#foxx bodies
dinosaursr66 · 1 year
Zooming into SONG OF THE DAY -December 21, 2022
I absolutely adore this ferocious band and this monster of a song.
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foxxology · 1 year
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Ghast Sausage and Swarm Gem!!!
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kenzovintage · 10 months
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gothfoxx · 1 year
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s0re-loser · 2 years
If u guys ever want a good laff look up bpd playlist on Spotify
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beebodi · 1 year
Jamie Foxx health scare was a wake up call for US ALL🧘🏾‍♀️ How are connecting to your Body & Health today? Here's a Free Class on Me🖱👇🏾www.everydaywellness.today
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jupitermoontarot24 · 3 months
⭐What's Your Next Glo UP?💜⭐
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LOADINGGG.........⭐NOW⭐ Piles 1-5
Pile 1😈
Hello welcome!
You could be having a lot of good sex in the future. You could be moving or visiting a new place, traveling a lot more. You can be getting a lot of new clothes, clothes of brighter colors, a spring wardrobe or summer wardrobe. Your body could be getting more fit so you need a new wardrobe to show off your new hips, is what I heard but your whole body in general. Teeth getting whiter. Your lips could be getting bigger. Maybe you get filler, plumping or you just find a really good lip combo that enhances your lips or something. Your head hair could be growing out a lot. If you had a bob or cut it could be growing out really fast so you can end up having long hair. I feel like if you do travel it's going to be well accommodated for. I see really nice hotel rooms, robes, places where they leave you slippers, just really nice places. If you're moving to a new place I can see you starting to map out what your bedroom is going to look like, what type of furniture you want. Your eyelashes might grow a lot as well, maybe you start using a new serum or something like that. You could become hairless? You could be entering a long distance relationship and maybe that's why you're traveling so much or you move. Your boobs or pecks might start sitting higher, if you start working out your chest area. Could be getting into yoga, you might just start being more flexible. You could also be getting new makeup products weekly is what I heard for some people but you could be trying out a lot of new products. So based on this you might have a windfall of money, more consistent money coming in or you meet somebody who starts to pay for your lifestyle. Pile one your manifestations are coming in. You could have daydreamed and manifested and scripted a lot of things that maybe you didn't see coming into the 3D but it's only because they were on Divine timing. Now is the time and all of these things might come in at once and it's going to happen fast too! Let go of any fear that you've had because all things you've been thinking about are coming in. Some of you could enter into the same sex relationship. 777
I am so happy for you pile one. You really are very deserving of this! When I tell you all your manifestations are coming in I mean it. The universe is rewarding you for your patience, drive and your good deeds. Yeah you're getting elevated in status, money and body. This could even happen overnight,  that's what it feels like. I feel like your next glo up is surrounded by the fact that you believed in yourself, you believed that you were a magical being that could manifest and that's exactly what happened. So now you don't have to live in the means of other people's expectations of you because people have no idea how much power you  generate! This is not a love reading but there's about three different people that are coming in for you, I guess that's part of your next glo up. You have three options to choose from, two for some ppl. One could be same-sex, the other two could be the opposite sex whatever resonates. I think two of these people are exes and this king of Wands is new and they're going to pop up out of absolutely nowhere. These are people who've been thinking long and hard about this, could be people you haven't spoken to in months. They want to have a conversation and hash it out. Your next glo up is that you are on everyone's todo list. Three people are coming in asking for some type of commitment.
Jamie Foxx - You Changed Me (Explicit) ft. Chris Brown
Pile 2🤯
Your next glow up could be centered around you stepping more into your feminine energy. You could also be manifesting and receiving jewelry. Your hair could also be getting longer and you might be going out a lot more at night. Maybe you get invited on dinner dates often or just out to hang out with friends. I see this happening in the summer. You could end up visiting a place that you've never been before, and staying in a really nice house or you might have been to this place but you haven't seen it like how you will see it this specific time. Maybe you stay in a better place or you have a better view of the city wherever you're at.
Elhae, Masego - My City (Official Video) - YouTube Music
This started playing soon as I said that no lie omggggggg confirmation fr. Yes, somebody might invite you out to hang out with them and they show you a different side of this place that you've never seen before. You also could be getting a tan. You could be getting your eyelashes done professionally as well as your eyebrows. Your makeup skills could be getting a lot better. I see you getting out of the house way more than you were before. I mean you might be in your masculine energy working a lot not being able to take days off but no more of that. You definitely could be meeting someone new. I see you having a lot more time on your hands you might quit your job. I see you being able to wake up and have a cup of tea, do some yoga, hang out with your friends so much more. I also see you might go through a breakup if you're dealing with somebody now you will definitely be done with them by the summertime. Something will get exposed about this person about this situation, you might already know or have a feeling but something is going to happen. Someone might come to you woman to woman if you know what I mean.
But this is good news because it allows you to move forward and meet this next person that you'll be spending time with.  I see you sleeping a lot more having relaxing days while somebody else works to provide for you. Yes I am so happy for you pile 2. I see you having good sex, looking cute, dressing cute, drinking smoking,feeling carefree, really living that summer lifestyle. Stress-free, completely being selfish. You definitely have a soulmate coming in. Be careful you could conceive with this person very easily but yeah this is your forever person coming in. They've been manifesting this for a good moment so congratulations pile 2. You could be drawn to pile 4
You are THEE ICON!!
Chxrry22 - Wasteland (Official Music Video)
Pile 3👽
You definitely are getting an overall body glow up pile 3. I see your body getting more fit having a pop star body. I also see you having better singing skills, This is a picture of Mariah Carey so she's like one of the best vocalists we have in her prime. You could be dressing more edgier, you could also change your hair color and getting a tattoo. You can be getting recognized a lot more, maybe you start to gain a lot of followers so people recognize you in person. Your hair looks better, I don't know if you are starting to get your hair done professionally but that's what it gives. You also can start getting your makeup done professionally. I see you starting to embody this 90s 2000s  aesthetic. More natural but also seductive. Yeah I see you attracting so many people, attracting so many different opportunities. Emphasis on birds so like I said before you're singing voice can get a lot stronger. I see you starting something new. This could be your first chapter in stardom that you're entering for some. You can get recognized for your singing, I just see you brainstorming with your friends about different things so different business endeavors or different opportunities that you can now manifest into your reality instantly. I feel like nothing is out of reach for you anymore. You being famous, you being a star, you being rich these things are not crazy for you anymore they're actually in reach. I see you following your dreams, following your passions in this next glow up. Someone might come in to help you follow these dreams and provide in whatever way that you need. But I just see all these dreams that you have had since you were a child, that maybe you never told anyone about because you thought people would laugh or would think were unattainable they're happening for you! Yeah I see you being everywhere! You're definitely changing your lifestyle. You can go from broke to rich overnight. You definitely have a soulmate coming in to help you fund this, making you into a star. You are this person's Muse and they are not letting you go ever. It's like they make money off of the stuff that they create about you and then they use that money to fund you into being a star as well. Your exs are going to be so sad, so excited for you pile 3!!!! Let me get an autograph plzzz!!
Tyla - Truth or Dare (Official Music Video)
Pile 4🤠
Your next glow up could be you moving somewhere else with your family or your family house getting an upgrade. You could be reading a lot more and receiving a lot more information about various different topics. You could be traveling a lot more. You could be doing some solo traveling or traveling with your friends to places that are more serene. You could be trying out a lot more different hairstyles too. You could start dressing more your age is what I heard so take that as it resonates. You could be receiving clothes from people, passed down clothes that are very vintage and upper echelon. You could get a revenge glow up after a break up. I see you hanging out with your family more. Learning about your family history, where you come from, how strong your lineage is. You might also find out about your soul origin and some of your past lives. I see you trying out a lot of different lip looks as well. Yeah I just see you basically becoming more grounded in other things. You could have been in a relationship for a while so you were engulfed in that but I see your next go up you being surrounded by people that you love a lot and discovering who you truly are at your soul's core aka any dropping dead weight. I see your friends coming over more, you going to hang out with them, them supporting you, giving you gifts, hyping you up and making you feel loved. You could've broken up with this person so it's not as sad? I think you may be coming to terms with the fact that you deserve better in every aspect of your life. Everyone is very supportive of you. I think you love this person but you realize that your heart is somewhere else. My right hand started itching during this so confirmation. You could be coming into Union with a twin flame or a soulmate from the past. I'm guessing that you guys learned your lessons. This person has been manifesting this and I see it happening. I see you guys making love and letting your guards down. This energy feels very weightless. Like I said you've been grounded for a minute so it's time to just float away! You could conceive with this person so be careful. That's all spirit is letting me know so good luck pile 4 you deserve it. You could be drawn to pile 2
Chxrry22 - The Falls (Official Music Video)
Pile 5📸
Pile 5 your next go up can definitely be a relationship. This feels like true genuine love that you go to sleep dreaming about and  wake up thinking about :) This person could be from your city for some people. You can feel like this person is completely different from you and they might appear so but you guys are really meant to be  together. This person could give you a glow, you both are glowing after dating. Your hair can get longer. This person's hair can get longer as well. Your dimples could get deeper from smiling so much? lol. You guys could get a tan together maybe you spend a lot of time outdoors or going on vacations. You will definitely be cuffed this summer. This definitely feels like a summer relationship. Long nights outside with this person, long walks, stargazing and talking for hours. You can meet this person this spring and you guys get more serious in the summer. This person could be giving you jewelry. If they play a sport or something they'll have you at their games or competitions whatever resonates. You could have been single for a long time before this. You definitely could be drawn to pile one. I see you getting a completely new wardrobe. You might get rid of almost everything in your closet and start fresh. I see your room getting upgraded, you can get your dream room and I see you traveling a lot.I see you packing a bag almost every weekend to go somewhere or to do something, you'll be flying a lot. You also could be starting something with your friends? A group or organization etc. I think you and your friends are finally energetically on the same level in whatever way that resonates so it's time for you guys to start a project together. You know when all your friends are doing different things in life and sometimes you guys are unaligned because of that but it seems like you and your friends will align perfectly. You could be doing a lot of stuff so moving on planes, trains or boats lol. You can go to different Islands that you have never been before to go on a vacation. This relationship can move really fast! It gives the energy of those posts on ig that are like” I need to meet someone now so we can be on a baecation by Friday. “This person exceeds your expectations. You guys both check off all the boxes for each other. This person could ask for some type of commitment at the end of the summer. So your next glow up is you being in a relationship with someone who is established. Very attractive, gets a lot of attention and people that want them but they only want you. You guys have true love and you're going to have so much fun. This person really adores. You will be Inseparable with this person this summer, you guys could hang out all the time and be attached to hip lol. This is definitely your soulmate so good luck pile five. You have found true love, congratulations!
Jade Novah - Trip (Official Music Video)
Justin Timberlake - Summer Love (Lyrics)
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 6 months
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Hot girl era 1
Hot girl era 2- It girl inspired
Hot girl era 3
Glow up
The Wonyoung Effect
The Song Jia Effect
The Jennie Effect
The Lisa Effect
The Yunjin Effect
Rapunzel Effect
New Jeans Effect
Hermione Granger Effect
The Good Doctor
Self concept icons part 1 ,part 2
Appearance change
Master manifestor guide (aesthetic 1 , 2 )
Feeling is the secret part 1 , part 2
I wanna see you win ( red , yellow version )
Disney Princess
Comfort affirmations
A love so beautiful
Hidden love
Tam kaur series -self validation ( updated ) , dream girl , overthinking , high value woman, good luck , detachment
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🎀💗Affirmations & LOA related💗🎀
Hot girl era 4
Self concept icons part 3
Twice Effect
Girl crush
Gf material
Better in stereo
Tam kaur - abundance mindset
Y/N is that you ?
Weight loss affirmations
Kpop idol body
Kpop idol body -2
Flower beauty
You are the creator
Do you think I'm fragile ?
Self love
Solar system
Self concept
Trying doesn't exist
Mindset like Jia, Wonyoung & liz
Circumstances don't matter
Kokomi Teruhashi Affirmations
Paradigm shift
Mental diet
Drop the old story !
Edward art series
Robotic affirming
Stop over-consuming!
Fav solar posts
Manifestation simplified
LOA Memes
Songs for self-concept/self-love
Doubts, resistance and victim-mentality
See yourself as garbage and the flies will come
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It girl guide
It girl youtubers part 1 , part 2
It girl era 2024
Be selfish
Study icons
Stop caring about others opinions
Focus on you
Study tips from Straight A student
Growth VS Fixed Mindset
Movie therapy-Queen & English Vinglish
The ultimate Song Jia guide
Love, me - 1 ,2
Glow up guide
Good posture
Always be aware of people !
She is a mystery!
How to love yourself ?
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The wizard liz - Selfish summary
Stop being lazy and pathetic
You are not a victim
You don't like yourself ? Create a new version of yourself
The wizard liz Effect
The wizard liz beauty and confidence
Alanna Foxx Confidence , beauty and body image
Alanna Foxx Self love.
Rebrand and Reinvent yourself summary
Lim ju kyung Affirmations
Goddess Guide
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minhosimthings · 6 months
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Lancey or Lancey
Symphony Smut Series Day 5: Lancey Foxx's Lancey or Lancey
Lyric: Took her to Paris, she took her panties off
Pairings: Bf!Felix × fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, fingering, p in v sex, overstimulation, lingerie kink, Frottage, implied use of pheromone, dom!felix, sub!reader, protected sex, reader orgasms like 3 times, fluffy at the end (sorta), smut with plot
A/N: sorry for delaying day 5 everyone! I had to release my Christmas headcannons yesterday so I couldn't really post this. But we are back on track! So enjoy my urge for Felix to buy my lingerie, through this stupid oneshot.
"Felix tell me you're kidding right now."
"Hmm." Your boyfriend put his finger to his temple, pretending to playfully think, "I think.... Nope!"
You could have screamed out loud right there. But instead of damaging your boyfriend's ears, you decided to damage his heart, by filling it with too much love, by hugging him almost to the point of his ribs breaking.
"I love, I love you, and I love you." You kissed every part of his face after every 'i love you'. His freckles, his nose and finally his lips, where you loved to be the most.
"I can't believe we're going to Paris." You slumped back on the bed, not being able to realise that you had Paris tickets clutched in your hands.
"Me neither darling." Felix leaned closer to you, encasing your waist in his arms, his grip sending tingles throughout your body, "Oh and I have a surprise for you."
"Don't tell me you got me lingerie." You rolled your eyes at him playfully, "Lix, for god's sake you already bought me so much crap."
"But this is special, I promise!" Felix scrunched his nose at you, before reaching over and taking out a box from underneath the bed.
"You hid it under my bed for how long exactly?" You raised your brow at his weird hiding spot, "Wait so this is why you were searching for your missing sock under my bed!?"
Felix chuckled, his deep voice pulsating throughout your body like electroshock. "You never clean the underside of your bed, so it became the perfect hiding place."
The box he held in his hands was about the size of a shoebox, completely covered in pink ribbons and lace and whatnot. It was pretty, you had to admit, but you were confused about whether Felix was getting you a box or lingerie.
"Open it princess." Felix nudged the box into your arms, "You'll like it, I promise."
You had often gotten lingerie as gifts from your boyfriend, with all of them almost becoming your daily wear. But he had never gotten you something like this.
"Liz is this-" "A lingerie dress? Yes princess, yes it is."
You stared at felix in awe, before snapping your head back to the white cloth in the box. It was pretty, made up of, what you assumed was white silk, with lace ribbons decorating the neckline perfectly.
"But, but, but, this isn't the surprise."
You looked up at Felix with confusion clouding your eyes, which made him chukle at how adorable you were.
"So the surprise is-" Felix said, in a hyperbole voice, "I get to fuck you in these in Paris."
"That's the surprise?" You scoffed, at how underwhelming it was, "We could fuck-"
"And you get no sex until we get to Paris and you're in this beautiful piece of art."
It was as if you got a slap to your face when you heard Felix's words echo through your mind.
"Lee Felix Yongbok." You glared at him, "Tell me you're joking."
"Nope." Felix leaned back against the bedframe, his shirt riding up slightly to reveal his abs, "Let's just say this is payback for making me love no nut November on purpose."
"So what is this then? Death by No Dick December?" You glared at him, as he sealed you tighter in his arms.
"Impatient aren't you?" Felix mumbled into your ear, rubbing his hand against your leggings, "Patience is a good virtue darling."
"Not when your dick is literally rubbing against my pussy."
A week passed and you were finally in the land of romance and love and roses and croissants.
A week with none of your favourite food in your mouth or in your pussy. Felix enjoyed it, the way you were basically on your knees for him, but you weren't a sore loser, so you kept the game up, with the help of your trusty vibrator.
But now, it was the real game.
After you enjoyed some nice croissants by a quaint cafe and petted a lot of stray cats, you headed back to your hotel, side-eyeing Felix all along the way who had not a clue about all the breakdowns you were about to have. Your cunt was itching to the point of destruction, and his dick was the only way of peace.
"Well aren't you gorgeous now?"
The room was more dimly lit than it was when you had entered it, the smell of lavender intoxicating you, courtesy to Felix's new perfume.
"Come 'ere." Felix opened his arms, as you silently walked towards him, the chill breeze from the open window giving you goosebumps. The material of the lingerie was thinner than you had anticipated, basically transparent, but then you reminded yourself that this was what Felix liked the most. And if you obeyed properly like his good princess, he would give you the medicine to your poor cunt.
"Fuck you're like a goddess." Felix's hands traced over your barely clothes thighs, leaving marks with his mouth on your collarbone, making you whimper.
"What do you want princess?" Felix chuckled. Teasing you was always fun, "My cock hmm? Use your big girl words now, come on. We don't wanna disappoint the city of love do we?"
"Ah fuck Lix!" Your voice vibrated off of the walls as felix squeezed the inner walls of your thigh, the desperation of him had been so high that even a tiny squeeze was already getting you wet, "Need your cock please!"
"Good girl."
He chuckles at how needy you sound, but at the same time, your voice has blood rushing to his cock while his head swirls with desire. He shifts his own hips, subtly pressing his erection against your ass. His eyes flutter at the minute pleasure. He grows more bold, and his hand rubs your hip before coasting up your side to your chest, giving your breast a gentle squeeze.
You whimper louder and squirm. He squeezes again softly while lowering his head to your neck to lay some tender kisses on the side of your throat. His palm leaves your tits and smooths down over your tummy in the direction of your panties.
Cautiously, he maneuvers his hand past the waistband and dips into your cunt. He cups your pussy, feeling the heat radiating off the area. A single finger slides between your folds in almost an exploratory touch. He feels your slick all over his digit.
He begins to use another finger, sliding the two up and down through your wetness. You roll onto your back, your breasts rising and falling as your breath gets heavier. Your thighs spread a little as if you subconsciously sensed his presence between your legs.
“I’m right here, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” he murmurs, his voice huskier with arousal this time around.
You cry out as his fingers brush against those same spots that brought you to the finish last time. Your hips twitch, and you grip his thighs as your peak rises within you. Moments later your cumming all over his fingers, sucking in a harsh breath as a second release courses through you, even more intense then the last.
His free arm keeps you secure against his chest while rubbing your side soothingly. The heel of his other palm roughly massages your clit as his fingers pump in and out.
As soon as you seem to be coming down, Felix lifts you up again, tugging your clothes off and moving your body around like a doll to get you in the position he wants. You were definitely more pliant after two orgasms, but you could also see how the weeks without pussy had been paying off. He was getting better.
He has you on your back now, thighs against your chest and knees hooked over his arms. Again, he had no patience to tease right now, so after pushing his sweats down to mid thigh, he takes his cock and slides it in you with no hesitation. He groans as your hole takes him in, your walls pulsing around him even after he bottoms out.
Your eyes droop at the stretch. It always felt so satisfying, having him buried balls deep in you. As close as he could possibly be. No fear of him leaving or pain of being separated. You whine and reach up to pull him closer.
“Perfect pussy’s made for me,” he grunts while snapping his hips, “Miss it every second I’m not inside it.”
“Lix” you whine, “Harder. Wanna feel it.”
He moans at your plea but indulges you, grabbing you harder, pressing your legs higher, filling you deeper.
He fucks into you over and over, stoking the flames within himself, trying to build to that explosion. You were so tight, so warm. He hums another low moan and whimpers softly as he feels it right there. He gasps softly before holding you tighter and muttering in your ear.
“Good… good girl,” he moans before his hips buck wildly and he finally releases.
You finish for a third time. You cling to him tight as the euphoria washes over you again. Locking your legs around his hips, you keep your face pressed to the warm skin of his neck as it goes through you. You feel the hot flood of cum he fucks into you. His chest is heaving now too as he recovers from the high.
He stays on top of you for a moment before pulling out. You cling harder upon losing that full feeling. He smiles at your desire to be close to him and gives you one more kiss before sitting up.
"Well-" Felix's deep voiced chuckle vibrates throughout your body, "That was fucking good."
"First of all-" you sleepily say, "Fuck you for depriving me of all that good dick for a week." You glare at him, "Second of all, I want more lingerie like this."
"Whatever you say darling." Felix shrugs his shoulders, supporting you a little straighter against his figure, "You know Paris does have really good lingerie."
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Taglist: @ramenoil @mynameisniya150 @demigodmahash + whoever wants to be tagged the list is open!
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hxltic · 6 months
Imagine being the anonymous girl Suna gets absolutely infatuated with at a friend’s party.
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He’s sitting comfortably on the couch amongst a group of other guys when you walk in. He doesn’t spot you yet since you direct yourself to the kitchen. Once you return with a drink in your hand, something light and fruity, it’s easy to locate who the coordinator of the party is, considering the entire living room revolves around their friend group and whatever game was on the TV.
Yeah the rest of them were attractive, you observe, but they clearly knew it, talking all loud and sending not-so-subtle flirts to the slightly tipsy girls around them.
Except him. He sat with his arm thrown over the back pillows, other hand grasping the solo cup as the music blares.
His dark brown hair falls over his low eyes, and it looks like he hasn’t said a single word— only sending small nods and lifting his lip the slightest bit into a smile every now and then.
Your thigh-high boots imperceptibly clack on the wood floor with your entrance, but the man’s eyes tell you he hears it. He’s sharp to his senses, making no question there isn’t alcohol in his system.
His friends aren’t discussing anything in particular, just enjoying themselves, some even too much. Nobody was really watching the game anyway.
“Sunarin, ‘yer quiet today,” Atsumu turns to check up on him. He’s not as drunk as he usually gets around this time of night, so his intentions are good.
Aran retorts, “He’s always quiet,” shooting a quick message and taking another swig of his drink.
“Not really. He gets worse than me sometimes.”
This causes Suna to lift his back from the cushion of the couch to defend himself, inducing a hearty laugh from Atsumu (that would laugh at anything this intoxicated).
“Woah woah, let’s not go that far; I’ve seen you butt-ass naked on several unwarranted occasions.”
Atsumu shrugs and Suna rests his case, returning to his previous position, shaking his head at the audacity of the accusation, and bringing the cup to his lips. He resumes what he does best: watching.
It was a good sized party, and usually he knows who will show up, but when he heard you and felt the unknown presence, he knew he hadn’t ever seen you before. If he had, he wouldn’t have to stare as long as he did.
The boots accentuated your legs, stopping at your mid thigh and leaving about two inches of space between that and your tight leather skirt. The material was clinging to your skin in a desperate attempt to cover what it’s supposed to.
Your thighs were big even under the ruched fabric as well. Were you an athlete? Why hadn’t he seen you on campus?
Suna went to take another sip, but this time, the cup lingered at his mouth for a larger amount of time. As he trailed his eyes up your body, admiring the dip of your breasts into the low-cut, long sleeve shirt that was perfect for the cooler seasons in comparison to the bras and single strands of clothes he’s seen, all he’s thinking about is the best way to throw those long legs over his shoulders and which way to flick his tongue to make your hips twist. In fact, they sway back and forth when you walk.
Your plush lips reach the cup in your own hand as you sit on the smaller accent couch to the left of him. The thighs he loves must multiply when you cross your legs one over the other and they smash together, but Suna never even knew legs were a turn-on until he saw you.
Little did he know, the most sober of his friends followed his eyes.
He leans in close, “Fuck, look at that. An absolute dime if I’ve ever seen one.”
Suna ignores him, humming half-assedly in response— but if he had known he would take it as encouragement, he wouldn’t have done anything at all.
“Hold on.”
He rises from his seat, stalking over to you. The brunette watches the whole thing unfold. A classic.
He holds a hand out in hopes you’ll take it. You do.
He uses the opportunity to take a seat and ask you about your day or where you’re from. You answer.
He brushes your hair behind your ear, because it usually works.
Of course the irritation bubbles in his stomach, but it dies down as quickly as it came. Because he notices things his friend doesn’t.
Your shoulders are tense. Your smile doesn’t even reach the one you walked in with. The leg underneath the top one bounces. And the whole time, you were looking directly at Suna.
A shameless, intrigued stare the two of you shared. The conversation with the man beside you couldn’t have been interesting enough to engage in, but you probably would have felt bad, so you giggle fakely at him every now and then and nod your head. He raises your hand (that he never let go) and brings it to his lips.
Suna’s pride swells when you don’t acknowledge it. Instead, you gaze through eyes that haven’t fell from you since you walked in. With one last sip of his drink, Suna tests you, placing the empty cup on the coffee table in front of him while simultaneously grabbing his phone off it. This darts your eyes away and they trail along his movements, negating any doubts he possessed.
Suna smiles one last time and comes to his feet. If you were feeling anything like he was, you would follow behind him.
“Hey, where’s the bathroom?” You smile at the man before you sweetly. Poor thing, you don’t even remember his name.
Coincidently, he points the direction the mysterious guy went, asking if he needed to lead you there. Your hand pats lightly on his as you tell him it’s okay.
You clench the bag between your fingers and dodge through the crowd of people, only barely being able to keep the head of brown hair in your view. He didn’t even look back.
Finally, he opens the sliding door to the backyard and turns the corner. Of course, you follow.
It’s a little chilly even with only a few inches of your body out when you push the glass to the right, then turn around and close it behind yourself. You observe your surroundings: surprisingly taken care of grass with fallen leaves scattered around, a grill on the pavement, a fence going around the area. The only thing it’s missing are some lounge chairs.
“If I didn’t know any better,” you turn your head to the voice in the dark of night as he approaches you leisurely, “I’d say you were following me.”
His lip lifts upwards once reveals himself under the patio light. He doesn’t stop until he’s less than a foot from you, taller than you’d imagine him sitting down and even more overwhelming when you’re alone.
You retort, making sure to cross your arms and tilt your head just as he did his, “Oh come on. You mean to tell me you didn’t plan this?”
His eyes flicker to your arms, then your chest.
You remind him, “My eyes are up here.”
This catches his attention, eventually morphing his smile into a downturned one. Then he’s moving again, pushing his arms back, shrugging the jacket off, and reaching around your body to throw it over your shoulders.
It was then you realized. You had falsely accused him of thinking about something he shouldn’t have been thinking about.
He was definitely thinking about something he shouldn’t have been thinking about.
He should have never looked down.
The hanging gold jewelry rested just before the divot of your breasts. It was then he noticed the bumps prickling at your skin that signify your temperature, but even though there was good intent, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about other things that would rest perfectly between them. His hand, the growing tent in his black jeans, perhaps.
Your cheeks flush red at the gesture, and the embarrassment reveals itself in the lightness of your voice when you tell him thank you. You press your arms through the jacket and leave it unzipped.
“You can’t get embarrassed on me now.” Suna brings his finger to pinch under your chin. He brushes away the hair in your face from the cool breeze, making you close your eyes as a reflex, then stuffs the hand in his pocket. “Saw the way you were looking.”
And maybe he should have kept the hair there. And maybe he should have stayed in his seat. Because now when your eyes flutter open as he looks down at you, closer, willfully giving him control, he sinks in orbs that could easily end a man. They swam with want, still managing to be big and deer-like even with the desire lurking behind them. The only way he knew it was there was by the way you wouldn’t look back at his own eyes, but his lips.
“You were too.” Your voice floats through his ears, and you finally catch his gaze, but you can’t pick an eye to look in. His thumb comes to prod at your fluffy lip.
“You walk in like that and expect me not to? Look at you.”
He taps your hip with a finger, then nudges you around so your back is to his front. Your fingers gather the hair between you two and pull it to the side.
He presses up close, making sure his breath fans on your neck and his hands are gliding up your body. From this high angle he could really admire all of your chest that was on display for him, even as he was pressing light kisses just under your ear. They were warmth in the cold.
His fingers roll over your shoulders that are covered by his jacket. “In this dark, green shirt that matches your skin perfectly.”
“Yeah?” You smile. The last thing you thought he’d say is something you were contemplating while getting dressed. You’re quite glad you didn’t pick the baby blue dress.
“Yeah.” He sighs back. His touch creeps downwards, to your upper back, then under your arms and to the side of both your mounds. He doesn’t squeeze them together, but gently rolls his hands around the front. “Paired with your great posture, so your tits sit pretty.”
You release a satisfied humming sound that stills in the air. When he’s done feeling there, he slides down to your hips, rubbing circles into your back with his thumb using one hand, and the other lining the waistband of the leather skirt.
“And this little skirt that leaves little to imagination.” His voice gets impossibly lower when he says this one, reverberating through your core.
Before you can fall too deep into his complements, you quickly turn yourself around and rebut in the best way you know how to. Aggression.
“Is that all? Or do you want to flatter me some more?” You giggle, gripping onto his hands giddily. You have to stand on tiptoes to reach his lips.
“I can go all day.”
You try to ignore the innuendo and instead focus on the softness of his touch. The cold reddens his cheeks, softening his otherwise sharp features.
“What happened to ‘hello?’ Or ‘My name is?’”
He chuckles, and it’s a more than fulfilling sound. “I think you forget the part where you followed me out here. What if I was a murderer?”
“You wanted me to.”
“I did.”
“And you aren’t a murderer.”
“You don’t know that.”
“You would have killed me by now!”
He shakes his head, “Nah, I would’ve kept you around. Too pretty to die like that.”
You shine a bright smile at him and it’s like his world stops. Your face is all red from the complements or the cold, he doesn’t know, but even just holding onto you while you joke outside is enough for him.
“Hello, my name is Suna. Rintarō.”
“Suna.” You parrot. He tightens his grip on your hands. “What?”
“It sounds better when you say it.”
You decide to try and press his buttons like he’s done you so far. “It’ll sound even better if I’m screaming it, Rintarō.”
You almost trip with how suddenly he tugs you to his body by your hands, making sure to catch you as he was sure you’d stumble. One hand is firm on your waist while the other is at your nape to crane your neck up to him. Like a switch flips.
“I can arrange that,” he groans into your lips, then he passionately connects them while pulling your waist closer to his.
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(He never got your number and only did once he attended every party after that)
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mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
So Who WERE The Mods Backing (and a glimpse of how many people it takes to run something like this)
Alright, we have had a lot of people in the ask box asking who the mods wanted to win, so I went around the group chat and asked everybody who their most favoured blorbos were. This was the result.
I'm Second @theminecraftbee! obviously, Joe Hills. also, ZombieCleo, Technoblade, Scar, Quackity, MumboJumbo, Cubfan, jojosolos, and somehow VikingPilot despite the fact I don't watch Dominion (I have been given a playlist I will watch soon).
Medusa @antimony-medusa. My guys were Martyn, Ren, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Oli Orionsound, Philza, Ethoslab, ZombieCleo, Bekyamon, Sneegsnag. I took a lot of Ls. I was also won over for propoganda for Quackity, ClownPierce, Wilbur, VikingPilot, Joe Hills, Cubfan, and RTGame. I’ve seen so much good art.
hi i'm roxy @thanotaphobia and i backed technoblade, quackity, joe hills, and #saintsweep !!!!!!!!! my blorbos did so well
Katy, @blueeyedjoy Techno, Quackity, RTGame, VikingPilot despite not having watched him before (am planning on watching through his videos soon), Schlatt (gone too soon), and Joe Hills
Sorrel @magicalmanhattanproject Obviously, Joe Hills. Also, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Quackity, VikingPilot (despite not watching DominionSMP yet), Eddie the Rabbit, HBomb94, RTGame, Cubfan135, Martyn Inthelittlewood, GeminiTay
Jewels, @juliana677 Technoblade, Scar, Joe, Cleo, Philza, Mumbo, Scott
Sabira @floweroflaurelin: Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs—
Emmy @astronomeridian was going for whoever I thought was less likely to win up until the final round or two, which meant voting mostly for dsmp names even though I’m a hermit main, but I always voted for Joe and Cleo and wanted Charlie Slimecicle to go all the way. also Grumbot just cause I spent the time finding screenshots and making them look pretty.
Foxx, @missvulpix212 Voted for Technoblade, Puffy, Phil, Ranboo, Wilbur, Niki, Pearl, Etho, and Joe at the end.
Peachy, @peachytaiga on tumblr. I backed Techno, Philza, Quackity, Daddy Pix, RTGame, Wilbur and Joe. Very much was hoping Techno would beat Scar somehow 
Luna, @moonlitedelight on tumblr Here's the list of folks I voted for at least twice in total, in no particular order (bc I love too many ccs ): Zedaph, Beef, Technoblade, Sneeg, Finnster, TFC, RTGame, Eddie the Rabbit , Lizzie, Scar, Jimmy, Mumbo, Pixelriffs, Joe Hills, Tango, Niki, Quackity, Doc, Smajor, Oli, and Cleo
No Tumblr/Don’t want to be Perceived
H - Captain Puffy, Techno, and Quackity
C - Uhhhhhh RT Wilbur slimecicle quackity Techno Joe
TD - my guys were: Sapnap (bodied by a rabbit), Dream, Puffy, Technoblade, Scar, Joe Hills, ZombieCleo, Wilbur Soot, QUACKITY, and Etho because of the alliance
O - backed joe, RTGame, QUACKITY, charlie slimecicle (I committed so much fraud for quackity) M - god this list is all over the place. anyway, i was rooting for techno, f1nn5ster, mumbo, connoreatspants, wilbur, and finally joined the joe hills team at the end. :YesYes:
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kenzovintage · 10 months
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bleach-your-panties · 5 months
Rosie my dearrr! For the Valentine's event could I pretty please ask for letters: D,F,J, and O with kenpachi ♥️
Ask and you shall receive, my love👏🏼❤️
dividers by @/hitobaby
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❥⋱D - Dick: he’s gonna give you that Valentine’s Day D! What’s it like? (His dick, that is)
LONG HARD DICK (sorry). But it’s true. He has a good 9 ¾ -10 inches, (HARRY POTTER HEADASS DICK) I'm so sorry.
It is very girthy as well; it's so heavy that it hangs between his thighs. It's a deep tan color, darker than his skin tone with a medium-darker brown-colored tip. Thick veins atop the shaft, pubes black like his hair, and hairy, heavy balls (lol).
He is terrible at manscaping, you have to help him. He also doesn't wear underwear, so you can see his print if you look closely.
❥⋱F - Freaky: What’s his kink?
Posted here!
❥⋱J - Jamz: Slow Jamz to be exact. What song does he like to get it on to?
🎵Scratchin’ Me Up - Trey Songz
"Can't another couple compete, when we in the sheets; breakfast in bed, love the way I eat
I love the way it be, we a couple freaks,
Rockin' to the rhythm and the rhythm of the beat"
"Girl, you scratchin' me up
But it's cool (I love it)
'Cause I love when we touchin' (I love it)
I love when we kissin' (I love it)
Sexin', you be scratchin' me up"
"Hold on, girl, don't you lose it
It's made for you, please use it
Scratch my body up, girl, I don't mind
Imma take your pain if you take mine"
🎵Please Excuse My Hands - Plies, Jamie Foxx, The Dream
"With my hands I can make you do a lot of thangs,
Have you engaging in some activities you can't explain,
Leave my fingerprints on every inch of yo damn frame,
With this one finger, I could make you get off the chain"
"Get that liquor in me, and my hands, they get they own brain
They wanna touch ya, they wanna rub ya, they wanna feel ya frame,
Run my hands through yo hair and go against yo grain
Let me massage ya baby, and help ya ease yo pain"
"If I can't squeeze ya and I can't hold ya, it don't feel the same,
It ain't my fault, baby, my hands the one to blame"
❥⋱O - Orgasm: Does he cum quick? Or is his stamina crazy as fuck? What about you? How many times can he make you cum?
The man has stamina for days. Not just hours. DAYS. All that damn fighting he does.
He won't stop unless you stop him, or you pass out. Whichever comes first. Definitely use a safe word with him.
The most times he's made you cum during a single session is ELEVEN. (Hehe🤭)
Stay hydrated, you're gonna need it with him. He's gonna drain you of every drop of cum you’ve got, and still go back for some more.
valentine a-z ©bleach-your-panties. do not steal, repost, or upload my shit to tik tok! comments appreciated. reblogs always welcome.
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shieldofiron · 6 months
Date With Destiny
For @strangerthngs4life Happy Birthday!
Tina's Halloween Party, 1986
Tina’s living room was stuffed, again. She was dancing on the dining room table with Chrissy Cunningham of all people, dressed like 2/3 of Charlie’s angels, while Carol smirked up at them, her own angel’s wings rakishly askew.
Billy did his best not to roll his eyes at the girl looking up at him with stars in her eyes, “So, what’s college like?”
“It’s just a community college. But it’s cheaper than state,” Billy shrugged.
“Okay, but is it true that you’re roommates with King Steve?” She was a little wasted looking, just on the edge. He tried to look around for her friend, but they were nowhere to be found.
He wanted to scoff. No one actually calls him King Steve anymore. That can’t be real.
"He’s roommates with me,” Billy shot her a grin.
She ran a hand along Billy’s abs, “Wanna get away somewhere.”
Billy caught a glimpse of a certain brunette coiff bobbing over the dance floor, “I gotta go, but do you know anyone who could take you home?”
She looks around like she’s waking up from a dream, “Uhm… you?”
“Sorry, sweetheart. I got some plans later,” Billy chuckled, licking along his lower lip like he was really regretting it, “You want me to drop you with your friend?”
She glanced around and then leaned up, whispering in his ear.
“I wanna go home with Chance Rojas,” She ended on a little giggle.
He just smiled. He always liked a crafty girl.
“Who doesn’t?”
She blinked up at him, but her confusion disappeared when he gestured over to Chance.
“What’s up, Hargrove. Surprised to see you here,” He was almost as good looking as Harrington. But there was no fire though, he was mild all the way through. Just another reason he was fine dropping off Jenny with Chance. Not a rotten bone in his body.
“Jen had too much to drink, and I got a date with destiny,” Billy carefully handed Jenny over, getting a mouthful of cat ear headband when she suddenly started acting a lot sillier than he had a second ago.
“Destiny?” Chance’s brow furrowed, but he handled Jenny really carefully, “Someone from college?”
Billy shrugged, “Yeah, sure. See that she gets home safe, k?”
“Yeah, ‘course,” Chance nodded.
Once he was pretty sure Jenny wasn’t about to do a comedy prat fall, he headed off towards the dance floor.
Harrington was leaned up against a wall, bobbing his head to fucking Belinda Carlisle. He was trying his hair a little longer for 1986, bangs curling over his forehead.
Billy walked right up to him and pulled out a cigarette, ignoring the Samantha Foxx wannabe who was trying to pull Harrington further onto the dance floor.
“No sailor’s hat?” Billy asked with a smirk, puffing out a plume of smoke.
Steve smirked right back, fake blood cracking on his upper lip, “I don’t recycle costumes, unlike a certain someone I know.”
Billy ran a hand over his bare abs, fingering the edges of his mottled Starcourt scar, “I don’t know what you mean. Not a Conan fan, Harrington?”
Harrington ran a hand through his hair, with his only free hand.
"Your little babysitters club help you with that?” Billy tipped his chin towards the fake chainsaw covering Harrington’s right hand. What a dork. Looked hot though, shirt all ripped up. But he wasn't showing enough skin for Billy.
Harrington shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Looks good.”
Harrington huffed, “What do you want, Hargrove?”
“Nothin’. Can’t a guy say hello to his roommate without getting the third degree?”
Harrington pouted, his pretty pink lips pulling down, “Hello. Goodbye.”
Billy leaned in close to the girl, “You sure you wanna stay with Mr. Personality over here?”
She glanced between them, “Uhm…”
“You know what they say. Blondes have more fun,” Billy gave her a slow once over, barely registering her costume.
“I’m good, thanks,” She tossed her pretty permed head.
Billy shrugged, “See ya at school. Harrington.”
“Yeah,” Steve shook his head, “Whatever, man.”
Billy made his rounds, pretending he didn’t see the unmistakable silhouette of Jason Carver climbing into the back of Eddie Munson’s weed van as he sped off into the night.
He was supposed to pick up Max from some party at Harrington’s little nerd shadow’s house in about two hours. Master of Puppets was turned as high as he could go as he burned rubber through this tiny shithole of a town. He still hated it. Well, maybe not as much now as when he had to live there full time. He shook his head, yanking off his stupid headband and flinging it into the back.
Harrington didn’t appreciate how much work it was to look this good. He should have dressed like George Michael, then maybe he’d have gotten Harrington’s attention.
He sped off to the quarry, cranking up the heat so that he didn’t freeze his nipples off, and parked.
It was only a few minute’s wait before a deep burgundy car pulled in next to him. Harrington waited at the passenger’s door, finally pounding on the window.
“Let me in, asshole, I’m freezing my dick off out here.”
Billy leaned over and grinned at him, finally opening the door.
“Jesus,” Harrington sniffled, curling into the passengers sear and running a hand through his hair, “Heard you had a date with some chick called Destiny?”
Billy stuck his tongue out, “You like your new nickname?”
“I hate sneaking around, I thought we were fucking done with this,” Harrington huffed.
“We are. It’s just one weekend, babe,” Billy shrugged, “If my dad thinks I’m being a dirty queer, I won’t be able to see Max again.”
“I know, I just…” Harrington huffed.
“I know it sucks, but tomorrow we’ll be back home. Thank you for pretending for just a little bit. I love you,” Billy reached over and took Steve’s hand, “You’re my destiny.”
He meant to toss it off like a joke but it came out embarrassingly sincere.
Lucky for him he’s dating a total sap.
“You’re my destiny too, Bils,” Harrington’s pretty, pink lips are slightly parted, perfect for kissing.
Somewhere, blocks away, the teens were still dancing. Max was rolling dice or playing Sorry or whatever passed for a party with her nerds.
Billy tugged Harrington closer, chuckling as he tugged on the leather belts that had been rigged across his chest.
“Next year, you gotta be shirtless too,” Billy grinned, “Give this one pony town a show.”
Harrington groaned, “No, I think I’ll leave that to you.”
Billy ghosted his lips over Steve’s, still thanking God. Harrington wasn’t his roommate, or his rival. He really did feel like his destiny, like every sorry, broken lego of his life slotting into the right place when he was around Steve.
Harrington kissed every time like it was his first and his last, clingy and desperate, hands cupping Billy’s jaw. He kissed like nothing could tear them apart. And Billy would make damn sure nothing ever would.
Also on AO3:
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dubljarnasims · 2 months
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Brenner Veldt
Part of the 5th generation of my legacy, Brenner lost his first three wives while they were young, but optimistically married a fourth time, figuring the third fourth time's a charm and nothing bad could happen. The sim who will spend pretty much every waking moment in their pajamas if not compelled by someone to change their outfit? That's him.
No CC included in the download - please see the list and links below.
Partner(s): Andromeda Stevens; Brooklyn Dubljarna; Faith Delgado; Hayden Foxx Children: Surprise Veldt; Clarkdale Veldt, Eagar Veldt; Della Veldt
✨ DOWNLOAD HERE (Google Drive)
Pants - Lazyeyelids | Straight jeans
Shoes - DallasGirl | Birkenstocks mickey
Top - Caio | Lucca sweater
Hair/Makeup/Skin Details:
Beard - Golyhawhaw | Stubble tint
Body Hair - Luumia | Body hair v5 plus
Clavicle - Sunivaa | Male clavicle
Eyebags - Obscurus | Eyebags 8a
Eyebrow details - Pralinesims | Unibrow wow yasmina
Eyebrows - RemusSirion | Eyebrows n49
Eyelashes - Kijiko | 3D lashes version 2 uncurled
Eyelashes - Kijiko | EA eyelash remover
Hair - Clumsyalien | Monica
Mouth - Miiko | Peachy mouth corners
Teeth - Yooniesim | Imperfection teeth set
Skin - Luumia | Vanilla default skin
Eyes - Pralinesims | Oasis v2 default
Sliders & Presets:
Eyebrows - Obscurus | Eyebrow sliders
Face - Luumia | Face asymmetry slider
Mouth - Magic Bot | Default mouth slider
Lips - sammi-xox | Dandelion lip presets
Lower Legs - CmarNYC | Enhanced lower legs slider
Nose - Magic Bot | Default nose slider
Thighs - CmarNYC | Enhanced thigh slider
🐌 Many thanks to the CC creators! 🐌
@caio-cc @clumsyalienn @dallasgirl79 @golyhawhaw @kijiko-sims @lazyeyelids @luumia @magic-bot @miikocc @obscurus-sims @pralinesims @remussirion @sammi-xox @sunivaa @yooniesim
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lazymonth · 4 months
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Amazing Spider-man and Electro roles swap AU‼️
The AU has a idea from this post from official Spider-verse twitter drawing Jamie Foxx as Spider-man and they put a lot of Electro references on him. It’s gives me a good concept. I’m also thinking about their name too. Probably “ Web-zap ” and “ Arachnida ”
Story for Max and Peter in this AU —>
Web-zap : Max Dillon is an electronic engineer in Oscorp. Even Max is a genuine guy and helps them with electricity a lot but people aren’t care about him much and see him as one of the employees. One day Oscorp sent Dillon into the room that they said the lights inside that room is broken, he doesn’t ask anything much cause it’s just another normal days for him
But as soon as he enters the room it’s full of weird spiders spinning webs everywhere, Oscorp says it’s a laboratory for experimentation with spiders and their webs. He couldn’t see it well because of the darkness but Max still keeps doing his job to fix the stuff when he turns around one of the spiders already crawling on him… Max was shock and smack that spider but he doesn’t know that spider bite him already
When Max comes to his apartment he feels weird. Hungry than usual and feeling sick he thought he’s just tired… But when he wakes up the next day everything changes. Dillon’s hands keep sticking to things and the light around the room also gets weirdly turned on and off. Max was confused but he know that he got the superpowers now
Max always wanted to help people so he tried to be a hero for this city. First he makes little homemade suits but it doesn't go well when using them in the real situation so, he needs to make a new one that is more flexible and has more style. Max sneak in that spider laboratory again and steal some of those spider web for making web shooters alongside with his bioelectricity power
And that’s… Web-zap
Arachnida : Peter Parker was a photographer for Daily Bugle but sadly he couldn’t make much money from that. Growing up being nerd and always get bully by other students in school make Parker no self-confidence since he was a kid but he’s always wanted to help people and become hero just like his idol Web-zap
Until one day Daily Bugle sent him to go take a picture inside Oscorp but some accident happened when Peter almost got hit by a truck luckily Web-zap saved him. He says Peter is an important person and his eyes and ears Parker was full of joy that time and really believe they’re friends now. After that Peter quickly go to Oscorp to take a picture but before do anything he found a secret laboratory that full of spiders, Peter thinks the picture of Oscorp’s secret lab could make so much money for him so he wants hiding inside Oscorp until it’s night time when everybody go home now
Soon Peter sneaks inside that room and quickly takes a lot of pictures but things don’t go well when he hits stuff inside the room and makes the spiders panic. hundred of spiders starting cramping up all over his body and bite him again and again cause pain until Peter black out
When he woke up again Peter found out he’s in a mortuary in Oscorp and worst of all his body turned into a human spider monster. Full of confusion Parker quickly escapes from Oscorp and runs to time square to find some help but everyone is scared of him, soon the police arrive and try to shoot at him. Luckily Web-zap comes to stop them first and tries to convince Peter to calm down but not for long when someone is shooting at him and then.. Everything went wrong. Peter thought everyone wanted to kill him and started panic and attack everyone with his organic web
But not for long Web-zap coming to stop him and send him to Ravencroft. Everyone in that palace calls him a monster every day. It makes Peter's personality change to something else full of anger. But something unexpected happens when someone comes to help him, his old best friend Harry Osborn. Harry coming to make a deal to help him breaking into Oscorp and he’ll help Peter break out of Ravencroft for Peter Herry is the only person now he trust and of course Peter answer it
For now he’s no longer Peter Parker, he used the name people in Ravencroft call him like a joke. Arachnida
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