could read your thoughts, because he knew you didn’t quite believe him.
And it irritated him.
You always believed him everything so why were you questioning him now?
He quickly changed the topic in an attempt to put a stop to your thoughts. “I still can’t believe you’re mine by the way...” He said as he softly intertwined his fingers with yours, smiling at you.
And it worked like a charm.
You smiled shyly as you avoided his somewhat intense gaze. You weren’t sure if you’d ever get used to him looking at you like that.
Nate decided to take it a step further, stroking your cheek with his other hand until you slowly looked back at him.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked quietly, almost as if he was scared you’d say no.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want him to kiss you, but you literally never kissed anyone before and you were scared that Nate would laugh at you.
“Um… yeah just… please don’t laugh at me.” you chuckled. Nate smirked “Don’t worry, I won’t. We’ll take it slow, yeah?” He said as he scooted closer.
He let go of your hand and moved it to your left cheek instead, cupping it gently as he pulled your face closer. He leaned in until his lips finally touched yours.
The feeling was foreign but you enjoyed it nonetheless. His lips were so soft as they moved against your own. You tried to mimic his movements as your brows furrowed in concentration.
Nate slowly broke the kiss as he searched your face for any sign of discomfort “How did it feel?” He asked as his eyes were glued to your lips. “It felt.. really good.” You responded quietly.
“Can we try again?” You asked as you fiddled with you shirt again.
Fuck, why were you so cute?
“Sure, of course.” Nate responded “You can touch me too, you know?” He added as he took your right hand and placed it on his shoulder. “Oh, okay..” You smiled before leaning in again.
Nate pressed his lips against yours once again. He could tell you were more eager this time when you leaned in first. You tilted your head slightly, like you had seen on TV several times, and it already felt more natural and deeper than the first kiss.
You felt incredibly excited with how close Nate was to you right now, and you also had this warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
It was almost like your body worked on its own. Your hand slid from his shoulder to his neck as you closed your eyes, and your lips finally seemed to move more in sync.
Nates hand moved to your waist in an attempt to pull you even closer, while your unoccupied hand moved to his cheek.
He pressed kiss after kiss onto your lips making sure to take his time with you, some kisses lasting longer than others.
You were the first one to break the kiss this time, since you were running out of breath. “Wow.. that was amazing.” You chuckled as you slowly removed your hands from Nate.
He smirked at you, clearly happy that you enjoyed kissing him, because he felt the same way. He was definitely glad that you didn’t straddle his lap though, because then you probably would’ve felt just how happy he truly was.
“Wanna do it again?”
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✎ Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part as well. If you have any questions/feedback please let me know ♡
- Cassandra
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jjkfanatik · 3 months
Pablo Martin Páez Gavira x Reader
Summary: You find out that the guy you have been going out with has been lying about who he really is. How did you guys even meet, what were his reasons and thoughts and will your relationship remain?
Warnings: grammar issues, brief and light mention of drinking, other than that it’s pretty fluffy.
A/n: Hello Ladies! This is the first time i ever wrote something with the intention to post it. Feel free to give me some tips on how to better my writing, as long as you are kind. Keep in mind that english is not my first language. I hope you guys enjoy this. 🤗
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He knew he shouldn’t have lied about who he really is, but that one little lie came out of him before he could even think about it and now what is he supposed to do! Should he just run away and tell you the truth after those two weeks of such nice dates he is almost convinced that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Run away and block you as soon as he gets home, yeah thats whats going on inside his head standing still and silently in front of you.
Does he even want to leave you? No, of course not. He wants to get to know you even better and continue all those dates and show you what you really mean to him.
can you really blame him tho? football players often don’t have the best reputation, pablo would never want you to think of him as arrogant or a player, or -even worse- an arrogant player. But you found out and now he needs to fix it bevor he never gets the chance to talk to you again.
“Um… your name is pablo right? Not actually Martin…”You asked, again seeing as he stood there not even blinking an eye, after you just asked him the first time, standing infront of your dorm room door.
keeping a soft voice and trying not to look too angry while asking the question that has been on your mind ever since he picked you up to take a walk and later on eat a sweet treat. Understandably you were angry, after finding out about his, real identity you could say, you have been nothing but thinking about why he would hide it.
Many emotions swirled through your body. Anger, disappointment and sadness. Feeling stupid for not having known him and needing your friend to look at you like you have grown to heads when you told her about this Martin guy and later showing her a picture of him “well thats pablo gavi” she told you. Thinking so much about it had you starting to form some self doubt, quickly shoving those thoughts away before they got to serious. Getting the idea that he may had gotten a wrong impression on you when you first meet him, causing him to lie but why would he then ask for your number and later on take you on really amazing dates where he had been nothing but a total sweetheart, nothing made sense anymore.
Bringing you flowers which seem like so much thought had been put into picking each and every single flower in there, holding every door open for you and making sure that you were nothing but comfortable and content during each and every second of the day. You guys had meet due to a really good Friend you had made during your first week here at university, Sira Martínez is her name. Having moved from a foreign country to peruse your dream, i had not been easy to make many -really any- friends since every student has their friendgroup and being pretty hostile when someone tried to come to close for their liking. When you had meet her in the community bathroom crying about her boyfriend beeing injured and not knowing how to help you could just not leave her there. Sitting there for more than two hours and talking about various things, both of you knew that a new bond was just formed.
After your first exam Sira had been trying to talk you to come clubbing with her, adding that you should “loosen up or else you wont find a boyfriend ever” and after hours of her sticking to your side like gum and telling you how both of you could even go into the vip section of that club because her boyfriend is known by the locals and many more, you agreed just so she would give you some peace.
Thats how you found yourself in a way to fancy club in the even fancier vip lounge all alone sipping on some cold beverage thats to expensive for its bad taste. Your gaze is set on Sira and her man laughing und danzing like there is no tomorrow. Your eyes sometimes shift to this one guy standing there with his friends conversing. Something about him just seems to draw your attention on him. Maybe its the way the purple light shines on his face, even a couple of meters away you can tell hes got those birthmarks on his really, really handsome face.
A scream shifts your attention to the other side of the club. Just some girl having had to much to drink. You want to turn around again and get back to observing that guy. But hes sitting right beside you. Jumping a little you look at your hands on the table holding an overpriced and not so good tasting beverage. Thank god its on the house -again Siras boyfriend- your bracing yourself because your sure your about to get told off for looking like some creep. But that never came instead; “I like your dress.”
And thats how you hit it of talking about how the club does not suite both of y’all’s taste and you would have much rather been invited to a more closed of, private and chill get together.
Never would you have expected him to lie about who he really is.
“I didnt want you making assumptions about me im not a bad person just bc i play football, im a nice guy you know that. I just thought that you would rather give me a chance being just me.” His eyes never meeting yours
“Your cute and kind Pablo, i like that about you and your fist name is nice, it fits you better”
Inching closer together and standing a bit on your tippie toes to fully reach his face
Pablos and your lips met in a soft and short kiss which had soon been intensified by Pablo’s hands that pulled you two closer together. His fingers caressed your cheeks. Even after parting from your lips they stayed right there providing you warmth and comfort You both stood there for a couple of seconds just smiling at each other, like some silly in love teens, which to be honest you guys kinda really are.
As you both then backed up a little bit. You wanted to make sure that nothing about your relationship -if you could call it that- had changed. “ so will you pick me up tomorrow? we should go on a date you as pablo and me as me.” I see his eyes get a bit wide wondering if he really thought that I would be so mad at him to not want to see him again my heart breaks a little thinking of that.
My stream of thoughts soon gets interrupted as he answers me. “Yeah! Definitely i will come straight after practice, don’t worry really!” His answer is a bit rushed. He seems excited. At least i hope he is. “Just make sure to not come smelly” we both laugh at that slowly inching more and more away even tho both of us would have loved some more time together. Having reached the door and getting my keys out i open the door, turning to him one last time debating if I should blow him a kiss or not but deciding against it, that can wait for after our date tomorrow.
Alter Just found this after like 6 months 💀
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agaypanic · 10 months
I saw that you were interested in lab rats requests, and I'm obsessed with that show and have like a billion thoughts in my head so can i request a chase davenport x reader, where the reader is perry's niece and shes kind of a grey character. Like she's mean to everyone who deserves it, especially those who are mean to Chase, which is honestly a lot of people. Similar to Jade from victorious but less intense lol. One day she just goes off and Chase is just so into it.
Chase Davenport With Principal Perry's Niece Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: fun fact, i know jade from clips on tiktok, but ive actually never really seen victorious aside from one episode that my ex made me watch years ago that i barely paid attention to lol
He’s a bit scared of you at first
He thinks you’ll be like your aunt, who’s a bit of a nightmare
But he’s quickly proven wrong when you’re left alone
“You! Dorky twerp!” Principal Perry pointed at Chase and his siblings, and they all looked at her confused.
“Think that means you, bud,” Adam said, pushing Chase towards the woman before running off, Bree and Leo hot on his heels. Chase hesitantly closed the distance between him and Perry.
“Yes, Principal Perry?”
“Meet my niece, Y/n.” It was then that he noticed you, standing beside your aunt. You wore a bored expression. “She’s new here, moved in with me because her parents are fighting for custody, and the judge thinks they’re both incompetent.”
“Aunt Terry…” You groaned, wishing she didn’t always feel the need to share such personal and unnecessary information.
“Anyways, I want you to show her to her classes.” Perry leaned in close to Chase, glaring at him. “Make a move on her, and you’re dead meat, Daven-dork.”
You and Chase watched her walk away, somewhat mortified. Then you looked at each other in an awkward silence. You were the first to speak.
“Sorry about her…” You laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood. “What’s your name?”
“Chase.” He responded, a bit taken aback. If he was being honest, he thought that there was something in Perry’s DNA that made her the crabby, mean woman she was. So it would’ve made sense if everyone related to her was similar. “Chase Davenport.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You smile, holding your hand out for him to shake. He smiled back as he shook your hand. 
“Nice to meet you, too.”
You quickly become inseparable, much to your aunt’s chagrin
You’re a lot nicer than her, which surprises everyone
But that doesn’t mean you’re never mean
Luckily, it’s only to people who deserve it
Trent was quick to become a pain in your ass. Not directly to you; he was too scared of Perry’s wrath. But the way he treated Chase and his siblings pissed you off. Chase told you not to worry about it, that he was used to it, but you weren’t having it.
“Just because you’re used to it doesn’t mean you should be, Chase.” You say as he told you for the tenth time today to forget about Trent and his behavior.
“Aw, it’s cute that you care,” Chase said, laughing when you jokingly pushed him and told him to be quiet. But then he got pushed again, only this time much rougher.
“This kid bothering you, Y/n?” Trent asked with a flirty grin, getting close. You rolled your eyes, pushing past him to get back to Chase.
“No, but someone else is.” You say with a deadpan tone, staring intensely at Trent. He looked around the hall.
“Jesus.” You muttered, you and Chase snickering to each other as you walked away.
Sometimes, your anger gets the best of you
Like when Chase’s bullies start to get a bit physical
You fight back more than he does
After what felt like forever, you got out of your last class of the day and went to the main hall to wait for Chase. He was often waiting for you by his locker, ready to walk you home.
But today, he wasn’t the only person at his locker. A few guys from the football team surrounded him, pushing him whenever he tried to move away.
“Fellas, come on.” He laughed nervously. 
“Shut up, nerd!”
“Hey!” You shouted from across the hall, effectively grabbing all of the boys’ attention. You stomped over to them. “Leave him alone.”
The jocks all turned to surround you, looking amused.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” One of them asked, leaning close to you. “You know, I’m not afraid to hit a girl.”
“I’m not either.” You responded before stomping on his foot and punching him in the stomach. He yelped in pain, and his friends backed away. You grabbed the boy by the ear, making him wince. “Considering football is probably the only thing you and your friends are good at, I suggest you apologize and get the hell out of here. Unless you wanna try to play with some broken fingers?”
The jock immediately shook his head, the others doing the same.
“I’m sorry.” He squeaked.
“I’m not the one you should be saying that to.” You let go of his ear and pushed him towards Chase. Chase stepped aside, watching the football player run into the lockers from the force of your shoving. 
“Sorry…” He said to Chase before looking at his friends and running away with them. The apology didn’t seem too genuine, sounding more scared than anything else. But it was a start.
“You okay?” You asked, looking Chase up and down for any possible damage. He stared at you in slight shock, slowly nodding. You smiled and held your hand out. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Chase swiftly grabbed your hand, walking out of the school with you.
“That was hot.” The short but serious sentence made you laugh.
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writtingsomestuff · 10 months
imagine for musiala where you work as a physio for bayern, and jamal has a crush on her and all the guys tease him about it
🩷🩷 love you
OMG you're so sweet!!!! 🩷 love you too! I'm very sorry for being late. I've been busy this past month with my job and college.
More than just a crush - Jamal Musiala
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Jamal Musiala x fem!reader Warnings: none ig
Jamal was not very expressive with his emotions, he was rather shy and introverted. He was not very communicative about his feelings or thoughts, but these last few days his teammates, and even his coach, observed how often he visited the physio. The new physio, who was the new intern at Bayern Munich. This was one of the greatest opportunities that were ever offered to her; it is true that it made her feel insecure at the beginning as she was going to directly treat professional football players, and that scared her, but after she met them and saw how close they made her feel, she started to feel more comfortable.
Jamal shyly knocked at her door, “come in” he heard her beautiful voice and he blushed. Jamal cursed himself as he did not want her to notice how red he was.
“Hi” he said quietly, and made his way into the room
“Jamal?” She gave him a small smile as she approached the bed where he was going to sit soon, “What happened this time?” She asked with her eyebrow raised, trying not to laugh as she knew that nothing happened to him
“My left foot” Jamal simply said as he pointed at his right foot
“Right or left?” She asked again
Jamal quickly changed his hand to indicate his left as he heavily blushed, even more, “Left, left”
“Alright, I think a soft message will do – you can sit down” She said as she observed the player sitting down on the massage table “How did you get hurt this time?” The same question was asked every time he entered the room, however, their conversations progressed. No one could deny the attraction between both of them, not even them. The players, the whole staff and even the coach could sense it; it was so obvious.
“Müller stepped on my foot,” He said as he started to undo his shoes. She knew he was lying, little did he know that she watched the training and nothing like that happened. She started to watch them after Jamal caught her attention only three days after starting to work. “I tried to wait a bit but still hurts”
“Oh, really?” She asked with a small smirk that intimidated the footballer, he was ready to lay down but remained sat. She crossed her arms and approached him, Jamal felt his stomach drop and his knees tremble; she was too close. He could see her deep (y/c) eyes, her soft skin he wished he could caress, her cute nose and her unique lips. He closed his eyes and let her famous perfume dominate him. She took all her courage together and for the first time in her life, she shoot her shot. “And, when did that happen?” She whispered as she got closer to the man in front of her, “during the small match, or the running session at the beginning?” Jamal looked at her surprised, she watched the training session.
“No… I mean…” He started to say, but nothing came out. “Is just that-” He tried again but nothing, she raised her eyebrows still waiting for a valid excuse. She held her smirk until the situation in front of her caused her to laugh; all that false confidence soon left her body.
Jamal was confused and embarrassed, he could not understand if she was laughing at him or at the situation. 
“I am joking Jamal, I just find funny the excuses you come with to come here” She told him with her normal tone, “You could have just asked, you know?”
“Yeah… I just did not want to bother you.” He said shyly, “I like you a lot. You are so nice and kind with everyone, you are so soft, and also incredibly beautiful. You make me feel nervous when you are around and I feel like I am not worthy of asking you for even a date -” He was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on him, Jamal was in shock but soon continued with the kiss
“A date tonight?” She asked once they separated, and he nodded. “At 9pm it is” She smiled softly. Jamal kissed her cheek softly before he said goodbye and left the room. Without his shoes.
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
Hockey x Football
I hope you love it❤️
(These photos do not belong to me, this is all fanfiction)
Jack Hughes x Female Kelce Reader
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Liked by Ynkelce, Trevorzegras and more
Jackhughes my girl🤍
Tagged ynkelce
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Ynkelce I love you🤍
→Jackhughes love you more🤍
Elblue06 you guys are the cutest 🥹🤍
→ ynkelce miss you mama hughes🤍
→ Jackhughes Love you mom🤍
Trevorzegras since when do you have a girl?!?!?
→ Jackhughes dude I told you like 6 months ago?
→Trevorzegras I thought it was just a dream🤷🏻‍♂️
→ Colecaufield idiot!!!
→Jackhughes 🤦🏻
Quinnhughes you guys make me feel so single🙄
→Jackhughes then find yourself a girlfriend!
→Ynkelce Jack don’t be rude!!
Alexturcotte she looks familiar 🤔
→ ynkelce 🫣
Jasonkelce You better treat her right!!!!!
→ Jackhughes always!!!
→ Alexturcotte wait a damn minute….
NicoHischier The team likes her more than you!!!
→ dougiehamilton I agree!!!!
Dawsonmercer 🥹🥹
Joshnorris You better not fuck up, i’m pretty sure her brothers could squish you like a bug!!!
→traviskelce You got that right!!!
→Jackhughes 🫣
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Liked by Jackhughes, Traviskelce and more
Ynkelce Apparently I’m more of a hockey fan than a football fan!🤷🏼‍♀️🤩🏒❤️
Tagged Jackhughes, Njdevils
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Jackhughes I’m glad!!😉🤍🤍
traviskelce he’s lucky jason and i actually like him!
→ ynkelce hehe🤭
Donnakelce you two are so cute!!!❤️
→ynkelce Love you mom❤️
→Jackhughes Thanks mama kelce!!!
Trevorzegras I don’t like you, you went and stole my man😭
→ynkelce what can i say, he loves me more!!
→Jackhughes trev why am i friends with you?🤦🏻
→Trevorzegras BECAUSE I’M AMAZING!!!
→Ynkelce are you sure?
→Trevorzegras I’m not talking to you!
→Quinnhughes Trevor stop acting like a baby!!!!!
Patrickmahomes I feel betrayed 😐
→ynkelce Sorry pat!!!!!
→ Colecaufield oh. My. God.
Kyliekelce The prettiest girl ever🤍
→ ynkelce I love you!!! I’m coming to visit you & the kids soon!!!🤍🤍
→ Kyliekelce Can’t wait!!
NicoHischier The better sport!!!!
Dawsonmercer DID YOU SEE MY GOAL?!?!?
→ Ynkelce YES, IT WAS AMAZING!!!
→Dawsonmercer THANK YOU!!
→Jackhughes WHY ARE WE YELLING ?
AlexTurcotte Jack forgot to mention the part where you’re related to Travis and Jason Kelce!
→Jackhughes oups!
Colecaufield YAYY!!
Kansascheifs we are offended!
→Ynkelce Sorry admin😐
Trevorzegras Wait… are the rumour true about taylor swift??
→ynkelce I thought you hated me?
→Trevorzegras Will you tell me if i say it was a joke?
→ Jackhughes Trevor leave my girlfriend alone!
→ Ynkelce Listen to jack!!!!
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Liked by Traviskelce, Jackhughes and more
ynkelce Ignore what i said last time football is back to being my favourite🏈🤍
Tagged Jackhughes, donnakelce, Taylorswift, blakelively, ryanrenolds, ellenhughes
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Jackhughes Can’t argue with that!!
Quinnhughes bring me next time!!!!
→ Ynkelce Definitely!!!!
Alexturcotte Trevor is gonna be jealoussss,
Colecaufield Omg yn I love you for this!!!!!
→ ynkelce 😂😭
→ Jackhughes 🤦🏻
NicoHischier Where was my invite?
→ dawsonmercer or mine?
→ Ynkelce Jack i told you we forgot something 🤦🏼‍♀️
→ Jackhughes my bad boys!
Tysmith Never thought i’d be jealous of jack…
→ Jackhughes it’s because of taylor isn’t it?
→ Tysmith yes!
Jamiedrysdale Oh Trevor is going to love you now😂
→ ynkelce He’s not going to leave me alone now is he?
→ Jamiedrysdale Nope!
Ryanrenolds hockey game next?
→ Blakelively Yes!!!
Blakelively So nice meeting you, we have to hangout again soon!!!!
→ ynkelce Definitely!!!!
Traviskelce The best part was seeing me right?
→ ynkelce sure let’s go with that!
→ Jasonkelce 😂
→ ynkelce Maybe… maybe not
→ Ynkelce I’ll invite you next time, NOW STOP TEXTING ME!!
→ Trevorzegras THANK YOU THANK YOU
→ Jackhughes Oh my🤦🏻
Elblue06 the most fun football game ever🤍
→ ynkelce So happy you could make it!!🤍
Taylorswift I love you🤍
→ ynkelce I love youu🤍
→ Trevorzegras OH. MY. GOD. THIS IS REAL!
→ Taylorswift Hi trevor!
→ Trevorzegras sjduywbsudjsj
→ Troyterry so this is why Trevor fainted?!?
→ Jamiedrysdale i think trevor had a heart attack…
→ Ynkelce oups… did you take a video?🫣→ Jamiedrysdale sending it to you now!
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fakeuwus · 11 months
RECKLESS | lee heeseung
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now playing ☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。 reckless by madison beer
"how could you be, so reckless with my heart?"
⁺ ⋆˚ genre: idol!hee x nonidol/university student!femreader, pure angst sorry lol, established relationship
⁺ ⋆˚ warnings: cursing, lowercase intended, barely proofread, mention of i-land LOL, lots of dialouge and idk if thats even a warning but had to put it out there, use of nicknames like babe/baby, infidelity
⁺ ⋆˚ word count: ~1k
⁺ ⋆˚ message from nic: wanted to put smth out while working on my jay fic!! got inspired by this show i was watching called "the game" (dont watch it its like highkey misogynistic and a bit racist and just overall so bad 😭) i wanted to rewatch it bc i used to watch it as a kid and now i realize how bad it was skdkd. but basically the bf is a pro football player while the gf is in med school and a certain plotline in the show inspired this 😁 also this is my first writing piece so pls be nice and feedback is appreciated!
heeseung slowly opened the front door to the apartment you and him shared, trying to be as quiet as possible since you were most likely sleeping. once he made it in he tip toe'd his way to your guys' bedroom. "did you have fun tonight hee?" you asked, while sitting on the couch with nothing but the lamp on. heeseung jumps, "holy shit you scared me! baby what are you doing up? come on let's get you to bed."
he walks over and tries to give you a kiss. you turned your head down only allowing him to press it to your forehead. you were pissed. actually, you were beyond that. words could not describe what you were even feeling at the moment.
you get up from the couch and stand before him, "you didn't answer my question. did you have fun tonight hee?" heeseung is perplexed by your tone. you sounded... hurt? angry? annoyed? all of the above? he tried to proceed with caution, racking his brain of all the possibilities of why you could be acting like this.
"uh... yeah babe, i had a lot of fun tonight. sorry i stayed out so late by the way. you really didn't have to wait up for me, you're probably tired." he was hopeful this was the right answer. it's gotta be, right? all you could do was stifle a cold laugh.
why the hell were you laughing? what was so funny? heeseung can feel his heartbeat in his ears and his skin was turning hot. you had never once acted this way in all of the years you guys had been together. it may not seem like a big deal to others, but you had always been so caring and sweet towards him.
even when you guys were arguing, your soft voice never changed. this was new. this was scary. you had a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes now and it seemed like you were staring into his soul.
"yeah heeseung. it's 2 am," you say sounding almost condescending, "but no i'm not mad that you stayed out so late. i mean i WAS, but after someone sent me a little something i realized there are worse things to be mad about." suddenly your phone is shoved into heeseung's hands. his jaw dropped. no. there's no way.
"who sent you this?! wait no it doesn't matter baby you can't believe this can you?" he reaches out for you but you pull away and start walking towards the front door to gather your jacket and bag, "so you're not even going to try to deny it? huh. i guess my friends were right." it makes him sick how you seem so calm on the outside, your words and actions treating this like one big joke while he's freaking out. he'd rather you be a crying, screaming mess than whatever behavior you're exhibiting at the moment.
you turn back around to him, "you think i don’t know who you’re giggling with on the phone while i’m sitting in the room studying for hours? that i’m stupid enough to believe that you’re not making out with her in that video? that i’m blind enough to not see the heart eyes you two make at each other while in the same room?” your words drip with venom and they shoot heeseung straight in the heart.
he feels like the room is spinning and he wants to faint. he wants to go up to you and hold you and tell you that she doesn’t matter, that you’re the only important thing in his life. but that’s not what happens. heeseung is too wrapped up in the moment to admit his wrongs.
frankly, he’s disgusted with himself and at a loss for words right now. he wants to convince not only you but more importantly to himself that he didn’t do anything wrong. and so he does. what comes out of his mouth next are words he’d soon regret. “WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO YN?! i’ve been so lonely lately because you’re so wrapped up in school and she’s THERE FOR ME. she’s been there when you weren’t. i wouldn’t have made out with her if YOU were at the afterparty with ME like i asked you to! we won four fucking awards tonight and i just wanted my girlfriend there to celebrate with me.”
and just like that, you snap. the jacket and bag in your hands are now thrown to the ground and heeseung flinches. “YOU ARE SO FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! do you hear the words that are coming out of your mouth right now?! i told you i have an exam tomorrow there was no way i was going to that damn party.”
tears are blurring your vision and your breath is becoming uneven. you don’t even recognize the man standing in front of you. “i have a life too heeseung. while you’re out chasing your dreams so am i. do you even acknowledge the sacrifices i have made for you over the past five years? tell me, was she there for you when you first became a trainee? was she crying for you every fucking episode of i-land? was she there every step of the way supporting your career?!"
heeseung doesn’t speak. he doesn’t move an inch yet his brain is moving a million miles per minute. he knows you’re right. he knows that you decline going out with your friends so you can wait for him to come home from practice. that your life only revolves around school and him. and he’s so eternally grateful for you. his heart yearns to express all the love he has for you and that he fucked up so badly. he just wants to fast forward to the part where you guys work through it and everything is okay again.
but that time is never going to come because you walk up to him with a heavy heart, placing the promise ring he gave you all those years ago in his hands.
he stares at the pretty diamond that shines in the moonlight, the only thing illuminating the darkness that’s consumed the space you both once filled with love. “i hope she was worth it,” you say as you open the door and walk out into the cold night. leaving heeseung and all of the memories of your relationship behind.
© fakeuwus 2023 do not repost, translate, or plagiarize
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canirove · 3 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 1
Summary: Liv and Declan, Declan and Liv, or the story about how a born and raised Tottenham girl falls in love with an Arsenal player... and its consequences.
Author’s note: Best way to celebrate my birthday? By sharing a new story about my beloved 🥳🫶🏻 I started writing this story back in October after making this gif (that's how Declan looks on this first chapter), and I got so inspired that I even managed to write like a script with everything I wanted to happen from beginning to end, which doesn't happen very often or never tbh 😅 I hope you like it as much as I do, and as always, thank you for reading! 💜
Next chapter
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"And don't forget about the national team staying with us next week. We need to be at our best, the club wants them to keep coming here and not go back to Carrington or any other training centre" our boss says.
"We always are at our best."
"I know, Alex. But you know what I mean.”
"Yeah, we have to kiss their asses" he mutters.
"Shh" I tell him, hoping our boss hasn't heard him.
"You know it's true" he whispers. "Since we don't have enough with our princesses, now we'll have new ones. And I'm sure they are even more annoying."
"If you dislike football and this job so much, why don't you quit?"
"I don't dislike football, Liv. I dislike football players, it isn't the same” Alex says. “And I don't quit because Tottenham is the team me and my dad support, they happen to pay really well, and I need the money. Besides, what will your dad say? He helped me get this job, I can't disappoint him."
"He'll survive" I chuckle.
"I don't think so. If I'm not here, who will make sure his daughter doesn't end up sleeping with a football player? Especially now that we are gonna have some Arsenal ones in the building. They are the enemy."
"That is so stupid."
"The rivalry between Tottenham and Arsenal isn't stupid, Liv. Please show some respect."
"Whatever" I reply, trying to focus again on what our boss is explaining.
"Ready to meet our new princesses?" I ask Alex.
"Well, too late. They are here" I say when the doors of the cafeteria open and the players from England's national team start walking in, Harry Kane leading them.
"Urgh, not him" Alex groans.
"Shut up and get to work. And don't forget to smile."
"I don't want to smile at him. Or at any of them."
"Hello, guys. Nice to see you again."
"Harry, hi!" I say. "How are the Germans treating you?"
"Good, all good. How are you around here?"
"All good too" I smile. "Same as always?"
"Same as always, Liv."
After Harry some other players like Rashford, Stones or Bellingham also come get their orders, and then…
"Hi, what can I get… you" I say, getting lost in the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. 
"A latte, please" he smiles.
"A… a la… a…" I mumble.
"Liv… Liv… Olivia!" Alex says, hitting my arm.
"Ouch! What?"
"His order" he says, nodding towards the blue eyed God in front of me. "Didn't you hear him?"
"I… Yes. A latte."
"That's it" he smiles again, the most stupid giggle ever leaving my mouth. What an amazing first impression, Olivia. 
"I… Umm…" I mumble again.
"Liv, hey! Long time no see!" 
"Madders, we saw each other three days ago" I say, my brain remembering how to work after hearing his voice.
"It feels like an eternity" he smiles. "Have you met Dec yet?"
"Mr. Declan Rice. The most expensive English football transfer in history" he laughs, wrapping his arm around the blue eyed God's neck and messing up his hair, somehow making it look even better than it already did.
"You… what?"
"You hadn't recognized him?" Madders says. "I know he's had a big glow up, but he hasn't changed that much since the Euros."
"Yeah… I…" I say, feeling my cheeks on fire and the stupidest person in the world. How did I not recognize one of England's best players?
"Anyway, can I get the same as always?"
"He asked first."
"But he plays for Arsenal and I am a Tottenham boy, Liv. What will your dad say?" Madders smirks. 
"Her dad?" Declan asks with a confused look.
"He's been working for Tottenham since before we all were born and hates anything Arsenal" Madders explains. "So if he finds out that you are favouring him over me…"
"You are so annoying, James" I say, rolling my eyes.
"Yet you love me" he smiles. "So, can I get my usual?"
"No" I say, turning around and getting Declan's order ready.
"You are so rude, Olivia…"
"Yet you love me" I reply, making Declan laugh. "Your latte."
"Thank you, Liv" he smiles as he takes his cup, our fingers barely touching but being enough to make my face burn once again. 
"You're welcome" I giggle. You are so lame, Olivia. Dear God.
"Can I get my coffee now or are you gonna keep smiling at each other like two teenagers in love?" Madders asks.
"What?" Declan and I say at the same time.
"Flirting with an Arsenal player, Liv… What will your dad say?"
"Shup up, James" I say, turning towards the coffee machine to hide that my face now must be the same colour as Declan’s Arsenal shirt.
"You are an idiot, bro" I hear him say before walking away.
"What? Why? What did I say? Liv, hey. What did I say?" 
"Just go drink your coffee, James" I sigh.
"You two are so weird… Made for each other" he winks, making me roll my eyes again.
Once I'm done with all the orders, I can't help but check around the cafeteria looking for Declan. During the Euros he had already caught my eye, but he didn't look as hot as he did right now. He was definitely aging like fine wine. 
When I finally spot him, he's sitting next to other Arsenal players, a soft smile on his lips while sipping his coffee. And then… Then he turns to look at where I am. At me. And his smile grows wider, making my knees feel like jelly. 
"Best coffee ever" he mouths, remarking each word.
"Thank you" I reply, definitely smiling like an idiot.
"Olivia, Olivia, Olivia…"
"Holy shit, Alex" I jump when I hear him next to me.
"Flirting with an Arsenal player at work? And him among them all? Your dad is gonna be so disappointed…"
"Shut up, Alex" I say, giving him a push that doesn't move him from where he is standing. "I'm gonna go check that we aren't running out of anything, you know how picky the boss is with that."
"Yeah, run away."
"Fuck you" I reply, showing him my middle finger and hoping no one from the national team has seen it. The least thing I need right now is someone complaining to our boss because of my bad behaviour.
As I leave, I can't help but look at Declan one last time, and to my surprise, he also is looking at me. And when our eyes meet…
"Holy shit" I whisper. Can you get turned on by a wink? Because I'm pretty sure that just happened.
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duskymrel · 1 year
TWST characters as different people i've seen at school
yes most of this is slander
Riddle: The kid who treated being line leader as though he had just been elected President of the United States of America
Ace: Would stand up in class and shout "FOR KOBE" and throw a piece of paper at the trash bin. Would completely miss.
Cater: Filming a fucking TikTok dance in the middle of the school hallway during class transitions. Fucking MOVE, i got places to be. (I walk directly though their tiktok and ruin it)
Trey: That kid who's birthday you know by heart and eagerly await every year because he brings in the BEST desserts. The good kush.
Deuce: Says the stupidest shit in class unironically. Other guys are confused as to how this makes him more endearing but girls fawn all over him.
Azul: Passes by his crush (Jamil) in the hallway and thinks blud will stop and fall madly in love with him at first sight and will declare his love to Azul and it'll be something straight out of a teen girl movie. It ends up playing out exactly like this video: https://www.tiktok.com/@irljigsaw/video/7232906141385215274?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Floyd: Kid who only likes Chemistry because he's crazy excited about mixing chemicals and setting things on fire. Anything he makes in a lab he loudly comments on how badly he want's to take a bit fat slurp/bite out of it. (it's me i do this)
Jade: One of the mushroom core girlies. Wears mushroom jewelry, has mushrooms patterns on his clothes, draws them for art class, draws them on his notebooks and binders. It's almost obnoxious but he's forgiven by everyone because he's hot.
Leona: Literally doesn't give a shit about school. Shows up in pajama bottom's and takes the fattest nap right in the middle of Geometry.
Jack: The only nice guy on the football team, girls LUST for him ❤
Ruggie: The only class this kid liked was free and reduced lunch (real)
Kalim: Guy who refuses to eat school food. He's probably got the right idea, that nacho cheese sauce probably causes cancer. Brings the most banger lunches and makes people jealous. (Lunchables, the GOOD fruit gummies, chips, a cookie, and a Caprisun.)
Jamil: In classes where you're not allowed to eat, he's the kid who sits in the back and makes a 9 course Gordan Ramsay approved gourmet meal.
Idia: This was so easy this guy was the anime weebo who wore anime merch every day and sometimes even wore anime wigs to school. He won't admit it but he would Naruto run through the halls in middle school.
Ortho: The cute little innocent babey schnookums who the girls all doted on. Hurt him and you'll get jumped by every girl in the student body. Fuck around and find out type shit.
Vil: Bozo who would literally paint their nails in class and would be doing their eyeliner while the teacher was trying to explain mRNA.
Epel: YEEHAW REDNECK KID. you know who i mean. the one who wears a hat with the American flag on it every day and whenever the teacher tells them to take it off they go on a rant about how unpatriotic the teacher is.
Rook: The only kid who actually liked French class. Tries to rizz people up in the hallway and asks for their Snap but always fails. Maidenless behavior.
Malleus: The tall quiet emo kid who slumps in his chair on his phone, with the bottom resting on his belly. He looks like he's listening to edgy emo music but it's actually tooth rotting cheesy pop music
Lilia: The manic pixie dream girl who will spew the most wise sage advice when asked.
Sebek: Literally one of those girls who's attached to her boyfriend like a parasite. You cannot separate her. Overly loyal and won't stfu. Is like a mix between a golden retriever and a chihuahua.
Silver: I swear on my life he's one of the kids who's been adopted by his entire friendgroup. People love him he's just a likeable person. He makes a new friend and BOOM they've adopted him. You're my son now, boy.
@heartscrypt i thought specifically of you while writing Azuls
anyways all of these are people i've known i've got irl sources for this. no i won't apologize for all the slander because it's funny.
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rrenzwrld · 9 months
if you catch my drift III
third part, second part here
you may or may not have questions
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Once Reiner came back with his bag, the two of you made it to his truck. It was one of those tall country boy trucks that looked like it must’ve been rotting from the inside out under a tree. But when you got inside, it wasn’t nearly as wrecked as you thought.
“I’m sorry about the ride. If I could treat you to something better, I would.” You didn’t see a problem with it but you were looking around a lot.
“No, it’s.. nice. I like it.” It represented his personality perfectly. A small smile crept onto Reiner’s face but he quickly dismissed it, not wanting to seem creepy or anything.
“I saw that.” You didn’t know you were staring.
He cleared his throat and looked to you as he was starting up. “Saw what?”
“Your smile. It’s very pretty.” Reiner felt his ears getting hot.
“Thank you, you’re um.. very pretty too.” He tried to speak quietly but his voice didn’t allow for it so you still heard him. You didn’t know what to think. Your crush called you pretty, very pretty but you thought it was all for the wrong reasons. He was a guy after all.
The two of you made some conversation on as the ride progressed but you only got but so far since the two of you were still very shy around one another. But Reiner finally pulled up to your dorm building which meant that you could be at some peace.
“Thank you again,” You said as you grabbed whatever you brought. “And I’m sorry if it was an inconvenience.” Reiner got out the truck as well.
“No, not at all. I don’t mind doing a good thing.” He opened your door and offered his hand to you so you had something to hold on to as you got down. You never knew he could be such a gentleman and thought it was only another part of your fantasy. “I’ll walk you to your door.”
Once the two of you made it to your door, you actually didn’t wanna leave him. You didn’t know what came over you. But it was the same for Reiner but he knew why.
“I really enjoyed watching you play and talking to you.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at him because you knew you’d freeze and embarrass yourself. But that didn’t stop Reiner from looking at you.
“I hope this isn’t the last time…”
“It won’t, hopefully.” You looked up for a quick second and smiled, which made him smile, which made you smile even harder.
To get rid of his tempting thoughts, he cleared his throat and prepared his mindset to leave.
“I’ll see you around, Y/n. Thank you for coming to see me, really means a lot.” More than you knew.
“Sure..” You entered the building and once you got in the dorm room, Sasha was no where to be found
The following Monday, Sasha had taken the whole day to profusely apologize to you but your mind was too clouded with Reiner to be mad at her anymore. You could almost thank her for nearly leaving you stranded.
“Y/n~” She whined. “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? I feel like you’re not even listening to me.”
“I’m not.”
“Reiner called me pretty. Very pretty. What do I do about that?” That’s when Sasha knew, or she thought she knew something.
“Oh why didn’t you tell me sooner? I thought you were still mad.” You shook your head.
“No, just thinking—“
“Bout your man?” You shoved Sasha playfully but she reacted as though you nearly pushed her out the seat.
“He’s not my man but I wouldn’t mind…”
“Have you seen him naked?” You looked at her like she was crazy.
“Uh no, what the fuck? Have you seen him naked?” Sasha looked around and took a while to respond. “Oh?”
“I haven’t done anything with him, promise! But last year there was a sex tape going around and literally everyone saw him naked. He almost got kicked out of school but he brings the school money playing football so they gave him another chance.” Information was dropped on you without asking but you had so many questions.
“So.. who leaked it?”
“A bitch he was fucking with and she wanted to be his girlfriend but he said no because he didn’t want it to get in the way of his football. Plus, she was crazy. That’s probably why she leaked it, to ruin his career. He was gonna graduate early and everything.” You knew Reiner was only a sophomore last year so it was a big deal if he could’ve graduated earlier and he must’ve been pretty smart. But you also felt really bad because you didn’t even know if this stuff was true.
“Oh…” And now that would be in the back of your mind.
“It’s big, don’t worry.”
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tags: @luvvsnae @wlwfunnn @tacobellfreshavocado
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dorizardthewizard · 9 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 7 - 9
Episode 7:
AGAIN they put the Shadows logo instead of the Pirates...
Well at least Mei is trying to be civil with D'jok and have a normal conversation
D'jok claiming he doesn't miss the Snow Kids >:(
I mean idk why they're tossing Mei up and down like that like, what are they celebrating XD
Aarch: We're far from ready for tonight's match, even against the Pirates!
Kinda rude they only show D'jok depressed over/ missing Mei. Surely he must miss the rest of the Snow Kids even if he won't show it? He literally ditched Mei in season 1 because Mice left, saying he's his only family apart from Maya, but now he just doesn't give a shit?
Did D'jok seriously just kiss Nikki-4 because he was reminded of Mei? Get this man some therapy
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I mean idk why you're upset Mei you are literally dating Sinedd. Although I wouldn't blame her if she assumed D'jok was only doing it to get back at her
ngl I prefer Artegor's hype speeches haha
What's with all the matches in season 3 having a goal being scored IN THE FIRST FEW SECONDS
Sorry I'm a Snow Kids supporter I swear
ooo they have Cyclops players in the Pirates team. The only chance for the Pirates to have a flux with them and be on the same level as the other teams, and they get the Cyclops. lol.
Wait, if the reason the Pirates couldn't use flux was because they're from different planets, then couldn't they use it now in this tournament? Or is it because they're all from Shiloh and it doesn't have a flux? I once read an idea somewhere that they didn't use flux because it can be tracked so they couldn't train with it, or maaaybe the Flux Society only let them play on the condition they don't use it, as their doings are a bit too opaque for their liking? Many questions.
I love Artie ditching his team to support Micro-Ice. Get you a hypeman like Artie, king shit <3
Corso kicking Artie out for potentially disturbing Sonny, they're so 💖 and in the next shot Corso is watching the TV anyway with his hands crossed like a dad LOL
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This is me btw
Why didn't Artie just go to the stadium from the start?
I love Rocket's penalty (free?) kicks so much <3 I'm sorry I don't actually know anything about football <333
Aaand Rocket's out. You guys should really have more subs. Or like, ANY subs
Gimme some Lun-Zeara action :( Y'know, just like the Rykers match, the match doesn't have to be a total wipeout to show that the winning team is good. I want the Wambas to at least put up more of a fight against Paradisia I mean, their flux is just a discount Breath anyway
I love the Pirate's acrobatic style of play, you just know these guys are parkour experts with all their running away from Technoid
Oooo that goal attempt was by red hair dude, nice to see someone else on the Pirates team strike. Hc he's twins with the goalkeeper, but where tf did their names in the wiki come from and why are they all so basic. Tbf they probably wouldn't reveal their real names anyway
Just realised there has been like zero development for Lun-Zia in terms of integrating with the team. She's from a completely different planet, they could have done so much with this but she just... fits in just like that? I know that later there's some stuff about her wanting to stay with the SK and learn the Breath but... it just feels weird to have none of that development when she actually joins the team
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Hahaha, that's not how physics works. The net is a loose material! At least in the previous seasons you could see it still spinning against the net and stretching it to its limits before falling
I love Callie accidentally showing her bias sometimes
Lun-Zia just doing cartwheels to celebrate, cute
DAN DAN DAAAAANNN... CYBORGS! Although the plot kind of treats them more like androids in the sense that they're not “real” humans
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> be me > girlfriend broke up with me by going to a different team > said ex girlfriend immediately gets with my nemesis > I leave for a new team, they're all hot girls and really strong players > turns out they're cyborgs > find out my dad is seriously injured and clinging on to life right after our first victory > they suspect the very coach I literally just started playing for > fml
Episode 8:
The Red Tigers?? When did they qualify???
Maddox why would you turn down the only chance of your team ever winning a match. Give them a flux player! Also, good feeling about the match?? Against the XENONS??? come on he can't be that naive
woah is that a new Technodroid theme song? Kinda slaps tbh
This match should be like 20-0 honestly
Fuck the Red Tigers <3 Warren, destroy them
Warren is just as surprised as I am, although honestly I have no idea how this development didn't get out to the press sooner. This is also so thrown in, you'd think there'd be more discussion or reaction on there being two Akillian teams in this tournament??
oooo seeing Warren's teleporting from his perspective is pretty cool
I was about to rant that there's no way Warren would be troubled by the Red Tigers, flux or not, but ok fair he has the resonance because of Netherball. He only played in one match though, and all the Lightnings are good players, the team doesn't just suddenly suck because Warren's having a bad day
The Xenons have a Cyclops? Ok then, would've been too OP otherwise haha
Y'know I feel like they could have done more with this whole mixed flux thing, like found more creative ways for the team members to work together. So far, nothing would change if the tournament was still single flux, well except Lun-Zia
HOW THE FUCK DID THE TECHNODROIDS EVEN SCORE A GOAL? Keeper must have gotten bored and taken a nap, fair enough
I like Warren's dignified little clap with the audience haha, he's a true champion
Not the Red Tiger's captain pushing WARREN. This is why no one likes you guys
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I'm not actually sure if that player is Woowamboo because I don't think they mention him by name, but I like to think they're bros! It's nice to see the new flux player get the spotlight and score a goal
Oooo teams we've never heard of before
I want to be at this beach party :( LOL even the Pirates are here
Rocket and Tia are so cute
Oh come on Lun-Zia you didn't really think you had a chance with Rocket? Wish they'd drop this drama and let Tia and Lun-Zia bond over something else. Last season Tia's arc also mostly revolved around Rocket so can we give her something else this time?
I like Zo-Leen just hanging with them now
Love how only some teams get the privilege of getting animated with casual clothes and not their football kits haha
Artie, after jumping an old guy that looks like Vega: we thought you were a woman!
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idk is Simbai really the only expert they can call? I mean I guess she might be renown in the field since she cured Aarch and Artegor of the Smog poisoning, but still. Aahh well since it's Sonny they probably don't have many options without alerting Technoid, that's gotta hurt
Episode 9:
Sinedd saying the Shadows will win bc they've always been a mixed flux team – I mean I guess mixed species but not flux as Sinedd had to learn the Smog. But also I'm gonna take the chance to give the Shadows points for inclusivity because they seemed to have no problem mixing the team up even before this tournament
I wonder if there was a taboo against that due to the flux wars not being that long ago, I mean the teams are already like our national football teams so most would only want to play for their planet, but it's gotta be even weirder if you switch teams and there are still tensions between your people. So this mixed flux tournament could have been a big political moment if the show explored that side more.
Ok the shading on the characters is bothering me, was it always so dark in the previous seasons? They look like they're always standing infront of a bright light.
Mark I really wouldn't trash talk Luur if I were you
Go Lun Zia!!
Guys do you think Luur would be popular with the monsterfuckers if Galactik Football were a more well known show. I mean look at his figure- (someone throws a grenade through my window)
D'JOK WHAT THE HELL, FOULING WARREN?! FUCKING WARREN YOUR IDOL WHO YOU HAVE NO BEEF WITH CURRENTLY???!!!! why are they making him do stuff like this just to drive home that he's being an ass and will learn from it like, people can be nuanced. You don't have to have him lash out at literally everyone he interacts with.
Warren: Real shame that football has come to this.
Ok this supports my theory from the Netherball episodes that Warren is obsessed with football and the integrity of the sport
wow that match ended quickly, considering how hyped up the Xenons were in the last season. I mean they played them in the finals! I wonder if season 3 split the matches like that so they wouldn't have to animate as much lol
oh I just realised D'jok is no longer number 9, he's 6. So his number upside down, heh, symbolism
Roasted by Warren, oof. This is the guy that got SINEDD to behave and work with D'jok in the All-Stars game last season, he commands that much respect from the young players but now D'jok is just being a jerk to him for no reason.
Artegor telling Aarch to try more warmth and less doom and gloom, that's hilarious
Vega's spy suit kinda slays tbh
Not Aarch realising he needs more of a social life outside of football 😭
“Last one back is a Cyclops!” THRAN THAT'S RACIST
OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE. FIRST MEI/D'JOK, THEN TIA/ROCKET, NOW FREAKING AARCH/ADIM HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE PLOT? I know it's a misunderstanding but like, what the hell. The romance drama is so bad in this season and I have a pretty low tolerance for that compared to other things like plotholes and whatever
How the fuck did Micro-Ice hear them talking from underwater
OK I like that it's Micro-Ice who gets suspicious of Paradisia with all the weird stuff going on, cute he goes up to Tia about it and she's immediately down for some investigation work despite going on about how amazing the place is a few minutes ago.
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vampireopossum · 1 year
“Yes. Hello. I'm here, and I am Football. And I will always be Football. Because BMO told me to tell you that he has gone away forever. BMO. ‘Take my place, Football,’ is what he said. It was such a hard decision for him to make. He says for you guys to treat her... I mean, me... as nice as you treated him, BMO. We all need to stay strong, so the best thing everyone can do is forget about him. Remember, if you guys miss BMO, I miss him more.”
this really just sounds like BMO is coming out as transfem and renaming themself Football
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l3viat8an · 1 year
New game! Type in “[insert character here] thinks I am” and let predictive text fill in the rest (sorry to non-apple users 😅) anyway, here’s the results I got for the om characters!
Lucifer: “Lucifer thinks I am not the best at the job.” Ouch, Luci, that hurts ☹️
Mammon: “Mammon thinks I am not the one.” DUDE WTF, why is predictive text so mean?!
Leviathan: “Levi thinks I am a good person.” Finally, someone who isn’t an arse 😒
Asmodeus: “Asmo thinks I am not going back into this house.” I…literally died to free your brother, what do you MEAN
Beelzebub: “Beel thinks I am an expert and he knows how much of my time I spend with him.” Finally one that’s on brand for the character and isn’t rude. Thanks Beely, I like you too 🥹.
Belphegor: “Belphi thinks I am a little more than the guy who is the most famous man.” I have no clue what this means. Thanks, ig?
Barbatos: “Barb thinks I am going into a relationship.” I mean…technically MC can canonically date everyone all at once, so yeah, accurate. Again, don’t know what it means, but he was nice so he gets a pass.
Diavolo: “Dia thinks I am the best person in this world.” OMG, finally a fave who actively likes me!
Solomon: “Solomon thinks I always look like an alien when I walk around.” No comment 😒
Simeon: “Simeon thinks I am the best of the bunch because I have no idea how to play football.” Uhhhh…idk what to say to this one. Play ball, ig 🧢⚾️🏟️
Luke: “Luke thinks I am a little more of an artist than I really am.” Awwwe, luke believes in me 🥹
Mephistopheles: “Mephisto thinks I am not the only man in the room that is not in a position where he is being treated like an ordinary person.” Again, what does this mean
Why do I get the feeling mine are gonna be stupid or honry 💀
Lucifer: “Lucifer thinks I am a good boy 👦” wrong gender but alright-
Mammon: “Mammon thinks I am so happy to have a new friend.” He’s not wrong lol I love making new friends
Levi: “Levi thinks I am well aware that it was okay and it wasn’t okay to be here too long as it wasn’t me.” What??-
Satan: “Satan thinks I am greatly confused by my work and my thoughts and I will feel better now because of my heart.” True I am always confused-
Asmo: “Asmo thinks I am the queen of the world too much to use for me too and it’s okay 👍” I keep getting emoji’s 😭
Beel: “Beel thinks I am amazing and I’m not going on this time anymore and I’m just tired lol” 💀 ouch-
Belphie: “Belphie thinks I am a very cute person and cute girl and she is always welcome to come over and kiss.” clingy much Belphie? Tho that’s adorable XD
Barbatos: “Barbatos thinks I am so happy to have a new one here and it is a great opportunity for him and me too talk about it and the kids.” What kids??-
Diavolo: “Diavolo thinks I am cuter than ever and it’s sweet of me and my eyes are always alive too and I’m so happy for you 🥹” shkshauwhahabwv somebody come get this man-
Solomon: “Solomon thinks I am ish and my eyes hurt me and I don’t know why they have to keep me laughing at them and I’m trying not too much for me.” Ish?? I am ish? 💀
Simeon: “Simeon thinks I am amazing and I’m so cute and adorable and cute and I always love her ❤️”okay I’m stopping nothing can top this one 💚
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sketchguk · 4 months
Hi it's jungkook au anon! I would like to have a emoji ahhhhh thank you! But I don't know which one I want asfjhgsa you can choose for me though!
Thanks for thinking my aus are nice . I love sharing them with you 😭 You asked who confessed first. It was jungkook. He asked her out but she didn't want anything serious! He asked her after the first necklace kisses after he punched someone for her. And then mc slowly realises her feelings and the drunk mc thing happens.
The specific scene where he gets jealous haha is when the guys go to in the soop. Jungkook invites mc . everyone takes a nap one afternoon and jungkook stirs awake, and finds taehyung putting a blanket over mc when she'd sleeping. She mumbles something and taehyung sweetly strokes her head 😔 taehyung then gets up with a smile on his face but when he looks over at jungkook, jungkook is already watching him, and his smile drops. Jungkook thinks it's weird that taehyung looked guilty!!! Throughout the stay, whenever mc laughs at tae's jokes, jungkook feels like she's being flirty. Even when she does normal things he reads into them tooo much. That makes him moody and mc would get annoyed but she has no idea what he wants .... Taehyung would irritate jungkook too by being flirty in front of him! And then they'll be playing football, and taehyung would play foullll . When jungkook scolds him for that, taehyung would say " sorry I was distracted" meaning mc watching was distracting him lol .. And jungkook would hit him 😅😅😅 Mc would think he overreacted! Like he doesn't even know that's what taehyu g meant! But jungkook would know for sureeeeeee hahaha and he'll feel bad that mc wasn't taking his side 😔
Hi it's me jungkook au anon again! Just sending this cuz the other one got too long And yes that scene is almost exactly like the quidditch fight😭😭😭😭😭 Sorry but it just makes sense for jocks! And yes, ravenclaw mc is in the drafts but she's the mosttt important gf 😔 maybe the fact that she's in the draft makes her special too! Because now we can just keep adding to her character!! And you saw white lotus ahhhhhh. The tension was sooo good , and all the actors were so perfect. In this story though, Jungkook is Ethan and mc is harper 😭 I was thinking hobi can be theo James LOL but the thing is .... Taehyung exists in this aau tooooooo!!!
What do you think about the lotus emoji 🪷 ?! :') (It doesn't show up on desktop though, booo)
Ohh yes, I can see the timeline in my head now !! Jungkook is so brave for confessing first even though she has/had a thing with Taehyung 😭 but he doesn't treat her right, so Jungkook could definitely do a better job 😠
When they go on their vacation, is she already dating Jungkook? Or had she recently gotten out of the fwb relationship with Tae? Can't believe Taehyung is finally being sweet to her when he had been so awful before >:( He cannot act hot and cold all at once !! He messes with my feelings </3 I hope Taehyung does it because he genuinely has feelings for mc, but he hasn't exactly realized it yet (or he's simply just immature). It would be awful if he flirts with her only to spite Jungkook 😭 but in that sense, he's also being immature!
Does their fight actually get physical? LOL Or does Jungkook smack Taehyung in an unserious way, like "get your head back in the game!" type of vibe?
I didn't even realize it was similar to the quidditch fight :') I adore my himbos who fight for their lovers !!! A part of me just wishes for someone who would do anything to win my affection !! ESPECIALLY if it means arguing with another suitor !!!!
Oooh it's true that there are endless scenarios for ravenclaw mc !! The timeline can shift back and forth with every new heacanon :') And we can always add more to her character. It's not as if fanfiction is set into stone, but there's more leeway when it's a bunch of ideas floating in space !!
Imagining Hobi as Cameron is so insane omg !! I can't imagine him or any of the other boys being as awful as his character 💔💔 But for the sake of the story, it has to be done !! Idk why, but in my fics, I always defaulted Taehyung to be a fuckboy aha. Does he give off those vibes moreso than the other members? 😭
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actress4him · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 - Day 19 - College AU
This is the Brumaria College AU, more chapters of which can be found on the masterlist. It’s a little glimpse into Kamaria’s first relationship, pre-Bruno. Kane belongs to Izzy and is used with permission! I used the whole prompt song as inspiration for this one.
Taglist: @painful-pooch
The Shadow of Death Masterlist
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No. 19: “I’m in love with the way you hate me.”
Contains: lady whump, abusive relationship, hitting, noncon touch, noncon kissing, emotional abuse, references to past minor whump, foster care references, referenced parental abuse
He’s nice, at first. Buys Kamaria coffee at the cafe on campus. Recommends the best professors, and tells her which ones to stay away from. Helps her set up her schedule for the semester. Walks her back to her dorm at night. 
He treats her like…a person. Maybe not an equal, because there’s always that underlying thread of superiority, of implications that she’s stupid and weak. But she is weak, and she is stupid, sometimes, so she never protests. Her father treats her the same way, without any of the nice parts, and all the foster parents and social workers did, too, so it’s refreshing just to have someone see her and go out of their way to help her out without it being their job. 
When he asks her to go out with him, she’s…confused. But she doesn’t see any reason to say no. She’d never imagined herself in a relationship, but this is what you’re supposed to do in college, right? Normal girls say yes when a nice, handsome guy asks them out. In fact, she’s sure there are other girls, much more normal and smart than her, who would love for Alonso Kane to ask them out. 
So she says yes. And they start dating. 
The nice, out of the way gestures don’t last. She didn’t really expect them to. He grows more impatient with her, more demanding of her time, and gets upset when she can’t fulfill his every wish. His time is his own, of course, to spend however he wants it, but she’s not allowed to make plans without his approval. 
Kamaria easily falls into the motions of doing whatever it takes to appease him. She’s been doing it since she was twelve, there’s nothing new about any of this. Every foster family comes with their own set of rules, and she went through more than she cared to keep count of in two years. Their reactions to those rules being broken varied greatly, but as an “angry child” she mostly got placed with the ones that had the more extreme reactions. 
Her father is the exact same way, only with even more impossible rules to keep. Kane’s are at least fairly easy to keep track of. 
It’s not all bad, either. He’s the only person she has to talk to, and he still takes her out sometimes to football games or to get ice cream or coffee. His advice might be delivered in a cruel, impatient manner, but it’s still good advice. And yes, he likes to dictate what she eats and wears, but he’s spending his own money on her. She doesn’t have any money to spend on extra things, her father only gives her what she needs for the necessities, so it’s all a treat to her. 
The fact that she hates the way he treats her, that this is exactly what she was happy to get away from when she moved off to college, shouldn’t be important. This is life, this is how life works.
And she deserves it, anyway. As soon as they became officially boyfriend and girlfriend, he tried to kiss her. She may have freaked out a little. He has a right to be angry about that. She lets him kiss her now, but she hates it, and she’s sure he can tell that. She won’t let him go any farther, either, is extremely adamant about kissing being as far as they will ever go, and it’s no secret that he isn’t happy. He still pushes her, tries to put his hands on her, and gets mad when she gets all tense and scared. 
Reminding her of her father is one thing. She never imagined him reminding her of Roderick, too. 
But all of that means she’s a bad girlfriend, and it’s fine for him to punish her for it.
The first time he hits her comes as no surprise. She can take a hit, she’s used to that, too. Kane seems a little miffed when she doesn’t burst into tears, but she apologizes and fixes her mistake, so he doesn’t care too much. He learns fairly quickly that the threat of hitting her is a good way to make her even more obedient, just like she learned quickly as a teen that being obedient was a good way to make sure she didn’t get hit as much. 
Their relationship is exhausting. He picks her up for a football game, compliments the clothes and jewelry that he picked out for her, holds her hand on the walk to the stadium, drinks beer and chats with his frat brothers while completely ignoring her through the whole game, gets mad at her for saying she needs to get back and study when the game is done and nearly knocks her off the bleachers, makes fun of her with his friends, walks her back to her dorm way too late, starts talking about how beautiful she is outside her door, kisses her until her skin is crawling and she’s about to panic, and punches her in the stomach and storms off when she tells him she needs to sleep.
But it’s still better than what she’s used to. There’s nothing else better out there, at least not for someone like her. Fairy tale romances are for stories, and for perfect cheerleaders with two perfect parents and no anger issues. She firmly believes that this is as good as it’s ever going to get for her, that there’s really nothing at all wrong with it.
Until she meets Bruno.
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