#for the toys I smash together like Barbie’s
bugcaptain · 8 months
If anyone who isn’t me draws swerve & swindle kissing ur obligated to dedicate every ounce of power at your disposal to make sure I see it
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Baki Christmas continues with Jack Hanma as the Nutcracker! Merry Christmas to @tearslikeglass-blog 🎄
Yujiro as the mouse king is the most cursed thing ever but please bear with me 😭😭 this is loosely based of the Nutcracker Barbie movie.
Yandere Baki Shorts: The Nutcracker
Yandere Nutcracker Jack Hanma x Afab Reader
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(Your name)’s aunt had gifted her a nutcracker for Christmas. A simple toy that didn’t seem stellar, but it warmed (your name)’s heart regardless. The wooden figurine was quite large and had on a black and red uniform… the nutcracker had such striking cinnamon eyes and blonde hair… (your name) had never seen a blonde nutcracker before.
“Take good care of him. He’s special.” (Your name)’s aunt winked at her. “He’s a little rough around the edges, but he has the heart of a prince.”
(Your name) chuckled at the memory as her fingers gently combed the blonde tuft of hair on the nutcracker. “A prince, huh?” She gently placed the nutcracker on her nightstand before she retired for the night. The young woman smiled as she drifted off to sleep. If only that were true…
In the early hours of the morning, she woke up to a loud crash coming from the living room. (Your name) quickly sprang up from her bed and ran towards the Christmas tree where her once inanimate nutcracker was now fighting off an ugly mouse with his fists. They brutally punched each other and her nutcracker was losing. The small toy laid on the hardwood floor in defeat. She quickly swooped in and flicked the mouse away from him before he smashed the nutcracker’s face in.
Before she could further assist her nutcracker, a strange magic encased her body and shrunk her down to the size of a mouse. The mouse was now a muscular man with tattered mouse ears atop a mop of messy crimson hair. He gave her a wicked grin and a wink before he scampered off, which caused the nutcracker to punch the ground in anger
“Great… you let him get away.” The nutcracker hissed as he rose up. The blonde looked less like a toy and more like a man. He stood at a massive height and was a wall of pure muscle but he was still made of wood. He was s lot more intimidating up close… “Did he zap all your brains away? Stop staring at me, it’s weird.”
(Your name) quickly composed herself and gave him a bow. “Oh, I’m sorry. You just look more like a man now rather than a toy-“ the blonde scoffed as he waved her off and tried to follow after the mouse king, but the mouse hole didn’t open a portal when the nutcracker walked close to it. “Just great!”
(Your name) walked over to the mouse hole, a bright light now shined into their faces. How on earth was this possible? “It seems we’ll have to travel together to go after him…” (your name) turned to the blonde with a smile. “I’m (your name) by the way.”
The blonde pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He really didn’t need any extra baggage at the moment but it seemed he had no choice but to tag her along so he could get his revenge. “I’m Jack… stay behind me at all times. I don’t need anymore trouble.”
Jack then leapt through the portal, which made (your name) frown. He was such a joy.
“So what is the goal?” (Your name) followed behind Jack who told klong strides ahead of her, his guard never down once. “Is there someone we have to find in order to defeat that mouse?”
“That mouse is my father, Yujiro.” Jack sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose again. “And I have to find the Sugar Plum Fairy so I can become human again. Not that it’s any of your business.” (Your name) sighed as the blonde nutcracker continued to trudge ahead of her through the snow. She shivered from her lack of clothing which made the nutcracker pause mid stride. “Let’s stop at the nearest village for supplies. I don’t want you to be dead when we’re not even halfway to the castle yet.”
What a gentleman. Jack threw his coat around her and scooped her up into the crook of his wooden arms. His wooden body did little to warm her but his coat helped her warm up a bit… he smelled like pine.
The first week together was rough. Jack walked too fast and he was very bossy. Sometimes he’d pick her up by the straps of her backpack and carry her like some sort of purse dog. It was humiliating.
Despite being made of wood, Jack still required sleep and food. She wondered if every part of him was made of wood, but he’d always push her away every time she tried to put her hand over his chest. “Don’t touch me, I bite.”
She did her best to try to get close to her only companion but he wasn’t much of a conversationalist. They had no similar interests… not that Jack shared much about himself. It was like talking to a brick wall that insulted her half the time. It wasn’t uncommon for her to wake up in the morning to see the wooden man vigorously training his wooden body to the point of splintering, but he’d somehow magically repair himself whenever she’d touch him. It was very strange to her and Jack just made it seem like it was something he could do without her… but why didn’t he repair himself prior to her arrival? Maybe she didn’t actually have powers and she was going crazy… yeah, that made sense.
The two spent the next four months together tracking the sugar plum fairy but their search seemed fruitless. (Your name) could tell Jack was getting frustrated when every lead they had lead them to a dead end.
Jack constantly protected her from Yujiro’s minions, but he’d get defensive whenever she thanked him. Sometimes he’d even make comments on how weak she was, which hurt her feelings… she couldn’t wait to finally be away from him. He was so mean
Jack saw her as frail and weak but a part of him couldn’t help but be so protective of her. Perhaps it was because she’s been his only companion in the last few years of his life? Or maybe it was how kind she was to him despite how cold and standoffish he was? Jack didn’t understand himself…
(Your name) tried to be civil with him, even friendly but the wooden man still remained as cold as the frozen wasteland of this world she was trapped in
Jack constantly pushed her away whenever she tried to sit or lay beside him for comfort. He never even thanked her for half the meals she’d cook for the two of them… he was nothing but a brute. She looked forward each day for the day she could return to her world. Where she’d no longer have to be around him
Occasionally he’d carry her bag for her, but it was only so she ‘wouldn’t slow them down.’ Jack was aggravating to be near but (your name) slowly began to stop talking to him unless it was absolutely necessary. Jack wasn’t too happy about this change… not that he’d ever voice it.
The two camped a few miles from Yujiro’s castle. The young woman frowned as she glanced at the dwindling fire. It was finally near the end of their lonely journey together
“I think we only have a little bit of time left together.” (Your name) smiled softly at Jack who grumbled as he ate the soup she made. The blonde as stiff as ever. (Your name) sighed as she held her knees to her chest. “I’m looking forward to finally going home.”
Jack froze as he glanced over at her solemn form, his cinnamon eyes narrowed at her. He didn’t say a word as she shuffled to wrap her blanket around herself to sleep for the night. She didn’t utter a single good night like she used to and it upset him a bit. She would be going home wouldn’t she? Jack knew he should be happy about it, he’s wanted to be rid of her since the day they started this journey together… so why did a part of him not want her to leave?
Jack almost audibly gasped when he felt his heart beat for the first time in years since he’s became a nutcracker. Why was his heart beating again? Jack didn’t understand the feelings he felt in this moment. He felt so strange, it was a feeling he hadn’t felt since he was a child… he couldn’t be in love with her, right?
(Your name) noticed the smallest of changes in Jack. He’d stand closer to her whenever they’d travel on foot, he even began to carry her in the crook of his arm so she’d ’stop being so slow.’ She appreciated it but she was also a bit frustrated with his treatment of her. Why did Jack always make her feel so useless?
After another week of awkward travel together, they finally arrived at the castle. Jack set her down and charged straight for Yujiro in a fit of rage. His fist swung harshly into the mouse king’s face, but Yujiro only smirked at him. “All these months after me and you’re still so weak.”
(Your name) watched Jack continue to punch Yujiro despite the way his wooden arms began to splinter from the force he used. (Your name) nearly cried when Yujiro grabbed Jack by the scruff of his neck and threw him against the wall. The terrifying man turned to wickedly smile at (your name) who shivered in fear. “See? At least one of you know your place.”
Yujiro walked over to Jack, a cruel smile on his lips as he held his hand up high to crush the nutcracker once and for all but (your name) rushed forward and threw her body between them. A bright flash of light shined over them as Yujiro was reduced to the form of a mere mouse and Jack was now a man.
The blonde quickly sat up in disbelief as he reached out to crush the mouse in the palm of his hand like a grape. His breathing ragged as he glanced over at (your name) who began to cry.
“Why did you-“ Jack couldn’t utter a word as (your name threw her arms around his neck and sobbed. He remained motionless as his shirt became damp from her tears.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” (Your name) cried as she clung to him. “I just didn’t want you to die.”
Jack frowned as he wiped the mouse guts onto his pants so he could hold her. His heart hammered in his chest as he pulled her close. She cared about him? But he was so mean to her…
This whole time she was the sugar plum fairy, she was the one who was able to help him defeat his evil father… how could he be so blind to it all? Of course she was the sugar plum fairy… which meant she was destined to be with him right? They were meant to be together.
Jack buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent. Had she always been this small and warm? So frail… she needed him to keep her safe.
(Your name) glanced over at the portal that opened up before them, one that was just like the one they leapt through all those months ago… she could go home.
(Your name) tried to pull away but Jack held her even tighter like a boa constrictor. “Don’t go.” He whispered as he shook like a leaf. He didn’t want her to leave… he didn’t want to be alone again. “You could stay here with me in this castle. You could be a princess.”
(Your name) frowned. She didn’t want to be in this world any longer and certainly not with Jack. It didn’t seem like he was able to make up his mind about how he felt about her until it was too late.
“Jack… I’m going to head home now-“ Jack suddenly pulled away, his cinnamon eyes stared deeply into hers. “This is your home.”
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animentality · 11 months
What is it about durgetash that makes us all crazy?
Like I know there are Astarion girlies and Gale girlies, but I swear to God, Durgetash in particular just...I feel like your brain has to operate on a different level.
You have to be sick, twisted, deranged, and demented.
You had to have not only picked the dark urge, which I think most people just don't, but you'd also have to be delusional enough to see Gortash's cunty little manprowl around your character as sexually charged and psychotically obsessed.
And then you'd have to wave away the dark urge's many many atrocities and see them as a pathetic blood soaked murder kitten and a BLORBO, which most people wouldn't.
And then you'd smash your little evil toys together like Barbies and say look at them look at their love wrought with tragedy I am so normal I am so moral.
Durgetash would then infect your brain like a tadpole and then you really start to feel the madness seep in as you consider how well these two really know each other and then it's over you're done. Your sanity is gone.
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shaylogic · 1 year
I’m really glad that Barbie and Ken didn’t end up together in the end.
Part of that is because AroAce!Barbie.
Part of that is to supplant the inevitable compulsively heterosexual ending.
But it’s also because the kens in some way represent little boys at play and the barbies represent little girls at play, so there are some parts of the allegory of this story that can also bring up memory of brother-sister interactions.
I’ve seen it said before by others that Ken coming back to take over Barbieland is like the boys’ treehouse “No Girls Allowed!” or like how a brother sneaks into his sister’s toys and starts breaking them (like Ken smashing the plant with a golf club).
I value the sibling memory parallels in this story more than I’d value the cheap, inevitable romance between the two protags
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me when I finally get that masterpiece Nightbird toy to pair with my Bee: *smashes together like Barbie dolls*
I'd make them play house in my old barbie dreamhouse
Literally me
I’m gonna get my hands on more tf dolls💅
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good-beans · 1 year
You know what I realized today? I've gathered from dashboard osmosis that the inmates in Milgram are being judged for deaths they're responsible for that don't qualify as murder in a legal sense, right? So... Mondo could totally be an inmate in Milgram World. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but... thoughts on him as an inmate? Like, how might his crimes get treated by the narrative? What music style and symbolism might they use in his videos? (Are there different musical styles? I haven't actually listened to the songs...) Sorry for sticking my special little guy in here lmao, I promise that I'm doing it in a "I'm walking my Littlest Pet Shops through your Barbie Dreamhouse" sorta way.
YES we are mushing our toys together and having a good time :’D Omg always stick your special little guy here!
And that’s exactly it! Five of the prisoners should have been charged with homicide though they have very emotionally charged situations, but the other five have pretty standard lives except that they indirectly/unconventionally took a life – so he would 100% fit. (There’s also a theory I really like that characters only end up in the prison if they personally feel guilty of murder, so it’d work that he felt like he killed someone so he found himself there.) 
He’d have such cool symbols in his video ooh... The videoa have a mix of actual scenes of reality along with a more dreamscape-type area. So you’d have moments from the night of the accident, but he could also be riding his bike surrounded by stylized open highways, traffic lights/signage, car lights, and cityscapes that reveal his recklessness/relationships. Or if those are too similar, his dreamscape could also be a garage where he’s working on – or smashing – his bike. Most characters have a single simple image that's their major symbol, I think his would be a red traffic light.
(I can't think of anything clever at the moment but there could also be a lot to work with for diamonds symbolizing something tough/hard, valuable, and visually distracting)
The songs are all generally pop-y, but there are definitely distinct genres for each character which is super fun! (I do recommend giving the soundtrack a listen even if you don’t get into the story side – all the season 2 songs SLAP lol) And I swear I'm not just saying this because he's my favorite, but Mondo would definitely fit Fuuta’s vibes. It’s the whole “I’m a tough guy and I’ll kick your fucking ass, (but deep down I am actually very human and scared and feel immense guilt over this!!” thing. Bring it On is his more confident intro song and Backdraft is after he’s a bit more fucked up and feeling scared/guitly. 
Story-wise, I think he’d also be pretty similar to Fuuta in that his toughness would put people off at first. There are three seasons/trials (we’re in the middle of the second one rn), and I think his first voice drama would be full of aggression, and then his song would reveal he’s in a gang – causing the audience to think he was just a loudmouthed delinquent needing to be brought down a notch, and vote him guilty. But then season 2 he hits ‘em with the fact that the gang had nothing to do with the death, and it was in fact love that caused it all, and he's a lot more complex. And maybe it’s held off until s3 to reveal it was his own brother, giving that final twist of the knife. From some of the opinions I’ve seen so far, it seems like he’d get a good reception and may make it out! (Though you could stay true to his original tragedy and take the possibility that his final verdict would be guilty :( )
I would walk my barbies back into your littlest pet shop area, but I mean, the main Milgram high schooler character did stab a girl in broad daylight, so I don’t think there’d be much of an interesting investigation there… 😂
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I am Become Barbie, Destroyer of Worlds
“Barbie: The Movie” comes out this month, and it’s looking like it’ll be a smash success, in addition to a really good movie! As you know if you’ve been following this blog, I’m pumped for this movie and have been counting down the days until it comes out. I’ve also been doing a series of reviews of current “Barbie” toys, which we’ll be wrapping up this week with an absolutely wonderful gift from my absolutely wonderful wife, “Barbie: The Movie Barbie!” Let’s see how the star of the show came out and if she’s a worthwhile edition to your Barbie collection.
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Now, before we get started, I just wanna say one thing: last week when we looked at Ken, I said that because I had zero success finding the “Barbie: The Movie” dolls anywhere except online stores, it looked like the movie line was an online only exclusive. So of course, the very next day, I went to my local Target and found the movie dolls. The universe delights in kicking me sometimes.
The “Barbie: The Movie” toyline is the toyline released for the movie and is now available at mass retail. If you missed last week’s review, here’s a quick recap: the toyline is, obviously, centered around the upcoming movie, with dolls based off the cast, as well as vehicles and playsets. The dolls have a higher level of articulation, more accessories, and a bigger price tag than the standard dolls.
From what we’ve seen in the trailers, Barbie the character, played by beloved actress Margot Robbie, seems like an optimistic, friendly, cheerful go-getter with a wide circle of friends and a heart of gold. So basically my exact opposite in every way. When things begin changing in her world, Barbie sets off on a journey to the real world, accompanied by Ryan Gosling’s Ken, to get to the bottom of things. Other than that basic synopsis, I can’t say anything else about the character. The movie isn’t out yet. This is all I got.
This doll looks great. She has a very classic look to her, right down to the arched feet and the hairstyle, and is pretty much exactly what you’d want in this doll. She does a great job conveying Margot Robbie’s likeness without going into the Uncanny Valley, which is nice because you don’t want Barbie to scare children usually. Save that for the doll scene in “Small Soldiers.”
I absolutely adore Barbie’s outfit. She comes wearing a pink and white plaid dress, pink heels and a matching hair bow, and flower earrings, a necklace, and a bracelet, which all comes together to make a bright, cherry doll whose accessories scream “let’s enjoy a beautiful day.” It’s a really great outfit and I feel it does a terrific job conveying who this character is. Interestingly, this doll also comes with actual underpants, which is noteworthy because most Barbies and Kens just have sculpted underpants. I feel like it’s a nice touch and a good way to confirm that no, Barbie is not going commando.
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Life in plastic, it’s fantastic!
In terms of articulation, Barbie has it going on! She’s covered in joints, which means she’s here to strike a pose atop the crushed bodies of rival dolls who thought they could stand against her. I’m really happy with all the joints she has, and I feel like kids will also like them.
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Barbie, seen here after ruthlessly slaughtering Jem and the Holograms.
Now, of course, I do have a few complaints. After all, nothing in life is perfect except for those special moments with the people we care for, when we’re truly connected and at ease, and even those moments are far too fleeting in the cruel passage of time. My first issue is the issue I usually have with Barbies: she can’t stand on her own. I know that’s always been a thing, but it still bugs me a little. Since this is a doll aimed at collectors, you might wanna make sure you buy a doll stand when you get her. My second complaint is with her heels. They’re pretty loose on her feet, which makes them really easy to lose. Considering how part of the point of Barbie is changing her outfits, the fact that doing so means you’re a ton more likely to lose a shoe really feels like a problem to me. Other than those two things, though, this doll’s really great.
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She took the other shoe off so she could kick the Bratz’ asses without damaging her heels.
“Barbie: The Movie Barbie” is currently available at mass retail for about $25. While she’s specifically aimed at collectors, her box says she’s for ages 3+, which, considering how she has the small earrings, bracelet, and easy to lose shoes, feels a little young. Make sure the person you give her to isn’t still in the “let’s put this up my nose” stage, so you can avoid any uncertainties. And now, our moment of truth: would I recommend this toy? You bet your ass I would! This is a great Barbie! She looks great, she has a lot of articulation, her outfit’s cute as hell, and her accessories are on point! I would absolutely recommend this Barbie for your collection! “Barbie: The Movie” comes out this month, and I can’t wait to see it, but for now, this concludes our look at Barbie. Next time, we’ll be looking at a few different toys with no unifying theme before our next series of theme reviews, so that’ll be fun. Until then, this is JS signing off and wishing you Happy Toy Hunting!
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The new Barbie movie the concept of seeing multiple Barbies together on the screen is so cool, to think of the difference in portrayal each could have
The over-the-top makeup and clothes and set is so well done and they've added so much detail into it already look
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There's SO MUCH merch in the background of this picture and this pose that she has was what was used to market some of the toys
We've seen like 5 shots of the move as a whole and I think everybody is already like 'how the fuck did you-' because I know I am. In the trailer Margot Robbie has the iconic swimsuit and ponytail which is the first Barbie released
I also love the cast and how they're going to put different portrayals of the same characters on the screen like the idea of having all of them simultaneously play Ken is such a cool idea
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And the trailer! The kids smashing the baby dolls because your true aspiration is not to have babies it's chill bash their heads and look at this giant gorgeous woman mimic her instead
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grellsaw · 3 months
🚢 + Will
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do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: i am obsessed with these two and you know damn well of that. if not, I will vicegrip william like a squeaky toy and smash him into my Grell Barbie doll. I have many (tm) thoughts for them and I’d be happy to share them on here or on discord.
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐓 ! ⸺ @akegome
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imfullofworms · 1 year
2,200 words, ~8 mins
I remember, a long time ago admittedly, being obsessed with toy soldiers – the poorly moulded variety that you could pick up in any self-respecting bargain store. As I was always in Nana Kat’s house (owing to having two parents in full-time work), it was her that regularly took me to Ballindee’s forever-dilapidated-looking one; aptly titled The Bargain Store.
Having perused the many, many, many oddly stocked shelves along its choking, musty aisles we’d leave some time later with a bag of green ones and a bag of grey ones. Then, once home, I’d race to our shed and begin reenacting the same imaginary battle over and over; the greens trapped inside their fortress, surrounded on all sides by the greys who were joined by kitchen-roll cannons, tanks constructed from discarded firewood, bits of broken Barbies and the recycled corpses of their melted comrades (whom I had previously executed by grinding their heads off on a treadmill set to its highest speed).
I was an industrious child to put it lightly, though it certainly drowned out the sound of slamming doors and smashing plates.
On one day in particular I had been minding my own business, battling, decapitating, constructing conflicts the likes of which Ireland had never seen, when my older Brother entered (eleven years older to be precise). If not for the steam permeating his clothes like he had just been rode at Leopardstown, then it was the maroon of his cheeks that tipped me off to his mood. Before I could awkwardly greet him he stomped over and lifted my battlefield, fortress and hapless combatants away with a wound-up kick, sending them against the wall in wails of unsettling crashes that I’d never forget.
‘Grow the hell up,’ he roared before storming away.
I remembered that version of me well, I could see her as if I was standing just beyond the door of the shed, a ghost that Brother passed through on his way out. She cried, sobbing at what someone she loved could do to her imagination, to something she cared so deeply about. Sure, she knew he was prone to fits of rage, but never had it been directed at her. Having bawled a sleeve’s worth of tears she calmly stood, marched to her ruined toys and began putting them back just as they were before he had interrupted – the second time she’d been too afraid to fight back, unlike her soldiers.
That moment. That was a moment that changed me. It taught me that the people we love can sometimes hurt us the worst. Still, Nana Kat knew exactly what to say, ‘Don’t you mind him lovey, he’s only mad with himself.’ As if her words were gospel Brother apologised a few weeks later; mad with himself just as she’d said.
Seven years passed in a blink and I was suddenly fourteen (there or there abouts anyway). Mam and Dad decided to go their separate ways, leaving whatever hope I had of having a normal childhood in ruins. It was also around that time that I started smoking; Lights, which is what Nana Kat smoked when she wasn’t coughing up her last lung. Like some choose to do when backed into an emotional corner, I grabbed a bag, packed it with chocolate digestives, those butter biscuits with the ships on them, a share pack of Capri-Suns and ran away forever. It hadn’t even been two days before I was discovered outside The Bargain Store; ravenous, tired, sore and in desperate need of a hug from my Nana.
That particular stunt cost me whatever credibility I had left in the malls outside the classroom. Yet for all the gossip, all the strange looks, all the passing remarks, there was one amongst the mob I could call friend; Sadie Kane. Like me, Sadie had her own troubles and, also like me, Sadie’s parents were separated. She liked the music I liked, she liked the food I liked, she loved her Nana as much as I loved mine... Had I’ve been born a boy; best friends would suffice for this lifetime, however.
Still, they all thought we were together anyway, as did Nana Kat who once remarked, ‘Ooh, I do only be worrying about you, Cassie... People might be saying that you’re one of them Lebanese, y’know?’ Her off-hand, off-the-cuff comment would forever be cherished as an in-joke amongst family, but little did I know that it would be the last of Nana’s one-liners. On a fine Summer’s day in 2009, my safe, icy fortress that I had spent years building around my wounded soul was shattered: the day my Nana Kat died.
For the following seventy-two hours, “I’m sorry for your loss” was all I was going to hear.
Everyone had their own version, their own way, their own timbre and tone when saying it. Some even chose to forgo the “I am” prefix. Patsy Fagan’s way, forever inebriated as he was, had a certain je ne sais quoi about it; a deeply touching slant – “Jaysus, Jaysus, shockin’, shockin’ sorrfoyahlawss” – shaking your hand all-the-while with his threadbare, leathery ones; warm too, as if he had left them on the windowsill to soak in the Sun. The ones who were deeply affected though, they didn’t say it, they just hugged you and whispered “I know, I know” over and over in your ear; nodding as you destroyed their shoulder with snots and tears. When I finally came free from Sadie’s her blouse should’ve been rang out and hung on a line.
I wasn’t crying solely out of grief, though. A cruel hatred had seeped into my bones off the back of it; hatred for Janey McEnroe.
I thought I knew what it was to hate, to feel that, that heat, spread from your heart and worm its way like fire-scored vines into each and every fibre of your flesh until it was all that you could feel. It would pulse then, lasting for a minute, or two, or maybe five depending on how much you were willing to let flow. I hated School. I hated when I had homework to finish. I hated when Dad made Spaghetti Bolognese and secretly put onions in it...
Hate. I didn’t know hate at all.
Not until it’s blaze-spewing, smog-belching, all-consuming roots had flourished beneath my boots, broke through their soles, wrapped themselves around my legs and blossomed into ember-smoked flowers in the place where my heart lay in twain.
I knew it then.
I knew it well.
I thought it was all I would ever know.
Hate. Hate; burning, furniture-breaking, curse-screaming hate. Hate for Janey McEnroe and what she did to me and my Nana years ago, the things she said and the jokes she made, what she had made little of.
Hate. Hate mighty enough to make me want to drag her from her house in the middle of the night, throw her on the dew-dripped grass of her front lawn and beat the innocent look off of her face. At other stranger, darker hours of the day I wished to berate her whole family in front of her, then steal her cat, her dog and her stupid budgie that she wrote stupid short stories about. But now, as she shook my hand on what was the second morning of Nana’s wake, trying her best to hold herself together, now it was smouldering.
‘Cassie, I’m so-so-so-so sorr-’ Sadie was swift to usher her on, eager to keep us as far from each other as Nana’s tiny cottage permitted.
Janey McEnroe, Brainy Janey, who had made fun of me and my Nana outside The Bargain Store when I was seven; for not wanting or, perhaps, not being able to browse a proper toy shop’s supposedly superior range; for buying the cheapest toys possible; for wanting to buy soldiers in spite of me being a girl; for laughing, like a hyena, at Nana’s attempts to shoo her away; for turning back once satisfied that she’d upset me enough and leaving us with a smarmy “you mean nothing to me” grin.
Forgetting about how she made me feel, forgetting about how little she had made Nana feel, her unforgivable sin was having uttered anything bearing a remote resemblance to a bad word about that bloody Bargain Store. The Bargain Store that, in my mind’s eye, kept my most cherished memories amongst the rest of the clutter on its metal, vignetted shelves; of times I’d been happy, of times I’d been curious, of times I’d been cheered up and treated by the most wonderful woman in the world, the same woman who had been a second mother to me.
While her body was in a box and she had been planted with a smile; her spirit, her essence was not in her home on Lamb’s Terrace, nor was it in the shed we shared in her tiny back garden. No. For me she was still in that Bargain Store, wandering patiently around its strangled arteries, nodding and smiling at the cheap curios and plastic curiosities the owner had chosen to display, eventually finding her way around to helping me fish out a bag of greens from behind a bag of black and brown horses. That was where she was, where my memory of her would forever remain; a painting filled with milk-chocolate browns, forest greens, stop-sign reds, pearl whites and rusty oranges on a canvas brought to life by the gentlest strokes of love.
Much to Sadie’s surprise, I text Janey a few weeks after the funeral. ‘Hey.’
‘Hi Cassie,’ came her quick reply. ‘How are you feeling?’
A ridiculous question, but that was besides the point as to why I’d bothered to text her at all. My fingers, like blades of grass caught in a gust, trembled at what I was forcing them to type. ‘Do you remember that time... outside The Bargain Store?’
Minutes passed as if they were months. ‘I’ve thought about it at least once a week,’ she replied. And so the curtains rose; I was determined to carry out my mission, to exact my revenge, to make her feel small, little and stupid, to make her feel insignificant.
A quiet, cancer-riddled grumble rang out; some ethereal echo that had been imprinted upon my soul. It bounced along the ruined aisles of my mind and resonated deep within my aching heart, now reduced in intensity to that of a worried whisper. ‘Ah lovey; that was her Winter, she’s Summer now.’
Janey was still typing, but I managed to get there before her; a far different message to the one I had planned. ‘I forgive you.’
Those three bouncing dots vanished for a solid hour. Finally, they reappeared as I sat down to eat dinner.
‘Thank you.’
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by me :)
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For each member of the Cullens, what do you think it would take for them to realize the extent of how unhinged Edward is and what do you think they would do about it, if anything?
Well, we’re going dark places today, aren’t we?
Alice is already fully aware of what Edward is, she simply doesn’t care.
There are visions that Alice misses, Edward thinks Alice misses the vast majority of Biology due to being hyper focused on Jasper (and likely missed the school massacre that Edward was seriously planning) but there is a lot she doesn’t miss.
Every time Edward thinks about how great it’d be to smash Mike Newton’s head like a watermelon, every time he considers devouring Bella, every time he enters her room unannounced to stare at her while she sleeps unawares, the time Edward considers genocide of the Quileute Tribe because of Jake’s telling Bella a story he doesn’t even believe, Alice knows.
It changes nothing for her.
She roots for Edward and Bella’s relationship, not because she knows for a certainty it will work out, but because it might. And that slim might, where Bella Swan might survive and become Edward’s lover as well as her own Barbie is worth everything they put Bella through to get there.
Also damningly, Alice cares very little for how good Edward is for Bella just as she cares very little for Bella period. Bella is Alice’s excuse to party and a dress up toy, but Alice will cut contact with her to a) please Edward b) prove a point to Edward.
Worse, Alice will take Bella to Italy, a city where she knows Bella will be killed with a 90% chance upon entry, on the slim chance that they might prevent Edward’s suicide. Yes, she vaguely explains the risk Bella’s taking, but she doesn’t say it in clear terms nor does she waste much time arguing.
Edward is far more important to Alice than Bella.
What I’m getting at is, thanks to her gift, Alice is intimately aware of just what Edward is capable of. She doesn’t care. And yes, there’s something to be said that Edward, more often than not, does not act upon these futures and he shouldn’t be condemned for choices he does not make. However, he does make some of them, and Alice knows.
There’s nothing I think Edward could do to either inform her that she was gravely wrong in how she perceived him or drive her away. Alice would be disappointed he’s thrown the family into such disarray but most likely would try to steer him away from whatever choice would cause such a rift.
She would aid, abet, and enable him because that is what will keep the Cullens together. Which is something Alice very much wants.
Carlisle lives in a river in Egypt, the water is made of double think. There are strong hints that Carlisle’s family is not quite as gung ho or altruistic about the diet as he is. Instead of being appalled, Carlisle quietly lowers his standards, and gives enthusiastic applause when Edward does things like choose not to brutally murder the serial rapist who nearly raped Bella. This is big growth for Edward! He also takes measures like sending family members who have accidents to their victims funeral, in the hopes that something, maybe, might make them see humans as people worthy of life.
If you asked him though, he’d talk about how amazing his family and the Denali are for the diet, and how he’s so proud to be a part of this community that values human life. LOOK HOW MUCH THEY VALUE IT.
When it comes to Edward, I think Edward holds a special place in Carlisle’s heart. He was not only the first person he turned, but Edward left and came back, to Carlisle this signaled that he’d found meaning and purpose in preserving human life. More, Edward... is very good at hiding what he is and is desperate that Carlisle above all others never see it.
Rather than have a conscience, most of the time, what stops Edward from “you name horrific action” of the day is the thought of “What would Carlisle say?” 
My point being, from the outside, especially to Carlisle, Edward truly does look like a noble soul. There are... flags, but they’re easily ignored or written off as issues with Edward’s emotional maturity.
Where Carlisle starts getting concerned is with Bella. Edward leaves for Alaska, great, Carlisle’s proud he was able to make that decision and know his limits. ThEn EdWArd CoMeS BaCK.
Edward comes back, in a week, nothing has changed, and he refuses to leave. Carlisle talks to him, Edward’s thinking he’s better than Hamburger and he can’t let her win, what he actually says to Carlisle is something along the lines of “I can’t run from my fears” Carlisle does an upside down smiley face then says, “Yes, you can, please do” And Edward doesn’t.
Things with Edward and this girl get progressively weird, but Carlisle is very proud that Edward sees the value of human life and not murdering a girl for being nearly hit by a van (this is how low Carlisle’s standards have become), and then Alice goes, “Oh, by the way, Edward is in love with this girl!”
Carlisle just sits there, “Alright then” and quietly puts aside his dreams of moving to a town where Edward doesn’t eat Bella Swan.
But I’m getting off track, this isn’t about canon where Carlisle can explain Edward’s actions away as noble but extreme, emotionally immature, and misguided.
Eating Bella’s not enough. Carlisle will see this as a tragic accident, something he foresaw, but something he assumes will haunt Edward for eternity. And, as it will haunt Edward for eternity (though not for the reasons Carlisle assumes) there will be nothing to make Carlisle question Edward’s character. He was young and foolish to think his limits were endless, but this was a tragic accident.
And it’s something, that in canon, Carlisle is hoping won’t happen but expects with helplessness.
I think there are a number of things that could do it. Had Edward eaten Biology, had he decided to defy Volturi law by eating Saint Marcus’ Square, but staying closer to the realm of possibility...
Had Edward forcibly aborted Bella, murdering her and her child in the process, or else if Renesmee didn’t have her gift, and Edward murdered her after her birth (assuming Jake didn’t get to it first).
Those actions cannot be excused away nor cannot be seen as tragic accidents. They are premeditated and evil, and yes evil is a strong word, yet here we are. This is Carlisle staring in the face of madness.
And that’s what it will take.
If Edward cheats on Bella, then while Carlisle is sad and disappointed, affairs happen and passion fades. More, Edward and Bella married awfully young and barely knew each other, this perhaps isn’t surprising.
If Edward eats a human Bella on the day she’s supposed to be turned, in very suspicious circumstances right at the last minute. Carlisle will know, deep down, but never allow himself to believe it. He’ll think Edward is utterly devestated and had let his guard down on that last day in anticipation of Bella’s turning.
This though, there’s no denying this.
I don’t believe Carlisle can kill Edward. Murder is not in his nature, and more, Edward is so dear to him. And now that this has happened, Carlisle would blame himself in part because surely, the human Edward Masen would never have become this. 
He’d likely reach out to Aro. Eclipse has happened, but not Breaking Dawn, and more everything is in question. He has to know the truth from a man who has seen Edward’s very soul. He goes in person, likely tells Edward his plans, and Edward rages but that doesn’t stop Carlisle.
Rosalie (more on her below) would never forgive Edward, ever, she is done. She and Emmett likely go with Carlisle to Volterra to hear the truth of what Edward is. Esme stays behind with Edward, torn in half, but unable to leave his side in this time of crisis. With that, her and Carlisle’s marriage completely dissolves on the spot. Alice stays with Edward as well, which means Jasper does to, though this likely starts the gears in head and he begins to contemplate leaving his wife. Though I imagine he won’t act for some time.
By the time Emmett, Rosalie, and Carlisle reach Volterra the coven is broken.
If Bella survived, if Edward murdered Renesmee while she was out of commission for three days, then I imagine she too goes to Volterra. Not for truth, but so that Aro can murder her, because there’s no point in living anymore.
It would have to be beyond the pale extreme because Emmett gets more hints than most of the family (i.e. Carlisle and Rosalie).
Edward doesn’t really confide in Emmett, per se, but he does say some pretty damning things on their hunting trip in New Moon and give off varying vibes of crazy. Rather than realize that Edward, perhaps, is dangerous, Emmett only gets the feeling that Edward might not be alright in the head. Mostly, Emmett doesn’t want to think about it.
So he gets to listen to Edward raving about how Bella could be crushed by a meteor, wondering why Edward even cares when two days ago he didn’t give a flying fuck about this rando tasty human.
To Emmett, Edward has been laughing madly to himself for days, is now a  paranoid wreck, and is starting to creep him out but... Maybe if he ignores it, Edward will go back to normal?
Not helping is that Emmett doesn’t care about human life. He’s constantly telling Edward to treat himself and eat Bella, in a manner that suggests he vicariously wants to live through the delicious experience (as well as get Edward to calm down). 
If Edward eats Bella, Emmett will slap him on the back and say “Good job, bro!” If Edward eats Bella after the whole “love” thing, well, that’s weird, but, uh, “Sorry, bro?” If Edward murders all of Biology...
Then Emmet might do a double take and think, you know, maybe something’s not right with Edward.
I think he’d suggest he and Rose take a very long vacation and wait for things to calm down. Hoping that, if he ignores this, it will go away and Edward will return to a... saneish person.
What Rose thinks is a different story.
There is nothing on this planet that could tear Esme away from Edward. Esme’s purpose in life, the thing that gives her joy each morning and each night, is her family which you can condense down to Edward: the best and brightest of all of us.
We see it in canon.
The day after Edward decides he’s in love he acts like a lunatic. The car smells like Bella, as he kidnapped her for a ride home (Bella did not realize she had, in fact, been abducted. Edward does for two seconds then says to himself, “No, no, this is--completely necessary. I’M A MONSTER”
Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett get to ride home in this Bella smelling car. Edward keeps laughing, like he’s in an opium den, it’s fucking weird. Edward offers no explanation, the car always smells like Bella, what are you talking about?
Edward then skips to the piano, giggling to himself, and sits down to compose. An action he hasn’t done in years. He’s still grinning and giggling to himself, by the way. Alice joins him at the piano, being equally cryptic and weird as usual. For some reason, Rosalie leaves the room in complete humiliation and shame. This is never explained to anyone watching.
Esme is sitting in the room, taking this all in, and thinks nothing. Instead she smiles, at beautiful Edward, and asks him to play the song he composed for her. She’s so glad to see him filled with joy again. She tells him that he is the best and brightest of all of them.
Esme later gives Edward her pretty much express permission to eat Bella if the girl is causing him such pain and misery. Luckily for Bella, Edward’s in love. So he passes on that and assures Esme the most wonderful thing has happened, he is in love.
My point being, Edward could drop the corpses of the students he murdered in Biology so he could more efficiently eat Bella at Esme’s feet and she wouldn’t blink. It wouldn’t even process for her. Esme would continue carrying on as Esme, nothing changing, while the rest of the family stares agog at the city Edward just murdered.
There is nothing Edward could do or say that would ever change Esme’s mind and she will always treat him as her favorite child.
With his gift, I imagine Jasper suspects. Edward loathes Rosalie, despises him, and his feelings for others are... strange. He holds indifference and contempt for mankind and when it comes to Bella. Woof, what a cocktail.
He has no proof though, but I imagine if the smallest thing comes into his lap, that suspicion would become a certainty.
As for what he’d do, it’s hard to say.
I think, in most scenarios, he’d look the other way. Yes, Edward is a monater, but Jasper to is a monster if for different reasons, he has no room to judge. More, Edward is in many respects the heart of the Cullens, far more than Japser himself is. If Jasper goes causing strife, making accusations the others may or may not believe, then the coven could collapse.
This place, these people, are what Jasper thinks he’s been searching for all his life. For the first time, he knows peace, and is trying to live a life where he doesn’t persist in agony every time he succumbs to eating. Jasper is not going to risk that falling apart, even if he finds Edward unpleasant.
And if Edward keeps it to himself, or if the occasional human is the victim, then that’s a price Jasper is willing to pay.
Jasper might actually get concerned when it comes to Bella. For all Bella’s not very close with him, he holds her in very high regard. He nearly devoured Bella, and she forgave him, she forgave him his monstrously brutal past and has never flinched from him. She is a reminder of what humanity can be and why it’s important.
If he realized the threat Edward is to Bella, not just in eating her, but on a level much darker than that, then he might start to act and would probably try to get Bella to leave while she could. However, he also likely knows Bella would never listen, because she doesn’t see what Edward is and nothing would convince her otherwise. Not to mention, as soon as Jasper knows, Edward will plot against him so that no one in the family will ever listen to a word he says.
Not to mention that Alice, of course, must know and doesn’t care. That will be quite the blow to Jasper taking any action.
Barring extreme circumstances, Jasper does nothing, he just watches and waits to see what the others do.
For all that Edward doesn’t bother to be nice to Rosalie, and is ready to lay into her at a moment’s notice, he’s very dear to her. He is, in all regards, her brother and she cares for him deeply as she does the family as a whole.
Rosalie has no idea what he truly is and it would take a lot for her to accept it. More, unlike Carlisle, although she prizes human values and tries to hold herself to human standards her morals have slipped enough that she genuinely advocates murdering Bella Swan in her sleep so that Rosalie won’t have to move.
Murdering Bella won’t be enough, Rosalie will see it as the accident that could have been avoided if Edward hadn’t insisted on being a fool. 
I think, for Rosalie, the best way to drive it home would be a sexual crime. Had Edward forced Bella’s abortion in Breaking Dawn, that would have done it. First, it’d be such a messy, bloody, affair at that point and would look like a horror show (which means Edward’s more than likely to eat Bella in the process). Second, this would be Edward taking the child that Bella wanted, tearing it from her and murdering it, and performing the most vile action that Rosalie can likely even contemplate.
I don’t know what she’d do, I don’t think Rosalie’s capable of killing Edward, she cares for him too much, even after something like this. However, I think she would make an ultimatum to Carlisle “either he goes or I go” and then would never speak of Edward again, he’s dead to her.
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vizowrites · 3 years
More realistic soulmate AU for blitzstrike: imps have a special mark on there body and there soulmate will have the same mark aswell, blitz has a mark but hasn't found his soulmate AU until the sexy wall pin striker does. He sees a weird mark just like his on his neck, barely showing..
Ohohohoh I love the idea of this and for slightly devious reasons. If I may:
I feel like everyone--myself included for about 5 seconds until my brain kicked in and was like Wait--makes the mistake of thinking that the heart shape mark on Blitz's forehead is his soulmate mark.
Blitz's mark is actually around the spot where the top of his chest meets the base of his neck, usually doubly covered up by his high collar and that little skill bow/pin/cravat thing. It's the one marked instance where he doesn't freely advertise--in fact, when people ask him "Is that your soulmate mark??" and point to the center of his forehead, he immediately and without hesitation answers: "YEPPERS! IT SURE iS!!" :D
Is he lying?
The answer is, of course: Yes and No.
Yes he IS technically lying because his natural born birthmark is in the spot that he keeps hidden from view beneath that little skull pin, and it's honestly of a more typical size for a soulmate mark than the much larger heart shape that he has on his forehead. However, what he ISN'T lying quite as much about, is the fact that he does see the forehead mark as a soulmate mark--just not THE soulmate mark.
It's a mark that he shares with his twin sister, Barbie Wire.
You see, when they were growing up, they both were obsessed with finding their soulmates. They would spend hours talking about who they thought their soulmates would be, what they would look like, what they would be like, and all the while psyching the other one up to go out there and find them. But as they got older, and life did as life often does--hits you hard and fast--they started feeling more and more discouraged about the probability of actually finding The One for them. It started getting really bad for Blitz, who being as in love with the idea of having someone who loves him as he is, really started taking it hard when time after time his relationships sparked and fell apart.
So one night, which they didn't know it at the time was one of the last nights they would spend together in a long time, while they were sitting up on the suspended hoop rings underneath their circus tent, Barbie casually remarked:
"You know.....maybe this whole idea of romantic soulmates is overrated anyway." Her gaze flicked sideways to her twin, offering him the slightest hint of a playful smile, only for it to grow when she noticed him looking back at her curiously in return. "I mean, who really needs someone to shove fingers in your holes for you? We have toys for that now that can do it better anyway."
She tilted her head slightly in the easy, carefree way of hers that always had the tension loosening a bit in Blitz's shoulders--knowing that if his sister was feeling this at ease with the world, there had to be something right happening in it.
"So fuck finding the one to smash faces with for the rest of forever," she said, her smile finally curving into a full grin as she reached out and lightly booped Blitz on the center of his forehead. "I know you better than any fucker down here in Hell ever will anyway, AND I've known you for a hell of a lot longer than they're ever going to be able to. And, I mean.....I love you or whatever. I'm always going to be there for you. We can be each other's soulmates."
It honestly wasn't what Blitz had been expecting, and he would've been lying if he said that it completely filled the void in him that still wanted so badly to find the person who had a mark that matched the one on the base of his neck.....but maybe Barbie was right and that romance was overrated anyway. He still had someone who knew him like the back of her hand, someone who accepted him and understood him on a level that not a single other being in Hell did.
Maybe that, in and of itself, could be it's own kind of soulmate.
".....Alright," he said, finally offering a softer and more sincere smile--one that made her entire face light up, which only made him smile more. "But ONLY if you promise to let me loudly announce that we're soulmates everywhere we go just to make people freak the fuck out."
"How about we do one better--" Barbie grinned, offering her hand to Blitz as she gripped at the silver hoop in a clear sign that she was preparing to dismount. "Let's go get tattoos of what WE want our soulmate marks to be.  Right in the middle of our faces!"
Blitz doesn't really try to think back on memories like that too much, but he kind of can't help it after seeing what he saw on Striker's neck when he pinned him to the wall. Now he just feels frozen there, staring, as the memories come flooding back--ironically drying out his throat so much that he finds it hard to swallow. He manages after a moment, but he can tell that it gave something away as Striker's expression changes from confident seduction to something more akin to......worry? No, that's too strong of a word--maybe confusion?
Blitz doesn't fucking know, reading people's faces has never been his strong suit.
"You alright there, Blitz?" Striker's voice hasn't quite lost it's edge, but it's definitely softened from what it was before. Those glowing eyes flick across his face, searching for something that he can't quite seem to find.
This is good.  Striker clearly doesn’t know what’s going on so Blitz can totally still make this work in his favor.
“What’s that mark on your neck?” he blurts out, followed very closely by an explosive, “Fuck”
Striker blinks once, his surprise strong enough that it causes him to straighten a little, taking him back a touch further from Blitz’s personal space than where he’d been before, but still very much keeping Blitz pinned up against that wall.  He doesn’t answer the question at first, his expression taking a turn for the unreadable, but the second that Blitz goes to open his mouth to try and bullshit his way out of this--Striker finally speaks: 
“You never seen a soulmate mark before?”  He asks the question with the faintest drawl of skepticism, covering up something much deeper in his voice that’s harder to name.  “Then again, I suppose that would make some sense in your case seein’ as how yours is in the middle of your forehead.”  
Those green-gold eyes flicked up once, a split second glance up above his eyes, before his gaze once more lowered to meet Blitz’s directly.
“I’ve seen mine before,” Blitz said more honestly than he’d meant to, his back pressing slightly further against the wall as he braced himself for whatever stupid thing was going to fly out of his mouth next.  “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” 
Striker’s eyebrow quirked a fraction at that, the skepticism showing more plainly on his face as he once again glanced up at the mark on Blitz’s forehead before looking back down, before the slightest twitch of a smile crossed his lips.  He shook his head slightly, as if he didn’t know why he was humoring this, before reaching up to tug his bandana down enough to expose the mark on his neck to the other imp.
The sight of it made Blitz’s heart stop.  
“I feel like this isn’t much of a fair trade,” Striker was saying, mistaking the wide-eyed look that spread across Blitz’s face.  “But I guess you did technically show me yours first so.....Blitz..?”  
It didn’t take him very long to realize his mistake when he watched as Blitz’s expression turned from shock into something like fear.  
For a split [stupid] second, Striker turned his head back towards the window--half expecting to see a very pissed Goetian Prince perched there and ready to tear his eyes out with his talons for trying to assasinate him.  Instead, when he found nothing there but the curtains gently shifting in the breeze, he turned back to look at Blitz--and felt himself tense when he saw that the fear was still there.
“What?  What’s wrong?” 
The answer was there on the tip of his tongue, locked and loaded for him to blurt out as recklessly as everything else he’d been saying.  But--as was often the case when the words were written too close to his heart--Blitz suddenly was incapable of letting them fly.  So instead he did the only thing he’d ever learned to do in times like this: 
He bolted out the open door. :)
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retroellie · 4 years
Ellie Williams as a mom
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Summary: Ellie and Joel daughter!reader as moms <3
A/N: I’m not done with requests but this was in my head so i had to do it :)  Also sorry i haven’t been active, i have literally had no motivation at all lmao. 
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW, mentions of miscarriage (not really but just incase) 
Word count: 1.5K 
- When you found out you were pregnant, oh my lord she was so excited. (Lets just say y’all were planning it so it’s not like the dina situation) 
-You guys keep in on the down low for a minute just so you know your pregnant and your not gonna lose the baby
-It literally eats her up inside cause she wants to show you off
-Once you get past like 3 months, you can’t really hide it anymore so the first person you tell is your dad (Joel) 
-Joel is so happy oml he could cry 
-Than slowly everyone finds out, everyone loved you and ellie so this baby wasn’t just yours it was the community’s 
-Everyone was happy for the two of you 
-Ellie was the most excited though, she loved every single thing about you being pregnant 
-She would caress your belly, giving it soft kisses while you tried to take a nap 
-She would talk to your little belly too<3 
-”Hey kiddo, it’s your mom. Well your other mom, hey i wonder how that would work?? Will they call us both mom.” 
-”You know, you're gonna have the coolest family. You got your Granddaddy Joel, the coolest man ever. You have your momma, just like her daddy the coolest most badass woman you’ll ever meet.” 
-”One day, when you get older. I’m gonna take you to the moon with me and of course your momma’s gonna come with us.”
-Everything you need she gets you, she wants to spoil both of her babies
-She loves seeing you pregnant but she hates the effects it has on you 
-Your really tired all the time, your feet swell up sometimes, and the stomach aches you get 
-Around 4 or 5 months you decide to get the farmhouse, y’all want your own space with each other and the baby 
-Joel’s not really happy about it, he doesn’t want his babygirl to get hurt ya know 
-”You guys can build a little farmhouse here in jackson, you know where there’s protection and your families here.” 
-”Dad, I love it here but we need our own space. I want this kid to grow up independent, you never know what’s going to happen to me and ellie.” 
-Joel can’t fight with you, he just gives in because it’s what you want and he wants you to be happy
-Plus he will most definitely do country boy things there because he’s a whore for a good farm house 
-Moving out was hard for you, you had to say goodbye to your friends even if you do live literally 5 minutes from Jackson plus girl your pregnant; hormones are going crazy 
-The whole town help you guys get situated, imaging that is so cute idc 
-The pregnant sex in the farmhouse hits differently because your horny all the time and ellie just loves how sensitive you are because of the hormones
 -I swear y’all have sex at least 3 times a day
-Morning sex, after breakfast sex, lunch sex, ‘this painting is tiring’ sex, before and after dinner sex, shower sex, before bed sex 
-Maria is definitely planned a baby shower for y’all and she went full on out 
-Obviously babies are born in Jackson often but it’s not every day when the town leader’s niece is having a baby, so it’s huge 
-Joel gave you a crib he made, LORD IMMA CRY WAIT A MINUTE 
-Everyone pitches in to give y’all something 
-You and ellie decorate the nursery together, it’s definitely space themed idc 
-Joel and tommy help too :) Joel helps paint the crib he made with stars and rocket ships 
-It takes 5 days to complete but it’s so worth it
-The walls are painted dark blue with white little stars and your dad helped you make a little planet mobile 
-By the time your 7-8 months you guys are mostly comfortable and happy, the house is almost done and the farm is growing little by little 
-There’s still stuff to do around the house and it bothers you so you're always doing stuff 
-Ellie hates it because mama you are literally about to pop and you still out here carrying pieces of wood upstairs 
-”Baby, you gotta be careful or your gonna end up giving birth on the stairs” She jokes
 -”I’m not incapable of doing things baby, i’ll be fine; plus it’ll build her muscles up, she’ll be okay.” You joke back 
-Joel always told you that you were like your mom, never stopping even if your carrying another human in your stomach 
-Around the end of 8 months you had decided to stay back at Jackson because you could go into labor at any time 
-When you finally give birth it is the hardest thing you have ever done 
-Your family is in the room with you and ellie is holding your hand, even throughout the pain you're still cracking jokes with ellie 
-”Woah! Okay your hand is all the way inside” 
-”Womb tour *sobs*” 
-”If i go through all this pain for my baby to not like David bowie, i swear it’s going back in.” 
-Ellie is literally dying of laughter
-She holds you hand the entire time and she gives you soft kisses
-When the baby finally get here, there is a wave of relief that comes over you
-You stay in Jackson for a little bit for a week or 2 until you guys can go back home
-Ellie does literally everything you need her to do because your still healing 
-She will gladly stay in bed with you all day if you need her too 
-She willingly gets up in the middle of the night with the baby just to let you sleep and it hurts her heart when she has to wake you up to breastfeed 
-Speaking of breastfeeding, it makes her blush a little when your breastfeeding 
-She finds it so hot when you parent, idk how to explain it but it just gets her going 
-She also loves your mom bod, like your boobs got a lil more bigger and your hips got wider 
-She just loves you as a mom, like she thinks you are so hot 
-Ellie loves holding the baby, She’s so soft and small. She will never get over how pure she is 
-Ellie will show her around the farm, showing her all the animals and making her giggle 
-She’ll love to spend time with the baby, she’s such a good mommy i swear 
-She will definitely make time for you of course
-You guys don’t even have to smash to feel satisfied, just 20 minutes alone with each other would be good enough for the both of you 
-She loves when you call her mommy throughout the day 
-”Well good morning mommy” 
-”Does mommy wanna watch too.” 
-It’s so soft and cute, ugh she’s just a big ole softy now 
-Grandpa joel....that’s all
-He’d be such a good grandpa, he would spoil that child rotten 
-He would tell you how to parent, as annoying as it could be sometimes you appreciate the help because you honestly have no idea what you're doing sometimes 
-”You're patting her too softly, you have to do it a bit harder.” 
-”Dad... I know what i’m doing.” 
-”I know, i know. I just want her to get a good burp in, don’t we?” He said to the baby, smiling down at her 
-Joel definitely babysits all the time, like he will straight up ask you if he could take your kid in for the night 
-you and ellie let him, obviously y’all need a decent night of sleep and a night full of... you know ;)
-Ellie does yoga with you to help you get back in shape, ellie doesn’t think you need too because she loves your belly <3 (your beautiful babe :))
-But you just want to regulate your body back a little bit
-You guys and the baby would have little pinics together, they are so cute 
-You have pictures upon pictures of the baby on the wall, like literally your baby has taken over the house 
- Dancing with the baby obviously 
-Ellie would read to the baby a lot, there has been countless times when she had fallen asleep in the rocking chair with the baby 
-Ellie massages your boobies when they get sore from breastfeeding, she feels so bad :(
-Joel and Tommy make wooden toys for the baby, they get so excited to give them to the baby 
-Her room is filled with toys from them and she is literally still an infant lmao 
-OH AND TOMMY AS AN UNCLE(??) luckiest kid ever 
-You both do farm work with the baby or one of you does farm work while the other keeps the baby from crying 
-You guys won’t force your baby to play with barbies if she doesn’t want to 
-but when she gets old enough ellie plans on taking her out in the city for practice of killing infected 
-That scares you but your award you both have to prepare her for anything that happens 
-But besides that y’all are the cutest parents and ellie deserves to be happy with her daughter :)
(Credits to gif owner) 
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animentality · 20 days
You're so valid. I do enjoy dungeon meshi and I'm not a chef less a monster fantasy expert why the hell people need to know about football to enjoy blue lock? If anything it would make me happy that others can enjoy the same media as me and have different ways of enjoying it. Imagine trying to gatekeep an anime just because they dislike shippers lol
it's literally just cishet male anime fans who just hate women and gay people and this is not a joke, seriously.
they act like the worst thing they've ever seen is pregnant Shidou art, like bro, when I was growing up, I saw an actual beheading online.
there are far more awful things you can run into on the internet. you'll fucking live. just keep scrolling.
mind your fucking business. if people wanna ship Nagi and Reo, ignore that group and just talk to people shitting on Reo for existing and Nagi for falling off.
if it makes you happy to bash fictional characters then fine, but why don't you leave real people alone? all they wanna do is smash their Barbies together.
stop being such a fucking playground bully trying to break everyone else's toys and ruin everyone else's fun.
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crimsonheart01 · 4 years
Make the Season Bright (Fred Weasley x Female!Reader)
A/N: FRED DESERVED TO LIVE! We were all robbed and I will spend my days making sure that fanon supersedes canon! To my lovely Nonny who requested this, here is the wintery fluff Fred Weasley we all need! 
Prompt: 24. “I’m watching the Barbie Nutcracker.”
Word Count: 2.2K words
Playlist: The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole [YouTube] [Spotify]
Warnings: None! 
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“They know that Santa’s on his way He’s loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh And every mother’s child is gonna spy To see if reindeers really know how to fly.” The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole
He apparated into the alleyway behind her apartment complex and peered around the corner to ensure that no muggles caught him. The snow was falling in thick flakes, the silence of it crossing over everything. He could see the busy street of muggle cars zooming by, but their sound muffled by the weather. An experience not everyone got to experience. It was hard to explain, but it was one of his favourite things about winter, the hols aside. He thoroughly enjoyed a serene snowfall.
He scanned up and down the parking lot before making a clear beeline for the double low-rise apartments in front of him. His booted feet crunching with each step. He murmured a quick charm to brush away his footprints from the alley behind him. It was unlikely that anyone would notice the one-way prints, but he didn’t want to compromise himself or her.
A flurry of snowflakes floated past him in the breeze, and he hunched his shoulders forward while shoving his mittened hands into his pockets. He really should’ve worn a thicker jumper. There was no way she was going to believe he hoofed it on the underground all the way here in what he was wearing. He briefly thought about transfiguring it into a peacoat but knew it was putting too much at risk. He’d find a way to distract her from asking too many questions.
He hopped up the few steps into the courtyard, heading to his left to come up to the building doors. He paused before pressing on her buzzer and looked up into the second-floor window. He could see that her curtains were pulled closed, but he could still make out her shadow on the couch. He could see the flicker of light from her TV.
He was called out of his thoughts by the sound of someone approaching. Fred had become a keen ear on all things around him ever since the war. He figured it was overcompensation for George losing one of his. He spent more time reading body language and listening to everything around him. He could catch the smallest scrape from across the busy shop. In tonight’s quiet, it wasn’t hard at all for him to hear as the door was unlocked and then the hesitation of the other person before stepping through.
“Hey, buddy,” The stranger next to him called out, “You coming in or not?”
Fred whipped around, always surprised at the cold politeness of muggles. It made him chuckle. They were still offering to hold doors open or letting people pass, but it was always coated with distinct antipathy. He guessed that it wasn’t too much different from the way that the old purebloods of the wizarding world looked down on everyone else. That forced civility with the lower class always present in the way they held themselves.
He smirked to himself. The thought that purebloods and muggles had something in common made him want to taunt and tease a few specific people, but the war was over, and people were trying their best to move on and, in some cases, change. However, he knew that if others were making attempts to adjust to a new society, he couldn’t continue to treat them as unkindly as he’d done in the past. Shaking his head, he brought himself back to the present and turned fully towards the door.
With a broad smile to the other man, he nodded, “Yes sir, thanks!”
He bustled through the opened door behind him, and they parted ways as Fred skipped up the stairs two at a time. He was fascinated by the layout of muggle apartment buildings. Everyone in the wizarding world, or at least everyone he knew, lived in houses—most similar to the Burrow but some as grand as a Manor.
Reaching the second floor, he turned to his right to the first door and knocked lightly while trying the handle. The latch popped open, and the door opened easily under his touch. He raised his eyebrows in concerned shock but then remembered that they made this arrangement a few days ago. She was expecting him.
He poked his head through the door, looking straight and then to his right to where she was curled up on the sofa. He grinned at how comfortable she looked. There was a mug in her hand while her feet were curled next to her on the cushion with a blanket thrown over her lower half. He admired her small grin as she watched whatever was on the screen, but he found he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
He sent a silent prayer out to Granger, the smartest muggleborn out there. She’d given him a crash course in all things muggle that had helped him woo this fine woman. He was still trying to find the courage to tell her who and what he really was, but it was always hard. Every time he found himself on the verge of uttering that infamous phrase, he always chickened out. Oh, if George could see him now.
Pushing the door open, he extended his arms out with a flourish, “Honey, I’m home!”
He did a bit of a spin while she looked over at him and chuckled at his entrance. The sound of her laughter sent his heart into a flurry, and his stomach filled with butterflies. He realized at that moment that tonight was going to be the night that he finally told her. Stopping in his twirl, he leaned over her sectional couch and sent her his signature wink. She clutched at the mug in her hands as she tipped her head to the side and laughed out loud at his antics.
He quickly toed off his shoes and shed his jumper, hat and gloves. He hopped over the back of her sofa, ignoring her protests as she stepped all over the cushions until he was cuddled up against her. He leaned in as close as he could get, only her cup stopping him from making it all the way. He gauged the scowl on her face, finding the mirth laying unhidden in her expression. He lit up into a bright smile before smashing his lips against hers.
She sighed at the greeting, letting her shoulders relax and her hands holding the mug settled into her lap. She lifted one hand away from the item to lay it against his cheek, sneakily threading her fingers up into his hair. He broke the kiss with a fake but content growl. She laughed again, quietly, only for the two of them.
Taking a liberty, he lifted her cup and leaned forward onto the table while taking a moment to watch the movie playing. He furrowed his brows at the scene before him, utterly confused. She’d shown him animated movies before, but this one looked very strange. Almost as if they were plastic dolls or something. He wasn’t sure he liked it.
He snuggled back into her, ducking under one of her arms and wrapping both of his around her.
“What’re we watching?” He asked, his eyes glued to the screen.
She smiled, “I’m watching Barbie Nutcracker.” There was a bit of pause where she shifted to get more comfortable before continuing, “I always watch it at least once around this time of year. To satisfy my younger self.”
He didn’t know what to say to that, having no idea what a Barbie was, so all he did was nod in agreement. Together, they hunkered down and finished the entire film, Fred weirdly fascinated with the storyline. He recognized a few tidbits from wizarding traditions, but so much had been dumbed down by, or even for, muggles. He wondered if this was the only version there was out there or if they had multiple ones.
It didn’t take long for the movie to end, and he found himself wanting to ask her a thousand questions, but as the credits rolled up the screen, she shuffled out from under him. He pouted at the loss of her warmth, but when she bent to pick up her mug, he understood.
She walked around the coffee table, calling over her shoulder, “Do you want a hot chocolate?”
He watched her as she went, wondering again how he managed to get her to give him any time of day. Instead of spending too much time stuck on the how, he focused on the now.
“Yes, please, my dear.” He shouted out to her.
He heard her tinkling laughter at his response before there was the sound of her moving about her minuscule kitchen. He continued to stare at the direction she’d gone in, resolving to figure out a way in how to announce his truth. He wondered if he could apparate quickly over to Granger’s flat and get her opinion on the matter, but he figured that was stomping over boundaries and chose not to do it that way. Or perhaps a Patronus to his twin and give him a double surprise.
Letting out an aggravated groan, he stood up and wiped his suddenly clammy hands down his jeans. Why couldn’t this be any easier? He strolled around the sofa to pick up his effects and hang them up properly. As he was walking over to the coat rack, he dropped a mitten, and as he bent to pick it up, a small WWW box fell out of his pocket. He eyed it warily, knowing he hadn’t put it there, and before he could figure out who or what it was, it was exploding into the room around him.
There was a loud bang as their signature product burst to life in her tiny living room. He heard the clank of cups onto the counter and heard her footsteps as they came running. He swallowed, panicking and tried to yell for her to stay put, but it was too late. She was standing in the entryway of her kitchen, staring directly at him and the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes fireworks popping off around him.
He glanced over at her sheepishly. This was quite a stitch and one he was completely inept at talking himself out of. How did he explain magic to a muggle?
“Oh, Merlin,” She whispered, more to herself than anyone.
Fred floundered for an explanation, but once he registered her exclamation, he stopped.
“You’re a – are you a witch?” He blurted out.
She licked her lips, staring at the bright W now illuminating her entire flat.
“Are you one of the Weasley twins?” She countered.
They both stared at each other, astonished at the turn of events. Then simultaneously, they registered the other’s question and answered at the same time.
Then they both dissolved into shocked laughter. She leaned heavily on the wall behind her before sinking down to the floor, giggles continuing to fall out, to the point that she was wiping tears from her eyes. Fred followed suit, finding himself sitting cross-legged in the middle of her living room. With a quick wave of his hand, he snuffed out the fireworks and left them sitting there with nothing but the smell of gunpowder and fresh hot chocolate between them.
“You lied!” She exclaimed, pointing a finger over at him, “You told me your last name was Weekes!”
His mouth fell open at the accusation, and he tried to feel ashamed, but he was in the same boat as her.
He pointed back, “You lied to me too! You let me think you were a muggle this whole time!”
She laughed incredulously, “Only because I thought you were one!”
“We’re a right pair, aren’t we?” He shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
A long moment passed where neither one said anything. They were both processing the events that had transpired. Then Fred looked up and regarded her questioningly.
“Do you really live here?” He asked.
She grinned and let out a huff, “Yes, I prefer it.”
Then he had another thought, “How come you didn’t recognize me?”
“I had my suspicions at the beginning, but after a while and all the hints I kept dropping, I figured I was making a baseless assumption on the red hair.” She shrugged.
He let out a loud guffaw, “I wish George were here to see this. He’d be in stitches over all of this.”
She smiled over at him, realizing belatedly that she’d been dating one of the most eligible bachelors this side of the Atlantic. She blinked a few times, the shock of that setting in. She wondered if she should mention it, but he didn’t seem phased by it when he thought she was a muggle, so maybe it wasn’t worth worrying about.
“So, where do we go from here?” She finally asked.
He gave her a wicked grin, “You wanna see the shop after hours?”
She raised her eyebrows, “Really?”
“Yeah, I happen to know the bloke who runs the place,” He nodded conspiratorially.
She let out an amused and slightly exasperated sigh, his classic mischievousness and devilish personality connecting a lot of dots. She nodded at him before crawling over the short distance between them and taking his face in her hands. She kissed him soundly, rendering him speechless.
“No more secrets.” She murmured, and he nodded in full agreement.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
HH- HI HELLO AFTER THE WEDDING BLURB - I need to know the story of how Diana and Presley broke the figurines on the cake-
Hehe I’m glad you asked
November 9, 1968
Loretta was a gentle and caring mother. Honestly, she never once raised her voice at her children and only scolded them sternly but fairly when it was very required. The twins knew to follow her instruction when it was given otherwise they had to answer to their father and he was his wife’s strongest backup.
But that never really happened too often as the family of four was perfectly content and calm.
Diana and Presley were six-years-old when the incident with the cake topper happened. It was early afternoon and Loretta was in the kitchen making lunch, Daniel was working in the den, and the twins were playing quietly in the living room. Diana was sat with her Barbie dolls and Presley was trying his best to keep up with his sister’s bossy rules when it came to their games.
“You have to be this one.” Diana shoved the boy doll into his hands.
“I don’t want to.” Presley shoved it back. “I want to play with the dinosaur.”
“There isn’t a dinosaur in this story. You have to be the daddy because you’re the boy.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Don’t say bad words or I’ll tell on you.”
Presley only huffed in defeat and took the doll from his sister’s hand. Diana smiled proudly.
“Now listen.” she ordered, pulling over the small bin of clothes for the dolls, “We’re getting married so we need to dress up.”
She shuffled through the pile of tiny clothes to try and find something for her brother’s doll to wear. She had a white dress picked out for her own doll but nothing that worked well for his to attend an imaginary wedding.
Diana wasn’t one to simply pretend with her mind…she liked things to be accurate, and not having a suit for the groom just would not work. Presley waited as his sister was in deep thought and he pushed his glasses farther up his nose with his index finger quietly.
Diana’s eyes scanned their toys around them and the rest of the room before grazing the top of the fireplace mantle. In the corner, next to a framed wedding photo of their parents, was a doll sized bride and groom statue. Diana grinned and jumped up from the carpet to grab it.
“Di…don’t do that.” Presley warned, watching his as sister raised up onto her tip toes and stretched her arm up to reach the figurine.
“Why not? It’s just for one second.” Diana argued, the tips of her fingers just grazing the edge of the figures. She jumped up a little to try and grab it but misjudged her power and ended up knocking it right off the side of the mantle.
The twins stayed frozen as the figurine slipped off the edge and landed right on the wooden base trim of the fireplace, breaking it to pieces. Neither moved for a moment.
Diana whipped around first to look at her brother, their matching blue eyes staring with shock at each other, unsure what to do next.
“You’re in trouble.” Presley breathed.
“Nuh uh.” Diana said quickly, bending down to collect the pieces. She tried to act like it was no big deal but her voice was trembling, “We just need to glue it together.”
Loretta had heard the smash and headed down the hallway from the kitchen to check on her children and as she appeared in the doorway, the twins turned to her quickly like two deer in headlights: Diana with the broken pieces in her hand and Presley sitting across the room from the scene of the crime.
“What is going on?” Loretta asked coolly, wiping her hands on the tea towel she held.
Diana straightened up quickly under the stare of her mother, the pieces tinkling against the wood as they fell back to the floor and she held her hands together behind her back. Loretta’s eyes drifted from her daughter’s face to the broken figurine on the ground. It wasn’t smashed but it had a good number of pieces broken off and Loretta’s gasp filled the living room.
Her green eyes narrowed in upset anger and she stormed across the room to grab her daughter by the wrist and tugged her away from the broken porcelain, “Diana Marie Seavey! What have you done?!”
“It was an accident!” Diana protested, tears brimming in her eyes as her mother gripped her wrist tighter as she assessed the damage.
Loretta shouted at her, “Accident? You know not to touch anything on the mantle. What is wrong with you?”
“I’m sorry!” Diana cried, trying to pry her wrist out of her mother’s grasp as tears fell from her eyes.
“I bet you are!” Loretta scolded loudly, “You do not touch things that are not yours! You had no right to go anywhere near that!”
Presley watched the scene unfold from a few paces away, their mother’s unusual volume making his own tears well in his eyes as his sister was reprimanded. Diana wailed in near fear, pulling at the grip on her wrist as she was shouted at.
“I’m sorry, Mama!” Diana sobbed.
“You’d be lucky if I don’t strike your bottom like my mother did to me as a little girl!” Loretta threatened. “You have it easy, Diana Marie, and you can’t even listen to one rule!”
All the screaming and crying lured Daniel out of the den quickly and he hurried down the stairs and into the living room to see what was going on. Right away met with his furious wife and a screaming six-year-old, Daniel got right between them and pried Loretta’s hand off of their daughter’s wrist and Diana flopped onto her bum on the living room carpet amidst her tears.
“What on Earth is going on here?” Daniel asked.
“She was going around touching our breakables.” Loretta said sharply, her chest heaving in emotion as she glanced back down at the broken shards by the wall.
“I said sorry!” Diana sobbed, pleading her case to her father, “It was an accident!”
“It was not! You had no business being anywhere near it!” Loretta retorted.
“Okay, okay. Let’s stop this yelling please.” Daniel said, setting a hand on his wife’s shoulder. The warmth of his touch eased her tension slightly and she turned away from him.
He turned to his daughter still on the carpet and he picked her up by her armpits to set her on her feet before crouching down in front of her and he wiped her tears from her cheeks before speaking softly, “Mommy’s right that you know better than you touch the things on mantle-”
“I didn’t mean to b-break it!” Diana stumbled over her breaths as she cried.
“Hey, shh, I know. Don’t get all worked up.” Daniel said gently, ignoring his wife’s displeased scoff from behind him. He focused on his daughter, “But you did break a rule so you’re going to go sit for timeout. Five minutes on the stairs.”
Diana nodded and he let her run off around the corner to sit herself on the second last step. Presley still sat motionless on the living room rug, crying silently himself, and Daniel tended to him next with a quiet, “Go play in your room, Pres. Don’t talk to your sister.”
Presley nodded and jumped up, leaving the Barbies where they were to get as far away from his mother as possible, rushing up the stairs and right past his twin sister on the way to their shared room.
Loretta was knelt down beside the fireplace and was picking up the broken pieces into the tea towel in her hand, sniffling quietly as she tried to hold back her tears. Daniel crouched beside her to help and once it was tidied up, he set an arm around her shoulders and pressed a lingering kiss to her temple.
“You really screamed, darling.” Daniel chuckled lightly.
Loretta let out a small sob and hid her face in her hand that wasn’t holding the broken cake topper.
“Hey. No need to cry.” Daniel shushed her sweetly, pulling her into his side as they sat on the ground together.
“It was my favourite keepsake from our wedding!” Loretta cried.
“It was nice…but just because it broke doesn’t mean we have to divorce now.” Daniel joked.
Loretta smacked his chest as she chuckled through her tears. He left a few kisses over her cheek and held her as she cried, clutching the pieces in the thin towel.
“We’ll still keep the pieces.” Daniel reached into her hand to gently pull out the biggest piece from the pile that was just of the two heads and shoulders of the bride and groom figurine. “You can still tell what it is.”
Loretta sniffled and leaned her head on his shoulder.
She nodded in saddened agreement.
“Think we should get our daughter from her timeout?”
“I didn’t mean to shout at her.” Loretta breathed.
“I know.”
“I should go get her.”
“Yeah.” Daniel agreed, leaving his wife with one more kiss to her cheek before she passed over the towel of broken pieces and then got up to find their daughter.
It was the 1960s so it wasn’t really known for parents to apologize to their children so Loretta only sat down on the stairs beside the six-year-old and tucked her arm around her. A silent motion that meant ‘please forgive me’. Diana sniffled and leaned into her mother’s side, accepting the kiss to her head and the gentle pat over her back. A silent motion that meant their argument was behind them.
The broken figurine was placed in an empty mason jar and put back on the mantle, a strange little decoration in that state, but it certainly made for an interesting story when guests would ask about it. 
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