#for a moment you think its gonna be a corny oh bad people help each other movie but nah lol
not-souleaterpost · 2 months
Trigun - Inspired by the movie "Wise blood"?
(maybe the book too but havent read it)
Anyways, first I thought it would just be funny to point out some surface visual references of charachters which prolly are too generic to be proof of anything.
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I mean ehh thats generic enough-
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Well that too-
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Well the hat and crazy eyes are there
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Well the last more recalls Vash's own injurys
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(think there is a scene in his Eriks disguise that match more)
But ok, one could say that this is as arbitrary as any other of my posts that dont deserve to be posted - Until I saw the full movie and got that there may be a deeper and more interessting connection
So trigun is know to have atleast Christian-adjasent themes and the author, even if never or not anymore Christian, seems to have a familiarity and interest with it that goes beyond the usuall japanese "wow cool crossess" and pop kabalah stuff (like NGE and shit or persona having all those occcult demon shit)
So what does it have to do with the movie? Well it is one exploring a theme that seems to be simmilar, even if Wise Blood presents it in a more macabre, black-humor, less sentimental and uplifting way
A world without God - or better said Christ/Love/Forgivness
Triguns whole point about Vash not killing anybody IS in the end an expression of the want of the world to be able to heal, to get better, to people to connect in a true way, of going beyond tricks and self serving rational scientfic interests
Thats why Knifes is kinda a representation of cold, uncarring survival of the fittest, of evolution, of the rule of superior beings by force and cold calculation and deception.
To make a parralel to the movie, it shows a man who cant see Christ, the power of redemption of something beyond himself and his own interests and striving - even if he feels justified by partly believing the things he rejects.
But in the end without them, it becomes a self fullfiling prophecy - his "Church without Christ" - without healing of the blind and resurection, without redemption - it condems him to that, making him blind and dead, and his atempts at repenting for killing some guy for a petty reason futile - not even being able to recupareta the love he gets from a landlady.
The theme of a fake preacher is then what is reflected in Wolfwood in Trigun, who is also just a killer, trained by another one, who can in the end find redemption in death and doing the right thing, even if it has a tragedy to it.
And in a way that illuminates Vash's whole journey more, why he couldnt give up and why it was important for him to find love and not become a more suffisticated monkey in a zoo who's hand only his brother would want to shake...
And thats why Vash not killing is actually cool and good and not stupid - cause of a random movie that butchered a book that prolly was tottally different.
But why the self.depreciation? Isnt apreciating the world and creation, "art", not a dialog, a call and response of unlikely meetings?
If not: Yeah...Sorry
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primaviva · 10 months
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PAIRINGS: gwen, miles (42!), hobie, pav, and miguel x fem! reader
SYNOPSIS: astv characters and their s/o going to see barbie.
WARNING/NOTES: matching outfits, the mention of o-o-oppenheimer 🤢🤮, barbie photo ops, miguel being a mamón
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i hate to say it so… but she wanted to watch oppenheimer first.
she sent you a text talking about sum “babe let’s see oppenheimer it looks good 🥰” and then you sent her a voice memo of gun shots from your gun sound simulator app and she understood she was wrong.
gwen thinks father of the atomic
it’s not like she didn’t wanna see barbie but she was like… it’s barbie
“babe cmon! you can’t tell me oppenheimer doesn’t look cool. what is barbie even about? is she gonna go on an adventure to find that old rubber high heel the little girl that owns her lost those many years ago? oooo so interesting.”
“do not mock me gwendolyn.”
you showed her the trailer as gwen showed you the oppenheimer trailer
in the end you both lost.
yeah… oppenheimer is a glorification a historical event that people don’t touch on the affects it had and rather the men behind it
and yeah… barbie having an existential crisis on what it means to be a woman and her place in the world sounded like it had potential
“i mean, yeah the trailer is kinda fire,” you admitted, weak in defeat.
gwen crossed her arms with a smirk of victory. “see! i told you that it looked cool,” she rubbed in your face before changing her expression, “but… barbie also sounds like it’s gonna be good. who says we can’t do both?”
you guys do barbieheimer.
and since you both were already gonna indulge in the internet craze… of course you played into it
gwen dressed in all black in this tux and even got the hat to match
you on the other hand wore all pink in tribute to barbie
she was FAWNING over you.
the cute outfit? the accessories? you in general?
you also couldn’t lie with how attractive gwen looked in a blazer I MEANNNN
she wore a bunch of rings on her hands and had a tie and all but she made it looser and looser until she just took it off and shoved it in her pocket before y’all left because it was annoying the shit out of her
“oh my you look so dapper,” you complimented, fighting back laughs from your choice of wording.
you watched as she smoothed down the blazer, shocked that she even had that in her closet. it was weird seeing her dressed like that and you couldn’t help but try to not look. it would be a bad night if she caught you peeking because yeah, you know she’s fine, but do you want her knowing that? to use that against you as leverage? hell. no.
gwen let out a laugh as she striked a pose, hands on her hips moving the sides of the blazer behind her to show off black waistcoat top. “really? you flatter me. aren’t you the bees knees yourself, babe.”
you cringed. hard.
her attempt at 1940 slang was where you drew the line and her shit eating grin didn’t help.
“gwen… dare i say gwendolyn again.”
she smirked. “yes, sugar lips?”
“i hate you.”
gwen was clearly feeling herself
you were too
and trust there was a photoshoot. and trust that it was gwen’s idea even if it was mostly her taking photos of you and her hyping you up crazy
“you’re gonna be the prettiest there babe. nobody can top my girl! not even barbie-”
“don’t be corny with me please…”
you guys decided to watch oppenheimer first and then end on a happy note with barbie
throughout oppenheimer you could see… even FEEL gwen’s eyes staring at the side of your head
she was just making sure you at least enjoyed the movie because it would break her soul if she forced you to watch something you didn’t like
you guys ended up loving it, especially the bomb scene
then you guys watched barbie…
it was a lot of laughing but the moment the movie started taking its turn bro gwen was fighting tears
and at the end of it? BALLING HER EYES OUT
if you are crying you both are just looking at each other in utter shock at the movie but also doing a really poor job at hugging each other
if you aren’t crying your eyes out with her you are comforting her while kinda laughing at her because she thought it was just gonna be some pink glam movie
it wasn’t.
“t-the message… this is so embarrassing i can’t stop crying what the fuck,” she cried into her palms which made her sound really funny as it was muffled by her skin.
you just held her close and you guys talked about the movies
especially like talking about the symbolism in barbie and how it touched on women suffering from the system and standards they are forced to live up to like it really hit gwen especially because the hate she got for how she acted in astv and how nobody was coming at the males that did the same or even worse than her
she sends you tiktok edits of gloria x barbie and says “us❤️”
overall, it was a 10/10 experience y’all went out to eat after in your cute outfits n all
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you asked him and miles was down IMMEDIATELY
he was another that thought oppenheimer looked good but he didn’t really mention going to the movie with you and the same thing for barbie
miles just thought they was both cool lookin
so you asked him.
“miles, baby, i have a very important question to ask you… one that may very well determine the outcome of this relationship.”
you spoke stern and serious, and almost vague.
"yeah, what's up? something wrong?" miles asks, slightly concerned, running his fingers through his curls and looking up at you.
“will you watch the barbie movie with me?” you pleaded with your hands, “pleaseee!”
miles eyes go wide, a smile spreading across his face.
"yes! i'm so down! i'll even be your ken if you wanna be my barbie. you know i'm a sucker for anything barbie."
you laughed, moving over to sit in his lap. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer. “my ken, huh? i like the idea of that.”
“i mean, what else would i be? i’m here to serve you,” he spoke with a slight blush painted on his cheeks. you giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“we should do those matching couple outfits for barbie,” you suggested, “wouldn’t we look so cute?”
"matching outfits?" he asks thoughtfully. "y’know what, i think i know the perfect idea for our couple's look, babe."
miles had this glow to him as you literally saw a light bulb go off in his head.
“oh really, you have an idea?” you questioned, furrowing your brows at the speed of whatever little brain storm was going on in his head. “is it boricua barbie? because not gonna lie, i’d love to see you in a dress.”
"hmm, you wanna see me in a pink, ruffly dress?" miles teases you, smiling at the idea. "why didn't you tell me you were into cute boys in feminine outfits sooner, babe? cus’ i’d dress up for you whenever you want."
“you play too much,” choked out through the giggles as you shoved his shoulder. "hey now, i look amazing in a dress," he laughs. "but i do have an idea that includes both matching barbie costumes and me being your ken, if you're up for it."
miles smiles sweetly at you, his expression turning a little mischievous. “if you have an idea, please do tell,” you said in a sultry voice.
"i want to do what barbie and ken did in that one movie, where ken turns out to actually have superpowers too," miles explains excitedly. "but instead of us being the same superhero, like we both have super strength or super speed, we could be superheroes who complement each other."
you laughed im disbelief. ‘no way’ you thought, knowing exactly what he was thinking of.
he takes your hand, placing the other one on your cheeks and staring deeply into your eyes as he smiles at you. "what do you think?" miles whispers, leaning down toward you.
“you wanna be barbie and ken… from barbie princess power,” you recited slowly, a grin stretching across your face. “of course the one who is a superhero vigilante says this.”
miles' smile widens. "yes, princess power! that's exactly what i was talkin’ about," he says. "and come on, don't underestimate the barbie movies. most of them are really good, dare i say cinematic masterpieces!”
you mouthed an ‘okay’ as you rolled your eyes.
"if i'm your ken, you have to be my barbie," he says, moving his hands onto your waist and moving you up his lap. "the most iconic couple in the barbie universe, right here."
y’all outfits looked so funny but cute… like in a diy that didn’t go wrong typa way
and if you think for a minute mamita rio let y’all go without them facebook mom photos you’re sadly mistaken
"sonríe pa la foto!" rio yelled as the flash coming from her phone was almost blinding.
“mami, por favor-”
miles begging was not gonna get him anywhere with his mom.
“dios mío, you both look so cute,” rio gushed.
“señora morales…you’re too kind!”
miles dad gave you both the typical “y’all better not get into no trouble” parent speech and then you both was off
when i say he was fangirling over the barbie themed cups and popcorn… i mean it
he was taking photos of everything
the whole movie his mouth was wide open in awe
miles was actually so furious at ken he looked absolutely lost and physically upset watching that white piece of plastic run a muck in barbieland
yes, he cried at the end… and at the middle… and a little at the start
at first he was just amazed with the cinematography
but then when they got to the real world? just seeing through the movies lens and it’s take on how modern society treats women based on the parallel barbie world like he felt so unreal
at the end, he was acting like those guys on tiktok that was treating the women in they lives like absolute QUEENS walking out the theater because of the perspective they got watching the movie
not that he didn’t treat you like that before, don’t get him wrong, it’s just that he felt the need like a bunch of other guys after watching the movie to apologizes for the system men have created
it was a little funny, especially because it has nothing to do with him and men doing this type of stuff is a little corny coming from the privilege of the gender, but you appreciated it nonetheless
if you cried during the movie tho? he is bear hugging you crazy and not letting go even after the barbie world credits end
you guys leave the theater holding hands and talking about the film and he is geeking out over all the symbolism and stuff this man watches titanic you know he’s a secret film bro
“i’m so sorry mi amor, that us men have failed our women-”
and there miles went, on a nonstop rant about how you are his queen and how much he loves the women in his life.
you ended up sleeping over at his place
with the door open of course… you know rio is watching.
he had so much fun with you tonight and you could tell by the way he slept with a big smile displayed on his face.
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you asked him and he was happily accepting before you even got the question fully out.
“pav!” you called out from behind him, pulling him in from the neck for a hug. “hey, i wanna ask you something. do you wanna-”
“wait… what? pav i didn’t even say anything yet? what if i’m about to say something completely criminal?” you asked in a teasing tone.
“hehe, yeah maybe i’m a little too excited to see you. what is it, love?”
his eyes looked at you so bright and full of love, it was almost distracting.
“can we go see the barbie movie? we can even wear all pink and match…”
you were gonna say more, but you didn’t have to.
pav was immediately saying yes to everything
until the fear sunk in…
"wait, but I don't have anything pink to wear!" pavitr exclaimed, sounding slightly distressed. "does that mean you won't go with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and giving you a teasing smile.
he knows you’d never do such a thing.
"you know, i don't usually dress in pink, but for you i'll make an exception!"
you suggested you both go shopping like a little couples date
it was chaotic to say the least… but just as fun !!
he was acting like a model with everything he put on and it got even worse when you let him look at the stuff you were putting on
absolutely whipped.
“my girlfriend is gorgeous! absolutely gorgeous!”
you thanked him again, and again, and again.
“pav, do you think you are india’s next top model? because you are not gaytari,” you teased for him not finding an outfit yet, landing a peck on his cheek as he giggled in response.
"i'II look my best for the movie," he added with a wink. "are you sure you can handle all this style?"
all you could do was roll your eyes.
y’all were almost late to the movie because of bro
but you weren’t.
for the movie he was similar to miles and just in awe
in the beginning he was rooting for ken because he thought he was just being a good service boyfriend
you can imagine pavitr heartbreak when he started talking about the patriarchy
man is anger sobbing
words cannot describe the physical anger he feels seeing ken talk to barbie in such a manner he was stunned at the switch up
he also loved all of ruth’s parts, thinks she carried the whole movie
was physically leaning backwards at the sad scenes just taking it all in
pavitr LOVED the movie
came out the theater a changed man.
“my amazing, sweetest, most caring girlfriend…the prettiest of all mumbattan,” he spoke as he got down on one leg.
‘oh boy’ you thought, preparing yourself.
“i promise you, i would never ever treat you like how ken did barbie. you are a breathtaking woman and deserve the world-”
there goes another speech.
he walked you home like a true gentleman he smoking that ken pack and y’all talked about your favorite parts
pavitr overall had a really good time with you and enjoyed the message of the movie
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hobie is not and i repeat NOT watching that atomic bomb glorification story
but a movie about the patriarchy and double standard against women that hurts both genders based on the system men built through a satire film that is actually very political and has a message? yeah he’s going
when you told him tho not gonna lie he was gonna clown you
“barbie? like that lil white girl… you sure you wanna go watch that, luv?”
once you told him about the plot and showed him the trailer bro was READY to go
the set up of barbie world being a parallel to modern society was music to his ears
“really? i didn’t really expect allat comin’ from that bird. ight then, i’ll go. now i'm kinda curious.”
yes, he dresses up with you.
hobie is a punk icon… you know gender does not define him and he doesn’t care about breaking the “rules” of fashion of bit
so what does he dress as?
erika from rock n royals barbie.
guitar included.
you? well it’s a couple costume YOU'RE GONNA BE HIS COURTNEY
it’s not like you guys wore an exact replica of the outfits it was just heavily inspired fits
y’all looked cute as hell tho trust
“hobie, i can feel you staring,” you told him as you fixed up your makeup in your mirror.
it was true, you could feel him staring at you. heavy.
you looked to the side of your mirror and indeed saw him eyeing your figure with a soft smirk as he leaned against your bed frame. “what, not allowed to look at my girl now? since when?”
he was teasing and he knew it was making you flustered just by how your face was heating up.
his outfit isn’t too far out of bounds of what we would normally wear, but you couldn’t lie and say that the new colors didn’t fit him. the purple and the blue accents of his outfit, the leather jacket, the black eyeshadow with glitter that he surprisingly let you do, just everything about him looked so good.
hobie walked up behind you and put his hands on your hips, guiding your body closer to his as he watched your hands freeze applying your lip liner.
“don’t stop cus’ of me,” he spoke sheepishly.
you continued and shortly after finished up. his eyes still stared silently at you, admiring your beauty. “looking again, hobie? y’know i hope you pay attention to this movie…”
“i am,” he admitted with no shame, “you’re the prettiest gal i’ve seen. not gonna deny that.”
he pressed a slow, open mouth kiss on your shoulder as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. his breath was warm against your chilled skin.
“shall we get goin’ now?”
he payed attention to the movie but he couldn’t help wrapping a arm around your shoulder and making little comments in your ear
hobie got quiet tho towards the middle because he genuinely got invested once her feet turned flat and barbie met the ceo
but once the movie started getting deep… BOYY the look on this mans face he was stunned, appalled, baffled, gobsmacked even at ken
and then the speech about women? lawd.
he didn’t cry at all during the final sequence and if anything i think he was confused…
“wait that’s the lady from before that was makin tea, innit?”
“yes hobie.”
“holdup, where the granny go? what’s with the white void?”
don’t get it twisted tho he understood the film and thought it was beautifully done
y’all talked about all the topics afterwards and let’s just say bro hates kens and is angry that nobody told them shit
“are they mad? they must be cus’ no way after everything that happened they just gon forgive the man for being a raging misogynist… they had the girls wearing maid costumes and not one apology was heard man that’s insane!”
hobie smoking that ken pack
he enjoyed the movie but what made him enjoy it was doing it with you <33
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you know you had to ask him.
bro was not considering anything that would take him away from his work or distract him because he feels he doesn’t have time for that
and the crazy thing is that miguel knows about the hype about the movie and the whole barbie core pink mania
but of course he gonna act like he don’t and got better things to do.
“do you wanna see the barbie movie with me?”
those the words that stopped the gears turning in his head.
“excuse me?” miguel asked, looking up from his report with furrowed brows as his forehead already began to crease.
you wanted to dwell on the fact that he is getting annoyed before you even got to explain yourself, but you pushed it to the back of your mind. no, you couldn’t let him get push you away this time.
“you heard me, miguel. c’mon, the movie with margot robbie! and did i mention barbie? one of the most popular dolls? don’t act stupid,” you told him, walking over and wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him close from behind as he sat. “you don’t think it would be fun?”
he pinches the bridge of his nose, knowing what you’re about to get him into.
“mi vida…” you hear him sigh, quietly in almost a cut-it-out type of tone. he moves his head to the side and you can practically feel the confusion behind the glare. “you’re joking.”
you move one of your hands to your heart. “miguel!” you gasped playful, “this is a serious matter. why would i even joke about watching a movie with you?”
“because there's no way you're being serious. you don't go looking for me to see a barbie movie. especially one you know i'll refuse,” he replies, his voice stern.
"Is this some sort of elaborate humiliation attempt?"
"... you're serious, aren't you? what's in it for me? i mean, it's a barbie movie."
you explain to him the premise and he still acts like this whole thing is stupid and you have no business trying to see this movie with him
but he can’t lie, he’s intrigued.
he kinda wants to see it.
and he’s trying his best to hide it.
"okay… what time?" he asked, defeated.
“really, my begging actually worked? thank god because i already brought two tickets and it would’ve been sad showing up alone,” you confessed.
“you bought them? already?” he repeated, caught off guard by how ready you were. “and what time are they for?"
“fine, fine. but i'm holding you to your word. If it turns out this is some kind of elaborate scheme, you'll be hearing about it."
he’s so suspicious for no reason
now when it came to outfits… yeah you know miguel owns no pink whatsoever
you didn’t even know he knew about the pink craze or even wanted to play into it until he let it slip
"what am i supposed to wear then? i don't own anything pink.”
“it’s fine we’ll go shoppin- wait who said anything about pink outfits to you?”
you started making fun of him but then he threatened to take back saying he was going with you and told you that you’d be sitting in a theater all by yourself
but then you brought up again how he was ready to wear pink for you and he had a little slip up
"n-no? i mean, I could… if i’m gonna go see this thing with you and it your way, might as well commit right?”
his facade was slipping, this was golden. “so you will wear pink?”
the mischievous look on your face made him annoyed but he knew what he was getting into.
“i said i could, not that i’m going to. don’t get your hopes up chiquita."
he did end up wearing pink
little said he know you were plotting something against him
it started off nice… simple.
it was white pants with a pink button up
you told him for a “pop of color” he should wear a green blazer
sound familiar? because you were planning a scheme YOU DRESSED HIM AS SUGAR DADDY KEN
it was for shits and giggles
he had no idea until it was all paid for and safe to tell him before miguel made you fix his outfit
he’s ore than a little surprised, and not really sure how to react. miguel takes a look at the outfit, and does his best to try and hold back a chuckle.
"this... is a joke. there's no way you're serious about me wearing this, is there?”
“put. it. on.”
he does a low sighs and take the outfit from you. "fine, only because it's you."
it didn’t take him long to finish in the changing room, and when he stepped out you were enchanted by the sight.
yes. indeed you were very happy.
he was paying for everything of course like the sugar daddy he doesn’t know he is
he had his arms crossed, sat down legs spread, watching you change into different pink outfits and rating telling you how he thought you looked
you’d do little spins for miguel
“muy bella.” “you look gorgeous.” “i like that one, fits you nicely.”
you ended up leaving and going to the movie and while on your way there decided to tell him about his little outfit.
“you wanna know a secret, miggy?” you ask him with a grin.
he raises a brown at you, “i feel like you're gonna tell me regardless, so i'm gonna say yes.”
you say nothing, you just pull up a photo of sugar daddy ken and show it to him.
as his eyes flicker to the screen, you see the light amusement fade away from his expression as it turns to one of genuine confusion and horror. miguel’s hand moves subconsciously to the green blazer, as the fear sets in that he recognizes exactly what the outfit is referring to. “you didn’t…”
“but i did.”
“you. you are a bad person.”
truth be told, he really liked the movie
miguel just really liked the message like it made it him think of all the women that were and are in his life like you and all the other girls he’s wronged before you iykyk
but it also made him sad because it reminded him of gabriella
just thinking about all the muñequitas she use to play with before it happens
all the dress up games they use to play, when he pretended to be whatever doll he picked for her to play pretend scenarios with her dream house
it also made him sad to think of the strong, independent woman she wouldn’t become if it wasn’t for him
he didn’t tear up, no not at all.
but by the empty look on his face you could tell just how he was feeling
you put a hand over his as the audience laughed at the screen. “miguel, you okay? you know we can leave if that’s what you want.”
he just turned, put his hand over yours and gave it a squeeze. “no, no… i’m fine. don't worry.”
you guys had a good time and you swore you could see a small smile stretch across his face during some moments
he genuinely wanted to talk about the movie with you for hours but the man does have to sleep at some point
“hey, i just wanted to thank you for uh… convincing me to see a barbie movie. yeah, it sounded ridiculous and thought you were trying to find some way to mess with me for my attention. but, i really did enjoy spending time with you. just felt compelled to tell you that is all.”
miguel holds his heavy responsibility of the universe on his shoulders and is filled with grief
he doesn’t do this with the intent to tell people how to live their lives, but to try and protect what he couldn’t
so yeah, he’s glad you could give him some relief from the day
A/N: hey guys… i feel it’s been a minute but this took so long and it’s my first time writing for all of them beside gwen so im scared it’s gonna sound like shit so ??? i hope y’all enjoyed tho 🫶 BARBIE WAS SO GOOD
© 2023 primaviva — artist credits: zvdohu
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hangovercurse · 3 years
The GQ Couples Quiz
You, a famous actress, and your boyfriend, MGK, do an interview about your relationship for GQ.
Request: “Can I get a Colson Baker imagine where you do the couple interview for buzzfeed please”
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: I changed it to the GQ interview because I couldn’t find the one for Buzzfeed, sorry!
Word Count: 2480
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“Hey guys I’m MGK”
“And I’m Y/S/N”
“And this is the GQ couples quiz.” You both said at the same time before busting out in laughter at the corniness.
“I think you know way more about me than I know about you.” Colson said, a nervous look on his face.
You giggled, “I think I know some stuff that could get you into trouble.”
The producers behind the cameras laughed at that. “Okay, I’ll go first.” Colson picked up the cards in his hand. “What is my full name?”
You smiled, “Starting off with the heavy stuff here, guys.” You said, looking behind the cameras with a laugh. “Your full name is Richard Colson Baker.” Colson made a face at the use of his first name which made you giggle.
“Yeah, but if anyone calls me Richard or Richie,” he pointed straight into the camera, “I will come for you.” You giggled at his silliness, looking at your own card which held the same question.
“Okay, what is my full name?” You looked up at him, “If you get this wrong, I will walk out of here.”
His eyes went wide, “I think I know my own girlfriend’s name Ms. Y/F/N.” You giggled, nodding in approval, and letting him continue. “Where was I born?”
You rolled your eyes, “Houston, Texas. Easy. Where was I born?”
“Y/B/T” He said with a grin, flipping to the next card.
“What is my secret talent?”
“You say this is your secret talent, but you talk about it all the time so I don’t know if it counts.” You said, “but you can juggle.”
He nods, “That’s the only talent I have so it counts.” You giggled, shaking your head. “Yours is that you can balance shit on your head, right? Like cups and plates and shit.”
You nodded, “together we make a whole circus act.”
You both laughed, his entire body moving as he did. Eventually, he calmed down and looked at the next card. “I’m gonna look like such a shitty boyfriend.” You laughed, waiting for him to read the question, “What’s my favorite meal?”
You laughed harder, “you don’t know my favorite meal?”
He threw his head back, “I know what you eat a lot but like, I couldn’t tell you what is specifically your favorite meal.”
You giggled, “yours is Soul food. Like chicken and mac n cheese and all that.”
He nodded, “I was gonna say chicken wings, but you’re right.”
“Every time we go to Cleveland you drag me to that one place and you get so excited about it.” You told him and he smiled. “Do I wanna ask you what mine is?”
“Dude, you are gonna make me look so bad.” He shook his head, but tried anyways, “I mean, I know you like making breakfast with me and Case, but I don’t know if that’s your favorite meal or not.”
You grinned widely, excited that he got it right. “No, you’re so right. Like, it’s not the best food,” he pouted, “but the fact that we all make it together is really cute.”
He blushed, reading the next card. “What is my favorite song to sing around the house?” He started laughing in the middle of the question, making you laugh with him.
“Oh my god, what doesn’t he sing around the house?” You said to the crew behind the screen. Slim and Baze were standing to the side, laughing with you. “I guess normally its whatever he’s working on. Like I swear, no one is more obsessed with his music than he is.”
His cheeks were red and he buried his face behind his cards. “I’d like to disagree but I really don’t have a favorite song to sing around the house. It’s just kind of whatever’s in my head.’
“So, then I still get the point, right?”
“I guess you still get the point.” He sighed.
“Okay this one is different for me, what is my favorite song to dance to?” You asked, grinning slyly at him.
He rolled his eyes, “if you play anything by 24kGoldn, she will be dancing to it. If you play anything I’ve come out with, she skips it.”
You gaped, “I do not skip it you ass! You just don’t make good dancing music. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just can’t dance and cry at the same time.” By the end of your statement, you were both laughing like little kids. “But Goldn, he makes some dance-worthy music.”
Colson shook his head but continued. “What was the name of the first song I ever released and my first album?”
“Lace up.” You announced, making the x symbol with your hands. Colson nodded, smiling at you fondly. “Uh, your first song was…” you trailed off, thinking. “It wasn’t Wild Boy, was it?”
He shook his head, “nope, earlier than that. It was never on an official album.”
Your eyes shot open in realization, “Oh! Alice in Wonderland!” You shouted and he nodded, smiling proudly.
“I swear to God I look so bad right now.” He complained.
You chuckled, shaking your head, “We’ve gotten the same number of questions right! I wouldn’t have gotten that if you hadn’t told me it wasn’t on an album.” He let out a sigh but you continued, “what was the first piece of film I ever appeared in?”
You could tell he was thinking, “like commercials and stuff count?” You nodded, “you were in that Febreze commercial when you were like, 12, weren’t you?”
You laughed really loud, your head going back and your eyes shutting. “I hate that you know that.” Colson pumped his fists in the air, celebrating his correct answer.
“If you were to ask like your first actual like movie, it was Nerve, cause that’s how we met.” He said, a wide grin on his face. You nodded, matching his energy. He looked at the card, his eyes going soft. “Okay this one’s cute, when was our first date and what did we do?”
You giggled, remembering the long path to your relationship. “Our first actual date was on April 23rd, 2019. We went to a little drive-in movie and you borrowed Baze’s truck and we sat in the bed and uh… let me just say we didn’t do much watching.” The crew members started laughing with you, so much that you had to take a few seconds of a break.
“We’ll cut the break out, don’t worry.” The assistant director said. Colson’s face was red, trying to hide his laugh as you went back to the video.
You cleared your throat, “when was our first kiss?”
He chuckled, “It was not that night, funnily enough.” You both giggled, hiding your face in embarrassment. “Our first kiss was the night before. It was my birthday and we were in this huge house and there were a ton of people around and I realized that you were the only person I actually wanted to be with at that moment in time. So, we snuck out to the backyard with a bottle of something and spent the rest of the night getting drunk with each other. And at some point, I kissed you.” You smiled, the memory of that night coming back to you. “And then I asked you on said first date.”
There were a few scattered “awes” from the production team, which you laughed off. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was cute, next question.”
He shook his head at you but read the next question, “Ugh, these are all so cheesy. When did I first say I loved you?”
You chuckled, “You were on tour and I hadn’t seen you in like two months except on the phone. So, when you got back, you took me and Casie out for lunch and then we went to this skate park. I remember I was teaching Casie how to skate and you just kind of blurted it out. And Casie and I both looked at you like “what the fuck did you just say?” and you got really embarrassed about it and then Casie said “finally!” like she had been waiting for it.”
You were a giggling mess, happiness flooding your body as you remembered the moment. “No,” he started, “you don’t understand. Casie figured it out like weeks before me. We were talking on the phone, and this kid, my nine-year-old daughter, started teasing me about how nervous I was to tell you.”
Your grin widened. “I swear Casie would’ve killed me if I hadn’t told you that day.”
“I will have to thank Casie at some point.” You said as you flipped to the next question. “What is my favorite movie and TV show? You gotta get them both right.”
He put his head in his hands, letting out a sigh. “I know your favorite movie is Nerve for obvious reasons,” he motioned up and down his body, “however, I know you’ve seen The Dirt about a hundred times, so.” He pointed his head at you and you rolled your eyes.
“He’s so egotistical.” You said to the camera. “But you’re right, Nerve is my favorite movie not only because its how we met but also because it was the first movie I was ever in. But if you were to ask my favorite movie that I’m not in, it would be The Dirt. You get 2 points for that one.”
Colson nodded, “hell yeah. Okay, what do I consider my biggest career accomplishment?”
Your eyes went wide as you realized you didn’t know the answer. “I could say like three or four different things right now.” You whined, looking to him for help. “When Miocic started coming out to your song, when you recorded with Crue, when Cena started using your song. You’ve done so much shit.”
He chuckled, “yeah but what’s the most important one, like to me?”
You tilted your head, “Was it when you performed on New Year’s?” You asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.
He laughed, “you’re a goddamn mind reader, I swear.” You smiled, sighing in relief, “yeah, it wasn’t like the biggest thing but it was the most important to me.”
You smiled, “we’re just on the same wavelength.” He rolled his eyes at your goofiness. “Okay, okay. How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
He chuckled, looking down at his hands, “if its something I did and we’re like, in public, you just won’t talk to me and like you won’t let me touch you.” He turned to the camera and the rest of the room, “like we are both very touchy people, so if she stops holding my hand or something, I know I fucked up.”
You giggled, nodding in agreement, “but if I really mess up, she’ll let me know.”
“We’re very big on communication.” You smiled, both of you stifling laughter at the many memories of you arguing over stupid things. “But it’s why this works, y’know?” You said to the camera.
“You should get this one, what’s my biggest fear?” He asked, the room falling silent.
You turned to look at him, a soft smile on your face. “Losing Casie.” You said, “or me, but mostly Casie.” You both knew how much he loved Casie. It was what attracted you to him so much in the first place. And since you’d known him, Casie had become equally important in your life.
He nodded, “yeah. I’ve had, like, actual nightmares about it. Scariest shit.”
You let the answer linger in the air for a second before pulling out the last card. “Okay, last question. When did we first meet and when did you first realize you liked me?” You grinned up at him and he blushed.
“First day we met was the day of the Nerve read through and we hit it off immediately. But I realized I “liked” you,” he used air quotes when he said the word liked, “when you did that ladder scene. I remember thinking like, “damn, that girl is fucking metal.””
You laughed, “I was so terrified but I was trying to keep calm because I wanted you to think I was cool.” You squeezed your eyes shut, “I was freaking out.”
Colson laughed with you, pausing to catch his breath, “but the first time I realized I loved you was when I was on tour. Normally I called you before I went out after the show, but this one night I was really burnt out and the only thing I wanted to do was to sit on the bus and facetime you. And even though I was like four hours behind you and it was like 5 am where you were, you stayed up with me and we just talked for a while. And then you fell asleep without hanging up and I couldn’t bring myself to hang up. So, I just, as creepy as this shit sounds, I just watched you sleep. And I had that thought of like, I could do this every night and not get bored of it. And that’s when I realized that I loved you.”
The look on your face explained your emotions perfectly, and it was something the internet talked about for a while after the video was released. Colson blushed, “now you gotta say when you first realized you liked me so I don’t look like a little bitch.”
You laughed loudly, body shaking. “Ok, first time I realized I liked you was when you brought Casie to set. Like, the way you acted with her and everything was so sweet. Like I was already attracted to you but that was the point where I was like, woah.” You made wide eyes to prove your point. “I realized I loved you the same facetime call. I hate being woken up and I was really mad when my phone rang. But then I saw it was you and my heart literally did a little backflip. The next morning, I woke up to the call still going and you were asleep on the other end and I realized that I would never answer a facetime call at 5 am for anyone else.”
He smiled fondly at you, “we’re so in sync.” You giggled, agreeing.
“Okay, that was our really cheesy GQ couple’s quiz. Thank you guys so much for watching. Stream Daywalker by MGK and Corpse.” You said to the camera.
“And go see Y/N’s new movie out on Netflix!” Your boyfriend said giving a thumbs up to the camera.
The director gave you the signal to cut and you let out a sigh of relief, looking over to Colson, who was already looking at you. “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too, dork.” You mumbled, moving from your chair to his, resting your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you.
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Ah, your work is so cute and it puts me in a good mood! You also have the characters personalities perfected! I was wondering if you could do a fic where maybe Mammon and MC are hanging out and MC comes out as trans (Ftm), but on accident (like Mammon sneaks a peak at his phone and noticed pride stuff and asks). Recently figured out I was and it’s been a bumpy ride and I just need a fic to cheer me up. Thank you if you do
You sir have been Most Patient, and for that I cannot thank you enough! This is super late, but I hope all is going well with you and your journey. ^-^ I also hope you still get some enjoyment out of this fic, even if it’s oh so very late.
Like… a year late. Maybe more. Probably more.
Sidebar, the setup for this feels kinda long but I also personally think it’s funny so I’m leaving it. I don’t have an editor to tell me no sooooooo :p
Content warnings: Accidental outing as trans, the mortifying ordeal of coming out, but otherwise this is gonna be pretty fluffy. 
Also, this isn’t a warning, but since I usually do gn stuff, I’m gonna be extra clear and say this fic is about a transgender male MC who uses he/him pronouns. Ladies and theydies, if you’d like your time, please wait until I’ve opened requests again and I’ll be happy to write ‘ya something.
Cis people who want to be transphobic? Why are you even here lmao
MC Comes Out as FTM By Accident (feat. Mammon)
It’s a (relatively) quiet day at the House of Lamentation. Satan is still firmly in the scheming phase of his latest prank; Lucifer is in some parlour somewhere, sipping Demonus and listening to a record that would “somberly vibrate the flesh off of your mortal bones, MC”; and Levi and the twins are livestreaming a bet about how many of the otaku third born’s figurines Beel can bench press (the latter two are under threat of 1000 years of torture if any of the merchandise is damaged).
This leaves Mammon and MC chilling on one of the House’s many frighteningly expensive couches, sometimes chatting, sometimes just silently sharing Devilgram memes with each other. 
(Asmo had been with them, but left after declaring that the sexual tension Mammon constantly radiated while around MC had become more pathetic than amusing. MC had just rolled his eyes and laughed, but judging by how many pillows Mammon had thrown his brother’s way and the dark blush on his face, he was taking the teasing more seriously.)
Personally, MC didn’t get why Mammon’s brothers gave him such a hard time. Sure he can be abrasive and his refusal to be honest despite how terrible he is at lying could get… frustrating, to say the least, but all in all he isn’t a bad person. Maybe demons are just bad at expressing genuine fondness for each other. Or maybe it just runs in the family, so to speak.
“H-hey, what are ‘ya staring at?!” Oops. MC didn’t even realize he’d been eyeing Mammon for that long. Not that he minds getting an extra eyeful of Mammon...
“Sorry, just spaced out for a minute there,” he says. 
Neither break eye contact for a long moment.
Shit, this is awkward. Think, MC, say something!
“So did you see this video of a hellhound on a trampoline—”
A glass-shattering shriek echoes through the House of Lamentation, followed by — oh that is actual glass shattering — and the plip-plap footsteps of someone running with bare, wet feet. Seconds later, a furious and appropriately damp Asmodeus comes flying down the stairs, with a weird orange and white towel on his head… Aaaaand nothing else on. MC doesn’t get to process any more than that before Mammon pounces on him, straddling him and covering his eyes with a hand.
“Asmo! What the hell are you doing, running around naked and screaming?!”
“I think you know why, you stupid scumbag!” Asmo retorts with an affronted flip of his hair. Or at least MC thinks it was his hair, all he knows is he just got lightly splashed. Why does he smell citrus?
“What are you even talking about?”
“I was going to take a nice, relaxing bath to scrub off your desperation for MC’s affections—”
“I am NOT desperate!”
“— but when I washed my hair, you know what happened?”
“...You confused orange juice for shampoo?” Mammon drawls. MC doesn’t need his vision to picture the smirk on Mammon’s face.
“How dare you,” Asmo hisses at much lower volume than before, “I would never confuse any of my bathing products.” His voice immediately returns to its regular cadence. “No, someone snuck dye into it, or replaced it, or cursed it or something! Because now,” a towel smacks wetly against the floor, “my hair looks like this!”
Mammon howls with laughter, prompting Asmo to make several sounds MC semi-confidently determines to be swears in Infernal… or whatever the native language of the Devildom is called.
He paws at Mammon’s hand obscuring his vision. If Asmo’s hair has been turned into a creamsicle by some prank gone wrong, he very much wants to see the damage. Unfortunately, Mammon doesn’t budge.
“Not that this isn’t extremely hilarious, but what does it have to do with me?”
Asmo squawks indignantly. “What does it— It was obviously you, you idiot!”
Finally, Mammon removes his hand from MC’s eyes to point an accusatory finger at Asmo and proclaim, “No way!”
The brothers’ petty argument fades into white noise as MC beholds Asmo’s hair. It truly is something else. The demon’s curls have gone from a peachy pink to a swirled mess of neon orange, with pieces of the original colour peaking through here and there. It cannot be played off as intentional or good in any way. There are even patches of his skin that are dyed orange as well. It’s pretty hilarious.
MC is starting to lose feeling in his legs.
“Uh, Mammon? You mind getting off of me?”
Eyes enormous, the Avatar of Greed does just that, and instead presses himself into the other side of the couch like a startled cat. Asmo rolls his eyes and turns his attention to MC.
“You’re not overwhelmed with the most poorly hidden crush of the millenia, right? Would you mind helping me sort this mess out?” he asks. “Think about it. It’ll just be you and me, all glistening and—”
“Not helping your case,” MC retorts, carefully keeping his eyes above Asmo’s waist, “but yeah, whatever cursed soda got into your hair stuff is probably close enough to normal stains that my tricks will help get them out. But! You need to put on some clothes first.”
“Spoilsport~ But if you insist…” Asmo smiles beatifically and saunters back to his room, making absolutely no effort to cover himself as he goes.
I’d kill for his confidence, MC thinks. He promises Mammon he’ll be back as soon as possible and takes his leave, following the trail of watery footprints.
Mammon remains folded into the corner of the couch, pouting. Of course Asmo had to come and steal MC away from him, he can’t have any time alone with him ever! There’s always some stupid shenanigans that interrupt it— 
MC left his phone. 
It’s sitting innocuously on the couch, face down. Unguarded.
He shouldn’t. He won’t! That’s MC’s phone. Mammon may be a demon, but he’s a demon with standards. He will totally respect MC’s privacy. He’s not even tempted. Who cares about some human’s phone anyway?
...What if it’s unlocked?
“Oh screw it.” 
The phone’s in his hand before the indent it left in the couch cushion can spring back in full. It is, in fact, unlocked, and open on the photos app for some reason. The photos are organized in time based folders. Mammon scrolls through the more recent ones, which consist mostly of pictures of the brothers, some with MC, some not — hey, when did MC take that picture of him?! — until he comes across a folder simply labelled “Pride”.
“Tch, they have a whole folder dedicated to Lucifer? Gross!” Mammon remarks as he opens it.
Jealous as he may not be of MC dedicating a folder to Lucifer instead of him anyone else, new pictures of Lucifer could sell for a pretty penny on the Devildom black market…
Oh. Oh. These are not photos of Lucifer. 
Mammon’s not the most knowledgeable about the human world, but he knows a Pride parade when he sees one. It looks like MC had a really nice time, smiling and laughing with a group of people in brightly coloured clothes. The album ends with a wide shot of MC and his friends in a line doing various corny poses. Each one has a distinctly coloured flag draped across their shoulders like a cape. MC’s is a 5 striped design of bright blue, pink, and white bars. The wrinkles on the flag/cape suggest it was recently unpackaged.
Something about those colours pings at Mammon’s memory, and with a bit of effort it comes to him: when MC first came to the Devildom, his phone background involved those colours! Asmo had seen it and asked him about the colour choice, to which he’d responded with some blustering nonanswer and then promptly changed the background.
Did MC… think that any of them would judge him for being trans?
“Okay,” MC declares as he re-enters the room, “Asmo’s given up and is bleaching his hair, apparently magic demon pranks go way harder...than…” 
Mammon freezes. The pair stare each other down for a few interminable seconds.
“...That’s my phone.”
“So it is…!”
“You saw the pictures, didn’t you.”
“Piiiiiiiicturrrrreessssss?�� Mammon extends the word into several more syllables than is necessary. “What pictures?”
MC’s mouth does not say “Dude.” But the expression on his face very much conveys the sentiment nonetheless.
“Okay okay, I might have taken a little peek at your phone while you were gone. But it was just to make sure you didn’t leave it on! I locked it right away, I swear!”
“You’re still holding it.”
“Kuh-K-Keeping it warm! Cold phones lose battery faster!”
“Ugggggghhhhh okay! I looked a lot and saw everything! That what you wanna hear?!”
MC braces himself. “So…?”
“So what?”
“You don’t have any… questions?” he asks with a gesture towards himself.
“Uhhh, no?” Mammon pauses. “Oh wait, yeah, I have one.” Here we go. “ ‘MC’ and he/him pronouns are the right junk to call you by, yeah?”
MC blinks owlishly. “Yup— Uh, yeah, they are. Been that way for a while now… You really don’t—”
“MC,” Mammon says with a sharp toothed grin, “you really think humans are the only ones who get unsatisfied with what meat vessel or titles they’re assigned by the big man upstairs?”
Understanding bonks MC on the head with the same delicacy that Mammon carelessly tosses his phone back with. “Wait, r—”
“Let me show you how cool the Devildom trans flag is.”
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warrentrash · 3 years
Miss girl, please bless me with your beautiful writing. I cannot live without such luxury. From the prompt list if you will, these three. "you're the reason I'm still here" , " look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said". "I don't know if you know this, but I love you"
you’re gonna’ make me tear up with your compliments. and yes, you may request these! everyone go follow @sanchosammy she is an amazing writer and her pieces are beautiful!  
I Love You (Javier Peña X Reader)
warnings: uh horrible spanish i apologise, drinking, i think there a swear word i don’t know
prompts: “You’re the reason I’m still here.”, “Look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said.” & “I don’t know if you know this, but I love you.”
word count: 2.2k
If you were to describe your relationship with Javier in two words, you would choose faultless and petrifying. 
Faultless, because, well, you two were perfect for each other. You were on the same page for, majority, of controversial and non-controversial topics, you were both sarcastic with each other just as much as you were flirtatious, and you genuinely could imagine spending the rest of your life with him. 
That was the petrifying part. 
You two had been dating for five months and you could already tell that this was the man you could end up marrying, as corny as that sounds. It also was a somewhat of a stupid thought because neither of you had even told the other that you had loved them. Sure, there had been instances where you both almost said it, but neither of you could actually bring yourselves to speak those three little words into existence. 
And of course you loved him, he was so loving towards you, he showed you how much he appreciated you by even the smallest of things, such as picking you up after work or introducing you to his partner and best friend, Steve, and his wife, Connie, who you had instantly befriended. You two became like sisters in the short while you had known one another and she was the only other person you could confide in. 
You had no reason not to tell Javier you loved him. Maybe it was the fear of rejection, or maybe it was the fact that you refused to give into your emotions, whatever the reason it was beginning to weigh on the intimate moments you shared. 
Your relationship was still in its early stages, despite how long you had been dating for, because you were yet to experience a lot of firsts. Not in that sense, but in the sense of, meeting each other's parents, admitting out loud that you were his girlfriend and that he was your boyfriend, or even going on a date by yourselves, seeing as every time you went out it was with Steve and Connie. 
It was around your three month mark of seeing each other that Javier told you what he did for a living, because when you previously asked he would always make a joke about it instead of answering, so you never pushed. Javier told you that he was a DEA Agent so that you had the chance to back out or distance yourself if you wanted. You were concerned for his well being more than your own by that point, you weren't going anywhere.
But recently you had gotten a phone call from your parent's who had been concerned about the wellbeing of the people of Columbia, and they practically begged you to come home, but you couldn't, not yet anyways. 
Javier led you through the DEA building with his hand in yours, pointing out several things along the way to his office.  
"It's hotter than the devil anus in here, Javi!" You gasped and fanned yourself with your free hand as he pulled you into an office. You were met with not only air conditioning, but an exhausted Steve Murphy, pacing back and forth with his hands on his hips. 
He looked at you and offered you a half-hearted wave as Javi pulled his desk chair out and let you sit down. 
"What's wrong with old man Murphy?" You mused and began poking at several things on Javi's desk. Javier grinned widely at the nickname as he sat on the edge of the desk. 
"Connie’s parents and her sister have been hounding her non-stop to come home. I can't- They're driving me insane!" He growls and pretends to choke somebody out. 
You hummed in sympathy. "I understand. My parents keep begging me to come home," you said, taking notice of how Javier looked down at you in confusion. 
"They what?" He asked, his frown deepening. "And you've been ignoring their wishes?" He seemed bothered by your choices.
With a scoff you said, "don't act so upset Peña, you're the reason I'm still here." 
"So you're blaming me?"
"Did I say it was a bad thing?" You asked him and raised your eyebrows as a small smile cracked his hard features. 
You both looked at Steve who sighed loudly, seemingly still in deep thought. "They're just getting into Connie's head," Steve said, turning the conversation back to him and his problems. "I don't want her making the wrong choice."
You took pity in Steve, you knew how much he loved his wife and you knew he couldn't live so far away from her for as long as he would have to. 
"If you want, I can go and talk to her?" You offered the stressed blond your help. He sighed and closed his eyes, giving you a nod. "I'll just remind her why she's here, maybe have a few margaritas while we're at it." You rose to your feet and placed a soft hand on Javier's shoulder. "I'll stop by your place afterwards, okay?" 
You placed your lips on his softly as he murmured, "okay," into the kiss. You pulled away and grinned at him at the sweet moment you just shared. Of course, Javi being Javi, went and ruined it by slapping your ass as you turned to walk away. 
"Couldn't do it, could you?" You asked over your shoulder as you walked towards the door of the office. 
"It's just so tempting!"
You shake your butt in his direction as you walk away from the office, earning a laugh in response from both him and Steve. 
"-but I forgot the word for change, and so there I was, having this stare down with this cab driver, my underwear in one hand, and a money in the other! Oh, I looked like a hooker!" Connie laughed out her story over her half empty glass of margarita, whilst you also laughed and wiped away your tears. 
"It's camb-"
"Cambio!" Connie cried out and slapped her hand in her forehead making you laugh even harder. 
Hearing the door rattle behind you, you awed loudly and sat up on your knees, turning around to lean on the back of the couch and to face the two men who had entered with tired looks on their faces. Their spirits seemed to lift when you and Connie cheered for them. 
Javi closed the door with his foot and looked at the mess on the coffee table, where you and Connie had your small margarita station, which included a cutting board for the lime, a bowl of salt and a bucket of margarita mix, along with two empty bottles of tequila. 
"What the hell happened here?" Steve asked as he planted a kiss onto Connie's lips. 
"Y/N, is what happened!" Connie said and pointed at you as you gasped in mock offence, raising your arms a little to let Javi wrap his own arms around your waist. "She made us margaritas." 
Javi took the glass from your hand and took a small sip. You watched in amusement as his face scrunched up before accepting the cup back as he palmed it off to you. 
"That's just straight tequila!" He winced, causing you to laugh. "Alright, well are you done here?" He asked, watching as you turned to Connie for an answer. 
Connie was half awake as she rested her head on Steve's hip whilst he ran his hand through her hair. 
You pointed at Steve with your glass and said, "you need to teach her how to handle her alcohol better." Steve and Javi tag teamed as Steve took the glass from your hand and Javi lifted you over the back of the couch. "Whoa!" You exclaim and grab onto his arms tightly as he put you on your own two feet, even though you were unsure whether you were actually standing or not. 
Those drinks had gone straight to your head, and the more you internally told yourself you were in complete control of your actions and words, you found it hard for your limbs and mouth to listen to your brain.
"See you in the mornin'," Javier said to Steve who nodded his head and said goodnight. Javi wrapped his arm around your lower back and guided you towards the front door, “come on, right to bed for you." 
"Ooh, I like your thinking, Javier!" You say, causing Steve to laugh and Javi to nearly slam the door shut. 
Carefully walking down the steps, you found yourself laughing every time you almost tripped, and although it was amusing for Javi, he was worried you were going to get cussed at by one of his neighbours. "Will you keep it down?" Javi hushed you as he walked you down the last couple stairs and to his apartment door.
"Sorry!" You whisper and cover your mouth, creeping your way into Javi's apartment after he unlocked the door and opened it for you. "Oh! We should go dancing!" You say to him and spin around as he shuts the door and locks it quickly.
"No, no you should go to bed," he said and guided you down the few steps into his living room. 
You groan and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Come on, please?" You beg, lulling your head back to look at him. 
With a small roll of his eyes, Javi places his hands on your waist and begins to sway you both side to side gently. 
In content, you rest your head on his chest and sigh. 
"Échale ajito bien cortadito pa' que sepa sabroso," you softly sing as you rock side the side. "No te olvides de mi jalapeño. Porque soy el dueño del sabor más picoso" 
Javier couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled in his chest from escaping as he listened to you sing El Jalapeño, a song you had shown him only a few days before. 
You look up at him with a grin and the words fell out of your mouth before your brain could even catch up. 
"I don't know if you know this, but I love you." 
Javi stopped swaying from side to side as he watched you break eye contact and blink. He wasn't mad, or frightened even, he was relieved to know that when he was ready to tell you the same, he won't be rejected, he also now didn't have to worry about being the first to say it.
"Y/N, look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said," Javier said and brought you back down to Earth with his voice. 
Just as he predicted, you hadn't realised what you had said because you just let out a small laugh and asked, “what?” 
"Okay," he muttered and scooped you up as your head fell onto his shoulder, your entire body suddenly overcome by fatigue. "You're going to hate yourself in the morning, Hermosa,” he told you with a slight laugh as he carried you into his bedroom.
"No," you finally say after a few moments of silence and shake your head as you are placed onto the soft bed. "I'm sorry," you say through a hiccup as Javi helped you take your shoes off. Well, Javi did all the work, you just pointed your toes.
"Why are you apologising? You haven't done anything," he said with a small grin as he placed an empty bucket next to your side of the bed. 
"It's a pre-emptive apology in case," you mumble before succumbing to a much needed slumber, and rather quickly. 
Javi shook his head and went and made sure everything was locked securely, twice, before heading back into the bedroom and laying down by your side. He pressed a firm, yet soft, kiss to your forehead before wrapping his arm around your waist and following your actions of quickly falling asleep. 
"I love you." 
You whipped around to look at Javi who appeared at your side. You were in his kitchen watching your toast cook in the toaster, and Javi was hanging out the window having a cigarette, observing the people in the streets. 
The shock of having heard Javi say those words to you rendered you speechless, not for long, but long enough for Javi to begin to apologize. 
"Shut up," you tell him abruptly, your request immediately being heard. "I- I love you too…" 
The two of you could only stand there and stare at one another, both acknowledging what a step in your relationship it was to finally admit your feelings out loud. 
"What do we do now?" You mutter quietly, causing Javi to snap out of his trance like state and grin. 
He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer. "I think I know," he mused, looking down at your bottom lip that was gently tucked between your lips. While you knew he was always thinking about sex, and it made you laugh, you also knew that he wanted to move the emotional part of the declaration of his love for you. So you did. 
"Oh, really?" You mutter and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Although I think it's going to have to wait. I need to go see if Connie's still alive after how much she drank last night."
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geekgirles · 4 years
I Was Made For Loving You
Well, my dear @foxlanaeshrek​, as we say around here: lo prometido es deuda. This one-shot is based on our Rock! Branch AU. To be more specific, on your headcanon that Rock! Branch would sing rock ballads to Poppy. Hope you like it!
Branch had always known he was unusual for a Rock troll. 
 Despite his dexterity playing the most hardcore tunes with his electric guitar, he would often find himself playing more subdued and forlorn melodies. Sometimes even ballads that didn’t sound all that rock-n’-roll-ish. 
Even with his stern or even aggressive temper and his sarcastic mouth, always ready to deliver some snarky comments to whoever pushed his buttons more than what was medically recommended (basically, because most patients the doctors from Volcano Rock City tended to were usually sent there for messing with Branch in the first place), he had an uncanny ability for translating his thoughts in the form of the most beautiful verses. 
 Ugh, poetry. What a corny thing to do. If the other Rock trolls ever found out, he would never hear the end of it.
 There was also his lone wolf persona. One of the main reasons he’d been chosen as Queen Barb’s Captain, in fact. He was known for being level-headed, precise, infallible, independent, never needing anyone but himself or anything but his queen’s approval. He always got the job done. Always. And yet, he was so touch-deprived he could barely process what was happening when he received physical affection.
 Yes, he was unusual for a Rock Troll. But he’d never thought he’d be unusual enough to fall in love with a Pop troll. The Queen of the Pop trolls, of all people!
 Although, on second thought… He maybe should’ve seen it coming. 
 To make things even more unusual, Poppy was actually the only mission he had ever failed at fulfilling.
 He was supposed to send her people Queen Barb’s message, but just as he was about to, he saw her. The moment he laid eyes on her he was convinced he’d died and gone to Heaven, for only an angel could ever be good enough to compare itself to her. That voice, that laugh, those eyes, that smile! Any artistic masterpiece and its beauty paled in comparison to hers.
 And then is when he realised he’d been drooling like a hormonal teenager over the freaking Queen of the Pop trolls. Wait to go…
After finally delivering the message, he tried convincing himself that if meant nothing. He just happened to think the pink troll was hot, that’s all. It wasn’t like his heart would then threaten to burst out of his chest just at the mere thought of her, let alone having her near.
Except it sorta… kinda… low-key… high-key… did. It definitely did.
He was such a mess around her that he’d gone and made the greatest, most embarrassing mistake of his life; he’d recited poetry to her! He, a hardened Rock troll and second-in-command of the troll responsible for her imprisonment, had recited poetry to her, a happy-go-lucky queen who proved herself to be the biggest threat to their plan. And it that weren’t mortifying enough, the poetry happened to be about her. Because, why not? Since he was already digging his own grave, might as well engrave the words in his tombstone…
When he finally realised what he’d done he expected to be mocked. To be looked at as if he were completely insane (he probably was, anyway). To be laughed at… What he didn’t expect, though, was to be stared at with such single-minded devotion by a wide-eyed, blushing pink queen.
Her mesmerised voice somehow managed to bewitch and simultaneously free him from his trance, “Wow… Branch, t-that was… That was beautiful!” she praised, “No one’s ever said anything like that about me. Thank you, I also love your eyes.”
The smile on her face as she uttered those words was enough for him to realise his loyalty now laid beside her. And he’d be damned if he ever let anything bad happen to her.
Although, a shameful part of him had to admit he’d been drooling over how smothering hot she looked as a Rock troll. But nobody had to know about that.
And now that the trolls were finally united, regardless of the kind of music they worshipped, he was lucky enough to have won the Pop queen’s heart. He just needed to find a way to show how aware of his luck he was.
Luckily, he knew just the perfect thing. 
 Poppy still couldn’t believe she was dating a Rock troll. And what a Rock troll he was! Branch was everything she could’ve ever hoped for in a mate; he was smart, he was reliable, he was down-to-earth (something hard to find amongst her subjects), he had the most incredible voice! And he was, oh, so handsome. So, so handsome. She’d caught herself shamelessly devouring him with her gaze more than once. Her eyes would wander around his naked chest, completely mesmerised by his physique. Or her hands would try and touch that mullet of his, in an attempt to pull strands of hair because she could barely control herself!
But if anyone noticed and asked about it, it was always the same answer, “Oh, I just thought he had some fuzz in his hair, that’s all”, or, “Oh, I was just looking at your tattoo! I didn’t notice that one before…”
But most importantly, she loved the way he treated her. She never would have expected a Rock troll to be so caring, so attentive. But alas, that was Branch with her. And she loved every second they spent together.
Which was all the more reason to be excited about their date tonight!
The night before Debbie delivered a letter from him to her, asking to meet him at one of the clearings of Troll Village the following night. He said there was something he wanted to show her.
So there she was, dressed in a simple violet dress with pink hearts adorning the hem and a tiara to match. She could already feel her heart beating faster the moment their gazes met. She ran to him, knowing he would catch her in his open arms.
“Branch!” she greeted him as she nuzzled his cheek with his own, enjoying the embrace he had her in.
“Poppy”, he chuckled in response.
“It’s so great to see you! How’ve you been these past week?” Has it been a week already since she saw him last? How did she manage to survive that long?
“It’s been fine”, he shrugged before leaning in closer so he could whisper into her ear, “I missed the presence of the only ray of sunshine I need in my life, though.”
Touched by his beautiful words, she put a heart on her chest before pecking his cheek. He was so romantic!
 “So! What did you want to show me?”
 “Actually,” he started as he guided her to a picnic mat that was already set, “I think we should eat first and leave the best part for the end.” He winked at her, “Wouldn’t want to work on an empty stomach!”
 She just giggled before she complied, sitting down next to him.
 Their little night picnic was simply delightful. They spent hours doing nothing but eating, sometimes feeding each other; flirting, laughing, and generally having a good time. Finally, just when the moon was highest in the sky and the lighting was just right, Branch took out his guitar from his hair and began to play. After a few notes, he soon accompanied the melody with his voice.
Tonight I want to give it all to you
In the darkness There's so much I want to do And tonight I want to lay it at your feet 'Cause girl, I was made for you And girl, you were made for me
 Poppy certainly didn’t know what to do, she was still getting used to the Rock trolls’ customs and norms, not to mention their music. So she wasn’t sure how to interpret Branch’s song. But the more she listened to the lyrics, the more she could understand it was somehow… Beautiful. Touching even. 
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me And I can't get enough of you baby Can you get enough of me
Despite his cool exterior, Branch was freaking out inside. What if Poppy was weirded out by his choice of song? What if she didn’t like it? He meant every word of it as he was composing it, his feelings for Poppy resurfacing at full force as he wrote down the words. But she was still a Pop troll, and their views on romance could be even more different than their views on music. He just hoped the song was getting through to her.
Tonight I want to see it in your eyes Feel the magic There's something that drives me wild And tonight we're gonna make it all come true 'Cause girl, you were made for me And girl I was made for you
As Branch kept singing, Poppy couldn’t help but grin widely at him. This song spoke about them! About how he truly felt about their relationship! Her boyfriend was really too wonderful for words. Without even realising it, as if under a spell, she slowly rose from her seat, getting closer to him with every step. 
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me And I can't get enough of you baby Can you get enough of me
The moment he saw the smile on her face he knew he would do anything to see that expression on her face until his last day. She truly was too enchanting for words. But he was going to try and express how he felt through this song. Although he, himself, could barely keep the dopey smile off his face when she started getting closer to him. And the moment she started singing along? Hair, he was a goner.
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me And I can give it all to you baby Can you give it all to me
Oh, can't get enough, oh, oh I can't get enough, oh, oh I can't get enough Yeah, ha
I was made for lovin' you baby You were made for lovin' me
When the song finally ended and they looked into each other’s eyes they knew nothing needed to be said. As they leaned closer together, they sealed their feelings for each other with a kiss. They were truly made for loving each other.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes pt 20: Choice Words
“All right everybody, I wanna see some hustle!” Harriet shouted at her students playing basketball. She blew her whistle loudly to get them going for the fourth time. Veronica had learned after the first blow to really dial back her senses if she wanted to avoid ringing in her ears. “Your coach really loves that thing.” Veronica looked down from the bleachers to see Summer stretching on the floor. To no surprise, the girl was pretty flexible, able to get her chest to the floor with her legs spread out into a v-shape. “Make sure to really get around your hips, knees, and lower back. I could tell your body was tight the day I took your measurements.”
Summer looked at the girl annoyed. “I don’t need a peanut gallery. I know how to stretch.” She stood and bent over backwards slowly. The sight of Veronica glaring at her made Summer turn the other way. She wasn’t expecting Valerie to be checking her out. “What the- how long have you been here!?” Valerie started stretching out both arms and wrists. “Well I would’ve been here sooner if I wasn’t waiting for you outside the locker room. You hate going in by your…” Valerie’s attention shifted up towards the bleachers where Veronica sat. “Self… What the hell are you doing here? Come to start trouble?” Valerie cracked her knuckle.
Veronica gave the longest eye roll of her life. “Please don’t make me embarrass you in front of a crowd.” A threat that prompted Summer to point at her while nudging Valerie away in vain. It had been two seconds and Summer was already playing babysitter. She was gonna nip this in the bud right now to avoid an oncoming headache. “No, stop talking to each other. Just shut up. Veronica you’re already on thin ice so don’t antagonize people unless you want actual problems to occur that will involve you being kicked out” Veronica’s attitude got a bit more bored and vexed. “Yeah yeah….” She groaned, annoyed by her situation. “Hard to stay quiet when a loud mouth is just begging to be put in their place.” Summer closed her eyes. Why’d she have to say something like? Valerie moves right past Summer. She wasn’t gonna let that slide. “By all means, what am I asking for?” Her tone was ripe with anger.
Veronica stood up and walked down to get right in the taller girl’s face. “Valerie, you are absolutely stupid. Childish in its purest form; a girl so self absorbed in the opinions of others yet utterly blind to that fact to the point it’s crippling. And for what? Ego? Some distorted sense of pride? It’s pathetic and insulting. I don’t understand why Nicholas is in love with a person like you.” Valerie’s hand swiftly rose half way up to Veronica’s face before Veronica grabbed her wrist. “Don’t ask for something then get made when you can’t handle it. Don’t get triggered by my mention of him if he’s nothing more than a friend. I would think you’d be desperate for him to look at someone that isn’t you.”
“I’d never want that person to be as cold and cruel as you.” Valerie bit back, harshly. “You’re the definition of self absorbed and ego. I can’t even name one time you’ve considered other’s feelings when it didn’t benefit you; besides Nick obviously. You treat Summer like shit.” Summer scrunched her face up as if she had just been called to the front of the class. Why did she have to be the example? Yes, Veronica walked all over and nothing about it ever felt nice, but she didn’t want to be a point of tension. Not right now at least. Veronica burrowed her eyes into her very soul, expecting an answer. “Well? Just gonna let this copper top speak for you?”
Copper top, now Summer knew Veronica was pissed. She wasn’t the person to insult appearance. “I mean you are pretty terrible. That’s putting it mildly. It’s like you always have a thorn stuck in your side, or itching to fight.” Valerie crossed her arms. “Behind that pretty face isn’t anything to brag about. Not even a brain from what I can tell; don’t act like you know. If someone has to watch you so badly then go hassle Nick instead of us. He has patience for it.” Veronica was at a loss for words. She couldn’t help but let out the tiniest chuckle. “Do you not know? Nick didn’t tell you?” Valerie looked at Summer puzzled. “Nick isn’t here Valerie. He’s been sick in bed since the fight yesterday.” Valerie’s face only got more shocked. “Wait, did you know about the fight?” Valerie shook her head. “Nick was in a fight yesterday!? I saw him right before I had to change. We-” Valerie’s words got stuck in her throat. She told Nick that she wanted space, to leave her alone. Did that upset him? No, he’s not the type to lash out. Nick didn’t tell her to honor her request. That idiot! Valerie bit her lip in frustration. She looked at the two girls in front of her. Summer looked concerned while Veronica was enjoying Valerie’s shocked expression. “Gee, it’s shocking Nick didn’t tell you. Can’t imagine why. Well, no I can. What was I saying about pride and being childish? Not sure of what you did but I bet it involves those two things.” Valerie had finally reached her limit with Veronica.”Fuck-”
“Well well well, look what the cat dragged in.”Jordan called out, annoyed by the sight of all three girls. She walked past them with disgust in her eyes and a group of girls in cheerleading uniforms behind her. Suddenly the argument taking place seemed secondary. “Was that attempt at being funny, or racist?” Veronica had to know.”Whatever one you want, fleabag.” That one was easier to figure out. Unlike with Valerie, Veronica did nothing but take a deep breath. Summer had other ideas. “Wanna try saying that for the whole class to hear!?” She shouted with ease. Harriet immediately caught wind of the forming chaos and blew her whistle. “Jordan, hurry up and get your butt over here before I make the cheer team do drills until you can backflip in their sleep!” Jordan picked up the pace.”Fine, nothing of value over here anyways..” she mumbled.
“That takes care of her!” Summer slouched. That plan actually worked! She raised her voice to someone and they didn’t get the chance to do the same. It would’ve been a proud moment if Veronica wasn’t looking at her like she had been the racist. “What? I’m paying you back for yesterday is all. Why are you upset!?” Veronica flicked Summer in the forehead. “Stop assuming. You caught me off guard is all. That bitch is a cheerleader? She definitely has the attitude.” Valerie did her best to hold her tongue on that statement. “Jordan is the leader of the team. Nobody performs as good as her,unfortunately. That alone inflates her ego.” Veronica carefully watched the group of girls get in formation and start doing their routine; specifically watching the way Jordan jumped into a split after doing a handspring. Was that really it? Her posture was good but that landing was far too heavy. She was gonna injure her ankle if she wasn’t careful. Veronica could do way better. In fact….”Hey?” She called out to Summer and Valerie with petty intent. “Want me to deflate her a little?”
“Jordan hurt her ankle?” Nick said, clearing space in the messy guest room. “And now you’re taking her spot for the tournament?” Veronica snickered freely. I told her not to attempt an aerial after a back handspring that followed a cartwheel, but she had to prove she was better. Too bad she didn’t have anything to help with balance.” The happy wave of her tail picked up a deck of cards. Veronica opened the box and started shuffling just for the hell of it. This always calmed her mind for some reason. It was a perfect eye graber, displaying how nimble her fingers were and skill in sleight of hand. “So yeah, productive day. Valerie and argued for a moment. Sorry.” Nick nodded, “Nobody threw a punch. I’ll take what I can get.’ He reached for a single card and pulled a joker. The trickster looked like a hysterical skeleton with a sword through him. Nick failed to see what was so amusing. He gave the card back and focused on Veronica’s shuffling. It would be his job to find that card again. “How’d the office conversation go? Must’ve been fine if you’re embarrassing students.”
“Yeah. Your principal is a good man. All I have to do is have a council member by me at all times. Between you and Eliza, it’s basically a slap on the wrist.” Veronica cut the deck in half and started shuffling them separate. The chance of Nick finding that joker was nonexistent unless he caught on to her trick. Every third card her finger grazed was turned intangible and went through five cards before she stopped using her semblance. Finally she held twenty six cards in each hand. “If you can’t find the joker then you go back to bed when I’m done with your measurements.” Those were high stakes. Why couldn’t somebody let him do work!? “And if I find the joker?” Veronica smiled, “I’m at your mercy. You can decide whatever you want me to do.” He didn’t know why but that made him blush. He’d never abuse such power, yet it almost seemed like she expected him to say something outlandish. Veronica waved her hands. “Eliminate half of the deck. You’ll either increase your odds, or make them zero.” Now the pressure was really on. He eliminated the left deck and Veronica fanned out the right. So far so good. The joker was in the spot she always put it, thirteenth card out of the twenty six. She was corny like that. Only her parents and Ruby had ever found the joker when it was the target. All the cards had a reason for their placement. Most people just don’t pay attention through various rounds. Nick finally reached out and picked the tenth card unfortunately, grabbing the ace. “Awww, oh well.” Nick said. “I thought I had this in the bag.”
Veronica picked up all the cards and started grabbing measuring tape. Next was putting her hair in a ponytail and putting on glasses. She barely wore them around others. Being a faunus that couldn’t see in the dark was lame enough. Needing glasses to sew just felt like an extra blow to her fragile faunus pride. “Better luck next time. Anyways, let’s get down to business. Take your jacket off plea-” she had forgotten Nicholas was only wearing a tank top underneath. An audible gulp came from her as she stood in front of him with her tools. Nick spread his arms out for her to start measuring. “Ready.” He said, not realizing Veronica was gawking a little. Her hands studied his shoulders and chest. They had gotten broader. She could tell he’s been putting his all into his training, yet nobody would guess that with the typical close he wore. Slight tension around his right torso intrigued her. Veronica pressed her hands against it to find out that it was actually a little tender. If she remembered correctly, the Paladin had struck this side. Both hands felt their way done to his waistline. It was hard to ignore that his tank top stopped a little about it, revealing a little skin. Veronica’s mind was on autopilot. Half was expecting him to provide helpful advice and get an idea of what to add to his garb. The other half was turned off, logically that is. It was too busy admiring his body. Any designs for him were usually done with previous numbers. Veronica usually doesn’t get the chance to be this close; this intimacy with her clients was always the best way to make something. That’s why she always asks permission to touch them beforehand. Nick realized she had forgotten that rule this time around, but didn’t think he should bring it up. A blush cams across his face. Being looked at like this was a little...intense. Then, Veronica started purring lightly.
Nicholas wasn’t made for this kind of pressure. It was too much! Recent confessions only added to it. Veronica wasn’t looking at him. Veronica was looking at him. “Ummm, Vee?” He said nervously, hoping it was loud enough. Thankfully it was. She snapped out of her daze to meet a blushing boy looking right into her eyes. The overwhelming feeling of insecurity and anxiety was crystal clear in his eyes. Veronica’s face began turning red as her hands left the warmth of his body. She had gotten swept in the moment, choosing to break their gaze by looking away. “Sorry…” her voice now meek, losing any of the commanding confidence it once had.
“It’s okay…” he muttered, unsure of this situation. “I was a caught off guard is all. That kind of attention is pretty new to me.” Veronica went back to taking his measurements appropriately. “New? Girls throw themselves at you all the time. Don’t tell me you hadn’t noticed?” Nick shook his head. “It’s not the same. They throw themselves at me because of what they can get. Status, money, fame; another guy can have those and they’ll move on. Not like I’m bringing anything else to the table.” His voice trailed off. “Physically, what’s to be desired?” It wasn’t meant to be so somber but it was. To Nick, he was nothing more than a runt. An average looking one at that. If a guy had half the money he had and bulky or tall then they were way better off. It’s only natural to want the best choice. “It’s rude to talk about yourself like that.” Veronica said, her tone a bit more stern and upset than before. “Especially in front of someone who thinks you’re handsome and doesn’t care about what’s in your wallet.” She picked up a pen and paper to write down measurements. Nick assumed he could relax his body for the time being. “Thanks. Telling Summer something like that might boost her spirit.”
Veronica chuckled to herself. “Isn’t that her therapist’s job? Not much of a good one if he’s not doing that.” She put the pen down, annoyed by the thought of him. “Yet my parents keep bringing up the magic man himself. Says he’s a good listener if I need anything.” Nick was sorely confused by her attitude. Oscar is great! “What’s wrong with Dr.Os?” He couldn’t fathom anybody not liking a guy like him. Oscar was such a good man! Veronica didn’t seem to share that opinion however. “I just don’t believe listening to a person’s problems for an hour or two for a week does much. Therapy sounds like a big ploy and his smile is a bait.”
“Huh, well that’s an interesting viewpoint to say the least.” Nick wasn’t aware she had such strong feelings about it. “Well it’s a ploy with some benefits. He’s definitely helped me a bunch.” Veronica looked at Nicholas smile softly as he started running his hand through his hair. “Wait, you’ve gone to therapy?” She asked. He’s never mentioned such a thing. “Of course, when I was younger that is. I had a whole schedule along with Summer. Still check in from time to time.” He sounded embarrassed about that last part. “Seeing your family hospitalized for an incident you caused us heavy stuff, especially when you’re a kid. The only thing more daunting is seeing that person’s face become twisted as they try to kill you. Don’t tell Summer, but Shiva has done more than a little to unnerve me.” He laughed, playing off the severity of it to ease himself. It was clear by the frown Veronica wore that she felt sad for him. “What’s with the face? I’m fine, talking about it isn’t a problem for-” Nick was interrupted as two hands were raised in front of his face. “Ten minutes.” Veronica said with a commanding presence. Nick split her hands apart to see her absolute confidence stare at him. “If you ever feel like you need to decompress or rant like there’s no tomorrow, then come to me. Speak your truth unapologetically for ten minutes and I won’t hold or mention any of it. Deal?”
This was surely a change in attitude. The girl was just talking about how a couple of hours isn’t enough time and here she is offering ten minutes. It was so strange. So spontaneous, yet generous. It was so….Veronica. Nick couldn’t help but appreciate the gesture. He clicked his teeth, “only if you do the same with me. I think you’ll find having someone listen to your problems is precious no matter the length of time.” The offer was expected. “Typical Nicholas, taking an act of kindness to help someone else. Learn to be greedy once and a while. Deal.” She removed her hands until Nick held onto them. Veronica’s brain started frying. He was getting closer, leaning closer. “Nick?” She said quickly. His face seemed so calm as he got close enough for Veronica to feel the warmth of his body and breath invade her space. Her own face became hot. She didn’t know what to do! Nick had completely caught her off guard. Was this a dream? Veronica hoped not or else that meant she still might be in school, or worse, that day hadn’t started. “Calm yourself Veronica! You wanted this for years! Just calm yourself and-” Nick’s head suddenly fell down and rested around her shoulder and chest gently. Veronica looked down at him. “Huh…?” She brought her hand to his face to look at him. Not only was it flushed but it was burning hot! His fever went back up! “Nick! Your fever!” He only grumbled, tired and willing to comply with what came next. “Maybe I overdid it a little. Help me back to my bed?” He might’ve asked but it was more of an obligation. His eyes closed seconds later as he drifted off to sleep. Veronica could only remain still, overwhelmed by her own assumptions. A few seconds later and she would’ve stolen a kiss by mistake. Life truly was cruel for teasing her like that. The girl stood up to support his body and started walking. At least he was light. “Can’t believe this. Why is life like this!?” She cried out internally.
Long hallways were a dumb idea. Putting Nick to bed would’ve been done sooner if his family didn’t live in a modern day castle. Walking back to her room was worse, now she was alone with nothing to think about but him. She was glad he passed out after all the measuring was finished though. Proper progress could finally start with his outfit. Hopefully he won’t be too sick. Adding a dust of some kind to energize his body or keep him comfortable might be a good idea. Speaking of dust, Veronica knew it was a must for Summer. The way Nick talked about Shiva made Veronica’s skin tense up. Her single encounter with the woman, if you could call her that, was actually unnerving. “It might be best to tell Summer about that after all. Along with asking questions about Shiva in general. My design won’t be any good if it unleashes a frozen hell. Then I’ll really deserve some nasty looks.”
To think time away from Menagerie would be more complex than staying. The only difference was Veronica was now dealing with other people’s problems. A welcome change in her opinion. She kept walking and came across Summer, who was just about to enter her room again. A white guitar with a paw print on it was in the girl’s hand. “Oh yeah, you did have a dog.” Veronica said aloud. Summer finally noticed her. “Huh? Oh this? Yeah, named this beauty Dolt. Just like him.” She strummed a few cords to give a beautiful sound that filled the hall. How such talent could exist within a person like Summer was beyond Veronica’s comprehension.
“So, you tell Nick about my little water works moment?” Veronica looked at the girl as if she had just spoken gibberish. “I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your own room. That is, unless it deals with that strange dust you’re hiding behind your mirror.” Summer’s heart immediately stops. Veronica points to her own nose and crinkles it. “It was only for an instant but I definitely smelled a painfully potent dust when I entered your room. Actually… it was the same sent as Shiva’s” Veronica admitted, watching Summer get even paler. “Y-You saw- when could you have possibly-” Summer couldn’t keep her head in order. Her body began to shake as her mouth became dry. The beating in her heart began to sound like thunder in her eardrums while her chest felt tight. “I was asleep wasn’t I? What did she do!? Who did she- is she why you want me drinking milk!?” Summer shouted, tears welling up and freezing the moment they ran down her cheeks. “What stunt are you trying to pull!? Don’t listen to her! I shouldn’t have listened to you! All you-”
Veronica pressed her hands hard against Summer’s face. The stinging sensation reddened the twin's face and brought attention to the composed look of acquaintance. “ You need to calm yourself.” Veronica said sternly. She inhaled then exhaled repeatedly for Summer to imitate. The shear cold of Summer’s own skin made Veronica’s hands feel numb. Along with the unpleasant smell of peppermint, it was clear to tell that Summer had been losing herself in the panic. Forget musical talent, Veronica couldn’t figure out how a person like her was still alive. That panic attack looked like it was gonna be the final nail in a coffin. Veronica took Summer’s hand and pulled her inside of her questionably hot room. “Summer, relax…”
Summer tried her best. She bit her bottom lip and took one deep inhale through her nose then out of her mouth. “Okay, okay…” her voice trembled, regaining composure. “I’m alright. Just give me a second.” Summer walks to her bed and lays flat on her back. A light layer of sweat ran down her forehead. Things will be okay. Answers, calming down, and a plan. Then she’ll be okay. “When did you see her?”
“The night I got here. Apparently you passed out without turning on your heater or anything. I bumped into her in the kitchen trying to eat, mainly dairy.” That last part didn’t sit well with Summer. Her eyes narrowed from Veronica’s words. “Don’t look at me like that. I was gonna force dairy into your diet anyways because of our arrangement. If anybody seems to be dancing with danger then it’s you.” Veronica took a good whiff of her surroundings. The scent led her to Summer’s vanity mirror. She reached behind it carefully until her fingers ran across two small vials and grabbed them. The dust glowed a beautiful light cyan color. A few seconds into holding them and Veronica started feeling the cold go through her, making her put it down. She had Never felt dust that was constantly active in any form. “Where the heck did you get this?”
“Penny’s lab. I, I stole it…” Summer mumbled. Guilt didn’t begin to describe how she felt about going through with it. “That stuff made Shiva appear so maybe it can unmake her. Nick and I secretly go out sometimes for me to practice controlling her. Not alone typically. If I learn to use her powers-”
“You’re gonna kill yourselves…” Veronica interjected, her voice colder than the dust. “Give me a break. You’d drag your brother into a situation like that? And I do mean drag, because the only reason he’s going alone with it is because you’re his precious little sister. Ugh, it makes me sick; do you ever get tired of being a burden?” Those words cut a little too close to the heart. Of course she was. All Summer ever thinks about is being on her own. The girl rose up to retaliate in anger, only to be shoved back down with ease. Her entire body was trembling again. “What? More water-”
“Fuck off Veronica.” Summer said through clenched teeth. Her forearm covered her weeping eyes. “What makes you think you can just say whatever the hell you want; of course you wouldn’t understand.” Summer refused to lay down and got up again right in front of Veronica. “It must be nice to be so perfect and unbothered by everything. Do me a favor and stay out of my business.” Blue clashed with lilac silently. How many times have they been at odds like this? More than Veronica cared to count. She could remember how many times Summer looked this angry. Everything about her was shaky, including her clenched fist.
“Relieving tension or contemplating swinging hitting me?” Summer didn’t answer. Not even she could trust her response. As angry as she was, Veronica wasn’t the one she wanted to let it out on. “Can’t decide? Guess I’ll choose for you.” Veronica walked away, opening the door to leave. “Tomorrow, seven o’clock, the both of us are going down to Mantle’s forest. Bring one of those stupid viles with you.” Summer finally stopped tensing up. “What…?”
“You’re brother is still sick and won’t be getting better dealing with you pulling stunts like this. Since you clearly aren’t going to change your mind I guess I’ll fill in. Don’t oversleep, and for your sake, bring your sword. Punches aren’t your style.” Veronica left on that note. She immediately went through the ground and went searching for her. Perfect and unbothered? Yeah right. That couldn’t be further from the truth. She found her mother watching a movie in what was probably a theater room. Yang heard the girl barge in. “Hey sweetie. Wanna w-”
“Get your boxing gloves.” Veronica said quickly. She barely understood what she said herself. “I need to vent, badly.” Yang could see the girl’s eyes burn with emotion. The movie was out on pause and Yang stood up. “Okay. Give me your best shot and let’s mix things up too. I’ll meet you in the garden in five minutes.” Veronica nods and walks off. Yang didn’t know what put her daughter in such a foul mood but Yang was determined to find out. But before any of that she needed to call Blake. A lot has happened the last couple of days that she would no doubt want to know. “Hey Bl-”
“VERONICA STARTED A FIGHT!?” Yang went pale. Looks like Blake already knew about a few things. This would definitely take more than ten minutes.
Part 19
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Sooo.... Here we go! If you’re wondering what is this crazy girl doing writing these long ass posts about episodes of a TV show that aired a year ago... Well, I explained everything here, I also analysed the Trailer, I know that in the website it looks like the first clip, so if you’re wondering why it doesn’t match, that’s your answer.
This is gonna be full of spoilers for seasons 1 and 2 because it’s impossible for me to watch it and not add all of that baggage, sorry. I’m going to do this clip by clip because I think it’s the most organized way of going about it, although I also thought about doing character by character... If you think it’s better that way, let me know. I’m also going to compare it to the OG and the other remakes and, no, it’s not because I think Skam España is the “superior remake” or whatever people call it, it’s because they are so different in so many ways it’s difficult to compare. 
So, after all of that, we get the first clip, with Jorge, Lucas and Eva hanging out on the stairs after a day at the swimming pool, I love that they tease each other, they feel like an amazing group of friends, none of them feels isolated until Eva and Jorge start kissing and Lucas just leaves because no one likes being the third weal.
I really like how they make Lucas feel part of the group, it’s not Eva and Jorge and Jorge and Lucas, it’s Lucas, Eva and Jorge, but Eva and Jorge have sex with each other.
I don’t have too much to say about this clip, it’s a nice introduction to their dynamic, with Jorge always trying to reason with Eva and to reassure her by saying that everything is gonna be OK wile teasing her and making her laugh and Eva being scared and allowing herself to believe Jorge.
In this clip we get the mandatory slow motion walk of the Ingrid character, Inés in this case, and she at least just looks at Eva, with so much superiority she’d make an elephant feel small, but she doesn’t insult her or show her the finger. What a good way to start the school year!
Here we meet the boy-squad. I love that we get introduced to them in the first season, they all have such a chaotic energy, laughing at Hugo’s bad luck and making plans for the next big party.
I really like how much they actually wanted Eva to go to the concert, and that, if you think about it, they probably got the tickets before her and Jorge started dating, so it’s not that they didn’t tell her but that they didn’t think about her that way, not yet.
I also really like how understanding Eva is about all of this, she doesn’t get mad, she just basically accepts it and encourages Jorge and the boys to go and have fun and not worry about her.
I feel so much for Eva here, it’s really relatable how out of it Eva seems, she knows these boys, they all know her, they like her, but she is not part of the group, she isolates herself and doesn’t participate in the conversation, she tries at the beginning, but she can’t help feeling that these are her boyfriend’s friends, not hers. I love how this clip ends with the boys being loud and blocking her form their little circle without realizing it and with her being quiet and accepting it.
Here we get the introduction of faux-Noora, but it’s not what I love the most about this clip. We get so much information about Amira in the background, people whispering about her because she hasn’t worn the hijab ever before and they think it’s weird. I love that we get this bit of info and that we see what our hacker queen must go through every day.
About Lara I’ll only say how relatable this whole thing is, I have a friend who says that you have to choose carefully who you talk to on the first day of school because you’ll never talk to them again and to be weary of people who come and talk to you on the first day because they’re probably just looking for someone to explain them the dynamics before they find their real place within the school/work environment/whatever.
I love when Skam posts clips like this, just the character in their room, doing absolutely nothing. She is scrolling through Instagram and eating some crackers. Her mom tells her to get off the phone and that she’s going to work. Nothing else happens, Eva wonders if she should follow Lara on Instagram and she doesn’t.
¡Ay...Viri…! We meet her in this clip, when Lara still seems to be Noora and is being nice and asking Eva how to get to her next class. Viri comes so full of energy, with so many propositions and ideas, she just comes on too strong, bless her soul, she tries too hard to fit in and it shows. We see Cris for the first time here and I love how they state that Viri is new in school and doesn’t know anyone. This is a change from the OG that I didn’t understand until season 2.
And then in comes Alejandro. Can we all just stop a second to appreciate how corny all of this is? The fact that the second Eva says his name is Alejandro, Alejandro by Lady Gaga starts playing? How Lady Gaga says Alejandro the second Viri mouths Alejandro? Like, did they have the song playing on set so that she could nail the timing? How Alejandro looks right at the camera when the song ends? It’s all so amazingly corny and cheesy and right out of one of my daydreams about the moment I’ll meet the love of my life. It’s cringy and gold and I love it.
I think on the 14th of September of 2018, if you listened closely, you could hear the screams of all the confused and angry fans. I remember how I felt after watching who I KNEW was the Nora equivalent hanging out with Inés, it was devastating, I didn’t know what was gonna happen next, little did I know that with Skam España it’s always better to expect the opposite to what you’re used to.
I love how, here, Eva goes to Inés and tries to apologise, doesn’t ask for things to go back to the way they were, just for forgiveness and admits that she’s made a mistake and is so sorry that she’s hurt her and that it wasn’t her intention to do so. I really like how BRUTAL Inés is. She’s so hurt and has a reason to be so, even though we don’t know what the reason is I think that here we realize so much more than in the OG that it’s Eva’s fault, both because she says so and because she is completely understanding of Inés behaviour.
But, poor baby, she basically just lost the only friend she had in school, then went and tried to fix things with an old friend and finally it all backfired and she’s left alone.
You know what I really like about Skam in general? How they make you understand why characters do what they do, so, even if you don’t agree with their actions, you can’t make them the bad guys of the story, because situations are never black and white. 
CLIP 7  ➡ All for you
Okay, let me just begin by saying that I love how they stablish the girl squad in the background even before we know they are the girl squad, like they are part of the high-school, we see them getting in and out of class, moving around.
Jorge is so sweet. That’s all I have to say, like, the way he notices that Eva is not OK? How he tries to get the truth out of her??? Just heart eyes everywhere, I honestly think he’s the sweetest Jonas of the bunch and Eva is probably up there for being the clingiest Eva, but I love her.
CLIP 8  ➡ End of the year trip!!!
Here we discover Eva’s love for pizza, I can relate. And I love that she’s not mad at Jorge for being out with his friends and, even though she is jealous she is not there, she understands the situation and still tells Jorge to have a good time and means it.
Also here is the first time we see something that’s become sort of a recurrent theme in Skam España, the “I post on Instagram pretending that everything is alright and that I’m having the time of my life when I’m dying inside”.
CLIP 9  ➡ Hungover
So this is a clip that changes with its second viewing, I was so sure Lucas was jealous at Eva because she was kissing Jorge and, don’t get me wrong, I still think that he’s jealous, but more at the fact that they can be out in public and kiss and no-one will bat an eye than at the fact that Eva is kissing the boy he likes.
Also, if you want a sign telling you that you need to get some friends ASAP, sitting alone on a Saturday watching your partner play football, or whatever they play, with their friends as you sit alone on the bleachers eating Cheetos should do the trick.
Oh, and I love Jorge, have I mentioned that? How supporting he is? The way he encourages her and tells her how amazing she is while teasing her and making her laugh is amazing, I’ve never had a relationship like this, but I’m pretty sure being with someone who’s self esteem is as low as Eva’s is right now must not be easy, but he does it with such an ease, he loves her so much he’ll support her through thick and thin and he’ll be by her side for whatever she may need as long as she wants him to.
Also, Eva not being mad that he forgot that they where supposed to hung out together is something I have conflicting feelings about because, OK, you shouldn’t put on a show and scream and all of that, but it was important to her and she doesn’t say anything because she’s afraid that she’ll lose him if she does, she should have made it clear that she was hurt and that it was okay, for this once, but that she hoped it never happened again because she was counting on spending the day with him and now her plans are ruined and that’s not OK.
So I think this clip shows how much Eva depends on Jorge, so much so that she won’t stand up for herself for fear of loosing him, and that’s sad, but also so fucking relatable. And I’m not blaming Jorge here for forgetting it, I’m sure that to him the “I’ll be all yours” comment was just not as important as it was to Eva, he should’ve remembered though, and Eva should’ve shown him he hurt her.
CLIP 10 & 11  ➡ Shitty meeting
That meeting was painful to watch, but can I just state how much I hated Viri during that first season and how much she’s changed and improved, like here she is: “I don’t get you and you don’t follow the society’s way of thinking or acting so you’re weird” and now she’s all: “I don’t get you and you don’t follow the society’s way of thinking or acting, but you’re my friend and I’m here for whatever you need”.
I also love the little hints they drop here and there about Amira and her hijab being a new thing, like how she says she’s planning on buying a burkini and Cris is all like WTF? But then Amira looks at her like saying, are you my friend or what? And Cris is all like, OF FUCKING COURSE AMIRIS FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER, so she ends up supporting her.
And Nora’s introduction, I think it’s amazing, and I was so FUCKING confused on my first viewing, like, girl, she’s literally called Nora so she MUST be Noora, but, then, who the fuck is Lara? Little did we know…
I’ve also noticed how much Amira’s changed, she’s so closed of and defensive in this episode, both clips, like she is not sure whether the girls will accept her or not, so she puts up this wall between them to guard herself and is brutally honest, maybe even cruel. Looking at this clip now feels so weird, because this is not the Amira I know now, the Amira I know is quiet, and loving and caring, and loves to talk about her religion and her culture, and is always ready to help her friends, or to fight for them… It really takes me back to what Skam really is about, loving one another and creating safe spaces where we can grow and become who we are meant to be free of prejudice.
Final thought on this clip, I really, really, really hate Cris’ make up here, like, girl, WE are supposed to be the clowns here, not you.
CLIP 12  ➡ The weirdos
So, Eva and Nora, I love their friendship, the way Nora picks up on the fact that Eva is NOT okay, and asks her if everything is alright a couple of times before she leaves???? Heart eyes everywhere.
Also I’m going to use this to address the criticism about Nora’s introduction, honestly, I don’t remember where I saw it, it was more than a year ago, but it basically said that it was the least gay out of all of them and I’m like, WTF???? People, aren’t you tired of being queer-batted? Because I am, I’m so over queer-batting, and that you’re asking for it is weird. Because, if they are not meant to be anything more than friends, I’m grateful that they don’t have any kind of interaction that could be considered as “gay” (although I don’t really know what a “gay” interaction actually is, I guess I would already have a girlfriend by now if I did, instead of sitting in a coffee shop writing very, very, very long Tumblr posts about things no-one really cares about).
In defence of anyone who likes Noreva, I get it, we are all starved for good wlw representation, and on the original the only thing remotely close we had to that was Noora and Eva’s friendship during the first season, but here we’ve got Cris and Joana, so having Eva and Nora be just best friends is totally fine by me.
The clip ends with a heartbroken Eva watching as Jorge laughs with Inés, I don’t know. I have nothing to say about it, other than the fact that I’m glad I’m no longer 16 and have better communicating skills and higher self seem than Eva, not that I did at 16, I was an absolute mess at 16, still am, in a different way.
Sooo... This took longer than I expected,  if I’ve said anything you don’t agree with, tell me and we’ll chat for a bit😘
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mst3kproject · 5 years
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1110: Wizards of the Lost Kingdom
I only saw this episode once, while I was on my two-day binge back when season eleven first debuted – and by then I was kind of running out of binge-watching oomph, because I don’t think I paid much attention to it.  If I had, I wouldn’t have been so blindsided by shit like the mermaid and her rainbow bridge or the flying lion-centaur whatchamafuckit.  Wizards of the Lost Kingdom is depressingly cheap and desperately amateurish, but it's also unbelievably fucking weird.
There’s a great evil abroad in the land or something.  The Castle(TM) is Attacked and the resident Bearded Wizard(TM) gives his son the Callow Youth(TM) a Magical Ring(TM) to keep safe – but of course the stupid kid drops it on the way out.  After gathering a few allies, slaying a few monsters, and dabbling in casual necromancy, the boy sneaks back into the castle to retrieve the ring and do wizardly battle with the bad guy.  The day is saved, the princess is rescued, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.  The music attempts to convince us that this is epic and exciting, rather than corny and embarrassing.
I have rarely felt as bad for a group of actors as I did watching Wizards of the Lost Kingdom.  I kept wanting to hide behind the couch so I wouldn’t have to look at the expressions on their faces as they humiliate themselves by being in this movie.  Even Crabby the Crab Hat doesn’t want to be here.  The whole thing looks like a third grade class put on a play starring everybody’s parents.  The only person who gets out with any shred of dignity is whatever poor bastard was hiding under the Gulfax suit… oh, no, wait, no he didn’t, because according to IMDB the same actor also played Dad the Wizard.
Let’s look at our characters.  There’s our hero Simon, who is about thirteen and seems to be familiar with the concept of a quest but would probably much rather be reading a book somewhere.  His buddy is Gulfax, a dude who paid way too much for his alpaca fursuit.  Kor the Conquerer is supposed to be a troubled alcoholic mercenary, but he really does look like Gordon Ramsay except not as badass. The wicked queen dresses like she’s trying to look sexy for the Swamp Thing.  Princess Aura acts like your nine-year-old sister parading around in one of those Disney Princess gowns.  The bad guy is less impressive than his own fashion accessories and can disintegrate people except when it would be inconvenient for the plot.  Simon can disintegrate people, too, but saves it for non-humans despite the fact that they’re shown to be sentient.
Then there’s what all these people actually do. Despite a much more kid-friendly tone, Wizards of the Lost Kingdom is a lot like Ator: the Fighting Eagle.  Both movies present us with characters who are supposedly on a heroic quest, but all we see is them wandering around the woods while random things happen. When I tried to describe this film to a co-worker, I realized I could talk about the various incidents in whatever order I liked, because none of them really contribute to the plot or even connect to each other.
Take, for example, the bit where Kor is captured by the cyclops who wants him to marry his sister (the cyclops’ sister, that is.  Wizards of the Lost Kingdom isn’t that much like Ator).  It comes and it goes, and that’s it.  Kor had earlier said he didn’t know who this mysterious bucket-helmeted figure was, and Simon pouts a bit because that was a lie. It really, really doesn’t feel like the major betrayal the script wants us to think it was.  It comes across as the cyclops’ sister being an embarrassing ex-girlfriend Kor just didn’t want to talk about, and he and Simon argue for thirty seconds and then hug and make up, completely negating whatever small emotional impact the whole thing might have had.
Or how about the part where Simon straight-up raises the dead? In most fantasy settings that would be considered a turn down a dark path, with far-reaching consequences for both the plot and the character development.  In Wizards of the Lost Kingdom the corpses get up and basically tell Simon to get fucked because they want to rest, and then crawl back into their graves.  This is a world where black magic exists and can claim your soul, but apparently necromancy isn’t in that category.  All that happens is Kor tells Simon to respect the dead more.
What about the bit where Simon realizes the bad guy and his Crab Hat are spying on them through a magical birdbath?  The kid casts a spell that makes the water explode in the evil dude’s face so he can’t see them anymore, but this has no plot consequences because a scene or two later the bad guy has simply re-filled the birdbath and is watching them again.  Why did we even need to see that?  Why did we need the bit with the little gnome dude who enables Kor’s alcoholism? The drinking is never a plot point because this is a kids’ movie (unless marrying the cyclops’ sister was something Kor promised to do while drunk), and the gnome promises to re-join them for the climax but when he does he just watches.
How about the part where Kor tries to save a drowning topless blonde woman in the weirdly orange river (this is the only place where I can definitely identify a shot MST3K cut, since we got one very brief look at her tits)? She vanishes only to reappear on a rock with one of those mermaid tail blankets over her legs, telling them she was testing their manhood to see if they were worthy of her help!  They were, so she creates a rainbow for them and tells them to follow their hearts across the river!
Uh.  Okay. So I can see how Kor was worthy, since he jumped in and all, but Simon stood on the shore yelling at him to stop because it’s too dangerous.  Shouldn’t his unmanly ass get left behind?
Unquestionably, however, the weirdest thing in the movie is the fucked-up trippy vision Simon has while bug-woman plies him with drink and flower petals.  This scene fascinates me.  So there’s a bunch of Satanists sacrificing women on a spray-foam altar, while a voice tries to tempt Simon to the dark side.  In response, he summons up the ‘forces of good’ to deal with the situation, and they appear in the form of this stop-motion… chimera… thing. Imagine a lion centaur, only both the horse part and the human part are lions, so it’s like a six-legged, two-torsoed leonine centipede abomination, but instead of arms on the upper set of shoulders it has weird veiny bat wings.  It hovers there snarling while the Satanists complete their sacrifice, which summons a giant floating semi-transparent head in some scaly makeup.  The head makes faces and breathes green fire, until the lion thing glares cartoon lightning at it and it explodes.
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What the actual unmotivated fuck. What even was that? I want to say it’s demonstrating that Simon is pure of heart and can’t be tempted to evil but like ten minutes later he’s raising the fucking dead.  What the hell is with the lion monster?  Is it a metaphor for something?  Is it saying that the forces of good can be just as terrifying as those of evil, like how if you read descriptions of angels they actually look like beasts from your nightmares?  Was it actually supposed to be pretty and the model-makers just weren’t up to the task? What am I looking at?
Did anybody actually realize how weird this all was?  One does get the impression that the writers were just scribbling down whatever bullshit came into their heads without regard for continuity or anything.  Can we have a mermaid in our movie?  Sure, why the hell not.  Zombies? Awesome, everybody loves zombies, throw ‘em in there.  A garden gnome?  A goat-man playing the pan flute?  A jilted cyclops with a spiral perm?  Absolutely, the more, the merrier!  Concepts!
And yet for all that, the single worst failure of writing in Wizards of the Lost Kingdom is the anticlimax of the ending.  Through the whole movie everybody’s been looking for the Ring of Magic, which makes the wearer all-powerful.  One of the wicked queen’s dwarves (played by actual little people who should all have been paid double for being in the same movie where the queen says we’re running out of dwarves) finds it, but Simon snatches it back a moment later and goes out and saves the day.  Of course he does – he’s all-powerful.  It’s a foregone conclusion.  The only tension comes from wondering how many of those kids who were freed from prison are gonna get swords in the gut while Simon worries about making pretty special effects in his wizard’s duel.
One last bit of illogical crap.  After the battle, Kor wanders off to go back to his ‘itinerant boozehound’ gig, and tells Simon to be a good king.  Uh… Simon’s not gonna be king.  The rightful heir is Princess Aura, who’s literally right there.  Simon can marry her and be royal consort if she still likes him once they’ve both been through puberty.  Is there a law in this kingdom that if you save the day you get to be in charge?  That does seem to be where the last guy got his throne… and yet I have a faint suspicion that the writers just assumed Simon would rule instead of Aura because he’s got a penis and she doesn’t.
All that may have given the impression that I hate this movie but I really don’t.  Wizards of the Lost Kingdom just isn’t worth the effort.  Instead I just pity this movie and everybody in it.  Every last one of them did a terrible job, and yet they still all deserved better.  On every possible level, Wizards of the Lost Kingdom is truly less than the sum of its parts.
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thewolfbit · 5 years
Thoughts on 801
I missed a TON being off Tumblr for almost a week, and I’ve been trying to go through everything in the tag but failing miserably (bc you all ROCK at generating new content, and I am so well fed!!!!). So this is probably really repetitive and jet-laggy, but here are my thoughts (they may be a bit out of order):
Arya Stark!!!! I SHRIEKED
Then my heart broke because she sees some of the most important men in her life again, and none of them see her, and honestly that scene was really painful??? Her reaction! She was so disappointed and it HURT.
D is upset the smallfolk of the North don’t like her, but then her dragons swoop in and TERRIFY everyone and she has SUCH a satisfied smile... like omg HBO is dark!D on main now I guess??
JON AND BRAN REUNION. Jon quickly falls into the “he’s weird but we still love and accept him” group with Sansa and Arya
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JON AND SANSA HUG WAS SHORTENED!!! WTF Y’ALL. I’m mad about this!!! Why did they shorten that amazing reunion 2.0 after hyping it so much?? Idk I know they shoot it from multiple angles, but it just seems really strange to me to edit and prep two different versions to air for no apparent reason. (Also, were they for sure the same footage? For example, D and Jorah start walking, but don’t unclasp their hands like they did in the teaser... idk, I need to watch it again when my brain is done being jet lagged.) 
^ Has GoT done this before with any other alternate footage that’s only used for promo?
D: “JON TOLD ME HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE.” That’s it. That’s my take on this line.
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D finding out about Viserion being turned was... rushed... I felt like this should have been a MUCH bigger moment. But—
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Sansa and Tyrion reunion. Either Tyrion and Jon are both turned into devoted idiots in D’s presence, or they’re playing at something. Sansa sees through that shit with Tyrion!! I drank grape juice (no wine, I’m jet lagged!) to salute her in this scene
ARYA AND JON REUNION. While parts of this were great, I felt so bad for Arya here!! She deserved a real, wonderful, drawn-out reunion like Sansa and Jon got, instead of two seconds of loveliness and then “help me with Sansa and my gf” 🙄 Jon I get that maybe you’re trying to get on Arya’s side and be co-conspirators again like you were as kids but KNOCK IT OFF, you’re annoying me in this episode. #sansadefensesquad (which Arya is totally a part of and DON’T FORGET THAT)
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Oh no the dragons only ate the equivalent of 100 human meals today!! 😢 The dragon flying scene was honestly so cringey I felt like we were watching a completely different TV show. Why TF would D just be like “hey ride my 2nd dragon”??? There wasn’t even any pretext?? Like can’t they just throw in a “hey my dragons weirdly like you, they’ve never liked anyone, maybe they’ll let you ride them”?? Anyway I don’t even have anything more to say about this mess of a DotD2.0-setting-up scene other than: IT’S A MESS
Varys: “if you think J*nerys is endgame you aren’t paying attention”
D threatening Sansa. 
N O P E. 
I want to say “TRY IT” but also... pls don’t try it because you’re scary and have WMDs. LEAVE MY GIRL ALONE, she’s trying to defend her home from a usurper, which seems like something you could understand (tbh Sansa has been perfectly respectful... all she is doing is not being friendly!!! What TREASON)
Theon saved Yara!! Wow, super rushed! But OK! Theon is coming back to WF, probably to die by saving Bran or Sansa or something. Sigh. But at least he’s coming back.
Cersei was amazing in this episode. Everything was just so... great. Lena is perfection. Lena is the anti-dragon flying scene. Grape juice all around
Sidenote: some people are mentioning Daario returning with the Golden Company? I need to look more into this, but DANG. That would be interesting. I would love for this show to tie up some of its loose ends
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SANSA AND JON SCENE. This is a great scene (even though I was mad at Jon). THE ANGST. THE SUBTEXT. The lines: “You know I do.” “She’s much prettier.” (Aka she’s a pretty version of the Mad King, Jon... it’s not a compliment!!!) and of course:
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The Hound’s reunion with Arya... kinda sucked? Idk I know things are Complicated between them and she hated him a lot, but they also had a kind of grudging love for each other after all they went through. I just hated that he called her a bitch. I’m not trying to defend anything the Hound did or said, because it was awful and he wasn’t an amazing role model or anything!! But that’s who he was before, and I sort of thought that after his redemption arc and all that he’d be happier to see Arya. Or at least not call her a bitch, because 
She was a child!!!
He was terrible to her!! She probably would have mercy killed him if he hadn’t been like “I wanted to rape your sister”
If she’d killed him he would be... dead... you’re alive now so calm tf down and don’t call her a bitch!! #aryadefensesquad 
(Also, I’m a bit nervous that they’ll have the Hound and Sansa have a more emotional reunion since they skipped it with him and Arya, and their relationship was even more fraught, so... yikes)
GENDRY AND ARYA REUNION. My Gendrya heart is SOARING!! That shit was cute!!! “You’ve gotten better” omfg Gendry, YOU ADORABLE IDIOT. IMO this was the only good Arya reunion in this episode, sadly
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Sam was obviously upset about his dad and brother being executed. Because duh. Jon was upset too. Because duh. Wait until they find out it was execution by FIRE. (I sort of hope Sam doesn’t, because this scene was so sad and I felt so bad for him.) 
I was also annoyed that they made it somewhat comedic with Sam almost getting run over by a wagon and then tripping down the crypt steps or whatever. Sam is an actual human with feelings who just found out his dad and brother died, not just some comic relief 🙄
Sam and Jon reunion! A short nice moment between Sam learning that his family members were killed and Sam telling Jon who his real family members are (...including, coincidentally, the family member who killed Sam’s family members...)
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Parentage reveal. I felt like this scene could have been slowed down a bit (and Jon could have shown a lot more consideration of Sam’s news about his dad and brother dying!!), but I get that the audience already knows the truth so they don’t have time to have Sam convince Jon that it’s true. Jon’s first response: “it’s treason.” Aka he’s scared of D’s reaction. Not that he’s gonna lose his relationship with her. Not that he doesn’t think he could be a better leader. But that she’ll turn against him—and now he’s led her into his home.
Jaime rolls up and Bran’s like “HEY PAL.” My guess is that everyone will want to kill him (besides Tyrion and Brienne) but Bran will be like “we need him” or something
Overall, I think the episode had some great Jonsa/dark!D/pol!Jon setup and enough corny J*nerys stuff to make shippers and GA think it’s still a True Romance. 
Stuff I can’t wait for in the next episode:
Sansa(!) and Arya’s reactions to the parentage reveal
D’s reaction, if it happens—Jon might not want to rock the boat and risk losing her support before the WWs come
Varys seeing Sansa as the ruler she is
Jaime swearing an oath to Sansa, Arya, and Bran in Catelyn’s honor
Braime reunion!!!!!
Gendrya moments!!
Everyone saying goodbye to their loved ones before the battle (night before the battle love/passion scenes are MY JAM)
Cersei plotting to kidnap Sansa?
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literallyjustanerd · 5 years
Hurts to Try, Hurts to Stop (Nightangel)
Ay, whatup, it’s ya boy, an obsessed fan who writes angsty fanfiction to deal with her own emotional issues. At this point I think Kurt and Warren are officially my emotional support mutants. 
Genre: Romance, angst and daddy issues Word count: 1603 Pairing: Nightcrawler/Angel Rating: T+
The air in Warren’s room is stale, and his lungs fill with a thick, stifling mustiness when he inhales. Head swimming through last night’s beer, he is dragged unwilling from the comforting emptiness of sleep, thrust back into the dull, thudding roar of reality, groaning and reeling and squinting his eyes shut. He has little more than a moment to try and think before he feels something ungodly bubbling up from deep within him, and when he leans forward over the side of his bed, he manages to choke up a good deal of second-hand, second-rate booze. Still woozy, he is only dimly able to wonder how the waste bin that catches most of the putrid mixture got there. A clumsy hand fumbles for his nightstand, catching wood after a few attempts. Vague memories return, a leaky faucet drip-feeding him disordered, nonsensical fragments one or two at a time. The clink of shot glasses. A giddy laugh that fills him with dizzying contentment. A chord struck on an electric guitar. Lips against his, warm and graceless and desperate. Quickly finding the prospect of standing an insurmountable task, Warren allows himself to fall back onto the bed, his head sending him a fresh wave of agony as it hits the pillow, wings crushed uncomfortably at odd angles underneath him. More shards of memory circle him, enveloping him as he sinks back into the void.
When he next wakes, he finds the world a little easier to bear. The scents of citrus and chemicals fill his nostrils, eyes opening to see that the waste basket of the unspeakable has been removed, the carpet underneath damp and scrubbed vigorously, the majority of the stain scraped away. Presently, as he frowns down at the faint splotch, a glass of cool liquid finds its way into one hand, the other pried open by steady fingers and a pair of pills placed on his clammy palm. The same fingers then move slowly up to his face, sweeping stringy, sweaty blond curls to the side and pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Drink. You need water.” He obeys without hesitation, downing half the glass before heaving his head up to meet his rescuer’s eye. Kurt is looking worse for wear himself, hair a mess, yellow eyes missing their usual gleam, still clothed in last night’s shirt and jeans. Warren catches the man’s hand as it retracts from his cheek, pressing his lips to the blue skin and smiling weakly. He still feels, to put it most simply, like absolute shit, but the sight of that tired face smiling back at him makes everything alright, if just for a moment before his throbbing head interrupts.
Hours pass in silence, slow and sluggish and sleepy. Kurt has found his place beside Warren, lying on his back, chest-to-chest with Warren. Idle fingers trace abstract shapes into the small of Warren’s back, while his tail curves up from beneath him, straightening the feathers of his wings one by one. It takes Kurt a moment to gather himself when Warren speaks, pulled out of his stagnant thoughts. “How did you… when I woke up,” he mumbles, unable to find the words to finish his question. Nonetheless, Kurt seems to get the message. “Knew you’d need to throw up sometime in the night,” Kurt answers simply. “Figured I should be ready for it. Save some awful cleanup.” “But you still had to—” “It was nothing. I couldn’t get all of it, but I think it’ll dry up okay.” He shifts his weight on the bed, groaning softly. “How are you feeling? Any better?” “I’ll be fine,” Warren dismisses. “Back to normal by tonight. You?” “Just tired more than anything. It was a late one.” Warren makes a noncommittal humming noise, letting his arms tighten around the man beneath him, comforted to find lean, supple muscle under his fingers.
“Shouldn’t’ve gone out,” he mutters, not to Kurt, nor to himself in particular. “Shouldn’t’ve dragged you with me. Shouldn’t’ve left the house at all…” “It’s alright,” Kurt soothes. “It wasn’t all bad. You weren’t feeling good last night, you just wanted a good time.” “I wanted a distraction,” comes Warren’s steadfast correction. “I wanted to forget.” A long pause, muscles instinctively tensing, holding Kurt even closer. “Wanted everything to go away.” “I know,” the voice below him whispers, chest rumbling with the words. Warren finds himself suspended in Kurt’s silence, leaning into his breath as it leaves his lungs. “I suppose I should have seen it, stopped you before it got too bad. I’m sorry I didn’t.” Warren shakes his head against the cloth of Kurt’s shirt. “Not your fault. You just thought we were going out for fun.” “…Some of it was fun, at least. We had some laughs.” “Yeah? Good. Glad my breakdown had an upside.” “I didn’t mean—” “I know. Came out harsher than I meant it. Sorry.”
“Are you going to tell me what your dad said this time?” It’s dark outside now, crickets chirruping in the grassy fields outside the mansion. The air is fresher, feels better with the window open, a crisp evening breeze streaming in like light into a darkened room. The couple are working through a pizza, and Warren pauses mid-bite to contemplate Kurt’s question, finally nodding his head as he swallows. “Yeah, I guess. If you want to know.” “Of course I do. You know you feel better when you share.” He sighs heavily, reluctantly, but he can’t deny that Kurt is right. He hates it when Kurt is right, especially when it means having to spill his innermost thoughts and feelings like some corny after-school special. As much as he loves Kurt for helping him, for forcing him up and prying him out of bed and drawing blood from a stone by making Warren open up, it still doesn’t come as easy to him as he wished it would.
“The basic gist was the same as always,” he says, his tone almost bored but for the slightest hint of bitterness. “Nobody was ready to see a mutant Worthington, you should have just hid them forever and pretended to be a pretty little Homo Sapiens. And—” He freezes, lifting his eyes from his slice of pepperoni to meet Kurt’s gaze. “And there was some stuff about you.” “About me? But—” “Someone posted a photo of us online. Got back to him somehow.” “Oh…” The sound of Kurt’s voice, heavy with guilt and shame, fills Warren with a seething, white-hot rage. “Hey,” he says roughly. “Hey. Don’t you dare feel bad about this. He’s the only asshole here, okay? It’s all him. The homophobia, the mutophobia, all of it.” Kurt nods vaguely, stiffly, eyes glazed over. He knows he shouldn’t feel this way, feel responsible for the tumultuous and deeply unhealthy relationship Warren has with his family, but some small part of him always persists, whispers keenly to him that things might be easier for his Angel if he’d never come along to complicate matters even more than they already were. “Are you still working on trying to cut ties?” he asks, instead of dealing with his own roiling emotions. Warren senses the need to change the subject and obliges. “Yeah. It’s just… hard. Accepting that he’s never gonna be satisfied.” He sniffs derisively, eyes cloudy as he reaches for another slice from the box between them. Suddenly restless, he stands, shaking out his wings with a flutter like a peacock preening. In the back of Kurt’s mind echoes the same thought he has whenever he sees Warren’s wings in their full radiant, elegant beauty: how could anyone hate something so amazing? Warren’s feet move without a destination until he finds himself perching on the windowsill, drawing in a lungful of clean night air. “Part of you always hopes there’s something you can do to just… I dunno, ¬force him to change.” The formless colours in the distance out the window slowly shift to form a line of trees as his eyes adjust, then blur again just as quickly with an unexpected wave of tears. “I know he never will. It’s never going to make sense to him to just love me more than he fears what people think.”
A heaving breath shudders past his lips. He tries to piece together another sentence, but the knot in his throat has choked him off. Mercifully, Kurt’s voice rises to fill the cavernous silence. “I know how you feel,” he murmurs. “I know what that’s like. Wanting so desperately for everything to be like it should be. Wishing you could even be what they wanted. Even though you know what they want is wrong.” He speaks like a prayer, intoning each word carefully and deliberately. Warren sees the glint in his eye, knows just what the distinctive quirk in Kurt’s lips and catch in his throat means. “Mystique,” Warren breathes, not a question and not an accusation, but Kurt nods his confirmation all the same. “…Family sucks ass, huh?” And suddenly, there it is. The high, twinkling laugh that erases the hurt in Warren’s chest, fills him with warm, soft relief. Kurt’s eyes wrinkle when he shuts them, tears pushed from the corners of his eyes down his cheek. He sniffles, raises his head. His tail sweeps across the carpet and catches the side of Warren’s leg, snaking under the cuff of his sweatpants and gliding up and down the skin of his calf. The smile that graces his lips reaches all the way to his eyes, weak as it is. “Not the family you choose.”
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niall-talk · 6 years
Alone Time continued
Your night in alone did not turn out as you expected. You ended up with a guest, but you were not about to complain. You turn onto your side to see the bluest eyes you have ever seen. You're body had recovered, but your mind was a different story. You couldn't land on a clear thought due to the millions that made your head spin. “You ok love?” His voice brought you back to the reality of you and him.
It took you a moment to stop the whirlwind in your head. “Uh yeah sure,” you closed your eyes and prayed that when you opened them it wasn't just a dream. “Don't sound it,” Niall sounded uneasy as you felt him shuffle around on the bed. You flicked your eyes open just in time to see the distressed look on his face. A lump formed in your throat and cut off every word you wanted to say. You wanted to tell him you were great. That he was great. That the world was great for once in your life. You felt the need to let him know that you were ecstatic about what had happened. Damn the lump that cut off your ability to speak.
“Okay then,” he mumbled under his breath. He slipped off the bed and ran a hand down the back of his head. He rested his hand on the back of his neck while he looked at the floor. “Sorry about,” he started to apologize. You forced the lump out of your throat, and cut him off before he could finish. “Don't say that." You managed to get out in a shaky voice. He tore his gaze from the floor and focused on your eyes. His eyes softened when they made contact with yours.
You had sat up on the bed on your knees. “Please don't say you're sorry about what just happened.” He didn't say a word he just watched you. You saw the questions in his eyes. “If you say sorry then it didn't mean anything. I don't want to mean nothing to you." Your voice came out quieter than you had ever heard it.
Where did those words just come from? Did you just confess your feelings to him? Dear God what were you doing? “You've never meant nothin’ to me.” His voice sounded softer than usual. You noticed the concerned look on his face. “Ya do know that don't ya Pet?”
You didn't know what to think at that moment. You knew how you felt about him. The little fantasyland you lived in from time to time where you and Niall were together. The fantasyland that nobody knew about but you. “I don-I don't know Niall.” Your honest answer caused him to flinch. “I mean I know we're friends. But other than that I don't know what to think.” You sat back on your feet and remembered you were naked in front of him having this conversation. You tried to cover yourself with the sheet. Your confidence from earlier had disappeared and left you vulnerable.
“What was this? Why did-I mean,” you stopped trying to get the words in some type of order. You wanted to ask what happened to bring all of this on? You and Niall had always been close in your friendship. What had just transpired between the two of you took a huge step past friendship; to you it was a huge deal.
“Don't guess I could blame it on the drink can I?” Niall dropped his gaze to your bare thigh then back to your face. You noticed the tinge of red on his neck and face. He swiped his hand over his face and dropped it to his side.
“Don't think either of us could,” you reply not exactly sure what to expect. You can't help but look him over. Those training days with Mark made it hard to look away from his lean muscles. You watched his muscles flex and roll with each movement he made.
He joined you on the bed again, this time with a different mindset. He forced himself to look straight ahead at the dresser across from him. “Wasn't lyin’ when I said I missed ya.” He played with his fingers absentmindedly while he spoke. “Missed havin’ ya around t’talk to and stuff.”
You soaked up the warmth from not only his body but his words too. You had always heard of the warm fuzzy feeling. This must have been what it felt like. You could feel the warmth spread from your heart to the tips of your toes. “Really? We talked while you were gone. Even Skyped a time or five. Not that I counted or anything.” you bit your lip as you waited for his reaction.
“Oh you didn't huh?” He let a slight chuckle escape from his lips. Niall let himself look at you. “Just not the same on the phone. Would rather have ya with me.” His lips went from the smirk to a full on smile when he noticed the blush on your cheeks.
“You had plenty of people around. You had the guys to keep you entertained.” You bump his arm with your shoulder. “I'm sure they were better company than me.” You stayed there leaned against his arm with yours. Just the feel of his skin on yours felt so right. Just that contact settled your nerves and slowed the thoughts in your head.
“Yeah but Connor isn't as soft to cuddle with. Bird is as short but he don't look up at me like ya do.” Niall laughed at the side-eye glare you gave him.
“You're not as cute as you think,” you rolled your eyes at him.
He tisked you with a reminder, “Uh I'm a model now. So I must be very cute to someone.” his face burst into the biggest smile you had seen in a long time. His infectious laugh bounced off the walls of your bedroom.
After you both regain your composure he took your hand between his. He drew circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. “Penny for your thoughts,” your words pulled him out of whatever daydream he was in. “I just don't want ta mess this up.” The worried look found its way back to his face.
“Niall we're good. Your not gonna mess anything up.” The worry on his face faded away. “I just. I mean,” you let out a frustrated groan between your mangled words. “When you said the way I look at you.” You stopped not sure you want to go there just yet. “Like you're the only man I've looked at like that.” The lump from earlier found its way back to your throat.
“Yeah I know I'm not. Just ya make me feel that way when it's just us. Like earlier when we were dancin’ together,” Niall rambled on not even a pause to take a breath. “Just felt like ya wanted me to hold ya. Like I was the only one ya wanted to hold like that.” Once again he ran a hand through his hair out of habit.
Your hand rested in his; you gave it a squeeze. His head fully turned to face you. “You are the first person to make me feel like that in a long time.” You gave him your best soft smile. “I tried to hide it because I didn't think you would ever feel the same. I just thought I was one of the guys.”
He bumped your arm with his this time, “Definitely never thought of ya as one of the lads." He smiled and placed a soft kiss to your forehead. You couldn't help the butterfly feeling in your stomach. “Never thought about kissin’ any of them like I do you.” You saw the quick shift of his eyes to your lips then back you your eyes. “Thinkin’ about it now."
You beat him to it as you raised up and pulled him in for a kiss. Your hands fisted into his hair. He let out a moan when you broke from the kiss. You felt yourself come alive for the second time since Niall had barged in your apartment. He looked at you to see what the next move was. You stood from the bed and the sheet fell from your body and you were once again on full display before this man that you had completely fallen for. You stood there looking him over just as he had you earlier. You straddle one of his thighs and wrap your arms around his neck. “I want you so bad,” you whispered in his ear before you nibble on it. His hands instantly grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to his body. “You have on far too many clothes,” you insisted as you reached down and rubbed him over his boxers.
“We can fix that,” he stated between hisses and gritted teeth. You stood and pushed his shoulders back onto your bed. You pulled at his waistband and he lifted his hips to help. After he was free from his shorts you saw his full hardened length laid against his lower abdomen. You couldn't wait to have him inside you.
He propped himself up on his elbows to watch you. You ran your nails up his thighs, and left light marks on his pale skin. He let out what sounded like a growl when you made it to his hips. You made your way above him and leaned down to lick and tease his nipples. He gasped for air when you found his cock and gave it a firm squeeze. “Easy love. Been on the road with nothin but lads.” You swiped your thumb over the head and felt the bead of pre-cum that had leaked out. You continued to rub it over his tip. “Lets see what we can do about that,” you teased a little more with your hand.
His eyes were full blown black by this time. You loved the look of hunger and lust that had taken over his features. He bucked his hips up, “Don't tease,” he warned. His voice deeper than you had ever heard it before and thick on the Irish accent. You lined him up with your body and slowly slid down onto him. You took your time to allow your body to adjust to him. Once he was fully inside of you there was a moment of pure bliss. As corny as it sounded in your head your only thought was that he was made just for you.
“Christ ya feel so good,” Niall uttered when you slowly moved up his length. Those paw sized hands reached for your body. His fingers made contact with your thighs and they dug in slightly. You had adjusted to having him inside you and had found a steady rhythm. He bent his knees and planted his feet on the mattress. This caused you to lean forward and him to go deeper when you came down on him.
Hands had been groping, mouths busy kissing, moaning and swearing as names were called out in pure ecstasy. Niall had moved to where he was now on top of you. His pace had changed to hard pounds hitting just that right spot. You felt the waves of bliss and release build to a peak. “Oh god,” you blurted out as you arched your back off the bed. Niall had placed his thumb on your already sensitive clit and rubbed circles. “So close,” was all you could get out between gasp for air.
“Let go love,” he demanded with a growl. That caused you to clench around him as he continued to pound into you. You heard him hiss and felt him start to get sloppy and out of rhythm with his thrust. You couldn't hold it back any longer. A rush of swears left your lips as you came undone under him. He continued to thrust as you recovered from the tidal waves that pulsed through your body. You felt him stall completely buried inside you. He let a primal moan from deep in his chest leave his lips. His spent body fell and covered you completely.
Your bodies stuck together from the heat and sweat that you had worked up. Neither of you had the will or the want to move. You fought to catch your breath from the weight of his body. You could care less at that moment if you could breath or not. You closed your eyes and ran you hand in his wet hair. His returned to breathing normal and rolled over to your side.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you watched him fight to keep his eyes open. You smiled to yourself when you felt an arm slide over your bare stomach and a hand grip into your side. He pulled you as close as he could and rested his head on your shoulder. You kissed his head and heard him mumble, “Why did it take so long for this?”  Your only answer was, “You were gone for to long.”
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rkxsicheng · 6 years
Phone Home
Friday, June 15th, 2018 TW: Mentions of Homophobia/Racism, Strained Parental Relationships, Depression
Sicheng is shocked to see Jenny’s hair blonde, and a little scandalised that she hadn’t told him she’d done it. It changes her vibe so much that it takes a second for him to even recognise her. 
His sister is the only person back home who he truly misses. She’s the only person in his family who really knows him, who ever bothered to get to know him, although it’d taken a while; they hadn’t gotten really close until after she’d left for university over four years ago. She’d returned for a visit, and after discovering some interesting searches in the browser history on the shared family computer, had confronted Sicheng, then just barely thirteen, about it. 
It was strange, perhaps, that her accidentally stumbling across her little brother’s homosexuality had worked such wonders for their relationship, but Jenny was a blessing; she’d told him that he needn’t worry about her spilling the beans, that she loved him regardless, that if he ever needed anything all he had to do was call. It was everything he’d needed to hear, still in the process of figuring it all out, still terrified of rejection, and although he didn’t think he’d ever come out to his parents, having her was enough. 
She was an easy person. Easy to like, easy to talk to, down to earth and chill. She hadn’t made a big deal about it, really, telling him that she owed him one after all the times he’d lied to their father so she could sneak around in high school and date brown and black guys, that she’d have his back when he got his first boyfriend. 
It still tugged at him to think about, brought stinging tears to his eyes if he pondered it enough. He was so unused to love and support coming unconditionally, without ifs and buts, that he struggled with it to this day.
His sister was someone he was immeasurably grateful for, but sometimes he felt guilty, as though he didn’t deserve her.
“You dyed your hair?!” 
“No, the hairdresser did it.”
They stare at one another, or rather, at their separate laptop screens and chuckle awkwardly for nearly thirty seconds, like their calls always seem to begin before she finally pipes up again; her voice is always a relief to Sicheng, striking with a pleasant rasp, it’s like home.
“What the fuck did I tell you about calling me more, dude?” 
Sicheng just giggles, and mutters a lazy apology. 
“I just..forget, okay? I’m busy.” 
“I know, I feel you. School has really been kicking my ass, and of course like...finals? Mid-breakup? In this economy? And now I think my period is coming early, like I’m--” she pauses to laugh, “I’m sorry, too much information, I’m sure, I’m just a mess, dude. Yesterday all I did was study, and the only thing I ate all day was a whole tub of Smarties ice cream, like...in the dark...I don’t know if I’m gonna make it, but...enough about me, Jesus, what’s up? It’s been forever and I know...I’ve just been worried.” Jenny has always spoken a million miles a minute, like she’s on speed, and she’s always got some story to tell, generally in a very amusing fashion. It takes him a few seconds to even process the tidal wave of information she’d just unleashed, and Sicheng can only laugh as he tries to figure out what he feels is even worth sharing. He knows that he wasn’t in the best headspace the last time they spoke, but his spirits have been on the rise the past month, and he wants to assure her that he’s doing okay. 
“Nothing...much? I’ve made a couple new friends actually...and...Mark and I are going to some audition tomorrow? I’m doing better, though. I’m actually kind of excited.” he says.
She smiles, resting her chin in her palm, her arm propped up on her desk, “That’s great! Good luck.” and then there’s a lull in the conversation before she grins, “Tell me about your friends.” 
Sometimes Sicheng needed to have it squeezed out of him; he supposes it’s the result of years of being told that his thoughts and concerns didn’t matter enough to be put to words, to be shared, but Jenny has always had a certain patience with him that he appreciates. He knows he must be annoying. 
Sicheng spends a few minutes going through some of his friends, throwing names out there and giving a brief description of their personalities and how they met, and what they like to do together, and then he hits Lucas, and freezes, a strange fear, a panic, fluttering in his chest for a moment, as though he wasn’t supposed to let Jenny know about him, and his brow furrows, confused, both at the sensation, but also in his search for words to describe the other boy.
“Lucas...?” Jenny prompts, an all-too-knowing smirk pulling her lips into a line, “Where’s he from?”  “Hong Kong.” Sicheng tells her, trying to ignore the heat in his face, because part of him wants to tell her, but he can’t, it’d be stupid, he’s stupid, he’s an enormous moron, “He’s, uh, he’s nice.” 
“Nice, huh?” she says with a snort, “Is he the one you told me about last time?”
It takes Sicheng a second to recall what she’s talking about before he has a sudden flashback to telling her about the ‘cute boy from Hong Kong’ just over a month ago, and all he can do is groan, “Yeah...that’s him.”
Jenny just laughs, and Sicheng wants to curl up and die. He hadn’t meant it so much even five weeks ago, he doesn’t think, so it’d been so easy to just say it, but somehow in that time this thing had tripled in size, the weird lump in his chest that vibrated in a really strange, frightening way whenever Lucas and him made eye contact for too long, the thing that left him breathless whenever Lucas would get touchy or pull Sicheng in for a friendly side hug. He’d never figure out how something could make him so happy but also inspire such a deep ache in him, how he could enjoy Lucas’s presence in all of its size, in its occasional obnoxiousness, to the extent that he craved it, and also have moments where he wished he had the stones to take a scalpel to his belly and cut the exhilaration from his chest, pluck each little butterfly from his stomach, and stop being so stupid.
His expression must have made clear what he felt, as it was only a couple seconds, probably on account of the delay, before Jenny’s smile fell. 
“Oh no...” she mutters, “Sammy...”
“He’s just so nice.” he says, too spontaneously upset to even cringe at the sound of his English name as he usually would, and he can’t help but chuckle at it, how he manages to say something good so forlornly, as if it’s a tragedy, “And he...he just...”
He doesn’t even know what to say. He makes me laugh? He makes me feel like maybe things won’t always feel so heavy? Every time he smiles at me it’s like a suckerpunch directly to the abdomen? Every one of them was too obvious, and stupid. To utter any of them would make him feel like the biggest fool on Earth; not that he was unused to that.
Jenny waits for a moment, perhaps for her brother to speak, “Jesus...that bad?” and Sicheng wants to laugh, but he can’t, it’s exactly that bad, “Is he...straight?” 
Sicheng lets loose a lunatic cackle at how she says that word, so tentatively, as though it’s a deed unspeakable, and when he goes to answer he suddenly feels a sinking in his chest. 
“No,” he says, “But I don’t think I’m his type or...well, I’m pretty sure he likes someone else.”
“Fuck him then,” she says, matter-of-factly, more a command than a suggestion, “He’s clearly got no taste.” 
There’s a moment of silence, before she continues, her voice tender now.
“And...it’s not worth it. Wasting time waiting for someone. I know...it doesn’t make it feel any better, though, and I’m sorry...” 
Sicheng only nods, probably too softly for her to even see. 
“Tell me about him.” she says, and Sicheng is confused by the request, but truthfully, he’s been wanting to tell her about Lucas for a while now. Although he has to stop himself from rambling, as he knows he could gush about Lucas for hours.
“He’s...a figure skater?” he begins, “You’d never guess it, though, if you hadn’t seen him on the ice. He’s goofy...and like, clumsy, and then he puts on ice skates and is somehow super graceful. It’s...impressive. And he’s...nice to me. I guess...I’m shy, you know,” they take a second to laugh with one another, and Jenny confirms that she’s aware, “but he’s not, and is always sure to include me if I’m there, and asks to hang out, and...I feel like...I can be me around him?” 
It sounds corny, he understands, but Lucas is one of the few people he’s met that doesn’t make him feel like an afterthought; he genuinely believes that Lucas considers him a friend, and more than the sort that one only brings around when bored. It makes him feel guilty, sometimes; he didn’t understand how he’d managed to trick Lucas into enjoying his company, and it scared him. 
He’d been wondering for a while if he was in the wrong somehow. What underhanded techniques had he utilised to fool Lucas into thinking he was something worth his time and energy.  Was it okay to let someone make you happy? Was Sicheng using him?
“Sa-” she catches herself this time, “Sicheng,” she says, using the wrong tone with the second syllable, “It’ll be okay, I promise. He’s...it’s gonna be okay.”
Sicheng tells her that he knows. 
She’s had this talk about the fleeting nature of crushes with him before, a couple of years prior, he’s even passed on her words of wisdom to Mark. And she was right, that first crush, on a cute football player who’d also been in the art club at his high school in Vancouver, had more or less faded in intensity within months, but this didn’t feel the same as that crush; this one wasn’t going to go peacefully into the night, it was going to linger, it was going to cling to life. This one was going to hurt. 
Lucas had managed to force his way in, a big clumsy puppy bounding through the room, knocking over all the delicate decor, and Sicheng felt a very queer sense of helplessness, as if he were entirely powerless; there was no stopping Lucas from being important to him, not anymore. 
But the conversation doesn’t linger too long on him, thankfully, eventually moving on to world events, to the MGA4 audition, and then back to Jenny’s drama, and the two of them spend the better part of two hours catching up before it gets late enough that he really needs to start getting ready for bed. 
“I love you, kid.” she says, her goodbye, “You’re gonna do great tomorrow okay? You’re going to make it through to whatever it is, and win the whole thing. I believe in you.”
3 notes · View notes
13x07 Watching Notes
Should probably not have multiple scenarios where I snark out loud and then the very next line of dialogue is that snark but innocently delivered.
Heyooo it’s not our Christmas cliffhanger though!
Expectations: It has literally just occurred to me right now sitting down to type out my expectations that this season's *entire* main plot so far has been "the spawn of satan is cuter than we expected".
I'm still trying to wrangle the idea of how you get hours of Buckleming plot twists and slow exposition out of this, although introducing 18 different angles for them to tackle the problem and returning us to the AU world is a good start to have at least 4 plot threads going and hey I feel like this episode is supposed to be a breather for having too many Jack episodes in a row which makes it even funnier that they're gonna have to deal with the absence of something but who knows maybe he will show up before episode 9. If not they may genuinely be tricked into considering narrative negative space in some form or another, at least by the actual omission of Jack from the episode, despite the fact it has to be about him.
There's like at least 3 individual ways each arc might go terribly, and I'm typing this as pre-yoga thoughts while trying to do my NaNoWriMo and I watched Brooklyn 99 already this morning, and essentially I'm pretty much just bracing against "Oh god this new sleep pattern is the worst and it has ruined nearly every episode this season for me" migraines. So I'm just gonna be super chill because the stress of this ridiculous bed at 8pm awake at 5am thing is killing me without bad writing on my favourite show.
So, instead of modelling a worst case scenario, here's a best case one: it's crowded, the pacing is bad, there's some bizarre lines of dialogue and no room for any character interaction and the sneak peek already showed us the sum total of Destiel interaction but in hindsight with the rest of the episode that's actually a plus, and aside from that there's no rape or catastrophic bad decisions or characterisation that just makes our guys look like idiots because the villains aren't that smart and they're still outwitting them or something. Cas wasn't even mentioned in the episode description if I recall and I would like to think that is because he gets Buckleminged in the way where they forget he exists so he's in 2 scenes and just kinda stops at some point and that's the last we hear of him for a few episodes but at least nothing happened to him :P
(It HELPS that the bad decision of the year seems like it should be Jack and Kaia ganging up in 13x09 and this is just a plot filler episode where they can't blow everything up from sheer incompetence, since the main plot is still Jack, and all Buckleming can do is escalate stuff but not so much we find Jack, so they're mostly running free with Lucifer, Michael and Asmodeus on the playground they've been permitted to keep them distracted. On the other hand, that does not lend itself towards 'storytelling structure' whatsoever. So I may derive some fun from mentally re-writing this episode as it goes as well.)
Hi I'm back and I have tea and preemptive paracetamol and look I not do crap like this lightly but the only thing wrong with me is sleep and yoga but glug glug glug down the hatch, I'm not fucking around, migraine. I swear to god if I even see a HINT of you...
I should also mention that my only prep for this episode was watching Tall Tales last night with my mum because we're lightly re-watching season 2 and I thought you know what look how far that fucker has come that he's just one of the show's regular directors now or something. I forgot that completely this morning so I'm amending my expectations (it WAS annoyingly early in the day) to add that Speight hasn't directed a Buckleming yet but I'm interested to see how he handles it.
The episode starts with Mary cheerfully punching Lucifer at least 3 times in the face. I am still extremely proud of her for doing that but overall disappointed that it's led to her banishment to be a Buckleming character this season, which has been a fast way to ruin characters.
We get the entire first minute of the recap in Buckleming POV, aka they write the corny villains - and specifically a lot of Asmodeus point of view, his summary of the situation and what needs doing, having graciously inherited this throne, and comments on where Lucifer is as a sort of trailing off, well that's not my concern if he's gone. Only at the minute mark does the recap flip around to something genuinely ABOUT Jack as we've been seeing him, rather than trying to sell Jack as woooo Lucifer's scaaary son. Suddenly Jack's own identity crisis and him leaving.
Maybe it's just because they were trimming for time, but they cut the "all of you" from "I know I'm going to hurt you" but they also left the focus on Sam. I am mostly amused that by removing the clarification - which has been a theme of the season - it reduces that moment to a bare minimum surface layer, as if to say bye bye writing depth hello random action.
I had a burgeoning theory last year from one episode or another that pretty much everyone is lampooning Buckleming while letting them get on with writing their stuff, and trying to run loops around them in basically any other way.
There was something going on on screen involving a lot of stock footage while I was digging around in my bag looking for my 3DS assuming this was gonna be a Lucifer scene. I still think they're softening him up to kill him, but that's something I have to hope. One of the other non-redemption options is that they need to make him at least halfway manageable if he is gonna end up working with Cas or something. There is something vaguely appropriate matching Buckleming dialogue to Lucifer melodramatics, but unfortunately I really can't give these writers or that character much of a chance so while I'm happy to let them take him to play with over on their bit of the story like a chew toy to keep them off the stuff I like, it is annoying this is all the canon of the show I like >.>
One or the other of Buckleming really really dislikes God and organised religion though, and that does often lend the interesting thing to an episode where for some reason as soon as religion is involved the writing actually gets halfway decent.
One thing Lucifer says that catches my interest is his idea the universe is written without irony, when tbh that has literally been his downfall in season 5, and in general the universe is ironic to the WINCHESTERS to whom the universe is actually happening to, and there's the whole Dean is the centre of the universe thing, and THEN there's Billie's line about how sometimes the universe is poetic, coupled with how Dean got Cas back entirely through dramatic irony. I can't remember if Chuck commented on dramatic irony. Anyway Lucifer sucks, the story doesn't happen to him and he doesn't have the resources to read it. Metatron *thrived* on that sort of thing.
I like the visual of Michael standing with the sun behind him - it gives him absolutely the divine look he'd love to have, and I just wish he didn't have randomly shirtless Lucifer taking up some of that visual. If someone doesn't make a gifset chopping Lucifer out to just enjoy that image, I will make one, perhaps.
Something else to enjoy about this: they locked Mark P in some sort of medieval torture device and no matter how comfy you try and make it, there's obvious limits to that, so I will enjoy that he had to do that.
Michael sees that Lucifer is scared of being locked up and caged, which actually is... accidentally or not... a pretty clever callback, although it wouldn't have killed them to have Michael deduce this on screen, because in 9x18 Dean - Michael's vessel - deduces that Gadreel - a blatant Lucifer parallel in many respects while obviously not in many many others - is terrified of being caged again.
Of course that exchange is one of the single most fascinatingly well-acted exchanges of the entire show which on my umpteenth viewing still knocks me completely flat so it's not a FAIR comparison, but it is an interesting one.
I like that Michael think that the main universe is already paradise - in comparison to his shithole, definitely, because it still has pretty stock footage. Thematically interesting since obviously paradise is a bit of an issue with what people want...
LOL Wanek's ridiculous "concrete bunker" set... The camera pulls back and there's a massive Jesus on the wall and Lucifer's hanging behind him screeching and it's like... That is an inanimate lump of wood and I can see it rolling its eyes at you.
In the earlier moments out here in the AU we saw the church from 8x23 poking up out of the rubble, and whether this is the same one or not NOW, because I think it was a bit too buried to be this one, it conjures the memory of 8x23, and that one was interesting specifically because Jesus wasn't there - the cross had only his hands and feet remaining and the rest had been torn down. Sam was inserted into that empty space because he was doing the big heroic world-saving sacrifice that from one direction of pure irony the episode was named after (since he decided not to do it/the real motives for his sacrifice were way more interesting than him going through with it heroically anyway etc) but it was another Sam and Jesus moment, like in 5x22 where he more straight-forwardly sacrificed himself.
(And jeeze you watch one episode with the guy and now I can't get him out of my head - remembering in 9x18 Gabriel snarking about how he died for their sins and then making one of the few Jesus references on the show. Jesus is usually extremely absent from this show, so actually having him on screen is very interesting)
Anyway I am pretty sure this is almost entirely to remind Lucifer what a great big fucking drama queen he is being about this all and of course he's sacrificing for nothing.
Blah blah promo scene.
They have the photo of Jack from Mia's security camera which means no one has snapped a cute picture of him on their phone yet, Cas included. Disappointing.
Now, I'm pretty hesitant to get into characterisation in BL episodes, and Dean just generically wryly comments on how powerful Jack is which could mean anything but Sam then says he might be covering his tracks and then Cas, who has to be written sympathetic to Jack, comes through the door saying that it could mean Jack is in trouble with the various forces that want to control him. Sam's comment coupled with Cas's interruption seems to make it much more likely that Sam's comment is to be taken as vaguely unnerved/suspicious of what Jack can do, and that he's doing things like that Dean implies. That Jack learned so fast he might be able to cause a fair amount of destruction but conceal it from them and if they're trying to track him, Sam is expecting destruction.
Dean also came from the kitchen with coffees so why is Cas coming from the back of the Bunker... I'm gonna have to assume he was until just now lounging around in Dean's bed and Dean was like I better go get coffee and help Sam and Cas was like yeah but thanks for the 'sorry your son ran away' sex i feel a lot better and Dean was like no problem babe, and probably gave Cas one of those ridiculous shoulder nudges in the most no homo way ever before he got up to find where they threw his underwear an hour earlier, and Cas just kinda chilled while Dean was getting the coffee so as not to be suspicious by piling in on Sam after taking the exact same length break from the search but then they fucked it up and still managed to enter the scene within 30 seconds of each other.
Yeah, that's probably it.
I just saw the list of guest stars wander by and took 3 emergency gulps of my tea at that combo of Osric and for some reason DHJ because file that under genuinely unexpected :P
PS: I know we knew Kevin would be back this year but the fact I managed to find Kevin thematic stuff in the last 2 episodes in a row still feels important to me as storytelling rather than foreshadowing.
Anyway Cas tries to tell Dean the angels don't like him, and Dean volunteering to go with him because "i could go with you" is a thing and they keep doing it to each other and ow
Blah blah we could work a case. Are you serious? I really seriously hope this is not literally Buckleming's thought process about wtf do we do with Sam and Dean this episode after establishing maybe 4-5 other plotlines we need to handle away from them. I hope it turns out to be directly main plot related, whatever they stumble on, but we already now have them in a position where any involvement with the main stuff will be them stumbling on it or it coming to them. See above: ways in which the main characters are automatically made to be stupid. Subtle things, like not being able to imagine a way in which Sam and Dean are resourceful enough to even start to find Jack which doesn't involve googling things.
I mean we have no clue what you're doing with this random witch seeming case, why can't you bring a detail foreward if it's from the main plot to give us a clue. And if it's not, tell us something connected to it which will at least make Sam and Dean interested in it as a lead? Even if they're not right about why, put them on the trail because they're good at their jobs!
Anyway hi Asmodeus? As soon as we clear the promo scene etc I start assuming everyone is Asmodeus
I mean, in this case it literally is. but you can't trust anyone these days.
He needs to have his equivalent scene to sitting around in the Bunker googling, which, which is to say, the same type of minions who brought Crowley or Lucifer news are now coming toadying in to tell Asmodeus news, and the only difference is his name is harder to spell.
He's trying to do the same thing reaching out to Jack that we saw Lucifer trying to do last season, to Dagon. There is always the possibility that Asmodeus just isn't powerful enough to get into Jack's head from this extreme range when he has no idea where he is. Loser.
This minion seems to be mistakenly labelling Jack as "the Jack", maybe not as a mark of respect but more misunderstanding what he is, that he's not a thing, that that's his name...
Asmodeus asks who's protecting Jack, and cut to the image of Jesus again. I don't know about him, but tbh it could just be that Jack is protecting HIMSELF and they've massive underestimated him to do that. Jesus on this show represents a lot more of the personal autonomy saving yourself thing.
Also hey as long as we're not seeing Jack, we're getting that gosh darned hole in the narrative that he represents while he's missing. Is this actually a lesson in subtlety?
Michael meanwhile is enjoying tormenting Lucifer some more because blah blah sole purpose in life and what do you even do when you win.
Lucifer appears to have claimed to be a god in the SPN verse and Michael's like, here you're pathetic, and I'm like, mate, he was pretty pathetic in the main SPN universe too
There's some cool crosses on the walls which are trying to help, bringing light into this church.
Yeah where is Mary anyway - I wasn't gonna ask, but then Lucifer seemed to imply that Michael was keeping her around.
I mean sheesh the easiest way to get Mary around is to just have her in the scene still lurking but then film it as if it's almost entirely from her eyeballs POV if she doesn't have anything else to be doing right now - having her witnessing this theatre as the person from the main SPN world who's come over here.
Awwww he's gone a wee bit off the rails in this world, seeing as he'd have had to be helping Michael and reading tablets the entire time and also the entire world appears to be destroyed.
I don't know why Lucifer's having a personal reaction to Kevin unless I totally forgot something but they were literally never in the same seasons as each other although weirdly both in 11x21 so obviously must just be angels would know all the prophetsand which one was currently active... Maybe he's just surprised that in the AU Kevin survived even longer than he did in the supposedly better world.
Well there aren't any Winchesters in this one and Lucifer always underestimates them, in this case positively re: likelihood of getting Kevin killed :P
Oh great they're powering down Lucifer a bit. Well that should make him much more irritating.
I mean mostly because everything makes him irritating.
But it means the show wants him around some more but they can't have him at full power because it's just inconvenient so now they're finding a reason to water him down so they can have him around dragging his heels and complaining. I suppose it might make some comparisons to Cas, who's on a smidgen of left-over grace, but again, see also: eye rolling wooden Jesus, there's no way you can redeem Lucifer and not by comparing him to Cas.
Metatron got some sort of treatment but he was nowhere near like Cas even when he was done being redeemed and he still had to be killed off doing a heroic thing rather than let him stick around.
I'm just grinding my teeth and I already got part of the way through the next scene but UGH
So hey thinking of random versions of other characters why is DHJ's magnificent facial hair making a cameo return role on this side of the interdimensional nosense? You can't just grow a beard and start hunting witches on the down low on the winchesters' turf.
I'm assuming including DHJ's names in the credits was specifically some sort of nonsense now
specifically monsters going around looking like other things.
Maybe it was a shapeshifter Ketch punched a few weeks ago. It's only been a few weeks since he died, you know.
Maybe it's Asmodeus.
Maybe it's maybelline
The plot reason for the beard had better be hilarious.
I like Daniella the Beret Witch. For some reason I thought she looked tons like the witch Sam and Dean were looking at on the CCTV but when I went back to look I actually spotted her in the background watching them and waiting to make her move, and she doesn't look like the one on the CCTV at all so I guess my brain clocked her and filed her away because she was sitting around in a huge scarf, sunglasses and a beret and my brain didn't want me to not pay attention to her in case she was useful.
Kevin's weirdly pristine but still grey hoodie is making me giggle. He looks like the AU has barely touched him and Michael's even dirty and ragged.
I'm not sure I even want to touch random morality discussions from Buckleming. Lucifer says Michael is pure evil, Kevin says "aren't you Satan?" and Lucifer really hasn't done anything ever to make us actually want to root for him. Like sure Michael is the much worse bigger bad in the show's rankings but that doesn't make Lucifer less quanitifiably evil. Michael's way more complex because Lucifer is the big cartoon evil that Sam had to originally fear, the "what if I am actually evil" character mirror that obviously Sam isn't but it meant Lucifer needed no character complexity other than whiny manipulative interpretations of how he'd been mistreated where he could protest he had a side. Michael is waaaay more complex just in the like 2 episodes he actually talks in season 5 because he's "what if Dean was the big bad" and he's not evil, he's just 100% black and white morality rigid "good" in the sense of punishing evil, to the point of not questioning an order to kill his brother, and not even having a particularly "cool motive still murder" approach like Cain, but literally just like well okay then I guess I will kill my brother. How to make DEAN evil, or to personify the darkness that lives in him.
I mean I am massively simplifying but dear lord Buckleming if you read my notes this is the baseline direction you need to be writing these characters from and I am trying to HELP.
I am genuinely feeling like you're mistaking "apparent fan favourite because they make a lot of memes about him, Lucifer" as "this must mean people genuinely like him because he's Lucifer" and any possible reason I would find him interesting as a villain who was held up to just kinda exist and be himself doing his awful things contrasted to Michael who was just around existing and doing his awful things, is all just draining away down the toilet. Like you've got Lucifer lodged in there and you're flushing and flushing around him >.>
Anyway I'm going to take this entire scene as 100x more ironic than it was probably originally intended to be, that Kevin is not exactly right about Michael (and lol, Michael being the Dean parallel just kinda using Kevin all the time for random spells and always having him on the hook for doing things for them) but he's sure not wrong about Lucifer, Lucifer protesting Michael is evil because he's mistreating him and has destroyed this planet sure isn't WRONG but it's not a "so therefore I must be right"
And I kind of think the level of subtlety this writing is at is that "Michael is a dick and therefore Lucifer looks better in comparison"
But that's not how any of this works
*insert Jesus eyeroll*
*pats poor overworked manic AU!Kevin's hair*
I wonder if he's actually going to be able to do it
it would be HILARIOUS if they waste Lucifer's grace on this
Hey he did it, I'm proud of you AU!Kev. He always manages to do the thing :P
Okay not good that Lucifer has just been thrown back because A: Mary is still trapped over there, I assume for the much more important emotional arc stuff to do with rescuing her especially in the parallel to getting Cas back and all this stuff for Sam's arc and all
But UGH the writing of Lucifer is just really annoying me on so many levels and punting him back into the main SPN universe depowered and humbled by his brother, just annoys me so much.
Like I don't know how much more less enthused I have to be about Lucifer having struggles.
Boo hoo
Last season Dean got mistaken for homeless after he got hit with the memory spell, and was offered cash to make him go away.
he handled it considerably better than Lucifer.
I am just gonna assume this random woman is Asmodeus.
Lucifer probably ought to go grab that cash he was offered...
Oh wait here's Asmodeus, torturing some poor bloke called Karl who apparently works at the motel from last week.
I'm impressed they managed to track Jack that far, tbh
The question is, is there an actual memo that the Winchesters are camped in an old, heavily warded, impossible to map or locate MoL bunker, or is that something you only find out after you tail them for a bit? I mean Jack might not be there any more either but it would be a start :P
I feel extra skeevy about this scene because Asmodeus is being a total moron for starters by not checking Karl's level of clued in to this, and so he's this white plantation owner coded guy in his shiny white suit, torturing a black guy who isn't even on the same level as him for info he doesn't have, and could in no way be resonably expected to know. So it's doubly cruel. Although in some respects Asmodeus's coding makes this gratuitous violence a commentary, just like Buddy and Dave being collosal douches to women in the last few episodes was called out in many ways simply by their existence and coding as collosal douches.
Still not nice to watch on screen, especially without even more specific reference to Asmodeus's doucheyness because the stupidity of this dialogue is not helping.
Like did the minions just bring Karl to him and say hey we tracked the Winchesters and Jack this far, he might know more?
This is the sort of basic intelligence test fail here, that they're not over-thinking this scene in the specific details that you need to not have your main villain parade around displaying total idiocy over.
Like why the Winchesters would book into a motel under "Sam and Dean Winchester and Jack the Nephilim" and then Karl would know that and know what that means.
You can't just drag a normy into the Hell Main Office and torture them for info about Jack when they have no clue who that is.
He literally
can shapeshift
into anything
Go to the Stampede Motel, turn into a pretty girl in a low cut top, and lean on the motel check in desk until you know what you were after.
I'm no longer impressed they found Karl, I'm AMAZED.
Why did they kiiiiill him
Lol Asmodeus is so hammy
what's he sensing
Has he figured out Lucifer is back?
Meanwhile: Sam and Dean voluntarily go to a creepy cabin in the woods with a witch. This is not quite as stupid as Asmodeus was just being.
I am loving the plot development that David Hayden Jones has returned to the show as himself to find Rowena. Like dammit, you were a really cool character I had no interaction with but we coulda had some screen magic for all you know. You may or may not be in this episode as a surprise appearance which as Lizzy said putting MY name in the credits is the "hey it's that guy" fuckery to distract from the fact there's some bigger fuckery at foot (like... aside from the fact I was back to back with OSRIC FUCKING CHAU) because you don't *just* randomly put my very recognisable name in the credits at the start of the episode with Osric unless it's because something's up. So heeey here I am, I'm looking for Rowena, because dangit Ruthie deserves another chance to be in this show.
Daniella is also really slow to realise that Sam just said she was going to be bait. It took until Dean repeated it for her to realise.
She's really pretty though.
She starts choking like several moments before the gas hits her
... is that DHJ?
I mean we're getting a close up on his face but I literally. Do. Not. Recognise. Him.
I remember rambling at some point in my watching notes in season 12 when his face was being particularly hilarious after I'd seen con photos of DHJ that Ketch is one of the most effective character disguises I've ever seen for an actor's face. TBH it's the same weird different face thing I get from Alex Calvert - that he's all clean shaven and filmed as a wee nougat child in the show but he has an instagram of unrecognisable smouldering glamour shots, often with scruff. DHJ has a beard and that's his face, and part of the Ketch look was being clean shaven and crammed in a tight collar which is an incredibly British upper class twit look, and even in other clothes later the illusion lasted... But add a beard and stop grooming his hair and he just turns into some other person entirely.
Ah well, Dean gets to punch DHJ with Ketch's accent again which must be satisfying for him.
Did they take DHJ back to the Bunker? Really?
Oh he doesn't have the tattoo
LOL he's his "twin" "brother"... Obviously.
Yeah okay whatever you say, DHJ.
elizabethrobertajones Hey what if DHJ was actually Rowena
mittensmorgul oh god, don't give them ideas
ALSO if you have an "evil twin brother" you would generally assume that this sort of thing would happen a lot and you'd try and clarify sooner? I bring up my twin like every other time I talk about myself.
Also this is a ridiculous concept I refuse to engage with
I mean, thematically, wowsers. Fits right in with Buddy and Dave and things that look like other things
ALSO DHJ has been going around torturing witches so it's not like he's been the good twin
Apparently he's a hitman hunter
I suppose it's kind of like Bela but I do find it really strange.
Like how does anyone even know to hire him if no one knows monsters exist? Who is pointing him at these things?
Insinuating himself into situations like Bela to get work maaay be a way to do it, like if the Winchesters showed up in town and immediately told the sheriff what was up and then offered their fee as contractors or something. Pfft.
And then he's like "we hunters" because he's trying to bond with them or something
To google!
It's convenient he kept a beard his whole life
Oh okay Sam stole hard drives from the BMoL and is using their actual data.
I like the side by sides of their report cards where the prop people literally did them backwards from each other. "*More effort required!" they say about Alexander, and "Excellent work!" for Arthur.
Dean isn't buying it
LOL they dumped Ketch's corpse into the waste canal.
Do you want a haunted Bunker? That's how you get a haunted Bunker.
Anyway Dean is like NOPE don't believe it and Sam's like... there's so much proof... and then he goes in to question DHJ again and DHJ is like... you literally saw me get shot in the head last season, you don't trust that? And Sam's like no I had to concede that Dean had a point that we really can't trust anything and I guess Cas did just randomly come back or something and we have horrific problems with the white men on this show coming back again for completely random reasons that make no sense so you had better bloody well actually be re-introducing Rowena into the narrative even more dramatically than the warning Billie gave about the red-headed witch that Dean probably didn't tell me about now come to think of it, but I'd still like to see her again because we had a sort of weird thing we never really talked about going on...
Also are they keeping DHJ in the store room that showed up for the pencil scene but isn't the other store room? It looks like a different part of the Bunker repurposed.
Sam mis-reads Ketch, maybe because he never knew him as well as Mary or even Dean saw him. DHJ is like dude I played him for a year and psychoanalysed him and his crush on Dean in multiple interviews, so trust me when I tell you all his character exposition.
The stuff about being loyal to Heaven - I mean the BMoL - and being a company man echo what Ishim said about old Cas in 12x10
DHJ like, I did so much character work in those interviews, and I never got a chance for Ketch to be sympathetic so let me offer some more insight on him now you have me in the worst interview chair ever.
Also, don't go into pop culture journalism, Sam
"If he were here, he'd admit regret to some of the things he did to your family"
Yeah unless you have a magic twin link (well... not unlikey tbh with random ass canon pulls) you're either Arthur Ketch or just DHJ enjoying doing interviews about Ketch to a twisted and weird level and I'm sort of gonna have to do an intervention on this for him.
New angel!
mittensmorgul dumas? that's the name the superwiki has linked, but her page is blank
elizabethrobertajones Heh 3 musketeers again first in the off-brand nougat now that
"If we had him he wouldn't be imprisoned he'd be put to work"
I don't freakin blame her
But Jack shouldn't be "put to work" either - he would have to want to do it.
Awww Cas getting protective over Jack before I'm done typing that of course this means Jack would be forced to do it and the angel says "No other choice" because of course she does.
As usual heaven isn't comic book evil but its purposes in the name of "good" are super shady. Even if Jack was pure evil himself, Heaven enslaving a powerful nephilim for its own purposes would be dodgy.
Btw I am still torn about Cas's compulsion to care about Jack but on the other hand I am really enjoying Cas generally existing and being alive - and wait a minute she didn't even ask about how he was doing that - so I'm pretty much enjoying the surface level about Cas and Jack right now. Because of course I see the good in Jack that he DOES need protecting, so however Cas ended up on this, at least he is doing the right thing and taking the right stance.
"Castiel, he's not your pet. He belongs to all of us."
Uhoh, Cas is probably going to get grabbed.
Hey he did pretty well considering he's fighting 3 angels and is much weaker than them.
Oh boy, here's Lucifer. This is gonna go great.
Does Cas or Lucifer need to start this with the "you're supposed to be dead/in the AU" first?
Lol, Cas is the first person in this entire damn episode to actually ask a relevant question, and it's one we already know the answer to
*waves a little flag for Cas though*
Hey and then Lucifer asks about Cas being alive, what do you know.
He then calls Cas "cowboy" and pretends like Cas wouldn't kick his ass.
I am pretty happy about the "cowboy" thing :P
Lucifer has found a tan jacket somewhere, specifically one that looks like the one Jack was wearing but maybe a bit thicker, more like Cas's new coat. He's trying to edge in on this family and I can only assume this is not even a veiled metaphor for the douchey biological father wanting to be all interested in his son's business.
Lucifer in a tan jacket makes me think wolf in sheep's clothing.
He does, however, shelve the issue of child custody for now, and he appears to be genuinely freaked out enough about Michael to make that a priority and tell Cas about it, because if you want help against Michael, we've had 2 references to Team Free Will in short succession and that was a phrase coined specifically to spite Michael...
I don't think Lucifer should be allowed in, remotely, because it's become a family term, but the imagery is interesting anyway that he is trying to leech off the success of TFW to accomplish the goals he could never do himself. Especially because it was blatant in season 5 to everyone but him that Michael would kick his butt since he already did it once before and nothing has changed, 12x12 confirmed Michael would kill him slowly, and now meeting an AU Michael, he discovers that yep Michael sure is stronger than him, even when he was the last strong archangel left, and then Michael took that from him...
None of this, however, makes Lucifer sympathetic or good, just self-interested in not dying, and who is better at not dying than Cas?
I mean he wasn't even expecting to see Cas here, I guess he was going to a heaven portal to try and get them to listen?
LOL Kingdom Beer sign over Cas and Lucifer having a chat in a bar.
Cas looks Weary.
"I came back from the dead to deal with THIS? Please take me back to yesterday when it was fun kinky cowboy times with Dean."
I'm glad Cas isn't remotely friendly to Lucifer and is quick to remind him about how killed he got last time they hung out. Lucifer continues to be whiny and annoying about it all, unrepentant for killing Cas over petty nonsense.
LOL Lucifer is like "this Michael is much more powerful"
buddy. dude. go watch 12x12 then get back to me about how whooped your butt would have been. I mean go look at that lovely painting of him whooping your butt that was in 12x12 and unrelated to the fact he had that fucking lance in the first place.
Anyway he's trying to convince Cas to use his influence on Jack to get them to be the ultimate team up but they're fundamentally incapable of doing that because they're the 2 rival dads for Jack and blatantly symbolically being shown as that in these costumes, and that's one of the huge thematic things.
Cas like "You are the Weakest Link, goodbye."
I love Cas being so snarky, so maybe Lucifer being around is good in some respects, that it makes Cas this snarky because he has something to bounce off as awful and despised as Lucifer. Not even Crowley got THIS dismissive treatment, because they had emotional baggage that was of a whole different sort, whereas Cas and Lucifer have been opposite mirrors the whole time since season 4
Lucifer is emphasising how he and Cas are the big cosmic powers around here, with Jack. Hm...
Lol Cas is like "I'm calling my guys who deal with these things" and Lucifer bangs his head on the table in despair. I guess this is like the boy who called wolf except that instead of calling wolf he was literally going around eating all the sheep and was banned from being a shepherd for life and locked away and got out and ate more sheep and was locked away and got out and ate more sheep and got locked away and THEN came back like oh hi something's gonna eat all our sheep.
Lucifer then says Cas needs him and that he needs Cas and they all need Jack.
So Um I guess "Need" is The Worst Word right now :P
"Jack. Your son's name is *Jack*" *pats Cas's hair*
Pfft themes "is he a chip off the old block?" "thankfully, no. he seems to favour the mother"
Cas squinting when he lies - I don't think that's his lying tell because he does it too much, but perhaps uncertainty. The fact he squinted so much in the reintroduction huggy scene last episode feels to me less like lying and more like no clue what was going on and how mad he had to be about his humans sacrificing for him to come back.
Laughing at all their labelled phones lying around permanently charging. I think this is the first proof we've ever seen that they have a Bobby phone bank, but I can't imagine who would rely on the Winchesters to answer the phone when they need proof of ID :P They're like ALWAYS being abducted or disappearing on cases.
Or dying.
Okay so the phones are more just for their personal IDs for the cards THEY give out and they're just getting a call back from the motel for some reason, I suppose because Jack was with them (seriously. Dean gave the motel the name Jack? I have to assume Jack said his name before they could re-name him on the fly and so he was registered as a guest there as Jack the Nephilim because why the fuck not... Berens has a magic skill of un-fucking Buckleming canon but it seems Buckleming's skill is fucking up poor Davy's, in 12x13 and 12x17 and now here...)
ANYWAY jesus christ Asmodeus is stupid. "Evil Colonel Sanders" literally walked in and abducted Karl in person which means that his stupid ass questions weren't even because his minions brought him the guy and presented him in an idiotic way, but our shapeshifting villain wandered in and took Karl, himself in person with his own freaking face that the Winchesters KNEW and is extremely memorable, and took his prize.
DHJ better turn out to be Asmodeus even though I think their screentime overlapped and this makes no freaking sense since he has some established history wandering around attacking witches before they caught up with him.
I'd rather have a time plothole than a stupid plothole :P
Anyway DHJ is hanging out with them in the library eating a sandwich because... um
At least he's in chains.
Oh my god I said that sarcastically moments before Sam said it sincerely and then pointed out there's no bathroom in the armoury
what the fuck
Like I said up top: as stupid as the villain is, your main characters have to be about as dumb as they are, either only just enough to outwit them, or more stupid if they get outwitted...
Poor Sammy, he was having such a fantastic season
Dean just straight up pretends Mary is phone when DHJ asks because why the heck would you monologue your sad life story to the bad guy, and give him emotional leverage over you? Especially when he ASKS because "Alexander" should have no knowledge of Mary or care about her, but then he also shouldn't know the DHJ interview details of Ketch's inner life.
YAY Dean and Cas are talking and Dean phoned Cas probably just to hear a sane voice because Cas is managing to weave around being Buckleminged, so far, possibly just because he was not in the opening half of the episode, and then this was a really important conversation they couldn't fuck up so probably got supervised.
elizabethrobertajones tee hee Cas standing by the gents to take a call from Dean wait hang on ... I'm not even being jokey I literally just had that moment in the chat with you :P *rewinds* Longing retcon Confirmed Oh dear that is hilarious I don't know if that's the moment you wanted me to see or not but I'm delighted :P
elizabethrobertajones Cas was standing away from Lucifer ready to take Dean's phone call and had to have walked off up to a minute before he called, but most likely in that time when Dean was like UGH I need to talk to Cas and hear the one sane voice in this episode and Cas was like... Brb I... have to use... the 'Gents' and got up and wandered off to take the call eat it, 12x10 and that "where's my phone" moment I mean Buckleming introduced it to fill a plothole so why should they not use it to cover more plotholes at their leisure
... did Speight know? I mean he coulda been like what the heckeroo, and added Cas getting the call and legging it from the table.
The only other option I can think of is Cas decided he may as well just get up to "go pee" because Lucifer is so annoying that pretending he needs to go to the loo buys him 5 minutes to let his migraine subside.
Also what the fuck DHJ was wandering around the bunker so he could use the bathroom. I am confused. Is this actually like... being hinted at. Like, "hey children, please remember who does and doesn't need to use the bathroom in this episode"
Cas like "I would *like* to see you too" is he literally pretending he and Dean were canoodling on the phone as a cover?
I hate everything
Anyway need/want blah blah I have been over that a lot lately :P Cas is using his DESIRE to see Dean to get help, by Lucifer saying he NEEDS Cas.
"Smooth was never your strong suit" oh my god Lucifer also thought Cas was pretending to be flirty too what is going on
why has this episode confirmed all the headcanons about Cas being the most shittiest phone sex guy ever
of all the things.
DHJ wants to go because he misses being in on the action with the guys
Like. No, go take your sandwich and sit down.
Dean is sad about Cas always getting killed by Lucifer and stuff when he does stupid things.
Cas's "ugh stop talking Lucifer" face is a whole layer more existential misery than dealing with Crowley... I think he was secretly fond of Crowley or at least enjoyed hating him, whereas Lucifer is just EXHAUSTING.
He's needling Cas for attention.
LOL randomly Asmodeus as if Cas's headache wasn't bad enough, now we got thunder and lightning and very very frightening...
bahahaha Lucifer called Asmodeus the dim bulb
I mean he's not wrong, Asmodeus has been completely idiotic all episode. And of course, narratively, his "evil plans" are just self-interest which will endanger the entire world because even if Lucifer is a twat, he has a point about the coming danger of Michael, and Asmodeus just refuses to see the danger, which is all kinds of various political commentary, and using his era aesthetic to say this kind of thinking is such a throwback...
I think this might be the most confused Cas has ever been about if he should stab someone or not - if he actually WANTS to defend Lucifer. Not really, but Asmodeus seems like a bigger problem because at least Lucifer isn't trying to kill him.
I hope this just randomly gets Asmodeus killed.
Or Lucifer
Asmodeus just called Lucifer "screwable"... do they even know what they said? :P
EEEP there was a Margiekugel sign and it just flickered off
"Nick's bar" pfft because Lucifer?
It seems like Sam and Dean are too late and Asmodeus already made off with everyone?
I hope Cas is okay
being held captive by that idiot seems like a fate worse than death. You're going to get villain monologues all day.
Anyway fight fight fight
Good fight.
Where did DHJ even come from?
that was a ridiculous nonsense about how he escaped. I also will die if he took Dorothy's bike and not his own left stashed there. Also he nodded at Dean like hey you didn't cavity search me like you should have, which... Is he actually Ketch?
He's actually Ketch
Of course that means Dean knows him very well and trusted his gut instinct on knowing Ketch to prove that he was not, in fact, the actor David Hayden Jones, chillaxing on set and being weirdly cheerful about being beaten up by the Winchesters.
Pfft he used Rowena's charm to get alive again
Well she better be fine if they're gonna use her like this.
"Is she?"
LOL Ketch ninja'd out of there
Oh good it wasn't Dorothy's bike
Considering how they use Rowena, DON'T use Mary, etc I'd have taken Dorothy's bike as a personal insult. I guess Ketch rode his over to the Bunker before 12x22.
I mean at least this means Ketch remembers he got shot and then also he revived in a sewer where he belonged because he is garbage.
Wait. He set up this whole thing in like a month or so TOPS since he got shot? If he’s been chasing witches has he even had TIME for a side business?
Oh boy, Asmodeus using Cas's voice to talk to Dean.
That "see you soon" is also way too cheerful. It should be as much of a tip off as Cas begging Dean to come help him in the previous call.
I hope Dean sees through it.
Though it's so Buckleming-y I don't think people should be mad if he doesn't because this was them doing a smart!Dean episode.
PFFT of course they team up - colonialism from all sorts of fun angles!! The ultimate trashy white guys in suits team up.
Thanks Buckleming!
Man, I need a whole pot of detox tea now. I don't even have closing thoughts.
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toushindai · 7 years
Good Luck Charm
For Baccano! Week 2017, Day 5: “Moments.”
Rosetta gets her boyfriend involved in something dangerous, and tries desperately to get him un-involved again.
[ Read on AO3 ]
Rosetta opens her eyes.
The dream she’s just had is no dream—instead, it’s a vision of the near future. Of upcoming chaos. The Flying Pussyfoot, a transcontinental express. Murders, hijacking, competing factions. A handful of Ronny’s Immortals. It’s complex, and the dream had been overwhelming, but honestly it isn’t particularly concerning. Somehow, the only ones who will end up dead are the ones who will be guilty of the worst malice. Rosetta rolls over in the bed, her interest in the train fading—
But then she realizes two things in the same moment.
One: Jacques-Rosé is awake next to her, shifting uneasily, his eyes opening a crack to look at her.
Two: her knowledge of the events of the train are changing. The future is changing.
As soon as the future revises itself in her head, she forgets its earlier shape; but as it settles into its new form, she feels a deep dread that she knows she was not feeling a moment ago. There will be innocent victims aboard the train. Humans who try to step into the fray, who try to save people, will be mercilessly gunned down.
Rosetta’s blood runs cold for a moment.
Jacques-Rosé will be there.
She tries to keep her breath even. She tries to hide the fact that she’s awake. She feels the attempt fail.
“Hey, Rosetta?” he breathes. “You awake?”
“Yes,” she murmurs back, because she doesn’t feel like lying tonight and she has to know why the future just changed. It’s not like she’d intended to tell Jacques-Rosé about the chaos aboard the train—but somehow, he just became involved. “What’s up?”
“Oh. Nothing, sorry.” He shifts onto his back and stares up at the ceiling. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have woken you up. Just… had a weird dream, is all.”
“A dream?”
“Well… it felt too real to be a dream. But don’t worry about it, honey.”
He obeys his own suggestion with more ease than she does, drifting back into slumber within a few minutes. She stays awake, wishing she could read his mind. Her vision, his ‘dream,’ the changed future—she doubts it’s all a coincidence. And even if it were, how was she supposed to get the image of Jacques-Rosé being shot aboard the Flying Pussyfoot out of her head? That’s how the future is aligned, for now. There’s still time to change it, but this event feels stubborn. Entrenched.
Not for the first time, she wonders if she’s done something wrong by involving herself in Jacques-Rosé’s life. Her very closeness to him disables her ability to answer the question: it blurs her sight of his future because it overlaps too frequently with her own. And now her knowledge has somehow seeped into his subconscious, and the knowledge has put him in danger. A grave mistake. That she has come to care for someone who falls outside of her omniscience can only be another mistake.
A very human one.
(More’s the pity.)
At long last, she sighs and rolls away from him. In any case, she can’t abandon him now. She will keep him off the train and decide what’s best after New Year’s.
She catches him checking train timetables in the morning and asks him why, as though she doesn’t know.
“I have this weird feeling,” he says. He lays the paper out on the table between them. “Ever since the middle of the night last night. Something’s going to happen on this train. Something big. And bad.”
Rosetta glances down. His finger is resting on the name of the Flying Pussyfoot. It’s no surprise, but she doesn’t display the resignation she feels. Instead she tilts her head to the side.
“Didn’t you say you had a weird dream last night?” she inquires. “Jacques-Rosé, are you getting dreams and reality confused?”
“No. No, I don’t think so. I can’t remember what I dreamed. I just know that the Flying Pussyfoot was involved, and there was evil aboard the train.”
“That sounds like some sort of eerie gothic story,” Rosetta says, lightly patronizing.
But her words have the opposite effect from what she intends. Instead of discouraging him or convincing him that he’s imagining things, they make him more certain of what he feels. The future doesn’t budge.
“Whatever it is,” he says, only half-listening to her now, “it’s gonna happen at the end of the year. And I’m gonna be on that train, and I’m gonna stop it.”
Jacques-Rosé stands awkwardly at the ticket counter, rooting fruitlessly through his wallet, until the man behind them clears his throat and Rosetta has a reason to tug him out of the way.
“It’s an expensive train,” she murmurs, feigning sympathy. “If you just want to get to New York, there are other—”
“No,” he says. His voice is quiet, but intense. “It’s something about the Flying Pussyfoot. The December 30th trip from Chicago to New York. I just have this feeling about it, Rosetta. You know?”
Yes, she absolutely does know. She sees the future spread out wide before her, every event crystal clear, but she can’t help but focus on the sight of his bullet-ridden body slumping to the ground in the Flying Pussyfoot’s dining car.
“That’s a lot of money to spend on just a feeling,” she says aloud.
“I’ll manage.” His face hardens. “I’ll pick up some extra shifts at the plant.”
“Jacques-Rosé, listen to yourself,” she pleads, but she knows it won’t work. His eyes are sharp and determined.
“I am listening to myself. I don’t know why I’m the one who knows what’s going to happen, but that means I have a duty to prevent it. And I’m going to prevent it.”
She makes a few more attempts to dissuade him, but none of them take root. He saves up enough for a second-class ticket. The future only grows firmer, and Rosetta finds herself spending nights mired in anxiety. It’s not an experience she enjoys.
He’s useless, is the thing: moderately strong, immeasurably passionate, but foolish. He has a big heart. That’s fine. Rosetta doesn’t object to that. It’s fine, as long as he only reaches out his hand towards what he can see in front of him as the ordinary human he is. He can take on bullies and petty thieves, and if he gets in a little over his head Rosetta at least has enough power to bail him out. It’s fine, just like it was when he pushed her out of the way of a speeding car; it never would have hit her, but he couldn’t have known that. She forgave him his ignorance then, and healed his wounds fast enough to keep him from growing suspicious.
But somehow her knowledge has bled over to him now, in the worst circumstances, and Rosetta has to admit that she simply doesn’t want him to get involved with this. Even if she could tell him what to avoid, guide him safely through every single potential calamity, she doesn’t want him on a train with forty murderers and five Immortals. He’s just a human. His passion, his valor—they’re only going to put him in danger, but he believes in their ability to protect him like he never grew out of fairy tales.
Even if she told him how to stay safe, he wouldn’t listen.
So, in the end, she doesn’t tell him anything.
Christmas comes, and they celebrate together. Rosetta roasts the turkey and Jacques-Rosé eats most of it, telling her between each bite how delicious it is. She smiles at him. She’s almost accepted his impending death, she thinks. If she’s going to involve herself with humans like this, it has to happen sometime: the loss of someone she’s found herself caring for. Humans survive the feeling all the time, and she’s far more than a human.
After dinner, they open gifts. As she suspected he would be, he’s delighted by the little wooden turtle she bought him.
“It’s a good luck charm,” she says. “If there’s really evil on that train like you say, I want you to stay safe. This will protect you.”
He holds it up to eye level like it’s a real animal he’s trying to look in the eye. “It’s so cute!” he exclaims. Then he presses it against his chest seriously. “I’ll wear it right here, next to my heart,” he promises. “To be protected by your love.”
She laughs, because it’s corny, but he must mean it. The future shifts. She’s bought him a few extra minutes.
And that’s the most she can do if she wants to respect his agency as a human. It’s a stupid limit, but she’s stupid enough to care for him, so this is how it’ll have to be.
A few days later, she sees him off at the station. He almost forgets the turtle between the seats of the car and for a moment she stares at it and wonders how she’s gotten herself into this. If his head weren’t attached to his shoulders it would fly off every time he went rushing forward without a second thought to save someone. He really is useless, isn’t he? All enthusiasm, no sense.
A few minutes fade off his future and her heart clenches. Before tears can come to her eyes—tears that he might see—she snatches the turtle and calls out to him. He catches it easily when she tosses it his way.
“Don’t forget,” she says, head tipped to the side with a smile. “You said you’d take me to Dolce when you got back to Chicago.”
“It’s a date,” he assures her with a grin. “Just gotta get rid of the evil on this train first.”
She shakes her head like she doesn’t believe him. “Take care, Jacques-Rosé.”
“See you soon, Rosetta.”
She sits in her bed, arms around her knees, barely holding herself human: only watching, watching the chaos aboard the Flying Pussyfoot. The turtle saves Jacques-Rosé from the Lemures’ bullets. It can’t save him from the knife of the paranoid boy-Immortal. He collapses, fades. His life leaves this world.
Rosetta takes a deep breath, and tries to fight the feeling of her heart breaking, and—
She fails.
She is indignant.
She is unwilling to accept this, for no one’s sake but Jacques-Rosé’s and her own. She takes hold of the threads of time and yanks on them and brings back the afternoon; brings Jacques-Rosé back to her bed, where he was napping before they left for the station.
Where he is napping before they will leave for the station.
Like he hasn’t a care in the world.
To be honest, the manipulation is more than she’s easily capable of.
But she expects the nausea, the vertigo. The way her limbs shake. She takes big gulping breaths to steady herself, and before she goes back to pretending she’s someone sweet enough to be dating a softhearted fool like him, she allows herself the selfish arrogance of the universe allowed to enforce its own will. She is going to make sure he is saved.
Then she tilts her head and becomes what Rosetta is expected to be once more. She shakes Jacques-Rosé like she can’t believe he would oversleep at a time like this.
“Jacques-Rosé… Jacques-Rosé! Wake up!
“If you don’t hurry, you’re going to miss the Flying Pussyfoot!”
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Dating Peter Parker would include
·      Being best friends with him since the first day of freshman year of high school
  You were super nervous all day
·      It was a new school and a new town, so you didn’t know anyone
·      You were about to cry at lunch because you had nowhere to sit
·      But then you see a table at the far end of the lunch room with only two boys and a girl who was farther away from the boys
·      So you decide to sit with the loners
·      The second you place your tray a few feet away from the boys, Ned hits Peter’s arm
·      “New kid.” He says, and Peter is immediately swooning
·      He thinks you’re so cute and he’s so surprised a pretty girl is sitting with them
·      “Keep your voice low” peter says to Ned
·      “Hey, I like your shirt” Ned says immediately after Peter
·      You look up and smile, and Peter dies
·      You’re like the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and Ned can practically see the hearts in his eyes
·      You catch your breath bc holy shit the chestnut haired one is gorgeous
·      “Thank you!” you forced out of your throat
·      Ned starts the conversation, and you pull your tray to sit right in front of them
·      You exchange phone numbers and boom your all best friends
·      At first you’re really nervous around Peter
·      And Ned has to do a lot of convincing in order for him to hang out with you bc he’s so scared of making a fool of himself
·      “Pete, you’re a fool anyway, with or without Y/n.”
·      “Oh, thank you, Ned.”
·      But after you realize you have so many things in common, your nervousness melts away and Ned can barely keep the two of you apart
·      Going over to Peter’s apartment almost everyday
·      Peter face timing you all.the.time
·      Like during the worst moments
·      “Peter I’m doing homework” “Perfect! Me too! What’d you get for number seven?”
·      “Peter, I’m watching a movie.” “Flip the camera around, I wanna watch too.”
·      “Peter I’m on the toilet” “Gross.”
·      Playfully insulting him, resulting in him not speaking to you for about ten minutes
·      Until your mom comes in your room to tell you what’s for dinner
·      “Heyheyhey I wanna come”
·      “I thought we weren’t on speaking terms, Parker”
·      Your mom inviting him over anyway
·      Watching Cody Ko together
·      That’s your thing
·      You’re not allowed to watch a new episode of that’s cringe without one another
·      So whenever a new episode comes out you’re the first one to call
·      “Peter Cody posted another that’s cringe episode, get your ass over here”
·      Him running into your room in less than ten minutes
·      When he got that internship at the Stark Tower he was really distant
·      He wasn’t inviting you and Ned over as much, and was constantly ditching plans
·      It left you really sad bc you really missed him
·      But you were also really happy that he was happy
·      Not really understanding why an internship is leaving him tired and unavailable every second of every day
·      Trying to talk to him about it but he just brushes it off
·      Ned running up to you and Peter in the hallway one day looking way too excited
·      “I got it!!” he practically screams
·      “Got what?” you asked
·      Peter and Ned fangirling even though you have no idea what he’s talking about
·      “The Millennium Falcon lego set!” Peter exclaims
·      “It has over three-thousand pieces!”
·      “Dorks.” You said, even though your heart was swelling over how excited they were
·      Peter insisting you build it at his house that afternoon
·      Only to be waiting for Peter for over three hours in his room
·      So you and Ned decide to build it on your own because screw you Peter Parker
·      It took way too long to build it and tbh you were over it after fifteen minutes
·      But Ned was so excited and you just couldn’t disappoint him
·      It actually turning out to be really fun
·      The two of you high fiving in pleasure after it’s built
·      Admiring the thing you could have sworn was stupid five hours ago
·      Then you notice the window lifting up, and Spider-Man crawling on the ceiling
·      You and Ned being in total shock as he shuts the door and drops to the floor
·      He removes his mask and holy fuck your met with the back of Peter’s head
·      He hits the spider emblem on his suit and it deflates off of him, revealing him in just his boxers
·      And woah he is hot
·      Like damn
·      Absolutely gorgeous
·      Molded by God himself
·      Anyway
·      “Holy-“ and then Ned drops the Millennium Falcon that you had been working on for three.hours.
·      It breaks into like a gazillion pieces and you turn into a mother
·      Like “Well how are you supposed to re-build it now that all the pieces are mixed together? Should’ve been more careful.”
·      But anyway
·      Peter is all flustered bc he’s practically naked right in front of you
·      “You’re the spider-man from youtube” Ned said
·      “No, I’m not.” Pete said, trying to make it seem like he didn’t have a suit at his feet
·      “You were on the ceiling.” You said
·      And you can’t really keep your eyes off him
·      But your also really hurt bc you were supposed to be best friends and how could he not tell you something as big as him being a superhero
·       Ned is completely ecstatic
·      You were smiley but still upset
·      You just weren’t gonna let the boys see it
·      Peter made the both of you pinky promise up, down, and sideways that you wouldn’t tell anyone
·      Helping Peter with his missions
·      Him sending you videos while he’s supposed to be on extremely confidential and dangers missions
·      “Y/n, look! These are the same weapons those guys who robbed the bank used! Oh shoot, I think they saw me-“ and the video just cutting right there
·      Being worried all the time bc if anything happened to Peter you might just die
·      Being slightly jealous of him bc he is a genius
·      “I got a 95. What’d you get?”
·      “100.” Shit.
·      You being the artsy one though
·      Peter coming over to see you hunched over your desk trying to paint something in watercolor
·      You beaming at him when its done, and his heart flutters bc your so damn cute
·      Not to mention your really good at painting
·      Him going with you to the store at 10 o’clock at night bc you spontaneously decided you wanted to get into embroidery
·      “You can’t walk around Queens by yourself at night, Y/n. There’s too many bad people.”
·      “You’re gonna save me from them, Spider-Boy?”
·      “Spider-Man.” He corrected. But you were so happy he worried and cared for you
·      Going back to the store thirty minutes later when you realized you bought sewing thread instead of embroidery floss
·      “What’s the difference?!” you complained all the way there
·      Turns out there’s a huge difference
·      Peter watching a movie as your trying to embroider things
·      Him rubbing your shoulders when you get frustrated that you’re not doing it right
·      “It takes practice, and you’ll get it super quickly. You’re the most amazing person I know at this kinda stuff.”
·      Dying on the inside bc you really wished he was yours
·      Him running into his closet one day bc his backpack of clothes was stolen again and he needed another pair of paints
·      Ripping a pair of jeans off the hanger only to realize you painted sunsets on the back pockets of his favorite jeans
·      Pretending to be upset but really loving them
·      He wears them every day now and never puts them in his backpack
·      Being great friends with MJ
·      As much as you love the boys, it’s really nice having a girl friend to rant to about girl things
·      Her trying to get you to admit your feelings for Peter
·      “It’s the twenty-first century. You don’t need to wait for him to tell you first. You go out there and tell him how you feel. Woman up!”
·      You still being nervous
·      Peter loves your hair
·      Like he loves it
·      It’s really long and he’s always braiding it
·      Or attempting to braid it
·      It’s really funny too bc you could just be hanging out and he’ll ask you if he can brush your hair
·      “You wanna brush…my hair?”
·      “Uh-huh.”
·      “..ok”
·      Him apologizing profusely when he just rakes through a knot
·      “Oww!! Peter!!”
·      “I’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorry”
·      Him coming to your window every time he gets hurt bc he wants you to fawn over him
·      But he also needs medical attention and he doesn’t know where else to go
·      “Damn it Parker” you mutter to yourself as you bandage his cuts
·      Admitting to him how worried you are for him and how scared you are that one day he won’t come back to you
·      As your rambling you accidentally admit that you love him
·      “I don’t know what I’d do if you died, Pete. I love you way too much for that.”
·      His eyes get wide and on the inside bells are ringing
·      Him getting so happy
·      You realizing and sirens going off in your head bc your 100% sure you just ruined your friendship
·      Him grabbing your face and kissing you
·      “I love you too. And I could never die. I’ll always be showing up at your window”
·      Now that you two are together you literally cannot keep your hands off of one another
·      Him always trying to hold your hand
·      He does that corny thing of pretending to place something in your hand, but instead laces his fingers with yours
·      You know what he’s doing each and every time he does it but loving in anyways
·      He has to give you exactly two kisses whenever you go to a different class
·      If your running late and really need to get to class, you’ll kiss him once really quickly and start to run towards your class
·      But he grabs your hand and pulls you into him so he can kiss you one more time
·      And it’s always longer and more passionate than the first one
·      Sometimes if he’s really craving you in between classes he’ll pull you into an empty classroom, press up against the wall and you’d make out for the five minutes you have before the bell goes off again
·      Omg the winks
·      If your eyes meet his, he’ll give you the sexiest wink ever
·      If your across the room and your watching him do something, he’ll catch your gaze and send you a wink
·      And sometimes he’ll bite his lip a little
·      I know, who gave me the right?
·      He gets all protective when there’s another guy looking you
·     and he’s sooo gentlemanly
·      Always holding the door open for you, and never lets you open the car door
·      “I can handle opening a car door, Parker.”
·      “Princess’s never touch door handles.”
·      He always makes sure you’re not walking on the outside of the sidewalk
·      Spending the night at each others house all the time
·      Sometimes whenever he’s out patrolling late at night you wait for him in his bedroom
·      If he doesn’t show up after 11 your more than likely already passed out either on his desk chair, or sometimes he’ll find you on the floor
·      He’ll try to pick you up bridal style but you wake up instantly
·      Except you never fully wake up
·      “Peter?”
·      “Hey, Love. I’m just gonna move you to the bed, go back to sleep.”
·      “No not the bed. There’s too many spiders.” And then you’ll pass out again
·      The first time you did that Peter literally searched his bed for half an hour trying to find those spiders
·      Ending up just sleeping on the couch bc he didn’t want to risk it
·      One night your passed out on his desk chair while youtube is still playing on his laptop
·      He tries to pick you up but you wake up again and when he asks you why you left the laptop on you said “don’t worry its under water”
·      He loves asking you stupid questions when you’re like that bc you give the stupidest answers
·      But sometimes whenever he picks you up you don’t stir, and instead just cuddle into his chest
·      It drives him crazy
·      May doesn��t really mind when you sleep over bc she loves you so much
·      Which since were on the subject lets dive into that for a sec
·      May loves you
·      Like the moment she met you she knew
·      She knew you and Peter were gonna be a thing
·      She always invites you over for game night, movie night, or whenever they go out to restaurants
·      She invites Ned too of course
·      But for you it’s a little different bc you’re the first girl friend Peter has had
·      And first girlfriend
·      She’s like a second mother to you
·      Wow love that
·      Anywho
·      Calling you the oddest nicknames
·      “My sweet bubba bar, come here.”
·      “Oh lemon goose!”
·      “Dear God, Peter, what are you on?”
·      He’s sooo dorky
·      He’s always telling you some science pun that he later has to explain bc you don’t get it
·      “What did Gregor Mendel say when he founded genetics?”
·      “I don’t know.”
·      “Woopea! Get it? Cause he did experiments on pea plants to figure out genetics?”
·      “That one was truly terrible. I need to flush my brain out with water.”
·      You secretly love his jokes though bc he’s so god damn cute
·      He’s Spider-Man (duh)
·      But let’s just think about the fact that he just gains muscle
·      Ok?
·      It’s your sworn duty to tease him about it
·      “Hey, Pete? Can you maybe lift up the apartment building? I think I hid my diary under it.”
·      “Peter! I’m entering you into the Olympics heavy weight contest. How much do you weigh?”
·      “Do you think you could make a statue just by punching marble? Like, most artists use a chisel, but with your strength I think you could just touch the stone and pieces would fall off.”
·      “…I hate you.”
·      But it’s also your sworn duty to fawn over him
·      Running your fingers across his arms whenever your studying in the library
·      Your hands on his abs whenever you make out
·      Not being able to keep your eyes off him whenever his shirt is off
·      Being Spider-Man means something new to him now bc now he’s saving you
·      Of course he’s worried about his aunt and his friends but with you it just feels different
·      So when you get in a car accident and go off the side of the highway its like his mind went completely blank
·      He was just swinging by and happened to witness a car slam into yours
·      Except he doesn’t know you’re in the car right away
·      The car spins across the road and slams into the concrete walls, completely smashing through it
·      The car teeters on the very edge, and in that split second his spider eyes on the mask zoom into the window and he can see you in the backseat with a friend
·      He just sees your face and immediately he goes on auto pilot
·      He can’t react bc he’s too focused on stopping that car from slamming into the ground fifty feet down
·      The car falls off, but Peter already has webs attaching to it.
·      The car is halfway down when he attaches all the webs to a beam holding up the highway
·      The car stops falling and is just hanging by a few threads
·      He knows he has about ten seconds to get everyone out before it starts falling again
·      He’s at the car door in .5 seconds and in .7 he ripped your seatbelt off and pulled you out
·      He can’t fuss over you or even pay attention to you that much bc he has two other people to save
·      And he knows that if he sees your petrified face streaked with tears or worse, injuries, he wouldn’t be able to leave your side
·      He sets you down on the ground before he’s back at the car pulling your friend out
·      When he pulls out the lyft driver the car creaks dangerously and breaks away from the webs
·      The car crashes down the street, but Spider-Man put you and your friend far enough away from the car so no one gets hit
·      Police cars, ambulances, and news vans are already on site
·      Peter can finally let himself be worried and he’s at your side immediately
·      Paramedics are trying to examine you but he won’t let them just yet
·      He has your face in his hands and he’s telling you everything’s gonna be ok
·      You’re so utterly terrified that you can’t really think
·      But you know that your boyfriend is under that mask and you just wanted him to hold you
·      You hug him tightly and sob into his suit
·      The paramedics just leave you alone cause they have two other people to attend to
·      Anyway that day was just wild lol
·      Your terrified of cars now
·      And heights
·      Peter is terrified of not being there to save you
·      Your parents don’t really care when he stays the night anymore
·      Which he does almost every single night now
·      He has his own drawer full of his things
·      It takes a while for you two to get back to normal
·      Homecoming being super fun
·      Dancing with all your friends was great
·      He looked incredibly handsome
·      You looked absolutely gorgeous
·      Peter’s just so happy you’re his
·      I think that’s all I have bc I just wrote wayyyy to much
·      Oh one more thing
·      Where can I get a Peter Parker?
0 notes