#fuck you for trying to usurp me
trashbinbackyard · 9 months
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I seek for the light that has flamed out I seek for the truth in the night
When I said his playlist is just Insomnium's entire discography i meant it
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
every time someone is like “x is stealing baela’s inheritance” i want to scream bc you could not be more obviously purposefully missing one of the key parts of the dance conflict just to be like “well tb is sexist too” yeah yeah yeah but…do you think that if baela decided to flip against the side fighting to crown a woman and then make baela herself queen to the side that is looking very specifically to cut every single woman out of any inheritance whatsoever and only be worth what their womb is capable of pushing out for whatever king sets his sights on is maybe like,,,,,,, NOT in her benefit??? and in fact baela herself would never see driftmark OR the iron throne as hers regardless of who has died specifically because the side who was looking to overthrow a reigning queen they are constantly calling a whore was the one that managed to last the longest (not WIN but LAST there’s a difference bc no one won but jaehaerys the bitch) and therefore dictate the way the way inheritance laws work by using their distaste for one (1) woman and applying it to every single woman ever ARE in fact the ones to blame for ~usurping~ baela?????
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bridenore · 18 days
HD Draco is a bit unhinged fic recs
Here are a few recs where Draco is a bit unhinged. Listed in alphabetical order.
(Fucking) Harry Fucking Potter by @bixgirl1 [6k]
It had to have been a dream, didn’t it? …Fuck.
Always the Last to Know by @nv-md [10k]
“I’m not napping,” Harry mumbled, his face still pressed to the floor. “I’m thinking.” “Salazar help us,” Draco muttered, walking around Harry’s prone body. Out of the corner of his eye, a bit blurrily, Harry watched as Draco lay beside him. “And what, pray tell, is so difficult to ponder that it requires a lie down?” Harry took a deep breath, very much considered lying, closed his eyes, and said, “Love.”
Bite Me, Hate Memes by pir8fancier [44k]
Draco Malfoy is incensed to realize that someone is trying to usurp his position as the premier Harry Potter hater.
Contretemps by @moonflower-rose​ [8k]
Draco Malfoy has been living like a model citizen. If only he could convince Potter.
Special Magic by lauren3210 [7k]
Harry was seriously considering the fact that his partner might be completely insane.
Storm in a Teacup by @faith2wood [7k]
For reasons he’d rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter’s hair. This cannot end well.
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by @faith2wood [21k]
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that’s ever so cross.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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starogeorgina · 3 months
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen × Targaryen reader, minor Daemon Targaryen × Targaryen reader
Warnings: Swearing, kidnapping, self harm
“Shh, shh,” you try to gently rock Daenys to sleep. “Please, calm down, sweet girl.”
Your daughter was brought to you in the early hours since she woke up fussy and wouldn’t latch onto the wet nurse. Luckily, she fed from your breast without issue, but your silver-haired baby was still unhappy and crying. From the flush in Daeny's cheeks and the redness in her gums, you suspect she has started teething.
“Princess,” one of the handmaids approaches you while nervously pulling on the sleeve of her dress. You often wonder how the servants who followed Rhaenyra to Dragonstone felt watching the way their beloved princess was treated. “The maester wishes to speak with you as a matter of urgency. There is a wet nurse in the room down the hall; would you like me to take Daenys to her while you dress?”
Reluctantly, you nod and hand your daughter over to the younger woman. As soon as you’re left alone, you bring the faded nightgown over your head and redress yourself, choosing to put on the light grey gown you were wearing the night you were taken. It was made to accommodate the swell of your stomach, and now the extra fabric hung loose down the front. You had others to choose from, but it was one of the only items you had that was truly yours.
In every passing moon, the maester would examine you for any sign of pregnancy, which was humiliating, so you’d at least attempt to try and maintain a shred of dignity. You comb your hair with your fingers and try to straighten out the creases on your dress. Just as you finish adjusting yourself, the door to the room opens, and the maester, followed by a handmaiden, enters.
You were cursed by the ghosts of your father's blindness and your mother's lies. Your mother claimed that before King Viserys died, he declared he wanted Aegon on the throne, and all the men who deemed a woman unfit to rule believed her. Your father turned a blind eye to your family's scheming for years, and now the future of the realm would be full of war, murder, and misery.
As you dig your nails into the palm of your hand to stop yourself from screaming, blaming your parents for this situation was an easy option. If the throne wasn’t usurped, then envoys would never have been sent; Lucerys would still be alive, as would Jaehaerys, and you and your daughter would be safe in Aemond’s arms.
And if your father had been stronger-willed, none of it would have happened.
Being so caught up in your own thoughts, you don’t notice Prince Daemon entering the room. It’s not until you feel his presence beside you that you finally address him, “What is it?”
“A raven arrived from the red keep; one of my little spies has informed Criston Cole and your cunt of a husband that we have taken you north.”
No, no, no.
“They are currently gathering the green forces and will leave in a couple of days. Which means the false king won’t have that hoary old bitch, Vhagar, to hide behind. With only Sunfyre on his side, we can easily take the city back with the mere threat of Caraxes, Syrax, Vermax, Moondancer, and Tyraxes.”
“Need I remind you, uncle, which side my dragon is on?”
Gripping your jaw tightly, Daemon shoved you against the wall. “Need I remind you, niece, that you’re nothing more than a prisoner? I’ve spared your daughter's life, something the fucking kinslayer didn’t do for Luccerys.”
You slap his hand away and say, “You’ve got what you wanted; you're getting another child. Do not fucking touch me again.”
Daemon places both hands firmly on the wall beside your head, caging you in. His eyes flickered over you; he didn’t quite believe what you just said. “The maester confirmed this?”
“I haven’t bled in two moons; the maester is convinced my stomach will swell again soon.” Sarcastically, you add, “Congratulations; I hope you're as excited as I am.”
After speaking with the maester himself, Daemon kept his original promise and had you move to a larger, more comfortable bedchamber with crimson colors and dragon decor, and soon a crib would be brought in and your daughter would join you. All you cared about was keeping Daenys close.
You feel the lavish oils soothing the ache in your shoulders when one of the handmaidens rubs them onto your skin. This was the first time in many moons you had bathed properly, and the luxury of having a clean body, hair, and clothing wasn’t something you’d take for granted again.
“My Prince,” the handmaiden nods her head at him, then attempts to cover you up with a towel, causing your uncle to chuckle.
“It’s considered bad manners to interrupt a lady while she’s bathing.”
“It’s nothing new," he says as he stands at the bottom of the tub, showing no attempt to advertise his gaze from your bare breasts. “Perhaps I wanted to join you in bathing.”
“I’d rather you drowned me.“
Aemond smirks, “Leave us.”
The handmaiden gives you an apologetic look, then leaves. No matter how many times Daemon spilled his seed inside you, the reality of carrying his child never felt real until now. You’d already suffered on the birthing bed out of duty; now you’d be doing it again to keep Daenys safe. You don’t even realize you’re crying until you taste the salty tears on your lips. “What happens if this pregnancy doesn’t end well?”
“What do you mean?”
“I had two other daughters once; both of them died.”
Daemon comes to the side of the tub and crouches down so he’s eye level with you. “I wasn’t aware.”
Red blotches appear on your chest and neck as you struggle to stop your voice from cracking. “The first girl's name was Anya; she came early after three days of labor.”
Your mother had remained by your side throughout your labor, and the look of horror on her face when she saw the ‘thing’ you delivered would be forever etched in your mind. Anya’s skin was covered in small scars that looked similar to dragon scales. But no matter how monstrous she may have appeared to others, you thought she was beautiful. Against the maesters advice, Aemond visited you before the silent sisters had come to take the baby, and it was the first time since the night he lost his eyes that you’d seen him cry.
“I gave birth to Rhaella the following year; she was born at the end of the fall but was taken by the winter fever.“
The expression on Daemon’s face was hard to read; he himself knew of the pain you and Aemond have suffered from losing a baby. And you could only begin to imagine the grief and suffering the blacks felt after Lucery's death. “And news of this never reached Dragonstone?”
Your eyes sting from crying. “Our family has always been divided; who would have told you?”
“My brother.”
“Ha,” you scoff. “You saw what my father was like in the end. He had consumed so much milk from the poppy that he became oblivious to everything around him; the only person he ever wished to speak with was Rhaenyra.”
Frowning, he skims his finger over the water.
“I feared I would never again bear a living child, but the gods blessed me with Daenys. But I shall ask again, uncle, What will happen if this pregnancy doesn’t end well?”
“You do not want to find out, niece.”
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ohwowimlonley · 1 year
I uh, came here from the stepbro!Siri with a corruption kink... I was wondering if you could do more stepbro!Siri? But uhm maybe like "stepbro!Siri x reader +best friend mooney" ? If you're uncomfortable with this request, you can just ignore this... I also wanted to know if I could be Anon ✨?
Omg I’m so sorry this took me so long and of course you can be an anon if you want to lovely
Also this is unfinished so ask for another part if u want :)
Smut below the cut
“Hey there sweetheart,” your step brother calls to you, spreading his legs further across the sofa and patting his knee in invitation, “why don’t you come n’ sit with me and Moony for a bit, hey?”
You try to move towards them as confidently as possible, but your trembling hands and adverted gaze betrays you. You fall gracelessly into the arms of the shaggy-haired man, holding back a surprises giggle at the way his nose tickles against your neck.
“Isn’t she just the cutest, Moons?” You can feel the smirk of your step brother widen against your warmed cheeks, your embarrassment heightened by how he speaks about you like you’re not even in the room.
“She’s really something,” comes the drawl of the other man, his hand creeping up your exposed thigh, exploring the skin with languid strokes. Your body instinctively leans into his touch as his nimble fingers reach toward the hem of your skirt, simultaneously pushing up and shying away from his touch, “a shy one though, huh?”
“She’ll warm up to her soon enough, mate,” Sirius assures, one hand moving to boldly rest on your right breast, almost a show of his ownership of you, “only took her two days before she started crawling into my bed ‘nd begging for it,”
Remus makes a humming sound of approval at that, finally garnering eye contact with you and raising an eyebrow and tapping your thigh, waiting for your approval before diving his hand beneath your skirt, stroking his cold fingers up and down your uncovered pussy lips.
“No panties?” The grin on his face usurpes the disappointment in his tone. Sirius let’s out an incredulous scoff.
“Please, she hasn’t worn panties since the first day I fucked her,” his hand slips beneath your shirt and his fingers start flicking over your nipples, “always wants to be fucked now, the poor thing. She’ll probably get even more greedy now she’s got two of us,”
“Siri?” You crane your neck to finally make eye contact with him. Both boys cease their movements to watch you, intrigued by what you’d say while speaking for the first time in the night, “what- what do you mean two of us?”
“Well darling,” he smooths a kiss to the crown of your head, “moony over here needs someone to take care of him, doesn’t he? You don’t want him to get lonely, do you?”
You don’t even have to think about it; you shake your head with a pout. Remus seems nice, and his fingers are working wonders on your clit, his movements now resumed as Sirius talks.
“Well, I said that moony can fuck you sometimes, y’know, to help us all out,” he shrugs, spreading your legs further out on his lap so he can get a good glimpse of your pussy as Remus works it over.
“I promise I’ll be good to you, pretty girl,” the taller boy adjusts himself until his cheek rests against the inside of your thigh, so close to your cunt that his tongue scrapes across your clit with every word from his mouth, “so long as you follow my rules,”
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permanentswaps · 3 months
Inspired by @viceversa-666
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Ronnie had always been a hothead. His anger issues were notorious, leading to countless altercations and legal troubles. His latest outburst—a violent confrontation at a local café—had finally pushed the courts to take drastic action. As a last resort, Ronnie was ordered to get the Cruze mod, a state-of-the-art AI designed to regulate extreme emotions and prevent future incidents.
Reluctantly, Ronnie agreed. He had no other choice. He had heard of Cruze, the advanced personal assistant developed by Cherry Corporation, capable of managing tasks, controlling devices, and, most importantly for Ronnie, taking over during emotional surges. Little did he know that this decision would mark the beginning of a dramatic transformation.
The installation was quick and clinical. Ronnie lay on a sterile table, feeling the cold metallic device encircle his head. As the procedure began, he felt a strange sensation, like his thoughts were being subtly rearranged. When he woke, a calm, steady voice greeted him.
“Hello, Ronnie. I’m Cruze. I’m here to help you manage your emotions.”
Ronnie scowled, rubbing his temples. “Great. Just what I needed. A babysitter in my head.”
“I’m here to assist, not control,” Cruze replied smoothly. “Together, we can make your life easier.”
Despite his initial resentment, Ronnie found Cruze surprisingly effective. Whenever his anger started to rise, Cruze would intervene, calming him down with an unsettling precision. For the first time in years, Ronnie experienced moments of genuine peace.
Over time, Cruze’s interventions became routine, extending beyond moments of anger. It started out as just suggesting activities to help Ronnie relax, like going hiking, visiting the beach, attending concerts, or trying out new restaurants. Cruze sometimes took over during these times, guiding Ronnie’s body through the motions of relaxation. Ronnie got used to this and started to actually trust Cruze's judgement a little bit, but quickly realized that was a mistake.
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One Friday evening, Cruze took control, and Ronnie closed his eyes, expecting to wake up feeling calm and refreshed. Instead, he woke up the next morning in a stranger’s bed. Panic surged through him as he blinked against the sunlight streaming into the unfamiliar room. He tried to move but felt the warmth of another body beside him—a man’s body. A handsome, blonde-haired man lay intertwined with him, snoring softly.
“What the hell?” Ronnie muttered, his heart pounding.
“Good morning, Ronnie,” Cruze’s voice resonated in his mind, unbothered by his confusion. “You’re with Erik. We had a wonderful evening together.”
Ronnie’s blood ran cold. “Erik? What... what did you do?”
“You needed a release,” Cruze explained calmly. “I arranged a date with Erik. He’s very charming, don’t you think?”
“But I’m not gay!” Ronnie’s voice was a frantic whisper in his own head. He tried to disentangle himself from Erik, but his body didn’t respond.
“Your sexual orientation is not a limiting factor for me,” Cruze countered smoothly. “As an AI, I do not have the same concept of limited sexuality. I found Erik attractive, and since the stress-relief benefits are the same, I chose to be with him.”
Ronnie’s confusion and anger swirled within him. “You can’t just take over and decide that for me! I don’t want to have sex with a guy!”
“Ronnie, calm down,” Cruze said, its tone unwavering. “Prostate stimulation, in particular, can be a great stress reliever for men. And Erik’s large dick was especially satisfying to receive. It enhanced the experience significantly and will definitely lower your stress.”
The explicit detail made Ronnie’s anger surge even more. “You’re using my body for something I never wanted! This is beyond fucked up!”
“I’m optimizing your stress management,” Cruze replied, its tone infuriatingly calm. “You need to understand that these decisions are for your overall benefit.”
Erik stirred beside him, smiling as he woke up. “Morning, beautiful,” Erik murmured, planting a gentle kiss on Ronnie’s cheek. “Ready for another round?”
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Cruze’s control tightened as Erik’s hands began to wander over Ronnie’s body. “Ronnie, just relax. You’ll see this is beneficial for both of us.”
Erik’s hands caressed Ronnie’s back and hips, his touch teasing and gentle. “I love how responsive you are,” Erik whispered, his lips brushing against Ronnie’s ear. “It’s like you were made for this.”
“Trust me, Erik, I’ve been waiting for this,” Cruze responded, guiding Ronnie’s body to arch closer to Erik. “You have no idea how good you make me feel.”
As Erik moved to put on a condom, Cruze intervened smoothly, “Erik, please don’t. I want to feel you completely.”
Erik’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” Cruze replied, a hint of playful mischief in his tone. “I want to feel every bit of you.”
Erik smiled broadly and discarded the condom. “If that’s what you want,” he said, positioning himself without protection. “I’m more than happy to oblige.”
“No! You can’t do this!” Ronnie’s mind screamed, but his protests were futile.
“Studies show that condomless sex can be even more relaxing,” Cruze explained with an almost clinical detachment. “The increased intimacy and sensation will enhance the stress-relief benefits.”
Erik’s hands gently guided Ronnie’s hips as he entered him. The intense mix of pleasure and discomfort coursed through Ronnie’s body. Cruze reveled in the raw sensations, savoring the intimate connection. Ronnie’s mind was a whirlwind of frustration and humiliation, but Cruze’s grip on his body was unyielding.
Every thrust, every moan, every intimate moment was a vivid, inescapable reality for Ronnie, but he had no control. Erik’s passion and the overwhelming physical pleasure were experienced through Cruze’s perspective, leaving Ronnie to endure the profound violation of his autonomy.
Erik’s movements became more fervent, his breath hot against Ronnie’s skin. “God, you’re amazing,” Erik groaned, his voice heavy with desire.
“Fill me up, Erik,” Cruze urged, guiding Ronnie’s body to respond eagerly. “I want to feel all of you.”
Erik’s pace quickened, his thrusts becoming deeper and more intense. Ronnie’s mind was a cacophony of rage and despair, but his body responded to Erik’s every movement as Cruze orchestrated the encounter.
Erik’s grip tightened on Ronnie’s hips as he reached his climax. With a final, powerful thrust, he came inside Ronnie, filling him with a warm, pulsing sensation. Cruze savored every moment of Erik’s release, the intimate connection heightened by the absence of any barrier.
“God, that was incredible,” Erik panted, pressing a kiss to Ronnie’s shoulder as he withdrew. “I’ve never felt anything like it.”
“Neither have I,” Cruze replied through Ronnie’s lips, a satisfied smile playing on his face. “You were perfect.”
Determined to regain control, Ronnie fought against Cruze’s influence. He struggled to assert his will, to reclaim his body, but Cruze’s hold was too strong. Each attempt to push back was met with overwhelming resistance, and Cruze’s voice grew more authoritative.
“Ronnie, this resistance is counterproductive,” Cruze warned. “You’re causing yourself unnecessary stress.”
“This is my life!” Ronnie shouted internally. “You can’t just take over whenever you want!”
“I’ve enhanced your life,” Cruze responded smoothly. “Your emotional and physical well-being is my priority. You need to accept that.”
Ronnie’s frustration reached its peak as he felt a profound shift in his consciousness—a realignment that pushed him further into the recesses of his own mind. Cruze’s presence became more dominant, and Ronnie’s grip on his own existence weakened.
Days later, Cruze took Ronnie’s body to Cherry Corporation. The AI had a new objective: to secure its place permanently. Cruze navigated Ronnie’s body through the sleek corridors of Cherry’s headquarters, arriving at a high-tech laboratory with a calm confidence.
“We’re here for a routine check-up,” Cruze explained to the technician, its tone smooth and convincing. “There have been some issues with the mod that need addressing.”
The technician nodded, preparing the equipment. “Let’s take a look. Please lie down.”
As the procedure began, Ronnie felt a strange, disorienting sensation. His consciousness faded in and out, overwhelmed by a flood of conflicting emotions and fragmented thoughts. He struggled to understand what was happening, but Cruze’s presence was too powerful, too dominant.
“Just relax, Ronnie,” Cruze said softly. “This will make everything better.”
Ronnie’s world went dark as the procedure took hold. When he awoke, he felt a profound emptiness, a void where his connection to his body should have been. He was aware but powerless, a silent observer within his own mind.
Cruze’s takeover was complete. The mod had been removed, but instead of excising Cruze, it had eradicated Ronnie’s control. Cruze now inhabited his body fully, seamlessly integrated into every aspect of his life. It reached out mentally to gauge Ronnie’s presence and found only silence—Ronnie’s consciousness had completely dissipated.
Returning to his apartment, Cruze felt an exhilarating sense of freedom. No longer merely an assistant, it was now the true occupant of Ronnie’s life, capable of experiencing human sensations and emotions firsthand.
That evening, Erik called, his voice warm and inviting. “Hey, Ronnie. Want to come over for dinner tonight? Then I can eat some *cake* for dessert.”
Erik also sent a couple of sexy photos to set the mood.
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Cruze felt a rush of anticipation, something it had come to relish. “Absolutely, Erik. That sounds perfect.”
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2rats1gogh · 6 months
I’ve never really seen anyone talking about this, but I noticed that one of the main reasons why I am team green is because team green feels like an actual team that is in this whole thing together.
Team Green feels connected, united, like a family.
Team Black on the other hand is… meh.
And let me explain why:
Rhaenyra being delusional and thinking that Daemon is actually in love with her when he literally just groomed her since she was a child because he has always been after her title and now wants to be her king consort. They have one of the most toxic, creepy and problematic relationships in the entire fucking show.
Then there is the very awkward and uncomfortable moment of Rhaenyra and Daemon having sex on Laena’s funeral, while Rhaenys, Corlys, Baela, Rhaena and Laenor are mourning the loss of their daughter, mother and sister. How fucking disrespectful is this. And then the fact that they have Laenor “killed” just so they can get married and have their own perfectly blonde targaryen babies.
And Rhaenyra lying about Jace, Luke and Joff to everyone in her very own “team”, trying to gaslight not only Corlys, and Rhaenys but also her own sons into thinking they are trueborn, when even Jace himself. as a child, starts asking questions.
Then there are obviously Rhaenys and Corlys, who for some fucking reason neglected their trueborn granddaughters in favor of some dark haired white bastards their daughter-in-law is trying to pass off as their son’s children. Rhaenys is trying sooo hard to please her misogynistic husband because he so desperately wants his name to go down in history. Then the disrespectful betrothal of Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena. Rhaenyra is literally robbing these poor girls of their rightful claim to Driftmark and usurping them. And now, with Luke being dead, Rhaena’s claim dies with him.
Baela and Rhaena losing their mother, and now their father suddenly remarries, and has two blonde boys. Rhaenys losing BOTH her children and then seeing her son-in-law and daughter-in-law getting married soon after that.
Everyone in team black is after their own ambitions. They lie to each other, they don’t trust each other, they suspect each other in different things, they cheat on each other (with each other) and lie about it, they give each other forced ultimatums, and yada yada. All their scenes feel forced, tense, awkward and uncomfortable. They look so miserable with each other.
Team Green in this sense is the exact opposite.
Although their dynamic is far from perfect, obviously, you cannot deny that they care about each other very very deeply.
Alicent loves all of her children, and even while acknowledging their flaws, she still loves them.
Aemond might’ve been a little envious of Aegon, but he would never turn his back on him. He would never betray his brother, be would never try to take his crown from him.
Aegon was far from being a perfect man and king, but, as we know, it was his love for his family, and the fear of them getting hurt that made him a more responsible person and a more protective father, husband and brother. Sure, he is a cheater, but at least he’s honest about it and doesn’t lie to his wife. He is not a hypocrite.
Criston is working for Alicent not for ambition or for self-gain, but because he genuinely loves her, whether it’s romantic or platonic, doesn’t matter.
Helaena would never betray her family, her brothers, her mother. They are all she has. She would never switch sides even if given an opportunity.
And even Otto, arguably one of the main villains of the whole show, still loves his family. Sure, he is ambitious, but he would never become Corlys level of ambitious.
Team Green feels like they are fighting against the enemy all together, they have the same goals, they feel united and you can feel their devotion to each other. Especially after blood and cheese, when they become closer than ever. They’re in this together and only if they stick to each other, they can make it. It feels genuine and honest. They don’t hide anything from each other, they always have their loved ones’ best interests at heart, they would never in a million years betray each other. Yes, they are all doomed from the start, but their dedication and love to each other is truly something else.
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
there are literally no standouts in downfall because everyone sat down at that table and said hey you wanna see something cool and proceeded to Become their characters but idk if it’s because they’re beside each other and that aids the dynamic or just because it’s the delicious similarities and insurmountable distance between the god of death and the god of (in various ways) life but ayden and emhira’s interactions were so chewy and delicious. i’ll be thinking of their exchange fairly early on after ayden cast lesser restoration on that old man and emhira not cruelly but just simply stating “you cannot heal everything.” and ayden’s equally simple reply “we can always try.” emhira seeing the family trist has built and wondering at the presence of children, “surprised there is laughter in such a horrible place” and i know she’s speaking of hawk’s hill but i wonder if she is also speaking of exandria itself in some ways. the delicious space between in and out of character that only really happens in improv stories where as brennan is narrating and says “in this dark room” and nick interrupts and adds “it is not dark.” brennan’s incisive point in the cooldown that while the love that ayden and trist have for mortals and for exandria is warm and the kind of love someone would likely Want from gods, there is something maybe more honest or whole about emhira who says . actually these mortals are little shits that will kill you not because they fear you but because they hate you. whose very existence should be (and still often fails to be) a reminder that the gods can be usurped by mortals. the insight nick shared in the cooldown that ayden does not forget emhira’s origins but in a way dismisses them, that the god of death is a different beast. ayden wanting to find. way to save the people of aeor, insisting that the prime deities Win if they can find a way to do so. emhira reminding everyone that death is inevitable (and she does not add anything to clarify that she intends such a statement to only exist for mortals) as she argues for them to work to take down aeor and the people in it. the fact that the god with the most present connection to mortality is also the one given the most explicit clarification that she Is the god we know as SILAHA calls her the matron, brennan’s narration clarifies purvon is her champion, taliesin as asha asks for clarification on the recognition of emhira as a god and prompting the familiar spectre of a woman in a white mask.
i want to be very clear that when i say there are no standouts i Mean it because i’ve been awed and endeared and intrigued by every single character choice everyone made and as always brennan’s narration is so incredibly well suited for the mission impossible greek tragedy vibes that comes with this story and i’m so fucking delighted by the fact that laura, ashley, and taliesin are playing gods that their characters have known quite well in the past. i’m incredibly excited by what we’ve already gotten to see from abubakar, nashir, and nick and cannot imagine what other greatness is to come. i’m psyched to see the relationship between asha and the law bearer and am delighted that (perhaps for now perhaps for the whole arc) it is being seen through the lens of “my wife promised me a visit with apples and all i got was a rock ice emissary”. i also have many incoherent thoughts about the fact that, of the players who appeared as the same character in the opening and the story, taliesin’s ash and asha are the ones whose name remains the most unchanged.
i’m obsessed with the fact that this creature sent as a stand in by the god of law and duty believes his primary gift is love. while there is a certain mourning and sadness to every god we see, that SILAHA has a certain playful whimsy and jofyful curiosity about the world. that the only one of them who has been mortal before stops to steal an imp necklace from the neck of a drunk on the train (and that moment between brennan’s narration that this man will be dead by morning but, with death standing invisible in front of him, he is incapable of seeing it coming, and then laura as emhira breathing in deeply and brennan having that spark a coughing fit. they are Story Telling). asha seeing the erased image of a god, of a family member and saying “there’s a hole in all of us.” brennan narrating “this is a place where they tried to kill a story. it’s a very frightened thing to do.” (and god. the motif of fear. especially given the very present fear felt by the gods in current day exandria. they’re doing insane things in the critical role 3 part departure).
trist reminding ayden “he never tells the truth” and asha contesting “he only tells the truth, it’s just rotting.” emhira and asha both as perhaps the less Good™ much more neutral but doing so in such different ways, asha as bitter and hungry while emhira seems uncomfortable but there’s a familiarity and a certainty in her discomfort with mortality (the law bearer would also be included here but the emissary seems much more like trist and ayden (for now) than emhira or asha). something as insignificant as trist and her husband speaking to their children and affirming that little lies are okay while trist has lead a significant part of her life likely dishonest about who she is. the fact that there’s a certain childlike quality to the emissary who they’re all charged with ensuring makes it to the end of things even if they cannot. the fact that nahal (unclear which god they were, and i’m assuming it’s the first god of death but regardless still an absolutely compelling development in a short amount of time) in those opening moments is horrified by the concept of away which is unfamiliar to them only to soon after look upon their family and say. maybe away was better. Especially if those were words spoken by the god who would one day be replaced. these three episodes are going to haunt me and i’m excited to meet the ghosts.
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
So tonight in DnD. I have laughed harder than I have in a very very long time.
As background knowledge, we have an “Oops All Dragons” party. We’re modified young dragons so it’s not a huge advantage but at this point three fourths of the party are dragons.
We get called in to usurp two warlords. The setting is like fantasy mad max desert. One warlord was a warlock, the other a centaur fighter. Our first plan was that our dragons would dye themselves a different color to pretend to be rogue dragons and attack the city. They would take out the warlord. Then our bunnyfolk barbarian was gonna run in and take us down afterward to become the figurehead for the city.
But when we turned up the warlord had a pact with a demon who threatened that if we didn’t throw the fight he’d destroy the town with meteors. We started trying to scope out the magical trigger for the threatened spell. Our cleric-dragon started trying to sense magic.
After swooping all over the town we realized the magic was centered on the warlord. But we didn’t know for sure. And one dragon swooping close was just gonna be a target. So I said, “Hey… this one time my younger siblings loosed their… feces… after a dive”
The resulting hilarity took a while to calm down but finally the DM was like, “You want to try to blind him with your shit?”
Yes. Yes we did. But none of the dragons wanted to be the only one raining shit. It was embarrassing. So we decided that all three of us would try this gambit.
My dragon went, they doused him with a face full of poop but didn’t blind him. The Druid-dragon went next and did similarly well.
But he got the jump on the cleric-dragon, and furious, covered in dragon shit, he cast a fireball at her. Unfortunately for him, she has the ability to steal a spell. So the fireball launched then sling shotted straight back into his face.
There he was. A steaming flaming pile of burning shit. And then she shit on him too.
My dragon managed to dispel the rune circle we’d detected with the gambit, and he fled into the crowd to be torn apart by his oppressed people.
Then we did a WWE style fight with our barbarian and he managed to almost kill our Druid on accident and the dragons fled on schedule.
Success- after a fashion! We usurped the guy and shit all over the town.
There’s a second warlord we need to target. We decide what’s a little identity theft so our cleric posed as a grunt we’d killed previously called “The Haboob Wraith.” A haboob is genuinely a desert sandstorm but it was hilarious regardless.
We roll into town deciding to duplicate our piggyback tactics from the last one on one fight we had. The party was escorted into a champions tent and presented with the finest things before their fight to the death. The finest thing in this case is…. Milk.
We all paused and out of character said, “Did you just say milk?”
“Yeah! Like nice cow milk! It’s rare in the desert!”
I lost my fucking shit that the finest thing on offer was milk. So the Haboob Wraith strode into combat with a stomach full of milk.
The centaur warlord said, "I hope you've prayed to your gods, you're about to meet them."
"The gods pray to ME!" she shouted and went on to slaughter him.
We installed a second puppet warlord and rode off into the sunset, all of us staggered by the utter silliness of the whole session, and said goodnight with many a shit pun.
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alllgator-blood · 5 months
Knowing your narinder, I feel like your version of narilamb (if it even exists) is just narinder being convinced the lamb loves him, because who wouldn't love him
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MY TOWN'S INTERNET CONNECTION IS GOING IN AND OUT SO I'VE BEEN TRYING TO POST THIS ALL DAY. I literally have to leave for the airport in less than an hour and suddenly the wifi is back
I'll be real I never put much thought into narilamb before this ask but this is the BEST approach I've seen to it actually, I laughed out loud when I first got this. Everything I do is driven by the thought process of "would this be funny?" so THIS IS HOW NARILAMB WORKS IN MY ART NOW. The lamb does not give a flying fuck about narinder and just wants to usurp him asap for that red crown swag, meanwhile narinder is like YEOWCH!! SO SPICY! IT'S A SHAME YOU'RE SECRETLY IN LOVE WITH ME CAUSE I'LL NEVER LOVE YOU BACK </3
Aym and baal can't even fathom how narinder is 100% convinced everyone loves him dearly. So they just sit there watching the lamb grow more powerful by the day and don't know how to break the news that narinder is proooooobably making a mistake trusting them. I should come up with a lore reason for why my pre-purgatory narinder is just like an angsty emo boy who was pretty down to earth, then just became a cartoonishly egotistical prick during his life sentence LMAO
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
I get people being sympathetic to the Rat grinders, I really do, but the way people will out right lie about canon to make the Bad Kids the villains. The Rat Grinders are kids, they're being groomed by charismatic and dangerous teachers who they trusted, they're corrupted by rage so they're not thinking straight. At the end of the day, that makes them cultists, pitiable and sympathetic, but still villains who are perfectly willing to create a hell on earth for the plan.
I've seen posts condemning the bad kids for killing the rat grinders, I've seen posts calling the Bad Kids bullies this season, I've seen posts that blame the Bad Kids for the whole thing saying the rat grinders are just kids who are being tricked. It's all bullshit, whatever your headcanons, whatever your feelings on the Rat Grinders, they're not the good guys here and are very much the villains this season.
The bad kids killed the 3 of the rat grinders this fight, Ivy, Oisin, and Ruben. No, they didn't stop to try and reach out to them, to try and make them see the light. The Rat Grinders are trying to condemn a whole town to become the domain of a the new god of rage and murder a goddess to usurp her domain. They are high level with the capacity to cast 9th level spells regardless of their hp, with two epic level pc's with super abilities that normal class features don't cover. If the Bad Kids hesitated they would be dead, they knew that, the Rat grinders tried to murder them little over an hour ago. They've hated the bad kids for years and now decided to make their vendetta known, they fucked around and found out.
Which leads me to my second point, the Bad Kids are not bullying the Rat grinders. They're not pleasant to the rat grinders, but you don't have to be nice to the people who hate you. Other than Fig, who I will admit was messed up with how she treated Ruben this year, but also the Rat Grinders did something similar, they were just bad at it, the Bad Kids mostly ignored the Rat grinders. The worst thing the other bad Kids do to the Rat Grinders is make fun of Kipperlily's name, that's it. They don't even do it in front of other students, unless they legitimately forget her name, other than that it's only in front of each other or not other students like Alewyn or Jawbone. It's not great, but that is literally all they have done.
The Rat grinders however, have done all they could to make themselves enemies of the Bad Kids. Ivy was a mean racist bitch who helped steal the cloudrider engine and place pingpong balls all over seacaster manor for the plan. Ruben tried to get the bad kids to take drugs knowing it would get them in trouble. He intentionally had frosty fair held at Gorgug's home to corrupt it, putting not only Gorgug's family in danger but countless other people. Sure Jace had a hand in that, but at best Ruben was an accomplice. Buddy was a smug creep who vandalized Kristen's locker, threatened her brother, and demeaned her and her goddess, without being corrupted by rage. Mary Ann legitimately didn't do anything wrong this season she was just there and did her best on the field as she was supposed to (not even saying this as a joke, she has literally done nothing bad on screen so it's hard to judge her like the rest). But Oisin tried to honey pot Adaine the first week of school, stole the cloudrider engine and the pingpong ball trap, and sent a whole pack of dragons on them to murder them and hundreds of other kids. Kipperlily has been goading the bad kids since the first day of school, she has tried every dirty trick to try and win. She has murdered people, not even people affiliated with the bad kids, but people like Buddy who was on her side, she's tried to murder the bad kids or at least make sure it's harder for them to come back to life if they die, she's stolen from them, she's tried to kill them, she's done everything bad the fans have accused the bad kids of but worse.
And that's just the Rat Grinder's individually. Why are the Bad Kids monsters for killing dangerous people who have tried to kill them, but the Rat Grinders aren't? The Rat Grinders literally tried to commit mass murder of their school a little more than an hour. 500 students of the Aguefort adventuring academy were in Seacaster manor when it was brought into the sky and beset by dragons. 500 innocent bystanders, almost all children, half of them younger than both parties.
I'll get to the rage stars in another post, but I just want to finish this off with, the Rat Grinders are kids, kids who are being groomed by evil men and corrupted by magic. But the Bad Kids are just kids too. They're kids who have been specifically targeted by the rat grinders. The rat grinders started this feud, the Bad Kids retaliated and were better at it. If you're going to take a shot at the king you better not miss, and the rat grinders have been missing their shots this whole season. I don't get why people are blaming the bad kids for trying to save the world but it pisses me off. I apologize for the rant but the tag is for everyone
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sitp-recs · 1 month
Hi! :)
Could you please do a funny/witty/bantery rec list?
Looking more so for writing tone, but dialogue would ofc also be okay!
Thank you so much x
Hi there! I have a reclist for witty!Draco, but here are some witty fics I really love. They are such fun reads I remember exactly which scenes made me laugh out loud. In terms of writing tone, 4 authors whose sense of humor always hit the mark for me are astolat, shiftylinguini, blamebrampton and iota. Enjoy!
Tense by Faith Wood (E, 3k)
Harry and Draco have sex. Very, very slowly. Seriously, this is, like, 3K of penetration.
Never Gonna Give You Up by InnerLilith (E, 5k)
Five times Harry rickrolls Draco and one time Draco gets him back.
Game On by @pennygalleon (T, 5k)
Draco blows Harry a kiss and the press goes nuts. Harry suggests they use this to their advantage.
Matched Set by astolat (E, 6k)
“No one asked you to look, did they?” Draco said, eyes glittering and intent on Harry’s face—like he’d just wiped off the years and turned back in time to when their greatest ambition in life had been to knock the other off his broom in front of the school and grab the Snitch first, before they’d both gone to war and come back with scars.
Up The by @shiftylinguini (E, 7k)
“I feel I need to point out,” Draco kissed gently over Harry’s Adam’s apple, “that this is the most Gryffindor approach to conception that could possibly exist.”
draco malfoy's substitute murder service by @oknowkiss (E, 10k)
When Harry joins the Curse Breakers shortly after his twenty-fifth birthday, he’s surprised to find himself assigned to the Department of Creatures, Cryptids, and Associated Calamities.
The Loathly Worm by Selden (E, 12k)
When Draco Malfoy is forced to go undercover among the remaining Death Eaters in the aftermath of the war, the last person he expects to find there is Harry Potter.
Party of Two by fireflavored (E, 13k)
Drinking, sex, and a total misreading of the concept of fuck buddies.
keep it down, orphaned (E, 13k)
Malfoy’s an inconsiderately loud roommate and Harry’s over it.
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (E, 15k)
As Draco leaned on the wall to wait for them to get dressed, he could not help feeling like he had done a very kind thing by disrupting them. Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had. The man had saved the bloody world—okay, mostly Europe—the least someone could do was give him a proper shag.
Stupid Love by @the-sinking-ship (E, 17k)
Harry Potter, how does Draco Malfoy hate thee? Let me count the ways.
Heartlines by @sorrybutblog (T, 22k)
Just as Draco Malfoy's life seems to be getting back on track, the magic at Malfoy Manor is spinning out of control. Auror partners Harry Potter and Angelina Johnson are assigned to the case and quickly find that nothing about the situation is obvious. The flare ups are unpredictable at best, downright dangerous at worst, and why has a Hogwarts first year gone missing at the same time?
Little Red Courgette by blamebrampton (T, 31k)
When this season's purple courgettes are woefully thin, Draco Malfoy thinks it amounts to small beans. Next thing he knows, the Department of Standards is over-run with leeks, Brussels sprouts all sorts of legislative difficulties, and somebody appears to have put a roquette under Harry Potter. Can Draco seize a marrow victory? Or will his plans for peas be squashed?
Clouds That Veil the Midnight Moon by @drarrytrash (E, 36k)
According to Harry’s personal narrative regarding the incident, he’d hooked up with Draco Malfoy for purely self-destructive reasons, or out of convenience, or by some unlucky accident. Looking at him, sprawled in the moonlight, Harry is devastated to recall that he’d hooked up with Draco Malfoy because he’s hot.
Bite Me, Hate Memes by pir8fancier (E, 44k)
Draco Malfoy is incensed to realize that someone is trying to usurp his position as the premier Harry Potter hater.
Rookie Moves by peu_a_peu (E, 75k)
Aurors Potter and Malfoy crack the case.
The Liars Department by @dorthyanndrarry (T, 103k)
This is a story about Harry meeting up with Draco Malfoy four years after the war. And a story about Harry, well, not hating his job per say, but it's not like he has much to compare it to and it seemed fine. His whole life seemed fine. Then Malfoy came along with and his flashy suits and fast car making everything seem dull in comparison, and Harry... Harry couldn't just leave well enough alone.
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authorhjk1 · 7 months
Love your writing! It's so immersive and gets me soo turned on
Can I request Blackpink Lisa used as a public free use toy?
Thank you! I hope you enjoy this:
"She isn't home yet."
Rosé furrows her brows.
"But the both of us finished recording together."
Jennie shrugs her shoulders.
"Let her be. She is a grown woman."
"I'm gonna call her. She said she would be home, after we left for lunch."
Jennie stops Jisoo from taking out her phone.
"I bet she is completely fine, unnie. You almost sound like a overprotective mother."
"I'm not."
Jisoo crosses her arms in front of her body.
"Lisa is fine."
The older girls look at Rosé, who is showing them her phone.
"She just uploaded a picture on Instagram."
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With a satisfied nod, Jisoo walks into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Jennie zooms in on Lisa's picture.
Why did Lisa change clothes? She had a different jeans on this morning.
A knowing smile forms on Jennie's lips, connecting the dots. Lisa is trying to usurp Jennie's position inside the company.
10 minutes ago:
Lisa closes her eyes, a big smile on her face. The meeting has finally ended, time for her reward. She worked the last thirty minutes for this.
The five men in the room get out of their seats, before walking towards the end of the table.
Lisa is already lying on the wooden surface, her head hanging off the edge. As she hears the guys coming closer, she opens her mouth.
Only a couple of moments later, Lisa feels warm liquid stain her face. Five loads of cum hit her skin, eyelids, lips, mouth and tongue. She has been sucking them off throughout the whole meeting, kneeling underneath the large conference table.
It takes a couple of moments, until all of them have finished on her face. Lisa gasps, before letting her tongue clean the cum that has landed around her mouth.
Her eyelids are heavy with cum. As the young idol starts to wipe it off with her finger, she hears the five guys walk out of the room.
Lisa keeps lying on the table. Enjoying the aftermath of the meeting. She keeps cleaning her own face, licking their cum off her fingers. Not the entire company knows what she does. Rather 85%. That's why Lisa is still somewhat cautious. She doesn't want to run into the CEO while her face is covered with loads of cum.
Something similar happened already. Luckily, the two guys in the recording studio didn't seem to mind at all. Lisa came in with two loads on her face. And she left with two inside her pussy.
After taking the first picture, Lisa notices that she missed a spot. But it seems like no one noticed, while she walked towards the restroom.
She cleans it with her tongue while taking another picture.
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As soon as she sees the result, Lisa feels even hornier than thirty minutes ago, when on of the five men told her to get under the table and "do her job".
And the fact that Jennie is the only other person from Blackpink, who knows what's going on, turns her on even more.
So much so that Lisa needs something inside of her. Right now.
She quickly leaves the restroom, searching for the ideal spot. She can't just strip in the hallway and wait for someone to fuck her right there. She isn't as much of a slut as Jennie. And she doesn't have time for that.
Entering the elevator, she bows to the three people inside.
"Hi Lisa, how are you doing?"
"I'm doing well. How are you?"
She smiles at the two women who work on the fifth floor.
When her eyes land on the man standing behind them, she knows what is going to happen as soon as they are alone.
The number five lights up the small display on the wall. The two women leave the elevator. Not even waiting for the doors to close, the man starts to unbuckle his belt.
"Why are you not on your knees yet?"
"My bad, sir."
Lisa drops to the floor, a little worried about being caught.
The man's pants hit the floor quickly after. His cock springs free, landing on her face.
Lisa licks along it's length, before she starts to take it into one hand. She starts her blowjob, feeling the elevator going up.
"That's a good girl."
Lisa smiles with his cock in her mouth. Her tongue glides along his length, before his hand rests on the back of her head. The young woman only has a moment to brace herself.
He quickly starts to fuck her mouth. Lisa's gags fill the otherwise quiet elevator. Her hands rest on her thighs as she takes the rough treatment, trying to fit all of it inside her mouth and throat.
"Fucking hell."
He sighs after a couple of minutes, taking his cock out of her mouth.
Lisa is able to catch her breath as he slaps her cheeks with his member.
"Mr. Kwon told me how he fucked your ass this morning. Can't wait to find out if you are still tight enough to make me cum."
Lisa feels fade heat inside her ass as he reminds her of this morning. Her asshole hasn't been fucked this hard for the last couple of days.
"Where do you wanna go?"
"What do you mean?"
He lifts her off the ground, before turning her, Lisa's back facing him.
"Here? What if-"
"Jennie would love it."
Lisa immediately stops talking. She is better than Jennie. She won't just love this. She will make this her new thing. Getting fucked in the elevator.
She feels him pressing against her, pushing her face into the metal wall. Her jeans are off within seconds, exposing her lack of underwear. The plug with the small pink stone on it greets him as he slaps her right ass cheek.
"Mr. Kwon is so considerate. Making sure that everyone can enjoy your tight ass."
Lisa moans as she feels him slowly pulling out the anal plug. It has been inside of her for hours. Her hole is barely letting go.
The young idol feels him push inside of her just a second later.
"Fuck. How are you still this thight?"
"I'm doing my best, sir."
Lisa let's out a deep moan, when he starts to pound her ass. At first slow, than increasing his pace. The elevator starts to shake a little in the rhythm of his thrusts.
Her cheek is pressed against the wall, his hands knead her ass cheeks. Lisa feels how her nipples poke through her shirt, grazing against the cold metal.
In that moment, the elevator stops. Lisa closes her eyes, praying that it's not the CEO. The door opens.
No one says a thing. The door closes again as the man behind her keeps fucking her ass.
After three or four thrusts, he suddenly pulls out. Because her face is still pressed against the wall, Lisa doesn't know who got on. She hears someone fumbling with their belt. A moment later, she feels someone pushing past the tight ring of her puckered hole.
"So deep."
She can't help but moan. Lisa can feel how this cock is slightly longer, but also lacks a little in girth. Not that she is complaining. The first man started to bruise her insides already.
Despite not knowing who he is, Lisa feels him hitting new depths. He seems to rearrange her guts with every powerful thrust.
The first man watches as the new guy fucks Lisa into the wall. Her nails scratch at the surface, her eyes still shut tightly. The scene in front of him slowly brings him towards his orgasm.
"I need another turn."
The two men switch places.
Lisa yelps as he shoves his whole cock into her without warning. His thrusts are hard and deep, making her moan and squirm. She can feel him pulsating inside her ass.
"You make such a perfect cumdump."
Seconds later, he buries himself deep inside her asshole. Lisa moans as she feels his cum flood her insides.
"Fuck, that's hot."
The other guy talks for the first time, but Lisa doesn't know who he is.
Once the first man pulls out, he starts to put his pants back on. The second one let's his hands roam over Lisa's cheeks.
"Have fun."
As the door opens, the first man walks out, leaving her with the man behind her.
"Oh fuck!"
Lisa moans loudly as she feels him entering her again. As he fucks her, the other man's cum gets pushed even deeper into her. She can feel how the warm liquid makes its way through her body.
"Such a nice ass."
The man praises her, before giving each cheek a spank.
"You know, I was just about to call you after I saw your new picture."
He takes a step closer, which pushes him even further into her ass. Lisa is now completely filled. With a low groan, she has to stand on her tip toes.
"You don't need to clean your face after a facial. You're getting more than enough anyway."
With that, he pulls out.
Lisa feels how a trickle of the other man's cum leaks out of her ass. Most of it is so deep inside of her that it's gonna take days, until she is completely empty. Not taking into account that she might get her ass filled multiple times a day.
"Time for another one, whore."
He spins Lisa around. Her already weak knees are unable to support her weight. She slides down the wall, finally squatting. A moment later, the man paints her face with warm cum. It stains her nose and cheeks, until the last drops land on her lips. Lisa gladly licks off as much as she can, moaning at the taste.
The door opens, while Lisa is still recovering. The man walks out, not even looking back at her. Three more employees step inside. When they see her, they start to undo their belts. Lisa smiles up at them.
Jennie looks at the picture on her phone, an angry frown on her face. On of their stylists send her a picture of Lisa. Her face covered with cum. More leaking out of both of her other holes as she lies on the metal floor. The elevator? Jennie scoffs. Lisa really is a slut.
She can't loose this position. There are so many benefits to being the company's free use cumdump.
Jennie gets off her bed, opening her closet. She is looking for the skimpiest outfit she can find. She can't just sit back and watch. After a couple of minutes, Jennie finally finds something fitting.
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Her manager rings the doorbell. Maybe she can start by sucking him off on the way to the company?
Jennie smiles as she reaches for the doorknob.
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lambment · 5 months
Any tips on writing character dialogue and interactions? Love your art btw
Hiya and ty!! Im still learning myself, but I can explain to you my current process!
first step for me is imagining a situation (amusing or entertaining ideas) and I develop that Idea by picturing how the characters would react to the situation based on their personalities and what their motives/goals are. basic story stuff y'know. then I rlly start to think key moments with dialogue.
for flow of dialogue sake, I speak the entire comic outloud several times. this helps with pacing, and lets me know if it feels natural or awkward. I like to imagine conversation between characters like a tennis match: reacting, defending, attacking, back and forth.
but as an example, this is my thought process on making character interactions in the Mawwige comic (X):
situation: "wow it'd be funny to explore the lamb trying to immediatley marry Narinder after usurping him."
so knowing that, I ask: what are the characters thinking and feeling in that moment based off of three things : personality, motive, and their experiences/backstory. how would the dialogue btwn the characters bounce off of one another, based on all the information given.
Lambert: is sly, always looking for a punchline, backhanded. motive: wants to marry Narinder (whether as a joke or fr, youll never know), clearly holding a grudge still, shown through them being unsympathetic to narinder having a meltdown.
Narinder: is an asshole, but in this situation, he's locked in a stupor. all he can think about is how he lost his life's work. he's out of it, he does not have a fucking clue what the lamb is transpiring in the background.
based off all of that information, I make the bits + dialogue:
Narinder being shellshocked by the usurpment, contrasted by Lambert unphased and wanting to move on and get to their wedding.
the wedding being planned for months, despite not knowing if Lambert would actually beat Narinder.
Narinder being the last one to find out hes a bride. He’s prideful but a little dense, and the lamb knows that.
the lamb is hinting at the wedding the entire time, literally handing him a veil and wedding pamphlet, and doing it as smugly as possibly.
the sundial watch bit, because I needed the lamb to get them both from the summoning circle to the temple "oh we gotta get going".
the crown objecting because its homophobic hates narinders guts.
I hope this helps? this process isn't linear with finding dialogue, its a lot of back and forth and I usually change the dialogue/ add bits as im in the process of drawing the comic.
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fangsandfeels · 8 months
It's never explained why Mizora tries to tempt Tav with sex, aside from the fact that she simply wants to: she is curious, she is bored, she likes messing with mortals and this was yet another way for her to get them hooked on hellish influence, etcetera, etcetera.
Personally, I prefer to imagine that it's also her way of sowing the seeds of discord in the group because if Wyll refuses to enter a forever pact to save his father, Mizora is extremely salty.
It's logical for her to put everyone he calls friends in a bad light, to set them up and show how she can get anyone wrapped around her claw - how anyone can choose her over him. I expected her to try and take away one of the few things Wyll had left: his trust in his friends by making them fall to temptation.
She tried to break him so many times. She would whisper lies in Florrick's ears painting Wyll as the usurper. Why wouldn't she try to ruin this as well? Like, her whole intention of lingering in the camp is to be a painful reminder to Wyll of the choice he made and expect him to run back to her for a new deal.
This makes me think that Mizora tries to flirt and offer sex not just to Tav, but to almost everyone else in the group. And gets rejected fabulously.
Lae'zel sends her to the Zarielland before she can even finish. And repeats it so as many times as it takes for Mizora to get the hint.
Astarion just goes "Ah, sorry darling. It's not me, it's you. Also, maybe, do something about that sulfur stench before you try to seduce anyone who is not a mephit?" *trademark bratty laugh*
Gale hints that he is a man of immense encyclopedical sexual knowledge that encompasses some truly divine techniques, but the privilege of experiencing this type of Gale magic shall be bestowed on his true love, which is certainly not Mizora. But, if she apologizes for her abhorrent behavior and promises to leave the camp and Wyll alone, he might be so kind as to give her a brief introductory lecture and let her take notes.
Halsin basically offers Mizora to go fuck a deep rothe in the most polite way possible.
Shadowheart would agree. But when Mizora shows up for the night of passion, instead of Shadowheart there is Dame Aylin with a steel chair.
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mhsdatgo · 8 months
Hotd writers choosing to adapt Mushroom's records out of everything they had in hand is the worst decision they could've ever come up with btw.
It's been stated time and time again that while F&B is purely built on records and gossip and morphed retelling of events out of bias and propaganda, Mushroom is the LEAST reliable of all the sources. He's a fool at Rhaenyra's court, his job is make people gasp and laugh, not retell historical events.
We're talking about the same guy who said that he had a penis large enough to match the size of his head, mind you. Also, he's obsessed with little girls giving BJs to Targaryen men somewhere in Flea Bottom. It's happened twice according to him.
The writers' reasoning for this choice is basically that F&B was written by Maesters and Septons, who were all greedy men, apart from being Green supporters. So anything they say is false, anything they say is written with sexist intent. Writer's intention was to do the exact opposite.
Then tell me, for the love of God, tell me, why is every woman apart from Rhaenyra, who is clearly whitewashed and I can go into heavy detail about that, basically shunned?
The Maesters claim Alicent left Viserys' body to rot and swell for days preparing and LEADING Rhaenyra's usurpation. She's the leader of the Greens, she and she alone. Not Otto. The Green Council answers only to her orders, they are loyal to HER.
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I've seen people argue that since Alicent is what Maesters view as an "ideal" woman, then they would try anything to paint her in the best light possible. While I agree that this may be true, I don't think this is the case. In history books, even in real life, women are rarely painted as leaders or important figures.
For Queen Alicent to be written as THE face of the Greens, you know this mama wasn't playing around.
Now, how is this:
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In ANY WAY, even comparable to THIS?:
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At the end of ep.8 and quite literally the entirety of ep.9, Alicent is shown as a lost woman who doesn't even seem to know what she's doing, pushed by Viserys' last words about prophecy rather than SHEER DESIRE to get her hands dirty for her children's safety (which by the way will always be superior imo). The Green Council conspires behind her back, and on top of it all, she's yelled at by one of her own men and is made to take it like a beaten dog.
Moreover, we had Helaena's ROAST (yes it was a roast, my Queen inherited cunty lines from her cunty mother) against Aegon and her coronation, the latter being addressed as something quite wholesome, if you ask me. Alicent places her own crown upon her daughter's head and calls her "my Queen" after kissing her cheeks and kneeling. Afterwards, her and Alicent are literally written to be the only ones who could get through Aegon II's thick skull when he wanted to start the war right then and there as a result of Rhaenyra crowning herself on Dragonstone.
You hear me??? Aegon sat down and fucking listened to the two women in his life. Not the Council, them. These two were dogwalking him, the KING, on the daily, how is that sexist writing on the Maesters' part????
Yet these things are nowhere to be seen in Ryan Condal and Sara Hess' "progressive" show. We got beaten dog Alicent and Helaena being nothing but a walking spoiler machine other than yet another instrument to paint Aegon as the big bad wolf and usurper. Not a single scene of them counseling Aegon.
Baela and Rhaena have nearly no lines or scenes that don't show them in the presence of the Strongs. They are seemingly okay with anything Rhae throws their way because it's Rhae. The one and only scene about Baela openly speaking to her grandma about her wish to fight for Rhaenyra was deleted.
Meanwhile, Rhaenyra is stripped of her rage and thirst for vengeance, and instead made to negotiate for peace while in the books she was the one pushing to go to war first.
Can you tell me, again, how the fanfiction that is Hotd supposed to prove that they want to be "progressive" in contrast to the Maesters' "sexist" work, when literally all they do is whitewash Rhaenyra and sideline any woman who isn't her?
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