#from my bedroom to my living room every day since the semester ended. and i am still only on page 317.
livvyofthelake · 1 year
i think the biggest reason it’s taking me so long to read chain of thorns is because i need to take so many breaks. i read one page of thomas and i have to contemplate for three hours. i see cordelia doing something horrible and i have to close the book in secondhand embarrassment. i get mad at jesse again and i have to take a break to cool down. this is no way to read cassie a girl cannot live like this…
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oncasette · 1 year
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KINKTOBER ACT I, ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: 3.1k
“Your fucking muse? You ask. You shove the top photo directly in his face. It’s a picture of you in your underwear as seen through your bedroom window, hands in the process of unhooking your bra. 
“What can I say, baby. I told you I’d thought about this for a long time.”
or the one where ethan saves you from a creep after you lock yourself out of your dorm. or so you think.
warnings: not beta’d, smut, stalking, unprotected sex, dub-con, unsolicited pictures
masterlist | taglist | kinktober
Ethan hadn’t noticed you. At first. You’d had at least one class together every semester since freshman year, being in the same major and all, and yet it's taken him until now to take note of you. True, crude, unfiltered, awareness.
Sure, he’d known about you, the same way he knew about all the other girls on campus. He could match a face to a name and hold a casual conversation with you without feeling the need to ask the same three questions that always seem to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue. 
But now. Now, he knows you. He knows how you shift in your seat when you get called on to answer a question, despite the fact that you’d raised your hand in the first place, the lavender and mint of your shampoo that he could easily catch a whiff of if he leaned forward in his seat just ever so slightly, the way your skin prickles with goosebumps when you change into your pajamas after a shower–you should really learn to close your blinds, living on the second floor of your dorm complex and all. 
Your front door clicks shut before you think to check your pockets for your ID. 
“Shit,” you mumble as you jiggle the locked door handle. The only time you ever took it out of the pocket in your phone case was when you were trying to order something from the bookstore online and needed your student ID number, and, of course, you’d forgotten to stuff it back into the damn thing when you’d finished. 
“Locked out?” says a barely cognisant male voice from behind you. 
“Sorry?” you spit, spinning around in a huff in the wake of your disappointment. 
“Did you lock yourself out?” he asks again with a stifled laugh under his tone. You barely recognize the boy, only having stumbled past him once or twice in your haste to get back to your dorm to study. Figures that he’d end up being just across the hall from you. And much cuter up close. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you sputter, your immediate anger diffusing into slight annoyance. “Thought my ID was in my wallet, and as soon as I went to double check… you know.”
“Oh, yeah. Sucks when that happens,” he says. “‘S your roommate out?”
The hair on the back of your neck stands up and you have to remind yourself he’s just being polite. 
“She’s got class,” you swallow. He nods. You feel the need to elaborate. “O Chem.”
“You’ve got yourself a smarty pants on your hands, huh.” He steps closer and your breath hitches at the back of your throat. “Bet you’re smarter though.”
His mouth quirks as he boxes you in, back nearly pressed to the door of your room. “Oh, uh,” a dry chuckle. “I don’t know about that, she’s a pharmacy major and everything and all I do all day is learn about finances and the economy, so.”
Your neighbor had lost his sweet-boy charm in the few feet he’d breached, his jaw sharper and eyes darker in the fluorescence. 
“I’ve really gotta get going-”
“Without your key?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m meeting someone just downstairs and I can always just text my roommate to let me in later-” he cuts you off again. 
“I’m sure they can wait for a couple minutes,” he says. His aftershave burns your nostrils. 
“Look, I’m already running late-”
A voice you don’t recognize calls your name from down the hall. Your head snaps, alerted to the sound. Squinting your eyes, you try to identify your anonymous hero. 
“Hey,” the curly haired boy says as he approaches the two of you. “Are you ready to go yet? I tried texting when I got here, but I never got a response.”
“This is the friend you were waiting on?” the blond guy asks. He pulls his shoulders back, gaining back the inch he’d lost when he’d cornered you in. 
“Ethan,” the new boy sticks his hand out to shake the other guy’s hand, only to be met with a scoff as he shoves his hands into his pockets. 
“Didn’t mention you were meeting up with your boyfriend,” he sneers. 
“First date,” you choke out with a dry throat, hoping that the notion of another guy in the picture would get him to leave you alone, and hating the fact that it was probably going to work. Ethan slides closer to you and you can feel your hands start to shake as the guy shakes his head in disappointment. 
“Whatever, man,” he says. He turns and scans into his room, leaving you to exhale a breath you’d been holding in tight. 
“He was interesting,” Ethan says, curls bouncing as spins to face you. 
Humming, you draw your lips together in a tight line. You watch as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other as you thumb the wallet on the back of your phone case, subconsciously counting the cards there only to remember why you’d been stuck out in the hall in the first place. 
“Do you have somewhere to be?” he asks. 
“Well,” you start. “I was gonna go get some dinner, but with my ID being held hostage in my room…”
Ethan clears his throat before saying, “I, uh- I live on the next floor up if you wanted to hang out in my room until your roommate gets back.”
You’d think after the last guy had tried getting you into his place. 
“Yeah, you know what, sure. That’d be nice,” you shrug, offering him a tight lipped smile before he led you toward the open spiral stairwell in the complex that led to all of the floors. As the two of you make your short journey up the flight of stairs, Ethan can’t help but to ramble on about how he’d stumbled upon your predicament for the four minutes it takes to climb the stairs. 
“I wasn’t eavesdropping, swear to god, but he was just being so creepy, you know. I could hear him growling from the stairs,” he says once you reach the third floor. 
“No, I’m totally glad you were eavesdropping,” you laugh. Ethan holds his phone up to the door, unlocking it with the ID shoved into his wallet before holding it open for you to enter before him. 
“Chad’s at the Pike party right now, so make yourself comfortable wherever,” he says as he shrugs his zip-up off to toss over his desk chair leaving him in a black t-shirt hugging his biceps in a way that has you swallowing saliva. 
“Chad?” you ask. 
“My roommate.”
“Ah,” you hum, settling yourself in the middle of the room before Ethan pipes up again. 
“The left bed’s mine if you want to sit,” he offers. “Do you want something to drink?”
He’s got a plaid bedspread and probably navy sheets, but you climb up to sit on it nonetheless. 
“Sure, what you got?”
He lists off the few sodas they have, the case of Busch, and the single already opened bottle of water that’d been in there since they’d moved in. 
“I’ve got a case of seltzer in the fridge under my bed, too, if you want that,” he winces at his options. 
It’s a Friday night, what have you got to lose. “I’ll take a seltzer.” 
You try to ignore the way the hair on the back of your neck stands up as he moves closer, kneeling beside the bed to dig in the mini fridge stashed there. He comes back up with two cans in hand, extending one out for you to take from him. The can seems to condensate in the heat of your hand as soon as you grab it. 
Before you have a chance to pop the tab, Ethan climbs in beside you leaving a little less than a foot of distance between the two of you despite his twin being an XL. His knee bends until it knocks against yours with a soft sorry mumbled out but no attempt to move it. He opens his drink and haphazardly taps the top of it against your own unopened can with a, “Cheers.”
“Not being around that creep anymore?” he offers. 
Nodding, you open the can and tap it back against his, “Fucking cheers.”
Taking a sip, you wince. Your body had not been prepared for alcohol, and whatever seltzer he had sure tasted like a hell of a lot of it. It’s quiet for a while, the start of various questions and conversations settling on the tip of your tongue as try to quell the awkward silence that’s overtaken you. Ethan’s familiar in a way you’re not entirely sure how to grasp. Something about his presence has the back of your brain buzzing. When the can in your hand is nearly empty, you manage to get words out of your mouth. 
“Thanks for the help and everything, and really I mean, thank you, but how the fuck do you know me?” you finally settle on. “I mean you knew my name before you even came over and I just… you know?”
“We have stats together,” he says, stuttering and quirking the end of the statement into more a question than a declaration. Your brain seems to stutter for a second, trying and failing to place him. Until. 
“Right! Right, oh my god! You’re the cute guy that sits behind me,” you say seconds before slapping a hand over your mouth.
“Cute?” he asks.
“Unfortunately, very.”
“What’s so unfortunate about my cuteness?” His eyes grow hazier, more lidded. He shifts closer forcing your breath to hitch in the back of your throat. Tipping back the last of your drink, you crush the can out of habit and set it onto his nightstand. The already small counter space is cluttered with various trinkets and electronics before you can find a space to set your drink down. The polaroid camera catches your eye. 
“You have a polaroid?” you ask, leaning over further to snatch it off the edge and hold it up to your eye. He offers you a short hum in response. “What do you take pictures of?”
“I’ve got a specific muse,” he replies. 
“Care to share?” you ask as you lower the camera from your face only to find him much closer than you expected him to be. Closer than he had been just a moment ago, close enough to smell the cologne stuck to his shirt and see the faded pink of a scar against his jaw. He shakes his head slowly as he removes the camera from your limp fingers and places it back on the nightstand, tossing his own empty can onto the floor beside the bed. The way he leans forward has you leaning back. He leads you to drop your head back onto his pillow and your legs shift until you’re entirely situated beneath him. There’s still space between you, a couple inches at best, as his hands find solace beside your shoulders. 
“You are so beautiful,” he whispers and you feel your face heat up in response. 
“Thank you,” you reply, tongue dry. What was in the air tonight? You’d just been relieved from one guy trying to drag you into his bed only to be pushed into another. Still, with the way your heart was racing, you weren’t sure this situation was entirely the same. 
“You’re welcome,” he sighs. You can feel the way his hand twitches and flexes at your side. 
You’re not sure who makes the first move after that. One moment you’re laying there, noses nearly touching as his breath fans over your face, and the next his lips are on yours and his tongue is in your mouth. The hand that had been fluttering at your side now pressed hard into your waist, thumb pushing up the fabric of your top until it met bare skin. 
His name is hazy in your head. You barely conjure it up, having to filter through a couple variations of Edward and Eric and Elliot before you manage out a weak gasp of, “Ethan” against his lips. 
His hand continues to push up until your shirt has been bunched up at your chest. He pulled back just enough to be able to look at his handiwork. Your heaved as the edges of his fingers worked up under the wire of your bra. The chill of his hand left goosebumps in its wake. 
Everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion as he lifts you just enough to get your shirt up over your head and to unclasp the back of your bra, leaving you bare beneath him. Not for long, though, as he sits up fully and reaches up to tug his own shirt over his head seconds after he’s got yours tossed down to the floor. 
“God, you have no idea how much I’ve thought about this,” he groans, palms flat against your ribs. 
“You think about me?” you ask, head quirked to the side as you try not to trace his abs with your tongue. Who knew the cute nerd in your stats class had all of this going on for him. 
“All the fucking time,” he says. It’s a comment that should have you running for the hills, logically, coming from a guy you barely know. A guy you don’t know. But he’s already got you half-dressed and in his bed and you can’t bring yourself to pull away. 
You hook your fingers into the hem of his sweats only for him to cover them with his own as you tug them down his legs. You do your best not to gape at the size of him. God, you think, is there any part of him you don’t want to lick? It takes him a second of shuffling and kicking, but as soon as his pants hit the floor his hands are back on you. 
“Condom?” you gasp. His right hand trails down your chest, your stomach, and you think he’s going to stop at the band of your leggings, but it keeps going until you can feel him cupping against your clothed pussy. He nods absentmindedly. Your hips jump as soon as his thumb presses into your clit. Even with the dull pressure, it’s enough to send a shiver up your spine. 
“Condom, Ethan, please,” you whine. 
“Fuck,” he says as he pulls himself from his daze. “You don’t want me to…” 
“No, please,” you whimper. “Want you.”
He throws open the drawer in his nightstand, leaving the contents open as he grabs an unopened box. The box tears–practically in half–and the three rolls land on your stomach. 
“Do you want me to get that for you?” you ask with a giggle. 
“No, fuck, no. I got it,” he grumbles, tearing a single condom off and pushing the rest onto the pile of clothes you’d conjured together. 
“You sure?” His hands are shaking as he finally rips open the package, but they seem to steady once he’s got it rolled down onto his cock. 
As soon as he’s got it on, though, he’s ripping your leggings down your legs. His thumb finds your clit again, barely ghosting over it in slow, tight circles as his free hand lines his dick up with your slit. 
“Christ, you’re tight,” he groans, just barely notching the head. He pushes in slowly, jaw clenched, head dropped against your shoulder until he’s bottomed out. You nearly sob when you feel his pelvis press against yours. You don’t think you’ve ever felt this full in your life. You’re a little surprised he hadn’t ripped you in half, if you’re being honest with yourself. 
He bites down on your shoulder as you feel his hips begin to pull back. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby, fuck,” he says. Where his thumb had stalled movement–not that you’d been able to really notice–it picks back up again, harder this time. Your eyes roll back in your head as Ethan’s mumblings pick up. So pretty, so perfect, better than I had imagined. 
He’s already pulsing inside of you, twitching against your walls as he begins to pick up speed. His teeth nip at the sides of your neck, likely leaving marks you’ll have a hell of a time explaining to your roommate later, and his tongue laves at your pulse point. 
Heat begins to build in your belly. It’s faster than you expected, a symptom of the alcohol, you think. 
“Ethan,” you whimper. 
“Yeah, baby?” he asks, eyes screwed tight as his pace begins to stutter. 
“I’m so close.”
“Already? ‘Ve just started with you,” he sighs as if he wasn’t about to break skin on your neck. 
“Please, please, I’m so close,” you beg. 
“Oh, god,” he seethes. “I’m gonna cum.”
You bring a hand up to brush his curls away from his forehead and a bead of sweat drips down the side of his face. 
“I want you to cum first,” he says. “Before I- before I do.”
With the way he’s working, you don’t think you’ve got much of a choice. Nodding, you bring your hand down to rest at the back of his neck, tugging his face down so that your lips met. You don’t even have time to warn him before you’re clamping down on him, pussy fluttering as your orgasm washes over you and leaves you hazy. Ethan’s hips stall at one final push in and you can feel the heat of his cum through the latex. 
He pulls back, pressing one brief final peck to your lips before he leans back enough to remove his softening cock from you, the both of you wincing as he does so. He mumbles a soft, “I know” as he goes, rolling the condom off and tying the end to toss it in the trashcan beside the nightstand. 
With an elongated sigh, he drops himself onto the bed beside you leaving you to shiver in the new chill hitting your bare skin.
You’re not even trying to snoop as you look around at his nightstand, eyes naturally gliding over the still open drawer of junk when the stack of pictures shoved in the corner catch your eye. It takes a second to really see what it is as the polaroids are covered in a thick translucent goop, but you can’t help but pick them up when it clicks in your brain. 
“What the fuck are these?” you gasp, holding them up enough for Ethan to look at them. 
“What?” he asks, still loopy from his orgasm. 
“Your fucking muse? You ask. You shove the top photo directly in his face. It’s a picture of you in your underwear as seen through your bedroom window, hands in the process of unhooking your bra. 
“What can I say, baby. I told you I’d thought about this for a long time.”
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cybsoo2 · 8 months
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my obsessive fan
╰┈➤ synopsis — Each story is a glimpse into what your life would entail if these seven were your obsessive fans.
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!bts x idol!reader
╰┈➤ word count — 3.6k
╰┈➤ content warning — murder, yandere behavior, stalker behavior, kidnapping, just the usual
ੈ♡₊˚。 over to ⇢ pt.2
ੈ✩‧₊˚ note ; GUYS HOBI DOESN’T ACTUALLY KILL HIMSELF!! i realize it kinda seems like he did but don’t worry he’s alright just a lil traumatized :)
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—Kim Seokjin
Jin considers himself unexplainably lucky
The universe has given him a chance that he’ll never be able to deserve
One day during his first semester of college he met someone special that little did he know would change the trajectory of his life forever
Seokjin made a friend and they grew fairly close as the years went on, until one day this friend came to him with a bittersweet conversation
She was switching to online school as her dreams of becoming an idol were finally answered
Jin supported her decision and waited patiently for her debut
An Autumn song caught his ear on the day of her debut and his eyes no longer followed her form
Instead, Jin became starstruck by the lively girl who made the stage her own
Since that day, Jin only sees his relationship with your member as insignificant
He only cares to engage with them when it involves you
Seokjin is a snake with his words and uses his charms to his advantage
He’ll manipulate and lie his way into getting new information about you
Although, sometimes it’s slightly suspicious when almost every time they hangout is when you’re tagging along
He really has just turned your co-worker into a tool at his disposal
At the most lowly point of his life, he even resorted to flirting with the foolish girl in order to sneak into your dorms
Granted, this repulsive act brought up serpents in his stomach and he had to restrain himself from the gags that tore up his throat
He wound up drowning himself in mouthwash to try and get rid of the rancid taste that never seemed to leave his lips (He was tempted to almost bury himself in bleach but resisted)
This traumatic event did have an upside though, as he was able to creep into the dark corners of your bedroom when his other companion was asleep
Unfortunately, you were not safely sleeping under his watch but just being able to stand in the place he frequently hallucinates about is enough for him
His consciousness moves into a dream-like state as he takes in everything that your fingers have touched
His heart flutters while silently sweeping his gigantic hands over your stuffies and sheets
He takes a seat on your bed and breathes in the reflection of your spirit
Shaking hands reach for the sweater tossed to the left of him
His lips quiver and he can’t hold back the sobs that force their way of him
His misty moon-eyes shine in the light that passes through your curtains
Blue bleeds from his curled up body and coats every surface of your previously vivid room
He despises the way his rotten emotions have blended into your walls
Nibble fingers then quickly gather any item that has sucked up his sorrow (At least that’s what he tells himself)
He’ll take these souvenirs of your sunshine and cherish them until that delightful day arrives when you eventually take their place
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—Min Yoongi
He’s your producer and songwriter
Articles and fan sites have become fascinated and praise the poetic nature of your songs
Each line is drowning in lovesick emotion that carries the weight of the human soul
Each song is unique with a variety of tales telling love and sorrow combined with hateful rage and tortuous terror
Every lyrics he writes is a vow to love you
It’s not a surprise how romantic and illusionary his songs end up being, his heart always sings for you after all
Every time your songs win an award he feels as if his love is validated
And every time a songs fails to reach an achievement, he sobs for days on end, promising to do better
He will not let his words fall flat and be mistaken for empty oaths
His apartment is an archive, full of stacked books overflowing with the words of adoration that never stop their cascade
A graveyard of blue pens (your favourite colour of course) lies in the corner of his living room, each scripted soldier aiding to the thousands of verses written in your honour
Above the TV playing visions of you, are the hundreds of awards placed delicately upon his shelves
You’ll have to excuse his selfish desires but he couldn’t stop himself from taking them
Each award is a golden reassurance that his love for you is reality and the world is aware of it too
It’s even better that these trophies were once held lovingly in your hands
He used to trace the ghost of your fingertips along the lines of the figurine 
Although, once he realized his tainted touch smudged away your memory, he cut his fingertips off in a panic and laid them up on his wall where they've stayed still ever since
Drifting away from painful memory and onto thoughtful perceptions, in a competition between your siren singing and your sweet spoken call, your regular voice comes as a close second
Each sonnet you speak is that much more meaningful due to the fact that what you say are the words he wrote
An angelic tone constantly fills the silence of his apartment from dusk to dawn
It’s even more euphonious watching you perform in the studio
He can’t help his glossy eyes from floating to stare at your open lips
Whilst your silver voice is the constant background noise that fills his head, Yoongi finds time to record you speaking light-hearted chit chat during your recording sessions
When the time comes and Yoongi must make his way home, he walks slow in the studio but sprints on the sidewalk
His rush can be contributed to the fact that Yoongi is always inspired to work on some arrangements when provided with new material
He’ll cut and paste the pieces of his collection and create new paragraphs that he pretends you said to him
Yoongi sees your life as a duet
Neither complete without the other
He used to sing in silence but his voice is so insincere compared to yours
And he takes pride in the way your career and prosperity relies on him so much
You two are so trusting in one another yet a step to far away
It’s a pity Yoongi’s too accepting of his life with you to risk taking it a step further
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—Jung Hoseok
In Hoseok’s realm of reality, you are both undoubtedly in love with one another
Yet your relationship is a secret, kept hidden away from prying eyes and stuffed into the back of his closet where cardboard cutouts and posters sleep
Hobi’s too shy and nervous for his undying love to be publicized, so he’ll just stick to supporting you from the sidelines
He has a YouTube channel where everything and anything is all about you
His favourite segment is unboxing the hundreds of albums he purchases for everyone of your comebacks
Before cutting open the wrapping he’ll wish and beg to see your face so much it’s almost satanic
When he pulls your photocard he almost faints in excitement but when his hands are dirtied by pulling the face of another one of your members he ends up trashing the card
Speaking of your photocards, his collection includes every single card that can be found
Binders upon binders are filled with your face and when he ends up doing a tour for his channel, the video ends up being over 30 hours long
Hoseok’s favourite hobby involves curling up in his bed and cradling your limited edition twin plushie in his crushing embrace
He nestles up to the faux sense of security, stroking the soft fabric and pretending it’s you
Soft yet erratic gasps tumble from his warm mouth
His head controls the ghosts of you that creates strawberry cheeks
A sensitive smile paints it’s way onto a caramel canvas
His body grows hot as his hopeless fantasies drive him into delusion
Swollen lips begging out to brush up against yours
His eyes hang heavy lidded with overblown pupils 
His previous crying mellows down as trembling whines grow needier
He daydreams about how you’d feel held up against him
A raw, rose-bud blooming between the both of your bodies
His heart trembles, overwhelmed by your hands tugging at his hair and dragging your peachy, plush mouth across his neck
Honey hot hands grip harder to the sheets beneath him
You make him so weak
Heat pools below his stomach, all strung up in pretty pleasure
Pressure building and body temp rising, Hoseok’s lost in a fool’s paradise
After every climax in utopia, Hobi is hit with the reality of his predicament
The rainy nights that follow look something like this…
Hoseok gets his head bashed in by a reality check
His brain is blown to bits, bleeding south along his bathroom tiles
Venom pulses through his veins as he wishes the world would lose it’s mania
Veracity is Hoseok’s enemy but it’s a good thing he’s hopeful
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—Kim Namjoon
You make Namjoon so curious
His thirst grows stronger in need of consuming any knowledge slightly related to your existence
Namjoon knows you better than the gods who created you
He’s your worshipper who knows your wants and needs of the past, present and future
Namjoon always keeps updated about your schedules, personal plans, and tiny details which other fans have shared
He keeps a binder stocked full of information
The binding is bursting and pages threaten to flutter out of their place
He’s set aside every Wednesday and Friday to study your life and it’s interesting habits
Saturdays are for quizzes which he forces his roommates to participate in
He’s even started to live his life exactly like yours in order to feel closer to you
This includes him eating the same meals you do and visiting places you’ve been photographed at just minutes after its been posted
He’ll never miss out on purchasing all products you endorse or are seen using
He’s even tailored his style to match your own (He’s always been a fan of couples clothing)
And Namjoon, ever the worrier, is anxious that all your lives, messages, and posts are in danger of being corrupted and lost forever, so he downloads all your content into an archive for safe keeping
Namjoon is a worshipper, dedicating his devotion to your entirety
In a walnut wardrobe with a false backing is where your shrine meets his eyes in the early morning and late night
Of course it’s adorned with the finest and most expensive amenities
Jewelry, love notes scribbled onto loose-leaf paper, totems of the gods luck, and a single golden lock of your hair (Don’t ask him how he got it)
The centrepiece held in this sacred sanctuary is a painted portrait of yours truly
Namjoon’s never been much of an artist but it would be such a travesty not to document your desirable beauty
Every fine features flows into the next, blurred together with emotion and sentiment
He spend almost all the hours of his wake languishing away in an attempt to perfect every detail
He persisted in his laborious ways until every curve, divot, and colour matched that of your own
When a year has faded away and his mastery is finished, pearl droplets of ecstasy and varnish are used to seal it
His half of the shared flat he lives in resembles more of an art gallery and archive then an actually home
No part of Namjoons personality, hobbies, or are emotions are his own
All this mania and madness is for you
The generous god who was gracious enough to let him love you
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—Park Jimin
Jimin is your #1 fan
He was there as you built your career from the bottom and has supported you in every way possible
Every album you produce winds up in his grasp and every song is played on repeat the minute of release
He’s watched every video you’ve ever featured in 100 times over
Posters of you are plastered over every inch of his room, some photos even spilling out into the hallway
Jimin’s favourite lullaby is the sound of your siren song that flows from his CD player every night
Your sugary, sweet voice slithers deep into his thoughts every moment of every day
You are the best things that has ever happened to him… but also the worse
Park Jimin is so fucking jealous
He’s always had trouble containing the fiery beast that lies unsettled in his stomach, yet lately it’s been getting bad
He sees the way you interact with your members and he doesn’t think they’re good for you
They hide your true potential under fake smiles that smear their scarlet lip gloss
He hates only being able to watch as ‘fans’ cover you in filth
His hatred has almost boiled over so many times that he had to stop going to fan-meets
Jimin would never lie to you but he can’t let you see him like this
Death would be a better fate than seeing the disgust that would splatter across your face at the sight of him in such a state
Crystal rain already begins to fall down his face at the mere inclination
The sour words you would spit at his feet and your hardened glare that would piece his chest
However, this doesn’t mean all that he’s done to show his love already is a lie 
He not interested in deceiving you, and the truth is that Jimin is so very sensitive
He’s caring and emotional, selfless when it comes to showing his worth
But sometimes Jimin feels that there’s two sides to him
A twisted twin that he’s so very tired of pushing down
Jimin is growing weak and he isn’t sure how much longer he’ll be able to contain the monster that’s ripping apart his rib cage
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—Kim Taehyung
Taehyung is your eternal shadow
He follows you in the light of day and stalks you in the dark of night
Having Taehyung as your obsessive fan would be like an undying disease
His entire life revolves around you
You are his universe
The first time he caught a glimpse of your face he rushed home to etch the memory onto paper
A fire ignited in his lungs where the smoke billowed out into short, wispy breathes
By the time the next day rolls around he still sits hunched over his desk drawing doodles of you in his notebook
This nights insomnia foreshadows many more sleepless nights spent studying pictures of you
After many weeks his drawings became too lifeless and he yearns for a stolen look at your features once again
The months that follow involve Taehyung spiralling into a new insanity
He quit his job and left his apartment, all in search for a closer spot to you
Taehyung and you share the same silhouette
This is proven in the way he pursues your every move
His new expensive camera captures every moment his eyes fail to catch
The walls of his room are covered in pictures of you taken by his artistic eye
He loses himself in the dreams these candids encourage and traces the outlines of your image as daylight falls
So lost in his own mania he catches himself mumbling your name in place of his friends and mistakes strangers scent in similarity to yours
As time grows old, Taehyung becomes bolder, more infatuated and impatient
This masochist like to tease himself with your touch, stealing the skin he meets when his stalking becomes more akin to silent assault
He takes the risks that put your whole relationship in stake
His crimes double in number as his obsession becomes insatiable
His delusions morph into a place of real-life euphoria as clarity escapes his mind
Last night, right when the clock aged 11 in the absence of light, he stepped foot into your domain
He hasn’t been thinking straight lately, too blinded by his fantasies to consider the consequences
He crawls over to your bed where heaven lies in a slumbering state
He’ll let his throat tear itself to sheds speaking his heart-felt confessions to you
“I’m crazy about you.” Two kisses laid to bed on the crest of your chest
“You’re the center of my world.” Bed sheets rustle as he pulls himself closer
“I’m completely, and utterly devoted to you.” He melts into your unconscious embrace
When the sun wakes, he takes his time dragging himself off of you and out the door
Let’s see how far Kim Taehyung is willing to test his temptations before he destroys it all
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—Jeon Jungkook
“You’re the one I’m dreaming of, in endless love, you’re my forever.”
Jungkook’s love for you is infinite, yet despite his honest intentions, the execution of his attachment can be quite clumsy
It seems that your love is so shocking that it electrocuted his mind
Your breathe so toxic that it ties him up in a tongue-twister, tripping over his words for the days to follow
Body so heavenly that his brain has melted into mush upon your first encounter
Jungkook first spotted you on a billboard in the city and he swore he could see the stars in your eyes
Since then he dove head-first into everything there was to know about you
He schedule practically matches yours too a tee
Although this was not without great struggle, after losing his job, blowing his rent money, and setting fire to his friendships, Jungkook has endured everything in order to be close to you
He makes sure to attend all your events, concerts, fan-meets, and all things in between
He’s the one who shouts your name the loudest, he gives you the biggest gifts, and he sends you the most love letters
Practically every one of your fans knows who he is at this point
Jeon Jungkook is a psycho fan who stalks you, is blacklisted from almost every venue (But that never stops him from finding a way in), and has had rumours of assaulting other fans who get in his way
His obvious obsession is also what leads him to check all articles, management posts, and your social media every night
This is was leads him to a harrowing discovery
“Unfortunately, popular k-pop idol L/N Y/N has fa-” He never finished the sentence before he threw up
Checking back on the article his concern became reality as news of you being injured broke his barely beating heart
The ice water drifting through his veins pours out of him in the form of desperate teardrops
Ear-shattering wailing disrupts his neighbours sleep and Jungkook's crying continues on for the rest of the night
The only solution to his misery comes to him in a disfigured dream
Jungkook makes his way to your apartment on an evening that borders on sunset
Fresh flowers are placed in front of your door accompanied with a hundred page note and a stinging smile
He hopes that this will cheer you up in your times of great distress
…His plans end up backfiring completely
The next night you go live and Jungkook waits athirst for the words you’re about to speak
“Please, please stop coming to my home. I can’t trust or appreciate anyone who so blatantly ignores my privacy and safety. If I have to beg you to stop stalking me then how can I even call you my fans?”
You think he doesn’t love you?
No, no, no, no, he loves you, oh god he loves you so much
Why can’t you see it?
Can you not tell just how much his heart screams out for its other half?
Do you not notice all the agony he has endured, and will continue to endure, in the name of your happiness?
This revelation brings on a fit of hysteria 
Fears squeezes the air out of his lungs as he hyperventilates on the living room floor
Wet words are yelled out between sobs and pleads for your love
His tears don’t stop flooding his eyes as he lies helplessly on the wooden floorboards that soak up the sadness
Hours border on days as he lays limpless
He doesn’t eat nor sleep yet only mumbles a hopeless mantra that he prays will reach your ears
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you-” 
Poor, pathetic Jungkook
All those days sitting in sorrow allow a dire idea to fester within his mind
Termites of idiocy tore apart his brain and spat out of the lovelorn remains
Perhaps this distance is what’s limiting your sight of his loving languish
He wants to be closer to you, craves it, no, needs it to survive in this confusing world that pins you two against each other
So all this thinking leads him to kidnap you from your dorm
He shushes your scream with the hand held over your mouth (one that also holds a wet rag submersed in chloroform)
When you wake you’re disoriented and full of confusion
You’re faced with an unfamiliar ceiling and dark shadows that spiral into your sight
The only strong force that keeps you connected to this world are the arms wound tight around your torso
The muffled man comforts your crying before you can notice his own
“Now I can finally show you how much I love you.”
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved ‎
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mrsriddlenott · 10 months
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The First Day Of SmutMas
[smutmas masterlist] [main masterlist]
~ First Christmas ~
bf!James Potter x fem!Reader
Summary: You and James have your first Christmas in your new flat together. You two have fun buying new decorations and deciding where they’ll go while getting distracted in every room you put them in.
- no voldy, no war, no Jilly(i love them tho), mention of reader having a mother, this one’s probably gonna be longer than the others since it’s the first, & ik they can just magic all this up but🤷‍♀️-
Warnings: 18+ Content!!!! Sickly sweet fluff, language, nicknames(Baby, Princess, Good Girl, etc), reader is shorter than James, alludes to Smut, degrading(kinda?), aggressive make out, f!receiving fingering, m!receiving oral. Me being obsessed with James being a dominant softie.
You and James had been together since your 5th year of Hogwarts and by the time your 7th came to an end you knew you were meant to be together forever. Once you had successfully started University and James solidified his Pro-Quidditch career close to a year later, he was desperately begging you to join him in the two bedroom flat he leased for you both, and how could you say no?
You moved in during the Spring and by the time July rolled around you were able to hold a housewarming party with all your friends, and by the start of your next school semester in September, you could really call it home. Which brings you to now, where you sit in your cozy living room under a large blanket texting your Mother as James heats up dinner for you both.
“Jamie!! Oh my Gods!!!” You shouted, jolting up in your love seat and tossing your blanket off as you held your phone in both hands looking at it. James came running into the living room from the connected kitchen as soon as he heard your distress, skidding around the breakfast island as though he was on the Quidditch pitch.
“What?! What’s wrong are you okay??” His eyes darted around your face and body before scanning the room as though looking for danger. “No!! We don’t have Christmas decorations Jamie, my parents have our tree up already look!” You got up, shoving your phone in your boyfriends face as you pouted up to him, showing the sparkling Christmas tree in the photo your Mother sent you.
“I completely forgot I didn’t have my own,” you sighed, looking back to the photo of your decorated childhood living room, “Christmas felt so far away when I moved in so I figured we’d just buy one before we needed one and now it’s gonna be Christmas soon-” your rambling dies down when James’ warm hands cup your face as he shushes your worries, pulling your chin up so you have to look him in the eyes.
“Don’t worry Love, we have close to a month to get this place all festive, we can go to the store first thing in the morning okay?” You shake his hands from your face with scrunched brows before pushing past him entirely, “No, let’s go now, we can set this place up tonight it’s too far into December to wait any longer.”
James stands still in the middle of your shared living room as you rush around, grabbing your coat and keys and straightening your hair in the mirror by your front door, “Love?” James spoke in an overly cautious voice, “It’s only December 5th, we have plenty of time,” His little giggle that usually would have you basically kicking your feet and blushing makes you glare at him through the mirror.
“Right, okay fair enough I’ll get my coat,” He states with a nod of his head and snap of his fingers as he spins on his feet, leaving you to put on your shoes with a triumphant smile. You rushed him out the door as soon as his feet were in his boots before you were speeding out of your car garage as fast as you could, blasting your Christmas playlist louder than needed the entire ride to the store.
James smiled to himself as he watched you sing over every lyric of Feliz Navidad while you wiggled in the drivers seat dancing in what space you had, “Jesus Baby, I knew you loved Christmas but I didn’t know it was this much,” He chuckled to himself with his chin in his hand leant over the middle console. You reached to turn down your music so you could speak properly, keeping your fingers on the nob and making it clear it wouldn’t be for long, “It’s our first Christmas living together James,” you shrugged, flashing him a quick smile before continuing, “I don’t know this one’s just different”
James swore he’d never spent longer shopping, even when you moved in together, but he didn’t complain. The shimmer in your eyes every time you saw something Christmas related had him holding out longer every time he thought to ask when you two would be done. James gladly showed off his strength picking up the box for the 6 foot Christmas tree you said was “just perfect for the flat” and picked out a few boxes of variously shaped lights, but mainly let you run the show as he pushed the items around on the comically too small cart. Until he saw something you must have missed, laughing to himself behind you and quickly grabbing the plastic mistletoe with a bright red ribbon around it, slipping it under the stockings you picked out so it could be a surprise.
Almost as soon as you were back home and parked, you were jumping out to start gathering bags from your trunk, “Baby let me, there‘s like twenty bags in there,” James laughed out while joining you at the back of the car, however you were desperate to get to decorating, insisting it would get done faster if you helped, as well as keep him from needing to do multiple trips up the stairs. Which he couldn’t argue with, so after a few minutes he caved and let you take significantly less bags than you planned, before making your way upstairs.
It didn’t take long to get into the groove of decorating as you turned on your music and began imagining the perfect places for all your decorations. Starting in the living room, you began handing James tinsel to hang off various surfaces as you started unboxing the lights and thinking of where they’re needed most. Tugging at the opening of the box, you watched as James reluctantly taped over the ends of the fake greenery attempting, and failing, to get it to hang evenly over the entrance to your hallway. The obvious pieces of tape and ripped bits hanging uneven and way too low made you cringe as you stepped forward, “er….Jamie Sweetie, do you wanna open these instead and I can take over that”
Staying in your groove however, proved difficult. Since James thought he didn’t seem to have the artistic vision you were looking for in your decoration process, he opted for “patiently”waiting for you to tell him what to do as you worked throughout the flat with James following behind your heels like a lost puppy. In reality though, there was nothing patient about James Potter and at this point he had honestly grown rather bored of decorating, becoming desperate for your attention. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing your hand every 10 to 20 minutes just to twirl you around to Christmas music, as you both laughed and enjoyed the other’s company he watched your eyes shine up at him like he wanted to all evening. When you inevitably caught on to his attempts to distract you however, you began turning down his dances leading him to pout behind your busy figure when you asked him if he could set up the tree for you to decorate instead.
After eyeing the blank canvas of the new tree and the various boxes of different shaped ornaments, you quickly grew entranced by the millions of ways you could think to arrange the shining pieces of glass and plastic, leaving James to grumble to himself while rummaging through the remaining bags to see if you missed any of the fragile orbs. Once he got to a bag holding only two stockings he smirked to himself, grabbing it quickly and yanking out the artificial mistletoe before facing your back as you gently set the hook of a red ornament on the wire branch of the tree. James approached you quickly, standing directly behind you and holding the little decoration above both your heads in one of his large hands.
“Look up,” he chuckled and took your hip in his free hand, spinning you around as you observed the adorable little thing above you with a smile. In less than a second he had tossed the green plastic aside and was gripping the back of your head in his now freed hand, tugging your lips into his as soon as your eyes met. He sighed into you, licking along your bottom lip and begging for entrance as you whined below him, the kiss was passionate and full of unspoken desires as your hands found their designated spot in his messy curls.
James groaned as you tugged on his locks, gripping you tightly before slamming you into the closest wall with a protective hand on your head. Your gasp forced your lips to separate, James staring down at the swollen, red flesh before trailing his lips down your neck to mark there as well, “You drive me crazy you know? You look absolutely breath taking doing the simplest of things,” His voice was low and drenched in arousal as his hands began trailing up and down your body possessively.
The combination of his hot breath and his delicate lips slowly turning aggressive had you shivering and clenching your legs together, your lips unable to keep in your song of pleasure. James’ cocky smile grew in the crook of your neck at the sound, urging him to slip his hand under your shirt to tease the top of your pants and tug you closer by the free belt loop. James brought his lips to the shell of your ear where he softly whispered sounding almost like pleading, “Lemme make you feel good Baby, then we can get back to work.”
His lips immediately returned to their assault of your neck as you tried to will your brain into forming a sentence, “We- hmph….we need to get it done Jamie- fuck.” His teeth dug into the flesh of the side of your neck with a groan and his fingers struggled their way past the waistband of your jeans to drag his fingertips over the hem of your underwear before his mouth was returning to your ear. “I won’t take long then…..I know you want to. I can feel your heat already, you know all you have to do is ask and it’s yours.”
You could hear his smirk in his voice as you whimpered, whining a feeble please that allowed him to rush his hand away only for a second as he unbuttoned your jeans, before quickly snaking his way down the front of your pants and underwear. You both sighed out a moan as the pad of his rough finger slid it’s way through your slick folds, locating your clit immediately and adding a finger as he drew quick circles that took your breath away. “Y’like that Princess?” James chuckled as he spoke, “I know you do, you’re fucking dripping in my hand,”
James’ voice was dark as his deep, blown out eyes met yours, his wide smile only grew as he quickly shoved both his fingers forward and inside of your desperate cunt, forcing your eyes to shut and your mouth to fall open in a moan. “Oh fuck. Fucking hell Jamie,” James wasted no time in picking up the most brutal pace your tight jeans would allow, the feel of the seam scratching against the back of his hand only increasing his need for you. Each time his fingers hit the deepest parts of you he’d swirl his fingertips against the warm, spongey spot and each time your moans would fall into whimpers as you clenched around his digits. Your mind was going hazy as the tension in your lower stomach grew, your moans turning into pants and whines of pleasure as you cling to James’s arms, nails digging into him and surely marking his flesh.
His teeth nip at the bruising skin of your neck pushing you closer to your breaking point, your legs shook under you and his free arm moved to support your back. His fingers worked faster as you tried to support yourself on his chest that vibrated with laughter, his mocking tone surrounding you, “Gods Princess, can’t even fucking stay standing,” his teeth harshly pulled at the abused flesh of your neck just to hear your whines before continuing, “Pathetic really, bet you won’t even wanna finish the tree once I’m finished….isn’t that right?”
“Fu-fuck James….don’t b-be mean,” James snickered into your neck, feeling the clench of your walls and knowing full well you were enjoying every word, “Oh shut the fuck up and be grateful.” He punctuated his words with a harsh move of his fingers against your g-spot, snapping the tension that he’d built up and pushing you over the edge. Your head fell backward into the wall loudly, eyes screwed shut and your mouth open in a silent moan as your whole body shook around James’ fingers that slowly calmed and retreated to his mouth to be sucked clean. He pecked your sweaty cheek and helped to steady you against the wall, laughing at his handy work as you huffed, attempting to catch your breath. “Okay, now back to work Love.”
Your eyes lazily opened to meet his gaze, his authoritative voice making you question what he was planning. “I thought you sai-“ James laughed aloud, kissing your forehead and buttoning your pants as your brows scrunched together, watching him retreat to grab a random ornament before making a show of finding the best spot for it to take.
Over an hour later you found yourself leant below the tree adding the last few ornaments where they looked best. “Hey! Would ya look at that!!” James suddenly stated dramatically as he stood behind you, watching intently as you bent forward on your knees toward the tree. You turned to find him much closer than you expected with a hand above his head, once again dangling the mistletoe above you both. “Gotta give me another kiss now Love,” James almost whispered with a bright smile, “How bout you be all festive and follow the rules yeah?”
When you went to stand James’ rough hand met your shoulder, lightly shoving you back onto your knees and tsking down at you softly. He pocketed his mistletoe, caressing your cheek with his knuckle sending a shiver directly down your spine, “You kissed me on the lips last time Princess, shouldn’t I get a different kiss this time?” His voice was laced in a condescending tone as his bottom lip stuck out in a mocking pout, watching your eyes dart between his darkening gaze and his growing bulge that was almost level with your eyes.
You smiled up at him, maintaining eye contact as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his clothed crotch and immediately letting your tongue slip past your lips to leave a trail of spit up the outline of his shaft to his tip, eliciting a groan from the back of James’ throat. “Fucking ‘ell, take them off first” he growled above you, making you giggle as you tugged his pants and boxers halfway down his muscular thighs, letting his fully hard dick bounce up against his abdomen. Your eyes and lips gravitated to it as though they were magnets, mouth watering as you planted soft kisses on the base of his shaft before trailing higher while James’ breath picked up. His strong fingers weaved into your hair, a telltale sign he was getting impatient, just how you liked him.
Almost as soon as your delicate lips met his leaking red tip you were opening them to trace up and down his slit with the tip of your tongue, before padding your teeth with your lips and hollowing your cheeks to abruptly and without warning slip his throbbing dick down your throat in one go. The obscene, shaky moan James released was like music to your ears as his fingers aggressively clenched in your hair. “Fuck y/n, bloody amazing you are!” You bobbed your head up and down, immediately setting a quick pace you knew he thoroughly enjoyed.
His hips lightly thrusted forward to meet your tongue each time you backed away, forcing you to gag around him as his tip hit the back of your throat repeatedly. The weight of his heavy dick and the taste of his precum sending a wave of pleasure to your core, drenching your already damp underwear once again. You balanced yourself with a hand on his large thigh, moaning as you dug your nails into the flesh, pulling a strangled moan from James and making him jolt harder into your mouth accidentally.
“Fuck Princess I’m sorry, just feels so- oh fuck,” you didn’t let up at his words, even as his hips mindlessly pushed him further and harder into you. Your eyes watered as your throat started to hurt, his grip in your hair moving to grip onto the back of your neck hard. “I’m gonna cum and you’re gonna fucking swallow it okay?” Your teary eyes met his as you nodded the best you could around him, “Good girl, always so good for me.” You moan around him at his praises, hearing him hiss above you as you absentmindedly buck your hips against nothing but the seam of your jeans. His dick twitched against your tongue when James pulled back before he was shoving back in harder, using your neck to push you further onto him as he spilled his cum into the back of your throat, forcing a gag from your desperate attempts to swallow every last drop he gifted you.
James gently removed himself from your mouth, trailing his hand to your cheek in a comforting manner as he tugged his pants up over himself. He trailed his thumb over your swollen lip, smiling down to you with a hazed look on his face, “My little gift under the tree.” His voice was soft and inviting as you giggled up to him before standing to turn and observe your beautiful Christmas tree.
“Baby, you missed an ornament,” James stated as he pointed out a snowflake remaining in the box now filled mostly with empty protective wrapping, “I was wondering, why didn’t you want to get a real Christmas tree? Y’know, be all traditional for the first Christmas in the flat?” James asked as he grabbed the forgotten ornament gently and handed it to you.
“Because this way it‘ll last a while, as long as we keep it safe anyway. We can take it with us when we move into a house together and one day it’ll be our kids’ first Christmas tree. Maybe even some of our grandkids’ if it lasts that long.” You spoke so nonchalantly as though you knew for a fact you wanted to spend every Christmas as a family and James swore his chest shrunk, his heart suddenly feeling the need to break out of his body as his eyes scrunched with the smile on his face. His slightly teary eyes scanned the room that only seconds ago he saw as a bit gaudy, now seeing the bows, the flashing lights of different colors, and that green plastic mocking vegetation on any flat edge it would fit on….as absolutely beautiful, each one a new memory to be shared.
When you turned to look to him you saw he was already watching you hang the glittering snowflake with tears in his eyes. Wasting no time in throwing himself forward, gripping your cheeks in his warm hands and melding his lips into yours, only barely separating to breath with his forehead against yours. “If you keep talking like that then this tree will only be a few months older than James Jr” You burst out laughing together as you fall into his arms in a warm hug.
“I am most definitely not naming our son James Jr,” you laughed, stepping around him with a pat on his shoulder, “James can be his middle name though Sweetie, we can think of a first name when we actually start trying.” You giggled, rearranging a piece of tinsel that was out of place, not seeing the look of pure love and adoration James was giving you.
“Well then what the bloody ‘ell are we waitin’ for” James loudly stated, pulling your attention to him before he was hauling you up by your thighs, tossing you over his shoulder, and smacking your ass with a laugh while walking toward your shared bedroom.
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@timmytime17 @talia-scar123 @spencer-reids-wife @ttsbaby01 @animorose @whydoireadanymore @thievin-stealing @spiderman-stilinski @evycloudberry @shady-the-simp @ashisabitgay @porterport @callsignwidow @cicicicicisstuff @mattheoriddleswifee @junebugin-july @moonlightreader649 @devotedlyshadowytheorist @rubyliquor @perverteddsdreams @mildly-delulu @fairydimples07 @shadowmoonlight0604 @80scinemvasworld @nevillescomslut @annaisabookworm @abaker74 @athenalikethegoddess @limeren @h-------n @kezibear @mattheoriddlemarcuslopez @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @curiousshifter101 @tobyr68 @spididerman @hedwigprewett12 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @kiwi475
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keerysfreckles · 11 months
your kiss - peter parker
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pairing: tom!peter x f!reader
summary: peter, your best friend, also known as spiderman swings into your bedroom after a night of patrolling and finds you asleep on your desk. he tries his best to be quiet while tidying up your room, but things change - for the better ?
warnings: PURE FLUFF!!! use of y/n and she/her pronouns
peter parker has always been enthralled by y/n. ever since the first day of freshman year, since the two were biology lab partners. the two were quick to have a connection, and were soon best friends by the end of the first semester.
he was enticed by her. the way her hair bounced on her shoulders as she walked from classes. or the way her eyes lit up at the mention of her favorite book. he especially loved how her smile got slightly wider once he stepped in the room.
y/n was always on his mind. whether it be a reminder for him to ask how her day was, or because he simply couldn't stop thinking about the girl.
lately y/n and peter haven't been able to talk much, due to peter being busy being the friendly neighborhood spiderman, and y/n was tackling college applications as well as essays and exams.
every friday night, peter would stop by y/n's apartment she lived in with her parents. her parents absolutely adored peter when she brought him over to study for an upcoming economy test.
this friday was no different, as peter finally swung on his last web to get to the girl's window. he caught his breath as he took his mask off, while sliding open y/n's bedroom window.
his feet hit the carpeted floor of y/n's room, and he smiles softly once he sees y/n asleep. her head was resting on her folded arms, which were covering pages of her unfinished essay. her computer was open and on the dim screen was a half finished college application. peter chuckled quietly, as he closed the window, and threw his mask at the edge of her bed.
peter made his way towards y/n's desk and turned off the lamp. he closed her laptop, and tried his best to clean up the supplies the girl wasn't laying on. peter also couldn't help but notice she was wearing his midtown sweatshirt. he must've left it over one time, and now he was glad he did. he thought she looked adorable in it.
as peter was moving the books off the desk and towards y/n's bookshelf, y/n lifted her head from her arms, and rubbed the drool that was leaving her lips. she turned in her desk chair, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"pete? what are you doing here?" her voice was quiet, and hoarse considering she just woke up.
peter walks over towards her, "just doing my weekly check in. i see you're still busy with college stuff."
y/n only nods, and peter notices her shoulders tense at the mention of it.
"how were the streets of queens tonight?" y/n asks the superhero, as he sits on her bed and she starts to clean up her desk.
"they were alright," peter shrugged, "i caught a guy stealing from the deli. so i guess that's something."
y/n nodded intently, as he continued to tell her about his night. peter couldn't help but let his eyes trail over y/n's figure as she sat on top of her desk across from her bed.
y/n couldn't help but let her eyes go back and forth between his face and his body in his spider suit.
as y/n was not-so-discretly looking over peter's body, peter smirked. "why are you staring at me like that y/n?" he let out a breathy laugh, mostly out of nerves.
y/n's face instantly changed into a shade of red. "i wasn't staring," she lies.
out of no where, peter suddenly gains confidence. he isn't sure where it comes from, but before he knows how to stop, he's walking towards y/n. he simply stood in front of the girl, his hands were placed on both of her bare knees.
peter's voice is soft, scared if he spoke any louder he'd scare y/n off. "i don't know what it is about you y/n, but i've always been captived by you."
"captived?" y/n reiterates, surprised at the confession by the boy. her cheeks grow hotter as peter moves forward, now standing directly in between y/n's thighs. his hands don't leave her legs, while his thumbs rub comforting circles over her skin.
"why do you think i stop by here every week?" he honestly asks.
y/n shrugs, as her brain becomes foggy at the close proximity of the pair, "because you care about me?"
peter slightly chuckles, "well yeah i care about you. but it's mainly an excuse so i can see you."
y/n doesn't know how to respond, and is grateful once peter continues, "i've liked you since the first day of freshman year. i've always liked you y/n. even when you dated that douchebag jonathan, and came home crying almost every night because of him. i've liked you since sophomore formal, and i got enough courage to ask you to dance with me. i've liked you since i told you i was spiderman, basically trusting you with the biggest secret of my entire life. and i've liked you since you started applying to all these colleges. i've always liked you y/n."
y/n's silent, as she takes in all of peter's words. of course they all caught her by surprise. she's liked peter since the night of the sophomore formal. she remembers the night vividly. how she danced with peter, and got milkshakes with him afterwards.
peter's voice gets caught in his throat, creating a more raspiness to it as his leans closer towards y/n and whispers, "if you don't want me to kiss you, just say so."
only a moment passes before y/n's the one to lean forward, connecting her lips to peter's. her hands move to his shoulders, and peter kisses her with such force. he's been waiting to kiss the girl for four years, of course there's going to be force behind it.
"wow," y/n whispers as peter pulls away. her hands don't leave his shoulders, and only move to his neck to lightly play with the curls at the base of his neck.
peter looks down to his midtown sweatshirt y/n's wearing, "y'know, i could get used to you wearing my clothes."
y/n giggles, a hard blush forming on her cheeks. peter leans forward and kisses y/n's lips again, much quicker than before.
"how would you feel about being spiderman's girlfriend?" peter asks.
"it would be an honor," y/n giggles once again, before pulling peter in again and kissing his lips. that wasn't the only kiss shared for the rest of the night.
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k1utzymitry · 3 months
rises the moon ₊˚⊹☆
chpt. 2: sun digs it’s heels to taunt you
series mlist
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choso x roommate!reader
you’re finally getting to know your roommate both of your feelings intensify every second you spend around him
wc: 3.3k
cw: language
as the bright summer skies start to darken, the trees outside start to change from a lively green to a mix of reds, oranges and yellows, and when the breeze starts to cool down you realize the school year is closer than expected and summer is coming to an end. you weren’t super excited to start school again. you’d much rather sleep in all day and stay up all night, but everything has to come to an end. it’s back to the normal routine that had you stressing and ripping your hair out. hopefully, the second year of college won’t be as tourtoreous as the first. Hopefully, your professors don’t overload your schedule with assignments, essays, and reports. you genuinely don’t know if you would be able to take it anymore if this year is just as bad as the last. but at least you aren’t alone this year. this year you have a roommate to keep you sane. though the two of you had just met you feel this sort of connection between you two. you feel like you’ve known him your entire life. you feel like if you spilled all your deepest secrets to him he would take it to his grave and never ever tell a soul. you felt this sort of instant comfort with him, maybe it’s because of his nervousness? maybe it’s because he looks like he couldn’t even lay a finger on a fly? maybe it’s because he’s insanely attra-
oh- he’s so attractive. maybe that’s why thoughts of him plague your mind and take over your brain. you’ve only known him a week and he’s taken over every thought in your brain. he’s so intoxicating. maybe it was his face, or maybe it was the way he was so soft spoken? maybe it was the way he looked so focused while he worked and played his guitar? maybe it was all of those things, you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. you felt this sort of foreign connection with him that you couldn’t find anywhere else. every time you think about him you find it incredibly hard to stop. to be honest you think it’s quite embarrassing that you could fall in love with someone you hardly know. you don’t even know how old he is for heaven's sake! yes it’s shameful but you just can’t help it. he’s just sooo cuteee!!
you didn’t notice but you’ve been fantasizing and squealing for the past 45 minutes. if anyone were to pass by your room they would think you’re getting kidnapped or something. but you just can’t stop thinking about him. he’s just soooo dreamy!! okay for real stop now. you think that you should lock in, and actually start thinking about school. now that you finished setting up your room it’s time to start setting up your schedule. summers coming to its end and the fall semester is in less than a week! as your thinking about your semester classes you snap to your senses when you hear a knock at your bedroom door. you arise from your bed to crack open the door and see choso. once you see him you realize you have to act like you weren’t just creating fantasies about him. which is hard considering the fact he’s right in front of you.
“hey choso what’s up?” you're surprised you got your words out without completely stumbling over every single word. you give him a smile as you lean against the door frame.
“i was uh wondering if you wanted anything for dinner, since neither of us h-have gone grocery shopping yet.” as he messes with the hem of his hoodie. “i was about to go pick some up if, you wanted anything..” he looks away from you during that last portion and his words fade out.
“oh! yeah lemme put my shoes on and i’ll be right out!” you said then rushed to grab said things. he didn’t expect you to want to come with him but he won’t deny it. if anything, he's excited. since the moment he saw you he knew he was in for a roller coaster.
“okay, ready when you are!” he practically felt like he was melting when you gave him the kindest smile. he couldn’t even believe that you even said yes, he wasn’t expecting you to want to come with him in the first place.
“we can go now” you follow him out the room setting the door behind you. Both of you leave small dorm room and make your way to the elevator. The elevator was silent, but you could feel him staring at you through the mirror conviently placed in the elevator, though you decide to say nothing about it. The elevator came to a slow stop as you reached the ground floor.
“ so what are we getting cho?” You mention as you're both walking to the parking lot. The nickname again makes him flush a bit, it’s not noticeable to the fact it’s dark outside.
“anything you want, i’m not too picky. plus i picked last time.” you then reached choso car. it looks pretty new, sleek, black, probably real expensive, it definitely suits him. he then pulls out his keys and unlock the doors. you step into the passenger side and get settled into his car. the interior is also nice, spacious, black leather seats, a touch screen radio, you really wonder how he could afford such a nice car.
“anything i want? hmm.” you put your mind to work for what you wanted but you genuinely couldn’t think of anything.
“well not anything. some places are probably closed by now because of how late it is. and i’m not made out of money.” but i'd buy you the whole world if i could is what he wanted to say. he doesn’t understand why. he’s never even thought of saying those kinds of things to anyone else so he doesn’t know why all of a sudden he would to you. he’s only known you for about a week and his mind is stuck on thoughts of you.
‘this is going to be a torturous year if i don’t get over this’ he thinks to himself as he spaces out. but is snapped out of it when he hears your voice.
“uhmm i think that one italian place down sunshine street is open 24 hours, it’s a bit far from the university though. if you want to check it out.” your face was hardly illuminated due to the lack of lights but he could tell you were giving him that same sweet smile.
��yeah we can go, i’ll just need to stop for gas first.” he says as he starts pulling out of the parking lot. “you can play music if you want. i’m not picky about what kind.” he glances over at you to see you giggling at him. this made him turn entirely red and put his focus back on the road.
“what’s funny” by his expression you could tell he was confused and embarrassed.
“why are you acting so serious and nonchalant? are you scared to look at me or something? loosen up a bit.” and with that his shoulders dropped and his breathing slowed down you could tell he was tense.
“no, and uh sorry.” his face was still red you could tell by the street lights.
“you don’t have to apologize. i’m not gonna be mad or anything. do you think i’m scary?” he pulled the car into a gas pump by the nearest gas station before putting the car in park.
“no, i just think you’re really pretty.” and with that he was out of the car headed to the inside convenience store leaving you with that statement plaguing your thoughts.
wait what did he say? did he say that i’m pretty? does he actually think i’m pretty? those thoughts were running through your head like a wildfire. you glance through the window again to see choso already walking back to the car. you were frozen you didn’t even know what you were going to say to that. as your stare at him you do think he is cute, and almost exactly your type. he stands on the side of the car by the gas pump and quietly waits as the car fills up with fuel. you never thought someone’s side profile could look so hot but it felt like your heart was stopping and restarting the longer you looked at him. he then finished and got back into the car. it was silent. not another word was exchanged between the two of you. not that it was necessarily awkward, but you still couldn’t wrap your mind around the statement he made. it wasn't like it was anything out of the ordinary or anything you’ve been called pretty a bunch of times but it felt different when it came from him. you couldn’t quite put your finger on why it was only him that made you feel this way. not that you didn’t believe in love at first sight, but there’s no way it could happen this fast and over a simple comment. right?
the drive to the shop took a bit longer than expected, the silence eventually getting to you making you turn up the radio slightly. throughout the rest of the drive you’re mostly just playing with your hair while you look out the window. when he pulls into the drive through at the shop he turns to you before asking do you already know what you want it felt nice to be reassured that he would still talk to you. from the silence he displayed not long ago you were afraid he went non verbal and would never speak again. but it was also bad that you didn’t even think of it. you’ve only been to this place once and you didn’t even think to look up the menu online. you turn to face him before you shake your head. he then pointed at the brightly lit menu by him. you read the menu and tell the drive through worker what you want and so does choso and sooner or later you’re at the first window. you reach into your pocket and pull out your wallet and go for your card. he puts his hand over yours stopping your movements before saying..
“it’s okay i’ll pay.” you look at him sorta shocked. “it’s not that much i’ll pay for myself. plus you paid for both of us last time we got food.” he gave you a dirty glare which you really hoped he didn’t mean but that quickly made you put your wallet up. He then pulled out his own and gave his card to the worker once they went over the order. He then got the receipt and pulled up to the next window. He put the car in park and waited silently. It wasn't as awkward as earlier but it definitely wasn't ideal to be sitting in silence with a guy that's so cute. Some girls and maybe even some guys would be flocking to be you in this situation, you can't say this experience is incredibly terrible though. You are getting free food out of this and it is much better than being cooped up in your small dorm room stressing about the school year that's about to start in a couple of days. The silence is sickeningly loud, and the tension in such a small vehicle was thick enough to cut through. You wanted to say something desperately but you couldn't think of the right words to say. You didn't want him to think of you in some kind of way. It's not like you wanted to stay silent, you just didn't want to say the wrong thing.
Him on the other hand.. he was freaking out mentally. He's glad he didn't start physically shaking, he probably would have if it was anybody else but he doesn't want to seem like some kind of wimp in front of you. Your first impressions with you were already bad enough when he couldn't say a single sentence without stuttering up a storm, and the past week the both of you have been in the dorm together the two of you have hardly said a word to one another. When he came to your room and asked if you wanted food it took him 3 days to muster up the confidence. He thinks he should be ashamed because how does it even take that long?? It's not like he was expecting to share a dorm with a girl, a pretty girl at that. He thought it was gonna be separated by boys and girls, like most places are but he cant say hes mad about the decision to put the two of you in a dorm together. And it's not like you two are sharing a room anyways, you're both on two completely opposite ends of the dorm itself. He realizes he's been spacing out when he feels something tap his right shoulder and he hears his name repeatedly being called by such a sweet voice.
“Choso.. Hey choooo. chosoo. choooooooo…” you kept repeating his name hoping to grab his attention. When you realized simply just saying his name wasn't going to grasp his attention you turned to repeatedly tapping him and calling his name. Which did eventually work when he looked like he saw a ghost or something by the way he practically jumped out of his skin. He averted his eyes to you from the dashboard creating intense eye contact between you and him. his attention was fully on you now. his eyes held a power you couldn’t describe. it was almost hypnotizing the way he was looking at you like he was longing for you. You can't lie, he was pretty handsome and just your type. You had completely forgotten what you were going to say as the two of you just stared at each other. there was a comfortable yet intense silence. Which just had to be ruined by a worker knocking on the glass window. Choso then rolled down the window as fast as it could go, which was still relatively slow.
“Sorry to interrupt you little love birds, but I have your order.” The elderly woman handed choso a bag with two foam plates in it. And before you or choso could correct the woman she was scurrying off back to work. Choso hands you the bag before putting the car in drive and hurrying out of the store's parking lot. The car ride was silent along with faint rock music playing in the background, the car was at a steady pace as he drove fast down the highway. It was until you realized you were going the direct opposite way of the dorms. It's not that you didn't trust him, more like just confused.
“Choso, where are we going?” you glance at him and ask quietly.
“Do you trust me?” The car slows down some as he comes to a turn. You could say no and he would probably drive you back to the dorm, or you could continue with this and let him take you to god knows where. To say you were curious was an understatement. But to think rationally why would he even take you, you're quite literally roommates. He would obviously be the number one suspect if you went missing. You don't think he's that dumb. Right? Before you can even come up with a decision, curiosity took over you and blurted out ‘yes’. The car then started to step up back to its normal fast and steady pace.
“I promise i wont hurt you.. you seemed hesitant is all.” he glaces at you again before putting his attention back on the road. “that’s something a kidnapper would say..”
“do i look like a kidnapper sweetheart?”
that nickname was all it took for the both of you to practically switch places.. you turned into the timid one and he seemed as confident as ever.
“i mean..” you dragged out the end as he sighed. “well on the bright side you’re not an ugly kidnapper. i would hate to be kidnapped especially by someone who wasn’t my type.” …why did you just say that..? the last part just slipped out, you had meant to say ‘i would hate to be kidnapped by someone who was ugly” but i guess even your own body isn’t on your side tonight.
“i’m your type?” his eyes don’t leave the road, and yours don’t leave the dashboard. you absolutely cannot look at him right now not after your slip up.
“well.. there’s a lot of guys that look like you.. like the emo, punkish,and grungy look. a lot of girls, or guys if you’re into that; like that kind of stuff nowadays.” the quick excuse doesn’t cover up what you said but it’s the first thing that came to mind.
“uh huh…” you can tell he doesn’t believe you completely so you just stay quiet and enjoy the rest of the ride to this mysterious location.
around 15 minutes later, you arrive. the car comes to a stop and his seatbelt comes undone, so you undo yours as well. he then pushes his seat back as far as possible, and you mirror his actions. he reached into the backseat and pulled the two foam plates and handed you one with some plastic utensils and set one on his lap. you then finally look up out the front window and see a thousand stars glimmering and beaming in the sky. it was absolutely beautiful.
“choso… where are we..?”
“we’re only a city over don’t worry. but this is where i go when i go late night driving. it’s isolated.. no one comes around here. real calm over here.” faint music plays in the background as choso starts to eat his food. you also begin to eat. you notice choso keeps looking up at you, but you keep it to yourself. it was until he spoke.
“can i get a bite of your food.. it looks really good.” you giggle at him before picking up a good sized piece and bringing it towards his mouth. he chuckles a bit before opening his mouth and taking a bite out of the food and chewing. his eye light up at the taste. it’s different from his usual flavor palette.
“can i get a bite of yours?” you ask staring at his plate. he picks up his fork and brings it towards your mouth. you take the bite and begin to chew. it’s much different from what you ordered. it’s actually really spicy. you reach over to a bottle of water that mysterious sat in chosos car.
“hold on you’ve gotten something right..” chosos hand grabs your face as you turn to face him once more. he wipes the corner of your lips removing a previous crumbs. yet his hand doesn’t leave, nor do his eyes from yours. he stares deeply into your pupils as you look into his dark ones. you don’t realize it but during this intense staring you both started to lean in before both of your lips collided in a passionate kiss. it wasn’t quick. he held you there as the kids grew longer. soon you melted into it and let yourself go. but even quicker than that you both were out of breath. you both pull back and lock eyes once more, and you’re both rendered completely speechless
please don’t ask me why it took over 2 months.. i don’t wanna talk about it. BUT UM CHAPTER 3 WILL BE OUT SOON I SWEAR.. okay i don’t swear but it is a wip rn meaning it wont be TOO much longer but yk me ;) (if there are any mistakes don’t be afraid to point them out) -dmitry
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phantompanties · 2 months
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And They Were Roomates
Summary: It's your senior year at New World University, and there's been some changes to the dorms since you went home for your summer break. As such, roommate plans have been rearranged, and you were to meet your new one today. Imagine your shock when the man who walked through the door was your tormentor for most of your life here...
Relationship: Eustass kidd x Fem!reader
Tags: modern au, college au, Kidd is a bully, sexual tension, hatefucking, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, name calling, rough sex, creampie, brat taming if you squint, Kidd catches feelings at the end
Length: nearly 3k words
The lock of your dormitory door clicked as you twisted the key, granting you access. When you were welcomed by a dark entryway, you realized your mysterious new roommate wasn’t here yet. No matter, you didn’t mind being here first.
Due to a complication with the system, you were unable to find out who your roommate for this semester was going to be. It truthfully made you a little nervous, as your last roommate was a total sweetheart named Koala, a political science major who dabbled in martial arts. The two of you became fast friends during the previous few semesters, but alas, life wasn't so kind this time around. Starting fresh wasn’t bad though. You at least hoped that your new roommate would be just as nice as Koala. You pulled your luggage into one of the two small bedrooms allotted to you. You found it a little strange that there were two bedrooms, as you were used to the same single-room dorms you and Koala shared, but it wasn’t unwelcome. It felt like a luxury to actually have some privacy. When you were finished, you looked around the common area. It was very cramped, only having room for a loveseat and an itty bitty coffee table across from the small TV mounted to the wall, but again, it was far bigger than the dorms you were used to. You were actually kind of excited!
Of course, that excitement was interrupted by the door swinging wide open, and your heart sank when a familiar broom of red hair ducked through the frame.
When his amber eyes caught sight of you, his whole face soured. “No fuckin’ way. You!?”
Oh sweet merciful lord, NO. Eustass Kidd!? Your mysterious roommate is the biggest pain in your ass since you enrolled!? He’s done nothing but bully you around like a middle schooler every time the two of you had a class! This bastard was the number one reason you were so happy to go home for the summer every year!
You swallowed your shock and disdain, attempting to figuratively be the bigger person. “I… wasn’t expecting this…”
“Yeah, well neither was I!” he spits, his Scottish accent thick in his speech. “I have the bloody misfortune of rooming with this fuckin’ twat!”
“Excuse me!?” you bark. “How dare you!?”
“Ya heard me, bird. I can’t fuckin stand bein’ around yer prissy arse.”
“Prissy!?” you exclaim. “Well excuse me for actually caring about my appearance! You always look like you just rolled out of bed!”
“It’s called bein’ punk, ya dafty.” He shoots back. “That’s the bloody point.”
“I’ve seen punks that take better care of their appearance than you! Not to mention the stench every time I have the misfortune of being near you. If you’re gonna live here, at least take a fucking shower every day!”
“Oh, that’s rich comin’ from the twat that reeks like she bathes in a tub o’ perfume every mornin’! How many bottles do ya go through a week? I can smell ya from three rooms over!”
“It’s a nice smell and I hardly use that much!” you shoot back. “Maybe if you stopped huffing engine fumes all goddamn day you’d be able to appreciate it.”
“Hah!” he barks out a laugh. “At least I’m usin’ my time for somethin’ useful! Aren’t you majorin’ somethin’ bloody useless? Like English?”
“I’m a Communications major, dumbass. Big difference.”
“Aye, whatever. Don’t get yer knickers in a twist.” Kidd huffs, throwing his prosthetic arm up and dragging his luggage to his bedroom. Thank god the two of you at least had separate rooms…
When he returned from his room, he pointed at you. “We’re gonna have tae lay down some ground rules, bird. Coz if I’m stuck roomin’ with ya, I want my life to at least be a little tolerable.”
“I should be saying that…” you huff, crossing your arms.
“One, keep yer bleedin’ trap shut. I hate listenin’ to ya yap enough as it is.”
“You can’t just tell me to be quiet, asshole!” you argue. “That isn’t fair!”
“Life ain’t fair, ninny. Two, stay the fuck away from my room. If I catch a whiff of yer stench on any of my shit, there’ll be hell to pay.”
“That goes the same for you.” you agree.
Kidd snorts. “Three, you’ll let me bring over whoever the hell I want and ya won’t say a damn thing about it. That includes whoever I feel like shaggin’ that night.”
“Oh great, I get to listen to you disappoint your lovers in real-time. Is it my birthday?” you snark.
“Oy! Don’t be callin’ me some one-pump-chump, bird. You’d be surprised to know how many hoors I got blowin’ my phone up every day.”
“I didn’t call you a one-pump-chump,” you say with a smirk. “You’re telling on yourself.”
Kidd choked on air, and you felt like you could dance in victory. You actually got one on him! This is a high you’ll be riding for the rest of your life!
“Right, now listen here, ya cheeky cunt.” Kidd, growls, getting in your face and poking you in the chest with his prosthetic hand. “Don’t be thinkin’ that just coz ya made a little joke that yer above me. I guarantee that I can have ya shakin’ and screamin’ my name all night.”
“Looks like I struck a nerve,” you say, still smirking and looking up at his fiery eyes. “But I don’t believe your empty lies, Kidd. sorry.”
“Oh, it’s not a lie, bird…” Kidd growls, lifting your chin with his metal finger. “It’s a promise.”
Something about the way he said that sent electricity shooting down your belly and into your groin. Fuck, you hated this bastard, but the way his bright eyes were boring into you so hungrily made you wanna squeeze your thighs together.
“What do ya say, bird? Ya want a ride with the Eustass Kidd? The way yer lookin’ at me, I’d say yes…”
“Don’t call yourself “the” Eustass Kidd like you’re some kind of celebrity, dumbass.” you snarked.
“Oy, do somethin’ about that mouth o’ yours or I’m gonna do it for ye,” he growled, gripping your jaw and squishing your cheeks.
“Do it, you won’t,” you whispered, challenging him.
Kidd smashed his ruby-painted lips into yours then, groaning in a way that made your core throb. He moved his hands down to your ass, squeezing with both his flesh and prosthetic hands. Your hands travelled up his broad chest, hooking around his thick neck. When his tongue licked your greedy lips, you opened them, permitting him to shove it down your throat. The air became heated as the two of you clicked your teeth together, rubbing and grinding your bodies in an intense display of raw lust.
You squeaked as his rough hands picked you up like you weighed nothing, wrapping your legs around his torso. He smirked into your lips as he carried you to his bed.
Once there, he threw you into his sheets, not even waiting for you to settle out the first couple of bounces before he went and attacked your pretty lips again. He could feel that his lipstick was smudged all over both of your mouths, but he didn’t give a fuck. You tasted too fucking good, and he wanted more.
He disconnected your lips for a moment, smirking at the translucent string of saliva that connected your tongues. He removed his faded band tee, revealing his thick, muscled body scarred from years of reckless street fighting. He went in to tug your shirt off next, groaning in your ear. “Let me see that fuckin’ body of yours, bird.”
You gasped breathlessly, helping him remove your blouse and bra. When your chest was bare, he licked his lips approvingly. “Been wantin’ to see these pretty tits since I met ya.”
“Yeah, I bet, pervert.” you snark.
Growling, Kidd dove into your neck, biting and licking while he pinched your nipples in his warm flesh hand, rolling and tugging between his fingers. You bit your lip, holding in your moans.
“Ah, ah, don’t be doin’ that birdie. Let me hear how much ya love it,” he smirked against your skin.
“Y-you’ll have to do better than that, Useless Mid.” you challenge. “You aren’t getting shit from me.”
“Oh, the little prissy miss has a spine, eh? Very well.” you shivered when he looked you dead in the eyes. The look he was giving you was downright predatory.
In a swift motion, KIdd tugged down your sweats and panties at the same time, revealing your glistening folds. You looked away from his face then, embarrassed.
“Aww, are you gettin’ shy on me, bird? Where’s your cheeky jokes?”
“Sh-shut the fuck up…” you mumble, still not looking in his eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re a virgin, love. Surely you’ve shagged at least a few times with this body of yours.”
“I-I don’t think that’s any of your business!” you gasp at him.
“I’m right ain’t I?” he grins.
“No, you’re not!” you shout, covering your face in annoyance. “I’m just not used to it being like this!”
“Ah, but you like it, don’t ya, bird? Yer as wet as a drowned rat.”
“Shut up…”
“I bet your minge tastes just as sweet as your mouth, birdie. I’m gonna give ya the face ride o’ yer fuckin’ life.”
“Stop talking and do it already you- hnnHHAAHH!”
You couldn’t contain your moan when Kidd’s rough tongue licked a stripe up your sopping folds, and he chuckled. “There it is. Keep making those sounds, pretty girl.”
You hated to admit this, but this was probably the best head you’ve gotten in your life. Kidd drank from you greedily like you were a water fountain and he was dying of thirst. The way his lips latched around your clit and the sounds of him slurping from your dripping hole were enough to make you go crazy. Your hand found his mess of scarlet red hair, tugging him further into your aching pussy as you ground it on his face. Kidd couldn’t contain his moans and the vibrations shocked your clit deliciously.
“Mmmhf… yer close, ain’t ya, bird?” he groans against your hole as he slurps. “Mmmngh… yer twitchin’ on me face. C’mon, then. Cum on my tongue ya dirty cunt. Y’know ya want tae.”
You gripped his hair harder with one hand and covered your mouth with the other, letting out a loud moan as your orgasm ripped through. Kidd moaned into your pussy as he lapped up your delicious cream.
While you were lying there, twitching with aftershocks, Kidd admired the new bright red pair of lipstick panties he left on your cute pussy. He wished his phone was closer to the bed so he could take a picture for his wank bank. Oh well, he had a good memory anyway.
“Sh-shit…” you gasped. “Oh fuck…”
“Mmmh, that don’t sound like disappointment to me, birdie,” Kidd smirks, leaning in front of your face.
“S-so what? You may be good with your mouth, but it doesn’t change the fact you’re a one-pump-chump…”
“You’re losin’ yer edge, lass. You don’t sound like ya mean that anymore.”
“Shut up, asshole.” you spat, although still breathless. “I’m not changing my mind.”
“Well, then I’ll just have to make ya, then.” he chuckles.
Kidd momentarily stepped off the bed to remove his belts and pants, revealing a sizable tent in his boxers. You swallowed in anticipation, a little nervous.
Kidd made a show of revealing his cock, and by god, Kidd was a large man, and that thing was proportional. Your eyes widened in both hunger and a little bit of fear and he laughed.
“Ya like what ya see, birdie?” he asks, stroking it slowly.
“It’s… bigger than I expected…” you whimper.
This seemed to stroke Kidd’s ego exponentially because he gave a low growl. “That’s right, bird. And every last inch is gonna fill ya right up.”
He knelt back on the bed, pulling your hips forward and slowly rubbing his cock up and down your pussy.
“Ah yeah, you’re nice n’ wet for me, ya dirty girl. It should slide in no problem.”
“W-will it fit…?” you gulp.
You saw Kidd’s cock twitch at that. “Careful, bird. You’re askin’ for me to break the bed when ya talk like that.”
Kidd lined himself with your drooling hole, slowly pushing himself inside. He threw his head back as your gummy walls fluttered around the intrusion.
“Fuck…” he moans. “So hot… so tight…”
You gripped the sheets as he slid further into your walls, nearly bumping your cervix with his blunt tip.
“Shit… yer like a bloody vice on my cock, birdie…” he groans, biting his lip.
“You’re just too fucking big!” you whine.
“Yeah, but you love it,” he says, leaning down and smirking in your face. “Yer hips are movin’ on their own, love. Ya want me to rail ya senseless, don’tcha? Ya want me to ruin other guys for ya? I’ll give ya what ya want, birdie. I’ll make you addicted to my cock.”
“Nnghf… shut up and fuck me!” you snap.
Kid grinned wildly, diving into your neck and slowly pulling out, then slamming back in. he gave a few harsh thrusts before he set a brutal pace, fucking you like a man possessed. It wasn’t a stretch to say he was, your pussy just felt that fucking good.
You whined, scrambling to find his neck for purchase. God the feeling of him stretching you was heavenly. You couldn’t help but rake your nails across his shoulders. Kidd leaned back from your neck, admiring the deep bite marks he left as he pounded you. Now Kidd was in there deep, but he felt like he could go deeper. He took his big hands, both flesh and metal, gripping your hips and pulling you even further onto his cock. You gasped, eyes filling with stars as his blunt head kissed against your cervix. “God… I’ve been wanting to fill your cunt for so fuckin’ long… wish I’d done this sooner…!”
“F-fuck! Kidd!” you wail, your fingernails drawing angry red lines in his skin.
Kidd growled, grabbing the back of your thighs and folding you in half. The man had you in a mating press and was pounding into you so hard you were sure you heard the floor creaking. Your eyes rolled back into your head and Kidd chuckled, his eyes darkened with lust.
“I can feel ya gettin’ tighter, love. Ya wanna cum so bad, don’tcha? Yer already creamin’ so good on me. Say ya wanna cum, birdie. Tell me how bad ya want it.”
“F-fuck… fuck you, Kidd…” you whine, screwing your eyes shut.
“You’re already doin’ that birdie. C’mon now, don’t be shy. Tell me ya wanna cum. Beg for it. Fuckin’ scream it.”
“L-let me cum, Kidd, please!” you wail. “I need it! Fuck, please!”
Kidd groaned, cock twitching in your walls. “Good girl.”
His flesh hand travelled between your bodies. And his thumb met your clit, rubbing in tight circles. “Come on… cum on my cock, ya dirty cunt. Let the whole buildin’ know who ya belong to.”
White hot pleasure exploded in your veins, and your gummy walls clamped and fluttered on Kidd’s cock. A ring of white spilled around the base.
“Grrghh-FUCK!!!” Kidd moans, shoving his cock balls deep into you and painting your insides white with his hot sticky cum. He thrust a few times, riding out both of your highs until it got painful with overstimulation. When he was done, he collapsed with his face in your tits, being sure to mind his weight.
“Oh… oh my god…” you pant, mind thoroughly blown.
“Sounds like ya had a good time, birdie,” Kidd whispers in your ear.
You groaned. “A-alright fine… you’re good at sex, I admit it.”
Kidd surprised you by gently kissing your cheek, rolling off you and slipping his soft cock out of you at the same time.
As the two of you calmed down, you glanced at him. “So… you wanted to do that for a while, huh?”
For the first time you think you’ve ever seen, Eustass Kidd flushed bright red. You giggled, stroking your finger down his chest. “Did you spill a big secret?”
“Aye, haud yer wheesht, ya twat…” he grumbled.
“You don’t mean that Kiddy.” you tease. “You wanted me, admit it! How long have you been thinking about this?”
Kidd mumbled something incoherent, and you rolled over on his chest. “Say that again, Kidd. I can't hear you.”
“Fuck’s sake—since that time in class ya smacked the shite outta me for callin’ ya a bimbo.”
You couldn’t contain your snort. “Really? You got hard over a smack?”
Kidd flushed deeper. “I like when bonnies are able tae smack me around… it's a nice challenge…”
“Wow.” you say. “You’re full of surprises.”
“Shut it before I make ya regret openin’ that cheeky mouth o’ yours, bird.”
You snorted, resting your head on his large chest. “For what it’s worth, no one’s ever made me cum so hard in my life. I can barely feel my legs right now…”
Kidd grunted, wrapping his flesh arm around your waist and pulling you closer. “I suppose I can let ya stay here… just for tonight.”
“Oh, how gentlemanly.” you giggle, nuzzling into his large pecs. “Good, because you’re really comfortable.”
Kidd’s cheeks dusted pink. “Whatever, birdie. Just don't drool on me, aye?”
“No promises.” you sigh dreamily.
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mystic-writings · 5 months
remember the nights | chapter fourteen — a rom-com happy ending
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WORD COUNT — 2,841
WARNINGS — pure fluff, weddings
NOTES — i can't believe it's already over :( well, not really bc this series will always live in my head, way into their college years, but for now this is the end <3
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
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Ever since your Uncle Mark started staying in the guest room and wedding prep picked up even more, your house was never quiet. Between final food tastings, organizing the tables and stationary, plus the horrendous amount of extra schoolwork you were dealing with due to a new semester starting up, life never slowed down. 
Things at school got better, so long as you ignored Newt in any way, and focused on your college applications and spending time with Brenda. Plus, your uncle Mark made sure to spend all his extra time with you, since you hadn’t seen him in two years. 
He and Maggie’s brothers got along well, and made the house extra vibrant as everyone got to know one another over game nights and dinners. The very first night you’d met them — Maggie’s brothers, George and Dean — they embraced you lovingly, claiming that Maggie had always wanted a daughter. 
Valentine’s Day started with a bright dawn and a calm air, and you could tell even with the cold that it was a beautiful day for a wedding. The day started early, at around 5am, with Maggie shaking you awake, offering you a toasted waffle and travel mug of coffee. The house was void of men and instead filled with the women of the bridal party, all running around and getting ready in different parts of the house in order to have things done on time. 
Everyone had their dresses in different places, and you and a woman named Sarah did each other’s makeup in your bedroom by the desk before taking turns getting dressed and finding your purses, accessories, and proper coats. 
Maggie was already on her way to the church in just her makeup by the time everyone was ready, leaving you to lock up the house and pile into one of the three cars occupying the driveway. You texted with Brenda, Harriet, and Sonya on the car ride, talking about the reception happening later on. 
You and Thomas were allowed to bring your friends to the reception (with Brenda and Jorge being the exception, as they were invited to the ceremony), something that your parents agreed upon not long after they told you about the proposal. Since the bonfire, though, the group was shattered, and you really only talked to the girls for now. Thomas was inviting everyone else who wanted to come, though, so you’d see everyone there, anyway. 
One thing you did notice, through the bustle and stress of the wedding and finals, was that your friends had been acting odd, to say the least. Thomas was the same, but every one of your friends were exchanging an unsettling amount of smiles and glances — not just the girls, but Gally and Minho, too. You’d even asked them about it one day, but they all refused to give you an answer. 
You shook the thoughts from your head and texted the girls to update them on where you were. They were all excited for the wedding, and you were, too. Everything about this day had felt spectacular so far, and you couldn’t wait to actually see Maggie and your dad get married. 
The church was empty for now, but you and the girls all filed into the bridal suite, where Maggie sat, pinning up her hair into the most elegant style you’d seen. Since her hair was neck length and wavy, it was difficult to get her hair into a style that looked nice. However, she managed to take some strands from the front to frame her face, while still having the majority of the upper half of her hair pinned back with pearl beaded pins, her waves still flowing free. 
You almost cried at how wonderful she looked, before realizing it was up to you and two other bridesmaids to help her into her dress. 
If you hadn’t been emotional before, you definitely were now. 
Maggie looked like she’d stepped right out of a fairytale. Her bodice and sleeves were mesh, patterned with intricate lace, her skirt made of silk with a slight volume to it and lots of movement. The lace pattern bled into the skirt, blending well with the silk and forming it into a cohesive piece. 
Everyone’s compliments overlapped as you took her hands in yours, the both of you smiling widely at one another. 
With a gentle squeeze of your hands, and a knock on the door from her brothers, ready to walk her down the aisle, Maggie sighed. “Well, ladies, I think it’s just about time I got married, don’t you think?”
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The ceremony was, to say the least, perfect. 
Out of the entire bridal party, you were the last to walk down the aisle, with Chuck and Thomas on either arm, all three of you beaming like sunshine. 
Your dad, along with everyone in the church, welled with tears upon Maggie’s entrance, both  of her brothers on her arm. Everything went without a hitch, and you must have ran through a pack or two of pocket kleenex. You’d never be able to replicate the joy in your heart when your dad finally called Maggie his wife. 
To no one’s surprise, the reception started strong and continued to stay that way. The hall looked absolutely amazing, with round tables and white wicker chairs, beautiful flower centerpieces. In the few-hour long break between the ceremony and the reception, Sonya, Harriet, and Brenda’s attitudes have kicked up in suspicion, but all things considered, you simply brushed it off. You had a lot more to worry about today than their behavior, and one of those things was your speech. 
All of your friends sat at a table near the front, watching your uncle wrap up his speech. Thomas and Chuck were going to do one as the best men, but didn’t quite know what to say, so they passed that duty onto Mark. One of Maggie’s friends offered to do the same for you, but you had already started with an idea, and this was too important to pass off. 
With shaking hands and messily written index cards, you stepped up to the microphone next to your parents table, smiling at the people around you. You kept your eyes on Maggie and your dad, though, for the most part. 
Clearing your throat, you leaned into the mic and began your speech. “I know that there’s a lot of people here who might not exactly know who I am, but I’m very glad to be here to share this day with all of you. I’m the daughter of the groom, and my name is Y/n. I want to start by congratulating my dad and Maggie, who I can say, deep in my heart, I know were meant to be together. Sure, it took them a while, but I guess finding ‘The One’ takes time, right?” You took a deep breath, adjusting the cards in your hands, finding that you didn’t need them any more. “I’ve only known Maggie for about four years, but she’s one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. I’ll forever be grateful for all of the things she’s helped me and my dad through, and for always being there. Maggie, you and your boys have changed everything in our lives, and there won’t be a day that I won’t be thankful for that. You showed my dad how to love again, and you didn’t hesitate for a second to share that love with me, too.” 
You were only looking at Maggie, now, eyes wet with tears and a smile stretching your face. “And it’s because of that love and dedication that I am proud to be here today, with all our friends and family, and be able to call you my mom.” 
You watched the emotions change on your parents faces and laughed lightly. “I can only finish this off by saying that I hope that everything the both of you want out of life comes to you, and to tell you that I love you both to the moon and back.” 
Quietly, you stepped away from the microphone and walked over to an already standing Maggie, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“I love you so much, honey,” she whispered, kissing the side of your head. 
You squeezed her tight, tucking your face into her neck. “I love you, too, mom.”
After you let go and sat down, you glanced over at your dad to find him trying his best to hide his tears. He hadn’t been doing so well, considering you could see the shine of tears building on his waterline. 
Dinner and cake came after the speeches finished, both of which were delicious — you made a mental note to personally tell Jorge how good the cake was — and made you heavily consider taking seconds, despite knowing you would pay for it later with a stomach ache. 
Soon enough, the dance floor filled with people, and you searched out your friends to spend more time with them. 
You found them easily, the seven of them clumped into one corner of the room, just by the hall’s main entrance. They greeted you warmly, talking over one another about the food and the speeches. You told them everything about your day so far, and how proud and elated you were that the wedding finally happened. It was only when you were getting into how hectic things had been at the house that Gally’s phone rang, and suddenly the whole group went quiet. 
He stepped away, answering the phone and nodding like the person on the other line could see him. Everyone was looking at him, cheeky smiles on their faces as Gally came back, tucking his phone back into the pocket of his slacks. 
“What was that all about?” You asked him. 
Gally smiled at you, something he didn’t do all that often, a playful gleam in his eye. “Wanna go for a drive?”
“Why?” Your brows cinched as you dragged out your question, glancing between everyone as a slight chill ran up your spine. 
“He’s got a surprise for you, that’s why.” Brenda nudged you. “Just go, I promise it’ll be worth it.” 
You looked between everyone wearily before following Gally out to his car, not bothering to grab your coat. Your heart was racing with every step, the anticipation and confusion building in your head. Brenda said it was worth the trip, but you just didn’t know what was going on. Not to mention everyone’s odd behavior…
After driving around for a few minutes, Gally pulled into the school parking lot. A light flurry of snow had begun to fall, dusting the grass and pavement, and slightly impairing your vision as you looked around from the passenger’s seat. “Gally, why are we at the school?”
The boy looked up from his phone with a smirk. “You’ll see.”
Not a moment after he finished his sentence, your phone pinged from your dress pocket. Your heart stopped when you pulled it out, reading the new message in your notifications. ‘Come to the willow tree’
It was from Newt.
You looked up at Gally, who’s smile widened as he nodded toward the field. 
“He’s waiting for you,” Gally said, and you had to remember how to breathe. 
With one final, reassuring nod, you exited the car, bracing against the cold as you raced to the willow tree. Through the flurries, you made out Newt’s figure by the tree, and stopped yourself from running any further. 
Once you were able to move your legs again, you took it slower, walking through the thin layer of accumulating snow, picking up your dress to make it less likely for you to trip. With every step, you could make out Newt’s figure a little clearly, and it made the ache in your chest grow larger. 
You came to a stop under the tree’s canopy of dead leaves, providing some protection from the snow. Newt was wearing a black suit, and you couldn’t deny how great he looked in it. He was still staring at his shoes and picking at his fingernail when you stopped walking, almost as though he hadn’t heard you approaching him. 
Gripping the sides of your dress, you found the courage to speak up. “I thought you didn’t want to see me again.” 
Newt looked up from his shoes with a smile. “I lied.” 
“But that’s what you said, isn’t it? On Christmas. When you slammed the door in my face.” 
“I know what I said, and I’m sorry,” Newt sighed, stepping a bit closer. “I was a prick for saying it, too. I never should’ve done what I did, you didn’t deserve it.” He took a breath, running a hand through his hair and tucking a hand into one of his pockets. “Ever since the party, Sonya’s been telling me every day how upset you were. Hell, everyone was, and it’s been driving me mad ever since, because I hurt you, and I’ve never wanted to do that.” 
Teary-eyed, you opened your mouth to speak, but Newt continued. 
“I don’t care what Tommy thinks about us being together anymore. But I want us to be together. Hell, the only thing that kept me quiet about how I felt for so long — that stopped me from asking you out when we hung out together on our own for the first time — was how I thought he would react, or if he would disapprove of it. But I don’t care anymore. I love you, Y/n. More than anything. Staying away from you for so long has been killing me, and I can’t stand it anymore.” He stepped closer again, leaving only a few inches of space between you. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to follow you outside when you came to Mickey’s with Brenda. To apologize for what I said, for leaving you that night. To—” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “—to kiss you bloody senseless.” 
You stared up at the boy before you, the one you never thought would talk to you again, in awe of his words. After the bonfire, you never believed that Newt would say something like that to you, let alone plan something as intimate as this was. You blinked away tears for the fourth time that day and realized there was only one thing you could say at the moment. 
“So do it. Kiss me.” 
Newt closed the distance between your bodies, pulling you into him by the waist and pressing his lips to yours. Elation filled every inch of your body as you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him as close as you were able, pouring all your love into the kiss. You felt one of Newt’s hands snake up your neck, palm splayed over your jaw as he tried in vain to pull you closer into his body. 
You wished you didn’t need air to breathe when you were forced to pull back, lipstick smeared on Newt’s swollen lips, and likely on your own, as well. But you still had one question to ask. 
“Why now?” You asked, smoothing the hairs on the nape of his neck. “I mean, after everything, why now? You spent two months pretending to hate me, so what changed?”
“The jacket.” Newt told you. “Sonya practically forced it into my hands after you left, and then she yelled at me for half an hour about how big of an idiot I was being, and how wrong it was for me to keep treating you the way I had been. After that… I sat on my bed for a while, holding the jacket and thinking about how right she was. About how much I missed you. After that, I knew I had to do something, so…” 
“So you planned all this?” You said, a coy smile spreading on your lips. “Just for me?”
Newt smiled wide, laughter bubbling in his throat. “Just for you, darling.” The nickname made your heart skip a beat, and your smile widened. “You shouldn’t be so surprised. You  saw what I did for you in New York. Making elaborate plans to see you happy isn’t anything new.”
Without another word, you pulled his head down to kiss him again. You couldn’t fight the smile on your lips as you kissed Newt, reveling in how amazing it felt to finally be able to kiss him. Just as you were pulling away, a thought crossed your mind. “Wait. What about Thomas? And our friends?”
“Did you not hear a word I just said?” Newt laughed. “I don’t give a damn what Tommy thinks. I only care about you. And our friends have been in on it for the past week, love.” 
You smiled bright at the boy holding you, pulling him back into another searing kiss. 
Under the canopy of the willow tree, on the greatest day of your life so far, you got your movie-screen happy ending; and everything that happened to get it was entirely worth it.
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series taglist: @heliads @ghostofscarley @badbatch-simp24 @virginia-peters @third-broparcelicito @lamolaine @yes-fangirl-things (open!)
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lemoncrushh · 6 days
Out of Bounds - Chapter 18
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Word Count: 2157
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James was gone when I got up the next morning. I was grateful that I didn't have to face him. It was cold and rainy outside so I wore my heavier coat for the first time since last spring. When I put my hands in the pockets, I felt something and pulled it out. It was a ticket stub from a movie that James and I had gone to see. I hadn't really been interested, and didn't care for the film, but James had so I'd kept my mouth shut.
Thinking back, I remembered a lot of little things like that. Where it wasn't my choice or my decision, but I'd gone along with it to make him happy. I believed that was what marriage was. I didn't want to rock the boat. But I suppose in the end it just made me a chump. Because I wasn't getting that kind of treatment in return. He had the upper hand always, and every choice in our marriage had been made by him and him alone. The only think I'd ever done was decide to go back to school. Now I was going to have to give that up. Because James paid for it. Once the semester was over, I had to say goodbye to college once again. I shook my head at the irony. I'd wanted to better my life, find myself so to speak. Instead, I'd found Harry. Now the thing that had brought me to him would be no more.
But one thing was for certain. I wasn't going to give up Harry.
History was dull with the exception of a pop quiz. I'd almost fallen asleep by the end of class. Because I'd only made it just in time, I hadn't had a chance to talk to Harry beforehand. So as we walked out together, I told him I was leaving James. He listened intently as I gave him all the details of the night before.
"A week? Bloody hell," he cursed under his breath.
"I know," I sighed. "But I guess I can't really blame him. I wouldn't want someone who doesn't love me to live with me for another moment."
"So what are you going to do?"
"I haven't figured that out yet," I replied. "I just know I'll be busy packing and trying to avoid running into him. I texted Justine but she hasn't gotten back with me yet. I was hoping maybe I could talk her into letting me stay with her."
Harry nodded. I knew what he was thinking. And I wanted very badly to stay with him. But we both knew that wouldn't be the wisest choice right now.
He kissed me goodbye, and we separated. I dreaded going to the snack bar or library for fear of running into Liz or Leslie, but it was too cold to sit outside, so I resigned to sitting in the corner of the snack bar anyway. I got a cup of hot chocolate and a muffin and sat down to read. Fortunately, I saw no sign of the "mean girls", and before I knew it, it was time to walk to English class.
On the way home, I stopped by the grocery store to see if they had any empty boxes. Most of what they had had gotten wet from the rain, but I was able to get a few so I could go ahead and start packing. When I pulled into the driveway, I felt a sudden rush of sadness, knowing I would be leaving this place soon, forever. My life would be completely topsy-turvy. I'd be starting all over.
When I walked in the door and set down my book bag, I checked my phone once more for any possible messages from Justine. None. I decided to try her again, only this time calling instead of texting. I was disappointed to get her voicemail. I left her a message to please call me, it was very important. Then I hung up and dragged the empty boxes into my bedroom.
I turned on some music to distract my mind - a playlist I'd made of 70s female singers like Linda Ronstadt and Carly Simon, and I sang along while I packed. Because everything in this room was mine, I didn't feel that nostalgic about anything. It was mostly items such as books and magazines, DVDs, and clothes. When I got to my jewelry box, I was afraid I would feel some sort of pang in my chest from seeing my wedding ring. I hadn't worn it since that day Harry showed up at my door and we'd made love on my bed. That particular memory was the one that put a smile on my face. Not the ring nor what it signified. I picked it up out of the box and walked into James's office. I dropped in on his desk, next to his daily planner and mug full of pens.
When I returned to my room, Carly was singing about how nobody does it better. I sang with her, my arms open wide. "Baby, you're the best!"
I picked up my phone and quickly texted Harry, just to tell him I loved him. He replied within seconds, telling me he loved me too, and asking how I was. I told him I was fine. He had to work that night, so he said he'd call me when he got home.
When the clock showed after five, I almost got up to cook dinner. Then I laughed out loud, thinking how ludicrous that would be. I'd filled up all the boxes I'd brought home, making a mental note that I'd have to get some more tomorrow. Then I got in the car and drove to a drive-thru to pick up a burger and fries. I didn't really want to be there when James got home, so I pulled into a nearby park and ate in my car. The sun hadn't quite set yet, so I got out and walked around for a little while. The rain had subsided for the day, but the night was cool and crisp. I wrapped my coat tight around myself, watching the other people go by.
Finally when the sun had gone down, I drove back home. I expected to see James's car in the garage, but his spot was empty. I figured he probably didn't want to see me either and had decided to stay at work late. I retired to my room, got in my cozy pajamas, and crawled under the covers. I picked a movie from Netflix that I'd had in my queue for a while and never got around to watching. I wasn't really paying much attention to it as my mind was elsewhere, and eventually I fell asleep.
I awoke to the sound of someone in the kitchen. I gathered it was James, and he seemed to be deliberately trying to either wake me up or annoy me. A few minutes later, I heard his footsteps approach in the hallway, then the turn of my doorknob.
"Tisa," he whispered loudly. "Are you awake?"
"I am now," I muttered, perturbed.
Not taking the hint, James walked up to the bed and sat down next to me. Although I couldn't see him very well in the dark, he looked a little disheveled. He sighed and turned towards me.
"Tisa," he said with a cry in his voice. "I don't want a divorce."
"What?" I sat up and turned on my bedside lamp.
"You're my wife," he exclaimed. "You're supposed to be my wife forever. For better or worse. Whatever problems we have, we can work through them."
I rubbed my eyes and looked at him, all slumped over the side of the bed. For a moment I felt sorry for him. Perhaps I wasn't being fair to him. He had helped me when I needed someone. He had given me so much.
James suddenly leaned forward and kissed me. I noticed the smell of scotch on his breath. Reacting fast, I pushed him away.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Kissing my wife," he replied. "I love you."
He reached for me again, but I stopped him. "No," I demanded. "Are you drunk?"
Without answering, he just stared at me. Then he shoved his hands underneath my shirt, causing me to pull back. His touch now gave me chills, and not in a good way.
"Why can't I touch you?" he whined.
"Because I don't want you to!" I yelled.
"I bet you let your boyfriend touch you," James declared.
I glared at him incredulously. "What?"
"You heard me," he muttered, narrowing his eyes.
He knew? How? Keeping my cool, I continued to stare at him, not giving in.
"He probably gets to touch you wherever he wants," said James. "Like here..." James reached for my chest, but I grabbed his wrist. "And here..."
Pointing down between my legs, James released himself from my grip and touched me. I growled at him as I tried to push myself back.
"Yeah, you like it, don't you? You like him to touch you there. Your little boy toy."
"Get out!" I screamed.
"C'mon Tisa, I still want to make this work. I forgive you."
"You forgive...," I shook my head. "Get the fuck out of my room!"
James stood up, swaying a bit. He was obviously inebriated. He raised his hands, displaying nine fingers. He double checked them before speaking.
"Nine more days, Tisa," he announced. "Nine days and you're gone."
"Fine with me!" I exclaimed. "I'll be out before then!"
He left the room without shutting the door, so I got up and slammed it. I was so livid, even more than I was afraid or curious about how he'd found out about Harry and me.
I picked up my phone and texted him, knowing he'd be at work but I didn't care. I told him to call me ASAP. It was about another thirty minutes before my cell rang. I answered it hurriedly, eager to hear his voice.
"Baby," he greeted. "I'm so sorry, love, I couldn't call you sooner."
"It's okay," I answered. "I just had to talk to you. James knows."
"I know."
Harry took a deep breath and released it slowly. "He was here."
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"I'm afraid so," Harry replied. "He came and sat at the bar with another man. I recognized him right away. I poured their drinks and then Grayson called my name. Your husband looked up and said, 'Oh, so you're the infamous Harry.'"
"Oh no," I breathed. "What did you do?"
"I acted like I didn't know who he was. I held out my hand to shake his and said, 'Yes, my name's Harry, and you are?' He looked me up and down for a minute then introduced himself as your husband."
"Oh, God," I grimaced.
"Grayson about shit himself. Because he didn't know you were married, see."
"I had to keep it cool, and kept giving Grayson the eye to keep quiet, letting him know I'd fill him in later. Anyway, I definitely got the vibe that he already knew."
"Jesus Christ," I groaned.
"So after a couple of drinks, some other man came and the three of them got a table. I didn't see him after that and the bar got busy. I just now got a break. But I explained to Grayson the situation. And check this out."
"What?" I asked.
"Grayson said he's seen him in here before, during lunch hours," Harry stated. "Sometimes with one of those men, sometimes with a woman."
"Yes. I'm not sure what that means. They could be colleagues or clients I suppose."
"Yeah, I suppose," I echoed.
"So I take it he's home now," said Harry.
"Ugh, yes. He's drunk. He came in my room crying at first, then he wanted to touch me."
"What the fuck?"
"I know," I agreed. "I pushed him away, and he said he bets I let my boyfriend touch me."
"Did you kick the shit out of him?" Harry asked.
"No," I chuckled at the image of me kicking the shit out of anyone. "I told him to get out. He reminded me he wants me out of the house. So I need to find a place as soon as possible."
"Well I guess since he knows, you can just come stay with me," he offered.
"Tisa, I won't make you if you don't want to," said Harry. "But I would love that more than anything."
"What about Zack?"
"Zack wouldn't have a problem with it. Penny's practically living there now anyway. Or he's at her place."
I bit my lip. "I'll think about it."
"Alright, love," he cooed. "Try to get some sleep okay?"
"I love you," he said before he hung up.
"I love you too, Harry."
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stephhannes · 2 years
“do my mom’s cats miss nathan?”
2023 is approaching, and it means it’s been 5 years since nathan died. which is weird, it’s borderline unfathomable. i knew nathan for 13 years, and sooner than i imagine, it’ll have been 13 years without him. 
as the year is winding down, and i find myself with more vacation time and less time with blinders on in survival mode- i’m getting sentimental. 
or introspective. or whatever. 
i’ve already started rounding up in conversation, “it’s been 5 years since nathan died,” it’s only been 4 years and three months. 
and then tonight, i found myself deep in my feelings because i kept asking myself “do my mom’s cats miss nathan?”
coming back to west texas for the holidays has always felt weird. the house my mother lives in has never been my home. 
my parents bought their first house after i graduated from high school. they moved in during my first semester at college, they packed all of my things from the house we’d rented while i was in high school, and they unpacked them into “my room,” at the new house. 
“my room,” was nothing more than a space to hold the boxes and remnants of a life i’d left behind to begrudgingly pursue higher education. 
the first time i felt like a visitor in my parents’ home was when my dad was sick, and i moved back in briefly to spend time with him in his last few months. 
my bedroom, sharing a wall with my parents’ bedroom, i could hear every one of his last labored breaths. 
as soon as the fall semester began, only a month after his death, i never wanted to end up back there again. 
9 months after my dad died, nathan and i started dating. he lived in abilene, and was finishing his last semester before moving to new york for grad school. i was still in austin, with another year of undergrad left to go. 
i moved back to abilene for the summer so we could spend time together before he left. 
by this point, my room was once again uninhabitable. i’d taken my mattress to austin, and the only thing that was left in there was a box spring, and piles of all my items that i didn’t want to shlep across texas. 
that summer was a weird time of being in-between spaces. 
my mom was working the night shift, so nathan would come over and we’d sleep in her bed. when she’d get home from work at 7am, we’d move to the couch, and then he’d go back to his house for the day. 
at one point, my sleep schedule got so fucked that i was waking up at 8pm and going to bed at 10am. 
sometimes we were seeing each other just to sleep. i’d go to his parents’ house to see him, and then pass out on the couch for a few hours, my head in his lap while he would stay up reading. 
one morning, i was still wide awake at 6am, and he’d woken up early. i knew i’d only be awake for another hour or so, but he came over. i fell asleep almost immediately, my head in his lap on my mother’s couch. when i woke up hours later, he was still up. he’d just been watching tv and trying his best to not wake me up. 
in all of the weird time he spent at the house that was never really mine, he bonded with my mom’s cats. honestly, he bonded with any cat, but him and bilbo really had a special little relationship. 
bilbo was never super affectionate toward me, but as soon as nathan was around, he couldn’t stay away. even when nathan and i moved to our own place, every time my mom would FaceTime me, we’d make sure nathan and bilbo got to say hi to each other. 
the second time i tried to make my mom’s house my home was after nathan died. perhaps i felt less like a visitor this time, more like someone doing an extended stay at an air bnb.
i couldn’t stay in philly. emotionally or financially. and so i had to move back to west texas. 
my bedroom still didn’t have a bed. and had become inundated with even more garbage, since i had to move my entire life on the east coast back into my mom’s house. 
i slept on the couch. if you could call it sleeping. 
i’d take an ambien, and hope for the best. my mom was still working the night shift, so sometimes i’d fall asleep in her bed, and then migrate back to the couch when she got in. sometimes i’d stay in her bed when she got home, it was nice to hear someone snore next to me when i got too lonely. it was very ‘class of 2013’ by mitski of me. 
my bedroom was full of suitcases. filled with my clothes, with nathan’s clothes. and sometimes i’d find the cats sleeping in one of nathan’s flannels. 
and every time it would break my heart thinking about how they probably miss him too. 
after a few months, i cleaned out the bedroom. i bought a mattress. i hung photos on the walls. i tried to make it a space that i didn’t hate. and i mostly, didn’t hate it. 
it’s been 5 years since the last time i lived at my mom’s house, and even coming back to visit feels like a strange little time capsule. 
the mattress that i eventually bought for the room was the same mattress that nathan and i had when we moved to philly. i never sleep well when i’m here.  
the mattress here feels tiny. like i’m always going to fall off of it. like there’s just not enough space. 
which is strange, because in philly it always felt infinite. nathan and i always slept very close to each other, but even when we were on opposite sides of the bed, it always seemed like the perfect size. 
i’m sure there’s a metaphor somewhere in there. i’m too tired to sort it out right now though. 
five years ago, nathan and i were driving to get a cheesesteak and as i was in the passenger seat of the 2018 hyundai elantra that is now mine, we talked about our 5 year plan. 
after 3 years at his job, if he still liked the company, he would try to transfer to a different office. we wanted to travel, never staying in the same place for too long. we would have a long engagement, but would start getting wedding plans in motion. we revisited my idea of doing something low-key. he pitched the idea of a small destination wedding. i would find a part time theatre job that paid me enough to handle covering our groceries and nathan’s student loan payment while he dealt with paying rent and bills. we would get a cat within the year, but definitely adopt some big stupid dog within the next 5. i would get my passport, and he would teach me to scuba dive and maybe we’d do our honeymoon somewhere with water. 
and a couple weeks after that conversation, he died.
and the five years after that looked nothing like what we had planned. i read my vows at his funeral, and i adopted a cat on my own, and i still don’t have my passport. 
in the year i spent living at my mom’s house after nathan died, the future felt impossible.  i couldn’t fathom the next 5 years. 
but i think somewhere in the last 5 years, my frontal lobe finally finished developing. 
“i’ve got my whole life ahead of me, and i don’t want it!” was something i remember thinking to myself frequently. i didn’t want it. but i forced myself to get out of bed every day and make things happen. 
the last 5 years have been a triumphant redemption arc. and at times it felt treacherous and impossible. and lately i’ve been learning to celebrate it. to celebrate myself. to celebrate my future. 
even before nathan died, i was so scared. i was so anxious. i was so insecure. when nathan and i made the 5 year plan, even though it all sounded great, it was moreso his plan than mine. i was a passive participant. i was along for the ride in the 2018 hyundai elantra. 
it’s hard for me to imagine myself like that because i’ve grown into such a powerful hashtag boss babe. 
i used to be completely incapable of making decisions for myself. i hated doing things alone. i always second-guessed everything. i felt like i was irreparably broken and wholly unloveable. i was afraid of taking risks because what if i failed? even worse, what if i looked stupid? 
and now that my frontal lobe is developed, i’m out here managing people. and managing myself, more importantly. when i want to do something, i just do it. i make it happen. i’ve stopped looking over my shoulder waiting for someone to validate me. i wear my stupid little clown clothes without caring what anyone thinks and i don’t interact with people i don’t want to interact with and i actually really like myself!!! 
the other day, i realized that i genuinely enjoy my own company. i love coming home and hanging out with myself. i’m fun and smart and hot and i’ve built such a fulfilling little life for myself. 
when i was 22 i hated so much of myself. 
on the wall of my bedroom in my mom’s house, there are a bunch of pictures of me aged 21-23. and the other day i looked at those pictures and i knew exactly who she was. she was so sad, she was so lost and confused and out in the world on her own with her partner that she depended on maybe a bit too much. and i thought to myself “i’m proud of her,” she was doing the best she could with what she had. 
she’s still doing the best she can with what she has at 27, but this time she totally trusts herself. 
i’ve got my whole life ahead of me, and there’s actually something exciting about having all of the opportunities of the future at my fingertips now.
half of the fun of going home for the holidays is getting to see your hometown hookup. apparently, the holidays get real weird and introspective when your hometown hookup is dead. 
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blooming-violets · 3 years
tams peter x touch starved reader fluff 👀
- someone who hugs a pillow at night to feel something 😵‍💫
[TASM!Peter Parker x Reader, touch starved] 
(a little edit): I just realized this said Fluff. Oops. It’s not terribly angsty at least. I think it’s sweet but my version of sweet and someone else’s might be very different. 
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It had been two months since you had seen Peter last. You had returned home from college at the end of the semester. Both Peter and you knew you’d be forced to spend the summer apart. Living in California and going to college in New York meant that there was no room for added travel expenses. Neither you or Peter came from very wealthy families. It just wasn’t in the budget to afford a plane ticket or gas to travel state lines. 
You’d spend your nights with your laptop propped up on the pillow next you as you both video chatted in bed. If you tried hard enough, you could almost pretend like he was laying next to you as you fell asleep. Still, seeing your lover on a screen could never replace having him there in your arms. 
Your Friday had been a particularly difficult one today. Working as a waitress at a busy restaurant was always challenging but the customers seemed to be extra obnoxious this night. It was late when your shift ended and all you wanted was to crawl into bed and see Peter. 
As you got in your car to head home, you finally checked your phone after six hours of not using it, fully expecting to see a slew of texts from Peter. You were shocked to find that there had been none. You sent him one when you woke up this morning and he had never replied. That was over eight hours ago. That was unusual for him. An aching feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. What if your time apart meant he was forgetting about you? You always worried that you wouldn’t be enough. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder but, what if, it had the opposite effect. Maybe your absence reminded him how little he really cared for you. Maybe he was starting to move on. 
You tried to soothe your own growing panic as you drove home in the dark. He could be in danger. He could be hurt. Maybe he was bleeding out on the street somewhere. Maybe he needed your help. Or maybe he just never wanted to talk to again. Your mind was racing by the time you pulled into your driveway. Your parents would be asleep by now. The house would be quiet and dark. Some college friends had offered to let you move into their shared apartment for the summer so you could stay in the city but you had declined. You already had this job lined up and you knew you could save money this way but now you were regretting that decision. If you stayed, you wouldn’t have to deal with the worry. You’d be falling asleep in Peter’s arms every night instead of spiraling yourself into a panic attack. 
You dropped your things off in your bedroom and jumped into the shower to wash off the stress from the day. The warm water felt nice on your skin. You closed your eyes and allowed the steam to fill your senses. You desperately missed being touched. Your parents weren’t ever the huggy kind. You grew up never understanding people who were always so touchy feely. They used to make you feel uncomfortable. You hated hugs until you met Peter. He slowly tore down those walls you had built for protection. His hands felt so soft as they trailed along your skin. The feeling of his lips brushing over your face. His hot breath tickling your ear when he whispered his love straight to you. The weight of his body pushing yours into the mattress. It was because of him you were able to start thinking about your past. You could start to unravel why you always flinched whenever someone brushed by you or why you actively avoided any form of human contact. Peter opened a gateway to things you kept buried away. Without him near you, you now felt lost. Powerless. Starved. Craving something. Anything. 
With your coziest pajamas on your body, you crawled into bed after your shower. Your phone was still void of any messages. An entire day without him. That was the longest you had gone since you met him in your Chemistry class at the beginning of the year. Not even a good morning text back. You weren’t sure whether to feel scared for his safety or scared for your relationship. Either way, your stomach felt uneasy and your mind was buzzing with anxiety. All you wanted was for him to hold you and tell you it would be okay. 
You grabbed his hoodie from under your covers. He had given it to you the night of your flight back home. It had been curled up in your bed ever since. His smell had long since left the thick fabric but a part of his soul still clung on. When you hugged his hoodie, you could feel him hug back. You tugged your pillow down and placed the sweatshirt on top, wrapping your arms around them both, and hiding your face into them. Quiet tears began to flow. You missed him. Everything hurt without him there. You wanted your Peter and nothing could possibly heal that pain except for him. 
And he wasn’t anywhere to be found. 
“Why’s is my pretty girl crying?” 
Your breath caught in your throat and ice slithered through your veins. You kept your face hidden in your pillow. This wasn’t real. That wasn’t really his voice. You were loosing it. It wouldn’t be the first time your mind played tricks on you. Everywhere you went, you thought you saw him. Fleeting glimpses of the back of his head, his whisper from around the corner, the smell of his cologne. It’d make your heart leap and your head whip around to find him, only to be greeted with nothing. You had become pathetic and desperate. This wasn’t real but you wanted it to be real so badly. If you didn’t lift your head to check, you wouldn’t be faced with the emptiness of your dark room. You could pretend for a little while longer. 
You heard soft footsteps cross the room and a hand brushed over the back of your head. Your shoulders sagged and your body relaxed at the touch. A quiet whimper fell from your lips. This was all you wanted. Your Peter. 
“Look at me,” his voice whispered. 
You shook your head and kept your face hidden, “No. When I look, you won’t really be there.” 
“I’m here. I promise.” His words were so soft. So real. “Look at me.” 
When you refused, you felt him kneel down beside the bed. His fingers grazed over the side of your face, brushing along your cheek and down your neck, before tucking your hair behind your ear. It felt too real. 
He leaned in closer, his mouth against your ear, and whispered, “I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to see you. I needed you. I had to come. Please. Look at me.” 
You took a deep breath and peeked your watery eyes out from their hiding place against your pillow. Peter’s pained but smiling face was in front of you. You could feel a cool breeze from your open window wash over you. 
“Are you real?” You asked. 
He leaned down and placed a warm kiss to your forehead. The back of his hand brushed against yours, begging for you to hold him. 
“I’m real.” His fingers anxiously reached for yours. “Touch me. Please.”
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macknnons · 2 years
and #5 for 1322 because i am in fact Predicatable
5. Linking your hands together as you walk through school/a building/the streets--finger rubbing over your lover's knuckles softly.
Kent knows Briss means trouble the second he appears in their living room and throws himself on the couch, shoulder against Jimmy and feet on Thom’s lap.
“Hello fuckers, since I know you all forgot to sign up for the Valentines Day party next Friday, I’m here to take all of your names and do it for you.”
Phil and Ports both groan alongside Kent. He still can’t believe how Briss got himself involved in this. He says it’s a girl in his sports history class that told him about it and she was so happy he could reach the athletes’ crowd, he couldn’t say no to her. 
Being allowed to physically assist some classes for the second semester had been a blessing but Kent hadn’t expected full-on parties already.
“Come on KJ, some enthusiasm, please,” Briss asks and receives an eye roll in answer. “Alright, I’m gonna assume that means Owen hasn’t made his proposal yet, that’s fine. I can still sign you up already so we can keep count.”
“Maybe KJ here is the one with a plan,” Thom comments.
“Maybe it already happened and it was really sweet but Kent won’t tell you because that’s private.”
“Oh come on, that’s why you won’t tell me about yours? I don’t need the juicy details Jimmy baby, I know Blanks must have a thousand tricks up his sleeve.”
“Briss shut up I don’t need to know what they’re up to in bed,” Phil protests. “I already know too much from sharing a wall with Jimmy’s bedroom.”
“Why are we talking about proposals anyway?” Ports asks. “This isn’t prom. You said it was just a Valentines Day themed party and that single people were allowed.”
“Why the fuck would Owen need to ask me to come to your stupid party anyway?”
Kent’s question is very successful in making every single one of his teammates shut up. The silence that follows is actually a little too much, especially with the way they’re all awkwardly looking at them, brows furrowed and all.
Thom’s the one who speaks up first. “I mean, no one has to propose to anyone, it’s not a big deal. Valentine’s Day is all about couples but Briss wrote my name down before I even got the chance to prove to him I could be very romantic, so.”
Briss doesn’t even protest, he’s just looking at Thom very fondly, extending one hand for Thom to take and Kent wants to disappear. He needs to talk with Matty to hand him over the Bordeleau/Brisson package from time to time. They’re terrible when they’re both in a mischievous mood but it’s almost worse when they’re disgustingly sweet like that.
Kent swallows past the weird sensation in his throat. “Right. But me and Owen aren’t a couple, so.”
This new silence is even louder than the first one. Maybe Kent just needs to leave and come back for dinner when they’ll have hopefully found a new subject of conversation.
This time it’s Jimmy’s turn to speak first. “Sorry Kent, we didn’t mean to pry. We understand if you’d rather keep it for yourselves for now, it’s perfectly fine.”
The fuck.
“What makes you all think we’re together?”
“You spend all of your time together, even when we’re all home.”
“Big Dog has the biggest love eyes when he looks at you.”
“You hold hands when you walk to practice.”
Kent’s head is swimming.
“But yeah don’t worry, it’s okay,” Briss goes with his best reassuring voice. “I’ll put your names down separately and you can come as friends and enjoy the night anyway, it’s no big deal.”
Kent blinks, pinches himself to make sure he’s not dreaming. This sounds like a bad prank except all of them are looking so eager and concerned it actually really weirds Kent out. The fuck.
In the end, Kent doesn’t have the energy to fight them, not when Owen isn’t even here to try to help him. He thanks Briss and once Briss is done jostling everyone’s name down on his phone, they finally move on.
A battle of Pennsylvania is put on in the background at some point but Kent can’t focus on the game. At that point, he’s glad that Owen is out studying with Matty because he knows Owen would be able to tell that something was up with Kent and Kent wouldn’t know what to say and that just wouldn’t end up great.
The thing is— look.
They spend a lot of time together because Owen is his best friend and they have a lot of common interests and they get each other. Their brains are wired just differently enough to make them the perfect partners to analyze hockey games together, so they do just that, a lot, among other things.
The love eyes Kent can’t comment on because he really doesn’t think so and Thom admitted to being a romantic so that’s probably his imagination doing tricks.
The holding hands’ thing, though, well. 
It started early in January when they had their first class together on campus and they kind of got lost and they were running late so it was pure instinct to grab Owen’s hand to run with him once he saw a sign indicating the direction of the building they were looking for. The first thing Owen told him once they were finally seated, still out of breath, was that he had cold hands. Kent’s brain had been too fried from his sprint to be able to cook up an answer.
Two days later, they were walking much more slowly, Kent rubbing his hands together because as a Canadian, he didn’t need gloves to survive the Michigan winter, thank you very much. Owen still grabbed one of his hands and jammed it in his coat’s pocket, fingers holding tight, thumb rubbing over Kent’s knuckles.
That had been four weeks ago and neither of them ever discussed or questioned the tradition that it had quickly become. 
So maybe Kent would indeed like to go to Briss’ party with Owen together together and there is something to be said about all of their teammates genuinely thinking they were already a thing, but Kent truly can’t entertain that idea or he’ll get hurt, he’s sure of it.
The next day, Kent has both his hands deep down his own pockets when he walks to class with Owen. 
“What’s wrong?”
Fuck. He really needs to get his shit together and forget about what happened last night.
“Nothing, just a little tired maybe,” Kent tries to throw his most convincing smile up in Owen’s direction. He can tell from Owen’s face that he isn’t buying it.
“Right,” Owen says and Kent thinks that might be the end of it but then Owen continues. “I ran into Briss this morning.”
Since when is Briss even awake early in the mornings? Getting to meet new people every day has been giving him too much energy, it’s going to become dangerous at some point.
“I’m really sorry about whatever he said. I swear I tried to tell him that he was wrong but—”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s fine?”
“Yeah, he just told me we were now both signed up for his Valentines Day party, it’s not a big deal.”
Kent nods, hard. That’s good, that’s the truth, not the whole truth but just what Kent can handle for their lives to keep being normal. Except Owen looks bothered now.
“What’s wrong?” Kent parrots his question from earlier. He watches as Owen kicks the same rock for a couple of steps, head down, chin dug into his scarf. Kent can see red patches on the top of his cheeks and he wouldn’t bet on them exclusively being from the wind. “Owen, please? It’s just me, you know I won’t tell anyone.”
Owen nods, head still down. He’s abandoned his rock. It takes one long silence before he speaks again. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
Kent furrows his brows. “Never.”
“Okay. I— I was going to ask you to come with me to the party. Tonight. I had this little thing planned, I think Briss is calling them proposals even though this isn’t prom. It’s ridiculous, I’m sorry. Can we forget about this?”
Kent gets stuck just one step behind Owen, his feet unable to move.
Holy shit.
“Yes,” he says eagerly before realizing his mistake when he sees the hurt on Owen’s face. “I mean no! I mean— Please do it, please do the proposal, I want to properly say yes to you.”
Owen’s smiling now, eyes sparkling, cheeks definitely redder. He looks so much better like that. 
“But then we’re never mentioning it to Briss or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Owen laughs with him and then they’re walking again, the same path they took a month ago now. Kent’s hand feels perfect when he frees it and Owen grabs it to place it in its rightful place.
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strawberries and cigarettes (m)
Jungkook x reader
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“For a biology project, you and your class are going on a field trip to collect evidence for your hypothesis. It is all going well until the dark haired nuisance called Jeon Jungkook decides to piss you off.”
Also - a nerd. The resident bad boy. The police. Annoying friends. A loose psycho killer. What could go wrong?
This is my first time ever uploading any fics !! im super nervous haha - i'll probably post a little of each one and see how it goes !!
Jungkook x reader.
This is your classic enemies to lovers but with a slight little twist!
This is set in the 80s/90s and is your typical bad boy/nerd girl trope- but , there is a killer on the loose. I mean this is kind of based on jack the ripper (serial killer) and my teenage fantasies of falling for bad boy jungkook. I hope you’ll give it a go and tell me what you think !!! <3
Tw : cursing, killings, descriptions of death and psychopaths, masturbation , making out, smut.
WC : 11K
also a big massive thank you to @ggukkiereads for helping me gain the confidence to write and dedicate time to finishing this ! ik its been a while since we spoke but much love to u angel <3 may u always have the best !
Begrudgingly the students lag off the bus at 10pm, finally having reached their destination.
Tired and sore from their journey the teachers find no trouble in distributing bedrooms for everyone.
When your name is called out along with Tiffany you internally groan - great you think one of the most plastic girls in the school all to myself.
You grimace but make no argument as you could have gotten worse you suppose.
As you grab your belongings and ignore her protests that she doesn't want to room with a loser like you, a dark clad figure pushes past you, almost tripping you over.
Angrily you shout
"Watch where you're going you prick"!
Yet he doesn't so much look in your direction.
Under the dim moonlight you can faintly make out the low blunt of a cigarette in a tattoo clad hand - so it was the infamous Jungkook.
Honestly you didn't understand why all the girls fawned over him when he was just a rude and ignorant asshole. Sure, he had a pretty face but no good soul to match.
Calming yourself, as it was unlikely that you'd ever receive an apology from the school rebel you just head to your new room.
The school had organised a biology trip so that you could gather authentic evidence on the correlation of birds and wood growth in a certain designated area and honestly you were excited- not having enough expenses to get out of town when you were younger meant that this was a treat for you and paired with you being a biology major your inner geek was surfacing pretty quickly.
You move into your room and begin unpacking your things ignoring the chatter coming from your new roommates.
You set everything nicely, precisely -just to your liking. Maybe some would call you fussy, but you like to think of yourself as organised and classy.
You don’t have many thoughts that night as you lay down for bed, but you do hear the news playing in the background.
" a killing has not been sighted for a time breaking the pattern of the 1-week intervals in which they have been happening, but police still advise to remain on high alert at all times. "
You shudder as you think about it, a killer on the loose in the country and everyone powerless to stop him.
He fed of the insecurities of people, the fear of not being safe. He did a damn well good job at it as well.
You look outside and see the police on night duty setting up, the country while terrified also was reluctant to admit the threat and instead of protecting you properly they had merely sent police force units as glorified bodyguards to ' keep you safe '.
You sigh, as you climb under your covers those problems seem like a long way away from you as you drift off with an empty mind.
It was morning, the sun was shining brightly through the windows giving an orange glow to the room.
You were up before your roommates, had brushed your teeth and were already preparing for your project.
You had to do well, you were depending on a scholarship for university, your family could simply not afford it otherwise.
When your first signs of morning hunger begin to strike you venture outside your room in order to satiate yourself. You find that it’s still quiet only a few students up like yourself, you find a coffee machine and immediately begin to make one for yourself.
“While you're at it could you make one for me too".
a deep voice drawls out.
You almost jump out of your skin at the sound his voice breaking the silence you had been enjoying. Jeon Jungkook.
You scowl at him, choosing to ignore him carrying on making your own cup.
He whistles under his breath.
“wow, edgy or a bitch? I can’t decide".
He taunts you.
You roll your eyes at him and sigh in annoyance, his eyebrows raise at this.
“you’re clearly not a morning person".
He speaks.
You mutter under your breath.
" or maybe I’m just not a YOU person, not everyone lives to be nice to you. "
He lifts his hands up in a mock surrender.
“Okay, okay I get it it's a bad time for you jeez.... I suppose I'll have to make my own coffee".
He moves closer to you, totally invading your personal space, clearly, he had never heard of a personal bubble! You scowl and try to move away but he’s faster and is hovering over you before you know it. He looks down at you with those pretty dark eyes.
They’re so gorgeous.
Not that it matters to you because he is still an asshole, and he still ruined your morning.
“get out of my face Jeon Jungkook".
You say between clenched teeth.
You’re not some sort of pushover.
Yes, you're clever, as society classes a nerd but you're not one to let people walk all over you.
If he’s shocked, he doesn’t let on, just hums and lets you walk away, which you do, a little aggressively. You got back to your room and let out a sound of annoyance, the girls are still sleeping.
You sigh.
This was going to be a long trip.
After an uneventful morning, the wait was over and finally the teachers had called you to gather in the common area. Much to your dismay however there would be no actual data collecting until the police had secured the area, which meant that your whole day was pretty much wasted. The other students were chatting and gossiping and being idiots as per usual.
It’s not that you thought you were better than them, it's just that they were so mundane, so lifeless. They were just living on with no sense of direction. You suppose that's what you get for attending a school for rich kids though.
You could never fit in.
So, you never tried. People took pity on you every now and then offered you a smile. You smiled back but that was it. Your thoughts are running and to clear your head you decide to go outside for a little breather.
There isn’t much, just a few abandoned train tracks that seemingly lead into nowhere, a few broken fences and lots of grass. Not much time after this you head to bed.
Finally, the day had arrived, you could collect your samples.
You are so glad that it’s an individual project because you honestly cannot even imagine working with one of those air heads.
You shudder at the memory of having to work with Taehyung last semester for a chemistry practical.
You had to basically pull all the weight for your grade.
So, you get on working your way through your work and proving or disproving your hypothesis.
You’re pleased at the work that you completed. Not entirely satisfied but satisfied enough, for now.
You let out a stiff yawn, you need to stretch and need a little fresh air since you had spent the last few hours writing up your data and making graphs to compliment them.
You forgo your jacket since the weather isn’t so bad.
It’s nice.
When you go outside there are quite a few students already there, goofing around. There is also a pretty scenery, that in all honesty you had not appreciated until right now.
“Wow" you mutter under your breath.
Maybe I should try living outside my own head sometimes.
You spot some students surrounding a police officer and the curiosity gets the better of you and your soon wandering around the outskirts of their conversation.
Alas, it was merely a fruitless conversation. The police officer telling the other about his escapades and how they will be good in hands.
You lose yourself to your own thoughts again and look at the scenery. Until a little scuffle, breaks you out of your thoughts.
“What was that? There was a movement down there!! “
A boy called Josh calls out.
The police officer had also noticed it, then a sound of a gunshot sounds through the air.
The police officers curse and begin to get ready to scout the area. They want you all to go away, be safe inside but you’re all young adults- you want to see what’s going on.
Everyone gathers, watching the officers.
You scan the area; you spot the balcony that looks over the area just in front of the cabins.
Perfect you think that’s the perfect spot to see what’s going on.
So, you begin to climb up the steps to that room, when you get there, you can see everything.
You see a dead dog, a dead bird and the gun which had killed them laid out to where the officers were heading.
Fear grips your heart; your heartbeat is erratic. You think you see the shape of figure retreating into the distance but before you can look again, you feel the ground give way under you.
You let out a shriek, feeling yourself falling.
Is this truly how my life end you wonder I didn’t even get to complete my PhD?
Yet, instead of the hard fall that your body had been anticipating; your landing is softer and lets out a low grunt.
You're sure you're dead and have entered heaven.
Slowly you register a warm feeling under your legs and a secure one at your waist.
oh, this feels nice.
you think, eyes still closed until you hear some chaos in the distance.
what's happening?
Why is heaven so noisy? Are they partying because I’ve arrived? Was I actually an angel all this time am I coming home?
Ah you think this must be the angels- I knew all those days spent doing charity would help me.
You open your eyes and you’re met with bambi eyes staring back at you.
Slowly you begin to piece the rest of your angel together.
“Jeon Jungkook? “
You try and raise your voice to compliment your surprise, but it comes out in a more whisper.
“But this, Jungkook, you were an angel all this time? “you say.
His eyebrows knot together in confusion.
“What are you talking about strawberry?”
You gasp.
"Do we all get code names in heaven? You’re a pretty angel Jungkook. “
Then your eyes zero in on the scar on his cheek.
“Aren’t Angel’s supposed to be blemish free? Is that? Are you fallen? Wait.... for me? Are you my angel Jungkook? “
His eyes, which had previously shown confusion are now coloured with amusement.
“You talk a lot don’t you my little strawberry”.
You vaguely hear the sounds behind you before you begin to feel drowsy and fall limp the arms of your unexpected angel.
Jungkook was, of course no angel, your delirious ass was just doing and saying delirious things. You were going to be mortified when you woke up.
When you come to your room in a dark room, tucked into a warm bed. Your headaches aches as if someone is using a sledgehammer to hit it every second.
‘Agh’ you let out a pained groan.
What even happened? you wonder in your head.
You move quickly, getting out of bed ignoring your protesting limbs.  You almost reach the doors until a pair of arms trap you.
‘woah woah where do you think you're going?’
You let out a scream, completely startled. A hand comes to cover your mouth.
‘man, you really do have a set of lungs, don’t you? ‘
You stop struggling in his embrace to match his voice to a face. Its familiar.
‘Jeon Jungkook?’ you let a little unsure and panic still evident in your voice.
‘your one and only’
You frown.
He smirks at you,
‘that's right yours strawberry’.
You shake your head.
‘are you smoking something? Are you high right now?’
He pouts a little then, it changes his look completely. He looks a little cute.
‘you don't remember? ‘ he cocks his head to the side and points to himself. ‘I'm your angel’.
You scoff.
‘Please in what world are YOU an angel? You're far from it’.
Then it all comes back to you.
Jungkook watches as the realisation begins to show on your face.
‘Oh my god I had a concussion, you cannot be serious right now ‘
He chuckles.
'The words still came out of your mouth' Jungkook counters, he leans closer to you, his face way to close for your liking.
You feel your face grow warm from his proximity, but you don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
You scoff and push him away.
‘You're insane’.
He accepts the distance you've placed between the two of you and he chooses to smirk at you from where he is standing.
‘And you're crazy for me’.
You let out an incredulous laugh, not believing him.
‘Oh, my lord, please shut up for the sake of my sanity’.
He chuckles at your flustered state and you scramble your brain to find a change of subject.
‘okay whatever now just excuse me because I need to go back to my room’.
You move to begin walking to the door, but his voice halts your movements.
‘This is your room now’.
You whip around to face him.
‘What?! Ha as if Jeon, why would they room us together- were supposed to separate for the opposite genders- which I totally get when you're involved’ you say disbelief painting your voice. You whisper the last part though.
He puts his hands into his pockets and shrugs.
You set him a hard stare.
‘Save your lame ass men superiority talks for someone else i am having a severe case of I'm not interested’.
Why the hell would you need Jungkook for protection, it reeks of patriarchy and you hate it.
He shrugs.
‘Listen princess I don't know why either really to be honest but I'm not complaining-’
You don't bother entertaining him for much longer.
This can't be true. You cannot be paired into a room with him. He cannot be your new roommate - heck now tiffany doesn't seem so bad. Flirting asshole, you mutter under your breath as you begin searching for your teacher.
You only learn a bitter truth, due to the collapsing of the room you had to be relocated into another room and the only person without a roommate was Jungkook. They ‘trusted’ you enough that you would be able to handle it and not to do anything you were not supposed to.
‘We trust you, y/n’ was what she had told you.
You spend your time cursing out both her and Jungkook as you gather your belongings to move into your new room.
You're so caught up in your own thoughts that you don't notice a foot that comes out to trip you.
You look up and see the faces of three stupid bitches.
Tiffany Jessica and Irene.
They seemed to consider themselves above everybody else, though you've no idea why. Aside from flawless looks they seemed to live pretty empty life in your eyes. They were living definitions of empty shells walking around.
You get up quietly from the ground, you'll gain nothing from engaging with them, maybe you'd lose a few brainless. You just want to go back and rest - your head is killing you.
But to your disappointment they begin to talk.
‘Well, well well, if it isn't the school's new slut moving into MY boyfriend's room’.
You have to let a little laugh at this. This one is seriously deluded. Jungkook didn't do relationships you knew that. Everybody knew that. They had hooked up about 3 months ago and even though he does his best to ignore her she still insists that he is her boyfriend. It's just pathetic and a bit sad you suppose. Her obvious attraction to him which he just does not reciprocate.
She becomes enraged at your actions.
‘listen here you little bitch you better not even think of starting anything with my man-’ she spits out at you.
You snap back then, unable to hold your tongue.
‘I am not a slut, and I will not go after your man- which fyi  he is not. He is a human and he doesn’t belong to you he never has’
She grows red at your words.
‘you little piece of shit-’
She raises her hand but just then a voice interrupts her and she halts her actions.
‘well if it isn't my new roomie, l’ll take that from you strawberry’ Jungkook says, too cheery for your liking, your still contemplating hitting Jessica.
Jessica begins speaking up, but he ignores her turning to you.
Your mouth almost drops open at his dismissal of Jessica but then again, she is annoying, and he cannot be immune to that.
‘Jungkoooook’ she whines when he doesn’t respond to her the first time.
He still doesn’t entertain her.
He moves to take your things from you, but she speaks again, latching onto his arm.
‘just leave her -cshe's just an annoying stuck-up bitch’.
He responds to this under his breath laughing.
‘reminds me of someone ’
She doesn't understand his comment.
‘huh?’ she says almost comically.
‘who baby?’ she pouts at him ‘my poor baby having to deal with such people, just leave with me and we can-’
‘no’ he sets her with a hard stare.
It's like she has forgotten that you're there, so you decide to use this to your advantage, letting Jungkook deal with them. You move to get your suitcase, but a hand stops yours. Its Jungkook.
‘I don’t think so strawberry - I'll be getting those for you’.
You turn to look at him scowl adorning your features.
‘I don’t need your help Jeon’.
He smirks at you.
‘no no - I insist’.
He dismisses Jessica with a wave of his hand and begins to walk away your suitcase in his hand, which prompts you to follow along.
‘What. Was. That. Jungkook?!’ you say when the door closes, you’re fuming because he had made it seem as though you were dating or doing things together which meant that they would keep bothering you, which is just something that you don’t want.
He turns around to face you.
‘oh, don’t get your panties in such a twist, I just needed to get the fuck away from her’.
He sounds angry and this is the Jungkook that you are more accustomed to. Not the flirty one you have been seeing. Hopefully he had given up on whatever he was trying to achieve with that. He was a rude asshole who was just to used to seeing things come out in his favour.
‘excuse me, you just fuelled her whack ass thoughts and next time don’t use me as your escape route’ you say matching his hostile tone.
‘oh, don’t be such a priss, it saved you as much as it saved me’.
An exasperated noise escapes your throat.
‘well maybe you should have kept it in your pants lover boy’.
He sets you with a hard stare.
‘oh, shut up - you don’t know me’ he grits out.
You cock your head to the side much like he had done to you earlier in the day.
‘hmmm I think I know you pretty well Jungkook, you're not as unreadable as you like to think, Jeon Jungkook the infamous bad boy who uses girls to fuel his ego and is used by girls to fuel their own ego and status quo among their own stupid--’
You do not get to finish you sentence however because you're harshly being pinned to the door. His grip on you is hard and it stings but you meet his gaze.
‘shut the fuck up y/n’ the tone of his voice is almost carnal, animal like.
You seriously had hit a nerve.
‘I go beyond your perceptions of me- you little miss goody two shoes’.
You spit back in his face.
‘I've yet to see you act more like a crazed rabbit Jungkook and to be honest I don’t plan on finding out the depths of your character either. I don’t fucking care about you’.
You push him aside and move to unpack your suitcase.
He mutters something under his breath that you can't hear, and he walks out slamming the door behind him.
‘well, that was fun’ you say and begin to take out your notes and books that you will need through the day.
When you wake up the next you feel like you’ve been hit by a ton of bricks. The painkillers had given you the illusion that you were okay. You look a mess, you're tired, you cannot believe that this happened.  You had been looking forward to this for so long, they had told you that another student would be collecting your data. Your new roommate. Jeon Jungkook. He was going to be collecting your data.
This is preposterous! He would probably sabotage you on purpose! This cannot happen, but they wouldn’t budge from their choice. You huff as you look out of the window, where you could be collecting your data along with the other students. Darn you and your curiosity.
They always did say didn’t they- that curiosity killed the cat.
Your walking around the room, pacing- that’s how bored you are. You had reorganised your things 3 times and colour coded all you notes, redrew your graphs, you had done everything that you thought would keep you busy but here you are sitting with nothing to do.  You look around the room see Jungkook's things laying on the ground.
You sigh into the empty room again and just lay down waiting for them to come back. You end up falling asleep.
You're stirred from your sleep, quite rudely by a book being thrown at the foot of your bed. You sit up, still groggy and look at Jungkook.
‘what the hell man’
He stares at you blankly.
‘There's your work priss’
You're not bothered by his hostile tone instead open the book and seeing what he had done, or you suppose looking at it what he had not done. The more you look at the work the more the frown on your face deepens.
‘what the hell is this Jungkook?’
He looks up at you annoyed.
‘the work? Thought you were meant to be a genius?’
You scowl at him.
‘this Jungkook? Is unacceptable a nursery kid could do way better than this !’
He rolls his eyes at you.
‘and? That’s what you're going to get priss so deal with it’.
You make an exasperated sigh.
‘you've used the wrong measurement and everything Jungkook’.
‘look - I don’t care. I didn’t want to do this for you anyway’.
‘like I wanted YOU to do it for me’.
You sigh,
You keep bumping into him everywhere, you know he is your roommate but he is always there at the cafeteria taking the last donut which you had been craving pushing in line, making unnecessary comments and he makes the room so messy!
It’s the same thing for the next few outings, Jungkook comes with the same half assed versions of the data you need.
You try, you really you try so hard to use the data sets he provided but its no use. They're absolutely useless, so you decide to take matters into your own hands.
Your going to sneak out early in the morning, you have to sneak past the guards which as you’ve gathered won't be as hard as one may think because they are not good or much invested in their job anyway.
You prepare yourself and head to set out in the morning. You quietly get up so as not to disturb or wake Jungkook. If he sees you, you know that there will be trouble.
You throw on a hoodie and grab a notebook, a pen and your watch. You have to be back before anyone can notice that you're gone.  You steel yourself one last time, giving yourself a pep talk and sneak out. You hold your breath as you walk past the room of your supervisor and out the back door of the cabins.
This isn't so bad you think. Once you're out of sight of the guards and you think your safe, you let out a sigh of relief and do a little shimmy out of your happiness. You are so pleased and proud of yourself. What you didn’t know that behind you, watching your every move was a boy covered in tattoos with a cigarette in his hand watching you with an amused face.
Jungkook was, not as you thought asleep when you had snuck out. He was also outside, leaning on the side of the building a cigarette in his hand, he couldn’t sleep that night, it happened to him on most nights so he routinely wakes up to have a smoke. On this particular day there is not the usual eerie morning silence that he is used to, but a few grunts and hisses to accompany it. He furrows his brows.
Is that? He thinks y/n!?!?!?!?!?
No way he thinks what the hell is she up to?
Then he catches sight of your notebook and pen.
'Oh, what a nerd' he mutters under his breath. Then he smirks.
He can totally use this to his advantage.
He stubs his cigarette, pulls his hoodie over his head and follows you.
Your heart is still racing you honestly cannot believe that you. l/n f/n are doing this.
‘What a badass’ you say into the silence.
‘Badass? Sneaking out to do bloody work is your idea of badass?’ a voice speaks up behind you.
You shriek startled and are met with Jungkook.
Why is it always him?
‘what in the bloody tarnation's.... are you trying to kill me Jungkook?!’ you say putting your hand on your heart.
He grins pleased at the reaction he had elicited from you.
He cocks his head to the side.
‘what the hell are you doing here ?!’ you hiss at him.
‘could ask you the same thing strawberry’ he replies.
You look at him.
You were so sure that you had been quiet, how could he be here to ruin everything.
‘you do realise that I actually have name, and it's not strawberry’ you say to him.
He shrugs.
‘Yeah but you always smell like them’.
You scoff;
‘and you always reek of cigarettes.’
He frowns but then asks you again.
‘what are you doing here?’
You think of excuses,
‘I'm - I'm on a walk’ you say.
He lifts his eyebrow up.
‘a walk?’
You nod.
‘that's right for my daily exercise its been a pain to be stuck indoors’.
He snorts.
‘you're on a walk with your graph paper pad and pencil case?’
You curse inside your head.
‘yeah I am a nerd after all’ you say, hoping and praying that he’ll just let you go on your way.
He doesn’t
‘I don’t know, you look awfully suspicious to me, do tell why you're heading to the sight of our data collection points when the trail track is in the opposite direction?’ he says.
You rack your brains for an answer.
‘well, I like an adventure’ you say, standing straight.
‘oh, is that so?’ he says laughter infiltrating his tone.
‘yes’, you say meeting his eyes.
‘hmm’ he says ‘I don’t believe you’ he says.
‘do you wanna know what I think?’ he continues.
He takes one step closer to you.
‘I think that our resident miss goody two shoes is sneaking off when told specifically that she can't’ his gaze burns into yours
You feel yourself going red out of embarrassment.
‘I literally have no idea what you're talking about Jungkook' you say breathless.
He leans closer and you can feel his body heat, he continues to bore his eyes into your own and you almost fall into his gaze until you feel your book being snatched out of your hand.
‘HEY!’ you say reaching for it.
But he holds it higher than himself, opens it to the last written on page.
‘new data collection points’ he reads out ‘and oh would you look at that ! It has todays dates written on it’ he says looking down at you with a squint in his eyes.
You huff.
‘well obviously I had to do this because how on earth could I let your lame ass results and data reading be used for my final piece – I'm not looking to fail’ you say venom laced in every word.
He scowls at you.
‘there was nothing wrong with my results princess’ he grits out.
‘oh, please save it’ you snap back ‘you didn’t even use the same measurements – your hopeless’.
‘well, if I'm so fucking useless you should do my work for me’ he says.
You set him a level stare.
‘you heard me’ he says with a roll of his eyes.
‘and why in the hell would I do that? I don’t care if you fail Jungkook, heck I don’t care if you get kicked out’ you tell him.
He shakes his head.
‘well, I mean I could go back right now and tell Miss Taylor-’ he begins.
You narrow your eyes at him.
‘You wouldn’t dare’.
He holds a staring contest with you.
‘oh, wouldn’t I?’ he says.
You both hold each other's gazes before you give in.
You cannot believe the audacity of this asshole.
‘fine whatever asshole’ you say folding your arms and turning around.
He grins in victory and places your notebook back into your hands.
‘chop chop partner get to it’ he says.
You glare at him.
‘partners pull equal weight Jungkook ‘
He rolls his eyes.
‘I don’t really care – you just need to get a move on’.
You turn around no longer wanting to deal with his annoying ass.
You make it forward a few steps before you stop and turn around.
‘why are you following me?’  you ask him.
He rolls his eyes at your apparent dumbness.
‘well smartass, there is a killer on the loose if you didn’t know’.
You freeze up for a second,
You had almost forgotten. You don’t let him see that you're scared.
‘and? ‘ you say feigning composure.
‘what the hell are you going to do if he pops out of the woods anyway?’
He shrugs.
‘I dunno actually a lot more than you could do anyway’
You stare at him.
‘I could be a black belt in karate for all you know’.
He laughs.
‘okay princess whatever - I just need to make sure that you're not going to fuck this up’.
So, you turn going to the place you need to, to collect your data pieces.
With having to do Jungkook's work as well, it takes a lot longer to complete than you would have liked.
He is surprisingly bearable in the mornings that you both sneak off though. He doesn’t say much. Just watches you – pretends he isn't though.
You catch him once. Its been about 2 weeks since you started this godawful task, and Jungkook's notes and work were in dire need of help so its taking you time. This time however you meet his gaze before he is able to pull away.
You cock your head to the side.
‘what are you staring at?’ you say placing your hands on your hips.
He says something inaudible under his breath.
‘what was that?’
He snaps at you.
‘do you think you have tie to stand around making idle talk with me? The work ain’t going to do itself princess.’
You huff in annoyance.
How dare he! This was just plain wrong anyway I should not even be doing this, but you knew it was the only way. You couldn't risk getting caught and with Jungkook you wouldn't be surprised if he really did rat you out you to all the teachers. And if he did well, you wouldn’t be receiving a very good reference.
It was during an early morning that you hear Jungkook walk off into the distance. Probably to smoke, such a bad habit you tsk.
But you're also done for the day – so you begin to head back on your own.
You feel the grass brush against your feet as you walk back. You’re humming along to that song that was always on the radio, when you hear it. A little whimper - then a cry. You know that you shouldn’t go to look, you know that you're paying for your curiosity already and you don’t need another thing to happen, but you just cannot help yourself!
You follow the sound, going on a detour from the track.
You do consider yourself somewhat of a badass but a serial killer? Yeah, they kinda scare the shit out of you. You hold your breath and walk as quietly and slowly as you can. You hear the whimper again to your left but its deeper into the woods.
As you walk closer you see a pool of blood - your eyes widen, and your heartbeat becomes erratic.
‘what the fuck?’ you whisper into the silence.
You walk closer to the body of the animal and you can feel your knees grow a little weak you can see a white paper which has been tainted red with the blood of the animal that was killed.
You gasp, taking it up in your hands. Your hands also become stained with the redness.
It's in Morse code.
-.-- --- ..- / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / -... . / .-- .- -. -.. . .-. .. -. --. / --- ..- - / .- .-.. --- -. .
You look at it for a while and rack your brains to be able to translate it but no such look. Your mind is busy running at 100miles per hour. As you try and clear your head and look at the note one more time, but a noise in the distance pulls you way from any semblance of concentration that you could have obtained.
You frantically look around trying to locate where the sound had come from. Your senses are all on a high right now. You shove the piece of paper into your pocket and begin to go back the way that you came. After the first few steps you begin running your head running wild with the idea of being found dead in ditch. Your nearly at the main path which you had strayed from. You make it onto the path, and you bend over catching your breath when two arms encircle you from behind.
You let out a scream.
A hand is placed over your mouth.
‘shut the fuck up y/n’.
You recognise THAT voice. Its Jeon Jungkook. Why is this motherfucker always trying to scare you? Your turn around and hit him on the chest,
‘what the actual hell Jeon, you gave me a bloody heat attack and a half’.
He doesn’t respond. He is looking at you, his eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes have a glint of anger. He is furious.
‘where the fuck did you go y/n?’ he says, he holds your wrist stopping you from hitting him again.
He holds it in the air holding your gaze.
‘I was.... walking back’ you didn't want him to know what you had found. He would probably tell you it was a bad idea to even translate it. Which it was, but what is life if not for taking risks?
You yank your hand from his grasp.
He looks at you an unreadable expression on his face.
“you’re a fucking liar “he says.
You scoff.
“oh please, what’s it to you anyway jungkook, you left me first “
He doesn’t say anything, but observes you, trying to look for signs of what you’re hiding.
He had found one too, a dead animal and a note written in Morse.
But he could read it and he knew he was in trouble
“Be careful, or your little girlfriend may be snatched from right under your arms “
He swore under his breath as he read it and immediately began to make his way back to you.
“strawberry?” he calls out but you’re not there.
You’re not there and he hates the feeling of dread that sits in his stomach.
He runs back the way you came, but he still finds no trace of you
“fucking hell where did she go?”
He almost gives up and is going to tell the police when you appear before him, out of breath and you look terrified.
He knows you’re lying, if you were where, you said you were, he would have seen you.
He narrows his eyes at you again.
“I left for two seconds and you ran off. Where the fuck did you go? “
He asks, he wants you tell him, needs you to, he’s overcome with this sense to protect you but you don’t trust him. He needs to change that.
He lets you believe that you have him fooled, that he believes your story and he begins to walk back to the cabins right before the call for breakfast is sounded. You follow after him breathing in a sigh of relief that he had believed you.
That night you find it difficult to sleep. You need to find out the meaning of the Morse code, but you don't have access to a book that will help you translate, meaning that you will have to ask around without looking too suspicious.
You decide that a police officer would do nicely, if you seem overly invested in their job, they would just give you the information.
You spot the officer who looks younger than most, you remember his name.
Park Jimin.
You approach him cautiously.
“Officer park?”
He turns around to face you, smiling softly.
Oh, he’s cute you think.
“yes miss?”
You smile at him warmly.
“nothing serious it’s just that I was wondering if you would like some company, it must be a little boring for you out here on your own “
You say to him and you’re glad you asked him because either way his face breaks out into a smile that has your heart fluttering.
“how very kind of you miss! And yes, a little company wouldn't hurt “, he grins at you.
As you strike up conversation, with the officer you fail to notice a figure dressed in black listening in on your conversation. Jungkook listens in as you try and get information out of officer. He knew it. You had also come across the same note, as he had. He wonders what yours said.
He leaves after a bit, leaving both of you oblivious to the fact that he was even there in the first place.
When you get back to your room, you see Jungkook sitting at the foot of his bed frown on his face.
You ignore him and write down the information you'd just got given by Officer Park. You felt a little bad manipulating him when he was so nice but you just had to know what it meant.
Jungkook speaks up.
“that was a nice conversation you were having with Officer Park “
He says,
You whip you’re head up to look at him and closing your notebook harshly.
“What? Were you eavesdropping on my conversation?”
He rolls his eyes
“Why would I be listening to the conservation of the school nerd with a cop? No, I just happened to hear in passing “
You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding.
“That’s mighty rude of y-" you begin to retort before he cuts you off
“what’s a biology nerd like you need with Morse code?” He asks.
Your mind malfunctions for a moment until you bring yourself back together.
“A little extra knowledge hurts no one you know?” you say appearing nonchalant.
He narrows his eyes
“I know it”
You look at him
“you do?”
He nods,
“why need something translating?” he tries.
You think about it, but ultimately decided against showing him the note you found.
You have no clue what it says. You don’t want him understanding before you do.
You shake your head,
“No, I don’t “
You say, deciding enough is enough and you need to sleep now to be up in the morning.
The next morning you sleep in, meaning that you couldn’t do the work that was set out for you. You stretch and moan as you get out of bed when you sit up and open your eyes fully your locks onto the Bambi ones from across the room. You let out a shriek!
‘What the hell why were you watching me you creeper!’ you say pointing a finger at Jungkook.
He rolls his eyes at you.
‘oh, please don’t flatter yourself’.
‘why didn’t you wake me up? Its so late !’ you question him.
He looks at you and says words that you don’t think that you would hear.
‘I think that we should lay off for a bit strawberry’
You look at him in shock
‘but why!?’
He doesn’t really give you much of an answer in his usual Jungkook manner.
You sigh.
Over the next few weeks, you rarely bump into Jungkook, you see him sometimes in the cafeteria and you can always feel him just watching you it makes you grow warm when you notice his staring.
Jungkook is also going crazy. You drive him crazy.
You guess that you'll have to work at the same pace as everyone, truthfully you had actually caught up with your work that was missed a while ago, you were just doing extra readings to stay ahead. One step ahead of everyone. But you guess that that is going to be changed now.
It had been a while since you had been on your morning trips with jungkook and though you hate to admit it, you kind of missed it.
He wasn't as bad company as you thought he would be, he was oddly quiet which meant that without him talking as much, you really got to admire his beauty. And good lord was he handsome, you understand why people are attracted to him, when his mouth is closed, he’s fine. Basically, you became a little horny when you saw him, it had been ages since you had had sex even masturbated, since you now had room with him.
Jungkook has such strong sharp features which sometimes go all soft, if he pouts while he’s thinking or a bird catches his attention, his eyes will go big and doe like. It's cute. Everybody had two sides you suppose, yours was your horny side (lol what)
Okay maybe, more time to admire him was a bad thing, you did not need to have sexual fantasies with him, no, that was a big no no.
It's been a few weeks since Jungkook had asked you to lay low for a while and in that time, you had been asking around about the killer to the police. You tried your best not to seem suspicious about it though, if they caught on – well it wouldn’t exactly end well. So, you make slow progress, you did make progress though, however.
You could now understand the note and while it scared you, it also ignited something in you that you didn’t even know that you possessed inside of you. You wanted to outdo him, you want to find him, lead him into a trap or something like that anyway. You want to catch him.
Something in the back of your mind is telling you begging you to stop being so stupid, but you ignore and continue to daydream about catching this bastard.
But it can only cure your boredom for a while – you get bored and what better to do when you're bored than to read erotica novels?
You had packed this book with you – the secrets of the alluring painter in France. You had taken to reading at night time on some nights.
Like tonight.
You need a wind down, so you pull out your book, and it has such racy scenes that leave you clenching around nothing.
Your sexual imagination goes wild when you read the erotica in the book and the way they make it seem so fiery, you were no virgin - you knew what sex was like, but never has it been close to the way it is in the book.
You’ve allowed yourself to fall into this horrible habit, at night, when Jungkook is asleep to touch yourself, play with yourself, pretending it is you who is being touched by Kim Taehyung the painter with many secrets.
You feel yourself growing more frustrated with each passage you read, it becomes a little irritating and, you have to touch yourself or you'll go crazy, the man in the book was doing it so well, so hot.
Kim Taehyung, he was described as an utter beauty, soft black hair and soft eyes, a deep voice that just made the reader swoon, you close your eyes and reach your hands down to your shorts, they slip past the hem.
You wish you could moan, wish that you could be vocal, like you were in your bedroom when it was just you and your pillow, but there was one big problem and that was Jeon Jungkook.
Why did you have to room with him?
You lighten your breathing and listen for signs of him being awake, but he seems to be breathing really deep, he is asleep you assure yourself.
You turn the lamp off, at the side of your bed, setting the book on the bedside table.
You trail your hand down your stomach, much like Taehyung had done to the main character, he slowly lets his fingers flutter over the top of her shorts, and you do the same. You build the tension, like it's his beautiful hands working against you.
You pause and let your fingers slip past the hem of your panties, you trace over the fabric covering you - first over your mound, stroking sensually.
How had Taehyung done it?
Right yes, he had used his nails slightly and grazed over lightly, a slight pressure but nothing that hurt - it was just enough to make you squirm under your own touch.
You feel your own wetness, feel how obscene it is in the darkness of the night.
Jungkook is right there, and while it scares you, it also thrills you, you feel a new wave of arousal and adrenaline when you remember he is there.
Slowly and as quietly as possible you shuffle, moving to take your shorts off, it's a little loud but you think that you're okay, Jungkook is out like a log.  After a moment you continue to tease yourself.
Running your fingertips over your lips, pressing down on your hole and clenching, withholding the need to hiss.
You raise your hand further and your fingers land right at the centre of your pleasure.
Your clit. Oh, the beautiful bundle of nerves.
You cover your mouth with a hand to stifle the moan that you almost let out when you begin to rub small circles around the sensitive nub.
When you can’t get enough your panties are next to go, and when the cold air hits your wet centre you have to hold your breath, shaky.
You reach down and gather your slick slowly, spreading it all over your centre, making yourself drown in your own arousal, you use your middle and ring finger to slide up and down at a pace that leaves you edged and eager for more, you need to bring yourself to the very edge to get yourself the release that you’re after, you free hand travels up to your ever sensitive boobs, you play with them, brushing over the nipple, making them perk and then groping them while you rub at your clit.
A dirty thought crosses your mind, when you remember the boy who was asleep across from you.
What if, he was the one to touch, the one touching you, with those beautiful hands of his, those big hands.
You stifle another moan, as you think about him, hovering over you, giving it to you just right. You had heard that Jungkook could actually make a girl cum while having sex, that made you a little interested. It’s just he always opens his mouth and is an ass and ruins everything. But right now, in your imagination, only his looks and reputation matter, you twist and turn his character to be someone that you can gain pleasure from.
You can the pleasure increase and you begin to fasten your speed until you feel the signs of your orgasm and then you pull away. Edging yourself.
Your breathing is a little heavy and your work on controlling it, both your hands go to fondle your breasts and you unconsciously lift your hips, humping the air, you lean down again and enter three fingers easily into your own heat.
The squelching sound heard is deafening in the silent room, your cheeks burn red and you pull out slowly, so that was a no no, you would have to focus on your clit for you orgasm. Which was fine because you were so sensitive from playing with yourself, you know that it would only take a few more strokes to get there.
You press the fingers that were just inside of you, against your sensitive bud and you rub in slowly circles and then fastening your place and then slowing once more.
Jungkook comes into your mind again, ugh, now his lips, his pretty pink lips and the way he licks them, and the way they glisten under the sun. What if they were attached to your clit, if he was using his face to give you pleasure, like Taehyung had done to the main character of the novel, God it was so filthy.
Its driving you insane and you love it, the frustration will only make your release all the more powerful.
After a while you feel the fire blooming in your bottom of your stomach, and you quicken your pace to the point where you feel light and the waves of pleasure rack over your whole body.
You press your hand to your mouth again to conceal the gasps that are escaping you, you sigh and fall back onto your pillow feeling so much better and lighter.
Gosh did that feel good. You were aware that in your mind alarms were going off in your mind. You had thought of Jungkook while masturbating. It was a line you have no idea why you crossed. How would you look him in the eye now?
After a while, you pull up your panties and shorts and you promise yourself a shower in the morning.
What you didn't know was that the raven-haired boy of your fantasies was in fact awake and now painfully hard as he listened to your filthy little moans and gasps, he grabs his own member in his pants, strokes slowly. He spreads the pre-cum over his member before setting the fast pace that he liked, his breaths through his nose – to conceal the way his breathing has become strained. His hair becomes damp from sweat and it sticks to his forehead. He came much faster that he would care to admit the thought of you right there yet unreachable the fact that you were so NAUGHTY under all that good girl.
Turning him on, making him needy.
He breathes heavy, thinking of you under him as he squirts out cum into his pants, Jungkook too showers in the morning after you.
After this Jungkook stays up at night, listening to you, seeing if you would do it again, you do and, on those nights, Jungkook cums at the same time as you. He feels a little pathetic, he knows that he can fuck a lot of girls in the class right, but it wasn't you, God he wants it to be you writhing underneath him.
It’s the next morning and you're getting ready for your shower.
You're gathering your clothes and shampoo and creams into a little bundle and are about to open the door to the shower, when it is opened for you. The song that you were softly humming gets stuck in your throat when you register that the door was opened by Jungkook.
A very naked Jungkook.
Your face grows red, and your eyes wander over his gorgeous body, the tattoos that trail up his arm and a few on his waist, God they looked amazing.
Your ogling comes to a stop when he clears his throat. Oh, shit you think - I was staring. You quickly look up and your eyes meet Jungkook's.
He is smirking at you and as soon as you meet his gaze, he lets his own wander over body – taken in the skin that was exposed in your pyjama shorts and a t-shirt that had been small for you since you turned 13 years old.
He looks up and down your body brazenly before meeting your eyes. He licks his lips, and you zero in on it. God it was so annoying that he was this hot.
How could this be happening now? When you had spent a while avoiding him? And him you? Why did this happen after you were thinking of him last night? Oh god you grow red again and you think what if he had heard you? God, that would be embarrassing. You look at his lips again, avoiding his gaze again but maybe his eyes would have been a better option because as soon as you look at his lips, the same filthy thoughts come back to you - you shift uncomfortably trying to calm yourself. In that time, you don't notice but Jungkook has come closer to you.
You register his closeness when a water droplet from his hair falls onto your cheek. You move away slightly.
You don’t realise it but in your extended silence of checking each other out the both of you have moved closer to each other. There is no longer what people would call a healthy distance between the two of you anymore. He looks down at you and licks his lips again. His hair is wet and the way he runs his hand through it – he looks so good like this. Your dirty thoughts run wild again. Its only when another water droplet from his hair falls onto your cheek that you finally snap out of it. You move a step back.
“You look a little hot strawberry is anything the matter?” He asks you, a teasing lilt on his voice.
It’s way too early for this, you cannot be dealing with this right now, not when your mind has gone on a memory flashback to last night and he was right here in front you, so very naked.
Still, you feign your ever composed self.
“I’m just fine” you say through gritted teeth.
“I need to shower and your kind of standing in my way” you tell him.
He chuckles, a deep chuckle, gosh how are you this horny in the morning? Stop it y/n you think.
“I don't think you really mind though do you strawberry, you seem to have a very different secretive side” he says, cocking his head to the side.
You blush, shit had he heard you?
“I have no idea what you're talking about Jungkook” you say to him “I need to shower though”.
You move to get away from his hearted stare but just before you enter the washroom, a hand grabs onto your wrist and pulls you back.
Jungkook looks at you, a deep and confusing stare.
“Be careful, it’s quite wet in there” he says and then his tongue pokes into the side of his cheek. Then suddenly, he lets you go and walks off to his side of the room, your left in shock at his words and quickly scurry to get into the bedroom before more heated tension breaks through.
You shake your head of all thoughts and quickly go into the shower, what you don’t realise is that you accidently drop something, the note with the raven-haired boy who you had left in the bedroom.
Its later on during this day that Jungkook approaches you.
'Hey strawberry’ he says to you.
You raise your eyebrows at him, what’s with his sudden kindness.
‘hey’ you reply voice dipped in surprised.
‘Oh, shut up, I just came to talk to you’.
You look at him.
‘I didn’t say anything but okay…. talk then’ you gesture your hands between your two bodies.
He lets out an exasperated gasp.
‘The note – did you find one?’ he asks. You still in the next sip of coffee that you were going to take. You feel yourself grow cold. How did he find out?
He looks at you.
‘So, you did’.
‘I didn’t say that’ you say tone slightly higher than normal – you were a terrible liar.
He laughs at you
‘Hmm is that so?’
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about Jungkook’.
He looks at you, more serious this time.
“Listen y/n there's no point playing dumb, I found your stupid note anyway”.
You watch mortified as he pulls out the note that you had thought was in your pocket. Well shit then.
“I- I have never seen that before in my life Jungkook” you can't let him know; he would ruin everything - you convince yourself.
He looks at you, he’s getting annoyed that you're lying to him. He pokes his tongue against his cheek again.
“I suggest you stop lying”.
You scoff.
“Why would I ever need to lie to you your nobody to me Jungkook”.
Something akin to hurt flashes across his face for a few seconds before he slams his hands on the table.
“I don’t think you know what you're even getting into strawberry”.
You gather your belongings getting up, you need to get away from him.
“And I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about Jungkook”.
You walk off leaving him there, but he follows after you,
“Listen I found one too, you don't need to be miss hero or anything”.
You carry on walking, not bothering to give him an answer, he would want to tell the teachers and everyone, they would cancel the trip and then how would you finish gathering your evidence? No, he was insane.
“I don’t know what you're talking about”.
‘you think your so fucking slick, don’t you? Asking around and acting unsuspicious but your wrong I could sense your stupid plan from a mile away’ he says to you, pulling you on your arm effectively stopping you so you can't walk away from him anymore. You struggle out of his hold.
‘and so, what? So, what if you know? What the hell are you going to do Jungkook? Tell on me? Are you going to threaten to tell the teachers because you know what? I’ve been thinking about it and I think they would much rather take my word for yours and all this work I’ve been doing for you – I could easily go right now and show the teachers and say that you forced me to do it!! ’
He looks at you angrily, looks like he is going to swear or curse you out but then his face relaxes.
‘you say that baby, but the truth is I have money and you don’t if I want to manipulate something I can because I have the means and power to do so, my dad's made himself something while yours totted away in the fucking garbage can’.
You feel the anger come over you and he smirks at you.
‘real fucking classy Jeon, yeah insult my parents – like it's their fault they were born into a world where people are born with silver spoons on their mouth, and at least my parents love me Jungkook’
His eyes flash with hurt
‘how do you now my parents don't love me you little bitch?’
You laugh an empty laugh at his face.
‘just look at you – you’re the very definition of boohoo my parents don't love me so I'm going to kick up a mess, so they notice me for once’.
He groans in frustration at your words then.
Somehow amidst your confrontation with Jungkook you had managed to reach your room, why are you here? Why did your feet have to leave you here?
You walk into the room and as soon as he gets in, Jungkook grabs you by the wrist and pins you against the door, your books and pencils fly across the room and while your mortified - he doesn't even bat an eyelid.
Your breathing is both heavy as you look each other in the eyes, waiting for the other to say something.
You struggle against his hold, uselessly, curse him for doing his workout routine every morning.
“You found the fucking note y/n when you went missing in the woods that day, the note that’s in Morse code, the note that you spent a week trying to decode, don't act fucking dumb” he grits out.
You still try and keep up your act,
“I have no clue in the world what you're talking Jeon, I think you're going fucking insane” you seethe out
He growls, yes, he growls.
“Your seriously fucking pissing me off now, I know you did, I know you found it”.
“Fuck off, Jungkook does it look like I care if I am fucking pissing you off”.
He looks into your eyes again and whispers something like “fucking priss” before he is connecting your lips in a kiss, a kiss that is full of ego, passion and heat. You can feel in searing through your body so fiery, setting your nerves alight.
He is relentless in his pace. His mouth against yours and God indeed Jungkook is good kisser. Before you knees grow weak you move your hands to tangle in his hair and you pull at the end causing him groan against his lips, when he does you swipe your tongue into his mouth getting a taste. You pull harder, and he groans again. It was a sound that you know you would like to hear again.
His hands move from the door and one tangles in your hair while the other presses harshly on your waist. You gasp at the pleasure and at this he takes over, he fights your own tongue for dominance and once he wins, he is rough, he wants all his saliva in your mouth, wants his taste on you, wants you to feel him in every way.
When he knows that your just as enthralled by his kisses he pulls back to taunt you - whispering the words against you bruised lips.
“You act like such a fucking little priss don't you? Act like your better than me? Lying to me? Fuck you drive me insane”.
He attacks your neck now, leaving open mouthed kisses along your ear and neck. He nibbles lightly at a few areas and when he gets to just the right place - where your breath hitches and you move your thighs together he bites down harshly without warning and you try you best to suppress your moans. Not wanting to give him any satisfaction.
“I am better than you” you say to him breathlessly, “I don’t just act like it, I am”.
He bites harder at that and you wince - Jungkook is painting you skin wine and purple and your letting him and it feels so goddamn good. He pulls you back by the hair to look at him,
“You don't look much better than me when you are bending at my will, when you're looking so fucked out and I’ve done is fucking kiss you”.
Your answer is swallowed by a moan that you let out as he takes you breasts into his big hands, and squeezes hard, you pull him up from your neck and kiss him again, his lips, your lips bruising and fighting against one another.
He trails his hand down further and dances around the hem of your pants for a while, and you place your own over his, just as your about to lead him further down a knock is heard at your door.
You both freeze
“y/n?” A voice calls out.
You calm yourself before answering, still a little shaky.
“Our guest speaker has arrived, I just thought you might like to ask him a few questions before he gives his talk”.
Jungkook swears under his breath, raking a hand through his hair.
“You fucking nerd”.
He pulls you back by your pony tail and the back of your head lands on his shoulder, he tilts you slightly, so he has better access to kiss and leave more marks against your skin.
“Ah- I thank you, I’ll come in an ah- while” you say, and you hear the footsteps walk off, Jungkook spins you around and he goes to kiss you again, but you pull away.
“No, just, stop I have to go and talk”.
He looks at you “you fucking nerd” he kisses you once more, like he can't get enough of your mouth.
You pull away again.
uh what in the fuck just happened you think.
This was not meant to happen.
“Look Jungkook, I did, that is my note and I- I’ll, we can talk just not now, okay? I-I have to go. This is important"
He doesn't say anything, just watches as you fix your appearance in the mirror, an appearance he had ruined, and he smirks a little in triumph. He watches as you gather your books that had been thrown onto the floor and he watches as your ass is on display for him and God, he wishes he could grab a handful, but he doesn’t. He just watches.
You walk out the room, without so much as looking at him again and he feels oddly rejected.
He knows that you had felt good, he had heard you groan against his mouth, grind against his clothed member but he hadn't ever been walked out on before. He's not sure what exactly he is feeling. Its not a good feeling - that he was walked out on and for some old ass lecturer too.
He watches the door close, and he sits and waits for you to finish being a nerd. But truthfully it is a little hot to him that you’re so independent, you do things for yourself, your confidence and your wit, it makes you fun, you piss him off, but your company is nicer than the ones that he is used to.
He sighs what the fuck is he getting himself into.
You take a breath as you exit the room,
What in the fuck just happened? you think.
Well, when you promised Jungkook that you would talk to him you hadn't been in your right mind.  Why did you agree to that like fuck? You have no idea what to even say. How do you even start that conversation like...?
"Hey, was just wondering if you would like to you know? Go on a hunt for a serial killer with me?"
Gosh this was so stupid and the kiss, gosh your face heats up as you remember the way he had kissed you - oh so sweet and so naughty!
Gosh you were in bad, as an adult you decide to deal with the problem logically, you'll just ignore him. That will work, Jungkook had a small attention span anyway. You're sure he would forget. You really hope he does.
371 notes · View notes
unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Summary: a companion piece to What Kind of Man. Harry never meant for things to end up this way. 
Warnings: Cheating. Forgiveness after cheating. Don’t read if you don’t agree with that. 
Notes: some of the scenes from harry’s pov & some new scenes to dive deeper into harry. this is just march! so it’s a companion to the first piece only & is short!
Left you out there standing
Crestfallen on the landing 
Champagne Problems
Harry wasn’t exactly sure when you and him had drifted apart. Logically he knew every relationship had points where things may feel repetitive or where both people struggle, but the two of you had never felt this cold. 
That doesn’t stop the guilt that sinks his stomach and causes his lungs to constrict when you hang the phone up. “Y/N?” He asks in response to the obvious dial tone. 
The guilt doesn’t stop him from staying at the pub. Niall had left hours ago with a hurried goodbye. Jennifer had declined going out at all, saying all she wanted was rest. All who was left was Mitch, Harry, Ally and their semester law intern, Hannah. 
“Everything okay at home?” Ally asks kindly as Harry slips into the booth. Mitch raises his eyebrows as Harry shrugs. “She sounds pissed, but no emergency.” 
“If she sounds pissed why are you still here?” Mitch laughs. It sounds uneasy to Harry as his friend looks him up and down confused. “I remember when you used to refuse going out with us because you didn’t want Y/N upset.” 
Harry takes a sip of his beer and looks away. The pub was mostly filled with other suits. More lawyers from the firm who worked in offices Harry never visited. Doctors from the hospital two blocks away.
He turns his head back to look at Mitch when he feels a hand graze his knee. “I think you deserve a break.” Hannah says quietly. Harry watches as Mitch shakes his head, but turns away before his friend can say anything else. 
(Because Mitch’s stare just forces the guilt up Harry’s throat and he’s afraid it’ll come out in vile. Things were never supposed to go this far with Hannah. It was supposed to be stupid flirting and compliments. Nothing that could break you. It was never supposed to break you.)
(Harry hadn’t done that good of a job.) 
Harry wasn’t drunk. He hadn’t been drunk since law school. He was an adult. With a high paying position at a sought out law firm. He didn’t get drunk. 
You didn’t leave the porch light on though, so it’s a little hard for him to focus on getting the key in the door and also being quiet. But he’s not drunk, so he can do it. He does it. 
He pauses as he drops his keys onto the entry table. The entire first floor is dark. He slips his shoes off as well and leaves them by the door in order to avoid trying to find the correct cubby for them. 
You had left the hallway light on upstairs, so most of the staircase was illuminated enough for Harry to make it up them without missing a step. That didn’t stop him from stumbling up the last three though. 
He can see the bedroom light had been left on as well. He listens for the sound of you talking to Jack or even just the baby’s giggles, but when all he hears is silence, he assumes you had fallen asleep writing. He pushes the door open. 
You’re sitting on the edge of the bed and twisting your ring around your finger as you gnaw on your bottom lip. Your head shoots up when you hear the door open and Harry’s eyes widen. “Y/N?” He feels his eyes squint at the bright overhead light feeling much harsher with your glare. 
He ignores the pit in his stomach as he lifts his wrist the check the time, “Why are awake? It’s almost three in the morning. (He never meant for this happen. He was never supposed to be in this scene.) 
You shrug and let out a laugh that Harry could only describe as empty. The pit in his stomach grows as you whisper harsh words, “I’m well aware of how ridiculously late it is, Harry. I figure I should be awake though, it’s the only time I’ll see you.” 
Harry looks away as he pulls his jacket off and lays it on the bed beside where you were sitting. “What are you talking about?” In order to avoid your stare he focuses his attention to his white button up. He hands fumble and he notices you stand in his peripheral version. 
His hands pause for a moment, like he expects your hands to steady his shaking ones like they normally did. You almost do, he notices, but a look crosses your face and your arms cross over your chest defensively. 
“The kids missed you.” You say quietly. 
Harry knows what’s coming as his hands fall completely away from the shirt and he finally looks at you. He feels tears rush to his eyes as the guilt from earlier in the night returns tenfold. “I missed them too.” He says quietly. 
“Seph asked me if you were leaving us.” The words feel like a punch to the gut as you just watch him stand and process them. Seph asked that? Had he really been gone so often his first daughter, his best friend, was worried he wouldn’t come back one day? 
“She what?” Harry flinches when he hears his voice crack. “I would never leave you guys, I love you.” 
You look away. “Do you?” And if your words about Persephone had felt like a punch, these felt like a gunshot. Pain splintering from his chest throughout his entire body. 
“What?” He almost yells. But he knew the kids were asleep. He never wanted to wake his kids up to fighting. He feels like he’s sobering up fast and it’s making him nauseous. He takes a hesitant step towards you before placing his hand gently on your cheek. 
Or at least, attempting to. You flinch away and Harry’s hand falls to his side. “Y/N,” He starts quietly. “Don’t think-”
Your laughter cuts him off as your eyes flick angrily back to his. “if you wanted me to believe that, you wouldn’t come home smelling like another woman.” Harry’s heart freezes as his eyes widen. You pull his left hand up, “You wouldn’t leave your wedding ring out for me to see every time I was my hands.” 
Harry tries to pull his hand back, ashamed at the idea of his ring haunting you, but your grip only tightens. “You wouldn’t have a hickey. One I didn’t give you considering we haven’t had sex in months.” Your other hand is point hard into his chest to where a mark lays covered partially by his shirt. 
You let go of him as you fall onto the edge of the bed and look up at him with tears. He feels his chest constrict as he sits down next to you. He pulls both your hands into his, “Y/N...” He says quietly. “I am so sorry.” 
Tears threaten to spill from his eyes as you try to pull away from him. “Am I not good enough?” You ask quietly. He pulls you to him but you thrash in his arms. “Seventeen years of my life. Four kids. Everything. I gave you everything.” You’re crying but your voice is cold. 
You’re thrashing stops and it’s silent. Harry reluctantly lets go of you and you immediately stand up again. You look at him expectantly and Harry feels like he’s going to throw up as he looks down at his hands. 
“It didn’t mean anything.” he says quietly. Truthfully. “It never meant- I love you.” He stresses. He falls from the bed to his knees in front of you. “You’re the love of my life.” He thinks of college. His law school graduation. He thinks getting promoted and buying your home. 
He thinks of divorce papers as you look away from him. “How long?” You ask quietly. 
“Please.” Harry begs. Where would he go if you kicked him out? Mitch would tell him he was an idiot. He loved you. Would his mom take your side? She should, he thinks. Gemma would want to kill him. 
“How long?” You ask coldly. Your face has steeled itself. Harry can see the tension in your jaw and almost feels his dinner coming up. 
“A month.” He wraps his arms around you. He nuzzles his face into your stomach. He sees your hand twitch, almost like you want to run a hand through his hair. “It meant nothing. Y/N. I’ll end it right now.” 
Stupid. His head screams. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. 
“Okay.” You unwrap yourself from his arms and step away. Harry watches you confused as you move towards your side of the bed. “I’m going to bed.” You rub a hand over your face before laying down. 
Harry stands awkwardly unsure of what to do with himself. He knew he couldn’t sleep in the bed. That something like that was probably the last thing you wanted to do. 
“Take a shower. Sleep in the guest room.” Your back is facing him and he sees your arms wrapped around yourself. This bed is too big for one person, he thinks. That’s selfish of you; His conscious tells him. 
He moves quickly to get pajamas from the closet. He debates showering in the ensuite, maybe he’d be able to see you again before sleeping, but he turned out of the room. 
He would shower in the kids bathroom. 
The guest room was cold. It was the only bedroom downstairs and that made it felt ten times lonelier to Harry. It was rarely used too. Gemma would stay in it when she visited L.A, but she had gotten her own apartment in the city and it was no longer used frequently. 
Your parents lived only an hour away and had no need to spend nights at your house and his mother was rarely able to make the flight over the ocean. It felt like something staged for the sale of a house. 
Harry sighs as he sits on the edge of the bed. With his head in his hands he thinks over where he went wrong. He had never meant for this to happen. For any of this. 
The distance had been a byproduct of the stress. He was worried about the kids. He had done the numbers and sure you two were well off, but four kids was expensive. You had stored any more you’d made from your book in savings. A rainy day fund didn’t calm Harry’s nerves.  
So he worked more. And he went out after work for a drink or two. And he talked. That’s what it had started out as. Just talking numbers over with Hannah, who helped him work them out. She wanted to be a divorce lawyer. Or maybe it was just broad family law. 
Harry thought that was ironic now that his marriage would probably be over. It was running through numbers. Maybe there was a hand on the knee or feet that were just too class together. Things he had brushed off as accidents and completely unintentional. Then it had been him walking her to her car. Then she had kissed him and well- Harry isn’t blameless. 
It would be ridiculous for him to say he was. 
He falls back onto the bed and lets out a shaky breath. How had he been so stupid? 
He sits back up immediately and pulls out his cellphone. He hadn’t even saved her number. They almost never texted and would usually just see each other at the bar. It had only been two weeks since they had kissed by her car. They had only-
He can’t believe he had let it get this far. He can’t believe he’s sitting here justifying himself with onlys. 
He’s unsure of what to say. Should he apologize? It wasn’t anymore her fault than it was his own. 
I have kids and a wife I love. This was wrong. I’m sorry. 
Harry flinches. He felt gross and guilty. The shower hadn’t done anything but sobered him up. He felt everything over and over. Nausea, a headache bound to come on, guilt and just pain. 
He pulls up Mitch’s message strain. Won’t be in tomorrow. Not feeling great. 
He responds within minutes. Hope she doesn’t leave your ass. I’d take her side. 
Harry lets out an empty laugh. Wouldn’t everyone? His mother loved you. She had since the two of you had met in college. When you had found out you were pregnant a semester before graduation his mother had been nothing but supportive; Especially when your parents had poorly hidden their own disappointment. 
Gemma thought of you as the sister she never had. Her and Harry were close, but over the last almost twenty years you and her had grown closer. 
His mind drifts to the kids. How could he do this to the kids? Force them go through what had been devastating to him. He may not practice family law, but he knew how it worked. You worked from home all the time and had been taking care of them their entire lives. 
They would ask the kids where they wanted to go, they would refuse to leave their mother. Harry would too, you were home to everyone in the family. Life without you sounded meaningless. 
Why did you do it then? He shakes his head. He doesn’t know. It wasn’t like you had stopped giving him attention, there was no time for sex and work got in the way of dates. It was his fault. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The word repeats itself over and over again in his head. . Even if he could find ways you had ignored him or cast him to the side it would be pointless. It would be placing blame on a blameless person. It was his fault. 
He crawls under the comforter. It’s nowhere near as soft as the one you had chosen for the bedroom. The sheets weren’t slept in so they didn’t feel as soft and worn. Harry thinks of having to find his own sheets and bed, his heart drops. 
He doesn’t sleep. Unable to stop the back and forth of how do I fix this and will she even let me try? 
Harry’s fingers tap incessantly on the drivers wheel as he makes his way home from Serena and Oliver’s school. Persephone had been pretty silent to entire drive to her high school, but Oliver had done more than covered for her with his stories. 
How had it gone from breakfast together at least once a week and and family game nights to Oliver wanting nothing more than to be in his mother’s car and Persephone sitting in pure silence. 
Harry’s mind trails back to you as he drives. You had barely spared him a second glance as you sat down to join them at the breakfast table. He had felt his hesitant smile drop when you looked away from him. And even though talking to the kids all morning had caused his happiness to jump, there was still pain steadily flowing as he thought of what your plan was. 
Would you kick him out? Selfishly, he thought that was his biggest fear. Not having you and the kids to come home to everyday and losing the comfort it had always brought him. he had taken advantage of it and now that it could slip through his fingers at any moment he felt disgusting. 
The drive allows him to wallow in his thoughts, but pulling into the driveway is a far worse feeling. Knowing that you were inside and could give him news that would kill him.
Was he allowed to feel that way? He asks himself. Like you leaving him would kill him, when it would be because of his own choices. He takes a deep breath and forces himself to straighten himself out as he steps out of the car and begins the walk towards the front door.
He mumbles apologies and empty words as he walks up. Unsure of what he could say to you to break the silence. When he opens the door, you’re sitting with Jack as he babbles and plays with his toys on the floor. 
“Forgot how much Olly could talk.” Harry settles on starting with. He lets out an awkward laugh as you stand and lift Jack up before placing him in the play pen. You lean down and tickle him gently. “Please don’t escape, little Houdini.” Once you let him go and step away the young boy crawls away with a giggle. 
You make your way towards the kitchen silently and Harry walks behind you with a nervous buzzing feeling in his chest.
You take a deep breath and Harry watches as you slide a piece of paper over the counter and towards. As his eyes scan down the list he feels a sliver of hope creep into his heart.
“What’s this?” He asks quietly. It’s names and phone numbers that have his heart beating a million miles per second.
“A list of marriage counselors.” His eyes follow your finger as you point towards each name and number. “For us to see once a week.”
The hope in him is growing by the second as words keep coming out of your mouth. “You’re not leaving me?” He blurts out in shock.
Your stance turns defensive and Harry takes a deep breath trying to calm himself. “No.” You answer quietly. “Not yet anyways.” Harry can’t help the furrow of his brow as the words hit him. It wasn’t definite and this was a test. You sigh which forced Harry to move his attention back to you. “We have four kids together. A life. And no matter how much you hurt me, I still love you.”
Harry bites back the smile threatening to cross his face. Because despite everything, you love him. You still did. You both glance at your ring finger when he notices you twisting the ring around it. “You’re the love of my life. I don’t want to throw that all away without trying first.”
Harry can’t stop the smile this time as happiness bursts inside him. “Y/N.” He says quietly.
He kind of zones out as he watches you go over what you want to do from here. Counseling and cutting hours back at the firm. Neither a punishment in Harry’s mind.
“I’m not sure if you like, ended it with her.” You start and he nods hastily. “I have. I did last night. I’ll never talk to her again.” He promises. He feels guilt again but part of is held back by the unadulterated hope he has now.
He debates taking the steps towards you before finally deciding it was necessary. When you don’t move away, he pulls you into a cautious hug, one that he’s shocked to feel returned.
“Thank you.” He whispers and you nod.
He would fix this. He swore it. This wasn’t a maybe in his head, it was necessary.
Your heart was glass I dropped it.
Champagne Problems.
Just a small piece while you all wait for third main part to wkm! thank you for the endless patience. hope you all are safe & healthy.
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hyogonokitsune · 3 years
longing -- suna rintarou x reader
college!au, tw alcohol use, lil bit of fluff, lil bit of angst, some smut at the end because I can’t fucking help myself 🥴 (oral -- m and f receiving, choking, creampie, cockwarming hnnff)
11,600 words
“Hey, ‘Samu, I gotta go lie down.” You had to practically yell to hear yourself over the music blaring from the speakers. Osamu was less than two feet from you, but you might as well have been yelling from a mile away.
“I said I gotta go—fuck! Where’s your room?” You had to speak directly into his ear to make yourself understood; Osamu leaned in close to respond to you.
You hadn’t had that much to drink, but the atmosphere of the party was wearing you down. The insanely loud music and the crush of so many sweaty bodies were starting to give you a headache, and you were in desperate need of a quiet place to recharge. Most of the people were crowded into the living areas of the house, so you decided to escape to your friend’s upstairs bedroom to catch your breath.
You shut his door behind you, muffling the sounds of the party downstairs, and laid down on the bed, closing your eyes. Even here, you could feel the bass pounding in your head.
The door opened then, but when you lifted your head to look, it wasn’t Osamu standing in the room. You groaned; you definitely were not in the mood to deal with a random guy.
“Can I help you?” you asked in a hard voice, sitting up to look at him better.
“Can I help you?” he replied, utterly deadpan. He walked over to the desk in the corner and plugged his phone into a charger, his back facing you. “You’re in my room.”
“What? This is Osamu’s room.”
“’Samu’s room is the last door on the left. This is the last one on the right.” He turned around to look at you, his expression indifferent.
Your eyes widened as you realized your mistake, quickly hopping off his bed. “I’m so sorry! I must have misheard him. I just needed to get away from there,” you explained, gesturing towards the door.
He smirked at you. “Too much to drink?”
“No, there are just too many people down there, felt like I couldn’t breathe.”
His expression softened at your words. “Yeah, that’s why I came up here, too.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, then,” you said, moving towards the door.
“You’re Osamu and Atsumu’s friend, right?” he said, stopping you. “They said one of their old friends was gonna come over tonight.”
Your hand dropped from the doorknob as you nodded, telling him your name.
“I’m Suna,” he said.
“Oh! You went to high school with them, right? They’ve told me about you.”
“Nothing good, I bet,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a grin.
“Almost all good things,” you responded truthfully.
“’Almost’”, he repeated, a low laugh escaping him. Suna watched you for a moment, looking as if he was thinking about something. “You can hang out here, if you want,” he said, motioning for you to sit back on the bed as he pulled out his desk chair. “As long as you don’t puke on anything.”
“I told you, I didn’t drink that much!” you huffed, but you sat down all the same. You had wanted to get away from all the noisy people downstairs, but this guy seemed laidback enough that he wouldn’t make your headache worse; besides, you were interested in talking to someone who had known the twins in high school.
Suna put on a playlist from his phone, setting the volume just loud enough to block out the house music blasting from downstairs. “You’ve known them a while, yeah?”
You nodded. “Since we were kids, but I didn’t go to Inarizaki with them.”
“Good call.”
“They’re not that bad!” you laughed. “Don’t tell them this, but I actually missed seeing them every day, so it’s nice that we ended up going to the same university.”
“Maybe I will tell them that, then they’ll spend more time harassing you instead of me.”
“Don’t you dare.”
You both laughed then, before falling into an easy silence. You shifted to get more comfortable on his bed, crossing your legs underneath you.
“Do you not like parties?” you asked.
“They’re alright,” he said, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m not too crazy about having ten thousand strangers in my house, though.”
You hummed in agreement, nodding your head. “Yeah, what’s fun about having random drunk people sweating all over you? I’d rather just hang out with a few friends, ya know?”
He snorted. “Hopefully it’ll be more like that in the future, but Atsumu really wanted to throw a big party for the start of the semester.”
You couldn’t help rolling your eyes. “He just wanted to introduce himself to as many girls as possible.”
“Yeah, that was his not-so-secret motive.”
There was another pause. Suna scrolled through his phone, searching for something.
“You wanna see some embarrassing photos of the twins?”
“Yes, absolutely I do.”
He grinned, unplugging his phone to come sit next to you on the bed. He leaned in close, tilting his screen so you could see it. “Oh, here’s a good one,” he said, trying to suppress a smile as he showed you a picture of Osamu lying face down on the ground. “He tripped when we were jogging, completely ate shit.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the image, especially with Atsumu in the foreground holding up a peace sign over his brother’s body.
Most of the photos were of the two of them fighting; having grown up with the twins, it was a little comforting to see that they acted the same around their new friends as they always had with you. You felt somewhat nostalgic at the thought.
Suna paused on a closeup photo of Atsumu, his eyes red and puffy as he tried to swat the camera away. “Ah, this was after he got rejected by a girl and he swore he wasn’t crying.”
“Oh my god, I totally remember that day!” you said, laughing hard. “’Samu called me, begging me to talk some sense into ’Tsumu because he kept whining about being turned down.”
“Seriously? God, knowing that makes this so much better,” Suna said, a crooked grin on his face.
“Please don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
He showed you nearly three years’ worth of pictures, pausing at the memorable ones to tell you the stories behind them. It was easy talking to him; you felt able to laugh naturally and relax around him despite being strangers, something that you weren’t able to do with most people you just met.
You didn’t realize how long you and Suna had been talking until you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket; seeing that it was a call from Osamu, you answered it.
“Y/n, did you leave?”
You were surprised by the panicky note in his voice. “No, I told you I was going upstairs.”
“Yeah? Well where the fuck are ya, ’cause I’m standing in my room and you’re not in here.”
“I’m in Suna’s room—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you heard footsteps stomp across the hall and the door flew open.
“What the hell are ya doing in here?” Osamu asked, still holding his phone up to his cheek.
“We’re fucking, obviously,” Suna deadpanned. You giggled, but Osamu didn’t look amused.
“I got the rooms mixed up, ’Samu,” you explained, getting up off the bed. “Suna’s just been telling me about your time in high school.”
“Oh, great,” Osamu said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “It’s late, you want me to walk ya back to your dorm?”
“Can you even walk, or are you too drunk?”
“It’s Atsumu you should be worried about. He fell asleep on the couch downstairs.”
“Why does that not surprise me,” you laughed. You made your way over to Osamu, turning at the door to address Suna. “It was nice talking to you, I guess I’ll see you around.”
He was scrolling through his phone again, only giving you a brief disinterested glance. “Yeah, see you.”
 You poked your head into Osamu’s room, only to find that it was empty. It was a little disappointing; you had been hoping to hang out with him for a bit, since you hadn’t had time to see much of him that week, but if he wasn’t around there was nothing to be done about it. The book you had borrowed from him a few weeks ago was already in your hand, so you placed it on his desk and turned to leave.
Stepping back into the hallway, you noticed that the door across from Osamu’s was open. You casually glanced inside as you walked past, catching Suna’s eye from where he sat in front of his laptop.
“Hey,” you said, leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey,” he parroted as he took his headphones off his ears.
“I came by to return a book that Osamu lent me, but I guess he’s not around.”
“I think he’s meeting with a professor.”
“Ah.” You fell silent, and Suna turned his attention back to his laptop. “What are you reading?” you asked.
He looked up again, his expression a little sheepish. “You’re gonna think it’s boring.”
“Try me.”
He sighed. “It’s an article analyzing the influence of Shakespeare’s histories on English nationalism.”
Your face brightened as you spoke. “That was published last week, right? I bookmarked that so I could read it when I got the chance.”
Suna looked surprised at your response, his eyes widening slightly. “It’s pretty interesting so far.”
“I have to say, though, you didn’t strike me as the type to be into that kind of stuff,” you said, just a hint of a teasing tone in your voice.
His expression was blank again as he responded, “Well, I am a literature major.”
“So am I!” you said, smiling at him as you walked into his room and leaned against his desk. “I don’t think we have any classes together, though.”
“It’s a big school.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” You paused, thinking of a way to keep the conversation going. “What’s your favorite Shakespeare play?”
Suna glanced up at the ceiling, bottom lip rolling between his teeth as he thought. “I guess I’d say Hamlet. There’s just so much shit going on.”
“Ah, so you love the drama of it all,” you laughed. “I think it’s a tie between Hamlet and Macbeth for me. The twist at the end is just—” you cut yourself off to do a chef’s kiss, prompting Suna to laugh a little.
“‘Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped’, such a raw line.”
“Yes, exactly!” You were beaming at him, happy to learn that you shared a common interest. Over the course of the last few weeks since you first met Suna, you hadn’t had much of a chance to get to know him, despite him being your best friends’ roommate. He usually kept to himself, and on the few occasions when he joined you and the twins to play video games or get dinner together, he didn’t talk much. He seemed like a naturally reserved person, and as you remembered this, you felt a small pang of guilt for disturbing him.
“Well, I’ll let you finish that article,” you said, getting off his desk and making for the door.
His voice stopped you before you could leave. “You can hang out here until Osamu gets back, if you want.” You turned to face him, a little surprised.
“You sure? I don’t wanna bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me,” he said. “I can finish this whenever.”
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling like this was a rare invitation coming from him. Your heart beat a little faster at the thought.
“Have you ever seen ‘Scotland, PA’?” you asked.
“It’s an adaptation of Macbeth that takes place in a fast food restaurant.”
“Yeah?” he snorted, a grin appearing on his face. “You wanna watch it?” Before you could answer, he was unplugging his headphones and bringing his laptop over to you.
“Sure, if you want to,” you told him, feeling like you were really lucking out.
Suna sat on the floor at the foot of his bed, patting the spot at his side as he started searching for the movie. You sat down next to him, careful to leave a space between you.
When you watched movies with Atsumu and Osamu, their incessant talking usually got on your nerves pretty quickly, but you found that you didn’t mind listening to Suna’s comments. Watching the film together seemed to make any lingering awkwardness between you two disappear, and before long you were laughing and leaning into each other.
“Oh, I hate this part!” you groaned when you reached a certain scene, turning to press your face into Suna’s shoulder.
“Jesus, that’s fucked up,” he chuckled, grimacing as Duncan’s character fell face-first into a deep fryer.  
“Then why are you laughing!” you said, lifting your head, but you couldn’t keep your own laughter from bubbling up in your chest. Suna gave you a crooked grin, your reaction only making him laugh harder.
“Oi, Sunarin! You got a girl in there or something?” Osamu’s voice floated in through the open door, his head appearing a moment later. His eyes widened when he spotted you. “What the hell are ya doin’ here?”
“Hello to you, too, ’Samu,” you said dryly. “I came here to return your book, but you were too busy to see me, I guess.”
“Took ya long enough,” he grumbled, but he grinned at you all the same. “I’m starving, you wanna grab something to eat?”
“Yeah, later,” you said, turning to look at Suna. “There’s still a bit left in this movie, you wanna finish it now?”
“Yeah,” he replied, a little surprised that you’d postpone hanging out with your friend to finish the movie with him.
“Ugh, fiiiine,” Osamu groaned, rolling his eyes at you, “guess I’ll go shower, then. But don’t take too long, I’m so fuckin’ hungry.”
 “Maaaan, I can’t wait until this semester’s over,” Atsumu sighed. “I feel like it’s draggin’ by.”
“Yeah, it’ll be nice to go home for break.”
The two of you were standing on a patch of grass outside the gym, passing a volleyball back and forth. It was chilly, your breath coming out in silvery puffs, but after spending most of your time inside studying for the past week, you had both wanted to get some fresh air.
“I just know I’m gonna fail my bio final.”
“You’ll be fine, ’Tsumu,” you chuckled as you bumped the ball back to him. “You’ve been studying more in the last few days than I’ve seen you do in your entire life.”
“Hey, I studied in high school!” he huffed, his face contorting in mock annoyance as he set the ball. “Just ask Suna!”
The mention of his roommate’s name made your stomach flutter, causing you to mess up the course of the ball.
Atsumu quickly stepped to the side to get under it, giving you a nice, high set in return. “Jeez, you’ve really let your skills slip, huh?” he teased, grinning at you.
“Shut up, piss head.” Your cheeks were already pink from the cold, but you felt them heating up.
“Why don’t you play anymore anyway? I’m pretty sure there’s a women’s club on campus.”
You shrugged as you responded. “I don’t know, I don’t think I’m good enough to play for a college team.”
You heaved a sigh. “Fine. I just think it’d be weird to play on a new team. I liked my old team, ya know? All my good memories are of them, I don’t think it would be fun to have to learn a whole new dynamic with new people. I’d feel like I was… I don’t know, like I was cheating on them or something.”
Atsumu looked at you like you’d just told him the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “That’s still bullshit.”
“Well I don’t expect you to understand, you freak. You wouldn’t care who your teammates are, as long as you get to play volleyball.” You gave him a smile as you passed him the ball. “I still have fun playing with you and ’Samu, though.”
“You better. If that ever changed, I’d have to rethink this whole friendship.”
You both laughed, but a part of you wondered how serious he really was.
“Fuck, okay my fingers are actually starting to go numb. Can we go inside now?” you asked, shoving your bright red hands into your jacket pockets.
“Yeah, you wanna grab some dinner?”
The two of you set off for the campus dining hall, huddled close together for warmth. The sun was just beginning to set, making the bare trees cast long, spindly shadows on the path in front of you. You quickened your pace, shivering a little.
The dining hall was just beginning to fill up; you and Atsumu managed to grab a table near the back of the room before all the spots were taken. You wrapped your freezing hands around your bowl of soup, savoring the warmth. Atsumu wasted no time digging into his own meal.
“You might wanna wipe that rice off your face, ’Tsumu,” you told him in a low voice, “that girl over there is checking you out.”
“Huh?” he asked, his mouth full. His eyes glanced over to the direction where you were tilting your head. “Eh, whatever.”
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. “You still hooking up with that girl from your stats class?”
“Yeah, I actually really like her,” he said, swallowing a massive bite of food. “She’s sweet, and funny. And she’s really good at—”
“Stop,” you said, holding up a hand. “I really don’t wanna know.”
He smirked at you. “I was gonna say helping me study. Jeez, what were you thinking about?”
You bit your lip, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing you smile.
“What about you? You been seeing anyone?”
“You know damn well the only guys I hang out with are you and ’Samu.”
“And Suna,” he added. You took a big gulp of your soup so you wouldn’t have to say anything in response. He was right, though; lately you had been spending more time with Suna, even without the twins around. “I’m kinda surprised at Suna, actually,” Atsumu continued.
“What, that he’s hanging out with me?”
“No, that he’s not hanging out with any other girls.”
Your brow furrowed a little. You had assumed that Suna got around; he was handsome, after all, and he had that mysterious, reticent personality that most girls went crazy for.
“I mean, back in high school he was kinda known for just having a ton of hookups. I figured he’d keep that up in college. I don’t know, maybe he’s too busy now,” Atsumu mused.
You mulled it over in your head. It seemed to you like Suna had more free time now than he would have had in high school; almost every time you stopped by their house, he was either in his room reading or listening to music, or else playing games with the twins. You were pretty sure he could have fit in a hookup or two if he wanted.
“Maybe he just wants to focus on his classes,” you offered, but it didn’t sound realistic even as you said it.
Atsumu snorted. “Yeah, like he’s gonna trade pussy for his GPA.”
“Charming, ’Tsumu,” you sighed. “It’s not really any of our business what Suna gets up to, though.”
“I’m just saying, it’s a little weird for him.” Atsumu’s arm stretched out to steal some food from your tray. “Maybe he’s met someone he really likes.”
His words made your stomach turn over, but you weren’t entirely sure why.
 A few days into the spring semester, both Atsumu and Osamu came down with nasty colds. By the time the weekend rolled around, they were completely incapacitated, unable to do anything but huddle up together on the couch, sniffling sadly.
You had taken pity on your friends, so on Saturday night (after receiving several dramatic texts from Atsumu that he was dying), you decided to go over to their house to cook them dinner. The twins were curled up on the couch watching a movie, wrapped in thick blankets with used tissues scattered around the coffee table in front of them. From where you stood in the kitchen prepping ingredients, you had a clear view of them over the counter; the sight of them looking so sorry for themselves reminded you of all the times you had gone over their house to keep them company when they got sick as kids. You smiled to yourself, thinking of those fond memories.
“Y/n,” Atsumu whined from the living room, his blanket pulled up over the top of his head. “I don’t feel good.”
“I know, baby. Dinner will be ready soon.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him tighten the blanket around himself, a dopey grin on his face. “Y/n called me ‘baby’,” he said happily.
“Simp,” Osamu muttered under his breath.
Atsumu stuck a leg out from under his blanket to kick his brother. “Don’t be jealous, you scrub!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at them; their usual bickering sounded especially cute when their voices were so congested.
“Even when you’re sick you guys can’t shut up.” Suna had come downstairs, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.
“Sunarin! Are you finally gonna hang out with us?” Atsumu asked excitedly.
“Absolutely not. I don’t wanna catch whatever weird disease you guys have—”
“You make us sound so disgusting,” Osamu grumbled.
“I just came down to get food,” Suna continued, grabbing a Cup Noodle from the cupboard.
“Oh no you’re not,” you said, snatching it out of his hands. “I’m making dinner for you guys.”
Suna’s eyes widened a little in surprise, but he didn’t object. Instead, he leaned back against the counter, watching as you dried the vegetables.
“Suna, could you chop up the mushrooms for me?” you asked. “Oh, but wash your hands first, please!”
Without saying a word, he did as you asked. You could hear Atsumu snickering from the couch.
“Talk about a simp. Y/n actually got Sunarin to help out in the kitchen,” he said, smirking. Suna balled up the paper towel he was using to dry his hands and chucked it at Atsumu’s head.
“You’ve got snot dripping down your face, dude.”
“Shut up!” Atsumu cried, sniffling as he burrowed deeper into his blanket.
With Suna’s help, prepping the ingredients went twice as fast. You expected him to leave the kitchen once it was done, but to your surprise he stayed, leaning against the counter again to watch you as you cooked. Occasionally he asked you a question about what you were doing.
“The chicken takes a little longer to cook than the veggies, so I’m adding that to the broth first,” you explained. “The order you add things affects the flavor, too.”
“How many times have I offered to teach ya to cook, Sunarin?” Osamu called from the other room. “Guess ya only wanna learn when Y/n’s doin’ the teaching.”
Suna glared at him over his shoulder before turning his attention back to what you were doing. “I didn’t really have to know how before.”
“It’s never too late to learn,” you reassured him.
“Nothin’ sexier than a man who knows how to cook!” Osamu yelled, grinning. Suna ignored him, but you noticed the tips of his ears turning pink.
When the food was nearly done, you asked Osamu to clear a space on the coffee table. With Suna’s help, you carried over the meal you had cooked together, setting down the steaming bowls of soup, rice, and vegetables in front of the twins.
“My nose is all stuffed up, but this still smells so good,” Atsumu said, eyes closed as he sniffed the air.
“Yeah, your cooking’s always the best, Y/n,” Osamu agreed as he reached out with both hands for a bowl of soup.
“Oh, I picked up your favorite tea on the way over here, too,” you said, going back to the kitchen.
“What?! You really are the best!” Atsumu wailed. You walked back into the living room, carrying two mugs in each hand. “What did we ever do to deserve you?”
“It’s a mystery to me,” you replied, but the smile on your face was gentle as you handed the twins their tea. You passed the third mug to Suna, and the look he gave you was nothing short of tender as you sat next to him on the floor. The sight of it made your heart pound in your chest.
When you had all finished eating, you and Suna carried the dishes back to the kitchen while the twins dozed on the couch. After packing up the leftovers, you started washing the dishes and cooking pots, with Suna drying and putting them away.
“Thanks for making dinner for us,” he said quietly, not making eye contact with you.
“Of course,” you said, offering him a smile. “I don’t mind doing it.”
“You must really like those two idiots, if you’re willing to do so much for them.”
You looked over the counter into the living room where the twins were passed out on the couch. Osamu was curled up on his side, his head leaning against the armrest and blanket tucked up tight around him; Atsumu had his head thrown back, mouth hanging open as he snored softly. The sight of them sleeping so peacefully made a feeling of warmth spread throughout your chest.
“I’ve known them since we were three,” you told Suna, gaze still pointed towards the twins. “They’re like brothers to me.” You paused for a moment, thinking, before turning your attention back to the dishes in the sink. “I think it’s normal to want to do things for the people you care about.”
You caught Suna’s eye as you looked up to pass him a freshly-washed plate. He was staring at you intently, brows slightly furrowed, but you couldn’t quite name the expression on his face.  
 It came as no surprise when, a few days after taking care of the twins, you came down with a bad cold of your own. You managed to suffer through your classes and had just returned to your room to sleep for the rest of the day when, less than five minutes after changing into your pajamas and climbing into bed, there was a knock at your door.
“It’s open,” you called out, thinking it was one of the girls from your floor coming to check on you.
When Suna stepped into your room, you nearly fell in your haste to jump out of bed.
“Sorry, was I not supposed to come in?” he asked as you disentangled yourself from the blankets.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting it to be you,” you told him. You grabbed a hoodie from your closet and quickly pulled it on over your tank top, attempting to hide the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra.
“Oh,” was all he said. The two of you stood there staring at each other awkwardly for a moment, before you noticed the bag he was holding in his hand.
“What’s that?” you asked, pointing at it.
Suna blinked as if he had suddenly remembered why he was there. “The guys told me you weren’t feeling well,” he said, setting the bag down on your desk and pulling a container out of it, “so I thought I’d bring you some soup.” His voice got softer at the end, and you noticed a slight blush on his cheeks as he held it out to you.
He must have made it and immediately brought it over to your dorm, because the container was still hot to the touch. You struggled to keep your lower lip from shaking at the sheer thoughtfulness of it. “That’s really sweet, Suna. Thank you.”
“It’s probably not nearly as good as yours, but…” his voice trailed off. He scratched at the back of his head, the blush deepening on his face. “I tried to do what you showed me the other night.”
“Do you wanna have some with me?” you asked, but you were already taking down two bowls from the shelf above your desk and pouring out a serving for each of you, before putting the rest in your mini fridge. You ate a spoonful, eyes closing as you savored the taste. “Mmm, this is really good, Sunarin!” you smiled at him.
“It’s not bad,” he said, grinning a little bit.
“It’s really good for your first try!” you pressed on. “You know, if you want more practice, you can cook for me anytime.”
He snorted. “Yeah, that’d be a pretty sweet deal for you. But what would I get out of it?”
“Duh, you’d get to spend more time with me.”
“Oh, then pass.”
“Suna!” You pretended to pout, earning a genuine laugh from him. It felt good to joke around with him again, after not being in contact with him at all over the winter break.  
“Do you wanna hang out for a bit?” he asked when you had finished eating, setting his empty bowl on your desk. “Or were you just planning on sleeping for the rest of the day?”
You were a little taken aback at his question, since he had gone out of his way to avoid Atsumu and Osamu when they were sick. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll catch whatever I have?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “If I was gonna catch it, I would have caught it from Thing 1 and Thing 2 already.” His expression faltered a little. “We don’t have to if you don’t want—”
“No, I do!” you said, a little too quickly in your eagerness to not let this chance slip through your fingers. “I just don’t want to get you sick, that’s all.”
“I’ll be fine.” Suna rolled his eyes, smiling. “You wanna watch a movie? I’ll let you choose, since you’re sick.”
“Oh, how magnanimous of you,” you teased as you carried your laptop over to your bed. You sat down, propped up against the pillows, and shifted to the side so Suna could sit next to you. “Can we watch ‘The Devil Wears Prada’?”
“I feel like you’d kin Miranda Priestly.”
“I will leave this room, right now,” he threatened, beginning to stand up.
“No, no! I was only joking!” you laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him back down. He rubbed at his face, but you could see his slight smile hidden behind his hand.
The movie was almost over before Suna realized that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. When he first felt your head lean against him, the pounding of his heart had prevented him from daring to look at your face, but after several of his comments had gone ignored, he finally peered down at you, surprised to see your eyes closed. When the credits rolled, he had intended to get up and let you rest, but when he tried to move, your body shifted to turn towards him, an arm reaching out to wrap around his torso.
“Rin,” you murmured in your sleep, and the sound of your voice saying his name caused all of his resolve to disappear.
With you sleeping so peacefully, your warm body pressed up against his, Suna couldn’t bring himself to risk accidentally waking you up. The sun had already set, making your room dark and cozy, and so he figured he could wait there for a little bit until you woke up from your nap. Lifting one of his arms to put it around your shoulders, he closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, sunlight was streaming in through the window. He blinked blearily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His movements prompted you to wake up, your gaze slowly focusing to find yourself leaning on his chest like a pillow.
“Guess we were both more tired than we thought,” he said, his voice raspy from sleep.
“Mmph,” you mumbled, noticing a damp spot on his shirt from where you had drooled on him. God, how embarrassing.
“How are you feeling?” he asked softly, shifting to look down at you.
“A little better,” you said. Sitting up properly, you rubbed at your face, attempting to hide your blush from him. “Sorry that I fell asleep on you.”
“It’s okay,” he said, smiling a little before his face shifted into a more teasing expression. “Did you know that you mumble in your sleep?”
You groaned, hiding your face in your hands even more. “Yeah, I’m aware.”
“It’s kinda cute.”
“Please don’t make fun of me this early in the morning.”
Suna pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. “Ugh… I’ve got class at 9:45. I gotta go home to shower and get ready before then.” He stood up and stretched his arms over his head. You lowered your hands from your face just in time to catch a glimpse of his toned stomach as his shirt lifted up; the sight of it made your cheeks burn anew, your head turning quickly so he wouldn’t notice you staring.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Y/n,” he said, putting on his coat.
“Thanks again for coming over,” you said, forcing yourself to look him in the eye.
He grinned a little sheepishly as he made his way to the door. “Well, ya know… you gotta do things for the people you care about.”  
 Stepping out into the brisk early springtime air, you spotted a familiar head of dark hair a few yards in front of you.
“Hey, Sunarin!” you called out, waving at him when he turned around. He stopped walking to allow you to catch up with him. “Are you done with class for the day?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got practice.”
“Mind if I walk with you?”
He didn’t respond, but the slight shrug of his shoulders as he took off again told you that he wasn’t bothered by your company. You walked side by side, your hands brushing against each other’s occasionally, each brief contact setting off butterflies in your stomach. If it had any effect on Suna, he didn’t let it show.
“Have you thought about what classes you’re gonna take next semester?” you asked.
“Not really,” he said. “Why, you gonna start stalking me?” he added, lips quirking up into a grin.
“Just making conversation,” you grumbled, turning your face so he wouldn’t see your blush.
You looked up in the direction the voice came from to see a guy from one of your classes making his way over to you. You greeted him politely, and he launched into a conversation about the latest paper you had been assigned, falling into step beside you.
“Are you doing anything now? You wanna go get dinner with me?” he asked eventually.
“Oh, I can’t, actually,” you told him. “I have plans with a friend tonight.”
His face fell a little, but he quickly bounced back. “That’s alright, some other time maybe.”
“Do you know what you’re doing for spring break yet?”
“I’m not really sure, I’ll probably just stay on campus,” you said.
“Oh, me too!” he said, grinning at you. “Maybe we could get together then.”
You had reached a branch in the path, and he turned right to continue towards the dining hall.
“See ya around!” he said with a wave.
You waved back, noticing that Suna’s eyes lingered on the other guy’s back as he walked away.
“That dude likes you,” he said in a deadpan voice.
“He was trying to ask you out, dumbass.”
“What? No he wasn’t. I don’t think he’d do that in front of you.”
“Well, if he asks you again you should say yes.” Suna was smirking at you, but his voice was devoid of any emotion.
His words pricked at your heart, making your chest feel tight. The idea of him encouraging you to go out with someone else was a little upsetting. You turned your head away from him.
“Yeah, maybe,” you said absentmindedly. In truth, you had no interest in going out with that other guy, but Suna’s comment had left you unsure of what to say.
His brows creased a bit. Turning back to look at him, you saw that his gaze was significantly colder than it had been before. You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong, but he cut you off before you could.
“I’m gonna be late for practice,” he said flatly, walking off quickly and leaving you to stand alone on the path.
 After that day, things between you and Suna were different. He was suddenly making himself even more scarce than usual, and during the few times when you managed to see him, he was quieter than before. You couldn’t think of what would make him act so coldly towards you, and the possible explanations you came up with in your mind only made you feel worse.
You were waiting outside the gym one evening for Atsumu and Suna to get out of practice. When you saw them walking out the door you went over to greet them, handing over the bag of pork buns you had picked up at the convenience store.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Atsumu said, gratefully accepting the food you offered him; Suna, however, stepped away before you could pass it to him.
“Sorry, I’ve got stuff to do,” he said cryptically before turning from you.
“We were planning on playing Smash later, are you gonna be around?” you asked.
“Probably not,” was all he said, waving one hand over his shoulder as he walked away.
Stung, you turned to Atsumu. “Suna’s been avoiding me, right? I haven’t been imagining that?”
Mouth full of pork bun, he shook his head. Swallowing thickly, he said, “Nope, he’s definitely been MIA lately. I don’t know why, though.” Seeing the way you bit your lower lip in worry, he was quick to speak again. “I’m sure it’s got nothin’ to do with you! Sunarin’s probably just busy.”
“Do you think he’s seeing someone?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
“Nah, if he was I’d know about it. He’s never brought anyone back to the house.” He crammed half a pork bun into his mouth, struggling to chew it. “Honestly, he might just be a little homesick.”
“What?” It was hard to imagine someone like Suna being homesick; considering he spent so much time on his own, you didn’t think of him as the type of person to miss anyone.
“I mean, he told me he’s goin’ home for spring break to spend time with his sister,” Atsumu explained. “He must really miss her.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the news. A part of you had hoped that Suna’s avoidance of you actually was due to his busy schedule, and you had been looking forward to your spring break as the perfect opportunity to get some quality time with him. The fact that he wasn’t going to be there confirmed your doubts, proving, in your mind at least, that he really didn’t want to be around you anymore.
“You got any more of these?” Atsumu’s voice brought you out of your own thoughts.
“Yeah, here,” you said, giving him the bag of pork buns intended for Suna.
He continued chattering the whole walk back to the house, but you hardly processed a word. You were too busy wondering about what you could have possibly done to make Suna no longer want to be your friend.
 It had been several weeks since you had spent any time with Suna, aside from the brief moments when you saw each other at the house when you were visiting the twins, but he always gave an excuse as to why he couldn’t hang around. You knew he was a private person, but his sudden avoidance of you hurt twice as much after he had seemed to be getting more comfortable around you. Several times you had texted him to ask if he wanted to get food with you or watch a movie together, but he either claimed he was too busy with classes, or ignored you altogether. Eventually, you gave up trying to contact him.
But that didn’t stop your heart from fluttering when you did see him in person. You found yourself living for the moments when you would be sitting in the living room with Osamu or Atsumu, and Suna would come downstairs, giving you a quick nod before rushing out the door; or when you would be hanging out in Osamu’s room and Suna would walk down the hallway, locking eyes with you for half a second before going into his own room and shutting the door behind him. Each time you hoped he would stop and actually say something to you, and each time you were left disappointed.
So it came as a surprise when, one day when you and Osamu were in his kitchen making onigiri together, Suna came downstairs and actually lingered for a bit, even after spotting you. Not wanting to scare him off, you bit your tongue as he sat on the counter, watching you form the rice balls with your hands.
“Those look good,” he said; you weren’t sure if he was addressing you or Osamu.
“Here,” Osamu said, putting some on a plate and passing it to his friend. “You headin’ out soon?”
Suna nodded, his mouth full of rice. “Yeah, I’ve gotta meet with my advisor.”
“We’re going out to eat later, you should come. You haven’t hung out with us in a while.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve been kinda flakey lately,” he said, his tone apologetic.
You couldn’t help yourself. Looking him in the eye, you spoke. “We’ve missed you, Rintarou. It’s not as fun without you around.”
“Gee, thanks,” Osamu muttered, but you hardly heard him. For the first time in weeks, Suna was looking directly at you, his gaze almost soft.
“Can’t imagine how rough it must be for you to have to spend time with these two goons,” he said, grinning.
“I’m standing right here, man,” Osamu said, his voice sounding only slightly annoyed.
You laughed, and to your amazement Suna returned it. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribs, hopeful that this awkward tension between you two was finally over.
“Text me when you guys are leaving, okay?” he said, hopping down off the counter and making for the front door. “I’ll meet you there.”
You couldn’t keep the giddy smile off your face even after he left. The thought of spending time with him again was almost too much for you.
“I wish you guys would just fuckin’ kiss already,” Osamu griped, his hands still deftly forming perfectly-shaped onigiri.
“Huh?!” you spluttered, nearly choking as his words sank in. “Who?”
“You and Sunarin, you clown. Do ya have any idea how painful it’s been watchin’ you two idiots for the past few months? Jesus, even ’Tsumu noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
“That you guys like each other!”
“I don’t—wha—,” you fumbled over your words, not entirely sure what to say. “Suna doesn’t like me!”
“Uh huh, yeah, okay. Y/n, the man made you a whole-ass pot of soup when you were sick. I’ve known him for years and he won’t even let me borrow his phone charger.”
“If he likes me, then why has he spent the last two months completely ignoring me?”
“Because Rintarou has the emotional intelligence of a fuckin’ cantaloupe.” Osamu finally turned to look at you, his hands resting on his hips. “Look, he’s never actually liked someone before—not for real, anyway—so I don’t think he knows what to do about you. He’s never gonna fess up and tell you how he feels, so his next best option is to just avoid you entirely. But he’s been missing you, real bad. I can tell.”
“So I’m supposed to be the one to tell him?”
Osamu smirked at you. “So you actually like him?”
You paused for a moment, sucking in a breath. “Yeah, I like him.”
It was the first time you had admitted it even to yourself. A wave of relief immediately washed over you, as if you had been holding onto a secret that you no longer had to hide.
Ignoring the blush you felt creeping onto your face, you forced yourself to look at your friend.
“But isn’t that weird for you? I mean, we’re your best friends, would you really be okay with it if we started dating?”
Osamu glanced up as he thought about it, taking in a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “It’d be a little weird at first, but I’d get used to it. But it doesn’t matter how I feel about it.” He looked back down at you. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
“’Samu,” you wailed, “you’re gonna make me cry.”
“So, you gonna tell him or what?”
“I don’t know… what if he doesn’t feel that way about me?”
“He definitely does.”
“Well, maybe it’s just not a good idea for us to date… I mean, neither of us has ever been in a real relationship before, what if we just crash and burn?”
Osamu took in another deep breath, looking as if he was preparing himself for something unpleasant. “Look, you know I’m not a sappy guy, and I feel gross even saying this, but honestly, you and Rintarou are two of the most compatible people I’ve ever met. Even I can see how cute you guys are together. You’d be stupid not to date him.”
“Seriously, ’Samu, you’re actually gonna make me cry.”
“Whatever,” he said, turning back to make more onigiri. “Just hurry up and confess already, I miss hangin’ out with my friends.”
 You waited until Atsumu and Osamu were out of the house; that way, if things didn’t go well, you could quietly slip away to collect your dignity without having to answer any questions from them first.
You stood in Suna’s doorway, heart pounding furiously in your chest as you steeled yourself for what you were about to do. He was sitting on his bed with his headphones on, looking at something on his laptop, but when you knocked on the door frame he glanced up, noticing you for the first time.  
“Hey, Rintarou,” you said, your voice a little shaky. “Can we talk?”
He took his headphones off and shut his laptop, setting it to the side and scooting forward to sit on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, of course. What’s up?”
Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you stepped into his room and sat down next to him. He was looking at you intently, a small crease between his brows. You glanced down at your lap, fingers twisting nervously, before looking at his face again. If you weren’t honest with him now, you never would be.
“I like you,” you said bluntly, “more than just a friend.” Suna’s lips parted slightly as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way,” you continued, really struggling now to hold his gaze. “I just… I had to tell you. And I’m sorry if that makes things weird between us, that’s not what I want. Your friendship means a lot to me and I don’t want to lose that, so even if you don’t—”
Your words caught in your throat, afraid of what he was about to say.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was impossibly soft, the question sounding so delicate as it fell past his lips.
You could have sworn your heart stopped beating for a moment. You nodded your head. “Yes.”    
Suna’s hand reached up to cup your cheek before he leaned in, agonizingly slowly, to press his mouth to yours. His lips were so soft, his touch incredibly gentle. Placing both hands on the back of his neck, you melted into him, sighing as his other arm wrapped around your waist to pull you in closer. You could feel him grinning against your lips just before he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
“I like you, too,” he said softly.
Returning his smile, you leaned in to fit your mouth to his again, relishing the way it felt to be held by him, to have him kiss you so tenderly. It took all of your willpower to pull away from him.
“Rin, I have to go,” you whispered against his lips.
“What?” His expression was puzzled as you abruptly stood up.
“I have class in ten minutes,” you explained, making your way to the door.
“So you’re just gonna drop that on me and then dip?”
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, grinning. “Yup.”
“Unbelievable,” he muttered, but the smile was still on his face even as you left.
 The first few weeks after you and Suna started dating passed by in a blur. The heartache you had felt when he kept his distance from you had been replaced by a constant feeling of joy at the knowledge that you were together now. You still got butterflies every time you saw him, your heart melting each time you pressed a kiss into his cheek and saw a blush creep onto his face.
The only complaint you had was that after three weeks, you and Suna still hadn’t slept together. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried, but there was always something that prevented you from actually succeeding: he was too exhausted after finishing volleyball practice; you both had term papers to work on; someone on your floor burnt popcorn in the microwave, setting off the fire alarm. The closest you two came to doing anything was one night when you thought you had the house to yourselves. You and Suna were making out on his bed, and he was just about to take off your shirt when Atsumu suddenly burst into the room to ask if they were all out of laundry detergent. He had quickly left, smirking, after realizing what he was interrupting, but you were too embarrassed to continue after he closed the door.
At this point, it had been over a year since you last had sex, and you were starting to go a little crazy. You were pretty sure Suna knew it, too, based on the smirks he gave you when he happened to catch the way you would stare at him periodically. After the length of time it took for you two to finally admit your feelings for each other, it was incredibly frustrating that the universe seemed to be keeping you apart again.
The end of the semester rolled around, and the twins decided to throw another big party before finals week. You managed to convince Suna to not hide in his room the entire time, and to your amazement he seemed to be having a good time, laughing in the corner with some friends from the volleyball team.
You were sitting on the couch next to Osamu, slowly sipping the beer in your hand. He was talking to you about your plans for the summer, but you couldn’t stop your attention from drifting over to your boyfriend every once in a while, grinning at him each time you happened to catch his eye.
“Our parents are renting that beach house for two weeks in July, you wanna come with us again?” Osamu asked, drawing your gaze back to his face.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, that sounds fun,” you said, a little distracted.
“Your boyfriend can come, too, of course,” he smirked.
“Shut up,” you groaned, trying to hide your blushing face by downing the rest of your drink.
“Bet you’re gonna miss him, yeah? Three months is a long time to be apart from your lover.”
“I swear to god, ’Samu, if you don’t shut the fuck up…” you grumbled, but you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face at your friend’s teasing.
Osamu’s attention was stolen then by someone asking him to go do shots, so you got up and walked to the kitchen by yourself to throw out your empty beer bottle. After you tossed it in the bin, you felt warm hands encircle your waist and a familiar voice whispered into your ear.
“It’s getting kinda crowded down here, you wanna go upstairs?” Suna’s warm breath tickled your ear, making you shiver in his arms. Turning around to face him, you gave him a quick kiss before taking him by the hand and leading the way to the stairs.
Closing his bedroom door muffled the sounds of the party, and you were able to breathe easier now that you were alone with him. Suna scrolled through his phone briefly before finding the playlist he was searching for, setting his phone down once the music started playing.
“Hey,” you said, grinning as you recognized the song, “this is the same playlist that you put on the night we met.”
He took a few steps towards you, arms snaking around your waist to pull you in close. “I know,” he said simply before leaning down to kiss you. You allowed him to deepen it, lips parting for his tongue, hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt.
Without breaking away, Suna guided you to his bed, gently laying you down and crawling on top of you, his knee coming up to press between your legs. You moaned into his mouth, feeling him grin against you. Breathing hard, you pulled his shirt over his head, leaning back so that you could look at him. You had known he was fit from all the times your body had been pressed against his, but seeing his muscular form with your own eyes was different. You squirmed under him, feeling your arousal growing between your thighs.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time, Y/n,” he whispered, leaning down to press kisses into your neck.
“I know,” you murmured.
“Yeah?” He pulled your shirt off of you, warm hands burning into your skin. “Do you know what I’m gonna do next?” he teased in a low voice, mouth moving down over your collarbones as his hands came up to cup your breasts, thumbs rolling over your nipples through your bra.
“Rin,” you whined when he pulled down the fabric to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, his other hand coming to rest between your thighs, groaning against your skin when he felt the wetness seeping through your shorts.
“Yeah, baby?” He was kissing a line down your stomach, goosebumps rising in his wake. He tugged off your shorts and panties together as you sat up to unhook your bra, tossing it onto the floor without taking your eyes off his face. Your hands immediately moved to the waistband of his pants, unbuttoning them as you planted sloppy kisses across his chest. He wriggled out of them and threw them to the side, before wrapping a hand around each of your legs and spreading them apart. “Is this what you wanted?” he asked, lips gliding over the soft skin of your inner thigh. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me, baby. I know how badly you want this.”
You whimpered, fingers running through his hair and gripping tightly. His warm breath ghosted over your skin, making you shiver again. A loud moan escaped you when he finally pressed his tongue against your pussy, running slowly over your folds and circling around your clit before moving back down. He repeated the motion, making your breath come out in short pants as your fingers tangled themselves further in his hair.
“God, you taste so sweet,” he moaned against you. His hands pressed down on your hipbones, pinning you in place as you started trembling around him, small whimpers leaving your mouth the closer you came to your release. You drew your legs up, the heel of one of your feet resting on his back as your spine arched, pressing into his mouth.
“Fuck, Rin, I’m so close,” you gasped out. He hummed, hands reaching up to trace his fingertips along your sides. You started moving your hips and he stilled, holding his tongue out for you to grind against. Within seconds you were cumming, legs shaking and nails digging almost painfully into his scalp. He kept his mouth open to allow you to ride out your high, gaze trained on your face.
“You’re so cute, baby,” he murmured, moving to plant a row of kisses up your throat and over your jaw. “So fucking cute.” His lips fitted against yours as he grinded into you, the friction against your clit making you gasp.
“Rin,” you whispered, pulling away to look in his eyes, “lie down.”
He rolled off of you, reaching out with both hands to pull you on top of him. You kissed him once, teasingly, before sitting up and gazing down at him. With one finger, you traced a line from his throat down over his chest and stomach, coming to rest where the skin dipped down between his hipbones, smiling to yourself at the way he shivered from your touch. Hooking your fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers, you gently tugged them off of him, watching the way his thick cock sprang out to slap against his abs. Heart pounding excitedly, you dragged your nails over the top of his thigh, pleased when his muscles tensed beneath you.
“Don’t tease me, baby,” he groaned, fingers digging into your arm. “I’ve had to wait so long for this.”
You would have been content to make him wait even longer, wanting to hear him begging you to touch him, but the pleading look in his eyes softened your resolve. “I know,” you purred, leaning down to run your tongue along the underside of his shaft, grinning to yourself when you heard his sharp inhale. You swirled your tongue around the tip, letting your spit run down his length, before wrapping your lips around his cock.
Soft moans and pants reached your ears as you slowly took all of him into your mouth. When the head of his cock hit the back of your throat you paused, tears forming at the corners of your eyes from the stretch of your jaw. You slid your tongue along his cock as you hummed lightly, eliciting a loud groan from him. Your hand came to grip his cock as you started bobbing your head up and down, moving in tandem with your mouth. Suna tilted his head to watch you, his chest rising and falling heavily. Keeping your eyes on his face, your mouth left his cock with a wet pop and moved down to suck on his balls, your hand continuing to jerk him off.
“F-fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back against the pillow. His fingers entwined themselves in your hair, gripping firmly, but you had reached the limit of your patience. You crawled back on top of him, thighs planted on either side of his hips, and used your hand to drag his cock along the folds of your cunt.
“I wanna feel you, Rin,” you said breathlessly as his hands gripped your hips. “Wanna feel you inside me.”
Pressing his tip into you, you slowly sank down onto him, loving the way his mouth fell open as you took him completely inside you. The stretch made you gasp, head falling forward to rest against the crook of his neck. You kissed the skin just below his ear as you started grinding your hips against him, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. The sensation on your clit made you moan into his skin.
“Does that feel good, baby?” he whispered.
“Feels good,” you whimpered, your pace quickening. “S-so good.”
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight…”
The knot in your stomach was rapidly tightening. A few more motions were all it took for you to be cumming again; you pressed your lips against Suna’s, tongue reaching into his mouth as your orgasm washed over you.
When your hips stilled, he lifted you off of him and flipped you over onto your back, nipping at the skin of your neck as he repositioned himself between your legs. With a groan, he sank into you again, hips snapping against you urgently. Your body already felt worn out, but the sensation of him fucking you so deeply had you clawing at his back, desperately trying to pull him closer to you. He lifted your trembling legs onto his shoulders, the new angle of his cock thrusting into you making you cry out.
“Is that your spot, baby?” he crooned, repeatedly hitting the place that made your breath catch in your throat.
“Yes, yes, yes, right there, Rin, p-please don’t stop!” you babbled. One of your hands reached out to grab his and bring it to your neck, eyes pleading with him.
His fingers tightened around your throat. “Fuck, you look so cute taking my cock like that. You gonna cum again, pretty girl? Gonna cum all over my cock for me?”
His grip on your throat was making you lightheaded, the friction against your clit sending pleasant vibrations throughout your entire body. The spot his cock was hitting inside your pussy had you hurtling towards the edge again, eyes rolling back as you incoherently begged him not to stop.
“Rin, I-I’m cumming—fuck, fuck, fuck,” you practically sobbed as your pussy clenched around him again. He released his hold on your throat, moving his hand up to lift your jaw and kiss you deeply, relishing when you moaned into his mouth. Your lips parted and he rested his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes, continuing to pound into you as you came. His breath stuttered as his thrusts grew more erratic, his face flushed as his cock throbbed inside you, hot cum filling your cunt.
“Fuck, Y/n,” he murmured against your lips before kissing you again, slower than before. He pulled out and laid down beside you, breathing hard. You reached up to brush the loose strands of hair out of his face, fingers running over his cheekbones.
“Why did we wait so long to do this,” you asked, making him laugh.
“We’re so fucking stupid,” he said with a grin.
You exhaled happily, moving closer to him and nestling your head against his chest. His arm reached out to wrap around you and press his palm into your spine to pull you closer. He was warm, but your uncovered body shivered against the chill in the air, goosebumps rising along your skin.
“Here, cutie,” he said, shifting so that he could pull the comforter over you. “Comfy?”
“Hmm,” you hummed, closing your eyes and pressing a kiss into his collarbone.
With Rin’s arm around you and his steady heartbeat in your ear, you fell asleep almost instantly, feeling more content than you had in a long time.
 You woke up before Suna. He had moved in his sleep, now lying on his back with one arm outstretched underneath your head. You watched him for a moment, smiling at the calm expression on his face, before climbing out of bed slowly, careful not to disturb him. Putting on your panties and one of Suna’s oversized t-shirts, you slipped out the door to walk to the bathroom down the hall.
Osamu and Atsumu’s doors were still closed, a fact that you were grateful for when you reached the bathroom and saw your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was a tangled mess, your neck littered with little love bites, damning indicators of what you had been up to the night before. Splashing your face with water, you tried to scrub off the smeared remnants of yesterday’s makeup. Satisfied when you no longer looked like you spent the night in a club, you crept back into your boyfriend’s room.
“Hey,” Suna mumbled when you stepped back through the doorway, propping himself up on one elbow and rubbing his eyes with the other hand.
“Hey.” You smiled at him as you shut the door.
“Take those clothes off and come back to bed.”
You giggled, shrugging out of your clothes and stepping towards his outstretched arms. He pulled you into a tight embrace, peppering your face with kisses. He settled you down on your side next to him, pulling your thigh up to rest on his hip.
“Rin!” you squealed when you felt the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance.
“I just wanna be inside you, baby,” he murmured. His touch had already made you wet, allowing his cock to slide into you easily. You sighed as his hips pressed up against yours.
His lips met with yours, his kiss achingly sweet. “I don’t ever want you to leave this bed,” he breathed out. You smiled against his lips, fingers running through his soft hair. He shifted his hips then, and the sensation was too much for you.
“O-oh,” you whimpered as your pussy tightened around him.
“Are you cumming?” he asked, the corner of his lips quirking up into a grin.
“Sh-shut up.”
He didn’t say anything else, simply tightening his arms around you and kissing you again. The two of you lay like that for a while, slipping into a peaceful state of half-sleep, until the sound of a distant door being flung open pulled you back.
“Fuck,” Suna mumbled under his breath. Not a second later, a loud knock sounded from the other side of his door.
“Sunariiiiin,” Atsumu’s voiced whined from the hallway. “Are you guys up yet?”
“Is that door locked?” Suna whispered to you. Commending yourself for your earlier foresight, you nodded. “Good.”
“Suna! Y/n!” He pounded on the door. “I know you guys can hear me, come on!”
“I gotta get my own place,” Suna grumbled, his eyes still closed. You giggled, and when the knocking on the door stopped you snuggled in closer to him, ready to go back to sleep.
Until your phone started ringing.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, reaching out to grab it from the nightstand. “What do you want, Atsumu?”
“Aha! I knew you were awake!” He sounded very pleased with himself for succeeding in getting you to talk to him. “Can you make me pancakes?”
There was a pause as his question sank in. Holding your phone to your head and staring at Suna, you pulled away from him and sat up, eliciting a low groan from him. “You want me to make you pancakes?” you repeated in an incredulous voice. Suna cracked open his eyes, his face scrunching up as he heard Atsumu’s request.
“Get Osamu to do it.”
“He doesn’t make them as good as you!”
You could practically hear him pouting on the other end of the line. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you heaved a sigh. “Give me a minute.”
“Thankyouthankyouthanky—” You ended the call before he finished. Climbing out of bed, you pulled on your clothes again.
“Are you actually gonna do it?” Suna asked.
“He’s just gonna keep harassing us until I do it anyway,” you said. “Besides, it’s almost ten o’clock, we might as well get up.”
Suna rolled over and pressed his face into the pillow, groaning loudly. Grinning, you tossed a clean pair of boxers and a shirt at him.
Atsumu looked way too happy when you finally appeared downstairs. He and Osamu were sitting at the kitchen counter together; they nudged a steaming mug towards you when you walked in.
“We made you coffee,” he said, his grin wide across his face.
“Uh huh,” you grumbled.
“Where’s mine?” Suna asked as he trailed in behind you.
“Make your own, dick,” Osamu told him, smirking as he sipped his own drink.
Suna rolled his eyes, going to pour himself a cup from the coffeemaker.
Trying to hide your laughter from him, you gathered up the ingredients and set to work. When all the pancakes were done cooking you passed half of them across the counter to the twins.
“Mmm,” Atsumu hummed, closing his eyes as he took a bite. “So good.”
“I gotta teach you how to make these yourself, ’Tsumu,” you said, taking a bite of your own breakfast.
“Yeah, that way you clowns can let us sleep in for once,” Suna added.
“Don’t pretend, Y/n,” Atsumu said, “you know you love seeing my cute little face first thing in the morning.”
“I prefer seeing ’Samu’s, actually,” you teased. Osamu stuck his tongue out at his twin, laughing at his crumpled expression.
When you all finished eating, Atsumu and Osamu jumped up to wash the dishes for you. Holding your mug of coffee with both hands, you leaned into Suna’s side.
Looking over his shoulder at you two, Osamu grinned. “So, how was your night?”
“Fine,” you said in a casual tone.
“And that’s all you’re gonna get out of us,” Suna finished.
Osamu rolled his eyes, turning back to the dishes in the sink. “As if I’d want any details.”
“My night was great, thanks for asking,” Atsumu chimed in.
“Yeah? Was that before or after you puked in the backyard?”
You couldn’t help the relaxed smile that found its way onto your face, happy to get to listen to them teasing each other like always. With one hand resting on the counter, Suna’s other reached around your waist to tug you closer, fitting your body against his. Standing there laughing with your friends, with his arm around you, felt like the most natural thing in the world.
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bnhabadass · 3 years
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Living in the house with just you and Shigaraki was interesting. The first morning off from class, you wished him a good morning as he came down to get breakfast and he narrowed his eyes at you, almost as if he forgot you’d still be there.
For the most part he just stayed in his room, violently gaming like always. The only difference was that the volume was turned up much higher than usual and he appeared to lose his cool more now that the house was mostly empty.
At one point you went upstairs to let him know you were getting takeout and see if he wanted anything, but once you heard the words, “DIE, YOU PUSSY NAZIS” come from his room, you realized that leaving him alone would be for the best.
Your next day alone with him was a little better. You managed to make some conversation and even bond over some asshole professors the two of you have had. Later that day, your laptop charger unfortunately stopped working. It wasn’t that big a deal since you had to go to work and would buy a new one after your shift, but you figured you’d ask if Shigaraki could lend you his just for an hour or so.
“It’s up in my room,” he said, not looking up at you from the couch. “You know which one.”
You made your way up the stairs and tentatively opened up his bedroom door. Shigaraki, being almost like the leader of your little house, had the largest room available. After all, he’s the one who apparently found the house and takes care of all the bills.
Surprised was the least you could say of how you felt about his sense of interior design. You knew Shigaraki was an otaku but not to this extent! The walls were covered with wall scrolls and posters of anime girls with water balloon sized tits. You recognized some of the girls from anime you’ve seen before and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t disturb you. Inside the shelves which his TV stood on, you could see every kind of gaming system you could think of. PS2, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 64. It felt like a museum if a museum smelled like dirty gym socks, cheetos dust, and Head & Shoulders shampoo.
A few handheld consoles were scattered on his bed next to an open hentai magazine which you shuddered at. On his desk, next to his gaming PC, was the laptop you’ve seen him do his school work on. Grabbing the charge cord, you darted out of the room and swore that you’d never go back there again.
“You look like you just saw a fucking ghost,” he remarked when you came back downstairs.
“I think I just did.”
It wasn’t bad living alone with him. For the most part you stayed out of each other’s way like usual, but you had a feeling that he was making a more conscious effort to socialize since your other housemates weren’t there to keep you company.
It was on your third and last day being completely alone with him when you got the call that would change everything.
The two of you were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and laughing at some video of stunt fails that Spinner had sent him. Your phone rang and you asked Shigaraki to pause it.
“Hello,” you said, answering the unknown number.
“Hi, may I please speak to (L/n) (Y/n),” the voice on the other end spoke.
“Hi, that’s me. May I ask who is calling?”
“This is Saito Himari from the office of administration on campus. We have been reviewing the application you submitted at the beginning of the semester for the administration assistant position.”
Your stomach dropped. You had forgotten all about ever filling out that application. When you didn’t hear back after two weeks like they said they would, you just assumed you didn’t get the job.
The woman on the line continued. “Unfortunately, the person who was originally given the job has decided to drop out and the position has opened up. We were wondering if you would be interested in interviewing for this position in his place.”
You could feel your cheekbones lift up on thier own. This was incredible. If you got this position then you could quit your shitty diner job, maybe even your phonathon one too. “I would love to interview for the position.”
“Wonderful! Our earliest possible interview date is next Monday at 2:00 p.m. Does that time work for you?”
You had to think for a minute. “I actually have a class at that time.”
“That’s all right. What about next Thursday at 4:00?”
Thursday at 4:00? Technically you started your diner shift then, but you’re sure you could swap shifts with Shiozaki. “Yes,” you said. “Thursday at 4:00 works for me.”
“Perfect. We’ll see you then, (L/n).”
“Thank you.” And then you hung up. You couldn’t contain the bright and almost painful smile that spread across your face.
Shigaraki cleared his throat and you jumped. You had forgotten he was even there. “What was that about?”
With an excited grin and a shrill voice you couldn’t contain if you tried, you blurted out, “I got a job interview!!!”
When Toga came home the next day, she threw herself around you in a big hug and squeezed even tighter when you told her the good news.
You caught up on what she had been up to for the last three days, which mainly consisted of dropping all of her old stuff off at home and bringing back some new things: weapons and knives she found at mom and pop shops near her hometown. After catching up and telling her you had to get ready for your shift at work, she texted Dabi.
Knife Bitch 🔪: We’re having a party when everyone gets back on Saturday.
Dabi looked the text over while blowing smoke out of his nose. He had gotten a new piercing while he was on break, a septum ring, and the smoke irritated it a bit.
Dabs 🔥: what for?
Knife Bitch 🔪: (Y/n) got a job interview and we’re celebrating!!
He read the text over again and again while flicking cigarette ash onto the white carpet in his father’s bedroom. It’s just like Toga had told him earlier in the semester. You weren’t like them. You were a goody-two-shoes, hard working, Dean’s List student. So why was it that they were celebrating something that was bound to happen eventually? You didn’t belong in their cohort of misfits, and you didn’t belong anywhere near Dabi’s world.
He put his cigarette out on his father’s bedside table before standing up to stretch his arms and reply.
Dabs 🔥: something came up at home. won’t be back until late Sunday.
Knife Bitch 🔪: Boo, you whore :P
This was good news. You’d finally be getting out of your shitty diner job situation. So why was it that the thought of you moving on to a better life made Dabi want to crumble?
He stalked out of his father’s room and grabbed his jacket and car keys.
“Where are you going?” his sister called from the kitchen.
“Out.” He wasn’t sure why he felt so nauseous after texting with Toga, but the one thing that never failed to cure his stomach aches were booze and a hookup.
Booze and a hookup did not cure his stomach ache this time around. He lay in bed at some chick’s apartment, he never did bother to learn her name, staring up at her ceiling fan and the way the blades turned round and round like a helicopter.
The entire time she was bouncing on his cock, all he could think about was you, your fleeting laugh, and how angry you were with him after your last real conversation. You had every right to be mad at him, sure. But at the same time, he couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t listen to him to stay away from that Keigo guy. He’s a heartbreaker, an asshole, just like Dabi, and getting involved with that kind of guy only leads to trouble.
That’s why he would stay away from you and alienate you as much as possible. And he wouldn’t go to that party. Who knows what he would do to you if either of you were surrounded by alcohol.
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