#for like 2 solid years I would see him in my dreams and he would be alive and I knew I knew he wasn’t actually alive but it was like in my
asexualjedi · 1 year
My friend posted about how he regrets every day not going to the burial of our friend who died by suicide and. It. I also didn’t go and. Made me feel like if I was wrong to do so. Idk I just. I was falling apart and didn’t want to fall apart in front of his family as they were going through so much and I did not know his family well at all and I wonder if that truly was the best move or if I was just centering myself. Idk.
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daycourtofficial · 17 days
Pairing: Eris x Rhysand’s sister!reader | WC: 1.5k | warnings: none
Summary: every father’s dream is to be there the day his son first uses his powers. Luckily for Eris, he gets just that.
Note: this is a part of my gingerfucker series and is for day 2 of @erisweekofficial 🥰 I guess you can decide for yourself if this is more of the childhood or legacy promot
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Eris sighed as he moved through the halls of the Forest House, the wiggling mass in his arms not deterring him in the slightest. Every time one of his hands was loosened from the boy, it would reappear elsewhere, making the small version of himself wiggle even harder.
In all his years, he had helped raise all of his brothers, became quite familiar with several of the servant’s children over the years, and yet his firstborn child was an utter mystery to him. Almost three years old, Atlas had never been capable of sitting still for even a moment.
It made changing his nappy a monumental task.
A physical replica of himself, Atlas loved roaming the halls and seeing old portraits of Eris, slightly confused when he would be corrected that no, that was Dada. An answer he didn’t like, because the idea of his parents having lives previous to his existence was unfathomable at best and upsetting to the point of tears at worst.
He wiggled around in Eris’ arms, the High Lord looking absurd as he moved his arms to catch where the young heir would go next.
Atlas, above all else, liked routine. He enjoyed structure of some kind. It was very easy for the boy to fall into routines - if you did the same activity three days in a row around the same time, he began expecting it.
Which led Eris to open the door to Atlas’ room, letting the boy down to run.
He closed the door behind him, his son spinning around the room, soft giggles echoing through the space.
“See, dada?”
“Yes, now I understand why spinning in the front foyer was impossible and you had to do it in here under my watch.”
“Mama’s sick, so it’s Dada time.”
You were pregnant again, but it was during the early stages where you were tired all of the time, food did not sound appetizing, and you were incredibly sensitive to smells.
Eris had swelled with pride when you were able to tell him, before immediately throwing up onto his shoes. It was endearing how apologetic you were, even though he opted to just throw out the shoes, the socks, and the trousers before he spent a solid thirty minutes in the bath, scrubbing furiously as he tried to battle the conflicting thoughts that moved through his head. It filled him with immeasurable joy and excitement to see a new babe, his thoughts constantly wondering how much this second babe will resemble Atlas.
But a whole new set of worries came with a second babe. How would Atlas, the center of his world, react to having to share the attention?
Fae having children back to back so quickly was practically unheard of, so Eris had nothing to compare it to.
Atlas was - and remains - an easy babe. He’s a bit particular, but overall he is smart, kind and he cares so much about the smallest things, it constantly leaves Eris both in awe and slightly annoyed that his son insists they greet every tree by name whenever they pass them.
Eris watched as Atlas spun about the room, his red curls bouncing with each step.
You had been sick the past few days, spending the mornings cuddled up in bed with Atlas until his wiggling body made your stomach turn with nausea, which was when Eris would bring Atlas to his room and have him run, jump, and spin around until he wore himself out.
Thus a new routine was built.
Atlas’s giggles changed, becoming quicker and louder causing Eris to look up just in time to watch Atlas spin around the room, his arms outstretched into a ‘T’. As he spun through the air, little sparks began forming in his wake, tracing where he had just been spinning.
Eris stopped breathing, watching carefully. His thoughts stilled, knowing if he said or did anything, Atlas would stop. So he waited with bated breath, watching Atlas spin until he fell down, too dizzy to stay up on his small legs. As he fell, a burst of sparks erupted, small flames shot from his hands as he fell on the pile of pillows.
His giggles became louder, but Eris could hardly hear them.
It had been a few years since Beron’s death, since Eris felt the magic leave Beron’s body and his own absorb it - the same magic Atlas may one day possess. So much of his life was plagued with thoughts that always related back to Beron, all roads leading back to his father.
Some small part of him worried without Beron, there would be some hole in his chest, some emptiness at losing his purpose, the fire within him extinguishing with Beron.
His worries, like most these days, had been for nothing. He hardly ever thought about Beron since his death - only on nights when his dreams turn into nightmares, when various reminders of his father made their presence known amongst the hidden secrets of the Forest House.
Watching Atlas, his mind drifted to Beron. His son looked exactly like he did, but neither of them resembled Beron much. The only difference between Eris and his son were their eyes: Eris had Beron’s eyes - a cold, calculated look to them at all times. Meanwhile Atlas had the Lady of Autumn’s eyes - a bright, kind look that made the amber glow with warmth.
They were both the spitting image of Eris’s mother.
He thought of Beron as Atlas twirled about the room, tiny sparks coming from him getting bigger and bigger. He watched his son spin, the sparks catching onto his sweater before being burnt out.
Most of the clothing worn by anyone working in the Forest House was flame resistant - a lingering tradition from when Eris was young that continued well past the birth of each of his brothers, continuing well after Beron began delighting in making those that were incompetent walk around with flames adorning their clothes, the heat enough to make them sweat.
Eris’s thoughts whirled and swirled, the past few years a whirlwind of managing a court and becoming a father, a title so foreign to him he doesn’t know what to make of it.
An incredibly loaded word, always on the tip of his tongue as if he were still getting used to it after three years.
The High Lord title was easier to bear.
Atlas now stood, opening and closing his small hands, eyes widening each time he opened them. His brows crinkled as he looked on in determination, briefly flicking his eyes to check if Eris was still watching him.
His stance faltered as he made a small flame appear in one of his hands, amber eyes bright with the light in front of him. His gaze was pulled from the flame to his father, who was watching with a sad gaze.
Eris watched as Atlas produced the flame, a surge of pride and happiness growing in his chest, before the past reared its ugly head. He remembered when he first produced a flame intentionally - he was somewhere around his son’s age, and he had been so ecstatic he had spent the following weeks practicing to show his father.
He remembered how Beron looked down at Eris over his sloping nose, how Eris had felt extraordinarily small beneath his gaze. He thought it was how ants must look up at him.
Beron hadn’t said anything when Eris had shown him his powers, offering an unamused look at being disturbed before leaving the room.
He remembered watching him go, lip wobbling harder with each step, tears streaming down his face until new steps approached, and his mother watched him show off his new skills, despite having seen it each time the past few weeks.
He was jolted from the past, the present coming back to him in vivid colors as warmth flared against his cheeks, a tiny, freckled face looking at him. Atlas had crawled into his lap, his tiny hands too small to hold Eris’s face, but his touch remained there.
His hands were so warm, Eris drew back some of his own heat from his face to really feel his son’s power, to let his cheeks bask in the warmth of a son he never saw coming.
It took that one word, a soft voice full of wonder and concern. One word from the small boy who warmed his soul.
He had spent months agonizing over what kind of father he would be - fears that were squashed each time Atlas looked up at him as if he had never done anything wrong. As if he held all the answers and all Atlas had to do was ask.
Atlas, much happier with Eris’s full attention on him, stuck out his tongue once more, deep in concentration before Eris saw from the bottom of his peripheral tiny flames dancing across his skin.
His smile was impossible to contain, and Atlas immediately mirrored his father’s expression.
He didn’t know what kind of father he would be. He didn’t know how Atlas and the new babe would speak of him decades and centuries from now.
But he would be there.
And he would try.
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @milswrites @the-golden-jhope @hannzoaks @secretlyhers @tothestarsandwhateverend @sarawritestories @chxosangxl
Eris taglist: @magicstrengthandcourage @panther-girl-124
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tatoda · 1 year
Guitar Pick | college!conrad x fem!reader
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part 2
summary: you go to Brown and maybe you don’t exactly fit in, but one brown haired boy makes you feel as if you do
pairing: college!conrad fisher x fem!reader
warnings: just fluff <3
wc: 800 (sorry it's short im getting back into things)
first con fic since last year :) a little rusty on the writing i apologize. sorry it’s not so long :(
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It was the smell in the air that brought you comfort. The casual people-watching you would do as you walked down to the music store closest to campus— it wasn’t the best place to shop but it will do for the times you’re in Providence.
The ding of the door sounded as you walked through the store. The red interior with wood floors reminded you of back home, so that is why you kept coming back to the same spot every weekend. No one tried to bother you when shopping. Of course some boys would walk by and you’d glance their way, but they would never glance back at you the same way.
Picking up a guitar from one of the stands you sat down at the small corner couch. You have always loved playing any instrument, you would run around the house singing and hitting any object around the house to make drums until your aunt got you a ukulele at the age of 6 which took your dreams and desires for music to grow. Being at Brown surprised your family. They really thought you would just go to a music school, but you wanted to explore other career paths. Sometimes your parents weren’t proud of it but they supported your decision.
After a few minutes of strumming the instrument, you stood back up to get a new guitar pick. It was time for a new one— well that’s what you told yourself but you just loved shopping for new things. Reaching for a red and green one, another pair of hands reached for the same one.
“sorry.” glancing up at the voice, you see a boy maybe around your age, with brown eyes and brown hair as his cheeks turned a little red at the intersection
“no that’s my fault sorry, go ahead it’s all yours.” you gestured towards the pick.
“no, my mom raised me to be a gentleman. please take it.”
“i-“ but the tall figure cut you off
“please i was looking at another one anyways.” he looked down at you
“thanks, sorry again.” you softly grabbed it as he smiled gently at you before picking up a solid navy blue one
You didn’t think twice before you went to go pay for it and took off out of the store carrying on with your day.
The next day, you sat under a tree strumming your guitar just letting the nice weather hit for once. The shade of the tree helped you relax not being blinded by the sun. You were so busy strumming the instrument you didn’t realize the figure walking towards you.
“guitar pick girl.” the familiar voice called out making you stop in movement, the boy from yesterday. he was walking towards you wearing a Brown sweatshirt and sweatpants
“hi.” you softly introduced not knowing you would be seeing this boy again
“I’m sorry, i know it’s weird for me just to walk up like that and rude for me to not know your name. you left too quickly yesterday i tried to-to get your name but you were gone.” he played with his fingernails as he spoke
“sorry.” you smiled apologetically not knowing why this boy who you totally thought was cute was suddenly approaching you
“no worries,” he rocked on his feet “i-im Conrad, Conrad Fisher” he stuck his hand out to you and you lifted yours off the guitar
“y/n y/l/n” his eyes seemed to immediately remember the future
“how long have you been playing?”
“my whole life basically. you play?” he nods
“yeah just not too long ago maybe like a summer or 2, my mom wanted me to learn a song for her.”
“that’s sweet of you. you must be a mamas boy for the two times you have mentioned her talking to me.” you grinned at him
“yeah.” he sadly smiled and you didn’t feel like pushing him to ask about what it was all about “do you mind if i sit? you look like you need some company.” he gestured to the grass next to you
“all yours.” conrad then sat down next to you criss-cross
“what year are you?” he played with the grass that was in front of him
“junior, what about you?”
“sophomore.” you nodded and you both went silent but it wasn’t a bad silence, it was comfortable
“could i take you out sometime?” your eyes drifted over to conrad and his eyes went wide “sorry! i didn’t mean to come off so strong, i’d just like to get to know you better.” you looked down at his hands as they played with the grass faster and you put a hand over his to stop his movements
“i’d love that.” his eyes went to your hands and his visible relaxed
“i just thought you were really pretty yesterday.” that sentence made you blush and look down biting your lip
“i thought you were pretty cute too, conrad.”
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robiinurheart33 · 2 months
(Flashes my mind beams) Soap having really bad nightmares whenever his mental health is low.
It’d be really bad most of the time, waking up covered in sweat, panting or just outright screaming. The dreams would have felt so real, so lifelike that it would shake johnny down to his core, needing time to fully process the dream and then calm down. It would board on topics such as his loved ones, phobias, worst case scenarios the whole nine yards. Often times when the nightmare cycle starts to happen, Johnny wouldn’t get much sleep at all and when he does he’s thrashing and shaking the entire time.
This would happen since young, but being raised in a catholic household as the middle child did not help at all. Most of the time when Johnny would try and confide in his parents, he would be dismissed with a “God is good.” Or “No evil against you shall prosper.” Which, I mean yeah but how does that help him in any way?! He just wants to be comforted. He had dreams where his sisters died, and he would go straight to them to hug them as tightly as possible, no matter how much they protested. Nothing seemed to work to bring the nightmares down unless Johnny’s mental health actually got better.
It only got worse in the army. The screaming, gunfire and mental strain Soap had to go through was excruciating. He woke up panting and covered in cold sweat, hoping he wasn’t screaming in his sleep and waking others up. Once, early on when 141 was just created, Ghost walked into the shared pantry only to find a sweat-faced, pale, bloodshot eyed soap munching on cereal, staring off into space. He made his tea and walked out of there as fast as he could.
As they got closer together, Ghost eventually asked Soap about that one instance. Soap wasn’t even aware Ghost was in the kitchen in the first place. He tried to explain, as casual as he could, that he gets horrific realistic nightmares when his mental health goes to shit. Soap isn’t sure if he actually manages to play it off seeing as he cant exactly gauge Ghost’s reaction, but that was that.
He eventually forgot about it until about 2 years later, when they both start to float on the same wavelength and sleep in the same bed (wink wink) that it happens for the first time. The first nightmare that he experiences around Ghost is extreme. He dreams of metal and blood, screaming and frustration. Johnny wakes up screaming, a hand over his mouth and back covered in sweat. Ghost is up in a millisecond, gun drawn and up from the bed. They’re both equally disoriented, confused as to what was happening. Ghost looks over to Soap where he’s panting, eyes bloodshot and eyebags evident. He’s seen this somewhere before.
Gun immediately tossed to the side, Ghost rushes to Soap’s side, not sure what to do but wanting to help. He’s still processing what just happened, unable to speak and eyes just trained on his lap. Ghost flickers open the lamp, sitting right beside Johnny, not speaking but just being there, his presence a solid wall he can lean on. After what feels like 4 hours (it was 10 minutes), Johnny finally looks at Simon, eyes full of tears and body trembling. He cant take it anymore. Simon rushes to place their bodies close together, Johnny’s ear against his chest as he murmurs affirmations.
“You’re here with me. I got you. You’re safe.”
They didn’t go back to sleep after that, getting up at the peak hour of 4am to go for an early early morning jog. This wouldn’t be the solution to the nightmares all the time, however. Sometimes it would just be Johnny listening to Simon’s heartbeat, a cup of warm coffee, a comfort show, spacing out, drawing, or a morning run. It just depended on his mood after he woke up. But one constant was that Simon was always right beside him, accompanying him in whatever he did. It didn’t matter if Johnny protested, he would always wake up along with him and stay right by his side. As long as Johnny had Simon, he wouldn’t have to be alone to face on his demons ever again. He made sure of that.
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seiya-starsniper · 1 month
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Six Degrees of Separation - Ch 6 COMPLETED
(Sandman x Dead Boy Detectives)
Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland, Crystal Palace/Charles Rowland (DCU), Johanna Constantine/Jenny Green
Rating: Teen & Up | Chapters 6/6 | Words: 12K
Tags: POV Multiple, Hob Gadling gives live advice to a bunch of teenagers, while helping them solve cases, that's it that's the fic, also he maybe plays matchmaker for his hot mess bestie, fic starts out as crystal/charles and ends with charles/edwin, Mutual Pining, Slice of Life, Hob Gadling adopts the Dead Boy Detectives
Tumblr Posts: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5
Read Chapter 6 below, or at the above link on AO3
A year after Hob’s adopted three teenagers and a full grown adult as his unintentional, supernatural crime-solving family, a small Japanese girl walks into his pub covered in glitter and blood.
And she's with Dream , of all people. Dream, who looks like someone had run him through a blender and spat him out the wrong way. He’s not covered in the same glittering blood as his mysterious companion, but his messy black hair is even more wild and unkempt than normal, and the exhausted look on his face tells Hob he’s just gotten himself out of one hell of a situation and needs to talk about it. 
Well, at least the pub was completely empty so that made things easy. Which, now that Hob thinks about it, was probably intentional intervention on Dream’s part.
“Hello old friend,” Hob greets Dream with a wave as they approach the bar, where he’s cleaning and drying off some pint glasses. Hob turns his gaze down towards the girl, who for all intents and purposes appears human, but somehow still looks like someone out of a cartoon with bubblegum pink hair that is definitely not wig, and wide, iridescent blue eyes a shade of blue he’s pretty sure does not exist in normal human eyes. “And you are—?”
“You don’t look like you’re over 600 years old,” the girl says bluntly, shocking Hob enough that he nearly drops the glass he’s holding. “You’re not feeding children to a giant snake to look young too, are you?” she asks him. 
“Niko,” Dream growls at the girl and Hob’s brain short-circuits even further as he processes the name. “That is not what I told you.”
Hob gapes for a solid minute looking back and forth between the two of them as Dream and Niko (Niko? Niko?!) start arguing about the semantics of immortality. 
“You said he was immortal, so I was expecting a wise old man!” Niko exclaims, gesturing a glittery blood-soaked mitten in Hob’s direction. “Not a guy who looks like a middle school teacher! Esther had to eat kids to look like that!”
“Hob is not eating children,” Dream replies with an exasperated sigh, resting a palm over his head. “For the last time Niko, my sister—”
“Niko? As in Niko Sasaki?” Hob blurts out, interrupting their conversation because otherwise his brain is going to explode. Both Dream and Niko whip their heads at him in surprise. 
“Niko Sasaki with the weirdly large manga collection?” Hob continues as his brain recounts every single thing he’s heard about the girl in the past year. “Niko who tried to set Jenny up with a serial killer and it didn’t quite go as planned? Niko with the parasite fairies that lived inside her for months?”
“You know who I am?” Niko gasps. She turns to Dream, who looks just as shocked as she does. “How does he know me?” she demands. “Wait!” she exclaims before Dream can even reply, turning back to face Hob. “Are you psychic too?”
“No, but I know one who will be very happy to see you,” Hob answers, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re here I’ve heard so much about—oh shit wait! JENNY! GET OUT HERE!” Hob yells at the top of his lungs, remembering belatedly that there was someone in The New Inn right now that would be thrilled to see Niko.
“ Jenny ?” Niko practically shrieks, and both Hob and Dream wince at the high pitched sound. “Jenny’s in London? Wait, why is Jenny in London?”
“Moved over here with Crystal and the boys,” Hob says. “Oy, Jenny!” he calls out again, and this time, the American comes rushing out of the kitchen, looking extremely annoyed but also alarmed.
“What? What’s happening? Are we under attack aga—” she goes silent when she sees Niko. “Niko?” she whispers. 
“Oh my god, Jenny!” Niko cries out, which seems to break Jenny out of her trance. Suddenly, the two girls are rushing towards each other, collapsing into a pile on the floor as they hug and sob. 
“Oh my god is that blood and glitter on you?” Jenny says. “What the fuck? Are you alive? Am I dead? Oh God, I’m dead aren’t I? I can see the grim reaper right over there,” she adds, noticing Dream for the first time as she clutches Niko desperately to her.
Niko giggles. “No silly, that’s Dream. He just looks like that,” she says, gesturing to the Endless, and Hob can’t help but laugh at Dream's dour expression. He’d thought Dream was the embodiment of Death once upon a time because of that face too. “He’s the one who helped me get back to Earth!”
“Back to—where the hell have you been, Niko?” Jenny asks incredulously.
“No, not Hell silly, I was in the Dreaming!” Niko answers brightly. “Although Hell did try to take over, which is why it took so long for me to get back.”
“Hell did what now ?” Hob cuts in, suddenly feeling quite faint. He’s quite glad he’s still behind the bar, else he may have also collapsed on the floor himself. 
“It is,” Dream says with a deep and weary sigh, “quite the tale. It seems you have your own stories to share as well, my friend.”
“I—yeah I do. I’ll close the bar and call the boys and Crystal,” Hob replies. “Best if we get both stories out in one go, I think.”
There's a lot of screaming and crying that follows, and Hob is pretty certain he's going to be hard of hearing for the next few days while his eardrums recover. He doesn't mind though. Not when the kids all look so happy.
Niko's soul, it turns out, had been blasted to an entirely different dimension when she’d died, and that had been due to the cocktail of magical essences Niko had been carrying on her person unknowingly at the time. A lucky charm in the shape of a polar bear from someone named Tragic Mick had protected her from the magic that Esther the Witch had used to kill her, but then that magic had collided with the magic of the dandelion sprites. Apparently, when Litty and Kingham left Niko’s body without killing her, they had left some of their essence behind in her body, forging a connection that forced them to go wherever she went. And if all that wasn’t complicated enough, there was also apparently a cursed magic 8-ball! Hob’s really not sure how that played a part in anything, but according to Dream and Niko, the fact that she’d carried it with her at the time was vital to her transformation.
Which is to say, Niko Sasaki was no longer necessarily human. At least, not human by this dimension’s standards. Apparently her hair had once been black, then bleached blonde when the sprites had left her body, and now this newest brush with her own mortality had left her hair bright pink, and her eyes a glowing blue. Apparently it gave her the ability to see in the dark, and also sometimes see the future, amongst other abilities that she and Dream were still discovering.
In short, as she described it, Niko had become “a magical school girl! Without the weird uniform though. But all the cool magic!” 
Dream had come across her when she’d attempted to get back to the reality she knew. Her transformation had given her the ability to dimension walk, though she didn’t know that’s what she was doing when she’d been drawn to the gates of the Dreaming. She’d only walked towards something that felt like home to her, and the gates of the Dreaming, also recognizing Niko as one of its original inhabitants, had swung open easily to let her and the sprites inside. 
Dream himself had not been so welcoming at first. He’d taken Niko’s accidental wandering as intentional trespassing with an intent to invade. Niko and the sprites had tried to explain themselves, but they didn’t get very far before an actual threat to the Dreaming appeared in the form of Lucifer Morningstar and their generals from Hell. Although they were not obligated to, all three joined the battle against Hell, Niko because she felt it was the right thing to do, while Litty and Kingham claimed Hell was no place for faeries. 
In the end, however, the sprites had perished during the battle, giving up their lives and the last of their magic for Niko, which is why she was covered in glittering blood. Apparently, sprite blood doesn’t wash out, but would fade on its own over time. Since Litty and Kingham had died within the boundaries of the Dreaming, Dream had offered them a permanent place in his realm as residents, as gratitude for their sacrifice. They had chosen to become nightmares, which, according to Niko and the others, was entirely appropriate considering their personalities.
Hob’s head is spinning by the time Dream and Niko finish recounting the tale. Edwin and Charles immediately start asking dozens of questions about Niko’s time in another dimension, while Crystal and Jenny bracket the girl on each side, holding her tightly as if she may disappear again if they weren’t around to tether her to this dimension. Johanna shows up at some point to be moral support for her girlfriend too, and further breaks Hob’s brain by confirming she too had been blasted to another dimension due to magic spells gone wrong.
Hob should maybe update his wards to include prevention against interdimensional travel. He’ll figure out the how of that later, though. Right now, tonight was a night for celebrating, school night be damned. It does not escape his notice that he’s the only one of their group that even has to worry about that.
Hours later, Hob finds himself alone at the new Inn with Dream, cleaning up dishes and putting away the chairs for the night. The others had offered at first to help clean up, but Hob had insisted they all go home and rest, but Dream had insisted that he would stay behind to help clean up and well, Hob’s never been able to deny Dream anything. 
Hob hadn’t missed the pointed looks Crystal and Edwin had given him as she and the others had filed out of the pub, nor the curious look from Jenny, and most certainly not the look of abject horror from Johanna. Charles and Niko had been the worst offenders, both giving him two obnoxious thumbs up on their way out. Hob doesn’t even know Niko, this was just getting embarrassing at this point. Everyone seemed to have some sort of opinion on Hob’s relationship (no, not a situationship) with Dream.
Hob really only cares about one person’s opinion though, and he’s currently staring at Hob as he finishes wiping down the tables, the last activity left before he closes up for the night.
“You did a good thing, reuniting those kids,” Hob says to Dream as he tosses his rag on the counter and turns to face his friend. “I've never seen them so happy.”
Dream hums contemplatively. “I hardly did anything,” he replies, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “It was Niko's determination alone that carried her as far as it did, and her bravery that kept my realm from falling. I simply delivered her back to the Waking World.”
“I’m glad she was here, to have your back,” Hob says. “And I’m glad you brought her here. I know you said earlier you didn’t know the kids were here, but did you really not notice?”
“I did not,” Dream admits. “I have been—preoccupied with many things as of late. I simply brought Niko to where I knew for certain that she would be safe. Cared for.” 
“I’m honored,” Hob replies, grinning from ear to ear. “That you’d consider me a good caretaker for her. I would hope you know I’d be happy to care for you too, should you ever need it.”
“I am—aware,” Dream says, his cheeks taking on the slightest hue of pink. Hob briefly wonders if Dream blushes everywhere on his body, or only just on his face. Then he feels his own face heat up as his mind goes off in other directions.  
“Would you like to come upstairs?” Hob asks, trying to distract himself from his wandering thoughts, but then he realizes just how suggestive his invitation sounds and blushes even more. “I mean, I uh, if you don’t have anywhere to be I’d uhm—I’d like to keep talking,” he adds quickly, trying and failing to banish thoughts of what they could be doing in Hob’s flat other than talking . Christ, this was his oldest friend, not some girl he was trying to take to bed for the night. Dream doesn’t respond right away to Hob’s question, only tilts his head at him as if assessing something that Hob cannot see. 
“Hob Gadling,” Dream finally says, his voice suddenly serious. “You are aware I can see into daydreams as well as sleeping ones?”
Well cat’s out of the bag then. Might as well own up to it. Crystal’s never going to let him live this down, Hob knows.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Hob says, before taking a deep breath to calm the rapid beating of his heart. “I really did want to just talk, I promise. I’m a grown man, Dream I know how to take a rejection. I’m happy for just your company, and friendship.” He means every single word of it too, and if Dream didn’t believe him, he could apparently just read his mind to find out. 
“Hmmm,” Dream replies, before he takes one, two, three wide steps into Hob’s personal space. Hob inhales sharply, tasting petrichor and stars and infinity in that single breath. 
“I have been made aware recently,” Dream continues after a moment, looking up at Hob from his eyelashes, “that I carry a lot of ‘baggage’, as Niko likes to put it.”
“We all have our burdens,” Hob replies, with a shrug. “I'd help you carry yours, if you'd let me. Or well, if I could.”
“No,” Dream says. “I asked another once, if she would be my queen, and share that burden with me. She told me the burden would be too great for her, or any mortal.”
“Dream,” Hob starts, more ready to make his case. “I could—”
“No,” Dream interrupts, shaking his head, his gaze suddenly faraway as he recalls what Hob assumes to be a painful memory. “She was right. I would not ask you to take such a responsibility. It would fundamentally change you and leave you unable to live your life as you have been accustomed to these past centuries.”
“But?” Hob asks knowing there is a but in Dream’s tone. Dream sighs, before he meets Hob’s eyes again, his gaze clearer and perhaps a bit…hopeful?
“But perhaps…maybe coffee?” Dream asks shyly. Hob laughs. 
“Did you learn that from Niko too?” Hob teases him.
“In a way,” Dream answers, cryptic as ever. “If you are willing to be patient with me, Hob, I would gladly cherish you as both a friend and… something more than that,” he adds, and Hob’s heart soars. “There are limitations, however, and I—”
“Dream,” Hob interrupts. “Remember how we started? A hundred years between each meeting? That was enough.” He takes Dream's hand into his and kisses it, then moves his lips across each individual knuckle. 
“I don't know how relationships with anthropomorphic personifications are supposed to work, but I know it won't be what I'm used to,” Hob confesses. “And it's okay, Dream. It's enough for me, just to know that you feel something for me too. We can figure the rest out later.”
“You are too free with your affections,” Dream tells him, but there’s no real reproach in his voice.
“Maybe,” Hob replies. “But I have a lot of love to give, what with living forever and all. Let me show you just how much?” he adds, this time unashamedly letting his daydreams unspool from his mind. The innocent and dirty alike. Dream’s eyes widen as he seems to physically taste Hob’s dreams, before his eyes darken and he squeezes Hob’s hand in turn.
“Lead the way then,” Dream says, his lips quirking just the slightest bit into a playful smile. Hob kisses Dream's hand once more and winks, before leading the Endless upstairs to end the night.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
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Campaign 2 episode 92/Campaign 3 episode 92 parallels (with some assistance from 3x89)
Transcription of the text in the above images (screenshots from the Critical Role Transcript Search) below the cut:
The following is excerpts from Campaign 2, Episode 92, and Campaign 3 Episode 92 (except one from 89, noted below), interspersed. Travis is playing Fjord, Marisha is playing Beau, Laura is playing Imogen, Liam is playing Orym, and Matt plays Thoreau Lionett in the Campaign 2 excerpt and Liliana Temult in the Campaign 3 excerpt:
First image:
TRAVIS: Your histamine reactions are going again.
MARISHA: Yeah. I've been away from Zadash for a little bit, so the pollen, it's kicking a little, you know?
TRAVIS: I take it you don't fully, fully hate your dad. It's got to be hard to hear this.
Second image:
LAURA: I'm going to heard toward Orym who's at a distance and approach slowly.
LIAM: Hey.
LAURA: Hi. I'm going to put my hand on your shoulder.
LIAM: Sorry, I know how hard all that is for you.
Third image:
MARISHA: Everyone wants to make their dad proud, you know? Just hoping he could, he could show some of that.
TRAVIS: You don't know that he can't. It's been years. You've grown, you've changed. I'm sure you were even more of an unbearable shit before. I'm not saying he deserves a second chance, but he is your father, and you do have a mother, and a brother that you've never met.
MARISHA: (sniffs) I guess it's hard when... the word inevitable has been brought up several times in the past 24 hours amongst us. I feel like I've found my family with The Mighty Nein. I don't like looking at my past, because it doesn't have The Mighty Nein in it, and I think I put off the inevitable, because I'm going to-- I'm afraid it's going to be like my past.
Fourth image:
LAURA: Don't apologize. I can't begin to understand how hard it is for you.
LIAM: You know, every one of us makes our decisions with the lenses or prisms we see life through.
LAURA: Mm-hmm.
LIAM: I can't take mine down. (sobs softly) It's not even about revenge for me. (sniffles) I just try and honor what they sign up to do. (sniffles) I just try and honor what they sign up to do.
LAURA: I didn't know them, but I can't imagine they wouldn't look at you and not be proud.
LIAM: (sighs sadly)
LAURA: I think you've gone farther than anyone could ever expect you to, and you're still going.
Fifth image:
TRAVIS: I don't think one contaminates the other. You've got good, solid footing here. I mean, shit, if we want to run, we run. If we want to kick his ass, we'll kick his ass.
MARISHA: Yeah. (sniffing) I kind of want to kick his ass, and I don't want to run.
TRAVIS: Could I ask you, in your wildest dreams, and feel free to say you don't want to tell me, what would you have happen when we go there?
MARISHA: I think I've worked so hard because I scripted this day, in my inevitable future that I would go back to him, successful woman, respectable member of society, Cobalt Soul, an Expositor, the thing he threw me away to, and I embraced. And then, I would get mad at myself, because I felt like I was doing exactly what he was doing to me my entire life, scripting me to be something else. And I'm still doing it. I haven't seen him in three years, and I'm still trying to be... something. And I think what's scary is that I like this, and what I've found, and I don't think it was until Nott started talking about having to go home and go away that it truly started terrifying me. Because for the first time, I'm happy. And what if that goes away?
Sixth image:
LIAM: (sighs softly) (sniffles) So far. I'm going to miss him.
LAURA: Yeah. Yeah.
LIAM: I'm going to miss Letters.
LAURA: They were-- They were alive.
LIAM: Out of any of us, he just wanted to help.
Seventh image:
TRAVIS: It could always go away. It could go away tonight. The Gentleman's debtors could come calling.
MARISHA: (chuckling) And I think I know that, and I think I say things to Nott like, "You don't have to put those stipulations on yourself" because I've convinced myself that destiny or the inevitability won't come knocking. If you ignore it, it won't exist, and that's not true.
TRAVIS: (sighs) It'll be interesting either way. Your face is leaking.
MARISHA: I hate it.
TRAVIS: I won't tell anyone.
MARISHA: Don't tell anybody.
TRAVIS: Yep. You're a good friend. You're a good trainer.
Eighth image:
LAURA: I want you to know that that for a while it may have felt that you and I were not seeing eye to eye or maybe you felt that I, I didn't have the same goal in mind that you did. But don't worry about that anymore, all right?
LIAM: I understand family.
LAURA: Yeah. Yeah.
LIAM: I want for all the world for you to have your family.
LAURA: I wanted that, too, and (chuckles) god, that back and forth is a pretty funny thing, but choices were made. If nothing else, then at least we've got a little bit of knowledge on the inside now.
LIAM: Yeah. As much we'd like to, you can't turn back the clock.
LAURA: That's right. But you've got us.
Bonus image 1:
MARISHA: Mom already fucking mentioned that life gets difficult and it's hard. So you're right. Maybe it's easy to justify the easy way out, just get rid of the problem.
MATT: "That's not what this was about. You were on the self-destructive path. We didn't know what to do. I've never been a-- no one teaches you how to be a good father. I regret choices I've made, and you don't think I don't hold myself responsible for-- I thought I was doing what was best for you, truly."
MARISHA: You did. It was probably the best thing you could've done for me. So thank you. Tell me the story again, and then I'll go.
Bonus image 2 (from 3x89):
MATT: "History is filled with evil men. But few have the courage to stand up and try and stop them. Where I'm standing, I don't think we're on the opposing sides like you think we are. We just have a different myth, that's all. That's all. Please see it in yourself to understand why I've done and given up all of this."
LAURA: Maybe it's your turn to run. And I wake up.
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Billford Fic Recs: Part 1
Everything on this list is rated either Gen or Teen, so it’s accessible for the sex-repulsed billford fans out there. Part 2 will be all the fics that don’t fit within those ratings! Everything on this list (aside from the still-updating one) is a completed fic that was written year/s before Book of Bill came out. Most of these are under 5k words, and while most of them are pre-betrayal and canon compliant, there’s a few that cover different eras in the timeline and AUs. These are some of my all-time favorite billford fics, plus some bill-centric fics at the end of the list.
A Change of Scenery, by Nelja https://archiveofourown.org/works/10914882 Pre-betrayal, Ford’s perspective, 4k words
This fic really nails the devotion-to-the-point-of-obsession that Ford had for Bill. It’s one of the very first fics I think of when someone asks for recommendations. Really really top tier stuff. I wish there were more fics that had this same tone and a central focus on Ford’s obsessive worship of Bill. I can’t do this fic justice, you just have to experience the writing for yourself.
The Writing of Destiny, by Nelja https://archiveofourown.org/works/6256570 Pre-betrayal, Ford’s perspective, 1k words
This fic says so much with so few words. It goes over Ford’s feelings for Bill, as well as some moments in Ford’s life that led up to becoming the kind of person who would fall for Bill.
Devote, by orphan_account https://archiveofourown.org/works/8783656 Pre-betrayal, Ford’s perspective, 600 words
Ford gets a tattoo. This one is also chock full of the obsessive devotion Ford had for Bill. It’s a delicious little peek into how potent his feelings for Bill were.
Loose from the Lever, by clockheartedcrocodile https://archiveofourown.org/works/32120011/chapters/79575955 Pre-betrayal, mostly Fiddleford’s outside perspective, 9k words
The imagery and voice in this one is fucking impeccable. Best I’ve ever read on ao3. It’s also an absolutely chilling read. Fiddleford can sort of piece together the fact that Ford is working with… someone. And meanwhile, Ford’s relationship with Bill in this one is gut-wrenching to see. Bill is cold and calculating in ways that are arguably disproven by the book of bill, but it’s still such a believable read on their relationship.
Now You See, by MaryPSue https://archiveofourown.org/works/8134141 Mostly pre-betrayal, AU where Bill comes through the portal in the 80’s, 4k words
Only billford if you squint. This one’s about Ford undergoing a slow body horror transformation while building the portal. Bill stops him from enlisting Fiddleford’s help, and his uneasiness and isolation is so palpable. This fic is good at building atmosphere.
The Ol’ Three Legged Waltz, by equilateralromance https://archiveofourown.org/works/35691013 Pre-betrayal, AU where Bill is upfront about a lot more things from the start, 3.5k
This one has such a unique writing style, it feels very romantic in the classic sense of the word, like it was written in an era gone by. Their relationship is very soft and tender in this one, a win for fluff fans everywhere. It’s about the first time Bill possesses Ford, and is a very sweet what-if for a world where Bill is better at letting Ford in, emotionally speaking.
Stars in my black and blue sky, by idrilhadhafang https://archiveofourown.org/works/41989533 Ford reminisces on how much he used to love Bill. 1k words
Solid characterization in this one. It’s short and to-the-point and feels true to canon.
Weirdpocalypse, by completetheory https://archiveofourown.org/works/20798036 Post-canon, Bill visits Ford’s dreams, 1k words
This one’s a really interesting take on why Weirdmageddon failed. Very bittersweet.
One Stage of Grief, by Fooeyburr https://archiveofourown.org/works/13969392 Post-betrayal, Ford in the multiverse grappling with how he feels about Bill, 8k words
This one is all about Ford obsessing over what he had with Bill while refusing to come to terms with the fact that he cared about Bill! Which is all set up/framed by some fun multiverse worldbuilding, too. - Bonus round: Bill-centric fics -
Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone, by ckret2 https://archiveofourown.org/works/57714430/chapters/147167545 Post-canon, Bill dragged kicking and screaming down a very long road towards redemption, updates weekly and will end up being hundreds of thousands of words at minimum.
This is the fic for Bill growing and changing as a person in post-canon. Every single doubt and hesitation you might have about whether Bill is even capable of change? It’s absolutely taken into account in this one. Seriously, its characterization of Bill is so scarily good that it accidentally predicted a mountain of things that got revealed in the Book of Bill. If you invest your time in one super long fic in your life, make it this one.
A Romance of Many Dimensions, by Haley3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/20796845/chapters/49427522 Covers the span of Bill’s entire life in detail. Finished work. 250k words
A breathtakingly ambitious fic that consistently knocks it out of the park. There are so many things I could say about this fic that I don’t even know where to start. I feel a lot of things about this fic. If you’ve ever wanted a fic that delves into Bill’s psyche and is tragic in its (pre-tbob) canon compliance, and has an opening set in flatland that approaches things from a really creative angle, and has my favorite interpretation of the axolotl, and rewires your whole brain, then this is the fic for you. Feels a bit reductive when it covers Bill’s time interacting with Native Americans on earth, but otherwise one of The Fics of All Time.
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elizabebabe · 3 months
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ೀ 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡: you're scouted for love island and you and your manager think of it as a business opportunity but what happens when you actually want to find love?, you're in for the summer of your life.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 2
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: use of y/n!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.5k!
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬: moments in this cringe me out but it isn't love island without cringe is it? Still introduction vibes so i'm sure it'll get smoother as we go on, basing the structure off love island uk s5 since it's my fav, but they are american!
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“say hello to cade!” 
you all cheer trying to give him a solid entrance, he walks around the corner shouting “what’s up girls?!”, you feel yourself cringe, you couldn’t tell if it was because of him or the environment you're in.
he walked down from the double doors and stood next to ariana. he was taller than her, had blonde hair, black trunks, and a few tattoos on his right arm, i mean you thought he was attractive sure, but you quickly realize it’s going to take a lot for you to step forward.
you're so used to getting to know someone before putting your cards on the table so a “what’s up.” isn’t going to do him justice. 
he stood confidently with his hands on his hips, observing you all one by one.
“how are you feeling today?” ariana asks, looking up at him.
“i'm good. this is cool! you guys are all so beautiful. this is like a dream.” he quickly replies, you turn to look at the other end of the hearts, noticing abby’s excitement you can tell she quite likes him.
“so cade, "love island" is all about finding your perfect match. it all starts right here with a decision about who you want to couple-up with, but first it’s up to the girls to decide if they're interested in you.”
ariana looks at the girls then back up to him, “nerve wracking huh?”
“a little bit.” he replies nervously.
“girls, if you like what you see, please step forward.” there is a long pause, a moment of silence before abby steps off her heart and moves forward.
ariana cheers, “abby, why did you step forward?”
abby squeals, “oh my god!!, for one i really liked how he came in with lots of energy, he seems like a talker which i looove, and he’s like….really hot.” 
“okay, cade you can choose to couple up with abby orr, you can couple up with any of the four girls that didn’t step forward, what will it be?”
he takes a little time to think, redoing what he did when he first walked in, analyzing all of the girls.
“abby, i want to couple up with abby.” he says proudly, abby almost jumps up and down with excitement.
she cheers in response, “yay!!” 
you all clap as cade walks over to abby’s heart, they share a hug and he stands next to her.
“so we have our first love island couple of the year…cade and abby.”
“abby, how are you feeling?, ariana adds.
“eee!, so happy, he's definitely my type so i’m excited!” she says looking back and forth between the two, he smiles from her comments, his cheeks turning a red hue, he seems to feel comfortable enough to slither his hand onto her waist.
ariana smiles, “good, cade?”
“i’m feeling good.” he squeezes her side, “she's beautiful and seems really cool so yeah, excited.”
“clair, why didn’t you step forward?” ariana questions, projecting her voice, making eye contact, you appreciated her hosting “abilities”. 
“i need someone chill, and he also gives me the vibe he would break my heart.” she giggles delivering the last bit of her sentence. she looks over to you, maybe wanting to feel validated for feeling that way off first glance. you nod at her, giving her a smile.
“damn..” he says, putting his hand on his heart dramatically, then putting it back on abby’s waist.
“well kaia, leah, you both like heartbreakers, what happened?”
they both look at eachother, “he's cute but i just like someone more mysterious, quieter…you know?” leah softly responds.
“i think i have to agree with leah, he has a lot of energy, which is great just not for me.” kaia hesitates, not trying to sound like an ass.
“it seems like you guys have really similar types..” ariana says ominously. they both laugh and look at each other. 
“alright, are we ready for the next boy?”
you all cheer, “alright everyone, please meet romeo.”
he walked out the big brown doors, the first thing you noticed was his green shorts on his tanned skin, he was a brunette and his hair was shaggy. you definitely felt a tiny butterfly.
“this place is sick,” he says softly.
he walks over to ariana, a smirk present on his face.
you fiddled with your bikini, he caught stolen glances from you every once in a while.
“romeo, welcome to love island.” 
“look at these gorgeous women in front of you.” she kindly adds.
“they are all beautiful.” he says trying his best to project his voice. 
“as you can see, we already have one couple, cade and abby, then these four single ladies.” 
“leah, kaia, clair and y/n.” she continued.
“you can couple up with any of these ladies, including abby who is already in a couple.”
you notice abby shaking her head then looking up towards cade. 
“but before we give you that choice,  let’s see if any of the girls are interested enough to step forward.” he silently nods.
“okay ladies, if any of you are interested in romeo, please step forward.”
there is another pause, you all anticipating eachothers moves, you were definitely interested but this would be a bold move from you.
your taking too long is all you can think in your head when you notice leah stepping forward, seconds later kaia. you step forward, your legs taking over and moving without your brain's permission.
he looks shocked, “wow, three gorgeous women have stepped forward for you, what are you thinking?”
“i’m speechless, really, i don’t, i don’t know.” he stutters 
“that is pretty shocking, let's go in order here, leah, why did you step forward?”
“i think he’s super cute and i've felt him eyeing me up so i would assume it's mutual.”  she says it in a “rubbing it in your face” tone. causing your eyes to discreetly roll.
“me and leah really do have the same type.”  she giggles “ he seems quite quiet but he also has that “bad boy”  aesthetic going on.”
“are you a bad boy romeo?” 
“i don’t think so..” he says bashfully.
“lastly, y/n? i noticed your hesitation, what's that about?”
you scoff, “well i thought he was attractive, i was just a bit nervous.”
"make sense,
alright, romeo, who would you like to couple up with?”
“i think y/n intrigues me quite a bit.” he says quickly, your heart feels like it bumped out of your chest. you look down to get a look at leah, she looks pissed.
“okay, go get her!” he walks closer to you, you open your arms for a embrace, you almost stick together from the sweat beads on both of your chests, 
he puts his arm around you making your stomach flip.
“you guys look great together.” 
“thank you!” you both say at the same time making you and him giggle.
“you alright leah?”
“just fine ariana, thank you.”
ariana quickly moves on, “kaia?”.
“all good here.” she smiles
the coupling went on for a while, a guy named robert came out next, immediately snatching clair up, she seemed really happy about the coupling.
cyrus ran out next, he had a lot of energy but he seemed to wear it better than cade having kaia and leah stepping forward, he ended up picking leah, which seemed to be a bit of a let down for kaia but she quickly let it go remembering there is still one boy left.
aidan being the last guy to come out, he seemed more mature than the other guys, whether it was his mannerisms or the way he spoke, he ended up stealing leah, having cyrus couple up with kaia. 
“congratulations, we now have our five couples,”
you all clap and cheer,  “these couples you just made will decide how long you stay in the villa.” you look at romeo, he smiles at you.
“in your couples, you’ll spend time getting to know each other, taking on challenges together, living together and even sharing a bed together.”
“in eight weeks time, the public will be voting for their favorite couple. that couple stands to win a massive $50,000 cash prize and be crowned the winners of  ‘love island’ 2024.
but don’t forget this is love island, and the path to true love is never that simple. there may be a few surprises around every corner, and the first surprise might be sooner than you think.”
you all laugh nervously, sharing smiles with the person next to you.
“i will see you very soon.” ariana says ominously,
the rest of the islanders greet each other, but you and romeo seem to be in your own bubble. 
“how are you?”
you wipe your arm, “sweaty.” 
he scoffs, “me too.”
“i didn’t expect you to pick me.” you scoff.
“why not.”
“i don’t know.” you say awkwardly.
“so, i “intrigue” you?” you mock his tone from earlier, he puts his hand behind his head, “pretty much.”
robert comes up to hug you, followed by the rest of the guys you never properly interacted with, you were able to greet them with a few words before romeo interrupted, hoping to have a more private conversation with you.
you both laid on a day bed overlooking the pool, some of your fellow islanders were already dipping their feet into the pool while having conversation.
ironically “it’s so pretty.” were the first words to leave his mouth, you both admire the villa while enjoying a moment of comfortable silence.
“you know what i hate?” he says rolling his head back to get a better look at you, you can’t help but smile.
a quiet “what?” is the only thing that can leave your lips when he is staring into your eyes, he adjusts himself making the bed squeak, “small talk.”.
“me too!!” you exclaim.
he chuckles, “okay lets play a game then, rapid fire.”
“okay…, i'm assuming you’re gonna quickly ask me questions..?”
“pretty much, how old are you?”
“i’m 21.” you answer quickly, “you?”
“23, job go.” 
“i own my own business." you hesitate, "sell my own designs, it's whatever.” 
“are you kidding? that’s sick.” 
“thank you.” you shyly reply, “what about you.?”, you change your position on the bed from laying down to sitting upright.
“i work with a bunch of animals, my dad has owned a pet store since i was a kid so i kinda just grew up around them.”
hearing about his job excites you, you like someone that can be passionate about their career. 
“that’s really cu–” you attempt to reply but you’re interrupted by the sound of heels coming up from behind you, it was leah.
“do you mind if i pull romeo?”
“it’s not up to me.” you quickly respond.
he starts sitting up, leaning in to give you a hug, you hesitantly reciprocate.
“i’ll see you later, okay?” he says whispering into your ear, he pulls back from the hug fully standing up leaving you on the day bed.
shortly after your interrupted conversation, abby and clair asked you to join them exploring the villa. you obviously say yes and get off the day bed, quickly following them inside.
to the left of the ‘backyard’ doors is a living space, followed by a pull down bed with a neon “dog house” sign. you all laugh when you first notice it, abby throws around jokes, “where cade will be sleeping if he pisses me off.” making you and clair giggle.
you turned around going to the door on the other side of the room, inside were seven beds lined up against the wall, “holy shit!” abby says from behind you, she walks ahead of you touching the first bed in the room, then looking at its bench to notice “abby.” and “cade” signs at the end of it, she jumps on it.
“clair, you'll probably be down here next to me.” you say excitedly, she chuckles. you and clair walk down to the fourth and fifth bed noticing your names, you both sit on your assigned beds.
“can you believe life right now?” abby says, even from “far away” her voice is still easily heard.
“not at all.” clair comments, looking at you, “do you think the other girls are done with their chats?” abby comments. “why?” you respond, “we need to have a girl chat.” you look at clair and she looks at you with an unreadable expression on her face.
“about our couples?, duh.” abby continues.
you and the rest of the girls decided to head upstairs to find a place to have ‘girl chat’.  you walked behind clair, right up the stairs are the showers, bathrooms but most importantly the makeup room, you all piled in taking a seat at a vanity.
“this place is so fucking beautiful.” abby states, starting the conversation as usual.
“so how was everyone's chats? me and cade got surprisingly deep?” she adds, almost saying her last few words like a question.
“i mean that's good, does he match your energy like you wanted?” kaia chimes in curiously.
“oh 1000%, i already feel lucky to have already met someone that ticks so many of my damn boxes.”
“don’t forget it’s day one, you have to get to know everyone else.” clair states, taking leah and abby by surprise.
“damn, didn’t know you were like that.” leah says, flicking her hair behind her head.
“i mean she's right.” you add.
“clair, how is your sitch.” kaia questions her.
“it’s good, we only had a quick chat but he seems chill, i'm just not sure yet.” “why?” abby expresses genuine confusion, “you guys seem like a good match.”
“yes on paper.” she rebuttals, “but i don’t know him yet, i’m typically a grower so it'll take me some time.”
you all nod at her comment.
“so.., kaia, leah, hows your ‘sticky’ situation.” abby asks nonchalantly.
“well, my convo with cyrus went well,
obviously we're attracted to the same guy so i'm not going to hold it against her when she inevitably talks to him.” kaia quickly but carefully responds.
“wait..you haven't talked to cyrus yet leah?” abby asks, trying to get more information.
“he was talking to kaia so i just let it be, was able to pull romeo earlier though.”
abby and clair quickly look at you with those ‘sad’, ‘puppy’ eyes, you gave them a sarcastically confused look in return.
“how did it go?” kaia asks her genuinely. 
“it was good, we have some things in common, i’ll definitely talk to him again, maybe later tonight?”
“don’t forget to talk to cyrus later, i want to see how he’ll move.” kaia persists. 
“how was your chat y/n?” abby quickly takes back the conversation. hearing your name quickly snaps you out of your zone out.
“it was good, we didn’t get to talk much before he was pulled.” you say awkwardly, the whole room going silent for a bit.
“you know who needs to talk tonight?” abby quickly says, breaking the silence.
“you two.” she says pointing at leah and you.
you both look at each other, “the tension is obvious and i'm not having my new girl friends hate each other,
especially over a man.” abby continues.
“i don’t hate her.” you say quickly after hearing abby, you fidgeted with your bikini, suddenly it felt hotter than it already did.
“annnyyyway..” abby drags out the word, trying to get rid of the awkwardness, “leah, how's aidan?”
her face scrunches up and you can already tell what she’s gonna say, “he isn’t for me, too serious, and lowkey boring..” 
“yikes.” abby responds.
“but he expressed interest in clair, so maybe..?” clair’s head immediately snaps up, 
“oooooo.” you say teasingly, abby joins in with you.
“stop it.”, you notice her flusteredness. 
you were called to the beach hut for your first confessional, you were nervous to be in front of a camera again, 
yes there were cameras all around you but at least they were hidden.
you walked in and immediately plopped down in the chair, the lighting looked a bit harsh, you wondered if it was flattering or not, 
all you had to do was answer a few questions from the producers, easy. 
“how are you feeling in your couple?” a deep voice from behind the camera questions.
“uhm.” you took time to think about what you wanted to say, 
“good, he makes me feel nervous, which i think is a good sign?”
“how do you feel about sharing a bed in your couple?”
“i haven’t shared a bed with a man in a while so i'm a little nervous, but it’ll be fine.” you quickly respond, trying not to sound like a moron on national television.
you adjust your bikini as the next question is dished out to you.
“how do you feel about leah?”
you awkwardly smile, “she seems nice, we obviously got off on the wrong foot earlier so that's unfortunate. but i'll talk to her, one on one, later, hopefully clear the air.”
after answering a few beach hut questions it was time to unpack your suitcase, you walk up the stairs and down the hall to find you and all the girls' suitcases lined up against some closets.
you find the one with the big “y/n” on it, grabbing it and crouching on the floor to open it up. that’s when you remember why you’re here, your designs, not for romeo or the friends you were making, 
but to show off your designs.
you think about what rhia would be saying right now, “bitch, get it together, this is work.”, it makes you giggle, 
now you’re sitting on the floor reminiscing, missing rhia and your family. that's when the rest of the girls pile in, interrupting your thoughts, you now think about how many times you’ve been interrupted today.
“unpacking time whoo!” abby exclaims, hyping the rest of the girls up.
clair comes next to you, seeming to notice your somber expression, “you okay?” 
“i’m great, thank you.” you smile at her and she reciprocates it. now it’s chaos, suitcases being thrown open, clothes being snagged onto hangars. 
“what are you guys sleeping in tonight?” kaia asks.
the girls talk over each other at once, “a t-shirt.” is what you reply with, “that's it?”
“no, oh my god.” you quickly say with a giggle.
“i was about to say.” she chuckles over her words.
evening meant it was time to get ready again, which meant getting out of those bikinis and into something else, you didn’t realize how much your feet hurt until you peeled your wedges off. 
you were sweaty and sticky all day so you decided you needed to shower before changing into something clean. 
you had a quick, soapy, rinse, since you felt awkward, the shower door was clear except for the part that just barely covered your bits.
you quickly put your towel on, deciding to lotion up in the makeup room where the rest of the girls were. minus the tension from this morning you felt really comfortable with them all.
you lotioned up and put on a pair of undies and a bra, the dressing room and the makeup room were connected causing girls to walk back and forth while having conversation, you heard laughter, the sounds of zippers, heels, for some reason it made you really happy, you chose to sit next to clair at the vanities,
just like earlier. she was appreciative. 
you did your hair and makeup at the vanity, the lighting was really nice making you feel extra confident, you decided to wear one of your favorite designs, the girls in the room hyping you up bringing a smile to your face, you adjusted yourself in the outfit making sure everything sat perfectly, grabbing some heels that complimented the rest of your outfit and slipping them on.
you walked in front of a wall length mirror, posing a little,
you looked gorgeous.
you all walked outside, this was the first time you saw it at night and it was beautiful, a little chilly but the fairy lights above the villa made up for it, they were even in the trees!
the kitchen was tucked in a corner between when you first walk out and the day beds, everybody slowly picked off, abby and cade going for a convo first, followed by clair pulling aidan for a chat, you gave her a thumbs up as she walked off with him, six of you still stood in the kitchen, you decided it was time to take leah off for a conversation.
you grabbed a glass off the counter that was filled with champagne and walked over to her, “wanna have our chat?”
“sure.” she replied taking a sip out of her glass, you both walk over to the fire pit a bit away from the kitchen.
“how are you?” you start.
“good.” she replies back
“you look nice.” you compliment her, she was wearing a silver glittery dress with her hair in a bun, 
she really did look nice.
“thanks, you too.” you nod your head appreciatively,  not sure if you should bring up the tension from this morning or ask her to forget about it, you both sit in silence not sure what the other will say.
“sorry..” she says quietly
you snap your head to her, “what was that?” you ask genuinely.
“i’m sorry.” she states it this time.
“why?” you quickly ask.
“i was a sour puss about romeo picking you over me, i shouldn’t have.”
you look at her, then at romeo who was chatting in the kitchen.
“sour puss?” you giggle, you’ve heard the phrase but never heard it come out of someone's mouth before.
“yeah.” she chuckles.
“it’s fine, really, i don’t want us to have any tension or anything, the energy has been so good between us girls.”
“i agree.” she stands up, you follow suit bringing her into a hug. you hear cheering from somewhere, pulling out of the hug, you look around noticing abby and cade, sitting on bean bags that were arranged a little away from the pool.
it makes you and leah laugh. 
a little after your conversation with leah, 
you, abby and kaia were chatting at a swing placed on the right hand side of the villa. you and the girls didn’t even notice romeo approaching you, “can i steal you?” 
you look over at him, he was wearing a black dress shirt, and gray pants, he looked nice.
“mhm.” you replied, getting ready to stand up but the girls did it before you. “we’ll go, you stay.” abby says, walking away with kaia as they continue the conversation you were just having. 
“you good?” he questions, sitting on the ‘couch’ swing, it moves when he adjusts himself to face you.
“i’m great, feeling less shy, i guess?”
“i noticed you’re talking a lot more, i'm glad you’re comfortable.”
“me too, i was worried it would take a lot longer.” you go back to forth with him as you notice him observing you.
“you look really nice.”
“thank you..” you say shyly.
“so, how was your chat with leah?” you question, you remember leah telling you “it was good.” so you wondered how he would reply.
“it was nice, she's chill, we have a few things in common.”
“that’s cool.” you comment, not really knowing what to say next.
“how do you feel about sleeping later tonight?” he changes the subject.
“i’m fine with it, i’m actually already really tired.”
“it has been a long day to be fair.”
you all gathered at the fire pit to play a game of truth or dare, the rules were simple, abby was at the head of the fire pit so she would start first, asking anyone ‘truth or dare’, when they finish their dare or their truth next they can pick any islander to continue the game.
you all sat comfortably around the fire, you sat opposite of abby, next to romeo and of course, clair.
“cade, truth or dare.” abby starts.
he laughs, “of course.” he says knowing she was gonna pick him.
“dare.” he says confidently.
“i dare you to give a lap dance to an islander of your choice.” she winks at him. 
you all laugh and cheer after hearing the dare, he gets up putting his glass on the floor, he stands over abby, moving his hips back and forth, putting his leg behind her and gyrating in her face, you couldn’t stop laughing and you could tell everyone around you felt the same.
he stopped, sitting back down next to her, smirk on his face, grabbing his cup off the ground and taking a sip.
abby was shocked, you could tell because her mouth was basically on the floor, “that was too quick.” she complains.
once cade stops laughing, he looks around, not knowing who to choose, “my guy robert, truth or dare?”
robert scoffs, “truth.”.
“boooringgg.” cade shouts, “have you ever had a threesum?” 
robert chokes a little on his wine, “yes..” he says shamefully, for some reason that shocks everyone.
“damn, my man!” cade exclaims, getting up to dap him up, abby playfully hits him on the arm, making him laugh and sit back down.
the laughter is interrupted by a ring, all of your faces slowly drop, nerves quickly setting in.
“was that you?” robert questions clair.
“i think it was.” she responds.
“i got a text!” clair shouts, “islanders, it’s time for the real games to begin, please welcome your new arrival.” she reads it out ominously, making all you look around at each other frantically. 
your heart goes to your stomach, your mind racing with questions. you adjust your outfit and take another sip out of your glass.
clair continues, “#one out of three.”
“what does that even mean? abby asks, clearly confused.
seconds of silence later a brunette comes from behind the corner, “hi!” he says cheerily
clair looks at you knowingly, you quietly snicker.
everyone slowly stands up to greet him, you take your time adjusting yourself and taking a few more sips before having the courage to walk closer, he daps up the guys and hugs the ladies that have already come up to him, you notice his eyes, they look brown in the night light, his hair, his jawline, you feel flustered.
in your zoning out he already made his way through everyone, you were the only one left to greet, you smiled at him and he smiled back. your mic raised against your chest, rising with each deep and heavy breath.
he put his arms out, you did the same, sliding your manicured hands around his torso, making for a cuddly hug, 
weirdly it felt just right.
who is this new islander?, find out next time on love island.
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hope you enjoyed!
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
drunk on you (part three) || Rick Grimes (TWD) × gn!reader (no apocalypse!AU)
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
series taglist: @ryoujoking
Part 1, 2.
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Summary: You'd known Rick forever, as far back as freshman year. He was a guy you (if you were honest) had a crush on; there was just something in his stance and the low drawl of his voice. You'd say that feeling only got worse from there. Before you could blink, he was married and had a kid; and suddenly, despite your best efforts, you felt very out of place. You faded out of his life, and he yours. So when Rick shows up at your door (drunk out of his mind) about 5 years after the last time you spoke to him, you have a lot of questions.
TWs: excessive use of pet names, making out, vague reference to sex, shameless flirting, crying, vague reference to Lori's infidelity, and unresolved feelings.
[[A/N: Rick Grimes in this one is simply whipped. also not me going back on my wordddddd. I might make more, we'll see. Also whoever made this gif has my whole heart. Y'all ever just want to hold a man and tell him everythings okay??? That he's allowed to feel??? No, just me? Okay. Enjoy :))]]
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"Rick," you pursed your lips, rubbing at a dish in your sink.
Currently, you are at home -on babysitting duty. About a month after the wedding, their honeymoon kick-started and Carl went to stay with his Dad and Judith (who you'd briefly met at the wedding) staying with Lori's mom.
However, she had an appointment today (or at least that's what she said), so your home was currently filled with two tiny children. Luckily, you weren't doing it alone.
"Rick," you repeated -peering over the counter to look at him.
He was looking at you in that kind of way that you recognized to be just... adoration. The smile on his face perked up, as he watched you do whatever you were doing; he wouldn't even look away for a second. It felt kind of like when he told you he loved you, and you couldn't breathe-
"Stop looking at me that."
"Like what?" Rick countered with a smile -you couldn't decide if you wanted to slap it off or kiss him senseless. Later.
You huffed out a breath, finally rinsing the dish, "You know what you're doing, Grimes."
He suddenly seemed to notice what you're doing, standing up from his seat, "Baby, let me do those, you 'ave done enough."
"That's really sweet, babe, and I would gladly accept it in different circumstances," you hummed, grabbing the next one (as well as debating whether to kill him because of the pet name), "-but you're on kid duty."
His eyes instinctively went to the kids, who to his credit were quietly reading (Carl) and passed out on the couch (Judith). There wasn't much to watch.
These kids were way too well-behaved, it was kind of scary-
"If you won't let me help ya," he was slowly stepping toward you, "-why don't you take a break for a little while? You're stressed out-"
"I am not stressed out," you snapped -directly proving his point.
Rick wasn't moved at all though by your 'intimidation', coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You sighed, instinctively leaning into him -breaths solid and mind stirring.
"I 'aven't seen ya like this since your last midterm," he commented -laughing lightly, slowly swaying the two of you in motion, "-what's goin' on in 'at pretty little head of yours?"
You let out a long breath, "I've really gotta finish these dishes, Rick."
"Finish 'em," he hummed, leaning down to put a featherlight kiss on your cheek, "-I'll be right 'ere, waitin'."
You did so, conveniently way less stressed. Every time your breath picked up and your moves started to become frantic, Rick would notice and pull you closer or kiss you on the temple. All the stress would promptly vanish out of your body.
He'd always been able to do that, even when you were kids, talk you down from ledges, 'relax, it's all goin' to be okay, I promise'. It was kind of weird the way you got him now, romantic, you'd never even dreamed of this. You wouldn't let yourself.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, darlin'?"
You laughed, finishing the last dish and putting it into the strainer, "How much young Y/N would lose their mind right now. With you."
Rick snickered, something delighted in his voice, "Yeah?"
"Oh, yeah," you affirmed, "-They would be..."
You fell silent, even now, all you'd sacrificed, all you'd shoved down still hurt. You had Rick now, but that didn't erase the years you didn't.
"...happy," you finished, a little desolately.
Rick slowly spun you around in his grip, blue eyes searching for yours, and when they found them, smiling -it shot warmth through your chest.
"I love you."
You smiled, hands awkwardly at your side -before frowning, "My hands are all soapy."
"Why does 'at matter?" He tilted his head, grin giving no signs of disappearing.
"I want to kiss you," you explained, "-but I can't do that with-"
"Well," he laughed, moving forward -pulling one hand off your waist and sliding it up to hold your face, "-I can."
Before you could let out a word, he sealed your lips together. Rick always kissed with a little passion, you'd noticed that -so you were a bit lucky that the sink was just behind your back. Otherwise, he would've blindly pushed you into a wall -which hurt last time.
He was slow as if he was trying to treasure you, show you that he loved you. It was less desperate this time, although you were very sure he'd been wanting to kiss you for at least an hour. It was just calming, grounding; the push of his lips, solid and body sturdy against your body.
You couldn't help it then, your hands went to his shoulders, supporting yourself.
And then, he brought out his tongue.
Now, the tongue was new, a lot of trouble -you were really glad he hadn't brought it out in the closet because that would have gone much differently. A little less romantic. More fun though, probably-
He urged open your mouth without hesitation (you were very simple, what can you say), tongue twirling around your own. Still slow, still languid, as if he was carefully wanting to know every little bit of you.
You pulled yourself away, the familiar heat flushing through your body, eyes blinking open to match his. He had the most mischievous little grin there, eyes staying solid on your lips.
Your heart stuttered in your chest.
"Rick," he pushed forward with a simple press of lips, your will was weak, "-we cannot do this right now."
He pushed forward again, more power this time, slowly pulling back, "Your son is in the next room."
"I'd like 'im to see a display of healthy affection," he hummed, still a breath away.
"Don't you think he gets enough of that from Shane and Lori?"
He smiled then, twinkly, "Who says 'ere's is healthy?"
You burst into laughter, as his lips found solace on all the surfaces of his face -the bags of your eyes, the curve of your nose, the corners of your lips, and your cheeks. His grin only got brighter as you laughed -like it was the only sound he'd ever wanted to hear in the world. Or maybe like it was his favorite.
"Okay, okay," you let out a breath, pushing him backward, "-if this keeps going you're going to-"
Your eyes faltered to your hands, and the wet stains on his shirt, "Shit."
"'S no big deal, baby," he hummed, pressing forward to kiss you -simply, "-'ll just get a new one from my drawer."
Right, another new thing, the drawer. Rick stayed over a lot now, and to be fair, you had an extra room (you were going to get a roommate at one point, but that never happened) where Carl could sleep. So, it just started functioning that way. Plus, Rick had a terrible habit of just showing up at your place otherwise. It was much better than that.
The thing was, every time he came over, he brought more of him. Everywhere you looked you could see a little Rick -the boots by the door, the coat on the rack, the extra blanket on the couch, and he'd even brought over some dishes once. That one you weren't sure why.
And it was fine, good even. It's just that you hadn't talked about it. At all.
He still had his place at home, close to Bonnie and the town where you grew up. And while the town was lovely, you had moved on. You just weren't sure that Rick had moved on too.
He'd told you that after getting shot on the job and put in a coma, the department had essentially retired him -out of concern. So, he got a monthly check. He was at your apartment all the time, and yet it seemed like he couldn't get enough of it. You were a little worried about him going stir-crazy in the city on top of everything else. Would it be a good idea for him to even move here?
Selfishly, you still really wanted him to.
It was another day, Saturday to be specific, you were sitting on the couch and Rick's head lay in your lap -mindlessly, you ran your fingers through his hair. It was getting longer now, curling, and he was growing out his stubble -you'd told him frankly that you like both very much.
He had only smiled (the tips of his ears growing pink) and said promptly, "Guess I'll keep doin' it then."
You were happy that you had such an influence, because he was always handsome, but there was something special about having your very own Rick. Not the one when you were kids, not the one from his marriage with Lori, yours. With a kiss of curly hair and stubble.
"You really like the hair, don't ya?" He mumbled out, half-focused because of the rhythmic motion of your hand. It was cute, he was cute.
You hummed, happily -staring down at him, "I love your curls."
He smiled a little, cheeks dusting pink -you absentmindedly let your other hand brush against them. He kissed your fingertips when he could.
"I don't understand why you never let it grow out when we were kids," you expressed, staring at the baby curls on the top of his head, "-It's so pretty."
"'S hardly pretty," he muttered out.
You frowned, moving your hands to cup his face, ever-so-slightly, "You are very pretty, Grimes. Probably the most beautiful person I've ever seen."
Rick fell quiet, something crossing over his face.
"And if anyone else says otherwise," you moved your hand back to his hair, "-I'll beat the shit out of them."
He choked out a laugh, a big smile radiating up at you -eyes with that look again, you could indulge in it this time, though, "Would ya?"
"Well, yeah," you laughed, "-I smacked Shane, didn't I?"
He suddenly sat up, scooting close to your side and facing you -something in his eyss monstrously delighted, "You smacked Shane?"
"Shit," you gulped -trying to think back, "-did I not tell you that?"
"When?" He urged, and he was nearly jumping in place.
"At his wedding," you clarified, before frowning, "-that really doesn't sound good, does it?"
Rick laughed, roaming closer to you, "You did 'at for lil' old me?"
"He had it coming," you retorted, "-plus, me and Bonnie talked about much worse-"
"God," he said suddenly, using both of his hands to cup your face -leaning forward to connect your foreheads, "-I love you."
"I love you too," you responded, laughing a little, "-Does me slapping Shane really do it for you or?"
He laughed again, a bright twinkle, before settling back, "Just can't remember the last time someone did somethin' for me."
You frowned.
"But, of course, you did," he hummed, looking at you in sheer wonder, "-I didn't even ask ya to do 'at."
"I would hope not," you quipped, and his grin grew brighter, "-and, even from a friend's perspective, the guy deserved it. Deserved his shoes stomped too, but you didn't let me leave your side-"
Rick grinned, pressing a short kiss onto your lips, "I was kinda followin' you around like a lost puppy all night, wasn't I?"
You shook your head, letting out a breath, "It's okay though, I didn't mind."
He smiled at you, all soft and sweet.
"Plus, I asked Bonnie to do it for me-"
He laughed loud, eyes hazy onto your features for a moment. At his staring, all you could do was smile and start to laugh, fluster bubbling up your face. His eyes only shined brighter then, and before you could react, he pushed you down onto the couch -lips coming to find yours as you both burst into laughter.
And maybe it got a little feverish, and maybe it got a little rushed. And maybe he picked you up and carried you off to the bedroom without so much as a stuttered step (all hooded eyes and bright smiles).
But that was between the two of you.
A few months later, it was a weeknight -you had just tumbled through the door off your work shift. You usually got out pretty early, but today had been a rough one. You hadn't been expecting Rick, he was (last you'd known) at his place. Had to go back every month at least once for his check, and he usually stayed for a little bit. The drive wasn't long, but it was long enough to want to be avoided.
So, when you brought yourself through the door, you were expecting an empty apartment. You were exhausted, didn't even want to eat -you just wanted to sleep.
Instead, you walked in with the lights on and some shifting in the kitchen.
"Rick?" You offered, slipping off your shoes and shuffling to the kitchen.
"There ya are," he hummed, spinning around to meet you -before his eyes rested solely on you.
He faltered, dropping whatever he had in his hands gently on the counter (you weren't paying attention) -hands coming to rest on your shoulders. They smoothed there for a second, before he nudged up your chin.
"Bad day?"
"I'm exhausted," you sighed, fully leaning into his hands.
He pursed his lips for a second, moving his hand up to cup your face, "Ya eaten today?"
"This morning," you answered -honestly.
Frowning, his other hand dragged his fingertips over your arm, "'Gotta take better care of yourself, baby. You know 'at."
"Yeah, yeah," you groaned, but not making any motion to move, "-I know."
"I'm serious," he leveled with you, eyes starkly matching yours.
"I know, Rick," you responded, "-I'm just too tired-"
"Ya need to eat," he reinforced, guiding you to the bedroom gently -carefully steps to gently bring you there.
"Then why are you-"
"Sleep," he hummed, hands solidly on your shoulders -pulling aside the blankets, "-I'll bring ya some food in a minute."
"Rick," you looked at him, "-I can-"
"Shush," he pushed you forward but you didn't move, "-baby, lay down."
"Really, I can, it's late, you should sleep-"
"'At's enough," he hummed gruffly, grabbing you by the waist and lugging you over his shoulder.
"Rick!" You nearly squealed.
"Ya weren't workin' with me," he huffed out -trying to hold back a laugh, "-gotta do 'at I 'ave to."
"Okay, okay," you laughed, "-I get your point. You can put me down-"
"Too late," he pulled you forward, gently cradling your head onto the bed, "-already 'ere."
You looked at him for a moment, blue eyes the only thing lit up in the room and something in you softened.
His hand remained under your head, and he was close enough to feel his breath -you mindlessly looked at him. Hands blindly reaching for his face, you pulled him to you -one solid kiss.
As you parted, you still held him there -whispering, softly, "Thank you."
Rick smiled, you could see it in the distant dusting of lighting. Brushing your hands up along his jaw, you found his hair -threading through it for a moment. He leaned forward that time, a simple press of lips.
You smiled.
"Okay," he hummed, gruff and maybe tired, "-I've gotta go make ya some food, darlin'."
You nodded, solidly, "I love you."
"Love ya too," he smiled, leaning forward to kiss your forehead, "-sleep. I'll be 'ere in a minute."
"Okay," you hummed, as he pulled the blanket up over you -slowly sinking into the bed.
Just a few minutes.
You don't know how long you were out with a fuzzy mind and warm dreams. Sleep was always better when you were just tired.
"Hey, baby," his voice echoed out, a little sing-songy. The first thing, other than his voice, you noticed was the gentle smell wafting through the air. You instinctively sniffed, mumbling out.
He hummed, pulling you up, "'S getcha up, okay? Need to eat somethin'."
You groaned but moved with him -pushing the pillows up behind your back. Rick was shifting with you, being the one to primarily move you.
"Pick a show," he hummed, putting the plate on your nightstand and rumbling up to the other side of the bed, "-Let's eat, and then we can sleep again, 'kay?"
You sighed out a breath, rubbing at your eyes, and pulling the plate onto your lap, "You know what I wanna watch, Grimes, you put it on."
"Grumpy, aren't ya?" he huffed with a grin -mindlessly grabbing the remote, and putting on your favorite show.
You hummed, and ate.
There wasn't much said then, the silent hum of the TV and the shuffle of eating filling the air.
Eventually you ended up here, curled into Rick's side with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped tightly around you -fingers massaging your scalp. Your arms wrapped around his chest -as close as you could possibly be. He laughed at you, trying to get as close as you possibly could, but didn't object at all. You would never imagine him to. In fact, he actually pulled you closer -arm wrapped around you solidly.
"I don't know what I would've done if you weren't here," you murmured, low and just under the hum of the TV.
"Not eaten," he replied, teasingly.
You turned to face him, putting your chin on his chest -he simply moved his fingers to the other side, "Rick, I'm serious."
"I know, baby," he hummed, curling his hand behind your ear and trailing down your jaw, "-I know. 'M glad to be 'ere, 'specially wit' you."
You rolled your eyes, "You're cliché, Grimes."
"'At's the way you like it, though," he smiled, brushing his fingertips down your back, "-and I do like keepin' ya happy."
You sighed, trailing a hand up to dance around his jaw, "Ugh, why can't I just keep you here forever?"
There was a silence then, as your fingers fluttered over his skin -ending up at the nape of his neck, digging into curls.
"I could," he said finally, "-be 'ere, there's an openin' on the floor below ya, I asked."
"Rick," you laughed, "-don't be ridiculous."
His face contoured into something a little defensive, "Why is 'at ridiculous-"
"Move in with me," you breathed out.
Rick froze, breath fluttering out of his chest -blue eyes still lazily strolling along your face.
"If you're going to be in the same city for me," you argued, "-why not just be with me?"
He smiled, that dazzling sort of one that just made your heart twist in your chest -always so in love. You still couldn't wrap your head around it.
Fingers still dancing along your back, he countered, "Ya know 'at means Carl too, don't you?"
"Of course, I-" you spoke -a little in disbelief, "-Rick, I know that you and Carl are a package deal. Your kid comes first, I get that."
"Are you sure you wanna-"
"Rick," you reiterated, sitting up fully now and facing him, "-I love you, like crazy. If you think that I don't love him too, you're insane."
"Not everyone's," he paused, and you realized then he had been thinking about this a lot, "-ready for a kid-"
"Rick," you stressed -holding his face to guide to yours, "-I may not be the greatest at... at kids. But I am willing to try, for you and Carl."
His eyes scanned over you, a bit in wonder, like he really couldn't imagine you sat in front of him, asking what you were asking.
"I just-" he started, "-I wanna make sure you're sure. It's a big deal, and... I don't wanna scare ya away."
Again hung through the air for a moment.
"You're stuck with me," you readjusted your hands -cupping his face, "-I got away once but now you are stuck with me, Grimes. And Carl is a part of you. That means I'm stuck with him too, okay?"
Rick pursed his lips, like he hadn't expected this and something in your heart sunk.
"I'm sorry I ever made you feel like I wouldn't accept Carl-"
"No, you never-" he sighed big and long, eyes dropping to his lap for a moment, he sniffled, "-I just..."
You tilted his face back up to meet yours, and your eyes took in the tears settled in his eyes, you waited for him to talk. Mindlessly, your thumbs rubbed them away -patient.
"I never thought I'd get this after Lori," he cried, soft and just for you to hear, "-I always thought with Carl, people would never-"
You shifted onto his lap, straddling, pulling his head forward into your shoulder -fingers threading into his curls. Your other hand wrapped around his back, rubbing small little circles in its stead.
He cried into your skin for a moment, just tears creeping out of somewhere they had long settled. You wondered how long he'd been holding onto this.
You frowned at the thought, turning your head to kiss his jaw quickly.
"I'm sorry," you muttered out.
Rick seemed to want to move up and say something but you kept him there -gently carding through his hair with your fingers. He didn't put up much of a fight.
"I'm sorry for what she did to you," you clarified, before pulling his face back in front of you, "-really, I am."
"I'm not-"
"I know you're past it, Rick," you hummed, hand smoothing down the side of his face, "-doesn't mean you ever got what you deserved, an apology."
He opened his mouth, but you kept going.
"Just because you adapted," you presented, "-doesn't mean it can't still hurt, Rick. I know it doesn't hurt because of Lori anymore-"
He stared at you wordlessly, like he was desperately trying to listen.
"-but it's okay if it hurts for different reasons," you explained, gently rubbing your fingertips along his jaw, "-Your trust was broken by someone you loved, it's okay to be scared that it might happen again."
Rick hummed for a moment, eyes darting all over your face -like he was trying to figure out what to say. You merely waited patiently, in silence.
"I... I'm scared. Not that you'll... I trust ya, I do. It's just-"
"Rick, baby, stop," you interrupted him, meeting his eyes again, "-you don't have to explain yourself to me."
"But you-"
"Rick," you laughed a little, hands coming to rest on his shoulders -his eyes stayed squarely on you, "-you experienced something and reacted to it. I'm not taking that personally, you were hurt and now you don't want to be hurt again."
He seemed a little stunned, unsure of his own words. You took it as a motion to keep talking.
"I can tell you that I won't hurt you again, and maybe you'll believe it," you offered, "-but because someone broke that trust, there is gonna be a part of your brain that doesn't-"
His fingers brushed against your face for a moment, like he was grounding himself -listening to the words you were saying.
"-and that's not your fault or mine," you clarified, effectively shushing him, "-and we're gonna do our best to fix it, okay?"
Rick stared at you, a little in awe.
"Together," you reiterated, before adding on -less confidently, "-if you want to."
He didn't say anything.
"And," you cleared your throat, suddenly a little flustered with his sole attention and the ever-growing silence, "-you don't have to move in if you're not ready, that's a... a given."
You snapped your mouth shut, eyes dancing along his face -trying to read anything on it. All you got was wonder, and disbelief.
"Uh," you laughed, nervously, "-Rick? Are you... okay?"
He seemed to blink then, eyes clear of their haze, "Shit, sorry, I..."
His tone faltered off again, eyes dashing over you like you weren't even real; he just seemed so shaken by everything. You weren't sure exactly what to do.
"Shit, again, I-" He started, swallowing, "-I mean, yes to all of it."
"You want to move in?"
"Yeah," he repeated like it was the most obvious answer in the world, "-yeah, I want... I want it all."
You raised an eyebrow, asking for clarification.
"I want your help," he spoke, hands trailing up to properly cup your cheek, "-I need your help, I wanna be better. I wanna think... better."
You hummed, raising a hand to come up on top of his -turning and pressing a kiss to his palm, "Okay."
There was a silence then, as he looked at you and you looked at him. It was like a shift, somehow your relationship ticked -like suddenly it wasn't just love but a relationship. Intertwined lives, and goals to better each other; it felt different and you wondered if it was still the same-
"I get the baby thin' now," Rick murmured out, fingers playing with the neck of your shirt.
You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to remember, "Did I call you baby?"
"Mhm," he confirmed, "-'s really... special to hear it. Feels nice."
"Wait, so," your fingers danced around his chest, "-what are you saying, baby?"
Rick grinned, something twinkling in his eye, "Really? You gonna do this now?"
"Oh, yeah, baby," you laughed.
He smiled, fingers brushing over your cheekbones -blue eyes languid over your figure, "'Sure ya wanna do 'at tonight?"
You paused, noting the exhaustion deep in your skin and the sleep-slur of his words.
"Okay," you decided, yawning and nuzzling into his chest, "-fine. Tomorrow."
Rick pulled you into his chest -brushing his fingers along your back, something telling in his voice but everything else so casual, "Whatever ya want, baby."
Yep, you realized, still the exact same.
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victim-of-subtraction · 2 months
guys a blue lock x jjk au came to me in a dream do we fw it? (it’s not fully fleshed out yet, but this is what I have so far)
there are KIND OF. some jjk spoilers (I make references to certain events/ characters, so be warned)
so, there’s the Kyoto and Tokyo branches, and each would have maybe 5 students, here’s what I have so far+ explanations
2nd year (17)
cursed speech user, semi first grade
orphan (deceased sorcerer parents) + abandoned by relatives bc of his ct
has been a sorcerer for less than a year, reo found him during a mission 1st year
alright this one kinda just made sense in my head, cause he’s already pretty quiet + has trouble communicating (reo is the only one who can usually understand what he’s thinking, without him saying it..)
2nd year (17)
Heir to the mikage clan (one of big 3)
copy technique, 2nd grade awaiting promotion
has limited cursed
do I really need to explain this one? (reo’s already an heir + his chameleon/copying bit)
2nd year (17)
sukuna’s vessel, special grade
main character whos strangely overpowered, but really has no idea what he’s doing
2nd year (16)
sorry guys I genuinely could not assign a canon ct to him, might have to make one up later, I will take suggestions tho
was scouted to jujustu tech after being involved in some kind of incident involving cursed spirits
Comes from a non-sorcerer family
2nd year (17)
deadly sentencing (domain expansion) + judgeman (shikigami)
grade 3
wanted to become a sorcerer to protect/pay for his family
older sister is a sorcerer as well
His whole ‘hero’ shtick, plus his righteousness was what made me pick these for him, and I know he’s not a seasoned lawyer like higuruma, but his morals are still pretty strong I’d say
3rd year (18)
black bird manipulation, 1st grade
usually watches fights from afar, uses his birds to help with recon or intel-gathering (but he can fight if he needs to)
comes from non-sorcerer family
Again, idk if I really have to explain this one (karasu’s known for being extremely analytical + ‘karasu’ means crow)
2nd year (17)
blood manipulation, semi first grade
probably just became a sorcerer because he had nothing better to do
sorcerer family
This one was kinda like nagi, it makes sense in my head. I don’t really have a solid explanation, but it’s just the vibes I get from him
3rd year (18)
2nd grade
extremely proficient at hand-to-hand combat/handling weapons
alright now, I had two possible ideas for him, but I haven’t fully decided yet, so I will update if I do figure it out
Alright, so you can skip this if you wanna, but these are the two options + explanations for yukki: 1) grade 2 sorcerer, completely blind, uses cursed energy to sense sorcerers/spirits around him (there was a whole bit about isagi comparing him to toph, but him not knowing who that is) 2) grade 4 sorcerer, has perfect vision, but cannot see cursed spirits without the help of special glasses, and has no cursed energy (like maki) < this one might not work, because he’s not a twin, but ocs exist for a reason yk!!!
2nd year (16)
Heir to the hiori clan (one of big 3)
ten shadows technique + chimera shadow garden (domain)
2nd grade
inherited technique
faces heavy pressure/abuse from his clan to become the next head
has no interest in being a sorcerer
I think I kinda explained it in the 2nd to last bullet, but hiori already faces pressure from his parents to be the best, so making him a clan heir seemed reasonable in my head
1st year (16)
straw doll technique, 3rd grade
non-sorcerer family
Again, like Otoya this is purely from vibes. I guess I was kind of influenced by nobara and Nanase both being from the country
alright that’s it for students ☝️ I’m considering adding some more, but we’ll see later.
now the teachers are:
Tokyo branch
powerful reversed cursed technique
grade 1
Vibes. She’d definitely be leagues cheerier than shoko though
Tokyo branch
creates cursed corpses
grade 1
The cursed corpses are like the blue lock men (if you don’t remember, they were the ai goalkeeper things)
now, before we get into the antagonists, I did plan one extra character:
Current head of the Itoshi clan (one of big 3)
limitless technique + possesses the six eyes
special grade
I knew sae had to be powerful, so I gave him the technique.
antagonist time 😈
Curse user, special grade
cursed spirit manipulation
non-inherited technique
sick of never being taken seriously for having a non-inherited technique, so he defected from his clan just as he was about to join jujustu tech
started a group of cursed users
:3 sibling fights! (Sae doesn’t gaf)
Shoei Barou
Curse user, grade 1
part of rin itoshi’s group
disaster flames
doesn’t get along with any of the other members, but sticks around to have powerful allies
barou was like. THE first one I chose to be a villain. He fr says it himself, if he can’t be the main character, he’s gonna become the villain.
curse user, special grade
part of rin’s group
yorozu’s vessel
Guys. You gotta hear me out, but the whole yorozu sukuna thing.. rn it only makes sense to me but I’ll explain more in a bit i would like to note that Bachira can still control his body, it’s more like an itadori vessel type thing than how it actually was with tsumiki
No cursed energy at all
uses cursed tools
known as the ‘sorcerer killer’
basically a hitman for hire
not technically part of rin’s group, but used to hover around them since rin gave him good assignments and paid him well
again, the second I started making this I knew 100% Shidou would be an antagonist. The only part that idk ab is the fact he’d willingly work with rin..
now, I don’t have a full plot in my head yet, but these are some pretty important facts that happen in this au (not in chronological order):
The Kyoto and Tokyo schools have an exchange event where the Kyoto students attempt to murder isagi, and the event is later crashed by curse users (rin’s group)
Shidou kills Kunigami (I’m sorry I’m sorry I love him but I had to)
Nanase is outed as a traitor/spy for rin (bros motto was ‘if you cant beat them, join them’)
with karasu’s help, hiori figures out how to do a domain expansion
Bachira (who has previously been fully devoted to rin, since he owed his life to him) meets isagi, and feels an instant bond with him, partially due to yorozu (who took the place of his ‘monster’ in this au) seeking out sukuna
isagi later convinced Bachira that he could reform, and join jujustu tech to live a happier life with him, and just as he’s about to accept, he’s killed by rin itoshi for betraying him. (Again, I’m sorry, but I had to. Think junpei itadori relationship. That’s what they are)
hiori (again, with karasu’s help) breaks away from his clan
some notes:
I didnt wanna add any nel players bcuz then it’d get too complicated (otherwise Lorenzo would’ve been the perfect sorcerer killer, bc ‘ace eater’ and everything..)
but I do not have any teachers for the Kyoto branch bc of this, and I’m contemplating changing the story a lil bit to have the Kyoto students possibly join the Tokyo school because of their teachers dying or smth?? I’m honestly not sure. there are a couple things I wanna add, but haven’t figured out yet, like nagi betraying (but not really betraying) reo somehow, chigiri witnessing kunigami’s death and fighting Shidou, and Shidou somehow meeting sae (im a ryusae kinda guy at heart)
I was planning to try to draw smth from this au, but I’ve had absolutely 0 motivation to do art lately if I missed smth important or if you have any questions or recommendations plsplspls lmk 🙏🙏
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correctthroam · 9 months
I read THROAM for the first time in ~5 years. Here's what I have to say.
Volume I: There was so many characters I forgot about when going into the fic. Pete, Jac, Spencers family. I cant believe I forgot them. Pete will always be a fave because everyone hates him and it makes me laugh. The first volume was always my 2nd favorite, I think it still is. overall, the storyline isn't complicated and I like that. Ryan is such an asshole so I dont feel bad for him one bit in any of the fic. Also, I used to say that the bus crash was Brendons fault (I was 13, okay?) But Ryan was just an unstable motherfucker who truly should not be trusted to drive a vehicle of any kind.
Volume II: holy shit. I hate volume two. Not saying the writing is bad but Jesus Christ, Ryan is an asshole. bro literally stalked Brendon after he ran into him at that party like what? I had messaged a friend after finishing volume 2, saying "I'm a really nice person I never wanna make people feel sad, let alone make a whole fictional story about someone being severely depressed and unstable whilst chasing a boy then fucking his bf at the end???" and I think that perfectly sums up how I feel (and always felt) about volume two. other than the fact that I used to say that it was Brendons fault. (I was 13. THIRTEEN) it wasn't his fault. Some parts were, yeah, but it's hard to pinpoint everything that happened on one person. at the end of the day, its a good story I just Hate it (does that make sense) I love it but I hate it? it remains my least favorite purely for the pain it put me through.
Volume III: I love this volume. I always have. Sisky is amazing, we all love Sisky. I will say the iconic song/album references/jokes made me cringe a bit, though. Im not exactly sure what about this fic I always liked so much, I guess you can really see Ryans character growth and finally not be as much as a miserable fuck (he's still unstable dw) Since Ryan is less insufferable, it makes the volume more enjoyable. I like that Spencer and Ryan became friends again, I think it makes the book more enjoyable and tbh I think Spencer rly tied vol 3 together, if he wasn't part of it it would lowk suck. overall, best volume cant wait to host the throam tour where we go to hotel Chelsea then machias.
final thoughts: if I thought throam was 100% good when I was 13, Id say now that I think throam is about 85% good now. (does that make sense pt 2) this fic has sent me back into being 13 and I have been blasting some pretty. odd. (im listening to it rn as im typing this) and listening to this album just makes my life feel more simple. still a solid fic, I think it would be an amazing published book. and I think we can all agree that it would be amazing to see THROAM movies (in our dreams)
Thanks for reading lol
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softguarnere · 1 year
2 am
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Joe Liebgott x reader
A/N: (this is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) This fic idea has been banging around in my head for a solid year now, but for some reason I'm only just now writing it. Oops. The title comes from "2am" by Foals. Thanks for reading, and I hope that you enjoy! Warnings: alcohol, mentions of the Holocaust, language (one f-bomb and that's it)
For the middle of summer, the night air is cool against your warm cheeks when you stumble out of the hotel lobby, arms slung around the necks of your friends as the three of you lean into each other for support and guidance as you make your way to the curb. The three of you are still laughing at some joke that Luz made back inside when the cab pulls up.
“Here you go.” Careful not to lose his grip on you, Luz opens the back door of the cab and guides you towards the back seat.
You really should be getting back to your hotel, but you don’t want this night to end. And who would, after all the fun you’ve been having with your old friends? It’s nice to see them again, to catch up with them, like you’re finally getting to know them without the constant threat of German artillery fire looming over your heads.
“I’ll take the next one,” you protest.
This makes Babe laugh. “Nope. Drunkest person needs to get home first. We gotta make sure you get in the cab before you pass out.”
You fix your old friend with the best intimidating look that you can manage in your current condition. “You drank way more than me, Heffron.”
Babe chuckles. “But I can actually hold my liquor.”
Well, touché. You can’t argue with that one.
“Can you make it home okay?” Luz asks.
“I’ll be fine,” you promise. After all, you’re not nearly as drunk as they seem to think that you are . . . At least, you don’t think you are.
As if he can see your thought process, Luz laughs. “I’ll swing by tomorrow morning to make sure that you’re still alive.”
Your friends close the door of the cab then. Babe taps the glass of the window twice to signal to the driver that you’re ready to go. On cue, the car pulls forward, slowly pulling out of the hotel’s drive. Only when it nears the exit of the parking lot does your driver finally ask his question.
“Where to?” A voice with a familiar raspy quality wants to know.  
The sound is enough to make you freeze, your breath stuck in your throat. Maybe you are drunk. Yes, that must be it – the alcohol making you hear what you want to hear, using some wild manifestation of your subconscious desires. Because you haven’t heard that voice in years. You haven’t seen its owner in just as many. And you certainly didn’t expect to run into him here, of all places.
Your eyes jump to the rear-view mirror. A lump the size of a golf ball appears in your throat. Because even in the faded light of the late summer night, there can be no mistake as to who is staring back at you, waiting expectantly for your answer. Even after all these years, even though you can only see his eyes, you would recognize him anywhere.
“Joe?” Somehow, the words manage to push past the lump in your throat, echoing through the car in the silence that has fallen.
Click-click, click-click. The turn signal methodically keeps time, a metronome as your fellow paratrooper waits for a reply. Though you still haven’t said anything, he takes a right out of the parking lot and eases onto the road.
“Guy behind us was looking impatient,” he says by way of explanation.
It’s Joe Liebgott, you can tell. From the voice, the eyes, the way he tensed when you said his name. Would he have reacted that way if anyone else had said it? Or is it only because of you and the things that happened between the two of you so long ago?
The car is moving and you probably shouldn’t, but you can’t stop yourself from leaning forward, trying to get a better look at him. He’s so close – closer than you ever thought he would be – but he seems unreal and worlds away, like a dream that you can almost, but not quite, reach.
“Is it really you?” You whisper.
Joe sighs, a familiar sound. “Yeah, (Y/N). It’s me.”
“San Fransisco,” you remember aloud, some far away memory of some offhand comment that he once made to someone filtering into your memory. “You always said that you would come back here.”
He only nods. Your heart thuds in your chest. There’s so much to say, to ask, yet it feels like you’re running out of time for it all.
“And now you’re here,” Joe finally says. “With . . . them.”
It takes your brain a second to work out that he means Luz and Babe. Two of the many members of Easy Company who came to the reunion this year. Unlike some people.
“You didn’t come to the reunion.”
“No.” He makes a noise that might be a laugh. “Kind of defeats the purpose when you’re trying to leave the war behind you.”
Leave the war behind you. A slap in the face would have hurt less. Is that why he stopped calling you? Stopped answering your letters? You met during the war, during boot camp, and made it through the whole thing together – from Georgia to the Eagle’s Nest. You had been under the impression that you could make it back to the States . . . Well, at least now you know that Joe had different ideas.
“Then why are you here?” You ask. It’s a fair enough question; Easy Company reunions always generate a lot of attention. Joe happening to be outside of the hotel that was hosting this year’s reunion can’t be a coincidence, can it?
His silence is all the answer that you need.
“You showed up, but you didn’t come inside. Why?” Before he can answer, you add, “And don’t say the thing about leaving it all behind you again. I got that part, okay?”
You can hear Joe’s mouth shut with a click. You hadn’t meant to snap the last part at him. But seeing him here . . . All the anger, the sadness, anything you ever felt about or towards Joe Liebgott that you’ve spent years repressing is now rising to the surface.
“I think you know why,” Joe mutters.
No! You want to snap. No, I don’t understand how you could have left me hanging like that, after all that we went through together, all that we meant to each other.
“I – “ He clears his throat, shakes his head. “I was only hoping to see you. Just . . . I don’t know. I thought that would be enough, if I saw you. I never expected you to get into my cab.”
“And now I’m here.”
“Now you’re here.”
Thankfully the darkness of the night hides your faces from each other. In the solitude it provides, you can feel warmth bubbling and spilling over your eyelids, leaving glossy trails down your cheeks that shimmer gold in the passing streetlights. When it was clear that Joe was done with you, you had decided to leave him and your affections towards him behind. Clearly a part of you never quite let go. That much is clear to you now, as tears escape you without your permission.
Still driving, Joe glances up at the rear-view mirror, catching your eye. Your teary eyes. You can hear the frown in his voice.
“You left me behind,” you whisper.
For a moment, more silence. Then, “I know. And you know what? It was the stupidest decision that I ever made.”
Yes, it was. For a while, having loved him, having trusted him, felt like the stupidest decision that you ever made. It seems so terribly silly and childish to be sitting behind the man you once loved wholeheartedly – the man who broke your heart – and to wish for nothing more than for the two of you to go back to the way that you once were.
Second times the charm? Or should you follow a policy of “fool me once”?
“I want to go home,” you say. “Can you take me home? Please?”
Joe nods. “Where to?”
You give him the name of the hotel that you’re staying in. The cab fills with the rhythmic click-click, click-click of the blinker as Joe changes lanes, easing the car onto the exit and then navigating onto the quickest route like a master. There are several times when you hear him draw a breath as if to speak, but he never says anything. You keep quiet, allowing him the silence to concentrate on his driving.
Say something! Part of your brain – or is it your heart? – demands. You never expected to see him again, and now the chance is here. The destination is fast approaching, and then what will you do? If only you don’t squander it, this could be your chance to say all the things that have plagued you for years.
The cab slows as Joe sidles up to the hotel. Warm light from the lobby spills out the door and into the back of the cab, beckoning you into its safety. However, something stronger in the front of the cab keeps you firmly in place.
“I can’t sleep alone. Not again.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you’ve even had the chance to register them in your mind.
For the first time since you got into the cab, Joe turns to face you so that you can look at each other head-on. He frowns.
You rush on. “Do you remember Austria? After we liberated that camp, I never thought that I would sleep again. I only got rest because you were willing to flaunt the fraternization policy to come hold me, keep me safe.”
“I remember.”
“I think about that, sometimes,” you admit. You probably shouldn’t have told him that, given him that power over you. But who doesn’t regret the things they say at 2 a.m.?
Joe pushes a sigh, long and hard, through his nose. “Fuck.” He adjusts his position so that he’s leaning further back into the cab, closer to you. Through the darkness, you can see the conflict so clearly on his face, with his wrinkled brow, his frown. It’s so familiar.
“I’m sorry,” Joe says. “I really . . . I was stupid. You deserved better than that. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I thought that I was sparing you.”
“From what?”
“All my pain. My anger.”
“You don’t think I have that, too?”
Joe blinks, like the thought hadn’t occurred to him. When your boyfriend should have been helping you through those things, you had to rely on your old friends from the company instead. You would have helped him through his struggle, if he had only let you.
Then again, Joe Liebgott always had trouble asking for and admitting when he needed help.
“Park the car, Joe,” you say. “No, not here. In one of the parking spots.”
“Why?” Joe asks, even though he’s already pulling into a parking spot – he gets it perfect on the first try, effortlessly.
“Because,” you say. “You’re done driving for the night. You’re coming up to my hotel room and we’re finally going to talk.”
Joe kills the engine, but he doesn’t move from his seat. For a moment he stares at you, like he isn’t sure if this is real, or if he should. He must make up his mind because he nods, gets out of the car, and comes around to open your door for you. In the old days, he would have smirked at you, given you some pick-up line to hear you laugh. Now, he watches you with reserve.
Maybe this is a mistake. But if either of you really feels that what happened was a mistake, then there’s the possibility that it can be fixed, even after all these years. Not in one night, but it will be a start. Tonight, you can do something for Joe that people so often forget that he needs – show him some understanding, some compassion. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to reignite the light that once existed between you again.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Gun Park x Reader: this is our place (we make the rules)
Chapter 9 - Probably should read ch1 first
Gun has a new neighbour. Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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Things get a little weird after that.
Gun has ample sexual experience but no relationship experience. He does not know how to take the next step.
(He does know how to pleasure you in bed... though he knows definitively that that’s not the best way to proceed.)
And you are a lost cause, having little experience of anything at all.
You both tiptoe along the blurred line between tentative friends and something more.
The routine continues though it’s not as easy as it once was. You are on edge, reading into every little thing, face blushing and voice stammering at the slightest flirtation or touch.
Gun is Gun. He is how he always is. 
Yet he pulls back a little, taking your reactions as hesitation and uncertainty about him.
It doesn’t stop his eyes lingering on your lips whenever you try to get your words out. 
For the first time in his life, there’s a hunger in him that he knows exactly how to satiate but finds his hands completely tied.
Gun is the one who graces your front door, a very unusual occurrence especially at this time in the morning. Fully dressed despite the early hours and a duffle bag at his side.
He waits for you to answer, hears your sluggish footsteps approach the door and wonders if this was what it was like for you all those months ago.
The door swings open, and he’s greeted with the sight of you still half asleep and hair wild.
(I want to see this every morning, a hopeful voice in his brain offers. One that has grown confident and loud. Louder than his bloodlust. Louder than his search for a successor.)
“Gun? What time is-” The sentence is cut off with a large yawn.
Even that. Gaping mouth, bleary eyes, the way the yawn travels through your body and you stretch - he finds it endearing.
“I’ll be gone for a few weeks on a business trip.”
Gun pinpoints the exact second his words take hold, your eyes flying open and all signs of sleep gone from your face.
“Few weeks?!”
A brief nod. “If it goes to plan”
“Are you,” you bite your lip, wondering if it’s too forward for you to ask but you choose to bite the bullet instead, “Are you going to keep in touch?”
“When I can, of course,” Gun doesn’t even hesitate, no doubt in his mind that he would.
He does hesitate at his next move though, for a fleeting moment, before he takes a leap of faith and hands you a small envelope.
“Open it when I’m gone.”
“Ok…” Your hands grip the edges tight.
It’s only a few weeks. You’ve already survived many weeks, months, years without him and he said he would be in touch. Why are you feeling such a pang of sadness? 
Gun sees your face drop, lips turning down into a frown and starting to wobble. So he allows himself a small indulgence. Gives in to something he has wanted to do for a while. 
He takes your hand, holding it firm in his, brings it up to his lips and kisses each knuckle. 
Gentle, delicate. He didn’t realise he could ever be this tender.
“Don’t miss me too much,” he murmurs against your skin.
As soon as Gun is gone, you tear open the envelope.
Out drops a note enclosed around a key, very similar to the one you have.
The handwriting you can never mistake for anyone else’s.
‘Treat my home as if it is your own. Look after it for me.’
Running your finger along the jagged edges, you check to see if this key is actually real and won’t disappear the next time you blink.
Feels solid enough.
You give your wrist a harsh pinch.
Ouch. Fuck. Not a dream either.
You’re not stupid. You know what a grand gesture this is, and one you didn’t think would come from Gun. 
Giving a key to someone else is huge. A big step in a relationship, an even bigger step for you and him because who knows what the hell this is.
Although it is expected, now you think about it. Everything he does has an intensity, never without purpose. 
And actually. A trusted neighbour having your house key is perfectly normal.
(Idiot, a mocking inner voice taunts, you know exactly what this is.)
You grab your phone and fire out a message immediately.
You: your house key?!
You: are you sure? are you comfortable with me being in your apartment without you?
Gun: Yes.
Y/N: so what?? you want me to sleep in your bed? eat your food?
Gun: Don’t break anything and don’t leave a mess.
Y/N: That’s all you have to say?
Gun leaves you on read. 
He receives a few more texts from you through the day, each time Goo peering over and trying to read his screen.
“Is that Y/N?”
“Tell her I love her!”
“Ask her to reconsider the date.”
“Fuck off.”
On the second day, you cannot focus on anything. Not your lectures, your college course, books, TV. 
Phone incessantly pulled out of your pocket, thinking you heard a phantom buzz.
In the end you think it’s better to have it always in sight or in your hand. 
…Leading to your eyes flickering to the screen every minute. 
By evening, you decide to be the one who reaches out, sick of waiting to see if Gun will message you. Chiding yourself for being so childish in the first place and playing these games. 
And he’s on a business trip. Likely busy as hell.
You angle your dinner in a flattering light, snap a few pics, select the best one along with ‘not as much fun to cook for one’ and press send.
A few hours later you get a response.
A picture of his own meal in what looks like a very upscale restaurant if the plating and tableware is anything to go by.
‘Your food is better.’.
The third day you get a picture of a breathtaking sunset with mountains in the background.
‘Thinking about you.’
You return a selfie of you on his sofa the day after.
‘Thinking about you too.’
Gun replies in the next hour: ‘Good.’
It’s weird how being in Gun’s home without him is not weird.
You’ve been there enough times to know where everything is. The place now has a sort of nostalgic familiarity. Even the sleek and minimalist design which you scoffed at before, has a peculiar cosiness. Almost homely.
Maybe because it is so very much Gun Park.
Initially, you don’t stay much longer than is deemed polite - if it could be considered polite at all.
Over time, you find it harder and harder to leave.
Gun knows you better than you do apparently.
Maybe just maybe he realises how much you would miss him. How much being surrounded with his things would help, a part of him embedded in everything in his home.
Including you.
Nothing of significance happens over the next few days. The pictures and selfies increase in frequency.
Gun tends to send you pictures of landscapes and his surroundings, accompanied with a surprisingly romantic caption that leaves you giggling.
Car dashboard to show he's travelling, pictures of coffees and patisseries in overpriced and trendy cafes where he would no doubt fit in, and then images of food from even more eye-wateringly expensive and fancy restaurants.
And then one your eyes have poured over the most, a picture of an empty gym.
With a reflection of Gun, topless. Almost but not quite out of shot. 
Truthfully, you replay the image of him post-shower in your head multiple times a week. It pops up when you least expect it. Over time, the memory has grown blurred at the edges, and this has slammed everything back into sharp focus.
Today you get a glimpse again of his body. Shiny and slick with sweat, muscles flushed red and pumped.
You zoom in - not before shiftily looking around his empty apartment, as if someone will jump out and shame you for being thirsty. 
Eyes tracking over the collar bones and the curve of his shoulder, bicep popping with the phone gripped loosely in his hand. 
A peek of hip hones and one half of the delicious V muscle, the arrowhead that points straight down.
He’s not posing at all. You just know it’s one single picture Gun has taken and fired off without thought.
But you still feel the need to take a cold shower right this second.
You: 😋
Gun: 😯
The thought of Gun, a man so cool and calm and collected, using an emoji catches you off balance and you burst out laughing.
(... The photo? That is not true. Gun knows exactly what he is doing.)
One afternoon, you receive a selfie from Gun - which is unusual in itself.
Upon reveal, it’s a picture of Gun’s business associate - Goo Kim, smouldering at the camera and a fuzzy outline of Gun in the background.
‘Hey cutie pie, how you doing 💋’
Moments later, another picture. Blurred and taken from what looks like midair, phone falling to the floor. You squint at a fuzzy image of Gun trying to kick Goo, who aims a punch for his head.
Gun: dhakjsdhaksjdhs
Gun: kfdjhsdkfhd
Gun: Ignore that
Gun: Sorry
Another few days later, Gun’s eyes soften at the picture and caption he has just received. It’s a welcome reprieve from the day he had
You beaming with your arm around the plant, both in his apartment.
‘look whos finally home! we miss you!!’
“Huh.” Goo leans over Gun’s shoulder, adjusting his glasses and thinking his eyes are deceiving him. “I thought you would have killed that thing by now.”
“Since I left, I've been surrounded by all this noise. All I can think about is being with you at home. By your side. Listening to you, seeing you. Just existing... You have no idea the hold you have on me.” 
You don’t hear anything until the next night. A voice recording. Hushed, like a confession.
A slight grumble and a sigh. 
“I won’t be able to contact you from now until I’m back… Y/N.  I wanted you to know that I-,”
A pause. 
“I miss you too.”
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
25 askskssss
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I don't know anything about Geno so he's not currently in the AU. But if I gathered enough info maybe I could add him somehow. Like I did with Rosalina! :00
As for the Error Sans thing, I'm actually not personally a fan of all the crazy Sans AUs. Error Sans, Ink Sans, Dream Sans, Nightmare Sans, Fresh Sans, Geno Sans, Horror Sansss,,, uhg, I'm personally not a fan. So none of these world destroying Sans or other similar individuals exist in my Multiverse. So my squad doesn't have to worry about them <XD
My redesign plans for Kinger was just to give him a fluffier coat basically XD And I didn't have anything in mind for Jax..
Also thank you! :DD
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@deadspooderman (I blocked out the art, I don't wanna be a reposter!)
I think I've watched a few episodes before but I don't remember them..
Although I can see myself liking that Sensei character. XD What's his name.. Sensei Wu..?
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Thank you, I hope the same for you! :DD
As for Jevil, the poor guy's currently still awake at like 2 AM to keep the groups fire going.. :(
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Right now the main difference that I made up is that Undertale humans are significantly more powerful than Deltarune Humans.
DR Humans and Monsters are the same in terms of strength. For example, Kris and Susie's soul are of the same value and strength. Because they're both Lighteners. They're one in the same.
Meanwhile in Undertale, Humans and Monsters are very different creatures. Determined UT Humans, even determined children have the power to rewrite time. Meanwhile I headcannond that DR humans, even if they had determination.. cannot rewrite time like Frisk can.
All of this is completely made up and doesn't really align with the games, I'm aware- its just some fun XDD
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Becuase I haven't felt like it XD
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I feel like canon Seam definitely does. But my Seam and Jevil don't have stuffing. The two of them are very much organic creatures with flesh and blood.
Spamton is fleshy too kind'a.. Spamton is a living creature but maybe less fleshy and more... bone..y...?? They're all strange XDD
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Thank you! I don't intend on drawing anything new for my Kirby AU.. but who knows, maybe I will someday? Or heck maybe if I can remember to, I could dig around for some of the doodles I already made for it? :0
Also its not a FNAF comic that I'm working on.. but thank you anyway! <XD
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He's meant to sound like a pirate, soooo yesn't? <XD Also thank you!
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Ah, that's my bad. I've unblocked her. But take note! Part of the reason why I probably blocked that person was also due to a lack of posts. You're on Tumblr man, you gotta reblog stuff!
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Ah don't worry, I'm likely to get back around to Octonauts sometime soon :}}
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Upon Googling them I think I recognize them! I like the green one XDD
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oooo that's a good question.. uhhhhh.... currently? I'd say maybe its the FNAF AU I've got going on :000
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By father I assume you mean Natquik? If so, Barnacles was never angry or resentful towards him. My version of Barnacles thought Natquik was dead, because he disappeared many years ago and no one had any idea where he went..
Barnacles was rather grief stricken over Natquik. He wondered for years what happened to his old mentor and friend..
When it turned out he was alive, and had just been stranded in the Antarctic all these years? It was heartbreaking. Barnacles was so happy to see him alive but also so saddened by the situation he had been in for so long.. Barnacles immediately set to have the Gup-I repaired and a solid radio connection between it and the Octopod to be established.
Later on when he formed the Octo-agents. I headcannond that the very first person Barnacles went to recruit was Natquik. Telling him all the benefits of being an Octo-Agent. And he would say things like "If something ever happens to you out here, we have the funds and the means to be out here in less than an hour. If you're ever hurt o-or sick? We can be here. We can help you. You'd never be alone again.."
Natquik took the offer partially because Barnacles would clearly be more at ease if he did. But also to have a secure connection to the outside world? And if that connection is ever lost, a team of capable individuals will immediately go and search for him? It was just too good to pass up.
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When I get back around to the comics it will be just like it was before. A comic probably split into 2-4 parts and uploaded when ever I'm able to finish them. 🤷‍♂️
Also thank you! :DD
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What's Foxy's grief stereotype/virus method? I'm not quite sure I understand the question so forgive me if I give the wrong answer.. But I'm thinking that means "what is Foxy's mental situation in the swap AU?" If that's the case, his mental state can be described in 1 sentence. "He refuses to move on."
Partial Swap Foxy was deeply effected by the loss of Freddy and Chica. So much so that he kind'a acts like.. they're still around.?
The other animatronics have cut out anything Freddy/Chica related in their lives. But for Foxy, the act of removing/avoiding everything Freddy/Chica related just makes the grief more painful. To him it feels like he's discarding their memory. Like doing that is saying they didn't matter or shouldn't be remembered. It just makes them feel more dead..
Foxy is the only animatronic that will go back to that old show stage. Sometimes in his darkest times he will talk to the stage. As if Freddy and Chica are still standing on it and can hear him..
When talking to Gregory, he is similar to Freddy. Acting all chipper and like nothing is wrong. Though if Freddy and Chica are mentioned.. he wouldn't avoid the subject like Freddy would. He would talk about them, even if it rips him up from the inside. He would answer all of Gregory's questions about them and tell him stories. Even if it brought him to tears and their memory was almost too painful to bear. Foxy refuses to let go of the past. And despite how painful it is, he keeps dragging the past around with him like a dead weight. Freddy does the same thing but as he drags the past around he refuses to look at it. If.. If that makes sense--
Basically- Freddy and Foxy are both stuck in the past. But Freddy refuses to acknowledge that he is. And Foxy openly acknowledges it, even if it kills him inside..
(Also note: The main obstacle that Foxy would pose to little Vanessa is that Foxy is faster than Bonnie. And as a Glamrock, Foxy is pretty tough. So if he finds out that Bonnie is hiding a child in his stomach hatch? Well.. he might just have the means necessary to catch Bonnie and rip her out.. :x )
For the second question! Partial swap Freddy is more openly miserable than Classic Bonnie, yes.. But he doesn't miss the singing and the spot light. He misses his friends and making kids happy.
Seeing how sad all his friends are.. seeing how messed up Foxy is.. how defeated Bonnie is.. that's what depresses him. That's what makes him cry..
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Thank you! I'm so glad you like him! :DDD
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I imagined that Freddy just threw the old clothes away. They were really dirty and torn and Gregory didn't care about them.
He probably took some trash out of a bin, put the clothes in and then put the trash on top. Effectively burying the clothes so that no one would see it.
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1: ReBLOGS, are allowed. RePOSTS, are NOT allowed. 👌
2: My Glamrock Freddy is probably pretty depressed :( and his depression has had years to develop and get slowly worse. 7-10 on the depressing scale.
But partial swap Freddy? His life just came crashing down. So he may also be depressed now, but he hasn't had any time to really develop it. Probablyyyy a 4-10?
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I'm glad you like my AU! But sorry! I don't take requests and I don't personally support that ship.. <:/
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dozyisdead · 2 months
I think your take on the whole Carlos to Williams situation is very interesting in many different ways, but your comment on Alex's role in Williams is just too interesting not to talk about!
I love how you mentioned that we really don't know how "good" of a driver Alex actually is. In F1 it's common to compare teammates rather than drivers for obvious reasons, so we see Alex as inherently a great driver! We see him constantly doing better than his teammate's and "outperforming" the Williams car---- and this brings out a whole butt load of questions.
Is the car that bad, and Alex a good driver? Or is the car okay and Logans just a bad driver?
We have seen Logan on pace with Alex in these past few races, and it really makes you wonder these questions! Like you said, Alex has consistently has these updates way earlier than Logan even starting from last year! Is Alex really that great of a driver? Or is Logan also great, just not able to prove himself in that make shift car?
Carlos to me, has already proven himself to be a great driver. We know what he's capable of in a not so great car, and he's solid. I think once we see Carlos and Alex driving together we'll finally see the extent of Alex's ability, and to me it's very exciting!
In my opinion, Alex is the number 1 driver in Williams, but he's definitely not the golden child! I think this is very important, and to compare it to Charles/Ferrari is different. I think Ferrari is almost ingrained in Charles? That's his dream team, and he was in their junior academy. To me, George seemed more "golden boy" esque before he left to Mercedes. The Carlos to Williams and Lewis to Ferrari are very reminiscent of each other though, with both having experienced number 1 drivers now finally being challenged for that spot! I think it's also interesting how both TP's seem to want that new guy to take over that role (Fred open about his feelings towards Lewis, and whatever the fuck James has with Carlos.)
I completely agree in the fact that Alex is less of a golden boy! I just wasn't quite sure how to word it, but I see the comparison to George more! I also am so happy that someone else notices the way that Alex has been pitted against two extremes almost his entire career, and that really skews his true results! I also totally am excited to see how he compares to Carlos, even in a Williams car! Because, the car, as long as it is generally the same, it really is a test of skill. The Williams is a notoriously difficult car to drive, I believe we've heard older/retired drivers say this (I want to say Nico or Jensen), so if their cars are equal, we're going to see a true test of skill between Carlos and Alex.
That being said, if Carlos can't do much and we see that the car was truly the issue, I wonder how that is going to impact the way people look at Logan's career in F1! I mean, no matter what he will be know as one of the best drivers in the world simply because he made it to F1. There is nothing anyone can do to take that away from him. He was the first American in F1 to score points in 30 years, he made it to the so called "pinnacle of motorsports" despite a rough start and was in for 2 seasons. That is much longer than what can be said about some other drivers.
Also, I am very intrigued to see how the Lewis to Ferrari move goes as well, and I agree with your point about Ferrari and Charles. My main concern with all of this is going to be the impact that moves like this will have on the drivers if the teams continue to handle them incorrectly. I didn't mention this in my original post, but I was horrified to see how Williams handled the announcement! I mean, one would think it's common courtesy to thank your leaving driver for their service and their work BEFORE posting about the new onw. Not to mention, the way that the team posts so much about it? Far from classy, rather ignorant and poor form really.
Anyway, thank you for your comment! I really appreciated it!
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jomeimei421 · 2 years
you got any orv fic recs 🙏🏼
BOY I sure do. This list is going to be pretty long, so I'll put it below the cut.
Mei's ORV Fic Reccs
Spoilers for ORV until the epilogue!
Post-Epilogue by the1864
GEN, yoohankim if you squint. This one is one of my favorite ORV fics at the moment so it's going first in this list! It picks up right where 551 leaves off, and every single character is written absurdly well, especially the main trio! Great if you're looking for KDJ recovery stuff.
Rendezvous by WindsofTime
Joongdok. A reimagining of select scenes from ORV, if KDJ and YJH made more use of Midday Tryst, told from YJH's point of view. A tiny bit different from canon, but not enough to call it canon divergence. The babygirl YJH fic ever. Op GETS him.
The False Last Act by younglegends
GEN. If you read any fic on this list, please read this one. I can't say anything about it without spoiling parts of it, and I really don't want to do that. Extremely well executed. Lovely, comforting, and will make your stomach flip like you've stared too long into the abyss. Read this fic TWICE. Read it TWO (2) TIMES.
My Cooking was Always Better with You (Now if only you would eat it) by pave_ment
GEN, joongdok if you squint. For those who lament over the fact that we never got to see any scenes from YJH's 81st regression cooking adventure I present to you: Dungeon Meshi AU, ft. chimera KDJ and bratty chef adventurer YJH. Enjoy!
Tell Me I Did Good Until Now by featherx
GEN. with a little sangsoo on the side. KDJ returns post epilogue, but stays a child in body and mind. This one had me reeling for the whole week when I read it. Sweet and melancholy. I especially loved YJH being bullied by children. KDJ is really, profoundly loved in this one.
An Incomplete Record of Correspondence Between The Magnificent, Unbiased, Genius Author Han Su-yeong and The Jackass Who Dares to Edit Her Work by Dragonomatopoeia
Joongdok. Yoohan's annoying arguments in the ORV shared google doc. The concept and title alone are too funny to not put on this list.
The Prologue Past the Epilogue by AVoresmith
Yoohankim, though mostly just JD at the moment. Of all the ORV fics I've ever read, I think this fic comes to closest to imitating the actual writing style of ORV along with nailing the characterizations with pinpoint precision. Also contains a JD kiss chapter that is more intense than any actual nsfw scene they could have wrote. There are some caveats to this recommendation though:
It gets slightly NSFW in the latest chapter.
Biyoo is several hundred years old and is treated as an adult, not a kid. There will be mention of Biyoo in relationships with adult partners -- including implied YJH. In my opinion it's handled tactfully, but it's also something that might turn some people off to this fic, so please be aware!
LGY has a big puppy love crush on KDJ. Obviously completely one-sided, but it's there.
Home Invasion by misoriri
GEN. KDJ gets shingles and has to be taken to the doctor. YJH breaks a door and then looms in the kitchen like an evil lamp post. JHW bites a tomato like an apple. LJY gets demolished at Club Penguin Card Jitsu. A short read, but hysterical. KCom is so fucking funny in this.
I saw you in a dream by featherx
GEN, Doksoo if you squint. OD meets the HSY of his new worldline, and can't help feeling like he knows her from another time, another place. Had to lay down after this one. Solid 999 and SP fam content, as well as typical YHK style cosmic unbreakable bonds.
We are A Woven Thread by ksalientian
Yoohankim. A reincarnation AU. I read this one a while back but I found it again recently and it still hits just as hard! The cosmic codependence trio finds themselves trapped in another looping cycle, but as is always the case with them, they always find each other and are okay in the end.
A Short Pause by Je_te_veux
GEN, but can be read as JD. An episode set between 517 and 520, a day in the life of YJH, and having some time to think. JTV is a Chinese writer, and you will need to copy and paste into a translator to read their fics, but genuinely they are one of the best ORV writers I've ever read. This fic is one of the ones I always come back to. Really excellent YJH characterization.
Honey and Ginger by Rivani
Yoohankim. Good old fashioned fluff sickfic! The banter is very well done; the three of them are insufferable <3
Too Many Cooks by SonaSona
Yoohankim. KCom makes dinner. HSY makes herself a nuisance. Sona's prose is incredible, and her characterization of the main trio is impeccable. Light, sweet, with just a touch of the ORV brand melancholy. Yoohan is always funny.
There are more but this post is getting pretty long so! Enjoy 👍
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