#fremione fanfic
raquians · 11 months
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'cause i love the way you wake me up
pairing: fremione word count: 5,024 rating: T summary:
Hermione stares up at the menu boards. Three separated sections stare back at her. Wakeful. Wacky. Wild.
Her eyes trace first and foremost under wakeful, because that’s what she needs—she’s exhausted and she’s not sure she can make it through her 12 hour shift at A&E if she doesn’t get something in her. The text, chalked on the board in colorful handwriting, is hard to focus on this early in the morning. There are so many choices, so many options that she’s never heard of, she’s feeling a bit—
“Overwhelmed?” the barista asks with a grin.
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ISO Fremoine Fic
I feel like I’m going crazy because I definitely remember reading this fic at some point and could have sworn I had it either bookmarked or favorited on ao3 or fanfic but it’s not on my lists. The story is set after the plot of the books and Hermione is working in the ministry (it is also explicit/nsfw if I’m remembering correctly).
The story starts with some government ball or gala that Hermione is going to and the guy she thought was going to ask her didn’t, he was priming her as a “backup.” Obviously once Hermione realizes this she is super bummed and mentions it to Fred. Fred suggests that they go together to stick it to that guy and he promises to be the perfect “boyfriend” for the night.
Hermione and him go and have a wonderful night and when he takes her home they sleep together. Hermione mentions that she was just looking to have fun and so Fred shows her a good time but is hurt because he started catching feelings. Because he is hurt that she only wants something causal he leaves the next morning and ignores her for a while. Hermione is upset that Fred is ignoring her because she is also catching feelings.
They end up bumping into each other in diagon alley and Fred accuses her of using Amortentia and seducing him but it is actually just Hermione’s vanilla perfume. Of course they realize they both like each other and are together by the end.
If anyone recognizes this story and has a link or anything I can use to find it myself I would be extremely grateful! Thank you in advance!
*reposted from Reddit*
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fremioneshufflepuff · 6 months
Paper Rings
Authors note: Not proof read, we just vibin. Reblogs are appreciated!! Asks are always welcome with the fic and in general ☺️☺️
Word Count: 1,515
Warnings: None! Unless you want to count Hermione worrying but it’s not like major
Ch 2
Fred was going about his day as usual when he got the feeling he should send an owl. To whom, well that was escaping him at the moment but he figured that once he got quill to parchment he would figure it out. “It’s only the second day of break, I shouldn’t be writing to anyone yet.” he says under his breath, as Ginny walks past him in the yard. “Were you talking to me Fred?” “No Gin. Sorry.” “Ok! I’m gonna have a fly around the yard and then probably go to Luna’s for a bit in case anyone asks.” she replies as she opens the broom shed.
Fred stops and watches as she mounts the broom, soaring up into the air. When did she get that good? He thinks to himself as she goes into a dive that would rival one of Charlie’s on a good day and pulls up right at the last minute. He whoops and whistles, giving her a thumbs up as she smiles. He heads back inside and up to his room to write a letter to the mysterious person plaguing his brain.
He found a spare piece of parchment, a bottle of ink and a quill on the floor and sat down on his bed cross legged, mindlessly chewing on the top of the quill. Sadly not of the sugar variety, but given where he found it, that was probably for the best. He sat like that for a while until it struck him. Hermione. That’s who’s been on his mind lately. Not that he would admit to anyone but he’s pretty sure he’s fancied her since he heard she punched Malfoy in the face.
“Merlin’s beard. What has gotten into me? Writing to Hermione Granger of all people?” He asks to the empty room. George was in town trying to woo over the girl at the shop, for some reason even though he knew that his twin fancied Angelina.
He stared at the parchment for what felt like forever trying to figure out what to write. He figured it best to not think but just write whatever came to mind.
You might be wondering why I’m writing to you of all people, and not to another friend of mine, and honestly I’m not sure why, but I thought I should because my gut is saying that you need a friend besides Harry and my git of a brother. Don’t get me wrong, Ron is usually good, but sometimes he doesn’t really understand I don’t think.
Anyways, I know its only the second day of break, but hopefully I hear from you soon and we can maybe talk some more and get to know each other better. I think it’s going to be an interesting summer holiday.
He read and re-read the letter, and decided it was good enough to send. He figured it didn’t need to be a novel, just something to give reason as to why he was writing, and he didn’t care for spelling or grammar at this point, not until they started writing more. If that even happened, maybe Hermione would just toss his letter in the bin and not give him the time of day or maybe she would read his letter and respond and a friendship could flourish and maybe just maybe it could be something more.
”Mum, can I use Errol to send a letter?” He asked, heading downstairs into the living room, where Molly was on the couch knitting. “Yes dear. Just make sure he’s awake.” she replies without looking up from her needles.
Fred makes his way to the kitchen window where the bird perch stood, Errol preening his feathers. “Hey. You up to making a trip to Hermione?” He whispers, not needing his mum hearing him. Errol blinks and clicks his beak in response, sticking out his leg, balancing on the perch as Fred tied the letter to his leg.
Errol waited patiently until he felt a finger run down a wing, Freds way of saying he was good to go and set off to his destination, as Fred watched him disappear from sight, hoping in his heart that this girl wouldn't reject him.
Hermione was curled up on her bed, reading her copy of Death on the Nile when she heard a tapping on the window. She looked up and saw the owl she had sent to McGonagall. She grabbed a spare receipt and placed it in between the pages, closing the book and going across her room to open the window. The owl perched on the sill, as she untied the letter, giving the owl a treat from the jar she kept on her desk. It hooted in response and flew off.
She carefully opened the letter and read the response that McGonagall sent. She was able to help, and Flitwick would assist, the both of them swearing not to tell anyone, and that she need not respond, as they needed time to research how to go about this. Hermione grinned knowing that her plan was able to happen even though she really didn’t want it to.
It wasn’t until she was getting ready for bed that she heard another tap on her window. She went to her room, and found Errol outside her window. She quickly let him in, and he ungracefully flopped onto her desk. “Errol!” She exclaimed, carefully lifting him up, as he clicked his beak, settling on the desk. He softly hooted, as she untied the letter, taking it with her to her bed.
She flipped it over to see who it was from, and saw that there wasn’t a name on the envelope. She was curious to know who this was from, as the only person who would write to her from the Burrow was Ron and she usually had to write to him first.
She carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the parchment that was inside. Fred. Fred Weasley, the boy she had fancied just a little since her second year when he confronted Malfoy for calling her a mudblood, had written to her. She squeaked, startling Crookshanks who was curled in the middle of her bed. “Sorry Crookshanks.” She says as the cat walked out of the room with his tail in the air.
She sat down and read the letter, smiling slightly at Fred’s words. He thought she needed a friend besides Harry and Ron, which all things considered was true. He wanted to be her friend! “He wants to be my friend!” She squeaks again, covering her face with her hands. “Get it together Hermione. It’s Fred. He’s your friend's older brother. He’s just being friendly.” She says again, as her heart rate went back to a steady pulse.
She grabbed a spare piece of notebook paper and a pen and started writing.
Thank you for the letter! It was a nice surprise given everything that’s happened recently. I wouldn’t mind having another friend honestly. Harry and Ron are great, but sometimes I think they get tired of me. Well Ron more than Harry but I can tell when I’m rambling about muggle things too much. Harry usually gives me a look, not that he’s being rude or anything but he can read body language very well and I sometimes struggle with that.
I also wrote a letter, to McGonagall, to get some help with something I want to do. I can’t tell you what it is just yet, but you’ll know when it happens. My mum and dad are worried about me, and I didn’t tell them anything that happened this year. I can’t without being told I can’t go back, and I need to go back. I need to learn and help Harry.
I really hope that we can be friends and that we are able to write this summer. I think I might be coming to stay with you all earlier than normal if my plans fall into place. I’m trying not to think too far ahead, but sometimes my brain just can’t stop. It’s gotten to the point that I am sometimes awake for hours at night, just staring at my ceiling wondering what’s going to happen to the wizarding world now that You Know Who is back.
Oh… I’m rambling, you don’t want to hear all my worries. I’ll stop with that now. I hope you write back soon if you can and if not I’ll see you soon.
She scanned over the letter, and tied it to Errol’s leg with a bit of string from Fred’s letter, and watched as the slightly bedraggled owl set off into the night. She closed her window, padding across her room to her bed, throwing back the covers, and grabbing her book so she could read before she called it a night.
It wasn’t until she heard a knock on her door and her dads muffled voice on the other side telling her to turn out her light that she finally went to sleep, a smiling red-headed boy in her dreams.
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annonymouslyblonde · 1 year
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Hermione Granger has been the subject of rumors for a long time. Even rumors from the tabloids. But some rumors have just a tiny seed of truth.
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fiourish-and-blotts · 12 days
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Flourish and Blott's is hosting a Halloween Fest! You can submit your prompts here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/All_Hallows_Eve_Fest/requests We're going to have this fest open all year although promoting will take place only during September and October. All ships are welcome including dead dove (it is Halloween after all 😉) . Please make sure to curate your own experience by minding the tags.
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jocollins · 3 months
Looking for people who would like to try fan fiction co writing!
Fandoms : Supernatural, Harry Potter, Teen Wolf
You can message Abby on Twitter if you are interested!
I'm just helping her find someone to co write with!
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bzoumoon · 9 months
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dreamers often lie ✨🐍
after learning that her boyfriend cheated on her over the summer, hermione picks a fight that divides slytherin house and puts their silver prince in the hot seat. however, it’s not enough to publicly embarrass draco malfoy. she needs revenge.
enter fred weasley, who is willing to absolutely terrorize the ferret, but only if hermione will help him in return.
the triwizard tournament is kicking off, tensions and hormones are running high, and hermione strikes a deal that will tip the scale of second wizarding war.
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stashandtell · 3 days
Newest Fic: Ranking the Weasleys
Hermione was drunk. It was all Ginny’s fault.
“RANK MY BROTHERS, Hermione! The people deserve to know!”
“OKAY! Okay. FINE. I give in! I’ll rank all your brothers, based on their looks AND PERSONALITIES. You have such a morbid fascination with how shaggable I find your brothers!”
“You’re STALLING!”
Hermione huffed as she tucked into a ball and then shoved Ginny in the butt with her lint-covered sock. This was a normal girls’ night for them. Lots of wine, shouting, and playful-but-catty roughhousing.
Read Ranking the Weasleys on AO3
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I'm so happy to be sharing this on the deadline I set for myself, which is today, Hermione's birthday, 9/19/24. As a very new fanfiction writer, who is committed to enjoying this hobby as long as the muse is with me on it, I had marked a handful of bdays of some of my favorite characters as occasions to post fics this year. It's been a nice way to stick with projects and put some artificial pressure on myself. Originally I was working to release a piece based around Hermione getting a belated Moon Party thrown for her by the Gryff girls. Moon parties are typically thrown for young people when they start menstruation if their friends and/or families are into that sort of thing. I'm still working on that fic but I did quickly push pause on it last weekend when, at 2 AM, after letting myself indulge in almost a full day of writing a different fic, I had the seed of the idea for Ranking the Weasleys and cranked out a very formidable first draft in 2 hours. (Yes, this means I went to sleep juuuuust before the sun was preparing to rise. Worth it.) When the words flow, you go with it. It also happens that I'm participating in The Weasley Clock Discord's Bingo Collection (Event? Fest? Bingo-Thing?) and this covers my square for "Ginny Weasley" quite nicely!
- - - - About Fred, George, Bill, and Fetishizing War Wounds These are some initial thoughts I had on the subject and is in no way a comprehensive analysis of the topic.
I wasn't expecting to discover that Fred's battle injury and recovery included him using a wheelchair for the rest of his life in this story but it came out in the writing process. I thought deeply about how, in many Harry Potter fanfics, we see examples of fetishizing elements of people's injuries or hardships (I say this in a non-judgemental way. I truly was pondering it.) If you read Dramione, think about how Draco's Sectumsempra scars are sometimes described. "Scars are sexy" is often a thing in our fandom (and in real life for some!) and it paints a complex picture of attraction, reverence, and attractiveness in a shorthand, accessible way to many readers, from writers. Especially when writers are writing from inside the private minds of characters, the characters are allowed to have thoughts that may not be appropriate or sensitive to others' identities, sense of self, language preferences, etc. It's why many of us love reading fiction; we get an intimate look into the messy, imperfect, and sometimes illicit thought processes of characters. It can be enthralling. But, for this particular, shorter one-shot, I wanted to try to be consistent about how I approached how Hermione was objectifying and trash-talking the characters for many things they either had control over or were core parts of their developed personalities. But what about George's gold ear? I thought about this too. Yes, Hermione thinks the ear is "very fun and cheeky," but she's not into how he's missing an ear or saying that she is attracted the prosthetic because it's a prosthetic or symbolizes a trauma he went through-- my intention was for her to make a comment on the choice of it being solid gold. The opulence of the ear prosthetic was a "fun and cheeky" choice of George's. I hope that came across. I deleted a whole section about how Hermione found Bill to be sexier after his attack from Greyback, not because of the injury but because it changed his mindset about how he wants to protect others.
"...even after he was attacked, he grew even more assured in himself which just made him hotter. And it wasn’t the mild-lycanthropy that made him more confident..."
I couldn't make it work without it being clunky and preachy, so I cut it. I wanted to make sure Bill's scars and the effects of a werewolf affliction weren't portrayed as a turn-on in the very same piece where I was trying to navigate a sensitivity and neutrality to Fred's use of a chair. Sometimes it IS best to "murder your darlings," amiright? I'll admit, I fell in love with Fred in this fic and how he's hot and cold with Hermione, even though he's pretty successful in the dating field with other wixen. Maybe this fic will inspire something longer [shrugs]. I grew fond of some of the implied backstories that grew out of this absolute brain-barf I was seemingly compelled to type out through tired, tired eyes. - - - -
A while ago, I drafted a post ranking all my favorite Hermione/Weasley sibling ships, and it was nice to have such a hefty post pre-written that fit in with all this. It was likely the base of the fic I would write-- cooking along on the back burner of my brain until it was ready to served out. I appreciate that my inner-monologue-made-outer-tumblr-posts may be another way of puzzling out plots I may eventually create! Check It Out:
Nobody Asked For This: My Rankings of the Hermione x Weasley Ships with REASONS (tumblr post)
Some Recommendations for Fics That Influenced My Weasley-Ship Rankings (tumblr post)
Ranking the Weasleys, a Harry Potter fanfic by stashandtell on AO3
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embystarr-blog · 2 years
God knows I hate Ron Weasley bashing but I LOVE Hermione with Fred. If I have to endure Ron being an OoC DICK I'll do it for them. I'll do it for Fred and Hermione being in love.
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posswrites · 2 years
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Rating: G
WC: 616
“Hermione, I’ve got a serious question for you.”
She looked up from her book warily. He always perfected non-important questions like this, especially right before bed, so she wasn’t worried, but she still eyed him from the bed, into the bathroom where he was leaning against the counter. “What’s that?” she asked, gaze fluttering back to the page.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Hermione paused, wondering if she heard correctly. Then, slowly, she slid her bookmark in, closed the book and set it on the bed next to her. “I’m sorry, did you just ask me if I would still love you if you were a worm ?”
“Why on earth would you be a worm?”
“It’s just a hypothetical question, Hermione,” he laughed. “Like, if you woke up tomorrow and there was me, as a worm, in bed next to you, what would you do?”
“Well, how would I know it was you and not just a regular worm?”
Fred sighed, rubbing his forehead with a grin. “All right, fine. I’ll play along. A ginger worm.”
“The worm has hair?”
“Well, that’s slightly more concerning, isn’t it?”
“Is it?”
“A worm with hair is more concerning than your husband turning into one?”
Hermione sat up a bit straighter and turned to face him, suddenly much more invested in this hypothetical conversation. “If I woke up next to a worm with hair, I wouldn’t immediately resort to thinking it was you , Fred. I’d think it was just a worm. And I’d probably try to come find you and try to figure out why the hell you put a worm in our bed.”
“And what if you couldn’t?” Fred finally moved to sit down on the bed next to her, sliding himself under the covers. “What if you went all around the house and couldn’t find me, my shoes were still by the door, everything was exactly as it was right now, but instead of me being here, it was just a worm?”
“What kind of worm?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like an earthworm or a flobberworm?”
A few seconds passed before Fred answered, “Flobberworm.”
Hermione grimaced. “Ugh… well, that’s got to be the worst husband. You’d be cheaper to feed if you were a worm, at least.”
“What? You would. I didn’t say I would enjoy it.”
“So you wouldn’t love me, then.”
“I never said that.”
“I just said I was a flobberworm and you said ugh .”
“Well, because flobberworms aren’t exactly the most attractive creatures on the face of the Earth, now are they?”
“And I am?”
“Of course you are. Why do you think I married you?” she smirked.
“Because you love me.”
“Right, that too.”
“ So , if that were the case, you’d still feel the same way about me as a flobberworm, would you not?”
“Fine!” Hermione laughed. “Yes. Okay? Yes. I would still love you even if I woke up in the morning and you were a flobberworm, but don’t you dare try to pretend you did, Fred. I swear if I wake up in the morning and there’s a worm in this bed-”
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” Fred grinned, leaning over to kiss her before sliding down under the covers and pulling them up to his chin, wandlessly turning the lights out. “Night, love.”
“Well now I’m nervous to fall asleep. Who knows what might be waiting for me in the morning.” Nevertheless, she settled down with him, wrapping an arm around his middle. “There. Now if you move during the night, I’ll know.”
“I wouldn’t get too confident, now. I’ve heard that flobberworms are excellent cuddlers.”
“Go to sleep, Fred.”
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well-herdogdied · 7 months
hi im back from the dead and i need a favor
okay so for some odd reason i am back in my fremione phase and im doing a mass reread of some fics but a lot of them i cant find anymore and the others werent as good as i remembered
if anyone could give me any good recs preferably minor to no smut and multi-chaptered (also best if its on ao3 so i can download it) that would be rly nice
also if by some miracle theres a way for me to read these fics i would love you forever and give you my firstborn child fr
once in a life time by rocky_the_hufflepuff (i found this on wattpad way back in 2020 and it was my comfort fic but now its gone i need it back
fred's midwife (i forgot who wrote this but it was on ao3)
hermione's christmas cracker (also forgot who wrote this but it was also on ao3)
ngl any good fremione fic works im desperate lmao
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raquians · 2 years
don’t you know you’ve got the best of me? | Epilogue 
Words: 18,984 
Hermione doesn't have anywhere to go.
She has a painfully small storage unit just outside of London that came from her university funds (her parents thought she might still go, and she didn’t have the heart to explain that she never would), and she has a fiancé.
So, of course she goes home with Fred. 
Thank you everyone who has been patiently waiting for this. While I’m not perfectly satisfied with how this epilogue turned out, I hope that you enjoy it all the same. 💕 
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ao3feed-fremione · 1 year
by EirinTheCactus
During the summer of her fourth year, Hermione Granger receives a letter from the Weasley twins. They inform her of her brother's punishment and that they will continue to write to her instead. A correspondence between the three begins, and when Hermione travels to the Weasley's house to go to the Quidditch World Cup, she notices a different atmosphere. Friendship with the twins is something that evidently can be formed over time. Thus begins her new year at Hogwarts and her new friendships.
(Story created because Hermione deserves more friends and I like the idea that the twins, Angelina, Katie, Alice and Lee are in her favorite group of people).
Words: 3574, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, Ginny Weasley, Alicia Spinnet, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood, George Weasley
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley, Lavender Brown/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Katie Bell/Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson/Fred Weasley
Additional Tags: Angst, Slow Burn, Character Death, Happy Ending
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fremioneshufflepuff · 6 months
Paper Rings Masterlist
Here is the masterlist for my multi-chapter fic Paper Rings! You can read it here or on AO3!
Ch 1
Ch 2
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cailynwrites · 10 months
A Very Pairy Christmas - 31 Podfics for December
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A couple of months ago, I had the crazy idea to do a 25 days of Christmas type thing for podfics. I read a lot of Drarry and other ETL pairings, so I thought it might be nice to mix it up a little. Of course, I then went down a rabbit hole, spent way too much time agonizing over the fics to choose, recording, editing, cringing over my singing of Christmas carols, re-recording, re-editing, worrying that I wasn't being inclusive of other holidays, coming up with and discarding a number of punny names, and then giving up and just reveling in the holiday vibes.
So starting on Friday. December 1st, I'll have a new podfic every day, each with a different HP pairing (or in a couple of cases, a trio). Each week will have a different theme (because I like to overthink and over-organize everything that isn't my real life).
Week 1: ❄️Snow!❄️ Week 2: 🎶Caroling🎶 Week 3: 🎄Mistletoe🎄 Week 4: 🎁Gifts🎁 Week 5: 🥂New Year's Eve🥂
I hope you enjoy, maybe find a new ship to ship or a new author to follow, and have a happy Yule season, whatever you do or don't celebrate. ☃️
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Outsider POV Fremione fic, told from Ron's perspective but for the entire duration of their relationship Ron thought that it was George bc Hermione almost always calls Fred by pet names (mostly darling and sweetheart) and the only clue he ever got was walking in on them snogging one time while Fred was wearing George's sweater with the G on it. I am of two minds as to how he figures out that its actually Fred - the first is that he does in fact know that George is the twin that lost his ear, but at Bill and Fluer's wedding Hermione spends the whole night dancing with Fred (who Ron does in fact know has not lost an ear) and so later he confronts Hermione and says something to the point of "hey, you're my best friend and all - but I'm a Weasley first and my brothers are my brothers. It's very rude of you to have tossed George aside now that he's lost his ear, and it's horrible of you to have not only done that but to have also started dating Fred," cue Hermione having to correct him. the second idea for how he finds out is that when they announce their wedding he sees on the announcement "Fred Weasley and Hermione Granger" and has to reevaluate his entire life .
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