#free alaska
jezabatlovesbats · 4 months
I know that you’re sick of this cruel, dark world.
But even when I feel discouraged, I’m still going to keep fighting to make this world less dark and more peaceful, however I can.
I won’t give up. All the atrocities in this world motivate me to keep going.
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gottastim · 5 months
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johnderting on ig
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i-am-aprl · 5 months
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dailymothanon · 3 months
was wondering if you'd do pretty all dressed up Maine flustering both Alaska and Hawaii at some point??
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Not sure what pretty all dressed up means so I just slapped him into a suit 👍 Happy Maine statehood day!! He’s very much probably my favorite boy to draw honestly 😼 he’s eye candy! But he hates formal events they make him so exhausted and he isn’t the most fond of suits 😒 if he could he would wear casual fits to the events
Alaska gets her very included in the tea 😌 her opinions are well valued and she is quite blatant and sassy too
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maxsix · 1 month
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White Pass, Alaska USA | Original photography by Richard Young via Unsplash
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haunthouse · 1 year
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juneau, alaska · may 2023
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mygreatperhaps15 · 3 months
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That town doesn't feel like home, bring me where I belong.
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biblionerd07 · 2 months
“Jesse deserved what happened with Jack’s gang and should’ve died in the end because he was a pussy bitch and a rat and snitching is NEVER forgivable.” —Some business major named Brayden who wears boat shoes and calls the cops if he sees a homeless person existing in public
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Florence + The Machine - Free// Markus Zusak - The Book Thief// One Republic - Marchin On// Lemony Snicket - The Beatrice Letters// John Green - Looking For Alaska// Paramore - 26
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im-not-a-l0ser · 2 months
do you count alaska as am honorary midwest state? it's midwest in all ways but location
So, uh. Given that it's very difficult to farm (midwest) food there, I'm gonna have to say no. Like, it's literally a joke about how much corn. My friend is from Washington (i think?) And they don't like corn. Must be because they aren't from the Midwest. They kinda thing.
I mean, I've never been to Alaska. But I also the whether isn't as fickle either, which is kind of a big thing. Like, Monday it was like 58 Fahrenheit, and last night there was a freeze warning. And I don't know how the language differs here to there.
But, yknow, to keep it fair. I'm gonna make a poll. Because I live on the edge of the Midwest, which is why I'm an okay judge for Michigan language, but not really for the west side of the Midwest. Maybe they think differently.
Be sure to read each answer before voting.
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angelx1992 · 1 month
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floridagirlboy · 29 days
suddenly been thinking a lot about rhode island/alaska/hawai'i throuple. what is going on. i think i have a brain eating parasite named ot3. anyway:
bi4bi4bi. t4t4t. you cannot change my mind.
alaska and hawai'i were together first. and at some point rhodie kinda became integrated into their relationship? absorbed into the dynamic. friend -> close friend -> basically dating them (haven't said anything about it yet) -> rhode island asks them what "they" are -> alaska is like "we have been dating for 3 months" -> rhodie is like "..WE HAVE????" -> hawai'i turns and stares at alaska "Did you talk to him about it like i asked you to." -> alaska awkward silence "...ehm." (no) -> long conversation about what they are + boundaries + etc etc -> yayy polyamory wins!
rhode is the shortest. naturally. alaska clocks in at around 6'11". hawai'i 5'9". rhodie....barely clears 5'0".
but do not be fooled by rhode's short stature he is often a big spoon. I don't think alaska had ever been spooned before (bc he's always been the Big Guy™️ in the relationship n he felt like he didnt have a choice) but rhode spooned him and he was like Oh. i think this is what happiness feels like. and now Alaska is always the little spoon save for special occasions. even with hawai'i.
hawai'i spoons rhode a lot though. he puts up less of a [half-hearted] fight than with alaska. it's not that he dislikes being spooned he's just convinced he has a reputation to uphold. hawaii melts them both so easily.
which isn't to say that alaska and rhodie aren't soft for each other. they most definitely are. but it looks little different with them. they're both very emotionally closed off (and frankly emotionally constipated), so it's hard for them to like...express the same shameless affections hawai'i does with each other. rhode's softness for alaska is obvious in him leaving out snacks for him, tidying up alaska's stuff without being asked, and insistently taking up alaska's chores when the former just isn't feeling it. alaska's is kinda like..making sure to leave stuff rhode needs on the lower shelves, making sure nobody picks on him for his height (not that rhode needs the help — but the sentiment is very touching to him), and checking in on him a lot without being very obvious. and also hawai'i is helping them get better at communicating more openly and emotionally plus being less embarrassed about seeking physical/verbal affection.
hawai'i has no shame for (reasonable) pda. alaska & rhode island? both fluster extremely easily. alaska is even worse though. rhode'll get all red and mumble a half-hearted "you're killin' me, babe" but relent. alaska will freeze up and, upon recovering, death glare every single witness because Fuck You he is not soft. and then smile at his partner. she's a big hugger. also butterfly kisses and nose kisses. she doesn't really kiss on the lips in public, she considers that something to be done in private.
rhode and alaska both rarely ever initiate pda. rhodie does it if he gets jealous or angry and needs to reassure himself. alaska does it because he notices the aforementioned happening with rhode. alaska is always so fucking awkward about it though. he's doing his best he doesn't really Do physical affection, he usually only reciprocates if anything.
hawai'i is the "excuse me they asked for no pickles" while rhode n alaska both stand awkwardly off to the side (both are introverted and asocial).
hawai'i is the sun. alaska is the moon. rhode island is their star. do you get it? you get it.
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wildwanderess · 7 months
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let the love you have for yourself, set you free 🕊️
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dailymothanon · 10 months
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No, Portland he didn’t just drink straight from the source. Y’all just are seeing things actually. Fairbanks and Anchorage? Power duo. Er, “duo”, yknow, they’re actually canon, military husbands cough cough cou when me and my girlfriend made the goobers sometime last year 🫣 I cannot rip them apart cuz the world will explode btw trust me
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Also when Fairbanks was designed they didn’t really have a defined hairstyle, but they make me think of wolverines. So that’s how my brain works for him, and I was gonna color Fairbanks in this but it’s really late so I didn’t finish it u.u
I’ve got more Fairbanks ideas coming along so, unfortunately, you all will have to handle my obsessions and ideas
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kadacher · 2 months
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
WTTT cryptid/animal hcs cuz I'm bored. Also these might make absolutely ZERO sense whatsoever, but thats fine.
New York:
Ive decided that his cryptid/animal form is a blue jay/cat hybrid. Why? Idk tbh. We as a fandom have decided that he is a cat in human form, and the blue-jay is apparently one of the most common birds in NY (and theyre pretty as hell-). I dont really have a good reason lmao. He has the wings of a blue jay (along with some feathers around his back/neck/torso) and cat ears and tail (tho his tail has feathers on it that spread out to look like a blue jay's tailfeathers.) and claws. Also his eyes are gold and his pupils are slits :3. His claws come out of the base of his fingernails, almost like Wolverine's. His speed and agility is increased quite a bit, he can climb even better, amd hear things that he wouldn't normally be able to hear.
The little voices in my head have all come together and decided that he's a gator/wolf hybrid. Wolf cuz ✨Rougarou✨ and gator cuz why tf not. He has wolf ears and tail, and gator scales on his back/neck/forearms, as well as a bit of his torso. His eyes are a bright yellow and he has slit pupils like an alligator. His teeth can very from being all sharp, or just his canines. His strength, speed, stamina, swimming and hearing/smell abilities all are increased.
I just do what the little voices in my head tell me to. He's a deer/northern mockingbird hybrid (cuz deer are the most widespread large mammal in Texas and his state bird is the northern mockingbird). He has antlers and deer hooves and tail, as well as mockingbird wings. His hearing, speed, and jumping abilities are all increased. He's also very alert and gets scared very easily (easier than usual, and he hates it). He definitely headbutts Alaska and California and others that he's able to (some of the taller states).
To be completely honest, I haven't though too much, but I'm thinking maybe a raccoon or a chickadee. Raccoon cuz hehe funny, and chickadee cuz the black-capped chickadee is his state bird. This might be one I have to think about more tbh.
He's an eagle, no questions asked. I mean- for God's sake he's the closest thing we have to full personification of America, so yes. He has large eagle wings and bright yellow eyes with slit pupils. His legs from the knee down can either be like eagle's legs/talons, or they can be normal, and he has talons instead of fingernails. He has feathers along his neck/back and a long the sides of his face. His speed and strength are both increased.
Again, the little voices are telling me that he's a polar bear/moose hybrid. Pretty much most of him is par bear, as in he has white fur on most of him, he has the claws, and white bear ears and tail and the tips of his hair are white. The moose part of him is literally just a pair of moose antlers. And his strength is heavily increased (not that that was necessary-). He has 100% headbutted Texas back and sent him for a trip.
He is ✨grizzly bear✨. It just makes sense. He has the bear ears, tail, and claws. And fur along his back, torso, neck, forearms, and legs. Also he's like 10x stronger (again, not necessary :') he's already buff enough) and has definitely thrown Texas a few times.
Big horned sheep. He has ram horns, the legs of a ram, and a tail. And he definitely headbutts people. For funsies.
Basically the same as Nevada. Also he gets the munchies cuz he's high 24/7 and eats literally anything. Chair? Munch. Plastic? Munch. Rock? M u n c h.
That's not even a question lmao. He's an alligator. He has the yellow eyes and slit pupils, alligator scales on his arms/back/legs/neck. And he's a lot stronger and can swim faster.
New Jersey:
He is a demon/devil hybrid, no questions asked. He has elf-like ears, devil horns/tail/wings, bright red eyes, sharp teeth, and black patches all over his body.
Rhode Island:
Hehe. He's a raccoon cuz i said so. And nobody is changing my damn mind. He has the floofy tail and ears and claws and teeth. He is angy short raccoon :3
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