#frickin giant puPpy
skyland2703 · 1 year
Character ask: Conner McKnight, Katherine Hillard, Carter Grayson, Rose Ortiz, Prince Phillip, and Aisha Campbell.
THANKS FOR THE ASK!!! Sorry it took me so long!! I was kinda stuck on the MMPRs heheh
Conner McKnight:
• favorite thing about them: I love his hair I literally love his hair I WANT his hair!
• least favorite thing about them: his characterisation of the “standard jock” is just… mehhh. Not a big fan, there. A lot of his personality traits come from that and I would just like to avoid him more often than not.
• favorite line: when he said Dr. O is batman *cackles*
• brOTP: Conner & Trent. Also Conner & Kira
• ПОТР: …none yet
• random headcanon: he knows he’s taking his life to shit but he just always goes :D because if someone finds out he doesn’t have everything under control, they’re gonna think of him being weak.
Also his parents are going through a divorce.
• unpopular opinion: he doesn’t feel very much like red ranger material + dr O’s presence overshadowed that for most of the season anyway.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: loved him in the SPD team up, so this:
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Kat Hilliard:
• favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• least favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• favorite line: “Oh no, they're forcing Bulk and Skull to dance the conga!”
• brOTP: Tommy & Kat (and a lot of the MMPRs in general)
• ОТР: none yet,,, I mean I know a lot of people ship her with Jason or Tommy but idk. I haven’t watched enough of MMPR to make a definite opinion of my own…? But I feel like I wouldn’t vibe with it, somehow.
• ПОТР: Kat/Kim (Sorry to those who ship it, but too much pink energy is dangerous)
• random headcanon: she’s a hopeless romantic and loves looking at the stars at night and walk barefoot on the grass and all those soft things, and hopes someday she’d get to do the same with her lover/partner. Extremely high expectations of romance, and an equally high level of optimism and hope to meet those expectations. (i hope its in character for her. like i said, my mmpr knowledge is limited..)
• unpopular opinion: she owns a licensed pistol and will not be messed with. She’s still got a little bit of… uh.. evil left in her. It’s for the better though.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: she’s so pretty abdfnsndnnr
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Carter Grayson:
• favorite thing about them: he can go fucking blast GUNS at a giant monster— i don’t think ANYTHING gets cooler than that. This man is not afraid to die and it shows.
• least favorite thing about them: I don’t like the Lightspeed rescue suits and his battilizer is another level of 😬😬😬
• favorite line: “I see you're still keeping bad company.” From the TF team up~
• brOTP: Carter & Kelsey
• ОТР: ….Very inclined to say Carter/Dana, but I don’t think they fall into the otp category.. per se?? Ship, yes, very much, but I am open to other pairings. Maybe Carter/Ryan????
• ПОТР: Carter/Chad
• random headcanon: He likes hot cocoa and marshmallows and has a sweet tooth in general. The aqua base is always STOCKED with sweet foods for him— be it gum or candies or chocolates— he NEEDS to have something sweet on his person when they’re going for battle. Half his decisions are taken on a sugar high~
• unpopular opinion: he’s reckless and might just end up paying for it. Yes it’s cool, yes it’s badass, but it’s also dangerous. *runs and hides in a corner to watch the fireworks go off*
• song i associate with them: this one. Just. So frickin FIIITSSS
Rose Ortiz:
• favorite thing about them: HER ENTRY SCENE!! Her style in that moment the first time we see her THAT IS HOW YOU LEAVE AN IMPRESSION PEOPLE!!!!
• least favorite thing about them: how they went with a “I never had a regular childhood” but how there’s nothing “different” about her because of that, except maybe a superiority complex. They did it better with Dr K. Later on in RPM, and could’ve improved on Rose if they tried something similar.
• favorite line: “You’re rich. Buy an army” i love her sass so much
• brOTP: Rose & Dax. I just think it’s the perfect “he’s going to kill all my braincells” dynamic, because while she’s smart™️, he’s got absolutely nothing on the top floor.
• ОТР: N/A
• ПОТР: Rose/Tyzonn, Rose/Dax, Rose/any guy, actually.
• random headcanon: She has a collection of fridge magnets she buys from everywhere they visit for their missions. Like they keep na hour or two to visit the local markets because “rose wants magnets” and she just puts all of them on Hartford’s fridge, which is already crowded with so much shit as it is. Spencer is the only one who really appreciates her magnets 😔💖
• unpopular opinion: the entire overdrive team acts like they’re on drugs and Rose is no exception even though everyone considers her to be the smart/sensible one. She’s just as reckless/crazy if not more XD
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: I had such a crush on her asdfghjklhgds
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Prince Phillip:
• favorite thing about them: I don’t think we have a lot of “existing royalty” characters in PR and I think this is an interesting concept DC played with, especially when he was trying to “buy” his good deeds and all that~ that entire episode was masterful!! And he really DID have a good heart!!!
• least favorite thing about them: they kept getting rid of him because he had to “run his kingdom”. Come on man— let him work at the Dino bite cafe a bit??!???? For just a couple episodes??
• favorite line: “Wait - aren't you the museum director?”
• brOTP: Philip/James Navarro. Both of them don’t show up a lot they can bond over that 😂 (ok honestly everyone who survived from S2E18 works ask brotp)
• ОТР: Prince Philip/Sir Ivan. I mean it’s basically a given at this point~
• ПОТР: Philip/Kendall
• random headcanon: he calls his pacha zord at times in Zandar and talks to him when he’s feeling lonely
• unpopular opinion:
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: love him when he’s all ruffled
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Aisha Campbell:
• favorite thing about them: I love her especially in the comics!!
• least favorite thing about them: …nothing. At all. I love her!!
• favorite line: “it’s just the place where everyone thinks we’re idiots”
• brOTP: Aisha & Billy, Kim and Tommy
• ОТР: Adam/Rocky/Aisha
• ПОТР: none yet?
• random headcanon: she takes Adam and Rocky with her every time they go to get a haircut. The three of them, they do everything together. And she even makes Adam grow his hair out~
• unpopular opinion: I didn’t want her leaving the show 😭
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them:
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
Chapter 8/20 - Window Across the Galaxy
girl falls first; raccoon falls harder.
He rolls in the hammock. His eyes, well-suited to the darkness, can pick out the gleam of her hair, the dark crescents of her lashes on her cheeks, eyes closed. She’s forgotten to take out all the stupid, almost-frantic flowers Groot had covered her in - the giant sap - and they cling to crown of her head. That’s a sight.  Something about looking at her when she’s like this almost makes him ache. “He said to try just leaving, like he knew you’d come with me,” Rocket reminds her, and distracts himself by watching her stiffen in the dark, eyes opening. She can’t see him at all, of course - she’s peering in his general direction, but she’s looking a little south of his nose, like she can’t make out more than the general shadows in his high perch. It gives him a flare of bravery. “He said you’d listen to me - and you did,” he adds with a scoff. “Like a frickin’ puppy.”
Chapter VIII. The Care & Feeding of Human Pets. in which our heroes practice breathing and we lean into a new trope: “there was (technically) one bed.”
this chapter was just FUN for me to write so i hope you enjoy too ♡♡
Please see behind the cut for a more general summary/notes/links to preceding chapters/a brief preview to Chapter IX. Scrapmetal and a Dream.
General Summary~
Rocket is captured by a Ravager crew hoping to get rich off the excessively large bounty on his head. Throwing a wrench in everyone’s plans is the Terran girl they hired to do some freelance assessing on a recent haul of goods they’ve seized from a Xandaran luxury liner. Oops.
let me be real with you: this fic is really about wish-fulfillment. not just the eventual smut (but that too). mostly i just want someone to be nice to my best raccoon
Chapter I. A Delicacy. in which our reluctant heroes meet atop a crate of Sovereign porn in the bowels of a Ravager ship. Chapter II. Monster For A Pet. in which one hero wrestles with his inner Groot, and the other is quite possibly a moron. Chapter III. A Kindness. in which Rocket gets in his own damn way: not for the first time, and certainly not for the last. Chapter IV. Got There First. in which our heroes obtain an arsenal and street food. Chapter V. Things No-One Has Said Before. in which one hero refuses to babysit and the other refuses to leave. Chapter VI. Two and a Half Billion Units. in which we lean into the “they were roommates” trope. Jolie has misgivings, while Rocket has fantasies - about getting rich, of course. Chapter VII. I'm Here. in which we visit Knowhere. Chapter VIII. The Care & Feeding of Human Pets. in which our heroes practice breathing and we lean into a new trope: “there was (technically) one bed.” Coming soon: Chapter IX. Scrapmetal and a Dream. in which we redefine homemaking.
slight AU starting pre-GOTG volume 1 (but will hit most of the same major plot points). slooowww burn + eventual smut with a lot of pining in the middle. kinda enemies-to-lovers? (but only one of these idiots thinks they're enemies). elements of hurt/comfort because rocket is the saddest-angriest boy. rating will go up and tags will be added to as needed.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
HCS for the NRC staff with a child Fem MC who behaves like Klee uwu
The title says it all-
Also, I'll make it a little more
f a n c y-
And I'll make this gender neutral, hope you don't mind! ^^
TWST adorable but chaotic child, s/o (Klee) (Platonic)
Dire Crowley
Oh sevens-
Now, now, he knows you don't mean it-
he wants to believe-
You know-
You create a giant mess no matter what.
He tries his best to steer you out of trouble
But then again, Crowley can't help but fall to victim to your adorable face,
and actually, most of the time it's unintentionally from both you and him
You just thought he wants to hang out,
and you're elated when he does so!
But... it might end with an explosion...
Correction, explosions.
But, regardless, you're his little s/o,
and he can't deny you that you don't give joy in his life <3
Divus Crewel
N U T S-
How can such an adorable child,
cause this extraordinary amount of mess in one day???
Divus is like a strict mother,
always reprimanding and nagging you to stop.
But, he knows you don't really mean it.
Sometimes, you didn't even know that could happen.
And how could he stay that mad with those adorable little puppy eyes?
He couldn't.
Well, he won't fall victim when you suggests something dangerous to do.
No puppy eyes.
You won't fool him.
But alas, you're his precious little pup at the end of the day.
Anyone who dare try to put you in harms way,
he would take care of them promptly,
or wait for that instant karma of yours to trigger.
Explode them into the oblivion, little precious pup <3
Mozus Trein
He's so done-
he's this old, come on now-
And he's got three kids, what did you expect.
All he can do is just watch the chaos unfold,
as you jump around, completely oblivious of the troubles you have caused.
He reprimands you, but you can tell slowly, he's losing it and he's about to give up.
But, he can't really, right?
You are still a child,
how can he expect you to know anything.
And he can't really give up on you when you keep staring at him with big, sparkling eyes every time you show him a crayon drawing of you, him and Lucius.
He can't give up on you.
He lets you play with Lucius, so long as you don't leave wherever Trein is.
He looks up from his papers and...
And.... Lucius looks so done as you cuddle him and coo about how cute Lucius' paws are.
Sigh, you really are a troublesome child to deal with, aren't you?
Ashton Vargas
has no idea wtf he's doing-
The minute he's not around and he comes back within another minute,
BOOM there's explosions and students screaming everywhere.
He can't really say "damn" unless he wants Divus to frickin smack him with his stupid stick-
But regardless, Ashton still remains as a cheerful father figure to you,
And boasts to you about his muscles,
and that you should try coming with him to fly on brooms!
Just... make sure not to cause an explosion behind you.
It's survival of the fittest when it comes to taking care of you,
who knows what will happen wen you're around.
Explosions? Fires? Arson-
Who knows!
But usually no one gets SERIOUSLY injured.
So, all is fine!
Just remember kiddo, you're his number one besides himself! <3
Oh my-
Oh dear-
This can't be good-
Honestly did not expect a cute child like you,
to be the cause of all the explosions behind you.
Are you a child???-
He knows you don't mean it,
but it's kind of unsettling to him that you seem unfazed by the explosions behind you..
But, you're still a child, maybe you don't know..?
He hopes that's the case-
Sam himself is still learning how to handle a kid,
and you are like-
God level difficulty-
Because you are just
c h a o t i c
Much like him but you're way more than that.
He tries his best to nag at you to stop,
but ultimately can't resists your puppy eyes.
You're too cute!
He usually shows you all the cool things his store has,
and what they can do!
And I swear he shed many tears- a tear when you drew a picture of you and him with so much youthful innocence in it.
Ahh, you are such a problematic, little monster child. He loves it <3
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caribouwritings · 3 years
Call Out Post! What your Type is Based Off your Mortal Kombat Crush:
***this is a joke! (mostly)
(Suggestive content ahead)
Sub-Zero: kind, caring man with a good heart and set goals, total himbo
Scorpion: family man who is a bit scary but is actually a giant teddy bear
Noob Saibot: daddy is a big scary type that is soft only when he’s alone with you
Kung Lao: goof ball who makes you laugh, a little bit cocky but mostly charming, cutie pie either way who definitely gets flustered by the dirty sweet things you say
Liu Kang: hard working and never gives up, total puppy dog
Lord Raiden: heart of gold who is very passionate, will burn the world down for you
Johnny Cage: sugar daddy charming goof who will always go out of his way to make you laugh and sweep you off your feet
Kenshi: charmer who reads your mind, knows exactly what you want without you having to spell it out
Kabal: choke me daddy a good man who is a bit damaged, but he’s still good, a little bit dangerous and a flirt
Erron Black: HOT FRICKIN’ DADDY!!!! a little bit dangerous and makes your heart stop with the stupid things he does, will flirt your clothes boots off, accents that just sound like music to the ears
Kano: people say your taste is off but he’s just a fixer upper and he’s always fun to be around
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anachronisticcrab · 3 years
Solangelo Headcanons
So I’ve got a lot of these cause I’m such a simp for Nico and Will (feel free to ask me about any other Headcanons on either character, cause I’ve got LOTS)
They’re both massive nerds, but neither of them really like the same kind of things
Like, Will is more of a Star Wars and Star Trek fan, he loves Harry Potter more than life itself, and reads medical textbooks and animal books for fun
But Nico is such a linguistics and mythology nerd, we all know he loves Pokémon and DND, and he’s really into classic literature and art
They both spend 90% of their dates geeking out over their interests, and even when they talk about something the other doesn’t understand, they’re super supportive and sweet cause they’re both cute geeks
As much as they aren’t interested in the same things for the most part, they do have a few interests in common (pirates, astronomy, Dreamworks and Disney animated movies, The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, music, marvel and DC)
They absolutely have movie marathon dates. It’s their favourite thing. Their favourite movie series’ are Pirates of the Caribbean, Night at the Museum, and The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Nico loves watching Star Wars with Will because Will mumbled the lines along with the characters and does little lightsaber noises along with it and he’s so cute
Will likes watching movie adaptions of classic lit with Nico because he points out everything that’s different from the books, why the movies are bad, and insists on pausing it to go on rants about everything they got wrong. Will fucking loves it
They both have tattoos. Will’s got the sun over his chest, and a small semi colon on his left wrist next to a treble clef. Nico’s got a semicolon on his right wrist next to a bass clef
Will loves Halloween, and Nico could take it or leave it (he never did anything for it because he grew up in Italy), but Nico does couples costumes because Will looks at him with puppy dog eyes and Nico’s helpless
They’ve gone as Jed and Octavian from Night at the Museum; Buzz Lightyear and Woody; those two crazy pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean (the one with the wooden eye who dressed up in drag, and the short one who got upset over parlay); 1930’s mobsters; Adam and Barbara Maitland from Beetlejuice; Han Solo and Luke Skywalker
They actually talk to Mr. D, and that’s why they’re his favourite— they play poker with him, they talk to him, they treat him like anyone else and he lives them for it
Will loves every single one of Nico’s siblings (Rachel, Hazel, Reyna, Meg, Jason, Connor, Travis, Percy, Tyson, Estelle, Chiara, Piper, etc). They share ridiculous Nico stories and plan pranks on him— they all adore Will
Will’s siblings and friends lowkey love Nico more than Will. He brings them McDonalds, teases Will and makes Will blush, attempts archery to try to bond with them (he really tries, but he’s just really awful), he tells Will’s little siblings bedtime stories. Nico’s just really awkward, and he really tries, and they all love him. Of course, Cecil, Lou Ellen, Austin, and Kayla bug Nico a lot because he’s so awkward, but the truth is they really, really, really like him
Will is horrible at music. Like, truly horrible at anything to do with music. But he has an encyclopedic knowledge of music from over the last 200 years, and randomly quotes lyrics and talks about musical theory all day long
In contrast, Nico is amazing at playing piano and guitar, plus he enjoys playing the drums. He’s really musically talented, but knows nothing about the theory behind it or about the artists. Whenever Nico tries to learn a new song, Will nerds out over the musician/background of the song/cool lyrical devices that make it an amazing song. Nico frickin loves it
Nico loves cooking, while Will can’t cook for his life. Like someone get this boy some help, he almost burnt down his mom’s house while microwaving popcorn. They agreed that Nico would cook and Nico would clean
Nico can’t drive for shit. I mean, cars don’t exist in the city where he grew up (there’s not enough room for vehicles on the few roads in Venice), and even if there were, he’s Italian and gay (sorry about the stereotypes there, but I really can’t see Nico being a good driver). Will drives them everywhere or gets Jules-Albert to drive them, and hides Nico’s drivers license to ‘protect the public from his menace of a boyfriend’
You know how I mentioned the no vehicles in Venice thing? Yeah, no bikes are in the city either. Will taught Nico to ride a bike after the Giants War (before they started dating). Hazel took videos and pictures cause Nico was freaking out over it and yelling at Will not to let him die
Will finds animals on the street and adopts them. Nico begrudgingly helps Will to take care of the animals until they find good homes for them (mostly from people in New Rome)
Unfortunately, Will gets attached to them, and now they have 5 cats, 2 dogs, 3 snakes, 4 lizards, and a blue Jay
They’re both really grumpy in the morning. If you wake either of them up, they will probably bite your hand off
They like going on runs a lot? They’ll go on jogs once a day if possible, and they’ll chat or share earbuds while doing so
They go on dates on canoe lake a lot. They like to have races on the canoes, and to just float out away from everyone else (they totally don’t joke about being pirates or pretend to be pirates while on the lake, that’d be ridiculous and childish)
When Will’s been in the infirmary for too long, Nico walks in and throws a Kit Kat at his head, and then drags him out of the infirmary (sometimes by his ear, sometimes by his hand, depending on how long Will’s been in there for or how annoyed Nico is that day)
Nico’s teaching Will how to speak Venetian (he sucks at it, but Nico appreciates the effort)
Nico takes a long time to get used to PDA, and even after they’ve been dating for years, Nico’s really only comfortable with holding hands and hugs (plus cheek kisses or quick pecks) in public. Will’s fine with it, and he didn’t stop smiling for three days after Nico first pecked him on the cheek in public
International dates! Paris, Venice, Milan, Madrid, Banff, Athens, Cairo, Tokyo, Sydney, Ho Chi Minh, everywhere! They love travelling!
They have a lot of conversations where they tell the other how amazing they are (since they’re both pretty self-deprecating, and they think the world of the other, it ends up with them just going ‘shut up you’re beautiful, why do you put up with me’ for hours on end)
Dates on roofs! Nico and Will point out constellations at night and cloud watch during the day. They have picnics on the roof of the Big House, and the Hades and Apollo cabins all the time
They buy each other Funko Pop figures for birthdays, Christmas, and basically anytime they want to get each other a gift
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chelsfic · 4 years
Accident Forgiveness - Part 2 - Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Part One | Masterlist
A/N: Part two!! This is so very fun to write. I hope you enjoy! Thanks to @sabinemorans�� for listening to me talk about it! Reader gets a nickname in this one, because I can’t deal with Y/N.
Summary: Your wrist is finally healed after your run-in with a certain brooding freight train. You score a great deal on an adorable little motorbike and fix it up with your dad. All you want is a nice Sunday ride...what could go wrong?
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, automobile accidents...
The bike calls to you. It’s leaning up against a garage with a hand-written “For Sale” sign on it. It looks old, rusted, and well-used. Considering the low price scrawled on the sign you’re betting it needs some work.
You need it.
You pull out your phone and open your frequent contacts.
“Hey dad? How would you feel about coming down to the city with your pick-up this weekend?”
Your dad’s gruff voice rumbles over the line, “Sounds awful. When and where?”
You spend the weekend at your dad’s place in White Plains, fixing up the bike in the garage. Under the layers of rust and grime, it turns out to be a 2001 Honda Super Cub. Beyond a tune up and an oil change, the only thing really wrong with it is the body. Nothing a fresh coat of paint can’t fix. 
“This is a nice little bike, kiddo,” your dad congratulates you, wiping grease and sweat from his brow with an old rag. “You gonna keep it here or ride it around the city?”
You’re perched on a tall stool at your dad’s workbench, your short legs dangling as you consider, “It’d be fun to have it with me in the city on the weekends. I just gotta convince my landlord to let me keep it in his storage shed...I don’t want to leave it on the street…”
You hop off the stool to run your hand over the motorcycle’s refinished body. You’ve painted it in a sleek two-tone pattern: red and cream. Hawkguy is going to be so jealous.
“I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”
“Nah,” Clint waves you off as he unlocks the door to his apartment. You’ve been lurking out in the hallway waiting for him to get home. 
“What do you mean, ‘nah’?” you whine, following him inside without asking. Pizza Dog jumps up to greet you, nearly knocking you down in his enthusiasm. You smile and give him a quick hug before starting again. “You still owe me, Barton!”
Clint’s head has disappeared into the refrigerator and he emerges with a Chinese food box and his mouth already stuffed with lo mein.
“Wahhh doo eein?!” he chews his food, swallowing and trying again, “Whadya mean? I threw you an apology party, didn’t I? You know how long it’ll take me to clean out that shed to fit a motorcycle inside?”
“C’mon, Clint! If I leave it on the street it’ll get stolen. Or it’ll end up collateral damage in one of your little superhero battles,” you wheedle. You walk into the kitchenette and grab his arm, looking up at him with your biggest puppy dog eyes, “C’monnnn!”
Clint sighs dramatically and finally gives in.
“On one condition...”
The bike struggles to reach 30 miles per hour under your combined weight and Clint’s massive form looks ridiculous clinging to you on the back of the little motor bike. But you have to admit--this is pretty damn fun. 
“Weee!” Clint yells from behind you as you putter through the streets of Brooklyn with a giant smile on your face.
People are passing you and giving you dirty looks as you make your way over the Brooklyn Bridge. Well, futz them. You’re enjoying your Sunday afternoon ride. You feel like a real rebel without a cause in your worn leather jacket and the bulbous, cherry red helmet you bought to match your bike. Nobody needs to know the saddle bag strapped to the back is full of library books and a take-out container from your favorite bakery.
The sun is just getting low and it’s orange-red glow reflects on the surface of the East River as you chug along. The sounds of car engines and the occasional curse from an annoyed motorist are suddenly interrupted by a long, deafening screech. You glance over your shoulder and your eyes widen in alarm as a black SUV barrels through traffic, heedlessly colliding with other vehicles as it clears a path over the bridge. 
The SUV screams past and you barely have time to process what you’re seeing before you’re suddenly, brutally thrown from your bike. You tuck your limbs into your body and slam into the cement with enough force to knock the wind out of you. You roll several feet before skidding to a stop. The leather jacket mostly saves you from road rash but your hands are a bloody mess and it feels like your whole middle is one big bruise. What the fuck was that? It felt almost like someone pushed you off but that’s--
You look up just in time to see your bike zooming--well, doing it’s best to zoom--away with a dark figure riding it.
Oh, hell no!
The red-wigged impostor is in handcuffs and leaning against the side of the SUV with a surly expression. Bucky glares at the woman, clearly connected with the Red Room and attempting to frame Natasha for the string of murders she committed over the last week.
“Don’t feel like talking, huh?” he shrugs, removing a knife from his belt and flipping it expertly in his hand. “Don’t worry, mladshaya sestra...I’ll help you find the words.”
The woman refuses to meet his eyes, fixing her gaze in the middle distance instead. Only the faintest sneer curling her lips indicates that she’s heard him at all.
Sam lands gracefully a few feet away and is already talking into his ear piece to call in backup. 
“Lotta damage, here,” he states, glancing around at the crashed cars and the wrecked motorcycle. “You’re almost as bad as Banner, Buck. Think you can manage one mission without smashing something?”
“Hey, I captured the target, didn’t I?” Bucky rolls his eyes and slips the knife back into his belt holster. 
Clint finally arrives, huffing and puffing after trying to keep up with the super soldier. He’s bent almost double, catching his breath, when his eyes light on the familiar red and cream motor bike lying mangled on the ground. 
“Hey...isn’t that--?”
All three superhero’s heads snap up as you come limping up to the scene. You’re carrying your helmet at your side and your hair is an impressive tangle whipping around your head in the breeze. When you lay eyes on the wrecked Super Cub you let out a shriek.
Bucky freezes in place, his eyes wide and every muscle tensed in anxiety.
“You gotta be shittin’ me,” he mumbles under his breath. 
Clint eyes him accusingly. He is never going to hear the end of this…
You stand there looking down at your ruined bike and thinking about all the adventures you’d planned to have with her. You were going to take her to Coney Island...Rockaway beach...maybe even take a road trip to the Berkshires… Your poor sweet Cubby didn’t ask for this!
“You!” you snarl, marching up to Bucky with your hands on your hips. “Why is it always you!? Do you have it out for me or something?”
Clint snorts and mutters, “He’s got somethin’ for you…”
“SHUT UP!” you and Bucky both yell simultaneously.
You turn back to Bucky and arch your brow in expectation, “Well?”
The super-spy ex-assassin Avenger stumbles over his words, “I--uh, well...I didn’t mean...I didn’t know it was--”
“Didn’t know it was ME?” you finish for him with renewed fury. “Bucky! You can’t just go around shoving people off their motorcycles!”
“‘S hardly a motorcycle…,” he mumbles angrily. “More of a scooter if anything.”
“You! You...ugh!” you fall on him in a flurry of practically useless punches aimed at his chest. Bucky stands there looking bemused as you rain down fury with your tiny fists on his solid, immovable muscles.
“Hey!” Clint shouts in an excellent approximation of a frustrated dad voice. “Enough! Don’t do a hit on Bucky! That’s not nice.”
He puts his arms around you from behind and drags you away from the super soldier who looks--infuriatingly--unscathed. 
“But he stole my bike and wrecked it!” you whine, finally going limp and dropping from Clint’s hold.
Clint rolls his eyes to the sky like a martyr. 
“And do two wrongs make a right, young lady?”
“Pshh,” you scoff, shaking your head and leaning over your bike to check the saddle bag. You flip it open to find that the box containing your cherry pie has been pulverized and…
The next morning you’re awoken by the cacophony of sounds coming from the alleyway behind the building. It sounds like Monty Python building the frickin’ Trojan Rabbit. You growl and roll out of bed, falling to the floor and catching yourself on your bandaged hands, cursing at the stinging pain.
“Stupid…’vengers...think they can do whatever they want...just cuz they save the world sometimes…” you’re muttering under your breath as you stagger to your feet and pull the cord on your blinds to look out your bedroom window. 
The door to the supply shed is open and two guys are bent over your wrecked bike. You throw the window open in an instant and climb out onto the fire escape.
“Hey!” you bellow. “Uh--stop! That’s my bike! I know the Avengers, buds! And I can have them down here so fast--”
The two men crane their necks to look up at you. One of them is wearing a welding mask but the other one is definitely--
He looks up at you with a sheepish smile and gives a little wave with his metal hand.
“Hey, Kit Kat…” he greets and you frown in confusion until you look down and realize you’re wearing a baggy nightshirt you’d got at Hershey Park. It’s emblazoned with the Kit Kat logo. Even from two stories up you can see the gleam of humor in his eyes. You can also see...a lot more. He’s wearing a black tank top that shows off his impossibly toned shoulders and back. Your brain short circuits momentarily as you rake your eyes down his form. 
The man beside him flips up the mask and you see he’s an older guy with a sharp goatee. 
“Are we taking a social break or are we getting to work, Barnes? You know I gave up brunch to do this for you. Brunch,” the man voice drips with sarcasm.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright, Tony,” Bucky shakes his head and turns back to the bike. 
Wait, Tony as in--?
“Hey!” you call down and Bucky lifts his head up to lock eyes with you. How can those blue eyes still have so much power from so far away?? “You still owe me for the library books!”
Bucky laughs and turns back to the bike.
“I mean it! I have a clean library record, Bucky! I’m gonna have fines!”
“Don’t push it, doll!” he calls as Tony ignites the blow torch.
A week later you scoot up to the curb on a side street near the Bedford Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. Cubby has been restored to her former glory thanks to Bucky and Tony’s loving care and you give her an affectionate pat as you dismount and walk down the street toward the squat, brick library building. There may be grander libraries in New York but this is your neighborhood branch and it feels like home. You mutter and shake your head at the prospect of having to pay replacement fines for the books that Bucky ruined.
The librarian behind the desk is about your age with dyed bright red hair and a sleeve of tattoos that look like children’s book illustrations. Cool. 
“Hey--um,” you roll your eyes in irritation at yourself. “I have to pay some replacement fees? I kind of...got cherry pie all over some books.”
The librarian laughs good-naturedly and pulls up your account on her computer. She asks you for the titles and frowns at her screen. 
“Looks like...yeah--they’ve already been paid for,” she tells you with a shrug. “Guess you have a mysterious benefactor.”
You smile faintly and shake your head. Mysterious, my ass. You thank her and you’re about to leave when she stops you. 
“Do you want to pick up your hold?”
You don’t remember putting anything on hold...but you’ve had occasional bouts of late-night enthusiasm that resulted in excessive library catalog searches, maybe you forgot...
“Uh...sure,” you say and watch as she disappears into an office behind the circulation desk.
She returns a few minutes later with a slim paperback volume in her hands. She scans the barcode and slips the receipt into the book.
“Enjoy!” she says with a smile and you thank her once again. 
You glance down at the cover as you’re walking out and you let out a bark of laughter even as irritation spikes behind your eyes. 
“Motorcycle Safety: Basics for Beginners”
Bucky Frickin’ Barnes...
Tags: @watsonwise​ 
A/N: “Don’t do a hit on Bucky”-- yes that was a McElroy reference. 
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reginaldqueribundus · 5 years
what even is smash bros
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I don’t play much video games but Super Smash Bros. is fascinating to me because it’s a fighting game but the roster is this nutty mishmash of bounty hunters, furries, JRPG protagonists and cartoon characters, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate just takes the frickin cake:
a plumber, his brother, their pet dinosaur, a gorilla in a necktie, a boxer, psychic children, mountain climbers, an astronaut and his sentient plant slaves, adorable robots, Anime Harry Potter, a farting biker, the same plumber but in doctor cosplay, two vampire hunters and a yoga instructor, CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER
an oddly high number of royalty??
said royalty includes multiple princesses, an alternate version of one of the princesses dressed as a male ninja, more than one reptile, and a giant penguin wrestler
not one but two inflatable pink marshmallows
like, so many Fire Emblem characters
squid-people who are just, like, really good at paintball
guy who just stands in the background and makes you fight his pet turtle
three whole space furries with laser guns
a two-dimensional LCD stickman whose finishing move is turning into a gigantic octopus
fucking Pac-Man???
multiple characters are evil versions of other characters
multiple characters are dads of other characters
Link can fight his nemesis, his girlfriend, his girlfriend’s secret identity, and two different versions of himself, all at the same time
psychic wolf, karate frog and Sonic the goddamned Hedgehog are in the same game as a fire-breathing space dragon, a genetically engineered assassin-soldier and a sexy witch with gun shoes
a game where a baseball bat is more powerful than a heat-seeking missile and you can survive a collision with the moon but get killed by a soccer ball
the strongest character is John Cena’s fursona (plus his dick is on fire?)
also I’m pretty certain Captain Falcon is actually All Might’s race car driver OC
watch the cloned psionic Ultimate Life Form still lose the fight because an adorable dog built a house around him
a dog with a duck on his ass can beat up Dracula
oh my god, a monkey in a baseball cap just hit Ryu from Street Fighter with a lightsaber, there’s a giant puppy blocking the camera and Cloud Strife just killed Pikachu with a banana, what is this game
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Hi! I've read a bunch of your HCs and I've been so frickin' scared to ask my own, cuz like, why would mine matter over all the mostly much better you get by the minute lol... I wanna ask now though.. What's it like hanging with Skull's blasters? I love the idea of them being just like him: Tough Exterior, Soft Interior™ And I'm really sorry if this is dumb!
Hi!! Don’t worry, it’s not dumb. Sorry it took me so long to get round to it, I had some late worknights and I couldn’t sit down long enough to get to my asks.
His blasters are like giant floating puppies. They each have a distinct personality- but they all roughly respond to Skull’s magic, so they share his instinctual likes and dislikes to a certain degree. They can’t talk as their jaws simply aren’t made for speaking but despite their dog-like nature they’re actually highly intelligent. They’re gigantic, bony, cuddly with Mc and beyond protective of her. So yeah. Just like Skull.
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mactuna · 5 years
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔒𝔫𝔢 ~ 𝔍𝔞𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔫
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Word Count: 1.87 K
Genre: fluff
Summary: jaemin finally settles for the one <3
"nA jAeMiN, they are not just old ladies!"
Jaemin was driving the two of you to the nursing home that was like, three blocks away from the SME building that you two worked at. If he hadn't been the one driving, you would've most likely thrown a chicken bone at his adorablely cute face. Without any regrets.
"You'll see when we get there."
By the time you arrived, the head nurse had already gotten out all of the porcelain plates that you would be decorating today.
"Y/N!! Is that the boyfriend you've been telling us about???”
"He is so handsome!!"
"I think he is a good match for our dear Y/N, right?"
Your face was literally the equivalent of the surface of a tomato and you desperately hid your face in Jaemin's shirt while he just laughed at you.
"Oh? She talks about me? What does she say about me?"
"Darling, she's head over heels for you! You two are so cute together!!"
"Stay like that and I'll take a picture for your wedding day!!"
By then, you couldn't even bear to move your head away from him because it was so embarrassingly red and you knew that frickin' Jaemin would be slightly pink at best with his classic cheesy smile.
These old ladies were no longer old ladies, but old-looking high schoolers now. And this had their full attention.
"Did you get her a ring?!!"
"Are you going to get married abroad?!!"
"Oh no, do the fans know?!!"
"It must be so hard to date an idol..."
Finally, you mustered up the courage to break away and held up your hands in surrender.
And thankfully, these halmeonis were very easily distracted, but one sat in her wheelchair staring at the boy.
I could've sworn I saw him at the jewelry shop yesterday when I was shopping with Chaeyoung....?
The two of you busied yourselves with getting them situated at the giant table with their little porcelain plates, paint, and cups of water.
"Y/N-ah!! Can you help me paint a cherry blossom tree please?"
It took every ounce of you to not groan out loud. Ms. Taemi had been a real pain in the butt since the very beginning and nothing you did ever seemed to make her happy. And today wasn't an exception.
Her yelling took you by surprise, nearly causing you to drop the plate.
"Ms. Taemi? What's wrong?"
"You! You painted this completely wrong and it looks so ugly! I'll just do it myself, hmph!"
All you could was bow and hand her the plate back.
"I'm sorry Ms. Taemi, I promise I'll try harder next time."
"If I have my way, there won't be a next time!"
This whole time, Jaemin had been helping Ms. Hyemin, who was literally an angel. But the two of them were staring in awe at you. The look of annoyance on your face was so obvious, but yet, you spoke so softly.
Wow.... what did I do to deserve her?
To say he was proud was a severe understatement. It was just such a proud papa moment, even though he was your boyfriend. Everyone who knew you back in high school knew how hard you'd had it, shaping you into the cold-hearted princess of the school. But when you met Jaemin? Your shell completely melted and your bitchy self became one of the sweetest girls anyone had ever met.
Still smiling, he watched as you just went to help someone else. But all the other halmeonies were just not having it. Whatsoever.
"Yah, how can you speak to our Y/N like that?!"
"She tried so hard but you are so ungrateful!!”
"That flower is absolutely beautiful!"
"How does she even deal with you?!!"
Ms. Taemi just hmph!ed and wheeled her way over to the snack table. That's when Jaemin felt the tug on his arm and found Ms. Hyemin beaming at him with that all-knowing granny look.
"You really love her, don't you? Just look at your smile.."
He was usually the cool one who acted so nonchalant about these things, but now he was an absolutely nervous trainwreck.
"I do, I really really do."
"And you know how lucky you are to have her?"
"Yes ma'am."
This was basically the equivalent of meeting the parents, because Y/N had basically been raised in this nursing home after being the sole survivor of a car crash with her parents and little brother. Meaning, Jaemin was literally about to have a heart attack.
"Aigoo... the look in your eyes... the love that you have for her is so obvious I want to cry! You better take good care of her Jaemin-ah or this entire nursing home will come after you."
"I will!"
And that was just the beginning of the interrogation.
"What if she gets sick? Will you be able to cook and take care of her?"
"What if she gets pregnant? Will you love the child unconditionally?"
"What if she gets in a car accident? Will you still tell her she's beautiful?"
"What if someone else hit on her? What would you do?"
"How far are you willing to go to protect her?”
By then, you had left the room to prep their rooms for naptime. Which basically meant that you left Jaemin to suffer his interrogation alone. Clearing his throat nervously, he answered the question with obvious love and admiration for you in his shining eyes.
"I will do anything for her, even if it hurts me."
Squealing, Ms. Hyemin wheeled herself over to the gaggle of halmeonis, whispering excitedly. And just like that, everyone exploded.
"You two remind me of me and my husband!!"
"When are you getting married? Can I please come??"
"Are you planning to have kids?"
"You're right!! They both have good looks and cute personalities!"
"Jaemin-ah, kiss her before you leave please!!"
By then, you had walked out in utter confusion to find the poor blushing boy amongst the snoopy halmeonis who could not help but be so excited for their adopted granddaughter.
"Y/N-ah!! COME HERE!! It's good luck for your elders to bless you before getting married!!"
What the heck is going on?
You looked at Jaemin, who just shrugged his shoulders at you. As if to say,
I don't know what they're talking about either, babe
But let's be real here. The sneaky halmeonis have absolutely no idea if the whole good luck thing was true. They just knew that the two of you were the sweetest couple ever and it was like watching a drama when you two kissed. Why? Jaemin made it as dramatic and princely as he could.
Putting his hands on your waist, you couldn't do anything as you just stared at the floor in embarrassment.
Why can't his face be as red as mine, dammit?!! With an angelic touch of his finger, he gently tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes.
"Embarrassed... are we?"
"Just... just shut up!!"
He just giggled a bit, loving how he was able to melt you into this bubbly, hot mess in a matter of seconds. Then again, he knew he was absolutely whipped for you, so... But of course.... cue in the halmeonis.
"YAH!! Let the poor boy live!!"
This whole time you kept staring at the floor, thoroughly annoyed with Jaemin being completely unaffected by the halmeonis' endless teasing. But you knew that he was totally whipped for you too.
So why not use it to your advantage for once?
Sticking out your bottom lip, you wrapped your arms around his neck with the saddest puppy look you could manage. Needless to say, this was not your thing so whenever you did it, Jaemin literally went into cardiac arrest every time.
"Nana~ why won't you kiss me~?"
But Jaemin was largely unaffected on the outside, just a tad pink. Why? He was a total flirt with the NCTzens and when one of them decided to be a little feisty... he knew how to use fire against fire.
"Angel, you never need to ask if you want me to kiss you~"
Of course he knew how much you hated how unaffected he appeared with your little quips. But on the inside. Oh honey, it's a wholeass zoo in there. Smiling at you, he pressed his lips gently to yours, lingering there for a hot second before pulling away to smile at you. Frowning, you gently forced his chin down to kiss you again.
His lips moved smoothly against yours, nipping ever so gently at ypur lips, but couldn't do anymore since y'all had a combusting audience behind you.
"Ok, time to go home!!"
Giggling and semi-unaware of how tickled pink you were, he opened the door for you, bowing.
"My prince?"
But as soon as you were clear of the door, he picked you up bridal-style and ran all the way to the cover. Giggling the whole time.
"nA jAeMiN!! Put me down!!"
Smirking, he sat you down in the passenger seat, pulling the seatbelt over you before placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"I love you angel~"
"And I love you nana~"
All giddy and tingly, he skipped his way to the driver's seat and y'all drove home, with the old ladies hooting and cheering for you. Before it was reduced to fits of heaving coughs and sneezes. Damn allergies.
By the time y'all got back to the SME building, you were dead asleep with your hair slightly messy from the open window. Yet you were the most beautiful being that Na Jaemin had ever set eyes on.
"Angel, I can't wait until I can ask you to marry me~"
Knowing that almost nothing else would wake you up, he stuck his head through the car window and placed his lips on yours. Although still sleepy, you returned the kiss, cupping his face with your tiny hands.
Embarrassed as hell, you clambered out of the car but if anything? Jaemin was the proudest guy in the world to show you off. Especially to his friends. Picking you up bridal-style, he pecked your lips again.
And the last that was ever heard of Jisung or Chenle again was a whole lot of high-pitched screaming.
"HYUNGGGGG~~~!! WHY~~~?!!!!"
Laughing, Mark, Renjun, Haechan, and Jeno clapped and hollered.
Done with your humiliation for today, you playfully slapped his chest.
"Why do you keep embarrassing me~~?!!"
"I'll stop being embarrassing when you stop being so cute~!"
Jaemin, 4 vs Y/N, 0. Dammit.
Anyway, this was Jaemin on the inside....
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theadventurousllama · 5 years
Why Wayne (2019) Was So Good!
This show was… EVERYTHING! I can’t stop thinking about it. I used my YouTube premium trial for this show and binged it all in less than a day.
Here’s why it affected me so much, because I need to talk about this.
1. Wayne is an adorable cinnamon roll who can, and will, kick butt if and when he has to. That in and of itself is a MOOD!
2. I know the writers who wrote Deadpool also wrote this, which is what made me interested in the first place, but Wayne and Wade have SO many similarities. Deadpool is one of the most complex characters I’ve ever read/watched before. And Wayne is almost as complex. Both are typically characterized by others as the bad guy but we see, as the viewers, that they are just doing what no one else has the guts to do, the right thing. They are antiheros, and I love that. So for anyone who also loves Deadpool, and you haven’t seen Wayne yet, please do. 
3. Wayne is, in my opinion, a Hufflepuff. I can see some Gryffindor, but no, Hufflepuff. I know, silly observation, but I just, AGH! He’s an adorable, bada** Hufflepuff! 
4. The violence in the show was creative! Like it wasn’t the typical “I’m gonna threaten this guy with a gun or a knife, or even a bat.” No. This kid is using gnomes on a chain, a mini hammer fueled by a giant magnet, frickin snow! It’s so creative and fresh, leaving you on the edge of your seat every second of every episode!
5. It really highlighted modern day issues and showed just how bad some of these things are today. From the first episode we see a rundown school and bullying, adolescent violence, and poverty that actually affect schools all across America and the world. They brought up immigration issues, LGBT struggles, female struggles, and so much more. The show is woke, and I love it!
6. Also, can we talk about how Orlando saw past that one girl’s head gear and saw her beauty? Like that was so sweet. High school can be such an awful place, and it looked that that school was one of the worst, so I can only imagine how insecure she could’ve felt having to wear that in such a toxic place, not that she should’ve felt insecure it’s just that’s how kids at that age are, but he showed her kindness and that was so sweet! Honestly Orlando was just a cinnamon roll. I loved his character.
7. Del was a force to be reckoned with. Again, a complex, amazing character who definitely demonstrated that she was not a side kick. Like, talk about female role models. I love when shows have young female characters that are unafraid to be exactly who they are. And usually when a show has an unusual character, the love interest is the one who maybe wants to change the other for the better? Yeah no, not here. Del and Wayne both truly like each other for who they are, not what they could be. And yes, Wayne is shown saving Del multiple times in multiple ways, but she in no way needs him to be her rescuer. She is not the stereotypical damsel in distress. She saves Wayne just as much, if not more than he saves her. They are equals and I love seeing that in shows.
8. If you liked End of the F***ing World, then this is going to be your new favorite. It took everything that I loved about the other show and blended it perfectly into this American story. It obviously has the slow burn theme, the long adventurous road trip where they both grow into themselves for the better, the chaos, the comedy. UGH! So good!
9. Can we talk about how realistic the Principal was throughout the story? Like this is just a real man, going through real-life problems and real-life sh*t, and he takes it, complains a bit, and then makes do. He never wanted to be a hero, he’s just a man, trying to do his best to better the lives of the troubled kids that he has to deal with and he ends up becoming one. Plus, he saved that puppy with his own teeth! So precious!
10. I have to bring up the friendship again. It’s honestly so pure. Wayne went to so many stores to get tampons for Del. So many! And when he got back to see she had left the bathroom, he sat and waited for her. It reminded me again of The End of the F***ing World, and it just melted my heart. This kid is too cute! And the number of times they just, connected. That silent agreement that they were in it together. And the school dance!!! Ahh so cute! He actually did that! OMG! 
10. The mushroom pizza! AWWWW! 
11. The fact that Wayne has a thing with smells, so cute!
12. When his mom took him shopping, his nature was so shy and happy and UGH
Now I’m just raving about Wayne. But seriously, this show was amazing! I highly recommend it!
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icarusatmidnight · 6 years
Oh gosh, asks definitely coming your way for this one! For Olea and Thyme, #s 4, 10, and 19. And for you, #22 and 29. (Let me know if you want more asks and I'll send one for the other two, too!)
:D!!! Thank you so much for these and sorry it took a bit of time for me respond. I kinda went overboard with ninety percent of the questions. ^^;; For anyone curious, the questions are from this ask game too~ It’s cute, so reblog it and have fun!
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other? 
Thyme would die for Oleander’s smile and his tooth gap, oh my god!! I will never be able to stress this enough. Thyme always has had a thing for teeth but he really digs people who have imperfect teeth, like crooked ones and teeth gaps and the like, especially when they smile all bright too. Oleander isn’t honestly much into bright smiles, but he smirks like a goddamn boss and his tooth gap just peeks out and it kills Thyme every time. It’s goddamn beautiful & he will fight everyone who says otherwise! o:
And I wanna say ‘awkward natural charm’ for Oleander because he’s kinda endlessly fascinated by the way Thyme holds himself. But! I’ll go with his eyes for Olea because he dearly loves Thyme’s mismatched eyes too. He has one albino pink eye and the other is this deep dark brown color but unless it’s during one of the Icarus meetings, he tends to cover up as his pink eye. It’s one of the signs of his burn. But Oleander thinks they look so frickin’ cool! *o*!! Even putting colors aside, Thyme is just so expressive and bright and it definitely carries into his eyes effortlessly too, all that love and warmth and joy. You can just see the whole of the universe within them and it’s a crime that he tries to hide them behind contracts and dark sunglasses.
Like Oleander knows that Thyme is uncomfortable showing them at times and he definitely respects that, but he also really wants to burn all the sunglasses that boy owns. >:(! Your eyes and existence are beautiful, Thyme, deal with it!
10. Do they have pet names for each other?
Haha! They should have pet names but not really?? Oleander isn’t much of a nickname person in general and Thyme is so a ‘romantically calls you dude, platonically calls you babe’ kind-of guy. I think if they ever stumbled over a set of names, they’d be ridiculous and semi-ironic. 
Sugarpop would be a good one though. o:
19. Describe how they communicate.
TT___TT!! This is my favorite question, ngl, and I might’ve gone overboard answering it.
Okay! At a glance, it probably would seem like they’d be complete shit at communicating at first, just given how much they differ in their styles. Oleander is sarcastic and blunt and a bit callous at times, and he does his absolute best to keep everything on a surface level. He’d much rather be thought of as shallow then to let people see his depth without his permission. Thyme instead is stupidly sincere, absolutely wears his heart on his style and is sympathetic towards people, all people even ones he’s just met. He has …kinda puppy-dog tendencies with how affectionate he’ll be around people too.
Buuuut! they’re actually really open with each other and get along amazingly well. Part of this is because like, while Olea is pretty blunt, he’s definitely not tactless. He knows when to shut up and likewise with Thyme, he knows when not to push and when to tone down a bit. They’re also both giant frickin’ dorks?? Like I also can not stress how much of their time they spend just like, sending each other stupid jokes and even dumber memes. So much time!! Is Spent!! Doing this!! Like Kingcup starts a little group chat for them all after Thyme joins Icarus so they can talk easier outside of meetings ( like ‘hey, I won’t be able to make it tonight’ and junk like that). But Olea and Thyme just ruined it~~ instantly~~ with the memes~~ She refuses to ever open it up again because it’s just nonsense and stupidity and that’s fine when it’s just Olea but not when it’s the two of them. :’l
And when they stop joking around to have a more serious talk, their differences actually help put them both at ease. Oleander doesn’t mind Thyme’s touchy-feely nature but when he’s talking about the past, it doesn’t do him any good to have that extra stimulation. And Thyme totally gets and respects that, so he’ll pull back until Olea is okay again, offering him a shit ton of emotional support in the process. And when it’s Thyme’s time to trudge through the muck, Oleander’s composed nature is kinda life-savior. Thyme has a lot of emotional support if he needs it, but having someone just let him vent?? With absolutely no judgement?? He definitely wants that more than another dose of empathy. Olea also makes an effort to be more physical too, mostly just like holding his hand or laying his head on his shoulder but that little extra presence helps let Thyme he isn’t alone, you know? 
Sooooo. That’s kinda them in a rambly nutshell, lots of silly joking about and doing their bests to be there for each other in their own ways when the other needs it. /thumbs up
22. From the outside looking in, what is their dynamic like? 
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^^^ It them.
Okay! They’re friends. They’re definitely idiots in love. They joke around like loons until shit gets real, then they try to do their best to make the other one happy again. One of my favorite aspects of their dynamic though is how they seem like two halfs in a whole, but aren’t. Oleander is drawn to Thyme’s joyous ray of sunshine aura, but he’s also an extremely guilt-ridden Stepford Smiler with serious anxieties. Thyme has major heart eyes over Oleander’s unflappable rock act but it’s really just an act. He’s really unsure on even what he is, let alone who, and that’s dangerous line of thought of a kid who’s not entirely of the natural world. So, he just… pretends.
It’s really fun writing them learning more about each other and that not much changing their opinions. Oleander still likes Thyme’s need to bring a little extra joy into the world and Thyme loves how absolutely resolute Oleander is. It’s same things just in a new light~
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them?
All of them!! ;;v;;!! I get really distracted writing them at times because I just wanna write all the scenes with them and let them be happy and sad and desperate and in love. I just really love them both, especially together.
But~ One of my favorite talkable moments in one of the first ones I kinda ever wrote for them, I guess?? Back in the early days when Icarus was just a weirdo book club, Kingcup and this other member of their club were debating over magic theories, as you do, and in the background Thyme and Oleander were just fuckin’ around, chucking stupid candy hearts each other.
They were supposed to be like a little bit of background favor but I just really really loved them in that moment. They were dorky and darling and that’s pretty much when I started shipping them. I really adored the idea of Oleander (who’d been around sullenly for years at that point) having this cute dorky boyfriend he can just screw around and be like an actual …kid with, and Thyme changed from this sarcastic bad boy to my little sunshine hopepunk nerd and I couldn’t be happier with that! 
The moment still exists in the story because I basically refuse to give up them being dorks. It’s too endearing to me~
And thank you again for the questions!!
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artaelyn · 3 years
BEHEGDJDHD I left my bedroom to go get water n I came back n from the darkness heard this deep, lonely sigh n it scared me so bad but it was just my dog. Help I love her but she is a pain sometimes BEURGDJSBDM scared me. SO BAD.
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This is a rlly bad picture of her from earlier btw :] she is the baby. She is very dorky n so frickin cute!! Her social skills w/ other dogs are like. .5/5 stars but with peopel she is a littol angel <333 Everytime we leave for more than 5 minutes she goes crazy when we get back. She jumps a lot n it’s so cute!!! When she’s let into the backyard as I unlock the door she kind of lowers herself into a pounce position n then as soon as it’s opened she is SPEEED. she races down the steps then runs until she gets to this giant pile of soil n barkchips then she LEAPS into the air, her paws outstretched. :]]
She has this “muffin mouth” as I call it (I also call her a muffinhead becuz of BadBoyHalo) basically her jowls get stuck on her teeth n get a lil poofy because of it, sometimes it’s on,y one side n she looks confused becuz usually when that happens she tilts her head to the side. Also when she does the muffin mouth her bottom teeth stick out a bit which is rlly funny, n sometimes her tongue will be in a littol blep it’s so cute
I miss my old dog though. I don’t really remember her very well but her name was Corabell n she was an Aussie Shepherd!!! My bestie always called her a sausage n she was!! So wiggly! Becuz yknow they like. Chop off their tails or somthing but since she didn’t have much of a tail to wag she’d just shake her whole butt. She had this SUUUPER loud bark n we always got her a hedgehog squeaky toy for Christmas. She didn’t get along too well with other dogs either but!! My grandparents dog Russ (who sadly passed as well) n her were besties. Everytime we went to their farm they woudl play the whole time!!
Now my grandparents have a puppy named Dutch n he is!! Such a sweetheart! The sweetest lil guy. He’s got this biigggg swooshy tail n he’s super friendly and cuddly. He somehow always gets Rosie sopping wet (he splashes her with water from his bowl n his kiddie pool. Also slobbers over her ears becuz that’s his (play) fighting technique, he'll just latch onto her ears)
My cousins just visited for Thanksgiving n they brought their dogs, Poppy & Hamish. Poppy is a Shiba Inu n she pretends to not notice you but she loves attention. She also looks for gifts for u when u first arrive it’s rlly cute! She also destroys ping pong balls.
Hamish, idk what breed he is but he’s HUUUGE n floofy!!!! He attacked me w/ a sock once hehe he is very slobbery but also a snugglebug. I adore big dogs they r so sweet <33 he tries to swipe food off the table with his tail (or so I’ve been told) I love himb so much!! I only get to see him and Poppy like once a year :((
My Nana and Pa also have a cat!!! Her name is Button she is black with yellow eyes :D I named her becuz she was “cute as a button” which is true! Whenever we visit I’m her favourite I think :]] she is very independent but ever since my dad installed a greenhouse she has been seen more often (it is warm in there!) she always sits up when I enter and leans into my arm when I give her scritches n pets. She also drools and purrs <333 my brother wanted to name her Shadow and I remember being so defiant like “no no! Her name is Button ://“
My Grandma and Grandpa used to have a cat idk how to spell her name but she was Siamese and literally didn’t like anyone besides Grandpa n my brother. Probably becuz all us kids were super young n always tried to look for her, I remember shining a flashlight under my grandparents bed to try to find her. I also remember when we visited them in California that I’d make my brother go out the room in the morning first because I was scared of her. I miss California :(( I was too young to fully enjoy Disneyland but I do remember the Winnie The Pooh ride being a favourite! And Eeyore gave me a flower once :]]] I love Eeyore
I should probably stop ranting or I’ll just keep going :/
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You Can’t Be Serious
Title: You Can’t Be Serious
Word Count: 1453
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean
Warning: language, mild fluff, mentions of homosexuality (no hate), sexual implications
A/N: This is my entry for the lovely Beka’s (@impala-dreamer) Titles Are Hard Challenge. I had so many ideas that it was difficult to choose one! But I’ve finally made up my mind! I hope it sends a little giggle your way! If not, I am sorry. Regardless, I had fun writing this piece! My prompt was, You Can’t Be Serious.
Disclaimer: Gif is not mine.
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“Oh, c’mon! Think of it as a challenge!” You shouted into the phone as the hunter on the other end hung up on you. “Ugh! There has to be someone!” You groaned, hitting your head on the table with frustration.  “Ow.”
“Hey, what’s going on in here?” Dean walked in, taking the seat across from you.
“Nothing,” you mumbled.
“Well it doesn’t sound like nothing.”
“It’s nothing that you should concern yourself with.”
“What is it?”
“Don’t worry about it,” you grumbled, picking your head back up and staring at the older Winchester.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me,” he asserted, crossing his arms over his chest and lifting his feet onto the table. You rolled your eyes knowing this was not a battle you were going to win, but you kept silent when a brilliant plan popped into your head. You’d lose this battle but you could win this oncoming war.
If you were to tell Dean what kind of hunt it was, he would definitely turn it down just like the others. But if you could sucker him in, along with Sam, the case would be a piece of cake… ish. Vetala’s were pretty strong, but nothing like two giant tough guys couldn’t handle. The only question left was how where you going to get the guys to say yes?
“Look, you and Sam wouldn’t be able to handle it. I already know you guys,” you stated.
“What can’t we handle?” Sam asked as he walked in. Bingo. Winchester number two was now in the picture. That was easier than you thought. It was as if things were going to fall into place, but it was too soon to tell.
“Y/N here thinks we can’t handle a case,” Dean grunted.
“You do know who we are right?” Sam questioned, taking a seat next to his brother.
“We’ve fought all kinds of freaks!” Dean reminded.
“Oh, I know you guys could handle it, but I also know you guys wouldn’t be able to pull it off. This is a special case and you boys don’t make the cut,” you sneered. You were trying to put some reverse psychology on the line, hopping you’d eventually catch your prize. Dean would definitely be the one to cave first. No one challenged his pride.
“Y/N, stop being silly. Tell us what it is. I’m sure Dean and I could do it,” Sam retorted.
“I know that you could do it, but I also know you won’t. It’s pretty unconventional compared to our other hunts so I know you guys wouldn’t do it.”
“Wanna bet?” Dean offered. His eyes stern and challenging.
“A bet? You can’t be serious?” You deadpanned. They were nibbling on the bait now.
“Think you’ll lose?” Sam teased.
“Oh, you Winchesters don’t even know what you would be getting yourself into,” you shook your head with mischief.
“Bring it on,” Dean cooed.
“Well… it’s a vetala attack.”
“Vetala’s? Seriously? Sam and I have dealt with those kinds before. And with Sam by my side, we can easily wipe them out.”
“Sure, you say that now! These are male vetalas. They’re stronger than the females you fought.”
“Sweetheart, do we have to remind you of who we are?”
“Yeah Y/N, we’ve fought a lot worse,” Sam added.
“You guys aren’t listening to what I am saying. Yes, I understand that you’ve fought bigger and badder things, but what I am actually saying is that you guys are NOT going to want to take this case,” you reiterated.
“Why?” It was a simple question, but a question you weren’t ready to answer. They guys hadn’t said yes yet. They weren’t on the hook.
“Fine,” you started, in attempt to changed subtopic. “You want to make a bet, let’s make a bet!” You instigated. Dean and Sam shared a look, matching smug smirks gracing their face.
“Only if you’re sure about this.” They were giving you an out, but you weren’t backing down.
“If you are, then I am,” you grinned inwardly. The Winchesters may be strong and pretty damn smart, but they weren’t as smart and manipulating as you. And although manipulating friends isn’t what friends should do, those motherfuckers were trying to do the same. You knew what they wanted. They were going to make me their maid! It’s always the same thing.
“Alright, let’s talk stakes,” the green-eyes hunter wiggled his eyebrows, causing you to roll your eyes in response. He was one cocky son of a bitch, but you knew you would be having the last laugh.
“Let me guess, you guys want me to do your chores for a month?” It was always the same.
“Yeah, and…” you raised an eyebrow at the sudden change. They usually never stray from just chores.
“And?” Even Sam was a little thrown off, but there was something in his eyes. It looked like fear with a hint of warning. “Dean?” he called his brother warily.
“And you go on a date with little, big, Sammy here.” He grinned, eyebrows dancing and eyes twinkling with fulfillment. Your cheeks went a little red, embarrassed about the proposition he laid on the table.
“Dean!” Sam yelled, his eyes wide. “Y/N, you don’t have to do that,” Sam smiled nervously.
Not wanting to lose that opportunity of going on a date with your secret crush, you did the only thing that you could. “Deal.” Seal the deal. Make the bait a little more alluring.
“What?” Sam seemed shocked. “Really? You’d go on a date with me?” He chirped, seeming a little too excited. “I-I mean, we don’t have to call it a date, it could just be two friends hanging out,” he tried to act cool, but was failing miserably. He could be such a dork sometimes. Dean watched on, satisfied with his negotiations. “It’s a date,” you winked over at Sam who smiled widely.
“And what about us?” Dean asked.
“Well… if you guys back down from the hunt before or during, you play my slave for a month!” A smug look creeped its way onto your face, implying that you’d make their lives a living hell for the month.
Dean let out a loud snort. “Sweetheart, we never back down. You enjoy doing our chores, and you can thank me later for that date with my sweet baby brother over here,” Dean patted Sam on the shoulder.
“Dean, can you just shut up already?” Sam hissed thoroughly embarrassed by his brothers coaxing.
“He’s a Winchester, which means EVERYTHING is…” Dean didn’t finish his sentence, instead wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Dean! That’s it. I’m leaving!” Sam jumped from his seat and marched out of the room, face red as a cherry.
You and Dean looked at each other before laughing.
“Sammy!” You shouted. “I haven’t told you about the hunt yet, get back over here!” Not long after Sam trudged back in looking completely defeated. You held in the giggle that desperately wanted to slip out. He just looked so adorable, like a puppy that got in trouble for biting on the sofa. “Have a seat Sam.”
“Okay, lay it on us,” Sam sighed.
“First off, do we have a deal?” You asked.
“We have a deal,” Dean affirmed. You smirked inwardly. You had just hooked the Winchesters.
“Okay. With the bets set in place and our agreement confirmed, this is a vetala case. Two males preying on other men… specifically.”
Dean and Sam sent each other confused looks. “Okay,” Dean trailed, wanting more information.
“They seem to have a taste for… gay couples.” And there it was. The reason why no other male hunter would take the job, and why female hunters couldn’t.
“You can’t be serious?!” Dean and Sam gawked in unison. They had no problems with gay people or anyone, but the fact that they were brothers was the only thing that sent shivers down their spines the wrong way.
“Should I call you slave 1 and slave 2? Or would it be okay to just call you Squirrel and Moose?” You smirked, taunting them.
“Screw this! We can do this!” Dean declared, shooting up from his seat and pounding his fist on the table. “You’re doing our chores for a month and going on that date with Sam!” Dean spat before walking off.
“No. No, no. No. Dean! I don’t want to play your boyfriend! Gross!” Sam shouted, following Dean in hopes he’d change his mind.
You sat in the library more than satisfied at the success of your plan. You were a frickin’ genius! Sure, doing their chores is gonna suck, but you came out with a date and people were being saved.
“Sweet, sweet victory,” you chanted to yourself.
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writers-leir · 7 years
the long-awaited (???) college junhui has arrived!!!
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majors in dance
minors in acting
it was a complete mess when he was trying to decide which one to major in and which one to minor in
but he doesn’t regret his decision AT ALL
as much as he loves acting,,,,,,,,,dancing has more of a special spot inside his heart
since he was such a good student a lot of his friends expected him to go into like more,,,,,,,,science or math-y stuff,,,,,
but he was like nah i like dancing and acting
he met fellow dance major soonyoung in one of his classes and they were pretty much top 2 for the year
eventually, him, soonyoung, minghao, and chan formed a little group where they enter in lowkey dance competitions or just go dancing on the streets (minghao was pretty excited about that)
and it’s cute because they have a fanbase already (basically the entire population of the school)
and it’s even CUTER because they even have a name for the fanbase and they’re just a group of cuties who can dance really well honestly
they even have a website now and it’s approved by the school and i’m not saying he did but soonyoung totally designed the entire website by himself because he got so excited (and then he got yelled at by chan and minghao the next day because they were like!!!!!!!we wanted to help too!!! while junhui was just like lol,,,,,,,,,)
you happen to be the official photographer for the team
you don’t even know how it happened like they were accepting emails from people with photos that they took to see who they’d hire
and your friend apparently thought you were an amazing photographer (which you politely disagreed a few times but gave up eventually)
basically, your friend sent an email with your information + some photos that you took and they were like!!! ok yes we want this person
and you got a text message during your 20-minute lunch break saying that the little group of four dancers wanted to meet you regarding photographs and stuff
and you were like uhM???????i didn’t apply though and your friend was like DO IT
you ended up arranging a meeting with them in a small cafe
and of course they were like bring your camera!!! and you were just like ok,,,,,,,,,,,,
and tBH you feel as if they could literally pick anyone else like,,,,you’ve seen people in the film department with like thousand dollar cameras and those super fancy tripods + like three different lenses and you’re like are you sURE you want me because i have this one hand me down from my mom for my fifteenth birthday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
they ask you to take some trial pictures and videos because they want to be sure that the photographer they hire is 100% good
and you’re SHAKING like i did NOT siGN up for this
but you do it anyways and they!!! really like what you took and they’re just like we’ll pay you for every photo/video if you don’t mind
and you’re just like uhm ok,,,,,,,,,i’ll do it
and YEAH that’s how you meet junhui sure but like you mostly keep in contact with soonyoung who’s like the team “leader” so he’s the one who messages you when they have another event and the address
and when you’re sending in the photos and videos through email you’re also emailing soonyoung so your interactions with junhui, minghao and chan are suuuuper limited
other than pulling them aside before they go on stage to take a photo of their outfit (individually and as a group) you don’t really talk
you’d like to get to know them better though because it’s kind of,,,awkward not knowing the people you work for? like even if it’s not a “professional” job you should probably know more than just their names,,,,right?
you start getting closer with soonyoung first because he starts messaging you more occasionally just to chit chat about your day
and the rest of the team are like ????????? when you meet them one day and you’re like hitting it off with soonyoung talking about something that he mentioned last night at 1am
junhui’s lowkey like why,,,,,,,,,soonyoung why not me,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;
and OF COURSE minghao notices because junhui was muttering under his breath in chinese and minghao really wants to laugh because LOL what do you mean soonyoung’s stealing the love of your life
soonyoung eventually notices how junhui’s always like,,,,,,,,sending him death stares whenever he’s talking to you
and of courSE you don’t notice but soonyoung’s always like why,,,,,,,is junhui glaring at me asdjfgaklsdf what did i do this time
junhui made minghao pINKY PROMISE to not tell anyone but like,,,,,,,is minghao really gonna keep that promise??? nah
he snitched on junhui to chan who was like :OOOOO who then went to soonyoung who was like !!!!!!! now i gotta set them up
when junhui came to practice one day and saw you sitting there with your camera in the empty room (because soonyoung totally didn’t tell you that he was setting you up with junhui,,,,,,,,,,,,who does that right??????) he was like sajdkglhSDGKAJLSDHFLAS
you were suuuuuper confused because like,,,,,,soonyoung message you about wanting to film a behind the scenes @ the practice room but literally,,,,,,,,,only junhui showed up so like what is this
you and junhui greet each other respectfully before going back into silence,,,,,and you’re both on your phones
you messaging soonyoung like ?????i thought there was a filming today where are you minghao and chan???
and junhui’s messaging the group chat like I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING COME TO PRACTICE N OW please i might die
soonyoung replies to junhui like they’re meSSAGING ME RIGHT NOW YOU’RE BORING THEM
junhui’s just like UHM???????
he looks up and sees you’re still sitting on the ground messaging someone and he’s like,,,,,,,uh-hum,,,,,,clears throat,,,,,,,dasidjgaksd excuse me???????
you look up like yes? and he’s like klSHAGLKJSDF THEY’RE SO CUTE WAIT
internally you’re also like ajsdkghaksjdf because did i mention that junhui’s wearing a sleeveless shirt and just,,,,,,,armsarmsarmsarmsarms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,arms????????????
he looks really awkward and you’re just like,,,,,,is something the matter??
he’s literally DYINg inside because,,,,,,,,,,frickin’ soonyoung just HAD to do this didn’t he,,,,,,,,,,
“soonyoung actually,,,,,,,might have given you the wrong date he meant next thursday,,,i’m really sorry;;;;;;;;;;;;”
of course you’re kind of annoyed because,,,,,you just sat in the practice room for an hour and your phone is barely at 20%
you shrug it off though like okay i’ll just go grab a late lunch and go back to my dorm
but then junhui’s like oh!!!!do you want to,,,,,,,go get lunch together??
and you’re like aksdhgjjkladsfwHAT
but of course you gotta say yes because this is wen junhui aka the guy you’ve had your eyes on since like,,,,,,,when you first started this job
he takes you to one of those street food truck places
and you’re like ??????there’s so many options what do i get
but then he winks and he’s like i know a guy here don’t worry his food is probably the best
he knocks on one of the windows with a VERY CLEARLY LABELLED “closed” sign on it and you’re like aksdhgklasdf jun i think this one’s closed
but then the door window opens and a slightly annoyed looking mingyu pops his head out to tell off the “damn person who can’t read a fucking sign”
he sees jun and he’s like oh,,,,,,,,okay i can let this slide
and then he sees you and he’s like OH WHO’S THIS CUTIE BESIDE YOU
junhui just like,,,,,,,stares mingyu down like I DARE YOU TO TRY AND STEAL THEM
mingyu while sweating nervously: here’s your noodles,,,,,,,would you like a drink to go too????
junhui literally BOLTS OUT OF THERE with you because he swears that if you stayed near mingyu any longer you would either 1: get sneezed on or 2: get stolen from him and that was n o t about to happen today nope
when you take a bite of the noodles though you’re like ??????this is really good???? and junhui’s like i kNOW right ((((((((((((: mingyu’s a really good chef
and without knowing he starts to promote mingyu as a great person and you’re like,,,,,,,,are you,,,,,,,in love with him??
and junhui’s like nO what no i’m not in love with mingyu i’m in love with you
he starts rambling like I MEANT i’m in love with how dedicated you are to this work y’know like it’s not even a professional job it’s not like it’s going on your resume or anything but you’re still putting your all into this
you’re still like asdkghasdklf DAJKHSDKLGASDF because??????????what????? are you saying that the person you like likes you back!??!!?????????????
he eventually shuts up and you’re just like,,,,,,can i be 100% honest with you???
and junhui’s like ASKJDGHAKSJLDF they’re gonna reject me i feel it
but no!!!!!!!you don’t because let’s be honest you kinda love him too,,,,,,,,have you seen him he’s a giant puppy
after like 10 more minutes of you two just kinda,,,,,,talking he decides to walk you back to your dorm
when soonyoung asks how your little “date” went junhui just smiles that really wide and adorable smile
and the rest of the team’s like !!!!!!!!!!!!our plan worked!!!!!!!!
when you go to film their ACTUAL behind the scenes @ dance practice video junhui literally is hugging you every single second that he’s on break
soonyoung’s like awe,,,,cuties
but dino and minghao are like ????????we have a competition in 4 days jun!!!!!!!!!we need practice akdjshgaksd stop ENCOURAGING THEM
you guys are a cute couple though
you frequently go back to mingyu’s food truck even when the closed sign is up and mingyu’s just like WHY do i even bother hanging up the sign when you guys are going to come anyway?
sometimes junhui has to miss practices because he has work to do for his minor too but you always get something from mingyu and bring it to him
and he gets sooooo pouty when he sees you messaging/emailing soonyoung or taking photos of the other guys and you’re just like junhui!!!!!!this is my job i am literally getting paid to take photos of you guys even when you have hundreds of fans also taking photos and videos
junhui as a boyfriend is,,,,,,,so soft i’m crying ;~;
you’ve all seen his lives right??? adorable
he got a minor role for a movie and he got so excited he almost broke down your door and your roommate was like SHGAKLSDF we’re gonna get in so much trouble go oPEN the door alREady
wouldn’t stop smiling that night because aksdjhgalksd he!!!!!!!!!got a role!!!!!!!!!!!!wooOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
please hype him up every single second of every day he deserves it seriously
of course you’re his date at the premiere of the movie ((((((((:
OKAY SO while mingyu’s food truck is your go-to food source
junhui also really loves cooking for you
remember on 13 castaway boys when he made the 饼 (the chinese bread)????
he makes that for you too hehehe
and a lot of other chinese dishes (he always double checks with his mom to make sure he’s not going to make a mistake and accidentally poison you or something)
it always tastes amazing
he also teaches you some of the dishes and you’re just like wait hold up that’s a lot of garlic
he’s a super sweet boyfriend aksdhgaksdf i want a junhui ;~;
he’s also so frickin’ supportive of you it’s adorable
like no matter what your major is (even if you’re undecided) he’ll support you no matter what
failed a test? no problem junhui’s hyping you up and helping you prepare for the next one
stayed up all night to finish an essay? that’s okay because junhui’s on his way to your dorm with coffee and a snack from the nearby cafe
he’s always ready to hype you up no matter what because!!!!!!!!he’s so in love with you he’d be ready to do anything
soonyoung once teased him about how it’s thanks to him that you and junhui are together and junhui literally did a 90° bow to thank him
minghao soonyoung and chan were like LKHFAJSKGHASF WHAT
they barely managed to stop him from getting on his knees
but he can’t help it he’s honestly so thankful to those three for giving him a chance with you
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writinanon · 6 years
Horsemen Tales
All of the parts for the Horseman of the Apocalypse AU where in the Deputy is the White Horse, Conquest as well as the baby sibling of all of the Horsemen and wants to keep Hope County all to herself as her little slice of the World. This will be an on going series as other Characters meet Rook’s Siblings.
  Faith blinked when she hadn’t heard from the Deputy in a while and decided to look in on them. They were sitting with a few of her soon to be Angels talking about something animatedly.
 “It’s so dumb. You shouldn’t be called Angels. Angels are fuckin’ losers. They all have daddy issues and can’t hold their liquor for shit. An’ they’re so frickin’ slow. Only good thing ‘bout Demons is they is fast. Like it’s a little difficult to fights with ‘em on account of how fast they can be.” She said, loudly. That was a shock because if there was one thing about the Deputy that was known among the Seeds it was that she was fairly quiet, even when screaming in pain at made it was a muffled shout. But this was loud, brassy, almost yelling. Faith was concerned before she noticed the fact that the Angels were completely still. She checked the tank system set to pump Bliss into the room and found the tank completely empty. That should have killed the Deputy. Faith slowly opened the door and the Deputy took notice instantly, moving faster than the other woman could blink, Rook stood before her with a grin on her face. “Lil’ button! I was wonderin’ when you’d come back! Guys look it’s my little button.” Rook, who was easily six inches shorter than Faith, lifted her into the air with ease and carried her into the room. Upon further inspection all of the would-be Angels were indeed dead but that didn’t seem to bother the Deputy.
 “Yesh?” The Deputy was tying Faith’s hair into braids.
 “How long have you been in here?” The Bliss was making her head dizzy.
 “Hm? Since you left me. Your pump is broken. Didn’ stop the fuzzy.”
 “Oh?” Faith’s head was starting to swim.
 “Yeah. You know what it’s a nice day out let’s go outside.” And suddenly they were in a large field. Faith tensed as the Deputy continued to braid her hair. “I like that it’s not very humid right now. Spring and Fall are the best because of the warm sunlight and you only need a little coat.”
 “Coats? I don’t like ‘em. So heavy and not comfy. Infact Harlow usually likes ta eat ‘em. Literally feeding off my dislike.”
 “Who is Harlow?”
 “You haven’t met Harlow?” The Deputy sounded utterly shocked. “You have to meet Harlow.” And then they gave this long and eerie whistle. Hoof beats filled the air and then a startlingly white horse, it was impossible to tell if it was a Stallion or a Mare, was suddenly standing next to them. It was a massive horse, how the Deputy rode it would be a sight.
 “Say ‘lo to Harlow!” She giggled happily.
 “Hello.” Faith faintly realized that there was a farm house in the distance, one she hadn’t seen before. “Rook is that your house?” Faith needed to get the others. Joseph would know what to do.
 “Yep. Just moved in an’ all. It’s on a fisher so the self-righteous pricks can’t find me. I don’t wanna start the end of the world. Specially not now. I got a baby.” The Deputy flopped backward and the horse nuzzled her face. “Tickles Harlow.” She hummed, not sounding the least bit bothered.
 “Would you mind if I used your phone?”
 “Who ya callin’? Is it the beardy ones?” Rook’s eyes flashed in amusement. “Not for nothin’ Button but I’d rather not have tiny beardy one tryin’ ta give me more tats or big beardy one makin’ noise with the lil’ box. Though if he brings the puppies I could live with it. You’ll get him to bring the puppies, right?”
 “Of course. But I have to call them first.”
 “Okay.” She whined and then gave the flower patch next to her. “Don’t gotta go to the house ta call y’know.”
  Jacob, Joseph, and John found themselves in a large field. Faith was sitting with the Deputy next to a large white horse that was wearing several flower crowns and the Deputy was explaining something.
 “So you see it wasn’t really rats that carried the plague but Giant Gerbils! Also callin’ it the Black Death was entirely dramatic English people.”
 “I see. And you didn’t end the world then because?”
 “There were three Popes. I wanted to see a Pope fight.” Faith caught sight of them and was about to say something when John was practically lifted into the air and there was a whinny. “Harlow! Coats are not for eating!”
 “Your Horse is attempting to eat me!” John shrieked and the Deputy rolled her eyes and stumbled to stand up before walking, a bit wobbly, over.
 “Harlow doesn’t eat people.” She replied in a condescending tone as she grabbed his arms and yanked, tearing him free. “Harlow and Seneca don’t like meat. Now Sela or Gemma on the other hand might but I think they like less crunchy meals. You’re so skinny.” She poked his ribs.
 “Deputy.” Joseph called her attention as the horse was now happily munching on the part of John’s coat that it managed to keep. “Perhaps you could tell us how we came to be here?”
 “Well not to alarm you but your parents had sex. Unprotected sex most likely.”
  The Deputy watched as Jacob and Joseph argued over what to do while she continued to braid flowers into Faith’s hair.
 “Would you like a flower crown John?” Faith asked pleasantly and he glanced over from his sulking, still upset over his coat. Harlow was sitting at the Deputy’s back. Upon further inspection it was a White Arabian Stallion. For her to have an actually White Arabian was a good argument for the Horse to actually be supernatural in origin as White Arabians were rare and usually just grey that looked white at a distance. It nickered at him and blinked large dark eyes innocently.
 “No.” He snapped and then felt the world shift and he was laying down with his head in the Deputy’s lap. She smiled at him and ran her fingers through his hair.
 “Don’t be silly everyone should wear a crown. Crowns are great see?” She pointed to the simple band of white gold that wrapped around her head. “Though modern crowns aren’t really practical, it’s hard to go into battle with them. They’re like a huge beacon of stab me.” He could feel her twisting and folding flowers into his hair but he was struck with how peaceful her face was at the moment, eyes still blown to the point that her honey brown was barely visible.
 “What sort of Horses do your siblings ride?” Faith asked, Jacob snorted still not believing it despite there being no other clear explanation.
 “Well Seneca, Billy’s Mount is a dappled grey Arabian. Arabians are great. They’re the oldest breed in the world. Ephraim’s Mount is a Menorquín it’s such a pretty horse and it’s really fast. They’re one of the only breeds that is pure black and has to be pure black or with only minor white markings to qualify as bred true. Conall’s Mount is really big. It’s a Percheron and its coat is such a dark red it looks black. We don’t know how me managed that, we think he had help from one of his Nephilim friends. My Harlow and Billy’s Seneca are both stallions and Sela and Gemma are really nice mares. I think I could call them.” Another loud whistle passed the Deputy’s lips. There was a long pause but just as Jacob was about to claim victory three sets of thundering hoofbeats filled the field. Only the Horses weren’t without their Riders. “Oh hi?”
 “Rook, sweetheart is this where ya been hidin’?” The red gold haired one rumbled like a coming storm. He looked over the Seeds before dismounting. He was taller than Jacob by a few inches and was just as broad across the shoulders. His hair was clipped short to his head but what was there was spiked out. His eyes were a deep maroon color, almost looking like blood. His skin was pale but covered in freckles. He was wearing fatigues but they had no completely identifying marks on them. There was a sword strapped to the saddle, the leather of its handle was dyed red. Next to him was a tall thin man with sharp features. He had a set of scales tattooed on his wrist and was wearing loose fit jeans and a white button up shirt. The final member was the same height as the Deputy and was black. Her hair was in loose curls that bounced as she moved. She was wearing a black leather jacket and a pair of black jeans and biker boots. Her cinnamon eyes were bright and all knowing.
 “No?” She murmured and attempted to hide behind John.
 “Why are you hiding behind me?”
 “Because if he sees what you did to my chest there won’t be enough of you left to fill out that coat of yours.”
 “What did he do to your chest?”
  The Seeds were sitting around the Deputy’s dinner table. The Deputy was grumbling about being hung over, head buried in her arms while Conall sat as a livid sentry next to her.
 “Rook you have until the end of breakfast to explain why we shouldn’t feed them to Sela and Gemma.” Ephraim placed a plate of eggs, sausage, toast, and fruit in front of her. Blood shot eyes narrowed at him as she reached for her fork.
 “Stupidly attractive.” She mumbled, reverting back to her quieter self now. “Make good pets.”
 “Honey you think everyone would make a good pet.” Billy remarked as she sliced into an apple, eating the chunk off her knife.
 “Religious, strong, unafraid of blood, button.”
 “Also, have tortured you mentally and physically, left you to die in a burning helicopter, and want to torture you further.” Conall countered.
 “Let me have Button?”
  The Ryes were utterly shocked when Rook arrived, on horseback where did she even get a horse most of them were taken by the Seeds, followed by three others, also riding horses.
 “Hey.” Rook waved and then motioned to the others as they dismounted. “My siblings.” She edged closer and Kim knew to hand over Skylar without a second guess. Rook smiled and cooed gently down at the baby as her siblings moved closer. The tall redhead reminded Nick a little too much of Jacob, if Jacob was even bigger and didn’t shave the sides of his head like a hipster. He nervously kept his hand near his gun but the large man looked over Rook’s shoulder and smiled.
 “Ain’t she a little sweetheart.” His voice was like the distant roll of thunder.
 “Let me see you giant.” The thin skinny one muttered pushing him away and leaning closer. “Oh, she is just precious. Have you given her a Blessing yet? I could do it if you don’t want to.”
 “Humans stay human Ephraim. Remember last time?”
 “We agreed never to speak of that again.” He frowned at her and narrowed his eyes. “Fine I’ll Bless the house then, ha! Can’t stop me from blessing a house. Houses aren’t people.”
 “Ask first.” Rook smiled fondly.
 “Kimberly and Nicolas of the Rye Family would you allow me to honor my sister’s patronage of your child with a Blessing?” He bowed to them.
 “Uh sure?” Nick and Kim looked at each other, wondering what their friend had gotten them into.
 “Wonderful.” He seemed to bounce, like Rook did after she successfully liberated an outpost, whispering conquered to herself half the time.
 “She’ll be an absolute beauty when she grows up. Better limit her time with my baby sister or she might become a runner for a Disney princess too.”
 “Animals are better than people.” Rook mumbled and tickled little Skylar getting a giggle. “Most people.” She tacked on and smiled at them.
  The Ryes now had to live with the fact that they were going to periodically live with the Horsemen of the Apocalypse dropping by to coo sweet nothings at their daughter, and any possible future children. Rook had sat them down after handing Skylar to Conall and he instantly started blowing raspberries into her pudgy stomach. She explained what she was, what they were, and that she would understand if they chose to revoke the agreement of her godparent status.
 “Like hell no way those bastards are gonna be able to touch my daughter with someone like you watching over her.” Nick had said instantly and Kim smacked him upside the head.
 “As long as you’re still Rook I don’t care what you are.” Kim smiled and Rook had hugged them both tightly before they went into the living room and found Billy holding Skylar while Ephraim and Conall argued over who should give her a horse. “Y’know she’ll probably not be able to ride it if the world ends.” Kim said casually taking her baby back when Billy offered. Billy smirked at her, eyes glittering in that all-knowing way that all depictions of Death seemed to have.
 “Rook’s already called off the End. It’s really put that Preacher out but he seemed cheered by the knowledge that he could now actively try to pursue her.”
 “Joseph gives me the heebie-jeebies.” Nick shuddered and Rook shrugged.
 “Pretty eyes, nice voice.”
 “I still think you should reconsider your choices. What of that one we visited the other day? The nervous mountain man? Sure, he could use a trim all around but he seemed like a fine specimen for a pet.” Conall stated. “Also? I don’t care how many Wolves he has the Mongrel is going to have to do some serious groveling.”
  John blinked when Rook pulled the arrow out of her leg and raised an eyebrow at him. She flashed bright gold eyes at him before cutting down the last of his men. Before he could intervene, he felt the back of his fixed coat being lifted into the air. Rook grinned and sauntered over to him.
 “Playing with the big boys now.” She stood on tiptoe and tapped his nose before punching him in the stomach and knocking the air from his lungs. There was a rip and he fell to the ground. She knelt over him and chuckled sticking a flower into his beard before mounting her Horse and vanishing into the trees like she was never there.
  Faith watched as Rook stripped down and then walked into the river. There were scars littering her body, none of which were recent. Her back was the worst area and has what looked like whip marks. Without really thinking Faith stripped herself and followed the Deputy into the water. Rook glanced lazily over her shoulder, she was much more relaxed now that her secret was known and she didn’t have to keep up the act of being completely human.
 “Why do you call me that?” She had been curious since the Horseman had first called her though, laughing madly.
 “Little button nose. It’s cute.” Rook reached out and traced the bridge of Faith’s nose down to the tip before tapping it and smiling softly.
  Joseph was mildly unnerved as the pair of brothers sat in the pews of his church listening to his sermon. Were it not for the fact that they stood out so utterly he might not have even noticed them. And then the doors of his church were kicked open and in walked the Deputy, unimpressed. She grabbed her Siblings by the ears and dragged them out. She could have at least stayed for the end of services if she was going to be dramatic about it.
  Jacob growled as he was without prey once again for the third week in a row. He knew it was the skinny one, Famine. War was far less subtle and had ruined six months of hard work by undoing the conditioning on several of his best soldiers.
  Rook lay in her fields with her head in her oldest sibling’s lap. Billy hummed softly and raked her fingers through thick hair.
 “I’m not going to try and talk you out of it, but maybe you should consider a leash if you do actually take them as pet?”
 “The redhead is into that isn’t he?”
 “Mhm.” Billy sighed and shook her head.
 “At least your goddaughter is cute.”
 “Love all my little pets.” Hope County belonged to Conquest, every single Soul inside it was hers.
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mzargentum · 6 years
I’m Still Here
In honor of my bestie babeh @insomniasix‘s birthday today, here’s a little Six and Muerlin adventure shenanigan.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY BEAUTIFUL BABEH LOVE! I know I give you mooshies out the moogle’s magical butthole, but the amount of happiness and pride for myself that you’ve given me over these few months of us even meeting has seriously been more than I’ve felt with most of my friends. You are my Six and I will never not drown you in mooshies and I will never stop lovin’ you. So let this be a reminder that you ARE the best, you DESERVE the best and to let NOTHING stand in your way.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 1,612
Characters: Six Ulric and Muerlinian Zephyr (Arcana)
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Who is Six Ulric?
Asked no one ever.
It was a name that meant many things.
It meant love to all that she held dear and sudden death to those she did not.
It brought hope to the kingdoms of Eos and the bad guy’s to their knees.
And it pretty much added a new depth to “oh, shit”.
To me, it was the name of my mentor, closest friend and the most badass glaive that ever served the fallen kingdom of Insomnia. 
Not to even mention the fact she’s a frickin’ Astral herself….well….sort of.
She knows my lightning obsessed father better than I do and I’M the actual wizard.
A wizard that rules over an entire kingdom…wonder whose bright idea that was. If anything, I should probably be in prison…or worse. I mean, that’s really what everyone wanted from the get go.
Everyone, but Six.
Even though it took some doing, I will admit I am a handful, she’s stuck by my side through all the pain, all the tears, all the dumbass mistakes I’ve made over the years and I knew no matter what, she’d stick by me through the rest.
…Although…this time, she might actually kill me.
“Muerlin, I’m gonna kill you!” A furious huff sliced through the wind as we raced through the puddled surface of the Alstor Slough, armed Imperial Soldiers hot on our tail.
Yep, there it was.
Not like she didn’t have a reason to be pissed. I mean, I did kind of steal a really valuable item from the Nif’s treasury in broad daylight, but we wouldn’t have gotten caught if those stupid giant robot things hadn’t exploded.
….which, was actually also my fault.
“By Shiva’s frozen ass, Muerlin! Just give them the fuckin’ box!” Six was at her wits end. 
We were severely outnumbered and there was barely any way to escape. They sent ship after ship filled to the brim with soldiers to retrieve this item from us and probably kill us, but the contents of this silver crate were worth far too much to allow those bastards to get their grubby mitts on them again.
“We can’t! It’s too important!” I nervously shouted. “Besides, it’s probably the only reason why they’re not shooting!”
“That doesn’t mean they won’t risk it!” She had a point. Obviously, they were worried about damaging it, but at some point, they were going to take their chances with the sniper.
Lucky for me, I did have one trick up my sleeve. “We’ll make it! Just trust me!” I shouted as we approached the lake occupied by multiple hungry catoblepas.
As we got closer to the muddy waters, I heard an exhausted “oh, crap” which let me know that the glaive had caught onto my plan and although I know she wasn’t loving the idea of potentially get trampled to death by giant catoblepas hooves, it was our only clear shot of shaking the imperial army off our hinds.
“You know they aren’t going to wait until we’re close enough to start shooting, right?!”
“Heh, wouldn’t that be great?!”
“We have to time it just right!” Six zeroed in on the deepest part of the lake while I concentrated on the Nif’s guns waiting for that one subtle…
Before I knew it, my mouth had completely filled with water. The sudden shock nearly caused me to let go of the box, but a monstrous roar that pierced my ears brought me back to reality as I felt a firm tug of my arm yank me back to the surface.
“Bloody hell…”, I panted as I gasped for air, Six tugging against my arm.
“Come on”. She helped me up before we darted toward the trees disappearing from detection, not once looking back to the chaos we left behind.
“We need to get the hell outta here, ASAP”, Six panted as we finally stopped to catch our breath.
She was right. The soldiers would be tied up with the catoblepas for a while, but not long enough for us to relax so an escape was definitely in order.
“Yeah, but where? The first place they’d look is the Coernix Station”.
“The Hunter HQ is too far without a ride and they’d see us from above”. It was clear how irritated she was and for good reason. We were pretty much fucked. Until…
“I know!” A sudden fire flew up my butt which kept me from getting discouraged at the super pissed off death stare I was getting from my assassin best friend. “This way, hurry”.
“This better be good”, I heard her snarl as we took off in a new direction.
Although her irritation was still obvious, she couldn’t possibly resist that pleasant “ya’ll still keepin’ on keepin’ on?” as we finally reacted out destination.
“Hey, Wiz, long time no see”. The old chocobo farmer could easily detect the glaive’s aggravation as she peeled her drenched raven locks from her face.
“Looks like you two’ve had a long day”.
“Heh-heh, youuu could say that”, I chuckled with my failed attempt to not look terrified by my best friend’s stare piercing into my cheek like her bloodstained katana. “Mind if we crash here for a bit?”
“Oh, sure. The caravan is free. Help yourself”.
Finally, we could relax.
After a day of crazy havoc and looking death in the face via enemy imprisonment, torture, near failed escape, drowning and a catoblepas stampede, I put the treasured box down onto the table and plopped face first onto the couch.
A sudden growl caught my attention causing me to turn toward my still fuming friend.
“Um…aren’t we forgetting something?”
“Well, Wiz IS a wiz in the kitchen, Six. I’m sure he’ll feed us”.
Well, you can’t blame a girl for tryin’.
“What is so godsdamn important about this box that we had to nearly become Imperial puppets for it and why were the Nif’s so hard on getting it back?!”
“Is there some mystical artifact that would bring Reggie back to life to rebuild Insomnia?”
“A device that’ll destroy their entire Magitek production?”
Damn, she was more pissed than I thought. Not gonna lie, my bladder was about to go oh, shit, but I couldn’t help, but feel a little proud of myself…
“…what’re you smiling about?”, Six asked with a suspicious raised eyebrow, her nose scrunched.
“Well, you could open it and see”.
The rage that previously consumed my friend suddenly washed over and was replaced with apprehension as she gazed toward the mystery box. I noticed a slight trembling of her hands as she approached it.
On one end, my excitement skyrocketed.
On the other, I was internally giggling at the fact that Six Ulric actually looked nervous about opening a box, but as her lightly sweat covered fingers lifted the lid, her silver iris’ shimmered with a collection of warm tears as she gazed in bewilderment, immediately recognizing the two curved daggers that were hidden inside.
“A…are these…”, the tearful woman stuttered.
“After the fall, the Nif’s did their sweep. There was no concrete record of a body, but…they managed to scrounge these up”.
I could sense the newfound rage and hurt began to boil in Six’s gut. “They had these…all this time”.
“Yeah, but now they’re where they belong”.
As she continued to gaze at her son’s beloved daggers, she shook her head suddenly and I somehow fought the urge to roll my eyes at her adorable motherly inability to accept a gift with her anticipated “Muerlin…you didn’t have to do this”.
“Yeah, I did”, I firmly stated. My tone must’ve hardened by the stunned look she gave me, but enough was enough. Momma Six needed to know the truth.
“Do you realize that without you, I would be in a Tenebraen graveyard, or a Niflheim prison cell or shackled in the charming Imperial Chancellor’s pleasure chamber, blindfolded and gagged?!”
Six shuddered at the thought of that last one.
“I’ve put you through so much hell so many times…but you’ve stood by me through all of it. I don’t deserve to be Queen, I don’t deserve this power, I don’t deserve to call someone as amazing as you my best friend”.
The overall shock that rested upon my friend’s face made me blush a little. It wasn’t like me to get all deep like that, but it needed to come out.
“Besides…I made him a promise to remind you of something”.
“..of what?”
I nodded toward the silver blades. “Run a fire over them and find out”.
Raising her palm, Six summoned a small flame within the center gliding it over the surface of the dagger revealing a hidden engraving. Warm sparkling tears flowed down her reddened cheeks as she read.
Mom…I finally had my moment to be real. Got to touch things I didn’t feel.
I held on and…now I feel I belong.
You used to say that though the world wanted me to change, they were the ones that would stay the same.
Now…I know you can’t see me…
…but I’m still here.
Six clutched her heart, tears streaming like silver waterfalls down her face as she sat down next to me, daggers in hand. Still absolutely speechless. “Y’know…”, she lightly chuckled, “you could’ve gotten me anything…a necklace…some new boots…a puppy…and I would’ve loved it”.
“I know”.
“So…why this?”
“You’ve carried my world for so long…the least I could do was carry yours in a box for a few hours”, I joked trying to lighten the mood, which Six responded to with a hearty giggle.
“Besides…every mother deserves to be with her son for her birthday”.
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Tagging: @ravagekamisama @aquathemermaidstripper @insomniasix @digitalkanvas @a-new-recipehhh @prettyprompto
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